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Images Research Guide: Image Analysis

Analyze images.

Content analysis    

  • What do you see?
  • What is the image about?
  • Are there people in the image? What are they doing? How are they presented?
  • Can the image be looked at different ways?
  • How effective is the image as a visual message?

Visual analysis  

  • How is the image composed? What is in the background, and what is in the foreground?
  • What are the most important visual elements in the image? How can you tell?
  • How is color used?
  • What meanings are conveyed by design choices?

Contextual information  

  • What information accompanies the image?
  • Does the text change how you see the image? How?
  • Is the textual information intended to be factual and inform, or is it intended to influence what and how you see?
  • What kind of context does the information provide? Does it answer the questions Where, How, Why, and For whom was the image made?

Image source  

  • Where did you find the image?
  • What information does the source provide about the origins of the image?
  • Is the source reliable and trustworthy?
  • Was the image found in an image database, or was it being used in another context to convey meaning?

Technical quality  

  • Is the image large enough to suit your purposes?
  • Are the color, light, and balance true?
  • Is the image a quality digital image, without pixelation or distortion?
  • Is the image in a file format you can use?
  • Are there copyright or other use restrictions you need to consider? 

  developed by Denise Hattwig , [email protected]

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National Archives document analysis worksheets :

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Visual literacy resources :

  • Visual Literacy for Libraries: A Practical, Standards-Based Guide   (book, 2016) by Brown, Bussert, Hattwig, Medaille ( UW Libraries availability )
  • 7 Things You Should Know About... Visual Literacy ( Educause , 2015 )
  • Keeping Up With... Visual Literacy  (ACRL, 2013)
  • Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (ACRL, 2011)
  • Visual Literacy White Paper  (Adobe, 2003)
  • Reading Images: an Introduction to Visual Literacy (UNC School of Education)
  • Visual Literacy Activities (Oakland Museum of California)
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Research Topics

Biomedical Imaging

Biomedical Imaging

The current plethora of imaging technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MR), computed tomography (CT), position emission tomography (PET), optical coherence tomography (OCT), and ultrasound provide great insight into the different anatomical and functional processes of the human body.

Computer Vision

Computer Vision

Computer vision is the science and technology of teaching a computer to interpret images and video as well as a typical human. Technically, computer vision encompasses the fields of image/video processing, pattern recognition, biological vision, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, mathematical modeling, statistics, probability, optimization, 2D sensors, and photography.

Image Segmentation/Classification

Image Segmentation/Classification

Extracting information from a digital image often depends on first identifying desired objects or breaking down the image into homogenous regions (a process called 'segmentation') and then assigning these objects to particular classes (a process called 'classification'). This is a fundamental part of computer vision, combining image processing and pattern recognition techniques.

Multiresolution Techniques

Multiresolution   Techniques

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Remote Sensing

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Scientific Imaging

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Stochastic Models

Stochastic Models

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Video Analysis

Video Analysis

Video analysis is a field within  computer vision  that involves the automatic interpretation of digital video using computer algorithms. Although humans are readily able to interpret digital video, developing algorithms for the computer to perform the same task has been highly evasive and is now an active research field.

Deep Evolution Figure

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Discovered Radiomics Sequencer

Sports Analytics

Sports Analytics is a growing field in computer vision that analyzes visual cues from images to provide statistical data on players, teams, and games. Want to know how a player's technique improves the quality of the team? Can a team, based on their defensive position, increase their chances to the finals? These are a few out of a plethora of questions that are answered in sports analytics.

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Open Computer Vision Library

Research Areas in Computer Vision: Trends and Challenges

Farooq Alvi February 7, 2024 Leave a Comment AI Careers

research areas in computer vision

Basics of Computer Vision

Computer Vision (CV) is a field of artificial intelligence that trains computers to interpret and understand the visual world. Using digital images from cameras and videos, along with deep learning models, computers can accurately identify and classify objects, and then react to what they “see.”

Key Concepts in Computer Vision

Image Processing: At the heart of CV is image processing, which involves enhancing image data (removing noise, sharpening, or brightening an image) and preparing it for further analysis.

Feature Detection and Matching: This involves identifying and using specific features of an image, like edges, corners, or objects, to understand the content of the image.

Pattern Recognition: CV uses pattern recognition to identify patterns and regularities in data. This can be as simple as recognizing the shape of an object or as complex as identifying a person’s face.

Core Technologies Powering Computer Vision

Machine Learning and Deep Learning: These are crucial for teaching computers to recognize patterns in visual data. Deep learning, especially, has been a game-changer, enabling advancements in facial recognition, object detection, and more.

Neural Networks: A type of machine learning, neural networks, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), are pivotal in analyzing visual imagery.

Image Recognition and Classification: This is the process of identifying and labeling objects within an image. It’s one of the most common applications of CV.

Object Detection: This goes a step further than image classification by not only identifying objects in images but also locating them.

Applications of Basic Computer Vision

Automated Inspection: Used in manufacturing to identify defects.

Surveillance: Helps in monitoring activities for security purposes.

Retail: For example, in cashier-less stores where CV tracks what customers pick up.

Healthcare: Assisting in diagnostic procedures through medical image analysis.

Challenges and Limitations

Data Quality and Quantity: The accuracy of a computer vision system is highly dependent on the quality and quantity of the data it’s trained on.

Computational Requirements: Advanced CV models require significant computational power, making them resource-intensive.

Ethical and Privacy Concerns: The use of CV in surveillance and data collection raises ethical and privacy issues that need to be addressed.

This interesting topic “2024 Guide to becoming a Computer Vision Engineer ” will help you set off on your journey to becoming one.

Key Research Areas in Computer Vision

research areas in computer vision

Augmented Reality: The Convergence with Computer Vision

In 2024, Augmented Reality (AR) continues to make significant strides, increasingly integrating with computer vision (CV) to create more immersive and interactive experiences across various sectors. This integration is crucial as AR requires understanding and interacting with the real world through visual information, a capability at the core of CV.

Manufacturing, Retail, and Education: Transformative Sectors

Manufacturing : AR devices enable manufacturing workers to access real-time instructional and administrative information. This integration significantly enhances efficiency and accuracy in production processes.

Retail : In the retail sector, AR is revolutionizing the shopping experience. Consumers can now visualize products in great detail, including pricing and features, right from their AR devices, offering a more engaging and informed shopping experience.

Education: The impact of AR in education is substantial. Traditional teaching methods are being supplemented with immersive and interactive AR experiences, making learning more engaging and effective for students.

Technological Advances in AR

The advancement in AR technology, backed by major companies like Apple and Meta, is seeing a surge of consumer-grade AR devices entering the market. These devices are set to become more widely available, making AR more integral to daily life and work.

The development of sophisticated AR gaming is a testament to this growth. AR games now offer realistic gameplay, integrating virtual objects and characters into the real world, enhancing player engagement, and creating new possibilities in gaming and non-gaming applications. Startups like Mohx-games and are at the forefront of this innovation, developing platforms and controllers that elevate the AR gaming experience.

