
How to avoid/navigate a Timeshare Presentation in Mexico

By: Author Rob Taylor

Posted on Published: August 4, 2022  - Last updated: January 30, 2024

How to avoid/navigate a Timeshare Presentation in Mexico

When we first went to Mexico years ago, we landed and breezed through customs and out the door to head to our hotel in Cabo San Lucas. That night we heard about a free breakfast with an open bar and were totally excited. The next morning we spent 2+ hours in a timeshare presentation. So this article is all about how to avoid a timeshare presentation in Mexico .

Yes, this is actually something I’m going to teach you about right now. When you land in Cabo, in Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, anywhere, there are timeshare sales people everywhere. You might not even realize it, but you’re going to come in contact with somebody in your first hour in Mexico trying to sell you a timeshare. You may be thinking that it won’t be a problem or won’t happen to you, but think again.

Note :  we own and love our timeshare . We bought it in 2006 and still use it happily every year. Check out our article on timeshare ownership here.

Many Mexican vacation destinations still have a lot of timeshare pitches and can easily have a negative impact on your trip. Here's how to avoid timeshare presentations, or if you do choose to participate, how to navigate through them swiftly.

What is a timeshare presentation

I can’t assume that everyone knows what a timeshare is, let alone a timeshare presentation. Fractional ownership of a property has been around for decades. It’s where a hotel or resort sells either specific units of inventory or blocks a set number of room nights for those who’ve bought into their property. A timeshare is owning a slice of dedicated space somewhere that you can use over time and within limits.

A timeshare presentation is the process of learning about a specific fractional ownership scenario and being sold into it. We feel it’s important to know how to avoid timeshare presentations because this process can be anywhere from an hour to even three or four hours of your vacation.

Know that you don’t want to stay at a timeshare centric hotel? Shop around!

If you’re going to say yes to a timeshare pitch…

Even the strongest of wills may succumb to a timeshare pitch when it’s put before them. If you’re going to say yes to attending/participating, here are the things to make sure of during your very first initial conversation:

  • Do NOT pay cash for more than the actual cost of planned transportation to your hotel
  • Do NOT agree to participate if you’re pressed for time
  • Do NOT say yes to visiting a remote location that will eat up your time just to get there
  • DO negotiate that in exchange for your time you’re being compensated with fun (more on that below)
  • DO get a very clear understanding of the time commitment and what YOU get for attending
  • DO push the person signing you up to do things quickly

Sitting through a timeshare presentation can be great for setting up fun and future vacations, but it also can ruin a day of relaxation. Dos and Don'ts of accepting and attending a timeshare sales pitch.

What to expect of a timeshare presentation

You’ll start your timeshare presentation by meeting a charismatic individual, most likely tan and wearing some top of the line resortwear. You’ll just “enjoy breakfast and hear about the property.” Yes, there may be some free drinks, but that’s not a guarantee and it’s definitely not a reason to make your family sit through a sales pitch.

Pools at Playa Grande Cabo San Lucas

After breakfast, you’ll stroll around the property… or worse, you’ll get into a luxury van to take you off-property to someplace on the other side of town. Once actually touring you’ll be shown a variety of suites that you don’t need or have any interest in “but you can bring your family and friends back to each year…” And then you say no because it’s too much space or whatever, then they show you a smaller option still with all the amenities, and you still say no.

When you think you’re done and ready to get your goodies for being a good participant the closer comes out to give you a quick survey about the property and presentation. This closer also has some other questions about costs and if that’s what turned you off… because they just had some inventory open up for one third the cost of what you were just told.

timeshare presentation mexico

You say no, you’re still not interested, but they ask what you could afford if you wanted to buy. You say no, but they have one last unit or time-slot available that’s now one tenth the cost of the initial presentation…

Tip :  there are ways to experience a timeshare style vacation without buying. A test drive is always a good idea.

That’s what you should expect from a timeshare presentation. We’ve done them at several properties, including where we actually do own a timeshare, and it’s always the same process and approach. “No thank you, I don’t want to buy a private beachfront hacienda that will actually cost me $12K per year plus extras.”


How to Avoid a Timeshare Presentation

As I said, even the strongest will may succumb to a timeshare presentation. They come to you with different names: free breakfast, owner’s tour, vacation club, resort tour… What may seem like a harmless half hour is more than meets the eye, and the salespeople are everywhere.

So, how to you actually avoid the timeshare wave that will inevitably wash over you? Stay focused and stick to what you’ve already planned.

  • Before leaving on your trip, we recommend booking your transportation to your resort/hotel. Having this conquered you’ve already made the whole experience much easier if you can hold your ground.
  • When you exit customs, just walk straight through to the exit or car rental desk. Nobody knows you or your needs. Just move on.
  • At your hotel, you DO NOT have to attend any special events or meals. This is YOUR vacation, not theirs. Do not accept any reservation for anything you don’t want to do.
  • If a random stranger in a collared shirt greets you somewhere and asks where you’re staying, reply with “At a great place. Have a nice day!” and politely move on.

Will power. That’s the key to avoiding getting roped into a timeshare presentation.

Taylor Family at Playa Santa Maria Cabo San Lucas Mexico 1

Where to avoid timeshare salespeople

I mentioned that there is a swamp of timeshare salespeople at the airport, and it’s true. Once you’re clear of the initial wave of polo-shirt-wearing friends, you’ll be at a rental car counter, in the airport or off-site. WARNING : there are timeshare reps here too. As you’re choosing your rental car, somebody may offer an upgrade for you or to cover X number of days of your rental if you can attend a resort tour. And there are more people still before you even get into your hotel room. While it may not be this blatant on Oahu or at a Florida resort , Cancun and Cabo San Lucas are both very intense with timeshare pushing.

Estuary and East Cape Beach San Jose del Cabo from the air

Places to be aware of timeshare salespeople include (from landing to departure):

  • Airport, post-security
  • Rental car counter, in airport and off-site
  • Grocery store entrance, they may offer to direct you within the store
  • Your own hotel lobby, including the nice ladies with welcome drinks
  • By your own resort pool
  • On the beach or in a beachfront bar
  • At the mall or air conditioned public space
  • Waiting just outside of your hotel’s entrance gate

Seriously, you can avoid timeshare sales people every ten minutes if you’re in the main areas of nearly any resort town in Mexico. Just be aware and ready to keep your vacation your own.

Chris Taylor and LittleMan playing Cornhole at Playa Grande Cabo San Lucas 1

Wading through airport timeshare swamps

As you go through customs and exit, you’ll see people with clipboards and behind desks. They’ll ask if you have transportation arranged already and then offer to help you. You’ll say where you’re going and then they’ll ask if you want a shuttle or private transportation.

Tip :  prearrange your transportation and somebody will actually helpfully get you to them, even if it means you bypass the timeshare sales pitch. People do still want to be helpful.

If you haven’t booked your transportation, allow somebody to assist you, but be strong about whether or not you mind adding a timeshare presentation to your vacation. If you don’t want to do it, just politely decline and reiterate that you just need transportation. They’ll connect you with taxi or private shuttle and you’ll be on your way.

LittleMan on Tarmac in San Jose del Cabo 1

Tips to quickly negotiate timeshare sales pitches

If you do choose to engage in a conversation around attending a timeshare sales pitch, don’t let that delay the start of your vacation. When you talk to somebody at the airport about this, they’ll try to get you to do a presentation at your first possible chance, most likely meeting a representative just outside of your resort. If you’re setting one up at your resort, they’ll be more flexible for scheduling.

Choose a time that’s actually good for you and clarify if JUST ONE adult can go or if the whole family needs to be there.

Once you’ve established that you’ll be doing something with them, you need to be sure that your time is compensated. Usually a first-round timeshare pitch will include offering something like a bottle of tequila and maybe a discounted sunset cruise. No. You are giving your time, not at a discount. What is changing your plans and having an awkward meeting on your vacation worth?

Here’s what we typically negotiate for if we actually say yes to a timeshare presentation:

  • Reimbursement for cost of transportation to resort
  • A GOOD excursion for our family of four (comped, not at a discount) – we recommend Ecotours in Cabo or Playa del Carmen
  • Dining credit to be able to enjoy the hosting resort

Something we’ve also been able to take advantage of with timeshare presentations in the past has been kids club features. Many resorts have some form of protected child area, either to entertain kids while parents do the resort tour or for kids to enjoy later while parents are relaxing at the resort. It’s not available everywhere, but it’s worth checking if you’re going to the trouble.

Taylor family snorkeling off the Cabo Escape

The second round of timeshare pitch: at your resort

I know, you just went through this at the airport or rental agency, why are you having to deal with this again? When you arrive at your resort in Mexico, chances are that it is a part of a larger network or brand with either other properties you might stay at in the future or the property you’re at specifically has its own fractional ownership. If that’s the case, the resort will tactfully (or sometimes not) feel out if you’ve already been approached by another timeshare company.

timeshare presentation mexico

Should this happen or should you discover that the property does do presentations, you have a receipt or collateral plan for a rival company that you can use as leverage to have a more simple experience. You’re already at a resort; you’re now ON vacation. If you can make your life and travel experience better by trading in your timeshare presentation voucher for an equal one at your own hotel, you should do it. They most likely have the same options for tours, dining credit and bottles of tequila, so you should be able to convert your presentation to your property.

Note : in Los Cabos you may have been offered a presentation in San Jose, the Corridor, Cabo itself or far to the north. Stick close to your home base if possible.

If you have to broach the situation yourself and directly ask to do a presentation at your own Mexican resort, I’d be very surprised, but if you do but polite about it. I recommend stating your case:  “We said that we’d do a timeshare presentation with X but really like it here. Can we just convert this to do one here?” They’ll probably say yes, but if they don’t go do the other one if you want to. Remember that NOBODY is making you do it, but there are perks if you do.

timeshare presentation mexico

Surviving a timeshare presentation

It’s time to actually attend your timeshare presentation. Whenever we attend a timeshare presentation we go into it with zero intent of purchasing anything, but always with an open mind to hear what’s available and new in the world of timeshares. We actually love the timeshares that we own and take full advantage of them.

Tip : for the actual breakfast/lunch and tour, we always bring our kids with us for two reasons – 1) they always love it and express that, so we can continually say aloud to the timeshare salesperson that we’re not buying it and 2) antsy kids are an easy out when you need to end the presentation. If you want the kids to go to the childcare, that’s up to you, but they’re good to have around.

Taylor Family on beach at Playa Grande Cabo San Lucas 1

As you proceed in the presentation, you’ll hear all about the benefits of ownership, for both the enjoyment/luxury factor and the long term availability. Timeshare salespeople leverage people’s need for vacation and assume that you don’t get to travel enough, so investing in a timeshare guarantees the potential of future vacations. They’ll also talk to you about previous trips you’ve done in hopes of getting conversation about exchanging or trading your timeshare purchase. Ultimately, the goal is to show you all of the ways that a timeshare is good for you .

Note :  most timeshare presentations are said to be 90 minutes. If yours is looking like it’ll go be longer, HOLD THEM TO THE EXPECTATION. Ask to speak to the manager if you try to wrap it and it’s not happening.

