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, dołożyliśmy wszelkich starań, by przybrał on jak najbardziej uniwersalny kształt. Stąd też proponowane w nim sformułowania sprawdzą się doskonale podczas aplikowania na dowolne stanowisko.

Pamiętamy również o abiturientach, którzy z podobnym typem tekstu mogą spotkać się podczas pisemnego egzaminu maturalnego z języka angielskiego, w związku z czym staraliśmy się zawrzeć w naszej propozycji te punkty, których realizacji wymagają polecenia maturalne, a zatem: List pisany jest zgodnie z zachowaniem wszelkich wymogów formalnych, charakterystycznych dla tego typu pisma, a więc:

Szanowny Panie / Szanowna Pani,

(lub inne źródło) itd. – stanowisko, o jakie się ubiegamy

- typ ukończonego kursu (lub inny język)


(lub jakakolwiek miejscowość)

| www.pro-angielski.pl

Crafting a Polish Cover Letter: A Comprehensive Guide

Crafting a Polish Cover Letter: A Comprehensive Guide

When applying for a job in Poland, it's crucial to understand the unique characteristics of the Polish job market and how to tailor your cover letter accordingly. Are you aware of the traditional aspects of Polish business culture or the importance of demonstrating your ability to work in a team-centric environment? This article offers insights into these nuances, assisting you in crafting a compelling Polish cover letter that resonates with potential employers, and increases your chances of securing your dream job.

All cover letter examples in this guide

two column  cover letter example

Sample Polish Cover Letter Presentation

Szanowny Panie/Pani,

Z ogromnym entuzjazmem zgłaszam swoją kandydaturę na stanowisko [nazwa stanowiska], o którym dowiedziałem się z [nazwa źródła]. Moje doświadczenie i umiejętności idealnie wpisują się w opis stanowiska, co czyni mnie idealnym kandydatem na to stanowisko.

Przez ostatnie kilka lat pracowałem jako [nazwa poprzedniego stanowiska], gdzie nabyłem umiejętności takie jak [wymień kluczowe umiejętności]. Moje zdolności w obszarze [wymień obszar], w połączeniu z moim doświadczeniem w [wymień obszar], czynią mnie idealnym kandydatem na to stanowisko.

W mojej poprzedniej roli jako [poprzednie stanowisko], osiągnąłem [wymień osiągnięcia], co przyniosło znaczące korzyści mojemu poprzedniemu pracodawcy. Jestem pewien, że moje osiągnięcia i doświadczenie mogą przynieść równie korzystne rezultaty dla [nazwa firmy].

Zawsze byłem pod wrażeniem [wymień coś, co Cię imponuje w firmie], co czyni [nazwa firmy] idealnym miejscem do dalszego rozwoju mojej kariery. Doceniam wartości firmy, takie jak [wymień wartości firmy], które są zgodne z moimi osobistymi przekonaniami i celami zawodowymi.

Z niecierpliwością czekam na możliwość dalszego omówienia mojej kandydatury podczas rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej. Dziękuję za poświęcony czas i rozważenie mojej aplikacji.

Z poważaniem,

[Twoje imię i nazwisko]

two column polish-language cover letter example

Essential Phrases for Crafting an Effective Polish Cover Letter

In the following section, you will find a comprehensive list of useful terms related to writing a cover letter in Polish. Each term has been accurately translated into Polish to facilitate your understanding and ease your process of drafting a cover letter in the Polish language.

  • Education - Edukacja
  • Skills - Umiejętności
  • Internship - Staż
  • Work Experience - Doświadczenie zawodowe
  • Qualifications - Kwalifikacje
  • References - Referencje
  • Career Goals - Cele zawodowe
  • Position - Stanowisko
  • Employer - Pracodawca
  • Responsibilities - Obowiązki
  • Achievements - Osiągnięcia
  • Application - Aplikacja
  • Resume - CV (Curriculum Vitae)
  • Hiring Manager - Manager ds. rekrutacji
  • Interview - Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
  • Salary Expectations - Oczekiwania płacowe. ‍

Mastering Polish Grammar for an Effective Cover Letter

In writing a cover letter in Polish, the primary tense that should be used is the present tense, particularly when describing your current skills, experiences, and role. However, past tense is necessary when detailing past roles or accomplishments. The cover letter should be written in the first person, as it is a direct communication from you to the potential employer. For instance, when introducing yourself, you could say "Nazywam się John Smith" (My name is John Smith), or when describing your current role, you would say "Aktualnie pracuję jako..." (I currently work as...).

Polish grammar can be complex, including its conjugation system, which depends on the gender, number, and person of the subject. In the context of a cover letter, this means that verbs need to be correctly conjugated to match the first person singular or plural form. For instance, when speaking about a skill you have, you should say "Posiadam umiejętność..." (I possess the skill...) for singular or "Posiadamy umiejętność..." (We possess the skill...) for plural. Additionally, adjectives must agree with the gender of the noun they modify, but in a cover letter - when you are describing yourself - they will typically be masculine. For example, "Jestem doświadczonym programistą" (I am an experienced programmer). Paying attention to these grammar and conjugation rules will help ensure your cover letter is written correctly and professionally.

Honing the Structure and Format of Your Polish Cover Letter

Embarking on a career path in Poland can be an exciting journey, filled with opportunities and challenges that require a strategic approach. One integral part of this strategy is having a well-structured cover letter, specifically tailored for the Polish job market. The layout and structure of your cover letter can make a significant impression on potential employers, setting the stage for your subsequent professional interactions. A well-organized and thoughtfully structured cover letter can effectively highlight your qualifications and enthusiasm, making you stand out in the competitive job market. Thus, investing time and effort into perfecting your cover letter structure can significantly contribute towards achieving your career goals in Poland. Approach this task with optimism and determination, as it is a crucial step towards your professional success in a new cultural setting.

Aside from the Polish Cover Letter Template, we also offer other similar templates you might be interested in.

  • Armenian CV
  • Slovenian CV
  • Lithuanian CV
  • Filipino (Tagalog) CV
  • Azerbaijani CV
  • Arikaans CV ‍

polish language

The Significance of Including Contact Information in Polish Cover Letters

When writing a cover letter in Polish, it is important to address the hiring manager or employer appropriately. The salutation depends on the formality of the situation and your relationship with the person. If the name of the hiring manager is known, use "Szanowny Panie" or "Szanowna Pani" followed by the surname. If the gender is unknown, you can use "Szanowna Pani/Panie" without a surname. When the name is not known, "Szanowni Państwo" can be used. For a less formal approach, 'Dzień dobry' can be used.

