Kathleen LoGiudice

Information for senior thesis research students.

This page is for Union College Biology, Environmental Science or Biology/ID students who are interested in doing senior research with Dr. Kathleen LoGiudice

union college senior thesis

Conducting undergraduate research is a wonderful opportunity that can lead you into a career in science, help you get into professional school,  or at least make you a more scientifically literate citizen of the world. My work with my senior research students is one of the most rewarding things I do in my job and I welcome the opportunity.  If you are interested, I encourage you to e-mail me to see if I currently have room for new students.  If you are a Biology or interdepartmental program major, you can fulfill your senior writing requirement in two ways, by taking the senior seminar course or by completing senior thesis research. Your career goals will help you to decide which of these paths to take.  If you are considering a career in academia or the scientific research, thesis research is a good choice.

union college senior thesis

Senior thesis research is a very large commitment and you should think hard about whether you have the time and determination to complete it. It involves a lot of time spent in the field, in the lab and the library, learning and writing about the biological system you are working with.  Your thesis will go through numerous drafts and you will have to take constructive criticism and make changes according to this criticism.  It is not for everyone. It requires a passion for biology and true commitment to getting deeply into a problem or question.

union college senior thesis

Research students must be willing to spend a lot of time with their projects. It is not a “gut course” or an easy A. Students must be persistent, dedicated, thick skinned (they will see a lot of red ink on their thesis drafts) and excited about the process of research. If you think you may have these characteristics, read on!

I hope I haven’t scared you away because most students consider their thesis research experience one of the highlights of their college careers.  Although you will work hard (spending on average, at least 10-12 hours per week on your research), you will also learn and think and most likely enjoy yourself.  It helps to have some flexibility with your time:

  • Some weeks you will spend a lot more than 10-12 hours, some weeks less.
  • If you have a job, research becomes difficult and you should try to keep your job to evening hours in the fall.
  • If you participate in a fall sport, this is also difficult but doable.
  • If you have a job and participate in a fall sport, thesis research will be very difficult and you should carefully consider whether it is right for you. I have had very successful thesis students who were both athletes and worked off campus, but they were unusually disciplined and hard working.
  • Plan to spend some weekend time trapping and/or in the lab since it is sometimes difficult to find a big enough chunk of time during the week.

If this hasn’t scared you away, e-mail me to see if there is room in the lab for next year.  I may also have summer research fellowships available.

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Sociology Honors Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Fighting for a Level Playing Field: The Reality of Elite Women's Sports in Today's Modern Era , Rebecca Clayman

A Blessing or a Curse: Utilization and Inclusivity in Faith-Based Organizations Servicing the Homeless , Maeve Daby

'Accepted, But Not Welcome': Why Are BIPOC Students Not Part of Greek Life at Union College? , Zoe Flessas-Finocche

Should Sex Education Be Taught in Schools? Sex Education Within the United States: Analyzing Social and Political Factors of Sex Education Within The United States , Elena Gerrato

Intimate Partner Violence Among College Students: Service Utilization and Quality of College Campus Mental Health Services , Hallie Rose Katzman

Getting What You Deserve: A Philosophical and Sociological Analysis of Punishment in America , Haley Martuscello

The relationship between helicopter parenting and risky sexual behavior in emerging adults , Emily F. Olenik

The Neoliberal Attack on Education: Burnout for Teachers and Increased Exposure to Student Food Insecurity Amid COVID-19 in Low-Income School Districts , Julia Callan Rybicki

Addressing the Limitations of the Medical Model: An Examination of Stigma, Challenges and Social Support for College-Age Women Living with Type One Diabetes , Karson Saunders

Uniform Justice? Examining the Role of the Judge Advocate General's Corps and the Military Justice System , Anna Segall

Families with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Society Response , Nova Kim Shek

Exploring Intimate Partner Violence Among 18-24-year-olds During COVID-19: A Clinical Perspective , Lily Walker Money

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Young Parents' Stress and How Society Responds , Jillian Goldaber

