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PhD Program in Communication, New Media & Cultural Studies

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The PhD in Communication, New Media and Cultural Studies (CNMCS) is an innovative transdisciplinary joint program between the Departments of Communication Studies and Media Arts (CSMA) and the Department of English and Cultural Studies (ECS).

Tristan Toye

I was greeted with a nurturing love of reading and learning. It was the ability to sit down, focus and construct an argument or opinion. Reading is a superpower.

Tristan Toye '14

Casey  Mecija

My program at McMaster provided me with the opportunity to commune with students and professors who encouraged interdisciplinary approaches to creating knowledge.

Casey Mecija '13

Combined Honours Communication and Multimedia Studies

Tianna Hernandez

The value of a Humanities degree can be transferred to a wide array of career possibilities. So, you can have confidence knowing that it will serve you well, no matter what.

Tianna Hernandez '16

Communication Studies

About the Program

The challenges we face today—social and environmental injustice, climate change, precarious work, surveillance and a shrinking public sphere—are complex and multifaceted. Among their many other dimensions, they are questions of communication and culture, which demand urgent engagement. The PhD in Communication, New Media and Cultural Studies (CNMCS) is for creative students who embrace complexity, love difficult questions and believe that the problems we face today are, fundamentally, problems of communication and culture. Learning to read , critique and create culture, media and communication is critical to seeing things, and doing things, in new ways.

The PhD in Communication, New Media and Cultural Studies (CNMCS) is a joint program between the Departments of Communication Studies and Media Arts (CSMA) and the Department of English and Cultural Studies (ECS) . Our many complementary strengths are in areas including new media arts, performance, policy, visual culture, digital culture, music/sound, gender and sexuality, critical race studies, Indigenous studies, postcolonial and diasporic studies, transnational culture and international communications, critical environmental studies, political economy, professional communication, and media analysis and strategy. The program draws faculty members from CSMA and ECS as well as other departments in the Humanities to act as supervisors of CNMCS doctoral students.

Downward facing arrow in black circle

Admission Requirements

The PhD Degree Program normally entails four years of study. The admission requirement is a completed MA, MSc, MFA or Master of Communication Management (MCM.) degree in a relevant field (e.g. Communication Studies, Cultural Studies, New Media, etc.). We also welcome applications from students with a Master’s degree in a related field (e.g. Music, Digital Humanities, Visual Culture, Visual and Fine Arts, Sociology, Anthropology, Women’s and Gender Studies, English, Philosophy, Interdisciplinary Studies, etc.) who have focused on research germane to the program and can demonstrate, in their letters of application, how their graduate work to date has prepared them for a PhD in Communication, New Media and Cultural Studies. While students must have expertise in at least one of New Media, Communication or Cultural Studies, the committee will look particularly favourably on students who have demonstrated fluency in two or more program areas. A successful applicant from an MA program with a coursework component will have grades of at least A- in two-thirds of their courses. Students whose training has not included graded coursework are encouraged to submit a dossier of work completed during their Master’s program.

Language Requirements

For applicants who do not hold a post-secondary degree from a program whose language of instruction was English, you will be required to provide an official record of the Test of English as a Foreign Language. A TOEFL score of 600 on the paper-based test, 250 on the computerized test, and 100 on the Internet-based test is required. If you are submitting the IELTS test, a score of 7 is required.

Application Process

The deadline for submission of completed applications (including supporting documentation) for September entry into the PhD program is January 14th. The online application system will open on November 15th for September admission. Application fees are not refundable.

Only completed applications (including supporting documentation) will be reviewed. Your application materials and supporting documents must be uploaded to the application system. Supporting documents can also be sent directly to the Department of Communication Studies and Media Arts via email to the Graduate Administrator at [email protected] .  If sending supporting documentation directly to the Department, please send them as PDF files in one email per the instructions listed below with the subject line “Last Name, First Name: Supporting Documents” (your name should be listed as it appears in your online application).  Alternatively, you may mail your application materials to the following address (DO NOT USE STAPLES):

Department of Communication Studies and Media Arts

c/o Graduate Administrative Assistant

Togo Salmon Hall 332

McMaster University

1280 Main Street West

Hamilton, ON  L8S 4M2

Documents Required:

  • A completed Online Application
  • Application Fee (submitted during the online application process). This fee is non-refundable and must be paid in Canadian dollars by means of a credit or debit card payment.
  • Two (2) academic recommendations from instructors most familiar with your work . Recommendations may be submitted directly via email from the referees to [email protected] , or provided via the online application system. If submitting the references by postal mail or in person, please ensure that referees have signed across the seal of the envelope. NOTE: THE ONLINE APPLICATION SYSTEM WILL PROMPT YOUR REFEREES TO SUBMIT REFERENCES. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE YOUR REFERENCES ARE SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICATION DEADLINE, AND TO REQUEST THOSE LETTERS PERSONALLY, IN TIME FOR LETTERS TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE DEADLINE.  PLEASE REQUEST ALL LETTERS WELL BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION.
  • One ( 1 ) official transcript of all academic work completed to date (including undergraduate and graduate if applicable). Upload a scan of your transcript to the application system, and arrange to have an official transcript sent directly to the Department of Communication Studies and Media Arts from the issuing institution.  If you have had the transcripts mailed to you, or you picked them up yourself from the issuing institution, they must come in a sealed envelope with the  original university seal .  If the final transcript does not show that a completed degree has been conferred, an official copy of your diploma is also required.  Please submit your official sealed transcripts by mail to the address listed above, or by secure e-transcript from the issuing institution to [email protected]
  • A 500-word (two pages, double-spaced) statement of interest. The statement of interest plays an important role in our assessment of your application.  It is an opportunity to outline the thesis you propose to undertake and to present your theoretical interests, areas of critical or creative engagement, and your particular fields of emerging expertise. Your statement of interest should include the following:
  • The thesis model you propose to produce;
  • A traditional thesis , which will normally be between 200 and 250 pages (not including bibliography);
  • A research-creation or project-based thesis , which will consist of a body of work and written commentary on that work of between 100 and 150 pages; such a thesis may involve arts based research, or it may involve the creation of such things as tool kits, social interventions, learning platforms, databases, new media archives, documentary films or podcasts; or
  • A sandwich thesis , which, in accordance with McMaster’s Thesis Preparation Guide, must consist of a minimum of three scholarly works on a unified theme, either previously published or exhibited, submitted for peer-review, or prepared for publication/exhibition but not yet submitted (in CNMCS, these works may include journal articles submitted for peer review, or art/media/performance pieces submitted for peer-adjudication); these works must be accompanied by substantial introductory and concluding chapters, addressing the methodologies, theories and approaches that unify and inform the research. If the sandwich thesis is used for a series of research creation projects, the student will present an explanatory narrative that connects the projects and argues for their significance. The typical length of a sandwich thesis will be about 200 pages, plus bibliography.
  • The objectives of your critical or creative research, including the question, problem, or issue you are interested in addressing;
  • The critical debates, theoretical frameworks, creative models, artistic concepts, primary works and/or methodological approaches that will inform your thesis;
  • One or more faculty members who you think might be suitable supervisors for your thesis;
  • A brief reflection upon activities or experiences relevant to your research and to contributing to an engaged and engaging PhD program (i.e. community engagement activities, knowledge mobilization activities, previous experience as a research assistant or teaching assistant);
  • Your motivations to pursue this program.
  • Important: please list the names of your two referees and their email addresses at the end of your statement. Please submit your statement of interest to the online application system. You may also send your statement of interest as a PDF file via email to [email protected] .
  • A sample of your academic writing. You should submit a copy of an academic essay that you’ve written for a graduate course; the essay should demonstrate your writing abilities and your ideas. Ideally, it should be no longer than 20 pages double-spaced. Please submit your sample of writing to the online application system. You may also submit your sample of writing as a PDF file via email to [email protected] .
  • A sample (or samples) of your multimedia work (if applicable). Students with a Media Arts background are strongly encouraged to submit a sample of their creative work. P lease upload your sample or work or links to your sample of work to the application system. You may also submit links to your samples of work in one PDF file to [email protected]
  • A current Curriculum Vitae (CV), preferably no longer than 2 pages.
  • Evidence of competency in English: Applicants whose native language is not English will be required to provide an official record of the Test of English as a Foreign Language. A TOEFL score of 600 on the paper-based test, 250 on the computerized test, and 100 on the Internet-based test is required. If you are submitting the IELTS test, a score of 7.0 is required. Please upload your unofficial result to the application system and arrange to have your official score report sent by mail to the address listed above.

For any additional information about the application process, contact us at [email protected] .

Program Timelines & Milestones

Students of the program must complete 18 units of approved coursework by the end of the second year, including: 4 courses, for a total of 12 units, to be completed in year 1; and two 3-unit doctoral seminars, taken in year 1 and year 2. As part of the 4 courses to be completed in year 1, students must take at least one of either CULTR ST 732 or CMST&MM 700 (unless they have taken either course or a direct equivalent during a previous degree program). With the permission of the CNMCS Ph.D. Advisory Committee, students may take 3 units of electives from graduate courses offered by programs other than CNMCS.

Comprehensive Examination

Students in the program will be required to take the Comprehensive Examination in the area of their intended thesis research. This will involve writing two papers, a Field Survey and a Topic Paper, and defending both in an oral examination. The Field Survey should show broad expertise in the wider field of knowledge the candidate’s research will engage, i.e. one or more of the fields of Communication Studies, Cultural Studies or New Media/Media Arts. The Topic Paper describes how the candidate’s thesis intervenes in the chosen field(s) and the particular contribution it will make. Both papers are to be researched and written concurrently by the candidate, are to be between 25 and 30 double-spaced pages in length, and are due in February of the second year of study. The Oral Examination of both papers will follow within 10 days of submission. The candidate’s mark in the Comprehensive Examination will be calculated on the average of the grades for the Field Survey, the Topic Paper and the Oral Examination.

Qualifying Dossier

Over the course of their graduate study, students in the program will develop a qualifying dossier in consultation with their supervisory committee. Possible components of the qualifying dossier, of which the student will complete at least six, include:

  • a grant application;
  • presentation of a conference paper or artist talk;
  • a revision and submission of an article or artistic piece for peer-reviewed publication or juried exhibition;
  • a research ethics proposal;
  • a syllabus and a teaching philosophy statement;
  • an op-ed or other knowledge translation project (e.g., a blog, performance, artwork, website, new media project, etc.)
  • Education 751 (offered by McMaster’s MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching)
  • participation in four professionalization workshops (academic or non-academic), offered by ECS, CSMA, or the Faculty of Humanities
  • a published book review/exhibition review in a scholarly journal
  • a community-engagement project
  • a guest lecture
  • participation in conference organizing

Work completed as part of course requirements may be included in the dossier at the discretion of the supervisory committee.

The candidate will complete a thesis in one of the following forms:

  • A traditional thesis , which will normally be between 200 and 250 pages (not including bibliography).
  • A research-creation or project-based thesis , which will consist of a body of work and written commentary on that work of between 100 and 150 pages; such a thesis may involve arts-based research, or it may involve the creation of such things as tool kits, social interventions, learning platforms, databases, new media archives, documentary films, or podcasts;
  • By March 1 of year 1 of the program, students will submit a short proposal (1000 words plus bibliography) for the thesis, identifying the area of their intended thesis research, for the approval of the Admissions and Review Committee. 
  • With the guidance of their supervisory committee and their peers in the year 2 doctoral seminar, students will develop a long proposal (10-15 pages plus bibliography), to be submitted for approval by August 31 of year 2.  
  • Years 3 and 4 of the degree will be dedicated to the completion of the thesis, which must be defended in an oral examination.

Tuition & Program Fees

Visit Graduate Studies to learn more about tuition, supplementary fees and everything you need to know about being paid as a Teaching or Research Assistant. Tuition fees are assessed on a term by term basis, depending on the number of courses a student takes or if they are paying by term.

Faculty Scholarship Adjustments Guidelines

The McMaster Graduate Scholarship (MGS) is the most common form of scholarship support available to graduate students in our program. The MGS ensures that students receive a guaranteed minimum level of scholarship support. Adjustments to the MGS will depend on other available scholarships.

The Faculty of Humanities Adjustments guidelines policy is available for review.


Student studying on laptop computer


Research your passion in Communication and New Media with supervision from our world-class faculty.

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Learn about our PhD program students.


PhD Course Listings

The following is a list of all courses included as potential offerings in CNMCS. Aside from the required courses, course offerings change regularly from one academic year to the next.