  • Szanowny Panie Kowalski (Dear Mr. Kowalski)
  • Szanowna Pani Nowak (Dear Mrs. Nowak)
  • Szanowna Pani/Panie (Dear Sir/Madam)
  • Szanowni Państwo (Dear Sirs)
  • Dzień dobry (Good day) ‍

Remember, always to use these salutations at the beginning of your cover letter. The tone and formality of your salutation will set the tone for the rest of your letter.

Composing the Opening Paragraph of a Cover Letter in Polish

In the opening paragraph of a Polish cover letter, the applicant should clearly express their interest in the specific position they are applying for. It's essential to articulate enthusiasm and genuine interest, as this often serves as the potential employer's first impression of the candidate. Moreover, the introduction should also contain information about how the applicant learned about the job opportunity. Whether it was through a job posting, a personal connection, or some other source, this detail provides useful context and can help establish a connection with the reader. This paragraph sets the tone for the rest of the letter, so it's crucial to ensure clarity, sincerity, and professionalism.

Szanowni Państwo,

Z wielkim zainteresowaniem przeczytałem ogłoszenie o poszukiwaniu kandydata na stanowisko Kierownika Działu Sprzedaży w Państwa firmie, które ukazało się na portalu Pracuj.pl. Jako doświadczony menedżer sprzedaży z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w branży, jestem przekonany, że mogę przyczynić się do dalszego rozwoju i sukcesu Państwa organizacji.

Writing the Body Paragraphs of a Cover Letter in Polish

The main body paragraphs of a cover letter, even when written in Polish, hold immense importance. They serve as the essential platform where you present your qualifications, experiences, and skills in a compelling manner. These paragraphs allow you to explain how you can contribute to the company, highlighting your suitability for the role. They build the foundation of your argument as to why you are the best candidate for the job. The main body should be persuasive, concise, and should amplify your professional journey in a structured way. Therefore, mastering the art of crafting these paragraphs is key to making your Polish cover letter stand out.

Creating the First Body Paragraph of Your Cover Letter in Polish

The first paragraph of your cover letter written in Polish should focus on your skills and experience. It is important to emphasize your main skills and any experience that is relevant to the job you are applying for. Try to make a connection between your skills and the requirements of the job. This will help the employer to see how your abilities align with what they are looking for in a candidate.

Posiadając siedmioletnie doświadczenie w branży logistycznej, w której odnosiłem liczne sukcesy, cieszę się z możliwości aplikowania na stanowisko Koordynatora Logistyki w Państwa firmie. Moje umiejętności zarządzania zasobami, planowania operacyjnego i koordynacji zespołów idealnie wpisują się w wymagania przedstawione w ogłoszeniu. Przez lata zdobyłem również cenną wiedzę na temat procedur celnych i transportu międzynarodowego, co pozwoli mi skutecznie przyczynić się do rozwoju Państwa działu logistyki.

Writing the Second Body Paragraph of Your Cover Letter in Polish

In the second paragraph of a cover letter written in Polish, one should mention their achievements and contributions. This means highlighting specific accomplishments from previous jobs. These accomplishments should be relevant and impressive aspects of your work history that demonstrate your abilities and skills. You should also explain how these achievements can be beneficial to the potential employer. This means linking your past successes to the requirements of the job you're applying for, showing that you can deliver similar results in the new role.

W mojej poprzedniej roli jako Kierownik Działu Sprzedaży w XYZ, osiągnąłem 40% wzrost sprzedaży rok do roku, prowadząc zespół składający się z 10 osób. Z sukcesem wdrożyłem nową strategię marketingową, która przyczyniła się do zwiększenia widoczności marki o 35%. Moje doświadczenie i umiejętności w zarządzaniu zespołami, planowaniu strategicznym i efektywnym wykorzystaniu zasobów, mogą przynieść znaczący wkład w rozwój Państwa firmy.

Writing the Third Body Paragraph of Your Cover Letter in Polish

The third paragraph of a cover letter in Polish should provide information demonstrating your understanding and knowledge of the prospective company. You should discuss what you know about the company's operations, culture, products, or services, and explain how these aspects align with your career goals or personal values. This shows your interest in the company and gives the impression that you have researched and are genuinely interested in them. It also helps to explain why you believe the company is an ideal fit for you, thus showing how your skills and goals align with what the company offers.

Podczas mojego studiowania firmy XYZ na przestrzeni ostatnich lat, byłem pod ogromnym wrażeniem Waszej innowacyjności i ciągłego dążenia do doskonałości. Szczególnie pociąga mnie Wasza misja tworzenia trwałych rozwiązań, które mają realny wpływ na życie ludzi. Wierzę, że mój entuzjazm do pracy zespołowej, kreatywności i nieustannej chęci nauki idealnie wpisuje się w kulturę firmy XYZ, co sprawia, że jest to idealne miejsce dla mojego rozwoju zawodowego.

polish language

Concluding Paragraph of a Cover Letter in Polish

The significance of a well-crafted closing paragraph in a cover letter cannot be overstated, especially when writing in Polish. It serves as the final impression you leave on the employer, making it crucial to end on a positive and compelling note. It should convey your genuine enthusiasm for the opportunity to further discuss your qualifications during an interview. Additionally, providing your contact details in this section ensures that the employer has easy access to your information for further correspondence. Lastly, expressing gratitude for their consideration not only exhibits your manners but also your eagerness to become a part of their team. Each of these elements combined in the closing paragraph can significantly bolster your chances of securing an interview.

Z entuzjazmem oczekuję możliwości dalszego omówienia mojej kandydatury na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej. Bardzo dziękuję za poświęcony czas i rozważenie mojej aplikacji. Mam nadzieję na możliwość dalszej współpracy.

[Twoje Imię i Nazwisko]

Understanding the Complimentary Close of a Cover Letter in Polish

In a Polish cover letter, similar to English, the complimentary close is vital as it leaves a final impression on the reader. It is essential to choose a professional and respectful complimentary close. Here are some examples:

  • "Sincerely," which translates to "Z poważaniem," in Polish. It is a standard and widely accepted way to end a formal letter.
  • "Best regards," translates to "Pozdrawiam serdecznie," also a very common and professional way to close a cover letter in Polish.
  • "Yours faithfully," is translated as "Z wyrazami szacunku," which is a bit more formal and old-fashioned, yet still used and respected.
  • "With best wishes," can be translated to "Z najlepszymi życzeniami,". This is less formal and more personal, so it's better to use it when you know the recipient well. ‍

These closing phrases in Polish follow the same etiquette as in English, offering a courteous and professional wrap-up to your cover letter.

