
ServiceNow Advanced Reference Qualifier | How to filter the Assignment group based on Assigned To

Been in a predicament in ServiceNow, where you know the person a task needs to be assigned to, but don’t know the right group? I got you!

In this video, we add an advanced reference qualifier on a dictionary override on the assignment group fields (for incidents) that calls a server side script include to run some funky glideRecord queries and return as back a refined list of group sys_id’s. Its then these groups that are shown when you click the Assignment Group magnifying glass.

Reference Qualifier bit:

javascript:new global.AssignmentGroupFilter().refineAssignmentGroup(current.assigned_to)

Script Include:

Tags: advanced reference qualifier beth anglin GlideRecord reference field reference qualifier script include servicenerd servicenow admin servicenow demo servicenow tutorial sysid in

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Using Case API to find the right assignment group

We are using the Case APi to create an HRSD case in Servicenow - however, can a servicenow API be used to assign the right assignment group?

We would like the web service to lookup the right COE based on the location thats coming in the payload.

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ServiceNow Automatically set Assignment Group

1 minute read

This is a useful tidbit for auto populating assignment groups. ServiceNow does have a few features that make it possible to auto assign groups based on criteria such as:

  • Assignment Lookup Rules
  • Data lookup definitions

However, sometimes a simple client script can offer less overhead. In this case I had the following requirements.

  • When a requester picks a group it will auto set the assignment group to the Configuration Item approver group
  • The requester can accept this or choose to override it
  • If a group is not found on the CI, a pop up will alert them to select it manually

To accomplish this the client script was as follows:

Name : Populate Assignment Group Type : onChange Field Name : cmdb_ci (Configuration Item)

Set that on your table (incident/change etc) and your all set!

Why not Assignment Rule?

I was asked, why not create an assignment rule, after all its built into the product. For example a simple rule under System Policy -> Assignment, defined using this script snippet will work.

Sample snippet:

However it is server side and does not set until after the user saves the record. This would be ideal if you wanted to “Hard enforce” that the assignment group must be set by the CI, however if your requirement is to allow the user to override then a client script is the preferred route.

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‘Add Me’ UI macro for User and Group Fields

T his post comes in response to a question I saw this morning on the ServiceNow forum. The request was to be able to create ‘Add me’ icons for user and group fields that would act the same way as the ‘Add me’ field on list fields. This post shows you how!

Add Me UI Macros

‘Add me’ UI macro for user fields

–Once you’ve created the macro you need to invoke it on your user field by adding the ‘ref_contributions=add_me’ attribute to the dictionary of the user field.

‘Add me’ UI macro for ‘Assigned to’ fields

–Based on the comments below I realized that this is probably going to be used pretty often for a field like the ‘Assigned to’ field for tasks, where the user field is actually dependent on a group field like ‘Assignment group’. The problem with the script above in these situations is that it doesn’t respect the dependency, allowing you to add yourself even though you’re not a member of the currently-selected group.

Implementing an elegant workaround for this scenario becomes difficult because ServiceNow doesn’t natively provide group membership information to client scripts. I’ve come up with a nice workaround that uses the UI macro to cache that information when it is rendered at the server. The following UI macro code will add the ‘Add me’ UI macro to a field like ‘Assigned to’, but will alert users if they are not a member of the current assignment group.

‘Add my group’ UI macro for group fields

The group scenario is a bit more complicated because there’s not a built-in system concept of a primary group. Since each user can be a member of multiple groups you’ll need to decide how to deal with this in your environment. I think if I was setting it up, I’d put a ‘Primary’ field on the ‘sys_user_grmember’ table. This field could be modified by list editing the ‘Groups’ related list on the user form.

For this example, I’ve just set up the code so that it looks at the group membership table (and optionally for a ‘u_primary’ field on that table). The script finds the first group that matches the query (member of a group or having a primary group defined) and populates that group in the reference field. Otherwise, an alert appears indicating that the user isn’t a member of any groups or that a primary group doesn’t exist. You can adjust the ‘addMyGroup’ function below to meet your specific needs.

–Once you’ve created the macro you need to invoke it on your group field by adding the ‘ref_contributions=add_my_group’ attribute to the dictionary of the group field.

servicenow auto assignment group

Mark Stanger

Date Posted:

March 23, 2012

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' src=

That looks pretty good!!!

