The State of the Barangay Health Centers of Tanauan City, Batangas: An In-Depth Study

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  • Department of Social Sciences
  • BA Development Studies

Show simple item record Barrera, Maita Florence A. 2022-11-17T01:17:23Z 2022-11-17T01:17:23Z 2008-03
dc.description.abstract Health is a basic human right. It determines the productivity of the work force; hence, it is one of the major factors of economic development. In this case, quality health care should be accessible to all. Efforts to increase the accessibility of the health care system from the side of the government have been made, like the devolution of the health care system through the introduction of rural health units and the Barangay Health Centers in virtue of the Primary Health Care system which was introduced in the 1970s. The Barangay Health Center is the lowest branch of the organizational setup of the Primary Health Care system; hence it is where the first contact of the health care system with patient occurs. It administers free basic health services like maternal health care, immunization programs and free medicines, and is concerned with the improvement and maintenance of the basic health indicators of the people. The Barangay Health Centers then are of utmost importance when it comes to the health care of the people from distant or rural areas who cannot afford to go to hospitals which are usually located in cities. The accessibility of the Barangay Health Centers of Tanauan city is greatly affected by their geographic distance from the people. Hence, the Barangay Health Centers and the organization attempts of the City Health Office and Local Government Unit are only accessible to those who live near the Barangay Health Centers. This proves to be problematic to those who live far from the Barangay Health Centers since they only comprise the minority of those who avail of the free health services. The accessibility of the Barangay Health Centers of Tanauan city, then, is the major concern of this research. Twenty out of the forty three Barangay Health Centers of Tanauan city are used as representatives of the Barangay Health Centers ofTanauan city as a whole. en_US
dc.title The State of the Barangay Health Centers of Tanauan City, Batangas: An In-Depth Study en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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Health Center Management System Capstone Project Document


In the current time people can’t imagine their life without technology. The technology sector has changed and developed many products. A computer is an example of technology that helps people in many ways. People use computers to finish office works, for business and also for entertainment. Computers helps us makes manual process easier and efficient.

Most of us already engage ourselves in the developing state of our environment. As we go on to our study, we ask several people on how modern technology affects their daily activities, one of those are the health centers which is having a lot of daily activities. Our system focuses on how the health center personnel can convey an effective service to its people in a manageable span of time. It also emphasizes with the registration of ongoing patients, together with their SMS notification wherein they will be easily notified about their appointments, changes of schedule and follow- up reminders. In addition to that are the health center personnel can easily manage their time and can give effective and efficient satisfaction to their patients with the help of our system.

Background of the Study

Barangay health center is a community based and patient directed organization. It is usually the first point of contact between residents of the community and other health care facility levels. Barangay Estefania health center provides consultation, immunization and prenatal. They are using manual procedure to get information from their patients. Barangay health center service is regulated by the DOH. Every health center is equipped to provide primary level of health care.

We developed this system in order to make the health center acquire modern technology, to consume the time works and easily deliver monthly reports and records. The provision of high-quality health care services is an increasingly difficult challenge and outcomes of health care services. It is a key to inform government officials by having a modern technology and other decision making more accurate about health-related issues. Health services researchers examine the access to care, and easily to processes the outcomes of health services for individuals and populations.

Statement of the Objective

The Automated process of  Health Center will be a big help to them, that was the main objectives of our system to get out from manual process, and to implement a new way of method to the center.

The study aims to develop a system that allows to:

  • Organize the record list and easily to find the previous Records.
  • Lessen the time to find their Records in log book and their paper works.
  • Easy to get information by using SMS notification.

Conceptual Framework

       The goal of this study is to make the Health Center automated from manual process. This system can record and send SMS notification.

Conceptual Framework

Scope and Delimitation

      This system has the following scope and limitations:


This study consists of SMS notification, records and similar nature of transaction and processes of barangay health center. For the patient information database, the report generates a purpose and also SMS Notification. This system can be use by the personnel of the Barangay Estefania Health Center. Through SMS Notification they will know the information and schedule activities for the patient and with upcoming events. The SMS notification will transmit the message through the patient about the program from the health center.


