
Sample Cover Letter for Invoice Submission: Free & Effective

My experience in business communication has taught me that submitting an invoice with a well-crafted cover letter is crucial for reinforcing professional relationships and ensuring clarity in financial dealings.

Key Takeaways:

  • Importance of a Cover Letter for Invoice Submission: Enhances professionalism and clarity.
  • Key Elements: Include specific invoice details, payment terms, and a thank you note.
  • Step-by-Step Guide: Easy instructions to craft an effective cover letter.
  • Template: A ready-to-use template for immediate application.
  • Tips for Optimization: How to make your cover letter stand out.
  • Personal Experience: Real-life insights and examples.

Why a Cover Letter for Invoice Submission Matters

In my experience, attaching a cover letter to your invoice can significantly enhance your professionalism.

It serves as a courteous reminder of the payment pending, details the invoice’s contents, and offers a chance to thank the client for their business.

Key Elements of an Effective Cover Letter

  • Invoice Reference: Mention the invoice number and date.
  • Service or Product Details: Briefly describe what the invoice is for.
  • Payment Terms: Clearly state the payment due date and accepted payment methods.
  • Contact Information: Provide your contact details for any queries.
  • Appreciation Note: A thank you note to the client.

Personal Experience: A Real-Life Example

In my career, I’ve seen how a simple cover letter transformed a routine invoice submission into a reaffirmation of a valuable business relationship.

For instance, after sending an invoice with a detailed cover letter to a long-term client, they expressed appreciation for the clear communication, which ultimately strengthened our business ties.

How To Write a Cover Letter For Invoice Submission: Step-by-Step Guide

  • Start with Your Details: Begin by mentioning your name, address, and contact information.
  • Date and Recipient’s Details: Include the date of the letter and the recipient’s name and address.
  • Reference the Invoice: Clearly mention the invoice number and date.
  • Describe the Services or Products: Briefly describe what the invoice covers.
  • State the Payment Terms: Clearly mention the due date and payment methods.
  • Add a Personal Touch: Thank the client and offer assistance for any queries.
  • Closing and Signature: End with a formal closing and your signature.

A Template for Your Convenience

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Client’s Name] [Client’s Company] [Client’s Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear [Client’s Name],

I am writing to present our invoice [Invoice Number], dated [Invoice Date]. This invoice covers [brief description of services/products provided].

As per our terms, the amount is due on [Due Date]. We accept payments via [Payment Methods].

Thank you for your continued business. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.

Sincerely, [Your Signature] [Your Typed Name]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A professional and inviting office setting with a person sitting at a desk, writing a letter

Q: What is the best way to address a cover letter for invoice submission?

Answer: In my experience, addressing the cover letter directly to the person responsible for payments or the accounts payable department is most effective. 

For instance, I often start with “Dear [Name of the Accounts Manager]” or “To the Accounts Payable Department.” This ensures that the letter gets to the right person or team, speeding up the payment process.

Q: Should I include payment terms in the cover letter for invoice submission?

Answer: Yes, definitely. Including payment terms in the cover letter clarifies expectations right away. I usually state terms like “Net 30 days” and highlight any early payment discounts or late payment penalties. 

This tactic has helped me manage cash flow better and avoid confusion or delays in payment.

Q: How detailed should my cover letter be when submitting an invoice?

Answer: A cover letter should be concise yet informative. In my approach, I provide a brief overview of the services or products billed, reference the attached invoice for detailed information, and thank the client for their business. This balance of brevity and detail maintains professionalism and clarity.

Q: Is it necessary to mention the invoice number in the cover letter?

Answer: Absolutely. Mentioning the invoice number in the cover letter helps in tracking and referencing the specific transaction. I always include a line like, “Please find attached Invoice #12345 for services rendered.” 

This has significantly reduced confusion and improved the efficiency of the payment process in my dealings.

Q: Can I use a standard template for all my invoice submission cover letters?

Answer: While a standard template can be a starting point, I find that personalizing each cover letter slightly, based on the client and the project, adds a touch of professionalism and care. A template helps maintain consistency, but personalization strengthens business relationships.

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Fantastic post! The tips on structuring and personalizing a cover letter for invoice submission are both practical and easy to implement

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 How to Write an Invoice Email - With Examples & Templates

7 minute read

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Key Takeaways

It's best to send the invoice email right after finishing the work so that clients are informed about all payment details and due dates upfront. Then, follow up with a reminder about 1-2 weeks before the due date to increase the chances of on-time payment.

Include an easy-to-read attachment in PDF, CSV, or XML format, and proofread for any errors or discrepancies.

You've put in all the hard work; now it's time to get paid. But writing an invoice email that feels right sometimes takes longer than expected, right?

We agree writing an email shouldn't be that complicated.

That’s why this article will walk you through a step-by-step how-to and give you standard templates that you can use to quickly draft a professional, polite, and painless invoice email.

Let’s dive in.

💡 Tip: Haven’t made an invoice yet? Learn how to easily make one in our article on how to make an invoice

What Is an Invoice Email?

An invoice email is an email sent to request payment from a client, outlining the services provided and attaching the invoice document . In addition, it can be used as a reminder or follow-up for pending invoice payments .

