How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay, With Outlines and an Example

Matt Ellis

A five-paragraph essay is a simple format for writing a complete essay, fitting the minimal components of an essay into just five paragraphs. Although it doesn’t have much breadth for complexity, the five-paragraph essay format is useful for helping students and academics structure basic papers.

If you’re having trouble writing , you can use the five-paragraph essay format as a guide or template. Below we discuss the fundamentals of the five-paragraph essay, explaining how to write one and what to include. 

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What is a five-paragraph essay? 

The five-paragraph essay format is a guide that helps writers structure an essay. It consists of one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs for support, and one concluding paragraph. Because of this structure, it has been nicknamed the “hamburger essay,” the “one-three-one essay,” and the “three-tier essay.” 

You won’t find too many five-paragraph essay examples in literature, simply because the format is too short. The five-paragraph essay format is more popular for educational assignments, such as school papers or quick writing exercises. Think of it as a writing tool to guide structure rather than an independent genre of essay. 

Part of the appeal of the five-paragraph essay format is that it can accommodate all types of essays . No matter your assignment, whether an argumentative essay or a compare-and-contrast essay , you can apply the structure of a five-paragraph essay to communicate clearly and logically, as long as your topic is simple enough to be covered in just five paragraphs .

How to start a five-paragraph essay

As with all essays, before you begin writing a five-paragraph essay, you first need to know your thesis, or main topic. Your thesis is the idea you will defend or expand upon, and ultimately what your entire essay is about, and the three paragraphs in the middle will support, prove, or elaborate on your thesis.

Naturally, you can’t begin writing until you know what you’re writing about. If your thesis is not provided in the assignment, choose one that has sufficient content for discussion, or at least enough to fill five paragraphs. 

Writers typically explain the thesis in the thesis statement , a sentence in the first paragraph that tells the reader what the essay is about. You don’t need to write this first, but phrasing the topic as a single sentence can help you to understand it, focus it, and revise it if needed. 

Once you’ve selected a topic, we recommend writing a quick essay outline so you know what information to include and in which paragraphs. Your five-paragraph essay outline is like a blueprint where you can perfect the order and structure of your essay beforehand to save time on editing later. 

How to transition between paragraphs

One of the biggest challenges in essay writing is transitioning from one paragraph to another. Good writing is seamless and fluid, so if your paragraph transitions are jarring or abrupt, readers will get distracted from the flow and lose momentum or even interest. 

The best way to move logically from one point to another is to create transition sentences using words or phrases like “however,” “similarly,” or “on the other hand.” Sometimes adding a single word to the beginning of a paragraph is enough to connect it to the preceding paragraph and keep the reader on track. You can find a full list of transition words and phrases here . 

Five-paragraph essay format

If you’re writing your five-paragraph essay outline—or if you’re diving right into the first draft—it helps to know what information to include in each paragraph. Just like in all prose writing, the basic components of your essay are its paragraphs . 

In five-paragraph essays, each paragraph has a unique role to play. Below we explain the goals for each specific paragraph and what to include in them. 

Introductory paragraph

The first paragraph is crucial. Not only does it set the tone of your entire essay, it also introduces the topic to the reader so they know what to expect. Luckily, many of the same suggestions for how to start an essay still apply to five-paragraph essays. 

First and foremost, your introductory paragraph should contain your thesis statement. This single sentence clearly communicates what the entire essay is about, including your opinion or argument, if it’s warranted. 

The thesis statement is often the first sentence, but feel free to move it back if you want to open with something more attention-grabbing, like a hook. In writing, a hook is something that attracts the reader’s interest, such as mystery, urgency, or good old-fashioned drama. 

Your introductory paragraph is also a good spot to include any background context for your topic. You should save the most significant information for the body paragraphs, but you can use the introduction to give basic information that your readers might not know. 

Finally, your introductory paragraph should touch on the individual points made in the subsequent paragraphs, similar to an outline. You don’t want to give too much away in the first paragraph, just a brief mention of what you’ll discuss. Save the details for the following paragraphs, where you’ll have room to elaborate. 

Body paragraphs

The three body paragraphs are the “meat” of your essay, where you describe details, share evidence, explain your reasoning, and otherwise advance your thesis. Each paragraph should be a separate and independent topic that supports your thesis. 

Start each paragraph with a topic sentence , which acts a bit like a thesis statement, except it describes the topic of only that paragraph. The topic sentence summarizes the point that the entire paragraph makes, but saves the details for the following sentences. Don’t be afraid to include a transition word or phrase in the topic sentence if the subject change from the previous paragraph is too drastic.

After the topic sentence, fill in the rest of the paragraph with the details. These could be persuasive arguments, empirical data, quotes from authoritative sources, or just logical reasoning. Be sure to avoid any sentences that are off-topic or tangential; five-paragraph essays are supposed to be concise, so include only the relevant details. 

Concluding paragraph

The final paragraph concludes the essay. You don’t want to add any new evidence or support in the last paragraph; instead, summarize the points from the previous paragraphs and tie them together. Here, the writer restates the thesis and reminds the reader of the points made in the three body paragraphs. 

If the goal of your essay is to convince the reader to do something, like donate to a cause or change their behavior, the concluding paragraph can also include a call to action. A call to action is a statement or request that explains clearly what the writer wants the reader to do. For example, if your topic is preventing forest fires, your call to action might be: “Remember to obey safety laws when camping.” 

The basic principles of how to write a conclusion for an essay apply to five-paragraph essays as well. For example, the final paragraph is a good time to explain why this topic matters or to add your own opinion. It also helps to end with a thought-provoking sentence, such as an open-ended question, to give your audience something to think about after reading. 

Five-paragraph essay example

Here’s a five-paragraph essay example, so you can better understand how they work. 

Capybaras make great pets, and the laws against owning them should be reconsidered. Capybaras are a dog-sized animal with coarse fur, native to eastern South America. They’re known across the internet as the friendliest animal on the planet, but there’s a lot of misinformation about them as pets. They’re considered an exotic animal, so a lot of legal restrictions prevent people from owning them as pets, but it’s time to reevaluate these laws. 

For one thing, capybaras are rodents—the largest rodents in the world, actually—and plenty of rodents are already normalized as pets. Capybaras are closely related to guinea pigs and chinchillas, both of which are popular pets, and more distantly related to mice and rats, another common type of pet. In nature, most rodents (including capybaras) are social animals and live in groups, which makes them accustomed to life as a pet. 

There are a lot of prevalent myths about capybaras that dissuade people from owning them, but most of these are unfounded. For example, people assume capybaras smell bad, but this is not true; their special fur actually resists odor. Another myth is that they’re messy, but in reality, capybaras don’t shed often and can even be litter-trained! One rumor based in truth is that they can be destructive and chew on their owners’ things, but so can dogs, and dogs are one of the most common pets we have. 

The one reasonable criticism for keeping capybaras as pets is that they are high-maintenance. Capybaras require lots of space to run around and are prone to separation anxiety if owners are gone most of the day. Moreover, capybaras are semi-aquatic, so it’s best for them to have a pool to swim in. However difficult these special conditions are to meet, they’re all still doable; as with all pets, the owners should simply commit to these prerequisites before getting one. 

All in all, the advantages of capybaras as pets outweigh the cons. As rodents, they’re social and trainable, and many of the deterrent myths about them are untrue. Even the extra maintenance they require is still manageable. If capybaras are illegal to own where you live, contact your local lawmakers and petition them to reconsider these laws. You’ll see first-hand just why the internet has fallen in love with this “friend-shaped” animal! 

In this example, you’ll notice a lot of the points we discussed earlier.

The first sentence in the first paragraph is our thesis statement, which explains what this essay is about and the writer’s stance on the subject. Also in the first paragraph is the necessary background information for context, in this case a description of capybaras for readers who aren’t familiar with them. 

Notice how each of the three body paragraphs focuses on its own particular topic. The first discusses how rodents in general make good pets, and the second dispels some common rumors about capybaras as pets. The third paragraph directly addresses criticism of the writer’s point of view, a common tactic used in argumentative and persuasive essays to strengthen the writer’s argument. 

Last, the concluding paragraph reiterates the previous points and ties them together. Because the topic involves laws about keeping capybaras as pets, there’s a call to action about contacting lawmakers. The final sentence is written as a friendly send-off, leaving the reader at a high point. 

Five-paragraph essay FAQ

What is a five-paragraph essay.

A five-paragraph essay is a basic form of essay that acts as a writing tool to teach structure. It’s common in schools for short assignments and writing practice. 

How is it structured?

The five-paragraph essay structure consists of, in order: one introductory paragraph that introduces the main topic and states a thesis, three body paragraphs to support the thesis, and one concluding paragraph to wrap up the points made in the essay. 

thesis five paragraph essay

The Ultimate Guide to the 5-Paragraph Essay

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

A five-paragraph essay is a prose composition that follows a prescribed format of an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph, and is typically taught during primary English education and applied on standardized testing throughout schooling.

Learning to write a high-quality five-paragraph essay is an essential skill for students in early English classes as it allows them to express certain ideas, claims, or concepts in an organized manner, complete with evidence that supports each of these notions. Later, though, students may decide to stray from the standard five-paragraph format and venture into writing an  exploratory essay  instead.

Still, teaching students to organize essays into the five-paragraph format is an easy way to introduce them to writing literary criticism, which will be tested time and again throughout their primary, secondary, and further education.

Writing a Good Introduction

The introduction is the first paragraph in your essay, and it should accomplish a few specific goals: capture the reader's interest, introduce the topic, and make a claim or express an opinion in a thesis statement.

It's a good idea to start your essay with a hook (fascinating statement) to pique the reader's interest, though this can also be accomplished by using descriptive words, an anecdote, an intriguing question, or an interesting fact. Students can practice with creative writing prompts to get some ideas for interesting ways to start an essay.

The next few sentences should explain your first statement, and prepare the reader for your thesis statement, which is typically the last sentence in the introduction. Your  thesis sentence  should provide your specific assertion and convey a clear point of view, which is typically divided into three distinct arguments that support this assertation, which will each serve as central themes for the body paragraphs.