  • CNMCS 700 / Doctoral Seminar in Communication, New Media and Cultural Studies 1 (required)
  • CNMCS 701 / Doctoral Seminar in Communication, New Media, and Cultural Studies 2 (required)
  • CMST&MM 702 / Media and Social Issues
  • CMST&MM 703 / New Media Studio Topics
  • CMST&MM 705 / Digital Media and Cultural Exchange
  • CMST&MM 706 / Technologies of Communication
  • CMST&MM 707 / Theoretical Issues in Media, Culture and Communication
  • CMST&MM 708 / Selected Topics in Communication and New Media
  • CMST&MM 710 / International Communication
  • CMST&MM 714 / Feminism, Technology and Science
  • CMST&MM 715 / Cultural Memory, the Media, and “Us”
  • CMST&MM 716 / Critical Perspectives on Documentary
  • CMST&MM 717 / Youth, New Media and Culture
  • CMST&MM 718 / Critical Approaches to Communication Policy & Law
  • CMST&MM 719 / Media and Mimesis: Installation and Performance Media
  • CMST&MM 720 / Data Cultures
  • CMST&MM 721 / Alternative Media Forms in Africa
  • CMST&MM 722 / Beyoncé Studies: Creativity, Celebrity, and Activism
  • CMST&MM 723 / Islam, Feminisms and Global Media
  • CMST&MM 724 / Visions of Extinction: What the End Looks Like From Here
  • CMST&MM 725 / Theory, Race, and Power
  • CMST&MM 726 / Media, Sustainability, and Climate Justice
  • CMST&MM 727 / Cultural Production and the Environment
  • CMST&MM 728 / Critical Hope in Times of Protracted Crises
  • CMST&MM 731 / Crisis Management and Communication
  • CULTR ST 708 / Selfie/Culture
  • CULTR ST 710 / Decolonial, Anti-Racist, and Anti-Oppressive Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning Otherwise
  • CULTR ST 711 / Celebrity/Culture
  • CULTR ST 712 / Queer, Two-Spirit, & Trans- Indigenous Writings
  • CULTR ST 716 / Bob Dylan and American Culture: Memory, Consciousness and Meaning
  • CULTR ST 717 / Global Sex
  • CULTR ST 721 / Writing, Land, and Place
  • CULTR ST 725 / Romanticism, War, and Peace
  • CULTR ST 729 / Cultural Studies and the Politics of Cultural Pedagogy
  • CULTR ST 730 / Indigenous Literature of North America
  • CULTR ST 731 / Anxiety Disorders: The Cultural Politics of Risk
  • CULTR ST 734 / Appropriation and Canadian Literature: History, Theory, Controversies
  • CULTR ST 742 / Mapping South Asian Masculinities
  • CULTR ST 743 / Reimagining Nature: Science and Empire in the Long Eighteenth Century
  • CULTR ST 746 / American Counterculture Literature, 1950-1990: Beat, Hippie, Punk
  • CULTR ST 747 / Discourses of Empire 1700-1820
  • CULTR ST 748 / Last Things: Life and Death in the Anthropocenes
  • CULTR ST 749 / Getting and Spending: The Birth of Consumer Culture
  • CULTR ST 750 / Gothic, Sensation and Victorian Discourses of the Body
  • CULTR ST 752 / Trans-Atlantic Indigeneity: Indigenous Literary Presence in Europe
  • CULTR ST 755 / Neoliberalism and the Limits of the Social
  • CULTR ST 756 / The Secret Life of Things in the Eighteenth Century
  • CULTR ST 757 / Gender, Civility, and Courtliness in Early Modern Europe
  • CULTR ST 758 / Literature as Witness
  • CULTR ST 759 / Victorian Natures
  • CULTR ST 761 / Framing CanLit
  • CULTR ST 762 / Queer Historicisms and British Cultural Memory
  • CULTR ST 765 / Biopolitics: An Introduction
  • CULTR ST 767 / Regarding Animals: Theories of Non-Human Life
  • CULTR ST 770 / Queer Caribbean Writing: Sex, Gender, Politics
  • CULTR ST 773 / “Revolt and Remember”: Resilience in the Postcolonial Environmental Humanities
  • CULTR ST 775 / Topics in South Asian Literature and Culture
  • CULTR ST 776 / Community Engaged Narrative Arts
  • CULTR ST 779 / The Times We Live In
  • CULTR ST 780 / Engendering the (Queer, Trans, Non-Binary) Transnational Early Modern Stage: Then and Now
  • CULTR ST 781 / Public Mourning in Canada: What Makes a Life Grievable?
  • CULTR ST 782 / Seed Stories of Black and Indigenous Survivance
  • CULTR ST 785 / Migratory Routes: Indian Diasporic Fiction and Film
  • CULTR ST 791 / Rethinking Politics: Thinking Past War, Democracy, and Terror

Course Outlines

Graduate course outlines will be posted at the beginning of the semester, where possible. In cases where current outlines are not available, outlines from previous offerings have been posted. Please note that the content and format of a course may vary significantly from one semester to another. Course offerings rotate regularly and therefore some elective courses may not have recent course outlines available.

Graduate Course Timetables

The timetables for graduate courses in the Department of Communication Studies and Media Arts are generally finalized over the summer, in order to accommodate teaching assistant schedules and other logistical requirements. Please note that the schedule may be subject to change, particularly in the case of instructors who are teaching virtual courses.

Students admitted to the MA and PhD Programs in Communication and New Media generally receive an entrance scholarship and a Teaching Assistantship, or funding-in-lieu of the TAship. Entrance scholarship amounts vary and are normally determined by the MA or PhD Graduate Committee at the time of admission.

The university also has various bursaries and scholarships. Graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Graduate students wishing to travel to research, exhibit, perform, or present at academic conferences may be eligible for financial support from the the Graduate Students Association (GSA), Communication Studies and Media Arts department, their supervisor, and/or other travel funds, awards, bursaries, and scholarships, subject to the availability of funds. For more information, contact your supervisor and [email protected] .  Also, visit the School of Graduate Studies Scholarship information page and click on ‘travel’ for a list of available resources

Students considering graduate school are encouraged to research scholarships well in advance because some external scholarship applications are due even before the student has been accepted to graduate school. Depending on a student’s area of interest, grades and overall profile, external scholarships may be available through a variety of sources, including government agencies and the private sector. The scholarships listed below are the ones most commonly held by MA and PhD students in Ontario. 

Ontario Graduate Scholarship

Note that applications must be submitted directly to the institution(s) where you plan to pursue graduate studies. The deadline is normally in the fall, before the application deadline for graduate school in Canada.

Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program

Graduate Scholarship – As with OGS, applications for the Canada Graduate Scholarship must be submitted through an eligible institution. The deadline is usually December 1, before the application deadline for graduate school.

McMaster Graduate Studies Scholarship Information

The School of Graduate Studies provides funding to our graduate students so they can devote their time and energy to the successful completion of their studies.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship

The deadline for SSHRC applications is usually in the fall. Applications can be made directly to SSHRC or through your institution.

  • Program Handbook
  • Thesis Defence
  • Graduate Calendar
  • School of Graduate Studies Graduate Resources
  • Faculty of Humanities Adjustments Guidelines

All students admitted to the MA in Communication and New Media and PhD in Communication, New Media and Cultural Studies are awarded a teaching assistantship or a financially-equivalent award (e.g. a research assistantship). The teaching assistantship is not only a significant part of the funding package for our students but also an important opportunity for professionalization. There are training sessions for TAs at the start of the academic year, and both TAs and RAs gain ongoing mentorship from their faculty supervisors. 

Students are usually assigned two TAships: one in the fall term and the other in the winter term. Each TAship is 130 hours (averaging 10 hours per week). Assignments are based on students’ interests and experience (as communicated in a questionnaire distributed over the summer), and the department’s teaching needs. Faculty supervisors are responsible for the design and delivery of the course; the responsibilities of TAs include leading tutorials, meeting with students, and participating in assessment. Some TAs have a “marker” role; markers do not lead tutorials but, rather, assist with other aspects of content delivery and evaluation. 

A research assistantship is an excellent way for students to enhance their learning about the research process and to work closely with a faculty mentor.

There are two kinds of research assistantships for MA and PhD students. The first is an RA-in-lieu, which is given in place of a TAship. RA-in-lieu positions are for the same number of hours as a TAship (130 hours per semester in the fall and winter terms) and paid at the same rate as a TAship.

The second type of research assistantship is supplemental to a student’s main TAship or RAship. Students may be hired for a supplemental RAship on an ad hoc basis, usually to assist with faculty research. These supplemental RAships are sometimes offered to incoming students or are advertised to current students. The rate of pay and duties are set out in a contract, and RAs must submit hours of work forms on a bi-weekly basis. One final note: the number of hours that graduate students may work per year is capped at 505 hours; the hours worked for both the standard TAship/RA-in-lieu and any supplemental RAship count toward this number.

The PhD Teaching Fellowships are an exciting opportunity for PhD students in the Humanities to develop and teach their own undergraduate course. Teaching Fellows also participate in mentoring at both the faculty and departmental level.

PhD students become eligible for a teaching fellowship after they successfully submit their long thesis proposal. Usually, they are able to apply at the end of their third year to teach a course in their fourth year.

Near the end of winter term, available courses are shared with eligible students. Applications should include a cover letter explaining their experience and abilities for teaching the course; a maximum two-page explanation of their approach to teaching the course and a CV.

Teaching assistants are key partners in the classroom who benefit from, and contribute to, ongoing training in pedagogy. In recognition of the fact that the learning environment is constantly changing, our Instructional Committee maintains a course shell on Avenue that contains information regarding resources on campus, rights and responsibilities of TAs as well as supervisors, diversity and inclusion, approaches to managing questions and challenges in the classroom, grading and more. Current teaching assistants all have access to this course shell. An initial orientation is also held before classes commence.

McMaster is home to a vibrant student body, including highly engaged graduate students. The Graduate Students Association serves and represents graduate students across campus, providing a number of resources and services. Graduate students are encouraged to get involved with the GSA and to participate in the many events they organize throughout the year.

Many scholarly associations also have special committees or student groups that organize events, offer discounted fees or provide conference funding specifically for graduate students. One example is the  Canadian Communication Association  but there are many others, nationally and internationally.

The PhD in Communication, New Media and Cultural Studies equips students with skills that are crucial for our digital, knowledge-based economy. These include advanced research skills appropriate for work in the policy, not-for-profit and education sectors; high-level cultural, social and digital literacies; knowledge of and ability to innovate in modes and methods of communication; and the capacity for analyzing and engaging complex systems and problems.

CNMCS can prepare students for work in a wide range of sectors not only including education, but also the public service, the arts and the private sector. Since our founding in 2016, each cohort has been diverse in terms of background and interests, and accordingly, we expect that our graduates will follow very different paths.

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Stay tuned for when our first cohort of PhD students will graduate!

Department Life

Our program benefits from the close interaction between faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students. Graduate students participate in many aspects of departmental life, as teaching assistants and sometimes as assistants in research initiatives headed by faculty members. Graduate students are encouraged to attend events by visiting speakers across the university and are given opportunities, where possible, to perform and deliver guest lectures, and attend invited talks.


Graduate Certificates and Diplomas

Students in our doctoral program are eligible to participate in the Gender Studies and Feminist Research Graduate Diploma. Application for the Graduate Diploma (PhD) in Gender and Social Justice is normally made after the first year of doctoral study for entry into the program during the student’s second year of the PhD Program. Occasionally, students may be allowed to begin the Graduate Diploma in their third year of the PhD, but no later.

Available Gender Studies and Feminist Research Graduate Diploma

Students in our doctoral program are eligible to participate in the Graduate Diploma (PhD) in Gender and Social Justice. Application for the Graduate Diploma is normally made after the first year of doctoral study for entry into the program during the student’s second year of the PhD Program.  Occasionally, students may be allowed to begin the Graduate Diploma in their third year of the PhD, but no later.

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  • PhD Health Information Science
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Media Studies General Inquiries [email protected] 519-661-4017

PhD in Media Studies (PhD MS)

Typewriter keys

Critical media studies in FIMS

  • a dynamic, interdisciplinary approach to media studies
  • excellence in research and teaching
  • faculty expertise and mentoring from a range of disciplines and theoretical perspectives
  • small class sizes that encourage scholarly debate and discussion
  • a close-knit, collegial community of students and faculty
  • a generous funding package

Media studies at the doctoral level

Meet our media studies students.

Photo of Maharus Noorani

Mars Noorani

MA Media Studies candidate.

Photo of Jelena Belenzada

Jelena Belenzada

Photo of Zak Bronson

Zak Bronson

PhD Media Studies candidate.

Photo of Chandell Gosse

Chandell Gosse

Photo of Amara Pope

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Communication (PhD)

Program overview Program structure Admission requirements Application process Tuition & funding

Program overview

The PhD in Communication provides students with advanced training in media and cultural analysis. Communication academics pursue a range of different inquiries at the crossroads of humanities and social science research. Our faculty members are scholars, artists, and media-makers who have extensive experience in graduate supervision and who have published award-winning books and articles in internationally leading journals, as well as producing innovative projects in time-based media and other non-textual formats. You will study areas as varied as game studies, representations of gender and race, digital media, feminist media studies, and research-creation. You will have the opportunity to work on a variety of research projects and benefit from Montreal’s fertile media arts environment.

Program structure

Degree requirements, degree requirements.

Fully-qualified candidates are required to complete a minimum of 90 credits.

Please see the Communication Studies Courses page for course descriptions.

