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  • Topic Wise Essay Questions From UPSC Mains 1994 2018

Last 25 Years Topic-wise Essay Questions From UPSC Mains (1994 - 2018)

Paper I of the UPSC Civil Services mains exam is the Essay. Here, prelims-qualified IAS aspirants have to write two essays out of a few given topics. The paper is for a total of 250 marks and its marks are taken into consideration for the Final Merit List. In this article, we have listed all the essay topics asked in the UPSC mains exam from 1994 to 2018. We have also classified the last 25 years essay questions into topics to make your preparation easier.

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UPSC Essay Topics


  • Politics, bureaucracy and business – fatal triangle. (1994)
  • Politics without ethics is a disaster. (1995)
  • The VIP cult is a bane of Indian democracy. (1996)
  • Need for transparency in public administration. (1996)
  • The country’s need for a better disaster management system. (2000)
  • How should a civil servant conduct himself? (2003)

Democracy/India since independence

  • Whither Indian democracy? (1995)
  • What we have not learnt during fifty years of independence. (1997)
  • Why should we be proud of being Indians? (2000)
  • What have we gained from our democratic set-up? (2001)
  • How far has democracy in India delivered the goods? (2003)
  • National identity and patriotism. (2008)
  • In the context of Gandhiji’s views on the matter, explore, on an evolutionary scale, the terms ‘Swadhinata’, ‘Swaraj’ and ‘Dharmarajya’. Critically comment on their contemporary relevance to Indian democracy. (2012)
  • Is the colonial mentality hindering India’s success? (2013)
  • Dreams which should not let India sleep. (2015)
  • Management of Indian border disputes – a complex task. (2018)

Economic growth and development

  • Resource management in the Indian context. (1999)
  • GDP (Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) would be the right indices for judging the wellbeing of a country. (2013)
  • Was it the policy paralysis or the paralysis of implementation which slowed the growth of our country? (2014)
  • Crisis faced in India – moral or economic. (2015)
  • Near jobless growth in India: An anomaly or an outcome of economic reforms. (2016)
  • Digital economy: A leveller or a source of economic inequality. (2016)
  • Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare. (2016)
  • Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in India. (2017)

Federalism, Decentralisation

  • The language problem in India: its past, present and prospects. (1998)
  • Water resources should be under the control of the central government. (2004)
  • Evaluation of panchayati raj system in India from the point of view of eradication of power to people. (2007)
  • Is autonomy the best answer to combat balkanization? (2007)
  • Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative, economic and developmental implication. (2011)
  • Cooperative federalism: Myth or reality. (2016)
  • Water disputes between States in federal India. (2016)

Indian Culture & Society

  • The Indian society at the crossroads. (1994)
  • New cults and godmen: a threat to traditional religion. (1996)
  • The composite culture of India. (1998)
  • Youth culture today. (1999)
  • Modernism and our traditional socio-ethical values. (2000)
  • Indian culture today: a myth or a reality? (2000)
  • As civilization advances culture declines. (2003)
  • From traditional Indian philanthropy to the gates-buffet model-a natural progression or a paradigm shift? (2010)
  • Judicial activism. (1997)
  • Judicial activism and Indian democracy. (2004)
  • Justice must reach the poor. (2005)

Social justice/Poverty

  • Reservation, politics and empowerment. (1999)
  • Food security for sustainable national development. (2005)
  • The focus of health care is increasingly getting skewed towards the ‘haves’ of our society. (2009)
  • Farming has lost the ability to be a source of subsistence for the majority of farmers in India. (2017)
  • Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere. (2018)

Media & Society

  • Misinterpretation and misuse of freedom in India. (1998)
  • Mass media and cultural invasion. (1999)
  • Responsibility of media in a democracy. (2002)
  • How has satellite television brought about cultural change in Indian mindsets? (2007)
  • Role of media in good governance. (2008)
  • Does Indian cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it? (2011)
  • Is sting operation an invasion on privacy? (2014)


  • Urbanization is a blessing in disguise. (1997)
  • Protection of ecology and environment is essential for sustained economic development. (2006)
  • Urbanisation and its hazards. (2008)
  • Should a moratorium be imposed on all fresh mining in tribal areas of the country? (2010)
  • We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws. (2017)

Economic sectors/MNCs

  • Multinational corporations – saviours or saboteurs. (1994)
  • Globalization would finish small-scale industries in India. (2006)
  • BPO boom in India. (2007)
  • Special economic zone: boon or bane? (2008)
  • Are our traditional handicrafts doomed to a slow death? (2009)
  • Is the criticism that the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model for development is more of a bane than a boon in the Indian context, justified? (2012)
  • Tourism: Can this be the next big thing for India? (2014)
  • Restructuring of Indian education system. (1995)
  • Literacy is growing very fast, but there is no corresponding growth in education. (1996)
  • Irrelevance of the classroom. (2001)
  • Privatization of higher education in India. (2002)
  • Modern technological education and human values. (2002)
  • What is real education? (2005)
  • “Education for all” campaign in India: myth or reality. (2006)
  • Independent thinking should be encouraged right from the childhood. (2007)
  • Is an egalitarian society possible by educating the masses? (2008)
  • Credit – based higher education system – status, opportunities and challenges. (2011)
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? (2014)
  • Are the standardized tests good measure of academic ability or progress? (2014)
  • Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make a man more clever devil. (2015)
  • Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms. (2017)
  • The new emerging women power: the ground realities. (1995)
  • Greater political power alone will not improve women’s plight. (1997)
  • Woman is god’s best creation. (1998)
  • Women empowerment: challenges and prospects. (1999)
  • Empowerment alone cannot help our women. (2001)
  • Whither women’s emancipation? (2004)
  • If women ruled the world. (2005)
  • The hand that rocks the cradle. (2005)
  • Women’s reservation bill would usher in empowerment for women in India. (2006)
  • Managing work and home – is the Indian working woman getting a fair deal? (2012)
  • If development is not engendered, it is endangered. (2016)
  • Fulfillment of ‘new woman’ in India is a myth. (2017)


  • Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret. (1994)
  • Useless life is an early death. (1994)
  • Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the lifeblood of civilisation. (1995)
  • When money speaks, the truth is silent. (1995)
  • Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. (1995)
  • Truth is lived, not taught. (1996)
  • True religion cannot be misused. (1997)
  • Search for truth can only be a spiritual problem. (2002)
  • The paths of glory lead but to the grave. (2002)
  • If youth knew, if age could. (2002)
  • There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. (2003)
  • Be the change you want to see in others. (2013)
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. (2014)
  • Words are sharper than the two-edged sword. (2014)
  • Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole. (2015)
  • “The past’ is a permanent dimension of human consciousness and values. (2018)
  • Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it. (2018)
  • Attitude makes habit, habit makes character and character makes a man. (2007)
  • Discipline means success, anarchy means ruin. (2008)
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. (2015)
  • Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils breed. (2016)
  • Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. (2017)
  • A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. (2018)
  • A people that values its privileges above its principles loses both. (2018)
  • Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life. (2018)


  • Modernisation and westernisation are not identical concepts. (1994)
  • The world of the twenty-first century. (1998)
  • The implications of globalization for India. (2000)
  • My vision of an ideal world order. (2001)
  • The masks of new imperialism. (2003)
  • Globalizations and its impact on Indian culture. (2004)
  • ‘Globalization’ vs. ‘nationalism’. (2009)
  • Preparedness of our society for India’s global leadership role. (2010)

Science & Tech

  • The modern doctor and his patients. (1997)
  • Value-based science and education. (1999)
  • The march of science and the erosion of human values. (2001)
  • Spirituality and scientific temper. (2003)
  • The lure of space. (2004)
  • Science and Mysticism: Are they compatible? (2012)
  • Science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation. (2013)
  • Technology cannot replace manpower. (2015)
  • Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient India. (2018)


  • The cyberworld: its charms and challenges. (2000)
  • Increasing computerization would lead to the creation of a dehumanized society. (2006)
  • Cyberspace and Internet: Blessing or curse to the human civilization in the long run. (2016)
  • Social media is inherently a selfish medium. (2017)

International organisations/relations

  • Restructuring of UNO reflect present realities. (1996)
  • India’s role in promoting ASEAN cooperation. (2004)
  • Importance of Indo-US nuclear agreement. (2006)
  • Has the Non- Alignment Movement (NAM) lost its relevance in a multipolar world. (2017)
  • Terrorism and world peace. (2005)
  • Are we a ‘soft’ state? (2009)
  • Good fences make good neighbours. (2009)
  • In the Indian context, both human intelligence and technical intelligence are crucial in combating terrorism. (2011)


  • India’s contribution to world wisdom. (1998)
  • The pursuit of excellence. (2001)
  • Geography may remain the same; history need not. (2010)
  • Fifty Golds in Olympics: Can this be a reality for India? (2014)
  • Quick but steady wins the race. (2015)

When preparing for IAS Mains, aspirants must focus on UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practise as this will improve one’s speed, efficiency and writing skills. It will automatically help in essay writing as well. 

Also, read:

Frequently Asked Questions on UPSC Essay Topics for UPSC Mains

Q 1. how can i write a good essay in upsc, q 2. does handwriting matter in upsc.

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Essay (UPSC Mains) - Previous Year Questions

Looking for comprehensive preparation for the UPSC Mains Essay paper? Explore our collection of previous year questions from 2013 to 2023. Get insights, practice, and boost your chances of success with Past year questions and answers.

  • Thinking is like a game; it does not begin unless there is an opposite team.
  • Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic.
  • Not all who wander are lost.
  • Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane.
  • Girls are weighed down by restrictions, boys with demands — two equally harmful disciplines.
  • Mathematics is the Music of Reason.
  • A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity.
  • Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

Value based / Ethical Issues

  • A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities.
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.


  • The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
  • You can not step twice in the same river.
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for.

Miscellaneous / Mixed

  • Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence. (Environment / Economics)
  • Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world ( Literature / Socio-political-economic impacts)
  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man ( History / Values / Philosophy)
  • Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me.
  • Philosophy of wantlessness is Utopian, while materialism is a chimera.
  • The real is rational and the rational is real.
  • Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

History / Culture

  • History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce.

Science and Technology

  • What is research, but a blind date with knowledge!
  • There are better practices to “best practices”. ( Multiple Themes )
  • The process of self-discovery has now been technologically outsourced. ( Philosophy / Technology)
  • Life is long journey between human being and being humane.
  • Mindful manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self.
  • Ships do not sink because of water around them; ships sink because of water that gets into them.
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
  • Culture is what we are, civilization is what we have.

Social Issues

  • There can be no social justice without economic prosperity but economic prosperity without social justice is meaningless.
  • Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant structure of social inequality.
  • Technology as the silent factor in international relations ( Technology / International Relation ).
  • Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be.
  • Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success.
  • Wisdom finds truth.
  • South Asian societies are woven not around the state, but around their plural cultures and plural identities.
  • Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society.
  • Neglect of primary health care and education in India are reasons for its backwardness.

Science & Technology

  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence: the threat of jobless future or better job opportunities through reskilling and upskilling.
  • Biased media is a real threat to Indian democracy.
  • A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
  • A people that value its privileges above its principles lose both.
  • “The past’ is a permanent dimension of human consciousness and values.
  • Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life.
  • Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it.
  • Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere.


  • Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient India.

IR & Security

  • Management of Indian border disputes – a complex task.
  • Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.
  • Fulfilment of ‘new woman’ in India is a myth.
  • Social media is inherently a selfish medium Domain.
  • Has the Non- Alignment Movement (NAM) lost its relevance in a multi-polar world Domain.
  • Farming has lost the ability to be a source of subsistence for majority of farmers in India Domain. ( Agriculture )
  • Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in India Domain.
  • Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms.

Polity & Governance

  • We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws Domain.
  • Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils breed.
  • If development is not engendered, it is endangered.
  • Cyberspace and internet: Blessing or curse to the human civilization in the long run Domain.
  • Near jobless growth in India: An anomaly or an outcome of economic reforms.
  • Water disputes between states in federal India Domain.
  • Cooperative federalism: Myth or reality India.
  • Digital economy: A leveller or a source of economic inequality. ( Technology / Economy)
  • Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare Domain. ( Technology / Economy / Social Sector)
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader.
  • Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole.
  • Quick but steady wins the race.
  • Technology cannot replace manpower.
  • Can capitalism bring inclusive growth?
  • Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make a man more clever devil. ( Education / Ethics)
  • Crisis faced in India – moral or economic. ( Morality / Economics)
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility.
  • Words are sharper than the two-edged sword.
  • Is sting operation an invasion on privacy?
  • Was it the policy paralysis or the paralysis of implementation which slowed the growth of our country?
  • Tourism: Can this be the next big thing for India?
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth?
  • Are the standardized tests, good measure of academic ability or progress?
  • Dreams which should not let India sleep. ( Multiple themes )
  • Fifty Gold’s in Olympics: Can this be a reality for India? ( Sports / Governance )
  • Be the change you want to see in others – Gandhiji
  • Science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation.
  • GDP (Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) would be the right indices for judging the well-being of a country.
  • Is the Colonial mentality hindering India’s Success? ( History / Culture / Growth & Development / Ethics )

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In the journey to cracking the Civil Services Examination, UPSC previous year question papers play an important role. They offer valuable insights into the exam pattern, question types, priority areas, and time management strategies. Moreover, they provide a means for aspirants to assess their progress and build confidence. Aspirants should incorporate the practice of solving UPSC previous year papers into their study routine, making it an integral part of their preparation strategy. In doing so, they enhance their chances of mastering this challenging examination and realising their dream of serving the nation in prestigious administrative roles.

Every year, thousands of aspirants strive to crack this examination to secure prestigious positions in the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, and various other central services. Among the myriad resources available for CSE preparation, UPSC previous year question papers stand out as invaluable assets. On this page, you can download the last 10 years UPSC question papers PDF and understand how they aid aspirants in their journey toward success.

UPSC Previous Year Question Paper

UPSC previous year question papers offer a window into the variety of question types that the Commission employs. UPSC Questions are designed to test candidates' analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. These may include multiple-choice questions, essay-type questions, and those requiring subjective responses. By reviewing past papers, aspirants can identify common question structures and practice answering them effectively.

Last 10 Years UPSC Prelims Question Papers PDF


UPSC Mains Previous Year Question Paper


UPSC Previous Year Question Papers - Essay

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Political Science
Public Administration
Political Science
Public Administration
Political Science
Public Administration
Political Science
Public Admin
Political Science
Public Admin
Political Science
Public Admin
Political Science
Public Admin
Political Science
Public Admin
Political Science
Public Admin
Political Science
Public Admin
Political Science
Public Admin
Political Science
Public Admin

Benefits of Solving UPSC Previous Year Question Paper

Solving UPSC previous year question papers is one of the most important things you can do to prepare for the UPSC exam . Here are some of the benefits of solving previous year's question papers:

  • Get familiar with the exam pattern and the type of questions asked. The UPSC exam is a very competitive exam, and the question paper is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of a wide range of subjects. By solving UPSC previous year question papers, you will get a good idea of the type of questions that are asked, the level of difficulty, and the time it takes to answer them. This will help you to prepare better for the actual exam.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses. As you solve UPSC previous year papers, you will start to identify your strengths and weaknesses in different subjects. This will help you to focus your studies on the areas where you need the most improvement.
  • Learn time management skills. The UPSC CSE is a three-hour exam, and you will need to manage your time wisely in order to answer all of the questions. By solving previous year question papers, you will get a better understanding of how much time you need to spend on each question.
  • Gain confidence. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in your ability to answer the questions in the exam. Solving UPSC previous year question papers is a great way to build your confidence and prepare for the actual exam.

