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Can an Essay have Bullet Points? Tips How to use them Right

writing essay in point form

Can the Essay be written in Points

One can use bullets as a way of arousing your interest in an article. However, you should do it moderately without the instance of overusing them. Points are the easiest way of breaking the information.

Besides, you must consider your document and your audience before finding it appropriate to use bullets. When you use them well, it will make it easier to write a hard-to-please audience and nail your point home. 

An essay can have bullet points if they help in presenting the arguments that the essay seeks to present. The points can help the reader understand more about the subject being written about. However, bullets in an essay should be restricted to a few lines because it is not feasible to write the whole essay in point form. An essay is a prose text and can only accommodate a few bullets.

essay in bullet format

When using bullets, ensure the sentence is relatively short. Again, the bullet points do not have to be complete sentences. Such allow the online reader to scan through the content and have a clue of what you are talking about. The bullets are great for use in an essay because they enhance the easier processing of information. 

No, you will be on safer grounds if you write without bullets. Depending on your establishment, you should avoid the use of bullets to avoid criticism and complaints.

You can organize it in a three-paragraph format which includes the introduction, body, and conclusion. You can read more about how to structure an essay in our guide and get more insights on such paragraphing.

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Tips how to incorporate bullet points into an essay.

An academic article can include lists that assist in organizing the materials and enable the reader to have a quick overview of that section.

Incorporating bullet points in an essay

One should construct them in a parallel fashion so as to have a point per line.

They should be consistent and organized to support the argument of that paragraph and the thesis in general.

In all cases, avoid numbers, bullets, and letters.

Several ways exist to format lists, as follows:

1. Run-In Lists 

A run-list is part of the general text where you can separate the elements by performing the following actions.

  • Separate them with Numbers: You can separate the list by numbering. For example, 

The steering committee passed resolutions on 1) Consensus building, 2) Community allowances, and 3) Implementation of critical agendas. 

  • Separate with Colon: It is a complete sentence followed by a list of items. There will be a separate sentence emanating from the list with a colon, as shown in the example. 

Do not hunt in the forest without the following tools: a sword, a bag, boots, and a phone.

2. Vertical Lists 

When you use the vertical lists, you should start with a full sentence that will offer an overview of what to expect. However, the list should not take a bullet format, as indicated below. 

Your admission letter should include the following items:

  • The overall fee structure for the whole year
  • The doctor’s recommendation part
  • Your contact details

Alternatively, suppose the lead-in sentence is complete featuring all entries in the list; you can use a punctuation mark to follow each entry. For example, you can use the bullet points as indicated in the bellow sentence.

You can make whole plant-based cookies by performing the following steps: 

  • Preheat the oven to a minimum temperature of 350F. 
  • Add the dried food to the bowl.
  • Stir all these mixtures (listed above).
  • You can empty the ingredients (listed above). 
  • Cover and allow it to chill in a fridge.  

In the example above, the steps use numbers as the bullet form, and they are necessary to list the steps of the recipe. Notably, every entry is a complete sentence; hence, you must use a final period. 

3. Punctuating Vertical Lists as a Sentence 

using numbering

Such a scenario is actually when the list is too long. The format is ideal when the phrases consist of internal punctuations, making the reader find it hard to follow.

For example,

The physics professors proposed significant changes in the curriculum, and now it is a norm to find 

  • great focus on teamwork;
  • customized in-class lectures to enhance all learning styles;
  • creative research techniques with an emphasis on those that require knowledge in labs;
  • bilingual lesson plans.

4. Vertical Lists featuring subdivided items 

One can format a complex vertical list to resemble an outline using letters or numbers in the logical procedure. The introductory line must be a complete sentence, as indicated in the following example.

The debating club should be ready to ventilate on the following topics: 

  • Cultural developments 
  • The spread of the language 
  • Development of kingdoms 
  • The role of chiefs 
  • Notable figures 

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Examples of Main Points in an Essay

You can indicate your main points in an easy to aid the understanding of the reader. For example, in the following paragraph.

Mediation is an ancient practice that users consider as a mind-body medicine that promotes a tranquil mind. It consists of relaxed breathing, a focused mind, a quiet environment, and a comfortable position.

Bullet Point Essay Example

When talking about a particular topic on ‘Rabbit repellants,’ we can justify our argument using the following formats.

A rabbit repellent is efficient in keeping the rabbits away since it has some formulations that are not pleasant to rabbits. This repellent works by forming an inhospitable environment for the rabbits, prompting them to go to the other garden. A good repellant should have the following features:

  • Natural ingredients 
  • Long-lasting application 
  • It is non-toxic to animals and pets 

Check out my guide on whether essays can have subheadings and see the other side of writing essays other than just using bullets.

Josh Jasen working

Josh Jasen or JJ as we fondly call him, is a senior academic editor at Grade Bees in charge of the writing department. When not managing complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In his spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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How to Make a Bullet List for APA or MLA Formatting


Whether you are writing a formal article, blogging, completing an academic essay or thesis, bullet lists are an important tool to add some flare to your work. There are, however, some important rules to follow when using lists in your work. We’ve created this helpful guide which complies with APA and MLA formatting standards. If you follow these helpful hints for structuring your lists with examples below from our professional writers at PapersOwl you will be sure to get a high grade.

First, identify when a list is necessary. Lists are useful when you have a lot of details to convey to the reader in a quick and easy manner without bogging the reader down through wordy passages. Lists can be used to give detailed instructions to a process, requirements to complete a certain task, or helpful references to inform of a schedule or event.

When using lists be sure to also follow a set of formatting standards that are accepted and you’ll build confidence in your audience and if you are writing an academic paper you will be sure to receive a high grade on your paper. Our advice – you can use online  APA format generator to avoid mistakes in the reference list in your paper.

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How To List Things In Academic Papers Correctly

Here are some important factors to consider when using lists:

  • If your list items are complete sentences, be sure to use proper capitalization and punctuation as if the list item were a stand-alone sentence.
  • When using fragmented sentences, do not include any ending punctuation.
  • When using semicolons  to separate list items, the last item on the list should contain a period.
  • Be sure your list items have a consistent format and style i.e. when using full sentences ensure all list items are full sentences.
  • Ensure all your list items are related to the same topic.

If you follow these hints from our custom writing service  your paperwork will look more professional and be more interesting to read. It is also a good idea to give a concluding sentence or two following the list to state its importance or usefulness.

Another interesting format for creating a list is when the list items are closely related, for example, instructions on a specific process are to form the list as one complete sentence. For example, here is a summary of the instructions to write a standard 5 paragraph essay .

  • Write a strong thesis statement,
  • compose the body of your essay,
  • complete the introduction, and
  • finally, draft your conclusion.

With this format, use commas after each list item and on the next-to-last list, item use the word and close the list with a period at the end of the final item.

Bullet List with Semicolons In APA Or MLA Papers

Here is an example of a formal list using semi-colons:

  • Lists can be used in many papers from a simple essay to a Ph.D. dissertation ;
  • Use lists to make your work more interesting;
  • Be sure not to overuse lists.


