John Paul DeJoria Biography

Birthday: April 13 , 1944 ( Aries )

Born In: Los Angeles, California, United States

John Paul DeJoria

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Alexis DeJoria Biography

Also Known As: John Paul Jones DeJoria

Age: 80 Years , 80 Year Old Males

Spouse/Ex-: Eloise Broady (m. 1993)

children: Alexis DeJoria , John Anthony DeJoria, John Paul DeJoria II, Justin DeJoria, Michael DeJoria, Michaeline DeJoria

Billionaires American Men

Ancestry: Italian American

U.S. State: California

City: Los Angeles

You wanted to know

What businesses does john paul dejoria own.

John Paul DeJoria owns several businesses, including Paul Mitchell hair care products and Patrón Spirits Company.

How did John Paul DeJoria become successful?

John Paul DeJoria became successful by founding and growing successful businesses in the hair care and spirits industries, focusing on high-quality products and ethical business practices.

What philanthropic work is John Paul DeJoria known for?

John Paul DeJoria is known for his philanthropic work, including supporting various charitable causes related to environmental conservation, poverty alleviation, and animal welfare.

What is John Paul DeJoria's approach to entrepreneurship?

How has john paul dejoria inspired others in business.

Recommended Lists:

John Paul DeJoria once lived in his car and sold shampoo door-to-door before founding the famous hair care company John Paul Mitchell Systems.

He is a philanthropist who supports various charitable causes, including environmental conservation and homelessness initiatives.

DeJoria is a self-made billionaire who started with very little and built his empire through hard work and determination.

He is known for his positive attitude and belief in giving back to society, often sharing his success with those in need.

DeJoria is a nature lover and enjoys spending time outdoors, especially in his vineyard in Malibu, California.

See the events in life of John Paul DeJoria in Chronological Order

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Summit of greatness 2024 | september 13-14 | los angeles, ca, john paul dejoria, a billionaire’s keys to success and building an empire.

john paul dejoria biography book

What does it take to be successful in business?

Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal — it is the courage to continue that counts.” And Theodore Roosevelt said, “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”

My guest today is serial entrepreneur, billionaire, and philanthropist John DeJoria, who is best known as a co-founder of the Paul Mitchell line of hair products and The Patrón Spirits Company . Today, he’s one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world with billions in profits. But he wasn’t always a fabulously wealthy businessman. Once upon a time, he was literally sleeping in his car and selling shampoo bottles door-to-door.

John knows what it takes to build a successful business from the ground-up. He knows what it means to have a billionaire mindset, overcome the fear of rejection, and make wise investments that will allow you to grow the kind of business you’ve only dreamed of.

In 2011, John signed the “Giving Pledge” created by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet. Today, the commitment includes more than 200 of the world’s wealthiest individuals who will “give the majority of their wealth to address some of society’s most pressing problems.” John’s using the wealth that he’s earned to give back in a big way.

We had an incredible conversation about how John came from nothing and how he was able to create multiple globally successful businesses by facing rejection head-on. This conversation was so inspiring to me, and I think it will inspire you too. Let’s get started!

Who Is John Paul DeJoria?

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, and residing in Austin, Texas, John DeJoria is best known for co-founding two iconic global multi-billion-dollar-valued brands: Paul Mitchell and Patrón.

In 1980, John connected with hairstylist Paul Mitchell, and together they used a partially borrowed $700 to co-found their California- based company, John Mitchell Systems (JPMS). That black and white bottle they’re so famous for today? They invented it because they didn’t have enough money for printing. Today, JPMS has approximately 325 full-time employees and a global network of hundreds of educators to teach advanced artistic and technical training classes, and John remains as chairman of the company.  

Kline & Company ranks JPMS first in Care & Style sales in the United States, and Euromonitor International , the leading independent provider of market research, ranks JPMS second in global sales of professional beauty products. JPMS professional and salon sales-at-retail are approximately $2.7 billion.  

In 1989, John invested $400,000 to co-found (and eventually have a 70% shareholding of) Patrón Spirits International. In 2018, Bermuda-based Bacardi Limited purchased the company for $5.1 billion. The return on investment (ROI) was 1,275,000%. John is chairman emeritus of the company. 

Established in 2011 and with assets exceeding $55 million, John’s Peace, Love & Happiness Foundation channels the DeJoria family’s commitment to contributing to a sustainable planet through investing in people, protecting animals, and conserving the environment. I truly respect John’s commitment to giving back. His foundation is making incredible investments in the future of our planet and species, and that’s in addition to the wonderful work he’s doing with Mrs. and Mrs. Gates and Warren Buffet. 

It’s hard to deny that John DeJoria is one of the most successful people out there. But through it all, he’s remained wise, grounded, and committed to using his profits to help others. This interview was insightful and informative, and I know you’re going to get a lot of value out of it. Let’s dive in!

Starting a Business in the Midst of Adversity

This year has been a challenge for many of us. Many people have lost their jobs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and while there is hope for a vaccine on the horizon, we’re not out of the woods yet. Many of us are still experiencing extreme challenges — if that’s you, I want to offer you some encouragement: It will get better!

In fact, you have the power to make it better. If you’ve lost your job — or even if you haven’t — have you considered using this time as an opportunity to make a pivot in your career? Maybe you have a side hustle you’ve been working on, or maybe you’ve been dreaming of starting your own business for a while now. This could be the time to get that started! If you — like so many of us — are finding yourself with a lot more free time during this time, you might have a really beautiful opportunity to start creating the business of your dreams.

John didn’t launch John Paul Mitchell Systems in the midst of a pandemic, but he definitely experienced a fair amount of adversity when he was getting started:

“Money never came in, and I left all the money [I had] with [my ex-wife] to take care of … my daughter for many, many months [with] a few hundred bucks in my pocket. It’s a true story. … I lived in my car. … Inflation was 12.5% in the United States, [and] unemployment was 10.5%. … If you wanted a loan, … prime rate was 17%, [and] most loans were 25% or 30% if you [could] qualify for it. … Our whole office was an answering machine because that’s all we [could] afford … So today, yeah, it’d be a lot easier.” – John Paul DeJoria

John was up against a lot of obstacles when we set out to start his company — both personally and economically. At that time in the United States, it was incredibly difficult for someone like him to get a business loan. On top of that, John wasn’t in a position to invest a lot of money in his company. He was literally living in an old Rolls Royce that often broke down.

But did John let that stop him? Nope! He stepped out and confidently put his time and energy into building a business and making it successful, and you can do the same! Don’t be afraid of using this time as an opportunity to start something new — this could be the moment when you start building the life of your dreams.

Business Advice from a Billionaire

For those of you looking to launch a new business — John Paul DeJoria has plenty of wise advice! Here’s the absolute number one thing he tells new entrepreneurs: 

“Whether you have a service or whether you have a physical product, don’t go into [the] selling business. … You’re selling … the existing service, however, that is a one-time sale. If, in your mind, it is, ‘I’m not going into the selling business; I’m going into the reorder business,’ … it’s, ‘here’s how it’s going to affect me and you,’ but long-term. So all the products were developed to be so good and so easy to use that people want to reorder them. … Sell the reorder, not just the order.” – John Paul DeJoria

If you have a product or service you want to sell, you have to think one step ahead. Don’t just plan to have people purchase your product or service once — sell them on the reorder. Provide so much value that your clients will want to come back for more. 

That’s John’s most important business tip, but he had plenty more to share! Here are the top three pieces of advice he had for any business owner:

#1: Pay Off Your House

“The first thing I want to do, and I would suggest to everybody [is] … pay off your house … because if everything goes wrong, you have a place to live.” – John Paul DeJoria

John knows what it’s like to live in his car, and he doesn’t recommend it. If you’re a business owner and you’re starting to turn bigger profits and make some real money, John recommends using that money to pay off your house before you make any other investments. That way, no matter what, you’ll have a roof over your head.

#2: Put Money Aside

“Now your next thing to do is to put enough money aside. Don’t raise your standard of living much at all, raise it very little, okay? … [If you have] extra money — invest it somehow where if everything went wrong, you have that six months now for the rest of your life.” – John Paul DeJoria

Once you’ve paid off your house and you have a secure place to live, you might find yourself with extra money. You may be tempted to spend it all on fun things, but John recommends saving at least enough money to cover your expenses for six months. It doesn’t take too much money to do it, but if anything goes wrong, you’ll be glad you had enough money in savings to cover you.

#3: Invest in Your Own Business First

“Invest in your business before you invest in anyone else’s business … because you have control of it and you know what comes out of it.” – John Paul DeJoria

When it comes to investing, invest in yourself first. If you’ve paid off your house and set aside six months of living expenses, start putting money back into your business! Keep building and investing in yourself. If you get to a point where you still have extra money, you can invest in someone else’s business, but don’t bank on receiving a return on those investments. Place your money where you can control where it goes, and continue to make your business bigger and better!

“Successful people do all the things unsuccessful people don’t want to do.” @johnpauldejoria  

The billionaire mindset.

Those were some great practical tips for building a business and maintaining good financial standing, but I also wanted to know a little bit more about John’s mindset. What kind of mindset do you need to become a billionaire? And is the billionaire mindset different from the millionaire mindset?

According to John, the key to a billionaire mindset — contrary to what you might think — is giving , not getting:

“I would say the mindset — I could give you my case — was how to keep what I have and what I give away. I’m part of the Giving Pledge. … All of my companies give — We give personally, and I have a foundation — JP’s Peace, Love, and Happiness Foundation. … We put money not to give away but invest money not ever wanting in return. … I’m a firm believer that on this planet we come with absolutely nothing. … And whatever we get, we’re blessed with. It’s like paying a rent a little bit for our time on earth.” – John Paul DeJoria

That’s the difference between millionaires and billionaires — billionaires are passionate about giving back. Take John, for example. John’s foundation is doing incredible work around the world to combat homelessness. He’s built hundreds of homes for homeless people in Texas, and he has plans to build hundreds more. He contributes to relief for children in Africa whose parents have died of AIDS. And, as I mentioned earlier, he’s part of the Giving Pledge created by the Gates and Warren Buffet.

John is dedicated to investing his money so as to help the maximum number of people. He wants to make the world a better place, and he makes giving a priority. That’s what sets him apart from other financially successful people and makes him a true billionaire.

So how do we step into that billionaire mindset? How do we get to a place in our minds where we’re more focused on helping others instead of helping ourselves? John recommends taking a little time each day to focus on “being.”

“Whether it’s meditating, whether it’s the middle of the day and you’re just stopping for ten minutes, … just try and clear your mind. Look around you, maybe go outside [and look at] the trees, the sky — just be. … All of a sudden, … you’re not just being through your eyes. There’s something more around you. … And just give love.” – John Paul DeJoria

I think that’s such good advice. Do you have a meditation practice? Do you ever take the time to stop and just be? If you haven’t walked outside today, take a minute so go out, see the sky, and just breathe for a few minutes. Recognize that there’s a big world out there, and give love — to those around you and to those not so close by, if you can afford it. That’s how you truly get into the billionaire mindset.

The Magic Words

I want to share one more powerful lesson John taught me today. We talked a lot in our conversation about business and about how to become a billionaire, but I also wanted to talk about how some of this wisdom translates into personal relationships. What has John learned over the years?

If there’s one major lesson John’s learned about how to live in relationships with other people, it’s this: Forgive others.

“Learn to forgive in your life. Everyone you hate, you’re unhappy with, you want revenge with, you don’t like, you’re jealous of, … anyone that’s hurt you or screwed you over in your life … forgive them. … Because what happens is we build on our shoulders and in our minds hate [and] resentment. … You suffer more than they will ever suffer.” – John Paul DeJoria

I think that’s so true. If you hold onto anger, resentment, and hate, those feelings will build up in you, and you’ll suffer so much for something someone else did to you. But if you forgive that person, you can let all those negative feelings go. You don’t have to suffer from them — you can be free.

In our society, it’s become a little too easy to become angry. We have differing opinions over almost everything you can think of — you just have to check the comments on almost any YouTube video or Instagram post to see that. In a world where it’s this easy to get into an argument, how can we diffuse the tension and treat others with love and respect?

John learned how to do just that in a place you may not expect — the United States Navy. While he was enlisted in the Navy, John learned the magic words to use in any conversation where you might not agree with someone: “I could appreciate that. However …”

“I learned the magical words: ‘I could appreciate that. However. …’ So you could tell me that, ‘Oh, this is white.’ … We’re not going to go back and forth. I’m going to say, ‘You know, I can appreciate that. … However, from my viewpoint, with my lens, it turns out to be black, … but we all see things a little differently here, and here’s why.’” – John Paul DeJoria

This is such a good tactic to use when someone disagrees with you. If you get into an argument, you’re only going to end up building resentment and frustration. But if you acknowledge the other person’s perspective and politely offer your own, you’re much more likely to have a productive and polite conversation. Who knows? You might learn to see something in a new way!

Why You Should Listen to This John Paul DeJoria Podcast Episode Right Now…

This conversation was amazing. I learned so much from John, and I’m grateful to him for coming on the podcast and sharing his wisdom. He’s learned a lot over his four decades of being in business — way more than I had time to share in this post — and I’m glad he got to share that wisdom with you all today. I hope that you learned as much as I did!

I also want to take a minute to acknowledge John for the way he keeps showing up for himself, his employees, and the people who benefit from his consistent and generous giving. He’s been showing up for himself his whole life, and he’s constantly giving back to the world with joy, peace, and true happiness. He acts with love and forgiveness — simple principles we forget all too often — and he’s doing a tremendous amount of good work in the world.

Before I go, I want to share John’s definition of greatness:

“Greatness is when you do something for somebody else and ask absolutely nothing in return — not even a thank you or an acknowledgment. Man, not only do you get high as a kite … you’re just great within yourself. … You feel good about yourself and your presence.” – John Paul DeJoria

John definitely lives up to that definition. He gives so much without asking for anything in return — and that’s what makes him truly successful in life.

Thank you so much for joining me on this incredible episode of The School of Greatness ! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends on Instagram! And don’t forget to tag me, @lewishowes , on Instagram, and tag John, @johnpauldejoria , on Twitter, and tell us what your biggest takeaways from the episode were. 

And if you’re interested in learning more about John’s foundation and how you can get involved in the incredible work they’re doing, make sure to check out their website!

Until next time — take a minute to just “be” today. Find ways to give back and share love with the people around you — you might be surprised at how good — great — it makes you feel.

To Greatness,

Lewis Howes - Signature

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What’s the best investment we can make?
  • How can we overcome the fear of rejection?
  • What should people know before starting a business?
  • What’s the greatest negotiation you ever made?
  • How do you sustain success after reaching it?
  • What are your non-negotiables?

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The difference between a billionaire mindset and a millionaire mindset.
  • How the American Dream is easier than ever today.
  • How John sold the first Paul Mitchell product.
  • How John has grown his business for 40 years.
  • The 3 things entrepreneurs need to know.
  • Why you should pay off your house as soon as possible.
  • What you should do when you have extra money.
  • How to negotiate the right way in business and life.
  • Plus much more…

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Show Notes:


Transcript of this Episode

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Kaibu by Killercats

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John Paul Dejoria, cofounder, chairman, and CEO John Paul Mitchell Systems; cofounder and chairman, Patron Spirits Company; and cofounder and chairman, John Paul Pet

Converting Back Stories Into Empires

Serial entrepreneur John Paul Dejoria is a phenomenon. He’s converted his own back story into an empire, John Paul Mitchell systems, producing over ninety products sold through 90,000 hair salons worldwide with annual sales topping $600 million.

A sixty year old back story was the seminal influence on his success he told Peter Guber. Little John Paul was living with his brother and single Greek immigrant mother near downtown Los Angeles. John Paul’s mother didn’t have enough money to buy Christmas presents, but John Paul and his brother loved to look at the Christmas window displays. When John Paul was five his mother pointed out a woman in a navy suit who stood in front of the store ringing a silver bell.

“Boys,” she said, “I’m giving you a dime. See that lady ringing the bell? Put this in her bucket.”

John Paul didn’t understand. In 1950, a dime was a lot of money to a kid who didn’t have much money. Why did he have to give it away?

Peter Guber & John Paul Dejoria

“That’s the salvation army,” his mother said. “They need it more than we do. Always try and share. I know it’s a lot for us, but it means even more for them.”

The story his mother told him – that success unshared is failure – remained with John Paul. This sharing of success continues with the philanthropy that is associated with all his products from pet care to environmentally safe bottles for his Patron tequila company.


To validate the power of telling purposeful stories, guber includes in this book a remarkably diverse number of ‘voices’ – master tellers with whom he’s shared experiences. they include youtube founder chad hurley, nba champion pat riley, clothing designer norma kamali, “mission to mars” scientist gentry lee, under armour ceo kevin plank, former south african president nelson mandela, magician david copperfield, film director steven spielberg, novelist nora roberts, rock legend gene simmons, and physician and author deepak chopra., after listening to this extraordinary mix of voices, you’ll know how to craft, deliver – and own – a story that is truly compelling, one capable of turning others into viral advocates for your goal..

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Ken Lombard, president and partner, Capri Capital Partners; formally cofounder partner/president, Johnson Development Corp., and past president of Starbucks Entertainment

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John Paul DeJoria

John Paul DeJoria’s rags-to-riches biography exemplifies the American dream.  Once homeless, he has struggled against the odds to achieve success, launching multiple global enterprises, while always supporting his motto, “Success Unshared is Failure.”

In 1980, John Paul and hairstylist Paul Mitchell converted a partially borrowed $700 into John Paul Mitchell Systems, which is today the largest privately held salon hair care line.  In 1989, he co-founded Patrón, the first ultra-premium tequila, and now the world’s number one ultra-premium tequila, which he sold to Bacardi in 2018. John Paul went on to co-found John Paul Pet, ROKiT and other enterprises—like his previous ventures, they are privately held companies with high ethical standards and reputations for integrity. 

Throughout the length of his success, John Paul has made philanthropy paramount. He has signed Bill Gates and Warren Buffet’s “The Giving Pledge” as a formal promise to continue giving back, and also established JP’s Peace, Love & Happiness Foundation as a hub for his charitable investments, which span the core values of his companies: sustainability, social responsibility and animal-friendliness.

John Paul has been profiled for his corporate and philanthropic initiatives across a multitude of media outlets including  20/20, CNN, Forbes, Fortune, Inc., The Wall Street Journal   and  Fox, Fox Business News, Bloomberg, Asthmanow , CNBC, MSNBC  and  NBC,  and appeared as a mentor for budding entrepreneurs via a guest shark appearance on  Shark Tank.

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How john paul dejoria went from homeless to a billionaire in new doc 'good fortune'.

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Paul Mitchell cofounder John Paul DeJoria speaks onstage at the EMA IMPACT Summit. Photo by Rich ... [+] Polk/Getty Images for Environmental Media Association.

Best known as the cofounder of hair care company John Paul Mitchell Systems and high-end tequila Patrón Spirits Company, John Paul DeJoria is as well known for his philanthropic work as he is for his entrepreneurial endeavors. The documentary that details his life story, Good Fortune , opens Friday in New York, with a June 30 opening pegged for Los Angeles and other cities throughout the country to follow in July.  

DeJoria, 73, has a net worth of $3.1 billion , according to FORBES, but at two separate times in his life, he was homeless and living out of his car. The one-time door-to-door shampoo and encyclopedia salesman partnered with Paul Mitchell in 1980 and the two turned $700 into what would become John Paul Mitchell Systems, one of the most profitable hair care companies in the world. Not too long after their company took off, Mitchell died of cancer and DeJoria took over. The company is still running strong and currently estimates a $1 billion annual revenue stream.

He’s signed the “Giving Pledge” alongside 150 billionaires to give 50% of his earnings to better the world and he contributes to over 160 charities worldwide. In fact, these days most of his time is spent giving back.  

Even in the beginning, DeJoria ardently stood by his personal beliefs and as an avid animal lover, vowed to never test his products on animals, instead opting to test them on himself. The film, narrated by Dan Aykroyd, delves deep into what is being called “Conscious Capitalism,” or what many are calling “The Triple Bottom Line: profit, people, the planet.”   

Twenty-four years ago, DeJoria was a homeless single father. He now lives in a $50 million estate in Malibu with all the toys a man could want: motorcycles, cars, a private jet. So, how did he do it? He works hard and gives back as much, if not more than he takes in. With each undertaking, he thinks not only of how much money can be made, but how he can help people, animals and the environment.  Each business decision is always in line with a philanthropic decision.

“Everyone has a definition of success,” DeJoria says in the film. “It’s not where you are today and how much money you have, or what kind of a big position you have. Success is, are you the best at what you do? And, success unshared is failure.”  

He shared the same sentiments with me in a recent interview wherein he discussed his recent purchase of part of the island of Barbuda, which is off the coast of Antigua in the Caribbean. The local inhabitants rely almost entirely on fishing to make a living, but a moratorium surrounding the island was recently put in place due to overfishing. “The local people need jobs,” he said of the approximate 1,400 inhabitants on the island. To help solve the problems there, he plans to provide the people with jobs while also helping the environment and local economy. He’s purchased 350 lots for multi-million dollar homes to be built and he’s building a completely green 100-room resort and golf course.

“Each of the 350 homes built will need two gardeners and a housekeeper, so that’s a minimum of three jobs per household. The resort and golf course will also need to be fully staffed. And, we’ll provide the best training,” he explained. DeJoria will also build a landing strip for private planes that will need to be staffed. He expects to provide a minimum of approximately 700 full-time jobs to the locals and promises that 1% of everything sold on the island will stay with the people that live there. In addition, he has plans to build another completely green resort a half hour north of Puerto Vallarta. The environment will not be disturbed and the resort will be built around the trees and plants there.    

When he’s not running one of his multi-million dollar corporations, DeJoria is busy diffusing landmines with Brad Pitt, helping the homeless and working to save animals and the environment with organizations such as Sea Shepherd , which recently unveiled the new M/V John Paul DeJoria, a 110-foot Island-class speed patrol boat. The vessel continues the organization’s anti-poaching work and mission off the coast of Central America to protect sharks and other fish being illegally exploited around Malpelo Island, Cocos Island and the Galapagos.  