One small question, what happens if the assigned_to has a dependency on the assignment_group? Should that still “add me” even though I’m not a member of that group?

' src=

Good question, and one I figured would come up. This functionality does not do any checks against the reference qualifiers for the user or group fields. It is possible to assign something to yourself even though the ref qual says you shouldn’t. My assumption is that the risk of allowing that to happen is pretty low so I didn’t include the extra complexity to try and check for that.

this is great functionality and took me no more than 10-15 mins to implement in our UAT so thanks heaps for this. However, we do have a dependency as Jonatan Jardi posted, the {assigned_to} is dependant on {assignment_group}. has anyone done any work on getting the add_me macro to check for dependency?

Here is what worked for us….

Nice. Thanks for sharing!

We (Actually a Java Guru onsite) added the following onChange client script, which is configured to our environment against the assignment Group field

It is very similar to Patrick’s.

We also added a onLoad Client Script to Hide the Add_me

Thanks Patrick.

Slightly off this topic, but only just..

Is there a way to prevent the add me icon appearing? Like an attribute on the glide_list field? Currently I have a client script which hides the icon, which works when the form is loaded, but after the user has unlocked and locked again, the icon appears.

any help appreciated. Jason

There may be, but I’m not aware of it if it exists. Why not just remove the icon entirely in your client script on form load?

Changed the hide() to remove() and that did the trick…

Cheers Jason

I am a new user to SN and taking over some admin tasks. Per the above article, To invoke UI Macro (add_me) on a user field by adding the ‘ref_contributions=add_me’ attribute to the dictionary of the user field: I am confused where and how to add ‘ref_contributions=add_me’ to invoke this ui macro. Does it need ot be added to assigned_to field on Task table or sys_user table, if sys_user table them on what field and where?

Thanks in advance. Kumar

ref_contributions are added to the reference field that you want the macro to appear next to. For this example, you would add it to the ‘assigned_to’ field.

Thanks Mark for the quick reply. I added it to the assigned_to field as a dictionary overrides attibute. It worked. Thanks very much.

Used a client script to hide the addMe icon on load, when you click the lock it comes back again, I guess the only way to re-hide the lock is wait for the lock clicking event right? is that what you did to kill it completely jason?

I used the following [code] $(‘add_me_locked.u_demand.u_vrm’).remove(); $(‘add_me.u_demand.u_vrm’).remove(); [/code]

this removes both add_me icons, when its locked and when its opened (unlocked).

nice one, works great.

Very nice and helpful article.

But the problem I noticed is when we selected some records from the recordlist and select the ‘Update Selected’ , table related (example incident) form will be shown on screen. On this form ‘Add me’ icons are visible but we click on it, it is not populating the data inot the related fields (assigned to or group).

Do you know the reason behind it?

Thank you Krishna

Thanks for the feedback! The problem is that the ‘Update Selected’ and ‘Update All’ form doesn’t include the ‘g_user’ object like regular forms do. Because of this, you have to pass the user ID in from the macro itself. I’ve updated both of the UI Macros above with the new code. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Thanks for the updated macors. Now both of them are working fine. One thing I noticed is for asignment group, if I add ref_contributions=add_my_group in the attribute after tree_picker=true (like this tree_picker=true;ref_contributions=add_my_group;) then ‘Add My Group’ icon is not showing up on the form. But If I changed it to (ref_contributions=add_my_group;tree_picker=true) then ‘Add My Group’ icon was visible and working but I am loosing the tree picker.

So I think treepicker and ref_contributions doesn’t work together. Is my undersatanding right?

They’ll work together. Try separating your attributes with a comma rather than a semicolon.

Sorry Mark, it’s my mistake I didn’t noticed that I actually used a ; instead of ,. By the way thanks for your the update.

One small update when we implemented this in our instance we found it possible for a user to get another users name out into the assigned to field when clicking this button. It looks like this occurred only when the accounts were identical(same groups and roles). It seems like the sysid was stored in the cache somehow. This was remedied by changing ${gs.getUserID()} to $[gs.getUserID()] the [ ] enable phase 2 processing

Thanks for the update! A perfect example of why you need to be careful with Jelly phases. :) I just updated the code above to reflect this change.

I am placing a ui macro ‘ok cancel form button’ on a form.. I am facing a problem that while clicking on any of the button by action is being performed but after that my form is being reload but i want that it should redirect to the parent form ….