This study does not cover the previous years patients records. Only the volunteer can access the system. Volunteers are the ones to make or set appointment of the patient. Once the SMS notification is sent to the patient, the patient can’t reply to the sent message. There is also possibility of SMS failure due to coverage of signals. It also covered maintenance good for 6 months.

Significance of the study

The study will be significant to the following identified beneficiaries:

Patient . They will never forget their schedule for their next visit at the center, it’s because the center have already the system that can sent a notification for all their patients. They have a timely record for just a one click ahead where records can be easily and ready to print out.

BHW . Makes their paper works secure, time consumption manageable, and most of all avoiding human errors and misinformation of the patients records. The main purpose of this is making the reports for the supplies in the center, like the medicines. Is considered as the most informative system in all barangays. By the SMS, it also ease the barangay personnel to send the information to the people. It is needed for health assistance and guidelines for the national investment of technology for the system to be fully functional. Improve client services satisfaction.

Future Researcher . This may acquired the same study, useful research in the future and recommendation of study.

Definition of Terms

        To provide understanding of the following terms used below conceptually and operationally.

Data- Conceptually, as a general concept refers to the fact that some existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form, suitable for better usage or processing.

Operationally, is a collection of information that organized so that it can easily be accessed, manage and update.

Record- Conceptually, a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account of an act or occurrence kept in writing or some other permanent form.

Operationally, files where you will find information regarding patients.

SMS Notification- Conceptually, is also commonly referred to as a text message.  With a SMS you can send a message of up to 160 characters to another device.

Operationally, contains information date, time and change of schedule.

System- Conceptually A set of principle or procedure according to which something is done an organized scheme or method.

Operationally, automated filling of records for easy access.

Review Of Related Literature

This chapter includes concepts of related study in the system that show or present the information about the Barangay Health Center with SMS Notification.


  • Patient Record Management System

TAB FUSION RMS modules handle everything from entry level tracking to advanced imaging all with enhanced security and optimized workflow. Easy to access patients records management software solution. It can use unity of the entire spectrum of medical records that your institution needs. Make retrieval and viewing of patient (or staff) information easy and secure. Ensures the right information is in the right hands at the right time. Deliver easy to use transparent reporting in a variety of formats. Tab Corporate Headquarters- 2002

  • SMS Delivers Patient Support in Many Form

The SMS advantages in Health Care institutions want to connect with their patients via SMS should pay attention to these figures. SMS can help with many aspect of the healthcare process, such as sending patient’s appointment and follow-up reminders, information about schedule changes, timely medical advice and more. SMS also has the advantage of making communication feel more personal, since messages are sent to individual phones.

Sharon Hurley Hall- February 17, 2016 /02/sms-delivers-patient-support-many-forms/


  • Clinic Management System outpatient Management System

It is design to be tool for doctors and also registrar to manage their out patient. Design to provide better service to patient, patient details and other vital information for group clinic such as registration process. Lessen the workload of registrar, where all data are easier to receive without time wasting compare to the manual process where data about patient need to be search in the archive, where required extra effort and time.

Nurzety Aqtar Ahmad Azuan- March 2005

  • The Helpful Patients Record System: Problem Oriented and Knowledge Based

A helpful Patients Record System is a problem oriented and knowledge based system which provides the clinician with situation- specific information from the patient record, relevant to the activity within the patient care process. They suggest extending the data model of current patient record system. Knowledge for recognizing and interpreting care situation. Knowledge for how clinician work and what information they need means to rank information according to its relevance in a system situation. Elizabeth Bayelgan-2002

Related System Summary Table

Related System

Related System

This table shows the features of our system based on the researcher analysis in the comparison of related system according to Barangay Health Center with SMS Notification Management System.

The system that in the related studies, both local and foreign in the system feature they present of each local and foreign that connected to the systems. The 2 nd local related study the patient can access SMS Notification. The 1 st local and 2 nd foreign related study has patient record. Only the second local related study has information schedule. Base on the research both related study doesn’t have similarities in our system.


This chapter is to show the flow of system and techniques applied in this study. The purpose explains the use and the process of developing of the system.

System Development Life cycle (SDLC) was designed to build on one another, it is a framework defining tasks performed at each step in the software development process. SDLC is a structure followed by a development team within the software organization. It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain and replace specific software by incremental waterfall model.