“I think there’s definitely a global shift towards people recognizing that defining success purely in terms of the two metrics of money and power is like a two-legged stool,” said Huffington Post  founder Arianna Huffington, in the film. “You cannot sit on it for too long. Sooner or later, you’ll topple over.” That third metric, she explained, is giving back, which enriches one’s life and gives it both purpose and meaning.  

With Patrón, DeJoria employs well over 1,000 locals in Mexico. The company supports the local economy in several ways, including education and homes for orphanages. Early in the company’s growth,  Patrón  grossed $1 million a month and every year since it’s doubled from the previous year. DeJoria has invested millions into the care of the facility where the tequila is made and he does not pollute the land. Through the distilling process, he reuses the leftover distilled water to fertilize the land.

He isn’t a perfect man, nor has he ever claimed to be, but his positive attitude has pulled him up in tough times and pushed him to the top of any field he’s pursued. A father of four, he believes in learning from mistakes and failures. “In the end, everything will be ok,” DeJoria says in the film. “And, if it’s not ok, it’s not the end.”  

Back to his thoughts on success: “You may not have a lot of money, but do you do something to help somebody else out? That’s success."

Dana Feldman

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Untitled Leader

Leading with Vision and Integrity: The Inspiring Journey of John Paul DeJoria

John Paul DeJoria Leadership

Unveiling the Leadership Legacy of John Paul DeJoria

Leadership is a timeless and ever-evolving concept that lies at the heart of human progress and achievement. Throughout history, exceptional individuals have emerged as beacons of inspiration, illuminating the path for aspiring leaders to follow. John Paul DeJoria, a name synonymous with entrepreneurial success and philanthropy, stands as one such luminary.

In this comprehensive article, we delve into the remarkable leadership journey of John Paul DeJoria, a man whose indomitable spirit, resilience, and unwavering commitment to his values have made him a revered figure in the realms of business, philanthropy, and ethical leadership. We share with you the invaluable lessons and captivating stories that have defined DeJoria’s ascent to prominence.

Born into humble beginnings, DeJoria’s early life was a testament to the power of perseverance and resourcefulness. Overcoming countless hurdles and facing adversity head-on, he forged his path with unwavering determination. These formative experiences instilled in him a deep understanding of the qualities that are essential for a leader to navigate the often treacherous waters of entrepreneurship and emerge victorious.

The genesis of DeJoria’s extraordinary success story can be traced back to the founding of John Paul Mitchell Systems, a hair care company that revolutionized the industry. Through grit, innovation, and an unyielding belief in his vision, DeJoria transformed a modest $700 investment into a global empire. His trailblazing leadership, characterized by calculated risk-taking, a commitment to excellence, and the ability to inspire and empower others, laid the foundation for his enduring legacy.

Beyond the world of hair care, DeJoria’s leadership prowess extended into the spirits industry with the creation and growth of the renowned Patron brand. By challenging conventional norms, infusing quality into every aspect of the brand, and nurturing strong partnerships, he exemplified the art of brand management and propelled Patron to unprecedented heights. His journey in the spirits industry imparts invaluable lessons on adaptability, perseverance, and the importance of continually pushing boundaries.

However, DeJoria’s impact goes far beyond the realm of business. He has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to social responsibility and philanthropy. Whether through his contributions to various causes, championing environmental sustainability, or advocating for positive social change, DeJoria’s dedication to making a meaningful difference in the world showcases the power of compassionate leadership and community engagement.

At the core of DeJoria’s leadership philosophy lies a strong emphasis on ethical practices and sustainability. His unwavering commitment to upholding moral principles and creating a positive impact has set him apart as an ethical leader of unparalleled integrity. As we explore his ethical leadership journey, we uncover profound lessons on the harmonious integration of ethics and business success, inspiring leaders to adopt a similar approach in their own pursuits.

Throughout his extraordinary path, DeJoria has faced numerous obstacles, setbacks, and moments of doubt. Yet, time and again, he has demonstrated remarkable resilience, bouncing back stronger and more determined than ever. His unwavering belief in his abilities, coupled with a positive mindset, serves as a beacon of inspiration for leaders navigating their own turbulent journeys.

In addition to his personal resilience, DeJoria’s ability to build effective teams and foster employee engagement has been instrumental in his success. By nurturing a culture of trust, empowerment, and open communication, he has cultivated an environment where individuals thrive, bringing forth their best and contributing to collective success. His approach to team building and employee motivation offers invaluable insights into creating an atmosphere of collaboration, creativity, and high-performance.

As we reflect on the enduring legacy of John Paul DeJoria, we cannot help but marvel at the breadth of his accomplishments and the indelible impact he has made on the business world and society at large. His leadership principles, forged through a lifetime of experiences, serve as guiding lights for leaders across industries and generations.

Join us as we embark on a journey through the extraordinary life and leadership of John Paul DeJoria. Through captivating stories, profound lessons, and thought-provoking insights, we aim to inspire and empower leaders to unlock their full potential, emulate his remarkable qualities, and shape a brighter future for themselves and those they lead.

Background and Early Life

John Paul DeJoria’s remarkable leadership journey finds its roots in his humble background and early life experiences. Born in 1944, DeJoria’s upbringing was marked by financial hardship and adversity, providing him with a unique perspective on the value of resilience, resourcefulness, and determination.

Growing up in Los Angeles, DeJoria faced numerous challenges, including periods of homelessness and a lack of stable familial support. However, rather than succumbing to these circumstances, he used them as fuel to ignite his drive for success. This formative period instilled in him a deep appreciation for the importance of hard work, self-belief, and the ability to persevere in the face of daunting odds.

As a young adult, DeJoria ventured into various entrepreneurial endeavors, including selling Christmas cards and working as a door-to-door salesman. These experiences not only sharpened his business acumen but also honed his ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. They taught him the value of understanding customer needs, building relationships, and delivering exceptional service—a skill set that would prove instrumental in his future ventures.

The lessons learned during his early years laid a solid foundation for DeJoria’s leadership style. He developed a deep understanding of the struggles faced by individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds and the power of creating opportunities for others. This empathy and understanding would later shape his approach to philanthropy and his commitment to uplifting communities.

Moreover, DeJoria’s early experiences with financial instability fueled his ambition to create a better life for himself and those around him. Armed with a relentless determination, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery, continually seeking opportunities to learn, grow, and leave a positive impact on the world.

It was during this period that DeJoria’s entrepreneurial spirit truly began to flourish. In 1980, together with his friend Paul Mitchell, he co-founded John Paul Mitchell Systems—a company that would revolutionize the hair care industry. With a modest initial investment of $700, they defied the odds and propelled their brand to international acclaim.

The founding of John Paul Mitchell Systems showcased DeJoria’s visionary leadership. He possessed an unwavering belief in the potential of their products and a deep understanding of the market. Recognizing the need for high-quality, salon-exclusive hair care products, he set out to disrupt the industry’s norms and create a brand that stood for excellence and innovation.

DeJoria’s leadership in building John Paul Mitchell Systems exemplified his ability to take calculated risks, make bold decisions, and forge his own path. Despite facing countless rejections and setbacks, he persisted, leveraging his persuasive skills, entrepreneurial instincts, and sheer determination to secure distribution channels and establish the brand’s presence.

Under DeJoria’s guidance, John Paul Mitchell Systems grew into an industry powerhouse, known for its commitment to quality, integrity, and social responsibility. His leadership style was characterized by a hands-on approach, an open-door policy, and a genuine care for the well-being and success of his employees. By fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and personal development, he built a loyal and motivated team that played a pivotal role in the company’s success.

The story of John Paul Mitchell Systems serves as a testament to the power of visionary leadership, unwavering perseverance, and the ability to turn setbacks into stepping stones. DeJoria’s early life experiences provided him with a deep well of resilience and a determination to prove that success knows no boundaries.

As we examine DeJoria’s background and early life, we uncover valuable lessons for aspiring leaders. We learn the importance of embracing adversity as an opportunity for growth, of leveraging personal experiences to fuel motivation, and of nurturing a culture of trust and empowerment within teams. These early lessons set the stage for DeJoria’s future endeavors and laid the foundation for his remarkable success as a leader. DeJoria’s humble beginnings and the challenges he faced taught him resilience, determination, and the power of a positive mindset. From experiencing homelessness to overcoming financial constraints, he understood firsthand the hardships that individuals face and used those experiences to drive his motivation to succeed. Furthermore, DeJoria’s emphasis on building a culture of trust and empowerment within teams fostered an environment where individuals could thrive, contribute their best, and collectively achieve extraordinary results. These early lessons shaped DeJoria’s leadership philosophy and paved the way for his transformative impact in the business world and beyond.

Founding of John Paul Mitchell Systems

The establishment of John Paul Mitchell Systems marked a defining moment in John Paul DeJoria’s leadership journey and revolutionized the hair care industry. The story behind the creation of this iconic brand is a testament to DeJoria’s entrepreneurial spirit, strategic acumen, and unwavering commitment to excellence.

The Vision and Mission

The seeds of John Paul Mitchell Systems were sown in the early 1980s when DeJoria and his partner, Paul Mitchell, recognized a need for high-quality hair care products exclusively for professional salons. They envisioned a brand that would redefine industry standards, focusing on innovation, superior ingredients, and a commitment to stylists and their clients. This shared vision became the driving force behind their entrepreneurial venture.

Overcoming Challenges and Building a Brand

Building a brand from the ground up is no easy feat, and DeJoria and Mitchell faced numerous challenges along the way. Limited financial resources, entrenched competitors, and a crowded market posed significant obstacles that tested their resolve and ingenuity.

One of the initial challenges they encountered was securing the necessary funding to bring their vision to life. With a modest investment of $700, they relied on their resourcefulness, leveraging personal contacts and borrowing against their assets to gather the capital needed to launch their brand. This demonstrated DeJoria’s ability to think creatively and make the most of limited resources—an essential skill for any leader in a challenging business environment.

Another hurdle was gaining market share in an industry dominated by established players. DeJoria and Mitchell understood the importance of differentiating their brand and creating a strong value proposition. They focused on product quality, using only the finest ingredients, and prioritized the needs of salon professionals. This unwavering commitment to excellence enabled them to carve out a niche for John Paul Mitchell Systems and gain recognition as a trusted, premium brand.

Moreover, they faced the challenge of distribution. Convincing salon owners to stock their products required perseverance and persuasive skills. DeJoria’s relentless determination and charismatic personality played a crucial role in building relationships and securing distribution channels. He personally visited salons, showcased the quality and effectiveness of their products, and built trust with stylists and salon owners—an approach that laid the foundation for long-term partnerships.

Leadership Lessons from Building a Successful Brand

The journey of building John Paul Mitchell Systems offers profound lessons for leaders:

Unwavering Vision: DeJoria and Mitchell’s unwavering belief in their vision served as a guiding light throughout their entrepreneurial journey. They had a clear understanding of their target market and a determination to create a brand that aligned with their values. Successful leaders are visionaries who inspire others with their passion and conviction.

Innovation and Quality: DeJoria and Mitchell recognized the importance of innovation and quality in setting their brand apart. They prioritized research and development, incorporating the best ingredients and continually pushing the boundaries of hair care technology. This dedication to excellence resonated with salon professionals and customers alike. Leaders should strive for continuous innovation and a commitment to delivering products or services of the highest quality.

Building Relationships and Partnerships: The success of John Paul Mitchell Systems was built on strong relationships and partnerships. DeJoria’s ability to connect with people, build trust, and communicate the value of their brand was instrumental in securing distribution channels and gaining market acceptance. Leaders should prioritize relationship-building, networking, and nurturing mutually beneficial partnerships to propel their organizations forward.

Perseverance and Adaptability: Building a brand involves overcoming obstacles and setbacks. DeJoria and Mitchell faced rejection, financial constraints, and fierce competition, but they never wavered in their determination. They adapted their strategies, learned from failures, and remained focused on their long-term goals. Leaders must be resilient, adaptable, and persistent in the face of challenges, using setbacks as stepping stones toward success.

Customer-Centric Approach: DeJoria and Mitchell’s commitment to understanding the needs of salon professionals and customers was a key factor in their brand’s success. They actively sought feedback, listened to their customers, and continuously improved their products based on their insights. Leaders should prioritize a customer-centric approach, actively seeking feedback and incorporating it into their decision-making processes.

The founding of John Paul Mitchell Systems stands as a testament to DeJoria’s entrepreneurial leadership and ability to disrupt an industry. By studying his journey, aspiring leaders can gain invaluable insights into strategic thinking, resilience, relationship-building, and customer focus. John Paul Mitchell Systems not only transformed the hair care industry but also serves as a compelling case study of visionary leadership and the power of unwavering commitment to excellence.

The Patron Spirits Company

Beyond the realms of the hair care industry, John Paul DeJoria’s leadership journey extended into the spirits industry with the creation and growth of the renowned Patron brand. The story behind the Patron Spirits Company showcases DeJoria’s entrepreneurial vision, brand management expertise, and dedication to excellence.

Venturing into the Spirits Industry

DeJoria’s foray into the spirits industry was driven by his passion for high-quality products and his innate ability to identify untapped opportunities. Recognizing a gap in the market for premium tequila, he sought to create a brand that would redefine the perception of this iconic Mexican spirit.

The Journey of Creating and Growing the Patron Brand

DeJoria’s journey in the spirits industry was not without its challenges. He faced skepticism and resistance, as tequila was primarily associated with cheap shots rather than a sophisticated sipping spirit. However, with his signature determination and belief in the potential of the product, he embarked on a mission to elevate tequila to the heights of luxury.

DeJoria understood the importance of meticulous craftsmanship and authenticity in building a premium brand. He sought out a distillery in the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico, known for its rich volcanic soil and ideal agave-growing conditions. This attention to detail ensured that every bottle of Patron tequila would embody the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.

Moreover, DeJoria’s commitment to innovation and differentiation set Patron apart from its competitors. He introduced unique bottle designs, collaborated with renowned artists, and implemented innovative marketing strategies to position Patron as the tequila of choice for discerning consumers. His ability to combine tradition with a modern, aspirational image cemented Patron’s status as a leading brand in the spirits industry.

Leadership Lessons from the Spirits Industry

DeJoria’s journey in the spirits industry offers valuable leadership lessons:

Identifying Market Gaps: DeJoria’s success in the spirits industry stemmed from his ability to identify an underserved market segment and create a brand that resonated with consumers. Leaders should possess the insight to identify unmet needs and the courage to venture into unexplored territory.

Commitment to Quality: Just as he did with John Paul Mitchell Systems, DeJoria emphasized the importance of quality in building the Patron brand. By focusing on craftsmanship, sourcing the finest ingredients, and ensuring attention to detail, he established Patron as a symbol of excellence. Leaders should prioritize quality in their products, services, and operations, understanding that it is the foundation of long-term success.

Differentiation and Branding: DeJoria understood the power of differentiation in a crowded market. He crafted a distinct brand identity for Patron, combining tradition, artistry, and sophistication. Leaders should strive to differentiate their brands by creating a unique value proposition and aligning it with the aspirations and preferences of their target audience.

Collaboration and Creativity: DeJoria’s partnerships with artists and designers demonstrated his ability to harness the creative potential of collaboration. By infusing Patron’s brand with artistry and aligning it with cultural movements, he created a brand experience that resonated with consumers on a deeper level. Leaders should foster a culture of collaboration, embracing diverse perspectives and leveraging creativity to drive innovation.

Building a Strong Reputation: DeJoria recognized that reputation is paramount in the spirits industry. He prioritized transparency, ethical practices, and sustainable sourcing, which not only enhanced Patron’s image but also resonated with socially conscious consumers. Leaders should prioritize building a strong reputation by aligning their organizations with values that promote trust, integrity, and sustainability.

DeJoria’s leadership in the spirits industry showcases his ability to disrupt established markets, elevate the perception of a product category, and build a brand synonymous with excellence. The lessons derived from his journey—identifying market gaps, prioritizing quality and differentiation, fostering collaboration, and building a strong reputation—resonate beyond the spirits industry and provide inspiration for leaders in any field. The Patron Spirits Company serves as a testament to DeJoria’s unwavering commitment to his vision and his ability to create iconic brands that leave a lasting impact.

Philanthropic Efforts

John Paul DeJoria’s leadership journey goes beyond business success; it encompasses a deep commitment to social responsibility and philanthropy. Throughout his career, he has dedicated his time, resources, and influence to numerous charitable initiatives, making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities. DeJoria’s philanthropic endeavors serve as a testament to the power of compassionate leadership, empathy, and the profound impact that leaders can have on society.

Commitment to Social Responsibility

DeJoria’s philanthropic efforts are rooted in his belief that business success should be accompanied by a responsibility to give back. He has consistently championed the idea that corporations and individuals have a role to play in creating positive change and addressing societal challenges. This ethos of social responsibility has shaped his leadership approach and guided his philanthropic initiatives.

Overview of Philanthropic Initiatives

DeJoria’s philanthropic endeavors span a wide range of causes and initiatives, reflecting his diverse interests and commitment to addressing various societal issues. Some of the key areas where he has made a significant impact include:

Homelessness and Poverty Alleviation: As someone who has experienced homelessness himself, DeJoria has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals in vulnerable situations. He has actively supported organizations that provide shelter, food, education, and employment opportunities to homeless and low-income individuals. His contributions have helped create sustainable solutions and empower people to rebuild their lives.

Environmental Conservation: DeJoria’s commitment to environmental sustainability is evident in his support for initiatives aimed at conservation, reforestation, and combating climate change. He recognizes the importance of preserving the planet for future generations and has been actively involved in organizations that promote sustainable practices and raise awareness about environmental issues.

Education and Youth Empowerment: DeJoria understands the transformative power of education and has invested in programs that provide educational opportunities, scholarships, and mentorship for disadvantaged youth. He believes in the potential of young individuals to drive positive change and has worked to empower them with the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Women’s Empowerment: DeJoria has been a staunch advocate for gender equality and women’s empowerment. He has supported organizations that provide resources, mentorship, and economic opportunities for women, aiming to break down barriers and create a more inclusive society.

Leadership Lessons from Giving Back

DeJoria’s philanthropic efforts offer valuable leadership lessons:

Empathy and Compassion: DeJoria’s philanthropy is grounded in his deep empathy and compassion for others. Leaders can learn from his ability to connect with the experiences and struggles of those in need, fostering a genuine understanding of their challenges. Cultivating empathy enables leaders to make decisions that prioritize the well-being of their employees, communities, and society at large.

Engaging the Community: DeJoria’s philanthropic initiatives emphasize community engagement and collaboration. He recognizes the power of collective action and actively involves communities in finding sustainable solutions to societal issues. Leaders should engage with stakeholders, listen to diverse perspectives, and involve the community in decision-making processes to create lasting positive change.

Leveraging Resources and Influence: DeJoria’s philanthropy showcases his ability to leverage his resources, network, and influence to drive impactful change. Leaders can follow his example by using their platforms to raise awareness, mobilize resources, and inspire others to contribute to meaningful causes. By leveraging their positions of influence, leaders can catalyze broader societal change.

Long-Term Commitment: DeJoria’s philanthropic efforts demonstrate the importance of long-term commitment to causes. Sustainable impact requires ongoing support and dedication. Leaders should seek to build enduring partnerships, invest in sustainable solutions, and prioritize the long-term success and well-being of the communities they serve.

DeJoria’s philanthropic endeavors go beyond mere financial contributions; they exemplify a holistic approach to leadership—one that integrates empathy, compassion, and a deep commitment to making a positive difference in the world. By embracing social responsibility and actively engaging in philanthropy, leaders can create a lasting impact and inspire others to contribute to the betterment of society.

Lessons in Ethical Leadership

John Paul DeJoria’s leadership journey is not only marked by his business acumen and philanthropy but also by his unwavering commitment to ethical practices and sustainability. Throughout his career, he has been a vocal advocate for ethical leadership, recognizing that success should not come at the expense of integrity or the well-being of others. DeJoria’s approach to ethical leadership offers valuable lessons for leaders across industries.

Commitment to Ethical Business Practices

DeJoria firmly believes that ethical business practices are the foundation of sustainable success. He has consistently championed principles such as transparency, honesty, fairness, and integrity in all aspects of his endeavors. His commitment to ethical conduct is not a mere checkbox; it is a core value that permeates his leadership style and organizational culture.

Leading by Example

DeJoria understands the importance of leading by example and being a role model for ethical behavior. He has cultivated a reputation for personal integrity and has been recognized for his commitment to fair treatment of employees, suppliers, and customers. By embodying the ethical principles he advocates, DeJoria has inspired trust and loyalty among stakeholders, establishing a strong foundation for long-term success.

Social and Environmental Responsibility

In addition to ethical business practices, DeJoria places great emphasis on social and environmental responsibility. He recognizes the interconnectedness of business, society, and the environment, and actively seeks ways to minimize negative impacts and create positive change. DeJoria’s initiatives in sustainability, resource conservation, and environmental advocacy demonstrate his commitment to leaving a positive legacy for future generations.

Balancing Profitability and Purpose

DeJoria has demonstrated that profitability and purpose are not mutually exclusive. He believes that businesses can thrive while simultaneously making a positive impact on society. By aligning his ventures with a higher purpose and integrating social and environmental responsibility into his business strategies, DeJoria has shown that ethical leadership can drive both financial success and positive societal change.

Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration

Ethical leadership entails recognizing the importance of all stakeholders and engaging them in decision-making processes. DeJoria actively seeks input from employees, suppliers, customers, and communities, valuing their perspectives and considering their interests in his leadership decisions. By fostering open communication and collaboration, he has built a network of engaged stakeholders who share his commitment to ethical practices.

Lessons for Leaders

DeJoria’s approach to ethical leadership offers valuable lessons for aspiring and current leaders:

Values-Driven Leadership: Leaders should identify and articulate their core values, using them as a compass to guide decision-making and actions. By consistently aligning their behavior with their values, leaders can inspire trust, foster a positive organizational culture, and build a reputation for ethical leadership.