A well-written invoice email can improve cash flow management and relationship with clients.

What to Include in an Invoice Email

Essential elements in an invoice email include

  • Invoice number
  • Company name
  • Contact detail
  • Deliverables overview
  • Payment due date
  • Payment method and terms 

💡Tip: Find out the safest online payment methods in 2023 to use for your business

How to Write an Invoice Email

The structure of an invoice email resembles typical email formats, comprising a subject line, opening, content, conclusion, and any relevant attachments. 

Let's break down how to write each section effectively.

Subject Line

The subject line is the first thing your recipient will see when receiving your invoice email. So, make it straightforward and informative. 

A helpful invoice email subject line should summarize the purpose at a glance and be searchable. Consider the terms your client might use to locate your email in their inbox, such as invoice number or business name.

To elaborate, include the following information

  • The term "invoice" or "payment request" to specify the intention of the email
  • The invoice number or reference code for your client to recognize the invoice
  • Your business name
  • The item or service 
  • The due date of the payment (optional)

For example, an effective subject line could be:

  • Invoice #1234 for ABC’s web design services due 15 April 2023
  • Payment request for ABC’s copywriting project #5678 

Next, start your invoice email on a courteous and professional note. Address your client, show appreciation for their trust in your product or services, and summarize that you are sending an invoice for the work you recently completed for them.

For example, a good opening line could be:

  • Hi Sarah, we appreciate your trust in our copywriting services. We have finished the work per your specifications and enclosed the invoice for your payment in this email….
  • Hello Michael, Thank you for your purchase! Exciting news – your products are set for delivery! I have attached the invoice details to this email…

The body of the invoice email should explain the primary details about the invoice and payment terms, including

  • Invoice number or reference code
  • Total amount and currency
  • Payment terms
  • The due date of the payment
  • The contact details
  • Late payment terms (if any) 

For example,

…Please find attached invoice #123, which is 2,000 USD. The payment can be made via bank transfer to the following account:  Bank: ABC Bank  Account Number: 1234567890  SWIFT Code: ABCDUS33 Kindly include the invoice number in the reference field. The payment is due by 15 April. Your adherence to this date is greatly appreciated If you have any questions or concerns about the invoice, please contact John Doe at [email protected] or (123) 456-7890. Please note that a late fee of 5% will be applied if the payment is not received by the due date.

Each invoice email should include its corresponding invoice document. This benefits both parties for several reasons:

  • It makes invoices easily accessible and organized for the customer's accounting and bookkeeping. This is especially useful for clients if you are doing a B2B business.
  • It creates a clear transaction record.
  • It demonstrates professionalism.

Statrys Invoicing Software

All-in-one platform to create, send, and manage your invoices. Completely free.

an illustration of Statrys' invoicing software

The final touch is to close an invoice email courteously and express your hope for future collaboration.

For example, write:

  • Thank you for your continued support.
  • Thank you for your trust and cooperation. We look forward to working with you again soon!

Followed by your signature, name, or business name.

The Best Practices When Writing an Invoice Email

Discussing money can be tricky. You want to convey that you appreciate the client’s business but also that you expect them to pay on time and according to the agreed terms. 

If you want to keep both the cash flow and the good impression, these are some things to keep in mind when crafting your invoice email.

Use a Professional Voice With Clear Language

Avoid industry jargon and colloquial language since they make your email hard to follow and unprofessional.

Instead, use simple, straightforward, and polite language that outlines the purpose of your email, which is to request payment.

Personalized Messages

While it’s all good to have a standard template for your invoice emails, adding a touch of personalization shows that you care about your client. 

For example, you can:

  • Mention specific details project or service that you provided
  • Express gratitude for their loyalty if they are a repeat customer or a referral.

And while personalization and appreciation matter, keep it concise and to the point.

A missing zero is worth a thousand or even more. Losing a digit not only scrambles an invoice amount, but you can lose trust, too. Likewise, other errors.

Before sending your invoice email, ensure thorough proofreading to catch any spelling, grammar, punctuation, and number errors. Details about your payment method and terms, such as your account number, are as crucial. 

Moreover, ensure that you have attached the correct invoice document that matches the information in your email. Your client might question your credibility or delay the payment if there are any discrepancies.

Lastly, are you sending it to the right recipient? The correct email in the “To” field will save much hassle. And do you need to CC your accountant? Catch that too.

💡 Tip: A plug-in like Grammarly or Hemingway can help with writing quality.

Attachment Format

An easy-to-read attachment that helps people and software like invoice OCR tools or accounting systems understand the information is as important. 

Choose PDF, CSV, or XML formats for easy downloading, printing, and uploading.

The easiest way to choose is to ask your customer if they prefer specific file types, like CSV or XML. Otherwise, go with PDF.

Avoid using Word Documents or images as they can cause formatting issues or data loss.

Invoice Email Templates

Now that we have covered all the elements and good practices let's look at common invoice email templates.

