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research paper ideas for theology

177 Theology Research Paper Topics for College Students

theology research paper topics

Theology is the study of the spiritual, the divine, and religious beliefs. Studied in colleges and universities, theology explores the human faith and reveals what it means to have a balanced look at religion as a whole. The purpose is to learn more about a religious tradition and not just find religious topics to write about. Theology can be biblical, systematic, historical, and practical. Biblical theology involves the use and interpretation of the Bible. Systematic theology explains theology as a comprehensive unit. Historical theology probes the past to inform the future. Practical theology establishes a certain truth as an act of practice. Yet, theology can also be political, seeing how religions continue to shape political decisions. In short, theology can be many things. So, in this article, we provide different topics on theology, from practical to political. But before you dive in, quickly check how to outline a theological research paper.

Brief Theology Research Paper Outline

From ideation to paper, writing a theology paper has never been easy. However, it’s also not exactly difficult. If you want to know how to write a theology paper, you’ll need not just the will to write it but also tips and outlines. Here we have provided tips for clear theological writing. Read on.

  • Introduce The first attempt at writing a theology research paper is to introduce your topic. Of course, you can’t clarify what your reader does not know about. Often, you are tempted to assume your readers have prior knowledge but do not fall into that trap. Always think your reader is dealing with a new topic so you can better introduce the topic.
  • Use headings Headings make your paper appealing and straightforward. Good titles make your professor smile and ensure a better grade. If you don’t know how to go about your headers, check the style guide. Also, be mindful of headings that do not capture the content.
  • Keep a good topic sentence A topic sentence highlights your main idea. Usually at the beginning of a paragraph, it informs your reader what to know about the section. Without a good topic sentence, your paper might be lost.
  • Research The body of your paper contains the outcome of your research. Your study must be detailed and concise. If you make a claim, you have to prove it. Do not just research and write, thinking your reader will fathom what you are saying. Do your research in sync with your sources.
  • Conclude Your conclusion should capture your thesis. A very good conclusion does not leave anything in the body of your thesis out, especially the important parts. Your topic sentences should also inform your conclusion.
  • Use sources It’s impossible to write a paper filled with your opinions only. No doubt, you’ll source views from others and incorporate them into your study. Whatever the opinions and wherever you source them, you should reference them correctly.

Now that you’re familiar with the process of outlining a theology research paper, find below exciting theology topics to choose from for a successful theology thesis.

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General Theology Research Paper Topics

Do you know that Plato invented theology? According to him, theology represents the eternal realities of forms and ideas. This thought process has been a critical determinant of general belief and faith. So, if you’re looking for general theological essay topics, the following should help:

  • Explore the concept of life after death in general theology.
  • The differences between Buddhism in Japan and China.
  • Contributions of the church to modern democracy.
  • Impacts of parables and fairytales in world religions.
  • Prophethood in theology and the concept of discipleship.
  • Perspectives of abortion in Abrahamic faiths.
  • Views of gender equality in Abrahamic beliefs.
  • Perspectives of sexuality and identity in Abrahamic religions.
  • Islam Vs. Christianity: significant differences and similarities.
  • Impacts of homosexuality on religion and the way forward.
  • Creation of the world in Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
  • Effects of Greek and Roman culture on Christianity.
  • Why women cannot hold leadership roles in some religions.
  • Are abortions allowed in Islam and Christianity?
  • The widespread impacts of the concept of heaven and hell on society.
  • Science and religion: where they agree and disagree.
  • The study of the old testaments and similarities in the Quran.
  • The evolution of worship from the 20th century to the 21st century.
  • Why do we need theology, and what can it do to improve the world?
  • A comparative analysis of the Trinity in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
  • The role of theology towards eradicating global religious terrorism.
  • The contribution of theology in fostering international religious terrorism.
  • What does faith mean in Buddhism, Sikhism, and Taoism?
  • What Islam teaches about gender, sexuality, and identity.
  • What the portrayal of a black devil means to African Americans.
  • The existence of God pre-creation in central religious faith.
  • Evolution of Holy books: a comparative study of the Quran and the Bible.
  • Evolution of places of worship: a comparative study of the church and the mosque.
  • Evolution of prophethood: a comparative analysis of Jesus and Muhammed.
  • Impacts of religion on humanity: promotion of peace and harmony.

Systematic Theology Paper Topics

Plato invented general theology, but Bartholomäus Keckermann is the father of systematic theology (dogmatic theology). The German contributed immensely to the growth, order, and rationalism of religious doctrines, particularly Christianity. Listed below are some fascinating systematic theology paper topics for your dissertation:

  • Systematic theology: Expectations vs. reality.
  • Will systematic theology ever rule the world?
  • The church and the rise of democracy.
  • Differentiate between Catholic and Roman dogmatism.
  • Explain the atonement of the person and the work of Buddha.
  • Perspective about dogmatic theology beyond Anathema.
  • What is the doctrine of scripture in the catechism of Hinduism?
  • Discuss the incarnation of divinity and humanity.
  • Explore comparative theology in the liturgy of the word.
  • Historicity and ahistoricity in systematic theology.
  • A brief treatise on Calvinism and dogmatic theology.
  • Understanding the difference between practical theology and systematic theology.
  • The relationship between dogmatic theology and religious education.
  • Hermeneutic principle and the divinity of self-revelation.
  • The dogmatism of blood atonement and the foundation of faith.
  • Systematic theology: Death and hell as tools of evangelism.
  • Systematic theology: overview, impact, and implications.
  • Dissect the dogmatic theology of Jesus, humanity, and the Trinity.
  • The systematic theology of the Islamic tradition on animals.
  • Effects and impact of liberation theology.
  • Principles and policies of systematic theology.
  • Roman and Catholic perspectives on systematic theology.
  • The issue of Israel and the evangelical approach.
  • Differentiate the biblical from the evangelical.
  • Perspectives of an African-American on systematic theology.
  • The justification of faith and the construction of new theories.
  • Modern and postmodern evolution of Buddhism.
  • Interpret the systematic concept of God and love.
  • Discuss the perspectives of the spiritual darkness and light.
  • Impacts and contributions of systematic theology to climate change.

Historical Research Topics in Theology

Stanley James Grenz made tremendous impacts on historical theology. Alongside Guretzki and Nordling, they described historical theology as that aspect of theology that looks at how faith, beliefs, and doctrines develop throughout history. The purpose is to identify theological errors and avoid them in the future. Some exciting historical research topics in theology include:

  • Explore the contributions of Dietrich Bonhoeffer to systematic theology.
  • Wolfhart Pannenberg’s contributions to dogmatic theology.
  • Paul Rorem, St. Augustine’s confessions and influence: a historical review.
  • Explore the historical logic of the Trinity in Hinduism and Christianity.
  • The histology and confessionalism of Jonathan Edwards.
  • A historical treatise on Buddha beyond theological studies.
  • Past Jewish traditions and the understanding of gender equality.
  • A historical overview of the relationship between race, religion, and culture.
  • The historical injustice of the church and the dogma of secularization.
  • Modernism vs. the historical teachings of the Quran on sexuality?
  • A comparative analysis of historical and contemporary theology.
  • The history of pastoral theology: development, impact, and implications.
  • Contributions of Friedrich Schleiermacher to historical theology.
  • The history and development of evangelism in Abrahamic religions.
  • The history of Judaism theology in the United States.
  • Historical contributions of John Calvin to pastoral theology.
  • Biography of Watts and Wesley: two Christmas hymn composers.
  • Then and now: religion in the face of a pandemic.
  • Contributions of Africa to the Muslim mind.
  • Historical differences of Buddhism in Japan and China.
  • Violence against women through the dark history of the medieval church.
  • The value of socio-historical theology in the genealogy of faith.
  • The historical account of the most excellent sermons in Christology.
  • Most extraordinary African-American women in the history of the church.
  • Contributions of Bernard of Clairvaux to the church.
  • History of lost and forgotten books in Christian theology.
  • Account the history of salvation during the Spanish Reconquista.
  • Modern and classical views on the theology of baptism.
  • The historical impact of the theology of discipleship.
  • A brief historical treatise of the martyr’s cause in Islam and Christianity.

Practical Theological Discussion Topics

The father of modern practical theology, according to many theologians, is Fredrick Schleiermacher. Also known as liberal theology, practical theology attempts to reflect on the alignment and modification of religious practices. It is the democratic aspect of theology devoid of sentiments and biases. Check out a few of the most common practical theological discussion topics below:

  • Application of Delphi survey tool in understanding church trends.
  • Spiritual advocacy and the current overlapping roles of evangelists.
  • The inclusiveness of the disabled in the theology of humanity.
  • A comparative analysis of the growth of global youth ministries.
  • An investigation into the practical celebration of God.
  • The practical interpretation of African cultures in understanding theology.
  • The religious rituals of remembrance, cleansing, and reincarnation.
  • Foundational practical theology vs. post-foundational practical theology.
  • A comparative analysis of practical theology across all religious denominations.
  • From theory to practice: The role of the Holy Books in modern humanity.
  • Practical theology of the 20th century vs. the 21st century.
  • The principles, objectives, and limits of practical theology.
  • Understanding theology: the international perspective of practical theology.
  • The globalization of Christianity through the practice of peace and tolerance.
  • An inquiry into the instrument of peace reconciliation in Buddhism.
  • The practice of Islam: The conflict of submission and peace.
  • Deconstructing Judaism through the divinity of the soul.
  • An empirical study of the body and the soul.
  • The role of hearing sermons as a tool of community and diversity.
  • The religion of art: The religious use of songs, stories, and parables.
  • The practical exploration of God as an entity in significant religions.
  • The dilemma of ministering to the 21st-century youth.
  • Love, humanity, religion: What the books say.
  • A practical reflection on religious law systems as against modern law systems.
  • The technology of religion: from crude tools to devices.
  • Exploring the reflective practice of Taoism.
  • The glory of suffering: A reflection on religious martyrdom.
  • Theological education: overview, roles, practices, impacts, land limits.
  • The religious morality of the poor and the challenge of growth in Africa.
  • The symbolism of salvation and reincarnation.

Religious Research Paper Topics in Theology

Do you ask the difference between theology and religion? There is a thin line between religion and theology. Theology is the study of religions, while religion is a system of belief and worship. Therefore, religion is an integral part of theology. However, there would be no theology if there were no system of faith and belief to study. To better understand what we’re saying, take a look at some of the most fascinating world religions research paper topics below:

  • What do you understand about the movement of black churches?
  • What role does religion play in the economy?
  • The theory of creation: Differences and similarities in significant religions.
  • What’s the stand of religion on the resurgence of homosexuality?
  • The emergence of new religions and what it means to society.
  • The agreement and disagreement of science and world religions.
  • Trace the history of Christianity after the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • Trace the history of Islam before and after the birth of Muhammed.
  • What world religions say about God as a supreme being.
  • The spirituality of the soul in the mystery of religion.
  • Nordic religion: role, impact, and methodology in the modern world.
  • Discuss the triad of the female goddesses extensively in religion.
  • Impacts of Buddhism in modern Japan and China.
  • Dissect the concept of behavioral sex in different religions
  • What is the correlation between societal morality and religious laws?
  • How similar and different are religions on the images of gods and myths.
  • Influence of gender on religious practices and general spirituality.
  • What role do women play in Islam?
  • Discuss Confucianism and contributions to the world.
  • Discuss Sikhism and its contributions to the world.
  • History of Hinduism and its significant contributions to modern India.
  • Why is Ramadan a holy month in Islam?
  • Why is Christmas a holy month in Christianity?
  • The differences and similarities between the Bible and Quran.
  • The influence of technology on the disposition of religion today.
  • Explain climate change and the role of religion.
  • What is the link between religion, hell, and heaven?
  • A comparative analysis of evangelical methods in Islam and Christianity.
  • The relationship between Islam, Christianity, and other religions.
  • An empirical study of the history of Judaism.

Political Theology Essay Topics

Whether you are dealing with Bible thesis topics in theology or Christianity research paper topics, if you look close enough, you will find political nuances in them. Religion and politics share some strong similarities. Since the church makes policies, there is no doubt politics is an essential part of theological discussions. Here are political theology essay topics for insight:

  • The contributions of religion to the first world war.
  • The implications of Christianity in the second world war.
  • What roles does religion perform during Hitler’s rule?
  • The perspective of the church on gun control in America.
  • An empirical study of the politics of the Catholic popes.
  • Terrorism and the politicization of Islam.
  • What is the political stand of Abrahamic religions on homosexuality?
  • Explore the concept of transgender rights as religious rights.
  • The support of the church regarding the influence of white supremacy.
  • Democracy: impact of the rule of law on religious leaders.
  • Can religion be separated from the government?
  • What do you think about vaccination and the spirituality of faith?
  • What are the views of religion on nuclear war?
  • The conflict of war and the intersection of religion.
  • Politics of Vatican City: the emergence of a new black pope.
  • The political evolution of the church.
  • Middle East crisis: How Islam is helping and ruining.
  • Can the growth of China be linked to the practice of Buddhism?
  • Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. How true?
  • The politicization of Hinduism through the dowry system.
  • Can the growth of Israel be linked to the practice of Judaism?
  • How Hinduism is viewed by other religions and the politics of their international relations.
  • Religion and the political backwardness of Africa.
  • Impact of Christianity on Africa and the Middle East.
  • How religions are driving the quest for gender equality.
  • American politics and religion: agreements and disagreements.
  • Has democracy ever worked in any religious patterns?
  • How the church contributed to the rise and fall of black slavery?
  • What are the political roles of the Pope?
  • Science and technology as a new religion.

Is Your Theology Research Paper Too Difficult?

Theology studies the structures and patterns of faith. Student theologians would be asked to either explore practical theology topics or general theology research questions. If you’ve ever wanted to put some on paper but don’t know how to go about it, we can help you with any theology questions you have. Our college paper writing help services boast incredible US writers who can speak and write English as a Native Language (ENL). Our online writing assistance team comprises the best professors and first-class university students—proven professionals in theological thesis writing and other areas. Book our custom, fast, and cheap writing help now for top-notch results and high grades.

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Resources on How to Write a Research Paper

We've all been there. We know (sort of) on what we want to write, but we don't really know how to write it, how to organize our thoughts, or how to organize our research. It's fun to read, but it's another thing to articulate, analyze, and synthesize our thoughts.

Here are some ideas/resources that might help you along the way:

  • John Frame, professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology at RTS, wrote a helpful step-by-step process for how to write a theology paper.  You can access it for free here .
  • Michael Jensen (D.Phi. at Moore Theological College) has written a short, topically-arranged book, How To Write a Theological Essay (78+pages), available on reference at SBTS.  Find it here .
  • The Craft of Research, accessed here , gives a book-length treatment of the subject.
  • The Writing Center , located in the library, has a staff dedicated to helping you craft an excellent paper.

Here is some advice regarding Systematic 1, 2, or 3 class papers specifically:

  • Start Early. Begin planning your paper the day before the first day of the class. You'll get first crack at the books, you'll get to ask the professor about any research "snags" you hit along the way, you'll get plenty of time to edit and refine, you'll learn more about the subject, and you'll finish the assignment stress-free.
  • Define the question. Every paper seeks to answer a question. The sooner you discover what that question is and the more specific you can make your question, the better off your paper will be. Once you have your question, the answer to that question can be your beginning thesis statement. This thesis statement, with refining, will begin your writing effort on a good foot to having a strong paper.
  • Discover the lead, competing positions regarding your particular question. This requires reading, and sometimes reading broadly.  You want, in this step, to be able to summarize precisely the arguments/positions regarding your research subject.
  • Pick a position. Which available position wins out and why? Is there one that is "the best"?
  • Defend it against the best objections. One common problem of bad theology papers is that students fail to treat their objectors fairly. It doesn't do you or the world any good to argue against a position nobody actually holds. Moreover, it's disingenuous and academically uncouth.

Your paper should not look like your research. It's feasible that your actual paper will look something like this:

  • Introduction (define the problem), Thesis (state your solution), Methodology (preview how you will demonstrate your Thesis).
  • Summarize the available and most persuasive positions (including your own).
  • Support your position.
  • Defend your position against the best objections.
  • Conclusion. Restate your position in light of your paper. This is not a simple "copy" and "paste" of your Introduction. It is the final appeal to your readers for why your position is superior in view of all you've just said.

Remember, you are not done until you have edited your paper. Read through it again, editing as you go, and then have someone else read through it so you have another set of eyes looking at what will be the finished product.

Distinction between Primary and Secondary Sources

It is often the case that when doing theological research, it will be important to examine Primary Sources .  A primary source is an author's first-hand account of the event being studied.  Examples include: diaries, letters, journals, memos, interviews, manuscripts, newspaper articles of current events, photographs, records of government agencies like birth or death certificates, and minutes of conferences or agencies.  Secondary Sources interpret/analyze the event in question.

Here's a clarifying example from the ATLA website : "A letter from a Union soldier to his wife during the Civil War would be considered a primary document.   A book written by a historian that discusses letters written by soldiers during the Civil War would be a secondary source, even if it includes those letters we consider primary sources. "  The distinction is relevant for researchers because interpretations of primary sources may be incorrect.  If you rely only on secondary sources, your own conclusions may be, consequently, skewed.

For Systematics:

A primary source would be the original (or definitive) edition of a work. Examples (again from the ATLA site) would include:

  • Ausgewahlte Werke —the 1883 or “Weimar” edition of Martin Luther’s works. (Also available online as a subscription database by Proquest.)
  • Institutio Christianae Religionis —John Calvin’s Institutes ( definitive version in 1559) although the 1560 French edition is also considered definitive.
  • Grundkurs des Glaubens —Karl Rahner’s   Foundations of Christian Faith in German.
  • Systematische Theologie— Wolfgang Pannenberg’s Systematic Theology in German.
  • Kirchliche Dogmatik— Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics in German.
  • While not a “definitive” edition of their works, many theological librarians use the Christian Classics Ethereal Library to look at the works of the    early church fathers, originally published in print as Early Church Fathers series.

A secondary source would be a later, non-definitive edition, a non-definitive translation, or an examination of a particular facet of the primary source.  For example, Paul Helm's John Calvin's Ideas is a secondary source because it is an analysis of Calvin's works; Balthasar's The Theology of Karl Barth is a secondary source for the same reason.

If you're unsure what an author's primary works are, you can peruse the Enclopedia of Christian Theology by Lacoste or The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought to get an idea of particular theological thinkers and their primary works.  These are helpful, but not comprehensive guides to theological research.  If you ever have trouble finding primary literature, contact a research expert at the library or attempt to dialogue with a researcher in your field of interest.

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research paper ideas for theology


250+ Theology Research Topics That Will Fetch You an A+ Grade

Table of Contents

Theology is an academic discipline that talks about divine, spiritual, and religious beliefs. Across the globe, many educational institutes offer degree courses in theology to help students understand the concepts of religion and human faith. If you are a student who is pursuing a degree in theology or religious studies, then to obtain graduation, for your final assignment, you must submit a thesis on theology research topics.

Theology Research Topics

In case, you are unsure what research topic to choose for your theology thesis, check this blog post. Especially to help you out, here, we have compiled some latest theology research topic ideas. Also, we have provided the key steps for writing an excellent theology research paper. Continue reading to update your knowledge of theology thesis writing.

Steps for Writing a Theology Research Paper

A theology research paper is a type of academic paper that is being prepared on any particular theology topic. Basically, theology is composed of historical, biblical, systematic, and political viewpoints. For writing a theology research paper, you can pick any religion and analyze a topic or subtopic of it from various perspectives.

You may think that writing a theology research paper is easy. But actually, it is not. Theology is a subject that is closely associated with religions and beliefs. As religion is a sensitive discussion topic, you need to be more careful with your opinions and craft the research paper in a non-controversial manner. Also, when writing the theology essay, most importantly, you should try to persuade your readers with valid evidence supporting your opinions about the topic.

