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Course code & No. Course Title Course Description Offering Unit
ENG 320 Seminar: Discourse and The Media
Eng 1 Basic College English Basic grammar, usage, and composition skills in English
Eng 2 English for the Professions
Eng 3 Literature and Society
Eng 4 World Literatures
Eng 5 Expository Writing A directed study of selected prose writings in English, with guidance on written assignments.
Eng 11 Literature and Society
Eng 12 World Literatures
Eng 13 Writing as Thinking
Eng 15 Survey of World Literature Reading of short masterpieces and selections from World Writers excluding English and American.
Eng 19 English Literature
Eng 20 American Literature
Eng 21 Survey of English Literature I
Eng 22 Survey of English Literature II
Eng 23 Introduction to Shakespeare
Eng 30 English for the Professions
Eng 31 Fundamentals of Speech Understanding of the basic principles of speech and voice production and proficiency in their use. Speech skills common to all forms of oral communication; the selection and evaluation of materials for speech; organization; thought; voice; action; and speaker-listener relations.
Eng 37 Survey of American Literature American Literature from the beginnings to the close of the nineteenth century: includes major works and a critical appreciation of their place and influence in American Literature. Intensive readings from leading writers of each period.
Eng 40 Writing and Critical Writing
Eng 41 Survey of American Literature I Beginnings to 1900.
Eng 42 Survey of American Literature II
Eng 100 Study of the English Language
Eng 101 Introduction to British Literary History
Eng 102 Development of the English Language History and structure of the English language.
Eng 103 Introduction to American Literary History Literary, cultural, and historical background for the study of the literature of the United States.
Eng 104 Levels of English Language Use
Eng 105 Masterpieces of World Literature A rapid study of the literary history of the world, from primitive times to the present; a cultural and comparative study of a few famous books from the East and West; supplementary and collateral readings and reports on assigned authors and works. Students are advised to finish the first before they enroll in the second semester of the course.
Eng 106 Language Theory and Language Awareness
Eng 107 Fundamentals of Journalism How information and facts for news and feature stories are gathered and how they are put together by the press and radio. Emphasis will be on practical application of principles. Considerable writing by students. Course will tie in closely with student newspaper.
Eng 108 Ethics of Journalism The need for a free press and impartial news in modern society. Responsibilities and obligations of the free press. Duty of a free press to inform the public accurately and honestly.
Eng 109 Advanced News, Feature and Radio Writing Instruction and practice in the writing of the more elaborate news stories, the newspaper magazine section type of article, the radio news broadcasts and interviews.
Eng 110 Introduction to English Principles of editing copy, headline writing, page make-up and the use of pictures. Explanation of the copydesk and how it operates.
Eng 111 The Short Story This course consists of practice in writing short stories, study of narrative principles in the short story, and consideration of the short story as a literary form.
Eng 112 Introduction to Modern English Morphology and Syntax Morphologic and syntactic structures of Modern English; regional and formal variations; varying analyses.
Eng 114 History of the English Languate A descriptive study of the forms and structure of the English language from its beginnings in Old English to Middle English through Modern English.
Eng 115 Development of the English Language History and structure of the English language.
Eng 116 Structure of English I: Phonetics and Phonology An analysis of the phonetic features and phonological structure and function of the sound patterns of English.
Eng 117 Structure of English II: Morphology and Syntax An analysis of the structure and function of words and sentence patterns in English.
Eng 118 English Semantics Meaning relations between words and larger grammatical units.
Eng 119 English Discourse
Eng 120-II Seventeenth Century Literature Studies in baroque and classical prose, the metaphysical and other schools of poetry, and the works of Milton.
Eng 120-I Sixteenth Century Literature Elizabethan poetry, prose, and drama, including Shakespeare but only in historical perspective.
Eng 120 Stylistics
Eng 121 Dryden to Johnson The classical Period.