Communication PhD (90 credits)


credits of Required Courses:

Integrative Seminar (3.00) Doctoral Pro-Seminar (3.00)

12credits chosen from


Doctoral Examination (3.00)



Doctoral Thesis Proposal (6.00)



Doctoral Thesis Research (63.00)

Communication PhD Electives (12 credits)

Research Workshop (3.00) Advanced Seminar in Research Methods I (3.00) Advanced Seminar in Research Methods II (3.00) Cultural Industries (3.00) Media Reception (3.00) Communication Policy (3.00) Uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (3.00) Speech Communication (3.00) Discourse and Representation (3.00) Discourse within Social Formations (3.00) Organizational Culture (3.00) Communication and Change in Organizations (3.00) Identities and Cultural Exchange (3.00) Globalization of Communication (3.00) Technology and Organization (3.00) Media Technology as Practice (3.00) International Communication and Development (3.00) Communication, Conflict and Peace (3.00) Human-Computer Interactions (3.00) Communication Networks and Organization (3.00) Communication, Democracy and Power (3.00) History and Historiography of Media and Culture (3.00) Cultural Theory in Communication Studies (3.00) Popular Culture (3.00) Alternative Media (3.00) Strategies and Styles in Communication (3.00) Discourses of the Body (3.00) Theories of Organizational Communication (3.00) Communication Technologies and Society (3.00) Epistemology and Methodology of Media Creation (3.00) Advanced Seminar in Special Topics in the PhD in Communication (3.00)

Admission requirements

Admission requirements.

  • MA in Communication or its equivalent.
  • A thoroughly articulated research project outline.
  • Proficiency in English. Applicants whose primary language is not English must demonstrate that their knowledge of English is sufficient to pursue graduate studies in their chosen field. Please refer to the English language proficiency page for further information on requirements and exemptions.
  • Language Requirements. Applicants should have a level of competence that would allow them to read technical material and follow lectures and discussions in English. Students may participate in discussions, write reports, examinations and theses in English or French, as they choose.

Application process

Application deadlines.

phd in journalism in canada

Priority will be given to complete applications submitted by the deadline. In some cases, programs may continue to accept applications as long as there is space available.

International students: Considering the waiting period involved in meeting the entry requirements to Canada and Quebec , we strongly encourage international applicants to apply early and submit supporting documents prior to the deadline.

Tuition & funding

Tuition and fees.

Tuition and fees of the program may depend on your student status, among other key factors. Estimate these costs based on the most common situations.

Awards and funding

Funding packages are generally available for students in thesis-based programs. They come in the form of awards, teaching and research assistantships are offered at the time of admission to most students to allow them to focus on their research and studies. Research and thesis-based students are automatically considered for all entrance graduate awards when they apply to Concordia, provided they meet eligibility criteria. No separate application is required.

The Quebec and Canadian governments offer a number of competitive graduate scholarships. We encourage you to apply for these awards at the same time you are preparing your application.

Other programs of interest

Communication studies (grdip) course-based.

Communication Studies (GrDip)

Join a diverse body of young scholars and professionals working to expand their personal qualifications with an intensive and hands-on introduction to the field of communication.

Department of Communication Studies

Faculty of Arts & Science

© Concordia University

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Journalism graduate and post-graduate programs and degrees offered in Canada.

Browse and compare over 10,000 master's, graduate certificate, doctorate (PHD) and residency programs offered in universities, faculties and research centres across Canada.

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Study and Work in Journalism in Canada

What Journalism Students Learn Topics and concepts that are covered and the overall approach or focus taken in studying Journalism.

Career and Employment Opportunities in Journalism Professions or occupations available to graduates in Journalism and links to employment resources.

Journalism is a course of study which prepares students for work in broadcast, print and web-based media, working primarily as reporters, editors and writers.

Journalism is closely related to studies in English, creative writing, photography, communications, media studies, publishing, and any professional programs that prepare students for careers in the broadcasting and digital media industries.

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York University

The objectives of the PhD program include:

Providing experience and training in advanced research, and developing critical and analytical skills.

Preparing candidates for a career in teaching, or research in cultural industries or nonprofit organizations.

Providing a broad knowledge of the fields of Communication Studies and Cultural Studies with an emphasis on two of the program’s three fields (Media and Culture, Policy and Practice and Technology in Practice).

Facilitating the acquisition of autonomy in conducting research, through the dissertation as well as such avenues as conference papers, scholarly publications, policy consulting, and creative exhibitions.

Students have full access to academic facilities and services at both universities. The required MA and PhD core courses are normally offered both at York and Toronto Metropolitan University. All other courses are offered usually at the campus where the instructor has her or his primary appointment. There are two Graduate Program Directors, one at each university. For administrative reasons, students must directly apply to either York or Toronto Metropolitan University. There are minor differences in ancillary fees, student support and regulations between the two universities. Only York has graduate residences. 

The commute between the two campuses takes about one hour by TTC and 40 minutes to one hour by car.  

There are academic and applied courses offered at both universities. Please see the Course Listings section for more details.

Since moving to the Technology Enhanced Learning building, ComCult at York has access to more technical equipment than ever before. However, access is not always available because of budgetary constraints and competition with undergraduate requirements. The program’s mandate is academic and critical, and the applied aspect of the program is meant to supplement the theoretical aspect. In particular, we have limited capacity to train students in media making.  

At York, the program is most closely associated with Communication Studies in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. Faculty are drawn from Environmental Studies, Humanities, Political Science, Cinema & Media Studies, Visual Arts & Art History, Design, Osgoode Hall Law School, the Schulich School of Business, among others. At Toronto Metropolitan University, faculty are drawn from Image Arts, Radio and Television Arts, Journalism, Information Technology Management, English, Political Science, Sociology, among others.

phd in journalism in canada

The York & Toronto Metropolitan University Joint Graduate Program in Communication & Culture at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education.

Connect with Communication & Culture @ York

PhD Journalism and Mass Communications programs in Canada

Deadline information, best universities with journalism and mass communications in canada.

best universities with journalism-and-mass-communications programs

Bachelor Journalism and Mass Communications programs in Canada

bachelor journalism-and-mass-communications programs

Master Journalism and Mass Communications programs in Canada

master journalism-and-mass-communications programs

Most Popular Journalism and Mass Communications programs in Canada

most popular journalism-and-mass-communications programs

PhD Journalism and Mass Communications programs in Canada

phd journalism-and-mass-communications programs

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Master of Journalism (MJ)

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Journalists have traditionally sought to provide news and information in an accurate, timely and accessible manner to enable the public to make informed decisions. Yet journalism is in flux, with the digital age blurring boundaries of news production and consumption between professionals, citizens and activists. The aim at the UBC Master of Journalism program is to develop graduates who understand the evolving media environment and who are able to use journalistic practices to contribute to meaningful public discourse across all forms of media.

The Master of Journalism (MJ) degree is a full-time, intensive program which includes a summer internship.  It provides students with professional experience and academic grounding to help them prosper in a digital knowledge economy. Students acquire the knowledge and practical skills they need to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the evolving digital media ecosystem, developing skills such as investigative reporting, web, audio, visual and data journalism, immersive storytelling and social media analytics.

Our distinctive approach to journalism education has two components: academic specialization and professional training. Students undertake a program of study focused on an academic area — relevant to a student's background and passions. Paired with the academic teaching is hands-on training in multimedia production alongside experienced professionals.

For specific program requirements, please refer to the departmental program website

What makes the program unique?

The Master of Journalism program is a unique, boutique masters program in one of the most diverse and beautiful cities in the world. We are an award-winning program modeled on a small Liberal Arts college with small class sizes and one-on-one attention. Students can tailor the program around their own passions, taking courses that reflect evolving methods, practices and technologies in journalism. Students have contact with professors both in and outside of the classroom, while faculty and staff mentor students on freelancing opportunities, internships and career options.

Faculty members come from the highest levels of major media organizations. They include recognized leaders in digital journalism and media scholarship who combine professional experience and academic research and scholarship. We pride ourselves on our student-centred approach to teaching, often continuing to mentor them long after they graduate. The program provides graduates with the optimal mix of academic theory and practice to succeed as a journalist.

The School of Journalism's professors having recent and current gigs at the BBC, 60 Minutes, CBC, The Tyee, Vancouver Sun, National Post, The Globe and Mail, and other notable media outlets sold me on applying for and then enrolling in the school.

phd in journalism in canada

Katie Hyslop

Quick Facts

Program enquiries, admission information & requirements, program instructions.

You will need to submit your application through the Online Application system in order to trigger a reference request to your referees. We recommend that you notify your referees as early as possible in your application process to avoid delays in the adjudication of your application.

1) Check Eligibility

Minimum academic requirements.

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies establishes the minimum admission requirements common to all applicants, usually a minimum overall average in the B+ range (76% at UBC). The graduate program that you are applying to may have additional requirements. Please review the specific requirements for applicants with credentials from institutions in:

  • Canada or the United States
  • International countries other than the United States

Each program may set higher academic minimum requirements. Please review the program website carefully to understand the program requirements. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission as it is a competitive process.

English Language Test

Applicants from a university outside Canada in which English is not the primary language of instruction must provide results of an English language proficiency examination as part of their application. Tests must have been taken within the last 24 months at the time of submission of your application.

Minimum requirements for the two most common English language proficiency tests to apply to this program are listed below:

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language - internet-based

Overall score requirement : 104

IELTS: International English Language Testing System

Overall score requirement : 7.5

Other Test Scores

Some programs require additional test scores such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Test (GMAT). The requirements for this program are:

The GRE is not required.

Prior degree, course and other requirements

Prior degree requirements.

A degree in any discipline that is academically equivalent to a UBC 4-year Bachelor’s degree.

2) Meet Deadlines

September 2025 intake, application open date, canadian applicants, international applicants, deadline explanations.

Deadline to submit online application. No changes can be made to the application after submission.

Deadline to upload scans of official transcripts through the applicant portal in support of a submitted application. Information for accessing the applicant portal will be provided after submitting an online application for admission.

Deadline for the referees identified in the application for admission to submit references. See Letters of Reference for more information.

3) Prepare Application


All applicants have to submit transcripts from all past post-secondary study. Document submission requirements depend on whether your institution of study is within Canada or outside of Canada.

Letters of Reference

A minimum of three references are required for application to graduate programs at UBC. References should be requested from individuals who are prepared to provide a report on your academic ability and qualifications.

Statement of Interest

Many programs require a statement of interest , sometimes called a "statement of intent", "description of research interests" or something similar.

  • Supervision

Students in research-based programs usually require a faculty member to function as their thesis supervisor. Please follow the instructions provided by each program whether applicants should contact faculty members.

Instructions regarding thesis supervisor contact for Master of Journalism (MJ)

Citizenship verification.

Permanent Residents of Canada must provide a clear photocopy of both sides of the Permanent Resident card.

4) Apply Online

All applicants must complete an online application form and pay the application fee to be considered for admission to UBC.

Research Information

Program components.

In recognition of the importance of combining theory and practice, our students are required to complete a 12-week professional internship before graduating. Learning on the job is a crucial part of a professional degree program since there are many aspects of journalism that cannot be addressed solely in the classroom.

Tuition & Financial Support

FeesCanadian Citizen / Permanent Resident / Refugee / DiplomatInternational
Tuition *
Installments per year33
Tuition $2,692.45$10,809.77
(plus annual increase, usually 2%-5%)
Int. Tuition Award (ITA) per year ( ) Not applicable
Other Fees and Costs
(yearly)$1,116.60 (approx.)
Estimate your with our interactive tool in order to start developing a financial plan for your graduate studies.

Financial Support

Applicants to UBC have access to a variety of funding options, including merit-based (i.e. based on your academic performance) and need-based (i.e. based on your financial situation) opportunities.

Program Funding Packages

Please visit our tuition and awards web page for more details.

Scholarships & awards (merit-based funding)

All applicants are encouraged to review the awards listing to identify potential opportunities to fund their graduate education. The database lists merit-based scholarships and awards and allows for filtering by various criteria, such as domestic vs. international or degree level.

Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA)

Many professors are able to provide Research Assistantships (GRA) from their research grants to support full-time graduate students studying under their supervision. The duties constitute part of the student's graduate degree requirements. A Graduate Research Assistantship is considered a form of fellowship for a period of graduate study and is therefore not covered by a collective agreement. Stipends vary widely, and are dependent on the field of study and the type of research grant from which the assistantship is being funded.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA)

Graduate programs may have Teaching Assistantships available for registered full-time graduate students. Full teaching assistantships involve 12 hours work per week in preparation, lecturing, or laboratory instruction although many graduate programs offer partial TA appointments at less than 12 hours per week. Teaching assistantship rates are set by collective bargaining between the University and the Teaching Assistants' Union .

Graduate Academic Assistantships (GAA)

Academic Assistantships are employment opportunities to perform work that is relevant to the university or to an individual faculty member, but not to support the student’s graduate research and thesis. Wages are considered regular earnings and when paid monthly, include vacation pay.

Financial aid (need-based funding)

Canadian and US applicants may qualify for governmental loans to finance their studies. Please review eligibility and types of loans .

All students may be able to access private sector or bank loans.

Foreign government scholarships

Many foreign governments provide support to their citizens in pursuing education abroad. International applicants should check the various governmental resources in their home country, such as the Department of Education, for available scholarships.

Working while studying

The possibility to pursue work to supplement income may depend on the demands the program has on students. It should be carefully weighed if work leads to prolonged program durations or whether work placements can be meaningfully embedded into a program.

International students enrolled as full-time students with a valid study permit can work on campus for unlimited hours and work off-campus for no more than 20 hours a week.