Integrity and Accountability: Ethical leaders prioritize integrity and hold themselves accountable for their actions and decisions. They recognize the impact of their choices on stakeholders and take responsibility for the consequences. By being transparent, honest, and accountable, leaders create an environment that promotes trust and ethical behavior.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Leaders should integrate sustainability and social responsibility into their business strategies. By considering the long-term impacts of their decisions, embracing sustainable practices, and actively contributing to the well-being of communities and the environment, leaders can create positive change while ensuring the long-term success of their organizations.

Stakeholder Engagement: Ethical leadership involves engaging stakeholders and considering their perspectives and interests. Leaders should actively seek input, foster open communication, and involve stakeholders in decision-making processes. By valuing diverse perspectives, leaders can make more informed decisions and build strong relationships with stakeholders.

Leading by Example: Ethical leaders lead by example, demonstrating integrity, fairness, and ethical behavior in their actions. They inspire others to uphold ethical standards and create a culture where ethical conduct is valued and celebrated.

John Paul DeJoria’s commitment to ethical leadership serves as a powerful reminder that success can be achieved with integrity and a focus on social and environmental responsibility. By embracing ethical practices, leaders have the opportunity to make a positive impact on society, build resilient organizations, and leave a lasting legacy of ethical leadership.

Overcoming Adversity and Resilience

John Paul DeJoria’s leadership journey has been marked by numerous challenges, setbacks, and moments of adversity. However, his unwavering resilience and ability to bounce back stronger have been instrumental in his remarkable success. DeJoria’s experiences serve as a testament to the power of perseverance, self-belief, and maintaining a positive mindset in the face of adversity.

Facing and Embracing Challenges

Throughout his career, DeJoria encountered a myriad of challenges that could have easily derailed his path to success. From financial difficulties during his early years to rejection, skepticism, and market competition, he faced obstacles that tested his resolve. However, rather than succumbing to adversity, DeJoria embraced these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Resilience in the Face of Setbacks

DeJoria’s leadership journey has been punctuated by setbacks and failures. Yet, what sets him apart is his unwavering resilience. Instead of allowing setbacks to define him, DeJoria used them as stepping stones for personal and professional development. Whether it was facing rejection in the early stages of building John Paul Mitchell Systems or navigating the complexities of the spirits industry, he never lost sight of his goals and maintained a resilient spirit that propelled him forward.

Embracing a Positive Mindset

One of the remarkable aspects of DeJoria’s leadership journey is his ability to maintain a positive mindset even in the face of adversity. Rather than dwelling on setbacks or becoming discouraged by obstacles, he cultivated a mindset focused on possibilities, solutions, and opportunities. This positive outlook not only helped him overcome challenges but also inspired those around him, creating a culture of optimism and resilience within his organizations.

Lessons in Perseverance

DeJoria’s journey teaches us valuable lessons in perseverance:

Embrace Challenges as Opportunities: Adversity can be viewed as a chance for growth and development. Leaders should adopt a mindset that embraces challenges as opportunities to learn, adapt, and innovate. By reframing setbacks as stepping stones, leaders can harness the transformative power of resilience.

Cultivate Resilience: Resilience is a vital trait for leaders to navigate the ups and downs of their journeys. It involves bouncing back from setbacks, maintaining focus on long-term goals, and staying committed to the vision despite obstacles. Leaders should cultivate resilience by developing coping mechanisms, seeking support networks, and maintaining a strong belief in their abilities.

Learn from Failures: Failures are an inevitable part of any leadership journey. Instead of viewing them as final outcomes, leaders should approach failures as valuable learning opportunities. Reflecting on failures, analyzing mistakes, and applying the lessons learned pave the way for future success.

Foster a Positive Mindset: A positive mindset can fuel resilience and inspire others. Leaders should cultivate a positive outlook, focusing on solutions rather than problems, celebrating successes, and promoting a culture of optimism within their organizations. This mindset not only helps leaders overcome challenges but also motivates and empowers their teams.

Inspiring Others through Resilience

DeJoria’s ability to overcome adversity and maintain a resilient spirit has inspired countless individuals. His journey serves as a reminder that success is often born out of determination, perseverance, and a refusal to let setbacks define one’s future. By sharing his stories of resilience, DeJoria has become a beacon of hope and motivation for aspiring leaders facing their own trials.

Applying Lessons in Resilience

Leaders can apply the lessons of resilience from DeJoria’s journey:

Foster a Supportive Culture: Leaders should create a culture that encourages resilience, collaboration, and support. By providing resources, mentorship, and a safe space for individuals to share their challenges, leaders can nurture a resilient and empowered workforce.

Lead by Example: Leaders must demonstrate resilience in their own actions and decisions. By openly discussing their own setbacks, failures, and how they overcame them, leaders inspire others to persevere and maintain a positive mindset in the face of adversity.

Provide Growth Opportunities: Leaders should provide opportunities for professional and personal growth, enabling individuals to develop their resilience muscles. This can be done through stretch assignments, training programs, and fostering a culture of continuous learning.

Celebrate Resilience and Learning: Leaders should recognize and celebrate resilience and the lessons learned from setbacks. By acknowledging and rewarding individuals who display resilience, leaders reinforce its importance and create an environment where resilience is valued and encouraged.

John Paul DeJoria’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of resilience and maintaining a positive mindset in the face of adversity. Leaders who embrace these lessons can navigate challenges with grace, inspire their teams, and achieve remarkable success.

The Legacy of John Paul DeJoria’s Leadership

John Paul DeJoria’s leadership journey has left an indelible mark on the business world, philanthropy, and the concept of ethical leadership. His enduring legacy serves as an inspiration for current and future leaders, offering a blueprint for success built on principles of vision, resilience, ethical practices, and social responsibility.

Inspiring Future Leaders

DeJoria’s remarkable achievements and leadership qualities serve as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring leaders. His journey exemplifies the power of perseverance, determination, and unwavering belief in one’s vision. By sharing his experiences, lessons, and philosophies, DeJoria empowers individuals to overcome challenges, embrace ethical practices, and make a positive impact on society.

Transforming Industries

DeJoria’s impact extends beyond his own ventures; he has been a catalyst for transformation in multiple industries. Through John Paul Mitchell Systems, he revolutionized the hair care industry, elevating the standards of quality and professionalism. In the spirits industry, his creation of the Patron brand redefined the perception of tequila and set new benchmarks for premium spirits. His visionary leadership and commitment to excellence have reshaped entire industries, leaving a lasting impact on their trajectory.

Ethical Leadership and Social Responsibility

DeJoria’s dedication to ethical leadership and social responsibility has set a powerful example for leaders worldwide. His emphasis on transparency, integrity, sustainability, and giving back to communities demonstrates the immense potential for business success when guided by ethical principles. DeJoria’s legacy inspires leaders to integrate social responsibility into their organizational DNA, creating a positive and lasting impact on society.

Philanthropic Contributions

DeJoria’s philanthropy has touched the lives of countless individuals and communities. His support for causes related to homelessness, education, environmental conservation, and women’s empowerment showcases his commitment to making a tangible difference. By leveraging his resources and influence, DeJoria has set a philanthropic standard for leaders, inspiring them to use their success to uplift others and contribute to the greater good.

A Legacy of Empowering Others

One of the most significant aspects of DeJoria’s leadership legacy is his commitment to empowering others. Throughout his journey, he has fostered a culture of trust, collaboration, and personal development, enabling individuals to reach their full potential. His dedication to building strong teams, investing in employee growth, and nurturing a supportive work environment has created a ripple effect, inspiring leaders to prioritize the well-being and success of their own teams.

Leaving a Lasting Impact

John Paul DeJoria’s legacy is not confined to the present but will continue to shape the future. His leadership philosophy, entrepreneurial spirit, and dedication to ethical practices serve as guiding principles for generations to come. As his ventures flourish and his philanthropic initiatives thrive, DeJoria’s impact will continue to be felt in the lives of individuals, communities, and industries worldwide.

The leadership journey of John Paul DeJoria offers several key lessons for leaders:

Embrace Resilience: In the face of challenges and setbacks, leaders should cultivate resilience, maintaining a positive mindset, and using adversity as an opportunity for growth.

Prioritize Ethics and Social Responsibility: Leaders must prioritize ethical practices and social responsibility, understanding that business success and positive societal impact are not mutually exclusive.

Lead by Example: Leaders should embody the values and principles they advocate, demonstrating integrity, transparency, and compassion in their actions and decisions.

Empower Others: Leaders have a responsibility to empower their teams, fostering a culture of trust, collaboration, and personal development that allows individuals to thrive.

Leave a Positive Legacy: Leaders should strive to leave a lasting positive impact on their industries, communities, and the world at large. By making meaningful contributions and inspiring others, leaders can create a legacy that extends far beyond their own accomplishments.

John Paul DeJoria’s leadership legacy is a testament to the power of vision, resilience, ethical practices, and social responsibility. By embracing his principles, aspiring leaders can chart their own paths to success, creating a positive and enduring impact on the world.

Embracing the Legacy: Inspiring Ethical Leadership for a Better Future

John Paul DeJoria’s leadership journey is a remarkable testament to the power of visionary thinking, resilience, ethical practices, and social responsibility. From his humble beginnings to his extraordinary achievements, DeJoria has left an enduring legacy that extends beyond the realms of business success. His impact on industries, philanthropy, and the concept of leadership has inspired countless individuals to strive for excellence, embrace ethical practices, and make a positive impact on society.

DeJoria’s leadership journey embodies the essence of a true visionary. He possessed an unwavering belief in his ideas, challenging conventional norms and paving the way for transformative change. By identifying market gaps, embracing innovation, and remaining steadfast in the pursuit of his vision, DeJoria transformed industries and set new standards of excellence. His ventures in the hair care and spirits industries, exemplified by John Paul Mitchell Systems and Patron, have not only achieved remarkable commercial success but have also redefined industry landscapes and inspired a new generation of entrepreneurs.

Ethical leadership lies at the core of DeJoria’s journey. He understood that business success should be accompanied by a commitment to integrity, fairness, and social responsibility. Through his dedication to ethical practices, transparency, and giving back, DeJoria has demonstrated that businesses can thrive while making a positive impact on communities and the environment. His philanthropic efforts, focused on homelessness, education, environmental conservation, and women’s empowerment, have changed lives and served as a powerful example of using success to uplift others.

Resilience and the ability to overcome adversity have been defining characteristics of DeJoria’s leadership. He faced numerous challenges and setbacks, but instead of being deterred, he embraced them as opportunities for growth. His unwavering determination, positive mindset, and ability to bounce back stronger have inspired others to persevere in the face of challenges and maintain focus on their goals. DeJoria’s journey teaches us the importance of embracing setbacks as stepping stones, learning from failures, and fostering a resilient spirit that propels us forward.

Moreover, DeJoria’s leadership legacy extends beyond his personal achievements. He has empowered others by creating a culture of trust, collaboration, and personal development. By valuing the well-being and success of his employees, he has fostered an environment where individuals can thrive and contribute their best. His dedication to building strong teams, investing in employee growth, and nurturing a supportive work culture has set an example for leaders worldwide.

As we reflect on the leadership journey of John Paul DeJoria, we are reminded of the profound impact that visionary, ethical leadership can have on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. His story serves as an inspiration, offering valuable lessons in resilience, ethical practices, social responsibility, and the power of empowering others. By embracing his principles and applying them in our own leadership journeys , we have the opportunity to create a positive and enduring legacy, driving meaningful change and leaving a lasting impact on the world.

In conclusion, John Paul DeJoria’s leadership legacy will continue to inspire generations of leaders to strive for excellence, embrace ethical practices, and make a positive impact on society. His unwavering commitment to his vision, resilience in the face of adversity, dedication to ethical practices, and philanthropic endeavors have transformed industries, empowered communities, and set a powerful example for leaders worldwide. The lessons derived from his journey will continue to guide and shape the future of leadership, reminding us of the profound impact that compassionate, visionary, and ethical leadership can have on individuals, organizations, and the world.

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John Paul DeJoria: Adventures of a serial entrepreneur

You know Paul Mitchell and you know Patrn. Now meet John Paul DeJoria.

You know Paul Mitchell and you know Patr�n. Now meet John Paul DeJoria.

FORTUNE -- There are a lot of interesting things about John Paul DeJoria. Yes, he's the co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems, which sells hair products in more than 150,000 beauty salons in 87 countries. Many of us are familiar with his shampoo if not DeJoria himself. But few know about his other ventures. The 68-year-old DeJoria was also founder of more than a dozen other businesses, from Patrón Spirits to the House of Blues to DeJoria Diamonds. And then there's his hardscrabble life. He worked to help support his family when he was a kid, and he was even homeless twice once just as he launched John Paul Mitchell.

As the cliché goes, DeJoria has come a long way. He won't reveal many financial details, but says his worth is more than $4 billion. How did DeJoria do it? Here are edited excerpts of his story:

I grew up in Echo Park, Calif., which was European, Asian, and Hispanic. We didn't know we didn't have anything because we had nothing else to judge things by. My parents divorced when I was 2, and my first job was selling Christmas cards door-to-door when I was 9. When I was 11, I was delivering the Los Angeles Examiner before school. I graduated high school at 17 and went into the Navy.

When I got out of the service in 1964, I didn't have the money to go to college, so I worked as a salesman for Collier's Encyclopedia . I had 10 jobs for the next several years until John Capra, a friend who was an employment counselor, said I should try the beauty industry. He said it didn't pay much at first, but there was no end to where you could go with it.

So in 1971 I became a Redken representative, selling hair care products. I started with a $600-a-month salary and a $125-a-month car allowance. After a year and a half I was running two divisions -- scientific schools and chain salons -- with two secretaries and four people. Doing so much with so few people made the regional managers look bad. Plus, I didn't play the socializing game with them. They said I wasn't their type of manager, and fired me in 1975.

Next, I went to work for Fermodyl Hair Care, which hired me to train their management and sales force on how to sell. Sales went up 50% over the year I was there, but they said I didn't fit in. I never missed business events, but I didn't hang out with them socially. I started selling for another hair care company, the Institute of Trichology, where I got $3,000 a month plus 6% of all new business that I brought in. After a year there they fired me because they said I made more money than the owner.

When people fire you for not being their kind of manager, it makes you want to be your own manager. I think being fired was meant to be, though, because I learned something about sales, manufacturing, and marketing from each of those companies, which helped me start John Paul Mitchell Systems.

More: The 12 greatest entrepreneurs of our time

In 1980 my friend Paul [Mitchell] was struggling, so I said, "Why don't we start a business together?" We were both in the hair care business, and decided to create products for professional stylists that would cut the time needed to do a client's hair. The first products we created were a single-application shampoo, where other shampoos at the time were multi-application, and a leave-in conditioner that improved blow-dry results.

Paul would own 30% of the company, I'd own 30%, and a European investor contributing $500,000 would then own 40%. But the investor changed his mind, and the money wasn't there. Paul was on his last leg. Things weren't going well with my former wife, so I gave her all the money and moved out. I was too proud to tell my friends that I only had a few hundred dollars. So I lived in my car in Los Angeles for a while, and we started the company with $700.

To start, I got a sample run made of two shampoos and a conditioner. We had two weeks before the first bill was due. So I went knocking on salon doors and got 12 orders and checks, then went to Paris Ace Beauty Supplies, our first distributor. They agreed to take our line on, and we paid our first bill.

I had parked my car on Mulholland Drive because it was safe there. One day the actress Joanna Pettet [who appeared in the TV series Dr. Kildare and Knots Landing ] knocked on my car. We knew each other from years past, and she said I could have a room in her house free for two months, but I'd have to pay rent after that. So I got a post office box for $15 and got some cards printed up saying JOHN PAUL MITCHELL SYSTEMS with her phone number on it. When you called, you'd hear her English accent on the answering machine saying, "J.P. will call you back."

For the first two years it was hand to mouth. After two years Paul and I had made close to $1 million gross and had enough to give ourselves each a $2,000 dividend. We had no loans. Everything was in inventory. It wasn't nationwide yet, but we were in a number of salons. It got rolling and rolling until it got into the hundreds of millions.

I've always supported environmental causes, and in 1986 a businessman named Michael Gustin asked if I'd want to fund a company that does advanced exploration of gas and oil with ecology in mind. I said yes, so we started Gustin Energy Cos.

In 1989 my partner [Paul Mitchell] died, and I started the Patrón Spirits Co. with my friend Martin Crowley, an architect who'd gone to Mexico to do some work. I said bring me back some tequila. He found a hand-blown bottle and said, "I could design a label for this. Want to make a smoother tequila and go into business?" So I decided to make the first 12,000 bottles. Blue agave is so expensive, but even at $37 a bottle, I believed the world was ready for a high-end product.

My friend Clint Eastwood put Patrón in his movie In the Line of Fire , and Wolfgang Puck turned all his friends on to it. At Paul Mitchell, we gave it free to people at events. Today we're the world's ultra-premium tequila, and in 2011 we sold approximately 2,450,000 cases. I own about 70% of Patrón.

Starting so many businesses was just what happened. The key is to be excited and passionate about what you are starting, and the quality with which you produce something. It's amazing what a human is capable of doing if they really like something. I'm not a great detail man. Thank God for accountants and assistants.

The majority of my time is spent with John Paul Mitchell Systems as CEO and chairman. The company is privately held, and we continue to grow every year.

For the rest of my companies, I have great presidents who handle things. All my businesses were started out of personal interests. DeJoria Diamonds, for example, sells conflict-free diamonds. It was a way to make a statement and help change the world. Success unshared is failure .

Be prepared for rejection. If you're prepared, you won't stop after the first few doors get slammed in your face. In my early twenties, I sold encyclopedias door to door. When you have 10 to 15 doors slammed in your face, you still need to be as enthusiastic at door No. 16 as you were at door No. 1. The average career of an encyclopedia salesman was three days. I worked for Collier's for 3_ years.

Make the highest-quality products. A lot of people make things to sell. But when the product is old, the consumer tosses it out and buys something else. If you make things with the highest quality, you'll be in the reorder business, which keeps the sales growing.

Practice sustainability. We looked at costs in our warehouse system -- everything from what doors can we shut to what lights can we change. We found ways to create a 25% savings in our power costs. We plant trees to offset our Tea Tree shampoo line, to make up for the carbon we use. It's good for the world and good for business.

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You may know John Paul DeJoria as the gifted businessman behind the Patron and Paul Mitchell empires. You may know John Paul DeJoria as the billionaire member of the elite Giving Pledge—joining founders Warren Buffett and Melinda and Bill Gates, as well as Central Texas notables Robert Smith, Red and Charline McCombs, and Charles Butt in committing to give away half of their wealth to philanthropic causes. You may know John Paul DeJoria as the iconic figure dressed in black, sporting a long signature ponytail who is forever smiling while giving the peace sign. You may know that John Paul DeJoria is gifted, that he considers his wealth to be a gift to be shared, and that when he flashes that smile and peace sign at you he genuinely means it. But what you may not know is the story of how John Paul DeJoria defined relational giving and conscious capitalism through his open-hearted belief that doing the right thing is always the right thing to do and the right thing to do is to put people and the planet above profit.

The secret of John Paul’s authenticity, empathy, and open-hearted desire to help others began in Echo Park, Los Angeles, where his mother struggled to make ends meet to support her two sons after their father left the family when John Paul was only two years old. Although his mother had a job, she was unable to care for her young sons while she worked, and the boys were sent to foster care. They were in foster care during the week but always spent the weekends with their mother. Even though they were poor, John Paul says the family was strong and happy, and he credits his mother with instilling in him a sense that he could be more than his circumstances. 

John Paul likes to tell a story of a defining moment in his childhood, “One Christmas my mother gave my brother and me a dime and told us to each hold half of the dime and take it to put in a bucket where a man was ringing a bell. We couldn’t believe it. And we said to Mom, ‘Mom, why did we give away a dime?’ Because, in those days, it was two Coca-Colas or three candy bars. And Mom said, ‘Boys, that’s the Salvation Army, and they take care of people who don’t have a house to live in or any food to eat, and even though we don’t have a lot of money—we could only afford a dime—we’re at least gonna give that.’ She said, ‘No matter how little we have, there will always be someone who has less. We should help when we can.’ I never forgot it.”

There were many lessons along the way that John Paul never forgot: what life was like where he came from when a gang looked like the best way out; what life was like when he found himself homeless and living in his car first with a two-and-a-half-year-old-son and then again after he lost everything just before starting Paul Mitchell Hair Care ; and what it was like to lose loved ones, first a beloved brother in a motorcycle accident and then a beloved partner, Paul Mitchell, to pancreatic cancer. He never forgot his life in the Navy where he developed a passion for the ocean and learned that a team of ordinary people pulling together could achieve extraordinary results. He also never forgot the people who were kind to him, believed in him, gave him a break and sometimes a home when he needed it most. 

Some life lessons took longer to learn than others, and JP (as his friends call him) says he regrets that he was ill prepared and too immature to make his first marriages last but that he learned from his mistakes and now shares a blended family with his wife of 25 years, Eloise. Raised with the Greek traditions by a feisty mother that he adored, John Paul carries her legacy of giving unconditional love and support to his family. Having the strong core that came from his mother’s love has also enabled him to see others as extended family—as brothers and sisters that he can connect with, relate to, and help. His attitude extends to his businesses as well as his philanthropic endeavors. “I have always said that when you are down, there is no where to go but up and that one of my greatest joys is having the ability to help others,” DeJoria says. “One of the best things about owning your own business is that you can treat people as you would have wanted to be treated.” 

John Paul signed The Giving Pledge in 2011 as a formal promise to continue giving back. That same year, he founded JP’s Peace, Love & Happiness Foundation with his family to invest in charities that share the core values of his companies—sustainability, social responsibility and animal-friendliness. Together, the DeJorias are committed to contributing to a sustainable planet through investing in people, protecting animals and conserving the environment. Today JP’s Peace, Love & Happiness Foundation contributes to more than 160 organizations, initiatives, and nonprofits. The family is involved with the work of the foundation, especially his wife Eloise, who is the patron of several organizations that empower women. Both John Paul and Eloise are passionate about the environment, the arts, education, nutrition and sustainable farming, and programs that support job training and building community for the homeless. 

