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17 Places to Find Book Reviewers | IBR Book Marketing Series (Part 8)

17 Places to Find Book Reviewers is an author and publicist resource to helping indies get book reviews. The eighth installment of the IBR Book Marketing series, this post includes both free options and paid options.

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17 Places to Find Book Reviewers

by Joe Walters

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Book reviewers play an important role in the book-buying process.

As an author, you’re told early and often that you should try to get more book reviews . It’s great for marketing, they say. But is it really?

I’ve been a book marketer for three different indie presses now, having marketed and promoted hundreds of books, and I can say pretty confidently that the answer is yes .

Book reviews are incredibly important. Readers want to buy books that have been vouched by real-life people (like Amazon’s consumer reviews) and experts (like with blurbs & media). Nothing ever guarantees book sales , but getting reviews can at least help. Book marketing is all about about doing the things that can help.

So where you do you find book reviewers?

Let’s explore some options.

book reviews wanted

  • Book review publications

book reviews wanted

Professional book reviewers are a good way to start this list. There are people out there who focus on books across a number of genres; their audience is readers, booksellers, and librarians. The content they publish is about books, and they are experts in the book field. This is different from someone who runs a niche publication, like one about ducks who could review your book about ducks.

If you want to get book reviews, you should definitely try to get reviews from review publications. Here’s a list of 30+ book review sites to get you started.

But there are way more than that. Just type keywords into Google like “[Your Genre] book reviews,” and you’ll find a number of them that are not on our list. Review publications will usually offer the chance of being reviewed for free or to guarantee a review by paying for it. More on that in the paid section!

Amazon is one of the most influential places to get your book reviewed. Not only is it the place that most people buy books, but it’s also the place with the most book & product reviewers. 

You can find Amazon reviewers by searching for books similar to yours and reading those reviews. When the reviewer has a picture, click on their name. This means that they created a reviewer profile, and it’s possible they shared information on how to get in contact with them to request reviews in exchange for a free book. 

Amazon used to share a list of their top reviewers, but they’ve recently gotten rid of that. This is probably because they were being bombarded by tons of review requests. Take it from me, a guy who gets tons of review requests. 

It’s not easy to get book reviews from Amazon consumers, but it is possible. You can increase the amount of reviews you have on there in different ways (like building a launch team), but since that includes people you know, I’ll get to that in #8.

Goodreads is a social networking platform for readers, run by Amazon. Similar to Amazon, reviewers can create profiles and write reviews on book pages. You can find those reviewers by searching similar books to yours on Goodreads and reaching out to them if they share contact information and express interest in free books for review.

But the book pages aren’t the only places to find them! They also have groups and forums on Goodreads. It’s not easy to get reviews by requesting reviews on forums and groups, but it is possible. (Sensing a pattern here?) 

  • Social Networking Sites

Social media has made it easier than ever to connect with likeminded people. Search functions and hashtags enable you to find real people talking about your book’s topic in real time. That means you could find reviewers on Instagram, Facebook (including Facebook Groups), Twitter, the hundreds of Twitter alternatives popping up, TikTok, YouTube, and more.

Want to know the best way to get book reviews from social media?

If you decide that a certain platform is your platform–the one where you will invest the most time and where you will build your following–then you will want to post often, be likable as a human (easy, I know! 😂), and when your book is coming out and/or when it’s out, you can mention a few times how helpful reviews are and that you’d love their support in that regard. Let people know how they can get a free copy in exchange for review. (I like Google Forms !) And again, super important, don’t be pushy!

If you find a book reviewer who doesn’t follow you , follow them. Be real as a follower. Engage with their posts and support them long before you request help from them. Reviewers on social media are sent review requests in their DMs and emails all the time, and they don’t have time for most of them. Build a real relationship with these people—which definitely requires time!—and your chances of converting them into a reviewer for your book will increase. 

  • Book Review Directories & Lists

book reviews wanted

You can also find book reviewers in long lists and directories online. You have our list of review sites , IndiesToday , Bookbloggerlist , Book Reviewer Yellow Pages , Kindlepreneur, and more. There are a whole lot of reviewers in the world, and a whole lot of reviewers want to appear on those lists. It helps them get more and better books as well as drive more traffic to their websites. 

You should definitely check out these lists and directories, but don’t get lost inside them. Some are so long that you could spend all your marketing time combing through them, and you might not even get that many reviews out of it. Since they appear on those lists, other authors have access to them too, meaning they get a ton of pitches. Find some that you like, send some pitches, test if it works, and if it doesn’t, get out of there. 

  • Book & Niche Blogs

Researching & pitching blogs could very well be my favorite way to get more book reviews . Some of the bigger book blogs will get boatloads of review requests per day, but the nice thing here is that NOT ALL BLOGS ARE BIG.

Some have small, dedicated audiences, and some have little to no audiences. I like them both! The nice thing about small blogs is that they’re not inundated with hundreds of review requests, and they often are willing to post their reviews on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

You’re dealing with one person a lot of the time, so you can cultivate a relationship by being kind, supportive, generous (like sending a physical book & a custom bookmark, playlist, etc.), and you can increase your chances of being reviewed for this book AND the next one. You can find blogs by using keywords on Google, social media, and on hosting platforms like WordPress.

There are also a ton of niche blogs out there. If you wrote a travel memoir, you could reach out to travel bloggers who want to read more . Wrote a business book? Business bloggers could be interested in that, especially since they’re not receiving hundreds of book review requests.

  • Local publications & platforms

Don’t sleep on local platforms! In addition to national publications and review publications, you should definitely look close to home for book reviewers. I’m not saying you’re definitely going to get a review if you pitch a magazine with a local angle, but I am saying that your chances increase with smaller outlets. They may not leave their review on Amazon and their readership might not be in the tens of thousands, but if all it takes is a pitch and sending a book, then I’d say reaching out to local publications is worth it.

  • Your personal connections

You may get the most traction out of this one. Other authors, friends, colleagues, former teachers, acquaintances, and non-household-sharing family members can be great book reviewers for you.

Here are a few ways you can turn the people you know into book reviewers:

  • Ask fellow authors to blurb your book. They may want to write a blurb for you because they know you’ll use the blurb for your marketing material like on the back cover, in the opening pages of the book, and graphics. One great way to increase blurbs for your books is by offering to blurb their book first, at the same time, or afterwards.
  • You can also get writer friends to write a review and submit a review for publication at various review, literary, and local platforms. Instead of asking that team’s staff to do it, you can increase your odds to have that writer offer something already written to them.
  • Are you publishing with an indie press? Ask your fellow indie authors to write a blurb for you or simply to review it on Amazon and/or Goodreads!
  • Build a launch team before the book is published. Add a bunch of people who you know will want to support you—like your best friend Jon and Aunt Kate—and ask if they’d join your launch team. Basically, a launch team member is asked to read a book before it is published and then share a review on the day of or a couple days after the book is finally available on Amazon. It is totally fine to get friends and family members to leave reviews, but do note that Amazon can flag family members with the same last name and/or the same address as you and remove the review from the site.
  • If you run into someone who has read your book in person, it’s totally okay to ask for them to leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Don’t be pushy and probably don’t follow-up with them if they don’t—your relationship is more important!—but sometimes the first request can result in actual reviews.
  • Your newsletter

Having (and actually using!) a newsletter is one of my favorite ways to market books. Social media is cool and all, but what happens when the platform you’ve chosen to focus on (like Twitter for example) up and changes everything about it?

Email is as close to direct person-to-person marketing that you can get online. It’s an excellent way to speak with your fans, keep them, and watch your fanbase grow. If you are operating a newsletter (particularly if you have multiple books), you should definitely ask them a few times to leave reviews for your books. Your biggest fans are probably in that email; make sure they know what could help you.

  • The back of your book

In the back of books, authors and publishers share acknowledgement pages, author bios, and “More books from the author/publisher” pages. You can add a page at the back that requests readers to leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads! You can even make it a clickable link for the eBook after you’ve published.

If your reader has already finished reading your book, they are the best possible candidates for leaving book reviews. This means that every time you run a book promotion , you are asking that reader to review your book.

Here’s our guide to selling more books on Amazon .

book reviews wanted

  • Sponsored & editorial book reviews

book reviews wanted

As you’ll see, you won’t get reviews from every single review platform. Sometimes you might not get any. There are not enough review platforms on the planet to cover all the books published on it.

Some review publications offer the chance to guarantee a review by paying for it. It is a chance for authors to appear on reader-focused websites; increase their validity & searchability; add blurbs to their book; get starred reviews and the recognition that comes with it; post something new and exciting to their existing fan-base; appear on book lists; and get real honest engagement with a piece of art they care deeply about. 

Here are 5 reader-focused review platforms that offer sponsored or editorial book reviews:

  • Clarion/Foreword
  • City Book Review

Have you heard of Pubby? It’s relatively new, but it’s a rapidly growing community where authors review other authors’ books on Amazon. You can do a 10-day free trial, retaining the reviews you get during that time, but then you pay per month to stay on the platform. You’re not allowed to pay for Amazon reviews directly, but this site is a clever little workaround that offers incentives to those who participate.

  • Reedsy Discovery

I love Reedsy! It may initially be a site where writers can get freelance editors, designers, and marketers, but when you look a little further, you can see that they host a ton of consumer reviewers too. Reviewers can create a profile on there to get access to free books before they publish and earn tips for writing great reviews.

Netgalley is a place where readers & book reviewers go to get free copies of books in exchange for review. There’s a big pool of readers here, and it’s got a safe distribution process that a lot of publishers and review platforms like. It’s pretty expensive for solo indie authors, but publishers could find the expense worth it. Reviews are that hard to come by sometimes. Some authors team up with other authors by joining a co-op where they split the cost to join. Check those out too!

BookSirens is a clean, user-friendly site where authors upload books that are available for review, and reviewers browse available books for review. They also have a large list of book bloggers by genre. You do have to pay for the service, and it won’t always increase your reviews on Amazon, but it can work for the right books. I used it with some (varying) success during my time at Paper Raven Books.

  • Online Book Club

Online Book Club is a review and social networking site somewhat similar in concept to Goodreads. There are a lot of readers on this platform, and you can advertise on them in hopes of getting reviewed. You can get some free reviews on Online Book Club too, by reaching out to different readers and being active in the groups. Keep that in mind too!

  • Hidden Gems

Hidden Gems sends out an email every day with new books available to review on it. They do a great job of curating their options, and they even send out review reminders to those who have agreed to review the books. They also share ebook deals—a nice addition to their ARC program. It is a much cheaper option than Netgalley.

Best of luck in finding great book reviewers! If you have any feedback on any of these platforms, please share them in the comments.

About the Author

Joe Walters IBR founder

Joe Walters  is the founder and editor-in-chief of Independent Book Review, and he has been a book marketer for Sunbury Press, Inkwater Press, and Paper Raven Books. When he’s not doing editorial, promoting, or reviewing work, he’s working on his novel and trusting the process. Find him @joewalters13 on Twitter.

Thank you for reading Joe Walters’s blog post “17 Places to Find Book Reviewers!” If you liked what you read, please spend some more time with us at the links below.

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Great list! Another good paid option is Pubnook.com – similar feel to Pubby.

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Get Paid to Review Books: 5 Book Review Jobs Sites That Pay Reviewers

Get Paid to Review Books 5 Book Review Jobs Sites That Pay Reviewers

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Writing book reviews is one of the best ways to get paid to read books online.

As a book reviewer, you’re tasked with reading and reviewing books, which in return can earn you a paycheck.

This blog post will show you five of the top-paying book review sites where you can submit your pitches and get hired for book review jobs.

To review books effectively, having a good education is important. EduBirdie can help you improve your skills and knowledge, making you better at reviewing books.

Book review jobs sites that pay reviewers

So, if you want to get paid to review books online , here is a list of five websites that you can explore to find book review jobs:

1) The US Review of Books

The US Review of Books has fair terms for reviewers, and the pay is usually between $25 and $75. To be accepted you’ll need to submit your resume, samples, and references. You’ll also be asked to do a sample review.

The site doesn’t have tough guidelines, the reviews can be half summary, half commentary. Most of the reviews requested will be around 300 words and you can expect to earn $25 for each. For longer reviews that are around $600 the pay can be as high as $75

The first review you will do will be treated as an application and you are compensated nonetheless, whether you’re hired eventually or not.

The pay might not seem much especially when you factor in the hours it will take you to read a book. However, if you are a faster reader, you can easily lock in $250-$750 doing 10 reviews a month.

Another added benefit of writing reviews for The US Review of Books is that you will be listed in its directory of reviewers that you can use as social proof and also get a backlink to your site.

The site pays via PayPal. US Review of Books encourages readers and authors alike to visit their website.

2) Kirkus Reviews

Kirkus Reviews isn’t transparent with their rates but some people claim that it’s usually $50 per review.

The media company has been in existence since 1933, so it is a legitimate company. That said, the reviews from Glassdoor seem to suggest that the editors will ask you to change your review if it’s negative, thus interfering with your work ethics as a book reviewer.