Please anyone can help me on this

Regards Akshat

Your question doesn’t really pertain to this article, but the solution can be found here…

You need to add ‘ok_type=”button’ to your buttons call.

So just getting around to implement this option. Having problems on the Assignment Group. We don’t use Primary Assignment Groups and most users are in two groups. We were hoping to to try something like: g_form.setDisplayValue(referenceField, “**”); Thinking this would insert the wildcards into the field on start the drop down feature. We find trying it this way is different than typing ** into that field.

Any idea how we can pass in the wildcards into the ‘referenceField’ field?

You can set those values like this… g_form.getDisplayBox(‘assignment_group’).value = ‘**’;

The problem I’m running into is executing the right key press event to trigger the autocomplete. I’ll let you know if I find anything, but I don’t have an answer to that right now.

Mark, Tried to combine both macros into one macro to be able to auto populate Assignment Group based on the Assigned To’s group membership. I did a g_form.setvalue(‘assigned_to’, ) and g_form.servalue(‘assignment_group’, ) for both, but it blanks out the Assigned To upon auto populating the Assignment Group.

Mark, I implemented this solution on my SN system and it works perfect. The only part that I have not been able to get working is the Primary group . I added the field on to the group membership table but I am not sure how to add the code to the UI Macro so it populated the Assignment Group from the Primary Field. Any Help you can provide will be great…

That should be as simple as adding a single line to your callback function then. Find this line…

and add a new query line directly below it…(note that this assumes the name of your field on the ‘sys_user_grmember’ table is ‘u_primary’)

Mark thank you for getting back to me. I added the line as you said…

But now I am getting the message “you are not a member of any groups.” for all users. My u_primary field in the sys_user_grmember table is a type boolean as it should be. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Thank you in advance for all your help.

The last alert message should probably be changed in your case to be identical to the first one, but I have this working in demo003 right now. You can check out the working solution there. I do think the group script would probably be better if it just picked the first group in the event that a user had more than one primary group. I’ll change that in the code above. You should also make sure that your users have read permissions to the ‘sys_user_grmember’ table.

Hi, I would like to implement this on a service catalog form.. with a reference lookup field pointing to sys_user basically gives users the choice of choosing themselves or running the lookup to pick someone else.. how would I get to the dictionary to set the ref_contributions=add_me attribute ? thanks

I wish it were that simple. Unfortunately, ServiceNow doesn’t support reference attributes or macros for variables. You can accomplish the same thing with client scripts though. I’ve added an example script above showing how it can be done.

That’s fantastic, thanks so much for the quick response.

Hey Mark this is great thank you. But i have one question for some reason i can not get this icon to show on the Group List or Watch List is there a limitation of what type of field a ref_contributions can be shown on?

They should be fine to add to the watch list fields. It will only show up next to the reference field portion though.

Mark thanks for the quick response. I was able to use your “Adding a UI Macro to a Non-reference Field” to do what I needed to do.

Thanks again!!

Does this functionality still work with Calgary, Berlin or Eureka?

Yes, it is fully-compatible with all ServiceNow releases.

thanks for post

– i have tried the exact code for ‘add_me’ while checking Assignment group in the Dublin version but var myGroups = ‘$[jvar_groups]’; is returning null

– also tried var myGroups = gs.getUser().getMyGroups(); but this also fails, probably for reasons you mentioned in the original post.

Could this be relying on another setting or configuration?

Although this doesn’t break with Fuji, the image used doesn’t fit the Fuji design. I’ve updated the code to use a ‘Fuji Icon’ instead of the old school image.

Looks good. Thanks! One minor issue is that after clicking the Add Me button, the form is not considered as modified and I can go to other record without any warning prompt.

Do you have code for the group icon?

Here is the code for the Add_my_group with the Fuji icon

Add my group

function addMyGroup(reference) { //Get the group reference field and populate the first group queried var s = reference.split(‘.’); var referenceField = s[1]; var grpRec = new GlideRecord(‘sys_user_grmember’); grpRec.addQuery(‘user’, ‘$[gs.getUserID()]’); //Uncomment the following line if using a ‘Primary’ boolean field on the ‘sys_user_grmember’ table //grpRec.addQuery(‘u_primary’, true); grpRec.query(groupCallback);

//After the server returns the query recordset, continue here function groupCallback(grpRec){ //Hide any previous field messages try{ g_form.hideFieldMsg(referenceField, true); }catch(e){}

//Check to see if the user is a member of a single group if({ //Populate the first group found g_form.setValue(referenceField,; } else{ g_form.showFieldMsg(referenceField,’You are not a member of any groups or have no primary group defined.’,’error’); } } }

The variable code doesn’t work on RITM and Task level as the id changes for the input box on a per RITM and Task basis. Ideas?