FoundingAUSTIN Editor-in-Chief Deborah Hamilton-Lynne sat down with John Paul in his home in Austin for a one-on-one conversation about his gifts, the gifts he has been given, and his philosophy and practice of giving back through his unique interactive and relational brand of philanthropy.

Deborah: “Give” can mean many things: giving in, I give, and also the philanthropy part of it. Looking back on your life, what does the word “give” mean to you?

John Paul DeJoria:   “Give,” to me, means you’re presenting something, a gift. That’s “give,” like I’m giving you something, you’re giving something to somebody else, and once you release it, it’s theirs. They can do anything they want with it.

Oh wow, okay. I hadn’t thought about that. So even from the time you were young, you had in your mind the fact that, even if you don’t have much to give, you still give. You still help other people. It doesn’t take a lot to give something that really might help.

JPD: Yeah. I’m not a big hamburger guy, but someone gave me this idea years ago, and it works. You go to McDonald’s—and it could be four, five, 10 dollars—you buy these gift cards, keep them with you in your car, and if you run across somebody on the corner saying, “Can I have some money? I want to eat,” you just hand them the gift card. Because for four dollars you could buy a meal there.

DHL: What a great idea. I will remember that.

JPD: Mainly, I don’t believe in giving something away. If it’s for philanthropy, okay, I will give money to something, but the money is not a giveaway, the money is way of helping. I will not give money where it’s just used one time and it’s over, unless someone’s starving. Other than that, whatever I try to invest in has long-term effects, like Mobile Loaves & Fishes here in Austin, when I put together Eloise House with SafePlace here in Austin. It’s things that have long-term effects. When we have a motorcycle ride, we give it to 100 Club of Central Texas . It’s for people that are first responders: firemen, paramedics, police officers.

That’s a way of  having fun while doing good, too.

JPD: Exactly. We’re doing good while we’re having fun. Anyone can join in. It’s the Peace* Love* Happiness Ride. Myself and my friend Gary Spellman underwrite the entire ride. Every dollar that is raised goes directly to the charity, and this last year it was more 100 Club for first responders. We’re helping the families of the first-responders who are injured or have died, and we help their families, but it’s a long-term thing. 

Well, your philosophy for philanthropy—which is hard to say—is that you believe in giving people jobs, you believe in giving people respect while you are helping them build sustainable lives. 

So talk to me about your experience of giving … not only you having to find a way to have respect but giving people respect and helping them with jobs. We talked about Chrysalis, I believe, in Los Angeles.

JPD: Exactly, exactly, yeah. In Los Angeles, we have Chrysalis , which helps homeless people get jobs. Back in 2010, about 3,000 people, all homeless, came to Chrysalis to try to find a job, to learn. And at Chrysalis , we give them clothes to wear, give them tokens to go on interviews with, on buses, and teach them how to fill out a resume, how to do an interview. We work with them every day. In a little over a year, out of 3,000 that were homeless that came for a job, where people couldn’t find jobs, 1,600 got jobs. And here in Austin, Texas, we have a bigger thing going. I’ve been a resident for about 18 years. We have a bigger thing going here. It’s Mobile Loaves & Fishes , where we really give the homeless respect. When you go [to Mobile Loaves & Fishes’ Community First! Village], you have to pay a reasonable amount for rent. That’s it. Now, what if you’re a homeless person and have no little check from the government or anybody else? You have no money. That’s okay. We’ll help you make that money. So you feel respected because you’re paying rent for being there. 

DHL: Exactly.

JPD: Now we have gardens there and eggs and everything else to eat, so your food’s gonna be okay. But we help you make money. We have a Community Forge and Woodshop, art shop, we have an animal project, all kinds of stuff there so the people can get involved. Alan Graham came to me a couple months ago, said, “JP, our first tenant is leaving us.” I said, “Why?” He says, “That’s what I asked him. I said, ‘My God, you have a home here, you don’t pay very much money.'” Our only rules are no drugs, no drinking, and no fighting. No fighting, no drugs, no drinking. Period. That’s the price you pay to be there. And what happened was this: He said, “I came here as a drunk. I became sober,” because you have to be sober to be here. No fighting, no drinking, no drugs. He says, “I now have a job, I’m making money, I can afford an apartment. I can never pay you guys back for giving me my life back, because I was on a downward throw of the dice. Could never pay it back. So the way I’m gonna pay it back is, I’m giving up my home, which I could have forever.” He could have that home forever if you play by the rules. “Forever, I could have my home here. But I’m gonna give it to someone else. That’s my way of paying back, so they have a place to stay, they have the same chance I get.”

DHL: Paying it forward.

JPD: Paying it forward. Works really well. That means being a hero with a heart. 

Talk to me about how your personal story has informed your philanthropy.

JPD: Starting out in life, we started out with absolutely nothing. My mom got us into philanthropy, which I never forgot. So even in my late teenage years, early 20s, when I had no money, I would go to Griffith Park in Los Angeles on Thanksgiving and on Christmas, where they would have turkey dinners to feed to the homeless, and I’d volunteer my time and I’d go there and serve them. I didn’t have any money, but I would serve the people on that day. That was my way of giving back, so it really affected me. And of course in business when I started making a little bit of money, I never forgot lending a helping hand to people. I know when I worked for other people, there were times when I had no money. Can’t buy a lot for a dollar for lunch. So I knew that, when I started Paul Mitchell, I wanted everyone to have free lunch. It was about three, four years in business where I had enough money to afford it. Still today, if you’re working for John Paul Mitchell Systems, it’s free lunch, and you order off menus, so no one ever has to have not enough money to have lunch with.

Grow Appalachia. Talk to me about it. You support a lot of organizations that encourage people to grow their own food and also have good nutrition.

JPD: Grow Appalachia was right around 2010. Our government, no disrespect, was doing little to nothing as far as homelessness was concerned and people were out of jobs. So I was looking around, how could I help our nation, not just Africa and the rest of the world. What can I do right now, for the people of our nation? And Tommy Callahan who worked for me that was from Appalachia. He said, “JP, check into Appalachia.” So I flew there and talked to a few charities there and found out there were more than 150,000 people in Appalachia on food stamps. Some of them lost their jobs in the coal mining industry—good, hardworking people, but no jobs in all those areas. That’s about seven states, the Appalachian Mountains. So I got with Berea College, which is in eastern Kentucky, I worked with them, and we started something called Grow Appalachia. And what Grow Appalachia did was this: I paid for it all through community centers, and we started in Lincoln County in eastern Kentucky. I would provide people with seeds, fertilizer, irrigation, tools, everything you need to garden with. David Cooke from Berea College went full time with me on the project and we taught them how to grow their own vegetables.

So phase 1 was this: Here’s how to grow your own vegetables in your own yard to feed yourself, your family and can for the winter. We’ll teach you how to do all this. You have vegetables year-round. Phase 2: What we’d like you to do is the same thing, but grow a little more. The extra you grow …

DHL: And you also become an entrepreneur.

JPD: Exactly. Become an entrepreneur. The second phase would be, when you grow a little bit more, you sell it at farmers markets or at local grocery stores as organically grown, local produce. Now you have income. Then we introduced chicken and eggs. So now you have eggs. You got protein! And then some of them went for bees. You have bees now to make things out of honey. All of a sudden, they became minimum entrepreneurs, minimum, at least a good portion of them.

And then what’s happening, too, as we’re evolving, I just found out this last year, there’s about 40,000 people now eating off those gardens. 40,000!

Well, and that’s the whole point, is being able to give back in the way that you can. I’m sure you think about how blessed you are, not just because you’ve worked hard, you’ve been brilliant, you’ve done all that, but I thought about it this morning when I was thinking about coming to interview you, and I thought, “I want to ask John Paul how he feels every day that he’s able to do this.” To be able to give like this, it has to be a dream.

JPD: Very blessed. A dream beyond a dream. I would say 95 percent plus of every morning when I wake up, I say, “Thank you Creator of Souls for this blessing upon me, and let me do what’s right in life, and show me the truth.” Almost every morning when I get up, I do that.

DHL:  That’s amazing. I was inspired by your giving heart the last time we talked.

JPD: When I walk in this house, when I drive a car that’s not 20 years old—half my cars are 10 or 12 years old, by the way—I feel just so special. I feel like the greatest thing in the world. I’m very blessed.

For a lot of people it’s a dream to have a foundation. Whenever someone asks the question, “What if you won the lottery?” I always say, “I’d start a foundation.” It’s not that I wouldn’t do anything else, that’s what I would do, it’s what I would love to do. So when you thought … I know you signed The Giving Pledge in 2011, and you established the foundation in 2011. Tell me what was in your mind as far as a mission and as far as how you were going to run it?

JPD: I think my mission is that while I’m on this planet Earth—I’ve been so blessed—I want to make sure that I do enough things on the planet to make the planet better off. The environment, as well as the people. So we’re big-time in the environment and also big-time into people. I wanted to make sure that I did that. It was my way of paying a little bit of rent for being on the planet Earth and for being so blessed that I could help lots of people to have a better life because I’m here.

DHL:  It’s a living legacy for your mother.

JPD: Oh, it’s a living legacy for me and my mom, for all of us and generations to come. And my kids do the same thing. Most of my kids have learned how to give back. My two daughters are involved in more charitable things than you could ever imagine. Alexis the race car driver, Michaeline the executive, and my son John Anthony, the same thing. They’re all into giving a helping hand.

In 2004, you won the Horatio Alger Award, and you said that award was one of the things that you were most proud of as a first-generation American. The award is given to individuals who have shown “perseverance, integrity and excellence.” Talk to me a little bit about what it meant to win that award, and what it means to you to give back.

JPD: The Horatio Alger Award is the only award given in the United States of America Supreme Court, and it’s given to Americans who started with nothing, had all kinds of adversity in their life, but made the American Dream come true and gave back at the same time. It’s given to from two people to a maximum of 10 a year. It was a great honor.

DHL: I loved that in your acceptance you said something that has become your mantra: “Success unshared is failure.” I also love that you emphasize the power of giving of your time as well as your resources. If every person would volunteer once a week, three hours, can you imagine the difference it would make?

JPD: It would change the world. And what people should know is … if I want to leave a message and a closing statement, it is this: Why is success unshared failure? When you give to somebody else and ask nothing in return, it’s the greatest high you will ever have in your life. You’ll never get a greater high in your life. You gave to someone else, asked nothing in return. And if you think you’re successful in life, and you make millions of dollars or maybe more, or hundreds of thousands of dollars, well, that’s nice for you, but what’d you do to make the world a little better place to live because you’re here? If you made all of that, did you give a little back to help somebody else out that was really in need? Success unshared is failure.

Written by Deborah Hamilton-Lynne Photography by Leslie Hodge and Weston Carls

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John Paul DeJoria — From Homelessness to Building Paul Mitchell and Patrón Tequila (#441)

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“Don’t limit yourself in life by your age or what you think you’re capable of doing. You’re always as old as your mind leads you to believe.” — John Paul DeJoria

John Paul DeJoria is an American entrepreneur and philanthropist who has launched multiple global enterprises and is renowned as one of the “ 100 Greatest Living Business Minds ” by Forbes .

John Paul DeJoria’s rags-to-riches biography is incredible and truly exemplifies the American dream. Once homeless, he has struggled against the odds to craft a unique life and many unique businesses.

In 1980, John Paul and hair stylist Paul Mitchell converted a partially borrowed $700 into John Paul Mitchell Systems , which is today the largest privately held salon hair care line. In 1989, he co-founded Patrón , the first ultra-premium tequila, and now the world’s number-one ultra-premium tequila, which he sold to Bacardi in 2018. John Paul went on to co-found John Paul Pet , ROKiT , and many other enterprises. 

He has signed The Giving Pledge , along with others like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, as a formal promise to continue giving back, and he has also established JP’s Peace, Love & Happiness Foundation as a hub for his charitable investments, which span the core values of his companies: sustainability, social responsibility, and animal-friendliness.

This episode was recorded in March of 2020. Due to technical issues, we moved from Skype to phone partway through the interview.

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You can find   the transcript of this episode here . Transcripts of  all episodes can be found here .

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Want to hear an episode featuring mutual friend Robert Rodriguez ? Check out this conversation in which we discuss journaling, keeping morale high, embracing the creative process, filmmaker tips, and much more.


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  • Vegetarian Diet: How to Get the Best Nutrition | The Mayo Clinic
  • Oats | The Nutrition Source, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
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  • John Paul DeJoria: How to Get Your Foot in the Door and Nail the Sale | Big Think Edge
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  • The Way I Work: John Paul DeJoria, John Paul Mitchell Systems |
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  • In excellent shape at 76, what does fitness look like for John Paul? Does he have a consistent exercise regimen, or does he just pull off Spider-Man moves at parties with Smokey Robinson? [06:13]
  • What kind of diet does John Paul observe, and what does he consider to be the breakfast of champions? [12:00]
  • Wine recommendations. [14:56]
  • On growing up “rich” and happy with only 27 cents to split with his loving mother and brother, and what this taught him about the true meaning of success. [16:03]
  • John Paul talks about the circumstances that led to him being homeless not once, but twice, and how he managed to break the cycle. [19:53]
  • After a colorful assortment of odd jobs — from janitor to door-to-door salesman — what led to John Paul’s teaming up with Paul Mitchell to formulate the John Paul Mitchell Systems? [25:17]
  • Where did John Paul develop his salesmanship superpowers, and what’s the big secret he’s willing to share with us? [29:19]
  • What did the pitch look like when John Paul and Paul Mitchell had to keep their business idea going even after an initial promised investment of big money fell through and they pooled together a grand total of $700 between them? How did they convince the links in their supply chain and their first distributor that they were worth trusting with favorable terms as an unknown, unproven line? [32:18]
  • Did John Paul inherit his chutzpah genetically, or was it handed down by a wise elder? How might he pass it along to his own offspring? [38:48]
  • Aside from sheer persistence in the face of rejection, what insights or techniques does John Paul credit with making him a better salesman than his competition? [40:57]
  • John Paul shares the origin story of the Patrón tequila brand and how his salesmanship savvy helped jump-start its adoption in the US — even when heavy hitters in the industry kept telling him and his partners that it would never really catch on. (They were wrong, and Bacardi bought the brand in 2018 for just over $5 billion.) [42:40]
  • How was the work of launching and maintaining Patrón divided among the partners, and what does John Paul consider to be some of the best lessons a Harvard Business School class might learn from decisions that were made? [48:47]
  • What was John Paul and his partners’ secret to establishing a higher-end, more expensive tequila brand in a market saturated with a much cheaper competition? [50:59]
  • As recently as 2013, John Paul’s workflow was devoid of computers and email. What exactly did that look like, and does it still hold true today? [53:40]
  • In the course of a regular day, how does John Paul determine what’s important and deserving of attention versus what can safely be ignored — and how does doing things the old-fashioned way (e.g., talking on the phone) beat new-fangled, email-focused conversations? [55:24]
  • Why John Paul finds it especially important to recognize first responders —  especially during these difficult times. [58:13]
  • On the importance of taking personal annual (or even more frequent) retreats, and how John Paul puts them to good use on his quest to live to 125. [1:00:44]
  • What approach does John Paul take to — as kindly as possible — cut ties with people he no longer wants in his life? [1:04:13]
  • During his retreats, has John Paul noticed any patterns that have helped him make better decisions moving forward? [1:06:52]
  • How has John Paul gotten better at saying no? [1:07:39]
  • Are there any new beliefs or behaviors that have had a positive impact on John Paul’s life? [1:09:22]
  • Are there any quotations or maxims by which John Paul lives his life? [1:12:46]
  • Books most gifted and recommended. [1:13:24]
  • Memorable failures that set John Paul up for later success. [1:15:32]
  • How does John Paul choose the for-profit and philanthropic projects to which he dedicates his energy? What does the 80 percent of his time spent on non-business projects look like? [1:19:32]
  • What implements from his own toolkit have helped John Paul through times of doubt or difficulty? [1:29:39]
  • What John Paul would put on his billboard, and parting thoughts. [1:33:09]


  • Robert Rodriguez
  • Eloise DeJoria
  • Smokey Robinson
  • John Lee Hooker
  • Alexis DeJoria
  • Matthew McConaughey
  • Frances Glandney
  • Jerzy Gregorek
  • John Paul with His Mother and Brother
  • Paul Mitchell
  • Martin Crowley
  • Francisco Alcaraz
  • Wolfgang Puck
  • Ilana Edelstein
  • Gary Spellman
  • Paul Watson
  • Alan Graham
  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page .


Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name , as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

Wrenn Wynkoop

After listening to the episode I really want to watch Good Fortune. Unfortunately it is not available through Amazon, iTunes or other. Any chance you can get John Paul to release it?


Agree based in the UK and really want to watch this but unable to find anywhere to buy


Spent a couple hours last night looking for it across the web. No dice. let me know f yinz come across


That was a great episode. His story is interesting and hopeful. I would have liked to know more about his time in the Navy, being a squid myself. I’m going to give that one another listen. Thank you for this one.

Jacqueline Chew

I love this one, so inspiring and touching. I want to see the doc and read the book he recommended. Thank you Tim

Varun Sharma

The story is so inspiring.You have to work really hard to earn everything in your life.


So many inspiring guests and topics, as always. I’d really hope in this age, with the heightened awareness of racism and murders of Black men and women, that every email you send acknowledges that in some way – through a guest, a book, a podcast. The weekly Friday 5 bullets was sent on Juneteenth without mention of the historic day. Some of your readers are more and less aware of the dynamics going on, and with your influence and platform, you have such an opportunity to add to the tipping point our society and economy deserve. Thanks for your consideration.

Stephen Druesedow

I really enjoyed this episode. “In the end everything will be ok, and if it’s not ok, it’s not the end.”


I love this one, so inspiring and touching, In the end everything will be ok, and if it’s not ok, it’s not the end was a phrase that inspired me a lot.

[Moderator: website link removed.]


At age 76, still a beast! Super inspiring post


Thanks Tim Ferris for another amazing podcast. Your podcasts inspire me as I see that I am not alone in the way I think, and the guests you select are aspirational. I have listened to other podcasts now aside from yours and the only other one I connect with is tony robbins as the rest of them don’t question the interviewees in the way you do and I’m always left wanting to know more as opposed to yours where you really go in depth and seem to bring out the heart and key lessons aligned with what I want to find out. Anyway I love your podcast, thanks for doing such an amazing job!!!

Lauri Maerov

I really enjoyed this terrific interview with J.P. DeJoria. So refreshing to hear such a highly successful person talk about focusing on giving and bringing value to people. I can personally attest that this is how he treats people. Nine years ago I was lucky to meet him by chance in a restaurant during a time when I was an agency creative director on a major hair brand. He was entertaining his team on one of their retreats and we were curious about who these people were who were having such a fabulous time – they looked like rock stars. My friend had met John Paul a few years before so when he passed our table she called out to him. He stopped by and was incredibly present and friendly, so happy to say hello. He asked for our contact info and I gave him my card. A week later I received a giant box of his new Paul Mitchell line, very exceptional products with a note from him. I’ve never forgotten that brief meeting, his warmth and humanity. He really walks his talk. Thanks Tim! So much wisdom in this podcast.


Tim, Great interview! Extremely inspirational. Have tried multiple ways to watch the documentary Good Fortune, to no avail. It’s not available on iTunes or Amazon Prime as suggested from website and with the link you provided. Are you able to assist in alerting Mr. DeJoria’s team to make it available.

Hope Schiller

I absolutely love John Paul. He is just as genuine and wonderful in person. Such an inspiration!!


Strive Stories

The john paul dejoria story.

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John Paul DeJoria is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and self-made billionaire. He co-founded John Paul Mitchell Systems; a manufacturer of hair care products and styling tools through brands like Paul Mitchell, Tea, Neuro, and more. He’s also launched many other successful businesses and brands as well like The Patrón Spirits Company. The intrigue of John Paul DeJoria, is the fact that he came from nothing, struggled through poverty and heartbreak, and yet, still managed to created a multi-billion dollar enterprise.

“Success Unshared Is Failure.” – john paul dejoria –

That said, it’s clear that John Paul DeJoria knows a thing or two about what it means to be uccessful . As such, we’ve decided to share this John Paul DeJoria Success Story, because success leaves clues. So, if you’re looking for a bit of guidance or insights when it comes to success, then stick around as we unpack how he did it in this John Paul Dejoria story. Let’s dive in!


john paul dejoria biography book

John Paul Dejoria was born into a rough neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA in 1944. He was the second son of an Italian father and a Greek mother, both of whom were immigrants. When he was just two years of age, his parents divorced.

His mother got custody of the children but struggled to support them. As such, she sent them to a foster home. Fortunately, she was able to get back on her feet after a few years, and was able to support them again when John Paul Dejoria was around 9 years old. [1]

Their financial situation was still bleak, which forced the young John Paul DeJoria to lend a helping hand to help is mom makes ends meet. So, he hit the streets and started selling Christmas cards, newspapers, flowerpots, etc…

It was not an ideal situation for the young John Paul DeJoria, let alone a kid. But, he did learn how to sell and how to work hard .

John Paul DeJoria eventually made his way through high school, even though he was once scolded by a teacher as someone who would never make it in any business or in life.

Making Ends Meet

After high school, DeJoria would enlist with the Navy where he spent two years on the aircraft carrier, the USS Hornet. After his two years of service, he would take on various low-paying jobs.

DeJoria eventually got married to a young woman named Bella, and started a family. They had a son together, as such, he did whatever it took to provide for his budding family.

He was once a janitor, worked at a gas station, and even tried out the insurance sales industry. He also worked for a short time for in haircare sales for Redken Laboratories before getting fired. Then he took a job as an encyclopedia sales person, which he would persist in for over three years. This was no small feat, as the average encyclopedia sales person only lasted three days on average.

Rejection was the norm in his early career, but DeJoria learned how to master rejection, and maintain his enthusiasm as he went from customer to customer. Despite his mastery of sales and rejection, he would still struggle to make ends meet.

Unfortunately, his wife decided that she didn’t want to be a mother anymore. She took all of his money, left bills unpaid for months, and abandoned him and his two year old son to do it all on their own.

