6 Examples: How to Write a Perfect Proposal Letter (Step-by-Step)

By Editorial Team on November 8, 2023 — 14 minutes to read

  • Understanding Proposal Letters Part 1
  • Structuring Your Proposal Letter Part 2
  • Key Elements of a Proposal Letter Part 3
  • Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Proposal Letter Part 4
  • How to Write a Business Proposal Letter (Example) Part 5
  • How to Write a Job Proposal Letter (Example) Part 6
  • How to Write an Academic Proposal Letter (Example) Part 7
  • Successful Business Proposal Email Example Part 8
  • Example of a Proposal Letter for a Marketing Project Part 9
  • Effective Job Proposal Email Example Part 10

Part 1 Understanding Proposal Letters

A proposal letter is a written document sent to a potential client, employer, or partner, outlining your proposed idea, project, or plan. It aims to persuade the recipient to consider your proposal and take action on it.

To begin with, think of the end goal. Identify what you want to achieve with your proposal letter. This could be anything from securing a contract to obtaining funding for a project. Having a clear objective in mind helps you create a compelling document.

Next, research your target audience. Understand the recipient’s needs, preferences, and potential pain points. Tailor your letter to demonstrate how it addresses their specific requirements boosting your chances of success.

Now, let’s discuss the structure of a proposal letter. Generally, it follows a simple layout:

  • Salutation : Start with a formal greeting, addressing the recipient by their full name or title.
  • Introduction : Introduce the purpose of your letter, highlighting the central theme of your proposal.
  • Body : Explain your proposal in detail, including benefits, costs, timeline, and any other vital information.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the key points and request for a follow-up meeting or discussion.
  • Closing : End with a courteous sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”

Part 2 Structuring Your Proposal Letter

Starting with a strong introduction.

Begin your proposal letter with a friendly, professional tone that captures your reader’s attention. Introduce yourself and your organization, briefly explaining your background and experience. Connect with your reader by showing that you understand their needs and goals. Make sure you mention the purpose of your proposal and the solution you want to offer with confidence.

Proposing Your Idea

After laying the groundwork, dive into the details of your proposal. Explain what your solution or idea is and how it addresses the needs and goals mentioned earlier. Make sure to highlight the key benefits, focusing on what’s in it for your reader. Be specific and use facts, figures, and examples to support your claims. Keep your paragraphs organized and use bullet points or bold text to emphasize important information.

For example:

  • Benefit 1: Reduction in production costs by 30%
  • Benefit 2: Improved customer satisfaction
  • Benefit 3: Streamlined workflow processes

This will help your reader easily understand and remember the main points of your proposal.

Ending with a Perfect Conclusion

End your proposal letter on a positive note, summarizing the main benefits and advantages of your idea. Reiterate your enthusiasm and commitment to providing the best solution possible. Offer your assistance in answering any questions or addressing concerns your reader might have. Finish with a call-to-action, such as setting up a meeting or signing a contract, and provide your contact information so they can easily get in touch with you.

Part 3 Key Elements of a Proposal Letter

Clear objective.

A successful proposal letter begins with a clear objective. When writing your letter, make sure to state the purpose of the proposal in a concise and straightforward manner. This helps the reader understand what you want to achieve and the solution you’re providing. Avoid using jargon or complex language, as it can be confusing and might lead the reader to misunderstand the core message.

Specific Details

Providing specific details is important to make your proposal letter more persuasive. This includes outlining the scope of work, timeframe, and estimated costs for the project. You should also highlight any unique aspects of your proposal that set it apart from competitors or alternative solutions.

For example, if you’re proposing a marketing campaign, you could outline the target audience, marketing channels you’ll use, content creation, and metrics for success. By providing specifics, you demonstrate that you’ve put thought into the project and have a well-planned approach, instilling confidence in the reader that you are the right choice.

Compelling Reasoning

Your proposal letter should include compelling reasoning for why the recipient should choose your solution. This can include:

  • Demonstrating your expertise and experience in the field
  • Explaining the benefits of your proposed solution
  • Sharing success stories and testimonials from past clients or projects
  • Outlining how your proposal aligns with the recipient’s goals and needs

For example, continuing with the marketing campaign proposal, you could discuss how your experience in handling similar projects has led to significant increases in sales and brand recognition for your clients. Also, you might explain how your approach aligns with the recipient’s target demographics or business objectives to strengthen your case.

Part 4 Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Proposal Letter

  • Start by addressing the recipient with their professional title and full name.
  • In the first paragraph, state the purpose of your letter and summarize your proposal briefly. Make sure to highlight the key benefits of your proposal for the recipient or their organization.
  • In the next few paragraphs, provide details about your proposed project or partnership, such as your objectives, timelines, and expected outcomes. Also, showcase your competence and experience by mentioning relevant achievements or past collaborations.
  • When closing the letter, express gratitude for their time and consideration. Offer to provide further information or answer any questions they may have.
  • Lastly, include your full name, title, contact information, and signature.

Choosing the Right Format

Make sure your letter is in the right format to make it look professional. You will typically use a business letter format, which includes:

  • Your contact information
  • The recipient’s contact information
  • Subject line (optional)
  • Body of the letter

[Contact Details]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Re: [Proposal subject]

[Body of the letter]

[Your Name]

Setting the Tone

Maintain a friendly yet professional tone throughout your proposal letter. Be polite and respectful, addressing the recipient by their full name, and using “please” and “thank you” when appropriate. Keep the language conversational but clear, so your reader can easily understand your proposal. Stay away from overly technical terms or jargon, unless it is necessary and you’re sure your recipient will understand it.

Drafting the Body

Begin by providing an overview of the problem or need your proposal is addressing. Clearly explain the issue and why it’s important to solve it. Next, describe your proposed solution in detail, outlining your plan and how it will benefit the recipient. Be specific and realistic in your description; for example, if you’re proposing a project with a timeline and budget, include concrete figures and dates.

Break down your proposal into smaller sections, using separate paragraphs or even bullet points if helpful. This makes it easier for your reader to follow your argument and understand the various aspects of your proposal. Here’s a quick outline of what you should cover in the body of your proposal letter:

  • Problem/need introduction
  • Proposed solution
  • Benefits of the solution
  • Timeline and budget (if applicable)
  • Your qualifications (why you’re the right choice to carry out the proposal)
  • A call to action (how they can take the next step)

Proofreading Carefully

Before sending your proposal letter, take the time to thoroughly proofread it for errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting. Ensuring that your letter is polished and error-free shows the recipient that you take your proposal seriously and are committed to quality in your work. If possible, ask a colleague or friend to review your letter as well since a fresh set of eyes can often catch errors that you might have missed.

Part 5 How to Write a Business Proposal Letter (Example)

When writing a business proposal letter, your goal is to present your ideas or services in a way that’s compelling and clear. Business proposal letters can be sent to potential clients, partners, or investors. Here are some tips for writing an effective business proposal letter:

  • Start with a brief introduction of your company and its offerings.
  • Highlight the benefits of your product or service, focusing on the value it will bring to the recipient.
  • Be specific about costs, timelines, and any other relevant information.
  • Use clear, concise language, and avoid using jargon or overly technical terms.
  • Close the letter by mentioning next steps, such as arranging a meeting or following up with further information.
Subject: New Collaboration Opportunity with [Your Company Name] Dear [Recipient’s Name], I’m reaching out on behalf of [Your Company Name] to discuss an exciting opportunity for collaboration. Our team has developed an innovative marketing strategy that could greatly benefit your company by increasing your customer acquisition rate by 20% within the next six months. […] We look forward to the possibility of working together and will be in touch shortly to schedule a meeting to discuss further details.

Part 6 How to Write a Job Proposal Letter (Example)

Job proposal letters are typically written by job seekers looking to create their own position within a company or to highlight their unique skills and experience. These letters should be concise, persuasive, and tailored to the specific company and its needs. Here are some key points to include:

  • Briefly mention your background and skills relevant to the position.
  • Describe how your unique abilities can positively impact the organization.
  • Offer specific examples of how you can contribute to the company’s goals and objectives.
  • End with a call to action, offering to provide more information or meet to discuss the opportunity further.
Subject: Job Proposal for Social Media Manager at [Company] Dear [Recipient’s Name], As an experienced social media professional, I am excited by the opportunity to bring my skills and expertise to [Company]. Based on my research of your current online presence, I believe I can contribute to increasing your brand awareness and engagement through a tailored social media strategy. […] I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss how my background and passion for social media can contribute to [Company]’s growth and success. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

Part 7 How to Write an Academic Proposal Letter (Example)

Academic proposal letters are typically written by students or researchers seeking funding or approval for a research project. These letters should be well-organized, clear, and focused on the proposed project’s objectives and potential benefits. Consider the following when working on your academic proposal letter:

  • Introduce the main research question or hypothesis.
  • Provide a brief overview of the project’s methodology and work plan.
  • Describe the expected outcomes and significance of the research.
  • Include information about the project’s potential impact on the field and broader society.
Subject: Research Proposal for Study on the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions Dear [Recipient’s Name], I am writing to propose a research project investigating the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on individuals suffering from chronic stress. The primary aim of the study will be to determine the overall efficacy of these interventions in reducing stress levels and improving overall mental wellbeing.
[…] I am confident that the results of this research will contribute significantly to our understanding of the relationship between mindfulness and mental health.

Part 8 Successful Business Proposal Email Example

Imagine you own a marketing agency, and you’d like to help a local business grow their social media presence. Start by addressing the recipient’s pain points, such as limited engagement on their platforms. Then, briefly introduce your agency and express excitement about working together:

Subject: Boost Your Social Media Engagement with Our Expertise

We’ve noticed that your business has a strong online presence, but engagement on your social media channels seems to be underwhelming. Our team at [Your Agency’s Name] can help you turn this around and maximize your audience interaction.

With our tailored social media marketing strategies, we’ve helped numerous clients increase their online engagement by an average of 65%. Our approach focuses on:

– Identifying and targeting your ideal customers – Creating high-quality, engaging content – Enhancing brand image and authority

We would love to discuss this opportunity further and provide you with a detailed plan on how we can work together to elevate your social media presence.