Mobile AR tools are another significant advancement. These tools utilize the increasing capabilities of smartphone cameras and sensors to enhance AR interactions’ realism and immersion. Platforms like Phantom Technology’s PhantomEngine enable developers to create more sophisticated and context-aware AR applications.

Wearables with AR capabilities , such as those developed by ARKH and Wavelens, are offering hands-free experiences, further expanding the usability and applications of AR in various industries, including manufacturing and logistics. These wearables provide real-time guidance and information directly in the user’s field of view, enhancing convenience and efficiency.

3D design and prototyping in AR , as exemplified by Virtualist’s building design platform, are enabling industries like architecture and automotive to visualize products and designs in real-world contexts, significantly improving the decision-making process and reducing design errors.

Robotic Language-Vision Models (RLVM)

Integration of vision and language in robotics.

In 2024, the field of robotics is witnessing a significant shift with the integration of Language-Vision Models (RLVM), which are transforming how robots understand and interact with their environment. This blend of visual comprehension and language interpretation is paving the way for a new era of intelligent, responsive robotics.

Advancements in Robotic Language-Vision Models

Enhanced Learning Capabilities: Research and development efforts are increasingly focusing on using generative AI to make robots faster learners, especially for complex manipulation tasks. This advancement is likely to continue throughout 2024, potentially leading to commercial applications in robotics.

Natural Language Understanding: 

Robots are becoming more personable, thanks to their improved ability to understand natural language instructions. This evolution is exemplified by projects where robots, such as Boston Dynamics’ Spot, are turned into interactive agents like tour guides.

Wider Application Spectrum: 

Robots are moving beyond traditional environments like warehouses and manufacturing into public-facing roles in restaurants, hotels, hospitals, and more. Enabled by generative AI, these robots are expected to interact more naturally with people, enhancing their utility in these new roles.

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs): 

AMRs, combining sensors, AI, and computer vision, are increasingly used in varied settings, from factory floors to hospital corridors, for tasks like material handling, disinfection, and delivery services.

Intelligent Robotics: 

Integration of AI in robotics is allowing robots to use real-time information to optimize tasks. This includes leveraging computer vision and machine learning for improved accuracy and performance in applications such as manufacturing automation and customer service in retail and hospitality.

Collaborative Robots (Cobots): 

Cobots are being designed to safely interact and work alongside humans, augmenting human efforts in various industrial processes. Advances in sensor technology and software are enabling these robots to perform tasks more safely and efficiently alongside human workers.

Robotics as a Service (RaaS): 

RaaS models are becoming more popular, providing businesses with flexible and scalable access to robotic solutions. This approach is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises that can leverage robotic technology without incurring significant upfront costs.

Robotics Cybersecurity: 

As robotics systems become more interconnected, the importance of cybersecurity in robotics is growing. Solutions are being developed to protect robotic systems from cyber threats, ensuring the safety and reliability of these systems in various applications.

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Advanced Satellite Vision: 

Monitoring environmental and urban changes.

In 2024, the capabilities of satellite imagery have been significantly enhanced by advancements in computer vision (CV), leading to more effective monitoring of environmental and urban changes.

Satellite Imagery and Computer Vision

High-Resolution Monitoring: CV-powered satellite imagery provides high-resolution monitoring of various terrestrial phenomena. This includes tracking urban sprawl, deforestation, and changes in marine environments.

Environmental Management

These technological advancements are crucial for environmental monitoring and management. The detailed data from satellite imagery enables the study of ecological and climatic changes with unprecedented precision.

Urban Planning and Development

In urban areas, satellite vision assists in planning and development, providing critical data for infrastructure development, land use planning, and resource management.

Disaster Response and Management

Advanced satellite vision plays a key role in disaster management. It helps in assessing the impact of natural disasters and planning effective response strategies.

Agricultural Applications

In agriculture, satellite imagery helps in monitoring crop health, soil conditions, and water resources, enabling more efficient and sustainable farming practices.

Climate Change Analysis

Satellite vision is instrumental in understanding and monitoring the effects of climate change globally, including polar ice melt, sea-level rise, and changes in weather patterns.

3D Computer Vision: Enhancing Autonomous Vehicles and Digital Twin Modeling

In 2024, 3D Computer Vision (3D CV) is playing a pivotal role in advancing technologies in various sectors, particularly in autonomous vehicles and digital twin modeling.

3D Computer Vision in Autonomous Vehicles

Depth Perception: 3D CV enables autonomous vehicles to accurately perceive depth and distance. This is crucial for navigating complex environments and ensuring safety on the roads.

Object Detection and Tracking: It allows for precise detection and tracking of objects around the vehicle, including other vehicles, pedestrians, and road obstacles.

Environment Mapping: Advanced 3D imaging and processing help in creating detailed maps of the vehicle’s surroundings, essential for route planning and navigation.

Digital Twin Modeling with 3D Computer Vision

Accurate Replication: 3D CV is integral in creating accurate digital replicas of physical objects, buildings, or even entire cities for digital twin applications.

Simulation and Analysis: These digital twins are used for simulations, allowing for analysis and optimization of systems in a virtual environment before actual implementation.

Predictive Maintenance and Planning: In industries such as manufacturing and urban planning, digital twins aid in predictive maintenance and strategic planning, minimizing risks and enhancing efficiency.

Ethics in Computer Vision: Navigating Bias and Privacy Concerns

As computer vision (CV) technologies become increasingly integrated into various aspects of life, ethical considerations, particularly related to bias and privacy, are gaining prominence.

Addressing Bias in Computer Vision

Data Diversity: One major ethical challenge in CV is the bias in algorithms, often stemming from non-representative training data. Efforts are being made to create more diverse and inclusive datasets to help overcome biases related to race, gender, and other factors.

Fairness in Algorithms: There is a growing focus on developing algorithms that are fair and non-discriminatory. This includes techniques to detect and correct biases in CV systems.

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Transparent and Explainable AI: Transparency in how CV models are built and function is crucial. There’s an emphasis on explainable AI, where the decision-making process of CV systems can be understood and interrogated by users.

Ensuring Privacy in Computer Vision

Consent and Anonymity: With CV technologies being used in public spaces, ensuring individual privacy is paramount. Techniques like face-blurring in videos and images are being adopted to protect identities.

Regulatory Compliance: Governments and regulatory bodies are proposing strict regulations to ensure responsible development and use of AI and CV technologies. This includes guidelines for data collection, processing, and storage to protect individual privacy.

Ethical Design and Deployment: Ethical considerations are increasingly becoming a part of the design and deployment process of CV technologies. This involves assessing the potential impact on society and individuals and ensuring that privacy and individual rights are safeguarded.

Synthetic Data and Generative AI in Computer Vision

The role of generative AI in creating synthetic data has become increasingly significant in developing and improving computer vision (CV) systems.

Generative AI and Synthetic Data Creation

Enhancing Training of CV Models: Generative AI algorithms can create realistic, high-quality synthetic data. This data is particularly valuable for training CV models, especially when real-world data is scarce, sensitive, or difficult to obtain.

Diversity and Volume: Synthetic data generated by AI can encompass various scenarios and variations, offering a rich and diverse dataset. This diversity is crucial for training robust CV models capable of performing accurately in various real-world conditions.

