
Essay on Principles In Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Principles In Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Principles In Life

What are principles.

Principles are like rules that guide us in life. They help us know what is right and wrong. Think of them as a map for making good choices. Everyone has their own set of principles, which shape how they act and think.

Importance of Principles

Having principles is important because they give us a clear direction. They are like a strong root that keeps a tree standing during a storm. When we face tough times, our principles help us stay true to ourselves.

Examples of Principles

Examples of principles include honesty, kindness, and hard work. If honesty is your principle, you always tell the truth. Kindness means you are nice to others. Hard work shows you put effort into what you do.

Living by Principles

Living by your principles isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding. It means you do what you believe is right, even when no one is watching. This builds a good character and earns you respect from others.

250 Words Essay on Principles In Life

Principles are like rules that guide us in the right direction. They are the big ideas that help us know what is good and bad, and how to behave every day. Think of them as a map for life, showing us how to be our best selves.

Why Principles Matter

Having principles is very important. They help us make choices that are fair and kind. When we follow good principles, we can make friends, earn trust, and feel good about ourselves. They are like a strong foundation for a house, keeping our lives stable and secure.

Examples of Good Principles

Some good principles are honesty, respect, and responsibility. Being honest means telling the truth. Respect is about treating others the way you want to be treated. Responsibility means doing what you say you will do and taking care of your duties.

Principles in Action

Putting principles into action can sometimes be hard, but it’s worth it. For example, if a friend tells you a secret, keeping it shows honesty and respect. Doing your homework on time shows responsibility. Each time you follow a principle, it’s like a muscle getting stronger.

In conclusion, principles are the invisible helpers in our lives. They guide us to make the right choices and live in a way that brings happiness to ourselves and others. By sticking to good principles, we build a life that is full of trust, friendship, and pride.

500 Words Essay on Principles In Life

Think about your best friend. What makes them special? Maybe they are kind, always tell the truth, and share their snacks with you. These qualities are based on principles such as honesty, kindness, and sharing. When people live by good principles, they earn trust and respect from others. It’s like being a good team player in sports; everyone wants you on their team because you play fair and work hard.

Common Principles

There are many principles that many people agree are important. One of them is honesty, which means telling the truth. Another is respect, which is treating others well and valuing their feelings. Courage is also a principle, and it means being brave enough to do what is right, even when it is hard. Think of these principles as the main ingredients in a recipe for a good life.

Principles at School

Principles at home.

Home is another place where principles are important. Doing chores without being asked shows responsibility, another good principle. Listening to your parents and siblings shows respect. And admitting you broke a vase instead of blaming your brother or sister shows honesty. When family members follow principles, it keeps the home happy and peaceful.

Challenges to Principles

Sometimes, following principles can be tough. You might be tempted to lie to avoid trouble or to ignore someone who needs help because you are busy. It’s normal to find it hard to always stick to your principles. But remember, just like practicing a sport makes you better at it, sticking to your principles even when it’s hard makes you a stronger person.

In conclusion, principles are the rules for the game of life. They help us know what’s right and wrong and guide us to be our best selves. By living according to good principles like honesty, respect, and responsibility, we can make our lives and the lives of those around us better. Remember, every choice you make is a chance to show what principles you live by. So choose wisely, and let your principles light the way.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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My Values in Life Personal Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


My values in life.

Personal values are qualities that one considers to be worthwhile and, as such, act as the driving force in their life. They take precedence over other qualities and therefore dictate the manner in which an individual may behave in particular instances. When it comes to my values in life, I have a few that I hold dear.

These values are a result of my upbringing, development, my principles, as well as my socialization and the culture around me. In this “my values in life” essay, I shall identify the core beliefs that I hold and how they influence my everyday choices, actions, and plans that I make.

One of the educational values that are fundamental to me is achievement. This is a result of my belief that what defines me most as a person is my determination to succeed and my desire to make a positive contribution to society through my career. Achievement is, therefore, one of the values that are most important to me since, in today’s world, achievement and success are mostly tied together with educational success. As a result of this, I hold my educational exploits in high esteem since education is one of the avenues where one’s determination leads to quantifiable success.

I greatly value close relationships with my friends and constantly seek to cement the same. This is because good friends can assist one in achieving his/her goals in life and can sometimes even be closer than family. For this reason, I invest a lot of time and effort in my close friends. I make it a priority to be a part of the significant moments in my friends’ lives, such as their birthdays, wedding days, and even baby christening ceremonies. In addition to this, I always ensure that I inquire as to their well beings periodically.

Growth and personal development for me is a very fundamental value, and its importance in my life cannot be understated. It is my belief that my life is not worth much if I do not strive to constantly improve on my achievements as well as in becoming a better person. This value of personal growth and development greatly impacts my daily living, especially when establishing new relations. It is generally my rule that if a new relationship does not add any value to my life, then I should not waste my time exploring it.

One of the constant realities in human life is that we will always be surrounded by needy people. As such, on a social level, I always strive to give my services to the less fortunate. In my opinion, a life well lived is one that is lived in such a way that it makes a difference to someone else’s life. This is the philosophy with which I have led my life up to this point, and at all times, I try to make a difference in the lives of the people that surround me. Helping other people is, therefore, a value that I value not only in myself but also in other people.

While modern-day living has somewhat led to a degradation of the value of family from what it used to be in gone years, I still hold the value of family to be very important in my life. To me, one’s family members are the ones who will stand by you no matter the situation and encourage you through life’s troubles.

While I reckon that family may not always be supportive or as ideal as I envision it, in my experience, my family is closely knit and always stands up for me. I, therefore, always have my family in mind when making my decisions and consider how my actions will affect them. In addition, I try to seek guidance from members of the family who are more experienced than I am before making monumental decisions in my life.

It has been argued that honest men and women are a dying breed. This statement holds true in our capitalistic society, where profits and personal gains are the primary objectives. The means by which one achieves success is often overlooked, and as such, the ends justify the means.

Even in the midst of such an environment, I still hold honesty as one of my core values. This is mostly a result of my upbringing, whereby honesty was applauded and dishonesty shunned. Also, I have come to realize that when one achieves success through honesty, the level of satisfaction that comes with it is truly unrivaled by any other feeling.

Owing to my upbringing, I have a huge regard for religion. As such, one of my spiritual values is engaging myself in some religious organizations. While it is true that most of my religious values are a result of my upbringing, I have, over time, come to embrace them as my own and therefore make it my personal duty to be actively involved in my religious organization.

To me, this brings about a sense of balance and helps me be more reflective and appreciative in my life. My religious values impact my decision-making since I try not to make choices that are contrary to my religious beliefs.

In this paper, I have identified some of the values that I hold dear to me. I have also identified how these values impact the choices that I make as well as the actions that I take. From this deep exploration of my values, I have come to the realization that my values greatly dictate how I treat the people around me as well as how I prioritize matters. I believe that as a result of my values, I strive harder to achieve the things that I want in life, and as such, I am a better person as a result of them.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 15). My Values in Life. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/

"My Values in Life." IvyPanda , 15 July 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'My Values in Life'. 15 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "My Values in Life." July 15, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.

1. IvyPanda . "My Values in Life." July 15, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.


IvyPanda . "My Values in Life." July 15, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.

How To Live A Meaningful Life

What is Your Philosophy of Life? Here are 16 Principles of Mine


My friends have always seen me as a philosopher, so I thought it would be helpful to share my philosophy of life .

We need to let other people live their lives so we can live ours; we should always be open to experiences, learnings and be careful about choosing our battles. Nothing in life is stable, so being aware of the ups and downs will make matters easier. At the same time, we need to be personally responsible and willing to adjust to the situation.

Life is complicated, and we often come up with solutions without even realizing it.

You likely have a philosophy of life that you don’t think much about, so keep reading, as ew will share 16 principles that my life philosophy is based on.

Page Contents

1) Live and Let Live

Live and let live is probably the most crucial idea of all because it asks us to respect our lives and the lives of other people. But this idea also extends to letting people live freely and without unnecessary restrictions.

Within my worldview, I don’t like being told what to do, so I don’t like telling other people what to do either.

We need to have some rules in place so that things don’t get out of hand, but we should also try to avoid people who don’t share our core values as much as possible. While we can surely be upset when people wrong us, we also need to realize that it isn’t our business what other people do as long as they aren’t harming others in the process.

2) Always Be Learning

Learning isn’t about going to school or taking a class; it is about being curious and exploring the world. Learning from books is also essential as long as you like the books you are reading and aren’t being forced to read them.

Learning can also happen on the fly, during conversations with other people or by watching things happen in the world around us.

For myself, I’ve always been interested in learning about new things , but I can also appreciate that some people aren’t always like me. For this reason, I accept that some people aren’t built for learning, or at least aren’t as effective at it as others.

But learning is still an important value worth pursuing, so always be learning and willing to accept that you have been wrong; that way, you will always be moving forward.

3) Pick Your Battles

With any philosophy, you need to be open to the possibility that you’re mistaken or that people won’t always accept the truth. For this reason, I think it is imperative to know when a battle is worth fighting and when it is not.

Most battles aren’t worth the hassle because people don’t usually change, and arguments can hurt some people’s feelings.

At the same time, there are things worth fighting for, so we should stand up for them when we can. We all want to make the world a better place , but we also all have different ideas about getting there; this means that sometimes it’s better to let things be.

I know a lot of stuff and can often explain situations with great detail, but that doesn’t mean I know what to do or what the solution is.

Have humility and accept that you don’t always know the answers; it will make life easier and less stressful.

4) Stick With Your Decisions, Say No

Sometimes people push us to do things that we don’t want to do; this is why we need to stick with our decisions. For myself, I often know right away what I want, but due to pressure from other people, or a fear of letting them down, I might commit to things I don’t believe in.