If you are not sure how to prepare an impressive theology research paper, then strictly follow the below-mentioned steps.

  • First, search and find the latest theology research topic that is comfortable for you to write about.
  • Conduct deep research on the selected topic and gather important ideas and points for research paper topics discussion.
  • Prepare a neat and clear research paper outline with the collected ideas.

Theology Research Paper Writing

  • With the help of the essay outline, begin writing the research paper. In the research paper, make sure to organize your opinions and ideas in different sections.
  • Craft an introductory paragraph. It is the opening part of the research paper where you have to include crispy background information on the topic and a strong thesis statement.
  • Next, write a literature review. Through your literature review chapter, you should explain how your research and results fill the knowledge gap.
  • Present details about the research methodology. Here, you should explain what research method you have used to gather and analyze data. In this chapter, avoid sharing details about your results instead talk only about the research methods.
  • Prepare a data analysis chapter and simply present the results of your research. Here, just mention what data you have used without any detailed explanation.
  • Write the results chapter. Through this chapter, you should explain to your readers the results of your work, why the results are important, and how the results have answered your research question.
  • Finally, close your research paper with a conclusion paragraph. In the conclusion section, you should summarize all your findings and add a thesis restatement.
  • Add a reference page. In the reference section, you should list the details of all the research materials, publications, and other sources you have used in the research paper.
  • Before submission, proofread the entire research paper and edit the errors in it.

By following all these steps you can come up with a brilliant theology research paper. But remember, the final draft of the research paper that is ready for submission should not contain any errors or plagiarism. Also, when writing the research paper, strictly adhere to your professor’s or university’s research paper writing guidelines, if there are any.

List of the Best Theology Research Paper Topics

In the research paper writing process, topic selection is the most important step that is challenging to handle. If you want to score an A+ grade, then a high level of importance should be given to the topic selection.

Theology Research Topics

Basically, theology is a broad subject with plenty of topics for you to choose from. But when you have many topics, you can find it tough to select a good topic. So, in order to make the topic selection process easier for you, here, we have filtered and prepared a list of the best theology research topics.

Explore the entire list and identify an ideal topic from an area that you have strong knowledge of.

Simple Theology Research Topics

  • Discuss the economics of religion.
  • What is Exegetical theology?
  • Write about theodicy.
  • Explain the Spirits’ Book.
  • Explore the origin of Spiritism.
  • Define postmodernist theology.
  • What is the role of religion in climate change?
  • Write about the Fox sisters.
  • Analyze the Holy Trinity.
  • Explain your views about God and love.
  • Explore modern Egyptian religion.
  • Research the origin of Calvinism.
  • Describe various religious wars.
  • Explain the concept of a Mediumship.
  • Talk about atheism as a religion.
  • Cultural specifics of religions.
  • The role of religion in the history of education and Science.
  • Religion and individual from the perspective of social psychology.
  • Discuss women’s role in various religions.
  • Explain the concept of heaven in different religions.
  • The difference between religion and science.
  • Discuss Sikhism as a world religion.
  • Discuss the role of heaven and hell.
  • Christian Theology and World Religions: Christianity and Islam
  • “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” Book by McMinn

Easy Theology Research Topics

  • Explain the life after death concept.
  • Analyze the Gnostic faith.
  • Write about the evolution of holy books.
  • What are the various forms of evil?
  • Compare Quran and Bible.
  • Describe the concept of heaven in different religions.
  • Explain the role of women in various religions.
  • What is the role of heaven and hell?
  • What is the difference between religion and science?
  • Religion in the globalized world.
  • Religion and crime: forgiveness and punishment.
  • The political impact of religion.
  • What are the links and similarities between the two testaments of the Bible?
  • Differences in the mode of worship between the 20th century and the 21st century
  • Why some terrorists use Islam as an excuse for killing people
  • Are terrorists really as devoted to their religions and beliefs the way they prove they are?
  • Does dispensation theology differ from covenant theology?

Biblical Theology Research Paper Topics

  • Write about Psalm 51.
  • How was Jesus different from other prophets in the Bible?
  • Explain the concept of homosexuality as discussed in the Bible.
  • Explain Nehemiah and the question of identity.
  • Explore the assumptions based on the death of Christ.
  • What are the popular parables in Bible?
  • How is the Bible different from all other holy books?
  • Explain the Ten doctrines of the Bible.
  • Compare the Old and the New Testaments.
  • What is the role of Satan?
  • The effectiveness of faith in Christian life and how it impacts people.
  • What are the major contributors to divisions in the church?
  • The Biblical examination of why there are divisions in the church.

Interesting Religion Research Topics

  • Write about Animism and Deism.
  • What is the relationship between humanity and spirituality?
  • Discuss the beliefs of Buddhists.
  • Talk about the religious conflicts in different parts of the world.
  • Explain Esotericism.
  • Investigate the existence of guardian angels.
  • Analyze the concept of religion in Ancient Egypt.
  • Talk about religion in Ancient Greece.
  • What are the reasons for the Catholic Crusades?
  • Write about ancient religions.
  • The Christian model of living and how it impacts society.
  • The religious conflicts in different parts of the world.
  • How persistent violence affects religious institutions.
  • The principles of religious institutions funding.

Hinduism Research Topics

  • What is the meaning of dharma in Hinduism?
  • Trace the origin of Hinduism.
  • Talk about Vedic Yajna.
  • Discuss the Hindu Renaissance.
  • Write about Vaishnavism.
  • The politicization of Hinduism through the dowry system.
  • What is the doctrine of scripture in the catechism of Hinduism?
  • Explain the history of Hinduism.
  • How do other religions view Hinduism?
  • Explain the creation of the world in Hinduism.
  • What does Hinduism say about Artha?
  • Talk about Hinduism in Indian culture.
  • Explain the diversity in Hinduism.
  • Research a Sanskrit text.
  • Talk about the Hindu belief system.

Christianity Research Topics

  • Explain the beliefs of Christians.
  • What are the various Christian ethics?
  • What are the main values of Christianity?
  • Describe Christianity as a way of life.
  • Explain the history of Christians.
  • How does Christianity treat abortion?
  • Explain the concept of Christianity.
  • What role does Christianity play in world history?
  • Talk about the Day of Judgment.
  • Analyze the Redemption of Christ.
  • Write about Christians in Ancient Rome.
  • What is the role of women in Christianity?
  • How does the Christian model of living impact society?
  • Explain Christian theology.
  • Discuss the significance of the Christian creed, and confessions in Christianity.
  • Talk about the sacred ceremonies in Christianity.
  • Explain Trinity in Christianity.
  • What is the heritage of Holiness in Christianity?
  • Discuss the impact of historical theology on modern Christianity.
  • Nature and faith roles for a Christian.

Research Topics on Buddhism

  • What is the effect of Buddhism on the modern world?
  • What does Buddhism say about Karma?
  • Trace the origin of Buddhism.
  • Talk about Buddhism in India.
  • What does dukkha in Buddhism mean?
  • Write about the creation of the world in Buddhism.
  • Explain the organizational structures of the Buddhists in Thailand.
  • Compare Buddhism in Japan and China.
  • Discuss the modern and postmodern evolution of Buddhism.
  • What is the meaning of faith in Buddhism?
  • Discuss the concept of Liberation in Buddhism.
  • Describe the work of Buddha.
  • Explain the concept of rebirth in Buddhism.
  • Talk about humanity in Buddhism.
  • Explain the concept of the state of nirvana.

Islam Research Topics

  • What is the meaning of God in Islam?
  • Talk about Resurrection in Islam.
  • Discuss the concept of gender equality in Islam.
  • Talk about fasting in Islam.
  • Track the origins of Islam.
  • Are abortions allowed in Islam?
  • Why is Ramadan a holy month in Islam?
  • Creation of the world in Islam.
  • Discuss the history of Islam before and after the birth of Mohammed.
  • What does Islam teach about gender, sexuality, and identity?
  • Talk about divine destiny in the Quran.
  • What are the reproductive rights of women in Islam?
  • Write about the Prophet Muhammad.
  • What is the role of women in Islam?
  • Discuss the concept of Salah.

Judaism Research Topics

  • Explain Tanakh texts.
  • Have a closer look at the Jewish movement in Israel.
  • What is the role of Jews in world history?
  • Compare Karaites and Samaritans.
  • Discuss the concept of Halakha.
  • Can the growth of Israel be linked to the practice of Judaism?
  • Talk about Palestine.
  • Write about the history of Judaism.
  • What does Judaism say about Enlightenment?
  • Discuss the history of Judaism theology in the United States.

Read more: Great Religious Research Paper Topics That Will Boost Your Academic Scores

Taoism and Confucianism Research Topics

  • Talk about Taoism in China.
  • Analyze female shamans in Taoism.
  • Discuss the history of Taoism.
  • Explain the concept of Proper Rite in Confucianism.
  • Research the origins of Confucianism.
  • Write about the contributions of Confucianism to the world.
  • Analyze Confucianism.
  • Discuss the effect of Confucianism on the modern world.
  • Explore the reflective practice of Taoism.
  • What is the meaning of faith in Taoism?
  • Analyze meritocracy in Confucianism.
  • Discuss the concept of Benevolence in Confucianism.
  • Talk about Junzi.
  • Analyze Confucianism during the Tang dynasty.
  • Write about Chinese martial arts.

Historical Theology Research Topics

Historical Theology Research Ideas

  • Explain the historical impact of the theology of discipleship.
  • Discuss the historical contributions of John Calvin to pastoral theology.
  • What is the value of socio-historical theology in the genealogy of faith?
  • Write about the history of lost and forgotten books in Christian theology.
  • Prepare a historical overview of the relationship between race, religion, and culture.
  • Analyze the past Jewish traditions.
  • Compare historical and contemporary theology.
  • Write about the history of pastoral theology.
  • A brief historical treatise of the martyr’s cause in Islam and Christianity.
  • Discuss the history and development of evangelism in Abrahamic religions.

Political Theology Research Topics

  • What is the role of religion in World War I?
  • Explain the views of religion on nuclear war.
  • Can religion be separated from the government?
  • Discuss the political roles of the Pope.
  • Write about the politics of Vatican City.
  • What is the role of religious institutions in state politics?
  • Discuss Augustine’s political and social opinions.
  • What are religious politics?
  • What are some Amish views on politics?
  • Discuss American politics and religion.
  • What are Illiberal Religions?
  • Discuss the conflict of war and the intersection of religion.
  • What is the role of Christianity in World War II?
  • Write about Terrorism and the politicization of Islam.
  • Describe the political evolution of the church.

Practical Theology Research Topics

  • The inclusiveness of the disabled in the theology of humanity.
  • Explore the practical celebration of God.
  • Analyze practical theology across all religious denominations.
  • Discuss the principles of practical theology.
  • Explain the international perspective of practical theology.
  • Write about the symbolism of salvation and reincarnation.
  • Explain the practical exploration of God as an entity.
  • A practical reflection on religious law systems as against modern law systems.
  • Interpret African cultures in understanding theology.
  • Prepare an empirical study of the body and the soul.

Systematic Theology Research Paper Topics

  • Compare Catholic and Roman dogmatism.
  • Explain the principles and policies of systematic theology.
  • What is systematic theology ?
  • What are the contributions of systematic theology to climate change?
  • Will systematic theology ever rule the world?
  • Compare practical theology and systematic theology.
  • What are the effects of liberation theology?
  • Describe the viewpoints of Romans and Catholics on systematic theology.
  • Explain the incarnation of divinity and humanity.
  • Discuss the perspectives of spiritual darkness and light.
  • Historicity and historicity in systematic theology.
  • The systematic theology of the Islamic tradition on animals.
  • Explain the systematic concept of God and love.
  • Why are death and hell considered tools of evangelism?
  • Perspectives of an African-American on systematic theology.

Captivating Theology Discussion Topics

  • What is the meaning of the soul in different religions?
  • Is yoga a health or religious practice?
  • Describe the phenomenon of trickster gods.
  • Discuss female clergy in different religions.
  • Talk about religion and economics.
  • What is the nature of God and its relation with living beings?
  • Explain the ideas and beliefs behind honor killings in some religions.
  • Discuss the reflections on the Theology of Worship.
  • How does religion impact people’s daily life?
  • Describe the difference between God’s love and human love.

Amazing Theology Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the effect of the sectarian crisis in the church.
  • How do the leadership styles and welfare programs impact salvation?
  • What are the principles of religious institution funding?
  • Do churches contribute to healthy living in society?
  • What is Eschatology?
  • What are the primary effects of servant leadership on Pentecostal fellowship?
  • Discuss the loss and betrayal based on Theology.
  • Discuss the polytheistic religion and mythology.
  • Describe the rise of mega-churches.
  • Explain the relationship between science and theology.
  • The impact of the scripture and culture on society.
  • How is humanism portrayed in society?
  • Explore our ancestors and their spiritual beliefs.
  • Explore the pre-existence of the Son of God.
  • Describe Roman Catholicism.
  • Understanding dialect, philosophy, and Theology through Scholasticism
  • Discuss the connection between God, humanity, the world, salvation, and eschatology
  • Critical analysis of the impact of the dowry system on Hinduism
  • Describe the factors that make Hindu Dharma different from the Sanatan Dharma
  • Sanatan Dharma is developed in the interest of the ultimate well-being of humanity that a profound sense of inquiry is brought into everyone’s life: Explain
  • Discuss the impact of “Existentialism” on theology
  • Discuss the reasons that make it important to differentiate theology, spirituality, and philosophy
  • How the Church handles postmodernism theology?
  • Theology is a pseudoscience: Explain
  • Discuss the theology behind the Palm Sunday

Trending Theology Research Ideas

  • Discuss the idea of mankind undergoing a spiritual metamorphosis.
  • Look for a Sanskrit text; discuss the Hindu Renaissance.
  • Examine Confucianism in Tang Dynasty China
  • Discuss the background of Taoism.
  • Talk about the Confucian idea of benevolence.
  • Talk about the idea of not hurting living things.
  • An in-depth examination of Hinduism’s diversity
  • Mention Mahatma Gandhi
  • Talk about the idea of postmodernist theology.
  • Describe religious instruction in the UK.

Outstanding Theology Research Topics

  • Compare and contrast major and minor Catholic Saints.
  • Explain Greek Philosophy during the Hellenistic Period.
  • Describe how Roman Catholicism blended with the Mayan Religion.
  • Discuss the ways Mazdayasna influences Islam and the Baha’i Faith.
  • Compare and contrast the Aztec and Mayan religions.
  • Explain the role Mormonism had on Western expansion in the United States.
  • Discuss what the library says about the lost tribes of Israel.
  • Explain how different religions view religious officials and celibacy.
  • Discuss how the Gnostic Texts differ as presented in the English Bible.
  • Discuss how the New Testament explains Judaism.

From the list of 250+ amazing ideas, choose any topic that matches your interest and compose a detailed theology research paper with proper evidence. In case, you need an expert to offer you help with theology research paper topic selection and writing, contact us for quick assistance.

research paper ideas for theology

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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Michael Milton

Michael Milton and Faith for Living, Inc.

May 31, 2017

Writing the Weekly Theological Research Paper

research paper ideas for theology

The following is instruction for my theological students in composing weekly research papers. I offer it as a guide and a resource to students and faculty in graduate schools and trust it is of some help in preparing the weekly research paper in theology and religious studies using Turabian-Chicago Manual of Style.

As your professor, I wanted to remind you all of the importance of designing the graduate-level “theology and religious studies” research paper. My reminder is not intended to be given because I see any crisis emerging, but merely as a helpful resource for those who might benefit.

To begin with, make sure that you understand the question/issue/problem that you are called to address in the research paper. This matter will, ordinarily, be supplied to you by your course instructions for that week’s work. Make sure you can state the issue clearly in your introduction. But, use a “literary device” to introduce it. For instance, you can use a question to introduce the problem you are going to address. Or, perhaps, you can use a quotation or a personal reflection on the issue. Whatever your approach, the introduction should lead the reader into experiencing the question. From there you move down the “introductory chain” from the opening lines to literature about the issue (e.g., your reading for that week) to your premise. The literature review for a social science research model is quite extensive. The literature section of the introduction to a brief three to five-page weekly research paper is necessarily brief. This section usually just mentions the textbook or reading for the week that might have raised the issue you are assigned. There will be little to no interaction at this point. You merely raise the reading as the authoritative source for further understanding the issue, problem, or concern in your paper. Following this, you will write out your premise (also called the proposition, or thesis). This should be a simple sentence, though it may be placed within the context of a paragraph that introduces it and briefly supports its. It is its own paragraph and is, most certainly, its own “movement” in the research paper. Following this premise, there is a need for an interrogative statement. This interrogative may be stated or unstated. The purpose of the interrogative is a very necessary one. The interrogative will introduce the transition statement with keyword . Thus, you might posit a premise such as, “Effective missional congregations have strong ministries of spiritual formation in place.” The premise, as is, needs a seed of a question to grow the “stalk” of a transition. Thus, an interrogatory sentence, stated or unstated, could be, “How has this been demonstrated in current data in a major Christian denomination in North America?” The transitional statement is, “Missional churches benefit from spiritual formation ministries in the local church and this has been substantiated in two significant faith communities.” The phrase, “faith communities” becomes the “keywords” for the argument. Each line of argument (or “point” in the body of the paper, if you prefer) will be tethered by the transitional sentences with keyword. And this, in turn, will cause the lines of argument to be connected to the premise. The premise will be constantly advancing the case for addressing the problem. Now. Turn your attention to the lines of argument themselves. Each line of argument will be (1) explained; (2) defended, if necessary; and (3) supported by reputable, scholarly authorities. In the taxonomy of reputable authorities for research papers the peer-reviewed journal article ranks the highest, followed by books by authors who are noted leaders in the field, usually academics. After that, the ranking is arguable, but popular works are at the lower end of the spectrum. That may be fair or unfair, but it is the standard.

As you move to the conclusion, consolidate your thoughts by recapitulating the problem, the premise, and your lines of argument. Then, make what may well be the single most important part of the paper: the closing argument. Very much like a prosecutor making his closing argument to the jury, you are making your final compelling case for your premise to the readership (in this case, part of that readership is, of course, your instructor and grader, or, perhaps, later, an examination committee). How do you do it? Avoid anything too “over the top.” This is an academic paper. Yet, the section in the paper does permit you some room for creativity that previous sections would not allow. For instance, personal stories or biographical material (as long as it is documented) will fit perfectly here and could be the perfect device to “make the case.”

In the end, however, the paper should leave the reader with an impression. The impression—regardless of the reader’s personal position with your premise—should be one that is characterized by respect for your scholarship, your attention to the line of argument, the logical flow of your argument, and the authoritative resources that you marshaled forward to support your conclusions—an uncontested affirmation of your due diligence to good honest scholarship.