Privacy and Ethical Compliance: Using synthetic data mitigates privacy concerns associated with using real data, especially in sensitive areas like healthcare and security. It offers a way to train effective CV models without compromising individual privacy.

Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency: Generating synthetic data can be more cost-effective and efficient than collecting and labeling vast amounts of real-world data. It also speeds up the iterative process of training and refining CV models.

Computer Vision in Edge Computing

In 2024, the trend of integrating Computer Vision (CV) with edge computing is becoming increasingly prominent, revolutionizing how data is processed in various applications.

The Shift to On-Device Processing

Reduced Latency: By processing visual data directly on the device (edge computing), response times are significantly decreased. This is vital in applications where real-time analysis is crucial, such as in autonomous vehicles or real-time monitoring systems.

Improved Privacy and Security: Edge computing allows for sensitive data to be processed locally, reducing the risk of data breaches during transmission to cloud-based servers. This is particularly important in applications involving personal or sensitive information.

Enhanced Efficiency: Local data processing minimizes the need to transfer large volumes of data to the cloud, thereby reducing bandwidth usage and associated costs. This is beneficial for devices operating in remote or bandwidth-constrained environments.

Scalability : Edge computing enables scalability in CV applications. Devices can process data independently, alleviating the load on central servers and allowing for the deployment of more devices without a proportional increase in central processing requirements.

Applications in Diverse Fields

Intelligent Security Systems: In security and surveillance, edge computing allows for immediate processing and analysis of visual data, enabling quicker response to potential security threats.

Healthcare: Portable medical devices with integrated CV can process data on the edge, aiding in immediate diagnostic procedures and patient monitoring.

Retail and Consumer Applications: In retail, edge computing enables smart shelves and inventory management systems to process visual data in real time, improving efficiency and customer experience.

Industrial and Manufacturing: In industrial settings, edge computing facilitates real-time monitoring and quality inspection, improving operational efficiency and safety.

Computer Vision in Healthcare

Computer Vision (CV) is significantly impacting the healthcare sector, offering innovative solutions for medical image analysis, surgical assistance, and patient monitoring.

Medical Image Analysis

Diagnostic Accuracy: CV algorithms are increasingly used to analyze medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. They assist in identifying abnormalities, leading to quicker and more accurate diagnoses.

Cancer Detection : In oncology, CV aids in the early detection of cancers, such as breast or skin cancer, through detailed analysis of medical imagery.

Automated Analysis: Automated image analysis can handle large volumes of medical images, reducing the workload on radiologists and increasing efficiency.

Aiding Surgeries

Surgical Robotics: CV is integral to the functioning of surgical robots, providing them with the necessary visual information to assist surgeons in performing precise and minimally invasive procedures.

Real-Time Navigation: During surgeries, CV provides real-time imaging, aiding surgeons in navigating complex procedures and avoiding critical structures.

Training and Simulation: CV technologies are used in surgical training, providing simulations that help surgeons hone their skills in a risk-free environment.

Patient Monitoring

Remote Monitoring : CV enables remote patient monitoring, allowing healthcare providers to observe patients’ physical condition and movements without being physically present. This is particularly beneficial for elderly care and monitoring patients in intensive care units.

Fall Detection and Prevention: In elderly care, CV systems can detect falls or unusual behaviors, alerting caregivers to potential emergencies.

Behavioral Analysis: CV is also used in analyzing patients’ behaviors and movements, which can be vital in psychiatric care and physical therapy.

Challenges and Future Directions

While CV is bringing transformative changes to healthcare, it also presents challenges such as data privacy concerns, the need for large annotated datasets, and ensuring the accuracy and reliability of algorithms. The future of CV in healthcare is promising, with ongoing research and development aimed at addressing these challenges and expanding its applications.

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Detecting Deepfakes: The Crucial Role of Computer Vision

As AI-generated deepfakes become increasingly realistic and pervasive, the importance of Computer Vision (CV) in detecting and combating them has become more critical.

The Challenge of Deepfakes

Realism and Proliferation: Deepfakes, synthesized using advanced AI algorithms, are becoming more sophisticated, making them harder to distinguish from real footage. Their potential use in spreading misinformation or malicious content poses significant challenges.

Misinformation and Security Threats: The use of deepfakes in spreading false information can have serious implications in various spheres, including politics, security, and personal privacy.

CV’s Role in Deepfake Detection

Analyzing Visual Inconsistencies: CV algorithms are trained to detect subtle inconsistencies in videos and images that are typically overlooked by the human eye. This includes irregularities in facial expressions, lip movements, and eye blinking patterns.

Temporal and Spatial Analysis: CV techniques analyze both spatial features (like facial features) and temporal features (like movement over time) in videos to identify anomalies that suggest manipulation.

Training on Diverse Data Sets: To improve the accuracy of deepfake detection, CV systems are trained on diverse datasets that include various types of manipulations and original content.

The importance of CV in identifying deepfakes cannot be understated, as it stands at the forefront of preserving information integrity in the digital age. The advancements in this field will be instrumental in maintaining trust and authenticity in digital media.

Real-Time Computer Vision

Enhancing security, crowd monitoring, and industrial safety.

Real-time computer vision (CV) technologies are increasingly being deployed in various fields like security, crowd monitoring, and industrial safety, offering dynamic and immediate data analysis for enhanced operational efficiency and safety.

Applications in Security

Surveillance Systems: Real-time CV is revolutionizing surveillance by enabling immediate identification and alerting of security breaches or unusual activities. This includes facial recognition, intrusion detection, and unauthorized access alerts.

Automated Threat Detection: CV systems can detect potential threats in real-time, such as identifying unattended bags in public areas or spotting unusual behaviors that could indicate criminal activities.

Crowd Monitoring and Management

Public Safety: In large public gatherings, real-time CV aids in crowd density analysis, helping to prevent stampedes or accidents by alerting authorities to potential dangers due to overcrowding.

Traffic Management: In urban settings, CV systems monitor and analyze traffic flow in real time, helping in congestion management and accident prevention.

Event Management: For events like concerts or sports games, real-time CV can assist in crowd control, ensuring that safety regulations are adhered to and identifying potential bottlenecks or overcrowding situations.

Industrial Safety

Workplace Monitoring: CV systems monitor industrial environments in real time, detecting potential hazards like equipment malfunctions or unsafe worker behavior, thus preventing accidents and ensuring compliance with safety protocols.

Quality Control: In manufacturing, real-time CV assists in continuous monitoring of production lines, instantly identifying defects or deviations from standard protocols.

Equipment Maintenance: CV can help in predictive maintenance by detecting early signs of wear and tear in machinery, preventing costly downtime and accidents.

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Conclusion: Navigating the Future of Computer Vision

From enhancing healthcare and security to revolutionizing interactive technologies like AR, CV is reshaping our interaction with the digital world. Its advancements, including AI integration and edge computing, highlight a future rich with potential.

Yet, this journey forward isn’t without challenges. Balancing innovation with ethical responsibility, privacy, and fairness remains crucial. As CV becomes more embedded in our lives, it calls for a collaborative approach among technologists, ethicists, and policymakers to ensure it benefits society responsibly and equitably.