I am trying this in Eureka – I have added the UI Macro – added the attribute as an override on the assigned to field on the incident table. However the image or functionality seems to be working. Am I missing something? I even tried changing the image i was referencing to see if it was not finding the image.

A follow on question. Would this work on a read only field/ For instance we have a self-service portal that shows the watch_list field so the user can see who else is receiving updates. However we have a request to enable the add_me button for that field so that users can only add themselves to the watch_list not remove anything from the watch list. Any help is greatly appreciated.

The Pre-fuji version of the script above should work just fine for Eureka instances so just make sure you’re using that. I’ve tested it successfully on Eureka ServiceNow versions so I know it works there. As for its ability to work on a read only field, it will work there just fine. In the case of the Watch list, that field already has this macro capability built in so you’d want to use whatever built-in behavior ServiceNow has. Mine isn’t designed to work with watch list fields for that reason, but you could always try it and see what you get.

If others are searching for the list of icons available I found two pages that may prove helpful: – the visual list – the text list of icons

Do you know how to get this to work on the service catalog within the service portal?

Hi Mark, thanks for this post. I have used this in assigned_to field to override in marketing request table and it is working fine with the group validation, the same attribute when i have overrided in marketing task table the validation doesn’t work and the assigned to poppulated with current user even though he is not the member of the group. Can you please help on what could possibly be wrong. Its the same macro i am using.

just to add to that. it is not going inside the addme function as i have put an alert

Can this work on the Service Portal for the variables? The way we have it set up doesn’t work and before I try I wanted to see if it was even a possibility. Thanks.

Jelly scripts are not working in service portal, as a workaround you can create a widget that will do the same function.

You can then reference this in widget field of a macro type variable.

I followed your above steps for adding the macro to the Assigned to Field but I don’t get the icon. I tried it in my developer instance (Jakarta) and it worked just fine but in my org’s instance (Helsinki) the macro doesn’t show next to the Assigned to field.

Any ideas why this might be?

Hey. I have used this to create button on a catalog item which works perfectly, apart from having to use a string field which has to show, but it doesn’t work on the portal. Any ideas:

function onLoad() { //The variable name to put the icon next to g_form.setReadOnly(‘u_ca’, true); var varName = ‘u_ca’;

try{ //Add the icon decoration to the reference field var varEl = g_form.getControl(varName).id; $(varEl).insert({ after: ‘ ‘ }); //Add the ‘onclick’ event $(‘icon-search’).observe(‘click’, checkAvailability); }catch(e){}

function checkAvailability(){ //…the rest of my function code this button triggers } } }

I’d guess it’s something to do with ‘sn-tooltip-basic’???

Great post. Thanks a lot Mark.!…

This post has aged well. Confirming that it still works on Quebec.

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How To Randomly Auto Assign Tasks in ServiceNow

Auto Assign Capabilities – What is Out Of Box? By default, when any record is assigned to a group, there’s no automatic behavior to update the “Assigned to” user. There is no round robin or …

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Written by: Team Snowball

Published on: July 8, 2021

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Table of Contents

Auto Assign Capabilities – What is Out Of Box?

By default, when any record is assigned to a group, there’s no automatic behavior to update the “Assigned to” user.

There is no round robin or auto assignments for groups, out of box. There is on-call scheduling but this requires an extra license and needs to be implemented properly.

A lot of IT Managers like the idea of using platform automation to make decisions. This solution can ultimately save people a lot of time and removes a lot of manual intervention. But it’s not a “one size fits all” solution. 

Usually when any task is created, there is just a notification set up to inform all of the members of the group that the case has been created, and that someone needs to go in and take ownership of it. While this is definitely helpful, notifications decrease in impact over time as the system continues to push them out. Notifications from ServiceNow should be used only when necessary.