Doing assignments online can be a great way to save time and energy. Not only are you able to access a wide range of resources and materials, but you can also find assistance from professionals who can help you complete your work quickly and accurately. The example lists above are compliant with many academic writing standards, such as APA or MLA formatting . Effective writing can be a difficult task and lists are a great way to deliver information to your readers in a clear, concise, and easy to read manner. If, however, you do not have the time or are having trouble drafting your composition there is help. You can hire one of our professional APA essay writers  or MLA writers at PapersOwl, and we will do the hard work for you! We will deliver your research paper on time and guarantee that you will get a high grade. Additionally, they offer a variety of services, including writing assignments, editing, proofreading, and formatting. So, if you are looking for an easy and efficient way to pay to get assignments done , PapersOwl is the perfect solution.

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essay in bullet format

Bullet Points – Rules, Usage, and Examples

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| Danielle McLeod

| Punctuation

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Danielle McLeod

Danielle McLeod is a highly qualified secondary English Language Arts Instructor who brings a diverse educational background to her classroom. With degrees in science, English, and literacy, she has worked to create cross-curricular materials to bridge learning gaps and help students focus on effective writing and speech techniques. Currently working as a dual credit technical writing instructor at a Career and Technical Education Center, her curriculum development surrounds student focus on effective communication for future career choices.

Bullet points help create key points to grab a reader’s attention and work on clarifying and directing the main point. They can summarize, provide directions, highlight main points, and offer an easy-to-follow structure for the reader to follow. 

Take a look at how you can use bullet points to enhance your text’s readability and structure your material. Our guide below offers rules, usage, and examples of bullet points used to help highlight the best ways to include these symbols in your writing. 

What Are Bullet Points?

Grammarist Article Graphic V2 76

Bullet points are typographical marks or symbols that introduce items in a list. Usually, a bullet point is represented by a centered dot (•), but there are different forms of bullets to pick from based on the writer’s preference. 

For example, a diamond (♦), diamond cluster (❖), an arrow (➢), and square (■) are other popular bullet point types that can be used. These can also be used to create a sub-bullet or nested bullet point following an initial bulleted idea. The important thing is to be consistent when using a different type of bullet and not to mix them up, which negates their entire purpose.  

How to Use Bullet Points That Work 

Bullet points are a great way to communicate information effectively. They provide a quick way to get the reader’s attention and offer scannable content to help make significant points that don’t require reading long blocks of text. 

Bulleted items help to engage readers by offering a quick presentation of the main ideas and information. They can also be used to present and summarize essential points quickly and efficiently, especially if you have a scanning reader who wants to see the main points before determining if they want to read the rest of the text. 

To Summarize

If you have presented a long or complicated argument in your text or provided a series of directions and information points, bullets can be used to summarize these ideas. 

For example:

To wrap it up, studying before an exam is a much better than cramming the night before. To make this effective, you should do the following:

  • Gather all your study materials, notes, and text one week in advance
  • Organize materials by level of difficulty
  • Spend 15 to 20 minutes each night reviewing materials
  • Review all main points the night before the exam 

To Provide a Fascination

A fascinating bullet is specific to points in a text that create curiosity and engage a reader, especially when bullets are used to highlight a product. They occasionally can be used as a headline (called external fascinations) or to highlight the information you want to stand out (internal fascinations). 

To List Items

Making lists with bullet points is useful when listing items separately to avoid confusing them with the rest of the words in a text block. Recipes, for example, provide ingredients that work well in bulleted form to help the reader quickly see what they need to have. 

To make this recipe, you will need the following:

To Highlight Main Points

Bullets are a great way to highlight or reiterate the main points of a text. They help emphasize information and remind the reader what they should be paying attention to. 

In order to be successful, you want to consider the following steps to ensure financial stability:

  • Pay off all debt
  • Keep three months’ worth of bill payments in savings
  • Invest a percentage of your check each month

To List Directions

Whether giving directions to a location or instructions to complete a task, a list with bullet points can help create a step-by-step guide that is easy to follow. 

To finish glazing the cake, follow these steps:

  • Mix the sugar, flavoring, and water together in a bowl
  • Remove cake from oven
  • Immediately pour ¾ of the glaze over the hot cake
  • Allow to cool 
  • Drizzle the remaining glaze over the top

Rules of Bullet Point Use

Grammarist Article Graphic V2 77

Using bullets are easy, but there are some basic bullet point style rules to remember when you include them in your writing. The majority of style guides, such as MLA or APA are consistent in their directions of bulleted use as well, but always double-check if you are constricted by guide rules. 

Use an Introductory Phrase or Sentence

Before using bullets, always be sure to first provide an introductory sentence or phrase to provide the reader context. It is important to provide this information as an explanation of why the material is being pulled from the rest of the text. 

The pet shop sells a variety of rare animals. Some of their most popular include:

  • Baby skunks
  • Sulfur Crested Cockatiels

Create Parallel Lists 

Parallelism is a way to keep your sentence structure grammatically consistent from one sentence to the next. The same should be applied when using bullets. Always begin your bullets with the same parts of speech and maintain the same grammatical structure for symmetrical content that is easy to read. 

She listed all the issues her students were having with bullet point format in essay examples.

  • Forgetting to capitalize the first word
  • Listing things out of order
  • Mixing partial sentences with single words

Keep a Consistent Structure

Along with using parallel lists, also keep a consistent phrase or sentence structure . Be sure to use the same tense from one bullet to the next, and do not mix long and short sentences. If you use sentence fragments, make sure all the bullets are fragments. The same goes for complete sentences. 

Keep Ideas Simple

If you choose to bullet a complete or fragmented sentence, you should keep it simple and short. Remember to keep a consistent structure and use parallelism. 

The entire family went to different places for vacation last year:

  • Aunt Rita traveled to Bali to complete her bucket list.
  • Mom and Dad decided on an all-inclusive cruise.
  • Mike went to a lake and fished by himself. 

Rules of Bullet Point Punctuation

There are only two essential rules of punctuation you need to know since a bullet can be a single word or single phrase, sentence fragment, or complete sentence and still be considered grammatically correct in its usage. 

Capitalization Should Stay Consistent

Generally, it would be best to always capitalize the first word following the bullet. However, you may keep single words in lowercase letters if you choose. Just stay consistent from one bullet to the next when using capital letters.

Punctuation is Reserved for Complete Sentences Only

Most bullets are single words, phrases, and sentence fragments. These do not need to be punctuated. If you are using complete sentences, you should always keep the punctuation consistent.

For example, a complete sentence should be properly punctuated with commas, colons, semicolons, and ending marks such as periods or questions marks. 

Words, phrases, and sentence fragments should not be punctuated. 

What is the Difference Between Bullet Points and Numbers?

Some people use numbers when listing information, but this isn’t always the best choice, and you should be aware of the specific uses that provide the best scenario for number use. 

To use a numbered list, you should consider if there is a specific order to the information you are highlighting, such as directions or action items. This is especially helpful for blogging and article type writing scenarios that include recipes or step by step guidelines. 

Otherwise, always use a bulleted list. These are a more versatile option overall and work to share content, improve readability, and draw attention to important information. 

