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Chemistry Problems With Answers

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Chemistry Problems

Use chemistry problems as a tool for mastering chemistry concepts. Some of these examples show using formulas while others include lists of examples.

Acids, Bases, and pH Chemistry Problems

Learn about acids and bases. See how to calculate pH, pOH, K a , K b , pK a , and pK b .

  • Practice calculating pH.
  • Get example pH, pK a , pK b , K a , and K b calculations.
  • Get examples of amphoterism.

Atomic Structure Problems

Learn about atomic mass, the Bohr model, and the part of the atom.

  • Practice identifying atomic number, mass number, and atomic mass.
  • Get examples showing ways to find atomic mass.
  • Use Avogadro’s number and find the mass of a single atom .
  • Review the Bohr model of the atom.
  • Find the number of valence electrons of an element’s atom.

Chemical Bonds

Learn how to use electronegativity to determine whether atoms form ionic or covalent bonds. See chemistry problems drawing Lewis structures.

  • Identify ionic and covalent bonds.
  • Learn about ionic compounds and get examples.
  • Practice identifying ionic compounds.
  • Get examples of binary compounds.
  • Learn about covalent compounds and their properties.
  • See how to assign oxidation numbers.
  • Practice drawing Lewis structures.
  • Practice calculating bond energy.

Chemical Equations

Practice writing and balancing chemical equations.

  • Learn the steps of balancing equations.
  • Practice balancing chemical equations (practice quiz).
  • Get examples finding theoretical yield.
  • Practice calculating percent yield.
  • Learn to recognize decomposition reactions.
  • Practice recognizing synthesis reactions.
  • Practice recognizing single replacement reactions.
  • Recognize double replacement reactions.
  • Find the mole ratio between chemical species in an equation.

Concentration and Solutions

Learn how to calculate concentration and explore chemistry problems that affect chemical concentration, including freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, and vapor pressure elevation.

  • Get example concentration calculations in several units.
  • Practice calculating normality (N).
  • Practice calculating molality (m).
  • Explore example molarity (M) calculations.
  • Get examples of colligative properties of solutions.
  • See the definition and examples of saturated solutions.
  • See the definition and examples of unsaturated solutions.
  • Get examples of miscible and immiscible liquids.

Error Calculations

Learn about the types of error and see worked chemistry example problems.

  • See how to calculate percent.
  • Practice absolute and relative error calculations.
  • See how to calculate percent error.
  • See how to find standard deviation.
  • Calculate mean, median, and mode.
  • Review the difference between accuracy and precision.

Equilibrium Chemistry Problems

Learn about Le Chatelier’s principle, reaction rates, and equilibrium.

  • Solve activation energy chemistry problems.
  • Review factors that affect reaction rate.
  • Practice calculating the van’t Hoff factor.

Practice chemistry problems using the gas laws, including Raoult’s law, Graham’s law, Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, and Dalton’s law of partial pressures.

  • Calculate vapor pressure.
  • Solve Avogadro’s law problems.
  • Practice Boyle’s law problems.
  • See Charles’ law example problems.
  • Solve combined gas law problems.
  • Solve Gay-Lussac’s law problems.

Some chemistry problems ask you identify examples of states of matter and types of mixtures. While there are any chemical formulas to know, it’s still nice to have lists of examples.

  • Practice density calculations.
  • Identify intensive and extensive properties of matter.
  • See examples of intrinsic and extrinsic properties of matter.
  • Get the definition and examples of solids.
  • Get the definition and examples of gases.
  • See the definition and examples of liquids.
  • Learn what melting point is and get a list of values for different substances.
  • Get the azeotrope definition and see examples.
  • See how to calculate specific volume of a gas.
  • Get examples of physical properties of matter.
  • Get examples of chemical properties of matter.
  • Review the states of matter.

Molecular Structure Chemistry Problems

See chemistry problems writing chemical formulas. See examples of monatomic and diatomic elements.

  • Practice empirical and molecular formula problems.
  • Practice simplest formula problems.
  • See how to calculate molecular mass.
  • Get examples of the monatomic elements.
  • See examples of binary compounds.
  • Calculate the number of atoms and molecules in a drop of water.


Practice chemistry problems naming ionic compounds, hydrocarbons, and covalent compounds.

  • Practice naming covalent compounds.
  • Learn hydrocarbon prefixes in organic chemistry.