Development process is structures that impose the development of software. Describing approaches to a variety of tasks or activities that take place during the process. The basic activities or task of development software process are as follow Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance phases.

Planning Phase

The project will start upon discussion of the group about the kind of system we will be developing. The group already come up with a list of company we will be visiting for an interview. After that we will come up with the title for our defense.  

Analysis phase

This phase, the researcher will start collecting data and information needed for the system. Involved the flow of the system, as well as their role and responsibility and current process that is being adopted by the health center in daily operation.

Design Phase

Waterfall Model

Waterfall Model

                 Figure 2.0: Incremental Waterfall Model

This phase, we design for the system. We will make a Dataflow that will modify how the system flow. And the Software requirement specification this is the reference of the system architect to come up with the design for the system.

After the analyzing the data and information its already read for database program, the proponent were able to plan the interface and start on its design.

Development Phase

This phase is to analyzed the information and the initial design of the system, creating database and using coding in order for the system to work

Testing Phase

This phase is the testing of the system to the administrator or BHW of health center where defects are identified and retested of the system. Until it achieve the standard quality of the system.

Implementation Phase

This phase is presented to the user by the features and system details of documentation. After the documentations, the developers conduct the seminar or survey to the user of the system to test and to check the error in the software. This error will be fix to formal software and to give it to the BHW/ administrator when the system is correctly implemented.

Maintenance Phase

          In this phase, the system require maintenance, edit and delete made by administration or BHW of the system are considered for its enhancement. For the purpose, maintenance of the system is updated only for 6 months.

User’s Acceptance Survey

The system were improved the record of patient and the services in BHW. The Health Center should be enhanced with the activities, the operations of the application of patient with the SMS notification

Requirements Specification

Operational feasibility.

The goals of this system study are to develop the following functionalities:

  • Provides an information schedule for the patient which may help for the patient to know their schedule.
  • Provide the medicine and services for the patients.
  • An SMS notification and mobile application that can be accessed in anywhere through the individual mobile phone.
  • Generates a monthly and weekly patient record.
  • The health center that provides a free consultation, immunization, pre-natal check up and other services that help for the patient.

Program Environment

HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages and  web applications . With  Cascading Style Sheets  (CSS), and  JavaScript , it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the Worldwide Web.  Web browsers  receive HTML documents from a  web server  or from local storage and render them into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page  semantically  and originally included cues for the appearance of the document.

CSS the Cascading Style Sheets Specification (CSS) is a computer language that is used to write formatting instructions. It is the language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as large screens, small screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup language.

  PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded HTML. PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to server-side web development, in which case PHP generally runs on a web server. Any PHP code in a requested file is executed by the PHP runtime, usually to create dynamic web page content or dynamic images used on websites or elsewhere.

MySQL is an open source relational database management system that uses structure query language, the most popular language for adding, accessing, and processing data in a database. MySQL is noted mainly for its speed, reliability, and flexibility. It is fast, robust and scalable relational database management system.

Technical Feasibility

         Hardware specification (maximum requirement)

  • Quad Core Processor
  • Android 5.0 version up to latest version
  • Dual Core Processor
  • 4GB Ram (internal Memory)
  • 320GB Hard drive

Software specification (maximum requirement)

  • Google chrome version 6.3.2
  • Mozilla firefox  17.6
  • Windows 8.0 Pro

System Architecture

System Architecture

The health center management system will display the network design for the user and end up for the patient. It shows that the system needs the patient to access through internet connection and mobile phone to be able to get information for the efficiency to deliver the information schedule and services.

Analysis Phase

Analysis Phase

Design and Developmental Phase

Design and Developmental Phase

Planning Phase

Gantt Chart

Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost Benefits Analysis or CBA is the estimation and total equivalent money value of the benefits and costs of the system in order to determine its worth.

Developmental Cost

Table 2.4: Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost Benefit Analysis

Database Model

Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 5.0: Entity Relationship Diagram

This figure shows the relationship of each entity. The data gathered into individual entities become basis record and entities. Necessary attributes that simplify the data in the system.

Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

Figure 6.0: Data Flow Diagram

This Data flow diagram shows the process between the admin and the volunteer.

