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Earth Day

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  • National Center for Biotechnology Information - PubMed Central - Earth Day: 50 Years of Continuity and Change in Environmentalism
  • Space.com - Earth Day: What is it and why does it matter?
  • Official Site of the Earth Day
  • Ohio State University - Origins - “Give Earth a Chance”: Earth Day and the Politics of Modern Environmentalism
  • National Geographic - Education - Earth Day
  • LiveScience - Why celebrate Earth Day? Here are 12 reasons.
  • Earth Day - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11)
  • Earth Day - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up)

Earth Day

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Earth Day , annual celebration honouring the achievements of the environmental movement and raising awareness of the importance of long-term ecological sustainability . Earth Day is celebrated in the United States on April 22; throughout the rest of the world it is celebrated on either April 22 or the day the vernal equinox occurs.

short essay about earth day

In the late 1960s there was an increased awareness of environmental concerns among Americans, and the prominent environmentalist and U.S. senator Gaylord Nelson sought to galvanize the conservation movement through the creation of a national celebration. To this end, Nelson—whose efforts in Congress included the passing of legislation that protected the Appalachian Trail and the banning of the use of the pesticide DDT —hired Denis Hayes, a graduate student at Harvard University . They sought to infuse the energy of student-led anti-war activism with the public’s emerging environmental consciousness in order to propel environmental protections into the national political agenda. Together they organized the first Earth Day, which took place on April 22, 1970, and was designed as an “environmental teach-in” that would educate participants in the importance of environmental conservation. The two largest gatherings occurred in Washington, D.C. , where 10,000 people assembled at the Washington Monument , and in New York City , where a portion of Fifth Avenue was closed to traffic in observance of the event. Across the United States, 20 million people participated, many of them at schools, colleges, and universities. The event was instrumental in gaining support for the series of environmental legislation that passed through the U.S. Congress in the 1970s, including the Clean Air Act (1970) and the Endangered Species Act (1973).

short essay about earth day

In 1990 Hayes organized a global Earth Day, which was observed by some 200 million people in more than 140 countries. Since then, Earth Day has been international in scope. By the early 21st century, Earth Day’s many activities included raising awareness about a number of growing environmental concerns, especially the threat of global warming and the need for clean renewable energy sources. Indeed, in 2016 the international Paris Climate Agreement was emblematically opened for signatures on Earth Day. In 2020 many of the planned marches and other activities for the 50th anniversary celebration of Earth Day were canceled or forced online because of the COVID-19 pandemic .


Earth Day is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations. Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 in the United States and on either April 22 or the day the spring equinox occurs throughout the rest of the world.

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  • National Geographic Education: Introduction to Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earths natural resources for future generations . Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 in the United States and on either April 22 or the day the spring equinox occurs throughout the rest of the world. Environmental activism during the 1960s inspired Wisconsin Sen. Gaylord Nelson to create a national celebration uniting the environmental movement. With the help of Denis Hayes, a graduate student at Harvard University, Nelson organized the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, educating participants in the importance of environmental conservation . Attended by 20 million people across the United States, the event strengthened support for legislation such as the Clean Air Act (updated in 1970) and the Endangered Species Act (1973). In 1990, Hayes organized a global Earth Day, with more than 200 million participants in more than 140 countries. Earth Day now brings together citizens and activists from around the world to raise awareness and take action regarding such environmental concerns as global warming and renewable energy . Today, the Earth Day Network (EDN) , which brings together more than 20,000 partners and organizations in 190 countries, supports the Earth Day mission year-round. This mission is founded on the premise that all people, regardless of race , gender , income , or geography , have a moral right to a healthy, sustainable environment. The Earth Day Network pursues this mission through education, public policy , and activism campaigns. These campaigns bring together more than one billion participants every year, making it one of the largest public, secular events in the world. The Earth Day Network pursues a set of core goals:

  • Broaden the meaning of environment to include issues such as climate change , green schools and environmental curricula, green jobs , and renewable energy ;
  • Diversify the movement by providing civic engagement opportunities at the local, state, national and global levels around the world. Recognizing that climate change impacts our most vulnerable citizens first and most severely, EDN often works with low-income communities to bring their voices and issues into the movement.
  • Mobilize communities by working with partner organizations to provide opportunities for all citizens to become active in the environmental movement.

Earth Days Core Issues This set of goals underlines Earth Day events and actions around the world, which can be organized into ten core issues. Advocacy : Supporters encourage individuals and organizations to meet with elected officials to discuss environmental issues. The online program "Million Acts of Green," for instance, encourages visitors to adopt lifestyle changes such as composting, reducing your carbon footprint, or recycling e-waste.

Climate Change : Supporters raise awareness about climate change , human contribution to those changes, and opportunities to slow the phenomenon . Many Earth Day supporters, for instance, encourage citizens to support the landmark Paris Climate agreement, set to be signed on Earth Day 2016.

Conservation & Biology : Supporters work to conserve the world's biodiversity . On Earth Day 2010, for instance, participants in Sri Lanka planted more than 100 medicinal plants throughout the tropical rain forest at Yagirala Forest Reserve. These plants can be used by local populations and will create habitats for different organisms, enhancing the biodiversity of the island nation. Education : Earth Day education programs provide educators, students, and the general public with resources and solutions to create a healthier, more sustainable planet. On Earth Day 2010, for instance, teachers and students in the Compostela Valley region of the Philippines participated in a day-long conference. At the conference, they learned about tree planting and care, participated in nature hikes, and presented their environmental action projects to the community. Energy : Advocates support projects that develop renewable energy sources and technologies as means of transitioning off of nonrenewable sources, such as coal and oil . Citizens of Qatar, for example, are invited to switch off their power for one hour on Earth Day in a symbolic stance against human contributions to global warming. Food & Agriculture : Supporters raise awareness about some farming practices, such as the use of chemical pesticides , which contribute to environmental degradation . Supporters also advocate for a greater support of organic , local, and sustainable agricultural techniques. Member organizations of this issue group include Articultores , based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which raises awareness about urban gardening and brings citizens and youth together to plant in abandoned sites in cities. Green Economy : Supporters advocate for the creation of green industries and jobs that are connected to renewable energy sources. For example, the Students in Free Enterprise group in Saskatchewan, Canada, sponsors a prize for student projects that make best use of recycled materials. Green Schools : The Earth Day Network sponsors the National GREEN Schools Campaign. The GREEN Schools Campaign includes a focus on healthy school lunches, environmental classroom activities, outreach to local and national leaders, and an emphasis on sustainable building techniques. Recycling & Waste Reduction : Supporters work to reduce the amount of waste that people produce, and increase the amount that we recycle and reuse. The Beach Bunch group of Brunei, for example, organizes beach-cleaning campaigns. Sustainable Development : Supporters promote environmental practices that respect biodiversity and the natural world. Costa Rica, for instance, has implemented the Viaje Limpio program, in which individuals and companies pay a fee for the greenhouse gases they produce through travel. This money goes to protect the rainforest, water resources, and biodiversity of Costa Rica. Viaje Limpio helps the Costa Rican economy, because biodiversity and the rain forest are important natural assets that bring thousands of tourists to the country every year. In only 40 years, Earth Day has evolved from a single day celebrating the environmental movement in the United States to a global network that empowers more than a billion people to better understand, protect, and improve the environment.

Why April 22? Earth Day falls on April 22. The day was chosen by the original event's organizer, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (for the state of Wisconsin), for simple reasons. Earth Day was an event focused on college students, and April 22 did not interfere with Spring Break, final exams, major religious holidays such as Easter, and was late enough in spring to anticipate decent weather for outdoor activities.

Margaret Mead's Holy Day "Earth Day is the first holy day which transcends all national borders, yet preserves all geographical integrities, spans mountains and oceans and time belts, and yet brings people all over the world into one resonating accord, is devoted to the preservation of the harmony in nature and yet draws upon the triumphs of technology, the measurement of time, and instantaneous communication through space." <br> Margaret Mead, cultural anthropologist

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Essay On Earth Day

short essay about earth day

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22nd to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote conservation efforts to protect the planet. It was first observed in 1970 and has since become a global event, with millions of people participating in events and activities to show their commitment to a cleaner, healthier environment.

The theme of Earth Day changes each year to reflect the most pressing environmental concerns of the time. In recent years, the focus has been on issues such as climate change, deforestation, plastic pollution, and wildlife conservation. These issues are crucial to the survival of our planet and all its inhabitants, as they have far-reaching effects on our health, the economy, and the natural world.

To celebrate Earth Day, individuals, organizations, and governments participate in various activities, such as planting trees, cleaning up local parks and beaches, reducing energy usage, and raising funds for environmental causes. Many schools and universities also use this opportunity to educate students about environmental issues and encourage them to take action.

One of the most important things we can do to protect the planet on Earth Day and beyond is to reduce our carbon footprint. This can be done by reducing energy consumption, using environmentally friendly products, and reducing waste. For example, we can turn off lights and electronics when not in use, carpool or use public transportation, and recycle as much as possible.

Another way to celebrate Earth Day is by supporting organizations that work to protect the environment. This can include making a donation, volunteering time, or simply spreading awareness about their efforts. Many non-profits and environmental organizations rely on public support to continue their important work.

In conclusion, Earth Day is an important opportunity for us to reflect on the impact we have on the environment and to take action to protect our planet. Whether through simple changes in our daily lives or by supporting organizations that work to address environmental issues, each of us has the power to make a difference. Let us use Earth Day as a reminder to make a commitment to a healthier, more sustainable future for our planet.

Long Essay On Earth Day

Earth Day is a day to celebrate our planet, its people, and the natural resources that make it possible for all of us to live. This year on Earth Day, we want to take a moment to reflect on what we’ve done to protect our environment in the past year and chart our course for the coming year.