Writing Body Paragraphs

The body of the essay will include three body paragraphs in a five-paragraph essay format, each limited to one main idea that supports your thesis.

To correctly write each of these three body paragraphs, you should state your supporting idea, your topic sentence, then back it up with two or three sentences of evidence. Use examples that validate the claim before concluding the paragraph and using transition words to lead to the paragraph that follows — meaning that all of your body paragraphs should follow the pattern of "statement, supporting ideas, transition statement."

Words to use as you transition from one paragraph to another include: moreover, in fact, on the whole, furthermore, as a result, simply put, for this reason, similarly, likewise, it follows that, naturally, by comparison, surely, and yet.

Writing a Conclusion

The final paragraph will summarize your main points and re-assert your main claim (from your thesis sentence). It should point out your main points, but should not repeat specific examples, and should, as always, leave a lasting impression on the reader.

The first sentence of the conclusion, therefore, should be used to restate the supporting claims argued in the body paragraphs as they relate to the thesis statement, then the next few sentences should be used to explain how the essay's main points can lead outward, perhaps to further thought on the topic. Ending the conclusion with a question, anecdote, or final pondering is a great way to leave a lasting impact.

Once you complete the first draft of your essay, it's a good idea to re-visit the thesis statement in your first paragraph. Read your essay to see if it flows well, and you might find that the supporting paragraphs are strong, but they don't address the exact focus of your thesis. Simply re-write your thesis sentence to fit your body and summary more exactly, and adjust the conclusion to wrap it all up nicely.

Practice Writing a Five-Paragraph Essay

Students can use the following steps to write a standard essay on any given topic. First, choose a topic, or ask your students to choose their topic, then allow them to form a basic five-paragraph by following these steps:

  • Decide on your  basic thesis , your idea of a topic to discuss.
  • Decide on three pieces of supporting evidence you will use to prove your thesis.
  • Write an introductory paragraph, including your thesis and evidence (in order of strength).
  • Write your first body paragraph, starting with restating your thesis and focusing on your first piece of supporting evidence.
  • End your first paragraph with a transitional sentence that leads to the next body paragraph.
  • Write paragraph two of the body focussing on your second piece of evidence. Once again make the connection between your thesis and this piece of evidence.
  • End your second paragraph with a transitional sentence that leads to paragraph number three.
  • Repeat step 6 using your third piece of evidence.
  • Begin your concluding paragraph by restating your thesis. Include the three points you've used to prove your thesis.
  • End with a punch, a question, an anecdote, or an entertaining thought that will stay with the reader.

Once a student can master these 10 simple steps, writing a basic five-paragraph essay will be a piece of cake, so long as the student does so correctly and includes enough supporting information in each paragraph that all relate to the same centralized main idea, the thesis of the essay.

Limitations of the Five-Paragraph Essay

The five-paragraph essay is merely a starting point for students hoping to express their ideas in academic writing; there are some other forms and styles of writing that students should use to express their vocabulary in the written form.

According to Tory Young's "Studying English Literature: A Practical Guide":

"Although school students in the U.S. are examined on their ability to write a  five-paragraph essay , its  raison d'être  is purportedly to give practice in basic writing skills that will lead to future success in more varied forms. Detractors feel, however, that writing to rule in this way is more likely to discourage imaginative writing and thinking than enable it. . . . The five-paragraph essay is less aware of its  audience  and sets out only to present information, an account or a kind of story rather than explicitly to persuade the reader."

Students should instead be asked to write other forms, such as journal entries, blog posts, reviews of goods or services, multi-paragraph research papers, and freeform expository writing around a central theme. Although five-paragraph essays are the golden rule when writing for standardized tests, experimentation with expression should be encouraged throughout primary schooling to bolster students' abilities to utilize the English language fully.

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Essay Writing Guide

Five Paragraph Essay

Nova A.

A Guide to Writing a Five-Paragraph Essay

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How To Write A Strong Body Paragraph

The five-paragraph essay is a fundamental writing technique, sometimes called "The Basic Essay," "The Academic Response Essay," or the "1-3-1 Essay." 

No matter what you call it, understanding this format is key to organizing your thoughts clearly and effectively. Once you learn the structure, writing essays for any academic subject becomes much easier. 

In this guide, we'll walk you through each part of the five-paragraph essay, showing you how to create strong introductions, develop your ideas in body paragraphs, and conclude with impact. With these tips, you'll be ready to tackle any writing assignment with confidence. 

So let’s get started!

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  • 1. What is a 5 Paragraph Essay? 
  • 2. Steps to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay
  • 3. 5 Paragraph Essay Examples
  • 4. 5 Paragraph Essay Topics

What is a 5 Paragraph Essay? 

A five-paragraph essay is a structured format of essay writing that consists of one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one concluding paragraph. It is also known by several other names, including Classic Essay, Three-Tier Essay, Hamburger Essay, and One-Three-One Essay. 

This type of essay format is commonly taught in middle and high school and is mainly used for assignments and quick writing exercises. The five-paragraph essay is designed to help writers organize their thoughts clearly and logically, making it easier for readers to follow the argument or narrative.

The structure is popular because it works for almost all types of essays . Whether you're writing a compare and contrast or argumentative essay , this format helps you organize your thoughts clearly. It's best for topics that can be explained well in just five paragraphs.

Steps to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay

Writing a five-paragraph essay involves clear and structured steps to effectively communicate your ideas. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Understand the Assignment 

Knowing your topic before you start writing is really important. The first thing you need to do is figure out what your essay is supposed to be about. This is usually called the thesis statement or main idea. 

If your teacher didn’t give you a specific topic, you should pick something that you can talk about enough to fill five paragraphs.

Here are some tips to help you understand your topic:

  • Think about what interests you or something you already know a bit about. It’s easier to write when you care about the topic.
  • Read through the assignment carefully to see if there are any specific instructions or questions you need to answer.
  • If you’re not sure about your topic, try talking it over with someone else—a friend, family member, or even your teacher—to get some ideas. You can also find some good essay ideas by checking out our essay topics blog. 

Once you’ve picked a topic, take a moment to write down what you already know about it. This can help you see if you need to do more research or if you have enough to start writing. Understanding your topic well from the start makes the writing process much smoother. 

Step 2: Outline Your Essay

Creating an outline is like making a plan for your essay before you start writing. An essay outline helps you organize your ideas and decide what you want to say in each part of your essay. 

Your outline acts as a guide that reveals any gaps or the need for rearranging ideas. It functions like a roadmap that guides you through writing your essay, so it should be easy for you to understand and follow.

To create a good outline think about the most important things you want to say about your topic. These will be your main ideas for each body paragraph . 

Here’s a simple 5-paragraph essay outline template:

: Start with an engaging opening sentence. : Give context about your topic. : State your main argument clearly.

: Introduce your first main idea. : Provide evidence or examples. : Connect to the next paragraph.

: Introduce your second main idea. : Provide evidence or examples. : Connect to the next paragraph.

: Introduce your third main idea. : Provide evidence or examples. : Connect to the conclusion.

: Summarize your main argument. : Recap your main points. : End with a final idea related to your topic.

Step 3: Write the Introduction

Writing the essay introduction is like inviting someone into your essay—it sets the tone and tells them what to expect. Here’s how to craft a strong introduction:

  • First, start with a hook . This could be something surprising or interesting, like a shocking fact or a thought-provoking question. It’s meant to grab your reader's attention right away, making them curious about what you’re going to say next.
  • Next, provide some background information about your topic. This helps your reader understand the context of your essay. Think of it like setting the stage before a play—you want to give enough information so that your audience knows what’s going on.
  • Finally, write your thesis statement . This is the main point of your essay summed up in one clear sentence. It tells your reader what you’re going to argue or explain throughout the rest of your essay.

For Example:

For the exercise essay, an introduction could start with: "Did you know that regular physical activity not only keeps you fit but also enhances your mental well-being? Exercise is more than just a way to stay in shape—it's a key to a healthier, happier life."

Step 4: Develop Body Paragraphs

Developing body paragraphs is like building the main part of your essay—it’s where you explain your ideas in detail. Here’s how to do it effectively:

First, each body paragraph should have one main idea that supports your thesis. This main idea is introduced in the topic sentence , which is like a mini-thesis for that paragraph. It tells your reader what the paragraph is going to be about.

After you introduce your main idea, you need to support it with evidence. These could be examples, facts, or explanations that help prove your point. Imagine you’re explaining your idea to a friend—you’d give reasons and examples to make them understand and believe what you’re saying.

Step 5: Transition Between Paragraphs

Smooth transitions between paragraphs are like bridges that connect one idea to the next in your essay. They help your reader follow your thoughts easily and see how each point relates to the overall argument.

To use transitions effectively, think about how each paragraph connects to the next. If you're moving from talking about one idea to another that contrasts or supports it, use transition words like "however," "similarly," or "on the other hand." These words signal to your reader that you're shifting to a new point while still maintaining the flow of your argument.

For example, if you're discussing the physical benefits of exercise in one paragraph and want to transition to its mental benefits in the next, you might write:

"After discussing the physical benefits of exercise, it's important to consider its impact on mental well-being as well."

Step 6: Write the Conclusion

Writing an essay conclusion is like wrapping up a conversation. You want to remind the reader of what you've discussed and leave them with something to think about. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start by summarizing the main points of your essay. Go over the key ideas from each of your body paragraphs. This reminds the reader of what you’ve covered without going into too much detail again.
  • Next, restate your thesis in different words. This helps reinforce your main argument and shows that you’ve supported it throughout your essay. 
  • Finally, end with a final thought or recommendation . This could be a call to action, a suggestion, or a thought-provoking statement that leaves the reader thinking about your topic.

For Example :

"In conclusion, incorporating regular exercise into your routine not only improves your physical fitness but also enhances your overall quality of life. Start small, stay consistent, and reap the rewards of a healthier, happier you."