The reviews are around 350 words long with 2 weeks turnaround time. If you still want to apply, simply head over to this page and contact an editor.

3) OnlineBookClub

Though a popular book review website, many people do not recommend OnlineBookClub because of its tough and demanding guidelines with extremely low pay.

While they claim to pay up to $60 per review, most reviewers earn their lowest rates, which is actually $5 per review.

Reviews are easily rejected and can affect your review score. When you join, your score will be below 35, meaning that you will be bagging home $0 per review as they only begin to pay beyond the 35-point mark.

There are no clear guidelines on improving your score apart from the fact that you will have to engage in a forum and give shoutouts on social media. The editors aren’t as responsive either.

4) Booklist Publications

Booklist Publications is a book review website whose pay is not as appealing. Booklist pays $15 per review and only upon publication. This means that even if your review is accepted, you might have to wait a while

For published reviews, you will get one line credit and you can also be listed as a reviewer on their directory page.

To get started, you will need to fill in an application form answering basic questions and if you are fit the team will get back to you.

5) Women’s Review of Books

Women’s Review of Books is a publication of Wellesley Centers for Women, a part of Wellesley College, and reportedly pays $100 per review.

The publication specifically reviews books about women or written by women.

They expect their reviewers to have journalistic, academic, or strong book review backgrounds.

So if you believe that you can develop thought-provoking reviews you can start pitching your idea to them.

They pay on a review basis. To get started, send in a review pitch proposal about the book you want to review, its publication date, and your angle to the editors. You can find contact details on this page.

You will be paid upon review publication and you also get 12 months of subscription to their monthly issues.

You can also find more writing guidelines in this document . Make sure you adhere to them when writing the reviews.

Ready to begin your book reviewer job?

Book reviewing is a lucrative yet demanding career.

However, if it’s something you love doing and have a passion for writing, then book reviewing can be another source of income for you.

If this isn’t the case, I would advise you to look for other ways to earn money online such as freelance services, info products, or affiliate marketing.

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I am a published author of 8 books, all traditionally published. I am look for work as a book reviewee

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Adam Morgan

Writer, editor, culture journalist, critic.

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74 Publications That Pay Freelancers for Book Reviews, Interviews, and More

Book reviews aren’t as ubiquitous as they used to be, but as of 2022, at least 74 publications still pay freelance writers for book reviews and author interviews.

To build this exhaustive list as a free community resource, I collaborated with the wonderful Chelsea Leu to create a more detailed version for the National Book Critics Circle , including points of contact and some nonpaying outlets. Visit their page here .

For this abridged version, I’ve just included rates and links to submission guidelines (where available). Rates vary wildly from $15 to more than $1,000, depending on the outlet and the assignment. Another great resource is Who Pays Writers , and here’s an old thread of mine on how to pitch book reviews . Note that while the rates are accurate at publication, editorial budgets change all the time.

If you see any omissions or mistakes in the list below, feel free to contact me at adam[at]adam-stephen-morgan.com, just keep in mind that this version of the list is only for outlets that pay freelancers .

4 Columns – Book reviews ( how to pitch )

The Adroit Journal – Book reviews and interviews ( how to pitch )

Air Mail – Book reviews, interviews, and features

AGNI – Book reviews ($20 per printed-out page, how to pitch )

Asymptote – Book reviews and interviews ( how to pitch )

The Atlanta Journal Constitution – Book reviews (~$250)

The Atlantic – Book features ( how to pitch )

The AV Club – Book reviews and features ($75)

The Baffler – Criticism and essays ($250+, how to pitch )

Black Femme Collective – Book reviews ($150-$300, how to pitch )

BOMB – Book reviews and interviews ($150 for web interviews)

Booklist – Capsule book reviews ($15, how to pitch )

BookMarks – Book review…overviews? ($35-$800, how to pitch )

BookPage – Book reviews and author interviews

Borderlore – Book interviews, features, essays

The Boston Globe – Book reviews ($450)

The Brooklyn Rail – Book reviews and interviews ($75, how to pitch )

The Chicago Reader – Chicago-based book reviews and profiles ( how to pitch )

The Chicago Review of Books – Book reviews, interviews, and features ($25, how to pitch )

The Christian Science Monitor – Book reviews and interviews ($200)

The Cleveland Review of Books – Book reviews ($70-$200, how to pitch )

Electric Literature – Book related essays, interviews, and lists ($100, how to pitch )

Esquire – Book features and interviews (send pitches to assistant editor Adrienne Westenfeld, awestenfeld[at]hearst.com)

Event mag – Book reviews

Foreword Reviews – Book reviews and interviews

Guardian (The) – Book reviews and interviews

Houston Chronicle – Book reviews

Hyphen – Book review and interviews ($25, how to pitch )

I n These Times – Book reviews ($0.25 per word, pitch Sherell Barbee at sherell.inthesetimes[at]gmail.com)

Jewish Currents – Book features and essays

Kirkus Reviews – Capsule book reviews and interviews ($50 for reviews)

LIBER: Feminist Review – Book reviews and features ($100 for reviews, $500 for features, how to pitch )

Literary Hub – Book features and essays ( how to pitch )

London Review of Books – Book reviews, essays, and features ( how to pitch )

Los Angeles Review of Books – Book reviews, interviews, and essays ($50-$100, how to pitch )

Los Angeles Times – Book reviews and features ($400)

Lux – Book essays ($0.50 per word, pitches[at]lux-magazine.com)

The Markaz Review – Book essays ($120)

Millions (The) – Book reviews, interviews, and features ( how to pitch )

Mother Jones – Book features

Nation (The) – Book features ($950-$1250)

New Criterion (The) – Book essays ($100)

New Republic – Book reviews ($500-$2,000 for print, $250-$400 for web)

New York Post – Book features, occasional author interviews ($500-$1,000, pitch Mackenzie Dawson at mdawson[at]nypost.com)

New York Review of Books – Book reviews and essays

New York Times Book Review – Book reviews, interviews, and features

New Yorker (The) – Book reviews and essays ($0.75 per word for web)

Newsday – Book reviews and interviews

NPR – Book reviews ($300 for fiction)

Oprah Daily – Book reviews, interviews, and features ($2 per word)

Observer (The) – Book reviews and interviews (pitch Erin Taylor at etaylor[at]observer.com)

Paris Review (The) – Book essays for The Daily ( how to pitch )

Paste Magazine – Book interviews and features ($100, who to pitch )

Pittsburgh Post Gazette – Book reviews

Ploughshares – Book reviews and interviews ($25, how to pitch )

Publishers Weekly – Capsule book reviews ($25-$50)

Puritan (The) – Book reviews ($100, how to pitch )

Reason – Book reviews ($500)

The Rumpus – Book reviews and interviews (pays small honorarium, how to pitch 1 and 2 )

San Francisco Chronicle – Book reviews ($165)

SFWA – Book reviews ($0.10 per word, how to pitch )

Shondaland – Book interviews and features ( how to pitch )

Slate – Book essays ($300-$500, how to pitch )

St. Louis Post-Dispatch – Book reviews ($85+)

Star Tribune (Minneapolis) – Book reviews ($150)

Tampa Bay Times – Book reviews ($150)

Times Literary Supplement – Book reviews and essays ( how to pitch )

USA Today – Book reviews ($300)

Wall Street Journal – Book reviews ($400-$1,000)

Washington Independent Review of Books – Book reviews ($25, how to pitch )

Washington Post – Book reviews

Words Without Borders – Book reviews and interviews ($100)

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Bless you Adam. There is so little out there in the way of transparency over pay to writers and that enables many outlets to underpay writers because they can’t be openly compared to reasonable payers.

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Hire a book editor, beta reader or for a manuscript assessment.

Here’s Your Opportunity to Share Your Book Recommendations!

Share your latest book recommendation and we will highlight your book recommendation if it gets picked.

Book Reviewers Wanted

Are you a book lover who knows that a big part of the joy of reading is in the discovery of new and exciting titles? If yes, then we want to hear from you! Our new user-generated book recommendations is all about sharing our love for books and finding hidden gems that others may have missed.

We want to know what book has stood out to you. Whether it’s a page-turning thriller, a heartwarming romance, or an insightful non-fiction book, we want to hear about it!

Reviews are submitted by people with diverse perspectives and reading backgrounds. Whether you’re into chick-lit, contemporary fiction, debut novels, horror, inspirational books, new adult, mystery and crime, paranormal, romance, science fiction, thrillers, young adult novels or non-fiction books, we’ve got you covered.

The book recommendations are shared from people who actually read the books (no ChatGPT reviews here!) and are passionate enough about the books they’ve read to share their thoughts. These are people just like you, who understand not only the value of a good book but also the emotions and life experiences that come with that. They’re able to give an honest perspective on whether a book is worth your time.

Latest Book Review 

Book review of The Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan.

The Daughter of the Moon Goddess

by Sue Lynn Tan

The Daughter of the Moon Goddess is a hauntingly beautiful book follows Xingyin. She is stuck on the moon with her mother, The Moon Goddess. Once her presence is found she must leave home and try to find a way to free her mother and herself.

To keep herself safe she must disguise herself. She wins the coveted spot as the Emperor’s son’s learning companion and forges a new path, never forgetting her mother.

What Did You Enjoy About The Book?

This book was impossible for me to put down. It completely whisked me away to a celestial world, one I haven’t been in before. The book was romantic, poetic and heart breaking.

Each character is captivating and stayed with me even after it ended. This was one of my first books into Chinese fantasy and has opened doors to more wonderful books.

This book and genre are beautiful, epic and unlike anything I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing before.

Recommended by: Christine Greene

Read: More Book Reviews

Sharing is Caring

Why is sharing books so important? By recommending books to others, we can help them discover new authors and titles they may have never known existed. It’s also a great way to build a community of readers who share similar interests and can recommend books to you.

So, if you want to share your latest book recommendation, simply fill out the form below and we will highlight your book here if it becomes book of the month. One of our editors will be in touch before we publish, so please do leave contact details. We’re always on the lookout for dedicated and passionate book reviewers to become part of our team.

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Last updated on Feb 07, 2023

How to Get Book Reviews in 5 Steps (2024 Update)

About ricardo fayet.

Reedsy co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Ricardo Fayet is one of the world's leading authorities in marketing indie books. He is a regular presenter at several prestigious writers' conferences, where his unique personal style has made him an instantly recognizable figure.

Imagine the day of your book launch. You’re sitting in front of your computer, blissfully imagining all the five-star book reviews that will soon be yours. Yet the days pass... and the reviews don't come.

Needless to say, you'll want people to buy and read your book ASAP so they can leave you some good reviews. But you may see the Catch-22 here: in order to make your first sales, you’ll need to display positive book reviews. So how do you get the chicken before you’ve got the egg (or vice versa)?

Enter book bloggers , who are your new best friends! For this post, we asked our top Reedsy publicists to share their best tips on how to get book reviews from book bloggers — and we've condensed their advice into these five essential steps, plus a few bonus tips at the end.

You can also check out this Reedsy Live on how to get your first book reviews, with advice from author and book marketer Debbie Drum.

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Those who prefer their tips in written form, let's dive right in with the very first step of the review acquisition process!

1. Identify your audience

book reviews

A quick preliminary note: you want to start the review-gathering as early as possible. If you can, plan your book review campaign 4-6 months in advance of your publication date. Because if you want your reviews to be in place by then, you’ll need to give people time to actually write them!

Now, using the "5 W’s of Storytelling," let's talk about the first thing you should be asking yourself: who? Who will be reading your book, and who is best positioned to promote it to that audience? The following tips will help you answer these questions.

Build a questionnaire

Here are a few more specific queries to help you clarify your "who":

  • Who reads in my genre?
  • What magazines, websites, forums, or blogs do they frequent?
  • Where might they find reviews of my book that will entice them to buy it?

Indeed, publicist Jessica Glenn recommends building a full-length questionnaire to identify your audience and where you might find them on the Web (or in real life!).

“Most, if not all, publicists and publishers send authors a very long questionnaire to fill out when they start their marketing plan ,” she says. “That's so we can dig into any useful piece of bio, community, or regional info to figure out who and why people will be interested in your book.”

Your questionnaire will direct you to your target audience and help you create a  proto-persona.  This is the "ideal reader" of your book, so to speak — a perfect blend of the traits you'd expect them to have. (For example, if you've written a YA paranormal romance novel, your proto-persona might be a 14-year-old girl who's obsessed with Twilight .) And whoever they are, you'll keep them in mind every time you make a marketing decision.

Think about comp titles

Another great way to get a handle on your target audience is to figure out your comparative titles — books that are a) similar to yours and b) share the same general readership. When pitching to book reviewers, these are the titles you'll use to sell your own  book . For instance, "My book is  Normal People meets The Incendiaries ."

