Department of Sociology

Ph.D Programme

Since its inception in 1959, the Ph.D. Programme at the Department of Sociology has produced more than hundred doctorates. Apart from being one of the leading programmes in the country, it is among the best of its kind in this region and continues to attract many students from Asia, Africa, and other parts of the globe.

The Ph.D. Programme is administered by the Departmental Research Committee (D.R.C.), a statutory committee mandated by University ordinances that also govern its membership, and under the overview of the Board of Research Studies in the Social Sciences (B.R.S.S.).

Course Work Requirements

Continued registration in the Ph. D. will be subject to satisfactory progress being made in the course of the year. A candidate is required, according to the University regulations, to submit his/her thesis ordinarily within a specified period from the date of registration. (Please refer to the University Ordinances for more details.)

No candidate shall undertake any employment during the period of his/her study without the permission of the D.R.C. and the Board of Research Studies.

Without the previous permission of the D.R.C. and the Board, no candidate shall join any other course of study or appear at any other examination conducted by any university or public body.

Not later than one year after admission, a candidate may modify the scheme of his/her subject with the approval of the D.R.C. and the Board.

If a research student wants to change the topic of research after a period of one year from the date of registration, the student will be required to re-register for the Ph.D. course.

Residence & Attendance

Every candidate shall reside in Delhi. However, in the interest of her/his research, she/he may be permitted by the D.R.C. and Board of Research Studies, on the recommendation of the supervisor, to be absent from Delhi, ordinarily for not more than two semesters.

The minimum residence period for Ph.D. students is two years.

Attendance at the Sociological Research Colloquium and in seminars/workshops conducted by the Department is compulsory for Ph.D. students.

Thesis Submission & Examination

The Ph.D. thesis shall comply with the following conditions: it must be a piece of research work characterized either by the discovery of new facts or by a fresh interpretation of facts or theories. In either case it should indicate the candidate’s capacity for critical examination and judgment. It shall be satisfactory so far as its literary presentation is concerned. The candidate shall indicate how far the thesis embodies the results of her/his own research or observations and in what respect her/his investigations appear to her/him to advance the study of her/his discipline.

The candidate may incorporate in her/his thesis the contents of any work which she/he may have published on the subject, and shall inform the examiner if she/he has done so, but she/he shall not submit as the thesis, any work for which a degree has been previously conferred by this or any other University.

A Ph.D. candidate shall not be permitted to submit her/his thesis for the Ph.D. degree unless the supervisor is satisfied that the thesis is worthy of consideration for the degree.

The candidate shall supply four printed or typed copies of his/her thesis as well as a soft copy.

Please refer to the amended version of the Ordinance VI here which pertains to the Submission and Award of Thesis .

The Thesis Submission Forms can be accessed here . 

Please click here to access details about the Online PhD Submission Process.

University Guidelines for Ph.D. Research Scholars

Please refer to the following documents for University Guidelines (From Registration to Award of Degree)

Guidelines for Research Scholars Registered between July 11, 2009 and July 04, 2016

Guidelines for Research Scholars Registered on or after July 05, 2016

Admission Information

Details about PhD Admissions 2023-24 will be made available here. Please visit University of Delhi Admission Portal for Details.

Guidelines for Research Proposal

PhD proposals must be  no more  than 2500 words and contain the following

  • Research Objective
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology – primary sources, fieldwork plans, field site, timetable

You may find helpful material on the following links (although they deal with PhDs, the basic principles involved in preparing proposals are the same)

Writing a Good Ph.D. Research Proposal

An example of a successful Ph.D. Proposal

Ph.D. Thesis Completed in the Department

Please click here to view a list of Ph.D. Thesis completed in the Department.

Ph.D. Notices

Ph.d. viva voce examination: shweta rani, “the urban and the pathological: delhi through pandemics” tuesday, 20 august, 2024, 06:00 pm, online, ph.d. viva voce examination: haruna watabe, “emerging tourism industry in nagaland: exploring between the “exotic” culture and tourism” thursday, 08 august, 2024, 11:00 am, online, research scholars workshop: august 2024 (call for abstracts), friday research colloquium: 3:00 pm 10 may 2024. chhavi sharma: ‘innovation and platform economy as assemblage: exploring the interconnections of global finance, technology and a new language’, friday research colloquium: 3:00 pm 3 may 2024. sanjay srivastava: ‘survey city: a film about the mysterious life of documents ‘.


Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Indian institute of technology madras, ph.d. programme.

The DoHSS has a vibrant research community. Ph.D. admissions are carried out twice a year, in January and July. The range of research topics encompasses fields as diverse as Advertising, Agricultural Policy, African/American/English/Indian Literature, Discourse Analysis, ELT, Economics & Econometrics, German Studies, Health Care, Modern Indian History, History of Science, Technology and Medicine, International Relations, Linguistics, Philosophy, Policy Studies, Science, Sociology, Theatre, Film and Media Studies, Technology and Development, and Science and Technology Education.

Research in HSS – the scholars’ perspective

As researchers from the Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences situated within the interstices of a technological institute, there is a constant dialogue between questions of technology with those of society and humanity. We as researchers keenly observe critique and act as an interface between these different paradigms. We believe that as a generation of curious Social Scientists and Liberal Humanists, the need of the hour is to establish consilience among diverse academic spaces. As a department, both the members of faculty and research scholars engage in a broad spectrum of research, which is largely interdisciplinary in nature. Being a part of a technological institute of national repute provides us with immense opportunities to witness and evaluate the interaction, transformation and synthesis that occur between technology, society and humanity.

The department of Humanities and Social Sciences, has scholars who pursue research activities in multiple fields including Language testing, Gandhian philosophy, Migration, Public Finance, Development Studies, Alternative education, Film Studies, Environmental evaluation, Sociopragmatics, Dalit and Minority education, European and Chinese studies, Speech and Communication, Ecocriticism, Deep Ecology, Health Economics, Diaspora and Cultural studies.

The department provides opportunities to scholars to work in areas outside of their specific discipline, thereby opening up avenues for innovative researches of interdisciplinary nature. The specially designed courses help the scholars to pursue their specific interests and decide on their research questions. This facilitates the study to evolve over a period of time and lays a sound foundation for the beginning of research. An evaluation of the scholar’s research progress at regular intervals not only facilitates his/her research but also prepares the scholar to engage with greater focus and rigour.

The scholars of the department have been awarded several reputed fellowships like The Fulbright Fellowship, The Erasmus Mundus Fellowship, The Jenesys Fellowship and have visited various countries, with opportunities to pursue research in world class Universities. The institute provides funds for research activities and extracurricular activities and several scholars have also availed these fellowships to attend international conferences during their program of study. The scholars have also published in reputed national and international journals.

The scholars of the department organize a weekly lecture series which serves as a meeting platform for both the faculty and the scholars. This forum allows scholars to share their research interests and outputs, both with members from within the department and also from other departments in the institute. The presentations are followed by discussions.

As a community the scholars also organize informal talks, film/book reviews, seminars and conferences including an annual theater production in collaboration with the post-graduate students of the department.

Being a research scholar in the department of Humanities and Social Sciences is both an enjoyable and enriching experience.

Admission Procedure

Please apply online PhD admission here:

phd sociology in india

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Room No.: HSB 333 Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. PIN Code: 600036

Tel-Phone::+91 44 2257 4500 Email: hsoffice[at]iitm[.]ac[.]in

Doctoral Programme

We encourage international students to apply for the IIT Bombay institute TA fellowships for our PhD programs. More details about this can be found at " Scholarship for Foreign PHD Students ".

Eligibility for Admission

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डॉ. बी. आर. अम्बेडकर विश्‍वविद्यालय दिल्ली Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi Established by The Government of NCT of Delhi

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PhD Sociology

Candidates seeking admission in PhD programme must have Masters degree from a recognised University/Institute with 55% marks or an equivalent grade.


Candidates seeking admission in PhD programme must have Masters degree from a recognised University/Institute with 55% marks or an equivalent grade. A relaxation in marks of 5% or an equivalent relaxation of grade is allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non- creamy layer, Delhi)/ differently-abled categories (DOPT/UGC list) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible based only on the qualifying marks without including the grace mark procedures.

The Ph.D. programme in sociology resonates with the larger envisioning of AUD, which seeks a dialogue between the ideal of equality, social justice and critical thinking. Through a doctoral degree in Sociology at AUD, a scholar will be able to map the social reality in its complexities, arriving at a research question with the help of the taught courses as well as guided readings to actually doing the research- engaging with the field. Recently, the understanding of multi-sited-ness of the field has evolved new methods of both choosing the field and engaging with/in the field. It has resulted in the transformation of the discipline from within. The doctoral programme at AUD intends to sensitize the scholars to these new explorations, changes and challenges. The PhD research scholars in sociology will benefit immensely from the inter-disciplinary focus of research and teaching that Ambedkar University encourages.

The PhD programme in sociology aims to produce research scholars, who are capable of creative and critical engagement with the contemporary world through their research, transforming the way one engages with and re-imagines the social. The faculty intends to create an environment for cutting edge research in social sciences, with a disciplinary focus in sociology with an inter and trans-disciplinary orientation. Our research students will be able to draw from the varied academic interests and specializations of the faculty, not only in the School of Liberal Studies but from across the university. In keeping with the inter and trans-disciplinary focus of the university, the students will be encouraged to take courses, do research/seminar papers and generally participate in the vibrant academic pursuits of the AUD campus.

