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71 Best Education Dissertation Topic Ideas

71 Best Education Dissertation Topic Ideas

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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education dissertation topics ideas, explained below

It’s hard to choose and settle on a topic for your education dissertation. When I was choosing my topic, I was confused and uncertain. I wished I had a list like this that would help me out!

The topics below are best for undergraduate (B.A / B.Ed) or masters (M.A / M.Ed) students. Check out these 51 topic ideas, use them, and adapt them to create a topic that suits you.

The Lazy Man’s Top 10

before I dig in…

Here is a quick list of my top 9 favorite education dissertation topic ideas:

  • What skill development strategies can be observed in children’s play?
  • What evidence is there for the theory of multiple intelligences?
  • What are parents’ attitudes toward play-based learning in schools?
  • Is there a correlation between student stress levels and standardized exams?
  • What are the differences in teaching strategies between experienced and novice teachers?
  • What are the greatest challenges faced by teachers in their first 3 years in the profession?
  • What does the literature say about the differences between phonics and whole language learning?
  • What are the factors facilitating successful inclusion of students with behavioral disabilities?
  • What do teachers believe has been the effect of technology on students’ learning?
Read this First: 9 Tips for Choosing a Dissertation Topic


Education Dissertation Topic Ideas (List

1. dissertation ideas for studying early childhood education.

  • Structured and Unstructured Play: What are the perspectives of parents about the benefits of structured and unstructured play for children?
  • Transitioning to School: What do educators identify as the key challenges of transitioning from early childhood to compulsory schooling settings?
  • Children’s Book Representation: How do the 50 most popular children’s books of the 21 st Century promote gender norms? (For this one, consider also using the social graces concept to add a more analytical lens.)
  • Montessori Settings: What do teachers in Montessori educational settings perceive to be the benefits and limitations of a Montessori-style education?
  • Parents’ Anxieties: What are parents’ initial anxieties about sending their children to preschool?
  • Studying Promotional Literature: A semiotic analysis of the representation of the stages of play in early childhood learning center promotional literature.
  • Representation in News: How is the early childhood education and care (ECEC) profession represented in mainstream news?
  • Benefits of ECE: What do parent perceive to be the developmental benefits of early childhood education for their children?
  • Impact of Digital Technologies on Early Learning : Exploring how the use of tablets, educational apps, and digital storytelling influences cognitive and social development in preschool children.
  • Parental Involvement and Its Effects on Early Childhood Education : Examining the role of parental engagement in the educational outcomes and social development of preschool children.
  • Comparative Study of Outdoor Versus Indoor Play in Early Childhood Development : Assessing the impact of outdoor play environments versus traditional indoor classrooms on physical, emotional, and cognitive growth in young children.
  • Nutrition and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood : Investigating the correlation between nutritional intake and cognitive development in preschool-aged children.
  • Early Intervention Strategies for Children with Special Needs : Exploring effective early intervention techniques for children with developmental delays or disabilities in early childhood education settings.
  • The Role of Storytelling in Language Development : Analyzing how storytelling and narrative play contribute to language acquisition and literacy skills in early childhood.
  • Effects of Teacher-Child Ratio on Learning Outcomes : Evaluating the impact of teacher-to-child ratios in preschool settings on individual attention, learning outcomes, and overall classroom dynamics.
  • Exploring Play-Based Learning Versus Structured Curriculum in Early Education : Comparing the outcomes of play-based learning approaches to more structured, curriculum-based methods in early childhood education.
  • Social-Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Education : Investigating the integration and effectiveness of social-emotional learning programs in fostering emotional intelligence, empathy, and interpersonal skills in young children.
  • Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Classrooms : Investigating how educators can integrate various cultural backgrounds and practices into their teaching to create an inclusive environment for children.

2. Dissertation Ideas for Studying Elementary Teaching

  • Piaget’s Stages: Are Piaget’s stages of development an accurate reflection of the abilities of children in the concrete stage of development?
  • Behavior Management Styles: What are teachers’ perspectives of authoritarian behavior management strategies ?
  • Behavior Management Strategies: What do teachers perceive as the most effective behavior management strategy for children aged 5 – 7?
  • Pros and Cons of Homework : What do parents perceive to be the benefits of no homework for children?
  • Autism in Classrooms: What are parents’ perceptions and concerns about integration of children with autism into mainstream classrooms?
  • Seating Arrangements: How do changes in seating arrangements from rows to table groups impact learning in a Grade 5 classroom?
  • Benefits of Play Breaks: According to educators, what are the benefits and limitations of regular play breaks for learning?
  • Phonics vs Whole Language Learning: What do teachers perceive to be the benefits and limitations of the phonics versus whole language learning approaches to literacy?
  • Development through Play: What skill development strategies can be observed in children’s play during recess breaks in schools?
  • Compulsory School Uniforms: What do educators in a school that has compulsory school uniforms see as the educational benefits or drawbacks of compulsory uniforms?
  • Sense of Belonging: What are the barriers and opportunities for promoting a ‘sense of belonging’ in primary school classrooms?
  • Technology Integration in Elementary Classrooms : Investigating the impact of integrating technology such as interactive whiteboards and educational software on student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • Differentiated Instruction Strategies : Evaluating the effectiveness of differentiated instruction in meeting the diverse learning needs of students in elementary school settings.
  • Parent-Teacher Communication : Analyzing the role of parent-teacher communication in student academic performance and behavioral development in elementary schools.
  • Impact of Bilingual Education : Exploring the cognitive, linguistic, and academic outcomes of bilingual education programs in elementary schools.
  • Teacher Perceptions of Standardized Testing : Investigating elementary school teachers’ views on the impact of standardized testing on teaching practices and student learning.
  • Social Skills Development Through Cooperative Learning : Examining the effectiveness of cooperative learning strategies in promoting social skills and teamwork among elementary school students.
  • Environmental Education in Elementary Curriculum : Analyzing the impact of incorporating environmental education into the elementary curriculum on students’ awareness and attitudes towards environmental issues.

Related: How to Write a Dissertation from Beginning to End

3. Dissertation Ideas for Studying Middle & High School Contexts

  • Homework vs Extracurricular Activities: What are students’ perceptions of the impact of homework on their after school extracurricular activities?
  • Nationalism in Curriculum Documents: How are nationalist ideologies reinforced and challenged in the current curriculum documents of [your jurisdiction]?
  • Preparation for Life: What are students’ perceptions of how well school prepares them for university / trades / real life?
  • Standardized Tests: What are students’ / teachers’/ parents’ perceptions of standardized tests in high school?
  • Mentorship: What do high school teachers in leadership positions perceive to be the best approaches to mentoring early career teachers?
  • Childhood Citizenship: Which models of childhood citizenship are evident in [your jurisdiction’s] curriculum?
  • Traits of Quality Teachers: What do parents perceive to be the traits of quality teachers in primary school vs. high school?
  • Students’ Perceptions of Teachers: What do adolescents see as the qualities of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ teachers?
  • Moral Values in Education: What do educators see as their role versus parents’ roles in promoting the moral values of children?
  • Migrant Challenges in the School System: What do parents of immigrant children see as the challenges their children face in schools in their new nation?

4. Educational Technology Dissertation Ideas

  • Use of Electronic Whiteboards: How prepared do pre-service teachers feel about teaching using Electronic White Boards?
  • Mobile Phones in the Classroom: What are parents’ perceptions of classroom mobile phone apps that are designed to increase parent-student interactions?
  • Impact of Technology on Learning: What are teachers’ perspectives of the impact of technology on student learning?
  • Gaming for Creative Writing: Can gaming help promote creative writing skills among boys aged 10-12?
  • Best Age for Introducing Technology: What age do parents perceive to be the best age for introducing children to technology?
  • Boys vs Girls Technology Usage: What are the differences between boys’ and girls’ technology usage habits during free time at school?
  • Online Learning Benefits and Challenges: What social, pedagogical and cognitive benefits and limitations do students face when learning online ?
  • Use of AI Large Language Models: How can Large Language Models like ChatGPT be beneficial for learning?

5. General Education and Teaching Dissertation Ideas

  • The Value of University: What do experienced educators perceive is the value of their university education?
  • Poverty and Education: What are teachers’ perceptions of the barriers and opportunities to learning for children in poverty?
  • Challenges faced by [Gender] Teachers: What challenges do male educators face in their first 5 years of teaching?
  • Anti-Bullying Policies: What are the main ways school leaders approach whole-school anti-bullying policy development?
  • Behavior Management for Developmental Delays: How do teachers differentiate their behavior management strategies for children with developmental delays?
  • Netiquette: What do teachers believe to be effective netiquette rules for online learning ?
  • Motivations for Taking a Promotion: What are the factors that impact teachers’ motivations for promotion into leadership positions in schools?
  • Reflective Practice: What do teachers perceive to be the role of reflection in their practice, and what are the most common reflective practice strategies among practitioners?
  • Theory Testing: What evidence is there for the theory of multiple intelligences?
  • Extroverts vs Introverts: How do Introverted and Extroverted Students Learn Differently?
  • Purpose of Schooling: What do parents perceive to be the purpose of schooling?
  • Experienced vs Novice Teachers: What differences are there in behavior management strategies for experienced versus novice teachers?
  • Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation: What do teachers believe are the benefits and challenges of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation strategies ?

6. Ideas that Involve Interviewing your Classmates!

A lot of my students like to use this idea because they can use a snowball sampling method rather than having to seek out teachers or schools to interview and study:

  • Concerns in Entering the Teaching Profession: What do pre-service teachers see as their biggest worries about entering the teaching profession?
  • Feeling Unprepared: What do pre-service teachers perceive to be the major factors that their degree does not prepare them for, before entering the workforce?
  • Benefits of a Dissertation Project: What do a cohort of teacher education students see as the benefits of conducting a final dissertation project prior to entering the profession? (see also: cohort effect )
  • Differences in Perspectives (Freshman vs Senior): What are the differences between freshman (first year) and senior (final year) students’ perspectives of the role of the classroom teacher in the 21 st Century?

Read Also: 25 Sociology Dissertation Ideas

What to do once you Choose your Topic for an Education Dissertation

education dissertation topics

Hopefully by now you have highlighted or written down 3 topics that caught your eye.

I recommend for your next step that you organize a meeting with your dissertation supervisor. Your supervisor will talk with you about your three ideas and give you advice on which to choose and why.

Each university has different requirements, so you’ll need to get input from your supervisor. Your supervisor is the person who can help you to navigate the special requirements of your particular program of study.

You’ll find that you and your supervisor will be able to tailor your chosen topic to you and your needs.

Good luck, and please do leave a comment below if you found this post useful!

I’m also always looking for more ideas to add to this list so if you came up with another idea, share it below.


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Thank you for this! These open-ended examples helped me to broaden my topic some!

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List of 130+ Dissertation Topics in Education for in-depth Research

Updated 23 Jul 2024

list of dissertation topics

As you reach the final stage of your academic journey in education, you'll be required to submit a dissertation. The journey of choosing dissertation topics can be an overwhelming experience, especially when you're trying to select a topic that aligns with your interests and current research trends. 

Nevertheless, in this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the most popular dissertation topics in education and discuss how they can contribute to the ongoing conversation around education. Choosing the right education dissertation topic can be daunting, so if you need expert guidance, you might consider seeking professional help to write my dissertation and ensure your research is both relevant and impactful.

Top education dissertation topics 

  • The Impact of Digital Technologies on Traditional Teaching Methods
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Student Success
  • The Effectiveness of Inclusive Education for Special Needs Students
  • The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Academic Achievement
  • The Role of Parental Involvement in Children's Education Outcomes
  • The Impact of Bilingual Education on Cognitive Development
  • The Effectiveness of Homework in Enhancing Student Learning
  • The Role of School Leadership in Improving Teacher Performance
  • The Impact of Classroom Environment on Student Engagement
  • The Influence of Peer Interaction on Learning Outcomes
  • The Effectiveness of STEM Education in Primary Schools
  • The Role of Arts Education in Promoting Emotional and Social Development
  • The Impact of Teacher Training Programs on Educational Quality
  • The Influence of School Culture on Student Achievement
  • The Effectiveness of Early Childhood Education Programs
  • The Role of Technology in Personalizing Education
  • The Impact of School Safety Policies on Student Well-being
  • The Influence of Extracurricular Activities on Academic Performance
  • The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Practices in Educational Settings
  • The Role of Feedback in the Learning Process

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Higher education dissertation topics

  • The Impact of Online Learning on Higher Education
  • The Role of International Students in Promoting Cultural Diversity in Universities
  • The Effectiveness of Graduate Employability Programs
  • The Influence of University Rankings on Institutional Policies
  • The Impact of Student Support Services on Academic Success
  • The Role of Technology in Enhancing Research Collaboration
  • The Effectiveness of Leadership Development Programs in Universities
  • The Influence of Tuition Fees on Access to Higher Education
  • The Impact of Campus Sustainability Initiatives on Environmental Awareness
  • The Role of Community Engagement in Higher Education Institutions
  • The Effectiveness of Academic Advising in Promoting Student Retention
  • The Influence of Social Media on University Marketing Strategies
  • The Impact of Distance Learning Programs on Student Engagement
  • The Role of Alumni Networks in Supporting Current Students
  • The Effectiveness of Diversity and Inclusion Programs in Universities
  • The Influence of Faculty Development Programs on Teaching Quality
  • The Impact of Interdisciplinary Programs on Academic Innovation
  • The Role of Student Leadership in Shaping University Policies
  • The Effectiveness of Mental Health Services in Universities
  • The Influence of Governance Structures on University Decision-Making

Dissertation topics for public school education

  • The Impact of Standardized Testing on Curriculum Development
  • The Role of School Nutrition Programs in Promoting Healthy Eating Habits
  • The Effectiveness of Anti-Bullying Programs in Schools
  • The Influence of Class Size on Teacher-Student Interaction
  • The Impact of School Facilities on Learning Outcomes
  • The Role of Parent-Teacher Associations in School Governance
  • The Effectiveness of Literacy Programs in Elementary Schools
  • The Influence of Teacher Diversity on Student Perspectives
  • The Impact of After-School Programs on Student Achievement
  • The Role of Physical Education in Promoting Student Wellness
  • The Effectiveness of Special Education Integration Strategies
  • The Influence of Educational Technology in the Classroom
  • The Impact of Teacher Motivation on Educational Quality
  • The Role of School Libraries in Promoting Literacy
  • The Effectiveness of Conflict Resolution Education in Schools
  • The Influence of Cultural Competency Training for Teachers
  • The Impact of Environmental Education Programs in Schools
  • The Role of Music Education in Cognitive Development
  • The Effectiveness of Career Counseling Programs in High Schools
  • The Influence of School Security Measures on Student Safety

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Adult education dissertation topics

  • The Impact of Lifelong Learning on Career Advancement
  • The Role of Adult Education Programs in Mitigating Social Inequality
  • The Effectiveness of Online Learning Platforms for Adult Learners
  • The Influence of Adult Literacy Programs on Community Development
  • The Impact of Continuing Education on Personal Development
  • The Role of Vocational Training in Addressing Skill Gaps
  • The Effectiveness of Financial Literacy Programs for Adults
  • The Influence of Cultural Education Programs on Social Integration
  • The Impact of Health Education Programs on Adult Well-being
  • The Role of Technology in Facilitating Adult Education
  • The Effectiveness of Language Learning Programs for Immigrants
  • The Influence of Community Colleges in Promoting Adult Education
  • The Impact of Workplace Learning on Employee Performance
  • The Role of Public Libraries in Supporting Adult Education
  • The Effectiveness of Educational Programs for Older Adults
  • The Influence of Adult Education on Civic Engagement
  • The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Small Business Success
  • The Role of Adult Education in Promoting Environmental Awareness
  • The Effectiveness of Creative Arts Programs for Adult Learners
  • The Influence of Adult Education Policies on Program Accessibility

Homeschooling dissertation topics

  • The Impact of Homeschooling on Academic Achievement and Social Skills
  • Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling: A Comparative Study of Educational Outcomes
  • The Role of Parental Involvement in the Success of Homeschooling
  • The Effectiveness of Online Resources and Tools in Homeschooling
  • Homeschooling and Special Education: Tailoring Education to Individual Needs
  • The Socialization of Homeschooled Children: Myths and Realities
  • Legal and Regulatory Challenges Facing Homeschooling Families
  • The Decision to Homeschool: Motivations and Outcomes
  • Homeschooling in Diverse Communities: Strategies for Inclusion and Equity
  • The Role of Community and Support Networks in Homeschooling Success
  • Transitioning from Homeschooling to Higher Education: Challenges and Strategies
  • The Impact of Homeschooling on Family Dynamics and Relationships
  • Curriculum Development and Assessment Strategies for Homeschoolers
  • Technology's Role in Modern Homeschooling Practices
  • Homeschooling Across the Globe: International Perspectives and Practices
  • The Psychological Effects of Homeschooling on Children and Adolescents
  • Addressing Educational Gaps: Homeschooling Children with Learning Disabilities
  • The Evolution of Homeschooling: Trends and Future Directions
  • Homeschooling and Lifelong Learning: Fostering a Love for Education Beyond the Classroom
  • The Economic Impact of Homeschooling on Families and Societies