Sunset at Playa Medano Cabo San Lucas

The sales pitch is strong and really tantalizing, but if it’s not for you, you need to feel empowered to say no thank you and walk away. If you want to continue on and see if it’s within your budget, go for it.

Heads up : as you finish, there will probably be one more push to get you to buy (I mentioned this before). If you give it a listen, you may actually hear a deal or arrangement that’s doable and you’ll find great value it, but still, WALK AWAY if it’s not right for you.

Before you leave your presentation, be sure that you do collect your compensation for your time. It’s easy to just be done, particularly if the experience was frustrating or if they’ve wasted a ton of your time, but be sure to get your goods.

Taylor Family at Playa Grande Cabo San Lucas

I hope this has been helpful. We really want to be sure that nobody gets sucked into a timeshare disaster, but also that if there is a good deal that is right for you and your family, that you’re able to take advantage of it.  Please let us know what questions you have, or if you want to share your story of timeshare success (or failure). Sharing experiences is how everybody has better travel down the road!

Want to pin this post or share it with somebody who’s considering a timeshare? Go for it!

Sitting through a timeshare presentation can be great for setting up fun and future vacations, but it also can ruin a day of relaxation. Dos and Don'ts of accepting and attending a timeshare sales pitch.

Monday 10th of April 2023

I wish I had read this article before leaving for Mexico. We ended up in one yesterday. The deal was quite appealing, but what turned my husband off is they wanted to see our ID. They said it was to abide by Mexican law to make these sales pitches safer for consumers. Wondering what your thoughts are on that?

Tuesday 16th of April 2024

@2td-admin, Hey there! We’re slated to do the 90 minute time share at the Grand Fiesta Americana Coral Beach. In exchange they offered us 50% off an ocean front room with transportation to and from the airport.

My wife and I are firm on saying no. Is it okay if we leave right at the 90 minute mark and still get the rate we were quoted?

Tuesday 11th of April 2023

I'm so sorry. Yes, you do have to show ID and usually flash a CC to show that you are eligible to both purchase and receive what's offered. They should never be writing down your ID number or CC number, but they do validate that you're over 18 or 21 and that a bank has entrusted you with buying power.

Did you end up staying through the whole presentation? Did you purchase something? We do own two timeshares and see their value, but I know that they aren't right for everyone.

Tuesday 14th of February 2023

I wish I read this earlier. My husband and I was trapped in a presentation today for over 3 hours. The exact same thing you mentioned happened to us! Several rounds of pitches and different salesmen keep asking same questions to us and never answers ours. Waste of time.

I'm so sorry. I totally know the feeling and frustration. Was it a company presentation or an independent property? I hope you are able to enjoy the rest of your trip.

Tuesday 30th of August 2022

What happened to the rest of this advice? Curious...

"Note: most timeshare presentations are said to be 90 minutes. If yours is looking like it’ll go be"

Wednesday 14th of September 2022

So sorry! I don't know what happened there. Here's the rest of my thoughts: most timeshare presentations are said to be 90 minutes. If yours is looking like it’ll go be longer, HOLD THEM TO THE EXPECTATION. Ask to speak to the manager if you try to wrap it and it's not happening.

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TERMS & CONDITIONS:   Every resort chain/resort/hotel has separate/different terms and conditions.  The general range of those terms is listed below.  These programs are designed to sell you some form of vacation ownership for future travel and not just give you a discounted trip.  

AGE RANGE:   25 to 70 years old.  The best range is 30 to 65.

TYPE OF TRAVELER:   Couples that are married or that live together and have matching addresses on their driver’s licenses, are prime prospects.  Married couples fit into almost all programs.  Single women who are divorced or single, also have access to a bunch of timeshare offers.  Single men have access to almost nothing, but there are a few programs that will accept them.

HOLIDAY TRAVEL: Few programs allow holiday travel and you should increase your booking time by 100 days when booking super peak or holiday travel windows.  Holiday travel windows are from Dec 19th through Jan 7 and the two weeks of spring break (Easter).

TAXES & OTHER FEES:   Every resort or hotel will have some sort of taxes or fees which are due at the time of booking.  This ranges between 10% and 18%.  There will also be some sort of transportation fee for both pickup and dropoff at any airport should you fly in.  Some timeshare offers include airport-to-resort transfers.

EXTRA FEE FOR EXTRA PEOPLE OR EXTRA NIGHTS:   Every program has a set number of nights and guests that are included in their offer.  Some programs will allow extra nights and extra guests, but there will be extra fees.  If you have kids, every resort will have rules on the ages of kids included free, especially any all-inclusive hotel.  With all-inclusive offers, some don’t allow kids, some allow kids to age 7 and some to age 12.  Each resort program is different.

TRAVELING WITH OTHER COUPLES:   This is a big NO, NO !  Resorts and hotels across the board consider this a super evil thing and if you get caught you will pay for your trip or be thrown out of the resort lobby.  There are very few resorts that allow this and if you get caught lying you will be charged for your trip and lose any fees you pay us.

DOUBLE DIPPING:   Traveling to multiple resorts or hotels on the same trip is also a big NO, NO .  However, there are a few that do allow this legally.  They are mainly in the USA and are just room-only offers.

TRIP PROTECTION:  This is highly encouraged and protects you from losing your trip due to illness or cancellation after a trip has been booked.  This ranges from $99 to $199 depending on how many trips you buy from us.  Trip protection allows you to rebook the same or another spot without penalty.

PRIMARY MARKET:   You need to live in the USA, Mexico, or Canada.  Places like Quebec Canada do not qualify.  Certain hotels won’t allow travelers from certain states.  This varies and organizing your trip is handled by our booking department.  

BBB:   The BBB is not my favorite service, but at least there is a service that gives you a voice.  If you look at the MonsterRG BBB account , you will see over 2500 reviews and some complaints.  Note, that for the size of this company and operation, the complaints are low (400 over the last 3 years and 230 this year).  Out of all these, the complaints are answered and the consumer is made happy the majority of the time.

BUY UP TO 5 TRIPS:   Sample the vacation programs available to you and your family.  There are many types of timeshare or vacation club programs.  See what fits for you and your family!  Build a relationship with us and we will do our best to make all your travel wishes happen.  Remember to give us plenty of notice of your upcoming travels.  The more notice you give us the more resort inventory you will have access to.  

PROBLEMS ARISE WHEN:   Where this falls apart is when consumers want a specific resort or set of dates.  When you give us lots of advanced notice like 90-plus days there should not be an issue.  The more flexible you are and the more notice you give the better.

OUT OF THE COUNTRY:   If you are traveling out of the country, consider your own trip insurance to cover plane tickets and health-related issues, and make sure every traveler has a passport including children and babies!  Never buy plane tickets until your trip is confirmed by our booking service.

NO CHARGE BACKS:   These are promotional trips and there is no refund.  If you follow these basic rules you will be fine.  You MUST do a recorded call which is our verification call and you will state that you understand these conditions for use.  

RECORDED LINE PROTECTS YOU:   On a recorded line everything you have been promised will be listed and some of these basic terms will be covered.  You will acknowledge that you give up your right to a chargeback or refund and that these are vacation promotions with terms you MUST meet. You will on the same recorded call state your names for the record and accept or deny our trip protection.  This call protects you from us saying something that is not true in our together-created deal and is your/our legal protection from failing to produce said vacations.

  • Atlantic City NJ
  • Breckenridge CO
  • Charlestown SC
  • Daytona Beach FL
  • Gatlinburg TN
  • Hilton Head SC
  • Hollywood FL
  • Las Vegas NV
  • Miami Beach FL
  • Myrtle Beach SC
  • New Orleans LA
  • New Smyrna Beach FL
  • New York NY
  • Ormond Beach FL
  • Portland OR
  • San Diego CA
  • St Augustine FL
  • San Antonio TX
  • St Pete Beach FL
  • Virginia Beach VA
  • Williamsburg VA
  • Acapulco MX
  • All-Inclusive
  • Collingwood Canada
  • Huatulco MX
  • Negril Jamaica
  • Los Cabos MX
  • Puerto Plata DR
  • Puerto Vallarta MX
  • Punta Cana DR
  • Riviera Maya MX
  • St. Martin VI
  • Fun Things To Do In Cancun
  • Cozumel Island Promotions
  • Riviera Maya Promotions
  • Cancun Inventory

Explore Cancun Mexico Through A Timeshare Presentation!

Discovering paradise: all-inclusive timeshare vacation promotions in cancun.

Fun Things To Do In Cancun Mexico

Video Of Fun Things To Do In Cancun mexico:


15 Fun Things To Do In Cancun mexico:

  • Visit Chichén Itzá : Explore the ancient Mayan city and its iconic pyramid, El Castillo, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
  • Relax on Playa Delfines : Enjoy the sun, sand, and stunning views at one of Cancun’s most beautiful and popular beaches.
  • Take a Cenote Tour : Dive into the natural sinkholes known as cenotes and swim in their crystal-clear waters surrounded by limestone formations.
  • Experience Xcaret Park : Immerse yourself in Mexican culture and nature with activities like snorkeling, swimming in underground rivers, and watching traditional performances.
  • Take a Boat Tour to Isla Mujeres : Hop on a boat and sail to this charming island, where you can snorkel, explore the beaches, and visit the lively downtown area.
  • Visit Tulum : Discover the well-preserved ruins of this ancient Mayan coastal city and enjoy the stunning beach below.
  • Enjoy a Catamaran Cruise : Sail along the coast, snorkel in the coral reefs, and enjoy a day of relaxation on the water.
  • Go Scuba Diving : Explore the vibrant underwater world of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, the second-largest coral reef in the world.
  • Experience Xel-Há Park : Swim in natural lagoons, float down rivers, and snorkel among tropical fish in this eco-archaeological park.
  • Discover Coba : Climb the ancient pyramid, explore the archaeological site, and ride a bicycle through the jungle.
  • Take a Jungle Tour : Speed through the mangroves on a speedboat and snorkel in the beautiful Punta Nizuc reef.
  • Visit the Underwater Museum (MUSA) : Dive or snorkel among the fascinating sculptures submerged in the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean Sea.
  • Explore the El Rey Ruins : Wander through the ruins of this ancient Mayan site and learn about its history and significance.
  • Go Parasailing : Soar above the beaches and enjoy breathtaking views of the turquoise waters and the Cancun skyline.
  • Shop and Dine in La Isla Shopping Village : Indulge in some retail therapy and enjoy a variety of dining options in this open-air shopping center.

Save On Travel To Cancun mexico:

Cancun Mexico Fun Things To Do

What are Timeshare Vacation Promotions?

Timeshare vacation promotions are essentially discounted vacations offered by resort developers. The catch is that in exchange for the significantly reduced price, the vacationers are required to attend a sales presentation or tour during their stay. The aim of these presentations is to introduce potential buyers to the concept of timeshares and convince them to invest in a vacation property.