Broad Tentative research Areas*

  • Social exclusion and Caste
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Mental Health in Conflict settings
  • Justice, Equality and Law
  • Social and community Medicine
  • Religion and politics of identity
  • Sexuality studies and queer politics
  • Relationships, Kinships and Intimacies
  • Labour and public health
  • Rural transformation and agrarian change
  • Social Movements and Transformation
  • Feminisms, transnational feminisms and Feminist Movements
  • Anthropology of violence and mental health
  • Democracy, state and social movements
  • Political economy of development and infrastructure
  • Urban studies and land politics; relationships
  • Feminist pedagogy and contemporary higher education institutions
  • Business and social entrepreneurship, migration and popular culture

* This is a dynamic and indicative list contingent upon the availability of the faculty in the given area.


Candidates admitted in the PhD programmes are required to complete 16 credits of course work during a period of two semesters. In the first semester, two core courses of 4 credits each will be Theoretical Issues in Sociological Research and Methods and Techniques in Social Research. In the second semester, two 2 credit courses on Guided Reading and Workshop on Academic Writing will be transacted together with a 4 credit Elective course which the PhD scholar can choose from those offered by Sociology faculty SLS as well as outside of the Programme or School.

Participation in course work presumes a scholar’s residence in Delhi region during the officially recognised academic year/ sessions and the scholar’s regular attendance of classes and related academic activities.

First Semester

1) Theoretical Issues in Sociological Research - 4 credits

2) Methods and Techniques of Social research - 4 credits

Second Semester

3) Guided reading course GRC - 2 credits

4) Workshop on Academic writing - 2 credits

5) Elective course - 4 Credits

Brief Description of course(s)

I. Theoretical Issues in Sociological Research (TISR)

Compulsory, 4 credits

This course builds on foundational/canonical theory courses, ordinarily transacted at the master’s degree programme that largely centres on individual thinkers and perspectives. The course, recognizing the need for a sound theoretical backdrop in higher research, aims to address some of the key epistemological issues in the Social Sciences and engage with them at a more discursive level. The debates surrounding recurrent themes such as binaries of objectivity-subjectivity, structure-agency, individual-social, positivism-subjectivism, etc. will form the core of this course. The objective of the course is to expose the scholars to various theoretical frameworks of social analysis that emerges through these debates.

The evaluation scheme will include writing seminar papers, Book reviews, individual or group presentations.

II. Methods and Techniques of Social Research (MTSR)

This course is visualized as a value addition to the craft and techniques of doing research that are taught in the master’s degree programme. It is intended to equip the scholars with requisite expertise in handling the toolkit of social sciences research and the challenges involved in executing the skill sets in a field situation. The course will cover both qualitative and quantitative research techniques, depending upon the specific requirements of the scholars’ research. This course will also discuss issues related to social science research ethics and protocols.

III. Guided Reading Course (GRC)

Compulsory, 2 credits

This course is a unique segment in the programme structure given that it is not going to be transacted in a regular class room setting in lecture mode. It aims to be a guided reading course, enabling the scholar to shape her/his proposal by exploring the literature available on that area. This course is visualized as a prelude to survey/review of literature as part of the scholar’s research. This will be conducted under an academic advisor* which will be assigned to each scholar at the time of joining in the first semester itself. The scholars will be expected to present their work which may be co-evaluated by at least one more faculty member other than the designated academic advisor. Participation in fortnightly seminars will be a critical space to facilitate the culture of peer review and interaction of faculties.

IV. Workshop on Academic Writing (WOAW)

Globally, Social sciences research, especially its presentation, has been following a set of standard conventions and format. WOAW attempts to familiarize the Ph.D. scholars to different aspects of academic writing and oral and written presentation styles, including the skill to decipher subtle nuances and the complexities of reading a text and analyzing it. The workshop format of the course transaction is intended to cater to this operational aspect of research.

V. Elective course (4 credits)

Depending on the usefulness and the individual research need, electives from Sociology SLS, other /Programmes/ schools at AUD may be taken in consultation with the Supervisor. Courses that are on offer in MPhil programmes in Development Studies, Women and Gender Studies, History, Development Practice may be on offer to Sociology doctoral scholars as their Elective course depending upon its availability and willingness of the course co-coordinators to include scholars from other disciplines over and above the specified number of students in the course.

* Academic Advisor may later become his/her supervisor

All research programmes are geared to promote research and train students with objective to be a good researcher. The outcome of all these programmes is to create a cadre of good scholars.


Meeting the eligibility criteria alone will not ensure admission. It will be dependent on overall performance in research proposal, entrance test and interview.


At the time of submitting the application form a Statement of Purpose as well as Research Proposal need to be submitted. The Statement of Purpose should include a well articulated argument as to why the candidate wishes to pursue research at AUD. The SOP should not exceed 500 words. The applicants are required to submit a written research proposal clearly delineating the tentative research theme/focus/area which the applicant proposes to study not exceeding 2500 words. There will be 25%weightage assigned to the research proposal. The research proposal document should give a background of the proposed research, its broad questions/ objectives and a brief description of the relevant conceptual frameworks. Each proposal will be put through plagiarism-check software and plagiarism, if found, will be a ground for summary disqualification of the application.


Eligible candidates will be short listed for the written test. The written entrance test will be of 50% weightage. The examination will among other things test research methodological understanding of applicants. Only candidates qualifying in the written examination will be called for the interview. The interview shall be based on the courses that the candidate has done till the Master’s level, the statement of purpose and the research proposal submitted.

A provisional admission to the PhD programme will then be offered to the candidates on the basis of combined merit of the written entrance exam (50% weightage), research proposal (25% weightage) and interview (25% weightage).


A Supervisor from the Sociology Faculty of SLS shall be assigned to each PhD scholar. A Research Advisory Committee (RAC) consisting of at least three members including the Supervisor, co supervisor (if any) and one/ two more faculty members, of which at least, one should be outside of the school / University would be constituted for each PhD scholar before the end of the course work. The RAC will periodically review progress of the research work of the doctoral candidate and also make recommendations as may be required to ensure that the scholar completes all requirements of course work.

The research scholar shall appear before the RAC at least once in six months to make a presentation of the progress of his/her work for evaluation and further guidance. The 6-monthly progress report signed by all the members of RAC shall be submitted by the Supervisor to the Standing Committee Research (SCR) of the academic council through Research Studies Committee (RSC) of the school with a copy to the research scholar.

Co‐supervisory arrangements are possible with experts and scholars outside the School or even outside AUD on the conditions that they have recognised academic credentials, and the RSC of the School should be convinced that the involvement of the co-supervisor would significantly enhance the quality of the scholar’s research.

STIPEND : The stipend will be paid as per the existing AUD norms.


The minimum period for completion of PhD, including coursework period is three years, and maximum is 5 years. More details regarding rules governing PhD programmes at AUD are available in the AUD REGULATIONS CONCERNING DEGREES OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.), 2017 and all scholars will be guided by the said regulations. Each scholar will be expected to provide a six monthly progress report throughout the duration of the PhD enrolment after successful completion of coursework within 12 months of enrolment. After completion of the course work, the scholar will be required to make a presentation and defend the research synopsis. The scholar will also have to make a pre- submission presentation to be arranged by SLS RSC. Finally, there will be a viva-voce examination in which the scholar will defend PhD thesis in the presence of AUD supervisor, co‐supervisor (if any), thesis examiner and other invited experts.

Course Code Course Name Credit
SLS3SC302 4
SLS3SC303 2
SLS3SC304 2
SLS3SC301 4


PhD Program in Humanities and Social Sciences at IITs

  • April 5, 2022
  • PhD Program

PhD Program in Humanities and Social Sciences at IITs

  The Department of Humanities & Social Sciences at various IITs offers a Ph.D. program in different academic disciplines such as English, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology, Fine Arts, Linguistics, Policy, History, Archaeology, Political Science, Geography, Development Studies, etc. The Department’s curricula aligned with its academic vision aim to cultivate critical and innovative thinking and impart training required to carry out the highest level of multi-disciplinary research. To fulfill its teaching and research goals, the Department has competent faculty members in diverse areas who keep pace with the current developments in their fields of specialization.

Apart from the facilities made available to all students at the Institute level, at the department level, the students have access to the resources available in the Department’s Library, Computer Labs, etc. The departments also house teaching laboratories such as Language laboratory, Behavioural and Cognitive Science laboratory, Econometrics laboratory, Psychology laboratory, and more. These laboratories help students improve their language and communication skills, train students in subjects like psychology and other allied behavioral sciences, etc. A good library is always the nucleus of a vibrant research ethos. These Departments have their own library with an outstanding collection of books and journals that help strengthen the research of students and faculty members.

