Department of Computer Science & Engineering

College of Engineering, Guindy

phd degree in anna university

Ph.D's Awarded

Name of the Candidate Title of the thesis Year of Award
Kulandai Josephine Julina J Study on Vision-Based Gesture Recognition for Indian and American Sign Languages 2023
Nandhini I Classification of Brain Disease from MRI Images Based on Deep Learning Techniques 2023
Sornavalli G Prediction of Stock Markets using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms 2023
Shiney Jeyaraj A Novel Framework for Significant Question Mining Using Deep Learning Techniques 2023
Aarthi S Visual Question Answering using Scene Understanding 2023
Kanupriya Mittal Automatic Detection and Classification of Retinal Diseasesb using Machine LLearning Approaches 2023
Dileesh E D Memory Behaviour Based Models for Program Integrity Verification and Anomaly Detection against Code Reuse Attacks 2022
Thiyagu TM An Optimization Based Feature Extraction and Machine Learning Techniques for Biomedical named Entity Recognition 2022
Surya K Studies on Prediction of Resource Contention in Cloud and Edge Computing Architectures using Markov Models 2022
Kodaikkaavirinaadan U Enhanced Concept Map Generation from Domain Text using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques 2022
Thamizhamuthu R Skin Melanoma Classification System Using Deep Neural Networks 2022
Suganya Devi P R 3D face Reconstruction and Analysis 2022
Lalitha Devi K Some Approaches to Schedule Resources Dynamically in the Cloud Environment 2022
Aparna Y Some Approaches for Detecting Multi-Lingual and Multi-Oriented Text from Natural Scene Images 2022
Geethapriya A Some Studies on Cross- Domain Sentiment Analysis 2022
Niyati Kumari Behera Enrichment of a Medicinal Plant Ontology using IE from Biomedical Literature 2022
Vijayarani J Context- Enhanced Joint Word Embedding for Detecting Changes in Evolving Text 2022
Aswiga R V Multilevel Transfer Learning Framework for Classification and Annotation with Limited Medical Datasets 2021
Lino Abraham Varghese Implementing A Secure Key Management Protocol For Multicast Communication In Cloud Network 2021
Aalan Babu A An Efficient Framework for Segmentation and Classification of Water Bodies from Aerial Images 2021
Devi N Crossmodel Fusion of Multiple Input Modalities for Human Computer Interaction 2021
Sudhakaran G Biomedical Named Entity Recognition and Drug-Drug Association Extraction from Literature with Deep Neural Networks 2021
Krithiga.R An Enhanced Framework for Automatic Diagnosis of Breast Cancer and Robust Tumor Proliferation Scoring Model for Digitized Histopathology Images 2021
Jobi Vijay User Profile based Tourism Recommendation 2021
Mathiarasi B Link Prediction in Dynamic Weighted Heterogeneous Network 2021
Shilpaja Chandrasekar Video Surveillance based analysis of Vehicles and Pedestrains in Intelligent Traffic Systems under Complex Environment 2021
Sudha K An Efficient Framework for Automatic Segmentation and Analysis of Complex and Overlapped White Blood cells from Microscopic Blood Images 2021
Seethalakshmi K Some Approaches to Recognise 2D Facial Images 2021
Susila Sakthy.S Improving the Lifetime of WSN using the CH and TH Selection Algorithm with Novel Secured Algorithm for Reliable Data Communication 2021
Sudha.V Algorithms for Arithmetic Operations and Picture Generation in DNA Computing 2021
Sivagami.V.M Dynamic Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance in Cloud Data Center 2020
Jackulin.T Effective Content Based Image Retrieval Using Various Feature Extraction Strategies 2020
Deepika.S.S Identification and Prediction of Biomedical Associations using Machine Learning Techniques. 2020
Radhika.R An Efficient Framework for Secure Data Dissemination in IOT Networks Using Intelligent Stimulus 2020