Rather than give you a narrative, let me give you an outline:

A good graduate level research paper will include the following seven steps:

  • State the problem or issue (e.g., There is significant church membership decline in the Reformed churches of Jackson County, Missouri.)
  • Refer to the relevant literature on the subject (in the weekly research paper, one need only refer to a textbook, or the assignment).
  • Make the proposition or premise (e.g., Missional churches benefit from inculcating an ethos of strong spiritual formation with the life of the congregation. Therefore, if so, such missional strategies need to be applied to the Reformed churches in Jackson County.).
  • Transition into the Argument with a keyword (e.g., “There are two [or three or four] conclusive instances of this principle in both Scripture and Church history”) “Instances” is the key word that will bind the headings together.
  • Divide the Argument into clear, cogent lines (making them complete sentences), using the keyword to tether each line of argument into the whole (e.g., “The first instance of the role of spiritual formation and missional churches is found in Acts 2:42.” After arguing that point, with appropriate authorities, and your own critical interaction, you move to the next point via the tethering device: the key word. Thus, “There is a second instance of spiritual formation and missional churches to consider: the success of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, in the 1960s and ’70s, and the percentage of new members in the same period who were new converts.” Again, you would follow with your discussion of the point, citing authorities, including relevant materials, and even pulling in peer-reviewed journal articles to deepen the scholarship).
  • Support your argument with authoritative citations (to Turabian standards). I would like to see each of you citing, at least, one peer-reviewed journal article for each weekly paper and three peer-reviewed journal articles in your final 5-7 page papers (12-15 page papers in you are in the Doctor of Ministry program and taking an MDIV offering). Naturally, the bibliography should reflect the research into that week’s study on the issue. A limited bibliography reflects a limited study and will be graded accordingly. Even a brief, but widely consulted, bibliography, during the week, will promote a higher score and will, no doubt, actuate a greater learning experience, which is, after all, the greater goal of the course (and wise use of your time).
  • There is some debate about the value of recapitulation in the close. I believe that it depends upon diverse and decisive literary variables that build towards the conclusion. Ordinarily, though, include a recap of, at least, the argument heads. Then, formulate a memorable “closing argument” supported by an illustrative quotation or other authoritative device that “moves” the reader to consider your point (e.g., This paper has provided two instances of the relationship of spiritual formation and its impact on the missional church: first, in Scripture, Acts 2:42; secondly, in the case of a particular church in a place and time. Yet, there is one final message that I have: it is how that Scripture and a church, like that one I mentioned, actually reached me and my family.”)

I trust that this is of some aid to you in the study and preparation of your papers. Each of you can write well. Yet, I think each of you could grow in your design and arrangement of material so that your study for a given week is articulated in a way that demonstrates (1) your own critical thinking; (2) your ability to research and cite authoritative resources; (3) the actual time you spent in meaningful research of the week’s topic; and how you can (4) arrange this material a logical, clear, and cogent pattern that communicates convincingly and authoritatively.

Note: My new favorite research writing center is Excelsior College (State College at Albany, NY). It is updated with rhetorical styles for writing. Excellent resource for all, but very helpful for our ThM, DMin, and PhD students. The link is here: Excelsior College. OWL Writing Lab. Accessed June 1, 2017.

Runner-up award: The JSTOR site on Theology and Religious Studies: “JSTOR Theology and Religious Studies Resources.” Accessed May 31, 2017.

Honorable Mention: Duke Divinity School Writing Resources: I especially appreciate the article on “Reverse Outlining” ( By the way, preachers or seminarians in homiletics class can benefit from using “reserve outlining” on their sermons.


“Advantages of Peer Reviews.” Accessed September 19, 2016.

Albert, Mathieu. “Criteria for Assessing Quality in Academic Research: The Views of Biomedical Scientists, Clinical Scientists and Social Scientists.” Higher Education 64, no. 5 (2012): 661-76. Accessed September 19, 2016.

Casarett, David J. “A Taxonomy of Value in Clinical Research.” IRB: Ethics & Human Research 24, no. 6 (2002): 1-6. Accessed September 19, 2016.

“Citation Machine™ Automatically Generates Citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, and Thousands More!” Citation Machine: Format & Generate Citations – APA, MLA, & Chicago. Accessed May 31, 2017.

“Columbia College.” Accessed September 19, 2016.

Cosser, Michael. “Towards the Design of a System of Peer Review of Teaching for the Advancement of the Individual within the University.” Higher Education 35, no. 2 (1998): 143-62. Accessed September 19, 2016.

Deal, Robert L. “Role of Online Journals and Peer-reviewed Research.” Northwest Science 88, no. 3 (2014): 264-65. doi:10.3955/046.088.0310.

Earl, Michael. “Knowledge Management Strategies: Toward a Taxonomy.” Journal of Management Information Systems 18, no. 1, Knowledge Management (2001): 215-33. Accessed September 19, 2016.

Erskine College Library. Accessed May 31, 2017.

Excelsior College. OWL Writing Lab. Accessed June 1, 2017.

Foley, Jennifer. “Peer Review, Citation Ratings and Other Fetishes.” Springer Science Reviews AG (2013). Accessed September 19, 2016. doi:10.1007/s40362-013-0003-x.

Houghton, Peggy M., Timothy J. Houghton, Michele M. Pratt, and Kate L. Turabian. Turabian: The Easy Way! Flint, MI: Baker College, 2014.

“JSTOR Theology and Religious Studies Resources.” Accessed May 31, 2017.

Keith, Jasper N. Peer Review: A Theological Perspective . Dacatur, GA: Journal of Pastoral Care Publications, 1990.

Kostoff, Ronald N. “Research Impact Assessment.” Business Economics 28, no. 1 (1993): 44-46. Accessed September 19, 2016.

Moed, H. F. Citation Analysis in Research Evaluation . Dordrecht: Springer, 2005.

“Rethinking Peer Review: How the Internet Is Changing Science Journals.” The New Atlantis No. 13 (2006): 106-10. Accessed September 19, 2016.

Shatz, David. “Is Peer Review Overrated?” The Monist 79, no. 4, Academic Ethics (1996): 536-63. Accessed September 19, 2016.

Swartz, Katherine. “Peer-Reviewed Journals and Quality.” Inquiry 36, no. 2 (1999): 119-21. Accessed September 19, 2016.

“Theology Guide.” Accessed May 31, 2017.

Topic, By. “Study on Your Schedule with Our Online library.” Accessed September 19, 2016.

Turabian, Kate L., Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Vyhmeister, Nancy J. Your Indispensable Guide to Writing Quality Research Papers: For Students of Religion and Theology . Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub. House, 2001.

Weidenborner, Stephen, Domenick Caruso, and Gary Parks. Writing Research Papers: A Guide to the Process . Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011.

“Welcome to the Purdue OWL.” Purdue OWL. Accessed May 31, 2017.

“Writing Center.” The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Accessed May 31, 2017.

research paper ideas for theology

156 Theology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  • Jay E. Adams: A Theology of Christian Counseling Due to the fact that man is dependent on his creator, it can, therefore, be concluded that there is significant need for the use of theology in counseling.
  • The Origin of Humans: Mythology, Cosmology and Theology In religion, mythological cosmology deals with the study of a body of beliefs based on religious, mythological, historical and esoteric traditions about the creation and the origins of man and the universe.
  • Contemporary Roman Catholicism: Biblical Theology The Bible marks the foundation of Catholicism and Christianity grown on the pillars of the books contents, its translation and importantly its interpretation among the believers. Catholics believe in the Bible as their revelation to […]
  • Dispensationalism: Is It Biblical? The second aspects, which is portrayed in the definition, relates to the fact that God has allowed man the power of choice. In this case, it was noted that the aspect of dispensation date back […]
  • Muhammad Rashid Rida, a Prominent Islamic Theologian From these sources, Rida learnt of the risk that Christian European posed to the world of Islam and the need for a stronger Islam to counter this threat.
  • Philosophical Theology The marriage between philosophy and theology led to the birth of philosophical theology. Notable to mention is that, the theory of atonement was used both in philosophy and theology doctrines.
  • History of the Dalit Theology in India In Christianity, the main aim of women is to ensure that both genders are represented in the management of the affairs of the church.
  • Theology: Love of God Love for God is expressed in the fulfillment of His commandments. It is especially important if the speech concerns a conversation with people of a different cultural background0.
  • Perception and Understanding of Theology According to the definition of Etzel and Small, the study of historical theology focuses on the creation of doctrines over time and God’s acts, as shown in the history of the Christian church.
  • The Age of the Earth: Theological and Science Perspectives For the former, the answer is linked to God creating the Earth, while the latter try to discover methods that would provide hints and evidence of the actual date on which the Earth emerged.
  • Contemporary Accounts of Nature and Grace: Karl Rahner’s Christian Theology and Hindu Theology The studies have helped in the elimination of stereotypes against the followers of Hindu religion and encouraged Christian thinkers to reflect on the foundations of their religious beliefs through the motifs of Hindu.
  • Christianity: Theological Themes in Jesus Life The sensitivity of the matter have drawn the attention of many theologians to add their views and understanding of the events and circumstance of the life of Jesus Christ and his role as the founder […]
  • Religious Studies and Theology: Al-Hajj in Islam Al hajj is performed between the eighth and the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar. This period is called Dhu al-Hijjah.”The pilgrimage in this ceremony begins with the donning of the Ihram”.
  • Theology and Context of the Colossians Christ Hymn This paper examines the history, background, and context of the book of Colossians as well as the theology and significance of the Christ Hymn to a postmodern world. The authorship of the epistle to the […]
  • Role of Reason Within Theology Based on the doctrines that are presented by the modern church community, the understanding of the mysteries of faith comes through studying the science of God and the ideas that are considered in the Scripture.
  • Moral Theology and Ethics Principles The right approach is to follow the above discernible norms for the best behavior. Every believer should use the scriptures and natural laws in order to lead a better life.
  • ‘Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling’ by Mark McMinn Psychologists’ work is to guide people into unraveling the reality of life by pushing them to discover the self in a bid to get to the bottom of their own troubles.
  • Practical Theology and Church Visitor’s Authority Concept For the 21st century church, it is especially important to identify itself in the context of exile that is a resource of renovation, as stated by Beach.
  • Theology: Religion and Healthcare The methods of medicine are based on theological beliefs such as hospitality, the impossibility of healing the body without the soul, and medicine as a divine gift as life and the human body.
  • Image of Salvation: Everyday Theology The Bible presents a variety of representations of salvation that will rescue a person’s soul from the grip of original sin and give him access to the divine realm.
  • Theological History and Young-Earth Creation The recent history of mankind presents a new field for testing evolution and the creation of a young Earth against each other.
  • Pauline Theology in Moo’s and Schreiner’s Views Pauline theology relates to the beliefs of the apostle Paul about God, and the world, that he expressed in his letters in the New Testament and his thoughts recorded in the Book of Acts.
  • The Nile Valley vs. Western Cosmology and Theology The social ideals of the ancient Nile Valley cosmology and religion differ from those inherent in the cosmologies and theologies of Western civilization.
  • “Sanctification in Lutheran Theology” by Scaer Good deeds in the life of a Christian are not just abstinence from sin and evil but an opportunity to feel and reflect God’s love.
  • The Theology of Sound: A Critique of Orality I am interested in examining the history of communication and language by investigating the orality era in Walter Ong’s book, Orality and Literacy. Although the nature of orality is homeostatic, it carries a considerable way […]
  • Defense of God’s Love Using Systematic Theology The detailed analysis of the nature of God such as the living God implies that in His infinite spirit, He is alive and is the source and the support of every life form.
  • Supersessionism or Replacement Theology It is based on the suggestion that God has taken away the blessing gifted to Jewish people because of their sins and has given it to the church.
  • The Sermon on the Mount and Moral Theology The Sermon on the Mount is the Sermon of Jesus Christ, which expresses the essence of the New Testament moral law and its difference from the Old Testament.
  • Religious Pluralism and Theology of Religions Hick argues that mankind is in the process of transitioning from a perspective of Christianity as the one and only genuine faith to a novel comprehending of Christianity as part of many global religions, all […]
  • Developing a Christian Theology of Religions It concerns the fact that all people in Christianity are considered God’s slaves, and the concept of slavery is humiliating for everyone, especially today.
  • Teaching Theology: Augustinian Confessions The article under consideration is written by Stimming and deals with the use of Augustinian Confessions when teaching theology in the classroom.
  • Holy Trinity: A Modern Theological Approach The concept of the Trinity is revealed by the theologian using the example of the structural analysis of the Gospel of John.
  • Ethical Issues in Social Sciences, Humanities, Law and Theology The purpose of this report is to study the topics of research ethics, their principles, and those ethical responsibilities that researchers have both to the participants in the experiment and society as a whole.
  • Divine Love for Creation: A Modern Theological Approach Feinberg’s shift of emphasis is to preserve the idea of the salvation of the human soul and full divine sovereignty but changes the very modality of divine presence.
  • New Testament Church and Missional Theology Examining the ways of using the Missional Theory in encouraging compliance with the principles of the New Testament Church, one should focus closer on the values and ideas that the aid New Testament Church invites.
  • Liberation Theology in the United States One of the main reasons that contributed to the rapid development of liberation theology in America was the increased cases of oppression to the minority.
  • A Theological View on God and Religion in Creating Legal Laws Moral laws should base on God’s commands because; God is the giver of universal objectivity of morality, God gives the ultimate justice, and God is the creator and giver of all human knowledge.
  • Religious Studies and Theology The book which is 230 pages explores the 2005 anniversary of Fawkes gun powders plot as one of the most famous plots in world history.
  • What Was the Crime of Galileo? Article Analysis The first proposition was that the sun is the center of the universe and entirely immovable by location, while the second was that the earth is not the center of the universe nor immovable, but […]
  • “A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, and Salvation”: Liberation Theology in Latin America The liberation theology is concerned with the meaning of Christianity and the true mission of the Church which includes the fight against oppression.
  • Creation in the Ignatian Theological Context The Ignatian vision is one of the perspectives from which it is possible to study the creation of humanity, people’s relationship with God, and the ethical principles of life.
  • Implications of Theological and Psychological Reflections on Human Behavior The Bible talks about the works of the human flesh which are evident in the commission of sins and also warns about the dire consequences of not inheriting the kingdom of God.
  • Religious Studies & Theology This is a step that takes time to build and fulfill and the larger the number of intercessors, the larger the ministry will be.
  • Krishna, Vedas, Kami and Other Theological Concepts The concept has great significance in the Chinese religion and the philosopher, who introduced it, is considered to be a follower of Laozi.
  • Biblical Context of Women and Theology The difficulty in affirming the extent to which the term diaconate” means or the connotation of the rite by which women were ordained to diaconate is challenging to fix.
  • Religious Studies and Theology: Christianity As described by the author ” to be a catholic, therefore, is to be a kind of religious person, and a kind of Christian belonging to a specific Eucharistic faith-community within the worldwide, or ecumenical, […]
  • Religious Studies and Theology: The Old Testament Abraham’s faith continues to develop, and his bond with God strengthens when he is asked to take his son to a place where he will offer sacrifice to God. Abraham was a man of faith […]
  • Theological Imagination and Secularization Gorski noted that the separation of the state and religion, that had prevailed in the 19th century, generated the secularization that completely changed the basis of theological imaginations.
  • Lartey’s Postcolonializing God: An African Practical Theology Emmaneul Lartey’s Postcolonializing God: An African Practical Theology consists of six chapters that are accompanied by the author’s comments, elucidations, and demonstrative examples, testifying to the importance and adequacy of Lartey’s approach to the African […]
  • God and Darwin’s Evolution Theory: A Theological Approach The descent of God reiterates the theology of evolution in which Jesus postulates himself as a slave and not as God. Hence this makes the theology of nature and the essence of the entirety of […]
  • Religious Studies and Theology: Kumbh Mela This pilgrimage is said to be held in a variety of locations depending on the Planet Jupiter and the sun. What would be the result of a struggle between the gods and the demons?
  • Are Roman Williams’ Ideas on Theological Integrity Justified in Medieval Context? According to him, medieval theologians were not honest in their speeches and discourses, as they did not lead the people in the very right ways of the Christ, but in their own ways of thinking […]
  • Theological Teaching in the Flow of Christology The power of word and the power of spirit characterize Jesus one being of the Father and related to humanity as well.
  • Theology: Exposition of Matthew 24 and 25 The prophets of the Bible pointed out, and as what the Jews also believed, the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple in particular, and the places surrounding it was the foretold end of the world.
  • The Impact of Steven’s Ideas on Theology and Ministry Those theses might be listed as follows: the identification of reflective practice in the sphere of worship leading; the interrelationship of the already mentioned worship to doctrine, concerning such religious fields of it as “atonement”, […]
  • New Testament Theology: Introductions to the Books of the Bible In this verse, Paul urges the believers to emulate the example of Jesus Christ by being of a humble nature and obedient.
  • Religious Studies and Theology: Hinduism The religion places emphasis upon the importance of truth, like any other religion the main aim of Hinduism is to make the people aware of the supreme power and considering the same the people under […]
  • Salvation Concept in Christian Theology Jesus Christ was sent to the Earth to save people’s souls, and give the way to the kingdom of God. Due to this, it is significant to be conscious of the matter and some of […]
  • Theological Concept and Leadership Forces Leading is the activity of coordinating and maintaining the rapport of all members of the management towards achieving the objectives of an organization.
  • The Problem of Evil in Religion and Theology In the viewpoint of religion and theology, the issue of evil is the trouble of reconciliation the existence of evil or suffering in the world with the existence of a god.
  • Theology of Christian Marriage in “The Four Loves” by Lewis C.S. The Four Loves explores the nature of love from a Christian perspective through thought experiments and examples from literature wherein the “need-love” seen in a child for its mother, and the gift-love as exemplified by […]
  • Liberation Theology in Latin America Analysis Nevertheless, to the discomfort of the official church, the poverty issue was now fully in the political arena. During the decade of the 1960s sections of the church in parts of Latin America loosened the […]
  • Theology of the Old Testament. Religious Evolution The first or the primary stage of religious evolution is the Mana or Fetishism which is the most prehistoric stage of not only religion but the entire human race.
  • Theology, Interview, and Via Salutis In today’s world, much preference is given to individual relationships with the Lord, while both Old and New testaments pinpoint the importance of communion in the course of the Christian journey.
  • Islamic Theology and Philosophy These religions have fundamental differences in their approach to Allah, to the destiny of man, and the position of man in the world, to the sin, good, and evil, to the Judgment day and the […]
  • Historical Theology Structure In the structured essay below, you will be asked to compare and contrast reform in the Catholic church prior to the Reformation with that of Luther and Zwingli. Be sure to provide two sets that […]
  • Characteristic Theology and Practice of Religion Through the latter, the Orthodox believes that the fundamental purpose of the church is to glorify, bless, and praise the Holy trinity constituting the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Theology: The Quran and Its Exegesis In his book ‘Major Themes of the Quran’, Rahman seeks to explain the teachings provided in the Quran. She is of the opinion that God is close to man.
  • Theology: “The Early Narratives of Genesis” by James Orr It is against this awakening that the creation of Earth should not be seen as a myth but a true account of what actually transpired.
  • “The Last Wave” Film and Its Theological Concepts Symbols in the film connect the spirit of nature with the mystical experience of the tribe and prophetic dreams of the main hero.
  • Worship, Its Historical and Theological Evaluation And it is possible to say, that the same telos is represented in the service outlined in the second part of the assignment. The achievement of the new life and the good associated with it […]
  • Black Liberation Theology and Black Movement The idea of equality in the face of God is the major point of connection between the Black Theology and the Black Power Movement.
  • Psychology and Theology in Christian Counseling On the negative side is that prayers might enhance the relationship between the client and the counselor to the level of the patient thinking the counseling prayers are enough to sustain him.
  • Theology: “The Powers That Be” by Walter Wink The topic of the book is spiritual and religious; it is the continuation of previous works of the author on the exploration of the powers that guide human lives, and the way they may provide […]
  • Poverty in “A Theology of Liberation” by Gutierrez The most critical aspect in which this state deviates from the former two is that a poor person perfectly understands the necessity to abide with God and, simultaneously, the debilitating effect of poverty.
  • Book of Exodus in Judeo-Christian Theology The book of Exodus is one of the fundamental points of Judeo-Christian theology in that it depicts the end of slavery and the commencement of the newly emancipated Jew’s journey to the Promised Land.
  • Historical Theology: The Main Ideas of Reformation The figure of Martin Luther and his importance for the appearance and development of new ideas is described. However, Luther hoped for the peaceful reformation of society and church.
  • Theology and Ethics of Early Christianity: Paul’s and James’ Teachings The works of Paul have been criticized by a group of scholars who believe that they have massive contradiction from the works of other apostles, especially James, who was one of the disciples of Jesus.
  • Mythology and Theology: Joseph Campbell’s Views This paper will try to explore the relationship between theology and mythology in respect of Joseph Campbell. According to Campbell, in his article “The Power of Myth,” mythology relates very closely to theology.
  • Luke-Acts Theological Content In the parables of the Pharisee and the tax collector and the persistent widow in Luke 18: 1-8, the essence of prayer intensely comes out as a distinctive tool that executes desired changes.
  • Christian Prophets’ Teachings – Theology It refers to the worship of other ‘gods’ apart from the heavenly God, who is the creator of the heavens and the earth.
  • Holy Spirit in Today’s World – Theology The Scriptures tend to take up a most important part in God’s dealing with human beings, and it is, therefore, not surprising to learn that more often than not, people have replaced the role of […]
  • Theology as a Contributor to War From the book of Genesis in the Old Testament, the first war is portrayed between two brothers. The chain of command and science of war was long overdue in the theological world.
  • William Paley’s Natural Theology Paley’s argument on the existence of God, the way he compares and contrasts God and his creation with a watch and a watchmaker, is relevant and to some extent realistic.
  • Cloning in Terms of Society and Theology The aim of this paper is to establish the implications of cloning on society and understand the theologians are saying about cloning.
  • Human Rights in Relation to Catholic Theology The church declared the acts of slavery as infamy and conjured to discourage slavery since it was dishonored God and destroyed the lived of many people.
  • History of Christian Theology The life of Jesus Christ as a man who was born and lived in Bethlehem in Israel and his verbal teachings are used as the anchors of Christianity as a religion.
  • John Hick Philosophical Theology The theory’s hypotheses are internally coherent, in consent with the Christianity religious tradition, and the world is revealed from the natural and moral evil facts, and scientific inquiry. Through this, God will bring back justice […]
  • Foundations of the Living Science of Moral Theology He questioned the care that god provide to humans and the equality before the eyes of God. It is the truth of God that is being applied to the lives of human beings that they […]
  • Chapters 23-32 in John Frame’s “Systematic Theology” While focusing on Part IV “The Doctrine of the Word of God” and Part V “The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God” from John Frame’s Systematic Theology, it is possible to note that these parts […]
  • Chapters 1-12 in Frame’s Systematic Theology Chapters 1-12 from John Frame’s Systematic Theology provide the background for understanding the idea of theology in general and systematic theology in particular and present the information on the basic definitions, the Biblical Story, and […]
  • The Main Problems of “Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief” by John Frame One of the best ways to solve this problem is to approach it from the point of view of God’s love for mankind.
  • “Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief” by John M. Frame The book goes further to analyze God’s will and power. Christians should use this book in order to establish the best relationships with their God.
  • “On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspective in Medical Ethics” by Stephen Lammers and Allen Verhey One of the strongest and captivating essays in this book is the one by Edmund Pellegrino, “The Necessity, Promise, and Dangers of Human Experimentation”, because the author touches upon different aspects to analyze one and […]
  • Overview and Analysis of Hispanic & Latino Theology The Hispanic theology is shown as a representation of the religious and theological inflections of the Hispanic people staying in the United States.
  • God in Christianity: Theology and Philosophy The Author of “The Shape of Catholic Theology “tries to explain the importance of God in Christianity and how theology relates to philosophy.
  • Historical and Theological Context of Byzantine Iconoclasm The need to ensure that the actions and beliefs of the people of the Byzantine Empire were acceptable to Christ, and drew favor from the heavens, was born out of the prevalent belief of the […]
  • Theology, Philosophy and Science in Islamic Civilization In conclusion, it is evident that there was coexistence between theology, philosophy and science in the making of the Islamic civilization.
  • Implications of Inter-Religious Dialog Towards a Universal Theology of Religion For any inter-religious dialogue to take place effectively, there are some rules that have to be adhered to, the main purpose of initiating the dialogue should be considered by the two parties involved.
  • Christian Theological Entities In other aspects, the term describes a community of protestant churches whose hallmark lies in their contrarian approach to theological and doctrinal interpretation of scriptures and Christian beliefs. Catholicism should learn and appreciate the importance […]
  • Nursing Theology To non-Christians, the moral and social principles should guide the nursing professionals whereas to Christians the feeling of love should motivate the nurses.
  • John Gresham Machen: American Theologian At a certain interval of consciousness, he wrote a telegram with the help of a colleague that proved to his colleagues to have been his last word to the faithful.
  • Theology of Hope: Moltmann and Pannenberg Based on the founders of the dogma, theology of hope analyses eschatology from the resurrection of the Messiah onwards rather from the creation of the universe.
  • Religious Studies and Theology- Major Themes in Quran This is one of the scriptures which indicate that God is in control of the events happening in the Universe. This is reflective of the love of God to man.
  • Evil in the Theology and Practice of Hinduism and Christianity To understand the concept of evil in Hinduism one should understand the meaning the concept of karma, which is believed to be one of the simplest and at the same time one of the most […]
  • What is Theology – Faith and Reason in Theology Paul Ricoeur specialized in philosophy and of relevance to this paper are his thoughts on the effect of the past on the present.
  • Tasting the Fruit From the Tree of Knowledge: The Many Ways to Consider and Handle the Torrent of Information From a Theological Standpoint One of the obvious advantages of the information torrent is that it can be used as a powerful means to help spread the Word of God and His commandments to begin with.
  • The Book of Genesis: Towards Understanding Creation Theology The theology of creation as reflected in Genesis presents the Church’s thinking and views about the relationship between the almighty God and the physical world as it is informed by our own comprehension of the […]
  • Who Is God in Theology?
  • What Is a Theological Idea?
  • How Does Contextual Theology Apply to the Crisis in Syria?
  • What Role Does Tradition Play Within Theology?
  • How Does Sacramental Theology Describe the Symbolic Link Between God and Christians?
  • What Are the Effects of Greek Culture on Christian Theology?
  • Why Do Scientific Research and Proofs Often Disagree With Christian Theology?
  • What Is the Value of Theology?
  • Does Dispensation Theology Differ From Covenant Theology?
  • What Are Ways That Theology Helps Us?
  • Why Do We Need to Have Basic Knowledge and Ideas of Theology?
  • What Is the Basis of Theology?
  • How Could Theology Be of Help to Our World?
  • What Is Christian Theology? Is It the Same for All Christians? Should It Be?
  • Who Is Jesus Christ in Christian Theology?
  • What Is the Importance of Theology?
  • How Is Theology Related to Religion?
  • What Is Theology Reflection?
  • How Is Theology Applicable in Education?
  • What Is Theology of Faith?
  • How Can Studying Theology Help You in Your College Life and Your Future Professional Practice?
  • Is Theology Still Relevant Today?
  • What Do Theologians Do?
  • Who Founded Theology?
  • What Is the Difference Between Theology and Christianity?
  • Why Is Natural Theology Important?
  • Is Theology Part of Philosophy?
  • How Does Theology Relate to the Bible?
  • What Is Educational Theology?
  • Why Is Systematic Theology Important?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 3). 156 Theology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"156 Theology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 3 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '156 Theology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 3 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "156 Theology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "156 Theology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024.