Education leadership dissertation topics

  • The Influence of Leadership Styles on School Culture and Student Achievement
  • The Role of School Leaders in Implementing Technology-Enhanced Learning
  • Emotional Intelligence and Its Impact on Educational Leadership Effectiveness
  • The Challenges of Leading Diverse and Inclusive Educational Institutions
  • Transformational Leadership in Education: Strategies for Change and Innovation
  • The Impact of Educational Policies on Leadership Practices in Schools
  • Building and Sustaining Effective Teams in Educational Settings
  • The Role of Principals in Fostering Teacher Professional Development
  • Leadership Strategies for Addressing the Achievement Gap
  • Ethical Leadership in Education: Principles and Practices
  • The Influence of Community Engagement on School Leadership Success
  • The Role of Data-Driven Decision Making in Educational Leadership
  • Leadership Challenges in Rural vs. Urban Schools: A Comparative Study
  • The Impact of Globalization on Educational Leadership and Policy
  • Cultivating Leadership Skills in Aspiring Educators: Best Practices and Programs
  • The Role of School Leaders in Promoting Mental Health and Well-being
  • Leadership and Management of Special Education Programs
  • Navigating Change: Leadership in Times of Educational Reform
  • The Relationship Between School Leadership and Student Motivation
  • The Future of Educational Leadership: Emerging Trends and Challenges

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Teaching method dissertation topics

  • The Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Models in Enhancing Student Learning
  • Project-Based Learning: Outcomes and Best Practices in Education
  • The Impact of Inquiry-Based Learning on Critical Thinking Skills
  • Gamification in Education: Motivation, Engagement, and Learning Outcomes
  • The Role of Collaborative Learning in Promoting Social and Academic Skills
  • Integrating STEM Education: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Use of Technology in Personalized Learning Environments
  • Montessori Method in the 21st Century: Relevance and Adaptations
  • The Effectiveness of Bilingual Education on Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development
  • Outdoor Education: Benefits for Physical Health and Environmental Awareness
  • The Role of Arts Integration in Enhancing Creativity and Academic Achievement
  • Teaching Strategies for Students with Diverse Learning Needs
  • The Impact of Social-Emotional Learning Programs in Schools
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching: Strategies for Inclusive Education
  • The Use of Virtual Reality in Education: Opportunities and Challenges
  • The Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring Programs in Academic Settings
  • Teaching Critical Media Literacy: Approaches and Implications
  • The Role of Feedback in the Learning Process: Strategies for Teachers
  • The Impact of Mindfulness Practices on Student Focus and Well-being
  • The Future of Teaching Methods: Innovations and Predictions for Education

How to choose an education dissertation topic

Choosing a good topic for your dissertation in the education field is a crucial step in ensuring the success of your research. Here are some key points to consider when selecting a dissertation topic:

  • Relevance: Make sure your chosen topic aligns with your academic and professional interests. It should also contribute to the existing body of knowledge and be relevant to current higher education issues and trends.
  • Feasibility: Ensure the topic is manageable in terms of research scope, available resources, and the time frame required for completion.
  • Originality: Select a topic that offers a fresh perspective, expands on existing research, or fills a gap in the literature.
  • Significance: Choose a topic that has the potential to impact education policy, practice, or theory in a meaningful way.
  • Access to data: Make sure you have access to the necessary data, participants, or resources required to carry out your research effectively.

In conclusion, selecting the right education dissertation topic in is a critical aspect of your research. The list of topics provided above serves as a starting point to spark your creativity and inspire your research journey. By considering relevance, feasibility, originality, significance, and access to data, you can choose a topic that not only aligns with your interests but also contributes to the broader field of education.

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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Education Dissertation Topics

Published by Grace Graffin at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024


Education as a subject helps in understanding the various learning approaches and different types of education. When you choose education as your major subject, you will be expected to develop a critical understanding of the issues surrounding education.

To choose an education dissertation topic, you can look into a wide array of topics, including public school education, holistic education, the role of ethnicity, gender and class on academic achievements, adult education, preschool and primary school education, college and university education, child development, distance learning, politics and policy in education, teacher education, and curriculum.

To help you get started with brainstorming for education topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your education dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers of our team , so you can trust them to use them when drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review along the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

Topic 1: Investigating the impact of COVID-19 on the learning experience of the students

Research Aim: The research aims to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the learning experience of the students.


  • To analyse the impact of Covid-19 on education delivery across schools.
  • To evaluate the impact of the pandemic on teaching delivery and learning outcomes of the students.
  • To investigate how the pandemic affected the learning experience of the students

Topic 2: An analysis of the impact of classroom interaction and participation on the personality development and confidence of the students.

Research Aim: The aim of the research is to analyse the impact of classroom interaction and participation on the personality development and confidence of the students.

  • To analyse the importance of classroom interaction for the students and how it contributes to personal development.
  • To investigate the impact of classroom participation on the confidence of the students.
  • To evaluate how classroom interaction and participation impact the personality development and confidence of the students.

Topic 3: The potential use of virtual reality for educational assessment of the students.

Research Aim: The research aims to analyse the potential use of virtual reality for the educational assessment of students.

  • To analyse the technologies available for student assessment across higher educational institutions.
  • To evaluate the role of virtual reality in education delivery and assessment.
  • To investigate how virtual reality influences the educational assessment of students to improvet their learning experience and knowledge.

Topic 4: An evaluation of the impact of the rising cost of academic education on students of lower-income backgrounds in the UK.

Research Aim: The aim of the research is to evaluate the impact of the rising cost of academic education on students of lower-income backgrounds in the UK.

  • To analyse the factors impacting the affordability of higher education in the UK.
  • To understand the challenges of lower-income background students in the UK.
  • To investigate the impact of the rising cost of academic education on the lower-income background students in the UK and how the meritorious students can be supported.

Topic 5: An investigation into the impact of interactions among students of multiple ethnicities on the cross-cultural communication and behaviour of the pupils.

Research Aim: The aim of the research is to investigate the impact of interactions among students of multiple ethnicities on cross-cultural communication and pupil behaviourt .

  • To analyse the impact of student interactions among different ethnicities.
  • To determine the importance of cross-cultural communication and tolerance of the students.
  • To examine the impact of interactions among students of multiple ethnicities on the cross-cultural communication and behaviour of the pupils.

Dissertation Topics in Education Dynamics

Topic 1: the need to use information and communication technology to study in public institutions in any country of your choice. a reflection on the impact of covid-19 on the education sector in the chosen country..

Research Aim: This research will focus on the lack of good information and communication technology equipment in public institutions of study and the need to find the education sector to meet the new standard of learning in work. It will also analyse the pandemic’s impact on students in public institutions at home throughout the pandemic without any academic activities.

Topic 2: The fear of maintaining social distancing in schools

Research Aim: This research aims to evaluate the fear of maintaining social distancing in schools. It will also suggest possible solutions to minimise the fear of parents, educators, and students.

Topic 3: Online Education- Increased screen time or quality education

Research Aim: This research aims to identify whether online education exposes students to increased screen time or quality education.

Topic 4: The emergence of coding courses for young children and their cognitive development and age. A comparative study.

Research Aim: This research aims to identify how far coding education is beneficial for children. What sort of positive and negative consequences are concerned with the future of young children with their access to such kind of advanced technology?

Topic 5: Data science and growing opportunities for data scientists

Research Aim: This research will focus on identifying the emergence of degrees and courses in data science, their importance, and growing opportunities for data scientists. Who can become a data scientist? What is its career scope?

Covid-19 Education Topics 

Impacts of coronavirus on education.

Research Aim: This study aims to review the impacts of Coronavirus on education.

Online educational programs to educate students during COVID-19

Research Aim: The widespread Coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown have disrupted the education of many students, including school, college, and university levels. This study will identify the online programs offered through various platforms, schools, colleges, and universities. It will discuss how students can have access to these courses and how it will benefit them.

Impact of COVID-19 on educational institutes

Research Aim: This study will focus on identifying the impacts of COVID-19 on educational institutes. What steps can be taken to ensure a safe environment for the students and teaching staff?

Role of teachers and professors during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Research Aim: This study will focus on the contribution of teachers, professors, and institutions in providing education. What challenges are they facing? What would be the possible ways to improve the current education system?

The future of education post Coronavirus pandemic.

Research Aim: This study will collect information about current education methods during the pandemic and predict the future of education after the coronavirus pandemic.

Topic C1: How the Coronavirus pandemic is reshaping education?

Research Aim: Coronavirus has offered a stark reminder of the very human nature of schools. Students have leapt into online learning but cannot wait to get back into her building. Being online, I don’t think you really get a true sense of whether a student is really engaged and has a proper understanding. This study will aim to understand the extent to which the coronavirus pandemic is reshaping education.

Topic C2: How Coronavirus could affect the well-being of people with intellectual disabilities

Research Aim: We are all feeling more anxious than usual. We may be worried about accessing food and services, going to work, enduring self-isolation, or catching COVID-19. While some anxiety is normal, some of us may be more resilient to changes in our routines and the general uncertainty the world is experiencing. But for the 1.5 million people in the UK with an intellectual disability, these effects may be much greater. This research will aim to establish how Coronavirus could affect the wellbeing of people with intellectual disabilities.

Topic C3: The impact of the 2019–20 Coronavirus pandemic on education

Research Aim: The 2019–20 Coronavirus pandemic has affected educational systems worldwide, leading to the widespread closures of schools and universities. As of 28 March 2020, over 1.7 billion learners were out of school due to school closures in response to COVID-19. According to UNESCO monitoring, over 100 countries have implemented nationwide closures, impacting nearly 90% of the world’s student population. This research will explore the impact of the 2019–20 Coronavirus pandemic on education.

Topic C4: What actions are being taken by universities in response to Coronavirus?

Research Aim: We have seen a growing number of decisions by universities to start implementing social distancing strategies, such as moving to more online teaching delivery and increasing homework by staff. At present, there is no government advice to universities about this. Therefore any operational decision by individual universities must be based on their local circumstances, which vary for various reasons. This research will examine some of the measures we see across the universities in response to the pandemic.

Topic C5: The impact of Coronavirus on international students and the response from universities

Research Aim: This research will explore the impact of Coronavirus on international students and the response from universities.

The Best Education Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: a comparison of wonderlic tests and standardised tests as means to assess academic performance..

Research Aim: Although there are many techniques and methods for assessing academic performance, this research will focus on the comparative analysis of Wonderlic and standardised tests. In the end, the research will conclude which approach would be better in different academic situations.

Topic 2: The theory and practice of educational games as a means to promote better learning.

Research Aim: In recent times, many pieces of research have focused on identifying different learning approaches to provide quality education. This research will analyse the concept of educational games for young children to promote and improve the learning mechanisms.

Topic 3: The impact of learning ability of a child: A case study of kindergarten students

Research Aim: With the emergence of technological advancements, many organisations, including education institutes, have started embracing innovative technologies. The main purpose of these advancements is to improvise the different ways of education. This research will focus on how the use of smart technology has improved the learning ability of kindergarten students.

Topic 4: Comparing and analysing the teaching approaches and mechanisms of privately owned schools and public school: Case of developing countries

Research Aim: Due to the rise of capitalist economies, many institutions have developed unique mechanisms to improve business operations and sales. The same is the case with educational institutes. However, the teaching mechanism and approach for private schools have been more effective than public schools. Therefore, this research will critically analyse the teaching approaches and mechanisms of privately owned schools and public schools and compare and analyse their teaching approaches.

Topic 5: Analysing the current curricular development of K12 students and how it can be linked with current economic issues

Research Aim: It has been found that the curriculum of the majority of educational institutes has become obsolete and monotonous. In other words, students are not being taught current affairs and the latest knowledge with respect to technology, etc. Therefore, the main aim of this research will be to analyse the current curricular development of K12 students and how it can be moulded to reflect the true economic conditions and issues of society.

Early Childhood Education Dissertation Topics

Early childhood education in the UK and many other countries refers to any form of education that children between 2 and 6 years obtain. Some early childhood education dissertation topics are listed below:

Topic 6: The effectiveness and implementation of early childhood education curriculum interventions

Research Aim: This research will discuss how effective curriculum interventions have been in early childhood education and how they can be effectively implemented.

Topic 7: Linking theory to practice and back again: The use of collaborative enquiry and video documentation to facilitate critical thinking in preservice teacher education

Research Aim: This research will provide theoretical and practical evidence to establish how collaboration inquiry and video documentation effectively affect critical thinking in preservice education.

Topic 8: Improving early childhood literacy development and English education through the use of multiple media tools

Research Aim: This research will analyse how effective medical tools are in early childhood education.

Topic 9: Supporting emergent literacy at the preschool level through the use of technology.

Research Aim: This research will present how supportive technology can be for emergent literacy at the preschool level.

Topic 10: Merging multimodality, technology, and literacy in the era of kindergarten digital storytelling

Research Aim: This research will explore the effectiveness of multimodality, literacy, and technology in today’s era of kindergarten storytelling.

Topic 11: Computer-based reading program with at-risk pre-kindergarten students

Research Aim: This research will discuss how computer-based reading programs are at risk with pre-kindergarten students.

Topic 12: Pre-school educational settings and the nature of children’s leadership

Research Aim: This research will analyse how educational settings in preschool help develop leadership skills in children.

Topic 13: How urban students’ academic accomplishments can be influenced by a school district’s preschool education policies

Research Aim: This research will discuss the academic accomplishments of children and how educational policies influence them.

Topic 14: Investigating the relationship between kindergarten achievement and classroom quality

Research Aim: This study will investigate the relationship between kindergarten students’ achievement and education quality.

Topic 15: Creating efficient learning environments to facilitate the process of early childhood education

Research Aim: This research will understand the learning environments that facilitate the process of childhood education.

Elementary Education Dissertation Topics

In the United Kingdom and other developed regions of the world, elementary education is the first level of compulsory education that children between the ages of 6 and 13 years obtain.

Primary or elementary education helps establish history, geography, mathematics, science, and other social sciences. In some countries, basic sexual education is also part of the elementary education curriculum. Some important primary education issues to explore are listed below:

Topic 16: Establishing the factors inhibiting and enhancing elementary school children’s creativity

Research Aim: This research will discuss the factors that help enhance children’s creativity in elementary school.

Topic 17: Developing life skills in elementary school pupils in the United Kingdom (or any other country of your choice)

Research Aim: This research will explore how life skills are developed in elementary school in the UK. (Country can be changed according to your choosing)

Topic 18: Monitoring and evaluating instruction in private elementary schools in China from the perspective of headteachers and teachers.

Topic 19: including children with special educational needs in a mainstream elementary educational institute – a case study of any elementary school.

Research Aim: This research will discuss inclusive education, i.e. including special needs students in elementary school. You are free to choose the school of your choice.

Topic 20: Implementing inclusive education in elementary/primary schools in Australia – The challenges and opportunities

Research Aim: This research will discuss the challenges and opportunities of implementing inclusive education in Australian elementary schools.

Topic 21: Classroom evaluation in England – Teachers’ practices and perceptions in Maths

Research Aim: This research will evaluate a typical classroom in England. It will assess the practices adopted by math teachers in elementary school.

Topic 22: Integrating outdoor learning activities with elementary curriculum in the United Kingdom

Research Aim: This research will analyse the results of integrating outdoor learning activities with curriculum activities.

Topic 23: Investigating the use of technology in elementary school physical education

Research Aim: This research will investigate and analyse the use of technology in elementary school physical education.

Topic 24: Investigating the impact of the age of information on current courses taught in primary school

Research Aim: This research will investigate the impact of information on courses taught in primary school.

Topic 25: Should primary schools allow their students to study more independently to achieve improved performance?

Research Aim: This research will assess whether elementary school students should be allowed to study independently and its impacts.

Read More About   Elementary Education / Primary Education

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Secondary Education Dissertation Topics

Secondary school education primarily covers formal education obtained by pupils between 13 and 18 years. Secondary education is compulsory in most countries, including the United Kingdom, and it may be taught in the form of Ordinary Levels, Advanced Levels, and SSC and HSC exams.

There is a wide array of research areas to be explored in this field of study, and any of the following research topics could be selected for your education dissertation.

Topic 26: Investigating the impact of teacher education on secondary education in the European Union

Research Aim: This research will investigate how secondary education in the EU is impacted by teacher education.

