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short essay about malaysian culture

Malaysia has a rich cultural life, much of which revolves around the traditional festivities of its diverse population. The major Muslim holidays are Hari Raya Puasa (“Holiday of Fasting”), or Aidilfitri ( ʿĪd al-Fiṭr ), to celebrate the end of the fasting month of Ramadan , and Hari Raya Haji (“Holiday of the Pilgrimage”), or Aidiladha ( ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā ), to celebrate the culmination of the season of pilgrimage to Mecca . Buddhists honour the life of the Buddha on Hari Wesak (“Wesak Day”), and Chinese Malaysians celebrate Chinese New Year . Deepavali ( Diwali ), a Hindu festival of lights spanning several days, is observed by many Indian Malaysians, while Christmas is the principal holiday of the Christian community . On most of these holidays, it is customary to host an “open house,” where guests are treated to Malaysian delicacies and hospitality. A holiday that spans all ethnic groups and religions is Hari Kebangsaan (National Day), a celebration of Malaysia’s independence on August 31.

short essay about malaysian culture

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The states have their own holidays. Sarawak , for instance, celebrates Gawai Dayak (“Dayak Festival”). Rooted in the harvest rituals and festivities ( gawai ) of the Iban and Bidayuh peoples, this holiday broadly honours the state’s non-Malay indigenous heritage.

Beyond the official holidays and other religious festivities, important life events such as birth, circumcision (for young Muslim men), and marriage are usually celebrated by a feast, known in Malay as kenduri . The wedding ceremony is generally the most important and elaborate of such events among both Malay and non-Malay peoples. In rural areas the kenduri is normally held at the house of the host family, while in urban areas the feast often takes place in a large hall or hotel.

Malaysian cuisines reflect the mixture of ethnic groups in the country’s population. The three most prominent cuisines are Chinese, Indian, and Malay. Popular Chinese foods include sweet-and-sour Cantonese dishes and a milder favourite, Hainanese chicken rice. Indian cuisine ranges from the hot vegetarian dishes of southern Indian cooking to the more subtly spiced Muslim Indian food to the yogurt-marinated meats of tandoori cookery from northern India . All these foods, while recognizably Chinese or Indian, have developed a distinctly Malaysian character.

Traditional Malay cuisine consists of white rice served with various curries and fried dishes. Sate , small skewers of chicken or beef dipped in a spicy peanut sauce, nasi goreng (“fried rice”), and nasi lemak (“fatty rice”), which is coconut rice served with fried anchovies, peanuts, and a curry dish, are among the most common Malay foods. Noodles, cooked and served in various styles, are also local favourites.

Non-Muslim indigenous peoples of Peninsular and East Malaysia typically eat a staple food such as rice, tapioca, or sago served with locally grown or gathered vegetables (e.g., ferns and tapioca leaves) and fish, wild boar, venison, or other game. The food is generally not spicy or only mildly so.

The history and cultural life of Malaysia are exhibited primarily in various museums in Kuala Lumpur and several state capitals throughout the country. Built in a Malay architectural style in 1963, the National Museum in Kuala Lumpur houses a diverse archaeological and ethnographic collection that documents Malaysia’s social, cultural, artistic, and economic history . The Perak Museum in Taiping is the oldest museum in Peninsular Malaysia and contains collections of the natural history and material culture of the region. The Penang Museum and Art Gallery highlights Penang Island’s immigrant and colonial history. In East Malaysia, the Sabah Museum in Kota Kinabalu and the Sarawak Museum in Kuching , both established in the late 19th century, chronicle the unique prehistory and history of these states and their peoples.

In addition to the broadly ethnographic or historical museums, there also are numerous institutions dedicated to the documentation of particular Malaysian phenomena. The Islamic Arts Museum in Kuala Lumpur, for instance, traces the advent and growth of the art and culture of Islam in Malaysia from the 7th century to contemporary times. Other such topical museums include a numismatic museum, a museum of telecommunications, and an armed forces museum, all located in the capital city.

Malaysia is home to many art galleries and theatres for the performing arts as well. The National Art Gallery has permanent exhibitions of modern paintings by Malaysian artists and rotating exhibitions of art from around the world. Plays, dances, and musical productions by Malaysian and international performers are staged regularly at the grand national theatre, called the Istana Budaya (“Palace of Cultures and Arts”), in Kuala Lumpur.

Sports in Malaysia are a mixture of traditional and Western games. From the mid-19th century, British expatriates introduced football (soccer), cricket, track and field events, and rugby to the peninsula; they formed a number of clubs and organized competitions. The Malaysia Cup (formerly the H.M.S. Malaya Cup), first contested in 1921, is the country’s premier football competition.

short essay about malaysian culture

Traditional sports also enjoy local popularity. Top -spinning ( main gasing ) competitions are seriously contested, with winning tops often spinning for well over an hour. In some areas, top spinning is not merely a random pastime but is associated with the agricultural cycle. Kite flying also is a favourite activity, as are bird-singing contests, which may feature hundreds of birds, all with unique songs. Sepak takraw (“kick ball”) is a uniquely Southeast Asian game (now played in other regions) that is similar to volleyball but is played with a woven rattan ball and without using the hands. The sport is internationally competitive, and Malaysia has fronted winning teams.

Malaysia made its debut at the Summer Olympic Games in Melbourne in 1956. At the 1992 and 1996 Summer Games the country took medals in men’s badminton . Malaysia was one of the founders of the biennial Southeast Asian Games and has hosted the event several times since its inception in 1957.

The press is the principal source of information in urban areas of Malaysia. The newspapers are all privately owned (many by political parties) and vary greatly in circulation , quality of reporting, and news coverage. Dozens of daily papers circulate in all the major languages of the country, including Malay, English, Chinese, and Tamil. In Sabah several dailies also are issued in the Kadazan language.

Although many public and private radio stations cater to urban listeners, radio is the primary information channel in remote rural areas. Both on the peninsula and in East Malaysia, the government-operated Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) broadcasts in Malay, English, and assorted Chinese languages , as well as in various indigenous languages, such as Iban in Sarawak. RTM also broadcasts internationally in Arabic, English, Chinese, and the national languages of several of Malaysia’s Southeast Asian neighbours.

Television is a popular medium across geographical and linguistic boundaries. The government had a monopoly on television broadcasting until the mid-1990s, when it opened the industry to private operators. Since that time several commercial stations have been established, and the emergence of private cable and satellite companies has allowed television broadcasting to reach the most remote rural regions of the country.

An essay on the diverse yet progressive culture of Malaysia


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History of Malaysia

Culture of malaysia, population groups, greeting style of malaysia, malaysian family traditions, malaysian cultural etiquette, communication styles followed by malaysian people.

  • Some Do's and Don'ts in Malaysia

Essay on Malaysian culture

A thorough essay on malaysian history and culture.

Malaysia is a country known for its cultural diversity. It is also the place that has caught the world's eyes for its beauty, which is why it attracts a huge number of tourists. The Malaysian population consists of Indian, Chinese, and native Malaysian people. Moreover, the natives of Malaysia, known as Malay, also reside in other parts of the world. They are spread across the world but make sure to stay close to their religious and cultural beliefs. Thus, one essential aspect of studying in the life of Malaysian people is their culture and religion. This is why this essay enlightens the readers about the various cultural values possessed by Malaysia's people.

Malaysia has its tribal history dated back to approximately 40,000 years ago. However, the Hindu and Buddhist monarchy's kingdoms started to spread in the time zone of 3rd century BC. Further, the Muslims entered the peninsula in the 13th century with Indian and Arab traders' entry. Furthermore, with time, Dutch and Portuguese established their colonial powers in the country. However, from the 18th century, the British began to dominate the country at a highly increasing speed. This resulted in creating an even wider dominance of the British empire over the Malaysian regions.

In 1857, the port cities of Georgetown, along with Malacca, were conjoined by a new city called Kuala Lumpur. This came out to be the first capital of the province and then the national capital of Malaysia. Starting from the years 1948-1960, there were many violent incidents known as Emergency. This resulted in a wedge between the native Malaysian and the Chinese population. After a course of negotiations and incidents, Malaysia became independent in 1965.

After attaining independence, Malaysia has been experiencing an upward movement in the developmental graph. The country has emerged to be one of the most powerful nations in the Southeast Asian region.

Malaysia as a country has been recognized as the blend of three cultures. The country has been blessed with the diversity of three cultures, namely Malay, Chinese and Indian. The country has also been referred to as the ‘Asia in Miniature.’ Further, the cultural origin of the region has been said to stem from ancient times. That is when the Malays moved to the region, followed by Indians and Chinese who entered the region as traders. The country also influences regions like Arab, Persia, and Britain.

The country, therefore, enjoys a variety of cultural beliefs practiced by the people belonging to different cultural groups. Unity in Diversity is the concept that drives the cultural and social behavior of Malaysian people. There is a huge variety of ethnic values which the people of Malaysia solely own. Moving further, art and music form an important part of the Malaysian culture. Which dates back to the Malay Sultanates. The traditional art forms of the country include weaving, silversmithing, and carving. Also, India's cultural influence over Malaysia can be seen with the popularity of performing arts and puppet shows in the various regions of the country. Moving further, the music of Malaysia has originated from various backgrounds and is operated by percussion instruments. The literature has also expanded in recent years, with new Indian and Chinese literature additions added a few years back.

Population groups

The country of Malaysia is divided into various population groups. The country experiences an uneven distribution of population in the Peninsular and East Malaysian regions. The maximum population of the country resides in Peninsular Malaysia. In this region, the population can be divided into four groups. These people generally vary based on their appearance, including the Orang Asli and the people who do not originally belong to that region. There are Malays, Chinese, and other South Asians living in the region. Additionally, the people situated in this region comprise smaller groups such as Europeans, Thais, Americans, Arabs, and Eurasians.

The first group Orang Asli can be first classified into further small groups. One is Jakun, the people who speak the Malay dialect, while the other is Semang and Senoi, who are known to use the Mon Khmer family's language.

The next group is Malays, which are known to have originated in various regions of peninsula and archipelagic Southeast Asia. These people form the country's most powerful group, with half of the population constituted by them. Along with being a numerically dominant group, they have little variation in their cultural practices. Though the language they speak is Malay, the difference in their culture is largely due to the place they live in.

Next is the Chinese group, which constitutes 1/4th of the population of Malaysia. These have been said to have migrated from the regions of southeastern China. Also, these are known to be culturally diverse and speak varied languages.

Further, there are population groups formed by people from India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. However, these people are comparatively less in number but form a significant part of the Malaysian population. Also, these people speak various languages, but Tamil speakers form the largest group.

Greeting style of Malaysia

The societal practices in Malaysia's country are dominated by the cultural and religious beliefs of the people. The majority of the practices can be seen dominated by the Muslim Malays, Hindus of Indian origin, and believers of the Chinese religions. One of the most popular greetings is Selamat, which Bahasa Melayu uses, but the Malays even more practice Assalamualaikum. In Malay society, males are generally titled as Encik and women as Cik, whereas married women are Puan.

Moreover, a greeting is considered the first step to form a relationship with the other person. The way a person greets the other conveys his feelings about him. Also, the oldest person is supposed to be greeted first and should be given high respect. Further, each individual should be addressed as Mr, Ms, or Mrs as a matter of regard for their individuality. The elders of the society are called ``pakcik” (uncle) or “makcik” (aunty). In addition to this, the common verbal used by Malay people is Salaam.

The Malaysian culture people believe that touching their hands to the chest is a sign of giving respect. Also, while shaking hands, the touch should be gentle, and a relaxed wrist should be proposed to the other person. The people of Chinese and Indian origin have been believed to practice western cultures. Further, hospitality practice should always be carried out on a warmer note, and the guests should be given the highest authority. Moreover, while entering the house, the footwear should be removed outside, and the religious beliefs of all the people should be respected in an equal way.

Malaysia's official religion has been declared to be Islam as around 60% of the country’s population follows the Muslim religion. However, the country has a significant population of Hindus and Buddhists. The country also has Chinese Malaysians who follow the traditions of Taoist and Confucianism. It also forms a habitat for the tribal people of Borneo and other areas with remote presence.

Further, Islam is the factor that differentiates Malays from non- Malays as, by lay, all the Malays are Muslims. Moving to the Chinese population, they do not have any particularly dominant religion. However, they follow the moral principles of Buddhism or Daoism. Moving to the Indian population, the maximum number of Indians practice Hinduism, whereas the Sikhs who belong to the Punjab region practice Sikhism. Malaysia also has a Pakistan's country population, and its people largely follow the Muslim religion and practice its values. Thus, it will not be wrong to say that different ethnicities and religions co-exist in Malayasia without much discrimination .

The Non- Malay Indigenous people constitute Orang Asli, who have adopted Islam as their religion. Many of them still follow their local religions and respect the ethnic values of the same.

Malaysia is a country that is not only culturally diverse but also respects the individuality of every religion. Maintaining the dignity of every religion is the utmost duty of every Malaysian. Same has been imbibed in the family traditions of the country. Though the traditional practices vary as per the regional difference, giving due respect to every person as per their age is very much in the blood of Malaysians.

One prominent culture that is practiced in the various regions of Malaysia is the culture of extended family. Though modern Malaysia is now adopting the nuclear family's values, there are still some agricultural and rural areas, which still include the practice of extended family. One prominent exercise which can be seen followed in the Malaysian society is the difference in age-gap of husband and wife. The Malaysian men prefer to have a large number of children, due to which they prefer to marry women who are younger than them. This is one way in which the patriarchal society of Malaysia promotes the evil practice of child abuse . To explain, as men indulge in polygamy to have many children, they cannot provide sufficient education and nutrition to each kid.

Father or the male figure is often considered as the patriarch of the house. He takes most of the important decisions of the family. Furthermore, the home's older people are consulted before taking a final decision on some important matters.

