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109 Buddhism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Buddhism is a rich and complex religion with a long history and a wide range of teachings and practices. If you are studying Buddhism or have an interest in exploring its various aspects, you may be looking for essay topic ideas that can help you delve deeper into this fascinating subject. In this article, we present 109 Buddhism essay topic ideas and examples that can serve as inspiration for your writing.

  • The life and teachings of Gautama Buddha.
  • The core beliefs of Buddhism.
  • The role of meditation in Buddhism.
  • The concept of karma in Buddhism.
  • The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.
  • The significance of mindfulness in Buddhist practice.
  • The different schools of Buddhism: Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana.
  • The similarities and differences between Buddhism and Hinduism.
  • The concept of rebirth in Buddhism.
  • The role of compassion and loving-kindness in Buddhism.
  • The importance of ethical conduct in Buddhist practice.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and science.
  • The concept of emptiness (shunyata) in Mahayana Buddhism.
  • The role of the Bodhisattva ideal in Mahayana Buddhism.
  • The symbolism and significance of the lotus flower in Buddhism.
  • The importance of pilgrimage in Buddhist traditions.
  • The role of women in Buddhism.
  • The concept of non-attachment in Buddhist philosophy.
  • The impact of Buddhism on art and architecture.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and environmental ethics.
  • The role of rituals and ceremonies in Buddhist practice.
  • The concept of dependent origination in Buddhism.
  • The significance of mindfulness-based interventions in modern psychology.
  • The role of Buddhist ethics in contemporary society.
  • The concept of impermanence in Buddhism.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based stress reduction.
  • The impact of Buddhism on Asian culture and society.
  • The role of music and chanting in Buddhist rituals.
  • The concept of interbeing in Thich Nhat Hanh's teachings.
  • The importance of meditation retreats in Buddhist practice.
  • The role of mindfulness in reducing suffering.
  • The concept of non-duality in Zen Buddhism.
  • The significance of the Dhammapada in Buddhist literature.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and social justice.
  • The role of Buddhist monasticism in preserving the teachings.
  • The concept of the Middle Way in Buddhism.
  • The impact of Buddhism on Western philosophy and thought.
  • The role of Buddhist mindfulness in addiction recovery.
  • The concept of skillful means in Buddhist teachings.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.
  • The significance of the Three Jewels in Buddhist practice.
  • The role of mindfulness in cultivating happiness.
  • The concept of no-self (anatta) in Buddhism.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the mindfulness movement.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and psychotherapy.
  • The role of Buddhist meditation in cultivating wisdom.
  • The concept of the Five Aggregates in Buddhist philosophy.
  • The significance of the Wheel of Life in Tibetan Buddhism.
  • The role of mindfulness in reducing anxiety and stress.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the practice of yoga.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based eating.
  • The concept of impermanence in relation to climate change.
  • The significance of Buddhist mindfulness in education.
  • The role of Buddhist ethics in environmental activism.
  • The concept of the Pure Land in Mahayana Buddhism.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the field of positive psychology.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and non-violence.
  • The role of Buddhist mindfulness in leadership development.
  • The concept of spiritual bypassing in Buddhist communities.
  • The significance of the Heart Sutra in Zen Buddhism.
  • The role of Buddhist meditation in cultivating compassion.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the field of neurobiology.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and secular mindfulness.
  • The concept of the Ten Perfections in Theravada Buddhism.
  • The significance of the lotus position in Buddhist meditation.
  • The role of Buddhist mindfulness in reducing burnout.
  • The concept of engaged Buddhism in social activism.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the field of cognitive science.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based parenting.
  • The role of Buddhist meditation in enhancing creativity.
  • The concept of the Three Poisons in Buddhist psychology.
  • The significance of the Zen koan in Zen Buddhism.
  • The role of Buddhist mindfulness in improving sleep quality.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the field of addiction research.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based self-compassion.
  • The concept of the Four Brahmaviharas in Buddhism.
  • The significance of the Zen garden in Japanese Buddhism.
  • The role of Buddhist mindfulness in managing chronic pain.
  • The concept of the Five Precepts in Buddhist ethical guidelines.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the field of organizational behavior.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based resilience.
  • The role of Buddhist meditation in cultivating gratitude.
  • The concept of the Six Realms in Tibetan Buddhism.
  • The significance of the Zen tea ceremony in Zen Buddhism.
  • The role of Buddhist mindfulness in improving emotional intelligence.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the field of neuroscience.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based leadership.
  • The concept of the Four Noble Abodes in Theravada Buddhism.
  • The significance of the prayer wheel in Tibetan Buddhism.
  • The role of Buddhist mindfulness in enhancing athletic performance.
  • The concept of the Five Hindrances in Buddhist meditation.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the field of mindfulness-based stress resilience.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based art therapy.
  • The role of Buddhist meditation in cultivating forgiveness.
  • The concept of the Four Immeasurables in Mahayana Buddhism.
  • The significance of the Zen rock garden in Zen Buddhism.
  • The role of Buddhist mindfulness in improving concentration.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the field of mindfulness-based trauma treatment.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based coaching.
  • The concept of the Ten Oxherding Pictures in Zen Buddhism.
  • The significance of the Buddhist prayer flag in Tibetan Buddhism.
  • The role of Buddhist mindfulness in enhancing decision-making skills.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the field of mindfulness-based relapse prevention.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based conflict resolution.
  • The concept of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Theravada Buddhism.
  • The significance of the Buddhist pagoda in East Asian Buddhism.
  • The role of Buddhist mindfulness in improving communication skills.
  • The impact of Buddhism on the field of mindfulness-based body image therapy.
  • The relationship between Buddhism and mindfulness-based compassion practices.

These essay topic ideas cover a wide range of aspects within Buddhism, allowing you to explore and analyze various dimensions of this ancient and profound tradition. Whether you are interested in its history, philosophical concepts, meditation practices, or contemporary applications, there is a topic here that can inspire and guide your exploration of Buddhism.

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132 Buddhism Essay Topics

Welcome to our enlightening compilation of Buddhism essay topics! Explore the profound teachings, rich traditions, and philosophical insights of this ancient religion. Write the best Buddhism research paper on mindfulness, compassion, or the pursuit of enlightenment. These project ideas will uncover the wisdom and relevance of this religion today.

☸️ TOP 7 Buddhism Essay Topics

🏆 best buddhism research paper topics, 💡 simple buddhism essay topics, 👍 catchy buddhism project ideas, ❓ more research questions about buddhism, 🎓 interesting buddhism essay topics.

  • Judaism and Buddhism: Similarities and Differences
  • Comparison Between Buddhism and Christianity
  • Hinduism and Buddhism: Similarities and Differences
  • Buddhism and the Life Teaching of Siddhartha
  • China Buddhism vs. Japan Buddhism and Shintoism
  • Karma and Rebirth in Hinduism and Buddhism Religions
  • Karma and Reincarnation in Buddhism
  • Buddhist Culture in Thailand In Thailand, Buddhism is the official religion of the state based on century-old traditions and principles.
  • Principles and Values of Buddhism The paper states that it is challenging for people of other confessions to understand Buddhism. It is essential to communicate with Buddhism followers.
  • Gender Roles in Society: Hinduism and Buddhism Both Hindu and Buddhist beliefs have a strained relationship with the concept of gender, while in the two cases, men and women are supposed to be equal, it is not really true.
  • Non-christian World Religions: History, Concepts, and Beliefs of Buddhism Buddhism is one of the widespread non-Christian religions in the world today. This paper discusses the history, beliefs, ethics, people and subdivisions of Buddhism.
  • Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism: The Afterlife Concepts The purpose of this paper is to compare the afterlife, as presented in Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism, through an examination of both primary and secondary sources.
  • Basic Beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism This paper gives an insight into how the concepts of Karma and Rebirth are practiced in the religious traditions of both Hinduism and Buddhism.
  • Tibetan Buddhism and Zen Buddhism Comparison The Five Tibetan rituals are considered to be life changing which helps the Tibetan’s in the spiritual and religious obligations they desire. It’s also actually great for your body
  • Christianity and Buddhism: Religion Comparison Christianity only became a religion, in full sense of this word, when materialistic spirit of Judaism was being transformed into something opposite to what it originally used to be by European mentality.
  • King Asoka Spreading Buddhism Along the Silk Road King Asoka’s commitment to Buddha’s Four Noble Truths and the encouragement of missionary work substantially facilitated the transmission of Buddhism to distant states.
  • Theravada and Mahayana Buddhist Teachings Theravada and Mahayana are both schools of Buddhism. The primary differences that exist between the two came into existence after Buddha’s death.
  • Buddhist Spirituality: Contribution to Psychological Well-Being Buddhist Spirituality is based on the principles that can enhance one’s psychological well-being significantly. Buddhism teaches people how to avoid negative emotions and harmful mental states.
  • Rituals in Buddhist Culture: Religious Traditions and Holidays of Buddhism Buddhist culture is extraordinary and multifaceted, further confirmed by numerous rituals, which, in particular, play a crucial role in Buddhism.
  • The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism in Personal Life Buddha spent time learning the basic teachings of the Four Noble Truths, dealing with human suffering, which he had fully understood.
  • Eastern Religion Elements Matrix Eastern Religion Elements Matrix: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto.
  • Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity The most well-recognized and ancient faiths of people in the Ancient civilizations involve Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity.
  • Death and Dying Rituals in Buddhism The Buddhist perspective on death is undeniably positive as it helps in relieving pain and grief and preparing the living for eventual death.
  • Mahayana Buddhism’s Beginnings Some components of Mahayana Buddhism, in its older Indian incarnations, are conservative, especially concerning monastic morality.
  • Role of Buddhism in World Culture and the Formation of Worldviews The relevance and scientific significance of the study of the social aspects of Buddhism is determined by the interest in studying the heritage of Buddhist thought.
  • Tibetan Buddhism, Scottish, and Mexican National Cultures The paper discusses Tibetan Buddhism, Scottish, and Mexican national cultures. They place such a strong focus on serenity and freedom.
  • Buddhism vs. Christianity: Studying Religions Buddhism and Christianity are both of the most popular religions. The followers of Buddhism are primarily concentrated in the Asian region, with India being its birthplace.
  • Christianity and Buddhism Comparison Christianity is a more pragmatic religion than Buddhism. It is due to more realistic principles and practices. In addition, Christianity is based on real historical events.
  • Buddhism and Denver Zen Center Experience For the purposes of learning more about different traditions and writing this assignment, the author visited the Denver Zen Center and found out more about Buddhism.
  • The Importance of the Dalai Lama in Buddhism The paper discusses the significance of the Dalai Lama in Buddhism as an authority figure who unites the Tibetan people, a teacher of the religion, and a promoter of compassion.
  • The History and Beliefs of the Theravadan Buddhism
  • Biblical Worldview and Buddhism Worldview
  • Parallels, Departures, and What Science Can Gain From Buddhism
  • Buddhism: The Role Desires Play in Our Everyday Lives
  • Doctrinal and Philosophical Sizing of Buddhism
  • Basic Philosophical Differences Between Zen, Buddhism, and Taoism
  • Buddhism as Religion That Offers Peace, Wisdom, and True Enlightenment
  • The History and Evolution of Buddhism Across the World
  • Bodhisattvas and the Evolution of Buddhism
  • The Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism
  • Buddhism and the Vietnamese Buddhist Association
  • Key Differences Between Christianity and Buddhism
  • Korean Development and the Influences of Shamanism, Confucianism, and Buddhism
  • Buddhism: The Four Noble Truths
  • The Dalai Lama and the Spiritual Leader of Buddhism
  • Comparing Buddhism and Shinto in Japan
  • Buddhism, the Noble Eightfold Path, and the Four Noble Truths
  • Ancient Greek Philosophy, Buddhism, and Vedanta Hinduism
  • Beliefs and Practices: Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism
  • Buddhism: Seeing the Familiar in the Strange
  • Hinduism and Buddhism’s Influence of Indian Culture in Southeast Asia
  • The Political and Religious Impact of Buddhism in Thailand
  • The History of Tibetan Buddhism The history of Buddhism is rich and full of interesting nuances. There are different schools of Tibetan Buddhism, their development, and the influence they had.
  • World Religions: Researching of Buddhism Buddhism will be examined from the perspective of the crucial concepts within the philosophy, namely the Four Noble Truths, the wheel of birth and death, karma, and Nirvana.
  • Secularism and Buddhism: Rise of Violent Buddhist Rhetoric Since the dawn of civilization, the paradigm of religion has been one of the central narratives for a national community and its value system.
  • Hinduism vs. Buddhism: Similarities & Differences The differences and similarities between Buddhism and Hinduism do not reveal their weaknesses or strengths but prove how diverse and critical human beliefs can be.
  • Gender Roles in the Buddhist Culture In the Buddhist culture, women are considered weak beings and require men to provide them with protection. Furthermore, men are considered to be the strong and family breadwinners.
  • Aspects of Buddhist Monasticism The paper discusses Buddhist monastic orders. They are the oldest types of institutionalized monasticism and Buddhism’s essential organizations.
  • Buddhism: The Concept of Mahayana The Mahayana is believed to be the largest Buddhist section worldwide, and its practice is extreme compared to other Buddhist movements.
  • God Concept in Christianity and Buddhism Religions The core purpose of Christianity is to love God, forgive others, and repent for one’s sins. The key beliefs in Buddhism revolve around nirvana and Four Noble Truths.
  • Buddhism and Hinduism: Differences and Comparisons Buddhism and Hinduism are two ancient world religions, which have their origins in India. These religions share many similar concepts and terminologies.
  • Buddhism in the Novel “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse In “Siddhartha”, Hermann Hesse presents the theme of enlightenment as a quest for the truth, which he considers essential for a connection with the world.
  • The Pragmatic Theory of Truth in Buddhism and Christianity Pragmatically, the Buddha belief and the Christians’ beliefs are true as believers tend to achieve their desired effects.
  • Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity in Society This paper analyses three of the most common religions: Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity, in order to identify their role in the life of society.
  • Religion Research: Hinduism and Buddhism The paper describes and compares two religion: Hinduism and Buddhism from aspects of history, popularity and areas of rerligion.
  • The Dukkha Concept in Buddhism Dukkha is a traditional element of the religious philosophy of Buddhism, aimed at describing the prevailing situation in the surrounding material world.
  • Buddhism: New Religions and Human Balance The paper indicates that Buddhism, one of the fundamental world religions, has been introduced in a series of new forms over the past years.
  • Discussion of History of Buddhism The discussion describes the short history of Buddhism from the 19th century and how it overcame some of the challenges arising from Christianity.
  • Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity: Native American Spirituality, Buddhism, and Sikhism This paper outlines an explicit view on the following diverse faiths in regard to healthcare provision: Native American spirituality, Buddhism, and Sikhism.
  • Tea in the Prism of Zen Buddhism and Health The tea ceremony is connected with Zen Buddhism not only in its actual development but mainly in preserving the spirit with which it is imbued.
  • Buddha as a Leader of a Buddhism Religion This essay will analyze the reasons behind Buddha’s teachings, events, and ideas that shaped the views during his time and the relevance of Buddhism presently.
  • Description of “Buddhism in America” by Seager This paper covers the first seven chapters of the book “Buddhism in America”. The author starts by giving background information concerning the American Buddhist landscape.
  • Buddhism in China and Japan Buddhism is one of the major religions in the world, and it is now practiced in various countries, including China and Japan.
  • Foundations of Buddhism and Meditation Different religions illustrate the diversity of philosophies, customs, many different communities in the world are inspired by similar truths and purposes.
  • Environmental, Social or Political Conflict in Buddhism There is a simple fact which is known to every Buddhist: although Buddha was beyond routine, still, he gave guidelines concerning good government.
  • Buddhism and Christianity: Understanding of Religions This essay is intended to help bring out the Buddhist’s understanding of Christianity and correct the wrong perceptions through pointing out relevant scriptures.
  • Religion and Architecture: Christian Church, Buddhist, Islamic Mosques Religious architecture is mainly concerned with design and building of houses of reverence or holy deliberate places such as stupas, mosques, churches and temples.
  • What Are the 4 Main Beliefs of Buddhism?
  • Is Buddhism a Belief System or Ideology?
  • How Has Buddhism Impacted the World?
  • What Are the Differences Between Mainstream Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism?
  • Does Anything Survive Death in Buddhism?
  • How Did Early Buddhism Impact Western Culture?
  • What Are the Two Main Branches of Buddhism?
  • Who Were the Founders of Buddhism in Japan?
  • Are Women Allowed to Practice Buddhism?
  • How Has Buddhism Interacted With Nature and Environment?
  • What Are the Gender Roles in Buddhism?
  • Does Neuroplasticity Relate to Buddhism?
  • How Does Buddhism Reflect the Human Understanding of God?
  • Are There Similarities Between Buddhism and Islamic Religion?
  • How Does Dalai Lama Exemplify the Ultimate Meaning of Buddhism in His Life and Works?
  • What Is the Link Between Mahayana Buddhism and Chinese Culture?
  • How Did Buddhism Spread Through China?
  • What Does Buddhism Teach About Human Life?
  • How Does Buddhism Treat Its Women?
  • Is There Social Conflict Between Buddhism and Catholicism?
  • How Does Geoffrey Samuels Portray Tibetan Buddhism?
  • What Are the Origins, History, and Beliefs About Evil in Buddhism?
  • How Does Samsara Work in Buddhism?
  • Does Buddhism Believe in Equality?
  • What Are the Similarities Between Buddhism and Other Eastern Religions?
  • How Buddhism do not believe in Gods? Our research focuses and defends the basic concept of how and in what manner Buddhists do not stick to the existence of the Omnipotent.
  • Cosmogony: Catholic and Buddhist Approaches This paper presents a dialogue between two believers- a Catholic and a Buddhist concerning creation of the world.
  • Zen Buddhism: Main Features Zen Buddhism can safely be considered as a philosophy due to its lack of a “god” aspect. It is a religion that is based on basically the act of meditation.
  • Zen Buddhism: Brief Giude The major point of Zen Buddhism is single – every human being is a Buddha and he or she needs only to realize this by reaching enlightenment.
  • Zen Buddhism: Basic Teachings The principles and beliefs of Buddhism is what has given it popularity and a vast fellowship. These beliefs are founded on human experience.
  • Personality Psychology and Zen Buddhism Zen Buddhism is a movement that occurred in the 1960s and involves monks, their feats and their monasticism, and the study of doctrines.
  • The Religious Position of Women and Men in Buddhist Countries: Sri Lanka The position accorded to women in all spheres of activity has been a subject of considerable interest in recent decades.
  • Death & Dying Ethics in Buddhism and Christianity The paper describes the ethical challenge the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is facing and the best approaches to support him using religious values or ideas.
  • Incurable Disease in Christianity and Buddhism This paper examines Christianity and Buddhism in regards to views on life and death and applies the concepts to the case study of a patient with an untreatable illness.
  • Death & Dying Ethics in Christianity and Buddhism The paper will discuss the attitude toward the deliberate ending of life from the viewpoint of Christianity and Buddhism.
  • Zen Buddhism in America Zen Buddhism is a separate school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes mindfulness and meditation practices as the path to achieving enlightenment.
  • Buddhism, Caring and Moral Obligations This paper argues that the Buddhist account of the personality and the self provides an applicable approach to caring as well as moral obligations.
  • Buddhism and Life: Living the Principles of the Buddhist Religion Contrary to the popular thought that suggests that the Buddhist belief seeks to view the world from a negative perspective, the religion conceives life from its imperfect face.
  • Buddhist Religion and Western Psychologies Buddhists believe that any conception of “self” is an illusion; no separate “self” exists, only a collection of parts.
  • Beliefs in Buddhism and Classical Hinduism This paper shows that Buddhism progressed from Hinduism, with the main difference being that they do not share similar beliefs.
  • Spiritual Philosophy: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism as spiritual philosophies stress on the acceptance of things the way they are, overcoming desires and humility.
  • Buddhism and Classical Hinduism Concept and Values Buddhism and classical Hinduism are the oldest religions in the world. It is worth to note that both religions originated from India.
  • Medical Ethics: Christianity and Buddhism Perspectives Ethical concerns are present in any working conditions. However, ethics in medicine is particularly important, and it has many complicated issues.
  • Human Life and Death in Christianity and Buddhism Illness often leads to agony and prompts the search for the meaning of life as people try to understand the reasons behind their predicaments.
  • Euthanasia in Christianity and Buddhism This paper provides a discussion on a case study on euthanasia of a man, who finds out he has a severe disease that will disable him within several years.
  • Christianity and Buddhism for Terminally Ill Patient The patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis has been thinking about euthanasia. Christianity and Buddhism offer different answers to death-related questions.
  • Death and Dying in Christianity and Buddhism Using Christianity and Buddhism as two diverse religious perspectives, this discussion explores how patient’s health demands can be met by healthcare practitioners.
  • Self-Concept in Buddhist Reductionism This paper investigates the idea of self in its relation to the Buddhist perception of suffering and discusses the notion of objectual and intentional properties.
  • Deities in Hinduism and Buddhism This paper dwells upon the differences in roles of Hindu and Buddhist deities from mythological and scientific perspectives.
  • The Christian and Buddhist Perspectives in Healthcare This paper purposes to conduct a comparative analysis on the Christian and Buddhist perspectives regarding healthcare provision and its implications for healthcare practice.
  • Buddhism and Classical Hinduism Each religion of the East teaches separate principles from one another. This paper compares and contrasts the fundamental concepts and values of Buddhism and Classical Hinduism.
  • Buddhist Meditation Practices The paper looks at the differences between acalminga (samatha) and ainsighta (vipasana) Mahayana teachings of Buddhist meditation.
  • What Is Buddhism? History of the Religion, Beliefs, and Rituals This paper will set out to elaborate on what Buddhism is by providing a history of the religion and underscoring some of the beliefs and rituals practiced in this religion.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 21). 132 Buddhism Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/buddhism-essay-topics/

"132 Buddhism Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 21 Dec. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/buddhism-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '132 Buddhism Essay Topics'. 21 December.

1. StudyCorgi . "132 Buddhism Essay Topics." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/buddhism-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "132 Buddhism Essay Topics." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/buddhism-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "132 Buddhism Essay Topics." December 21, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/buddhism-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Buddhism were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 20, 2024 .