Physician Burnout and the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of U.S. Primary Care Physicians , Colin LeSage

“Kids are 100% Behind”: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Elementary and Secondary School Students in Massachusetts , Sydney Rosensweig

The Patient Narrative and the Impositions of Implicit Biases in Health Care , Dhara Shukla

Reality Television: Investigating Discrimination Among America’s Guiltiest Pleasures , Shane M. Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The State of the Asylum: Assessing Institutional Legitimacy through an Examination of its Clientele , Peter Dranow

Let’s Talk About Sex: A Social Analysis of College Students’ Experiences with Hookup Culture , Samantha Epstein

Systemic Inequalities in the Brazilian Education System: By Chance or by Choice? , Erin Marmen

A Post Title-IX Analysis of American Sports Culture: The Women Aren’t Done Yet , Bridget Schauder

Female Infertility in the United States and India: An Analysis of Treatment Barriers and Coping Strategies , Devneet Singh

Mental Health Interveners, Stress and Response to Covid-19 in Elementary Schools , Johanna Sosa

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Clothes Make the (Wo)Man: Gender Performed Through Fashion as an Agent of Socialization , Madison Altman

Social Consequences of Obesity: Case Study of Bariatric Population at Ellis Hospital , Kara Leyden

Projected Impact of Professional Fulfillment and Physician Engagement and Mentoring on Improving Physician Burnout , Bo Hyun Moon

There Must be Something in the Water: A Comparative Study of Ground Water Contamination in the U.S.A. and Canada , Kathleen Spooner

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Modeling The Relationships Among Adverse Childhood Events, Intimate Partner Violence and Body Esteem , Emily Ehrlich

The Social Determinants of Health and The Obesity Epidemic: A Public Health Analysis of Childhood Obesity in Rural New York State , Amy Haven

The New Trend in Health Care: Motivations, Perceptions, and Care Coordination in Integrative Medicine , Brian Lee

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Sports Injury and Recovery Analyzed Using Blum's Model of Health Determinants , Daniella Batarseh

The Sociology of Bullying: Prevention and Intervention Using a Three Themed Model , Darcy Bowman

Exploring Occupational Therapists' Approach to Treating Children with Autism in the School Setting , Melissa Brauner

Secular Sells: How Secular Lifestyle Influences Religiosity , Elyse Clark

Rural, Urban, and Suburban School Communities and Their Impact on School Psychologists , Claire Crosier

The Criminalization of Education: Combating the School-To-Prison Pipeline through Disciplinary Policy and Social Change , Lindsay Hemminger

An Examination of School Shootings and Mental Health: A Comparative Case Study , Emily Kaufman

Dropout or Delinquent: An Ecological Analysis of High School Attrition Rates in Correlation to Criminal Behavior , Mallory Kiley

Constructing Illness: How Society Effects Physical and Mental Illness , Madeline Marks

The "Give and Take" of Medical Morality , Caitlyn Tabor

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Design of a Patient-Centric Healthcare Facility Rating Website: Consumer Choice as a Tool for Reform , Christopher August DiCapua

The Consequences of and Factors Affecting Perceptions and Use of Technology , Patrick Gardner

Macho Men: Male Body Image in 21st Century America , Allison N. Michaelis

Seeking ‘Collective Solitude’ in the Pacific: An Ethnography of Wave-Riding in Encinitas, California , Laura C. Schaffer

Uprooting Food Injustice: A Qualitative Analysis of Activist Efforts Combating Food Deserts and Inequality , Marley Noel Weig-Pickering

The application of telemedicine to college health at a four-year university and community college , Matthew S. Wu

Fair Labor Practices: Are Workers Truly Protected? , Xiaofei Xie

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Privilege Paradox: The Effect of Affluence on the Adolescent Experience , Darcy Berger

The Cult of Cultural Consumption in the United States: How Class Stratification Shapes The Social Realms of Consumer Brand Perception , Nelligan Rose Boff