What is Earth Day?

Every year on April 22nd, people all over the world take the day to celebrate Earth Day. This day was created in 1970 by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson in order to help educate people about the importance of protecting our planet.

Today, Earth Day is celebrated by organizing events and planting trees or flowers to show our appreciation for our planet. People also try to make small changes in their lives that they can share with others in order to help protect the environment.

One way that we can help protect our planet is by using less energy. We can do this by using solar and wind power, recycling, and driving less. By making these small changes, we can make a big impact on how much pollution our planet produces each year.

History of Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event observed on April 22 to promote environmentalism. Its creation is credited to Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who first proposed the idea in 1970. Earth Day was first celebrated in the United States on April 22, 1970, and has since been observed in more than 150 countries. The day’s main objectives are to raise public awareness of environmental issues and to encourage people to take action to protect the environment.

The idea for Earth Day originated with United States Senator Gaylord Nelson. In 1970, he proposed the idea of an international day dedicated to protecting the environment, and it was formally adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1971. The date of Earth Day was chosen in reference to the International Year of Ecology, which began on 1 January 1972.

Since its inception, Earth Day has been celebrated in more than 150 countries around the world. The main objectives of Earth Day are (1) raising public awareness of environmental issues; (2) encouraging people to take action to protect the environment; and (3) serving as a platform for networking and cooperation between environmentalists worldwide.

In order to achieve these objectives, various events are held on Earth Day throughout the year. These events include lectures and discussions on environmental topics; plant giveaways; music festivals; walks and bike rides; educational fairs; movie screenings; art shows; food tastings; and nature tours. Additionally, many businesses adopt green policies or make special announcements regarding their commitment towards preserving the environment.

Celebrations on Earth Day

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd. It’s a day to appreciate our planet and all the things that make it a great place to live. There are many events and celebrations around the world to celebrate Earth Day. Here are just a few:

In the United States, there are numerous events taking place throughout the country. Some of the bigger events include the Washington DC Earth Day Festival, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s “Greening of LACMA” exhibition, and Philadelphia’s Love Garden Project.

In Canada, there are several major events taking place including Vancouver’s Earth Day Skate Fest and Ottawa’s Nature Valley Eco-Jam concert.

In Europe, there are many big events happening including London’s Big Green Fair, Barcelona’s Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes event, Berlin’s Die Schönheit der Natur festival, and Paris’ Unesco-certified Paris Biosphere Reserve of Ville d’Avray event.

In Asia, there are several noteworthy events happening including Hong Kong City Hall’s World Environment Day Celebration Event, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications’ “Think Green” Forum Event, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office for Environmental Defense’s “Save The Date” Campaign Event for 2017 Japan Earth Week Association Meeting & Expo on April 21st at Tokyo Big Sight Center (Aichi), Japan which will be co-hosted by Aichi Prefectural government and Toyota Motor Corporation, and the 5th Malaysia Eco-Community Festival in Petaling Jaya.

Causes of Environmental Issues

There are a number of reasons why the environment is in such bad shape. Some of the most common causes include industrial pollution, deforestation, and global warming. In order to improve the environment, we need to take a look at all of these issues and figure out how to fix them.

Industrial Pollution: One of the most common causes of environmental problems is industrial pollution. This happens when factories and other businesses release chemicals and other toxins into the air or water. These chemicals can damage plants and animals, as well as make it difficult for people to breathe or drink clean water.

Deforestation: Deforestation is another big problem that often leads to environmental problems. When trees are cut down, they leave behind acres of barren land that can become polluted quickly. This type of pollution includes things like greenhouse gases and toxic waste.

Global Warming: One of the biggest threats to our planet is global warming. This phenomenon is caused by man-made emissions from cars, trucks, factories, and other sources. It causes weather patterns to change, which in turn can create natural disasters like floods and hurricanes.

How can I celebrate Earth Day?

Celebrate Earth Day the eco-friendly way! Here are some ideas to get you started: • Plant a tree or flowers in your yard or garden • recycle every item you can • use public transportation • turn off electronics when you’re not using them • compost what you can • be mindful of your water usage


The essay is a great overview of Earth Day and its purpose. The history of Earth Day and its significance is explained well, and the focus on current environmental concerns is relevant and up-to-date. The ways in which individuals, organizations, and governments can take action to celebrate Earth Day are clear and comprehensive.

One suggestion for improvement would be to include some specific examples of past Earth Day events or campaigns that have had a significant impact. This would give readers a better understanding of the scope and impact of Earth Day and inspire them to get involved.

In addition, the essay could benefit from a more personal touch, such as a reflection on the author’s own experiences or thoughts on Earth Day. This would add depth and perspective to the essay, making it more engaging and memorable for readers.

Overall, the essay is well written and informative. By incorporating these suggestions, it could be even more effective in raising awareness about Earth Day and inspiring people to take action to protect the environment.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on Earth Day

Surendra Kumar

Introduction to Earth Day

“Earth Day: Protecting our planet, one action at a time.”

Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22nd, is a poignant reminder of the delicate harmony between humanity and the planet we call home. Conceived in the wake of growing environmental concerns in the late 1960s, Earth Day has evolved into a global movement, mobilizing millions worldwide to take action toward preserving and protecting our environment. This day is a call to action, not just a day of remembrance, asking people, groups, and countries to consider the effects of human activity on the planet and adopt sustainable practices for the benefit of present and future generations.

In this essay, we will delve into the history and significance of Earth Day, exploring its origins, the environmental challenges facing our planet, the successes and achievements it has inspired, the individual and collective responsibility in ecological stewardship, and the future of Earth Day in the 21st century. Through this exploration, we aim to shed light on the importance of Earth Day as a catalyst for environmental action and the imperative for all of us to play our part in ensuring the fitness and longevity of our planet.

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Essay on Earth Day

History and Origins of Earth Day

The late 1960s saw the rise of an environmental movement in the United States, which gave rise to Earth Day. The catalyst for this movement was Senator Gaylord Nelson, who, deeply concerned about the environmental degradation resulting from mechanization and a lack of environmental regulations, envisioned a national day dedicated to environmental awareness and activism.

In 1969, Senator Nelson and a team of environmental activists initiated the first Earth Day on April 22nd, 1970 . The choice of this date was strategic, falling between spring break and last exams to maximize student participation. The inaugural Earth Day saw a remarkable grassroots mobilization, with 20 million Americans taking to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate a healthier, more sustainable environment.

The significance of this day was not limited to the United States; it resonated globally, sparking an international environmental consciousness . On First Earth Day, they were pivotal in raising public awareness about environmental problems, creating the Environmental Protection Agency, and selecting key environmental legislation, such as the Clean Air Acts, Endangered Species, and Clean Water.

Since its inception, Earth Day has transcended its American roots, becoming a global phenomenon celebrated by more than 190 countries. Its success lies in its ability to unite people across borders, cultures, and political ideologies under a standard banner of environmental stewardship. Earth Day has become an annual rallying point for individuals, organizations, and governments to reflect on ecological challenges and advocate for sustainable solutions.

As we commemorate Earth Day each year, it is essential to understand its historical underpinnings and the vision that propelled it into existence. This understanding provides a foundation for appreciating the ongoing relevance of Earth Day and the collective responsibility it calls us to fulfill in safeguarding the planet.

The Importance of Earth Day

Earth Day is a global observance dedicated to environmental awareness, advocacy, and action. Its importance lies in its power to galvanize individuals, communities, and governments worldwide to recognize our planet’s critical environmental challenges and commit to sustainable solutions. Several vital reasons underscore the importance of Earth Day:

1. Environmental Awareness: Earth Day serves as a powerful platform for raising public awareness about pressing ecological issues, such as deforestation, pollution, climate change, and loss of biodiversity. Earth Day fosters a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between human activities and environmental degradation through educational initiatives, events, and media coverage.

2. Catalyst for Action: Earth Day inspires individuals and communities to take concrete actions to protect and preserve the environment. From volunteering for clean-up efforts to advocating for policy changes, Earth Day empowers people to make a positive impact in their local communities and beyond. It catalyzes grassroots activism and collective action towards environmental sustainability.

3. Policy Advocacy: Earth Day allows environmental organizations and activists to advocate for policy changes and legislative action at local, national, and international levels. Earth Day contributes to developing and implementing policies prioritizing environmental protection and sustainability by mobilizing public support and raising awareness about environmental issues.

4. Global Collaboration: Earth Day fosters global collaboration and cooperation in addressing environmental challenges. With celebrations and activities organized in over 190 countries, Earth Day brings people together across borders, cultures, and languages to work towards common ecological goals. It promotes dialogue, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration on a global scale.

5. Environmental Education: Earth Day is crucial in promoting environmental education and literacy. Through educational initiatives, workshops, and outreach programs, Earth Day empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions and take environmentally responsible actions in their daily lives.

6. Long-term Impact: Earth Day’s impact extends beyond a single day of celebration. It inspires ongoing efforts and initiatives to promote environmental sustainability and stewardship throughout the year. By instilling a sense of responsibility and commitment to the planet, Earth Day contributes to long-term ecological conservation and protection.

Celebration of Earth Day

Earth Day is not just a day marked on the calendar; it’s a global celebration of our planet’s beauty, diversity, and the need for environmental stewardship. This section will explore the global celebration of Earth Day, showcasing the diverse array of activities and initiatives that raise awareness and inspire action for the betterment of our planet.

1. Community Events and Clean-up Campaigns: Communities worldwide come together on Earth Day to participate in clean-up campaigns to restore and preserve local ecosystems. From beaches and parks to rivers and urban areas, volunteers gather to remove litter and debris, restoring natural habitats and promoting environmental cleanliness.

