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Gibbs Reflective Cycle Example

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Critically reflect on an encounter with a service user in a health care setting

This essay aims to critically reflect on an encounter with a service user in a health care setting. The Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle will be used as this is a popular model of reflection. Reflection is associated with learning from experience. It is viewed as an important approach for professionals who embrace lifelong learning (Jasper, 2013). In general terms, reflective practice is the process of learning through and from an experience or activity to gain new understandings of self and/or practice (Bout et al., 1985; Jasper, 2013). This method is viewed as a way of promoting the personal and professional development of qualified and independent professionals, eventually stimulating both personal and professional growth (Jasper, 2013). Dating back to 1988, the Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle encompasses six stages of reflection which enable the reflector to think through all the phases of an activity or experience (Gibbs, 1998). The model is unique because it includes knowledge, actions, emotions and suggests that experiences are repeated, which is different from Kolb’s reflective model (Kolb, 1984) and thus, the model is wider and a more flexible approach in examining a situation in a critical light to enable future changes (Zeichner and Liston, 1996).

1. Description

The incident I will be reflecting on occurred whilst I was placed on the oncology ward during my first year of qualified nursing. We had an elderly service user on the ward, who had been admitted due to stomach cancer. Upon his arrival, we read his notes which highlighted that he had significant learning difficulties, meaning that he also had problems with verbal communication. The main areas of reflection are how both myself and the other nurses used communication to calm the patient and show compassion, as well as how we adapted our care to address their individual needs. A nurse came onto the ward with three members of the public, who were viewing the ward as part of a job advertising process. When the nurse entered the patients bay, she informed the members of the public that the service users in that bay were currently receiving radiotherapy treatment. Upon hearing the nurse’s words, the service user became overtly distressed and began crying, shrieking and hitting his head backwards against his pillow –it took time; however, another nurse managed to calm him down by talking in a soothing manner.

2. Feelings

Prior to the incident occurring, I was mindful that the nurse was showing the three members of the public around the oncology ward, as part of a job advertising process. At the time of the incident, I had only been working on the oncology ward for six months so still felt slightly unsure of my position within the team. Ultimately, I did not feel confident or experienced enough to deal with this situation independently. I think that my increased level of anxiety meant that I struggled to intervene, however it is still clear that both my colleagues and myself should have intervened more quickly to ensure that the patient was dealt with effectively. Moreover, I was very surprised when the nurse failed to take into consideration the individual needs of the service user during the visit of the ward, as the distress caused to both the service user and the members of the public was very unnecessary.

3. Evaluation

In hindsight, the experience had both good and bad elements which have led to an increased understanding of the service user experience and my role as a nurse practitioner within the oncology team. My role was to give physical examinations and evaluate the service user’s health, prescribe and administer medication, recommend diagnostic and laboratory tests/read the results, manage treatment side effects, and provide support to patients – this includes acting in their best interests. I feel that I did not fulfil the latter responsibility completely. This duty to protect service user’s full confidentiality and ensuring that the nurse who was showing the members of the public around the ward was aware of the service user’s communication difficulties and resulting anxiety was not fulfilled. Our failure to act as a team, by sharing information and stepping in before a situation escalated, shows that there was a low level of group cohesiveness (Rutkowski, Gruder and Romer, 1983).

4. Analysis

According to the Nursing Times Clinical (2004), people with learning difficulties often have a struggle with adapting to new situations, which means that there is a potential for problematic behaviour when dealing with something outside of their comfort zone. Nevertheless, as suggested by the Nursing Times Clinical (2004), healthcare staff should be aware of how to effectively interact with people who have a learning disability and this can be aided through regular and valuable reflection. Prior to admission into the hospital, it is advised that professionals find out about the patient's communication and their likes and dislikes; address any potential fears either through discussion or by allowing the patient to visit the ward to meet the nursing staff (Nursing Times Clinical, 2004). Moreover, the day to day communication towards patients with learning difficulties should involve patient-centred/holistic care in addressing patient needs, which incorporates both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. Therefore, professionals should make eye contact, look and listen, allocate more time for the patient, be interactive and communicative, remain patient and in some cases, enable any professionals who may have had experience with people with a learning difficulty to care for the patient (Nursing Times Clinical, 2004).

If you need assistance with writing your reflective practice, our professional Reflective Practice is here to help!

MENCAP states that one of the most common problems when accessing healthcare for people with learning disabilities is poor communication (n.d). This can be aided by offering the service user an advocate to communicate on their behalf and by providing information in a variety of ways including visual. They further this with the notion that healthcare professionals should equally value all people, adapt their service so that it meets different needs and understand that each individual will have different needs (MENCAP, n.d). The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2015) further this in 'The Code', which states that all registered nurses and midwives must abide by the professional standards which are to: prioritise people, practise effectively, preserve safety and promote professionalism and trust. Therefore, the incident whereby another nurse did not take into consideration the individual needs of the patient does not abide by the professional code of conduct; ultimately, they did not recognise when the patient was anxious or in distress and respond compassionately, paying attention to promoting the wellbeing of the service user and making use of a range of verbal and non-verbal communication methods (NMC, 2015). Compassion is one of the '6cs' introduced in 2012 - which are the values and behaviours that are viewed as the quality markers of a health and care service - these being: care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment (Department of Health, 2012). The 6Cs carry equal weight and should be a part of all service delivery - ensuring that patients are always placed at the heart of the provision (DoH, 2012).