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JeeLoo Liu & Douglas Berger (eds.), Nothingness in Asian Philosophy (2014)

Emmanuel Companion cover art

Steven M. Emmanuel (ed.), A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy (2013)

Panjvani cover art

Cyrus Panjvani, Buddhism: A Philosophical Approach (2013)

Siderits et al Self No Self cover art

Mark Siderits, Evan Thompson, & Dan Zahavi (eds.), Self, No Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, and Indian Traditions (2013)

Cooper Finding the Mind cover art

Robin Cooper (Ratnaprabha), Finding the Mind: A Buddhist View (2012)

Danvers Agents cover art

John Danvers, Agents of Uncertainty: Mysticism, Scepticism, Buddhism, Art and Poetry (2012)

Poussin Way to Nirvana cover art

Louis de La Vallée Poussin, The Way to Nirvana: Six Lectures on Ancient Buddhism as a Discipline of Salvation (2012)

Tachikawa Essays Theology cover art

Musashi Tachikawa, Essays in Buddhist Theology (2012)

Bronkhorst Karma cover art

Johannes Bronkhorst, Karma (2011)

Hiltebeitel Dharma cover art

Alf Hiltebeitel, Dharma: Its Early History in Law, Religion, and Narrative (2011)

Dhivan This Being cover art

Dhivan Thomas Jones, This Being, That Becomes: The Buddha's Teaching on Conditionality (2011)

Frauwallner Philosophy cover art

Erich Frauwallner, The Philosophy of Buddhism [Die Philosophie des Buddhismus], trans. Gelong Lodro Sangpo & Jigme Sheldron (2010)

Smith Stepping Out cover art

Rodney Smith, Stepping Out of Self-Deception: The Buddha's Liberating Teaching of No-Self (2010)

Edelglass & Garfield Essential Readings cover art

William Edelglass & Jay Garfield (eds.), Buddhist Philosophy: Essential Readings (2009)

Arnold Brahmins cover art

Dan Arnold, Buddhists, Brahmins, and Belief: Epistemology in South Asian Philosophy of Religion (2008)

Grimm Wisdom cover art

George Grimm, Buddhist Wisdom: The Mystery of the Self (2008)

Laumakis Intro cover art

Stephen J. Laumakis, An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy (2008)

Sangharakshita Meaning of Conversion cover art

Sangharakshita, The Meaning of Conversion in Buddhism (2008)

Subhuti Buddhism and Friendship cover art

Dharmachari Subhuti, Buddhism and Friendship (2008)

Sangharakshita Noble Eightfold cover art

Sangharakshita, The Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path (2007)

Siderits Buddhism as Philosophy cover art

Mark Siderits, Buddhism as Philosophy: An Introduction (2007)

Hookham More to Dying cover art

Lama Shenpen Hookham, There's More to Dying Than Death: A Buddhist Perspective (2006)

Matthews Craving cover art

Bruce Matthews, Craving and Salvation: A Study in Buddhist Soteriology (2006)

Sangharakshita Three Jewels cover art

Sangharakshita, The Three Jewels: The Central Ideals of Buddhism (2006)

Crawford Spiritually-Engaged cover art

Jennifer Crawford, Spiritually-Engaged Knowledge: The Attentive Heart (2005)

Taber Hindu Critique cover art

John Taber (ed. & trans.), A Hindu Critique of Buddhist Epistemology: Kumarila on Perception (2005)

Tola and Dragonetti On Voidness cover art

Fernando Tola & Carmen Dragonetti, On Voidness: A Study of Buddhist Nihilism (2005)

Burton Knowledge and Liberation cover art

David Burton, Buddhism, Knowledge and Liberation: A Philosophical Study (2004)

Jones Mysticism and Morality cover art

Richard H. Jones, Mysticism and Morality: A New Look at Old Questions (2004)

Maitreyabandhu Thicker Than Blood cover art

Maitreyabandhu, Thicker Than Blood: Friendship on the Buddhist Path (2004)

Nagapriya Exploring Karma cover art

Nagapriya, Exploring Karma and Rebirth (2004)

Sangharakshita Buddha Mind cover art

Sangharakshita, Buddha Mind (2004)

Sangharakshita Living with Kindness cover art

Sangharakshita, Living with Kindness: The Buddha's Teaching on Metta (2004)

Schroeder Skillful Means cover art

John W. Schroeder, Skillful Means: The Heart of Buddhist Compassion (2004)

Ziporyn Being and Ambiguity cover art

Brook Ziporyn, Being and Ambiguity: Philosophical Experiments with Tiantai Buddhism (2004)

Feldman Compassion cover art

Christina Feldman, Compassion: Listening to the Cries of the World (2003)

Wimbush and Valantasis cover art

Vincent L. Wimbush & Richard Valantasis (eds.), Asceticism (2002)

Gethin Path cover art

Rupert Gethin, The Buddhist Path to Awakening: A Study of the Bodhi-Pakkhiya Dhamma (2001)

Kalupahana Thought Ritual cover art

David J. Kalupahana, Buddhist Thought and Ritual (2001)

Brannigan Pulse of Wisdom cover art

Michael C. Brannigan, The Pulse of Wisdom: The Philosophies of India, China, and Japan (1999)

Forbes Pilgrimage cover art

Duncan Forbes, The Buddhist Pilgrimage, ed. Alex Wayman (1999)

Jackson and Makransky cover art

Roger R. Jackson & John J. Makransky (eds.), Buddhist Theology: Critical Reflections by Contemporary Buddhist Scholars (1999)

Hubbard and Swanson cover art

Jamie Hubbard & Paul L. Swanson (eds.), Pruning the Bodhi Tree: The Storm over Critical Buddhism (1997)

Wayman Untying cover art

Alex Wayman, Untying the Knots in Buddhism: Selected Essays (1997)

Glass Working Emptiness cover art

Newman Robert Glass, Working Emptiness: Toward a Third Reading of Emptiness in Buddhism and Postmodern Thought (1995)

Puhakka Knowledge and Reality cover art

Kaisa Puhakka, Knowledge and Reality: A Comparative Study of Divine and Some Buddhist Logicians (1994)

Buswell and Gimello cover art

Robert E. Buswell & Robert M. Gimello (eds.), Paths to Liberation: The Marga and Its Transformations in Buddhist Thought (1992)

Nattier Once Upon cover art

Jan Nattier, Once upon a Future Time: Studies in a Buddhist Prophecy of Decline (1992)

Koller Sourcebook cover art

John M. Koller & Patricia Koller (eds.), Sourcebook in Asian Philosophy (1991)

Sutherland Disguises of Demon cover art

Gail Hinich Sutherland, The Disguises of the Demon: The Development of the Yaksa in Hinduism and Buddhism (1991)

Darling Vedantic Critique cover art

Gregory Darling, An Evaluation of the Vedantic Critique of Buddhism (1987)

Willson Rebirth cover art

Martin Willson, Rebirth and the Western Buddhist (1987)

Verdu Philosophy cover art

Alphonse Verdu, The Philosophy of Buddhism: A "Totalistic" Synthesis (1981)

John r. carter, dhamma: western academic and sinhalese buddhist interpretations: a study of a religious concept (1978).

Weeraratne cover art

W.H. Weeraratne, Individual and Society in Buddhism (1977)

Kalupahana Philosophy cover art

David J. Kalupahana, Buddhist Philosophy: A Historical Analysis (1976)

McGovern Manual cover art

William M. McGovern, A Manual of Buddhist Philosophy (1976)

Kalupahana Causality cover art

David J. Kalupahana, Causality: The Central Philosophy of Buddhism (1975)

Story Rebirth cover art

Francis Story, Rebirth as Doctrine and Experience: Essays and Case Studies (1975)

Takakusu Essentials cover art

Junjiro Takakusu, Wing-Tsit Chan & Charles A. Moore (eds.), The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy (1975)

Blofeld Beyond cover art

John E. Blofeld, Beyond the Gods: Taoist and Buddhist Mysticism (1974)

Guenther Buddhist Philosophy cover art

Herbert V. Guenther, Buddhist Philosophy in Theory and Practice (1972)

Matsunaga Concept cover art

Daigan L. Matsunaga & Alicia Matsunaga, The Buddhist Concept of Hell (1971)

Ven. nyanaponika & maurice walshe (eds.), pathways of buddhist thought: essays from the wheel (1971).

Stcherbatsky Central cover art

T. Stcherbatsky, The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word "Dharma" (1961)

Siderits cover art

This book is a collection of essays by Mark Siderits on topics in Indian Buddhist philosophy. The essays are divided into six main systematic sections, dealing with realism and anti-realism, further problems in metaphysics and logic, philosophy of language, epistemology, ethics, and specific discussions of the interaction between Buddhist and classical Indian philosophy. Each of the essays is followed by a postscript Siderits has written specifically for this volume, which make it possible to connect essays of the volume with each other, showing thematic interrelations, or locating them relative to the development of Siderits’s thought. New works have been published, new translations have come out, and additional connections have been discovered. The postscripts make it possible to acquaint the reader with the most important of these developments.

Emmanuel Companion cover art

This book is the most comprehensive single volume on the subject available. It offers the very latest scholarship to create a wide-ranging survey of the most important ideas, problems, and debates in the history of Buddhist philosophy. Encompasses the broadest treatment of Buddhist philosophy available, covering social and political thought, meditation, ecology and contemporary issues and applications Each section contains overviews and cutting-edge scholarship that expands readers understanding of the breadth and diversity of Buddhist thought. Broad coverage of topics allows flexibility to instructors in creating a syllabus. Essays provide valuable alternative philosophical perspectives on topics to those available in Western traditions.

Arnold Brahmins cover art

This book examines how the Brahmanical tradition of Purva Mimamsa and the writings of the seventh-century Buddhist Madhyamika philosopher Candrakirti challenged dominant Indian Buddhist views of epistemology. Arnold retrieves these two very different but equally important voices of philosophical dissent, showing them to have developed highly sophisticated and cogent critiques of influential Buddhist epistemologists such as Dignaga and Dharmakirti. His analysis—developed in conversation with modern Western philosophers like William Alston and J.L. Austin—offers an innovative reinterpretation of the Indian philosophical tradition, while suggesting that pre-modern Indian thinkers have much to contribute to contemporary philosophical debates.

Burton Knowledge and Liberation cover art

Buddhism is essentially a teaching about liberation - from suffering, ignorance, selfishness and continued rebirth. Knowledge of 'the way things really are' is thought by many Buddhists to be vital in bringing about this emancipation. This book is a philosophical study of the notion of liberating knowledge as it occurs in a range of Buddhist sources. Burton assesses the common Buddhist idea that knowledge of the three characteristics of existence (impermanence, not-self and suffering) is the key to liberation. It argues that this claim must be seen in the context of the Buddhist path and training as a whole. Detailed attention is also given to anti-realist, sceptical and mystical strands within the Buddhist tradition, all of which make distinctive claims about liberating knowledge.

Ecology, Economics, Globalization, and the Environment

Bauer-Wu Future cover art

Susan Bauer-Wu, A Future We Can Love: How We Can Reverse the Climate Crisis with the Power of Our Hearts & Minds (2023)

Murphy Fire cover art

Susan Murphy, A Fire Runs Through All Things: Zen Koans for Facing the Climate Crisis (2023)

Brox & Williams-Oerberg cover art

Trine Brox & Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg (eds.), Buddhism and Waste: The Excess, Discard and Afterlife of Buddhist Consumption (2022)

Capper Off-Earth cover art

Daniel Capper, Buddhist Ecological Protection of Space: A Guide for Sustainable Off-Earth Travel (2022)

Canty Returning Self cover art

Jeanine M. Canty, Returning the Self to Nature: Undoing Our Collective Narcissism and Healing Our Planet (2022)

Capper Space cover art

Daniel Capper, Roaming Free Like a Deer: Buddhism and the Natural World (2022)

Hinton Wild Mind cover art

David Hinton, Wild Mind, Wild Earth: Our Place in the Sixth Extinction (2022)

Magnuson Dharma cover art

Joel Magnuson, The Dharma and Socially Engaged Buddhist Economics (2022)

Brumann Monks Money cover art

Christoph Brumann et al (eds.), Monks, Money, and Morality: The Balancing Act of Contemporary Buddhism (2021)

Coll Systems Thinking cover art

Josep M. Coll, Buddhist and Taoist Systems Thinking: The Natural Path to Sustainable Transformation (2021)

King Good Life cover art

Sallie B. King, Buddhist Visions of the Good Life for All (2021)

Kovács Value cover art

Gábor Kovács, The Value Orientations of Buddhist and Christian Entrepreneurs: A Comparative Perspective on Spirituality and Business Ethics (2021)

Shantigarbha Burning House cover art

Shantigarbha, The Burning House: A Buddhist Response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency (2021)

Brox & Williams-Oerberg cover art

Trine Brox & Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg, Buddhism and Business: Merit, Material Wealth, and Morality in the Global Market Economy (2020)

Catanese Marketplace cover art

Alex John Catanese, Buddha in the Marketplace: The Commodification of Buddhist Objects in Tibet (2020)

Ng Intro to Buddhist Economics cover art

Ernest C.H. Ng, Introduction to Buddhist Economics: The Relevance of Buddhist Values in Contemporary Economy and Society (2020)

Barstow Faults of Meat cover art

Geoffrey Barstow (ed.), The Faults of Meat: Tibetan Buddhist Writings on Vegetarianism (2019)

Barstow Food cover art

Geoffrey Barstow, Food of Sinful Demons: Meat, Vegetarianism, and the Limits of Buddhism in Tibet (2019)

Cann Dying to Eat cover art

Candi K. Cann (ed.), Dying to Eat: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Food, Death, and the Afterlife (2019)

Hidas Ritual Manual cover art

Gergely Hidas, A Buddhist Ritual Manual on Agriculture: A Critical Edition (2019)

Kaza Green Buddhism cover art

Stephanie Kaza, Green Buddhism: Practice and Compassionate Action in Uncertain Times (2019)

Lane Great Conversation cover art

Belden C. Lane, The Great Conversation: Nature and the Care of the Soul (2019)

Brown Economics cover art

Clair Brown, Buddhist Economics: An Enlightened Approach to the Dismal Science (2018)

Shravasti Nature Environment cover art

Shravasti Dhammika, Nature and the Environment in Early Buddhism (2018)

Gagné Caring for Glaciers cover art

Karine Gagné, Caring for Glaciers: Land, Animals, and Humanity in the Himalayas (2018)

Jenkins Tucker Grim cover art

Willis J. Jenkins, Mary Evelyn Tucker, and John Grim (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Religion and Ecology (2018)

Vajragupta Wild Awake cover art

Vajragupta, Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature (2018)

Bauman Bohannon O'Brien Grounding cover art

Whitney Bauman, Richard Bohannon, and Kevin O'Brien (eds.), Grounding Religion: A Field Guide to the Study of Religion and Ecology, 2nd ed. (2017)

Brazier Ecotherapy cover art

Caroline Brazier, Ecotherapy in Practice: A Buddhist Model (2017)

Callicott and McRae cover art

J. Baird Callicott & James McRae (eds.), Japanese Environmental Philosophy (2017)

Cooper and James Virtue cover art

David E. Cooper & Simon P. James, Buddhism, Virtue and Environment (2017)

James Zen Environmental cover art

Simon P. James, Zen Buddhism and Environmental Ethics (2017)

Bodhipaksa Vegetarianism cover art

Bodhipaksa, Vegetarianism: A Buddhist View (2016)

De Silva Environmental cover art

Padmasiri De Silva, Environmental Philosophy and Ethics in Buddhism (2016)

LeVasseur Sustainable Agriculture cover art

Todd LeVasseur et al (eds.), Religion and Sustainable Agriculture: World Spiritual Traditions and Food Ethics (2016)

Scheid Cosmic Common Good cover art

Daniel P. Scheid, The Cosmic Common Good: Religious Grounds for Ecological Ethics (2016)

Callicott and McRae Asian Traditions cover art

J. Baird Callicott & James McRae (eds.), Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought (2015)

Dessi Globalization cover art

Ugo Dessì, Japanese Religions and Globalization (2015)

Vaddhaka Wall Street cover art

Vaddhaka Linn, The Buddha on Wall Street: What's Wrong with Capitalism and What We Can Do About It (2015)

Marques Business and Buddhism cover art

Joan Marques, Business and Buddhism (2015)

Stewart Vegetarianism cover art

James Stewart, Vegetarianism and Animal Ethics in Contemporary Buddhism (2015)

Bauman Religion and Ecology cover art

Whitney A. Bauman, Religion and Ecology: Developing a Planetary Ethic (2014)

Shields Globalization cover art

James Mark Shields (ed.), Buddhist Responses to Globalization (2014)

Darlington Ordination cover art

Susan M. Darlington, The Ordination of a Tree: The Thai Buddhist Environmental Movement (2013)

Jazeel Sacred Modernity cover art

Tariq Jazeel, Sacred Modernity: Nature, Environment and the Postcolonial Geographies of Sri Lankan Nationhood (2013)

Nyanasobhano Landscapes cover art

Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano, Landscapes of Wonder: Discovering Buddhist Dhamma in the World Around Us (2013)

Sponsel Spiritual Ecology cover art

Leslie E. Sponsel, Spiritual Ecology: A Quiet Revolution (2012)

Sahni Ethics cover art

Pragati Sahni, Environmental Ethics in Buddhism: A Virtues Approach (2011)

Engel Tort Custom cover art

David M. Engel & Jaruwan S. Engel, Tort, Custom, and Karma: Globalization and Legal Consciousness in Thailand (2010)

Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology cover art

Roger S. Gottlieb (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology (2010)

Jensen Deep Down cover art

Lin Jensen, Deep Down Things: The Earth in Celebration and Dismay (2010)

Payne How Much cover art

Richard Payne, How Much is Enough? Buddhism, Consumerism, and the Human Environment (2010)

Berry Sacred Universe cover art

Thomas Berry, The Sacred Universe: Earth, Spirituality, and Religion, ed. Mary Evelyn Tucker (2009)

Buddhism in the Public Sphere cover art

Peter D. Hershock, Buddhism in the Public Sphere: Reorienting Global Interdependence (2009)

Stanley et al Response cover art

John Stanley et al (eds.), A Buddhist Response to the Climate Emergency (2009)

Guruge Economics cover art

Ananda W. P. Guruge, Buddhism, Economics and Science: Further Studies in Socially Engaged Humanistic Buddhism (2008)

Kaza Mindfully Green cover art

Stephanie Kaza, Mindfully Green: A Personal and Spiritual Guide to Whole Earth Thinking (2008)

Rahula Prosperity cover art

Bhikkhu Basnagoda Rahula, The Buddha's Teachings on Prosperity: At Home, At Work, in the World (2008)

Field Business and Buddha cover art

Lloyd Field, Business and the Buddha: Doing Well by Doing Good (2007)

Nyanasobhano Available Truth cover art

Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano, Available Truth: Excursions into Buddhist Wisdom and the Natural World (2007)

Kemmerer Consistency cover art

Lisa Kemmerer, In Search of Consistency: Ethics and Animals (2006)

Sale After Eden cover art

Kirkpatrick Sale, After Eden: The Evolution of Human Domination (2006)

Waldau and Patton cover art

Paul Waldau & Kimberley Christine Patton (eds.), A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion, Science, and Ethics (2006)

Sivaraksa Conflict Culture cover art

Sulak Sivaraksa, Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World (2005)

Chandler Establishing cover art

Stuart Chandler, Establishing a Pure Land on Earth: The Foguang Buddhist Perspective on Modernization and Globalization (2004)

Learman Globalization cover art

Linda Learman, Buddhist Missionaries in the Era of Globalization (2004)

Gottlieb This Sacred Earth cover art

Roger S. Gottlieb, This Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature, Environment, 2nd ed. (2003)

Macy World as Lover cover art

Joanna Macy, World As Lover, World As Self: Courage for Global Justice and Ecological Renewal (2003)

Waldau Specter cover art

Paul Waldau, The Specter of Speciesism: Buddhist and Christian Views of Animals (2001)

Kaza and Kraft cover art

Stephanie Kaza & Kenneth Kraft (eds.), Dharma Rain: Sources of Buddhist Environmentalism (2000)

Page Animals cover art

Tony Page, Buddhism and Animals: A Buddhist Vision of Humanity's Rightful Relationship with the Animal Kingdom (1999)

Kearns and Keller cover art

Laurel Kearns & Catherine Keller (eds.), Ecospirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth (2007)

Tucker and Williams cover art

Mary E. Tucker & Duncan R. Williams (eds.), Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds (1997)

Chapple Nonviolence cover art

Christopher Key Chapple, Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in Asian Traditions (1993)

Batchelor and Brown cover art

Martine Batchelor & Kerry Brown (eds.), Buddhism and Ecology (1992)

Badiner Dharma Gaia cover art

Allan Hunt Badiner (ed.), Dharma Gaia: A Harvest of Essays in Buddhism and Ecology (1990)

Naess Ecology Community cover art

Arne Naess, Ecology, Community, and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy, trans. David Rothenberg (1989)

Barstow Food cover art

In this study of the place of vegetarianism within Tibetan religiosity, Geoffrey Barstow explores the tension between Buddhist ethics and Tibetan cultural norms to offer a novel perspective on the spiritual and social dimensions of meat eating. Barstow offers a detailed analysis of the debates over meat eating and vegetarianism, from the first references to such a diet in the tenth century through the Chinese invasion in the 1950s. He discusses elements of Tibetan Buddhist thought, but also looks beyond religious attitudes to examine the cultural, economic, and environmental factors that oppose the Buddhist critique of meat, including Tibetan concepts of medicine and health, food scarcity, the display of wealth, and idealized male gender roles. Barstow argues that the issue of meat eating was influenced by a complex interplay of factors, with religious perspectives largely supporting vegetarianism while practical concerns and secular ideals pulled in the other direction.