Data Dictionary

Table 3.0: Data Dictionary of the System


Data field             Type                                     Description


Id                       int(11)                       Id number of Student

Username         varchar(50)               Unique name to access administrator

Password          varchar(50)               Unique key to access administrator







Id number of student

Unique name to access

Unique key to access administrator

Prenatal Id

First Name

Last Name

Husband Name










Past MedicalHx















Refers to the number ID

patient to register

Refers to the first name

of the patient

Refers to the last name  of

the patient

Refers to the name of

husband of the patient

Refers to the age of the


Private address for the


Refers to the menstrualhx

Refers to the first occurrence

of the patients first menstruation

Refers to the cycle

Refers to the flow of blood

Refers to the duration

Refers to the dsymenorrhe

Refers to the obgynehx

Refers to the past medication of the patient


Prenatal Id

Fundamental heartbeat

Fatal Height





Complaint  Date Appointment










Refers to the number ID

patient to register

Patient prenatal ID

Refers to the fundamental


Refers to the fatal height

Refers to the weight

Refers to the blood pressure

Refers to the presentation

Refers to the complaint

Refers to the appointment date


First Name

Last Name


Mother’s Name

Father’s Name

Date first Seen

Birth date

Birth Weight

Place of delivery


Type of delivery













Refers to the number ID

patient to register

Refers to the first name of the


Refers to the last name of the


Refers to the gender

Refers to the mother’s name

Refers to the father’s name

Refers to the date first seen

Refers to the birthday

Refers to the birth weight

Refers to the place of delivery

Private address for the patient

Refers to type of delivery


Immunization ID

Service ID

Number of Visit

Visit Date






Refers to the number ID of

patient to register

Patients immunization id

Patients service id

Refers to number of visit

Refers to the date visited


Service Name



Refers to the number ID of

patient to register

Refers to the name of service


First Name

Last Name


Head of the family



Date of Birth

Number of living child


















Refers to the number ID of

patient to register

Refers to patients first name

Refers to patients last name

Private address for the patient

Refers to the name of the head of

the family

Refers to the occupation

Refers to the age of patient

Refers to the date of birth of the


Refers to the number of living child

Refers to the date of consultation

Refers to the weight of the patient

Refers to the blood pressure

Refers to the patients temperature

Presentation, Analysis, and Presentation of Data

This chapter will exhibit the result of the User’s Survey conducted for the system to the Barangay Health Worker and Nurses.


The researcher demonstrates the system’s functionality to the randomly selected respondents. The researcher observed how the respondents respond to the system and perform about technology to the system. In the User’s Acceptance Survey provided by capstone adviser researcher evaluate those respondents, gathered some data and to distinguish the level of acceptance of the proposed system.

Data Analysis

This section presents the analysis of data gathered from the respondents of Barangay Health Worker and Nurses.

Characteristics of the Respondents

The population composed of the Barangay Health Worker and Nurses. The researcher got twenty respondents from the Barangay Health Worker and Nurses.

Table 4.0 Frequency of Respondents

Respondents Frequency
Nurses/ BNS






This table shows the frequency who has answered the User Acceptance Survey. The researcher got total 20 of respondents.

Interpretation of Data

The instrument to access the perception of the users in terms (5) categories namely: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Quality, Timeless and Productivity.

The first category composed of four(4) items, second category composed of three(3) items, third category composed of four(4) items, and then the fourth and fifth category composed of four(4) items with the rating scale was 1 to 5 which are 5 as very satisfied, 4 as satisfies, 3 as neutral, 2 as dissatisfies and 1 as very dissatisfied.

Table 6.0 Rating Scale

­­­­ Range of Mean                                                Verbal Interpretation

4.21-5.00                                                              Very Satisfied

3.41-4.20                                                               Satisfied

2.61-3.40                                                                Neutral

1.81-2.60                                                                Dissatisfied

1.00-1.80                                                                Very Dissatisfied

This table shows the range of mean and its verbal interpretation.

Table 7.0 Survey Result of Effectiveness


Question 1        Question 2          Question 3          Question 4        TOTAL

Mean        4.0                  3.55                    4.0                  4.0                     4.0125

Table 7.0 shows that effectiveness as a whole has an average mean of 4.0125 as very satisfied that the users were highly satisfied after the testing.