Nuclear Chemistry

These chemistry problems involve isotopes, nuclear symbols, half-life, radioactive decay, fission, fusion.

  • Review the types of radioactive decay.

Periodic Table

Learn how to use a periodic table and explore periodic table trends.

  • Know the trends in the periodic table.
  • Review how to use a periodic table.
  • Explore the difference between atomic and ionic radius and see their trends on the periodic table.

Physical Chemistry

Explore thermochemistry and physical chemistry, including enthalpy, entropy, heat of fusion, and heat of vaporization.

  • Practice heat of vaporization chemistry problems.
  • Practice heat of fusion chemistry problems.
  • Calculate heat required to turn ice into steam.
  • Practice calculating specific heat.
  • Get examples of potential energy.
  • Get examples of kinetic energy.
  • See example activation energy calculations.

Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemistry Problems

See chemistry problems involving the interaction between light and matter.

  • Calculate wavelength from frequency or frequency from wavelength.

Stoichiometry Chemistry Problems

Practice chemistry problems balancing formulas for mass and charge. Learn about reactants and products.

  • Get example mole ratio problems.
  • Calculate percent yield.
  • Learn how to assign oxidation numbers.
  • Get the definition and examples of reactants in chemistry.
  • Get the definition and examples of products in chemical reactions.

Unit Conversions

There are some many examples of unit conversions that they have their own separate page!

Chemistry Steps

Chemistry Steps

Reaction quotient and direction Q smaller or larger K

General Chemistry Practice Problems

Chemistry Steps offers thousands of practice problems on topics of general chemistry such as atoms, molecules, isotopes, mole, molar mass, the stoichiometry of chemical reactions, and related molar calculations including limiting reactant and percent yield. 

Over 1000 Practice Questions

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Significant Figures Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Dimensional Analysis Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Naming Ionic and Covalent Compounds 

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Lewis Structures Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

VSEPR Theory Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Calculating Different Concentrations

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Colligative Properties Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Kinetics Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Chemical Equilibrium Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Acids and Bases Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Buffer Solutions Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

K sp and Molar Solubility Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Thermodynamics, Δ H ,  Δ S , and Δ G Practice Problems

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

General Chemistry Quizzes

You read all the articles of the chapter and watched lots of videos, but need to assess your skills before the general chemistry exam?

Multiple choice quizzes might be the “easy” way of glancing through the key concepts and getting feedback on what you need to work on more.

Here are the general chemistry quizzes available to practice the following topics:

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Quiz: Matter, Chemical and Physical Properties

Nomenclature and formulas quiz, atomic structure, mass, and isotopes quiz, significant figures quiz, dimensional analysis in chemistry quiz, mass, moles, and number of particles quiz, the stoichiometry of chemical reactions quiz, reactions in aqueous solutions quiz, oxidation state and redox reactions quiz, a multiple-choice quiz on gases, thermochemistry quiz, electronic structure of atoms quiz, periodic table and periodic trends, chemical bonding and lewis structures quiz, geometry and hybridization quiz, chemical kinetics quiz, chemical equilibrium quiz, acids and bases quiz, chemical thermodynamics quiz, electrochemistry quiz.

Example Questions

problem solving continued additional problems chemistry answers

Each question has a hint including the related articles and the Study guide for the given topic!

How do I access the quizzes?

The quizzes are available to Chemistry Steps General and Semester subscribers .

What else is included as part of the membership?

  • General Chemistry 1 and 2 Summary Study Guides. These are comprehensive and beautiful study guides summarizing the key concepts of Gen Chem 1 and 2. Once you register, go to your account and download them under the CS Benefits tab.

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Take a guided, problem-solving based approach to learning Chemistry. These compilations provide unique perspectives and applications you won't find anywhere else.

The Chemical Reaction

What's inside.

  • Introduction
  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Reaction Principles
  • Elements of Reactivity

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Community Wiki

Browse through thousands of Chemistry wikis written by our community of experts.