5. Conclusion

From this experience, I am now more mindful of the importance of being assertive and exert professionalism in practice (and not feel as though I cannot do something because of my position within the team or length of experience) if similar situations were to arise in the future. The insight I have gained from this experience means that I am now more aware of the implications of not acting immediately and the importance of acting in the best interests of the patient, even when this may take courage. Strong working relationships between healthcare professionals should also be given a greater emphasis within the oncology ward, so to increase levels of group cohesiveness (Rutkowski, Gruder and Romer, 1983).

Action Plan

In the future, I aim to be more proactive in dealing with a situation face on regardless of my role within the team or level of experience; this includes dealing with a stressed service user, ensuring that information is passed on to the relevant staff and intervening when I believe that is a risk to a service user’s health or mental wellbeing. Moreover, I will address the needs and alter how I approach a patient with learning difficulties in the future by ensuring that I use the different methods of communication and undertake some independent research on their specific needs; the information of which I can use in my nursing practice.

I will not assume that other members of staff will always be aware or mindful of the individual needs and/or triggers of a service user, and I will not presume that other members of staff will always act in a wholly professional way. I will continue to undertake regular professional reflective practice, using the on-going model proposed by Gibbs (1988). I also aim to consistently and confidently implement the principles and values as set out by the National League for Nursing, relating to the individual needs of service users, these being:

  • To respect the dignity and moral wholeness of every person without conditions or limitation.
  • To affirm the uniqueness of and differences among people, their ideas, values and ethnicities. (National League for Nursing, 2017, n.d).

These are furthered by the National Health Service (NHS), which was created out of the ideal that quality healthcare should be available to all and should meet the individual needs of everyone.

Reference List

Boud, D., Keogh, R. and Walker, D. (1985) Promoting reflection in learning: a model. In D. Boud, R. Keogh and D. Walker (eds.) Reflection: turning experience into learning. London: Kogan Page.

Department of Health (DoH). (2012) Compassion in Practice. London: Department of Health.

Gibbs G (1988) Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford.

Jasper, M. (2013) Beginning Reflective Practice. 2nd edition. Andover: Cengage.

Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

MENCAP. (n.d) Communicating with people with a learning disability. Online. Available at:

National Health Service (NHS). (2015) Principles and values that guide the NHS. Online. Available at:

National League for Nursing. (2017) Core Values. Online. Available at:

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). (2015) The Code. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Nursing Times Clinical. (2004) Managing the needs of people who have a learning disability, Nursing Times 100 (10) pp. 28-29.

Oxford Brookes University. (2017) Reflective writing: About Gibbs reflective cycle. Online. Available at:

Rutkowski, G. K., Gruder, C. L., & Romer, D. (1983). Group cohesiveness, social norms, and bystander intervention, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(3), pp.545-552.

Zeichner, K. and Liston, D. (1996) Reflective Teaching: an introduction. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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Reflection Toolkit

Gibbs' Reflective Cycle

One of the most famous cyclical models of reflection leading you through six stages exploring an experience: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan.

Gibbs' Reflective Cycle was developed by Graham Gibbs in 1988 to give structure to learning from experiences.  It offers a framework for examining experiences, and given its cyclic nature lends itself particularly well to repeated experiences, allowing you to learn and plan from things that either went well or didn’t go well. It covers 6 stages:

  • Description of the experience
  • Feelings and thoughts about the experience
  • Evaluation of the experience, both good and bad
  • Analysis to make sense of the situation
  • Conclusion about what you learned and what you could have done differently
  • Action plan for how you would deal with similar situations in the future, or general changes you might find appropriate.

Below is further information on:

  • The model – each stage is given a fuller description, guiding questions to ask yourself and an example of how this might look in a reflection
  • Different depths of reflection – an example of reflecting more briefly using this model

This is just one model of reflection. Test it out and see how it works for you. If you find that only a few of the questions are helpful for you, focus on those. However, by thinking about each stage you are more likely to engage critically with your learning experience.

A circular diagram showing the 6 stages of Gibbs' Reflective cycle

This model is a good way to work through an experience. This can be either a stand-alone experience or a situation you go through frequently, for example meetings with a team you have to collaborate with. Gibbs originally advocated its use in repeated situations, but the stages and principles apply equally well for single experiences too. If done with a stand-alone experience, the action plan may become more general and look at how you can apply your conclusions in the future.

For each of the stages of the model a number of helpful questions are outlined below. You don’t have to answer all of them but they can guide you about what sort of things make sense to include in that stage. You might have other prompts that work better for you.


Here you have a chance to describe the situation in detail. The main points to include here concern what happened. Your feelings and conclusions will come later.

Helpful questions:

  • What happened?
  • When and where did it happen?
  • Who was present?
  • What did you and the other people do?
  • What was the outcome of the situation?
  • Why were you there?
  • What did you want to happen?

Example of 'Description'

For an assessed written group-work assignment, my group (3 others from my course) and I decided to divide the different sections between us so that we only had to research one element each. We expected we could just piece the assignment together in the afternoon the day before the deadline, meaning that we didn’t have to schedule time to sit and write it together. However, when we sat down it was clear the sections weren’t written in the same writing style. We therefore had to rewrite most of the assignment to make it a coherent piece of work.  We had given ourselves enough time before the deadline to individually write our own sections, however we did not plan a great deal of time to rewrite if something were to go wrong. Therefore, two members of the group had to drop their plans that evening so the assignment would be finished in time for the deadline.

Here you can explore any feelings or thoughts that you had during the experience and how they may have impacted the experience.

  • What were you feeling during the situation?
  • What were you feeling before and after the situation?
  • What do you think other people were feeling about the situation?
  • What do you think other people feel about the situation now?
  • What were you thinking during the situation?
  • What do you think about the situation now?