According to Jessica, you should have at least 15 potential comp titles for your book, ideally a mix of bestsellers and well-reviewed indie titles. “Many first-time authors balk at this," says Jessica, "as they believe there is no true comp for their book — but dig deep and you'll find them!”

Comp titles are critical because they act as a compass, pointing you towards a ready-made audience that enjoys works in the same mold as yours. This is a huge help in determining your target readers, as well as which reviewers will cater to them. Speaking of which...

2. Find relevant book blogs

book reviews

Now that you’ve got a strong sense of your audience, you're ready to find blogs that will provide the best exposure to that audience. We recommend starting with our directory of 200+ book review blogs , but feel free to do your own research as well!

As you dig into book review blogs, check on these two things first:

  • Is the site active? Has the blogger published a post within the last month or so?
  • Are they currently accepting queries? If they're closed at the moment, it could be months before your book gets a review — if at all.

And if you want to confirm your book marketing strategy when it comes to book review blogs, we recommend first taking this quick quiz below!

Which book review site is right for you?

Find out here! Takes one minute.

Once you've confirmed that a book review blog is both active and open to queries, think about whether it's right for your  book. Here are some important factors to consider:

  • Genre . Don't waste your time on blogs that don't review books in your genre. "Be very mindful of a publication’s particular audience and target market when pitching for review. If their readership is science-fiction, do not pitch a commercial crime novel!” says publicist Hannah Cooper .
  • Traffic . High-traffic book blogs might seem like your highest priorities, but this isn’t necessarily true. “Don't shy away from the smaller blogs,” says publicist Beverly Bambury . “They can sometimes foster a real sense of community and starting off small is just fine."
  • Posting frequency.  Another consideration is how often the blogger in question actually publishes reviews. Too often, and your book will get lost in the shuffle; too seldom, and they're likely to lose readers. Try to strike a balance with about 1-2 reviews per week — no decent reviewer can turn them out faster than that, anyway!

Track down your comp titles' reviewers

Remember those comp titles you came up with earlier? You can use them not only to pitch your book, but also to find potential reviewers , as they will correspond perfectly with your genre and target audience.

“Once you have your 15-or-so comps, you can research where each book has been reviewed,” says Jessica. “With luck, you will find at least a couple of book reviews per title, which will give you many more outlets to investigate further.”

Now, as an author, you might be wondering: “How can I begin to find all the places where a given book was reviewed?” Don’t forget the power of Google! Try searching the following terms to find reviews for a given title:

  • [Title] + book review
  • [Title] + review
  • [Title] + Q&A

And here's one last tip to give you a boost — sign up for a "Mention" account and/or set up Google alerts to get a notification every time these titles appear online.

Once you’re armed with a bundle of suitable book review blogs, you've arrived at the third (and perhaps most crucial) step in this process. This is, of course, creating the pitches you'll send to reviewers.

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3. Write pitches for them

book reviews wanted

Pitching a reviewer is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is a) keep it short, and and b) personalize it as much as possible. However, before we get to our publicists’ actionable tips on pitching, there’s one more thing that you absolutely HAVE to do. And that thing is...

Read the review policy!

Before you pitch any blog, make sure you read the blogger’s review policy. Some blogs will have a form to fill out; others might ask you to email them directly. Still others might not welcome any queries from self-published authors . Whatever they say, make sure that you follow it to a T.

“There are two main benefits to reading and following the review policies closely,” says Beverly. “First, you show the reviewer that you respect and appreciate them when you follow their instructions. This is important when asking someone to do you a favor.

"Second, you may find that even if the site is closed for review queries, it's open to publicity queries — where you might be able to place an excerpt or do a Q&A or occasional blog post. You'll never know if you don't take the time to read the review policy first.”

More tips for pitching reviewers

Now that you’re clear on what the blogger wants, you can start pitching them with confidence. Here are three more key tips for pitching book reviewers:

1. Never send out bulk pitches. "When you pitch each outlet individually, specifically write that you read their positive book review of your comp and what that comp title was,” says Jessica Glenn. Or if you didn't find them through a comp title, mention other  aspects of their blog and why you think they would be great to review your book!

2. Be concise and direct. “Include your title, publisher, date of release, and genre in the first paragraph,” notes Beverly Bambury. “Then you might want to include the cover copy or a brief description of the book. Finally, be direct and ask for what you want. If you want a review, ask for it! If you want an excerpt placed, ask for that.”

3. Appeal to their commercial side. “All reviewers want the opportunity to discover the next 'big thing’ — particularly with fiction — so make them feel as though they have the opportunity to get the word out first," says Hannah Cooper. Indeed, if you can convince a reviewer that you are doing them  a favor, you're practically guaranteed to get a review.

Basically, try to get reviewers to think, “Oh, if I enjoyed [comp title], I’ll enjoy this person's book too,” or “They've done the research to know that I’m a good fit for their book.” If you can do that, you’re already much closer than everyone else to obtaining high-quality book reviews !



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4. Send out your book

book reviews

This is the step before the moment of truth (the review itself), so it's extremely important to get everything right. To ensure you're complying with each reviewer's guidelines, review their policy again before you send them your book. Some bloggers might prefer digital copies of manuscripts, while others might want a physical ARC — be prepared to accommodate.

Also, as you begin sending your book to various outlets, you should track your progress in a spreadsheet. Record which blogs you’ve submitted to so far, which blogs have responded, and which blogs you plan to submit to, so you don't accidentally double-submit or skip over anyone.

Formatting your book

Other than double-checking the review policy, the most important thing to do here is to format your book in a professional manner . After all, you want the presentation of your content to match the quality! Even though it shouldn't technically matter, reviewers will definitely judge your book by how it looks, inside and out.

The good news for self-formatters that you probably won't need to send physical proofs, and ebooks are much easier to format than hard copies. Digital copies also cost next-to-nothing to produce, so you can easily send multiple copies of your book out to different reviewers. You may want to check out apps like Instafreebie and Bookfunnel , which make it easy to generate individual ARC download links that you can send to the reviewers.

Pro tip : If you’re searching for a good book production tool,  Reedsy Studio can format and convert your manuscript into professional EPUB and print-ready files in a matter of seconds!

5. Follow up after a week

book reviews wanted

A week or more has passed since you queried a book blog, and so far… crickets. What do you do now? Why, follow up,  of course!

When it comes to this stage, keep calm and follow Hannah Hargrave’s advice: “Don't bother reviewers for an answer daily. I will usually chase again after a week has passed.

"If you receive a decline response, or no one responds to your third chase-up, assume this means they are not interested. Any further follow-ups, or aggressive requests as to why your work's not being reviewed, will not be viewed kindly. Above all, be polite and friendly at all times.”

That said, someone rejecting your book for review is a worst-case scenario. Best-case scenario, the blogger responds favorably and you’ve bagged yourself a review!

What comes next, you ask?

The reviewer will post their review of your book on their blog — and on Amazon, Goodreads, and any other platforms that they’ll name in their review policy. This is yet another reason why it's vital to read that policy carefully, so you know exactly where  the review will be seen.

If all goes well, the reviewer will publish a positive review that you can use to further promote your book. Maybe you'll even get a decent pull-quote for your book description ! Not to mention that if you ever write a sequel, you can almost certainly count on them for a follow-up review.

Pro-tip: Want to write a book description that sells? Download this free book description template to get a headstart. 



Book Description Template

Learn to write a book description that will make readers click “buy.”

But what if you don't get any bites from book bloggers, or — horror of horrors — one of them gives you a negative review? Fortunately, the next two sections should help you deal with each of these possible dilemmas.

Bonus ways to get book reviews

Though book bloggers are the most reliable and professional source of reviews for independent authors, you may want to try other avenues to maximize your chances! Here are three more ways to get book reviews  for your work, so you can bolster your Amazon profile and start making some serious sales.

1. Tell your followers about your book

Though Amazon prohibits reviews from close friends and family , you're free to tell your random social media followers about your book and hope they leave good reviews. It obviously helps if you have a large following on Twitter or Instagram, even more so if some of those followers are fellow authors who appreciate the significance of reviews.

That said, NEVER offer "review swaps" or any kind of promotional enticement for customers to leave reviews, as this would also be against Amazon's terms. Simply let your followers know you've got a book out and that you'd love for them to read it; the rest is in their hands. However, when it comes to reviews, any amount of awareness is better than none.

2. Submit to Reedsy Discovery

Finally, for a professional review option that's a bit less time-and-effort-consuming on your part, you can submit your book right here on Reedsy Discovery! The platform allows authors to share their books with readers who are right up their alley, plus get the chance to be reviewed by one of our Discovery writers. If they leave a good review, you'll be featured in our newsletter, which goes out to thousands of subscribers every week.

Sounds pretty sweet, right? And it only takes a few minutes to submit .

Is your book ready for Discovery?

Take our quiz to find out! Takes only 1 minute.

How to deal with negative reviews

Once your work is out there in the world, you can’t control other people’s reactions to it. “Remember, by submitting your book for review, you're accepting that some people might not enjoy it,” says Hannah Hargrave. “It can be very tough after you’ve spent months or years crafting your novel, only for some reviewer to tear it apart. But you need to be prepared."

In that vein, here are some final tips on how to deal with bad reviews:

1. Have someone else read them first . This might be your agent, your friend, or your mom — anyone you trust to pre-screen your reviews. They can inform you whether each negative review is a worthwhile (if humbling) read, or just too nasty to stomach.

2. Ignore unreasonably hateful reviews . Easier said than done, yes, but really try to tune out these people! For example, if they're clearly not your target audience, but insist on pretending like they are. Or people who pick apart your sentences word-by-word, just for the "fun" of it. There's no sense in agonizing over readers who are determined to hate you, so block them on every platform and refuse to read anything else they write.

3. Address valid criticisms . You're only human, and your book won't be perfect. If someone points this out in a constructive way , acknowledge it and do what you can to fix it. This may be as simple as editing a misleading blurb, or as complex as restructuring your entire series. But if you're the author we know you are, you'll be up to the task.

Every author's book is different, but the process for getting book reviews is reassuringly universal. To recap: identify your audience, find relevant blogs, pitch them, send out your book, and don't forget to follow up! On top of that, feel free to try alternative strategies, and remember not to take the bad reviews too personally.

Yes, marketing a book may be madness, but the process of getting reviews lends method to that madness. So go forth and get your reviews — you deserve them! 🙌

Special thanks to book publicists Jessica Glenn , Hannah Hargrave , Hannah Cooper , and Beverly Bambury for their input and suggestions throughout this article. If you have any more questions about how to get book reviews, let us know in the comments!

2 responses

Elena Smith says:

25/09/2018 – 22:33

Excellent Write up. I have thoroughly gone through the article and according to my personal observations you have done a great job writing this Article.Being associated with writing profession, I must mention that AcademicWritingPro are quite helpful nowadays.Furthermore, quality is also an important aspect.

Team Golfwell says:

11/12/2018 – 05:38

We do free book reviews if your book interests us. We are a group of retired people in New Zealand who play golf, read books, write books, and do free book reviews if we like your book. We write books too, so we like to see what other authors are currently doing and it is amazing to see what writers are creating. We try to post our reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble and our social media. See our book review page for more info > > https://www.teamgolfwell.com/free-book-reviews.html #bookreviews #kindlebookreviews #amazonbookreviews #indiebookreviews https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4ad92dde2f70456000bf5c44af3489ee638dae511be91f7b8cb1545acb388cdb.jpg

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Small Revolution

Where to Find Real Book Reviewer Jobs

cheerful woman working

So, you already do tons of reading. Why not get paid for sharing your thoughts on it, and even get the subject books for free?

It probably sounds like a fantasy. 

But, thankfully, there are numerous paid book review jobs that you can do from the comfort of your own home.

Besides getting paid for your opinion, the only other difference review jobs have from your regular reading is a timeline — most employers will provide a few weeks to complete the book. 

Though, this is a good thing; you get to spend more time doing what you love.   

Let’s get right into the sources of these awesome jobs.  

6 Places You Can Make Money Reviewing Books

1: online book club.

Online Book Club is a free reading website that’s been around for over 10 years. It pays its reviewers in cash. 

For the first review, you only get a free book and no cash payment. The company will use this to assess your capabilities as a books reviewer. It qualifies you for the paid review opportunities.

The pay ranges from $5 to $60 per review, and is made through PayPal. The exact payment will depend on factors like the length of the book. Plus, you get to keep what you read. 

The review does not have to be positive — only honest. It should come to at least 400 words, or 300 words for Children’s books.

When working on a review, you are required to:

  • Confirm whether you have successfully downloaded the book within an hour of accepting to do the review. 
  • Mark the book as read within 14 days of confirming you have downloaded it.
  • Submit the review seven days after reading the book. 

You can become a member for free — get started by signing up on the Online Book Club website. You will then get access to the review team page.

2: Kirkus Media

Kirkus Media is a reputable review magazine, and it’s one of the best places to get review jobs that pay in cash. There are plenty of jobs that are posted all year round on the career page .