In essence, CV’s future is not just about technological growth but also about addressing ethical and societal needs, marking an exciting, transformative journey ahead.

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Focus  11 July 2023

The future of bioimage analysis

Ideas from computer vision have transformed the way image analysis is performed, with ripple effects across microscopy and biological discovery. This Focus issue brings together expert opinions on exciting directions for bioimage analysis over the next 5-20 years.

Fluorescent image of zebrafish embryos

Rita Strack

Senior Editor, Nature Methods

Where imaging and metrics meet

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What’s next for bioimage analysis?

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image analysis research ideas

Avoiding a replication crisis in deep-learning-based bioimage analysis

Deep learning algorithms are powerful tools for analyzing, restoring and transforming bioimaging data. One promise of deep learning is parameter-free one-click image analysis with expert-level performance in a fraction of the time previously required. However, as with most emerging technologies, the potential for inappropriate use is raising concerns among the research community. In this Comment, we discuss key concepts that we believe are important for researchers to consider when using deep learning for their microscopy studies. We describe how results obtained using deep learning can be validated and propose what should, in our view, be considered when choosing a suitable tool. We also suggest what aspects of a deep learning analysis should be reported in publications to ensure reproducibility. We hope this perspective will foster further discussion among developers, image analysis specialists, users and journal editors to define adequate guidelines and ensure the appropriate use of this transformative technology.

  • Romain F. Laine
  • Ignacio Arganda-Carreras
  • Guillaume Jacquemet


image analysis research ideas

Community-developed checklists for publishing images and image analyses

Community-developed checklists offer best-practice guidance for biologists preparing light microscopy images and describing image analyses for publications.

  • Christopher Schmied
  • Michael S. Nelson
  • Helena Klara Jambor

image analysis research ideas

Understanding metric-related pitfalls in image analysis validation

This Perspective presents a reliable and comprehensive source of information on pitfalls related to validation metrics in image analysis, with an emphasis on biomedical imaging.

  • Annika Reinke
  • Minu D. Tizabi
  • Lena Maier-Hein

image analysis research ideas

Metrics reloaded: recommendations for image analysis validation

Metrics Reloaded is a comprehensive framework for guiding researchers in the problem-aware selection of metrics for common tasks in biomedical image analysis.

  • Paul F. Jäger

image analysis research ideas

Segmentation metric misinterpretations in bioimage analysis

This study shows the importance of proper metrics for comparing algorithms for bioimage segmentation and object detection by exploring the impact of metrics on the relative performance of algorithms in three image analysis competitions.

  • Dominik Hirling
  • Ervin Tasnadi
  • Peter Horvath

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Centre for Image Analysis

The Centre for Image Analysis (CBA – Centrum för bildanalys) conducts and promotes research in computerised image analysis and perceptualisation. CBA actively supports interdisciplinary collaboration, facilitates knowledge exchange, and encourages the adoption of image processing techniques in life sciences, medicine, digital humanities, and many other research fields, at Uppsala University, in Sweden, and worldwide.

CBA Day – May 21, 2024

The Centre for Image Analysis is organizing a CBA Day on May 21, filled with presentations and demos on current image analysis related research at Uppsala University.

We wish to bring together researchers at UU who are working with images and need, develop, and/or use image analysis methods. In particular, we aim to present diverse application areas and attract participants from all UU disciplinary domains.

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Researchers at CBA develop theory, algorithms, and systems for analysis of visual data. Our methods find use in life science, medicine, digital humanities, and many other scientific fields. Find out more about our research!

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Want to learn more about image analysis? Find a Course, a Thesis project, or a whole Master's programme in Image Analysis at Uppsala University!

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The CBA seminar series is open to everyone. Join us in Theatrum Visuale , room 100155, building 10 , Ångström Laboratory or on Zoom .

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Recent publications.

  • Analysis of Age Invariant Face Recognition Efficiency Using Face Feature Vectors Hast, Anders; Zhou, Yijie; Lai, Congting et al. , 2024
  • Handwritten Stenography Recognition and the LION Dataset Heil, Raphaela; Nauwerck, Malin , 2024
  • Efficient High-Resolution Template Matching with Vector Quantized Nearest Neighbour Fields Gupta, Ankit; Sintorn, Ida-Maria , 2024

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Introduction to Image Analysis: Understanding the Basics and Applications

Introduction to Image Analysis: Understanding the Basics and Applications

31 Jul 2023

Sandeep Kulkarni

Sandeep Kulkarni

Founder & CEO


Following are some of the basic ideas in image analysis:, image acquisition:, pre-processing:, segmentation:, feature extraction:, object recognition:, image classification:.

Read Also - The Basic Of Image Processing

Image Analysis Applications:

Security and surveillance:, robotics and automation:, agriculture:, pharmaceutical industry:, quality control and inspection:, biometrics:, how has image analysis reshaped the pharmaceutical industry.

Read Also - Image Filtering Techniques in Image Processing

How Has Image Analysis Advanced Scientific Research?

Cellular and molecular biology:, medicine and biomedical research:, neuroscience:, ecology and environmental sciences:, astronomy and astrophysics:, materials science:, social sciences:, how image analysis has made social media platforms more user-friendly, different image analysis software used:, scikit-image:, tensorflow:, cellprofiler:, deeplabcut:.

Read Also - Particle Size Analysis: Importance & Applications 

Future of Image Analysis:

Sandeep Kulkarni, Founder & CEO

Sandeep Kulkarni is the founder & CEO of ImageProVision Technology. With over 3 decades of experience behind him, he is your 'go-to' man in the image analysis sector.

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Basics of Image Analysis

  • January 2015
  • In book: Hyperspectral Imaging Technology in Food and Agriculture (pp.9-56)

Fernando A Mendoza at PureFize Technologies AB

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Abstract and Figures

mages saved at different dpi levels while keeping the same size. (a) typical effects on a color image; (b) X-ray microtomography image of 'Jonagold' apple captured with a spatial resolution of 8.5 μm/pixel, where black areas represent pores and gray areas the cellular material

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Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

Dear Colleagues,

The 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (RTIP2R) aims to attract current and/or advanced research on image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, and machine learning. The RTIP2R will take place at the Texas A&M University—Kingsville, Texas (USA), on November 22–23, 2022, in collaboration with the 2AI Research Lab—Computer Science, University of South Dakota (USA).

Authors of selected papers from the conference will be invited to submit extended versions of their original papers and contributions under the conference topics (new papers that are closely related to the conference themes are also welcome).

We, however, are not limited to RIP2R 2022 to increase the number of submissions.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Signal and image processing .
  • Computer vision and pattern recognition : object detection and/or recognition (shape, color, and texture analysis) as well as pattern recognition (statistical, structural, and syntactic methods).
  • Machine learning : algorithms, clustering and classification, model selection (machine learning), feature engineering, and deep learning.
  • Data analytics : data mining tools and high-performance computing in big data.
  • Federated learning : applications and challenges.
  • Pattern recognition and machine learning for the Internet of things (IoT).
  • Information retrieval : content-based image retrieval and indexing, as well as text analytics.
  • Document image analysis and understanding.
  • Biometrics: face matching, iris recognition/verification, footprint verification, and audio/speech analysis as well as understanding.
  • Healthcare informatics and (bio)medical imaging as well as engineering.
  • Big data (from document understanding and healthcare to risk management).
  • Cryptanalysis (cryptology and cryptography).