Brown Economics cover art

Clair Brown, professor of economics at UC Berkeley and a practicing Buddhist, has developed a holistic model, one based on the notion that quality of life should be measured by more than national income. Brown advocates an approach to organizing the economy that embraces rather than skirts questions of values, sustainability, and equity, and incorporates the Buddhist emphasis on interdependence, shared prosperity, and happiness into her vision for a sustainable and compassionate world. Buddhist economics leads us to think mindfully as we go about our daily activities, and offers a way to appreciate how our actions affect the well-being of those around us. By replacing the endless cycle of desire with more positive collective activities, we can make our lives more meaningful as well as happier. This book represents an enlightened approach to our modern world infused with ancient wisdom, with benefits both personal and global, for generations to come.

This book reflects the growing interest and research in this field. Drawing on a diversity of experience from the counselling and psychotherapy professions, but also from practitioners in community work, mental health and education, this book explores the exciting and innovative possibilities involved in practising outdoors. Brazier brings to bear her experience and knowledge as a psychotherapist, group worker and trainer over several decades to think about therapeutic work outdoors in all its forms. The book presents a model of ecotherapy based on principles drawn from Buddhist psychology and Western psychotherapy which focuses particularly on the relationship between person and environment at three levels, moving from the personal level of individual history to cultural influences, then finally to global circumstances, all of which condition mind-states and psychological well-being. This work will provide refreshing and valuable reading for psychotherapists and counsellors in the field, those interested in Buddhism, and other mental health and health professionals working outdoors.

This work explores alternative ways of leading in the aftermath of the Great Recession and the many stories of fraud and greed that emerged. The book explores shifts in business perspectives as more value is placed on soft skills like emotional intelligence and listening, and introduces the reader to the principles in Buddhist philosophy that can be applied in the workplace. Marques explores the value of applying the positive psychology of Buddhism to work settings. She outlines the ways in which it offers highly effective solutions to addressing important management and organizational behavior related issues, but also flags up critical areas for caution. For example, Buddhism is non-confrontational, and promotes detachment. How can business leaders negotiate these principles in light of the demands of modern day pressures? The book includes end of chapter questions to promote reflection and critical thinking, and examples of Buddhist leaders in action. It will prove a captivating read for students of organizational behavior, management, leadership, diversity and ethics.

Rotman Hungry cover art

Andy Rotman, Hungry Ghosts (2021)

Huntington Creating Universe cover art

Eric Huntington, Creating the Universe: Depictions of the Cosmos in Himalayan Buddhism (2019)

French Yoke cover art

Rebecca Redwood French, The Golden Yoke: The Legal Cosmology of Buddhist Tibet (2002)

Sadakata cover art

Akira Sadakata, Buddhist Cosmology: Philosophy and Origins (1997)

Taye Myriad cover art

Jamgon K.L. Taye, Myriad Worlds: Buddhist Cosmology in Abhidharma, Kalacakra, and Dzog-chen (1995)

Kloetzli Cosmology cover art

Randy Kloetzli, Buddhist Cosmology: From Single World System to Pure Land: Science and Theology in the Images of Motion and Light (1983)

Reynolds Three Worlds cover art

Frank E. Reynolds & Mani B. Reynolds (trans.), Three Worlds According to King Ruang: A Thai Buddhist Cosmology (1982)

Byodo-In Temple, Kaneohe

Peter Singer & Shih Chao-Hwei, The Buddhist and the Ethicist: Conversations on Effective Altruism, Engaged Buddhism, and How to Build a Better World (2023)

Garfield Ethics cover art

Jay L. Garfield, Buddhist Ethics: A Philosophical Exploration (2021)

Cozort and Shields cover art

Daniel Cozort & James Mark Shields (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Ethics (2018)

Davis Mirror cover art

Jake H. Davis (ed.), A Mirror Is for Reflection: Understanding Buddhist Ethics (2017)

Cowherds Moonpaths cover art

The Cowherds, Moonpaths: Ethics and Emptiness (2015)

Subhuti Mind in Harmony cover art

Dharmachari Subhuti, Mind in Harmony: A Guide to the Psychology of Buddhist Ethics (2015)

Goodman Consequences of Compassion cover art

Charles Goodman, Consequences of Compassion: An Interpretation and Defense of Buddhist Ethics (2014)

Gowans Moral Philosophy cover art

Christopher W. Gowans, Buddhist Moral Philosophy: An Introduction (2014)

McLeod Understanding Asian Ethics cover art

Alexus McLeod, Understanding Asian Philosophy: Ethics in the Analects, Zhuangzi, Dhammapada, and the Bhagavad Gita (2014)

Subhadramati Not About Being Good cover art

Subhadramati, Not About Being Good: A Practical Guide to Buddhist Ethics (2013)

Wright Six Perfections cover art

Dale Wright, The Six Perfections: Buddhism and the Cultivation of Character (2011)

Prebish Destroying cover art

Charles S. Prebish (ed.), Destroying Mara Forever: Buddhist Ethics Essays in Honor of Damien Keown (2010)

Mrozik Virtuous Bodies cover art

Susanne Mrozik, Virtuous Bodies: The Physical Dimensions of Morality in Buddhist Ethics (2007)

Prasad Centrality of Ethics cover art

Hari Shankar Prasad, The Centrality of Ethics in Buddhism: Exploratory Essays (2007)

Bloom Healing Power cover art

Pamela Bloom, The Healing Power of Compassion: The Essence of Buddhist Acts (2006)

Tsomo Jaws of Yama cover art

Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Into the Jaws of Yama, Lord of Death: Buddhism, Bioethics, and Death (2006)

Keown Buddhist Ethics cover art

Damien Keown, Buddhist Ethics: A Very Short Introduction (2005)

Sangharakshita Know Your Mind cover art

Sangharakshita, Know Your Mind: The Psychological Dimension of Ethics in Buddhism (2004)

Hopkins Cultivating Compassion cover art

Jeffrey Hopkins, Cultivating Compassion: A Buddhist Perspective (2002)

Imagining Karma cover art

Gananath Obeyesekere, Imagining Karma: Ethical Transformation in Amerindian, Buddhist, and Greek Rebirth (2002)

Harvey Introduction cover art

Peter Harvey, An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values, and Issues (2000)

Keown Contemporary cover art

Damien Keown (ed.), Contemporary Buddhist Ethics (2000)

Keown Abortion cover art

Damien Keown (ed.), Buddhism and Abortion (1998)

Saddhatissa Ethics cover art

Hammalawa Saddhatissa, Buddhist Ethics (1997)

Morgan and Lawton cover art

Peggy Morgan & Clive Lawton (eds.), Ethical Issues in Six Religious Traditions (1996)

Keown Bioethics cover art

Damien Keown, Buddhism and Bioethics (1995)

Olson Discipline of Freedom cover art

Phillip Olson, The Discipline of Freedom: A Kantian View of the Role of Moral Precepts in Zen Practice (1993)

Keown Nature of Ethics cover art

Damien Keown, The Nature of Buddhist Ethics (1992)

LaFleur Liquid cover art

William R. LaFleur, Liquid Life: Abortion and Buddhism in Japan (1992)

Fu and Wawrytko cover art

Charles W. Fu & Sandra A. Wawrytko (eds.), Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society (1991)

Reichenbach Law of Karma cover art

Bruce Reichenbach, The Law of Karma: A Philosophical Study (1990)

Sizemore and Swearer cover art

Russell F. Sizemore & Donald K. Swearer (eds.), Ethics, Wealth and Salvation: A Study in Buddhist Social Ethics (1989)

Endo Dana cover art

Toshiichi Endo, Dana: The Development of Its Concept and Practice (1987)

Misra Development cover art

G.S. Misra, The Development of Buddhist Ethics (1984)

Aitken Mind of Clover cover art

Robert Aitken, The Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics (1982)

Hindery Comparative Ethics cover art

Roderick Hindery, Comparative Ethics in Hindu and Buddhist Traditions (1978)

Pye Skilful Means cover art

Michael Pye, Skilful Means: A Concept in Mahayana Buddhism (1978)

Tahtinen Ahimsa cover art

Unto Tahtinen, Ahimsa: Non-Violence in Indian Tradition (1976)

Tachibana Ethics cover art

Shundo Tachibana, The Ethics of Buddhism (1975)

King Hope of Nibbana cover art

Winston King, In the Hope of Nibbana: An Essay on Theravada Buddhist Ethics (1964)

Cozort and Shields cover art

All the varied forms of Buddhism embody an ethical core that is remarkably consistent. Articulated by the historical Buddha in his first sermon, this moral core is founded on the concept of karma--that intentions and actions have future consequences for an individual--and is summarized as Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood, three of the elements of the Eightfold Path. Although they were later elaborated and interpreted in a multitude of ways, none of these core principles were ever abandoned. This work provides a comprehensive overview of the field of Buddhist ethics in the twenty-first century. It discusses the foundations of Buddhist ethics, focusing on karma and the precepts for abstinence from harming others, stealing, and intoxication. It considers ethics in the different Buddhist traditions and the similarities they share, and compares Buddhist ethics to Western ethics and the psychology of moral judgments. The volume also investigates Buddhism and society, analysing economics, environmental ethics, and Just War ethics. The final section focuses on contemporary issues surrounding Buddhist ethics, including gender, sexuality, animal rights, and euthanasia.

Wright Six Perfections cover art

Here is a lucid, accessible, and inspiring guide to the six perfections--Buddhist teachings about six dimensions of human character that require "perfecting": generosity, morality, tolerance, energy, meditation, and wisdom. Drawing on the Diamond Sutra, the Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom, and other essential Mahayana texts, Dale Wright shows how these teachings were understood and practiced in classical Mahayana Buddhism and how they can be adapted to contemporary life in a global society. What would the perfection of generosity look like today, for example? What would it mean to give with neither ulterior motives nor naiveté? Devoting a separate chapter to each of the six perfections, Wright combines sophisticated analysis with real-life applications. Buddhists have always stressed self-cultivation and the freedom of human beings to shape their own lives. For those interested in ideals of human character and practices of self-cultivation, this work offers invaluable guidance.

Tsomo Jaws of Yama cover art

This book explores the Buddhist view of death and its implications for contemporary bioethics. Writing primarily from within the Tibetan tradition, Tsomo discusses Buddhist notions of human consciousness and personal identity and how these figure in the Buddhist view of death. Beliefs about death and enlightenment and states between life and death are also discussed. Tsomo goes on to examine such hot-button topics as cloning, abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, organ donation, genetic engineering, and stem-cell research within a Buddhist context, introducing new ways of thinking about these highly controversial issues.

Imagining Karma cover art

With this work, Obeyesekere embarks on the very first comparison of rebirth concepts across a wide range of cultures. Exploring in rich detail the beliefs of small-scale societies of West Africa, Melanesia, traditional Siberia, Canada, and the northwest coast of North America, Obeyesekere compares their ideas with those of the ancient and modern Indic civilizations and with the Greek rebirth theories of Pythagoras, Empedocles, Pindar, and Plato. His groundbreaking and authoritative discussion decenters the popular notion that India was the origin and locus of ideas of rebirth. As he compares responses to the most fundamental questions of human existence, the author challenges readers to reexamine accepted ideas about death, cosmology, morality, and eschatology. Obeyesekere's comprehensive inquiry shows that diverse societies have come through independent invention or borrowing to believe in reincarnation as an integral part of their larger cosmological systems. The author brings together into a coherent methodological framework the thought of such diverse thinkers as Weber, Wittgenstein, and Nietzsche. In a contemporary intellectual context that celebrates difference and cultural relativism, this book makes a case for disciplined comparison, a humane view of human nature, and a theoretical understanding of "family resemblances" and differences across great cultural divides.

Gender, Sexuality, Reproduction, and Children

Pressley-Sanon cover art

Toni Pressley-Sanon, Lifting As They Climb: Black Women Buddhists and Collective Liberation (2024)

Bryson Buckelew cover art

Megan Bryson & Kevin Buckelew, eds., Buddhist Masculinities (2023)

Sasson Gathering cover art

Vanessa R. Sasson, The Gathering: A Story of the First Buddhist Women (2023)

Analayo Daughters cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, Daughters of the Buddha: Teachings by Ancient Indian Women (2022)

Ballard Queer cover art

Jacoby Ballard, A Queer Dharma: Yoga and Meditations for Liberation (2022)

Hüsken Laughter cover art

Ute Hüsken, Laughter, Creativity, and Perseverance: Female Agency in Buddhism and Hinduism (2022)

Benard Sakya Jetsunmas cover art

Elisabeth A. Benard, The Sakya Jetsunmas: The Hidden World of Tibetan Female Lamas (2022)

Flynn In the Middle Way cover art

Darcy Flynn (ed.), Buddhism and Women: In the Middle Way (2022)

Nishimura Monk Wears cover art

Kodo Nishimura, This Monk Wears Heels: Be Who You Are (2022)

Stevens Red Tara cover art

Rachael Stevens, Red Tara: The Female Buddha of Power and Magnetism (2022)

Guyer-Stevens & Pommaret cover art

Stephanie Guyer-Stevens & Françoise Pommaret, Divine Messengers: The Untold Story of Bhutan's Female Shamans (2021)

Collett Hear cover art

Alice Collett, I Hear Her Words: An Introduction to Women in Buddhism (2021)

Garling Woman Who Raised cover art

Wendy Garling, The Woman Who Raised the Buddha: The Extraordinary Life of Mahaprajapati (2021)

Roloff Nun's Ordination cover art

Carola Roloff, The Buddhist Nun´s Ordination in the Tibetan Canon: Possibilities of the Revival of the Mulasarvastivada Bhiksuni Lineage (2021)

Sasson Yasodhara cover art

Vanessa R. Sasson, Yasodhara and the Buddha (2021)

Sarasvati's Gift cover art

Mayumi Oda, Sarasvati's Gift: The Autobiography of Mayumi Oda - Artist, Activist, and Modern Buddhist Revolutionary (2020)

Tsomo Women Traditions cover art

Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Women in Buddhist Traditions (2020)

Weingast First Free Women cover art

Matty Weingast, The First Free Women: Poems of the Early Buddhist Nuns (2020)

Willis Dharma Matters cover art

Jan Willis, Dharma Matters: Women, Race, and Tantra (2020)

Yeng Buddhist Feminism cover art

Sokthan Yeng, Buddhist Feminism: Transforming Anger Against Patriarchy (2020)

Cushman Mama Sutra cover art

Anne Cushman, The Mama Sutra: A Story of Love, Loss, and the Pain of Motherhood (2019)

Seeger Gender Path cover art

Martin Seeger, Gender and the Path to Awakening: Hidden Histories of Nuns in Modern Thai Buddhism (2018)

Tsomo Feminisms cover art

Karma Lekshe Tsomo (ed.), Buddhist Feminisms and Femininities (2019)

Chopel Passion Book cover art

Gendun Chopel, The Passion Book: A Tibetan Guide to Love & Sex, trans. Donald S. Lopez, Jr. (2018)

Yetunde Object Relations cover art

Pamela Ayo Yetunde, Object Relations, Buddhism, and Relationality in Womanist Practical Theology (2018)

Langenberg Birth cover art

Amy Paris Langenberg, Birth in Buddhism: The Suffering Fetus and Female Freedom (2017)

Muldoon-Hules Brides of Buddha cover art

Karen Muldoon-Hules, Brides of the Buddha: Nuns' Stories from the Avadanasataka (2017)

Analayo Foundation History cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, The Foundation History of the Nuns' Order (2016)

Andreeva and Steavu cover art

Anna Andreeva & Dominic Steavu (eds.), Transforming the Void: Embryological Discourse and Reproductive Imagery in East Asian Religions (2016)

Garling Stars at Dawn cover art

Wendy Garling, Stars at Dawn: Forgotten Stories of Women in the Buddha's Life (2016)

Kamalamani Other Than Mother cover art

Kamalamani, Other Than Mother: Choosing Childlessness with Life in Mind (2016)

Thompson Engendering cover art

Ashley Thompson, Engendering the Buddhist State: Territory, Sovereignty and Sexual Difference in the Inventions of Angkor (2016)

Engelmajer Women Pali cover art

Pascale Engelmajer, Women in Pali Buddhism: Walking the Spiritual Paths in Mutual Dependence (2015)

Harding Remnants cover art

Rosemarie Freeney Harding & Rachel Elizabeth Harding, Remnants: A Memoir of Spirit, Activism, and Mothering (2015)

McWeeny and Butnor cover art

Jennifer McWeeny & Ashby Butnor (eds.), Asian and Feminist Philosophies in Dialogue: Liberating Traditions (2014)

Miller Buddha's Daughters cover art

Andrea Miller (ed.), Buddha's Daughters: Teachings from Women Who Are Shaping Buddhism in the West (2014)

Tsomo Eminent Buddhist Women cover art

Karma Lekshe Tsomo (ed.), Eminent Buddhist Women (2014)

Blackstone Women cover art

Kathryn R. Blackstone, Women in the Footsteps of the Buddha: Struggle for Liberation in the Therigatha (2013)

Caplow and Moon cover art

Florence Caplow & Susan Moon (eds.), The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women (2013)

Salgado Buddhist Nuns cover art

Nirmala S. Salgado, Buddhist Nuns and Gendered Practice: In Search of the Female Renunciant (2013)

Smith Narratives cover art

Bardwell L. Smith, Narratives of Sorrow and Dignity: Japanese Women, Pregnancy Loss, and Modern Rituals of Grieving (2013)

Ohnuma Ties cover art

Reiko Ohnuma, Ties That Bind: Maternal Imagery and Discourse in Indian Buddhism (2012)

Sasson Little Buddhas cover art

Vanessa R. Sasson (ed.), Little Buddhas: Children and Childhoods in Buddhist Texts and Traditions (2012)

Arai Bringing Zen Home cover art

Paula Arai, Bringing Zen Home: The Healing Heart of Japanese Women's Rituals (2011)

Hu This-Worldly cover art

Hsiao-Lan Hu, This-Worldly Nibbana: A Buddhist-Feminist Social Ethic for Peacemaking in the Global Community (2011)

Meeks Hokkeji cover art

Lori Rachelle Meeks, Hokkeji and the Reemergence of Female Monastic Orders in Premodern Japan (2010)

Mohr and Tsedroen cover art

Thea Mohr & Jampa Tsedroen (eds.), Dignity and Discipline: Reviewing Full Ordination for Buddhist Nuns (2010)

Wijayaratna Buddhist Nuns cover art

Mohan Wijayaratna, Buddhist Nuns: The Birth and Development of a Women's Monastic Order (2010)

Feldman Woman Awake cover art

Christina Feldman, Woman Awake: Women Practicing Buddhism (2009)

Gross Garland cover art

Rita M. Gross, A Garland of Feminist Reflections: Forty Years of Religious Exploration (2009)

Schireson Zen Women cover art

Grace Schireson, Zen Women: Beyond Tea Ladies, Iron Maidens, and Macho Masters (2009)

Whittaker Abortion cover art

Andrea Whittaker, Abortion, Sin and the State in Thailand (2009)

Garrett Embryo cover art

Frances Mary Garrett, Religion, Medicine and the Human Embryo in Tibet (2008)

Burns Path for Parents cover art

Sara Burns, A Path for Parents: What Buddhism Can Offer (2007)

Gregory and Mrozik cover art

Peter N. Gregory & Susanne Mrozik (eds.), Women Practicing Buddhism: American Experiences (2007)

O'Halloran Pure Heart cover art

Maura O'Halloran, Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind: The Life and Letters of an Irish Zen Saint (2007)

Tisdale Women of the Way cover art

Sallie Tisdale, Women of the Way: Discovering 2,500 Years of Buddhist Wisdom (2007)

Batchelor and Sunim cover art

Martine Batchelor & Son'gyong Sunim, Women in Korean Zen: Lives and Practices (2006)

Boucher Dancing Dharma cover art

Sandy Boucher, Dancing in the Dharma: The Life and Teachings of Ruth Denison (2006)

Cheng Buddhist Nuns cover art

Wei-Yi Cheng, Buddhist Nuns in Taiwan and Sri Lanka: A Critique of the Feminist Perspective (2006)

David-Néel Journey to Lhasa cover art

Alexandra David-Néel, My Journey to Lhasa: The Classic Story of the Only Western Woman Who Succeeded in Entering the Forbidden City (2005)

Gutschow Being cover art

Kim Gutschow, Being a Buddhist Nun: The Struggle for Enlightenment in the Himalayas (2004)

Tsomo Buddhist Women cover art

Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Buddhist Women and Social Justice: Ideals, Challenges, and Achievements (2004)

Faure Power of Denial cover art

Bernard Faure, The Power of Denial: Buddhism, Purity and Gender (2003)

Grant Daughters cover art

Beata Grant, Daughters of Emptiness: Poems of Chinese Buddhist Nuns (2003)

Urban Tantra cover art

Hugh B. Urban, Tantra: Sex, Secrecy, Politics, and Power in the Study of Religion (2003)

Batchelor Women on Path cover art

Martine Batchelor, Women on the Buddhist Path (2002)

Murcott First Buddhist Women cover art

Susan Murcott, First Buddhist Women: Poems and Stories of Awakening (2002)

Brown Journey cover art

Sid Brown, The Journey of One Buddhist Nun: Even Against the Wind (2001)

Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet cover art

Rita M. Gross & Rosemary Radford Ruether, Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet: A Christian-Buddhist Conversation (2001)

Obeyesekere Portraits cover art

Ranjini Obeyesekere (trans.), Portraits of Buddhist Women: Stories from the Saddharmaratnaavaliya (2001)

Allione Women cover art

Tsültrim Allione, Women of Wisdom (2000)

Boucher Discovering Kwan Yin cover art

Sandy Boucher, Discovering Kwan Yin, Buddhist Goddess of Compassion: A Path Towards Clarity and Peace (2000)

Bose Faces of Feminine cover art

Mandakranta Bose (ed.), Faces of the Feminine in Ancient, Medieval, and Modern India (2000)

Tsomo Innovative cover art

Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Innovative Buddhist Women: Swimming Against the Stream (2000)

Tsomo Women cover art

Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Buddhist Women Across Cultures: Realizations (1999)

Boucher Opening the Lotus cover art

Sandy Boucher, Opening the Lotus: A Woman's Guide to Buddhism (1998)

Cole Mothers and Sons cover art

Alan Cole, Mothers and Sons in Chinese Buddhism (1998)

Faure Red Thread cover art

Bernard Faure, The Red Thread: Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality (1998)

Chamindaji gamage, buddhism and sensuality: as recorded in the theravada canon (1998).