Example of 'Feelings'

Before we came together and realised we still had a lot of work to do, I was quite happy and thought we had been smart when we divided the work between us. When we realised we couldn’t hand in the assignment like it was, I got quite frustrated. I was certain it was going to work, and therefore I had little motivation to actually do the rewriting. Given that a couple of people from the group had to cancel their plans I ended up feeling quite guilty, which actually helped me to work harder in the evening and get the work done faster. Looking back, I’m feeling satisfied that we decided to put in the work.

Here you have a chance to evaluate what worked and what didn’t work in the situation. Try to be as objective and honest as possible. To get the most out of your reflection focus on both the positive and the negative aspects of the situation, even if it was primarily one or the other.

  • What was good and bad about the experience?
  • What went well?
  • What didn’t go so well?
  • What did you and other people contribute to the situation (positively or negatively)?

Example of 'Evaluation'

The things that were good and worked well was the fact that each group member produced good quality work for the agreed deadline. Moreover, the fact that two people from the group cancelled plans motivated us to work harder in the evening. That contributed positively to the group’s work ethic. The things that clearly didn’t work was that we assumed we wrote in the same way, and therefore the overall time plan of the group failed.

The analysis step is where you have a chance to make sense of what happened. Up until now you have focused on details around what happened in the situation. Now you have a chance to extract meaning from it. You want to target the different aspects that went well or poorly and ask yourself why. If you are looking to include academic literature, this is the natural place to include it.

  • Why did things go well?
  • Why didn’t it go well?
  • What sense can I make of the situation?
  • What knowledge – my own or others (for example academic literature) can help me understand the situation?

Example of 'Analysis'

I think the reason that our initial division of work went well was because each person had a say in what part of the assignment they wanted to work on, and we divided according to people’s self-identified strengths. I have experienced working this way before and discovered when I’m working by myself I enjoy working in areas that match my strengths. It seems natural to me that this is also the case in groups.

I think we thought that this approach would save us time when piecing together the sections in the end, and therefore we didn’t think it through. In reality, it ended up costing us far more time than expected and we also had to stress and rush through the rewrite.  I think the fact we hadn’t planned how we were writing and structuring the sections led us to this situation.

I searched through some literature on group work and found two things that help me understand the situation. Belbin’s (e.g. 2010) team roles suggests that each person has certain strengths and weaknesses they bring to a group. While we didn’t think about our team members in the same way Belbin does, effective team work and work delegation seems to come from using people’s different strengths, which we did.

Another theory that might help explain why we didn’t predict the plan wouldn’t work is ‘Groupthink’ (e.g. Janis, 1991). Groupthink is where people in a group won’t raise different opinions to a dominant opinion or decision, because they don’t want to seem like an outsider. I think if we had challenged our assumptions about our plan - by actually being critical, we would probably have foreseen that it wouldn’t work. Some characteristics of groupthink that were in our group were: ‘collective rationalisation’ – we kept telling each other that it would work; and probably ‘illusion of invulnerability’ – we are all good students, so of course we couldn’t do anything wrong.

I think being aware of groupthink in the future will be helpful in group work, when trying to make decisions.


In this section you can make conclusions about what happened. This is where you summarise your learning and highlight what changes to your actions could improve the outcome in the future. It should be a natural response to the previous sections.

  • What did I learn from this situation?
  • How could this have been a more positive situation for everyone involved?
  • What skills do I need to develop for me to handle a situation like this better?
  • What else could I have done?

Example of a 'Conclusion'

I learned that when a group wants to divide work, we must plan how we want each section to look and feel – having done this would likely have made it possible to put the sections together and submit without much or any rewriting. Moreover, I will continue to have people self-identify their strengths and possibly even suggest using the ‘Belbin team roles’-framework with longer projects. Lastly, I learned that we sometimes have to challenge the decisions we seem to agree on in the group to ensure that we are not agreeing just because of groupthink.

Action plan

At this step you plan for what you would do differently in a similar or related situation in the future. It can also be extremely helpful to think about how you will help yourself to act differently – such that you don’t only plan what you will do differently, but also how you will make sure it happens. Sometimes just the realisation is enough, but other times reminders might be helpful.

  • If I had to do the same thing again, what would I do differently?
  • How will I develop the required skills I need?
  • How can I make sure that I can act differently next time?

Example of 'Action Plan'

When I’m working with a group next time, I will talk to them about what strengths they have. This is easy to do and remember in a first meeting, and also potentially works as an ice-breaker if we don’t know each other well. Next, if we decide to divide work, I will insist that we plan out what we expect from it beforehand. Potentially I would suggest writing the introduction or first section together first, so that we have a reference for when we are writing our own parts. I’m confident this current experience will be enough to remind me to suggest this if anyone says we should divide up the work in the future. Lastly, I will ask if we can challenge our initial decisions so that we are confident we are making informed decisions to avoid groupthink. If I have any concerns, I will tell the group. I think by remembering I want the best result possible will make me be able to disagree even when it feels uncomfortable.

Different depths of reflection

Depending on the context you are doing the reflection in, you might want use different levels of details. Here is the same scenario, which was used in the example above, however it is presented much more briefly.

In a group work assignment, we divided sections according to people’s strengths. When we tried to piece the assignment together it was written in different styles and therefore we had to spend time rewriting it.


I thought our plan would work and felt good about it. When we had to rewrite it, I felt frustrated.

The process of dividing sections went well. However, it didn’t work not having foreseen/planned rewriting the sections for coherence and writing styles.

Dividing work according to individual strengths is useful. Belbin’s team roles (2010) would suggest something similar. I have done it before and it seems to work well.