Looking forward to hearing from you, [Your Full Name] [Your Agency’s Name] [Contact Details]

Part 9 Example of a Proposal Letter for a Marketing Project

I’m excited to present our idea for boosting sales at ABC Company through a targeted marketing campaign.

As we discussed in our previous meeting, the sales figures have plateaued over the past year. Our marketing team has analyzed the situation and developed a strategy to increase brand awareness and boost sales. The campaign will focus on social media, email marketing, and online advertisements.

By implementing this project, we expect the following results:

– Enhanced brand visibility – Increased customer engagement – A 20% rise in sales within six months

The total cost for the marketing campaign is $10,000. This includes creative design, copywriting, ad placements, and performance monitoring. We propose a six-month timeline for the project, starting in December.

I would be delighted to discuss the proposal in more detail or provide further information as needed. Please let me know your availability, and I’ll schedule a follow-up meeting at your convenience.

Thank you for considering our proposal. I look forward to working together on this exciting project.

Best regards, [Name]

Keep in mind that proposal letters vary in length and detail depending on the project’s size and complexity. Always customize your letter to fit the specific requirements and expectations of the recipient.

Part 10 Effective Job Proposal Email Example

Now, let’s say you’re a freelance graphic designer aiming to work with a company that recently launched a new product. Start by expressing your intentions and introduce your expertise. Showcase your experience and services offered related to their needs:

Subject: Elevate Your New Product Launch with Professional Graphic Design Services

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

I recently came across your new product launch, and I believe your marketing materials could benefit from some professional graphic design enhancements. As an experienced graphic designer, I’d like to offer my services to help elevate your visual presentation and attract more customers.

With over five years of experience in the industry, I can create compelling designs for:

– Product packaging – Promotional materials (e.g., brochures, banners, posters) – Social media graphics – Website elements

Please find my online portfolio attached, showcasing my diverse design styles and previous projects. I’m confident that my skills and expertise can significantly contribute to your product’s success in the market.

If you’re interested, kindly reach out to me to discuss further details and pricing.

Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Contact Details]

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are the key components to include in a proposal letter.

A well-crafted proposal letter should include the following key components:

  • Opening Statement: Start with a concise and informative introduction that grabs the reader’s attention.
  • Background Information: Provide necessary context to help your reader understand the problem or opportunity.
  • Proposed Solution: Outline your proposed solution, including your unique selling points or innovative approach.
  • Timeline and Budget: Give a brief overview of the estimated project duration and budget required.
  • Call to Action: End with a call to action, inviting the reader to take the next step, whether it’s to request more information, schedule a meeting, or approve the proposal.

2. Can you share some tips on making a proposal letter persuasive?

To make your proposal letter persuasive, consider these tips:

  • Use clear and concise language to effectively communicate your ideas.
  • Focus on the benefits that the reader will gain from your proposal, emphasizing the value you bring.
  • Include specific examples, case studies, or testimonials to back up your claims.
  • Address any potential objections or concerns the reader may have and provide appropriate solutions.

3. What’s the best way to structure a proposal letter for a research project?

A research proposal letter should generally include the following structure:

  • Introduction: Provide a brief overview of your research topic and its significance.
  • Background and Literature Review: Summarize relevant research and demonstrate your expertise in the field.
  • Research Questions and Objectives: Clearly state your research questions and the expected outcomes.
  • Methodology: Explain your research approach and the techniques you will use.
  • Expected Results: Provide an idea of the anticipated results and their significance.
  • Timeline and Budget: Outline the project timeline and the funding required.

4. How do I create an effective business proposal letter for a potential client?

To create an effective business proposal letter, follow these steps:

  • Start with a strong opening that captures the client’s attention.
  • Clearly state the problem or opportunity your proposal addresses.
  • Present your proposed solution, focusing on its unique and beneficial aspects.
  • Provide evidence of your expertise and past successes, such as case studies or testimonials.
  • Detail any necessary resources, deliverables, and a realistic timeline.
  • End with a compelling call to action, inviting the client to take the next step.

5. In what order should I present my ideas when writing a proposal letter step by step?

When writing your proposal letter, present your ideas in a logical order that flows well for the reader. A typical order could include:

  • Opening Statement: Grab the reader’s attention and introduce your proposal.
  • Background Information: Provide relevant context to help your audience understand the issue or opportunity.
  • Proposed Solution: Detail your unique and compelling solution to the problem.
  • Evidence and Support: Showcase your expertise, past successes, and any supporting data.
  • Timeline and Budget: Give an overview of the project’s duration and required funding.
  • Call to Action: Conclude with a strong call to action that encourages the reader to move forward.
  • 5 Examples: How to Write a Letter of Employment
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  • Cover Letter vs. Letter of Interest vs. Letter of Intent
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  • How to Write a Research Proposal | Examples & Templates

How to Write a Research Proposal | Examples & Templates

Published on October 12, 2022 by Shona McCombes and Tegan George. Revised on November 21, 2023.

Structure of a research proposal

A research proposal describes what you will investigate, why it’s important, and how you will conduct your research.

The format of a research proposal varies between fields, but most proposals will contain at least these elements:


Literature review.

  • Research design

Reference list

While the sections may vary, the overall objective is always the same. A research proposal serves as a blueprint and guide for your research plan, helping you get organized and feel confident in the path forward you choose to take.

Table of contents

Research proposal purpose, research proposal examples, research design and methods, contribution to knowledge, research schedule, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about research proposals.

Academics often have to write research proposals to get funding for their projects. As a student, you might have to write a research proposal as part of a grad school application , or prior to starting your thesis or dissertation .

In addition to helping you figure out what your research can look like, a proposal can also serve to demonstrate why your project is worth pursuing to a funder, educational institution, or supervisor.

Research proposal aims
Show your reader why your project is interesting, original, and important.
Demonstrate your comfort and familiarity with your field.
Show that you understand the current state of research on your topic.
Make a case for your .
Demonstrate that you have carefully thought about the data, tools, and procedures necessary to conduct your research.
Confirm that your project is feasible within the timeline of your program or funding deadline.

Research proposal length

The length of a research proposal can vary quite a bit. A bachelor’s or master’s thesis proposal can be just a few pages, while proposals for PhD dissertations or research funding are usually much longer and more detailed. Your supervisor can help you determine the best length for your work.

One trick to get started is to think of your proposal’s structure as a shorter version of your thesis or dissertation , only without the results , conclusion and discussion sections.

Download our research proposal template

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Professional editors proofread and edit your paper by focusing on:

  • Academic style
  • Vague sentences
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See an example

sample letter of research proposal

Writing a research proposal can be quite challenging, but a good starting point could be to look at some examples. We’ve included a few for you below.

  • Example research proposal #1: “A Conceptual Framework for Scheduling Constraint Management”
  • Example research proposal #2: “Medical Students as Mediators of Change in Tobacco Use”

Like your dissertation or thesis, the proposal will usually have a title page that includes:

  • The proposed title of your project
  • Your supervisor’s name
  • Your institution and department

The first part of your proposal is the initial pitch for your project. Make sure it succinctly explains what you want to do and why.

Your introduction should:

  • Introduce your topic
  • Give necessary background and context
  • Outline your  problem statement  and research questions

To guide your introduction , include information about:

  • Who could have an interest in the topic (e.g., scientists, policymakers)
  • How much is already known about the topic
  • What is missing from this current knowledge
  • What new insights your research will contribute
  • Why you believe this research is worth doing

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As you get started, it’s important to demonstrate that you’re familiar with the most important research on your topic. A strong literature review  shows your reader that your project has a solid foundation in existing knowledge or theory. It also shows that you’re not simply repeating what other people have already done or said, but rather using existing research as a jumping-off point for your own.

In this section, share exactly how your project will contribute to ongoing conversations in the field by:

  • Comparing and contrasting the main theories, methods, and debates
  • Examining the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches
  • Explaining how will you build on, challenge, or synthesize prior scholarship

Following the literature review, restate your main  objectives . This brings the focus back to your own project. Next, your research design or methodology section will describe your overall approach, and the practical steps you will take to answer your research questions.

Building a research proposal methodology
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To finish your proposal on a strong note, explore the potential implications of your research for your field. Emphasize again what you aim to contribute and why it matters.

For example, your results might have implications for:

  • Improving best practices
  • Informing policymaking decisions
  • Strengthening a theory or model
  • Challenging popular or scientific beliefs
  • Creating a basis for future research

Last but not least, your research proposal must include correct citations for every source you have used, compiled in a reference list . To create citations quickly and easily, you can use our free APA citation generator .

Some institutions or funders require a detailed timeline of the project, asking you to forecast what you will do at each stage and how long it may take. While not always required, be sure to check the requirements of your project.

Here’s an example schedule to help you get started. You can also download a template at the button below.

Download our research schedule template

Example research schedule
Research phase Objectives Deadline
1. Background research and literature review 20th January
2. Research design planning and data analysis methods 13th February
3. Data collection and preparation with selected participants and code interviews 24th March
4. Data analysis of interview transcripts 22nd April
5. Writing 17th June
6. Revision final work 28th July

If you are applying for research funding, chances are you will have to include a detailed budget. This shows your estimates of how much each part of your project will cost.

Make sure to check what type of costs the funding body will agree to cover. For each item, include:

  • Cost : exactly how much money do you need?
  • Justification : why is this cost necessary to complete the research?
  • Source : how did you calculate the amount?

To determine your budget, think about:

  • Travel costs : do you need to go somewhere to collect your data? How will you get there, and how much time will you need? What will you do there (e.g., interviews, archival research)?
  • Materials : do you need access to any tools or technologies?
  • Help : do you need to hire any research assistants for the project? What will they do, and how much will you pay them?

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

Once you’ve decided on your research objectives , you need to explain them in your paper, at the end of your problem statement .

Keep your research objectives clear and concise, and use appropriate verbs to accurately convey the work that you will carry out for each one.

I will compare …

A research aim is a broad statement indicating the general purpose of your research project. It should appear in your introduction at the end of your problem statement , before your research objectives.

Research objectives are more specific than your research aim. They indicate the specific ways you’ll address the overarching aim.

A PhD, which is short for philosophiae doctor (doctor of philosophy in Latin), is the highest university degree that can be obtained. In a PhD, students spend 3–5 years writing a dissertation , which aims to make a significant, original contribution to current knowledge.