A good starting point to explore student jobs is the UBC Work Learn program or a Co-Op placement .

Tax credits and RRSP withdrawals

Students with taxable income in Canada may be able to claim federal or provincial tax credits.

Canadian residents with RRSP accounts may be able to use the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) which allows students to withdraw amounts from their registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to finance full-time training or education for themselves or their partner.

Please review Filing taxes in Canada on the student services website for more information.

Cost Estimator

Applicants have access to the cost estimator to develop a financial plan that takes into account various income sources and expenses.

Career Options

Our alumni have gone on to successful careers at major media organizations around the world. A recent alumni survey shows UBC Journalism graduates have found their training to be instrumental in their career advancement:

  • 86% say UBC Journalism was useful in getting a job
  • 91% credit UBC Journalism for helping them where they are today
  • 83% would recommend UBC Journalism to friends and family
  • 95% are proud to be alums of UBC Journalism

Recent graduates have taken positions at CBC Vancouver, Radio-Canada, CBC Toronto, CBC North, CTV, Al Jazeera English, Sky News Arabia, National Post, National Public Radio (NPR), Toronto Star, The Canadian Press, The Tyee, Hakai Magazine, Daily Hive Vancouver, the Walrus, The New Yorker, TVO Ottawa, Yukon News, National Post, Angus Reid Public Opinion, Global National, Global BC, the Globe and Mail, Vice Canada, Huffington Post, New York Times, JP Morgan (Product Strategy), Business In Vancouver, Bloomberg, David Suzuki Foundation, and in media and communications positions in various NGOs and post-secondary institutions.

Alumni on Success

phd in journalism in canada

Jimmy Thomson

Job Title Freelance journalist

Employer The Narwhal

Enrolment, Duration & Other Stats

These statistics show data for the Master of Journalism (MJ). Data are separated for each degree program combination. You may view data for other degree options in the respective program profile.


New Registrations3335363733
Total Enrolment6774757267

Completion Rates & Times

  • Research Supervisors

This list shows faculty members with full supervisory privileges who are affiliated with this program. It is not a comprehensive list of all potential supervisors as faculty from other programs or faculty members without full supervisory privileges can request approvals to supervise graduate students in this program.

  • Al-Solaylee, Kamal (Literary nonfiction, Race and representation, Migration studies)
  • Callison, Candis (changes to media practices and platforms, journalism ethics, the role of social movements in public discourse, and understanding how issues related to science and technology become meaningful for diverse publics.)
  • Dadugblor, Stephen (English language; Rhetoric; Digital media/social media; democratic deliberation; decoloniality; writing studies; African Studies)
  • Hermida, Alfred (Social sciences; Digital journalism; Media innovation; social media; Transformation of news; Misinformation)
  • Klein, Peter (Media Types (Radio, Television, Written Press, etc.); Video and New Media; Global Health and Emerging Diseases; Large International Projects; Media and Democratization; Global Journalism; Innovation in Journalism; Documentary Production; Investigative Reporting)
  • Maraj, Louis (Languages and literature; Philosophy; Rhetoric; Black Studies; digital media; Cultural Studies; media studies; Critical Pedagogies; Race and Racism)
  • McGee, Alexis (Languages and literature; Black Feminist Theory; African American language, literacies, and rhetorics; Rhetorical theory and composition pedagogy; Rhetorical History; Composition History; Sociolinguistics; Sound (voice))
  • Tenenboim, Ori
  • Young, Mary-Lynn (Sociology of the media, gender, media economics, representations, online news, media and crime, Internet)

Sample Thesis Submissions

  • Media professionalism or activism : roles of overseas Hong Kong media post-2019 protests and national security laws
  • Climate skepticism presence and changing climate journalism sourcing practices in the 2023 British Columbia wildfire coverage
  • Journalism through the eyes of Gen Z : how young audience members wish news was presented
  • Racialized early-career journalists in Canada and alternative journalistic approaches
  • Framing violence in times of peace talks : El Tiempo’s news coverage of massacres committed during the 1999–2002 Colombian government - FARC peace process
  • Bringing situated knowledges and counter-narratives into the newsroom : Muslim female journalists in Canadian media

Further Information


This program focuses on the writing of journalism, on the historic evolution of journalism as a profession, ethics and journalism, on journalism and the legal system, and on the role and character of journalism in a changing society.

UBC Calendar

Program website, faculty overview, academic unit, program identifier, classification, social media channels, supervisor search.

Departments/Programs may update graduate degree program details through the Faculty & Staff portal. To update contact details for application inquiries, please use this form .

phd in journalism in canada

Bhagyashree Chatterjee

As an international student, several factors attracted me to UBC’s Master of Journalism program. I specifically chose UBC because the other top universities in Canada do not offer a master’s in journalism. Moreover, the weather and aura that Vancouver has are unbeatable.

phd in journalism in canada

The city and the sea

Take a break from studying with opportunities at your fingertips. Whether you want to settle down in a café or take your research outdoors, we have a place for you.

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Strategic Priorities

  • Strategic Plan 2019-2024
  • Improving Student Funding
  • Promoting Excellence in Graduate Programs
  • Enhancing Graduate Supervision
  • Advancing Indigenous Inclusion
  • Supporting Student Development and Success
  • Reimagining Graduate Education
  • Enriching the Student Experience


  • Public Scholars Initiative
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  • PhD Career Outcomes


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Top Journalism Colleges in Canada: Courses, Eligibility, Fees, Scholarships and Jobs

Collegedunia Team's profile photo

Collegedunia Team

Content Curator

  • According to the Employment Outlook Report of Canada, three provinces in Canada having good job prospects for journalists are Manitoba, Ontario, and Saskatchewan. 
  • Approximately 90% of the journalists in Saskatchewan work on a full-time basis which is higher than any other province of the country. 
  • Upgradation from certificate/diploma to bachelors from journalism universities in Canada increases your salary by 46%.
  • Journalists in Canada can work as Media Operations Manager, Reporter, Associate Media Director, Associate Producer, etc.
  • The companies hiring Canadian Journalists are Deloitte, Annex Business Media, CBC/Radio-Canada, Toronto Wildlife Centre, Deep-body, etc.

Journalism Salary in Canada

Top Journalism Colleges in Canada

Over 30 journalism universities in Canada offer more than 50 courses. This includes bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs. Short courses in Canada are also offered by some colleges in this discipline. 

Let’s take a look at the below table for the top journalism colleges in Canada: 

Universities QS Rankings Program Offered
26 3 Bachelors
111 3 Bachelors, 1 Master, 2 Doctorate
230 1 Bachelor, 3 Masters, 1 Doctorate
414 1 Bachelor, 2 Masters
521 2 Bachelors, 2 Masters, 1 Doctorate

Journalism Colleges in Canada: Specialization and Degree Types

Journalism universities in Canada prepare you with the hands-on skills, expertise, and knowledge to enter a field with enormous potential. Furthermore, it gives students a distinguished skill set that provides them an edge in the job market. That's why it is one of the preferred destinations for studying abroad. 

Skills learned in universities for journalism in Canada can be applied to a variety of reporting mediums namely editing, media ethics, photojournalism, and design publishing. The table below shows the specializations available in journalism courses in Canada: 

Digital Innovation in Journalism studies Data Journalism
Digital Journalism Research and Reporting
Sports Journalism Photojournalism
Graphics Journalism Magazine Journalism
Global Journalism Broadcasting Journalism
Political Journalism Science and Environmental Journalism
News Reporting and Writing Enterprise Journalism

The degrees offered by the journalism colleges in Canada are as follows: 

  • Undergraduate Degree – BA in Journalism, BA in Communication, Bachelor of Journalism and Humanities, Bachelor of Journalism, Bachelor of Communication Studies
  • Graduate Degree – Master in Journalism, Master in Journalism and Communication, PG Certificate in Journalism, PG Diploma in Journalism, PG Certificate in Sports Journalism, PG Certificate in Contemporary Journalism.
  • Doctoral Degree – PhD in Communication and Journalism. 

Journalism Colleges in Canada: Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor of Journalism in Canada is of three to four years duration. It is an education course that provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge required for working in a multi-platform digital environment. The table below shows the bachelor’s degree offered by the journalism universities in Canada: 

University Program offered Course Duration Annual Fees (in INR)
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism 3 years 14,19,800- 17,45,800
Bachelor Of Journalism 4 years 16,07,200- 16,43,500
BA in Journalism 3-4 years 14,06,000
BA in Communication in Journalism 4 years 8,98,000
Bachelor of Communication – Journalism 4 years 12,90,000

Eligibility for Bachelors in Journalism Colleges in Canada 

  • 10+2 or equivalent examination
  • 70% or above in 10+2
  • IELTS – 6.5
  • TOEFL – 86
  • PTE – 58
  • MELAB - 85 

Explore!  How to Write SOP for Canada

Documents Required for Bachelors in Journalism Colleges in Canada

  • 10th and 12th mark sheets.
  • Letter of recommendation (depends upon university).
  • Statement of purpose to study in Canada (depends upon university).
  • A student visa.
  • A valid passport.

Fees and Funding for Bachelors in Journalism Colleges in Canada

Journalism is an ever-evolving industry, so it pays for the students to have a diverse skillset that can land them a position in any reporting environment. The average tuition fees required to pursue bachelor's in journalism in Canada are 18000 CAD to 28000 CAD per year.

The scholarships offered to international students in Canada  help them pursue a bachelor’s degree. This includes entrance scholarships offered by many universities. 

Journalism Colleges in Canada: Postgraduate Programs

Master of Journalism is a full-time two years intensive program. It provides students with professional experience which helps them prosper in a digital knowledge economy. After the completion of this degree from journalism universities in Canada, the students acquire the knowledge and practical skills needed to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the evolving digital ecosystem. 

The following table provides the list of universities for journalism in Canada offering masters degrees: 

University Program offered Course Duration Annual Fees (in INR)
Master of Journalism 1.9 years 12,02,640
Master of Journalism 2 years 7,84,330
Carleton University Master of Journalism 1-2 years 8,88,000- 12,64,900
MS in Journalism 2 years 8,55,200
Master in Journalism and Communications 1 year 18,23,100

Postgraduate Diploma at Journalism Colleges in Canada

A postgraduate diploma (PG Diploma) in Journalism is a short-term course in Canada typically of six months to one year of duration. It can be studied after the completion of a bachelor’s degree. 

The table below shows the graduate diploma and graduate certificate programs offered by the journalism universities in Canada: 

Universities Program offered Course Duration Annual Fees (in INR)
Graduate Certificate in Journalism 1 year 13,59,900
Graduate Certificate in Sports Journalism 1 year 10,60,200
Concordia University Graduate Diploma in Journalism 1 year 14,38,300
Concordia University Graduate Diploma in Visual Journalism 1 year 17,22,300
Humber Institute of Technology Graduate Certificate in Journalism 1 year 10,30,100

Eligibility for Masters in Journalism Colleges in Canada

The degree mainly focuses on the accurate and ethical investigation of events from local and international settings. Journalism studies are associated with newsagents such as magazines, television, media, newspapers, etc. 

The eligibility criteria for pursuing a master from journalism universities in Canada are as follows.

  • Four years bachelor’s degree with 70% aggregate from a recognized university. 
  • IELTS – 7.0
  • TOEFL – 92
  • MELAB – 85
  • GRE may or may not be required.

Documents Required for Masters in Journalism Colleges in Canada

  • Proof of English Language Proficiency Test Score.
  • Statement of Purpose for MS in Canada
  • A Bachelor’s Degree Certificate.
  • A student Visa.
  • A passport.
  • Portfolio of Work.
  • Letter of recommendation.
  • 10th and 12th certificates.

Fees and Funding for Masters in Journalism in Canada

If you want to study at the postgraduate level, the tuition fees are generally lower and vary upon the program. The average tuition fees required for a master's from universities for journalism in Canada are 15000 CAD to 28000 CAD per annum. 

The tuition fees and cost of living in Canada are comparatively higher for international students. Thus, a number of scholarships and financial aids are available to help them complete their education. 

Journalism Colleges in Canada: Doctoral Programs

The PhD in Journalism in Canada is a four-year degree and further helps to gain knowledge in journalism concepts. As a student in the Department of Journalism, you will develop a critical perspective on how communication and digital shape our lives. 

University welcomes those applicants with similar educational backgrounds in Journalist Studies, Philosophy, English, and other related disciplines.

The table below shows the doctoral programs offered by the journalism universities in Canada.

Universities Program offered Course Duration Annual Fees(CAD)
PhD in Communication and Journalism 4 years 8,65,000
University of Montreal PhD in Communication and Journalism 4 years 6,82,000
University of Ottawa PhD in Journalism and Translational Studies 4 years 3,53,900
Concordia University PhD in Journalism 3-4 years 10,37,300
PhD in Journalism 4 years 6,63,900

Eligibility for PhD in Journalism Colleges in Canada 

This degree is designed for students who want to pursue research or scholarly career. The eligibility criterion for pursuing a doctorate or Ph.D. in Journalism are as follows: 

  • 80% in a 4 years undergraduate degree
  • 75% in a Master’s degree.
  • IELTS – 8.0
  • TOEFL – 107

Documents Required for Ph.D. in Journalism Colleges in Canada

  • A completed Master’s degree in Communications Studies or a related field.
  • A statement of research.
  • Test scores for English language proficiency.
  • A detailed curriculum vitae.
  • Academic Documents

Fees and Funding for Ph.D. in Journalism Colleges in Canada

The cost to study for a postgraduate degree from a higher education institute in Canada is typically lower than the undergraduate level. The average tuition fees required to pursue a doctoral program in journalism are in the range of 7000 CAD to 18000 CAD (~4,12,730 to 10,61,300).