Simple Invoice Email Template

Subject: Invoice #[invoice number] for [Company name]’s [Service] Hi [Client name], Thank you for choosing [Company name] for [Service] ! Attached is invoice #[Invoice number] for the [Service] that we completed on [Date of service completion] . The total amount due is [Amount] , payable by [due date] . To pay for this invoice, please use the following method(s): [List payment methods] If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Your contact detail] Thank you, and have a great week! Sincerely, [Company name]

Multiple-item Invoice Email Template

If you need to send an invoice for multiple items on one bill, the format is similar to a regular email. Simply add a summary of all the items for clarity.

See the template below.

Subject: Invoice # [Invoice number] from [Company name] Hello [Client name] , Thank you for choosing [Company name] for [Services]! Attached is invoice # [Invoice number] for the [Services] that we completed on [Completion Date] .  Here is a summary of the items and services that we provided: [List items with each price] The total amount due is [Total amount] , payable within 30 days of receiving this email. To make the payment, please use the following method(s): [List payment methods] If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Your contact information] Thank you, and have a great week! Sincerely, [Company name]

Recurring Invoice Email Template  

A recurring invoice email is an email sent regularly to request payment for a continuous product or service. Think subscription, weekly cleaning service, or monthly maintenance. 

Subject: Your [monthly/weekly] invoice from [Your company name] Hi [Client name] , We hope you are doing well and enjoying our services. Attached is the invoice for the past [month/week] . The total amount due is [Invoice amount] , and the payment is due by [Due date] . To pay for this invoice, please use the following method(s): [List payment methods] If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [Your contact details] . Thank you for your continuous support, [Your name and signature]

A trick for recurring invoice emails is looking for a scheduling feature. 

  • If you are using Outlook, follow these guides on sending an email message based on a template and setting up a delay or schedule message . 
  • For other email providers without scheduling features, consider integrating with third-party apps, such as Boomerang or Mailbutler.

Encouraging your client to set up automatic payments for recurring bills is also a great strategy.

Invoice Email for Advance Payments Template

An advance payment is a partial payment from your client before you deliver the goods or services. It can help cover your initial costs, secure the contract, and build trust with the client.

At the same time, it means that you are obligated to fulfill your commitments as agreed. Otherwise, you may have to refund the money or face legal consequences.

Subject : Invoice #[invoice number] for [Service] Hello [Client name] , We're thrilled you selected us to handle your [Service] needs!  Per our agreement, we are sending you this invoice for an advance payment of [Advance payment amount] , or [Percentage] % of the total cost.  This advance payment will help us cover [Explain the startup expense].   It will also secure your spot in our schedule and ensure we deliver on time and budget. Please make the payment by [Due date] using the following method(s): [List payment methods] Once received, we'll send a confirmation email and launch into project development. Regular updates on progress will be provided for your review. We will value your feedback to ensure the work meets your expectations. Thank you for your trust and cooperation. Looking forward to working with you soon! Regards, [Company name]

Project Milestones Invoice Email Template

A project milestone invoice email is an email sent to notify payment due for the completion of an agreed-upon milestone in a project. 

Subject: Invoice #[Invoice number] for [Service]- [Milestone/project phase] Hello [Client name] , We are glad to inform you that we have completed the [Milestone/project phase] of [Service]. This milestone involved the following tasks. [List milestone tasks]  Per our agreement, we are sending you this invoice for a [Percentage]% payment of [Amount due] . This payment is due [Due date].   Please make the payment using the following method(s): [List payment methods] Once we receive your payment, we will send you a confirmation email and proceed to the project's next milestone.  Please review the attached invoice and let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, [Company name] 

Reminder Invoice Email Template

Taken that 87% of businesses get paid late , actively reminding clients is prudent. 

A reminder invoice email is sent to remind your customer about payment due soon.

It is often sent a week or two before the due date to give the client enough time to prepare and avoid late fees, if any.

Subject: Friendly reminder: Invoice #[Invoice number] due on [Due date] Hello [Client name], We are writing to remind you that your invoice #[Invoice number] for the amount of [Amount] is due soon on [Due date] . You can pay this invoice by: [List payment methods] If you have already paid, please disregard this email. If you have any questions, please contact [Your contact information] . Sincerely,  [Company name]

Pastdue Invoice Email Template

A past due invoice email is an email sent to alert customers when their payment has just passed due and that action is needed. 

Subject: Important Notice: Invoice #[Invoice number] past due Hello [Client name], We are writing to check on the status of Invoice #[Invoice number] that was issued on [Date] for the amount of [Amount] and was due yesterday, [Due date] .  Please submit your payment through [Payment method] at your earliest convenience. Please contact [Contact information] to arrange an alternative payment method if you cannot pay. If payment has already been issued or you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact [Contact information]. We thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Best regards, [Company name]

Overdue Invoice Email Template

An overdue invoice email is often sent around two weeks after the due date to urge clients to settle their accounts as soon as possible.

Subject: Urgent notice: Invoice #[Invoice number] overdue Hello [Client name], We are writing to follow up on invoice #[Invoice number] for the amount of [Amount] , which is overdue by [Days overdue] .  As a reminder, our standard payment terms are [Payment terms]. We've attached a copy of the invoice to this email for your records. If you have already paid or have any questions, please contact [Contact information] at your earliest convenience.  Sincerely,  [Company name]

💡 Tip: Read more on how to chase an unpaid invoice .