Prof. Dr. KC Santosh Dr. Ayush Goyal Dr. Djamila Aouada Dr. Aaisha Makkar Dr. Yao-Yi Chiang Dr. Satish Kumar Singh Prof. Dr. Alejandro Rodríguez-González Topic Editors

Journal Name Impact Factor CiteScore Launched Year First Decision (median) APC
entropy 1999 22.4 Days CHF 2600
applsci 2011 17.8 Days CHF 2400
healthcare 2013 20.5 Days CHF 2700
jimaging 2015 20.9 Days CHF 1800
computers 2012 17.2 Days CHF 1800
BDCC 2017 18 Days CHF 1800
ai 2020 17.6 Days CHF 1600

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Top 10 Digital Image Processing Project Topics

We guide research scholars in choosing novel digital image processing project topics. What is meant by digital image processing? Digital Image Processing is a method of handling images to get different insights into the digital image. It has a set of technologies to analyze the image in multiple aspects for better human / machine image interpretation . To be clearer, it is used to improve the actual quality of the image or to abstract the essential features from the entire picture is achieved through digital image processing projects.

This page is about the new upcoming Digital Image Processing Project Topics for scholars who wish to create a masterpiece in their research career!!!

Generally, the digital image is represented in the form of pixels which are arranged in array format. The dimension of the rectangular array gives the size of the image (MxN), where M denotes the column and N denotes the row. Further, x and y coordinates are used to signify the single-pixel position of an image. At the same time, the x value increases from left to right, and the y value increases from top to bottom in the coordinate representation of the image. When you get into the DIP research field, you need to know the following key terminologies.

Top 10 Digital Image Processing Project Topics Guidance

Important Digital Image Processing Terminologies  

  • Stereo Vision and Super Resolution
  • Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing and Imaging
  • Digital Photography and Imaging
  • Acoustic Imaging and Holographic Imaging
  • Computer Vision and Graphics
  • Image Manipulation and Retrieval
  • Quality Enrichment in Volumetric Imaging
  • Color Imaging and Bio-Medical Imaging
  • Pattern Recognition and Analysis
  • Imaging Software Tools, Technologies and Languages
  • Image Acquisition and Compression Techniques
  • Mathematical Morphological Image Segmentation

Image Processing Algorithms

In general, image processing techniques/methods are used to perform certain actions over the input images, and according to that, the desired information is extracted in it. For that, input is an image, and the result is an improved/expected image associated with their task. It is essential to find that the algorithms for image processing play a crucial role in current real-time applications. Various algorithms are used for various purposes as follows, 

  • Digital Image Detection
  • Image Reconstruction
  • Image Restoration
  • Image Enhancement
  • Image Quality Estimation
  • Spectral Image Estimation
  • Image Data Compression

For the above image processing tasks, algorithms are customized for the number of training and testing samples and also can be used for real-time/online processing. Till now, filtering techniques are used for image processing and enhancement, and their main functions are as follows, 

  • Brightness Correction
  • Contrast Enhancement
  • Resolution and Noise Level of Image
  • Contouring and Image Sharpening
  • Blurring, Edge Detection and Embossing

Some of the commonly used techniques for image processing can be classified into the following, 

  • Medium Level Image Processing Techniques – Binarization and Compression
  • Higher Level Image Processing Techniques – Image Segmentation
  • Low-Level Image Processing Techniques – Noise Elimination and Color Contrast Enhancement
  • Recognition and Detection Image Processing Algorithms – Semantic Analysis

Next, let’s see about some of the traditional image processing algorithms for your information. Our research team will guide in handpicking apt solutions for research problems . If there is a need, we are also ready to design own hybrid algorithms and techniques for sorting out complicated model . 

Types of Digital Image Processing Algorithms

  • Hough Transform Algorithm
  • Canny Edge Detector Algorithm
  • Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) Algorithm
  • Generalized Hough Transform Algorithm
  • Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) Algorithm
  • Marr–Hildreth Algorithm
  • Connected-component labeling algorithm: Identify and classify the disconnected areas
  • Histogram equalization algorithm: Enhance the contrast of image by utilizing the histogram
  • Adaptive histogram equalization algorithm: Perform slight alteration in contrast for the  equalization of the histogram
  • Error Diffusion Algorithm
  • Ordered Dithering Algorithm
  • Floyd–Steinberg Dithering Algorithm
  • Riemersma Dithering Algorithm
  • Richardson–Lucy deconvolution algorithm : It is also known as a deblurring algorithm, which removes the misrepresentation of the image to recover the original image
  • Seam carving algorithm : Differentiate the edge based on the image background information and also known as content-aware image resizing algorithm
  • Region Growing Algorithm
  • GrowCut Algorithm
  • Watershed Transformation Algorithm
  • Random Walker Algorithm
  • Elser difference-map algorithm: It is a search based algorithm primarily used for X-Ray diffraction microscopy to solve the general constraint satisfaction problems
  • Blind deconvolution algorithm : It is similar to Richardson–Lucy deconvolution to reconstruct the sharp point of blur image. In other words, it’s the process of deblurring the image.

Nowadays, various industries are also utilizing digital image processing by developing customizing procedures to satisfy their requirements. It may be achieved either from scratch or hybrid algorithmic functions . As a result, it is clear that image processing is revolutionary developed in many information technology sectors and applications.  

Research Digital Image Processing Project Topics

Digital Image Processing Techniques

  • In order to smooth the image, substitutes neighbor median / common value in the place of the actual pixel value. Whereas it is performed in the case of weak edge sharpness and blur image effect.
  • Eliminate the distortion in an image by scaling, wrapping, translation, and rotation process
  • Differentiate the in-depth image content to figure out the original hidden data or to convert the color image into a gray-scale image
  • Breaking up of image into multiple forms based on certain constraints. For instance: foreground, background
  • Enhance the image display through pixel-based threshold operation 
  • Reduce the noise in an image by the average of diverse quality multiple images 
  • Sharpening the image by improving the pixel value in the edge
  • Extract the specific feature for removal of noise in an image
  • Perform arithmetic operations (add, sub, divide and multiply) to identify the variation in between the images 

Beyond this, this field will give you numerous Digital Image Processing Project Topics for current and upcoming scholars . Below, we have mentioned some research ideas that help you to classify analysis, represent and display the images or particular characteristics of an image.