Each review is around 350 words and should be detailed. They’re due two weeks after the book has been assigned.

The subject books are free and come in different lengths, genres, and languages. They can be in digital, hardcover, or paperback format.

Kirkus media does not mention how much it pays, but book reviewers who have worked with the company claim — according to the reviews left on Glassdoor — that it pays more than most review publications . You will also get paid on time.   

For consideration as a reviewer, you will need to submit the following to the email provided:

  • Writing samples
  • A list of your reviewing specialties

3: Women’s Review of Books

Here’s a special one for the ladies — Women’s Review of Books . 

It’s a publication that specifically reviews books about women or that were written by women. Women’s Review of Books is based in “ Wellesley Centers for Women ” at Wellesley College.

You have to be exceptionally good to land a job with the Women’s Review of Books — the publication expects its reviewers to have experience as a journalist, academic, or a strong background as a reviewer.

They expect thought-provoking reviews that appeal to a broad audience. The number of words and timeline is provided when the review is assigned, but it is usually 1500 words.

Payment is made upon publication of the review.

Make your application by sending the following to the editor :

  • Your resume
  • The genre you would like to focus on

You can also pitch a review of a forthcoming book through the contact provided on the website.

4: The US Review of Books

Another place that you may get regular and paying review jobs at is the U.S. Review of Books . This website seeks to connect authors from different genres with professional book reviewers, like you.

The reviews should be 250 to 300 words, insightful, factual, and unemotional. They should be written according to the guidelines provided by the US Review of Books. 

The timeline provided for each review is 2 to 3 weeks.

You may get hired as a freelance reviewer by sending an e-mail to the editor using the address provided on the website . 

It should include:

  • Two professional references
  • Samples of your best work

If hired, you get to choose your preferred book titles from the list of books published on the website. Then, you’ll get assignments based on your preferences and qualifications.

The payment amount is not specified. According to reviews on Glassdoor, it is competitive with frequent raises . 

Payment is on the 5 th day of every month, and this is usually compensation for the reviews completed in the previous month. 

5: Booklist Online

Learing Style Cheatsheet

Booklist Online is a review magazine by the American Library Association that helps librarians select the best books. It publishes about 8,000 book reviews per year.

The magazine outsources some of the work to freelance reviewers.   

The limit for each review is 175 words, but book reviewers may extend up to 225 words for exceptionally good books. 

The reviews must stick to the magazine’s writing style and provided guidelines.

Booklist Online pays $15 for each approved review. But even if it’s rejected, the magazine will still appreciate your effort with $5 per review.

You may become one of Booklist Online book reviewers by sending in your samples. Choose a category that you would prefer to work in and make your application to the editor .  

6: Freelancing Websites

Freelancing websites connect independent contractors with employers in need of book reviews.

These websites contain thousands of job listings for reviewers; a good example of a reputable freelancing website is Upwork .

Here are two examples of review jobs on the website:  

review ghost ebook

PeoplePerHour is another reputable freelancing website where you may find remote book review jobs. Here’s an example of a job opportunity on their website:

people per hour

The pay varies across employers.

In the case of Upwork and PeoplePerHour, you will need to create an account on the website. You can then send a proposal to the employer, which should include the amount you will charge for the task.

There are commission fees that both Upwork and PeoplePerHour charge on freelancers’ earnings.

You can also try freelancing websites like Guru and Fiverr.

How Can You Make Some Extra Money as a Book Reviewer?

As you apply for these paying book review jobs, work on creating your own book review blog. It should focus on one genre where you’re the most well-read — such as music, children’s books, or others.

Here are three ways a book review blog will help you:

  • It will establish you as an expert reviewer in a particular genre.
  • You can use it to showcase your book reviewing skills to potential employers.
  • You get to build relationships with authors and publishers, and they will help in reviewer job applications where professional references are needed.

In addition, you can earn from this blog through affiliate marketing . This is where you earn commissions by promoting other people’s products. In this case — books.

Get started by signing up with an affiliate program, such as:

  • Book Depository

You will get an affiliate link from the program. Every time a user clicks on the link on your blog and makes a purchase, you get to earn a commission.    

You can learn how to best optimize your website for search engines using the Small Revolution SEO Copywriting Course. 

Our SEO Copywriting Course is designed to nurture highly sought-after copywriters. And what could be better than becoming your own website’s copywriter?

With this course, we will turn you into an expert in drawing traffic to your site. Plus, you’ll also learn how to keep your followers interested in your site using great content.  

Ready to Begin Your Book Reviewer Job?

You most certainly can earn a decent income from writing book reviews. But, like any other remote job, you have to learn the technical and behavioral skills needed to succeed.

This is where Small Revolution comes in.

We have created a resourceful online learning platform — it has a library of articles and courses that will make you a better reviewer and remote worker.

Begin with our comprehensive SEO copywriting course first. With it, apply SEO techniques to create an authoritative book review website in the niche of your choice. 

Then, you may use it to prove your book reviewing skills as you pitch potential employers. 

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Katrina McKinnon

I'm Katrina McKinnon, the author behind Small Revolution . With two decades of hands-on experience in online work, running eCommerce stores, web agency and job boards, I'm now on a mission to empower you to work from home and achieve work-life balance. My passion lies in crafting insightful, education content. I have taught thousands of students and employees how to write, do SEO, manage eCommerce stores and work as Virtual Assistants. Join our most popular course: SEO Article Masterclass

Empty Mirror

a literary magazine

10 places to find reviewers for your self-published book

How to find reviewers for your self-published book

But before we get to that – and before you start to contact reviewers – it’s important to understand how to contact them.

What to do:

1. Do your research. Only contact reviewers who are interested in reviewing the type of books you have written. (See below for some good places to find the right reviewers.)

2. Read their review policy. Do they only want e-books, or printed books? What genres are they currently interested in reading? Are they currently accepting new books for review? Check out their rules, and follow them.

3. Write a personalized email to the potential reviewer. No one likes to get a form letter, or spam. Use a salutation, and their name – not just “Hi” or “Dear reviewer,” but rather, “Dear Jane Smith” or at least “Dear Jane.” If there’s no personal name listed, use their username.

Tell the reviewer who you are, how you found them, a little bit about your book, when it will be published. Tell them that if they’re interested, you’d be glad to send them a copy. Specify what format the book will be in (which ebook format, printed book, or if they will have a choice). Thank them for their time and consideration, and say that you look forward to hearing from them. Then sign it, with your full name.

Don’t forget the subject line, either: emails with the subject “Review Inquiry” or “Review Request” will get a better response as they make it easy to identify what your message is about.

Here’s how to write an excellent review query.

4. Before sending your email, spell-check and proofread. Errors leave a poor impression and make the reviewer less likely to accept your book. They’ll figure your book is full of typos, too.

5. The ultimate purpose of a review isn’t to please you. Books with reviews do tend to sell better. However, it’s important to understand that reviewers ultimately aren’t written for the author’s benefit. They’re written for the potential reader to give them enough information so that they can make a purchasing decision.

What not to do:

1. If they do accept the book, don’t expect the reviewer to guarantee a review. Reviewers don’t accept books they have no intention of reviewing, but sometimes they may not be able to – or wish to – eventually review it. That’s OK. They’re not the only reviewer out there. Move on.

2. Don’t expect, or ask for, a positive review. No reviewer can promise this. Any reviewer worth approaching has integrity and will always post an honest review, whether one star or five. (As people’s opinions will naturally vary, there’s often something fishy when books have only five-star reviews, anyway.)

3. Don’t ask the reviewer to promise a review to be published on or near a particular date. (Do feel free to tell the reviewer the date of your book’s publication.) Please understand that most reviewers have a big stack of books to review. Reviews take more time than you might think. The reviewer reads the book – maybe more than once – takes notes, then writes and posts the review. You’re asking them to do at least several hours of work for you, on their own time, for free. And they’re not doing it for money, but rather for the love of books, and of reviewing.

This is why you can’t expect a promise of a review by a certain date (or even at all). It’s understandable that you’re anxious for the reviews to start rolling in, but just hang tight, keep soliciting reviews, and one day you’ll have a bunch of them.

4. Never offer payment for a review. All an honest reviewer will accept is the book itself. Don’t offer a bribe! Paid reviews are not allowed on any reputable websites and can get the reviewer – and sometimes yourself – in a world of trouble, and banned from review websites.

5. Don’t expect an answer to your query. I know – that almost seems unreasonable, doesn’t it, not to expect the reviewer to reply. The reason that some don’t reply is that many reviewers – especially popular and highly-ranked ones – get so many review queries that it takes too much time to reply to them all. So, they wind up only replying to those they have an interest in reviewing.

6. If a potential reviewer declines to review your book, take it graciously. Don’t ask why, try to change their mind, or pester them. Stay on good terms – reply briefly with thanks for their time and consideration. Who knows, perhaps they’ll review your next book.

7. After a review is published, don’t comment on the review . Not even if you disagree with it. Even if the reviewer says something terribly wrong, even factually wrong. Even if they say it’s the best book they’ve ever read. Or the worst! Commenting can make you look petty, overbearing or argumentative, and can turn potential readers against you, ensuring they never read your book. Just. Don’t. Do. It. Ever. ( Here’s why. )

10 places to find reviewers for your books.

OK. Now that you understand how to approach reviewers, how do you find them?

1. Amazon’s “Meet Our Authors” Forum

Amazon has “Meet Our Authors” forum where you can introduce yourself, and also ask for reviews. There are various genre-specific threads too.

Update: Amazon has shut down all of their forums. They suggest that you visit Goodreads instead, where it’s easy for authors to interact with readers. (Amazon owns Goodreads.) See #4 on this list for more about Goodreads.

2. Amazon’s Top Reviewers

Amazon ranks its reviewers according to a variety of criteria and publishes the list. You can go through the list to look for those reviewers who review books in your genre. It will take some time. Those reviewers who include an email address or website in their profile are usually open to being contacted regarding potential reviews. (Some are not.) Before emailing, read their reviews of books in your genre. Pay close attention to any review guidelines which are included in the reviewer’s profile.

TheCreativePenn has a great blog post on getting Amazon reviewers to review your book .

3. Peruse the Amazon book pages

Check out other books similar to yours, and see who’s reviewed them. Look on these reviewers’ profiles to see if they’re open to review offers, as described above. If so, contact them.

4. LibraryThing & Goodreads

On LibraryThing , people catalog, review, and discuss books. The site also functions as a social networking site and is a great place for authors to connect with potential readers. There are lots of things you can do to get the word out about your book here. One of them is to find reviewers.

LibraryThing offers the “Member Giveaway” – where you can give out your own books. Ebooks and printed books are equally welcome. You set a number of available books to offer, and people will enter a drawing to win them. Usually there are more people who sign up than available books, so there is a drawing at the end of the giveaway period.

Though those who receive your books are not required to review your book, you can let it be known that you hope they do. LibraryThing reviewers can post their reviews on that site, but some often post their reviews elsewhere, such as Amazon.com and Goodreads.

Goodreads is similar to LibraryThing, but bigger. Only publishers can give away books for free there, but you can still find potential reviewers through their groups , some of which are dedicated to connecting authors with reviewers. (Use the group search box to find them.) Before posting review opportunities, be sure to check that the rules of the particular group allow it.

5. Social networking sites

Search for people who review your genre of book on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites, and start making connections. Much has been written elsewhere on how to connect with people on these sites, so that’s all I’ll say about it here.

Turn to Google to find bloggers who review books similar to yours. Try various searches such as the name of your genre (e.g. YA, poetry, American history, vampire fiction) followed by one of these phrases: book blog, book blogger, book reviews, book review blog, book review blogger. Try various combinations and think of some of your own, investigate the results, and you’re bound to come up with some good ones.

7. Services which connect authors and reviewers

There are quite a lot of specialized websites which will make your book available to reviewers. Here are a few we know of:

The Bookbag . Publishes book reviews on their site, with links to the books on Amazon.

4226 Spruce St . Makes it easy for authors of Kindle books to connect with Amazon reviewers. Free.

8. Reviewer directories and lists

The Book Blogger List . A categorized directory of book reviewers, organized by genre, which makes it easy to locate potential reviewers for your book. Free.

Book Reviewer Yellow Pages (formerly Step By Step Self Publishing). Offers an online directory of book reviewers. It’s free, but they also offer paid Kindle and paperback versions.

List of literary / poetry review publications (many print-based)

9. Ask other authors

Ask other authors you’re acquainted with – either on or offline – who reviewed their book, and who they think you should get in touch with. Most authors are very willing to share their experiences and recommendations. When writing to a reviewer, be sure mention that your fellow author recommended that you contact them.

10. Look close to home & offline

There are plenty of local, offline sources for reviews, too:

  • local daily or weekly newspapers
  • school newspapers
  • organization and company newsletters
  • contact local indie bookstores to see if they know of any local reviewers

11. (yeah, forget 10 – we’re turning this baby all the way up to 11!) The Indie View

The Indie View has a great list of reviewers in a number of genres. They also spotlight reviews and authors. Check it out.

don’t forget us

You know, if your book is arts-related nonfiction, or has anything to do with the Beat Generation, you might check out our very own review policy . We don’t accept many books for review – but you never know until you try! We also sometimes publish author interviews and book excerpts.

