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The Ultimate List: 100 Exceptional Marketing Thesis Topics for 2024

Welcome to Research Rebels, the innovative academic support platform for marketing students embarking on the exciting yet challenging journey of thesis writing. As we approach 2024, we've curated 'The Ultimate List: 100 Exceptional Marketing Thesis Topics' to spark your curiosity and guide your research endeavors. Our list encompasses a wide range of topics, from the ethics of pharmaceutical marketing to the nuances of international business leadership. Each topic is designed to inspire your analytical skills and help you create a compelling dissertation that stands out. Dive into our list and discover the perfect subject for your academic masterpiece!

Key Takeaways

  • Our list provides a diverse range of marketing thesis topics that cater to various interests and academic focuses.
  • Each topic is chosen to challenge students to think critically and apply innovative research methods.
  • The topics cover current trends and ethical considerations in marketing, reflecting the dynamic nature of the field.
  • Students can leverage these topics to showcase their understanding of complex marketing concepts and strategies.
  • Research Rebels is committed to supporting students throughout their thesis journey with engaging content and expert guidance.

1. Pharmaceutical Marketing Ethics

Let's talk about the elephant in the room: Is pharmaceutical marketing ethical? It's a question that's been on everyone's lips, especially when you consider the fine line between informing and influencing patients. Now, you're diving into a thesis topic that's as controversial as it is crucial.

First off, you'll want to explore the ethical dilemmas faced by pharmaceutical companies. This includes the tug-of-war between profit motives and patient well-being. How do they balance the scales? And what about the role of healthcare professionals in this marketing mix?

Here's a quick list to get your gears turning:

  • The impact of direct-to-consumer advertising on patient choices.
  • Regulations surrounding pharmaceutical marketing practices.
  • Case studies of ethical breaches and their consequences.

Remember, your thesis isn't just an academic exercise; it's a chance to contribute to a vital conversation. With journals like 'Clinical Ethics' and 'Research Ethics' delving deep into these issues, you've got a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to tackle the ethical quandaries of pharmaceutical marketing head-on!

2. Gender Differences in Purchase Behavior

Ever wondered why your shopping habits might differ from those of your best friend of the opposite gender? Well, you're not alone! Gender differences in purchase behavior are a hot topic in marketing research. It turns out, men and women often have distinct approaches to buying, influenced by a variety of factors including emotions, practicality, and even societal expectations.

For instance, studies have shown that women are more likely to engage in hedonistic shopping, seeking pleasure and entertainment, while men tend to focus on the functionality and efficiency of their purchases. This isn't just about who prefers shopping for shoes over power tools; it's about understanding the underlying motivations that drive purchase decisions.

  • Women are more likely to be influenced by social media trends.
  • Men often prioritize product specifications and quality.
  • Both genders value price, but may weigh it differently against other factors.

Recognizing these differences can be crucial for businesses aiming to target their marketing strategies effectively. If you're diving into a thesis on this subject, consider exploring how gender impacts consumer preferences and decision-making styles . You'll find a wealth of information, from academic writing guides to interview studies, that can help you craft a compelling argument or uncover new insights into consumer behavior.

3. Impulse Buying and Effective Advertising

Ever wondered why you end up with a cart full of items you didn't plan to buy? Welcome to the world of impulse buying , a marketer's dream and your wallet's nemesis. Advertisements are designed to evoke emotions within consumers, as emotions can greatly influence impulsive buying decisions. By appealing to consumers' desires, marketers can tap into the spontaneous side of shopping.

The relationship between time pressure and consumers' impulsive buying is a hot topic for any marketing thesis. This study will help e-commerce retailers and broadcasters understand consumers' impulse buying behavior better and develop more flexible marketing strategies. Here's a quick list to get you started on the factors influencing impulse purchases:

  • Persuasion by social media and targeted advertisements
  • Limited-time offers creating a sense of urgency
  • Product placement and in-store promotions
  • The role of convenience in online shopping environments

Acting on a sudden urge to buy can be triggered by various online antecedents, especially for young consumers. Persuasion by social media and targeted advertisements act as primers for impulsive shopping in online environments. So next time you click 'Add to Cart' on a whim, remember, there's a whole science behind that urge!

4. Social Media Marketing

Hey there, future marketing maven! Ready to dive into the dynamic world of social media marketing ? It's a digital playground where creativity meets strategy, and the rules are always evolving. Stay ahead of the game by exploring the latest trends and research topics that will dominate in 2024.

For starters, let's talk about the trends. Video content is still king, but now there's a twist— long-form content is making waves, offering depth to the usual quick clips. And playful content? It's becoming the new face of brand personality, so don't be afraid to let loose and have some fun with your campaigns.

When it comes to research, there's a goldmine of topics to explore. From the influence of social media on mental health to its effects on child development, the scope is vast. And let's not forget about the SEO power of social media video —it's a must for your strategy.

Here's a quick list of hot topics you might want to consider for your thesis:

  • The impact of posting times on social media engagement
  • AI in social media data sorting: efficiency vs. trust
  • Digital marketing strategies of streaming giants like Netflix
  • The unique role of micro-influencers on Instagram

Remember, the key to nailing your thesis is to pick a topic that not only excites you but also has the potential to add value to the field. So, go on, pick a topic that sparks your curiosity and could potentially revolutionize the way we think about social media marketing!

5. Black Friday Analysis

So, you're diving into the Black Friday frenzy, huh? Well, it's not just about snagging the best deals anymore. Understanding consumer behavior during this shopping extravaganza can be a goldmine for your thesis. Let's break it down:

First off, consider the psychological triggers that drive people to camp outside stores at ungodly hours. Is it the discounts, the competition, or just the thrill? Then, there's the digital battlefield—how online retailers are changing the game with targeted ads and flash sales.

Here's a quick list to get you started on your Black Friday analysis:

  • The evolution of Black Friday sales strategies over the years.
  • Consumer sentiment analysis: Are people loving or loathing the chaos?
  • The impact of social media buzz on Black Friday sales.

And hey, don't forget to check out the latest research on the topic. Despite the importance of the topic, research on understanding the role of companies in societal change through activism is scarce. Using institutional theory, you could explore how Black Friday might reflect broader societal trends. Also, keep an eye on those websites offering tools for thesis writing, academic projects, and research proposals. They can be a lifesaver when you're knee-deep in data and need some structured guidance.

6. Social Media Influencers and Brand Awareness

Let's dive into the world of social media influencers and their impact on brand awareness. You've seen them everywhere – from Instagram to YouTube, these digital trendsetters are reshaping the marketing landscape. Influencers have the power to amplify a brand's message , reaching audiences in a way that feels personal and authentic.

Consider this: a study on the impact of social media influencers found that brand awareness reached by influencer endorsement can significantly affect consumers' intention to purchase. It's not just about the number of followers; it's the persuasive power these influencers wield that can boost perceived brand credibility and, ultimately, purchase intention.

Here's a quick list to keep in mind when thinking about influencer marketing:

  • Authenticity is key – followers can spot a forced partnership a mile away.
  • Engagement rates matter more than follower counts.
  • A well-matched influencer aligns with your brand values and resonates with your target audience.

Remember, it's not just about picking someone with a huge following. It's about finding the right fit for your brand, someone who can genuinely connect with your audience and create a buzz around your products. So, go ahead, explore the persuasive power of influencers and watch your brand awareness soar!

7. Telemarketing Success Rate

Ever wondered why some telemarketing campaigns take off while others fizzle out? It's all about the success rate, and let's be real, you want to be on the winning side. Understanding the factors that influence telemarketing success is crucial for your thesis. Dive into the socio-demographics of your target audience, because, believe it or not, they play a significant role in the game. Research suggests that aspects of mental health, like happiness, could impact victimization data, hinting at a complex relationship between consumer psychology and telemarketing effectiveness.

But hey, it's not just about the callers and the called. The structure of your campaign matters too. Here's a quick list to keep in mind:

  • Crafting a compelling script
  • Training telemarketers for effective communication
  • Timing the calls just right
  • Following up without being a nuisance

And let's not forget the tools and resources that can make or break your strategy. Academic writing platforms offer a treasure trove of worksheets, guides, and even thesis action plans to help you map out your research. Remember, a well-structured thesis can highlight the nuances of telemarketing success, from the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) model to the nitty-gritty of call analytics.

So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to explore the fascinating world of telemarketing. With the right approach, your thesis could provide valuable insights into what makes a campaign resonate with its audience—or what sends it straight to voicemail.

8. Customer Loyalty Programs

Ever wondered how those points you rack up every time you swipe your loyalty card actually work to keep you coming back? Well, you're not alone. Customer loyalty programs are a gold mine for research, and they're evolving every day. From your local coffee shop's punch card to sophisticated algorithmic personalization , there's a lot to explore.

Here's a quick rundown of potential angles:

  • The psychological triggers behind loyalty schemes
  • Comparing the effectiveness of various loyalty program structures
  • The role of data analytics in personalizing rewards

And if you're diving into the deep end, consider how these programs influence customers beyond just repeat purchases. Do they actually enhance brand perception? Or are they simply a transactional tool? These are the kinds of questions that can turn your thesis from ho-hum to groundbreaking.

Don't forget, there are plenty of resources out there to help you craft the perfect thesis. Websites offer tools for thesis writing , academic projects, and research proposals. They provide guides on academic writing, dissertation writing, and interview studies. So, gear up to dissect these loyalty programs and uncover what really makes them tick!

9. Cultural Differences Affecting Advertising

Ever wondered why an ad campaign that's a hit in one country can flop in another? It's all about cultural nuances, my friend. Understanding cultural differences is crucial when creating advertising that resonates across borders. For instance, the values associated with luxury consumption vary significantly between cultures, as highlighted in the study titled 'The Influence of Culture and Gender in Luxury Brand Consumption'.

Let's break it down with a few examples:

  • In Western countries, individualism often drives advertising narratives, focusing on personal achievement and success.
  • Eastern cultures may respond better to community-oriented messages that emphasize collective well-being and harmony.

This isn't just about tweaking the language or images; it's about deep insights into what makes different cultures tick. The study 'A Cross-Cultural Study on the Role of Message Framing in the...' sheds light on how message framing techniques need to be tailored to cultural contexts to promote fair-trade consumption effectively.

Looking ahead to 2024, the outlook for multicultural marketing is all about inclusivity and personalization. According to 'Outlook for Multicultural Marketing and Diversity in 2024', data-driven decisions and cultural personalization will define successful campaigns. So, if you're diving into a marketing thesis this year, consider exploring the rich tapestry of cultural diversity and its impact on advertising strategies.

10. Ecological Awareness in Advertising

Hey there, future marketing mavens! Let's dive into the green side of ads. Ecological awareness in advertising isn't just a trend; it's a movement reshaping the marketing landscape. As a savvy researcher, you'll explore how brands are turning over a new leaf to appeal to the eco-conscious consumer. Here's a quick rundown of what you might cover:

  • The rise of green marketing strategies and their impact on consumer perception.
  • Case studies on successful campaigns that married profitability with sustainability.
  • The role of social media in amplifying ecological messages.

But wait, there's more! You could also look into how ecological awareness influences brand loyalty and purchasing decisions. Imagine dissecting the strategies of companies that have nailed this balance. It's not just about slapping a green label on products; it's about genuine commitment and transparent communication .

Remember, your thesis could be a game-changer. It's not just an academic exercise; it's a chance to contribute to a sustainable future in marketing. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to dig into the green goldmine of eco-friendly advertising!

11. Product Quality Impact on Consumer Satisfaction

Let's dive into how product quality can make or break consumer satisfaction. You know the drill: you buy something, and it either meets your expectations or it doesn't. But here's the kicker: the effect of product quality on satisfaction is huge . It's not just about whether a product works; it's about how it makes you feel.

Consider this: a study titled '(PDF) Examining the Product Quality Attributes That Influences ...' suggests that even when products are low-priced, their quality still plays a pivotal role in customer satisfaction. So, if you're thinking about exploring this topic for your thesis, you're onto something big. Here's a quick list to get you started:

  • Assess the direct impact of product quality on customer loyalty.
  • Explore the role of quality in brand perception among consumers.
  • Analyze the relationship between product quality and consumer trust.

And remember, a website that offers a thesis action plan and academic project tools can be a goldmine for resources. It's not just about the data; it's about understanding the customer satisfaction journey from a holistic perspective. So, gear up and get ready to uncover the intricate ties between product quality and the hearts of consumers.

12. Consumer Understanding of Brand Values

Hey there, future marketing mavens! Let's dive into the world of brand values and how they resonate with consumers. New research shows that brand values influence what companies consumers choose , and it's not just about the product anymore. It's about what the brand stands for, its ethics, and the overall customer experience.

Consider this: a brand is like a promise, a commitment to certain values and principles. When consumers understand and align with these values, they're more likely to become loyal advocates. For instance, a study comparing Starbucks and McDonald's revealed how consumer perceptions of brand values can significantly impact their buying decisions.

But how do you measure this understanding? Here's a quick list to get you started:

  • Conduct surveys to gauge consumer awareness of your brand's values.
  • Analyze social media engagement to see how consumers interact with your brand's message.
  • Study brand evangelism and how it relates to consumer loyalty.

Remember, building a personal brand in academia or the business world involves reflecting on strengths and being consistent. It's all about creating a unique identity that people trust and want to follow. So, keep these insights in mind as you craft your thesis on the ever-evolving landscape of consumer-brand relationships!

13. Digital Methods for Brand Salience

Hey there, future marketing mavens! Ready to dive into the digital deep end? Let's talk about boosting your brand's visibility in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Brand salience isn't just about being seen; it's about being remembered. And in 2024, it's all about leveraging cutting-edge digital methods to make sure your brand sticks in the minds of consumers.

First things first, you've got to understand the digital ethics of the game. It's a moral maze out there, with human rights and misinformation battles to navigate. But don't sweat it; with integrity as your compass, you'll find your way through. Now, onto the fun stuff!

Here's a quick list to get you started on your path to digital dominance:

  • Utilize AI-driven analytics to track brand awareness and consumer perceptions.
  • Engage with your audience through personalized content that resonates.
  • Implement social media strategies that align with your brand values and speak to your target demographic.
  • Explore the power of micro-influencers who can amplify your message authentically.

Remember, it's not just about throwing your brand into the digital void and hoping for the best. It's about crafting a strategy that's as dynamic as the platforms you're using. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to set your brand apart with a killer brand awareness strategy that's powered by strong social media marketing. And hey, if you ever feel lost, just think of this as your Ultimate Brand Awareness Guide for 2024!

14. Product Availability Impact on SME Brand Image

Imagine you're a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) trying to carve out your niche in a crowded market. Your brand image is everything, right? Now, think about how product availability can make or break that image. When your products are readily available , customers see you as reliable and trustworthy. But if they're often out of stock, frustration mounts and your brand image could take a hit.

Here's a quick list to consider when evaluating product availability's impact on your brand image:

  • Consistency in stock levels
  • Communication with customers about availability
  • Strategies for managing supply chain disruptions

Remember, your brand image isn't just about the logo or the catchy slogan; it's about the customer's entire experience with your company. And yes, that includes whether they can get their hands on your products when they want them. Need some guidance on this topic? Websites offer tools and resources for academic writing, thesis revision, and dissertation writing, including guides, templates, and tips for students and professors. They can be a goldmine for your research!

15. Brand Reputation Transition Across Industries

You've seen it happen: a brand that's a household name in one industry decides to leap into another, and suddenly, it's like they're a whole new player. But how do they do it? It's all about the art of rebranding and adapting core values to resonate with a new audience. Take Virgin Cola, for example, which tried to bring its rebellious spirit from music and airlines to the soft drink industry.

When you're tackling this topic, you'll want to dive into case studies that show the strategies and lessons learnt from those who've done it successfully. Here's a sneak peek into what you might explore:

  • The importance of maintaining brand integrity while innovating
  • How consumer perceptions can shift with industry changes
  • The role of marketing campaigns in repositioning a brand

And if you're looking for resources to guide your thesis, websites like Research Rebels offer tools and academic writing guides that can be a game-changer for your project. They provide not just content, but a supportive community to help you navigate the complexities of academic writing.

16. Beauty Brands' Direct Marketing on YouTube

Hey there, future marketing guru! If you're eyeing the beauty industry, you've got to understand the power of YouTube. It's not just about slapping ads on videos; it's about crafting a strategy that speaks directly to your audience. Beauty brands have found a goldmine in YouTube's direct marketing capabilities , and here's why:

  • Authenticity is key. Viewers crave real, relatable content, and beauty brands that deliver this can see a significant boost in engagement.
  • Collaboration with influencers can skyrocket your brand's visibility. Think tutorials, reviews, and the ever-popular 'get ready with me' videos.
  • Analytics are your best friend. YouTube offers deep insights into viewer behavior, allowing you to tailor your content for maximum impact.

Remember, it's not just about the products; it's about the story you tell and the community you build. Dive into the world of YouTube marketing with these insights, and you'll be setting yourself up for a thesis that's as compelling as the latest beauty vlog.

17. Internet Marketing for Global Companies

As you dive into the world of internet marketing for global companies, remember that the landscape is constantly evolving. Navigating this dynamic field requires a keen understanding of both the technological and cultural nuances that influence consumer behavior across borders.

Start by exploring foundational resources like ' Internet Marketing: A Beginner's Guide in 2024 ' from Forbes Advisor, which can offer you a solid grounding in the basics. Then, deepen your knowledge with insights from the Journal of International Marketing , a peer-reviewed journal that's all about advancing international marketing practice, research, and theory.

Don't forget to draw inspiration from successful campaigns. For instance, check out the global marketing strategies of brands like Airbnb and Spotify, as highlighted by VeraContent. These case studies can spark ideas for how to scale your business and resonate with an international audience.

Here's a quick list to get you started on your journey:

  • Understand the digital landscape and its tools
  • Study cultural differences and consumer behavior
  • Analyze successful global marketing campaigns
  • Keep up with the latest trends in search engine marketing and social media ads

Embrace the challenge, and you might just find your brand becoming a household name across the globe.

18. International Market Failure Causes

Ever wondered why some companies make it big internationally while others stumble? Let's dive into the causes of international market failure . First off, it's not just about having a killer product or service. There's a whole lot more at play.

For starters, cultural misunderstandings can tank your global ambitions faster than you can say 'faux pas'. Imagine launching a campaign that's a hit at home but offends overseas customers – yikes! And don't get me started on the legal and regulatory hurdles. Each country has its own maze of rules, and one wrong step can mean game over.

Here's a quick list of common pitfalls:

  • Inadequate market research
  • Poor understanding of local consumer behavior
  • Underestimating language barriers
  • Overlooking local competition
  • Failing to adapt your marketing mix

Remember, knowledge is power. Equip yourself with the right thesis tools and academic guides to navigate these choppy waters. Whether it's templates, planners, or tips for academic excellence, make sure you're prepared. After all, you don't want to be a case study in what not to do, right?

19. Small Companies with Global Appeal

Ever wondered how a small startup can transform into a global phenomenon? It's all about mastering the global markets and connecting with consumers in the most effective way. Small companies with global appeal often share a few key traits: they're agile, innovative, and they understand the power of a strong online presence.

  • Agility allows them to adapt quickly to new markets.
  • Innovation keeps them competitive against larger corporations.
  • Online presence is crucial for reaching a worldwide audience without the need for a physical footprint.

But it's not just about having a slick website or a catchy hashtag. It's about crafting a marketing strategy that resonates across cultures and languages. Take a look at 'What is Global Marketing? See 13 Businesses with Brilliant Strategies' for some inspiration. Remember, resources like Research Rebels can provide an academic project planner and tools for your research proposal, ensuring you're well-equipped to tackle your thesis on this topic.

20. International Business Leadership

So, you're diving into the world of international business leadership , huh? It's a wild ride, with every decision echoing across borders. Leadership in a global context isn't just about being the boss; it's about understanding the nuances of different cultures and markets. Here's a quick rundown of what you need to keep in mind:

  • Cultural Sensitivity : You've got to speak the language, both literally and figuratively. Knowing the customs and values of your international colleagues can make or break your success.
  • Strategic Vision : Seeing the big picture is crucial. How do your decisions align with global trends and economic shifts?
  • Adaptability : Markets fluctuate, politics change, and businesses must evolve. Can you pivot on the fly?
  • Ethical Leadership : With great power comes great responsibility. Are your business practices benefiting everyone involved?

Remember, the goal is to not just lead, but to inspire and drive progress on a global scale. And if you're feeling overwhelmed, don't sweat it. There are plenty of resources out there to help you on this journey, like Research Rebels , which offers tools and resources for academic writing , including thesis action plan, worksheets, and guides for students and professors. They even have articles on academic writing and research to make your thesis journey less daunting.

21. Cultural Differences Impact on Business

Ever wondered why some businesses thrive in international waters while others barely stay afloat? It's all about understanding and adapting to cultural differences . Culture shapes every aspect of a business , from management styles to employee expectations, and it's crucial for success in the global market.

Here's a quick rundown of areas where cultural nuances play a pivotal role:

  • Management and leadership approaches
  • Marketing and advertising strategies
  • Customer service expectations
  • Negotiation and communication styles

For instance, what works in terms of marketing in one country might be a complete turn-off in another due to cultural sensitivities. And when it comes to leadership, the socio-cultural background of management can significantly influence relationships within the company. If you're diving into a thesis on this topic, consider exploring the impact of cultural differences on various business aspects. You'll find a wealth of resources and tools for academic writing, including thesis action plans and guides, to help you navigate through this complex subject. Remember, in the world of international business, cultural intelligence is not just an asset; it's a necessity.

22. War Effects on Companies' Profits

When you think about war, the first thing that comes to mind probably isn't the stock market or corporate profits. Yet, believe it or not, war can have a profound impact on businesses, sometimes even benefiting certain sectors. Despite the ethical concerns , companies in the defense industry often experience a surge in demand, leading to increased profits during wartime.

But it's not just about weapons manufacturers; other industries can be affected too. Here's a quick rundown of how war might influence different business sectors:

  • Defense and Aerospace : Increased government contracts for military equipment.
  • Oil and Gas : Fluctuations in oil prices can lead to windfall profits or losses.
  • Construction : Rebuilding efforts post-conflict can boost demand for construction services.
  • Healthcare : Heightened need for medical supplies and services in conflict zones.

Remember, while some companies might see a temporary boost, war can also disrupt global supply chains, leading to losses for businesses reliant on international trade. If you're diving into this topic for your thesis, consider exploring the ethical implications and long-term effects on the global economy. And if you need help shaping your research, websites like Research Rebels offer thesis writing tools , academic guides, and resources to support students and professors through the process.

23. Successful International Brands Case Studies

Let's dive into the world of international brands that have made a splash across borders. You know the ones—they're the brands that seem to have cracked the code on global appeal. Take the "Share a Coke" campaign , for instance. It's a classic example of a marketing initiative that resonated worldwide, turning a simple beverage into a personalized experience.

But it's not just about clever campaigns. A deep dive into the strategies of these brands reveals a treasure trove of insights. For example, examining the Coca-Cola brand's international strategy can provide a wealth of knowledge on how to propel a brand's presence in various markets.

Here's a quick list of what you can learn from these case studies:

  • The importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptation
  • Innovative marketing tactics that transcend language barriers
  • Building a consistent brand image while catering to local tastes

Remember, every brand's journey offers unique lessons. Whether it's the holistic approach of Research Rebels or the comprehensive analysis of Coca-Cola's international strategy, there's a goldmine of wisdom waiting for you. So, grab your notebook and get ready to uncover the secrets behind some of the most successful international brands!

24. Top Business Languages

Ever wondered why some folks seem to have a knack for international business? Well, it might just be their mastery of top business languages . Knowing the right language can open doors to new markets and opportunities. But hey, don't sweat it if you're not a polyglot yet; starting with any of these languages can give you a leg up in the global business arena.

Here's a quick rundown of languages that are making waves in the business world:

  • English: The undisputed champion of business communication.
  • Mandarin: A must-know for anyone eyeing the Chinese market.
  • Spanish: Widely spoken across the Americas and growing in business influence.
  • German: The language of Europe's largest economy.
  • French: Not just the language of love, but also a key player in African markets.

Remember, it's not just about speaking the language; it's about understanding the culture that comes with it. Dive into resources like the Journal of Interactive Marketing to get a grip on how language shapes business interactions. And if you're knee-deep in thesis work, don't overlook websites offering thesis-related tools and academic writing guides. They can be a lifesaver when you're trying to make sense of international business lingo and practices.

25. Changes in International Trade and more

As you dive into the complexities of international trade, you'll find that 2024 is a year brimming with transformative trends and policies. Last year's policy developments are set to have a profound impact on how global trade operates, especially with the increasing importance of data flows between countries and the emphasis on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria.

Here's a snapshot of what to watch out for:

  • The rise of e-commerce and its integration into traditional trade systems.
  • Mexico's growing role in international trade, expanding its footprint beyond expectations.
  • The unfolding situation of Section 301 China duties and its implications for trade relations.

These topics are not just academic; they're real-world issues that will affect economies and businesses worldwide. Whether you're examining the enforcement of labor standards or the strategic moves of international brands, understanding these dynamics is crucial for any marketing thesis that aims to be relevant and insightful.

In the dynamic world of international trade, staying informed and adapting to changes is crucial for success. Our comprehensive guide, '25. Changes in International Trade and more' , offers valuable insights into the latest trends and strategies in the global market. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills. Visit our website now to explore the guide and take the first step towards mastering international trade!

Wrapping It Up: Your Marketing Thesis Adventure Awaits!

Phew! That was quite the expedition through the marketing thesis jungle, wasn't it? We've armed you with 100 exceptional topics to kickstart your research odyssey in 2024. Remember, whether you're dissecting consumer behavior or exploring the digital marketing cosmos, your thesis is more than just an academic requirement—it's your chance to contribute to the ever-evolving marketing landscape. So, take a deep breath, pick a topic that ignites your passion, and dive in! And hey, if you ever feel lost, just swing back to Research Rebels for a pep talk or a pointer. We're here to help you navigate through the thicket of research and emerge victorious. Ready to become a Research Rebel? Let's make your thesis journey one for the books!

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What makes research rebels different from other academic support platforms.

Research Rebels stands out due to its holistic approach, engaging content that utilizes storytelling and humor, comprehensive guidance, and a focus on reducing student anxiety. Our team of experienced educators and researchers ensures that our content is accessible, practical, and supportive, making academic success attainable for everyone.

How does Research Rebels help reduce anxiety for thesis-writing students?