Eng 122 Old English and Medieval Literature The important works in Old English and Middle English.
Eng 123 Elizabethan Literature Elizabethan prose, poetry, and drama.
Eng 124 Seventeenth Century Literature Baroque and classical prose, the metaphysical and other schools of poetry, and the works of Milton (excluding the drama).
Eng 125 Metaphysical and Restoration Literature Selected writers of the seventeenth century to the Restoration.
Eng 127 Romantic Literature The 18th century phase of the movement, the revival of romanticism from Blake to Scott.
Eng 128 Studies in Contemporary American Literature Major figures from Henry James to recent, poets, dramatists and novelists, in relation to their social and philosophic backgrounds.
Eng 129 Victorian Literature Major works of the more important Victorian writers.
Eng 131 Modern British Literature Major writers and significant literary movements from 1900 to 1944.
Eng 132 Contemporary British Literature Major writers and significant literary movements from 1945 to the present.
Eng 133 Literatures from the British Commonwealth Countries and Former British Colonies
Eng 134 Acting and Directing Theory and practice. All students are cast in reasonably important parts each semester. Those especially interested in directing will be given much practice under supervision. An attempt is made to develop all round actors; each student plays at least two part of diametrically opposed types.
Eng 135 Oral Interpretation The reading prose and poetry with emphasis on variety, range, and expression; the development of adequate responsiveness -- intellectual and emotional appreciation -- to literary values and of the power to communication orally this appreciation to others.
Eng 136 Forms of Public Addresses The more important forms of public address and the occasions which give rise to hem; study of special methods by which speech is made clear, interesting, and forceful. Reading and reports on Philippine public address.
Eng 137 Group Discussion and Conference Leadership Procedures in exchanging information, solving problems, determining policies, resolving differences in small face-to-face groups, and developing insights into the nature of group processes.
Eng 142 The American Romantics Texts by writers of the nineteenth century illustrative of the various impulses of the romantic tradition in the United States.
Eng 143 Early 20th Century American Literature Major works from Henry James to William Faulkner and their social and philosophical backgrounds.
Eng 144 Current 20th Century American Literature American Literature from 1945 to the present.
Eng 146 New Genres in Anglo-American Literature Anglo-American popular genres, such as sci-fi, fantasy, gothic, fiction, detective fiction and the comic tradition.
Eng 147 The Tradition of Women's Writing in Anglo-American Literature
Eng 148 Asian Voices in Anglo-American Literature Literature by British and American writers of Asian extraction.
Eng 150 Creative Writing Nature, forms, principles, and techniques of creative writing in the fields of drama, prose, and poetry for the purpose of producing a manuscript of special literary merit.
Eng 151 The Writing of Fiction The art of fiction, particularly that of the modern short story, including a survey of the growth of its techniques.
Eng 152 Advanced Fiction Writing The writing of fiction with emphasis on the student's critical and imaginative range as demonstrated in his ability to render more complicated themes and fictional forms, including the short novel.
Eng 153 The Writing of Poetry The art of poetry, particularly that of modern poetry, including a survey of the growth of its techniques.
Eng 154 Advanced Poetry Writing The writing of poetry with stress on the student's critical and imaginative range.
Eng 155 Introduction to Dramatic Writing The one-act play and other dramatic forms; the techniques of writing for the stage.
Eng 156 Dramatic Writing The three-act play and other sustained forms of drama.
Eng 157 English for the Professions
Eng 158 Registers of English
Eng 191 Approaches to a College English Program Analysis of concepts and problems in college English under a general education program.
Eng 195 Ethnic American Literature A study of the literature and heritage of non-Anglo-Saxon writers (such as African-American, Hispanic American and Jewish American writers) whose works have enriched and changed American Literature.
Eng 197 Special Topics
Eng 198 Selected Topics
Eng 199 Research
Eng 200 Undergraduate Thesis
Eng 201 Introduction to Old English A beginning study of the history of the English language and principles of linguistic development. Lectures, regular exercises, and assigned readings and translation of Old English texts.