The reason piecing work together didn’t work was we had no plan for what it needed to look like. We were so focused on finishing quickly that no one would raise a concern. The last part can be explained by ‘groupthink’ (e.g. Jarvis, 1991), where members of a group make a suboptimal decision because individuals are afraid of challenging the consensus.

I learned that using people’s strengths is efficient. Moreover, planning how we want the work to look, before we go off on our own is helpful. Lastly, I will remember the dangers of groupthink, and what the theory suggests to look out for.

I will use Belbin’s team roles to divide group work in the future. Moreover, I will suggest writing one section together before we do our own work, so we can mirror that in our own writing. Finally, I will speak my mind when I have concerns, by remembering it can benefit the outcome.

Adapted from

Gibbs G (1988). Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford.

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Nurses and Midwives Reflection Process

Nurses and Midwives in the UK are formally required to record 5 pieces of reflection on either continuing professional development (CPD) or practice related feedback to improve their nursing practice.

Here I start with the theory of reflection (see Framework image) and then give an example from my own nursing history of an awful incident – one I will never forget.

If you don’t want the theory (and let’s face it who does?); scroll down to my real-life example and see how I have applied the Gibbs theory model to a terrible incident which almost made me give up nursing.

Let’s Get Started

To see if Gibbs reflective cycle can help you reflect on aspects of your practice, recall a nursing situation that didn’t turn out as you expected or go to plan.

Look at the Gibbs Model flow chart above –

Stage 1 – Description (Pure Facts)

The first step is to describe what you know. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are the brief facts of the situation?
  • What occurred? Who was involved?
  • What did you do? What did others do?

Stage 2 – Description – (Feelings)

  • How were you feeling at the time?
  • Were there influences affecting others actions/behaviour?
  • Were there any known or perceived difficulties with the activity, timing, location, information or resources etc.?

Stage 3 – Evaluation

  • What was good and bad about the experience
  • How might the facts and feelings (from stage 1 and 2 above) have affected your actions/behaviour
  • What other circumstances may have affected your actions or thoughts?
  • How issues might influence the activity or practice related feedback?

Stage 4 – Analysis

  • Why you picked this incident to reflect on?
  • What sense can you make of it? Does it make sense given the preceding 3 stages?
  • What is the main area of concern or focus on the future?

Stage 5 – Conclusions

  • What have you discovered?
  • What have you learned from this incident and circumstances?
  • What questions remain?

Stage 6 – Now What? (Action)

You have analysed the incident and want to make sure you improve your practice for next time, so need to move into the action planning stage:

  • What will I do differently from now on or the next time this arises?
  • What resources/help will you need?

Gibbs, (1988) Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods Further Education Unit, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford.

Example Reflection –  Sadly, a real story!

Night duty drug round.

I am a third-year student nurse ‘in charge’ on night duty, in a London hospital, with a junior nurse to deal with 23 pretty sick people in this medical ward.  A doctor asked me to give a patient (Mrs X,) 0.1 mg of Digoxin (a heart stimulant – steady, slows and strengthens the heartbeat) to relieve symptoms of severe congestive cardiac failure and difficulty breathing.  I had never given such a high dose of Digoxin before and measured 4 tabs from the 0.25 mg bottle.  I checked the script and the tablets with both the doctor, who nodded, and my junior nurse. We were all in agreement. I checked Mrs X’s pulse rate (standard practice for Digoxin), which was in the OK range, before giving the tablets. I kept Mrs X on hourly observations after.

At about 2 am I suddenly realised I had given 10 times the amount of Digoxin as stated on the Doctors script.  In horror, I called the night sister who agreed with me.  We filled in an incident form, informed the doctor and Mrs X’s relatives of what happened. Petrified, I was told to go see the hospital matron in the morning.

Mrs X did not seem to suffer any ill effects from the Digoxin during the night and went on to make a full recovery.

I had been on nights for a long stretch.  It was a very busy ward with only two-night staff and I was “in charge”.  Mrs X was very ill and needed constant monitoring.

I had only ever seen 0.25mgs of Digoxin tablets and did not know there was a paediatric blue table of 0.1 mg made.  I was very reluctant to give such a big dose which is why I checked the four tablets of .25 with the doctor who looked at the tablets and said OK.  I was nervous about the dosage being so high and took Mrs X’s pulse for much longer than the customary 15 seconds.

The doctor too was under tremendous strain, his beeper kept going off and he was rushing about all over the place.  I had never met him before.  He had recently come from a paediatric ward.

Nobody ever blamed me for the incident, neither did they reassure me.  Mrs X went on to make a full recovery and the relatives were very understanding about the situation which was a relief.  Matron was kind to me and impressed I had owned up to the error – nobody would have ever known, she said.

I felt absolutely terrified about the error though and watched Mrs X all night for signs of overdose.  I didn’t sleep all the next day and returned to my next night shift to find Mrs X better.

This incident really frightened me because I had done everything right – I had checked the dosage with both the Doctor and the junior nurse.  I had not known that you could get a 0.1 mg of Digoxin or it was blue.  I have no idea what prompted me to think about the overdose later on that night except that I had been very reluctant to give it.  The Doctor agreed I had shown him 4 white tablets who said “I thought you knew what you were doing” Which isn’t any sort of answer really.  Yet he didn’t get in trouble (like me) at all for overseeing and agreeing my mistake.

I also realised how dependant patients are on the care and insights of the medical profession and the trust they put in us; I’d let Mrs X down.

I believe that this incident was down to a series of incidents linked to overwork, tiredness and misunderstandings. Plus if I’d known the Doctor better I might have had a conversation about the dose.