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Domestic Violence in the Legal System: The Importance of Victim Advocates , Joanna Chalifoux

Cutting or Maintaining the Cord? Assessing Levels of Parental Involvement in the Lives of Emerging Adults , Kelsey Hyde

Baby Cribs in Prison Cells: Assessing Opinions About Prison Nursery Programs by Humanizing Incarcerated Mothers , Erin Ostheimer

Union College Smokers: Hurting Themselves But Helping Others? Mixed Research on the Relationship Between Smoking and Volunteering , Cameron Robertson

Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Pollution of the Hudson River: Social Policy and Health Considerations , Laura Schad

Making It: The Role of School-Based Intervention in Shaping Educational Aspirations Expectations and Achievement Among High School Students , Maeve Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Framing Fracking: The Environmental and Social Implications of Hyraulic Fracturing , Lindsay Cohen

Online Dating and Relationships On Campus: Gender, Religion, and Parental Marital Status Influencing Expectations and Experiences , Carla Gottlich

Undergraduate Student Attitudes on Concierge Medicine , Sushane Gupta

The Divorce Revolution: The Macro and Micro-Level Factors in the Risk of Divorce , Arielle Homer

Understanding Childhood Hunger: A Qualitative Look at the Issues Hindering Progress in the United States , Samantha Kropp

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: The Visual Culture of Twentieth Century Feminism in the United States , Julianne Quinn

Patient Perception of Privacy and the Role of Electronic Medical Records , Max Louis Willinger

Exploring Doctor-Patient Communication in the Context of Complementary and Alternative Medicine , Eva Rachelle Zimmerman

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Police Officer Stress, Loping Mechanisms, and Family Life , Maria Apruzzese

Sex and the College Hookup: Gender Differences in Perceiving and Experiencing Sexual Interaction , Kelsey Fish

The post title IX portrayal of female athletes in the media , Kelsey McDonald

Yuppies and Bootstraps: The Impact of Gentrification on the Preservation of Community Identity and Urban Youth Culture in Somerville MA. , Kathleen Portillo

I Found It On the Internet...: The WebMD Phenomenon & the Patient-Provider Relationship , Jessica Rivetz

The Impact of Electronic Health Record Implementation on the Roles of Providers and Coders , Ankur Shah

Minding the Gap: Analyzing the Role of Guidance Counselors in High School Ability Grouping , Marisa Underberger

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Let's Talk about Sex Baby , Elizabeth Cohen

Reforming Primary Care in the United States: Analysis of Deficiencies and Potential Solutions Based on Existing Models , Noah Joseph

Allies or Rivals? The Study of Sibling Closeness in Young Adulthood , Jennifer Silvershein

Friend Me on Facebook: A Generational Study of the Effects of Facebook on American Friendships , Brenda Souza

How your past can influence your perceptions of sports aggression , Christopher Sullivan

The Non-Profit Education System in Cambodia: Case Study of Two Programs , Sasha I. Zuflacht

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

End of Life Decisions in the NICU: The Value of New Life and the Degree to Which Religion Plays a Role in These Ethical Decisions , Maria Battaglia

Invisibly Wounded Warriors: The Psychological Repercussions of War On American Soldiers , Maisy Bragg

The Gendered Construction of Cosmetic Surgery , Stacey Burns

Provider and Patient Satisfaction with the Use of Telemedicine in the Delivery of Healthcare , Rohit Dhingra

Worth More Than Her Womb A Cross-Country Analysis of Reproductive Rights , Brianne Fennessy

The Role of the Bystander Effect on Domestic Violence Within College Relationships , Caitlin Gallagher

Life at a Local HIV/AIDS Community Outreach Program: Exploring Community Reliance in the Face of Financial Instability , Amanda Greenberg

Leadership is Passion: Understanding the changing experiences of women student leaders at a co-educational liberal arts institution , Aleena Paul

Domestic Violence in the Latino Community: The Struggles Latina Women Encounter Due to Societal and Geographical Disadvantages , Jennifer Rodriguez