The problem is that if we don’t want to do something, our heart isn’t going to be in it, so the outcome will be half-assed.

Learning to say no is often a difficult skill to acquire because we are often told to say yes to adventure. When our hearts say no, the problem with saying yes is that we proceed in the wrong direction and get further away from our goals.

I’m not suggesting that you say no when your friend asks you for help, but at the same time, don’t always say yes either.

5) Trust Your Gut

Luckily, my philosophy of life doesn’t need to be restricted to things that can be proven by science, as we might have a little trouble with this one.

Trusting your gut is about following your intuitions and doing things that feel right even if you don’t have any proof, evidence or assurance that it is the right choice.

If you’ve done a Myer Briggs assessment, you might have found that you are intuitive or not. We can’t expect everyone to follow their guts, but I know that I do. While my intuition has been controversial at times, it has often led me in the right direction and has helped me enjoy many different experiences.

Regardless of our personality type, we need to have faith in our own ability to make decisions .

6) There Are Ups and Down

We might like to think that life is all about successes and celebrations, but there are regular ups and downs to everything. I’ve learned over the years that life seems to follow cycles, and these cycles seem to be outside of my conscious understanding of the world.

This means that we need to be open to the possibilities and accept what life throws at us.

There can’t be sweet without sour, so there also can’t be the good without the bad. Often we don’t have much control over what is happening, so we have to learn as best as we can to live with it. Learn to accept the ups and downs, and life will be easier.

Also, understand that you can’t control everythin g, and you will find more control in the things you can.

7) Be Real and Trust Yourself

Often, we adjust who we are to the situation we find ourselves in, and at times this is necessary. I can’t wholly be myself at work because, otherwise, I might not have a job. But we can still be ourselves; if we are willing to get guidance from our guts and stick with what we believe in and enjoy.

Sometimes we also need to take the long road, and as long as we stick to it, we will find the satisfaction that we seek.

Being authentic is about trusting yourself and going with what you know about yourself and who you are. This means being honest with people when you are talking and true to your wishes and dreams . But the most difficult situations are those that challenge us and cause us to doubt ourselves or question our judgment.

So when push comes to shove, we need to stick with what we believe and trust ourselves.

8) Go For What You Want

If you are used to not getting what you want, you might not try to get it. In other words, part of what it takes to be true to ourselves and our philosophy is going after what we want. It is easy to ignore what you want and chase what you think you are supposed to want.

But to live life right, we need to go after what we truly want, and we need to have a plan or at least a destination.

Having a dream means having an ideal or goal that is larger than life, which is all fine and dandy, but it doesn’t mean anything unless you go for it. While our views on what we want might say something about us as thinkers, what matters is taking action and working towards a goal that we believe in.

If you aren’t chasing your goals and dreams, you aren’t living by my philosophy of life .

9) Make It Work and Find a Solution

When our shower broke, my first intuition was to open it up and see if I could figure out what was wrong. After a quick google search, it was all sorted out, and the next day I replaced the broken part and fixed the shower. When I told my friends about this, they said they would have called a plumber.

We can always work out our situation, even when we don’t know how to right off the bat.

The most important characteristic here is having the dedication to solving the problem or having the sense to stick with it till you find a solution. Every problem in our lives can often be broken down into solvable circumstances.

I don’t mean to make lite of your situation cause I don’t understand it, but I can say that it is possible to commit to making anything work, and it will.

10) Personally Responsible is Crucial

So many people blame the world for the things that are wrong with their lives. I can’t speak for all of them, but I know everyone has their challenges, but I also know that many of them can be worked out.

Taking personal responsibility is about looking at your situation and asking, “how can I make this better?”

If we take responsibility for our situation, we might blame ourselves for everything, but that is only partially true. It is important to realize that you don’t control the situation, but you control your reactions to it. Meaning we are personally responsible for our response, not to the situations themselves.

Blaming other people gives away our power; taking responsibility takes that power and puts it back in our hands.

11) Learn From Failure

We all make mistakes; we have all failed, and there will always be times when we could have done better. However, if we keep dwelling on those sorts of things, we only get pain; we want to learn from our failures and move forward.

When it comes to living our lives the right way, and in line with our philosophy, we must always improve and progress.

There was this study where a professor gave his pottery class an assignment. Half of the class would present one piece of work and be marked on it; the other half would be judged by how many pieces they created. Who do you think made the best pieces?

It turns out that we evolve with our mistakes, so the more pieces people created, the better their pottery turned out.

12) Be A Lover of Fate

There have been times in my life where I felt like I had no control over the direction my life was going. When we are young, we are impatient; we want everything to happen immediately, so we can’t seem to wait. However, now that I’m older, I see how everything that happened before was necessary for me to be where I am now.

There is so much that we can’t control, and as I mentioned before, we can often only control our response .

So to go through life and feel like it is all a part of a plan seems believable. I’m not making any claim to god or things unproven, just to the possibility that if we decided to see things as a holistic narrative, it makes things feel more genuine.

Rather than trying to fight the future, try to embrace it, it will make life much easier, and you will get to the same place in the end.

13) Remember Your Lessons

When people tell us stories, or we read novels about strangers’ lives, we might be exposed to all sorts of lessons. Some will be good, and some will be bad, but in the end, we will mostly forget them because they aren’t ours. We must always remember our lessons as we learnt them for a reason, and they happened so that we would figure something out.

Our lives are our own stories, they are filled with ups and downs, good and bad choices and everything in between, but no matter what, they are ours.

As we go through life, we are constantly being shown the way, so have faith, follow through with it, but don’t make the same mistakes twice.

Continually be improving, and you will always be learning from the lessons of the past.

14) Explore and Be Open to Opportunities

Figuring out what you want to do with your life is always a challenge, especially when you don’t know what you want to do. The only way to figure out what you like is to try lots of different things. I only discovered that rice was a great food when I moved to Korea to teach English.

I had to take a big risk in my life and travel to a new place to learn all sorts of things about myself.

While discovering how delicious rice is might not be everyone’s cup of tea, being open to experiences has always been a personality trait of mine. For this reason, I respect it and appreciate it in others, which is why it’s an important part of my philosophy of life.

I realize that everyone is different, regardless, some of us will need to push ourselves harder to try new things, but I guarantee it will be worth it in the long run.

15) Keep on Dreaming

We are often told to wake up and quit dreaming, but dreams are important, and we should keep them in our minds as we go through life. On the other hand, some of us have daydreams about what our future lives might look like.

While we can’t predict the future, having an idea of where we would like to go can always help by guiding us.

As long as we keep dreaming of something better, we always have the motivation to keep trying and working towards a destination. While sometimes our dreams can get us down if they are unrealistic, if we focus on what is realistic, even things that might seem extreme, they will always be within the realm of possibilities.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming about a better life, but you can’t just dream; you need to be willing to work towards it.

16) Stick to The Plan

While everything so far has been a principle of my philosophy of life, this last one is different cause it connects them all. There are many other ideas here, and it might be challenging to remember them all, but having an idea of what you want and what you should do gives you the advantage of consistency.

Every choice can’t always be our best choice, but if we know where we want to go and have a rough sense of how we should get there, it will always be more manageable.

Come up with a plan, even a simple one and stick to it, you might not always be correct, but you will at least be throwing darts at the same dartboard.

We might not always have the best plan, but having something is better than having nothing. So figure out what you want out of your life and stick to the plan.

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Live a Meaningful Life; Here is How

I've put together a 42 item guide on how to live a meaningful life by appreciating what we are already doing. Get your copy by entering your email address below.

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Robert Carr

Over the years, I've learnt to see things in a different light. This website is my place to share those insights and give my unique perspective on living a meaningful life.

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Life Potential

101 timeless principles to guide you to your best life.

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“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs (101 Most Inspiring Quotes of All Time)

How do you feel about your life today? Are you living every day in exuberance? Do you love what you’re doing? Are you excited every single moment? Are you looking forward to what’s coming up next? Are you living your best life?

If your answer to any of the above is a no, maybe or not sure, that means you’re not living your life to the fullest. Which really shouldn’t be the case, because your life experience is up to you to create. Why settle for anything less than what you can get? You deserve nothing but the best. In the past years of my life, especially since after I pursued my passion in ’08, I’ve been living every day to the fullest, filled with joy, passion and rigor. It’s an amazing experience that I want you to experience that too.

This is a list of 101 timeless principles I use to live my best life, and I hope they’ll help you to do so too. As you live in alignment with them, you’ll find yourself becoming more conscious, more alive, and more importantly, experiencing life on a whole new level. Be sure to bookmark or even print out this page and refer to it daily to guide you to your best life.