IvyPanda . "156 Theology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 3, 2024.

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Exploring Faith and Belief: Religious Research Paper Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 Challenges in Religious Research Paper Topics
  • 2.1 Christian Research Paper Topics
  • 2.2 Islam Research Topics
  • 2.3 Siddhartha Essay Topics
  • 2.4 Buddhism Essay Topics
  • 2.5 Hinduism Research Paper Topics
  • 2.6 Judaism Religion
  • 2.7 Theology Research Paper Topics

Exploring the realm of religion opens a multitude of avenues for scholarly inquiry. Research papers on religion delve into profound questions that have captivated humanity throughout history. These studies not only illuminate the intricacies of faith and belief systems but also examine their profound impact on culture, society, and personal identity.

Choosing a research topic about religion requires a thoughtful consideration of a wide spectrum of beliefs, practices, and philosophical interpretations. From the rituals that bind communities to the spiritual philosophies that drive individual conduct, religion research topics offer a rich tapestry of areas for academic exploration. With such diversity, the challenge lies in pinpointing a singular path that resonates with both current discourse and timeless questions of the human experience.

Challenges in Religious Research Paper Topics

Navigating religious research paper topics presents a unique set of challenges. Crafting research questions about religion demands sensitivity and a deep understanding of diverse belief systems. Scholars often grapple with the subjective nature of spirituality, striving to maintain academic rigor while exploring profoundly personal and often religious controversial topics. The multifaceted nature of religious research paper topics also requires an interdisciplinary approach, intersecting with history, sociology, psychology, and theology.

Additionally, researchers must balance insider and outsider perspectives, often working to gain the trust of faith communities while preserving critical distance. Research papers on religion must also contend with varying interpretations of sacred texts and practices, which can vary widely even within a single tradition. Moreover, the dynamic nature of religion, constantly evolving in the face of modernity and globalization, poses a challenge to researchers aiming to capture the contemporary religious landscape accurately. The task, then, is to approach these topics with a blend of scholarly curiosity, methodological precision, and cultural competence.

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List of 70 Religion Topics to Write About

Embark on an intellectual journey with this curated list of 70 religion topics, each offering a unique window into the diverse ways faith shapes and is shaped by the world we live in.

Christian Research Paper Topics

Diving into Christianity offers a rich vein of inquiry for scholars. These biblical topics for research papers present fresh perspectives on age-old discussions, inviting a deeper understanding of one of the world’s most-followed faiths.

  • The Evolution of Christian Thought in Postmodern Society
  • Analyzing the Role of Women in Early Christian Communities
  • The Influence of Christian Ethics on Modern Business Practices
  • Cross-Cultural Interpretations of Christian Symbols in Global Contexts
  • The Impact of Digital Media on Christian Worship and Community
  • Environmental Stewardship and its Theological Roots in Christianity
  • The Psychological Effects of Christian Practices on Mental Health
  • A Comparative Study of Christian Mysticism and Contemporary Spiritual Movements
  • The Political Expressions of Liberation Theology in Latin America
  • Christian Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and Bioethics

Islam Research Topics

The study of Islam uncovers a tapestry of cultural, theological, and historical themes. These research topics on religion provide a platform for a nuanced exploration of Islam’s multifaceted impact on the world.

  • Modern Interpretations of Sharia Law in Various Islamic Societies
  • The Role of Sufism in Contemporary Islamic Practice
  • Islamic Economic Principles and Their Application in the 21st Century
  • Gender Dynamics within Islamic Theology and Practice
  • Islamic Artistic Expression in the Digital Age
  • The Influence of Islam on Classical Scientific Discovery and Philosophy
  • The Political Significance of Islam in Non-Majority Muslim Countries
  • Interfaith Dialogues between Islamic and Western Philosophical Traditions
  • The Evolution of Islamic Educational Institutions from Classical to Modern Times
  • The Representation of Islam in Western Media and its Societal Impact

Siddhartha Essay Topics

Hermann Hesse’s “Siddhartha” is a rich narrative ripe for exploration, intertwining themes of self-discovery and spirituality. These religion topics to write about offer a pathway to understanding the profound messages embedded in this classic tale.

  • The Concept of Enlightenment in Siddhartha Versus Traditional Buddhist Teachings
  • River Imagery as a Symbol of Life’s Journey in Siddhartha
  • Siddhartha’s Relationship with Nature as a Reflection of His Spiritual Quest
  • The Influence of Hermann Hesse’s Personal Beliefs on the Portrayal of Religion in Siddhartha
  • Comparing Siddhartha’s Ascetic Life with Modern Minimalist Movements
  • The Role of Mentorship and its Impact on Siddhartha’s Spiritual Evolution
  • The Dichotomy of Material Wealth and Spiritual Fulfillment in Siddhartha
  • Siddhartha’s Search for Authenticity Amidst Societal Expectations
  • The Function of Love in Siddhartha’s Journey Towards Self-Actualization
  • Relevance of Siddhartha’s Lessons in the Context of Contemporary Religious Practice

Buddhism Essay Topics

Buddhism, with its profound philosophical foundations and global influence, provides a fertile ground for scholarly exploration. These religious research topics and world religion paper topics delve into the heart of Buddhist doctrine and its practical implications in today’s world.

  • The Intersection of Buddhist Philosophy and Contemporary Psychotherapy
  • Ethical Consumption and Environmentalism through the Lens of Buddhist Teachings
  • The Role of Meditation in Modern Healthcare as Influenced by Buddhism
  • Analysis of Buddhist Responses to the Challenges of Globalization
  • The Adaptation of Zen Aesthetics in Western Art and Architecture
  • Buddhist Principles in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Efforts
  • The Impact of Technological Advancements on Traditional Buddhist Practices
  • A Study of Gender Roles within Buddhist Monastic Communities
  • The Influence of Buddhism on Western Philosophical Thought
  • Exploring the Growth of Buddhist Tourism and its Cultural Impacts

Hinduism Research Paper Topics

Hinduism’s rich tapestry of mythology, philosophy, and cultural practices presents an expansive field for academic inquiry. The following religion topics for research paper encompass both the depth of Hindu traditions and contemporary issues, offering a platform for insightful discourse.

  • Analyzing the Impact of Hinduism on India’s Environmental Policies
  • Feminine Divinity in Hinduism and its Influence on Gender Roles
  • The Evolution of Hindu Temple Architecture Over Centuries
  • Caste System Interpretations in Modern Hindu Society
  • Yoga as a Global Phenomenon: Origins and Transformations from Hindu Traditions
  • The Role of Hinduism in Forming India’s National Identity
  • The Philosophy of Karma and its Relevance to Modern Ethics
  • Ayurveda: Ancient Hindu Science of Health in the Modern Wellness Industry
  • The Dynamics of Hindu Pilgrimage: Economy, Ecology, and Tradition
  • Hindu Rituals and their Psychological Implications in Contemporary Practice


Judaism Religion

The exploration of Judaism offers insights into one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions, rich with history and tradition. While the following topics are not centered on religion research paper topics, they reflect the depth and diversity inherent in Jewish studies.

  • The Influence of Jewish Mysticism on Contemporary Religious Thought
  • The Preservation of Jewish Traditions in Diaspora Communities
  • Jewish Perspectives on Bioethics and Modern Medical Dilemmas
  • The Role of the Synagogue in Jewish Cultural and Religious Life
  • The Impact of the Holocaust on Theological Understandings in Judaism
  • Jewish Contributions to Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding
  • The Evolution of Kosher Laws and Their Application in the Food Industry
  • The Intersection of Jewish Law and Modern State Legislation
  • The Role of Hebrew Language Revival in Jewish Identity Formation
  • Jewish Feminist Theology and its Quest for Gender Equality in Religious Practice

Theology Research Paper Topics

Theology, the systematic study of the divine, invites scholars to probe the depths of religious belief and practice. These theology research paper topics are designed to inspire critical thought and original analysis on various aspects of spiritual inquiry.

  • The Role of Prophecy in Abrahamic Religions Comparative Study
  • Liberation Theology’s Influence on Social Justice Movements
  • Theological Responses to the Problem of Evil in Different Faiths
  • The Impact of Feminist Theology on Traditional Religious Practices
  • The Integration of Theology and Science in the Modern World
  • The Concept of the Afterlife in Theological and Philosophical Perspectives
  • Ecumenism and the Pursuit of Christian Unity in Theology
  • Theological Underpinnings of Contemporary Environmental Ethics
  • The Influence of Digital Media on Theological Education
  • The Role of Ritual in Expressing and Shaping Theological Beliefs

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research paper ideas for theology


Theological Research and Writing: 3. Developing a Topic

  • 1. Research
  • 2. Theological Information
  • Research Question and Thesis
  • Bibliography
  • Information Retrieval
  • 5. Evaluating Sources
  • 7. Use the Tutor

What you'll learn:

 Before you move on to the next page, you will:

  • Learn how to investigate a topic
  • Learn how to narrow or broaden a topic
  • Learn how to develop a research question
  • ​ Learn how to write a thesis statement

Use Your Study Bible!

Analyzing the assignment.

Example:  “The student is required to write a 10-12 page research paper on a topic of his or her choice.  The student’s choice is limited to the intertestamental period, background information on Jewish society in the first century, the four Gospels, and Acts….”

Resources for Further Study

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Developing a topic

   Developing your topic will shape your research experience and your research will shape your topic in ways you could not have foreseen before opening the books.  The more you read scholarly writings throughout your academic career, the easier it will be to see topics emerge.  The more you read and take notes on your topic area, the easier it will be to zero in on a topic which is neither too broad, nor too narrow.  This section will help you develop a topic, taking it from a general concept to a specific discussion.

Investigating a topic

Investigate your topic by looking up general information you can use to help you in your search.  Your goal is to familiarize yourself with the key terms you will need to search for further information.

Why:     Investigating a topic is like creating a sketch.  When you understand the context of your topic and possesses the language required to search for information about it, you are empowered to find relevant information sources.  

What you are looking for:   Let's say you intend to research the Metropolitan Tabernacle, an English Baptist church pastored by both John Gill and Charles Spurgeon.  You would look for various key terms related to the topic, as well as general information to help you locate the topic within its various spheres.

Key Terms- Dates:  1650 (founded).  1688 (first chapel built), 1854 (Spurgeon became pastor). Names:  William Rider. Benjamin Keach.  John Gill.  John Rippon. Charles Spurgeon.  Thomas Spurgeon. (Pastors) Places:  London, England.  Park Street.  Surrey Gardens Music Hall.  Elephant and Castle. Ideas:  Non-conformist.   English Baptist.

Where to look:  You might gain a lot of this information from a reference in your text book or a class lecture.  However, you should continue your investigation by consulting  general reference resources: Encyclopedias Your textbook Dictionaries Wikipedia Web pages

Important:  General Reference Resources are not good sources for use in writing a research paper.  The information is too general and far removed from primary sources.

Narrowing a Topic

Read the assignment prompt in the box to the left and consider the following topic: The Messiah   -     Too Broad!  You could study this topic in Old Testament too!

How to narrow a topic: 1. Ask questions regarding what you would like to know about a topic:

What does the New Testament say about the Messiah? What were first-century Jews looking for in the Messiah?

2. Specify the context:

Choose a particular book, in this case, a gospel. Choose a time period.  First Century, inter-testimental period, etc. Taking these steps, you might decide upon one of the following topics:

“Jesus’ fulfillment of Messianic Prophecies according to the Gospel of Matthew”  or "Jewish expectations regarding the coming Messiah during the inter-testimental period"  

Broadening a Topic

Consider this topic

Syrophoenecian women of the Gospels   -     Too Narrow!  There's only one in the Gospels.

How to broaden a topic:

1. Replace specifics with more general language.

"Syrophoenecian women" becomes "gentiles" because there's too little content.  

2. Trade specific issues for their larger context.

The issue here is not Jesus treatment of "Syrophoenecian women," but Jesus treatment of gentiles altogether.  You could also consider Jesus' treatment of women.

3. Avoid jargon.

Use of phrases like "once saved, always saved" make for very narrow topics.  

With these things in mind, you might broaden your topic to:

“Jesus’ treatment of Gentiles in the Gospels.” or "The role of women in Jesus' ministry."

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Reference resources for topic investigation

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Topics for study... Building the basis for a systematic theology

Authors' Bias | Interpretation: conservative

This is an organized and logical index of various topics with each having its corresponding articles / lessons. This organization enables you to study a topic within the context of the Bible.

Is this systematic theology? No. However, this is an example of how one can begin building the basis for their own organized view of theology. This example is to encourage you to develop a thorough and comprehensive systematic theology.