Malaysia is a country known for its cultural values and traditions. Its people are known to love each other with great respect. Few of the common cultural etiquettes followed by the Malaysian society include:

  • Shaking of hands as a gesture to meet and greet at the meeting time and saying goodbye.
  • A person has to be polite towards the other and show respect to him in every manner. The people of Malaysia essentially follow the traditional concept of ‘Budi.’
  • The word ‘Budi’ is known to comprehend the ethics of wisdom, virtue, good etiquette, and respective moral values in a person.
  • Malaysians generally portray nice and calm behavior while talking to people in society.
  • They are also known to be gentle and kind human beings who are often modest and follow a patient approach towards life.
  • The people who follow this refined and positive behavior are called to follow ‘Budi Bahasa. Whereas the ones who are contrary and aggressive or loud or called as ‘kasar’ or rough people of the society.
  • However, the younger generation is moving towards a more direct and open form of communication. It is much because of the online communication space, which needs a more direct and progressive manner of communication. The country has also experienced a major shift in its cultural practices after the concept of globalization .

The land of Malaysia is a multicultural and multilingual country. One can witness several languages being spoken in the country due to considerable population growth since its independence journey. However, Bahasa Melayu is the official language of Malaysia and English is much accepted and used by the locals due to its global accessibility. Other languages, including the Chinese languages such as Cantonese and Hokkien and even others like Tamil and Iban, are practiced by the people living in minority communities of Malaysia.

Moving further to the business style of communication, the country follows a very different way to convey the messages. In case of bad news, the people prefer to communicate the same in a coded form, so that it is tough to interpret. Further in-depth diplomacy and politeness are said to be the center of every business communication. The people of Malaysia make sure that no talk is done with rude or unethical behavior inside or outside the home. They further ensure to follow certain protocols when delivering bad news or in case of talking to seniors.

Furthermore, they also understand the importance of sharing pleasantries before beginning any formal communication. They do understand that this particular process helps in breaking the ice between two unknown people. This process even adds better results to the communication that is going to proceed shortly. Moreover, one important thing to mention is that Malaysia's people do not often use the word ‘No.’ It is used only on rare occasions. Talking about the business language, most people prefer English as the usual language for workplace conversations.

Some Do’s and Don'ts in Malaysia

To properly understand the Malaysian culture, one needs to grasp the Dos and don'ts of the Malaysian culture clearly.

The Don'ts.

  • One should never confuse between a Malay and a Malaysian. Malay is the ethnic group of Malaysia that follows Islam, whereas every citizen living in Malaysia is a Malaysian.
  • Do not shake hands with Malaysian women. It is often considered an offense to shake hands with women because it is not a part of their culture.
  • Public Display of attraction is often considered indecent and unacceptable in many parts of Malaysian society.
  • Pointing out with the finger is again considered immoral in the society of Malaysia.
  • One should not give tips when they go to Malaysia. The country's people believe in making their living by themselves and do not rely on service-driven benefits. https://sandinmycurls.com/25-dos-and-donts-in-malaysia-to-make-you-a-better-traveler/
  • One should always adore Malaysian activates when in Malaysia. This includes the dining and communication styles that one should follow to accept the country's culture gracefully.
  • Making sure to follow the dressing code of Malaysia is again an important way to show respect towards the country's culture.
  • Further one should talk slowly and make use of polite and fewer words.
  • The next important way to stay connected with the culture of Malaysia is to learn the local language. This particular asset helps a person to adjust to the new environment easily.
  • Always respect the elders and not initiate any violent actions during a conversation with the Malaysian or any person in the country.

("25 Dos and Don'ts in Malaysia to Make You a Better Traveler • Sand In My Curls", 2020)

The students of the college usually get essays as a part of the college assignment. This section helps to write a descriptive essay on Malaysian culture. one can learn the formats and the structure to write a high-scoring essay through this example if a student cannot understand or does not have time to write an essay for a college assignment. Then he can easily contact Assignmenthelp4me . Our company ensures to write the essay in a much-defined way which will help the student to get HD grades in his college assignment. The essay example below talks about an essay on Malaysian culture and its growth in recent years.

Malaysia- An embodiment of success with a multicultural environment


The Asian countries of the world have been blessed with the power to embrace diversity at its best. From enjoying the diversity of being multilingual, these countries also practice the values of various religions. One such country which practices a mix of religions in Malaysia. It is truly Asia and is a highly preferred tourist destination by the people of the world. The country has made a mark in the world despite the cultural diversity it has. In fact, this diversity has helped the country achieve ambitious goals in terms of financial gains and progress. This essay defines the reasons cultural diversity has positively impacted Malaysia's growth as a country and brought more harmony and unity in the ideology of the people.

Malaysia- An embodiment of success with multicultural environment

The first and foremost thing is the diversity brings creativity to the workspace. It's when there are people from different religious backgrounds working at the same place; then they bring variety in their ideologies. It is further with this mixture; the employees adapt versatility in their creative outlook. They get to learn to think with different mindsets for people with different views. It even helps the company to cater to the contrasting demands of the client. In addition to this, it produces advantageous opportunities for the employees to learn and perform with excellence. One such example can be taken of the hotel industry of Malaysia. This particular sector enjoys a huge turnover and has a positive impact on the diversity of the country. Moreover, a workforce with a diverse background is beneficial for the hotel industry to serve clients from various religious and regional backgrounds. (2020)

Moving further, cultural diversity in an organization has witnessed the production of employees with a growth mindset. If a particular organization favors cultural diversity in its company’s work culture, it becomes effortless for the employees to adapt. Moreover, it brings an element of mutual respect between the two, and both of them invest their best interest in each other. This further leads to the generation of highly motivated employees, who are ready to put in their heart and sweat into the company's growth. These are the employees who see their personal growth with the growth of the company. In addition to this, in a company where cultural diversities are regarded and respected, they do not feel leftover. In fact, despite being an odd one, he feels to be a part of the company, which becomes the guiding force to his constant and conclusive contribution towards the company’s high productivity. A study has supported the same-named The Effect Of Diversity Inclusion On Employee Growth Mindset In Malaysian 4- And 5-Star Hotels. The study results state that it is important and constructive for the growth of a company to include the elements of cultural diversity in its working environment. It boosts the growth mindset of the employees and maintains a harmonious relationship between the employees. It also gives strength to the employee-employer relationship in a company. (2020)

In addition to the private and government sector companies, which are the major driver of economic growth in Malaysia. The education sector also experiences a great surge due to the adoption of cultural diversity in the country. It no denies the fact that students are the growth booster for any country. Suppose a particular nation invests significant resources in the upliftment of the education sector. Then, that country is sure to witness progressive growth in its financial stock figures. Students' education in their early years of schooling and college helps them define their true personality and potential. Moreover, when the students learn from other students of varied cultural backgrounds, then the intensity of the learning multiplies. The country, parents, and the students themselves can see a significant change in their attitude and belief towards society. These changes have helped the students of Malaysia adopt an optimistic attitude towards the diversity in the country. They have now started to embrace the change rather than putting down people's growth from other cultures. As per a study done by Najeemah Mohd of Yusof School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, a teacher's role is instrumental in helping the students accept cultural diversity. In his study named MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION: MANAGING DIVERSITY IN MALAYSIAN SCHOOLS, he underlines the importance and tells how teachers can help the students accept the change. (2020)

On the contrary, some people and organizations state that cultural diversity can confuse the students' minds. They become more confused because of the various cultures, but it also becomes difficult for them to bring up their point. The language and the culture difference inhibits the students from bringing forth their true personality in front of the other students and teachers. The same is the case with the employees who tend to develop a communication gap because of the company's varying cultures. Often, an employee steps back from the job or even secludes himself from the rest of the company, just because of the diverse cultural environment.

("Educational Diversity, Social Learning, and Multicultural Citizenship — The Malaysian Experience," 2020)

To conclude, it can be said that multicultural societies have proven to be an element of a boon for the Malaysian economy rather than the bane. This very cultural concept has boosted the students' confidence, capability, and growth levels and the working class of Malaysian society. It is much because of these efforts of the country’s government that Malaysia's students are easily able to adjust to other countries of the world and pave a luring career for themselves. However, there are some drawbacks, but these can be dealt with by giving more attention to the flaws and working on them. The teachers can pay more attention to students and put in more effort in building positive relationships between the students with cultural variability. Similarly, the employers can employ some better policies to ensure no disrespect is given to any employee's culture or religion. Further, the government can also design strict rules to ensure the individuality of each religion and culture of the Malaysian country. With these positive steps, the Malaysian economy can continue to soar to greater heights with its multicultural environment.

The country of Malaysia has always welcomed new cultures and practices. This is why this country is growing fast and inviting new companies and businesses to grow on its land. Thus, cultural diversity has in every way helped the Malaysian nation experience growth and prosperity from the very beginning of its conception.

  • Educational Diversity, Social Learning, and Multicultural Citizenship — The Malaysian Experience. (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from https://headfoundation.org/HESB6/educational-diversity-social-learning-multicultural-citizenship-malaysian-experience/
  • (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from http://woulibrary.wou.edu.my/weko/eed502/Najeema_Multicultural_Education.pdf
  • (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from http://www.ijstr.org/final-print/dec2019/The-Effect-Of-Diversity-Inclusion-On-Employee-Growth-Mindset-In-Malaysian-4-And-5-star-Hotels.pdf
  • 25 Dos and Don’ts in Malaysia to Make You a Better Traveler • Sand In My Curls. (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from https://sandinmycurls.com/25-dos-and-donts-in-malaysia-to-make-you-a-better-traveler/
  • Malaysian Culture - Core Concepts. (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/malaysian-culture/malaysian-culture-core-concepts#malaysian-culture-core-concepts
  • Malaysian Culture - Family. (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/malaysian-culture/malaysian-culture-family#malaysian-culture-family
  • Malaysia - Religion. (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from https://www.britannica.com/place/Malaysia/Religion
  • Malaysian Culture - Greetings. (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/malaysian-culture/malaysian-culture-greetings
  • Malaysia - People. (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from https://www.britannica.com/place/Malaysia/People
  • Traditions & Culture in Malaysia: Greetings, Gifts, Religion &The People. (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from https://internationalliving.com/countries/malaysia/traditions-culture-in-malaysia/
  • (2020). Retrieved 24 October 2020, from https://www.studycountry.com/guide/MY-history.htm

Culture of Malaysia – Unravel the Malaysian History, Language & Culture

History of malaysia.

Tugu Negara Statue

Malaysian Languages

Food of malaysia.

Malaysian Laksa

Festivals in Malaysia

Chinese New Year

Folk Dance & Music

Folk dance in Malaysia

Arts and Crafts in Malaysia

Malaysian clothing

Religion in Malaysia

Malaysian architecture.

Petronas Towers

Law and Order in Malaysia

Malaysian customs, traditions & etiquettes.

  • Malaysians place a huge emphasis on family and self-respect.
  • Raising one’s voice and arguing in public are considered faux-pas, so do not escalate a fight into loud arguments.
  • PDA is frowned upon, so do not engage in PDA while out in smaller towns.
  • Avoid touching the head while engaging in conversation – this is considered rude.
  • Use only the right hand to give and take things.
  • While meeting the locals, remember that some may not be comfortable with shaking hands with the other gender – especially when it comes to Muslim women.
  • Always wait for the other person to extend their hand, or opt to bow with the hand to the heart as a form of greeting.
  • It is recommended to take along a gift while meeting a local for the first time. Remember not to gift alcohol or pig-skin-lined items to Malays.
  • If visiting a Chinese home, wrap gifts in bright red or yellow wrapper, but do not take along flowers – they are considered funeral gifts.
  • If giving money to Indians, provide it in odd-numbered denominations only.

This post was published by Nivedha

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  • 11 Things You Should Know...

11 Things You Should Know About Malaysian Culture

Enthusiastic Malaysian

Traveling to Malaysia? Remember to drink Milo, take selfies with the Twin Towers, and don’t kiss your girlfriend.

Everyone drinks milo.

Babies and adults, expats and locals, monkeys and humans all bond over Milo (pronounced ‘my-low’). This chocolate-and-malt drink is so integral to Malaysian existence that local food courts and coffee shops will serve Milo, but not chocolate. (“You want hot chocolate? You mean hot Milo?”) It comes in various forms, too — iced, jellied, caked, cocktailed, and dinosaured . Have fun.

Milo dinosaur

‘Rain’ is not a problem

What foreigners call a “storm,” Malaysians just call “rain.” When the downpour begins, it sounds like a thousand bullets are hitting your roof, which incidentally may or may not be blown away. The wind howls, the thunder resounds, and the lightning cracks the the sky in half. And through it all, Malaysians will be as cool as their cendol (sweet iced dessert), and hide it out inside their shopping malls.

Most people speak English

What do you expect from a country that was colonized by the British for over 100 years, and has continued to be a part of the Commonwealth since 1957? These people probably speak English better than you.

Superlatives are a thing

In Malaysia, it’s all about having the tallest, biggest, highest, and longest. From the tallest twin towers and the third largest Sleeping Buddha in the world, to the longest bridge and the highest mountain in Southeast Asia, this is a culture that basks in its superlatives. It doesn’t matter that the Internet here is slower than India’s — because, hey, Malaysia has the world’s seventh tallest freestanding communications tower. Just so you know.

Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur

Squat toilets still exist

You may have traveled from Thailand, but you haven’t reached Singapore yet. Which means that squat toilets are still available, even in shopping malls. Some places, like the Penang Tropical Fruit Farm , only have squat toilets. Let’s hope you’ve been working out your knees and thighs.

Food is fusion

If Malaysia is renowned for its cultural diversity, then it’s the cuisine that substantiates this claim. From Nyonya dishes (a mix of Chinese and Malay flavors, apropos the Peranakan culture) to mamak food (a blend of Indian and Malay fare), Malaysians know how to have a feast while practicing muhibah.

people cheering on a mountain

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You can shop ’til you drop

Quite literally, you can shop until you go to bed. Shopping malls are typically open until 10 p.m. on weekdays, and even later on the weekends. It’s not unusual to find malls closing at midnight. This applies to cafés, too — because Malaysians like their coffee (and Milo), no matter the hour.