Step 7: Revise and Edit

Revising and editing your essay is like giving it a final polish to make sure everything is clear and correct. Here are some tips for revising and editing:

  • Take a Break: After writing your essay, take a short break before you start revising. This helps you see your work with fresh eyes.
  • Read Aloud: Reading your essay out loud can help you catch errors and awkward sentences.
  • Ask for Feedback: Sometimes, another person can spot mistakes you’ve overlooked. Ask a friend or family member to read your essay and give feedback.
  • Be Patient: Don’t rush the revision process. Take your time to ensure your essay is the best it can be.

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5 Paragraph Essay Examples

Here is some free 5-paragraph essay example pdfs for you to download and get an idea of the format of this type of essay.

5 Paragraph Essay Benefits of Exercise

5 Paragraph Essay on Technology

5 Paragraph Essay on What Makes A Good Friend

5 Paragraph Essay on Cell Phones in School

5 Paragraph Essay on Climate Change

5 Paragraph Essay about Sports

5 Paragraph Essay about Cats

5 Paragraph Essay about Love

5 Paragraph Essay Topics

Here are some common and trending topics for 5-paragraph essays:

  • Discuss needed changes to improve the education system.
  • Analyze the effects of globalization on society.
  • Explore ways to promote sustainable practices.
  • Address issues of healthcare equity.
  • Examine progress and challenges in gender equality.
  • Discuss the impact of immigration policies.
  • Explore needed changes in the criminal justice system.
  • Analyze ethical dilemmas in science and medicine.
  • Discuss the effects of global pandemics.
  • Explore the importance of diversity and inclusion.

So, learning the five-paragraph essay isn't just about school, it's about building strong communication skills that will serve you well in any writing task. By following this structured approach—you'll be writing with confidence in no time.

Now that you've got the basics down, don't hesitate to put them into practice. Whether you're tackling assignments for school or exploring new topics on your own, these skills will help you organize your thoughts.

And if you ever need a helping hand, visit our website and request " write my essay ." Our expert writers are ready to assist with any type of assignment, from college essays to research papers. Don't wait—take your writing to the next level today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a five-paragraph essay.

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A five-paragraph essay typically ranges from 500 to 1000 words in total length. The essay word count may vary based on the specific requirements provided by the assignment or academic standards set by the instructor.

Is a 5 paragraph essay 500 words?

Not necessarily. The word count of a five-paragraph essay can vary widely depending on the topic, level of detail in each paragraph, and specific instructions provided by the teacher or professor. While some five-paragraph essays might be around 500 words, others could be shorter or longer.

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Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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Guide on How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Effortlessly

thesis five paragraph essay

What is a 5-paragraph Essay

5-paragraph essay is a common format used in academic writing, especially in schools and standardized tests. This type of essay is structured into five distinct sections: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction serves to present the main topic and ends with a thesis statement, which outlines the primary argument or points that will be discussed. This format is favored because it provides a clear and organized way to present information and arguments.

The three body paragraphs each focus on a single point that supports the thesis statement. Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph, followed by supporting details, examples, and evidence. This structured approach helps the writer stay on topic and provides the reader with a clear understanding of the arguments being made. The consistency in structure also aids in the logical flow of the essay, making it easier for the reader to follow and comprehend the writer's points.

The conclusion, the final paragraph, summarizes the main points discussed in the essay and restates the thesis in a new way. It provides closure to the discussion and reinforces the essay's main argument. The 5-paragraph essay format is an effective tool for teaching students how to organize their thoughts and present them clearly and logically. It is a foundational skill that serves as a building block for more complex writing tasks in the future.

Guide on How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay

Writing a 5-paragraph essay becomes manageable if you follow these simple and effective tips below from our admission essay writing service :

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay

1. Plan Before You Write: Before you start writing, create an outline to organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas. This will help you stay on track and cover all your points. Draft an outline with headings for the introduction, each body paragraph, and the conclusion. Under each heading, jot down the main points and supporting details.

2. Focus on Main Points : Stick to your main arguments and avoid adding unnecessary information. This keeps your essay clear and easy to understand. If your thesis is about the benefits of exercise, each body paragraph should discuss a specific benefit, such as improved health, increased energy, or better mood.

3. Maintain a Smooth Flow : Use transition words to link your paragraphs and ideas. This helps the reader follow your argument seamlessly.

Examples : "Furthermore," "In addition," "Moreover," "On the other hand," "In conclusion."

Example Sentence : "In addition to improving physical health, exercise also enhances mental well-being."

4. Provide Strong Evidence: Use facts, examples, and quotes to back up your arguments. This makes your essay more convincing and credible.

Example : "According to a study by the World Health Organization, regular physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic diseases by up to 30%."

5. Vary Your Sentence Structure : Mix short and long sentences to keep your writing engaging. This helps maintain the reader's interest and makes your essay more dynamic.

6. Proofread and Revise : Review your essay for grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and unclear sentences. Make necessary revisions to improve clarity and coherence. : After writing your essay, take a break and then read it again. This helps you spot mistakes you might have missed initially.

7. Stay Focused on Your Thesis: Ensure that all your paragraphs support your thesis statement. If your thesis is about the importance of education, every paragraph should relate to how education impacts individuals and society.

8. Manage Your Time: Allocate specific times for planning, writing, and revising your essay. This helps you stay organized and avoid last-minute stress. For example, spend 10 minutes outlining, 30 minutes writing, and 10 minutes proofreading for a 50-minute essay task.

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5 Paragraph Essay Format

The five-paragraph essay format is designed to provide a clear and straightforward structure for presenting ideas and arguments. This format is broken down into an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion, each serving a specific purpose in the essay.

Introduction 📚 Details 📝 Example 💡
Hook: Start with a sentence that grabs the reader's attention. This could be a quote, a surprising fact, or a rhetorical question. Background Information: Provide a brief context or background information about the topic. Example: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world," said Nelson Mandela.
Example: In today's world, education is more important than ever for achieving success and creating opportunities.
Thesis Statement: State your main argument or point clearly. This will guide the rest of your essay. Example: This essay will discuss the importance of education, its impact on career success, and its role in personal development.
Body Paragraph 1 📄
Topic Sentence: Introduce the first main point. Supporting Details: Provide evidence, examples, and explanations to support the point. Example: First and foremost, education provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for career success.
Supporting Details: Provide evidence, examples, and explanations to support the point. Example: For instance, studies show that individuals with higher education levels tend to have higher earning potential and more job opportunities.
Body Paragraph 2 📄
Topic Sentence: Introduce the second main point. Supporting Details: Provide evidence, examples, and explanations to support the point. Example: Additionally, education fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Supporting Details: Provide evidence, examples, and explanations to support the point. Example: Through coursework and real-world applications, students learn to analyze situations, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems.
Body Paragraph 3 📄
Topic Sentence: Introduce the third main point. Supporting Details: Provide evidence, examples, and explanations to support the point. Example: Finally, education plays a crucial role in personal development and growth.
Supporting Details: Provide evidence, examples, and explanations to support the point. Example: Education exposes individuals to diverse perspectives and ideas, encouraging them to develop a broader understanding of the world and their place in it.
Conclusion 🎓
Restate Thesis: Summarize the main argument in a new way. Summarize Main Points: Briefly recap the points discussed in the body paragraphs. Closing Thought: End with a final thought or call to action.
Example: In conclusion, education is essential for career success, critical thinking, and personal growth. Example: By providing knowledge and skills, fostering problem-solving abilities, and promoting personal development, education lays the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life. Example: Investing in education is investing in a brighter future for individuals and society as a whole.

Types of 5 Paragraph Essay 

There are several types of five-paragraph essays, each with a slightly different focus or purpose. Here are some of the most common types of five-paragraph essays:

Types of 5 Paragraph Essay 

  • Narrative essay : A narrative essay tells a story or recounts a personal experience. It typically includes a clear introductory paragraph, body sections that provide details about the story, and a conclusion that wraps up the narrative.
  • Descriptive essay: A descriptive essay uses sensory language to describe a person, place, or thing. It often includes a clear thesis statement that identifies the subject of the description and body paragraphs that provide specific details to support the thesis.
  • Expository essay: An expository essay offers details or clarifies a subject. It usually starts with a concise introduction that introduces the subject, is followed by body paragraphs that provide evidence and examples to back up the thesis, and ends with a summary of the key points.
  • Persuasive essay: A persuasive essay argues for a particular viewpoint or position. It has a thesis statement that is clear, body paragraphs that give evidence and arguments in favor of it, and a conclusion that summarizes the important ideas and restates the thesis.
  • Compare and contrast essay: An essay that compares and contrasts two or more subjects and looks at their similarities and differences. It usually starts out simply by introducing the topics being contrasted or compared, followed by body paragraphs that go into more depth on the similarities and differences, and a concluding paragraph that restates the important points.

Don’t forget, you can save time and reduce the stress of academic assignments by using our research paper writing services to help you.

5 Paragraph Essay Example Topics

Choosing a specific and interesting topic can make your essay stand out. Here are 20 more engaging essay topics that provide a good starting point for your 5-paragraph paper:

  • Why Is Recycling Important for Our Planet?
  • The Day I Met My Best Friend
  • How Does Playing Sports Benefit Children?
  • What Are the Challenges of Being a Teenager Today?
  • A Time I Made a Difficult Decision
  • My Most Embarrassing Moment
  • How Can We Encourage People to Read More?
  • How I Spent My Last Summer Vacation
  • The Best Gift I Ever Received
  • What Makes a Good Friend?
  • My Experience Learning a New Skill
  • How Do Video Games Affect Our Brains?
  • Why Is It Important to Learn About Different Cultures?
  • The Day I Got My First Pet
  • How Can Schools Better Prepare Students for the Future?
  • An Adventure I Will Never Forget
  • A Time I Helped Someone in Need
  • What Are the Pros and Cons of Remote Work?
  • The Most Interesting Person I Have Met
  • How Does Peer Pressure Affect Our Decisions?