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ESSAY QUESTION  PAPER – UPSC Civil Services  IAS Mains – 2022

1. Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence

2. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world

3. History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man

4. A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for

5. The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining

6. You cannot step twice in the same river

7. A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities

8. Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

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UPSC Previous Year Papers: 2023

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UPSC Mains 2019 Paper Discussions:

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10:00 AM
GS PAPER-1 DISCUSSION Dr. Piyush Kumar & Rohit Lodha
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
GS PAPER-3 DISCUSSION Saurabh Jain & Gaurav Bansal
10:00 AM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
4:30 PM

Download UPSC Previous Year Question Paper PDF

The UPSC Previous Year Question Papers provide valuable insights about the types of questions that can be asked in the upcoming UPSC Exam 2024. UPSC PYQ will help aspirants understand the exam’s requirements and familiarize themselves with the exam pattern. They provide insights into the exam pattern , highlight important topics, improve problem-solving skills, and offer an opportunity for self-assessment. Regular practice with previous year papers can significantly enhance a candidate's chances of clearing the UPSC CSE and achieving their dream of becoming a civil servant. To assist candidates in their preparation, UPSC Previous Year Question Papers PDF are provided in this article, enabling candidates to download and utilize them effectively. It is important to note that the UPSC Exam 2024 is scheduled to be held on 16th June 2024 .

GS SCORE brings you all GS UPSC previous year questions essential for the examination all in one place for free to help you save time and focus on the preparation rather than going on a paper-finding mission. The UPSC previous year questions have also been segregated year-wise to make it easy for IAS aspirants.

Below, we have provided the last 10 years UPSC question papers with answers PDF to strategize, revise, and get helpful insights towards your preparation. These papers are essential tools to help you improve your efficiency in clearing the UPSC exam.

Political Science Question Paper-1&2 (2023)

Public Administration Question Paper-1&2 (2023)

Geography Optional Question Paper-1&2 (2023)






UPSC IAS Prelims 2023 GS Paper 1 With Solution

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  • Mains Previous Year Questions


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  • GS Mains Q&A (Mentorship & Test Series)
  • GS Test Series
  • Ethics & Essay Test Series
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previous year essay question paper upsc

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previous year essay question paper upsc

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previous year essay question paper upsc

UPSC IAS Previous Year Question Papers PDF for Prelims and Mains Preparation

Ias exam latest updates.

  • 09 August, 2024 : UPSC Mains Schedule 2024 Out; Exam from September 20

UPSC IAS Prelims Question Paper 2024 is available here to download in PDF format. UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Exam is conducted on June 16, 2024. The UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Exam shift timings are 9:30 AM to 11:30 PM and 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM.

UPSC Prelims 2024 GS and CSAT Question Paper with Answer Key

Date Subject Question Paper with Answer Key PDF
June 16, 2024 GS (Paper I)
CSAT (Paper II)

UPSC IAS Previous Year Question Papers are important for understanding the question pattern of the exam. You must refer to the stage-wise and subject-wise question papers to notice the important topics . They will also help you in understanding the UPSC IAS exam pattern and the weightage trends for previous years .

Another helpful aspect of solving question papers is finding the pattern in the questions. Even if you don’t find the same questions, you will probably notice similar questions being asked. Thus, you can plan your approach such questions which will help you in saving time on the exam day. Along with question papers, you should also take UPSC IAS Mock Tests for this purpose.

Latest Updates:

  • Prepare Daily Current Affairs for IAS 2024 Here
  • Refer to Detailed UPSC IAS Prelims Syllabus and Ensure Covering Every Topic
  • Download and practice UPSC IAS Previous Year Question Papers to Understand the Question Pattern Better

While preparing for the exam, you have to remember that UPSC IAS Prelims exam is objective while the Mains demand descriptive answers. Solving more and more number of questions in an exam-like time-constrained manner helps you develop a habit of the same. This will benefit you in ensuring speed and accuracy.

Ques. Can I crack IAS in 3 months?

Ans. It generally takes candidates about 10 months to prepare for UPSC IAS exam. However, with smart strategies, consistency and dedication, you can clear the Prelims in 3 months. You need to ensure covering every topic, revising them regularly, and solving as many sample question papers and mock tests as possible.

Ques. Is IAS a tough exam?

Ans. IAS exam is considered to be one of the toughest exams in the country. It is very competitive due to the lakhs of candidates appearing for the exam against the vacancies of a couple thousands. However, if you’re consistent and dedicated in your preparations, you can clear the exams even in your first attempt.

Ques. How many hours of study are required for IAS?

Ans. UPSC IAS Syllabus is quite vast and it is important to cover each aspect of it. To ensure that, along with regular revisions, self-assessments, and mock tests, one needs to have a study plan of about 15-16 hours a day. It should be evenly distributed and must cover everything mentioned.

UPSC Prelims 2023 GS and CSAT Question Paper with Answer Key (Held on May 28, 2023)

Question Paper PDF Link
GS I (Paper I)
CSAT (Paper II)

UPSC Mains 2023 Question Papers with Solution PDF

Date Paper PDF Link
September 15, 2023 Essay Paper 1
September 16, 2023 GS I Paper 2
GS II Paper 3
September 17, 2023 GS III Paper 4
GS IV Paper 5

UPSC Mains 2023 Language Paper B September 23, 2023

Papers PDF Link
English Paper B

UPSC Mains 2023 Language Paper A September 23, 2023

Papers PDF Link
Assamese Paper A
Bengali Paper A
Bodo Paper A
Dogri Paper A
Gujarati Paper A
Hindi Paper A
Kannada Paper A
Konkani Paper A
Maithilli Paper A
Malayalam Paper A
Manipur Paper A
Marathi Paper A
Nepali Paper A
Odia Paper A
Punjabi Paper A
Sanskrit Paper A
Santhali Paper A
Sindhi Paper A
Tamil Paper A
Telugu Paper A
Urdu Paper A
Devanagari/Olchiki Paper A
Devanagari/Arab Paper A
Kashmiri Paper A

UPSC Mains 2023 Optional Paper I and II- September 24, 2023

Papers Question Paper I PDF Question Paper II PDF
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Commerce and Accountancy
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration

UPSC Prelims 2022 Paper I and CSAT Question Papers

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
GS I (Paper I) June 5, 2022
CSAT (Paper II) June 5, 2022

UPSC Mains 2022 Previous Year Question Paper

Paper Date Question Paper and Solution PDF
Essay Paper 1 September 16, 2022
GS I Paper 2 September 17, 2022
GS II Paper 3 September 17, 2022
GS III Paper 4 September 18, 2022
GS IV Paper 5 September 18, 2022

UPSC Mains 2022 Language A Question Paper: September 24, 2022

Papers Question Paper and Solution PDF
Assamese Paper A
Bengali Paper A
Gujarati Paper A
Hindi Paper A
Kannad Paper A
Malayalam Paper A
Marathi Paper A
Nepali Paper A
Odia Paper A
Punjabi Paper A
Sanskrit Paper A
Sindhi Paper A
Tamil Paper A
Telugu Paper A
Urdu Paper A
Kashmiri Paper A

UPSC Mains 2022 Language B Question Paper: September 24, 2022

Papers Question Paper and Solution PDF
English Paper B

UPSC Mains 2022 Optional Papers I and II- September 25, 2022

Papers Question Paper I and Solution PDF Question Paper II and Solution PDF
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Commerce and Accountancy
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration

IAS prelims 2021 is available to download in PDF. UPSC Prelims 2021, was conducted in two shifts on October 10, 2021 while UPSC Mains 2021 Paper was conducted on the following dates: September 07, 08, 09, 15 and 16 2022.

UPSC Prelims 2021 Paper I and CSAT Question Paper PDF

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
GS I (Paper I) October 10, 2021
CSAT (Paper II) October 10, 2021

UPSC Mains 2021 Previous Year Question Paper PDFs

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
Essay Paper 1 January 07, 2022 -
GS I Paper 2 January 08, 2022
GS II Paper 3 January 08, 2022
GS III Paper 4 January 09, 2022
GS IV Paper 5 January 09, 2022

Check out IAS (UPSC CSE) Eligibility Criteria, Admit Card, Exam Dates , etc.

UPSC Mains 2021 Language A Question Paper- January 15, 2022

Papers Question Paper and Solution PDF
Assamese Paper A
Bengali Paper A
Gujarati Paper A
Hindi Paper A
Kannada Paper A
Malayalam Paper A
Marathi Paper A
Nepali Paper A
Odia Paper A
Punjabi Paper A
Sanskrit Paper A
Sindhi Paper A
Tamil Paper A
Telugu Paper A
Urdu Paper A
Kashmiri Paper A

UPSC Mains 2021 Language B Question Paper- January 15, 2021

Upsc mains 2021 optional papers i and ii- october 16, 2021, check out current affairs 2021 . find out the best ias (upsc cse) books to prepare for the exam. preparation strategy of ria dabi (upsc air 15) in ias (upsc cse) 2020.

IAS prelims 2020 is available to download in PDF. UPSC Prelims 2020, was conducted in two shifts on October 05, 2020 while UPSC Mains 2020 Paper was conducted on the following dates: January 8, 9, 10, 16 and 17, 2021

UPSC Prelims 2020 Paper I and CSAT Question Papers

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
GS I (Paper I) October 04, 2020
CSAT (Paper II) October 04, 2020

UPSC Mains 2020 Previous Year Question Paper PDF

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
Essay Paper 1 January 08, 2021 -
GS I Paper 2 January 09, 2021
GS II Paper 3 January 09, 2021
GS III Paper 4 January 10, 2021
GS IV Paper 5 January 10, 2021

UPSC Mains 2020 Language A Question Paper: January 16, 2022

Papers Question Paper and Solution PDF
Assamese Paper A
Bengali Paper A
Gujarati Paper A
Hindi Paper A
Kannada Paper A
Malayalam Paper A
Marathi Paper A
Nepali Paper A
Odia Paper A
Punjabi Paper A
Sanskrit Paper A
Sindhi Paper A
Tamil Paper A
Telugu Paper A
Urdu Paper A

UPSC Mains 2020 Language B Question Paper: January 16, 2021

Upsc mains 2020 optional papers i and ii - january 17, 2021.

Papers Question Paper I and Solution PDF Question Paper II and Solution PDF
Agriculture Paper - I
Animal Husbandry and Vet. Science Paper - I
Anthropology Paper - I
Botany Paper - I
Chemistry Paper - I
Civil Engineering Paper - I
Commerce and Accountancy Paper - I
Economics Paper - I
Electrical Engineering Paper - I
Geography Paper - I
Geology Paper - I
History Paper - I
Law Paper - I
Management Paper - I
Mathematics Paper - I
Mechanical Engineering Paper - I
Medical Science Paper - I
Philosophy Paper - I
Physics Paper - I
Political Science and IR Paper - I
Psychology Paper - I
Public Administration Paper - I
Sociology Paper - I
Statistics Paper - I
Zoology Paper - I
Assamese Paper - I
Bengali Paper - I
English Paper - I
Gujarati Paper - I
Hindi Paper - I
Kannada Paper - I
Maithili Paper - I
Malayalam Paper - I
Manipuri Paper - I
Marathi Paper - I
Odia Paper - I
Punjabi Paper - I
Sanskrit Paper - I
Sindhi (Arabic) Paper - I
Tamil Paper - I
Telugu Paper - I
Urdu Paper - I

IAS prelims 2019 is available to download in PDF. UPSC Prelims 2019, was conducted in two shifts on June 02, 2019 while UPSC Mains 2019 Paper was conducted on the following dates: September 20, 21, 22, 28 and 29, 2019.

UPSC Prelims 2019 Paper I and CSAT Question Papers

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
GS I (Paper I) June 2, 2019
CSAT (Paper II) June 2, 2019

UPSC Mains 2019 Previous Year Question Paper PDF

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
Essay Paper 1 September 20, 2019
GS I Paper 2 September 21, 2019
GS II Paper 3 September 21, 2019
GS III Paper 4 September 22, 2019
GS IV Paper 5 September 22, 2019

UPSC Mains 2019 Language A Question Paper- September 28, 2019

Paper Question Paper and Solution PDF
Assamese Paper A
Bengali Paper A
Dogri Paper A
Gujarati Paper A
Hindi Paper A
Kannada Paper A
Maithili Paper A
Malayalam Paper A
Marathi Paper A
Nepali Paper A
Oriya Paper A
Punjabi Paper A
Sanskrit Paper A
Sindhi Paper A
Tamil Paper A
Telugu Paper A
Urdu Paper A

UPSC Mains 2019 Language B Question Paper- September 28, 2019

Upsc mains 2019 optional papers i and ii - september 29, 2019.

Paper Question Paper I and Solution PDF Question Paper II and Solution PDF
Agriculture Paper
Animal Husbandry and Vet. Science Paper
Anthropology Paper
Botany Paper
Chemistry Paper
Civil Engineering Paper
Commerce and Accountancy Paper
Economics Paper
Electrical Engineering Paper
Geography Paper
Geology Paper
History Paper
Law Paper
Management Paper
Mathematics Paper
Mechanical Engineering Paper
Medical Science Paper
Philosophy Paper
Physics Paper
Political Science and IR Paper
Psychology Paper
Public Administration Paper
Sociology Paper
Statistics Paper
Zoology Paper
Assamese Paper
Bengali Paper
English Paper
Gujarati Paper
Hindi Paper
Kannada Paper
Maithili Paper
Malayalam Paper
Manipuri Paper
Marathi Paper
Oriya Paper
Punjabi Paper
Sanskrit Paper
Sindhi Paper
Tamil Paper
Telugu Paper
Urdu Paper

IAS prelims 2018 is available to download in PDF. UPSC Prelims 2018 was conducted in two shifts on June 03, 2018 while UPSC Mains 2018 Paper was conducted on the following dates: September 28, 29, 30, October 6 and 7, 2018.

UPSC Prelims 2018 Paper I and CSAT Question Papers

Paper Date Question Paper and Solution PDF Answer Key
GS I (Paper I) June 3, 2018 -
CSAT (Paper II) June 3, 2018

UPSC Mains 2018 Previous Year Question Paper PDF

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
Essay Paper 1 September 28, 2018
GS I Paper 2 September 29, 2018
GS II Paper 3 September 29, 2018
GS III Paper 4 September 30, 2018
GS IV Paper 5 September 30, 2018

UPSC Mains 2018 Language A Question Paper- September 28, 2018

Paper Question Paper and Solution PDF

UPSC Mains 2018 Language B Question Paper September 28, 2018

Upsc mains 2018 optional papers i and ii - september 29, 2018.

Paper Question Paper I and Solution PDF Question Paper II and Solution PDF
Agriculture Paper
Animal Husbandary & Veterinary Science Paper
Anthropology Paper
Botany Paper
Chemistry Paper
Civil Engineering Paper
Commerce and Accountancy Paper
Economics Paper
Electrical Engineering Paper
Geography Paper
Geology Paper
History Paper
Law Paper
Management Paper
Mathematics Paper
Mechanical Engineering Paper
Medical Science Paper
Philosophy Paper
Physics Paper
Political Science and IR Paper
Psychology Paper
Public Administration Paper
Sociology Paper
Statistics Paper
Zoology Paper
Assamese Paper
Bengali Paper
English Paper
Gujarati Paper
Hindi Paper
Kannada Paper
Maithili Paper
Malayalam Paper
Manipuri Paper
Marathi Paper
Oriya Paper
Punjabi Paper
Sanskrit Paper
Sindhi Paper
Tamil Paper
Telugu Paper
Urdu Paper

IAS prelims 2017 is available to download in PDF. UPSC Prelims 2017 was conducted in two shifts on June 18, 2017 while UPSC Mains 2017 Paper was conducted on the following dates: October 28, 30, 31, November 1 and 3, 2017.

UPSC Prelims 2017 Paper I and CSAT Question Papers

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
GS I (Paper I) June 18, 2017
CSAT (Paper II) June 18, 2017

UPSC Mains 2017 Previous Year Question Paper PDF

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
Essay Paper 1 October 28, 2017
GS I Paper 2 October 30, 2017
GS II Paper 3 October 30, 2017
GS III Paper 4 October 31, 2017
GS IV Paper 5 October 31, 2017

UPSC Mains 2017 Language A Question Paper- November 01, 2017

Upsc mains 2017 language b question paper: november 01, 2017, upsc mains 2017 optional papers i and ii - november 03, 2017.

