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Free Year 3 Maths Worksheets And Homework: Printable, Downloadable Or Just View Online

Sophie Bessemer

To make it easier for schools, teachers and even parents, we’ve collected here all our free Year 3 Maths Worksheets and Year 3 Maths Tests that you can use to support Year 3 maths classroom teaching and homework.

The focus here is on practising and improving pupils’ core skills and revising what you have taught them in class, especially with numbers worksheets. National Curriculum guidance is given where relevant and each year 3 worksheet and year 3 test includes answer sheets.

All the free KS1 and KS2 maths worksheets and resource are in printable pdf format that can also be used directly on screen. If you’re looking for other slides-based teaching resources and lesson plans, we recommend you look at our range of White Rose maths lessons.

If you’re a parent looking for more advice, try our home learning   home learning hub full of home learning packs , tips and teaching ideas for Year 3 Maths at Home and maths homework .

If you’re a teacher or school leader who is interested in improving maths attainment in your school or classroom, then this whole website is for you. Third Space Learning is dedicated to improving outcomes in maths with our online tutoring programme of maths interventions , together with maths resources and CPD.

Free Year 3 Maths Worksheets and Tests

Free Year 3 Maths Worksheets and Tests

Register now with the Third Space Maths Hub (Use Chrome) to download all our free Year 3 maths worksheets, workbooks and resources

Year 3 free place value worksheets

Year 3 maths worksheets on place value: all kinds of word problems.

These Year 3 number and place value worksheets give lots of practice on one-step and two-step word problems to strengthen children’s understanding of place value and ordering numbers.

Download the free Year 3 Number and Place Value workbook

Other year 3 place value worksheets:

Year 3 place value worksheets: maths code crackers.

This place value worksheet provides a fun recap of the place value topic. Children need to solve place value questions (including writing numbers, comparing numbers and ordering numbers) to find the answer to a pirate themed joke. 

Download the free Maths Code Crackers Year 3 Place Value   

Year 3 place value worksheets: Worked Examples Place Value  

Children love to be the teacher! These worksheets include five answered questions, but they haven’t always been answered correctly. Children need to check the given answers to place value questions involving number lines, Base 10 and counters and explain the errors they find.

Download the free Year 3 Worked Examples Place Value

Year 3 free addition and subtraction worksheets

Year 3 maths worksheets on addition and subtraction: gap plugging pack.

These lessons are what we use during our online maths interventions. The year 3 addition and subtraction worksheets include lots of addition and subtraction questions for children to follow along with. As they are intended to be used by a tutor teaching and supporting a child through their Year 3 addition and subtraction understanding, parents may need to be prepared to step in occasionally. 

year 3 maths worksheet addition and subtraction

Download the free Year 3 Addition and Subtraction worksheets or check out or full collection of addition and subtraction worksheets for even more!

Year 3 free multiplication and division worksheets

Year 3 maths worksheets on multiplication: all kinds of word problems.

The Y ear 3 multiplication worksheets work on children’s understanding of multiplication facts and multiplication tables in context. Year 3 is a big times tables year so make sure you encourage the learning of times tables at home .

Download the free Year 3 Multiplication worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on division: Short and Long Division Worksheets

Teaching the long division metho d as part of KS2 maths lessons is a challenge for many teachers let alone parents. Year 3 children won’t be ready for long division as it is not taught until upper key stage 2 but these long division worksheets start with short division so a child can progress from from 1-digit number division to division with 2-digit numbers using division facts and multiples.  See also this parents guide to division for kids.

Download the free Year 3 division worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on multiplication & division: Code Crackers

We’ve combined what 7 and 8 year old children should know by the Spring term of Year 3 to create these ‘retrieval’ practice tasks. This means they are able to work through a series of questions that revisits what they’ve learnt in class. 

Download the free Year 3 multiplication & division worksheets

Other year 3 multiplication and division worksheets

Year 3 division word problems worksheets: all kinds of word problems on division year 3.

This workbook includes a range of different types of worded problems to challenge children. The questions range from ‘traditional’ worded problems to missing number problems to make sure children have a good understanding of division.