So what happens if you have certain groups that are repeatedly unwilling to assign cases out? This feature can be implemented and skip any need for a manual intervention when it comes to assigning cases.

We can also properly “load balance” users that come in, but that’s for another and more detailed post. This post just covers how to have ServiceNow randomly select a user from a group, whenever it is assigned to a group. It does not count nor assign to individuals completely evenly.

Why Would You Want To Automatically Assign A Case?

There are countless reasons a team might ask for this.

Common reasons are “use of automation” or “not wasting time reading and assigning cases”. The ServiceNow Platform can be enhanced to make decisions dynamically.

This could be helpful if there are teams that have trouble delegating. The system makes the decision for them. But this should also not be used as a crutch, if teams aren’t doing their work in ServiceNow, this is probably not the best solution to encourage them.

For organizations that are large enough, I have seen it be the full time job of people to manually come in and assign cases to people, on a case by base basis. This is a huge waste of resources and can be easily solved via automation efforts.

A good use case for automatically assigning a case to a user of a group when it comes in would be if all of the users of a group can equally solve the cases that come in. If there’s no large knowledge gap, then it makes sense to implement some sort of auto triaging solution.

You may be able to further expand upon the idea here. You can take the script and modify it to auto assign based on any other condition you can think of.

This solution does not count assignments and make decisions based on that. For example, if there is a group of 2 users – it could assign 4 cases to one and 6 cases to another.

Something To Also Keep in Mind – Related To SLA’s

There is a debate amonst ServiceNow professionals on when to have the “Response SLA” condition met. Some companies prefer to the Response SLA met when a case is “assigned”. Others prefer to have the Response SLA met when the case has a fulfiller add a comment. That’s for you and your organization to decide.

But if your company has your Response SLA conditions set up to be met when an incident has an “Assigned to” user populated – then continue reading here. If that is the case, then the Response SLA will be instantly met, and will become a metric that doesn’t provide a lot of value. If all your incidents are being assigned on insert, then 100% of the SLA’s measuring response will be met on insert, and won’t even be tracked. It will appear that you are meeting 100% of responses, every time.

So be aware of this if you decide to implement this functionality.

How To Automatically Assign A Case At Random?

The solution here is a rather straightforward business rule.

Table Task Table in question, Incident for example
Insert true
Update true
When Before

Condition : current.assignment_group.changes() && == true && current.assigned_to == ”

Note : You will likely want to update this condition. This condition will auto assign cases for EVERY group that exists.

So if you only want to limit this to certain groups, make sure to define that in the condition.

Script : (function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/ ) { // Call the function random(); // Define the function function random() { var group = current.assignment_group.toString(); // Find the group members of the current group var grMembers = new GlideRecord(“sys_user_grmember”); grMembers.addQuery(“group”, group); grMembers.query(); var array = []; // Add them all to an array while ( { var user = grMembers.user.toString(); array.push(user); } var arrayLen = array.length; // Randomly select the user from the elements in the array var randomUser = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * arrayLen)]; var userName = new GlideRecord(‘sys_user’); userName.get(randomUser); // This is optional, but could be helpful current.work_notes = “Auto assigning ” + current.number + ” to random user: ” + userName.first_name + ” ” + userName.last_name; // Set the randomly found user in the group current.assigned_to = randomUser; } })(current, previous);

How To Test The Auto Assignment Business Rule

Go to the table that you created the rule against. For my example, I am used the incident table and didn’t limit it to any group, just for the example.

Create an incident and assign it to any group. Make sure not to populate the “Assigned to” field.

At this point, once you save/update the record – it should auto assign to a user in that group.

Are there other ways to accomplish this feature? Is your IT Organization doing something differently to handle this?

Go ahead and take the code above and improve upon it. The above script is just an idea of what you can accomplish.

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Handling Assignment Rules in ServiceNow

In ServiceNow, if one is looking for automatic assignments then he can rely on the instance’s ability to assign the tasks automatically to different users and groups depending on the specified conditions. In order to achieve this, ServiceNow has the following modules:

  • Assignment Rules

Assignment Lookup Rules:

This module appears under the ‘System Policy application’ menu. This table is basically generated out of the box as its definition is provided in the ‘Data Lookup Definition’ table in the instance, specifically for field assignments in the incident table. Assignment lookup rules mainly provide the functionality of changing any field value and not just the assignment fields.