Gross Soaring and Settling cover art

Rita M. Gross, Soaring and Settling: Buddhist Perspectives on Contemporary Social and Religious Issues (1998)

Friedman and Moon cover art

Lenore Friedman & Susan Moon (eds.), Being Bodies: Buddhist Women on the Paradox of Embodiment (1997)

Hardacre Marketing cover art

Helen Hardacre, Marketing the Menacing Fetus in Japan (1997)

Tsomo Sisters cover art

Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Sisters in Solitude: Two Traditions of Buddhist Monastic Ethics for Women (1997)

Batchelor Walking on Lotus cover art

Martine Batchelor, Walking on Lotus Flowers: Buddhist Women Living, Loving and Meditating (1996)

Buddhist Women on the Edge cover art

Marianne Dresser (ed.), Buddhist Women on the Edge: Contemporary Perspectives from the Western Frontier (1996)

Wilson Cadavers cover art

Liz Wilson, Charming Cadavers: Horrific Figurations of the Feminine in Indian Buddhist Hagiographic Literature (1996)

Klein Meeting cover art

Anne C. Klein, Meeting the Great Bliss Queen: Buddhists, Feminists, and the Art of the Self (1995)

Tsomo Women's Eyes cover art

Karma Lekshe Tsomo (ed.), Buddhism Through American Women's Eyes (1995)

L.p.n. perera, sexuality in ancient india: a study based on the pali vinayapitaka (1993).

Gross Patriarchy cover art

Rita M. Gross, Buddhism after Patriarchy: A Feminist History, Analysis, and Reconstruction of Buddhism (1992)

Murcott First Women cover art

Susan Murcott, The First Buddhist Women (1992)

Cabezon Sexuality Gender cover art

José Ignacio Cabezón (ed.), Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender (1991)

Horner Women cover art

I. B. Horner, Women under Primitive Buddhism: Laywomen and Almswomen (1990)

Stevens Lust cover art

John Stevens, Lust for Enlightenment: Buddhism and Sex (1990)

Willis Feminine Ground cover art

Janice Willis (ed.), Feminine Ground: Essays on Women and Tibet (1989)

Boucher Turning cover art

Sandy Boucher, Turning the Wheel: American Women Creating the New Buddhism (1988)

Tsomo Sakyadhita cover art

Karma Lekshe Tsomo (ed.), Sakyadhita: Daughters of the Buddha (1988)

Langenberg Birth cover art

Recent decades have seen a transnational agitation for better opportunities for Buddhist women. Many of the main players in this movement self-identify as feminists, but other participants in this movement may not know or use the language of feminism. In fact, many ordained Buddhist women say they seek higher ordination so that they might be better Buddhist practitioners, not for the sake of gender equality. Eschewing the backward projection of secular liberal feminist categories, this book describes the basic features of the Buddhist discourse of the female body, held more or less in common across sectarian lines, and still pertinent to ordained Buddhist women today. The textual focus of the study is an early-first-millennium Sanskrit Buddhist work, the "Descent into the Womb Scripture" or Garbhāvakrānti-sūtra. Drawing out the implications of this text, the author offers innovative arguments about the significance of childbirth and fertility in Buddhism, namely that birth is a master metaphor in Indian Buddhism; that Buddhist gender constructions are centrally shaped by Buddhist birth discourse; and that, by undermining the religious importance of female fertility, the Buddhist construction of an inauspicious, chronically impure, and disgusting femininity constituted a portal to a new, liberated, feminine life for Buddhist monastic women.

Salgado Buddhist Nuns cover art

Based on extensive research in Sri Lanka and interviews with Theravada and Tibetan nuns from around the world, Salgado's groundbreaking study urges a rethinking of female renunciation. How are scholarly accounts complicit in reinscribing imperialist stories about the subjectivity of Buddhist women? How do key Buddhist "concepts" such as dukkha, samsara, and sila ground female renunciant practice? Salgado's provocative analysis questions the secular notion of the higher ordination of nuns as a political movement for freedom against patriarchal norms. Arguing that the lives of nuns defy translation into a politics of global sisterhood equal before law, she calls for more-nuanced readings of nuns' everyday renunciant practices.

Consideration of children in the academic field of Religious Studies is taking root, but Buddhist Studies has yet to take notice. This book brings together a wide range of scholarship and expertise to address the question of what role children have played in Buddhist literature, in particular historical contexts, and what role they continue to play in specific Buddhist contexts today. The volume is divided into two parts, one addressing the representation of children in Buddhist texts, the other children and childhoods in Buddhist cultures around the world. The ground-breaking contributions in this volume challenge the perception of irreconcilable differences between Buddhist idealism and family ties. This work will be an indispensable resource for students and scholars of Buddhism and Childhood Studies, and a catalyst for further research on the topic.

Gross Garland cover art

Rita M. Gross has long been acknowledged as a founder in the field of feminist theology. One of the earliest scholars in religious studies to discover how feminism affects that discipline, she is recognized as preeminent in Buddhist feminist theology. The essays in this book represent the major aspects of her work and provide an overview of her methodology in women's studies in religion and feminism. The introductory article, written specifically for this volume, summarizes the conclusions Gross has reached about gender and feminism after forty years of searching and exploring, and the autobiography, also written for this volume, narrates how those conclusions were reached. These articles reveal the range of scholarship and reflection found in Gross's work and demonstrate how feminist scholars in the 1970s shifted the paradigm away from an androcentric model of humanity and forever changed the way we study religion.

Enlightenment & Enlightened Beings

Wright Enlightenment cover art

Dale S. Wright, What Is Buddhist Enlightenment? (2016)

Hwang Metaphor cover art

Soon-il Hwang, Metaphor and Literalism in Buddhism: The Doctrinal History of Nirvana (2012)

Sponberg Maitreya cover art

Alan Sponberg & Helen Hardacre (eds.), Maitreya: The Future Buddha (2011)

Analayo Genesis Bodhisattva Ideal cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, The Genesis of the Bodhisattva Ideal (2010)

Collins Nirvana cover art

Steven Collins, Nirvana: Concept, Imagery, Narrative (2010)

Xing Concept of Buddha cover art

Guang Xing, The Concept of the Buddha: Its Evolution from Early Buddhism to the Trikaya Theory (2010)

Nattier Few Good cover art

Jan Nattier, A Few Good Men: The Bodhisattva Path According to the Inquiry of Ugra (2005)

Sangharakshita Wisdom Beyond Words cover art

Sangharakshita, Wisdom Beyond Words: The Buddhist Vision of Ultimate Reality (2004)

Collins Felicities cover art

Steven Collins, Nirvana and Other Buddhist Felicities: Utopias of the Pali Imaginaire (1998)

Pagel Bodhisattvapitaka cover art

Ulrich Pagel, The Bodhisattvapitaka: Its Doctrines, Practices and Their Position in Mahayana Literature (1995)

Chien Manifestation cover art

Cheng Chien, Manifestation of the Tathagata: Buddhahood According to the Avatamsaka Sutra (1993)

King Buddha Nature cover art

Sallie B. King, Buddha Nature (1991)

Ruegg Buddha-Nature cover art

David Seyfort Ruegg, Buddha-Nature, Mind and the Problem of Gradualism in a Comparative Perspective (1989)

Park Buddhist Faith cover art

Sung Bae Park, Buddhist Faith and Sudden Enlightenment (1983)

Katz Images Perfection cover art

Nathan Katz, Buddhist Images of Human Perfection: The Arahant of the Sutta Pitaka compared with the Bodhisattva and the Mahasiddha (1982)

Kawamura cover art

Leslie Kawamura (ed.), The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism (1981)

Stcherbatsky Conception cover art

Theodor Stcherbatsky, The Conception of Buddhist Nirvana. With Sanskrit Text of the Madhyamaka-karika, 2nd rev. ed. (1977)

Dayal Bodhisattva cover art

Har Dayal, The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature (1970)

Johansson Psychology cover art

Rune E. A. Johansson, The Psychology of Nirvana: A Comparative Study (1970)

Welbon Nirvana cover art

G.R. Welbon, The Buddhist Nirvana and Its Western Interpreters (1968)

Slater Paradox cover art

Robert L. Slater, Paradox and Nirvana: A Study of Religious Ultimates with Special Reference to Burmese Buddhism (1951)

Evola Doctrine cover art

Julius Evola, The Doctrine of Awakening: The Attainment of Self-Mastery According to the Earliest Buddhist Texts (1943)

Young nuns meditating

Law, Politics, War, and Violence

Balkwill & Benn cover art

Stephanie Balkwill & James A. Benn (eds.), Buddhist Statecraft in East Asia (2022)

Ginsburg & Schonthal cover art

Tom Ginsburg & Benjamin Schonthal (eds.), Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law (2022)

Long Approach IR cover art

William J. Long, A Buddhist Approach to International Relations: Radical Interdependence (2021)

Yancy and McRae cover art

George Yancy & Emily McRae (eds.), Buddhism and Whiteness: Critical Reflections (2019)

Jerryson Meet the Buddha cover art

Michael Jerryson, If You Meet the Buddha on the Road: Essays on Buddhism, Politics, and Violence (2018)

Lammerts Buddhist Law cover art

D. Christian Lammerts, Buddhist Law in Burma: A History of Dhammasattha Texts and Jurisprudence (2018)

de Silva Conflict Studies cover art

Padmasiri de Silva, The Psychology of Buddhism in Conflict Studies (2017)

Kawanami Political Process cover art

Hiroko Kawanami (ed.), Buddhism and the Political Process (2016)

Moore Political Theory cover art

Matthew J. Moore, Buddhism and Political Theory (2016)

Husted and Keown Human Rights cover art

Wayne R. Husted & Damien Keown (eds.), Buddhism and Human Rights (2015)

French and Nathan cover art

Rebecca Redwood French & Mark A. Nathan (eds.), Buddhism and Law: An Introduction (2014)

Kawanami and Samuel cover art

Hiroko Kawanami & Geoffrey Samuel (eds.), Buddhism, International Relief Work, and Civil Society (2013)

Eltschinger Caste cover art

Vincent Eltschinger, Caste and Buddhist Philosophy: Continuity of Some Buddhist Arguments against the Realist Interpretation of Social Denominations (2012)

McLeod Mindful Politics cover art

Melvin McLeod (ed.), Mindful Politics: A Buddhist Guide to Making the World a Better Place (2012)

Tikhonov and Brekke cover art

Vladimir Tikhonov & Torkel Brekke (eds.), Buddhism and Violence: Militarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia (2012)

Engel Tort cover art

Michael K. Jerryson & Mark Juergensmeyer (eds.), Buddhist Warfare (2010)

Meinert and Zollner cover art

Carmen Meinert, Hans-Bernd Zöllner (eds.), Buddhist Approaches to Human Rights: Dissonances and Resonances (2010)

Victoria Zen at War cover art

Brian D. Victoria, Zen at War (2006)

Moon Not Turning cover art

Susan Moon, Not Turning Away: The Practice of Engaged Buddhism (2004)

Victoria War Stories cover art

Brian D. Victoria, Zen War Stories (2003)

Bartholomeusz In Defense cover art

Tessa J. Bartholomeusz, In Defense of Dharma: Just-War Ideology in Buddhist Sri Lanka (2002)

Huxley Religion Law cover art

Andrew Huxley, Religion, Law and Tradition: Comparative Studies in Religious Law (2002)

Ikeda for the Sake cover art

Daisaku Ikeda, For the Sake of Peace: Seven Paths to Global Harmony: A Buddhist Perspective (2002)

Harris Buddhism and Politics cover art

Ian Harris (ed.), Buddhism and Politics in Twentieth Century Asia (2001)

Houben and Kooj cover art

Jan E.M. Houben & Karel R. Van Kooj (eds.), Violence Denied: Violence, Non-Violence and the Rationalization of Violence in South Asian Cultural History (1999)

Loy Great Awakening cover art

David R. Loy, The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory (1997)

Kraft Inner Peace cover art

Kenneth Kraft (ed.), Inner Peace, World Peace: Essays on Buddhism and Nonviolence (1992)

Paige and Gilliatt cover art

Glenn D. Paige & Sarah Gilliatt, Buddhism and Non-Violent Global Problem-Solving: Ulan Bator Explorations (1991)

Unto tahtinen, non-violent theories of punishment: indian and western (1983).

Burma and neighboring areas of Southeast Asia comprise the only region of the world to have developed a written corpus of Buddhist law claiming jurisdiction over all members of society. Yet in contrast with the extensive scholarship on Islamic and Hindu law, this tradition of Buddhist law has been largely overlooked. In fact, it is commonplace to read that Buddhism gave rise to no law aside from the vinaya, or monastic law. In this book, Lammerts upends this misperception and provides an intellectual and literary history of the dynamic jurisprudence of the dhammasattha legal genre between the thirteenth and nineteenth centuries. Based on a critical study of hundreds of little-known surviving dhammasattha and related manuscripts, the work demonstrates the centrality of law as a crucial discipline of Buddhist knowledge in precolonial Southeast Asia. Lammerts argues that there were multiple, sometimes contentious, modes of reckoning Buddhist jurisprudence and legal authority in the region and assesses these in the context of local cultural, textual, and ritual practices. Over time, the foundational jurisprudence of the genre underwent considerable reformulation in light of arguments raised by its critics, bibliographers, and historians, resulting in a reorientation from a cosmological to a more positivist conception of Buddhist law and legislation that had far-reaching implications for innovative forms of dhammasattha -related discourse on the eve of British colonialism. Lammerts' book shows how, despite such textual and theoretical transformations, late precolonial Burmese jurists continued to promote and justify the dhammasattha genre, and the role of law generally in Buddhism, as a vital aspect of the ongoing effort to protect and preserve the sāsana of Gotama Buddha.

French and Nathan cover art

As the first comprehensive study of Buddhism and law in Asia, this interdisciplinary volume challenges the concept of Buddhism as an apolitical religion without implications for law. This collection draws on the expertise of the foremost scholars in Buddhist studies and in law to trace the legal aspects of the religion from the time of the Buddha to the present. In some cases, Buddhism provided the crucial architecture for legal ideologies and secular law codes, while in other cases it had to contend with a preexisting legal system, to which it added a new layer of complexity. The wide-ranging studies in this book reveal a diversity of relationships between Buddhist monastic codes and secular legal systems in terms of substantive rules, factoring, and ritual practices. This volume will be an essential resource for all students and teachers in Buddhist studies, law and religion, and comparative law.

Jerryson and Juergensmeyer cover art

Though traditionally regarded as a peaceful religion, Buddhism has a dark side. On multiple occasions over the past fifteen centuries, Buddhist leaders have sanctioned violence, and even war. The eight essays in this book focus on a variety of Buddhist traditions, from antiquity to the present, and show that Buddhist organizations have used religious images and rhetoric to support military conquest throughout history. Buddhist soldiers in sixth century China were given the illustrious status of Bodhisattva after killing their adversaries. In seventeenth century Tibet, the Fifth Dalai Lama endorsed a Mongol ruler's killing of his rivals. And in modern-day Thailand, Buddhist soldiers carry out their duties undercover, as fully ordained monks armed with guns. This work demonstrates that the discourse on religion and violence, usually applied to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, can no longer exclude Buddhist traditions. The book examines Buddhist military action in Tibet, China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, and shows that even the most unlikely and allegedly pacifist religious traditions are susceptible to the violent tendencies of man.

French Yoke cover art

The "golden yoke" of Buddhist Tibet was the last medieval legal system still in existence in the middle of the twentieth century. This book reconstructs that system as a series of layered narratives from the memories of people who participated in the daily operation of law in the houses and courtyards the offices and courts of Tibet prior to 1959. The practice of law in this unique legal world, which lacked most of our familiar sign posts, ranged from the fantastic use of oracles in the search for evidence to the more mundane presentation of cases in court. Buddhism and law, two topics rarely intertwined in Western consciousness, are at the center of this work. The Tibetan legal system was based on Buddhist philosophy and reflected Buddhist thought in legal practice and decision making. For Tibetans, law is a cosmology, a kaleidoscopic patterning of relations which is constantly changing, recycling, and re-forming even as it integrates the universe and the individual into a timeless mandalic whole. This work causes us to rethink American legal culture. It argues that in the United States, legal matters are segregated into a separate space with rigidly defined categories. The legal cosmology of Buddhist Tibet brings into question both this autonomous framework and most of the presumptions we have about the very nature of law from precedent and res judicata to rule formation and closure.

The Literature of Buddhism

Ama Awakening Modern Japanese Fiction cover art

Michihiro Ama, The Awakening of Modern Japanese Fiction: Path Literature and the Interpretation of Buddhism (2021)

Brehm Dharma cover art

John Brehm, The Dharma of Poetry: How Poems Can Deepen Your Spiritual Practice and Open You to Joy (2021)

Derris Storied cover art

Karen Derris, Storied Companions: Cancer, Trauma, and Discovering Guides for Living in Buddhist Narratives (2021)

Dhammajoti Reading Buddhist cover art

Ven. K.L. Dhammajoti, Reading Buddhist Sanskrit Texts: An Elementary Grammatical Guide, 4th ed. (2021)

Gummer Language cover art

Natalie Gummer (ed.), The Language of the Sutras: Essays in Honor of Luis Gómez (2021)

Larsson & af Edholm cover art

Stefan Larsson & Kristoffer af Edholm, Songs on the Road: Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan (2021)

Shulman Visions cover art

Eviatar Shulman, Visions of the Buddha: Creative Dimensions of Early Buddhist Scripture (2021)

Hao Dunhuang cover art

Chunwen Hao, Dunhuang Manuscripts: An Introduction to Texts from the Silk Road (2020)

Stepien Literature Philosophy cover art

Rafal K. Stepien (ed.), Buddhist Literature as Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy as Literature (2020)

Julien Borges Buddhism cover art

Dominique Julien, Borges, Buddhism, and World Literature: A Morphology of Renunciation Tales (2019)

Appleton Shared Characters cover art

Naomi Appleton, Shared Characters in Jain, Buddhist and Hindu Narrative: Gods, Kings and Other Heroes (2016)

Diemberger Tibetan Printing cover art

Hildegard Diemberger et al (eds.), Tibetan Printing: Comparison, Continuities, and Change (2016)

Appleton Narrating Karma cover art

Naomi Appleton, Narrating Karma and Rebirth: Buddhist and Jain Multi-Life Stories (2015)

Lee Postmodern Ethics cover art

Jae-Seong Lee, Postmodern Ethics, Emptiness, and Literature (2015)

Normand and Winch cover art

Lawrence Normand & Alison Winch (eds.), Encountering Buddhism in Twentieth-Century British and American Literature (2015)

Helman-Wazny Archaeology of Tibetan Books cover art

Agnieszka Helman-Wazny, The Archaeology of Tibetan Books (2014)

Schaeffer Culture of Book cover art

Kurtis R. Schaeffer, The Culture of the Book in Tibet (2014)

Kim Receptacle of Sacred cover art

Jinah Kim, Receptacle of the Sacred: Illustrated Manuscripts and the Buddhist Book Cult in South Asia (2013)

Cohen Splendid Vision cover art

Richard S. Cohen, The Splendid Vision: Reading a Buddhist Sutra (2012)

Berkwitz Manuscript Cultures cover art

Stephen C. Berkwitz et al (eds.), Buddhist Manuscript Cultures: Knowledge, Ritual, and Art (2011)

Whalen-Bridge and Storhoff cover art

John Whalen-Bridge & Gary Storhoff (eds.), Writing as Enlightenment: Buddhist American Literature into the Twenty-First Century (2011)

Whalen-Bridge and Storhoff cover art

John Whalen-Bridge & Gary Storhoff (eds.), The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature (2009)

Flores Scriptures cover art

Ralph Flores, Buddhist Scriptures as Literature: Sacred Rhetoric and the Uses of Theory (2008)

Gombrich and Scherrer-Schaub cover art

Richard F. Gombrich & Cristina Scherrer-Schaub (eds.), Buddhist Studies: Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference, Vol. 8 (2008)

Klimburg-Salter Text Image Song cover art

Deborah Klimburg-Salter et al (eds.), Text, Image and Song in Transdisciplinary Dialogue (2007)

Humphries Reading Emptiness cover art

Jeff Humphries, Reading Emptiness: Buddhism and Literature (1999)

Winternitz History of Indian Literature cover art

Milton C. Winternitz, History of Indian Literature, Volume II: Buddhist and Jaina Literature (1999)

Mizuno cover art

Kogen Mizuno, Buddhist Sutras: Origin, Development, Transmission (1989)

Lopez Hermeneutics cover art

Donald S. Lopez (ed.), Buddhist Hermeneutics (1988)

Amore and Shinn cover art

Roy C. Amore & Larry D. Shinn (ed. & trans.), Lustful Maidens and Ascetic Kings: Buddhist and Hindu Stories of Life (1981)

Hanayama Bibliography cover art

Shinsho Hanayama, Bibliography on Buddhism (1961)

Buddhism and Jainism share the concepts of karma, rebirth, and the desirability of escaping from rebirth. The literature of both traditions contains many stories about past, and sometimes future, lives which reveal much about these foundational doctrines. Naomi Appleton carefully explores how multi-life stories served to construct, communicate, and challenge ideas about karma and rebirth within early South Asia, examining portrayals of the different realms of rebirth, the potential paths and goals of human beings, and the biographies of ideal religious figures. Appleton also deftly surveys the ability of karma to bind individuals together over multiple lives, and the nature of the supernormal memory that makes multi-life stories available in the first place. This original study not only sheds light on the individual preoccupations of Buddhist and Jain tradition, but contributes to a more complete history of religious thought in South Asia.

Kim Receptacle of Sacred cover art

In considering medieval illustrated Buddhist manuscripts as sacred objects of cultic innovation, this book explores how and why the South Asian Buddhist book-cult has survived for almost two millennia to the present. A book "manuscript" should be understood as a form of sacred space: a temple in microcosm, not only imbued with divine presence but also layered with the memories of many generations of users. Kim argues that illustrating a manuscript with Buddhist imagery not only empowered it as a three-dimensional sacred object, but also made it a suitable tool for the spiritual transformation of medieval Indian practitioners. Through a detailed historical analysis, she suggests that while Buddhism’s disappearance in eastern India was a slow and gradual process, the Buddhist book-cult played an important role in sustaining its identity. In addition, by examining the physical traces left by later Nepalese users and the contemporary ritual use of the book in Nepal, Kim shows how human agency was critical in perpetuating and intensifying the potency of a manuscript as a sacred object throughout time.