2. Tree Planting and Greening Initiatives: Tree planting is an everyday Earth Day activity that symbolizes hope for the future and the importance of reforestation in combating climate change. Individuals, organizations, and governments organize tree-planting events in parks, schools, and public spaces, contributing to the restoration of forests and the mitigation of carbon emissions.

3. Environmental Education and Awareness Programs: Earth Day allows schools, universities, and environmental organizations to educate and inspire future generations. Educational workshops, seminars, and outreach programs raise cognition about ecological problems such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss, empowering individuals to take meaningful action.

4. Sustainable Living Workshops and Exhibitions: Sustainable living workshops and exhibitions showcase eco-friendly practices and technologies that promote resource conservation and decrease environmental impact. From renewable energy solutions to zero-waste lifestyles, these events offer practical tips and inspiration for adopting sustainable habits in daily life.

5. Advocacy and Policy Campaigns: Earth Day is a platform for advocacy and policy campaigns to influence decision-makers and promote environmental policy reforms. Activists, ecological organizations, and concerned citizens organize rallies, petitions, and lobbying efforts to demand action on pressing issues such as temperature change, deforestation , and wildlife conservation .

6. Artistic Expressions and Cultural Celebrations: Art can inspire change and foster connections with nature. Earth Day inspires artistic expression through environmental-themed art exhibitions, music concerts, poetry readings, and film screenings that raise awareness about environmental issues and celebrate the beauty of our planet.

7. Digital Activism and Social Media Campaigns: In the digital age, Earth Day celebrations extend to the online realm through digital activism and social media campaigns. Hashtags, challenges, and online events mobilize individuals and communities worldwide to share their commitment to the planet, raising awareness and inspiring collective action.

8. Reflection and Nature Appreciation: Earth Day also provides an opportunity for personal reflection and nature appreciation. Many individuals spend time outdoors, connecting with nature through activities such as hiking, camping, or simply enjoying the beauty of natural landscapes, fostering a deeper appreciation for the Earth and the need to protect it.

Earth Day Initiatives and Activities

1. Community Clean-up Events: Community clean-up events are a popular Earth Day activity, bringing together volunteers to remove litter and debris from parks, beaches, rivers, and other natural areas. These events improve the aesthetics of local environments and contribute to habitat preservation and wildlife protection.

2. Tree Planting Campaigns: Tree planting campaigns are a joint Earth Day initiative to combat deforestation, improve air quality, and enhance biodiversity. Organizations, schools, and community groups organize tree-planting events in parks, schools, and public spaces to increase green cover and mitigate the effects of climate change.

3. Recycling and Waste Reduction Programs: Earth Day promotes recycling and waste reduction programs to minimize the environmental impact of waste disposal. Initiatives include electronic waste recycling drives, composting workshops, and educational campaigns to promote recycling and reduce single-use plastics.

4. Environmental Education Workshops: Earth Day fosters environmental education through workshops, seminars, and educational programs to raise awareness about ecological issues and encourage sustainable practices. Schools, universities, and environmental organizations organize educational events to empower people with knowledge and skills to address environmental challenges.

5. Advocacy and Policy Campaigns: Earth Day is a platform for advocacy and policy campaigns to promote environmental protection and sustainability. Activists and ecological organizations organize rallies, marches, and public demonstrations to raise awareness about pressing environmental issues and advocate for local, national, and international policy changes.

6. Renewable Energy Initiatives: Earth Day promotes renewable energy industries to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change . Initiatives include solar panel installations, energy efficiency workshops, and campaigns to promote renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.

7. Nature Walks and Outdoor Activities: Earth Day encourages outdoor activities that foster a deeper connection with nature and promote environmental appreciation. Nature walks, hiking, birdwatching, and camping trips are popular Earth Day activities that encourage individuals to explore and engage with the natural world.

8. Artistic and Cultural Events: Earth Day inspires artistic and cultural events that raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainability through creative expression. Art exhibitions, eco-themed film screenings, poetry readings, and music concerts highlight the intersection of art, culture, and the environment.

Impact and Achievements of Earth Day

1. Environmental Legislation and Policies

  • Earth Day was pivotal in creating the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970, consolidating federal efforts to address environmental issues.
  • On the inaugural Earth Day, she helped establish the groundwork for extensive ecological control by enacting necessary environmental laws, such as the Endangered Species Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.

2. Global Awareness and Mobilization

  • Earth Day has evolved into a global campaign, with over 190 countries participating in activities and events annually.
  • It serves as an annual reminder of the interconnectedness of environmental issues, fostering a sense of global solidarity and mobilizing millions of people to take action.

3. Community Engagement and Grassroots Activism

  • Earth Day has empowered communities to take ownership of environmental issues through grassroots activism.
  • Community-led initiatives, such as tree planting campaigns, clean-up events, and local sustainability projects, have become integral parts of Earth Day celebrations, creating a positive impact at the local level.

4. Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility

  • Earth Day has influenced businesses and industries to adopt more sustainable practices.
  • Many corporations use Earth Day to showcase their commitment to environmental responsibility, implement green initiatives, and reduce their ecological footprint.

5. Climate Change Awareness and Advocacy

  • Earth Day has raised cognition about climate change and advocated for urgent action.
  • Global climate change marches and rallies organized on Earth Day contribute to the momentum for climate action, putting pressure on governments and corporations to address the climate crisis.

6. Environmental Education and Literacy

  • Earth Day has recreated a crucial role in promoting environmental education and literacy.
  • Schools, universities, and environmental organizations use Earth Day to organize educational workshops and events, fostering a better understanding of environmental issues among students and the general public.

7. Conservation and Habitat Protection

  • Earth Day initiatives, such as tree planting campaigns and habitat restoration projects, contribute to conservation efforts.
  • These activities aim to preserve biodiversity, protect ecosystems, and enhance the resilience of natural habitats.

8. Sustainable Innovations and Technologies

  • Earth Day has spurred innovations and technologies that promote sustainability.
  • Focusing on renewable energy, eco-friendly products, and sustainable practices has led to the developing and adopting of green technologies across various industries.

The Role of Individuals and Communities

1. Sustainable Practices

  • Individuals can adopt tolerable practices in their daily lives, such as decreasing energy consumption, conserving water, practicing recycling, and using eco-friendly products.
  • Communities can promote sustainability through collective actions, such as implementing recycling programs, supporting local farmers’ markets, and advocating for green infrastructure projects.

2. Environmental Stewardship

  • Earth Day encourages individuals to become environmental stewards by actively participating in preservation efforts, such as volunteering for clean-up events, planting trees, and restoring natural habitats.
  • Communities can engage in environmental stewardship by organizing community clean-ups, establishing green spaces, and advocating for the protection of local ecosystems.

3. Education and Awareness

  • Individuals can raise awareness about environmental issues by educating themselves and others through sharing information, participating in environmental workshops, and promoting environmental literacy.
  • Communities can organize educational events, workshops, and seminars to inform residents about environmental challenges and empower them to take action.

4. Advocacy and Activism

  • Individuals can engage in environmental advocacy by contacting policymakers, participating in environmental campaigns, and joining advocacy groups to push for policy changes that promote environmental protection and sustainability.
  • Communities can advocate for environmental policies and initiatives that benefit the local environment, such as supporting renewable energy projects, promoting sustainable transportation options, and advocating for green spaces.

5. Collaboration and Networking

  • Earth Day encourages individuals and communities to collaborate with local organizations, businesses, and government agencies to address environmental issues collectively.
  • Communities can partner with stakeholders to implement environmental initiatives, share resources, and amplify their impact.

6. Sustainable Development

  • Individuals can support sustainable development by advocating for innovative growth policies, supporting local businesses prioritizing sustainability, and participating in community planning processes.
  • Communities can prioritize sustainable development through land use planning, promoting walkable neighborhoods, and investing in green infrastructure projects.

7. Environmental Justice

  • Individuals and communities can advocate for environmental justice by addressing environmental inequalities and ensuring all communities have the keys to clean air, water , and natural resources .
  • Communities can work to address environmental injustices by advocating for equitable ecological policies, supporting marginalized communities affected by environmental hazards, and promoting inclusive decision-making processes.

Earth Day in the Digital Age

1. Online Activism and Campaigns

  • Earth Day campaigns now harness the reach of social media platforms, allowing individuals and organizations to share information, raise awareness, and mobilize support for environmental causes.
  • Hashtags, online petitions, and digital challenges help create a sense of online community and encourage participation in global environmental movements.

2. Virtual Events and Webinars

  • Earth Day events have transitioned to virtual platforms, enabling people worldwide to participate in webinars, panel discussions, and virtual conferences on various environmental topics.
  • Online events facilitate knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and networking among individuals, activists, and experts in the field.

3. Digital Education and Resources

  • Digital platforms offer a wealth of educational aids, allowing individuals to access information about environmental issues, sustainable practices, and conservation efforts from the comfort of their homes.
  • Online courses, documentaries, and interactive websites provide diverse learning opportunities to promote environmental literacy.

4. Online Eco-Campaigns and Challenges

  • Earth Day eco-challenges are pushed through internet platforms and social media to encourage wider involvement, such as reducing carbon footprints or adopting sustainable practices.
  • Digital platforms facilitate the tracking and sharing of individual and community progress in achieving eco-friendly goals.

5. Social Media Activism

  • Social media is central to Earth Day activism, allowing individuals and organizations to share visuals, stories, and information to raise awareness about environmental issues.
  • Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are powerful tools for fostering the environmental community and mobilizing support for various initiatives.

6. Online Environmental Impact Calculators

  • Digital tools enable individuals to assess and track their environmental impact through online calculators that measure carbon footprints, water usage, and waste generation.
  • These calculators provide personalized insights and recommendations for reducing environmental impact in daily life.

7. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Virtual and augmented reality technologies enhance Earth Day experiences by offering immersive and interactive ways to explore environmental issues, ecosystems, and conservation efforts.
  • VR and AR applications are utilized for educational purposes, allowing users to virtually visit threatened environments and witness the impact of climate change.

8. Global Connectivity for Environmental Movements

  • Digital platforms enable global connectivity for environmental movements, facilitating collaboration and coordination among global activists, organizations, and communities.
  • Online forums, collaborative platforms, and shared databases enhance the collective impact of environmental initiatives on a global scale.

Earth Day is a beacon of hope and action in the face of pressing environmental challenges. Its history, initiatives, and adaptation to the digital age have empowered individuals and communities worldwide to champion environmental stewardship and work towards a sustainable future for our planet.


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short essay about earth day

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Earth Day 2024

By: History.com Editors

Updated: April 22, 2024 | Original: October 27, 2009

A sign reading "Save the Earth / Its Fate Is In Our Hands" at an Earth Day march in New York City.

Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, and Earth Day 2024 is on Monday, April 22. The holiday is now a global celebration that’s sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on green living and confronting the climate crisis. The brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson and inspired by the protests of the 1960s, Earth Day began as a “national teach-in on the environment” and was held on April 22 to maximize the number of students that could be reached on university campuses. By raising public awareness of pollution, Nelson hoped to bring environmental causes into the national spotlight.

Earth Day History

By the early 1960s, Americans were becoming aware of the effects of pollution on the environment. Rachel Carson’s 1962 bestseller Silent Spring raised the specter of the dangerous effects of pesticides on the American countryside. Later in the decade, a 1969 fire on Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River shed light on the problem of chemical waste disposal. Until that time, protecting the planet’s natural resources was not part of the national political agenda, and the number of activists devoted to large-scale issues such as industrial pollution was minimal. Factories pumped pollutants into the air, lakes and rivers with few legal consequences. Big, gas-guzzling cars were considered a sign of prosperity. Only a small portion of the American population was familiar with–let alone practiced–recycling.

Did you know? A highlight of the United Nations' Earth Day celebration in New York City is the ringing of the Peace Bell, a gift from Japan, at the exact moment of the vernal equinox.

Who Started Earth Day?

Elected to the U.S. Senate in 1962, Senator Gaylord Nelson, a Democrat from Wisconsin, was determined to convince the federal government that the planet was at risk. In 1969, Nelson, considered one of the leaders of the modern environmental movement, developed the idea for Earth Day after being inspired by the anti- Vietnam War “teach-ins” that were taking place on college campuses around the United States. According to Nelson, he envisioned a large-scale, grassroots environmental demonstration “to shake up the political establishment and force this issue onto the national agenda.”

Nelson announced the Earth Day concept at a conference in Seattle in the fall of 1969 and invited the entire nation to get involved. He later recalled:

“The wire services carried the story from coast to coast. The response was electric. It took off like gangbusters. Telegrams, letters and telephone inquiries poured in from all across the country. The American people finally had a forum to express its concern about what was happening to the land, rivers, lakes and air—and they did so with spectacular exuberance.”

Denis Hayes, a young activist who had served as student president at Stanford University, was selected as Earth Day’s national coordinator, and he worked with an army of student volunteers and several staff members from Nelson’s Senate office to organize the project. According to Nelson, “Earth Day worked because of the spontaneous response at the grassroots level. We had neither the time nor resources to organize 20 million demonstrators and the thousands of schools and local communities that participated. That was the remarkable thing about Earth Day. It organized itself.”

Earth Day, 1970

On the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, rallies were held in Philadelphia, Chicago , Los Angeles and most other American cities, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In New York City , Mayor John Lindsay closed off a portion of Fifth Avenue to traffic for several hours and spoke at a rally in Union Square with actors Paul Newman and Ali McGraw. In Washington, D.C. , thousands of people listened to speeches and performances by singer Pete Seeger and others, and Congress went into recess so its members could speak to their constituents at Earth Day events.

The first Earth Day was effective at raising awareness about environmental issues and transforming public attitudes. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “Public opinion polls indicate that a permanent change in national priorities followed Earth Day 1970. When polled in May 1971, 25 percent of the U.S. public declared protecting the environment to be an important goal, a 2,500 percent increase over 1969.” Earth Day kicked off the “Environmental decade with a bang,” as Senator Nelson later put it. During the 1970s, a number of important pieces of environmental legislation were passed, among them the Clean Air Act, the Water Quality Improvement Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act. Another key development was the establishment in December 1970 of the Environmental Protection Agency, which was tasked with protecting human health and safeguarding the natural environment—air, water and land.

What Do You Do For Earth Day?

Since 1970, Earth Day celebrations have grown. In 1990, Earth Day went global, with 200 million people in over 140 nations participating, according to the Earth Day Network (EDN), a nonprofit organization that coordinates Earth Day activities. In 2000, Earth Day focused on clean energy and involved hundreds of millions of people in 184 countries and 5,000 environmental groups, according to EDN. Activities ranged from a traveling, talking drum chain in Gabon, Africa, to a gathering of hundreds of thousands of people at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. 

Today, the Earth Day Network collaborates with more than 17,000 partners and organizations in 174 countries. According to EDN, more than 1 billion people are involved in Earth Day activities, making it “the largest secular civic event in the world.”

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The Importance of Earth Day in Promoting Environmental Awareness

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Words: 576 |

Published: Sep 5, 2023

Words: 576 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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1. raising environmental awareness, 2. inspiring sustainable practices, 3. fostering a sense of responsibility, 4. global collaboration and advocacy, conclusion: a collective effort for a better planet.

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short essay about earth day

Essay on Earth Day

short essay about earth day


We all teach our children that the only place where life is possible is on earth. But how many of us have taught them the importance of earth? Did we teach our children that the earth has many natural resources which can be used by us as we wish? Or have we conveyed to them how earth gives us many benefits that we must be thankful for? This essay on Earth Day will be useful for children to learn more about it.

We must remember that what we instil in children becomes their way of life. So, if we want them to care for our mother earth , it is better to explain to them the significance of Earth Day through an essay writing on Earth Day. Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22 April to create awareness about the changes that are happening on earth and protecting our environment. In this easy essay on Earth Day in English, we will discuss why we need to celebrate Earth Day and let us consider ways to protect our earth.

Importance of Earth Day

Earth is the only planet that is considered to be fit for human life and other living beings. If there was no earth, we would not exist, nor would we be able to move to a different planet. Hence, if anything happens to the earth, our survival would be in jeopardy. Let us bear in mind that the earth must be preserved for generations to come and that we cannot utilise the resources as freely as we wish. Our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so goes the saga of our generation who have equal rights to live on earth and enjoy the resources just like us.

This easy essay on Earth Day in English will be useful for your kids to practise their essay writing skills. Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 in the USA as a way to influence the government to take environment-friendly decisions against the rising industrialisation. But now, it has achieved great momentum and is celebrated by almost every country in the world. So, keeping aside a day to make humans realise the value of the earth was necessary. With the growing concern of global warming , deforestation and pollution, we inflict harm on our earth, which must be prevented at all costs.

Celebration of Earth Day

The main idea behind celebrating Earth Day is to show kindness to earth, and any simple measure that we take towards protecting the earth will have a huge impact. Earth Day is celebrated in schools, colleges and other institutions with great enthusiasm, and your children can participate in simple activities and share their experiences through essay writing on Earth Day.

Planting trees on school grounds or family yards is the best way to celebrate Earth Day. We can also grow fruits and vegetables in a small garden in the backyard, thus making our earth look greener and cleaner. Taking public transport or riding a bicycle to school or work will reduce the pollution in the air, and buying recyclable materials or carrying reusable bags can also contribute to protecting our earth. In this way, each of us can create a significant impact on the earth and make this day a grand success.

Frequently Asked Questions on Earth Day

How did earth day come into existence.

Earth Day was introduced by Gaylord Nelson, former senator of the US and environmentalist, in 1970 when there were huge damages to the environment caused by the oil explosion. So, he decided to celebrate Earth Day to protect nature, and later, the concept was adopted by other countries in the world.

Why is Earth Day celebrated?

Earth Day is celebrated to honour our earth and its resources and create awareness of the need to protect them. Due to many issues like pollution, global warming and deforestation, our earth is suffering. Earth Day enables people to understand these problems and motivates them to protect our earth from further harm and danger.

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Paragraph on Earth Day | 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 + Words

Paragraph on earth day- 100 words.

Today is Earth Day, a day to celebrate and appreciate our planet. We often take the Earth for granted, but it is a beautiful and amazing place. We should all do our part to protect it. One way we can do this is by reducing our carbon footprint. This can be done by driving less, recycling more, and using energy-efficient appliances. Let’s all work together to make every day Earth Day!  Earth Day is an important day for everyone on this planet. It’s a day to reflect on the ways we impact our planet and what we can do to make a difference. We hope that our tips have inspired you to take action on Earth Day and every day thereafter. Together, we can make a difference in the health of our planet.

Paragraph on Earth Day- 150 Words

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. It is a day to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our planet. This year, let’s take some time to learn about the ways we can reduce our impact on the environment. We can start by recycling more, using less water, and planting trees. Every little bit helps. In conclusion, Earth Day is an important day to remember and celebrate our planet. It is a day to think about what we can do to help make the world a better place. We can all make a difference by doing things like recycling, conserving energy, and planting trees. Let’s all work together to make every day Earth Day! We must take the time to celebrate Earth Day in your own way. Whether we choose to write an essay, plant a tree, or simply recycle more, every little bit helps make a difference.