Paper Question Paper I and Solution PDF Question Paper II and Solution PDF
Agriculture Paper
Animal Hus. & Vet. Sc. Paper
Anthropology Paper
Botany Paper
Chemistry Paper
Civil Engineering Paper
Commerce & Accountancy Paper
Economics Paper
Electrical Engineering Paper
Geography Paper
Geology Paper
History Paper
Law Paper
Management Paper
Mathematics Paper
Mechanical Engineering Paper
Medical Science Paper
Philosophy Paper
Physics Paper
Political Science & IR Paper
Psychology Paper
Public Administration Paper
Sociology Paper
Statistics Paper
Zoology Paper
Assamese Paper
Bengali Paper
Bodo Paper
English Paper
Gujarati Paper
Hindi Paper
Kannada Paper
Maithili Paper
Malayalam Paper
Manipuri Paper
Marathi Paper
Nepali Paper
Oriya Paper
Punjabi Paper
Sanskrit Paper
Sindhi (Devanagari) Paper
Tamil Paper
Telugu Paper
Urdu Paper

IAS prelims 2016 is available to download in PDF. UPSC Prelims 2016 was conducted in two shifts on August 07, 2016 while UPSC Mains 2016 Paper was conducted on the following dates: December 03, 05, 06, 07, 09 2016.

UPSC Prelims 2016 Paper I and CSAT Question Papers

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
GS I (Paper I) August 07, 2016
CSAT (Paper II) August 07, 2016

UPSC Mains 2016 Previous Year Question Paper PDF

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
Essay Paper 1 December 03, 2016
GS I Paper 2 December 05, 2016
GS II Paper 3 December 05, 2016
GS III Paper 4 December 06, 2016
GS IV Paper 5 December 06, 2016

UPSC Mains 2016 Language A Question Paper: December 07, 2016

Paper Question Paper and Solution PDF

UPSC Mains 2016 Language B Question Paper: December 07, 2016

Upsc mains 2016 optional papers i and ii - december 09, 2016.

Paper Question Paper I and Solution PDF Question Paper II and Solution PDF
Agriculture Paper
Animal Hus & Vet. Sc. Paper
Anthropology Paper
Botany Paper
Chemistry Paper
Civil Engineering Paper
Economics Paper
Electrical Engineering Paper
Geography Paper
Geology Paper
History Paper
Law Paper
Management Paper
Mathematics Paper
Mechanical Engineering Paper
Medical Science Paper
Philosophy Paper
Physics Paper
Political Science & IR Paper
Psychology Paper
Public Administration Paper
Sociology Paper
Statistics Paper
Zoology Paper
Assamese Paper
Bengali Paper
Bodo Paper
English Paper
Gujarati Paper
Hindi Paper
Kannada Paper
Maithili Paper
Malayalam Paper
Manipuri Paper
Marathi Paper
Oriya Paper
Punjabi Paper
Sanskrit Paper
Santali Paper
Sindhi (Arabic) Paper
Sindhi (Devanagari) Paper
Tamil Paper
Telugu Paper
Urdu Paper

IAS prelims 2015 is available to download in PDF. UPSC Prelims 2015 was conducted in two shifts on August 23, 2015 while UPSC Mains 2015 Paper was conducted on the following dates: December 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 2015.

UPSC Prelims 2015 Paper I and CSAT Question Papers

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
GS I (Paper I) August 23, 2015
CSAT (Paper II) August 23, 2015

UPSC Mains 2015 Previous Year Question Paper PDF

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
Essay Paper 1 December 18, 2015
GS I Paper 2 December 19, 2015
GS II Paper 3 December 19, 2015
GS III Paper 4 December 21, 2015
GS IV Paper 5 December 21, 2015

UPSC Mains 2015 Language A Question Paper- December 22, 2015

Paper Question Paper and Solution PDF
Sindhi (Devanagari)
Sindhi (Arabic)

UPSC Mains 2015 Language B Question Paper- December 18, 2015

Upsc mains 2015 optional papers i and ii - december 23, 2015.

Paper Question Paper I and Solution PDF Question Paper II and Solution PDF
Agriculture Paper
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Paper
Anthropology Paper
Botony Paper
Chemistry Paper
Civil Engineering Paper
Commerce & Accountancy Paper
Economics Paper
Electrical Engineering Paper
Geography Paper
Geology Paper
History Paper
Law Paper
Management Paper
Mathematics Paper
Mechanical Engineering Paper
Medical Science Paper
Philosphy Paper
Physics Paper
Political Science & International Relations Paper
Psychology Paper
Public Administration Paper
Sociology Paper
Statistics Paper
Zoology Paper
Assamese Paper
Bengali Paper
Dogri Paper
English Paper
Gujarati Paper
Hindi Paper
Kannada Paper
Manipuri Paper
Maithili Paper
Malayalam Paper
Marathi Paper
Oriya Paper
Punjabi Paper
Sanskrit Paper
Santhali Paper
Sindhi (Arabic) Paper
Sindhi (Devanagari) Paper
Tamil Paper
Telugu Paper
Urdu Paper

IAS prelims 2014 is available to download in PDF. UPSC Prelims 2014 was conducted in two shifts on August 24, 2014 while UPSC Mains 2014 Paper was conducted on the following dates: December 14, 15, 17, 19, 20 2014.

UPSC Prelims 2014 Paper I and CSAT Question Papers

Paper Date Question Paper Answer Key
GS I (Paper I) August 24, 2014 -
CSAT (Paper II) August 24, 2014

UPSC Mains 2014 Previous Year Question Paper PDF

Paper Date Question Paper and Solution PDF Answer Key
Essay Paper 1 December 14, 2014
GS I Paper 2 December 15, 2014
GS II Paper 3 December 15, 2014
GS III Paper 4 December 17, 2014
GS IV Paper 5 December 17, 2014

UPSC Mains 2014 Language A Question Paper- December 20, 2014

Paper Question Paper and Solution PDF
Assamese Paper
Bodo Paper
Hindi Paper
Maithili Paper
Marathi Paper
Oriya Paper
Sanskrit Paper
Tamil Paper
Urdu Paper
Sindhi (Devanagari) Paper
Bengali Paper
Gujarati Paper
Kannada Paper
Malayalam Paper
Nepali Paper
Punjabi Paper
Manipuri Paper
Telugu Paper
Konkani Paper
Sindhi (Arabic) Paper

UPSC Mains 2014 Language B Question Paper- December 14, 2014

Upsc mains 2014 optional papers i and ii - december 19, 2014.

Paper Question Paper I and Solution PDF Question Paper II and Solution PDF
Agriculture Paper
Animal Husbandary & Veterinary Science Paper
Anthropology Paper
Botony Paper
Chemistry Paper
Civil Engineering Paper
Commerce & Accountancy Paper
Economics Paper
Electrical Engineering Paper
Geography Paper
Geology Paper
History Paper
Law Paper
Management Paper
Mathematics Paper
Mechanical Engineering Paper
Medical Science Paper
Philosphy Paper
Physics Paper
Political Science & Internation Relations Paper
Psychology Paper
Public Administration Paper
Sociology Paper
Statistics Paper
Zoology Paper
Assamese Paper
Bengali Paper
English Paper
Gujarati Paper
Hindi Paper
Kannada Paper
Manipuri Paper
Maithili Paper
Malayalam Paper
Marathi Paper
Oriya Paper
Punjabi Paper
Sanskrit Paper
Santali Paper
Sindhi (Arabic) Paper
Sindhi (Devanagari) Paper
Tamil Paper
Telugu Paper
Urdu Paper
PreppIAS Courses

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques. What are the most repeated questions in the UPSC exam?

Ans. The most frequently repeated topics in the UPSC exam include Indian Polity and Governance, Modern Indian History, Geography of India and the World, Indian Economy, and Economic Development, International Relations and Current Affairs, Ecology and Environment, Science and Technology, Social Issues and Social Justice, etc.

Ques. How many marks for one question in UPSC?

Ans. Every question in paper 1 is of 2 marks. So, the question paper is a total of 200 marks. Every question in the Civil Service Aptitude Test carries 2.5 marks.

Ques. Why solving UPSC question papers is important?

Ans. Solving the UPSC questions will make candidates acquainted with the MCQ pattern of the prelims. It is essential to develop speed and also learn tricks to avoid negative marks in the prelims paper.

Ques. How many UPSC test papers should be taken before the UPSC CSE exam?

Ans. With UPSC’s previous year’s question papers, aspirants are advised to attempt as many UPSC test paper series or mock tests for better understanding of the UPSC CSE Exam.

Ques. Are IAS Exam Questions tough?

Ans. Yes, IAS questions are difficult to answer. The nature of IAS questions differs in UPSC Prelims and Mains so aspirants should carefully go through previous years’ UPSC question papers to understand the pattern.

UPSC : Polity - Parliament

Upsc : modern history - india under british raj and governance, upsc : geography - projects and programs, upsc : economy - tax structure, upsc : science & tech - chemistry, upsc cse : polity - fundamental rights - 01, daily quiz: up police: mental ability (direction sense), daily quiz: rrb ntpc: (series), daily quiz: ctet: science (science around us), daily quiz: ctet: social studies (human geography), daily quiz: ctet: history (gupta period), daily quiz: delhi police: problem solving (direction & distance), daily quiz: ctet: physics (electricity and magnetism), daily quiz: upsc cse (ias): national movement (1905-1919) - ii, 5 oct daily ca quiz for upsc & state pscs, 2024 february - monthly current affairs test for upsc exams(sept 3-6), ias 2025 general studies(paper1) : history subject knowledge test(sept 3-6).


UPSC CDS General Knowledge All India Mock Test

Upsc civil services prelims csat full test 7, upsc civil services prelims csat full test 6, upsc civil services prelims csat full test 5, upsc civil services prelims csat full test 4, upsc civil services prelims csat full test 3, upsc civil services prelims csat full test 2, upsc civil services prelims csat full test 1, upsc civil services prelims general studies full test 11, upsc civil services prelims general studies full test 10, upsc civil services prelims 2023: general studies (set - a - held on 28 may), upsc cse 2023 (prelims paper-1: general studies) previous year paper (28-may-2023), upsc civil services prelims 2022: csat official paper, upsc civil services prelims 2022: general studies official paper, upsc cse 2022 (prelims paper-2: csat) previous year paper (05-jun-2022), upsc cse 2022 (prelims paper-1: general studies) previous year paper (5-june-2022), upsc civil services exam (prelims) csat official paper-ii (held on: 2021), upsc civil services exam (prelims) general studies official paper-i (held on: 10 oct 2021), upsc cse 2021 (prelims paper-2: csat) previous year paper (10-oct-2021), upsc cse 2021 (prelims paper-1: general studies) previous year paper (10-oct-2021).

03 September 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis thumbnail h-90

03 September 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis

02 September 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis thumbnail h-90

02 September 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis

31 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis thumbnail h-90

31 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis

30 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis thumbnail h-90

30 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis

28 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis thumbnail h-90

28 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis

27 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis thumbnail h-90

27 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis

26 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis thumbnail h-90

26 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis

24 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis thumbnail h-90

24 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis

23 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis thumbnail h-90

23 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis

22 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis thumbnail h-90

22 August 2024 Daily Current Affairs Analysis

Upsc mains schedule 2024 out; exam from september 20.

The shift-wise schedule for UPSC IAS Mains 2024 has been released on the official website. It will be conducted from September 20 to 29 in two session..

KTET Result 2024 Released at Ktet.kerala.gov.in; Check Direct link

KTET Result 2024 has been declared on official website on September 3, 2024.

SSC CPO Tier I 2024 result released; Download merit list PDF

SSC has announced the results of SSC CPO Exam 2024 at ssc.gov.in. SSC CPO Exam 2024 was held from June 27 to 29, 2024. The goal of the SSC recruitment..

RRB NTPC 2024 Notification Short Notice Released; Download PDF

RRB NTPC 2024 Short Notice has been released on the RRB website. You can download notification PDF and also apply for RRB NTPC 2024 online on the webs..


previous year essay question paper upsc

[Download] UPSC Mains General Studies Paper-1 (2013-2023) History, Geography, Social Science since new syllabus

History: Art & Culture

History: india before independence, history: india after independence, history: world, social science: caste, religion, region, globalization, social science: poverty, population, globalization, social science: globalization, social science: women, geography: physical, geography: climate, disaster related, geography: resources distribution, geography: factors affecting industrial locations, geography: urbanization / society: urbanization, appendix: linear paper of 2023-gsm1, appendix: model answer pe free lecture & powerpoint, appendix: syllabus of upsc mains-gsm1 general studies paper1.

In 2013, UPSC changed the syllabus-pattern of Mains examination and the number of general studies papers were increased from two to four. Out of them, GS Paper-I deals with History, Culture, Society and Geography. Overall breakup looks like this

Topicwise analysis of UPSC Mains GS Paper1 by Mrunal Graph

Category GS Mains Paper-1 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
History Culture 20 40 25 25 10 35 10 50 10 40 40
History Freedom struggle 30 30 25 37.5 65 10 50 25 40 20 25
History World History 40 30 25 12.5 10 15 15 0 15 0 15
History Post independence 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 15 10
Society Religion, Region, empowerment 10 10 37.5 37.5 50 35 35 35 0 40 50
Society Poverty, Population, Development 0 10 25 12.5 0 40 0 25 15 0 30
Society Globalization Impact 10 0 12.5 12.5 0 15 15 15 40 10
Society Women 10 30 12.5 0 0 15 35 0 10 0 10
Geography Climate 10 20 37.5 12.5 60 10 55 10 15 0 35
Geography Disaster 10 10 0 12.5 15 0 0 0 0 10
Geography Urbanization 10 0 25 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Geography Physical 20 20 0 0 10 20 0 20 45 55 35
Geography Resources 20 20 25 62.5 0 10 10 45 35 50
Geography Industrial Location 10 30 0 0 15 30 10 10 0 0
Total 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

[Block-1] History

Topicwise analysis of UPSC Mains GS Paper1 by Mrunal Graph

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Salient aspects of Art, Architecture, literature from Ancient to Modern Times

How will you explain that medieval Indian temple sculptures represent the social life of those days ? (स्पष्ट करें कि मध्यकालीन भारतीय मंदिरों की मूर्तिकला उस दौर के सामाजिक जीवन का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है। )