Prostitution: An Independent Business or a Societal Downfall? , Jaclyn Toop

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

The Impact of Rap Music on White Youth , Freddie J. Dantus

The Effect of Uncompensated Medical Care on Safety-Net Hospitals in the United States , Daniel J. Dimenstein

Farmers Motivations to Practice Sustainable Agriculture , Kimberly A. Floeser

Personality Consumption: The Effects the Media Has On Shaping Personalities in Our Teenage Population , Kevin L. Regan

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The influence of advertisements on childhood obesity : content analysis of television commercials during prime-time cartoons , Lori I. Cassorla

United States Healthcare Reform 2010 : understanding the relationship between socioeconomic status and attitudes about reform , Stephanie Egizi

Chutes and ladders : an analysis of factors affecting women’s career commitment , Emily Feld

By choice or by chance : communicative technology use in sustaining long distance friendships , Lindsey B. Goldberg

From the school yard to the internet : does cyberbullying cause suicide? , Patricia E. Henderson-Adams

The social effects of a single-sex high school education , Allison R. Levy

From Yellow Peril" to "Ghetto Asians" : contemporary portrayals of Asian and Asian American men in American mainstream independent, and erotic cinema , Andrew W. Mak

The face of Muslim America : the role of organizations in the creation of a Muslim American identity , Rifat Mamun

The effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) on exercise-enhanced cognition in older adults , Molly E. Merz

Our distant neighbor : the social stigma and stereotyping of Mexico in the United States , Hilary C. Segar

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Convocation focuses on community, constructive engagement and the case for Union

Union formally kicked off its 230th academic year Tuesday afternoon with its traditional Convocation ceremony in a packed Memorial Chapel.

President David R. Harris officially welcomed the 511 members of the Class of 2028 . Selected from nearly 8,500 applicants, the students hail from 33 states and 28 countries. The class is also made up of 50 percent of domestic students of color and international students, making it one of the most diverse in the College’s history.

Union formally kicked off its 230th academic year Tuesday afternoon with its traditional Convocation ceremony in packed Memorial Chapel.

Memorial Chapel was packed as Union formally kicked off its 230th academic year Tuesday afternoon with its traditional Convocation ceremony.

Turning his thoughts to the year ahead, Harris then focused on what he called the three C’s: community, constructive engagement and the case for Union.

Union is a caring community and not a place of sharp elbows where everything is a competition. That is evident in simple acts such as when returning students descend upon new students’ cars when they arrive on campus for move-in day to help with the process.

He noted that while there are many paths to deepen the College’s sense of community, he wanted to share two.

One is food. He reminisced about the role food had when he was a kid and his family gathered for Sunday dinners at his grandparents’ house, strengthening their connections to one another. He mentioned the College’s new dining services partner, Bon Appétit Management Company , and its commitment to sustainability and from-scratch cooking, which should improve the overall campus dining experience.

“Like those Sundays of my childhood, I expect that the quality of food will make you want to come together to eat in our dining halls, linger a while, make new friends and deepen connections with people you already know,” he said.

He reminded the audience that this is the final season for the College’s Division I men’s and women’s hockey teams to play their home games at the iconic Messa Rink. Next year, both teams will play at a new $50 million arena being built at Mohawk Harbor , adjacent to campus.

“We strengthen community over shared meals, but we also build community through shared experiences,” he said. “If attending hockey games is not your thing, I hope you will give it a try this year. It would be fantastic to end our time at Messa by breaking attendance and enthusiasm records for every one of the men’s and women’s home games.”

Since becoming president seven years ago, Harris has encouraged constructive engagement over issues that often divide. This includes bringing in notable speakers that expose the campus community to a range of topics and perspectives.

“You need not change your views but must deepen understanding of why someone’s views differ from your own,” he said.

That mindset is especially critical this year, as lingering tensions over the Israel-Gaza war and a bitter U.S. presidential race threaten to raise emotions on college campuses across the country.