Research Rebels aims to alleviate anxiety by providing clear, actionable steps and guidance throughout the thesis-writing process. By demystifying complex concepts and offering a nurturing environment, we help students feel more prepared and confident in their thesis journey.

Can you provide thesis topics beyond typical marketing subjects?

Absolutely! Research Rebels offers a wide range of unique and engaging thesis topics, including those that touch on current trends, sustainability, and innovative technologies, ensuring that students can find a topic that ignites their passion and stands out academically.

Does Research Rebels cover topics related to international business and marketing?

Yes, Research Rebels covers an extensive array of topics, including international business and marketing. Our topics delve into global company marketing, international market challenges, cultural impacts on business, and case studies of successful international brands.

What type of marketing thesis topics can I find on Research Rebels?

Research Rebels provides a diverse selection of marketing thesis topics, ranging from pharmaceutical marketing ethics to the role of social media influencers in brand awareness. We also explore areas like impulse buying, telemarketing, customer loyalty, and ecological awareness in advertising.

Can Research Rebels assist with topics on the impact of technology in marketing?

Certainly, Research Rebels addresses the intersection of technology and marketing, offering topics on internet marketing for global companies, the efficacy of direct marketing on YouTube, and the role of social media in e-commerce, among others.

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Marketing Dissertation Topics

Marketing is a broad and exciting field of study that intertwines with related subjects such as Psychology, Sociology, Business, and even Anthropology.

The field of marketing is always evolving, so there are plenty of ‘gaps’ in the literature to be filed by budding marketing students – whether you’re an undergrad or postgrad!

To help in the preparation of your marketing dissertation, this article suggests marketing dissertation topics that you could base your research on. These subject areas include relationship marketing, branding, direct marketing, international marketing (including influencer marketing), social listening, consumer psychology, online marketing, mobile marketing, marketing mix, social networks and marketing ethics.

Relationship Marketing Dissertation Topics

Branding dissertation topics, direct marketing dissertation topics, cultures and marketing dissertation topics, consumer psychology and marketing dissertation topics, online marketing dissertation topics, mobile marketing dissertation topics, the 4ps (price, product, promotion, place) of marketing mix.

  • Social Networks and Marketing Dissertation Topics

Ethics in Marketing Dissertation Topics

Relationship marketing refers to the use of relationships rather than purely transactional means, while focusing on long term customer engagement. This lets companies acquire customers, while also maintaining customer loyalty that results in repeat custom for the firm. It is an important area for modern businesses, and a topical area on which to base your marketing dissertation with highly diverse topics:

  • Digital relationship marketing in the age of COVID-19: Analysing the importance of personalisation and customisation.
  • Generating customer loyalty through high-value content creation – a case study of UK fitness brands.
  • What are the challenges for Tesco’s loyalty card scheme in today’s competitive business environment?
  • Are switching costs effective barriers to customer retention in the airline industry?
  • How can Amazon.com charge a premium price by using its diverse set of services and products?
  • What are the motivations and expectations behind loyalty schemes for businesses to attract customers in the long run?
  • To what extent does Café Nero’s app foster customer loyalty?
  • How and why can relationship marketing be used to attract new customers through social media?
  • How does product quality affect customer loyalty among high and low contact products?
  • Can luxury goods retailers prevent barriers to switching by locking in customers through a unique set of services and products?
  • How do retailers cope with polygamous behaviour among consumers?
  • How does customer loyalty at Waterstone’s change when customers shop at their online store rather than in the high street as compared to customers of Amazon.com?
  • In what ways does Waterstone’s improve its customer loyalty through its online store and smartphone apps?
  • How can companies adopt social media for successful development of relationship marketing with customers?
  • What are the challenges for small companies when adopting social media for increasing customer loyalty?
  • Using smartphone apps to attract and retain new customers: Advantages and challenges for MNCs.
  • Exploring the efficacy of customer service chatbots – helpful or frustrating?
  • Exploring the effectiveness of online consumer tribes: A case-study of Tarot reading and personal development industries.

Branding is the promise of a company to its customers. Branding is an umbrella term to refer to a wide body of literature examining how businesses can use their brands to achieve a competitive advantage, through building brand equity, launching brand extensions, managing global brands, and so forth. Marketing dissertations on branding could be based on the following topics:

  • An examination of the relationship between perceived risk and brand equity: A comparison of supermarket retailers in the UK.
  • How does innovation impact consumer brand resonance? A case study of hospitality brands who were forced to innovate as result of COVID-19.
  • Do consumers really understand a company’s brand values? The case of Starbucks vs McDonalds.
  • How does the relative importance of tangible and intangible brand values vary across product types?
  • Using digital methods to increase brand salience – a case study approach.
  • Do leading brands need to have the products which attract a large number of customer segments?
  • How is brand image affected by product availability for SME?
  • Can the brand image be transferred between sectors? The case of Virgin Cola in the UK.
  • How does unethical behaviour affect the brand image? The cases of Shell, Nike and Starbucks.
  • How do firms use corporate social responsibility to build brand equity? The case of Body Shop.
  • How can innovations sustain brands through the use of social media marketing?
  • Can brand equity be transferred to a supermarket’s own branded products in the low-price segments?
  • Using social media marketing to attract customers to brands of small companies.
  • How can companies use smartphone apps to improve brand equity? The case of Starbucks and Café Nero.
  • Targeting customers in ethnic markets: The case of Indian food customers in the UK supermarket sector.

The world of direct marketing is changing rapidly, as new technologies and social media allows companies to connect directly with the customer. This involves a wide range of tools and techniques that can be used to target consumers in a predominantly transactional manner. Direct marketers rely on information and a series of direct marketing media such as direct mail, magazines, newspapers, TV/radio, co-ops, telemarketing/teleservices and increasingly social media to disseminate their messages and acquire new customers. We have provided some suggested topics on direct marketing based on current trends, which you could use for your marketing dissertation:

  • How do Tesco and Body Shop use their loyalty schemes to sell directly to the customer?
  • How does the importance of factors that influence online selling vary according to product type in the services industry in the UK?
  • Do customers respond differently to short and long-term offers in a competitive online environment? The case of online book sales.
  • In what ways do free online chat rooms influence consumers’ response to direct sales promotions in social media environments?
  • Assessing the effectiveness of beauty brands’ direct marketing via YouTube.
  • How does the nationality (accent) of telemarketers influence customer response in an increasingly diverse international selling environment?
  • Do consumers know how to protect themselves from unscrupulous direct marketing tactics used by social media marketing companies?
  • How does message length affect the success of direct marketing messages? A comparison of online and offline mediums.
  • Can direct online and social media marketing be used to build customer relationships or is it simply a transactional medium to acquire new customers in the short run?
  • Can online marketing be as effective as a group-orientated tool as it is an individual-orientated one?
  • How do prospecting methods differ in an online and offline environment? The case of the airline industry in the UK.
  • Using SMS and email to connect with customers: Advantages and limitations of direct marketing.
  • Social media marketing as a tool to target luxury customers: Advantages and issues for small companies.
  • Using social media to reduce the cost of direct marketing: The case of small companies in the UK.

For some products and services, cultural considerations can play an important role in how marketers interact with consumers. With the increasing globalisation of business, firms have to pay greater attention to how national culture impacts upon consumer behaviour and customers’ reactions towards different types of marketing communication. Marketing across cultures is becoming more prominent in business, as more and more businesses are expanding throughout the world. This creates an ideal area to base your marketing dissertation on.

  • How does innovation and culture influence the market performance of SMEs in China?
  • Native advertising: Exploring its effectiveness in the UK, China, and the US.
  • What are the effects of social media on organisational culture in the UK’s fashion industry?
  • How is globalisation affecting the organisational culture of Toyota’s global operations?
  • How does language impact upon brand identity? The case of Coca-Cola in the People’s Republic of China.
  • How does culture affect the marketing of automotives? The Case of Toyota in China.
  • What effect does culture have on marketing communications? The case of Coca Cola in India.
  • How do marketers take into account regional differences in “national” culture? The case of banks in the Basque country and Catalonia, Spain.
  • Can automotive vendors afford to treat consumers as a homogenous mass? The case of the North-South divide in Sweden.
  • How does individualism-collectivism influence the sales of mobile phones? The case of the People’s Republic of China.
  • How do supermarket chains overcome language differences in Switzerland?
  • How can banks use pricing strategy to boost customer satisfaction and profitability?
  • How can national culture explain the prominence of Scottish whiskey sales in the global whiskey market?
  • How can countries use national culture to help them promote major exports? The case of the Champagne region, France.

Marketing is fundamentally underpinned by consumer behaviour, which can largely be explained by examining consumer psychology. This highlights how consumers behave in each stage of the buying process and why they react as they do. On this basis, marketers can design and implement communication strategies that target specific customer groups based on their psychological profiles. Some suggestions to base your marketing dissertation within the area of marketing and consumer psychology are as below:

  • What motivates consumers to purchase products from Amazon?
  • What are the uses and gratifications associated with consumer online reviewing?
  • How does marketing intelligence and planning affect sports marketing?
  • How can organisations make effective use of Big Data to gain an understanding of their customers’ psychology?
  • What are customers’ perceptions towards green marketing?
  • What are customers’ attitudes towards digital marketing activities of Burberry?
  • What are the antecedents of word-of-mouth communications? The case of blockbuster marketing.
  • What are the effects of negative word-of-mouth communications on organisational performance?
  • How does gender effect information processing among consumers of luxury goods?
  • What role does motivation play in buying behaviour? An examination of the mobile ringtone market in the UK.
  • How does gender effect selective distortion among luxury goods buyers?
  • What role does learning play among functional online advertisements?
  • Does the importance of beliefs and attitudes vary across low and high involvement products?
  • How does gender influence online purchase behaviour of luxury goods?
  • How is social media affecting the buying behaviour of luxury goods in the fashion industry?

When marketing moves online the traditional rules are either broken or extended. Such extensions include the need to take into account privacy, security, the greater ability to customise and personalise user experiences, the changing nature of consumer behaviour and the interaction of online and offline mediums. Online marketing has become essential for organisations in gaining competitive advantages and enhancing their business performance. Online marketing is a useful and current area of market research. Some suggestions to base your dissertation on online marketing are as below:

  • How can firms customise their products? The case of Apple.
  • What are the effects of a successful digital marketing campaign on Dior’s brand performance?
  • What are the benefits and challenges of using social media to market luxury goods?
  • How does using web analytics for digital marketing enhance brand performance?
  • What is the impact of digital marketing innovation on Apple’s performance?
  • What are the benefits and challenges faced by Burberry in using digital marketing?
  • How can firms personalise their products? The case of Nike.
  • An assessment of the value of assortment to customers: The case of Dell Computers.
  • How does a consumer’s perception of control affect their choice of brand? The case of buying computers online.
  • How does visual constituency affect site identity and product attitude?
  • How does gender affect online consumption behaviour?
  • How can firms successfully combine online and offline shopping features? The case of Amazon.com/Toys-R-Us.
  • What product attributes are most valued by consumers in search, comparison and purchase decision-making online?
  • How do consumers react to brand alliances online? The case of Amazon.com and Wal-Mart.
  • An investigation of the antecedents of consumer behaviour in online auctions? The case of eBay.

Mobile marketing has become the latest marketing communications medium which enables large brands such as Coca-Cola, Nintendo, MTV, New Labour, Lastminute.com, and others to attract new customers and retain existing ones in both traditional and non-traditional ways. With the lowering of mobile phone tariffs and the increased levels of Internet browsing using mobile phones, this medium has become increasingly important to marketers. Below are suggestions for dissertation topics in the area of mobile marketing:

  • How does permission-based marketing impact mobile marketers when developing and implementing international marketing campaigns?
  • How can brand image be conveyed in a mobile marketing environment?
  • Can a strong brand image be built through mobile marketing techniques?
  • What do customers want from mobile marketing messages?
  • How does location influence mobile marketing communications?
  • What role does timeliness play in mobile marketing communications?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of push and pull mobile marketing strategies?
  • How can mobile marketing be used as a viral marketing tool?
  • How can mobile payment services increase revenue for mobile marketers? The case of Vodafone.
  • How can customer relationship management (CRM) be applied in a mobile marketing environment to improve customer loyalty?
  • How can marketing managers drive consumer acceptance of mobile marketing?
  • What impact does brand personality have on purchase intentions in the context of mobile marketing?
  • What are the diffusion and success factors of mobile marketing?

The 4Ps concept represents the cornerstone of marketing is widely used by marketing managers when trying to influence consumer decision-making processes. Below are suggestions for dissertation topics in the area of the Marketing mix:

  • How do price adjustment strategies vary in online and offline environments? The case of music sales.
  • Can an overt international pricing strategy negatively affect the brand image? The case of iTunes.
  • How effective are public relations campaigns following brand failures? The cases of Nike, Shell, and Marks and Spencer.
  • The impact of firms varying the frequency of their advertisements in online and offline environments on customers’ purchase intentions? The case of Waterstone’s.
  • The impact of product information availability and persuasive advertising on consumer behaviour.
  • Differences between comparison and non-comparison advertising and the impact on customers’ purchase intentions? The case of the alcoholic drinks industry in the US.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of online advertising in international marketing.
  • Can point-of-purchase promotions be as effective in an online environment as they are offline?
  • How important is location to customer choice in the UK’s airline industry?
  • How has the Internet helped unsought goods build brand awareness? The case of comparison websites.
  • Is word-of-mouth (i.e. online customer reviews) the new element of the Marketing mix?
  • How important is the Marketing mix for non-profit organisations?
  • The effect of brand awareness on consumers’ purchase intentions. The case of low and high involvement product categories.

Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics

Social media networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn) are not only changing the consumers’ attitudes and behaviours, but they are also presenting marketing practitioners with new challenges when trying to reach and acquire customers online. As social media networks become more popular, a marketing dissertation in this area will be timely and in line with current marketing research trends.

  • What uses and gratifications are provided by beauty brands’ social media content?
  • A content analysis of Food brands Instagram posts.
  • An examination of the positive, neutral and negative user comments on Facebook and their impact on future participation in discussions.
  • Why have functional applications on Facebook achieved so little success compared with their fun counterparts?
  • How do applications of Facebook turn users into sales? The relationship between total installs, daily active users, and application valuation.
  • A comparison of the effectiveness of banner advertising on different social media networks? The cases of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • What impact does newsfeed restriction have on consumers’ attitudes and behaviours towards using Facebook?
  • Is electronic word-of-mouth more persuasive than traditional word-of-mouth? An investigation into online customer reviews.
  • Does traditional customer loyalty apply to consumer behaviour in social media networks?
  • How do non-profit organisations execute marketing campaigns on social media networks such as Facebook?
  • Can firms measure the ROI of their social media marketing?
  • An investigation of the impact of brand post popularity on Facebook brand fan pages on social media marketing.
  • Usage, barriers and measurement of social media marketing: Implications for marketing managers.
  • The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty.
  • How do firms use social media marketing to encourage customers’ purchase behaviours?
  • How do vegan brands use social listening to enhance their marketing strategy?
  • Instagram, influencer marking and trust – a critical investigation.
  • Partnering with YouTube content creators and influences – an effective marketing strategy for fitness brands?

The power of the media in changing consumer attitudes has a significant impact on how firms are expected to behave, as well as how they should integrate ethics into their marketing campaigns. As a consequence, marketing ethics is concerned with a range of issues from ethical business practices, to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes and cause-related marketing. Below are suggestions for dissertation topics in the area of marketing ethics and CSR:

  • The role of EasyJet’s low fare online pricing strategy on changing customer demand trends?
  • Exploring Patagonia’s marketing strategy – Green or Greenwashing?
  • The impact of FairTrade labels on consumers’ purchase behaviours?
  • Vegan vs cruelty-free: the politics of labelling and why it matters.
  • What impact do published codes of conduct have on customer buying behaviour? The cases of The Body Shop, Levi Strauss, and Marks and Spencer.
  • How do ethical purchase intentions and ethical awareness affect purchasing behaviour? A comparison between the sales of battery and free-range chickens.
  • What impact do cause-related marketing campaigns have on consumer buying behaviour? The case of Starbucks’ Raise a cup to a good cause campaign.
  • Why do some controversial marketing communications work whilst others fail? The case of PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
  • How have spam laws improved marketing ethics online?
  • What factors distinguish a consumer’s choice of most and least socially responsible firms?
  • How do firms use public relations to recover from consumer boycotts? The case of Shell and Nestle.
  • The role of gender differences in the impact of CSR perceptions on corporate marketing outcomes.
  • The relationship between marketing ethics and corporate social responsibility: Serving stakeholders and the common good.
  • The role of trust in building company reputation and brand equity through CSR initiatives.
  • Firm performance and corporate social responsibility. An investigation into the role of marketing competence and market environment.

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Marketing Dissertation Topics and Research Ideas

Table of Contents

How do I choose marketing dissertation topics?

Selecting dissertation topics in marketing requires thoughtful consideration and a structured approach. Marketing is a dynamic field with a wide range of topics to explore. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose the perfect marketing dissertation topics:

  • Identify Your Interests and Passions : Start by considering your personal interests within the field of marketing. Are there specific aspects of marketing that intrigue you, such as consumer behavior , digital marketing , branding , or social media ?
  • Conduct a Literature Review : Dive into the existing marketing literature. Explore academic journals, books, and recent articles to identify current trends, gaps in research, and areas that need further investigation. Look for debates or controversies within the field.
  • Consult with Advisors and Professors : Your academic advisors and professors are valuable resources. Schedule meetings to discuss your interests and potential topics. They can offer guidance, suggest relevant literature, and provide insights into research directions.
  • Consider the Practical Relevance : Think about the practical relevance of your topic. How does it relate to real-world marketing challenges or industry trends? A topic that addresses current marketing issues or provides solutions to practical problems can be especially compelling.
  • Originality and Contribution : Aim for originality. Seek to make a unique contribution to the field of marketing. This could involve proposing new theories, conducting empirical research, or offering innovative marketing strategies.
  • Narrow Your Focus : Once you’ve identified a general area of interest, narrow it down to a specific research question or problem. A well-defined and focused topic will make your research more manageable.
  • Data and Methodology : Consider the data sources and research methods available to you. Ensure that you have access to the necessary data and that your chosen methodology is appropriate for your research question.
  • Feasibility : Assess the feasibility of your chosen topic. Do you have the resources and time required to conduct the research effectively?
  • Stay Informed : Stay current with the latest marketing trends and developments. Attend conferences, webinars, and seminars, and follow reputable marketing news sources to stay updated.
  • Brainstorm and Reflect : Take time to brainstorm potential topics and reflect on their significance. Discuss your ideas with peers, advisors, or mentors to get feedback.

Remember, choosing the right marketing dissertation topic is a critical step in your academic journey. It should align with your interests, be relevant to the field, and have the potential to make a valuable contribution. If you need further assistance in finalizing your marketing dissertation topics, dissertation-help.co.uk can provide guidance and support to ensure your choice is well-informed and academically sound.

The focus of the marketing disse r tation is on educational theories and practices to make a learning experience and permit the improvement of skills that could be applied to real-world problems. Your marketing research proposal topics should contribute something to the current writing in a given field.

Top Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • Personalization in Digital Marketing: How It Shapes Consumer Engagement Explore how personalized digital marketing impacts consumer engagement, making it more accessible and relatable.
  • Influencer Marketing Effectiveness: Boosting Brand Awareness Assess how influencer marketing effectively enhances brand awareness, dissecting its strategies and outcomes.
  • Social Media Marketing: Crafting Customer Relationships Examine the pivotal role of social media marketing in nurturing and developing lasting connections with customers.
  • User-Generated Content: Impact on Brand Perception and Purchase Intentions Investigate how user-generated content influences brand perception and guides consumers’ intentions to make purchases.
  • Augmented Reality’s Influence: Creating Immersive Brand Experiences Explore the immersive experiences augmented reality brings to brand engagement and consumer interaction.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Predictive Marketing Analytics: A Comprehensive Analysis Analyze the role of artificial intelligence in predictive marketing analytics, understanding its impact on strategic decision-making.
  • Experiential Marketing: Building Lasting Brand Loyalty Evaluate the effectiveness of experiential marketing in fostering brand loyalty through memorable consumer experiences.
  • Mobile Advertising Impact: Understanding Consumer Purchase Behavior Investigate how mobile advertising directly affects consumer behavior in the decision-making process.
  • Emotional Branding: Forging Strong Customer Connections Explore how emotional branding creates lasting connections with customers, impacting brand loyalty.
  • Storytelling in Marketing Communications: Assessing Effectiveness Analyze the power of storytelling in marketing communications and its effectiveness in conveying brand narratives.
  • Gamification in Marketing Strategies: Enhancing Consumer Engagement Explore the use of gamification in marketing strategies and its impact on fostering consumer engagement.
  • Online Customer Reviews: Influence on Brand Reputation Investigate how online customer reviews shape brand reputation and affect consumer trust.
  • Social Responsibility’s Impact: Consumer Attitudes and Brand Loyalty Analyze the influence of social responsibility on consumer attitudes and the subsequent impact on brand loyalty.
  • Consumer Trust in Influencer Marketing Campaigns: A Critical Examination Investigate the role of consumer trust in influencer marketing campaigns and its impact on overall effectiveness.
  • Cause-Related Marketing: Enhancing Brand Image Explore the effectiveness of cause-related marketing in creating a positive brand image.
  • Neuromarketing Techniques: Understanding Consumer Behavior Investigate the use of neuromarketing techniques to gain insights into consumer behavior and decision-making.
  • Packaging Design: Influence on Consumer Perception and Purchase Intentions Explore how packaging design shapes consumer perception and influences purchase intentions.
  • Celebrity Endorsements: Impact on Consumer Purchase Decisions Analyze the influence of celebrity endorsements on consumer decision-making and brand preferences.
  • Brand Authenticity: Fostering Customer Loyalty Explore how brand authenticity contributes to building lasting customer loyalty.
  • Green Marketing Strategies: Shaping Consumer Behavior Investigate the impact of green marketing strategies on consumer attitudes and behaviors.
  • User Experience (UX) in Online Marketing: Driving Customer Satisfaction Explore the role of user experience (UX) in online marketing and its impact on overall customer satisfaction.
  • Influencer-Generated Content: Unveiling its Impact on Brand Engagement Investigate how content generated by influencers influences brand engagement and consumer interaction.
  • Virtual Reality in Marketing Campaigns: Elevating Consumer Experiences Explore the application of virtual reality in marketing campaigns and its impact on enhancing consumer experiences.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Effectiveness Evaluation Investigate the effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems in optimizing customer interactions and loyalty.
  • Social Media Influencers: Shaping Consumer Brand Preferences Explore the influence of social media influencers in shaping consumer preferences and choices in brand selection.

Consumer Behavior:

  • a. The impact of social media influencers on consumer purchasing decisions.
  • b. The role of emotions in consumer decision-making processes.
  • c. Understanding impulse buying behavior among millennials.
  • d. Cultural influences on consumer behavior: A comparative study between Eastern and Western markets.
  • e. The effect of product packaging design on consumer perception and purchase intention.
  • f. More  Inspiring Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics and Sample Ideas

Branding and Brand Management:

  • a. Brand storytelling: Creating emotional connections with consumers.
  • b. The role of brand trust in enhancing brand loyalty.
  • c. Brand extensions: Evaluating the success factors and challenges.
  • d. Co-branding strategies: A case study analysis of successful partnerships.
  • e. Brand image and reputation management in the era of social media.
  • f. More  Crafting Identity: Exploring Novel Branding Dissertation Topics

Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics:

  • a. The effectiveness of influencer marketing on Instagram compared to YouTube.
  • b. Search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for small businesses.
  • c. Analyzing the impact of online reviews on consumer purchasing behavior.
  • d. Personalization in email marketing: Best practices and consumer responses.
  • e. The role of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in shaping future digital marketing strategies.
  • f. More  Scroll to Success: Exploring Innovative social media and Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics

Marketing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility:

  • a. green marketing: Consumer perceptions and attitudes towards eco-friendly products.
  • b. The role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in enhancing brand reputation.
  • c. Ethical considerations in online advertising: Balancing persuasion and consumer privacy.
  • d. Fair trade marketing: Assessing the impact on consumer behavior and brand perception.
  • e. Gender stereotypes in advertising: Exploring ethical implications and societal effects.

 Marketing Strategy:

  • a. Market segmentation strategies for niche product markets.
  • b. Competitive positioning analysis: A case study of successful market leaders.
  • c. The role of innovation in sustaining competitive advantage in mature industries.
  • d. International expansion strategies: Challenges and opportunities for emerging brands.
  • e. Pricing strategies in the era of dynamic pricing and price discrimination.

Marketing Communications:

  • a. Integrated marketing communications: Evaluating the effectiveness of a multi-channel approach.
  • b. The impact of celebrity endorsements on brand recall and recognition.
  • c. social media engagement strategies: Analyzing tactics for increasing user interaction.
  • d. The effectiveness of storytelling in advertising: A comparative study of narrative techniques.
  • e. Exploring the role of humor in advertising: Effects on brand perception and purchase intention.
  • f. More  Communications dissertation Topics

Retail Marketing Dissertation Topics:

  • a. Retail atmospherics: Investigating the influence of store environment on consumer behavior.
  • b. The rise of online grocery shopping: Factors driving consumer adoption and preferences.
  • c. Retail store layout optimization: Maximizing sales through strategic floor plans.
  • d. Customer loyalty programs in retail: Analyzing the impact on repeat purchase behavior.
  • e. Retail pricing strategies: Dynamic pricing vs. fixed pricing models in brick-and-mortar stores.
  • f. More Retail Management Dissertation Topics Ideas

Product Development and Innovation:

  • a. New product development process: Assessing the stages from ideation to market launch.
  • b. Consumer co-creation in product innovation: Engaging customers in the design process.
  • c. Technology adoption in new product development: The role of AI and machine learning.
  • d. Sustainable product innovation: Strategies for integrating eco-friendly features into products.
  • e. The role of market research in identifying innovation opportunities: A case study analysis.

International Marketing Dissertation Topics:

  • a. Standardization vs. adaptation: Developing global marketing strategies for diverse markets.
  • b. Cross-cultural marketing communication: Challenges and strategies for effective messaging.
  • c. Entry modes in international markets: Comparing joint ventures, franchising, and wholly owned subsidiaries.
  • d. Global branding strategies: Building a consistent brand image across different cultures.
  • e. The impact of political and economic factors on international marketing decisions: A comparative analysis.