Assignment Rules:

This module appears under the ‘System Policy application’ menu. It helps to automatically assign the tasks to a particular user or a particular group using the assigned_to and assignment_group fields respectively, depending on the specified set of conditions. One can define these assignment rules readily for their desired table.

Following are the steps for defining the assignment rule:

  • Navigate to System Policy -> Assignment -> New

Handling Assignment Rules in ServiceNow

  • From the above figure, one can see that the dot-walking can also be done in the condition builder field. Just select the ‘Show Related Fields’ option in the condition and then select the appropriate attribute.
  • Further, in the ‘Assign To’ tab, select the appropriate user and group to whom the task is to be assigned.

If two assignment rules conflict, then the assignment rule with the lowest execution order runs first. The lower the execution order, the higher is the precedence.

Distinguishing Factors between the Data Lookup Rules and Assignment Rules:

Precedence among the assignment rule and business rule:

In certain circumstances, the business rules gain precedence over the assignment rules.

The business rules and assignments rules run in the following order:

  • All the ‘before record insert’ business rules having order less than 1000.
  • First and foremost, assignment rule with lowest execution order and matching condition.
  • All the ‘before record insert’ business rules having order more than 1000.
  • All the ‘after record insert’ business rules.

We are pretty sure that this blog must have given an overview of dealing with Assignment Rules in ServiceNow.

Any comments\suggestions are most welcome. We have posted further blogs as well on other topics and will frequently come back with something innovative.

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Populate Assignment group based on service offering and location in servicenow

I want to update the assignment group to a particular assignment group when the condition fulfills on RITM ie. service offering is xyz and location is abc, then it should update.

For example, there is one catalog item that is being raised by GETit and RITM is generated with an assignment group. I want to update that value when the matching conditions are fulfilled.

I tried using assignment rules but again it doesnt work if the field has already a value and in my case assignment group already has a value, we just need to update it.

Can someone please help me here.

Mansi Goel's user avatar

  • What’s setting the assignment group in the first place already? If it’s a workflow, then change the logic in the workflow to match your criteria, if it’s an assignment rule, then give your new rule a lower order so it takes precedence –  Nick Parsons Commented Jun 12 at 13:16

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Assigned to and Assignment group

The Assigned to [assigned_to] field is a reference  field type that points to the Users [sys_user] table. This field is generally used to designate a user to work on, or be responsible for the task. By default, this field has a reference qualifier (role=itil) set on its dictionary record that prevents any non-itil user from being assigned to a task. You can override this reference qualifier on tables that extend task though, as the Project Task and Service Order tables do, if you have the relevant plugins installed.

The Assignment group [assignment_group] field serves pretty much the same purpose. The reason for having both, is that a workflow might automatically assign a certain type of task ticket to a group, ...

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servicenow auto assignment group

ServiceNow Advanced Reference Qualifier | How to filter the Assignment group based on Assigned To

Been in a predicament in ServiceNow, where you know the person a task needs to be assigned to, but don’t know the right group? I got you!

In this video, we add an advanced reference qualifier on a dictionary override on the assignment group fields (for incidents) that calls a server side script include to run some funky glideRecord queries and return as back a refined list of group sys_id’s. Its then these groups that are shown when you click the Assignment Group magnifying glass.

Reference Qualifier bit:

javascript:new global.AssignmentGroupFilter().refineAssignmentGroup(current.assigned_to)

Script Include:

Tags: advanced reference qualifier beth anglin GlideRecord reference field reference qualifier script include servicenerd servicenow admin servicenow demo servicenow tutorial sysid in

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servicenow auto assignment group

The requirement is to auto-populate the "Assignment Group" field present on the 'sc_req_item" table

Use the Type field to define categories of groups. Once defined, you can use these categories to filter assignment groups based on the group type using a reference qualifier. For example, when selecting.

Learn how to set up automatic assignment groups in ServiceNow with this instructional video.

At its simplest, auto assignment involves identifying a set of selection criteria and automatically assigning the task to the agent who most closely meets the criteria. You can, however, select multiple

This is a useful tidbit for auto populating assignment groups. ServiceNow does have a few features that make it possible to auto assign groups based on criteria such as: Assignment Lookup Rules. Data lookup definitions. However, sometimes a simple client script can offer less overhead. In this case I had the following requirements.