When to Send an Invoice Email

There's no single right time that applies to every scenario, as different situations require different approaches. However, it's generally best to send the invoice email promptly after completing the work. This helps ensure the client has all the payment details needed and is aware of the deadline from the outset.

Dispatching a reminder before the due date is also useful. Since recipients may receive a high volume of correspondence daily, an invoice could get lost in the shuffle. One or two weeks' reminder before the due date is common practice. 

Invoice Email Alternatives

Sending invoices to customers by email is a common way to request payment. However, there are faster, easier, and more efficient alternatives, including:

  • Accounting SaaS - Accounting software lets you create, send and manage invoices from one place. It often comes with the ability to track payments, send reminders and generate reports.
  • Invoice automation - Invoice automation is a process that lets you send invoices automatically based on triggers or schedules. For example, set up automation to invoice monthly or when signing a contract.
  • E-invoices - E-invoices are digital invoices sent and received electronically. They follow standard formats and protocols, ensuring compatibility with e-invoice software and each region’s compliance. 

Note: Switching to automated accounts receivable platform can help businesses decrease manual processing by 85% .

Generate Invoices in Minutes 

Including a professional invoice document with your email is best to maintain a professional image. 

You have some options: make your own from scratch, use an online template, or use an invoice generator.

Try Statrys invoice generator , a free online tool that helps create professional invoices. Customize it with your logo, company information, payment details - and more.

The generator will automatically calculate the amount due and generate a PDF file you can download and send to your client.

And if you're looking for an all-in-one solution to manage invoices, with Statrys Invoicing Software , you can create, send, track, and manage all your invoices in one place.

A graphic of Statrys' invoicing software

What is an invoice email?

An invoice email is a request or a reminder for client payment, summarizing the goods delivered.

What are the steps to write an invoice email?

To write an invoice email, you create an invoice for attachment, write a clear subject that includes the invoice number, greet the client, include a summary noting the amount and due date in the content, explain payment options and instructions, and sign off with a thank you.

Is it safe to send invoices via email?

Sending invoices via email is generally safe, provided you use a trustworthy email provider with a strong password,  have antivirus software and a firewall installed on your device, and have carefully verified the recipient's email address. If you're utilizing invoice software integration to send emails, the process remains safe as long as your invoice software is secured and encrypted.

What message should I put on my invoice email?

The message included in your invoice email should clearly communicate all relevant work details and how and when the payment is expected.


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Dec 4, 2022

How to write an invoice email with 6 samples and a template

This article outlines what you should say in an invoice email. Let’s get paid!

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

How to write an invoice email

If you’ve done the work, you deserve to get paid! To get your cash, you’ll need to send an invoice.

Of course, you can just send an invoice attached to an email, but this approach won’t win you many friends or get you paid faster. Instead, you should create an invoice email that includes everything you need to do to make payment as easy as possible but sets out your terms in strong language.

It’s 50% carrot, 50% stick, and 100% effective!

This finance-focused article outlines what you should say in an invoice email. You’ll learn essential tips to write the best invoice emails and provide 6 invoice emails and a template for you to use.

Let’s get paid!

What to say in an invoice email message

It’s all about the money in an invoice email, but we don’t mention that too much. In fact, all the financial details are included in the invoice, so there’s no need to mention money, provide account details, or add specific information about how you want to be paid.

An invoice email accompanies the invoice, providing context and clarity about your terms and conditions. It’s critical because evidence and anecdote show that many businesses aren’t settling invoices in time. If you’re a freelancer, this can leave you out of pocket – and that’s not acceptable. 

To ensure you’re paid on time, here are five pro tips to ensure you’re never left unpaid.

1. Be polite and professional

First and foremost, be polite and professional. Your client will have some time to pay (in most cases, between 7 - 28 days), so there’s no need to be pushy or impolite at the start.

The tone of voice can be tricky to get right, so check out our examples to see how we’ve tackled the task.

2. Make paying the invoice as easy as possible

You’ll want to do everything possible to make it as easy as possible for people to pay you. To achieve this, you must include all information in your email (as well as your invoice).

So, be sure you’ve included everything, such as who you are, your company (if you have one), your address, bank account details, contact details, and the project you’re invoicing for. 

3. Be clear about when and how you expect payment

Companies can be tricky to pin down when it comes to payments. Does the payment deadline start from when the invoice was issued or opened?

The best approach is to set your deadline (in favorable terms). If you’re brave or bold enough, you can set out what happens when people don’t pay on time.

You can list late payment fees and penalties if you wish, but personally, we’d recommend saving the nuclear option until you need it.

4. Share your terms and conditions

Above we recommend that you don’t go into detail about late payment charges, which we stand by – but you can provide details to your terms and conditions.

You can add them to the bottom of the email, attach them, or send a link to your website. This is a less aggressive or confrontational approach, but it will ensure no misunderstandings.

5. Don’t forget to attach the invoice

Sounds stupid, doesn’t it? But it never hurts to double-check that you’ve attached the right (not last month’s or someone else’s) invoice!