Paragraph on Earth Day- 200 Words

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd. The day was created to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of our planet. There are many ways that we can all do our part to help the environment. For example, we can recycle materials instead of throwing them away, use less water, and plant trees. On Earth Day, let’s all commit to doing our part to protect our planet. Earth Day is an important event that should be celebrated by everyone. It is a day to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of our planet and doing everything we can to protect it.  It’s a day to celebrate our beautiful home and to take action to protect it. We hope that you enjoyed reading our essay on Earth Day and that you’ll take some time today to do something good for the planet. Thank you for helping to make Earth Day a success! It is our hope that after reading this article, you will be more aware of the importance of Earth Day and what it represents. We also hope that you will take some time to think about ways that you can help make every day Earth Day by conserving resources, recycling, and generally taking care of our planet. What are some things you can do to make a difference? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Paragraph on Earth Day- 250 Words

Earth day is celebrated on April 22nd every year. It is a day to appreciate the earth and all it does for us. We should do our part to help the earth by picking up trash, planting trees, and recycling. We should also try to use less water and electricity. Earth day is a day to celebrate our planet and everything it does for us. There are many ways we can celebrate earth day. We can pick up litter, plant trees, or simply learn more about ways we can help the planet. Every little bit helps! This year, let’s all make a pledge to do our part in preserving our planet for future generations. We should be mindful of the litter we create, the water we pollute, and the air we pollute. We can show our love for the earth by planting trees, recycling, and using energy-efficient appliances. We should also teach others about the importance of taking care of our planet. Earth day is an international event that is celebrated to show support for environmental protection. This year, let’s all make a pledge to do our part in preserving our planet by recycling more, conserving energy, and being mindful of the products we use. We can also show our support by attending local events or donating to organizations that are working hard to protect our Earth. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a bright future for generations to come. Today is a day to celebrate our planet and all it has to offer. Let’s take this opportunity to appreciate the natural beauty around us, and pledge to do our part in protecting it. Whether it’s picking up litter on your daily walk or composting your kitchen scraps, every little bit helps. Together, we can make a difference for our planet.

Paragraph on Earth Day- 300 Words

The Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. This day is observed to encourage awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment. It is a day to reflect upon what we have done to the planet and what we can do to make it better. On this day, people are encouraged to plant trees, clean up litter, and recycle. We can all make a difference by doing our part to take care of the planet. Today is Earth Day, and it’s a time to reflect on how we can protect our planet. We can start by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy sources. We can also reduce our waste by recycling and composting. And we can take steps to protect wildlife and their habitats. By working together, we can make a difference for the planet. Gaylord Nelson first introduced the idea of Earth Day in 1970. He chose this day after an oil explosion severely affected the ecology of Santa Barbara. The idea of a day honoring the environment soon spread to more than 193 countries, with governments and schools taking part. Dramas dedicated to environmental preservation are commonly performed on this day. Volunteer on Earth Day by going to a nearby land and planting trees, or clean waterways or roads. Experts will come together and create open mindfulness through banners and origami projects. You need to take care of the environment because there is no one left to approach us about this, but everybody has to make extra efforts like volunteering on Earth Day. In conclusion, Earth Day is a day to celebrate our planet and all it has to offer. It is also a day to remind ourselves of the importance of taking care of our planet. We can do this by reducing our use of fossil fuels, recycling more, and planting trees. Taking care of our planet is not only good for the environment, but it’s also good for our health and the health of future generations.

Paragraph on Earth day- 500 Words

Earth day is celebrated annually on April 22. It is a day to reflect on the ways we impact our planet and to think about how we can make changes for the better. This year’s theme is “Restore Our Earth,” which focuses on natural solutions to climate change. Join us in celebrating Earth day by taking some time to learn about the ways you can help make a difference!

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. The day is meant to raise awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment. Many people use the occasion to participate in activities like planting trees, cleaning up litter, and reducing their energy consumption. Some schools even hold special Earth Day-themed events and lessons. Ultimately, the goal of Earth Day is to remind us all that we need to do our part to protect our planet.

Why is it important to celebrate Earth Day?

It is important to celebrate Earth Day because it is a reminder of the importance of caring for our planet. This day is also a reminder that we all have a responsibility to protect our environment.

Why is Earth Day Important?

Every year on April 22, Earth Day is celebrated around the world. This day is important because it reminds us to appreciate and take care of our planet. Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970, and since then it has grown into a global event. Over 193 countries now participate in Earth Day activities. Each year, millions of people come together to show their support for the environment. There are many ways to celebrate Earth Day. Some people plant trees, others pick up litter, and some businesses even go “green” for the day by using less energy. No matter how you choose to celebrate, remember that every little bit helps make a difference for our planet!

History of Earth Day

In 1970, Gaylord Nelson, a United States Senator from Wisconsin, founded Earth Day. He was inspired by the anti-war protests of the late 1960s and wanted to create a way for people to express their environmental concerns. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. It was a success, with over 20 million Americans taking part in activities across the country. Since then, Earth Day has become an annual event, celebrated on April 22nd each year. It is now recognized as the largest secular observance in the world, with over 1 billion people taking part in activities in 192 countries.The focus of Earth Day has changed over the years. In its early years, the emphasis was on raising awareness of environmental issues and encouraging people to take action to protect our planet. In recent years, the emphasis has shifted to climate change, with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and working towards a clean energy future. No matter what the focus is, Earth Day is about coming together to show our support for protecting our planet and its many resources. We can all do our part to make every day Earth Day!

What are some things people can do to celebrate Earth Day?

There are many things people can do to celebrate Earth Day. Here are just a few ideas:

1. Plant a tree or garden. This is a great way to help the environment and also enjoy the outdoors. 2. Pick up litter in your neighborhood or local park. This helps keep our planet clean and also looks nicer. 3. Learn about ways to conserve energy and water. This can save you money and help the planet at the same time. 4. Reduce, reuse, and recycle whenever possible. This helps cut down on waste and protects our environment. 5. Educate others about why it’s important to care for the planet. This can be done by sharing articles, talking with friends and family, or even just by being a good example yourself!

No matter what you do to celebrate Earth Day, remember that every little bit helps make a difference for our planet!

What are some ways to reduce our impact on the environment?

In honor of Earth Day on April 22, let’s explore some ways we can reduce our impact on the environment. One way to reduce our impact is to recycle. Recycling helps to cut down on the amount of waste that goes into landfills. It also helps to conserve resources, such as water and energy. Another way to reduce our impact is to compost. Composting helps to reduce the amount of organic waste that goes into landfills. It also helps to improve the quality of the soil. We can also reduce our impact by using less water. We can do this by fixing leaks, turning the faucet off while brushing our teeth, and using a broom instead of a hose to clean our sidewalks and driveways. Reducing our impact on the environment is important for the health of our planet. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can make a big difference.

What Can I Do to Help the Environment on Earth Day?

We all know that Earth Day is important, but what can we do to help the environment on this special day? Here are a few ideas:

1. Plant a tree. This is one of the most classic Earth Day activities, and for good reason! Trees help to improve air quality, provide habitats for wildlife, and can even help to lower your energy bills by providing shade in the summertime. 2. Recycle. Make sure to recycle any items that can be recycled instead of throwing them in the garbage. This includes things like plastic bottles, cans, paper, and glass. 3. compost. Food scraps and other organic materials can be turned into compost, which is a great natural fertilizer for gardens and plants. This helps to reduce waste while also giving back to the earth. 4. Save water. Water is a precious resource, so try to conserve it as much as possible on Earth Day and every day. Turn the faucet off when you’re brushing your teeth, water your plants during the cooler hours of the day, and fix any leaks in your home promptly. 5. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Another way to help the environment is to reduce the amount of stuff you

We hope that this article has helped you to understand a little more about Earth Day and the importance of taking care of our planet. We only have one Earth, so it’s important that we do everything we can to protect it. Take some time today to think about what you can do to help make the world a better place, and then take action! Every little bit helps.

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Celebrate Earth Day with these tips for helping our environment.

Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help to thrive! That’s why each year on April 22, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet from things like pollution and deforestation . By taking part in activities like picking up litter and planting trees, we’re making our world a happier, healthier place to live.

The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970, when a United States senator from Wisconsin organized a national demonstration to raise awareness about environmental issues. Rallies took place across the country and, by the end of the year, the U.S. government had created the Environmental Protection Agency. By 1990, Earth Day was an event celebrated by more than 140 countries around the globe.

( Learn more at National Geographic .)

You can celebrate and protect the planet at the same time. Check out these Earth Day ideas to help save the planet any time of year.


The number of garbage trucks Americans fill each year would stretch halfway to the moon. Toilet paper tubes, made from cardboard, take two months to decompose in a landfill. A plastic bottle sticks around for way longer—it can take over 450 years to break down! But instead of turning to the trash bin, you could turn these items into an awesome telescope or a flower planter. Before you throw something away, think about whether it can be recycled or repurposed. You can also limit waste by reducing the amount of things you buy. For example, check the library for that book you have to read before visiting the store.


Researchers estimate roughly 15 billion trees in the world are cut down each year, so help offset that loss by planting a tree of your own. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen for people to breathe. They also provide shelter and food for animals such as squirrels and owls . Depending on where trees are planted, their shade can even reduce the need for air-conditioning in hotter months. How many more reasons do you need to go green?


Does that lamp  really need to be on while the sun is out? Electricity doesn’t just happen—it has to be produced from things around us. A lot of times it comes from fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, or natural gas) that contribute to climate change . But electricity can also be made from renewable sources like wind, water, the sun, and even elephant dung! No matter where it’s coming from, try conserving electrical energy by using only what you need.


It might seem like it’s everywhere, but clean, drinkable water is a limited resource. In fact less than one percent of the water on Earth can be used by humans. (The rest is either too salty or too difficult to access.) Turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth can conserve up to eight gallons of water a day. To help save even more water, challenge yourself to take a shorter shower (but still get clean!).


