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Alexander Hansak

Job Market Placement:

Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute (CERGE-EI), Prague

Boris Knapp

Corvinus University of Budapest

Sigma Samhita

Job Market Candidate

Paper: Are the more vulnerable doomed? Insights from an Experimental Threshold Public Goods Game

Apply to VGSE!

Dec 1 - Jan 31

March 1 - April 30

 News & Events

Job market placement: boris knapp.

Boris will be a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Corvinus University of Budapest. Congratulations!

Job Market Placement: Alexander Hansak

Alexander will be a Post-Doctoral Researcher at CERGE-EI in Prague. Congrats!

Sigma Samhita is on the Job Market

Job Market Paper: Are the more vulnerable doomed? Insights from an Experimental Threshold Public Goods Game

Alexander Hansak is on the Job Market

Job Market Paper: Quantifying the Effects of Basic Income Programs in the Presence of Automation

Boris Knapp is on the Job Market

Job Market Paper: Fake Reviews and Naive Consumers

Martin Kerndler to graduate "Promotio sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae"

Monday, 12. Juli 2021, 10 Uhr s.t.

Großer Festsaal der Universität Wien

About the School

Find out about VGSE's scientific and teaching programs.


How to apply.

Everything about the application process, dates & deadlines.

Student profiles

Check out their scientific profiles activities & achievements.

 VGSE Research Seminars

Philipp Schmidt-Dengler

Professor of Economics

Department of Economics 
 University of Vienna 
 Oskar-Morgenstern- Platz 1 / Room 05.640 1090 Vienna/Austria 

E-mail : philipp.schmidt-dengler {at} univie.ac.at

http://doodle.com/ igtcu6fvp92ci5ra


If you need a reference letter, please see here

Formale Richtlinien für das Exposé im PhD Economics: Download

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PhD Program: Vienna Graduate School of Finance

Since the fall term 2005/06 our Faculty has been offering a PhD Program in Finance, the Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF ) which is a joint initiative of the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, and the Vienna Institute for Advanced Studies. This program offers an internationally competitive education for young early stage scientists. It involves regular lectures held by international visiting professors.

  • Information at the website of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics

Current PhD courses

  • Course Catalogue of the University of Vienna
  • VGSF Webpage

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PhD Programmes in Statistics and Operations Research

The PhD Programme in Statistics and Operations Research is part of the PhD Degree Programme in Business, Economics and Statistics , hosted at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research.

A precursor of this programme started 2008 and has been titled Abraham Wald PhD in Statistics and Operations Research .

The eponym Abraham Wald studied and taught during 1927-1938 at the University of Vienna. His works in Statistical Decision Theory as well as Linear Optimization and Equilibrium Theory were pioneering. 

Registration for courses and examinations ( U:SPACE )

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Research in Economics and Finance (Master)

 why study ... research in economics and finance.

This programme, offered jointly by the Departments of Economics and Finance, provides the methodological basis necessary to carry out theoretical and empirical research in economics and finance. This includes the development of new and more advanced methodologies and analytical approaches. Accordingly, the programme places great emphasis on the foundations of both theory and empirics in the two fields. After a joint first semester, students choose to specialise in economics or finance. The programme can be thought of as the first two years of an American-style PhD program, prior to the phase of thesis writing.

Master of Science

Degree Programme Code:  066 953

4 semesters / 120 ECTS credits

Language: English

Selection procedure

More information on the master's programme

Front Page of the Folder

Facts & Figures

  • Students: n.a.
  • Graduates in the last academic year: n.a.
  • Number of semesters needed for graduation (median): n.a.