Invoice email format

The invoice email format is likely familiar to you if you’ve ever sent a professional email for any other purpose. You start with a clear subject line, go into detail in the body, and provide a positive sign-off (which includes all your contact details).

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the invoice email format:

1. Invoice email subject line

Your invoice subject line should make it clear it’s an invoice. This makes it easy for the recipient to act (either by responding directly or passing it on).

It’s a good idea to include the invoice reference in the subject. Here are a few invoice email subject lines:

  • Invoice (insert number) – (Company name)
  • (Company name) – Invoice 
  • Invoice (insert number) – Thanks for the prompt payment!

2. Invoice email body and message

When you send your invoice, you’ll need to ensure that the body copy explains who it’s from, the project or service delivered, and any other essential information. Here’s an example of a standard invoice body copy:

  • Please find attached the invoice (number) from (company or person name). The invoice covers (services, goods, etc.).

Immediately the person receiving this knows what it’s about. Next, you’ll need to provide the context and set out terms.

  • Please confirm that you have received the invoice. Our standard payment terms are 28 days. You can find details of our terms and conditions here (link or attachment).

Sometimes the person who receives the invoice may have questions about it, so give them some options to contact you.

  • If you’ve any questions about the invoice or need me to clarify anything, you can contact me at (insert details).

Do all this, and your invoice email will get results and ensure prompt payment. 

3. How to end an invoice email

You’ll want a positive sign-off here, but you can use this to your advantage. First, always remind the person you’re expecting prompt payment, or they may conveniently forget to process the invoice in time.

  • I look forward to receiving payment and working with you in the future.

If you know the person or want to say more, then do so (it’s your email, after all). 

Finally, add a nice ending (kind regards, thanks, etc.) and include your signature.

It’s a good idea to check that your signature contains all the contact details the recipient may need. This means they’ve got no excuses for ignoring you. 

6 invoice email examples

It’s time to get writing! Here are 6 invoice email examples that you can use to push for payment.

Classic phrases such as “please find attached invoice for your payment” are used a lot.

It’s not that we’re lazy; invoice emails follow a traditional format, and using familiar words and phrases is how the world works.

OK, so let’s get the money moving…

Here's how Flowrite's AI can write your payment reminders and follow-ups for you:

1. Simple invoice email sample

This simple template for sending an invoice to a client or customer follows the outline above. It’s short, sweet, and straight to the point. 

2. Past due invoice email sample

You can call your invoice late, outstanding, or unpaid. Whatever you call it, you deserve to get paid – and we can help.

This past-due invoice email sample is a clear and confident message that will move someone to pay your invoice.

As well as acting as a reminder, this sets out what happens if the invoice isn’t paid. (Carrot and stick, remember?)

3. Unpaid invoice reminder email sample

This example email to remind you about an unpaid invoice is a little softer than the previous sample.

Sometimes, the person may have a legitimate excuse for not paying on time. This outstanding invoice reminder sample gives them a way to save face, but they’ll know you’re not going to forget!

As with the previous example, consider sending it with a new subject line to ensure it’s not ignored.

4. Invoice follow-up email sample

This invoice follow-up sample is a gentle reminder that your invoice is due for payment. Of course, you can wait until it’s not been paid, but if you’re working with a habitual late payer, send it a few days before it’s due.

This payment due (or overdue) invoice template provides a gentle reminder that you’re owed money and will collect it!

5. Paid invoice email sample

According to professional conventions, some suggest sending a confirmation email when you’ve paid an invoice to protect you from potential legal issues.

This serves two essential functions:

  • Your recipient knows to expect payment and doesn’t have to remind or follow up on you (or anxiously wait for you to confirm your payment)
  • Your recipient has been informed that you handled the payment on time and before the due date, just in case your payment does not go through, or other problems arise

To make sure you comply with deadlines and prevent potential issues, use this short paid invoice email template:

6. Invoice approval email sample

If you’ve commissioned work or purchased a product, sending a confirmation when you receive an invoice that it’s been approved for payment is polite.

This provides your finance person or team with the OK to arrange payment. We recommend doing this as soon as you receive an email, or you could be one of those annoying customers that keep freelancers waiting for their cash. Don’t be this person.

Proven invoice email template

The above examples should provide enough ammunition to develop your own, but we’ve stripped out all context and creativity for this tried and tested invoice template.

So follow the structure, fill in the gaps, and send to finance for prompt payment.

Flowrite’s invoice email template

Still wondering about how to write invoice emails? With Flowrite , you can turn short bullet points into a ready-to-send email with AI, like this:

Final words

When deciding how to write an invoice email, think about the carrot and the stick. You’ll want to be polite and professional, but never let yourself be pushed around.

When sending an invoice via email, set out your terms and stick to them. Customers will respect you if you’re pushing for what you’re owed.

We hope the samples and templates here are helpful. Use them to develop your own invoice emails and reminder templates. If you’re struggling for ideas or inspiration, use Flowrite!

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How to ask for something in an email with 9 examples

Learn how to write request emails that get results with our in-depth guide. This article breaks down the process of writing request emails for information, documents, contact details, favors and more.

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How to Write a Strong Invoice Email – 3 Examples/Templates

September 23, 2022 by .blog-post-attribute a:before { background-image: var(--wpr-bg-9db0d432-dd2f-43a9-b333-8264817372b9); } invoice simple.