I was so relieved that Mrs X survived the overdose and the relatives were understanding but, if she had a serious reaction or even died, I’m not sure I could have carried on nursing.

I have learnt to be more careful with drugs and to really understand the dosage.  If necessary now I will look up the drug in the reference books before I give them because it is my responsibility if I do it wrong.

I will always be ultra-careful with new drug scripts in the future and if I am nervous, then to go with my gut feeling and check and check again. Although, as I said to Matron, at the time I’d felt as if I done as much as I could have.

Also, if nurses in my team are involved in incidents where they have made a clinical mistake, I am always on hand to offer support and give them an opportunity to talk to me.

I never want another nurse to go through what I went through alone and I definitely do not want to harm anyone in my care.

Linked to NMC Code of Practice 14 – “Preserving Safety”

Further information.

  • British National Formulary (BNF)  the drugs’ bible in the UK, available online with a subscription

Other of my real stories here:

  • For a second applied reflection example, see my blog about My Infographic Mistake
  • For a third reflection see Dog Walking

I have also published a workbook for nurses where you can see the model and have space to add your own private stories. Available on Amazon With over 400 great reviews.

Thanks for reading and good luck in your career. J

sample gibbs reflective essay

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Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle

What is the gibbs' reflective cycle.

The Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle is a Tool that helps professionals Grow and Learn from their past Experiences .

To do this, it proposes to analyze the Situations in which someone wants to Improve.

  • Drawing Conclusions that allow us to do things better in the future.

It consists of  6 Repetitive Steps (a cycle):

  • Description .
  • Evaluation .
  • Conclusion .
  • Action Plan .

This cycle must be repeated until Obtaining the Desired Results .

The Six Steps of Gibbs' Reflective Cycle

1. Description : Describe in detail the Situation in which you want to improve .

  • A Negotiation, A Decision you made, a Discussion with your employees, etc.

2. Feelings : Reflect on How you Felt in that Situation, How you Coped with it.

  • Did you feel Insecure? Did you feel Determined? Did you Hesitate?

3. Evaluation : Evaluate the Experience and its Outcome , Objectively.

  • What Consequences did it have, What worked, What did not, etc.

4. Analysis : Analyze the Reasons that explain the Result of this Situation.

  • Why something worked or didn’t work. Why you Made that Decision, etc.

5. Conclusion : Get the Lessons from this Analysis; How to do things better.

  • What could have been done better? What could be done in a different way?

6. Action Plan : Develop and Implement a Plan to do things better.

  • Applying the Conclusions obtained in this Cycle.

Repeat the Cycle until Reaching the Desired Results .

Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle Template

Now, before sharing some examples , we want to explain one important thing:

  • How to use this Cycle .

We know that it can get a bit Confusing (Feelings, Action Plan, etc).

That is why we’ll offer you a Guideline that you can Follow .

  • It can be used for your Personal Analysis or, in Coaching Situations.

How to use the Gibbs Reflective Cycle

Description : Details are important, as is the Context of any Situation.

  • The Place and People Involved.
  • What Interactions happened.

Feelings : They Can give us a Clue as to what we need to Improve .

  • If we feel Insecure, it is usually because we do not know the Subject well enough.
  • What made you feel Uncomfortable?
  • What made you feel Determined?

Evaluation : Here, you should not try to find Reasons , only Facts .

  • What worked, What didn’t work, and under What Circumstances.
  • The Outcome: What happened After the Situation?

Analysis : Now it is the time to find the Whys .

  • Why is the Reason something Worked? The Root Cause.
  • Potential Root causes causing you a Problem.

Conclusions : Time to “Connect the Dots” and obtain Solid Conclusions .

  • What Solid Conclusions have you Obtained?
  • What Could have been done better?

Action Plan : Now, you have to put things into Practice .

  • Set Specific, Measurable, Realistic and Time-Related Goals.
  • Use Objective Metrics.

Let’s see some examples:

Gibbs Reflective Cycle examples

Now, let’s Imagine that you have recently been Promoted to Manager .

You are very happy about it, but you do not feel very Comfortable when you face your employees .

  • Sometimes you have to impose yourself, so that what you say is done.

Also, it is something you would like to Improve on .

That is Why you decided to use Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle .

Let’s see How you use it:

Description - Gibbs Reflective Cycle example

The Situation in which you want to Improve :

  • It is You and your Employees (no matter Who).
  • You are In front of them alone or in a collective meeting.
  • You Want things to be done in a New way.
  • You Tell them how they have to do things from now on .

Feelings - Gibbs Reflective Cycle example

After thinking Carefully about it, you Discover that you Felt :

  • Anxious about Compelling People to do Something.
  • Insecure about you Authority.
  • Determined about the Need of doing the Things in a New Way.

Evaluation - Gibbs Reflective Cycle example

You then Evaluate what happens in these Situations :

  • You Compel your employees to do what you say.
  • They obey you.
  • Those who know you best Respond much better to your Commands .
  • Those who don’t know you are more Reluctant to change .

Analysis - Gibbs Reflective Cycle example

Now, you start thinking about the Whys :

  • This makes you Feel Insecure.
  • They don’t make you Feel Anxious or Insecure .
  • That and , the fact that you are New in the Position .

Conclusion - Gibbs Reflective Cycle example

You Obtain important Conclusions from this Analysis :

  • Or People that don’t know your Skills when making decisions.

This People are Reluctant to “obey” you, and make you Feel Insecure and Anxious.

  • So they will Trust you more.
  • And they will Trust your Authority more.

Action Plan - Gibbs Reflective Cycle example

Finally, you decide to Develop an Action Plan :

  • Starting with those who know you least.
  • Comparing the Previous Results with the Current ones.