Here are 101 ways to live your life to the fullest:

  • Live every day on a fresh new start.  Don’t be held back by what happened yesterday, the day before, the week before, the year before, and so on.
  • Be true to who you are . Stop trying to please other people or be someone else. It’s better to be an original version of yourself than an exact duplicate of someone else.
  • Quit complaining . Don’t be like the howling dog, always howling and never doing anything. Stop complaining about your problems and work on them instead.
  • Be proactive . Stop waiting for others around you to do something and take action yourself instead.
  • Rather than think “what if”, think “next time” . Don’t think about things you can’t change (namely what has happened and thoughts of other people) or unhappy things because these are disempowering.   Instead focus on the things you  can  action upon. That’s the most constructive thing you can do in any situation.
  • Focus on WHAT vs. How . Focus on WHAT you want first, before you think about HOW to do it. Anything is possible, as long as you set your mind, heart and soul to it.
  • Create your own opportunities . You can wait for opportunities to drop in life. Or, you can go out there and create your own opportunities. The latter is definite and much more empowering.
  • Live more consciously each day . Stop sleepwalking through life. Your life is something to be experienced, not coasted through.
  • Be committed to your growth . In the Map of Consciousness, there are 17 levels of consciousness – from Shame to Enlightenment. The higher level of consciousness you are in, the richer your life experience. Achieving higher consciousness comes from your commitment to growth.
  • Know your inner self . This means knowing who you are and what you represent. Be clear of your personal identity.
  • Discover your life purpose . Set the mission statement for your life; one that will drive you to life your life to the fullest.
  • Live in alignment with your purpose . What can you start doing immediately that will let you live 100% in alignment with your purpose? How can you live true to your purpose within every context/situation/environment you are in, every second of the day?
  • Set your life commandments . Define your personal commandments to live your best life. What adages and principles do you want to follow in your life?
  • Discover your values . Values are the essence of what makes you, you. Read article #11: Discover Your Values in Personal Excellence Book (Volume 1) on the importance of values, my values and how you can create your own.
  • Hold yourself to the highest conduct . Every one of us have our own set of ethics, principles and moral codes. Live true to them every day. Also, live in full alignment with your purpose (#11), commandments (#13) and values (#14).
  • Design your ideal life . What is your ideal life? Design it. First, assess your life at the moment via the life wheel. Then, ask yourself what it takes to live a 10/10 life (in all 10 areas – career, health, love, social, etc…). What is the life that will make you the best person you can ever be? Set your BHAGs – big, hairy and audacious goals! There are no limits in life – only those you set for yourself!
  • Stop putting life on hold . Are you putting any parts of your life on hold? What is one area of your life you have been putting off/avoiding/denying? Uncover it and start working on it.
  • Create your life handbook . Your life handbook is your life-long personal manual to live your best life – from your mission statement, your values, your long-term goals, short-term goals, personal strengths, blind spots to address, plans, among others. Create your book first then build on from there.
  • Set your goals . After you design your ideal life, set your 5-year, 3-year and 1-year goals. The more specific your goals, the better! Read the 10 principles on how to get winning goals.
  • Take action on your goals and dreams.  Create an action plan with your strategy, plan and immediate next steps. ESPER: 7-part Goal Achievement series is a great tool to get you started.
  • Create your bucket list , i.e. things to do before you die. Then, get out to achieve them.
  • Don’t do things for the sake of doing them . Always evaluate what you’re doing and only do it if there is meaning behind them. Don’t be afraid to quit the things that don’t serve your path.
  • Do the things you love , because life is too precious to spend it doing anything else. If you don’t enjoy something, then don’t do it. Spend your time and energy on things that bring you fulfillment and happiness.
  • Discover your passion in life . What sets you on fire? Go out there (and explore inward) to know what you love to do.
  • Make your passion a full-fledged career . Then, start pursuing it. Stop working in a job you are passionless toward. Quit your job when you are ready to do it full-time.
  • Turn your passion into a huge success . Turn your passion into a multi-million dollar business. Better yet, make it a multi-billion dollar one.
  • Learn from criticism.  Be open to criticism but don’t be affected by it. Criticism is meant to help you be a better person. Learn from it.
  • Be positive . Is the glass half empty or half full? How about neither? It’s actually all-full – the bottom half is water, the top half is air. It’s all a matter of perception. Take on empowering perceptions, not those that bind you. If you can see the positive sides of every thing, you’ll be able to live a much richer life than others. Purge unnecessary negativity from your life.
  • Don’t badmouth other people . If there’s anything you don’t like about someone, say it to him/her in the face – otherwise, don’t say it at all. It’s not nice to do that.
  • Be empathetic . If everyone only see life from his/her own perspective, we’ll forever be close-minded and insular. See things from others’ shoes.
  • Be a compassionate person . Show compassion and kindness to everyone around you
  • Develop 100% self-belief . Believe in yourself and your abilities.  Remove your limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones (In Days 26-27 of Be a Better Me in 30 Days Program, you identify your limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones). If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect others to believe in you?
  • Let go of unhappy past . This means past grievances, heartbreaks, sadness, disappointments, etc.
  • Forgive those  who may have done you wrong in the past. “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and realize it was you.” – Lewis B. Smedes
  • Let go of attachments . Don’t fixate yourself with a certain status, fame, wealth or material possessions. These are impermanent and will ultimately disappear one day when you die. Focus on growing and living life to the fullest instead.
  • Let go of relationships that do not serve you . That means negative people, dishonest people,people who don’t respect you, people are overly critical and relationships that prevent you from growing.
  • Spend more time with people who enable you . Hang out with people who you compatible with, like-minded people, people who are positive, successful, strong achievers and positive for your growth. You are after all the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
  • Build genuine, authentic connections  with people around you – strangers, friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers/clients, etc. Spend more time to know them better and foster stronger connections.
  • Connect with an old friend . There is no end to the number of friends you can have. Reach out to people from the past.
  • Do a kind deed a day . What is something you can do today that will make the world a better place? Go and do it.
  • Help other people who are in need . Voluntarism is one outlet. You can also start with your friends and family.
  • Help people when they least expect it, without reason . You don’t need any reason to help others. Do it because you want to. Share the love with everyone.
  • Go dating (if you’re single).
  • Fall in love  ♥
  • Review your life.  Set a weekly review session to assess how you are doing for your goals and your life. Review your purpose once every 3-6 months too so you know you’re on the right path.
  • Overcome procrastination . Procrastination is a huge waste of your time (and your life). Get rid of it once and for all.
  • 30 minutes a day . Set aside at least 30 minutes every day to work on a quadrant 2 goal that, when you achieve it, will bring about the biggest source of fulfillment and happiness in your life
  • Get out there and  make new friends  – whether in your workplace, online, friends’ friends, social groups, etc. Read: 10 Tips To Make New Friends
  • Make deeper connections . Beyond making new friends, aim to make deeper connections out of them. Read: How To Have More Best Friends in Life
  • Be your advisor (from the future) . Imagine you’re the future you, 5 years later. How would you advise yourself? Write it down. Now, apply them. Check out Future Prediction Exercise article inPersonal Excellence Book (Volume 1), which teaches you to predict your future, then learn from it.
  • Write a letter to your future self . Actually, write 3 letters – for yourself in 1, 3 and 5 years. The longer the letters, the better. Envision how you’ll be like in the future. Make each letter a minimum 2 pages long. Now, seal them and put them in a safe place. Set it in your calendar so you’ll know to open them when it’s time. This will inspire you to work your hardest and achieve your maximum results in the time period.
  • Declutter . Start from your computer, then your table, your room, your bag/wallet, and your home. The more you throw the unwanted and old stuff away, the more room you’re creating for new things to enter.
  • Keep learning . There is something to learn from everything you see, hear and experience. This includes your mistakes and past misshaps (if any). Learn to interpret each event objectively. Focus on what you can learn from it so you can apply them moving forward.
  • Keep developing yourself . Equip yourself with a huge  breadth  of knowledge. Learn different skills, pick up different hobbies, study different fields.
  • Keep upgrading yourself.  Equip yourself with a huge  depth  of knowledge. While you can usually only level up to 99 in video games, in real life you can level up to infinity. Go for further studies if need be. Develop your skills. Level up. Build your >10,000 hours in each skill.
  • Try new things . What’s something you’d normally not do? Get out of your comfort zone try something different. It can be something simple like taking a new bus route, trying a new food item, picking up a new hobby, or something bigger like studying a different field, picking a new skill, traveling to a country you’ll never visit, etc. You set your own limits.
  • Get yourself  out there . This applies for everything. (a) Get out there  geographically . Go out, travel and explore the world. Set sail into the sea. Go backpacking by yourself and visit as many countries as possible. Get on a road trip and visit the different places that come out. (B) Get out there  situationally .  Stop sticking to routines and comfort zones. Try something different. (c) Get out there  in life .  Stop watching TV and living vicariously through the TV characters. Go and live the life of your dreams.
  • Be the absolute best in what you do . Go for the #1 position in what you do. If you want to spend your time doing something, you might as well be the best in it. Strive for the best – you don’t deserve anything lesser than that.
  • Don’t settle . In the same lines as #58, don’t settle for less. Don’t settle for someone you don’t like as your partner. Don’t settle for a job you don’t like #25). Don’t settle for friends who make you feel like a lesser person (#37). Don’t settle for a weight you are unhappy with. Go for what you really want.
  • Stretch yourself . What are you doing now? How can you achieve more? Set bigger goals. Explore your limits and break them.
  • Embrace new ideas . Don’t mentally limit yourself; Let your mind be a breeding ground for new ideas. Read: 25 Brainstorming Techniques.
  • Create your inspirational haven . Turn your room into a place you love. Do the same for your work desk. Get rid of things that make you unproductive. Surround it with things that inspire you and trigger you to action. Read more: How To Create An Inspiring Room
  • Behave as your ideal self will . All of us have an ideal vision of who we want to be. How is your ideal self like? How can you start to be that ideal self now?
  • Set your role models in life . With role models, you become much better than you can be by yourself. I personally am inspired by Tyra Banks (for her passion for helping women build their self-esteem and changing notions of beauty), Ivanka Trump (for her success, intellect and beauty), Donald Trump (for his success and drive in life), Oprah (for being who she is), Lady Gaga (for her talent and not being afraid to be different), and many more. Seeing them and what they do reminds me of what I can be and what I can do, so they drive me on to greater heights.
  • Get mentors and/or coaches.  There’s no faster way to improve than to have someone work with you on your goals. Not only will they drive you to achieve more for yourself, they’ll also share with you important advice which you can use to create even more success for yourself. Many of my clients approach me to coach them and the net result: they achieve significantly more progress and results in their life than if they had worked alone.
  • Uncover your blind spots . The more you uncover, the more you grow, the better you become.
  • Increase your consciousness . The more conscious you are, the more evolved you become.
  • Ask for feedback.  As much as we try to uncover our blind spots(#66), there will be areas we cannot identify. Asking for feedback gives us an additional perspective. Some people to approach will be friends, family, colleagues, boss, or even acquaintances, since they will have no preset bias and can give their feedback objectively. Day 17 of Be a Better Me in 30 Days Program: Get Feedback From Others is about getting feedback from others so as to uncover our blind spots.
  • Generate passive income . Create passive income streams so your income is not tied to the time you spend on your work. Of course you’ll still continue to work, but only because you want to and not because you have to.
  • Help others live their best lives . There is no better way to grow than to help others grow. Ultimately, the world is one. We are all in this together.
  • Get married / Start your family / Have kids!
  • Improve the world . There are many things in the world that need your attention and help.Poverty. Disaster recovery. Illiteracy. Children in need. Depleting rainforests. Animal rescue.Endangered species. How can you do your part?
  • Spearhead a humanitarian cause /organization you are passionate about.
  • Give more value than you receive . There is so much unspeakable joy that comes from giving. And when you keep giving, you’ll find that you actually receive a lot more in return, in spades.
  • Be big picture focus.  You can either set your eyes on the big things or get hung up by the nitty gritty details. The former will help you get a lot more out of life than the latter. Focus on the big rocks in life and put first things first (Quadrant 2 tasks). Practice the 80/20 rule – focus on the 20% things that give you the 80% fulfillment in life.
  • Be clear of your end objective . What is the end goal you seek? Is what you’re doing bringing you there? If not, put it aside. As long as you keep taking on things that meet your end goal, you’ll eventually reach there.
  • Go the 80/20 route . For every goal you have, there are different paths to achieve it. Pick out the 80/20 path, i.e. the most effective path that brings you there the fastest with least amount of effort.
  • Prioritize (80/20 actions) . As you embark on the 80/20 path for your goals, focus on the important tasks and cut out the less important ones. That means do the 20% actions that give you the 80% results.
  • Live in the moment . Are your thoughts wandering around all the time? Calm your mind down. Be present. The only time you’re ever living is in this moment. Meditation helps to remove mental clutter.
  • Relish in the little moments . Snuggling under warm covers on a rainy day. Ice cream on a hot day. A kiss with your loved one. Being with your best friend. A walk by the park. The breeze on your face. Quiet, alone time. Watching the sun rise/set. Soak in all these little moments of life. They are what make up your life.
  • Take a break . Being the best also requires you to take breaks when needed. Make sure you rest when needed. Doing so lets you walk the longer mile ahead.