Suria KLCC shopping

Honesty in everything

Malaysia is generally safe, friendly, and honest. This means that food vendors won’t try to extra-charge you for being a tourist, and if you drop a RM50 ($12) note, you’ll usually get it back . That said, Malaysians are also quick to tell you what they think, especially if they think you’re an idiot. Did you brave the Malaysian rain and end up with a cold? “Next time, pakai otak-lah.” (Next time, use your brain-lah).

No shoes indoors

If you wear your shoes indoors, what difference is there between your home and the freeway? Wearing shoes indoors is rude, offensive, and just plain dirty. Don’t do it.

Shoes left outside of a local home

Eat with your right hand

In Malaysia, it’s just as normal to eat with your bare hand as with your fork and spoon. Nasi lemak , roti canai, and crispy prawn crackers are all fodder for your fingers — on the right hand, that is. Your left paw is reserved for less-savory things.

PDA not encouraged

If you want to get intimate with your beau, it’s best to keep it to your room. Public displays of affection, such as kissing and fondling, may be followed up by a visit from the police. Holding hands is fine, as is a quick peck on the cheek, but “ amorous embraces ” are suspect. French kissing? You’ll be lucky if you don’t get prosecuted.

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  • The Culture Of Malaysia

Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country with rich cultural diversity. Image credit: stockshoppe/Shutterstock.com

  • A shrimp paste called belacan is widely used to add flavor to various Malaysian dishes.
  • Weaving, carving, and silversmithing have long traditions in the country.
  • Music is an integral part of weddings, birth ceremonies, harvest festivals, and storytelling events in Malaysia.
  • Wau is a traditional Malaysian sport that involves kite flying.
  • Marriage customs in Malaysia are varied due to the country’s ethnic diversity.

The Southeast Asian country of Malaysia has great cultural diversity. Indigenous tribes, Malays, Chinese, and Indians have all contributed to the culture of the country. Significant influences of Persian, British, and Arabic cultures are also be seen in Malaysian culture.

6. Ethnicity, Language, and Religion in Malaysia

Statue of hindu god Murugan at Batu cave in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Image credit: S-F/Shutterstock.com

Malaysia has a large population of around 31,809,660 individuals. The ethnic Malays and indigenous peoples of the country together represent around 61.7% of the population. Malaysian citizens of Chinese and Indian ethnic origins also have a considerable presence in Malaysia. A significant section (10.4%) of Malaysia’s population comprises of immigrant workers from various foreign countries.

Malaysia is linguistically diverse. The country has 112 indigenous and 22 foreign languages. Malay is the official language of the nation while English is the most widely spoken second language of the people. Chinese, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Thai, and other languages are spoken.

The majority of Malaysia’s population (about 61%) are affiliated to Islam. Followers of Buddhism, Christianity, and Hinduism account for 19.8%, 9.2%, and 6.3% of the country’s population respectively. Other religions like Taoism, Confucianism, etc., also have significant followings.

The religious diversity of Malaysia leads to the celebration of many festivals in the country all year round. Secular festivals like Hari Merdeka or Independence Day, Labour Day, Malaysia Day are also held with great festivities. Muslim holidays like Hari Raya Puasa, Maulidur Rasul, and Islamic New Year or Awal Muharram are very prominent. Chinese New Year, the Hindu festival of Diwali, Thaipusam, and Wesak are some of the other popular celebrations in Malaysia.

5. Malaysian Cuisine

Nasi Lemak, a fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf commonly found in Malaysia. Served with sambal, anchovies, peanut and cucumber. Image credit: Dolly MJ/Shutterstock.com

The multiethnic makeup of Malaysia’s population significantly influences the country’s cuisine. Indian, Thai, Sumatran, Malay, Chinese, Javanese and other cuisines have all helped shape the Malaysian dishes. The cuisine of the country also varies regionally.

Rice is the staple food in Malaysia. The country grows nearly 70% of the rice that it consumes and the rest is imported. Chilli peppers are an essential ingredient in every Malaysian kitchen. A shrimp paste called belacan is also widely used to add flavor to various dishes. Coconut is also an important ingredient in Malaysian cuisine. Virtually all parts of the coconut plant are used for culinary purposes. Different varieties of soy sauce are also added to Malaysian dishes to contribute a salty flavor to the steamed dishes, stir-fries, and marinades. Lemongrass herb is used in many dishes. Tofu dishes are also made.

A variety of meats like beef, poultry, and mutton are consumed in the country and all are handled as per Halal standards. Malaysian Muslims abstain from consuming pork but a large section of the Chinese community living in Malaysia prefer pork. Fish is prominent in the Malaysian diet. Seafood other than fish like shrimp, prawn, squid, octopus, sea cucumber, snails, etc., are also consumed. A wide variety of fruits and vegetables are also available in the market.

4. Literature, Art, And Craft In Malaysia

A traditional kite or "Wau" maker wearing batik sarung (Malay tradisional skirt) working on a kite in his workshop. Image credit: udeyismail/Shutterstock.com

The earliest works of Malaysian literature were transmitted orally. It encompassed many genres ranging from folk tales, legends, and myths to poetry, history, proverbs, epics, and love stories. Written literature developed much later and is mostly in the four languages of Malay, English, Tamil, and Chinese. The earliest literary works in the country were in the Arabic script.

Malaysian has a rich heritage of art and craft. Weaving, carving, and silversmithing have long traditions in the country. Handwoven baskets, woven batik, songket (luxurious textiles), kris, wooden masks, beetle nut sets, etc., are some common Malaysian artworks. Earthenware has developed in areas like Perak.

3. Music And Dance In Malaysia

The Mah Meri tribe plays traditional musical instruments during the celebration of Hari Moyang (Ancestors Day) at Pulau Pulau Carey, Klang, Malaysia. Image credit: Sallehudin Ahmad/Shutterstock.com

The music of Malaysia has several origins. The country’s traditional music is based on percussion instruments. Drums are the most important musical instruments used to play this type of music. At least 14 types of drums are used. Other traditional musical instruments include rebab, gongs, trumpets, flutes, etc. Music is an integral part of weddings, birth ceremonies, harvest festivals, and storytelling events.

2. Sports In Malaysia

People participating in Tug Of War game during National Sports Day in Tuaran Public Field. Image credit: Lano Lan/Shutterstock.com

A number of sports are played in Malaysia with the most popular ones being bowling, football, badminton, squash, field hockey, etc. Wau is a traditional Malaysian sport that involves kite flying. The kites used in this game can fly as high as 500 meters with the help of bamboo attachments. Sepak takraw or kick volleyball, dragon dancing, and dragon boat racing are some other traditional sports. With long coastlines and many islands, many aquatic sports and activities like sailing, swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, etc., are enjoyed by Malaysians.

1. Life in Malaysian Society

Bajau Laut people in their village in Sibuan island, Semporna. Image credit: ellinnur bakarudin/Shutterstock.com

Although men dominated the traditional Malaysian society, strict gender segregation is not a feature of modern Malaysia. With every passing decade, more and more women of the country are entering the workforce. While women have always participated in agricultural activities, modern Malaysian women are employed in diverse fields of employment ranging from academics to healthcare, information technology, factories, business, etc. Cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing are, however, still deemed to the sole responsibility of women in many households. In affluent households, these duties are often assigned to hired foreign maids.

Marriage customs in Malaysia are varied due to the country’s ethnic diversity. All religious communities with the exception of Muslims have no restrictions on their marriage. Malaysian Muslims who marry non-Muslims risk government sanctions. If, however, their non-Muslim partner converts to Islam, there is no such risk. Different ethnic communities in the country have their unique marriage rituals and customs. For example, Malay weddings are associated with large banquets and involve eating rice prepared in oil while Indian weddings are elaborate affairs that continue over several days. People usually marry before reaching their 30s but the average age of marriage is gradually shifting towards the higher side.

Household size in Malaysia has considerably reduced over the years. In urban areas, most households are small and consist of parents and their children. In rural areas, extended families can still be seen. Malaysian children are adored and brought up with considerable care. Grandparents often participate in child rearing in the early years. Children are taught to respect their elders, address people with proper titles, and other social etiquettes. Their education is highly valued by the parents.

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Traditions & Culture in Malaysia: Greetings, Gifts, Religion &The People

Traditions & Culture in Malaysia

By Keith Hockton

The Malays inhabit the Malay Peninsula; eastern Sumatra; the southernmost parts of Thailand; the south coast of Burma; the island of Singapore; coastal Borneo, including Brunei, West Kalimantan, and coastal Sarawak and Sabah, plus the smaller islands that lie between these locations. Collectively they are known as the Alam Melayu. Today these areas are parts of the modern nations of Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Myanmar, and Thailand.

The Chinese

Most Chinese in Malaysia are the descendants of different groups of Chinese who arrived between the 15th and mid-20th centuries, seeking a better life. Within Malaysia they are referred to simply as ‘Chinese’ and represent the second largest ethnic group after the ethnic Malay majority.

There are four principal Chinese dialect groups in the region, plus a scattering of others, each originally from different parts of China. The main four dialect groupings are Min, Hakka, Cantonese, and Wu.

The Indians

Indian Malaysians or Malaysian Indians are Malaysians of Indian origin. Many are descendants of those who migrated from India during the British colonization of Malaya and today they form the third largest ethnic group in Malaysia after the Malays and the Chinese. There is evidence of Indians living in the Malay Archipelago for over 2,500 years and they brought their festivals and beliefs with them.

The Orang Asli

The oldest inhabitants of the Malay Peninsula are its tribal peoples. They account for a small part of the total population and represent a majority in the Malaysian states of Sarawak and Sabah. Although they prefer to be known by their individual tribal names, Malaysians know them as Orang Asli or Original People and officially there are 18 Orang Asli tribes.

Other Groups

The other groups in Malaysia tend to be predominantly Europeans, Australians, New Zealanders North Americans, and South Africans. Predominantly Christian by birth, if not in practice, they too bring with them their own traditions and celebrations.

The Portuguese were the first European colonial powers to establish themselves in Malaysia, capturing Malacca in 1511, followed by the Dutch. However, it was the British who ultimately secured their hegemony across the territory that is now Malaysia, after initially establishing bases at Jesselton, Kuching, Penang , and Singapore.

Government: 11 states and two federal territories and located on the Malay Peninsula. Two additional states are on the island of Borneo and there is one federal territory just north of the island of Borneo. All states and territories operate within a constitutional monarchy under the Westminster parliamentary system.

Legislature: Parliament

Leader: Prime Minister

Appointer: The King

Language: Bahasa Malaysia. The official business language of Malaysia is English.

Multi-Cultural, Multi-Religious

The Malays of Malaysia are officially Muslims of the Sunni sect and of the school of Shafi’e. Though firmly Islamic, local religious beliefs and practices also have a distinctly local character. This means that a full understanding of Islamic concepts does not imply a concurrent understanding of Malay Islamic religious beliefs and customs.

The Chinese in the region are predominantly Buddhist, but more often than not cross over into Confucianism and Taoism. Buddhism takes care of the afterlife, Confucianism looks after the political and moral aspects of life, and Taoism teaches people to maintain harmony with the universe.

Tamils, who make up the largest of the Indian groups in Malaysia, are of both Indian and Sri Lankan heritage; tend to practice Hinduism, including both the major Hindu and Tamil pantheon of deities. Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus are usually Shaivites, while Telugu Tamils predominantly belong to the Vaishnavite branch of Hinduism, with a minority among them practicing Christianity and Islam.

In Malaysia, most of the Indian Christians are Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Lutheran, or Evangelical. Amongst the Malayalee community, Catholicism and the Marthoma Church are particularly strong. Many Indians from the Punjab practice Sikhism.

Due to their common religious background, most of the Indian Muslim community has been absorbed into the larger Malay community, with a substantially high level of assimilation and intermarriage between the communities. In Malaysia, Tamil Muslims are often referred to as ‘Mamaks’ while Malayalee Muslims are known as ‘Kakas’ or ‘Malabaris’.

The Orang Asli and other indigenous groups in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak are loosely classified as animists and largely not recognized by the state. They are not in any way less sophisticated than any of the other religions. Their ideas about morality and the supernatural world are complex, well-structured, and very in tune with and at one with nature and their surroundings.

Most of the Christian churches divide their year into two parts: the first from the end of November to the end of May and the second from May onwards. The festivals of the first part are celebrations of the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit. The festivals and celebrations of the second part are largely celebrated in memory of outstanding early Christians.

Face: What does it mean in Malaysia?

Face within the Malaysian community essentially among the Chinese, Indians, and Malays is important and very complicated. The good news is that foreigners are not expected to adhere to the same exacting standards of respect and prestige as the locals are. Small gestures of respect are easy to do and go a long way towards demonstrating that even if you don’t understand face, you respect the concept.

One way to describe Face is that it is the prevention of embarrassment at all costs to one’s self and to others.

There are many aspects of Face: one can lose Face, gain Face, and lose Face for others. One can also get the most unfortunate reputation of one who does not want Face, or worse, one who has no Face.

To lose face is to lose the respect of others, to be humiliated or experience public disgrace.

To save face signifies a desire or defines a strategy to avoid humiliation or embarrassment, to maintain dignity or preserve reputation.

Meeting and Greeting

Malacca, Malaysia

Malay women may not shake hands with men and you shouldn’t be offended if when you put out your hand that it is refused. Malay women can of course shake hands with men and women, but at their discretion.

The Chinese handshake is light and may be rather prolonged. Chinese men and women may shake hands, although the woman must extend her hand first.

Indians shake hands with members of the same sex and if you are a Westerner meeting an Indian woman you should wait for her to extend her hand first. When being introduced to someone of the opposite sex, nodding the head and smiling is usually sufficient.