Marketing Analytics and Big Data:

  • a. Predictive analytics in marketing: Forecasting consumer behavior using machine learning algorithms.
  • b. Customer lifetime value (CLV) analysis: Maximizing profitability through effective customer segmentation.
  • c. Sentiment analysis in social media marketing: Leveraging text mining techniques to understand consumer perceptions.
  • d. Marketing attribution modeling: Assessing the contribution of different touchpoints to conversion.
  • e. Big data and personalization: Customizing marketing messages based on individual preferences and behavior patterns.

Services Marketing Dissertation Topics:

  • a. Service quality and customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry: A case study of luxury hotels.
  • b. Relationship marketing in service industries: Building long-term customer loyalty through personalized interactions.
  • c. Managing service recovery: Strategies for turning dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates.
  • d. Technology adoption in service delivery: The impact of chatbots and AI assistants on customer experience.
  • e. Customer perceptions of service fairness: Exploring the role of price, process, and outcome fairness in service encounters.

Marketing in Emerging Markets:

  • a. Market entry strategies for multinational corporations in emerging economies: A comparative analysis.
  • b. Consumer behavior in emerging markets: Understanding unique cultural influences and preferences.
  • c. Distribution channel management in emerging markets: Overcoming infrastructure challenges and regulatory barriers.
  • d. Brand localization strategies: Adapting global brands to resonate with consumers in emerging markets.
  • e. The role of microfinance in promoting entrepreneurship and economic development in emerging markets.

Relationship Marketing Dissertation Topics:

  • a. Customer engagement strategies: Building emotional connections through social media and community platforms.
  • b. Customer loyalty programs: Assessing the effectiveness of points-based vs. tiered rewards systems.
  • c. Co-creation platforms: Engaging customers in product development and innovation processes.
  • d. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems: Enhancing customer interactions and retention.
  • e. The role of trust in buyer-seller relationships: Factors influencing trust formation and maintenance in B2B contexts.

Marketing in the Healthcare Industry:

  • a. Healthcare branding and patient loyalty: Strategies for building trust and preference in healthcare services.
  • b. Digital marketing in healthcare: Leveraging online platforms for patient education and engagement.
  • c. Pricing strategies for pharmaceutical products: Balancing affordability and profitability in healthcare markets.
  • d. Patient satisfaction and quality of care: Measuring and improving healthcare service delivery.
  • e. Healthcare marketing regulations: Compliance challenges and ethical considerations in pharmaceutical advertising.

Marketing and Sustainability:

  • a. Sustainable supply chain management: Assessing the environmental and social impact of sourcing decisions.
  • b. Green marketing communication: Strategies for promoting eco-friendly products and initiatives.
  • c. Consumer attitudes towards sustainable consumption: Identifying barriers and motivators for green purchasing behavior.
  • d. Corporate sustainability reporting: Evaluating transparency and accountability in CSR disclosures.
  • e. Circular economy initiatives: Reducing waste and promoting resource efficiency through innovative business models.

Marketing Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):

  • a. Digital marketing tactics for small businesses: Maximizing online visibility and customer engagement on a limited budget.
  • b. Niche marketing strategies for SMEs: Targeting specialized market segments to gain a competitive edge.
  • c. Guerrilla marketing campaigns: Innovative and low-cost promotional strategies for SMEs.
  • d. Networking and relationship building for SMEs: Leveraging partnerships and alliances to expand reach and resources.
  • e. Brand differentiation strategies for SMEs: Creating unique value propositions to stand out in crowded markets.

Marketing Metrics and Performance Measurement:

  • a. Key performance indicators (KPIs) for marketing effectiveness: Identifying and tracking metrics that drive business growth.
  • b. Marketing ROI analysis: Evaluating the financial impact of marketing campaigns and initiatives.
  • c. Customer lifetime value (CLV) modeling: Predicting long-term profitability and optimizing marketing investments.
  • d. Marketing dashboards and reporting tools: Designing visualizations for monitoring and communicating marketing performance.
  • e. Benchmarking and competitive analysis: Comparing performance metrics with industry peers to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Luxury Brand Marketing Dissertation Topics:

  • a. Luxury brand storytelling: Crafting narratives that resonate with affluent consumers and reinforce brand prestige.
  • b. Experiential marketing in the luxury sector: Creating immersive brand experiences to drive emotional connections and loyalty.
  • c. Celebrity endorsements in luxury brand advertising: Assessing the impact on brand perception and consumer attitudes.
  • d. Sustainable luxury branding: Balancing environmental responsibility with the exclusivity and craftsmanship of luxury products.
  • e. Digital transformation in luxury retail: Innovations in e-commerce, omnichannel strategies, and virtual experiences for luxury brands.

Marketing in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry:

  • a. Destination marketing strategies: Promoting tourist attractions and experiences to target markets effectively.
  • b. Online reputation management for hotels and resorts: Monitoring and responding to guest reviews on review platforms and social media.
  • c. Tourist behavior analysis: Understanding the decision-making process and preferences of leisure travelers.
  • d. Event marketing in the tourism industry: Leveraging festivals, conferences, and cultural events to attract visitors and boost revenue.
  • e. Sustainable tourism marketing: Promoting responsible travel practices and supporting local communities and ecosystems.
  • f. More  What are some good thesis topics in tourism marketing?

Marketing Education and Pedagogy:

  • a. Innovative teaching methods in marketing courses: Incorporating experiential learning, simulations, and case studies.
  • b. Digital marketing curriculum development: Integrating emerging trends and technologies into marketing education programs.
  • c. Assessing student learning outcomes in marketing courses: Designing effective assessments to measure knowledge and skills mastery.
  • d. Student engagement strategies in marketing classrooms: Fostering active participation and collaboration through interactive activities.
  • e. Cross-cultural marketing education: Addressing cultural diversity and globalization in marketing curriculum design and delivery.

General Marketing Dissertation Topics

Dissertation topics in marketing encompass a wide spectrum, from consumer behavior analysis to digital marketing strategies, offering students the opportunity to explore contemporary trends and address industry challenges through rigorous research and analysis.

By delving into these topics, scholars can gain valuable insights into market dynamics, develop innovative approaches, and contribute to the advancement of marketing theory and practice.

  • Analyzing the Role of Customer Reviews and Ratings in Online Purchase Decisions
  • Exploring the Impact of Pricing Strategies on Consumer Perceptions and Behavior
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of Loyalty Programs in Driving Customer Retention
  • The Role of Cultural Factors in International Marketing Strategies
  • Analyzing the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Personalization
  • Exploring the Effectiveness of Mobile Apps in Enhancing Customer Engagement
  • Investigating the Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retailing and Consumer Behavior
  • The Influence of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising on Consumer Perceptions
  • Analyzing the Role of Social Proof in Influencing Consumer Decision-Making
  • Exploring the Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Luxury Brands
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of Affiliate Marketing in Driving Online Sales
  • The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Brand Building
  • Analyzing the Use of Big Data in Marketing Strategy Development
  • Exploring the Influence of Brand Image on Consumer Brand Loyalty
  • Investigating the Impact of Customer Experience on Brand Advocacy
  • To study the impact of social media campaigns on consumer attitudes toward the brand
  • To evaluate the success of the Black Friday sale strategy to drive sales.
  • To what extent does influencer marketing facilitate the increase in sales?
  • A systematic literature review on factors influencing the buying decisions of Generation Z.
  • Impact of e-marketing on consumer decisions in the case of the luxury industry in the Middle East.
  • A comparison of traditional vs. digital marketing taking consumer’s perspectives.
  • Impact of technological disruption on marketing processes and activities.
  • How are search engines contributing to the success of e-commerce?
  • Impact of relationship marketing on consumer memberships and loyalty.
  • The extent to which loyalty schemes influence customer satisfaction in the retail industry.
  • Does technology-driven customer engagement lead to better customer satisfaction?
  • How do companies build brand equity through celebrity endorsement in the fashion industry?
  • Do customers respond differently to direct and digital marketing?
  • The extent to which belief, religion, and values have an impact on marketing in the world.
  • Impact of customer-centric marketing strategies in achieving sustainable growth.
  • How do the integration of the Internet of Things and automated services facilitate interactions to create optimal value?
  • The relationship between innovation, creativity, and strong brand image.
  • Examining the importance of social marketing for youngsters.
  • Implementation of game theory in successful branding.
  • The emerging role of social networking sites in redeveloping the brand image.
  • Is it necessary to use influencer marketing to achieve marketing goals?
  • The emerging concept of color psychology and its impact on marketing
  • Key factors to achieving sustainability differentiation in the Zero-zero-zero world. In the case of automobiles.
  • Role of Culture in the Relationship between consumer purchasing behavior and celebrity endorsements.
  • An evaluation of consumer preference trends in purchasing plant-based meat among non-vegans.
  • How are brands using manipulation tactics in the attention of more customer segments?
  • Are Instagram influencers successfully influencing the buying decisions of buyers?
  • How direct marketing strategies are influenced by consumer needs?
  • Are all global brands incorporating standardization strategies?
  • How does the local culture affect the marketing tactics of a food company?
  • Do loyalty cards contribute to boosting sales figures?
  • To what extent do corporate social responsibility goals influence the strategic objectives of a corporation?
  • How are marketers taking advantage of search engine optimization to increase traffic on sites?
  • Does effective content shared on social media influence the behavior of consumers?
  • How can Snapchat help small businesses grow?
  • To what extent do Instagram marketing and advertisements help in gaining customer attention?
  • Which factors trigger impulsive buying behavior?
  • What are the rural and urban marketing challenges faced by food companies?
  • Has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the marketing tactics of corporations?
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the behavior and perceptions of consumers?
  • To what extent did COVID-19 influence the advertising of food companies?
  • What is the impact of brand image on consumer taste preference?
  • Analyze the shelf spacing competition of beauty products.
  • Evaluate the consumer decision-making model in the automobile industry of the United States.
  • Explore the impact of search engine optimization on the marketing performance of corporates.
  • How are hospitality businesses targeting Generation Y and Z customers?
  • Examine the impact of effective customer relationship management on customer retention.
  • How does humorous advertising affect consumer brand perception?
  • How can companies improve the commitment level of customers?
  • Evaluate the four-dimension approach to attitude measurement.

In conclusion, dissertation topics in marketing offer a rich landscape for scholarly exploration, allowing researchers to delve into consumer behavior, emerging technologies, and market dynamics. Through comprehensive analysis and innovative approaches, these topics contribute to shaping the future of marketing practice and theory, addressing the evolving needs of businesses and consumers alike.

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international marketing dissertation topics

Dissertation Topics in Marketing


  • Updated on  
  • May 8, 2023

Dissertation Topics in Marketing (1)

As a Marketing graduate, you are expected to submit a Dissertation as a part of your degree or PhD programme. Your Marketing Dissertation topic can connect to various areas including, branding, link marketing, wire/automated marketing, retailing principles, or any alternative field of marketing. Often, students have difficulty finding the correct dissertation topic for their Marketing course. Hence, to encourage you to get established with topic suggestions, we have acquired a list of the recent arguments you can use to create your Marketing Dissertation. Keep reading this blog to know more!

Also Read: Dissertation vs Thesis

This Blog Includes:

Dissertation topics for marketing, topics for mba marketing, b2b marketing topics , topics on digital marketing, relationship marketing dissertation topics, branding dissertation topics, direct marketing dissertation topics, cultural and marketing dissertation topics, online marketing dissertation topics, mobile marketing dissertation topics, the 4ps of (price, product, promotion, place) of marketing mix, consumer psychology and marketing dissertation topics, social media marketing dissertation topics, ethics in marketing dissertation topics , explore the well-crafted marketing dissertation topics  , present the perfectly written dissertation on marketing.

Marketing: Dissertation Topics

  • What are the incentives and intentions behind support programs for corporations to engage consumers in the long series?
  • To what degree does Caffe Nero’s app foster consumer allegiance?
  • How and why can communication marketing be employed to entice new clients through social elements?
  • How does production variety influence policy patriotism among high and low-contact producers?
  • Can leisure goods merchants avoid obstacles by replacing bolt-in clients with a different set of benefits and products?
  • How do entrepreneurs grapple with polygamous behaviour among users?
  • Computerised communication economics in the age of COVID-19: Analysing the magnitude of personalisation and customisation.
  • Growing policy support through long-value distribution management–an event study of UK health brands.
  • What are the challenges for Tesco’s support card system in now’s cutthroat factory environment?
  • An investigation of the relationship between observed risk and brand investment: A correlation of department store retailers in the UK .
  • How does modernisation impact customer brand resonance? A process study of reception brands who were forced to innovate due to COVID-19.
  • Do purchasers really figure out a company’s brand benefits? The process of Starbucks vs McDonald’s.

Students of the MBA Marketing course can refer to the following list of marketing dissertation topics.

  • Involving communal systems when seeking different markets and developing the market interest.
  • Systems companies use acting on customer boycotts.
  • The job of joint buy in a poor industry.
  • Are modernisations useful in building up the number of clients?
  • The relationship between the geographic position and the nature of a system.
  • The benefits groups get from the customisation of their works.
  • Mobile commerce: its powers and shortcomings.
  • The change in prices on offline and wire markets of properties.
  • How serious is the job of branding in the progress of a business?
  • Are there proper limitations in brand selling plans?
  • What are the key features of Internet commerce?

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Here are some dissertation topics for B2B marketing.

  • Altering the Marketing Management. What are the new models, functions, processes, and techniques?
  • Making the Idea Organisation: How to use expected control to set up brand advantage, develop leads, and interest clients.
  • Getting to Love the Data Burst. Carrying out the potential of analytics for increased planning, margin control, and outcome.
  • Drawing up for the B2B Social Buyer. Establishing the appropriate commerce difference between conventional customs and the new civil user.
  • Sales Channel Enablement. Increasing the impact from your portfolio of enablement movements across direct and ancillary demand channels.
  • Next Generation Account-Paltry Commerce. Developing the model, mix, and workforce across the full businesses and distribution cycle.

Given below is a list of Digital Marketing dissertation topics.

  • How does the value of things that affect wire trade differ corresponding to the amount type in the works trade in the UK?
  • Do consumers react negatively to low and high-term actions in an aggressive networked status? The process of wire record deals.
  • In what respects do available wire conversation areas affect users’ return to direct selling promotions in civil form sets?
  • Evaluating the power of vision brands’ direct selling via YouTube.
  • How does the telemarketers’ community (tone) affect consumer feedback in a more diversified global business situation?
  • Do users learn how to care for themselves from dishonest direct selling ploys employed by civil forms advertising firms?

Also Read: How to Write Acknowledgement for Dissertation?

Relationship Marketing is a marketing tactic to build long-term relationships with customers. This strategy allows companies to acquire customers, while also maintaining customer loyalty that further results in repeated customs for the respective company. In the modern business world today, Relationship Marketing can be a great base for your marketing dissertation as it provides you with a diverse range of dissertation topics:

  • Digital relationship marketing in the age of COVID-19: Analysing the importance of personalisation and customisation.
  • Analyzing the customer-centric marketing strategies in attaining competitive advantage for the firm and sustaining business success.
  • The role of information technology in revolutionizing marketers’ approach towards manipulative advertisement.
  • Customer loyalty – Behaviour or attitude? A mixed-method analysis.
  • The relationship marketing strategies of Nike: A critical analysis.

In simple terms, a Brand is who you are while marketing is how you choose to build awareness about the brand. Basically, promoting a brand’s products and the services provided as a whole. Branding refers to the analysis of how businesses can use their brands to achieve a competitive advantage, through building brand equity, launching brand extensions, managing global brands, and more. Listed below are some Branding Dissertation Topics to begin with:

  • How does innovation impact consumer brand resonance? A case study of hospitality brands who were forced to innovate as a result of COVID-19.
  • Do consumers really understand a company’s brand values: Starbucks vs McDonald’s.
  • A case study: Using digital methods to increase brand salience.
  • Using social media marketing to attract customers to brands of small companies.
  • The consequences of Unethical behaviour on the brand image: The cases of Shell, Nike and Starbucks.

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As technology is evolving, the concept of Direct Marketing is a boon for companies as it allows companies to connect with customers directly through advertising services such as emails, online adverts, flyers, database marketing, promotional letters, newspapers, outdoor advertising, phone text messaging, magazine adverts, coupons, phone calls, postcards, and websites. Direct Marketing allows companies to understand a customer’s specific needs to provide them with the most relevant products and services. Listed below are some topics for Direct Marketing Dissertation:

  • In what ways do free online chat rooms influence consumers’ responses to direct sales promotions in social media environments?
  • The effectiveness of beauty brands’ direct marketing via YouTube: Analysis
  • Using SMS and email to connect with customers: Advantages and limitations of direct marketing.
  • Using social media to reduce the cost of direct marketing
  • Brand Loyalty And Customer Satisfaction In Online Retailing Company: A Case Study On Amazon

As businesses are expanding throughout the globe, Culture plays an important role in the interaction of marketers with customers. Culture has a great impact on international marketing due to the increase of globalisation in the business world. Companies are required to gain in-depth knowledge of the local culture before offering a product to them as effective communication is a major factor that contributes to customers buying the products. Listed below are some topics for your reference in the Cultural and Marketing Dissertation:

  • Native advertising: Exploring its effectiveness in the UK, China, and the US.
  • The effect of culture on marketing communications: The case of Coca-Cola in India
  • How do supermarket chains overcome language differences in Switzerland?
  • Effects of social media on organisational culture in the UK’s fashion industry.
  • How does language impact brand identity? The case of Coca-Cola in the People’s Republic of China.

Online Marketing is an essential part of Marketing as it allows companies to build relationships with customers and spread awareness about the brand through digital marketing such as Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-Click, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Marketing Analytics and Affiliate Marketing. Unlike the traditional way of marketing that included print, billboard, television and radio advertisements, Online Marketing is a lot more affordable and effective. A dissertation on Online Marketing can definitely provide you with a wide range of topics. Listed below are some of the topics for a dissertation on Online Marketing:

  • The case of Apple: How can firms customise their products?
  • The impact of digital marketing innovation on Apple’s performance
  • Pop-up advertisements: Hit or a miss
  • Celebrities and influencers: Have they changed the game of online marketing?
  • Analyzing customers’ psychology and its role in digital marketing.

Due to the increase in Internet browsing on mobile phones nowadays, Mobile Marketing has become an essential part of marketing communication. It aims to reach out to mobile users through different methods such as mobile-optimized ads, push notifications and mobile applications. Listed below are some topics for a Mobile Marketing Dissertation:

  • Can a strong brand image be built through mobile marketing techniques?
  • What do customers want from mobile marketing messages?
  • How does location influence mobile marketing communications?
  • What role does timeliness play in mobile marketing communications?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of push-and-pull mobile marketing strategies?

The 4Ps of Marketing are widely used by marketers to influence consumer decision-making. Listed below are some topics you can use as a base for writing a Dissertation on Marketing Mix:

  • The impact of product information availability and persuasive advertising on consumer behaviour.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of online advertising in international marketing.
  • The Importance of Marketing mix on non-profit organisations.
  • Is word-of-mouth (i.e. online customer reviews) the new element of the Marketing mix?
  • Case of iTunes: Can an overt international pricing strategy negatively affect the brand image? 

Marketing is ultimately underpinned by customer behaviour, which may be explained in large part by studying consumer psychology. This focuses on how consumers behave at each stage of the purchasing process and why they react the way they do. Marketers can use this information to create and implement communication strategies that target specific client groups based on their psychological characteristics. Here are some ideas for marketing dissertation topics based on marketing and consumer psychology:

  • What drives customers to buy things from Amazon?
  • What are the benefits and advantages of customer internet reviews?
  • What impact do marketing intelligence and planning have on sports marketing?
  • How can businesses use Big Data to obtain a better knowledge of their customers’ psychology?
  • What do customers think about green marketing?
  • What are customers’ feelings about Burberry’s digital marketing efforts?
  • What were the forefathers of word-of-mouth communication? A case study in blockbuster marketing.
  • How does gender influence information processing among luxury goods consumers?

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter are widely used mediums for reaching out to customers online. Social media has become an essential part of both local and international companies. Some topics for Social Media Dissertation are:

  • A content analysis of Food brands Instagram posts.
  • The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty.
  • Instagram, influencer marking and trust – a critical analysis.
  • Partnering with YouTube content creators and influences – An effective marketing strategy for brands.
  • Implications for marketing managers: limitations of social media marketing.

Ethics in Marketing is the implication of standards of fairness, or moral rights and wrongs, to marketing decision-making, behaviour, and practice in the firm. Using unethical marketing practices may put a company’s viability at risk and cost its reputation which might have taken years to build. From ethical business practices to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), several research options are available for a marketing dissertation. Some topics to begin with a dissertation on Ethics in Marketing are as listed:

  • How have spam laws improved marketing ethics online?
  • What impact does published codes of conduct have on customer buying behaviour? The cases of The Body Shop, Levi Strauss, and Marks and Spencer
  • The influence of local culture on business ethics of immigrants- A case study of the UK
  • Vegan vs cruelty-free: the politics of labelling and why it matters
  • What factors distinguish a consumer’s choice of most and least socially responsible firms?
  • Exploring how organizations use corporate social responsibility (CSR) to reinforce brand equity

Marketing is a process through which companies be they Local or International use to create and build brand awareness, and customer relations, and for increasing business profits. Marketing is a great field for research as it provides you with a large number of research topics and sources. Listed below are some Marketing Dissertation Topics to start from niche:

  • Analysis and determination of consumer buying behaviour for Coca-Cola
  • Critical research on how AI will help make better marketing decisions
  • Brand advertising and political campaigns: a possible interwoven impact?
  • Analysis of how brands exploit impulsive buying
  • Marketing budgets included by BREXIT
  • The effect of COVID-19 on the global economy
  • The decline in organic reach on social media platforms
  • Do people appreciate being click baited into sponsored posts?
  • How the extraordinary content offered by intelligent chatbots can help sports teams strengthen fan loyalty

A dissertation requires a lot of independent research so it may get a bit difficult to start with. Demonstrating your ability to think critically and analytically is what you’re supposed to bring in your Marketing Dissertation. A marketing dissertation requires you to conduct extensive research and present an argumentation in a particular claim of the topic you have chosen. The very first step to presenting a perfectly written marketing dissertation is to choose a topic you’re genuinely interested in, this allows you to understand and present the arguments well. However, you should make sure that the topic chosen is capable enough of contributing to your future in career aspects. You can look for marketing topic ideas from present scenarios, academic journals and scholarly books. In the aftermath of choosing the topic, you’re supposed to develop a research question. While creating a research question you must keep in mind your ability to answer it through primary and secondary sources. Gather the necessary material for your research and prepare an outline for your Marketing Dissertation. The last and final step of presenting a perfectly written marketing dissertation is to revise, edit and proofread your dissertation and make changes if required. Revise your marketing dissertation as many times as you can until you are fully satisfied with the paper. 

The best research topics in digital marketing include Artificial Intelligence, Conversational Marketing, Video Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Influencer marketing, Pay per Click Advertising, Visual Search, and Social Media Management and Marketing.

Some special dissertation topics in commerce are: 1) Write about the influence that advertising picks up on the performance of purchasers. 2) Address about the scholars can be trained among the mobile phone business. 3)Write about how foreign commerce can manage standardisation.

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Dissertation Topics in Marketing Actual in 2024


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Choose the Right Topic for Your Marketing Dissertation
  • 2 Branding Dissertation Topics
  • 3 Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 4 MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 5 Interesting Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 6 Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 7 Relationship Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 8 Fashion Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 9 Sports Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 10 Ethics in Marketing Dissertation Topics
  • 11 Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics

We’ve compiled a list of about 100 of the best international marketing dissertation topics. Use these examples comfortably and create your idea.

How to Choose the Right Topic for Your Marketing Dissertation

To choose the right topic for your dissertation , you have to pick something actual and relevant to the field. Moreover, your choice must be interesting for reading. But not something filled with many scientific terms.

The idea must be based on a case that other people have already researched. That will give you enough credible sources to use for your work.

When writing your dissertation , remember that it revolves around data. Thus, using credible academic references with correct information is best.

While doing that, a good thing to remember is to look for ideas with gaps that have great potential. They will allow you to create a good piece that will be interesting to read. But given how hard these are to notice, you should get dissertation assistance . You can get help from our team of professionals or ask your professor for suggestions.

Branding Dissertation Topics

Branding is a term that comes from the business world, and you will often see it in the field. The word refers to many processes that give meaning to various organizations, businesses, services, and goods.

In that sense, branding can be a way for the company to promote its products and achieve an edge over competitors by building its brand. It can be a promise to the customers or the appeal of a good or service.

  • Brand value, and how the consumers perceive it. Case of Pepsi versus Coca-Cola.
  • The company branding and its effect on business productivity.
  • What is the significance of social media marketing for brand development?
  • Is there cultural meaning in brands, and why?
  • Branding and its nature. Comprehensive evolution study.
  • The relations between the brand, customers, and their emotions.
  • Why is brand management essential for achieving profitability?
  • Branding and the importance of having a top product that attracts customers.
  • How can the use of digital methods increase brand standing?
  • Smartphone apps, and how businesses can use them to improve their brand equity.

Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics

Without a doubt, this is the future of commerce in the current age. That is due to the significant increase in online shopping. With the growth of online sales and new e-commerce, experts must develop unique strategies to boost their sales.

Because of that, we have prepared a few ideas about digital marketing thesis topics for you:

  • Modern customers and how social media applications can affect their behavior.
  • Marketing and landing pages, and why they are so important to have.
  • Google and Amazon ads and how they are a necessity for online commerce.
  • Digitalized platforms and the adoption of automated service interaction. How they affect clients and companies.
  • What exactly is the role of the Internet? How does it influence customers’ behavior?
  • Smart devices and their effects on boosting company sales.
  • Is it essential to analyze the consumer’s psychology in marketing strategies?
  • How have stars and influencers affected online sales and strategies?
  • Digital marketing. Is it better for the customer to interact with a machine or an employee?
  • Email strategies. Are they outdated, and what are the most common mistakes of this strategy?

MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics

Having a Master’s can be essential as it opens a new path for you and allows you to learn more. In that sense, it also shows you know about marketing in general. So, picking the right dissertation topic is crucial because you have to prove your knowledge.