Summing up…

That’s all for now. If you have suggestions about getting reviews, please leave a comment. And stay tuned for more articles about promoting your self-published books!

Empty Mirror publishes new poetry, criticism, essays, book reviews, and art every Friday.

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Pat Sutton says

March 4, 2020 at 11:53 am

Denise, thank you, Your comments and explanations will save me time on how to find a reviewer and what to expect.

Antonio Chevalier says

October 11, 2020 at 3:47 pm

You need to pay for The Bookbag. Publishes book reviews on their site, with links to the books on Amazon.

Empty Mirror says

November 8, 2019 at 4:50 pm

There’s also a directory of over 300 reviewers, sorted by posting frequency, at https://indiestoday.com/reviewers-list/ . Thanks to Dave Allen for pointing out this resource!

Derrick Washington says

October 31, 2019 at 7:13 pm

Hi, Denise, I just want to say thank you for sharing this information. I have been searching online where to find book reviewers, and your blog answered, pretty much, all of my questions. Once again, thanks.

Bruce Miller says

October 16, 2019 at 2:36 pm

Excellent article and we enjoyed reading it. It is very comprehensive and useful. Well done!

We review books. We are retired people in New Zealand and we are amazed at the creativity and original ideas people have. It’s like sitting in a school class with students raising their hands and announcing amazing creative ideas! We love it. But we only review books we like. No erotica, but most everything else. We’ve done hundreds of reviews. Check us out > https://www.teamgolfwell.com/free-book-reviews.html

Julian Hardy says

July 1, 2019 at 8:44 pm

Denise Thank you for your insightful website. I have recently self-published a book on KDP/Amazon. After doing some research about reviews/reviewers, I found the Artisan Book Reviews website. Is it worthwhile using such services as those provided by Artisan Book Reviews (as they are quite costly). Also, I’m assuming such paid reviews do not contravene Amazon’s review rules. Is this true? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards Julian

Denise says

July 29, 2019 at 11:07 am

It’s true that paid reviews are forbidden by Amazon and can’t be posted there by the reviewer.

However, you can post them yourself with your book information on your book’s page. They can also be useful for use on your website and promotional materials.

Thomas Juarez says

May 4, 2019 at 8:16 am

Thank you for the quick reply! While searching through other parts of your website I found someone I made a connection with. Finally gaining some traction (I think).

Awakening Cocijo will be making a book tour to test its worthiness!

May 3, 2019 at 9:24 am

I have recently self published on Amazon, currently Amazon is having an issue tracking my book sales and I am falling in the ratings. I made them aware of some of the recent purchases, they know there’s a problem and they are looking into it…I have faith in them!

In any case, it has been very difficult to find reviewers that are available in the next 3-4 months. It’s been frustrating to say the least.

I paid for the editing of my book so that I would have a polished product. I was hoping this would make my book more attractive to buyers and/or reviewers. I would be more than happy to provide a pdf or kindle copy to potential reviewers.

The book is called Awakening Cocijo and is available only on Amazon. It is a metaphysical fiction book centering on the Zapotec empire and a current attempt (fictional, of course), to awaken Cocijo…the god of lightening and rain.

May 3, 2019 at 2:13 pm

You might try getting reviews via Goodreads (you can even give away free books/ebooks in Goodreads’ Member Giveaway). That might give you some reviews in shorter than three or four months.

If you’re on social media, you could try giving some copies away for review that way.

Celeste says

April 26, 2019 at 10:55 am

Thanks Denise! I’m going to network as best I can, which means helping other authors with their efforts, too. I joined Goodreads so I could post reviews and hopefully boost the sales of books that I enjoy reading.

April 22, 2019 at 7:57 pm

Denise, thanks for the quick follow-up.

I believe it’s far too time-consuming to find reviewers on Amazon, considering that many of them don’t have contact info available. It’s probably better to invest time and effort in building a network, e.g., through Goodreads and Bookbub. I’m an introvert, so it makes me cringe to think of having to actively pursue getting followers. Otherwise my novel is likely to die on the vine after it’s published, no matter how good it is.

April 25, 2019 at 11:40 am

That’s certainly a valid objection and there are other methods of getting reviews. I wish you success with your novel!

April 21, 2019 at 4:28 pm

This article is dated March 6, 2014, so perhaps something has changed as far as finding book reviewers on Amazon. I went to the Amazon Top Customer Reviewers listing. There are 10,000, with zero indication as to what they review. To find that out, you have to click on each name one by one, then scroll through their reviews to see (1) if they even review books, and (2) what genre of books they review. With 10,000 reviewers, you may be able to go through that list in, oh, let’s say a year. And of course it changes daily so you’ll need to keep a list of whose reviews you looked at.

If someone knows of a better way, I’m all ears. Otherwise, I think Amazon is doing its best, as always, to make things difficult.

April 22, 2019 at 1:34 pm

Yes, you do have to look at each reviewer individually — there’s no list with email addresses included. So, it’s usually best to find books similar to yours, see who’s reviewing them, and get in touch those with contact information (email, website, or even a Google-able name) on their profile. It does take some detective work, for sure.

Diane Fadden says

April 10, 2019 at 6:12 pm

Indiebook review is a scam operation. Buyer beware.

roy tawes says

August 25, 2018 at 10:43 am

Denise- Iasked for a personal review. Never heard back, but I see you’re using my complimentary comments for this website. Just give me a simple yes or know

August 29, 2018 at 10:53 am

Congratulations on the publication of your book! It sounds fascinating.

EM’e review guidelines are here: https://www.emptymirrorbooks.com/empty-mirror-review-policy

Guidelines in short: Due to time constraints, I’m only able to accept very few books for review. I’m looking for specific types of non-fiction and am unable to review fiction, poetry, or memoir.

Unfortunately, due to the volume of book review requests received and that fact that I’m the only one here, I’m only able to reply to those I intend to review. I regret that I’m not able to respond to all.

Comments are voluntary and are not “used” for anything. They can be deleted by request. I did leave the link in your previous comment so that others could check out your book!

best wishes, Denise

Tyrell Perry says

August 19, 2018 at 12:13 pm

Great intel. This newly published author will be putting it to use.

Wilburson says

July 2, 2018 at 6:30 am

This is such useful information Denise, which I have added to my growing information pile on getting reviews. Thanks for taking the time.

Vishal Sharma says

April 6, 2018 at 11:14 pm

Hey Denise, Thanks for sharing such awesome tips loved it. It was very useful for me.

Roy lawson tawes MD , FACS says

January 10, 2018 at 2:22 pm

Very helpful information for INDIE authors.Thank you. I like your considerate style.

It’s a long shot to request a personal review, but you mentioned an interest in the Beat generation that spawned the hippies in the ’60s. I just published my sixth novel, RECALL that deals with the topic . Returning to San Francisco from Vietnam where I served as a flight surgeon, I witnessed the cultural revolution up close and personal. I tried to capture that turbulent era in my historical narrative. You might find it interesting and enlightening. I’m getting good early reviews , but not from anyone of your professional stature. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.So why not ask you?

If you have any interest, please consult my website: RLawsonauthor.com. All the information you require to make a decision is available there, including blogs. Maybe we will find an intellectual connection. Life never follows a straight path, Stranger things have happened. I love writing and hope someone influential in the literary field will promote my work.

Thank you for your consideration. You sound like a nice person in your responses above, trying to help aspiring writers. We need guidance, It’s a maze to navigate.

Brad Foster says

January 3, 2018 at 4:06 am

No worries, Denise – thanks anyway and careful of that perilous tower of books! :)

January 2, 2018 at 6:48 pm

HI Denise – thanks for this post! I noticed that the link to Amazon’s “Meet Our Authors” is defunct – this is what I get: “Our Discussion Boards feature has been discontinued.

Amazon would like to thank the members of this community for contributing to the discussion forums. As we grow and evolve, we encourage you to explore Goodreads Groups for book discussions and Spark for other interests. For device questions and help, please see our new Digital and Device Forum.”

I will try the other tips, though I haven’t had much luck so far with the Amazon Top Reviewers (reminds me of my dating years, when I got completely ignored! ). Say, if you wanted to review my newest e-book, I’d be happy to send you a free copy. No pressure – thanks again and I hope one — if not more — of your points help me out!

January 2, 2018 at 9:08 pm

Hi Brad — Thanks for the update about the Amazon forums. I’d heard about that but had forgotten to update this list. I really appreciate the reminder.

Top reviewers are tough — you really have to find the ones who are into your genre, and Amazon has begun making it tougher to find contact information for them (although email links still appear on individual profiles).

Wish I could help with your book, but I don’t typically read e-books, and my reading stack is perilously tall. But I wish you much success with it!

Cristina G. says

October 21, 2017 at 3:02 am

Gold dust. Thank you so much. I am working on a few new books and I need reviews. Blessings to you and to those who invest their valuable time reading and reviewing our lifetime work.

August 8, 2017 at 8:31 am

Thanks, Denise, for your helpful information.

June 12, 2017 at 3:55 pm

This site looks nice but there are two issues with it: – The reviewer lists can’t be accessed without completing a third-party offer. – Kaspersky shows a warning about a phishing link when the site is loaded.

If you would like to talk about this, please email me. Denise

May 15, 2017 at 6:51 pm

Thanks Denise for a cohesive listing of what to do. It’s early days for me in the world of marketing my children’s mystery novels, so it’s really helpful. Many thanks.

May 15, 2017 at 7:34 pm

Cathy, I’m so glad to hear that you found this article helpful. I wish you much success with the novels!

Indira Sahay says

April 9, 2017 at 9:54 am

Thank you for your reply. I shall certainly take up some of your suggestion

April 8, 2017 at 11:42 am

I was looking for interested reviewers for two Sociology books written by my late husband which remained unpublished when he passed away last year.the first one is already printed and the second one is being got ready for printing. this will take about three months. As the books are academic I would like to send them to academics with similar interests. What do you suggest?

Layla Rose says

March 20, 2017 at 7:03 pm

What a great find. I did some freelance publicity work for an author recently, and as a writer myself, it was sobering to see what it takes as an indie author. So much work. And having a disability which is difficult to manage really slows me down. So I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me.

Walter Stoffel says

March 3, 2017 at 1:23 pm

In part helpful ,in part confusing. Denise, you suggest steering clear of Amazon Top Reviewers(they’re touchy) yet you link to Creative Penn article that outlines process for contacting those same top reviewers.

Lanre Ayanlowo says

February 28, 2017 at 1:41 am

Hello, i have two self published books. Can you please help me publish them traditionally?

March 3, 2017 at 3:13 pm

I wish I could help, but Empty Mirror is just an online magazine; we don’t publish books. I may be able to answer some questions for you, but can’t recommend any particular publishers.

Tom Turkington says

February 21, 2017 at 7:16 pm

Thank you, Denise, so much. As a first-time author and technophobe besides, I’ve despaired of generating any sense of direction in my efforts to get my book into the hands of unbiased readers. Your suggestions are clear, concise and orderly, and likely the jumpstart I’ve needed. Were my book concerned with the arts or the Beats, I’d try to hoist it upon you, but no: it’s a 120,000-word chronicle of the first eighteen years of my life. Trying to make an asset of living in the past. Thanks for your push in the right direction(s).

Marcus De Storm says

January 1, 2017 at 2:36 pm

Thank you Denise for this information useful as a Self Published Author. As it is difficult to find genuine information and where to go to get my book reviewed. This has helped me very much.

January 1, 2017 at 2:37 pm

I’m glad you found the article useful, Marcus! I wish you much success with the book!

Mdu Rohtak says

November 18, 2016 at 5:33 am

Excellent tips, and thanks for the shout-out.

Sheree W. Davis says

November 17, 2016 at 7:52 am

Denise, Thanks for this wonderful check list! I’m a new self-published author and am grateful for the wisdom you are willing to share! God Bless! ~Sheree W. Davis

Johnb9 says

June 8, 2016 at 5:18 am

Thanks so much for the article.Much thanks again. Great.

ferris robinson says

May 2, 2016 at 5:11 am

Denise, Thank you so much for this informative and detailed post! So helpful! And I really appreciate the heads-up on commenting on reviews – I had no idea! I feel like I should be writing them a thank you note for taking the time to read my book, and taking even more time and energy to review it! Thanks for all you do for writers!

January 13, 2016 at 6:56 am

Hi Denise, great article, thanks. Quick question – when do you suggest author start asking for reviews? How long before the publish date – or after the publish date? Thanks.

Alec Stone says

August 20, 2015 at 6:14 am

Hi, don’t forget about reviews-easy.com.