Overcoming Perfectionism

  • Focus on creation . Think about what you can bring to the world, and create that.
  • Don’t criticize or judge others . Respect others for who they are.
  • The only person you can change is yourself . Stop expecting others to behave in a certain way. Rather than demand that others around you change, focus on changing yourself. You’ll be happier and live a more fulfilling life this way.
  • Embrace gratitude . Be grateful for everything you have today, and everything you will get in the future.
  • Express gratitude.  Let the people who’ve touched you know of your gratitude toward them. You’ll be surprised what a little act like this can do. If you don’t tell them, they’ll never know.
  • Let loose and have fun . Sing at the top of your lungs. Dance in the rain. Run barefoot and feel the ground underneath your feet. Release of your self-imposed shackles and be free .
  • Get into nature . Many of us live in concrete jungles. Soak in the beauty of nature.
  • You have a choice . Recognize you always have a choice in how to live your life.
  • Laugh more.  Are you reading this with a straight face? Smile and have fun.
  • Embrace change . The only thing that’s constant is change. Change means growth. Rather than resist change, learn to versatile such that you can make the best out of the changes that come. In fact, become an agent of change.
  • Be more risk-inclined . Don’t be afraid to take risks. The bigger your risks, the bigger your return.
  • Embrace mistakes . The more mistakes you make, the faster you learn. Make sure to draw lessons so you can build on them. (#53)
  • Embrace disappointments . Many people try to avoid feeling disappointed. They develop a resistant relationship with disappointment. However, disappointment is part and parcel of being human – it reflects your real passions. Don’t resist it – instead, embrace it. Understand it, then channel into it to create more in life. 
  • Challenge your fears . All of us have fears. Fear of uncertainty, fear of public speaking, fear of risk… All our fears keep us in the same position and prevent us from growing. Rather than avoid your fears, recognize they are the compass for growth. Address and overcome them.
  • Maximize your mind, body, heart and soul . Living your best life requires you to maximize yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. If you’re highly successful, very materially abundant, have a big circle of friends, very spiritually aware but you neglect your physical health, that’s not living your life to the fullest. The same for other scenarios where a part of you is blocked off. Maximize all 4 aspects of you.
  • Be your best self . Essentially all the articles here at Personal Excellence are about being your best self and achieving your highest potential. It’s only through being the best we can be that we live our life to the fullest. This is why the motto of the site is “ Be your best self, Live your best life “.
  • Love yourself . You are the person you have to live with for the rest with your life. Treasure and love yourself.
  • Love others . Be grateful for all the people around you because they help you to grow. They enrich your life experience. Without them, your life would not have been the same.
  • Last but not least: Love life . I always find living to be a fascinating experience. How we’re all on earth, with millions of species, 30,000 different life forms, over 7 billion people, and all thriving in its own way, existing, co-existing and in co-creation mode. There’s so much we don’t know out there, so much to be experienced in life, that it’s just wonderful.

101 Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest  | Personal Excellence 

Featured photo credit: Khalil Yamoun via unsplash.com

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Importance Of Principles In Life (Essay Sample) 2023

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Importance Of Principles In Life

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Life is full of many activities and influences that can either mislead a person or even shape their behavior to the best. Therefore, in order to survive this, it is important for a person to have principles so that they can guide them into making the right choices. Principles play different roles in the life of a person.

One of the main reasons as to why principles are important in life is the fact that they help an individual during the decision-making process. This happens in the event whereby the individual is in a dilemma of choosing ideas that have a close relationship. In such a case, a person can decide to choose the idea that makes more sense in life as compared to the other one. As a result, this makes it for individuals to make sound decisions without having to go through much stress. Hence, it is important for every individual to respect their principles and act according to them.

As well, principles help individuals in understanding the world around them and the reason as to why things happen the way they do. As a result, this brings about highly intelligent individuals who are able to make sound decisions. In the case of an individual who doesn’t have principles, then it would b difficult for them to understand various life issues in the current world. It is, therefore, important for every individual to set their own principles so that they can be able to understand the world. Having done so, then it means that a person can fit in the world well because they are able to differentiate between that which is good or bad.

In addition, principles help an individual to maintain good morals in everything that they do. A good example is the case of teenagers who are very prone to peer pressure from their fellow teenagers. Hence, if someone does not have principles, it will be easy for them to join bad activities being carried out by their friends such as drug trafficking and theft. Having principles would enable the teenager to realize that such activities are not very important in life and a person can live without them. Principles guide a person into doing what is good and beneficial in their life.

Principles enlighten individuals hence making them more open-minded about life as compared to people who lack principles. It is the idea of having an open mind that enables a person to handle any difficult situations that come their way. Having principles come along with an emotional intelligence which is responsible for non-standard thinking. The non-standard thinking enables a person to solve problems in a unique way that is different from the common solutions that people have been in regard to that particular problem. The end result of such thinking is that the individual ends up discovering new and beneficial things about themselves that they did not even know that they existed. Hence principles are important in life for the sake of wise thinking.

Concisely, principles are an important part of an individual’s life because they help a person discover themselves by choosing what’s good. This brings about the idea of earning respect from friends because principles help a lot in shaping the behavior of an individual. A person who has principles and can make their decisions without the influence of friends deserves to be respected and also, acts as a role model to other people. Therefore, every individual has the obligation of realizing that life is not just about doing the common things other people do but, instead, one should be principled in everything that they do.

my principles in life essay

my principles in life essay

18 Life Principles For Greater Living

Tony Fahkry

Life principles to guide you in this life.

1. Love More

Not just people or things, but yourself. Many of life’s problems result from a lack of self-love. To love more means to connect with the deeper intelligence that guides your being. You are the embodiment of love, irrespective of whether you’re hurt or betrayed. Set aside those feelings and know that you are the ocean swimming in a sea of love. Drown yourself in it.

2. Be Vigilant With Your Thoughts

Be mindful of your thoughts and don’t let them consume you. Do you think uplifting thoughts or are they filled with self-doubt and pessimism? Do you look for the silver lining in situations, or do you consider what could go wrong? Do you have a fixed or growth mindset? Despite people’s beliefs, our thoughts are not fixed. They’re shaped by being aware of them and not believing everything you think.

3. Practice Mindfulness

@colettedominique / Twenty20.com

Bring your thoughts to the forefront of your mind and resist being a victim to unconscious behaviors. Mindfulness invites you to bring your attention to what’s taking place in your life instead of reliving past events. It means connecting with the present moment instead of being a victim to the past.

4. Regular Personal Development

Immerse yourself in inspiring material that encourages you to become someone of character. If we don’t shower, brush our teeth, or exercise, we fall victim to destructive habits and pay the price in illness. People claim since they can’t see the benefits of personal development, everything is fine.

5. Attitude Is Everything

Your attitude is more important than your outlook, because it influences how you show up in life. How is a positive attitude developed? By overcoming life’s obstacles rather than retreating from them. As you approach life with courage, you overcome your fears that once crippled you.

6. Be Of Service To Others

We all have a purpose, some discover it early in life while sadly, others die with a song in their heart. You can be of service to others in the smallest way through your thoughts, words, and actions. You needn’t lend your time to charities to be of service, although it’s helpful. Give of your time and resources by enriching other people’s lives. Even sending peaceful thoughts to another person is a step in the right direction.