Theology (what Christians believe) is the basis for Ethics (how Christians ought to apply what they believe) which leads to Experience and Practice (what Christians do). Don't get it backwards; experience and practice does not replace the Bible as the basis of theology!

Articles are rated by their literary ease: easiest (+) to more academic (+++). [ Note : None of us will arrive at a perfect theology... Read more ]

Jesus Christ

Holy spirit, human beings, christian living.

  • Eschatology

Scripture Index

Biblical Archaeology Index

  • Overview    Systematic Theology - Theology Proper: Discovering the Reality of God (2017) +
  • Personal God Names of God    The Names of God (Part 1): YHWH (2016) +    The Names of God (Part 2): The Names God calls Himself (2016) +    The Names of God (Part 3): The Names Jesus calls God (2016) +    The Names of God (Part 4): The Names Men call God (2016) +    The Vine and the Vinedresser (E. Radmacher, 2002) + Triune    Forming the doctrine of the Trinity… historical background (2003) +    In the beginning…how can God be both three and one? (2003) ++    The Trinity…equal or hierarchal? (2002) +
  • Attributes of God Nature    The Nature of God (Part 1): God is Eternal (2016) +    The Nature of God (Part 2): God is Omnipotent (2016) +    The Nature of God (Part 3): God is Omnipresent (2016) +    The Nature of God (Part 4): God is Omniscient (2016) +    The Nature of God (Part 5): God is Immutable (2016) +    Sovereign and Graceful (2008) ++    Daniel's Message to the Masses (2017) +    What does the foreknowledge of God mean? (2010) +    Does God "Repent" or Change His Mind? (W. Maier III, 2010) ++    What does the term "foreknow" mean? (2014) ++    What does it mean "God is immutable?" (2010) +    The Glory of God (Part 1): The Glory of God (2020) ++ Character    The Character of God (Part 1): What Does God Say About His Character? (2016) ++    The Character of God (Part 2): God is Love (2016) ++    The Character of God (Part 3): God is Good (2016) ++    The Character of God (Part 4): What does it mean "God is righteous?" (2017) +    The Difference Between Grace and Forgiveness (Part 1): Grace in the Old Testament (2020) ++
  • Works of God His Creation    Astronomical Insights (B. Setterfield, 2001) +    The Creation of Angels (2004) +    Observing the Creation of Man (2005) +    Why Did God Create Man? (2008) + His Covenants    Understanding Covenants (Part 1): Divine Covenants… the basis for a plan of salvation… (2001) ++    Understanding Covenants (Part 2): Divine Covenants… the Law… (2002) ++    Understanding Covenants (Part 3): Divine Covenants… the Land… (2002) ++    Understanding Covenants (Part 4): Divine Covenants… the King… (2002) ++    Understanding Covenants (Part 5): Divine Covenants… the New Covenant (2002) ++    Understanding Covenants (Part 6): What is and Why the Old and New Testament? (2008) ++    How and why the Mosaic Covenant is essential to the Abrahamic Covenant (2018) ++    Why Did God Make the New Covenant? (2020) ++    Herod's Slaughter of Innocents a fulfillment of prophecy? (2021) +    Gentiles and Divine Covenants (2002) ++    Cultural revelations… limitations of the Law… (2001) +    Do you keep all or part of the Mosaic Law? (2002) +    What is Sanctification (Part 2): How does God sanctify human beings? (2014) ++    What does "lovingkindness" mean? (2015) ++    If God has the power to resurrect, was there a real cost to Jesus' sacrifice? (2015) +    The Book of Life (2020) +    The Significance of Christmas (2024) + His Kingdom    Mysterious Nature of God's Kingdom (Part 1): Is there a difference: Kingdom of God verses the Kingdom of Heaven? (2011) ++    Mysterious Nature of God's Kingdom (Part 2): What does the Kingdom of God" mean in the Old Testament? (2011) +    Mysterious Nature of God's Kingdom (Part 3): Why is the kingdom of God a secret? (2011) +    Mysterious Nature of God's Kingdom (Part 9): What is the Kingdom of God? Is it present or in the future? (2012) ++    New Heaven and New Earth (2017) ++    First Fruits? (2021) ++    Understanding God's Plan (2023) ++ His Judgment    Divine Judgement (Part 1): What Does "Judgment" Mean? (2016) ++    Divine Judgement (Part 2): God's Work of Judgment (2016) ++    Divine Judgement (Part 4): The Day of the Lord (2016) ++    Divine Judgement (Part 6): The First Four Seals (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 7): The Fifth Seal (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 8): The Sixth Seal (D. Mar, 2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 9): The Seventh Seal and the First 4 Trumpets (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 10): The Fifth Trumpet (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 11): The Sixth Trumpet (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 12): The Seventh Trumpet (2017) ++    Divine Judgement (Part 14): The First Six Bowls (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 15): The Seventh Bowl (2017) +    The Function of Interludes (Part 3): The Doom of Babylon (2017) ++
  • Overview    Systematic Theology - Christology: Learn the facts about Jesus (2018) +
  • Deity of Christ Attributes of God    Cultural revelations…limitations of the Law… (2001) ++    Confronting personal sin…to omit or admit? (2001) +    Who Do I Worship (Part 1): Jesus the Son of God (2018) ++    The Difference Between Grace and Forgiveness (Part 2): Grace in the New Testament (2020) ++    The Glory of God (Part 2): Jesus Glorified (2020) ++    The Trinity…equal or hierarchal? (2002) + Humanity of Christ   -His Genealogy      Preeminence of Christ (Part 1): Firstborn and the Law of Primogeniture (Birthright) (2005) ++      Preeminence of Christ (Part 2): What does it mean, "Jesus is the firstborn of all Creation?" (2017) +      Preeminence of Christ (Part 3): Jesus' Pre-eminence and Position over all Creation (2017) +      What's in a name? A look at genealogies… (2001) ++      The Chiasm of John 1:1-18 (2018) ++   -His Humaness      What does incarnate mean? (2018) ++      Images can be striking and symbolic (2001) +      The Transfiguration of Jesus (2016) ++      Jesus as the Image of God (2018) ++
  • Personal Christ Messianic Prophecies    Messianic Prophecies (Part 1): Why did the Jews fail to understand the prophecies pointing to the Messiah? (2018) ++    Messianic Prophecies (Part 2): Messianic prophecies of Jesus' name, birth, and origin (2018) ++    Messianic Prophecies (Part 3): The significance of two prophecies concerning John the Baptist (2018) ++    Messianic Prophecies (Part 4): The suffering Servant (2018) ++    Messianic Prophecies (Part 5): The Light (2018) ++    Messianic Prophecies (Part 6): Crucifying the unblemished Shepherd King (2018) ++ Names of Christ    Who is "the Angel of the Lord / God"? (2007) ++    The Names of God (Part 5): The Names God / Holy Spirit Call Jesus (2016) +    The Names of God (Part 6): The Names Jesus Calls Himself (2016) +    The Names of God (Part 7): The Names Men Call Jesus (2016) +    The Names of God (Part 8): The Proper Name and Title of Jesus Christ Messiah (2017) ++    The Vine and the Vinedresser (E. Radmacher, 2002) +    Images can be striking and symbolic (2001) +
  • Ministry of Christ Geography    The Basic Geography of Jesus' Ministry (J. C. Laney, 2002) + His Parables / Teaching    What is a Parable? (2011) +    Interpretation…do you get the point? (J. C. Laney, 2001) +    What is Grace? (2001) +    Defining moments…the difference between mercy and grace…(D. Mar, 2002) +    A response to Pharisees: The Parable of the Unclean Spirit Who Returns (2008) +    Mysterious Nature of God's Kingdom (Part 4): The Parable of the Sower (2011) ++    Mysterious Nature of God's Kingdom (Part 5): The Parable of the Tares (2011) +    Mysterious Nature of God's Kingdom (Part 6): The Parables of the Mustard Seed and Yeast (2011) +    Mysterious Nature of God's Kingdom (Part 7): The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Costly Pearl (2012) +    Mysterious Nature of God's Kingdom (Part 8): The Parable of the Dragnet (2012) +    The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (2012) +    Parables rebuking Jewish Religious Leaders (Part 1): The Parable of the Two Sons (2012) +    Parables rebuking Jewish Religious Leaders (Part 2): The Parable of the Wicked Tenants (2012) ++    Parables rebuking Jewish Religious Leaders (Part 3): The Parable of the Wedding Banquet (2012) ++    The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (2012) +    Why did Jesus desire children to come before Him? (2019) +    On the Reaction to Tax Collectors and Sinners (Part 1): Lost Sheep and Lost Coin - the Lesson to Jewish Religious Authorities (2020) ++    On the Reaction to Tax Collectors and Sinners (Part 2): Prodigal Son - the Lesson to the Righteous (2020) ++    On the Reaction to Tax Collectors and Sinners (Part 3): Shrewd Manager - the Lesson to the Disciples (2020) ++    On the Reaction to Tax Collectors and Sinners (Part 4): Rich Man Poor Man - the Lesson to Everyone (2020) ++    You are the Salt of the Earth, You are the Light of the World (2022) ++
  • Work of Christ His Crucifixion    Keeping track of time…timing is everything… (2001) ++    The Certificate of Debt and the charges of Fallen Angels (2005) +    The confusion posed by the Apostles' Creed: Did Jesus descend into Hell? (2008) +    What is Atonement (Part 1): What does "It is finished" mean? A word study of John 19:30 (2009) +    What is Atonement (Part 2): Substitution… the basis of atonement (2009) ++    What is Atonement (Part 3): A Word Study of the Greek Terms Hilastērion and Hilasmos: Expiation verses Propitiation (2009) ++    What is Atonement (Part 4): Gaining a sense of the Hebrew meaning of redeem (gā'al)… The love of Ruth and Boaz (2009) +    What is Atonement (Part 5): Ransom Redemption… An Objective Aspect of Atonement (2009) ++    What is Atonement (Part 6): Liberation Redemption… The Subjective Aspect of Atonement (2009) ++    What is Atonement (Part 7): Did Jesus Die for "Many" or Did He Die for "All"? The Controversy Of Limited Atonement(2009) ++    What is Atonement (Part 8): Limited verses Unlimited Atonement: An examination of the proof texts used in the controversy (2009) ++    What is Atonement (Part 9): Does God reconcile Himself or is it man who is reconciled? (2009) +    What is Sanctification (Part 3): How does Jesus sanctify human beings? (2014) ++    If God has the power to resurrect, was there a real cost to Jesus' sacrifice? (2015) +    Who Do I Worship (Part 2): Jesus the Messiah (2018) ++    On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ (William D. Edwards, MD; Wesley J. Gabel, MDiv; Floyd E. Hosmer, MS, AMI, 2022) ++ His Ascension    Did Jesus Ascend Twice to Heaven? (2015) +    Who Do I Worship (Part 3): Jesus the Glory of God (2018) ++ His Judgment    The Seven Woes of Pharisees, The Chiasm of Matthew 23:13-32 (2022) +    Divine Judgment (Part 3): Jesus Christ's Work of Judgment (2016) ++    Divine Judgment (Part 5): Message to the Churches (2016) ++    What is Jesus' Second Coming? (2020) +    Divine Judgment (Part 13): The Reaping (2017) ++    Divine Judgment (Part 16): The Juxtaposition of the Marriage and Armageddon (2017) ++    Divine Judgment (Part 17): The Millennium and the Judge (2017) ++
  • Overview    Systematic Theology - Pneumatology: All About the Holy Spirit (2015) +
  • Deity of the Holy Spirit Divinity    Is the Holy Spirit a Diety? (2015) +    What divine work does the Holy Spirit do? (2015) +    The Unpardonable Sin: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (2015) +    Inspiration and the Holy Spirit (2015) ++    Testing the Holy Spirit… The Mistake of Ananias and Sapphira (2007) +    The Seven Spirits of God (2018) +
  • Nature of the Holy Spirit Personal Being    What is the Holy Spirit? (2015) +    The Names of God (Part 9): The Names Used for the Holy Spirit (2016) +    The Trinity…equal or hierarchal? (2002) +    How do figures of speech help you visualize the Holy Spirit? (2015) ++
  • Works of Holy Spirit Ministry to Christians    The Holy Spirit inside of me?! (2003) +    The Holy Spirit in the New Testament…working in the Believer's life… (2003) +    Baptism verses Filling (Part 2): What does it mean "baptism in / with the Holy Spirit?" (2015) ++    Baptism verses Filling (Part 3): What is "filling" or being "full of the Spirit?" (2015) ++    Baptism verses Filling (Part 4): What does it mean "be filled with the Spirit?" (2015) ++    Disciple Making - The Filling of the Holy Spirit (K. Payne, 2006) +    What is Regeneration (Part 3): Regeneration or not... the discernment of the Holy Spirit (2014) +    What is Sanctification (Part 4): How does the Holy Spirit sanctify human beings? (2014) ++    Fruit of the Spirit (Part 1): Implications of the Fruit of the Spirit: Liberty (2015) +    Fruit of the Spirit (Part 2): Fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy and Peace (2015) ++    Fruit of the Spirit (Part 3): Fruit of the Patience, Kindness and Goodness (2015) ++    Fruit of the Spirit (Part 4): Fruit of the Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control (2015) ++ Ministry to the Church    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 1): What are Spiritual Gifts? (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 2): Some Interesting Questions… (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 3): Are Celibacy and Marriage Spiritual Gifts? (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 4): Apostleship / Apostle and Prophecy / Prophet (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 5): Evangelist, Pastor and Teaching / Teacher (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 6): Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 7): Exhortation (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 8): Wisdom and Knowledge (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 9): Service and Helps (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 10): Leading and Administration (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 11): Giving and Mercy (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 12): Healing and Miracles (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 13): Faith and Distinguishing Spirits (2015) ++
  • Overview    Systematic Theology - Who wrote the Pentateuch? (2006) +
  • Transmission / Translation Process    Development of the Bible's Canon (Part 1): What Qualifies a Book To Be In the Old Testament? (2020) ++    Development of the Bible's Canon (Part 2): The Old Testament Apocrypha (2020) ++    Development of the Bible's Canon (Part 3): What Qualifies a Book To Be In the New Testament? (2020) ++    Development of the Bible's Canon (Part 4): The Councils (2020) ++    How We Got Our Bible (Part 1): Copying the Old and New Testament Manuscripts (K. Barker, 2001) +    How We Got Our Bible (Part 2): Language and the Early Manuscripts (K. Barker, 2001) +    How We Got Our Bible (Part 3): Translating the Bible into English (K. Barker, 2001) +    How We Got Our Bible (Part 4): The American Translations of the Bible (K. Barker, 2001) +    How We Got Our Bible (Part 5): Hearing God's Word Through a Good Translation (K. Barker, 2001) +    A closer look into Jewish scribal customs… (2001) +    What is the Masorah? (2012) +    What is an Emendation? (2012) +    The Reality of Copyists' Errors (B. Thompson and E. Lyons, 2002) ++    430 Years in Egypt? (2019) +    What makes the Bible so distinctive from other religious books? (2001) +    Do the manuscript copies truly reflect the originals? (2001) +    The challenge of making a Bible translation: a 2 step process… (2001) +    How did the Bible get its chapters and verses? (2003) +    What's Wrong with Gender-Neutral Bible Translations? (W. Grudem, 1997) ++ Old Testament    The Significance of Divine Names (2006) ++    Variations in Diction and Style (2006) ++    Parallel or Duplicate Accounts (Doublets) (2006) ++    Literary analysis of the Flood (2006) ++    Historical Evidence of Post-Mosaic Authorship (2006) ++    Examples of some discrepancies in the Pentateuch (2006) ++    Lexical Anachronisms of the Pentateuch (2006) ++    Beyond Literary Criticism (2006) ++    A Smooth and Cohesive Literary Structure to the Pentateuch (2006) ++    Examples of the Pentateuch's Literary Beauty (2006) ++ New Testament    Introduction: Who was the author of 1 and 2 Timothy? (2006) ++
  • Hermeneutics Overview    Skillbuilder: What is Biblical Hermeneutics? (2006) +    A Summary of References (J. Hansen, 2001) + Observation    Tutorial (Part 1): Before You Begin (D. Parlett, 2002) +    Tutorial (Part 2): Bible Study Tools (D. Parlett, 2002) +    Tutorial (Part 3): Observation Techniques (D. Parlett, 2002) +    A review of grammar…the importance of understanding words… (2001) +    A review of grammar…assembling words together to communicate ideas and concepts… (2001) +    A review of grammar…syntax and the expression of thoughts… (2001) +    Prepositions… for example "after" (2018) ++    Literary genres…composing information with style… (2001) +    Tutorial (Part 5): Different Types of Biblical Literature (D. Parlett, 2003) +    Biblical Narratives - Observing This Literary Genre (2020) +    Literary devices and figures of speech…communicating with images… (2001) +    Tutorial (Part 3): Observation Techniques (D. Parlett, 2002) +    A Smooth and Cohesive Literary Structure to the Pentateuch (2006) ++    Examples of the Pentateuch's Literary Beauty (2006) +    Chiasms: the Hebrew X-factor (2003) +    What is a Parable? (2011) +    An Example of God's Literary Beauty Through His Prophets (2017) ++    Harmonizing the Gospel Accounts: John the Baptist (2022) +    Harmonizing the Gospel Accounts: The Calling of the First Four Disciples (2022) +    Harmonizing the Gospel Accounts: The Triumphant Entry (2022) +    Harmonizing the Gospel Accounts: The Arrest and Trial Before the High Priest (2022) +    Harmonizing the Gospel Accounts: Before Pilate and Herod (2022) +    Harmonizing the Gospel Accounts: The Crucifixion and Burial (2022) +    Harmonizing the Gospel Accounts: The Resurrection and Ascension (2022) + Interpretation    Interpretation…in search of context… (2001) +    Interpretation…do you get the point? (J. C. Laney, 2001) +    Principles for Interpreting Narratives of the Old Testament (G. Fee and D. Stuart, 2001) +    Tutorial (Part 4): The Rules of Interpretation (D. Parlett, 2002) +    A Call to Praise God (K. Barker, 2015) ++ Application    Application…working with the heart…assessing the raw material… (2001) +    Application…working with the text… (2001) +    Application…working with the mind… (2001) +    Application…working with accountability (2001) +    Putting it all together…a method from homiletics…(C. Hammond, 2001) +    Tutorial (Part 6): Application (D. Parlett, 2008) + Study Methods    How to Understand What the Bible Means by What It Says (E. Radmacher, 2001) +    The OICA Methodology of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 1 - The Devotional Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 2 - The Chapter Summary Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 3 - The Character Quality Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 4 - The Thematic Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 5 - The Biographical Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 6 - The Topical Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 7 - The Word Study Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 8 - The Book Background Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 9 - The Book Survey Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 10 - The Chapter Analysis Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 11 - The Book Synthesis Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    Method 12 - The Verse By Verse Method of Bible Study (P. Rhebergen, 2006) +    How to do a self sustaining objective in-depth group Bible study without the need of a great teacher (D. Mar, 2017) +
  • Overview    Systematic Theology - Angelology: All About Angels (2008) +
  • General Aspects Qualities    The Creation of Angels (2004) +    The Nature of Angels (2004) +    Are Angels Personal Beings? (2004) +    Is there a hierarchy among personal beings? (2004) +