Berkwitz Manuscript Cultures cover art

This work explores how religious and cultural practices in premodern Asia were shaped by literary and artistic traditions as well as by Buddhist material culture. This study of Buddhist texts focuses on the significance of their material forms rather than their doctrinal contents, and examines how and why they were made. Collectively, the book offers cross-cultural and comparative insights into the transmission of Buddhist knowledge and the use of texts and images as ritual objects in the artistic and aesthetic traditions of Buddhist cultures. Drawing on case studies from India, Gandhara, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Mongolia, China and Nepal, the chapters included investigate the range of interests and values associated with producing and using written texts, and the roles manuscripts and images play in the transmission of Buddhist texts and in fostering devotion among Buddhist communities. Contributions are by reputed scholars in Buddhist Studies and represent diverse disciplinary approaches from religious studies, art history, anthropology, and history.

Humphries Reading Emptiness cover art

This work connects ancient Buddhist attitudes and ideas with postmodern theory and aesthetics, concluding that the closest thing in Western culture to the Middle Way of Buddhism is not any sort of theory or philosophy, but the practice of literature. The book draws on scholarship and criticism in literary theory, philosophy, and science to speculate about the possible common ground between literary and Buddhist practices, aiming not so much to elucidate the ancient traditions of Buddhism as to seek ways in which literature might be integrated into a truly Western practice of Buddhism that would remain philosophically true to its Eastern roots.

Language, Logic, and Semiotics

Cho Buddha's Word cover art

Eun-Su Cho, Language and Meaning: Buddhist Interpretations of the "Buddha's Word" in Indian and East Asian Perspectives (2020)

Herat Linguistics cover art

Manel Herat (ed.), Buddhism and Linguistics: Theory and Philosophy (2017)

Sangharakshita Metaphors, Magic, and Mystery cover art

Sangharakshita, Metaphors, Magic, and Mystery: An Anthology of Writings and Teachings on Words and Their Relation to the Truth (2015)

Tanaka Moon cover art

Koji Tanaka et al (eds.), The Moon Points Back (2015)

Wang Deconstruction cover art

Youxuan Wang, Buddhism and Deconstruction: Towards a Comparative Semiotics (2015)

Burde Logic Dilemma cover art

Jayant Burde, Buddhist Logic and Quantum Dilemma (2012)

Cowherds Moonshadows cover art

The Cowherds, Moonshadows: Conventional Truth in Buddhist Philosophy (2010)

Garfield et al Pointing at the Moon cover art

Jay L. Garfield et al (eds.), Pointing at the Moon: Buddhism, Logic, Analytic Philosophy (2009)

Park Deconstructions cover art

Jin Y. Park (ed.), Buddhisms and Deconstructions (2006)

Wayman Millennium cover art

Alex Wayman, A Millennium of Buddhist Logic (1999)

Asanga tilakaratne, nirvana and ineffability: a study of the buddhist theory of reality and language (1993).

Chi Formal Logic cover art

R.S.Y. Chi, Buddhist Formal Logic: A Study of Dignaga's Hetucakra and K'uei-chi's Great Commentary on the Nyayapravesa (1990)

Stambaugh Real Is Not Rational cover art

Joan Stambaugh, The Real Is Not the Rational (1986)

Sprung Problems cover art

G.M. Sprung (ed.), The Problem of Two Truths in Buddhism and Vedanta (1973)

Stcherbatsky Logic cover art

T. Stcherbatsky, Buddhist Logic, 2 vols. (1962)

Image from Burmese Life of the Buddha

Meditation, Mindfulness, and Insight

McMahan Rethinking cover art

David L. McMahan, Rethinking Meditation: Buddhist Meditative Practices in Ancient and Modern Worlds (2023)

Godrej Freedom Inside cover art

Farah Godrej, Freedom Inside? Yoga and Meditation in the Carceral State (2022)

Analayo Developments cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, Developments in Buddhist Meditation Traditions: The Interplay Between Theory and Practice (2022)

Cousins Meditations cover art

L.S. Cousins, Meditations of the Pali Tradition: Illuminating Buddhist Doctrine, History, and Practice, ed. Sarah Shaw (2022)

Dennison Jhana cover art

Paul Dennison, Jhana Consciousness: Buddhist Meditation in the Age of Neuroscience (2022)

Losar Calm Breath cover art

Geshe YongDong Losar, Calm Breath, Calm Mind: A Guide to the Healing Power of Breath, ed. Bernadette Wyton (2022)

Wallace Art of Transforming cover art

B. Alan Wallace, The Art of Transforming the Mind: A Meditator’s Guide to the Tibetan Practice of Lojong (2022)

O'Brien-Kop cover art

Karen O'Brien-Kop, Rethinking 'Classical Yoga' and Buddhism: Meditation, Metaphors and Materiality (2021)

Vajradevi Uncontrived cover art

Vajradevi, Uncontrived Mindfulness: Ending Suffering Through Attention, Curiosity, and Wisdom (2021)

Wallace Minding cover art

B. Alan Wallace, Minding Closely: The Four Applications of Mindfulness (2021)

Analayo Introducing Mindfulness cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, Introducing Mindfulness: The Buddhist Background and Practical Exercises (2020)

Analayo Mindfulness in Early Buddhism cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, Mindfulness in Early Buddhism: Characteristics and Functions (2020)

Johnson Posture of Meditation cover art

Will Johnson, The Posture of Meditation: A Practical Manual for Meditators of All Traditions (2020)

Shaw Mindfulness cover art

Sarah Shaw, Mindfulness: Where It Comes From and What It Means (2020)

Analayo Mindfulness of Breathing Practice Guide cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, Mindfulness of Breathing: A Practice Guide and Translations (2019)

Giraldi Psychotherapy cover art

Tullio Giraldi, Psychotherapy, Mindfulness and Buddhist Meditation (2019)

Pagis Inward cover art

Michal Pagis, Inward: Vipassana Meditation and the Embodiment of the Self (2019)

Paramananda Myth of Meditation cover art

Paramananda, The Myth of Meditation: Restoring Imaginal Ground through Embodied Buddhist Practice (2019)

Purser McMindfulness cover art

Ronald Purser, McMindfulness: How Mindfulness Became the New Capitalist Spirituality (2019)

Analayo Satipatthana Practice Guide cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, Satipatthana Meditation: A Practice Guide (2018)

Blofeld Gateway cover art

John Blofeld, Gateway to Wisdom: Taoist and Buddhist Contemplative and Healing Yogas (2018)

Hennessey Art of Reflection cover art

Ratnaguna Hennessey, The Art of Reflection: A Guide to Thinking, Contemplation and Insight on the Buddhist Path (2018)

Jeon Samatha Jhana cover art

Hyun-soo Jeon, Samatha, Jhana, and Vipassana. Practice at the Pa-Auk Monastery: A Meditator's Experience, trans. HaNul Jun (2018)

Kornfield and Goldstein Path of Insight cover art

Jack Kornfield & Joseph Goldstein, The Path of Insight Meditation (2018)

Kucinskas Mindful Elite cover art

Jaime Kucinskas, The Mindful Elite: Mobilizing from the Inside Out (2018)

Shantigarbha I'll Meet You There cover art

Dharmachari Shantigarbha, I'll Meet You There: A Practical Guide to Empathy, Mindfulness and Communication (2018)

Skof and Berndtson Atmospheres cover art

Lenart Skof & Petri Berndtson (eds.), Atmospheres of Breathing (2018)

Vyner Healthy Mind cover art

Henry Vyner, The Healthy Mind: Mindfulness, True Self, and the Stream of Consciousness (2018)

Analayo Mindfully Facing cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, Mindfully Facing Disease and Death: Compassionate Advice from Early Buddhist Texts (2017)

Arbel Early Jhanas cover art

Keren Arbel, Early Buddhist Meditation: The Four Jhanas as the Actualization of Insight (2017)

Armstrong Emptiness cover art

Guy Armstrong, Emptiness: A Practical Introduction for Meditators (2017)

Doran Political Economy cover art

Peter Doran, A Political Economy of Attention, Mindfulness and Consumption: Reclaiming the Mindful Commons (2017)

Eifring Meditation and Culture cover art

Halvor Eifring (ed.), Meditation and Culture: The Interplay of Practice and Context (2017)

Groves and Shamel Mindful Emotion cover art

Paramabandhu Groves & Jed Shamel, Mindful Emotion: A Short Course in Kindness (2017)

Khantipalo Calm and Insight cover art

Bhikkhu Phra Khantipalo, Calm and Insight: A Buddhist Manual for Meditators (2017)

Braun Birth of Insight cover art

Erik Braun, The Birth of Insight: Meditation, Modern Buddhism, and the Burmese Monk Ledi Sayadaw (2016)

Chisholm and Harrison cover art

Bob Chisholm & Jeff Harrison (eds.), The Wisdom of Not-Knowing: Essays on Psychotherapy, Buddhism, and Life Experience (2016)

Sayadaw Manual of Insight cover art

Mahasi Sayadaw, Manual of Insight, trans. Steve Armstrong (2016)

Tejaniya When Awareness cover art

Sayadaw U. Tejaniya, When Awareness Becomes Natural: A Guide to Cultivating Mindfulness in Everyday Life (2016)

Analayo Compassion and Emptiness cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, Compassion and Emptiness in Early Buddhist Meditation (2015)

Boyle Realizing Awakened Consciousness cover art

Richard P. Boyle, Realizing Awakened Consciousness: Interviews with Buddhist Teachers and a New Perspective on the Mind (2015)

Brasington Right Concentration cover art

Leigh Brasington, Right Concentration: A Practical Guide to the Jhanas (2015)

Analayo Satipatthana cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, Perspectives on Satipatthana (2014)

Bazzano After Mindfulness cover art

Manu Bazzano (ed.), After Mindfulness: New Perspectives on Psychology and Meditation (2014)

Ie Wiley Blackwell Handbook Mindfulness cover art

Amanda Ie et al (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness, 2 vols. (2014)

Shaw Spirit of Meditation cover art

Sarah Shaw, The Spirit of Buddhist Meditation (2014)

Dorjee Stillness Insight cover art

Lama Dudjom Dorjee, Stillness, Insight, and Emptiness: Buddhist Meditation from the Ground Up (2013)

Williams and Kabat-Zinn cover art

J. Mark G. Williams & Jon Kabat-Zinn (eds.), Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectives on Its Meaning, Origins and Applications (2013)

Jinananda Meditating Buddhist View cover art

Jinananda, Meditating: A Buddhist View (2012)

Kamalashila Buddhist Meditation cover art

Kamalashila, Buddhist Meditation: Tranquillity, Imagination and Insight (2012)

Loizzo Sustainable Happiness cover art

Joe Loizzo, Sustainable Happiness: The Mind Science of Well-Being, Altruism, and Inspiration (2012)

Sangharakshita Purpose and Practice cover art

Sangharakshita, The Purpose and Practice of Buddhist Meditation: A Sourcebook of Teachings (2012)

Shaila Catherine Wisdom Wide cover art

Shaila Catherine, Wisdom Wide and Deep: A Practical Handbook for Mastering Jhana and Vipassana (2011)

Simmer-Brown and Grace cover art

Judith Simmer-Brown & Fran Grace (eds.), Meditation and the Classroom: Contemplative Pedagogy for Religious Studies (2011)

Thatcher Just Seeing cover art

Cynthia Thatcher, Just Seeing: Insight Meditation and Sense-Perception (2011)

Bodhipaksa Wildmind cover art

Bodhipaksa, Wildmind: A Step-by-Step Guide to Meditation (2010)

Weisman and Smith Insight cover art

Arinna Weisman & Jean Smith, The Beginner's Guide to Insight Meditation (2010)

Cleary Minding Mind cover art

Thomas Cleary, Minding Mind: A Course in Basic Meditation (2009)

Gunaratana Beyond Mindfulness cover art

Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English: An Introductory Guide to the Jhanas, ed. John Peddicord (2009)

Maitreyabandhu Life with Full Attention cover art

Maitreyabandhu, Life with Full Attention: A Practical Course in Mindfulness (2009)

Snyder and Rasmussen cover art

Stephen Snyder & Tina Rasmussen, Practicing the Jhanas: Traditional Concentration Meditation As Presented by the Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw (2009)

Wynne Origin cover art

Alexander Wynne, The Origin of Buddhist Meditation (2009)

Shankman Samadhi cover art

Richard Shankman, The Experience of Samadhi: An In-Depth Exploration of Buddhist Meditation (2008)

Shaw Introduction cover art

Sarah Shaw, Introduction to Buddhist Meditation (2008)

Brahmavamso et al Walking Meditation cover art

Ajahn Brahmavamso, Ajahn Nyanadhammo, & Dharma Dorje, Walking Meditation: Three Expositions (2007)

Kramer Insight Dialogue cover art

Gregory Kramer, Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom (2007)

Packer Silent Question cover art

Toni Packer, The Silent Question: Meditating in the Stillness of Not-Knowing (2007)

Paramananda Body cover art

Paramananda, The Body: The Art of Meditation (2007)

Brahm Mindfulness cover art

Ajahn Brahm, Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook (2006)

Paramananda Change Your Mind cover art

Paramananda, Change Your Mind: A Practical Guide to Buddhist Meditation (2006)

Shaw Meditation cover art

Sarah Shaw, Buddhist Meditation: An Anthology of Texts from the Pali Canon (2006)

Vessantara Heart cover art

Vessantara, The Heart: The Art of Meditation (2006)

McDonald How to Meditate cover art

Kathleen McDonald, How to Meditate: A Practical Guide (2005)

Vessantara Breath cover art

Vessantara, The Breath: The Art of Meditation (2005)

Analayo Satipatthana cover art

Bhikkhu Analayo, Satipatthana: The Direct Path to Realization (2004)

Koster Liberating cover art

Frits Koster, Liberating Insight: Introduction to Buddhist Psychology and Insight Meditation (2004)

Nagabodhi Metta cover art

Nagabodhi, Metta: The Practice of Loving Kindness (2004)

Rosenberg Breath by Breath cover art

Larry Rosenberg, Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation (2004)

Sangharakshita Living with Awareness cover art

Sangharakshita, Living with Awareness: A Guide to the Satipatthana Sutta (2004)

Odier Meditation Techniques cover art

Daniel Odier, Meditation Techniques of the Buddhist and Taoist Masters (2003)

Buksbazen Zen Plain cover art

John Daishin Buksbazen, Zen Meditation in Plain English (2002)

Gunaratana Mindful Steps cover art

Bhante Gunaratana, Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness: Walking the Path of the Buddha (2001)

Richmond Work Spiritual cover art

Lewis Richmond, Work as a Spiritual Practice: A Practical Buddhist Approach to Inner Growth and Satisfaction on the Job (2000)

Ginsberg Far Shore cover art

Mitchell Ginsberg, The Far Shore: Vipassana, the Practice of Insight (1999)

Muller Perfect Enlightenment cover art

A. Charles Muller (trans.), The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment: Korean Buddhism's Guide to Meditation (1999)

Chih-i Stopping cover art

Chih-i, Stopping and Seeing: A Comprehensive Course in Buddhist Meditation trans. Thomas Cleary (1997)

Swearer Secrets cover art

Donald K. Swearer, Secrets of the Lotus: Studies in Buddhist Meditation (1997)

Gunaratana Mindfulness cover art

Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, Mindfulness in Plain English (1996)

Silananda Four Foundations cover art

Sayadaw U. Silananda, The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, ed. Ruth-Inge Heinze (1995)

Whitmyer Mindfulness cover art

Claude F. Whitmyer (ed.), Mindfulness and Meaningful Work: Explorations in Right Livelihood (1994)

Bronkhorst Two Traditions cover art

Johannes Bronkhorst, The Two Traditions of Meditation in Ancient India (1993)

Goldstein Insight cover art

Joseph Goldstein, Insight Meditation: The Practice of Freedom (1993)

Sole-Leris Tranquillity cover art

Amadeo Sole-Leris, Tranquillity and Insight: An Introduction to the Oldest Form of Buddhist Meditation (1992)

Luk Secrets of Chinese Meditation cover art

Charles Luk, Secrets of Chinese Meditation: Self-Cultivation by Mind Control As Taught in the Ch'an, Mahayana and Taoist Schools in China (1991)

Trungpa Meditation cover art

Chögyam Trungpa, Meditation in Action (1991)

Lodro Walking Through Walls cover art

Geshe G. Lodro, Walking Through Walls: A Presentation of Tibetan Meditation (1990)

Goldstein Experience cover art

Joseph Goldstein, The Experience of Insight: A Simple and Direct Guide to Buddhist Meditation (1987)

Nanamoli Mindfulness of Breathing cover art

Bhikkhu Nanamoli, Mindfulness of Breathing: Buddhist Texts from the Pāli Canon and Extracts from the Pali Commentaries (1982)

Nyanaponika Heart cover art

Nyanaponika Thera (ed. & trans.), The Heart of Buddhist Meditation (1973)

Western society has never been more interested in interiority. Indeed, it seems more and more people are deliberately looking inward—toward the mind, the body, or both. Pagis’s book focuses on one increasingly popular channel for the introverted gaze: vipassana meditation, which has spread from Burma to more than forty countries and counting. Lacing her account with vivid anecdotes and personal stories, Pagis turns our attention not only to the practice of vipassana but to the communities that have sprung up around it. This work is also a social history of the westward diffusion of Eastern religious practices spurred on by the lingering effects of the British colonial presence in India. At the same time Pagis asks knotty questions about what happens when we continually turn inward, as she investigates the complex relations between physical selves, emotional selves, and our larger social worlds. Her book sheds new light on evergreen topics such as globalization, social psychology, and the place of the human body in the enduring process of self-awareness.

Kucinskas Mindful Elite cover art

Mindful meditation is now embraced in virtually all corners of society today, from K-12 schools to Fortune 100 companies, and its virtues extolled by national and international media almost daily. It is thought to benefit our health and overall well-being, to counter stress, to help children pay attention, and to foster creativity, productivity and emotional intelligence. Yet in the 1960s and 1970s meditation was viewed as a marginal, counter-cultural practice, or a religious ritual for Asian immigrants. How did mindfulness become mainstream? Kucinskas reveals who is behind the mindfulness movement, and the engine they built to propel mindfulness into public consciousness. Drawing on over a hundred first-hand accounts with top scientists, religious leaders, educators, business people and investors, Kucinskas shows how this highly accomplished, affluent group in America transformed meditation into an appealing set of contemplative practices. Rather than relying on confrontation and protest to make their mark and improve society, the contemplatives sought a cultural revolution by building elite networks and advocating the benefits of meditation across professions. But this idealistic myopia came to reinforce some of the problems it originally aspired to solve. A critical look at this Buddhist-inspired movement, this book explores how elite movements can spread and draws larger lessons for other social, cultural, and religious movements across institutions and organizations.

Arbel Early Jhanas cover art

This book offers a new interpretation of the relationship between 'insight practice' (satipatthana) and the attainment of the four jhanas (i.e., right samadhi ), a key problem in the study of Buddhist meditation. The author challenges the traditional Buddhist understanding of the four jhanas as states of absorption, and shows how these states are the actualization and embodiment of insight (vipassana). It proposes that the four jhanas and what we call 'vipassana' are integral dimensions of a single process that leads to awakening. This book demonstrates that the distinction between the 'practice of serenity' (samatha-bhavana) and the 'practice of insight' (vipassana-bhavana) – a fundamental distinction in Buddhist meditation theory – is not applicable to early Buddhist understanding of the meditative path. It seeks to show that the common interpretation of the jhanas as 'altered states of consciousness', absorptions that do not reveal anything about the nature of phenomena, is incompatible with the teachings of the Pali Nikayas. By carefully analyzing the descriptions of the four jhanas in the early Buddhist texts in Pali, their contexts, associations and meanings within the conceptual framework of early Buddhism, the relationship between this central element in the Buddhist path and 'insight meditation' becomes revealed in all its power. This book will be of interest to scholars of Buddhist studies, Asian philosophies and religions, as well as serious practitioners of insight meditation.

Shankman Samadhi cover art

Dharma practice comprises a wide range of wise instructions and skillful means. As a result, meditators may be exposed to a diversity of approaches to the core teachings and the meditative path--and that can be confusing at times. In this clear and accessible exploration, Dharma teacher and longtime meditator Richard Shankman unravels the mix of differing, sometimes conflicting, views and traditional teachings on how samadhi (concentration) is understood and taught. In part one, Richard Shankman explores the range of teachings and views about samadhi in the Theravada Pali tradition, examines different approaches, and considers how they can inform and enrich our meditation practice. Part two consists of a series of interviews with prominent contemporary Theravada and vipassana (insight) Buddhist teachers. These discussions focus on the practical experience of samadhi, bringing the theoretical to life and offering a range of applications.