Let’s Review

The most effective bullets highlight important information and bring attention to the major points of a text. They help with readability and clarity and can be used to list directions or provide summaries. 

Occasionally numbers can be used in place of a bullet point or symbol, but be sure to use numbers with information that should be listed in a specific order. 

It is common to capitalize the first word following bullet point usage; however, you may keep the word lowercase if it is a singular word. Punctuation is reserved for complete sentences only.

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Learn the Standard Essay Format: MLA, APA, Chicago Styles

essay in bullet format

Being able to write an essay is a vital part of any student's education. However, it's not just about linearly listing ideas. A lot of institutions will require a certain format that your paper must follow; prime examples would be one of a basic essay format like MLA, the APA, and the Chicago formats. This article will explain the differences between the MLA format, the APA format, and the Chicago format. The application of these could range from high school to college essays, and they stand as the standard of college essay formatting. EssayPro — dissertation services , that will help to make a difference!

What is an Essay Format: Structure

Be it an academic, informative or a specific extended essay - structure is essential. For example, the IB extended essay has very strict requirements that are followed by an assigned academic style of writing (primarily MLA, APA, or Chicago):

Title Page Paragraph 1 must include a research question, thesis, and outline of the essay’s importance.
Abstract Comprised of 3 paragraphs, totaling about 300 words, with 100 words in each. Paragraph 2 covers key resources, scope and limits of research, etc. Paragraph 3 concludes what you’ve already reached in your essay.
Table of Contents (with page numbers) Includes sections like Research question, Thesis, Introduction, Arguments, Sub-headings, Conclusion, Appendix, Works cited (bibliography).
Introduction The research question is required.
Bibliography/Works Cited

This outline format for an extended essay is a great example to follow when writing a research essay, and sustaining a proper research essay format - especially if it is based on the MLA guidelines. It is vital to remember that the student must keep track of their resources to apply them to each step outlined above easily. And check out some tips on how to write an essay introduction .

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Navigate the complexities of essay structures with ease. Let our experts guide your paper to the format it deserves!

How to Format an Essay (MLA)

mla format

To write an essay in MLA format, one must follow a basic set of guidelines and instructions. This is a step by step from our business essay writing service.

Font 12pt Times New Roman
Spacing Double spaced everywhere
No extra spaces, especially between paragraphs
Heading Example of the heading on the first page of the essay (upper left corner):
Margins One-inch margin on the top, bottom, left and right
Page Numbers Last name and page number must be put on every page of the essay as a “header”. Otherwise, it would go in place of the text.
Title There needs to be a proper essay title format, centered and above the first line of the essay of the same font and size as the essay itself
Indentation Just press tab (1/2 inch, just in case)
Align Align to the left-hand side, and make sure it is aligned evenly

Essay in MLA Format Example

Mla vs. apa.

Before we move on to the APA essay format, it is important to distinguish the two types of formatting. Let’s go through the similarities first:

  • The formatting styles are similar: spacing, citation, indentation.
  • All of the information that is used within the essay must be present within the works cited page (in APA, that’s called a reference page)
  • Both use the parenthetical citations within the body of the paper, usually to show a certain quote or calculation.
  • Citations are listed alphabetically on the works cited / reference page.

What you need to know about the differences is not extensive, thankfully:

  • MLA style is mostly used in humanities, while APA style is focused more on social sciences. The list of sources has a different name (works cited - MLA / references - APA)
  • Works cited differ on the way they display the name of the original content (MLA -> Yorke, Thom / APA -> Yorke T.)
  • When using an in-text citation, and the author’s name is listed within the sentence, place the page number found at the end: “Yorke believes that Creep was Radiohead’s worst song. (4).” APA, on the other hand, requires that a year is to be inserted: “According to Yorke (2013), Creep was a mess.”

Alright, let’s carry over to the APA style specifics.

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How to format an essay (apa).

The APA scheme is one of the most common college essay formats, so being familiar with its requirements is crucial. In a basic APA format structure, we can apply a similar list of guidelines as we did in the MLA section:

Font 12pt Times New Roman
Spacing Double-space
Page Numbers Add a concise title header to the top left of each page, keeping it under 50 characters.
Also, include a page number in the top right corner.
Title Page
Headings Format all headings in bold and title case. Apply specific additional criteria for different heading levels as needed.

If you ask yourself how to format an essay, you can always turn to us and request to write or rewrite essay in APA format if you find it difficult or don't have time.

Note that some teachers and professors may request deviations from some of the characteristics that the APA format originally requires, such as those listed above.

apa format

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Essay in APA Format Example

Apa format chronobiology, chicago style.

The usage of Chicago style is prevalent in academic writing that focuses on the source of origin. This means that precise citations and footnotes are key to a successful paper.

Chicago Style Essay Format

The same bullet point structure can be applied to the Chicago essay format.

Title Page Below the page, put the title in regular text. If it's longer than one line, double-space it. Center your full name in the middle. Double-space each line for the course number, instructor's name, and the date separately.
Margins Use one-inch margins apart from the right side.
Spacing Double spaced everywhere. No extra spaces, especially between paragraphs.
Font Times New Roman (12pt)
Page Numbers On each page, add your last name and page number in the top right corner. Don't number the title page. Begin numbering the text from the second page.
Footnotes The Chicago format requires footnotes on paraphrased or quoted passages.
Bibliography The bibliography is very similar to that of MLA. Gather the proper information and input it into a specialized citation site.

chicago style

Tips for Writing an Academic Paper

There isn’t one proper way of writing a paper, but there are solid guidelines to sustain a consistent workflow. Be it a college application essay, a research paper, informative essay, etc. There is a standard essay format that you should follow. For easier access, the following outline will be divided into steps:

Choose a Good Topic

A lot of students struggle with picking a good topic for their essays. The topic you choose should be specific enough so you can explore it in its entirety and hit your word limit if that’s a variable you worry about. With a good topic that should not be a problem. On the other hand, it should not be so broad that some resources would outweigh the information you could squeeze into one paper. Don’t be too specific, or you will find that there is a shortage of information, but don’t be too broad or you will feel overwhelmed. Don’t hesitate to ask your instructor for help with your essay writing.

Start Research as Soon as Possible

Before you even begin writing, make sure that you are acquainted with the information that you are working with. Find compelling arguments and counterpoints, trivia, facts, etc. The sky is the limit when it comes to gathering information.

Pick out Specific, Compelling Resources

When you feel acquainted with the subject, you should be able to have a basic conversation on the matter. Pick out resources that have been bookmarked, saved or are very informative and start extracting information. You will need all you can get to put into the citations at the end of your paper. Stash books, websites, articles and have them ready to cite. See if you can subtract or expand your scope of research.

Create an Outline

Always have a plan. This might be the most important phase of the process. If you have a strong essay outline and you have a particular goal in mind, it’ll be easy to refer to it when you might get stuck somewhere in the middle of the paper. And since you have direct links from the research you’ve done beforehand, the progress is guaranteed to be swift. Having a list of keywords, if applicable, will surely boost the informational scope. With keywords specific to the subject matter of each section, it should be much easier to identify its direction and possible informational criteria.