Vidya Janarthanam Towards Digiting the Hippocampus: A Bio-inspired Artificial Neural Network 2020
Moratanch N An Efficient Abstractive Text Summarization System 2020
Kiruba K Performance Enhancement Techniques for Human Action Recognition in Videos 2020
Sri Sakthi Towards Improving Data Security and Availability in Cloud Storage 2020
Elgin Christo V R Feature Selection and Classification of Clinical Data Using Bio-Inspired Algorithms 2020
Allen Joseph An Enhanced Framework for Identifying Human Emotions from Multimodal Signals 2020
Sankar.K An Improved Content Based Image Retrieval System Using Wrapper Based Curvelet Transforms and Chemical Reaction Optimization 2020
Akila.K Robust Human Action Recognition System for Closely Related Actions in Video 2020
Smithamol.M.B Enhancing Trust for Storage and Access in Cloud Environment 2019
Agasta Adline.A.L Graph Based Generation of Research Article Summaries Using Definition Extraction 2019
Muthuselvi.G Unsupervised Approaches for Mining Author Contributions in Scientific Manuscripts 2019
Siva.R Measuring Scientific in Influence Using Quality Citations 2019
Kiruthiga.A Effective Modelling And Analysis of Complex Network For Predicting Convert Organizational Structures 2019
Janani.A Skimming of Video Analytics 2019
Liji.P.I Analytical Modeling of Real Time Multimedia Data in Next Generation Wireless Networks 2019
Srinivasan.R Region Based Time Variant C2HG Model for Crop Yield Estimation and Water Regulation Using Artificial Neural Networks 2019
Jothish Kumar.M Evaluation Framework for Congestion Control in Wired And Wireless Environment 2019
Johnsi Merlin Benita Architecture for Enabling Seamless Communication in Dead Zones of LTE-Femtocell Networks 2019
Vimalkumar.K Tekken: A Framework for IOT Data Pipeline Optimization From Edge to Cloud 2019
Kumaran.P Prediction of Information Diffusion Based on Influence Spreader Identification in an Online Social Network 2019
Subetha.T An Efficient Dyadic Human Interaction Recognition System from Videos 2019
S.N.Sangeetha Detection and Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy from Clinical Fundus Images using Machines Learning Algorithms 2019
V.Nandini Online Short Answer Evaluation System: A model for Descriptive Answer Assessment using Semantic Relational Features 2019
K.Durgadevi A Novel Approach for Digitization of Ancient Stone Inscriptions and Development of Machine Learning Models for Character Recognition and Transliteration 2019
K.A.Vidya Improved Blocking Approaches for Entity Resolution in Heterogeneous Web of Data Using Rough Set Theory 2019
Mercy Rajaselvi Beaulah.P A Framework for Image Annotation and Retrieval from Large-Scale Image Classes 2019
Anandhi.D Some Approaches for Land Use Land Cover Classification 2019
Sheeba Santha Kumari.M Rough Set Enabled Classifiers for Uncertain Data 2019
J.Betina Antony Semantic Role Labelling for Information Extraction of Tamil Biomedicine 2019
Anithaashri T P Enhancing the Security of Networks Using Game Theory 2018
Mohamed Divan Masood M Transcription factor Binding Site Prediction by Using Deep Learning Technique 2018
Sreeja P S Towards a Computational Model for Poetry Emotion Recognition 2018
Krupa S Quality of Service on Multicore Systems Using Cache Control Techniques 2018
Elakkiya R 3-SU Subunit Sign Modelling for Continuous Sign Language Recognition 2018
Sathiya B Enhanced Systems for Ontology Matching, Evolution and Learning from Text 2018
Bijolin edwin E Multi Objective Fragmentation based Data Replication Model with Load Balancing and Efficient Data Migration in Cloud Data Center 2018
Chitra Ganabathi G Privacy Preserving K-Anonymization Approach for Reducing Information Loss Using Enhanced Fuzzy Mean Clustering 2018
Dhalia Sweetlin J Model based Segmentation and Bio-inspired Approaches for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Disorders from Computed Tomography Images 2018
