personal statement for masters in hr

Postgraduate Personal Statement Example: Human Resources

personal statement for masters in hr

Examining examples of personal statements can be exceptionally valuable when applying to a university or college course. Looking through a range of personal statement examples can teach you how to write and structure your application, and you can often learn how to write a personal statement by examining others.

But with so many university personal statement examples available, how do you know which ones are worthwhile and which aren’t?

Postgraduate personal statements should highlight relevant academic and practical experience, research skills and ambitions and their suitability for the course. This postgraduate personal statement example for Human Resources illustrates several of these three critical elements.

Studying master’s degree personal statement examples can be especially valuable. They’re sometimes referred to as personal mission statements or statements of purpose , so if you’re tasked with writing a personal mission statement, the following example will work for you.

I’ve broken down this personal statement example section by section, with a commentary on each element. 

That way, you’ll see its strengths and weaknesses and get some inspiration for your own personal statement .

Once you’ve read the personal statement example and analysis, you’ll be able to download a pdf of the whole document, to use as inspiration for your own!

personal statement for masters in hr

Personal Statement Example: Introduction

“I believe companies need to be employee-centred, as keeping them satisfied, motivated and personally engaged can create immense value for any organisation. Effective human resource management strategies are therefore crucial to business success. However, my intern experience at the Slater-Marshall accounting firm illustrated that HRM often fails to achieve these challenging goals. The reasons are two-fold. Foremost, many small and medium-sized companies have a misperception of recruitment, regarding it simply as a KPI tool instead of finding talents that match their development needs. As a result, time and resources are wasted on candidates who are not a good match for the company. Worse still, many HRBPs are not shrewd or experienced enough to identify the breadth of talent needed by their companies. HRM also loses its effectiveness when it fails to use proven physical and psychological means to provide a fair and encouraging working environment and subsequently incentivise employees.

First-hand experience of these kinds of issues triggered my curiosity regarding contemporary strategies used when empowering companies to employ a sound human resource management system. How can HRM lead to organisation change? How can I develop professional HRM techniques, release their full potential and create harmonious industrial relationships? The desire to equip myself with the relevant understanding and skills is the driving factor behind my application to this MSc Human Resources and Organisations (HRM Stream) programme at the University of Buckley.

This particular course resonates strongly with my career goal of helping traditional enterprises establish enhanced human resource management systems. Your programme offers a variety of opportunities that will aid me in developing a complete grasp of human resource management theory from the perspectives of corporate strategy, business analysis and organisational management. For instance, the Management of People in Global Companies course will afford me a transformative perspective on leadership. This knowledge will assist me significantly when transforming outdated models of human resource management in enterprises lacking advanced human resource awareness. 

Furthermore, the Business Strategy, Management and Analytics course will be of exceptional professional value thanks to its cross-disciplinary approach, which will offer me a solid grounding in the comprehensive understanding of management theory, theory of the firm, business strategy, accounting and finance. Professor Sara Blake’s research on organisational behaviour and leadership is incredibly inspiring and aligns perfectly with my goal of strengthening leadership in traditional businesses. I look forward to learning from her and contributing to future projects.”

Commentary and Analysis 

This is a long introduction!

This opening section has a strong sense of purpose, connection and opinion, which immediately gives the reader a firm idea of the writer’s experiences and opinions.  The writer also uses an excellent range of specialist vocabulary in this example and connects their significant experiences with the course. In addition, the applicant is already making explicit links between the course and their ambitions.

The writer then identifies specific modules and outlines how they will aid their academic and professional advancement. Not only does this connect the writer’s goals with the course content, but it also shows that the applicant understands the course and has researched the details well. The reference to a specific professor from within the faculty and the connection between the writer’s research ambitions and the opportunities presented by the university are compelling. The writer creates a clear link between their suitability for the course and the content on offer.

If you’re struggling with your personal statement introduction, check out my article on how to write perfect opening paragraphs here .

personal statement for masters in hr

Personal Statement Example: Academic Background

“Majoring in Accounting and Finance as an undergraduate, my dedication to my studies earned me several awards and ranked me top among my peers. Excelling in courses such as Theory of Firm , Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Business Law , I acquired a spectrum of theoretical understandings which underpin HRM. I have independently investigated the organisational role of HRM by exploring Dave Ulrich’s HR model and the six segments of HR management, examining their adoption by companies of different scales. I have learnt that the role of HRM is to identify the kinds of human resources needed by the companies and allocate those resources wisely to maximise productivity and profitability. Consequently, I regard HRM as a people-oriented sector. This makes understanding human behaviours and psychology in the workplace particularly important for industry practitioners.

Studying on the Introduction to Managerial Accounting course, I was informed that how money is distributed within an organisation is crucial since it determines whether employees’ incentives can be fully realised. Thus, establishing a sound salary and welfare system is of great importance. Different people and contrasting organisations have various demands, but a successful compensation and welfare system balances these two demands and activates the organisation’s motivation. My most significant gain from this course is that many aspects of HRM, including setting different KPIs, performance monitoring and well-being management, are based on developing an accurate understanding of employee behaviour patterns. This can lead to a win-win situation in which companies can fully tap into employee value, and workers receive appropriate remuneration and opportunities for progression. Additionally, knowledge of labour laws and regulations has familiarised me with the rights and duties of employers and employees, which will be of great value to me as a graduate student.” 

Commentary and Analysis

The first paragraph of this section is written confidently. It outlines some academic achievements without writing them as a list. The writer achieves this by explaining what they gained from their experiences. They then link these elements to the course and show how they will be of value.

The most impressive aspect of the second paragraph is that it illustrates connections between the subject of undergraduate study and the intended postgraduate course. The writer is showing transferable skills that will be of value in the future and making explicit connections between the two different subjects, helping to show how a diverse educational background adds to their suitability. 

Again, a sense of value is central to this section. The writer ensures that each example is given a value regarding the application’s demands.

If you’d like to learn more about how to structure your personal statement or statement of purpose , check out my awesome Personal Statement Template eBook here . It’s full of detailed examples of what to include!

personal statement for masters in hr

Personal Statement Example: Practical Experience 1

“Beyond the classroom, I have operationalised my theoretical knowledge in real-life practice. Interning at the Scorpio Real Estate Development Co, I assisted with the entry procedures for new staff and witnessed the career development of numerous employees from varying departments. Observing the recruitment patterns and preferences of different types of organisations, I observed that state-owned companies tend to recruit talent and offer higher salaries and better entitlements to maintain a low turnover rate and stable employee structure. By contrast, foreign and internet companies attach less importance to stability and focus more on talent creativity. My knowledge of HRM models and labour economy inspired me to think that these differences in recruitment strategy may arise from the varying nature, management structure and strategic positioning of each enterprise. I aim to develop my understanding of these differences during my master’s research.”

By using the example of an internship experience in a seemingly unrelated field, the writer has been able to offer an opinion on their workplace HRM experience. This shows a degree of industry experience but, more importantly, allows the writer to use their expertise to connect with the course’s content. 

By offering an opinion of what they observed and showing an understanding of gaps in their knowledge, they are turning a lack of knowledge into a compelling motivation for their application.

Check out lots more examples of personal statements here , and see how they can inspire your application!

personal statement for masters in hr

Personal Statement Example: Practical Experience 2

“Moreover, this internship taught me that approaches to HRM are constantly being adjusted and adapted based on practical experience. For instance, the Scorpio Real Estate Development Co is an established business. An established company’s policies and incentives allow its employees to be more aware of the steps needed for advancement and long-term growth. After many decades, the organisational structures of big firms stabilise, and roles become formalised and repetitive. This implies that employees should simply repeat previous tasks and rely on the company’s existing operational system, but this approach can cause workers’ inventive talents to diminish with time.”

Commentary and Analysis: 

This section deepens the value of the writer’s internship and adds evidence to their understanding of the sector they wish to enter. This is ideal for an admissions reader, as they will note the use of language and complexity of informed knowledge in this passage. This, in turn, adds to the candidate’s academic and professional suitability.

The passage also reflects the writer’s ethos, alluded to earlier, and effectively leads to the conclusion by setting up their professional ambitions.

The one thing that all successful personal statements have in common is that they are concise, engaging and accurate in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Consequently, I always recommend Grammarly to my students and clients. 