The Chinese traditionally have three names. The surname is used first and is followed by two personal names. Many Chinese adopt more Western names and may ask you to use that instead. It is polite to ask how they preferred to be called as Chinese to Chinese call themselves by their surnames and may want you to do the same.

Malays do not have surnames. Instead, men add their father’s name to their own name with the term “bin” (meaning “son of”). So Rosli bin Suleiman, would be Rosli the son of Suleiman. Women use the term “binti”, so Aysha binti Suleiman is Aysha the daughter of Suleiman.

Many Indians do not use surnames. Instead, they place the initial of their father’s name in front of their own name. The man’s formal name is their name “s/o” (son of) and the father’s name. Women use “d/o” to refer to themselves as the daughter of their father. That being said, most Malaysian Indians will use their first name when introducing themselves to you and that is usually how they would like to be addressed.

Giving Gifts


If invited to someone’s home for dinner, bring the hostess pastries or good quality chocolates. Never give alcohol. Do not give toy dogs or pigs to children.

This is complicated so I’ll make it easy for you: Never give flowers if you are invited to someone’s house as certain flowers have specific meaning to the Chinese. Gifts from your own country are always welcome and very much appreciated and any kind of cake or pastry will have you invited back very quickly.

Do not give leather products to a Hindu. Do not give alcohol unless you are certain the recipient drinks, if they do, whisky is a good choice. The safe play here is flowers or cakes or pastries.

Business Etiquette

Malaysian’s are internationally savvy and you should greet them with the same respect that you would greet other business associates from around the world. The only thing to keep in mind is if meeting a Malay woman let her extend her hand first or if you are a woman meeting a Malay man, let him extend his hand first.

Business Card Etiquette

International etiquette stands and business cards should be exchanged after the initial introduction. Use two hands or the right hand only to exchange business cards. Examine any business card you receive immediately before putting it in your business card case.

Dealing with Chinese Malaysians

The Chinese like to get to know you before doing business with you and this can sometimes take some time. Asking lots of questions when you first meet, as innocent as they are, is also considered rude. But how do you get to know a person without asking questions?

Patience is the answer. Listen, respond when you have to and keep your questions to a minimum. The next time you meet, delve a little further.

This isn’t the case with Malays and Indians and most of the time you will get away with being Western and dealing with them in a Western fashion. Meetings, especially initial ones, are generally somewhat formal. Treat all Malaysian participants with respect and be cautious not to lose your temper or appear irritated.

The Art of Saying No…Without Actually Saying No

Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Let’s use an example of a business meeting that you thought went well. Both parties agree in principle to everything that took place, you may even have received a positive “Let’s get this done,” from your host as the meeting concludes.

In Western cultures we usually respond to a meeting in a timely fashion with a polite thank you email. We may even go as far as to recount what was discussed in the meeting, the points that were raised and the conclusion that you both came to, with a “I’ll look forward to hearing from you in due course.”

Internationally, if the respondent disagrees with you or has changed their mind, you’ll receive a return email stating as much. That isn’t the case in Malaysia.

Being Western it’s hard to understand the silence. Did the recipient have a car accident on the way home? Did the email that you sent accidentally go to their trash or was it simply lost in the Cloud? This usually results in you sending another email, asking if your previous email was at the very least received.

The silence continues. In Malaysia it is common practice if you receive no reply to assume that there will be no reply, and that what you agreed at the meeting isn’t actually going to take place. No amount of follow up emails will elicit a response and you have to move along as though you have received an email with a negative response.

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short essay about malaysian culture

Malaysian Culture

Core concepts.

  • Filial piety

Malaysia is an incredibly diverse country, containing many different ethnicities, languages and religions. People from each ethnicity have generally retained their ancestors’ cultural customs. As a result, Malaysian society accommodates a rich variety of lifestyles, beliefs and values. The following information describes general Malaysian culture, tending to reflect the Malay majority; however, there are many divergences from this cultural mainstream throughout the country. Learning as much as possible about your Malaysian counterparts' home region, ethnicity and religion beforehand can help you develop respectful relationships with them.

Indigenous Ethnicities

The majority of Malaysians (around 51%) are Malays. Almost all of them are Muslim, which explains why the ethnicity is commonly referred to as ‘Muslim Malay’. Being the most populous ethnicity , they dominate the political sphere. Their predominance is reflected in the official religion (Islam) and language of the country. For example, most communities speak a version of Malay (officially known as Bahasa Malaysia) to some degree. While most Malays live in urban areas, they are traditionally associated with the rural hinterlands.

Malays often have a fatalistic worldview, leading them to attribute successes, opportunities and misfortunes to the will of God. Furthermore, care and attention to human interactions may be prioritised over deadlines or monetary success. Malay culture perceives courtesy and respect as principal moral values that should take precedence over others. Prosperity is derived from nobility, not necessarily the accumulation of wealth. Because of these cultural attitudes, members of the Malay majority tend to be less focused on economic pursuits than other ethnic groups. However, that has been negatively misconstrued as somehow suggesting a cultural lack of ambition or even laziness. On the contrary, it reflects the Malay view that relationship building is especially important and should not be approached lightly. They tend to be family-oriented people, choosing not to work overseas as much as other ethnicities and instead living within close proximity of their family networks.

Aboriginal ethnicities make up 11.8% of the population. Though they are a minority of the national population, they are the majority in the less urbanised regions of East Malaysia. Being the oldest inhabitants of Malaysia, these aboriginal communities often have traditional languages, religions and customs particular to their tribe. While they are collectively referred to as ‘ Orang Asli ’ (“original people”), there are distinct differences between the various tribes. Many Orang Asli communities still practise their traditional culture – for example, continuing a nomadic lifestyle or living in shared communes. Some have been forced off their traditional lands by land clearances and have had to adopt a more urbanised lifestyle. The biggest indigenous group is the Iban, with a population of approximately 600,000. There are also smaller groups of Bidayuhs, Kadazan and Negritos, among many others.

Migrated Ethnicities

Malaysia has significant populations of people with foreign ancestry who mostly live in the cities. There are small populations of Indonesians, Nepalis, Filipinos and Europeans. However, the largest minority groups consist of Malaysian Chinese (generally Han-Chinese) who make up 22.6% of the Malaysian population, and Malaysian Indians (majority Tamil) who make up 6.7%. Many members of these groups are descendants of labourers that migrated to Malaysia in the late 19th and early 20th century during British colonial rule. Some now have third-or even fourth-generation roots in the country.

The Malaysian Chinese population generally exhibits great diligence and resilience. This can be partially attributed to a common concept in Chinese migrant communities – ‘ kiasu ’, the “fear of losing”. Kiasu motivates people to achieve in everyday life as well as economically or academically. This can be something as small as endeavouring to get to the front of a crowd or determinedly queuing for great lengths to buy or see something, or it can manifest in bigger ways (for example, aiming to be the best student in a university). As a result, Malaysian Chinese generally strive industriously to achieve what they want. However, they tend not to openly exhibit aggressiveness in their approach; they generally maintain poise and courtesy since being forceful is considered inharmonious behaviour. Nonetheless, Malaysian Chinese have come to dominate roughly 70% of the Malaysian economy and are regarded as the business-savvy ethnic group of Malaysia. They make up a large proportion of the upper class. Many Malays have perceived this as a monopolisation of the corporate sector, provoking underlying tension and mistrust between the Malays and Malaysian Chinese.

Bumiputera Distinction

Ethnicities with international origins may face social barriers for being ‘ pendatang ’ (newcomers). This is due to the social identifier that categorises Malaysians as either Bumiputera or non-Bumiputera . Bumiputera literally translates as “sons of the soil” and refers to those who are considered to be the original inhabitants of the country (i.e. Malays and Orang Asli). The word does not describe an ethnic group, but rather signifies a social status of indigeneity. Bumiputera citizens’ rights are commonly prioritised in politics as well as in other public and some private sectors of society. In this way, Malay interests are commonly privileged over those of other ethnicities whilst the Orang Asli minority remains somewhat more marginalised.

Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indians can be particularly disadvantaged by this system as non-Bumiputera status can hinder their access to education, jobs, property ownership, scholarships and other opportunities. This may explain why the majority of the Malaysian migrants in Australia are Malaysian Chinese (62.1%) and only 13.2% are Malay. Nevertheless, this political stance rarely translates into day-to-day discrimination between people. Despite the difference in their ethnicities’ origins, Malaysians of all backgrounds generally feel a personal loyalty to the country.

Respect and Etiquette

As members of such a multicultural society, Malaysians are generally very attentive towards how they respectfully interact with people of all backgrounds. There are cultural norms and taboos that inform what people generally believe to be appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. This is related to the Malay concept of ‘ budi ’ by which politeness and respect are considered essential to human interaction. The word does not have a direct English equivalent, but can be generally understood to describe attributes such as one’s wisdom, virtue, etiquette and morality. In this way, one can see that Malaysian politeness and etiquette have a strong ethical basis.

Though budi is a traditional Malay concept, the attitude has influenced the broader Malaysian social culture and is reflected in the behaviour of people from most backgrounds. In keeping with budi, one should be gracious, polite, good-natured and calm. Indeed, Malaysians are generally quite gentle, reserved and discreet. They are often modest in their attire, body language and demeanour and tend to approach daily life with a great deal of patience. This behaviour is considered ‘ halus ’ (refined) and the measure of a ‘ budi bahasa ’ (man of culture). Alternatively, those who are aggressive, abrasive or loud are considered uncouth or ‘ kasar ’ (crass/rough). These social expectations are shifting among the younger generation as they are becoming more accustomed to the direct style of communication that occurs in the online space. Nevertheless, it remains very important to maintain a gentle and indirect demeanour in Malaysia.

Face and Shame

In Malaysian culture, to do something inappropriate brings ‘ malu ’ (shame, shyness and embarrassment) upon an individual. These feelings of shame are commonly felt when an individual loses ‘ face ’. Face is the quality embedded in most Asian cultures that indicates a person's reputation, influence, dignity and honour. By complimenting people, showing them respect or doing something to increase their self-esteem, you give them face. Similarly, people can lose face and save or build face. Therefore, individuals in Malaysia usually act deliberately and with restraint to protect their self-worth and peer perception. Conservative conduct is the norm, as people don’t want to stand out and/or risk losing face by doing something inappropriate.


Malaysia is far more collectivistic than Western societies and individuals perceive themselves to be members of groups (i.e. their family, business or ethnicity ). These groups reflect or come to define who their members are and often demand a high degree of loyalty. For example, the group’s interests usually supersede those of the individual, even if they conflict. Furthermore, group members expect to receive preferential treatment over anyone who is not part of the group. In return for this loyalty, an individual gains a sense of belonging, protection and unity. Being a collectivist culture, feelings of shame and pride can be felt at the individual level as well as the collective level. In this way, the actions of one individual can affect the reputation of the group they belong to.

Social Hierarchies

Malaysians generally exhibit a strong acceptance of social hierarchies. People tend to feel comfortable when they are able to distinguish another person’s status relative to them. It enables them to adjust their behaviour accordingly to show the appropriate amount of respect. An individual’s level of education often establishes their status in Malaysia. English proficiency and overseas education further enhances social standing and prestige. Wealth also becomes a factor, as those who have it tend to exhibit it. For example, the vehicle people drive is usually indicative of their class status. This has increased as society has become more cosmopolitan and materialistic. Nevertheless, people are not overly ostentatious about their money.

Age usually becomes the overriding factor that determines the level of respect a person commands throughout society. Elders are presumed to have great wisdom and be very deserving of authority. People tend to spend a lot of time with the older generation and give them the most attention in a room. Malaysians may use honorific speech and bow slightly when talking to someone older than them.

Broadly, Malaysians come across as strikingly friendly and positive people. Their collective cultural focus on relationships and people means that they are exceedingly considerate in most situations. Today, the common Malaysian social attitude is based on striving for democracy , formal education, equal opportunities for the different races and respect of other religions. The country is unified by a strong cultural belief in the goodness of humanity.

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Essay on Malaysia

Students are often asked to write an essay on Malaysia in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Malaysia

Introduction to malaysia.

Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia. It is known for its beaches, rainforests, and a mix of cultural influences. The capital city is Kuala Lumpur, which is home to busy markets and tall buildings.

The country has two main parts: Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia. They are separated by the South China Sea. Malaysia has many landscapes, from mountains to coastal areas.

People and Culture

Malaysians come from different backgrounds, including Malay, Chinese, and Indian. This mix makes the culture and food very interesting and unique.

Malaysia’s economy is strong in Southeast Asia. It makes electronic goods, palm oil, and exports natural resources. Tourism is also important, as many people come to see its beauty.

Nature and Wildlife

250 words essay on malaysia.

Malaysia is a beautiful country in Southeast Asia. It’s known for its beaches, rainforests, and a mix of cultural influences. The country is split into two parts by the South China Sea. One part is on a peninsula shared with Thailand, and the other is on the island of Borneo.

The People and Culture

Malaysia is a place with many different people. Malays, Chinese, Indians, and others live together in peace. They have their own languages, religions, and foods, but they all call Malaysia home. This mix makes the country’s culture very rich and interesting.

Food in Malaysia

One of the best things about Malaysia is the food. It’s a blend of tastes from its different people. You can eat spicy noodles, tasty rice dishes, and sweet desserts. Street food is very popular and it’s a fun way to try lots of dishes.

Places to See

Malaysia has many wonderful places to visit. The capital city, Kuala Lumpur, has tall buildings like the Petronas Twin Towers. There are also old towns, beautiful islands like Langkawi, and cool highlands where tea is grown.

Nature lovers will find Malaysia amazing. The country has jungles with tall trees, rare animals like orangutans, and colorful birds. You can go on hikes, watch wildlife, or relax by the sea.