General Grading Rubric for a 5 Paragraph Essay

The following is a general grading rubric that can be used to evaluate a five-paragraph essay:

Criteria 📊 Details 📝

Based on the points discussed, your paper needs to show a good grasp of the topic, clear structure, strong writing skills, and critical thinking. Teachers use this rubric to assess essays comprehensively and give feedback on what you do well and where you can improve. If you want to simplify meeting your professors' expectations, you can buy an essay from our experts and see how it can ease your academic life!

Five Paragraph Essay Examples

Final thoughts.

Writing a five-paragraph essay might seem challenging at first, but it doesn't have to be difficult. By following these simple steps and tips, you can break down the process into manageable parts and create a clear, concise, and well-organized essay.

Start with a strong thesis statement, use topic sentences to guide your paragraphs, and provide evidence and analysis to support your ideas. Remember to revise and proofread your work to ensure it is error-free and coherent. With time and practice, you'll be able to write a five-paragraph essay with ease and confidence. Whether you're writing for school, work, or personal projects, these skills will help you communicate your ideas effectively!

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay

Last Updated: April 4, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 527,529 times.

Five paragraph essays are a common assignment throughout your school career, especially in high school and college. Since any subject can include a five paragraph essay, you’ll want to be good at writing them. Luckily, five-paragraph essays are really easy to write if you know the expected format and give yourself the time you need to write it. To write your five paragraph essay, draft your introduction, develop three body paragraphs, write your conclusion, and revise and edit your essay.

Drafting Your Introduction

A draft of a hook for an essay written on a piece of paper.

  • For example, you could phrase your hook like this: Nature’s life cycle is often used as a metaphor to convey ideas about the passage of life.
  • If you are writing a persuasive essay, don’t include your stance in your hook.
  • Don’t say “In this essay” or “I am going to show.” Instead, use the “show, don’t tell” technique using descriptive language.
  • It’s often easiest to come up with your hook after you write the rest of your essay. If you’re struggling to come up with one, use a basic placeholder and then create a better hook when you revise your essay.

Step 2 Include a sentence about your topic that provides more information.

  • Don’t reveal your main points yet.
  • For example, you could say something like this: While spring compares with birth, summer can symbolize maturity, with fall and winter showing a descent toward death.

Step 3 Write another sentence about your topic that leads to your thesis.

  • This sentence depends on what type of paper you’re writing. If it’s an argumentative paper, introduce both sides of the argument. In an informative paper, mention the central idea and focus.
  • As an example, you could narrow your topic like this: Writers often use nature metaphors in their work to show themes about life, such as the blossoming of youth.

Step 4 Finish the introduction...

  • For example, your thesis could read like this: In the poem “Raspberries,” the author shows youth through the ripening berries, summer blossoming, and blushing color of the fruit.
  • Each of the three examples provided in the thesis will become the topic of a body paragraph. For the example thesis, you would have body paragraphs about ripening berries, summer blossoming, and the blushing color of the fruit.

Developing Three Body Paragraphs

Step 1 Arrange your points to sandwich your weakest.

  • You should include three body paragraphs, one for each supporting point.

Step 2 Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence.

  • Your topic sentence is like a mini-thesis for just that paragraph.
  • Use a quote related to your thesis and analyze it in the body paragraph. If you use a topic sentence, put the quote next.
  • For example, your topic sentence could look like this: Ripening berries show youth in the poem “Raspberries” by reaching maturity and becoming ready for picking.

Step 3 Provide your evidence or examples.

  • Each paragraph should contain two to three examples or pieces of evidence.
  • If you use research, cite your sources in the appropriate format that your instructor specifies.

Step 4 Add your own commentary.

  • Include two to three sentences of commentary for each example or piece of evidence.
  • Depending on the type of evidence or examples, it’s often best to alternate your evidence and commentary throughout the paragraph. For example, provide one example, then provide the commentary.

Step 5 Conclude your paragraph by linking back to your thesis.

  • For example, you could wrap up your paragraph like this: As the girl plucks the ripe raspberries from the bush and eats them, her actions represent her own youth and readiness to be “plucked” by someone.

Drafting Your Conclusion

Step 1 Restate your thesis.

  • For example, you could restate your thesis like this: The poem “Raspberries” provides an allegorical representation of youth through a metaphor of ripening berries, summer blossoming, and blushing color of the fruit.
  • If you're a beginning writer, it's okay to start your conclusion with "In conclusion." However, if you're an advanced writer, avoid starting your conclusion with statements like “In conclusion,” “To conclude,” or “In the end.”

Step 2 Summarize how your points supported your thesis.

  • Use an authoritative tone as you restate your arguments so that your reader walks away knowing that you are correct.

Step 3 Avoid introducing new information.

  • Include a call to action.
  • Provide a warning about what could happen if your stance is ignored.
  • Create an image in the reader’s mind.
  • Include a quote.
  • Make a universal statement about life.

Revising and Editing Your Essay

Step 1 Use spell check.

  • Always reread your sentence to make sure that the word processor is suggesting the right word. If you’ve misspelled a word that is similar to another word, then it’s possible that your spell check could suggest the wrong spelling, such as “then” instead of “than.”

Step 2 Proofread your essay.

  • Look for errors that your spell checker missed.
  • If you can, ask someone else to proofread your paper. They will usually spot errors that you overlooked.

Step 3 Revise your essay to improve the flow.

  • Combine choppy sentences.
  • Breakup long, convoluted sentences into shorter sentences.
  • Rewrite fragments and run-on sentences.

Step 4 Fix your formatting.

  • If you have cited sources, make sure that you include a reference page in the style chosen by your instructor.

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Jake Adams

To write a five paragraph essay, start with an introductory paragraph that includes a hook to capture your audience’s attention, and a thesis that explains the main point you’re trying to make. Then, use the next 3 paragraphs to explain 3 separate points that support your thesis. As you explain each point, use evidence from your research or examples in the text you’re discussing. Finally, conclude your essay with a paragraph summing up the points you’ve made and telling the reader how those points support your thesis. For tips on how to revise your essay to improve the flow and formatting, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Master the art of crafting a 5-paragraph essay – your ultimate guide to writing excellence.

How to write a 5 paragraph essay

Writing a 5 paragraph essay may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a manageable and even enjoyable endeavor. Whether you’re a student working on an assignment or someone looking to improve your writing skills, this guide will provide you with the essential steps and tips to create a successful 5 paragraph essay.

Structure : The key to a well-organized 5 paragraph essay is a clear and coherent structure. Begin with an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and states your thesis. Follow this with three body paragraphs that each focus on a different aspect of your argument or topic. Finally, conclude with a summary of your main points in the conclusion.

Content : Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, supporting sentences that provide evidence or examples, and a concluding sentence that ties everything together. Make sure to use transitions to smoothly connect your ideas and create a cohesive essay.

The Ultimate Guide: Crafting A 5 Paragraph Essay

When it comes to writing a 5 paragraph essay, there are certain steps that you need to follow in order to create a well-structured and cohesive piece of writing. This ultimate guide will walk you through the process of crafting a compelling essay that will impress your readers and clearly communicate your ideas.

The first step in crafting a 5 paragraph essay is to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that is relevant to your assignment or prompt. Once you have selected a topic, you will need to develop a strong thesis statement that clearly states your main argument or point of view.

After you have your thesis statement, you can begin outlining your essay using the traditional 5 paragraph structure. This includes an introduction, three body paragraphs (each with a unique supporting point), and a conclusion. Each paragraph should flow logically from one to the next, with clear transitions and evidence supporting your main thesis.

As you write your essay, be sure to use clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex sentences. Remember to support your arguments with evidence and examples, and be sure to cite any sources that you use to back up your points.

Finally, once you have completed your essay, take the time to revise and edit your work. Check for spelling and grammatical errors, as well as overall organization and clarity. It can also be helpful to have a peer or mentor review your essay to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

By following these steps and using this ultimate guide, you can craft a strong and effective 5 paragraph essay that will showcase your writing skills and clearly communicate your ideas to your audience.

Understanding the Essay Structure

Before you start writing your 5 paragraph essay, it’s essential to understand the basic structure that it follows. The essay is typically divided into five paragraphs, each serving a specific purpose to make your argument or narrative clear and compelling.

The first paragraph is the introduction, where you introduce your topic and present your thesis statement. This sets the stage for the entire essay and should grab the reader’s attention.

The next three paragraphs make up the body of the essay, where you present your main points or arguments. Each paragraph should focus on a single point with supporting evidence or examples to back it up.

The final paragraph is the conclusion, where you summarize your main points and restate your thesis. This is your last chance to leave a lasting impression on the reader and drive home your argument.

Understanding this structure will help you stay organized and focused as you write your 5 paragraph essay, ensuring that your message comes across clearly and effectively.

Choosing a Compelling Topic

One of the most important aspects of writing a 5 paragraph essay is selecting a compelling topic. Your topic should be interesting, relevant, and engaging to both you as the writer and your audience. When choosing a topic, consider your own interests and passions, as well as current events and issues that are of importance. A good topic will grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read more.

Gathering Solid Evidence and Examples

When writing a 5 paragraph essay, it’s essential to support your arguments and claims with solid evidence and examples. This not only strengthens your thesis but also demonstrates a deep understanding of the topic. Here are some tips to gather reliable evidence:

1. Conduct thorough research: Start by researching your topic using reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and scholarly articles. Make sure to take notes and record relevant information that supports your argument.

2. Use real-life examples: Incorporating real-life examples can make your essay more engaging and relatable to the reader. Look for case studies, historical events, or personal experiences to illustrate your points.

3. Quote experts: If possible, include quotes from experts in the field to add credibility to your arguments. Be sure to cite your sources accurately to avoid plagiarism.

4. Statistical data: Numbers and statistics can also strengthen your essay by providing concrete evidence to support your claims. Use data from reliable sources to back up your arguments.

By gathering solid evidence and examples, you can make your 5 paragraph essay more persuasive and convincing to your audience.

Developing a Strong Thesis Statement

One of the most crucial elements of a well-written 5 paragraph essay is a strong thesis statement. Your thesis statement serves as the main idea or argument that you will be addressing in the essay. It should be concise, clear, and specific, providing a roadmap for the reader to understand what your essay will be about.