Explain the role of geographical factors towards the development of Ancient India. (प्राचीन भारत के विकास के लिए भौगोलिक कारकों की भूमिका को स्पष्ट करें।) (150 words/10m) 2023
What are the main features of Vedic society and religion? Do you think some of the features are still prevailing in Indian society? (वैदिक समाज और धर्म की मुख्य विशेषताएं क्या हैं? क्या आपको लगता है कि भारतीय समाज में कुछ विशेषताएं अभी भी प्रचलित हैं?) (250 words/15m) 2023
What were the major technological changes introduced during the Sultanate period? How did those technological changes influence the Indian society? (सल्तनत युग के दौरान प्रमुख तकनीकी परिवर्तन क्या पेश किए गए थे? उन तकनीकी परिवर्तनों ने भारतीय समाज को कैसे प्रभावित किया?) (250 words/15m) 2023
Discuss the significance of the lion and bull figures in Indian mythology, art and architecture. (भारतीय मिथक कला और वास्तुकला में सिंह एवं वृषभ की आकृतियों के महत्व पर विचार करें।) 2022
Discuss the main contributions of Gupta period and Chola period to Indian heritage and culture. (भारतीय परम्परा और संस्कृति में गुप्त-काल और चोल काल के योगदान पर चर्चा करें।) 2022
Evaluate the nature of the Bhakti literature and its contribution to Indian culture. (150 words) भक्ति साहित्य की प्रकृति का मूल्यांकन करते हुए भारतीय संस्कृति में इसके योगदान निर्धारण कीजिए। 2021
The rock-cut architecture represents one of the most important sources of our knowledge of early Indian art and history. Discuss. (शैलकृत स्थापत्य प्रारंभिक भारीतय कला एवं ऐतहास के ज्ञान के अति महत्वपूर्ण स्त्रोतों में से एक का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है l विवेचना कीजिए l) 2020
Pala period is the most significant phase in the history of Buddhism in India. Enumerate. (भारत में बौद्ध धर्म के इतिहास में पाल काल अति महत्वपूर्ण चरण है l विश्लेषण कीजिए l) 2020
Indian philosophy and tradition played a significant role in conceiving and shaping the monuments and their art in India. Discuss. (भारतीय दर्शन एवं परंपरा ने भारीतय स्मारकों की कल्पना और आकर देने एवं उनकी कला मैं महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई है l विवेचना कीजिए l) 2020
Persian literary sources of medieval India reflect the spirit of the age. Comment. (मध्यकालीन भारत के फ़ारसी साहित्यिक स्त्रोत उस काल के युगबोध का प्रतिबिंब है l टिपण्णी कीजिए l) 2020
Highlight the Central Asian and Greco -Bactrian elements in Gandhara art. (गांधाराई कला में मध्य एशियाई एवं यूनानी-बैक्ट्रियाई तत्वों को उजागर कीजिए | ) (10m,150 words) 2019
Safeguarding the Indian art heritage is the need of the moment. Discuss. 2018
Assess the importance of the accounts of the Chinese and Arab travellers in the reconstruction of the history of India. 2018
The Bhakti movement received a remarkable re-orientation with the advent of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Discuss. 2018
How do you justify the view that the level of excellence of Gupta numismatic art is not at all noticeable in later times? 2017
Early Buddhist Stupa-art, while depicting folk motifs and narratives successfully expounds Buddhist ideals. Elucidate. 2016
Krishnadeva Raya, the King of Vijayanagar, was not only an accomplished scholar himself but was also a great patron of learning and literature. Discuss. 2016
The ancient civilization in Indian sub-continent differed from those of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece in that its culture and traditions have been preserved without a breakdown to the present day. Comment. 2015
Mesolithic rock cut architecture of India not only reflects the cultural life of the times but also a tine aesthetic sense comparable to modem painting. Critically evaluate this comment. 2015
To what extent has the urban planning and culture of the Indus Valley Civilization provided inputs to the present day urbanization? Discuss. 2014
Gandhara sculpture owed as much to the Romans as to the Greeks. Explain. 2014
Taxila university was one of the oldest universities of the world with which were associated a number of renowned learned personalities of different disciplines. Its strategic location caused its fame to flourish, but unlike Nalanda, it is not considered as a university in the modern sense. Discuss. 2014
Sufis and medieval mystic saints failed to modify either the religious ideas and practices or the outward structure of Hindu / Muslim societies to any appreciable extent. Comment. 2014
Though not very useful from the point of view of a connected political history of South India, the Sangam literature portrays the social and economic conditions of its time with remarkable vividness. Comment. 2013
Discuss the Tandava dance as recorded in the early Indian inscriptions. 2013
Chola architecture represents a high watermark in the evolution of temple architecture. Discuss. 2013

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Mid-18th century – Present (significant events, personalities, issues); Freedom Struggle (various stages, important contributors from different parts of the country)

What was the difference between Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore in their approach towards education and nationalism? (शिक्षा और राष्ट्रवाद के प्रति उनके दृष्टिकोण में महात्मा गांधी और रबींद्रनाथ टैगोर के बीच क्या अंतर था?) (150 words/10m) 2023
How did the colonial rule affect the tribals in India and what was the tribal response to the colonial oppression? (औपनिवेशिक शासन ने भारत में आदिवासियों को कैसे प्रभावित किया और औपनिवेशिक उत्पीड़न के लिए आदिवासी प्रतिक्रिया क्या थी?) (250 words/15m) 2023
Why was there a sudden spurt in famines in colonial India since the mid-eighteenth century ? Give reasons. (औपनिवेशिक भारत की अठारहवीं शताब्दी के मध्य से क्यों अकाल पड़ने में अचानक वृद्धि देखने को मिलती है? कारण बताएं।) 2022
Why did the armies of the British East India Company – mostly comprising of Indian soldiers – win consistently against the more numerous and better equipped armies of the then Indian rulers ? Give reasons. (अधिकांश भारतीय सिपाहियों वाली ईस्ट इंडिया की सेना क्यों तत्कालीन भारतीय शासकों की संख्याबल में अधिक और बेहतर सुसज्जित सेना से लगातार जीतती रही ? कारण बताएँ ।) 2022
Trace the rise and growth of socio-religious reform movements with special reference to Young Bengal and Brahmo Samaj. (150 words) यंग बंगाल एवं ब्रह्मो समाज के विशेष संदर्भ में सामाजिक-धार्मिक सुधार आन्दोलनों के उत्थान तथा विकास को रेखांकित कीजिए। 2021
To what extent did the role of the Moderates prepare a base for the wider freedom movement? Comment. (250 words) नरमपंथियों की भूमिका ने किस सीमा तक व्यापक स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन का आधार तैयार किया? टिपण्णी कीजिए। 2021
Bring out the constructive programmes of Mahatma Gandhi during Non-Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement. (250 words) असहयोग आन्दोलन एवं सविनय अवज्ञा आन्दोलन के दौरान महात्मा गाँधी के रचनात्मक कार्यक्रमों को स्पष्ट कीजिए। 2021
Evaluate the policies of Lord Curzon and their long term implications on the national movement. (लार्ड कर्जन की नीतियों एवं राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन पर उनके दूरगामी प्रभावों का मूल्यांकन कीजिए l) 2020
Since the decade of the 1920s, the national movement acquired various ideological strands and thereby expanded its social base. Discuss. (1920 के दशक से राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन ने कई वैचारिक धाराओं को ग्रहण किया और अपना सामाजिक आधार बढ़ाया l विवेचना कीजिए l) 2020
The 1857 Uprising was the culmination the recurrent big and small local rebellions that had occurred in the preceding hundred years of British rule. Elucidate. (1857 का विप्लव ब्रिटिश शासन के पुर्ववर्ती सौ वर्षों में बार-बार घटित छोटे एवं बड़े स्थानीय विद्रोहों का चरमोत्कर्ष था | सुस्पष्ट कीजिए | ) (10m,150 words) 2019
Examine the linkages between 19th centuries ‘Indian Renaissance’ and the emergence of national identity. (उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी के ‘भारतीय पुनर्जागरण’ और राष्ट्रीय पहचान के मध्य सहलग्नताओं का परिक्षण कीजिए | ) (10m,150 words) 2019
Many voices had strengthened and enriched the nationalist movement during the Gandhian phase. Elaborate. (गांधीवादी प्रावस्था के दौरान विभिन्न स्वरों ने रास्ट्रवादी आंदोलन को सुदृढ़ एवं समृद्ध बनाया था | विस्तारपूर्वक स्पष्ट कीजिए | ) (15m,250 words) 2019
Assess the role of British imperial power in complicating the process of transfer of power during the 1940s. (1940 के दशक के दौरान सत्ता हस्तान्तरण की प्रक्रिया को जटिल बनाने में ब्रिटिश साम्राज्यिक सत्ता की भूमिका का आकलन कीजिए | ) (15m,250 words) 2019
Throw light on the significance of the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi in the present times. 2018
Clarify how mid-eighteenth century India was beset with the spectre of a fragmented polity. 2017
Why did the ‘Moderates’ fail to carry conviction with the nation about their proclaimed ideology and political goals by the end of the nineteenth century? 2017
Examine how the decline of traditional artisanal industry in colonial India crippled the rural economy. 2017
The women’s questions arose in modern India as a part of the 19th century social reform movement. What were the major issues and debates concerning women in that period? 2017
Highlight the importance of the new objectives that got added to the vision of Indian independence since twenties of the last century. 2017
Explain how the Uprising of 1857 constitutes an important watershed in the evolution of British policies towards colonial India. 2016
Discuss the role of women in the freedom struggle especially during the Gandhian phase. 2016
Highlight the differences in the approach of Subhash Chandra Bose and Mahatma Gandhi in the struggle for freedom. 2016
How different would have been the achievement of Indian independence without Mahatma Gandhi? Discuss. 2015
It would have been difficult for the Constituent Assembly to complete its historic task of drafting the Constitution for Independent India in just three years but for the experience gained with the Government of India Act, 1935. Discuss. 2015
The third battle of Panipat was fought in 1761. Why were so many empire-shaking battles fought at Panipat? 2014
Examine critically the various facets of economic policies of the British in India from mid-eighteenth century till independence. 2014
In what ways did the naval mutiny prove to be the last nail in the coffin of British colonial aspirations in India? 2014
Defying the barriers of age, gender and religion, the Indian women became the torch bearer during the struggle for freedom in India. Discuss. 2013
Several foreigners made India their homeland and participated in various movements. Analyze their role in the Indian struggle for freedom. 2013
In many ways, Lord Dalhousie was the founder of modern India. Elaborate. 2013

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Post-Independence (consolidation and reorganisation within country)

From being net food importer in 1960s, India has emerged as a net food exporter to the world. Provide reasons. (1960 के दशक में ख्याधआयातक होने से, भारत दुनिया के लिए खाद्य निर्यातक के रूप में उभरा है। कारण प्रदान करें।) (250 words/15m) 2023
The political and administrative reorganization of states and territories has been a continuous ongoing process since the mid-nineteenth century. Discuss with examples. (राज्यों एवं प्रदेशों का राजनीतिक और प्रशासनिक पुनर्गठन उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी के मध्य में निरंतर चल रही एक प्रक्रिया है। उदाहरण सहित विचार करें।) 2022
Assess the main administrative issues and socio-cultural problems in the integration process of Indian Princely States. (150 words) भारतीय रियासतों के एकीकरण की प्रक्रिया में मुख्य प्रशासनिक मुद्दों एवं सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक समस्याओं का आकलन कीजिए। 2021
Critically discuss the objectives of Bhoodan and Gramdan movements initiated by Acharya Vinoba Bhave and their success. 2013
Write a critical note on the evolution and significance of the slogan “Jai Jawana Jai Kisan”. 2013
Discuss the contribution of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to pre-and post-independent India. 2013
Analyze the circumstances that led to Tashkent Agreement in 1966. Discuss the highlights of the agreement. 2013
Critically examine the compulsions which prompted India to play a decisive roles in the emergence of Bangladesh. 2013

GS1 Syllabus Topic: 18th century events (e.g. Industrial revolution, WWs, redrawn boundaries, colonisation, decolonisation); Political philosophies (e.g. communism, capitalism, socialism) and their effect on society

Bring out the socio-economic effects of the introduction of railways in different countries of the world (दुनिया के विभिन्न देशों में रेलवे की शुरूआत के सामाजिक-आर्थिक प्रभावों को बाहर लाएं) (150 words/10m) 2023
“There arose a serious challenge to the Democratic State System between the two World Wars.” Evaluate the statement. (250 words) “दोनों विश्व युद्धों के बिच लोकतंत्रीय राज्य प्रणाली के लिए एक गंभीर चुनौती उत्पन्न हुई।” इस कथन का मूल्यांकन कीजिए। 2021
Explain how the foundations of the modern world were laid by the American and French revolution. (स्पष्ट कीजिए की अमरीकी एवं फ्रांसीसी क्रांतियों ने आधुनिक विश्व की आधारशिलाएं किस प्रकार निर्मित की थीं |) (15m,250 words) 2019
Why indentured labour was taken by the British from India to other colonies? Have they been able to preserve their cultural identity over there? 2018
What problems were germane to the decolonization process of Malay Peninsula. 2017
The anti-colonial struggles in West Africa were led by the new elite of Western-educated Africans. Examine. 2016
Why did the industrial revolution first occur in England? Discuss the quality of life of the people there during the industrialization. How does it compare with that in India at present? 2015
To what extent can Germany be held responsible for causing the two World Wars? Discuss critically 2015
What were the major political, economic and social developments in the world which motivated the anti-colonial struggle in India? 2014
What were the events that led to the Suez Crisis in 1956? How did it deal a final blow to Britain’s self-image as a world power? 2014
The New Economic Policy – 1921 of Lenin had influenced the policies adopted by India soon after independence. Evaluate. 2014
“Latecomer” Industrial revolution in Japan involved certain factors that were markedly different from what west had experience. 2013
Africa was chopped into states artificially created by accident of European competition. Analyse. 2013
American Revolution was an economic revolt against mercantilism. Substantiate. 2013
What policy instruments were deployed to contain the great economic depression? 2013

[Block-2] Social Science

Topicwise analysis of UPSC Mains GS Paper1 by Mrunal Graph

GS1 Syllabus Topic:

  • Communalism, Regionalism, Secularism; Social Empowerment
  • Salient features of Indian Society; Diversity of India;
Why is caste identity in India both fluid and static? (भारत में जाति की पहचान द्रव और स्थिर दोनों क्यों है?) (250 words/15m) 2023
Discuss the impact of post-liberal economy on ethnic identity and communalism. (जातीय पहचान और सांप्रदायिकता पर उदारवादी अर्थव्यवस्था के प्रभाव पर चर्चा करें।) (250 words/15m) 2023
Given the diversities among tribal communities in India, in which specific contexts should they be considered as a single category ? (भारत के जनजातीय समुदायों की विविधताओं को देखते हुए किस विशिष्ट सन्दर्भ के अन्तर्गत उन्हें किसी एकल श्रेणी में माना जाना चाहिए ?) 2022
Are tolerance, assimilation and pluralism the key elements in the making of an Indian form of secularism ? Justify your answer. (क्या सहिष्णुता, सम्मिलन एवं बहुलता मुख्य तत्त्व हैं जो धर्मनिरपेक्षता के भारतीय रूप का निर्माण करते हैं ? तर्कसंगत उत्तर दें।) 2022
Analyse the salience of ‘sect’ in Indian society vis-a-vis caste, region and religion. (भारतीय समाज में जाति, क्षेत्र तथा धर्म के समानांतर ‘पंथ’ की विशेषता की विवेचना कीजिए ।) 2022
Examine the uniqueness of tribal knowledge system when compared with mainstream knowledge and cultural systems. (150 words) मुख्यधारा के ज्ञान और सांस्कृतिक प्रणालियों की तुलना में आदिवासी ज्ञान प्रणाली की विशिष्टता की जांच कीजिए। 2021
How does Indian society maintain continuity in traditional social values? Enumerate the changes taking place in it. (250 words) भारत समाज पारम्परिक सामाजिक मूल्यों में निरंतरता कैसे बनाए रखता है ? इनमें होने वाले परिवर्तनों का विवरण दीजिए। 2021
Has caste lost its relevance in understanding the multi-cultural Indian Society? Elaborate your answer with illustrations. (बहु-सांस्कृतिक भारतीय समाज को समझने में क्या जाती की प्रासंगिकता समाप्त हो गई है? उदाहरों सहित विस्तृत उत्तर दीजिए l) 2020
Is diversity and pluralism in India under threat due to globalisation? Justify your answer. (क्या भारत में विविधता एवं बहुलवाद वैश्वीकरण के कारण संकट में है? औचित्यपूर्ण उत्तर दीजिए l) 2020
Do you agree that regionalism in India appears to be a consequence of rising cultural assertiveness? Argue. (क्या आप सहमत है की भारत में क्षेत्रीयता बढ़ती हुई सांस्कृतिक मुखरता का परिणाम परतीत होती है? तर्क कीजिए l ) 2020
Customs and traditions suppress reason leading to obscurantism. Do you agree? (रीती-रिवाजों एवं परम्पराओं द्वारा तर्क को दबाने से प्रगतिविरोध उत्पन्न हुआ है l क्या आप इससे सहमत हैं ?) 2020
“Caste system is assuming new identities and associational forms. Hence, caste system cannot be eradicated in India.” Comment. 2018
How the Indian concept of secularism is different from the western model of secularism? Discuss. 2018
‘Communalism arises either due to power struggle or relative deprivation. Argue by giving suitable illustrations. 2018
The spirit tolerance and love is not only an interesting feature of Indian society from very early times, but it is also playing an important part at the present. Elaborate. 2017
Distinguish between religiousness/religiosity and communalism giving one example of how the former has got transformed into the latter in independent India. 2017
In the context of diversity of India, can it be said that the regions form cultural units rather than the States? Give reasons with examples for your viewpoint. 2017
What are the two major legal initiatives by the State since Independence, addressing discrimination against Scheduled Tribes (STs)? 2017
Has the formation of linguistic States strengthened the cause of Indian Unity? 2016
Why are the tribals in India referred to as the Scheduled Tribes? Indicate the major provisions enshrined in the Constitution of India for their upliftment. 2016
What is the basis of regionalism? Is it that unequal distribution of benefits of development on regional basis eventually promotes regionalism? Substantiate your answer. 2016
Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, despite having divergent approaches and strategies, had a common goal of amelioration of the downtrodden. Elucidate. 2015
Describe any four cultural elements of diversity in India and rate their relative significance in building a national identity. 2015
Debate the issue of whether and how contemporary movements for assertion of Dalit identity work towards annihilation of caste. 2015
How do the Indian debates on secularism differ from the debates in the West? 2014
Growing feeling of regionalism is an important factor in the generation of demand for a separate state. Discuss. 2013