7. Character Is More Important Than Reputation

Your reputation can be destroyed in moments, while character takes a lifetime to build. Consider celebrities involved in scandals who squander their character and reputation. Be mindful of whom you’re becoming. Don’t forsake this for a reputation that lasts a fraction of the time to build good character.

8. Let Go Of Worry, Fear, And Anxiety

Have you noticed that what you worry about rarely happens? We’re notorious for fabricating stories to protect us in case such events transpire. Yet if we continue down this path, we will attract these circumstances because of the energy devoted to it. Replace negativity with enriching thoughts that bring you closer to the life you wish to live.

9. Make Peace With The Past

To avoid excess baggage in the future, we need to heal the past. You’ve heard it said that the past is a figment of your imagination and no longer exists. Reliving the past derails a bright future because your mind is stuck dwelling on something no longer relevant.

10. Happiness Comes From Within

The biggest fraud sold to mankind is that happiness is attained via success, fame, wealth, or a suitable partner. Yet one need only look to people who have these things and are still unfulfilled, sometimes depressed. If you’re unhappy and gain wealth, you’ll continue to be unhappy because having more of these things amplifies what is lacking.

11. Surround Yourself With Great People

Especially those who bring out the best in you. If we lack self-esteem, we attract like-minded people. They are likely to notice the disowned parts within us we disapprove of. The other person will then reflect this through their interaction with us and we retaliate to prove them wrong. Surround yourself with people who see your greater qualities and don’t take you for granted.

12. Be Here And Now

Stop worrying about the future until it arrives. We worry about circumstances and miss out on the aliveness of the present moment. The future never arrives as we expect, so it’s pointless to worry about something that exists as thoughts. It’s wise to have goals, dreams, and ambitions. Yet if we’re not aligned with the motivation to accomplish these things, when they arrive it will not be as we expect. This is how a midlife crisis ensues because our vision of the future does not match reality.

13. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude means to appreciate what you have in your life instead of what is lacking. We can focus on the negative or positive, and either way we’re right. One brings unfavorable circumstances, while the other carries positive aspects. Be grateful for the smallest things because somewhere, someone is longing for what you take for granted.

14. Forgive Yourself And Others

Forgiveness is a doorway to heal the past. Many people forgive others, yet they’re unable to forgive themselves. I invite you to start with yourself first. Forgive yourself completely and open the window for love to heal. Remember, forgiveness does not mean to forget; it means to see the past in a new light.

15. Practice Acceptance And Detachment

Acceptance means not resisting what’s taking place in your life. Irrespective whether it’s an unfortunate situation, it can pave the way for something wonderful to transpire. Detachment means to distance ourselves from a desired outcome and allow circumstances to play out until the complete picture has emerged. Only then do we realize everything that takes place unfolds as it should, for our greater purpose.

16. Honor Your Feelings

Medical doctors now realize the harmful effects of toxic emotions which can lead to illness. Perhaps you were told not to express your emotions, apparent in cultures where it’s viewed as a sign of weakness. To connect with your emotions invites you to honor your feelings and express them in a healthy way. This doesn’t mean acting on your feelings of anger. Rather, investigate what the anger is seeking to represent.

17. Discover And Live Your Purpose

People who live their purpose lead healthier and robust lives. They’re happy pursuing that which makes their spirit come alive. There’s a purpose within you waiting to reveal itself. Dependent on your age, you may have realized it or are still discovering it. The key is to experiment until you find a purpose that resonates with you. Your purpose will bring joy to your life and those you serve.

18. Be Kind To Everyone You Meet

Read more Wellness .

About the author

my principles in life essay

Tony Fahkry

Self-empowerment author, expert speaker and coach.

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my principles in life essay

101 Life Principles To Live By Daily

  • by Celes     |    
  • Self-Improvement

Life Principles

Do you have a personal manual of life principles to live by? What adages do you use to guide you in your everyday living?

Today, I’d like to share a list of 101 important life principles to live by in life. This list is a compilation of important life lessons I’ve learned at one point or another and it pertains to different areas of life from dealing with people, to our emotions, to life’s challenges, to achieving success, to handling failure. I’d say that this list is like a cheat sheet to many of the articles at Personal Excellence, because it embodies many of the principles and virtues I write about here.

Even though this list has 101 points, don’t overwhelm yourself by reading and applying all the points right away. These principles are meant to be read and reflected on over time, as opposed to being a checklist that you tick off. As you read each point, think about the truth behind this principle, how it applies to your life, and the actions you should take in accordance to this principle.

For example, with the first principle “ Ability is more of a function of the time you spend honing your craft, rather than a result of what you were born with,” think about the skills that are important in your work and life. Next, identify ways you can hone them. Then, commit to these steps with a deadline and act on them. :)

Another example: with the second principle on “ Abundance ,” think about whether you tend to act with a scarcity or an abundance mindset. Do you always fear that you can’t succeed, or that people are going to rip you off, or that you won’t get enough of something? This is a scarcity, fear-based mindset. How can you switch to an abundance mindset, which is a mindset that helps you focus on opportunities, love, and abundance, such that you can then create such an outcome for yourself?

I now present to you 101 life principles, written by yours truly:

10,000 Hours

  • Abundance : We live in a world of abundance. There are unlimited wealth and unlimited opportunities for everyone. So don’t worry about whether you can succeed in something and focus on how to succeed in it.
  • Action : is a necessary part of success.
  • “And”, not “Or” : It’s not about choosing Option A or Option B. It’s about Option C – an option you create which has everything you want, and more.
  • Anger : is the most volatile form of emotion you can ever burden yourself with. Every bit of anger you hold on to damages your soul. Whenever you feel angry, remember that the person you are hurting is yourself.
  • Annoyances : Everything that annoys you mirrors something inside you. Rather than look outward for the solution, look inside to understand where that annoyance is coming from. Read: Day 22: Mirror an Annoyance,  Be a Better Me in 30 Days

Girl Leaning on Tree

  • Awareness : is the first step to the resolution of any problem.
  • Beauty : Physical beauty is great but it doesn’t last. Inner beauty, on the other hand, stands the test of time. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t improve our physical beauty – we should focus on being beautiful, both on the inside and out.
  • Beauty, #2 : There is no one standard of beauty. Beauty comes in all shapes, all sizes, all forms, all colors. You are beautiful as you are. Stop trying to conform to the image of beauty constructed by the society and embrace the beauty that is you.
  • Being yourself : It is better to be a first rate version of yourself than a second rate version of someone else. ( Judy Garland )
  • Beliefs : Your beliefs affect your life more than you think they do. If you want to have the best life experience you can ever have, switch out your disempowering beliefs with empowering ones.
  • Beliefs, #2 : Half the things you say are usually more to do with your internal beliefs and issues than to do with other people.
  • Blame : Whenever you point a finger at someone else, there are three fingers pointing back at you.

Stacked coins

  • Change : Just because you have realized something doesn’t mean the world around you will change right away. It takes time for your thoughts to ripple out and effect the reality because the physical world is denser than the spiritual one. So don’t be hung up with what’s on the outside but stay true to what’s inside you. Be focused. (Refer to #33: Focus)
  • Change that lasts : It’s better to create sustainable change than change that is quick but does not last. Stop going for the easy way out. Learn how to create lasting change instead.
  • Changing people : You can’t change other people. You can only change yourself.
  • Comparing : There is no need to compare because everyone is different. Your goal is not to be like others but to be yourself. Stop comparing with others and focus on being yourself instead. (See #11)
  • Competition : The only competition you have is yourself.
  • Conditional things : Something that is conditional can never stand the test of time. For example, if your partner wants to be with you  only  if you do X, Y and Z, whereby X, Y and Z are not things that you believe in. Or say, if a parent will only love his child if he aces his exams. These are relationships rooted in fear and not what you want to be a part of.

Confidence and Personal Power

  • Criticism : helps you to become better. Rather than reject it, celebrate it. Read:  How To Give Constructive Criticism: 6 Helpful Tips
  • Criticism, #2 : Receiving criticism means what you are doing is worthwhile enough for people to critique on. One will not criticize unless he/she feels he/she has a stake in it. The more criticism you get, the better, because that means you are doing something of real value and worth.
  • Cynics, Skeptics, and Pessimists : are not worth arguing with. They are negative time bombs waiting to go off. You will only end up (more) bitter, damaged, and upset at the end of the exchange. Read:  How To Deal With Energy Vampires: 8 Simple Tips  |  Manifesto version
  • Death : is part and parcel of life. With every death comes a new birth; with every birth comes an eventual death. Don’t mourn the dead. Celebrate the fact that they lived.
  • Death, #2 : There is nothing to fear about death for it happens to everyone. Rather than fear death, focus on living your best life instead. Read:  Do You Dread Growing Older?
  • Doing everything alone : You can’t accomplish everything by yourself. Even if you do, you can never accomplish as much as compared to if you had the help of others. Involve others in your goals. Delegate, outsource, and hire where applicable. Ask for help when you need to.
  • Escaping : has never solved any problem for anyone. The moment you decide to face your problems is the moment you gain power over your life. (See #78)
  • Failure : is a necessary part of success. Every great success is almost always preceded by a great failure. It’s more important that you learn from your failure(s) and harness the lesson(s) so you can achieve your next success. Read:  How To Start When You Have Nothing

Fearful girl

  • Fear, #2 : No matter how much fear you have, your fear can be conquered with love. (By love, I’m referring to universal love, not specifically romantic love.)
  • Focus : is what happens when you stop letting yourself get distracted by the unimportant things.
  • Force : You can’t force things to happen if they are not meant to be. There is a time and place for everything. You can only do what you can and let the universe take care of the rest.
  • Forgiveness : isn’t about forgiving other people. It’s really about forgiving yourself. To quote Lewis Smedes, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” Read: Day 25: Forgive Someone,  Be a Better Me in 30 Days
  • Friendships : A friendship is a bond between two like-minded souls. If there are friends you no longer feel an affinity for, perhaps it’s time to let the friendships go and work on building new friendships. Read: Why I Parted Ways With My Best Friend of 10 Years  and  How to Have More Best Friends: My Heartfelt Guide