It’s an outstanding tool for ensuring your personal statement is rich with detail whilst hitting those all-important word limits. Check out the free version of Grammarly here , or hit the banner for more information.

personal statement for masters in hr

Personal Statement Example: Conclusion

“More positively, many well-known multinational corporations are now devoting more resources to employee training in order to address these issues. It is my intention to place myself at the forefront of this burgeoning field after graduating and apply the skills and knowledge gained from this course to play a critical role in revolutionising the value and application of human resources management in a global setting. I have complete confidence in both your esteemed academic programme and in my capacity to perform outstandingly as a purposeful and positive member of your faculty community.”

The conclusion benefits from brevity and doesn’t recap previous content, both of which are positives. It clearly states the writer’s professional ambitions, which relate directly to the previous content. The passage then links those ambitions with the course, emphasising its importance in helping the writer achieve their goals.

A powerful personal statement, it includes several critical elements: relevant academic and practical experience, ambitions and suitability for the course. It also offers good connections to the course but needs detailed examples of research experience and ambition. However, it  doesn’t provide evidence of the academic skills necessary for postgraduate study, although the evidence of prior learning is convincing.

With a little more focus on academic reading, research and skills, this would be a perfect postgraduate personal statement!

For more great advice, check out my article on writing an excellent final personal statement paragraph here .

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Click here or on the banner below to get your free download of this complete personal statement example . 

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Whether you’re looking for personal mission statement examples or an example of personal purpose statement, I hope this personal statement example has been helpful. Above all, I wish you every success in your academic career. 

If you’d like to work with me to develop your personal statement 1:1 and write a powerful mission statement, I’d be delighted to hear from you. 

Find out about my personal statement support services by clicking here or on the image below.

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Research and content verified by Personal Statement Planet .

David Hallen

I've worked in the Further Education and University Admissions sector for nearly 20 years as a teacher, department head, Head of Sixth Form, UCAS Admissions Advisor, UK Centre Lead and freelance personal statement advisor, editor and writer. And now I'm here for you...

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Personal Statement Blogs

January 16th, 2023

Human Resource Management Personal Statement Examples with Writing Guide 2023

personal statement for masters in hr

Are you dreaming of an excellent career in the domain of human resource management?

The most basic step towards fulfilling that dream is choosing an appropriate higher study program in Human resource management and securing your admission in it.

A well-drafted Human resource management personal statement will be at the forefront of this endeavour.

If you are not familiar with human resource management masters personal statement, this blog will help you. It comes with:

Table of contents

What is an HRM Personal Statement? Why Do You Need it?

An HRM personal statement is an essay containing the personal reflections of an applicant who is applying for admission to a Human Resource Management Program.

The document explains why the applicant is choosing HRM and what he wants to achieve in his career with the help of this training program.

A personal statement is required at the time of college or university admission. Institutes demand it from the applicants:

  • To know about their motivation behind preferring human resource management over other subjects
  • To learn what their future plans are
  • To understand whether the students have understood the mission, vision and motto of the institute
  • To shortlist the most eligible and deserving candidates from hundreds of applicants
  • To prepare questions for the face-to-face interview with the candidates


When to Write a Human Resource Management Masters Personal Statement?

Mostly, universities and colleges abroad will have multiple intakes.

While most countries have summer or fall intakes, there are also countries that go with winter and spring intakes. Therefore, the best time to start working on your personal statement is at least two months before the intake.

The Best Month to Start a Personal Statement

If you are applying for the winter intake, which is mostly done around December, start working on your personal statement by October.

How Long Should Your Personal Statement for Masters in Human Resources Management Be?

It is important to keep your Human Resource management personal statement both short and precise. However, it shouldn’t be too short either.

Keep the right balance with important points sufficiently explained.

Consider the following figures in mind as you plan your document.

Number of pages:

Number of characters:, font style:.

Example 1 – Human Resource Management Masters Personal Statement

Given that my father is a Human Resource Manager at XYZ Institute, I have had the liberty to closely watch him and understand his job responsibilities. I was curious to know about his job responsibilities and was thrilled to see how beautifully he manages and runs a company. Seeing his leadership qualities and management abilities, I too tried to inculcate several of his qualities. So when I think of my future career, I without a second thought decided to follow the footsteps of my father and decided to pursue an undergraduate degree in Human Resource Management.

As a school student, I always believed in taking up responsibilities. It was a quality that was inculcated in me by my father. He has advised me to never be hesitant in taking up leadership. Following this advice, I had never been hesitant to participate or lead any program or function. This has given me hands-on experience of leading several functions and managing several programs. Once I got a chance to lead the School Literary Fest. Being the President of the Literary Fest, I got the chance to arrange several programs, organize various games, etc. This was a memorable experience and leading this program made me confident to choose a career in Human Resource Management.

In order to confirm my decision of choosing an undergraduate degree in Human Resource Management, I decided to assist my father in his company to get a gist of the whole responsibilities. It was an informal internship I did to better prepare myself for a future in Human Resource Management. Here I got the snippet of practical experiences of being a Human Resource Trainee and got to meet different departmental representatives. With the experience gained from the training, I am now confident to take a course and later build a career in Human Resource.

As a course which is of high human significance and relevance, I am sure I will have a bright future in this career. I am confident that my leadership qualities, interpersonal skills, communication skills etc. will come in handy during this course and career. As a person who is very passionate about this course, I am sure that I can perform well in your University. As a course with high societal significance, I am happy that this course will enable me to recruit and train the younger generation and this will surely give me a sense of happiness and satisfaction. Being a course that will take me one step closer to my dream career, I am very excited to join this course.

As a university which provides hands-on experience in training several Human Resource aspirants, I am confident that I am right in my choice of your XXX University. With its highly qualified faculties and great training facilities, I am sure I can hone my existing skill set. I really look forward to being part of your University to shape my career in Human Resource Management. With my diligence and enthusiasm, I am confident that I too can become a successful Human Resource employee like my father.

Example 2 – Human Resource Management Personal Statement Undergraduate

It was during the time of my Bachelor’s degree internship that I came to closely understand and appreciate the work done by the Human Resource Department. As a Marketing Intern, I worked at XYZ Institute, ______ (place). Though my primary responsibility was to assist the Marketing Manager, I had a chance to collaborate with the Human Resource team as well. While working closely with the HR team, I comprehended different facets of running an organization and managing the workforces. I was influenced by our HR Manager who was a charismatic individual driven by passion and enthusiasm. Though it took time for me to understand and grasp the whole work culture of Human Resource Management, I must say I got interested in the work responsibilities of HR Executives and HR Managers.

As a person who wishes to plan and execute things in order, I am sure this is the profession that rightly matches my interest and aspirations. I am very much interested in the job responsibilities handled by the Human Resource team, from recruiting the employees to managing and training the newly recruited ones. During my training period I got the opportunity to closely work with one of the HR Executive of our company named Caroline. She familiarized me with different shades of Human Resource Management and the work responsibilities handled by the team. Thrilled and moved by the job description and responsibilities, I was sure this was the right career choice for me. Thus I decided to have a career change and preferred to pursue my masters in Human Resource Management so that I can live my dream career of recruiting the employees, training the freshers, reviewing their performances, etc.

My Bachelors in Business Management has provided me with strong communication, interpersonal, organizational and management skills. As a job role that requires leadership and organizational skills, I am sure I will have a great future here in this job. Having managed various functions and events in College, I hope I can manage a company’s human resources as well.

So in order to finalize my decision to choose a career in Human Resource Management, I decided to do a 2 month internship in the same to get exposed to different methodologies involved in HR. As a Human Resource Executive Intern at ABC Technologies, ______ (place), I was exposed to Human Resource administration and documentation, recruitment support, maintenance of employee records etc. This experience made me adamant with my decision to choose Human Resource for my masters in Human Resource Management. My one on one meeting with different HR team mates exposed me to their professional responsibilities as well.

As a country which is considered to be the pioneers in human resource and technological advancements, I am sure I am right in my choice of _________ (country). I choose this University as it has a proclaimed status as a great Business School. With the wide variety of modules on different methodologies involved in Human Resource Management, I am sure I can grasp the essence and the meaning of Human Resource Management. With the training received from your well trained faculties, I am sure I can hone myself to be a successful Human Resource employee.


How to Use Personal Statements for Human Resource Management Samples?

Going through the personal statement examples we have shared in this blog is a great way to teach yourself how to write it from scratch. Not sure how to use those samples? Here are some useful tips.

  • Read the introduction of the sample personal statement for masters in human resources management and figure out how to start with a personal narrative.
  • Look at the body paragraphs and understand how each paragraph differs from the rest and focus on independent points. 
  • Analyse the conclusion to figure out how the entire document is boiled down to a couple of sentences without contradicting the rest of the body.
  • Learn from the sample how the paragraphs are designed with the opening statement, main point and paragraph conclusion.
  • Read the human resource management personal statement example to get an overview of the points. This will be of immense advantage when you brainstorm for points.