Harris said there were many opportunities to broaden perspectives for and promote meaningful exchange on issues, including a political science class focused on the election, a Cookies and Conversation series in the Minervas, and the College’s invitation to participate in Hillel’s Campus Climate Initiative . Union is partnering with Hillel International, the world's largest Jewish campus organization, to better understand, strengthen and enhance the environment for Jewish students.

“Nothing is to be gained by seeking to marginalize or silence those who think otherwise, and certainly not at an institution whose focus is on wisdom, empathy and courage,” he said.

Finally, Harris reminded the audience of the ongoing challenges in higher ed, including finances, demographics and the rising cost of attending college.

Union formally kicked off its 230th academic year Tuesday afternoon with its traditional Convocation ceremony in packed Memorial Chapel. President David R. Harris officially welcomed the 511 members of the Class of 2028. Selected from nearly 8,500 applicants, the students hail from 33 states and 28 countries. The class is also made up of 50 percent of domestic students of color and international students, making it one of the most diverse in the College’s history.

At Convocation, President David R. Harris said, "I remain confident that Union’s future is bright. We are a school that refuses to look down and back. We look up and out.”

Founded in 1795, Union has transformed many times in terms of buildings, academic offerings and demographics of students, faculty and staff. He said the mantra in all areas must be continuous improvement to allow the College to achieve even greater heights. This includes spreading the word about what Union is and the benefits of a Union education and experience, improving all aspects of the school’s academic offerings and the student experience outside the classroom so that every graduate develops the competencies critical to future success.

“Despite these challenges, I remain confident that Union’s future is bright,” Harris said. “We are a school that refuses to look down and back. We look up and out.”

Also at Convocation, Michele Angrist, the Stephen J. and Diane K. Ciesinski Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented the winners of the College’s top faculty awards.

Stacie Raucci, the Frank Bailey Professor of Classics, received the Stillman Prize for Faculty Excellence in Teaching. Known for her innovative and creative approach to designing courses in Latin, Greek and classical civilization, Raucci is currently working on a three-year project supported by the Byron Nichols Fellowship for Faculty Development, “Ancient Roman Gardening: Cultivating Interdisciplinarity, Community and Well-Being,” with Angela Commito, senior lecturer in the Department of Classics. Raucci joined Union in 2004.

Carol Weisse , the Ronald M. Obenzinger Professor of Psychology and director of Health Professions, received the Stillman Prize for Faculty Excellence in Research. Her current research examines systems of care for chronically and terminally ill residents in the community with a focus on hospice and palliative care in home settings. She recently had a paper published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology-Oncology Practice with Kelly Melekis from the University of Vermont and three Union alumni, “Mixed-Methods Study of End-of-Life Experiences of Patients With Hematologic Malignancies in Social Hospice Residential Home Care Settings.” Weisse joined Union in 1988.

Both faculty prizes were created by Abbott Stillman ‘69, David I. Stillman ’72 and Allan Stillman in honor of their father and grandfather, Abraham Stillman.

Ryder Mollo ‘26, Ben Pistiner ‘27 and Leo Weisberger ‘26 were presented with the Hollander Convocation Music Prize by Jennifer Matsue, professor of music and chair of the department.

Ryder Mollo ‘26, Leo Weisberger ‘26 and Ben Pistiner ‘27 perform legendary jazz saxophonist John Coltrane’s rendition of Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein’s “My Favorite Things.” The students were presented with the Hollander Convocation Music Prize by Jennifer Matsue , professor of music and chair of the department.

Amanda Tommell-Sandy, the assistant director for Health Promotion and Student Wellness, was presented with the UNITAS Community Building award by President Harris. It is given in recognition of a person who has helped foster community and diversity at Union. During her time at Union, Amanda has presented at the local, state, and national levels on the topics of sexual assault response, eating disorders, and alcohol and other drug abuse response and prevention. She joined the College in 2007.