How to write a strong invoice email

How to Write a Strong Invoice Email – 3 Examples & Templates

As a freelancer or contractor, you need to send invoices for your work. It’s important to write these invoice emails in a way that gets them paid as quickly as possible.

In this article, we’ll outline what you need to include to write a strong invoice email. We’ll also provide three simple invoice email templates that you can use to get your payments flowing.

What is an Invoice Email?

An invoice number is a unique identifier assigned to each invoice you send. The purpose of an invoice email is to request payment for the work that has been done.

Invoice emails should be clear, concise, and easy for the client to understand. They should also include all the relevant information about the work you’ve done and how and when you expect to be paid.

When writing an invoice email, be sure to include the following information:

  • Your name and contact information.
  • The name and contact information of the client or customer.
  • A detailed description of the work that was completed.
  • The total amount owed.
  • The date the invoice is due.
  • The invoice number (if applicable).
  • Your payment terms and methods.
  • A link to the online invoice or PDF attachment.

KEEP READING: Invoice vs. Bill: Is an Invoice the Same as a Bill?

How to Write a Strong Invoice Email

When you’re emailing an invoice, there are a few steps to follow to make sure that your client knows exactly what they’re paying for and how to pay you.

Personalize It

Your invoice email should be addressed to the client by name. This is a simple way to make your email stand out from any other automated messages they may receive. Here are a few ways to personalize your invoice email:

  • Include the name and brief details of the project.
  • Provide a link to a folder with past invoices or payment history.
  • Add a personal note thanking them for their business.

Use a Clear Subject Line

Your subject line should be clear and concise. It should let the client know that they have an invoice to pay. Here are a few examples of how to write a clear subject line for your invoice email.

  • INVOICE: [Your Name] – [Date]
  • Invoice # [123456]: [Your Name] – [Project Name]
  • Payment Requested: [Your Name] – [Project Name]
  • [Your Name]: Invoice for [Date]

Include the Amount Owed & Due Date

Be clear about how much the client owes you and when payment is due. This will avoid any confusion on their part and make it more likely that you’ll receive timely payment. You can include this information in the body of your email or as an attachment.

Use Simple, Clear Language

Your invoice email should be easy for the client to understand. Use simple language and avoid any industry jargon. If you need to use abbreviations, be sure to explain what they mean.

It’s also important to proofread your invoice email before you send it. Check for any errors in grammar or spelling. These can make your email look unprofessional and lead to confusion on the client’s part.

Attach Your Invoice More Than One Way

When you send your invoice, be sure to include it as an attachment. This way, the client can download and save it for their records. You should also include a link to the online invoice so they can access it later.

By including both an attachment and a link, you’re giving the client the option of how they’d like to view and save the invoice. This can be helpful if they’re short on time or if they prefer to access their invoices online.

KEEP READING: What Is a P.O. Number on an Invoice?

Make it Easy for Customers to Pay

The whole point of an invoice email is to get paid. To make it as easy as possible for your client, include all relevant payment information in your email, as well as how you accept payments and any deadlines or late fees that may apply.

You can also add a link to your online payment portal  or a button that they can use to pay the invoice with a credit card. By making it easy for them to pay, you’re more likely to receive timely payment.

Invoice Simple Green Template

Need a professional invoice template? Check out our Invoice Template Gallery .

Use a Professional Invoice Template

A professional invoice template can save you time and help you get paid faster. By using a template, you can be sure that you don’t miss any important information in your invoice.

A professional invoice template will also make your email look more polished and professional. This can help to build trust with your client and make them more likely to pay on time.

Other Tips for Emailing an Invoice

  • Include a thank-you note. A simple thank you can go a long way in building a relationship with your client.
  • Don’t be afraid to follow up. If you haven’t received payment within a few days of the due date, reach out to your client and ask if they need any help with the invoice.
  • Double-check that all your invoice details are correct. 61% of past due payments are due to incorrect invoices, so accuracy is key to getting paid on time.
  • Consider using a service. If you’re tired of chasing down payments, it may be worth using an invoicing and payments service. These services can automate the process of sending and tracking invoices.

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Invoice Email Examples

To give you a better idea of how to write an invoice email, we’ve included three invoice email examples below. These examples can be used as templates for your own invoices.

Example #1 – Generic Invoice with Attachment Email

This example can be used as a general guideline for any invoice email.

Hello [Client Name],

Thank you for your business. Please find the attached invoice for [service rendered/product purchased]. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

[Your name]

Invoice #: ____________

Amount Due: $___________

Due Date: __/__/__

[Your business name]

[Your email address]

Example #2 – First-Time Customer Email

If you’re emailing an invoice to a first-time customer, it’s a good idea to include some additional information about your business. This can help to build trust and establish credibility.

Thank you for choosing [Your Business] for your [service/product]. We appreciate your business, and we’re looking forward to serving you in the future.

Please find the attached invoice for [service rendered/product purchased]. As a reminder, our payment terms are [net __ days]. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Net Terms: __ days

Example #3 – Repeat Customer Email

You can use a more familiar tone if you’re sending an invoice email to a repeat customer. This can help to build rapport and strengthen your relationship with the client.