A Reversal of Fortune

When DeJoria’s wife left, he and his son would become homeless due to the unpaid rent and the loss of money. Fortunately, John Paul had a generous friend who was in a biker gang that offered to house them.

John still struggled to stay afloat as he didn’t have steady work. He would collect glass bottles on the street and resell them, earning him just a few bucks a day. He also ate the cheapest foods, and pinched pennies to get by.

Serendipitously, at the age of 36 he came across a hairdresser named Paul Mitchell while getting a haircut. He learned that Paul had products that would sell out often and saw the opportunity in the demand.

john paul dejoria biography book

As such he went into business with Paul Mitchell to create a business partnership. They secured funding with an investor, but the deal fell through. Undeterred, he managed to borrow $350 from his mother, combined with Mitchell’s $350 to purchase, design, and sell an officially branded haircare product for $700.

The Beauty of Business

John Paul DeJoria and Paul Mitchell would go about selling their products exclusively to beauty salons. They didn’t find success at first, as they still faced lots of rejection. Fortunately, John Paul DeJoria was used to the rejection from all of his previous sales work, and so he persisted.

One of the aspects of their approach which helped them succeed, was their product guarantee. They guaranteed salon owners would sell all products purchased, and if they didn’t, they would be allowed to return any unsold products for a 100% refund.

Two years would pass before they would make a profit. In fact, John Paul DeJoria once stated that, “It was miserable”, exclaiming, “I can remember not sleeping at night because I couldn’t pay my bills. Every week, for almost two years, we should’ve gone out of business.” [2]

Things eventually started looking up for John Paul DeJoria after so many years of struggle. The tide finally turned for him.

The Paul Mitchell brand finally started to take off. And before John Paul DeJoria knew it, he had a highly profitable brand on his hands with John Paul Mitchell Systems becoming one of the fastest growing privately-held companies in the United States. [3]

In 1989, John Paul DeJoria’s partner would pass away, leaving him to take on the reigns of the business. DeJoria would eventually lead the company to becoming a multibillion dollar global powerhouse, with sales of over $2.7 billion a year.

John Paul would also co-found other companies like the Patrón Spirits Company, which he would eventually sell to Bacardi for $5.1 billion. And he also owns ROKit Telecommunications, a company dedicated to providing affordable technology and products to the world.

In addition to these homerun successes in business, he’s also funded various philanthropic organizations, and founded the non-profit Grow Appalachia, an initiative that teaches people how to grow, prepare, and sustain fresh food in areas with scarce access to nutritious foods.

He’s become a lifetime member of the Horatio Alger society, and has been listed on Forbes’ Top 400 richest Americans list.

Related: John Paul DeJoria Net Worth

John Paul DeJoria’s Success Ethos

A large portion of John Paul DeJoria’s success is due to his persuasion and communication skills. He learned how to listen to people as a sales person, and not take rejection to heart. He learned how to persist and stay positive even when the odds seemed to be against him.

That said, over the years he’s uttered in his own words what he believes helped him achieve the staggering success he now enjoys. Here are a few of those insights:

“If you want to be rich, think of ways to create value for others.” – John Paul DeJoria

“Success is how well you do what you do when nobody else is looking.” – John Paul DeJoria

“Successful people do all the things that unsuccessful people don’t want to do.” – John Paul DeJoria

“Success to me is no how much money you have; it’s how well you do what it is you do.” – John Paul DeJoria

“The biggest hurdle is rejection. Any business you start, be ready for it.” – John Paul DeJoria

Related: John Paul DeJoria Quotes

Success Insights

If you’re looking for further insights into how John Paul DeJoria went from homeless to billionaire you’ll enjoy this video. Give it a watch if you’re looking for some of key billionaire habits to copy:

Video Credit: Lewis Howes ( Subscribe Here )

Final Thoughts

John Paul DeJoria’s story is a quintessential rags-to-riches story which clearly demonstrates that it doesn’t matter where you come from. It shows that you can come from a broken home, be put in a foster home, have your wife leave you, become homeless, have people doubt you, struggle for many years financially, and still come out on top.

So, if you find yourself struggling in your own journey towards a better future, just remember, not now, doesn’t mean never. And when things get hard, just remember John Paul DeJoria’s story, and keep pushing….

Until you reach your aims,

PS – If you enjoyed John Paul DeJoria’s success story, then you’ll likely enjoy this collection of short, but very inspiring success stories .



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john paul dejoria biography book

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The tyler perry success story.

Tyler Perry Success Story

Tyler Perry  is a highly respected American director, actor, filmmaker and entrepreneur, and he’s the brains and the talent behind the extremely popular “Madea” franchise. Perry is also a New York Times best-selling author, and the mastermind behind over 17 movies, 20 stage plays, and 7 television shows, and the founding of Tyler Perry studios. So, considering this impressive list of achievements, we will be diving into how this entertainment icon has came to be in our Tyler Perry Success Story special.

“If I Made It, You Can Too.” – tyler perry –

Certainly, Perry knows a thing or two about success and achievement, and because we believe success leaves clues, we decided to dig into Tyler Perry’s story. Our aim is to unravel a few success gems that you’ll be able to use and benefit from in your own life.

So, if you’re ready to learn about Tyler Perry’s inspiring success story while gaining a few insights that could potentially lead to higher achievement, let’s get started.


Tyler Perry Story of Success

Early Days | A Painful Past

Tyler Perry was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1969. He had two other siblings and was raised in a home with no shortage of problems. Perry experienced horrific physical and psychological abuse at the hands of his own father. [1]

He also often witnessed his father beating his mother on countless occasions as well, and he experienced sexual abuse by a various adults in his youth as well. Things were so bad, that Perry described his own upbringing as a living hell. A hell that he’d often have to seek refuge from by either hiding underneath the floorboards of his home, or escaping within his own mind to an imaginary park when things would get too difficult in his life.

Between his teen years and his twenties, Tyler’s trauma would eventually turn to rage. During these years he would go on to burn down a house, burn up a car, steal, get kicked out of school, become violent on occasion, and was ultimately a miserable wreck to be around. Needless to say, Tyler Perry had an extremely painful past. But, his early challenges wouldn’t last forever.

After watching an episode on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Tyler Perry learned about the therapeutic effect writing could have on his life. As such, he took up writing letters to himself to heal his wounds from the past. And, as fate would have it, those letters would eventually become the foundation on which he would build his future off of.

The Slow Climb

Tyler Perry would eventually use those letters he wrote to himself as the basis for his first play ‘I Know I’ve Been Changed’. At the age of 22, he moved to Atlanta, Georgia and would go on to invest his life savings into this play.

But, his success was not immediately forthcoming. In fact, his play wasn’t well received at all initially However, Perry persisted. While holding various small jobs to pay the bills, Perry would take a shot at getting his play off the ground for a few weeks at a time each year.

And instead of taking the advice from many of the well-meaning friends and family members around him who urged for him to go and find a respectable career, he chose not to give up . Instead of quitting, he would double down each time on his play by tweaking it, and then sending it back out into the world.

And each time he tried his luck again with the play, it wouldn’t receive the warm reception that he was going for. Fortunately though, the reviews for his play slowly improved, giving Perry something to work with. So, for seven long years, Tyler Perry kept working on his craft, methodically revising and improving the play until the day came when audiences finally started warming up to his work.

Success Realized

Sure, Tyler Perry’s success was slow to arrive, but after years of effort , many flops, and countless discouragements, his luck eventually started to change. It was 1998, when his production started to create sellout crowds, and got so large that he had to move his act to a larger theater.

Perry finally “made it”. His dream was being realized, and as his popularity and the demand for his show grew, so did his success.

In 2000 he presented a play known as ‘I Can Do Bad All by Myself’, and it brought to life the larger than life character known as Madea. And it was from this point that Perry’s success would go into overdrive. He produced a few more plays over the years, and then in 2005, his talent was sought on “The Big Screen”, and thus he made the leap into film.

He released his first film known as ‘Diary of a Mad Black Woman’ which would go on to gross over $50 million. Then he went on to create ‘Madea’s Family Reunion’, ‘Daddy’s Little Girls’, ‘Why Did I Get Married?’, ‘Meet The Browns’, ‘The Family That Preys’, ‘Madea Goes To Jail’, and many many others. [2]

When success arrived for Tyler Perry, it came in the form of a flood, and his success has yet to cease or slow.

Tyler Perry Is Winning

He’s since gone on to become a New York Times best-selling author, create over 17 movies, 20 stage plays, and seven popular television shows, and is considered the most successful African American filmmaker in history.

Tyler Perry Story of Success Quote

He’s won two NAACP Image Awards, a Boston Society of Film Critics Award, two BET Comedy Awards, one BET Best Movie Award, and an award for best supporting actor by the African -American Film Critics Association.

Tyler Perry’s success and wealth continues to flourish. He founded Tyler Perry studios, a growing production studio based out of Atlanta, Georgia, which is currently the largest studio in the United States, and pulls in over $907 million in revenue a year. [3]

He’s managed to consistently grow his wealth over the years, and has surpassed the billionaire mark in terms of his net worth. In short, Tyler Perry is winning.

Success Ethos | Tyler Perry Success Story

Now that we’ve covered Tyler Perry’s success journey, let’s tease out exactly what helped him achieve his massive success.

First things first, Tyler was intentional about what he wanted. He followed his dreams . His success wouldn’t really be much of a success if it wasn’t something he desperately wanted for himself. So, the fact that Tyler Perry was intentional about having a dream, and then making that dream work is important.

The next element that lead to Tyler Perry finally realizing the success he sought was his persistence and determination . Had he quit on year three, four, or five during those first seven years when he was struggling to get his play off the ground, his play never would have reached it’s potential. But, he persisted and iterated his offering until it became irresistible to his audiences.

And lastly, much of Tyler Perry’s success can be attributed to his focus . Had Tyler put his attention on two or three other plays in attempt to find success, he very likely wouldn’t have found the winning combination within his one play that would eventually win over the audience.

Here are a few of his own quotes on the matter:

1. “Know your intention as to why you do what you do. And I promise you, if your intention is right, you will be successful.” – Tyler Perry

2. “I don’t think dreams die – I think that people give up.” – Tyler Perry

3. “Narrow your focus to one idea, one. And make it work. That will give birth to all the others.” – Tyler Perry

“Narrow your focus to one idea, one. And make it work. That will give birth to all the others.” – Tyler Perry

Related: Tyler Perry Quotes

Here’s a great video that provides a few additional insights about Tyler Perry story and his journey towards success and fame.

Video Credit: Goldman Sachs ( Subscribe Here )

Related: Tyler Perry Net Worth

There you have it, The Tyler Perry Story of Success. To wrap things up, here are some final thoughts about his success journey . Tyler has shown us, that no matter where we come from or how challenging our beginnings are, we can change our ending.

His story is a testament to the power of following one’s dreams, why self-trust is so important, and why you should persist in realizing your dreams if they are truly important to you.

Tyler Perry Success Story Quote

Here’s a brief recap of the handful of qualities outside of talent that helped him achieve his goals and reach the heights of success that the world admires today:

Followed His Dreams | Persisted In The Face of Failure | Focused On One Thing

Having said that, we hope you’ll take some of these insights and apply them to your own life. We don’t doubt that you have a gift or talent of your own that the world desperately needs, and at the very least, higher levels of success that you’d still like to achieve.

So, till you reach your aims,

PS – If you enjoyed our Tyler Perry Success Story, then you may also enjoy reading some of these short but equally inspiring stories of success .


Denzel Washington Success Story

What can you learn from Denzel Washington? A lot, it turns out. Denzel is a perfect example of how to achieve success in both your personal and professional life. He is one of the most successful actors in Hollywood; acting in over 60 films, winning three Golden Globes, two Academy Awards, and a Tony. But his journey has not been easy. He has worked hard for everything he has achieved, and he continues to work hard to this day. So, considering Denzel’s list of impressive achievements, we will be diving into how this success superstar came to be in this Denzel Washington Success Story special.

“Working Really Hard Is What Successful People Do.” – denzel washington –

In this article, we will take a closer look at Denzel Washington’s rise to success and peek behind what we see on the big screen to learn what we can apply to our own lives. So, if you believe success leaves clues, and you want to learn a few success insights from Denzel’s inspiring story, let’s dive right in.

The Denzel Washington Story of Success

Youth and Challenges

Denzel Washington was born in Mount Vernon, New York City, in 1953, on December 28th. The street he grew up on was on the edge of Westchester and the Bronx, a lower-class neighborhood that surrounded him with crime, drugs, and violence.

When he was 14 years old, he dealt with the struggle of seeing his parents going through a painful divorce, leaving his mother with him and his two siblings. He had moments of involvement with gangs and getting into fights, but his mother pushed him to stay on the right path.

Despite the challenges he faced, Denzel persevered. His mother ensured a better future for her son by sending him to the military academy in New Windsor. This pivoted the young man from a life of aimlessness to one of curiosity, where he would seek to find answers to find out where he fit into the world.

“I Never Really Had The Classic Struggle. I Had Faith.” – denzel washington –

The Search for Self Identity

Washington pursued several different paths before he found his calling as an actor. In high school, he joined the football team and was the quarterback. He continued to play football in college, and also joined the basketball and baseball teams as well.

Denzel used sports as a way to find community and learn the power of achievement, which had begun in his childhood days as a regular member of the Boys and Girls Club in the Bronx. However, he discovered that a professional path in sports was not for him.

His interests in biology and chemistry didn’t pan out after taking a challenging course called “Chordate Morphogenesis”, a daunting topic that didn’t attract his interest.

Political science was his next attempt, as he thought it would allow him to make a difference in the world as a lawyer. This got the young man interested in hearing the stories of others , leading him into the field of journalism.

At this point, Washington realized he was working his way into the field of art.

During a summer position as a camp counselor at the YMCA, he had his first experience performing in front of an audience when he was asked to put on a show for the kids.

His natural charisma and stage presence was undeniable. A fellow camp counselor recommended that he pursue acting, and Denzel took his first steps into the world of performing arts.

“I Say Luck Is When An Opportunity Comes Along And You’re Prepared For It.” – denzel washington –

With a GPA of 1.7, he had nothing to lose and a spark of talent to follow, leading to one of the most successful Hollywood careers of all time.

From Amateur to Professional

When Washington returned to college after the summer, he immediately transferred to Fordham University’s theater department to study acting. His first role was in the play “Othello”, and he would go on to have successful performances in many more theatrical productions.

When preparing for the role of Othello in the play, one of his most influential teachers gave him a piece of advice that he carried on for the rest of his life: “Less acting is always more”.

After a rich and successful college career in theater, Washington made the transition to film with his first movie role in “Wilma” in 1977 and “Carbon Copy” in 1981.

On the set of Wilma, he met his present wife, Pauletta Pearson, who became a major beacon of support and stability during his early Hollywood years.

john paul dejoria biography book

He then received a major break on television when he was cast as Dr. Phillip Chandler on NBC’s hospital series”St. Elsewhere”.

Despite being on the show for 6 seasons, the executive producer, Bruce Paltrow, graciously allowed him to leave the production three times to film the movies “A Soldier’s Story”, “Power”, and “Cry Freedom”.

Washington states that if he wasn’t allowed this creative freedom, he wouldn’t have become the actor he is today. Paltrow later said of Washington: “He was the kind of actor who came along once in a generation”.

A Star is Born

After his time on “St. Elsewhere”, there was no question that Denzel Washington was a star. He had leading roles in many movies, including “Malcolm X”, “Philidelphia”, “The Pelican Brief”, “The Bone Collector”, and “The Hurricane”.

In the year 2000, Denzel Washington won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor due to his exceptional performance in the film “The Hurricane”. The last African American actor who won a Golden Globe was Sidney Poitier in 1963, making him the first black actor in 37 years to receive the honor.

This was a huge stepping stone in Washington’s career, as he was now being seen as a serious contender for Hollywood’s top awards.

And in 2002, his dreams came true when he won the Academy Award for Best Actor in “Training Day”. He has since been nominated for three more Academy Awards and has won a total of two Golden Globes.

Giving Back

While Denzel Washington’s story is one of rags-to-riches, he hasn’t forgotten his roots. He has given back to many different charities over the years, including the Boys and Girls Club of America, The Make-A-Wish Foundation, and The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund, to name only a few.

He has also donated back to the college that fostered his love of acting, Fordham University. He has donated $2 million dollars to the theater program as well as $250,000 to create a scholarship program for young actors attending the school.

In 1991, the university gifted him an honorary doctorate degree. Morehouse College similarly provided him with an honorary Doctorate of Humanities in 2007, and the University of Pennsylvania provided him with an honorary Doctorate of Arts in 2011.

Related: Denzel Washington Quotes

Lessons Learned From The Denzel Washington Success Story

The most important cornerstone of this Denzel Washington success story is his transformation from a life of aimlessness to one of focus and determination . He didn’t let his living conditions, poor grades, or challenge with finding a discipline stop him from staying curious, open, and active in his pursuit of a better life.

It was only when he allowed himself to be vulnerable and truly dedicate himself to his passion that he found the success he always dreamed of.

denzel washington success story quote

And it is this same level of focus, discipline, and heart that we must all bring to our own lives if we want to achieve our dreams. Just remember: what Denzel Washington can do, you can do too. You just have to set goals for yourself and then be willing to put in the work .

PS – If you enjoyed this Denzel Washington story of success, then you’ll likely enjoy these highly motivational short stories as well.


David Goggins Story

David Goggins is a former Navy SEAL and USAF Tactical Air Control Party member who served in Afghanistan and Iraq. He is also a world-renowned ultramarathon runner and triathlete. But what makes David so remarkable isn’t just his accomplishments in the military or the fitness world; it’s his incredible story of overcoming adversity.

“Mental Toughness Is A Lifestyle.” – david goggins –

In this story, we will take a closer look at David’s life story and showcase how he became one of the fittest men on Earth. By understanding the steps he took to become successful, we can better apply his principles to our own lives and hopefully achieve our own slice of greatness.

With that said, if you’re ready to learn about the mindset of one of the hardest men alive, let’s dive right in to this David Goggins Story.


david goggins story of success

How It Began | David Goggins Story

David Goggin’s early life was challenging. He endured a violent and controlling father, a family divorce, and poverty, all by the age of 8 years old. These early adversities ended up manifesting as health problems such as memory and attention issues as well as a stutter.

Despite having a rough home life in his youth, David had longed for a fresh start after he moved to Indiana with his mother and brother. He longed for a place where he felt safe. Nevertheless, Goggins did not anticipate the pain he would suffer during his first days at school, where he would eventually get bullied because of his unique appearance, and because and he didn’t know how to read.

Goggins didn’t appreciate the bullying, and as a result, he began skipping classes in order to escape the ridicule that was constantly lobbed at him by his classmates.

Needless to say, Goggin’s youth was not filled with sunshine and rainbows. It was a very tough and challenging way to grow up. Fortunately, those hardships didn’t break him, and instead made him stronger in the long run.

Once Goggins completed his schooling, he gave the military a shot. Unfortunately, after a failed attempt to join the Air Force’s as an elite pararescue team member due to sickle cell anemia, he became defeated for a very long time. But, Goggins persisted .

Despite the diagnosis, he refused to give up. “I wanted to feel something besides defeat. I wanted to just go the distance,” David said.

Eventually, he made his way into the Air Force, but as part of a different squad. This time around he made the cut to become part of the United States Air Force Tactical Control Party. But after a servicing for 5 years, he left the Air Force.

From a Nobody to a Somebody

After his 5 year stint in the Air Force, David found himself barely able to make ends meet. He worked as an exterminator, ate tons of junk food, and gained lots of weight. David’s life started to spiral in a downward direction and he began living an uninspired life.

Fortunately, David watched a documentary about the Navy SEALS one day, and found something to be inspired by. The challenge of becoming a seal, and having the mental and physical toughness of the program participants, gave David something to aspire towards.

Serendipitously, that show inspired Goggins to want to do more with his life. It inspired him to strive to become something more, something great. He was tired of being a nobody who just watched the lives of other great people on TV.

So, in was in that sudden moment, that he had found the motivation that would help him go on to lose more than 100 pounds in under three months. He discovered a newfound fire and energy. Thus, he channelled his driven to finally get fit and apply for the program.

He reflects that “It made me reflect on my fears, my insecurities. I saw real men who were overcoming adversity .”

Forward March

In order to get in shape, David joined a gym. Despite his intentions, he was unable to run more than a quarter mile on his first day. As a result of his psychological defeat, Goggins returned home crying and turning to food for emotional support.

Despite the minor regression, this man wasn’t the same as the person who was unmotivated to grow.

So, he got back on his proverbial horse and kept moving forward. He began to cycle and heavily restructured and restricted his diet and successfully brought his weight down to be able to apply for the Navy SEALS within 3 months.

The rest, as they say, is history.

The Turning Point

David Goggins held strong to his commitment and entered Navy SEAL training. Despite tremendous progress and growth in the program, he particularly struggled with the infamous “hell week”, an intense week-long training session where SEAL candidates are forced to move with minimal sleep and food.

David Goggins Success Story

Despite failing this grueling week the first time around due to a case of pneumonia, and the second time due to a stress fracture injury, he responded by completing two successful “hell weeks” in the same year. This shattered his limiting beliefs around his performance abilities and further fueled his progress.

This was the lightbulb moment for Goggins where he realized he needed to acquire a strong mental toughness in order to maintain a strong physical toughness. He dedicated himself to training both the body and the mind from this point forward.

His career in the military lasted for two decades and he received the “Top Enlisted Man” award for his efforts.

Related: David Goggins Quotes

Challenges Along the Way

One of the most challenging moments in Goggin’s life was when a helicopter, containing several of Goggins’ close friends inside, crashed during Operation Red Wings in 2005.

He used this devastating tragedy as fuel to drive him further. He raised money by long-distance running and donated the proceeds to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, which grants educational scholarship opportunities to students who had lost their parents in the special operations sector. He has raised over 2 million dollars for charity.