  • Elect or Good (unfallen)    Names and titles of the Unfallen (2005) +    Unfallen Angels and Human Beings (2005) +    Shall we pray to our Guardian Angels? (2007) +
  • Evil (fallen)    Names and titles of the Fallen (2005) +    Fallen Angels: free or confined? (2004) +    Who is Satan? (2005) +    What Can Satan and His Demons Do? (2007) +    What Satan and His Demons Cannot Do? (2007) +    The Certificate of Debt and the charges of Fallen Angels (2005) +    Disciple Making - Accusations (K. Payne, 2006) +    What is Demon Possession? (2007) +    Can a Christian have a demon (Part 1): the Issue (2008) +    Can a Christian have a demon (Part 2): Examining the evidence for the demonization of a Believer (2008) +    Can a Christian have a demon (Part 3): Examining the evidence against the demonization of a Believer (2008) +    Exorcism (2008) +
  • Miscellaneous    Who is "the Angel of the Lord / God"? (2007) ++
  • Overview    Systematic Theology - Anthropology: Man From Birth to Death (2009) +
  • Creation of Human Beings God Created Human Beings in His Image and for Immortality    Observing the Creation of Man (2005) +    Why Did God Create Man? (2008) +    Observing the Fall of Man (2005) +    The Human Body (2008) +    What does the biblical term "soul" mean? (2008) +    One, Two, Three… How many parts can man be? (2009) +    The Immaterial Aspect of Humanity… heart and mind (2009) +    The Sixteen Grandsons of Noah (H. Hunt with R. Grigg, 2001) +    Disciple Making - Three Types of People (K. Payne, 2006) +    Who are the people of faith in the Bible? (2013) +
  • Created as Moral Beings Parts of the Body as a Moral Aspect of Humanity    The heart is desperately sick; who can understand it? (2004) +    Literary devices and figures of speech…communicating with images… (2001) +
  • Relation to other Created Beings Created Order    Gentiles and Divine Covenants (2002) ++    Strangers, aliens, foreigners, and gentiles…oh my! (2003) +    Is there a hierarchy among personal beings? (2004) +
  • Death of Human Beings Distinction Between Body and Soul    Why Do People Die? (2008) +    Fate of Your Soul (Part 1): What did Old Testament Believers think of life after death? (2009) +    Fate of Your Soul (Part 2): What and Where is Sheol? (2009) +    Fate of Your Soul (Part 3): The Intermediate State: Soul Sleep… Does it exist? (2009) +    Fate of Your Soul (Part 4): The Intermediate State: Purgatory… Does it exist? (2009) +    Fate of Your Soul (Part 5): What happens to the spirit or soul when people die? (2009) +    Fate of Your Soul (Part 6): Which heaven do Christians go to? (2019) +    Fate of Your Soul (Part 7): What is the difference: Hades, Hell, and the Lake of Fire? (2023) +    What do you make of resuscitations?! (2009) +    The Encyclical Epistle of the Church at Smyrna, Concerning the Martyrdom of St. Polycarp (2008) +    Understanding 1 Peter 3:18-20… When Jesus was crucified, did He go to Hell? (2008) +    What is a Resurrection? (2020) ++
  • Overview    Systematic Theology - Hamartiology: Corruption of the Image of God (2019) +
  • Nature of Sin Universal    Did God create sin? Where did sin come from? (2010) +    The Meaning of Sin (Part 1): Sin in the Generic Sense (Hebrew: chattâ'âh, Greek: hamartanō) (2019) +++    The Meaning of Sin (Part 2): Sin is Synonymous with Evil (Hebrew: ra', Greek: kakŏs and pŏnērŏs) (2019) +++    The Meaning of Sin (Part 3): Sin is Godless (Hebrew: râshâ', Greek: asĕbēs) (2019) +++    The Meaning of Sin (Part 4): Sin is a Transgression of God's Law / Moral Standard (Hebrew: pesha', Greek: anŏmŏs) (2019) +++    The Meaning of Sin (Part 5): Sin is Iniquity (Hebrew: âvĂ´n, Greek: adikia) (2019) +++    The Meaning of Sin (Part 6): Sin implies Guilt (Hebrew: 'âshâm, Greek: ĕnŏchŏs) (2019) +++    The heart is desperately sick; who can understand it? (2004) +    Sin (Part 1): The Gospel without sin?? (J. Peterson '05) +    Sin (Part 2): Of sin, natural revelation, and the wrath of God (J. Peterson, 2005) +    Sin (Part 3): Of sin, the depravity of man, and the wrath of God (J. Peterson, 2005) +    What is the proverbial fool? (2004) +
  • Types of Sin Imputed    Observing the Fall of Man (2005) +    What is the Doctrine of Imputed Sin? (2003) ++    The Chiasm of Romans 5: Imputed Sin (2018) + Personal:    The Practice of Sin (Part 1): Desire and Lust (2019) ++    The Practice of Sin (Part 2): Temptation (2019) ++    The Practice of Sin (Part 3): Tempting God (2019) ++    The Practice of Sin (Part 4): Divine Influence (2019) ++    Confronting personal sin…to omit or admit… (2001) +    Peer pressure: the betrayal of personal values… (2001) +    Facets of Unfaithfulness (2004) +    Do Christians Sin? A response to pseudo Christianity (2007) ++    Homiletics: The Name Isaiah Means "Yahweh Saves" (C. Hammond, 2010) ++    What does it mean to be hardhearted? (2012) ++    Why did God hate Esau? (2021) +
  • Overview    Systematic Theology - Soteriology: Salvation From Beginning to End (2014) +
  • Salvation from the Penalty of Sin Foreknowledge, Election and Predestine    Election (Part 1): What does "elect" or "election" mean in the Old Testament? (2010) ++    Election (Part 2): What does the Greek verb "eklegomai" mean? (2010) ++    Election (Part 3): What does the Greek term "eklogē" mean? (2011) ++    Election (Part 4): What does the Greek term "eklektos" mean? (2011) ++    Election (Part 5): God Chose to be God to the Descendants of Abraham (2022) ++    What does the verb "predestine" mean? (2013) ++ Drawing    Old Testament Believer (Part 1): What does it mean "God draws"? (D. Mar, 2012) ++    Old Testament Believer (Part 2): The Bread of Life Chiasm in John 6:35-51 (2015) ++    Old Testament Believer (Part 3): What does the phrase "lost sheep" mean? (2015) ++    Old Testament Believer (Part 4): God / Jesus Draws (2018) ++    Prepositions… for example "after" (2018) ++ Calling / Conviction    Divine Calling (Part 1): What does "call" mean in the Old Testament when God uses the term? (2012) ++    Divine Calling (Part 2): What does "call" mean when Jesus uses the term? (2012) ++    Divine Calling (Part 3): What does "call" mean when the apostle Paul uses the term? (2013) ++    Putting it all together…a method from homiletics… (C. Hammond '01) +    What is the Gospel of the Kingdom? (2022) ++    Examining the Election, Call and Conversion of Saul the Pharisee (2016) ++    Finding Forgiveness For Your Sin (R. Alcorn, 2005) +    Disciple Making - Salvation: Steps to Peace With God (K. Payne, 2006) +    Does the Invisible God of the Bible Exist? (2022) ++ Confession / Repentance    Salvation at the deathbed… who?… what?… when?… where?… why? (2001) +    The Meaning of Confess (Part 1): What does the term "confess" mean in the Old Testament? (2014) ++    The Meaning of Confess (Part 2): What does the term "confess" mean in the New Testament? (2014) ++    Repentance (Part 1): The Doctrine of Repentance in Church History (R. Wilkin, 2002) +++    Repentance (Part 2): The Doctrine of Repentance in the Old Testament (R. Wilkin, 2002) +++    Repentance (Part 3): The Doctrine of Repentance in the New Testament (R. Wilkin, 2002) +++    Repentance (Part 4): New Testament Repentance: Repentance in the Gospels and Acts (R. Wilkin, 2003) +++    Repentance (Part 5): New Testament Repentance: Repentance in the Epistles and Revelation (R. Wilkin, 2003) +++    Disciple Making - Forgiveness (K. Payne, 2006) +    Genuine Repentance (Part 1): What is genuine repentance? (2013) ++    Genuine Repentance (Part 2): Does genuine repentance always lead to salvation? (2013) ++    Genuine Repentance (Part 3): How many times do you repent? (2013) +    Genuine Repentance (Part 4): Does repentance help a Believer's faith? (2013) ++ Faith    What does Faith Mean (Part 1): What is the concept of "faith" in the Old Testament? (2010) ++    What does Faith Mean (Part 2): What are the themes of "faith" in the Old Testament? (2010) +    What does Faith Mean (Part 3): What is the concept of "faith" in the New Testament? (2010) +    What does Faith Mean (Part 4): What does John say about "faith"? (2010) +    What does Faith Mean (Part 5): What does Paul say about "faith"? (2010) +    What does Faith Mean (Part 6): What does Jesus say about "faith"? (2010) +    What does Faith Mean (Part 7): Is faith the gift of God? (2010) ++    What does Faith Mean (Part 8): Is faith a form of work? (2017) ++    What does Faith Mean (Part 9): Does God define what faith means? (2021) ++    Why did Jesus desire children to come before Him? (2019) +    Common Questions about Faith (Part 1): Can anyone come to faith without hearing the gospel? (2015) +    Common Questions about Faith (Part 2): Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (2020) ++    Common Questions about Faith (Part 3): The Canaanite Woman and the Lost Sheep of Israel (2017) ++    Common Questions about Faith (Part 4): So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ (2021) ++    Common Questions about Faith (Part 5): From Faith to Faith? Examining Romans 1:16-17 (2021) ++    Common Questions about Faith (Part 6): I do believe, help my unbelief! (2021) ++    Common Questions about Faith (Part 7): How do I know if my faith is growing? (2015) + Justification / Adoption / Regeneration    Justified Equally… but what does that mean? (2005) ++    What is the difference between "righteousness" and "justification"? (2013) ++    What is Regeneration (Part 1): What is adoption? (2014) +    What is Regeneration (Part 2): What does regeneration mean? (2014) ++    What is Regeneration (Part 3): Regeneration or not... the discernment of the Holy Spirit (2014) + Assurance    Understanding Assurance (Part 1): What is eternal security? (2013) +    Understanding Assurance (Part 2): What is assurance? (2013) ++    Understanding Assurance (Part 4): How is "assurance" related to "perseverance"? (2013) ++    Disciple Making - Assurance (K. Payne, 2006) +
  • Salvation from the Power of Sin Arrested Deveolopment / Carnal    What is the difference between an infant of Christ and the carnal Christian? (2009) +    The risk of carnal Christians… destruction of the church (2009) + Repentance    Failure analysis: the paralysis of analysis vs. conviction through forgiveness… (2001) +    Genuine Repentance (Part 3): How many times do you repent? (2013) +    Genuine Repentance (Part 4): Does repentance help a Believer's faith? (2013) ++ Sanctification    What is Sanctification (Part 1): What did sanctification mean in the Old Testament? (2014) ++    What is Sanctification (Part 2): How does God sanctify human beings? (2014) ++    What is Sanctification (Part 3): How does Jesus sanctify human beings? (2014) ++    What is Sanctification (Part 4): How does the Holy Spirit sanctify human beings? (2014) ++    What is Sanctification (Part 5): How does the Believer cooperate in sanctification? (2014) ++    Sanctification (Part 1): Unfruitful branches? Lift up! Lift up! (E. Radmacher, 2002) +++    Sanctification (Part 2): Cleansing for service… (E. Radmacher, 2002) +++    Sanctification (Part 3): Intersection… divine sovereignty and human responsibility… (E. Radmacher, 2002) +++    Sanctification (Part 4): Choices for the Christian… and their consequences… (E. Radmacher, 2002) +++    Sanctification (Part 5): What does it mean to abide? (E. Radmacher, 2002) +++    Sanctification (Part 6): Love for one another… implications to the church… (E. Radmacher, 2002) +++    What did Jesus mean "deny yourself and take up your cross"? (2010) +    You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (2021) ++    The battle within… (2001) + Perseverance
  • Salvation from the Presence of Sin Glorification    The Glory of God (Part 3): What is Glorification? (2020) ++
  • Responsibilities toward God Have Faith in God    Messianic Prophecies (Part 1): Why did the Jews fail to understand the prophecies pointing to the Messiah? (2018) ++    The joy of trials? (K. Payne, 2001) +    Trial by fire… the forging of spirit… (K. Payne, 2002) +    Putting the most into life… (K. Barker, 2001) +    Facets of Unfaithfulness (2004) +    Disciple Making - Trials: Divine Payback, Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones (K. Payne, 2006) +    Disciple Making - Vain Regrets (K. Payne, 2006) +    What is Paul's "thorn in the flesh"? (2008) +    Suffering and the Response of a Godly Man (2008) +    Understanding Assurance (Part 4): What does it mean when a Believer hopes? (2016) ++ Obeying God    How to Lose in Life (Part 1): False Priorities (R. Zuck, 2003) +    How to Lose in Life (Part 2): False Perspective (R. Zuck, 2003) +    How to Lose in Life (Part 3): False Assumption (R. Zuck, 2004) +    How to Lose in Life (Part 4): False Fear (R. Zuck, 2004) +    Moments that Define Your Legacy... A study of 1 Samuel 15 (L. Frank, 2012) +    What does it mean to "fear the Lord?" (2014) ++    What is Sanctification (Part 2): How does God sanctify human beings? (2014) ++    Expectations of a Believer (2021) ++ Communicating with God: Prayer    Pattern your prayers after Psalms: a lament when surrounded by adversity… (2001) +    Incredible promises: the bestowing of power… (2001) +    Declaring praise in the belly of a fish?! (K. Barker, 2001) +    Hindrances to successful prayer… (2001) +    Disciple Making - Prayer (K. Payne '06) +    Qualities of a Leader: Genuine Prayer (2007) +    Paul's prayer for Christians: an example of intercession (2012) ++    Can you hear Me now? A word study on the Old Testament use of the term "hear" (2012) ++    Who Do I Worship (Part 4): Who do I pray to – Jesus or God? (2018) ++    And lead us not into temptation… The Lord's Prayer (2021) ++    The Ministry of Prayer (Part 1): The Way to Greater Works (R. Dunn, 2021) ++    The Ministry of Prayer (Part 2): The Prayer God Always Answers (R. Dunn, 2021) ++    The Ministry of Prayer (Part 3): The Ministry of Intercession (R. Dunn, 2021) ++    The Ministry of Prayer (Part 4): Why God Delays His Answers (R. Dunn, 2021) ++ Seeking Personal Virtues and Qualities    What is a disciple? (2011) ++    Disciple Making - Christian Liberty (K. Payne, 2006) +    Proverbs… the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge… (2004) +    Brokenness and Faith (G. Kato, 2013) +    Making the Most of Your Time (2015) ++    The Character of God (Part 2): God is Love (2016) ++    The Character of God (Part 3): God is Good (2016) ++    The Difference Between Grace and Forgiveness (Part 3): Forgiveness (2020) ++    What is the Difference Between Being Righteous and Holy? (2020) ++    What does it mean do not judge? Attempting to understand Matthew 7:1-2 (2022) ++
  • Responsibilities toward Others Towards Family    Preeminence of Christ (Part 1): Firstborn and the Law of Primogeniture (Birthright) (2005) ++    What Atonement Means to Husbands (D. Mar, 2009) +    Training Our Youth (2004) +    Why We Teach Kids... Learning From Jesus (2012) +    Abraham's Faith and Why God Chose Him to Make His Covenant (2016) ++    For the Unbelieving Spouse is Sanctified by their Believing Spouse - The Difference between Faith and Holiness (2020) ++ Towards Christians    What is Grace? (2001) +    Sanctification (Part 6): Love for one another… implications to the church… (E. Radmacher, 2002) +++    Disciplemakers - Impact Players for Christ (K. Payne, 2006) + Towards the World    Chiasms: the Hebrew X-factor (2003) +    Make a ready defense with gentleness and reverence… A look at Systematic Theology (D. Mar, 2002) +    Disciple Making - Warfare (K. Payne, 2006) +    Disciple Making - Loving People That Don't Seem Lovable (K. Payne, 2006) +
  • Old Testament The Temple    Architectural detail…a look at interior design… (2001) +    Of economics and finance… taxing ransoms… (2001) +    Holy Convocation (2021) +
  • New Testament Names of the Church    Images can be striking and symbolic (2001) +    Antioch (2021) +    Jerusalem Church, The (F.F. Bruce, 2021) ++    Church in Rome in the First Century (G. Edmundson, 2021) ++    Smyrna (2021) + Adversaries    Pharisees and Sadducees (2021) +    Herod the Great and the Tetrarchs (2021) +
  • Mission, Ministry, and Activities Discipline    What does it mean: "Be angry, and yet do not sin?" (2007) ++    What does it mean to "hand one over to Satan"? (2007) + Offerings    The offering…the example of King David (J. Peterson, 2002) ++    Disciple Making - Financial Giving (K. Payne, 2006) + Ordinances    The Lord's Supper (A. Farstad, 2003) ++    Baptism verses Filling (Part 1): What does "baptism" mean? (2015) ++ Spiritual gifts    Did you open your gifts? (2001) +    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 1): What are Spiritual Gifts? (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 2): Some Interesting Questions… (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 3): Are Celibacy and Marriage Spiritual Gifts? (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 4): Apostleship / Apostle and Prophecy / Prophet (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 5): Evangelist, Pastor and Teaching / Teacher (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 6): Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 7): Exhortation (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 8): Wisdom and Knowledge (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 9): Service and Helps (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 10): Leading and Administration (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 11): Giving and Mercy (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 12): Healing and Miracles (2015) ++    Gifts of the Spirit (Part 13): Faith and Distinguishing Spirits (2015) ++ Teaching    Messianic Prophecies (Part 1): Why did the Jews fail to understand the prophecies pointing to the Messiah? (2018) ++    Why We Teach Kids... Learning From Jesus (2012) +    What are Paul's Mysteries of God? (2013) ++    Divine Judgment (Part 3): The Eschatological Future of Judgment: Message to the Churches (2016) ++
  • Organization and Officers of the Church General    The Question of Elders (Part 1): What is the name for our church leaders? (E. Radmacher, 2008) +    The Question of Elders (Part 2): How many leaders does a church need? (E. Radmacher, 2008) +    The Question of Elders (Part 3): What is the nature of leadership? (E. Radmacher, 2008) +    A series on apostleship (Part 1): What does the term apostle mean? (2011) ++    A series on apostleship (Part 2): What are the characteristics of an apostle? (2011) +    A series on apostleship (Part 3): Apostles and the New Testament Church (2011) ++ Role of Men    Preeminence of Christ (Part 1): Firstborn and the Law of Primogeniture (Birthright) (2005) ++ Role of Women    Examining the controversy of women and head coverings… (Part 1): Which definition of Kephale is correct? (2005) +++    Examining the controversy of women and head coverings… (Part 2): What is Headship? (2005) ++    Does Headship and Submission still exist in the New Testament Church? (2007) +    Examining the authenticity of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 (Part 1): A Peek Into the Discipline of Lower Criticism (2005) ++    Examining the authenticity of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 (Part 2): A Study Into Histo-Cultural Context (2005) ++    Examining the authenticity of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 (Part 3): A Look at What Prophesy Means (2005) ++    Examining the authenticity of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 (Part 4): A Review of Various Interpretations (2005) ++    Examining the authenticity of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 (Part 5): An Interpretation Within Context and Without Contradiction (2005) ++    The Great Debate (G. Kappas, 2001) +++    What shall I wear to worship? (G. Kappas, 2001) +    Examining the controversy of 1 Timothy 2:12 (Part 2): Observing Paul's thoughts leading up to 1 Timothy 2:12 (2006) +    Examining the controversy of 1 Timothy 2:12 (Part 3): Examining the theological basis for 1 Timothy 2:12 (2006) ++    Examining the controversy of 1 Timothy 2:12 (Part 4): Taking a closer look at 1 Timothy 2:12 (2006) ++