Savings and Benefits

These all-inclusive timeshare vacation promotions in Cancun can offer discounts as high as 80% off the retail price. This translates to potentially hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in savings. The vacation packages typically include accommodations in luxurious resorts, meals, drinks, and various resort amenities. Some promotions may even include extra benefits like spa credits, discounted tours, or free airport transfers.

save up to 70 percent at sandos resorts by becoming a prospect

While these deals can seem incredibly attractive, it’s crucial to understand that not everyone qualifies for these promotions. The qualifications vary by resort, but the typical criteria include:

  • Age: Most promotions are targeted toward couples aged between 28 and 70.
  • Marital status: Often, these offers are for married or cohabitating couples, although some resorts may also accept single individuals.
  • Income: Many resorts require the participants to have a minimum annual income. This is to ensure that the potential timeshare buyers have the financial capacity to invest.
  • Identification: Participants are usually required to present a valid ID and a major credit card (not a debit card) at the time of the presentation.

The Fine Print

Those who fail to meet the qualification criteria or do not attend the sales presentation are required to pay the full retail price for their stay. Therefore, it is essential to fully understand the terms and conditions before booking a timeshare promotion.

While these presentations are typically 90 minutes to 2 hours long, some might take more time. It’s worth noting that while these presentations often employ high-pressure sales tactics, the potential buyers are under no obligation to purchase a timeshare.

all inclusive promotions

All-inclusive timeshare vacation promotions in Cancun can provide an incredible opportunity to enjoy a luxury vacation at a fraction of the standard cost. However, it is crucial for prospective vacationers to thoroughly understand the requirements and obligations before making a commitment. By doing so, they can ensure a relaxing and memorable Cancun getaway, while making the most of their vacation budget.

Whether you choose to invest in a timeshare or simply take advantage of the promotional vacation package, Cancun and the surrounding areas accessible from Cancun International Airport offer a wealth of experiences. From lounging on pristine beaches, diving in vibrant coral reefs, exploring Mayan ruins, or savoring local cuisine, Cancun is truly a dream destination that caters to all kinds of vacation preferences.

Stay Up To 4 Nights All-inclusive In The Cancun Area:

Discover Cozumel Island Via A Timeshare Vacation Promotion

Secrets Aura Cozumel is a top  Cozumel timeshare promotion opportunity for an adults-only resort that offers a serene and romantic escape on the island of Cozumel, Mexico. This all-inclusive resort boasts luxurious accommodations, four gourmet a-la-carte restaurants, and a world-class spa. With its stunning beachfront location, sparkling pools, and a range of exciting water sports, it’s an ideal haven for couples seeking tranquility and indulgence.

Cancun, Mexico – Krystal Cancun

Located in the heart of Cancun’s Hotel Zone, Krystal Cancun offers panoramic views of the Caribbean Sea and a vibrant nightlife. The resort is known for its sleek rooms and suites, international dining options, and direct access to the white sandy beaches. With its close proximity to shopping, restaurants, and nightclubs, it offers a mix of relaxation and excitement.

Cancun, Mexico – Laguna Suites Golf and Spa

Laguna Suites Golf and Spa is a charming retreat set amidst Cancun’s vibrant cityscape. This resort is perfect for golf enthusiasts and relaxation seekers alike, boasting a premium golf course and a rejuvenating spa. The suites offer views of the lush gardens or the golf course, and the intimate setting makes it a perfect destination for a quiet getaway.

Discover Cozumel Island Via A Timeshare Vacation Promotion

Offering breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea, Ocean Spa Hotel is an all-inclusive resort in Cancun that promises an unforgettable vacation. The resort features comfortable rooms, a relaxing spa, and a variety of water sports. With its dedicated children’s program, the resort is an excellent choice for families.

Cancun, Mexico – Sunset Fishermen

Sunset Fishermen is a tranquil beach resort located in Playacar, a short distance from Cancun. Offering a taste of authentic Mexican culture, it features stylish rooms, an infinity pool, and an on-site spa. The resort is located near ancient Mayan ruins, providing unique opportunities for exploration.

Cancun, Mexico – Sunset Royal Beach Resort

Sunset Royal Beach Resort is an all-inclusive resort in Cancun’s Hotel Zone known for its excellent service and luxurious accommodations. The resort offers a range of dining options, a full-service spa, and a variety of water and land-based activities. Its beachfront location offers stunning views, making it a perfect spot for a tropical vacation.

Tequilla Tours Cozumel Island

BlueBay Grand Esmeralda is a luxurious all-inclusive resort located in Playa Del Carmen. Nestled amidst lush jungle and stunning beaches, the resort features spacious rooms, a variety of international dining options, and a world-class spa. With dedicated zones for families and adults, it caters to all types of travelers seeking a balance of relaxation and adventure.

Riviera Maya, Mexico – Grand Sirenis Riviera Maya

Grand Sirenis Riviera Maya is a sprawling all-inclusive resort that combines natural beauty with excellent amenities. Situated on a stretch of white sandy beach in Riviera Maya, it features spacious accommodations, multiple swimming pools, a top-notch spa, and a variety of restaurants serving international and local cuisine. The resort’s unique architecture blends seamlessly with its tropical surroundings, making it a truly unique getaway.

Video Reviews Of MonsterRG Travelers To Cancun:

300+ general video reviews of monsterrg travelers:, map of where cancun mexico is:.

Cancun is located on the northeastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Situated in the eastern part of the country along the Caribbean Sea, Cancun is known for its stunning white sandy beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant nightlife. It is approximately 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) east of Mexico City and offers easy access to the ancient Mayan ruins of Tulum and Chichen Itza. Cancun’s tropical climate, rich cultural heritage, and natural beauty make it a popular tourist destination and a gateway to the stunning Riviera Maya.

Tags:  #2024timesharepresentations, #2024timesharepromotions, #caribbeantimesharepromotions, #mexicotimesharepromotions, #timeshareoffers2024, #rivieramayatimesharepromotions, #cancuntimesharepromotions, #playadelcarmentimesharepromotions

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Call for the latest inventory:   (888)988-2256   Save on travel using timeshare vacation promotions !

The advertising material being used on-site is for the purpose of soliciting membership or ownership time at various resorts and hotels.  These vacation deals are handled but a third party called MonsterRG.  Their offers require the user to meet certain terms which vary from hotel offer to hotel offer.  Most timeshare offers require you to be at least 28-70 and the majority are for couples only (married or living together).  The short is you get a serious discount for becoming a qualified prospect and attending a sales pitch on future vacations, during your stay.  There is no requirement to buy anything at the presentation, just meet the basic terms of that resort’s offer.  Vacation promotions are easy to use and readily available across North America and the Caribbean.

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Points Programs

Hotel programs, best credit cards, back to guides, timeshare presentations: how to get cheap & free vacations.

If you’re not familiar with timeshare presentations, now’s the time to take a look at them as a means to very cheap stays in many popular vacation spots.

Written by Amy Tung

Written by {post._embedded?.author[0].name || post.data.author}

On July 25, 2022

Read time 22 mins

timeshare presentation mexico

If you’re planning to visit some of the world’s most popular destinations, you can run into some hurdles if award availability is scarce and cash prices are high.

Sure, points can help offset the cost, but that means it will cost you a lot of points. What if I told you there’s a way to save those points and snag an awesome deal on your accommodation?

Well, there is – welcome to the world of timeshare presentation packages.  

What Is a Timeshare?

In a nutshell, a timeshare is a shared ownership program in which you may use a vacation property for a set time period every year.

Timeshare properties can range from resorts to condominiums to campsites. They can be a good option for travellers who have a favourite destination they like to vacation at every year.

With timeshares, these travellers will  have familiar accommodations to return to each time without the hassle of having to manage a fully-owned property while they are away. 

Most of the big hotel brands that we’re familiar with have their own affiliated timeshare division. A few well-known examples include the Marriott Vacation Club, Hilton Grand Vacations, Holiday Inn Vacation Club, Hyatt Residence Club, and even Disney has their own Disney Vacation Club.

Generally speaking, there are two types of timeshares: those that are points-based and those that give you deeded weeks.

  • In a points-based program, you have a certain number of points each year that can be redeemed against nights at your timeshare.
  • In a deeded-week program, every year, you have a “week” of the year that you can use your timeshare.

You do not necessarily need to stick with your timeshare property either. Usually, there is a system or program for owners to swap their property for another destination or property for any given year, building some flexibility into the program.

Despite the perks of timeshares, many people choose not invest in one, as they can be a money drain if you don’t make good use of them.

There are annual maintenance fees for the upkeep of the property that have to be paid, the process of swapping properties can be quite complicated, and it can be a pain to get rid of them or resell them as they don’t hold much value in the reseller’s market.  

What Is a Timeshare Presentation?

Whether you feel like timeshares may be a good fit for your travel patterns or not, you should consider attending a timeshare preview presentation.

The timeshare market is a competitive one, and most timeshare vacation clubs will offer some form of incentive for an opportunity to introduce you to their program in the hopes of enticing you to purchase one. 

What is offered as part of the package varies by the club and even the property, and it can be anywhere from tickets to a theme park or a show, to accommodations at one of their properties for several days at a huge discount, plus maybe even some bonus points for their respective hotel award programs.

If it’s the accommodation you’re after, keep in mind that usually the package will cover a “standard” room; however, there is a possibility for upgrading, as we’ll discuss later.

What’s the Catch with Timeshare Presentations? 

To take advantage of these fantastic offers, you (and your spouse, if you’re married) need to attend a 1.5- to two-hour sales pitch about the timeshare program while you’re vacationing on your timeshare package.

During that time, they’ll introduce you to their program, how easy it is to use the timeshare, the flexibility it provides, the years of enjoyment you will get out of it, and even give you a tour of a potential timeshare unit. 

Easy enough, right? Most of the time, yes.

Some sales representatives can be pushy and will pull out all the stops to get you to sign on, because that’s how they earn their commission. You may feel pressured to buy, and they may spend a lot of time negotiating a better offer for you.

Most sales reps, however, are quite reasonable. If you’ve put in your time and made it clear you’re not ready to buy, they’ll send you along your merry way. And if you do happen to cave under the pressure and buy the timeshare, it’s not the end of the world (more on this later).

During the pandemic, some timeshares like the Marriott Vacation Club opted to do virtual sales presentations, and in lieu of a vacation deal, you’d earn Bonvoy points instead.

There have been recent offers of up to 20,000–25,000 Bonvoy points; however, you have to be a US resident to take advantage. For the in-person presentation packages, there are no US residency requirements. 

How to Book a Timeshare Presentation

Now that you might be considering taking advantage of a timeshare presentation, let’s go over how you find these offers and sign up for them.

The easiest way is through each respective club’s website. Usually, there is a phone number or online form to complete for additional information. 

Hyatt even allows you to book the package online if you reside in the USA.

Once you purchase the package, there is quite a bit of flexibility when it comes to booking. Although the terms specifically say that the timeshare has to be booked within 12 months of purchase, it is not uncommon for them to extend this deadline. I have done this on a couple of occasions myself, even prior to the pandemic.

Once you book your package, you can still change the dates, although some programs will charge a change fee. During the pandemic, there was even more leniency (I rescheduled a Marriott preview package no less than four times), although this may tighten up a bit as travel opens up.