David became an ultra-marathoner as a way to add momentum to his tragedies. The Badwater 135 is a grueling 135-mile run beginning in Death Valley, 282 feet below sea level, and ending at an elevation of 8,374 feet. To add to the excitement, it takes place in July, when Death Valley is at its hottest.

His qualification race was a one-day 100-mile run in San Diego, which he completed in 19 hours with little preparation. Upon finishing, he spent an entire year training for the Badwater 135 as hard as he could. Taking fifth place, he completed it in 30 hours.

He would next face challenges with his personal health. When David’s doctor examined him for a routine checkup in 2010, he found a birth defect called an atrial septal defect. Due to a hole between two of the atrial chambers of the athlete’s heart, the organ wasn’t able to operate at its maximum capacity. He was also struggling with progressive muscle weakness and wasting.

In order to save his life, David began to work intensely on rehabilitating himself. With consistent daily stretching, his body began to heal itself and realign. His heart also had time to restore and grow stronger.

Related: The Warrior Mindset

Lessons Learned

According to Goggins, his success is attributed to his “day one, week one” mentality. Every day he lives as though it was the first day of his new job. According to him, even though this mindset rubs people the wrong way, it works and makes him show up completely and with integrity.

He has also learned to never get comfortable with his accomplishments. He has remained hungry for more and believes that if you don’t continually challenge yourself, then you will never be satisfied with life.

David Goggins states that every day is an opportunity for achievement, and he doesn’t feel complete unless he has strived for that. His discipline is internally motivated, and unshakeable by any external standards. He aims to hold his standards higher than others do in order to achieve what others deem is impossible.

“Never Let People Who Choose The Path Of Least Resistance Steer You Away From Your Chosen Path Of Most Resistance.” – david goggins –

One of the most important things that David Goggins learned over his years of training and competing is the importance of mental toughness . This was a lesson that he learned early on when he first joined the Navy SEALs, but it has stuck with him throughout his life.

Goggins believes that strength of mind is what sets people apart from each other in their ability to accomplish goals and achieve success.

Related: David Goggins Net Worth

Heavy To Hardcore

If you have a few minutes to spare, here’s a short video that provides additional insight on the mindset that helped David Goggin’s go from being over 300 pounds to becoming a hardcore Navy Seal.

Video Credit: CNBC Make It ( Subscribe )

David Goggins story is an inspiration for all of us who are looking to challenge ourselves mentally and physically, and change our lives in the process. He has now shared his story with many people around the world and has inspired an entire community of individuals to challenge and push themselves to achieve the impossible.

These days, David Goggins also shares his message with people all over the world through his motivational speaking business. His message motivates people to get off their butts and get disciplined . But more importantly, he uses his platform to help people push their limits and become stronger.

david goggins life story quote

With that being said, we hope you learned a few of those strong life lessons from this David Goggins story. Namely, that if you want to achieve our full potential, we have to rid our lives of laziness and stop making excuses for our lot in life.

PS – If you enjoyed this David Goggins Story of success and hardcore persistence and overcoming adversity, then you’ll love this inspiring article on the true story of Rudy .


Robert Kiyosaki Success Story

Robert Kiyosaki is a successful modern American businessman who has come to be known for his extremely popular financial education books and programs.

If you have never heard of him, he is the founder of the extremely well known and successful ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ brand, and the author of over 26 different books.

That said, we strive to investigate the inspiring stories of success icons like Robert Kiyosaki, because every success story reveals a blueprint that others can follow. And without a doubt Robert Kiyosaki has an empowering success story that will not only inspire you to persevere in the face of defeat, but also arm you with invaluable insights for finding financial success in this day and age.

So, if you’re ready see what Robert’s story has to teach, let’s dive in:


john paul dejoria biography book

Taking The Leap

Robert Kiyosaki is a Japanese American who was born in Hawaii.  After serving in the Marine Corps, and then working in sales for Xerox Corporation, Robert tried his hand at entrepreneurship. [1]

He took a leap into entrepreneurship and with his first business he sold those neat looking velcro wallet’s that were all the rage back in the 80’s.  Unfortunately, he didn’t protect his product with patents and eventually his Wallet company went bankrupt when competitors snatched up most of his market share.

But that didn’t stop Robert Kiyosaki.  He got knocked down, but he got back up.  As such, soon after his first business went belly up, he fearlessly opened up another company.  And this time around, he chose to open a company that sold licensed apparel for heavy metal bands. 

Of course good times would not last forever on his second attempt at entrepreneurship, and this company would eventually close shop as well. [2]

“Successful people don’t fear failure. But understand that it’s necessary to learn and grow from.” – Robert Kiyosaki

Persist Until

Fortunately, Robert kept pressing forward at didn’t let those first two defeats stop him in his tracks.  He did what all great entrepreneurs and businessmen do, he persisted until he succeeded. 

robert kiyosaki success story quote

As such, he continued seeking ways to become financially independent (financial independence is essentially being able to live off of income produced by your personally invested resources, i.e. profits/cashflow from a business, profits from real estate rent, profits from dividends from businesses owned that cover at a minimum your expenses).

Related: Grant Cardone Success Story

A Goal Reached

While working for the Xerox company to pay the bills, and throughout all his attempts at new businesses, he kept striving to build a business and find financial independence.  In so doing, he continued to invest in assets like real estate. 

And slowly, but surely, he invested in enough real estate to reach one of his main goals; financial freedom. He reached his goal of having more cash flowing in every month from his investments than was flowing out to pay living expenses.

It was a goal that did not appear over night. Robert understood that consistency and persistence breeds success , which is why he pressed on till he reached this major goal.

Eventually, Robert would use the milestone success in real estate to find even more success. He would then go on to lever leverage his real estate success until his education company gained traction. 

Then, shortly after seeing success in his new venture, he sold that company and leveraged his new-found wealth to start another education company.  And it was this company where he found his major success breakthrough. It was this success that led him to become the wealth guru the world has come to know him by. [3]

Related: Robert Kiyosaki Net Worth

Financial Education Legacy

Robert Kiyosaki’s success story can help people get inspired and motivated to go for their dreams. However, his true legacy can be found in the financial education he provides in his books and seminars.

Robert has done a tremendous job providing millions of his readers with a way to think differently about money. So, if you’ve yet to read his material, there is no better place to learn the essence behind his financial philosophy than by watching this excellent Robert Kiyosaki video.

Of course, your next best bet would be to study his flagship book on your won. Without a doubt, his book [affiliate link] will help you think differently about money and success forever.

In the mean time however, if you really want to get a better sense of who Robert Kiyosaki is, and the type of advice he gives that has helped him become so successful, watch this video:

Video Credit | The Rich Dad Channel ( Subscribe to His Channel Here )

Related: Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes

Final Words On The Robert Kiyosaki Success Story

This Robert Kiyosaki success story was created to highlight the factors that lead to Robert’s success. As such, your major takeaway should be this; Robert succeeded because he did not quit when first met with defeat. 

In addition to this, he made many mistakes, like we all do. However, he learned from his mistakes, regrouped, and then attacked his goals from another angle. He did this over and over until he succeeded. 

Robert Kiyosaki didn’t know the “how” as it relates to his success, heck hardly any of us do.  But, what he did know was the “where” and the “why” of his efforts.  Robert knew where he wanted to go. But more importantly, he knew the why behind all his efforts.

Then Robert took action accordingly.  He kept moving forward, failure after failure until he arrived at his intended destination. He kept grinding till he found his Success!  

“If you’ve failed, that means you’re doing something. If you’re doing something, you have a chance.”  – Robert Kiyosaki

We hope this short Robert Kiyosaki success story will inspire you to find your success.  We hope it will help you find out your “why” and your “where” for all your efforts. Let this Robert Kiyosaki story motivate you to keep moving forward amidst all your obstacles, so sooner or later you’ll be able to reach your aims.

PS – If you enjoyed this inspiring Robert Kiyosaki life story, then you’ll love our powerful collection of short stories on success and overcoming failure.


Elon Musk Success Story

Elon Musk is the billionaire entrepreneur responsible for co-founding various vanguard companies like Tesla, SolarCity, SpaceX, and PayPal.  He also helped influence the character behind Marvel’s modern take on Tony Stark. And has been compared to uber-successful business visionaries like Steve Jobs and Henry Ford.  And without a doubt, Elon Musk has already accomplished enough to be considered among some of the greats .  So, considering all the impressive accomplishments of this visionary entrepreneur, we will be diving into how such a legend came to be in this Elon Musk Success Story special.

“I Think It Is Possible For Ordinary People To Choose To Be Extraordinary.”

Just like Elon, we too believe that ordinary people can choose to become extraordinary. Which is why we decided to research and publish this success story of Elon Musk.  As such, the aim of this page is to reveal key insights about Elon that will provide you with a better understanding of how he became so successful. And maybe, just maybe you’ll become inspired to do the same.  So, if you’re ready to start learning from Elon’s success story, let’s dive in.


elon musk success story essay

Elon was born in South Africa back in 1971 to a father who was an engineer and a mother who was a nutritionist.  Growing up, Elon spent most of his time reading and tinkering with projects when not in school and when his Nany was not watching him. Which according to an interview he did with Rolling Stone [ 1 ] , it was not often. 

So, at an early age, Elon became fond of Isaac Asimov’s books, which would eventually inspire his futurism. And it was his interest in the future, and his penchant for engineering that his engineer father helped cultivate, along with his eye for design, that would set him up for some grand future achievements.

After attending University for just five months in South Africa, Elon decided to move to Canada to attend Queen’s University.  But he didn’t finish his schooling there. In fact, after just two years, he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania to finish his schooling.   But getting through college wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.  Elon had to strive to make his way through.

Elon financed his college education through a combination of scholarships, getting loans, and having to work two different jobs at the same time.  Fortunately, his sacrifice would eventually pay off, earning himself a degree in Economics and another in Physics. 

After these two educational accomplishments, Elon then went on to get into Stanford’s Ph.D. program. But, just after two days into the program he dropped out to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams.

Related: Elon Musk’s Net Worth

Elon’s initial start-up was an internet company that he, his brother, and a friend went all in on.  The company took some time to get off the ground, and in the interim, Elon would struggle financially.  Things got so bad for Elon at one point, that the only bed he could afford was the couch in their start-up’s office, and the shower and restroom facilities at his local YMCA. 

Despite the low times of this endeavor however, they would eventually find angel investors who backed the company, and clients within the city, and various big name news publishing companies like the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune who saw promise in the company and its useful city guide mapping software. 

Elon Musk Success Story Quote on Purpose

From this point, it was only a matter of time before Elon and company, were able to sell the start-up to Compaq for $307 million. [ 2 ]

The Next Venture

After selling the company, Elon earned a $22 million dollar windfall, and would go on to invest the bulk of that money into his next venture, which was a financial services company he co-founded called  His luck would improve shortly after starting this new venture as they merged with the company that serviced  And just three years after starting up, merging it with, they would sell it off to eBay for $1.5 billion.

The Big Gamble

With the acquisition of, Elon’s net worth would grow to be $123 million.  Now, at this point Elon could’ve retired early and rode off into to the sunset and lived happily ever after.  But that’s not how legends are made.  Instead, Elon would take a huge gamble and invest most if he newfound millions into two separate companies.  One of them was Tesla Motors, a fledgling automaker focused on electric transportation, and the other was SpaceX, a companied hellbent on commercial space exploration. 

Where most people would leave, Elon leaned in.  He poured his money, blood, sweat, and tears into making both companies a success.  And his passion for design, engineering, and the future would have him succeed on both fronts.

Tesla, is now one of the most valuable companies in the world valued at nearly half a trillion dollars ($554 billion) [ 3 ] , and SpaceX has made progress as well with a recent valuation near $175 billion.

Elon’s big gamble seems to be paying off.

Elon’s Enduring Success

Elon Musk’s success continues to grow as he endlessly pushes the envelope with Tesla, SpaceX, his acquisition of Twitter (now known as X), and the handful of other vanguard companies he has invested in and co-founded along the way.  

So, what’s the success secret to Elon’s enduring success?  Well, it must be said, that Elon does has above average intelligence, which has played a large role in his achievements. However, despite his intelligence, Elon excels because of an extreme ambition that is driven by his passion, and ambition that is backed up by an insane work ethic.

Related: Work Ethic and Success

Success Ethos

In addition to this, Elon focuses most of his energy on activities and ventures that actually matter.  He has made it known through commencement speeches and interviews that he does not waste time on things that don’t matter.  He says it best with this quote…

“Focus on signal over noise.  Don’t waste time on stuff that doesn’t actually make things better.”

Equally as important, is that Elon does not do things for the money.  In fact, he has blatantly stated that money doesn’t matter to him.  All he cares about is accomplishing his main objectives and missions in life.   So, what helps Elon succeed is his commitment to execution and the superhuman work ethic employs to make things happen.  He sums up his work ethic very will with the following quote…

“Work like hell. I mean you just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week. This improves the odds of success. If other people are putting in 40 hour workweeks and you’re putting in 100 hour workweeks, then even if you’re doing the same thing, you know that you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve.”

Lastly, the key aspect that has helped Elon find so much success has been his willingness to take risks.  In fact, his whole career has been a series of taking one big risk after another.  Indeed, his fearless approach to turning his ideas into reality, and the fearless action he took to execute on those ideas is key in much of Elon’s success.  He encapsulates this fearless attitude best when he said…

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

Peer Into The Mind of a Visionary

To get a better look into the way of thinking that has driven Elon’s futurist pursuits, consider studying his quotes. This list of Elon Musk quotes is a great place to start.

In addition, you can also watch some of the amazing videos others have created about him, like the one below:

Video Credit: Chispa Motivation (Be Sure to Subscribe to Their Channel )

Key Takeaways

Elon Musk’s achievements and life journey in general has a lot to teach us. There’s no doubt that he is a maverick who is willing to do what most won’t, which is part and parcel of his extraordinary achievements.

That said, we hope our Elon Musk success story has convinced you that becoming a billionaire entrepreneur is possible. Elon’s inspiring story should help you realize that you can also get on track for massive success.

But more importantly, it should help you realize that your success can especially be found if you back up your ambitious purpose , with drive, passion, an iron-clad work ethic, and a fearless zeal for executing on those ideas.

So, follow these key takeaways and watch how the sky truly becomes the limit for you, like it has for Elon Musk.

Till you reach your aims,

PS – If you enjoyed our Elon Musk Success Story, then you may also enjoy our account of the late, but equally inspiring visionary Steve Jobs , or fellow billionaire Bernard Arnault .


Best Success Stories

There’s nothing like reading a few good success stories to lift our spirits.  There’s something uniquely powerful about knowing someone else has experienced setbacks and serious hardships similar to our own, and yet still managed to come out on top. 

Success stories are invigorating, and a great one can provide us with a renewed hope, that despite things feeling unimaginably hard and seemingly hopeless, we can still achieve our dreams.  So, here are some of the best real life inspirational stories of success we’ve ever studied.

Use them to reenergize and inspire yourself to believe that you too can achieve success and your dreams, if you’ll but press on like they did.  Enjoy!


inspirational success stories

1. Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone has one of the most inspiring success stories. Before he made it big he was essentially a starving artist. For many years during and after his college years, he worked odd jobs to pay the bills. And he would do so while simultaneously taking on any acting roles he could find to keep his dreams of becoming a successful actor alive.

It was a struggle that Stallone would endure for many years, seven in fact. Throughout all of those seven challenging years, he would gain a few small roles in a handful of movies. But, none of them were grand enough to get his career launched.

During those seven long years of striving, he came face-to-face with near poverty. Stallone was so desperate for money at one point, he had to sell his wife’s jewelry. He even had to sell his dog because he couldn’t keep him fed. Things got so bad for Stallone that he even had to endure homelessness for a short period of time.

But, his days of struggle as an aspiring actor would not last forever. After facing seemingly insurmountable odds for over seven years, he would finally get his big break. And this break would come after he managed to get a script he wrote in a three day flurry of inspiration, in front of two big-shot directors in Hollywood.

It was this defining moment that would turn the tide for Sylvester Stallone. His career would skyrocket after he negotiated the lead role in the film that would come to be known as ‘Rocky’.

Success eventually comes to those who always dream of her. For a more complete account of Sylvester Stallone’s inspiring success story, you can find it here .

sylvester stallone success stories quote

2. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey’s success story is very unique. From a very early age she experienced a level of adversity and poverty that most people would struggle to overcome. She was born into poverty and a broken home in rural Mississippi. Her parents who were just 18 and 19 when they had her, split soon after she was born. This lead to her being taking in by her grand mother.

And her grandmother was not your typical warm and fuzzy grandmother. No, she was a hard-nosed grandmother who was an extreme disciplinarian who discipline her for even the slightest offenses. But, the poverty and disciplined lifestyle didn’t last forever as she moved back with mother at the age of six.

Oprah would then experience sexual assault at an early age, having been molested as early as 9 by some of her family members. Having been emotionally abandoned, abused, and molested, she eventually started part-taking in extremely risky behaviors. Behaviors which eventually led to her becoming pregnant at the age of 14.

Then, because she got pregnant her mother kicked her out of the house. Oprah would go on to live with her father, only to then lose the baby a week after he was born.

Needless to say, Oprah’s early life was chockfull of struggle, adversity, and tragedy. But, regardless of all of her unfortunate experiences, she decided to turn her life around after she lost her baby. So, she committed herself to getting an education, becoming her best, and to going after her dreams.

She decided to start trusting herself again, and loving herself, and making choices that would improve her life versus destroy it. One day, she garnered enough confidence to participate in a beauty pageant. And it was her participation in this pageant that would eventually lead her into a job working for a radio station doing the news.

Oprah’s love for speaking to an audience set the stage for continued success as she would go on to become a news anchor, which she would eventually leverage to host a TV chat show in Maryland, which ultimately led to her having her morning talk show in Chicago.

And as they say, the rest was history. Oprah overcame massive challenges in her youth. Challenges that side line all too many people. She chose to turn her wounds into wisdom, and went on to become one of the most successful talk show hosts in history (by helping many others do the same) with her own self-named talk show, The Oprah Winfrey show. Oprah is now one of the richest self-made women in America.

success stories - oprah winfrey

3. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Considering Arnold Schwarzenegger is the epitome of the self-made man, we wouldn’t dare exclude him from our success stories collection. Arnold was born and raised in Austria. He grew up at a time where the country was still healing from it’s defeat in World War II.

Alcoholism was rampant, defeatism was the norm, and big dreaming scoffed at in his environment. The odds were certainly stacked against young Arnold.

But Arnold didn’t care. He knew he didn’t want to live the traditional Austrian life his parents wanted for him. He also knew he wanted to move to America because it was the land of the free.

As such, he hatched a plan to become a success in body-building. Then to leverage that success to get into movies. And sure enough he did just that. He went on to fulfill his vision by becoming the youngest man to ever win a Mr. Universe competition, and then on to win five Mr. Universe titles and seven Mr. Olympia titles.

After reaching what he set out to do in the sport of bodybuilding, he then went on to commit himself to the acting career he had always dreamed of. And sure enough, he would go on to conquer the film industry to the same degree that he conquered the body building world. Going on to star in multiple blockbuster movies that would gross over $3 billion, and earn him one of the most sizeable net worth’s in Hollywood.

You can find a more complete account of Arnold’s inspiring journey here: Arnold Schwarzenegger Success Story .

Success Stories Arnold Quote

4. JK Rowling

J.K Rowling had a dream of becoming a writer early on. But, she would have to persist for many years before her dream of becoming a published author would materialize. Almost as soon as she decided to get to work on putting her ideas down on paper for her book, she would be sidetracked by her mother’s death.

The depression that would ensue left Rowling seeking out a job as a teacher in another country. Soon after, she married and had a child, which would delay her aspirations even further.

But things weren’t done going off the rails for Rowling, as her marriage would abruptly end just one year after it began. This lead to her being jobless with a child, and a barely surviving off of unemployment benefits.

However, despite her challenges, Rowling would persist in the creation of her book. And she did so by seizing every spare moment she could while her child slept to write. Until finally the day came when she completed her manuscript.

Of course, even after Rowling finished her manuscript obstacles still remained. 12 different publishers rejected her novel. The rejection took a toll on her spirits, and she almost quit. Fortunately, she tried one more time. And it was at that moment, that J.K. Rowling’s luck turned around. She finally found a publisher would accepted her manuscript.

Now, J.K. Rowling is now one of the best selling authors of all time. She is also the highest paid novelist in the world. Her books have been translated into over 80 different languages with over 600 million sold. Clearly, persistence and patience pays off in the long run.

success stories - jk rowling quote

5. Steven Spielberg

Most people don’t know this, but Steven Spielberg was rejected from film school three times. But he didn’t let those rejections stop him, and he kept applying till he got accepted.  Eventually Cal State, Long Beach would accept him into their film program. 

Fortunately for Spielberg, he would then go on to leverage his opportunity at Cal State to land an unpaid internship at Universal Studios. 

Of course, this internship wouldn’t last forever, but it lasted just long enough for him to learn how sneak in to the studios undetected so he could continually gather intel on what it would take to become successful in the business. 

Finally, the day would come that he managed to get a film he created in the hands of film executives. But, he had to first overcome the film executives multiple attempts to make him give up.

After being told that the film size was not the right size multiple times, and remaking the entire demo to the recommended sizes every time, the executives finally relented and gave him his film a shot. The movie would go on to win major awards, and solidified Steven Spielberg’s place within the industry.

Steven Spielberg is now one of the most influential film makers in history. On top of this, he’s now also one of the wealthiest. And out of all of our inspirational stories of success, his story in particular, shows, that if you knock long enough and hard enough, the doors of opportunity will eventually swing open for you.

Related: 5 Steps to Start Living Your Dreams

Success Stories - spielberg

6. Mary Kay Ash

Mary Kay Ash has a truly inspiring success story. She was born in a small town in Texas and got married and started a family at the young age of 17. She would go on to have three children with her husband who was in the military, but they eventually got a divorce.

Mary Kay would struggle for years to take care of her children on her own. But she took on various sales jobs in the direct selling industry, and strived to climb the corporate ranks.