Ryder Mollo ‘26, Ben Pistiner ‘27 and Leo Weisberger ‘26 were presented with the Hollander Convocation Music Prize by Jennifer Matsue, professor of music and chair of the department. The prize was established by the late Lawrence J. Hollander, dean of engineering emeritus. The students performed legendary jazz saxophonist John Coltrane’s rendition of Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein’s “My Favorite Things.”

Angrist also recognized the students who made the Dean’s List last year. They will be honored at a reception during Homecoming and Family Weekend.

Convocation opened with remarks from Raucci, the College Marshal Stacie; Julie Swidler ‘79, chair of the Board of Trustees; Kristina Striegnitz, associate professor of computer science and chair of the Faculty Executive Committee; and Sage Stinson ’25, Student Forum president.

A community barbecue followed on Hull Plaza.

Fall term classes begin Wednesday, Sept. 4.

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Citizenship: USA
Marital Status: Married
Sex: Male
Languages: English, Armenian, Russian.
Hobbies: Chess, painting


My specialty is in the area of modern solid-state physics, high temperature superconductivity, magnetism, applications of synchrotron radiations in studies of material characteristics in extreme conditions of interstitial space. I was a Principal Investigator of a number of funding projects in the Institute of Nuclear Physics in , Institute of Atomic Energy in Yerevan, and was honored in 1991 by a Doctor of Sciences degree. Since 1972 I was working on the problem of high temperature superconductivity in the Lebedev Physics Institute at the Tamm's Department of Theoretical Physics under the supervision of the Nobel Prize Laureate, I earned my Ph.D. in 1977 from Lebedev Physics Institute working with and received my B.S./M.S. from Lomonosov University in Moscow, majoring in Physics and Mathematics.

From 1984 to 1993 I was a Senior Scientist in the Institute of Atomic Energy in Armenia, where I was responsible for the development of various programs in applications of synchrotron radiation sources for studies of solid state physics, properties of novel high temperature superconductors,  electronic phase transitions in rare-earth and transition metal compounds. Since 1984 I was appointed as Professor in General Physics Department at the Armenia University in Yerevan, where I have developed a contemporary educational program and introduced new tutorials and textbooks for graduates in the areas of Quantum Magnetism and Superconductivity. 

In 1993 I was invited to work in the United States, particularly at Union College (Schenectady, NY) to join the as a Research Professor. There I developed a theory of orbital ordering and mixed valence states in extreme external conditions (temperature, pressure, composition of material) and studied the finite size effects in small clusters of atoms in the presence of strong magnetic field. Since 1996 I was invited by CSUN to work as a Research Associate in the Material Computational Center where I worked on different projects on electron correlations in solid materials. I have developed theory of electron correlations for accurate calculations of the electronic properties of novel magnetic and superconducting materials.

Currently I am an Adjunct Professor and Part Time Faculty at the Department of Physics at CSUN and Pierce College, where I am involved in teaching the number of lecture courses and laboratory sessions in general physics. Also at CSUN I am pursuing my research work in theoretical and computational physics in collaboration with my colleagues, , at the Tamkang University in Taiwan by applying newly developed many body self-consistent perturbation theory beyond the existing self-consisting theories for studies of Fermi and Luttinger liquids, high temperature superconductivity, the BCS-Bose condensation crossover, etc.

I have around 30 years of professional experience in the area of Applied and Theoretical Physics, Material Sciences and have published more than 100 papers in refereed scientific periodicals.  

American Physical Society, Armenian Physical Society, Topical Group in Magnetism, New York Academy of Sciences, Council on Physics and Chemistry of Rare-Earth Semiconductors
Peer Reviewer of the Int. J. of Modern Physics, Int. J. of Physics: Condensed Matter, Int. J: Superconductor Science & Technology (SuST)

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College of Graduate Studies

Physical Address: Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address: College of Graduate Studies University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017 Moscow, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647

Email: [email protected]

Dissertation/Thesis Support Group

Faculty member Dr. Ben Ridenhour  and Dir. of Grad Student Support Programs, will continue to facilitate a weekly dissertation support group aimed at candidate level doctoral students (though others are VERY welcome to attend, including those working on a thesis). The weekly meetings will involve goal-setting, trouble-shooting, and peer and faculty support activities. Get your dissertation finished with the support of your community and graduate!