Write a Draft

Before you jot anything down into the body of your essay, make sure that the outline has enough information to back up whatever statement you choose to explore. Do not be afraid of letting creativity into your paper (within reason, of course) and explore the possibilities. Start with a standard 5 paragraph structure, and the content will come with time.

Ask for a Peer Review of Your Academic Paper

Before you know it, the draft is done, and it’s ready to be sent out for peer review. Ask a classmate, a relative or even a specialist if they are willing to contribute. Get as much feedback as you possibly can and work on it.

Final Draft

Before handing in the final draft, go over it at least one more time, focusing on smaller mistakes like grammar and punctuation. Make sure that what you wrote follows proper essay structure. Learn more about argumentative essay structure on our blog. If you need a second pair of eyes, get help from our service.

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What Is Essay Format?

How to format a college essay, how to write an essay in mla format.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

essay in bullet format

Royal Roads University: WriteAnswers banner

  • RRU Writing Centre
  • WriteAnswers

Q. Are bulleted lists allowed in APA Style? How do I format a bulleted or numbered list?

  • 3 Academic Integrity
  • 48 Academic writing
  • 42 APA Style
  • 33 APA Style: Formatting
  • 109 APA Style: In-text citations
  • 107 APA Style: References
  • 3 Generative AI
  • 19 Legal citations
  • 16 Paraphrasing
  • 10 Punctuation
  • 25 Quotations
  • 17 Writing Centre information
  • 65 Writing Centre resources

Answered By: Jonathan Faerber (he/him/his) Last Updated: Nov 04, 2021     Views: 175098

APA Style (7th ed.)

Bulleted and numbered lists are permitted by the APA Style rules; however, if you're unsure if your instructor will permit them in your assignment, please check with your instructor. Keep in mind that because bulleted or numbered lists only provide surface-level information rather than include analysis, and because the focus of academic writing is to demonstrate your critical thinking, these lists are used sparingly in formal academic writing in favor of communicating your ideas in complete sentences and paragraphs. See below for information regarding formatting lists.

Bulleted lists

The capitalization and punctuation for each bulleted item depends on whether the items form sentences or sentence parts. If the bulleted text is a full sentence, capitalize the first letter of the first word and end the paragraph with a period. For example:

  • This is a sentence.
  • This is another sentence.
  • This is the last sentence of the bulleted list.

When a bulleted list separates three or more elements within a sentence, “begin each bulleted item with a lowercase letter” and either punctuate each item in the list as parts of a sentence (e.g., inserting commas), or exclude punctuation after each item (American Psychological Association [APA], 2020, pp. 190-191). For example:

In December 2018, British Columbia had an extreme storm that caused:

  • massive damage due to high winds,
  • widespread power outages that lasted many days, and
  • flooded roads.

This storm affected multiple areas on Vancouver Island, including:

For other examples of bulleted lists, see Bulleted Lists in the APA Style Blog. For an explanation of the difference between a complete sentence and its parts, please see Sentences  and Sentence Elements  on the Writing Centre website.

Numbered lists

Numbered lists are helpful to identify the organization of information, such as "itemized conclusions” or “steps in a procedure" (APA, 2020, p. 190). Keep the following steps when creating a number list:

  • Create the numbered list using the numbered list function on Microsoft Word or similar program.
  • Set off Arabic numerals at the beginning of each item with a period rather than parentheses (i.e., “2.” rather than “(2)” or “2)”)
  • Begin each item in the numbered list with a capital letter, and follow appropriate sentence punctuation throughout the list, using end marks like periods, exclamation, or question marks where required.

Please keep in mind that "the use of 'numbered lists' may connote an unwanted or unwarranted ordinal position (e.g. chronology, importance, priority) among the items" (APA, 2020, p. 190). To avoid this suggestion of position, use a bulleted list instead. For more information on numbered lists, see Numbered Lists in the APA Style Blog.

Lettered lists within a sentence

Lettered lists within a sentence are a good way to identify elements in a series within a paragraph or sentence without breaking the elements into a numbered or bulleted list. To indicate the list, use lowercase letters in parentheses (American Psychological Association, 2020, p. 189). For example, "students were asked to choose between completing (a) a formal research essay, (b) a documentary-style video, (c) a multi-media experience that involves participants". To punctuate a lettered list within a sentence, use commas between each of three or more items, or use semicolons when separating items that include commas, such as a series of phrases (APA, 2020, p.189). See Lettered Lists from the APA Style Blog for more information and examples.

American Psychological Association. (2020).  Publication manual of the American Psychological Association  (7th ed.).  https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

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American Psychological Association

Paper Format

Consistency in the order, structure, and format of a paper allows readers to focus on a paper’s content rather than its presentation.

To format a paper in APA Style, writers can typically use the default settings and automatic formatting tools of their word-processing program or make only minor adjustments.

The guidelines for paper format apply to both student assignments and manuscripts being submitted for publication to a journal. If you are using APA Style to create another kind of work (e.g., a website, conference poster, or PowerPoint presentation), you may need to format your work differently in order to optimize its presentation, for example, by using different line spacing and font sizes. Follow the guidelines of your institution or publisher to adapt APA Style formatting guidelines as needed.

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Best practice for writing and formatting bulleted lists

November 20, 2022 by David Barden

Using bulleted lists

Bulleted lists are great for breaking up long lists into manageable chunks and for making your copy easier to scan. But are you getting the most out of this useful format? Follow these 12 tips for writing and formatting bulleted lists, and your key points are guaranteed to come across more strongly.

Take your time over bulleted lists

When presenting a set of related ideas, categories, features or benefits, the bulleted list is a winner on several levels. Not only is a bulleted list more visually appealing than a solid wall of text, but it helps the reader by breaking a complex chunk of information down into simpler elements.

But although writing out a bulleted list might seem like a quick job, doing it well requires considerable thought. To help you ensure that your next one works well, I’d like to share this checklist of best-practices for writing and formatting bulleted lists in your copy.

Thinking about writing a bulleted list

#1: Avoid more than seven items in a bulleted list

The first point is a structural one – don’t list too many things at once. A long bulleted list is certainly better than the same information presented as a solid paragraph, but the more items there are, the less engaging the list is, and the less likely it is that the reader will spot the points that interest them.

So keep your bulleted list to a maximum of about seven entries, and if it’s more, ask yourself, are all of those points really necessary? And if they are, would splitting up the list under separate headers make the individual entries easier to find?

#2: Use bullet-points with visual impact

Round solid bullet-points are the default option for many, but it’s worth trying other symbols if they’re available ( see below ). I quite like the filled square, the right-hand arrowhead, and the right-hand French angular quotation mark, while the check-mark is familiar in lists of benefits or included features. You could even go for custom bullet-points that mirror your brand, so long as they’re not too elaborate.

Good general-purpose bullet-point symbols

Make sure the size is appropriate too – symbols that are too large can look clunky and amateurish, whereas symbols that are too small will lack impact.