This service is doing all the work for you. You only have to register and search the Amazon the reviewers by categories, products they review or by personal details. Then, a list of reviewers with contact details will be generated and you can download it. Then you can send personalized emails to all of them or do what you want with that data.

August 20, 2015 at 7:25 am

Alec, thanks for the suggestion. I have mixed feelings about Reviews Easy. I haven’t used it myself, but from a brief look at their website, it certainly appears to make it easy to search for Amazon reviewers.

Maybe too easy. I don’t enjoy reading e-books and don’t review them. That fact is stated very clearly on my Amazon profile. And yet, authors very often email to ask me to review their e-books. Some of these authors have told me that they were referred to me by Reviews Easy, and they’ve been surprised that I have no interest in e-books.

It seems that somehow Reviews Easy is leading authors to believe that I want to read e-books. (But since I haven’t used the site, I am not sure how or why this is happening.)

The site may be a good resource. But authors who choose to use it should double-check the reviewers’ profile information and preferences!

Thanks again — Denise

Tim Williams says

August 2, 2015 at 5:06 am

after reading everything that i’ve read i find myself asking …why self publish it seems like more of a pain in the ass then what it’s worth . i mean is this he only way to to go ? i write because i like to write not to share. the only reason publishing has come up is cause everyone that reads my book won’t stop bugging me about it . anyone hit me up cause i don’t see the benefit . thanks

August 3, 2015 at 1:06 pm

Most authors self-publish because they want their work to be read. But there’s no sense in publishing if you don’t feel compelled to.

While most people who write never publish, some of those still have a few books printed for themselves, family and friends who have expressed an interest. It’s an option. And, in that case, you needn’t bother with arranging for reviews, or with other promotional methods.

Others wish to reach a wider readership so look into either traditional or self-publishing, and eventually spend time promoting their book.

If you fall into the latter category, then self-publishing may be for you. But if you don’t, just keep writing for the love of it — and ignore those who pressure you.

all best, Denise

Rena George says

April 10, 2015 at 11:35 pm

Thank you for such a helpful, informative post, Denise. Authors really do need to put in the work to find approachable reviewers – and be prepared to overcome disappointments. Most reviewers are so overburdened that they have closed their lists for the foreseeable future. However the more potential reviewers an author can contact, the greater the chance of success. Perseverance is the secret, I think.

April 11, 2015 at 3:44 pm

Hi Rena, Thanks for your comment. I’m happy to hear that you found the post helpful.

Unfortunately I’m one of those reviewers who is often full-up on books to be reviewed…but I try to make time if just the perfect book is offered. There just isn’t enough time, though, to read – and review – everything I would like to.

Thanks again! Denise

Erik D. Weiss says

March 9, 2015 at 5:47 pm

Thanks, Denise! This is a fantastic little guide, great for new writers like me, eager to get my two fiction books out there. This is great advice, and you’ve inspired me to get to work getting my books reviewed and more visible!! Erik

March 9, 2015 at 7:32 pm

Erik, I’m so glad to hear you found the guide to reviews helpful. Good luck in finding reviewers! – Denise

J Haeske says

January 20, 2015 at 1:56 pm

If I only had known then what I know now… Thanks for that, Denise.

Molly Gambiza says

January 11, 2015 at 6:49 am

Thank you very much for taking your time to share this helpful information. That’s very generous of you. I am after honest reviews for my book A Woman’s Weakness. Now you have given me the directions, the ball is in my hands.

January 11, 2015 at 11:07 am

Glad we could help, Molly! Good luck with the book reviews!

christynathan930 says

September 24, 2014 at 5:28 am

Thanks for the great information and also for great tips too, and now I also check my book reviews.

James Jean-Pierre says

September 8, 2014 at 10:58 am

Thank you for this post, this list will definitely boost up my reviewer count.

August 10, 2014 at 7:55 am

I published my book in may, overlooking the need for a review. Since the time I must have approached 200-300 bloggers/sites for review unsuccessfully. any advice to get a free review? regards, jt

Denise Enck says

August 10, 2014 at 8:43 am

Congratulations on the publication of your book! Getting reviews is definitely a challenge. Without having seen your book or query email, I’m not sure why you haven’t had positive responses to your review query. But a lot depends upon the particular reviewers contacted, and how they are chosen.

First, do your research to find reviewers who review the types of books you write, and who are currently accepting books for review.

For example, I’m a reviewer; I clearly state on my review page here on Empty Mirror that I review Beat Generation and art-related books, do not review fiction, and am not accepting more books for review for the next few months. However, almost every day I receive review queries from authors who didn’t bother to read that; they offer me books about knitting, fantasy fiction, memoirs, guitar chords, children’s books, cooking, and more. I receive a lot of these, and most of them are deleted without reply.

There are websites which categorize book bloggers/reviewers by the genres they review; those can be really helpful in finding the right reviewers. Or go to Amazon and see who has reviewed similar books to yours, and see if they have an email address on their profile.

Second, sometimes it’s in the way that you approach the reviewer. Many queries I’ve received have been very impersonal, had spelling errors (doesn’t bode well for the book), were poorly written, required me to click a link to find out about the book, or wanted me to download free from Amazon on a particular day. Make it easy for the reviewer – address them by name if possible, give a brief synopsis of the book, tell where and when it’s available and in what formats. Don’t require the reviewer to do additional work to find out the basics about your book.

(However, include a link to Amazon – or wherever the book’s sold – so they can investigate more if they want to.)

Your query should contain everything necessary for the reviewer to make a decision.

Also – make sure the book is in good shape and ready for review. Sometimes, before accepting an already-published book for possible review, I’ll read the sample on Amazon to see if it appeals to me. If I find excerpts full of typos, formatting errors, or awkward writing, I won’t accept the book.

It’s harder to find reviewers for some genres than others. For example, fiction, YA and children’s book reviewers are plentiful (though often overburdened); reviewers for non-fiction, art and poetry are a little trickier to find.

But some of it is just timing, and a little bit of luck. Most reviewers get lots of queries and have to turn down even books that sound really enjoyable to them due to time constraints. But following the tips above can give you better odds.

You might also take a look at our article, “How to write an excellent review query” – https://www.emptymirrorbooks.com/publishing/how-to-write-an-excellent-book-review-query

Good luck, JT! If you have further questions, just let me know – I’d be really glad to help. all best, Denise

November 27, 2014 at 1:10 am

Hello Denise, I have a question is that any website which can give all the details of ebooks like how much ebooks are sale and in which with reviews because if any tool provide all of these things in one place it will be really helpful for many publishers.

selfpubber says

April 22, 2014 at 6:06 pm

I’ve used https://www.selfpublishingreview.com/ and it worked out pretty well. It’s a paid review, but it wasn’t a shill review (i.e. overly nice).

February 26, 2014 at 9:13 pm

I’ve used easybookreviews.com a few times. If you are willing to review other books in return it is a guaranteed way to get some (honest) reviews.

I’m also going to try story cartel but my books are already in kdp so I can’t have them available for free anywhere else at the moment. Also, story cartel aren’t amazon verified purchase reviews.

February 27, 2014 at 11:40 am

Thanks for the tip, Emily!

Be careful though, if you’re posting those reviews on Amazon. Amazon doesn’t allow reviews by “reviewing circles” (groups of people who review each other’s books) and has been known to revoke reviewing privileges for those caught doing it.

Gerard Thomas says

November 6, 2013 at 1:02 pm

OMG! I’m so happy now you’ve mentioned everything from A-Z.

Lenita Sheridan says

November 1, 2013 at 9:49 pm

This really helped me. I already got one “yes.” You might tell people to put “Review Request” in the subject line, otherwise they might get ignored the way I did when I put “possible book review?” I learned the hard way, but one website fortunately told me what to do, so I changed my tactic from then on.

November 1, 2013 at 10:04 pm

That’s a great idea, Lenita! Thanks so much. I’ll edit the article to include that. I’m glad you got a good response!

@IolaGoulton says

July 7, 2013 at 6:05 pm

10 ways to find book reviewers (and some useful links) #writing #reviews

June 30, 2013 at 11:35 pm

https://storycartel.com/ is another resource for authors to connect with reviewers.

July 1, 2013 at 8:36 am

Thanks Iola. I hadn’t heard of this one before, but I just checked it out – great resource! – Denise

@marqjonz says

May 28, 2013 at 3:50 am

@Phaedra4Real says

April 2, 2013 at 11:09 am

Dan’s right, great write-up.

ChaoticReader says

April 2, 2013 at 11:02 am

Great article on how and where to find reviewers for your book. https://t.co/wtpNTZszk5

Vennie Kocsis says

March 27, 2013 at 4:32 am

This was so very informative. Thank you for providing these resources for us budding authors.

March 27, 2013 at 11:16 am

So happy to hear you found it helpful! I wish you all the best with your book! – Denise

Rinelle Grey says

March 6, 2013 at 8:38 pm

A very extensive list of resources, I’ll be trying some of these.

One you missed is Goodreads. There are several forums that have dedicated space to helping authors find reviewers. Make sure you check that this is OK though, some groups encourage it, some dislike it.

March 6, 2013 at 9:24 pm

Thanks, Rinelle. I’ll add it. Unlike LibraryThing, GoodReads’ giveaways are only through publishers rather than authors, which is why I left it off the list. But I forgot about the forums! So I’ll add it to the list. Gracias. – Denise

Established in 2000 and edited by Denise Enck, Empty Mirror is an online literary magazine that publishes new work each Friday.

Each week EM features several poems each by one or two poets; reviews; critical essays; visual art; and personal essays.

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  • My Father’s Map
  • Seeing Las Meninas in Madrid, 1994
  • Visual poems from 23 Bodhisattvas by Chris Stephenson
  • Historical Punctum: Reading Natasha Trethewey’s Bellocq’s Ophelia and Native Guard Through the Lens of Roland Barthes’s Camera Lucida
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Get Paid to Read and Review Books from Home

Author: Courtney Stich

July 28, 2019 7 Comments

How would you like to get paid to read books and share your opinion of them? If you have a love for reading, then a paid book reviewer job is the perfect work-at-home opportunity for you!

Get Paid to Read and Review Books from Home

Whether you’re sitting on the couch in your jammies or beachside in your bathing suit, you can cozy up with a cup of tea (or whatever you would like in your cup) and start reading because you’re getting paid!

Not sure where to start? No worries, we’ve covered that one for you as well.

Below we outline seven of the best opportunities out there for scoring that book reviewing job you’ve always wanted.

What is it like to be a Book Reviewer?

A book reviewer gets paid (sometimes in the form of free books) for writing their honest opinion of a book after reading it. The length and style of a review are highly dependent upon the reviewing company for which you’ll work.

Remember, an honest review isn’t necessarily a positive review! The companies we’ve listed below pay in cash for their reviews.

Every company will have its own set of expectations when it comes to completing book reviews. You’ll find that some companies have stricter guidelines than others, but for the most part, many of the companies listed are seeking similar things in their book reviewers.

Related content: How and Where to Sell Books for Cash

What do I need to know to become a book reviewer?

For the most part, you’ll find that there isn’t a lengthy list of requirements for becoming a book reviewer. Some companies request samples of your work, while others are happy to have you join their team by simply submitting your resume and answering a few questions. Either way, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you want to become a successful book reviewer:

If it’s been a year since you last read a book, you might want to pass on this opportunity. You should have a love of reading or at the bare minimum, a good knack for it!

  • Read the entire book before giving your review. Book review companies are going to want more than “This book was great!” or “The book was boring.” Many companies are looking for evidence within the review, which will mean that you will need to read the book from front to back.
  • Always give your honest opinion. Many of these companies are not looking for a review that falls “in the middle” but rather a report that is concise in its opinion (i.e., the book is worth reading for its intended audience, or it’s not).
  • Consider the audience. Ask yourself, “who is most likely to read this book?” Are they children? Teens? Parents or teachers? Then ask if the book is geared toward the intended audience. Is this book appropriately written for its intended audience?

With this background info, you’re now more than ready to dive into the world of reviewing books!

Check out these fantastic companies below for some great work-at-home job opportunities as a paid book reviewer:

1. Any Subject Books

While Any Subject Books isn’t currently accepting book reviewers, jobs do become available with some frequency, so check back later.

Here’s more information regarding working for this company as a book reviewer:

Any Subject Books is fitting for those who may or may not have some book reviewing experience. Details you might want to know ahead of time with Any Subject Books are:

  • Commitment is a book-by-book basis
  • Pay is per specific book reviewed

2. Book List

This company is actively seeking reviewers. To join their book reviewers, you’ll need to:

  • Subscribe to their free trial to familiarize yourself with their publications and writing style
  • Contact the specific editor for whom you would like to write (a complete list is on the Book List site)

3. Book Browse

To become a book reviewer on Book Browse, you’ll need to have some prior experience as they request at least two samples of work with their application.

As a reviewer, you will write roughly one review per month, will receive a byline and “modest” payment. Book Browse has a quick online application form, which makes the process even easier!