Research Areas in Humanities & Social Sciences at IITs

Research in Humanities & Social Sciences at IITs covers all the areas of English, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Fine Arts, etc. The core areas of research are:

Cognitive Linguistics, Pragmatics, American Literature, Critical and Literary Theory, Postcolonial Theory and Literature, Indian literature and literary theory, Translation Studies, Literary Censorship, Postmodern Theory and Literature, The Anthropocene Literature, Climate Fiction, and Cli-Fi Films, Cyberpunk and Biopunk, Critical Theory, Cybercriticism, Ecocriticism, Language Documentation And Description, Linguistic Typology, Historical Linguistics, Postcolonial Literature, Indian Writings in English, Life Writings, English Language Teaching, Applied Cognitive Linguistics, Curriculum, and Syllabus Design, Linguistics, Language Variation, History of Film Theory, Aesthetic Politics, World Cinema, Critical Theory

Visual and Media Arts, Design, Visual Culture, Frugal Innovation, Visual thinking, Art history, Graphic Art, Painting, Studio Art practices, Art History, Art Appreciation, Visual Culture, Cinema Studies, New-Media & Mixed-Media Art, Calligraphy, Oil Painting, Sculpture


Logic, Formal Epistemology, General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Aesthetics, Philosophy and Literature, Phenomenology, Existentialism, Hermeneutics, Gandhi Studies, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Evolutionary Epistemology, Philosophy of Science (Biology), Cognition, Creativity

Health Psychology, Social Representations, Illness Narratives, Social Cognition, Organizational Cognition, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Affective Processes, Psychological Assessment, Trauma Psychology, Applied Social Psychology, Disaster Mental Health, Qualitative Methodology, Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Science, Embodied Cognition, Action, Agency, and Self

Social Demography, Rural Development, Social Statistics, Sociology of Science and Technology, Sociology of Development, Social Movements, Human Rights, Social Movements, Law and Governance, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Law, Economic Sociology, Sociology of Work, New Media Studies (identification, everyday use), Social Geography, Sociology of Money, Environmental Sociology, Social Network Analysis

The Department of Humanities & Social Sciences at the Indian Institutes of Technology in Delhi , Bombay , Madras , Kanpur , Kharagpur , Roorkee , and Guwahati provides an outstanding research environment complemented by excellence in teaching. All other IITs also offer excellent research programs in Humanities & Social Sciences.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (PHDSOC)

Minimum Duration: 3 Years Maximum Duration: 6 Years Course Fee: Rs. 16,800 Minimum Age: No bar Maximum Age: No bar Eligibility: Possesses Master’s Degree from a University recognized by UGC or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto in such fields of study as are notified for the purpose from time to time by the University with at least 55% marks [50% marks in the case of SC, ST, OBC (Non-creamy Layer) and Differently-Abled and other categories of candidates as per the decision of UGC from time to time, or for those who had obtained their Master’s Degree prior to 19th September, 1991]excluding grace mark.   and   Qualifies in the entrance examination conducted by IGNOU at the National level.   Click Here for Programme Fee Structure

  • Programme overview
  • Related Information

Course Overview

Content Awaited


Teleconferencing is a one-way video and two-way audio facility. Teleconferencing will be held every month. During teleconferencing session, you will get an opportunity to interact by phone in facility or fax with the resource persons/experts who participate in teleconferencing session and clear your doubts immediately.

The teleconferencing facility will be available at the Regional Centre and Selected Study Centres. The teleconferencing schedule will be sent to the Programme In-charge and Regional Director who would inform the students. Teleconferencing is done through Gyan Darshan Channel. Students must regularly attend these sessions. These will help them clarify doubts and interact with other learners all over the country.

Radio Counselling

Radio counselling will be held through FM and students can ask questions free of cost with phone in facilities right from their homes. A toll free telephone number 110012345 has been provided for this purpose.

The Programme will also be telecast through DD Metro channel and schedule will be informed to students in advance.

Audio-video Programme

Audio and video programmes for each course have been prepared to support learning for the students. These Audio-video programmes in the form of cassettes are available at all Programme Study Centres. These Audio and video cassettes will be provided for viewing and listening. They can also hire the cassettes for viewing and listening.

Students will be required to complete seventy-five percent attendance in theory counselling to become eligible for appearing in Term-end Examination. Similarly, they will be required to complete ninety percent attendance in practical contact sessions to become eligible for appearing in practical examination.

Continuous Evaluation of Theory Component


Assignment is a means of continuing assessment of theory and practical. Assignments will help you to recapitulate the theory and go back to the text again in case students are unable to answer a particular question. Thus assignments also help to reinforce learning in distance learning system of education. These assignments consist of a set of questions and activities that you will answer at your own place by referring your blocks. The assignments will cover all types of questions (long answer type, short answer type, objective type, multiple choice questions and case studies). The assignments will carry thirty percent weightage. Students will be required to obtain fifty percent marks as pass percentage in each assignment separately. Each assignment will carry 100 marks. In the final result assignments will carry thirty percent weightage.

Term-end Examination

As stated earlier, term-end examination is the major component of the evaluation system and if carries seventy percent weightage in the Final result. The University conducts term-end examination twice a year i.e., in June and December. They can take the examination only after completion of the course, failing which students can take the same in December or June of subsequent years years within the total span of the programme.

In case any student fail to get a pass score in the Tern-end Examination, the person will be eligible to reappear at the next Term-end Examination for that course as and when if is held, within the total span of the Programme.

Other Programmes

  • Master's Degree
  • Masters of Arts (History) (MAHI)
  • Master of Arts (Anthropology) (MAAN)
  • MA in Psychology (MAPC)
  • Master of Arts (Sociology) (MSO)
  • Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS)
  • Master of Arts (Public Administration) (MPA)
  • Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MAGPS)
  • Master of Arts (Political Science) (MPS)
  • Master of Arts (History) (MAH)
  • Master of Arts (Economics) (MEC)
  • PG and Advance Diploma
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (PGDDRRM)
  • PG Diploma in Mental Health (PGDMH)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPS)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology Programme (PGDRPC)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM)
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN)
  • PG and Advance Certificate
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPS)
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Bachelor Honours Public Administration (BAPAH)
  • B.Sc. Honours Anthropology (BSCANH)
  • B.A. Honours Sociology (BASOH)
  • B.A Honours Political Science (BAPSH)
  • B.A. Honours Psychology (BAPCH)
  • B.A. Honours History (BAHIH)
  • Bachelor of Arts (General) (BAG)
  • B. A. Economics Honours (BAECH)
  • Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS)
  • Certificate
  • Certificate Programme on Life and Thought of B.R. Ambedkar (CLTA)
  • Certificate Programme in Peace Studies and Conflict Management (CPSCM)
  • Certificate Programme in Library and Information Science (CLIS)
  • Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)
  • Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES)

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[Updated on 13-Aug-2024]

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Ph.D. Sociology

Focus areas, of the program, social change and mobility, research in this area focuses on the dimensions of social change and patterns of mobility through theoretical and research-based approach in the context of rapid economic and social changes over recent years. it examines the impact of development planning on various social categories and their varied responses. the emphasis is largely on inequalities, demographic shifts, social movements and migration and their linkages with caste, class and gender dimensions. understanding social mobility and change are contextualised in the study of rural, urban, tribal communities, dalits and religious minorities., agrarian transformation, broadly the research in this area focuses on the social consequences of agrarian transformation during colonial, post-colonial and neoliberal periods. it suggests to document the development experiences of different rural-agrarian communities and their responses in the context ongoing significant changes in rural economy. combining national with regional experiences and economic with non-economic aspects the objective is to provide an inclusive account of a wide range of issues afflicting rural economy and society. we intend to identify the new dynamics in agrarian political economy and present a comprehensive account of diverse aspects of capitalist transition both at theoretical and empirical levels., sociology of water, "as water mirrors society across space and time, sociology of water examines how water resources affect caste, class, and gender relations, rural-urban and industry-agriculture contestations, interregional and transnational development cooperation, disputes, conflicts and wars as well. sociological discourse endeavours to articulate how water forms the social premise in shaping and reshaping society, how neoliberalism and nation-states craft water institutions, how competing demand for water for drinking, domestic use, irrigation and development spawn issues, inequalities and transition in contemporary society. concurrently, sociologists occupy key positions in designing, implementing and evaluating water policy, plans and programmes for sustainable water resources development. the thrust area of this department includes gender and irrigation, participatory water resource management, water governance, hydraulic bureaucracy and the interface of water with social change. ", sociology of disaster, it is one of the emerging vibrant areas in social science research that deals with the development of knowledge on societal response to hazards and disasters. it sheds light on the risks people encounter and the reasons for their susceptibility to hazards. our research in this area reflects on how disasters can be perceived within the larger designs of society and how investigating them in this manner may offer productive way of constructing policies that can benefit to reduce disasters and mitigate hazards. this area explains why disasters should not be separated from routine living and exhibits how the risks involved in disaster must be connected with the vulnerability created by many people through their everyday existence., who can prefer this course, eligibility.


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Humanities & Social Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The discipline of Sociology offers undergraduate courses for students of engineering, science and social science and runs a PhD programme in sociology.

Sociology at IIT Kanpur

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Syllabus for PhD (Sociology) Entrance Examination for Applicants with Sociology Background
Syllabus for PhD (Sociology) Entrance Examination for Applicants without Sociology Background
  • Design Culture
  • Health and Illness
  • Human Rights
  • Social Change
  • Social Demography
  • Social Stratification
  • Sociology of Environment
  • Sociology of Science and Technology
  • Sociology of Development
  • Sociology of Religion
  • Third Sector Research
  • Urban Sociology

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Sociology Faculty

Sociology Courses

The course introduces Political Ecology as a theoretical approach and as a development critique under global capitalism. Political Ecology distinctly applies the principles of political economy to understand the relationship between social ecology, culture, and the environment. This inter-disciplinary approach synthesizes central social questions on the relationship between political economy, social organization, and humanized nature with specific reference to developing contexts such as India. The advance of neo-liberalism has fostered a critical discourse on the urgent need for global environmental governance and checking environmental degradation under global capitalism. On successful completion of this course, the student will be familiar with debates on political ecology as an analytical frame of enquiry, and criticism of development under market environmentalism at the local and the global level.

This course will familiarize a student with major development issues affecting Northeast India, the shifts in Government of India policy towards North-east India, and how democratization has shaped identity expressions and led to organization of social movements in this region.