How to Structure Your HRM Personal Statement?


The introduction of your personal statement is important because a reader decides how to evaluate your document based on how you have presented the introduction.

The introduction should:

  • Tell how you became interested in human resource management.
  • Create curiosity in the reader to read the next paragraphs.
  • Explain what you are going to tell in the rest of the essay
  • Not exceed more than 100 words

To achieve all of the above, the best approach to writing an introduction will be to narrate one of your personal experiences which made you realize your aptitude or passion for human resource management.

This should follow with your realistic convictions about the course and how you think the course will benefit your academic formation.

In the main body of your HRM personal statement, you will answer some of the crucial questions that your admission panel may have to verify about you in order to shortlist you for the next round of screening.

It is important to provide solid evidence while answering the questions to make your claims look stronger.

Here are those basic questions you should consider answering.

What relevant skills and exposure do you have that will justify your choice of human resource management for higher education?

To answer this, you need to have an overview of different career paths in the domain of human resource management and what skills and strengths each of them demand.

Once you have the knowledge of it, you can decide which of your skills or qualities is more closely linked to the requirements of an HRM career.

Explain how you developed those skills, what you are doing to improve them and how studying the HRM course will benefit you personally and professionally.

What do you want to achieve in life as a human resource management professional?

Talk about your future plans as a human resource management professional.

The best approach here is to break down your plans into short-term goals and long-term goals and describe them.

How would you contribute to the institute and the student community?

Talk about your experience of extracurricular involvements, handling leadership roles, organizing events etc and how you will continue to repeat making such contributions.

Keep the following important points in mind while drafting the conclusion of your MSC human resource management personal statement.

  • Write your conclusion as the summary of your whole document in one or two sentences.
  • Show your hope and excitement about getting admission and joining the institute.

Write Your Impressive Personal Statement for HR Masters in 6 Simple Steps

Here are six simple steps to equip you to write a killer HRM personal statement. Follow each step carefully and move to the next step only if you are certain that you did the previous step correctly.

Read about human resource management:

Try to understand all the latest trends and innovations in today’s human resource management industry.

It is important to show how much you know about the field as you write your personal statement.

Learn about the institute and its requirements:

Refer to your institute website or talk to its previous students and learn about the course structure, mission, vision and motto.

Present yourself as someone who is attuned to the institute’s vision.

Read samples:

Try to get familiar with the writing tone, structure, grammar, and points for your personal statement by reviewing a couple of human resource management personal statement examples.

Brainstorm your points:

Brainstorm for relevant points and a strong narrative for composing your human resource management personal statement.

It is important to develop an original story that truly defines you.

Write the first draft:

You are ready now to write your personal statement.

Write the first draft distributing all the points you have gathered in a logical order. Complete the introduction, main body and then the conclusion.

Finalize your essay:

After finishing the first draft of your human resource management personal statement, go through it carefully from the first sentence to the last one.

Rectify all grammatical and spelling errors.

Ensure that the sentences and paragraphs flow naturally and logically.

Common Challenges You May Face While Writing Your Personal Statement

For most students, talking about course change or failure or gaps can be challenging.

If you find yourself in that place, know that you are not alone.

Here are some of the challenging scenarios in writing a personal statement for masters in human resource management and the secrets of addressing them.

Course change:

If you are switching to human resource management from an entirely different background, say, engineering or literature, don’t sound apologetic about your new choice. Instead, share how you realized the importance of human resources in those fields and made up your mind to switch the field.

If you have had noticeable academic failures, share what exactly caused that failure, maybe a health issue or any other reasons. Also, show how that failure helped you have more conviction about your current chosen path.

If there are gaps between your profession or academics, highlight your participation in any sort of internship or research or intensive reading or self-learning you had during those periods. 

How to Format Your Personal Statement for Human Resource Management Masters?

Use the following guidelines to format your personal statement.


Word count:, paragraphs:, common mistakes and how to avoid them.

A human resource management personal statement with the following mistakes will have a negative impact on your profile and the application. After completing the writing, go through the essay carefully to spot these mistakes and remove them.


Check carefully whether the same points are repeated in multiple places. Also, avoid sharing information that is obvious from other documents like GPA.

Unimpressive introduction:

Make sure that the introduction intrigues the reader to read further. If it is boring, come up with a different narrative which could be more interesting.


Ensure that the introduction, body and conclusion do not contradict each other. You should have clarity about the body and introduction when writing the conclusion.

Lack of readability:

Readability is influenced by a lot of things such as the simplicity of the sentence, logical flow, cohesion and coherence. Ensure that your essay adheres to all of these.

Inaccuracy and errors:

Verify that all information you have provided is accurate and there are no grammatical or spelling errors in it.

Final Checklist

Before submitting your human resource management personal statement, here is a checklist to validate your document and ensure it is correct.

  • I have proofread and ensured that there are no mistakes.
  • My personal statement adheres to the university requirements
  • I have formatted my personal statement as per the institute’s guidelines
  • I have adhered to the recommended word count
  • I have made my personal statement relevant and winning by including all relevant points.

Best Universities in the World Offering Human Resource Management Programs

Are you eying admission at the best universities for doing your higher studies in human resource management? Here is a list of top universities for undergraduate and postgraduate programs in human resource management. Remember to write a personalized human resource management personal statement to make your application to these universities strong.

Best Universities for Masters Programs in HRM

  • University Toronto
  • The University of Alberta
  • Western University
  • University of London
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Melbourne
  • UNSW Sydney
  • The University of Western Australia
  • University of Galway

Best Universities for Undergraduate Programs in HRM

  • The University of British Columbia
  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Oxford
  • Imperial College London
  • Durham University
  • Monash University
  • The Australian National University
  • University of New Castle
  • Dublin City University

As We Wind Up…

Before we wind up, we would like to make sure that you have benefited from reading this blog.

So, we have a few questions for you.

Are you confident to write your own human resource management masters personal statement now?

Have the samples we shared with you been helpful?

If there is anything that you wish to suggest to us or want to share your feedback with us, feel free to let us know the same in the comments below.

Is it worth studying for a master’s degree in Human Resource Management?

Yes. In a master’s program, candidates get introduced to advanced concepts in human resource management. Industries give priority to such candidates while hiring their potential HR personnel.

Which undergraduate degree is best for HR?

There are several undergraduate programs where human resource management is a specialization. Nevertheless, a BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) in Human Resources is the best program if you are focusing on a career as an HR professional.

What are the objectives of HRM?

Human Resource Management is a comprehensive concept which touches upon several aspects of an organization. Some of the key objectives of HRM are hiring suitable employees and onboarding them, improving the work culture, achieving organizational goals, training and motivating employees, ensuring proper coordination among teammates and empowering the employees.

Which country is best for doing master’s in human resource management?

As per a recent survey, more than 75% of students opted for the USA, Canada, Australia or the UK for doing a master’s program in Human Resource Management. Considering the cost of education, internship opportunities, living expenses or similar other factors, Canada tends to be preferred by a growing number of students these days.

personal statement for masters in hr

Mrs Jizah M

Mrs Jizah M has always enjoyed writing down her thoughts since school days. What just started as a hobby slowly transformed into a passion. Her writing skills were first acknowledged by few of her professors when she wrote content for the college website; this was a turing. Slowly she started getting freelance works and later on, a series of events led her to specialize in academic and higher education related documentations. In additional to personal statements, she along with her team writes LORs, SOPs, college application essays, admission essays and all similar types of documents.

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SOP - MSc Human Resource Management

  • Sample personal statement

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09 July, 2022

Sop - msc human resource management share.

  • 12 May, 2013

I am writing this statement to express my enthusiasm regarding the application of MSc Management (HR) at university of Brighton in the SEP 2022 intake. I have found this course as best suited according to my future career ambitions. This statement will cover my background, interest towards the study in the UK and how the course and university can assist me in my future professional roles.

My last academic attainment is Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English which I completed from Sylhet International University, Bangladesh in June 2022. During my bachelor qualification I have studied some significant courses including Cultural Studies, Communicative English Language, Concept of ELT, Techniques in ELT, some other courses in literature, linguistics and ELT which can contribute to my chosen course at your University.