Download All Kinds of Word Problems on Division Year 3

Year 3 Division Worksheets: Let’s Practice Using the Bar Model Division Year 3

Division can be very challenging for some children. These worksheets encourage the use of bar models to visualise and solve different division problems. With either scaffolded sheets (showing the relevant bar model) or non-scaffolded sheets, these worksheets provide a range of worded division problems that can be easily solved with the help of a bar model. 

Download Let’s Practise Using the Bar Model Division Year 3 Maths Worksheets

Year 3 Multiplication and Division Worksheets: Worked Examples Multiplication and Division

These worksheets show a range of techniques used when teaching multiplication and division in Year 3. In these worksheets, children are presented with completed questions using formal column multiplication, sharing, partitioning and using a number line to complete calculations, but the answers are not always right. Children will need to work through the questions to find the correct answer and explain the errors. 

Download Year 3 Worked Examples Multiplication and Division

Year 3 free fractions worksheets

Year 3 maths worksheets on fractions: independent recap.

Our newest resource – these time saving maths worksheets are designed to be completed by children with little support from parents or teachers, making them great homework activities for busy afternoons. This pack contains four worksheets that cover ordering, adding and subtracting fractions.

year 3 maths worksheet fractions

Download the Year 3 Fractions Independent Recap Worksheets Pack

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on fractions: All Kinds of Word Problems

Understanding of fractions starts early and builds progressively in key stage 2. This year 3 fractions worksheet provides questions around unit and non-unit fractions including comparing and ordering and adding and subtracting; lots more fractions for kids help is available. 

Download the free Year 3 Fractions worksheets

Other year 3 fractions worksheets

Year 3 fractions worksheet: code crackers .

This fun worksheet focuses on comparing and ordering fractions, finding equivalent fractions as well as adding and subtracting fractions, all to find the answer to a joke.

Download Year 3 Fractions Worksheet: Code Crackers

Year 3 fractions worksheets: Worked Examples

Fractions are not always easy for all children to understand. By looking at and correcting the work of others, children often find it easier to explain mistakes. This worksheet focuses on enabling children to identify and explain the mistakes in a range of fractions questions, including fractions on a number line and fractions of amounts.

Download Year 3 Fractions Worksheet: Worked Examples

Year 3 fractions worksheets: Let’s Practise Using the Bar Model Fractions and Decimals

This worksheet encourages the use of bar models to solve fractions questions. While decimals are not taught explicitly in Year 3, this worksheet introduces two questions that involve decimals to start to develop the connection between fractions and decimals. 

Download Let’s Practise Using the Bar Model Fractions Year 3 Maths Worksheets

Year 3 free measurement worksheets

Year 3 maths worksheets on money: code crackers.

Money is a surprisingly big part of the Year 3 maths curriculum. The Code Crackers series of maths worksheets is perfect for Year 3 homework as it requires very little intervention from parents. There is no new content introduced. 

Download the free Year 3 Money worksheets

Other year 3 measurement worksheets

Year 3 money worksheets: worked examples.

Adding and subtracting money is an important life skill and part of the Year 3 curriculum. This worksheet covers adding and subtracting money in pounds and pence, including the use of estimating and number lines.

Download Year 3 money worksheet: Worked Examples

Year 3 time worksheets: Code Crackers

Year 3 children are expected to have a good understanding of time (including telling the time, knowing time language, know key time facts and compare durations of time). While this is a lot to know, this worksheet will help to recap these facts in an engaging way. 

Download Year 3 time worksheet: Code Crackers

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on Time: Year 3 Worked Examples Time

This worksheet focuses on a small selection of the Year 3 time topic that children often struggle with including telling the time to the nearest minute, understanding 24-hour time and finding the duration of events. 

Download Year 3 time worksheet: Worked Examples

Third Space Learning online intervention slide for year 3 telling the time

Year 3 geometry worksheets

Year 3 maths worksheets on properties of shape: independent recap.

These worksheets have been designed so that children can independently recap key learning about key properties of 2D shape and 3D shapes as well as angles and naming different lines. While some of the questions might seem simple, each sheet includes a challenge to encourage reasoning skills. 