Davis Very Short cover art

Stephen J. Davis, Monasticism: A Very Short Introduction (2018)

Andrews Rules cover art

Susan Andrews et al (eds.), Rules of Engagement: Medieval Traditions of Buddhist Monastic Regulation (2017)

Khantipalo Banner cover art

Bhikkhu Khantipalo, Banner of the Arahants: Buddhist Monks and Nuns from the Buddha's Time Till Now (2016)

Samuels Attracting cover art

Jeffrey Samuels, Attracting the Heart: Social Relations and the Aesthetics of Emotion in Sri Lankan Monastic Culture (2016)

Voyce Foucault cover art

Malcolm Voyce, Foucault, Buddhism and Disciplinary Rules (2016)

Nyanatusita Analysis cover art

Bhikkhu Nyanatusita, Analysis of the Bhikkhu Patimokkha (2014)

Nyanatusita Patimokkha cover art

Bhikkhu Nyanatusita (ed. & trans.), The Bhikkhu Patimokkha: A Word by Word Translation (2014)

Ward Never Taught cover art

Tim Ward, What the Buddha Never Taught (2013)

Silk Managing Monks cover art

Jonathan A. Silk, Managing Monks: Administrators and Administrative Roles in Indian Buddhist Monasticism (2008)

Dhirasekera Discipline cover art

Jotiya Dhirasekera, Buddhist Monastic Discipline: A Study of Its Origin and Development in Relation to the Sutta and Vinaya Pitakas (2007)

Lives of Great Monks and Nuns cover art

Li Rongxi & Albert A. Dalia (trans.), Lives of Great Monks and Nuns (2006)

Shinohara and Granoff cover art

Koichi Shinohara & Phyllis Granoff, Speaking of Monks: From Benares to Beijing (2006)

Bodiford Going Forth cover art

William Bodiford (ed.), Going Forth: Visions of Buddhist Vinaya (2005)

Gutschow Being Nun cover art

Pierre Pichard & Francois Lagirarde, The Buddhist Monastery: A Cross-Cultural Survey (2003)

Heirman Rules for Nuns cover art

Ann Heirman, Rules for Nuns According to the Dharmaguptakavinaya: "The Discipline in Four Parts" (2002)

Wu Yin Choosing Simplicity cover art

Venerable Bhikshuni Wu Yin, Choosing Simplicity: A Commentary on the Bhikshuni Pratimoksha, ed. Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron, trans. Bhikshuni Jendy Shih (2001)

Pachow Comparative Study cover art

W. Pachow, A Comparative Study of the Pratimoksa: On the Basis of its Chinese, Tibetan, Sanskrit, and Pali Versions (2000)

Prebish Buddhist Monastic Discipline cover art

Charles S. Prebish, Buddhist Monastic Discipline: The Sanskrit Pratimoksa Sutras of the Mahasamghikas and Mulasarvastivadins (1996)

Prebish Survey of Vinaya cover art

Charles S. Prebish, A Survey of Vinaya Literature, Volume One (1996)

Thanissaro Code cover art

Thanissaro Bhikkhu, The Buddhist Monastic Code, 2 vols. (1994)

Fu & Wawrytko Codes cover art

Charles Wei-hsun Fu & Sandra A. Wawrytko (eds.), Buddhist Behavioral Codes and the Modern World (1994)

Panabokke History of Sangha cover art

Gunaratne Panabokke, History of the Buddhist Sangha in India and Sri Lanka (1993)

Putuwar Sangha cover art

Sunanda Putuwar, The Buddhist Sangha: Paradigm of the Ideal Human Society (1991)

Wijayaratna Monastic cover art

Mohan Wijayaratna, Buddhist Monastic Life, according to the Texts of the Theravada Tradition (1990)

Rahula Heritage cover art

Walpola Rahula, The Heritage of the Bhikkhu (1987)

Bechert and Gombrich cover art

Heinz Bechert & Richard Gombrich (eds.), The World of Buddhism: Buddhist Monks and Nuns in Society and Culture (1984)

Holt Discipline cover art

John C. Holt, Discipline: The Canonical Buddhism of the Vinayapitaka (1983)

Nandasena ratnapala (ed. & trans.), the katikavatas: laws of the buddhist order of ceylon from the 12th century to the 18th century (1971).

Dutt Early Monastic cover art

Nalinaksha Dutt, Early Monastic Buddhism, 2 vols. (1960)

Dutt Early Monachism cover art

Sukumar Dutt, Early Buddhist Monachism (1960)

Frauwallner Earliest Vinaya cover art

Erich Frauwallner, The Earliest Vinaya and the Beginnings of Buddhist Literature (1956)

Recent years have seen heightened interest in the ritual, juridical, and generally practical aspects of the Buddhist tradition. The contributions to this edited volume build on this trend while venturing beyond the established boundaries of discourse in specialized academic disciplines, presenting state-of-the-art research on the vinaya in all of its breadth and depth. They do so not only by tracing Buddhist textual traditions but also by showcasing the vast variety of practices that are the object of such regulations and throw a new light on the social implications such protocols have had in South, Central, and East Asia.

Bodiford Going Forth cover art

Vinaya, one of the three main categories of Buddhist scripture, functions not only as a type of canon law, but also as a founding charter for Buddhist institutional practice in East Asia. In its role as a scriptural charter, vinaya has justified widely dissimilar approaches to religious life as Buddhist orders in different times and places have interpreted it in contradictory ways. In the resulting tension between scripture and practice, certain kinds of ceremonial issues acquire profound social, psychological, doctrinal, and soteriological significance in Buddhism. This collection focuses on these issues over a wide sweep of history--from early fifth-century China to modern Japan--to provide readers with a rich overview of the intersection of doctrinal, ritual, and institutional concerns in the development of East Asian Buddhist practices. Despite the crucial importance of vinaya, especially for understanding Buddhism in East Asia, very little scholarship in Western languages exists on this fascinating topic. The essays presented here, written by senior scholars in the field, address how actual people responded to local social and cultural imperatives by reading scripture in innovative ways to give new life to tradition. They place real people, practices, and institutions at the center of each account, revealing both diversity and unity in Buddhist customs.

Wu Yin Choosing Simplicity cover art

This work discusses the precepts and lifestyle of fully ordained nuns within the Buddhist tradition. The ordination vows act as guidelines to promote harmony both within the individual and within the community by regulating and thereby simplifying one's relationships to other sangha members and laypeople, as well as to the needs of daily life. Observing these precepts and practicing the Buddhadharma brings incredible benefit to oneself and others. Since the nuns' precepts include those for monks and have additional rules for nuns, this book is useful for anyone interested in monastic life. As a record of women's struggle not only to achieve a life of self-discipline, but also to create harmonious independent religious communities of women, this volume is a pioneering work.

Wijayaratna Monastic cover art

This book provides a vivid and detailed picture of the daily life and religious practices of Buddhist monks and nuns in the classic period of Theravada Buddhism. The author describes the way in which the Buddha's disciples institutionalized and ritualized his teachings about food, dress, money, chastity, solitude, and discipleship. This tradition represents an ideal of religious life that has been followed in India and South Asia for more than two thousand years. The introduction by Steven Collins describes Theravada Buddhist literature, discusses the issue of the historical reliability of the texts, and offers extensive suggestions for further reading. The book will be of interest to scholars and students in Asian studies, religious studies, anthropology, and history.

Medicine & Health

Salguero Global History cover art

C. Pierce Salguero, A Global History of Buddhism and Medicine (2022)

Salguery & Macomber cover art

C. Pierce Salguero & Andrew Macomber (eds.), Buddhist Healing in Medieval China and Japan (2020)

Salguero Modern Contemporary cover art

C. Pierce Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine: An Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Sources (2019)

Triplett Buddhism Medicine Japan cover art

Katja Triplett, Buddhism and Medicine in Japan: A Topical Survey (500-1600 CE) of a Complex Relationship (2019)

Patton Wizards cover art

Thomas N. Patton, The Buddha's Wizards: Magic, Protection, and Healing in Burmese Buddhism (2018)

Salguero Buddhism and Medicine cover art

C. Pierce Salguero, Buddhism and Medicine: An Anthology of Premodern Sources (2017)

Salguero Traditional Thai cover art

C. Pierce Salguero, Traditional Thai Medicine: Buddhism, Animism, Yoga, Ayurveda (2016)

Bays Jizo cover art

Jan Chozen Bays, Jizo Bodhisattva: Modern Healing & Traditional Buddhist Practice (2015)

Gyatso Being Human cover art

Janet Gyatso, Being Human in a Buddhist World: An Intellectual History of Medicine in Early Modern Tibet (2015)

Salguero Translating cover art

C. Pierce Salguero, Translating Buddhist Medicine in Medieval China (2014)

Goble Confluences cover art

Andrew E. Goble, Confluences of Medicine in Medieval Japan: Buddhist Healing, Chinese Knowledge, Islamic Formulas, and Wounds of War (2011)

Brenner Waiting Room cover art

Paul Brenner, Buddha in the Waiting Room: Simple Truths about Health, Illness, and Healing (2007)

Strickmann Chinese Magical Medicine cover art

Michel Strickmann, Chinese Magical Medicine (2005)

Cameron Beautiful Work cover art

Sharon Cameron, Beautiful Work: A Meditation on Pain (2000)

Birnbaum Healing cover art

Raoul Birnbaum, The Healing Buddha (1980)

Monks gathering alms at Luang Prabang, Laos

Pluralism & Tolerance: Buddhism & Other Religions

Jones Others cover art

C.V. Jones (ed.), Buddhism and Its Religious Others: Historical Encounters and Representations (2022)

Feener & Blackburn Orders cover art

R. Michael Feener & Anne M. Blackburn (eds.), Buddhist and Islamic Orders in Southern Asia: Comparative Perspectives (2021)

Alakkalam Dialogue cover art

Jijimon Alakkalam Joseph, Christian-Zen Dialogue: Sacred Stories As a Starting Point for Interfaith Dialogue (2021)

Lee Mysticism cover art

Yongho Francis Lee, Mysticism and Intellect in Medieval Christianity and Buddhism (2021)

Kalyanamitra cover art

Monica Sanford, Kalyanamitra: A Model for Buddhist Spiritual Care, Volume 1 (2021)

Duckworth et al Religious Diversity cover art

Douglas S. Duckworth, J. Abraham Vélez de Cea, & Elizabeth J. Harris (eds.), Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity: Theravada and Tibetan Perspectives (2020)

Granqvist Attachment cover art

Pehr Granqvist, Attachment in Religion and Spirituality: A Wider View (2020)

Coward Word Chant cover art

Harold Coward, Word, Chant, and Song: Spiritual Transformation in Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Sikhism (2019)

Harvey Monotheism cover art

Peter Harvey, Buddhism and Monotheism (2019)

Heim Crucified Wisdom cover art

S. Mark Heim, Crucified Wisdom: Theological Reflection on Christ and the Bodhisattva (2018)

Velez de Cea cover art

J. Abraham Velez de Cea, The Buddha and Religious Diversity (2017)

Kiblinger Inclusivism cover art

Kristin Beise Kiblinger, Buddhist Inclusivism: Attitudes Towards Religious Others (2017)

Tran Gods Heroes cover art

Anh Q. Tran (ed. & trans.), Gods, Heroes, and Ancestors: An Interreligious Encounter in Eighteenth-Century Vietnam (2017)

D'Costa and Thompson cover art

Gavin D'Costa & Ross Thompson (eds.), Buddhist-Christian Dual Belonging: Affirmations, Objections, Explorations (2016)

Nicholson Contradiction cover art

Hugh Nicholson, The Spirit of Contradiction in Christianity and Buddhism (2016)

Nicolaou None's Story cover art

Corinna Nicolaou, A None's Story: Searching for Meaning Inside Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam (2016)

Raymaker Lonergan's Third Way cover art

John Raymaker, Bernard Lonergan's Third Way of the Heart and Mind: Bridging Some Buddhist-Christian-Muslim-Secularist Misunderstandings with a Global Secularity Ethics (2016)

Schmidt-Leukel Question of Creation cover art

Perry Schmidt-Leukel, Buddhism, Christianity and the Question of Creation: Karmic or Divine? (2016)

Cole Fetishizing cover art

Alan Cole, Fetishizing Tradition: Desire and Reinvention in Buddhist and Christian Narratives (2015)

Flood Truth Within cover art

Gavin Flood, The Truth Within: A History of Inwardness in Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism (2015)

van Bragt Affinities cover art

Jan van Bragt, Interreligious Affinities: Encounters with the Kyoto School and the Religions of Japan, ed. James W. Heisig et al (2014)

Lopez and McCracken cover art

Donald S. Lopez, Jr. & Peggy McCracken, In Search of the Christian Buddha: How an Asian Sage Became a Medieval Saint (2014)

Gwynne Buddha Jesus Muhammad cover art

Paul Gwynne, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad: A Comparative Study (2013)

Pye and Morgan Cardinal Meaning cover art

Michael Pye & Robert Morgan (eds.), The Cardinal Meaning: Essays in Comparative Hermeneutics. Buddhism and Christianity (2013)

Carter Company of Friends cover art

John Ross Carter, In the Company of Friends: Exploring Faith with Buddhists and Christians (2012)

Haug Interpreting Thai Buddhist cover art

Kari Storstein Haug, Interpreting Proverbs 11:18-31, Psalm 73, and Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 in Light of, and As a Response to, Thai Buddhist Interpretations (2012)

Hershock Valuing Diversity cover art

Peter D. Hershock, Valuing Diversity: Buddhist Reflection on Realizing a More Equitable Global Future (2012)

Muto Christianity Notion of Nothingness cover art

Kazuo Muto, Christianity and the Notion of Nothingness: Contributions to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue from the Kyoto School, ed. Martin Repp, trans. Jan van Bragt (2012)

Schmidt-Leukel Diversity cover art

Perry Schmidt-Leukel (ed.), Buddhism and Religious Diversity: Critical Concepts in Religious Studies (2012)

Yong Cosmic Breath cover art

Amos Yong, Cosmic Breath: Spirit and Nature in the Christianity-Buddhism-Science Trialogue (2012)

Yong Pneumatology cover art

Amos Yong, Pneumatology and the Christian-Buddhist Dialogue (2012)

Drew Buddhist and Christian cover art

Rose Drew, Buddhist and Christian? An Exploration of Dual Belonging (2011)

Dubuisson Wisdoms of Humanity cover art

Daniel Dubuisson, Wisdoms of Humanity: Buddhism, Paganism, and Christianity (2011)

Rizo-Patron and Kearney cover art

Eileen Rizo-Patron & Richard Kearney (eds.), Traversing the Heart: Journeys of the Inter-religious Imagination (2010)

Baek Nothingness cover art

Jin Baek, Nothingness: Tadao Ando's Christian Sacred Space (2009)

Wallace Mind in Balance cover art

B. Alan Wallace, Mind in the Balance: Meditation in Science, Buddhism, & Christianity (2009)

King Buddhism and Christianity cover art

Winston L. King, Buddhism and Christianity: Some Bridges of Understanding (2008)

Ingram Buddhist-Christian Dialogue cover art

Paul O. Ingram, Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in an Age of Science (2007)

Gross and Muck Christians Talk cover art

Rita M. Gross & Terry C. Muck (eds.), Christians Talk about Buddhist Meditation, Buddhists Talk about Christian Prayer (2003)

Raymaker Empowering cover art

John Raymaker, Empowering the Lonely Crowd: Pope John Paul II, Lonergan, and Japanese Buddhism (2003)

Raymaker Logic of Heart cover art

John Raymaker, A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart: Nishida's Kyoto School and Lonergan's "Spiritual Genome" as World Bridge (2002)

Williams Denying Divinity cover art

J.P. Williams, Denying Divinity: Apophasis in the Patristic Christian and Soto Zen Buddhist Traditions (2001)

Gross and Muck Buddhists Jesus cover art

Rita M. Gross & Terry C. Muck (eds.), Buddhists Talk about Jesus, Christians Talk about the Buddha (2000)

King and Ingram Dialogues cover art

Sallie B. King & Paul O. Ingram (eds.), The Sound of Liberating Truth: Buddhist-Christian Dialogues in Honor of Frederick J. Streng (1999)

Buri Buddha-Christ cover art

Fritz Buri, The Buddha-Christ As the Lord of the True Self: The Religious Philosophy of the Kyoto School and Christianity, trans. Harold H. Oliver (1997)

Magliola Deconstructing cover art

Robert R. Magliola, On Deconstructing Life-Worlds: Buddhism, Christianity, Culture (1997)

Mitchell and Wiseman cover art

Donald W. Mitchell & James Wiseman, O.S.B., eds., The Gethsemani Encounter: A Dialogue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian Monastics (1997)

Carmody Path of Masters cover art

Denise Lardner Carmody & John Tully Carmody, In the Path of the Masters: Understanding the Spirituality of Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad (1996)

Carmody Serene Compassion cover art

John Tully Carmody & Denise Lardner Carmody, Serene Compassion: A Christian Appreciation of Buddhist Holiness (1996)

Loy Healing Deconstruction cover art

David Loy (ed.), Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity (1996)

Abe Interfaith cover art

Masao Abe, Buddhism and Interfaith Dialogue, ed. Steven Heine (1995)

Bowers Someone cover art

Russell H. Bowers, Someone or Nothing? Nishitani's "Religion and Nothingness" as a Foundation for Christian-Buddhist Dialogue (1995)

John b. cobb, jr., & christopher a. ives (eds.), the emptying god: a buddhist-jewish-christian conversation (1990).

Lopez and Rockefeller cover art

Donald S. Lopez & Steven C. Rockefeller (eds.), The Christ and the Bodhisattva (1987)

Nakamura Comparative cover art

Hajime Nakamura, Buddhism in Comparative Light (1986)

Hans waldenfels, absolute nothingness: foundations for a buddhist-christian dialogue, trans. james w. heisig (1980).

de Silva Problem of Self cover art

Lynn A. De Silva, The Problem of the Self in Buddhism and Christianity (1979)

Suzuki Mysticism cover art

D.T. Suzuki, Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist (1976)

Boyd Satan and Mara cover art

James W. Boyd, Satan and Māra: Christian and Buddhist Symbols of Evil (1975)

Carpenter Buddhism and Christianity cover art

J. Estlin Carpenter, Buddhism and Christianity: A Contrast and Parallel (1922)

Tran Gods Heroes cover art

Though a minority religion in Vietnam, Christianity has been a significant presence in the country since its arrival in the sixteenth century. In this volume, Tran offers the first English translation of the recently discovered 1752 manuscript Tam Giao Chu Vong (The Errors of the Three Religions). Structured as a dialogue between a Christian priest and a Confucian scholar, this anonymously authored manuscript paints a rich picture of the three traditional Vietnamese religions: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. The work explains and evaluates several religious beliefs, customs, and rituals of eighteenth-century Vietnam, many of which are still in practice today. In addition, it contains a trove of information on the challenges and struggles that Vietnamese Christian converts had to face in following the new faith.

Nicholson Contradiction cover art

The cognitive science of religion has shown that abstract religious concepts within many established religious traditions often fail to correspond to what the majority of their adherents actually believe. Yet the cognitive approach to religion is largely silent on the question of how the doctrinal views developed in the first place. Nicholson aims to fill this gap by arguing that such doctrines can be understood as developing out of social identity processes. He focuses on the historical development of the Christian doctrine of consubstantiality, the claim that the Son is of the same substance as the Father, and the Buddhist doctrine of no-self, the claim that the personality is reducible to its impersonal physical and psychological constituents. Nicholson argues that that these doctrines were each the products of intra- and inter-religious rivalry, in which one faction tried to get the upper hand over its ingroup rivals by maximizing the contrast with the dominant outgroup. Thus the theologians of the fourth century developed the concept of consubstantiality in the context of an effort to maximize, against their rivals, the contrast with Christianity's archetypal "other," Judaism. Similarly, the no-self doctrine stemmed from an effort to maximize, against the so-called Personalist schools of Buddhism, the contrast with Brahmanical Hinduism with its doctrine of an unchanging and eternal self. In this way, Nicholson shows how religious traditions can back themselves into doctrinal positions that they must retrospectively justify.

Hershock Valuing Diversity cover art

Diversity matters. Whether in the context of ecosystems, education, the workplace, or politics, diversity is now recognized as a fact and as something to be positively affirmed. But what is the value of diversity? What explains its increasing significance? This book is a groundbreaking response to these questions and to the contemporary global dynamics that make them so salient. Peter D. Hershock examines the changes of the last century to show how the successes of Western-style modernity and industrially-powered markets have, ironically, coupled progressive integration and interdependence with the proliferation of political, economic, social, cultural, and environmental differences. Global predicaments like climate change and persistent wealth inequalities compel recognition that we are in the midst of an era-defining shift from the primacy of the technical to that of the ethical. Yet, neither modern liberalism nor its postmodern critiques have offered the resources needed to address such challenges. Making use of Buddhist and ecological insights, Hershock's book develops a qualitatively rich conception of diversity as an emerging value and global relational commons, forwarding an ethics of interdependence and responsive virtuosity that opens prospects for a paradigm shift in our pursuits of equity, freedom, and democratic justice.

Baek Nothingness cover art

Based around an interview with Tadao Ando, this book explores the influence of the Buddhist concept of nothingness on Ando’s Christian architecture, and sheds new light on the cultural significance of the buildings of one of the world’s leading contemporary architects. Specifically, this book situates Ando’s churches, particularly his world-renowned Church of the Light (1989), within the legacy of nothingness expounded by Kitaro Nishida (1870-1945), the father of the Kyoto Philosophical School. Linking Ando’s Christian architecture with a philosophy originating in Mahayana Buddhism illuminates the relationship between the two religious systems, as well as tying Ando’s architecture to the influence of Nishida on post-war Japanese art and culture.