Unfortunately, once you purchase a preview package, they are generally considered non-refundable. There have been scattered reports of people receiving refunds if they no longer fulfill the eligibility for the package, but as always, your mileage may vary and this should not be the expectation.

My Experiences with Hilton Grand Vacations

Hilton Grand Vacations (HGV) has over 50 properties spread across the United States. Their properties differ from the regular Hilton-branded hotels in that they generally offer accommodations with more space, larger and a greater number of bedrooms, and ensuite kitchen and laundry amenities.

Note that not all HGV properties are bookable through timeshare presentations, and some properties are only made available at certain times. 

Thus far, I’ve done a couple of packages with Hilton Grand Vacations in Orlando , and another in Honolulu . Here’s a recap of my experiences so far with HGV. 

Parc Soleil by Hilton Grand Vacations

View on the Hilton Grand Vacations website.

2017 Package Deal: Three nights / four days for US$199 and a US$200 “Stay a Night On Us” rebate voucher; upgraded to a two-bedroom suite for an additional US$50

A few years back, I had to call Hilton reservations to change an existing hotel booking I had. At the end of the call, they thanked me for being a loyal Hilton Honors member and asked if I would be interested in hearing about a “great offer” they currently had. I accepted, and so began my journey down the rabbit hole of timeshare packages. 

I was forwarded to another agent, who offered me the above timeshare package. I was considering a trip to Disney for my son’s fifth birthday anyway, and this would definitely help bring down the trip’s cost, so I bought the package.

When we decided on our dates, I called back, and they confirmed availability and booked our accommodation and the timeshare presentation to be done during our stay – and that was it! 

At the time of booking, my youngest was only a few months old and wasn’t the greatest sleeper, and so extra space to accommodate her sleeping situation was desirable. When I inquired whether our one-bedroom suite could be upgraded to a two-bedroom suite, the agent advised that we could do that for an additional US$50, which seemed more than reasonable to me, bringing our grand total to US$249 plus tax. 

We stayed at the HGV Parc Soleil, which is a 15-minute drive into Disney. Other than being a bit further out from Disney, it was a fantastic accommodation option for families.

It had two beautiful outdoor pools, one that was zero-entry with a water slide and another for adults only. They had a kids activity centre and some organized activities throughout the day. There was also a basketball court, tennis court, and outdoor playground for the kids.

The suite itself was spacious, modern and clean with a full kitchen and an in-suite washer and dryer. There was also a paid shuttle service ($10 round trip per person) to the surrounding amusement parks, but times were rather limited. 

We attended the timeshare presentation on the second day. It was located at the Parc Soleil, which made it convenient.

At check-in, they ask for your ID and credit card, then invite you to enjoy snacks and non-alcoholic drinks while you wait for your sales representative. You can also drop off your kids at a small, supervised children’s room (with toys, colouring, and a TV) while you attend the presentation. 

Since it was our first timeshare presentation experience, we did not know what to expect. We were also genuinely interested in learning more about timeshares, which didn’t work in our favour.

They started off with some general questions about our travel habits and destinations we wanted to visit, and then went onto discuss how HGV could make it all happen at a fraction of the cost. 

Once the sales representative realized we actually had some interest, he turned the pressure on. He would show us how he had booked various destinations at fantastic rates and began negotiating on the amount of initial investment required to purchase, while offering additional Hilton Honors points to sweeten the deal.

Each time we declined, he would go back to his manager and come back with a better deal.

This went on for a bit until he finally came back with what seemed to be a decent offer at the time, and we actually signed the papers and walked out with a timeshare after the two and half hours.

The agent offered to refund our US$199 package cost, probably as a kind gesture given that we had just bought a timeshare with him, and then sent us to the front desk to obtain our US$200 “Stay a Night On Us” rebate voucher.

Suffice to say, purchasing a time share was not our initial game plan. Luckily for us, there is a cooling-off period built into the contracts, whereby you have 10 days to rescind a timeshare purchase agreement.

With some time and space to actually think about our impulsive decision, we decided it really wasn’t for us and the next day, we rescinded.

The staff were very kind about it and it was an easy enough process, but lesson learned: do not show any interest in a timeshare if you are in it only for the cheap accommodations.

Hilton Grand Vacations at Tuscany Village

2019 Package Deal: Four nights / five days in a one bedroom suite for US$299, refunded after presentation, one $200 “Stay A Night On Us” rebate voucher OR 10,000 Hilton Honors points

A year later, my husband had a conference in Chicago at the Hilton. HGV had set up a booth in the lobby, where they offered everyone 1,000 Hilton Honors points just for listening to what they had to offer.

Jon took them up on the offer, and this time he was offered packages to either New York City, Las Vegas, Myrtle Beach, or Orlando. They were two- to four-night packages ranging from US$199 to US$399.

Now, you might be wondering: how often you can purchase a timeshare presentation package? As per HGV’s terms, as long as you have not attended another presentation in the last 12 months, you are eligible to purchase another. 

We were just over a year since our first package, so we bought another, back to Orlando. This time around, the offer was four nights for US$299 plus tax, so we were a little hesitant as our previous offer was better.

The sales agent, sensing the hesitancy, sweetened the package by offering either a US$200 “Stay a Night On Us” rebate voucher or 10,000 Hilton Honors points, and to refund the US$299 after the presentation. That sealed the deal for us. 

This time, we chose to stay at the Tuscany Village, located about 15 minutes from Disney once again. The décor was a bit more dated, but it still had an outdoor playground and a few pools that would satisfy most young kids.

There were also complimentary DVD rentals and a children’s activity centre, albeit a bit smaller than the one at Parc Soleil.

I enjoyed the fact that it was right beside the Orlando Vineland Premium Outlets, which meant some retail therapy for me between theme park days. They also had a paid shuttle going to the amusement parks, but once again, the times were limited. 

Our presentation was back at the Parc Soleil. This time, my husband and I had a different game plan: we would tell them that we weren’t ready to buy a timeshare and to let them know early on.

This was working well for us initially, and at the one-hour mark the agent was pretty much finishing up. As we were just about to leave, he advised us that his manager had one last offer for us, which got us our third package… 

The Grand Islander by Hilton Grand Vacations

The manager came out and offered us a trial membership to the HGV program. Now this was different.

There was no set destination for the package; instead, for $1,599 (USD), we would be given enough points to redeem for seven nights in up to a two-bedroom suite at any of the HGV properties in North America, including Hawaii.

We did the math and worked out that it would be less than $230 (USD) a night. If it were any other destination, we would have left it. After looking at the current rates for Hawaii for a Hilton property in Honolulu for March Break, we came to see that it was a great deal.

Keep in mind that these are rates for two adults and two children. If you have more than four in your family, like myself, either you’re paying more, or you’ll find that most hotels won’t even be able to accommodate. The fact that we could book a two-bedroom suite was a big selling point for us.

HGV has quite a few properties in Hawaii, with the Grand Islander by HGV being one of the newer ones. We booked at the Grand Islander for four nights in Honolulu over March Break . 

That leaves us with three nights remaining, which we could have used to extend reservation to seven nights… 

…or book three nights at their New York property, West 57th Street by Hilton Club at the south end of Central Park, another otherwise pricey accommodation option. 

Either way, you can see that our $230 (USD) per night beats the above rates by a long shot. 

An Even Better Offer…

Sticking with Hawaii as our theme destination, HGV currently has an offer on their website for five nights in Honolulu or Waikoloa for $799 (USD) in a standard room, which brings the nightly rate to $160 (USD) – an incredible deal for a night in Hawaii.

Granted, it’s for a standard room, but I’m pretty sure you can request an upgrade offer to a bigger suite at a decent cost when you call in. 

My Experience with Marriott Vacation Club

We originally purchased our Marriott Vacation Club Preview Package back in 2019. This package offered a five nights at Marriott’s Maui Ocean Club for $799 (USD).

After numerous delays and postponements due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we finally enjoyed our stay in March 2022 . 

We rescheduled our timeshare presentation after our arrival, and there were no issues with moving it to a different day. When it came time for the actual presentation, it took place in a cubicle in their outdoor Sales Centre.

We wound up going over the 90-minute allotment, and spent closer to two hours there. I was genuinely interested in the program, so it was more my fault than theirs.

Marriott Vacation Club uses a points-based system. Our sales agent offered us the base-level 1,500 points at $15.84 (USD) per point, totalling $23,760 (USD).

As a signup bonus, they were willing to throw in another 3,000 points for the first year.

To put things into perspective, a one-bedroom villa in Maui at peak season could cost up to 4,500 points per week.

We didn’t show much interest in this, and they tried to sweeten the deal with some more offers, but we kindly declined. As we had an exit interview, another sales agent came in to offer us yet another timeshare presentation package.

The first offer, which was good for the next two years, was five nights at the same property for $1,295 (USD). We weren’t sure when we would be back to Maui again, so, again, we declined.  

They approached us with one last offer: $995 (USD) for four nights at any of their North American properties, including another property in Hawaii for a $300 (USD) add-on fee.

Our family wanted to visit Kauai in the near future, and after a quick check for a four-night stay in the winter revealed prices at around $2,600 (USD) for four nights, we accepted this last offer.

It goes to show that sticking around for more offers can result in some pretty great rates!

If you’re not familiar with timeshare presentation packages, now’s the time to take a look at them as a means to very cheap accommodations in many popular vacation spots.

Timeshare presentations are a great option in areas where points redemptions are either not worth it (e.g., Orlando, where hotels are generally quite cheap to begin with), or in places where redemptions are difficult to make (e.g., Hawaii where the cost of redemptions are high).

It does require a small time commitment and perhaps a bit of finesse in talking down a sales representative, but in my mind, the savings are definitely worth it. 

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I spent 5 days at an all-inclusive resort in Mexico for $399 — with one catch. Here's why it wasn't a scam and a deal I'll definitely book again.

  • I often see vacation deals for places like Mexico or Hawaii that seem too good to be true.
  • The catch is, in return for the cheap price, you must sit through a timeshare presentation.
  • I finally booked one: $399 for five days at an all-inclusive Mexico resort. Here's how it went.

Insider Today

Budget is always top of mind when it comes to planning travel, and I'm always looking for deals for me, my husband, and our first-grade daughter. After two years of parenting during a pandemic, we were all eager to get away.

So when a Facebook ad popped up offering five days at an all-inclusive Mexico resort for $399, I clicked. The idea of a vacation that required no cooking sounded amazing, and the price was cheaper than I'd hoped. 

My husband, always the skeptic, thought it sounded too good to be true, asking, "What's the catch?"

He was right — there was one.

We'd have to sit through a two-hour timeshare presentation to receive the deal. The tradeoff seemed worth it: five days in Playa Del Carmen at the four-star Blue Bay Grand Esmeralda hotel with two pools and unlimited food and alcohol.

I booked the deal and crossed my fingers that it was real. And it was — but not everything went as expected. Here's what it was like.

Our all-inclusive Mexico resort was better than expected … but we had very low expectations

When we landed in Mexico, both my husband and I feared there would be no one waiting for us, that our room would be dingy, or that the whole deal would be a hoax.