Download Year 3 properties of shape worksheet: Independent Recap Week 9 Download Year 3 properties of shape worksheet: Independent Recap Week 10

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on Properties of Shape: Maths Code Crackers Year 3

While children are taught about shapes from Year 1, they are expected to use more complex language to describe a range of shapes in Year 3. This worksheet focuses on the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes, including and understanding of lines of symmetry and angles. 

Download Year 3 properties of shape worksheet: Maths Code Crackers

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on Properties of Shape: Year 3 Worked Examples

This worksheet focuses more on the key vocabulary needed to describe properties of shape including vocabulary for lines (vertical/ parallel), 2-D shapes (quadrilateral) and angles (acute angles, right angles).

Download Year 3 Maths Worksheets on Properties of Shape: Year 3 Worked Examples

Year 3 free statistics worksheets

Year 3 maths worksheets on statistics: code crackers.

Children are presented one-step and two-step retrieval questions about a bar chart and table. The worksheet helps them to develop their ability to read and interpret data presented in different ways. Simple tables are not new to Year 3 pupils and bar charts build on their existing knowledge of block diagrams.

Download the free Year 3 Statistics worksheets  

Other year 3 statistics worksheets

Year 3 maths worksheets on statistics: worked examples.

In this worksheet, children are presented with a table, pictogram and a bar chart to read and interpret. This worksheet highlights some of the common errors that are made by Year 3 children in statistics lessons.

Download the year 3 statistic worksheet: Year 3 Worked examples

Year 3 fluency, reasoning and problem solving worksheets

Year 3 maths worksheets for improving mental maths, arithmetic and fluency: fluent in five.

We recommend every primary school child starts their day with Fluent in Five. It’s 5-10 minutes of daily arithmetic questions; at this age, your child has to answer 4 questions using either a written or mental method and it’s a fantastic way to develop their numeracy. You’ll be amazed how quickly they become able to switch back and forth from column addition to the mental method with 3-digit numbers! 

Download the free Year 3 Arithmetic worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets for problem solving and reasoning: Rapid Reasoning

Children often struggle with maths reasoning at KS2 , e specially in lower Key Stage 2. This set of more than 120 maths reasoning questions includes modelled answers and step by step guidance to support pupils through solving them. Each Year 3 maths reasoning worksheet has approximately 4 questions on it.

Download the free Year 3 Reasoning worksheets

Year 3 Maths Test: Times Tables

It’s essential that children become proficient and quick at their times tables especially now the multiplication tables check is coming into force and schools really need parents support in this. Here are some quick times tables tests that Year 3 children can mark themselves to identify any gaps in their times tables and track their progress.

Download the free Year 3 Times Tables tests

Year 3 Maths Test: All Topics

This Year 3 maths assessment covers the entire Year 3 maths curriculum and is a great way to get an overall view of how a child is doing in maths. There are two tests: a year 3 maths arithmetic test and a year 3 maths reasoning test. Although the time allowed may vary, at home we recommend setting aside an hour for each. Remember that some topics they may not yet have covered in class, so like any formative or summative assessment it’s only a snapshot. 

Download the free Year 3 Maths test 

Also in this series…

  • Year 2 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 6 & 7 Year Olds
  • Year 2 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 4 Maths  Curriculum Toolkit for 8 & 9 Year Olds
  • Year 4 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 5 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 9 & 10 Year Olds
  • Year 5 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 6 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 10 & 11 Year Olds
  • Year 6 Maths Worksheets

Looking for fun games and activities to boost pupils’ learning? We’ve got several articles sharing teacher approved maths activities and fun maths games , including KS2 maths games , KS1 maths games and KS3 maths games for all maths topics and a set of 35 times tables games and multiplication games you’ll want to bookmark whichever year group you teach!

Read more: Commutative property


Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly primary school tuition designed to plug gaps and boost progress.

Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 150,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.

Learn about the Year 3-5 programme or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.

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homework sheets for year 3

Visual maths worksheets, each maths worksheet is differentiated and visual.