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy

Burges Zen Way cover art

Laura Burges, The Zen Way of Recovery: An Illuminated Path out of the Darkness of Addiction (2023)

Epstein Zen of Therapy cover art

Mark Epstein, The Zen of Therapy: Uncovering a Hidden Kindness in Life (2022)

Davis Diamond Approach cover art

John Davis, The Diamond Approach: An Introduction to the Teachings of A.H. Almaas (2021)

Jeon Psychotherapy cover art

Hyunsoo Jeon, Buddhist Psychotherapy: Wisdom from Early Buddhist Teaching (2021)

Kozak Rational cover art

Arnold Kozak, The Buddha Was a Psychologist: A Rational Approach to Buddhist Teachings (2021)

Bobnow cover art

Joseph Bobrow, Zen and Psychotherapy: Partners in Liberation (2020)

Barnea-Astrog Gentleness cover art

Michal Barnea-Astrog, Psychoanalytic and Buddhist Reflections on Gentleness: Sensitivity, Fear, and the Drive Towards Truth (2019)

Helderman Prescribing cover art

Ira Helderman, Prescribing the Dharma: Psychotherapists, Buddhist Traditions, and Defining Religion (2019)

Hickey Mind Cure cover art

Wakoh Shannon Hickey, Mind Cure: From Meditation to Medicine (2019)

Ivtzan Programmes cover art

Itai Ivtzan (ed.), Handbook of Mindfulness-Based Programmes: Mindfulness Interventions from Education to Health and Therapy (2019)

Krägeloh Research cover art

Christian U. Krägeloh et al, Mindfulness-Based Intervention Research: Characteristics, Approaches, and Developments (2019)

Cooper Zen Insight cover art

Paul C. Cooper, Zen Insight, Psychoanalytic Action (2018)

Sella Dualism Oneness cover art

Yorai Sella, From Dualism to Oneness in Psychoanalysis: A Zen Perspective on the Mind-Body Question (2018)

Bazzano Zen Therapy cover art

Manu Bazzano, Zen and Therapy: Heretical Perspectives (2017)

Jennings Heal Wounded cover art

Pilar Jennings, To Heal a Wounded Heart: The Transformative Power of Buddhism and Psychotherapy in Action (2017)

LeVine Classic Morita cover art

Peg LeVine, Classic Morita Therapy: Consciousness, Zen, Justice and Trauma (2017)

Loizzo Advances cover art

Joseph Loizzo et al (eds.), Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerating Healing and Transformation (2017)

de Silva Emotions and the Body cover art

Padmasiri de Silva, Emotions and the Body in Buddhist Contemplative Practice and Mindfulness-Based Therapy: Pathways of Somatic Intelligence (2017)

Ivtzan and Lomas cover art

Itai Ivtzan & Tim Lomas (eds.), Mindfulness in Positive Psychology: The Science of Meditation and Well-Being (2016)

Sears Sense of Self cover art

Richard W. Sears, The Sense of Self: Perspectives from Science and Zen Buddhism (2016)

Brink and Koster cover art

Erik van den Brink & Frits Koster, Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: A New Training Programme to Deepen Mindfulness with Heartfulness (2015)

Epstein Going to Pieces cover art

Mark Epstein, Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart: A Buddhist Perspective on Wholeness (2015)

de Silva Counselling cover art

Padmasiri De Silva, An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology and Counselling: Pathways of Mindfulness-Based Therapies (2014)

Molino Crossroads cover art

Anthony Molino (ed.), Crossroads in Psychoanalysis, Buddhism, and Mindfulness: The Word and the Breath (2013)

Rubin Psychotherapy cover art

Jeffrey B. Rubin, Psychotherapy and Buddhism: Toward an Integration (2013)

Giles & Miller cover art

Cheryl A. Giles & Willa B. Miller (eds.), The Arts of Contemplative Care: Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work (2012)

Magid Ordinary Mind cover art

Barry Magid, Ordinary Mind: Exploring the Common Ground of Zen and Psychoanalysis (2012)

Safran Psychoanalysis cover art

Jeremy D. Safran (ed.), Psychoanalysis and Buddhism: An Unfolding Dialogue (2012)

Wallace Taboo of Subjectivity cover art

B. Alan Wallace, The Taboo of Subjectivity: Toward a New Science of Consciousness (2011)

Kwee New Horizons cover art

Maurits G.T. Kwee (ed.), New Horizons in Buddhist Psychology: Relational Buddhism for Collaborative Practitioners (2010)

Olendzki Unlimiting Mind cover art

Andrew Olendzki, Unlimiting Mind: The Radically Experiential Psychology of Buddhism (2010)

Brown Tibetan Art cover art

Anne Maiden Brown et al, The Tibetan Art of Parenting: From Before Conception Through Early Childhood (2009)

Cooper Zen Impulse cover art

Paul C. Cooper, The Zen Impulse and the Psychoanalytic Encounter (2009)

Levine Positive Psychology cover art

Marvin Levine, The Positive Psychology of Buddhism and Yoga (2009)

Mathers Continuing Dialogue cover art

Dale Mathers et al (eds.), Self and No-Self: Continuing the Dialogue Between Buddhism and Psychotherapy (2009)

Epstein Psychotherapy Without Self cover art

Mark Epstein, Psychotherapy Without the Self: A Buddhist Perspective (2008)

Kwee Horizons cover art

Maurits Kwee et al (eds.), Horizons in Buddhist Psychology (2006)

Langan and Coles cover art

Robert Langan & Robert Coles, Minding What Matters: Psychotherapy and the Buddha Within (2006)

Nauriyal et al Applied cover art

Dinesh Kumar Nauriyal, Michael S. Drummond, & Y.B. Lal (eds.), Buddhist Thought and Applied Psychological Research: Transcending the Boundaries (2006)

de Silva Intro to Buddhist Psychology cover art

Padmasiri de Silva, An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology, 4th ed. (2005)

Aronson Western Ground cover art

Harvey B. Aronson, Buddhist Practice on Western Ground: Reconciling Eastern Ideals and Western Psychology (2004)

Segall Encountering cover art

Seth Robert Segall (ed.), Encountering Buddhism: Western Psychology and Buddhist Teachings (2003)

Brazier Feeling Buddha cover art

David Brazier, The Feeling Buddha: A Buddhist Psychology of Character, Adversity, and Passion (2002)

Moacanin Jung cover art

Radmila Moacanin, The Essence of Jung's Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism: Western and Eastern Paths to the Heart (2002)

Epstein Going on Being cover art

Mark Epstein, Going on Being: Buddhism and the Way of Change: A Positive Psychology for the West (2001)

Welwood Psychology Awakening cover art

John Welwood, Toward a Psychology of Awakening: Buddhism, Psychotherapy, and the Path of Personal and Spiritual Transformation (2000)

Watson Resonance of Emptiness cover art

Gay Watson, The Resonance of Emptiness: A Buddhist Inspiration for a Contemporary Psychotherapy (1998)

Brazier Zen Therapy cover art

David Brazier, Zen Therapy: Transcending the Sorrows of the Human Mind (1997)

deCharms Two Views cover art

Christopher deCharms, Two Views of Mind: Abhidharma and Brain Science (1997)

Epstein Without Thinker cover art

Mark Epstein, Thoughts Without a Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective (1995)

Suler Psychoanalysis and Eastern Thought cover art

John R. Suler, Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Eastern Thought (1993)

Katz Buddhist Western Psych cover art

Nathan Katz (ed.), Buddhist and Western Psychology (1983)

Hickey Mind Cure cover art

Mindfulness and yoga are widely said to improve mental and physical health, and booming industries have emerged to teach them as secular techniques. This movement is typically traced to the 1970s, but it actually began a century earlier. Hickey shows that most of those who first advocated meditation for healing were women: leaders of the "Mind Cure" movement, which emerged during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Instructed by Buddhist and Hindu missionaries, many of these women believed that by transforming consciousness, they could also transform oppressive conditions in which they lived. For women - and many African-American men - "Mind Cure" meant not just happiness, but liberation in concrete political, economic, and legal terms. In response to the perceived threat posed by this movement, white male doctors and clergy with elite academic credentials began to channel key Mind Cure methods into "scientific" psychology and medicine. As mental therapeutics became medicalized and commodified, the religious roots of meditation, like the social-justice agendas of early Mind Curers, fell by the wayside. Although characterized as "universal," mindfulness has very specific historical and cultural roots, and is now largely marketed by and accessible to affluent white people. Hickey examines religious dimensions of the Mindfulness movement and clinical research about its effectiveness. By treating stress-related illness individualistically, she argues, the contemporary movement obscures the roles religious communities can play in fostering civil society and personal well-being, and diverts attention from systemic factors fueling stress-related illness, including racism, sexism, and poverty.

Drawing from original source material, contemporary scholarship, and Wilfred Bion’s psychoanalytic writings, this book introduces the Zen notion of gūjin, or total exertion, and elaborates a realizational perspective that integrates Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis. Developed by the thirteenth-century Zen teacher and founder of the Japanese Soto Zen school, Eihei Dogen, gūjin finds expression and is referenced in various contemporary scholarly and religious commentaries. This book explains this pivotal Zen concept and addresses themes by drawing from translated source material, academic scholarship, traditional Zen kōans and teaching stories, extensive commentarial literature, interpretive writings by contemporary Soto Zen teachers, psychoanalytic theory, clinical material, and poetry, as well as the author’s thirty years of personal experience as a psychoanalyst, supervisor, psychoanalytic educator, ordained Soto Zen priest, and transmitted Soto Zen teacher. From a realizational perspective that integrates Zen and psychoanalytic concepts, the book extends the scope and increases the effectiveness of clinical work for the psychotherapist, and facilitates deepened experiences for the meditation practitioner.

This collection brings together the latest thinking in these two important disciplines. Positive psychology, the science of well-being and strengths, is the fastest growing branch of psychology, offering an optimal home for the research and application of mindfulness. As we contemplate mindfulness in the context of positive psychology, meaningful insights are being revealed in relation to our mental and physical health. The book features chapters from leading figures from mindfulness and positive psychology, offering an exciting combination of topics. Mindfulness is explored in relation to flow, meaning, parenthood, performance, sports, obesity, depression, pregnancy, spirituality, happiness, mortality, and many other ground-breaking topics. This is an invitation to rethink about mindfulness in ways that truly expands our understanding of well-being. The work will appeal to a readership of students and practitioners, as well as those interested in mindfulness, positive psychology, or other relevant areas such as education, healthcare, clinical psychology, counselling psychology, occupational psychology, and coaching. The contributors explore cutting edge theories, research, and practical exercises, which will be relevant to all people interested in this area, and particularly those who wish to enhance their well-being via mindfulness.

Immersed in Buddhist psychology prior to studying Western psychiatry, Dr. Mark Epstein first viewed Western therapeutic approaches through the lens of the East. This posed something of a challenge. Although both systems promise liberation through self-awareness, the central tenet of Buddha's wisdom is the notion of no-self, while the central focus of Western psychotherapy is the self. This book, which includes writings from the past twenty-five years, wrestles with the complex relationship between Buddhism and psychotherapy and offers nuanced reflections on therapy, meditation, and psychological and spiritual development. A best-selling author and popular speaker, Epstein has long been at the forefront of the effort to introduce Buddhist psychology to the West. His unique background enables him to serve as a bridge between the two traditions, which he has found to be more compatible than at first thought. Engaging with the teachings of the Buddha as well as those of Freud and Winnicott, he offers a compelling look at desire, anger, and insight and helps reinterpret the Buddha's Four Noble Truths and central concepts such as egolessness and emptiness in the psychoanalytic language of our time.

Philosophical Psychology & Philosophy of Mind

Peacock and Batchelor Vedana cover art

John Peacock & Martine Batchelor (eds.), The Definition, Practice and Psychology of Vedana: Knowing How It Feels (2019)

Ivanhoe Oneness Hypothesis cover art

Philip J. Ivanhoe et al (eds.), The Oneness Hypothesis: Beyond the Boundary of Self (2018)

Repetti Buddhism Meditation cover art

Rick Repetti, Buddhism, Meditation, and Free Will: A Theory of Mental Freedom (2018)

de Silva Emotions and Humour cover art

Padmasiri de Silva, The Psychology of Emotions and Humour in Buddhism (2018)

Hofmann and Zorić Presence cover art

Gert Hofmann & Snježana Zorić (eds.), Presence of the Body: Awareness in and beyond Experience (2016)

Kuznetsova Hindu Buddhist cover art

Irina Kuznetsova et al (eds.), Hindu and Buddhist Ideas in Dialogue: Self and No-Self (2016)

Repetti Buddhist Free Will cover art

Rick Repetti (ed.), Buddhist Perspectives on Free Will: Agentless Agency (2016)

Siderits Personal Identity cover art

Mark Siderits, Personal Identity and Buddhist Philosophy: Empty Persons, 2nd ed. (2016)

Coseru Perceiving cover art

Christian Coseru, Perceiving Reality: Consciousness, Intentionality, and Cognition in Buddhist Philosophy (2015)

Yao Self-Cognition cover art

Zhihua Yao, The Buddhist Theory of Self-Cognition (2014)

Pickering Authority Experience cover art

John Pickering, The Authority of Experience: Essays on Buddhism and Psychology (2013)

Albahari Analytical cover art

Miri Albahari, Analytical Buddhism: The Two-Tiered Illusion of Self (2006)

Kaza Hooked cover art

Stephanie Kaza (ed.), Hooked! Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume (2005)

Stambaugh Formless Self cover art

Joan Stambaugh, The Formless Self (1999)

Khare Eternal Food cover art

R. S. Khare (ed.), The Eternal Food: Gastronomic Ideas and Experiences of Hindus and Buddhists (1992)

Kalupahana Principles of Buddhist Psychology cover art

David J. Kalupahana, Principles of Buddhist Psychology (1987)

Yasuo The Body cover art

Yasuo Yuasa, The Body: Toward an Eastern Mind-Body Theory, ed. & trans. Thomas P. Kasulis & Shigenori Nagatomo (1987)

Griffiths Mindless cover art

Paul Griffiths, On Being Mindless: Buddhist Meditation and the Mind-Body Problem (1986)

Sarachchandra cover art

E.R. Sarachchandra, Buddhist Psychology of Perception (1958)

Ivanhoe Oneness Hypothesis cover art

The idea that the self is inextricably intertwined with the rest of the world―the “oneness hypothesis”―can be found in many of the world’s philosophical and religious traditions. Oneness provides ways to imagine and achieve a more expansive conception of the self as fundamentally connected with other people, creatures, and things. Such views present profound challenges to Western hyperindividualism and its excessive concern with self-interest and tendency toward self-centered behavior. This anthology presents a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary exploration of the nature and implications of the oneness hypothesis. While fundamentally inspired by East and South Asian traditions, in which such a view is often critical to their philosophical approach, this collection also draws upon religious studies, psychology, and Western philosophy, as well as sociology, evolutionary theory, and cognitive neuroscience. Contributors trace the oneness hypothesis through the works of East Asian and Western schools, including Confucianism, Mohism, Daoism, Buddhism, and Platonism and such thinkers as Zhuangzi, Kant, James, and Dewey. They intervene in debates over ethics, cultural difference, identity, group solidarity, and the positive and negative implications of metaphors of organic unity. Challenging dominant views that presume that the proper scope of the mind stops at the boundaries of skin and skull, this work shows that a more relational conception of the self is not only consistent with contemporary science but has the potential to lead to greater happiness and well-being for both individuals and the larger wholes of which they are parts.

Since the publication of Mark Siderits' important book in 2003, much has changed in the field of Buddhist philosophy. There has been unprecedented growth in analytic metaphysics, and a considerable amount of new work on Indian theories of the self and personal identity has emerged. Fully revised and updated, and drawing on these changes as well as on developments in the author's own thinking, the second edition explores the conversation between Buddhist and Western Philosophy showing how concepts and tools drawn from one philosophical tradition can help solve problems arising in another. Siderits discusses afresh areas involved in the philosophical investigation of persons, including vagueness and its implications for personal identity, recent attempts by scholars of Buddhist philosophy to defend the attribution of an emergentist account of personhood to at least some Buddhists, and whether a distinctively Buddhist antirealism can avoid problems that beset other forms of ontological anti-foundationalism.

Coseru Perceiving cover art

What turns the continuous flow of experience into perceptually distinct objects? Can our verbal descriptions unambiguously capture what it is like to see, hear, or feel? How might we reason about the testimony that perception alone discloses? Coseru proposes a rigorous and highly original way to answer these questions by developing a framework for understanding perception as a mode of apprehension that is intentionally constituted, pragmatically oriented, and causally effective. By engaging with recent discussions in phenomenology and analytic philosophy of mind, but also by drawing on the work of Husserl and Merleau-Ponty, Coseru offers a sustained argument that Buddhist philosophers, in particular those who follow the tradition of inquiry initiated by Dignaga and Dharmakirti, have much to offer when it comes to explaining why epistemological disputes about the evidential role of perceptual experience cannot satisfactorily be resolved without taking into account the structure of our cognitive awareness. This work examines the function of perception and its relation to attention, language, and discursive thought, and provides new ways of conceptualizing the Buddhist defense of the reflexivity thesis of consciousness--namely, that each cognitive event is to be understood as involving a pre-reflective implicit awareness of its own occurrence. Coseru advances an innovative approach to Buddhist philosophy of mind in the form of phenomenological naturalism, and moves beyond comparative approaches to philosophy by emphasizing the continuity of concerns between Buddhist and Western philosophical accounts of the nature of perceptual content and the character of perceptual consciousness.

Stambaugh Formless Self cover art

Gathering and interpreting material that is not readily available elsewhere, this book discusses the thought of the Japanese Buddhist philosophers Dogen, Hisamatsu, and Nishitani. Stambaugh develops ideas about the self culminating in the concept of the Formless Self as formulated by Hisamatsu in his book The Fullness of Nothingness and the essay "The Characteristics of Oriental Nothingness," and further explicated by Nishitani in his book Religion and Nothingness. These works show that Oriental nothingness has nothing to do with the 19th- and 20th-century Western concept of nihilism; rather, it is a positive phenomenon: enabling things to be.

Science: Mind & Universe

Jinpa Science and Philosophy Vol 2 cover art

Thupten Jinpa (ed.), Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Volume 2: The Mind, trans. Dechen Rochard & John D. Dunne (2020)

Presti et al Mind Beyond cover art

David Presti et al, Mind Beyond Brain: Buddhism, Science, and the Paranormal (2019)

Wright Why cover art

Robert Wright, Why Buddhism Is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment (2018)

Dorjee Everyday Life cover art

Dusana Dorjee, Neuroscience and Psychology of Meditation in Everyday Life: Searching for the Essence of Mind (2017)

Eisen and Konchok Enlightened Gene cover art

Arri Eisen & Yungdrung Konchok, The Enlightened Gene: Biology, Buddhism, and the Convergence that Explains the World (2017)

Hasenkamp White cover art

Wendy Hasenkamp & Janna R. White (eds.), The Monastery and the Microscope: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Mind, Mindfulness, and the Nature of Reality (2017)

Jinpa Science and Philosophy Vol 1 cover art

Thupten Jinpa (ed.), Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Volume 1: The Physical World (2017)

McMahan and Braun Meditation cover art

David L. McMahan & Erik Braun, Meditation, Buddhism, and Science (2017)

Ricard and Singer Beyond cover art

Matthieu Ricard & Wolf Singer, Beyond the Self: Conversations Between Buddhism and Neuroscience (2017)

Cho & Squier cover art

Francisca Cho & Richard Squier, Religion and Science in the Mirror of Buddhism (2015)

Hammerstrom Science cover art

Erik J. Hammerstrom, The Science of Chinese Buddhism: Early Twentieth-Century Engagements (2015)

Thompson Waking Dreaming Being cover art

Evan Thompson, Waking, Dreaming, Being: Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy (2014)

Barash Biology cover art

David P. Barash, Buddhist Biology: Ancient Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Western Science (2013)

Dorjee Mind Brain cover art

Dusana Dorjee, Mind, Brain and the Path to Happiness: A Guide to Buddhist Mind Training and the Neuroscience of Meditation (2013)

Flanagan Bodhisattva's Brain cover art

Owen Flanagan, The Bodhisattva's Brain: Buddhism Naturalized (2013)

Wallace Skeptic cover art

B. Alan Wallace, Meditations of a Buddhist Skeptic: A Manifesto for the Mind Sciences and Contemplative Practice (2013)

Lopez Scientific Buddha cover art

Donald S. Lopez, Jr., The Scientific Buddha: His Short and Happy Life (2012)

Lopez Buddhism and Science cover art

Donald S. Lopez, Jr., Buddhism and Science: A Guide for the Perplexed (2011)

Mansfield Physics cover art

Vic Mansfield, Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Physics: Toward a Union of Love and Knowledge (2008)

Wallace Hidden Dimensions cover art

B. Alan Wallace, Hidden Dimensions: The Unification of Physics and Consciousness (2007)

Wallace Contemplative cover art

B. Alan Wallace, Contemplative Science: Where Buddhism and Neuroscience Converge (2006)

HHDL New Physics and Cosmology cover art

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, The New Physics and Cosmology: Dialogues with the Dalai Lama, ed. Arthur Zajonc & Zara Houshmand (2004)

Wallace Choosing Reality cover art

B. Alan Wallace, Choosing Reality: A Buddhist View of Physics and the Mind (2003)

Wallace Buddhism and Science cover art

B. Alan Wallace (ed.), Buddhism and Science: Breaking New Ground (2003)

Davidson and Harrington cover art

Richard J. Davidson & Anne Harrington (eds.), Visions of Compassion: Western Scientists and Tibetan Buddhists Examine Human Nature (2001)

Ricard and Thuan Quantum cover art

Matthieu Ricard & Trinh Xuan Thuan, The Quantum and the Lotus: A Journey to the Frontiers Where Science and Buddhism Meet (2001)

Goleman Thurman MindScience cover art

Daniel Goleman & Robert A.F. Thurman (eds.), MindScience: An East-West Dialogue (1999)

Kirthisinghe Science cover art

Buddhadasa P. Kirthisinghe, Buddhism and Science (1999)

Cooper Evolving Mind cover art

Robin Cooper, The Evolving Mind: Buddhism, Biology, and Consciousness (1996)

Macy Causality cover art

Joanna Macy, Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory: The Dharma of Natural Systems (1995)

Luang suriyabongs, buddhism in the light of modern scientific ideas, rev. ed. (1960).

Images of the Buddha at Gal Vihara

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Buddhism Essay Topics & Ideas

  • Buddhism Essay Topics for High School Students
  • Buddhism Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Argumentative Essay Topics About Buddhism

Good essay topics about buddhism, persuasive essay topics about buddhism.