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Poverty, Population; Development and associated issues

Why did human development fail to keep pace with economic development in India? (भारत में आर्थिक विकास के साथ मानव विकास क्यों विफल रहा?) (250 words/15m) 2023
Does urbanization lead to more segregation and/or marginalization of the poor in Indian metropolises? (क्या शहरीकरण भारतीय महानगरों में गरीबों के अधिक अलगाव और/या हाशिए पर ले जाता है?) (250 words/15m) 2023
Discuss the main objectives of Population Education and point out the measures to achieve them in India in detail. (250 words) जनसंख्या शिक्षा के प्रमुख उद्देश्यों की विवेचना करते हुए भारत में इन्हें प्राप्त करने के उपायों पर विस्तृत प्रकाश डालिए। 2021
COVID-19 pandemic accelerated class inequalities and poverty in India. Comment. (कोविद-19 महामारी ने भारत में वर्ग असमानताओं एवं गरीबी को गति दे दी है l टिपण्णी कीजिए l) 2020
How have digital initiatives in India contributed to the functioning of the educational system in the country? Elaborate your answer. (भारत में डिजिटल पहल ने किस प्रकार से देश की शिक्षा व्यवस्था के संचालन में योगदान किया है? विस्तृत उत्तर दीजिए l) 2020
What makes Indian society unique in sustaining its culture? Discuss. (क्या बात है जो भारतीय समाज को अपनी संस्कृति को जीवित रखने में अद्वितीय बना देती है ? चर्चा कीजिए | ) (10m,150 words) 2019
What are the challenges to our cultural practices in the name of secularism. (धर्मनिरपेक्षता के नाम पर हमारी सांस्कृतिक प्रथाओं के सामने क्या-क्या चुनौतियां हैं ?) (10m,150 words) 2019
Do we have cultural pockets of small India all over the nation? Elaborate with examples. (क्या हमारे राष्ट्र में सर्वत्र लघु भारत के सांस्कृतिक क्षेत्र हैं ? उदाहरणों के साथ सविस्तार स्पष्ट कीजिए | ) (15m,250 words) 2019
‘Despite implementation of various programmes for eradication of poverty by the government in India, poverty is still existing.’ Explain by giving reasons. 2018
Discuss whether formation of new states in recent times is beneficial or not for the economy of India. 2018
Mention core strategies for the transformation of aspirational districts in India and explain the nature of convergence, collaboration and competition for its success. 2018
“An essential condition to eradicate poverty is to liberate the poor from deprivation.” Substantiate this statement with suitable examples 2016
Critically examine whether growing population is the cause of poverty OR poverty is the main cause of population increase in India. 2015
Discuss the changes in the trends of labour migration within and outside India in the last four decades. 2015
The life cycle of a joint family depends on economic factors rather than social values. Discuss. 2014

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Globalisation (effects on Indian society)

Child cuddling is now being replaced by mobile phones. Discuss its impact on the socialization of children. (बच्चों को दुलारने की जगह अब मोबाइल फोन द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित किया जा रहा है। बच्चों के समाजीकरण पर इसके प्रभाव पर चर्चा करें।) (150 words/10m) 2023
Explore and evaluate the impact of ‘Work From Home’ on family relationships. (पारिवारिक सम्बन्धों पर ‘वर्क फ्रॉम होम’ के असर की छानबीन तथा मूल्यांकन करें ।) 2022
What is Cryptocurrency? How does it affect global society? Has it been affecting Indian society also? (250 words) क्रिप्टोकरेंसी क्या है ? वैश्विक समाज को यह कैसे प्रभावित करती है ? क्या यह भारतीय समाज को भी प्रभावित कर रही है ? 2021
Are we losing our local identity for the global identity? Discuss. (क्या हम वैश्विक पहचान के लिए अपनी स्थानीय पहचान को खोते जा रहे हैं ? चर्चा कीजिए | ) (15m,250 words) 2019
‘Globalization is generally said to promote cultural homogenization but due to this cultural specificities appear to be strengthened in the Indian Society. Elucidate. 2018
Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization on women in India. (2013, Asked about Globalization effect on Elderly) 2015
To what extent globalization has influenced the core of cultural diversity in India? Explain. 2016
Critically examine the effects of globalization on the aged population in India. 2013
  • GS1 Syllabus Topic: Role of women and women’s organisation;
  • Although some of the following questions fall under population and globalization categories, but if a person cultivates habit of noting down women related topics under one head, it’ll benefit in both GS1, GS2 and Essay.
Do you think marriage as a sacrament is loosing its value in Modern India? (क्या आपको लगता है कि एक संस्कार के रूप में विवाह आधुनिक भारत में अपना मूल्य खो रहा है?) (150 words/10m) 2023
Explain why suicide among young women is increasing in Indian society. (बताएं कि भारतीय समाज में युवा महिलाओं के बीच आत्महत्या क्यों बढ़ रही है।) (150 words/10m) 2023
Examine the role of ‘Gig Economy’ in the process of empowerment of women in India. (150 words) भारत में महिलाओं के सशक्तिकरण की प्रक्रिया में ‘गिग इकोनॉमी’ की भूमिका का परिक्षण कीजिए। 2021
“Empowering women is the key to control population growth”. Discuss (“महिला सशक्तिकरण जनसंख्या संवृद्धि को नियंत्रित करने की कुंजी है |” चर्चा कीजिए | ) (10m,150 words) 2019
What are the continued challenges for women in India against time and space? (भारत में महिलाओं के समक्ष समय और स्थान संबंधित निरंतर चुनोतियाँ क्या-क्या है ?) (15m,250 words) 2019
‘Women’s movement in India has not addressed the issues of women of lower social strata. Substantiate your view. 2018
How do you explain the statistics that show that the sex ratio in Tribes in India is more favourable to women than the sex ratio among Scheduled Castes? 2015
How does patriarchy impact the position of a middle class working woman in India? 2014
Discuss the various economic and socio-cultural forces that are driving increasing feminization of agriculture in India. 2014
Why do some of the most prosperous regions of India have an adverse sex ratio for women? Give your arguments. 2014
Male membership needs to be encouraged in order to make women’s organization free from gender bias. Comment. 2013

[Block-3] Geography

Topicwise analysis of UPSC Mains GS Paper1 by Mrunal Graph

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Salient Features of World Physical Geography; Important Geophysical phenomena (earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, cyclones); Geographical features and location;

How are the fjords formed? Why do they constitute some of the most picturesque areas of the world? (Fjords कैसे बनते हैं? वे दुनिया के कुछ सबसे सुरम्य क्षेत्रों का गठन क्यों करते हैं?) (150 words/10m) 2023
Why is the South-West Monsoon called Purvaiya’ (easterly) in Bhojpur Region? How has this directional seasonal wind system influenced the cultural ethos of the region? (भोजपुर क्षेत्र में दक्षिण-पश्चिम मानसून को पुरवाया (ईस्टरली) क्यों कहा जाता है? इस दिशात्मक मौसमी पवन प्रणाली ने क्षेत्र के सांस्कृतिक लोकाचार को कैसे प्रभावित किया है?) (150 words/10m) 2023
Describe the characteristics and types of primary rocks. (प्राथमिक चट्टानों की विशेषताओं एवं प्रकारों का वर्णन कीजिए।) 2022
Troposphere is a very significant atmospheric layer that determines weather processes. How? ( क्षोभमंडल वायुमंडल का एक महत्त्वपूर्ण परत है जो मौसम प्रक्रियाओं को निर्धारित करता है। कैसे ?) 2022
Mention the significance of straits and isthmus in international trade. (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यापार में जलसंधि व स्थलसंधि के महत्त्व का उल्लेख कीजिए ।.) 2022
What are the forces that influence ocean currents? Describe their role in fishing industry of the world. (समुद्री धाराओं को प्रभावित करने वाली शक्तियाँ कौन सी है ? विश्व के मत्स्य उद्योग में इनके योगदान का वर्णन करें ) 2022
Differentiate the causes of landslides in the Himalayan region and Western Ghats. (150 words) हिमालय क्षेत्र तथा पश्चिमी घाटों में भू-स्खलनों के विभिन्न कारणों का अंतर स्पष्ट कीजिए। 2021
Mention the global occurrence of volcanic eruptions in 2021 and their impact on regional environment. (150 words) 2021 में घटित ज्वालामुखी विस्फोटों की वैश्विक घटनाओं का उल्लेख करते हुए क्षेत्रीय पर्यावरण पर उनके द्वारा पड़े प्रभाव को बताइए। 2021
Why is India considered as a subcontinent? Elaborate your answer. (150 words) भारत को एक उपमहाद्वीप क्यों माना जाता है ? विस्तारपूर्वक उत्तर दीजिए। 2021
Briefly mention the alignment of major mountain ranges of the world and explain their impact on local weather conditions, with examples. (250 words) विश्व की प्रमुख पर्वत शृंख्लाओं के संरेखण का संक्षिप्त उल्लेख कीजिए तथा उनके स्थानीय मौसम पर पड़ें प्रभावों का सोदाहरण वर्णन कीजिए। 2021
Discuss the geophysical characteristics of Circum-Pacific Zone. (परी-प्रशांत क्षेत्र के भू-भौतिकीय अभिलक्षणों का विवेचन कीजिए l) 2020
The process of desertification does not have climatic boundaries. Justify with examples. (मरुशलीकरण के प्रक्रम की जलवायविक सीमाएँ नहीं होती है l उदाहरणों सहित औचित्य सिद्ध कीजिए l) 2020
Why is Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) needed? How does it help in navigation? 2018
Define mantle plume and explain its role in plate tectonics. 2018
How does the Juno Mission of NASA help to understand the origin and evolution of the Earth? 2017
“The Himalayas are highly prone to landslides.” Discuss the causes and suggest suitable measures of mitigation. 2016
Explain the formation of thousands of islands in Indonesian and Philippines archipelagos. 2014
Why are the world’s fold mountain systems located along the margins of continents? Bring out the association between the global distribution of and the and volcanoes. 2014
What do you understand by the theory of continental drift? Discuss the prominent evidences in its support. 2013
There is no formation of deltas by rivers of the Western Ghat. Why? 2013
Major hot deserts in northern hemisphere are located between 20-30 degree north and on the western side of the continents. Why? 2013
Bring out the causes for more frequent landslides in the Himalayas than in Western Ghats 2013

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Critical geographical features, flora, fauna (changes and effects thereof)

Discuss the consequences of climate change on the food security in tropical countries. (उष्णकटिबंधीय देशों में खाद्य सुरक्षा पर जलवायु परिवर्तन के परिणामों पर चर्चा करें।) (150 words/10m) 2023
Why is the world today confronted with a crisis of availability of and access to freshwater resources? (आज दुनिया को मीठे पानी के संसाधनों की उपलब्धता और पहुंच के संकट के साथ क्यों सामना किया जाता है?) (150 words/10m) 2023
Identify and discuss the factors responsible for diversity of natural vegetation in India. Assess the significance of wildlife sanctuaries in rain forest regions of India (भारत में प्राकृतिक वनस्पति की विविधता के लिए जिम्मेदार कारकों की पहचान करें और चर्चा करें। भारत के वर्षा वन क्षेत्रों में वन्यजीव अभयारण्यों के महत्व का आकलन करें) (250 words/15m) 2023
Discuss the meaning of colour-coded weather warnings for cyclone prone areas given by India Meteorological Department. (भारतीय मौसम विज्ञान विभाग द्वारा चक्रवात प्रवण क्षेत्रों के लिए मौसम सम्बन्धी चेतावनियों के लिए निर्धारित रंग-संकेत के अर्थ की चर्चा करें।) 2022
How do the melting of the Arctic ice and glaciers of the Antarctic differently affect the weather patterns and human activities on the Earth? Explain. (250 words) आर्कटिक की बर्फ़ और अंटार्टिक के ग्लेशियरों का पिघलना किस तरह अलग-अलग ढंग से पृथ्वी पर मौसम के स्वरूप और मनुष्य की गतिविधियों पर प्रभाव डालते हैं? स्पष्ट कीजिए। 2021
How will the meeting of Himalayan glaciers have a far-reaching impact on the water resources of India? (हिमालय के हिमनदों के पिघलने का भारत के जल-संसाधनों पर किस प्रकार दूरगामी प्रभाव होगा ?) 2020
Assess the impact of global warming on coral life system with examples. (वैश्विक तापन का प्रवाल जीवन तंत्र पर प्रभाव का, उदाहरणों के साथ, आकलन कीजिए | ) (10m,150 words) 2019
How do ocean currents and water masses differ in their impacts on marine life and the coastal environment? Give suitable examples? (महासागर धाराएँ और जल राशियाँ समुद्री जीवन और तटीय पर्यावरण पर अपने प्रभावों में किस-किस प्रकार परस्पर भिन्न हैं ? उपयुक्त उदहारण दीजिए | ) (15m,250 words) 2019
Discuss the causes of depletion of mangroves and explain their importance in maintaining coastal ecology. (मैंग्रोवों के रिक्तीकरण के कारणों पर चर्चा कीजिए और तटीय पारिस्थितिकी का अनुरक्षण करने में इनके महत्व को स्पष्ट कीजिए | ) (10m,150 words) 2019
How can the mountain ecosystem be restored from the negative impact of development initiatives and tourism? (पर्वत पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र को विकास पहलों और पर्यटन के ऋणात्मक प्रभाव से किस प्रकार पूण:स्थापित किया जा सकता है ? ) (15m,250 words) 2019
What is water stress? How and why does it differ regionally in India? (जल प्रतिबल (वाटर स्ट्रैस) का क्या मतलब है ? भारत में यह किस प्रकार और किस कारन प्रादेशिकत: भिन्न-भिन्न है ?) (15m,250 words) 2019
What are the consequences of spreading of ‘Dead Zones’ on marine ecosystem? 2018
In spite of adverse environmental impact, coal mining is still inevitable for development.” Discuss. 2017
Mention the advantages of the cultivation of pulse because of which the year 2016 was declared as the International Year of Pulses by the United Nations. 2017
How does the cryosphere affect global climate? 2017
Account for variations in oceanic salinity and discuss its multi-dimensional effects. 2017
In what way can flood be converted into a sustainable source of irrigation and all-weather inland navigation in India? 2017
What characteristics can be assigned to monsoon climate that succeeds in feeding more than 50 percent of the won population residing in Monsoon Asia? 2017
Discuss the concept of air mass and explain its role in macro-climatic changes. 2016
Explain the factors responsible for the origin of ocean currents. How do they influence regional climates, fishing and navigation? 2015
How far do you agree that the behavior of the Indian monsoon has been changing due to humanizing landscapes? Discuss. 2015
Tropical cyclones are largely confined to South China Sea, Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Mexico. Why? 2014
Most of the unusual climatic happenings are explained as an outcome of the El-Nino effect. Do you agree? 2014
Bring out the relationship between the shrinking Himalayan glaciers and the symptoms of climate change in the Indian sub-continent. 2014
The recent cyclone on the east coast of India was called “Phailin”. How are the tropical cyclones named across the world? 2013
Bring out the causes for the formation of heat islands in the urban habitat of the world. 2013
What do you understand by the phenomenon of temperature inversion in meteorology? How does it affect the weather and the habitants of the place? 2013