To develop a strong thesis statement:

  • Identify the topic: Start by clearly identifying what your essay will be about. What is the main subject or issue that you will be discussing?
  • Formulate your argument: Once you have identified the topic, think about your stance or perspective on the issue. What is the main point you want to make?
  • Make it specific: Avoid vague or general statements. Your thesis should be specific and clearly define the scope of your essay.
  • Include a roadmap: Give a preview of the main points or arguments that will support your thesis statement throughout the essay.

Remember, your thesis statement will guide your writing and help keep your essay focused and organized. Take the time to craft a strong thesis statement before diving into writing the rest of your essay.

Writing Informative Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs in a 5 paragraph essay play a crucial role in supporting the thesis statement and providing detailed information related to the topic. Each body paragraph should focus on a single point and provide evidence or examples to support that point.

When writing informative body paragraphs, it’s important to follow a clear structure. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Then, provide supporting details or evidence to explain and elaborate on that main idea. Finally, conclude the paragraph by tying the information back to the thesis statement.

  • Start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.
  • Provide supporting details or evidence to support the main idea.
  • Conclude the paragraph by connecting the information back to the thesis statement.

Remember to use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and create a smooth flow between paragraphs. This will help readers follow your argument and understand the connections between different points in your essay.

Concluding with Impact and Style

Concluding with Impact and Style

As you reach the conclusion of your 5 paragraph essay, it’s important to leave a lasting impression on your readers. The conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement in a clear and concise manner. You can also offer some final thoughts or reflections on the topic you’ve discussed.

One strategy for a powerful conclusion is to end with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action that encourages your readers to think more deeply about the subject. This can leave a lasting impact and prompt further discussion or research on the topic.

Remember to avoid introducing new information in your conclusion. It should serve to wrap up your essay and leave your readers with a sense of closure.

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This form of writing goes by different names. Maybe you've heard some of them before: "The Basic Essay," "The Academic Response Essay," "The 1-3-1 Essay." Regardless of what you've heard, the name you should remember is "The Easy Essay."

Once you are shown how this works--and it only takes a few minutes--you will have in your hands the secret to writing well on almost any academic assignment. Here is how it goes.

Secret #1—The Magic of Three

Three has always been a magic number for humans, from fairy tales like "The Three Little Pigs" to sayings like “third time’s a charm.” Three seems to be an ideal number for us--including the academic essay. So whenever you are given a topic to write about, a good place to begin is with a list of three. Here are some examples (three of them, of course):

Topic : What are the essential characteristics of a good parent? Think in threes and you might come up with:

  • unconditional love 

Certainly, there are more characteristics of good parents you could name, but for our essay, we will work in threes.

Here's a topic that deals with a controversial issue:

Topic : Should women in the military be given frontline combat duties?

  • The first reason that women should be assigned to combat is equality. 
  • The second reason is their great teamwork. 
  • The third reason is their courage.

As you see, regardless of the topic, we can list three points about it. And if you wonder about the repetition of words and structure when stating the three points, in this case, repetition is a good thing. Words that seem redundant when close together in an outline will be separated by the actual paragraphs of your essay. So in the essay instead of seeming redundant they will be welcome as signals to the reader of your essay’s main parts.

Finally, when the topic is an academic one, your first goal is the same: create a list of three.

Topic: Why do so many students fail to complete their college degree?

  • First, students often...
  • Second, many students cannot...
  • Finally, students find that...

Regardless of the reasons you might come up with to finish these sentences, the formula is still the same.

Secret #2: The Thesis Formula

Now with your list of three, you can write the sentence that every essay must have—the thesis, sometimes called the "controlling idea," "overall point," or "position statement." In other words, it is the main idea of the essay that you will try to support, illustrate, or corroborate.

Here’s a simple formula for a thesis: The topic + your position on the topic = your thesis.

Let’s apply this formula to one of our examples:

Topic: Essential characteristics of a good parent Your Position: patience, respect, love Thesis: The essential characteristics of a good parent are patience, respect, and love.

As you see, all we did was combine the topic with our position/opinion on it into a single sentence to produce the thesis: The essential characteristics of a good parent are patience, respect, and love.

In this case, we chose to list three main points as part of our thesis. Sometimes that’s a good strategy. However, you can summarize them if you wish, as in this example:

Topic: Women in combat duty in the military Your Position: They deserve it Thesis: Women deserve to be assigned combat duty in the military.

This type of thesis is shorter and easier to write because it provides the overall position or opinion without forcing you to list the support for it in the thesis, which can get awkward and take away from your strong position statement. The three reasons women deserve to be assigned combat duties--equality, teamwork, courage--will be the subjects of your three body paragraphs and do not need to be mentioned until the body paragraph in which they appear.

Secret #3: The 1-3-1 Outline

With your thesis and list of three main points, you can quickly draw a basic outline of the paragraphs of your essay. You’ll then see why this is often called the 1-3-1 essay.

  • Supporting Evidence for Claim 1    
  • Supporting Evidence for Claim 2
  • Supporting Evidence for Claim 3

The five-paragraph essay consists of one introduction paragraph (with the thesis at its end), three body paragraphs (each beginning with one of three main points) and one last paragraph—the conclusion. 1-3-1.

Once you have this outline, you have the basic template for most academic writing. Most of all, you have an organized way to approach virtually any topic you are assigned.

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The Five Paragraph Essay: Developing and Organizing Your Ideas


Your introduction should entice your reader to read on, as well as prepare them to follow your discussion or argument by providing necessary, relevant, or helpful context, background, and/or information about your subject. This can include: names, dates, places, and key terms.

Your thesis should first present a clear statement of your argument or main idea about your subject, and second, introduce the reasoning, examples, information, anecdotes, and/or sources you will use to support or illustrate your argument.

  • I believe _____ (OR _____ is true)

Body Paragraphs

Each of the three body paragraphs of your essay should include a topic sentence or sentences that clearly signal to the reader which of your “because” statements you are going to address. Next, the paragraph should present in detail the reasoning, anecdotes, examples, facts, statistics, or sources , in other words, the evidence that has led you to your statement. Remember to present your body paragraphs in a logical order.

Topic sentence for body paragraph #1 __________

Supporting points __________

Topic sentence for body paragraph #2 __________

Topic sentence for body paragraph #3 __________

Your conclusion should not only remind the reader of your topic, your thesis, and your evidence, but also should ask the reader to think more deeply about your subject by addressing its implications or broader significance. If you’re stuck, ask yourself: Why should someone care about my subject? What would be different if not for my subject? What is the influence of my subject in history? What does my subject mean for the future? How does my subject relate to everyday life? How does my subject fit into a larger discussion? What lessons can be learned from my subject?

Home / Guides / Writing Guides / Parts of a Paper / How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement

How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis can be found in many places—a debate speech, a lawyer’s closing argument, even an advertisement. But the most common place for a thesis statement (and probably why you’re reading this article) is in an essay.

Whether you’re writing an argumentative paper, an informative essay, or a compare/contrast statement, you need a thesis. Without a thesis, your argument falls flat and your information is unfocused. Since a thesis is so important, it’s probably a good idea to look at some tips on how to put together a strong one.

Guide Overview

What is a “thesis statement” anyway.

  • 2 categories of thesis statements: informative and persuasive
  • 2 styles of thesis statements
  • Formula for a strong argumentative thesis
  • The qualities of a solid thesis statement (video)

You may have heard of something called a “thesis.” It’s what seniors commonly refer to as their final paper before graduation. That’s not what we’re talking about here. That type of thesis is a long, well-written paper that takes years to piece together.

Instead, we’re talking about a single sentence that ties together the main idea of any argument . In the context of student essays, it’s a statement that summarizes your topic and declares your position on it. This sentence can tell a reader whether your essay is something they want to read.

2 Categories of Thesis Statements: Informative and Persuasive

Just as there are different types of essays, there are different types of thesis statements. The thesis should match the essay.

For example, with an informative essay, you should compose an informative thesis (rather than argumentative). You want to declare your intentions in this essay and guide the reader to the conclusion that you reach.

To make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you must procure the ingredients, find a knife, and spread the condiments.

This thesis showed the reader the topic (a type of sandwich) and the direction the essay will take (describing how the sandwich is made).

Most other types of essays, whether compare/contrast, argumentative, or narrative, have thesis statements that take a position and argue it. In other words, unless your purpose is simply to inform, your thesis is considered persuasive. A persuasive thesis usually contains an opinion and the reason why your opinion is true.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the best type of sandwich because they are versatile, easy to make, and taste good.

In this persuasive thesis statement, you see that I state my opinion (the best type of sandwich), which means I have chosen a stance. Next, I explain that my opinion is correct with several key reasons. This persuasive type of thesis can be used in any essay that contains the writer’s opinion, including, as I mentioned above, compare/contrast essays, narrative essays, and so on.

2 Styles of Thesis Statements

Just as there are two different types of thesis statements (informative and persuasive), there are two basic styles you can use.

The first style uses a list of two or more points . This style of thesis is perfect for a brief essay that contains only two or three body paragraphs. This basic five-paragraph essay is typical of middle and high school assignments.

C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia series is one of the richest works of the 20th century because it offers an escape from reality, teaches readers to have faith even when they don’t understand, and contains a host of vibrant characters.

In the above persuasive thesis, you can see my opinion about Narnia followed by three clear reasons. This thesis is perfect for setting up a tidy five-paragraph essay.

In college, five paragraph essays become few and far between as essay length gets longer. Can you imagine having only five paragraphs in a six-page paper? For a longer essay, you need a thesis statement that is more versatile. Instead of listing two or three distinct points, a thesis can list one overarching point that all body paragraphs tie into.

Good vs. evil is the main theme of Lewis’s Narnia series, as is made clear through the struggles the main characters face in each book.

In this thesis, I have made a claim about the theme in Narnia followed by my reasoning. The broader scope of this thesis allows me to write about each of the series’ seven novels. I am no longer limited in how many body paragraphs I can logically use.