  • Digital and mobile marketing. What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • Note the difference between offline and online market goods and how clients respond to them.
  • Management and its response to boycotts. What is the proper reaction?
  • What are the customer’s reactions during periods of recession and crisis?
  • Customer profile gender, age, and ethnicity. How do they affect online purchases?
  • What is the importance of a successful branding strategy, and how does it attract loyal customers?
  • How does color relate to brands and affect sales in the clothing industry?
  • Strategies about charity. Why are they important, and how do people regard them?
  • Best sales strategies that make consumers buy food online.
  • E-commerce, and how a loyalty program encourages the customers to spend more.

Interesting Marketing Dissertation Topics

No matter what you are writing about, you must pick an interesting topic. Then you will have an easy time researching and writing.

Marketing is a field connected to a lot of data, and that can make writing your Master’s dissertation hard. Thus, striving to pick a compelling case to write about will help you immensely.

  • Should we combine offline with online techniques to increase sales in the digital business model?
  • Politics and their effects on marketing strategies.
  • What are the best and worst parts of SMS marketing? Is it an actual concept?
  • The concept of standardization in the field and how it affects the clients.
  • How does brand value affect the customer’s decision?
  • How do retention and innovation go hand in hand? What are the effects?
  • Family packs and oriented online commerce strategies.
  • Online trends and their impact on marketing techniques. How have they changed during the past ten years?
  • The power of customization in e-commerce and how it affects sales.
  • Market segmentation and its effects on sales channels. Is it a good or bad strategy?

Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics

In the current commerce world, many, if not most, marketing campaigns and deals take place online. With that, the importance of social media and other widespread online platforms increases. So, social media marketing strategies are a must for the success of any thriving business.

  • Are Google, Amazon, and Facebook ads convenient for digital trade?
  • Effects of social media and the impact they have on customers.
  • Marketing, E-commerce, and the importance of proper SEO. Effects and aftermaths.
  • Is it good for huge corporations to use social media and focus on younger customer groups?
  • How can products and online services affect customer loyalty to the brand?
  • Are influencers and famous actors a good strategy to increase your audience?
  • Social media and its significance in modern marketing promotion campaigns.
  • How can online content marketing build a larger presence and loyal customers?
  • Are social media suitable for branding or just boosting a company’s sales?
  • Should a company build online value through transparent customer reviews? Best ways to do it.

Relationship Marketing Dissertation Topics

Customer association is crucial for the success and good sales of every business. Thus, customer relationships are often vital to a good marketing approach. That is because such techniques rely on how well you know your customers and what you want to focus on when approaching them.

  • How has customer retention changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and how does that affect marketing strategies?
  • Modern consumer behavior. Is it reasonable to push clients to change their customer style or not?
  • How can the decision-making process affect cultural or ethical influences?
  • Big corporations and their strategies. Why do customers stay loyal and abide by global marketing rules?
  • Why is it important for a company to learn more about its client’s psychoanalytical model?
  • Differences between the classes and racial discrimination when targeting different ethnicities.
  • E-commerce and shopping application. How can customers achieve satisfaction through verbal communication?
  • What is the risk when dealing with unhappy customers and boycotts?
  • When is it reasonable to change prices, and how do clients see these changes?
  • Customization: The best way to personalize your company’s product to suit your customers.

Marketing dissertation topics can include areas such as pricing strategy, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, etc. Writing a dissertation on a marketing topic can be a difficult task. That is why services such as custom dissertation writing services are available to alleviate this stress and make the process easier.

Fashion Marketing Dissertation Topics

Fashion marketing aims to resolve or create promotion issues connected to a clothing brand. Many of the strategies in the field include publications on specialized blogs. They can also have websites, Google Ads, and campaigns with influencers.

Below, we have prepared a few exciting topics from that field. Please take a look at them and gain inspiration about your dissertation topic:

  • Are fashion marketing strategies mainly aimed at women, and why?
  • Social media applications and their influence over fashion commerce strategies.
  • Fashion marketing techniques and logistics. The importance of proper planning.
  • What are the best ways to identify your clients in fashion marketing?
  • Best ways to create the ultimate customer experience in fashion.
  • Should fashion strategies spin around famous influencers or not?
  • Can sales be predicted effectively in fashion marketing, and how?
  • Best ways to attract younger customers. Goal-oriented campaigns and their benefits.
  • How can data suggest the best decisions in fashion promotion, and why?
  • The importance of researching and properly planning product prices.

Sports Marketing Dissertation Topics

In the modern world, sports are present in everyone’s life. So naturally, sports-related advertising significantly impacts a company’s brand sales and income.

Given how important that is, we have prepared a few of the best marketing-related dissertation topics in the field. Use them to gain inspiration and choose a suitable case.

  • Is it a good idea to use famous sports stars in promotion strategies?
  • World Cup 2022 and its importance for great marketing campaigns.
  • How can Esports be a suitable advertising platform? Best practices in the field.
  • Are behind-the-scenes images a good move in promotion strategies or not?
  • Advertising and betting platforms. Correlations and how these companies advertise on sports media.
  • How can bets influence sports marketing, and how are they connected?
  • Best advertising strategies. Teasers and previews before the start of a competition.
  • Women in sports and how they advance sports marketing.
  • What is the role of artificial intelligence, and can it change the shape of marketing in sports fields?
  • Ticket purchases. Why is it one of the best promotion revenue streams?


Ethics in Marketing Dissertation Topics

Marketing ethics are concerned with various business practices and company responsibilities. They are usually influenced by the clients’ behavior or change in attitude.

Nowadays, these are common, thanks to the influence of social media platforms. Below you can see a few suggestions for such topics.

  • What is the impact of goods labels on the clients’ purchase behavior?
  • Exploring the depths of Amazonia jungles. Is it green or greenwashing?
  • How do corporate behavior and ethics influence customer sales? Investigation.
  • Why does labeling matter, and what are its effects? Vegan versus the cruelty-free label.
  • How have spam rules and laws improved online ethics for consumers?
  • Pharmaceutical representatives and their gifts. Business ethics and morality investigation.
  • Gender difference and its impact on corporate social responsibility perceptions. What is the corporate marketing outcome?
  • The effects of the code of conduct of some stores. How does it affect customers?
  • Ethics, marketing, and the relationship between CSR. Are they a priority to the stakeholders or the common good?
  • How WizzAir online fare pricing influenced the customer demand trends. Marketing pricing strategies.

Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics

Consumer behavior in marketing often refers to the customer’s needs. How they meet them with the purchase of goods, and how they use them. The same also refers to various services and even expands to clients disposing of goods.

An effective marketing strategy knows the ropes around consumer behavior. So, before starting a campaign targeted at a specific group, you must research. Here are some topics examples:

  • In what ways does a company determine consumer behavior and maximize the benefit from it?
  • Modern digital tools. The practice of finding consumer behavior and its benefits for social marketing strategies.
  • Client behavior study. Why do women purchase more fashion goods than men?
  • What are the aftereffects of neglecting your target group’s consumer behavior?
  • Consumer behavior. How can the use of indecent language influence the young population to buy more?
  • Why have goods like masks and disinfectants increased in popularity during and after the pandemic?
  • Client’s behavior and why it is difficult to market goods in today’s busy world.
  • Innovation is a way of retaining a brand’s value even after a recession.
  • Product outreach and the consumer’s behavior towards it.
  • Beauty product sales and male clients. Consumers behavior investigation.

Suppose you have read everything. Now you know more about the different types of marketing dissertations. You saw great examples of marketing topics related to the field and now can easily use them to gain motivation for your work.

Selecting a compelling topic for a marketing dissertation can be overwhelming. However, with the help of the PapersOwl writing service , you can easily identify a focused dissertation topic that aligns with your research interests. Their team of experts will guide you in choosing the most relevant and interesting topics that will help you make an impact in your field of study. With their support, you can be sure to produce an exceptional marketing dissertation that stands out from the rest.

Remember, inspiration is crucial, as marketing students’ thesis topics revolve around it. So get your motivation, select the suitable case that interests you, and form your thesis.

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international marketing dissertation topics

international marketing dissertation topics

Research Topics & Ideas: Marketing

50+ Marketing Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Marketing and advertising-based research topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a marketing-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Here, we’ll explore a variety of marketing-related research ideas and topic thought-starters, covering both traditional marketing (offline media) and digital marketing (including social media marketing, content marketing and the like). We’ll also look at actual dissertations and theses from marketing students to give you a view of what a well-defined research topic looks like.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the marketing domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: Marketing-Related Topics

  • How to find a research topic (video)
  • Traditional (offline) marketing topics/ideas
  • Digital (online) marketing topics/ideas
  • Examples of actual dissertation topics
  • Free Webinar : Topic Ideation 101
  • Where to get extra help

How To Find A Research Topic

Before we look at specific research ideas and topics, it’s useful to first understand what the topic ideation process entails and how to go about finding and refining viable topic ideas. In the video below, we cover exactly that. So, if you’re a first-time researcher, be sure to watch this tutorial before jumping into the collection of marketing research topics we present below. 

Research topic idea mega list

Now that you’ve got a big-picture view of the topic ideation process, we can dive into a few research ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Please note that these research topic ideas are intentionally broad and generic, so you will need to refine them a fair deal using the techniques we discussed in the video above.

To make life a little easier for you, we’ve grouped the topic ideas based on two main categories – traditional marketing and digital / online marketing . For the latter, we’ve divided it up into a few subcategories, including social media marketing, content marketing and search marketing. That said, there is naturally some overlap between topics, so keep this in mind.

Research Ideas: Traditional Marketing

  • The perceived effectiveness of different types of direct mail campaigns (e.g., postcards, catalogues, brochures) among small business owners in New York
  • The perception and use of traditional marketing in creating and nurturing customer loyalty and retention among UK Financial Firms.
  • The impact of demographic targeting on traditional marketing performance among green businesses
  • The perception of different types of sales promotion (e.g., discounts, coupons, contests) among GenZ consumers
  • The continued use of celebrity endorsements in traditional marketing campaigns, post-2020.
  • Exploring factors related to outdoor advertising recall in India
  • Measuring the ROI of traditional marketing efforts: a review of current methods
  • Comparing the effectiveness of different traditional media channels (e.g., television, radio, print) in driving engagement and conversions among established brands
  • The use of public relations in traditional marketing campaigns among large insurance companies
  • The role of event marketing in building brand awareness and engagement: perceptions among marketing professionals in the UK

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Research Ideas: Digital/Online Marketing

Social media marketing

  • The use of artificial intelligence in social media marketing among online fashion companies in Sweden
  • The impact of social media on public relations and media relations: a Case Study of Nandos
  • The role of Twitter in crisis communication and reputation management: a discourse analysis
  • The impact of social media influencer presence on brand loyalty and customer retention among Gen X.
  • The use of social media for market research and consumer insights among SMEs in Kenya
  • The impact of social media on consumer buying behaviour of fast food in Italy
  • The challenges and opportunities of social media in global and multicultural marketing: perceptions of marketing departments in large corporations
  • The relationship between social media engagement and website traffic: an analysis of fitness brands
  • The effectiveness of influencer marketing on social media platforms for household cleaning products in the UK
  • The perceptions and understanding of paid vs organic social media advertising among Gen Z consumers in San Francisco

Content marketing

  • The use and understanding of micro-moments in creating personalized content experiences among content creators in the USA
  • Comparing the effectiveness of methods of personalization of content marketing: an evaluation of best practice
  • The experiences and use of SEO in content marketing strategy among small online businesses
  • The use of social media influencers in content marketing campaigns: a Case Study of Hello Fresh
  • Comparing different content distribution channels for different types of content: perceptions of best practices among content marketing experts
  • The use of user-generated content in building brand trust and engagement among green companies in the UK
  • Measuring the ROI of content marketing efforts among luxury brands
  • The perception and use of Chat GPT in content creation among small online businesses
  • The perceptions of interactive and immersive content formats (e.g., virtual reality, augmented reality) in marketing among consumers: an experimental study
  • Comparing image and text-based content formats in driving engagement and conversions on social media: a multi-case study of NGOs

Research topic evaluator

Search engine marketing

  • The effectiveness of different ad formats (e.g., text ads, shopping ads, video ads) in Search Engine Marketing for tourist destinations
  • The impact of search engine algorithm updates on Search Engine Marketing performance – who are the winners and losers?
  • The perception and use of AI and machine learning in Search Engine Marketing strategy and bidding optimization within a UK marketing agency
  • The use of voice search and its impact on Search Engine Marketing among food retailers in Switzerland
  • The role of local SEO in driving brick-and-mortar sales: a case study of a local fashion outlet in France
  • The impact of mobile optimization on Search Engine Marketing performance and conversion rates in Nigeria
  • Comparing analytical tools for measuring ROI of Search Engine Marketing campaigns
  • The effectiveness of different types of keywords and search queries in driving traffic towards restaurants in Italy
  • The use of remarketing and retargeting in search engine marketing campaigns among marketers
  • The understanding and use of schema markup and structured data in improving Search engine marketing performance among Start-Ups

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Email marketing

  • The perception and use of AI and machine learning in email marketing among NGOs: a focus on personalized content and dynamic segmentation
  • The effectiveness of email subject line strategies in driving open and click-through rates: an experimental study
  • Comparing A/B testing and multivariate testing in improving email marketing performance: a case study
  • The use of personalization on email marketing performance among craft bloggers
  • The impact of automated email marketing among local online retailers on customer loyalty and retention
  • The use of automation and triggered emails in increasing engagement and conversion rates for online courses
  • The perception and understanding of GDPR and other data privacy regulations on email marketing among SMEs
  • The role of mobile optimization in email marketing targeting Gen Z consumers
  • The challenges of measuring the ROI of email marketing campaigns: perceptions of SMEs
  • The effectiveness of different email formats (e.g., text-based, HTML, interactive) in driving engagement: A/B testing for a small online retailer

Marketing-Related Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding marketing-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various marketing-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • The Influences of Brand Personality, Culture, and Social Media on Iconic Brand Preferences (Whelan, 2021)
  • Customer Success and the Transformation of Customer Relationships (Raines, 2022)
  • The Effects of Online Incentivized Reviews on Organic Review Ratings (Jeong, 2020)
  • Are You For Real? The Consumption-Driven Self-Authentication Process And Its Effects On Perceived Brand Authenticity (Kuchmaner, 2020)
  • You Are What You Eat: How Food Texture And Packaging Influence Consumer Well-Being (Ning, 2020)
  • Social Dialogic Listening: Connecting Marketing Activity To Strategy (Collins, 2020)
  • Millennials’ Attitudes Towards Influencer Marketing And Purchase Intentions (Yu, 2019)
  • Cannibalization between Two Mercedes-Benz Models and Consumer Behavior (Ma, 2020)
  • Selling and Buying Aspects of Used Products That Are Brand Anthropomorphized (Kim, 2019)
  • Global Identity: Conceptualization, Measurement, And Implications For Marketing Strategy (Yoruk, 2022)
  • The Intersection of Organizational Frontline Marketing and a High-Tech World (Krotz, 2021)
  • The Unexplored Impacts of Communication Elements in Marketing (Trinh, 2022)
  • Founder Social Identity As A Predictor Of Customer And Competitor Orientation In Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (Rutherford, 2021)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are far more specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Research Topic

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your marketing dissertation or thesis, check out our 1-on-1 private coaching services below.

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International Business Dissertation Topics

Published by Owen Ingram at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On July 18, 2024

Most students find it difficult to select the perfect international business dissertation topic for their dissertation project. In fact, many students end up choosing very narrow and specific topics due to the vastness of the field and the growing issues within the field of international business.

We understand that choosing a suitable international business dissertation topic may not be a straightforward task for many students, so we have compiled a list of the perfect international business issues you can explore and address as part of your research.

We aim to empower our students with the knowledge and abilities needed to choose an international business research paper or dissertation topic. At ResearchProspect , we help students with their research proposal and the full dissertation paper.

You may want to read about our business writers to see how we can help ease your workload. Check our  free example dissertations and free business and business management dissertation examples to get an idea of how to structure your dissertation.

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International Business Dissertation Topics For 2024

  • MNCs’ use of a standardised approach to business strategy
  • Impact of the coronavirus outbreak on global business operations
  • Management and globalisation governance appendix
  • Factors affecting MNCs’ decision about their corporate political approach in emerging economies
  • effects of corporate globalisation on their foreign business activities
  • MNCs and the consequences of culture
  • Effects of the evolving international legal environment on MNCs
  • MNCs’ methods for entering emerging markets
  • Challenges to the global banking system’s security brought on by Toyota’s Total Quality Management
  • Foreign workers’ challenges and opportunities in a global strategy
  • The value of English as an international business language and the reasons Chinese companies win contracts in Africa
  • A quantitative study of the Canadian Honey Industry
  • the US auto industry’s expansion under the Trump Administration
  • fake honey’s effects on the world’s honey business
  • Management quality in global markets
  • Coronavirus and BREXIT’s effects on the world’s aviation sector
  • Impact of corporate privatisation on worldwide marketplaces
  • Branding’s function in the global tourism sector
  • Information technology management for global businesses
  • Effects of efficient human resource management in global businesses
  • Impact of efficient channels for corporate communication in global companies
  • Acceptableness of government engagement in creating CSR restrictions
  • Result of senior management interference in a company’s plans
  • When accidents are every day, can the economic model for developing driverless cars still be viable?
  • How social media branding gives companies a competitive edge in the age of globalisation
  • Value ramifications of multinationals’ cross-border expansion trends in emerging markets
  • How do public disclosure policies affect corporate operations management in a more globalised society?
  • The elements affecting the success of building firms in the United Arab Emirates
  • Important aspects for Carrefour to succeed in the current global market
  • financial options for developing small and medium-sized businesses
  • The impact of legislation on the marketing and production of tobacco.
  • Is the government gaining revenue from the war?
  • Companies that are successful both nationally and internationally.
  • It is acquiring knowledge of the global IT market and sector.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

Final Words

Choosing the best international business dissertation topic in your graduate programme is a prerequisite to writing a first class dissertation paper.

Are you having trouble deciding what to write about for your dissertation or how to choose a topic? Search no further; we can assist you not only with the topic selection but the full process.

We have 1000s of satisfied customers when it comes to writing a dissertation . It’s your time to put your trust in us to provide you with the best topic and dissertation on international business that you deserve.

If you need help with the complete dissertation writing process, you may want to additionally read about our  proposal writing service  and the full  dissertation writing service .

Free Dissertation Topic

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find international business dissertation topics.

For international business dissertation topics:

  • Study global economic trends.
  • Analyze cross-border challenges.
  • Explore trade and market dynamics.
  • Research cultural influences.
  • Examine multinational strategies.
  • Select a topic aligning with your expertise and career aspirations.

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International Marketing Topics & Essay Examples

In today’s interconnected world, globalization is a priority for every large corporation. Thus, international marketing has become essential as it allows a business to grow across borders. Franchising, licensing, joint ventures, as well as export and foreign investment are all examples of what falls under this umbrella term. Creating better opportunities for companies despite cultural and societal differences is the goal. If you have to write an international marketing essay, the best place to start would be the definitions. Our team has explored them here.

Sometimes, the concepts of global marketing and international marketing are used interchangeably. However, there are some crucial differences between the terms:

Global marketing refers to the whole world as the designated marketplace. The products remain identical globally, with no differences from country to country. For example, global marketing would be utilized by technological companies, such as Samsung. Their products are identical everywhere in the world.

Meanwhile, restaurant chains in particular often rely on international marketing since it is country-specific. The target of such a campaign would be a specific country or even region. For example, Starbucks has menu items restricted to one country to better cater to local markets.

Below, we have listed tips that will guide you in writing your academic paper. You can also find international marketing topic ideas for your paper. Finally, don’t forget to check out free sample essays at the bottom of the page.

To make sure that your international marketing paper is the best it could be, check the tips in this section.

To compose a great essay, try following the steps below:

  • Take time choosing the right topic for you. Your writing process will become significantly easier if you find an idea that is interesting to you personally. With international marketing, try going for something current and relevant. Staying up to date with new marketing strategies will be beneficial in the long run.
  • Study your guidelines carefully. Once you have settled on a topic, take the time to go over it. Double-check what is required of you before you begin writing. Ensure that you are following all the assignment guidelines precisely.
  • Write down the thesis statement before anything else. Your thesis is the main point you are trying to make. Formulate what you are trying to discuss before you start your research. This will narrow down your focus and will allow you to concentrate on what’s crucial. Besides, our thesis generator can do this for you!
  • Add a hook to your introduction and fill it with context. The more you establish from the start, the less context you will need to provide later. Introduce the key details that your audience must know before reading the rest. Catch their attention with a hook. It can be related to ongoing events or surprise your audience.
  • Examine the topic in three paragraphs. A narrow idea can be good. Yet, you still have to write at least three body paragraphs on it. This is the bare minimum standard for opening up an idea in-depth. Remember to stay on track and write only relevant information.
  • Restate your thesis in your conclusion . Another crucial element of any essay is its conclusion. It should reflect what you have stated in your thesis and add something to it. Plus, it should provide a summary of your findings. Don’t introduce any new information in this part of your paper.
  • Double-check and revise your reference list. When you are done writing, make sure your international marketing research is cited accordingly. Ideally, you should note down your references as you go along. Proofread and edit the rest of the paper as well.

When writing any academic work, the selection of a topic is the first step. You can try using our random topic generator – it will give you a completely new idea automatically. Or you can look at our list of 15 international marketing topics for research papers or essays.

  • Social and cultural influences that businesses must consider before entering the Indian market.
  • An analysis of the international niche marketing strategies for medium and small enterprises.
  • Oreo – a case study of challenges and failures in the Chinese market.
  • An examination of research strategies and design for international marketing in global corporations.
  • The role of social media marketing management in today’s world.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of standardization in fast food marketing strategies.
  • How to predict customer behavior in a foreign market?
  • What is the role of international relations in world trading patterns and barriers?
  • How McDonald’s utilizes marketing mix in its entry to new markets.
  • Ways of determining the price for international market economies.
  • The rules of law and ethics: their impact on the development of international marketing in the last two decades.
  • What are the benefits of global marketing for smaller businesses?
  • Reasons behind the development of the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
  • An analysis of Apple’s product adaptation strategy.
  • Henry Ford’s strategies – a study of the genius marketing manager.

We hope that you found this article useful. Below, you will find international marketing essay examples that you can browse through. Thank you for reading!

181 International Marketing Essay Examples

Dyson company’s marketing strategy.

  • Words: 4671

The marketing strategies of Sony and Samsung

  • Words: 2703

United Parcel Service in India

  • Words: 1679

Nestlé Enters China. Global Business Development

  • Words: 2597

Entering the Indian Market: The Risks That Tesla Faces

  • Words: 3302

Boost Juice Company’s International Marketing

  • Words: 1115

A Competitive Analysis of Primark Investments

  • Words: 3665

International Market Entry Strategies

  • Words: 5410

Home Depot Failure and IKEA Success in China

  • Words: 1175

Green marketing

  • Words: 2849

Starbuck’s Strategic Plan

Subway marketing strategy.

  • Words: 2876

International Marketing and Its Challenges

  • Words: 1373

Starbucks Company Entering New Iceland Market

F&n’s sales and marketing expansion: pestle, aldi süd company: tactical international marketing plan.

  • Words: 4362

Similarities and Differences Found in Each Country’s Cultural

Business expansion to the united states vs. turkey, huawei’s pricing strategies in global marketing, perigord bakery’s global marketing environment, peugeot: global value chains in turbulent times.

  • Words: 3020

Panera Bread Opens a Store in Bangkok, Thailand

Tsingtao brewery: international marketing plan.

  • Words: 2820

Luxury Market in Nigeria and International Brands

  • Words: 21708

Strategic Business Plan for Elite: When Objectives Comply With the Needs of the Market Place

  • Words: 5521

Market Skimming and Penetration Pricing

Walmart in sweden: pestle (strategic) analysis, the coca-cola company’s and nestle’s global marketing and human resource strategies, watson pharmaceuticals’ environmental factors in global and domestic marketing, the islamic hijab and international marketing.

  • Words: 1369

Trinidad and Tobago for International Business

  • Words: 2238

Creating a Global Brand: Toyota Motor Corp.

  • Words: 3608

Coca Cola Company Marketing

  • Words: 2769

Marketing Mix adjustment strategies

  • Words: 2727

Starbucks in the UAE – Distribution Strategy

International dairy queens stores: approach to the markets.

  • Words: 1427

An Analysis of Marketing Strategies of Local vs. International Brands in the Fast Food Sector

  • Words: 4115

Jamaica as a Country for International Business

  • Words: 1429

Implementing a Global Strategy in China

Transworld minerals inc.’s expansion analysis, leveraging culture for china’s smartphone sales in the uk.

  • Words: 7471

Global Success in Athletic Footwear Industry

  • Words: 1553

Setting Business in Bangladesh

International marketing of premium jewelry, tesla’s quality control for expansion to china, emerging markets: opportunities and development, archer-daniels-midland company: entering argentina’s market.

  • Words: 1519

The Online Market in China: Entering Plan

Emerging markets for international businesses, licensing and franchising in business management, cultural adaptations in international business, sprecher automation’s market opportunities in the uae.

  • Words: 2638

The Starbucks Firm’s Expansion Problems in China

The harvey norman firm’s international expansion.

  • Words: 1777

The FCB Joburg and Toyota South Africa Marketing

The dog deluxe brand conquering the uae pet industry, nissan motors entering the international market.

  • Words: 1215

How Danone Can Reenter the Chinese Market

Acme electronics’ expansion in china, canada, and mexico, the european union and the us: business expansion options, patchi premium chocolate: exporting to china.

  • Words: 2117

Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK Entering the UAE

  • Words: 3609

International Marketing: Stock Market Volatility

Internationalization of smes: case study of al-jaber engineering in qatar.

  • Words: 2577

Internationalization Process of Firms From Developing Country

  • Words: 2285

Digital Marketing Capabilities in International Firms

Market entry into a country with a large power distance index, chile’s market analysis for a us company.

  • Words: 4120

Internet and Globalization Effects on Marketing

European business environment scanning, trade show as expansion tool in biotechnology industry.

  • Words: 1505

National Food Product Company: Colombia and Costa Rica Markets

  • Words: 3410

Taking Tsingtao Beer to Thailand

International marketing: corporate philanthropy.

  • Words: 1416

Comprehensive International Marketing Plan

  • Words: 2781

Evaluation of the UAE’s History, Cultural Taboos on Business

  • Words: 2289

International Marketing: Strategies and Issues

  • Words: 1172

Russian Machinery Industry and Market Entry Strategy

  • Words: 2540

Strategic Marketing Plan for Globalization Move

  • Words: 1641

International Company Project: Uber South Africa

  • Words: 9152

Cultural Integration of Joint Ventures Factors

  • Words: 8193

Foreign Market Entry for India

  • Words: 3095

Global Marketing Plan for the Organization

“international marketing” by cateora and graham, mainland china’s multinationals in international markets.