#3: Avoid sub-bullets

Word-processing packages typically offer tempting options for formatting bulleted lists at multiple levels, but in practice you should only use them when you absolutely have to. The more complex your bulleted list, the less understandable it will be at first glance.

However, if you do decide to go down this route, I’d recommend using a different symbol with a reduced weighting or size, such as the en-dash, the right-hand angle-bracket, or the open circle (see below). This prevents them distracting attention away from the top-level entries.

Good symbols for sub-bullets (if needed)

#4: Pick a strong colour

Having your bullet-points the same colour as the body text is the norm, but in a piece of company literature, using the brand colour for the bullet-point symbols gives a more professional touch.

Many brands have complementary colours, and if this is sufficiently strong, then it can help draw attention to the bulleted list without causing a colour clash.

#5: Adjust the indents and spacing carefully

Indents are normally handled well enough using the default settings for bulleted lists, so there’s no excuse for badly indented text or inconsistent alignment. I like to indent the bullet-points themselves by a few points compared to the body copy, as this is more visually pleasing.

Sub-bullets should be indented further in, and it’s worth experimenting with the settings so that you achieve a satisfactory alignment that doesn’t distract the reader.

Also ensure that the paragraph space between separate bulleted items is sufficient to avoid a text pile-up. If the entries themselves are short, a spacing that is a bit less than the regular paragraph spacing helps to keep the list looking coherent.

Best practice for formatting a bulleted list

#6: Keep the text as short as possible

Moving on to the text itself, and the impact of bullet-points is greatly reduced if each bulleted item drags on for several lines. I’d recommend a maximum of four lines of text per item, and preferably just one or two.

Also, try and keep each bulleted item about the same length – switching from short text to long text is distracting, and may give a misleading impression of the importance of the entries.

#7: Use lead-ins for longer entries

If the text of your bulleted items is relatively complex, and you can’t reduce the word-count, then a good tactic is the lead-in . This is a few words formatted in bold at the start of each item, usually followed by a colon, full-stop or en-dash (scroll down to see the example in the graphic below). You will, however, need to phrase the lead-ins carefully so that the reader doesn’t lose track of what you’re saying.

#8: Use a consistent text structure

Speaking of phrasing, a vital aspect of bullet-points (in my opinion) is parallelism . This is writing the text so that each bulleted item starts with the same part of speech (e.g. verb, adjective, noun, adverb), and ideally uses the same sentence structure. Following this rule lends emphasis to what you’re saying, makes it easier to scan, and avoids mismatched phrasing between the introduction to the bulleted list and the list itself.

Start each bulleted item with the same part of speech to make your bulleted list easier to scan

#9: Use punctuation consistently

There are various styles of punctuation used for bulleted lists, but one thing is clear: in running text, you should always introduce your the list with a colon (:). The semicolon (;), although widely used, is incorrect.

As for the punctuation should you use at the end of items in your bulleted list, being consistent shows off your attention to detail. There are three options:

  • Nothing: recommended for single words or short entries.
  • Full-stop: recommended for longer entries or complete sentences, and optional at the end of the last item in any list.
  • Semi-colon: archaic and best avoided, along with the “and” at the end of the penultimate item.

Ultimately, you should avoid any usage that distracts from the text – if it looks odd, then change it!

#10: Use initial capitals

Starting each bulleted item with a capital letter is recommended in nearly all instances. But where the bulleted items ‘run on’ from the body text above, then lower-case can make it clear that the sentences are intended to be read in that way. I’ve shown an example of this in tip #11.

Best practice for writing a bulleted list

#11: Use them for the right reasons

The tips above cover how to use bullet-points, but when should you use them?

I think you should consider using a bulleted list:

  • where you need to highlight a range of ideas, options, features or benefits
  • where the entire list is worthy of attention
  • where the items can be conveyed concisely
  • where the items are logically distinct
  • where listing the points in the body text would be cumbersome.

If any of these don’t apply, then check that a bulleted list really is the right way forward. If your message makes more sense as body copy, it’s probably better that way.

#12: Don’t overuse them

And one final word: because the eye is naturally drawn towards bulleted lists, using them too liberally will reduce their impact. So use them only where necessary, and where they don’t vie for attention with other elements of your copy.

Battling with bullet-points? If you need help structuring your message for easy understanding, please get in touch.

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APA Headings and Subheadings | With Sample Paper

Published on November 7, 2020 by Raimo Streefkerk . Revised on October 24, 2022.

Headings and subheadings provide structure to a document. They signal what each section is about and allow for easy navigation of the document.

APA headings have five possible levels. Each heading level is formatted differently.

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Additional guidelines for apa headings, how many heading levels should you use, when to use which apa heading level, section labels vs headings, sample paper with apa headings, using heading styles in word or google docs.

As well as the heading styles, there are some other guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Double-space all text, including the headings.
  • Use the same font for headings and body text (e.g., Times New Roman 12pt.).
  • Don’t label headings with numbers or letters.
  • Don’t add extra “enters” above or below headings.

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Depending on the length and complexity of your paper, you may not use all five heading levels. In fact, shorter student papers may have no headings at all.

It’s also perfectly fine for some sections in your paper to go as deep as five levels, where others use only heading level 1.

Heading level 1 is used for main sections like “ Methods ”, “ Results ”, and “ Discussion ”. There is no “ Introduction ” heading at the beginning of your paper because the first paragraphs are understood to be introductory.

Heading level 2 is used for subsections under level 1. For example, under “Methods” (level 1) you may have subsections for “Sampling Method” and “Data Analysis” (level 2). This continues all the way down to heading level 5.

Always use at least two subheadings or none at all. If there is just one subheading, the top-level heading is sufficient.

In addition to regular headings, APA works with “section labels” for specific parts of the paper. They’re similar to headings but are formatted differently. Section labels are placed on a separate line at the top of a new page in bold and centered.

Use section labels for the following sections in an APA formatted paper :

  • Author note
  • Paper title
  • Reference page

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The AI-powered Citation Checker helps you avoid common mistakes such as:

  • Missing commas and periods
  • Incorrect usage of “et al.”
  • Ampersands (&) in narrative citations
  • Missing reference entries

APA heading example (7th edition)

Instead of formatting every heading individually, you can use the “Styles” feature in Word or Google Docs. This allows you to save the styling and apply it with just a click.

The first time you use APA Style, you need to update the default heading styles to reflect the APA heading guidelines. Click here for the instructions for Microsoft Word and Google Docs .

An added benefit of using the “Styles” feature is that you can automatically generate a table of contents .

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Streefkerk, R. (2022, October 24). APA Headings and Subheadings | With Sample Paper. Scribbr. Retrieved August 21, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/apa-headings/

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how to list things in an essay

How To List Things in an Essay (APA and MLA)

Essays usually follow a consistent format but every now and then something happens to throw that pattern off. Lists may be required in essays, which might throw off the piece’s general formatting, organization, and syntax. Let us go through how to list things in an essay.

When adding a list of subtopics or themes, lists of recommendations, phases of analysis, components of an item, and the like, readers often get your point fast. The key to using lists in an essay is to employ proper punctuation and grammar, as well as to maintain a consistent grammatical style.