Year 3 Maths Worksheets

Cazoom Maths Worksheets for Year 3 provide a range of exercises that encourage pupils (aged 7-8) to develop their mathematical thinking and problem-solving and practice foundational maths skills. They offer a structured approach to learning and allow students to practice the concepts they have been taught in class, such as three-digit subtraction, fractions, using metric units, turning angles, reading bar charts etc. Professional and experienced educators design our Year 3 maths PDF printable worksheets to ensure they match UK curriculum standards while offering simple yet effective instructions. All Year 3 maths PDF worksheets are invaluable for teachers looking to help students develop their mathematical understanding.


Chloe flipped 159x300 1 1

Try some free sample year 3 maths worksheets

Year 3 Adding and Subtracting Worksheet

Outstanding Year 3 Maths Worksheets

  • Separate answers are included to make marking easy and quick.
  • Over 400 pages of the highest quality key stage 2 maths worksheets. Each worksheet is differentiated, including a progressive level of difficulty as the worksheet continues.
  • Single user licence for parents or teachers. Separate school licences are also available.
  • Single digital pdf download, with worksheets organised into high level chapters of Number, Measurement and Geometry, and further by subtopics. See below for the extensive range of sheets included.


FUN and ENgaging Maths Worksheets

Our maths worksheets are designed to make mathematical problems great fun for your year 3 students . 

This range of year 3 maths worksheets PDF are designed with colour and with the space for children to show their working. Our resources follow the national curriculum and are perfect practice material for helping your child learn maths and develop their fine motor skills.

With over 200 pages of mathematical problems for your students to work through, Cazoom Maths worksheets are the perfect way for your year 3 students to develop their mathematical skills . 


Cazoom Maths pdf year 3 maths worksheets cover all topics in the curriculum at this formative stage for young learners.

We have worksheets covering multiplication facts, subtracting fractions, reasoning skills, time worksheets and much more.  The range also includes lots of different exercises on topics such as division problems, bar charts, roman numerals, and short and long division, plus times tables and word problems worksheets.

With such a comprehensive range, Cazoom has everything needed to help children practice their year 3 maths skills. 

List Of Topics

See below the list of topics covered. All KS1 and KS2 worksheets can be accessed here.

  • Adding to a Single Digit
  • Adding to a Two Digit Number
  • Adding to a Three Digit Number
  • Adding Three Numbers
  • Number Bonds up to 20
  • Number Bonds over 20


  • Single Digit Subtraction
  • Two Digit Subtraction
  • Three Digit Subtraction
  • Working with the Difference
  • Multiplication and Division worksheets
  • Number and Place Value Worksheets
  • Fractions, Decimals and Percentages


  • Metric Measures
  • Area and Perimeter
  • Properties of Shapes
  • Position and Direction
  • Transformations



Reading & Math for K-5

  • Kindergarten
  • Learning numbers
  • Comparing numbers
  • Place Value
  • Roman numerals



  • Order of operations
  • Drills & practice


  • Factoring & prime factors
  • Proportions
  • Shape & geometry
  • Data & graphing
  • Word problems
  • Children's stories
  • Leveled Stories
  • Sentences & passages
  • Context clues
  • Cause & effect
  • Compare & contrast
  • Fact vs. fiction
  • Fact vs. opinion
  • Main idea & details
  • Story elements
  • Conclusions & inferences
  • Sounds & phonics
  • Words & vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension
  • Early writing
  • Numbers & counting
  • Simple math
  • Social skills
  • Other activities
  • Dolch sight words
  • Fry sight words
  • Multiple meaning words
  • Prefixes & suffixes
  • Vocabulary cards
  • Other parts of speech
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Narrative writing
  • Opinion writing
  • Informative writing
  • Cursive alphabet
  • Cursive letters
  • Cursive letter joins
  • Cursive words
  • Cursive sentences
  • Cursive passages
  • Grammar & Writing


Math Workbooks for Grade 3

Download & Print From only $3.10

Third Grade Math Worksheets

Free grade 3 math worksheets.

Our third grade math worksheets support numeracy development and introduce division, decimals, roman numerals, calendars and concepts in measurement and geometry. Our word problem worksheets review skills in real world scenarios. 

Choose your grade 3 topic:

Place Value and Rounding

Order of Operations

Roman Numerals

Fractions and Decimals

Counting Money

Time & Calendar

Data & Graphing

Word Problems

homework sheets for year 3

Sample Grade 3 Math Worksheet

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homework sheets for year 3

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Mental Maths Year 3 Series B - Harder

Welcome to the Math Salamanders Mental Maths Year 3 Worksheets. Here you will find a wide range of Mental Maths Worksheets aimed at Year 3 children which will help your child to learn number facts and practise their number skills.

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Mental Maths Worksheets

Our selection of mental maths worksheets is a great way of practising your number and maths skills.

The sheets can be used in a variety of ways, as a test or revision practise, or as part of a weekly quiz to help reinforce skills.

They can also be used as an oral and mental starter to a lesson to get brains working!

One of the best ways to use these sheets is to get children to work in pairs, discussing the questions as they work through them.

The questions have been designed to practise a range of maths skills from number to geometry and measurement facts, including using time and money.

The quizzes are in order of difficulty with the questions getting slightly harder in each quiz.

Mental Maths Year 3

Our Mental Math Year 3 Worksheets contain a wide range of different questions and math skills.

The worksheets on this page follow on from the Series 1 worksheets.

To access the easier Year 3 worksheets, please use the link below:

Each sheet contains 16 questions, and is provided with an answer sheet.

The level of difficulty gets harder as you progress through the sheets.

The topics covered include:

  • mental arithmetic - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division;
  • missing fact questions;
  • place value questions;
  • geometry questions usually based around 2d and 3d shape properties;
  • money questions;
  • measures questions;
  • one and two-step word problems;
  • time questions, including date and calendar questions.

Mental Math Year 3 Sheets

Series b - harder.

  • Year 3 Mental Maths Sheet B1
  • PDF version
  • Year 3 Mental Maths Sheet B2
  • Year 3 Mental Maths Sheet B3
  • Year 3 Mental Maths Sheet B4
  • Year 3 Mental Maths Sheet B5
  • Year 3 Mental Maths Sheet B6
  • Year 3 Mental Maths Sheet B7
  • Year 3 Mental Maths Sheet B8
  • Year 3 Mental Maths Sheet B9
  • Year 3 Mental Maths Sheet B10

Looking for some easier Mental Math Worksheets?

The worksheets in this section have been designed at a simpler level than those on this page.

The sheets follow the same format but are not so mathematically challenging.

  • Year 3 Mental Maths Tests Series A (easier)
  • Year 2 Printable Mental Maths Sheets

Looking for some harder Mental Math Worksheets?

The worksheets in this section have been designed for children at a Year 4 level.

The sheets follow the same format as the ones on this page, but are at a more advanced level.

  • Year 4 Mental Maths Tests

Mental Math Online Practise

If you are looking for some online practise of mental maths Year 3 facts, then we have several practise zones where you can test your knowledge of a range of maths facts and print out your results online.

There are certificates to win, and instant feedback on your progress.

  • Online Maths Practise

Year 3 Printable Math Games

Here you will find a range of free printable Second Grade / Year 3 Math games. All children like to play Math games, and you will find a good range of 2nd Grade Math Games here for your child to play and enjoy.

The following games involve different Year 3 Math activities which you and your child can enjoy together.

  • Math Games Second Grade

Year 3 Online Math Games

Looking for some cool online maths games to play at a Year 3 level?

Try the Primary games website where you will find a bank full of different games to play!

Using the link below will open the primary games website in a new browser window.

  • Prinary Games for Year 3

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

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Year 3 Maths Worksheets (age 7-8)

Hundreds of maths worksheets for children ages 7 and 8. Covering times tables, written methods of addition and subtraction and much more. Don't forget our challenges and investigations!

Each category has many resources within so why not jump in and explore the site?

Popular Resources

Have a look at some of our popular resources in this category.

Preview of worksheet Year 3 Assessment Paper

Questions which can be used for assessment in Year 3. Please note these are not intended to be used as a set of written questions where the child answers on paper in silence. The questions could be presented over a period of several days and can be read out loud. Encouraging discussion of the questions will give a much greater insight into the child's understanding.