Wednesdays:  2 - 3 p.m. Zoom at:   https://uidaho.zoom.us/j/83703483358

Thesis/Dissertation Formatting Workshop #1

Sept. 29, 2021

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Thesis/Dissertation Formatting Workshop #2

Oct. 13, 2021


  1. Senior Thesis with Distinction Guidelines 1. A senior thesis is a

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  2. PPT

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  3. uol thesis tempt (1).docx

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  4. Union College Thesis

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  5. Senior Thesis Features

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  6. Senior Thesis 2016 on Behance

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  1. YALE film shoot! 📽️


  1. Senior Thesis Information and Help

    Senior Thesis Information and Help. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and beginning your senior thesis work! Honors theses are archived in the Union College Institutional Repository. Learn more about the process of submitting your completed honors thesis, the forms you and your advisor will need to provide, and how to determine access ...

  2. Union College student theses

    Honors Theses. Theses are the culmination of honor students independent research under the guidance of faculty members and are representative of Union College's commitment to giving students the tools necessary for life-long learning. Total Papers Total Downloads Downloads in the past year.

  3. Submitting your thesis: step-by-step instructions

    Senior honors theses are submitted to the Union College Institutional Repository. All submitters need to fill out a brief form following the online permission form that captures important information about their thesis before uploading their document. Exception to the self-submission requirement

  4. Thesis Submission Process

    DEPARTMENTAL HONORS - Union College Submission Procedures for the Library. To prepare their thesis or project for final submission, students need to follow the guidelines issued by the Dean's Office and available on the Schaffer Library website under Thesis Information.For example, all theses or project submissions are required to include a properly formatted title page and abstract, even ...

  5. General Instructions From the Dean of Studies

    Your senior Honors Thesis will be, no doubt, the culmination of several months of hard work; it deserves to be presented properly to the academic community. ... For department or program names, use the form given in the Union College Academic Register. If you use a running title or "header" that is different from your main title, please ...

  6. Union College student theses

    Luke Sandmann Senior Thesis Portfolio, Luke Sandmann. PDF. Stage Management at Union College, Chloe Savitch. PDF. What I Knew Then, and What I Know Now, Madeline Schaeffer. PDF. Determining Efficacy of DMF Treatment for PPT1 and TPP1-deficient Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis Cell Cultures, Daniel Schratz. PDF

  7. Student and Advisor FAQ

    Full submission procedures are explained on the senior thesis help page. When Should a Student Submit Their Thesis? Students should submit the thesis as soon as its final form has been approved. Please check with your department as to the appropriate date. ... Union College will adopt whichever of the two choices is the more restrictive.

  8. Senior Thesis : cs@union

    Union College Computer Science Senior Thesis Info. Computer Science Senior Thesis. Your thesis is a year-long project in which you identify a research question of interest to you and the computer science research community, plan and carry out an approach to answer that research question, and analyze and evaluate the results.Along the way, you'll share your progress and results in reports ...

  9. PDF Senior Thesis Helpful Hints Psychology Department Union College

    Union College. Updated Spring 2024 . How to Get Started on a Senior Thesis . NOTE: PSY 200 (Statistics) and PSY 300 (Research Methods) are prerequisites for the thesis. 1) Identify a topic to research. Eventually, you will need to narrow your topic to something specific, but this

  10. PDF Submitting your thesis

    Submitting your thesis . 1. Enter the title of your thesis in the Dissertation/Thesis title field. 2. Enter your email and name. Once finished, select Union College - Schenectady for the institution. If you need to edit any of the information, select the edit button on the upper right corner of the dialogue box. 3.

  11. Submission Guidelines

    Permission Form: Before submitting your thesis, the department administrative assistant will require a printed and signed copy of the current year's Union College Honors Thesis Permission Form. Electronic File Format : Instructions regarding how to name your thesis file(s) and how to format them for submission are available on the library's ...