Learn how to auto-populate the assignment group based on category and other factors in ServiceNow.

Tried to combine both macros into one macro to be able to auto populate Assignment Group based on the Assigned To's group membership. I did a g_form.setvalue('assigned_to', ) and g_form.servalue('assignment_group', ) for both, but it blanks out the Assigned To upon auto populating the Assignment Group.

This condition will auto assign cases for EVERY group that exists. So if you only want to limit this to certain groups, make sure to define that in the condition. Script: (function executeRule (current, previous /*null when async*/ ) { // Call the function random (); // Define the function function random () { var group = current.assignment ...

Navigate to All > User Administration > Groups and select the desired group. Click the lock icon beside Type. Click the lookup icon beside the selection field and select one or more group types. Note: Because the default behavior of task.assignment_group is to filter out groups with group types defined, adding a type to a group filters it out ...

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current.task_fulfillment_group.setValue(assignment_group); as that would be a Sys ID and not the display value of the location. The script would be running on the current task record, so it's accessed using current. Also, take steps to verify that the field name is indeed task_fulfillment_group.

In contrast, an Assignment Rule uses the simpler condition builder to specify when it should run. If it matches, then it'll either populate the Assigned to and Assignment group fields with a hardcoded value, or you can use a script. We have got the group we want to use in a property, so this option is perfect. Follow these steps:

One can define these assignment rules readily for their desired table. Following are the steps for defining the assignment rule: Navigate to System Policy -> Assignment -> New. Fill in the appropriate details. The below figure is for reference: From the above figure, one can see that the dot-walking can also be done in the condition builder field.

I want to update the assignment group to a particular assignment group when the condition fulfills on RITM ie. service offering is xyz and location is abc, then it should update. For example, there is one catalog item that is being raised by GETit and RITM is generated with an assignment group. I want to update that value when the matching ...

Assigned to and Assignment group. The Assigned to [assigned_to] field is a reference field type that points to the Users [sys_user] table. This field is generally used to designate a user to work on, or be responsible for the task. By default, this field has a reference qualifier (role=itil) set on its dictionary record that prevents any non-itil user from being assigned to a task.

Auto Assign functionality FAQ Overview This article lists some of the FAQs on the Auto Assign UI Action to explain some of the logic behind the functionality and depict the auto assignment workflow. For

In this video, we add an advanced reference qualifier on a dictionary override on the assignment group fields (for incidents) that calls a server side script include to run some funky glideRecord queries and return as back a refined list of group sys_id's. Its then these groups that are shown when you click the Assignment Group magnifying glass.

When creating a Sprint from the Agile Board you are seeing that the 'Assignment group' Field is not getting automatically populated as expected.

Need to know the reason on how the newly created incident are getting assigned to the group automatically.

Add users to Proactive Service Experience Workflows assignment groups so that they have the necessary role and can be assigned to resolve network-initiated issues at the appropriate escalation level. Role

When creating a new record, the Assignment group was auto-populating to an incorrect value.

Dashboards & Wallboards: ServiceNow Connector Updates

Dashboards Dashboards & Wallboards PCCE Self-Hosted ServiceNow UCCE UCCX Wallboards

July 2024 – The following is a list of feature updated that have recently been introduced and added to the ServiceNow Connector for 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards. If you would like a detailed overview of the newest features, you can schedule a demo with a 2Ring product expert here . For any support and upgrade related queries, you can access a full list of contacts here .

Adding support for OAuth authentication.

Adding support for “REST Aggregate API” from ServiceNow for enhanced support of custom calculations.

Task List Grid:

  • Renamed column ‘Due Time’ to ‘Due Date’
  • Added Parameter ‘Table’ (from Table API),
  • Added Parameter ‘Assignment Group’

Task State KPI now also offers these parameters:

  • Tasks – Closed,
  • Tasks – Longest Waiting,
  • Tasks – Created,
  • Tasks – Opened

Parameters “Priority” and “State” now receive values from ServiceNow – so options are available as checkboxes for selection in 2Ring interface.

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How to add a user to a group in servicenow using table api

I was trying to add a user to a group in servicenow using chrome REST client. I found that table api can be used for this user/group management and the table name is "sys_user_grmember". But what should be the ideal format for the endpoint url in this usecase, also do we need to send any query in request header for this operation.

user3269799's user avatar

Seeing as you are creating a record, you should do a POST request to the sys_user_grmember table as you mentioned. You basically need to enter two parameters to your request, which are user and group . The problem is that you will need to enter their sys_id instead of their name, so you will need to query the sys_user table and sys_user_group table for those sys_id s.