A PhD is intended to prepare students for a career as a researcher, whether that be in academia, the public sector, or the private sector.

A master’s is a 1- or 2-year graduate degree that can prepare you for a variety of careers.

All master’s involve graduate-level coursework. Some are research-intensive and intend to prepare students for further study in a PhD; these usually require their students to write a master’s thesis . Others focus on professional training for a specific career.

Critical thinking refers to the ability to evaluate information and to be aware of biases or assumptions, including your own.

Like information literacy , it involves evaluating arguments, identifying and solving problems in an objective and systematic way, and clearly communicating your ideas.

The best way to remember the difference between a research plan and a research proposal is that they have fundamentally different audiences. A research plan helps you, the researcher, organize your thoughts. On the other hand, a dissertation proposal or research proposal aims to convince others (e.g., a supervisor, a funding body, or a dissertation committee) that your research topic is relevant and worthy of being conducted.

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McCombes, S. & George, T. (2023, November 21). How to Write a Research Proposal | Examples & Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved August 10, 2024, from

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Written Samples

15 sample letters of approval for research.

Research is the backbone of innovation, discovery, and progress.

Whether in academia, industry, or government, obtaining approval for a research project is a crucial step in bringing ideas to life.

A well-crafted letter of approval not only grants permission to proceed with the research but also sets the stage for a productive and impactful study.

Sample Letters of Approval for Research

In this article, we will explore 15 sample letters that demonstrate the art of communicating research approval effectively.

From addressing ethical considerations to outlining expectations and support, these letters showcase the key elements that make an approval letter a valuable tool for researchers and institutions alike.

Whether you are a seasoned researcher seeking funding or a committee member tasked with reviewing proposals, these samples will provide insight and inspiration for crafting compelling and comprehensive approval letters.

Subject: Approval of Research Proposal – “The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health”

Dear Dr. Johnson,

I am pleased to inform you that your research proposal titled “The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health” has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). After careful consideration of your study design, methodology, and ethical safeguards, we have determined that your research meets the necessary criteria for approval.

Your research aims to provide valuable insights into the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes among adolescents, which aligns with our institution’s mission to promote the well-being of young individuals. We commend your comprehensive approach to ensuring participant confidentiality and obtaining informed consent.

As you proceed with your research, please ensure that you adhere to the approved protocol and any applicable regulations. If you encounter any changes or adverse events during your study, promptly notify the IRB for further guidance.

We wish you the best of luck in conducting your research and look forward to learning about your findings. If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the IRB at [email protected] .

Dr. Sarah Thompson

  Chair, Institutional Review Board University of Excellence

Subject: Approval of Grant Proposal – “Developing Novel Therapies for Alzheimer’s Disease”

Dear Dr. Patel,

On behalf of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), I am delighted to inform you that your grant proposal titled “Developing Novel Therapies for Alzheimer’s Disease” has been approved for funding. Your proposal stood out among a highly competitive pool of applicants, and we are confident that your research has the potential to make significant contributions to the field of Alzheimer’s disease research.

Your innovative approach to identifying new therapeutic targets and developing targeted interventions aligns with the NIH’s mission to improve public health and advance medical knowledge. We are impressed by your team’s expertise and the collaborative nature of your proposed research.

The grant award includes a total funding amount of $1,500,000 over a period of five years. Please review the attached grant agreement for detailed information on the terms and conditions of the award, including reporting requirements and budget guidelines.

We look forward to supporting your research endeavors and witnessing the impact of your work. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact the NIH Grants Management Office at [email protected] .

Congratulations on this well-deserved achievement!

Best regards,

Dr. Michael Chen

Director, National Institutes of Health

Subject: Approval of Research Protocol – “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Healthcare Professionals”

Dear Dr. Nguyen,

I am writing to inform you that the Institutional Review Board (IRB) has reviewed and approved your research protocol titled “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Healthcare Professionals.” After a thorough evaluation of your study design, participant selection criteria, and data collection methods, we have determined that your research meets the necessary ethical and scientific standards.

Your research addresses a critical issue facing healthcare professionals, particularly in light of the ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. We commend your efforts to investigate the potential benefits of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing stress and promoting well-being among this essential workforce.

As you proceed with your study, please ensure that you adhere to the approved protocol and obtain informed consent from all participants. If you encounter any modifications or adverse events during your research, promptly notify the IRB for further guidance.

We wish you success in conducting your research and look forward to learning about your findings. If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the IRB at [email protected] .

Dr. Emily Davis

Chair, Institutional Review Board Memorial Hospital

Subject: Approval of Research Proposal – “Investigating the Role of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems”

Dear Dr. Kim,

I am pleased to inform you that your research proposal titled “Investigating the Role of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems” has been approved by the Environmental Research Council (ERC). After careful consideration of your study objectives, methodology, and potential environmental impact, we have determined that your research aligns with the ERC’s mission to promote sustainable and responsible environmental practices.

Your research aims to shed light on a critical issue facing our oceans and marine life, and we commend your comprehensive approach to understanding the sources, distribution, and effects of microplastics in marine ecosystems. Your proposed collaboration with international research institutions and the use of cutting-edge technology demonstrate your commitment to conducting high-quality and impactful research.

As you proceed with your study, please ensure that you adhere to the approved research plan and any applicable environmental regulations. If you encounter any changes or unforeseen challenges during your research, promptly notify the ERC for further guidance and support.

We are excited to support your research efforts and look forward to the valuable insights and recommendations that will arise from your work. If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the ERC at [email protected] .

Dr. David Lee

Director, Environmental Research Council

Subject: Approval of Clinical Trial Protocol – “Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Cancer Immunotherapy”

On behalf of the Clinical Research Ethics Committee (CREC), I am pleased to inform you that your clinical trial protocol titled “Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Cancer Immunotherapy” has been approved. After a thorough review of your study design, participant eligibility criteria, and safety monitoring plan, we have determined that your research meets the necessary ethical and scientific standards for human subjects research.

Your research represents a promising step forward in the development of innovative cancer treatments, and we commend your dedication to advancing the field of oncology. Your proposed trial design, which incorporates state-of-the-art immunotherapy techniques and rigorous safety measures, demonstrates your commitment to ensuring the well-being of study participants.

As you proceed with your clinical trial, please ensure that you adhere to the approved protocol and obtain informed consent from all participants. If you encounter any modifications, adverse events, or unanticipated problems during your research, promptly notify the CREC for further guidance and oversight.

We wish you success in conducting your clinical trial and look forward to the potential breakthrough findings that may emerge from your work. If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the CREC at [email protected] .

Dr. Olivia Nguyen

Chair, Clinical Research Ethics Committee University Hospital

Subject: Approval of Research Proposal – “Exploring the Impact of Remote Work on Employee Well-being and Productivity”

I am writing to inform you that your research proposal titled “Exploring the Impact of Remote Work on Employee Well-being and Productivity” has been approved by the Human Resources Research Committee (HRRC). After careful consideration of your study objectives, methodology, and potential implications for organizational practices, we have determined that your research aligns with our company’s values and commitment to employee well-being.

Your research addresses a timely and relevant issue, particularly in light of the ongoing shift towards remote work arrangements. We commend your comprehensive approach to investigating the effects of remote work on various aspects of employee well-being, including mental health, work-life balance, and job satisfaction, as well as its impact on productivity and organizational performance.

As you proceed with your study, please ensure that you adhere to the approved research plan and maintain the confidentiality of all employee data. If you encounter any changes or challenges during your research, promptly notify the HRRC for further guidance and support.

We are excited to support your research efforts and look forward to the valuable insights and recommendations that will arise from your work. Your findings have the potential to inform our company’s policies and practices regarding remote work and contribute to the overall well-being of our employees.

If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the HRRC at [email protected] .

Sarah Thompson

Director, Human Resources ABC Corporation

Subject: Approval of Grant Proposal – “Investigating the Neurological Basis of Language Acquisition in Infants”

On behalf of the National Science Foundation (NSF), I am delighted to inform you that your grant proposal titled “Investigating the Neurological Basis of Language Acquisition in Infants” has been approved for funding. Your proposal stood out among a highly competitive pool of applicants, and we are confident that your research has the potential to make significant contributions to the field of developmental neuroscience.

Your innovative approach to studying the neural mechanisms underlying language acquisition in infants, combined with your expertise in advanced neuroimaging techniques, demonstrates your commitment to advancing our understanding of this critical developmental process. We are impressed by your proposed collaboration with international research institutions and the interdisciplinary nature of your research team.

The grant award includes a total funding amount of $800,000 over three years. Please review the attached grant agreement for detailed information on the terms and conditions of the award, including reporting requirements and budget guidelines.

We look forward to supporting your research endeavors and witnessing the impact of your work on the field of developmental neuroscience. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact the NSF Grants Management Office at [email protected] .

Director, National Science Foundation

Subject: Approval of Research Protocol – “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Therapy for Anxiety Disorders”

I am pleased to inform you that the Institutional Review Board (IRB) has reviewed and approved your research protocol titled “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Therapy for Anxiety Disorders.” After a thorough evaluation of your study design, participant selection criteria, and data collection methods, we have determined that your research meets the necessary ethical and scientific standards.

Your research addresses a promising area of mental health treatment, particularly in light of the increasing accessibility and sophistication of virtual reality technology. We commend your efforts to investigate the potential benefits of virtual reality therapy in reducing anxiety symptoms and improving the overall quality of life for individuals with anxiety disorders.

We wish you success in conducting your research and look forward to learning about your findings. Your work has the potential to contribute to the advancement of innovative mental health interventions and improve the lives of individuals struggling with anxiety disorders.

If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the IRB at [email protected] .

Chair, Institutional Review Board Harmony Mental Health Clinic

Subject: Approval of Research Proposal – “Investigating the Socioeconomic Determinants of Health Disparities in Urban Communities”

I am writing to inform you that your research proposal titled “Investigating the Socioeconomic Determinants of Health Disparities in Urban Communities” has been approved by the Public Health Research Council (PHRC). After careful consideration of your study objectives, methodology, and potential implications for public health policy, we have determined that your research aligns with our organization’s mission to promote health equity and address social determinants of health.

Your research addresses a critical issue facing many urban communities, and we commend your comprehensive approach to investigating the complex interplay between socioeconomic factors and health outcomes. Your proposed use of mixed methods, including quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, demonstrates your commitment to capturing the diverse experiences and perspectives of community members.