  • Words: 2478

International Capital Markets, Asset Pricing and Financing the Firm

Origin country effect on consumer perception of products and brands, unilever plc international finance project.

  • Words: 1947

Coal India Limited and Store Norske

  • Words: 2187

Acquisition of ACME: Challenges the Company Faced

Acme international expansion program.

  • Words: 1348

Multinational Corporations Aiming to Operate in China

China and india in emerging healthcare markets.

  • Words: 1222

Maintaining the Partnership

The role of nultinational corporations in the global economy.

  • Words: 1395

International Business and Marketing Trends

Panera bread store and bangkok infrastructure, a cross-country investigation of consumer animosity, how mncs uncertainty shapes mncs strategy.

  • Words: 2481

International Business. Tendering for Export Contracts

Integrating product from a global and social standpoint, country-of-origin effects on product evaluation, load washers and dryers business in the czech republic, trading situation of american and belgian traders, managing hospitality in the international context.

  • Words: 1136

TATA Steel Product: Export Promotion

  • Words: 1138

International Business in Argentina and Singapore

  • Words: 1311

DFS Expansion in India

Ikea: expanding through franchising to the south american markets.

  • Words: 1426

Marketing Balfour Beatty PLC in the Indian Market

  • Words: 1117

Market Size in Russia and Competitive Environment

Uk company engaged in international business, the occurrence of multinational corporations.

  • Words: 1589

Ornamental Fancy Style in China and Australia Market

International management. global sourcing.

  • Words: 1412

Supply and Demand Elasticity and Global Price of Corn

  • Words: 2809

Marketability of Pakistani Business Ventures

  • Words: 1131

Commerce Between the United States and Other Countries

Company a: major cross-cultural issues in china.

  • Words: 1424

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Marketing Dissertation Topics

Marketing Dissertation Topics

Mark Bradford

When it comes to picking a topic for your marketing dissertation, it's a pretty big deal. You want something that's not only interesting but also relevant to what's happening in the marketing world right now.

Your dissertation is your chance to dig into the ins and outs of marketing, from how people buy things to all the latest digital trends. So, choosing the right marketing dissertation topics means keeping up with what's going on in the industry, spotting new ideas, and finding something fresh that can contribute to the conversation.

If you need help with your project, use our marketing essay writing service to save time and produce a classier paper.

How to Choose a Marketing Dissertation Topic?

Marketing Dissertation Topics Sources

Choosing a marketing dissertation topic is a significant decision that can shape the direction of your academic and professional journey. Here are some steps gathered by our human essay writer to help you navigate the process:

Steps Details
Identify Your Interests Start by reflecting on your interests within the broad field of marketing. What topics or areas intrigue you the most? Consider your passions, experiences, and career aspirations.
Conduct Background Research Explore recent literature, journals, and industry reports to get a sense of current trends, emerging issues, and areas of debate in marketing. Pay attention to gaps in research or areas that warrant further exploration.
Consider Practical Relevance Think about the practical implications of potential topics. Is there a specific challenge or problem that businesses are facing? Are there opportunities to contribute new insights or solutions?
Consult with Advisors or Mentors Seek guidance from your academic advisors, professors, or industry mentors. They can offer valuable perspectives, suggest relevant literature, and help you refine your ideas.
Narrow Down Your Focus Once you have a broad idea of your interests and potential topics, narrow down your focus. Consider the feasibility of conducting research within a specific timeframe and resource constraints.
Define Your Research Questions Formulate clear and focused research questions that will guide your investigation. Your questions should be specific, relevant, and aligned with the objectives of your dissertation.
Evaluate Methodological Approaches Determine the appropriate research methodologies to answer your research questions. Consider whether qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods approaches are most suitable for your study.
Assess the Academic Contribution Evaluate the academic contribution of your proposed topic. Aim to advance existing knowledge, challenge conventional wisdom, or fill gaps in the literature.
Consider the Accessibility of Data Assess the availability and accessibility of data sources relevant to your chosen topic. Ensure that you have access to sufficient data to support your research objectives.
Stay Flexible and Open-Minded Be prepared to adapt and refine your topic as you progress through your research. Stay open to new ideas and insights that may emerge during the process.

international marketing dissertation topics

Marketing Dissertation Topics List

Branding dissertation topics.

Branding encapsulates creating a distinct and memorable identity for a product, service, or company, encompassing its values, attributes, and perceptions to foster recognition, differentiation, and loyalty among consumers.

  • Social media and brand perception.
  • Digitalization and brand loyalty.
  • Branding's consumer impact.
  • Building brand equity strategies.
  • Brand storytelling for engagement.
  • Brand identity in markets.
  • Brand extensions: risks and rewards.
  • Trust and brand authenticity.
  • Talent and employer branding.
  • Emerging markets branding.

Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics

Digital marketing involves utilizing online channels such as websites, social media, email, and search engines to reach and engage with target audiences, promote products or services, and drive desired actions or conversions.

  • The evolution of digital marketing trends.
  • Social media marketing effectiveness.
  • Search engine optimization strategies.
  • Mobile marketing for on-the-go consumers.
  • Email marketing for engagement and conversion.
  • Influencer marketing impact and challenges.
  • Data analytics in digital marketing.
  • E-commerce strategies for sales optimization.
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality in marketing.
  • Personalization in digital marketing campaigns.

If you have already found a topic, message us, ‘ write my dissertation ,’ and human experts will fulfill your project from scratch without any AI tools.

MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics

Marketing and MBA are interconnected as business programs often include comprehensive courses in marketing strategy, consumer behavior, and market analysis.

  • Consumer behavior in modern marketing.
  • Marketing for competitive advantage.
  • Branding and customer loyalty.
  • Digital marketing: Trends and challenges.
  • Market segmentation strategies.
  • Product innovation.
  • Pricing for profitability.
  • International marketing strategies.
  • Building customer relationships.
  • Marketing ethics and responsibility.

Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics

Social media marketing involves leveraging social media platforms to promote products or services, engage with target audiences, and build brand awareness.

  • Influencer marketing effectiveness and ethics.
  • Social media advertising trends and strategies.
  • User-generated content and brand engagement.
  • Social media analytics for marketing insights.
  • Impact of social media on brand perception.
  • Community management in online spaces.
  • Social media crisis management strategies.
  • Social commerce: merging social media and e-commerce.
  • Social media and customer relationship management.
  • Social media marketing for small businesses.

Buy dissertation online right now to have one of our most skilled writers handle your graduation paper.

Fashion Marketing Dissertation Topics

Fashion marketing encompasses the strategic planning and implementation of promotional activities and brand strategies tailored to the fashion industry.

  • Fashion branding and identity.
  • Digital challenges in fashion retail.
  • Luxury fashion marketing strategies.
  • Fast fashion's consumer impact and sustainability.
  • Influencers in fashion marketing.
  • Trends in fashion advertising.
  • Ethics in fashion consumer perception.
  • Experiential marketing through fashion events.
  • Merchandising strategies for fashion sales.
  • Globalization and fashion marketing.

Ethics in Marketing Dissertation Topics

Ethics in marketing refers to the moral principles and standards that guide advertising, promotion, and consumer interactions.

  • Ethics in marketing profitability.
  • CSR in marketing practices.
  • Consumer privacy in digital marketing.
  • Truth in advertising compliance.
  • Ethics in influencer marketing.
  • Sustainability in green marketing.
  • Fair trade in marketing.
  • Targeted marketing ethics.
  • Brand communication transparency.
  • Ethical decision-making in marketing.

Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics

Consumer behavior refers to the study of how individuals, groups, or organizations make decisions about what to buy, use, or discard.

  • Social media's influence on consumer decisions.
  • Brand loyalty versus price sensitivity.
  • Packaging design impact on perception.
  • Impulse buying behavior in e-commerce.
  • Cross-cultural consumer behavior analysis.
  • Emotions in consumer decision making.
  • Environmental consciousness and consumption.
  • Online reviews and consumer choices.
  • Gender differences in buying behavior.
  • Celebrity endorsements and consumer attitudes.

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international marketing dissertation topics

Mark Bradford , a passionate and talented artist, utilizes his innovative spirit to support academic pursuits. In partnering with EssayHub, he leverages his artistic insights to assist students as a professional essay writer, helping them navigate and complete their academic assignments at every level of difficulty.

  • https://srmus.ac.in/view/governance/naac/1.3.4/Supporting%20Documents/MCOM/Saurab%20Gurung%2020MC204001.pdf
  • Open Access Institutional Repository of Georgia State University - Marketing Dissertations | Department of Marketing | Georgia State University . (n.d.). https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/marketing_diss/

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70+ Dissertation Topics in Marketing 2024

Princi Rai Image

Princi Rai ,

Mar 4, 2024

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Dissertation topics in marketing include crucial topics such as marketing ethics, advertisement and branding techniques on various social media platforms and e-commerce platforms and sustainability of brand value.

70+ Dissertation Topics in Marketing 2024

Dissertation topics in marketing include a wide variety of topics on branding and advertising, consumer behaviour, social media marketing, international marketing, marketing ethics, marketing strategy, and product development dissertation topics.

Table of Contents

What are Dissertation Topics in Marketing?

Top 10 general marketing dissertation topics , top 10 branding and advertising dissertation topics, top 10 consumer behaviour dissertation topics.

  • Top 10 Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics

Top 10 International Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • Top 10 Marketing Ethics Dissertation Topics
  • Top 10 Marketing Strategy Dissertation Topics
  • Top 10 Product Development Dissertation Topics

A study effort or academic paper that focuses on a particular facet or subject within the discipline of marketing is called a marketing dissertation. In marketing or similar fields, it is usually a significant piece of work that is needed for undergraduate, graduate, or doctorate degrees. 

Through original research, data analysis, and intellectual presentation of findings, a marketing dissertation seeks to advance the area of marketing by bringing fresh perspectives, ideas, or information to the table.

The top 10 general dissertation topics in marketing revolve around data privacy and successful e-commerce experience; a few of them are listed below for students' reference:

  • Artificial Intelligence's Effect on Personalized Marketing
  • Data Privacy and Digital Marketing
  • Ethical Considerations Influencer Marketing in the Metaverse
  • Functions of Voice Search in Content Strategy and SEO
  • Digital-era sustainability marketing
  • Consumer Behaviour after the Cookie Revolution
  • The Effect of Social Commerce on the Success of E-Commerce
  • Cross-Channel Attribution Models in Marketing
  • Strategies for Niche Markets in Digital Marketing
  • Augmented Reality's (AR) Function to Improve User Experience

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In this category, all the techniques associated with binding audience engagement and creating brand awareness are included. Dissertation topics in marketing associated with branding and advertising are listed below:

  • Storytelling's Place in Brand Development
  • Customer Views on Authenticity in Marketing
  • Social Media Advertising's Effect on the Sustainability of Brand Images 
  • Marketing Tactics and Customer Reaction
  • Celebrity Endorsements' Effect on Brand Equity
  • In the Age of E-commerce, Brand Loyalty
  • The Effectiveness of Humour in Advertising
  • In the Market for Luxury Goods and Branding
  • Brand Recognition and Advertising
  • Effects of Visual Identity on Consumers in the Metaverse

Topics focusing on consumer behavior and their point of view towards any brand are critically analysed. Dissertation topics in marketing on consumer behaviour are listed below:

  • Online Reviews' Effect on Consumer Purchase Decisions
  • Consumer Conduct in the Retail Environment Following the Pandemic
  • Consumer Behaviour Across Cultures in International Marketing
  • Consumer Reactions to Ethical and Sustainable Branding
  • Purchase Patterns in Internet Retail
  • The Mentality Behind Pricing Techniques
  • Social Influence's Significance in Consumer Behavior
  • Price sensitivity vs. brand loyalty
  • Customer Conduct for Subscription-Based Services
  • Consumer Behavior in Shopping Using Augmented Reality (AR)

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Top 10 Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics 2024

Social media marketing primarily focuses on creating brand value on social media platforms; a few dissertation topics in marketing on social media are listed below:

  • Social Media Influencers' Function in Promoting Brands
  • Utilising Augmented Reality (AR) Filters for Social Media Promotion
  • The Impact of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Intentions to Purchase
  • Crisis Management on Social Media and Brand Image
  • User-Generated Content (UGC) and Its Place in Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media Algorithms' Impact on Content Visibility
  • Social Media Marketing Techniques and Customer Conduct
  • Privacy Concerns' Effect on Social Media Marketing
  • Marketing Using Social Media in the Metaverse
  • Chatbot's Application in Social Media Customer Support

Exploring multinational brands, adapting their branding strategies and investigating the challenges and opportunities faced by international companies in dissertation topics in marketing are listed below:

  • International Branding Approaches and Cross-Cultural Consumer Views
  • Approaches to Entering Emerging Markets
  • Political and Economic Aspects' Effects on International Marketing
  • Cross-Border Electronic Commerce and Global Consumer Trends
  • Cultural Modification of Marketing Messages for International Campaigns
  • International Marketing: Global Supply Chain Management and Sustainability
  • Localization's Significance in Global SEO
  • In International Marketing, Market Segmentation
  • Strategies for International Influencer Marketing
  • The Effect of Consumer Perceptions Across Cultures on Product Localization

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Top 10 Marketing Ethics Dissertation Topics 2024

Topics associated with all the marketing ethics and moral values are included in the dissertation topics in marketing ethics and are listed below:

  • Targeted Advertising's Ethical Consequences
  • Sustainability and Ethical Marketing Strategies
  • Data security and consumer privacy in electronic advertising
  • The Importance of Moral Leadership in Marketing Companies
  • Influencer Marketing Ethics
  • Fair Trade Promotion and Virtuous Consumer Conduct
  • Moral Issues in Cause-Related Advertising
  • Principles in Social Media and Accountability of Influencers
  • Challenges of Ethics in Cross-Cultural Marketing

Top 10 Marketing Strategy Dissertation Topics 2024

All the techniques associated with marketing strategies are listed in the dissertation topics in marketing strategies below for student's reference:

  • Marketing's Digital Evolution Strategies
  • Agile Strategies for Marketing in a Changing Setting
  • Difference and Competitive Positioning Approaches
  • Strategies for Entering and Expanding 
  • Markets Worldwide Brand Repositioning
  • Creative Techniques for Product Launches
  • Strategies for Content Marketing in the Digital Age
  • Strategies for Customer-Centric Marketing
  • Social Media Techniques for Engagement and Creation of Brands
  • Sustainable and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Marketing Strategies

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Top 10 Product Development Dissertation Topics 2024

Product development is a significant aspect, and dissertation topics in marketing based on product development are listed below for students:

  • Open Innovation and the Creation of New Products
  • Agile Methods for Product Development
  • Designing Sustainable Products
  • Product Innovation and User-Centred Design
  • Multifunctional Groups in the Creation of New Products
  • Networks of Development and Product Innovation
  • Technology's Place in Product Development
  • Verification and Testing of Markets for New Products
  • Co-creation with consumers and innovation in products
  • Discovery and Product Portfolio Planning


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370+ Best Marketing Research Topics & Ideas for Students to Consider

Marketing Research Topics

Table of contents


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Ever had that brain-freezing moment where you're staring at a blank page, desperately hunting for that perfect marketing research topic? We've all been there. Welcome to your new cheat-sheet – a collection of unique, compelling, and downright cool marketing research paper topics. 

This isn't your standard list. We've gone beyond the beaten track, exploring the wild frontier of marketing, from neuromarketing mysteries to influencer insights. We've broken it down into digestible sections, so you can dive straight into your area of interest or academic level. Go ahead, check out these marketing research topics for papers and dissertations to make your next project shine!

What Are Marketing Research Topics?

In its simplest form, marketing is all about telling a compelling story to your audience. It's how businesses communicate the value of their products or services to customers, intending to promote and sell them. Yet, it's not just about selling. Marketing also involves understanding customer needs, crafting solutions to meet these needs, and building relationships that result in customer loyalty.

Now, when it comes to marketing research topics, you'll find an expansive universe of possibilities, each as diverse as the next. You might explore how to position your product to maximize impact or delve into the powerful online strategies that can make your brand viral. Or, you could examine the psychology behind consumer behavior, understanding what drives people to buy one product over another. 

These are just a handful of the abundant marketing topics you can encounter. Now let’s see what branches they are divided into.

Branches of Marketing Topics

Before you choose any marketing research topic idea, let’s figure out the main branches of this field. Here are the buckets they fall into:

  • Strategic marketing: This is the art of planning with a long-term view. Topics here could cover competitive positioning, market segmentation, or establishing a unique selling proposition.
  • Digital marketing: This direction is all about reaching customers online. You might explore search engine optimization, email marketing campaigns, or the effectiveness of different digital advertising strategies.
  • Social media marketing: This branch leverages social platforms to engage customers. Marketing topics here could revolve around the role of influencers, the power of user-generated content, or the impact of social media on brand perception.
  • Content marketing: This revolves around creating valuable content for customers. Here, you could delve into the importance of storytelling, how to create compelling blog posts, or the effectiveness of video marketing.
  • Consumer behavior: This branch focuses on understanding what drives consumers. You might examine factors influencing buying decisions, the psychology of consumer choice, or trends in consumer behavior.

How to Choose a Marketing Research Topic?

Choosing the right marketing research paper topic is crucial for a couple of reasons. Firstly, a good topic can keep you motivated throughout your study. It can be the difference between seeing your research as a chore or an adventure. Secondly, a well-chosen topic can contribute to the field, spark discussions, or even influence marketing strategies.

So, what makes a marketing research topic good? Most importantly, it should be an area of interest that excites you and piques your curiosity. Researching something you don't care about won't bring out your best work. Also, make sure the topic is relevant – check if it fits into the current research landscape or challenges existing knowledge. Last but not least, ask yourself if the topic is manageable within the scope of your assignment and resources. 

With these criteria in mind, let's see how to select the right marketing research topic. Below are some valuable suggestions from our thesis writing service :

  • Begin research Get familiar with the field by reading up on the latest publications and material. Note down all ideas for later reference.
  • Identify your interest area Start by asking yourself what aspect of marketing excites you most. Is it the psychology of consumer behavior, the analytics of digital marketing, or the creative aspects of content marketing?
  • Examine current trends Stay updated with the latest developments in the marketing field. Read industry reports, blogs, or news to identify hot topics or emerging trends.
  • Find a gap Look for questions that haven't been sufficiently answered or areas that need more exploration. This could be a unique perspective on an existing topic or an entirely new question.
  • Consider practicality Make sure your topic is feasible to research. Do you have access to the necessary resources, data, or tools?

Remember, choosing the right topic is a journey, one that requires time, exploration, and sometimes, a bit of trial and error. Don't rush it, savor the process, and you'll end up with a great topic. But in case you are stuck, we developed a list of potential research topics in marketing – all worth attention.

List of Marketing Research Topics & Ideas 

We've collated a captivating list of marketing research paper topics, perfect for igniting your curiosity and sure to impress your professors. Remember to align your chosen topic with your course requirements to ensure it's the perfect fit. Let's dive in!

  • Engaging Gen Z through social media marketing.
  • Challenges and opportunities in influencer marketing.
  • Ethical boundaries in digital advertising.
  • Rise of voice search: Impact on SEO.
  • Sustainable marketing: Beyond a trend?
  • Navigating cultural differences in international marketing.
  • AI and personalization in digital marketing.
  • Consumer behavior in online vs. offline shopping.
  • Impact of viral marketing on brand awareness.
  • Neuromarketing: Exploring the consumer's mind.
  • The role of AR and VR in enhancing consumer experience.
  • Branding in the age of social movements.
  • Efficacy of content marketing in B2B sectors.
  • Emotional marketing: Manipulation or genuine connection?
  • Privacy concerns in data-driven marketing.

Good Marketing Research Topics

Eager to dive deeper into the world of marketing? Here are more fresh and exciting marketing project topics. Each is poised to offer intriguing insights and comes with plenty of data to fuel your arguments. Get ready to explore!

  • Measuring the impact of customer reviews on sales.
  • Gamification as a marketing strategy: Pros and cons.
  • How color psychology influences branding?
  • Experiential marketing: A new customer engagement strategy.
  • How does social responsibility improve brand image?
  • Celebrity endorsements: Effective or outdated?
  • Ethical implications of neuromarketing.
  • Green marketing: Just a trend or a sustainable strategy?
  • Impact of humorous advertising on brand recall.
  • Local SEO strategies for small businesses.
  • How storytelling boosts content marketing success?
  • Role of AI in predicting consumer behavior.
  • Effects of scarcity tactics in e-commerce.
  • Mobile marketing trends shaping the future.
  • Impact of data privacy regulations on digital marketing.

Interesting Marketing Research Topics

Looking for a theme to add a dash of intrigue to your research? Explore this list of market research topics guaranteed to spark curiosity and foster insightful discussions.

  • Using virtual reality for product demonstrations.
  • Impact of emotional appeals in advertising.
  • How does nostalgia influence consumer choices?
  • Role of chatbots in improving customer service.
  • Leveraging user-generated content for brand promotion.
  • Social media's role in crisis management.
  • Role of big data in personalized advertising.
  • Is there a backlash against intrusive online ads?
  • Psychology behind successful loyalty programs.
  • Impact of culture on global advertising strategies.
  • Influencers vs. celebrity endorsements: Which is more effective?
  • Ethical implications of predictive analytics in targeting consumers.
  • Effectiveness of cause marketing in boosting sales.
  • Role of augmented reality in enhancing shopping experiences.
  • Strategies for improving online customer engagement.

Best Marketing Research Topics

What sets outstanding marketing research projects apart? They should be relevant, intriguing, and offer new insights. With that in mind, we've compiled the best research topics in marketing that tick all these boxes. Ready to make your research truly outstanding? Dive in!

  • Influence of virtual reality on consumer experiences.
  • Power of storytelling in brand building.
  • How does sustainability shape consumer choices?
  • Impact of memes on online brand promotion.
  • Role of blockchain in ensuring ad transparency.
  • Emotional intelligence in customer service: Is it crucial?
  • Does user-generated content boost trust in brands?
  • Social media's impact on body image: A concern for advertisers?
  • Role of data analytics in shaping promotional strategies.
  • Ethics in advertising: How far can shock tactics go?
  • Evolving consumer expectations in the era of personalization .
  • What drives the success of viral ads?
  • How does color influence brand recognition ?
  • Impact of artificial intelligence on consumer data collection.
  • Strategies to counter negative publicity on social media.

New Research Topics in Marketing

As an ever-evolving field, marketing constantly introduces new areas to investigate. It's vital to keep abreast of the latest trends to discover untapped research topics. To help you stay ahead of the curve, here are brand new marketing research topic ideas, each one reflecting innovations in the field.

  • Role of voice assistants in shaping buyer behavior.
  • Exploring the ethics of using AI in advertising.
  • Omnichannel retailing: A shift in consumer shopping experience?
  • Role of podcasts in influencing consumer behavior.
  • How does virtual reality reshape shopping experiences?
  • Personalization vs. privacy: A growing concern in digital advertising?
  • Use of drone technology for product delivery.
  • Impact of artificial intelligence on customer segmentation.
  • Role of WhatsApp chatbots in e-commerce: Do they enhance customer satisfaction?
  • How does mobile payment influence consumer buying behavior?
  • Influencer marketing in the age of fake followers.
  • The rise of shoppable posts in social media.
  • Exploring the potential of augmented reality in product visualization.
  • How do data breaches affect brand trust?
  • Impact of social media algorithms on content visibility.

Controversial Topics in Marketing

Struggling to come up with an interesting research topic on marketing? Consider exploring controversial marketing ideas. These themes can help you to spark heated debates and draw attention from your tutor. Below are a few fantastic controversial marketing topics to write about. 

And don't forget, you can pick a topic and entrust it to a professional essay writer online . Our experts can conduct thorough research and deliver top-quality work, no matter how complex the subject. Take your pick and let our professionals do the heavy lifting for you!

  • Has the rise of ad-blockers signified failure in digital advertising?
  • Deceptive marketing tactics: Where is the line drawn?
  • Does native advertising compromise journalistic integrity?
  • Ethical dilemmas of data mining in personalized marketing.
  • Use of sexual imagery in advertising: Effective or exploitative?
  • Neuromarketing: Intriguing science or manipulative strategy?
  • Are shock tactics in advertising crossing the line?
  • Role of consumerism in environmental degradation.
  • Negative impacts of beauty standards perpetuated by ads.
  • Is manipulation an inherent part of marketing?
  • Stereotypes in advertising : Harmless categorizing or dangerous bias?
  • Social media marketing to children: Ethical or exploitative?
  • Are privacy concerns leading to a decline in personalized advertising?
  • Does influencer marketing promote unrealistic lifestyle expectations?
  • Is greenwashing a consequence of sustainability trends in marketing?

Marketing Topics & Ideas for Students

Are you searching for marketing topic ideas tailored to your academic level? You're in the right place! In the following sections, you'll discover multiple marketing essay topics and research ideas organized according to various levels of study. Scroll down, find your academic level, and start exploring!

Marketing Research Topics for College Students

College is a time for exploration and growth, and what better way to study this niche than with some thought-provoking marketing research ideas for college students? Take a look at these titles suitable for a college-level understanding, yet engaging enough to fuel your curiosity.

  • Subliminal advertising : Myth or reality?
  • Impact of music in retail environments on consumer behavior.
  • The role of humor in successful ad campaigns.
  • Exploring the 'Fear of Missing Out' (FOMO) effect in event marketing.
  • Push vs. pull marketing strategies : Which works better?
  • Marketing campaigns that changed public opinion.
  • Celebrity scandals: A death knell for brand image?
  • Influence of packaging design on purchase decisions.
  • The role of color psychology in food marketing.
  • Impact of customer relationship management (CRM) on customer loyalty.
  • Are loyalty programs effective in retaining customers?
  • The role of social proof in online sales.
  • How cultural factors influence buying decisions.
  • Word-of-mouth marketing in the digital age.
  • The effect of customer service quality on brand loyalty.

Marketing Research Topics for University Students

As a university student, you're expected to tackle more complex tasks. So, we've curated a list of advanced marketing research ideas, perfect for a university level understanding.