But someone was waiting at the airport to take us to the hotel, which was about an hour south of Cancun. There, we found an open-air lobby that was low-lit and filled with plants, and friendly staff took us in a golf cart to our room on the other edge of the property, where an iguana and a deer crossed our paths.

Then came the moment of truth: our room. It was simple with two queen beds, a terrace overlooking palm trees, and a fridge filled with soft drinks and water.

As we walked to the breakfast buffet the next day, some details made me think the property was a bit dated (the club area had photos of Magnum PI and Elvis), and I noticed that the beach was full of seaweed. But we couldn't complain. Maybe other all-inclusive resorts were fancier with finer food, but I was happy I didn't have to cook and my daughter couldn't believe she could have unlimited dessert.

Eventually, we had to attend the timeshare presentation.

The timeshare presentation was back in Cancun, and would take at least four hours with travel. The hotel started to pester me to schedule it from the moment we arrived, and wanted us to come the first day, but I held them off until day three when it rained.

The presentation was at a lavish resort with stunning crystalline pools that made our hotel look shabby. Of course, to use them, we'd be required to spend $100,000 on a timeshare there.

They then took us to the sales room, where every few minutes a bell rang signaling that someone had signed a deal. I pretended to take notes on my computer while Googling, "How to get out of a timeshare presentation."

We turned down their deal to buy into the swanky surroundings, but before leaving, they sent us to a cramped room to book our ride back to our hotel and foisted one last sales pitch: for $3,000, we would get three vacations for the next three years, plus a stay on this gorgeous property in Cancun.

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"Not bad," my husband said, wanting to purchase the offer. "Think about it — that would take care of our winter break, and we can get our summer vacation for free," he said.

But on the hour-long drive back, I became the cynical one. Reading the fine print, I saw that the Cancun property was under construction and they could not tell us in advance how much we'd have to pay for a stay in summer season, which would come in addition to the $3,000, or which properties would actually be available when we wanted to travel.

I wasn't ready to commit and convinced my husband to walk away from the offer.

I would give up a vacation day to attend a timeshare presentation again, in exchange for a cheap deal

With travel prices growing astronomically high, I'm still on the hunt for cheap vacations, especially all-inclusive resorts. The lack of planning and cooking felt priceless, and to me, the long presentation was worth it for the cheap deal.

I'll gladly sit through another timeshare presentation in exchange for a cheap price and will definitely will book another one of these deals — as long as my husband promises to not buy a timeshare.

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Puerto Vallarta Tips

Travel vacation rentals, what to expect at a timeshare presentation in cancun.

Timeshare and residence clubs are very popular in Cancun thanks to the Caribbean destination’s diverse attractions, amazing surroundings and great selection of resorts offering fractional vacation ownership.

timeshare presentation mexico

Upon arrival to Cancun, you will be offered plenty of opportunities to buy a timeshare or join a luxury vacation club from a number of reputable companies such as Villa del Palmar. The majority of timeshare presentations in Cancun follow a similar formula, so let’s uncover what you can expect from a timeshare presentation in Cancun.

Any good timeshare resort or residence club in Cancun will be confident that their resort will speak for itself, which is why the presentations are held on the site of the hotel or resort where the units are on sale. You should beware any Cancun presentations that do not take place in the resort itself.

Once you arrive to the Cancun resort, you will be given a little time to get a feel for the place, maybe over breakfast or refreshments, after which you will be seated for a formal presentation given by a senior member of the executive team. This presentation will set out the timeshare company’s vision and the resort’s facilities. At this point you can expect to see videos, PowerPoints and other promotional materials about the resort and Cancun. You will probably have a good idea at this point if the product is something you might consider buying or not.

After the formal presentation you will sit with a seller who will assess your future vacation needs and suggest the best options for you and your finances. You will be shown floor plans of the individual units listing all the facilities and amenities as well as photographs of the accommodations you may wish to buy in Cancun. If you know at this point that you definitely do not want to buy a timeshare or join a residence club in Cancun, then this is a good time to say something to the seller, even though you will still need to see the presentation and tour through to the end.

While you are sat with the seller, you should ask all the questions you feel are necessary and make a note of the answers you receive. From there you will be taken on a tour of the resort and to see the units for sale. Again, if you have any questions, make a note of them to ask the seller when you return to sign the contract.

Seeing the units and taking the tour is usually all that is needed to make you fall in love with the idea of owning your own slice of Cancun paradise and then you will be expected to sign the contract. Make sure that you read the timeshare contract carefully as you will not be able to change things after you have signed. Owning a timeshare in Cancun is a pleasure and an affordable luxury for many, just make sure that your purchase is within your means.

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Availability Search

Cancun mexico timeshare promotion, five-star all-inclusive beach cancun resort.

Sandos Playacar Beach Resort & Spa Timeshare Promotion

4 Nights / 5 Days All-Inclusive Promotional Rate

One bedroom condo.

For 2 adults and 2 children 12 years of age or younger.

Price for the whole family for the entire stay

Calculate the Price of Your Vacation

Please select your choice of room type and number of nights from the fields below, and then click the calendar on your desired arrival date.

1. Room Type

2. Nights Select Number of Nights 4 5 6 7

3. Click On Your Arrival Date (green if available)

Select Total Number Guests Including yourself

4. Adults Adults (18 +) 1 2 3 4

5. Juniors Juniors (13 to 17) 0 1 2 3 4

6. Children Children (12 or under) 0 1 2 3 4

You, and your spouse/significant other if married or cohabiting, must attend a 120-minute Vacation Ownership sales presentation. Please read our Terms & Conditions to see if you meet the minimum eligibility requirements.

Your Discounted Price

For the whole family - for your entire stay!

Price does not include $29.95 USD daily resort fee.

  • This promotion is intended for American or Canadian Citizens (USA or CANADA Passport holders only, not including Quebec).
  • Both qualified participants must present their USA or Canadian passports and be fluent in English or Spanish. Upon arrival at the resort, you will need to present the passports along with the stamped immigration papers confirming your arrival date.
  • A major credit card in the name of the qualifying person(s). NO DEBIT CARD, CHECK CARDS, OR AT CHECK-IN WILL ACCEPT CORPORATE CARDS - NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • Cohabitating couples must both be legally single. Must present government-issued matching photo identification with matching addresses, and both must be between the ages of 30 and 70.
  • Married couples must present government-issued matching photo identification with matching addresses; one spouse must be between 30 and 70 years old. Newlyweds must bring a copy of their original marriage license or certificate if they do not have matching identification within a 3 month period of their marriage.
  • Quebec residents or Quebec-born Canadian citizens do not qualify for this promotion.
  • Single women must be legally single and between the ages of 30 and 70 and must also present government-issued photo identification. Single men do not qualify for this promotion.
  • Friends or family members of employees of the Developer or any of their affiliates do not qualify for this promotion.
  • Participants must be gainfully employed with a combined minimum annual income of USD 50,000; if retired must meet the income requirements.
  • Only one package purchase for one room only is allowed for this promotion. If friends and/or family traveling together exceed the number of allowed packages sold, the promotion benefits will be only for the first package sold. A second room for family and or friends staying at the resort during the same time period will be charged a higher rate before or after check-in or check-out.
  • You can not use this package to stay at the resort during the same or similar dates as any family or friends, whether the friends or family are on a promotional package or a regular reservation. The exception is only for promotional package purchasers staying at the resort during similar dates as family or friends who are resort owners.
  • The first night in Mexico must be at a developer's affiliated hotel.
  • Attendance to a 90-minute vacation ownership sales presentation is mandatory and will be scheduled upon your arrival. The 90 minutes will begin after your breakfast orientation. You are not eligible if you have previously toured any Developer's vacation club property within the last 6 months. All travelers must attend and complete the presentation together. However, there is no obligation to purchase; however, not completing the 90-minute presentation or giving purposeful misleading information and/or omitting relevant information regarding the package qualifications will negate this promotion. If you have received this package as a gift from another promotion, you may be disqualified.
  • Any client that owns property in Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, or Cabo San Lucas is not eligible for this promotion.
  • It is not permitted to visit or attend another Vacation Club and/or Timeshare property or presentation while using this promotion.
  • Children 12 years and under are considered children. If a child is 13 or over at the time of travel, they will be charged the adult rate.
  • The Developer is not responsible and cannot refund any monetary quantity left as a deposit with airport representatives; for tours and activities or any reason outside with the hereby stated. All currency regarding this package is managed by credit card; our staff does not ask for cash deposits of any kind.
  • Presentations are normally scheduled for the first morning after you arrive at the destination. Your concierge will have your invitation with time and date ready for you upon arrival. It would help if you kept the presentation day free of all other obligations; therefore, we suggest booking any tours and activities with our tour desk after check-in.
  • This vacation package is not refundable. However, you can reschedule your vacation within a 12 month period from the date of purchase.

Regarding All-inclusive: Room Service & Honor Bar are not part of this promotion, La Casona, Hiroshi & Caprichos Restaurants are NOT included in the promotional stay. Ocean View rooms: The hotel does not guarantee Ocean View rooms. Free Internet: there is no free wi-fi at the resort: internet at the resort is available at an extra price. Premium Liquors - top-shelf liquors are NOT included in this promotion. We offer house brand liquors, domestic beer, and house wine by the glass as part of the All-Inclusive package. Presentation: Your 90 minutes breakfast presentation will take place at the resort; you can find your hotel reservation below at Vacation Package Information.

If the couple fails to attend the 90-minute sales presentation or is deemed not qualified by the resort, the resort's full rack rate will be due at checkout in addition to any amount already paid in advance.



Hotel Sandos Playacar Beach Resort

Five-Star All-Inclusive Cancun Beach Resort

timeshare presentation mexico

Enjoy this magnificent All-Inclusive beach resort and save money by attending an informative Vacation Ownership sales presentation during your stay!

On the Yucatan Peninsula, where Mexican and Caribbean beauty collides, Cancun's enchanting crystal turquoise waters mystify you with the sweet lullaby of soothing waves against the pristine white sand beaches of Playa Mujeres. From there, you can relax effortlessly at your Villa del Palmar Cancun beachside lounge. The biggest decision you'll make all day will be choosing between a margarita and a daiquiri. We invite you to learn more about all that Five-Star All-Inclusive Cancun Beach Resort  Mujeres offers, from our elegant, world-class amenities to our unparalleled 5-star service. Located in one of Mexico's most coveted

locations, this property aims to please by offering personalized distinct services targeting honeymooners and families. It's all here - from setting out to sea for a glass-bottom boat tour to nibbling on culinary delights from a beachside perch to going on a whirlwind shopping excursion to soaking in your own Jacuzzi tub. This fast-growing stretch of Cancun offers a bit of everything, from shopping and nightlife within easy access to downtown to empty crowd-free strands of beach to the utmost in opulent relaxation.

Resort Photo Slideshow

timeshare presentation mexico

Resort Video

Location map, villa del palmar cancun beach resort & spa.

Sandos Playacar Beach Resort & Spa

Paseo Xaman - Ha 1, Playacar, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Cancun Mexico

Cancun, Mexico

Five-Star Cancun Beach Resort All-Inclusive Plan

Five-Star All-Inclusive Cancun Beach Resort is an all-inclusive property. Room rates include meals and beverages at on-site restaurants and bars, taxes, and gratuities. Other amenities, including access to recreational activities and entertainment, may also be included. Additional charges may apply for meals at some restaurants, special dinners and dishes, certain beverages, and other amenities.