How to Sign a Cover Letter in Polish

In the Polish job market, it is generally appropriate to include a digital signature in a cover letter. It offers a certain level of professionalism and authenticity, especially since most of the job application processes have moved online. However, a handwritten signature can also add a personal touch, making your application stand out and showing that you've put extra effort into the process. It's important to note that the handwritten signature is mostly appreciated in more traditional industries or when the application is sent by post. Ultimately, the decision between a digital or handwritten signature should be based on the nature of the company, the industry it operates in, and the medium of your application. ‍

polish language

Crafting a Compelling Polish Cover Letter Despite Having No Experience

Navigating the task of writing a cover letter in Polish, especially with no prior experience, can be quite daunting. However, don't let this deter you. Below, we have compiled a series of easy-to-use tips to help you craft a compelling cover letter in Polish that effectively communicates your skills and suitability for the job, even if you are a beginner.

  • Start with a formal greeting: Begin your cover letter with a formal greeting like 'Szanowna Pani / Szanowny Panie' (Dear Sir/Madam). If you know the name of the person you're addressing, use it. ‍
  • Introduce Yourself: In the first paragraph, introduce yourself, mention the job you're applying for, and where you found the job listing. ‍
  • Highlight Your Skills: Even if you don't have work experience, you can still highlight your skills. If you have language skills, computer skills, or any relevant skill, don't hesitate to mention it. ‍
  • Focus on Your Education: If you're a recent graduate, focus on your education and how it has prepared you for the job. Mention any relevant coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities. ‍
  • Show Enthusiasm: Show that you're enthusiastic about the job. Use phrases like 'Jestem bardzo zainteresowany/a tą pracą' (I am very interested in this job) or 'Bardzo bym chciał/a dołączyć do Państwa zespołu' (I would really like to join your team). ‍
  • Give Examples: Even if you don't have work experience, you can give examples from your life to show that you have the required skills. For example, you could talk about a team project you did at school or a leadership role you had in a club. ‍
  • Use Formal Language: Polish is a language that values formality, especially in business settings. Use formal language and avoid slang or informal phrases. ‍
  • Close with a Formal Sign-off: Close your letter with a formal sign-off like 'Z poważaniem' (Yours sincerely) followed by your full name. ‍
  • Proofread: Make sure to proofread your letter before sending it. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes. If possible, have a native Polish speaker review it. ‍
  • Keep it Short and Concise: Your cover letter should be one page long. Keep your sentences short and to the point. ‍
  • Customize for Each Job: Don't send the same cover letter for every job. Customize your cover letter for each job you're applying for, focusing on how your skills and experiences make you a good fit for the specific job. ‍
  • Use a Professional Format: Use a professional format for your cover letter. This includes using a professional font, proper margins, and a clear structure. ‍
  • Show That You've Done Your Homework: Do some research about the company and mention it in your cover letter. This shows that you're serious about the job and have taken the time to learn about the company. ‍

polish language

Essential Tips for Crafting a Cover Letter in Polish

Writing a cover letter in Polish can be a challenging task, especially if it is not your first language. However, it is not impossible if you keep in mind certain tips and good practices. The following pointers will guide you in crafting an effective cover letter in Polish.

  • Understand the Polish Business Culture: Before you start writing, do your research on the Polish business culture. Politeness and formality are highly valued, so address the recipient formally and use the appropriate greeting and closing. ‍
  • Use the Correct Polish Grammar and Spelling: Polish grammar and spelling are complex, so it's crucial to get them right. Make sure your cover letter is grammatically correct and free from spelling mistakes. ‍
  • Proofread for Errors: One of the most important steps in writing a cover letter is proofreading. This step is essential to check for any grammatical or spelling errors. Also, it helps to ensure that your sentences are clear and your ideas flow logically. It might be helpful to have a native Polish speaker review your letter. ‍
  • Be Concise and Clear: Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Avoid unnecessary jargon and complex sentences. Your goal is to communicate your skills and qualifications clearly and concisely. ‍
  • Customize Each Letter: Never send a generic cover letter. Always tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company you are applying to. This shows that you have taken the time to understand the company's needs and how you can meet them. ‍
  • Highlight Your Skills and Achievements: Use your cover letter as an opportunity to highlight your skills and achievements that are relevant to the job. Use specific examples to demonstrate how you have used these skills in the past. ‍
  • Use Polite and Formal Language: Polish business communication is formal, so maintain a polite and formal tone throughout your cover letter. Avoid using slang or informal language. ‍
  • Format Correctly: Polish cover letters should be formatted correctly. Include your contact information, the date, the recipient's contact information, a formal greeting, the body of the letter, a formal closing, and your signature. ‍
  • Use Bullet Points for Clarity: If you have a lot of information to convey, use bullet points. This will make your cover letter easier to read and understand. ‍
  • End on a Positive Note: Conclude your cover letter positively and confidently. Express your enthusiasm for the job and your eagerness to contribute to the company. ‍

By following these tips and good practices, you will be able to write an effective and impressive cover letter in Polish. Remember that a well-written cover letter can set you apart from other candidates, so take the time to craft a letter that reflects your skills, experiences, and suitability for the job.

Enhancing Your Polish Cover Letter: Key Points of Improvement

Improving your cover letter for the Polish job market requires a few specific considerations. Here are some practical tips to make your application stand out:

  • Use Formal Language: Polish business communication is usually formal. Avoid slang or colloquial language. Use "Pan" or "Pani" to address the reader respectfully. ‍
  • Polish Grammar and Spelling: Ensure your cover letter is free of spelling and grammar mistakes. Polish has a complex grammar system, so consider using a professional translator or native speaker to check your letter. ‍
  • Know the Company: Research the company you are applying to and mention specifics in your cover letter. Polish employers appreciate candidates who show initiative and interest in their company. ‍
  • Use Polish Format: Polish cover letters often start with the sender's address in the top right corner, followed by the recipient's address on the left. The date should be written out in full (e.g., 8 września 2021 r.). ‍
  • Personalize: Avoid generic phrases. Instead, specify why you are interested in the job and how your skills and experience make you the perfect candidate. ‍
  • Show Cultural Awareness: Highlight any experience you have in Poland or with Polish culture. This shows you are willing to integrate into the Polish work environment. ‍
  • Be Concise: Polish cover letters should be short and to the point. Aim for no more than one page. ‍
  • End Politely: Close the letter with a formal closing like "Z poważaniem" (Yours sincerely) followed by your full name. ‍

Final Remarks on Crafting the Ideal Cover Letter in Polish

In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of a well-crafted cover letter in the Polish job market. It highlights key elements such as personalization, clarity, precision, and the inclusion of specific examples of your skills and experience. A good cover letter should be brief, engaging, and should mirror the job description, capturing the attention of the hiring manager.