As you proceed with your study, please ensure that you adhere to the approved research plan and maintain the confidentiality and privacy of all participants. If you encounter any changes or challenges during the course of your research, promptly notify the PHRC for further guidance and support.

We are excited to support your research efforts and look forward to the valuable insights and recommendations that will arise from your work. Your findings have the potential to inform public health interventions and policies aimed at reducing health disparities and promoting health equity in urban communities.

If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the PHRC at [email protected] .

Director, Public Health Research Council

Subject: Approval of Clinical Trial Protocol – “Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Drug for Parkinson’s Disease”

On behalf of the Clinical Trials Review Committee (CTRC), I am pleased to inform you that your clinical trial protocol titled “Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Drug for Parkinson’s Disease” has been approved. After a thorough review of your study design, participant eligibility criteria, and safety monitoring plan, we have determined that your research meets the necessary ethical and scientific standards for human subjects research.

Your research represents a promising step forward in the development of new treatments for Parkinson’s disease, and we commend your dedication to improving the lives of individuals affected by this debilitating condition. Your proposed trial design, which incorporates rigorous efficacy and safety assessments, demonstrates your commitment to ensuring the well-being of study participants.

As you proceed with your clinical trial, please ensure that you adhere to the approved protocol and obtain informed consent from all participants. If you encounter any modifications, adverse events, or unanticipated problems during your research, promptly notify the CTRC for further guidance and oversight.

We wish you success in conducting your clinical trial and look forward to the potential breakthrough findings that may emerge from your work. Your research has the potential to advance our understanding of Parkinson’s disease and contribute to the development of innovative treatment options.

If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the CTRC at [email protected] .

Chair, Clinical Trials Review Committee University Hospital

Subject: Approval of Research Proposal – “Exploring the Effects of Climate Change on Crop Yields and Food Security”

I am pleased to inform you that your research proposal titled “Exploring the Effects of Climate Change on Crop Yields and Food Security” has been approved by the Agricultural Research Institute (ARI). After careful consideration of your study objectives, methodology, and potential implications for agricultural practices and policy, we have determined that your research aligns with our organization’s mission to promote sustainable and resilient food systems.

Your research addresses a critical issue facing global agriculture, and we commend your comprehensive approach to investigating the complex interplay between climate change, crop yields, and food security. Your proposed use of advanced modeling techniques and collaborations with international research institutions demonstrates your commitment to conducting rigorous and impactful research.

As you proceed with your study, please ensure that you adhere to the approved research plan and maintain open communication with the ARI regarding any changes or challenges that may arise. We encourage you to share your findings and recommendations with relevant stakeholders, including farmers, policymakers, and the scientific community.

We are excited to support your research efforts and look forward to the valuable insights and solutions that will emerge from your work. Your findings have the potential to inform agricultural practices, policies, and interventions aimed at mitigating the impacts of climate change and ensuring global food security.

If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the ARI at [email protected] .

Director, Agricultural Research Institute

Subject: Approval of Grant Proposal – “Investigating the Neural Mechanisms of Addiction and Developing Targeted Interventions”

On behalf of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), I am delighted to inform you that your grant proposal titled “Investigating the Neural Mechanisms of Addiction and Developing Targeted Interventions” has been approved for funding. Your proposal stood out among a highly competitive pool of applicants, and we are confident that your research has the potential to make significant contributions to the field of addiction neuroscience.

Your innovative approach to studying the neural circuits and mechanisms underlying addiction, combined with your proposed development of targeted interventions, demonstrates your commitment to advancing our understanding of this complex disorder and improving treatment outcomes. We are impressed by your multidisciplinary research team and the potential for translational impact.

The grant award includes a total funding amount of $1,200,000 over four years. Please review the attached grant agreement for detailed information on the terms and conditions of the award, including reporting requirements and budget guidelines.

We look forward to supporting your research endeavors and witnessing the impact of your work on the field of addiction neuroscience and treatment. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact the NIDA Grants Management Office at [email protected] .

Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse

Subject: Approval of Research Protocol – “Evaluating the Effectiveness of a School-Based Intervention for Promoting Mental Health in Adolescents”

I am writing to inform you that the Institutional Review Board (IRB) has reviewed and approved your research protocol titled “Evaluating the Effectiveness of a School-Based Intervention for Promoting Mental Health in Adolescents.” After a thorough evaluation of your study design, participant selection criteria, and data collection methods, we have determined that your research meets the necessary ethical and scientific standards.

Your research addresses a critical issue facing adolescent mental health, particularly in the context of school settings. We commend your efforts to investigate the potential benefits of a comprehensive school-based intervention in promoting mental well-being, reducing the stigma surrounding mental health, and increasing access to support services for students.

As you proceed with your study, please ensure that you adhere to the approved protocol and obtain informed consent from all participants and their legal guardians. If you encounter any modifications or adverse events during your research, promptly notify the IRB for further guidance.

We wish you success in conducting your research and look forward to learning about your findings. Your work has the potential to contribute to the development of effective school-based interventions and improve the mental health outcomes of adolescents.

If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the IRB at [email protected] .

Chair, Institutional Review Board University of Excellence

Subject: Approval of Research Proposal – “Investigating the Potential of Renewable Energy Technologies in Rural Communities”

I am pleased to inform you that your research proposal titled “Investigating the Potential of Renewable Energy Technologies in Rural Communities” has been approved by the Sustainable Energy Research Foundation (SERF). After careful consideration of your study objectives, methodology, and potential implications for energy access and sustainability, we have determined that your research aligns with our organization’s mission to promote clean and affordable energy solutions.

Your research addresses a critical issue facing many rural communities, and we commend your comprehensive approach to investigating the technical, social, and economic feasibility of implementing renewable energy technologies in these settings. Your proposed collaborations with local communities and stakeholders demonstrate your commitment to conducting participatory and socially responsible research.

As you proceed with your study, please ensure that you adhere to the approved research plan and maintain open communication with the SERF regarding any changes or challenges that may arise. We encourage you to share your findings and recommendations with relevant stakeholders, including policymakers, energy providers, and community organizations.

We are excited to support your research efforts and look forward to the valuable insights and solutions that will emerge from your work. Your findings have the potential to inform energy policies, infrastructure development, and community empowerment initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable energy access in rural areas.

If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the SERF at [email protected] .

Director, Sustainable Energy Research Foundation

Subject: Approval of Clinical Trial Protocol – “Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Gene Therapy for Rare Genetic Disorders”

On behalf of the Rare Diseases Clinical Trials Consortium (RDCTC), I am pleased to inform you that your clinical trial protocol titled “Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Gene Therapy for Rare Genetic Disorders” has been approved. After a thorough review of your study design, participant eligibility criteria, and safety monitoring plan, we have determined that your research meets the necessary ethical and scientific standards for human subjects research.

Your research represents a groundbreaking step forward in the development of innovative treatments for rare genetic disorders, and we commend your dedication to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by these conditions. Your proposed trial design, which incorporates cutting-edge gene therapy techniques and rigorous safety measures, demonstrates your commitment to advancing the field of rare disease research.

As you proceed with your clinical trial, please ensure that you adhere to the approved protocol and obtain informed consent from all participants or their legal representatives. If you encounter any modifications, adverse events, or unanticipated problems during your research, promptly notify the RDCTC for further guidance and oversight.

We wish you success in conducting your clinical trial and look forward to the potential breakthrough findings that may emerge from your work. Your research has the potential to pave the way for the development of life-changing treatments for individuals with rare genetic disorders.

If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the RDCTC at [email protected] .

Chair, Rare Diseases Clinical Trials Consortium

Receiving a letter of approval for research is a significant milestone for any researcher or research team.

It validates the importance and feasibility of the proposed study and provides the green light to proceed with the investigation.

These letters not only grant permission but also offer support, guidance, and expectations for the conduct of the research.

By exploring these 15 sample letters of approval for research, we have gained insight into the key elements that make an approval letter effective and impactful.

From highlighting the alignment with institutional missions to outlining the terms and conditions of funding, these letters serve as a roadmap for researchers as they embark on their scientific endeavors.

Whether you are a researcher seeking approval for your study or a committee member tasked with reviewing proposals, these sample letters offer valuable guidance and inspiration.

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How to write your research proposal, with examples of good proposals.

Research proposals

Your research proposal is a key part of your application. It tells us about the question you want to answer through your research. It is a chance for you to show your knowledge of the subject area and tell us about the methods you want to use.

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When you write your proposal you need to:

  • Highlight how it is original or significant
  • Explain how it will develop or challenge current knowledge of your subject
  • Identify the importance of your research
  • Show why you are the right person to do this research
  • Research Proposal Example 1 (DOC, 49kB)
  • Research Proposal Example 2 (DOC, 0.9MB)
  • Research Proposal Example 3 (DOC, 55.5kB)
  • Research Proposal Example 4 (DOC, 49.5kB)

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Home » How To Write A Research Proposal – Step-by-Step [Template]

How To Write A Research Proposal – Step-by-Step [Template]

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How To Write a Research Proposal

How To Write a Research Proposal

Writing a Research proposal involves several steps to ensure a well-structured and comprehensive document. Here is an explanation of each step:

1. Title and Abstract

  • Choose a concise and descriptive title that reflects the essence of your research.
  • Write an abstract summarizing your research question, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. It should provide a brief overview of your proposal.

2. Introduction:

  • Provide an introduction to your research topic, highlighting its significance and relevance.
  • Clearly state the research problem or question you aim to address.
  • Discuss the background and context of the study, including previous research in the field.

3. Research Objectives

  • Outline the specific objectives or aims of your research. These objectives should be clear, achievable, and aligned with the research problem.

4. Literature Review:

  • Conduct a comprehensive review of relevant literature and studies related to your research topic.
  • Summarize key findings, identify gaps, and highlight how your research will contribute to the existing knowledge.

5. Methodology:

  • Describe the research design and methodology you plan to employ to address your research objectives.
  • Explain the data collection methods, instruments, and analysis techniques you will use.
  • Justify why the chosen methods are appropriate and suitable for your research.

6. Timeline:

  • Create a timeline or schedule that outlines the major milestones and activities of your research project.
  • Break down the research process into smaller tasks and estimate the time required for each task.