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Distribution of key Natural Resources (world, S. Asia, Indian subcontinent)

Comment on the resource potentials of the long coastline of India and highlight the status of natural hazard preparedness in these areas. (भारत की लंबी तटरेखा की संसाधन क्षमता पर टिप्पणी करें और इन क्षेत्रों में प्राकृतिक खतरे की तैयारियों की स्थिति को उजागर करें।) (250 words/15m) 2023
Examine the potential of wind energy in India and explain the reasons for their limited spatial spread. (भारत में पवन ऊर्जा की संभावना का परीक्षण कीजिए एवं उनके सीमित क्षेत्रीय विस्तार के कारणों को समझाइए|) 2022
Discuss the natural resource potentials of ‘Deccan Trap’. ( ‘दक्कन ट्रैप’ की प्राकृतिक संसाधन सम्भावनाओं की चर्चा कीजिए।) 2022
Elucidate the relationship between globalization and new technology in a world of scarce resources, with special reference to India. (अपर्याप्त संसाधनों की दुनिया में भूमंडलीकरण एवं नए तकनीक के रिश्ते को भारत के विशेष सन्दर्भ में स्पष्ट करें। ) 2022
Describing the distribution of rubber producing countries, indicate the major environmental issues faced by them. (रबर उत्पादक देशों के वितरण का वर्णन करते हुए उनके द्वारा सामना किए जाने वाले प्रमुख पर्यावरणीय मुद्दों को इंगित कीजिए।) 2022
Despite India being one of the countries of the Gondwanaland, its mining industry contributes much less to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in percentage. Discuss. (150 words) गोंडवानालैंड के देशों में से एक होने के बावजूद भारत के खनन उद्योग अपने सकल घरेलु उत्पाद (जी. डी. पी.) में बहुत कम प्रतिशत का योगदान देते हैं। विवेचना कीजिए। 2021
What are the environmental implications of the reclamation of water bodies into urban land use? Explain with examples. (150 words) शहरी भूमि उपयोग के लिए जल निकायों से भूमि-उद्धार के पर्यावर्णीय प्रभाव क्या है ? उदाहरणों सहित समझाइए। 2021
Discuss the multi-dimensional implications of uneven distribution of mineral oil in the world. (250 words) विश्व में खनिज तेल के असमान वितरण के बहुआयामी प्रभावों की विवेचना कीजिए। 2021
The interlinking of rivers can provide viable solutions to the multi-dimensional inter-related problems of droughts, floods and interrupted navigation. Critically examine. (नदियों को आपस में जोड़ना सूखा, बाढ़ और बाधित जल-परिवहन जैसी बहु-आयामी अन्तर्सम्बन्धित समस्याओं का व्यवहार्य समाधान दे सकता है l आलोचनात्मक परिक्षण कीजिए l) 2020
India has immense potential of solar energy though there are regional variations in its development. Elaborate. (भारत में सौर ऊर्जा की प्रचुर संभावनाएँ हैं हालाँकि इसके विकास में क्षेतिया भिन्नताएँ हैं l विस्तृत वर्णन कीजिए l) 2020
Examine the status of forest resources of India and its resultant impact on climate change. (भारत संसाधनों की स्तिथि एवं जलवायु परिवर्तन पर उसके परिणामी प्रभावों का परिक्षण कीजिए l) 2020
Can the strategy of regional-resource based manufacturing help in promoting employment in India? (क्या प्रादेशिक संसाधन-आधारित विनिर्माण की रणनीति भारत में रोज़गार की प्रोन्नति करने में सहायक हो सकती है ?) (10m,150 words) 2019
Why is India taking keen interest in resources of Arctic Region? 2018
The effective management of land and water resources will drastically reduce the human miseries. Explain 2016
South China Sea has assumed great geopolitical significance in the present context. Comment. 2016
Present an account of the Indus Water Treaty and examine its ecological, economic and political implications in the context of changing bilateral relations. 2016
Enumerate the problems and prospects of inland water transport in India. 2016
In what way micro-watershed Development projects help in water conservation in drought prone and semi-arid regions of India. 2016
What are the economic significances of discovery of oil in and its possible environmental consequences? 2015
India is well endowed with fresh water resources. Critically examine why it still suffers from water scarcity. 2015
The states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand reaching the limits of their ecological carrying capacity due to tourism. Critically evaluate. 2015
Critically evaluate the various resources of the oceans which can be harnessed to meet the resource crisis in the world. 2014
How does India see its place in the economic space of rising natural resource rich Africa? 2014
With growing scarcity of fossil fuels, the atomic energy is gaining more and more significance in India. Discuss the availability of raw material required for the generation of atomic energy in India and in the world. 2013
It is said the India has substantial reserves of shale oil and gas, which can feed the needs of country for quarter century. However, tapping of the resources doesn’t appear to be high on the agenda. Discuss critically the availability and issues involved. 2013

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Factors responsible for location of Industries (primary, secondary, tertiary; India, world)

Account for the present location of iron and steel industries away from the source of raw material, by giving examples. (वर्तमान में लोह एवं इस्पात उद्योगों की कच्चे माल के स्त्रोत से दूर स्तिथि का उदाहरणों सहित कारन बताइए l) 2020
Discuss the factors for localization of agro-based food processing industries of North-West India. (उत्तर-पश्चिमी भारत के कृषि-आधारित खाद्य प्रक्रमण उद्योगों के स्थाणुयकरण के कारकों पर चर्चा कीजिए | ) (10m,150 words) 2019
Define blue revolution, explain the problems and strategies for pisciculture development in India. 2018
What is the significance of Industrial Corridors in India? Identify industrial corridors, explain their main characteristics. 2018
Petroleum refineries are not necessarily located nearer to crude oil producing areas, particularly in many of the developing countries. Explain its implications. 2017
Whereas the British planters had developed tea gardens all along the Shivaliks and Lesser Himalayas from Assam to Himachal Pradesh, in effect they did not succeed beyond the Darjeeling area. Explain. 2014
Account for the change in the spatial pattern of the Iron and Steel industry in the world. 2014
Why did the Green Revolution in India virtually by-pass the eastern region despite fertile soil and good availability of water? 2014
Do you agree that there is a growing trend of opening new sugar mills in the Southern states of India? Discuss with justification 2013
Analyze the factors for highly decentralized cotton textile industry in India 2013

GS1 Syllabus Topic: Urbanization: problems and remedies

How is the growth of Tier 2 cities related to the rise of a new middle class with an emphasis on the culture of consumption ? (उपभोक्ता संस्कृति के विशेष परिप्रेक्ष्य में नव मध्यवर्ग के उभार से टीयर 2 शहरों का विकास किस तरह सम्बन्धित है ?) 2022
What are the main socio-economic implications arising out of the development of IT industries in major cities of India? (250 words) भारत के प्रमुख शहरों में आई. टी. उद्योगों के विकास से उत्तपन्न होने वाले मुख्या सामाजिक-आर्थिक प्रभाव क्या हैं ? 2021
Account for the huge flooding of million cities in India including the smart ones like Hyderabad and Pune. Suggest lasting remedial measures. (भारत में दशलक्षीय नगरों जिनमे हैदराबाद एवं पुणे जैसे स्मार्ट सिटीज भी सम्मिलित हैं, में व्यापक बाढ़ के कारन बताइए l स्थायी निराकरण के उपाय भी सुजाइए l) 2020
How is efficient and affordable urban mass transport key to the rapid economic development of India? (दक्ष और किफायती (अफोर्डेबल) शहरी सार्वजनिक परिवहन किस प्रकार भारत के द्रुत आर्थिक विकास की कुंजी है ?) (15m,250 words) 2019
“The ideal solution of depleting ground water resources in India is water harvesting system.” How can it be made effective in urban areas? 2018
The growth of cities as I.T. hubs has opened up new avenues employment but has also created new problems. Substantiate this statement with examples. Urbanization 2017
With a brief background of quality of urban life in India, introduce the objectives and strategy of the ‘Smart City Programme’. 2016
Major cities of India are becoming more vulnerable to flood conditions. Discuss. 2016
Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata are the three mega cities of the country but the air pollution is much more serious problem in Delhi as compared to the other two. Why is this so? 2015
Smart cities in India cannot sustain without smart villages. Discuss this statement in the backdrop of rural urban integration. 2015
Discussion the various social problems which originated out of the speedy process of urbanization in India. 2013
  • Explain the role of geographical factors towards the development of Ancient India. (प्राचीन भारत के विकास के लिए भौगोलिक कारकों की भूमिका को स्पष्ट करें।) (150 words/10m)
  • What are the main features of Vedic society and religion? Do you think some of the features are still prevailing in Indian society? (वैदिक समाज और धर्म की मुख्य विशेषताएं क्या हैं? क्या आपको लगता है कि भारतीय समाज में कुछ विशेषताएं अभी भी प्रचलित हैं?) (250 words/15m)
  • What were the major technological changes introduced during the Sultanate period? How did those technological changes influence the Indian society? (सल्तनत युग के दौरान प्रमुख तकनीकी परिवर्तन क्या पेश किए गए थे? उन तकनीकी परिवर्तनों ने भारतीय समाज को कैसे प्रभावित किया?) (250 words/15m)
  • What was the difference between Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore in their approach towards education and nationalism? (शिक्षा और राष्ट्रवाद के प्रति उनके दृष्टिकोण में महात्मा गांधी और रबींद्रनाथ टैगोर के बीच क्या अंतर था?) (150 words/10m)
  • How did the colonial rule affect the tribals in India and what was the tribal response to the colonial oppression? (औपनिवेशिक शासन ने भारत में आदिवासियों को कैसे प्रभावित किया और औपनिवेशिक उत्पीड़न के लिए आदिवासी प्रतिक्रिया क्या थी?) (250 words/15m)
  • From being net food importer in 1960s, India has emerged as a net food exporter to the world. Provide reasons. (1960 के दशक में ख्याधआयातक होने से, भारत दुनिया के लिए खाद्य निर्यातक के रूप में उभरा है। कारण प्रदान करें।) (250 words/15m)
  • Bring out the socio-economic effects of the introduction of railways in different countries of the world (दुनिया के विभिन्न देशों में रेलवे की शुरूआत के सामाजिक-आर्थिक प्रभावों को बाहर लाएं) (150 words/10m)
  • Why did human development fail to keep pace with economic development in India? (भारत में आर्थिक विकास के साथ मानव विकास क्यों विफल रहा?) (250 words/15m)
  • Does urbanization lead to more segregation and/or marginalization of the poor in Indian metropolises? (क्या शहरीकरण भारतीय महानगरों में गरीबों के अधिक अलगाव और/या हाशिए पर ले जाता है?) (250 words/15m)
  • Do you think marriage as a sacrament is loosing its value in Modern India? (क्या आपको लगता है कि एक संस्कार के रूप में विवाह आधुनिक भारत में अपना मूल्य खो रहा है?) (150 words/10m)
  • Explain why suicide among young women is increasing in Indian society. (बताएं कि भारतीय समाज में युवा महिलाओं के बीच आत्महत्या क्यों बढ़ रही है।) (150 words/10m)
  • Child cuddling is now being replaced by mobile phones. Discuss its impact on the socialization of children. (बच्चों को दुलारने की जगह अब मोबाइल फोन द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित किया जा रहा है। बच्चों के समाजीकरण पर इसके प्रभाव पर चर्चा करें।) (150 words/10m)
  • Why is caste identity in India both fluid and static? (भारत में जाति की पहचान द्रव और स्थिर दोनों क्यों है?) (250 words/15m)
  • Discuss the impact of post-liberal economy on ethnic identity and communalism. (जातीय पहचान और सांप्रदायिकता पर उदारवादी अर्थव्यवस्था के प्रभाव पर चर्चा करें।) (250 words/15m)
  • Discuss the consequences of climate change on the food security in tropical countries. (उष्णकटिबंधीय देशों में खाद्य सुरक्षा पर जलवायु परिवर्तन के परिणामों पर चर्चा करें।) (150 words/10m)
  • Why is the world today confronted with a crisis of availability of and access to freshwater resources? (आज दुनिया को मीठे पानी के संसाधनों की उपलब्धता और पहुंच के संकट के साथ क्यों सामना किया जाता है?) (150 words/10m)
  • Identify and discuss the factors responsible for diversity of natural vegetation in India. Assess the significance of wildlife sanctuaries in rain forest regions of India (भारत में प्राकृतिक वनस्पति की विविधता के लिए जिम्मेदार कारकों की पहचान करें और चर्चा करें। भारत के वर्षा वन क्षेत्रों में वन्यजीव अभयारण्यों के महत्व का आकलन करें) (250 words/15m)
  • How are the fjords formed? Why do they constitute some of the most picturesque areas of the world? (Fjords कैसे बनते हैं? वे दुनिया के कुछ सबसे सुरम्य क्षेत्रों का गठन क्यों करते हैं?) (150 words/10m)
  • Why is the South-West Monsoon called Purvaiya’ (easterly) in Bhojpur Region? How has this directional seasonal wind system influenced the cultural ethos of the region? (भोजपुर क्षेत्र में दक्षिण-पश्चिम मानसून को पुरवाया (ईस्टरली) क्यों कहा जाता है? इस दिशात्मक मौसमी पवन प्रणाली ने क्षेत्र के सांस्कृतिक लोकाचार को कैसे प्रभावित किया है?) (150 words/10m)
  • Comment on the resource potentials of the long coastline of India and highlight the status of natural hazard preparedness in these areas. (भारत की लंबी तटरेखा की संसाधन क्षमता पर टिप्पणी करें और इन क्षेत्रों में प्राकृतिक खतरे की तैयारियों की स्थिति को उजागर करें।) (250 words/15m)