Table 7.1 Survey Result for Efficiency

Question 1        Question 2          Question 3             TOTAL

Mean                      3.7                 4.0                              4.0                      3.90

The table above shows that efficiency as a whole average mean of 3.90 as a satisfied with the efficiency of the system after the testing.

Table 8.0 Survey Result Quality

Question 1        Question 2          Question 3          Question 4        TOTAL

Mean      4.0                   4.0                       4.0                        3.75          3.9375

This table shows the survey result for the systems quality recorded a total mean of 3.9375 which is interpreted that the users were satisfied with the systems quality after using it.

Table 9.0 Survey Result Timeliness

Question 1        Question 2          Question 3          Question 4        TOTAL

Mean     3.85                   4.0                       4.0                    3.85                       3.925

This table shows the survey result for the systems timeliness accounted a total mean of 3.925 which is interpreted that the user were satisfied with the efficiency of the system aster testing it.

Table 10.0 Survey Result Productivity


Question 1        Question 2          Question 3          Question 4                TOTAL

Mean   3.85                 3.9                       4.2                        4.1                         4.0125

This table shows the survey result for the systems productivity as a whole has an average of 4.0125 which is interpreted that the user were satisfied with the systems productivity after testing it.

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary or the research work undertaken the recommendation and conclusion of an outgrowth of study.

Summary of Findings

This study was conducted purposes of making reliable for Brgy.Estefania Center w/ SMS Notification System. It will be beneficial for Barangay Estefania Health Center workers can work efficiently and access patient records. The system generates the records and can secure the records of the patients. The researcher utilize the interview technique was used for gathering data and also the Users Acceptance Survey serves as elements for collecting data.

The findings of users experience with the system of effectiveness got a total of 4.0125 which is interpreted as a very satisfied for the level of users experience towards the system efficiency got total rating of 3.90 as satisfied. In the term of system quality got total rating of 3.9375 being satisfied for the timeless the users rate of 3.925 as a satisfied and also the productivity got rating of 4.0125 as a very satisfied. The total of whole system proposed was a big help for generating time records and managing the record of patient and also obtaining the security of the records through having restriction between the BNS/ Nurse and BHW.

They prepare as much and gathered all the files of patients that recommended the Health Center. The Brgy. Health Center typically shows the information that given into the patients. They notice the system was been essential in managing the records of every patient in Barangay Health Center.

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Barangay Health Center Information System

barangay health center management system thesis

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  • Published: 22 March 2024

Drug-resistant tuberculosis: a persistent global health concern

  • Maha Farhat   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Helen Cox 3   na1 ,
  • Marwan Ghanem 1   na1 ,
  • Claudia M. Denkinger 4 , 5 ,
  • Camilla Rodrigues 6 ,
  • Mirna S. Abd El Aziz 4 ,
  • Handaa Enkh-Amgalan 7 ,
  • Debrah Vambe 8 ,
  • Cesar Ugarte-Gil 9 ,
  • Jennifer Furin 10 &
  • Madhukar Pai   ORCID: 11  

Nature Reviews Microbiology ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Bacterial evolution
  • Clinical microbiology
  • Infectious-disease epidemiology

Drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) is estimated to cause 13% of all antimicrobial resistance-attributable deaths worldwide and is driven by both ongoing resistance acquisition and person-to-person transmission. Poor outcomes are exacerbated by late diagnosis and inadequate access to effective treatment. Advances in rapid molecular testing have recently improved the diagnosis of TB and drug resistance. Next-generation sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has increased our understanding of genetic resistance mechanisms and can now detect mutations associated with resistance phenotypes. All-oral, shorter drug regimens that can achieve high cure rates of drug-resistant TB within 6–9 months are now available and recommended but have yet to be scaled to global clinical use. Promising regimens for the prevention of drug-resistant TB among high-risk contacts are supported by early clinical trial data but final results are pending. A person-centred approach is crucial in managing drug-resistant TB to reduce the risk of poor treatment outcomes, side effects, stigma and mental health burden associated with the diagnosis. In this Review, we describe current surveillance of drug-resistant TB and the causes, risk factors and determinants of drug resistance as well as the stigma and mental health considerations associated with it. We discuss recent advances in diagnostics and drug-susceptibility testing and outline the progress in developing better treatment and preventive therapies.