To gain some professional experience, I have worked at Mother's Construction, Sylhet, Bangladesh as an HR & Admin Assistant . I worked there from Jan 2021 to March 2022. Doing research about my career plan, I have realized that I need an internationally recognized qualification which will allow me to manage a better and secure professional career position. In Bangladesh the job market is very competitive as our country is highly over populated. So, to secure a better career position or develop a career, an individual needs some unique qualifications, skills and experience. So, in this regard, I believe that I need further qualification with internationally recognised qualification which can provide me with the required skills and distinct features for my career promotion. Although I have achieved basic office and administrative skills from my current profession along with organizational skills, management skills, communication skills, time management skills and so on during my current professional position. These will help to understand some topics of this masters course. Therefore, pursuing this MSc qualification from your institution would be appropriate to become an industry professional in HR

In this contemporary world, business organisations demand multi-skilled individuals with all- round qualifications in business, finance, banking, management, marketing to keep pace with the competition and they require the graduates with premier knowledge in all these key areas. I have designed and planned my future career to establish in export oriented companies such as the garments and textile industry. It is notable that during the pandemic time I have attended some virtual career fairs and consultation sessions regarding the future career and employability prospects whereas one of them was organized by Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. After doing an honest assessment and research regarding my-self, I have found theoretical gaps in strategic strategic marketing and management, global business environment, logistics and operations management, leadership and I want to develop my shortage skills and knowledge including creativity and innovation skills, data analytics, Research methods, advance management skills, project consultancy, communication skills and so on. In my research I have found the course offered by the Brighton Business School will be as best match to secure a better professional position with distinct skills and knowledge in terms of my future short term and long- term career ambitions.

I want to study this course because of its practical learning approach, professional recognition, industry links, international exposure and unique and appropriate modules as per my career.

Find more resources

  • PS - MSc Management with Professional Development and Planning
  • PersonalStatement- BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Science
  • ACCA - Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Study
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How To Write A Personal Statement For Masters (17 PDF Sample Examples)

Published: 14 Mar 2022 Study Abroad 109,920 views

How To Write A Personal Statement For Masters (17 PDF Sample Examples)

A personal statement for masters program is one of the most important parts of your college application and writing a good one is what’s the exception between receiving an offer and being rejected.

If you’ve been tasked with presenting a personal statement, you should keep in mind that whatever you submit must put you forward as the right candidate for the course. Additionally, it should convince the admissions officers that you deserve a place on your program of study.

Achieving the above, is a skill most postgraduate students are yet to acquire but thankfully this article on How To Write A Personal Statement For Masters covers everything you need to know on doing this.

In this article you’ll learn:

  • What is a personal statement?
  • Tips for making your personal statement for masters stand out
  • How to write a personal statement for masters
  • Personal statement for masters sample
  • Examples of personal statement for masters
  • Conclusion – things to avoid when writing a personal statement for masters

Read:  Admission Interview Tips .

What Is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement AKA admissions or application essay or statement of purpose is a type of essay or written statement a candidate presents to a college, university, or graduate school they are applying to, explaining why they want to attend that school, study a particular course, and why they would be a perfect fit for these things.

A personal statement for masters is an essay you submit specifically for your postgraduate application. Writing one presents the opportunity for you to promote yourself to a school and show the admissions teachers that you are the perfect candidate for a course.

Tips For Making Your Personal Statement For Masters Stand Out

Before we get into how you should write a statement of purpose for masters, we would first like to share with you certain tips to include in your essay to make it stand out from that of other applicants and be convincing enough to any admissions officer that reads it. The tips we have mentioned here, cover general things like starting and ending your personal statement, timing, length, and what to include and what not to include in the essay, etc.

1. Starting And Ending A Personal Statement

When starting a personal statement, you would want to right off the bat grab the reader’s attention. To do this, start the statement by writing about your degree of choice, next why you want to study it and then how you got interested in it.

The next 2 sentences after that should cover a summary of your background in the chosen field, and you conclude by saying what you plan to do once you acquire your graduate degree.

Also start with that the evaluators reading want to hear first, then every other information should come second. You will notice we’ve used in the sop examples for masters we will share with you later in this article.

2. Plan Ahead

A personal statement is not something you rush while writing, which means if you want to get something good before you application then you must start to decide things like the length and how long it should take to complete.

Let us throw more light on this…

For length, a personal statement should be brief ranging somewhere between 500 -700 words, although schools often detect how long it should be. So, this is dependent on the institution you are applying to.

In terms of what to say in a statement, you could include personal experiences like why you were driven to apply for the program, an experience you had with a scholar in your chosen discipline, a course you took that inspired you to pursue masters, or a key moment during your studies which further motivated you.

No matter what you decide to write, just keep in mind that you need to take your time to craft something good even if it means creating several drafts before the real thing and do not forget to proofread the statement for errors.

3. Research Your Program Of Study

Researching your program of study is one way to establish that you truly understand the discipline you’re getting into and prove to the admissions officer that you thoroughly thought about it before applying.

And because you want to put yourself forward as a serious candidate, one way to make you research easier is for you to visit the website of the department you are applying to. This page will contain information about faculty members, their specialisation, and publications.

From the intel, you gathered there you can now identify which professors match your interests and which ones you will benefit the most from learning under. After you’ve found this out, relate the same in a sentence or two in your statement of purpose for masters.

Example: “I would be honoured to study under the tutelage of Professor Nadia whose work I found resonated strongly with my beliefs and intended projects in this course”.

4. Avoid Clichés, Junks, And Many Details

When writing a statement of purpose for master degree try to avoid clichés, junks, and unnecessary details so that you don’t lose or bore your readers in between. Be as concise as possible, even if it’s your chance to express yourself.

A personal statement is an opportunity for the admissions committee to get information that tells the that you are suitable for the course. So, when you overpower your statement with too many words, stories, and useless details, you come off as someone who is just trying to meet the word count.

5. Include Your Personal History Only If It Adds To The Statement

Do not include your personal history in your statement of intent for masters if it is not relevant to your purpose of study. This means no need for you to tell that story about that time you helped someone treat a cut and immediately realised that you wanted to be a doctor or nurse or how you developed a taste for reading at a very young age.

We can guarantee you that the hundreds of other applications competing for the same spot you are felt the same way, so saying those things really doesn’t make you unique.

On the other hand, if you are going to add personal history to your statement, you can put in things like an internship you did and the experience you got from the job, a major research project you ran by yourself, publications you’ve read or published, conferences you’ve attended or presentations you’ve done. These experiences are more concrete and are directly related to your program of study. They also set you apart from other applicants.

6. Don't Use The Same Personal Statement For All Your Applications

One common mistake applicant make that you shouldn’t is using the same statement of purpose for master degree for all your applications. Using the same information repeatedly even if you are going to change the university names is risky and could land you in a big mistake on a day you forget to be thorough.

All programmes have their own unique set of questions they want to see answered and information they need in your personal statement.

And even if some of them like extracurricular activities, proposal for project, why you are applying to the school, your unique qualities, and research works you’re doing might appear the same, do not use one statement to respond to all of them.

Write a new unique personal statement every time you want to apply.

Check out:  How to Write a Good CV for Students - Resume Examples for Students (PDF).

How To Write A Personal Statement for Masters

When writing a personal statement for masters there are several steps and ground rules you need to follow to ensure that it comes out good enough to impress the admissions team of a school, and ultimately convince them to give you a spot on your program of study.

If writing one is something you are currently struggling with and can’t seem to get down the process of it right no matter what, this section on how to write a personal statement for masters, discusses in detail everything you need to get help with yours.

There are 4 parts to consider when writing your personal statement and we have listed them below:

1. Planning A Personal Statement

A personal statement is a piece of writing showing your academic interests and is only for application purposes which means there is no room for any autobiographical information in it about your personal life. Be as to-the-point as possible when writing it and stick to telling the school why you are the right person for the course, plus any other extra information detailing your achievements.

Before You Start:

Allot plenty of time to write your msc personal statement so that you don’t rush it. Remember, this simple piece of writing is your one shot at convincing a school that you are the best applicant they’ve seen and as such can either make or break your application.

Read the information expected of you from the university, rules and guidelines given, selection criteria and understand what they mean. Also research the institution.

Do a thorough research on the course you are applying for; this will help you explain better why you want to study it. The tutors interviewing you can tell when you are lying and presenting yourself as uninformed can cost you the admission.

Ensure that you don’t use the same personal statement for all your applications.