7. Resources:

  • Identify the resources needed for your research, such as access to specific databases, equipment, or funding.
  • Explain how you will acquire or utilize these resources to carry out your research effectively.

8. Ethical Considerations:

  • Discuss any ethical issues that may arise during your research and explain how you plan to address them.
  • If your research involves human subjects, explain how you will ensure their informed consent and privacy.

9. Expected Outcomes and Significance:

  • Clearly state the expected outcomes or results of your research.
  • Highlight the potential impact and significance of your research in advancing knowledge or addressing practical issues.

10. References:

  • Provide a list of all the references cited in your proposal, following a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

11. Appendices:

  • Include any additional supporting materials, such as survey questionnaires, interview guides, or data analysis plans.

Research Proposal Format

The format of a research proposal may vary depending on the specific requirements of the institution or funding agency. However, the following is a commonly used format for a research proposal:

1. Title Page:

  • Include the title of your research proposal, your name, your affiliation or institution, and the date.

2. Abstract:

  • Provide a brief summary of your research proposal, highlighting the research problem, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.

3. Introduction:

  • Introduce the research topic and provide background information.
  • State the research problem or question you aim to address.
  • Explain the significance and relevance of the research.
  • Review relevant literature and studies related to your research topic.
  • Summarize key findings and identify gaps in the existing knowledge.
  • Explain how your research will contribute to filling those gaps.

5. Research Objectives:

  • Clearly state the specific objectives or aims of your research.
  • Ensure that the objectives are clear, focused, and aligned with the research problem.

6. Methodology:

  • Describe the research design and methodology you plan to use.
  • Explain the data collection methods, instruments, and analysis techniques.
  • Justify why the chosen methods are appropriate for your research.

7. Timeline:

8. Resources:

  • Explain how you will acquire or utilize these resources effectively.

9. Ethical Considerations:

  • If applicable, explain how you will ensure informed consent and protect the privacy of research participants.

10. Expected Outcomes and Significance:

11. References:

12. Appendices:

Research Proposal Template

Here’s a template for a research proposal:

1. Introduction:

2. Literature Review:

3. Research Objectives:

4. Methodology:

5. Timeline:

6. Resources:

7. Ethical Considerations:

8. Expected Outcomes and Significance:

9. References:

10. Appendices:

Research Proposal Sample

Title: The Impact of Online Education on Student Learning Outcomes: A Comparative Study

1. Introduction

Online education has gained significant prominence in recent years, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of online education on student learning outcomes by comparing them with traditional face-to-face instruction. The study will explore various aspects of online education, such as instructional methods, student engagement, and academic performance, to provide insights into the effectiveness of online learning.

2. Objectives

The main objectives of this research are as follows:

  • To compare student learning outcomes between online and traditional face-to-face education.
  • To examine the factors influencing student engagement in online learning environments.
  • To assess the effectiveness of different instructional methods employed in online education.
  • To identify challenges and opportunities associated with online education and suggest recommendations for improvement.

3. Methodology

3.1 Study Design

This research will utilize a mixed-methods approach to gather both quantitative and qualitative data. The study will include the following components:

3.2 Participants

The research will involve undergraduate students from two universities, one offering online education and the other providing face-to-face instruction. A total of 500 students (250 from each university) will be selected randomly to participate in the study.

3.3 Data Collection

The research will employ the following data collection methods:

  • Quantitative: Pre- and post-assessments will be conducted to measure students’ learning outcomes. Data on student demographics and academic performance will also be collected from university records.
  • Qualitative: Focus group discussions and individual interviews will be conducted with students to gather their perceptions and experiences regarding online education.

3.4 Data Analysis

Quantitative data will be analyzed using statistical software, employing descriptive statistics, t-tests, and regression analysis. Qualitative data will be transcribed, coded, and analyzed thematically to identify recurring patterns and themes.

4. Ethical Considerations

The study will adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of participants. Informed consent will be obtained, and participants will have the right to withdraw from the study at any time.

5. Significance and Expected Outcomes

This research will contribute to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence on the impact of online education on student learning outcomes. The findings will help educational institutions and policymakers make informed decisions about incorporating online learning methods and improving the quality of online education. Moreover, the study will identify potential challenges and opportunities related to online education and offer recommendations for enhancing student engagement and overall learning outcomes.

6. Timeline

The proposed research will be conducted over a period of 12 months, including data collection, analysis, and report writing.

The estimated budget for this research includes expenses related to data collection, software licenses, participant compensation, and research assistance. A detailed budget breakdown will be provided in the final research plan.

8. Conclusion

This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of online education on student learning outcomes through a comparative study with traditional face-to-face instruction. By exploring various dimensions of online education, this research will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and challenges associated with online learning. The findings will contribute to the ongoing discourse on educational practices and help shape future strategies for maximizing student learning outcomes in online education settings.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Free Download

Research Proposal Template

The fastest (and smartest) way to craft a convincing proposal and get your dissertation or research project approved.

Available in Google Doc, Word & PDF format 4.9 star rating, 5000 + downloads

Download the free template

Step-by-step instructions

Tried & tested academic format

Fill-in-the-blanks simplicity

Pro tips, tricks and resources

sample letter of research proposal

What It Covers

This free proposal template covers the core essential ingredients for a strong research proposal. It includes clear explanations of what you need to address in each section, as well as straightforward examples and links to further resources. The template covers the following core elements:

  • Introduction & background (including the research problem)
  • Literature review
  • Research design/methodology
  • Project plan, resource requirements and
  • risk management

The Google Doc can be copied to your Google Drive 0r downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), which you can also use in LaTeX.

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100% Free to use. Instant access.

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FAQs: Research Proposal Template

Research proposal template faqs, what types of research proposals can this template be used for.

The proposal template follows the standard format for academic research projects, which means it will be suitable for the vast majority of dissertations and theses (especially those within the sciences), whether they are qualitative or quantitative in terms of design.

Keep in mind that the exact requirements for the introduction chapter/section will vary between universities and degree programs. These are typically minor, but it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Is this template for an undergrad, Master or PhD-level proposal?

This template can be used for a research project at any level of study. Doctoral-level projects typically require the research proposal to be more extensive/comprehensive, but the structure will typically remain the same.

How long should my research proposal be?

The length of a research proposal varies by institution and subject, but as a ballpark, it’s usually between 1,500 and 3,000 words.

To be safe, it’s best to check with your university if they have any preferences or requirements in terms of minimum and maximum word count for the research propsal.

How detailed should the methodology of the proposal be?

You don’t need to go into the fine details of your methodology, but this section should be detailed enough to demonstrate that your research approach is feasible and will address your research questions effectively. Be sure to include your intended methods for data collection and analysis.

Can I include preliminary data or pilot study results in my proposal?

Generally, yes. This can strengthen your proposal by demonstrating the feasibility of your research. However, make sure that your pilot study is approved by your university before collecting any data.

Can I share this template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template in its original format (no editing allowed). If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, we kindly request that you reference this page as your source.

What format is the template (DOC, PDF, PPT, etc.)?

The research proposal template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

Do you have templates for the other chapters?

Yes, we do. We are constantly developing our collection of free resources to help students complete their dissertations and theses. You can view all of our template resources here .

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Yes, you’re welcome to get in touch with us to discuss our private coaching services .

Additional Resources

If you’re working on a research proposal, you’ll also want to check these out…

1-On-1 Private Coaching

Research Proposal Bootcamp

The Grad Coach YouTube Channel

The Grad Coach Podcast

Research Proposal Template

Used 7,990 times

4.2 Rating ( 25 reviews)

Reviewed by Olga Asheychik

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Prepared by: ​ [Researcher.FirstName] [Researcher.LastName] ​

Image 1

Prepared for: ​ [Supervisor.FirstName]

​ [Supervisor.LastName]

This should be clear and concise, leaving the reader with no doubt regarding your field of study. A good title structure can often be “Short Title: Longer Explanation of Your Field.” Your academic institution may have a preferred format for the title, or even a title page. Find out before you submit your proposal. If there is no preferred format, keep it simple and clear, and use a “serif” font that is easily legible.

(Main title: What I am trying to find out by taking on this project)

(Academic Institution)

(Subject Area)

​ [Supervisor.FirstName]

​ [Supervisor.LastName] (if you already have one)

​ [Researcher.FirstName]

​ [Researcher.LastName]

(Student ID/Number)

2. Abstract

100-200 words. This summarizes the central theme of your research. Use concise, clipped language that is academic without being over-wordy and verbose. The abstract needs to be entirely your own words, as every abstract should be completely different, unique in its approach to your topic. Like the rest of the document, apart from block quotations, it should be double-spaced and laid out clearly.

3. Contents

Depending on the length of your research proposal, you may wish to include a contents page for the proposal itself (not for your main research project: suggested contents for this are included in your Proposed Chapter Outline, section 9) , as follows (add page numbers/subsections when you know them, depending on your research) . As you introduce sub-sections into your different sections, number them accordingly e.g. subsections of the literature review could be numbered 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, etc.




Problem Statement……………………pn


Literature Review……………………….pn

Notion of Original Research……

Key Assertions / Objectives……

Research Methods…………………….pn

Sample Audience……………………….pn

Research Questions…………………

Research Design………………………


Proposed Chapter Outline…………pn

Research Limitations…………………pn

Proposed Timescale………………….pn

Funding (Optional)……………………

References/ Bibliography………….pn

4. Introduction

200-400 words. Unlike the abstract, this is not a summary of everything you are about to say — you can afford to grab your readers’ attention right out of the gate. Deliver a surprise beginning, perhaps a quote from someone who inspires you on this topic, and show your knowledge of the research area (include, if you like, your previous research experience in this field; in fact, it may serve you well to be personal in this section) and why it is relevant to today’s world.

Try to provide facts and references here in order to give relevance to your study and why it is being conducted. This will help to explain the motivation behind your research and how important it is for academia, the industry or public sector it is being conducted in.

5. Problem Statement

Keep this short and informative. This section is meant to provide the reader with a summarized description of the problems you seek to address through your research proposal. Showcase the questions you seek to answer through your research and how it will help benefit those who read it. A problem statement should include the context of the problem, a particular audience you are targeting, and a timeline for the study. This will ensure that your research is well-focused and relevant to the current time and people.