Leema N Hybrid Framework with Machine Learning and Fuzzy Approaches for Medical Decision Making 2018
Rashmita Khilar An Efficient Vehicle Detection and Tracking System for vehicle Retrieval from Traffic Videos 2018
Roshini Thanka. M An Optimized Multi objective QoS Aware and Security Aware Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environment 2018
Hema R Identification of Multi-Perspective Chemical Attributes Through Chemical Literature Mining 2018
Shiny Duela Certain Investigation on File Storage in Cloud To Ensure Confidentiality and Availability 2018
Kirthica S A Brokerless Framwork for Efficient Resource Provisioning Facilitating A Multicloud 2018
Ebenezer Rajiv Hinston Prabhu I Robust Analytics for Video Based Gait Biometrics 2018
Gayathri K S Activity Recognition in Smart Home 2018
Kanimozhi U An FP-Tree Based Algorithm for Mining High Utility Itemsets in a Transactional Database 2018
Manju G MC Integrated Academic and Social Features for Academic Research Recommendations 2018
Anithaashri T P Enhancing the Security of Networks Using Game Theory 2018
Aruna Rani A R Security and Energy Techniques in Cloud Environment 2018
Saranya G Code Smell Detection and Prioritization of Refactoring Operations to Enhance Software Maintainability 2017
T Akila Wireless Sensor Networks 2017
Suchitra S Robust Face Image Retrieval System using Semantic Codewords 2017
Priyadharshini R An Efficient Mining Framework for Cornory Disease Diagnosis by Associating Textual And Image Clues 2017
Indhumathi Enhanced Approach For Reducing Redundant Test Cases 2017
Sankari S In Networks 2017
Faustina Joan Some Studies on Text Detection in Born Digital And Scene Text Images 2017
Kalaivani A An Efficient Framework for Multilable Image Annotation And Semantic Based Image Retrival using Multilevel Tagging 2017
Uma K Compression of Scanned Compound Images Using Optimization Techniques 2017
Pavai G Improving the Performance of Search Engines using Machine Learning Algorithm 2017
Kothandaraman Context Aware Human Tracking System for Internet of Things 2017
Hema T Design of Efficient Data Structures for Geometric Problems 2017
Prabhavathy P Efficient Push Based XML Data Broadcast for Wireless Network 2017
Soundarya V Intelligent Product Recommendation System using Opinion Mining Through Feature Selection And Classification Techniques 2017
Buvaneswari N Efficient User Preference Analysis for Dynamic Query Personalization 2017
Angel Arul Jothi Studies on Thyroid Histopathy Images in Detecting Carcinoma 2017
Madhu K P An Optimized Itinerary Recommendation System in Location Based Social Networks 2017
Pradeep Kumar Arya A Credential Based Authentication Approach for Securing Data In Cloud 2017
Antonidoss A Intelligent Algorithms for Secured Storage and Retrieval in Cloud Databases 2017
Altis Raja R Some Studies on Preserving Source Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks 2017
Renugadevi S Collaborative Information Retrieval Based On Academic Interests and Search Behavior 2017
Suganya Devi R A Framework for Efficient Retrieval Of Durable Top-K Queries in Historical Time Series Database 2017
Prema S Performance Study On Feature Set Clustering And Manifold Classification For Medical Disease 2016
Juliana R Swarm Optimized Trust Technique to Improve Security in Wireless Sensor Network 2016
Poongodi M An Intrusion Detection System Against Ddos Attack using Trust Evaluation Mechanism In MANET 2016
M Rajeswari Certain Investigation on Reliability of Information Dissemination in VANET And MANET using UGFT :A P Robabilistic Approach 2016
K.C.Rajeswari A Novel Enhanced Prosody Feature Extration Model For Tamil Text-To-Speech Synthesis System 2016
Booba B A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Path-Finding in Grid Environment 2016
Thenmalar S Enhanced Information Retrieval and Information Extraction Using Ontology 2016