  • Chemistry in action
  • Atoms, Molecules, Elements, Compounds
  • Dalton's Atomic Model
  • Bohr's Model
  • Periodic Table of the Elements
  • Atomic and Molecular Weights
  • Mole Concept
  • Concentration Terminology
  • Nuclear Decay
  • Balancing Chemical Reactions
  • Limiting Reagents
  • Laws of Chemical Combination
  • Try It At Home Chemistry Experiments
  • Chemistry Of Drugs

Chemical Bonding

  • Ionic Compounds
  • Lewis Structure
  • Hybridisation
  • Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSPER) Theory
  • Sigma and Pi Bonds
  • Molecular Orbital Theory
  • Coordinate Bonds
  • Polarity of a Molecule
  • Van der Waals Force
  • Dipole Interactions
  • Hydrogen Bonds
  • Surface Tension
  • Strength of Intermolecular Forces
  • Chemistry of Diamonds

Reaction Mechanics

  • Chemical Equilibrium
  • Basics of Statistical Mechanics
  • Le Chatelier's Principle
  • Acids and Bases
  • Acid/Base Equilibrium
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Rate of Chemical Reactions
  • Order of Chemical Reactions
  • Activation Energy
  • Chemistry of Fireworks
  • Thermometry
  • Electrolytic Cells and Electrolysis
  • Galvanic Cells

Organic Chemistry

  • Structural Representations of Organic Compounds
  • IUPAC Nomenclature - Branched Chain Alkanes, Cyclic Compounds Unsaturated Compounds
  • Structural Isomerism
  • Geometric Isomerism
  • Optical Isomerism
  • Electrophiles and Nucleophiles
  • Inductive Effect, Electromeric Effect, Resonance Effects, and Hyperconjugation
  • Reactive Intermediates
  • Common Types of Organic Reactions
  • Grignard Reagent
  • Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes
  • Do objects gain protons to become positive?
  • Chemistry Of Poisons
  • Chemistry Of Nutrition
  • Reverse Transcription
  • Mutation and DNA repair
  • Viral Replication

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What are the answers to Holt Chemistry page thirty-three Problem Solving Additional Problems work sheet?

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I tell my students that the answers are unimportant. Working through to a solution becomes a skill that helps a student in life, not just chemistry. That is, a lists of 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d, etc. helps only the idiot who thinks a list of correct answers means learning.

For example, the first question, "Why are only a few metals found in nature in their pure form, whereas most exist only as ores, which are metal containing compounds? a. Most metals have many valence electrons. b. Metals tend to lose valence electrons easily. c. Metal atoms tend to form bonds with other metal atoms easily. d. Most metal are located on the higher periods of the Periodic Table .

The first choice 'many valence electrons' applies well to group VII, the halogens, all non metals, so 'a.' is not a good choice. The second choice, 'metals lose electrons easily,' is a property of most metals but the noble metals like gold cause doubt, so lets see if there is a better answer. The third choice, 'metals bond with metals easily,' also true but metallic bonds are not the substance of bonds in compounds. The fourth choice, 'metals are located on the higher periods,' is true enough but gold is right there and so this choice is weak. 'B' is the best choice as the question gives us an out for the rule not having to hold for all metals, just most metals.

This type of analysis models the type of learning your teacher wishes for you. If you don't trust this discussion, just ask your teacher.

Nitrogen monoxide and oxygen, both colorless gases, form a red-brown gas when mixed. Nitrogen monoxide and oxygen are called the? a-products b-reactants c-synthetics d-equilibria red brown?

The answers to the Holt Chemistry page thirty-three will not be located via the internet . Students will need to review the textbook information to know the answers.

The answers to the Hold chemistry chapter 12 section 1 review can not be located online. Students will have to obtain assistance from the teacher if they need help with the answers.

How can I know the acceleration if I hit a speed of 50 m/s after 5 seconds

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What are the two main practices that aid in solving chemistry problems?

The two main practices that aid in solving chemistry problems are understanding the underlying concepts and principles involved in the problem, and practicing problem-solving techniques consistently. By mastering the fundamental concepts and regularly applying problem-solving strategies, you can effectively tackle a wide range of chemistry problems.

Why does the study of chemistry depend so much on problem solving?

Chemistry relies on problem solving because it involves understanding and predicting the behavior of matter at the molecular level. By solving problems, chemists can make sense of experimental data, design experiments, and explain complex phenomena. Problem solving also helps chemists to develop critical thinking skills and apply fundamental concepts to real-world situations.

What is Zumdahl chemistry?