The application of (topic, aka the main title of the subject you are researching) for (a particular group of people) in (timeline, this should either be current year or upcoming years but research can be done on past years as well) .

6. Objectives

This follows up on the problem statement section. It elaborates further on the problem statement by dividing it into a set of 3 to 5 descriptive assertions or intentions that relate to the problem. Objectives establish the scope and depth of your project and also help set up the idea for the research design (as seen later in the research proposal template) . The objectives can also indicate a section that shows how your research will contribute to already existing research and knowledge.

To study the applications of blockchain in the gaming industry and how it can help be a new source of revenue.

To study how blockchain gaming can influence people who don’t gamble to actively invest time in gaming.

To determine whether blockchain gaming can be a viable job opportunity in the future.

7. Literature review

Length can vary immensely, but probably 300-1500 words or more, depending on the nature of your research. This is one of the most important sections of your research proposal. It demonstrates that you know your field, who the key research players are in it, what has been said in the past and what is being said at the moment. You will want to mention — and where appropriate, quote from — key works in your area.

This is the section that requires the most preliminary research, so be sure you spend ample time in an academic library and use search engines for relevant academic papers before presenting. You do not need to discuss every work in your area, but you need to present a competent outline, and (especially if this is a proposal for doctoral research) you need to be sure that no one else has already done the same project. A good way of presenting a literature review coherently is in the form of a narrative, which can either be chronological or thematic.

There has been a (small/considerable/state value here) amount of previous academic research in this field.

(For a chronological narrative) I will outline how the understanding of (subject) has developed over (the last number of) years.

(Insert chronological narrative, remembering to introduce key players, dates, and academic works, and end with the state of the field as it is today.)

(For a thematic narrative) I will outline the major themes that are of relevance in this field, and go through them each in turn:

• (use a bulleted list to outline what themes/topics you are planning on covering)

After your bulleted list, you can use the themes from your list as subtitles to split up your literature review. Put them in bold. You could also add them as subsections in your contents page.

Under each subtitle, describe the state of the field of research in this area, including the most important researchers and works in this area.

8. Notion of original research

Length varies here as well, but similar in length to the literature review is likely a good place to start. This is where you sell your research proposal to the reader. You need to explain, clearly and simply, how your research will complement the field you have just described in your literature review — what you will add, how it fills an existing gap, why the academic world would benefit from your research, etc.

9. Key Assertions/Objectives

One sentence for each question/assertion. This is really part of the “notion of original research” section. A good way of making your research aim clear is to state a clear research question, and back it up with 2-4 specific assertions or objectives.

My central research question is as follows:

(insert research question here, in bold)

In the light of this, I will make the following observations/assertions: (insert observations/assertions here, in bulleted list.)

10. Research methods

Approx. 50-1000 words, depending on the nature of your research. This is where you explain how and where you plan to carry out your research. This will vary hugely depending on your subject. Will you be researching in libraries and archives? Which ones hold the books and documents you will need? Will you need to travel? If so, where? Will your research involve extensive field work? How and where? State whether you will plan to use different methods of data collection, and if so what they will be.

Do you need to be in a laboratory? Will you be emphasizing qualitative or quantitative collection of data, or both equally? Do you have the necessary skills and qualifications to undertake your research (for instance, foreign languages, statistical analysis, laboratory training, etc) ? If not, what are your plans to acquire these skills? (Note: many postgraduate institutions offer considerable support in the acquisition of new skills necessary to perform research, but this will require discussion at the proposal stage.)

11. Sample Audience

This section aims to provide the reader of the proposal with a description of who the sample audience is. You can add a brief description of your ideal sample audience and why such a person is relevant or necessary to the research. You can also mention what measures can be taken to gain their consent for the research in order to get a more enthusiastic and unbiased response. Lastly, you should mention where you propose to find this sample audience and any barriers that may occur in finding or engaging them.

12. Research Questions

13. research design.

This section will give the reader a description of what the research stimuli will look like. It gives a background of the different variations you may employ to better help test your hypothesis. It should also showcase the different factors that may vary a person's response to the research problem while you are researching the topic. This is important in a research proposal, because as with method, different factors help show what could affect you by confirming or denying your hypothesis. Keep your design descriptive and show how you will rule out or control factors that may come up.

14. Analysis

Approx. 50-300 words. Once you have collected your data, include details about what you plan to do with it. Again, depending on the nature of your research, this section could be anywhere from one or two sentences to several paragraphs.

If your research is in a survey format, then include the questions to the survey along with the method of collecting the survey. You can also include a few examples of how you plan to present the data, such as in a pie chart format or as a bar graph.

15. Proposed chapter outline

Probably less than 200 words, unless you have a very detailed plan already in mind. Note: this is like the preliminary contents page, but it does not need to be very specific, and can suggest sections rather than chapters at this stage. The academics reading your proposal will be impressed to know that you have some idea how you may wish to present your work, and that you have some way in mind of translating your research to paper.

(title of your first chapter) (explanation of your first chapter contents: one sentence)

(first subsection of your first chapter)

(second subsection of your first chapter)

(title of your second chapter) (explanation of your second chapter contents: one sentence)

(first subsection of your second chapter)

(second subsection of your second chapter)

(smaller section)

(another small section)

(title of your third chapter) (explanation of your third chapter contents: one sentence)

16. Research limitations

Approx 50-300 words. This section states everything you won’t be able to do in your research. It is surprisingly important, as it shows that you can recognise the limited scale of your work. Every project needs distinct limiting factors and clear boundaries in order to be manageable.

Naturally, the scope of this project is limited. This section describes specific limitations. (add limitations here) .

17. Proposed Timetable

Approx 50-300 words. This section is optional, but may be helpful to show your potential supervisors that you are being realistic and recognize that your project has set parameters within which to conduct the study. It also will help you to know the scale of your work in the preliminary stages of planning, and help you to maintain realistic expectations of yourself.

I predict that this research project will take (number) months/years. I propose a rough timeline, as follows:

(Here, include a list of tasks that will need completing as part of your research project, and how long you predict each will take in terms of weeks or months. End with a final count of months. If you have a predicted start date, you can begin with this and work towards a proposed end date.)

You can also use a project schedule table in order to plan out the project for yourself as well as give a better understanding as to the breakup of the project timeline. An example of this is:





Project End


Jan 1 – Jan 7

Jan 8 – Jan 14

Jan 15 – Jan 21

Phase 1


Phase 2


Phase 3


18. Funding

For example, your money allocation table can look like this:

Items required for research

X amount of dollars


X amount of dollars

To pay survey respondents

X amount of dollars

Add in additional details

X amount of dollars

Add in additional details

X amount of dollars

19. References/Bibliography

The reference list should always begin on a new page. Depending on your subject, there will probably be a specific format and referencing pattern for written work (Chicago, Harvard, MLA, Social Sciences) . Before you start writing, make sure you know what the convention for your subject area is, learn it and stick to it. There are a wide variety of different referencing conventions so it is important to make sure you find the correct one and stay consistent.

This will make doing your research proposal (and future research) a lot easier. Depending on your subject, your referencing may involve in-text citations or footnotes. Either way, your proposal will need a full reference list or bibliography at the end, including all of the secondary works you have mentioned in your literature review and primary sources (if applicable) .

You do not, however, need to include work that you have read in preparation but not used or mentioned in your work. Make sure this is correctly formatted — plenty of style guides for each referencing style are available online. Also, remember to lay out your reference list in alphabetical order by the authors’ surnames.

​ [Researcher.FirstName] [Researcher.LastName] ​

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How to write a research proposal?

To make a comprehensive research proposal, make sure you answer all the questions your review committee might have, such as who is your sample audience, what kind of questions you plan to ask them, why you are conducting this research, what you think will come out of it, etc. Leave no room for assumptions. Alternatively, you can also use this template to best understand which nitty-gritty details to cover.

Research Proposal Letter

Which state is better: Oklahoma or Missouri?

What state is best to invest in real estate: Florida or Alabama?

What state is best to invest in real estate: Florida or Massachusetts?

What state is best to buy a car: Georgia or Indiana?

What state is best to start an LLC: Indiana or Oklahoma?

A research proposal letter is a document which is written by a prospective researcher or research team to a funding agency, or to agencies that will, in any way, affect the progress and outcome of the research. It must be well written as decisions will be taken based on the research proposal letter. More importantly, the purpose and scope of the research must be clearly explained in such a letter.

Sample Research Proposal Letter

The Chairman of the Silicon Scholarship Managing Trust

Subject: Research proposal letter

Respected Sir,

This letter is a humble request for you to consider my research proposal as worthy of a scholarship under section 54[A] of your prospectus [issued 2011]. I am currently pursuing my M.Litt. from the University of Reading in English Literature with the English Renaissance as my area of specialization. I would like to pursue my doctoral studies from the University of Oxford in the field of Early Modern Women. My research shall be on whether there was ever a renaissance for women in England as it combines two of my favorite areas of study, Renaissance and Feminism.

I am hoping to be considered for a full scholarship which will enable me to pay my college tuition fees as well as account for my living costs at Oxford. I am a diligent and meritorious student with excellent academic credentials. My area of research is unique and I believe it will make a lasting contribution to the field of English Renaissance studies.

Thanking you,

Sienna Jones,

University of Reading

United Kingdom.


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Letters of commitment, collaboration, and support.

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Many proposals require or allow letters from your institution, administrators, partners, and collaborators. Some funding organization request letters of support or commitment and others do not allow them. The Department of Education, for instance, rarely asks for letters, and, if included, would count against the proposal page count. The National Science Foundation, on the other hand, requires letters of collaboration, especially from the proposing institution and project partners, but does not allow letters of support. Other funding agencies leave the inclusion of letters to the proposer’s discretion.

It is important that proposers understand what is expected by the funder, the difference between the types of letters, and how to strengthen this aspect of a proposal. The following descriptions explain the general differences among these types of documents:

Letter of Commitment

A letter of commitment indicates the signatory’s intent to commit resources to the funded project as specified in the letter, should the proposal be funded. May also give the partner’s rationale for supporting the project and point to strengths of the organization that could be of value in implementing or sustaining the project.

Letter of Collaboration  

Letters of collaboration indicate the signatory’s intent to collaborate and/or commit resources as described in the proposal or the letter, should the proposal be funded.

NSF Letter of Collaboration

Documentation of collaborative arrangements of significance to the proposal through letters of collaboration. (See PAPPG  Chapter II.C.2.d(iv) ). Letters of collaboration should be limited to stating the intent to collaborate and should not contain endorsements or evaluation of the proposed project. The recommended format for letters of collaboration is as follows:

"If the proposal submitted by Dr. [insert the full name of the Principal Investigator] entitled [insert the proposal title] is selected for funding by NSF, it is my intent to collaborate and/or commit resources as detailed in the Project Description or the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal."

Letter of Support  

A letter of support expresses the organization’s knowledge and support of the project, including why the project is important and how it relates to the organization’s mission or expressed goals. May address the proposer’s qualifications or abilities to complete the project. Such letters can add much additional information to strengthen the proposal.

NSF Letter of Support

While letters of collaboration are permitted, unless required by a specific program solicitation, letters of support should not be submitted as they are not a standard component of an NSF proposal. A letter of support is typically from a key stakeholder such as an organization, collaborator or Congressional Representative, and is used to convey a sense of enthusiasm for the project and/or to highlight the qualifications of the PI or co-PI. A letter of support submitted in response to a program solicitation requirement must be unique to the specific proposal submitted and cannot be altered without the author’s explicit prior approval. Proposals that contain letters of support not authorized by the program solicitation may be returned without review.

Preparing Letters

The PI should solicit letters well in advance of the due date so there will be time for signatures. Letters from partners should represent true, collaborative partnerships. These partnerships work best when partners have been involved in the proposal planning and preparation stages so that their concerns and ideas are addressed. It is often useful if you, after conversations with the writer, draft the letter or give the writer a list of talking points of things to include. This is especially important if resources are being committed.

Use the following guidelines in preparing letters:

  • Keep letters short and to the point.
  • Be specific about the nature of the collaboration or commitment.
  • Usually indicate concrete actions the signer is committed to provide during the project.
  • Do not commit to any dollar amount of funds or resources unless you have permission.
  • Don’t use form letters; make each letter unique (except for NSF Letters of Collaboration). 

Institutional Commitment/Support Letters

Institutional commitment/support letters are intended to show department/college/university support that will be available to the project, without providing specific dollar amounts that could be construed as auditable cost sharing by the sponsor.  General statements should be made to convey university support towards the project. The letter should contain general statements such as:

“The University will provide offices, labs, and administrative space as necessary for the accomplishment of project deliverables.”

"University of Chicago has several labs that will be utilized for the proposed research.”

“Several graduate students within the department will be providing basic research support to the researchers during the life of the project.” 

Institutional Cost Share Letter

Cost share commitments should be kept to a minimum and provided only when required by the sponsor or justified in compelling circumstances.  Institutional cost share letters are intended to show institutional approval of the cost share commitments listed in the budget and budget justification. Specific dollars amounts are included and are considered auditable cost share. Examples of cost share are:

  • State funded salaries/fringe benefits
  • Unrecovered F&A (indirect costs)
  • Tuition remission
  • Cash contributions

Sample Institutional Commitment/Support Letter

(Insert Date) (Insert sponsor contact information)

Re: Letter of Institutional Commitment/Support

Dear (insert sponsor name),

I write to express my strong support for this grant proposal submitted to (insert sponsor name), titled “(insert proposal title)”.  I understand that (insert PI name) will pursue (insert a few words describing project).  As (insert title of person providing commitment letter), I can assure you that the University will provide the resources necessary to facilitate this project at NDSU. Specifically, the University has committed (insert general resource statements) in order to accomplish the objectives of this project. I am highly supportive of the efforts as outlined in this proposal, and (insert statement how this project will benefit a greater goal).

Best regards,

(Insert institutional authority)

Home » Letters » Approval Letters » Approval Letter for Research – Sample Letter for Approval of Research

Approval Letter for Research – Sample Letter for Approval of Research

sample letter of research proposal

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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(Sender’s details) ____________ ____________ ____________

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

(Receiver’s details) ____________ ____________ ____________

Subject: Approval of research

Dear Sir/madam

This is with reference to your letter dated __/__/____ (Date) regarding approval for research. I am glad to announce that you have been granted permission to research the topic of ________ (mention topic).

As a ________ (graduate/masters/scholar/any other) student, we have high hopes from you. We noticed that your dream of studying ________ (mention topic with details). This research will provide you with interesting facts and we hope you continue doing research using ____________ (surveys/questionnaire/any other) method.

Your efforts are appreciated. We are happy to cooperate with you and we wish you luck and success in the future. Kindly contact me on _______________ for any further questions.

Sincerely, ___________

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • It's appropriate to address the recipient as "Sir/Madam" or "Dear Sir/Madam" to maintain a formal tone.
  • The subject line should clearly indicate the purpose of the letter, such as "Approval of Research" or "Research Approval Letter."
  • Yes, expressing gratitude for the approval and acknowledging the recipient's efforts is important in maintaining a positive and polite tone.
  • Yes, offering support and assistance demonstrates your willingness to collaborate and ensure the success of the research project.
  • It's advisable to provide an email address or phone number where the recipient can reach out for any additional questions or clarifications regarding the research approval.

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Letters of Support

We recommend that you offer to draft a letter of support for your consultant(s)/collaborator(s) to ensure that all deadlines are met.

By providing a draft letter of support, you ensure two things:

  • That the letter of support will contain all of the information you need
  • That you will get the letter back from your consultant(s)/collaborator(s) in a timely fashion (assuming you give them enough lead time! We suggest 2-3 weeks)

Drafting your own letters of support also serves another important purpose. It can give both parties an early warning of unrealistic expectations. It is a vehicle for negotiating exactly what services, reagents, or expertise will be provided to support your work.

The goals of a letter of support are to:

  • Specify what the consultant(s)/collaborator(s) will contribute to the research
  • Convince the reviewer that the consultant(s)/collaborator(s) will fulfill the request
  • Convey enthusiasm for the work
  • Lend credibility to your proposal

As long as your letter demonstrates specifically what your collaborator(s) will be contributing to the project, there is no right or wrong way to draft a strong letter of support. One format that you might consider follows.

Sample Format

Letters of support should be:

  • Unique and written from the point of view of your collaborator(s) or consultant(s)
  • Printed on institutional letterhead and signed by the appropriate party (someone authorized to make the commitment of support)
  • Addressed either to the PI of the proposal or to the granting agency – check the guidelines of the specific grant
  • Address any specific guidelines (e.g., particular assurances) required by the funding agency or the university, as outlined in the request for applications (RFA) or as requested by your Research Administrator
  • Follow any other guidelines (e.g., page limits) required by the funding agency

First Paragraph (1-3 sentences)

  • Statement of support for the project/research – use words that convey enthusiasm
  • Identify the research project by name/title

"I am pleased to support your research proposal titled xxx." "Your proposal to do xxx has my enthusiastic support."

Body Paragraphs (1-3 paragraphs, or more as necessary)

  • If applicable, state how the goals/research of the collaborator(s)/consultant(s) are well-aligned with the goals of the proposed research. What is the collaborator’s motivation to work with you?
  • State as specifically as possible the role of the consultant(s)/collaborator(s) in the project
  • What is their relevant experience/expertise? Have they previously worked on a similar project? Do they have a successful track record?
  • Do they have specialized equipment or reagents? Other resources?

* If you have worked with this collaborator before, be sure to say so! It demonstrates that a productive relationship has already been established.

Last Paragraph (1-3 sentences)

  • Include a cordial closing. The level of formality should be determined by the level of personal relationship between the PI and the collaborator/consultant. If you know each other very well, it can be less formal.

"I look forward to collaborating with you on this work." "Best of luck with your grant application."

Grant Life Cycle

Compliance protocols MUST be approved and linked in SeRA to a SPO project record prior to award acceptance. 

Pre-Proposals and Letters of Intent (LOIs)

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Sponsors sometimes require applicants to submit a pre-proposal or letter of intent in response to a funding opportunity announcement.  Sponsors then review the pre-proposal or letter of intent submissions and select and invite a subset of applicants to submit full applications for the relevant funding opportunity announcement.

NOTE:  Pre-proposals or letters of intent (LOIs) that REQUIRE and/or include any of the following require institutional (OSR or RMG) review, ARE subject to the  Stanford Internal 5- Day Proposal Deadline Policy  and REQUIRE a  SeRA Pre-Proposal .

  • Institutional signature (written or electronic)
  • Submission through a portal or platform where OSR or RMG as institutional officials/Authorized Organizational Representatives (AORs) must complete the submission i.e., "push the button"
  • ANY commitment of institutional resources including, but not limited to: PI time/effort, staff time, space, facilities use, project completion, students, and/ or post-doc participation/time, etc.  Most often, but not always, these resources are expressed in a budget and/or matching and/or cost sharing information.

For example: National Science Foundation (NSF) letters of intent (LOIs) and pre-proposals, like NSF proposals, are prepared under an investigator's NSF account in and are submitted to the NSF by an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) i.e., by an OSR Contract and Grant Officer (CGO) or a School of Medicine Research Management Group (RMG) Research Process Manager (RPM).  Thus, because NSF LOIs and pre-proposals REQUIRE institutional level review and submission, they ARE subject to the Stanford Internal 5- Day Proposal Deadline Policy  and REQUIRE a  SeRA Pre-Proposal .

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How to Write a Salary Increase Letter (Example Included!)

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Negotiating your salary can be a key step in advancing your career and boosting your financial stability—but it can also be pretty intimidating. The good news is that with the right approach, it doesn’t have to be so scary. That's where a salary increase letter comes in.

Whether you're asking for a raise due to your great performance, increased responsibilities, or changes in the market, a well-crafted letter asking for salary increment can be a powerful (and smooth) way to make your case.

In this article, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about writing a salary increase letter, from understanding its purpose to tips on crafting an effective one. We'll also include sample letters and templates to help you get started. Plus, we’ve interviewed Muse career coach Jenn Smith , who shares her top advice on navigating this critical career move.

Need a higher salary? Check out open jobs on The Muse for your next big move »

What is a salary increase letter?