Formula for a Strong Argumentative Thesis

One thing I find that is helpful for students is having a clear template. While students rarely end up with a thesis that follows this exact wording, the following template creates a good starting point:

___________ is true because of ___________, ___________, and ___________.

Conversely, the formula for a thesis with only one point might follow this template:

___________________ is true because of _____________________.

Students usually end up using different terminology than simply “because,” but having a template is always helpful to get the creative juices flowing.

The Qualities of a Solid Thesis Statement

When composing a thesis, you must consider not only the format, but other qualities like length, position in the essay, and how strong the argument is.

Length: A thesis statement can be short or long, depending on how many points it mentions. Typically, however, it is only one concise sentence. It does contain at least two clauses, usually an independent clause (the opinion) and a dependent clause (the reasons). You probably should aim for a single sentence that is at least two lines, or about 30 to 40 words long.

Position: A thesis statement always belongs at the beginning of an essay. This is because it is a sentence that tells the reader what the writer is going to discuss. Teachers will have different preferences for the precise location of the thesis, but a good rule of thumb is in the introduction paragraph, within the last two or three sentences.

Strength: Finally, for a persuasive thesis to be strong, it needs to be arguable. This means that the statement is not obvious, and it is not something that everyone agrees is true.

Example of weak thesis:

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are easy to make because it just takes three ingredients.

Most people would agree that PB&J is one of the easiest sandwiches in the American lunch repertoire.

Example of a stronger thesis:

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are fun to eat because they always slide around.

This is more arguable because there are plenty of folks who might think a PB&J is messy or slimy rather than fun.

Composing a thesis statement does take a bit more thought than many other parts of an essay. However, because a thesis statement can contain an entire argument in just a few words, it is worth taking the extra time to compose this sentence. It can direct your research and your argument so that your essay is tight, focused, and makes readers think.

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How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay

A hamburger in free fall, showing all its ingredients and the different layers. Photo.

The five-paragraph essay is often assigned to students to help them in this process. A good five-paragraph essay is a lot like a triple-decker burger, and it is therefore often called the hamburger essay. It requires a clear introduction and conclusion (the top and bottom bun) that hold the main body of the essay (the burger and all the juicy stuff) in place.

Before you start writing an essay, you need to get organised. Read through the task you are given several times, underlining important words that tell you what you are expected to do. Pay special attention to the verbs in the task you are given ('discuss', 'summarise', 'give an account of', 'argue'…). Make sure you do what you are asked and that you answer the whole question, not just parts of it.


The introduction to a text is extremely important. A good introduction should accomplish three things:

  • Firstly, try to capture the reader’s interest and create a desire to read on and learn more. There are many ways to achieve this. For example, you can start with a relevant quotation from a famous person or a short anecdote. You could also present some interesting statistics, state a startling fact, or simply pose a challenging question.
  • Secondly, provide the reader with the necessary information to understand the main body of the text. Explain what the paper is about and why this topic is important. What is the specific focus of this paper? Include background information about your topic to establish its context.
  • Thirdly, present your approach to the topic and your thesis statement. The thesis statement is the main idea of the essay expressed in a single sentence. Make sure your thesis statement comes out clearly in your introduction.

The body of the essay consists of three paragraphs, each limited to one idea that supports your thesis. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence: a sentence that presents the main idea of the paragraph. The first paragraph should contain the strongest argument and the most significant examples, while the third paragraph should contain the weakest arguments and examples. Include as much explanation and discussion as is necessary to explain the main point of the paragraph. You should try to use details and specific examples to make your ideas clear and convincing.

In order to create a coherent text, you must avoid jumping from one idea to the next. Always remember: one idea per paragraph. A good essay needs good transitions between the different paragraphs. Use the end of one paragraph and/or the beginning of the next to show the relationship between the two ideas. This transition can be built into the topic sentence of the next paragraph, or it can be the concluding sentence of the first.

You can also use linking words to introduce the next paragraph. Examples of linking words are: in fact, on the whole, furthermore, as a result, simply put, for this reason, similarly, likewise, it follows that, naturally, by comparison, surely, yet, firstly, secondly, thirdly …

This is your fifth and final paragraph. The conclusion is what the reader will read last and remember best. Therefore, it is important that it is well written. In the conclusion, you should summarise your main points and re-assert your main claim. The conclusion should wrap up all that is said before, without starting off on a new topic. Avoid repeating specific examples.

There are several ways to end an essay. You need to find a way to leave your reader with a sense of closure. The easiest way to do this is simply to repeat the main points of the body of your text in the conclusion, but try to do this in a way that sums up rather than repeats. Another way to do it is to answer a question that you posed in the introduction. You may also want to include a relevant quotation that throws light on your message.

A few notes before you hand in your essay

After you have finished, read through your essay with a critical eye. Does your thesis statement in the introduction match the discussion in the main body and the conclusive statements in the final paragraph? It is important that you build your text logically, so that each part of the essay supports, proves, and reflects your thesis.

You should also remember that a good writer of formal essays:

  • does not use abbreviations or contractions.
  • does not use first-person pronouns, such as 'I', 'me' and 'my'. It is better to make your statements more general, using 'it is commonly believed that', 'we tend to think', 'scientists argue that'…
  • does not engage in personal stories. Stories about your own life experiences, or the experiences of your friends or families do not belong in academic writing.
  • does not use a language which is too casual, such as sentences that begin with words like 'well', 'sure', 'now', 'yes', 'no' ...
  • does not use slang. Words like 'gonna' and 'wanna' are not accepted in formal essays.
  • does not start sentences with conjunctions: 'but', 'and', 'or', 'because'…”.
  • uses linking words. This creates better logic and coherence in your text.

Below we have structured three short essays for you and given you the topic sentences for each paragraph. Choose one of them and write it as a full text. Add facts and reflections under each paragraph. Make sure there are good transitions between the paragraphs.

The importance of learning English

Introduction: the importance of learning English

Living in a multicultural world

International job market

A better travelling experience

The importance of a good education

Introduction: the importance of a good education

Competitive job market


Personal growth

Living in a digital world

Introduction: living in a digital world

Important for working life

Important in communication

Part of our everyday lives

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How to write a five-paragraph essay

Published March 31, 2021. Updated June 2, 2022.

Five-paragraph essay definition

A five-paragraph essay is an essay that consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Overview of five-paragraph essay

The main purpose of a five-paragraph essay is to help discipline and structure the writing. The introduction needs to hook the reader and present the thesis or argument. Each of the three body paragraphs should focus on a clear subtopic that it announces in its topic sentence. The conclusion should present the argument again without simply restating it. Revising and editing the paper is a crucial part of the writing process.

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The structure of the five-paragraph essay

There are three fundamental components to a five-paragraph essay: the introduction, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion.


Your introduction, well, introduces your topic and presents your particular argument or perspective. Start by hooking your reader with an interesting problem, fact, quotation, or question. You might start a paper on the fall of the Roman Empire with this statement:

All roads may have led to Rome at one time, but when the empire fell, so did its infrastructure.

The sentence takes a well-known cliché and twists it just enough to engage the reader.

After hooking the reader, build to your thesis, which typically should be the last sentence of your introduction. Your thesis should make a claim that the rest of your paper supports. It also provides a roadmap to your paper. For example:

Between Rome’s overexpansion, the barbarian invasions, and its overreliance on slave labor, Rome’s fall should have come as no surprise to the Romans.

Body paragraphs

Your body paragraphs follow the introduction. They flesh out your topic or support your argument. Each paragraph should open with a clear topic sentence and focus on one subclaim or subtopic. While the “list thesis” is not the only (or always the best) way to present your argument, it can help you quickly identify the topics for your paragraphs.

This paper would cover:

  • Rome’s overexpansion as it conquered neighboring territories
  • The toll that constant invasions took on the empire
  • The fragility created by a heavily slave-driven economy

Your conclusion leads readers out of the paper, reminding them of its broad strokes and putting them all together once more. Don’t just restate the thesis. Reframe your argument without changing it. Take the following example:

As Rome overextended itself, its collapse became inevitable. It could no longer protect its borders, leaving them vulnerable to invasion. When its expansion stalled, it also lost the continual supply of conquered slaves that its economy required.

It’s the same argument, but refocused. Instead of listing three causes of Rome’s decline, it highlights the connections between them.

How to write it

While everyone’s writing process looks a little different, there are some basic steps to writing the five-paragraph essay, as well as some tricks to help you write the strongest paper you can.

Choose your topic

It may seem obvious, but your first mission is to figure out what you want to write on. (If your teacher has assigned you a topic, we suggest you choose that subject!) What interests you? There’s a good chance you’ll be able to interest your reader in that too.

When choosing your topic, make sure it’s the right size for the assignment. For example, you might need to write a literature paper on a certain book. You wouldn’t want to write a five-paragraph essay on all fiction or even on an author’s entire body of work – you don’t have the space to do those topics justice. In a similar manner, you wouldn’t want to write that essay on the author’s choice of a single word in one scene – you’d run out of things to say.

After you’ve picked your topic, you need to do research and/or brainstorm. You may have to reread material, do more in-depth research, or simply think about the things you want to cover in your paper.

Craft your thesis

The nature of your thesis will depend on the type of paper you intend to write. You may be writing a narrative or descriptive paper, which will call for very different types of theses. However, the most commonly assigned paper is the persuasive paper or argument.

A strong, persuasive thesis should be

  • Debatable – it isn’t a matter of fact
  • Provable – you have good reasons or support for your argument
  • Specific – it focuses your argument on the topic immediately under discussion as opposed to a related, general idea
  • Confident – it states your argument in clear, certain terms

As you write, you should revisit your thesis. You may want to nuance or change it as you develop the paper.

Outline your three supporting arguments

What are your three strongest subclaims (or points)? What do you need to prove your argument or support your topic? You should spend one paragraph on each of these.

Write the essay!

Yes, the time has come. Write the first draft of your paper. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You should have given yourself plenty of time to revise.

Revise and edit it

You’ll want both (1) to revise your paper to improve the big things such as content and structure and (2) to edit it, polishing and proofreading the text.