However, after many years of selling various products, along with a few middle management and trainer roles, she started to feel like she was being overlooked for the more prominent leadership roles she aspired to because she was a woman. As such, she eventually decided to take matters into her own hands.

Once her kids were out of the house and on their own, at the age of 45 Mary Kay Ash decided to become her own boss. So, she started her own cosmetic company. She started off very small, but in just a few short years, she manage to transform Mary Kay Cosmetics into a multi-billion dollar corporation that still serves and empowers people all over the world to this day.

Despite being past what most people consider their prime, Mary Kay went on to author multiple best-selling books like  The Mary Kay Way ,  Miracles Happen ,  You Can Have It All , as well as a few others, and she became an inspiration to countless women. And due to the success of her business and her aim to inspire as many people as possible, she became a multi-millionaire and eventually named as ‘The Greatest Woman In American History’.

inspirational success stories - mary kay ash

7. Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo grew up in a household that was barely getting by. As a child, he had to share a room with three of his siblings due to their meager financial situation. There were even times where they didn’t have enough money to buy a soccer ball just so he could play in the streets. But Ronaldo did not let his environment dictate his destiny.

No, instead he would find ways to play the sport he loved even without the ball. He would use bottles, rags, or pretty much anything he could find to make a makeshift ball just so he could play. 

Eventually, Cristiano would get so good at soccer, that he would have to make the ultimate sacrifice at the age of 11 to move over 500 miles away from his family to train with a prestigious soccer academy. It’s a good thing he did too, because by doing so, he put himself on track to eventually become on of the best players in history.

Cristiano Ronaldo is now known as the greatest Portuguese player of all time by the Portuguese Football federation.  Millions of soccer fans all across the globe believe him to be the greatest of all time. 

In addition to this, he is the first soccer player ever to earn over $1 billion dollars, while generating one of the largest net worth’s among professional athletes.  

If you’re looking to learn more about Cristiano’s inspiring success story, you’ll love this .

success story quote

8. Lionel Messi

While on the topic of soccer, we must also mention Lionel Messi’s success story because it’s every bit as inspiring.  Here’s why, at age of 11, Messi was cut from his soccer team because they thought he was too small.  And he was small, but it was because he had a growth hormone deficiency which made him a lot smaller than all the other kids his age.

Fortunately, Messi didn’t let this deter him.  Instead, he would place himself on a strict regimen where he would inject growth hormones into himself.  And he would go on to do inject himself with this hormone for seven days in one leg, and then seven days in the other.

Messi would keep this routine up for six years.

The great news is, Messi’s sacrifice and persistence paid off.  Because now, he is one of the highest paid soccer players with a staggering net worth, and is considered by legions of fans to be one of the best soccer players of all time due to his winning soccer’s highest achievement, ‘The Ballon d’Or’ six times.

Success requires sacrifice.

success story quote - messi

9. Michael Jordan

Since we mentioned the greatest of all time in soccer, we can’t leave out the man many consider to be the greatest of all time in basket ball. Now, most people aren’t’ aware of this, but when Michael Jordan was merely a sophomore in high school, he already had big dreams of being a great basketball player. 

So he did something brash and tried out for the Varsity team. But, his coaches cut him from the team. They didn’t see his value nor did they think he was ready.

This rejection hit Jordan especially hard because of his oversized dreams and expectations. In fact, the rejection hit him so hard he went home afterwards and cried in his closet.

Even though that rejection still bothered Jordan, he dusted himself off and went all in for the JV team.  He trained like no other in the off season and grew four extra inches. And the following year he tried out for the varsity team again. But this second time around, he made it.

Not only did he make it, but he went on to become the team’s MVP, making the All-American Team, and eventually earned himself a college scholarship. And from there, well, you know the rest of the story.

Michael Jordan became the man who would score 32,292 points in a basketball career. Jordan became the man who acquired 6 NBA championships. The man who also collected 5 MVP titles, and is now considered the greatest basketball player of all time.

For all the success stories we’ve covered, this one clearly shows the importance of having great expectations, and resilience after rejection.

success stories quote by michael jordan

10. Paulo Coelho

Over 30 years ago a book titled ‘The Alchemist’ was published and hardly anyone noticed. The author of this book was a man named Paulo Coelho , and he was told by the first bookseller to carry his book, that only one person bought a copy after it was released.  As bad as it was to hear about the grim results Coelho remained confident in his work. 

Paulo Coelho waited for better results to appear. Unfortunately, six months passed before he sold his next copy.  Oddly, the person who bought his first book was the same person who bought the second.

After that first year the publisher decided the book was a flop and ended Coelho’s contract.  Fortunately, though, Coelho shrugged off that initial defeat.  He made up his mind to not give in. So Coelho doubled down to pursue his vision with even more fervor by finding another publisher. 

“Now, Coelho found a new publisher, but it was no easy task, as he encountered rejection after rejection.  But, after many repeated rejections, he finally landed that new publisher, and with it, another opportunity to capture his dream.

From that point forward Coelho’s dreams started to come true.  At first, he only sold three thousand books.  But the sales kept trickling in. And as time went by, he would sell ten thousand, and then 100 thousand, and so on and so forth. 

Coelho’s luck has yet to run out. His books sales continue to grow year over year, with now over 150 million and counting copies of ‘The Alchemist’ having been sold. Even more staggering is the fact that he sold over 320 million books when including all of his other works. But, it all started with that first book!

Paulo Coelho’s success story shows that if you truly want something bad enough, all the universe really will conspire to help you achieve the impossible .

john paul dejoria biography book

11. Abraham Lincoln

Most of us know of this great man because of what he did for those who were in bondage in the United States of America. He delivered the Emancipation Proclamation; a massive accomplishment which ultimately led to the abolition of slavery.

But, what most don’t realize about Abraham Lincoln , is that he has one of the most impressive rap sheets when it comes to overcoming defeat.

In short, his success story consists of a list of failures and set backs so sizable, that you would hardly think it belonged to one of the most accomplished and respected presidents of the United States of America.

Here’s a great example of the many failures Lincoln endured, with a few victories he managed to sprinkle in over his lifetime:

1832: Lost his job

1832: Defeated for legislature

1833: Failed in business

1834: Elected to legislature

1835: The woman he loved died

1836: Had a nervous breakdown

1838: Defeated for Speaker

1843: Defeated for nomination for Congress

1848: Lost re-nomination

1849: Reject for Land Officer

1854: Defeated for Senate

1856: Defeated for nomination for Vice-President

1858: Again defeated for Senate

1860: Elected for President of The United States of America

To be sure, Lincoln virtually failed his way to success. His recorded failures helps us realize the truth behind the Michael Jordan quote we mentioned earlier, and that is…that the key to success is through failure.

Out of all of these success stories, this one in particular should convince you that just because you’ve yet to succeed in life, it doesn’t mean you never will. So, keep pushing and preparing for your big day, because it will come, so long as you keep eye on the prize and keep moving forward .

Real Life Inspirational Stories of Success - Abe Lincoln

Related: Success Quotes for Overcoming Failure

12. Tom Brady

One of our favorite inspirational stories of success comes from Tom Brady . Brady didn’t follow the typical athletic path into the NFL. While most athletes begin getting groomed for the sport by the 3rd grade, Tom Brady wouldn’t set foot onto the grid iron until the 9th grade.

In fact, his debut into actually getting onto the football field didn’t come until his Sophomore year. His moment came when the starting quarterback for the JV team quit. Fortunately for Brady, that opportunity helped him capture the starting Varsity QB role by the time his Junior year arrived.

After finding success at the high school level, Brady would eventually go on to become a Michigan Wolverine. But success wasn’t a given for Brady at this level. Nope, he had to earn it.

In fact, Brady came into the program as an underdog, with seven quarterbacks ahead of him on the depth chart. After almost requesting a transfer to another school, Brady’s determination eventually won him the coveted starting position by the time he was a Junior.

The obstacles Brady would face continued on even into the Pros. Brady had his mind set to play in the pros, unfortunately there was little interest in him during the draft. In fact, he was selected in the 6th round as the 199th pick, just barely making it into the league.

Pretty much every coach in the league grossly underrated and underestimated Brady. His draft report from 2000 NFL draft actually stated the following qualities:

  • Poor Build | Skinny
  • Lacks Great Physical Stature and Strength
  • Lacks Mobility and Ability to Avoid The Rush
  • Lacks a Really Strong Arm
  • Can’t Drive The Ball Down Field
  • Doesn’t Throw a Really Tight Spiral
  • System-Type Player Who Can Get Exposed if Forced to Adlib
  • Easily Knocked Down

Remember, Tom brady was not the highest rated quarterback, he wasn’t the most well groomed for the sport, nor was he the best athlete. In addition, he didn’t have the best numbers, or even the best mechanics. However, Tom Brady did have the most heart and determination.

Thus, through sheer willpower, he pushed himself to becoming one of the greatest football players of all times. And he has proved his case with the following accolades:

  • Most NFL Championships By a Player (7x)
  • Most Games Won By a Quarterback
  • Most Games Played By a Quarterback
  • Most Combined Passing Yards
  • Most Touchdown Passes
  • Most 4th Quarter Comebacks
  • Best Touchdown to Interception Ratio
  • 5 Time Super Bowl MVP
  • 3 Time MVP of the NFL
  • 2 Time NFL All-Decade Team Player
  • Only Player to Win a Super Bowl for Both The AFC & NFC

john paul dejoria biography book

13. Sarah Blakely

This success story is about Sarah Blakely, who was once crowned one of the youngest self-made billionaires by Forbes. Her story begins with her love of the firm look that panty hose offered, but her hating how they looked when she wore open toe shoes.

Blakely’s annoyance with panty hose would lead to her always cutting the feet off of her panty hose to pull of the look she was going for. But, after noticing that many other women were doing the same thing, she had a lightbulb moment. And she started to contemplate the creation of a product that would solve this problem.

One day after watching an inspiring Oprah show, Sarah decided to take massive action on her idea. So, she risked it all by investing her entire $5,000 life savings to move to Atlanta, GA. Once there, she would kickstart the production of her product idea for the masses.

Blakely experienced tons of resistance at first. Nobody wanted to manufacture the product she was trying to create. They thought it was too risky and a potential waste of time. Her patent officer even found it difficult to take her idea seriously, thinking it to be a dud.

But, after two years of planning, countless late nights, and lots of no’s, she finally found success. Her lucky break came when a factory agreed to manufacture her products. And when Neiman Marcus and Bloomingdales took a risk on her by listing her products for sale at their stores.

Her first year in business she sold over $4 million in revenue. And every year there after her sales would grow exponentially. Sarah’s courage to go all in, and her persistence to bring her idea to the world helped her become a billionaire by the age of 41.

john paul dejoria biography book

14. Grant Cardone

This next story helps drive the point home, that it’s never too late to be what you might have been. It’s also a good reminder that no matter where you come from, or where you’ve been, you can change. It’s a testament that anyone can clean up their act, and can find massive success in the process.

This success story is about a man who grew up poor in Louisiana, lost his father at a young age, and was raised a single-parent household with four other siblings. It’s a story about a man named Grant Cardone .

Cardone is not your typical celebrity. He didn’t come from money. He’s not a Hollywood superstar,. Nor does he possess some amazing talent, like script-writing, politics, or athleticism. However, what he does possess, is something that is available to us all, and that is a determination to succeed.

Grant Cardone found himself in bad company in his youth. He was involved and addicted to drugs, and was stuck in a downward spiral for over a decade. After getting robbed at gunpoint, being beaten to a bloody pulp with a gun, and then being kicked out of his mother’s house, he finally decided to change his life.

At the age of 25 Grant Cardone decided to clean up his act. He cut all negative influences from his life, got sober, and took the first job he could land.

That job was as a car salesmen. It was a title and a position that Grant was not very fond of.

The economy was slow which meant he didn’t have many options, so he made it work.

Cardone committed to becoming the best salesperson he could be. So, he invested heavily in his own self-improvement by reading books and studying his craft and his industry.

After committing to becoming his very best, his income quickly doubled. And soon thereafter, he would become one of the best car salesmen in the country. He eventually moved on to running his own business, and was extremely smart and disciplined with his money.

Cardone only spent money on what was absolutely necessary for food our housing. He would place anything left over into an investment fund just for real estate.

Grant Cardone’s focus on learning more so that he could earn more, along with having the discipline to invest his extra money, instead of wasting it on frivolous things, helped him become a self-made millionaire just five years later by the age of 30.

Cardone has since gone on to become a prominent international businessman, speaker, and the owner of Cardone Capital, a $1.5 billion investment firm.  He’s authored the New York Times bestselling books  If You’re Not First, You’re Last,  and other notable books like  The 10X Rule , and Axiom Award winning  Sell or Be Sold .  In addition to this, he also founded Cardone University, a popular sales training platform that has accrued over 50,000,000 and growing users.

It took Grant Cardone only five years to completely revolutionize his entire life. With the right mindset and a good dose of willpower, just imagine what 5 years could do for you.

inspirational success stories - grant cardone

15. Kevin Hart

Every body knows of and loves Kevin Hart. He’s been making us laugh and keeping us highly entertained for many years now. But, what most people don’t know about Kevin Hart, is that he had to overcome some major obstacles before he became one of the most beloved comedians in the world.

Hart had to overcome a negative homelife with a father who was reckless, toxic, and always causing trouble. He had to overcome the challenges of a 2 hour commute for years.

Hart endured naysayers often. In fact, someone he highly respected in the industry told him that he should quit comedy. He had to outlast the boos, the heckling, and getting chicken wings thrown at him due to his performances.

Kevin Hart had to turn countless setbacks into comebacks. He had to choose time after time, to not quit. He chose to keep pushing for his dreams, to ignore the critics, the naysayers, and anyone who doubted his dreams.

Eventually though, Hart’s persistence and commitment to his vision would pay off. The tide would turn for Kevin Hart after years of career stagnancy, rejection, and close calls with defeat.

Kevin Hart is now one of the world’s top 10 comedians. He’s also one of the richest too . So, if you think you can’t do something, just think about Kevin Hart’s success story and all he went through. Because if he can do it, so can you.

john paul dejoria biography book

16. Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins’ upbringing was rough. His parents divorced when he was only 7 and his mother would go on to get remarried 4 different times as he grew up.

His mother’s unstable relationships with men created a chaotic environment for Tony and his siblings. As the oldest of three other siblings, Robbins felt obligated to step up and help his family cope in a household led by a substance abusing mother.

Robbins had to grow up fast.  As a teenager he had to do the grocery shopping every week for the family because his mother couldn’t be bothered to do it. He also had to prepare the meals for everyone because no one else would.

Eventually, Robbins had to take on various jobs in his youth just to keep the bills paid. Amazingly, Robbins would do all these things even without a car, relying solely on public transportation to get around.

At the age of 17, Robbins had a falling-out with his mother, and she kicked him out of the house.  He finished high school but avoided college.

Armed only with a high school diploma he struggled for a few years working menial jobs that sucked the life out of him.  He gained weight, felt broke, and started feeling hopeless about his situation.

One day, after attending a Jim Rohn he became inspired to turn it all around.  He embraced Rohn’s message of hope and the power of taking responsibility for one’s situation.  And he used that inspiration to reach out to Jim Rohn himself for work, and Rohn obliged.

Robbins soon became one of the Rohn’s best salesman.  In fact, Robbins was so good that he became a millionaire by the age of 26 just from sales. 

Leveraging everything he learned from Rohn, Robbins eventually broke out on his own and became the best-selling author, high performance coach, and multimillionaire that the world has come to know and love.

Tony Robbins story goes to show that our past doesn’t equal our future. And you can overcome slow starts and challenging situations to create a rich and wonderful life.

john paul dejoria biography book

17. John Paul DeJoria

John Paul DeJoria experienced plenty of hardship before achieving true success. For starters, he grew up in relative poverty. After his parents divorced, his mother couldn’t support him and his brother, so was given up to a foster home.

When his mother finally made enough money to get him and his brother out of the foster home, he still eventually had to find work early on to help his struggling mother pay the bills.

Unfortunately, the financial challenges didn’t cease for John Paul DeJoria after striking out on his own.

After graduating from high school, DeJoria spent two years in the Navy and then started a family. He eked by for a long time by taking various odd jobs as a janitor, gas station attendant, insurance salesmen, and even a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman.

He struggled for a long time to create a prosperous and stable life for himself and his family. Unfortunately, his wife grew impatient and abandoned him and his two-year-old son. Shortly after, he eventually became homeless for a brief period of time. Thankfully, DeJoria never gave up hope.

He hustled for years to get his life in order and provide for his son. Eventually, he found his lucky break after getting his haircut by a hairdresser named Paul Mitchell.

After learning about a high-quality product that his hairdresser sold, he saw the opportunity to go into business with him to help sell his product across the city. So, he went into business with Paul Mitchell and the product became a big hit locally, and then eventually across the entire beauty industry.

John Paul DeJoria leveraged the grit, salesmanship, and business acumen he acquired from all his unprosperous years to transform his budding business partnership into a multinational enterprise. Now, he’s a multi-billionaire .

john paul dejoria biography book

Hopefully these success stories help you realize that while success may be elusive, it is not unattainable. We also hope that these handpicked stories have helped you understand that success is both a journey and a destination.

But most importantly, we hope you walk away knowing that in order to achieve success, you’ll have to first go through your share of struggles, rejections, and even disasters, but are now eager to take on the challenge.

So, keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the prize. Keep moving towards your dreams no matter what. Do this, and your success will be just around the corner.

PS – Every success story is unique and can inspire in a different way. That said, if you’re looking for even more success stories about how others achieved success and riches, then you’ll love these Strive Stories too.


Kanye West Success Story

Kanye West (now officially known as Ye) is a highly successful artist, producer, cultural icon and entrepreneur. He has released several critically acclaimed albums and started his own fashion line. He has received numerous awards and honors, including ten Grammy Awards. And to top it all off, he’s a multi-millionaire who has become one of the most influential artists and entrepreneurs in the world.

Kanye’s success is due in part to his hard work and dedication. He is always working on new music or projects, and he puts a lot of thought into everything he does. He also has a great team behind him, which has helped him achieve his goals.

“Shoot For The Stars, So If You Fall You Land On A Cloud.” – kanye west –

With that said, if you want to learn more about Kanye West’s success story and how we can use his journey to success to inspire greater levels of creativity and ambition in our own lives, then read on:

The Early Years

Kanye Omari West was born on June 8th, 1977. His parents divorced when he was only 3 years old and he and his mother relocated to Chicago, Illinois from Atlanta, Georgia.

West had a love for the creative arts at an early age and began writing poetry and drawing when he was just 5 years old. He began rapping in 3rd grade and started to write and compose his own music by the time he was in middle school.

He eventually met his mentor, the DJ, and producer No I.D. at a local radio station when he was about 14 years old. No I.D. took Kanye under his wing and taught him how to produce beats and experiment with hip hop productions. West became friends with another up-and-coming rapper, Jay Z, and the two would often freestyle together.

Ultimately, Kanye started creating beats for other artists in the Chicago area and formed a rap group known as the Go-Getters. [1] The group released their first and only album in 1999.

The Struggle

Although Kanye West was successfully working as a producer, he wanted to step into the limelight and be a rapper himself. He tried to convince Jay Z to sign him to his record label, Roc-A-Fella Records, but Jay Z was reluctant to add him to the roster. He eventually relented and signed Kanye in 2002.

On October 23rd, 2003. Kanye experienced a grave car accident that left him with a shattered jaw. He required surgery to reconstruct his face and was bedridden for weeks.

Kanye left the L.A. studio at around 3 am in a rented Lexus, after finishing a late-night session with Peedi Crack, Beanie Sigel, and The Black Eyed Peas. Just blocks away from the W Hotel, he was cut off and collided head-on with another car.

As a result of the accident, his face needed reconstructive surgery. It took Kanye weeks to recover from the accident. Because he did not have health insurance, he had to foot the bill himself.

West used this time to reflect on his life and career. He decided that he needed to focus on his own music and not just produce beats for other artists. He realized that the music he had previously made wouldn’t have a major impact on the world if he were to die in that tragic accident. From this moment forward, Kanye dedicated himself to making the best music of his career.

He would never play small and he proved this by writing and recording several of his most popular hits while still recovering from the accident.

The Rise To Fame

Many of the demos that Kanye made with No I.D. alongside his producing experience, became the basis of his own solo career. He started working on his own music and released his debut album The College Dropout in 2004.

Kanye West Success Story Quote

The album was a huge success, both commercially and critically. It received positive reviews from music critics and debuted at number two on the Billboard 200 chart. It went on to sell over four million copies in the United States. In addition to this, it was also certified 4-times platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).

Kanye’s second album, Late Registration, was released in 2005 and was also a huge success. It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 chart and received positive reviews from music critics. The album has since been certified triple platinum by the RIAA.

In 2007, Kanye released his third album, Graduation. The album was again a huge success and debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 chart. It has since been certified double platinum by the RIAA.

Kanye’s fourth studio album, 808s & Heartbreak, was released in 2008. The album was a departure from his previous work and featured more electronic and autotuned vocals. Although it was not as commercially successful as his previous albums, it still received positive reviews from music critics.

Kanye’s fifth studio album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, was released in 2010 to critical acclaim. It too debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 chart and became one of the highest-rated albums of all time by music critics.

His sixth studio album, Yeezus, was released in 2013 and received positive reviews from music critics. It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 chart and sold over two million copies in the United States.

The seventh studio album, The Life of Pablo, was released in 2016. It also debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 chart and has since been certified platinum by the RIAA.

The Kanye West’s Entrepreneurial Path

Following the release of his debut album, Kanye West began designing and manufacturing his own line of clothing and sneakers. Introducing Shutter Shades in 2008, a sleek new sneaker that incorporates traditional shutter-style sunglasses.

He then produced the “Air Yeezy” line in 2009, a highly successful shoe that lasted until 2013. The Adidas Yeezy Boosts were officially released on December 3, 2013, after months of anticipation and rumors.  

West has also released several fashion lines, including DW by Kanye West, Pastelle Clothing, and A.P.C. Kanye West. He has also been involved in the creative direction of numerous fashion brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Nike.