500 Words Essay on Malaysia

Malaysia is a beautiful country located in Southeast Asia. It is known for its stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and a mix of cultures. The country is divided into two main parts by the South China Sea. One part is on a peninsula that it shares with Thailand, and the other part is on the island of Borneo, which it shares with Indonesia and Brunei.

Malaysia is home to many different people. The main groups are the Malays, Chinese, and Indians, but there are also many other groups. Each group has its own language, religion, and traditions. This mix of cultures makes Malaysia very interesting. People celebrate festivals from all these cultures, such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, and Deepavali. The food is also a blend of these cultures, which means there are lots of tasty dishes to try.

Places to Visit

Malaysia’s economy.

Malaysia is not just a place for tourists; it also has a strong economy. It makes and sells things like electronics, palm oil, and rubber to other countries. Tourism is also a big part of the economy because so many people want to visit.

Nature lovers would love Malaysia because of its rich wildlife and green forests. The country works hard to protect its animals and plants. There are national parks like Taman Negara, which is very old and has lots of different kinds of trees and animals. The ocean around Malaysia is also full of life, with colorful coral reefs that are home to many fish and sea creatures.

Education in Malaysia

Challenges faced.

Like any country, Malaysia faces some problems. Sometimes, cutting down trees for farming or building can hurt the forests and animals. Also, different groups of people sometimes disagree because they have different beliefs or ideas. The country works to solve these problems so that everyone can live well together.

Malaysia is a country with beautiful places, interesting people, and a growing economy. It cares about its nature and wants to make sure its people can learn and have good lives. Visitors and those who live there both enjoy the mix of cultures and the warm welcome they receive. Malaysia is a great example of how people from different backgrounds can live together in peace.

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Cultural Tapestry of Malaysia: Diversity in Arts and Cuisine

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"Cultural Tapestry of Malaysia: Diversity in Arts and Cuisine," StudyMoose , 30-Mar-2017. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/malaysian-culture-essay. [Accessed: 18-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2017). Cultural Tapestry of Malaysia: Diversity in Arts and Cuisine . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/malaysian-culture-essay [Accessed: 18-Sep-2024]

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Cultural Tapestry of Malaysia: Diversity in Arts and Cuisine essay

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Malaysian Culture Essay Sample

Malaysian Culture Essay Sample

Malaysia, a vibrant Southeast Asian nation, stands as a testament to the kaleidoscope of cultural diversity, encapsulating a rich tapestry of traditions, customs, and heritage. Rooted in a blend of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous influences, Malaysia’s cultural landscape is a celebration of unity amidst diversity. This essay aims to explore the multifaceted cultural traditions that define Malaysia’s unique identity, emphasizing the beauty and significance of its varied cultural tapestry.

Historical Foundations: A Mosaic of Influences

Malaysia’s cultural heritage is deeply embedded in its historical journey, shaped by a fusion of influences over centuries. The Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous communities have intricately woven their customs and traditions, forming the bedrock of Malaysia’s cultural richness. This historical legacy has evolved and persevered, creating a vibrant and dynamic cultural identity that distinguishes Malaysia on the global stage.

Diversity Embodied: Malay, Chinese, Indian, and Indigenous Traditions

Malay cultural heritage.

The Malay culture embodies a myriad of traditions, emphasizing values of community, respect, and tradition. Festivals like Hari Raya Aidilfitri and customs such as Batik art and traditional dances like Joget depict the vibrancy and richness of Malay traditions, fostering a sense of identity among its people.

Vibrant Chinese Influences

Chinese cultural influences in Malaysia are characterized by vibrant celebrations like Chinese New Year, adorned with lion dances, red lanterns, and delectable delicacies like dumplings. These traditions not only celebrate Chinese roots but also contribute to the colorful fabric of Malaysia’s cultural diversity.

Enriching Indian Contributions

Indian cultural traditions, deeply ingrained in Malaysia, manifest through festivals like Deepavali and the mesmerizing art of classical dance forms like Bharatanatyam. The infusion of Indian customs, cuisine, and artistry adds a unique dimension to Malaysia’s cultural tableau.

Indigenous Treasures

The indigenous tribes of Malaysia, such as the Orang Asli, contribute distinctive cultural elements. Their customs, rituals, and spiritual practices encapsulate the nation’s original heritage, reflecting a deep connection to the land and nature.

Language, Religion, and Harmony

Language acts as a bridge uniting Malaysia’s diverse communities. While Bahasa Malaysia serves as the official language, the country embraces linguistic diversity, including Mandarin, Tamil, English, and various indigenous languages, fostering understanding and inclusivity.

Religion forms an integral part of Malaysia’s cultural fabric, with Islam being the predominant faith. Alongside Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and other religions coexist harmoniously, showcasing the nation’s commitment to religious tolerance and mutual respect.

Cultural Expressions: Arts, Festivals, and Cuisine

Malaysia’s cultural vibrancy is exemplified through its artistic expressions, encompassing traditional arts like wayang kulit (shadow puppetry), intricate batik designs, and diverse musical performances. The nation’s festive calendar, featuring celebrations such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, and Thaipusam, brings communities together, fostering unity and shared joy.

The culinary landscape of Malaysia is a culinary melting pot, blending flavors and cooking techniques from various cultures. Signature dishes like nasi lemak, roti canai, and satay reflect the fusion of tastes, offering a delightful gastronomic experience.

Preserving and Embracing Heritage

Amidst the challenges posed by globalization, preserving Malaysia’s cultural heritage becomes imperative. Initiatives focusing on cultural education, heritage preservation, and intercultural dialogue play a pivotal role in safeguarding and promoting the authenticity of Malaysia’s diverse cultural traditions.

Some Rules and Regulations in Malaysia 

To live in Malaysia citizens must follow some rules and regulations and this essay sample will briefly discuss the do’s and dont’s in Malaysia.

2. Never shake hands with women as it is considered an offense in Malaysia.2. Always follow the dressing culture of Malaysia to show respect to the country.
3. Malaysians are very traditional and conservative people. In many parts of society, public displays of attraction can be seen as indecent or unacceptable behavior.3. Always use polite and fewer words to show respect.
4. Never point out the finger in the society of Malaysia.4. Always learn the local language of Malaysia, this helps the local person to adjust to a new environment easily.

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  • Culture of Malaysia

short essay about malaysian culture

Culture of Malaysia: A Nation of Mixed Cultures

Multi-racial society.

Malaysia is blessed with a multi-racial society consisting mainly Malays, Chinese and Indians. The many different ethnicities that currently exist in Malaysia have their own unique and distinctive cultural identities, with some crossover. The country consists Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia and obtained it’s independence on Aug 31, 1957. Some Eurasians of mixed European and Malay descent live in Malaysia. A small community in Malacca are descendants of former Portuguese colonists who married Malay women. While they have adopted Malay culture, they speak their own language and are Catholics. Each ethnic group has its own underlying culture that separates it from the others, and they have achieved different levels of integration. The Chinese have integrated with Malay culture in a number of areas, including parts of Terengganu, and they form Malayanised groups such as the Baba Chinese in Malacca and the Sino-Kadazan of Sabah. Their years under combined British rule brought some joint sense of identity to all the ethnic groups, with English ideas and ideals providing some unifying features. A joint Malaysian culture can be seen in the symbiosis of the cultures of the people within it.

Holidays and Festivities

Malaysians observe a number of holidays and festivities throughout the year, on both the federal and state levels. Other festivals are observed by particular ethnic or religion groups, but are not public holidays. The main holy days of each major religion are public holidays. The most widespread holiday is the “Hari Merdeka”  on 31 August which commemorates the independence of the Federation of Malaya. This, as well as Labour Day, the King’s birthday, and some other festivals are major national public holidays. Federal Territory day is celebrated in the three Federal territories. Malaysia Day, held on 16 September, commemorates the formation of Malaysia through the union of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah, and Sarawak, although it is celebrated mainly in East Malaysia. New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, and the start of the Islamic calendar are all public holidays. Muslim holidays are highly prominent in Malaysia, the most important of these is Hari Raya Puasa celebrated by Muslims worldwide marking the end of Ramadan, the fasting month. They also celebrate Hari Raya Haji, Awal Muharram and Maulidur Rasul. Malaysian Chinese typically hold the same festivals observed by Chinese around the world. Chinese New Year is the most prominent, lasting for 15 days. Hindus in Malaysia celebrate Deepavali, the festival of light, while Thaipusam is a celebration in which pilgrims from all over the country meet at the Batu Caves. Wesak, the day of Buddha’s birth, is a public holiday. Malaysia’s Christian community observes most of the holidays observed by Christians elsewhere, most notably Christmas and Easter. Good Friday, however, is only a public holiday in the two East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak. The harvest festivals of Gawai in Sarawak and Kaamatan in Sabah are also important for East Malaysians.

Traditions and Influences

Arts and music have a long tradition in Malaysia, with Malay art dating back to the Malay sultanates. Traditional art was centred on fields such as carving, silver-smithing, and weaving. Islamic taboos restricted artwork depicting humans until the mid-20th century. Performing arts and shadow puppet shows are popular, and often show Indian influences. Various influences can be seen in architecture, from individual cultures in Malaysia and from other countries. Cuisine is often divided along ethnic lines, but some dishes exist which have mixed foods from different ethnicities. Popular sports in Malaysia include badminton, bowling, football, squash, and hockey. Malaysia has small-scale traditional sports. Wau is a traditional form of kite-flying involving kites created with intricate designs. Malaysia’s coastline is popular for scuba diving, sailing, and other water sports and activities. Whitewater rafting and trekking are also often done. As for freedom of expression, much of the Malaysian media is tied to the ruling Umno party, with the county’s main newspaper owned by the government and political parties in the ruling coalition. Major opposition parties also have their own newspapers. Besides Malay newspapers, there is large circulation of English, Chinese, and Tamil dailies.

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  • Cooking School
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Profile of Malay Cooking and Culture

Malay food is strong, spicy and aromatic, combining the rich tastes of the many herbs and spices commonly found in Southeast Asia . It is one of three major cuisines in Malaysia, and together with Chinese and Indian food, continually delight visitors to the country with its incredible variety and flavors.

The Malays' qualities inform their cooking. Food preparation can be a communal affair among the Malays and it is not uncommon during major festivals or events to see neighbors in a kampong, or village gathered around a big pot stirring up beef rendang or chicken curry.

Malay food is often eaten with the hands. No implements are needed. Diners simply scoop mouthfuls of rice mixed with curry, vegetables or meat onto their palms and then ladle this into their mouths with the back of their thumbs. It is an art to keep the rice from escaping through the fingers but, with some practice, it can be mastered.

Rice is the staple in a Malay meal. And just as in many other Southeast Asian countries, it is usually eaten together with meat and vegetable dishes, curries and condiments like the Malay sambal sauce . During a typical Malay lunch or dinner, these dishes are placed in the center of the table to be shared by all the diners.


Originally a sea-faring people, the Malays include a lot of seafood in their diet. Fish , squids, prawns, and crabs regularly show up in Malay dishes, as do chicken, beef, and mutton. Meats and seafood are often marinated with special concoctions of herbs and spices before being cooked. Vegetables are usually stir-fried although it is also popular to eat some vegetables raw and dipped in sambal belachan, a spicy chilly condiment.

Many of the fresh herbs and roots that are commonly grown in the Southeast Asian region have found their way into Malay cooking. Lemongrass, shallots, ginger, chilies, and garlic are the main ingredients that are blended together and then sautéed to make a sambal sauce or chile paste, a condiment that often accompanies every meal of Malay food.

Other herbs like galangal (lengkuas), turmeric (kunyit), makrut lime leaves,laksa leaves (daun kesom), wild ginger flower buds or torch ginger (bunga kantan) and screwpine leaves (pandan leaves) add flavor and zest to poultry, meat, and seafood.

Dried spices, too, form an important component of Malay cooking. Malacca, a city in Malaysia about 200 km south of capital Kuala Lumpur, was one of the great trading centers of the spice trade in the 15th century. This has benefited Malay cooking, with spices such as fennel, cumin, coriander, cardamom, cloves, star anise, mustard seeds, cinnamon sticks, fenugreek and nutmeg regularly used in various Malay soups and curries.

Coconut is another favorite ingredient of the Malays. This is not surprising as coconut trees thrive in Malaysia’s tropical weather. Coconut milk, or santan, add a creamy richness to curries, called ‘lemak’ in local parlance, giving them their distinctive Malaysian flavor. All the different parts of the coconut are used – nothing is wasted. The juice is drunk and the flesh of old coconuts are grated and eaten with traditional Malay cakes.

There are regional differences to Malay cuisine. The northern parts of Malaysia have integrated a Thai flavor into their food, due largely to the southbound migration of Thai people and their subsequent intermarriage with the locals.

Negri Sembilan, once dominated by the Minangkabaus from Sumatra, features food that is rich in coconut milk and other ingredients commonly produced by West Sumatra such as ox meat, beef, cultivated vegetables, and the very spicy bird’s eye chilies, also known as cili padi.

South Indian laborers, brought in by British colonialists to work in the rubber estates of Malaysia, have also contributed their influence in the form of ingredients and cooking techniques such as getting the extra flavor by frying spices in oil. Ingredients from southern India like okra and purple eggplants, brown mustard, fenugreek, and curry leaves are often used in Malay dishes today.

With so many different influences from around the region, Malay cuisine has become an interesting and varied adventure, something that can be savored and enjoyed with family and friends.

  • Southeast Asian Culture
  • Countries and Their Cultures
  • Culture of Malaysia

Culture Name

Alternative names.

Outsiders often mistakenly refer to things Malaysian as simply "Malay," reflecting only one of the ethnic groups in the society. Malaysians refer to their national culture as kebudayaan Malaysia in the national language.