Eng 202 English Drama to 1642 A historical and critical study; exclusive of Shakespeare.
Eng 203-F Life and the Comedies Examination and discussion of important biographical documents and authorities, and study of the dramatist's development in comedy. The comedies are read with emphasis on questions of sources and on some structural and textual problems. Unusual passages are memorized and peculiarities of grammar and style are investigated. Individual reports of considerable length on specialized topics.
Eng 203-S Shakespeare The Histories and Tragedies. Study of the playwright's development in serious drama. The histories are read not only as specimens or masterpieces of their type, but also in their relation to similar Elizabethan plays and to other works of Shakespeare. As in the comedies, the stress in the treatment of the tragedies is on sources and peculiar problems of dramatic structure and style. Memorization of passages of great beauty and individual and style. Memorization of passages of great beauty and individual term papers on approved subjects.
Eng 203 Introduction to Middle English
Eng 204 History of the English Language
Eng 205 The Structure of English: Phonology and Morphology
Eng 206 The Structure of English A study of the phonological, morphological, and syntactic components of English as seen in its sound, prosodic, word, and sentence structures.
Eng 207 Advanced Semantics
Eng 208 Discourse Analysis
Eng 210 Language and Literature
Eng 211 Pre-Shakesperean Drama English drama from its beginnings to the time of Shakespeare.
Eng 212 English Drama
Eng 213 Shakespeare
Eng 214 Shakespeare
Eng 215 Restoration Drama to the Present Selected English plays from the Restoration to the contemporary period.
Eng 216 The English Novel From Richardson to Scott The derivation and development of the English novel to the period of the Victorians.
Eng 217 The English Novel
Eng 218 The Modern English Novel The English novel from Conrad to the present.
Eng 221 Readings in Old English -
Eng 222 Readings in Middle English Literature
Eng 223 English Poetry
Eng 230 Critical Theory and Prcactice Rapid survey of important writings on the subject from Aristotle to Walter Pater, discussion of principles of modern literary criticism, and the critical study of the chief literary types. Each student is assigned to work on a particular problem. Studies in Philippine literature are acceptable for this assignment.
Eng 232 Beowulf
Eng 233 Chaucer
Eng 235 The Life and Works of Milton
Eng 240 Philippine Literature in English A study of Filipino writing in the English language.
Eng 242 Individualism in American Literature: 1837-1900
Eng 243 American Literature: 1900-1944
Eng 244 Current American Literature from 1945 to the Present
Eng 245 The American Novel
Eng 246 Gender and Genre in Anglo-American Women's Writing
Eng 251 Readings in New English Literatures
Eng 256 New Genres in Anglo-American Literature
Eng 257 English Satire of the Restoration and the 18th Century
Eng 258 English Lyric Poetry from the Renaissance to Present
Eng 260 Variations of Native and Non-native English
Eng 261 Critical Survey of Language Theories
Eng 262 The Study of Rhetoric
Eng 263 Textual Analysis
Eng 264 Studies in 19th Century English Literature
Eng 265 Studies in Modern British Literature
Eng 290 Sociolinguistics and Literature
Eng 291 Seminar in English Literature
Eng 295 Colloquium: Contemporary Issues and Problems in Language and Literature in the Philippine Setting
Eng 298 Directed Reading
Eng 299 Bibliography and Methods of Research
Eng 300 Master's Thesis
Eng 305 Seminar: Language and Cognition
Eng 310 Seminar: English Language and Culture
Eng 311 Seminar: Language and Gender
Eng 315 Seminar: Semiotics
Eng 316 Seminar: Language Theories
Eng 317 Seminar: Pragmatics
Eng 320 Seminar: Discourse Stylistics and the Media
Eng 325 Seminar: Hermeneutics
Eng 335 Seminar: Critique of Philippine Literary Works in English Translation
Eng 351 Seminar in English Linguistic
Eng 352 Seminar in English Phonology
Eng 353 Seminar in English Morphology and Syntax
Eng 354 English Language Seminar
Eng 355 Seminar in Old English Literature
Eng 356 Seminar: Rhetorical Theory
Eng 357 Seminar in Language and Literature
Eng 360 Seminar in Medieval English Literature
Eng 361 Seminar in Renaissance English Literature
Eng 362 Seminar in 17th Century English Literature
Eng 363 Seminar in 18th Century English Literature
Eng 364 Seminar in 19th Century British Literature
Eng 365 Seminar in Contemporary British Literature
Eng 371 Seminar in American Literature
Eng 391 Seminar in British Literature
Eng 398 Special Problems in Literature
Eng 399 Research
Eng 400 PhD Dissertation
Engg 150 Introduction to Technology Entrepreneurship