Hi [Client Name],

Thank you for your business. I’ve attached the invoice for [service rendered/product purchased] to this email. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Handling Follow-ups & Unpaid Invoices

joke follow up email for invoices

It’s not always easy to get paid on time, but there are a few things you can do to make the process run more smoothly.

If you haven’t received payment within a few days of the due date, reach out to your client and ask if they need any help with the invoice. If you don’t receive a response, consider sending a follow-up email or giving them a call. If an invoice remains unpaid, you may need to take additional steps to receive payment. This could involve hiring a collections agency or taking your client to court.

KEEP READING: How to Write a Past Due Invoice Email & Unpaid Invoices: A Simple Guide For Freelancers & SMEs  

Follow Up Email Etiquette

When you’re emailing a client about an unpaid invoice, it’s important to maintain a professional and courteous tone. This can help to avoid any misunderstandings or hard feelings.

Here are a few tips for how to write a follow-up email:

  • Keep the email short and to the point.
  • Avoid sounding demanding or threatening.
  • Mention any late fees or interest that may be accrued.
  • Offer payment options or a payment plan.
  • Include a link to the online invoice.

Follow-Up Invoice Email Template

If you need some help getting started, here’s a template for how to write a follow-up invoice email.

I hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to follow up with you about the invoice for [service rendered/product purchased]. It’s been a few days since the due date, and I still haven’t received payment.

Please let me know if you need help with the invoice or have any questions.

Navigating Invoice Emails

Sending and receiving invoice emails can be a bit of a tricky process. But with a little practice, it’ll become second nature. Remember always to remain professional, courteous, and patient.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to streamline your invoicing process, check out our blog on how to create a sales invoice .

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25 Invoice email Template Samples

Table of Contents

25 invoice email template samples

Sending invoice emails can sometimes be a daunting task for businesses and freelancers alike. How do you strike the right balance between professionalism and friendliness? How can you ensure your emails are clear, and concise, and get the desired response from your clients? In this blog post, we have curated 21 sample emails for sending invoices that will help you streamline your invoicing process and improve your chances of prompt payment.

Tips when emailing for an invoice

When emailing for an invoice, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Clear and Concise Subject Line: Use a subject line that clearly indicates your purpose for the email, such as “Invoice Request – [Vendor/Project Name]”.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain a professional tone throughout the email. Remember to be polite and respectful in your language.
  • Provide Relevant Details: Clearly state the purpose of your email and provide any necessary details, such as dates, description of products or services, and any applicable purchase order numbers.
  • Be Specific: Clearly communicate what you are requesting and be specific about the information you need on the invoice. This can include itemized costs, discounts, taxes, and any applicable shipping or handling charges.
  • Reference Documentation: If applicable, mention any supporting documents or attachments that should be included with the invoice, such as receipts or purchase orders.
  • Set Expectations: Communicate any deadlines or timeframes for receiving the invoice, especially if there are payment terms or deadlines in place.
  • Contact Information: Include your contact information in the email signature or body of the email, so the vendor can easily reach out to you if they have any questions or need clarification.
  • Proofread: Before sending the email, double-check for any errors or typos to ensure clarity and professionalism.
  • Follow Up: If you haven’t received a response or the requested invoice within a reasonable timeframe, it is appropriate to send a polite follow-up email to inquire about the status.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your email requesting an invoice is clear, professional, and increases the likelihood of a prompt and accurate response.

25 Invoice Email Template Samples

  • Subject: Invoice Request for Services Rendered

Dear [Vendor’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. We recently received the services you provided to our company and we would like to request an invoice for the work completed.

Could you please send us a detailed invoice indicating the services rendered, the corresponding charges, and any applicable taxes? We require this invoice for our accounting records and to facilitate payment within our agreed-upon terms. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Thank you and best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Company Name] [Contact Information]

  • Subject: Urgent Invoice Request for Purchase Order #12345

I hope this email finds you well. We recently received the goods as per our purchase order #12345, and we require an invoice to process the payment promptly. Could you please provide us with an invoice that includes the itemized costs, any applicable discounts, and any relevant shipping or handling charges? Additionally, please ensure that the invoice includes our purchase order number for proper reference. If there are any issues or discrepancies with the order, kindly let us know as soon as possible. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving the invoice at the earliest convenience.

Thank you and regards,

  • Subject: Invoice Request for Contracted Services

I hope this email finds you well. We are writing to request an invoice for the contracted services you provided to our company during the period [start date] to [end date].

Kindly send us an itemized invoice with the agreed-upon rates and any applicable taxes or additional charges. We aim to complete our billing process promptly, so we appreciate your timely response.

If there are any supporting documents or receipts that need to be included with the invoice, please ensure they are attached.

Thank you for your professionalism and for your prompt attention to this matter. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require further information.

Best regards,

  • Subject: Invoice Request for Consulting Services

I hope this email finds you well. We recently availed of your consulting services and would like to request an invoice for the work completed.

Could you please provide us with an invoice that clearly outlines the consulting services provided, along with the corresponding charges? Please include any applicable expenses and taxes. We highly value your professionalism and attention to detail.