Zumdahl chemistry refers to the chemistry textbooks authored by Steven S. Zumdahl. These textbooks are widely used in high school and college chemistry courses due to their clear explanations and comprehensive coverage of key concepts in chemistry. Zumdahl's approach emphasizes problem-solving skills and practical applications of chemistry principles.

What are the answers to Holt chemistry's stoichiometry problem solving packet?

Na2CO3+2H(C2H3O2) >2Na(C2H3O2) + CO2+H20

What is the best definition for context chemistry apex?

Context chemistry in the APEX program refers to understanding chemical concepts in relation to real-world applications and problem-solving scenarios. It emphasizes the relevance of chemistry in everyday life and industry, providing a practical framework for learning and applying chemical principles.


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Yes, it's equipped to handle a range of chemistry homework questions, from basic concepts to advanced topics like stoichiometry and thermodynamics. While highly specific or research-level queries might have limitations, it effectively covers most educational levels.

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Discover Frequently Asked Chemistry Questions and Their Answers

  • Formula for Cd2+ and PO43- ? also whats its name
  • What is the Lewis structure for a perchlorate ion?
  • Which of these structures has dipole-dipole interactions? Water (H2O), ethyl alcohol (CH3CH2OH), and hexane (C6H14).
  • Is a single molecule of oxygen held together by two nonpolar covalent bonds?
  • Why do the alkali metals have to be stored under oil?
  • How do you know the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom?
  • How do you define a valence electron? How do you determine the valence number of an atom?
  • Do ionic bonds occur between atoms from adjacent groups?
  • Why are the melting point and boiling point of graphite so remarkably high?
  • Which statement is INCONSISTENT with Dalton's atomic theory?
  • What is Ka for #HClO_4#?
  • How do you rank Bronsted acids?
  • Which is the stronger acid in each of the following pair #H_2SeO_3# or #H_2SeO_4#?
  • Which is the stronger acid in each of the following pair #HBrO_2# or #HBrO#?
  • How do you draw the cis and trans isomers for 1-ethyl-3-methylcyclobutane?
  • How does a hydrolysis reaction separate a polymer into its monomers?
  • Why are there cis and trans isomers?
  • What does it mean for a molecule to be optically active?
  • What is the most stable conformer for 3,3-dimethylhexane, viewed along the #C_3-C_4# bond using Newman projections?
  • Which group contains a chiral carbon? #A.# #"1-bromopropane"#. #B.# #"2-bromopropane"#. #C.# #H_3C−CH_2CHBrCH_2CH_3#. #D.# #"cyclohexyl bromide"#

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Yes, the Chemistry Assistant is designed to handle a wide range of chemistry problems, from basic to advanced. However, it's always important to cross-verify the solutions provided by the AI with trusted resources or professionals in the field to ensure accuracy and understanding, especially with more complex problems and principles.

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  1. 11 3 Practice Problems Continued Chemistry Answer Key

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  2. SOLUTION: Chemistry problem set 3

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  4. Chemistry with problem solving worksheet 4

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  5. 🎉 Problem solving in chemistry worksheet answers. Chemistry Formula

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  1. PDF Skills Worksheet Problem Solving

    The mass of a molecule of water is the sum of the masses of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and is equal to 18.02 amu. Therefore, 1 mol of water has a mass of 18.02 g. In the same way, you can relate amount, mass, and number of formula units for ionic compounds, such as NaCl, CaBr2, and Al2(SO4)3.

  2. Holt Chemistry

    Now, with expert-verified solutions from Holt Chemistry 6th Edition, you'll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for Holt Chemistry includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step. With Expert Solutions for thousands of practice problems, you can ...

  3. Holt Chemistry

    Exercise 13. At Quizlet, we're giving you the tools you need to take on any subject without having to carry around solutions manuals or printing out PDFs! Now, with expert-verified solutions from Holt Chemistry 4th Edition, you'll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for Holt Chemistry includes answers to chapter ...

  4. PDF Skills Worksheet Problem Solving

    Holt ChemFile: Problem-Solving Workbook 130 Percentage Yield Name Class Date Problem Solving continued Additional Problems 1. Ethyl acetate is a sweet-smelling solvent used in varnishes and fingernail-polish remover. It is produced industrially by heating acetic acid and ethanol together in the presence of sulfuric acid, which is added to speed ...