Funding for doctoral students is available in the form of research grants offered by the Department of Journalism or any other agencies, research assistantships, teaching assistantships, etc. 

Journalism Colleges in Canada: Scholarships Available

Canada is one of the leaders in making a huge investment in the education system. This country has a lower cost of studying as compared to other study abroad destinations. In addition to that, many awards and bursaries are offered by Canadian universities for international students.

Some of the scholarships for international students in Canada are: 

Scholarships Offered to Award Values (in INR)
PhD 23,57,500
UMGF Scholarship Master Up to 8,24,850
Humber University scholarships for international students Bachelor Up to full tuition cover
York University International Student Scholarship Bachelor 35,34,500- 58,91,200
PhD 29,45,000
Masters/PhD 8,24,800 for Masters; 10,60,000 for PhD
Carleton University Entrance Scholarships Bachelor 2,35,600- 9,42,500
University of Calgary Graduate Awards Masters 58,900 to 23,56,100

Journalism Colleges in Canada: Career Scope

Thanks to the fast pace of change in communications technologies, careers in journalism are more diverse than ever before. New technologies are also opening up many new and evolving roles too in this profession.

The journalists are employed by radio and television networks and stations, newspapers, and magazines. The research, investigate, interpret and communicate news through television, radio, media, internet. The average salary of a journalist in Canada is 166,000 CAD per annum. The salary of the journalists is largely based on their level of experience.

Below table shows the job prospects in Canada for journalism: 

Designation Average Annual Salary (in INR)
Broadcast Journalist 30,90,700
Journalism 30,95,000
News Anchor 32,76,300
Communications Manager 38,82,600
Broadcast News Analyst 30,91,000
Editorial Assistant 21,16,600

As per Canada immigration, it has been forecasted that an average annual employment growth rate is expected to be increased by 1.1% in journalism. It has been estimated that there will be 480 job openings in Canada in the year of 2025.

Journalism is a rapidly evolving industry with job opportunities existing in newspapers, media and broadcasting. More and more opportunities are also surfacing for web-based reporting, for both online newspapers and news podcasts.

  • Engineering
  • Social Studies
  • Environmental Studies
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Mathematics
  • Biotechnology
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Architecture
  • Graphic Design
  • Information Studies
  • Agriculture
  • Social Work
  • Fashion Design
  • Film, Photography and Media
  • Media Studies
  • Public Relations
  • Advertising
  • Certificate
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Graduate Diploma
  • B.F.A/B.Mgmt
  • B.M.S / M.Mgmt
  • Grad. Cert.
  • Financial Times
  • British Columbia
  • Saskatchewan
  • Nova Scotia
  • NewBrunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Toronto - [ 8 ]
  • Vancouver - [ 5 ]
  • Montreal - [ 4 ]
  • Ottawa - [ 4 ]
  • Winnipeg - [ 4 ]
  • Calgary - [ 3 ]
  • Edmonton - [ 3 ]
  • Halifax - [ 3 ]
  • Regina - [ 3 ]
  • Thunder Bay - [ 2 ]
  • Burnaby - [ 2 ]
  • Charlottetown - [ 2 ]
  • London - [ 2 ]
  • North York - [ 2 ]
  • Oshawa - [ 2 ]
  • Sherbrooke - [ 2 ]
  • St. John's - [ 2 ]
  • Waterloo - [ 2 ]
  • Windsor - [ 2 ]
  • Abbotsford - [ 1 ]
  • Barrie - [ 1 ]
  • Belleville - [ 1 ]
  • Chicoutimi - [ 1 ]
  • Fredericton - [ 1 ]
  • Gatineau - [ 1 ]
  • Hamilton - [ 1 ]
  • Kamloops - [ 1 ]
  • Kelowna - [ 1 ]
  • Kingston - [ 1 ]
  • Kitchener - [ 1 ]
  • Langley - [ 1 ]
  • Lethbridge - [ 1 ]
  • Medicine Hat - [ 1 ]
  • Nanaimo - [ 1 ]
  • North Bay - [ 1 ]
  • Oakville - [ 1 ]
  • Orillia - [ 1 ]
  • Peterborough - [ 1 ]
  • Prince George - [ 1 ]
  • Quebec City - [ 1 ]
  • Red Deer - [ 1 ]
  • Sackville - [ 1 ]
  • Sault Ste. Marie - [ 1 ]
  • St. Catharines - [ 1 ]
  • Sudbury - [ 1 ]
  • Surrey - [ 1 ]
  • Trois Rivieres - [ 1 ]
  • Whitehorse - [ 1 ]
  • Yorkton - [ 1 ]
  • UPTO ₹8.4 L
  • ₹8.4 L - ₹16.8 L
  • ₹16.8 L - ₹25.2 L
  • ₹25.2 L - ₹33.6 L
  • ₹33.6 L - ₹41.9 L
  • ABOVE ₹41.9 L

Found 87 universities

CD RankCollege InfoTuition Fees & living Cost(Avg.)Top CoursesRanking & Reviews
#1 Ontario, Canada43 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹38.35L/Yr ( Living ₹14.26L/Yr ( IELTS7₹38.35L 8.2/10(
#2 British Columbia, Canada69 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹26.39L/Yr ( Living ₹7.05L/Yr ( GRE310IELTS7.0PTE52₹40.9L 8.0/10(
#3 Alberta, Canada66 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹4.72L/Yr ( Living ₹9.69L/Yr ( GRE310TOEFL90PTE61₹4.72L 7.0/10(
#4 Ontario, Canada53 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹31.08L/Yr ( Living ₹4.26L/Yr ( TOEFL90PTE63₹26.74L 7.5/10(
8.2 Telfer School of Management Ottawa, Ontario 1st Year Fees M.B.A Apply Now 7.0 Trinity Western University Langley, British Columbia 1st Year Fees M.B.A Apply Now 6.8 University Canada West Vancouver, British Columbia 1st Year Fees M.B.A Apply Now Windsor, Ontario 1st Year Fees M.B.A Apply Now 7.6 University of New Brunswick (Fredericton) Fredericton, NewBrunswick 1st Year Fees M.B.A Apply Now 7.0 University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan 1st Year Fees M.B.A Apply Now 7.6 University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario 1st Year Fees M.B.A Apply Now 7.3 University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario 1st Year Fees M.B.A Apply Now 4.9 Vancouver Island University Nanaimo, British Columbia 1st Year Fees M.B.A Apply Now 7.2 University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba 1st Year Fees M.B.A Apply Now
#5 Ontario, Canada55 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹24.04L/Yr ( Living ₹12.05L/Yr ( IELTS6.5PTE60₹24.04L 7.5/10(
#6 Alberta, Canada63 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹15.72L/Yr ( Living ₹7.79L/Yr ( Duolingo110IELTS6.5PTE59₹14.76L 7.7/10(
#7 Ontario, Canada57 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹24.68L/Yr ( Living ₹4.98L/Yr ( Duolingo115TOEFL83PTE58₹18.43L 5.8/10(
#8 British Columbia, Canada65 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹18.29L/Yr ( Living ₹4.41L/Yr ( TOEFL93PTE65₹3.93L 5.3/10(
#9 Quebec, Canada59 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹14.78L/Yr ( TOEFL79PTE59₹13.32L
#10 Ontario, Canada80 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹11.97L/Yr ( Living ₹7.37L/Yr ( GRE309TOEFL91PTE60₹12.22L 4.8/10(
#11 Quebec, Canada50 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹15.28L/Yr ( Living ₹2.68L/Yr ( TOEFL61₹15.28L
#12 Quebec, Canada73 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹20.84L/Yr ( Living ₹8.67L/Yr ( Duolingo120TOEFL90PTE61₹22.77L 6.7/10(
#13 Ontario, Canada65 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹25.34L/Yr ( Living ₹4.89L/Yr ( Duolingo120TOEFL83PTE68₹17.35L 8.5/10(
#14 Ontario, Canada59 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹19.77L/Yr ( Living ₹12.72L/Yr ( IELTS7.0PTE63₹19.8L 7.2/10(
#15 Ontario, Canada70 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹20L/Yr ( IELTS6.5PTE58₹20L 5.8/10(
#16 Ontario, Canada83 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹18.58L/Yr ( Living ₹7.29L/Yr ( Duolingo110TOEFL85PTE58₹18.58L 6.0/10(
#17 British Columbia, Canada82 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹3.17L/Yr ( Living ₹6.13L/Yr ( IELTS6.5PTE65₹3.17L
#18 Alberta, Canada84 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹12.95L/Yr ( Living ₹4.93L/Yr ( Duolingo115TOEFL80PTE54₹9.64L 6.3/10(
#19 Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada60 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹9.46L/Yr ( Living ₹6.38L/Yr ( GRE309TOEFL90PTE58₹6.01L 7.0/10(
#20 Ontario, Canada73 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹25L/Yr ( Living ₹8.02L/Yr ( TOEFL86PTE60₹24.29L 8.0/10(
#21 Quebec, Canada73 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹15.46L/Yr ( Living ₹5.71L/Yr ( TOEFL100₹18.46L 6.8/10(
#22 Saskatchewan, Canada58 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹20.1L/Yr ( Living ₹4.83L/Yr ( Duolingo110TOEFL83PTE59₹19.66L 6.2/10(
#23 British Columbia, Canada98 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹14.91L/Yr ( Living ₹5.03L/Yr ( Duolingo110IELTS6.5PTE60₹14.91L 6.0/10(
#24 Ontario, Canada85 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹21.22L/Yr ( Living ₹5.77L/Yr ( Duolingo110TOEFL88PTE58₹21.22L 7.3/10(
#25 Newbrunswick, Canada49 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹11.56L/Yr ( Living ₹7.57L/Yr ( Duolingo105TOEFL89PTE61₹11.56L 7.8/10(
#26 Ontario, Canada70 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹16.21L/Yr ( Living ₹2.75L/Yr ( Duolingo115TOEFL83PTE59₹20.04L 7.0/10(
#27 Ontario, Canada35 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹17.57L/Yr ( Living ₹8.49L/Yr ( Duolingo115TOEFL86PTE59₹17.57L 5.5/10(
#28 Ontario, Canada70 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹16.94L/Yr ( Living ₹4.23L/Yr ( Duolingo110IELTS6.5PTE60₹16.94L 4.5/10(
#29 Quebec, Canada81 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹12.75L/Yr ( Living ₹2.4L/Yr ( ₹12.75L
#30 Manitoba, Canada75 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹11.82L/Yr ( Living ₹1.92L/Yr ( Duolingo120TOEFL86PTE58₹11.82L 5.8/10(
#31 Quebec, Canada88 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹6.85L/Yr ( Living ₹2.4L/Yr ( IELTS6.5₹6.85L
#32 Ontario, Canada45 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹27.53L/Yr ( Duolingo110IELTS6.5PTE58₹27.53L 6.8/10(
#33 Quebec, Canada80 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹17.61L/Yr ( Living ₹5.41L/Yr ( Duolingo115IELTS6.5PTE60₹17.61L 7.2/10(
#34 Saskatchewan, Canada76 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹18.98L/Yr ( Living ₹2.41L/Yr ( TOEFL70₹18.98L --
#35 Manitoba, Canada91 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹7.48L/Yr ( Living ₹1.08L/Yr ( TOEFL80PTE59₹7.48L 9.7/10(
#36 British Columbia, Canada48 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹16.07L/Yr ( Duolingo110TOEFL84PTE56₹16.24L 6.8/10(
#37 Ontario, Canada35 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹25.38L/Yr ( TOEFL83₹25.38L 8.8/10(
#38 British Columbia, Canada71 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹13.28L/Yr ( Living ₹1.55L/Yr ( Duolingo110IELTS6.5PTE61₹13.28L 8.2/10(
#39 Ontario, Canada82 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹18.58L/Yr ( Living ₹2.37L/Yr ( Duolingo110TOEFL85PTE58₹18.58L --
#40 Saskatchewan, Canada76 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹25.8L/Yr ( Living ₹6.2L/Yr ( TOEFL83₹31.77L --
#41 Alberta, Canada59 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹15.21L/Yr ( Living ₹6.61L/Yr ( Duolingo115IELTS6.5PTE59₹15.21L 4.2/10(
#42 Newbrunswick, Canada66 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹12.56L/Yr ( Living ₹7.98L/Yr ( Duolingo110TOEFL90PTE60₹12.56L --
#43 Alberta, Canada18 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹15.97L/Yr ( Living ₹5.07L/Yr ( TOEFL83PTE58₹15.97L 9.3/10(
#44 Nova Scotia, Canada59 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹12.36L/Yr ( Living ₹5.04L/Yr ( IELTS6.5PTE63₹12.36L 6.8/10(
#45 Nova Scotia, Canada74 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹1.3K/Yr ( TOEFL90₹1.3K --
#46 Ontario, Canada100 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹5.47L/Yr ( IELTS6.5PTE63₹5.47L --
#47 British Columbia, Canada82 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹13.4L/Yr ( Living ₹9.28L/Yr ( Duolingo110IELTS6.5PTE58₹13.4L 7.8/10(
#48 British Columbia, Canada79 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹13.83L/Yr ( Living ₹3.63L/Yr ( Duolingo110IELTS6.5PTE59₹13.83L 5.8/10(
#49 Quebec, Canada65 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹14.81L/Yr ( Living ₹5.35L/Yr ( IELTS6.5₹10.28L --
#50 Prince Edward Island, Canada70 Acceptance Rate Apply Now Get College Details Add To CompareTuition ₹4.98L/Yr ( Living ₹6.59L/Yr ( TOEFL80PTE58₹4.98L 2.8/10(


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journalism students in a practical setting with lecturers

PhD/MPhil Journalism

Postgraduate research degree

On the PhD/MPhil, you will join our internationally renowned Journalism department, whose expertise includes editors of leading academic journals, receiving a high level of support from your supervisor.