  • How globalization shapes brand strategies.
  • Is corporate social responsibility just a trend or a necessity?
  • The influence of economic downturns on consumer behavior.
  • Emotional connections: Are they key in fostering customer loyalty?
  • Understanding the ' Halo Effect ' in brand perceptions.
  • Lessons learned from cross-cultural promotional blunders.
  • Exploring the psychology behind pricing strategies.
  • The role of neurolinguistic programming in persuasive messaging.
  • How sensory experiences enhance customer interactions.
  • Nudging consumer behavior: Is it ethical?
  • The impact of data analytics on strategic decision-making.
  • Unraveling the gender stereotypes present in commercials.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of ambush promotional strategies.
  • How does ethical branding improve a company's image?
  • Tracing the evolution and impact of guerrilla promotional strategies.

Marketing Research Topics by Category

As promised, we've meticulously organized an array of marketing topics for a research paper into specific categories for your convenience. Whether you're interested in digital marketing, consumer behavior, or any other subfield, just scroll down. Below, you'll find our comprehensive collection, each with a selection of field-specific marketing research paper ideas.

Digital Marketing Research Topics

Digital marketing revolves around promoting and selling products or services using digital platforms. As this domain continues to grow, it opens up a multitude of unique research avenues. Let's uncover some digital marketing topics to discuss:

  • Role of artificial intelligence in customer segmentation.
  • Does video content really boost online engagement?
  • Potential of augmented reality for product visualization .
  • Understanding consumer trust in online reviews.
  • Effectiveness of mobile apps in customer retention.
  • Future of email promotion in social media era.
  • Role of SEO in driving organic traffic.
  • Impact of page loading speed on bounce rates.
  • Online sales: Does free shipping enhance conversion rates?
  • Influencer collaboration vs paid advertising : What offers better ROI?
  • Impact of personalization on e-commerce conversion rates.
  • Importance of responsive design in user experience.
  • Is social proof essential for online sales conversion?
  • Podcasts as a promotional tool: How effective are they?
  • Evolution of privacy laws and its impact on online data collection.

Strategic Marketing Research Problems Topics

Global brand strategies with setting goals, deciding on actions to achieve these goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. It requires a thorough understanding of market trends, competitive landscapes, and consumer behavior. Take a glance at these topics in marketing that explore various problems and challenges in this subfield:

  • Impact of poor internal communication on marketing strategy.
  • Aligning brand identity with customer perceptions.
  • Challenges in establishing a global brand strategy .
  • Role of competitive intelligence in shaping business strategy.
  • Impact of poor customer service on brand loyalty.
  • Mergers and acquisitions.
  • Role of organizational culture in strategy implementation.
  • Navigating the risks of product diversification.
  • Coping with increased price competition in saturated markets .
  • Impact of supply chain disruptions on product availability.
  • Overcoming barriers in implementing green business practices.
  • Strategies for maintaining brand relevance in fast-paced markets.
  • How does a changing regulatory environment impact strategy formulation?
  • Importance of innovation in maintaining a competitive edge.
  • Balancing profit margins and customer satisfaction in pricing strategy.

Social Media Marketing Research Paper Topics

It’s hard to imagine our life without social media. It has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with one another. In this regard, there are a bunch of research topics on marketing for students who need to write a social media essay or paper.

  • The rise of TikTok: Understanding its business appeal.
  • How does Instagram's 'Shop Now' feature affect consumer behavior?
  • The role of LinkedIn in B2B lead generation.
  • Assessing the influence of Twitter's character limit on message effectiveness.
  • Exploring Facebook's 'Reactions' and their impact on brand engagement.
  • Potential of Pinterest for visual brand storytelling.
  • Snapchat's 'Story' feature: A boon for experiential branding?
  • The impact of YouTube influencers on purchase decisions.
  • Understanding the role of social listening in reputation management.
  • Virality on social platforms: A calculated strategy or pure luck?
  • Live streams as a tool for real-time audience engagement.
  • The ethics of social media data mining.
  • User-generated content: An untapped branding tool?
  • Role of social platforms in crisis communication.
  • Analyzing the popularity of unboxing videos on social media.

>> More ideas: Social Media Research Paper Topics

Content Marketing Research Topic Ideas

Content marketing is all about creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience. It's about storytelling, providing valuable information, and building relationships with customers. Here are some fascinating content marketing topics for research:

  • Evaluating the impact of blog posts on SEO.
  • Long-form vs short-form content: What's more engaging?
  • Infographics: A tool for simplifying complex information.
  • Podcasts: A rising star in information dissemination?
  • Understanding the role of eBooks in lead generation.
  • Is interactive content the future of customer engagement?
  • Webinars: Are they still relevant in the age of short videos?
  • White papers: Their influence on decision-making in B2B.
  • How does user-generated content shape brand perception?
  • The rise and role of meme culture in content strategy.
  • Storytelling in branding: Fad or fundamental?
  • Exploring the trend of episodic content in audience retention.
  • Role of content curation in demonstrating industry thought leadership.
  • Using case studies as social proof in conversion strategy.
  • The impact of voice search on content creation.

Marketing Research Topics in Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior explores how individuals, groups, and organizations select, use, and dispose of goods, services, or ideas. It seeks to understand the decision-making processes and what influences them. Consider these topics of marketing and consumer behavior:

  • Environmental concerns and their role in purchase decisions.
  • Family influence on children's brand preferences.
  • Celebrity endorsements and their impact on consumer trust.
  • Psychological triggers and implications of impulse buying.
  • Loyalty programs and their influence on repeat purchases .
  • Brand image and its effect on product evaluation.
  • Role nostalgia plays in purchase decisions.
  • Psychology behind buying 'limited edition' items.
  • Color and its impact on consumer perceptions and behaviors.
  • Music's influence on shopper mood and behavior in stores.
  • 'Made locally' label's effect on consumer choice.
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO) in online buying.
  • Customer reviews and their impact on online shopping behavior.
  • Social media's influence on body image and related product choices.
  • Paradox of choice: More selection leading to less satisfaction?

B2B Marketing Project Topics

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing focuses on selling products or services to other organizations. This subfield offers a range of topics related to marketing research. Take a look at some of our suggestions:

  • Impact of digital transformation on business sales.
  • LinkedIn's role in lead generation for businesses.
  • Efficacy of email marketing in business transactions.
  • Chatbots: Enhancing customer service in business marketing?
  • Necessity of personalization in business marketing.
  • Influence of webinars in generating leads for businesses.
  • Understanding influencer marketing in a business context.
  • Ethical issues in data collection for business marketing.
  • A deep-dive into account-based marketing strategies .
  • Role of predictive analytics in business marketing.
  • Marketing strategies designed for small businesses.
  • Overcoming challenges in business branding.
  • Efficacy of content marketing in a business context.
  • Implications of GDPR on business marketing.
  • Emerging trends in business marketing.

>> View more: Business Topics to Write About

International Marketing Research Topics

International marketing focuses on understanding and responding to global opportunities. It requires a more extensive research approach with an eye towards cultural, political, and economic developments outside the home country. Explore these international market research ideas for papers:

  • Cultural nuances and their impact on advertising strategies.
  • Cross-border e-commerce: Growth and challenges.
  • Exploring the role of localization in global branding.
  • Understanding tariff wars and their impact on marketing strategies.
  • Influence of political climate on international marketing decisions.
  • International public relations: A comparative study.
  • Social media and its role in global product launches.
  • A study of emerging markets and their attractiveness for marketers.
  • International consumer behavior: Similarities and differences.
  • Localization vs. standardization in global marketing.
  • Case study: Successful global rebranding campaigns.
  • Impact of Brexit on European marketing strategies.
  • Green marketing practices across the globe.
  • International market segmentation and targeting strategies.
  • International marketing ethics: A cross-cultural analysis.

Real Estate Marketing Research Topics

Real estate marketing involves understanding and responding to the needs of potential buyers, sellers, and investors in the property market. Go through these project topics in marketing related to real estate research:

  • Marketing luxury apartments: Challenges and solutions.
  • Selling residential properties in a buyer's market.
  • How social media influences property buying decisions.
  • Effectively marketing rental properties in competitive markets.
  • Marketing strategies for eco-friendly homes.
  • Role staging plays in promoting properties.
  • Drones: The new trend in real estate showcasing.
  • Advertising strategies in rapidly urbanizing areas.
  • Promoting properties through influencer partnerships.
  • Customer reviews' impact on online property listings.
  • Neighborhood branding's influence on real estate sales.
  • Online vs offline property promotion: A comparative study.
  • Comparing marketing strategies: Luxury versus budget properties.
  • Marketing properties during economic downturns.
  • Digital marketing best practices for property agents.

Marketing Research Paper Topics in Distribution

The world of distribution is multi-layered and complex, intertwined with other key areas like logistics, supply chain management, and marketing. It's about ensuring products get into the hands of customers efficiently. Investigate this exciting area with these research topics in marketing field.

  • Impact on sales: Direct vs indirect distribution methods.
  • Influencing factors in selecting distribution channels.
  • E-commerce's revolutionizing role in product distribution.
  • Case study: Successful distribution strategies in retail.
  • Drones and future delivery systems: A feasibility study.
  • Role big data plays in optimizing distribution channels.
  • How sustainable practices influence distribution strategies.
  • Importance customer convenience plays in distribution planning.
  • Overcoming distribution challenges in rural areas.
  • Examining the relationship: Distribution strategies and market share.
  • AI's role in streamlining distribution processes.
  • Omnichannel distribution: A necessity or a luxury?
  • Importance distribution planning plays in new product launches.
  • Distribution's role in creating a competitive advantage.
  • Changes in distribution strategies due to the pandemic.

Neuromarketing Research Topics

Neuromarketing focuses on how psychological, cognitive, and emotional processes affect consumer behavior. It combines neuroscience with traditional marketing research for a deeper understanding of decision-making processes. Here are some interesting neuromarketing topics:

  • Influence of colors on consumer decision making.
  • How product placement impacts buying behavior.
  • Emotional triggers in advertising: An analysis.
  • Consumer responses to sensory branding .
  • Impacting purchase decisions with visual illusions.
  • Role of auditory cues in product preference.
  • Influence of olfactory cues on consumer behavior.
  • Celebrity endorsements and neural responses.
  • Comparing digital vs. physical shopping experiences: A neuromarketing perspective.
  • Effects of negative emotion on impulse buying .
  • Role neurolinguistics plays in shaping consumer opinions.
  • Neuromarketing strategies for personalized advertising.
  • Video vs. image ads: A comparative neuromarketing study.
  • Assessing effectiveness of humor in ads: A neuroscientific approach.
  • How storytelling in marketing sways the consumer's brain.

>> View more: Psychology Paper Topics

Influencer Marketing Topics for Research

Influencer marketing blends social media and advertising. It's an evolving field, ripe for research. We invite you to check these compelling research paper topics about marketing and influencers:

  • Measuring return on investment in influencer marketing.
  • How micro-influencers impact small business growth.
  • Authenticity versus promotion: Striking a balance.
  • Ethics in influencer marketing: A critical review.
  • Power social media influencers hold over consumer behavior.
  • Video blogging and brand visibility.
  • Effect of influencer-led contests on audience engagement.
  • Does influencer reputation affect brand perception?
  • Celebrity versus non-celebrity influencers: Who wins?
  • Impact of influencer gender on audience engagement.
  • Fashion influencers and their role in brand awareness.
  • Fitness influencers: Inspiring or creating pressure?
  • Role influencers play in promoting sustainable products.
  • Influencers and crisis management: A case study approach.
  • Influencer partnerships: Temporary boost or long-term gain?

Ethical Marketing Research Paper Topics

Ethical marketing revolves around the principles of honesty, fairness, and responsibility in advertising practices. With an increasing emphasis on business ethics, research in this area can yield insightful findings. Consider these awesome research paper topics related to marketing and ethics:

  • Honesty in advertising: A lost art?
  • Exploring fairness in competitive marketing practices.
  • Corporate social responsibility: Marketing strategy or ethical obligation?
  • Greenwashing: Misleading environmental claims in advertising.
  • Privacy and data collection: An ethical debate.
  • Ethical implications in children's advertising.
  • Body positivity and marketing: Strides and stumbles.
  • Cultural sensitivity in international marketing campaigns .
  • Animal rights and marketing: Exploring ethical considerations.
  • Influence of ethical claims on consumer perception.
  • False advertising: Consequences and solutions.
  • Ethical dimensions in influencer partnerships.
  • Human rights issues in marketing.
  • Health claims in food advertising: Fact or fiction?
  • Role of ethics in pharmaceutical marketing.

Integrated Marketing Communication Research Topics

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) blends different promotional tools to deliver clear, consistent, and compelling messages. IMC is crucial for brands to create unified customer experiences. Here are original, attention-grabbing integrated marketing communication topics for research :

  • Role of social media in IMC strategy.
  • IMC impact on customer loyalty.
  • Public relations in an IMC context.
  • Online-offline IMC strategies: A comparative study.
  • Influencer endorsements in IMC: Effectiveness assessment.
  • IMC in non-profit organizations: An exploratory study.
  • Impact of IMC on brand equity.
  • Event sponsorship in IMC plans.
  • IMC strategy for launching new products.
  • Role of IMC in crisis management.
  • Digital transformation and its influence on IMC.
  • IMC in enhancing customer relationships.
  • AI and IMC: A synergy exploration.
  • IMC for sustainable product marketing.
  • Evaluating IMC success: Metrics and measurement methods.

Marketing Analytics Research Topics

Marketing analytics employs data and metrics to measure the success of marketing initiatives, enabling informed business decisions. Here are groundbreaking topics that offer intriguing insights into marketing analytics:

  • Social media data: A gold mine for marketers?
  • Predictive analytics in customer retention strategies.
  • Quantifying influencer marketing: Metrics that matter.
  • Role of big data in personalized branding.
  • Real-time analytics in optimizing marketing campaigns.
  • Analytics in content marketing: Determining success.
  • AI-powered marketing analytics: Boon or bane?
  • Sentiment analysis in brand perception.
  • Location-based analytics in mobile branding.
  • Web analytics: Decoding customer online behavior.
  • Customer segmentation through data analytics.
  • ROI calculation in digital marketing.
  • Analyzing customer journey with cross-channel analytics.
  • Leveraging analytics for email marketing.
  • Voice search analytics: Future brand promotion tool?

Sport Marketing Topics to Write About

Sport marketing involves promoting teams, games, and related products to fans and broader audiences. It's an exciting field, mixing passion, business, and competition. Explore these sports marketing related topics if you are interested in this field:

  • Social media's role in popularizing sport events.
  • Fan engagement in a digital age.
  • Impact of athlete endorsements on brand perception.
  • Sustainability initiatives in the sports world.
  • Leveraging virtual reality for improved fan experiences.
  • Esports' influence on traditional sports promotion.
  • Strategy shifts for supporting women's sports leagues.
  • Analyzing the dynamics of sports sponsorship deals.
  • Successful merchandising tactics for sports teams.
  • Team performance and its influence on merchandise sales.
  • Sports events as a tool for promoting tourism.
  • Accessibility in sports venues: Implications for fan inclusion.
  • Personal branding strategies for athletes.
  • Controversy's role in athlete endorsements.
  • Mobile trends shaping the sports industry.

Extra Marketing Research Paper Topics

Couldn't find a fitting topic in marketing? Don’t worry! We added some more ideas to choose from. Below are some additional topics you might like. Let’s continue your research on marketing topics together.

Marketing Presentation Topics

Presentations on marketing concepts can illuminate the strategies behind successful advertising campaigns, brand positioning, and customer engagement. These unique and original topics will provide an interesting spin on conventional marketing subjects:

  • Humanizing artificial intelligence in customer relations.
  • Role of silent films in modern advertising.
  • Using quantum computing to optimize marketing efforts.
  • Neural networks in predicting consumer behavior.
  • Astral marketing: Leveraging astrology in branding.
  • Biophilic elements in retail space design.
  • Gamification in non-gaming brand experiences.
  • Marketing possibilities in metaverse.
  • Cybersecurity's influence on digital consumer trust.
  • Marketing potential of brain-computer interfaces.
  • Implementing circular economy principles in product promotion.
  • Micro-moments: Capitalizing on instant decision making.
  • Haptic technology's potential in experiential marketing.
  • Role of digital twins in customer profiling.
  • Impact of space tourism on brand partnerships.

Marketing Thesis Topics

Are you about to write a thesis or dissertation? Consider these pro-level marketing topics for thesis and dissertations:

  • Emotional algorithms: Predicting consumer behavior through AI.
  • Phygital retail : Blending physical and digital shopping experiences.
  • Impact of blockchain technology on consumer trust in digital marketing.
  • Sensory branding in virtual reality environments.
  • Leveraging neuromorphic engineering for personalized marketing.
  • Ethical implications of using deepfake technology in advertising.
  • Quantum computing's potential impact on big data analytics.
  • The role of immersive technology in shaping luxury brand experiences.
  • Micro-personalization: Exploring marketing's hyper-customized future.
  • Bio-adaptive marketing: The next frontier in personalization?
  • Implications of facial recognition technology on privacy and marketing ethics.
  • Exploring the marketing potential of Internet of Behaviors (IoB) .
  • Edge computing's influence on real-time marketing strategies.
  • Use of augmented intelligence in predicting consumer life cycle.
  • Leveraging satellite technology for geolocation-based marketing.

Bottom Line on Marketing Topics for Research Papers

The marketing research paper topics and ideas attached above provide a great starting point for your project. But don't be afraid to address other angles related to the subject. Whatever you choose to study, make sure you draw clear connections between your sources and your argument. And if you need any help with writing or research, remember to contact our professional academic assistants.


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International Marketing Research: A State-of-the-Art Review and the Way Forward

  • First Online: 21 October 2017

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international marketing dissertation topics

  • Leonidas C. Leonidou 5 ,
  • Constantine S. Katsikeas 6 ,
  • Saeed Samiee 7 &
  • Bilge Aykol 8  

3051 Accesses

20 Citations

2 Altmetric

The chapter provides a systematic review of 1722 international marketing articles published in the top six international business journals during the period 1995–2015. The analysis focuses on five major areas: profiles of authors involved in international marketing research; major contributors of international marketing articles based on their productivity and impact; structural characteristics of articles published on international marketing; articles with the greatest impact in the international marketing field; and specific themes of international marketing research covered and their evolution over time. The analysis revealed that the international marketing field has experienced a significant proliferation during the investigation period as demonstrated by its continuous refinement, improved quality, and extensive topical coverage. Fruitful directions for future research on the subject are discussed.

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School of Economics and Management, University of Cyprus, Kallipoleos 75, 1678, Nicosia, Cyprus

Leonidas C. Leonidou

Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Maurice Keyworth Building, LS2 9JT, Leeds, UK

Constantine S. Katsikeas

Collins College of Business, University of Tulsa, 800 South Tucker Drive, Tulsa, OK, 74104-9700, USA

Saeed Samiee

Faculty of Business, Dokuz Eylül University, Kaynaklar Campus, Buca, 35390, Izmir, Turkey

Bilge Aykol

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School of Economics and Management, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds, USA

Collins College of Business, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Faculty of Business, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey

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About this chapter

Leonidou, L.C., Katsikeas, C.S., Samiee, S., Aykol, B. (2018). International Marketing Research: A State-of-the-Art Review and the Way Forward. In: Leonidou, L., Katsikeas, C., Samiee, S., Aykol, B. (eds) Advances in Global Marketing. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-61385-7_1

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-61385-7_1

Published : 21 October 2017

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-61384-0

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-61385-7

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Marketing is a field of study that refers to all promotional activities for the sale of products and services. Marketing is crucial for business growth, whether digital or physical. This has created many opportunities for researchers and students to develop practical research recommendations. Students need to find engaging marketing dissertation topics to begin their dissertations effectively.

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Marketing demands creative problem-solving and strategic-minded skills. Businesses rely on marketers to create brand awareness and increase sales. A marketing degree covers business principles, psychology, and consumer behaviour. Graduates can accomplish different tasks such as creating advertisements, content writing, and market research. The degree is always in high demand in the job market.

Choosing the Best Marketing Dissertation Topic

Marketing students need to write a unique and significant dissertation on a topic that stands out. Finding quality marketing dissertation topics is not easy, particularly if you are looking for titles in a particular niche. Our team has created a list of impressive marketing dissertation topics, covering various areas such as advertising dissertation topics, branding dissertation topics, consumer behaviour dissertation topics social media marketing dissertation topics, marketing for MBA, business marketing dissertation topics, and dissertation topics in marketing communications.

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Our team regularly updates our website with new marketing dissertation topics, which are available for free to students seeking inspiration for their dissertations.

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List of 38+ Marketing Dissertation Topics in 2024

60 Interesting Marketing Dissertation Topic Ideas

60 Interesting Marketing Dissertation Topic Ideas

Developing an impressive dissertation is an important step in receiving a degree and meeting all your academic goals. To come up with a paper of excellent quality, you need to pick a winning topic in marketing, make use of the proper paper format, collect only relevant facts and data, and describe all your findings in an original way. To rocket launch your writing process, it is vital to explore the best marketing research paper topics and choose the one and only to complete your assignment. Below you will find dozens of marketing topics to write about; all are fresh, understandable, and easy to write. 

Best Way to Select Brilliant Marketing Research Project Ideas

The most necessary thing you should pay attention to when surfing online for marketing research topics is to grab only relevant solutions that are reinforced by the ideas and concepts of proven experts in the chosen field. It is better to avoid putting into practice innovative or out-of-the-box ideas since you will hardly find enough sources to complement your topic. Always choose marketing topics for research with data accessibility in mind. If you can use the existing literature to build your academic paper, this is always a good sign. If not, it is better to look for a more researchable solution. In other words, if you can collect many credible sources to use during your writing process, you will have a chance to create a top-notch dissertation faster and easier. 

Furthermore, it is important to find a gap in the existing sources that will become the basis of your paper. Of course, this might be extremely challenging, so you might often ask the professor about the consultation on choosing marketing dissertation topics. However, it is always better to make a list of marketing-related topics beforehand to spend your time during consultation more effectively. 

Easy Digital Marketing Thesis Topics and Ideas

When it comes to completing difficult academic assignments that require advanced research and collecting numerous facts, it is better to stick to easy marketing topics you have at least a basic understanding of. Digital marketing is a niche everyone has heard about millions of times. Moreover, it is a practical and modern topic with tons of handy sources available. 

  • The role of marketing campaigns on social media. 
  • Increasing brand awareness among different target audiences online.
  • How to set up customer-centric marketing campaigns to drive online sales.
  • How to improve brand loyalty online.
  • The effectiveness of social media marketing. 
  • Most effective ways to take the best from a marketing campaign launched on a chosen digital channel.
  • Why do people get annoyed by ads, and how to avoid it. 
  • Advantages of using customer targeting techniques and methods.
  • The perspectives of using AI tools in digital marketing.
  • Using digital marketing techniques in the financial sector. 
  • Pay-per-click marketing campaigns: pros and cons.
  • How to find keywords for online campaigns.
  • Digital marketing during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Online ads: advantages and drawbacks.
  • Using influencers in online marketing. 
  • Data mining marketing principles.
  • Celebrities and online marketing. 
  • Marketing capability and digitalization.
  • TV ads: is this marketing channel still effective?
  • The impact of digital ads on children’s minds. 

International Marketing Research Ideas

Globalization is one of the hottest trends in many fields. Many products and services are sold out to customers from various countries. Thus, international marketing requires completely different approaches and techniques. You can easily choose one of the solutions for your academic paper from the list of marketing research topics below. 

  • The basic features of the international selling environment. 
  • How to launch campaigns designed for audiences in different countries.
  • How global marketing regulations can impact international corporations.
  • Experimental marketing in the United Kingdom.  
  • Selling goods and services globally: top marketing strategies.
  • Internal marketing in the Australian hotel industry. 
  • Most effective techniques for international pricing policies. 
  • The benefits of geo segmentation of the target audience. 
  • Individual customer approach in international marketing.
  • How to avoid discrimination in marketing. 
  • Promotion on Chinese markets: top challenges.
  • Online advertising in international marketing.
  • Modern international brand building techniques. 
  • Target audiences for advertising in India. 
  • Marketing for global non-profit organizations. 
  • International public relations campaigns.
  • Marketing campaigns for aviation.
  • Global trends in online promotion. 
  • The future of radio advertising.

Hot MBA Dissertation Topics You Can Start Writing About Now 

Composing a successful MBA paper might take tons of time and effort. However, if you grab a splendid topic for your academic assignment, the chances are that you will be much more effective during writing. Remember that it is vital to find a healthy balance when choosing the right topic for this type of paper - it should be neither too easy to write about nor too complex. Picking up an idea that corresponds to your academic level is key to successful writing. 

  • How to develop an effective marketing strategy during the coronavirus crisis. 
  • Most innovative customer satisfaction methods: tools and strategies. 
  • The differences between female and male consumer preferences. 
  • The correlation between advertising strategies and corporate ethics.
  • The connection between marketing and psychology of persuasion.
  • The analysis of trends and tendencies in TV advertising. 
  • Factors that improve customers’ purchase intentions.
  • How to use game theories for successful branding?
  • Top brand identity strategies and how to implement them. 
  • Communication barrier and consumerism. 
  • The role of service support in marketing. 
  • Best marketing solutions for small businesses.
  • Standardization in global marketing. 
  • Green marketing techniques and methods in logistics. 
  • Unethical behavior and brand image. 
  • Social responsibility in marketing. 
  • Sales and product packaging.
  • Key factors of relationship marketing. 
  • Marketing across cultures.
  • Market orientation for startups.
  • Charity marketing techniques. 

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Marketing Dissertation Topics – Selected For Year 2023

Published by Alvin Nicolas at November 30th, 2022 , Revised On June 13, 2024

Marketing is a degree course focusing on commerce, lead generation and sales, so you’ll learn much more than creativity when pursuing a Marketing degree.

You will discover how to create spending plans, locate potential customers, penetrate foreign markets and select prices or revenues as part of your marketing degree programme.

Undergraduate, Master and PhD marketing students must complete their dissertation projects before the university awards them a degree.

Many students need help developing compelling marketing dissertation topics that inspire their creativity. The trick is to be mindful of the changes and the latest trends in the marketing industry.

Consider examining brand-new marketing trends so your dissertation project explores a current issue and helps you advance your professional career according to your expectations.

For example, think about the proliferation of social media and online shopping, but also the changes in customer relationships that need special consideration. Your marketing dissertation should provide readers with new, original and focused information.

To help you get started with your marketing dissertation, we have compiled a list of cutting-edge marketing dissertation topics and titles.

You can confidently use these topics because our PhD marketing experts have conducted in-depth research to ensure sufficient literature material is available on these marketing dissertation ideas.

Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics

With everyone going online, digital marketing is booming at present. With the help of effective digital marketing, even a small retail business can achieve great success. For this reason, digital marketing topics are commonly picked by students who want to become certified experts in this field.

Even though students think they are spending their best time on their thesis, choosing the wrong topic can have unfavourable effects and complicate matters.

For this reason, we have created a list of digital marketing thesis topics that will help you choose the ideal topic;

  • Discuss the factors involved in selecting a brand ambassador.
  • Check whether marketers are relying too much on digital material to drive sales.
  • Are consumers still reading long blog posts for promotional purposes, or do they prefer short, inspirational graphics?
  • Exploring the emerging idea of micro-moments in the world of online business.
  • Assessing YouTube direct sales potential for vision brands.
  • For B2B markets, creative digital marketing management.
  • The unique characteristics of customers’ analytical buying styles in 2022 when they shop entirely online.
  • How can businesses use social media to nurture relationships with their customers?
  • The effectiveness and annoyance of chatbots for customer service: helpful or annoying?
  • An examination of grocery companies’ Instagram feeds.
  • What is good digital marketing, and what benefits does it offer for business development?
  • A study compares Facebook ads with Google ads. Which one makes more money?
  • To assess the value of video marketing within a company’s digital marketing strategy and how it affects customer satisfaction.
  • Is it worthwhile to analyze customer psychology in the context of digital marketing?
  • How to evaluate consumer behaviour in a digital media campaign?
  • Assessing the human factor system of trust using an online retailer.
  • How does digital marketing change the dynamics of the marketing period and the sale of goods?
  • The reach of the company page can be increased through the content that food brands post on Instagram.
  • What impact do landing pages have on marketing? What should land pages not do?
  • What part do the company’s influencers play in sales, and how does that affect online marketing?

A complete list of: Digital marketing research topics

Brand Marketing Dissertation Topics

Branding is about giving a product a unique name and image in the eyes of the consumer. It is achieved through imaginative advertising that uses a brand concept that runs through every advertisement. Another aspect of branding is the development of a distinctive logo and name for a particular product.

When developing a dissertation on any topic in brand marketing, you need to be creative and pay close attention to the design, message, objectives, transparency and other crucial elements of the brand.

  • Using a comparison of food retailers in the UK, explore the relationship between perceived risk and brand equity.
  • Describe the reasons why a new brand initially attracts more exemplary customers.
  • Do customers understand the core principles of a brand? Starbucks vs McDonald’s is a legal dispute.
  • What is the impact of someone advertising multiple brands on TV?
  • How do different product categories affect the relative weight of tangible and intangible brand equity?
  • The function of word construction in conveying a brand’s message: a strategic analysis of well-known brands.
  • A case study approach to increasing brand awareness using digital methods.
  • Knowing your target demographic and fostering good customer interaction are two ways to develop a successful brand when you have fewer resources.
  • Does the image of a brand change between different industries? The situation of Virgin Cola in the UK.
  • How does unethical behavior affect a brand’s reputation? The cases of Shell, Nike and Starbucks.
  • Why is it essential to apply theoretical concepts to branding?
  • The impact of branding on sales in public transport.
  • Targeting customers in ethnic markets: The case of Indian food customers of British supermarkets.
  • How can companies use CSR to strengthen their brand equity? The example of Body Shop.
  • How can marketing innovations in social media help companies survive?
  • Why should companies spend more on marketing and brand building?
  • Can a supermarket’s brand products convey brand equity in low-price departments?
  • Using social media marketing to build small business brands.
  • How can companies use applications on smartphones to strengthen their brand value? The legal situation of Starbucks and Café Nero.
  • The decision-making process of customers vis-à-vis the rules set by stakeholders is the focus of the case study on the TESCO brand model.

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Direct-Marketing Dissertation Topics

Direct marketing is a form of marketing that sells directly to the customer. The company and the customer are the only parties involved in the product/service cycle.

Direct marketing comes in different shapes and sizes, with internet marketing being the most common. Online marketing allows companies to communicate directly with customers and eliminate mediators. This way, companies can learn more about consumers’ needs, wants and opinions about a good or service.

Below is a list of possible dissertation topics for the research area of direct marketing;

  • How does the length of a voice message affect the effectiveness of telemarketing? An example from the mobile phone industry.
  • How do Tesco and Body Shop use loyalty schemes to attract customers to direct sales?
  • Creating a direct marketing information system and evaluating its performance.
  • In the UK service sector, how does the weighting of different criteria influence online sales change according to the product type?
  • How can companies benefit from artificial intelligence and its role in direct marketing?
  • Targeting different nationalities and social classes with racial bigotry and prejudice.
  • Evaluating the YouTube direct marketing performance of cosmetics companies.
  • In an increasingly diversified global market, how does telemarketers’ nationality (accent) affect customer response?
  • Analyze the efficiency and profitability of internet marketing as a direct marketing strategy.
  • Do customers understand how to defend themselves against questionable direct marketing strategies of social media marketing companies?
  • What influence does the message length have on direct marketing messages? A comparison between online and offline media
  • Assessing the importance of consumer data and privacy in direct marketing strategies.
  • Can direct internet and social media marketing be used to build customer relationships, or is it just a temporary means to connect with new customers?
  • Can online marketing be used as a more effective technique for a group than for an individual?
  • What are the differences between offline and online prospecting techniques? The UK airline sector is an example.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of direct marketing include the use of SMS and email to communicate with customers.
  • Social media marketing as a tool to attract high-value customers: Benefits and challenges for small businesses.
  • How much force can change current consumer behavior patterns that deviate from society?
  • The impact of cultural differences and foreign influences on decision making.
  • Why do customers stay with Apple Inc. and adhere to global marketing standards? A case study from the market.

Other dissertation topics: Environmental Dissertation Topics   HRM Dissertation Topics

Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics

In an era where most business transactions and purchases are made online, we cannot undermine the importance and benefits of social media marketing to society. Highlight the use of social media for shopping and influencer marketing. Here is a list of SMM Dissertation topics for your review;

  • Are we breaking US law using Facebook’s marketplace when working with this digital marketing platform?
  • The discovery of Twitter: Should microblogs be a basis for customer discounts and exclusive notifications?
  • Why is Facebook discussed more often than other platforms in the context of social media marketing?
  • Should large companies use youth-oriented social media such as Instagram and TikTok?
  • The social media copyright debate: What are the pros and cons of posting online, using memes and graphics that are freely available online?
  • Why should marketers exercise caution when using various posts and comments on social media due to the risks associated with user-generated content?
  • What benefits and pleasures make beauty brands’ social media content offer?
  • An examination of food brands’ Instagram posts.
  • A review of Facebook’s positive, unfavorable and negative user comments and how they influence future conversation engagement.
  • Why are practical Facebook apps so much less popular than their amusing counterparts?
  • How do Facebook applications convert users into customers? The relationship between total installs, daily active users and app ratings.
  • An evaluation of the effectiveness of banner ads on different social media platforms? Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are three examples.
  • Is online word-of-mouth more effective than offline word-of-mouth? An investigation of customer comments on the internet.
  • Do social media users behave in the same way as traditional customers?
  • What strategies do non-profit organizations use to carry out marketing activities on Facebook and other social media platforms?
  • What are the main differences/ similarities between the social media presence of the NHS and the CDC in the US?
  • A study on the impact of social media marketing on the popularity of brand posts on Facebook fan pages.
  • Use, barriers and measurement of social media marketing: implications for marketing managers.
  • How can companies use social media marketing to influence their customers’ buying habits?
  • How can social listening help vegan brands with their marketing strategies?

Marketing and Culture Dissertation Topics

Every culture is unique. What is appropriate in one culture may not be applicable in another. For this reason, companies operating in different cultures need to adopt different strategies. Companies must consider the cultural composition of the market before launching a new product.

There is no question that this marketing-related topic deserves study. The following list contains interesting and current dissertation topics in the field of cultures and marketing;

  • What is the impact of innovation and culture on SME performance in Chinese markets?
  • Examining the effectiveness of native advertising in the US, UK and China.
  • What impact does social media have on the corporate culture of the UK fashion industry?
  • How has globalization changed Toyota’s organizational culture around the world?
  • The impact of cross-cultural marketing on businesses, with a particular focus on the FMCG sector.
  • Do values, beliefs, and convictions have an impact on companies around the world?
  • Applying the marketing mix in a multi-cultural society: evaluating any two civilizations.
  • Analyzing the same marketing strategy in different markets can lead to business failure.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on supermarkets in the UK.
  • How do cultural differences affect marketing communication? The situation of Coca-Cola in India
  • How do marketers account for differences in “national” culture between regions? Spanish banks in the Basque and Catalan regions.
  • Does the language have an impact on a brand’s identity? A case of Coca-Cola.
  • Integrating and evaluating regional differences within national marketing culture.
  • How does individuality vs collectivism affect mobile phone sales? The People’s Republic of China is an example.
  • The influence of individuality and collectivism on the purchase of smartphones
  • Can car manufacturers afford to treat customers as one big homogeneous group?
  • How can national culture explain the dominance of Scotch whiskey in the world whiskey market?
  • Analyzing imports and exports to see how culture affects the trade market in the case of General Motors.
  • How can nations use their own culture to help promote their key exports? France’s Champagne serves as an example.
  • Discuss how the marketing environment is analyzed.

Consumer Psychology and Marketing Dissertation Topics

Consumer behaviours, which is a marketing focus, can largely be explained with the help of consumer psychology. It shows how consumers behave in the individual phases of the buying process and what reasons they have for their actions. Marketers can develop and implement communication strategies tailored to specific customer groups based on these psychological profiles.

Below you will find some suggested topics for your marketing dissertation in the fields of marketing and consumer psychology;

  • How does consumer knowledge affect product purchases and purchasing decisions?
  • Impact of bad advertising on customer behaviors.
  • Wall-Mart customers’ perceptions of in-store and online shopping.
  • What motivates customers to buy from Amazon?
  • What are the benefits and advantages of customer reviews on websites?
  • How can companies effectively use Big Data to better understand the psychology of their customers?
  • What do consumers think about green marketing?
  • Understanding consumer psychology will help you create marketing plans that work.
  • What impact do marketing research and planning have on sports marketing?
  • Assessing consumer attitudes and behaviors concerning luxury goods.
  • What impact does bad word of mouth have on a company’s performance?
  • How does gender affect how customers of luxury products process information?
  • What role does motivation play in the buying process? An overview of the UK market for mobile phone ringtones.
  • How does the gender of luxury product buyers affect selective bias?
  • What role does education play in functional internet advertising?
  • Do attitudes and beliefs’ importance differ for low and high-involvement goods?
  • How does gender affect the way people buy luxury products online?
  • What influence does social media have on the buying habits of luxury products in the fashion industry?
  • An analysis of consumer psychology, attitudes, and the marketing of fashion goods
  • What do consumers think of Burberry’s digital marketing efforts?

Marketing Ethics Dissertation Topics

A challenging issue in the field of marketing is marketing ethics. Marketers should consider marketing ethics when trying to develop successful and profitable marketing campaigns for their companies.

Businesses must adhere to several ethical principles to successfully operate and run marketing campaigns. Any of the following topics could serve as the basis for a dissertation on marketing ethics;

  • What elements distinguish a consumer’s choice of the most and least socially responsible companies?
  • Do marketing campaigns influence customers’ purchasing decisions related to a specific cause?
  • How do companies use PR to recover from consumer boycotts? The situation of Shell and Nestle.
  • Gender inequalities and their impact on perceptions of corporate social responsibility.
  • Building corporate reputation and brand equity through multiple CSR initiatives.
  • The importance of trust in enhancing brand value and corporate reputation through CSR initiatives.
  • Corporate social responsibility and firm performance. An examination of the function of the market environment and marketing competence.
  • The impact of a company’s unethical behaviors on sales: Analysis of ineffective marketing campaigns.
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and marketing ethics.
  • How do publicly available codes of conduct affect consumer purchasing decisions? The situations of The Body Shop, Levi’s and Marks & Spencer.
  • How can ethical perceptions and intentions when buying affect consumer behaviors? A comparison of chickens kept in battery cages with those kept outdoors.
  • What is the impact on consumer purchasing behaviors of marketing activities designed with a specific purpose? Starbucks’ Raise a Cup to a Good Cause initiative.
  • What do consumers demand from companies in terms of ethics?
  • How do companies deceive customers into increasing sales of their products, and how does this impact their bottom line?
  • Examining the relationship between corporate social responsibility and marketing ethics.

Also read: Business Ethics Dissertation Topics

Why is it Important to Select the Best Marketing Dissertation Topics

The marketing field is vast and interconnected with many other academic areas, including civil engineering, construction, law and even healthcare. As a marketing student who wants to achieve good grades, developing new ideas and experimenting with established marketing theories is crucial. For this reason, creating a marketing dissertation topic that is clear, rational, and truly addresses a pressing problem prevalent in the industry is critical.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to find a sensitive topic for the study.

If you fail to choose a correct topic, this will affect the amount of time and effort spent on writing your dissertation, as you risk falling into a rejection loop right at the beginning. To develop a topic, consider previous research, consult your supervisor, and get support at this point in your dissertation.

Therefore, when choosing your dissertation topic, it is advisable to make sure that it is original and relevant to the current problems or issues that are interesting enough to warrant further research. Explore marketing topics usually under-researched and step out of your comfort zone. You will be successful if you keep this in mind when researching and considering our marketing suggestions!

How can EssaysUK Help?

Our marketing dissertation experts can suggest several unique and cusotmised marketing topic ideas and examples to help you jumpstart your dissertation project. We also provide several other dissertation services including research proposal writing , dissertation methodology chapter writing , literature review writing , statistical analysis , proofreading and editing , and more.

Read More: Comprehensive Collection of Quantitative Research Topics

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How digital marketing transforms typical marketing methods.

Digital marketing transforms typical marketing methods by leveraging digital channels, data analytics, and personalized targeting to reach wider audiences, track campaign performance in real-time, and deliver tailored messages, leading to increased efficiency, effectiveness, and ROI.

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Captivating Marketing Dissertation Topics

Navigating the realm of marketing research as a student can be quite daunting, especially when faced with so many possibilities and emerging issues that affect the marketing world.

That being said, there are plenty of captivating topics that present themselves in the current research arena, offering an excellent opportunity to explore and discover unique insights into the dynamic nature of marketing dissertation topics.

In this blog post, we have curated a selection specifically tailored for college and graduate students looking for fresh ideas for their research projects. By the end of the post, you will have gained invaluable knowledge about existing and future trends in marketing. You will also be better placed to contribute towards the field’s continued growth.

With some effort and determination, we are certain that you will create something remarkable.

What is Marketing?

Businesses must continually provide customers with a great experience by delivering superior value through high-quality content to drive sales growth.

In this regard, marketing helps companies to reach their target audience and deliver meaningful messaging. This enables companies to showcase the worth of their products or services and fosters brand loyalty among existing consumers.

At its core, marketing involves creating significant relationships between prospects and brands while simultaneously establishing a strong presence in the marketplace. Doing so empowers organizations to make lasting impressions on potential customers – ultimately contributing towards business success.

The Essence of Marketing Research

Marketing research provides businesses with an invaluable tool for understanding their target audiences and the broader market. Through quantitative and qualitative data analysis in marketing research, companies can uncover consumer preferences, needs, and desires – ultimately informing decision-making around product development, pricing strategies, promotional activities, and distribution channels.

All this valuable insight allows businesses to stay ahead of competitors by filling gaps in products or services while leveraging any competitive advantages they possess.

In the following sections, we present a list of marketing research topics on which you can focus your research.

Strategic Marketing Topics

Branding dissertation topics ought to consider various issues like competitive advantage and customer-centric marketing strategies. You need to look at marketing ethics, relationship marketing, international marketing, and online marketing to get a better understanding of how to structure your marketing dissertation topics.

1.  What is the impact of social media strategies on consumer behavior?

2.  How to optimize search engine optimization for mobile marketing

3.  Analyzing customer engagement in digital marketing campaigns

4.  The role of influencer marketing in building brand loyalty

5.  Examining the market segmentation strategies for online shopping

6.  Corporate social responsibility and its impact on brand reputation

7.  What is the effectiveness of content marketing in lead generation?

8.  The influence of social media platforms on purchase decisions

9.  Harnessing augmented reality in marketing campaigns for customer engagement

10.  Analyzing data analytics in email marketing for effective targeting

Digital Marketing Topics

The contemporary business world shows customer demand trends inclined towards online or digital marketing. Online and offline marketing are different with a modern effective marketing strategy necessitating an understanding of consumer psychology to gain a competitive advantage. Let's take a look at some digital marketing dissertation topics to consider for your paper.

1.  Enhancing mobile marketing through effective content strategies

2.  Best strategies for implementing search engine optimization techniques

3.  Developing an influencer marketing strategy for brand engagement

4.  The role of a social media platform in driving customer engagement

5.  Market segmentation strategies for effective digital marketing campaigns

6.  What is the impact of video marketing on brand perception?

7.  The influence of customer behavior on online shopping trends

8.  Leveraging content marketing strategies for repeat purchases

9.  Assessing the role of augmented reality in enhancing customer experience

Technology is rapidly growing in application across the world. There are countless new forms of tech being developed and that could pique your interest as a marketing student. Take a look at this   human cloning essay and consider the implications of this form of technology in the marketing field. It could provide an intriguing and rarely explored study area for your dissertation.

Social Media Marketing Topics

Online marketing dissertation topics could focus on social media issues. A successful digital marketing campaign helps boost customer loyalty and adds to the marketing mix. Take a look at these ideas to write a high-quality social media marketing dissertation.

1.  The role of social media in driving customer engagement analysis

2.  The effectiveness of content marketing strategies on social media platforms

3.  The relationship between social media marketing and brand loyalty

4.  The influence of social media strategies on online shopping behavior

5.  The role of social media marketing in enhancing customer satisfaction

6.  The impact of social media marketing on company reputation

7.  Exploring the use of video marketing in social media campaigns

8.  What is the role of lifestyle branding in social media marketing?

9.  Evaluating the effectiveness of social media marketing in lead generation

10.  The role of corporate social responsibility in social media marketing strategies

11.  What is the effectiveness of email marketing in social media campaigns?

12.  Exploring the use of augmented reality in social media marketing campaigns

13.  The role of data analysis in driving social media marketing decisions

Content Marketing Topics

These are some of the most prevalent dissertation topics in marketing today. Managing global brands requires a boost to the brand value through content creation. Integrated marketing communication involving greater content provision boosts engagement and could prove useful in increasing customer satisfaction. With that in mind, we'll now look at some content marketing topics.

1.  Analyzing the impact of content marketing on social media platforms

2.  The effectiveness of content marketing strategies in marketing campaigns

3.  Investigating the influence of content marketing on consumer behavior

4.  Assessing customer engagement analysis through content marketing initiatives

5.  The purpose of social media platforms in content marketing strategies

6.  The role of content marketing in driving digital marketing strategy

7.  Exploring the use of video marketing in content marketing campaigns

8.  What is the impact of content marketing on brand loyalty?

9.  Investigating market segmentation strategies in content marketing

10.  Assessing corporate social responsibility in content marketing efforts

11.  The role of content marketing in influencer marketing campaigns

12.  Evaluating the effectiveness of email marketing in content distribution

13.  Exploring augmented reality applications in content marketing

14.  Investigating the role of data analysis in optimizing content marketing strategies

15. Beauty brands direct marketing techniques using content marketing strategies

Marketing Communications Research Topics

1.  Enhancing customer engagement analysis in digital marketing campaigns

2.  Exploring the effectiveness of influencer marketing strategies

3.  The role of content marketing strategies in building brand loyalty

4.  Analyzing the impact of social media platforms on marketing campaigns

5.  Market segmentation techniques for targeting audiences in mobile marketing

6.  The influence of corporate social responsibility on brand reputation

7.  Optimizing video marketing for enhanced customer satisfaction

8.  The role of marketing communications in customer behavior analysis

9.  What is the use of augmented reality in marketing campaigns?

10.  Creating compelling marketing content for effective online shopping experiences

11.  Leveraging information technology for personalized marketing strategies

12.  The significance of marketing activities in driving sales growth

13.  Comparative analysis of marketing strategies in different business industries

14.  Email marketing strategies for effective customer engagement

15.  Analyzing consumer buying behavior in relation to marketing communications

16.  The impact of market research on developing successful marketing campaigns

Dissertation topics in marketing must consider ethical business practices as you'll have to defend your thesis to your supervisor. Keep this in mind when writing your paper. You can also   buy a dissertation to avoid making ethical mistakes that may invalidate your work.

Product Development and Innovation Research Topics

1.  Incorporating digital marketing strategies in product development processes

2.  Leveraging social media marketing for innovative product launches

3.  The role of marketing strategy in driving product innovation

4.  Mobile marketing techniques for product development and market penetration

5.  Optimizing search engine optimization for product visibility and adoption

6.  Integrating influencer marketing in new product development strategies

7.  Exploring marketing research paper topics in product innovation

8.  Assessing the impact of social media marketing on product performance

9.  Designing effective marketing strategies for new product development

10.  Leveraging social media strategies for product promotion and customer engagement

11.  Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in product innovation

12.  Content marketing strategies for creating product differentiation and awareness

13.  Identifying key marketing research topics for product development success

14.  Implementing best social media strategies to drive product adoption

15.  Analyzing consumer behavior in relation to product innovation and adoption

16.  Customer engagement analysis in social media platforms for product development

17.  Market segmentation techniques for targeting specific audiences in product development

18.  The role of corporate social responsibility in shaping product development strategies

Retail Marketing Research Topics

1.  The impact of digital marketing strategies on retail sales growth

2.  Leveraging social media marketing for enhanced retail customer engagement

3.  Effective marketing strategies for driving foot traffic to retail stores

4.  Available mobile marketing techniques for personalized retail experiences

5.  Optimizing search engine optimization for online retail visibility

6.  Developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for retail businesses

7.  What is the role of influencer marketing in retail brand promotion?

8.  Social media marketing impact on consumer behavior and business performance

9.  Investigating relevant marketing research paper topics in retail marketing

10.  Assessing the impact of social media marketing on retail brand awareness

11.  Implementing effective marketing strategies to drive retail store success

12.  Leveraging social media strategies for enhanced retail customer acquisition

13.  Analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in retail sales

14.  Content marketing strategies for building brand loyalty in retail

15.  Identifying key marketing research topics for retail success

16.  Implementing best social media strategies to drive retail conversions

17.  Understanding consumer behavior in retail environments for improved sales

18.  Customer engagement analysis in social media platforms for retail brands

19.  Market segmentation techniques for targeting specific retail audiences

20.  The role of corporate social responsibility in retail branding

21.  Enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty in online retail shopping

22. The influence of brand loyalty in the pricing strategy of SMEs in the fast food industry

Getting your topic right is not your only concern, maintaining your reader's attention can be quite difficult. Remember to use a catchy hook to keep your audience, well, hooked. It would be catastrophic to get a good topic only to lose your reader in the beginning. Review these   hook examples for essays to learn how to introduce your reader to the topic.

International Marketing Research Topics

1.  Cross-cultural impact on digital marketing strategies in international markets

2.  Social media marketing strategies for expanding global market reach

3.  Marketing strategy adaptation for mobile marketing in international contexts

4.  Enhancing international visibility through search engine optimization (SEO)

5.  Developing effective digital marketing strategies for international expansion

6.  The role of influencer marketing in international consumer behavior

7.  Exploring emerging market research paper topics in international marketing

8.  The impact of social media marketing on international market entry

Emerging Trends in Marketing Topics

1.  The impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing strategies

2.  Exploring the rise of social commerce in social media marketing

3.  Evaluating the role of voice search in mobile marketing strategies

4.  Analyzing the influence of voice assistants on consumer behavior

5.  Investigating the integration of virtual reality in marketing campaigns

6.  Assessing the use of user-generated content in influencer marketing

7.  Exploring personalization strategies in marketing research paper topics

8.  Analyzing the impact of augmented reality in marketing activities

9.  Evaluating the role of chatbots in customer engagement analysis

10.  Investigating the influence of blockchain technology in marketing strategies

11.  Assessing the impact of micro-influencers in social media marketing

12.  Exploring the role of gamification in marketing mix optimization

13.  Analyzing the effectiveness of video marketing in engaging target audiences

14.  Investigating the use of data analytics in marketing content creation

15.  Evaluating the role of neuromarketing in consumer behavior analysis

16.  Exploring the impact of social listening in brand reputation management

17.  Analyzing the influence of user experience design in online shopping

18.  Investigating the role of chat marketing in lead generation

19.  Assessing the impact of subscription-based business models on customer satisfaction

20.  Exploring the use of influencer marketing in B2B companies

21.  Analyzing the role of artificial intelligence in marketing research

22.  Investigating the influence of emotional branding in customer loyalty

23.  Assessing the impact of mobile payment systems on purchase decisions

24.  Exploring the role of sustainability in corporate social responsibility strategies

25.  Analyzing the effectiveness of influencer marketing in niche markets

26.  Which are the most noteworthy technologies that drive chat marketing?

Relationship Marketing Dissertation Topics

Relationship marketing is a marketing strategy tailored to creating and retaining lasting relationships with consumers. Writing a relationship marketing dissertation topic will require an understanding of customer needs, preferences, and traits. This will help you structure issues such as marketing efforts and the importance of a personalized experience. Consider topics involving issues like social media marketing, email marketing, and mobile marketing messages. Let’s take a look at some of these topics.

1.   The influence of relationship marketing on brand value in the retail industry

2.   The responsibility of social media in shaping relationship marketing techniques

3.   Relationship marketing's impact on customer happiness in the hospitality industry

4.   The impact of tailored marketing communication on the development of strong customer relationships

5.   The importance of confidence in relationship marketing and how it affects client retention

6.   Using customer relationship marketing (CRM) software in relationship marketing techniques

7.   The role of consumer involvement in relationship marketing initiatives

8.   Relationship marketing and ethical marketing techniques

9.   Consumer relationship marketing's impact on customer loyalty

10.  Relationship marketing's function in fostering consumer advocacy

11.  Relationship marketing's effect on client retention rates

12.  The incorporation of reward schemes into relationship marketing techniques

13.  The importance of customer satisfaction polls in relationship marketing initiatives

14.  Relationship marketing's impact on consumer recommendation habits

15.  Relationship marketing's success in the B2B (business-to-business) setting

16.  Emotional intelligence's importance in relationship marketing tactics

17.  The effect of relationship-based advertising on e-commerce client retention

18.  The application of mobile marketing in relationship marketing initiatives

19.  Relationship marketing's impact on customer attrition rates

20. The function of relationship marketing in the development of community-based brands.

Take note of topics that are inclined towards building brand equity and online customer reviews when deciding on your focus. Remember to cite your paper correctly, whether you get your information from a book, journal,   Ted Talk , or any other source of material.