Anything less than 3 items should not be listed in your essay.

Lists frequently appear in essays, posing problems for formatting, paragraph structure, and grammar. When you include:

  • subtopics or themes
  • evaluation checklists
  • complex lists of ideas
  • steps in project planning
  • component pieces of an item

With lists, readers immediately grasp your message. Punctuation and parallelism in grammar are some of the important tools for creating lists in essays. Here is how to list things in an essay.

Ways to List Things in Your Essay

1. listing with bullets.

Bulleted lists aid in the organization of texts and project ideas by eliminating the necessity for a chronological order of events or concepts. Maintain a consistent listing style throughout. Following the bullet style, statements should begin with capital letters and end with simply the correct punctuation. Bulleted lists aren’t the best format for listings in chronological order.

The APA lists are quite effective at establishing concepts, and they are organized in a variety of ways based on the type of information conveyed.

Find the most effective technique of establishing the facts about your subject matter after reviewing your work and confirming that your professors do not prohibit bullet points.

Consider whether an MLA numbered list or any other APA list would showcase your content more effectively. Find a technique to list things in an essay, specifically the MLA numbered list, when the specific points of your topic require a specific order in which they must be given.

Bullets are a good option in research papers.

If there isn’t a specific chronological order, a bulleted list is another option for listing items in an essay.

Lists that aren’t too long should be organized as separate paragraphs or under their titled sections rather than as vertical lists. However, for extremely thorough information, the bulleted list is still the best alternative.

Bullet points should be indented at least one inch from the left margin, which is a standard recognized formatting style. Lists with double spaces and precise quotations from their sources are more efficient.

Create a brief topic sentence that explains your motives just as soon as you’re about to introducing a sentence, and then include all those items in your list in an orderly manner that pertains to that statement.

When Do You Use Bullet Lists?

Exercise some restraint when employing bullet points in your academic writing assignments. The last thing you want your essay to look like is a smallpox sore.  Many of the circumstances and ways in which you might use bullet points in your article include the following:

  • Significant emphases on interpretation
  • In the case of listings
  • Clarification of step-by-step instructions
  • Formulating recipes and component lists.
  • When you want to condense descriptions
  • To provide evidence to support your essay points
  • When making use of illustrations

When Bullet Points are not allowed

Watch closely for patterns in how frequently you employ them. The bullet points should not take up more than a quarter of the total space on your page.

However, there are some instances in which using bullet points in an academic composition is a strict no-no. Here are some examples of such situations:

  • When writing your thesis statement.
  • When writing a conclusion in your paper.
  • Within the context of a detailed illustration.
  • In the case of quotations.
  • Within the first paragraph of the introduction.

2. Listing with Numbers

For numbered lists, they’re ideal for describing a series of events or a logical arrangement of thoughts. When writing an APA format list, the standard format is to start with numerals and end with a full stop. The next logical step is to begin your listed item with a capital letter after the period has been removed.

In their papers, psychologists and experts in the social sciences use the APA style. These APA lists are quite effective at establishing concepts, and they are organized in a variety of ways based on the type of information conveyed.

Using colons and bracketed numbers

There are numerous methods for enumerating things such as statements. The first of these ways involves writing the number in parentheses: Here’s an illustration:

Dinosaurs lived 4 million years ago: (1) first evidence to support, (2) second evidence, and (3) third evidence written here. 

It’s important to pay attention to the numbers inside the parenthesis, and it’s not a good idea to utilize only one bracket once the number has been written. If the introduction of your supporting claim is an incomplete sentence, do not begin the list with a colon. You could try the following:

Here are the pieces of evidence: (1) the first evidence, (2) the second evidence, and (3) the third proof.

Using semi colons and bracketed numbers

If one of your pieces of evidence also has a comma in the middle, use semicolons to separate the elements. Changing it from a run-in text to a vertical list is the easiest method to get around this.

Naming the numbers

Here, instead of writing 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on, you will use first, second, third, fourth, and so on.

This other way to list data include separates statements using the serial versions of the numerals.

For instance.

The following are the arguments to support it. First (insert evidence). Second (here is the evidence). Third, here is the evidence. 

It is not a good practice to use semicolons to join all the pieces into one big claim since itemizing facts into one phrase necessitates the use of parentheses.

3. Lists with Letters

In this case, semicolons are utilized to properly divide APA-styled lists. They often use (a) lowercase letters; (b) within parentheses; and (c) semicolons to divide their sentences.

They often use (a) lowercase letters; (b) within parentheses; and (c) semicolons to divide their sentences. You should get the idea from there.

4. Running Text Lists

To identify elements in a list, Oxford commas are employed in run-in-texts. It’s known as the serial comma, and it comes before the conjunction. The main ingredients for recipe ABC are tomatoes, chilies, onions, and cilantro.

5. The First Sentence of the Introduction

When you create a numbered or unnumbered list in conjunction with a thesis statement or the introduction sentence, you have the option of either concluding the list or leaving it incomplete. It all depends on the structure of the essay and the methods used to list items. The colon should only be used with statements that have been completed.

A good example would be: “When making the perfect cup of coffee, you would usually need the following ingredients:”

Other than that approach, you could write “For the best cup of coffee, ensure that you” — think this approach only if every item on the list could self-sufficiently conclude a sentence that began with this structure.

6. Listing Single Items

Sometimes, what you need to list come as a complete statement, then each list item can be a single word, an expression, or a complete sentence, depending on the situation. The only requirement is that you adhere to a consistent pattern throughout the list. If you find yourself in this circumstance, write it in all capital letters and only use the full stop for complete statements.

7. Punctuation

Only statements and phrases that help to bring the structure to completion should be used when it is still unfinished. There should be a period at the end of each of them. Never use commas or semicolons, and avoid appending items from the second to the final one in a list unless necessary.

8. Deciding on a List

Ensure that your plans for really using that structure are expressed in that manner prior to deciding on a list format. For short itineraries with only a few things to say about each of them, it is ideal to utilize them as a statement in the run-in text. It is necessary to utilize a semicolon in order to neatly arrange the elements that will be listed within the sentence after the colon.

In contrast to our first case, lengthy statements that are to be incorporated into lists are difficult to deal with when they are presented as statements alone. In this case, the things should be separated into separate paragraphs or mentioned within a single lengthy paragraph, depending on their importance. It is best to break up long sentences inside a paragraph into separate paragraphs and number them in an essay. It is also best to bullet point or title them in an essay.

9. Separators

The usage of dividers such as “2)” or “(b)” in lists created with run-in-text should only be done when absolutely essential. The language and punctuation, in other words, fall short of the purpose of distinguishing the items on a list. Furthermore, despite this, you might want to think about doing a second rewrite to alleviate the complication and improve the overall comprehension of the section.

Using roman numerals and lowercase letters alternately, create simple outlines with a number of levels of difficulty. This method of defining your work and identifying each item in a list is the most effective technique to use multilevel lists. You should follow this order:

  • Roman numbers
  • Capitalized letters
  • Arabic numbers
  • Lowercase letters
  • An Arabic numeral marked by parentheses or placed within brackets is a type of numeric expression.
  • Lowercase letters, mainly denoted by parenthesis or put within brackets.