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University of the Philippines Diliman (UP Diliman, UP)

BA in Creative Writing

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About the provider.

What does University of the Philippines Diliman (UP Diliman, UP) stand for?

The University of the Philippines (UP) is a state university system, founded in 1908. It was established to provide advanced education in Science and Arts, Philosophy, Literature, and Technical training for Filipino students under the Act No. 1870 of the first Philippine Legislature. It has eight constituent universities (Diliman, Los Baños, Manila, Visayas, Open University, Mindanao, Baguio, and Cebu). Aside from the universities, UP has also expanded and added new programs to cater the basic education with UP Integrated School.

University of the Philippines offers a wide array of programs in different fields for undergraduate, graduate, diploma, and certificate courses. The Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) awarded the institution’s various programs with Centers of Excellence and Centers of Development. The courses offered by UP vary by campus.

Throughout its history, University of the Philippines upholds its mandate as the country’s state university shaping minds and producing competent students. Notable alumni who graduated from UP include presidents of the Philippines, senators, supreme court justices, and National Artists. The University of the Philippines is one of the top 1000 universities in the world, and is also one of the only three Philippine higher learning institution that is a member of the ASEAN University Network.

University of the Philippines Facts:

UP is one of the top 1000 universities in the world according to the World University Rankings UP held its centennial celebration in 2008 Aside from its quality education, University of the Philippines is also known for its annual Oblation Run where the members of the Alpha Phi Omega organization run completely naked around the university area to expresses the group’s stance on socially relevant issues. Sources:

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creative writing upd curriculum

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creative writing upd curriculum

University of the Philippines Diliman

Literature & writing courses offered at up diliman.

BA in Comparative Literature

Last updated: December 2018 Note: This school is included in the Free Tuition Law

Asian Literature
European Literatures
Philippine Literatures/English Translation
BA in Creative Writing

Last updated: November 2018 Note: This school is included in the Free Tuition Law

BA in Malikhaing Pagsulat sa Filipino

Ito ay apat na taong program sa Malikhaing Pagsulat sa Filipino na naglalayong linangin ang mga pagka-malikhain ng mga mag-aaral. Layon din nito na tulungan ang mga mag-aaral na maipahayag ang kanilang mga husay sa pamamagitan ng kanilang mga likha patungkol sa wikang pambansa.

Ang mga makakapagtapos sa nasabing kursong ay maaring magtrabaho sa midya bilang scriptwriters, head writers, news reporter, at producer. Bukod rito ay maaari rin silang magturo sa mga pamantasang may kurso sa malikhaing pagsulat at Filipino.

Last updated: December 2018 Note: This school is included in the Free Tuition Law

BA in English Studies major in Literature

Last updated: December 2018 Note: This school is included in the Free Tuition Law

BA in Filipino at Panitikan ng Pilipinas

Ito ay isang kurso ng Panitikan ng Pilipinas na ang layon ay mabigyan ang mga mag-aaral ng malawak na kaalaman ukol sa pag-unlad ng pambansang wika sa konteksto ng multilingual na bansa.

Ang mga mag-aaral na nakapailalim sa nasabing kurso ay mabibigyan ng mas malalim na kaalaman at pag-unawa sa kung paano nga ba umiikot ang wika sa isang komunidad, partikular sa lipunang Pilipino. Bukod dito ay nagiging analitikal at rasyonal ang mag-aaral sa pagtatalakay sa nakaraan at kasalukuyang estado ng wika at panitikan sa bansa.

Ang mga estudyanteng nakapagtapos ng kursong ito ay maaring maging kilalang guro sa elementarya at high school. Maaari rin silang magtrabaho sa pamahalaan, midya, at mga NGOs.

Last updated: December 2018 Note: This school is included in the Free Tuition Law

Certificate in Creative Writing in Filipino

MA in Comparative Literature

Master of Arts in Creative Writing promotes the activities of creative writing as explicit curricular challenges to English studies, situates the practice in concrete settings both past and present, and encourages practicing and established creative writers to join the English studies faculty while they strengthen their backgrounds in literature theory and criticism. Applicants will be accepted on the basis of creative texts submitted to the program evaluators.