This course will introduce students to advanced topics in Sociology as decided by the instructor.

This course will introduce students to inter-disciplinary perspectives on agriculture and rural development across the world using historical and contemporary sources.

• To familiarize students with the debates around agrarian societies and their origins • To help students understand the problems around simplistic binaries of rural/urban or agrarian/industrial • To train students to think critically and write effectively about concepts and ideas related to agrarian political economy • To build a comparative perspective on the agrarian question and its implications for social life • To help students think about the connections between agrarian histories, emergent futures and policy directions.

This course seeks to critically examine the historical development of capitalism in the context of the advanced industrial and developing societies. It discusses how capitalism as a mode of production has restructured itself over the centuries. Specifically, it discusses the various theories of capitalism and the processes of transformation from classical industrial capitalism to contemporary neo-liberalism.

This course will examine how civil society or associational community interacts with the state and the market in India and what implications has it had for the broader processes and institutions of democracy, citizenship and governance.

The course will familiarize students with contemporary sociological theorists and trace the interlinkages with narrative theory and political thought. It will enable students to critically evaluate theories, concepts, and ideas in an understanding of the contemporary moment.

The course introduces students to theories and critical perspectives pertaining to multiple sites and practices of education. It explores the processes that bring education in relationship with varied social structures such as caste, class, gender and race. Students will also be engaging with ethnographic studies from diverse social and cultural contexts to understand questions of inequality, aspirations, and mobility in schooling, higher education and informal learning. The course will situate cultures of learning and the making of ‘knowledge economy’ in the neoliberal context. It will tackle questions of inequality and access that have come to acquire a much greater significance in educational policy in the post-covid world.

Students will be exposed to contemporary themes and debates on connection between environment, development, and society; industrialization and risk society; challenge of sustainable development; perception of the environment, dependence for livelihood, identity, and power on natural resources; social ecology; what is the role of religion in determining our world view and relation with the environment?; recognition of indigenous knowledge; rise of environmental movements, development projects and recent conflict over natural resources; understanding major environmental disasters and industrial accidents; global climate change negotiations; gender and environment.

This is a seminar-style course designed to critically interrogate the concept of the state as an object of ethnographic enquiry. The course will attempt to disaggregate the state as a taken-for-granted entity or institution and focus on the multiple ways in which the state can be realized as an idea or ‘effect’.

This course seeks to train PG students in ethnographic methods of research in sociology and social anthropology. The course will engage with theoretical, philosophical and methodological debates that have framed the ethnographic project. Issues and challenges in ethnographic research will be discussed in addition to framing academic debates on questions of reflexivity, subjectivity and representation. The course will also introduce students to some of the basic tools of ethnographic research, such as participant observation.

This course introduces students to sociological perspectives on the study of family, marriage and kinship. It will help students engage with classical and contemporary understanding of the three institutions and their relationship with other social structures. The course will frame disciplinary and theoretical perspectives on concepts such as procreation, relatedness, care and love -- all of which have continued to shape the multiple meanings of family, kinship and marriage across cultures. The course maps significant debates that have marked kinship and family studies, including the nature-culture divide, alternative forms of family and the shifts beyond genealogy.

This course will start with key debates in the practice of ethnography and proceed to introduce students to techniques of fieldwork such as observation, participant observation, interviewing, recording conversations, thick description and writing fieldnotes.

The course will familiarize students with contemporary conceptual understandings of gender and its relationship with other dimensions of human social life. It will explore the relationship between ‘sex’ and gender and focus on the socio-cultural processes that produce gendered identities in time and space. It will further examine the relationship of gender and gendered identities with work and economy, family, kinship, reproduction, marriage, religion and the political sphere.

The manner in which gender is conceptualized and performed is foundational to the understanding of human social relationships. Gender identities are not fixed or determined purely by physiology; their social construction affects ideas of masculinity and femininity or other sexual identities. Besides understanding how sex and gender are interrelated, we will look at how gender intertwines with societal areas of economy, technology, polity, religion and demography. The important role played by social structures and institutions such as caste, kinship, family, marriage, ethnicity, religion and class in structuring gender and vice- versa will be brought out. Technologies associated with population and biological sciences have transformed and are continuing to transform society and human relationships in particular directions. The course will examine these transformations at the global and local levels and consider their impact on individual lives. Challenges posed to intimate human relationships and identities by new reproductive technologies such as invitro-fertilization, surrogacy, sex selection will be explored. What does the emergence/ institutionalisation of new social forms - such as same sex marriages and parenthood by surrogacy - tell us about the possibilities and limits of human relationships?

To introduce students to current and ongoing debates on challenges posed by various aspects of globalization and debates therein. Globalization is impacting our everyday life and this course enables us to understand how social-cultural, political and economic aspects of globalization interact and are shaping the emergent world.

The basic aim of this course is to introduce students to the study and understanding of modern industrial societies.

Globalization and Globality; Classical theories to understanding work and industry; Understanding Work, Work Ethic and Work Culture; Post-industrial society and rise of informational economy; Job-satisfaction and alienation; Equalization of Opportunities and the Flattening of the World; Outsourcing as a Business Strategy; Important changes in industry and rise of IT sector and BPO industry; Governance and Collective Organization of Workers in select sectors; Corporate Social Responsibility

The main objective of this course is to introduce PhD students to the basics elements of research design and methods such as identify their paradigm of inquiry, research questions, variables of interest and sample of respondents for their research studies.

The course will introduce students to the study of sociology and some basic underpinnings of sociological theory and methodology. The emergence of sociology as a scientific discipline is examined in the context of the development of Industrial society in Western Europe. The course will examine the writings of key classical social thinkers such as Marx, Durkheim and Weber as well as more contemporary theorists such as Michel Foucault, with a view to understanding various sociological approaches to modern industrial society.

This course will begin with a discussion on the various constructions of Indian society from colonial to contemporary times. The structural and cultural dimensions of Indian society are explored at the level of village, city, region, nation and civilization. Sources of differentiation, diversity and unity are explored through institutions such as caste, class and tribe; kinship, family, marriage and gender systems, religious traditions and political organisations. Transformations in these institutions are analysed and fault lines explored by studying contemporary issues of secularism, communalism, religious conversions, caste and identity movements. The sociological perspective remains key to interpreting changes in Indian society in the era of globalization and rapid economic change.

The course seeks to undertake a study of language as a social and cultural product. The role of language in the construction of collective identity, nationalism, ethnic and religious movements will be considered. Theoretical orientations to the study of language such as Structuralism and Marxism will be followed up with case studies on the interface between language and nationalism, language as social capital and language policy.

This course explores theories and perspectives on the idea of the everyday in social anthropology. It will help students engage with the numerous dilemmas and complexities that have been written about while making sense of the quotidian, mundane, and banal ‘everyday life’. Departing from the fuzziness and ambiguity that envelopes the commonsensical notion(s) of the everyday, the course will draw upon debates and critiques that have shaped the epistemology of the everyday.

The course examines the construction of the 'media- event', the 'spectacle' and the fetishism of the image- object and its role in determining the collective consciousness of our times. Some of the questions addressed in this course are: how are 'media-events' created? What is the role of the media (this includes mass media, advertisements, as well as forms of social and digital media) in determining the nature of the 'self' and 'society.'?

This module draws on methodological debates in history and sociology/social anthropology in order to better understand how the ‘past’ can be used as a resource in ethnographic work. It reflects on the social turn in history writing as well as the historical turn in sociology, both the doing of ‘historical fieldwork’ and the notion of conducting ‘ethnography in the archives.’

This course is an advanced undergraduate sociology course on the political ecology of water. It discusses people's historic and current engagement with water, sustainable development and water, the recent controversies and emergent resource conflict over water in the context of industrial development, design and implementation of hydropower projects, water pollution management, and conservation strategies (modern and traditional) and relates them to relevant national policies.

This course covers an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of ethnography. Students will engage with a wide variety of ethnographies from diverse contexts while exploring the debates and tensions that have shaped ethnographic practice. The course will investigate the many dimensions of ethnographic writing as the genre continues to be situated as text, narrative, and often, as a form of storytelling. The course will draw upon classical as well as contemporary ethnographic monographs to bring together the themes of methods, field, fieldwork, location, representation, epistemology and ethics.

The course introduces students to the study of religion in contemporary society. It addresses the constitution of religion as an epistemological and cognitive category. The course covers sociological, anthropological, philosophical and psychological approaches to religious belief and practice. Key themes include: religious boundaries, identity, conversion, syncretism, ritual, ethics, symbols, nationalism, secularism, conflict and change in the context of South Asian religions.

The course will begin with social theories on the production of technology and scientific knowledge systems, stratification within the community of technologists and scientists, discrimination (race, class, gender, caste) and the role of power in shaping the production of technology and scientific knowledge. Scientific controversies, both historical and emerging, and the organization of innovation and its geographies will be discussed. Case studies exploring ethical questions arising from new technologies such as information technology, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, etc. will be used. Discussions on public understanding of science and role of the public and of experts in influencing policies related to science and technology will conclude the course.

The course will introduce students to selected topics in Sociology as decided by the instructor

Distinction between 'growth‘ and 'development‘; historical genesis and evolution of the concept of development; theories of development and underdevelopment; the political nature of the development process. Role of state, market, culture and civil society in development. Gendered nature of development. Post-independence Indian experience (centralized planning and socialism) of development; selected comparisons with China, East Asia, South Asia, Africa, Latin America. Explaining India‘s slow progress in human and social development, poor record in reduction of poverty and inequality. Impact of globalization, foreign aid and economic reform on India‘s development. Experiments with decentralization and sustainable development.