Eschatology: The End Times and End of Human History

  • Overview    Systematic Theology - Eschatology: The study of the Last Words (2017) +
  • Apocalyptic Prophecies    Daniel's Prophecies and Fulfillment (Part 1): Daniel: Interpreter of Gentile Visions (2016) ++    Daniel's Prophecies and Fulfillment (Part 2): The Four Kingdoms Before the Divine Kingdom (2016) ++    Daniel's Prophecies and Fulfillment (Part 3): Daniel 11:2-21 Historical Developments from Daniel's Day until Antiochus IV Epiphanes (J. Paul Tanner, 2016) ++    Daniel's Prophecies and Fulfillment (Part 4): Daniel's Double Chiasm (2017) ++    The Rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes and His Assault Against Judea (J. Paul Tanner, 2017) ++    Prophecy of Seventy Sevens (Part 1): What Year Is This? (2017) ++    Prophecy of Seventy Sevens (Part 2): Of Sevens and Weeks (2017) +    Prophecy of Seventy Sevens (Part 3): Seven and Sixty Two Weeks (2017) ++    Prophecy of Seventy Sevens (Part 4): Seventy Weeks (2017) +    Prophecy of Seventy Sevens (Part 5): How does Daniel’s 70th week correspond to Revelation? (2019) ++
  • Judgment    Interpreting Revelation (2016) +    What and When is the Tribulation? (2017) +    What is the Great Tribulation? (2020) +    The Practice of Sin (Part 5): What is the Hour of Testing? Examining Revelation 3:10 (2020) ++    Divine Judgement (Part 1): What Does "Judgment" Mean? (2016) ++    Divine Judgement (Part 2): God's Work of Judgment (2016) ++    Divine Judgment (Part 3): Jesus Christ's Work of Judgment (2016) ++    Divine Judgement (Part 4): The Day of the Lord (2016) ++    Divine Judgment (Part 5): Message to the Churches (2016) ++    Divine Judgement (Part 6): The First Four Seals (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 7): The Fifth Seal (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 8): The Sixth Seal (D. Mar, 2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 9): The Seventh Seal and the First 4 Trumpets (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 10): The Fifth Trumpet (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 11): The Sixth Trumpet (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 12): The Seventh Trumpet (2017) ++    What is Jesus' Second Coming? (2020) +    Divine Judgment (Part 13): The Reaping (2017) ++    Divine Judgement (Part 14): The First Six Bowls (2017) +    Divine Judgement (Part 15): The Seventh Bowl (2017) +    Divine Judgment (Part 16): The Juxtaposition of the Marriage and Armageddon (2017) ++    Divine Judgment (Part 17): The Millennium and the Judge (2017) ++    Who is sitting on the Great White Throne? (2023) ++    New Heaven and New Earth (2017) ++    The Function of Interludes (Part 1): The 144,000 Bond Servants (2017) ++    The Function of Interludes (Part 2): The Strong Angel's Little Scroll (2017) ++    The Function of Interludes (Part 3): The Beasts (2017) ++    The Function of Interludes (Part 4): The Doom of Babylon (2017) ++    The Woes of the Trumpet Blasts (2020) ++    Revelation: Using a Chart to Record Your Observations and Allowing the Data Drive Your Interpretation (2020) +++

Creeds, Confessions and Statements

  • Creeds (Universal for most denominations)    The Apostles Creed +    The confusion posed by the Apostles' Creed: Did Jesus descend into Hell? (2008) +    The Nicene Creed +    The Athanasian Creed +
  • Confessions Anglican    Thirty-Nine Articles +++ Baptist    The 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith +++ Lutheran (Book of Concord)    Augsburg Confession +++    Smalcald Articles +++    Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope +++    Luther's Small and Large Catechisms +++    Epitome of the Formula of Concord +++ Presbyterian    Westminster Confession of Faith +++    Westminster Shorter Catechism +++    Westminster Larger Catechism +++ Reformed    The Belgic Confession +++    The Canons of Dordt +++    The Second Helvetic Confession +++    The Heidelberg Catechism +++
  • Statements    The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978) +++    The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics (1982) +++

Scripture Index... Researching for biblical context:

Index of Archaeological and Epigraphic points of interest... Seeking historical facts and evidence of the truth:

Index of Authors... "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another":

Author Index

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Theology Research Paper Topics

Theology is the study of God’s nature and religious beliefs. A lot of universities and seminaries teach theology as an academic discipline. While students study theology, they are often asked to research and write essays about some theology topics. According to what we’ve noticed, students find it challenging to get interesting theology research paper topics for their assignments. We aim to help students get interesting theology research paper topics by providing them with a list of the best theology research paper ideas. As you read on, you’ll find a list of theology research paper topics. Go through the list and choose topics that suit you best. We deliberately added both the popular and the unpopular theology topics to the list as a way to make students have many options. You won’t have to overthink before knowing what to write about any topic you choose below since all of them are easy enough for average students.

Best Theology Research Paper Topics

  • Effects of the church in our society through the last century
  • Why Buddhism in Japan can’t be compared to that of China
  • Basic ideas and belief behind honor killings in some religion
  • Differences between the parables in the Bible and fairy tales
  • Impact of Buddhism in China and Japan
  • Organization structures of the Buddhist in Thailand
  • What are the beliefs of Buddhists?
  • Why priests in some religions never get married
  • Things that make Jesus Christ different from all other prophets in the Bible
  • Is the Islamic religion in anyway way related to the Christian religion?
  • What gave rise to mega-churches in some parts of the world
  • Why abortions are not allowed and encouraged in Christianity
  • Women reproductive rights in the Islamic religion
  • The effects of homosexuality in the church
  • The effects of Greek culture on Christian theology
  • The beliefs of early Christians with their fellowship and encounter with Jesus
  • The biblical account of how the world was created
  • The reasons why women in some religion can’t become religious leaders
  • Why does every religion have different concepts about creation?
  • Sacred ceremonies in Christianity and how they originated
  • Our ancestors and their spiritual  beliefs
  • The general impacts of religions on society
  • Why scientific research and proofs often disagree with Christian theology
  • The major reasons why most atheists believe that no deity exists
  • Contribution of churches to our community
  • Researches and study of the Old Testament
  • What are the links and similarities between the two testaments of the Bible
  • Differences in the mode of worship between the 20th century and the 21st century
  • Why some terrorists use Islam as an excuse for killing people
  • Are terrorists really as devoted to their religions and beliefs the way they prove they are?
  • Does dispensation theology differ from covenant theology?
  • What are the reasons behind the existence of churches?
  • What are the rates at which churches grow in the 21st century?
  • What success are the churches making in our present society?
  • Why do we need to have basic knowledge and ideas of theology?
  • How theology could be of help to our world
  • How the idea of theology sprang up
  • The reasons why Christian churches now dominate major continents of the world
  • Is the Bible really a book written from the inspirations
  • Who is God and how has he existed before the creation of the universe?
  • How Islam promotes peace and harmony in society
  • The religious beliefs of Muslims
  • Religious conflicts in some parts of the world
  • Apostasy and church growth
  • Factors that cause religious division
  • Factors that limit the growth of some religious beliefs
  • What is the role of faith in religions
  • What most religions say about virginity
  • What most religions say about the devil
  • The biblical account of creation vs. big bang theory
  • Does any religion believe in evolution?
  • A religious view of life
  • The mode of prayer in various religions
  • A religious view of reincarnation
  • The role of meditation in some religion
  • Is there another life after death?
  • The essence of religion
  • What the Bible says about the universe
  • What is faith?
  • The significance of the resurrection of Jesus
  • What Islam teaches about homosexuality
  • What most religions say about sin and holiness
  • Why humans need to serve God

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Feb 6, 2024 | Topics | 0 comments

 Theology Research Paper Topics cover various subjects within religious beliefs and traditions. From delving into the intricacies of the Old Testament to exploring the principles of Liberation Theology, the field of theology offers a plethora of potential project topics to explore. Whether it’s a study of the historical theology of the Christian church, a comparison of different systematic theology approaches, or an investigation into the nature of God, plenty of research questions are waiting to be answered. Theology is the study of religious beliefs and their underlying principles, making it a rich source of potential thesis topics. Whether one is interested in comparing and contrasting religious traditions, delving into the tenets of Catholic theology, or exploring the intersection of theology and religion, there is no shortage of fascinating avenues to explore within the field. If you are looking for inspiration for your next theology research paper, plenty of thought-provoking topics await exploring. 

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Best Theology Research Paper Topics

  • Black Theology’s Impact on Modern Church Theology
  • Theological Foundations of Calvinism and Arminianism
  • Aquinas’ Influence on Scriptural Authority
  • Examining the Relationship with God in Early Christian Theology
  • Martin Luther’s Theological Legacy: Birth of a Reformation
  • God as the Creator: Theological Perspectives
  • Pentecostal Church Theology: A Critique of Scriptural Authority
  • The Gospel of John: Theological Themes and Implications
  • Choosing a Theological Research Topic: A Guide for Students
  • Exploring the Missional Church’s Worldview
  • Bonhoeffer’s Theology: A Critical Examination
  • The Gospel According to a Tax Collector: Theological Insights
  • Intercessor Theology: God’s Role in Human Affairs
  • Examining the Ways Theology Consists of Original Research
  • The Church of Nigeria’s Theological Standpoint in the Eyes of God

🎓 Most Interesting Theology Research Paper Topics

  • Exploring the Significance of Black Theology in Modern Religious Thought
  • Unveiling the Theological Dynamics of the Church of Nigeria
  • Aquinas’ Theological Legacy: Influence and Implications
  • The Spiritual Journey of Early Christians: Beliefs and Practices
  • Martin Luther Was Born to Reform: A Theological Biography
  • The Art of Choosing a Theology Research Topic: Tips and Strategies
  • Navigating Topic Selection in Theology: Challenges and Considerations
  • Theological Inquiry by a Team of Professionals: Collaboration in Research
  • Bonhoeffer’s Theology: A Critical Examination of His Contributions
  • Catholics Believe: A Theological Exploration of Catholicism
  • Divine Intervention: How God Makes His Presence Felt in Theology
  • Theological Critiques: Examining Beliefs and Doctrines with a Critical Eye

💡 Simple Theology Essay Topics

  • Aquinas’ Views on God as the Creator
  • The Importance of Choosing a Theology Essay Topic
  • Bonhoeffer’s Theology: A Brief Overview
  • Critically Examining Theological Concepts
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Theological Influence
  • The Significance of Expertise in Theological Writing
  • Theological Reflections on God as the Creator
  • Bonhoeffer’s Theological Legacy: A Beginner’s Guide
  • Analyzing Aquinas ‘ Theological Perspective on Creation
  • Faith and Reason: Finding Harmony in Theology
  • The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Life
  • The Theological Significance of Baptism
  • Divine Providence: God’s Guidance in Everyday Life
  • The Concept of Sin in Christian Theology
  • Theological Aspects of Forgiveness and Redemption
  • Exploring the Ten Commandments in Modern Society
  • Theology of Love and Compassion in Faith
  • The Nature of God’s Grace in Theological Thought
  • The Role of Angels in Religious Beliefs
  • Understanding the Trinity in Christian Theology
  • Theological Reflections on Life After Death
  • The Significance of Faith Communities in Theology
  • Theology of Marriage and Family Values
  • The Impact of Religious Rituals and Traditions

✝️ Christian Theology Topics

  • The Trinity in Christian Theology
  • Original Sin and Its Theological Implications
  • The Doctrine of Atonement in Christianity
  • Eschatology: Theology of the End Times
  • Christian Ethics and Moral Theology
  • The Role of Mary in Christian Theology
  • The Nature of God’s Grace in Theological Discourse
  • The Historical Development of Christian Theology
  • The Sacraments in Christian Theology
  • The Concept of Salvation in Christian Theology
  • Christian Theology and Social Justice
  • The Problem of Evil in Theological Thought
  • The Authority of Scripture in Christian Theology
  • The Incarnation: Christology in Christian Theology
  • The Church’s Mission and Theology in Practice

👍 Good Theology Research Topics & Essay Examples

  • The Role of Faith in Theology: An In-depth Exploration
  • Comparative Analysis of Augustine and Aquinas’ Theological Views
  • The Concept of Sin in Christian Theology: A Multifaceted Examination
  • Liberation Theology and Its Impact on Social Justice Movements
  • Theological Perspectives on Environmental Ethics and Stewardship
  • Gender and Theology: Reimagining God’s Image
  • Theological Interpretations of Suffering and God’s Providence
  • Theological Reflections on the Problem of Evil in Modern Society
  • Christian Eschatology: End Times Beliefs and Their Relevance Today
  • Theological Implications of Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation
  • Theology of the Body: Exploring Human Sexuality and Ethics
  • Reformation Theology and Its Influence on Contemporary Christianity
  • Theological Considerations of Miracles in the 21st Century
  • The Role of Theology in Shaping Moral and Ethical Values
  • Theology of Hope: Examining the Relationship Between Faith and Optimism

🏆 Best Theology Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  • Theology of Redemption: Exploring the Concept of Salvation
  • Divine Providence and Human Free Will in Theological Discourse
  • Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Theological Traditions
  • Theology of Love: Unpacking the Role of Love in Religious Beliefs
  • The Problem of Suffering and Theological Responses
  • Theological Ethics and the Moral Dilemmas of the Modern World
  • Theology and Science: Bridging the Gap between Faith and Reason
  • The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Theological Significance and Debates
  • Theology of Creation: God as the Ultimate Creator
  • Theological Perspectives on the End Times: Eschatology Revisited
  • The Role of Women in Theological History and Contemporary Theology
  • Interfaith Dialogue and Theological Understanding in a Pluralistic World
  • Theology of Hope: Faith, Optimism, and Human Existence
  • Theological Implications of Environmental Stewardship and Ethics

🔎 Interesting Topics to Write about Theology

  • Comparative Theology: Analyzing Diverse Religious Traditions
  • Theology of Redemption: Exploring Concepts of Salvation
  • Theology of Love: Unpacking the Role of Love in Faith
  • Theological Ethics in a Secular Society
  • Theology and Science: Bridging Faith and Reason
  • The Resurrection in Theological Discourse: Significance and Controversies
  • Liberation Theology and Social Justice Movements
  • Interpreting Creation: Theological Perspectives on God as Creator
  • Eschatology Revisited: Modern Views on the End Times
  • Women in Theology: Historical and Contemporary Roles
  • Theological Implications of Interfaith Dialogue
  • Theology of Hope: Faith and Optimism in Theological Thought
  • Environmental Ethics and Theology: Stewardship of Creation
  • Divine Providence and Human Free Will in Theological Discussion
  • The Problem of Suffering: Theological Responses and Reflections

Research paper topics on Judaism

  • Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah: A Comparative Study
  • The Role of Synagogues in Contemporary Jewish Communities
  • Holocaust Remembrance and Its Impact on Jewish Identity
  • Rabbinic Judaism: An Exploration of Talmudic Teachings
  • Jewish Diaspora Communities: History and Influence
  • Judaism and Modern Science: Harmonizing Faith and Reason
  • Jewish Women in Religious Leadership Roles
  • The Jewish Perspective on Ethics and Morality
  • Hasidic Judaism: Spirituality and Tradition
  • Interfaith Dialogue: Jewish Perspectives and Contributions
  • Sephardic vs. Ashkenazi Judaism: Cultural Differences and Traditions
  • Jewish Art and Architecture: Symbolism and Significance
  • Contemporary Challenges to Jewish Identity and Continuity
  • Judaism in the Digital Age: Online Communities and Practices
  • The Evolution of Jewish Religious Reform Movements

🔎 Unique Theological Research Topics

  • Exploring Divine Immanence: Theology Beyond Transcendence
  • Theology of Liberation: Examining Modern Struggles for Justice
  • Eschatology and the Multiverse: Theological Implications
  • Apophatic Theology: Seeking God through Negation
  • Theology of the Cosmos: Relating God to the Universe
  • Environmental Theology: Ethics and Stewardship of the Earth
  • Theology of Disability: Faith, Inclusion, and Healing
  • Theology of Art and Aesthetics: Spiritual Insights in Creativity
  • Cybertheology: Faith in the Digital Age
  • Liberation Theology in the Global South: Voices of the Marginalized
  • Theology of Play and Leisure: Finding God in Recreation
  • Theology of Embodiment: The Spiritual Significance of the Body
  • Theology of Humor: Laughter as a Path to the Divine
  • Theology of Dreams and Visions: Divine Communication in Sleep
  • Theological Aspects of Transhumanism: Reimagining Humanity and God

List of Theology Research Topics and Ideas

  • Comparative Theology: Examining Religious Traditions across Cultures
  • Theology of Redemption: Exploring Salvation in Different Faiths
  • Interfaith Dialogue: Bridging Gaps in Theological Understanding
  • Theology and Social Justice: Advocating for Change through Faith
  • Environmental Ethics and Theology: Stewardship of the Planet
  • Women in Theology: Their Roles and Contributions
  • Theology and Science: Navigating the Intersection of Faith and Reason
  • Eschatology in Religious Belief: End Times and Beyond
  • Theology of Love: Divine and Human Expressions of Compassion
  • Liberation Theology: Faith in the Fight for Social Equity
  • Divine Providence and Free Will: Theological Perspectives
  • Theology of Creation: Exploring God as Creator
  • The Role of Sacred Texts in Theological Discourse
  • Theological Ethics and Moral Dilemmas in Modern Society
  • Theology of Hope: Faith and Optimism in the Face of Challenges

❓ Theology Essay Questions

  • How does the concept of divine providence intersect with human free will in theological discussions?
  • What are the theological implications of interfaith dialogue and cooperation?
  • In what ways does the theology of redemption vary among different religious traditions?
  • How has liberation theology influenced social justice movements worldwide?
  • What role do sacred texts play in shaping theological beliefs and practices?
  • How do various faiths approach the theological interpretation of environmental ethics and stewardship?
  • Can theology and science coexist harmoniously, or do they inherently conflict?
  • What theological perspectives exist on the nature and significance of love?
  • How has the theology of creation evolved throughout history and different religious contexts?
  • What are the moral dilemmas and ethical challenges addressed in contemporary theological ethics?
  • What is the theological significance of eschatology and end-time beliefs in different religious traditions?
  • How have women contributed to theological thought and leadership throughout history?
  • How do different religious perspectives view the concept of hope and its role in faith?
  • What theological questions and debates surround the topic of divine immanence and transcendence?
  • How do theological interpretations of suffering and evil vary across different faith traditions?

🏆 Best Theology Topics for Discussion

  • Comparative Theology: Exploring Religious Traditions Across Cultures
  • Theology of Redemption: Understanding the Concept of Salvation
  • Liberation Theology: Faith and Social Justice Movements
  • Environmental Ethics and Theology: Nurturing the Planet
  • Sacred Texts in Theological Discourse: Authority and Interpretation
  • Theological Ethics: Moral Dilemmas in Modern Society
  • Theology of Hope: Faith and Optimism in Adversity
  • Suffering and Evil: Theological Interpretations and Responses
  • Comparative Theology: Analyzing Religious Traditions Across Cultures
  • Eschatology: Examining End Times Beliefs and Their Relevance
  • Environmental Ethics and Theology: Stewardship of the Earth
  • The Role of Women in Theology: Contributions and Challenges
  • Divine Providence and Human Free Will: Theological Perspectives
  • Sacred Texts in Theological Discourse: Interpretation and Influence
  • Theological Interpretations of Suffering and the Problem of Evil

📖 Biblical Theology Topics

  • Biblical Theology of Creation: Genesis and Beyond
  • Covenant Theology in the Old and New Testaments
  • Messianic Prophecies in the Bible: From Isaiah to Revelation
  • Theological Themes in the Gospel of John
  • The Role of Miracles in Biblical Narratives
  • Pauline Theology: Exploring the Epistles of the Apostle Paul
  • The Theology of the Kingdom of God in the Bible
  • Biblical Ethics and Moral Teachings in the Scriptures
  • Theological Perspectives on the Problem of Evil in the Bible
  • The Biblical View of Salvation: Grace, Faith, and Works
  • Theology of Atonement: Sacrifice and Redemption in the Bible
  • The Role of Women in Biblical Theology and Narratives
  • Eschatological Themes in the Bible: End Times and Apocalypse
  • Biblical Wisdom Literature: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job
  • Theology of Liberation in the Bible: Exodus and Beyond

👍 Good Essay Topics on Theology

  • Interfaith Dialogue: Bridging Divides in Theological Understanding
  • Theology of Creation: Understanding God as Creator
  • Theology of Hope: Faith and Optimism in Challenging Times
  • The Role of Women in Theological Thought and Leadership
  • Theology of Love: Exploring Divine and Human Expressions of Compassion
  • Sacred Texts in Theological Interpretation: Authority and Influence
  • Eschatological Beliefs Across Religious Traditions: End Times and Beyond
  • Theological Perspectives on Suffering and the Problem of Evil
  • Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation in Theological Understanding
  • The Resurrection in Theological Thought: Significance and Controversies

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Theology Research Paper Topics FAQ

What are some common research topics in theology.