Broken egg

  • Fulfillment : You create a more fulfilling life by giving attention to the good things, not the bad things; by celebrating the good stuff, not whining about the bad stuff; by working on things that you love, not doing the things that you hate.
  • Future : You can’t control the future, but you can affect the present moment. If you want to have a better future, create it.
  • Generosity : Being generous doesn’t deprive you. When you are generous to others, you subsequently receive more into your life. Read:  Are You Emotionally Generous?
  • Giving and Receiving : Rather than think about what you can receive (whether from people or from the universe), think about what you can give to others.
  • Growth : Always challenge yourself to reach greater heights. There is always room to be better, regardless of who you are or what you have done. Be attached to the notion of growth, not an end state.
  • Habits : Your habits make you who you are. Excellent habits give you an excellent life. Read:  Develop a Good Habit in 21 Days

Girl smiling with a seashell

  • Haste : Sometimes, more haste leads to less speed. Being in a hurry can lead to more mistakes compared to if you were not.
  • Humility : will earn you more respect, acknowledgment and recognition than arrogance ever will. There’s no need to be a show off. If you are really good at what you do, it will automatically show through your accomplishments.
  • Ideals : are good but don’t let them stop you from living in the present. They are meant to inspire you and give you a direction to move towards so that you can maximize your present moment (not to take you away from living in it).
  • Improving :  If you think you can’t improve any further in something, then you are just not aware of your areas for improvement.
  • Individuality : Everyone is different. Accept that each and every person is unique. Stop imposing expectations on people.
  • Inspiration : comes from being in the state of flow. If you’re not feeling inspired, you’re not in a state of flow.
  • Intuition : When in doubt, follow your intuition. It will guide you to where you need to be.
  • Intuition and Logic : Contrary to popular belief, intuition and logic are not at odds with each other – they go hand-in-hand. Hone your analytical mind through constant thinking. Cultivate your intuition by listening to your gut. They will be the biggest tools you have at your disposal.
  • Jealousy : is what happens when you resent someone’s success. But you don’t have to, because you are capable of achieving that same level of success, and more.
  • Judgment : Judging people doesn’t make you a better person. It only makes you an ugly one.
  • Laughter : Perhaps a little cliche, but laughter is one of the best medicines for the soul. When’s the last time you had a good laugh? If you haven’t been laughing/smiling/grinning for a while, maybe you have been too stifled in your life. Go do something that makes you loosen up and laugh out loud.
  • Let go : Sometimes you have to let go of what you have now in order to move forward. Check out Day 28: Letting Go from Live a Better Life in 30 Days .

Girl alone in field

  • Life : is an experience that you actively create, not something you wait around to “happen”.
  • Limits : The only limit in life is yourself. No one’s stopping you from becoming better and achieving more except yourself. To reach greater heights, identify your limits and remove them accordingly.
  • Love : isn’t something you deliberately seek out. It’s something that happens when you follow your life path, become the right person, and meet that right person along your life’s journey.


  • Low consciousness people , #2 : Low consciousness people hold you back from reaching greater heights. These include energy vampires, critical people, dishonest characters, and people with temperament issues. Let them go from your life and send them love as you do that.
  • Material objects : are just tools to help you enjoy your life. You do not carry them with you when you die. So, don’t invest yourself in them. Rather, invest yourself in the development of your consciousness. Read:  Materialism Breeds Unhappiness

Meaning of Life

  • Mistakes : are there to help you learn more about yourself. Don’t be hung up about the mistakes you make. Don’t be afraid of making (more) mistakes either. Be hungry about the lessons they embody.
  • Money : is a symbol of value exchange between people. The amount of money you earn is simply a representation of the value you are giving to others. To earn more money, simply create more value for others.
  • Motivation : comes naturally when you do what you love.
  • Nasty people : There is always something good in everyone – even in the nastiest of people. It’s up to you to recognize that.
  • Nasty people, #2 : The nastiest of people are also the unhappiest of people. Be kind to them because they are the ones who need your love the most.
  • Obstacles : The obstacles that lie between you and your goals are not there to stop you from reaching your goals. They are there to stop the people who don’t want them enough. (Original quote by Randy Pausch. Watch his commencement speech at Carnegie Mellon:  10 Powerful and Inspiring Graduation Speeches  (#3 on the list))
  • Opportunities : don’t come knocking on your door just by virtue of you doing nothing. You can either passively wait for opportunities to fall onto your lap or actively create them yourself.

Fear of loss

  • Past : You can’t change the past; it has happened and it is what it is. Fixating on it isn’t going to get you anywhere. You can only change the present to create a better future.
  • People you dislike : Your life is limited, so spend it around people you like.
  • Pleasing other people : When you live a life trying to please others, you end up not living a life at all. You are just living others’ lives under the facade of your life.
  • Positivity : If you want to have more positivity in your life, start by being more positive yourself. Spot the silver lining behind every dark cloud. Recognize the strengths of the people you are with. See the good side of everything you have.
  • Possibilities : We live in a world of possibilities. Anything you have ever dreamed of, imagined, or wished for, is possible, as long as you set your heart and soul to it.
  • Power : You have all the power in you to do everything you ever want, and more. So start doing what you want and let the power in you emerge.
  • Procrastination : is a sign of a bigger issue. Stop trying to fix your procrastination as a problem and start thinking about why you are procrastinating in the first place. Read:  How To Overcome Procrastination  (5-part series)
  • Progress : Celebrate how far you’ve come, and not how much you have yet to achieve. The former will empower you to greatness, while the latter is rooted in fear and only serves to hold you back from greatness.
  • Priorities : Know what matters to you and work on them. These are the things that will bring you the greatest happiness in life. Read:  Put First Things First
  • Lead by example : If you want to initiate change, lead by example. Words can only do so much. A living example shows everything.
  • Reality : Just like how the kind of fruit a tree bears is a result of the seed it is sown from, your external reality is merely a reflection of your internal beliefs. Change your beliefs and your reality will follow suit. (See #12)

Inspirational Quote: “There is no sense in crying over spilt milk. Why bewail what is done and cannot be recalled?” — Sophocles

  • Relationships : A relationship is a bond between two dynamic individuals. It should be actively created between the parties involved, and not something you base off of norms and other relationships. Don’t impose expectations on your relationships; nurture them and let them come into their own. Read:  How To Improve Your Relationship With Your Parents  (series)
  • Resistance : The more you resist something, the more it will persist.
  • Respect : Everyone, no matter who, deserves respect. If you want others to respect you, it’s important you respect them first.

CEO - Chief Executive Officer

  • Results : The results you get in life are a function of the actions you take. The more actions you take, the more results you will see.
  • Root cause : Behind every occurrence is a root cause. Dig for the root cause and address that. Read:  Create Real Change In Life: Address Root Cause vs. Effects
  • Seeking love : If you are desperately seeking love, perhaps there’s something inside you that’s blocking you from seeing it. Because love is everywhere, around you, and in you. There’s no need to seek love so much as you just need to be aware of its presence . You are the product of love. You are the biggest source of love. You live in a world of love. Read:  8 Tips on Attracting Authentic Love Into Your Life
  • Settling : Settling is for losers. Don’t ever, ever, settle for something less than your ideal. Your ideal is yours to have. Fight for it.
  • Spite : When you try to spite other people, you are really just hurting yourself. The people you are trying to spite may not care. In fact, they may not even know how hung up you are over them. All you are doing is just acting out a self-created story and script in your mind.
  • Success : Success is the result of being great at what you do. Being great at what you do is the result of hard work. Hard work is the result of determination, persistence, and relentless focus.
  • Success, #2 : There is no such thing as an overnight success. Every success you see, even if it seemingly quick, is the result of long periods of hard work that took place long before the point of success.

Clock — Leaving things to last minute

  • Truth : It is always better to tell the truth because you stay clean that way. When you tell a lie, you live a lie forever. Not only that, you almost always have to cover it up with new lies. It is a cycle that never ends.
  • Unhappiness : 100% of the unhappiness you experience in your life is a product of your thoughts. If you want to be happy, then make a conscious choice to be happy (see #44). Read:  10 Surefire Ways To Be Unhappy
  • Vengeance : is an act of force/fear that doesn’t solve the problem. Look at the history of mankind and the wars that were waged. Go with the path of love, not fear/vengeance/force.
  • What’s meant to be : If something is meant to be, it will happen (provided you do your part in making it happen). The more tightly you try to grab on to something, the more it will slip away. It’s just like trying to grab sand – it slips through the cracks of your fingers regardless how tightly you grab it.
  • Yourself : Don’t do things for others; do them for yourself.

What principles above resonate with you? What can you start applying today?

This is part of the Inspiration & Motivation series. Check out the other articles in the series:

  • 10 Powerful Graduation Speeches You Don’t Want To Miss
  • 13 Meaningful Movies With Life Lessons To Learn
  • 20 Amazing Commercials To Inspire the Greatness in You
  • 56 Most Inspirational Songs of All Time
  • 15 Beautiful Inspirational Wallpapers For Your Desktop
  • 15 More Beautiful Wallpapers With Positive Affirmations
  • 101 Inspiring Quotes of All Time
  • 101 Things To Do Before You Die
  • 101 Ways To Be a Better Person
  • 101 Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest
  • 101 Important Questions To Ask Yourself in Life
  • 101 Life Principles to Live By Daily

(Images: Sunrise , 10,000 Hours ,  Girl leaning on tree , Stacked coins , Confidence ,  Fearful girl , Broken egg ,  Girl with seashell ,  Meditation ,  Blue sky ,  Man walking ,  Spilt milk , Clock ,  CEO ,  Watch )

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  • How To Stop Procrastinating
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  • How To Stay Focused & Not Get Distracted
  • 101 Ways To Live Your Best Life
  • 101 Questions To Ask Yourself

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principles to live by

20 Principles You Should Live By To Guarantee You Get Everything You Want In Life!

Once you master these principles… you’ll never be the same.