With a parent’s permission, volunteer to pick up trash at a nearby park, start a collection drive for recyclable items, or organize a screening of an environmentally themed movie. By getting involved and working with others, you’re not just helping the Earth—you’re making new friends too!


Talk to your friends and family members about what you’re doing and ask them to help. Need to get the conversation started? Get everyone together and reconnect with nature by taking one of our Get Outside challenges, or check out some other green tips you can share. The more people do, the better off our planet will be!


• In its lifetime, one reusable bag can prevent the use of 600 plastic bags.

• Recycling one can of soda will save enough energy to power a tv for three hours.

• Shutting down a computer when it's not in use cuts the energy consumption by 85 percent.

• For every mile walked instead of driven, nearly one pound of pollution is kept out of the air.

more to explore

Learn about plastic and how to reduce your use., save the earth, save the earth tips, endangered species act.

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short essay about earth day

22 Earth Day Writing Prompts

What could be more useful for writers on Earth Day than writing prompts tackling issues such as protecting the environment, increasing use of public transportation, using fewer resources, or recycling? Originally developed as creative writing prompts for elementary school children on a site called Journal Buddies , I whittled the original list of 53 ideas to 22. I wanted a list geared more towards adults. These prompts provide topics to discuss and write about all year. If you’re a freelance writer, perhaps one of these prompts could develop into your next article. As we observe Earth Day on Sunday, April 22, we should remember to recognize it’s importance not only once a year, but every day.

  • Why is it important to recycle?
  • How does saving the environment make people healthier?
  • What policies could your city make to save energy?
  • Create five Earth Day slogans to promote recycling.
  • Make a list of everything you can think of to recycle.
  • What are some great strategies for the environment that are already in place?
  • What types of technology are good for the environment?
  • Are using reusable bags at stores is helpful and worth the energy they take to make?
  • The biggest example of waste I’ve ever seen…
  • What do you believe is the best way to preserve the environment?
  • What is your commitment to the environment?
  • Think of three Earth Day messages to get people to use less water, fuel, or electricity.
  • Ways helping the environment benefits animals…
  • What are some of the benefits of eating organic foods?
  • Buying things used is a way to…
  • Is it better to reuse or to recycle?
  • Is it better to use paper or plastic?
  • How you can cut back on waste…
  • How could your city have better public transportation?
  • What do you believe is the most endangered part of the Earth? Why?
  • Where is the most beautiful nature in your town?
  • What does it mean to live simply?

Leave a comment below if you have any other topic ideas, thoughts, or questions!

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  • Sep 27, 2023

essay on earth

Essay on Earth: Earth, our cherished celestial abode, is a marvel of the cosmos. It teems with life, boasts breathtaking landscapes, and endures the test of time. In this blog, we embark on a journey to explore the myriad facets of our planet, from its geological mysteries to the pressing challenges of preserving its ecological harmony.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Earth’s Geological History
  • 2 Earth’s Climate
  • 3 Preserving Earth’s Sustainability
  • 4 Sample Essay On Earth In 100 Words
  • 5 Sample Essay On Earth In 300 Words

Earth’s Geological History

Earth’s geological history spans eons, an epic tale told through rocks, fossils, and continents. It begins with the formation of our planet over 4.5 billion years ago, a violent birth amidst cosmic chaos. For billions of years, Earth underwent tumultuous transformations, from the fiery hell of its early years to the emergence of oceans and continents. 

Over time, life took root, evolving from simple organisms into the diverse array we know today. Plate tectonics, volcanic eruptions, and meteor impacts further shaped our world. Understanding Earth’s geological history not only unveils its past but also offers insights into its future and the importance of conservation.

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Earth’s Climate

Earth’s climate is a complex interplay of atmospheric and oceanic dynamics that determine its weather patterns and long-term conditions. It encompasses a delicate balance of temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric composition, shaping the environments where life thrives. However, this equilibrium is now disrupted by human-induced climate change.

Human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing global temperatures to rise. This shift is causing extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and disrupting ecosystems worldwide. Addressing this climate crisis is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, requiring collective action to mitigate its impacts.

Preserving Earth’s Sustainability

Sustainability on Earth is the pivotal concept guiding our actions toward a harmonious coexistence with the planet. It revolves around responsible resource management, reducing waste, and respecting ecological limits. Sustainable practices encompass clean energy, conservation of biodiversity, and equitable access to resources, ensuring a resilient future.

Achieving sustainability is paramount in mitigating environmental crises, such as climate change and habitat loss. It demands global cooperation, conscious consumer choices, and innovative solutions. By embracing sustainability, we safeguard Earth’s precious ecosystems, secure resources for future generations, and preserve the beauty and diversity of our irreplaceable home.

Sample Essay On Earth In 100 Words

Earth, our celestial home, is a testament to the grandeur of the cosmos. For over 4.5 billion years, it has nurtured life, from the simplest organisms to the diverse tapestry we witness today. Earth’s geological history reveals eons of transformation, while its climate sustains ecosystems across continents. However, our planet faces unprecedented challenges. Human actions, from pollution to deforestation, imperil the delicate balance of nature. The climate crisis threatens ecosystems and communities. Yet, Earth’s resilience offers hope. Through conservation, sustainable practices, and global cooperation, we can safeguard this precious orb, ensuring its enduring beauty for generations to come.

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Sample Essay On Earth In 300 Words

Earth, our celestial abode, stands as a testament to the sublime beauty and intricate complexity of the cosmos. One of Earth’s most captivating aspects is its geological history, a narrative etched in the layers of rock, sediment, and fossils. From its tumultuous birth in a maelstrom of cosmic debris, our planet has evolved through epochs of geological transformation. Continents have shifted, mountain ranges have risen and eroded, and life has thrived and adapted. Exploring Earth’s geological history is like reading a captivating story, revealing the secrets of its past and the forces that have shaped its present landscapes.

Yet, Earth’s allure extends far beyond its geological marvels. Its climate, a symphony of atmospheric and oceanic interactions, creates diverse ecosystems that span the globe. From the lush rainforests of the Amazon to the stark beauty of polar ice caps, Earth’s climate has sculpted environments that support a dazzling array of life forms. The rhythm of seasons, the dance of wind and water, and the harmony of predator and prey are all part of this intricate tapestry.

However, as we celebrate Earth’s wonders, we must also confront the pressing challenges it faces today. Human activities, driven by industry and consumption, have led to environmental degradation on an unprecedented scale. Pollution chokes our air and water, while deforestation and habitat loss threaten countless species. Perhaps the most urgent challenge is the spectre of climate change, driven by the relentless emission of greenhouse gases. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting ice caps are stark reminders of the consequences.

Yet, in the face of these challenges, Earth displays its resilience. It offers hope that, through collective effort, we can restore the balance that sustains life. Conservation, sustainable practices, and international cooperation are the tools we possess to safeguard our cherished home. In conclusion, Earth is a treasure trove of geological wonders and ecological diversity.

Earth is called a “blue planet” because its surface is 70% water, giving it a predominantly blue appearance when seen from space.

Earth’s resources are depleting due to overexploitation, pollution, and unsustainable practices, threatening ecosystems, freshwater, minerals, and fossil fuels.

Write about Earth’s beauty, biodiversity, ecological balance, human impact, and the urgent need for conservation and sustainable practices.

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Paragraph on World Earth Day 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students And Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph on World Earth Day:  Earth Day is a yearly occasion celebrated far and widely on 22 nd April to show support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, it currently incorporates occasions facilitated globally by the Earth Day Network. The principal Earth Day festivities occurred in 2,000 schools and colleges and many communities over the United States.

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Paragraph On World Earth Day – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

World earth day is commended each year on April 22. it is a yearly occasion celebrated by individuals all across the world. The first time the world earth day was celebrated in the year 1970 and afterward began celebrating every year on global premise by right around 192 nations.

Our Earth is the main planet known to mankind. It is important to keep up the normal resources of the Earth. April 22 has been set apart as on earth day to make the humans get mindful about the significance of their planet. Earth Day is figured to invigorate more cognizance and friendship for the Earth’s physical condition.

Paragraph On World Earth Day - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph On World Earth Day – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

The World Earth Day is observed worldwide to make mindfulness about the consistently expanding global warning, advise openly about the harmful influences it has on our day and everyday lives, and instruct everybody about techniques to forestall and fix the harm done to date.

Different consuming issues identified with environmental change, continually expanding ocean level, exhaustion of the ozone layer, and merciless deforestation are discussed out in the open.

There is nobody specifically approached to commend this day. Each individual can contribute in their specific manner to make this day a triumph. On this day, a few volunteers go to a close-by land to plant trees while a few volunteers choose to clean neighbouring paths or waterways. Various specialists hold hands and attempt to make open mindfulness by making banners, through origami ventures or their works of art. Our Earth is our duty to fix the harm that we have caused.

Paragraph On World Earth Day – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

Numerous nations around the globe observe Earth Day. It is a day that is intended to bring issues to light and thankfulness for the Earth’s as our natural habitat.

The main Earth Day was held in the USA. It was established by the United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an ecological sit-in – such a general instructive gathering or workshop. That was on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was centred around the United States, an association founded by Denis Hayes, an environmental advocate and an advocate for solar power.

Earth Day is a day that should inspire more and more mindfulness and gratefulness as well for the Earth’s. It happens every year on April 22 It currently happens more than 193 nations around the world. During Earth Day, the world urges everybody to kill every undesirable light.

The Earth Day was established by the United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as a natural protest originally hung on April 22, 1970. U Thant, the Secretary-General of United Nations around then, has remembered it. While the principal Earth Day concentrated on the United States, an association propelled by Denis Hayes, a natural supporter and a promoter for sunlight based force.