A salary increase letter is a formal document that employees use to request a raise from their employer. Unlike a salary review letter—which is typically initiated by the employer to communicate pay adjustments—a salary increase letter is written by the employee seeking a boost in compensation.

Writing a salary increase letter can be necessary for several reasons:

  • Performance improvements : You've consistently exceeded your performance goals or achieved a significant milestone and believe your contributions are worth a higher salary.
  • Increased responsibilities : Your role has expanded significantly, and your current salary no longer reflects the scope of your responsibilities.
  • Market adjustments : Industry standards and market rates for your position have increased, and your current salary needs to catch up to these benchmarks.

When writing a letter to request a salary increase, it's generally more effective to address it to your direct manager or your department’s director rather than HR. Your manager is more familiar with your work, contributions, and the value you bring to the team. They are also likely involved in budget decisions and have the authority to advocate for your raise.

Is it OK to ask for a raise through a salary increase letter?

Yes, writing a salary increase letter can be a formal and respectful way to request a raise. It allows you to clearly articulate your reasons, provide evidence of your achievements , and give your employer time to consider your request. Plus, a letter is a documented record of your request and can be reviewed by decision-makers at different levels of the organization.

On the other hand, having an in-person conversation can be generally more effective. “This allows you to present your case dynamically, outlining your accomplishments, contributions, and the value you bring, and respond to questions or concerns in real-time,” Smith says, adding that a direct conversation also allows for immediate feedback. “Your manager can provide insights into decision-making, share any constraints or considerations, and offer guidance.”

She also believes it’s a good idea to supplement your conversation with a follow-up email to ensure clarity and provide a reference for future discussions.

How to write a salary increase letter

These tips will prepare you for writing an effective pay raise letter:

1. Research salary benchmarks

Conducting extensive research will strengthen your case and help you present a compelling argument.

“Research industry salary benchmarks for your role, experience level, and geographic location,” Smiths says. “Use reliable sources like industry salary surveys, compensation reports, and online salary databases.”

Additionally, be sure to understand your company's salary ranges, performance evaluation criteria, and typical raise percentages.

2. Choose the right time

Timing is crucial when it comes to writing a letter requesting pay increase. Making your request at the wrong time can significantly reduce your chances of success.

“Typically, organizations have annual or semiannual performance review cycles,” Smiths says. “Discuss this with your manager before the performance review process starts so they can consider it as they begin budget conversations.”

One common mistake she sees is “asking for a raise at an inappropriate time, such as during a company's financial downturn or immediately after a major organizational change or layoffs.” Avoid doing that at all costs.

3. Keep it clear and straightforward

Begin your letter by setting the context for your request and remind your employer of your role within the company. Clearly state your position, tenure with the company, and the purpose of the letter.

4. Detail your contributions and impact

In the main section of your letter, outline your accomplishments and contributions to the company. Highlight specific achievements, projects, or responsibilities that demonstrate your value.

Provide evidence of your impact, such as performance metrics, positive feedback from clients or colleagues, and examples of how your work has benefited the company, explaining how your contributions justify the proposed raise.

5. Conclude with gratitude and reaffirmation

Summarize your key points and reiterate your appreciation for the opportunity to discuss your compensation. Express gratitude for the support and experiences you have gained and reiterate your commitment to the company. This positive tone reinforces your professionalism and leaves a lasting impression.

Salary increase request letter example

Here’s a sample letter for salary increase request to show you how these tips can be put into practice:

Alex Johnson 123 Elm Street Springfield, IL 62704 [email protected] July 25, 2024

Emma Thompson Director of Sales Innovative Tech Solutions 456 Maple Avenue Springfield, IL 62704

Dear Ms. Thompson,

I hope you are well. I am writing to formally request a review of my current salary. I have thoroughly enjoyed working at Innovative Tech Solutions over the past three years and appreciate the opportunities for growth and development that have been provided to me.

During my time here, I have consistently exceeded expectations and made significant contributions to the Sales team. For example, I spearheaded a new email marketing campaign that increased sales by 15% and successfully launched our new TechY product line, resulting in a 20% revenue boost.

In addition to my core responsibilities, I have taken on new challenges, such as leading the training program for new sales representatives and managing key client accounts, which have significantly contributed to our team's success.

I have also undertaken several professional development activities, including completing a certification in Advanced Sales Strategies and attending workshops on market trends, which have further enhanced my skills and ability to contribute to our team.

Based on my research of industry standards and salary benchmarks for my role and experience level, I believe that an adjustment in my compensation is warranted. Therefore, I respectfully request a salary increase to $85,000. This adjustment would better reflect the value I bring to the team and align my compensation with industry standards.

I am confident this increase will further motivate me to continue delivering high-quality work and contributing to the success of Innovative Tech Solutions. I am more than willing to discuss this request in person and provide any additional information that may be required.

Thank you for considering my request and for your ongoing support.

Sincerely, Alex Johnson

Raise request letter template

Now, here's a template for a raise request letter to help guide you in drafting your own:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Company’s Name] [Company’s Address]

Dear [recipient’s name],

I hope you are well. I am writing to formally request a review of my current salary. I have thoroughly enjoyed working at [Company’s Name] over the past [number] years and appreciate the opportunities for growth and development that have been provided to me.

During my time here, I have consistently exceeded expectations and made significant contributions to the [Department] team. For example, I [List your accomplishments, using quantifiable results whenever possible, such as increased sales by 15% through a new email marketing campaign; successfully launched a new product line, resulting in a 20% revenue increase; etc.].

In addition to my core responsibilities, I have taken on new challenges, such as [List additional responsibilities].

In addition to these accomplishments, I have undertaken several professional development activities, including [certifications, courses, and training programs], which have further enhanced my skills and ability to contribute to our team.

Based on my research of industry standards and salary benchmarks for my role and experience level, I believe that an adjustment in my compensation is warranted. Therefore, I respectfully request a salary increase to [desired salary or salary range]. This adjustment would better reflect the value I bring to the team and align my compensation with industry standards.

I am confident this increase will further motivate me to continue delivering high-quality work and contributing to the success of [Company Name]. I am more than willing to discuss this request in person and provide any additional information that may be required.

Sincerely, [Your name]

How often should I make a salary raise proposal ?

Typically, you should ask for a raise once a year, ideally around your annual performance review. If you have taken on significant additional responsibilities or have had exceptional achievements, it might be appropriate to request a salary review sooner. However, be mindful of your company's financial health and the timing of your request.

Should I wait for a performance review?

Waiting for a performance review is often a good strategy, as this is a natural time for salary discussions. However, if you feel that your contributions have significantly outpaced your current compensation, you might consider requesting a meeting outside of the review cycle. Just ensure your request is well-timed and substantiated.

What if the salary increase request is denied?

If a salary review is denied, consider asking for specific feedback. “Work with your manager to set clear goals—create a development plan that outlines the steps you need to receive a raise,” Smith says. “Consider discussing alternative forms of compensation, which could include bonuses, additional vacation days, flexible working arrangements, and professional development opportunities.”

Key takeaways

Whether you opt for a formal letter via email , a direct conversation, or a combination of both, the key is to present a well-reasoned case for your increased-salary request. When crafting your letter, keep these takeaways in mind:

  • Avoid approaching the conversation with an aggressive or entitled attitude. Politeness and professionalism will help you make a positive impression.
  • Document any professional development activities you've undertaken , such as certifications, courses, training programs, or conferences. This shows your commitment to growing within your role and adds weight to your request.
  • Be confident in your request to demonstrate your self-assurance and understanding of your worth. Clearly state your desired salary or salary range and show you are informed about salary ranges for your position.
  • Explain how a salary increase will help you contribute even more to the company's success. Position your request as a mutually beneficial arrangement that will enhance your productivity and the value you bring to the organization.
  • Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or overly complex sentences. Ensure your message is easily understood and directly addresses your key points. After writing it, don’t forget to proofread it.

sample letter of research proposal

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Dear Colleague Letter: Announcing a New Track in the Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB) Program: Biological Research, Understanding and Solutions for a Resilient Planet

July 19, 2024

Dear Colleagues:

With this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) announces plans for modifying one of the competitive areas in the Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB) Program solicitation. This would be a replacement for Competitive Area 2: Integrative Research Investigating the Rules of Life Governing Interactions Between Genomes, Environment and Phenotypes that will have a final deadline on November 7, 2024. The new competitive area will support Fellows that leverage large data, such as those from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), and innovative approaches, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and modeling to advance biological research and solutions for a Resilient Planet. The first deadline for proposals to be submitted to this new competitive area will be sometime in the Fall or Winter of 2025. This DCL is being released early to allow future proposers sufficient time to explore project ideas with prospective mentors.

The United States and the world are facing intertwined challenges of climatic change and increased energy requirements that represent grave threats to human health and wellness, national security, and economic well-being. The U.S. National Science Foundation's (NSF) investments in building a resilient planet will create knowledge that leads to innovative methods and tools to enable the country to predict, respond to, and mitigate the effects of these challenges through engineered or nature-based solutions and advance knowledge of humans as a component of Earth systems.

NEON is the world's first continental-scale observatory designed for standardized long-term observation of ecosystem response to global change. Supported by the NSF, NEON is a major facility producing long-term standardized ecological and environmental data at 81 sites across the United States and territories. NEON data are expected to be collected for 30 years, thus enhancing the "Big Data" era in ecological research. NEON data include biosphere-atmosphere interactions, ecosystem structure and function, as well as organismal data and samples, all of which span aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems at a continental scale. NEON data can be integrated with other major datasets and community science efforts to research biological phenomena including ecosystem and biodiversity change.

There are numerous NEON resources available to aid proposers in developing project ideas, including data , a learning-hub , a code-hub , and a publication database . The NSF-funded Environmental Data Science Innovation & Inclusion Lab ( ESIIL ) is developing educational and other resources to support collaboration using NEON data. The NSF AI institutes comprise a nationwide infrastructure to promote AI approaches that may represent a valuable resource to applicants seeking to collaborate with experts in AI. The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource ( NAIRR ) pilot represents another important resource as it brings together computational, data, software, models, training, and user support for innovation in AI.

Questions should be directed to Program Officers in the Human Resources Cluster of the Division of Biological Infrastructure: [email protected] .

Susan Marqusee Assistant Director, Biological Sciences


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