Ask yourself the following questions as you revisit your first draft:

  • Is my thesis clear? Specific? Debatable? Provable?
  • Do my body paragraphs support my argument?
  • Do they have clear topic sentences?
  • Do my paragraphs present enough supporting material? Is there anything that doesn’t belong?
  • Does my conclusion do more than simply restate my thesis?
  • Are my sentences clear and powerful?
  • Do I have any mistakes or typos when it comes to formatting and grammar?

When to leave or return to the five-paragraph structure

More advanced students will begin to move away from this template. Their essays will contain the number of paragraphs they need to make their points.

The five-paragraph essay can still be an effective tool, though. You may find that it helps you structure your thoughts quickly or write essays for exams and standardized tests.

Before you turn in that paper, don’t forget to cite your sources in APA format , MLA format , or a style of your choice.

Key takeaways

  • The five-paragraph essay consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • The introduction needs to hook the reader and present your thesis or argument.
  • Each of the three body paragraphs should focus on a clear subtopic that it announces in its topic sentence.
  • The conclusion should present your argument again without simply restating it.
  • Revising and editing your paper is a crucial part of the writing process.

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Structuring the Five-Paragraph Essay: Home

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"Five-Paragraph Essays"

Structuring the five-paragraph essay.


A. Begins with a sentence that captures the reader’s attention

1) You may want to use an interesting example, a surprising statistic, or a challenging question.

B. Gives background information on the topic.

C. Includes the THESIS STATEMENT which:

1) States the main ideas of the essay and includes:

b. Viewpoint (what you plan to say about the topic)

2) Is more general than supporting data

3) May mention the main point of each of the body paragraphs


A. Begins with a topic sentence that:

1) States the main point of the paragraph

2) Relates to the THESIS STATEMENT

B. After the topic sentence, you must fill the paragraph with organized details, facts, and examples.

C. Paragraph may end with a transition.


B. After the topic sentence, you must fill the paragraph with organized details, facts, and examples.


3) States the main point of the paragraph

4) Relates to the THESIS STATEMENT


A. Echoes the THESIS STATEMENT but does not repeat it.

B. Poses a question for the future, suggests some action to be taken, or warns of a consequence.

C. Includes a detail or example from the INTRODUCTION to “tie up” the essay.

D. Ends with a strong image – or a humorous or surprising statement.

Proofread with SWAPS

Proofreading with SWAPS

S entence Structure:

  • Be sure that every sentence in paragraph supports the topic sentence.
  • Avoid run-on sentences.
  • Avoid sentence fragments.

W ord Usage:

  • Be sure you have used the correct words (homophones)          eg: there/they’re/their or to/too/two
  • Avoid slang words
  • Avoid pronoun overuse

A greement:

  • Be sure that subjects and verbs agree in number (singular/plural)
  • Keep verb tense consistent (present, past, future)

P unctuation:

  • Be sure that all sentences have ending punctuation.
  • Use commas after items in lists except for the last item.
  • Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction.

S pelling & Capitalization:

  • Check for spelling errors (manually or with a computer program)
  • Begin each sentence with a capital letter.
  • Check homophones.
  • Capitalize proper nouns.
  • Be sure apostrophes are used in contractions and possessives

Worksheet: Choosing and Narrowing Your Topic

  • Worksheet - Choosing and Narrowing Your Research Topic

What is a Thesis Statement?

The final sentence in your Introduction paragraph should be your  Thesis Statement. 

Begin your paragraph wi th a single, clear and concise sentence stating the Topic  of your essay; then, g ive your reader a roadmap for the main points you will use to support your thesis . Include the limits of your argument.  End by summing up your  essay’s main idea or argument with your Thesis Statement .

More help with Thesis Statements is available on  this page from Rasmussen College Library . 


 All countries are unique. Obviously, countries are different from one another in location, size, language, government, climate, and lifestyle. Some countries, however, share some surprising similarities. In this case, Brazil and the United States come to mind. Some may think that these two nations have very little in common because they are in different hemispheres. On the contrary, the two countries share many similarities.

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thesis five paragraph essay

Stephen King, creator of such stories as and , stated that the Edgar Allan Poe stories he read as a child gave him the inspiration and instruction he needed to become the writer that he is. Poe, as does Stephen King, fills the reader's imagination with the images that he wishes the reader to see, hear, and feel. His use of vivid, concrete visual imagery to present both static and dynamic settings and to describe people is part of his technique. Poe's short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" is a story about a young man who kills an old man who cares for him, dismembers the corpse, then goes mad when he thinks he hears the old man's heart beating beneath the floor boards under his feet as he sits and discusses the old man's absence with the police. In "The Tell-Tale Heart," a careful reader can observe Poe's skillful manipulation of the senses. includes a paraphrase of something said by a famous person in order to get the reader's attention. The second sentence leads up to the thesis statement which is the third sentence. The thesis statement (sentence 3) presents topic of the paper to the reader and provides a mini- outline. The topic is Poe's use of visual imagery. The mini- outline tells the reader that this paper will present Poe's use of imagery in three places in his writing: (1) description of static setting; (2) description of dynamic setting; and (3) description of a person. The last sentence of the paragraph uses the words "manipulation" and "senses" as transitional hooks.
The sense of sight, the primary sense, is particularly susceptible to manipulation. In "The Tell-Tale Heart," Poe uses the following image to describe a static scene: "His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness . . ." Poe used the words "black," "pitch," and "thick darkness" not only to show the reader the condition of the old man's room, but also to make the reader feel the darkness." "Thick" is a word that is not usually associated with color (darkness), yet in using it, Poe stimulates the reader's sense of feeling as well as his sense of sight. In the first sentence of the second paragraph the words "sense" and "manipulation" are used to hook into the end of the introductory paragraph. The first part of the second sentence provides the topic for this paragraph--imagery in a static scene. Then a quotation from "The Tell-Tale Heart" is presented and briefly discussed. The last sentence of this paragraph uses the expressions "sense of feeling" and "sense of sight" as hooks for leading into the third paragraph.
Further on in the story, Poe uses a couple of words that cross not only the sense of sight but also the sense of feeling to describe a dynamic scene. The youth in the story has been standing in the open doorway of the old man's room for a long time, waiting for just the right moment to reveal himself to the old man in order to frighten him. Poe writes: "So I opened it [the lantern opening]--you cannot imagine how stealthily, stealthily--until, at length, a single dim ray, like the thread of the spider, shot from out the crevice and fell full upon the vulture eye." By using the metaphor of the thread of the spider (which we all know is a creepy creature) and the word "shot," Poe almost makes the reader gasp, as surely did the old man whose one blind eye the young man describes as "the vulture eye." The first sentence of the third paragraph uses the words "sense of sight" and "sense of feeling" to hook back into the previous paragraph. Note that in the second paragraph "feeling" came first, and in this paragraph "sight" comes first. The first sentence also includes the topic for this paragraph--imagery in a dynamic scene. Again, a quotation is taken from the story, and it is briefly discussed. The last sentence uses the words "one blind eye" which was in the quotation. This expression provides the transitional hook for the last paragraph in the body of the paper.
The reader does not know much about what the old man in this story looks like except that he has one blind eye. In the second paragraph of "The Tell-Tale Heart," Poe establishes the young man's obsession with that blind eye when he writes: "He had the eye of the vulture--a pale blue eye, with a film over it." This "vulture eye" is evoked over and over again in the story until the reader becomes as obsessed with it as does the young man. His use of the vivid, concrete word "vulture" establishes a specific image in the mind of the reader that is inescapable. In the first sentence of the fourth paragraph , "one blind eye" is used that hooks into the previous paragraph. This first sentence also lets the reader know that this paragraph will deal with descriptions of people: ". . . what the old man looks like . . .." Once again Poe is quoted and discussed. The last sentence uses the word "image" which hooks into the last paragraph. (It is less important that this paragraph has a hook since the last paragraph is going to include a summary of the body of the paper.)
"Thick darkness," "thread of the spider," and "vulture eye" are three images that Poe used in "The Tell-Tale Heart" to stimulate a reader's senses. Poe wanted the reader to see and feel real life. He used concrete imagery rather than vague abstract words to describe settings and people. If Edgar Allan Poe was one of Stephen King's teachers, then readers of King owe a debt of gratitude to that nineteenth-century creator of horror stories. The first sentence of uses the principal words from the quotations from each paragraph of the body of the paper. This summarizes those three paragraph. The second and third sentences provide observations which can also be considered a summary, not only of the content of the paper, but also offers personal opinion which was logically drawn as the result of this study. The last sentence returns to the Edgar Allan Poe-Stephen King relationship which began this paper. This sentence also provides a "wrap-up" and gives the paper a sense of finality.

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Five Video Essays to Watch in August

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This month’s video essay recommendations have some genuinely excellent filmmaking in the mix, from a “desktop horror” short to a video that manages to make competitive Tetris riveting. Works about “kid cities” and post-punk music round out this edition. Plus: Is making and/or consuming art effective activism? The answer may surprise you!

“The History of Tetris World Records” by Summoning Salt

YouTube video

The best storytellers make the unlikeliest scenes compelling. Tetris is one of the most elegantly simple of video games, but a community has cohered around it that’s remarkably complex, strategizing even its most granular elements, like the optimal way to tap the control pad. This video might be Summoning Salt’s best yet, visualizing statistics and data in exciting ways. In one scene, a broken record is represented by a pan across a bar graph of high scores, emphasizing how significant it is and making the sense of triumph visceral.

“Art Won’t Save Us from Capitalism” by Lily Alexandre

YouTube video

The title says it all. Alexandre analyzes the efficacy that artistic creation does — and more often doesn’t — have in real-world activism and affecting change. But that cynical-sounding summary belies the hope that Alexandre is trying to convey. What’s more interesting than this first inquiry is the natural follow-up of what art is “good for,” because it reveals the essential flaw of that kind of thinking. She posits that art is worth pursuing and consuming for its own pleasure.