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Author information

These authors contributed equally: Helen Cox, Marwan Ghanem.

Authors and Affiliations

Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Maha Farhat & Marwan Ghanem

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Maha Farhat

Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, Wellcome Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Division of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

Division of Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany

Claudia M. Denkinger & Mirna S. Abd El Aziz

German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), partner site Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany

Claudia M. Denkinger

P.D. Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Mumbai, India

Camilla Rodrigues

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Handaa Enkh-Amgalan

National TB Control Programme, Manzini, Eswatini

Debrah Vambe

School of Public and Population Health, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA

Cesar Ugarte-Gil

Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Jennifer Furin

McGill International TB Centre, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Madhukar Pai

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M.P., M.F., H.C., C.M.D., J.F. and M.G. wrote the article and, together with C.R. and M.S.A.E.A. researched data for the article. All authors contributed substantially to the discussion of the content and reviewed and/or edited the manuscript before submission.

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Correspondence to Madhukar Pai .

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Refers to the delivery of anti-tuberculosis drug treatment under direct observation of health workers, community workers or family members with the goal of improving adherence.

(XDR-TB). Defined as multidrug-resistant or rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis with further resistance to fluoroquinolones and to either bedaquiline or linezolid or both (key second-line drugs).

(Hr-TB). Defined as resistance to isoniazid and susceptibility to rifampicin.

(MDR-TB). Defined as resistance to rifampicin and isoniazid, the two most important first-line drugs used to treat tuberculosis (TB), regardless of resistance to other TB drugs.

Defined as multidrug-resistant or rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis with resistance to fluoroquinolones.

(RMR-TB). Defined as resistance to rifampicin (Rif), with susceptibility to isoniazid.

(RR-TB). Defined as resistance to rifampicin (Rif), regardless of resistance to other tuberculosis (TB) drugs. Individuals with RR-TB are treated with regimens similar to those for multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and are therefore grouped with MDR-TB as MDR/RR-TB.

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Farhat, M., Cox, H., Ghanem, M. et al. Drug-resistant tuberculosis: a persistent global health concern. Nat Rev Microbiol (2024).

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Accepted : 12 February 2024

Published : 22 March 2024


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Omsk , officially the Siberian Black League , is a warlord state in Western Siberia. Occupying the territory of the former Omsk Oblast, it borders Tomsk to the north, the Kazakh SSR to the south, Tyumen to the east, and Novosibirsk to the west.

  • 2.1 National spirits
  • 2.2 Cabinet
  • 3.1 Generals

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union , the city of Omsk, initially held by the West Siberian People's Republic , was seized by a league of ultranationalists sharing views of anti-German sentiment and revanchism. Led by Dmitry Karbyshev 's All-Russian Black League, upon the seizing of Omsk, the ultranationalist regime had to industrialize and fortify it. In a way, some could say it's nothing but a fortified city in which the Black League militarizes and prepares for its future conflicts.

The political system of Omsk is governed as a militarist one-party state since its founding, ruled by Karbyshev and his like-minded comrades of the All-Russian Black League, an organization fanatically devoted to revanchism against the Greater Germanic Reich . However, at heart, Karbyshev is a Russian and while he sought to create an ultranationalist military state to take revenge against Germany, he did not account for the despots that wished to claim as much power as possible from him. Karbyshev is represented in-game as a dying man soon to fall, due to him leading a brutal military dictatorship, while being opposed to the radical rhetoric of his officer clique. The Black League has since become an ultranationalist state, even more radical in their hatred of Germany. Due to Karbyshev's declining health, many of the other officers have gained massive influence in the leadership of Omsk. The reality is that Karbyshev started a movement that assumed it was able to change the hearts of the despots with nationalism rather than terror; but it has since been corrupted beyond his visions, and there is little he can do to stop the train of degeneracy. Indeed, once Karbyshev dies and Omsk is still around, actual ultranationalist and General Dmitry Yazov will assume leadership of the Black League and prevent the despotic cliques from growing.