This course is designed to provide graduate students with a broad perspective on classical and modern theoretical perspectives in sociology and social anthropology.

This course introduces students to classical and contemporary theories and debates in Indian sociology including the various concepts and approaches used to study Indian society. It provides a historical overview of Indian society from colonial times to the present, focusing on processes and drivers of social change.

This course will introduce students to theories in the sociology of science, explore how scientific knowledge is produced and validated, and study its relationship to other forms of knowledge in society.

This course will introduce students to sociological approaches to the study of religion in contemporary society. Religion will be understood in terms of its social and cultural structure; in addition the course will also encourage a critical perspective on religion and society – its interface with society, polity and the economy. Religious conflict and change, syncretism, popular religion, revivalism and fundamentalism will also be considered.

This main objective of this course is to introduce PhD students to a set of tools for empirical research in Sociology in particular, but it would also be useful for other disciplines in social sciences such as Economics, Psychology and Policy Studies.

• Students will understand the processes in the making of the ‘urban’, as habitat, space and culture, and also as an object of study from an anthropological perspective. • Examine the concepts around the urban – such as urbanism, urbanisation- and their applicability in cities of the global south • Gain theoretical knowledge of urban anthropology/sociology, and gendered perspectives on the ‘urban question’, and demonstrate a critical understanding of theories of urbanization, population movements and colonialisation • Students will learn to critically examine diverse contexts and experiences of marginalisation and exclusion in the cities of the global North and South. They will be able to examine the social forces in the processes of marginalisation. • To explore the methodological implications of ethnographic research in urban contexts. This will be done through a close reading of some ethnographies of urban life in diverse geographic locations to gain familiarity with local and global urban settings.

This course aims at a critical examination of the production of the city and the urban as a way of life.The student will be introduced to important theoretical perspectives on the study of the urban – Marx, Weber, Simmel, Castells, Lefebvre, Wirth, Harvey, de Certeau and Appadurai besides others.

Students will learn how to analyse images, visual and online new media resources and utilize them in social and Internet research. This course enables a student to get some exposure to innovations in visual anthropology and digital culture that are part of our everyday life.

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Ph.D. Admission Notification 2024

For the Academic Year 2024, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) is a Deemed to be University funded by Ministry of Education through UGC is announcing admission notification for Ph.D. Programmes across Mumbai Campus and Hyderabad, Guwahati & Tuljapur Off-Campuses.

Number of seats and core thematic areas of research: Total seats available for all the Ph.D. Progammes is 142. The core thematic areas of research and the number of seats available under each Ph.D. Programme are given below:

For TISS Mumbai Campus:

Sl. No


Name of the Ph.D. Programme and Number of Seats


Core thematic areas of research


School of Social Work

Ph.D. in Social Work



22 Seats


School of Human Ecology Applied Psychology


6 Seats


Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education

Ph.D. in Education


07 Seats


School of Health System Studies

Ph.D. in Health Services Management


8 Seats



School of Health System Studies

Ph.D. in Public Health


10 Seats



Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies

Ph.D. in Disaster Studies


05 Seats




School of Management and Labour Studies

Ph.D. in Management and Labour Studies


12 Seats


School of Habitat Studies

Ph.D. in Habitat Studies


10 Seats


School of Development Studies

Ph.D. in Development Studies


21 Seats






Advance Centre for Women’s Studies, School of Development Studies

Ph.D. in Women’s Studies


3 Seats



School of Law, Rights and Constitutional Governance

Ph.D. in Access to Justice and Human Rights


4 Seats




School of Media and Cultural Studies



Ph.D. in Media and Cultural Studies


2 Seats



Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies

Ph.D. in Inclusive Development and Social Justice


3 Seats



Centre for Library and Information Management

Ph.D. in Library and Information Science


6 Seats


For Off-Campuses of TISS:



Name of the Ph.D. Programme and Number of Seats

Core thematic areas of research


Tuljapur Campus- School of Rural Development

Ph.D. in Rural Development


10 Seats


Guwahati Campus

Ph.D. in Social Sciences


11 Seats











Hyderabad Campus - School of Public Policy and Governance

Ph.D. in Public Policy


2 Seats

Ph.D. Eligibility Criteria:

(1) Those clearing in UGC-NET 2024 in any of three categories are eligible to apply for the admission to Ph.D. programmes:

Category-1: Eligible for (i) admission to Ph.D. with JRF and (ii) appointment as Assistant Professor.

Catcgory-2: Eligible for (i) admission to Ph.D. without JRF and (ii) appointment as Assistant Processor.

Catcgory-3: Eligible for admission to Ph.D. programme only and not for the for the award of JRF or appointment as Assistant Professor

(2) For admission to Ph.D. in Social Work, clearing in UGC-NET 2024 in the subject of Social Work is the eligibility requirement.

(3) For admission to Ph.D., in Applied Psychology, clearing in UGC-NET 2024 in the subject of Psychology is the eligibility requirement.

(4) For admission to Ph.D. in Education, clearing in UGC-NET 2024 in any one of the subjects of Social Science discipline/allied fields, preferably in the subject Education is the eligibility requirement.

(5) For admission to all the remaining Ph.D. programmes mentioned in Serial Numbers 4 to 17, clearing in UGC-NET 2024 in any one of the subjects of Social Science discipline/allied fields is the eligibility requirement.

(6) Those students who are having valid JRF prior to 2024 in Social Work, Psychology are also eligible to apply for Ph.D. in Social Work and Applied Psychology respectively. The valid JRF holders prior to 2024 in any subject of Social Science discipline/allied fields, preferably in Education are eligible to apply for Education

(7) Those students who have cleared only NET prior to 2024 are not eligible to apply for any of the Ph.D. programmes.

Eligibility criteria of qualifying degree:

Candidates who have completed: A 1-year/2-semester master's degree programme after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree programme or a 2-year/4-semester master’s degree programme after a 3-year bachelor’s degree programme or qualifications declared equivalent to the master’s degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed

Or equivalent qualification from a foreign educational institution accredited by an assessment and accreditation agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or assure quality and standards of the educational institution.

A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently-Abled, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the University Grants Commission from time to time.

Provided that a candidate seeking admission after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree programme should have a minimum of 75% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade on a point scale wherever the grading system is followed. A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently-Abled, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the University Grants Commission from time to time.

Selection criteria for Ph.D. admission:

(1) For those students with category 2 and category 3 of UGC-NET 2024, 70% weightage is given to their NET score and 30% weightage is to their performance in the personal interview

(2) For those students who are having a valid JRF (JRF prior to 2024 or JRF of 2024), the selection will be done based on the personal interview only. The personal interview component carries 100% weightage. The students with JRF of 2024 may also apply with their NET score along with category 2 and category 3 students where both NET score and score in Personal interview will be the selection criteria.

(3) Reservation* – Tata Institute of Social Sciences is Deemed to be University funded by Ministry of Education through UGC and follows all the norms and regulation of Government of India with respect to reservation policy. According to this, in the Central Universities and Institutions which are deemed to be Universities, the reservation of seats shall be as follows:

i. 15% of the seats for Scheduled Caste (SC) candidates.

ii. 7.5% of seats Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates.

iii. 27% of the seats for Other Backward Classes (OBC) Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) candidates as per the Central List

iv. 10% of the seats for General-Economically Weaker Sections (General- EWS) candidates.

v. 05% of the seats in the above-mentioned categories for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) with 40% or more disability.

vi. 05% of the seats in the above-mentioned categories for Kashmert Migrants as per GoI guidelines

vii. 05% of the seats in the above-mentioned categories for Armed Forces

*The details/eligibility regarding reservations may be accessed through following link

Mode of Ph.D. Programme: Ph.D. Programmes are offered in Full-time and Part-time mode. Both the full-time and part-time Ph.D. programme are offered only through regular mode. TISS does not offer any Ph.D. programme in distance mode.

TISS follows all the guidelines and norms issued by the University Grants Commission from time to time in regulating the Ph.D. programmes such as “ University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2022.

The full-time and part-time Ph.D. programmes follow uniform standards such as successful completion of coursework, regular presentations before the Research Advisory Committees, stipulated time period to complete Ph.D., the evaluation and assessment methods of coursework and thesis. The Ph.D. degree certificate or Ph.D. award certificate of TISS does not make any distinction between full-time and part-time Ph.D. and both are treated equally.

The part-time Ph.D. students are working professionals who join Ph.D. programme by obtaining a No Objection Certificate from their organizations/employers that assures them providing leave and other support to complete the Ph.D. work. Those students who wish to apply under part-time Ph.D. mode are required to submit a NOC from their employer/organization clearly mentioning that (i) The candidate is permitted to pursue studies on a part-time basis. (ii) His/her official duties permit him/her to devote sufficient time for research. (iii) If required, he/she will be relieved from the duty to complete the course work.

TISS encourages professionals working in development sector, government employees, people working with grassroot organizations and corporate groups to join its Ph.D. programmes through part-time mode.

The full-time Ph.D. students are not working professional and devote their full time to the Ph.D. research. They are mostly receipts of various fellowships/scholarships and are required to put their attendance on daily basis in the Attendance Register maintained in the Doctoral Students’ Office (DSO) of the Institute. They are also required to attend the research seminars, talks arranged on regular basis by their schools and the DSO. Whenever, the full-time Ph.D. students get a job, they can request for converting their Ph.D. into part-time Ph.D.