He also founded a production company and record label, “GOOD Music”, in 2004. The label has since signed artists such as John Legend, Big Sean, Pusha T, Kid Cudi, and Mos Def.

Kanye West and his mother started the “Kanye West Foundation” (now called the Dr. Donda West Foundation) in 2003. It aims to provide access to arts and music education for children in low-income communities. [2]

He also founded “Got Bars” in 2013, a free music writing program that helps young people in high-risk areas of Chicago learn how to write and record their own music.

  “I feel that I’m very blessed. But with great blessings come great responsibility.” – Kanye West

Related: Kanye West Quotes

Kanye’s Fall and Slow Redemption

Kanye’s reputation and riches took a big hit in 2022. After pushing the limits on controversial subjects, he lost a contract with one of his biggest business partners, Adidas. [3]

On top of that, his multi-billion dollar net worth was reduced dramatically, as many platforms and business partners severed ties with the controversial artist.

In Early 2023, Kanye attempted to mend his errors, by apologizing for his comments. That said, he’s reputation and riches has not fully bounced back to the heights of his success.

However, Kanye has slowly been working to redeem his reputation since his public fall from grace . He’s since created new partnerships with various artists, including Ty Dolla Sign and their work on the album ‘Vultures’.

Certainly Kanye’s status still has a ways to go, but he appears to be moving in the right direction. Of course, only time will tell.

Related: Ye’s Net Worth

The Kanye West Method

Having said all of that, it’s apparent that Kanye West is an achievement machine. As we’ve just outlined, he’s been tallying up his wins and accomplishments (along with a few L’s) year-over-year for more than a decade now. But how does he do it?

Well, this video production by El Taco Supreme provides a nice analysis on the creative genius of Kanye that has helped him achieve so much so fast. Give it a look if you want to learn what Kanye’s true secret to success is….

Video Credit: El Taco Supreme ( Subscribe Here )

The Kanye West Success Story is one of dedication, hard work, and perseverance. Despite all the obstacles he has faced in his life, he has always pushed forward and continued to achieve success in most of the projects he pursued. He is a true inspiration to all who aspire to follow their dreams.

Some lessons we can take away from Kanye West’s success story are the importance of following your dreams, leveraging your talents, and perseverance . And that no matter what obstacles you face in life, if you take the risk to pursue your talents, and keep pushing forward and working hard, you can achieve success. No doubt, Kanye West is a true inspiration to all who want to make their mark on the world.

Kanye West is one of the most successful and influential musicians of our time. Sure, he’s had his moments of controversy over the years, but that often comes with the territory of fame.

Hopefully this Kanye story will act as a form of inspiration to every person out there who intends to chase their dreams. So, if that sounds like you, just remember that it’s important to think about how you can integrate the lessons learned from Kanye West into our own lives and use them to achieve success.

That said, we can summarize the Kanye West success story with three important points: dedication, hard work , and perseverance. No matter what obstacles you face in life, if your chasing your dream, keep pushing forward and working hard, and you can eventually achieve the success you’re after.

Until you reach those aims,

[1] Complex: The Story Behind Kanye West’s 90’s Chicago Rap Group , The Go-Getters

[2] Britannica: Kanye West

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The rags-to-riches story of john paul dejoria.

On April 13 in the year 1944, one of the most famous entrepreneurs in the hair care business was born California, USA. His name is John Paul DeJoria, the co-founder of Paul Mitchell line of hair products and The Patrón Spirits Company. According to, his net worth is $2.7 billion in August 2021, down from $3.2 billion in October 2017.

John Paul DeJoria

John DeJoria was the second son of an Italian and Greek immigrant couple who divorced when he was two years old. At age nine, his single mother sent him and his elder brother to a foster home in Los Angeles. Then he left the foster home and joined the street gangs. Wonderfully, he was able to finish high school. After that, he found himself doing odd jobs – a janitor then door to door salesman for encyclopedia and insurance. Then he joined the US Navy for two years. After his discharge, he got married, had a son but his wife left him and his son and with all his savings plus unpaid rent for several months. He was evicted by his landlord and for the second time, he found himself homeless.

John DeJoria found work as salesman for hair care products. When he was fired in 1980, he borrowed $700 and partnered with talented hair stylist Paul Mitchell to formed John Paul Mitchell System to market their own shampoo. In due time, he earned enough money to acquire a stake in boutique tequila maker Patrón Spirits. Then as his capital grew, he invested in other industries such as a chain of night clubs, solar energy, gas distribution, diamond trading, farming and motorcycle dealership.

John Paul DeJoria married twice and has four children. He has been very active in philanthropy. In 2013, he appeared in the reality show Shark Tank as a guest investor. In June, 2017, a documentary of his life was released.


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*Kline 2022 Salon Hair Care Global Series, for John Paul Mitchell Systems ® master brand portfolio which includes Paul Mitchell ® , based on value sales of products in 28 markets.

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*Excludes select caps/closures

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*In the US, based on Kline data Q1 2022 - Q2 2023

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*50% post-consumer recycled bottles, excluding gallon sizes and pumps/caps/closures.

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  • Our Leaders | John Paul Mitchell Sytems

Image of Paul Mitchell Leadership


Meet our ceo + president.

The leaders and incredible team behind our brand make us one of the most recognized and respected names in the industry.

Michaeline DeJoria, daughter of John Paul Mitchell Systems® co-founder John Paul DeJoria, has fond memories of growing up in Los Angeles and visiting her dad's office as a young girl. Now she's the CEO of John Paul Mitchell Systems®, where she directs the company's future development for all brands. Michaeline started out working in various departments before arriving at her current position; it was important to her that she immersed herself in all aspects of the business before taking on a leadership role. This experience informs her managerial style to this day—making processes and departments streamlined and organized, with an emphasis on finding new opportunities for improvement.

Michaeline studied Product Development at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, as well as Organizational Communications and Industrial Psychology at Pepperdine University. She is an avid traveler, enjoying an appreciation and understanding of many cultures throughout the world. Philanthropy also plays a big part in her life—she makes substantial contributions to children's causes, Los Angeles schools, and numerous health and research causes.

Jason Yates began his career more than 30 years ago as a hairdresser in the UK, working his way up from salon apprentice to manager and eventually managing director for a group of 22 salons. During that time, he also worked as a platform artist and educator for a hair care manufacturer, exposing him to a different part of the industry that opened a career path beyond the salon.

In 2012, Jason joined JPMS™ as Vice President of Marketing, where he led the marketing strategy for all brands, later expanding his leadership role to make him the first-ever Vice President of Sales and Marketing in the company's history. With hands-on experience in every facet of the professional beauty industry—from hairstyling to business management, marketing and sales—Jason was appointed President of JPMS™, and oversees the company's global daily operations.

While his journey from hairdresser to executive may be unusual, Jason observes: "We work in an amazing industry that allows us to go in many different directions, especially if you are a young professional stylist. My career may not be a typical path for a hairdresser, but it's certainly one that can happen."

Image of Michaeline DeJoria

Meet Our Owners

John Paul Mitchell Systems ® Co-founder and Chairman of the Board John Paul DeJoria still steers our company according to its original vision. Despite offers from public corporations to sell, he refused because of his initial vow to stand by the professional beauty industry.

John Paul DeJoria was born on April 13,1944 in east Los Angeles. After graduating high school and serving in the U.S. Navy, John Paul founded John Paul Mitchell Systems along with his business partner, Paul Mitchell. Since then, John Paul has launched multiple global enterprises, including Patrón Tequila, and invested in many successful businesses across industries, such as Discovery Land Company, ROKiT and Round 2 Spirits, LLC.

John Paul is most passionate about philanthropy and has supported hundreds of charitable organizations throughout his career. In 2009, he created Grow Appalachia, a non-profit that works to address food insecurity in Central Appalachia. In 2011, John Paul signed The Giving Pledge and established JP's Peace, Love & Happiness Foundation with the goal to invest in people, animal conservation and environmental protection.

As a supporter of ocean conservation, John Paul has worked closely with Captain Paul Watson in his efforts to eradicate illegal whaling and recently commissioned the M/Y John Paul DeJoria II. The 232-foot vessel was christened in 2023 and embarked on its first campaign to prevent the illegal killing of fin whales. John Paul also co-founded The Ocean Shot, which aims to regrow coral reef habitats.

John Paul's life was the subject of the 2017 documentary Good Fortune, which won the Audience Award for Best Documentary at Sedona Film Festival. He has been profiled globally across many media outlets including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc. Magazine, BBC, Fox, Fox Business, Bloomberg, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, The Ellen Show, and more.

Image of John Paul DeJoria

Remembering Angus Mitchell (1970-2024)

Angus Mitchell was born on October 16, 1970 in New York. As a fourth-generation hair stylist, his passion for the industry was unwavering. Educated at Vidal Sassoon, Angus was a hairdresser, educator and opened his own salon in Beverly Hills in 2009.

Angus took over as co-owner of John Paul Mitchell Systems following the death of his father, Paul Mitchell, in 1989.

The loss of his father inspired Angus' philanthropic work with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN), an organization dedicated to fighting the world's toughest cancer through research, clinical initiatives, patient services and advocacy.

Angus was also an advocate for human rights, ecological preservation and environmental research. He had generously donated historic coastal properties in Hawaii to the Nature Conservancy and the Edith K. Kanaka'ole Foundation. His joyful and generous spirit will forever be a part of the JPMS™ family legacy.

Image of Angus Mitchell

Remembering Paul Mitchell (1936-1989)

Our co-founder, Paul Mitchell, was born in 1936 in Carnwath, Scotland. His mother was the first hairdresser in the village, and at the age of sixteen, Paul followed suit by enrolling in London's Morris School of Hairdressing. With his world-class talent and sharp, innovative eye, Paul soon created a revolution within the hairdressing industry.

Studying under the guidance of the famed Vidal Sasson, Paul built an illustrious career and became known as one of the most sought-after hair stylists and educators on the salon scene. His rise to the top was fueled in large part by the dozens of traveling clinics he conducted.

Paul pioneered the concept of “wash and wear” hair, using his hands and Sculpting Lotion as his only tools to demonstrate easy, versatile styles. He transformed haircutting presentations into artistic performances with unconventional props like surgical tape and balloons. Paul entertained and attracted clientele, casting him in the spotlight as an incredible showman.

Paul was also passionate about sustainability and pushing the limits of innovation. We strive to carry on Paul's legacy through philanthropic and planet-focused initiatives.

Image of Paul Mitchell

Famous Entrepreneurs

Biographies, Pictures and Facts

  • John Paul DeJoria

John Paul Jones DeJoria is an entrepreneur and philanthropist; who is well known for his Paul Mitchell hair products . He is also the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Patron Spirits Company . The billionaire has a net worth of $4 billion.

DeJoria was born on 13 th April 1944 in Echo Park, Los Angeles, California. His parents got divorced when he was two and at nine years of age he was selling newspapers and cards in order to support his family. DeJoria attended Atwater Elementary and then John Marshall High School. His mother could not support both her children so she had to send them to a foster home. As a teenager he got involved in some street gang activities but he decided to change his path after being advised by a teacher at school. In 1962 after he graduated from high school, he joined the Navy where he spent two years.

To make ends meet DeJoria did many jobs including being a janitor to selling insurance. He got a job at Redken Laboratories and this was the beginning of his entrepreneurial success. He was eventually fired from this job after a disagreement over some of the business policies. He co-founded John Paul Mitchell Systems with the hairdresser Paul Mitchell in 1980. He took a loan of 700 dollars for the start-up. John Paul DeJoria also owns seventy percent of The Patrons Spirits Company which is a world famous tequila brand. He co-founded the company in 1989. It sold more than 2,450,000 cases in 2011. He is also a founding member of the nightclub chain House of Blues and has interests in Ultimat Vodka , Pyrat Rum , Sun King Solar , Solar Utility, Three Star Energy, Touchstone Natural Gas, Diamond Audio , ROK AMERICAS , John Paul Pet, a diamond company, J&D Acquisitions LLC, Larson’s parent company, Triumph, Striper, a Harley-Davidson dealership, Carver and Marquis Yachts.

John Paul DeJoria is also an actor and producer in the film industry. He made an appearance in the 2008 comedy movie ‘You Don’t Mess with the Zohan’ and in ‘The Big Tease’ in which he played his former business partner Paul Mitchell. He also made an appearance in the season two of the TV series ‘Weeds’. He also acted and narrated in the television commercial of Patron in 2011. In 2012 he displayed his support of Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society through a video release. DeJoria also supports Food4Africa . He joined Nelson Mandela in Africa to help feed more than seventeen thousand orphan children. His company Paul Mitchell also provided food for more than 400000 poor children.

This once homeless billionaire is today inducted in the esteemed Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans.  His rule of life is ‘Success unshared is failure’ and this policy can be seen throughout his company. His employees are very happy to work with him. He has maintained such a friendly work environment and paychecks far more than what the market normally offers. Today the hero of this ‘rags to riches story’ has come a long way. He lives with his wife and six children in their Austin home.

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Copyright © 2024

John Paul Dejoria Success Story, Biography, Journey

John Paul Dejoria

Introduction:, john paul mitchell systems:, patrón spirits company:, other ventures:.

  • He co-founded the House of Blues nightclub chain with Dan Aykroyd and Isaac Tigrett in 1992.
  • Madagascar Oil Ltd., in which he invested in 2004 and was appointed chairman in 2007. The corporation is working to develop oil reserves in Madagascar.
  • Pyrat Rum, Smokey Mountain Bison Farm, Ultimat Vodka, a Harley-Davidson dealership, a diamond company (DeJoria), mobile technology developer ROK AMERICAS, the John Paul Pet Company, and J&D Acquisitions LLC.
  • He has worked in the film industry as an executive producer and actor. He appeared in films such as You Don't Mess with the Zohan and The Big Tease, as well as television shows such as Weeds and Shark Tank.


  • The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, an anti-poaching organization, named a ship after him.
  • Grow Appalachia is a program that assists low-income families in growing their own food.
  • Chrysalis, a non-profit that assists homeless persons in finding employment.
  • Waterkeeper Alliance, an environmental organization dedicated to the preservation of water resources.
  • Mobile Loaves & Fishes, an organization that offers homeless individuals with food and shelter.
  • The Mineseeker Foundation, is a non-profit organization that removes landmines and aids victims.
  • The PeaceJam Foundation, which connects young people with Nobel Peace Prize laureates.


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  1. John Paul Dejoria: From the Backseat to Billionaire eBook : Andrews

    john paul dejoria biography book

  2. The Rags-to-Riches Story of John Paul DeJoria

    john paul dejoria biography book


    john paul dejoria biography book

  4. John Paul DeJoria

    john paul dejoria biography book

  5. John Paul Dejoria Success Story, Biography, Journey

    john paul dejoria biography book

  6. John Paul Dejoria Biography & Success Story

    john paul dejoria biography book


  1. John Paul DeJoria

    John Paul Jones DeJoria [5] was born the second son of an Italian immigrant father and a Greek immigrant mother [6] on April 13, 1944 [7] in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, California.His parents divorced by the time he was two years old. When his single mother proved unable to support both children, they were sent to an East Los Angeles foster home and stayed there during the week ...

  2. John Paul DeJoria: Books

    Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store. Skip to main ... An Entertaining Private Encounter with John Paul Dejoria. by Jorg Bobsin and Satisfaction Guaranteed, LLC. Audible Audiobook. $0.00 $ 0. 00 $13.90 $13.90. Free with Audible trial. Available instantly.

  3. My Friends Call Me J.P.: John Paul DeJoria: 0761856622975:

    My Friends Call Me J.P. Hardcover - January 1, 2015. DeJoria spent two years in the United States Navy, serving on the USS Hornet. After that, he held a series of jobs including janitor, door-to-door encyclopedia salesman and insurance salesman. DeJoria entered the world of hair care as an employee of Redken Laboratories.

  4. John Paul DeJoria Biography

    John Paul DeJoria Biography (Businessperson) Birthday: April 13, 1944 . Born In: Los Angeles, California, United States. Advanced Search. John Paul DeJoria is an American entrepreneur who is the founder of The Patrón Spirits Company, and a co-founder of the Paul Mitchell line of hair products. A self-made billionaire, he has been through his ...

  5. John Paul Dejoria: From the Backseat to Billionaire

    Understanding how John Paul Dejoria thinks is just part of the solution. The principles he used to succeed are principles you can use to succeed also. Read more. Previous page. Reading age. 10 - 18 years. Print length. 22 pages. Language. English. Publication date. August 10, 2015. Page Flip. Enabled. Word Wise. Enabled. Enhanced typesetting.

  6. John Paul DeJoria (Contributor of The Self-Made Billionaire Effect)

    John Paul DeJoria's books. Average rating: 4.33 · 3 ratings · 0 reviews · 4 distinct works. The Self-Made Billionaire Effect: How Extreme Producers Create Massive Value. by. John Sviokla, Mitch Cohen (Contributor), Steve Jobs (Contributor) 3.67 avg rating — 458 ratings — published 2014 — 21 editions. Want to Read.

  7. John Paul DeJoria, From Homeless To Billionaire

    John Paul DeJoria is one of the great stories of achieving the American Dream. Twenty years after being homeless, he was able to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. Along the way he built ...

  8. John Paul DeJoria

    Winston Churchill said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal — it is the courage to continue that counts.". And Theodore Roosevelt said, "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.". My guest today is serial entrepreneur, billionaire, and philanthropist John DeJoria, who is best known as a co-founder of ...

  9. Read The John Paul Dejoria Bio

    Serial entrepreneur John Paul Dejoria is a phenomenon. He's converted his own back story into an empire, John Paul Mitchell systems, producing over ninety products sold through 90,000 hair salons worldwide with annual sales topping $600 million. A sixty year old back story was the seminal influence on his success he told Peter Guber.

  10. John Paul DeJoria went from homeless to billionaire by following 3

    Rule No. 2: Make sure your product or service is the best it can be. DeJoria is adamant: "Always remember you don't want to be in the product business. You want to be in the reorder business ...

  11. John Paul DeJoria

    John Paul DeJoria's rags-to-riches biography exemplifies the American dream. Once homeless, he has struggled against the odds to achieve success, launching multiple global enterprises, while always supporting his motto, "Success Unshared is Failure.". In 1980, John Paul and hairstylist Paul Mitchell converted a partially borrowed $700 ...

  12. How John Paul DeJoria Went From Homeless To A Billionaire In ...

    DeJoria, 73, has a net worth of $3.1 billion, according to FORBES, but at two separate times in his life, he was homeless and living out of his car. The one-time door-to-door shampoo and ...

  13. Leading with Vision and Integrity: The Inspiring Journey of John Paul

    John Paul DeJoria's leadership journey is a remarkable testament to the power of visionary thinking, resilience, ethical practices, and social responsibility. From his humble beginnings to his extraordinary achievements, DeJoria has left an enduring legacy that extends beyond the realms of business success. His impact on industries ...

  14. How Paul Mitchell founder John Paul DeJoria got started

    FORTUNE -- There are a lot of interesting things about John Paul DeJoria.Yes, he's the co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems, which sells hair products in more than 150,000 beauty salons in 87 ...

  15. John Paul DeJoria: Master of the Art of Sharing Peace ...

    You may know John Paul DeJoria as the gifted businessman behind the Patron and Paul Mitchell empires. You may know John Paul DeJoria as the billionaire member of the elite Giving Pledge—joining founders Warren Buffett and Melinda and Bill Gates, as well as Central Texas notables Robert Smith, Red and Charline McCombs, and Charles Butt in committing to give away half of their wealth to ...

  16. John Paul Dejoria: From the Backseat to Billionaire

    Understanding how John Paul Dejoria thinks is just part of the solution. The principles he used to succeed are principles you can use to succeed also. 22 pages, Kindle Edition. First published August 10, 2015. Book details & editions.

  17. John Paul DeJoria: Books

    by John Paul DeJoria | Jan 1, 2015. Hardcover. Leading With Integrity: Build Your Capacity for Success and Happiness. ... Book reviews & recommendations : IMDb Movies, TV & Celebrities: IMDbPro Get Info Entertainment Professionals Need: Kindle Direct Publishing Indie Digital & Print Publishing

  18. John Paul DeJoria

    — John Paul DeJoria. John Paul DeJoria is an American entrepreneur and philanthropist who has launched multiple global enterprises and is renowned as one of the " 100 Greatest Living Business Minds " by Forbes. John Paul DeJoria's rags-to-riches biography is incredible and truly exemplifies the American dream.

  19. The John Paul DeJoria Success Story

    John Paul DeJoria is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and self-made billionaire. He co-founded John Paul Mitchell Systems; a manufacturer of hair care products and styling tools through brands like Paul Mitchell, Tea, Neuro, and more. ... His books sales continue to grow year over year, with now over 150 million and counting copies of 'The ...

  20. The Rags-to-Riches Story of John Paul DeJoria

    On April 13 in the year 1944, one of the most famous entrepreneurs in the hair care business was born California, USA. His name is John Paul DeJoria, the co-founder of Paul Mitchell line of hair products and The Patrón Spirits Company. According to, his net worth is $2.7 billion in August 2021, down from $3.2 billion in October 2017.

  21. Our Leaders

    John Paul DeJoria was born on April 13,1944 in east Los Angeles. After graduating high school and serving in the U.S. Navy, John Paul founded John Paul Mitchell Systems along with his business partner, Paul Mitchell. Since then, John Paul has launched multiple global enterprises, including Patrón Tequila, and invested in many successful ...

  22. John Paul DeJoria

    John Paul Jones DeJoria is an entrepreneur and philanthropist; who is well known for his Paul Mitchell hair products. He is also the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Patron Spirits Company. The billionaire has a net worth of $4 billion. DeJoria was born on 13 th April 1944 in Echo Park, Los Angeles, California.

  23. John Paul Dejoria Success Story, Biography, Journey

    Introduction: Entrepreneur and philanthropist John Paul DeJoria is well-known for his amazing accomplishment in co-founding and building many prominent companies. DeJoria's journey began under poor circumstances. Having experienced homelessness and poverty as a child, he shown an unyielding desire to overcome adversity.