To get sample code for the language you want to use this query in, you can navigate to System Web Services -> REST -> REST API Explorer within your instance, which can provide you with sample code in a bunch of different languages (ie: ServiceNow Script, cURL, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Perl and Powershell)

Peter Raeves's user avatar

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servicenow api assignment group


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  3. How To Add Users To An Assignment Group In ServiceNow

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  4. How to Create an Incident Report Based on Assignment Group in ServiceNow

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  5. Assignment Group Lookup Tool in ServiceNow

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  6. Automatic support group determination based on SAP transaction

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    The requirement is to auto-populate the "Assignment Group" field present on the 'sc_req_item" table. Skip to page content Skip to chat. How to auto populate "Assignment Group" field present on the RITM record ['sc_req_item' table] - Support and Troubleshooting > Knowledge Base > Login here.

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    How to get all users from assignment group in service now?While creating an INCIDENT i need to assign a User from the particular group. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 6 months ago. ... How to get the group name associated with username in service now by REST API. 0. To post multiple groups to service now and fetch all the tickets related to those ...

  7. ServiceNow Advanced Reference Qualifier

    In this video, we add an advanced reference qualifier on a dictionary override on the assignment group fields (for incidents) that calls a server side script include to run some funky glideRecord queries and return as back a refined list of group sys_id's. Its then these groups that are shown when you click the Assignment Group magnifying glass.

  8. Groups

    To create groups, use the All menu in the main ServiceNow browser window (not Studio) to open User Administration > Groups. Click the New button. Configure the group: Name: Name of the group. Manager: Group manager or lead. Group email: Group email distribution list or the email address of the group's point of contact, such as the group manager.

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  12. servicenow auto assignment group

    The requirement is to auto-populate the "Assignment Group" field present on the 'sc_req_item" table... current.task_fulfillment_group.setValue(assignment_group); as that would be a Sys ID and not the display value of the location. The script would be running on the current task record, so it's accessed using current.

  13. Missing request item assigned to specific assignment group while

    While integrating ServiceNow and IG for fulfillment, The API did not create the request item assigned to specific assignment group in the ServiceNow request. ... Please modify the default Request Form in ServiceNow to have the Assignment Group visible. By default, it is not visible. The assignment will be showed if export the form to csv for pdf.

  14. Dashboards & Wallboards: ServiceNow Connector Updates

    Adding support for "REST Aggregate API" from ServiceNow for enhanced support of custom calculations. Task List Grid: Renamed column 'Due Time' to 'Due Date' Added Parameter 'Table' (from Table API), Added Parameter 'Assignment Group' Task State KPI now also offers these parameters: Tasks - Closed, Tasks - Longest Waiting,

  15. Create an assignment data lookup rule

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  16. servicenow assignment group parent

    Allow Group Managers to Manage Group Members. I often get the request to set up access for group managers to be able to manage the members of their groups in ServiceNow. This conf

  17. Agile Development

    Additional features Agile management mobile Get visibility into your agile team's work and manage current sprints—even when you're on the go. Agile development 2.0 Let product owners and scrum masters easily plan scrum work with at-a-glance epic information. Agile board Manage all types of tasks easily, including stories. Agile performance analytic Use preconfigured dashboards with data ...

  18. Assigned to not clearing when Assignment group changes on ...

    The assigned to field is dependent on the assignment group. On the incident table the assigned to clears when the assignment group changes but this does not happen on other tables like sc_task.

  19. Collaborative Work Management

    A shared notebook for real-time collaboration. Combine CWM with other products and apps to create a powerhouse technology platform. Unite on a single platform to deliver a central hub for knowledge workers to plan, manage, visualize, and collaborate on work across the organization. Empower your people with business-ready AI from ServiceNow.

  20. How to add a user to a group in servicenow using table api

    Seeing as you are creating a record, you should do a POST request to the sys_user_grmember table as you mentioned. You basically need to enter two parameters to your request, which are user and group. The problem is that you will need to enter their sys_id instead of their name, so you will need to query the sys_user table and sys_user_group ...