Paragraph On World Earth Day – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

April 22 is commended as the World Earth Day to exhibit support for the well being of the Earth and raise open mindfulness about the issue. Since 1970, over 190 nations, praise it consistently. This year, consenting to of Paris arrangement adds more criticalness to the significance of World Earth Day. Around 120 nations, including the US and China, will sign this arrangement and vow to deliver laws that will diminish the emanation of ozone harming substances into the climate.

World Earth Day is praised worldwide to make mindfulness about the consistently expanding global warning, to advise openly about the cataclysmic influences it has on our day by day lives, and to teach everybody about techniques to forestall and fix the harm that has been done work date. Different consuming issues identified with environmental change, continually expanding ocean level, exhaustion of the ozone layer, and merciless deforestation are discussed in the open.

Each individual can contribute in their specific manner to make this day a triumph. On this day, a few volunteers go to a close-by land to plant trees for a greener planet while a few volunteers choose to clean neighbouring paths or waterways. Various specialists hold hands and attempt to make open mindfulness by making banners, through origami ventures or their works of art.

Long-distance races are sorted out, individuals take an interest in flame light walk, and the nearby bodies organize many Earth day programs. We should hold hands to praise the World Earth Day on April 22 in the manner we can. Indeed, even a little motion like turning off the lights of our home for one hour has a major effect. It is our home, our Earth, and we must fix the harm that we have caused.

Paragraph On World Earth Day - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

FAQ’s on Paragraph on World Earth Day

Question 1. What is the significance of World Earth Day?

Answer: Earth Day is commended on April 22, consistently. The day intends to bring issues to light among masses about environmental change and global warming. The day motivates to act towards the assurance of the Earth and spotlight on the requirement for protection. Earth Day is perceived as the biggest community occasion in the world.

Question 2. What is the subject for Earth Day 2020?

Answer: What was the subject for Earth Day 2020? The topic for Earth Day 2020 was atmosphere activity. The gigantic test and the huge chances of activity on environmental change have recognized the issue as the most squeezing point for the 50th commemoration.

Question 3. What is the significance of Earth?

Answer: Earth is our home, and we don’t have another planet to go to. So Earth is of fundamental significance for mankind as it gives us a spot to make due, flourish, and create. Earth is likewise, apparently,  a truly extraordinary spot known to man that has incredible biodiversity – both in plants and in animals.

Question 4. Which person is known as the father of Earth Day?

Answer: Gaylord Nelson is known as the father of Earth Day.

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Essay On Earth Day – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Earth Day For Lower Primary Classes

5 lines on earth day for children, 10 lines on earth day for kids, a paragraph on earth day for children, short essay on earth day in english for children, long essay on earth day for kids, interesting facts about earth day for kids, what will your child learn from the earth day essay.

Parents teach their children that this planet is the only planet where life is possible. But how many of us have stressed the value of the earth to them? Did we teach our kids that the earth is home to various natural resources that we can use the way we please? Or have we explained to children how much the world provides for us, for which we should be grateful? Therefore, it is essential to convey the significance of Earth Day to them through activities like writing an essay on World Earth Day in English if we want them to protect our planet. Every year on April 22, Earth Day is observed to raise awareness of the changes on the planet and promote environmental protection. We shall discuss why we should celebrate Earth Day through an essay on earth day for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Essay writing follows a particular pattern. Below are some key points to remember when composing an essay. These points are outlined below:

  • Always start your essay with an introductory paragraph.
  • Remember to divide the essay into paragraphs covering a different idea or topic.
  • Ensure that you include an impactful conclusion.
  • Have pointers about what we can do to protect and save the earth.

Here are a few lines on Earth Day for children. They can use this as a reference to compose their own essays.

  • Every year on April 22, the world observes Earth Day.
  • The earth is essential to our existence. There is currently no planet outside earth where life may exist.
  • Earth Day is marked to raise awareness about protecting the environment and preventing pollution, deforestation, population increase, war, etc., from harming the planet.
  • In particular, schools observe this day. Students frequently participate in speaking engagements, debates, painting contests, and other similar events to express their viewpoints.
  • Earth is our home, so we should do everything we can to protect it from the threats humans have caused.

Here is a 10-line essay about Earth Day for kids. This essay for classes 1 and 2 can use as a template or guide.

  • The planet earth is home to millions of people and numerous plant and animal species.
  • Earth Day draws attention to the issues like global warming and the depletion of natural resources.
  • The significance of environmental protection for human survival is highlighted by World Earth Day.
  • Oceans and land on earth provide a home for numerous animals. We must save this planet.
  • World Earth Day first gained international recognition in 1990.
  • The first Earth Day was observed on April 22, 1970.
  • Many programmes are conducted in schools and colleges to celebrate Earth Day.
  • The most crucial thing, regardless of how you choose to observe Earth Day, is to do something to save our world. Each little bit counts!
  • Earth is supposed to be 4.5 billion years old. Earth Day celebration is the perfect reminder to humanity to check their actions and stop further damage.
  • In 2022, we celebrated Earth Day on the theme ‘Invest in our Planet’.

Earth Day is a significant day that is celebrated throughout the world. Here is a short paragraph on Earth Day for children.

The annual World Earth Day is observed on April 22. Gaylord Nelson first proposed the idea of World Earth Day in 1970. The Oil Explosion severely harmed the aquatic and terrestrial environments in Santa Barbara in 1969. Following this tragic occurrence, he decided to mark a day honouring nature. Another trigger was the student’s anti-war movement around that time. Initially only popular in the United States, this day’s celebration has since spread worldwide. It is widely observed in more than 193 nations around the world. Activities to protect the environment are part of the event. Skits and short dramas are performed during Earth Day celebrations in schools and colleges.

Older children are required to write a slightly longer essay. Here is a short essay within 200 words.

Every year on April 22, the world observes World Earth Day and raises awareness of the need to conserve the environment. More living space is required due to the expanding population. This is the primary cause of deforestation, increase in traffic and concrete jungle growth. All these factors led to introducing a particular day for the world to honour our planet. Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin had long been concerned about the deteriorating environment in the United States, and he proposed the idea of Earth Day. The first Earth Day was observed on April 22, 1970. World Earth Day first gained international recognition in 1990. The world will commemorate World Earth Day’s 53rd anniversary on April 22, 2023. The 2022 Earth Day was observed under the banner of “Invest in our planet”. Skits and short dramas are performed during Earth Day celebrations in schools and colleges.

Here is a long essay describing the history and importance of Earth Day. This is an essay for class 3.

The only planet where life exists is earth. It’s special and the only place we have to live, and it will put our very existence in peril if we can’t keep it safe. Numerous factors are necessary for life on earth. There must be land, water, soil, forests, and air for life to exist on earth. But unregulated resource consumption, deforestation, pollution, climatic shifts, and other factors have seriously harmed the earth’s environment. Earth has enough resources to feed us all, but careless resource extraction has poisoned the land, the water, and the climate while drastically reducing biodiversity. Earth Day is an important day for humanity. The day enforces the importance of planet earth by addressing the problems like deforestation and global warming so that humans review their way of conduct.

What Is The History Of Earth Day?

People first became aware of the dire state of our planet around 1970 and started making efforts to protect it. The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970. US Senator Gaylord Nelson primarily inspired the idea for Earth Day. He demanded action in support of the environment alongside activists, students, environmentalists, and the general public. More than 190 nations now observe World Earth Day on April 22 every year.

Importance And Significance Of Earth Day

We must realise that we cannot survive without the presence of mother nature. Here are some of the reasons why Earth Day is important:

  • Earth Day serves as a reminder that sustainable living is necessary for ecological balance now more than ever.
  • It allows us to consider how crucial it is to preserve ecosystems, nature, and other forms of life.
  • Earth Day serves as a warning to alert us to global warming. The temperature increase has brought on global catastrophes and extreme climate shifts.
  • On Earth Day, we are reminded to act right away to stop the harmful effects of climate change.
  • A better society could result from economic changes brought about by sustainability, which is at the heart of the Earth Day celebration.

How Is Earth Day Celebrated?

Here are some earth day activities you can do to celebrate and honour the day:

  • Earth Day gathering or event: This is a fantastic method to increase public awareness of environmental issues and engage everyone in honouring our planet.
  • Planting a tree or creating a garden: This is another way to enhance the appearance of school grounds and neighbourhoods while benefiting the environment.
  • By recycling whatever you can: Your surrounding should be equipped with recycling containers, and everyone should be encouraged to utilise them.
  • Walk/Bike days: This is a great way to reduce pollution and emissions.
  • Solar power:  Solar energy is a clean, renewable resource that can be used to power homes and businesses.

Here are some exciting and essential earth day facts for your kids

  • Protesters against the Vietnam War inspired Earth Day.
  • The date of April 22 was chosen for Earth Day to draw in more college students, who were known to be politically engaged at the time.
  • 20 million Americans observed the inaugural Earth Day in 1970.
  • An official theme song was composed for Earth Day.

By writing an essay on Earth Day, kids will understand our planet’s problems and try to be sensible in their actions to stop further damage. Writing will give them a new perspective, and they will know the format of addressing such essays.

1. Why Do We Celebrate Earth Day?

The purpose of Earth Day is to honour the planet and its resources while raising awareness for the need to safeguard them.

2. How Many Countries Participate In Earth Day?

Around 190 countries participate in it.

3. Who Was The First Person To Celebrate Earth Day?

The Earth Day concept came into action in 1970 through the efforts of Senator Gaylord Nelson.

Writing an essay on Earth Day will allow kids to see the problems of our planet in a new light, and they will strive to bring some changes by adopting a sustainable outlook.

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Essay on Earth

500 words essay on earth.