Under the sheer doctrine of anti-German sentiment, the theory of the “Great Trial” in Omsk comes in. This is where the warlord state will prepare for its final assault on the Reich, as revenge for the “First Trial” which brought the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the “Second Trial” being the West Russian War . Their hatred doesn't stop with just Germany, but it includes many who collaborated with them. Some officers of the Black League even go as far as to want to destroy the United States for not helping enough during the Great Patriotic War. In preparation for their war with Germany, they are expectant of nuclear strikes and so have started to construct massive metro tunnels to double as shelter from the warheads and radioactive fallout. The resolve of the Black League cannot be stopped, even with the threat of nuclear war.

Omsk is one of the hardest paths in TNO, due to it being weaker than a lot of the surrounding warlords and being unable to conduct diplomacy at all. To reunite Russia, Omsk will have to fight every single state in its way. Their end goal is the complete extermination of the Reich and the German people, and they will stop at nothing to reach this. They are hard-coded for hostility and are always at war with someone, but an AI Omsk will almost always never be successful. Despite being founded on nothing but hatred, when they unify Western Siberia and start to emerge on the international stage, they actually try to conceal their ideology and ambitions from foreign influences. They stick with a nondescript name of the “West Siberian Provisional Authority” under the guise of a protective military authority and switch their ideology to “Despotism”.

National spirits

During the Last Trial, each of us saw and faced Hell on Earth. The Nazis razed our cities, slaughtered our families, and shattered the Union we worked so hard to build. And as the world unraveled around us, we resolved to never again allow the Teuton to despoil our homes. Never again would we tremble in fear as the jackboot trampled on our soil.

Whatever the cost, whatever the sacrifice, the day of the will come.

On that day, they will feel our terrible vengeance.

Our backs are pressed against the wall, our supplies run low, and yet morale is as high as ever. Each and every son and daughter of the Black League know their mission and know they have nothing to lose, for the Last Trial already robbed them of everything. This simple truth has transformed the League from a band of disgruntled veterans to an army with discipline unparalleled in the Russian wastes.

We will survive our current, dire circumstances, we will rebuild what was lost, and when the comes, we will repay our enemies for every life lost.

It is a sad fact that the founder of the Black League, General Karbyshev, is not as young as he once was. As he has aged, though his mind is as sharp as ever, his body has become frail and weak. The people weep to know that he is not long for this world; and yet not all is lost. The loyal sons and daughters of the Black League's officer corps are glad to receive and deliver General Karbyshev's orders, and even to reinterpret them when the General's mind has slipped.
It is a service that most are glad to perform, no matter how much the General begs for it to end.

Cabinet member Role Ideology Trait(s) and effects
Head of government Political Protege Political Power Gain:
Viktor Abakumov Foreign minister Iron-Fisted Brute
Alexander Kharkhardin Economy minister Corrupt Kleptocrat
Konstantin Valukhin Security minister Prince of Terror Political Power Gain:

After Dmitry Yazov comes to power and purges the Black League's old guard, the cabinet changes to:

Cabinet member Role Ideology Trait(s) and effects
Head of government Devoted Follower Political Power Gain: Stability:
Foreign minister The Cloak-n-Dagger Schemer:
Evgeny Pitovranov Economy minister Military Entrepreneur: Infrastructure Construction Speed:
Security minister Template:Spymaster

Omsk has at least eleven generals.

  • Ironically, according to a former developer of West Siberia, Omsk at one point had a National Socialist path as a "sane" option, due to now-former head developer Pink Panzer wanting every region in Western Siberia to have multiple paths. This was changed after the other developers convinced him to have Omsk only have one path.
  • Omsk was partially inspired by the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia , a militant group that aspired to carve out an ethnic Armenian homeland in eastern Turkey.
• Nations as of January 1st, 1962
Americas • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Europe • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Africa • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Middle East • • • • • • • •
Central Asia • • • • • • •
Siberia • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
East Asia • • • • • • •
South Asia • • • •
Southeast Asia & Oceania • • • • • • • • •
Antarctica • • • • •
  • 1 SS State of Burgundy
  • 2 Sergey Taboritsky
  • 3 TNO Styled GFX Icons


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