How to List Things in an Essay APA Style

Always make sure that all of the items on a list are syntactically and conceptually equivalent. For example, all of the items could be nouns, or all of the items could be phrases that begin with the word “and.” In the vast majority of cases, lists are simple lists in which commas (or semicolons in the case of lists in which items contain commas) are used between items, including immediately before the final item (see more information and examples on the lettered lists page). The use of lettered lists, numbered lists, and bulleted lists are all permitted in APA Style in order to draw additional attention to specific items.

Bulleted and numbered lists are permitted by the APA Style rules; however, if you’re unsure whether or not your instructor will allow them in your assignment, you should check with your instructor before submitting your work. See the section below for information on how to format lists.

Bulleted lists in the APA format

Depending on how the sentence is structured, the capitalization and punctuation for each bulleted item will differ. The first letter of the first word in the bulleted text should be capitalized, and the paragraph should be terminated by placing a period after the last bullet (see “Lists, Part 5: Bulleted Lists” in the APA Style Blog). As an illustration:

  • This is a complete sentence.
  • This is an additional sentence.

This is the final sentence of the bulleted list.

The bulleted list that separates three or more elements within a sentence is “capitalized and punctuated as if it were a complete sentence,” according to the style guide (American Psychological Association, 2010, p. 64).

APA 7th Edition

Bulleted and numbered lists are allowed by the APA Style rules, but if you’re unsure whether or not your instructor will allow them in your assignment, you should check with your instructor before submitting your work. Always keep in mind that, because bulleted or numbered items only provide undetailed information and do not include analysis, and because the goal of formal academic writing is to showcase your analytical thinking, these lists should be used sparingly in favor of conveying your ideas in full sentences and paragraphs. See the section below for information on how to format lists.

Lists with bullets

The capitalization and punctuation used for each bulleted item is determined by whether the items are complete sentences or sentence parts in the paragraph below. It is acceptable to capitalize the first letter of the very first word and to end the paragraph with a period in case the bulleted text is a complete sentence.

How to Make a List in MLA Format

Vertical lists are uncommon in essays written in humanities departments around the world, and they are most often used as run-in text within a sentence, with a colon marking the beginning of the list.

As an illustration, “Mark Twain has written five books: The Adventures of Mississippi, The Prince and the Tramp, A Tramp At Home, Life on the Finn, and My Early Life”.

The colon, on that note, is not used before a list when the list if those items are the object of the verb that announces them.

For instance, “Mark Twain’s recently published books include The Adventures of Mississippi, The Prince and the Tramp, A Tramp At Home, Life on the Finn, My Early Life.”

Although it is possible to include numbered lists in an MLA essay, it is recommended that you avoid doing so as much as possible. The use of lists in your essay can be accomplished in a variety of ways, so you should inquire about your professor’s preferences before proceeding.

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Bullet Point Format Essay Example

A bullet point format essay example is one way to quickly find out more about this type of format for your essays. The basic idea is that you will divide the article into sub-parts and then list the sections so that you can easily find out what to write about. By doing this you will be able to make sure that all the points are well supported and can also have a clear understanding of where you want to go with the essay.

There are a number of good examples available on the Internet which show you how this particular format works. These include some examples of different styles that could work and it also shows you the various methods of placing the bullet points. By using this type of format you can create an interesting and attractive essay which can make people read it.

You may want to find some resources which contain different types of essay examples and which can give you a better idea of the subject of the article. One of the best places to start looking is the World Wide Web. There are a number of websites which have been set up with the sole purpose of showing people the different styles of formatting which can be used and you may find that by using these you will be able to get the essay in a much better shape.

Another great place to look for an essay example is to use the library. Many libraries will have a lot of different resources on the topic and you may find that they will have examples on the walls which have been used many times before. They should also have some books that can give you ideas of how to use this type of format and will show you how to use the format within an essay as well.

You should not think that it is difficult to write your own bullet point style essay. In fact, there are a number of good examples on the Internet which have been written by very experienced writers. If you want to create an interesting essay which is suitable for the level of your own writing, you should consider using this format.

You can also find it interesting to read other essays that are written in a different style which are in the same topic. This means that you will find that there is a great choice of different formats from which you can choose to use when creating your essay.

Bullet point format is a style of formatting which works particularly well for students who are starting out. If you have completed your first semester then you will be able to use this format to show off your high school work in a way which is suitable to a higher level. If you have not completed any writing at all then you may find that it is possible to use this form to help you show off your writing skills.

There are a number of different format essay examples on the Internet and they can give you a better idea of how to use the format in order to create an interesting essay. These include all the different parts of the essay, how to structure it and how to place the points.

The most important thing about using bullet point format is that you need to make sure that the points that you are going to be using do not get buried in the essay. You will find that if you have a poor argument then it will be more difficult to read than if you have strong points within the essay.

The first thing that you will need to do to find a bullet point style essay example is to browse around on the Internet to see what you can find. There is a large amount of these types of resources available and by doing some research you should be able to find one that is suitable to your needs.

When you are looking for an essay example to use on your essay then you will need to ensure that you are checking back against each essay that you use. in order to ensure that the material is as correct as possible. By doing this you will be sure that you have created a good example which can be used successfully in an essay and you will also have a good reference point that you can use in the future.

How to Insert Bullet Points in Excel – Step by Step Guide

Streamline Excel presentations with quick bullet points insertion techniques. Learn keyboard shortcuts, custom lists & more for... read more

essay in bullet format

#ez_toc_widget_sticky--1 .ez-toc-widget-sticky-container ul.ez-toc-widget-sticky-list li.active{ background-color: #ededed; } Steps To Follow

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How to Insert Bullet Points in Excel - Step by Step Guide | MyExcelOnline

When I first started working with documents and presentations, I found that inserting bullet points could really help organize information and make it more digestible. In this article, I’ll walk you through the simple steps to insert bullet points in your documents, ensuring your content is clear and visually appealing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Excel’s Bullet Point Myth : Excel can effectively display bullet points, challenging the common belief that it’s only for numbers.
  • Why Use Bullets : Bullet points enhance readability, highlight key findings, and organize complex data sets, making information clearer and more digestible.
  • Efficient Shortcuts : Quick keyboard shortcuts like Alt + Numpad 7 and 9 streamline adding bullet points, saving time and improving data presentation.
  • Custom Formatting : By customizing number formats, you can automatically add bullets to cells, creating a cohesive and personalized look for your lists.
  • CHAR Function : The CHAR function allows for unique bullet styles, offering flexibility and creativity in how you present bulleted lists in Excel.

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Unlocking Excel Bullet Points: A Quick Introduction

The basics of bullet points in excel.

In the digital realm of spreadsheets, the narrative that Excel can’t accommodate bullet points is a myth that I’m here to dispel. Excel may be renowned for crunching numbers, but it’s also robust in displaying textual data.

Utilizing bullet points in Excel might be unconventional, but it’s surprisingly simple and incredibly effective for enhancing readability and structuring information. They help in creating lists, emphasizing key points, and making instructions crystal clear.