Identification. Within Malaysian society there is a Malay culture, a Chinese culture, an Indian culture, a Eurasian culture, along with the cultures of the indigenous groups of the peninsula and north Borneo. A unified Malaysian culture is something only emerging in the country. The important social distinction in the emergent national culture is between Malay and non-Malay, represented by two groups: the Malay elite that dominates the country's politics, and the largely Chinese middle class whose prosperous lifestyle leads Malaysia's shift to a consumer society. The two groups mostly live in the urban areas of the Malay Peninsula's west coast, and their sometimes competing, sometimes parallel influences shape the shared life of Malaysia's citizens. Sarawak and Sabah, the two Malaysian states located in north Borneo, tend to be less a influential part of the national culture, and their vibrant local cultures are shrouded by the bigger, wealthier peninsular society.

Location and Geography. Malaysia is physically split between west and east, parts united into one country in 1963. Western Malaysia is on the southern tip of the Malay peninsula, and stretches from the Thai border to the island of Singapore. Eastern Malaysia includes the territories of Sabah and Sarawak on the north end of Borneo, separated by the country of Brunei. Peninsular Malaysia is divided into west and east by a central mountain range called the Banjaran Titiwangsa. Most large cities, heavy industry, and immigrant groups are concentrated on the west coast; the east coast is less populated, more agrarian, and demographically more Malay. The federal capital is in the old tinmining center of Kuala Lumpur, located in the middle of the western immigrant belt, but its move to the new Kuala Lumpur suburb of Putra Jaya will soon be complete.

Demography. Malaysia's population comprises twenty-three million people, and throughout its history the territory has been sparsely populated relative to its land area. The government aims for increasing the national population to seventy million by the year 2100. Eighty percent of the population lives on the peninsula. The most important Malaysian demographic statistics are of ethnicity: 60 percent are classified as Malay, 25 percent as of Chinese descent, 10 percent of Indian descent, and 5 percent as others. These population figures have an important place in peninsular history, because Malaysia as a country was created with demography in mind. Malay leaders in the 1930s and 1940s organized their community around the issue of curbing immigration. After independence, Malaysia was created when the Borneo territories with their substantial indigenous populations were added to Malaya as a means of exceeding the great number of Chinese and Indians in the country.


Symbolism. The selection of official cultural symbols is a source of tension. In such a diverse society, any national emblem risks privileging one group over another. For example, the king is the symbol of the state, as well as a sign of Malay political hegemony. Since ethnic diversity rules out the use of kin or blood metaphors to stand for Malaysia, the society often emphasizes natural symbols, including the sea turtle, the hibiscus flower, and the orangutan. The country's economic products and infrastructure also provide national logos for Malaysia; the national car (Proton), Malaysia Airlines, and the Petronas Towers (the world's tallest buildings) have all come to symbolize modern Malaysia. The government slogan "Malaysia Boleh!" (Malaysia Can!) is meant to encourage even greater accomplishments. A more humble, informal symbol for society is a salad called rojak, a favorite Malaysian snack, whose eclectic mix of ingredients evokes the population's diversity.

History and Ethnic Relations

Emergence of the Nation. The name Malaysia comes from an old term for the entire Malay archipelago. A geographically truncated Malaysia emerged out of the territories colonized by Britain in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Britain's representatives gained varying degrees of control through agreements with the Malay rulers of the peninsular states, often made by deceit or force. Britain was attracted to the Malay peninsula by its vast reserves of tin, and later found that the rich soil was also highly productive for growing rubber trees. Immigrants from south China and south India came to British Malaya as labor, while the Malay population worked in small holdings and rice cultivation. What was to become East Malaysia had different colonial administrations: Sarawak was governed by a British family, the Brookes (styled as the "White Rajas"), and Sabah was run by the British North Borneo Company. Together the cosmopolitan hub of British interests was Singapore, the central port and center of publishing, commerce, education, and administration. The climactic event in forming Malaysia was the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia from 1942-1945. Japanese rule helped to invigorate a growing anti-colonial movement, which flourished following the British return after the war. When the British attempted to organize their administration of Malaya into one unit to be called the Malayan Union, strong Malay protests to what seemed to usurp their historical claim to the territory forced the British to modify the plan. The other crucial event was the largely Chinese communist rebellion in 1948 that remained strong to the mid-1950s. To address Malay criticisms and to promote counter-insurgency, the British undertook a vast range of nation-building efforts. Local conservatives and radicals alike developed their own attempts to foster unity among the disparate Malayan population. These grew into the Federation of Malaya, which gained independence in 1957. In 1963, with the addition of Singapore and the north Borneo territories, this federation became Malaysia. Difficulties of integrating the predominately Chinese population of Singapore into Malaysia remained, and under Malaysian directive Singapore became an independent republic in 1965.

National Identity. Throughout Malaysia's brief history, the shape of its national identity has been a crucial question: should the national culture be essentially Malay, a hybrid, or separate ethnic entities? The question reflects the tension between the indigenous claims of the Malay population and the cultural and citizenship rights of the immigrant groups. A tentative solution came when the Malay, Chinese, and Indian elites who negotiated independence struck what has been called "the bargain." Their informal deal exchanged Malay political dominance for immigrant citizenship and unfettered economic pursuit. Some provisions of independence were more formal, and the constitution granted several Malay "special rights" concerning land, language, the place of the Malay Rulers, and Islam, based on their indigenous status. Including the Borneo territories and Singapore in Malaysia revealed the fragility of "the bargain." Many Malays remained poor; some Chinese politicians wanted greater political power. These fractures in Malaysian society prompted Singapore's expulsion and produced the watershed of contemporary Malaysian life, the May 1969 urban unrest in Kuala Lumpur. Violence left hundreds dead; parliament was suspended for two years. As a result of this experience the government placed tight curbs on political debate of national cultural issues and began a comprehensive program of affirmative action for the Malay population. This history hangs over all subsequent attempts to encourage official integration of Malaysian society. In the 1990s a government plan to blend the population into a single group called "Bangsa Malaysia" has generated excitement and criticism from different constituencies of the population. Continuing debates demonstrate that Malaysian national identity remains unsettled.

Ethnic Relations. Malaysia's ethnic diversity is both a blessing and a source of stress. The melange makes Malaysia one of the most cosmopolitan places on earth, as it helps sustain international relationships with the many societies represented in Malaysia: the Indonesian archipelago, the Islamic world, India, China, and Europe. Malaysians easily exchange ideas and techniques with the rest of the world, and have an influence in global affairs. The same diversity presents seemingly intractable problems of social cohesion, and the threat of ethnic violence adds considerable tension to Malaysian politics.

Urbanism, Architecture, and the Use of Space

A house on Langkawi Island. Land ownership is a controversial issue in Malaysia, where indigenous groups are struggling to protect their claims from commercial interests.

Food and Economy

Food in Daily Life. Malaysia's diversity has blessed the country with one of the most exquisite cuisines in the world, and elements of Malay, Chinese, and Indian cooking are both distinct and blended together. Rice and noodles are common to all cuisine; spicy dishes are also favorites. Tropical fruits grow in abundance, and a local favorite is the durian, known by its spiked shell and fermented flesh whose pungent aroma and taste often separates locals from foreigners. Malaysia's affluence means that increasing amounts of meat and processed foods supplement the country's diet, and concerns about the health risks of their high-fat content are prominent in the press. This increased affluence also allows Malaysians to eat outside the home more often; small hawker stalls offer prepared food twenty-four hours a day in urban areas. Malaysia's ethnic diversity is apparent in food prohibitions: Muslims are forbidden to eat pork which is a favorite of the Chinese population; Hindus do not eat beef; some Buddhists are vegetarian. Alcohol consumption also separates non-Muslims from Muslims.

Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions. When Malaysians have guests they tend to be very fastidious about hospitality, and an offer of food is a critical etiquette requirement. Tea or coffee is usually prepared along with small snacks for visitors. These refreshments sit in front of the guest until the host signals for them to be eaten. As a sign of accepting the host's hospitality the guest must at least sip the beverage and taste the food offered. These dynamics occur on a grander scale during a holiday open house. At celebrations marking important ethnic and religious holidays, many Malaysian families host friends and neighbors to visit and eat holiday delicacies. The visits of people from other ethnic groups and religions on these occasions are taken as evidence of Malaysian national amity.

Basic Economy. Malaysia has long been integrated into the global economy. Through the early decades of the twentieth century, the Malay peninsula was a world leader in the production of tin (sparked by the Western demand for canned food) and natural rubber (needed to make automobile tires). The expansion of Malaysia's industrialization heightened its dependence on imports for food and other necessities.

Land Tenure and Property. Land ownership is a controversial issue in Malaysia. Following the rubber boom the British colonial government, eager to placate the Malay population, designated portions of land as Malay reservations. Since this land could only be sold to other Malays, planters and speculators were limited in what they could purchase. Malay reserve land made ethnicity a state concern because land disputes could only be settled with a legal definition of who was considered Malay. These land tenure arrangements are still in effect and are crucial to Malay identity. In fact the Malay claim to political dominance is that they are bumiputera (sons of the soil). Similar struggles exist in east Malaysia, where the land rights of indigenous groups are bitterly disputed with loggers eager to harvest the timber for export. Due to their different colonial heritage, indigenous groups in Sarawak and Sabah have been less successful in maintaining their territorial claims.

Commercial Activities. Basic necessities in Malaysia have fixed prices and, like many developing countries, banking, retail, and other services are tightly regulated. The country's commerce correlates with ethnicity, and government involvement has helped Malays to compete in commercial activities long dominated by ethnic Chinese. Liberalization of business and finance proceeds with these ethnic dynamics in mind.

Major Industries. The boom and bust in primary commodities such as rubber and tin have given Malaysian society a cyclical rhythm tied to fickle external demand. In the 1970s the government began to diversify the economy (helped by an increase in oil exports) and Malaysia is now well on its way to becoming an industrial country. The country has a growing automotive industry, a substantial light-manufacturing sector (textiles, air conditioners, televisions, and VCRs), and an expanding high technology capacity (especially semi-conductors).

Trade. Malaysia's prominent place in the global economy as one of the world's twenty largest trading nations is an important part of its identity as a society. Primary trading partners include Japan, Singapore, and the United States, with Malaysia importing industrial components and exporting finished products. Palm oil, rubber, tropical hardwoods, and petroleum products are important commodities.

Division of Labor. The old ethnic division of labor (Malays in agriculture, Indians in the professions and plantations, and Chinese in mining and commerce) has steadily eroded. In its place, the Malaysian workforce is increasingly divided by class and citizenship. Educated urban professionals fill the offices of large companies in a multi-ethnic blend. Those without educational qualifications work in factories, petty trade, and agricultural small holdings. As much as 20 percent of the workforce is foreign, many from Indonesia and the Philippines, and dominate sectors such as construction work and domestic service.

Social Stratification

Classes and Castes. Class position in Malaysia depends on a combination of political connections, specialized skills, ability in English, and family money. The Malaysian elite, trained in overseas universities, is highly cosmopolitan and continues to grow in dominance as Malaysia's middle class expands. Even with the substantial stratification of society by ethnicity, similar class experiences in business and lifestyle are bridging old barriers.

Symbols of Social Stratification. In Malaysia's market economy, consumption provides the primary symbols of stratification. Newly wealthy Malaysians learn how to consume by following the lead of the Malay royalty and the prosperous business families of Chinese descent. A mobile phone, gold jewelry, and fashionable clothing all indicate one's high rank in the Malaysian social order. Given the striking mobility of Malaysian society, one's vehicle marks class position even more than home ownership. Most Malaysians can distinguish the difference between makes of cars, and access to at least a motor scooter is a requirement for participation in contemporary Malaysian social life. Kuala Lumpur has more motor vehicles than people. Skin color, often indicative of less or more time working in the hot tropical sun, further marks class position. Distinct class differences also appear in speech. Knowledge of English is vital to elevated class status, and a person's fluency in that language indexes their social background.

Political Life

Beginning in the 1970s, the government has attempted to increase the number of Malays living in urban areas like Kuala Lumpur (above).

Leadership and Political Officials. Malaysian political leaders demand a great deal of deference from the public. The Malay term for government, kerajaan, refers to the raja who ruled from the precolonial courts. High-ranking politicians are referred to as yang berhormat (he who is honored), and sustain remarkable resiliency in office. Their longevity is due to the fact that successful politicians are great patrons, with considerable influence over the allocation of social benefits such as scholarships, tenders, and permits. Clients, in return, show deference and give appropriate electoral support. The mainstream press are also among the most consistent and most important boosters of the ruling coalition's politicians. Even with the substantial power of the political elite, corruption remains informal, and one can negotiate the lower levels of the state bureaucracy without paying bribes. However, endless stories circulate of how appropriate payments can oil a sometimes creaky process.

Social Problems and Control. Through its colonial history, British Malaya had one of the largest per capita police forces of all British colonies. Police power increased during the communist rebellion (the "Emergency") begun in 1948, which was fought primarily as a police action. The Emergency also expanded the influence of the police Special Branch intelligence division. Malaysia retains aspects of a police state. Emergency regulations for such things as detention without trial (called the Internal Security Act) remain in use; the police are a federal rather than local institution; and police quarters (especially in more isolated rural areas) still have the bunker-like design necessary for confronting an armed insurgency. Even in urban areas police carry considerable firepower. Officers with M-16s are not a rarity and guards at jewelry shops often have long-barrel shotguns. Criminals tend to be audacious given the fact that possession of an illegal firearm carries a mandatory death sentence. Since the police focus more on protecting commercial than residential property, people in housing estates and rural areas will sometimes apprehend criminals themselves. The most elaborate crime network is composed of Chinese triads who extend back in lineage to the colonial period. Malaysia is close to the opium producing areas of the "Golden Triangle" where Burma, Thailand, and Laos meet. Drug possession carries a mandatory death sentence.