Five-Star All-Inclusive Cancun Beach Resort offers a restaurant, a bar/lounge, and a poolside bar. Five-Star All-Inclusive Cancun Beach Resort features 2 outdoor swimming pools, a health club, a spa tub, and a fitness facility. This all-inclusive resort also offers a children's pool, a coffee shop/café, and spa services. Business services and currency exchange can be provided. Onsite parking is complimentary.

Regarding All-inclusive: Room Service & Honor Bar are not part of this promotion, La Casona, Hiroshi & Caprichos Restaurants are NOT included in the promotional stay.

Ocean View rooms: The hotel does not guarantee Ocean View rooms.

Free Internet: there is no free wi-fi at the resort: internet at the resort is available at an extra price.

Premium Liquors - top-shelf liquors are NOT included in this promotion. We offer house brand liquors, domestic beer, and house wine by the glass as part of the All-Inclusive package.

Presentation: Your 90 minutes breakfast presentation will take place at Villa del Palmar Resort.


Two double beds or one King-size bed. Private and deluxe spacious bathroom with shower and hairdryer. Air conditioning and ceiling fan for optimal climate control, satellite color television, safety deposit box, telephone, and a mini-bar with mineral water, soft drinks, diet, and regular soda and beer. Balcony with Garden or Partial Ocean view. Maximum Capacity: Adults, 3 Adults, and 1 child or 2 Adults and 2 children.

Accommodations at Villa del Palmar Cancun


Mouth-watering delights - many of which are caught fresh from the shore - await you at the resort's many restaurants. In the mood for fine dining and a dash of romance? No problem. Or prefer to lounge poolside with a burger? We have that too. Options Include:

Davino Restaurant

Divine Restaurant at Villa del Palmar Cancun Resort

Davino’s recipe for success combines the simplicity and succulence of market-fresh Mediterranean ingredients with fashionable Italian chic.

The level of comfort and ambiance in our restaurant is delightfully sophisticated yet calm and relaxing. Merely walking into space prepares your taste buds for what will be a culinary awakening. Crockery, minimalist in style yet generous in proportions, sits comfortably on elegant wooden tables.

Albeit, Davino’s main allure is perhaps the seafood bar, where the freshest catch of the day is readily available for guests. Another highlight is our brick oven, where the most delectable pizzas and rustic bread are prepared daily.

Zamá Restaurant

Zamá Restaurant at Villa del Palmar Cancun Resort

Set in a sophisticated atmosphere beneath a giant palapa, the restaurant’s structure is reminiscent of an ancient Mayan god sitting ceremoniously at the complex's heart. The name Zamá means “sunrise” in the Mayan language, and your dining experience here is like a new dawn for your appetite.

The restaurant’s central location makes it the ideal place for lunch and dinner, where you can enjoy wonderful views, great service, and unforgettable Mexican cuisine. Both outdoor and indoor seating is available beneath this incredible giant palapa.

Bites & Grill

Bites & Grill at Villa del Palmar Cancun Resort

The snack bar’s casual atmosphere also means that you can arrive directly from the beach or pool for light refreshments without having to return to your room to change.

Its fresh open-air architecture means that you can enjoy views of the pool and Caribbean while you savor the delights of a range of sumptuous light meals.

Perfect for lunchtime or snacks by the pool, this casual outdoor bar and grill offer all kinds of light meals, from gourmet burgers, Caribbean infused Ceviches, and overflowing paninis to pizzas and inventive salads.

Its authentic wood-burning brick pizza oven delivers an extensive number of tasty oven-baked delicacies and pizzas; you could easily try something different every day of your vacation and never get bored.

Take advantage of this great promotional rate and enjoy a fantastic beach vacation with your family at a great rate!

Other Popular Destinations

Puerto Vallarta All Inclusive Promotions

Puerto Vallarta

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Myrtle Beach

Timeshare Presentations in Mexico – How to Say No

Posted on March 19, 2014 by HDR Blog Team

Timeshare Presentations In Mexico Hotel Image

Travellers to Mexico will inevitably be asked if they want to attend a timeshare presentation.  The offer is appealing:  discounts, adventures and even cash of up to $500 just to hear about a timeshare.  But before you say yes to timeshare presentations in Mexico, be prepared for a very hard sell and a ’90 minute’ presentation that could last up to 3 hours or longer.

The moment you walk out of the airport, most travellers to Mexico are hit up by vendors trying to flog timeshares.  They are everywhere, from the airport to your hotel to the car rental agency.  The offer may seem appealing.  For a couple, you can receive between $200 and $500 in cash, free items and discounts (plus a free breakfast or lunch), for just 90 minutes of your time.  At first blush, who would not accept this offer?

Why do these companies offer such great perks just to attend a presentation?  There’s big business in Mexican timeshares and presentations are the easiest way sell them.  For example, say a resort has 300 units.  Each unit has to be sold 52 times (1 for each week) so thats the equivalent of 15,000 sales they have to make to sell out the 300 unit resort.  If a typical unit sells for $30,000 per week and they sell all 52 weeks, they’re earning $1.5M per unit.  Giving tourists say $300 worth of whale watching tours (which costs them much less) is a small drop in the bucket.

The sole objective of the ‘bait’ is to get you to phase 2 of the sales process:  have your undivided attention for at least 90 minutes (sometimes longer) so they can work you over and sell you hard, making you believe that $30,000 for the right to use a hotel room for 1 week each year is a good deal.

Related articles:

  • Hotwire hotel tips for Cabo San Lucas
  • Priceline Mexico Discussion Forum
  • Mexico Car Rentals – Don’t Be Scammed

How to Say ‘No’ and Keep the Presentation Brief

In exchange for perk you receiving (cash, free activities, etc), its your obligation to earnestly sit through, listen and engage in the timeshare presentation.  This does not mean, however, that you are obligated to purchase a timeshare so never buy out of guilt or high pressure tactics.  [Editor’s Note:  This article assumes you do not want to buy a timeshare. The article makes no recommendation about whether you should purchase a timeshare or not.]  In all likelihood, the presentation will go longer than the time promised.  Personally, I think its okay to let the presentation go a little longer but dont’ let a 90 minute presentation turn into longer than 2 hours.  Thirty minutes extra is quite generious.  Here are some tips for saying no and exiting within a reasonable timeframe.

Foolproof Method to Keep The Timeshare Presentation Brief

  • Bring an alarm (iPhone or watch) and set for 20 minutes longer than the promised duration of the timeshare presentation.  Say the timeshare presentation duration is supposed to be 90 minutes and starts at 8:00 a.m., set the alarm for 9:50 a.m.
  • At or near the beginning of the presentation, tell the presenter that you understand the timeshare presentation will only take 90 minutes.  Confirming this puts him on notice that you’re not prepared to go much longer and that time is an issue.  There’s no need to be rude about it, just firm and matter of fact, to the point.
  • Then let him know you have a hard stop at 2 hours because of other obligations.  Tell him that you’ve set your alarm to give you a 10 minute warning before your hard stop.
  • Midpoint through the presentation, make a point of looking at your watch or alarm clock and be vocal about this.  Say something like, “Excuse me, I just need to quickly check the time.  Oh, we’re good.  We still have 40 minutes left.”
  • If you have not wrapped things up before your alarm rings, let the alarm go off.  Make it rings long enough that the presenter hears the alarm, then stop the alarm.  This is your opportunity to tell him we need to wrap things up before you have to leave.  If they give you any slack, you can say in your defence that you have given them an extra 30 minutes and that you were complete upfront and honest about your hard stop at the beginning of the presentation.

Foolproof Method to Say No:   At some point during most timeshare presentations in Mexico, attendees will be asked “why don’t you want to buy” or “is there anything from preventing you to buy now”.  This is your opportunity to cite the reasons for not buying.  Its best when couples come in with a plan and don’t waver.  Here is a near fool proof method of saying no and providing a rationale that is honest and difficult for them to respond to:

  • When asked if you want to purchase or “is there anything that would prevent you from buying a timeshare today”, state the following:  “There are 2 types of decision makers:  informed decision makers, and emotional decision makers.  I’m not an emotional decision maker, and I am simply gathering information to help me make a later decision.”
  • You want to look into the resale value, by checking to see if there are others who are selling their timeshare on websites such as eBay.
  • You want to compare prices here versus buying from owners who want to sell their units.  Maybe its cheaper on eBay and sellmytimeshare.com.
  • You want to find out how much you can rent your place for, by checking sites like AirBnB and VRBO.
  • You need to speak to other timeshare owners about ownership, the good and the bad.
  • They may try to talk you out of this.  This is called ‘objection handling’.  Call them on it.  Tell that that you understand they are ‘objection handling’, but that you understand their goal is to sell, and so you really need to do your own research to gather information from a variety of sources and not just those whose goal it is to sell.

Not All Mexico Timeshare Presentations Are Bad

I attended a timeshare presentation at the Welk Resort Serina Del Mar on the Cabo San Lucas corridor.  I received $250 worth of whale watching discounts plus free breakfast for a family of 5, so around $300 worth of perks.  It was interesting to watch the sales process.  They have a formula for putting you at ease by giving you breakfast in a fun and friendly atmosphere.  The main presenter tries hard to become your best friend in a very short amount of time by asking your personal questions and showing pictures of his kids and family.  We quickly built up trust with our presenter, Jorge, but at the same time, we were open and host with him about the amount of time we had and our reasons for not buying.  We used the method described above.

I want to give my compliments to Jorge and the Welk Resort Cabo San Lucas timeshare staff.  We agreed to 90 minutes and we were out of there in 85 minutes.  They were very respectful and did not employ high pressure tactics.  It was a relief from what we were expecting due to the stories we had heard about timeshare presentations in Mexico.

Alternative To Timeshares

Anyone who attends a timeshare presentation without the intention of purchasing a week is doing it for 1 reason:  the perk they are offering for your time.  If you are a budget conscious traveller, consider booking your hotel on Hotwire or Priceline instead.  I received the Welk Resort in Cabo San Lucas for just $100 USD per night for a full 1 bedroom suite.  Priceline and Hotwire are somewhat risky because you do not know what hotel you will get, but there are ways to reveal your Hotwire or Priceline hotel .  The Hotwire and Priceline Travellers Forum maintains a list of known hotels in Mexico that are available on Hotwire and Priceline:

  • Hotwire Mexico Hotel List
  • Priceline Mexico Hotel List

Begin Your Search

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Priceline tips.

  • Priceline For Beginners
  • Learn To Rebid Instantly

Hotel Lists

  • Winning Bids

Hotwire Tips

  • Hotwire For Beginners
  • How To Reveal Hotwire Hotels

Bidding for travel? These resources might help.

Hotwire & Priceline hotel lists help travelers reveal the name of their hotel before booking. Hotel lists were created by fellow travelers who posted their winning bids.

Hotwire Q&A

Questions about booking your hotel on Hotwire? Our travel experts answer the most common questions asked by travelers when booking hotels on Hotwire.