Data updated on: 20.07.2023

Information about presentation & calculation

* Click here for further information on statistical data in the field of teaching and learning. (in German)

Admission Procedure

Information about the selection procedure

English language requirements

Information on Previous Studies:

In any case eligible degree programmes at the University of Vienna:

  • Economics (Bachelor)
  • Business Administration (Bachelor) - only if minor in finance (with courses from mathematics, statistics, econometrics and game theory) and/or economic statistics (with game theory, courses from economics or finance) has been passed

Getting started

Orientation course

Orientation in the first semester

Semester planning

Getting Informed

StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) Business, Economics and Statistics

Study Programme

All legal provisions and a detailed description of the structure can be found in the curriculum .

Semester 1 - (30 ECTS)

  • Introductory Econometrics
  • Macroeconomics for Economics and Finance
  • Microeconomics for Economics and Finance

Semester 2 - (30 ECTS)

  • Game Theory
  • Econometrics II

Economics Specialisation:

  • Advanced Macroeconomics
  • Elective Courses

Finance Specialisation:

  • Advanced Finance

Semester 3 - (30 ECTS)

  • Seminar in Economics
  • Seminar in Finance

Semester 4 - (30 ECTS)

  • Master's Seminar
  • Master's Thesis

Five Concepts

which you will deal with during your studies:

  • Econometrics
  • Business Cycles
  • Macroeconomics
  • Individual Decisions
  • Game theory

... and many more.

 Overview of the programme structure & topics

Here you find the current offer of courses for this programme to gain better insight into the topics and structure. For more information please click on the respective level.

After Graduation

Graduates are able to work on economic and financial issues using the methods and instruments of theoretical and empirical economic research. The skills acquired go beyond those taught in a corresponding bachelor's degree. In particular, graduates can independently read and understand the relevant scientific literature as well as question them critically and apply them to specific economic questions. You are familiar with modern theories of economics and finance and can check their statements on the basis of data. Graduates have the knowledge that enables them to take up an economics doctoral program with independent scientific research.

Students learning in the student space.

© Universität Wien / Barbara Mair

Continuing after Graduation

  • Center for Doctoral Studies - everything about doctorcal/PhD programmes at the University of Vienna
  • Alumni of the University of Vienna
  • Postgraduate Center - postgraduate programmes at the University of Vienna
  • Uniport - career service of the University of Vienna

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Our department hosts about 30 full-time faculty. About half of those are tenured (full professors and associate professors) and about half are non-tenured (assistant professors). 

Our faculty hold PhDs from prestigious universities worldwide, such as Harvard, Northwestern, NYU, Yale, EUI, University College London, Università Pompeu Fabra, Mannheim, Tilburg, and University of Zurich.

ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Ana Begona Ania Martinez

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Wien Room: 04.614

Dr. Omar Bamieh , BS MSE

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Wien Room: 05.344

Ass.-Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Alexandra Brausmann

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Wien Room: 05.305

Univ.-Prof. Alejandro Cunat , PhD

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Wien Room: 05.341

Dipl.-Vw. Dr. Florian Exler

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Wien Room: 05.309

Assoz. Prof. Daniel Garcia , PhD

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Wien Room: 05.608

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  • Statistics and Operations Research

Brief description

Programme outcomes, fields of activity, personal requirements.

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phd economics university of viennaCourses
ECTS credits required: 30ECTS credits

Lectures or courses

The Department of Statistics and Operations Research (ISOR) offers courses and seminars for doctoral candidates from the fields listed below.  Students must choose at least two different fields.
1. Advanced Theoretical Statistics
2. Advanced Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
3. Advanced Stochastic Processes and Models
4. Advanced Optimization

In addition, students of the doctoral programme have to:
submit an application for approval of the intended doctoral project (within the first year after admission to the degree programme);
give a public presentation on their intended doctoral project at the Faculty (held in the framework of the ISOR Colloquium);
submit a progress report to the doctoral advisory board in regular intervals of at least once a year.