Military Activity. The Malaysian military's most striking characteristic is that, unlike its neighbors, there has never been a military coup in the country. One reason is the important social function of the military to insure Malay political dominance. The highest ranks of the military are composed of ethnic Malays, as are a majority of those who serve under them. The military's controversial role in establishing order following the May 1969 urban rebellion further emphasizes the political function of the institution as one supporting the Malay-dominated ruling coalition. The Malaysian armed forces, though small in number, have been very active in United Nations peace-keeping, including the Congo, Namibia, Somalia, and Bosnia.

Social Welfare and Change Programs

The Malaysian government has promoted rapid social change to integrate a national society from its ethnic divisions. Its grandest program was originally called the New Economic Policy (NEP), implemented between 1971 and 1990 and continued in modified form as the National Development Policy (NDP). Since poverty eradication was an aim of the NEP a considerable amount of energy has gone to social welfare efforts. The consequences of these programs disseminate across the social landscape: home mortgages feature two rates, a lower one for Malays and a higher one for others; university admissions promote Malay enrollment; mundane government functions such as allocating hawker licenses have an ethnic component. But the government has also tried to ethnically integrate Malaysia's wealthy class; therefore many NEP-inspired ethnic preferences have allowed prosperous Malays to accrue even greater wealth. The dream of creating an affluent Malaysia continues in the government's 1991 plan of Vision 2020, which projects that the country will be "fully developed" by the year 2020. This new vision places faith in high technology, including the creation of a "Multi-Media Super Corridor" outside of Kuala Lumpur, as the means for Malaysia to join the ranks of wealthy industrialized countries, and to develop a more unified society.

Nongovernmental Organizations and Other Associations

Through its welfare policies the government jealously guards its stewardship over social issues, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) work under its close surveillance. The state requires that all associations be registered, and failure to register can effectively cripple an organization. NGO life is especially active in urban areas, addressing problems peripheral to the state's priorities of ethnic redistribution and rapid industrialization. Many prominent NGOs are affiliated with religious organizations, and others congregate around issues of the environment, gender and sexuality, worker's rights, and consumers' interests.

Gender Roles and Statuses

Young people are instructed at an early age to socialize primarily with kin.

The Relative Status of Women and Men. Generally men have more power than women in Malaysian society. Male dominance is codified in laws over such things as the guardianship of children. The top politicians, business leaders, and religious practitioners are predominately male. Yet Malaysian society shows considerable suppleness in its gender divisions with prominent women emerging in many different fields. Most of the major political parties have an active women's wing which provides access to political power. Though opportunities for men and women differ by ethnic group and social class, strict gender segregation has not been a part of modern Malaysian life.

Marriage, Family, and Kinship

Marriage. Even with significant changes in marriage practices, weddings reveal the sharp differences in Malaysian society. There are two ways to marry: registering the union with the government; and joining in marriage before a religious authority. Christian Malaysians may marry Buddhists or Hindus answering only to their families and beliefs; Muslim Malaysians who marry non-Muslims risk government sanction unless their partner converts to Islam. Marriage practices emphasize Malaysia's separate ethnic customs. Indians and Chinese undertake divination rites in search of compatibility and auspicious dates, while Malays have elaborate gift exchanges. Malay wedding feasts are often held in the home, and feature a large banquet with several dishes eaten over rice prepared in oil (to say one is going to eat oiled rice means that a wedding is imminent). Many Chinese weddings feature a multiple-course meal in a restaurant or public hall, and most Indian ceremonies include intricate rituals. Since married partners join families as well as individuals, the meeting between prospective in-laws is crucial to the success of the union. For most Malaysians marriage is a crucial step toward adulthood. Although the average age for marriage continues to increase, being single into one's thirties generates concern for families and individuals alike. The social importance of the institution makes interethnic marriage an issue of considerable stress.

Domestic Unit. Malaysian households have undergone a tremendous transformation following the changes in the economy. The shift from agricultural commodities to industrial production has made it difficult for extended families to live together. Yet as family mobility expands, as a result of modern schedules, efforts to maintain kin ties also increase. Improved telecommunications keep distant kin in contact, as does the efficient transportation network. A dramatic example of this occurs on the major holidays when millions return to hometowns for kin reunions.

Inheritance. The critical issue of inheritance is land. With the importance Malays place on land ownership, it is rarely viewed as a commodity for sale, and the numerous empty houses that dot the Malaysian landscape are testament to their absentee-owners unwillingness to sell. Gold is also a valuable inheritance; Malaysians from all groups readily turn extra cash into gold as a form of insurance for the future.

Kin Groups. The crucial kin distinctions in Malaysian culture are between ethnic groups, which tend to limit intermarriage. Among the majority of Malays, kin groups are more horizontal than vertical, meaning that siblings are more important than ancestors. Those considered Malay make appropriate marriage partners; non-Malays do not. These distinctions are somewhat flexible, however, and those that embrace Islam and follow Malay customs are admitted as potential Malay marriage partners. Greater flexibility in kinship practices also appears among immigrant groups amid the fresh possibilities created by diasporic life. A striking example is the Baba community, Chinese who immigrated prior to British rule and intermarried with locals, developing their own hybrid language and cultural style. These dynamics point to the varied kinship arrangements possible between the different ethnic communities in Malaysian society.


Infant Care. Malaysian babies are lavished with considerable care. Most are born in hospitals, though midwives still provide their services in more remote areas. Careful prohibitions are rigidly followed for both the infant and the mother, according to the various cultural customs. New mothers wear special clothes, eat foods to supplement their strength, and refrain from performing tasks that might bring bad luck to their babies. Grandmothers often live with their new grandchildren for the first few months of their new life.

A textile worker creates a batik in Kota Bharu. Outside of northern peninsular Malaysia, batik designs are usually produced in factories.

Higher Education. Higher education is a vital part of Malaysian life, though the universities that are the most influential in the society are located outside the country. Hundreds of thousands of students have been educated in Britain, Australia, and the United States; the experience of leaving Malaysia for training abroad is an important rite of passage for many of the elite. Malaysia boasts a growing local university system that supplements the foreign universities. The quality of local faculty, often higher than that of the second- and third-tier foreign universities that many Malaysians attend, is rarely sufficient to offset the cachet of gaining one's degree abroad.

Malaysian society is remarkable due to its openness to diversity. The blunders of an outsider are tolerated, a charming dividend of Malaysia's cosmopolitan heritage. Yet this same diversity can present challenges for Malaysians when interacting in public. Because there is no single dominant cultural paradigm, social sanctions for transgressing the rights of others are reduced. Maintaining public facilities is a source of constant public concern, as is the proper etiquette for driving a motor vehicle. Malaysian sociability instead works through finding points of connection. When Malaysians meet strangers, they seek to fit them into a hierarchy via guesses about one's religion (Muslims use the familiar Arabic greetings only to other Muslims); inquiries into one's organization (as an initial question many Malaysians will ask, "who are you attached to?"); and estimations of age (unknown older men are addressed by the honorific "uncle," women as "auntie" in the appropriate language). Strangers shake hands, and handshaking continues after the first meeting (Malays often raise the hand to their heart after shaking), though it is sometimes frowned upon between men and women. Greetings are always expressed with the right hand, which is the dominant hand in Malaysian life. Since the left hand is used to cleanse the body, it is considered inappropriate for use in receiving gifts, giving money, pointing directions, or passing objects.

Religious Beliefs. Nearly all the world religions, including Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity are present in Malaysia. Religion correlates strongly with ethnicity, with most Muslims Malay, most Hindus Indian, and most Buddhists Chinese. The presence of such diversity heightens the importance of religious identity, and most Malaysians have a strong sense of how their religious practice differs from that of others (therefore a Malaysian Christian also identifies as a non-Muslim). Religious holidays, especially those celebrated with open houses, further blend the interreligious experience of the population. Tension between religious communities is modest. The government is most concerned with the practices of the Muslim majority, since Islam is the official religion (60 percent of the population is Muslim). Debates form most often over the government's role in religious life, such as whether the state should further promote Islam and Muslim practices (limits on gambling, pork-rearing, availability of alcohol, and the use of state funds for building mosques) or whether greater religious expression for non-Muslims should be allowed.

Religious Practitioners. The government regulates religious policy for Malaysia's Muslims, while the local mosque organizes opportunities for religious instruction and expression. Outside these institutions, Islam has an important part in electoral politics as Malay parties promote their Muslim credentials. Hindu, Christian, and Buddhist clergy often have a presence in Malaysian life through cooperative ventures, and their joint work helps to ameliorate their minority status. Religious missionaries work freely proselytizing to non-Muslims, but evangelists interested in converting Muslims are strictly forbidden by the state.

Rituals and Holy Places. Malaysia's most prominent holy place is the National Mosque, built in the heart of Kuala Lumpur in 1965. Its strategic position emphasizes the country's Islamic identity. Countrywide, the daily call to prayer from the mosques amplifies the rhythm of Islamic rituals in the country, as does the procession of the faithful to fulfill their prayers. Reminders of prayer times are included in television programs and further highlight the centrality of Islam in Malaysia. Important holidays include the birth of the Prophet and the pilgrimage to Mecca, all of which hold a conspicuous place in the media. The month of fasting, Ramadan, includes acts of piety beyond the customary refraining from food and drink during daylight hours and is followed by a great celebration. Non-Muslim religious buildings, practices, and holidays have a smaller public life in Malaysia. Part of this is due to fewer believers in the country, and part is due to public policy which limits the building of churches and temples along with the broadcasting of non-Muslim religious services. The important non-Muslim holidays include Christmas, Deepavali (the Hindu festival of light), and Wesak day (which celebrates the life of the Buddha). The Hindu holiday of Thaipussam merits special attention, because devotees undergo spectacular rites of penance before vast numbers of spectators, most dramatically at the famous Batu Caves, located in the bluffs outside of Kuala Lumpur.

Death and the Afterlife. Malaysians have a strong interest in the metaphysical, and stories about spirits and ghosts whether told in conversation, read in books, or seen on television gain rapt attention. Many of these stories sustain a relationship with people who have passed away, whether as a form of comfort or of fear. Cemeteries, including vast fields of Chinese tombs marked with family characters and Muslim graves with the distinctive twin stones, are sites of mystery. The real estate that surrounds them carries only a modest price due to the reputed dangers of living nearby. Muslim funerals tend to be community events, and an entire neighborhood will gather at the home of the deceased to prepare the body for burial and say the requisite prayers. Corpses are buried soon after death, following Muslim custom, and mourners display a minimum of emotion lest they appear to reject the divine's decision. The ancestor memorials maintained by Chinese clans are a common site in Malaysia, and the familiar small red shrines containing offerings of oranges and joss sticks appear on neighborhood street corners and in the rear of Chinese-owned shops. Faith in the efficacy of the afterlife generates considerable public respect for religious graves and shrines even from non-adherents.

Medicine and Health Care

Malaysia boasts a sophisticated system of modern health care with doctors trained in advanced biomedicine. These services are concentrated in the large cities and radiate out in decreasing availability. Customary practitioners, including Chinese herbalists and Malay healers, supplement the services offered in clinics and hospitals and boast diverse clientele.

Secular Celebrations

Farm workers harvesting tea leaves. Ethnic division of labor, in which Malays work almost entirely in agriculture, has eroded in recent years.

The Arts and the Humanities

Support for the Arts. Public support for the arts is meager. Malaysian society for the past century has been so heavily geared toward economic development that the arts have suffered, and many practitioners of Malaysia's aesthetic traditions mourn the lack of apprentices to carry them on. The possibility exists for a Malaysian arts renaissance amid the country's growing affluence.

Literature. The pre-colonial Malay rulers supported a rich variety of literary figures who produced court chronicles, fables, and legends that form a prominent part of the contemporary Malaysian cultural imagination. Developing a more contemporary national literature has been a struggle because of language, with controversies over whether Malaysian fiction should be composed solely in Malay or in other languages as well. Though adult literacy is nearly 90 percent, the well-read newspapers lament that the national belief in the importance of reading is stronger than the practice.

Graphic Arts. A small but vibrant group of graphic artists are productive in Malaysia. Practitioners of batik, the art of painting textiles with wax followed by dying to bring out the pattern, still work in northern peninsular Malaysia. Batik-inspired designs are often produced in factories on shirts, sarongs, table cloths, or dresses forming an iconic Malaysian aesthetic.

Performance Arts. Artistic performance in Malaysia is limited by the state's controls over public assembly and expression. The requirement that the government approve all scripts effectively limits what might be said in plays, films, and television. The preferred performance genre in Malaysia is popular music, and concerts of the top Malay pop singers have great followings in person and on television. Musical stars from Bombay and Hong Kong also have substantial numbers of very committed fans, whose devotion makes Malaysia an overseas stop on the tours of many performers. The favorite Malaysian entertainment medium is television, as most homes have television sets. Malaysians watch diverse programming: the standard export American fare, Japanese animation, Hong Kong martial arts, Hindi musicals, and Malay drama. The advent of the video cassette and the Internet was made for Malaysia's diverse society, allowing Malaysians to make expressive choices that often defeat the state's censorship.

The State of the Physical and Social Sciences

Given the Malaysian government's considerable support for rapid industrialization, scientific research is high on the list of its priorities. Malaysian universities produce sophisticated research, though they are sapped for funds by the huge expenditure of sending students overseas for their degrees. Malaysian scientists have made substantial contributions in rubber and palm oil research, and this work will likely continue to increase the productivity of these sectors. Government monitoring of social science research increases the risks of critical scholarship though some academicians are quite outspoken and carry considerable prestige in society.


Alwi Bin Sheikh Alhady. Malay Customs and Traditions , 1962.

Amir Muhammad, Kam Raslan, and Sheryll Stothard. Generation: A Collection of Contemporary Malaysian Ideas, 1998.

Andaya, Barbara Watson, and Leonard Y. Andaya. A History of Malaysia, 1982.

Ariffin Omar. Bangsa Melayu: Malay Concepts of Democracy and Community 1945-1950, 1993.

Carsten, Janet. The Heat of the Hearth, 1997.

Chandra Muzaffar. Protector? An Analysis of the Concept and Practice of Loyalty in Leader-Led Relationships within Malay Society, 1979.