You Estimate that you will need 2 months to have met with all your employees.

  • And decide if you need to repeat this Cycle again.

The Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle is a Tool that helps professionals Grow and Learn from their past Experiences.

Consists of 6 Repetitive Steps that must be repeated until getting the desired Results:

  • Description : Describe in detail the Situation in which you want to improve.
  • Feelings : Reflect on How you Felt in that Situation, How you Coped with it.
  • Evaluation : Evaluate the Experience and its Outcome, Objectively.
  • Analysis : Analyze the Reasons that explain the Result of this Situation.
  • Conclusion : Get the Lessons from this Analysis; How to do things better.
  • Action Plan : Develop and Implement a Plan to do things better.
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Using Gibbs: Example of reflective writing in a healthcare assignment

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• Description In a placement during my second year when I was working on a surgical ward, I was working under the supervision of my mentor, caring for a seventy-two year old gentleman, Mr Khan (pseudonym), who had undergone abdominal surgery. I had been asked to remove his wound dressing so that the doctor could assess it on the ward round. I removed the dressing under my mentor's supervision, using a non-touch procedure, and cleaned the wound, as requested by the doctor. My mentor was called to another patient at this point, so at her request I stayed with Mr Khan while we waited for the doctor to come to see him. The doctor had been with another patient, examining their wound, and I noticed that she came straight to Mr Khan to examine his wound, without either washing her hands or using alcohol gel first. I also noticed that she was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and I was concerned that the cuffs could be contaminated. I thought for a moment about what to do or say, but by the time I had summoned enough courage to say something, I thought it was too late as she was already examining Mr Khan. Feelings I was alarmed by this, as I had expected the doctor to wash her hands or use alcohol gel before examining Mr Khan. However, I felt intimidated because I felt that the doctor was more experienced than me as a second year nursing student; and I didn't want to embarrass her. Also, I didn't want to make Mr Khan concerned by confronting the doctor in front of him. Later, I spoke to my mentor about the incident. She suggested that we speak to the doctor together about it. My mentor took the doctor aside, and asked her whether she had washed her hands before examining Mr Khan. She looked quite shocked. She said that she had been very busy and hadn't thought about it. My mentor discussed the importance of hand hygiene with her, and the doctor assured her that she would wash her hands before examining every patient in the future. Evaluation The incident was extremely challenging for me. I regret that I did not act to challenge the doctor's practice before she examined Mr Khan. However, I am pleased that the doctor responded so positively to the feedback of my mentor, and I have observed that she has now changed her practice as a result of this incident. I too have learned

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Applying Gibbs’ Model to Real-Life Experiences Essay

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Action Plan

This event was an unpleasant experience for the patient who expected to get relief from the pain he felt. First, the buddy nurse’s approach to the patient was unreasonable because the patient was in pain, and it was only natural to be agitated. However, I listened to the patient and also avoided confrontation by dragging my buddy nurse away with me. This saved the situation from getting worse although the confrontation that happened was harmful to the patient (Webb, 2011).

My buddy nurse should have stayed calm and listened to the patient’s concerns even if they were offensive. It would have been better if my buddy nurse exercised self-control and stopped the urge to snap back at the patient. While leaving, it was not right for him to make tide remarks to the patient. He should have excused himself to the patient with a promise that he would be back with a solution. The reaction that I gave to the patient was encouraging because I gave him an option of a stronger treatment, which was subject to discussion. Listening to the customer also gave hope that I empathized with his situation (Roussel, Swansburg & Swansburg, 2006). It is also necessary that I should have made a personalized and confidential service to the patient by showing up alone and not with a colleague. This way the patient would feel that he had been assisted because he would be dealing with the nurse who had earlier assisted him. Finishing up with the other patient first may have caused the delay which agitated the patient. It is advisable for a person to make a faster response to avoid cases in which patients get impatient and yell (Williams& Davis, 2005; Koutoukidis, Lawrencem & Tabbner, 2008).

Healthcare forms part of a patient’s healing process, and healthcare professionals should communicate effectively to build therapeutic relationships with the patients (Van, 1997). For instance, talking to the customer nicely and showing empathy would not only work as the pain killer but would give the patient hope. Making the patient angry makes the pain unbearable and may even worsen the situation. Using persuasive language and listening to the patient as well as offering a faster response develops a strong nurse-patient relationship. This improves the healing process. Active communication with the patient also involves the patient in health care and gives them control over their condition and the treatment that they get. In the above scenario, engaging the patient to enlighten him that he had been taking an overdose would make him responsible and prevent any similar future occurrence. He would feel that he had been saved from consuming more drugs than necessary, and this would encourage him to consult in the future. The situation would have been turned around to a powerful healing process by building a healthy relationship that would make the patient realize that holding back the medication was meant to help him and not punish him (Bach & Grant, 2008; White, L., & Rittenhouse Books, 2005).

If a similar event occurs in the future, there are changes that should be made to ensure that the patient is not treated unfairly like it happened. First, I would address the patient with the therapeutic service in mind. I would respond to the call with the aim of improving the patient’s situation, by the way, I talk and respond to his questions and concerns. My buddy friend added to the patient’s misery by snapping back and not giving the patient an opportunity to express his concerns (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2008). This would be avoided by requesting my colleague to allow me to handle the situation. This could also be improved by establishing a uniform approach in which colleagues would allow others to handle their cases. Intervention should only be allowed when a request is made. This way the probability of harassment by a third party would be minimal. The notion that communicating with the customer is part of the therapeutic process and should be built to ensure that any intervention made is positive (Webb, 2011).