Hotwire Q & A

How Much To Bid?

Not sure how much to bid on a Priceline hotel? You can use this better bidding strategy to bid low. Then, work your way up in price through multiple rebids.

Bid Low Strategy

Reveal Your Hotel

Thanks to fellow travelers, it is possible to reveal your Hotwire or Priceline hotel. These tips will improve your chance of identifying your hotel before booking your stay.

Find Out How

Sandos Playacar Beach Resort

Sandos caracol eco resort.

  • Sandos Cancun Lifestyle Resort
  • Villa del Palmar Cancun Resort
  • Luxury Natura Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Sapphire Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Aventuras Resort & Spa - Riviera Maya
  • Luxury Vista Cancun Golf & Spa Resort
  • Luxury Cancun All-Inclusive Family Resort
  • Luxury Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Tulum Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Jade Riviera Cancun
  • Sandos Finisterra Los Cabos
  • Luxury Los Cabos Suites Golf Resort & Spa
  • Villa del Palmar Cabo San Lucas Beach Resort
  • Villa del Palmar Loreto
  • Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta Spa Resort
  • Occidental Nuevo Vallarta
  • Grand Matlali Riviera Nayarit
  • Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta
  • Luxury Bahia Mita Surf & Spa Resort
  • All-Inclusive Adults-Only Luxury Punta Cana Beach Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Macao Beach Punta Cana Family Resort
  • Luxury Onyx Punta Cana All-Inclusive Family Resort
  • Luxury Royal Beach Punta Cana Resort


All-inclusive resorts, cancun – cabo – vallarta - the caribbean, all inclusive beach resort timeshare promotions.

All-Inclusive Vacation Resort Promotions

What is All-Inclusive, and what does it mean? The All-Inclusive Vacation Resort Concept Explained

The All-Inclusive concept has been around for many years. It was designed to simplify your experience at a vacation resort by consolidating accommodations, meals, soft and alcoholic drinks, daily activities, non-motorized watersport, and entertainment, all under one fixed price for a couple or an entire family.

An All-Inclusive Timeshare or Vacation Ownership resort allows you and your family to enjoy all these benefits at an even higher discounted price by extending to you and your spouse an invitation to attend an informative sales presentation while you stay at the resort.

We are proud to present you with some fantastic offers from some of the most prestigious and established developers in the industry

Cancun Mexico All Inclusive Timeshare Packages and Promotions

Cancun Mexico

Located on the east coast of the Yucatan peninsula, Cancun attracts more visitors than any other tourist destination in Mexico, thanks to its exclusive resorts, exquisite beaches, vibrant nightlife entertainment, and a wide array of local attractions. Cancun, known for its white-sand beaches, near-perfect weather, and bright blue waters, is Mexico's most popular and exciting tourist destination, and now we are proud to offer you these great mini-vacation specials, sponsored by some of the best All Inclusive Hotels developers in Cancun.

Cabo San Lucas Mexico All Inclusive Timeshare Packages and Promotions

Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas, also known as Cabo or Los Cabos, is located at the southern tip of the Mexican Baja California peninsula, offering a large array of activities, including Whale Watching, Snorkeling, Scuba Diving, Golf, ATV Riding, Glass Bottom Boat Rides, Jet Skiing, Parasailing, Kayaking, Stand Up Paddle Boarding, Deep Sea Fishing, Swim with Dolphins, Flyboarding and many more. Iconic landmarks like Land's End, Lovers Beach, Neptune's Finger, and their most famous El Arco can be found at this exciting destination.

Puerto Vallarta Mexico All Inclusive Timeshare Packages and Promotions

Puerto Vallarta

Lush, green vistas, enchanting Mexican architecture, eco-adventures, and uncrowded beaches will capture your heart at this seductive hideaway, forever known as the setting for 'Night of the Iguana.' Puerto Vallarta is also where you'll find colorful mercados, sumptuous cuisines, dazzling nightlife, and secluded nature trails. Yes, there are all the 'bells and whistles' of a modern resort community, but you'll also find the peacefulness and tranquility of a hidden getaway sure to soothe your soul.

Lowest Price Timeshare Promotions

If you find a lower rate published online for the same hotel, room type, number of people and exact dates, we will match the price plus an additional 10%

Featured destination, cancun and the mayan riviera.

All-Inclusive Timeshare Resort Promotions


Villa del Palmar Cancun

Do you love to travel, so, you have a passion for traveling, experiencing great adventures, and would like to save money on your vacations give us a call or book online today., call toll-free 1-866-850-9535.

  • Sandos Playacar Beach Resort & Spa
  • Sandos Caracol Eco Resort
  • Five-Star All-Inclusive Cancun Resort
  • Sandos Cancun Lifestyle Resort
  • Luxury Natura Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Sapphire Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Aventuras Resort & Spa - Riviera Maya
  • Luxury Vista Cancun Golf & Spa Resort
  • Luxury Cancun All-Inclusive Family Resort
  • Luxury Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Tulum Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Jade Riviera Cancun
  • Luxury Sands Cancun Resort & Spa
  • Sandos Finisterra Los Cabos
  • Luxury Los Cabos Suites Golf Resort & Spa
  • Five-Star All-Inclusive Cabo San Lucas
  • All-Inclusive Adults-Only Luxury Punta Cana Beach Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Macao Beach Punta Cana Family Resort
  • Luxury Onyx Punta Cana All-Inclusive Family Resort
  • Luxury Royal Beach Punta Cana Resort
  • Five Star All-Inclusive at The Islands of Loreto
  • Five-Star All-Inclusive Puerto Vallarta
  • Occidental Nuevo Vallarta
  • Grand Matlali Riviera Nayarit
  • Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta
  • Luxury Bahia Mita Surf and Spa Resort
  • Luxury St. James Montego Bay
  • Luxury Wild Orchid Montego Bay
  • Ultra Luxury Montego Bay Resort & Spa
  • Luxury Las Mareas Costa Rica
  • Ultra-Luxury Papagayo Costa Rica Resort
  • Luxury Playa Bonita Panama
  • Luxury Karibana Cartagena Golf & Spa Resort
  • Summer Bay Resort
  • Wyndham Orlando Resort
  • Lake Buena Vista Resort Village & Spa
  • Exploria Express Hotel Orlando
  • Hawthorn Suites Orlando
  • Enclave Hotel & Suites Orlando
  • Crowne Plaza Orlando
  • StaySky Suites – I Drive Orlando
  • Orlando Vacation Resort
  • Holiday Inn Express Hilton Head Island
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  • Grand Seas Resort
  • Country Inn and Suites Pigeon Forge
  • The Lodge at Five Oaks
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Call toll-free 866-850-9535, timeshare deals, packages & promotions.

Timeshare Deals - Packages & Promotions

Exciting Vacation Destinations

Timeshare Deals, Packages, Promotions, and Vacation Rentals. Enjoy great Family Vacations and save on Timeshare, Vacation Club, and All-Inclusive Resorts.

We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to preview these great Timeshare Vacation properties by participating in our Promotions.

Take advantage of these incredible discounts on your vacations and save on resort accommodations. From Timeshare Vacations, All-Inclusive hotels and condo packages, and promotions to Orlando, Florida, Cancun Mexico, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, The Mayan Riviera, Cozumel, Daytona, and Ormond Beach Florida, Myrtle Beach, Branson Missouri, Las Vegas Nevada, Gatlinburg Tennessee, and other exciting destinations.

We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to preview these great Timeshare Vacation Resorts through our special Vacation Promotions and discounts. Save money on your family getaway by participating in these great offers sponsored by some of the business's best companies. Visit our featured exciting vacation destinations and get familiar with the excellent vacation ownership concept or Timeshare.

Attend an informative Timeshare sales presentation and discover all the benefits of vacation ownership and the great possibilities for your future family vacations.

Lowest Price Timeshare Promotions


Explore exciting destinations.

Timeshare Deals

Book with confidence

Planning a family vacation can be fun but can also be stressful. Most people want to get the best possible for the least amount of money, and that is where we can help.

In the Vacation Club and the Timeshare industry, the best way for developers to show potential clients their programs and properties is to allow them to stay at their resorts so guests can have a first-hand experience.

Before you book your reservation, please make sure you review the Terms & Condition for participating in the promotions. 

Mayan Riviera Timeshare Promotions

The Mexican Riviera

The Mexican Riviera is one of Mexico's most popular tourist destinations for visitors worldwide and covers almost the entire east coast of the Yucatan peninsula. If not the most popular place in the Riviera, Cancun, located in the peninsula's northern area, receives thousands of visitors each year. Cancun's hotel zone is a strip of land about 14 miles long located between the Nichupte Lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean. It offers World-Class, All-Inclusive Hotel Accommodations, and Five-Star restaurants and nightclubs. Tourists looking for a more secluded area will find paradise in Playa del Carmen's beaches, located about a 40-minute drive south of Cancun. The Yucatan peninsula is also home to spectacular archeological sites like Tulum, Chichén Itzá, Cobá, and Ek Balam. Another interesting area to visit in Playa del Carmen is Xcaret, where you can experience great adventures exploring underground rivers, archeological sites, coral reef aquariums, Aviaries, cenotes, and much more.

Featured Destinations

Cancun Mexico All-Inclusive Timeshare Packages & Promotions

All-Inclusive Resorts

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Cabo San Lucas

timeshare presentation mexico

Dominican Republic

All-inclusive beach resorts.

Puerto Vallarta All-Inclusive Timeshare Packages & Promotions

Puerto Vallarta

Jamaica Timeshare Packages & Promotions

All-Inclusive Ocean Front Resorts

timeshare presentation mexico

All-Inclusive OceanFront Resorts

Orlando Florida All-Inclusive Timeshare Packages & Promotions

Orlando, FL

Family resorts near the theme parks.

Hilton Head Island Timeshare Packages & Promotions

Hilton Head Island

Vacation club packages.

Gatlinburg Tennessee Timeshare Promotions

Gatlinburg Tennessee

Timeshare & vacation club promotions.

Daytona Beach Florida Timeshare Promotions

Daytona Beach Florida

Panama - Central America All-Inclusive Timeshare & Vacation Club Promotions

Panama - Central America

All-inclusive timeshare & vacation club promotions.

Cartagena Colombia All Inclusive Vacation Club Promotions

Cartagena -Colombia

All inclusive vacation club promotions, do you love to travel, so, you have a passion for traveling, experiencing great adventures and would like to save money on your vacations give us a call or book online today., call toll-free 1-866-850-9535, why booking with us, best price guaranteed.

We are committed to offering you the best price guaranteed of any legitimate online published Timeshare Promotion rate for the same resort, room type, and dates. Please call our office for details.

Well-Established Business

Our company has been in business since 2002 under the same name and administration.

We have been working with the same Timeshare developers we feature on our site today, since the day we open for business.

We have been successful in assisting families for many years with their vacation needs, by adopting a fair, upfront, and clear practice in terms of pricing and disclosure of details of participation.

Why Booking With Us

Customer Support

Live Customer support is available 7 Days a Week from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

Customer support during weekends and holidays is available via email from our Contact Us page.