“Kid Cities” by Defunctland

YouTube video

Before I watched this video, I was unfamiliar with the brief boom in theme parks built around letting children simulate the adult world, but now I wish I’d been able to visit one when I was a kid. A child could perform activities imitating jobs ranging from surgery to pizza delivery, and get in-park currency that could be spent on further amusements. Besides the history the video delves into, it explores the way that kids went beyond the parameters of these amusement parks to unwittingly replicate grown-up life even more closely. In interviews and news clips, we see them bemoan the frustrations of tight budgets, invent police corruption, and even figure out how to be a good defense lawyer. 

“Sticky” by Maria Hofmann and MUBI

Every year, the streaming service MUBI partners with the FILMADRID International Film Festival to produce a series of video essays. “ Sticky ” is the best of this year’s crop so far, described by creator Maria Hoffmann as a “horror desktop documentary .” By toggling different browser windows, some of which contain news and videos about the Mediterranean migrant crisis , while others simply show work apps or social media sites, Hofmann evokes the way that atrocity can perversely become part of the mundane background of daily life — just one more element of the constant feed of internet-mediated society.

“Post-Punk, Mark Fisher & Popular Modernism” by CCK Philosophy

YouTube video

Jonas Čeika’s videos about politics and philosophy often explore concepts by figures like Martin Heidegger or Gilles Deleuze through familiar forms of pop culture. His style is austere — it’s simply his calm narration over clips and images, deftly condensing a great deal of information. Here he explains the late Mark Fisher’s ideas about Modernist art by tracing the evolution of post-punk music. Čeika’s videos inspire viewers to read and learn more about his subject — not just to watch them as a substitute for real study. 

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Dan Schindel

Dan Schindel is a freelance writer and copy editor living in Brooklyn, and a former associate editor at Hyperallergic. His portfolio and links are here. More by Dan Schindel

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The San Francisco exhibition illuminates the process and dedication involved in bending neon, as explored through student-teacher artist residencies across the US.

Philadelphia’s Fabric Workshop and Museum Has a New Leader

Philadelphia’s Fabric Workshop and Museum Has a New Leader

Kelly Shindler, formerly at the Pew Center for Arts and Heritage, will step into the role in September.

A View From the Easel

A View From the Easel

“This space lifts my spirits every time I enter.”

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  1. 5 Paragraph Essay: Guide, Topics, Outline, Examples

    thesis five paragraph essay

  2. Five Paragraph Essay Outline Download Printable PDF

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  3. Five Paragraph Essay Sample97

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  4. Sample Five Paragraph Essay

    thesis five paragraph essay

  5. How to Write Five Paragraph Essay: A pro school of thought

    thesis five paragraph essay

  6. Five Paragraph Essay and Thesis Statement Test by The English Shrew

    thesis five paragraph essay


  1. Ultimate Guide to Writing a Five Paragraph Essay

    One of the most critical elements of a successful five-paragraph essay is a strong thesis statement. Your thesis statement should clearly and concisely present the main argument or point you will be making in your essay. It serves as the foundation for the entire essay, guiding the reader on what to expect and helping you stay focused ...

  2. How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay, With Examples

    The five-paragraph essay format is a guide that helps writers structure an essay. It consists of one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs for support, and one concluding paragraph. Because of this structure, it has been nicknamed the "hamburger essay," the "one-three-one essay," and the "three-tier essay.".

  3. How to write a 5 paragraph essay: a step-by-step guide

    The 5 paragraph essay structure consists of five distinct sections, each serving a specific purpose. These sections include an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. ... The conclusion is the final section of the essay, where the writer summarizes the main points discussed in the body paragraphs and restates the thesis statement ...

  4. How to Craft a Stellar 5-Paragraph Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Write the Introduction. Start the essay with a " hook "—an attention-grabbing statement that will get the reader's interest. This could be an interesting fact, a quote, or a question. After the hook, introduce your topic and end the introduction with a clear thesis statement that presents your main argument or point.

  5. The Ultimate Guide to the 5-Paragraph Essay

    Students can use the following steps to write a standard essay on any given topic. First, choose a topic, or ask your students to choose their topic, then allow them to form a basic five-paragraph by following these steps: Decide on your basic thesis, your idea of a topic to discuss. Decide on three pieces of supporting evidence you will use to ...

  6. How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay

    Step 2: Outline Your Essay. Creating an outline is like making a plan for your essay before you start writing. An essay outline helps you organize your ideas and decide what you want to say in each part of your essay. Your outline acts as a guide that reveals any gaps or the need for rearranging ideas.

  7. 5 Paragraph Essay: Guide, Topics, Outline, Examples, Tips

    5-paragraph essay is a common format used in academic writing, especially in schools and standardized tests. This type of essay is structured into five distinct sections: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. ... There are several types of five-paragraph essays, each with a slightly different focus or purpose. Here are some ...

  8. How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay

    Example of a Five-Paragraph Essay. The following is a breakdown of an example of a five-paragraph essay. It discusses commonly held wrong ideas about e-cigarettes. Paragraph 1: Introduction. The topic of the essay is introduced, providing context and background. "Nowadays, the dangers of nicotine are widely understood.

  9. Examples of Five-Paragraph Essays

    Sample of a Persuasive / Argumentative Five-Paragraph Essay A Cat is a Man's Best Friend This model essay is a good example of an Argumentative (or Persuasive) Essay.

  10. How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay That Works

    Step 4: Create your essay outline. This step is so important to writing essays that I continue to use outlines to this day for articles and blog posts, which are usually a lot more complicated than five-paragraph essays. But for your five-paragraph essay, here's a good outline to complete: Introductory paragraph.

  11. How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay (with Examples)

    Writing a five-paragraph essay. Write the hook and thesis statement in the first paragraph. Write the conflict of the essay in the second paragraph. Write the supporting details of the conflict in the third paragraph. Write the weakest arguments in the fourth paragraph. Write the summary and call-to-action prompt in the fifth paragraph.

  12. How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay (with Pictures)

    Luckily, five-paragraph essays are really easy to write if you know the expected format and give yourself the time you need to write it. To write your five paragraph essay, draft your introduction, develop three body paragraphs, write your conclusion, and revise and edit your essay. Part 1.

  13. Five Paragraph Essay

    The 5-paragraph essay is really a tried and true format that allows writers to adequately prove their thesis as well as provide readers a full circle experience by including an introduction and a ...

  14. The Ultimate Guide to Writing a 5 Paragraph Essay

    Writing a 5 paragraph essay may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a manageable and even enjoyable endeavor. ... One of the most crucial elements of a well-written 5 paragraph essay is a strong thesis statement. Your thesis statement serves as the main idea or argument that you will be addressing in the essay. It ...

  15. Secrets of the Five-Paragraph Essay

    The five-paragraph essay consists of one introduction paragraph (with the thesis at its end), three body paragraphs (each beginning with one of three main points) and one last paragraph—the conclusion. 1-3-1. Once you have this outline, you have the basic template for most academic writing. Most of all, you have an organized way to approach ...

  16. Structuring the 5-Paragraph Essay

    Structuring the Five-Paragraph Essay. I. INTRODUCTION. A. Begins with a sentence that captures the reader's attention. 1) You may want to use an interesting example, a surprising statistic, or a challenging question. B. Gives background information on the topic. C. Includes the THESIS STATEMENT which: 1) States the main ideas of the essay and ...

  17. The Five Paragraph Essay: Developing and Organizing Your Ideas

    Body Paragraphs. Each of the three body paragraphs of your essay should include a topic sentence or sentences that clearly signal to the reader which of your "because" statements you are going to address. Next, the paragraph should present in detail the reasoning, anecdotes, examples, facts, statistics, or sources, in other words, the ...

  18. How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement

    Teachers will have different preferences for the precise location of the thesis, but a good rule of thumb is in the introduction paragraph, within the last two or three sentences. Strength: Finally, for a persuasive thesis to be strong, it needs to be arguable. This means that the statement is not obvious, and it is not something that everyone ...

  19. How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay

    The five-paragraph essay is often assigned to students to help them in this process. A good five-paragraph essay is a lot like a triple-decker burger, and it is therefore often called the hamburger essay. ... The body of the essay consists of three paragraphs, each limited to one idea that supports your thesis. Each paragraph should have a ...

  20. How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay

    The five-paragraph essay is often assigned to students to help them in this process. A good five-paragraph essay is a lot like a triple-decker burger, and it is therefore often called the hamburger essay. ... The body of the essay consists of three paragraphs, each limited to one idea that supports your thesis. Each paragraph should have a ...

  21. How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay

    The five-paragraph essay consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction needs to hook the reader and present your thesis or argument. Each of the three body paragraphs should focus on a clear subtopic that it announces in its topic sentence. The conclusion should present your argument again without simply ...

  22. Monroe College LibGuides: Structuring the Five-Paragraph Essay: Home

    Structuring the Five-Paragraph Essay. I. INTRODUCTION. A. Begins with a sentence that captures the reader's attention. 1) You may want to use an interesting example, a surprising statistic, or a challenging question. B. Gives background information on the topic. C. Includes the THESIS STATEMENT which: 1) States the main ideas of the essay and ...

  23. The Five-Paragraph Essay

    The Five-Paragraph Essay. A classic format for compositions is the five-paragraph essay. It is not the only format for writing an essay, of course, but it is a useful model for you to keep in mind, especially as you begin to develop your composition skills. The following material is adapted from a handout prepared by Harry Livermore for his ...

  24. PDF Harvard WrITINg ProJeCT BrIeF gUIde SerIeS A Brief Guide to the

    the thesis, in a road-map or plan sentence—or even in the thesis statement itself, if you're clever enough.) 7. Stitching: words that tie together the parts of an argument, most commonly (a) by using transition (link-ing or turning) words as signposts to indicate how a new section, paragraph, or sentence follows from the

  25. Review

    "We're Alone," a new collection of essays by the acclaimed novelist and short-story writer Edwidge Danticat, opens with an English translation of lines by the Haitian poet Roland Chassagne.

  26. Five Video Essays to Watch, August 2024

    Five Video Essays to Watch in August This month: Tetris competitions, "adulting" amusement parks, the pitfalls of activist art, and more. by Dan Schindel 19 hours ago August 21, 2024