20 Principles You Should Live By If You Want An Amazing, Successful Life – Motivational Speech

Download or Stream the speech now, on iTunes , Spotify , Apple Music ,  GooglePlay , AmazonMP3 or MP3 Download Anywhere In The World 20 Principles You Should Live By If You Want An Amazing, Successful Life – Motivational Speech – Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright:  Fearless Motivation Speakers: Josiah Ruff Music “PRINCIPLE – Sounds of Power 8” © Fearless Motivation, composed by Patrick Rundblad

Transcript – 20 Principles You Should Live By If You Want An Amazing, Successful Life – Motivational Speech |  Fearless Motivation

Success is no accident. Living a GREAT life will not come by luck or chance. 

It won’t fall from the sky. There’s no magic wand. There’s no quick fix.

The good news is, there are principles that lead to success. If you commit to doing the things successful people do, you will lead a life of success and happiness.

 Live by these 20 principles, and you will ensure you live a GREAT life!

NUMBER 1. There’s Nothing You Can’t Have Or Achieve In Life… If You’re Willing To Work For It.

There are no reasonable limits relating to what you can achieve, other than those that exist in your own mind.

 What you can have is up to YOU.
 Who you can be… is up to YOU.

 YOU are your only limit.

 No one else can stop you from having anything or being anyone you decide to be.

 Don’t let any unsuccessful person convince you otherwise.


NUMBER 2. Take Responsibility For Your Life and You Will Take Control Of Your Life.

Take responsibility for where you are in life, and accept the challenge required to get where you want to be.

Successful people don’t make excuses or blame others, they just focus on what they CAN DO.

 As Florence Nightingale once said:

“I attribute my success to this: I never GAVE nor took any excuse.”

Those who succeed in this world aren’t those who have escaped hardship. 

EVERY ONE of us carries our own baggage through life. Some let go of it, and push forward without the weight of EXCUSES on their back.

 Holding on to that weight of excuses is only ever going to slow you down, and hold you back from reaching your true potential.

 Let it go. Accept where you are AND DECIDE where you’re going to be.

principles to live by

NUMBER 3. There’s Always Something To Be Grateful For.

Grateful people are successful people. It’s been said many times , but it is worth repeating until it sinks in… When you are GRATEFUL for everything you do have in your life YOUR LIFE IS BETTER!

 Full stop.

Spending every morning thinking about, and writing down what you are grateful for will transform your life. 

The very act of doing this will lead to a better mood. A better mood will lead to better relationships, clearer mind, better results, and you will then attract MORE to be grateful for.

NUMBER 4. Follow Your OWN Path.

The world is full of opinions , none of them should influence where YOU want to be in life.

 Focus on your own path , and walk that path, regardless of others opinions.

 You’ll never be successful in life unless you are living the life YOU WANT TO LIVE.

 Don’t wear masks to fit in to this world. Be brave enough to stand tall and WALK in the direction you really want. 
Be true to you.

principles to live by

NUMBER 5. Never Stop Learning and Working On Yourself.

The key to a great life is GROWTH that comes from self development .

 The PRIDE that comes from that GROWTH.

 The inner joy that comes from that PRIDE, knowing you are self made. 

Knowing you made a great life, for yourself, and set the example for all those close to you.

 Feed your mind every day, always rising to a new level of consciousness, always seeking growth.

“The more you LEARN the more you will EARN” – Warren Buffett

The more you GROW the more you KNOW.
 The more you develop your SELF… 
The greater your true wealth.

NUMBER 6. Live With Integrity!

Zig Ziglar put it best:

“With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.”

Living a life of integrity is living a life of TRUTH. And when you are living a life of truth, there’s nothing to hide.

 When there’s nothing to hide, there’s nothing but pride.

 You do the right thing, even when no one is watching, not because you’re getting rewarded, but because the reward is living a life of integrity.

principles to live by

NUMBER 7. Give Your All!

Nothing GREAT in life comes to those who give less than their EVERYTHING. 

Success doesn’t have to be a STRUGGLE. It should never feel like a chore.

 You should be in a place where you are ENTHUSIASTIC about giving your all, because you love what you do .

 Because you love the challenge.
 Because you love the growth.
 Because you love thinking about the end result.

 NUMBER 8. You Can Change The Way You Feel At Any Moment By Changing Your Focus.

Any emotion, no matter how extreme can be changed, by learning how to change your focus, specifically to gratitude and perspective.

 If your life doesn’t feel like a blessing, LEARN how to shift your focus – every day to the place where it does.

NUMBER 9. Don’t Chase Money… Follow Your Purpose.

Do nothing for the SOLE PURPOSE of money. 

Do what is right, do what you love, do something that helps others and more than enough money will come.

 Chase the money and the money will run faster. Chase your purpose and the money will chase you.

NUMBER 10. There’s No Such Thing As Failure, Unless You Fail To Learn The Lesson.

Everyone fails at something, somewhere along the way. Successful people fail more than most… But the ONLY TRUE FAILURE is to give up without learning the lesson the failure brought .

 Failure is never the end of the story. It’s just a plot twist. Keep writing your story, and find a way to become the hero of it.

NUMBER 11. The End Result Will Be Worth The Sacrifice.

Unsuccessful people think about what they have to give up in order to achieve what they want… 

Successful people think about what they are going to get at the end of the process.

 They are happy to sacrifice NOW , knowing they will be rewarded LATER.

NUMBER 12. Patience Is Power.

This doesn’t mean sit on your hands… Work hard. Work fast. Work smart. But, If it doesn’t come when you expect it to come… Be patient. The only way it is not coming is if you quit. KEEP GOING.

principles to live by

NUMBER 13. Nothing Worthwhile In Life Comes EASY.

If you want it bad, you must be prepared to work for it, to fight for it, to give up everything for it.

 If it’s worth the prize, it’s worth the fight.

NUMBER 14. Nothing That Has Happened In Your Past Can Stop You From Creating A Better FUTURE, Starting RIGHT NOW.

Let go of the past, it’s gone.
 FOCUS on the now. What can you do NOW that will create a better tomorrow?


It’s never too late to amaze yourself, to shock yourself, to become someone NO ONE thought you could be , not even YOU.

 NUMBER 16. Not Everyone Will Be Happy For You.

Not everyone is going to enjoy your success. 

Some will be jealous, some will be resentful… because they haven’t reached their own true potential. This should never stop you from pursuing your greatest self. Those who truly belong in your life, will be by your side on the journey. 

If you have to walk alone for a while be strong enough to do so, knowing it won’t be forever.

NUMBER 17. Habits Make Or Break You.

Think about every major area of your life. Health, Financial, Happiness. Are there any areas you have developed bad habits that are holding you back? If you have developed them, you can create new, better habits that take you closer to your goals.

 A habit is formed through consistent application and deep meaning. MAKE IT IMPORTANT to you and plan it, until it is a habit.

NUMBER 18. FEAR Is An Illusion.

FEAR is mind-made. It has no life outside your own imagination. Knowing this, you have no reason to hold yourself back, no reason to fear failure, rejection, embarrassment – ANYTHING. 
Go for want you want in life, FEARLESSLY.

NUMBER 19. Without Direction, You’ll End Up In The Wrong Section.

If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.
 Successful people know where they are going. They have CLEAR GOALS. BIG, CLEAR, MEANINGFUL GOALS and they FIGHT FOR THEM.

NUMBER 20. No One Will Believe In You, Until YOU DO.

If you want people to support you, lead by example: BACK YOURSELF . 

If you want people to believe in you: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

Lacking belief?
 Feed your mind, every day with self development material, new knowledge, empowering speakers AND start taking action – once you start making PROGRESS, belief will come. Belief will grow.

Back yourself, you can do this.

principles to live by

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15 Responses

' src=

I like #3 – being grateful. Just appreciating what life has to offer is so important, even the little things.

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your so right! haha

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This is excellent

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You are something extraordinary and you are many of people like me extraordinary .Hats off!!!

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Very thoughtful. Keep going higher.

' src=

Great stuff. Most people take decades to absorb these wisdom on their own. I am greatful to have found Fearless Motivation.

' src=

AWESOME!! A very powerful road map to a better life !

' src=

I so love each one of them, great stuff!

' src=

Yes ma’am! Follow my socials for more!! <3

' src=

Just what I needed, thanks! FEAR is the killer, glad you covered it.

' src=

It was worthy sharing

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There is so much in your speach, which makes you move on with positive enthusiasm. I need your thoughts of the day in my facebook. God bless you

' src=

Wow this is amazing, powerful

' src=

The part that not everyone will be happy with your success is very accurate. Most people do not have the courage to chase their dreams, so they become bitter towards those who do

' src=

Thanks Fearless soul has lighten up my candle ️

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"Personal and Ethical Principles in Life and Learning." StudyMoose, Jan 10, 2017. Accessed September 11, 2024. https://studymoose.com/principles-of-life-essay

"Personal and Ethical Principles in Life and Learning," StudyMoose , 10-Jan-2017. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/principles-of-life-essay. [Accessed: 11-Sep-2024]

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The Most Meaningful Experience in My Life

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Published: Sep 5, 2023

Words: 733 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The journey begins, lessons in resilience, cultural immersion and empathy, reflection and self-discovery, continued impact.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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my principles in life essay

Crowe Associates

Committed to people development, seven principles of a happy life.