Why You Might Need Bullets in Spreadsheets

Bullet points offer a visual queue in spreadsheets, transforming blocks of text into organized and digestible points. When handling complex data sets, bullets can:

  • Highlight key findings or critical tasks within a project plan
  • Make lists of assumptions or inputs more noticeable in financial models
  • Provide clarity in outlining steps in a process or instructions for spreadsheet users
  • Enhance the presentation of a list within a cell, breaking monotony and aiding focus
  • Serve as a convenient way to organize product features, agendas, and meeting notes within individual cells

Bullet points also encourage brevity and compel us to present thoughts concisely. While Excel is typically seen as a numbers-centric tool, incorporating bullets can amplify its textual capabilities, enabling a smoother flow of information for those who rely on it for data storytelling.

Mastering Shortcuts to Efficiency

Add bullet points with keyboard shortcuts.

Adding bullet points quickly in Excel is a hidden gem of efficiency that’s as simple as a flick of a few keys. If your keyboard has a number pad, here’s the trick:

  • For a filled round bullet, I press Alt + Numpad 7.

Insert Bullet Points

  • For a hollow round bullet, I tap Alt + Numpad 9.

Insert Bullet Points

These shortcuts save us from the tedious journey through various menus. Plus, they are perfect for rapidly bulleted lists. Whether summarizing project tasks or itemizing data points, these keyboard shortcuts become second nature with a little practice, making data presentation in Excel more dynamic and reader-friendly.

Diving Deep: Excel’s Custom Formatting

Crafting custom bullet lists with number formatting.

Crafting custom bullet lists with number formatting in Excel allows for a cohesive look and a personalized touch. By setting up a custom number format, we enable any cell to automatically include a bullet point when text is entered. Here’s how I do it:

STEP 1: I select the cells where I want the bullets to appear.

Insert Bullet Points

STEP 2: Then, I press Ctrl + 1 to bring up the Format Cells dialog box.

Insert Bullet Points

STEP 3: Next, I navigate to the Number tab and select Custom.

Insert Bullet Points

STEP 4: In the Type box, I insert a bullet point, add a space for separation, and type “@” to represent text.

Insert Bullet Points

My selected cells are primed to start with bullet points before any text I type.

Insert Bullet Points

This custom formatting option is especially useful when I’m working with lengthy lists or when I need to apply the same bullet style frequently across different worksheets.

Utilizing CHAR Functions for Unique Bullets

Sometimes, the classic bullet point just doesn’t capture the nuanced distinction I’m looking to make in Excel. This is where the CHAR function becomes a secret weapon for creating unique bullets. It’s as straightforward as using simple formulas.

Here’s the technique:

STEP 1: To begin, I enter =CHAR(149) into a cell to get a standard bullet point.

Insert Bullet Points

STEP 2: To pair this with text from another cell, I concatenate: =CHAR(149) & " " & A2 , assuming A2 contains the milestone or item I wish to list.

Insert Bullet Points

STEP 3: By copying this formula down the column, I quickly generate a bulleted list next to my original items.

Insert Bullet Points

This CHAR function method provides us with an a la carte menu of bullet styles to choose from, each with its unique code, empowering our Excel documents with both functionality and style.

Exploring Alternative Methods

Symbol insertion for bullet mastery.

Discovering the wealth of options within Excel’s Symbol insertion feature was a game-changer for my bullet point use. When I don’t have a numeric keypad or need a specific bullet style, I go through this process:

STEP 1: First, I select the cell where I desire the bullet point.

Insert Bullet Points

STEP 2: Then, I navigate to Insert > Symbol, which brings up a treasure trove of symbols.

Insert Bullet Points

STEP 3: I often choose the Wingdings or Webdings font for a variety of bullet styles. Once I find the bullet symbol that fits my needs, I click ‘Insert’ and ‘Close’.

Insert Bullet Points

This method elegantly circumvents the limited bullet options found in other Excel features and broadens the horizon for data decoration. Plus, the freedom to choose from various fonts instills creativity and differentiation in spreadsheets.

FAQs: Insert Bullet Points Quickly

How do i add bullet points.

To add bullet points in Excel , use keyboard shortcuts like Alt + 7 , copy and paste from another program, insert symbols via Insert > Symbol , or use the CHAR function with =CHAR(149) . These methods help organize text efficiently.

How to make a list inside a cell in Excel?

To make a list inside a single cell in Excel, type your first item, then press Alt + Enter to create a new line within the same cell. Repeat this for each item on your list. Add bullet points by pressing Alt + 7 before each item if desired, to neatly format your in-cell list.

Can I Create a Default Bullet Point Style in Excel?

Yes, you can create a default bullet point style in Excel using a custom number format. Select the cells you want to format. Open the Format Cells dialog with Ctrl + 1 . Go to the Number tab, select Custom, and enter your bullet symbol followed by a space and “@” in the Type field. This will apply the bullet style to any text in the formatted cells.

How do I add bullet points to an Excel chart?

Adding bullet points to an Excel chart usually involves the axis labels or titles. You cannot directly insert a bullet point, but you can create bullet points in a cell using the methods mentioned before and then link those cells to your chart axis labels or title for the same effect. This offers an organized, polished look to your charts.

How Do I Align My Text and Bullets Neatly in Excel Cells?

To align text and bullets in Excel, first highlight your list. Then, go to the Home tab and select your desired alignment. Use the Increase/Decrease Indent buttons to adjust the spacing as needed.

How to Insert Bullet Points in Excel - Step by Step Guide | MyExcelOnline

John Michaloudis

John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course .

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  3. How to Format a College Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

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  5. How To Use Bullet Points In APA Or MLA Papers

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  6. Outline Formats: Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

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  7. Bullet Points

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  8. The Writing Center

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  10. How to Format an Essay

    Otherwise, it would go in place of the text. Title. There needs to be a proper essay title format, centered and above the first line of the essay of the same font and size as the essay itself. Indentation. Just press tab (1/2 inch, just in case) Align. Align to the left-hand side, and make sure it is aligned evenly.

  11. Bulleted lists

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  14. How to Write a College Essay Step-by-Step

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  15. MLA Formatting Lists

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  16. Sample papers

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  17. Paper format

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    The key to using lists in an essay is to employ proper punctuation and grammar, as well as to maintain a consistent grammatical style. Anything less than 3 items should not be listed in your essay. Lists frequently appear in essays, posing problems for formatting, paragraph structure, and grammar. When you include:

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  23. Bullet Point Format Essay Example

    A bullet point format essay example is one way to quickly find out more about this type of format for your essays. The basic idea is that you will divide the article into sub-parts and then list the sections so that you can easily find out what to write about. By doing this you will be able to make sure that all the points are well supported ...

  24. How to Insert Bullet Points in Excel

    Diving Deep: Excel's Custom Formatting Crafting Custom Bullet Lists with Number Formatting. Crafting custom bullet lists with number formatting in Excel allows for a cohesive look and a personalized touch. By setting up a custom number format, we enable any cell to automatically include a bullet point when text is entered. Here's how I do it: