7 Strategies for Getting an Entry-Level Clinical Research Job

News December 8, 2020

clinical research jobs for freshers

Kunal Sampat, MNA, ACRP-CP, Host of the Clinical Trial Podcast

Many people applying for entry-level clinical research jobs may begin their journey by enrolling in a certificate program. They invest months or years, not to mention thousands of dollars, toward earning a certificate, yet upon finishing and hitting the job markets, are likely to still be dealing with unresponsive hiring managers who are looking for individuals with two years of experience. (It is important to note here that having a “certificate” in clinical research from some source is not the same as holding “certification” in clinical research—an achievement based on mastery of job roles and solid experience in the field.)

How does one get around such a situation to get that first dream job in clinical research with less hassle, less expense, and more reliable prospects for employment at the end of the process? Presented here are some strategies that can work extremely well for individuals with foreign medical degrees, backgrounds in life sciences or allied health, or experience working in a regulated environment.

1—Gain clarity on your career goals.

  When most people apply for clinical research jobs, they fire up their computer and start applying for open positions. Before applying you should begin your journey by answering the following questions:

  • Do you want a paid job or a volunteer opportunity? Is the experience you’ll gain more important, or do you really need a paycheck right away?
  • Who do you want to work for? Clinical research is a vast field with different types of companies offering different kinds of job opportunities. You can work for a contract research organization, a sponsor such as pharmaceutical or device company, a clinical research vendor, a regulatory authority such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration , a nonprofit organization such as a patient advocacy group, an institutional review board, or a study site, to name some of the options.
  • What job role are you most interested in? Is there a specific one you’d enjoy more than others? There are many other clinical research opportunities in addition to the clinical research associate (CRA) or clinical research coordinator (CRC) roles. For example, you can work as a data manager, safety monitor, patient recruiter, medical writer, biostatistician, project manager, regulatory compliance manager, or research billing expert.
  • Would you enjoy working in the field (traveling or remote work) or in an office environment? Some people enjoy being on the road (and earning frequent flyer points). Others get more energy interacting with people at the office. Most clinical research roles offer the ability to work remotely or in an office setting.
  • Are you open to relocating to a different city, state, or country? Entry-level positions may not offer the best pay, so you’ll need to decide if you’d be open to relocating, even if the pay was low.
  • Are you looking for full-time, part-time, or contract employment? Depending on your personal circumstances, you may be more interested in a full-time position for the medical benefits or in a part-time role for a better work-life balance. Alternatively, you may be interested to contract opportunities at first and then transition into full-time employment once you have experience under your belt.

Answering these six questions honestly will give you the necessary clarity on which opportunities you should pursue and which ones you shouldn’t.

2—Invest in your clinical research education.

At a minimum, I encourage everyone to become familiar with the tenets of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) early in their job quest. Depending on the type of clinical research organization you decide to work at, your training beyond GCP will differ significantly. For example, training for an oncology pharmaceutical company will be different than training for a cardiology medical device company.

You can watch hundreds of YouTube videos on clinical trials or medical technologies, attend conferences or seminars, and get in-depth software training, but still not have a job in clinical research. Here is what you can do to narrow down your clinical research education priorities:

  • Identify the dream role (career opportunity) you’re interested in applying for.
  • Read through the job description—specifically, the job requirements.
  • Highlight the skills you have little or no knowledge or experience with.
  • Look up webinars, YouTube videos, and literature to develop those specific skills (i.e., fill the skill gap).

The above plan won’t make you an expert in those skills, but you will have built confidence in yourself and your ability to speak to these topics during interviews. If you feel you need more training, I encourage you to sign-up for membership with nonprofit professional organizations such as ACRP or SOCRA . Membership gives you access to many training resources; a lot of information is available to you for no additional cost aside from the basic membership fee.

Additionally, with your membership, you end up surrounding yourself with other experienced clinical research professionals via networking with their virtual communities and by attending educational events. You can then reach out to your fellow members for career guidance and make them aware of your interest in working in clinical research.

3—Fix your resume.

Your resume must not read like a job description. Most employers rely on a resume to screen applicants. Unfortunately, if your resume reads like a job description, the hiring manager does not get a clear understanding of your contributions in your current and previous roles. Instead, your resume should reflect your own professional achievements. You want to clearly state the results you achieved in your previous roles and, when possible, you should quantify the results. For example, instead of stating, “Worked in a research lab analyzing preclinical data,” you might want to state, “Analyzed data from two preclinical studies in mice for an Alzheimer’s drug.”

If you feel like your clinical or medical-oriented experiences are limited, focus on transferable skills for the research position you seek. Transferable skills such as financial management, project management, writing, and informational systems management are applicable to clinical research as well.

 4—Focus on 10 job opportunities and always follow up.

Focus on only 10 job applications at a given time. Many applicants apply for multiple jobs every week during their searches. Over the course of a couple of months, they have applied for dozens of jobs, but probably haven’t had a formal interview for any position. Instead of applying for every possible clinical research job as soon as they appear on the radar, I have found that applying for 10 at a given time gives applicants the time and energy to personalize their approach for each position.

Following up with employers is absolutely necessary. Even though hiring is a top priority for many organizations, hiring managers get busy with their day-to-day activities and hiring can take the back seat. By following up with the hiring manager, you’re demonstrating your continued interest in working for the company.

5—Write and speak clearly.

Aside from strong technical skills for many jobs, you may also need to demonstrate above-average written and verbal skills. This is important because clinical research is a cross-functional, team-oriented field. For most roles, you’ll be working in a team environment. When the job description states, “candidate must have excellent communication skills,” the employer wants to ensure you can write and speak clearly.

Many candidates will create a page-long, generic cover letter that repeats everything that can be found in their resume. Such a cover letter fails to show the employer why you’re the right fit for the role. Instead, I recommend applicants write a cover letter with three to five bulleted points that outline the benefits of hiring him or her for the job. The more personalized your cover letter is to a given employer and role, the greater chance you have for being invited for an interview.

Personalized cover letters might make reference to a specific clinical trial the hiring company is running, the company’s therapeutic area(s), and other details that show you’ve done your homework and are engaged in the opportunity to work there.

When it comes to verbal communication, the easiest way to have clarity in your message is to write down the key points you want to discuss on the phone. This forces you to be clear about why the company should hire you and not some other candidate with equivalent credentials.

6—Prepare for your interview.

Once you’ve landed with an interview date, it is time to prepare for the interview, using the following tips:

  • Read the “About” and “News” section of the company website. Learn about the company’s clinical and regulatory leadership team. The news section will provide insights from the latest press releases from the company. This will give you an idea of what is on the company’s “mind.” You can also visit ClinicalTrials.gov for more information on the company’s trials, and to get a better understanding of the medical treatments being developed and their targeted patient populations.
  • The biggest unknown in any interview is that you do not know what questions the interviewer will ask you. To help focus your answers, I recommend that you come up with a list of five to eight examples from your education or professional experiences that you’re proud of or that taught you something valuable. When possible, limit these to experiences that are medical or clinical in nature. Next you want to create a story around each of these examples that will become a valuable answer to an appropriate question. The best way to create a story is using the STAR format (Situation, Task, Action, and Results). For each of these examples, you want to write down the situation, the task in front of you, the action you took, and the results achieved as a result of your actions.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’re almost ready for the interview. The last thing you need to do is to appear and sound professional during and after the interview. Be sure you write a personalized “thank you” note after each interview.

7—Have the courage to hear “No.” Remember that you will eventually hear “Yes.”

Many entry-level clinical research applicants lack the courage to hear that, “No, we cannot hire you for this job” from potential employers. It is painful to hear a “No” and rightfully so. Furthermore, most employers do a poor job of providing constructive feedback to applicants they don’t want to hire. Employers don’t want to say “No” to the not-so-great candidates because they fear not finding the “right” candidate for the job; they prefer to have a backup list of candidates in case their preferred candidate doesn’t work out.

This makes it even more important for candidates to encourage employers to make a decision, whether it’s a “Yes” or a “No.” This not only helps the candidate, it also helps employers to move on to other candidates who might be a better fit for the organization.

You don’t need to sign up for an expensive and time-intensive clinical research certificate program to secure an entry-level job in clinical research. Instead, you need to gain clarity around your clinical research career ambitions, learn GCP, invest in your continued education through nonprofits such as ACRP and SOCRA, fix your resume so that it doesn’t read like a job description, focus on 10 open opportunities at a given time, write and speak clearly in all your communications with the potential employer, plan for your interview using the Situation, Task, Action, Results (STAR) format, and embrace rejection if you’re not hired for the role. These strategies, collectively, will increase the odds of your success tremendously and you’ll be on your way to experiencing the joys of working in clinical research and clinical trial management.

by Guest Contributor Kunal Sampat, MNA, ACRP-CP, Host of the Clinical Trial Podcast

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10 Clinical Research Career Paths

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10 Clinical Research Career Paths

In 2020, the global Clinical Trials market was estimated at $44.3 billion, and this is expected to grow at an annual rate of 5.7% between 2021 and 2028. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) also recorded that between April 2020 and March 2021, 1,390,483 participants took part in Clinical Research across England, which is almost double the numbers from the previous year.

In this article, we look at 10 different career paths within Clinical Research, with an outline of some of the most common responsibilities for each role…

Clinical Trials Manager / Administrator

Clinical Trials Managers / Administrators are responsible for the administrative aspects of clinical trials. Their duties often include:

  • Preparing essential documents and ensuring documentation is kept private and confidential.
  • Attending safety and study start-up meetings and coordinating investigator meetings.
  • Managing clinical trial supplies.
  • Reviewing trial protocols and identifying any protocol issues.
  • Processing and tracking payments to investigator sites.

More information on the role of a Clinical Trials Manager can be found here.

Clinical Research Associate (CRA)

CRAs are responsible for organising and administering clinical trials and are typically involved in all stages of a trial, from identifying investigator sites to closing down the trial. The responsibilities of a CRA can include:

  • Identifying suitable facilities to be used as trial sites and selecting an investigator to be responsible for the site.
  • Briefing trial investigators and instructing clinicians on how the trial should be conducted.
  • Writing up clinical trial methodologies and designing trial materials.
  • Monitoring the progress of clinical trials and preparing final reports.
  • Designing and authenticating data collection forms and managing regulatory applications/approvals.

More information on the role of a Clinical Research Associate can be found here.

Clinical Project Manager

Clinical Project Managers are responsible for managing the workers involved in clinical research projects, ensuring protocol compliance whilst coordinating projects to meet clinical objectives. The main responsibilities of a Clinical Project Manager may include:

  • Overseeing the enrolment of subjects into clinical trials by assessing the eligibility of potential subjects and tracking the enrolment status of suitable participants.
  • Ensuring compliance with protocols and informing investigators of any protocol issues.
  • Monitoring study activities to ensure the study remains on schedule and is kept within allocated budgets.
  • Maintaining records of study activity, including records of side effect data.

More information on the role of a Clinical Project Manager can be found here. 

Pharmacovigilance / Drug Safety Officer

Pharmacovigilance Officers, also known as Drug Safety Officers, are responsible for ensuring that new and existing drugs on the market are safe for patients, and for identifying any issues with these drugs. They may be responsible for:

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of new drugs and pharmaceutical products already on the market.
  • Monitoring adverse effects to new or existing drugs and flag any early warning signs of these to minimise risk.
  • Conducting interviews with patients and healthcare professionals.
  • Completing safety update reports and conducting safety audits.

Study Start Up Associate

Study Start Up Associates are integral in making sure that clinical research sites are well prepared to begin a new trial. They can be involved in the following:

  • Executing start-up activities before site activation including preparing consent forms, identifying new investigator sites, allocating study budgets, and supporting patient recruitment and retention.
  • Ensuring physicians working at research sites are prepared to begin trials.
  • Obtaining appropriate ethics and regulatory approvals and ensuring research operations comply with protocols.
  • Analysing study start-up metrics to ensure efficiency and identifying areas for development, including in terms of start-up timelines.

More information on the role of a Study Start Up Associate can be found here.

Clinical Research Nurse

Clinical Research Nurses help to improve patient care by supporting patients through their treatment, ensuring they are both safe and fully informed of the study activities. Some of their main responsibilities could include:

  • Helping to develop new treatments and care pathways for patients.
  • Aiding data collection activities.
  • Ensuring patients give full consent prior to being enrolled in clinical trials and making sure patients fully understand all aspects of the study before doing so.
  • Assisting the principal investigator with pre-study preparation and study start-up activities, including preparing protocols for regulatory and ethical approval, and attending investigator meetings.
  • Arranging appointments for potential and enrolled trial participants.

More information on the role of a Clinical Research Nurse can be found here.

Clinical Research Scientist

Clinical Research Scientists are responsible for undertaking medical research in research labs to find more effective ways of diagnosing and curing a variety of illnesses. They may also be responsible for:

  • Interacting with patients taking experimental treatments to understand the effectiveness of these treatments and to investigate new ways of improving their wellbeing.
  • Working with other medical staff to advise on how to use products and equipment already on or coming to the market.
  • Analysing data to further develop treatments and test any new methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Clinical Investigator

Clinical Investigators ensure that the investigation is meeting research expectations and is conducted in line with the investigator statement, investigational plan, and all necessary regulations. By doing so, they protect the welfare of clinical trial participants as well as the integrity of the resulting data. Their responsibilities can include:

  • Meeting specific guidelines and/or requirements set by applicable regulatory and ethical bodies.
  • Conducting or supervising research to ensure the investigational plan and corresponding study protocols are being followed.
  • Notifying relevant bodies of any changes in research activity, including any unanticipated obstacles that may introduce risk to study participants.
  • Ensuring informed consent has been obtained from all participants.
  • Maintaining records of the clinical studies and preparing reports to be sent to investigation sponsors and other relevant bodies.

Patient Recruitment Specialist

Patient Recruitment Specialists are responsible for recruitment-related activities. Their main responsibilities include:

  • Recruiting participants in line with protocol-specific inclusion and exclusion criteria.
  • Tracking recruitment progress and developing new and existing recruitment strategies.
  • Contacting potential participants to assess eligibility and to schedule site visits.
  • Ensure patient information is accurately collected and entered into the relevant database and is protected.


Biostatisticians provide statistical support to clinical studies and work across all study phases. Typically, their work can include:

  • Obtaining clinical data from the Clinical Data Manager to undertake necessary statistical analyses. Interpreting the meanings of statistical outputs resulting from different analyses.
  • Assisting the Clinical Trial Manager in writing up the final technical paper for the study, sharing findings from statistical analyses.
  • Analysing safety and efficacy data and applying statistical methods to develop the science of data analysis.

More information on the role of a Biostatistician can be found here.

Current Opportunities in Clinical Research…

Take a look at current opportunities in Clinical Research here and set up job alerts to be notified of the latest opportunities in the industry.

* Article updated March 2024

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Clinical Research Jobs for freshers

Clinical Research Jobs for freshers

clinical research jobs for freshers

Searching for a job in clinical research as a fresher can be a challenging but rewarding process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how freshers can approach their job search in clinical research:

  • Research and understand what clinical research entails. Know the key roles, responsibilities, and different phases of clinical trials.
  • Ensure you have the necessary educational qualifications, typically a pharma, life sciences or healthcare-related degree.
  • Create a well-structured resume that highlights relevant coursework, research projects, internships, and any transferable skills.
  • Look for internships or volunteer opportunities in clinical research, even if they are unpaid. These hands-on experiences will make your resume more attractive to employers.
  • Attend industry events, conferences, and webinars to meet professionals in the field. Use platforms like LinkedIn to connect with clinical research professionals and join relevant groups.
  • Search for entry-level clinical research positions on job portals like Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and specialized clinical research job websites.
  • Explore the career sections of pharmaceutical companies, research organizations, and clinical research organizations (CROs) to find job openings.
  • Consider reaching out to recruitment agencies specializing in the life sciences and healthcare sectors, but avoid making any payment for the same.
  • Tailor your application for each job you apply for. Highlight how your skills and experiences match the specific job requirements.
  • Brush up on your knowledge of clinical research processes and be ready to discuss your experiences and skills during interviews.
  • Consider pursuing certifications related to clinical research (e.g., Good Clinical Practice) to enhance your qualifications.
  • Be prepared for rejection and keep applying. The job search process can be challenging, but persistence pays off.
  • Your university’s career services department may have connections with companies or organizations in the clinical research field. They can help you find job openings and provide interview guidance.
  • Keep up to date with the latest developments in clinical research and healthcare to demonstrate your enthusiasm during interviews.
  • After interviews, send thank-you notes and connect with interviewers on LinkedIn to maintain a professional network.

Remember that the clinical research field is highly regulated, so having a strong educational background and relevant experience is key to landing your first job. As you gain experience, your career opportunities will expand.

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List of Clinical Research Jobs Abroad: By Top Countries


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  • Jul 12, 2024

Clinical Research Jobs

The study of the efficacy and safety of novel medical therapies, equipment, and practices is known as clinical research. It is an essential component of the healthcare industry and helps create new medications and treatments that can prolong patients’ lives. Clinical research may be a great career option for you if you are thinking about working in the medical field or if you are driven to improve people’s lives. Clinical research jobs are the key to a fantastic career in science , according to several practitioners.

This Blog Includes:

Why should you choose clinical research as a career, new zealand for clinical research jobs , australia for clinical research jobs, united kingdom for clinical research jobs , canada for clinical research jobs , usa for clinical research jobs , skills required for clinical research jobs , jobs where direct interaction with research patients is required , jobs where direct interaction with research patients is not required , job settings where clinical professionals work.

There are ample reasons for choosing Clinical Research as a career. Let’s Explore why Clinical Research is a good career, we have mentioned a few pointers; 

  • In the healthcare sector, clinical research is crucial. Research studies can contribute to the development of novel medications, treatments, and gadgets that enhance patient outcomes and quality of life. 
  • One of the most fulfilling career choices is working in clinical research. Being a clinical researcher will put you at the forefront of creating novel cures and treatments.
  • There is a great need for qualified individuals in the highly specialized sector of clinical research. Pay in this industry is therefore usually competitive.
  • Opportunities for professional and personal development can be found in the field of clinical research. You will pick up new abilities while working on research projects, like project management, data analysis and communication. 

If you want to read about a Career in Public Health which pays you a high salary read this article 

5 Best Countries for Clinical Research Jobs 

There are some good countries, such as the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, to get a good job in the clinical research field. All these countries have facilities for medicinal study and are often regarded as the world’s best countries for medical studies owing to their top-notch hospitals, world-class medical schools, expert faculty, opportunities, and progressive research.

New Zealand is one of the good places for doing jobs in the clinical research field. As there are a lot of clinical research jobs provided by reputed companies. 

Clinical Research AssociateFisher & Paykel HealthcareNZ$64T -NZ$68T
Clinical Research CoordinatorAuckland City HospitalNZ$72T 
Clinical Research Associate INovotechNZ$63T -NZ$68T
Clinical Research Associate IINovotechNZ$72T -NZ$81T
Clinical Research NurseNew Zealand Clinical ResearchNZ$54T -NZ$79T
Clinical Research Nurse CoordinatorMiddlemore HospitalNZ$74T -NZ$84T
Clinical Research Data ManagerYESNZ$1L -NZ$1L
Clinical Research Study AssistantTe Whatu OraNZ$57T -NZ$61T
Sr. Clinical Research Associate LabcorpNZ$12T -NZ$13T

Also check what are the part-time jobs in New Zealand for International Students 

Here is a list of some good job opportunities in Australia that pay you a good salary. 

Clinical Trials AssistantThe George Institute$58,383- $63,681 
Clinical Trial CoordinatorSt Vincent’s Hospital Sydney$81,581 – $95,056 
Clinical Research OfficerMacquarie University$93,017 – $102,676 
Research CoordinatorMurdoch Childrens Research Institute$87,015 – $91,721
Clinical Research AssociateNovotech$55,000- $100,000 
Clinical Research Associate – ContractorNeuroscience Trials Australia$73,000 -$98,000 
Clinical Research Associate IIICON$80,000-$100,000
Senior Clinical Research AssociateSyneos Health$66,000 -$100,000

Here is the list of Highest Paying Jobs in Australia for indians

There are several job options in the chemical research field in the United Kingdom . Following are a few of them:

Clinical/Medical Research AssociateIQVIA£49,681 per year
Research AssociateCanon Medical Research Europe£36,798 per year
Clinical Research Coordinator Moorfields Eye Hospital£28,000-£31,000 per year
Clinical Research AssociateRichmond Pharmacology£70,000-£75,000 per year
Clinical Trial AssistantElixir Associates£35,000-£48,000 per year
Clinical Research Programme ManagerERG Group £55,000-£65,000 per year
Research Clinical Nurse SpecialistHCA Healthcare UK£29,700-£67,000 per year
Research AssistantCY Partners£24,000-£26,000 per year 

Here you can Explore the High Paying Jobs in UK

There are several job options in the chemical research field in Canada . Following are a few of them:

Clinical Research AssociateLinical AccelovanceCA$34,000-CA$100,000 per year 
Clinical Research CoordinatorUniversity Health NetworkCA$72,620 per year
Clinical Research Project AssistantSickKidsCA$65,000 per year 
Clinical Research Project ManagerSickKidsCA$78,955 per year 
Clinical Research AnalystUniversity Health NetworkCA$66,469 per year 
Clinical Research Coordinator IUniversity Health NetworkCA$74,683 per year 
Clinical Research Coordinator IIUniversity Health NetworkCA$83,241 per year 
Clinical Research ManagerUniversity Health NetworkCA$94,875 per year
Clinical Research SpecialistAutoCruitmentCA$59,807 per year 
Clinical Research RecruiterLMC HealthcareCA$43,600 per year 

What is the Average Salary in Canada & Top Job Opportunities in 2024

The USA is also one of the good places for doing jobs in the field of clinical research. As there are a lot of clinical research jobs provided by reputed companies. 

Clinical Research AssociateMedpace$87,579 per year 
Clinical Research Associate IIQVIA$80,363 per year 
Senior Clinical Research AssociateBioMarin Pharmaceutical$99,814 per year 
Lead Clinical Research AssociateBarrow Neurological Institute$87,238 per year 
Senior Clinical Research AssociateBeckman Coulter Diagnostics$45,000-$100,000 per year 
Sr. Clinical Research AssociateThe Cooper Companies$115,517-$154,022 per year 
Clinical Affairs Associate IIAbbott Laboratories$72,100 – $144,100 per year 
Manager, Clinical Research Bausch + Lomb$100,000 – $140,000 per year 

You Can also explore various Part time jobs opportunities in USA for International Students 

To get a clinical researcher job, you are required to have the following skills: You can utilize these skill sets to improve while doing a job in clinical research.

  • Project management skills 
  • Good communication both verbal and interpersonal 
  • The ability to motivate others
  • A flexible and adaptable approach to work 
  • Presentation Skills 
  • IT and administrative skills 
  • Detail-oriented and data-capturing 
  • An understanding of the importance of good clinical practice.  

Types of Clinical Research Jobs

There are 2 types of clinical research jobs available. They are as follows:

The following are the jobs where you will have to interact with the research subjects directly 

  • Clinical Research Nurses
  • Principal Investigators
  • Clinical Research Coordinators (CRC)
  • Clinical Research Pharmacists
  • Requires a medical, nursing, or pharmacy degree

The following are the jobs where you don’t have to interact with the research subjects directly 

  • Clinical Trial Assistant (CTA)
  • Medical Officer
  • Drug Safety Specialist
  • Study Monitor
  • Clinical Research Associate (CRA) 
  • Biostatistician
  • Clinical Data Coordinator, Data Scientist Analyst, or Manager
  • Study Manager/Project Manager
  • Clinical Business Analyst
  • Quality Assurance Specialist, Auditor
  • Medical Writer

To learn about the types of questions asked for clinical research jobs watch the video below:

The following are the job locations where clinical professionals have to work

  • Home Office
  • Medical Offices
  • Academic Medical Centers
  • Research Centers
  • Medical Device Companies
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Contract Research Organizations

Here is a list of some Best Medical Profession: A Complete Guide

Following is a list of Highest Paying Clinical Research Jobs  Clinical Research Coordinator Clinical Research Associate Research Scientist Clinical Research Manager 

To be qualified for employment in the clinical research industry, you usually require a bachelor’s degree in life sciences, nursing, biotechnology, or a related clinical science. These degrees will give you the groundwork required to comprehend the work that is done.

You must be able to prioritize your responsibilities and multitask as a clinical research coordinator. You must finish four years of a bachelor’s degree in medical technology, microbiology, or public health administration in order to be eligible for the best-paying position in clinical research.

Following is the list of Clinical Research Job options A Clinical Data Manager (CDM) Clinical Research Associate (CRA) Clinical Research Coordinator. A Clinical Research Scientist. Clinical Trial Manager. Clinical Trial Monitor. Pharmacovigilance Associate (PVA) Regulatory Affairs Manager (RAM)

It was all about clinical research jobs. If you want to read more about this interesting profession and its salary, follow Leverage Edu .

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Aditya Saini

Aditya Saini is a content writer with over a year and a half of experience helping national and international students navigate their journey to work abroad. His expertise lies in “jobs abroad”, all things practical, from writing articles on different topics such as part-time and full-time jobs to understanding salaries for different and highest-paying professions and securing internship programs in different countries. Aditya's passion is ensuring students have all the information they need to make the right decision about their career journeys overseas.

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Hi, Greetings! I’m Dr.Aswini, a Pharm.D graduate actively looking for an opportunity to work in a Clinical Research Organization. Kindly let me know the details for application processes, and other informations on vacancies that are available.

Hi Aswini, hope you are doing well.Finding clinical research jobs abroad can be an exciting opportunity to expand your career and gain international experience. Here are some effective steps to search for clinical reserach positions: Steps 1. You can follow Websites like ClinicalTrials.gov, PharmaJobBase, and EuroPharmaJobs focus specifically on clinical research roles. Steps 2. Platforms like Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Monster often have a wide range of clinical research positions listed. Steps 3. Many pharmaceutical companies have their own job portals where you can search for clinical research positions. Steps 4. (Contract Research Organizations) CROs like IQVIA, Parexel, and PPD frequently have international job openings. Steps 5. Proficiency in the language of the target country can significantly increase your job prospects. Steps 6. Tailor your documents to highlight your skills and experience relevant to the specific job and country. Steps 7. Understand Visa Requirements and research the visa requirements for working in your desired country.

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Clinical Research Jobs in Bengaluru

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Are you ready to be at the forefront of groundbreaking clinical research?

Embark on an exciting journey in Bengaluru at ICON, where innovation meets impact. Be a catalyst for positive change, contributing to transformative healthcare solutions that improve lives globally. Join a global leader, contribute to groundbreaking research, and shape the future of healthcare. 

At ICON, we believe that groundbreaking discoveries are made by exceptional people. Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and collaboration sets us apart in the industry. By joining our team, you become a vital part of an organization that values your unique skills and contributions.

Explore our current openings in Clinical Research at ICON in Bengaluru and take the next step in your career.

Our location in Bengaluru

Prestige Blue Chip Software Park, No.09 

Hosur Main Road, Block 1, 3rd & 4th floor & Block 2, 2nd Floor 

Opp Christ College 

Bangalore, 560 029

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FAQs about jobs in clinical research

Is a clinical research job right for me.

  • Do you have a genuine interest in healthcare and a curiosity about medical advancements and treatments?
  • Are you excited about contributing to the development of new drugs, therapies, or medical procedures?
  • Are you comfortable with data analysis and meticulous work?

If you answer 'yes' to these questions, then a job in clinical research might be a great option for you!

How can I become a clinical research associate?

To become a Clinical Research Associate (CRA), earn a relevant bachelor's degree (e.g., life sciences), gain industry experience, and develop skills in data analysis and regulatory compliance. Consider pursuing advanced degrees for added qualifications. Network with professionals and seek entry-level positions in clinical research to build a strong foundation.

Are there clinical research jobs for freshers/graduates at ICON?

Yes, we often have entry-level positions in clinical research for freshers, such as Clinical Research Assistant or Coordinator roles. By choosing us for a fresher job, you'll gain experience, develop skills, and gradually progress to roles like Clinical Research Associate as your expertise grows.

N.B. our fresher and graduate opportunities are not open all year round, so keep checking our careers site or sign up for job alerts so you don't miss any opportunities!

Why choose clinical research at ICON in Bengaluru?

Cutting-Edge Research: At ICON, we lead the way in cutting-edge clinical trials. Join our team in Bengaluru and immerse yourself in research that shapes the future of medicine.

Global Impact: Your work in Bengaluru will resonate globally. ICON's commitment to healthcare innovation means your contributions directly impact patients worldwide.

Collaborative Excellence: Experience a collaborative work environment where your ideas are valued. Join a team that thrives on innovation, teamwork, and a shared commitment to excellence.

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Abhisikta Mishra

Develop and maintain trial specific database applications, including eCRF’s and database specifications, program validation and derivation procedures within the clinical database management (Medidata


Regulatory, Drug Safety/ Quality Assurance & Other roles

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As a (Medical coding Specialist II) you will be joining the world’s largest & most comprehensive clinical research organisation, powered by healthcare intelligence.


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India, Chennai

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At ICON, it’s our people that set us apart. Our diverse teams enable us to become a better partner to our customers and help us to fulfil our mission to advance and improve patients’ lives. Our ‘Own I

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India, Bangalore

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India, Trivandrum

Clinical Programming

Caroline Sweety

Project/ Program Management

ICON plc is a world-leading healthcare intelligence and clinical research organisation. From molecule to medicine, we advance clinical research providing outsourced services to pharmaceutical, biotech

Venkatesan Deenadayalan

Full Service - Development & Commercialisation Solutions

Sunidhi Sinha


We are currently seeking a Senior Biostatistician I to join our diverse and dynamic team. As a Senior Biostatistician I at ICON, you will play a pivotal role in designing and analyzing clinical trials

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Nanyang assistant professorship (nap).

Nanyang Technological University logo

  • Singapore (SG)
  • Commensurate with education and experience
  • Nanyang Technological University

NTU invites outstanding early-career researchers (postdoctoral fellow or equivalent) to apply for an appointment as a Nanyang Assistant Professor.

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Senior Director for Clinical Study


  • Globally competitive, can offer additional support based on individual qualifications and needs.

Qualification and Requirements MD or PhD on oncology/immunology/another relevant field. 5+ years clinical experience in cancer treatment, especia...

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Principle Medical Scientist


  • Beijing (CN)

Job Summary Supporting SINOVAC’s robust pipeline development, the clinical research team works closely with the R&D scientists and is dedicated to ...

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Staff Scientist

Yale University -  logo

  • West Haven, Connecticut
  • See job description.
  • Yale University -

Staff Scientist University Job Title: Research Support Specialist 4 Bargaining Unit: None - Not included in the union (Yale Union Group) Tim

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Senior Director, Clinical Research (MD required)

Pfizer logo

  • Collegeville, Pennsylvania, United States;
  • Competitive

Job Description ROLE SUMMARY The purpose of the Senior Director of Clinical Research role is to coordinate and lead the development of first in m...

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Associate Director (AD) in the Radiation Research Program (RRP)

National Cancer Institute (NCI) logo

  • Rockville, Maryland
  • National Cancer Institute (NCI)

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is recruiting for an Associate Director (AD) in the Radiation Research Program (RRP).

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Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

  • North Grafton, Massachusetts
  • Tufts University

The Tufts Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations seeks a dynamic Associate Director to propel the Dean’s vision for growth...

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Senior Director, Vaccine Clinical Research & Development (MD required)

The clinician medical monitor should be able to function independently and have direct experience with all the steps in designing and delivering re...

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Director, Clinical Research (MD required)

The clinician medical monitor is accountable for providing medical and scientific expertise and oversight for Clinical Trials and serves as a singl...

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Research Associate

Virginia Tech logo

  • Roanoke, Virginia
  • Commensurate with Experience
  • Virginia Tech

The Sassi Lab at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute is seeking a full time Research Associate to assist in general laboratory operations and ...

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The 2025-2026 University of Pennsylvania and CHOP Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Diversity

University of Pennsylvania logo

  • Philadelphia
  • University of Pennsylvania

The 2025-2026 University of Pennsylvania and CHOP Postdoctoral Fellowships for Academic Diversity Location: Philadelphia, PA Open Date: Aug

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Open Rank Faculty Position in Head and Neck Surgery Research

Mayo logo

  • Rochester, Minnesota (US)

The Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Mayo Clinic is seeking an exceptional principal investigator in the field of Head and N...

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Chief Scientific Administrator - Academic Rank DOQ

UNMC Department of Neurological Sciences logo

  • Omaha, Nebraska
  • DOQ - Depends on Qualifications
  • UNMC Department of Neurological Sciences

Hiring Chief Scientific Administrator for the Department of Neurological Sciences (DONS) and Great Plains IDeA-CTR.

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Assistant Professor or Higher

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso -Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine  logo

  • El Paso, Texas
  • Compensation is commensurate upon the qualifications
  • Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso -Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine

Assistant Professor or Higher Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine Center of Emphasis in Infectious Diseases  The Department of Molec...

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Post Doctoral Fellow - Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) - Department of Ophthalmology

Indiana University School of Medicine - Department of Ophthalmology  logo

  • Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Salary will be commensurate with experience and will adhere to current IUSM guidelines
  • Indiana University School of Medicine - Department of Ophthalmology

Our research focus is retinal cell biology with the goal of discovering small molecule therapy for photoreceptor degenerative disorders.

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Assistant Professor- Developmental Therapeutics

  • Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, SOM, Cancer Center, Lubbock, TX
  • Rank and salary are dependent upon qualifications and experience.
  • TTUHSC Cancer Research Center

Asst Professor level tenure-track position in pediatric cancer developmental therapeutics. Preference given to pediatric oncology physician-scientists

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Vice President- Vaccine Clinical Research & Development

  • Collegeville, Pennsylvania, United States;United Kingdom - MarlowCambridge, Massachusetts, United States;

The primary purpose of the job is to oversee and ensure that vaccine clinical research and development program(s) are planned and implemented to me...

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Faculty Biostatistics & Epidemiology - Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic/Dept. of Quantitative Health Sciences logo

  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • Commensurate with experience
  • Cleveland Clinic/Dept. of Quantitative Health Sciences

Faculty to lead biostatistical collaborations with the Musculoskeletal Research Center, Cleveland Clinic Orthopaedic Institute.

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Faculty Positions – Assistant, Associate and Full Professor

Miami Miller School of Medicine - Desai Sethi Urology and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center logo

  • Miami, Florida
  • The University of Miami offers competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefits package.
  • Miami Miller School of Medicine - Desai Sethi Urology and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center

Seeking outstanding scientists for faculty positions at the assistant through full professor levels with experience in genitourinary cancers.

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Postdoctoral Fellow, Cancer Prevention Fellowship

the National Cancer Institute (NCI) logo

  • See complete application for details
  • the National Cancer Institute (NCI)

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program (CPFP) is now accepting applications for Cancer Prevention Fellows

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Working together, we can reimagine medicine to improve and extend people’s lives.

Clinical Research Associate

About the role.

Your Key Responsibilities:

Trial Monitoring strategy:

• Serves as the primary site manager for assigned clinical investigative sites (first point of contact between investigative site staff and Novartis)

Allocation, initiation and conduct of trials: • Is the frontline liaison between Novartis and sites to ensure successful collaboration, meeting Novartis expectation on milestone and deliveries • Manages assigned study sites/networks, conducting phase I-IV protocols according to the monitoring plan and Novartis procedures • Facilitates the preparation and collection of site and country level documents • Performs Site Initiation Visit, ensures site personnel are fully trained on all trial related aspects and performs continuous training for amendments and new site personnel as required.

• Conducts continuous monitoring activities (onsite and/or remote). Implements site management activities to ensure compliance with protocol, GCP, global and local regulations, global and local processes to secure data integrity and patient safety.

• Accountable for continuously updating all relevant electronic systems to perform job functions

• Takes on the responsibility as SME (Subject Matter Expert) as needed

Delivery of quality data and compliance to quality standards:

• Monitors studies as per current legislations, ICH/GCP and Novartis standards • Ensures timely delivery, of high quality, robust and reliable data of the monitored sites to support the goals of Trial Monitoring as defined by Trial Monitoring.

•  Identifies, resolves & escalates issues appropriately • Collaborates with internal stakeholders and site personnel to manage data query resolution process to ensure timely and accurate data entry

• Proactively collaborates with the Clinical Project Manager (CPM) and CRA Manager as well as Medical Scientific Liaison (MSL), Clinical Regional Medical Director (CRMD), medical advisor and Strategic Site Partner to achieve key accountabilities

•Partners with SSU CRA to ensure seamless transition of site responsibility

Role Requirements:

BS/BA degree. Scientific or healthcare discipline preferred

• Prior experience in pharmaceutical clinical research required.

• 0-2 years’ experience in site monitoring preferred but not required. • Excellent knowledge of the drug development process specifically clinical trial/research • Knowledge of international standards (GCP/ICH, FDA, EMEA) • Ability to manage multiple priorities and manage time efficiently.

• Excellent Site management capabilities with demonstrated negotiating and problem-solving skills

• Strong communicator and presentation skills (oral and written)

• Fluent in both written and spoken English

Why Novartis: Helping people with disease and their families takes more than innovative science. It takes a community of smart, passionate people like you. Collaborating, supporting and inspiring each other. Combining

to achieve breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. Ready to create a brighter future together? https://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture

Benefits and Rewards: Read our handbook to learn about all the ways we’ll help you thrive personally and professionally: https://www.novartis.com/careers/benefits-rewards

Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion: The Novartis Group of Companies are Equal Opportunity Employers and take pride in maintaining a diverse environment. We do not discriminate in recruitment, hiring, training, promotion or other employment practices for reasons of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital or veteran status, disability, or any other legally protected status. We are committed to building diverse teams, representative of the patients and communities we serve, and we strive to create an inclusive workplace that cultivates bold innovation through collaboration and empowers our people to unleash their full potential.

Novartis Compensation and Benefit Summary: The pay range for this position at commencement of employment is expected to be between $112,800- $169,200 annually; however, w hile salary ranges are effective from 1/1/24 through 12/31/24, fluctuations in the job market may necessitate adjustments to pay ranges during this period.  Further, final pay determinations will depend on various factors, including, but not limited to geographical location, experience level, knowledge, skills, and abilities. The total compensation package for this position may also include other elements, including a sign-on bonus, restricted stock units, and discretionary awards in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits (including 401(k) eligibility and various paid time off benefits, such as vacation, sick time, and parental leave), dependent on the position offered. Details of participation in these benefit plans will be provided if an employee receives an offer of employment. If hired, employee will be in an “at-will position” and the Company reserves the right to modify base salary (as well as any other discretionary payment or compensation program) at any time, including for reasons related to individual performance, Company or individual department/team performance, and market factors. Join our Novartis Network: Not the right Novartis role for you? Sign up to our talent community to stay connected and learn about

suitable career opportunities as soon as they come up: https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network

Why Novartis: Helping people with disease and their families takes more than innovative science. It takes a community of smart, passionate people like you. Collaborating, supporting and inspiring each other. Combining to achieve breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. Ready to create a brighter future together? https://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture

Join our Novartis Network: Not the right Novartis role for you? Sign up to our talent community to stay connected and learn about suitable career opportunities as soon as they come up: https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network

EEO Statement:

The Novartis Group of Companies are Equal Opportunity Employers who are focused on building and advancing a culture of inclusion that values and celebrates individual differences, uniqueness, backgrounds and perspectives. We do not discriminate in recruitment, hiring, training, promotion or other employment practices for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital or veteran status, disability, or any other legally protected status. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects the world around us and connects us to the patients, customers and communities we serve.

Accessibility & Reasonable Accommodations

The Novartis Group of Companies are committed to working with and providing reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities. If, because of a medical condition or disability, you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the application process, or to perform the essential functions of a position, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call +1(877)395-2339 and let us know the nature of your request and your contact information. Please include the job requisition number in your message.

A female Novartis scientist wearing a white lab coat and glasses, smiles in front of laboratory equipment.


CSTM Recruitment 2024 – Walk-in Interview for 01 Clinical Research Coordinator @ wbhealth.gov.in

CSTM Recruitment 2024 Apply for 1 Clinical Research Coordinator Vacancies in Kolkata – West Bengal location. Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine Officials are recently published a job notification to fill up 1 Posts through Walkin mode. All the eligible aspirants can check the CSTM career official website i.e., wbhealth.gov.in recruitment 2024. The last date to attend for Walk-in-interview on 04-Sep-2024.

CSTM Recruitment 2024

Organization Name : Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine ( CSTM ) Post Details : Clinical Research Coordinator Total No. of Posts : 1 Salary: Rs. 50,000/- Per Month Job Location: Kolkata – West Bengal Apply Mode : Walkin Official Website : wbhealth.gov.in

CSTM Recruitment required eligibility details

Educational Qualification: As per CSTM official notification candidate should have completed MBBS , BDS, M.Pharm from any of the recognized boards or Universities.

Age Limit: As per the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine recruitment notification, the candidate’s maximum age should be 50 years .

Application Fee:

No Application Fee.

Selection Process:

Walk-In Interview

Steps to Apply for CSTM Clinical Research Coordinator Jobs 2024

  • First, visit the official website @ wbhealth.gov.in
  • And check for the CSTM Recruitment or Careers to which you are going to apply.
  • There you will find the latest job notification for Clinical Research Coordinator.
  • Go through the Recruitment instructions clearly.
  • Fill the application form without any mistakes.
  • Then attend the Walk-in-interview along with required documents on 04-Sep-2024 at below-mentioned address.

How to apply for CSTM Recruitment (Clinical Research Coordinator) Jobs

Interested and eligible candidates can appear for Walk-in-interview along with required documents(as mentioned in official notification) at the below address Office of the Director, School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata-700073. on 04-Sep-2024

Important Dates:

  • Date of notification Released: 28-08-2024
  • Walk-In Date: 04-Sep-2024

CSTM Notification Important Links

  • Official Notification pdf: Click Here
  • Official Website: wbhealth.gov.in
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Careers at McLaren

McLaren Health Care is a fully integrated health network committed to quality, evidence-based patient care with locations in Michigan and Indiana. The McLaren system includes 13 hospitals in Michigan, ambulatory surgery centers, imaging centers, a primary and specialty care physician network, commercial and Medicaid HMOs, home health, infusion and hospice providers, pharmacy services, a clinical laboratory network and a wholly owned medical malpractice insurance company. McLaren operates Michigan’s largest network of cancer centers and providers, anchored by the Karmanos Cancer Institute, one of only 53 National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the U.S.

Clinical Research Coordinator II

🔍 michigan, detroit.

Provide study coordinator/data management/regulatory specialist support to the Clinical Trials Office (CTO). Manage independent assignment, providing excellent customer support and guidance in the clinical trials arena.


  • Assure all study requirements are met and documented and meet both internal and external regulations in accordance with protocol guidelines.  
  • Maintain logs, including tracker submissions and update the CTO Oncore database in a timely manner according to CTO SOPs.  
  • Design systems for coordinating, compiling and submission of data; design workflow processes and participate in quality assurance measures; coordinate site visits.  
  • Manage all patient and/or protocol data as assigned and respond to queries in a timely fashion.  
  • Schedule and participate in monitoring visits and participate in multidisciplinary team program meetings as required.

·           Bachelor’s degree required or equivalent combination of education and experience.

·           Medical and/or science experience/education preferred.

·           Clinical research certification preferred.

Equal Opportunity Employer of Minorities/Females/Disabled/Veterans

  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Requisition ID: 24005185
  • Daily Work Times: TBD
  • Hours Per Pay Period: 80
  • On Call: No
  • Weekends: No

Equal Opportunity Employer

McLaren Health Care is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identification, age, sex, marital status, national origin, disability, genetic information, height or weight, protected veteran or other classification protected by law.

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Research Fellow - Hematology

  • Rochester, MN

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The Kenderian laboratory is looking for a research fellow in cellular engineering.  The laboratory is focused on discovery and translation novel engineered cellular therapies in the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases.  Available projects include engineered T-cells, car T-cells, and engineered mesenchymal stromal cells.  The successful candidate is expected to lead novel projects and work collaboratively with other members of the team.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A Research Fellow position will require knowledge of either clinical-based research or laboratory-based research often obtained from a postdoctoral program. A Research Fellow at Mayo Clinic is a temporary position intended to provide training and education in research. Individuals will train in the research program of a Mayo Clinic principal investigator. Qualified individuals will demonstrate the potential for research as evidenced by their training and peer-reviewed publications and should become competitive for national research grants. Proof of English proficiency is required for J-1 Short-Term Scholars, Research Scholars, Professors, Specialists, and Student Interns sponsored by Mayo Clinic.

Must have a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent doctoral degree in a field deemed relevant by the program. Research Fellow is appropriate for individuals who have completed no more than one prior postdoctoral fellowship, at Mayo Clinic or elsewhere.

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Area of Interest Select One Nursing Laboratory Medicine & Pathology Research Radiology Surgery Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Finance Psychiatry & Psychology Cardiovascular Medicine Emergency Medicine Facilities Respiratory Therapy Neurology Pharmacy Surgical Technician Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation General Services Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine Gastroenterology & Hepatology Environmental Services Radiation Oncology Digital Transplant Cardiovascular Surgery Family Medicine Ambulance Services Healthcare Technology Management Hospital Internal Medicine Global Security Orthopedics Hematology Oncology Housekeeping Medical Oncology Pediatrics Desk Operations Obstetrics & Gynecology Social Work Information Technology Mayo Collaborative Services Administration Ophthalmology Patient Scheduling General Internal Medicine Pulmonary/Sleep Medicine Senior Care Community Internal Medicine Engineering Critical Care International Nephrology & Hypertension Office Support Otolaryngology (ENT) Artificial Intelligence & Informatics Dermatology Endocrinology Linen & Central Services Mayo Clinic Laboratories Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Business Development Clinical Genomics Neurosciences Regenerative Biotherapeutics Rheumatology Urology Education Hospice & Palliative Care Infectious Diseases Molecular Medicine Primary Care Quality Cancer Biology Cancer Center Comparative Medicine Health Care Delivery Research Immunology Physiology & Biomedical Engineering Spiritual Care Legal Occupational/Preventative Medicine Pain Medicine Surgical Assistant Travel Addiction Services Allergic Diseases Bariatric Medicine Clinical Nutrition Clinical Trials & Biostatistics Dental Specialities Development/Philanthropy Epidemiology Executive Office Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology Home Medical Equipment Human Resources Information Security Molecular Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics Risk Management Spine Center Sports Medicine Strategy

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clinical research jobs for freshers

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    If you need a reasonable accommodation in the application process; to access job postings, to apply for a job, for a job interview, for pre-employment testing, or with the onboarding process, please contact HR Connect at 507-266-0440 or 888-266-0440. Job offers

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