Reputable Developers

Over the years, we have expanded our promotions to exciting and popular vacation destinations in Mexico.

You can rest assured, we only work with well-established and reputable developers both in the USA and Mexico.

THE 10 BEST Mexico Timeshare Resorts

timeshare presentation mexico

Timeshare Resorts in Mexico

Awards travelers’ choice awards winners (including the “best of the best” title) are among the top 10% of listings on tripadvisor, according to the reviews and opinions of travelers across the globe., property types, distance from, traveler rating, hotel class.

  • Best Value Properties ranked using exclusive Tripadvisor data, including traveler ratings, confirmed availability from our partners, prices, booking popularity and location, as well as personal user preferences and recently viewed hotels.
  • Traveler Ranked Highest rated hotels on Tripadvisor, based on traveler reviews.
  • Distance to city center See properties located closest to the center first with confirmed availability for your dates from our partners

The Grand Mayan Pools at Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta

91. The Grand Mayan at Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta

Main pool

92. Dreams Sapphire Resort & Spa

Swimming Pool

93. Dreams Los Cabos Suites Golf Resort & Spa

timeshare presentation mexico

94. Moon Palace Cancun

Crown Cancun Room Honeymoon

95. Crown Paradise Club Cancun

Sky pool at Sky tower

96. Crown Paradise Golden Puerto Vallarta

The Hacienda Tres Rios

97. Hacienda Tres Ríos Resort & Nature Park

timeshare presentation mexico

98. Hilton Playa del Carmen, an All-Inclusive Adult Only Resort

Ubicado en un gran destino en el Caribe Mexicano, Cancún. Hotel Flamingo Cancún All Inclusive está a solo 20 minutos del centro y del Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancún, y cerca de todas las increíbles atracciones que ofrece este inigualable paraíso. “Llegamos a conocerte” como parte de nuestro servicio te garantiza que si buscas ubicación, servicio de calidad y un excelente programa todo incluido, Hotel Flamingo Cancún All Inclusive es el lugar.

99. Flamingo Cancún All Inclusive

an incredible view

100. Sunset Marina Resort & Yacht Club

101. temptation cancun resort, 102. heaven at the hard rock hotel riviera maya, 103. hotel riu palace cabo san lucas, 104. hyatt ziva los cabos, 105. sunset royal beach resort, 106. wyndham alltra playa del carmen adults only all inclusive, 107. el cid castilla beach hotel, 108. the fives beach hotel & residences, 109. hard rock hotel cancun, 110. marival distinct luxury residences & world spa, 111. hotel riu vallarta, 112. buganvilias vacation club, 113. the ridge at playa grande, 114. the grand bliss at vidanta nuevo vallarta, 115. sunset fishermen beach resort, 116. the sens cancun, 117. grand luxxe at vidanta riviera maya, 118. el cid la ceiba beach hotel, 119. club cascadas de baja, 120. coral princess hotel & dive resort, timeshare resorts nearby destinations.

timeshare presentation mexico

Popular destinations for Timeshare Resorts

timeshare presentation mexico

Popular Mexico Categories

timeshare presentation mexico

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Timeshare reservations can be made directly with the Universal Vacation Club (UVC) by calling 1-800-852-4755 or online by visiting www.myuvc.com

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Contact Universal Vacation Club (UVC) at 1-800-852-4755 or the resort’s direct telephone number. Operators are standing by and happy to help.

Yes you can. You can purchase the all-inclusive package either at the time of your reservations or during the pre-arrival call. A minimum 3 day purchased is required.

Contact Universal Vacation Club (UVC) at 1-800-852-4755 for special timeshare package rates.

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  1. How to avoid/navigate a Timeshare Presentation in Mexico (2023)

    timeshare presentation mexico

  2. What is the Best Timeshare in Mexico?

    timeshare presentation mexico

  3. Should You Attend A Timeshare Presentation On Your Next Trip To Mexico

    timeshare presentation mexico

  4. How to Avoid or Navigate Timeshare Presentations In Mexico

    timeshare presentation mexico

  5. How Timeshares Presentations in México Work

    timeshare presentation mexico

  6. Timeshare Presentations in Mexico

    timeshare presentation mexico


  1. ¿Estás listo para el summit 2024 de Great Place to Work México?

  2. "Mexico" video presentation auf 2nd year

  3. Investor Conference 2023: Perspectivas económicas

  4. México, entre los países con más horas trabajadas


  6. “Convención ICEMéxico 2023: La Experiencia”


  1. Cancun Timeshare Promotions

    Timeshare Promotions are an economical alternative to a family vacation; in particular, the ones sponsored by the local Timeshare companies. This is a one-time opportunity to experience this popular way of vacationing known as Vacation Ownership or Timeshare Vacation. Over 9.2 million people own a Timeshare Product at a vacation destination ...

  2. How to avoid/navigate a Timeshare Presentation in Mexico

    On the beach or in a beachfront bar. At the mall or air conditioned public space. Waiting just outside of your hotel's entrance gate. Seriously, you can avoid timeshare sales people every ten minutes if you're in the main areas of nearly any resort town in Mexico. Just be aware and ready to keep your vacation your own.

  3. All Inclusive Timeshare Promotions In Cancun Mexico

    Explore Cancun Mexico Through A Timeshare Presentation! Discovering Paradise: All-Inclusive Timeshare Vacation Promotions in Cancun. Located on the northeastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, Cancun is a premier vacation destination renowned for its picturesque beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant atmosphere. With a ...

  4. Cancun, Mexico All-Inclusive Timeshare Packages & Promotions

    Welcome to Cancun, Mexico All-Inclusive Timeshare - Vacation Club Promotions. Located on the east coast of the Yucatan peninsula, Cancun attracts more visitors than any other tourist destination in Mexico, thanks to its exclusive resorts, exquisite beaches, vibrant nightlife entertainment, and a wide array of local attractions. Cancun, known ...

  5. Should You Attend A Timeshare Presentation On Your Next Trip To Mexico

    Those in the timeshare industry are incredibly adept at getting people to sign up for presentations, hence why you will see so many right after landing at many major airports in Mexico. Travel Off Path has put together a guide to considering timeshare presentations in Mexico, with particular emphasis on the Cancun area.

  6. Timeshare Presentations: How to Get Cheap & Free Vacations

    View on the Hilton Grand Vacations website. 2019 Package Deal: Four nights / five days in a one bedroom suite for US$299, refunded after presentation, one $200 "Stay A Night On Us" rebate voucher OR 10,000 Hilton Honors points. A year later, my husband had a conference in Chicago at the Hilton.

  7. Mexico All-Inclusive Resort Timeshare Deal: Is It Worth It?

    The catch is, in return for the cheap price, you must sit through a timeshare presentation. I finally booked one: $399 for five days at an all-inclusive Mexico resort. Here's how it went. Sign up ...

  8. Timeshare Presentation Survival Guide: 10 Things To Expect

    10 Things To Expect at a Timeshare Presentation. 1. Getting To Know You. After getting checked in, the first thing that will happen at a timeshare presentation is you'll be introduced to a representative who will be your dedicated person throughout the entire experience.

  9. Cabo San Lucas All Inclusive Timeshare Promotions

    Call Toll-Free 1-866-850-9535. Contact Us. All Inclusive Timeshare Promotions and Vacation Packages at Oceanfront Resorts in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

  10. What to Expect at a Timeshare Presentation in Cancun

    The majority of timeshare presentations in Cancun follow a similar formula, so let's uncover what you can expect from a timeshare presentation in Cancun. Any good timeshare resort or residence club in Cancun will be confident that their resort will speak for itself, which is why the presentations are held on the site of the hotel or resort ...

  11. Villa del Palmar Cancun Resort Timeshare Promotion

    Cancun Mexico Timeshare Promotion Five-Star All-Inclusive Beach Cancun Resort . 4 Nights / 5 Days All-Inclusive Promotional Rate . Retail Value $2,293 - You save $1,694 ... It is not permitted to visit or attend another Vacation Club and/or Timeshare property or presentation while using this promotion.

  12. Timeshare Presentations in Mexico

    Not All Mexico Timeshare Presentations Are Bad. I attended a timeshare presentation at the Welk Resort Serina Del Mar on the Cabo San Lucas corridor. I received $250 worth of whale watching discounts plus free breakfast for a family of 5, so around $300 worth of perks. It was interesting to watch the sales process.

  13. All-Inclusive Timeshare Resorts

    Call Toll-Free 1-866-850-9535. Contact us. All Inclusive Timeshare Resort promotions and vacation packages to Cancun, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta and the Caribbean.

  14. Best timeshare presentation to attend

    AlymHoustonian. Houston, Texas. 20 posts. Best timeshare presentation to attend. 11 years ago. I will be in Cancun for 8 nights during the end of May. I was looking into making a reservation to one of the resorts and attending the timeshare presentation. I have in the past vacationed in Orlando and gotten a discount on the stay and free park ...

  15. Timeshare Deals Packages & Promotions

    Take advantage of these incredible discounts on your vacations and save on resort accommodations. From Timeshare Vacations, All-Inclusive hotels and condo packages, and promotions to Orlando, Florida, Cancun Mexico, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, The Mayan Riviera, Cozumel, Daytona, and Ormond Beach Florida, Myrtle Beach, Branson Missouri ...

  16. Mexico Timeshare Resorts

    4 Days/3 Nights. $499 / STAY. + Get 15,000 Hilton Honors Points. LEARN MORE. Whether you plan to spend your vacation relaxing under a beach umbrella or exploring ancient Mayan ruins, our Mexico timeshare and partner resorts offer spacious accommodations and resort-style amenities in some of the best places to vacation in Mexico.

  17. THE 10 BEST Mexico Timeshare Resorts

    " You may also get invited to sit in a 90 min timeshare presentation in exchange for $250 resort credit ... These timeshare resorts in Mexico have great views and are well-liked by travelers: The Ridge at Playa Grande - Traveler rating: 4.5/5. Le Blanc Spa Resort Cancun - Traveler rating: 5/5.

  18. All Inclusive Mexico Vacations

    Find the best timeshare promotions for All Inclusive Mexico Vacations as low as $199.00 for 4 Days/3 Nights up to 4 people with a 90 minute timeshare sales presentation. Call 1-800-574-2080 Hours: Mon - Thur 10:00 - 7:00 P.M - Fri & Sat 10:00 - 3:00 P.M. Sun -Closed ...

  19. THE 10 BEST Mexico Timeshare Resorts

    " You'll have a great time as long as you stay away from the timeshare presentations which WILL take an entire day. " All Inclusive. ... These timeshare resorts in Mexico have great views and are well-liked by travelers: The Ridge at Playa Grande - Traveler rating: 4.5/5. Le Blanc Spa Resort Cancun - Traveler rating: 5/5.

  20. Timeshare Resort FAQs

    Contact Universal Vacation Club (UVC) at 1-800-852-4755 or the resort's direct telephone number. Operators are standing by and happy to help. I'VE BOOKED MY TIMESHARE RESERVATION AT THE RESORT, CAN I ADD ON AN ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE TO MY STAY? Yes you can. You can purchase the all-inclusive package either at the time of your reservations or ...