Latest 11 Interesting Digital Image Processing Project Topics

  • Acoustic and Color Image Processing
  • Digital Video and Signal Processing
  • Multi-spectral and Laser Polarimetric Imaging
  • Image Processing and Sensing Techniques
  • Super-resolution Imaging and Applications
  • Passive and Active Remote Sensing
  • Time-Frequency Signal Processing and Analysis
  • 3-D Surface Reconstruction using Remote Sensed Image
  • Digital Image based Steganalysis and Steganography
  • Radar Image Processing for Remote Sensing Applications
  • Adaptive Clustering Algorithms for Image processing

Moreover, if you want to know more about Digital Image Processing Project Topics for your research, then communicate with our team. We will give detailed information on current trends, future developments, and real-time challenges in the research grounds of Digital Image Processing.

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Top 21 Image Recognition Machine Learning Projects (Updated for 2024)

Top 21 Image Recognition Machine Learning Projects (Updated for 2024)

Image recognition is the task of identifying objects of interest in an image and identifying to which class the image belongs. Although various human vision simulation methods have been developed, a common goal of image recognition machine learning projects is classifying recognized objects into different classes, otherwise known as object detection.

The adoption of image recognition applications has been on the rise and has accelerated even further due to COVID-19. The global image recognition market size is projected to reach USD 86.32 billion by 2027, exhibiting a growth of 17.6% during the forecast period according to the latest report by Fortune business insights . With 60% projected growth in North America alone and a 116% increase in job demand for computer vision engineers , practicing image recognition machine learning projects is important for any aspiring data scientist.

Here are 21 different image recognition machine learning project ideas ranging from beginner to expert level.

Human Face Detection

Human Face Detection

Face recognition is a computer vision technology that is a subdomain of object recognition that tries to observe instances of semantic objects. Detection is a simpler problem to solve than recognition, so it makes a great beginner project.

The complexity of accurate human facial recognition arises from factors such as too many faces in images, odd expressions, illuminations, low resolution, face occlusion, skin color, and distance from and orientation to the computer.

How You Can Do It : In this project, you will learn how to implement real-time face recognition in OpenCV using Python and the Haar Cascade Classifier algorithm.

This is a beginner-friendly project, and you can follow this tutorial from TechVidvan for more details on how to practice it.

BONUS : If you liked this project and want to try your hand at facial recognition, check out this tutorial too.

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Image Recognition Using the CIFAR Dataset

Image Recognition using CIFAR Dataset

Image classification is a deep learning project that applies supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques.

Supervised classification: Select samples for each target class and train a neural network with these target class samples, then classify the new samples.

Unsupervised classification: Group sample images into clusters of images with similar features. Each cluster is then classified into the specified class.

How You Can Do It: CIFAR-10 is a computer vision dataset composed of a collection of 10 images of different classes, such as cars, birds, dogs, horses, ships, and trucks.

In this project, you will create a classification model that can identify which class an image belongs to. Follow this tutorial from Dataflair for more detailed steps and get started with the official CIFAR dataset .

Dog Breed Identification

Dog Breed Identification

This project uses Keras and TensorFlow to build, train, and test a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) capable of identifying the breed of a dog in a supplied image. This is a supervised learning problem, specifically a multiclass classification problem.

How You Can Do It: You will learn how to use a dog breed dataset to create a classification model that can identify different dog breeds from a single image.

The project is part of Kaggle’s Playground Prediction Competition , and you can find more information on the competition rules and dataset as well as some code and instructions on their website.

Breast Cancer Cell Classification

Breast Cancer Cell Classification

The use of image recognition methods in medical diagnosis is a growing trend. A 2020 study by IDtechX compared the image recognition performance of more than 60 companies in medical diagnostics, which is estimated to be worth more than $3 billion by 2030 as it has applications in cancer, respiratory, and retinal segments.

How You Can Do It: You can use this dataset of breast cancer histopathology images to build an image classification model to determine whether the patient has cancer-based on cell characteristics.

For implementation guidance, check out this tutorial by Abhinav Sagar , explaining the steps of building and analyzing a CNN. The code for the project can be found in his GitHub repository .

Color Detection

Color Detection

Color recognition can be used for visual tasks such as creating green screen applications, using simple photo editing software, organizing LEGO bricks, and identifying countries in passport photos. This application will help you practice using OpenCV, NumPy, and pandas Python packages.

How You Can Do It: Here are some machine learning image datasets that can be used for the project:

  • Google-512 dataset
  • LEGO colors
  • Passport colors

You can follow DataFlair’s tutorial to learn more about implementing such a project.

Object Tracking in a Video

Object Tracking in Video

Object tracking in the video is a slightly advanced computer vision task that focuses on estimating the state of a target object present in a scene with respect to its previous location. It is now widely used in equipment inspection, military surveillance, animal modeling, and many applications .

An object tracking model performs two tasks: predicting the next state of the object and correcting that state with respect to the actual state of the object. Object tracking models find applications in traffic control and human-computer interaction.

How You Can Do It: Here are some video datasets that you can use for this computer vision task:

  • TLP Datasets
  • Tracking Net

Follow this tutorial by Adrian Rosebrock for simple object tracking with OpenCV for more detailed steps. The project will help you learn how to implement centroid tracking, a simple and easy-to-understand yet highly effective tracking algorithm, before using more advanced kernel-based and correlation-based tracking algorithms.

LEGO Brick Finder

Combine what you’ve learned in object tracking and image classification projects to create a model that detects and recognizes LEGO bricks in real-time using a webcam or phone camera. This project enables you to experiment with different types of machine vision, classification, and decision-making programs to deploy to embedded systems.

How You Can Do It: Here are the datasets for this project:

  • LEGO vs. generic brick identification set
  • Images of LEGO bricks

Get started with this tutorial by Digikey using the OpenMV H7 camera module, which trains a machine learning model to identify a particular piece with Edge Impulse and then deploy that model to the OpenMV.

Similar Image Finder

Similar Image Finder

Similar image detection has many uses, especially in businesses such as e-commerce and product recommendation engines. Google’s image search uses a similar technique as both looks for similar images related to the product and list all websites that contain those images. A McKinsey & Company report attributed 35% of Amazon’s sales to recommendations.

How You Can Do It: In this project, Anson Wont uses a technique called transfer learning when training VGG. The hard work is done by simply reusing the trained weights to build a new model. The details of this process can be found in his tutorial .

Another approach is to use a dataset like Imagenette , as the pre-trained models found online are usually trained on the ImageNet dataset and can extract meaningful feature vectors from these images. You can follow Sanjaya Subedi’s tutorial on using deep neural networks for more details.

Face Mask Detection

Face Mask Detection

Wearing a mask has become mandatory since the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Unfortunately, some people still do not follow this policy. Therefore, it has become necessary to create a system that automatically recognizes someone not wearing a mask.

Data scientists can use Python to build a two-stage mask detector by taking a dataset of facemask images and training a mask classifier using Keras/TensorFlow then importing a facial recognition program to identify faces with and without masks.

How You Can Do It: This system is difficult to implement, but you can use the guidance from this Adrian Rosebrock tutorial to learn how to do it. Additionally, Prajna Bhandary has uploaded a source code of the project to her GitHub repository .

Early Fire Detection System

Early Fire Detection System

With fires in the Amazonian rainforest and recent events in California , an early fire detection system is desperately needed. This is still a difficult problem to solve, but some data scientists are using deep learning and OpenCV to build custom InceptionV3 and CNN architectures for indoor and outdoor fire detection.