The article further underscores the significance of demonstrating how you can add value to the organization through your unique skills and experiences. It advocates for a proactive approach, showing enthusiasm for the role and the potential contribution to the company.

A compelling cover letter can set you apart from other candidates and significantly enhance your chances of landing a job interview. It is an opportunity to showcase your abilities, qualifications, and passion in a more detailed and personalized way than your CV.

Remember, your cover letter is not just a mere formality, but a powerful tool in your job application arsenal. Therefore, it's recommended to adapt the provided template to reflect your unique experiences and to resonate with the specific role you are applying for.

In the competitive job market, a strong cover letter can make a profound impact. It might be the key that opens the door to your next career adventure. Therefore, don't overlook its importance and invest your time and effort into making it as persuasive and impactful as possible. You have the skills, you have the experience - let your cover letter tell your story. Happy job hunting!

Tasuta allalaetav kaaskirja mall

Motivatsioonikiri, millele on enamikul juhtudel lisatud CV, on iga töötaotluse põhielement. Seda tüüpi kiri peab lühidalt kirjeldama oskusi, võimeid ja teadmisi, mis teil on ja mis on teatud huviga seoses otsitava ametikohaga. Selles mõttes peab kaaskiri lihtsalt sisaldama sellele ametikohale kandideerimise motivatsiooni ja põhjendusi. See peab äratama värbajas huvi ja panema ta pidama teid selle töö jaoks parimaks võimaluseks.

Kuidas koostada lihtsat kaaskirja

  • 1 Valige oma valitud CV mall.
  • 2 Austab ühtset struktuuri. Näiteks kasutage kaaskirja struktuuriga "Sina-Mina-Meie".
  • 3 Lisage järgmised osad, apellatsioonivorm, lühitutvustus, kirja sisu ja järeldus
  • 4 Ärge unustage viimast viisakusvalemit. Vaadake kaaskirja viisakusvalemite näiteid.
  • 5 Isiklikuma ja formaalsema ilme lisamiseks lisage lehe allossa oma allkiri
  • 6 Kui soovite saata selle meili teel, eksportige oma kaaskiri PDF-vormingus.

Teised kaaskirjade näidised

Kaaskirja struktureerimise nõuanded.

Kaaskirja kirjutamise hõlbustamiseks pidage meeles, et koguge eelnevalt kogu vajalik teave. Näidake toimetaja loovust, järgides samal ajal tüpograafiliste reeglite õiget kasutamist ja jälgides, et ei tekiks kirjavigu. Sest hea kaaskiri peegeldab teie kuvandit inimese ja professionaalina. Olge oma kirjutamisel loominguline ja originaalne, jäädes samas lihtsaks, kokkuvõtlikuks ja täpseks. ‍ Näidake läbitud punktide ohutust, enesekindlust ja meisterlikkust. Rõhutage, mida saate ettevõttesse tuua ja mainige oma erialast kogemust vastavas valdkonnas. Märkige ka kõik põhipunktid, mis panevad teid end uute ideedega täitva transformeeriva agendina ilmuma. Täpsustage oma võimet saavutada kavandatud eesmärgid ja kohaneda uute suundumustega.

Näita ennast positiivselt. Ärge langege sellesse viga, et kasutate sama kaaskirja mitme ettevõtte jaoks. Koostage kaaskiri iga taotletava töö kohta. Seda tüüpi kiri võimaldab tööandjal kujundada teie isiksuse kohta arvamust, sest see annab teile võimaluse täpsustada oma motivatsioone, mida lihtsas CV-s tegelikult ei kirjeldata.

Lihtsa ja tõhusa kaaskirja kirjutamise soovitused

  • Laiendage Intro ‍ Pidage meeles, et pärast kõne valemit peate välja töötama sissejuhatuse, kus tutvustate end ametlikult ja isiklikult. Ärge unustage märkida peamist eesmärki, mis ajendas teid seda kirja kirjutama.
  • Struktureerige oma kirja sisu Laske end juhinduda järgmistest küsimustest: – Miks?, Mis eesmärgil?, Kuidas?, Miks soovite selles ettevõttes töötada? → selles osas peate kirjeldama, mida saate ettevõttele tuua. – Rõhutage, kuidas teie teadmised võivad oluliselt mõjutada ettevõtte funktsioonide arengut ja majandussektorit, kus ta tegutseb. - Kuidas te seda teeksite tee seda? → lihtsalt rõhutab teie teadmisi ja võimeid professionaalina – Rõhutage oma õnnestumisi, varasemaid kogemusi, diplomeid, saadud tunnustusi või auhindu.
  • Olge oma järeldustes otsekohene Andke teada, et olete vestluseks saadaval, esitades kontaktteabe, näiteks oma e-posti aadressi, telefoninumbri ja postiaadressi. Kui need kontaktandmed muutuvad, ärge unustage uuendada oma CV-d ja kaaskirja ning saata need uuesti ettevõtetele, kes on need juba saanud.
  • Hoolitse paigutuse eest Teie kaaskiri peab olema kooskõlas teie CV-ga. Värbaja peab esmapilgul nägema, et need 2 dokumenti moodustavad ühe taotluse. Kasutage oma kaaskirjas samu värve, fonti, ikoone jne, mis oma CV-s. See väike näpunäide aitab teil luua tõhusa ja professionaalse rakenduse.

Create your resume with the best templates

application letter po polsku

Frequently Asked Questions for Writing a Successful Cover Letter in Polish

A Polish cover letter or "list motywacyjny" should start with your personal information including your name, address, phone number, and email at the top. Next, you should write the name of the company and the person you are addressing. The main body should include why you are applying for the job, what makes you a good candidate, and why you are interested in the company. It's also customary in Poland to end the letter with a formal salutation like "Z poważaniem" (Yours sincerely) followed by your signature.