4. Kirkus Book Reviewers

Kirkus is currently seeking experienced reviewers of English and Spanish-language titles. Here are a few more specifics:

  • This reviewer position would be for Kirkus Indie magazine’s section dedicated to self-publishing authors
  • Reviews are in the same format as other sections of Kirkus Reviews and are held to the same high standards
  • Reviews are about 350 words, and as a book reviewer, you’ll have two weeks after the book is assigned to complete the review
  • Reviews cover all types of genres, books of all lengths, and in any media (digital, hardcover, and paperback)

To apply, submit your resume, writing samples, and preferred reviewing specialties to Kirkus Indie Editor David Rapp at  [email protected] or visit the link above.

5. US Review of Books

US Review of Books is actively seeking book reviewers. They generally ask their reviews to be 250-300 words. Payments are made monthly and cover the prior month’s completed book reviews. To apply as a US Review of Books reviewer, you’ll need to contact the editor with:

  • Your resume
  • Sample work
  • Two or more professional references

Finding their application and submission guidelines can be tricky! Here’s how you can find their instructions for becoming a book reviewer a little faster:

  • On their main site: Click on the upper right-hand tab that reads “Connect.”
  • Within the first paragraph, you’ll find “How to write for US Review of Books.” Follow the link to get all of the information you need to be considered as a book reviewer!

6. Astronomy

To apply to write book reviews for Astronomy, you’ll need to write an inquiry letter. Within the letter you should include:

  • Why you think the book should be reviewed
  • What (if anything) you know about the author or editor
  • What your qualifications are for writing the review

This company also offers a web-based application process.

7. FlexJobs

Job boards such as FlexJobs are another great option for seeking out book review jobs or any remote work. While book review jobs on these sites fluctuate, it’s always a good idea to check in with a job board such as FlexJobs as positions do become available.

If you enjoy reading and love sharing your opinion, a job as a book reviewer is the perfect fit for you! While many of these sites pay modestly, you can always consider reviewing for more than one site and cashing in a bit more on what you love to do!

Another option is finding a book reviewer job that offers more than just a freelancing contract. Seeking out positions on job boards such as FlexJobs will ensure you can still work from home while making money doing something you love! You can also choose to start your own blog reading books and dishing up reviews, all while earning money through advertising and affiliate programs.

Do you have experience as a book reviewer? Want to learn more? Have questions or comments? Drop us a line below! We would love to hear from you!

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About the Author

Headshot of Courtney Stich

Courtney Stich

Courtney Stich is a prior educator turned blogger and home-based business owner! Founder of C-Side Creatives , Courtney helps entrepreneurs with Pinterest marketing and content writing. She has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and a Master's Degree in Technology and Design. Courtney is a mama to three beautiful kiddos and a wife to one amazingly supportive, loving hubby. She loves everything about being seaside, most things chocolate, and a vase (or five), filled with sunflowers.

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Reader Interactions

book reviews wanted

March 13, 2022 at 2:41 pm

I have no experience reviewing books but am an AVID reader. My favorite authors are Tom Clancy (now Marc Cameron). John Grisham, James Patterson, David Baldacci, Michael Connolly, Susan Grafton. Brad Thor and some light romance mystery I plan on working from home within the month and this type of job appeals to me, rather than Customer Service or Data Entry or clerical which I have done for years. Thank you for your consideration.

book reviews wanted

March 14, 2022 at 7:34 am

The Work at Home Woman is not a hiring agency; we’re a resource for job leads, ideas, and information. You’ll need to go to each company’s website to apply.

book reviews wanted

September 6, 2019 at 6:23 pm

I definitely need this. I just lost two part time jobs because of medical problems and I’m a single mom. Working from home is what I need!

September 8, 2019 at 6:19 pm

Good luck, Vanessa!

book reviews wanted

September 20, 2019 at 4:50 pm

Totally get, Vanessa! You’re absolutely in the RIGHT place!! Let us know how it goes!

book reviews wanted

August 3, 2019 at 11:28 pm

I am interested in this offer.

August 9, 2019 at 7:12 pm

Hello, Christina! Thanks for stopping by! Are you referring to learning more about book reviews or recieving awesome weekly updates on work at home positions (side note: this is one of my FAVORITE weekly emails…it’s got soo many great positions and info!) Let me know and I would be happy to help you out!

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Top 10 Paid Book Review Sites That Can Springboard Your Career

by admin | Oct 25, 2017 | Uncategorized | 10 comments

Top 10 Paid Book Review Sites That Can Springboard Your Career

Reviews are a crucial part of an author’s book marketing strategy. In today’s digital age it has become quite common for readers to post book reviews on sites. These include Goodreads, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. However, there are still a lot of authors who scramble for professional reviews from credible sources.  For this reason, many successful authors have utilized paid book review sites at some point in their career. It might be hard to believe with all of the criticism surrounding paid book reviews, but it’s a fact!

10 Paid Book Review Sites

New authors, indie authors in particular, depend on paid book reviews to spread the word about their books. Because it is much more difficult for indie authors to get noticed, paid book review sites can be appealing. If you are a newbie and are struggling to organically attract the interest of popular reviewers, ChatEbooks suggest that you invest in the following paid book review sites to help you get the word out.

1. Kirkus Indie Reviews

One of the more popular paid book review sites online, Kirkus is known for using professional reviewers. Because of their reputation, they are able to charge authors as much as $500 for 250-word book reviews (librarians, journalists, business executives, etc.) with a turnaround time of seven to nine weeks. When using Kirkus, you are primarily paying for the name that the brand brings to the table.

paid book review sites SPR

Opinions surrounding this book review site vary. However, they do provide a relatively cheap $69 review package designed to deliver quick exposure. With a decent social media following, SPR delivers when it comes to speed, cost and marketing opportunities.

paid book review sites Best Thrillers

3. BestThrillers

Authors looking for a keen eye that understands thriller and mystery will appreciate this website.  BestThrillers not only offer free book reviews. They also offer $99 paid review services that posts reviews on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. This site specializes in providing book reviews for the thriller and mystery genre.

paid book review sites Indie Reader

4. IndieReader

An established online resource for indie authors, IndieReader claims to be the most cost-effective of paid book review sites around.  Their current rate is $100 for a 300-word review. The website’s reviewers have a concise understanding of the industry which in turn empowers them to provide very constructive criticism.

paid book review sites Foreword Reviews

5. Foreword Reviews

Foreword has a firm foundation and a solid reputation when it comes to paid book review sites. Their service is reliable and their website is busy but also clean. The only downside is that they don’t offer many extras, especially with regards to marketing and exposure.

paid book review sites Reader Views

6. ReaderViews

ReaderViews has a variety of reviewing service packages that are designed to appeal to authors with budgetary constraints. Expect to spend between $119 and $499 for book reviews, many of which are posted to audience-specific websites. 

7. RT Book Reviews

This site’s lofty $425 price tag for book reviews might scare some people away. However, this magazine has been around since the 1980s and is therefore a name that people know and trust. RT Book Reviews carry weight because they are written by accredited and trusted reviewers. 

paid book review sites Publishers Weekly

8. Publishers Weekly

Once you register your book with this website, you can sign up and pay for a variety of services in addition to book reviews. Publishers Weekly tends to excel when it comes to marketing. They feature their book reviews in their magazine, newsletters, and social media channels.

paid book review sites Net Galley

9. Net Galley

You will spend $399 to get professional readers to not only read your book but to review and recommend it from one location. Book reviews can come from bloggers, booksellers, librarians and even professional book reviewers. You have to first pitch your book to these professional readers before you can receive the book reviews you desire.

paid book review sites BlueInk Review

10. BlueInk Review

This service favors books whose publication has been achieved in part through the efforts and financial contributions of the author. They favor indie authors and accept submissions from outside the United States. Expect to spend an estimated $500 for fast track (4 to 5 weeks) book reviews.  

A word of caution- Do NOT use paid book review sites that you haven’t first investigated and done your due diligence. Book reviews from websites with a bad reputation could actually do more harm than good to your credibility as an author. So take the time to explore every single book review website that piques your interest before trusting it with your book.

book reviews wanted

User Review


' src=

I recently had “KindleBook Review post their comments on a work of mine and though I didn’t agree with the general critique of one reviewer, I found their reviews (two of them) to be objective and well considered.

' src=


I am a veteran author with several romance novels to my credit. Recently, I tried https://usabookreviewers.com and I must say that I am impressed with their services. I received 20+ in-depth reviews for my book and I am more than pleased !

Did you find this review helpful? Yes (4) No

' src=

It is so difficult for new authors to get noticed, whether they’ve written a traditionally published book or through a publisher like Lulu or Amazon. I’m hesitant to use a paid book review site, but it’s better than paying for someone to give you a positive view (that’s as sketchy as it gets). I think the best way would be to solicit reviewers who might be interested in your book.

' src=

Wow, I actually didn’t know about this. Though I haven’t any current plans to write a book as of the moment, it’s still at the back of my mind and I think about it from time to time. This will definitely come in handy when the time comes. I think it would be justifiable if the site prices more than others, if they do delivery more valuable service! It would also help that we actually find others with huge influence or social media following (with a good reputation of course) to read our book. That’s what they always say, when you a good network, you can go places!

' src=

oh I’m so glad I found this post. I didnt know about these services. Im definitely going to check them all out and see what I can afford. Super excited about this!! Bookmarked it!

' src=

Yeah I wouldnt want a paid positive review I would want my reviews to be genuine which I believe these sites do. Ive heard of a few of them and they seem legit to me.

[https://usabookreviewers.com] is the main reason that I had over two hundred ratings and a hundred and fifty reviews on Goodreads on Risuko’s publication date.

' src=

Second Opinion

A colleague of mine suggested finding a few different places and getting my book reviewed because it’s always good to have a second opinion. I’m just really afraid of what they might say about my book because even I don’t think it’s that good. Everyone else has told me it’s great though so I don’t know if they’re just being nice or I’m being too hard on myself.

Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

' src=

Perfect Timing

I wrote a short story that I have been looking to get reviewed so this is perfect timing! I am going to check into each one of these places, most sound like exactly what I was looking for which is great. Thanks for this list of honest review sites. They are hard to find online since so many places want to scam you.

' src=

Great, but what if.....

I have just had my 5th book released and, for the first time, am being more serious at promoting and marketing my work. I researched quite a boat load of reviewers willing to review my book for free (most obtained from Goodreads.com). The reason for this decision was made because, being retired on a limited income, I simply cannot afford the fees charged by services like those listed here, and others I found online.

This seems to be the hardest hurdle for authors I have encountered — having the financial resources to devote to promotion/marketing. Thankfully I entered into writing without any delusions of making a large number of sales. My main aim is to endeavor to have as many people simply pick up my books to read because they sound interesting. So I do as much online promo as possible without draining my bank.

Did you find this review helpful? Yes (1) No

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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book reviewers wanted

Building the future of narrow escape press authors.

At Narrow Escape Press, we are more than just an independent publisher, we are a collaborative. Our goal is to share our authors’ stories with the world.

Book reviews are the cornerstone of an authors ongoing success.

We are actively seeking professional book reviewers and readers interested in supporting the stories our authors create.

eBook review copies are complimentary and book reviewers may review as many titles as they like.

We are looking for honest reviews and welcome all review feedback.

To sign-up as a book reviewer with Narrow Escape Press, please provide your contact information below and select the platform you prefer to leave your review.

Thank you for your support!


Register below to review books published by

Narrow escape press.

Book reviewers can request specific titles pre and post-publication, or sign-up to receive a random selection. Book reviewers can review up to 3 titles per quarter.

Please provide the email address associated with your favorite online bookstore account (i.e., Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Google Books, etc.)

If you are a professional book reviewer and would like a printed advance review copy, please complete the form below and provide the name of your publication and mailing address in the comments section.

Email Address

Online Bookstore Preference

Audio Promo Each author has the opportunity to do an Audio Promo to be used as part of their press kit.

Book Giveaways & Promotions Various book giveaways and promotions will be coordinated during pre and post publication. Campaigns vary depending on the time of year, genre, etc.

NetGalley Campaign Each title is included in our NetGalley portfolio for book review exposure to reach professional reviewers, libraries and avid readers.

Ongoing PR Pitching Narrow Escape Press will promote each title with ongoing pitching to the media for coverage.

The Narrow Escape Press marketing department designs a Media Kit for each author to use to promote their work. It is also used by our PR and marketing department to pitch for radio & podcast interviews, and other media coverage opportunities.

Every author we publish is provided with their own marketing website page to promote all of their books, events, media coverage, etc. Authors have access to update and edit their author marketing page.

An Audiobook is included with this publishing path and includes production and distribution.

Narrow Escape Press will represent the author as their Literary Agent and negotiate any future publishing deals related to the title(s) we are publishing, on behalf of said author.

Narrow Escape Press will market all titles to international publisher and manage the Foreign Rights for our authors.

Promotional materials will be designed by Narrow Escape Press and offered at cost. (i.e., flyers, bookmarks, postcards, business cards, etc.)