Appendix: Linear paper of 2022-GSM1

  • How will you explain that medieval Indian temple sculptures represent the social life of those days ? (स्पष्ट करें कि मध्यकालीन भारतीय मंदिरों की मूर्तिकला उस दौर के सामाजिक जीवन का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है। ) 10m 150w
  • Why did the armies of the British East India Company – mostly comprising of Indian soldiers – win consistently against the more numerous and better equipped armies of the then Indian rulers ? Give reasons. (अधिकांश भारतीय सिपाहियों वाली ईस्ट इंडिया की सेना क्यों तत्कालीन भारतीय शासकों की संख्याबल में अधिक और बेहतर सुसज्जित सेना से लगातार जीतती रही ? कारण बताएँ ।) 10m 150w
  • Why was there a sudden spurt in famines in colonial India since the mid-eighteenth century ? Give reasons. (औपनिवेशिक भारत की अठारहवीं शताब्दी के मध्य से क्यों अकाल पड़ने में अचानक वृद्धि देखने को मिलती है? कारण बताएं।) 10m 150w
  • Describe the characteristics and types of primary rocks. (प्राथमिक चट्टानों की विशेषताओं एवं प्रकारों का वर्णन कीजिए।) 10m 150w
  • Discuss the meaning of colour-coded weather warnings for cyclone prone areas given by India Meteorological Department. (भारतीय मौसम विज्ञान विभाग द्वारा चक्रवात प्रवण क्षेत्रों के लिए मौसम सम्बन्धी चेतावनियों के लिए निर्धारित रंग-संकेत के अर्थ की चर्चा करें।) 10m 150w
  • Discuss the natural resource potentials of ‘Deccan Trap’. ( ‘दक्कन ट्रैप’ की प्राकृतिक संसाधन सम्भावनाओं की चर्चा कीजिए।) 10m 150w
  • Examine the potential of wind energy in India and explain the reasons for their limited spatial spread. (भारत में पवन ऊर्जा की संभावना का परीक्षण कीजिए एवं उनके सीमित क्षेत्रीय विस्तार के कारणों को समझाइए|) 10m 150w
  • Explore and evaluate the impact of ‘Work From Home’ on family relationships. (पारिवारिक सम्बन्धों पर ‘वर्क फ्रॉम होम’ के असर की छानबीन तथा मूल्यांकन करें ।) 10m 150w
  • How is the growth of Tier 2 cities related to the rise of a new middle class with an emphasis on the culture of consumption ? (उपभोक्ता संस्कृति के विशेष परिप्रेक्ष्य में नव मध्यवर्ग के उभार से टीयर 2 शहरों का विकास किस तरह सम्बन्धित है ?) 10m 150w
  • Given the diversities among tribal communities in India, in which specific contexts should they be considered as a single category ? (भारत के जनजातीय समुदायों की विविधताओं को देखते हुए किस विशिष्ट सन्दर्भ के अन्तर्गत उन्हें किसी एकल श्रेणी में माना जाना चाहिए ?) 10m 150w
  • The political and administrative reorganization of states and territories has been a continuous ongoing process since the mid-nineteenth century. Discuss with examples. (राज्यों एवं प्रदेशों का राजनीतिक और प्रशासनिक पुनर्गठन उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी के मध्य में निरंतर चल रही एक प्रक्रिया है। उदाहरण सहित विचार करें।) 15m 250w
  • Discuss the main contributions of Gupta period and Chola period to Indian heritage and culture. (भारतीय परम्परा और संस्कृति में गुप्त-काल और चोल काल के योगदान पर चर्चा करें।) 15m 250w
  • Discuss the significance of the lion and bull figures in Indian mythology, art and architecture. (भारतीय मिथक कला और वास्तुकला में सिंह एवं वृषभ की आकृतियों के महत्व पर विचार करें।) 15m 250w
  • What are the forces that influence ocean currents? Describe their role in fishing industry of the world. (समुद्री धाराओं को प्रभावित करने वाली शक्तियाँ कौन सी है ? विश्व के मत्स्य उद्योग में इनके योगदान का वर्णन करें ) 15m 250w
  • Describing the distribution of rubber producing countries, indicate the major environmental issues faced by them. (रबर उत्पादक देशों के वितरण का वर्णन करते हुए उनके द्वारा सामना किए जाने वाले प्रमुख पर्यावरणीय मुद्दों को इंगित कीजिए।) 15m 250w
  • Mention the significance of straits and isthmus in international trade. (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यापार में जलसंधि व स्थलसंधि के महत्त्व का उल्लेख कीजिए ।.) 15m 250w
  • Troposphere is a very significant atmospheric layer that determines weather processes. How? ( क्षोभमंडल वायुमंडल का एक महत्त्वपूर्ण परत है जो मौसम प्रक्रियाओं को निर्धारित करता है। कैसे ?) 15m 250w
  • Analyse the salience of ‘sect’ in Indian society vis-a-vis caste, region and religion. (भारतीय समाज में जाति, क्षेत्र तथा धर्म के समानांतर ‘पंथ’ की विशेषता की विवेचना कीजिए ।) 15m 250w
  • Are tolerance, assimilation and pluralism the key elements in the making of an Indian form of secularism ? Justify your answer. (क्या सहिष्णुता, सम्मिलन एवं बहुलता मुख्य तत्त्व हैं जो धर्मनिरपेक्षता के भारतीय रूप का निर्माण करते हैं ? तर्कसंगत उत्तर दें।) 15m 250w
  • Elucidate the relationship between globalization and new technology in a world of scarce resources, with special reference to India. (अपर्याप्त संसाधनों की दुनिया में भूमंडलीकरण एवं नए तकनीक के रिश्ते को भारत के विशेष सन्दर्भ में स्पष्ट करें। ) 15m 250w
  • Free Lecture: Youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSVABdpsEeglA4VimijYd4u1Q0uee8Vpz
  • Free Powerpoint: https://unacademy.com/content/upsc/mains-paper-analysis/
  • 1) Salient aspects of Art, Architecture,
  • 2) literature from Ancient to Modern Times
  • Mid-18th century – Present (significant events, personalities, issues); Freedom Struggle (various stages, important contributors from different parts of the country)
  • Post-Independence (consolidation and reorganisation within country)
  • 18th century events (e.g. Ind’l revo, WWs, redrawn boundaries, colonisation, decolonisation); Political philosophies (e.g. communism, capitalism, socialism) and their effect on society
  • Poverty, Population; Development and associated issues
  • Salient features of Indian Society; Diversity of India; Globalisation (effects on Indian society)
  • Role of women and women’s organisation;
  • Critical geographical features, flora, fauna (changes and effects therof)
  • Factors responsible for location of Industries (primary, secondary, tertiary; India, world)
  • Salient Features of World Physical Geography; Important Geophysical phenomena (earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, cyclones); Geographical features and location;
  • Distribution of key Natural Resources (world, S. Asia, Indian subcontinent)
  • Urbanisation: problems and remedies

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UPSC Main Paper 1 2024: Important essay topics, previous year’s question paper and more

UPSC Main Paper 1 2024: Important essay topics, previous year’s question paper and more

UPSC Mains 2024 Essay paper: Exam pattern

Number of questions

Candidates need to attempt two questions, one from Section A and the other from Section B.

Total marks


Marks carried by each question



3 hours

Type of question


UPSC Mains 2023 question paper for Essay

Upsc mains essay paper: important topics.

  • Justice and mercy balance precariously on the edge of circumstances.
  • The quest for knowledge is an ever-expanding journey toward the boundaries of understanding.
  • True greatness in life is found not in never stumbling, but in the resilience to rise each time we fall.
  • Clarity and comprehension emerge beyond the fog of doubt.
  • A nation’s strength is reflected in the safety and empowerment of its women.
  • Poverty extends beyond financial deprivation, encompassing the denial of opportunities and choices.
  • Progress should not compromise democracy and individual freedoms.
  • The mind holds the power to transform its own reality, creating heaven or hell within.
  • Compassion, empathy, and forgiveness are noble qualities that enhance the human experience.
  • In the face of change, some erect barriers while others harness the power of the winds to propel forward.
  • The greatest punishment for avoiding leadership is to be ruled by someone less capable.
  • The strongest minds often belong to those who speak the least.
  • Some rules are more respected when broken than when followed.
  • The strong do what they must, and the weak accept what they must.
  • True glory lies not in never falling, but in rising each time we do.
  • Power doesn’t corrupt; rather, people corrupt power.

Tips to prepare for UPSC Mains Essay paper


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UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination (CSAT Question Paper) 2023 29 Nov 2023 download

UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination (CSAT Answer Key) 2023 28 May 2023 download

UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination (CSAT Question Paper) 2022 06 Jun 2022 download

CSAT Paper 2022 (Answer Key) 05 Jun 2022 download

CSAT Paper 2021 10 Oct 2021 download

CSAT Paper 2021 (Answer Key) 10 Oct 2021 download

CSAT Paper 2019 02 Jun 2019 download

CSAT Paper 2018 09 Aug 2018 download

CSAT Paper 2017 09 Aug 2018 download

CSAT Paper 2015 09 Aug 2018 download

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CSAT Paper 2014 09 Aug 2018 download

CSAT Paper 2013 09 Aug 2018 download

previous year essay question paper upsc

CDS Previous Year Question Paper: PDF Download

Cds previous year question papers provided insights into exam pattern, mark distribution, and duration.  get the question paper pdf download link on this page and identify key topics.  check the exam pattern, difficulty level, benefits of solving and other details here. .

Mohd Salman

UPSC CDS Previous Year Question Paper with solutions is one of the best resources to prepare well for the upcoming exam. Candidates preparing for the upcoming Combined Defence Services Examination must download the UPSC CDS Previous Year Question Paper. It will help them to understand the exam format, marking scheme, and topics usually asked in the exam. The Union Public Service Commission conducts the UPSC CDS 2024 exam for admission to the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, and Officers Training Academy.

There are various advantages of solving UPSC CDS previous year question papers with solutions to achieve desired results in the exam. Solving previous year papers regularly will boost their question-solving speed and accuracy. The UPSC CDS previous year's question paper will be announced within a few days after the exam is conducted successfully. 

The exam prep team of Jagran Josh has compiled the UPSC CDS previous year question papers for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019 on this page. This will help them to discover their mistakes and help them to maximise their scores on the exam.

CDS Previous Year Paper 2024

CDS Previous Year Question Papers PDF

Candidates should practice the UPSC CDS previous year's question paper pdf to know the important topics that have been asked in the exam over the past years. Also, they should practice the UPSC CDS previous year's question paper to identify their strong and weak areas and improve the points that require improvements.

CDS Exam Previous Year Question Paper PDF

UPSC CDS Question Paper 2023  
Subjects UPSC CDS 1 UPSC CDS 2
Elementary Mathematics
General Knowledge
UPSC CDS 2022 Question Paper
Subjects UPSC CDS 1 UPSC CDS 2
Elementary Mathematics
General Knowledge
UPSC CDS 2021 Question Paper
Subjects UPSC CDS 1 UPSC CDS 2
Elementary Mathematics
General Knowledge
UPSC CDS 2020 Question Paper
Subjects UPSC CDS 1 UPSC CDS 2
Elementary Mathematics
General Knowledge
UPSC CDS 2019 Question Paper
Subjects UPSC CDS 1 UPSC CDS 2
Elementary Mathematics
General Knowledge

Benefits of Solving UPSC CDS Exam Previous Year Question Papers

  • Solving UPSC CDS's previous year question paper will help them keep track of the progress of their preparation level.
  • Practicing UPSC CDS previous year question papers will increase their speed and accuracy and allow them to manage their time effectively.
  • Solving UPSC CDS question papers will help them to know their strengths and weaknesses and focus on improving the weak areas.
  • Attempting UPSC CDS previous year question papers with solutions PDF will help them cover all the exam aspects.

How to Attempt UPSC CDS Previous Year Question Paper?

  • Go through the entire UPSC CDS previous year's question paper carefully.
  • Place a stopwatch or count-down timer in order to solve the entire question paper in real timed environment.
  • Solve easy questions first, then pick the lengthy ones in the UPSC CDS previous year's question papers.
  • Once the time is up, stop solving any questions and verify their answers with the key to track their overall performance and mistakes that require rectification.

UPSC CDS Previous Year Question Papers Analysis

As per the UPSC CDS 1 exam analysis, the overall difficulty level of the UPSC CDS question paper was moderate. In brief, the difficulty level and the number of good attempts were as follows: Elementary Mathematics (Easy to Moderate, 60-65), General Knowledge (Moderate, 60-64), and English (Easy to Moderate, 65-67). In the UPSC CDS 1 math section, questions were asked about work and time, trigonometry, time and distance, height and distance, clock and time, etc. However, in the UPSC CDS 1  General Knowledge paper, questions were asked about current affairs, history, polity, static GK, economics, etc. On the other, in the UPSC CDS 1 English, questions were asked about filling in the blanks, ordering words, spotting errors, synonyms, cloze composition, etc.

UPSC CDS Question Paper Pattern 2023

Get here latest School , CBSE and Govt Jobs notification and articles in English and Hindi for Sarkari Naukari , Sarkari Result and Exam Preparation . Download the Jagran Josh Sarkari Naukri App .

  • How to download the UPSC CDS Previous Year Question Papers PDF? + To download the UPSC CDS previous year question paper PDF, you can check the official portal or click on the UPSC CDS previous year paper PDF link discussed on the page.
  • Is it necessary to solve the UPSC CDS Previous Year Question Paper PDF? + Solving the UPSC CDS previous year question paper will help them know the questions usually asked in the exam.
  • What is the format of the UPSC CDS previous year question paper? + The UPSC CDS question paper pdf comprises objective-type questions for 300 marks. The exam duration is 2 Hours for each subject.
  • Is the UPSC CDS exam tough? + As per the UPSC CDS exam analysis, the difficulty level of questions was moderate. Hence, candidates should implement the right strategy and study material to crack the written exam.
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UPSC CSE Mains 2017 Essay Question Paper

Last updated on September 22, 2023 by ClearIAS Team

UPSC CSE Mains 2017 Essay Question Paper

Table of Contents

Instructions:  Write  two  essays, choosing  one  from each of the following Section A and B, in about 1000-1200 words. 2*125 = Total 250 Marks.

Section – A

  • Farming has lost the ability to be a source of subsistence for majority of farmers in India.
  • Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in India.
  • Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms.
  • Has the Non- Alignment Movement (NAM) lost its relevance in a multipolar world?

Section – B

  • Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.
  • Fulfillment of ‘new woman’ in India is a myth.
  • We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws.
  • Social media is inherently a selfish medium.

Post your analysis and feedback about the question paper in the comment section below. You may compare the essay questions asked in 2017 mains with those of questions of 2016 mains as well.

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Reader Interactions

previous year essay question paper upsc

October 28, 2017 at 4:53 pm

I Find Section A Tough,Still I Would Have Gone With Question No 3.and In Section B With Question No 1.

No More Stress Only Blessings For All. Keep Learning and Keep Growing…..!!!

previous year essay question paper upsc

November 15, 2017 at 3:47 am

Do your best & leave the rest! I also choose the same!

November 15, 2017 at 7:02 am

Wish You The Same.

God Bless You With Love and Peace……!!!

October 28, 2017 at 5:46 pm

Wau. ..I have found all the questions great!!not so hard as I thought 😐😐😐

previous year essay question paper upsc

October 29, 2017 at 1:01 am

Please tell me Gitaji, where you practiced essays writing from? And good luck for next upcoming paper.

previous year essay question paper upsc

July 14, 2019 at 2:37 pm

From where u do the practice of essays please tell me this is the 1st time for me i will give exam

October 28, 2017 at 11:00 pm

wow. so superb subject given in the essays in this paper.

previous year essay question paper upsc

October 29, 2017 at 6:11 pm

you are right , I wrote on number 1 in section 1 and 3 in section 2

previous year essay question paper upsc

October 29, 2017 at 6:42 pm

Alka section A essays are easy but how to deal with section B type essays

November 15, 2017 at 3:52 am

It’s not the context, it’s content! Don’t go for odds my friends, try to do evens also! ‘PUSH THE PACE’

Go with for/against both perspective in an essay! Write the bulletin! Explain the point! START WITH THE PROGRESSING HEIGHTS (BUILDING UR EMOTIONS) & END WITH A POSITIVE CONCLUSION..

Enough 2 score 70% in any essay!

November 15, 2017 at 8:26 am

I found sec B difficult..I would have gone for Ques 4 in sec A and ques 2 in sec B..

June 17, 2018 at 2:34 pm

Sir I am a student B. Com and I want ias please gave me information study materials

previous year essay question paper upsc

July 1, 2018 at 9:59 am

sir , i am b.com second year student and want to prepare for IAS .i don’t know where to start .please tell me

previous year essay question paper upsc

July 8, 2019 at 10:14 pm

Sir I am going to prepare for UPSC but still not sure that this is the only thing I want,as there is no other option left for me after graduation I have to prepare for it but people say do what your heart says,here I want to ask a question that is it really important to have a very clear aim before preparing for it, people like me who are unsure about their aim can’t prepare for UPSC????