When Writing:

When writing the statement there are some questions to ask yourself that can help you plan it better. Those questions are:

  • Why you want to study a master’s and how does it benefit you in future?
  • How does the course you have chosen fit into your pre-existing skill set?
  • How do you stand out from the crowd as an applicant - e.g., work experiences you’ve had in the same field you are applying for?
  • What do you aspire to do or be as a future career and how will the course help you achieve that?
  • How can your work or skillsets contribute positively to the department/ university you are applying to, or society at large?

On the other hand, if you are applying for the masters to change from the field you studied in your undergraduate to another field, you should tell the school why you decided to take a different path in your studies.

Questions to ask yourself for this include:

  • Your reason for deciding to change your discipline.
  • How your undergraduate degree will be material for bringing fresh insights into your masters course.
  • How changing your study path will help you attain your future career.

2. Structuring A Personal Statement

Having good structure for your personal statement for master degree is important because it ensures that everything from the beginning, middle, and ending of the statement is written and equally falls in place perfectly.

We’ve left some tips for you below to help you:

Start your personal statement with an attention-grabbing introduction that is not dramatic or cliché. That means you should not begin with any of these over-used phrases we’ve listed out below:

For as long as I remember…

Since my childhood…

I want to apply to this course because I’ve always felt a strong connection to it…

All my life, I have always loved…

My interest in (course) always ran deeper than…

I’ve always been zealous about…

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always wanted to pursue a career in…

My past educational experiences have always…

'My passion for Child Psychology is influenced by my curiosity in how autism affects the personality of children living with this condition. That's why I dedicated the 3rd year of my undergraduate study interning with the Child Rehabilitation Centre in my community, which caters to the patients and work closely with their families in developing care plans that work for their child.

You would want to be as snappy as possible with your opening because the admission officer has over a hundred applications to read and can’t waste all their time on yours. This means you should avoid overpowering it with unnecessary facts, quotes, and stories from your life.

The middle part of your ma personal statement is where the main content of the write-up should be. This is where you show your dedication to the course you’ve chosen, what motivated you to choose it, and why you are the right candidate for it.

When writing the middle part of a graduate personal statement, you should:  

  • Give concrete reasons why you want to study a course at the University. The reason could be because of how the course is aligned to your future career or the University’s reputation in teaching that program.
  • Mention relevant things like projects, dissertations, or essays you’ve done, and any work experience you have.
  • Show proof of your core skills like and how they can contribute to the department.
  • Prove what makes you a unique candidate.
  • Discuss who your main influences for wanting to study the course are and why.
  • Add experiences like memberships to clubs that are related to your field, papers you’ve written before, awards, scholarships, or prizes.
  • Draw focus to how the course links to your past and future.
  • Mention your academic and non-academic skills and how they fit the course.

For Formatting:

  • Keep the statement length between 250 -500 words or as directed by the school.
  • Sentences should be no more than 25-30 words.
  • Use headings to break up the content – Why this university? Why this subject? Etc.
  • Make claims and provide evidence to back each of them up. This can be done by discussing your work experience and academic interests.

Language and tone to use:     

  • The tone for your masters application personal statement should be positive and enthusiastic, to show you eagerness to learn and so that you convince the evaluators that you have what it takes to succeed.
  • Use exciting and refreshing language, and an engaging opening line.
  • Ensure you grammar, punctuations, and spellings are accurate.
  • Avoid exaggerated claims you cannot backup.
  • Don’t use cliché generic terms and keep your focus on the course.

Keep the ending of your essay for master degree application concise and memorable, leaving no doubt in the admission officers mind that you deserve a spot on the program.

To create the best ending summarise all your key points without dragging it our or repeating yourself. The ending should be simple, end on a positive note and make it clear that the school will be lucky to have you on their program.

Personal Statement for Masters Sample

In this section, we have left a masters personal statement example for you, which you can use as material to write yours for any course of study you are applying to a school for.

My passion for Filmmaking, was influenced by my growing up reading novels and plays by my idols William Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, and Maya Angelou, which graciously provided me with the opportunity to not just hear good stories, but also appreciate great storytellers whose plays still shake the foundations of the film industry.

Growing up, I loved movies and found myself fascinated by the stories, the characters and most importantly the realization that the human mind could create something so beautiful and gripping. I studied each film like a guide and whenever they ended, I would act out the scenes on my own, putting on a one-woman show for myself whenever I was alone at home. These things would later form the basis of me writing my first published book which was a drama titled The Reward of Evil Deed.

To me, loving literature and chasing it down all these years was something that made me different, but I also enjoyed it because films are more than something I just wanted to watch and forget, it is something that I wanted to be a part of. I didn’t just want to appreciate great films, I wanted to make them.

During my bachelor’s degree in India, I had the privilege of taking Literature classes stemming from British, American, and Indian literature to broaden my mind. I was also opportune to read great authors like John Donne, John Milton, Emily Dickinson, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Anton Chekov, Virginia Woolf, and of course Margret Atwood who I follow closely on Instagram. Three years later not only did I graduate as one of the best students in the school, but I did so with a first-hand knowledge of what it means to be a passionate storyteller whose art transcends time, language barrier, and location.

In addition to devouring Literature and watching satirical films like it’s the news, I am also an avid reader and prolific writer who throws herself into whatever she sets her heart on. I am the proud author of Forgetting Bangalore which is a personal memoir about my three years of studying in India, read amongst my closest friends who I shared those times with. In school, I also wrote the script for a short film for the class Psychology assignment titled The Ordeal which I uploaded to my YouTube page and uploaded to my application form.

Apart from writing for myself, I also function as a content creator/marketer for companies I have worked for in the past and is still working for now. I play the Bass guitar well and occasionally dabble in Lead guitar.

For far too long, I have aspired to be, but now I want to become a filmmaker and I strongly believe that through your institution that I would be able to learn and master all the aspects associated with filmmaking. I hope to attend Central Film School next year, enrolling in MA Practical Filmmaking under the tutelage of the amazing Faculty members.

Although I don’t have the professional skills or much of a background in filmmaking, I am passionate and have a zeal burning strongly that it will set the film industry on fire. I am a good storyteller, I am brilliant, resilient, and determined to succeed, and when I want something, I push until I get it, I am also a fast learner. I strongly believe that these attributes are what will help me successfully complete this master’s program.

Personal Statement PDF

You can also download this statement of purpose sample for masters degree pdf here and take your time to read it later – Personal Statement For Masters Sample .

See Also:  Student CV Template .

Examples of Personal Statement for Masters

We have taken the time to source for some of the best postgraduate personal statement examples, which you can use in addition to the personal statement for masters program example as a template to write yours.

While you scroll through our list, you will find the perfect masters essay example for any field you wish to apply for, from business administration, to Psychology, to information technology, and lots more.

1. msw personal statement

We have found one of the best msw personal statement examples out there for you.

social work masters personal statement .  

2. personal statement for masters in public health

mph personal statement examples

3. personal statement for masters in management

Personal statement for master degree sample for masters in management .  , 4. personal statement for masters in education example.

personal statement for masters in education example

5. psychology masters personal statement

psychology masters personal statement example

6. sample personal statement for masters in data science data science masters personal statement

7. speech and language therapy personal statement statement of purpose for masters sample: speech and language therapy

8. business administration personal statement personal statement for masters in business administration

9. personal statement for masters in cyber security pdf masters degree personal statement examples for cyber security

10. personal statement for masters in finance msc finance personal statement examples

11. statement of purpose for masters in information technology pdf msc personal statement examples for information technology

12. international development personal statement statement of purpose for masters example

13. msc international business management personal statement international business management personal statement examples

14. computer science masters personal statement

statement of purpose for masters in computer science pdf

15. personal statement for masters in economics statement of purpose sample for masters degree in economics

16. mha personal statement statement of purpose format for masters in health administration    

Conclusion – Things to Avoid When Writing A Personal Statement For Masters When writing a personal statement for university masters, there are some things you should avoid, so that you don’t ruin your essay. We have listed out those things below: •    Avoid negativity. •    Following an online template blindly. •    Do not include unnecessary course modules, personal facts, or extra-curricular activities in your personal statement. •    Do not lie or exaggerate an achievement or event. •    Do not include inspirational quotes to your statement. •    Avoid using clichés, gimmicks, humour, over-used word such as 'passion' or ‘driven’. •    Do not make pleading statements. •    Avoid mentioning key authors or professors in your field without any explanation. •    Avoid using sentences that are too long. •    Avoid flattering the organisation or using patronising terms. •    Do not repeat information in your statement that you have already listed in your application. •    Avoid waffling i.e., writing at length. •    Don’t start writing your personal statement at the last minute.  