It is a 30-unit program which provides students with the space and guidance to concentrate on writing in one genre of their choice. The bulk of the course work (18 units) is devoted to workshops, where students can further sharpen their writing skills and refine a writing project in their chosen genre by working closely with their peers and with established writers. The M.A. Thesis is a publishable book-length creative work accompanied by an introductory essay.

• Possession of a bachelor’s degree or it's equivalent (degree or title) from the University or from other recognized institutions of higher learning;

• A GWA of 2.0 or better;

• High quality and integrity of intellect;

• English language proficiency;

• Specific evidence of creative talent in any of the genres (for M.A. And Ph.D. Creative Writing);

• Satisfaction of additional University/course requirements such as 3-12 units of undergraduate courses if previous academic degrees are deemed inadequate;

• A passing mark in the admissions examination to be evaluated by the Graduate Admissions Committee; and

• Other special admission requirements stipulated by the Graduate Admissions Committee.

These qualifications shall be determined through:

• Examination of undergraduate credentials;

• Recommendation of two former professors and/or recognized authorities in the discipline or area of specialization;

• Character reference; and

• Interview with the applicant, or other appropriate means.

Last updated: November 2018

MA in Creative Writing

Master of Arts in Creative Writing promotes the activities of creative writing as explicit curricular challenges to English studies, situates the practice in concrete settings both past and present, and encourages practicing and established creative writers to join the English studies faculty while they strengthen their backgrounds in literature theory and criticism. Applicants will be accepted on the basis of creative texts submitted to the program evaluators.

It is a 30-unit program which provides students with the space and guidance to concentrate on writing in one genre of their choice. The bulk of the course work (18 units) is devoted to workshops, where students can further sharpen their writing skills and refine a writing project in their chosen genre by working closely with their peers and with established writers. The M.A. Thesis is a publishable book-length creative work accompanied by an introductory essay.

• Possession of a bachelor’s degree or it's equivalent (degree or title) from the University or from other recognized institutions of higher learning;

• A GWA of 2.0 or better;

• High quality and integrity of intellect;

• English language proficiency;

• Specific evidence of creative talent in any of the genres (for M.A. And Ph.D. Creative Writing);

• Satisfaction of additional University/course requirements such as 3-12 units of undergraduate courses if previous academic degrees are deemed inadequate;

• A passing mark in the admissions examination to be evaluated by the Graduate Admissions Committee; and

• Other special admission requirements stipulated by the Graduate Admissions Committee.

These qualifications shall be determined through:

• Examination of undergraduate credentials;

• Recommendation of two former professors and/or recognized authorities in the discipline or area of specialization;

• Character reference; and

• Interview with the applicant, or other appropriate means.

Last updated: November 2018

MA in English Studies (Anglo-American Literature)

MA in Malikhaing Pagsulat

PhD in Comparative Literature

The program gives students specialized training in the study of literature across geographic, historical, cultural, race, ethnic, religious, gender boundaries with emphasis on interdisciplinary comparative work.

• Possession of a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree or equivalent degree or title (s) from the University or from other recognized institutions of higher learning;

• All Ph.D. Students must pass a written qualifying examination to be taken after nine (9) units of the core Ph.D. Courses;

• A dissertation proposal shall be a requirement for Ph.D. Students and shall be defended after completion of the program of study, the passing of language examination (s), the comprehensive examination, and courses stipulated by the Maximum Residence Rule, where applicable;

• A GWA of 1.75 or better;

• High quality and integrity of intellect;

• English language proficiency;

• A passing mark in the admission examination to be evaluated by the Graduate Admissions Committee; and

• Other special admission requirements stipulated by the Graduate Admissions Committee.

These qualifications shall be determined through

• Examination of undergraduate and graduate credentials;

• Recommendation of three recognized scholar professors in the discipline or professional area concerned;

• Interview with the applicant, or other appropriate means; and

• Character reference.

PhD Creative Writing

The Ph.D. In Creative Writing is a 48-unit program which provides students with the space and guidance to pursue their creative work and make a scholarly contribution to the field of creative writing in the Philippines.