Health care has changed in nature from the treatment of acute illnesses to helping patients to manage chronic conditions. In this case, the patient may not have been healed, considering that it was a situation he was managing even while at home. The patient can be encouraged to adopt an attitude of self-care by informing him that he had been taking an overdose. This would make the patient more responsible for his health care and also establish a good relationship with his nurse (Mitchell & Haroun, 2012). This would promote the quality of his life even if his medical condition is chronic. The patient’s expectation, which is to be free of pain, would be achieved by providing an option that gives him a long-term solution. Overdosing to kill the pain would only be done for a short period while changing the form of medication would correct the past mistake and offer a longer-term solution. Educating the customer on the dangers of taking more dosage than required is involving and makes the process simpler and effective. When patients are aware of the treatment that they receive they learn and assist the health care providers in managing their situation (Dickson, Hargie & Morrow, 2003).

Patient-centered care gives the patient an opportunity to receive services that revolve around him/her rather than fitting into the services availed in the hospital. When they are viewed as active participants in the care offered to them, they feel acknowledged. This can be enhanced by listening to patients and offering services that fit their requirements. For instance, my patient could have been assisted better by proposing a further review by the Acute Pain Service rather than administering the usual PRN medication. The process should have begun by getting feedback on how the patient had been reacting from the PRN he used. Probably, the issue of overdose would have been raised and an alternative offered. This would avoid the confrontation because the patient would be aware that he had been overdosing. Therefore, the patient should be initiating the process by explaining his/her concerns. Recommendations should be based on the patients’ interests rather than what is available in the facility (Chapman, 2009).

Multidisciplinary teams help health care providers to coordinate their roles and expertise to offer patients quality services. The members of the team should understand their role. For instance, my buddy nurse may have treated the patient nastily because he was not his patient. This should not have been the case because teamwork requires them to respect the role of others. He should have achieved this by staying out of the discussion or contributing positively. In the future, such a scenario can be avoided by working at providing integrated health care in which nurses work collaboratively. This way there would be no difference in the way nurses treat a patient who may have been attended by a different nurse (Nurs, 2001).

To ensure that patients get quality services, nurses should be friendly and accept the needs of their patients. The patients should also be allowed to feel that the health care providers are willing to spent time with them. Allowing the patient to participate in the discussion of their health by asking for opinions and offering advice makes the patients feel part of the healing process (Nurs, 2001; O’Toole, 2012). The treatment service should also be tailored to them by addressing them by their names and remembering their situation. Sharing information about similar experiences and giving them hope builds a close relationship. Disagreements with the patients should be treated as a form of discussions without a formal objection which may make them objective. The services provided should offer continuity such that each patient has a health care provider (Martin, 2010; Antai-Otong, 2007). This way, progress can be monitored while a relationship builds between the nurse and the patient. It is also part of the therapeutic process. Serving an individual patient will help build a solid relationship in the future. This will also include basing the approach from the patient’s point of view to ensure that the patients needs come first before the services available can be offered. This will eliminate disagreements between healthcare providers and patients (Mackenzie & O’Toole, 2011; Jasper, 2003; Seago, nd).

Antai-Otong, D. (2007). Nurse-client communication: A life span approach . Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Bach, S. & Grant, A. (2008). Communication and interpersonal skills for nurses . Exeter: Learning Matters.

Chapman, K. B. (2009). Improving Communication among Nurses, Patients, and Physicians. American Journal of Nursing . 109(11), 21-25.

Dickson, D., Hargie, O., & Morrow, N. C. (2003). Communication skills training for health professionals . Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes

Jasper, M. (2003). Beginning Reflective Practice – Foundations in Nursing and Health Care. Cheltenham. Nelson Thornes.

Koutoukidis, G., Lawrence, K., & Tabbner, A. R. (2008). Tabbner’s nursing care: Theory and practice . Chatswood, N.S.W: Elsevier Australia.

Mackenzie, L., & O’Toole, G. (2011). Occupation analysis in practice . Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.

Martin, A. (2010). Non-verbal communication between nurses and people with an intellectual disability: a review of the literature. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities . 14(4), 303-314.

Mitchell, D., & Haroun, L. (2012). Introduction to health care . Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning.

Nurs, E. J. O. (2001).Communication between nurses and simulated patients with cancer: evaluation of a communication training programme. Discussion . 5(3), 140-150.

O’Toole, G. (2012). Communication. Core interpersonal skills for health professionals . Sydney: Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier.

Rosdahl, C. B., & Kowalski, M. T. (2008). Textbook of basic nursing . Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Roussel, L., Swansburg, R. J., & Swansburg, R. C. (2006). Management and leadership for nurse administrators . Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett.

Seago, J. A. (n.d.). Professional Communication . Web.

Van, S. G. M. (1997). Communication skills for the health care professional: Concepts and techniques . Gaithersburg, Md: Aspen Publishers.

Webb, L. (2011). Nursing: Communication skills in practice . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

White, L., & Rittenhouse Books, Inc. (2005). Foundations of nursing . Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.

Williams, C. L., & Davis, C. M. (2005). Therapeutic interaction in nursing . Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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IvyPanda. (2022, May 3). Applying Gibbs’ Model to Real-Life Experiences.

"Applying Gibbs’ Model to Real-Life Experiences." IvyPanda , 3 May 2022,

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IvyPanda . 2022. "Applying Gibbs’ Model to Real-Life Experiences." May 3, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Applying Gibbs’ Model to Real-Life Experiences." May 3, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Applying Gibbs’ Model to Real-Life Experiences." May 3, 2022.