 Curriculum/Study plan

For all legal regulations and a detailed description of the structure of this degree programme, please refer to the framework curriculum (Rahmencurriculum) and degree specific curriculum)

Doctoral advisory board:

Approval of the intended doctoral project: The application for the approval of the intended doctoral project has to be submitted within the first year of studies to the competent body responsible for study matters including a confirmation of supervision, a research proposal, a time schedule and a list of resources needed. Students have to present the intended doctoral project in the course of the research seminar. If the intended doctoral project is part of a research project that has already been approved externally, the competent body responsible for study matters may approve the doctoral project prior to the presentation at the Faculty.

Doctoral thesis agreement: The doctoral candidate and his/her supervisor have to conclude a doctoral thesis agreement comprising the name of the student, the student ID number and date of birth, the name of the thesis supervisor, the topic of the doctoral thesis, the research proposal, a time schedule, key information about the extent of supervision (particularly about the frequency of the scheduled feedback meetings between supervisor and student) and the declaration of commitment of the doctoral candidate to abide by the rules and regulations of good academic practice.

Doctoral thesis: We encourage the publication of partial results of the doctoral project in academic journals and their presentation at academic conferences prior to the submission of the doctoral thesis.

Public defence: Following the positive assessment of all subjects of examination and of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral candidate has to defend his/her doctoral project in the final oral examination in front of an examination committee.

This doctoral programme lays emphasis on statistics and operations research as a science. Graduates of the master’s programme in Statistics are eligible for admission to the doctoral programme. Qualified graduates of other degree programmes may be admitted under certain conditions (the relevant director of studies will be able to provide information for graduates of other degree programmes).

A substantial part of the PhD programme is based on independent research. Therefore, the motivation to discover something new is an important factor for successfully completing this programme.

Information about the admission are available on the website of the StudiesServiceCenter .

Contact & help

For questions regarding the PhD programme, please contact:

info.doktorat @ univie.ac.at ssc.wiwi @ univie.ac.at

Learn more:

Center for doctoral studies, master - all study programmes.

  • Applied Economics  (starting in WS21)
  • Banking and Finance
  • Business Administration
  • Business Analytics
  • International Business Administration
  • Philosophy and Economics
  • Research in Economics and Finance  (starting in WS21)
  • Economics  (expiring)

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  • Business and Law
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Economics (PhD)

Gain a strong foundation in economic theory and quantitative methods in applied fields of economics.

Why choose this program?

The Department of Economics has wide-ranging research strengths with specialties of labour, health and social policy, development, and macroeconomics.

Dal economics graduates work with universities, government agencies and the private sector.

Possible careers include:

Economic Analyst


Admission requirements

You'll need to meet the  Faculty of Graduate Studies minimum requirements  as well as any program-specific admissions requirements before you can apply.

Financial information

At Dalhousie, we want our students to focus on their studies, rather than worry about their personal finances. We offer competitive tuition rates and funding programs to support graduate students in almost all of our degree programs.

Program options

Thesis : Pursue independent and original research guided by a supervisor to develop and defend your thesis. 

Standard program duration:

5 years or longer

Enrolment options:

Delivery format:.

All graduate programs at Dalhousie are collaboratively delivered by a home Faculty and the  Faculty of Graduate Studies .

Contact an admissions advisor

Questions about admissions or the application process get in touch with the program..

Email:  [email protected]

Phone: 902-494-2026

I'm ready to apply!

Dalhousie Tiger mascot cheering

While every effort is made to ensure accuracy on this page, in the event of a discrepancy,  Dalhousie's Academic Calendars  are the official reference.

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Open positions at the University of Vienna

The University of Vienna offers both predefined PhD projects (within the framework of externally funded projects) and the possibility to apply for a PhD position either at the faculty or at one of the Doctoral Schools with your own PhD project. The requirements and deadlines for open PhD positions can be found on the individual websites of the Doctoral Schools as well as at the Job Centre of the University of Vienna. As there are different ways to get funding for your PhD project, we recommend that you to check the different channels for vacancies listed below.

Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution

Vienna Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences

Vienna BioCenter PhD Program, joint doctoral school of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna

  • Vienna Doctoral School in Cognition, Behavior, and Neuroscience - from Biology to Psychology and the Humanities (CoBeNe)
  • Doctoral School Microbiology and Environmental Science

Vienna Doctoral School in Physics

Vienna Doctoral School in Chemistry

Vienna International School in Earth and Space Sciences

Vienna School of Mathematics | Joint Doctoral School mit der TU Wien

UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science

Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences

Vienna Graduate School of Economics

Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF)

Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies

Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy

Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion

Advanced Research School in Law and Jurisprudence

For University funded prae doc positions check additionally the vacancies in the Job Center

For external funding we recommend to check

  • Doctoral fellowship programme of the Austrian Academy of Science
  • Further useful database: grants.at/en

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Brief description

Programme outcomes, fields of activity, personal requirements.

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phd economics university of viennaCore Programme
ECTS credits required: 15ECTS credits

3 of the following courses:

 Philosophy of Science
● Experimental and Simulation Methods 
● Management Control 
● Multivariate Business Statistics
● Management Decision Making
● Structural Equation Modeling
●Advanced Microeconomics
● Advanced Regression Analysis  15
Elective Program
Benötigte ECTS credits required: 15

mindestens 3 Kurs sind aus folgender Liste, der von der Fakultät angebotenen Kurse nach Massgabe des Angebots zu wählen:


In addition, students of the doctoral programme have to:
submit an application for approval of the intended doctoral project (within the first year after admission to the degree programme);
give a public presentation of the intended doctoral project at the Faculty;
submit a progress report to the doctoral advisory board in regular intervals of at least once a year;
write the doctoral thesis;
complete the public defence.

 Curriculum/Study plan

For all legal regulations and a detailed description of the structure of this degree programme, please refer to the framework curriculum (Rahmencurriculum) and the degree specific curriculum .

Doctoral advisory board:

Approval of the intended doctoral project: The application for the approval of the intended doctoral project has to be submitted within the first year of studies to the competent body responsible for study matters including a confirmation of supervision, a research proposal, a time schedule and a list of resources needed. Students have to present the intended doctoral project in the course of the research seminar. If the intended doctoral project is part of a research project that has already been approved externally, the competent body responsible for study matters may approve the doctoral project prior to the presentation at the Faculty.

Doctoral thesis agreement: The doctoral candidate and his/her supervisor have to conclude a doctoral thesis agreement comprising the name of the student, the student ID number and date of birth, the name of the thesis supervisor, the topic of the doctoral thesis, the research proposal, a time schedule, key information about the extent of supervision (particularly about the frequency of the scheduled feedback meetings between supervisor and student) and the declaration of commitment of the doctoral candidate to abide by the rules and regulations of good academic practice.

Doctoral thesis: We encourage the publication of partial results of the doctoral project in academic journals and their presentation at academic conferences prior to the submission of the doctoral thesis.

Public defence: Following the positive assessment of all subjects of examination and of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral candidate has to defend his/her doctoral project in the final oral examination in front of an examination committee.

The PhD programme in Management has a strong quantitative emphasis. The courses of the core programme enable students to specialise in analytical or quantitative-empirical methods. Therefore, analytical thinking is helpful in completing the courses. A substantial part of the PhD programme is based on independent research. Therefore, the motivation to discover something new is an important factor for successfully completing this programme.

Information about the admission are available on the website of the StudiesServiceCenter .

Contact & help

For questions regarding the PhD programme, please contact:

info.doktorat @ univie.ac.at ssc.wiwi @ univie.ac.at

Learn more:

Center for doctoral studies, master - all study programmes.