When considering research topics in theology , exploring a wide range of areas is important. Some theology research papers may include god’s nature , theological interpretation , world religions , Old Testament  theology , and the study of religion . These topics provide ample opportunities for in-depth analysis and scholarly engagement.

How do I develop a thesis statement for a theology research paper?

Developing a thesis statement for a theology research paper involves crafting a clear and focused argument. Consider exploring the theology of hope , holy trinity , or secular theology to form a paper that discusses the similarities and differences between various theological concepts. This can lead to a compelling thesis that presents a unique perspective on the chosen topic.

What areas of interest can I explore in studying theology?

Theology research encompasses various subjects, including religious research , reformation , and process theology . It’s crucial to consider different topics that capture the essence of religious communities and their research topic ideas . This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the complexities within theological discourse.

How is theology concerned with scriptural interpretation?

Theology is concerned with delving into the nuances of scriptural texts and academic research to understand the holy trinity and other theological concepts. It involves critical analysis, research,  and writing to discern the profound meanings embedded in religious scriptures, allowing for a deeper exploration of theological interpretation.

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American Psychological Association

How to cite ChatGPT

Timothy McAdoo

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We, the APA Style team, are not robots. We can all pass a CAPTCHA test , and we know our roles in a Turing test . And, like so many nonrobot human beings this year, we’ve spent a fair amount of time reading, learning, and thinking about issues related to large language models, artificial intelligence (AI), AI-generated text, and specifically ChatGPT . We’ve also been gathering opinions and feedback about the use and citation of ChatGPT. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and shared ideas, opinions, research, and feedback.

In this post, I discuss situations where students and researchers use ChatGPT to create text and to facilitate their research, not to write the full text of their paper or manuscript. We know instructors have differing opinions about how or even whether students should use ChatGPT, and we’ll be continuing to collect feedback about instructor and student questions. As always, defer to instructor guidelines when writing student papers. For more about guidelines and policies about student and author use of ChatGPT, see the last section of this post.

Quoting or reproducing the text created by ChatGPT in your paper

If you’ve used ChatGPT or other AI tools in your research, describe how you used the tool in your Method section or in a comparable section of your paper. For literature reviews or other types of essays or response or reaction papers, you might describe how you used the tool in your introduction. In your text, provide the prompt you used and then any portion of the relevant text that was generated in response.

Unfortunately, the results of a ChatGPT “chat” are not retrievable by other readers, and although nonretrievable data or quotations in APA Style papers are usually cited as personal communications , with ChatGPT-generated text there is no person communicating. Quoting ChatGPT’s text from a chat session is therefore more like sharing an algorithm’s output; thus, credit the author of the algorithm with a reference list entry and the corresponding in-text citation.

When prompted with “Is the left brain right brain divide real or a metaphor?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that although the two brain hemispheres are somewhat specialized, “the notation that people can be characterized as ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’ is considered to be an oversimplification and a popular myth” (OpenAI, 2023).

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].

You may also put the full text of long responses from ChatGPT in an appendix of your paper or in online supplemental materials, so readers have access to the exact text that was generated. It is particularly important to document the exact text created because ChatGPT will generate a unique response in each chat session, even if given the same prompt. If you create appendices or supplemental materials, remember that each should be called out at least once in the body of your APA Style paper.

When given a follow-up prompt of “What is a more accurate representation?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that “different brain regions work together to support various cognitive processes” and “the functional specialization of different regions can change in response to experience and environmental factors” (OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A for the full transcript).

Creating a reference to ChatGPT or other AI models and software

The in-text citations and references above are adapted from the reference template for software in Section 10.10 of the Publication Manual (American Psychological Association, 2020, Chapter 10). Although here we focus on ChatGPT, because these guidelines are based on the software template, they can be adapted to note the use of other large language models (e.g., Bard), algorithms, and similar software.

The reference and in-text citations for ChatGPT are formatted as follows:

  • Parenthetical citation: (OpenAI, 2023)
  • Narrative citation: OpenAI (2023)

Let’s break that reference down and look at the four elements (author, date, title, and source):

Author: The author of the model is OpenAI.

Date: The date is the year of the version you used. Following the template in Section 10.10, you need to include only the year, not the exact date. The version number provides the specific date information a reader might need.

Title: The name of the model is “ChatGPT,” so that serves as the title and is italicized in your reference, as shown in the template. Although OpenAI labels unique iterations (i.e., ChatGPT-3, ChatGPT-4), they are using “ChatGPT” as the general name of the model, with updates identified with version numbers.

The version number is included after the title in parentheses. The format for the version number in ChatGPT references includes the date because that is how OpenAI is labeling the versions. Different large language models or software might use different version numbering; use the version number in the format the author or publisher provides, which may be a numbering system (e.g., Version 2.0) or other methods.

Bracketed text is used in references for additional descriptions when they are needed to help a reader understand what’s being cited. References for a number of common sources, such as journal articles and books, do not include bracketed descriptions, but things outside of the typical peer-reviewed system often do. In the case of a reference for ChatGPT, provide the descriptor “Large language model” in square brackets. OpenAI describes ChatGPT-4 as a “large multimodal model,” so that description may be provided instead if you are using ChatGPT-4. Later versions and software or models from other companies may need different descriptions, based on how the publishers describe the model. The goal of the bracketed text is to briefly describe the kind of model to your reader.

Source: When the publisher name and the author name are the same, do not repeat the publisher name in the source element of the reference, and move directly to the URL. This is the case for ChatGPT. The URL for ChatGPT is . For other models or products for which you may create a reference, use the URL that links as directly as possible to the source (i.e., the page where you can access the model, not the publisher’s homepage).

Other questions about citing ChatGPT

You may have noticed the confidence with which ChatGPT described the ideas of brain lateralization and how the brain operates, without citing any sources. I asked for a list of sources to support those claims and ChatGPT provided five references—four of which I was able to find online. The fifth does not seem to be a real article; the digital object identifier given for that reference belongs to a different article, and I was not able to find any article with the authors, date, title, and source details that ChatGPT provided. Authors using ChatGPT or similar AI tools for research should consider making this scrutiny of the primary sources a standard process. If the sources are real, accurate, and relevant, it may be better to read those original sources to learn from that research and paraphrase or quote from those articles, as applicable, than to use the model’s interpretation of them.

We’ve also received a number of other questions about ChatGPT. Should students be allowed to use it? What guidelines should instructors create for students using AI? Does using AI-generated text constitute plagiarism? Should authors who use ChatGPT credit ChatGPT or OpenAI in their byline? What are the copyright implications ?

On these questions, researchers, editors, instructors, and others are actively debating and creating parameters and guidelines. Many of you have sent us feedback, and we encourage you to continue to do so in the comments below. We will also study the policies and procedures being established by instructors, publishers, and academic institutions, with a goal of creating guidelines that reflect the many real-world applications of AI-generated text.

For questions about manuscript byline credit, plagiarism, and related ChatGPT and AI topics, the APA Style team is seeking the recommendations of APA Journals editors. APA Style guidelines based on those recommendations will be posted on this blog and on the APA Style site later this year.

Update: APA Journals has published policies on the use of generative AI in scholarly materials .

We, the APA Style team humans, appreciate your patience as we navigate these unique challenges and new ways of thinking about how authors, researchers, and students learn, write, and work with new technologies.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

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American Psychological Association Logo

Sometimes it hurts to think

  • Cognition and the Brain

Mental effort associated with unpleasant feelings, study says

Read the journal article

  • The Unpleasantness of Thinking (PDF, 532KB)

Washington — If somebody complains that it hurts to think, they may be onto something, as mental exertion appears to be associated with unpleasant feelings in many situations, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

“Managers often encourage employees, and teachers often encourage students, to exert mental effort. On the surface, this seems to work well: Employees and students do often opt for mentally challenging activities,” said senior author Erik Bijleveld, PhD, of Radboud University. “From this, you may be tempted to conclude that employees and students tend to enjoy thinking hard. Our results suggest that this conclusion would be false: In general, people really dislike mental effort.”

The research was published in the journal Psychological Bulletin .

Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 170 studies, published between 2019 and 2020 and comprising 4,670 participants, to examine how people generally experience mental effort. They did so by testing whether mental effort is associated with unpleasant feelings and whether that association depends on the task or the population involved.

The studies used a variety of participants (e.g., health care employees, military employees, amateur athletes, college students) from 29 countries and involved 358 different cognitive tasks (e.g., learning a new technology, finding one’s way around an unfamiliar environment, practicing golf swings, playing a virtual reality game). In all studies analyzed, participants reported the level of effort they exerted as well as the extent to which they experienced unpleasant feelings such as frustration, irritation, stress or annoyance.

Across all populations and tasks, the greater the mental effort, the greater the unpleasantness experienced by participants.

“Our findings show that mental effort feels unpleasant across a wide range of populations and tasks,” said Bijleveld. “This is important for professionals, such as engineers and educators, to keep in mind when designing tasks, tools, interfaces, apps, materials or instructions. When people are required to exert substantial mental effort, you need to make sure to support or reward them for their effort.”

One interesting finding, according to Bijleveld, was that while the association between mental effort and adverse feelings was still significant, it was less pronounced in studies conducted in Asian countries compared with those in Europe or North America. This fits with the general idea that the aversiveness of mental effort may depend on people’s learning history. High school students in Asian countries tend to spend more time on schoolwork than their European or North American counterparts and may therefore learn to withstand higher levels of mental exertion early on in their lives, he said.

More important is the real-world observation that despite the aversive nature of mentally challenging tasks, people still voluntarily engage in them, said Bijleveld.

“For example, why do millions of people play chess? People may learn that exerting mental effort in some specific activities is likely to lead to reward. If the benefits of chess outweigh the costs, people may choose to play chess, and even self-report that they enjoy chess,” he said. “Yet, when people choose to pursue mentally effortful activities, this should not be taken as an indication that they enjoy mental effort per se. Perhaps people choose mentally effortful activities despite the effort, not because of it.”

Article: “The unpleasantness of thinking: A meta-analytic review of the association between mental effort and negative affect,” by Louise David, MSc, Maastricht University; Eliana Vassena, PhD, and Erik Bijleveld, PhD, Radboud University. Psychological Bulletin , published online Aug. 5, 2024.

Erik Bijleveld, PhD, can be reached via email .

Jim Sliwa (202) 336-5707

Household Mobility and Mortgage Rate Lock

Rising interest rates can create “mortgage rate lock” for homeowners with fixed rate mortgages, who can hold onto their low rates as long as they stay in their homes but would have to take on new mortgages with higher rates if they moved. We show mobility rates fell in 2022 and 2023 for homeowners with mortgages, as market rates rose. We observe both absolute declines and declines relative to homeowners without mortgages, who are unaffected by mortgage rate lock. Mobility declines are not explained by changes in home values. Overall, our estimates imply that rising interest rates reduced mobility in 2022 and 2023 for households with mortgages by 16% and caused $20 billion of deadweight loss.

We are grateful to Kirill Borusyak, Damon Clark, Greg Howard, Jorge de la Roca, Antoinette Schoar Tejaswi Velayudhan and Miguel Zerecero for helpful comments, as well as to seminar participants at PPIC, USC and UC Irvine. We would like to thank Hannah Case for excellent research assistance. We are grateful to Experian for providing the data underlying the University of California Consumer Credit Panel on which we rely. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.


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In addition to working papers , the NBER disseminates affiliates’ latest findings through a range of free periodicals — the NBER Reporter , the NBER Digest , the Bulletin on Retirement and Disability , the Bulletin on Health , and the Bulletin on Entrepreneurship  — as well as online conference reports , video lectures , and interviews .

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    177 Theology Research Paper Topics for College Students. Theology is the study of the spiritual, the divine, and religious beliefs. Studied in colleges and universities, theology explores the human faith and reveals what it means to have a balanced look at religion as a whole. The purpose is to learn more about a religious tradition and not ...

  4. Do a Systematic Theology Paper

    The Craft of Research, accessed here, gives a book-length treatment of the subject. The Writing Center, located in the library, has a staff dedicated to helping you craft an excellent paper. Here is some advice regarding Systematic 1, 2, or 3 class papers specifically: Start Early. Begin planning your paper the day before the first day of the ...

  5. Sample Online Student Theses

    About. Below are downloads (PDF format) of the M.A. (Religion) theses of some of our graduates to date. Note: Certain requirements for current thesis students have changed since earlier theses were completed. Thesis Topic. Student. Year. Trinitarian Scriptures: The Uniqueness of the Bible's Divine Origin. Gregory Cline.

  6. 250+ Theology Research Topics That Will Fetch You an A+ Grade

    List of the Best Theology Research Paper Topics. In the research paper writing process, topic selection is the most important step that is challenging to handle. If you want to score an A+ grade, then a high level of importance should be given to the topic selection.

  7. 35 Theology & Religion Research Topics for Undergraduate Students

    Analyze the societal roles of religion in different cultures and societies, examining how different religions interact with and influence social structures, norms, and values. Potential sources: Sociological studies on religion, case studies, historical accounts. 8. Comparative Study of Religious Reform Movements.


    this paper I will use Jones' feminist methodology and my own pastoral experience to advance a feminist reading of Luther's concept of grace, with an emphasis on his notion of simul justus and peccator." For a more detailed discussion of moving from a research question to a research claim, see Writing Theology Well, Chapter 5, \ŕ´š3-95.

  9. The Journal of Theological Studies

    About the journal. Founded in 1899, The Journal of Theological Studies crosses the entire range of theological research, scholarship and interpretation. Ancient and modern texts, inscriptions, and documents that have not before appeared in type are also reproduced. Find out more.

  10. Research Guides: Theological Studies: Think About Your Topic

    ISBN: 9780521846981. These series of theological handbooks and companions are excellent sources to enter the conversation on most theological topics. Prime yourself for theological research and writing with some key concepts and tips from Dr. Michael Kibbe, a graduate of Wheaton's doctoral program in biblical and theological studies.

  11. Theology Dissertations and Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2020. PDF. Reception of the Economic Social Teaching of Gaudium et Spes in the United States from 1965-2005, David Daniel Archdibald. PDF. Unity and Catholicity in Christ: The Ecclesiology of Francisco SuĂĄrez, S.J., Eric DeMeuse.

  12. Writing the Weekly Theological Research Paper

    A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. Vyhmeister, Nancy J. Your Indispensable Guide to Writing Quality Research Papers: For Students of Religion and Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub. House, 2001.

  13. 156 Theology Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The Beauty of God's Creation. Theology. The style of foreshadowing is evident in the short story "The Birthmark". Everything appears perfect in the sight of the creator and people should embrace that to give God all the glory. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts.

  14. Essays on Important Theological Topics from The Gospel Coalition

    Prayer. Resurrection of Jesus. Church and State. Most Popular. Sovereignty of God. Repentance. Faith and Works. The Holiness of God. See All Essays.

  15. Exploring Faith and Belief: Religious Research Paper Topics

    2 List of 70 Religion Topics to Write About. 2.1 Christian Research Paper Topics. 2.2 Islam Research Topics. 2.3 Siddhartha Essay Topics. 2.4 Buddhism Essay Topics. 2.5 Hinduism Research Paper Topics. 2.6 Judaism Religion. 2.7 Theology Research Paper Topics. Exploring the realm of religion opens a multitude of avenues for scholarly inquiry.

  16. Theological Research and Writing: 3. Developing a Topic

    Example: "The student is required to write a 10-12 page research paper on a topic of his or her choice. The student's choice is limited to the intertestamental period, background information on Jewish society in the first century, the four Gospels, and Acts…."

  17. PDF A Short Guide to Writing Research Papers in Biblical Studies and Theology

    traditional academic research paper in biblical studies or related theological topics. You may find the basic sequence and resources helpful in other disciplines, too, especially in religious studies, philosophy, and historical studies. Short or long, your research paper can be crafted in five steps: Contents . 1. Choosing a Topic 2 . 2 ...

  18. Theology Research Papers

    This thesis explores a theology of a three-fold form of proclamation of the Word of God, in which "proclamation" is both direct (i.e., sermon and sacraments) and indirect (i.e., witness in acts of love and mission), and seeks to identify whether the life of the Church, thanks to its communicative union with Christ, is a true form of proclamation.

  19. Research Methods in Systematic Theology

    Categories of Approaches in Systematic Theology. Dialogical: - Engaging in dialogue with different authors' viewpoints. Comparative: - Analysing similarities and differences between different view points. Complementary: - Harmonising different theories or opinions by into a logically coherent whole.

  20. The Craft of Innovative Theology

    A comprehensive collection of resources showing students of theology how to prepare and write creative research-oriented material The Craft of Innovative Theology: Argument and Process delivers a thorough examination of the method of producing and writing creative theological theses and projects, explaining to students how to write elegant, innovative research-oriented articles. Through a ...

  21. Topics for study... Building the basis for a systematic theology

    However, this is an example of how one can begin building the basis for their own organized view of theology. This example is to encourage you to develop a thorough and comprehensive systematic theology. Theology (what Christians believe) is the basis for Ethics (how Christians ought to apply what they believe) which leads to Experience and ...

  22. Theology Research Paper Topics

    Theology Research Paper Topics. Theology is the study of God's nature and religious beliefs. A lot of universities and seminaries teach theology as an academic discipline. While students study theology, they are often asked to research and write essays about some theology topics. According to what we've noticed, students find it challenging ...

  23. 205+ Theology Research Paper Topics

    Best Theology Research Paper Topics. Black Theology's Impact on Modern Church Theology. Theological Foundations of Calvinism and Arminianism. Aquinas' Influence on Scriptural Authority. Examining the Relationship with God in Early Christian Theology. Martin Luther's Theological Legacy: Birth of a Reformation.

  24. How to cite ChatGPT

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed and shared ideas, opinions, research, and feedback. In this post, I discuss situations where students and researchers use ChatGPT to create text and to facilitate their research, not to write the full text of their paper or manuscript.

  25. Clearwater Paper (NYSE:CLW) Trading Down 6.8%

    Royal Bank of Canada raised their price target on shares of Clearwater Paper from $42.00 to $48.00 and gave the company a "sector perform" rating in a research note on Wednesday. Get Our Latest Analysis on Clearwater Paper. Clearwater Paper Trading Down 7.9 %. The business's fifty day moving average is $49.92 and its 200-day moving average is ...

  26. Sometimes it hurts to think

    Washington — If somebody complains that it hurts to think, they may be onto something, as mental exertion appears to be associated with unpleasant feelings in many situations, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. "Managers often encourage employees, and teachers often encourage students, to exert mental effort.

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    In addition to working papers, the NBER disseminates affiliates' latest findings through a range of free periodicals — the NBER Reporter, the NBER Digest, the Bulletin on Retirement and Disability, the Bulletin on Health, and the Bulletin on Entrepreneurship — as well as online conference reports, video lectures, and interviews.