  12. Senior Thesis Syllabus

    Senior thesis is an independent project. It is a "capstone" course in the sense that it should display a very clear grasp of economic theory learned in core courses (micro and macro) as well as in other economics courses, and, where applicable, of econometrics. ... "Union College recognizes the need to create an environment of mutual trust as ...

  13. Political Sci Senior Thesis 1

    Political Sci Senior Thesis 1. Course Number. PSC-498-20. Course Description. Open to seniors in political science. Subject to department approval, this requirement may be fulfilled by the completion of original political science research, political action, political art, or applied public policy research. The senior project is an intensive two ...

  14. Information for Senior Thesis Research Students

    Information for Senior Thesis Research Students. This page is for Union College Biology, Environmental Science or Biology/ID students who are interested in doing senior research with Dr. Kathleen LoGiudice. Suzanne Ostrow (2011 grad) with Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) Conducting undergraduate research is a wonderful opportunity that ...

  15. Senior Projects

    The senior project should be your crowning achievement, the high point of the time you have spent studying politics at Union College. What type of senior project can you undertake? The political science faculty encourages you to think broadly and imaginatively in crafting a senior project. ... The senior thesis offers you a wonderful ...

  16. Union College English Honors Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2018. Interwoven: A Historical Fiction, Hope Relly-Cobb. PDF. Jasmine Burning: Emulating the "King" of Horror, Jenna Salisbury. PDF. The Eternal Rehearsal: Judith Butler's Gender Performativity in Wilkie Collins, Sarah Waters, and Tana French, Jillian Slezek.

  17. Economics Honors Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2014. PDF. The Effect of Gross Profitability on Share Price Appreciation, Philip Barr. PDF. Economic and Political Implications of Agricultural Subsidies and US Farm Policy, Justin Bogardus. PDF. Cost Benefit Analysis of the Keystone XL Pipeline, Daniel Carr. 1. 2.

  18. Classics Senior Thesis 2

    http://www.union.edu/Classics. PDF. Common Curriculum

  19. Sociology Honors Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019. PDF. Modeling The Relationships Among Adverse Childhood Events, Intimate Partner Violence and Body Esteem, Emily Ehrlich. The Social Determinants of Health and The Obesity Epidemic: A Public Health Analysis of Childhood Obesity in Rural New York State, Amy Haven.

  20. Convocation focuses on community, constructive engagement ...

    Union formally kicked off its 230th academic year Tuesday afternoon with its traditional Convocation ceremony in a packed Memorial Chapel. President David R. Harris officially welcomed the 511 members of the Class of 2028.Selected from nearly 8,500 applicants, the students hail from 33 states and 28 countries.

  21. Armen N. KOCHARIAN

    In 1993 I was invited to work in the United States, particularly at Union College (Schenectady, NY) to join the Department of Physics as a Research Professor. There I developed a theory of orbital ordering and mixed valence states in extreme external conditions (temperature, pressure, composition of material) and studied the finite size effects ...

  22. PDF Jen Sykes-Senior Thesis

    Olympic movement was almost destroyed, and how it was ultimately saved. The thesis. looks specifically at the United-‐States-‐led boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympic Games to. highlight the intervention of politics in the Olympic Games.

  23. Dissertation/Thesis Support Group

    Dissertation/Thesis Support Group. Faculty member Dr. Ben Ridenhour and Dir. of Grad Student Support Programs, will continue to facilitate a weekly dissertation support group aimed at candidate level doctoral students (though others are VERY welcome to attend, including those working on a thesis). The weekly meetings will involve goal-setting, trouble-shooting, and peer and faculty support ...

  24. PDF Mathematics People

    He received his B.A. from Harvard College in 1966 and his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1971, where he wrote his thesis under the direction of Lipman Bers. He joined the faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1970, serving as chair of the mathematics department from 1991 to 1993 and as associate dean for the natural