  • Applied Economics  (starting in WS21)
  • Banking and Finance
  • Business Administration
  • Business Analytics
  • International Business Administration
  • Philosophy and Economics
  • Research in Economics and Finance  (starting in WS21)
  • Economics  (expiring)

PhD/Doctoral Programmes - All Study Programmes

  • Logistics and Operations Management
  • Statistics and Operations Research
  • Business and Law


  1. Exterior of Vienna University of Economics & Business Campus designed

    phd economics university of vienna

  2. WU

    phd economics university of vienna

  3. Austria: WU Campus: Vienna University of Economics and Business opens

    phd economics university of vienna

  4. Exterior of Vienna University of Economics & Business Campus designed

    phd economics university of vienna

  5. Vienna University of Economics and Business

    phd economics university of vienna

  6. WU Campus Vienna, Vienna University of Economics and Business, LC Stock

    phd economics university of vienna



  2. Strategy IIT PhD Economics #ugcneteconomics #economics

  3. A Case Study Comparing Twitter Communities detected by Louvain and Leiden Algorithms during the 2022

  4. TU Austria

  5. My First Day In University Of Vienna

  6. I Went to Embassy of Bangladesh in Vienna, Austria| Solo Trip in Europe


  1. PhD Economics

    The PhD programme in Economics offers training and supervision that allow students to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for a research-oriented career in economics. ... (FWF). VGSE offers full funding on a competitive basis. Successful applicants obtain PhD positions at the University of Vienna. Details about admission requirements, the ...

  2. PhD Economics

    University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna StudiesServiceCenter +43-1-4277 Ext. 37000, Ext. 37101 [email protected] Website Dean's Office +43-1-4277 Ext. 37001 [email protected] Press, Media and Public Relations [email protected]. Icon facebook ...

  3. Department of Economics

    An outstanding standard of research and teaching. According to numerous rankings, we are the top economics department in Austria as well as one of the leading economics departments in the whole German-speaking area. A diversified and highly international department. More than 30 junior and senior professors together with numerous PhD candidates ...

  4. PhD

    The University of Vienna offers a wide range of research opportunities. Nevertheless, it is important to clarify in advance whether your intended dissertation project can actually be supervised at the University of Vienna. ... interested candidates have the opportunity to study at the Vienna Graduate School of Economics (VGSE) or the Vienna ...

  5. How to apply

    The Vienna Graduate School of Economics is part of the University of Vienna and therefore you have to apply via u:space. VGSE requires additional documents to the basic application. Create an account in u:space. Log into your u:space and go to "Studies" and then "Apply for Admission".

  6. Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Statistics

    The doctoral/PhD programme in Business, Economics and Statistics serves to prepare doctoral candidates for scientific work in the field of the doctoral research. It provides a scientific education of internati onal standard and aims to enable graduates to conduct independent research of international standard in their respective field of expertise.

  7. Vienna Graduate School of Economics

    Vienna Graduate School of Economics; News & Events. 28.03.2023 . Job Market Placement: Boris Knapp. Boris will be a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Corvinus University of Budapest. Congratulations! More. 28.03.2023 . ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0.

  8. Your steps in the admission procedure

    Doctoral & PhD Programme in Business, Economics and Statistics | Admission. To be able to apply for admission to the doctoral programme at the University of Vienna, the applicant must hold a subject-related diploma or master's degree or another subject-related degree of at least the same level of higher education, issued at a recognized ...

  9. Home [homepage.univie.ac.at]

    Philipp Schmidt-Dengler. Professor of Economics . Contact: Department of Economics University of Vienna Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 / Room 05.6401090 Vienna/Austria . E-mail: philipp.schmidt-dengler {at} univie.ac.at. Office hours: please register here:

  10. Master Research in Economics and Finance

    Students will acquire an excellent foundation for PhD education in Economics and Finance, and a career in research institutions and international organisations. Programme. ... University of Vienna's Bachelor graduates in Economics qualify automatically. University of Vienna's Bachelor graduates in Business with minors in "Finance" or "Economic ...

  11. PhD-Studies

    PhD Program: Vienna Graduate School of Finance. Since the fall term 2005/06 our Faculty has been offering a PhD Program in Finance, the Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF) which is a joint initiative of the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, and the Vienna Institute for Advanced Studies. This program ...