How You Can Do It: You can check out this tutorial by Dhruvil Shah in which you will learn how to model a customized basic CNN architecture inspired by AlexNet architecture then examine the model’s limitations and create a customized InceptionV3 model.

License Plate Reader

License Plate Reader

Law enforcement agencies tasked with fighting crime and detecting offending vehicles are increasingly relying on computer vision solutions that can read a vehicle’s license plate and help them punish violators. ِAccording to the latest report by the US Department of Justice , law enforcement agencies using automated license plate recognition systems reported increases in stolen vehicle recoveries (68%), arrests (55%), and productivity (50%).

How You Can Do It: In this project, you will use Pytesseract, Imutils, and the OpenCV Python library to create license plate recognition programs.

The source code for building the project is here , and you can follow this tutorial by Simon Kiruri for instructions.

Traffic Sign Classification

Traffic Sign Classification

Multinational corporations such as Google , Mercedes , and Tesla are developing self-driving or driverless cars. One of the algorithms that researchers for these companies run to ensure 100% road safety and driving accuracy is traffic sign recognition.

How You Can Do It: In this project, you will build a model that uses CNN and Keras to classify traffic signs in an image into multiple classes.

This project requires some prior knowledge of deep learning libraries, Python Language, and CNN. You can use a dataset of 50,000 traffic sign images on Kaggle and follow this tutorial by Shikha Gupta to learn how to create such a model.

Iris Flower Classification

Iris Flower Classification

This project is based on one of the most popular and readily available pattern recognition datasets, the iris classification dataset , which contains 3 classes related to a species of iris, each with 50 instances.

How You Can Do It: This beginner project can help you gain hands-on experience with image classification while training a model that can predict new iris types.

You can follow this tutorial by Injemamul Irshad , which walks you through the steps of building a model and testing different algorithms to find the best fit.

Pistachio Nuts Image Recognition Project

Pistachio Nuts Image Recognition Project

The intricacies of pistachio classification are rooted in factors like their various sizes, shades of color, possible defects, and the lighting conditions under which photos are taken. This dataset is perfect for beginners to intermediate learners, given its reliance on neural networks.

How You Can Do It: In this project, you can use TensorFlow or PyTorch in combination with Python. You will process the dataset, create and train your model, and evaluate its performance. To have a comprehensive overview of how to manipulate and read this dataset, you can also follow this notebook as a guide.

Family Photo Face Detection

Family Photo Face Detection

This fun family photo face detection project gathers original raw data from your family album and creates a facial recognition model to identify family members in photos.

In this project, to create a complete face recognition system, you must work on 3 distinct phases:

  • Face detection and data gathering
  • Recognizer training
  • Facial recognition

How You Can Do It: Label your data with free annotation tools and train a model in less than a few hours. This project is a multi-step process including face detection, face alignment, feature extraction, and feature detection. You can follow this tutorial by Marcelo Rovai as a guide.

Road Lane Detection

Road Lane Detection

Like license plate readers, lane recognition is another computer vision model that has played a key role in the development of self-driving cars .

How You Can Do It: This beginner-friendly project will help you learn more about image and video classification. It is a Python OpenCV lane detection project consisting of 6 algorithms:

  • Capturing and decoding video file frame by frame
  • Converting the image to grayscale
  • Applying filters to reduce noise in video frames
  • Detecting the edge using the canny edge method
  • Finding the region of interest and focusing on that part
  • Detecting lanes using Hough Line Transform

For more guidance, follow the steps in this tutorial by Angel Jude Suarez which contains the datasets and source code.

Fashion Product Image Recognition Project

Fashion Product Image Recognition Projec

The intricacy of precise fashion product recognition emerges from challenges such as varying product designs, intricate patterns, overlapping items, various fabrics, differences in fashion seasons, and diverse camera angles and lighting conditions.

How You Can Do It:

In this project , you will get hands-on experience in building a fashion product recognition system using TensorFlow and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

This project is of intermediate complexity, ideal for individuals who have a foundational understanding of computer vision and are looking to delve deeper into its applications. You can also follow Marlesson’s notebook as a guide.

Landscape Recognition

Navigating the complexities of landscape recognition presents its own challenges, from diverse geographical features to varying weather conditions and lighting.

Utilize TensorFlow and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). This project is ideal for those with basic machine learning knowledge, and offers a chance to explore computer vision techniques on 12,000 diverse landscape images.

It’s a perfect stepping stone to enhance your skills in image classification, offering hands-on experience with a wide-ranging dataset.

Utensil Image Recognition

Recognizing kitchen utensils is a fun project, given their different shapes and materials. It’s also a great way to get hands-on experience with image classification and deepen your understanding of machine learning in a practical setting.

In this project, you’ll first explore the dataset to see what kinds of utensil images you have. Then, you’ll prepare these images by making sure they all fit the same size and look similar in terms of lighting and color, so your computer can understand them better.

Using TensorFlow, a tool for building machine learning models, you’ll create a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). As it learns, you’ll keep tweaking it until it gets really good at knowing what utensil it’s looking at, even if it’s a picture it hasn’t seen before.

Handwriting Recognition

Recognizing handwritten names is an engaging project due to the unique challenges posed by varying handwriting styles. It’s also an excellent way to gain practical experience with image recognition and enhance your understanding of machine learning.

In this project, you’ll start by examining the dataset , which includes images of handwritten names and their corresponding identities. The next step involves preprocessing these images to ensure consistency in size and appearance, which helps the computer analyze them more effectively.

Using TensorFlow, you’ll construct a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) designed for image recognition. You’ll iteratively refine the model, training it to accurately identify the names from the handwriting images, even when it encounters new examples. This hands-on experience will solidify your machine learning skills and provide a deep understanding of image recognition techniques. ​

Traffic Red-Light Running Violation Detection

Traffic Red-Light Running Violation Detection

Detecting traffic red light violations using image recognition is an impactful project that combines computer vision and machine learning to enhance traffic safety. By identifying vehicles that run red lights, this project reduces accidents and improves law enforcement efficiency.

In this project, you’ll start by analyzing a dataset of traffic videos that capture various traffic scenarios. You’ll extract frames from these videos and preprocess them to ensure consistent size, lighting, and color conditions, which helps the machine learning model to recognize patterns better.

Using TensorFlow, you’ll build a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) tailored to detect vehicles running red lights. You’ll train the CNN on labeled data, iteratively adjusting the model to improve its accuracy. As the model learns, it will become proficient in identifying red light violations in real time, even with new traffic video inputs.

More Project Ideas From Interview Query

If you want more projects to further develop your skills, try out our new Takehomes in which you solve longer problems step-by-step using notebooks from different companies.

Takehomes will help you build your data science skills, including Python, SQL, and machine learning, and allow you to test projects used by high-profile companies.

Additionally, you can look at other data science project lists and datasets from Interview Query:

  • Top 12 Classification Machine Learning Projects and Datasets
  • 21 Computer Vision Machine Learning Interview Questions
  • 41 Free Datasets for Your Next Data Science Project
  • Top 30 Data Science Projects with Source Code

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Research: Consumers Spend Loyalty Points and Cash Differently

  • So Yeon Chun,
  • Freddy Lim,
  • Ville Satopää

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Your loyalty strategy needs to consider four ways people value points.