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    The cycle is composed of six stages (description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan), on which the reflection regarding the personal experience will be based (Markkanen et al., 2020). The paper's principal objective is to outline a challenging situation from personal practice using Gibbs' Reflective Cycle.

  10. PDF Reflection based on Gibbs reflective cycle (Example 1)

    Reflection based on Gibbs reflective cycle (Example 1) Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by doing. A guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford . Description - what happened? A patient that I had been looking after for many years with cystic fibrosis finally died on my ward. Feelings - what were you thinking and feeling?

  11. Gibbs' Reflective Cycle explained with lots of Examples.

    The Gibbs' Reflective Cycle is a Tool that helps professionals Grow and Learn from their past Experiences. To do this, it proposes to analyze the Situations in which someone wants to Improve. Drawing Conclusions that allow us to do things better in the future. It consists of 6 Repetitive Steps (a cycle): Description. Feelings.

  12. Reflecting on Individual Professional Practice with Gibbs

    Reflecting on Individual Professional Practice with Gibbs. For the purpose of this essay, I will use Gibbs (1988) Reflective Learning Cycle to reflect on an aspect of individual professional practice, which requires development in preparation for my role as a Registered Nurse. Gibbs (1988) Reflective Learning Cycle encourages a clear ...

  13. Medication administration

    REFLECTIVE PRACTICE ASSESSMENT. Introduction: This essay aims to critically reflect on my experience during my placement at an aged care facility about medication administration. The critical reflection will follow Gibbs reflective cycle approach- an important reflective approach for health professionals (Gibbs, 1998).

  14. Reflection on Personal Development and Self-Awareness

    The title of this essay is "The Voyage" . It's a reflective essay, and I am using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988) as a template for this exercise. It's a critical reflection on the importance of personal development and self-awareness, which are necessary if one is successful in becoming, and remaining a councillor.

  15. Gibbs Reflective Model: Nursing Experience

    View Sample. Order it today. Working in the community setting for placement was an eye-opener as I learned a lot through experience from my team members and patients to whom I offered my services. I will use the Gibbs reflective model to help you understand one of the significant incidences that I significantly learned from the incident, the ...

  16. Sample Essay Using Gibbs' Reflective Model

    This essay aims to critically reflect on an encounter with a service user in a health care setting. The Gibbs' Reflective Cycle will be used as this is a popular model of reflection. Reflection is associated with learning from experience. It is viewed as an important approach for professionals who embrace lifelong learning (Jasper, 2013).

  17. Using Gibbs: Example of reflective writing in a healthcare ...

    Download Using Gibbs: Example of reflective writing in a healthcare ... and more Nursing Schemes and Mind Maps in PDF only on Docsity! Using Gibbs: Example of reflective writing in a healthcare assignment Description In a placement during my second year when I was working on a surgical ward, I was working under the supervision of my mentor, caring for a seventy-two year old gentleman, Mr Khan ...

  18. (DOC) Using Gibbs: Example of reflective writing in a healthcare

    Using Gibbs: Example of reflective writing in a healthcare assignment Description In a placement during my second year when I was working on a surgical ward, I was working under the supervision of my mentor, caring for a seventy-two year old gentleman, Mr Khan (pseudonym), who had undergone abdominal surgery.

  19. Gibbs' Reflective Cycle in Healthcare Essay

    This essay examines Gibb's reflective cycle, specifically on the triaging system, with an explanation of the role of nursing leadership and education based on a reflective situation. Get a custom essay on Gibbs' Reflective Cycle in Healthcare. Leadership and education roles are essential in nursing emergencies and disasters.

  20. Gibbs' Reflective Cycle Essay Examples

    Gibbs' Reflective Cycle Essays. Analysing the Use of Non-Technical Skills in a Practice Situation. Gibb's Reflective Cycle Describe: During my clinical placement in a local hospital, I was assigned to care for a patient who had recently undergone surgery for a hip replacement. ... For research and sample use only. Learn more in our Terms of ...

  21. Sample Essay Using Gibbs' Reflective Model

    /Services /Samples. Gibbs Reflective Cycle Example ##### One of our expert writers has created this bespoke sample nursing reflective practice that shows the quality that is ##### guaranteed with every nursing paper ordered. Secure your academic success and place an order today or view our ##### services. View a different grade Print Cite This

  22. Reflection on a Memorable Speech: [Essay Example], 457 words

    Reflective speech examples serve as catalysts for personal growth and self-reflection. One of the key objectives of my speech was to foster empathy and understanding among the audience members. By sharing my personal struggles, I hoped to create a sense of empathy and encourage individuals to step into the shoes of others.

  23. Applying Gibbs' Model to Real-Life Experiences

    However, I listened to the patient and also avoided confrontation by dragging my buddy nurse away with me. This saved the situation from getting worse although the confrontation that happened was harmful to the patient (Webb, 2011). Get a custom essay on Applying Gibbs' Model to Real-Life Experiences. 187 writers online.

  24. The Evil that Men Do: a Reflection on Antony's Dialog

    The phrase "the evil that men do lives after them" suggests that immoral actions have lasting effects. Antony's dialog in Julius Caesar exemplifies this idea, as he skillfully manipulates the crowd's emotions to turn them against the conspirators who murdered Caesar.

  25. The Veldt Summary: a Reflection on Technology and Its Implications

    Imagine a world where a virtual reality room fulfills every desire, where technology replaces parental guidance, and where children become detached from the real world.

  26. Gibbs

    The reflective phase of the Gibbs is a robust nursing method used to display a person positive or negative after an occurrence in the medical setup (cherry. Barbara 2016). The case at hand, in this context, took place during a time when expectant mothers who were the patients were treated in the hospital, specifically in the labor ward, after ...