  12. Curriculum & Fields of Doctoral Research

    The curriculum for the doctoral/PhD programme in Business, Economics and Statistics includes the following key elements: The degree programme duration is 3 years. Courses: In the fields of Finance, Business Analytics, Logistics and Operations Research, Management, Statistik und Operations Research sowie Volkswirtschaftslehre at least 30 ECTS.

  13. Admission to a doctoral programme

    The prerequisite for a PhD programme is a subject-related diploma or master's degree or another subject-related degree of at least the same level of higher education, issued at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution.. You can submit your application for admission online throughout the year (with the exception of PhD programmes in economics).

  14. PhD Programmes in Statistics and Operations Research

    The PhD Programme in Statistics and Operations Research is part of the PhD Degree Programme in Business, Economics and Statistics, hosted at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research. ... The eponym Abraham Wald studied and taught during 1927-1938 at the University of Vienna. His works in Statistical Decision Theory as well as Linear ...

  15. Research in Economics and Finance (Master)

    After a joint first semester, students choose to specialise in economics or finance. The programme can be thought of as the first two years of an American-style PhD program, prior to the phase of thesis writing. Master of Science. Degree Programme Code: 066 953. 4 semesters / 120 ECTS credits.

  16. PhD

    University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna StudiesServiceCenter +43-1-4277 Ext. 37000, Ext. 37101 [email protected] Website Dean's Office +43-1-4277 Ext. 37001 [email protected] Press, Media and Public Relations [email protected]. Icon facebook ...

  17. People

    People. Our department hosts about 30 full-time faculty. About half of those are tenured (full professors and associate professors) and about half are non-tenured (assistant professors). Our faculty hold PhDs from prestigious universities worldwide, such as Harvard, Northwestern, NYU, Yale, EUI, University College London, Università Pompeu ...

  18. Doctorate at the University of Vienna

    The team of the Center for Doctoral Studies offers consultations about the first steps and requirements of the doctoral programmes at the University of Vienna. Click here for an overview about our support offer. PhD Orientation Week 2024. Save the Date: PhD Orientation Week. from October 2nd to October 4th 2024.

  19. PhD

    University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna StudiesServiceCenter +43-1-4277 Ext. 37000, Ext. 37101 [email protected] Website Dean's Office +43-1-4277 Ext. 37001 [email protected] Press, Media and Public Relations [email protected]. Icon facebook ...

  20. Doctoral/PhD Programmes at the University of Vienna

    Doctoral/PhD Programmes at the University of Vienna. Law/Interdisciplinary Legal Studies. Humanities, Philosophy and Education. Social Sciences. Business, Economics and Statistics. Natural Sciences. Life Sciences. Psychology. Theology. Sport Science. ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0.

  21. Economics (PhD)

    Economics (PhD) Gain a strong foundation in economic theory and quantitative methods in applied fields of economics. Program Type. PhD. Faculties. Science Graduate Studies. ... Dalhousie University operates in the unceded territories of the Mi'kmaw, Wolastoqey, and Peskotomuhkati Peoples. These sovereign nations hold inherent rights as the ...

  22. PhD

    University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna StudiesServiceCenter +43-1-4277 Ext. 37000, Ext. 37101 [email protected] Website Dean's Office +43-1-4277 Ext. 37001 [email protected] Press, Media and Public Relations [email protected]. Icon facebook ...

  23. Open positions at the University of Vienna

    Open positions at the University of Vienna. The University of Vienna offers both predefined PhD projects (within the framework of externally funded projects) and the possibility to apply for a PhD position either at the faculty or at one of the Doctoral Schools with your own PhD project. The requirements and deadlines for open PhD positions can ...

  24. PhD

    University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna StudiesServiceCenter +43-1-4277 Ext. 37000, Ext. 37101 [email protected] Website Dean's Office +43-1-4277 Ext. 37001 [email protected] Press, Media and Public Relations [email protected]. Icon facebook ...