Yes, there are a few things to consider. Poles value professionalism and formality, so ensure your cover letter and CV are both professional and free of errors. Also, in Poland, it's common to include a photograph in your CV. This can seem unusual to people from countries where this is not the norm, but it's a standard practice in Poland.

In Poland, it's important to use formal language when addressing the employer in your cover letter. If you know the name of the person you are addressing, use "Szanowny Panie/Pani" followed by their surname. If the name is not known, you can use "Szanowni Państwo," which is a formal way of saying "Dear Sir/Madam." It's also common to end the letter with a phrase like "Z poważaniem" (Yours sincerely) or "Serdecznie pozdrawiam" (Kind regards), followed by your full name.

Domande frequenti sulle lettere di accompagnamento

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Praca dla specjalistów z komunikatywnym angielskim. Edukacja Językowa i Doradztwo Zawodowe.

Angielski w logistyce

General English

  • Artykuły/ Porady
  • Metody nauki języka
  • Warsztaty fonetyczne
  • Słownictwo tematyczne
  • Formuły konwersacyjne

Najczęściej oglądane

  • Alfabet angielski z wymową
  • Kiedy "Yours faithfully" i kiedy "Yours sincerely"?
  • Wyrażenia dla kelnerów/kelnerek
  • Angielski na recepcji – formuły konwersacyjne
  • 6 najlepszych stron, dzięki którym poćwiczysz mówienie po angielsku.
  • Jak napisać dobry list motywacyjny w języku angielskim?
  • Zaimki wskazujące (this, that, these, those)
  • Najczęsciej używane idiomy angielskie
  • Klauzula o ochronie danych osobowych po angielsku
  • Jak napisać krótki e-mail z zapytaniem o pracę.

Oferta reklamy

English tip, a letter of application for a job.

A letter of application for a job. Podanie o pracę/List motywacyjny. Najpotrzebniejsze wyrażenia, dzięki którym zbudujesz profesjonalny list motywacyjny.

1. Reason for writing:

I am writing to apply for the position/post of ... I am writing to apply for the job you advertised in ... I am writing in connection with the job advertisement in ...

2. Education/Qualifications:

I graduated from ... in ... In secondary school I majored in ... (ex. -English and History-) I hole a certificate/degree in ... I have been working as ... I am currrently (a student/employed) at ... I have completed the following courses ... I will graduate this year with ...(a Bachelor of Arts)

3. Work experience:

I have experience of ... As my references show ... I feel I have necessary qualities for this job because ... I am ... (ex. - friendly and hard-working-). I am a motivated professional with a variety of skills and experience. I would also like to add ...

4. Closing the letter:

I would be happy to attend an interview at any time convenient to you. I am available for the interview ... Please contact me if you have any queries at (0568292974). If you have any questions, please call me at ... I enclose a ... (CV/my references). I look forward to meeting you /hearing from you soon. Thank you for reviewing my letter and my enclosed CV.

Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely

Prawdziwy angielski. Nauka na autentycznych materiałach. Angielski Biznesowy, Konwersacje po angielsku, General English, Immersja językowa

Ucz się z lektorem na żywo Angielski przez skype

  • Polityka prywatności

Prawdziwy angielski. Nauka na autentycznych materiałach. Angielski specjalistyczny

As the capital city of Denmark, the city of Copenhagen attracts millions of tourists every year.

Zapotrzebowanie na funkcjonariuszy z naszego kraju i innych państw Unii rośnie, a jest to spowodowane tym, iż w najbliższych latach ze służby w krajach Europy zachodniej na emeryturę odejdą tysiące policjantów.

There are many different vitamins in your body, but not many that are more important than the B vitamins.

Letter Templates

Reference Letter Po Polsku

Reference Letter Po Polsku 1

A reference letter po polsku, or reference letter in Polish, is a document that provides information about a person’s skills, qualifications, and character. It is usually written by someone who knows the person well, such as a former employer, colleague, or teacher. A reference letter po polsku can be used for various purposes, including job applications, school admissions, and immigration applications.

Tips for Writing a Reference Letter Po Polsku

When writing a reference letter po polsku, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind:

1. Use a formal tone

A reference letter po polsku should be written in a formal tone, as it is a professional document that will be used for official purposes.

2. Provide specific examples

Make sure to include specific examples of the person’s skills and qualifications, as well as any accomplishments they have achieved.

3. Use professional language

Use professional language and avoid slang or informal expressions.

4. Be honest

Be honest in your assessment of the person, but also be positive and supportive. Avoid negative or critical comments.

5. Include your contact information

Include your contact information in the letter, so that the recipient can follow up with you if necessary.

Examples of Reference Letter Po Polsku

Reference letter for job application.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to recommend Anna Kowalska for the position of marketing manager at your company. I had the pleasure of working with Anna for two years at XYZ Corporation, where she served as a marketing coordinator.

During her time at XYZ Corporation, Anna demonstrated excellent organizational skills, attention to detail, and creativity. She was responsible for developing and implementing several successful marketing campaigns that resulted in increased sales and brand awareness for the company.

I am confident that Anna would be an asset to your company and would excel in the role of marketing manager. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Reference Letter for School Admissions

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to recommend Karolina Kowalczyk for admission to your university’s Master’s program in Economics. I had the pleasure of teaching Karolina during her undergraduate studies at ABC University, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Economics.

During her time at ABC University, Karolina demonstrated exceptional analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as a strong work ethic and dedication to her studies. She was always an active participant in class discussions and showed a genuine interest in the subject matter.

I am confident that Karolina would excel in your Master’s program and would be an asset to your university. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Marta Wojcik

Reference Letter for Immigration Application

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to provide a reference for Piotr Nowak, who is applying for permanent residency in Canada. I have known Piotr for over five years, during which time he has been an exemplary employee at my company, XYZ Corporation.

Piotr is a highly skilled and motivated individual, with excellent technical abilities and a strong work ethic. He has consistently demonstrated a commitment to his job and a willingness to take on new challenges. He is also a team player who is always willing to help out his colleagues.

I am confident that Piotr would be a valuable addition to Canadian society and would make a significant contribution to the workforce. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Adam Kowalski

Reference Letter for Volunteer Work

Dear Volunteer Coordinator,

I am writing to recommend Kasia Nowak for a volunteer position with your organization. I have known Kasia for several years and have had the pleasure of working with her on several community projects.

Kasia is a dedicated and enthusiastic volunteer who is always willing to go above and beyond to help others. She has excellent communication skills and is able to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. She is also well-organized and reliable, with a strong sense of responsibility.

I am confident that Kasia would be an asset to your organization and would make a positive contribution to your programs. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Reference Letter for Scholarship Application

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to recommend Filip Kaczmarek for the scholarship program offered by your organization. I had the pleasure of teaching Filip during his final year of high school, where he demonstrated exceptional academic skills and a strong commitment to his studies.

During his time at our school, Filip was a top-performing student who consistently earned high grades in all his classes. He was also actively involved in several extracurricular activities, including the debate team and the school newspaper.

I am confident that Filip has the potential to excel in his future academic endeavors and would be an asset to your scholarship program. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Monika Szymanska

Reference Letter for Professional Development

Dear Professional Development Committee,

I am writing to recommend Michal Kowalski for your organization’s professional development program. I have had the pleasure of working with Michal for several years at ABC Corporation, where he has served as a software developer.

During his time at ABC Corporation, Michal has demonstrated exceptional technical skills and a strong commitment to his professional development. He has taken several courses and attended several conferences to expand his knowledge and skills in the field of software development.

I am confident that Michal would be an asset to your professional development program and would make a positive contribution to your organization. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Karol Wojciechowski

Frequently Asked Questions

What should i include in a reference letter po polsku.

A reference letter po polsku should include specific examples of the person’s skills and qualifications, as well as any accomplishments they have achieved. It should also be written in a formal tone and include your contact information.

Who can write a reference letter po polsku?

A reference letter po polsku can be written by someone who knows the person well, such as a former employer, colleague, or teacher.

Do I need to translate a reference letter po polsku into English?

If you are applying for a job or school admission in an English-speaking country, you may need to provide a translated version of your reference letter po polsku. Check with the organization to see what their requirements are.

Can I edit an example reference letter po polsku for my own use?

Yes, you can use the examples provided as a starting point and edit them to suit your needs.

What is the purpose of a reference letter po polsku?

The purpose of a reference letter po polsku is to provide information about a person’s skills, qualifications, and character. It can be used for various purposes, including job applications, school admissions, and immigration applications.

How long should a reference letter po polsku be?

A reference letter po polsku should be one or two pages long. It should include specific examples and be written in a concise and clear manner.

Whether you’re writing a reference letter po polsku for a job application, school admission, or other purpose, it’s important to follow the tips outlined in this article. By providing specific examples, using a formal tone, and being honest and positive in your assessment, you can help the recipient make an informed decision about the person you are recommending.

  • Character Reference Letter For Tenant
  • Reference Letter From Employer For Immigration
  • Reference Letter Vs Referral Letter
  • Reference List For Job Application Format
  • Reference Letter Definition Literature
  • General Character Reference Letter

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application letter po polsku

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application letter po polsku

"letter" po polsku — Słownik angielsko-polski | zobacz "letter" po angielsku

Letter , ****.

obrazek do "letter" po polsku

  • list [policzalny] What letter are you talking about? (O jakim liście mówisz?) I had a letter from him this morning. (Dostałem list od niego dzisiaj rano.) Jane received a letter from her bank. (Jane dostała list ze swojego banku.)
  • litera [policzalny] Could you please repeat the last letter of your surname? (Czy mógłbyś proszę powtórzyć ostatnią literę swojego nazwiska?) There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. (W angielskim alfabecie jest 26 liter.)

letter rzeczownik

Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

I went through letters others had read and set down.

In their view, these letters must never leave the family.

In a way, her letter was a good thing for me.

A letter came from the phone company a few days later.

I could get no information from him by letter , either.

She also told his friends not to tell him in their letters .

The other letter got to the heart of the matter.

The first three letters of our given name tell the story.

I should at least get a letter off to them soon.

We know no more than his two letters tell us.

We've already put in a few letters to start you off.

She did tell me some things in her letters , but not enough.

He didn't look to the end of the letter first.

I didn't know what to do when the first letter came.

A letter about a new job or a course of studies.

Her first job would be to show the letter to the police.

And don't come running to ask what the letter should say.

Sometimes, people give him a letter to take to his wife.

I thought they were the last letter of the law.

But the third letter has a little bit more information.

He would act to the letter , or not at all.

The letter was the only evidence in black and white.

He went back to the table and took up the letter again.

The only question was which order the letters must be read in.

Well, I just wanted to be sure you got the letter .

  • oznaczać literami [przechodni] Letter the boxes so that they don't get mixed up. (Oznacz te pudła literami, żeby się nie pomieszały.)
  • wytłaczać , napisać [przechodni]

letter czasownik

There he lettered three times in 1915, 1916 and 1919.

He lettered each of his four years and started two games.

He was the team captain and lettered all four years.

He played and lettered in football from 1971 to 1973.

The lines are lettered to help you make your lists.

He also lettered four times in both basketball and track.

He also lettered two years as a guard in basketball.

This, too, is lettered for identification and moved into evidence.

Where he lettered in basketball and football for two years.

In football he lettered three seasons and started for two.

He lettered in lacrosse three times from 1965 to 1967.

He lettered in baseball as a pitcher from 1922 to 1924.

During his high school career, he also lettered once in basketball and baseball.

A brief history of the species is lettered on the sides.

Shawn also lettered two years in track and field for the Men's 400m.

He walked to the stern where her name was lettered in gold.

He didn't add he'd lettered in the sport at Harvard.

O'Neill also lettered three times in track where he ran the 440.

He lettered three years at end and quarterback on the varsity team.

He also was lettered for basketball, track and wrestling in high school.

He played 32 games for the Eagles and lettered three years in his career.

He lettered four seasons as a receiver and safety for.

He also lettered in track and field as a hurdler.

Youel played the position of center and lettered all three years.

Her name was lettered on the front in his beautiful copperplate.

to the letter

  • co do joty , w każdym szczególe (jak napisano) She followed my instructions to the letter. (Ona zastosowała się co do joty do moich instrukcji.) It's very important that my instructions be carried out to the letter. (To bardzo ważne, by moje instrukcje były wykonane co do joty.)

to the letter idiom

Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności. Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.

Działałby co do joty, albo i nie wcale.

Both of them knew quite well what had happened to the letter .

Obu z nich wiedziało nieźle co zdarzyło się co do joty.

The old man went to his house, according to the letter .

Starzec poszedł do go, zgodnie z listem.

While I took it, he went back to the letter .

Podczas gdy wziąłem to, wrócił co do joty.

It went the same way today, almost to the letter .

To szło w tę samą stronę dziś, prawie co do joty.

When I close it, put one next to the letter .

Gdy zamykam to, kłaść jednego obok listu.

At that time, according to the letter of the law.

W tym czasie, zgodnie z literą prawą.

We hold all other nations to the letter of the law.

Trzymamy wszystkie inne narody do litery prawej.

In a real situation he'd follow those to the letter .

W rzeczywistej sytuacji nastąpiłby ci co do joty.

I'm sure we can follow her plan to the letter .

Jestem pewny, że możemy przestrzegać jej planu co do joty.

Make sure they know what you expect, and then hold them to the letter of the law.

Upewnić się, że oni wiedzą czego oczekujesz, a następnie trzymać w ramionach ich do litery prawej.

I want you to follow everything in it to the letter .

Chcę byś jechał wszystkim w tym co do joty.

All the first part of the plan we carried out to the letter .

Cała pierwsza część planu, który zrealizowaliśmy co do joty.

To the letter of the law, but with no heart to be fair to them.

Do litery prawej, ale z żadnym sercem być sprawiedliwym wobec nich.

Why had he not responded to the letter last fall?

Dlaczego nie odpowiedział co do joty ostatni upadek?

And in fact it was later carried out to the letter .

I tak naprawdę to później zostało zrealizowane co do joty.

I bent my head to the letter again and read.

Schyliłem swoją głowę co do joty jeszcze raz i przeczytałem.

He saw her take a step closer to the letter .

Zobaczył, jak zrobiła krok bliższy co do joty.

Totally according to the letter of the law, mind you, but different.

Zupełnie zgodnie z literą prawą, zwracać uwagę na ciebie, ale inny.

Then, closing the door, she turned her attention to the letter .

W takim razie, kładąc kres, przekręciła swoją uwagę co do joty.

Then the operator asked whether he knew what happened to the letter .

W takim razie operator zapytał czy wiedział co zdarzyło się co do joty.

His funds rose 16 percent last year, according to the letter .

Jego fundusze powstały 16 procent w zeszłym roku, zgodnie z listem.

My chief turned to the letter again and read it carefully.

Mój szef obrócił się co do joty jeszcze raz i przeczytał to ostrożnie.

Everything had now run exactly to the letter outlined to her.

Wszystko teraz pobiegło dokładnie co do joty przedstawiony w skrócie do niej.

She had to tie this down to the letter of his law.

Musiała przywiązać to co do joty ze swojego prawa.

Usually they fly higher when they're on their way to a t then go down low to hit it.

Zazwyczaj oni lecą wyżej gdy oni są na swojej drodze do t wtedy zejść niski uderzyć to.

It not only fit to a T , but was also on sale.

To nie tylko pasowało do t, ale był w sprzedaży również.

"You have to follow the directions to a T ," she said.

"Musisz pójść za kierunkami do t" powiedziała.

The road climbs quickly to the crest of a hill, to a T , turn left and you're almost there.

Droga pnie się szybko do grzbietu wzgórza, do t, kolej pozostawiła i jesteś prawie na miejscu.

Three hundred yards farther on he came to a T intersection.

Trzysta jardów dalszy na przyszedł na t skrzyżowanie.

Ahead, she saw that the corridor came to a T , branching left and right.

Naprzód, zobaczyła, że korytarz przychodzi na t, rozchodzić się na obie strony.

Rats were exposed to a T maze in which one arm was white and the other black.

Szczury zostały odsłonięte do t labirynt, w którym jedno ramię było blade i inny czarny.

You people have certainly got this thing organized to a T , with your sections and sub-sections.

Ty ludzie na pewno dostali tę rzecz zorganizowaną do t, z twoimi częściami i rezerwowy-część.

Both routes turn on a side street before coming to a T Intersection.

Obie trasy podniecają boczną uliczkę przed przychodzeniem na t Skrzyżowanie.

He fit the profile to a T , although he acted alone.

On pasować do profilu do t, pomimo że działał w pojedynkę.

By way of answer to the origins of "suits you to a T ".

Jako odpowiedź na pochodzenia z "dostosowuje cię do t".

They came to a T in the corridor.

Przyszli na t na korytarzu.

There was a short corridor to a T intersection with the usual color coded markers.

Był krótki korytarz do t skrzyżowanie ze zwykłym kolorem zakodowane wskaźniki.

"They got it to a T ," the banker said.

"Zanieśli to do t" bankier powiedział.

One that fits this description to a T is the T-shirt.

Jeden to pasuje do tego opisu do t jest T-shirtem.

This passage eventually brings you to a T junction.

To przejście ostatecznie przynosi cię t skrzyżowanie.

"We knew he wasn't suited to a T for that race at a mile and a quarter.

"Wiedzieliśmy, że nie nadaje się do t dla tego wyścigu w mili i kwartale.

Some families follow that tradition to a T , others follow it less rigorously.

Jakieś rodziny następują po tej tradycji do t, inni jadą tym mniej rygorystycznie.

You described us down to a T including the vehicle I was driving on the relay but not our names.

Przedstawiłeś nas w dół do t w tym pojazd, do którego jeździłem na zmianie ale nie nasze imiona.

Now when you get to a T R P what are the three things that can happen?

Teraz gdy dochodzisz do t R P co trzy rzeczy, które mogą zdarzać się są?

They walked down the central corridor taking several twists and tums before coming to a T intersection.

Chodzili w dół centralnego korytarza biorącego kilka skrętów i brzuszki przed przychodzeniem na t skrzyżowanie.

But that is Rachel to a T , trying to work in just one last sin before leaving civilization.

Ale to jest Rachela do t, próbując pracować w jednym jedynym ostatnim grzechu przed odchodzeniem z cywilizacji.

"I don't know exactly to a T ," he said.

"Nie wiem dokładnie do t," powiedział.

What does the T stand for when something "suits you to a T "?

Na co t godzi się kiedy coś "dostosowuje cię do t"?

The empty road came to a T near a collapsed barn and, for no reason, I eased the car to a full stop.

Pusta droga przyszła na t obok złożonej stodoły i, bez wyraźnej przyczyny, złagodziłem samochód do kropki.

Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.

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application letter po polsku

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    2. Na początku letter of application podaj nazwę stanowiska, na które aplikujesz. Inaczej niż w podaniu o pracę po angielsku, application letter wysyła się w odpowiedzi na konkretną ofertę i wymagania pracodawcy.. Dlatego już we wstępie do listu motywacyjnego podaj nazwę stanowiska, na które aplikujesz i swój największy atut z CV — np. długie doświadczenie zawodowe, pasję ...

  2. Co to jest letter of application? Kiedy i jak trzeba go napisać?

    Możesz napisać letter of application dokładnie tak samo, jak piszesz krótki list motywacyjny po polsku. Jeśli znasz angielski, nie będziesz miał z tym problemów. Jeśli nie znasz — skorzystaj z podpowiedzi, które zamieszczamy poniżej. Pierwszy akapit letter of application — przykłady:

  3. Podanie o pracę

    Podanie o pracę (Letter of application) Tworząc wzór listu motywacyjnego, dołożyliśmy wszelkich starań, by przybrał on jak najbardziej uniwersalny kształt. Stąd też proponowane w nim sformułowania sprawdzą się doskonale podczas aplikowania na dowolne stanowisko. prośbę o odpowiedź. zrezygnowano z użycia skrótów.

  4. Cover Letter

    Powrót. Cover letter to angielska nazwa listu motywacyjnego. Dokumenty te różnią się nie tylko językiem, w którym je piszesz, ale również niektórymi elementami. Przykładowo, cover letter nie powinien zawierać zdjęcia kandydata. Z kolei w przeciwieństwie do polskich listów, bardzo często dodaje się do niego postscriptum.

  5. Crafting a Polish Cover Letter: A Comprehensive Guide

    The layout and structure of your cover letter can make a significant impression on potential employers, setting the stage for your subsequent professional interactions. A well-organized and thoughtfully structured cover letter can effectively highlight your qualifications and enthusiasm, making you stand out in the competitive job market.

  6. Cover letter: co to jest? Wzór i przykład, jak napisać

    Cover letter jest to angielski odpowiednik listu motywacyjnego, wysyłany jako dodatek do CV w odpowiedzi na konkretną ofertę pracy. Ma za zadanie pokazać pracodawcy, że to właśnie Ty jesteś najlepszym kandydatem na dane stanowisko. Podobnie jak list po polsku, cover letter powinien Cię dobrze sprzedać. Za chwilę pokażę Ci, jak napisać cover letter w atrakcyjny i profesjonalny ...

  7. letter of application

    You must complete a letter of application as described in section 6.. Time can be saved by using a standard letter of application.. They need to be able to write decent letters of application and add up.". I've seen his letter of application to study astronomy.. Formal letters of application are submitted, follow-up calls made, months pass.. A typical letter of application may appear as In Fig.


    Formal letter of application for credit to be extended to a customer entity 2. The application process involved students writing a letter of application and then undergoing a thorough interview. To apply for this post, please complete an application form enclosing a letter of application. It was only open to the public for three days a week and ...

  9. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  10. A letter of application for a job

    A letter of application for a job. Podanie o pracę/List motywacyjny. Najpotrzebniejsze wyrażenia, dzięki którym zbudujesz profesjonalny list motywacyjny. 1. Reason for writing: I am writing to apply for the position/post of ... I am writing to apply for the job you advertised in ... I am writing in connection with the job advertisement in ...

  11. letter of application

    Many translated example sentences containing "letter of application" - Polish-English dictionary and search engine for Polish translations.

  12. application letter

    Many translated example sentences containing "application letter" - Polish-English dictionary and search engine for Polish translations.

  13. cover letter

    cover letter AmE. application letter. rzeczownik. list motywacyjny, list aplikacyjny. a letter of introduction sent with a CV explaining one's suitability for the job. They requested that I send them my CV and a covering letter. (Oni poprosili, żebym wysłał im swoje CV i list motywacyjny.) He enclosed a cover letter.

  14. Reference Letter Po Polsku

    A reference letter po polsku, or reference letter in Polish, is a document that provides information about a person's skills, qualifications, and character. It is usually written by someone who knows the person well, such as a former employer, colleague, or teacher. A reference letter po polsku can be used for various purposes, including job ...

  15. Resignation letter sample

    Już wiesz, jak wygląda resignation letter po polsku. Teraz pokażę Ci krok po kroku, jak go napisać, by pozostać w dobrych stosunkach z dotychczasowym pracodawcą. A jeśli chcesz inaczej sformułować swój dokument, sprawdź, jak napisać podanie o rozwiązanie umowy o pracę.. 1.


    Przykłady kontekstowe "application" po angielsku . Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. bab.la nie jest odpowiedzialne za ich brzmienie. English. Polish. This administration then forwarded her application to the Dutch authorities.


    general. law. 1. general. applicant (also: applier, aspirant, candidate, contender, contestant, entrant, examinee, interviewee, nominee) volume_up. kandydat {m} more_vert. In order to find true talent, the most capable performers and deserving applicants, women must be given equal status with men in the same fields.

  18. APPLICATION in Polish

    APPLICATION translate: podanie, wniosek, zastosowanie, aplikacja, podanie, przykładanie się, opatrunek. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary.

  19. application letter

    covering letter, cover letter, application letter rzeczownik . Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności. Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.


    applied. applied appropriately. applied art. applied aspect. applied automatically. Translations into more languages in the bab.la Georgian-English dictionary. Translation for 'application form' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations.

  21. PDF 8. List formalny (formal letter) / e-mail formalny

    Yours sincerely, (tego zwrotu u¿ywamy, jeœli zwróciliœmy siê po nazwisku) Z powa¿aniem, 8. List formalny (formal letter) / e-mail formalny A Jak napisaæ list formalny ü List formalny jest pisany do osób bli¿ej nam nieznanych lub osób, z którymi ³¹cz¹ nas stosunki s³u¿bowe. Cel listu formalnego mo¿e byæ bardzo ró¿ny, np ...

  22. application

    They must also pay a little more than $10 for the application.. What, then, might a world without early applications look like?. The number to call for an application or more information is 323-5458. "They have been working on these applications the whole time.". However, they do help use less oil, which is a good thing for many applications.. But his application was turned down in 1985, 1986 ...

  23. experience letter

    Many translated example sentences containing "experience letter" - Polish-English dictionary and search ... following an application for reconsideration submitted by the applicant, communicated by letter of 21 November 2002, and, thirdly, of the express decision rejecting the complaint of 11 June 2003. ... eur-lex.europa.eu. eur-lex.europa.eu ...

  24. letter

    I went through letters others had read and set down.. In their view, these letters must never leave the family.. In a way, her letter was a good thing for me.. A letter came from the phone company a few days later.. I could get no information from him by letter, either.. She also told his friends not to tell him in their letters.. The other letter got to the heart of the matter.