Key information

Starting date Deadline for application
Sep 2024 30 September 2024 Applications are accepted throughout the year.

Journalism Postgraduate research degrees PhD/MPhil course Overview

You will be joining our internationally renowned Department of Journalism , whose staff includes experienced industry professionals and leaders in media research.

External assessors and students praise the high standard of research and the support of supervisors on our research degrees. A high percentage of our research graduates publish their theses in peer-reviewed journals and books.

Our faculty has expertise in topics including:

  • Law and regulation
  • Practices and processes in a digital context
  • Effects of/on globalisation
  • Representation and democratisation
  • Business and leadership
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning in journalism .

We are especially interested in research proposals around journalism practices.

Our students often have the opportunity to teach, and after graduating may enter academia or return to senior roles in the media sector.

Students on graduate research programmes are initially registered for the degree of MPhil. Promotion to registration to PhD is not automatic, but contingent on the satisfactory outcome of a review process.

This normally takes place towards the end of the first year of registration for full-time candidates. The review process for part-time candidates will take place towards the end of the second year. If the outcome is satisfactory, the student will be upgraded to PhD.

The programme will conclude with submission of your research in the form of a PhD thesis. You will attend a viva voce examination in front of at least two examiners, at least one of whom will be external to City.

For full details about City, University of London's PhD programme structure, please see the Guide for Research Students .


Entry requirements.

You should have an undergraduate degree with a second class (upper division) pass (or its equivalent) and a master’s degree in a related academic discipline.

In exceptional cases, professional qualifications and experience in the proposed research area may compensate for the lack of a Master's degree.

English requirements

For students whose first language is not English, the following qualifications will meet the English language requirement for entry to a postgraduate course of study:

  • A first degree from a UK university or from the CNAA.
  • A first degree from an overseas institution recognised by City as providing adequate evidence of proficiency in the English language, for example, from institutions in Australia, Canada or the USA.
  • GCE O-level/GCSE English language or English literature, grade C minimum.
  • Cambridge ESOL CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) at grade C or above.
  • An overall score of 7.0 in the English Language Testing System (IELTS) including 7.0 in writing with a minimum of 6.0 for each other subtest.
  • Other evidence of proficiency in the English language which satisfies the board of studies concerned.

For more information see our English language proficiency requirements at City.

Visa requirements

If you are not from the European Economic Area / Switzerland and you are coming to study in the UK, you may need to apply for a visa or entry clearance to come to the UK to study.

The way that you apply may vary depending on the length of your course. There are different rules for:

  • Students on courses of more than six months
  • Students on courses of less than six months
  • Students on a pre-sessional English language course.

For more information see our main Visa page .

Fees and funding

Full-time Home/UK: £5,110 per year

Part-time Home/UK: £2,560 per year

Full-time International: £13,630 per year

Part-time International: £6,810 per year

Fees for doctoral candidates are charged annually and cover registration, supervision and examination.

Fees are subject to review each year and may vary during your period of registration. Where applicable, fees for City's programmes will be subject to inflationary increases in each academic year of study commencing in September . Our policy for these increases is set out in our terms and conditions of study .

City has a well-established structure and processes to support your research .

Support for PhD study

Prospective students are encouraged to explore doctoral Grants and funding opportunities such as:

  • Research Council studentship awards , if available.

Our bursaries are non-repayable sums of money granted by the University, usually based on need.

Our loans are repayable sums of money granted by the University or other body.

Our scholarships are when the University pays towards your Study fees. You may also be eligible for further funding.

Postgraduate Doctoral Loans

The Government has introduced a new Postgraduate Doctoral Loans scheme which can provide a loan of up to £25,000.

This will be over three years to support study for a doctoral degree.

A Postgraduate Doctoral Loan can help with course fees and living costs while you study. It can be used alongside any other forms of support you may be able to receive.

For more information, please see our Postgraduate Doctoral Loans page .

2020 Commonwealth Master’s PhD Scholarships

The Commonwealth Master’s PhD Scholarships are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) . These Scholarships enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development. They are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK.

Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships are for candidates from low and middle income Commonwealth countries. These scholarships will allow you to undertake full-time taught Master’s study at a UK university.

Commonwealth PhD Scholarships are for candidates from less developed countries and fragile states in the Commonwealth. These scholarships for full-time doctoral study at a UK university.

Candidates are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully and to ensure they meet the full eligibility criteria as stated in the terms and conditions. For full details, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, visit the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK website.

Additional expenses

Some of our degrees may involve additional expenses which are not covered by your tuition fees. Find out more about additional expenses .

Academic support


Each of our research students is provided with a supervisory panel, including a designated lead supervisor.

Research training is provided both within the Department and across the School of Communication & Creativity at City. Students take research modules from MSc Research Method programme that are suitable to their studies.

MA modules in Academic Practice are also available to students to provide them with relevant skills required for teaching in higher education and for overall career development. Further pedagogical skills are developed through teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels for those who secure teaching role.

The Department also runs a research seminar series in which doctoral students participate actively. At each stage of the PhD process, supervisors guide students to identify their individual training needs and direct them to relevant courses offered by City.

For more information about research degree training provision, please visit the City Doctoral College .

How to apply

We accept applications on an ongoing basis for entry in late September. There is no formal application deadline, but it is advisable to apply as early as possible due to the limited availability of supervisors.

To apply online, you will need to submit the following supporting documents:

  • Your research proposal (max 3 sides of A4)
  • Official work e-mail addresses (not private ones) for two academic referees (or one academic and one professional referee where appropriate)
  • Copies of your degree transcripts and certificates (originals or certified copies).
  • Proof of your English language proficiency (if applicable).

For more information please see how to prepare your research proposal .

When this information is received the application will be assessed by the relevant academic staff. Further information or an interview may be required. The applicant will be contacted if this is the case. The outcome will be reported to the applicant as soon as is practicable.

  • Full-time 30 th Sep 2024
  • Part-time 30 th Sep 2024
  • 30 th Sep 2024

For further application enquiries please contact our PGR enquiries team .

Find a supervisor

See our full list of academic staff and potential supervisors in Department of Journalism.

Dr Zahera Harb

Dr Zahera Harb

  • Department of Journalism

Dr Paul Lashmar

Dr Paul Lashmar

Professor Suzanne Franks

Professor Suzanne Franks

Professor of Journalism

Useful links

  • Doctoral College
  • School of Communication & Creativity
  • Student wellbeing
  • Terms and conditions

Contact details

School of communication & creativity.

[email protected]

  • Interesting for you
  • My settings

Go to your profile page to get personalised recommendations!

phd in journalism in canada

Journalism (Graduate Certificate)

Online option, online full-time programs.

Online full-time programs are offered as either Daytime, or a combination of Evenings and Saturdays. Check your program Dates and Times to see what the program commitment will be.

Find out more about Full-Time Online programs

Humber is proud to have the highest graduate employment and employer satisfaction rate of the GTA colleges based on Colleges Ontario’s key performance indicators for college graduates in 2022-2023.

Program Overview

Humber’s Journalism graduate certificate program will immerse you in advanced research, writing and interview practices, data mining techniques, and a range of storytelling approaches for work within a multiplatform journalistic or information-gathering environment.  

Using the latest technologies, the program will focus on training graduates for the field of journalism with an emphasis on digital journalism. Graduates will be able to function in a digital/online environment including social media and data-based journalism. An emphasis will be placed on providing you with opportunities to practise and develop your journalism skills through coverage of live field events.

At Humber, courses are delivered in a variety of formats:

In-Person - An in-person course is delivered fully on campus.

Online Asynchronous (A) - An online asynchronous course has no fixed class schedule and allows students to engage with the course at different times according to their needs. Faculty provide modules, which are completed independently by the students according to established deadlines.

Online Synchronous (S) - An online synchronous course is delivered fully online and requires faculty and students to participate in real-time according to a fixed schedule. Classes are scheduled for a specific day and time.

Hybrid - A hybrid course is a combination of in-person and online classes and follows a set schedule. Students must be available to attend in-person classes at scheduled times during the semester.

The chart below outlines the delivery options available for each course in this program, by campus. For some academic terms, there may be more than one delivery option available. You’ll be able to select your preferred options when building your course schedule during open enrolment. Preferences for course delivery will be considered on a first come, first served basis. Some Humber programs are also delivered fully online, where all courses are delivered online.

International students: the impact of studying from outside of Canada on Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligibility differs significantly based on when you start your program. Please review the PGWP eligibility before choosing your program and course delivery.

Course code and Name Delivery Type by Location
Course Code Course Name North Lakeshore IGS DL/Online
JNAL 5000 In-Person N/A N/A N/A
JNAL 5001 In-Person N/A N/A N/A
JNAL 5002 Hybrid
Online (A)
Online (S)
JNAL 5003 In-Person N/A N/A N/A
JNAL 5004 In-Person N/A N/A N/A
JNAL 5005 Hybrid
Online (A)
Online (S)
JNAL 5500 Hybrid
Online (A)
Online (S)
JNAL 5501 Hybrid
Online (A)
Online (S)
JNAL 5502 In-Person N/A N/A N/A
JNAL 5503 In-Person N/A N/A N/A
JNAL 5506 Online (A) N/A N/A N/A
JNAL 5507 In-Person N/A N/A N/A
JNAL 5508 In-Person N/A N/A N/A
JNAL 5504 Hybrid
Online (A)
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JNAL 5600 In-Person N/A N/A N/A
JNAL 5601 Hybrid

Work-Integrated Learning  

Work-integrated learning  .

Work-Integrated Learning courses serve as the vital link between academic learning and real-world application. Within this framework, students actively participate in the Professional Practice course, equipping you with the necessary skills and confidence to secure your own field experience. Throughout this journey, a dedicated career & work-integrated learning advisor offers personalized guidance and support.  

In Semester 3, students immerse themselves in the Field Experience course, committing 200 hours of practical application within the field. Whether pursuing paid or unpaid opportunities, all experiences undergo approval by your career & work-integrated learning advisor to ensure relevance.  

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) at Humber

Work-integrated learning.

Work-integrated learning opportunities prepare you for your future career. You will apply what you’ve learned in class and in real-world environments through a wide range of academic, community and industry partnerships. These work-integrated learning opportunities may include field experiences, professional practicums and co-operative education.

Field Experience

A field experience offers students an opportunity to engage in intensive experiences related to their field of study or career goals to build their skills, knowledge and abilities. Field experiences may be paid or unpaid.

Professional Practicum

Programs requiring a professional practicum offer practice-based experience or work hours for a professional license or certification. Students work under the direct supervision of an experienced professional. Placements are unpaid.

Co-operative Education

Students in co-op programs gain experience through paid work terms in their field of study that become progressively more complex as their skill level increases.

Optional Co-operative Education

Students in co-op programs gain experience through paid work terms in their field of study that become progressively more complex as their skill level increases. The co-op portion of this program is optional.

If you would like to learn more about work-integrated learning at Humber, visit WIL AT HUMBER

The Humber Advantage


Provincial Election Day Coverage Video

Provincial Election Day Coverage

Watch this video  of Humber students covering the 2018 Provincial Election.

StoryLab is commited to data-driven storytelling. It fosters multidisciplinary opportunities for Humber staff, students, and industry partners, including Data-Driven--a data journalism symposium for coders, investigative reporters, developers and data advocates--and collaborative journalism projects such as Surviving Hate.

Our state-of-the-art Digital Broadcast Centre is home of Humber TV, Radio Humber and all newspaper, magazine and web production. The professional radio and television studios provide students with the hands-on environment to learn industry expertise and to meet the demands of the profession.

Humber is the only GTA college to have a campus instructional license from the CRTC and a fully operating radio station, Radio Humber FM 96.9, which broadcasts 24/7 from our North Campus.

Group of students using radio equipment

Meet Miranda Anthistle

Anne-Marie Green

Meet Anne-Marie Green

Dina Pugliese

Meet Dina Pugliese

Tim Duboyce

Meet Tim Duboyce

HumberNews.ca is an online news publication produced by Humber Journalism students in the graduate certificate and advanced diploma programs. Visit HumberNews.ca for local, national and international stories, and to subscribe to the student-produced newsletter.