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Download UPSC EPFO Previous Year Papers of Last 5 Years PDF

Download the previous year question papers pdf of EO/AO and APFC posts of UPSC EPFO of the last 5 years.

previous year essay question paper upsc

Topics Covered: UPSC EPFO EO & APFC Previous Year Question Papers, UPSC EPFO EO/AO Previous Year Question Paper 2023, UPSC EPFO EO/AO Previous Year Question Paper 2021, UPSC EPFO EO/AO PYQs 2017, UPSC EPFO APFC Previous Year Question Paper 2023, UPSC EPFO APFC Previous Year Question Paper 2015, UPSC EPFO APFC Previous Year Question Paper 2012, UPSC EPFO APFC Previous Year Question Paper 2004, UPSC EPFO APFC PYQs 2002, UPSC EPFO EO/AO & APFC PYQs with Answers, UPSC EPFO memory based papers, UPSC EPFO EO/AO & APFC Solved PYQs, UPSC EPFO EO/AO & APFC PYQ Analysis, Download UPSC EPFO EO/AO & APFC PYQ PDF.

Reviewing the UPSC EPFO previous year questions for the EO/AO and APFC posts is crucial for aspirants to get insights into the exam format, question types, and difficulty level. Analyzing UPSC EPFO PYQs can also help you identify exam trends and recognize the most important topics. This knowledge allows you to align your study material, tailor your preparation strategy, and maximize your chances of success in the UPSC EPFO exam.

Download UPSC EPFO Previous Year Papers PDFs

Fill below form to download the solved UPSC EPFO PYQs for EO/AO and APFC with answer keys in PDF format.

  • Regulatory Bodies

UPSC EPFO Previous Year Paper Analysis

At EduTap, our experts have analyzed previous year papers of the UPSC EPFO EO/AO & APFC exams to identify the most important topics.

By referring to this list of important topics during your preparation, you can:

  • Strategically allocate your time to the most important topics.
  • Avoid wasting time on less relevant topics
  • Save time for revision

Below, we have mentioned the subject-wise important topics of the UPSC EPFO EO/AO & APFC exams:

UPSC EPFO Important Topics

Based on our PYQs analysis, here are the subject-wise important topics of the UPSC EPFO EO/AO & APFC exams:

Important Topics of Quantitative Aptitude for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of quantitative aptitude for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Simplification
  • Number series
  • Number system
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Mensuration
  • Profit and loss
  • Simple and compound interest
  • Time and work
  • Time and distance

Important Topics of Reasoning Ability for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of reasoning ability for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Coding decoding
  • Blood relation
  • Direction sense
  • Previous Year Papers
  • Preparation Sources

Important Topics of General English for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of general English for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Subject verb agreement
  • Preposition
  • Complex preposition
  • Advance verbs
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Sentence improvement
  • Reading comprehension
  • Synonyms & antonyms
  • Idioms & phrases + one word substitution

Important Topics of Current Affairs for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of current affairs for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Government schemes
  • Reports/surveys
  • National news
  • Awards and honors
  • Defence news
  • Persons in news
  • Science and technology
  • Days in news
  • Terms in news

Important Topics of Indian Polity for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of Indian polity and governance and constitution of India for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Regulating act of 1773
  • Indian council act of 1909
  • Government of India act of 1919 and 1935
  • Features of Indian constitution 
  • Preamble of Indian constitution 
  • Fundamental rights 
  • Directive principle of state policy (DPSPs)
  • Emergency In India
  • President of India and governor of state
  • Parliament of India 
  • Supreme court of India
  • Finance commission and its recommendations
  • National human right commission election commission
  • Committees of electoral reforms
  • Panchayati raj institution 
  • Urban local government
  • Scheduled and tribal areas

Important Topics of Indian Economy for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of Indian economy for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Law of demand and law of supply
  • Movement and shift in the demand curve and supply curve
  • Types of market structure
  • Elasticity of demand – price elasticity, cross elasticity, and income elasticity
  • National income and related aggregates 
  • Concept of inclusive growth, growth versus development, real GDP, nominal GDP, and GDPdeflator
  • Meaning and types of poverty
  • Meaning and types of unemployment
  • Five year plans
  • Economic reforms since 1991  
  • Instruments of monetary policy – quantitative tools and qualitative tools
  • Monetary policy committee (MPC)
  • Components of budget – types of receipts and expenditure
  • Types of government deficit with significance
  • Meaning, tools, and types of fiscal policy
  • Inflation and measurement of inflation – wholesale price index and consumer price index 
  • All about IMF and world bank 
  • All about WTO
  • Regional economic cooperation
  • Meaning and components of balance of payments – current account and capital account
  • Determination of exchange rate – flexible, fixed and managed floating exchange rate
  • Industrial performance – situation and growth of indian industries since independence
  • Special economic zones

Important Topics of General Science for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of general science for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Kinematics including distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration
  • Dynamics and Newton’s laws of motion
  • Electricity
  • Elements, compounds, and mixtures
  • Atoms and molecules
  • Physical and chemical changes
  • Chemistry in daily life
  • Metals and non-metals
  • Acids and bases
  • Food components
  • Health and diseases
  • Cells and tissues
  • Organ systems – digestive system, skeletal system, muscular system, respiratory system, circulatory system and reproductive system
  • Biotechnology
  • Space technology 
  • Information and nano technology

Important Topics of Indian Freedom Struggle for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of Indian freedom struggle for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Indian national congress
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Important policies & laws by British
  • Important peasant and tribal uprisings
  • Major social reformers
  • Revolutionary leaders
  • Important battles

Important Topics of Basics of Computer Applications for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of basics of computer applications for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • History and generation of computers 
  • Computer organization 
  • Computer memory 
  • Computer hardware 
  • Computer software 
  • Operating system 
  • Computer network 
  • Number system 
  • Microsoft office 
  • Database management system 
  • Computer security 
  • Miscellaneous topics 

Important Topics of Industrial Relation, Labor Laws & Labor Codes for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of industrial relation, labor laws, and labor codes for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Industrial relations and the constitution of india
  • National commission on labour
  • Theoretical perspectives of industrial relations
  • Conditions influencing an employee’s decision to join trade unions
  • Robert hoxie’s trade unionism
  • Types of trade union
  • Collective bargaining
  • Industrial discipline
  • Methods of discovering grievances
  • Settlement of industrial disputes
  • Labour welfare
  • Workers’ participation in management
  • International labour organisation (ILO) and philadelphia declaration
  • Theories of accidents
  • Different concepts of labour
  • Union security measures/agreements
  • Payment of wages act, 1936
  • Minimum wages act, 1948
  • Industrial employment (standing orders) act, 1946
  • Trade unions act, 1926
  • Factories act, 1948
  • Industrial disputes act, 1947
  • The child and adolescent labour (prohibition and regulation) act, 1986
  • Inter-state migrant workmen (regulation of employment and conditions of service) act, 1979
  • Contract labour (regulation and abolition) act, 1970
  • Payment of bonus act, 1965
  • Building and other construction workers (regulation of employment and conditions of service) act, 1996
  • Mines act, 1952
  • The code on social security, 2020
  • The code on wages, 2019
  • The industrial relations code, 2020
  • The occupational safety, health, and working conditions code, 2020

Important Topics of Social Security for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of social security for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Social security schemes
  • Employees compensation act, 1923
  • Employees’ state insurance act, 1948
  • Employees’ provident funds and miscellaneous provisions act, 1952
  • Maternity benefit act, 1961
  • Payment of gratuity act, 1972
  • Unorganized workers social security act, 2008

Important Topics of General Accounting Principles for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of general accounting principles for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Basics of accounting
  • Preparation of financial statements
  • Ratio analysis
  • Cash flow statement
  • Accounting for share capital transactions
  • Accounting for bonus shares and rights shares
  • Buyback of securities
  • Accounting standard for inventories
  • Accounting standard for revenue recognition
  • Accounting standard for property, plant and equipment
  • Accounting standard for investments
  • Preparation and presentation of company final accounts
  • Accounting for not-for-profit organisation

Important Note: The important topics outlined above are for the UPSC EPFO EO/AO and APFC exams. However, the UPSC EPFO APFC exam syllabus includes some additional subjects, important topics of those subjects are mentioned below.

Important Topics of Auditing for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of auditing for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Nature, objective and scope of auditing
  • Audit strategy, audit planning, and audit programme
  • Risk assessment and internal control
  • Vouching and verification/audit of items of financial items
  • Company audit
  • Auditor’s report
  • Audit of different types of entities
  • Classification of audit

Important Topics of Insurance for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of insurance for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Basics, history, and features related to the insurance
  • Fundamental principles governing insurance contract 
  • Types and classification of insurance 
  • Difference between life and general insurance 
  • Insurance sector in india 
  • Emerging concepts and products in the insurance sector

Important Topics of Population, Development & Globalization for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of population, development and globalization for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Growth of population
  • Characteristics of population
  • Concept of human development
  • Information in latest human development report by UNDP
  • Impact of globalisation

Important Topics of Indian Culture and Heritage for UPSC EPFO

Here are the important topics of Indian culture and heritage for the UPSC EPFO exam.

  • Buddhism & Jainism
  • Caves and temples in India
  • Indian dance styles
  • Indian scriptures
  • UNESCO heritage
  • Archaeology in India
  • Important dynasties in India
  • Bhakti movement

Now that you have the UPSC PYQs for EO/AO and APFC in PDF format, you can: 

  • Identify different types of questions and important topics of each subject.
  • Choose the right study material that aligns with the exam requirements.
  • Get familiar with the exam pattern and boost confidence.
  • Identify areas that need improvement and address them accordingly.

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Anchit Garg, the co-founder, is a consultant turned edupreneur. With an MBA from IMT, Ghaziabad and B.Tech from PEC, Chandigarh, he has more than 7 years of experience in the field of education mentoring aspirants for regulatory bodies and banking exams.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The chances of PYQs being repeated in the upcoming UPSC EPFO EO/AO and APFC 2024 exam are pretty low. However, that doesn’t mean you should devalue PYQs. They serve an important purpose in understanding the exam pattern and types of questions and identifying important topics.

EduTap provides the UPSC EPFO EO/AO and APFC PYQs in English.

Yes, you can. This is because the UPSC EPFO EO/AO syllabus forms a core foundation within the UPSC EPFO APFC syllabus. However, it’s important to dedicate additional time to cover the additional topics of the APFC syllabus, such as insurance, statistics, auditing, and population, development and globalization (PDG).

The core subjects and topics remain relatively consistent; however, minor variations or updates may occur. It’s essential to review the latest notification of the UPSC EPFO EO/AO and APFC exams for the most accurate and updated syllabus.

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CDS 2 Question Paper 2024, Download English, GK, Maths Question Paper -_0.1

CDS 2 Question Paper 2024, Download English, GK, Maths Question Paper

The UPSC has successfully conducted the Shift 1 and Shift 2 of the CDS 2 2024 exam on 1st September 2024. Candidates can download the CDA 2 English Question paper and CDS 2 General Knowledge question paper 2024, complete with subject-wise questions, through this article.

CDS 2 Question Paper 2024

Table of Contents

Union Public Service Commission successfully conducted the CDS 2 exam in two sessions on 1 September 2024. A large number of candidates appeared in this exam at various centers across the country. You can check the questions asked in the CDS 2 exam and download them as PDF. You can download the CDS 2 Question Paper 2024 from the link given below this article.

UPSC CDS 2 Question paper 2024

The UPSC CDS exam is divided into three sections: English, General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics. The English and General Knowledge sections consist of 120 questions each, while the Elementary Mathematics section consists of 100 questions. This exam consists of a total of 300 questions through which candidates are evaluated to get admission into the Indian Armed Forces Academies and Officer Training Programs.

UPSC CDS 2 Question Paper 2024 Overview

The CDS 2 exam was successfully completed on 1 September 2024. Candidates successfully attempted most of the questions, which made it clear that the paper was relatively manageable and candidates performed well here. You can download the question paper of CDS 2 Exam 2024 set-wise by clicking on the link given in the table below. You can see the overview of this exam from the table given below

Conducting Organization Union Public Service Commission
Exam Name Combined Defence Services
Number of Vacancies 459
Category Question paper
Mode of Examination Offline
Last Date to Apply 4 June 2024
CDS Exam Date 1 September 2024
Selection Process Written Test – Interview – Medical Exam
Official Website upsc.gov.in

UPSC CDS 2 English Question Paper 2024 PDF

In the CDS Exam, the English section is worth 100 marks, with a duration of 2 hours provided to candidates. This section is included across all four categories: IMA, INA, AFA, and OTA. Therefore, it’s crucial not to overlook this part of the exam. To assist you in your preparation, we’ve provided the PDF link to the English section of the CDS 2024 English question paper below.

CDS 1 2024 English question paper
CDS 2 2024 English question paper ( Conducted on 1st September)

UPSC CDS 2 General Knowledge Question Paper 2024 PDF

UPSC CDS 2 Exam 2024 was conducted on 1st September 2024 in offline mode. After the conclusion of the exam, candidates can carry their question papers with them. Links are given in the table below, by clicking on which you can download UPSC CDS Question Paper 2024 PDF set-wise. Keep in mind that this PDF of CDS 2 Exam 2024 can prove to be an important resource for preparing for next year’s CDS exams. Download the question paper and keep it safe for your reference. In the table given below, candidates can check the CDS 2024 General Knowledge question paper.

CDS 1 2024 General Knowledge question paper
CDS 2 2024 General Knowledge question paper (  1st September)

UPSC CDS 2 Math Question Paper 2024 PDF

The Mathematics section in the CDS Exam features questions derived from Class 11th and 12th Mathematics topics. Although the questions in this section are challenging and more complex, attempting them with high accuracy can lead to a perfect score. We’ve provided the PDF link to the Math section of the CDS 2024 Math question paper below.

CDS 1 2024 Math question paper
CDS 2  2024 Math question paper ( Conducted on 1st September)


Where can I download the UPSC CDS 2 Exam 2024 question papers?

The UPSC CDS 2 Exam 2024 question papers can be downloaded as PDFs from the provided links.

When was the UPSC CDS 2 Exam 2024 conducted?

The UPSC CDS 2 Exam 2024 was conducted on 1st September 2024.

How many sections are there in the UPSC CDS exam?

The UPSC CDS exam consists of three sections: English, General Knowledge, and Elementary Mathematics.

What is the selection process for the CDS exam?

The selection process for the CDS exam includes a written test, an interview, and a medical examination.

What is the mode of the UPSC CDS 2 Exam 2024?

The UPSC CDS 2 Exam 2024 was conducted in offline mode.


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Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2024
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2024
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Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2024
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2024
Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2024
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Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2024
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Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2023
Combined SO (Grade-B) LDC Examination, 2019-2022
Combined SO (Gr B) LDCE Year 2021 - 2022
Combined SO (Gr B) LDCE Year 2019 - 2020
Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2023
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General Studies
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2023
Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2023
Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2023
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National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2022
Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, 2022
Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2022
Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2021
Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2021
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Optional Subjects
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SO-Steno (GD-B-GD-I) LDCE, 2016-2017
Engineering Services (Main) Examination, 2021
Combined Medical Services Examination, 2021
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2021
Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2021
Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2021
Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2021
Indian Economic Service - Indian Statistical Service Examination, 2021
Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2021
Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination, 2021
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2021
Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, 2021
Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2021
Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2020
Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2020
Compulsory Subjects
Optional Subjects
Literature Subjects
General Studies
Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2020
Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2020
Combined Medical Services Examination, 2020
Engineering Services (Main) Examination, 2020
Indian Economic Service - Indian Statistical Service Examination, 2020
Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination, 2020
Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2020
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I) & (II), 2020
Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2020
Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, 2020
Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2020
Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2019
Literature Subjects
Optional Subjects
Compulsory Subjects
General Studies
Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2019
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2019
Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2019
Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2019
Combined Medical Services Examination, 2019
Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination, 2019
Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service Examination, 2019
Engineering Services (Main) Examination, 2019
Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2019
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2019
Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2019
Engineering Services (Preliminary - Stage I) Examination, 2019

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