Ph.D. Coursework : All the selected candidates for Ph.D. programme – both part-time and full-time are required to successfully complete the Ph.D. coursework which is a minimum of 12 credits, including a “Research and Publication Ethics” course as notified by UGC vide D.O. No. F.1- 1/2018(Journal/CARE) in 2019 and courses on qualitative, quantitative research methodology.

A Ph.D. scholar must obtain a minimum of 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the UGC 10-point scale in the course work to be eligible to continue in the programme and submit his or her thesis.

The Ph.D. Coursework will be offered in off-line regular classroom mode during the first semester of the Ph.D. programme. The part-time Ph.D. students may join regular classes along with full-time Ph.D. students or they have to attend the Ph.D. coursework that will be organized in six modular workshops in regular off-line mode spread across the first semester.

The detailed prospectus of the Ph.D. admission – including the details about fellowships/scholarships, fee-structure, hostels and the link for applying for the Ph.D. programme will be announced soon in the website of Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

For any update/amendment kindly visit the above website only

For any information, updates/amendments in timeline, guidelines, etc. you are required to visit Website: . Any admission related queries at any stage should be sent to [email protected] or call the Admissions helpline at 022 - 25525252. Mails sent to any other email-ids will not be considered for further action and response.

TISS does not take responsibility for any information provided by any source other than Institute website and Helpline number mentioned above.

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  • Tata Institute of Social Sciences, V.N. Purav Marg, Deonar, Mumbai-400088.

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Top 10 Colleges for Sociology in India: Rankings, Faculty

10 Best colleges for Sociology in India!

Our connections with society start the day we born. Therefore, it is not very easy to study societal institutions. Sociology indeed is a dynamic field which is evolving every day. To promote, what Giddings says, “human adequacy”, one needs to be logical and reasonable in their approach.

How to Choose a Good College

There are a few parameters that shouldn’t be ignored. Primarily, one must rank their priorities according to their subject. Keep asking yourself a simple question that how does this institution make you able to get to your future destination. Don’t forget to fetch details about the academic prestige of your college via various rankings available online. Rankings help us knowing about faculty and on-campus opportunities. The next step you could consider is the financial aspect. Explore placement and job opportunities through the placement cell of your college. Do not feel incompetent if you’re not able to get into your dream college. Because there is always a way to grow, create your own opportunities, and encourage yourself. Rejection can be tough but it happens for a better option available right there.

Also Read: Top universities where you can study sociology

To make your work less hectic, here’s a list of the 10 Top and Best colleges for Sociology in India

Miranda House has been ranked 1 in the NIRF ranking four times in a row. The department of Sociology was initiated in 1972 and it offers various courses related to the field.  The department is evolving impressively and for the past two years, Sociology is also being offered in the BA Programme course. Students are continuously scoring University ranks. Regular tutorials are scheduled for each subject to not only expand the horizon of the knowledge of the subject but enhance the “out of the books” practical application of theories. The department has prospered in research-based learning. The campus life is fantastic with amazing placement opportunities. In the year 2020, the students introduced their annual magazine ‘social VIBGYOR’ depicting variants of the society through the lens of their newly developed scope of Sociology.

Lady Shri Ram College grabbed rank 2 in NIRF rankings 2020 and it has been known for its magnificent social sciences department. Department of Sociology was established in 1993. The focus primarily remains on integrated classroom learning, small interactive tutorial groups, and multi-faceted internal assessment. It offers a six-semester B.A.  Sociology honours course under CBCS system. From 2018-19, it also started offering Sociology in BA Programme with Political Science or Psychology as another discipline. The department bestows a 15 days field research work opportunity to every third-year student accompanied by two teachers for concept clarity. Sociology students are often considered for placements and the highest package could be up to 12-15 LPA.

With its robust and consistent academic achievements, Hindu College got rank 3 in NIRF rankings 2020. The department of Sociology was established in 1969 and since then the course has been encouraging students with a wide range of interactive learning and faculty expertise in the subject areas. Under the CBCS system, an honours course is being offered and along with it, the department organizes ample seminars, events, lectures, and workshops in active collaboration with the faculty. ‘RITES’, the Department fest is the high point of engaging students in myriad academic and extracurricular works. The ultimate aim of this rigorous training is to equip students with the best career options in the fields like public policy, HR, social work, journalism, government service and so. Placement cell is prominent in the growth of a student to get placements.

One of the sublime colleges in India, Loyola College secured rank 6 in NIRF rankings. The college is far and wide known for its best placement recruitment process with reputed companies like Amazon, Wipro, etc. Students enjoy the best infrastructure equipped with the biggest library in the city and 24 hours on campus Wi-Fi facility. Faculty put extra efforts to give essence to every topic in our real social life settings.

To prepare its students for a bright future, St. Xavier’s College endeavors to incorporate the most contemporary topics in the Sociology curriculum. The college has secured rank 7 in NIRF rankings. The department of sociology was initiated in 2001 and in such a short period, it can provide the best methodological and analytical teaching services along with impressive fieldwork skills.

The college has achieved rank 25 in NIRF rankings. The department of Sociology, initiated in 1976, provides a three-year graduation course with affordable facilities and instill in the student’s qualities that make them use sociology practically rather than just academically. The faculty is well trained and focuses on social research having high civil services examination relevance. Students facing any sort of financial hurdle and looking for good placements would go for the institution.

Along with Miranda House and Hindu College, it is one of the three colleges to provide a Sociology course in Delhi University and the department got established in 1971. The college stands at rank 37 in NIRF rankings. To make students able to think creatively, the curriculum is set in accord to have events, seminars, workshops along with diverse academic work. The annual department fest ‘CARPE DIEM’ is like a step forward to make students view every existing societal phenomenon through a sociological gaze. The faculty is the best part along with amazing placement opportunities.

A drop of ink may make millions think. With this spirit, I chose to write for my passion. I am a student studying BA Programme at Miranda House, DU. My core areas are Economics and Political Science. My interests are reading and writing in various fields especially geopolitical issues, International Relations, Social Issues, etc. I will go for UPSC to administer people using my skills and aptitudes. Writing always elevates our creativity and imagination power.


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Indira Gandhi National Open University - [IGNOU]

New Delhi IGNOU Courses & Fees Ph.D (Sociology)

Indira Gandhi National Open University - [IGNOU]

Ph.D (Sociology) (Part Time) From IGNOU, New Delhi

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Total Fees₹16,800

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  • PhD Sociology Colleges in India 2024

Top PhD Sociology Colleges in India 2024

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Showing 82 PhD Sociology Colleges in India

Loyola college.


22.2 K - 3.24 Lacs Fees

UGC Accredition

5.25 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  6423+  students
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QMC Chennai


NAAC Accredition

CBSE 12th Exams

  • Shortlisted by  1236+  students
  • Fees and Courses (63)
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CMS Kottayam


  • Shortlisted by  116+  students
  • Fees and Courses (42)

Amity University Noida

7150 - 13.9 Lacs Fees


  • Shortlisted by  2329+  students
  • Fees and Courses (242)


20 K - 7.9 Lacs Fees

Bar Counci Accredition

7 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  384707+  students
  • Fees and Courses (398)


6000 - 8 Lacs Fees

AICTE Accredition

  • Shortlisted by  1409+  students
  • Fees and Courses (94)

Sharda University


30 K - 25.4 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  113718+  students
  • Fees and Courses (391)

Pondicherry University

3000 - 2.4 Lacs Fees


  • Shortlisted by  267+  students
  • Fees and Courses (140)

Gauhati University

8645 - 55 K Fees

3.5 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  471+  students
  • Fees and Courses (138)

Integral University


6000 - 90 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  7225+  students
  • Fees and Courses (323)



74 K - 16 Lacs Fees

12.5 Lacs Avg Package

JEE Main Exams

  • Shortlisted by  377+  students
  • Fees and Courses (41)

NIMS University


20 K - 9 Lacs Fees

4.5 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  88642+  students
  • Fees and Courses (523)


74 K - 8 Lacs Fees

MHRD Accredition

25.4 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  593+  students
  • Fees and Courses (54)

IIT Gandhinagar


20 K - 8 Lacs Fees

19.6 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  1027+  students
  • Fees and Courses (38)

Jaipur National University


16.6 K - 3.25 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  117377+  students
  • Fees and Courses (171)


72 - 2.2 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  1106+  students
  • Fees and Courses (93)

Shoolini University Solan


85 K - 4.7 Lacs Fees

15 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  10311+  students
  • Fees and Courses (263)

IEC University


20 K - 2.05 Lacs Fees

4 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  709+  students
  • Fees and Courses (99)

Himachal Pradesh University


1510 - 75 K Fees

2.5 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  477+  students
  • Fees and Courses (66)

SAGE University Bhopal


30 K - 2.5 Lacs Fees

3.6 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  96129+  students
  • Fees and Courses (175)

Desh Bhagat University


10 K - 5 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  17217+  students
  • Fees and Courses (244)

BBD University


22.5 K - 19.5 Lacs Fees

8.7 Lacs Avg Package


  • Shortlisted by  9298+  students
  • Fees and Courses (125)

Guru Kashi University


10 K - 2.5 Lacs Fees

3 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  1701+  students
  • Fees and Courses (231)

YBN University


5000 - 2.4 Lacs Fees

JAC 12th Exams

  • Shortlisted by  322+  students
  • Fees and Courses (144)

Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth


4000 - 5 Lacs Fees


  • Shortlisted by  6987+  students
  • Fees and Courses (104)

Seacom Skills University


30 K - 4 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  14535+  students
  • Fees and Courses (151)

Maharishi University


20 K - 3 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  58266+  students
  • Fees and Courses (167)

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology


20 K - 12 Lacs Fees

7.61 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  107+  students
  • Fees and Courses (31)

NIILM University


21 K - 4.5 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  24300+  students
  • Fees and Courses (295)

The IIS University


6000 - 3.47 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  25101+  students

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100 Best universities for Sociology in India

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in India ranked based on their research performance in Sociology. A graph of 2.27M citations received by 244K academic papers made by 454 universities in India was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi

For Sociology

All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi logo

2. University of Delhi

University of Delhi logo

3. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur logo

4. Jawaharlal Nehru University

Jawaharlal Nehru University logo

5. Indian Institute of Science

Indian Institute of Science logo

6. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research logo

7. Banaras Hindu University

Banaras Hindu University logo

8. Indian Statistical Institute

Indian Statistical Institute logo

9. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi logo

10. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur logo

11. Jadavpur University

Jadavpur University logo

12. Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Manipal Academy of Higher Education logo

13. University of Calcutta

University of Calcutta logo

14. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay logo

15. Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Indian Institute of Technology Madras logo

16. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee logo

17. National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences

National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences logo

18. VIT University

VIT University logo

19. Aligarh Muslim University

Aligarh Muslim University logo

20. Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Indian Agricultural Research Institute logo

21. International Institute for Population Sciences

International Institute for Population Sciences logo

22. Christ University

Christ University logo

23. King George's Medical University

King George's Medical University logo

24. Panjab University

Panjab University logo

25. University of Hyderabad

University of Hyderabad logo

26. Amity University

Amity University logo

27. Savitribai Phule Pune University

Savitribai Phule Pune University logo

28. Amrita University

Amrita University logo

29. National Islamic University

National Islamic University logo

30. Symbiosis International University

Symbiosis International University logo

31. Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences

Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences logo

32. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research logo

33. Anna University

Anna University logo

34. Punjab Agricultural University

Punjab Agricultural University logo

35. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research logo

36. Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Tata Institute of Social Sciences logo

37. Birla Institute of Technology and Science

Birla Institute of Technology and Science logo

38. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati logo

39. Guru Nanak Dev University

Guru Nanak Dev University logo

40. Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat

Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat logo

41. Pondicherry University

Pondicherry University logo

42. University of Kalyani

University of Kalyani logo

43. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University logo

44. Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University logo

45. Annamalai University

Annamalai University logo

46. All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur

All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur logo

47. University of Kashmir

University of Kashmir logo

48. Vidyasagar University

Vidyasagar University logo

49. Punjabi University Patiala

Punjabi University Patiala logo

50. University of Burdwan

University of Burdwan logo

51. Saveetha University

Saveetha University logo

52. University of Mysore

University of Mysore logo

53. North Eastern Hill University

North Eastern Hill University logo

54. SRM Institute of Science and Technology

SRM Institute of Science and Technology logo

55. Indian School of Mines

Indian School of Mines logo

56. National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela logo

57. Delhi Technological University

Delhi Technological University logo

58. University of Mumbai

University of Mumbai logo

59. Chaudhary Charan Singh University

Chaudhary Charan Singh University logo

60. Lovely Professional University

Lovely Professional University logo

61. University of Allahabad

University of Allahabad logo

62. Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research logo

63. Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology

Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology logo

64. IMS Unison University

IMS Unison University logo

65. University of Lucknow

University of Lucknow logo

66. KIIT University

KIIT University logo

67. Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology

Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology logo

68. Visva-Bharati University

Visva-Bharati University logo

69. Indian Veterinary Research Institute

Indian Veterinary Research Institute logo

70. Andhra University

Andhra University logo

71. Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur logo

72. Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad logo

73. Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur

Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur logo

74. University of Rajasthan

University of Rajasthan logo

75. Jamia Hamdard University

Jamia Hamdard University logo

76. National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli logo

77. Osmania University

Osmania University logo

78. Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences

Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences logo

79. Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University logo

80. Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University logo

81. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research logo

82. Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology logo

83. Assam University

Assam University logo

84. Mangalore University

Mangalore University logo

85. Bharathiar University

Bharathiar University logo

86. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research logo

87. University of Jammu

University of Jammu logo

88. University of Madras

University of Madras logo

89. Pt. Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences

Pt. Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences logo

90. Maharishi Dayanand University

Maharishi Dayanand University logo

91. Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda logo

92. Presidency University - Kolkata

Presidency University - Kolkata logo

93. University of Petroleum and Energy Studies

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies logo

94. Narsee Monjee Institute of Management and Higher Studies

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management and Higher Studies logo

95. National Institute of Technology, Durgapur

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur logo

96. JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research logo

97. Chitkara University - Punjab

Chitkara University - Punjab logo

98. Madurai Kamaraj University

Madurai Kamaraj University logo

99. Birla Institute of Technology

Birla Institute of Technology logo

100. Gauhati University

Gauhati University logo

The best cities to study Sociology in India based on the number of universities and their ranks are Delhi , Kanpur , Bangalore , and Chandigarh .

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences subfields in India

Ph.D. (Sociology) Colleges in India

Adamas university.

location_on Barasat - Barrackpore Road, Barbaria, P.O. Jagannathpur, Kolkata, West Bengal

call Toll Free No. 1800-419-7423

Courses Offered

  • M.A. (Sociology)
  • Ph.D. (Sociology)

Amar Shaheed Kanchan Singh Autonomous P.G. College

location_on Shivpuri, Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh

call (5182) 261306 / phone_iphone 9415032663

  • MA Sociology

Amity University - Noida

location_on Sector 125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

call (0120) 4392000, 2445252, 4713600 / phone_iphone 8448396303

  • B.A. (Hons.) Sociology


Andhra University - AU

location_on Waltair Junction, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

call (0891) 2844000, 2844197

Arunachal University of Studies Logo

Arunachal University of Studies - AUS

location_on NH-52, Knowledge City, Namsai, Lohit, Arunachal Pradesh

call phone_iphone 8731944477, 8131848860, 9311688991, 9540742220

  • B.A. (Sociology)
  • B.A. (Hons.) Sociology   unfold_less

Assam University

location_on Silchar, Assam

call (03842) 270806 mail_outline (03842) 270802

  • M.Phil. (Sociology)

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya

location_on Near Gandhi Chowk, Bilaaspur, Chhattisgarh

call (07752) 220007, 220031 mail_outline (07752) 230077

Auro University

location_on Hazira Road, Opposite ONGC, Surat, Gujarat

call (0261) 4088100, 4088104, (Toll Free No. 1800-102-8810) / phone_iphone 9099973099, 9099913369

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University - BBAU

location_on Vidya Vihar, Raebareli Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

call (0522) Toll Free No. 1800-180-5789 mail_outline (0522) 2440821, 2441888

Babu Shobha Ram Government Arts College

location_on Near Jail Circle, Alwar, Rajasthan

Total Colleges: 169

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Ph.D. in Sociology Admissions Announcement: Monsoon Session 2024


The Sociology department at Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence offers a vibrant doctoral program that recognizes South Asia's diverse cultures and societies while encouraging research that compares and analyzes field sites worldwide. Empirically informed and theoretically grounded, the program offers a year’s coursework in preparation for rigorous independent research. Faculty members offer diverse interests in classical and contemporary themes, and the department also prioritizes sustained interdisciplinary research and practical, theoretical contributions to continuing and emergent discussions. Ethnographic work is encouraged as are other innovative methodologies and research plans.


Applicants are requested to explore faculty profiles for greater detail. Some of the areas of supported research are as follows but not limited to this list.

  • Law and Society
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Mental Health
  • Military cultures
  • Ethnography and Methodology
  • Political Anthropology
  • Research/Art Interface
  • Art and Aesthetics
  • Atmospheres and Ecologies
  • Biopolitics and the Social
  • Identity and Governance
  • Discourses of Respectability and Self-Respect
  • Nomadism and Pastoralism
  • The City and Urban Research
  • Religion and Theology
  • Material Cultures
  • Anthropology of Death and the Dead
  • Hierarchy and Inequality
  • Science, Technology, and Society


  • The Doctoral Programme is for a duration of 5 years and is fully funded.
  • Scholars admitted into the program shall receive a doctoral award (teaching and research assistantship) consisting of a tuition fee waiver
  • D. scholars receive a monthly stipend of Rs. 40,000 for the first 2 years and Rs. 45,000 subsequently for up to 3 years
  • Support will be available for deserving Ph.D. scholars to disseminate their work through conferences and publications.
  • A research grant of Rs 1,50,000 is available for Ph.D. scholars to be used for Scopus-indexed conference travel, whether domestic or international
  • The Sociology Scholars Forum is a dedicated forum for PhD scholars to organize and hold doctoral research talks and workshops.
  • Unique opportunity to collaborate and seek guidance from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) and the University-wide level of research and multi-disciplinary expertise.


The Department of Sociology at SNIoE has produced several accomplished Ph.D. graduates who have pursued successful careers in academia and research. Dr. Samprati Pani completed her Ph.D. in sociology and is now a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies, working on a project on repair work and maintenance in urban marketplaces. Dr. Deepak Prince completed his Ph.D. in sociology and is currently an Assistant Professor at IIIT Delhi while also co-founding an art collective called 0penstudi0. Dr. Shagufta Kaur Bhangu completed her PhD in sociology and is now a Lecturer and PGR Deputy Director at King's College London. Dr. Nishpriha Thakur completed her PhD in sociology and is now a Research Fellow at the Department of History, University of Warwick, UK. Additionally, several students have received prestigious research awards, including the Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowship and the Wenner-Gren Foundation Awards Dissertation Fieldwork Grant.