  5. Chemistry

    Now, with expert-verified solutions from Chemistry 5th Edition, you'll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for Chemistry includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step. With Expert Solutions for thousands of practice problems, you can take the ...

  6. PDF Skills Worksheet Problem Solving

    Holt ChemFile: Problem-Solving Workbook 119 Limiting Reactants Name Class Date Problem Solving continued Additional Problems 1. Heating zinc sulfide in the presence of oxygen yields the following: ZnS O 2 → ZnO SO 2 If 1.72 mol of ZnS is heated in the presence of 3.04 mol of O 2, which reactant will be used up? Balance the equation first. 2 ...

  7. Chemistry Problems With Answers

    Some chemistry problems ask you identify examples of states of matter and types of mixtures. While there are any chemical formulas to know, it's still nice to have lists of examples. Practice density calculations. Identify intensive and extensive properties of matter. See examples of intrinsic and extrinsic properties of matter.

  8. Problem Solving

    These pages present some common chemistry problems and strategies for solving them. The pages recommend a problem solving strategy then show you how to work through each step of the problem. As you work through the problems, you will notice that: The current step is displayed in bold. Information used in the current step is highlighted in red.

  9. General Chemistry Practice Problems

    Chemistry Steps offers thousands of practice problems on topics of general chemistry such as atoms, molecules, isotopes, mole, molar mass, the stoichiometry of chemical reactions, and related molar calculations including limiting reactant and percent yield. Over 1000 Practice Questions. Sign Up and Get Now.

  10. Pearson Chemistry

    Find step-by-step solutions and answers to Pearson Chemistry - 9780132525763, as well as thousands of textbooks so you can move forward with confidence. ... Problem Solving in Chemistry. Page 28: Assessment. Page 31: Standardized Test Prep. Exercise 1. Exercise 2. Exercise 3. ... Solving Conversion Problems. Page 95: Assessment. Page 99 ...

  11. Practice Chemistry

    Organic Chemistry. Structural Representations of Organic Compounds. IUPAC Nomenclature - Branched Chain Alkanes, Cyclic Compounds Unsaturated Compounds. Structural Isomerism. Geometric Isomerism. Optical Isomerism. Electrophiles and Nucleophiles. Inductive Effect, Electromeric Effect, Resonance Effects, and Hyperconjugation. Reactive Intermediates.

  12. What are the answers to Holt Chemistry page thirty-three Problem

    The two main practices that aid in solving chemistry problems are understanding the underlying concepts and principles involved in the problem, and practicing problem-solving techniques consistently.

  13. Mastering Chemistry: Tackle the Tricky 13.3 Practice Problems with

    Practicing chemistry problems is essential for mastering the subject and developing a solid understanding of its concepts. Chemistry is a complex science that deals with the structure, properties, composition, and reactions of matter. It requires critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deep knowledge of various theories and principles.

  14. Introduction − The Many Types and Kinds of Chemistry Problems

    Problem solving is a complex set of activities, processes, and behaviors for which various models have been used at various times. Specifically, "problem solving is a process by which the learner discovers a combination of previously learned rules that they can apply to achieve a solution to a new situation (that is, the problem)". 2 Zoller identifies problem solving, along with critical ...

  15. Mathway

    Free math problem solver answers your chemistry homework questions with step-by-step explanations. Mathway. Visit Mathway on the web. Start 7-day free trial on the app. Start 7-day free trial on the app. Download free on Amazon. Download free in Windows Store. Take a photo of your math problem on the app. get Go. Chemistry. Basic Math.

  16. Basic Chemistry

    Now, with expert-verified solutions from Basic Chemistry 6th Edition, you'll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for Basic Chemistry includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step. With Expert Solutions for thousands of practice problems, you can ...

  17. Chemistry AI Problem Solver

    HIX Tutor is the best chemistry solver designed to assist students and researchers in solving complex chemistry problems. It offers a wide range of features, including step-by-step solutions and detailed explanations of key concepts. With HIX Tutor, users can better understand chemical reactions, improve problem-solving skills, and gain a ...

  18. Chemistry Assistant

    This AI tool helps answer chemistry questions and solve chemistry problems. HyperWrite's Chemistry Assistant is an AI-powered tool designed to answer chemistry questions and think through solving chemistry problems. By leveraging advanced AI models, this tool simplifies complex chemistry problems and provides detailed, understandable solutions.