Authors will receive one (1) Large Print copy of their book.

Authors will receive five (5) paperback copies of their book for personal use.

Authors will receive five (5) hard copies of their book for personal use.

Authors are invited to attend a Monthly Marketing & Promotional Meeting to review the progress of their cohort, discuss upcoming promotions and collaborate. Marketing support is available for all authors as needed via chat, phone or Zoom.

Every title will be included in a book Pre-Publication Marketing Campaign & the author will have ongoing Support. This includes but is not limited to advance reviews, press release, author interviews, etc.

Every title will be included in an ongoing book Marketing Campaign Post-Publication & the author will have ongoing Support. This includes but is not limited to advance reviews, press release, author interviews, book signings, radio/podcast interviews, etc.

All titles will receive Book Fair Coverage. Coverage varies based on time of publication and availability. Details on coverage for a specific cohort will be provided during the marketing campaign review.

All titles will receive coverage via a Publisher’s Weekly Campaign. Campaigns vary throughout the year.

All titles are promoted via a Goodreads marketing campaign . With 125 million members and over 3.5 billion books shelved, Goodreads is the largest site for readers and book recommendations in the world.

Each author will be featured and promoted as available for interview via radio, podcast, online, print, etc.

Each title published by Narrow Escape Press will be promoted via a Press Release, featuring the individual authors book.

Each author is provided with a suite of Digital Marketing Materials to use to market and promote their book. This includes but is not limited to social media creative, book one-sheet, catalog flyer, QR code, etc. Instructions on how best to use all materials will be provided.

Authors will have access to Unlimited Digital Reviews Copies via iTunes & Google Books.

A Book Trailer is produced for every title in the Narrow Escape Press catalog.

Professional Hollywood Review.  Every title Narrow Escape Press publishes is submitted for a Book to Film review. We have an active team of Hollywood insiders in search of content for film, TV or OTT (Over the Top) steaming productions.

All titles are Included in the Narrow Escape Press Catalog, for their respective cohort and future catalogs.

U.S. Copyright Registration is provided for each title.

A Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) will be provided for each title.

Every edition of a title will be provided its own unique ISBN. All book metadata will be submitted to Bowker during the ISBN assignment process.

Every title is submitted via International Distribution channels for books to be available to both digital retailers and brick and mortar stores. To view a list our distributors click here .

Each title will receive a professional Interior Format (hardcover, paperback, large print, eBook) and Cover Design (hardcover, paperback, large print, eBook) prepared for print-in-demand distribution and if necessary, short-print runs.

An editorial assessment is provided to ascertain the condition of the manuscript, upon submission. The manuscript may be sent back to the author throughout the editing process, for additional edits and/or review. The manuscript will receive the professional level of editing required to get it to market.

A Large Print edition of a book is included for every title we publish.

An eBook edition of a book is included for every title we publish and formatted for all electronic distribution retailers.

A Paperback edition of a book is included for every title we publish. 6″ x 9″

A Hard Cover edition of a book is included for every title we publish. 6″ x 9″

book reviews wanted

  • Book Reviews
  • Author Interviews
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  • Bibliophilia
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  • Book Review Request
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  • How to make your review sell books
  • Why You Need Reviews
  • Editing Help for Authors
  • Affiliates Wanted

Reviewers Wanted

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Wanted Book Lovers who can write great book reviews.


The books you’d be reviewing are usually new releases written by American, Australian, British, Canadian, Irish and New Zealand authors. Besides just reading and writing a book review, we also ask you to consider the book’s merits in regards to nominating it for a possible PenCraft Award for Literary Excellence. If you feel the book being reviewed is a possible contender for an award then you are asked to indicate that during the review process. Later during all nominated books for possible awards will be judged once again for honors.


Your first review is not compensated, but if we ask you to continue as a book reviewer we will tender payments of $10 to $25dollars for each review turned in and accepted. The actual amount paid is dependent on where the book review request came from. Most reviews will be paid at $10.00. We also will honor each reviewer with a bio on the authors reading website and free tickets to our annual PenCraft Award Dinner (worth $50.00) and through the year we comp reviewers in other ways. Each quarter we will award the reviewer with the most reviewed books for the previous quarter a $50 gift card.

Check our existing reviews

There are plenty of review examples on AuthorsReading.com site. Reading a couple of our published reviews should give you a good idea of what we require and expect.

Please contact us at editor@authorsreading.com for more information or fill out the form below.

Book Review Request

AuthorsReading.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. As an affiliate, this website earns from qualifying purchases.

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Book Reviewers Wanted

book reviews wanted

Updated July 8, 2024

Hey there, book lover!  The  BookMojo blog  has spent the better part of the last three years with the review portion of the blog on hold (we’ve continued posting about books sharing things like giveaways, new releases, sales, freebies, and excerpts). First the pandemic lock down happened, then I moved. We spent the following year with the virus wreaking havoc through my household. Now that things are finally settled,  we are ready to rebuild the BookMojo review team!

However, the way we do things has changed a bit. If you applied previously, thank you for your interest but we need you to reapply so we have your acknowledgement of new and updated policies. 

So when will we begin posting reviews?  Right away, actually. I’ve never stopped reading/writing reviews, they have just been featured on my author websites, not on BookMojo. But I don’t want to be the only book reviewer posting reviews.  I’m hoping to have up to 14 reviewers chosen and added to the team by July 31, 2024.  I plan to have an email sent out to publisher PR teams introducing the team of book reviewers on August 1, 2024.

View the BookMojo blog here:  https://book-mojo.com/news  

Interested in joining the BookMojo’s review team?  Fill out the form below. Most of the form is dropdown menu selection so I promise you it’s mostly painless.

Thank you! 📚☕️

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  1. Get Paid to Read: 18 Legitimate Sites That Pay Reviewers

    7. Women's Review of Books. 💸 Pay: $100 per review. 👀 More information: Check here. Women's Review of Books is a long-running, highly-respected print publication that's a part of Wellesley Centers for Women. This feminist magazine has been published for 36 years and is looking for more book reviewers to join their force.

  2. 17 Places to Find Book Reviewers

    Amazon is one of the most influential places to get your book reviewed. Not only is it the place that most people buy books, but it's also the place with the most book & product reviewers. You can find Amazon reviewers by searching for books similar to yours and reading those reviews. When the reviewer has a picture, click on their name.

  3. How To Become A Book Reviewer: 29+ Websites That Pay You To Read!

    Booklist is a website dedicated to online book reviews in a range of genres. It also has a magazine that publishes book reviews. Freelancers can write reviews for submission to the website or in the magazine, with each review paying $15. Even if your review gets rejected, you'll get $5.

  4. Want to Get Paid to Review Books? Try These 7 Publishers

    1. The U.S. Review of Books. The U.S. Review of Books regularly hires freelance book reviewers. To apply, just send your resume, samples of your previous reviews and two professional references to the email address listed here. Once your application is accepted, you can start writing paid reviews! You can indicate which books you'd like to ...

  5. Get Paid to Review Books: 5 Book Review Jobs Sites That Pay Reviewers

    1) The US Review of Books. The US Review of Books has fair terms for reviewers, and the pay is usually between $25 and $75. To be accepted you'll need to submit your resume, samples, and references. You'll also be asked to do a sample review. The site doesn't have tough guidelines, the reviews can be half summary, half commentary.

  6. Get Paid to Read Books

    The pay is $100 per review. #6. Publishers Weekly. Publishers Weekly is an online magazine that publishes reviews in many genres. It is known to regularly hire freelance book reviewers in areas like music, romance, economics, sports, young adult, fiction, ancient history, etc.

  7. 74 Publications That Pay Freelancers for Book Reviews, Interviews, and

    Book reviews aren't as ubiquitous as they used to be, but as of 2022, at least 74 publications still pay freelance writers for book reviews and author interviews. To build this exhaustive list as a free community resource, I collaborated with the wonderful Chelsea Leu to create a more detailed version for the National Book Critics Circle ...

  8. Here's Your Opportunity to Share Your Book Recommendations!

    The Daughter of the Moon Goddess. by Sue Lynn Tan. The Daughter of the Moon Goddess is a hauntingly beautiful book follows Xingyin. She is stuck on the moon with her mother, The Moon Goddess. Once her presence is found she must leave home and try to find a way to free her mother and herself. To keep herself safe she must disguise herself.

  9. Interested in joining Discovery as a book reviewer?

    Submit your application. The best books go undiscovered — be part of the movement that shines a light on them. Apply to become a reviewer. Streamline your workflow, access hundreds of books for free before they are published, and earn money while doing what you love.

  10. How to Get Book Reviews in 5 Steps (2024 Update)

    2. Be concise and direct. "Include your title, publisher, date of release, and genre in the first paragraph," notes Beverly Bambury. "Then you might want to include the cover copy or a brief description of the book. Finally, be direct and ask for what you want. If you want a review, ask for it!

  11. Where to Find Real Book Reviewer Jobs

    2: Kirkus Media. Kirkus Media is a reputable review magazine, and it's one of the best places to get review jobs that pay in cash. There are plenty of jobs that are posted all year round on the career page. Each review is around 350 words and should be detailed. They're due two weeks after the book has been assigned.

  12. 10 places to find reviewers for your self-published book

    8. Reviewer directories and lists. The Book Blogger List. A categorized directory of book reviewers, organized by genre, which makes it easy to locate potential reviewers for your book. Free. Book Reviewer Yellow Pages (formerly Step By Step Self Publishing). Offers an online directory of book reviewers.

  13. How to Become a Book Reviewer: 10 Tips for Getting Paid to Read

    Below are 10 essential tips for anyone interested in becoming a book reviewer. 1. Read a lot of books. If you're interested in becoming a professional book reviewer or critic, I'm guessing you already have a love for books. If not, you should probably consider another line of work, because reading won't get any more enjoyable once you ...

  14. How to Become a Book Reviewer in 12 Steps

    If you're looking to become a professional book reviewer and reach a growing audience, you could do a lot worse than to follow these twelve steps. Step 1. Read abundantly. If you don't already read like a maniac, then one might wonder why you'd want to become a book reviewer in the first place.

  15. Get Paid to Read and Review Books from Home

    On their main site: Click on the upper right-hand tab that reads "Connect.". Within the first paragraph, you'll find "How to write for US Review of Books.". Follow the link to get all of the information you need to be considered as a book reviewer! 6. Astronomy.

  16. Paid Book Review Sites

    1. Kirkus Indie Reviews. One of the more popular paid book review sites online, Kirkus is known for using professional reviewers. Because of their reputation, they are able to charge authors as much as $500 for 250-word book reviews (librarians, journalists, business executives, etc.) with a turnaround time of seven to nine weeks.

  17. Hire the best Book Reviewers

    See more. $60/hr. Stacy h. Book Reviewer. 5.0/5. (242 jobs) Top-rated award-winning illustrator with over 10 years of experience in children's book illustration, visual storytelling, and character development. Transforming your story idea from concept to published book with a full cover-to-cover design.

  18. Book Reviewers Wanted

    To sign-up as a book reviewer with Narrow Escape Press, please provide your contact information below and select the platform you prefer to leave your review. Book reviewers can request specific titles pre and post-publication, or sign-up to receive a random selection. Book reviewers can review up to 3 titles per quarter. Please provide the ...

  19. Reviewers Wanted

    Your first review is not compensated, but if we ask you to continue as a book reviewer we will tender payments of $10 to $25dollars for each review turned in and accepted. The actual amount paid is dependent on where the book review request came from. Most reviews will be paid at $10.00. We also will honor each reviewer with a bio on the ...

  20. Book Reviewer jobs

    New. Bristol-Myers Squibb4.1. Hybrid work in Devens, MA 01434. $134,000 - $179,000 a year. Serve as author/reviewer for analytical sections of CMC submissions and responses to regulatory questions. Life-changing. Those aren't words that are usually…. View similar jobs with this employer.

  21. Book Reviewers Wanted

    Updated July 8, 2024. Hey there, book lover! The BookMojo blog has spent the better part of the last three years with the review portion of the blog on hold (we've continued posting about books sharing things like giveaways, new releases, sales, freebies, and excerpts). First the pandemic lock down happened, then I moved. We spent the following year with the virus wreaking havoc through my ...

  22. Book Reviewers Wanted

    Contact us at [email protected] or (480) 940-8182. P.S. Share with your colleagues and friends!

  23. Jacqueline Wilson: 'I wanted to show even for women whose marriage

    Wilson, speaking via a widely circulated video, told fans her new book, Think Again, would revisit the trio of friends from the Girls in Love series, first published in 1997, as its protagonist ...

  24. 17 Book Review Examples to Help You Write the Perfect Review

    It is a fantasy, but the book draws inspiration from the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Rape of Nanking. Crime Fiction Lover reviews Jessica Barry's Freefall, a crime novel: In some crime novels, the wrongdoing hits you between the eyes from page one. With others it's a more subtle process, and that's OK too.