Expert Faculty


faculty image

Lara King is a program coordinator and professor of journalism at Humber College. She teaches long form, design, and data journalism, and derives joy from working with the next generation of journalists turning out award-winning publications.

faculty image

Rob Lamberti

An awarding-winning newspaper and multi-media journalist in Ontario with 30 years of experience in writing news, photography, videography, editing, and assigning. Holds Journalism Diploma, Humber College; B.A. Political Science, York University; and Master of Communication Management, McMaster University.

faculty image

Mike Wise is a journalism professor and program co-ordinator at Humber College in Toronto. Before joining Humber, Mike spent almost 32 years working for CBC Television, most recently as the anchor of the local 11 pm newscast in Toronto. Mike started working at CBC when he was just 17 and still in high school. One of his first behind-the-scenes responsibilities was to work on a federal election broadcast special, even though he wasn't legally old enough to vote.

Mike is married and has a teenage daughter. He holds a master's degree in Communication and Technology from the University of Alberta and an honours degree in Political Studies from Queen's. While at Queen's, he served as the executive producer of  Studio-Q , the weekly student-produced campus TV show. 

Study Abroad

We offer many global opportunities for you to explore during your time at Humber! We live in a very interconnected world and by participating in a global opportunity, not only will you gain new skills, but you may also be eligible for academic credits and/or  co-curricular record  (CCR). Some of the global opportunities at Humber includes Summer Abroad, Semester Exchange, faculty-led trips, Humber Global Summer School and many others! To learn more, please visit  Humber Global Opportunities .

Your Career

Graduates will emerge with media business skills that can be directly applied to work within established news agencies or as media entrepreneurs and freelance journalists across both traditional media industries and in emerging multiplatform settings.  

Related Programs

large protest

Credential: Advanced Diploma Length: 6 semesters

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Journalists & Writers Programs

Program Availability

Sep 2024 Course-Based Suspended

Humber is a publicly-funded institution and does not have a public-private partnership. International students graduating from Humber or Humber’s International Graduate School (IGS) are eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit .

International Students in Canada who apply for September 2024 start could be eligible for an automatic scholarship*. Apply now

Please note the new International Admissions Process and Provincial Attestation Letters. Read the update

International Students Out of Canada can Apply through Humber International

There's Still Time to Apply for this September

How to Apply  

Program Delivery Types

Block-based: Students select a pre-set weekly schedule of courses that best meets their needs. Block-Based schedules may include in-person, hybrid and online courses.

Course-based: Students create their own schedule of courses from among in-person, hybrid and online options.

Condensed Week - Courses requiring students to come to campus are scheduled over 2-3 days per week. Online courses are scheduled on other days.

Online - Courses are scheduled only online and may be delivered asynchronously, where students study independently or synchronously, where students attend the online class on a specified time and day.

Twilight - In-person, online synchronous and hybrid courses are generally scheduled after 3:00pm.

Twilight-Online: Online synchronous courses are generally scheduled after 3:00 pm.

Senior Dean Update: Media & Creative Arts Anti-Racism Action Plan

Senior Dean Update: Media & Creative Arts Anti-Racism Action Plan

Fri, October 15, 2021

In June 2020, I committed the FMCA to seven action items to address the attitudes, behaviours and structures that act as barriers for students from Indigenous and equity-deserving communities.

Update: Humber Music Solidarity One Year On

Update: Humber Music Solidarity One Year On

In June 2020, Humber Music faculty pledged to address systemic racism and gender discrimination in the music programs by working with students, alumni, administrators, and industry experts

A Message from the Senior Dean: Music Degree Update

A Message from the Senior Dean: Music Degree Update

Tue, April 27, 2021

Over the past few months, the Faculty of Media & Creative Arts began a review of our Bachelor of Music program delivery.

Maria Saba Wins 2020 Writers-in-Exile Scholarship

Maria Saba Wins 2020 Writers-in-Exile Scholarship

School for Writers

Mon, October 26, 2020

Meet thethe recipient of the 2020 PEN Canada-Humber College Writers-in-Exile Scholarship, Maria Saba.

No news at this time.

Every attempt is made to ensure that information contained on this website is current and accurate. Humber reserves the right to correct any error or omission, modify or cancel any course, program, fee, timetable or campus location at any time without prior notice or liability to users or any other Person.

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Apply on us this september.

Apply through OCAS between June 14 - July 19, 2024 and be registered full-time on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 and receive a $125 credit equal to the domestic application fee.

To qualify, get started by filling out the APPLY ON US form.

*This promotion is open to domestic applications for the September 2024 program intakes only. Offer not valid for existing applicants or applications.

International Students with a valid Study Permit or Letter of Introduction (LOI)* can receive a Waiver Code to cover the $100 September 2024 application fee.

Bringing You Our A-Game

A Humber education is second to none, benefit from:

  • Career-focused Programs
  • Work-integrated Learning Experiences
  • Useful Student Support and Services
  • Student Fees & Financial Resources Hub
  • Visiting Experience Humber Virtually

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How to Apply

Domestic students.

Applications to Humber are made through ontariocolleges.ca . Be sure to submit your application by July 15, 2024 to receive your Application Fee Credit. Applications for September will remain open as long as the program availability status shows Open.

To check program availability refer to the Campus/Availability listing on Humber’s program pages, search by availability , or ontariocolleges.ca .

To see where you are in the admissions process, visit the Admissions Road Map .

International Students

If you’re an international student, you can apply directly to Humber via our International Centre .

Admissions Questions

General enquiries.

Call 416-675-3111 or email [email protected] . If you have already applied, be sure to check your application status on myhumber.ca .

Domestic Applicants Enquiries

Domestic applicants can book a one-on-one advising appointment with an admissions representative.

International Applicants Enquiries

Contact the International Centre for information about full-time programs (including the International Graduate School), how to apply and to follow up on your submitted application.

Program-Specific Questions

Speak to the Program Co-ordinator about the course curriculum, projects and career options.

Mike Wise, program co-ordinator 416.675.6622 ext. 75483 [email protected]

Campus Information

Book a campus tour to take a closer look at what it's like to be a student at Humber.

Want More Info?

Find out more about the student experience and everything that Humber has to offer Future Students .

Sign-up now for more info on Humber, including programs, special events and more!

How To Become An Apprentice

Becoming an apprentice.

Find an employer willing to sponsor you as an apprentice.

Contact the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development to register as an apprentice.

Work with your employer approximately one year before attending Humber.

View Instructions  

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

If you’re in high school – grade 11 or 12 – you can earn co-op education credits through work placements in some skilled trades.

Visit OYAP  

Applications to Humber are made through ontariocolleges.ca . Be sure to submit your application by the equal consideration deadline of February 1. You may apply after February 1, however, post-February 1 applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis depending on the availability of the space in the program.

Need Advice?

Program advising appointments.

Get help narrowing down your program options or book a one-on-one pre-enrolment advising appointment with one of our Recruitment Officers.

Transfer & Pathway Advising

Book a virtual appointment with a Student Mobility Advisor learn more about getting Transfer Credit(s) for previous post-secondary experience, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR), and Pathways options.

Admission Requirements

Admission selection is based on the academic criteria indicated. Meeting minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee admission.

Admission selection is based on the following four requirements:

To be eligible for admission, you must possess the following:

  • A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma

Mature Applicants

Diplomas and certificates.

An applicant is considered a mature applicant if they have not completed secondary school or other postsecondary school, and will be 19 or older as of the first day of classes. Humber will invite you for testing to demonstrate that you meet all listed course requirements.

An applicant is considered a mature applicant if they have not completed secondary school or attended postsecondary studies, and will be 21 or older as of the first day of classes. Mature applicants for degree programs will be required to meet course requirements at the U/M level or equivalent.

College Transfer Applicants

An applicant is considered a college transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a college-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or college courses and grades to determine program eligibility.

An applicant is considered a college transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a college-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or college courses and grades to determine program eligibility. Applicants must have an overall minimum grade point average (GPA) of 65 per cent in the program. Applicants are required to disclose and provide academic transcripts for all course work completed at the postsecondary level.

University Transfer Applicants

An applicant is considered a university transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a university-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or university courses and grades to determine program eligibility.

An applicant is considered a university transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a university-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or university courses and grades to determine program eligibility. Applicants are required to disclose and provide academic transcripts for all course work completed at the postsecondary level.

Applicants must complete a 400-word essay. We'd like to hear why you want to be a journalist and what skills you'll need to succeed. Tell us why you're interested in our program, and about any experience you may have (although that is not required to apply).

Submission Instructions

English Language Proficiency

All applicants whose first language is not English must meet Humber’s English Language Proficiency Policy .

International Credit Evaluation

Canadian citizens or permanent residents with international education are required to provide a credential evaluation. Note, for international High school education course by course evaluations, ICAS must be used. For international post-secondary education, a WES evaluation must be provided. In situations where you expect to apply for transfer credit, it is recommended that a course by course WES evaluation is completed.

International Academic Equivalency

Admission equivalencies for Humber depend on your country of study. Please enter your location or choose detect my location to see the requirements for your country below.

Applying with an International Baccalaureate (IB)

Post-Admission Requirements

Once you have been accepted, and have confirmed your offer, you may need to complete a further set of requirements related to your program (Post-Admission Requirements).

Equipment & Device Requirements

Fees & financial aid.

The 2024/2025 fee for three semesters is:

  • domestic: $6,187.70
  • international: $19,168.98

Fees are subject to change.

Fees by Semester

Domestic Fees by Semester

Semester 1 2024-2025 Fees
Tuition $2,177.08
Compulsory Ancillary Fee $444.09
Compulsory Student Union Fee $66.00
IGNITE Health and Dental Insurance Fee $111.12
Enhanced Student Experience Fee (Optional) $20.00
Program Ancillary Fee $0.00
Co-op/Placement $0.00
Total $2,818.29
Semester 2 2024-2025 Fees
Tuition $2,177.08
Compulsory Ancillary Fee $444.09
Compulsory Student Union Fee $66.00
IGNITE Health and Dental Insurance Fee $111.12
Enhanced Student Experience Fee (Optional) $20.00
Program Ancillary Fee $0.00
Co-op/Placement $0.00
Total $2,818.29
Semester 3 2024-2025 Fees
Tuition $440.00
Compulsory Ancillary Fee $0.00
Compulsory Student Union Fee $0.00
IGNITE Health and Dental Insurance Fee $111.12
Enhanced Student Experience Fee (Optional) $0.00
Program Ancillary Fee $0.00
Co-op/Placement $0.00
Total $551.12

International Fees by Semester

Semester 1 2024-2025 Fees
Tuition $8,667.72
Compulsory Ancillary Fee $444.09
Compulsory Student Union Fee $66.00
IGNITE Health and Dental Insurance Fee $111.12
Enhanced Student Experience Fee (Optional) $20.00
Program Ancillary Fee $0.00
Co-op/Placement $0.00
Total $9,308.93
Semester 2 2024-2025 Fees
Tuition $8,667.72
Compulsory Ancillary Fee $444.09
Compulsory Student Union Fee $66.00
IGNITE Health and Dental Insurance Fee $111.12
Enhanced Student Experience Fee (Optional) $20.00
Program Ancillary Fee $0.00
Co-op/Placement $0.00
Total $9,308.93

*Plus Mandatory Health Insurance fee once per academic year: Fall start - $420 Winter start - $280 Summer start - $140

Financial Aid, Scholarships and Bursaries

Understand the costs associated with coming to Humber and explore resources available from first year to your final year on Student Fees and Financial Resources .


Humber scholarships.

Find out more about scholarships and bursaries that you may be eligible for, visit Student Scholarships . International students can visit International Student Scholarships .

Humber Bursaries

Bursaries are available for Certificate, Diploma and Degree programs primarily based on financial need, visit Humber Bursaries.

External Awards, Bursaries & Scholarships

Find out more information about external scholarships and bursaries, visit External Awards.

Indigenous Student Awards, Bursaries & Scholarships

Humber offers a variety of bursaries and scholarships for Indigenous students, visit Indigenous Student Awards.

Explore Opportunities through Humber Pathways

Humber Pathways include:

  • Opportunities to build on your college education and complete your diploma or degree at Humber.
  • Degree and graduate study opportunities at other institutions in Ontario, Canada and abroad.

Pathway Options

Below are a few examples of pathways into this program. For more information on a pathway, click the Details button. To see all of your possible pathway options, click the View All Pathways link underneath the table.

Additional information will be made available to students from their program before the beginning of the Winter term. Courses with in-person requirements will likely also have online components. The delivery mode of some courses is still being determined. Humber may need to change plans for in-person learning, subject to government and public health directives and/or additional health and safety considerations.

You can find a complete list of programs with downloads including program and course details at Current Student Resources  

Students in programs marked as online/in-person will have a combination of those two types of delivery. Additional information will be made available to students from their program in the first week of June. Courses with in-person requirements will likely also have online components. The delivery mode of some courses is still being determined. Humber may need to change plans for in-person learning, subject to government and public health directives and/or additional health and safety considerations.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the program, a graduate will:

Select relevant content and credible sources to create complex news reports.