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Hr management personal statement example.

Most of us can expect to spend many years of our lives working in organisations of various kinds, being managed or managing others. I am one of those who like to manage people and interact with them. Human Resources Program will enhance my marketability and give me the relevant professional skills and knowledge that employers in today’s marketplace are looking for. The program gives me the opportunity to acquire a comprehensive background in the functions of Human Resources from both theoretical and practical perspectives.

My uncle is an HR Manager in General Electric company, Canada. GE is a global infrastructure, finance and media company. He explained to me what HR is all about and what career is going to be if I select this field. I started taking interest in this field and gained a lot of knowledge from him and also from internet. On internet, I searched for government websites for Human Resources to know what duties and responsibilities HR perform. For example, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, Service Canada and Government of Canada Human Resources Management System.

I came to Canada in 2008 and started working in Tim Horton’s (café). In 2009, I got promoted as a supervisor with a responsibility to manage the store. I had to make employees work as a team and to make sure that customers are happy with our service. Counting the cash at the end of the shift and closing the store after making sure that all the employees have done their job properly was also part of my duties. My dream to study HR came true in 2010 when I joined Sheridan College where I learned Training and Development, Health and Safety which turn out to be very important course since preventing accidents at work should be a key priority for everyone. Recruitment and Selection, Compensation and Benefits and HR Planning were also very important courses. I studied and worked at the same time and was always keen to try and apply what I had learned during my work experience as a supervisor to my time in college.

I want to further develop my skills and understanding of HRM to enable me to pursue a career in this field once I complete my studies. I want to study this program to develop a clear understanding of future career options and demonstrate progress towards achieving them as either an employee or an owner manager or the non-profit sector or within further study within the academic community. I look forward to challenged and difficulty that university will offer and applying myself fully to achieve the standards that I am ultimately capable of.

The UK has grown to become one of the top destinations to study around the world. UK has excellent higher-education system and hundreds of world-class universities. I can take advantage of a huge choice of universities and the excellent standards of teaching that the UK provides. Universities in the UK offer an extremely wide range of courses to choose from. I will also gain new skills that employers look for when I study for a degree in the UK. UK universities will help me think creatively; work from my own initiative and also as part of a team.

In addition, I have got a health and safety training from my job in Tim Horton's. My skills have developed a lot more after studying Human Resources in Sheridan College. Listening to and working with others, findings solutions to problems and working with others from different cultures are my main areas of interest. I have applied my skills and abilities to my previous job as Administrative Billing Specialist where I had to listen to the customer and find solutions to their quires. Apart from that, after finishing my university in UK, I would like to come back to Canada and want to study MBA. I am also looking forward to get CHRP.

For a long time it has been an ambition of mine to have a Business related career, and to study at a University. With my easy-going personality, I will be able to interact readily with an international community and contribution positively to the benefit of the cross culture experiences. I will not only progress at a personal level but also become one step closer to laying the foundation for a successful business future.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by pandyakr for application in 2012.

pandyakr's Comments

I am applying for September 2012 and am really confused with my personal statement. What do you guys think of this personal statement?

This personal statement is unrated

Related Personal Statements

Thanks guys.

Sun, 11/03/2012 - 23:10

Hi, thanks for the comment and I got accepted in all five universities Ii applied for.

Don't state the obvious (the

Thu, 05/07/2012 - 09:30

Don't state the obvious (the UK paragraph), you know, i know and they know that UK is one of the best; and if not second to the states.

your'e an inspiration to me!!

Thu, 11/10/2012 - 12:10

Wed, 24/07/2013 - 20:00

Very neat article post.

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personal statement for masters in hr

Looking for grad school personal statement examples? Look no further! In this total guide to graduate school personal statement examples, we’ll discuss why you need a personal statement for grad school and what makes a good one. Then we’ll provide three graduate school personal statement samples from our grad school experts. After that, we’ll do a deep dive on one of our personal statement for graduate school examples. Finally, we’ll wrap up with a list of other grad school personal statements you can find online.

Why Do You Need a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a chance for admissions committees to get to know you: your goals and passions, what you’ll bring to the program, and what you’re hoping to get out of the program.  You need to sell the admissions committee on what makes you a worthwhile applicant. The personal statement is a good chance to highlight significant things about you that don’t appear elsewhere on your application.

A personal statement is slightly different from a statement of purpose (also known as a letter of intent). A statement of purpose/letter of intent tends to be more tightly focused on your academic or professional credentials and your future research and/or professional interests.

While a personal statement also addresses your academic experiences and goals, you have more leeway to be a little more, well, personal. In a personal statement, it’s often appropriate to include information on significant life experiences or challenges that aren’t necessarily directly relevant to your field of interest.

Some programs ask for both a personal statement and a statement of purpose/letter of intent. In this case, the personal statement is likely to be much more tightly focused on your life experience and personality assets while the statement of purpose will focus in much more on your academic/research experiences and goals.

However, there’s not always a hard-and-fast demarcation between a personal statement and a statement of purpose. The two statement types should address a lot of the same themes, especially as relates to your future goals and the valuable assets you bring to the program. Some programs will ask for a personal statement but the prompt will be focused primarily on your research and professional experiences and interests. Some will ask for a statement of purpose but the prompt will be more focused on your general life experiences.

When in doubt, give the program what they are asking for in the prompt and don’t get too hung up on whether they call it a personal statement or statement of purpose. You can always call the admissions office to get more clarification on what they want you to address in your admissions essay.

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What Makes a Good Grad School Personal Statement?

A great graduate school personal statement can come in many forms and styles. However, strong grad school personal statement examples all share the same following elements:

A Clear Narrative

Above all, a good personal statement communicates clear messages about what makes you a strong applicant who is likely to have success in graduate school. So to that extent, think about a couple of key points that you want to communicate about yourself and then drill down on how you can best communicate those points. (Your key points should of course be related to what you can bring to the field and to the program specifically).

You can also decide whether to address things like setbacks or gaps in your application as part of your narrative. Have a low GPA for a couple semesters due to a health issue? Been out of a job for a while taking care of a family member? If you do decide to explain an issue like this, make sure that the overall arc is more about demonstrating positive qualities like resilience and diligence than about providing excuses.

Specific Examples

A great statement of purpose uses specific examples to illustrate its key messages. This can include anecdotes that demonstrate particular traits or even references to scholars and works that have influenced your academic trajectory to show that you are familiar and insightful about the relevant literature in your field.

Just saying “I love plants,” is pretty vague. Describing how you worked in a plant lab during undergrad and then went home and carefully cultivated your own greenhouse where you cross-bred new flower colors by hand is much more specific and vivid, which makes for better evidence.

A strong personal statement will describe why you are a good fit for the program, and why the program is a good fit for you. It’s important to identify specific things about the program that appeal to you, and how you’ll take advantage of those opportunities. It’s also a good idea to talk about specific professors you might be interested in working with. This shows that you are informed about and genuinely invested in the program.

Strong Writing

Even quantitative and science disciplines typically require some writing, so it’s important that your personal statement shows strong writing skills. Make sure that you are communicating clearly and that you don’t have any grammar and spelling errors. It’s helpful to get other people to read your statement and provide feedback. Plan on going through multiple drafts.

Another important thing here is to avoid cliches and gimmicks. Don’t deploy overused phrases and openings like “ever since I was a child.” Don’t structure your statement in a gimmicky way (i.e., writing a faux legal brief about yourself for a law school statement of purpose). The first will make your writing banal; the second is likely to make you stand out in a bad way.

Appropriate Boundaries

While you can be more personal in a personal statement than in a statement of purpose, it’s important to maintain appropriate boundaries in your writing. Don’t overshare anything too personal about relationships, bodily functions, or illegal activities. Similarly, don’t share anything that makes it seem like you may be out of control, unstable, or an otherwise risky investment. The personal statement is not a confessional booth. If you share inappropriately, you may seem like you have bad judgment, which is a huge red flag to admissions committees.

You should also be careful with how you deploy humor and jokes. Your statement doesn’t have to be totally joyless and serious, but bear in mind that the person reading the statement may not have the same sense of humor as you do. When in doubt, err towards the side of being as inoffensive as possible.

Just as being too intimate in your statement can hurt you, it’s also important not to be overly formal or staid. You should be professional, but conversational.


Graduate School Personal Statement Examples

Our graduate school experts have been kind enough to provide some successful grad school personal statement examples. We’ll provide three examples here, along with brief analysis of what makes each one successful.

Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 1

PDF of Sample Personal Statement 1 – Japanese Studies

For this Japanese Studies master’s degree, the applicant had to provide a statement of purpose outlining her academic goals and experience with Japanese and a separate personal statement describing her personal relationship with Japanese Studies and what led her to pursue a master’s degree.

Here’s what’s successful about this personal statement:

  • An attention-grabbing beginning: The applicant begins with the statement that Japanese has never come easily to her and that it’s a brutal language to learn. Seeing as how this is an application for a Japanese Studies program, this is an intriguing beginning that makes the reader want to keep going.
  • A compelling narrative: From this attention-grabbing beginning, the applicant builds a well-structured and dramatic narrative tracking her engagement with the Japanese language over time. The clear turning point is her experience studying abroad, leading to a resolution in which she has clarity about her plans. Seeing as how the applicant wants to be a translator of Japanese literature, the tight narrative structure here is a great way to show her writing skills.
  • Specific examples that show important traits: The applicant clearly communicates both a deep passion for Japanese through examples of her continued engagement with Japanese and her determination and work ethic by highlighting the challenges she’s faced (and overcome) in her study of the language. This gives the impression that she is an engaged and dedicated student.

Overall, this is a very strong statement both in terms of style and content. It flows well, is memorable, and communicates that the applicant would make the most of the graduate school experience.


Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 2

PDF of Sample Graduate School Personal Statement 2 – Musical Composition

This personal statement for a Music Composition master’s degree discusses the factors that motivate the applicant to pursue graduate study.

Here’s what works well in this statement:

  • The applicant provides two clear reasons motivating the student to pursue graduate study: her experiences with music growing up, and her family’s musical history. She then supports those two reasons with examples and analysis.
  • The description of her ancestors’ engagement with music is very compelling and memorable. The applicant paints her own involvement with music as almost inevitable based on her family’s long history with musical pursuits.
  • The applicant gives thoughtful analysis of the advantages she has been afforded that have allowed her to study music so extensively. We get the sense that she is insightful and empathetic—qualities that would add greatly to any academic community.

This is a strong, serviceable personal statement. And in truth, given that this for a masters in music composition, other elements of the application (like work samples) are probably the most important.  However, here are two small changes I would make to improve it:

  • I would probably to split the massive second paragraph into 2-3 separate paragraphs. I might use one paragraph to orient the reader to the family’s musical history, one paragraph to discuss Giacomo and Antonio, and one paragraph to discuss how the family has influenced the applicant. As it stands, it’s a little unwieldy and the second paragraph doesn’t have a super-clear focus even though it’s all loosely related to the applicant’s family history with music.
  • I would also slightly shorten the anecdote about the applicant’s ancestors and expand more on how this family history has motivated the applicant’s interest in music. In what specific ways has her ancestors’ perseverance inspired her? Did she think about them during hard practice sessions? Is she interested in composing music in a style they might have played? More specific examples here would lend greater depth and clarity to the statement.


Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 3

PDF of Sample Graduate School Personal Statement 3 – Public Health

This is my successful personal statement for Columbia’s Master’s program in Public Health. We’ll do a deep dive on this statement paragraph-by-paragraph in the next section, but I’ll highlight a couple of things that work in this statement here:

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  • This statement is clearly organized. Almost every paragraph has a distinct focus and message, and when I move on to a new idea, I move on to a new paragraph with a logical transitions.
  • This statement covers a lot of ground in a pretty short space. I discuss my family history, my goals, my educational background, and my professional background. But because the paragraphs are organized and I use specific examples, it doesn’t feel too vague or scattered.
  • In addition to including information about my personal motivations, like my family, I also include some analysis about tailoring health interventions with my example of the Zande. This is a good way to show off what kinds of insights I might bring to the program based on my academic background.


Grad School Personal Statement Example: Deep Dive

Now let’s do a deep dive, paragraph-by-paragraph, on one of these sample graduate school personal statements. We’ll use my personal statement that I used when I applied to Columbia’s public health program.

Paragraph One: For twenty-three years, my grandmother (a Veterinarian and an Epidemiologist) ran the Communicable Disease Department of a mid-sized urban public health department. The stories of Grandma Betty doggedly tracking down the named sexual partners of the infected are part of our family lore. Grandma Betty would persuade people to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, encourage safer sexual practices, document the spread of infection and strive to contain and prevent it. Indeed, due to the large gay population in the city where she worked, Grandma Betty was at the forefront of the AIDS crises, and her analysis contributed greatly towards understanding how the disease was contracted and spread. My grandmother has always been a huge inspiration to me, and the reason why a career in public health was always on my radar.

This is an attention-grabbing opening anecdote that avoids most of the usual cliches about childhood dreams and proclivities. This story also subtly shows that I have a sense of public health history, given the significance of the AIDs crisis for public health as a field.

It’s good that I connect this family history to my own interests. However, if I were to revise this paragraph again, I might cut down on some of the detail because when it comes down to it, this story isn’t really about me. It’s important that even (sparingly used) anecdotes about other people ultimately reveal something about you in a personal statement.

Paragraph Two: Recent years have cemented that interest. In January 2012, my parents adopted my little brother Fred from China. Doctors in America subsequently diagnosed Fred with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). My parents were told that if Fred’s condition had been discovered in China, the (very poor) orphanage in which he spent the first 8+ years of his life would have recognized his DMD as a death sentence and denied him sustenance to hasten his demise.

Here’s another compelling anecdote to help explain my interest in public health. This is an appropriately personal detail for a personal statement—it’s a serious thing about my immediate family, but it doesn’t disclose anything that the admissions committee might find concerning or inappropriate.

If I were to take another pass through this paragraph, the main thing I would change is the last phrase. “Denied him sustenance to hasten his demise” is a little flowery. “Denied him food to hasten his death” is actually more powerful because it’s clearer and more direct.

Paragraph Three: It is not right that some people have access to the best doctors and treatment while others have no medical care. I want to pursue an MPH in Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia because studying social factors in health, with a particular focus on socio-health inequities, will prepare me to address these inequities. The interdisciplinary approach of the program appeals to me greatly as I believe interdisciplinary approaches are the most effective way to develop meaningful solutions to complex problems.

In this paragraph I make a neat and clear transition from discussing what sparked my interest in public health and health equity to what I am interested in about Columbia specifically: the interdisciplinary focus of the program, and how that focus will prepare me to solve complex health problems. This paragraph also serves as a good pivot point to start discussing my academic and professional background.

Paragraph Four: My undergraduate education has prepared me well for my chosen career. Understanding the underlying structure of a group’s culture is essential to successfully communicating with the group. In studying folklore and mythology, I’ve learned how to parse the unspoken structures of folk groups, and how those structures can be used to build bridges of understanding. For example, in a culture where most illnesses are believed to be caused by witchcraft, as is the case for the Zande people of central Africa, any successful health intervention or education program would of necessity take into account their very real belief in witchcraft.

In this paragraph, I link my undergraduate education and the skills I learned there to public health. The (very brief) analysis of tailoring health interventions to the Zande is a good way to show insight and show off the competencies I would bring to the program.

Paragraph Five: I now work in the healthcare industry for one of the largest providers of health benefits in the world. In addition to reigniting my passion for data and quantitative analytics, working for this company has immersed me in the business side of healthcare, a critical component of public health.

This brief paragraph highlights my relevant work experience in the healthcare industry. It also allows me to mention my work with data and quantitative analytics, which isn’t necessarily obvious from my academic background, which was primarily based in the social sciences.

Paragraph Six: I intend to pursue a PhD in order to become an expert in how social factors affect health, particularly as related to gender and sexuality. I intend to pursue a certificate in Sexuality, Sexual Health, and Reproduction. Working together with other experts to create effective interventions across cultures and societies, I want to help transform health landscapes both in America and abroad.

This final paragraph is about my future plans and intentions. Unfortunately, it’s a little disjointed, primarily because I discuss goals of pursuing a PhD before I talk about what certificate I want to pursue within the MPH program! Switching those two sentences and discussing my certificate goals within the MPH and then mentioning my PhD plans would make a lot more sense.

I also start two sentences in a row with “I intend,” which is repetitive.

The final sentence is a little bit generic; I might tailor it to specifically discuss a gender and sexual health issue, since that is the primary area of interest I’ve identified.

This was a successful personal statement; I got into (and attended!) the program. It has strong examples, clear organization, and outlines what interests me about the program (its interdisciplinary focus) and what competencies I would bring (a background in cultural analysis and experience with the business side of healthcare). However, a few slight tweaks would elevate this statement to the next level.