“I found myself in a dark wood, for the straight way was lost. Ah, how hard it is to tell what that wood was; wild, rugged, harsh. The very thought of it renews the fear!”  (Dante)

I have been reading a lot, and have come across some marvellous books on positive living and the spiritual life. There seems to be lots of “7”s in these ideas, both in literatures and business; the seven whispers of wisdom, the seven spiritual laws of success, the seven habits of highly effective people, and so on (not to mention the seven dwarfs, the seven deadly sins and 7up.)

So, what better time to create my own seven laws for a happy life, to dispel the despondency of age!

1.    Live in the moment

It’s a difficult one to get hold of and maintain, but important to try and keep an element of wider perception. William Blake said  “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thru’ narrow chinks of his cavern.”  Part of learning to live in the moment I think is also around creating space to reflect and meditate, and increasingly I am trying to find this; I haven’t got to the two 1 hour slots in every day that some of the teachings suggest, but work in progress!

2.    Keeping positive and “oiling” coping mechanisms for when life goes wrong

I have written some on this in the self esteem article, and believe that being positive and confident is a gift. Some people have it like a naturally occurring spring; others have to work harder to generate it. However, we all struggle with its loss from time to time, and need to create coping mechanisms to get it back, if its gets lost through life’s periodic travails and mishaps. I call this the “bounce back”, and it’s worth knowing and understanding what you need to do when these things happen to sail into calm and sunny waters again…(see article below)

3.    Nurture family and friends

We have all probably heard variations on this cliché, but good friends who will stick by you in a crisis, and understand what true reciprocation means, are worth their weight in gold.

4.    Stay fit and healthy

I have written about the benefits of exercise in one of the blogs, and somehow have re-gained the habit in the last few months, having lost it since my twenties and thirties, when I did lots of football, squash and tennis.  I think I have by now integrated this as part of the furniture in my life, along with brushing teeth and having a shower. All the aches and pains that were starting to emerge have not entirely gone away, but much less prevalent. This cannot just be down to glucosamine!

5.    Do what you enjoy (mostly) and have a passion for

Statement of the obvious? Perhaps, but some people grow up being told that things they hate doing are good for them, and “character building”. Whilst being grateful for being pushed through Mathematics to O level standard, I struggle to grasp the ongoing needs of knowing about logarithms, how to use a protractor, and tangents and cosines.

There is also something about integrity in this principle; being true to yourself, and recognising that your strengths are the things that you will do well.

6.    Be there for others

Whether we believe in the concept of altruism or not, its good to be there for others, on both practical and emotional levels, as it’s at the root of intimacy, and the biggest single strength of being human.

Deepak Chopra says “every relationship is one of give and take. Giving engenders receiving, and receiving engenders giving. What goes up must come down; what goes out must come back”     

7.    Always keep developing

A personal passion and a lifetime’s work in my view. Some people I come across in my work and socially have “calcified” and become seemingly stuck, and set in their ways. I do think fate or whatever it is, opens up opportunities and ideas for us every day, if we choose to see them. Stephen Covey calls is “sharpening the saw”. Just as a motor car or any other sophisticated tool needs regular care and maintenance, so too do the human body & mind.

I include spirituality in this also. Not necessarily religion, but a sense of a wider context than the small canvas that we live our lives on. For some, this is the power of nature and landscape, for others it’s a life of giving and support.

“Every relationship is one of give and take. Giving engenders receiving, and receiving engenders giving. What goes up must come down; what goes out must come back”  Deepak Chopra

Ideas for further reading

  • The seven spiritual laws of success: Deepak Chopra
  • Seven whispers; listening to the voice of the spirit; Christine Baldwin

How My Smartphone Disrupted My Life: 8 Issues I've Fixed


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  • It Disrupted My Sleep Cycle
  • It Reduced My Face-to-Face Interactions
  • My Productivity Declined
  • My Anxiety Levels Increased
  • Neck Strain, Eye Fatigue, and Other Issues
  • It Led Me to Unintentionally Spend More Money
  • My Privacy Remained at Its Mercy
  • It Turned Me Into a Social Media Addict

My smartphone was once a helpful tool for connecting with friends and family. Over time, it became a source of disruption in my life. Below, I'll discuss how my smartphone slowly took over my life and the steps I took to reclaim control.

1 It Disrupted My Sleep Cycle

A man using a smartphone in bed

My phone took away the luxury of a good night's sleep. I used to continuously check notifications, text, and scroll through social media late into the night, pushing my bedtime later and later. The blue light from my phone disrupted the production of melatonin , the hormone that regulates sleep cycles.

Overexposure to stimulating content made it difficult for me to quiet my mind, and I often woke up in the middle of the night to check notifications.

To combat this, I set a digital curfew for myself. I place my phone in a different room or far from my bed to resist the urge to check it constantly. I also use dark mode, which helps minimize the impact on melatonin production. These changes have helped me get the restful sleep I desperately needed.

2 It Reduced My Face-to-Face Interactions

A man using his phone in front of his friends while eating

While messaging apps and social media have connected people , they have also reduced face-to-face interactions. Whether I'm at a family dinner, social gathering, or casual meet-up with friends, our phones often pull our attention to the screen rather than the conversation happening around us.

I used to find myself physically present but mentally elsewhere, a habit that my friends and family often complained about. This strained my relationships with some people I care about. I now try to keep my phone in my pocket when meeting others. I even ask everyone to turn on silent mode, put their phones aside, and take a break from the screens.

3 My Productivity Declined

A man getting distracted at work by his phone

You can't be productive at work if your phone is always within reach—a lesson I learned the hard way. What used to begin as a quick phone check often turned into half an hour of mindless scrolling. This severely impacted my productivity. A single notification sound disrupted my focus and prompted me to check messages.

The urge to reply immediately used to break my concentration, pushing important tasks aside. Even after returning to work, I remained preoccupied with the interaction.

However, now, I keep my phone out of reach when working and use app blockers to prevent social media distractions and mute notifications. I also use time-tracking apps to schedule short breaks when I allow myself to check my phone. These changes have gradually helped me reclaim the productivity I was losing.

4 My Anxiety Levels Increased

A man stressing out while sitting on a couch with a document in front of him

Whether it was unsettling news, online arguments, or sensitive content, I used to dwell on it for hours, making it evident that my smartphone was worsening my anxiety.

Despite my efforts, I failed to stop comparing myself to others. I constantly worried about the number of likes on my posts and obsessed over how many people responded to my status updates. Every time I heard a notification, I used to check my phone and kept staring at the screen, which only worsened my mental health.

To manage my anxiety, I now take breaks from social media, track my screen time to identify the most time-consuming apps, and keep my notifications silent. Now, I check my phone only once every hour or two and leave it behind when I go outside. These changes have significantly reduced my anxiety.

5 Neck Strain, Eye Fatigue, and Other Issues

In addition to affecting my mental health, excessive smartphone use also took a toll on my physical well-being. Constantly looking down at my phone and using it while lying down put a lot of strain on my neck and spine. That used to cause severe discomfort, stiffness, and even chronic pain over time.

Staring at the screen for too long, especially with the blue light emitted by the device, weakened my eyesight and often gave me headaches. I also used to experience hand and wrist pain from holding and typing on my phone for extended periods. As things worsened, I took steps to manage these issues.

I limited my screen time for apps that kept me glued to my phone and set time limits to lock myself out after a certain period. Now, I always use the Eye Comfort feature to reduce blue light exposure. I also maintain proper posture when using my phone and avoid excessive typing. These changes have helped me manage smartphone overuse.

6 It Led Me to Unintentionally Spend More Money

A woman shopping online using an iPhone

My phone also became a drain on my wallet. Since my credit card information was saved on my phone, I used to make impulsive purchases. Constant notifications from shopping apps led me to spend on items I didn't need. I frequently gave in to the urge to seize a deal in video games.

I also used to start trials of premium app subscriptions and forgot to cancel them, leading to unintended charges. It took me a while to realize that one-click purchases were causing me to exceed my budget.

To curb my poor spending habits , I removed my credit card information from my phone, disabled one-click purchases, and uninstalled shopping apps. I also unsubscribed from unnecessary services and started using expense-tracking apps to monitor my monthly spending.

7 My Privacy Remained at Its Mercy

switchbot pan tilt cam plus in privacy mode

The more attached I became to my smartphone, the more my privacy was at risk. Many apps we frequently use require access to personal information during installation. While some permissions like location data, contacts, and browsing history could be managed to an extent, there's still information that apps and services track without our consent.

Some platforms even sell this data to questionable parties. So, every time I downloaded a new app, it used to feel like I was giving another company a chance to invade my privacy.

While I can't fully ensure my activity is private, I now take steps to protect it as much as possible. I thoroughly review privacy policies before installing new apps, stick to apps from official sources, and avoid third-party platforms. I don't accept data-sharing agreements, use temporary email addresses for account creation, and always keep my VPN on.

8 It Turned Me Into a Social Media Addict

A person holding a phone accessing an Instagram broadcast channel with the Instagram logo in the background.

Social media addiction was the worst thing that happened ever since I started using smartphones. With most social media apps just a tap away, hardly a day went by when I didn't use them. A single notification from these apps was enough to pull me into mindless scrolling for hours. I used to post everything I did on social media to share with my friends.

Similarly, I always wanted to stay updated on what all of my friends were doing. This habit consumed a significant portion of my day. This also fostered an unhealthy tendency to compare myself to others, affected my mental health, made my life more open to my friends, and exposed me to countless other harmful effects associated with social media .

I now use the built-in time tracking tools on my phone and social media apps to manage my usage, and I no longer share personal life updates on social platforms.

These are some of the ways smartphones disrupted my life and how I eventually regained control. If you're also struggling with excessive smartphone use, the tips above might help you break the habit. Remember that it took me a few months to reduce my usage. It feels challenging at first, but with time, you'll hopefully manage it too.

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