Assess socio-political and historical context, platform requirements, and audience needs when producing news reports.

Use data gathering, mining and visualization and presentation tools to identify and report stories hidden in big data.

Assess industry trends to inform professional journalism decisions and develop implementation strategies.

Conceptualize, produce and manage the implementation of multi-platform digital content using a variety of content management systems and industry-related technologies.

Manage a project in collaboration with other media professionals as part of a news production process in an integrated, multi-platform digital environment.

Comply with and support others to work in accordance with industry, professional, legal and ethical standards of practice.

Develop, implement and evaluate strategies for personal, career and professional development to enhance work performance and maintain currency with industry.

Establish and maintain strategic relationships with a diversity of stakeholders to achieve business goals and strategic objectives.

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Study Podiatry abroad+ image

Study Podiatry abroad

The study of feet and their ailments is called Podiatry. If you have a passion to make a change in people’s lives which would help them stand on their feet (literally), then, Podiatry is a good career choice for you!

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If you want to design structures that seamlessly integrate functionality and aesthetics, then studying building and architecture might be the answer!

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Study African Languages  abroad

Interested in learning about African culture and languages? Studying African Languages will not only help foster linguistic proficiency but also expose students to African cultures and their rich literary tradition.

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Baltimore hotel workers hold first strike in decades at city-owned Hilton

Hotel workers walked out of the city-owned downtown Hilton hotel Monday for a daylong Labor Day strike demanding better pay and better working conditions, making it the first strike in 54 years at any hotel in Baltimore.

Baltimore Unite Here Local 7 represents about 200 workers at the hotel. The action follows similar protests in eight cities across the country on Sunday as contract negotiations have stalled for hotel workers demanding higher wages and better working conditions.

“I work. I sweat. Put a raise on my check,” the picketing workers chanted soon after the strike began. Many passing drivers on the busy downtown street honked in support.

In Baltimore, grievances include reduced health insurance and increased workloads. But workers mainly want an hourly pay raise from $16.20 to $20 — a starting wage comparable to counterparts in nearby cities like Washington and Philadelphia, where they make at least $10 more per hour.

The Baltimore Banner thanks its sponsors. Become one.

In the District, hotel workers recently bargained for earnings of $33 an hour by the end of their five-year contract. In Philadelphia, about two hours away from Baltimore, workers make about $23 an hour .

Baltimore hotel workers say they have been historically underpaid.

phd in journalism in canada

Kim Randall, a union representative who worked at the Hilton between its 2008 opening and this past April, said there needs to greater respect for hospitality workers across the city.

”We came out here to fight because they need to respect us and our work,” Randall said. “They same level of respect that we offer guests to keep this hotel running is what needs to be returned to us.”

Numerous porters, housekeepers and other hospitality workers at the Hilton held signs with messages that read, “One job should be enough” and “On strike. Make them pay.” That drew the attention of guests, including attendees at the National Baptist Convention, who pulled into the hotel’s entrance.

Some guests said they sympathized with the workers on strike and were hopeful that their demand for wages they feel they deserve is met.

“As of now, minimal effects have been felt by our delegates,” said Jerlen Young-Canada, communications director for the National Baptist Convention. “We are fully aware of the ongoing strike and are actively working with our delegates to ensure a smooth and positive experience throughout the convention.”

Negotiations began in November, before the union contract first ended in February, and continued through a roughly six-month extension. Around mid-August a strike authorization vote was held before they could not reach a deal before their contract’s end on Aug. 29.

Baltimore’s well-known Belvedere Hotel was the site of the city’s last hotel worker strike, in December 1969. According to past news articles , 175 bellhops, waiters, housekeepers and other service workers held the multi-day strike after negotiations collapsed, resulting in “numerous cancellations of events.”

Unite Here , which represents 300,000 people across North America, said thousands of local hospitality union workers across the U.S. have approved strike votes at Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott and other hotels. They are all demanding higher wages, fair staffing and workloads, and the reversal of COVID-era staffing cuts.

“Many hotels have kept COVID-era service and staffing cuts even as business normalizes – including understaffing, ending automatic daily housekeeping, removing food and beverage options, and more. Hotel staffing per occupied room was down 13% from 2019 to 2022 and down 32% from 1995 to 2022,” according to a news release from the national organization.

phd in journalism in canada

Located on West Pratt Street next to the Convention Center, Baltimore’s Hilton has struggled financially since the start of the pandemic , and the city has been stuck with annual payments to help cover its debt after it borrowed more than $300 million by selling bonds to construct the hotel. In 2023, the city earmarked $7 million for the hotel from its annual budget, in addition to $16 million the property had reportedly already received to help pay its debt.

The Baltimore Development Corp., the city’s economic development agency, didn’t respond to a request for comment Monday. Representatives of Hilton also did not respond to a request for comment.

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott’s office issued a statement Monday saying he will continue to monitor negotiations in the coming days and expressing a desire for a “cooling off” period between the union and Hilton.

“We have been closely monitoring negotiations throughout this process, and are confident that ultimately Hilton leadership and UNITE HERE will come to an agreement that works for both parties .... in order to help bring everyone back to the table to discuss a contract in the best interest of both the workers and the City of Baltimore,” the statement said.

The Labor Day strike could be a prelude to a more prolonged work stoppage; the Hilton is not the only hotel under contract negotiations in the city. At the Hyatt Regency, another downtown hotel, workers are also in bargaining talks.

Allied members from other union groups around Baltimore were present Monday to support the Hilton workers. Among them were representatives of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Coalition of Organized Retail Employees, which recently organized and secured a contract for Towson’s Apple store . Also present were Johns Hopkins graduate student workers with the Teachers and Researchers United group.

Baltimore City Council member Zeke Cohen, who is slated to be the next City Council president , joined the picket line.

“We know that since the pandemic, we have not seen enough respect for these essential workers,” Cohen said. “In Baltimore, they are a big part of workforce because tourism drives a lot of our economy. And while we love our hotels, we love our workers even more. So, what I am here to say is give the Hilton workers a fair contract.”

Penelope Blackwell

[email protected]

Penelope Blackwell

Penelope Blackwell is a Breaking News reporter with The Banner. Previously, she covered local government in Durham, NC, for The News & Observer. She received her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Morgan State University and her master’s in journalism from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism.

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    phd in journalism in canada


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  2. Study Masters and PhD in Canada, Get Post Study Work Permit upto three years. Easy Pathway for PR

  3. Interview for Citizen Journalism

  4. Where to do phd research in journalism and mass communication

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  6. Conversation with Dr.Qasim Bughio, PhD in Linguistics, poet, and journalist (Part-2)


  1. 8 Ph.Ds in Journalism & Media in Canada

    Media and Design Innovation. Ph.D. / Full-time, Part-time / On Campus. 16,749 EUR / year. 4 years. Toronto Metropolitan University Toronto, Canada. Ranked top 4%. View Programme Information. Add to compare.

  2. PhD Program Information & Admissions

    PhD Program in Communication. Our faculty consider communication to be a contested concept that is shaped by different intellectual traditions, societal contexts, and historical developments. We encourage our students to embrace interdisciplinarity and expand the existing horizons of the field in their research.

  3. Communication and Media Studies

    As a student in the Department of Communication, Media and Film, you will develop a critical perspective on how communication, media and film represent and shape our lives. You will also gain marketable research and communication skills. This thesis-based degree is designed for students who want to pursue a research or scholarly career.

  4. School of Journalism, Writing, and Media

    The School of Journalism, Writing, and Media (JWAM) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) is a new unit for innovative research, teaching, and practice in journalism and media, writing and communication, and knowledge production and mobilization. It brings together the graduate Master of Journalism program and the undergraduate Writing Studies program.

  5. PhD Program in Communication, New Media & Cultural Studies

    The PhD in Communication, New Media and Cultural Studies (CNMCS) is a joint program between the Departments of Communication Studies and Media Arts (CSMA) and the Department of English and Cultural Studies (ECS). Our many complementary strengths are in areas including new media arts, performance, policy, visual culture, digital culture, music ...

  6. PhD in Media Studies (PhD MS)

    Master of Media in Journalism and Communication; PhD Health Information Science; PhD Library & Information Science ... Contact. Media Studies General Inquiries [email protected] 519-661-4017. PhD in Media Studies (PhD MS) ... Faculty of Information & Media Studies FIMS & Nursing Building, Room 2050 London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B9 Tel: 519 ...

  7. Communication (PhD)

    The PhD in Communication provides students with advanced training in media and cultural analysis. Communication academics pursue a range of different inquiries at the crossroads of humanities and social science research. ... Canada H3G 2V4. Territorial acknowledgement. Concordia University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien ...

  8. Journalism Master's and PhD Programs in Canada

    Journalism graduate and post-graduate programs and degrees offered in Canada. Browse and compare over 10,000 master's, graduate certificate, doctorate (PHD) and residency programs offered in universities, faculties and research centres across Canada.

  9. PhD

    PhD. The objectives of the PhD program include: 1. Providing experience and training in advanced research, and developing critical and analytical skills. 2. Preparing candidates for a career in teaching, or research in cultural industries or nonprofit organizations. 3. Providing a broad knowledge of the fields of Communication Studies and ...

  10. PhD Journalism and Mass Communications programs in Canada

    Bachelor Journalism and Mass Communications programs in Canada. Arts. The Bachelor of Arts requires the successful completion of 24 subjects 300 points in total with subjects usually wor... European Cultures and Society (EUCS) The three-year Bachelor's programme is offered at the Campus of the Europa-Universit t Flensburg.

  11. List of Universities for PHD in Communication And Media Studies in

    Alphabetical Order Z to A. Find the list of all universities for PHD in Communication And Media Studies in Canada with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  12. List of Universities to study Journalism in Canada

    Bachelors Masters MBA PHD Research Certification. Find the list of all universities to study Journalism in Canada with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  13. Communication Studies in Canada: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Why Study Communication Studies in Canada. Studying Communication Studies in Canada is a great choice, as there are 8 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 323,000 international students choose Canada for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all ...

  14. Ph.D. in Communications

    The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Communications offers a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the relationships between people and media in their cultural, social, political, historical, economic and technological contexts. With the guidance of an interdisciplinary faculty advisory committee, students craft i ndividual courses of study ...

  15. Doctor of Philosophy in Cinema and Media Studies (PhD)

    The Ph.D. program offers students the opportunity to pursue Cinema and Media Studies through coursework, comprehensive exams, a viva, and a dissertation project. Students are expected to give primary attention to an area of expertise of their choice while training in the broader theoretical, critical, and historical contexts of the chosen field. Faculty research specialties include strengths ...

  16. Journalism

    Journalists have traditionally sought to provide news and information in an accurate, timely and accessible manner to enable the public to make informed decisions. Yet journalism is in flux, with the digital age blurring boundaries of news production and consumption between professionals, citizens and activists. The aim at the UBC Master of Journalism program is to develop graduates who ...

  17. Top Journalism Colleges in Canada: Courses, Eligibility, Fees

    Eligibility for PhD in Journalism Colleges in Canada . This degree is designed for students who want to pursue research or scholarly career. The eligibility criterion for pursuing a doctorate or Ph.D. in Journalism are as follows: 80% in a 4 years undergraduate degree; 75% in a Master's degree.

  18. PhD/MPhil Journalism • City, University of London

    Postgraduate research degree. On the PhD/MPhil, you will join our internationally renowned Journalism department, whose expertise includes editors of leading academic journals, receiving a high level of support from your supervisor. School of Communication & Creativity Department of Journalism.

  19. Journalism in Canada: 2024 Master's Guide

    Why Study Journalism in Canada. Studying Journalism in Canada is a great choice, as there are 13 universities that offer Master's degrees on our portal. Over 323,000 international students choose Canada for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  20. Scholarships for Journalism in Canada

    Scotiabank International Partner Entrance Scholarships. Merit-based. Read more about eligibility. George Brown College. Toronto, Canada. 1 of 6. Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Journalism studies in Canada. Search and apply online today.

  21. Journalism (Ontario Graduate Certificate)

    Program Overview. Humber's Journalism graduate certificate program will immerse you in advanced research, writing and interview practices, data mining techniques, and a range of storytelling approaches for work within a multiplatform journalistic or information-gathering environment. Using the latest technologies, the program will focus on ...

  22. Pursuing Journalism In Canada: Courses, Eligibility, Fees, Scholarships

    To understand the total expenses, consider the tuition fees and the cost of living. If we go by the type of course, a UG degree in journalism in Canada costs an average of CAD 18,000 to CAD 28,000 per year. A master's degree, on the other hand, will cost you in a range of CAD 15,000 to CAD 28,000 per year.

  23. Top postgraduate journalism courses in can

    With the FastLane 'Offer in Principle', you'll know in minutes if you'll be accepted! 1. Select an institution and course. 2. Create your academic profile. 3. Submit your application for an 'Offer in Principle'. 4. Your chosen institution (s) will send you a decision in minutes!

  24. Baltimore hotel workers hold first strike in decades at city-owned

    "As of now, minimal effects have been felt by our delegates," said Jerlen Young-Canada, communications director for the National Baptist Convention. ... s degree in journalism from Morgan State University and her master's in journalism from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. More from Penelope Blackwell.