Students take workshop courses as well as courses relevant to their complementary field, which may be Anglo-American Literature, Comparative Literature, or English Language. The Ph.D. Dissertation is a publishable book-length creative work accompanied by a scholarly essay on the art and craft of writing.

• Possession of a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree or equivalent degree or title (s) from the University or from other recognized institutions of higher learning;

• All Ph.D. Students must pass a written qualifying examination to be taken after nine (9) units of the core Ph.D. Courses;

• A dissertation proposal shall be a requirement for Ph.D. Students and shall be defended after completion of the program of study, the passing of language examination (s), the comprehensive examination, and courses stipulated by the Maximum Residence Rule, where applicable;

• A GWA of 1.75 or better;

• High quality and integrity of intellect;

• English language proficiency;

• A passing mark in the admission examination to be evaluated by the Graduate Admissions Committee; and

• Other special admission requirements stipulated by the Graduate Admissions Committee.

These qualifications shall be determined through

• Examination of undergraduate and graduate credentials;

• Recommendation of three recognized scholar professors in the discipline or professional area concerned;

• Interview with the applicant, or other appropriate means; and

• Character reference.

PhD in English Studies (Anglo-American Literature)

PhD in Hispanic Literature

PhD in Malikhaing Pagsulat

University of the Philippines Diliman

  • Quezon City
  • Metro Manila
  • Philippines


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  1. Creative Writing

    Creative Writing offers training in various approaches and techniques in the writing of fiction, poetry, essay, and drama. These courses are taught by multi-awarded and published writers expert at honing the skills of young writers. Course Checklists. BA Creative Writing (2018 NEW)

  2. Curriculum Checklist

    Bachelor of Fine Arts (Art History) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Industrial Design) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Communication) Bachelor of Science in Interior Design. Bachelor of Science in Clothing Technology. Bachelor of Science in Family Life and Child Development. Bachelor of Science in Community Nutrition.

  3. PDF BACHELOR OF ARTS (CREATIVE WRITING) 135 units Effective First Semester

    UC Approval: 149th UPD UC: 19 June 2018 Notes: 1Subject to reconfiguration based on the Revised G.E. Framework (2016) 2As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officers'

  4. PDF Office of the University Registrar

    149 UPD UC: 19 June 2018 Date of effectivity: st 1 Semester of AY 2018-2019 tid 2 SemesteF 6: Eng 12 ... if s/he chooses CW 140 and CW 141- Creative Nonfiction I and Creative Nonfiction Il, he/she must take CL 115 as a ... curriculum until such time that a new curriculum replacing it has been duly approved for implementation. All courses ...

  5. Creative Writing in UPD : r/peyups

    I only had Creative Writing 10 as my GE in undergrad so many years ago. It was a workshop kind of class in the second part. In the first part the instructor talked about the basics of storywriting - stuff like atmosphere, plot, conflict, theme, dialog, characterization, etc. etc. During the workshopping we had to critique each other's stories.

  6. Undergraduate Programs

    Undergraduate Programs. Students may choose from among ten major fields under the Bachelor of Arts program: Araling Pilipino, Art Studies, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, English Studies, European Languages, Filipino, Malikhaing Pagsulat sa Filipino, Speech Communication, and Theatre Arts. Some programs provide further concentrations ...

  7. PDF College of Arts And letters

    Directed at improving skills and deepening knowledge in writing specific literary forms. The program aims to: 1) respond to the growing need for professional creative writers in Filipino and other regional languages; 2) respond to the demands of educational institutions for formal training in writing in Filipino; and 3) invigorate production of

  8. UP CRS

    Creative Writing: Nature, forms, principles, and techniques of creative writing in the fields of drama, prose, and poetry for the purpose of producing a manuscript of special literary merit. DECL: Eng 151: The Writing of Fiction: The art of fiction, particularly that of the modern short story, including a survey of the growth of its techniques ...

  9. BA in Creative Writing

    The University of the Philippines (UP) is a state university system, founded in 1908. It was established to provide advanced education in Science and Arts, Philosophy, Literature, and Technical training for Filipino students under the Act No. 1870 of the first Philippine Legislature. It has eight constituent universities (Diliman, Los Baños ...