Do consumers treat loyalty points the same way that they treat traditional money? And, how do they choose to spend one versus the other?  The authors of this article present research findings from their analysis of  data describing over 29,000 unique loyalty points earning and spending transactions made during two recent years by 500 airline loyalty program consumers.  They found that points users fell into four distinct categories: 1) Money advocates, who prefer cash over points, even when their value is identical in terms of purchasing power; 2)  Currency impartialists, who regard points and cash interchangeably, valuing them equally based on their financial worth; 3) Point gamers, who actively seek out the most advantageous point redemption opportunities, opting to spend points particularly when their value significantly surpasses that of cash; and 4) Point lovers, who value points more than money even if their purchase power is the same or lower. This article explores the strategic implications of these findings for companies that manage loyalty programs.

In the years since The Economist  spotlighted the astonishing scale of loyalty points — particularly frequent-flyer miles — as a potential global currency rivaling traditional money in 2005, usage has grown rapidly in size and scope. For example, the number of flight redemptions at Southwest Airlines doubled from 5.4 million in 2013 (representing 9.5% of revenue passenger miles) to 10.9 million in 2023 (representing 16.3% of revenue passenger miles).

  • SC So Yeon Chun is an Associate Professor of Technology & Operations Management at INSEAD, a  global business school with campuses in Abu Dhabi, France, and Singapore.
  • FL Freddy Lim is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics at the National University of Singapore, School of Computing in Singapore
  • VS Ville Satopää is an Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France

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  1. Images Research Guide: Image Analysis

    It is important to analyze and evaluate images you use for research, study, and presentations. Images should be analyzed and evaluated like any other source, such as journal articles or books, to determine their quality, reliability, and appropriateness. Images should be analyzed evaluated on several levels. Visual analysis is an important step ...

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  3. Image Analysis

    The list of research topics below is therefore related to several of our research entities and projects. Research topics. Over the years, more and more of the research in image analysis involves development and application of model- and learning-based methods, also referred to as AI. However, many traditional methods are still powerful and are ...

  4. PDF AI for Advanced Image Analysis

    software products will help take your analysis results to new heights. Cover image: The cover picture displays a cross-sectional view of an intestinal gut organoid captured at 20X magnification on ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 and segmented using ZEISS arivis Pro image analysis software. The image highlights cell layer nuclei in red and luminal

  5. Research Areas in Computer Vision: Trends and Challenges

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  6. Seeing Like a Machine: A Beginner's Guide to Image Analysis ...

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  7. Using Deep Learning to Facilitate Scientific Image Analysis

    Deep learning-based approaches for scientific image analysis will improve accuracy, reduce manual parameter tuning and may reveal new insights. Clearly, the sharing and availability of datasets and models, and implementation into tools that are proven to be useful within respective communities, will be important for widespread adoption. We ...

  8. Image processing

    Image processing is manipulation of an image that has been digitised and uploaded into a computer. Software programs modify the image to make it more useful, and can for example be used to enable ...

  9. The future of bioimage analysis

    The future of bioimage analysis. Ideas from computer vision have transformed the way image analysis is performed, with ripple effects across microscopy and biological discovery. This Focus issue ...

  10. Centre for Image Analysis

    The Centre for Image Analysis is organizing a CBA Day on May 21, filled with presentations and demos on current image analysis related research at Uppsala University. We wish to bring together researchers at UU who are working with images and need, develop, and/or use image analysis methods. In particular, we aim to present diverse application ...

  11. Cutting Edge Advances in Medical Image Analysis and Processing

    Information theory provides theoretical background and tools to quantify information content, and uncertainty, in medical images. This Research Topic aims at presenting the latest advances in medical image processing methodologies and their contribution to the medical field and leveraging research on medical image processing. This Topic intends ...

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  13. Image Analysis Topics

    Imaris. While not open source, Imaris has been my window into 3D image analysis, and is a powerful tool for creating crisp visualizations of complex 3D/4D interactions. More to come… maybe. Various image analysis topics of interest to me, which mostly QuPath at this time, but may expand to Imaris, Fiji and other software.

  14. Image Analysis: Basic and Applications

    Image analysis is widely utilised in medical imaging, such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and histopathology slides, in both medicine and biomedical research. It aids in the diagnosis of illnesses, the observation of treatment outcomes, and the tracking of the development of ailments.

  15. Top 10 Projects for Beginners in Computer Vision and Medical Imaging

    A composite of current Computer Vision and Medical Imaging Projects (Image by Author) (AI) and computer science that enables automated systems to see, i.e. to process images and video in a human-like manner to detect and identify objects or regions of importance, predict an outcome or even alter the image to a desired format [1].

  16. PDF Image Retrieval: Ideas, In uences, and Trends of the New Age

    information retrieval, as a broader research area covering video, audio, image, and text analysis has been extensively surveyed [Sebe et al. 2003; Lew et al. 2006]. In our current survey, we restrict the discussion to image-related research only. One of the reasons for writing this survey is that CBIR, as a eld, has

  17. (PDF) Basics of Image Analysis

    processing, where the main underlying idea is to improve the visual quality of an. image and/or to extract useful information or features. Th e analysis is based on. different image properties ...

  18. Medical Image Analysis

    Especially, we emphasize the latest progress and contributions of state-of-the-art unsupervised and semi-supervised deep learning in medical image analysis, which are summarized based on different application scenarios, including classification, segmentation, detection, and image registration. We also discuss major technical challenges and ...

  19. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

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  20. 6 Best Projects For Image Processing With Useful Resources

    1. Getting Started with PIL and OpenCV. Screenshot By Author. Original Source wiki. Firstly, it is significant to understand how images work in the natural world and how they are perceived by computers to process and analyze these digital visuals. All images are interpreted in the format of 0's and a range until 255's.

  21. Top 10 Digital Image Processing Project Topics

    Below, we have mentioned some research ideas that help you to classify analysis, represent and display the images or particular characteristics of an image. Latest 11 Interesting Digital Image Processing Project Topics. Acoustic and Color Image Processing; Digital Video and Signal Processing; Multi-spectral and Laser Polarimetric Imaging

  22. 2D Toolkit

    Optimal image analysis requires some fine-tuning and depends on image quality, sample complexity or the scientific questions asked. The Image Analysis Wizard allows you to set up multiple, potentially nested classes, pre-process low-quality images, choose from a variety of segmentation methods, choose from large variety of measurement features (for data extraction) or even configure your own ...

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    The global image recognition market size is projected to reach USD 86.32 billion by 2027, exhibiting a growth of 17.6% during the forecast period according to the latest report by Fortune business insights. With 60% projected growth in North America alone and a 116% increase in job demand for computer vision engineers, practicing image ...

  24. Research: Consumers Spend Loyalty Points and Cash Differently

    The authors of this article present research findings from their analysis of data describing over 29,000 unique loyalty points earning and spending transactions made during two recent years by 500 ...