Preview of worksheet Complete the fraction sequences

Colour the correct fractions to match the sequences.

Preview of worksheet Revise subtraction with a number line

Revising subtracting small numbers with the help of a number line.

Preview of worksheet  Revise adding teens

A tricky set of mental addition questions, adding teens to 2-digit numbers.

Preview of worksheet Revise understanding addition

A variety of addition questions, including finding different ways to make totals.

Preview of worksheet Use fraction notation

Various fraction problems.

Preview of worksheet Equivalent lengths: cm and mm

Writing lengths in centimetres and millimetres.

Preview of worksheet 3x table up to 10 (2)

More on the 3x table up to 10.

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Year 3 Math and English Worksheet 33

year 3 free worksheet

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Exercises and Materials for Teaching Math

T imes Table Worksheets Year 3 - Free Pdf

Times Table Worksheets Year 3 - Free Pdf . This is a collection of worksheets in which students can practice multiplication facts. Each sheet is highly illustrated and the pages contain games and a video which you can use to review multiplication skills. Also check out out online Multiplication Games here>>

homework sheets for year 3

Year Three Multiplication Game

Times table worksheets - year 3 multiplication quizzes.

A set of free times table worksheets is an essential tool for teaching multiplication facts to young children. These printable math worksheets are designed for young primary school students, and are a great way to reinforce the importance of learning the multiplication table. These math worksheets are designed with varying levels of difficulty, so that even the youngest students can use them. Each set of printable math worksheets contains three different exercises and a variety of mixed questions.

There are different types of worksheets, depending on the age group of the students. For example, a child in the third grade may be learning the multiplication tables for the first time. These multiplication tables may include numbers from 1 to nine or ten. These multiplication tables are a great way for children to practice and review the multiplication tables. There are also multiplication coloring worksheets that can be used at home and in the classroom.

Timed drills are another useful tool for teaching times tables. These multiplication drills will test a child's knowledge of the times tables. To complete a timed drill, a student should be able to solve 20 problems in 20 minutes. They can choose from different times tables and solve each one. This will help them to retain the facts better. A set of times table worksheets is a good way to test a child's progress.

Worksheets can be configured to show x3, ten, and twenty-seven in a vertical format. The numbers for each factor can be changed individually to produce different sets of Multiplication problems. For instance, if a child is learning the times tables for five, she will be assigned a set of worksheets with five questions. This method helps  students learn how to multiply in a more accurate way.

Students need to memorize multiplication facts before reaching grade three. They should be able to repeat  multiplication facts by themselves with the help of worksheets. In addition to times-tables, there are many other ways to teach multiplication facts to young children. For example, you can use money, tell the time, and ask them questions about their favorite items. These activities are great opportunities for building logic skills in your child.

Multiples of ten worksheets are suitable for children in Kindergarten, year one and year three. They can be used to teach the basic multiplication facts. A number of times table worksheets are available in different formats herein. Those designed for elementary school students are recommended for younger children. A good-quality set of multiples of ten worksheets will help children build their confidence in mathematics and be more confident. Each sheet has an answer key, hence there is no harm in giving it a shot.

We offer PDF printables in the highest quality.

  • Preschool/kindergarten
  • Grade 1 worksheets.
  • Grade 2 - 6 Worksheets

Fun Games for Teaching Maths

  • Penalty shooting game
  • En Garde Duel Game
  • Fling the teacher fun game
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Parents, teachers and educators can now present the knowledge using these vividly presented short videos. Simply let the kids watch and learn.

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Year 3 Maths Worksheets from Save Teachers Sundays

Year 3 Maths Worksheets from Save Teachers Sundays

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

30 May 2022

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pdf, 106.35 KB

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This was a really useful file of resources for Y3. I especially appreciated the way the 3D worksheets relate 3D shapes to familiar everyday objects. The differentiation of the time worksheets is spot on! Thank you.

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very happy for the stuff I could download.


Very helpful, thank you.

Just what I needed for my child to do some extra work on different topics. Answer sheet also really helps

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