  10. College of Arts and Letters

    UP Office of Admissions. Kalaw cor. Quirino Avenue, UP Diliman. Quezon City 1101. Telefax: (632) 9274561. UP Trunkline: (632) 8981-8500 loc. 3827/3828/3830/3831. Email: [email protected]. UP Office of Admission Facebook Page. General Information for Transfer Applicants. From Other UP Diliman Colleges/Units.

  11. UP Diliman: Literature & Writing courses offered

    The bulk of the course work (18 units) is devoted to workshops, where students can further sharpen their writing skills and refine a writing project in their chosen genre by working closely with their peers and with established writers. The M.A. Thesis is a publishable book-length creative work accompanied by an introductory essay.

  12. PDF BACHELOR OF ARTS (CREATIVE WRITING) 135 units Effective First Semester

    Officers' Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD. NSTP 1 & 2 must be taken in the same college. ... if s/he chooses CW 140 and CW 141- Creative Non-fiction I and Creative Non-fiction II, he/she must take CL 115 as a prerequisite.) ... follow the existing curriculum until such time that a new curriculum ...

  13. UPD Creative Writing Curriculum : r/peyups

    UPD Creative Writing Curriculum : r/peyups. r/peyups • 2 yr. ago. by abcdj26. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit.

  14. Creative Writing in UPD and ADMU : r/ADMU

    However, I formed genuine connections and relationships in ADMU through my block and org that are difficult to let go; I talked to them about this too, and they said that we could still bond even when I'm in UPD. I think the only aspect that will convince me to transfer or not is the Creative Writing curriculum of both universities.

  15. PDF Office of the University Registrar

    2024 UPD Commencement Exercises. Important Dates for the Mid Year Term 2024. Evaluation of Student Records. 2024 UPD Commencement Guide (Officials and Marshals) Office of the University Registrar

  16. Programs

    Home / Programs. Comparative Literature stresses the use of Philippine and Southeast Asian Cultures as matrix for comparative studies in literary theory, gender studies, etc. It encourages the study of works in the original language and simultaneously promotes translation as an access to other cultures. Its cross-cultural, intertextual approach ...

  17. PhD Programs

    PhD Creative Writing. Creative Writing offers training in various approaches and techniques in the writing of fiction, poetry, essay, and drama. ... Program was formally approved during the 57th UPD University Council on December 17, 1997. Currently, the PhD program is undergoing curriculum revisions. As such, admissions are temporarily suspended.

  18. Undergraduate Programs

    The BA (European Languages) (BA EL) program was instituted in 1976. In 2002, it underwent a major revision that involved the institution of new courses, changes in course descriptions, and deletion of courses. Under the revised program, students must choose either Plan 1 or Plan 2. All students major in one of the following European languages ...

  19. I am planning to apply in UPD for an MA degree in Creative Writing

    Check the UPD DECL website regarding admission requirements for it. Now, whether or not now is a good time to apply depends on you. I want to be hopeful but the remote learning set-up may reach until this academic year's second semester so you may want to consider that. 2. Award.

  20. PDF Program Quota and Requirements for Shiftees Within the College (S1

    BA CREATIVE WRITING BA ENGLISH STUDIES (LIT) BA ENGLISH STUDIES (LANG) ARCH 2. DIGITAL COPIES a. Should be collated and submitted in one pdf file only b. Use file name: UPCA Type of Applicant_Surname_Date of Submission (indicate if S1/S2/T1/T2 for the type of applicant, eg. UPCA S1 Applicant_Dela Cruz_2 June 2022)

  21. Office of the University Registrar

    BA Comparative Literature (European Literatures) BA Comparative Literature (Philippine Literatures in English & in English Translation) BA Creative Writing. BA English Studies (Language) BA English Studies (Literature) BA European Languages Plan 1 BA Speech Comm. BA European Languages Plan 2. BA Filipino. BA Film.

  22. [UPD] MA Creative Writing Graduate Admission Exam : r/peyups

    Good evening! I was informed yesterday through email that I advanced towards the next step of my graduate school application in UP CAL (MA Creative Writing) as I am being required to take an admission exam next week. Any previous exam takers here that can at least provide a general idea as to what kind of admission exam should I prepare for?