Cheah Boon Kheng. Red Star Over Malaya, 1983.

Collins, Elizabeth. Pierced by Murugan's Lance: Ritual, Power, and Moral Redemption Among Malaysian Hindus, 1997.

Crouch, Harold. Government and Society in Malaysia, 1996.

Gomez, Edmund Terence and K. S. Jomo. Malaysia's Political Economy: Politics, Patronage, and Profits, 1997.

Gullick, John. Indigenous Political Systems of Western Malaya, 1958.

Harper, Timothy. The End of Empire and the Making of Modern Malaya, 1999.

Jomo, K. S. A Question of Class: Capital, the State, and Uneven Development in Malaya, 1986.

Kahn, Joel S., and Francis Loh Kok Wah, ed. Fragmented Vision: Culture and Politics in Contemporary Malaysia, 1992.

Kaur, Amarjit. Economic Change in East Malaysia: Sabah and Sarawak Since 1850, 1998.

Khoo Boo Teik. Paradoxes of Mahathirism: An Intellectual Biography of Mahathir Mohamad, 1995.

Kratoska, Paul. The Japanese Occupation of Malaya: A Social and Economic History, 1998.

Loh, Francis K. W. Beyond the Tin Mines: Coolies, Squatters and New Villagers in the Kinta Valley, c. 1880–1980, 1980.

Means, Gordon. Malaysian Politics: The Second Generation, 1991.

Milner, Anthony. The Invention of Politics in Colonial Malaya: Contesting Nationalism and the Expansion of the Public Sphere, 1995.

Mohamed Noordin Sopiee. From Malayan Union to Singapore Separation, 1974.

Nagata, Judith. Malaysian Mosaic: Perspectives from a Poly-Ethnic Society, 1979.

Ong, Aihwa. Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline: Factory Women in Malaysia, 1987.

Rehman Rashid. A Malaysian Journey, 1993.

Roff, William. The Origins of Malay Nationalism, 1967.

Shamsul, A. B. From British to Bumiputera Rule: Local Politics and Rural Development in Peninsular Malaysia, 1986.

Stenson, Michael. Class, Race, and Colonialism in West Malaysia: The Indian Case, 1980.

Strauch, Judith. Chinese Village Politics in the Malaysian State, 1981.

Sweeney, Amin. A Full Hearing: Orality and Literacy in the Malay World, 1987.

Tan Chee Beng. The Baba of Melaka: Culture and Identity of a Chinese Peranakan Community in Malaysia, 1988.

Winzeler, Robert L., ed. Indigenous Peoples and the State: Politics, Land, and Ethnicity in the Malayan Peninsula and Borneo, 1997.


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short essay about malaysian culture

Malaysian English Writing Today

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A digital altered photograph of Kuala Lumpur shrouded in fog or smog with greys and browns mixed into the haze

Although the world has opened up for Malaysian glocal writers in the past fifteen years, they still face the demon of self-censorship . Dipika Mukherjee considers the recent zeitgeist in Malaysian writing and just exactly what has changed—and hasn’t.

In 2002 Kirpal Singh, Mohammad Quayum, and I co-edited The Merlion and the Hibiscus: Contemporary Short Stories from Singapore and Malaysia , an anthology published by Penguin. This book was explicitly designed to present Malaysian and Singapore voices to an international audience and was largely a labour of love; books of short stories don’t sell, and fifteen years ago, before names like Lahiri and Munro won prizes like the Pulitzer and Nobel, anthologies were a hard sell indeed. Plus we were trying to publish short stories from a region where writers writing in English were highly suspect as postcolonial pretenders with colonialist souls.

Few writers from Southeast Asia reached an international audience then, but this book, because of the marketing arm of Penguin, was reviewed in publications from Hong Kong to India. Whereas Malaysian and Singaporean newspapers treated the project with nationalistic fervour and announced Literary voices for export and (perplexingly) Yes, Size Does Matter , a reviewer from India pointed to a certain thematic bravery:

Is “multiculturalism” really as disinterested and neutral as it seems to be, or does it have its own silences, its own propensity to become part of certain hegemonies? These are questions that must be asked. ( The Statesman , April 21, 2002)

As editors, our biggest slap on the wrist came from a reviewer in Hong Kong, who wrote:

Absent for the most part are the heavy political themes of freedom and religious tolerance that often dominate coffee shop conversations. ( Far Eastern Economic Review , July 4, 2002 )

Wonderful. So we had produced a timid and polite little collection that had little sound and even less fury. The stories were well crafted and written by the leading lights of the region in 2002, but unlike the South American writers who were mining gold with magic realism retelling stories about sociocultural upheavals in their countries, our anthology largely left taboo topics alone.

In 2018 I co-edited my fifth anthology of Malaysian English writing, Endings and Beginnings, with Sharon Bakar. This anthology grew out of prizewinning and publishable entries from the D. K. Dutt Award for Literary Excellence, which was established in 2015 as an annual contest to foster new Malaysian voices.

From 2002 to the latest anthology in 2018, one would expect changes; but has anything really changed in the zeitgeist of Malaysian English writing in a decade and a half?

In 2019 self-censorship continues to foster a certain timidity in regional writing. Of course, the self-censorship is not without cause; The Merlion and the Hibiscus was held up in customs in Johor Bahru for a week as the officers decided whether the homosexual story in this volume was “safe” for Malaysian consumption. During the editing of The Merlion and the Hibiscus , a young man in his early twenties withdrew a story about wrestling with sexual identity from this collection. “I’m Malay, lah,” he said, by way of explanation. “They’ll think the whole community is like that only.”

Unfortunately, identity politics, and how writers choose to write about fluid sexual identities, still plagues Malaysian writing.

Unfortunately, identity politics, and how writers choose to write about fluid sexual identities, still plagues Malaysian writing. While bemoaning the state of literature in the region and the paucity of good writers, there is still a numbing self-censorship that makes authors draw back from the precipice before they get too near. To be a writer in Malaysia while steering clear of politics and ideology, religion and language, one is reminded of Jane Austen’s “the little bit (two Inches wide) of Ivory on which I work with so fine a Brush, as produces little effect after much labour.”

When I published my debut novel, I too tussled with the demons of self-censorship (Will it be banned? Do I have the authority to write this book?). A book on the sociopolitical realities of Malaysia, this novel opened with a model being blown to shreds in a field in Shah Alam. I continue to get questions about the imaginative leaps in this work, for this story is rooted in toyols and bolster ghosts as well as the Brahma-Saraswati lore, brought to life by snippets from news reports. I continue to explain—to largely Western audiences—that I simply dived into the cornucopia of local fables, and there is an abundance still untapped in Malaysia.

While bemoaning the state of literature in the region and the paucity of good writers, there is still a numbing self-censorship that makes authors draw back from the precipice before they get too near.

Ever since Vikram Chandra wrote a seminal article about “The Cult of Authenticity” in 2000, writers have been wary of peddling a country’s exoticism—the perils of peddling one’s ethnicity, really—as a widely successful multigenerational migrant saga that sells so well in English-speaking markets but says nothing to the region it sprouts from. Fixi, a leading Malaysian indie publisher, wittily warned against irrelevance in a manifesto to all new writers seeking publication under their imprint: We publish stories about the urban reality of Malaysia. If you want to share your grandmother’s World War II stories, send ’em elsewhere and you might even win the Booker Prize.

In the past fifteen years, the world has opened up for Malaysian glocal writers, those writing globally while rooted firmly to local sensibilities. Some remain resident in Malaysia: writers like Hanna Alkaf, who in 2019 takes on mental illness and May 13th in one breathtaking Malaysian YA novel; Brian Gomez, who can write A Devil’s Place as a brilliant urban Kuala Lumpur noir; Preeta Samarasan and Bernice Chauly  and Beth Yahp rewriting the family saga as domestic and sociopolitical unrest; Zen Cho playing with dystopian worlds with Malaysian flavours; and Yangsze Choo taking The Ghost Bride to Netflix fame, right on the heels of the phenomenal Hollywood success of Crazy Rich Asians .

Stories coming out of Malaysia take more chances now.

short essay about malaysian culture

I will close with a quote from Rehman Rashid, a friend and colleague who wrote in 1993:

. . . Malaysia was a hopeless mess of conflicting priorities, mutually unintelligible languages, contradictory cultures and blinkered religions. Malaysia’s politics were divisive, its economy exploitative, its pillars of authority buttressed by an impenetrable scaffolding of draconian laws upheld by a parliament in which dominance seemed to matter far more than debate. There was no reason for Malaysia to have survived this far. . . . But Malaysia had.

And Malaysian writers will too—as long as they continue to confront and challenge the gritty realities of Malaysia. They will not only survive but prosper. There is a wealth of talented writers in this region who are just beginning to find their global—intrepid—voices.

An earlier version of this essay was published in The Edge, Malaysia, on March 4, 2019.

short essay about malaysian culture

Dipika Mukherjee is the author of the novels  Shambala Junction  and  Ode to Broken Things  and the story collection Rules of Desire . Her work is included in  The Best Small Fictions 2019  and appears in  World Literature Today, Asia Literary Review, Del Sol Review, Chicago Quarterly Review ,  Newsweek, Los Angeles Review of Books, Hemispheres, Orion, Scroll, The Edge , and more. Her third poetry book,  Dialect of Distant Harbors,  was published by CavanKerry Press in October 2022, and a collection of travel essays,  Writers Postcards , has been accepted for publication   by Penguin Random House (SEA) for 2023. She teaches at StoryStudio Chicago and the Graham School at University of Chicago. She holds a PhD in English (sociolinguistics) from Texas A&M University.

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Malaysian Independence Day: Celebrations of Freedom Mark the Coming Together of Cultures

01 August, 2013

Malaysian Independence Day: Celebrations of Freedom Mark the Coming Together of Cultures

Malaysia’s Independence Day, known as Hari Merdeka, is very festive occasion. There are smiling faces everywhere, as Malaysians from all backgrounds, races and religions come together to celebrate with parades, cultural events and fireworks.

Malaysians celebrate this historic event to mark the occasion of achieving independence from Britain in 1957 with much fervour. The word ‘Merdeka’, meaning “’independence’ or ‘freedom’ in Bahasa is derived from the Sanskrit ‘Maharddhika’ which means ‘rich, prosperous and powerful’. ‘Merdeka’ was a much used word in the region during the anti-colonialist and pro-independence movements in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.

In agreement with the concept of 1 Malaysia, designed by the Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak, Merdeka celebrations is matched to a different theme every year. These themes have a customised slogan and a special song slogan that is oriented toward unity as Malaysia has a large mix of Malay, Indian, and Chinese cultures with different ideologies and religions.

A historical perspective of the Malaysian Independence Day

The first Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj initiated the effort for independence and together, with a delegation of ministers and political leaders of Malaya, he negotiated with the British officials in London for independence. On realising that the Communist threat posed during the Malayan Emergency had decreased, it was decided to grant Malaya independence from the British rule on 8 February 1956. The official declaration was held a year after for administrative and logical purposes like preparing the Malayan Constitution and the administration of justice.

The ceremony took place just past midnight on 31 August 1957, where the Malayan Flag was raised and national anthem Negaraku was sung. Tunku Abdul Rahman called out “Merdeka” seven times at the Merdeka Square called the Dataran Merdeka.

Malaysia of the present day came into existence on September 16, 1963 when there was an official joining of the Malaysia Federation of States that included Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore.

Traditions come alive year after year

Every year, Malaysians and tourists gather at the Dataran Merdeka in the capital Kuala Lumpur to celebrate their independence day and to witness the country’s glorious celebrations.

The Dataran Merdeka is decorated with an impressive row of Malaysian flags called Jalur Gemilang with one flag flying on one of the tallest flag poles in the world at 95 meters off the ground.

The Merdeka Day Parade is a much-awaited event, one of the most colourful events that are celebrated annually. People look forward to the vivid cultural dance performances, open air concerts, carnivals and sports festivals.

The Malaysian Royal Family, Prime Minister, military personnel and government officials participate in this colourful and fascinating parade, and pay homage to those who sacrificed their lives in the fight for the country’s independence. They watch over the events from a stage which is set in front of the Sultan Abdul Samad Building and performing troops and marching squads march past the stage to show their respect.

Sultan Abdul Samad Building was built in 1896 by the British A.C. Norman to accommodate the British government administration. It was built in the Moorish style, reflecting the Islamic culture yet with a touch of British architecture that suitably reflects the history of Malaysia. Its 41-meter tower chimed for the first time to correspond with Queen Victoria’s Jubilee Parade in 1897 and has chimed since. The clock has chimed every year at 12 midnight to mark the Malaysia’s independence celebration.

The skies are filled by a majestic display of aircraft by the Malaysian Army, Navy and the Air Force, all saluting to the nation’s commemoration of independence. Military helicopters follow the aircraft carrying the Malaysian national flag, the military flags of the Armed Forces and its three units as well as the flags of Malaysia’s 13 states and three federal territories.

The most anticipated event of Merdeka Day Parade is the vibrant performances of young dancers dressed in kaleidoscopic costumes, jewellery and make up. The programme also includes many drill displays and instrumental performances of the Malaysian ethnic percussion band and the civil and military marching squads.

Similar parades are held in different states of Malaysia. Throughout August, Malaysians display their patriotism towards the country by raising the Malaysian flag wherever possible—along the streets, homes, schools, office premises and also vehicles. It is a common sight to see cars decked up with unique designs, stickers and cut outs of the Jalur Gemilang, as they blast patriotic songs and drive down the streets.

Cities and towns around Malaysia are decorated with fairy lights and make a very pretty picture. Several exhibitions and competitions are also staged in Kuala Lumpur. Being a multi-cultural society, Malaysian government works on strongly emphasising ethnic harmony and Independence Day celebrations serve to remind the citizens of this goal and helps to promote national unity and goodwill.

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