The earth is the planet that we live on and it is the fifth-largest planet. It is positioned in third place from the Sun. This essay on earth will help you learn all about it in detail. Our earth is the only planet that can sustain humans and other living species. The vital substances such as air, water, and land make it possible.

essay on earth

All About Essay on Earth

The rocks make up the earth that has been around for billions of years. Similarly, water also makes up the earth. In fact, water covers 70% of the surface. It includes the oceans that you see, the rivers, the sea and more.

Thus, the remaining 30% is covered with land. The earth moves around the sun in an orbit and takes around 364 days plus 6 hours to complete one round around it. Thus, we refer to it as a year.

Just like revolution, the earth also rotates on its axis within 24 hours that we refer to as a solar day. When rotation is happening, some of the places on the planet face the sun while the others hide from it.

As a result, we get day and night. There are three layers on the earth which we know as the core, mantle and crust. The core is the centre of the earth that is usually very hot. Further, we have the crust that is the outer layer. Finally, between the core and crust, we have the mantle i.e. the middle part.

The layer that we live on is the outer one with the rocks. Earth is home to not just humans but millions of other plants and species. The water and air on the earth make it possible for life to sustain. As the earth is the only livable planet, we must protect it at all costs.

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There is No Planet B

The human impact on the planet earth is very dangerous. Through this essay on earth, we wish to make people aware of protecting the earth. There is no balance with nature as human activities are hampering the earth.

Needless to say, we are responsible for the climate crisis that is happening right now. Climate change is getting worse and we need to start getting serious about it. It has a direct impact on our food, air, education, water, and more.

The rising temperature and natural disasters are clear warning signs. Therefore, we need to come together to save the earth and leave a better planet for our future generations.

Being ignorant is not an option anymore. We must spread awareness about the crisis and take preventive measures to protect the earth. We must all plant more trees and avoid using non-biodegradable products.

Further, it is vital to choose sustainable options and use reusable alternatives. We must save the earth to save our future. There is no Planet B and we must start acting like it accordingly.

Conclusion of Essay on Earth

All in all, we must work together to plant more trees and avoid using plastic. It is also important to limit the use of non-renewable resources to give our future generations a better planet.

FAQ on Essay on Earth

Question 1: What is the earth for kids?

Answer 1: Earth is the third farthest planet from the sun. It is bright and bluish in appearance when we see it from outer space. Water covers 70% of the earth while land covers 30%. Moreover, the earth is the only planet that can sustain life.

Question 2: How can we protect the earth?

Answer 2: We can protect the earth by limiting the use of non-renewable resources. Further, we must not waste water and avoid using plastic.

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Paragraph on World Earth Day

World Earth Day is celebrated annually worldwide on 22nd April. World Earth Day or Earth Day is celebrated by the motto of preserving mother earth. In 1970, the first Earth Day was commemorated for paying tribute to the loss of aquatic bodies in Santa Barbara. In the below section, there are some of the important paragraphs on World Earth Day. Kindly read it as per your need.

Short and Long Paragraphs on World Earth Day

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

World Earth Day is celebrated on 22 April annually. In the year 1970, Gaylord Nelson first introduced the concept of World Earth Day. In the year 1969, in Santa Barbara, the aquatic and terrestrial environment was highly damaged by the Oil explosion. After this sad event, he decided to commemorate a day dedicated to nature.

The trend of celebrating this day was first popular in the United States only, but later on, the world adapted it. Around the globe, more than 193 countries celebrate it on a grand level. The celebration involves environmental preservation activities. In school and colleges, skits and short plays are prepared for celebrating the earth day.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

World Earth Day Coordinator : World Earth Day is coordinated by Non-Profit Organization EDN i.e. Earth Day Network. Earth Day is meant to establish awareness among people for preserving nature. EDN manages and decides the theme of World Earth Day. Themes are the agenda for which the day is dedicated too.

On 22 nd April 1970, Billions of people came on the street with the banners and slogans of protecting earth and nature. In the year 2009, the US designated the day as “World Mother Earth Day” .

Universally earth is the only planet where life dwells. Sadly, the quality of the environment is deteriorating consistently. Nature is an integral part of the earth, but in a fast-growing world, nature is highly affected.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

World Earth Day is the day dedicated to the integral role of earth in our lives.

Why there is a need for celebrating Earth Day?

Due to the depletion of Natural resources, the need for celebrating a day for the earth is necessary. Deforestation, Global Warming, Pollution, etc. are the major issues of the world, for fighting against these issues celebration of Earth Day is necessary. In the desire for a prosperous life, man-made activities are depleting the quality of the environment.

UN Senate realized the need for awareness among people for preserving nature, so he originated a special day for reminding the role of earth.

Growing population is also of the reason behind depleting the quality of nature. Man-made construction sites are degrading the balance of nature; it is one of the major reasons for celebrating World Earth Day. The main focus of the world earth day celebration is to protect the earth from pollution and other harmful elements. For reminding the importance of earth and its gift of nature, World earth Day is commemorated annually.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

World Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April annually; it aware of the people for protecting our planet. The growing population demands more space to live. This is the main reason for the cutting down of forests, more vehicles on the road, developing concrete jungle.

For all of these reasons, a specific day is introduced to the world for paying respect towards our planet. Some of the specific facts about Earth Day are the following:

  • First Earth Day was commemorated on 22 April 1970.
  • Gaylord Nelson was the US Senator and he realized the need for establishing a day dedicated to earth.
  • In 1990, World Earth Day was recognized on the world platform.
  • It is said the 1969 oil spill incident of Sant Barbara finished the zillions of aquatic entities including greenery.
  • World Earth Day is followed by the Earth week.
  • On 22 April 2020 world will celebrate the 50 th anniversary of World Earth Day.
  • For celebrating the 2020 th Earth Day, EDN has announced the theme of ‘Climate Action’.
  • From the past few years, the world is facing sudden climate change that is why the 50 th anniversary of earth day will be commemorated by the theme of ‘Climate Change’.
  • In Panama, there is a record of panting tons of orchids on Earth Day.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

World Earth Day was introduced by Gaylord Nelson in the year 1970. Worldwide it became popular in 1990. Each year on 22nd April worldwide programs are organized for contributing individual efforts for nature.

Some of the activities usually conduct on Earth Day :

  • On this day mass tree plantation programs are conducted across the world.
  • Famous Environment activists deliberate their speeches.
  • On the Social Media platform, the theme of World Earth Day is promoted.
  • Events like cleaning roads and rivers are organized.
  • Quiz competitions, slogan writing competitions, Painting Competitions, and other academic level activities are organized in schools and colleges.
  • In government offices, garbage cleaning events are organized on a mass level.
  • Interviews, Talk show, Photography competitions, exhibitions, etc. events also organize on a huge level on earth day.
  • Residential societies organize colony and society level cleaning campaigns by volunteers.

UN Sustainable Goal: The sustainable goal of the UN was to aware people of the importance of the earth. The visionary thought of protecting the earth from getting depleted is the reason behind celebrating earth day.

Richer the Diversity, more the depletion : Our planet is rich in bio-diversities. For each organism dwelling here needs fresh air and water to survive. In the past few years, pollution is the major reason for degrading the quality of air and water.

Benefits of Celebrating Earth Day: World Earth Day gives a message to the world for treating the mother earth like our family. Societies take interest in environment preservation steps. Children acknowledge the importance of mother earth. A person contributes more to keeping the environment clean. By conducting plantation events, tons of trees planted annually on the eve of Earth Day.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. The theme of Earth Day 2021 was Restore our Earth.

Ans. Earth Day is celebrated since 1970.

Ans. 190 countries are part of Earth Day.

Ans. US Senator Gaylord Nelson started Earth Day.

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Paragraph on Earth Day

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Earth Day in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Earth Day in 100 Words

Earth Day is a special day when we think about our planet, the Earth. It happens every year on April 22. On this day, people around the world do things to help our environment. They plant trees, clean up parks, and learn about how to take care of our Earth. It’s like a big birthday party for our planet! We all live here, so it’s important we keep it clean and safe. Earth Day reminds us that every day is a chance to be good to our planet. It’s a day of fun and learning about the Earth.

Paragraph on Earth Day in 200 Words

Earth Day is a special day that reminds us to take care of our beautiful planet. We celebrate it every year on April 22. It began in 1970 when people started to realize that they had to do something about pollution. They saw that our Earth was getting dirty, with rubbish in our rivers, smog in our air, and litter on our streets. On Earth Day, people all around the world do things to help clean up our planet. They might pick up trash, plant trees, recycle or save water. It’s a day to think about what we can do to make our Earth a healthier place to live, not just for us, but for all the animals and plants too. It’s like a big birthday party for our planet, where instead of getting presents, we give back by taking care of it. We should remember that every day can be Earth Day if we always take care of our planet, just like we take care of our toys and pets. So, let’s do our part to keep our Earth clean and green!

Also check:

Paragraph on Earth Day in 250 Words

Earth Day is a special day celebrated worldwide on April 22 each year to remind us to take care of our planet. It began in 1970 in the United States when people started noticing the negative impacts of industrial development on the environment. Today, people from all corners of the world come together on this day to promote awareness about environmental issues like climate change, pollution, and deforestation. The main goal of Earth Day is to teach people to love and respect the environment and take steps to protect it. This could be as simple as planting a tree, using less water, recycling, or picking up litter. Schools often hold special events where students learn about the environment and take part in activities that help the planet. These might include making posters about saving water or planting trees in the local area. Many environmental groups also organize clean-up drives in parks, beaches, and roads. Other events include walks, runs, and bike rides to encourage people to use less fuel. Earth Day teaches us that every small action can make a big difference when it comes to protecting our planet. It’s a day to remember that our Earth is a beautiful place and it’s our job to keep it that way for future generations.

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