  • Interesting Essay Topics About Buddhism

✒️ Buddhism Essay Topics for High School Students

  • A Case of Buddhism
  • A Look at The Beliefs of Karma, Reincarnation, Samsara and Enlightenment as Depicted in Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism
  • A Personal Analysis of Buddhism
  • A Research Paper on The Metaphysics of Buddhism
  • aeminar on Buddhism and Modern Science
  • An Analysis of the Eight Fold Path of Buddhism
  • Anger Emotion and Buddhism
  • AP World History Compare and Contrast: The Spread of Christianity and Buddhism in the End of the Classical Period
  • Ashoka and the spread of buddhism
  • Asian Philosophy: Veddic Period and Early Buddhism
  • Asian Studies: Confucianism and Buddhism in China
  • Basic Concepts of Buddhism
  • Bhagavad Gita: Buddhism and Ancient Indian Philosophy
  • Bioethics: Roman Catholicism vs Buddhism
  • Breaking Down Buddhism from The Perspective of Cultural Anthropology
  • Buddha and Religion of Buddhism
  • Buddhism (The Buddha)
  • Buddhism & Converting To Taoism
  • Buddhism & Hinduism: Comparisons and Contractions Research
  • Buddhism & History
  • Buddhism 4 Noble Truths
  • Buddhism and Buddhist teachings
  • Buddhism and Christianity
  • Buddhism and Christianity as Social Reform Movements


✨ Best buddhism Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  • The Comparison of Taoism and Buddhism Taoism and Buddhism were born in the same century. Siddhartha reached enlightenment in approximately 535 B.C. and Lao Tzu’s teachings were recorded around 500 B.C. There are many similarities in the basics of these two religions. Some of the ….
  • Mahayana Buddhism The religion of Buddhism was founded by a person named Siddhartha. Later in his life he was known as Gautama. He traveled with a guru for a while and then he practiced as asceticism. He did these two things to find enlightenment. These things did ….
  • Buddhism in America Essay Inhale… exhale… concentrating on your breathing. This is often an exercise many do in yoga or meditation. Many Americans have incorporated yoga and meditation into their lives, not knowing its origins. Buddhism is one origin of these exercises. The ….
  • Assignment about Buddhism Its fundamental teaching is that the Buddha who, through his enlightenment, showed the way out of the wheel Of rebirth or conditioned reality created by inorganic and attachment; its fundamental sociological expression is the samara, or order of ….
  • Buddhism At a High School Level Buddhism, founded in the late 6th century BC by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), is an important religion in most of the countries of Asia. Buddhism has come in many different forms, but in each form there has been an attempt to draw from the life ….
  • Essence of the Zen Buddhism Koans The Zen Koan is a written or verbal puzzle used in the teaching of Buddhism to bring the student to the level of satori or enlightenment. According to D T Suzuki in An Introduction To Zen Buddhism, the word Koan “…now denotes some anecdote of an ….
  • Facts About Zen Buddhism It is a conservative view of some, that the world is a very strange place. Once upon a time, four men and a woman all wished they could meet the perfect person. Each in his or her own way received a message to be at a certain bar at a time and at ….
  • The Role of Compassion in Buddhism The Role of Compassion in Buddhism Buddhism as a way of life calls for people to leave the “ordinary” and become extraordinary” persons promoting and working towards a state of enlightenment or nirvana. Compassion is a virtue that differentiates ….
  • Overcoming Human Weaknesses in Buddhism Buddha is the central symbol and reality of Buddhism, because he embodies the way of thinking and living. It is an analysis and description of human existence as conditioned by desire and ignorance and a method of attainment of spiritual freedom ….
  • Spread of Buddhism Buddhism a religion some claim was founded by Barbarians’, some claimed was just as good Con- fusionism, and Laozism. The spread of this religion was for the most part responded to in a good way, because how it would help people prosper during China’….
  • Aspect Of Buddhism The most devoted followers of the Buddha were organized into a sangha. Its members were identified by their shaved heads and robes made of un-sewn orange cloth. The early Buddhist monks, or bhikkus, wandered from place to place, settling down in ….
  • Spread of Buddhism in China DBQ: Buddhism in China After reviewing the given documents, it is clear that the response to Buddhism was positive at earlier time periods in China (220 CE – 570 CE) because there was political instability and disunity and as soon as the imperial ….
  • Shintoism and Buddhism The Japanese religions, including Shintosim and Buddhism, are rich and complex, and it contains many condradictory trends which may puzzle a Westerner. In the center of the tradition is Shinto, the “natural” religion of Japan. Also in the center is ….
  • Reflection paper On Buddhism Buddhists past and present have looked to the incidents in Buddha’s life for inspiration. Pick any three major episodes in the Buddha’s life and discourse what lessons they impart to a typical Buddhist homeowner. 1. His first clip recognizing go ….
  • Buddhism Has a Very Long Drawn Out Origination Buddhism has a very long drawn out origination starting in about 565 B.C. with the birth of Siddhartha Gautama. The religion has guide lines in two forms in which Buddhist followers must follow the “Four Noble Truths” and the “Eightfold Path” There ….
  • Theravada vs Mahayana Buddhism A question asked by many people is ” What is the difference between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism?” To find the answer let us look at the history of Buddhism and compare and contrast the beliefs and philosophies of the two. The Buddah, Siddhartha ….
  • Essay about the Hitory of Buddhism The story of Buddhism might be said to have begun with a loss of innocence. Siddhartha Gautama, a young prince of the Shakhya clan in India, had been raised in a life of royal ease, shielded from the misery and cruelties of the world outside the ….
  • Dale Miller – Ideals and Thoughts of Buddhism Dale MillerThe river in this piece of writing can symbolize many different ideals and represents many thoughts of Buddhism. In a sense, the river represents on a larger scale the life Siddhartha should lead; one of calmness and peace while having ….
  • Development and Spread of Buddhism in China When Buddhism first began to spread into china, reactions were mixed. While many people supported the idea, others were neutral, and a large number opposed Buddhism’s growing popularity. The opinions on the spread were not always cultural; many had ….
  • Theravadan Buddhism Throughout history there have been numerous religions and theologies that men and women have entrusted their lives and ways of living to. One of the most intriguing is that of Buddhism. The great Buddha referred to his way as the middle way, and he, ….

✍ Buddhism Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Buddhism and Christianity: Comparative Religious Analysis
  • Buddhism and Confucianism in Modern China
  • Buddhism And Education
  • Buddhism and Greater Peace: Conflict, Visions of Peace Term
  • Buddhism and Hinduism Differences
  • Buddhism and Hinduism Religions
  • Buddhism and Hinduism Research
  • Buddhism and Hinduism: A Comparison
  • Buddhism and Hinduism: Religious Differences
  • Buddhism and Hinduism: Similarities and Differences Compare and Contrast
  • Buddhism and its impact on Japan
  • Buddhism and Sexuality: Restraining Sexual Desires for Enlightenment
  • Buddhism and Sikhism Comparison: Four Noble Truths
  • Buddhism and William James’ Theory of Religions
  • Buddhism Animal Ethics Essay (Article)
  • Buddhism as a religion
  • Buddhism as a Sacred Tradition
  • Buddhism as the Most Peaceful Religion
  • Buddhism Believer’s Practice: Meditation Proposal
  • Buddhism Characteristics and Attributes
  • Buddhism from a Philosophical Standpoint
  • Buddhism has developed in a variety of different forms
  • Buddhism in ‘The World’s Religions’ by Huston Smith
  • Buddhism in a Post- Han China Analytical
  • Buddhism in Canada
  • Buddhism in China and Thailand revision
  • Buddhism in China, Its Spread and Sinification
  • Buddhism in China: Origin and Expansion
  • Buddhism in China: Yogācāra Buddhism
  • Buddhism In Countries
  • Buddhism in Different Historical Regions
  • Buddhism in East Asia
  • Buddhism in Japan from Prehistoric to Kamakura Period
  • Buddhism in Koryo Analysis
  • Buddhism In Other Countries
  • Buddhism in Taiwan Then and Now
  • Buddhism in the 19th and 20th Centuries
  • Buddhism in the Himalayas
  • Buddhism in the United States
  • Buddhism is the reality
  • Buddhism Practices, Theories, Teachings, Rituals Report
  • Buddhism Religion History in China Term
  • Buddhism Religion in the East Asian Societies
  • Buddhism Religion: Basic Beliefs and Practices
  • Buddhism Revitalization in China and Japan
  • Buddhism Spread as Globalization of Knowledge
  • Buddhism Studies in the Far East Report
  • Buddhism Studies: A Visit of the Jade Buddha Temple
  • Buddhism vs Jainism
  • Buddhism vs. Hinduism
  • Buddhism vs. Judaism
  • Buddhism without Beliefs
  • Buddhism: Definition and Origins of Buddhism
  • Changes to Buddhism in Modern Times
  • Christianity and Buddhism
  • Christianity vs Buddhism
  • Christianity vs. Buddhism
  • Compare and Contrast Analysis of Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Compare and Contrast Analysis of Two Religions: Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Compare and Contrast Buddhism and Christianity
  • Compare and Contrast Essay: Similarities and Differences Between Buddhism and Hinduism
  • Compare and Contrast the spread of Christianity and Buddhism
  • Comparison between Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Comparison of Buddhism and Sikhs
  • Comparison of Buddhism and the Baptist Religions Coursework
  • Comparison of Hinduism and Buddhism Rituals Report (Assessment)
  • Comprehending Heart Sutra in Mahayana Buddhism
  • Concepts of Buddhism Research
  • Confucianism and Daoism Influence on Zen Buddhism Proposal
  • Critical Thinking Assignment: Buddhism
  • Critical Thinking Essay: Buddhism Worldview
  • Critically Discuss the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism
  • Dalai Lama and Buddhism Tradition
  • Daoism’s Influence on Chan Buddhism in China Research
  • David Hume’s and Buddhism Self Concepts Correlation Essay (Critical Writing)
  • Dbq Response Spread of Buddhism in China
  • Death and Dying in Christianity and Buddhism
  • Death and Dying in Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Death of the Historical Buddha in Zen Buddhism Research
  • Differences and Similarities Between Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism
  • Differences Between Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Differences between in India and China about Buddhism
  • Dualism, Ignorance, and Clinging in the Buddhism Writings
  • Emptiness in Mahayana Buddhism
  • Environmental Thoughts in Theravada Buddhism
  • experiencing Buddhism Through My Religious Site Visit
  • FINAL REPORT buddhism
  • Four Noble Truths as Buddhism Fundamentals
  • Habits and Buddhism Essay (Article)
  • Hinduism and Buddhism in India
  • Hinduism and Buddhism vs. Confucianism and Taoism
  • History of Buddhism
  • History of Buddhism and the Life of Buddha
  • History: Women in Hinduism and Buddhism
  • How Does Buddhism Explain the Nature of Our Existence? Report
  • How Tibetan Buddhism is Represented by Hollywood Report

⭐ Interesting Essay Topics About Buddhism

  • Ideas Contradicting The Interpretations Of Buddhism
  • Influence of Buddhism in the Catcher in the Rye
  • Involvement of Buddhism in Our Everyday Living
  • Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism in America
  • Jainism and Buddhism
  • Jainism and Theravada Buddhism
  • Japanese Buddhism vs Chinese Buddhism: Differences Research
  • Jewish and Buddhism Life Cycle Rituals
  • Karuna Part of Spiritual Path in Buddhism and Jainism
  • Lotus Versus Zen Buddhism
  • Mahayana and Theravada as Teachings of Buddhism
  • Middle Path’ in Chinese Buddhism and Zen Buddhism Research
  • Misconceptions about Buddhism Research
  • Morality in Buddhism
  • Nature of Self, Death, and Ethics in Buddhism
  • Newspaper Response on Buddhism Essay (Article)
  • Nirvana and Other Buddhism Concepts
  • Nirvana in Buddhism and Atman in Hinduism Term
  • No-Self or Anatman Concept in Buddhism
  • Perceptions of Heaven and Hell in Christianity and Buddhism
  • Philosophy of Confucius Compared to That of Buddhism Research
  • Philosophy of Science: Approaches on Buddhism Research
  • Presenting Christianity to Buddhism Research
  • Purpose of Meditation in Buddhism

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Essays are short pieces of writing that were published independently, for example on a blog.

For essays published in periodicals, see articles . For essays published in collections of various authors, see papers . For essays published as part of a book, see excerpts . For long essays, see booklets .

We, moderns but especially Americans, have a fundamental misunderstanding of cognitive development: we assume that higher-level functioning is always desired and so disparage and neglect fundamental cognitive skills.

Featured in the course, " Nibbāna: The Goal of Buddhist Practice "

Following is a summation of the extraordinary story, as explicated in the Aitken letters , of a Zen master teaching in America for some 35 years, who has been accused of sexual misconduct numerous times and yet was never called to task nor properly investigated.

Featured in the course, " An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy "

Featured in the course, " Buddhism as a Religion "

I would say that the Nikāyas and Āgamas give us a “historical-realistic perspective” on the Buddha, while the Mahāyāna sūtras give us a “cosmic-metaphysical perspective.”

A few words on the sitting posture from a physiotherapist: what stretches to do and what pain to worry about.

In meditation one lets go of the complex world outside in order to reach the serene world inside. In all types of mysticism and in many traditions, this is known as the path to the pure and powerful mind.
A good sutta is one that inspires you to stop reading it.
… an overview of how bhikkhunis, or fully ordained nuns, came into being, disappeared and are now reappearing again
… some see in viññāṇa anidassana a kind of consciousness essentially equal to nibbāna . But there are many problems with this

Featured in the course, " The Buddha's Words "

Featured in the course, " The Buddha "

Featured in the course, " Buddhism 101 "

A tour of pre-modern, Buddhist bridges and a comment on the deeper roots of engaged Buddhism.

… he believed in nothing but himself. Actually, this is neither Buddhism nor Chan

Featured in the course, " Buddhist Ethics "

Bodhisattvas who genuinely take the bodhisattva vow of ethical discipline do nothing but act for the benefit of beings, either directly or indirectly, but unless one is skilful in benefiting these beings, no matter how much one does, it might not benefit beings, but could actually be a direct or indirect cause of harm.
… and now the geneticists say I may have 2% Neanderthal DNA, which presumably changes the status of Neanderthals, or the [definition] of species, or [possibly] both.
You might wish to drink the nectar of calm abiding…
What impresses me most about that encounter is how unimpressive it was.
… it may be America’s destiny not to make Buddhism perfect but to make it banal

Featured in the course, " The Practice of Buddhism "

Ajahn Geoff explains how the monastic institution works by creating an economy of gifts.

A short essay on what the path is to become a Theravada Monastic.

Within the framework of experience, there is no quantum enigma; the boxed cat, being outside of one’s experiential frame of reference, doesn’t exist. Once I observe the cat, then it exists
… the time for discovering Buddha directly, you must remain alone
Only a few have heard that “painted rice cakes do not satisfy hunger” and none have really understood what it meant. I’ve asked several of these skin bags about it and everybody was quite certain without even bothering to look into it.
…when these people meditate they’re awfully grim.

A beautiful sermon on the value of monasticism.

All beings by nature are Buddha, As ice by nature is water.
It’s interesting to walk through the graveyards of towns, and see that for the first few years after a person dies there may be a head stone, maybe someone remembers, but after twenty, thirty, or forty years, they could bulldoze the graves because the land is so valuable and plant somebody else in there. So even your head stone just crumbles to dust. All record of you living here is gone, because no one remembers who you were or what you did. Isn’t that beautiful? So why not do that right now? Bulldoze this idea of who you are
Just as I was talking about the unhindered Light, In rolled the morning fog
If a sensation of itchiness intervenes and the yogi desires to scratch because it is hard to bear, both the sensation and the desire to get rid of it should be noted, without immediately getting rid of the sensation by scratching.
We wouldn’t say “this is proof of reincarnation,” but I would say it’s strong evidence of something like it.

The inspiring (and frustrating) story of one modern, South Indian reformer who turned towards Buddhism as a refuge from exploitation.

… this paper aims for a philosophically more nuanced discussion of the case for and against eating locally. I assess, in turn, locavore arguments based on environmental preservation, human health, community support, agrarian values and political concerns
In the end money did come, from a most unexpected and unusual source
Mansplaining is not a universal flaw of the gender, just the intersection between overconfidence and cluelessness where some portion of that gender gets stuck.
There is no single “swiss-army knife” technique that works equally well at all times; instead, we must carefully examine our present conditions and determine what practice is most relevant.
Doctor, if only you could see how heaven pulls earth into its arms and how infinitely the heart expands to claim this world
I’m gripped by a somewhat peculiar trepidation as I tiptoe into the hallowed portals of the abhidhamma, my feet echoing too loudly in the cavernous austerity.

An intriguing (re)definition of religion, science, and culture.

Furtwängler’s Bach is no smug or mindless adaptation of Bach to the style of Wagner. It is a reaffirmation of the presence of Bach in Wagner and the simultaneous, reciprocal presence of Wagner in Bach.
Therapy assumes that someone is sick and that there is a cure, e.g., a personal solution. I am greatly offended that I or any other woman is thought to need therapy in the first place. Women are messed over, not messed up! We need to change the objective conditions, not adjust to them.
The precariousness of intimate speech adds to its power and the power of the reader, through whose agency the voice is encouraged in its urgent plea or confidence.
It is inescapable that, whatever the reading, according to the early texts the Buddha did not have “normal” genitals. And the only reading actually supported by a canonical text is that the Buddha was intersex, and his genitals looked like a woman’s.
During my first weeks with my teacher, Ajaan Fuang, I began to realize that he had psychic powers.
Kammaṭṭhāna meditation should be practised so as to reach Nibbāna , thereby escaping from all kinds of misery

A short prayer of confession and rededication to the path.

… while the Theravādins have preserved the clearest and best-understood early texts referring to the in-between state, their philosophical posture prevented them from investigating and describing this in any detail. For that we shall have to listen to the other schools, starting with the Puggalavādins and Sarvāstivādins, as passed down through the Chinese and Tibetan traditions.
Whereas the texts discussed in the first section generally argue for a stricter separation between these two domains, those in the second [Mahāyāna wave] strove to integrate medicine into the very heart of Buddhism.
An accused who was able to flee to the nearest monastery would be protected from such mob justice. Sanctuary would give the person an opportunity to explain himself and allow his accusers to calm down so the facts could be examined more objectively.
I swear, you will wake– & mistake these walls for skin.
Reverend Sirs, I would like the reverend bhikkhus and bhikkhunis—as well as the laymen and laywomen—to listen to these passages frequently and to ponder on them.
You will also need a writing implement and a blank sheet of paper, and you should find the darkest spot possible…
For the time being stand on top of the highest peak. For the time being proceed along the bottom of the deepest ocean. For the time being three heads and eight arms. For the time being an eight- or sixteen-foot body.
Human born. Faculties intact. Full of youth. To encounter the Dharma is marvelous!

A fascinating series of open letters between Ajahn Geoff and Bhikkhu Bodhi on the subject of “just war.”

To defend the innocent is a bright deed. To kill is a dark deed. To kill in defense of the innocent is a deed both bright and dark
Forget you. This is about waiting

A defense of abortion and IVF rights from the Buddhist perspective.

I give you back 1948.

Home / Essay Samples / Religion / Buddhism

Buddhism Essay Examples

Immerse yourself in a thought-provoking collection of essays that delve into the philosophy and teachings of Buddhism. Whether you’re a student delving into the subject or simply curious about this ancient tradition, our curated selection of essays offers valuable insights and perspectives.

Comprehensive Buddhism Essays

Our repository features a diverse range of essays about Buddhism that provide comprehensive analyses of its origins, core beliefs, and practices. From the Noble Eightfold Path to the concept of impermanence, these essays offer in-depth insights into the profound teachings that guide the lives of millions.

Explore the intricate details of Buddhist philosophy, meditation practices, and the quest for enlightenment. Whether you’re writing an essay on Buddhism or seeking to understand the essence of this spiritual tradition, our collection covers a wide range of topics. Dive into essays that discuss concepts such as karma, compassion, mindfulness, and the interconnectedness of all life. Discover how Buddhist principles offer a path to inner peace and harmony with the world.

Exploring Buddhism in Context

If you’re interested in exploring Buddhism within its historical, cultural, and global context, our essay about Buddhism section offers insights into its spread, influence on art and culture, and its role in shaping societies throughout history.

Explore essays that highlight the evolution of Buddhism across different regions and its enduring impact on human thought and spirituality.

Taoism Vs Buddhism: a Comparison of the Two Prominent Spiritual Traditions

Taoism and Buddhism are two prominent philosophical and spiritual traditions that have greatly influenced the lives of millions of individuals across the globe. Rooted in ancient wisdom and offering unique perspectives on existence, these traditions have captivated the hearts and minds of seekers of truth...

The Benefits of Drawing Mandalas: a Journey of Self-discovery

A mandala essay is a type of personal essay that uses the principles of the mandala, a circular and geometric pattern used in Hinduism and Buddhism to represent the universe, to explore different aspects of the writer's life. Before writing about my experience of draeing...

Three Main Contrasts Between Buddhism and Christianity

In the past, religions focused on the inner, spiritual life, with particular emphasis on the ethics of the relationship between people. Today, in the international academic community, in addition to the ethics of studying the relationship between people, people have also started to study how...

Compare and Contrast: the Concept of Self in Hinduism and Buddhism

Every religion has their own idea of Self. No two religions utterly trust each other or have the same ideas regarding Self. Though Buddhism is associated with Hinduism at some degree, Gautam Buddha himself being from Hindu religion and raised in a very Hindu society,...

Compare and Contrast: Buddhism and Christianity on Euthanasia

Religious beliefs and views are in most cases contradictory to the medical principles. When it comes to issues pertaining death I.e. euthanasia, then different sacred teachings will hold to put it differently. Many religions completely condemn and credit an act of claiming life as a...

Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism

To start with, this is compare and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism essay where an author starts the paper with the definition of religion and then analyses what are differences between these two beliefs.  Religion could be a focal segment of one's character. The word certainty...

A Brief History of the Creation of the Religion of Buddhism

The concept of modern Buddhism and pre-modern Buddhism differs as society developed throughout the years and had to change their social construct and beliefs to adapt to the changes throughout the world. This paper will acknowledge what the religion Buddhism is and who is Siddhartha...

The Dream of Queen Maya Artifact: Mother of Buddha

The Dream of Queen Maya Artifact symbolizes an important role in Arts and Religion in Pakistan. The Dream of Queen Maya artifact dates back to around 200-300 CE. The Dreams of Queen Maya, a simple grey carving made of schist in the shape of a...

Prince Siddhartha Gautama Or Buddha

Approximately 2,500 years ago in a kingdom in Northern India, a prince was born. His name was Siddhartha Gautama. In the future, Siddhartha is going to become the Buddha. The name “Buddha” is given to someone who is “enlightened” or “awoken”. When he was born,...

Power of the Emperor in Japan: Oppression Shintoism and Replace It for Buddhism

Shotoku’s regency came at a time when the Yamato Court was looking to emulate the culture of the superior Tang civilization and especially its political institutions. Of course, this simple fascination with Chinese civilization could not be the sole bearer of legitimacy and necessitated Shotoku’s...

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  • Zen Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • World Religions

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