Topic 27: Investigating the impact of secondary school dual enrolment course participation on pupils’ academic accomplishments

Research Aim: This research will investigate the impact of dual course enrolment and its impact on academic accomplishments in secondary school.

Topic 28: The role of sustainability in learning and teaching in secondary schools to transform the soul of education

Research Aim: This study will explore the role of sustainable learning and teaching in secondary school, and it helps transform the soul of education.

Topic 29: Investigating secondary school teachers’ thinking in a professional development project

Research Aim: This research will analyse the teachers’ thinking with the help of a professional development project.

Topic 30: Betraying the college dream: How student aspirations are undermined by the disconnected post-secondary and K-12 education systems

Research Aim: The post-secondary schooling and K-12 education systems are misaligned. Thus, this research will investigate how this adversely impacts students, and as a result, more and more students are giving up on their college dreams.

Topic 31: Analysing supply & demand in light of the rising cost of secondary education

Research Aim: This research will assess and analyse the rising cost of education and its impact on the supply and demand for education.

Topic 32: To study the use of instructional and information technologies in teacher training in secondary schools and colleges in the United Kingdom

Research Aim: This research will study the use of technologies in teacher training and how they impact secondary education in the UK.

Topic 33: Should secondary school teachers emphasise today’s demanding issues such as energy conservation, sustainability, and environmental protection?

Research Aim: This research will study whether or not teachers should emphasise current issues like energy preservation, sustainability, and environmental protection.

Topic 34: How can religious and racial tolerance increase among pupils by reintroducing religious education in the secondary schooling system?

Research Aim: This research will explore whether introducing religious education in secondary education helps decrease religious and racial intolerance.

Topic 35: To investigate the benefits of teaching business management and entrepreneurship-related courses to secondary school students over social science courses.

Research Aim:  This research will study the uses and benefits of teaching business management and entrepreneurship at the secondary schooling level.  Read More About   Secondary Education

Higher Education Dissertation Topics

Higher education or college/university education covers the formal education available to college, undergraduate and postgraduate students. Some interesting higher education dissertation topics are listed below.

Topic 36: International mobility of graduate and undergraduate students of mathematics, engineering, technology and science; Push and Pull Factors

Research Aim: This research will study and analyse the push and pull factors that impact the graduate and undergraduate students’ choice of university.

Topic 37: International graduate students and their decisions to stay or leave the US; The decisive factors

Research Aim: This study will explore the factors that lead students to decide whether they should stay or leave their universities in the US.

Topic 38: Aligning higher education to labour market requirements in the UK

Research Aim: This research will assess whether higher education in the UK should be aligned with the labour  market requirements or not.

Topic 39: Internationalisation drivers, obstacles and rationales: A case study of any higher education institute in the UK

Research Aim: This research will analyse the internationalisation drivers, obstacles, and rationales of higher education institutes in the UK.

Topic 40: An investigation into the governance systems of academic planning in both private and public sector higher education institutes

Research Aim: This research will investigate the governance systems of academic planning in both, private and public higher education institutes.

Topic 41: Higher education system: Should all universities follow the same education pattern?

Research Aim: This research will explore whether every university should follow the same educational pattern.

Topic 42: Evaluating teaching quality in higher education schools from students’ perspective

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the performance of teachers based on students’ perspectives. Suggestions will be provided as to how it should be improved.

Topic 43: Identify the factors affecting student mobility in Europe – The quality aspect

Research Aim: This research will explore the factors that impact student mobility in Europe.

Topic 44: Assessing and Evaluating the Impact of Hiring, Firing and Retiring Professors in Higher Education System on Students

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the various impacts of hiring, firing and retiring professors in the higher education system on students.

Topic 45: Do university graduates perform better than those who do not obtain formal education but have practical work experience?

Research Aim: This research will evaluate and assess the performance of two sets of students. First, university graduates, second, will be those who have no formal education but have practical work experience.  Also Read:   Fashion and Culture Dissertation Topics

Teaching Method Dissertation Topics

The role of primary, secondary or higher education teachers is highly important, particularly considering the ever-increasing need to provide a growth-oriented academic environment to students. Some interesting teaching method dissertation research topics are listed below.

Topic 46: The influence of teaching methods on students’ academic success and achievements

Research Aim: This research will explore the influence of teaching methods on students’ academic success and achievements.

Topic 47: A Transactional Method to Learning and Teaching in an English Language Arts Methodologies Conference

Research Aim: This study will explore the transactional learning and teaching method in an English language arts methodologies conference.

Topic 48: How the effect of constructivist teaching methods can largely influence the algebraic understanding of primary and secondary school students

Research Aim: This research will understand how constructivist teaching methods affect primary and secondary school students.

Topic 49: Student learning of DNA and the effect of teaching methods

Research Aim: This research will study the impact of various teaching methods on students.

Topic 50: Teaching English through conventional and direct approaches – A qualitative study

Research Aim: This will be a qualitative study that will help assess the teaching of English as a subject through direct and conventional approaches.

Topic 51: Investigating the relationships of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs, knowledge and efficiency: A multimethod approach

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs, efficiency, and knowledge.

Topic 52: Exploring the benefits of employing the Socratic methodology as an approach to learning

Research Aim: This research will investigate the benefits of the Socratic method of learning approach.

Topic 53: The benefits of introducing mathematics software to higher education mathematics teachers

Research Aim: This study will explore the benefits of introducing mathematics software to higher education math teachers.

Topic 54: The increasing importance of teachers training taking into consideration various threats to students such as weapons and drugs

Research Aim: This research will understand the importance of teachers’ training with respect to threats such as drugs and weapons.

Topic 55: Are the teachers more prone to violence at the hands of their students as compared to the past: How the profession of teaching has evolved over the last twenty years

Research Aim: Purpose: This research will compare the teaching profession in the past twenty years and will conclude on how it has changed.  Read More About:   Teaching Methods in the UK

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Education Leadership and Policy Studies Dissertation Topics

The role of leadership, politics, and policies cannot be overlooked. Education leadership and policy studies have two main roots, including organisational theory and political science. This may be an interesting area of research for your educational dissertation.

Topic 56: Implementing educational change in failing middle schools through examination of one’s fundamental leadership procedures and processes

Research Aim: This research will explore the impact of implementing educational change in failing middle schools by examining leadership procedures at the institutes.

Topic 57: Historical background and development of co-curricular transcripts

Research Aim: This research will date back to history and explore how co-curricular transcripts were developed, and will compare them to today’s processes.

Topic 58: Evaluating the self-efficiency of high-performing first-generation university students

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the self-efficiency of high performing university students.

Topic 59: The influence of spiritual growth on leadership development of college and university students

Research Aim: This research will explore the influence of spiritual growth on the leadership skills development of university students.

Topic 60: The peril and power of globalisation: The Higher education, the World Bank, and the Global Knowledge Economy

Research Aim: This research will focus on the globalisation aspect of education and will talk about how it has been impacted.

Topic 61: The self-reported impact of instructional coaching on middle school teachers’ practices

Research Aim: This research will investigate the impact of instructional coaching on middle school teachers’ practices.

Topic 62: An investigation into the policies designed to address bullying in schools of the UK: The beliefs, opinions and perceptions of teachers and principals

Research Aim: This research will explore in-depth the policies that are designed to address and eliminate bullying in UK schools.

Topic 63: Investigating the causes of under-representation of black students in advanced placement courses in the USA

Research Aim: This research will explore the racial issues in the educational system of the US, i.e. underrepresentation of black students.

Topic 64: Lecture note-taking skills of adolescents with and without learning disabilities

Research Aim: This research will understand the note-taking skills of adolescents and how they differ with respect to learning.

Topic 65: A qualitative study to evaluate the educational policies in the UK

Research Aim:  This study will assess and evaluate the various educational policies in the UK.  Read More About:  Courses About International Education Leadership And Policy

Adult Education Dissertation Topics

Vocation-based or professional adult education has gained tremendous popularity in the academic world over the last couple of decades. Here is a wide range of research topics within this field of study to base your dissertation on.

Topic 66: Investing social and personal benefits and costs of basic adult education from students’ perspective

Research Aim: This research will investigate the social and personal benefits and costs of basic adult education.

Topic 67: The perception of adult learners regarding their satisfaction with their educational experiences

Research Aim: This research will explore the perception of adult learners regarding their educational experiences.

Topic 68: Use of bounded agency approach to promoting participation in adult education programmes

Research Aim: This research will discuss the bounded agency approach to promote participation in adult education programs.

Topic 69: A psychoanalytic investigation to explore adult teaching and learning theory

Research Aim: This research will conduct a psychoanalytic investigation in order to explore adult teaching and learning.

Topic 70: Comparing the perception of adult learners in face-to-face and online courses

Research Aim: This research will compare the perception of adult learners in online and face to face courses.

Topic 71: Use of Hatcher-Assagioli Synthesis to analyse practices, principles, and goals for community-based adult education

Research Aim: This research will utilise Hatcher Assagioli Synthesis to analyse community-based education practices, principles, and goals.

Topic 72: A review of the UK government spending on adult education over the last two decades

Research Aim: This research will review the UK government’s spending on adult education for two decades.

Topic 73: The relationship between unemployment and government funding for adult education – A quantitative analysis

Research Aim: This research will explore the relationship between government funding and unemployment for adult education.

Topic 74: The impact of entrepreneurship, wealth building and personal finance-related courses in adult education

Research Aim: This study will study the impact of courses like entrepreneurship, personal finance et. For adult education.

Topic 75: Frequent career changes over working life and the increasing importance of adult education in today’s world

Research Aim: This research will assess the importance of adult education and how it influences students to change their career choices frequently.

Private School Education Dissertation Topics

Private schools have become a large profit-making industry in both the developed and developing world. More and more parents want to send their children to private schools even though the expenses associated with private education are constantly on the rise. Following are some suggestions for your education dissertation research:

Topic 76: Evaluating the effectiveness of management in private schools in the UAE

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the effectiveness of private school management in the UAE.

Topic 77: To study the level of cooperation between home schools, public schools and private schools in the United Kingdom

Research Aim: This research will explore the cooperation level in home schools, and private and public schools in the UK.

Topic 78: A qualitative analysis to determine the causes of why parents choose to send their children to private schools in South Asian countries

Research Aim: This research will conduct qualitative analysis to determine why parents send their children to private schools in Asia.

Topic 79: Investigating the policies concerning the fee structure of private schools in Shanghai

Research Aim: This research will investigate the various policies that concern the fee structure of private Shanghai schools.

Topic 80: An empirical analysis of the impacts of the universal primary education policies on educational performances in South Asia

Research Aim: This research will conduct an empirical analysis to understand the impact of universal primary education policies on educational performance in the South Asian region.

Topic 81: Use of information technology and teaching tools in private schools in the UK

Research Aim: This research will explore the use of technology in private schools and assess its effectiveness.

Topic 82: Schooling for money – The Impact of the Profit motive on Swiss Educational Reform

Research Aim: This research will study the Swiss educational reform and its impact on the system.

Topic 83: Challenges and experiences of children with disabilities in private schools in India

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the challenges and experiences of children with disabilities in Indian schools.

Topic 84: Why are private school students considered to have the edge over public schools – A qualitative study

Research Aim: This will be a qualitative study on why private school students are preferred over public school students.

Topic 85: Emphasis on personality formation and character in private schools – Are private school students more competitive than public school students?

Research Aim:  This research will study the personality formation and character building of private school students.  Read More About   Private School Fee Increase for First Time.

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Public School Education Dissertation Topics

Most schools in the developed world are publicly funded, offering elementary, secondary, and higher education. There is a wide array of topics of research under this field of study that can be explored. Some of them are suggested below:

Exploring the Funding of Public Schools – How they can be improved. This research will explore the ways through which public schools are funded and will study what can be done to improve them.

Topic 86: Investigating the impact of teacher leadership in public schools in the UK

Research Aim: This research will study the impact of teacher leadership in UK public schools.

Topic 87: Is it true that public schools are better able to prepare their students to face the challenges of the real world as compared to private schools

Research Aim: This research will explore a common misconception that public school students are better prepared to face real-world challenges than private school students.

Topic 88: Can publicly-funded religious schools help to counter radicalisation and terrorism?

Research Aim: This study will explore an important topic, i.e. can terrorism and radicalisation be countered with public funding of schools.

Topic 89: Encouraging values and morals in the younger generation by reintroducing religious education in public schools in the UK

Research Aim: This research will study how reintroducing religious education help encourage values and morals in the younger generation in the UK.

Topic 90: Healthy eating habits and the role of public schools offering courses such as meal choice, cooking and home economics

Research Aim: This research will explore the benefits of cooking and home economic courses and promote healthy eating.

Topic 91: How public school students can be encouraged to participate in sporting activities?

Research Aim: This research will assess how public school students can be encouraged to participate in sporting activities.

Topic 92: The perception of special education administrators on the use of paraprofessionals in the education of students with disabilities

Topic 93: the perception of special education administrators on the use of paraprofessionals in the education of students with disabilities.

Research Aim: This research will discuss special education administrators and how they help offer quality education to disabled students.

Topic 94: Educating students with disabilities and the beliefs of public school principals

Research Aim: This research will explore the beliefs of public school principals and how these beliefs help offer quality education to disabled students.

Topic 95: Advanced teaching tools in public school classrooms – How they Help Improve Quality Education

Research Aim:  This research will explore how quality education is provided by implementing innovative technology in classrooms.

Read More About   Public Schools in the UK

Home Schooling Dissertation Topics

Homeschooling is a highly growing educational phenomenon in developed countries. Any form of education that children obtain within their home setting under the supervision of their parents/adults is classified as homeschooling. Some interesting home school dissertation topics are suggested below:

Topic 96: A qualitative study to understand the significance of the role of information technology in homeschooling

Research Aim: This research will assess the importance of information technology for homeschooling through qualitative research.

Topic 97: The advantages and disadvantages of home schooling – Do home children perform with the top private and public school students?

Research Aim: This research will assess the pros and cons of home-schooling. It will also assess the performance of home schooled-students as compared to private and public school students.

Topic 98: A qualitative analysis of socialisation and academic accomplishments among home schooled university students

Research Aim: This research will be a qualitative analysis with respect to socialisation and academic accomplishments with respect to home schooled university students.

Topic 99: Factors motivating students to choose home schooling over conventional schooling systems

Research Aim: This study will explore the factors that motivate students to opt for homeschooling over the conventional schooling system.

Topic 100: A qualitative study to understand the parental motivation for home-schooling

Research Aim: This will be a qualitative study to assess the parental motivation to home-school their children.

Topic 101: Are partnerships available in homeschooling? Exploring their Effectiveness

Research Aim: This research will explore whether partnerships are available in homeschooling or not and how beneficial they prove to be.

Topic 102: A qualitative analysis to understand the educational beliefs of home schooled pupils and their parents

Research Aim: This research will conduct a qualitative analysis to assess the educational beliefs of homeschooled students and their parents.

Topic 103: A qualitative analysis of the relationship between financial literacy and homeschooling

Research Aim: This research will assess whether there is a relationship between homeschooling and financial literacy or not.

Topic 104: The duties and responsibilities of parents concerning the homeschooling of their children

Research Aim: This research will explore the duties and responsibilities of parents with respect to the homeschooling of their children.

Topic 105: Do Homeschool Children Develop Personalities and Characters Like Private and Public Schooled Children?

Research Aim: This research will explore whether homeschooled children build strong character and confident personalities just like private and public schooled students or not.

Latest Education Dissertation Topics

  • A Comparative Study on the Impact of Technology Integration on Student Learning Outcomes
  • The Role of Teacher Feedback in Student Academic Achievement
  • Efficacy of Differentiated Instruction in Diverse Classroom Settings
  • Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Educational Attainment
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning in Science Education
  • Promoting Critical Thinking Skills Through Literature-Based Instruction
  • Examining the Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Student Success
  • Implementing Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Urban Schools
  • The Impact of Early Childhood Education Programs on Long-Term Academic Success
  • The Effects of Gender Bias in Classroom Interactions on Student Achievement
  • Impact of School Climate on Student Well-being and Academic Performance
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Teacher Effectiveness
  • The Influence of Motivation on Student Engagement and Achievement
  • The Impact of Peer Tutoring on Academic Achievement in Mathematics
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Student-Teacher Rapport and Classroom Behaviour

Simple Ordering Process

A system that works for everyone, important notes:.

As a student of education looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing education theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The field of education is vast and interrelated with so many other academic disciplines. That is why creating an education dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field is imperative.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation , as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best education dissertation topics that fulfils your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample education dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Education Dissertation

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic in light of research questions to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area while identifying any research gaps. A breakdown of the topic and key terms can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology: The  data collection  and  analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes  research design, research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis: The findings  of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs ,  charts, and  tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and  Conclusion: The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is to establish the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References:  Make sure to complete this in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices: Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK-based academic writing service that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialise in. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find education dissertation topics.

To find education dissertation topics:

  • Research recent educational issues.
  • Explore curriculum gaps or innovations.
  • Investigate teaching methods.
  • Analyse student learning challenges.
  • Consider policy or technology impacts.
  • Select a topic aligning with your passion and research goals.

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Teaching, learning, and teacher education, doctor of philosophy (ph.d.), you are here, a doctoral program preparing education researchers, teacher educators, curriculum specialists, and instructional leaders..

The Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education focuses on the preparation of researchers and teacher educators in universities and colleges. Focal areas include teaching and learning, research and practice in teacher education, mathematics education, science education, and the study of urban education and urban contexts. 

What Sets Us Apart

About the program.

The Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education focuses on the preparation of researchers in education. The program includes formal courses, mentored research, and informal seminars.  The program is designed to draw together coursework, research apprenticeship, and other professional academic activities to build a complete professional program that is tailored to your interests and needs.

Fall: 3; Spring: 3

Culminating experience Dissertation

Coursework and research experiences address a range of practice-based and theoretical problems in schools and community settings from sociopolitical, cultural, philosophical, psychological, and historical perspectives. Taking an interdisciplinary stance, faculty and students explore issues of equity, social justice, and educational change in a range of formal and informal educational settings. You will build a program of study that includes courses in teaching and learning, social foundations, and research methods.  Applicants interested in the focal area of literacy are encouraged to consider the doctoral program in Literacy Studies .

Field-based research and collaborative projects with practitioners in schools or other educational settings are key components of the program. The program is designed to draw together coursework, research apprenticeship, and other professional academic activities to build a complete professional program that is tailored to your interests and needs.

As a full-time Ph.D. student, you are expected to be in residence and participate in practicum activities, courses, and other academic experiences throughout the first two years, where you will be enrolled in 3 course units per semester. Coursework and experiences are arranged around three areas or strands, including specialization courses, research methods courses, and electives/professional experiences, as well as a set of core courses. For more information about courses and requirements, visit the  Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education Ph.D. program in the University Catalog .

Research Apprenticeship Course (RAC)

The RAC is part of the Professional Experiences strand and is designed to assist you in developing, conducting, and presenting your own original research. The course focuses on the research interests of the students and requires participation in the scheduling of activities, presentations, and directing part of the RAC agenda as it pertains to the collective needs of the group. Students from the different stages of the doctoral program will serve as mentors to one another, with faculty oversight. You will participate in the RAC beginning in the spring of your first year and continue participation until the completion of your dissertation.

Annual Self-Evaluation : Each year, doctoral students complete a Professional Self-Evaluation that is used as part of the ongoing evaluation and planning process. You are introduced to the evaluation form in the proseminar and will work on it in the spring Research Apprenticeship Course (RAC). The deadline for the Professional Self-evaluation falls in mid-autumn or mid-spring.

Qualifying Examination : The Qualifying Examination is taken by all doctoral students, most often at the end of the first year. Passing this exam is an important step in being admitted to program candidacy. In order to take the qualifying exam, you need to have completed the Doctoral Proseminar, Doctoral Foundations of Teaching and Learning, Education, Culture, and Society, 1 RAC, and 1 research methods course.

Program Candidacy : You are assessed for program candidacy after successfully completing the  Doctoral Proseminar, Doctoral Foundations of Teaching and Learning, Education, Culture, and Society, 1 RAC, and 1 research methods course, and passing the Qualifying Examination. You must be in good academic standing to receive program candidacy.

Preliminary Examination : The Preliminary Examination is taken after you have completed all courses and before you begin work on your dissertation. Passing the Preliminary Exam allows you to be admitted to doctoral candidacy. You may submit a Preliminary Exam from the start of the fall semester through April 1. A description of the Preliminary Exam is available from the Division Coordinator. 

Dissertation : To complete the Ph.D., you must design and undertake an original research study under the direction of your dissertation committee. Students should see Penn GSE and Penn-wide policies and speak with their advisor about the requirements of the dissertation.

Our Faculty

Penn GSE Faculty Ed Brockenbrough

Affiliated Faculty

Ryan S. Baker Professor Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

Bodong Chen Associate Professor Ph.D., University of Toronto

Matthew Duvall Lecturer Ph.D., Drexel University

L. Michael Golden Vice Dean of Innovative Programs and Partnerships, Catalyst @ Penn GSE Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania

Zachary Herrmann Adjunct Assistant Professor Ed.L.D., Harvard University

Charlotte E. Jacobs Director, Independent School Teaching Residency Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Yasmin B. Kafai Lori and Michael Milken President’s Distinguished Professor Ed.D., Harvard University

Andrea M. Kane Professor of Practice, Education Leadership Ph.D., Northcentral University

Rand Quinn Associate Professor Ph.D., Stanford University

Sharon M. Ravitch Professor of Practice Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Susan A. Yoon Graduate School of Education Presidential Professor Ph.D., University of Toronto

A picture of Penn GSE alum Justice Toshiba Walker, a former high school biology teacher.

"Penn taught me, Penn GSE especially, that if you have the right combination of ingredients—commitment from the structure, mentors, and colleagues—then risk-taking, innovation, and progress will for sure ignite."

Justice Toshiba Walker

Our graduates.

Our graduates are prepared for research and academic careers in education, psychology, and related human services fields.

Alumni Careers

  • Adjunct Professor, Moore College of Art and Design
  • Assistant Professor of Special Education, Villanova University
  • Assistant Professor, Montclair State University
  • Assistant Professor, Utah State University
  • Director, Out of School Time Resource Center
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Temple University

Admissions & Financial Aid

Please visit our Admissions and Financial Aid pages for specific information on the application requirements , as well as information on tuition, fees, financial aid, scholarships, and fellowships.

Contact us if you have any questions about the program.

Graduate School of Education University of Pennsylvania 3700 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 898-6415 [email protected] [email protected]

Noemí Fernández Program Manager [email protected]

Please view information from our Admissions and Financial Aid Office for specific information on the cost of this program.

All Ph.D. students are guaranteed a full scholarship for their first four years of study, as well as a stipend and student health insurance. Penn GSE is committed to making your graduate education affordable, and we offer generous scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships.

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Collaboratory for Teacher Education

The Collaboratory for Teacher Education at Penn GSE is a laboratory for the design, implementation, and study of experimental approaches to teacher education.

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Core Practice Consortium

The Core Practice Consortium brings together teacher educators from across institutions, disciplines, and theoretical perspectives to grapple with questions about how better to prepare novice teachers. 

TLL Students in a classroom

Our Students

Current students in the Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education program are researching a range of topics including mathematical practices, teacher education, maker-based project education, culturally responsive pedagogy, science education, and media making. 

View Doctoral Student Profiles

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Northeastern University Graduate Programs

5 Tips for Choosing Your EdD Dissertation Topic

Faculty Insights Industry Advice Education

Associate teaching professor Corliss Thompson shares her top tips for choosing your EdD dissertation topic.

You’ve learned more about why you should earn your Doctor of Education (EdD), and now you’re ready to apply. As part of the Northeastern application process, however, you’re required to submit a problem of practice that you want to pursue throughout the course of your doctoral program.

But how do you arrive at that problem of practice and narrow your area of interest down into a specific dissertation topic? Here are some tips to keep in mind.

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

Learn how an EdD can give you the skills to enact organizational change in any industry.


Tips for Choosing a Dissertation Topic

1. pick a topic you’re passionate about..

A lot of work goes into your dissertation—from the literature review, where you’re conducting a critical analysis of what’s been published on your topic, to interviewing stakeholders and actually writing the dissertation itself. Each of those steps take time, so you want to choose a topic that will keep you engaged and hold your interest.

When trying to decide your area of focus, consider the challenges you’re motivated to address and the difference you want to make both during and at the end of your EdD program. The goal is that you will continuously build off your dissertation research and leverage the work in a way that positively impacts your organization and/or community.

2. Ensure your topic is manageable.

You want to select a topic you can complete during the duration of your EdD program that is also aligned with your budget. If you need to travel or perform longitudinal research, your idea might not be achievable. Find what available, attainable data you can, and use that to narrow down your research into a dissertation that’s more manageable.

3. Embrace the unknown.

Although you’re passionate about your topic and it’s manageable, there will still be lingering questions about your subject. Be prepared to explore what you don’t know and deepen what you already do know. Strong research typically results in more questions.

Be ready to ask questions of yourself, others, and the literature, and get comfortable with not knowing the answer. As you’re thinking about your dissertation, keep track of inquiries that emerge around different ideas. Those may help you hone in on a topic.

4. Leverage your peers.

One benefit of enrolling in an EdD program is the diversity of backgrounds and opinions you’ll find within your cohort. At Northeastern, EdD instruction is primarily online, which enables students to connect and collaborate with professionals from around the world.

Vasiliki Goudanas Mavroudhis, a recent graduate of Northeastern’s EdD program, emphasized this benefit in her piece on what it’s like to be in an online doctoral program , saying:

The ability to not only have a cohort-based network, but one that crossed cohorts and continents, allowed me to have a far richer and deeper experience. I learned from students with different perspectives who came from different industries across a number of countries.

When fleshing out your dissertation, use that global network to your advantage. Ask your peers for constructive feedback. It’s likely they’ll have suggestions on how you can approach your topic from different cultural perspectives.

5. Know it’s OK to change your topic.

It’s natural for your dissertation topic to evolve the more research you complete and experts you interview. Actually, it’s expected.

Switching topics halfway through the program might seem like more work, but you will have already gone through the research process once and laid the foundation for your dissertation. As you approach your topic from different perspectives, it’s understandable if your own viewpoint changes a bit.

If you’re in need of inspiration, here are some examples of doctoral research Northeastern students have recently conducted:

  • “The Drop Out Decisions of Latino College Students”
  • “Changing the Experiences of African Refugee Youth”
  • “Supporting Students Through Mindful Mentoring”
  • “The Transitioning Student Veteran: Finding Your Civilian Career Through Academic Success”
  • “Bridging the Gap Between Training and Educating in Adult Learning”
  • “Watch out for Shards from the Glass Ceiling: A Study of Women Higher Educational Administrators’ Leadership Development Experiences”

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

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Did you know.

The median annual salary for professional degree holders is $97,000. (BLS, 2020)

Doctor of Education

The degree that connects advanced research to real-world problem solving.

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Home > Dissertations and Theses > Education (PhD) Dissertations

Education (PhD) Dissertations

Below is a selection of dissertations from the Attallah College of Educational Studies. Additional dissertations from years prior to 2019 are available through the Leatherby Libraries' print collection or in Proquest's Dissertations and Theses database.

Dissertations from 2024 2024

Rising from the Abyss: A Grounded Theory Exploration on How Afghani and Ukrainian Mothers Navigate Major Milestones Following the Onset of Political Conflict , Rabab Atwi

Investigating Factors Influencing Chinese Private College Students’ Engagement in Emergency Online Learning , Limei Cao

“Caught in the Continuum”: How Special Educators Facilitate Access for Students With Extensive Support Needs , Megan Doty

Exploring Community College Faculty and Administrators Work Providing Educational Opportunities for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD): An Integral Framework for Inclusive Postsecondary Education , Stacy Eldred

Leading Towards Racial Justice: Counterstories of TK-12 Latinx Men Administrators , Pedro Espinoza

Experiences of Latine LGBTQ+ High School Students in California , Michael Gorse

Shattering the Glass Ceiling: A Grounded Theory Exploration of Barriers and Facilitators to Women Leaders’ Career Advancement Within Private Universities in China , Xiuying Han

Peacing it Together: Post 9/11 Enlisted Student Veterans’ Awakening to Peace Leadership , Nicholas J. Irwin

New Ways of Being White: White Families Striving to Raise Young Antiracists , Katie Kitchens

Sustainable Development of Private Art Museums in China: A Narrative Inquiry Study , Chaoran Li

Language Ideologies and Use Among Latine Children in a Dual Language Program in Southern California: A Qualitative Approach , Xochitl Morales

The Experiences of Postsecondary Students with Disabilities Utilizing One Stop Student Services: A Grounded Theory Approach , Ivan Noe

Personalized Learning for Art Major Students Based on Learner Characteristics , Jiayu Shao

Influences of Cultural Capital and Internationalization on Global Competence: Evidence from China’s Higher Vocational Education , Yiying Teng

Visit the Imprisoned: A Heuristic Inquiry into the Experiences of Catholic Detention Ministry Volunteers , Christopher Tran

"Wait, watch this....What do you see?": Conceptualizing Mentor Practice in the Context of a Video Club for Induction Mentors , Victor Vega

Teaching to the Heart: A Grounded Theory Exploration of Elementary Educators’ Journey Toward Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice , Breána Victoria-Delgado

Factors Influencing College Students’ Learning Satisfaction With Educational Videos , Fei Wang

A Positive Psychology Perspective on Chinese EFL Students’ Well-Being, Language Mindset, and English Performance , Qian Wei

Becoming and Thriving as an EFL Instructor: Exploring Key Factors Contributing to Positive Identity Construction , Weiyi Xia

Fair or Unfair? Chinese Undergraduates’ Perceptions of College Classroom Assessments , Ying Zhu

Dissertations from 2023 2023

All Things Weird and Wonderful: A Creative Exploration of Disability Representation , Lara Ameen

Generalizability of the Scale of Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Inclusive Classrooms (STATIC) to School Psychologists , Abraham Aryadad

Understanding the Relationship Between Organic Chemistry Misconceptions and Students’ Chemistry Self-efficacy in Higher Education Organic Chemistry Courses , Lauren A. Dudley

Women’s Pornography Use and Sexuality Education in U.S. Public Schools , Julie Fraumeni-McBride

Educator Professional Development in Universal Design for Learning and Social-Emotional Learning: A Collective Case Study , Sara Morgan

Phenomenological Study on Veteran Resource Center (VRC) in California Community Colleges , Darl Park

Equipped for Change: A Grounded Theory Study of White Antiracist School Leaders’ Attitudes and Perceptions of Racial Consciousness in Educational Leadership , Thomas Joseph Peterson

A Discourse Analysis of Parents' and Teachers' Social Constructions of School Readiness and Transition to Kindergarten for Children With Disabilities , Ronica Senores Toyota

How Market-Driven Policies Impact a Private Vocational College Department in China , Huiru Zhu

Dissertations from 2022 2022

Disabled IDF Veterans in Israeli Higher Education: Disability Identity and Use of Support , Einat Ben Dov

A Critical Discourse Analysis of Teacher Preparation Standards within Inclusion-Intensive States , Kay Lynn Ceja

Beta Drift: Forecasting the Manifold Relationships between Students and their Pursuit of STEM Careers , Douglas D. Havard

Radical Belonging: School as Communion of Peoples, Place, and Power , Joey Yung-Jun Liu

“I Just Learn Differently”: The Experiences of Dis/abled Students of Color Interpreting and Resisting Normalizing Forces in the Mathematics Classroom , Dina Mahmood

The Efficacy of a Key Word Signing Workshop , Krista McMorran-Maus

The Relationship Among Social and Psychological Inclusion, Marginalized Group Membership, and Student Outcomes , Katheryn Munguia

Higher Education Housing Professionals and Disability: A Grounded Theory Exploration of Resident Directors’ Understandings of Disability , Christopher Toutain

Dissertations from 2021 2021

Understanding First-Generation Latinx Students' Experiences in a Predominantly White Private Institution: A Grounded Theory Study , Jacqueline Aparicio

Constructing Critical Change: Learning from Elementary Teachers' Engagement with Inclusive Critical Education , Courtney Beatty

Fighting An Uphill Battle: Black Undergraduate Women Navigating Higher Education While Acknowledging and Challenging Media Portrayals of Black Women , Kandace Branch

Community College Success of Students with Disabilities , Shayne Brophy-Felbab

Searching for Balance: The Reading Choices, Experiences, and Habits of Women in Higher Education Leadership Roles , Laura Burns

Leading Climate Action Planning: A Case Study of Local Community Practices , Mackenzie Crigger

Bidimensional Assessment of Youth Mental Health: Evaluation of the California Healthy Kids Survey as a Measure of Youth Subjective Well-Being , Michael Doria

Exploring the Relationship Between Religion and Resilience Among Latina Academics in Higher Education , Rocio Garcia

Special Education Parent Perceptions of Involvement and Parent–Educator Relationships During IEP Meetings at Nonpublic Schools , Alex Huynen

Systemic Functional Linguistics in the Community College Composition Class: A Multimodal Approach to Teaching Composition Using the Metalanguage of SFL , Jennifer James

School Psychologists as Leaders in Professional Practice: An Examination of Leadership Roles and Perceived Support , Jodi LaChance

An Examination of Chinese Private College Students’ Intercultural Competence , Li Li

Relationships Among Mentoring Support and Student Success in a Chinese First-Year Experience Program , Tianxiang Liu

Contributing to Engineering Colleges Students' Development Through Out-of-Class Involvement: A Survey of Chinese Private Colleges' Engineering Students , Wanlu Li

Understanding the Lived Experiences of Autistic Adults , Sneha Kohli Mathur

Using a Dual-Factor Model to Understand the Mental Health of Students with School Refusal Behavior , Zachary D. Maupin

The Effects of Internationalization Activities on Undergraduates' Global Competence: An Exploratory Study at A Chinese Private University , Haiying Meng

Resilience and Mental Health of Students Attending California's Continuation High Schools , Brianna Meshke McLay

'Training' the Body Politic: Essays on the School Reform Orthodoxy , Jahan Naghshineh

Mitigating Risks for Youth in At-Risk Living Conditions Through School-Based Protective Factors , Cora Palma

Seeing the Tress For the Forest: An Analysis of Novice and Experienced Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Stress , Allison Serceki

An Examination of Chinese Undergraduates’ Contemplativity and Academic Stress , Ran Tao

Teachers’ Experiences of a District’s Transformational Leadership Design Program: A Qualitative Study , Jarit Unrau

California Elected City Council Women of Color: Building a Collaborative Vision With Inclusive Voice , Beatriz T. Valencia

Equality of Educational Opportunity in China: Factors from Family, School, and Shadow Education , Qin Xiang

An Examination of Chinese Adolescents’ Resilience and Their Perceptions of Parental and Peer Attachment , Jingwen Xing

Do Academic Characteristics Predict Chinese Private University Students’ Success in English Language Testing? , Feijun Yu

Empathy Among Nursing Undergraduates at a Chinese Private University , Yuanyuan Zhang

A Study of Critical Thinking Dispositions of Undergraduates in Foreign Language Discipline at One Private College in Mainland China , Yuanyuan Zheng

Dissertations from 2020 2020

Hidden Power: Journalistic Representations of Mental Health Labels , Elise Anguizola Assaf

Finding Voice from the Inside: How Postsecondary Education Impacted Perceptions of Higher Education for Long-Term Incarcerated Juveniles , Gregory Barraza

Experienced Pediatric Oncology Nurses Using Self-Reflective Practices in the Clinical Setting: A Descriptive Phenomenological Investigation , Daniel Josue Bonilla

The Labyrinth of Autism: Heuristic Journeys of Fathers Who Have a Child on the Autism Spectrum , Lisa Boskovich

Developing Trust in a Cross-Functional Workgroup: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Communication Intervention , Scott De Long

A Place of Yes? Experiences of Educators Participating in Site-based Teacher-led Reform , Elizabeth Hind

Vietnamese Resilience Assessment: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Scale Validation , Loan Le

School Psychologists and School Counselors’ Perceptions of Preparation Received for the Provision of School-Based Mental Health Services , Sherika McKenzie

The Perceived Effectiveness of School-Based Accommodations for Students with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus , MaryAnn Seng

Secondary Traumatic Stress in Teachers and School Communities Impacted by the Opioid Epidemic , Anne Steketee

Performative Possibilities in the Development of Protagonistic Agency Among Graduate Students in China , Yan Wang

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Laughing Back: A Phenomenological Study of Disability Humor Using Culturally Responsive Methodologies , Kinda Abujbarah

Women’s Right and Education in Saudi Arabia: Raising Critical Consciousness in Arabic Studies Courses in Female High Schools in Saudi Arabia , Eman Almutairi

Exploring Gender Roles and Gender Equality within the Evangelical Church , Christopher Bishop

Minding the Gap: A Grounded Theory Exploration of Transition from Secondary School to Community College for Students Identified with Autism , Douglas Highlen

#BLACKQUEERLIVESMATTER: Understanding the Lived Experiences of Black Gay Male Leaders in Los Angeles , Christopher Jackson

The Power of Partnership: Understanding the Dynamic of Co-Teaching Pairs , Amanda M. Lozolla

The Intersection of Speech-Language Pathologists’ Beliefs, Perceptions, and Practices and the Language Acquisition and Development of Emerging Aided Communicators , Margaret Vento-Wilson

On the Move: Storying the Authentic Leadership Development of Millennial Gay Men , Kyle Williams

The Media, Education, and the State: Arts-Based Research and a Marxist Analysis of the Syrian Refugee Crisis , Meng Zhao

Dissertations from 2018 2018

Collegiate Women in Saudi Arabia: Leading Collectively for the Development of Self, Others, and Society , Miznah Alomair

Counter-stories of First-Generation Latinx Alumnae: A Critical Race Theory Analysis , Pamela Ezell

Practitioner Research in Schools: Revealing the Efficacy Agency Cycle , Edward Resnick

An Analysis of Mentoring and Job Satisfaction in Public and Private College and University Academic Libraries in California , Kevin M. Ross

Dissertations from 2017 2017

Queer Teachers in Catholic Schools: Cosmic Perceptions of an Easter People , Kevin Stockbridge

Dissertations from 2016 2016

Young, Urban, Professional, and Kenyan?: Conversations Surrounding Tribal Identity and Nationhood , Charlotte Achieng-Evensen

Inside/Outside/In-between: Understanding how Jewish Identity Impacts the Lives and Narratives of Ashkenazi Female Public School Educators , Mindi Ellen Benditson

The Repatriation Experiences of American Third Culture Kids , Nicole Mazzo Bennett

Academic Factors that Predict Community College Students’ Acceptance of Evolution , Meredith Anne Dorner

Operation Transition: Post-9/11 Combat Marines Transitioning to Civilian Life and the Role of Higher Education in their Identity Formation , Jamie M. Fenton

Towards a New Understanding: Complex Familial Constructs of Autism , Joanne Kim

The Development of the Scale of Contemplative Practice in Higher Education , Maryann Krikorian

Bridgers in the Third Space: An In-Country Investigation of the Leadership Practices of US-Educated Chinese Nationals , Maria L. Martinez

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education phd research topics

  • How to Choose a PhD Research Topic
  • Finding a PhD


Whilst there are plenty of resources available to help prospective PhD students find doctoral programmes, deciding on a research topic is a process students often find more difficult.

Some advertised PhD programmes have predefined titles, so the exact topic is decided already. Generally, these programmes exist mainly in STEM, though other fields also have them. Funded projects are more likely to have defined titles, and structured aims and objectives.

Self funded projects, and those in fields such as arts and humanities, are less likely to have defined titles. The flexibility of topic selection means more scope exists for applicants to propose research ideas and suit the topic of research to their interests.

A middle ground also exists where Universities advertise funded PhD programmes in subjects without a defined scope, for example: “PhD Studentship in Biomechanics”. The applicant can then liaise with the project supervisor to choose a particular title such as “A study of fatigue and impact resistance of biodegradable knee implants”.

If a predefined programme is not right for you, then you need to propose your own research topic. There are several factors to consider when choosing a good research topic, which will be outlined in this article.

How to Choose a Research Topic

Our first piece of advice is to PhD candidates is to stop thinking about ‘finding’ a research topic, as it is unlikely that you will. Instead, think about developing a research topic (from research and conversations with advisors).

Consider several ideas and critically appraise them:

  • You must be able to explain to others why your chosen topic is worth studying.
  • You must be genuinely interested in the subject area.
  • You must be competent and equipped to answer the research question.
  • You must set achievable and measurable aims and objectives.
  • You need to be able to achieve your objectives within a given timeframe.
  • Your research question must be original and contribute to the field of study.

We have outlined the key considerations you should use when developing possible topics. We explore these below:

Focus on your interests and career aspirations

It is important to choose a topic of research that you are genuinely interested in. The decision you make will shape the rest of your career. Remember, a full-time programme lasts 3-4 years, and there will be unforeseen challenges during this time. If you are not passionate about the study, you will struggle to find motivation during these difficult periods.

You should also look to your academic and professional background. If there are any modules you undertook as part of your Undergraduate/Master degree that you particularly enjoyed or excelled in? These could form part of your PhD research topic. Similarly, if you have professional work experience, this could lead to you asking questions which can only be answered through research.

When deciding on a PhD research topic you should always consider your long-term career aspirations. For example, as a physicist, if you wish to become an astrophysicist, a research project studying black holes would be more relevant to you than a research project studying nuclear fission.

Read dissertations and published journals

Reading dissertations and published journals is a great way to identify potential PhD topics. When reviewing existing research ask yourself:

  • What has been done and what do existing results show?
  • What did previous projects involve (e.g. lab-work or fieldwork)?
  • How often are papers published in the field?
  • Are your research ideas original?
  • Is there value in your research question?
  • Could I expand on or put my own spin on this research?

Reading dissertations will also give you an insight into the practical aspects of doctoral study, such as what methodology the author used, how much data analysis was required and how was information presented.

You can also think of this process as a miniature literature review . You are searching for gaps in knowledge and developing a PhD project to address them. Focus on recent publications (e.g. in the last five years). In particular, the literature review of recent publications will give an excellent summary of the state of existing knowledge, and what research questions remain unanswered.

If you have the opportunity to attend an academic conference, go for it! This is often an excellent way to find out current theories in the industry and the research direction. This knowledge could reveal a possible research idea or topic for further study.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

Discuss research topic ideas with a PhD supervisor

Discuss your research topic ideas with a supervisor. This could be your current undergraduate/masters supervisor, or potential supervisors of advertised PhD programmes at different institutions. Come to these meetings prepared with initial PhD topic ideas, and your findings from reading published journals. PhD supervisors will be more receptive to your ideas if you can demonstrate you have thought about them and are committed to your research.

You should discuss your research interests, what you have found through reading publications, and what you are proposing to research. Supervisors who have expertise in your chosen field will have insight into the gaps in knowledge that exist, what is being done to address them, and if there is any overlap between your proposed research ideas and ongoing research projects.

Talking to an expert in the field can shape your research topic to something more tangible, which has clear aims and objectives. It can also find potential shortfalls of your PhD ideas.

It is important to remember, however, that although it is good to develop your research topic based on feedback, you should not let the supervisor decide a topic for you. An interesting topic for a supervisor may not be interesting to you, and a supervisor is more likely to advise on a topic title which lends itself to a career in academia.

Another tip is to talk to a PhD student or researcher who is involved in a similar research project. Alternatively, you can usually find a relevant research group within your University to talk to. They can explain in more detail their experiences and suggest what your PhD programme could involve with respect to daily routines and challenges.

Look at advertised PhD Programmes

Use our Search tool , or look on University PhD listing pages to identify advertised PhD programmes for ideas.

  • What kind of PhD research topics are available?
  • Are these similar to your ideas?
  • Are you interested in any of these topics?
  • What do these programmes entail?

The popularity of similar PhD programmes to your proposed topic is a good indicator that universities see value in the research area. The final bullet point is perhaps the most valuable takeaway from looking at advertised listings. Review what similar programmes involve, and whether this is something you would like to do. If so, a similar research topic would allow you to do this.

Writing a Research Proposal

As part of the PhD application process , you may be asked to summarise your proposed research topic in a research proposal. This is a document which summarises your intended research and will include the title of your proposed project, an Abstract, Background and Rationale, Research Aims and Objectives, Research Methodology, Timetable, and a Bibliography. If you are required to submit this document then read our guidance on how to write a research proposal for your PhD application.

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Educational and Psychological Studies Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

The Cultural Relevance of the Well-Being Promotion Program , Gabrielle Francis

Parents as Reporters of Middle School Students’ Subjective Well-Being , Daijah N. Hines

Rate of Latine Caregiver Involvement in the Well-Being Promotion Program using Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Communication Practices , Nicole G. Pacateque Rodriguez

An Analysis of Therapeutic Alliance and Group Cohesion in a Group Positive Psychology Intervention Serving Middle School Students Reporting Low Life Satisfaction , Alexis Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Exploring Time-Varying Extraneous Variables Effects in Single-Case Studies , Ke Cheng

Investigating Self-Regulation for Motivation and Creativity in Entrepreneurship: A Qualitative Study , Maham Khan

Identifying Contributors to Disproportionality: The Influence of Perception on Student Social, Emotional, and Academic Behavior Ratings , Chelsea Salvatore

Transformation Zone Schools and School Change Processes: Experiences of Families , Jesse Strong

Using Social Network Analysis to Measure and Visualize Student Clustering Within Middle and High Schools , Geoffrey David West

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART): A review of Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder , Henry B. Burns Jr.

Psychometric Characteristics of Academic Language Discourse Analysis Tools , Courtney (Cici) Brianna Claar

Hope 4 Boys: The Impact of a Youth Diversion Program , Justine C. Connolly

Promoting Subjective Well-Being In Middle School: Role Of Internalizing And Externalizing Behaviors In A Targeted Positive Psychology Intervention , Letty Langton DiLeo

The Impact of Teachers’ Treatment Fidelity to the Good Behavior Game on Problem Behaviors Exhibited within a Self-Contained Classroom Setting , Jennifer M. Hodnett

Distributed Leadership: Formal Leadership, Barriers, and Facilitators for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support , Joseph D. Latimer

Development and Initial Validation of the Parent and Family Engagement in Higher Education Measure , Michelle R. Mcnulty

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Mobile Response Teams and the Youth Emergency Behavioral Health System , Paige J. Alitz

Changes in Educator Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care , Amira Mattison Boylston

Sleep Hygiene Practices and Subjective Well-Being as Predictors of High School Students' Obtaining Sufficient Sleep During the School Week , Erin M. Brennan

A Longitudinal Examination of Coping and Subjective Well-Being Among High School Students in Accelerated Curricula , Hannah L. Gilfix

Retaining and Supporting Graduate Racially Minoritized Students: A Critical Analysis , Patricia Y. Gills

Educators’ Sensemaking of Data within an MTSS Framework: An Exploratory Case Study , Stephanie Marie Green

A Multi-faceted Approach to Understanding Acceptability of DOCS K-5: A Qualitative Analysis , Andrea Guarnieri

Predictors of Goal Attainment Among High School Students in Accelerated Academic Curricula Receiving School-Based Motivational Interviewing Intervention , Camille E. Hanks

Parent Engagement in an Online Behavioral Parent Training Program: A Case Study , Natalie A. Hofmann Leedy

An Investigation of the HOT DOCS Guide for Weekly Early Intervention Sessions: A Multiple Baseline Design , Cashea Holyfield

Native and Non-native English-speaking Doctoral Students' Strategies to Understand Idiomatics in Comics and Comic Strips , Himelhoch Luz-Aydé

Impact of Starting Right, Now on Unaccompanied Homeless Youth’s Mental Health and School Engagement , Camille A. Randle

Sharing Their Stories: A Qualitative Investigation of Adolescents’ Inpatient Experiences During Psychiatric Hospitalization , Jessica L. Rice

School Nurses’ Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Supporting Students with Chronic Health Conditions in an Ecological System , Destiny L. Singleton

Exploring Educators' Sensemaking Of Statewide Professional Learning For Educational Decision-Making Within An MTSS , Sarah E. Thoman

Relationship Between Working with Professional Evaluators and an Organization’s Evaluation Culture , James M. Wharton

Impacts of Model Misspecification on Individual-Level Differential Item Functioning Detection in Multilevel Data Using Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model , Yue Yin

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Counseling Clients with Traumatic Brain Injury: Exploring Counselors’ Perceived Knowledge, Comfort, and Self-Awareness , Michelle Bradham-Cousar

Predictive Validity of Standards-based and Curriculum-embedded Assessments for Predicting Readiness at Kindergarten Entry , Elizabeth Ashton DeCamilla

Parent Perceptions of the Acceptability, Effectiveness, and Experience of Engaging in the Group Stepping Stones Triple P Intervention for Parents of Children with Disabilities , Tara B. Delach

Longitudinal Examination of a Dual-Factor Model of Mental Health: Academic Adjustment and Stability of Group Membership in High School Students in Academically Accelerated Curricula , Letty Langton DiLeo

Examining Role Breadth, Efficacy, and Attitudes Toward Trauma-Informed Care in Elementary School Educators , Mikayla J. Drymond

Identifying the Academic and Emotional Risk and Resource Factors of Underrepresented Students in Accelerated Coursework , Jasmine L. Gray

Performance Based Funding and the Florida State University System: An Exploratory Analysis , Laura A. Hoffman

Distributed Leadership: Leadership Teams and Implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support , Joseph D. Latimer

The Gentle Artist: Empowering Warrior-Scholars through the Physical Feminism of Jiu-Jitsu , E. Emily Mahoney

Facilitating Early Intervention Through Teacher Training in Brief Functional Behavior Assessment , Casie L. Peet

Adolescent Asthma and School Disparities: An Ecological Perspective of Students and Stakeholders , Tali Schneider

Intensive Longitudinal Data Analyses and Sample Size Considerations in Intervention Studies with Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling , Zhiyao Yi

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Exploring the Behavior of Model Fit Criteria in the Bayesian Approximate Measurement Invariance: A Simulation Study , Abeer Atallah S. Alamri

Ethnic Identity as a Protective Factor in Early Adolescent Youth Depression: An Investigation of Differences by Race and Gender , Leah Bonilla

Validating the Construct of Resiliency in the Health Literacy and Resiliency Scale (HLRS-Y) with the Child and Youth Resiliency Measure (CYRM-28) , Mercedes N. Cambric

MTSS Implementation in High Schools: Expert and Stakeholder Perspectives , Julie Daye

Promoting Healthy Sleep Practices Among Parents of Young Children: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial , Kristin Lynn Edwards

An Examination of the Roles of Classroom Quality and Approaches to Learning on the Early Academic Skills of Latino Dual Language Learners Enrolled in Head Start , Marcela A. Galicia

Character Strengths of Ninth Grade Students in Accelerated Curricula: A Mixed-Methods Investigation , Hannah L. Gilfix

Play Behaviors in Latino Dual Language Learners: The Relationship between Maternal Characteristics and Classroom Peer Play , Olivia Hernandez Gonzalez

Demographic Predictors and Reasons for Chronic Absenteeism amongst Secondary Students with Disabilities , Cashea Holyfield

Statistical Models to Test Measurement Invariance with Paired and Partially Nested Data: A Monte Carlo Study , Diep Thi Nguyen

Cognitivism in School Psychologists’ Talk about Cultural Responsiveness: A Critical Discourse Analysis , Sujay Sabnis

Investigating the Effects of Motivational Interviewing compared to Action Planning on Supporting the Emotional and Academic Success of Ninth Grade Students in Advanced Placement Classes , Kai Zhuang Shum

Supporting Students with Chronic Health Conditions: An Evaluation of School Nurses’ Collaborative Practices with School Psychologists , Destiny L. Singleton

Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Systems Coaching Survey , Sarah E. Thoman

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Transitions to Preschool Special Education: The Relationship of Child, Family, and Early Intervention Characteristics , Tara B. Delach

Smart Start for Trauma: A Multiple Baseline Design , Sarah E. Dickinson

Sleep Disorders in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study of an Assessment of Pediatric Providers' Practices and Perceptions , Kristin Lynn Edwards

A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of the Starting Right, Now Program on Unaccompanied Homeless Adolescents' Well-Being , Emily E. Esposito

Case Study of a Collaborative Approach to Evaluation Within a School District Central Office , Oriana Eversole

Application of the Fusion Model for Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment with Non-diagnostic Algebra-Geometry Readiness Test Data , Robert H. Fay


Resisting Essentialism in Cultural Research: A Participatory Action Research Study of Parent Involvement in Education among Spanish-Speaking Students and Families , Michael J. Frank

Assessing Readiness to Seek Formal Mental Health Services: Development and Initial Validation of the Mental Health Belief Model Assessment (MHBMA) , Jennifer A. Greene

Relationship between Extracurricular Activity Involvement and Student Success Among High School Students in Accelerated Academic Curricula , Camille E. Hanks

Improving Elementary Students’ Complete Mental Health: Examining the Added Impact of a Teacher-Focused Strengths-Based Intervention , Mollie Mccullough Headley

The Intervention Path: The Experiences of Mothers Seeking Help for Their Child with Atypical Behavioral Development , Renee Hoopes

The Experience of Coparenting Within the Parameters of Divorce: Perspectives from Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Nycole C. Kauk

Missing Data in Complex Sample Surveys: Impact of Deletion and Imputation Treatments on Point and Interval Parameter Estimates , Anh Pham Kellermann

Adult College Students' Perceptions about Learning Mathematics via Developmental Mathematical xMOOCs , Pelagia Alesafis Kilgore

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Analysis of Behavioral Patterns and Treatment Barriers , Kimberly A. Knap

A Participatory Action Research using Photovoice to Explore Well-Being in Young Adults with Autism , Gary Yu Hin Lam

Behavior Change for Children Participating in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: A Growth Curve Analysis , Kayla LaRosa

Eustress in Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Students , Amanda C. Moseley

Teacher Perceptions of Students with Conduct Problems With and Without Callous Unemotional Traits , Casie L. Peet

Adolescents’ Perceptions of Parenting Practices and their Influence on Success, Academic Motivation, and School Belonging , David Rubio Jr.

An Application of the Dual Factor Model of Mental Health in Elementary School Students: Implications for Social Functioning and Psychopathology , Nicholas David W. Smith

Reduce Challenging Behaviors and Enhance Functioning in Youth with an Intellectual Disability: A Meta-Analysis of Behavioral Interventions Using Single Case Design , Brett A. Stone

Early Identification Of Students In Accelerated Curricula With Signs Of Academic And Emotional Risk: Working With Teachers To Identify At-Risk Students , Elizabeth D. Storey

Covariates in Factor Mixture Modeling: Investigating Measurement Invariance across Unobserved Groups , Yan Wang

Classroom Support and Students’ Subjective Well-Being: A Mixed-Methods Investigation , Emily J. Wingate

Predictive Validity of Florida’s Postsecondary Education Readiness Test , Alisa Murphy Žujović

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Faculty Perceptions of the Quality Enhancement Plan in a US Public Doctoral University with Highest Research Activity: A Case Study , Maha Alamoud

Benchmarks of Equality? School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and School Discipline Risk and Disparities for Black and Hispanic Students , Christopher M. Barclay

Associations between Ethnic Identity, Academic Efficacy, Achievement Goals and School Belonging among Early Adolescents , Leah Bonilla

The Relationship between Chronic Health Conditions and Health Literacy, Resiliency and Support/Self-advocacy in Youth , Mercedes N. Cambric

Exploring the Test of Covariate Moderation Effect and the Impact of Model Misspecification in Multilevel MIMIC Models , Chunhua Cao

The Empirical Selection of Anchor Items Using a Multistage Approach , Brandon Craig

An Evaluation of IDEA Part C Interventionists’ Knowledge and Use of Evidence-Based Practices for Young Children with Challenging Behavior , Sarah Elizabeth Dickinson

Traumatic Brain Injury in Adolescence: The Relationship between High School Exiting and Future Productivity , Jeffrey S. Garofano

Promoting Happiness in Elementary Schoolchildren: Evaluation of a Multitarget, Multicomponent Classwide Positive Psychology Intervention , Brittany Valle Hearon

Students with Disabilities at Risk: Predictors of On-Time Graduation , Kelli S. Henson

Predictors of Behavior Problems in the Context of Peer Play Interactions: A Sample of Low-Income Latino Preschoolers , Olivia Hernandez Gonzalez

Parent Perceptions of Treatment Effectiveness and Attendance Rates in a Behavioral Parent Training Program: Do They Predict Treatment Outcomes for Children? , Natalie A. Hofmann Leedy

Robustness of the Within- and Between-Series Estimators to Non-Normal Multiple-Baseline Studies: A Monte Carlo Study , Seang-Hwane Joo

Extending the Model with Internal Restrictions on Item Difficulty (MIRID) to Study Differential Item Functioning , Yong "Isaac" Li

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Doctoral Students, Thesis Topics & Supervisors

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Here is a list of current and recently completed PhD and EdD theses at the Faculty of Education. To contact Faculty doctoral students please use the University Email Search facility or the University Lookup Service.

Hannah Ackom-Mensah A Multiple Case Study: Near Field Communication (NFC) Brick Play and its Impact on the Communication and Language Development of Autistic Young Children of West African Descent

Charlotte Allen A Multilevel exploration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) students’ resilience in response to everyday challenges at secondary school.

Sebastián Ansaldo Deep mediatization in education: A comparative study of schoolteacher’s practices and perceptions in England and Chile.

Esther Anwuzia

Adolescents Career Decision Making and Wellbeing in Nigeria: A Mixed Methods Study

Tim Archer

Seeking a Peace-full Man: Exploring pedagogies to transition from boyhood to an adequate manhood
Julie Bailey Neurodiversity and Learning Engagement in Higher Education
Helen Barsham Can an Intervention Programme, Which Uses Metacognition and Practice of the Theory of the Desirable Difficulty, the Testing Effect, Reduce Test Anxiety, in 10-11 Year -Olds, in Evaluative Situations?
Yasmin Begum Contemporary subject knowledge acquisition in Economics
Elaine Bennett Exploring how teachers' attachment experiences influence the teacher-student relationship

Glenn Bezalel An exploration of the prevalence and functions of conspiracies theories among youth cultures in London secondary schools

Lenka Janik Blaskova

Playing together: Series of case studies investigating the friendships and wellbeing of children with primary difficulties in language development
Lindsay Burton Posthumanism and the Child: Diffracted Readings and Entangled Beings

Michael Cascianelli

Exploring Giftedness: A Case Study of Developing a Schoolwide Enrichment Model in Italy Drawing Upon the Perspectives of Students and Teachers.

Abie Hui Ki Chan

Creativity Through Oracy: A Mixed Methods Study of Creativity in the context of L2 Talk

Chih-Ching Chang

Teacher professional development for changing epistemic beliefs through dialogic history education: A design-based research study in Taiwan

Claudia Pik Ki Chu The interplay of psycholinguistic and cognitive factors in predicting reading comprehension: a case of primary school children from the United Kingdom and Hong Kong/China
Jodie Coates Oh, What a Novelty!: The Hypermediated Pop-Up Book

Vaughan Connolly

Is less sometimes more? Teacher workload, retention and pupil attainment
Paola Contreras Cosmopolitan capital or cultural intelligence? Predictors of the participation of Chilean undergraduates in international academic activities.
Catrin Darlsey Exploring UK higher education for sustainability: How do different models of EfS contribute to students gaining sustainability-related competencies?
Alexandre da Trindade Brazilian universities and transitions towards human flourishing

Yuliana Dementyeva

The role of private schools in education modernization reform in China

Ema Demir

Teacher capital unbound? – The role of organisational structures for teacher social capital and student achievement.
Carlotta Ehrenzeller Contextual Understandings of Montessori Education: A Pathway to Peace
Rosanna Fennessy Young people's perspectives on the impact of their long term health condition on education, social experience and wellbeing: The role of personally constructed illness beliefs and meeting basic psychological needs.

Christopher Foster

Knowledge or Control? Teacher Knowledge, Professional Identity and Practitioner Research.
Frankie Frangeskou Exploring the influence of self-identity on the LGB school leader/ship

Emily Goodacre

Social Communication with Friends and Peers: Children’s Connected Talk During Play

Mélanie Gréaux Speech and Language Therapy provision for autistic children in India and the UK

Basma Hajir The Role of Youth as Agents for Peace in Contexts Affected by Conflict: A Postcolonial Qualitative Enquiry with Syrian Youth in Jordan
Hiba Hamdan Using an inquiry intervention to develop conceptual understanding and motivation for all students in a mixed-ability biology classroom
Hapipi Undergraduate Mathematics Students Understanding of Proof by Contradiction and Proof by Contraposition
John Harding From reasonable adjustment to inclusive practice? Exploring the influence of lecture capture technology on the academic outcomes and learning experiences of disabled students in higher education.

Thomas Harriott

How does social interaction influence students' regulation of learning in the upper secondary classroom?
Adam Holden The use of mobile learning to impact teacher self-efficacy and self-permission in Panama.

Samantha Hulston

Embodied reading practices: an exploration of how young children engage with picturebooks

Madeleine Hunter

We are in Convergence: Recombinant Adaptation in the Twenty-First-Century Children's Media Landscape.
Chris Hussey A tale of two cities: exploring place-related identity with reference to portrayals of London in Children’s Literature.

Tristan Igglesden 

The affordances of learning management systems that support dialogue

Nura Jahanpour Investigating the construction of parenting values and the influence of institutions
Ying Ji Teachers' Engagement in Continuing Professional Development: Exploring Factors and Profiles
Gulmira Kanayeva (Qanay) Facilitating teacher leadership in Kazakhstan

Maria Khwaja Bazi

Classrooms as Cultural Sites of Mobility and Constraint: A critical ethnography of teacher quality in Pakistan and Tanzania.

Meena Mehta Kotecha

Mathematics anxiety in university students: investigating the efficacy of a blended learning intervention promoting interaction, inclusion, & collaboration

Pia Kreijkes Influences of teachers’ mindset, achievement-related beliefs, and ability-based practices on pupils’ achievement-related beliefs, mindset and attainment in mathematics.
Rina P.Y. Lai The Design, Development, and Evaluation of a New Computerised Assessment of Computational Thinking

Soizic Le Courtois

Helping teachers foster children’s inner motivation to learn: investigating the potential of a professional development programme for Year 1 teachers in England and the suitability of an evaluation instrument

Joyce Lim

Exploring development of English verb-argument constructions in L2 writing: A cross-sectional study of L1 Korean speakers
Meng Liu Exploring the multilingual identity of simultaneous language learners in China: A mixed methods study
Luz Maria Lopez-Gomez Teaching Nature of Science to Mexican High School Students through Practical Work Activities

Juljana Mandra

Conceptualisations of global learning and primary school teachers' perceptions of pedagogy for global learning.
Javiera Marfán Schools Deciding the Purpose of Education. Policy Enactment in a Context of Education Reform Hybridisation

Kevin Martin

Re-imagining mobile learning: A design based approach to epistemic innovation in rural Kenya

Elizabeth McGregor Jacobides

Tinkering with the nature of science.

William McInerney

Reimagining masculinities: Exploring arts-integrated gender transformative programming with men in the United States

Madison McLeod

Finding the Fantastic in the City: Digitally Mapping Children’s Fantasy Literature
Maggie Meimaridi Entering the Contact Zone: Encountering the Animal in Children's Fantasy Literature.
Usama Javed Mirza 'Islam, Science and Education in Muslim Schools in England: Exploring the Possibilities of Decolonial Communities of Practice'

Nicola Morea

Multilingual teachers and teachers of multilinguals: An investigation into pre-service teachers’ multilingual-identity and beliefs construction during a teacher education programme

Mansi Nanda

Exploring teacher motivations and engagement with the community in rural India

Kristi Nourie

Action and interaction: An exploration of e-textbook tool use in secondary schools
Catherine Olver Fantasy, the Five Senses and the Mastery of Nature.

Hannah Owen Becoming a 'phronimos': An investigation into the transfer of 'practical wisdom' between novice and expert teachers in Lesson Study discussions
Yong-Jun Park Youth, citizenship and democracy in South Korea

Carla Plieth

Negotiating Boyhood and Victimisation: The Sexually Abused Boy in Adolescent Literature
Anna Purkiss Young readers’ responses to representations of disability in contemporary children’s fiction

Ana Luisa Rubio Jimenez The implementation and outcomes of a dialogic pedagogy for enhancing the self-determination of Mexican young adults with intellectual disability
Marie Ryan What are we doing in the name of assessment? A multi-site case-study of assessment practices and conceptions of assessment purpose in junior infant classrooms in Ireland.
Lakshmi Sagarika Bose Revolution in an Era of Global Securitization: An Ethnographic Encounter with Young Female Egyptian and South African Activists
Cristina Isabel de Oliveira Santos Career conversations for the development of student career competencies: analysing the possibility in Portuguese Secondary Schools
Raquel Scarpa-Gebara Further education and professional learning of fisherwomen in the Amazonian coast: an evaluation model of a financial literacy programme
Jane Scarsbrook To what extent can structured group tasks encourage imagination, articulation and development in children's notions about shape, space and measure?

Sadia Fatima Shafquat A phenomenological study of adolescent thinking through dialogue about literary texts
Donna Smith Mental Health Problems in First Generation Students at UK Universities: A Mixed Methods Study

Ngee Derk Tiong

Di Sebalik Papan Hitam: Opportunities for learning through talk in Malaysian teacher professional learning communities (PLCs)
Oudai Tozan Unpacking the exiled Syrian academic relationship with homeland and their potential role in reforming the Syrian higher education in the (post)-conflict stage

Ana Laura Trigo Clapés

Dialogic Teaching for students with conditions within the autism spectrum

Gavin Turner Life-worthy learning skills: An investigation of a curriculum intervention to promote self-regulated learning.

Daniela Vandepeer

Exploring the perceived experiences of the Drive Teams implementing change in a Thinking School.
Georgios Villias Educational escape rooms: Design, Implementation and Impact Analysis of immersive, problem-solving learning experiences in science education.
Julia Jin Wang Multiverses in Contemporary Adolescent Literature

Anne Waterson

Young children's conceptualisations of wellbeing in their school context.
Yuxiu Wei Gender disparity in the access to higher education: Assessing the impact of schools and socio-economic backgrounds using data mining approaches

Alison Wells

Postgraduate blended learning for NHS Educational Supervisors: A realist evaluation of impact on practice.

Sue Brindley

Maoxiao Xia Primary Teachers' Learning Patterns and Their Approaches to Teaching in China’s context Panayiotis Antoniou

Bowen Xu

Transnationalising China's Higher Education via One Belt One Road
Debbie Yeboah Formed with Our Own Hands: African Contemporary Art as a Reparative Pathway to Decolonial Ghanaian Art Education

Zitian Zeng

Inclusive Classroom Practices and Teacher-Student Education in Hong Kong
Xinye Zou A mixed methods study exploring the mechanism of Chinese youth’s sexual knowledge acquisition

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education phd research topics

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education phd research topics

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PS – You can also check out our free topic ideation webinar for more ideas

How To Find A Research Topic

If you’re struggling to get started, this step-by-step video tutorial will help you find the perfect research topic.

Research Topic FAQs

What (exactly) is a research topic.

A research topic is the subject of a research project or study – for example, a dissertation or thesis. A research topic typically takes the form of a problem to be solved, or a question to be answered.

A good research topic should be specific enough to allow for focused research and analysis. For example, if you are interested in studying the effects of climate change on agriculture, your research topic could focus on how rising temperatures have impacted crop yields in certain regions over time.

To learn more about the basics of developing a research topic, consider our free research topic ideation webinar.

What constitutes a good research topic?

A strong research topic comprises three important qualities : originality, value and feasibility.

  • Originality – a good topic explores an original area or takes a novel angle on an existing area of study.
  • Value – a strong research topic provides value and makes a contribution, either academically or practically.
  • Feasibility – a good research topic needs to be practical and manageable, given the resource constraints you face.

To learn more about what makes for a high-quality research topic, check out this post .

What's the difference between a research topic and research problem?

A research topic and a research problem are two distinct concepts that are often confused. A research topic is a broader label that indicates the focus of the study , while a research problem is an issue or gap in knowledge within the broader field that needs to be addressed.

To illustrate this distinction, consider a student who has chosen “teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom” as their research topic. This research topic could encompass any number of issues related to teenage pregnancy such as causes, prevention strategies, health outcomes for mothers and babies, etc.

Within this broad category (the research topic) lies potential areas of inquiry that can be explored further – these become the research problems . For example:

  • What factors contribute to higher rates of teenage pregnancy in certain communities?
  • How do different types of parenting styles affect teen pregnancy rates?
  • What interventions have been successful in reducing teenage pregnancies?

Simply put, a key difference between a research topic and a research problem is scope ; the research topic provides an umbrella under which multiple questions can be asked, while the research problem focuses on one specific question or set of questions within that larger context.

How can I find potential research topics for my project?

There are many steps involved in the process of finding and choosing a high-quality research topic for a dissertation or thesis. We cover these steps in detail in this video (also accessible below).

How can I find quality sources for my research topic?

Finding quality sources is an essential step in the topic ideation process. To do this, you should start by researching scholarly journals, books, and other academic publications related to your topic. These sources can provide reliable information on a wide range of topics. Additionally, they may contain data or statistics that can help support your argument or conclusions.

Identifying Relevant Sources

When searching for relevant sources, it’s important to look beyond just published material; try using online databases such as Google Scholar or JSTOR to find articles from reputable journals that have been peer-reviewed by experts in the field.

You can also use search engines like Google or Bing to locate websites with useful information about your topic. However, be sure to evaluate any website before citing it as a source—look for evidence of authorship (such as an “About Us” page) and make sure the content is up-to-date and accurate before relying on it.

Evaluating Sources

Once you’ve identified potential sources for your research project, take some time to evaluate them thoroughly before deciding which ones will best serve your purpose. Consider factors such as author credibility (are they an expert in their field?), publication date (is the source current?), objectivity (does the author present both sides of an issue?) and relevance (how closely does this source relate to my specific topic?).

By researching the current literature on your topic, you can identify potential sources that will help to provide quality information. Once you’ve identified these sources, it’s time to look for a gap in the research and determine what new knowledge could be gained from further study.

How can I find a good research gap?

Finding a strong gap in the literature is an essential step when looking for potential research topics. We explain what research gaps are and how to find them in this post.

How should I evaluate potential research topics/ideas?

When evaluating potential research topics, it is important to consider the factors that make for a strong topic (we discussed these earlier). Specifically:

  • Originality
  • Feasibility

So, when you have a list of potential topics or ideas, assess each of them in terms of these three criteria. A good topic should take a unique angle, provide value (either to academia or practitioners), and be practical enough for you to pull off, given your limited resources.

Finally, you should also assess whether this project could lead to potential career opportunities such as internships or job offers down the line. Make sure that you are researching something that is relevant enough so that it can benefit your professional development in some way. Additionally, consider how each research topic aligns with your career goals and interests; researching something that you are passionate about can help keep motivation high throughout the process.

How can I assess the feasibility of a research topic?

When evaluating the feasibility and practicality of a research topic, it is important to consider several factors.

First, you should assess whether or not the research topic is within your area of competence. Of course, when you start out, you are not expected to be the world’s leading expert, but do should at least have some foundational knowledge.

Time commitment

When considering a research topic, you should think about how much time will be required for completion. Depending on your field of study, some topics may require more time than others due to their complexity or scope.

Additionally, if you plan on collaborating with other researchers or institutions in order to complete your project, additional considerations must be taken into account such as coordinating schedules and ensuring that all parties involved have adequate resources available.

Resources needed

It’s also critically important to consider what type of resources are necessary in order to conduct the research successfully. This includes physical materials such as lab equipment and chemicals but can also include intangible items like access to certain databases or software programs which may be necessary depending on the nature of your work. Additionally, if there are costs associated with obtaining these materials then this must also be factored into your evaluation process.

Potential risks

It’s important to consider the inherent potential risks for each potential research topic. These can include ethical risks (challenges getting ethical approval), data risks (not being able to access the data you’ll need), technical risks relating to the equipment you’ll use and funding risks (not securing the necessary financial back to undertake the research).

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How to Choose a Dissertation Topic | 8 Steps to Follow

Published on November 11, 2022 by Shona McCombes and Tegan George. Revised on November 20, 2023.

Choosing your dissertation topic is the first step in making sure your research goes as smoothly as possible. When choosing a topic, it’s important to consider:

  • Your institution and department’s requirements
  • Your areas of knowledge and interest
  • The scientific, social, or practical relevance
  • The availability of data and resources
  • The timeframe of your dissertation
  • The relevance of your topic

You can follow these steps to begin narrowing down your ideas.

Table of contents

Step 1: check the requirements, step 2: choose a broad field of research, step 3: look for books and articles, step 4: find a niche, step 5: consider the type of research, step 6: determine the relevance, step 7: make sure it’s plausible, step 8: get your topic approved, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about dissertation topics.

The very first step is to check your program’s requirements. This determines the scope of what it is possible for you to research.

  • Is there a minimum and maximum word count?
  • When is the deadline?
  • Should the research have an academic or a professional orientation?
  • Are there any methodological conditions? Do you have to conduct fieldwork, or use specific types of sources?

Some programs have stricter requirements than others. You might be given nothing more than a word count and a deadline, or you might have a restricted list of topics and approaches to choose from. If in doubt about what is expected of you, always ask your supervisor or department coordinator.

Start by thinking about your areas of interest within the subject you’re studying. Examples of broad ideas include:

  • Twentieth-century literature
  • Economic history
  • Health policy

To get a more specific sense of the current state of research on your potential topic, skim through a few recent issues of the top journals in your field. Be sure to check out their most-cited articles in particular. For inspiration, you can also search Google Scholar , subject-specific databases , and your university library’s resources.

As you read, note down any specific ideas that interest you and make a shortlist of possible topics. If you’ve written other papers, such as a 3rd-year paper or a conference paper, consider how those topics can be broadened into a dissertation.

After doing some initial reading, it’s time to start narrowing down options for your potential topic. This can be a gradual process, and should get more and more specific as you go. For example, from the ideas above, you might narrow it down like this:

  • Twentieth-century literature   Twentieth-century Irish literature   Post-war Irish poetry
  • Economic history   European economic history   German labor union history
  • Health policy   Reproductive health policy   Reproductive rights in South America

All of these topics are still broad enough that you’ll find a huge amount of books and articles about them. Try to find a specific niche where you can make your mark, such as: something not many people have researched yet, a question that’s still being debated, or a very current practical issue.

At this stage, make sure you have a few backup ideas — there’s still time to change your focus. If your topic doesn’t make it through the next few steps, you can try a different one. Later, you will narrow your focus down even more in your problem statement and research questions .

There are many different types of research , so at this stage, it’s a good idea to start thinking about what kind of approach you’ll take to your topic. Will you mainly focus on:

  • Collecting original data (e.g., experimental or field research)?
  • Analyzing existing data (e.g., national statistics, public records, or archives)?
  • Interpreting cultural objects (e.g., novels, films, or paintings)?
  • Comparing scholarly approaches (e.g., theories, methods, or interpretations)?

Many dissertations will combine more than one of these. Sometimes the type of research is obvious: if your topic is post-war Irish poetry, you will probably mainly be interpreting poems. But in other cases, there are several possible approaches. If your topic is reproductive rights in South America, you could analyze public policy documents and media coverage, or you could gather original data through interviews and surveys .

You don’t have to finalize your research design and methods yet, but the type of research will influence which aspects of the topic it’s possible to address, so it’s wise to consider this as you narrow down your ideas.

It’s important that your topic is interesting to you, but you’ll also have to make sure it’s academically, socially or practically relevant to your field.

  • Academic relevance means that the research can fill a gap in knowledge or contribute to a scholarly debate in your field.
  • Social relevance means that the research can advance our understanding of society and inform social change.
  • Practical relevance means that the research can be applied to solve concrete problems or improve real-life processes.

The easiest way to make sure your research is relevant is to choose a topic that is clearly connected to current issues or debates, either in society at large or in your academic discipline. The relevance must be clearly stated when you define your research problem .

Before you make a final decision on your topic, consider again the length of your dissertation, the timeframe in which you have to complete it, and the practicalities of conducting the research.

Will you have enough time to read all the most important academic literature on this topic? If there’s too much information to tackle, consider narrowing your focus even more.

Will you be able to find enough sources or gather enough data to fulfil the requirements of the dissertation? If you think you might struggle to find information, consider broadening or shifting your focus.

Do you have to go to a specific location to gather data on the topic? Make sure that you have enough funding and practical access.

Last but not least, will the topic hold your interest for the length of the research process? To stay motivated, it’s important to choose something you’re enthusiastic about!

Most programmes will require you to submit a brief description of your topic, called a research prospectus or proposal .

Remember, if you discover that your topic is not as strong as you thought it was, it’s usually acceptable to change your mind and switch focus early in the dissertation process. Just make sure you have enough time to start on a new topic, and always check with your supervisor or department.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

You can assess information and arguments critically by asking certain questions about the source. You can use the CRAAP test , focusing on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

Ask questions such as:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert?
  • Why did the author publish it? What is their motivation?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence?

A dissertation prospectus or proposal describes what or who you plan to research for your dissertation. It delves into why, when, where, and how you will do your research, as well as helps you choose a type of research to pursue. You should also determine whether you plan to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives , ready to be approved by your supervisor or committee.

Note that some departments require a defense component, where you present your prospectus to your committee orally.

The best way to remember the difference between a research plan and a research proposal is that they have fundamentally different audiences. A research plan helps you, the researcher, organize your thoughts. On the other hand, a dissertation proposal or research proposal aims to convince others (e.g., a supervisor, a funding body, or a dissertation committee) that your research topic is relevant and worthy of being conducted.

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McCombes, S. & George, T. (2023, November 20). How to Choose a Dissertation Topic | 8 Steps to Follow. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from

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Physical Education Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

In this guide on physical education research paper topics , we explore a wide range of subjects that delve into the field of physical education. Whether you’re a student studying education or a researcher in the field, this comprehensive list of topics is designed to inspire and guide you in your research endeavors. From examining the impact of physical activity on academic performance to analyzing the effectiveness of different teaching methods in physical education, these research paper topics offer a diverse range of areas to explore.

100 Physical Education Research Paper Topics

Exploring the diverse facets of physical education through research papers offers a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the field and contribute to the growing body of knowledge. To assist you in this endeavor, we have compiled a comprehensive list of physical education research paper topics. These topics span various areas of interest, from the impact of physical education on mental health to the integration of technology in physical education curricula. Each category contains 10 stimulating and thought-provoking physical education research paper topics, providing you with a wide range of options to explore and develop your research.

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Physical Education Curriculum and Instruction

  • The integration of technology in physical education curricula.
  • The impact of standardized testing on physical education programs.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusivity and diversity in physical education classes.
  • The role of assessment and feedback in enhancing student learning in physical education.
  • The effectiveness of different teaching methods in physical education.
  • Examining the relationship between physical education and academic performance.
  • Addressing gender disparities in physical education participation and achievement.
  • Incorporating cultural competency in physical education curricula.
  • The influence of teacher-student relationships on student engagement in physical education.
  • Exploring the role of outdoor education in physical education programs.

Physical Activity and Health

  • Investigating the effects of physical activity on mental health and well-being.
  • The relationship between physical activity and obesity rates among children and adolescents.
  • Analyzing the impact of physical activity on cardiovascular health.
  • Exploring the role of physical activity in reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Investigating the psychological benefits of regular physical activity.
  • The impact of physical activity interventions on sedentary behavior.
  • Examining the relationship between physical activity and cognitive function.
  • Analyzing the influence of physical activity on sleep patterns.
  • Exploring the role of physical activity in promoting healthy aging.
  • Investigating the socio-economic factors influencing physical activity participation.

Sports Psychology and Performance

  • Understanding the psychological factors influencing sports performance.
  • Examining the role of motivation in sports participation and performance.
  • Analyzing the impact of imagery and visualization techniques on athletic performance.
  • Investigating the effects of stress and anxiety on sports performance.
  • Exploring the psychological benefits of team sports participation.
  • The influence of leadership styles on team cohesion and performance.
  • Analyzing the role of self-confidence in sports performance.
  • Understanding the psychological challenges faced by athletes with disabilities.
  • Investigating the relationship between personality traits and sports performance.
  • Exploring the effects of psychological interventions on sports performance enhancement.

Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics

  • Investigating the physiological adaptations to different types of exercise.
  • Analyzing the biomechanics of specific movements in sports and exercise.
  • Exploring the effects of different training modalities on muscle strength and endurance.
  • The role of nutrition in exercise performance and recovery.
  • Investigating the effects of high-intensity interval training on cardiovascular fitness.
  • Analyzing the biomechanical factors influencing running gait and performance.
  • Exploring the physiological responses to altitude training.
  • Investigating the effects of aging on exercise capacity and performance.
  • Analyzing the impact of environmental factors on exercise performance.
  • Understanding the role of genetics in exercise physiology and performance.

Adapted Physical Education

  • Examining the benefits and challenges of inclusive physical education programs.
  • The role of assistive technology in facilitating physical education for individuals with disabilities.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of adapted physical education interventions.
  • Exploring strategies for promoting social inclusion in adapted physical education.
  • Analyzing the impact of inclusive physical education on self-esteem and self-efficacy.
  • Understanding the experiences and perceptions of individuals with disabilities in physical education.
  • Investigating the role of community partnerships in supporting adapted physical education.
  • Examining the professional development needs of physical education teachers in inclusive settings.
  • Analyzing the influence of policy and legislation on the provision of adapted physical education.
  • Exploring the role of peer support in enhancing the participation of individuals with disabilities in physical education.

Physical Education Pedagogy and Teacher Training

  • Investigating the impact of professional development programs on physical education teacher effectiveness.
  • Exploring the use of technology in enhancing physical education pedagogy.
  • Analyzing the role of reflection and self-assessment in physical education teacher development.
  • Investigating the factors influencing physical education teacher job satisfaction.
  • Understanding the challenges faced by physical education teachers in multicultural classrooms.
  • Examining the relationship between teacher-student interaction and student engagement in physical education.
  • Exploring effective strategies for managing behavior in physical education classes.
  • Analyzing the impact of mentoring and coaching on physical education teacher development.
  • Investigating the influence of school climate on physical education teacher motivation and performance.
  • Exploring the integration of social-emotional learning in physical education curricula.

Physical Education Policy and Advocacy

  • Analyzing the impact of policy on the provision of physical education in schools.
  • Investigating the role of advocacy organizations in promoting quality physical education programs.
  • Understanding the factors influencing physical education policy adoption and implementation.
  • Examining the relationship between physical education policies and student health outcomes.
  • Analyzing the impact of budgetary constraints on the quality of physical education programs.
  • Investigating the role of community partnerships in supporting physical education initiatives.
  • Exploring strategies for promoting physical education policy reform.
  • Understanding the influence of parental involvement on physical education policy and practice.
  • Analyzing the effects of policy changes on physical education teacher preparation programs.
  • Investigating the perceptions and attitudes of stakeholders towards physical education policies.

Assessment and Evaluation in Physical Education

  • Analyzing the effectiveness of different assessment methods in physical education.
  • Investigating the use of technology in assessing physical education outcomes.
  • Exploring the role of self-assessment and peer assessment in physical education.
  • Understanding the challenges and opportunities of authentic assessment in physical education.
  • Analyzing the impact of assessment practices on student motivation and engagement in physical education.
  • Investigating the alignment between physical education curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
  • Exploring the role of formative assessment in enhancing student learning in physical education.
  • Understanding the influence of standardized testing on physical education assessment practices.
  • Investigating the relationship between assessment practices and equity in physical education.
  • Analyzing the use of data-driven decision-making in improving physical education programs.

Physical Education and Technology

  • Investigating the use of wearable devices in monitoring physical activity and fitness levels.
  • Exploring the impact of virtual reality and augmented reality in physical education.
  • Analyzing the role of mobile applications in promoting physical activity and health.
  • Understanding the benefits and challenges of online physical education courses.
  • Investigating the use of gamification in enhancing student engagement in physical education.
  • Exploring the influence of exergaming on physical activity participation.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of technology-mediated feedback in physical education.
  • Investigating the role of social media in promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles.
  • Understanding the integration of technology in physical education teacher preparation programs.
  • Exploring the ethical considerations of using technology in physical education.

Physical Education and Social Justice

  • Analyzing the relationship between physical education and social inequality.
  • Investigating the experiences and perceptions of marginalized groups in physical education.
  • Exploring strategies for promoting social justice in physical education curricula.
  • Understanding the role of physical education in fostering cultural competence and inclusion.
  • Investigating the impact of gender norms on physical education experiences.
  • Analyzing the influence of socioeconomic status on access to quality physical education.
  • Exploring the intersectionality of race, gender, and physical education experiences.
  • Investigating the role of physical education in promoting social-emotional well-being and resilience.
  • Analyzing the impact of inclusive policies and practices on social justice in physical education.
  • Understanding the challenges and opportunities of integrating social justice in physical education pedagogy.

education phd research topics

The comprehensive list of physical education research paper topics presented here is just the beginning of your research journey. Delve into the categories, choose a topic that resonates with your interests, and embark on a fascinating exploration of the subject matter. Remember to consider the relevance, significance, and feasibility of your chosen topic, and conduct thorough research to develop a well-informed and insightful research paper. Whether you seek to uncover the benefits of physical activity or analyze the effectiveness of different teaching methods, these topics will inspire you to expand your understanding of physical education and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

Physical Education Research Guide

Welcome to the world of physical education research! This page serves as a valuable resource for students and researchers in the field of education who are eager to explore the realm of physical education through the lens of research papers. Physical education plays a vital role in promoting health, wellness, and overall development among individuals of all ages. It encompasses a wide range of physical education research paper topics, from the impact of physical activity on academic performance to the effectiveness of various teaching approaches in physical education.

The primary objective of this page is to provide you with a comprehensive overview of physical education research paper topics. By delving into these topics, you will gain a deeper understanding of the key issues, theories, and practices within the field. The list of topics is categorized into 10 distinct categories, each offering 10 diverse and thought-provoking research paper ideas. Whether you’re interested in exploring the role of technology in physical education or investigating the social and cultural aspects of sports, you’ll find a wealth of ideas to spark your curiosity and fuel your research journey.

In addition to the extensive list of research paper topics, this page also offers expert advice on how to choose the most appropriate topic for your research project. Selecting a compelling and relevant research topic is essential to ensure the success of your study. Our expert guidance will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to help you navigate through the multitude of options and select a topic that aligns with your interests, research goals, and academic requirements.

Furthermore, we understand that crafting a research paper can be a challenging task. To support your academic journey, we offer custom writing services that allow you to order a personalized research paper on any physical education topic of your choice. Our team of expert degree-holding writers possesses the knowledge and expertise to deliver high-quality, well-researched papers that meet your specific needs. With our commitment to in-depth research, customized solutions, and adherence to formatting styles such as APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard, we strive to provide you with a seamless and professional writing experience.

So, whether you’re a student embarking on a research project or a researcher seeking new avenues of exploration, this page is designed to inspire, inform, and empower you in your quest for knowledge in the field of physical education. Let us embark on this exciting journey together as we delve into the fascinating world of physical education research paper topics.

Choosing a Physical Education Topic

When it comes to choosing a research paper topic in the field of physical education, it is crucial to select a subject that aligns with your interests, addresses a relevant issue, and allows for meaningful exploration. To help you make an informed decision, here are ten expert tips on selecting the right physical education research paper topic:

  • Identify your passion : Consider the aspects of physical education that you find most fascinating and meaningful. Are you interested in exploring the impact of technology on physical education, the role of physical education in promoting mental health, or the relationship between physical activity and academic performance? By selecting a topic that aligns with your passion, you will be more motivated to dive deep into the research and produce an exceptional paper.
  • Stay updated with current literature : Regularly review the latest research articles, books, and journals in the field of physical education. This will help you identify emerging trends, controversial topics, and gaps in existing knowledge, enabling you to choose a research topic that is current and relevant.
  • Consider the target population : Physical education encompasses various age groups and populations, including children, adolescents, adults, and individuals with special needs. Reflect on which population interests you the most and tailor your research topic accordingly. For example, you may explore the effectiveness of physical education programs for children with disabilities or the impact of physical activity interventions on older adults’ well-being.
  • Delve into emerging areas : Explore emerging areas within physical education that are gaining attention, such as inclusive education, adaptive physical education, or the integration of technology in teaching and learning. By choosing a topic in these emerging areas, you can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
  • Address local or global issues : Consider researching topics that address local or global issues in physical education. For instance, you may examine the impact of socio-cultural factors on physical education participation rates in a specific community or analyze the effects of globalization on physical education curriculum development.
  • Consult with experts : Seek guidance from professors, academic advisors, or professionals in the field of physical education. They can provide valuable insights, suggest potential research topics, and help you narrow down your focus based on their expertise and experience.
  • Conduct a literature review : Before finalizing your research topic, conduct a comprehensive literature review to identify existing studies, theories, and gaps in knowledge. This will help you refine your research question and ensure that your topic contributes to the existing body of literature.
  • Consider research feasibility : Assess the availability of data sources, research methods, and potential challenges associated with your chosen topic. Ensure that you have access to relevant data, research participants (if applicable), and the necessary resources to carry out your study successfully.
  • Balance novelty and significance : Strive to find a balance between selecting a novel and unique topic while ensuring its significance within the field of physical education. Aim to choose a topic that adds value to the existing knowledge and has the potential to influence practice or policy in a meaningful way.
  • Reflect on personal and professional goals : Consider how your chosen research topic aligns with your personal and professional goals. Will it contribute to your academic and career development? Does it align with your long-term aspirations within the field of physical education? Selecting a topic that resonates with your goals will enhance your motivation and dedication throughout the research process.

Remember, the process of choosing a research paper topic in physical education is iterative. Be open to exploring different ideas, seeking feedback from experts, and refining your topic based on the available resources and research feasibility. By selecting a topic that aligns with your passion, addresses a relevant issue, and has the potential for significant impact, you will be well-equipped to embark on a successful research journey in the field of physical education.

How to Write a Physical Education Research Paper

Writing a research paper in the field of physical education requires careful planning, thorough research, and effective organization of ideas. Here are some essential steps to guide you through the process of writing a compelling and well-structured physical education research paper:

  • Understand the assignment : Familiarize yourself with the requirements and guidelines provided by your instructor or educational institution. Pay attention to the research question, formatting style, word count, and any specific instructions or expectations.
  • Conduct thorough research : Begin by conducting extensive research on your chosen topic. Utilize various sources such as academic journals, books, reputable websites, and databases to gather relevant and reliable information. Take detailed notes and ensure that you cite your sources accurately.
  • Develop a strong thesis statement : Formulate a clear and concise thesis statement that captures the main objective or argument of your research paper. The thesis statement should guide your research and provide a roadmap for the rest of your paper.
  • Outline your paper : Create a well-organized outline to structure your research paper. Divide it into sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, analysis, and conclusion. Outline the main points and supporting evidence you will include in each section.
  • Write a compelling introduction : Begin your paper with an engaging introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and provides background information on the topic. Clearly state the purpose of your research, introduce the key concepts, and present your thesis statement.
  • Conduct a comprehensive literature review : Dedicate a section of your paper to reviewing relevant literature on the topic. Summarize and analyze existing studies, theories, and perspectives related to your research question. Identify gaps in the literature that your research aims to address.
  • Describe your research methodology : Explain the research design, methods, and procedures you used to collect and analyze data. Provide a clear description of the participants, materials, and instruments used. Justify the appropriateness of your chosen methods for addressing your research question.
  • Present your findings : Share the results of your research in a clear and organized manner. Use tables, graphs, or charts to present quantitative data and provide detailed descriptions for qualitative data. Analyze and interpret the findings in relation to your research question.
  • Discuss the implications and significance : Analyze the implications of your findings and their significance in the field of physical education. Discuss how your research contributes to the existing knowledge, addresses the research question, and impacts practice or policy.
  • Conclude your paper effectively : Summarize the main points of your research paper in the conclusion section. Restate your thesis statement and highlight the key findings and implications. Discuss the limitations of your study and suggest areas for further research.
  • Revise and edit : Review your research paper thoroughly for clarity, coherence, and logical flow. Check for grammatical and spelling errors, and ensure proper citation of sources using the required formatting style.
  • Seek feedback : Before submitting your final paper, seek feedback from peers, professors, or mentors. Incorporate their suggestions and revisions to improve the overall quality of your research paper.

By following these steps and dedicating sufficient time to each stage of the writing process, you can produce a well-researched and well-structured physical education research paper that effectively contributes to the field.

Order a Custom Research Paper

When it comes to writing a research paper in the field of physical education, it is understandable that you may encounter challenges or time constraints. In such cases, you may consider utilizing professional writing services to order a custom education research paper tailored to your specific needs. Our company offers a range of writing services to assist students like you in achieving their academic goals. Here are the key benefits of ordering a custom education research paper from our services:

  • Expert degree-holding writers : Our team of writers consists of highly qualified professionals with advanced degrees in the field of education. They have extensive knowledge and experience in conducting research and writing academic papers, ensuring the highest quality of work.
  • Custom written works : We understand the importance of originality in academic writing. Each research paper we deliver is custom-written from scratch, tailored to your specific requirements and guidelines. Our writers conduct thorough research and utilize credible sources to ensure the uniqueness and authenticity of your paper.
  • In-depth research : Our writers have access to a wide range of academic resources and databases, enabling them to conduct in-depth research on your chosen topic. They will gather relevant and up-to-date information to support the arguments and claims in your research paper.
  • Custom formatting : Our writers are well-versed in various formatting styles commonly used in academic writing, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard. They will ensure that your research paper adheres to the required formatting guidelines.
  • Top quality and customized solutions : We prioritize quality and strive to deliver research papers that meet the highest standards. Our writers pay attention to every detail of your requirements and instructions, ensuring a customized solution that reflects your unique perspective and academic level.
  • Flexible pricing : We understand that as a student, you may have budget constraints. That’s why we offer flexible pricing options to accommodate your financial needs. Our pricing structure is transparent and competitive, ensuring that you receive excellent value for your investment.
  • Short deadlines : If you are facing a tight deadline, our writing services can assist you. We offer short turnaround times, allowing you to place an order with a deadline as short as 3 hours. Our efficient and dedicated team will ensure that your research paper is delivered to you promptly, without compromising on quality.
  • Timely delivery : We understand the importance of meeting deadlines. Our writing services prioritize timely delivery, ensuring that you receive your completed research paper within the agreed-upon timeframe.
  • Absolute privacy : We prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of our clients. Your personal information and the details of your order will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and will not be shared with any third parties.
  • Easy order tracking : Our user-friendly platform allows you to easily track the progress of your order. You can communicate directly with your assigned writer, providing clarifications or additional instructions as needed.
  • 24/7 support : Our customer support team is available 24/7 to address any questions or concerns you may have throughout the process. We are here to provide prompt and reliable assistance whenever you need it.
  • Money-back guarantee : We are committed to your satisfaction. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the quality of the delivered research paper, we offer a money-back guarantee, ensuring that you have a risk-free experience.

Ordering a custom education research paper from our writing services can provide you with the support and expertise you need to excel in your academic endeavors. Our professional writers will work closely with you to ensure that your research paper meets your expectations and fulfills the requirements of your assignment. Take advantage of our services and experience the benefits of a well-crafted and meticulously researched education research paper.

Take Your Physical Education Research Paper to the Next Level

At iResearchNet, we are dedicated to helping students like you excel in your academic pursuits. If you are in need of a high-quality and custom physical education research paper, look no further. Our experienced team of writers is ready to assist you in creating a research paper that meets your specific requirements and exceeds your expectations.

To take advantage of our writing services, simply visit our website and place an order. Our user-friendly platform makes it easy to submit your paper details and provide any specific instructions or guidelines. You will have the opportunity to select a writer who specializes in physical education or related fields, ensuring that your research paper is in capable hands.

By choosing iResearchNet, you can benefit from our expert degree-holding writers, customized solutions, and in-depth research. We guarantee top-quality work that is formatted according to your preferred style, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard.

Additionally, we offer flexible pricing options to suit your budget and accommodate short deadlines, including turnaround times as short as 3 hours. We prioritize timely delivery to ensure that you have sufficient time to review the paper and request any necessary revisions.

Rest assured, your privacy is our utmost concern. We maintain absolute privacy and confidentiality throughout the entire process. You can track your order easily and enjoy 24/7 support from our responsive customer service team.

To experience the benefits of our custom education research paper writing services, place your order today. Take the first step toward a well-researched, well-written, and successful research paper in the field of physical education.

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education phd research topics

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NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

View guidelines, important information about nsf’s implementation of the revised 2 cfr.

NSF Financial Assistance awards (grants and cooperative agreements) made on or after October 1, 2024, will be subject to the applicable set of award conditions, dated October 1, 2024, available on the NSF website . These terms and conditions are consistent with the revised guidance specified in the OMB Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance published in the Federal Register on April 22, 2024.

Important information for proposers

All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in this funding opportunity and in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date to which the proposal is being submitted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets these requirements. Submitting a proposal prior to a specified deadline does not negate this requirement.

Supports fellowships for outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time, research-based masters and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering or math or STEM education.

The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time research-based master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. The GRFP provides three years of support over a five-year fellowship period for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM or STEM education.  NSF actively encourages submission of applications from the full spectrum of diverse talent that society has to offer which includes underrepresented and underserved communities.

NSF GRFP was established to recruit and support individuals who demonstrate the potential to make significant contributions in STEM. NSF especially encourages applications from undergraduate seniors and Bachelor's degree-holders interested in pursuing research-based graduate study in STEM.  First- and second-year graduate students in eligible STEM fields and degree programs are also encouraged to apply.

Program contacts

The Graduate Research Fellowship Operations Center is responsible for processing applications and responding to requests for information.  General inquiries regarding the Graduate Research Fellowship Program should be made to:

Graduate Research Fellowship Operations Center, telephone: 866-NSF-GRFP, 866-673-4737 (toll-free from the US and Canada) or 202-331-3542 (international). email: [email protected]

(866) 673-4737

Program events

  • August 15, 2024 - Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) Office Hours
  • August 12, 2024 - DEB Virtual Office Hour: Graduate Research Fellowship Program
  • July 18, 2024 - IOS Virtual Office Hour: Graduate Research Fellowship Program
  • August 15, 2023 - Division of Biological Infrastructure (DBI) Virtual Office…
  • August 9, 2023 - MCB Virtual Office Hour: Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Additional program resources

  • Non-NSF website with comprehensive information on how to apply, eligibility, phone numbers and email addresses
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the Graduate Research Fellowship Program
  • Administrative Guide for Fellows and Coordinating Officials
  • List of Fellows and Honorable Mentions

Awards made through this program


  • Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)
  • Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)
  • Directorate for STEM Education (EDU)
  • Division of Graduate Education (EDU/DGE)
  • Directorate for Engineering (ENG)
  • Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)
  • Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)
  • Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE)
  • Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP)
  • Office of Integrative Activities (OD/OIA)
  • Office of International Science and Engineering (OD/OISE)


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