Branding Dissertation Topics

This section will look at 20 fascinating branding dissertation themes covering a wide range of branding-related subjects. This material will give you a solid basis to dig into the field of branding and its critical function in today's highly competitive economy, from the bearing of branding on customer purchase decisions to the effect of brand packaging on customer behavior. Prepare to write an outstanding dissertation that demonstrates your competence in branding techniques!

1.  Branding's impact on customer purchase decisions

2.  The effect of personality characteristics on customer loyalty 

3.  The function of brand narratives in establishing psychological bonds with customers

4.  The efficiency with which brand expansions leverage brand equity

5.  Brand positioning's impact on customer impressions and choice

6.  The impact of brand awareness on customer beliefs and actions

7.  Brand equity's influence on earnings and valuation

8.  The importance of brand integrity in the development of confidence and trustworthiness

9.  The impact of advertising reputation on customer attitudes and engagement to brands

10. The influence of celebrity advertising on the brand's reputation

11. The importance of company involvement initiatives in the development of customer loyalty

12. The influence of Twitter and Facebook on brand development and customer involvement

13. The impact of company image on customer trust and loyalty

14. The usefulness of co-branding collaborations in broadening consumer appeal

15. The impact of sponsorship initiatives on company perception and consumer retention

16. Brand recognition and customer brand perception and support

17. Social branding's impact on customer opinion and buying impulse

18. The significance of corporate values in customer purchasing choices and brand loyalty

19. The use of olfactory marketing to create lasting company encounters

20. The influence of trademark wrapping on customer opinion and purchasing habits.

The field of branding presents an abundance of fascinating marketing dissertation topics that could aid marketing students in investigating different facets of brand management. By delving into these topics, you can gain an in-depth understanding of the part branding plays in contemporary markets. These topics further offer a great chance for students to demonstrate their proficiency and add to the ever-growing field of branding.

Direct Marketing Dissertation Topics

We will now look at 20 captivating dissertation topics that require us to dig into the intricate nature of direct marketing. Covering a range of areas such as the influence of telemarketing, direct mail marketing, social media ads, and email marketing, we will integrate these issues into aspects related to consumers. This includes looking at these marketing campaigns’ effects on customer loyalty, corporate image, revenue generation, and consumer reaction rates. Let’s get to it.

1.   The influence of mobile marketing messages on consumer response rates

2.   The efficacy of email marketing in producing leads and conversions

3.   The responsibility of customer orientation in direct marketing campaigns

4.   The application of data analytics in augmenting direct marketing policies

5.   The influence of direct marketing on consumer lifecycle importance

6.   The value of telemarketing in influencing target audiences

7.   The function of consumer segmentation in direct marketing schemes

8.   The effect of social media promotion in direct marketing endeavors

9.   The effect of direct marketing on customer retention

10.  The usefulness of direct reaction TV advertising in boosting sales

11.   The responsibility of mobile marketing in direct marketing policies

12.  The impact of direct marketing on brand awareness

13.  The application of offers and incentives in direct marketing schemes

14.  The effect of direct marketing on consumer satisfaction and response

15.  The efficacy of direct marketing in the wholesale business context

16.  The feasibility of using customer relationship management (CRM) systems to streamline marketing campaigns

17.  The effect of direct marketing on consumer recommendation

18.  The utilization of social testimonials and proof in direct marketing operations

19.  The influence of direct marketing on consumer credibility and confidence

20.  The efficacy of direct marketing in producing growing sales and earnings

Direct and online marketing strategies differ sometimes. Our   marketing dissertation helpers can assist you in choosing the best topic for your dissertation

Cultures and Marketing Dissertation Topics

In a rapidly globalizing marketplace, discerning the connection between marketing and culture is vital for organizations that seek success in international markets. This section offers 20 fascinating marketing dissertation topics that examine the intricacies and inferences of cultural effects on marketing schemes. From exploring the influence of cultural norms on customer traits to examining the problems and benefits of cross-cultural marketing, these issues delve into different facets of customer perception, cultural adaptation, and advertising efficacy.

  • The impact of societal norms on buyer purchasing habits in various regions
  • Multicultural marketing: Issues and Solutions for global brands
  • The influence of societal emblems and images on brand identification and impression
  • Marketing strategy cultural alterations: Effective techniques for heterogeneous industries
  • Cultural disparities in customer purchasing habits and marketing strategy consequences
  • The influence of societal customs on consumer perceptions regarding promotion
  • Successful and unsuccessful cultural marketing efforts
  • Traditional beliefs and brand commitment and consumer retention
  • The impact of cultural aspects on advertising efficiency
  • Cultural intelligence's importance in foreign advertising tactics
  • Cross-cultural customer habits in the technological age: Marketing possibilities and problems
  • The effect of cultural prejudices in advertising on company image and reaction from customers
  • The impact of cultural influences on product design and packaging
  • Personalization vs. standardization: Marketing strategy adaptation methods for diverse cultures
  • The role of cultural awareness in transnational corporate leadership
  • Moral issues and customer attitudes to cultural exploitation in advertising
  • Subcultures' effect on buyer habits and marketing techniques
  • Cultural variations in web-based customer actions: Ramifications for online marketing 
  • The importance of ethnic origin in brand choices and customer retention
  • The effect of multiculturalism on the efficacy and innovation of marketing teams.

Conclusively, the domains of marketing and culture provide a valuable landscape for exploration and research. Our next dissertation topics shed light on the complex connection between marketing and cultural schemes in modern varied markets. Going through these topics will help you develop a better understanding of how culture influences brand perception, customer behavior, international strategies, and marketing campaigns. Marketers with this knowledge can accurately traverse cultural variations, change their policies, and develop optimal marketing strategies that reverberate with varied readers.

Online Marketing Dissertation Topics

Online marketing is an integral instrument for corporations to sway and communicate with their intended audience. The evolution of technology leads to the development of policies and procedures employed in online marketing. This section seeks to examine different facets of online marketing and how it influences businesses.

We will consider topics like social media marketing and optimization, influencer marketing, and mobile marketing, enabling readers to get helpful perceptions and suggestions for organizations to stay competitive in the rapidly growing world of online marketing.

  • Online advertising's influence on customer buying habits
  • The efficiency with which search engine optimization (SEO) drives conversions and traffic to a website
  • Social media advertising's significance in brand growth and consumer interaction
  • The impact of Internet feedback on customer purchasing decisions and brand image
  • The impact of content advertising on brand recognition and commitment
  • The persuasive marketing effect on customer perceptions and purchase habits
  • The relevance of wireless advertising in attracting and retaining on-the-move customers
  • The impact of tailored marketing methods on consumer satisfaction and loyalty
  • The efficiency with which digital advertising initiatives generate inquiries and sales
  • The effect of monitoring online customer behavior and data insights on marketing tactics
  • The importance of online consumer networks in fostering customer loyalty and endorsement
  • The impact of online client feedback on business awareness and governance of reputation
  • The efficacy of redirecting efforts in internet marketing in boosting sales
  • The influence of virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) on internet marketing tactics
  • The impact of user-generated material on company perceptions and customer interaction
  • Online brand forums' impact on customer attitudes and purchasing intentions
  • The efficiency with which internet video marketing captures customer interest and drives transaction
  • Social media influencers' impact on internet-based brand impression and purchasing behavior
  • The importance of digital customer service in increasing client happiness and retention
  • The impact of Internet brand trust and credibility on customer purchasing decisions

You could also look at the connection between   police body cameras and public trust to determine the implications of transparency on entities. The possibilities are endless. Be creative with this one.

Consumer Psychology and Marketing Dissertation Topics

Comprehending customer psychology is imperative for marketers to utilize valuable marketing policies. We will examine different aspects of consumer psychology and how they influence marketing. A thorough explanation of issues like social media influence, emotional aspect of consumer preferences, celebrity endorsement, and color psychology will help you get a deeper understanding of customer purchasing behavior. This will in turn enable you to shape your dissertation topic in a way that resonates with customers on a deeper level.

  • Color psychology's influence on customer habits in internet marketing.
  • The impact of feelings in the customer purchasing process and how it affects marketing methods
  • Social media's impact on customer views and devotion to a brand
  • The efficiency with which tailored marketing communications increase customer involvement
  • The impact of nostalgic advertising on customer tastes and intent to buy
  • The influence of famous patronage on customer attitudes and purchasing behavior
  • The impact of social norms on genuine brand assessments among consumers
  • Pricing tactics and customer perceptions of cost
  • The influence of product package layout on buyer attitudes and purchases
  • The influence of proof of legitimacy on customer trust and purchase patterns
  • The impact of internet feedback and evaluations on customer purchasing decisions
  • The influence of narration in branding on customer involvement
  • The efficacy of corporate narratives in eliciting emotional responses from customers
  • The effect of marketing archetypes on customer beliefs and behavior
  • Customer confidence in online shopping and its consequences for digital advertising
  • The impact of ecological responsibility on buyer attitudes and confidence in brands
  • The impact of viral advertising efforts on consumer understanding and customer involvement
  • The influence of gender prejudices in branding on customer views and purchasing habits
  • The impact of tactile advertising on customer interactions and company image
  • The impact of peer influence methods on customer purchasing decisions and inclinations

Consumer psychology has a major part to play in developing marketing strategies. It allows us to delve into the emotional, cognitive, and social issues that impact customer behavior. These topics shed light on the manner in which marketers can influence customer behavior and perceptions. Focusing on such issues will help you create engaging pieces with marketing dissertation topics tailored to your field.

How to Choose a Relevant Marketing Topic for Your Research

When it comes to selecting a suitable research topic in marketing, an organized approach is essential. To assist you with your decision-making process, here are some useful tips:

1.  Prioritize Your Interests and Passions

  • Give precedence to areas of marketing that excite you.
  • Pick out a subject matter that truly entices you to delve into the research and discover studies that can back up your claims.

2.  Narrow Down the Focus of Your Topic

  • Start with an extensive idea, then refine it into something more precise.
  • For instance, if influencer marketing has caught your eye - hone in on "Assessing the Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing from the ROI Point-of-View". 

3.  Explore Online Resources

  • Make use of online lists containing fresh ideas for essay topics related to marketing for inspiration or reference points.
  • Utilizing these resources will allow you to uncover numerous viable topics pertaining directly to what interests you most.

4.  Select a Well-Researched Topic

  • Make sure your chosen theme has substantial existing data sources already available about it.
  • Allow yourself room to find any gaps within those studies – giving way for unique contributions that you could make.

5.  Utilize Online Academic Databases

  • Access relevant search engines such as BSC (Business Source Complete), Emerald, Proquest, and SCOPUS that offer access to scholarly articles and reports concerning your topic choice.

Get Help Today with Your Marketing Research

If you need help narrowing down your research topic to suit specific issues and points of concern, do not hesitate to   contact us today.

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Marketing Theses and Dissertations

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Essay Assignment Writing Tips for Students of MBA, Masters, PhD Level

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135+ Marketing Dissertation Topics 2024 for Students

Are you pursuing an MBA degree course? Then, you must be under the huge pressure of the Marketing Dissertation Paper   assignments. In this blog, we will discuss certain good Marketing dissertation topics and ideas   for your business school and university assignments.

Marketing Dissertation Topics

How to Write a Good Marketing Dissertation Paper?

Dissertation writing is a quite challenging as well enriching task. It exposes your own writing and demonstrates skills in your whole academic career. It helps you show your critical and analytical writing skills.

Writing a Marketing Dissertation Paper?

Abstract:   The abstract part of a marketing dissertation is a condensed version of the entire writing. This provides your readers with a brief overview of the whole research. If you write a very good dissertation abstract, your readers will be more interested in reading the whole research paper. This part includes the following:

  • Probe statement or research goal
  • Methodology

The introductory part:  This part really makes the very first impression on your readers. This par gives your readers a very clear idea of the background information on the given topic. It also outlines the aims and objectives of the dissertation paper. It includes the following:

  • Research purpose
  • Research goal

Conclusion : This is the terminal part of your paper and your whole marketing dissertation will be summarized here along with the major findings of the research paper and also the objectives met.

Bibliography : It gives all the references that have been seeded by you in your dissertation paper. All of these are to be stated in an orderly manner in this section of your marketing dissertation paper.

Appendices:  In this section, you need to use figures, tables, graphs, interviews, statistical findings and interviews covered in your dissertation.

You can get an idea of this from the best online Marketing dissertation examples .

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Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • How are the sales and marketing functions of any company directly related?
  • Explain the 4P’s of marketing
  • Explain SWOT analysis
  • Explain PESTEL analysis
  • How to do the best marketing positing of a newly launched product or service
  • What is international marketing?
  • What is local marketing?
  • Explain the concept of global marketing

How to Select Your Marketing Dissertation Topic

  • Always select a marketing dissertation topic that really interests you
  • Avoid very common topics
  • Follow a particular niche in marketing
  • Select a topic in which you can find a lot to write
  • Please choose a topic where you can get a lot of data and information from reliable stories about it
  • Try to choose more recent and updated marketing research dissertation topics
  • Give a viewpoint of the pest industrial scenario while choosing the topic
  • Keep the modern marketing techniques while choosing the topic
  • Select topics on both national as well international marketing
  • Select the most competitive topics

Marketing Dissertation Topics in 2024

  • What is the effect of Artificial Intelligence on Personalized Marketing?
  • Digital Marketing vs data privacy
  • How can you be a good marketing infected in the ethical field
  • Sustainable marketing technology in today’s digital
  • Explain the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in digital or online marketing
  • Explain consumer behavior in marketing
  • How to improve user experience in the field of Augmented Reality (AR)
  • The marketing modes of Cross-Channel Attribution
  • Explain the reasons for the success of most of the e-commerce websites
  • What are the best strategies for online niche marketing?

Branding Dissertation Topics

  • How to choose your own brand
  • How to create your own brand identity
  • Best ways to choose a brand logo
  • What are the best strategies to build the best brand loyalty among your target customers?
  • What are the core competencies of your brand?
  • How to make your own brand very much unique and stand out from the other bands offering the same product or service in the market
  • How can proper banding help your organization be safe in tremendous market competition?
  • How to do the best marketing of your newly launched brand in inland as well overseas market
  • Branding in this digital age
  • How to choose the best brand ambassador for your brand

Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • What are the best ways of online marketing in this digital era?
  • Importance of official websites in digital marketing
  • Significance of website content in today’s age of digital marketing
  • In today’s world, digital marketing is the fastest as well as most cost-effective way of marketing- justify
  • Role of social network in digital marketing
  • How to communicate with future customers via digital marketing
  • Best strategies to achieve success in digital marketing
  • Role of latest technologies and IT (Information Technology) in the field of digital or online marketing
  • How to keep official websites safe from duplicity in the digital marketing field
  • Hacking in the Digital Marketing Age

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MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • Explain the best strategies in the field of Human Resource Marketing (HRM)
  • What is employee appraisal and how to implement it successfully?
  • How to recruit the best staff
  • Explain Moselle’s hierarchy of needs
  • How to conduct the best market survey
  • How to know the real needs and choices of your target customers
  • Explain market segmentation
  • What is niche marketing?
  • What is the market postponing?
  • Explain the role of logistics in the field of corporate marketing management

Interesting Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • What are the best marketing modes?
  • Explain the role of market intermediaries in the field of marketing management.
  • What are the most popularly applied market forecasting methods?
  • How to maximize the chances of profits and minimize the chances of losses in marketing
  • What are the main differences in mass marketing styles to promote products or services?
  • Explain various marketing methods in different types of business sectors like service, FMCG, media, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, etc.
  • Discuss the role of online or digital marketing in the present era of digitization.
  • Differentiate between licensing and franchising.
  • Why KFC franchises are so successful all over the globe
  • Discuss the importance of service points or product locations to boost the sales rate.

Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • Why is it very important for all the companies offering products or services to create a verified official website of their own in today’s digital era?
  • How to keep your company website safe from ethical hacking
  • How to market successfully your offered product and services via social media marketing
  • Role of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. in social media marketing
  • How to attract more visitors to your official website from all across the world
  • How to increase liker and subscribers on your official profiles on Facebook
  • How to handle your official Twitter account
  • How to make the best content for your official website and all other social media platforms
  • How to create a very much unique content for your website
  • How to make the right use of the keywords for the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process of your website

Relationship Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • Digital type of relationship marketing I Covid 19 pandemic age
  • What is the importance of customization and personalization in relationship marketing?
  • How to make the best customer loyalty among the customers all over the world
  • What are the features of Tesco’s loyalty card scheme in the present age of immense market competition?
  • Can switching costs make barriers to the retention of customers in the airline industry?
  • Explain the case study of Amazon.com, where they charge a premium charge for its range of products and services.
  • How to attract customers in the long run by introducing various expectations and motivations for creating customer loyalty
  • Explain the case of the Café Nero’s app with reference to creating customer loyalty.
  • How can you use relationship marketing to attract new customers via various social media platforms?
  • How can you really create good customer loyalty by improving the quality of your offered products and services?

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Fashion Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • What are the most effective ways to encourage foreign business in various nations?
  • What was the background and origin of the fashion industry marketing?
  • What are the latest fashion trends post-COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Give a critical analysis of kids’ fashion in the present global fashion industry
  • Synthetic vs organ clothing trends in today’s fashion industry
  • How to make the most suitable office attire by the global fashion industry people
  • From where did the waistcoats come originally?
  • Are social media marketing really a drawback to the new fashion brands?
  • What are the influences of fashion on our environment?
  • How can the fashion industry really abide by the anti-animal cruelty laws?

Sports Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • The essence of various athletes’ endorsements in our sports industry
  • What is the impact of social media marketing on the sports industry?
  • What is the role of the women athletes in the sports goods advertising campaign?
  • Explain the proper marketing modes of the scuba diving sports kit.
  • How to use Twitter’s official account to market sports goods
  • How to create the best sports marketing brand logo
  • Role of the super in advertising sports goods in the USA
  • Can sports be one of the proper marketing of sports products for athletes as well as sports enthusiasts on the national level?
  • What is the relationship between entertainment and sports marketing?
  • How the SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) can support sports goods marketing

Ethics in Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • Explain CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
  • How to abide by business ethics in the field of marketing management
  • Laws to be abided by the factories
  • Ethical law to be abided by the oil drilling ships
  • How to abide by various business and ethical laws in foreign countries in international marketing
  • What are the penalties for breaking business laws both inland as well overseas

Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics

  • How to retain customers in the fast food industry
  • How to get a customer’s trust in an e-commerce business
  • A detailed study of the causes of post-purchase regret among customers
  • How to create brand loyalty to sell kids’ products
  • Explain consumer culture in the field of marketing management

International Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • How to build a goods business firm in any foreign land
  • How to abide by the business laws in a foreign country
  • Role of forex in international marketing
  • How to do good market segmentation in overseas marketing
  • How to target customers in global marketing

Direct Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • How to engage customers in long-term services
  • How does the Caffe Nero app really use customer intelligence
  • How to communicate well with your target consumers
  • How to sell and mark leisure goods products

Mobile Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • How to make the best marketing plan for stay most popular electrical product -mobile
  • How smartphones have adversely inflated today’s society
  • How to thrive in the immensely competitive market of mobile phones
  • How to develop outstanding features of the newly launched Android smartphone

B2B Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • How to alter marketing management
  • How to make an ideal organization
  • How to create a good data burst
  • Difference between new users and conventional customs
  • How to build the best B2B sales channel

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Lyana Jones

Hi, I am Lyana Jones, the author of this blog. I am a well-experienced academic writer. We’ll help make your writing shine.

Please contact us anytime, tell us about your topic, and receive a 100% plagiarism-free paper with impeccable grammar and formatting.

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  1. Marketing Dissertation Topics

    The following is a list of topics that can be undertaken as a part of social networks and marketing dissertation: Topic 86:The role of Facebook as a marketing tool. Topic 87:Social media marketing vs. traditional marketing evaluating the success rate. Topic 88:Building relationships with customers through social media.

  2. The Ultimate List: 100 Exceptional Marketing Thesis Topics for 2024

    Here's a quick list of hot topics you might want to consider for your thesis: The impact of posting times on social media engagement. AI in social media data sorting: efficiency vs. trust. Digital marketing strategies of streaming giants like Netflix. The unique role of micro-influencers on Instagram.

  3. Marketing Dissertation Topics for FREE

    It is an important area for modern businesses, and a topical area on which to base your marketing dissertation with highly diverse topics: Digital relationship marketing in the age of COVID-19: Analysing the importance of personalisation and customisation. Generating customer loyalty through high-value content creation - a case study of UK ...

  4. 201 Best Marketing Dissertation Topics for 2024

    Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics: a. The effectiveness of influencer marketing on Instagram compared to YouTube. b. Search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for small businesses. c. Analyzing the impact of online reviews on consumer purchasing behavior. d. Personalization in email marketing: Best practices and consumer responses.

  5. Dissertation Topics in Marketing

    Explore the Well-Crafted Marketing Dissertation Topics . Marketing is a process through which companies be they Local or International use to create and build brand awareness, and customer relations, and for increasing business profits. Marketing is a great field for research as it provides you with a large number of research topics and sources.

  6. 25 Marketing Management Dissertation Topics

    Here is a list of the latest marketing management dissertation topics to help you out. Using financial products in the UK retail banking sector. A study of how service quality and customer satisfaction affect brand equity. A study of the antecedents and consequences of a firm's reputation.

  7. Dissertation Topics in Marketing Actual in 2024

    We've compiled a list of about 100 of the best international marketing dissertation topics. Use these examples comfortably and create your idea. ... Marketing dissertation topics can include areas such as pricing strategy, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, etc. Writing a dissertation on a marketing topic can be a difficult task.

  8. Research Topics In Marketing (+ Free Webinar)

    Here, we'll explore a variety of marketing-related research ideas and topic thought-starters, covering both traditional marketing (offline media) and digital marketing (including social media marketing, content marketing and the like). We'll also look at actual dissertations and theses from marketing students to give you a view of what a ...

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    International Business Dissertation Topics For 2024. MNCs' use of a standardised approach to business strategy. Impact of the coronavirus outbreak on global business operations. Management and globalisation governance appendix. Factors affecting MNCs' decision about their corporate political approach in emerging economies.

  10. PDF Doctoral Thesis Internationalisation and International Marketing

    international context, the network theory and the contingency approach to the international marketing strategy. Both qualitative (Chapter 1) and quantitative (Chapter 2 and 3) methodologies have been combined for the completion of this dissertation. By employing the qualitative methodology based on in-depth case studies profound understanding ...

  11. International Marketing Topics & Essay Examples

    182 samples. In today's interconnected world, globalization is a priority for every large corporation. Thus, international marketing has become essential as it allows a business to grow across borders. Franchising, licensing, joint ventures, as well as export and foreign investment are all examples of what falls under this umbrella term.

  12. Marketing Dissertation Topics: 70 Great Writing Ideas

    International marketing strategies. Building customer relationships. Marketing ethics and responsibility. Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics Social media marketing involves leveraging social media platforms to promote products or services, engage with target audiences, and build brand awareness. Influencer marketing effectiveness and ...

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    Dissertation topics in marketing associated with branding and advertising are listed below: Storytelling's Place in Brand Development. Customer Views on Authenticity in Marketing. Social Media Advertising's Effect on the Sustainability of Brand Images. Marketing Tactics and Customer Reaction.

  14. 370+ Marketing Research Topics & Ideas for Your Paper

    We invite you to check these compelling research paper topics about marketing and influencers: Measuring return on investment in influencer marketing. How micro-influencers impact small business growth. Authenticity versus promotion: Striking a balance. Ethics in influencer marketing: A critical review.

  15. International Marketing Research: A State-of-the-Art Review ...

    The chapter provides a systematic review of 1722 international marketing articles published in the top six international business journals during the period 1995-2015. ... as well as to the specific international marketing topics covered. ... They could also direct doctoral students to conduct research as part of their dissertations on novel ...

  16. List of 38+ Marketing Dissertation Topics in 2024

    List of Best Dissertation Topics in Marketing For 2024. Topic 1: Analysing Voice Search Optimization Strategies for E-Commerce Success in the UK: A Consumer-Centric Approach. Topic 2: Revolutionizing Personalized Marketing through AI: Evaluating the Impact of Customer Data Analysis on Targeted Messaging in the UK.

  17. PDF Marketing: Selected Doctoral Theses

    This dissertation investigates the implications of consumer inattention and uncertainty for firms' advertising and pricing decisions. The first chapter is an overview of the problems addressed in the dissertation and the main findings. The second chapter develops a theory-based, cost-effective method to estimate the demand for new

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    60 Interesting Marketing Dissertation Topic Ideas. Developing an impressive dissertation is an important step in receiving a degree and meeting all your academic goals. To come up with a paper of excellent quality, you need to pick a winning topic in marketing, make use of the proper paper format, collect only relevant facts and data, and ...


    their international marketing effectiveness. Thus, central contributions of this dissertation include: first, it classifies the effects of globalization on firms into global market opportunities and global competitive threats; second, it integrates literature on international business, strategic management, and marketing to address

  20. A Complete List of Marketing Dissertation Topics

    Direct-Marketing Dissertation Topics. Direct marketing is a form of marketing that sells directly to the customer. The company and the customer are the only parties involved in the product/service cycle. Direct marketing comes in different shapes and sizes, with internet marketing being the most common. Online marketing allows companies to ...

  21. Captivating Marketing Dissertation Topics

    Strategic Marketing Topics. Branding dissertation topics ought to consider various issues like competitive advantage and customer-centric marketing strategies. You need to look at marketing ethics, relationship marketing, international marketing, and online marketing to get a better understanding of how to structure your marketing dissertation ...

  22. Marketing Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2009. An Empirical Examination of the Dark Side of Relationship Marketing within a Business to Business Context, Brent L. Baker. Developing the Nomological Network of Perceived Corporate Affinity for Technology: A Three Essay Dissertation, David Earl Fleming.

  23. 135+ Marketing Dissertation Topics 2024 for Students

    If you write a very good dissertation abstract, your readers will be more interested in reading the whole research paper. This part includes the following: Probe statement or research goal. Conclusion. Methodology. The introductory part: This part really makes the very first impression on your readers.