Graduate School Personal Statement Examples You Can Find Online

So you need more samples for your personal statement for graduate school? Examples are everywhere on the internet, but they aren’t all of equal quality.

Most of examples are posted as part of writing guides published online by educational institutions. We’ve rounded up some of the best ones here if you are looking for more personal statement examples for graduate school.

Penn State Personal Statement Examples for Graduate School

This selection of ten short personal statements for graduate school and fellowship programs offers an interesting mix of approaches. Some focus more on personal adversity while others focus more closely on professional work within the field.

The writing in some of these statements is a little dry, and most deploy at least a few cliches. However, these are generally strong, serviceable statements that communicate clearly why the student is interested in the field, their skills and competencies, and what about the specific program appeals to them.

Cal State Sample Graduate School Personal Statements

These are good examples of personal statements for graduate school where students deploy lots of very vivid imagery and illustrative anecdotes of life experiences. There are also helpful comments about what works in each of these essays.

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However, all of these statements are definitely pushing the boundaries of acceptable length, as all are above 1000 and one is almost 1500 words! Many programs limit you to 500 words; if you don’t have a limit, you should try to keep it to two single-spaced pages at most (which is about 1000 words).

University of Chicago Personal Statement for Graduate School Examples

These examples of successful essays to the University of Chicago law school cover a wide range of life experiences and topics. The writing in all is very vivid, and all communicate clear messages about the students’ strengths and competencies.

Note, however, that these are all essays that specifically worked for University of Chicago law school. That does not mean that they would work everywhere. In fact, one major thing to note is that many of these responses, while well-written and vivid, barely address the students’ interest in law school at all! This is something that might not work well for most graduate programs.

Wheaton College Personal Statement for Graduate School Sample 10

This successful essay for law school from a Wheaton College undergraduate does a great job tracking the student’s interest in the law in a compelling and personal way. Wheaton offers other graduate school personal statement examples, but this one offers the most persuasive case for the students’ competencies. The student accomplishes this by using clear, well-elaborated examples, showing strong and vivid writing, and highlighting positive qualities like an interest in justice and empathy without seeming grandiose or out of touch.

Wheaton College Personal Statement for Graduate School Sample 1

Based on the background information provided at the bottom of the essay, this essay was apparently successful for this applicant. However, I’ve actually included this essay because it demonstrates an extremely risky approach. While this personal statement is strikingly written and the story is very memorable, it could definitely communicate the wrong message to some admissions committees. The student’s decision not to report the drill sergeant may read incredibly poorly to some admissions committees. They may wonder if the student’s failure to report the sergeant’s violence will ultimately expose more soldiers-in-training to the same kinds of abuses. This incident perhaps reads especially poorly in light of the fact that the military has such a notable problem with violence against women being covered up and otherwise mishandled

It’s actually hard to get a complete picture of the student’s true motivations from this essay, and what we have might raise real questions about the student’s character to some admissions committees. This student took a risk and it paid off, but it could have just as easily backfired spectacularly.


Key Takeaways: Graduate School Personal Statement Examples

In this guide, we discussed why you need a personal statement and how it differs from a statement of purpose. (It’s more personal!)

We also discussed what you’ll find in a strong sample personal statement for graduate school:

  • A clear narrative about the applicant and why they are qualified for graduate study.
  • Specific examples to support that narrative.
  • Compelling reasons why the applicant and the program are a good fit for each other.
  • Strong writing, including clear organization and error-free, cliche-free language.
  • Appropriate boundaries—sharing without over-sharing.

Then, we provided three strong graduate school personal statement examples for different fields, along with analysis. We did a deep-dive on the third statement.

Finally, we provided a list of other sample grad school personal statements online.

What’s Next?

Want more advice on writing a personal statement ? See our guide.

Writing a graduate school statement of purpose? See our statement of purpose samples  and a nine-step process for writing the best statement of purpose possible .

If you’re writing a graduate school CV or resume, see our how-to guide to writing a CV , a how-to guide to writing a resume , our list of sample resumes and CVs , resume and CV templates , and a special guide for writing resume objectives .

Need stellar graduate school recommendation letters ? See our guide.

See our 29 tips for successfully applying to graduate school .

Ready to improve your GRE score by 7 points?

personal statement for masters in hr

Author: Ellen McCammon

Ellen is a public health graduate student and education expert. She has extensive experience mentoring students of all ages to reach their goals and in-depth knowledge on a variety of health topics. View all posts by Ellen McCammon

personal statement for masters in hr

Human Resources Postgraduate Personal Statement

Example Human Resources Postgraduate Personal Statement

The human resources department is now an essential part of every major corporation in every industry. The importance of HR management has increased dramatically over the last few decades as the emphasis on the welfare of employees has increased. From taking numerous courses organised by HR departments in my career, I was greatly impressed by the work of HR managers and decided that, given my interests and skills, I would like a senior role within HR management. The MSc in Human Resources Development and Consultancy will give me the necessary academic knowledge to fulfil my ambition.

My work experience has already helped me develop many of the requisite skills for my career and the degree. From the age of eighteen I was supporting myself with a variety of customer-facing roles, from customer service in a restaurant to reception and secretary work at a busy fitness club and one of the most popular radio stations in my native Poland. Thanks to my hard work, I gained more senior roles with more management responsibilities, first as a store supervisor for a major retailer in Ireland and then as a bar supervisor in a busy London pub. In the roles, I was given responsibility for recruiting and training new employees. The experience convinced me that I have the requisite interpersonal and management skills to excel as an HR manager, which made me even more determined to achieve my career goal. Recently, I had a golden opportunity to exercise my management skills when I worked in a supervisory role in one of the largest outsourcing companies in Poland.

I am particularly good at motivating people to perform better in their jobs and I greatly enjoyed taking courses organised by HR to improve my management and interpersonal skills. I would like to develop these skills further by learning more of the theory behind organisational psychology in the HR Strategies module of the degree so that I may draw on the wealth of research to better understand and motivate employees under my supervision.

Apart from the wealth of work experience I have amassed, I also have a strong academic background that ensures I am academically prepared for the course. I successfully completed a BA in International Relations and European Integration, in which I performed particularly well in a number of HR-related subjects, including Employment Policy, European Social Law and the European System of Human Rights. The courses taught me about the rights of employees and the duties of employers, which I always keep in mind to ensure the rights of my employees are respected.

On the degree, I also took courses in Philosophy, Mathematics and English that equipped me with essential critical thinking and writing skills that should stand me in good stead for writing essays and a dissertation as part of the Masters.

Outside of the work place and the classroom, I have been preparing myself for the degree by reading books on HR and organisational psychology. I particularly enjoyed Dave Ulrich’s Human Resources Champions, which emphasises the importance of theory and research for effective HR management, and popular sociology books, including Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, which describes the requisite conditions for outstandingly successful work. I should like to organise a book club with fellow students so that we may read relevant texts outside of the classroom and create a mutually supportive study environment.

When not reading or working, I love to spend most of my time with my two year-old daughter. Caring for a child is a full-time job in itself, which means I have to be organised and manage my time effectively to juggle caring with my career, a skill that should be of great use in the degree.

The degree appeals to me greatly, not only because it will equip me with the requisite knowledge to become a specialist in training and development, but also because the curriculum will satisfy my wide-ranging intellectual curiosity and intense interest in psychology and human relations.

We hope this example Human Resources postgraduate personal statement will provide you with some inspiration when writing your own unique personal statement.

Personal Statement

  • The Application Process
  • UCAS Criteria
  • Choosing a Degree
  • Why is a Good Personal Statement Important?
  • Your Personal Statement
  • Example Personal Statements
  • Personal Statement Help
  • Personal Statement Format
  • Points to Remember
  • The UK Tuition Fees System
  • Student Loans
  • Student Finance
  • Full Subjects List
  • Disabled UCAS Applicants
  • A-Level Results Day
  • A Guide to Results Day
  • Clearing & A Level Results Day
  • A Guide to Clearing
  • Visas to study in the UK
  • Missed the January UCAS deadline?
  • No University Offers…What Next?
  • Interview Skills
  • PGCE Interviews
  • Applying to Oxbridge
  • Before you go to University
  • University Checklist
  • Studying Abroad
  • Applying to University Overseas
  • Apply to study Internationally
  • Preparing for Studying Abroad
  • Benefits of Studying Abroad
  • Taking a Gap Year
  • Should You Take A Gap Year?
  • Study Independently
  • Choosing Accommodation



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