If there are any queries or discrepancies regarding the services rendered or the invoice, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your swift response to ensure a smooth invoicing process.

Thank you for your assistance.

  • Subject: Invoice Request for Product Purchase

I hope this email finds you well. We recently made a purchase from your company and would like to request an invoice for the products we acquired.

Could you please send us a detailed invoice that lists the purchased items, their corresponding prices, any applicable discounts, and shipping charges? We require this invoice for our accounting and record-keeping purposes.

If there are any discrepancies between the order and the invoice, or if there is any additional information required, please let us know. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

  • Hello [name], I’m writing to submit an invoice for services rendered. I hope you have been enjoying the great work we’ve been doing together, and I hope that you can use this invoice to reimburse me for the hard work I put into our project. If you have any questions about the invoice, please let me know. If not, don’t hesitate to send it through.
  • Dear [name], Thank you for your work on [project name]. We have attached a copy of our invoice for your records. Please let us know if there are any questions or concerns.
  • Dear [name],  We hope you are having a wonderful day. We are writing to confirm that invoice number [number] was submitted to you on 2024. A copy is attached. If there is anything we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
  • Hi [name], We just wanted to let you know that we’ve submitted an invoice for [amount] for work performed on [project name]. If you have any questions, or if there’s anything else we can do, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Thanks,
  • Hi [name], I’m writing to submit an invoice for some work I did earlier this month. I’ve attached the invoice here, and it has all the information you’ll need to pay me. Thanks!
  • Hello, I am writing to submit an invoice for [amount]. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • Hello, I am submitting an invoice for [company name] for work performed on 2024. The invoice is attached. The total amount is $[amount], which includes the following: [item description] @ $[price per item] each.
  • Hi [name], This is an invoice for the work done on your website. It’s been a pleasure working with you and we hope that we can continue to do so in the future. Thanks for your time,
  • Hi [name], I hope you’re well. I’m attaching a copy of the invoice for [project name] here, as we agreed upon in our last call. Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide for you. Thanks so much for all your help!
  • Hello, I’m writing to submit an invoice for the work I did on [project name]. Please find attached a PDF of my invoice. Thank you for your help with this project!
  • Dear [name],I am writing to submit an invoice for the services I provided. The invoice is attached below. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!
  • Hi there, I’m attaching an invoice for [name of customer], who had an order placed on 2024. The invoice will include all charges and credits, as well as the total amount due. We’ll be looking forward to working with you again soon!
  • Dear [name], I wanted to follow up on the invoice I submitted for [project name] to ensure that it was received and is being processed. Please let me know if there are any issues or if you need any further documentation. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
  • Hello [name], I am writing to request payment for the outstanding balance on the invoice I submitted for [project name]. The due date has passed, and I kindly ask that you remit payment as soon as possible. Please let me know if you need any further information or if there are any issues with the invoice.
  • Hi [name], I just wanted to confirm that the invoice I submitted for [project name] has been processed and that payment has been issued. Please let me know if there are any discrepancies or if you need any further documentation. Thank you for your partnership.
  • Dear [name], I’m writing to follow up on the invoice I submitted for [project name] and to inquire about the status of payment. If there are any issues or delays on your end, please let me know. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.
  • Hi [name], I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to confirm that the invoice I submitted for [project name] has been received and is being processed. Please let me know if there are any issues or if you need any additional information. Thank you for your time.
  • Dear [name], I’m writing to follow up on the invoice I submitted for [project name] and to inquire about the expected payment date. If there are any issues or delays, please let me know. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to continuing our partnership.
  • Hello [name], I just wanted to confirm that the invoice I submitted for [project name] has been approved and is scheduled for payment on 2024. Please let me know if there are any issues or if you need any further documentation. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
  • Hi [name], I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to follow up on the invoice I submitted for [project name] and to request an update on the payment status. If there are any issues or delays, please let me know. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

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  • Email for payment reminder | 25 Email Examples
  • 7 Notice to Vacate Template Examples

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Invoice Cover Letter Template

invoice email cover letter sample

The invoice cover letter  is placed on top of an invoice or as the first (1st) page to introduce the billing party or to add context to the breakdown of the bill. The letter should describe the details of the invoice as well as show appreciation for the customer’s business and when the payment is due. Depending on how personal the billing party would like to make the letter, it can be signed on the bottom or printed along with the company’s letterhead or logo.

Select Currency

Thousand seperator, send invoice, how to make in adobe pdf and microsoft word (.docx).

Download : Adobe PDF , Microsoft Word (.docx)

1 – Gain Access To The Invoice Cover Letter

Obtain a copy of this letter from the “Adobe PDF” button on this page when it is time to Invoice a Client or Customer. This letter should be filled out then sent with the Invoice you are mailing.

2 – This Letter’s Headings Should Be Satisfied With Information

invoice email cover letter sample

3 – Identify The Paperwork This Letter Is Concerned With

invoice email cover letter sample

4 – Include A Valid Point Of Contact

invoice email cover letter sample

5 – Close This Letter With The Sender’s Identity

invoice email cover letter sample


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  6. Invoice Cover Letter Template -

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