The current PhD cohorts at the Department of Sociology have produced an impressive 30 publications in peer-reviewed journals and articles. They have presented their research at 27 national and international conferences.

PLACEMENT'S (offered in the past)

Kings College London

University of Warwick

Indraprastha Institute of Technology (IIIT) Delhi

Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies (MWF Delhi)


Interested students must have a four-year bachelor’s degree and/or a Master’s degree in Sociology, Social Anthropology, or other related disciplines. If the Qualifying degree is in a field other than the one to which admission to the Ph.D. program is sought, the candidate will be expected to demonstrate sufficient mastery of the fundamentals in the field through the interview.

External Examinations:  UGC NET- JRF is desirable, though not mandatory.


All candidates who meet the minimum eligibility criteria (as above) must submit supporting documents. In addition, all candidates must submit the following:

A Statement of Purpose

The statement of purpose should be between 500 and 1000 words and consist of the candidate’s background and motivation to pursue a PhD in sociology/social anthropology.

Research Proposal

The research proposal should be a minimum of 3500 and a maximum of 5000 words and must consist of the main research questions, engagement with literature, and methodological intentions. Detection of plagiarism will disqualify an applicant.

Examination and Interview

Shortlisted Candidates will have to appear for an interview.


Applications Open: 11th Jan, 2024

Application deadline: 9th June, 2024 

Applications Evaluation, Tests and Interviews: Between 10th June and 15th Jul, 2024

Offer of Admission: Between 15th July and 20th July, 2024


For further enquiry or information, contact:

If you have questions of an academic nature, write to

Dr. Ravi Nandan Singh [email protected] for clarification.

For other information, please contact:

Mr. George Nellickal Chacko:  [email protected]


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  2. A Book Discussion on Re-Imagining Sociology in India: Feminist

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  4. (PDF) Sociology in India: Intellectual and Institutional Practices (Flyer)

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  6. Ph.D (Sociology)

    phd sociology in india


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    Key Points of Ph.D. in Sociology. Duration: 3 years (Full Time & Part-Time) The minimum Eligibility required is a Master's degree in sociology discipline with a minimum of 55% score + Entrance exams score.; Admission Process: Both Entrance Exam and Merit-Based. Top Ph.D. in Sociology Entrance Exams: UGC NET, UGC CSIR NET, SLET, GATE, and many more. Top Universities and Colleges: Presidency ...

  3. Ph.D. Programme

    Ph.D Programme. Since its inception in 1959, the Ph.D. Programme at the Department of Sociology has produced more than hundred doctorates. Apart from being one of the leading programmes in the country, it is among the best of its kind in this region and continues to attract many students from Asia, Africa, and other parts of the globe.

  4. Ph.D. in Sociology

    Simultaneously, we foreground sustained theoretical training and encourage interdisciplinary work. We are especially committed to exploring the disciplinary processes of ethnographic writing. Ph.D. in Sociology Admissions Announcement 2024. Visit Us. View Programs. Study At Shiv Nadar. Apply Here. Work With Us. Recruit Graduates.

  5. Ph.D. Programme

    As a community the scholars also organize informal talks, film/book reviews, seminars and conferences including an annual theater production in collaboration with the post-graduate students of the department. Being a research scholar in the department of Humanities and Social Sciences is both an enjoyable and enriching experience.

  6. PhD

    About Ph.D. Doctoral Programme. The Ph.D. Programme in the Department is generally discipline oriented and runs in five disciplines (Economics, English, Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology) and areas related to the Cell for Indian Science and Technology in Sanskrit. There is also ample provision to do research in interdisciplinary….

  7. PhD Sociology

    The PhD programme in sociology aims to produce research scholars, who are capable of creative and critical engagement with the contemporary world through their research, transforming the way one engages with and re-imagines the social. The faculty intends to create an environment for cutting edge research in social sciences, with a disciplinary ...

  8. PhD Program in Humanities and Social Sciences at IITs

    Overview The Department of Humanities & Social Sciences at various IITs offers a Ph.D. program in different academic disciplines such as English, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology, Fine Arts, Linguistics, Policy, History, Archaeology, Political Science, Geography, Development Studies, etc. The Department's curricula aligned with its academic vision aim to cultivate critical and ...

  9. Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (PHDSOC)

    Possesses Master's Degree from a University recognized by UGC or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto in such fields of study as are notified for the purpose from time to time by the University with at least 55% marks [50% marks in the case of SC, ST, OBC (Non-creamy Layer) and Differently-Abled and other categories of candidates as per the decision of UGC from time to ...

  10. Ph.D. Sociology

    Ph.D. Sociology. The Ph D programme offers opportunity to students for undertaking a substantial piece of research in any area of sociology that is worthy of publication and which ultimately makes an original contribution to the discipline. The programme prepares students for careers in research and teaching as well as for the application of ...

  11. List of PHD Programs in Sociology in India

    Find the list of all PHD Programs in Sociology in India with our interactive Program search tool. Use the filters to list programs by subject, location, program type or study level.

  12. Ph. D. in Social Sciences

    1. Educational Qualifications: The minimum academic qualification for admission to the Ph.D programmes is a Second Class Master's or equivalent degree in the relevant subject awarded by a recognised university in India or abroad, with at least an average of 55 per cent of aggregate marks, or a grade point average of 3.5 under the seven-point ...

  13. Ashoka University: Leading Liberal Arts and Sciences University

    The Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Ashoka University invites applications for its PhD programme for the academic year 2024-2025 Application window opens on December 28, 2023 Application window closes on February 15, 2024 Shortlisted candidates will be notified by the last week of March 2024 The shortlisted candidates will sit for the takeaway exam in the first week of April

  14. Sociology

    The discipline of Sociology offers undergraduate courses for students of engineering, science and social science and runs a PhD programme in sociology. Sociology at IIT Kanpur. The faculty members teach and do research in varied sociological specialities. The programme grounds the doctoral students in qualitative and quantitative methods in ...

  15. Sociology

    The main objective of this course is to introduce PhD students to the basics elements of research design and methods such as identify their paradigm of inquiry, research questions, variables of interest and sample of respondents for their research studies. Introduction to Sociology. Course Number: HUL 271 | Credits: 4.

  16. About Ph.D.

    ABOUT P h .D. Ph.D. Admission Notification 2024. For the Academic Year 2024, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) is a Deemed to be University funded by Ministry of Education through UGC is announcing admission notification for Ph.D. Programmes across Mumbai Campus and Hyderabad, Guwahati & Tuljapur Off-Campuses.

  17. Top 10 Colleges for Sociology in India: Rankings, Faculty

    Avantika Bhargava - M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Sociology. Dr Binu Sundas - MA, M.Phil., PhD (JNU, New Delhi) LADY SHRI RAM COLLEGE, University of Delhi ( Women College) Lady Shri Ram College grabbed rank 2 in NIRF rankings 2020 and it has been known for its magnificent social sciences department.

  18. Ashoka University: Leading Liberal Arts and Sciences University

    For inquiries, please write to [email protected] The Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Ashoka University invites applications for its Ph.D. programme for the academic year 2021-2022. The Department acknowledges the unique relationship between sociology and social anthropology as it has developed and flourished in India.

  19. IGNOU PhD Sociology Admission 2023 (January): Application Form, Fees

    Ph.D (Sociology) (Part Time) From IGNOU, New Delhi. New Delhi, Delhi NCR Open University Estd 1985 NAAC Grade A++ . Read 298 New Questions & Answers. Course Finder. Compare. 4.1 ... # Ranked 81/186 by India Today Arts Ranks. Highest Salary-₹6175000: Average Salary--General Course Details:

  20. Sociology

    Some of the leading figures in Indian Sociology and Anthropology had their initial training in the Department. Mention may be made of M.N. Srinivas, Irawati Karve, I.P. Desai, Y.B. Damle, Vilas Sangave, M.S.A. Rao, among several others. ... M.Phil and PhD in Sociology admission. Notification for registration for Admission 2021-22

  21. Top PhD Sociology Colleges in India 2024 : Ranking, Fees 2024

    Top PhD Sociology Colleges in India are Loyola College, Queen Mary's College, CMS College, Amity University, Noida, LPU, IIT Kanpur, Sharda University, Pondicherry University, Gauhati University, Integral University etc.. There are a total number of 82 PhD Sociology Colleges in India. Read More.

  22. India's 100+ best Sociology universities [2024 Rankings]

    Gauhati University. Assam | Guwahati. For Sociology. # 941 in Asia. # 2959 in the World. Founded. 1948. Statistics Rankings. The best cities to study Sociology in India based on the number of universities and their ranks are Delhi, Kanpur, Bangalore, and Chandigarh.

  23. Ph.D. (Sociology) Colleges in India

    Amity University - Noida. location_on Sector 125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. call (0120) 4392000, 2445252, 4713600 / phone_iphone 8448396303.

  24. Ph.D. in Sociology Admissions Announcement: Monsoon Session 2024

    The current PhD cohorts at the Department of Sociology have produced an impressive 30 publications in peer-reviewed journals and articles. They have presented their research at 27 national and international conferences. ... Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence is India's premier multidisciplinary research university, situated in Delhi-National ...