A.Benjamin Joseph Optimized Feature Preserving Image Compression Techniques 2016
Swarna Parvathi S Multimedia Streaming for the future generation Mobile Networks 2016
Saravanan N Developing a Framework for Web service Consistency Quality Management 2016
Priyadharshini M Multilevel Realization of Web Services Security 2016
Nagarathna Efficient Tracking and Estimation of Dynamic Boundaries using Evolution models in WSN 2016
A. S. Aneetha An intelligent stand multivariate atistical approach for hybrid network intrusion detection system 2016
R.Palson kennedy Web Conscious Distributed Indexing Algorithm for Scalable Information Retrieval 2015
V. Prasanna Srinivasan Design Space Exploration Framework for Application Specific System Design 2015
J. Senthil Kumar Intelligent Medical Image Diagnosis with Orthogonal Polynomials & Representative Association Rules 2015
J.K.Kavitha Recommendation system using incremental rule mining and utility mining 2015
M.Deivamani QOS based reconfigurable web service composition 2015
R.Karthika Emotion and Genre Identification in Tamil Film Lyrics 2015
S. Chakravarthy Intelligent Agent Based Approach for Securing Web Services 2015
A. Vijayakumar A Study of Trust and Reputed Co-operative Communication in Mobile Adhoc Networks 2015
R. Krishnaveni Effective Integrated Techniques to Detect Malicious Websites 2015
R. Pugalenthi Efficient Protocols for Dynamic Multicasting in Heterogeneous Network 2015
K.R.Premalatha Dynamic Course Composition for Adaptive E-learning 2015
L.Kavisankar An efficient Mitigation Framework to Detect and Defend Against Multi-Vector DDoS Attack 2015
G.Aloy Anuja Mary Study and analysis of Quantum Inspires Algorithm 2015
B. Umamaheswari cost effective key management schemes for secure rout-ing in wireless sensor networks 2015
P. Kalyani Machine Learning Based Approaches to Detect Defects in Graphical User Interfaces 2014
C. Viswanathan Protocols to optimize the performance of ultra wide band (uwb) based ad hoc networks 2014
K. Selva Bhuvaneswari A framework for Analysis and Interpretation of Brain MRI using Semantics 2014
R. Sasikumar Adaptive fault tolerant mobile agent based intrusion de-tection system 2014
G. Usha Honeypot based single and cross layer blackhole attack detection for manet 2014
M.Barathi Semantic Based Query Suggestion Approaches for Web Information Retrieval 2014
E.Umamaheswari A semantic approach for news event search 2014
V.Manjula Resilient protocols for node Replication attack mitigation in WSN 2014
A. Asha Adaptive multimodal biometric authentication frame-work 2014
M. Bharathi Semantic based query suggestion approaches for web information retrieval 2014
K.S.P.K.Ilanthenral Cryptosystems Based on Error Correcting Codes 2014
J.Balaji Pattern based bootstrapping approaches For natural language processing of Morphologically rich languages 2014
S.Karthika Effective behavioral and relational Analysis for pivot actor tagging in Clandestine social network 2014
Alagala Swarnal-atha Towards SOPC Architectures for a Complete Hardware Evolution Based Genetic Algorithm 2014
I. Felci Rajam Adaptive Invariant Content Based Image Retrieval Using Semantic Learning 2014
P.Kalyani Cost Effective Key Management Schemes for Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks 2014
Arockia Xavier Annie VIPV : An Effective Streaming System for VCR Interactivity in Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand System 2014
P. Vaishnavi Enhanced Framework of Reliability Analysis to Design and Develop Web Service in Safety Critical Network Infrastruc-ture 2013
S. Aranganathan Performance enhancement in quality of service for a data intensive 2013
R.Shyamala Some Studies on Tesla Based Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Network 2013
Jeevaa katiravan Novel mechanisms to detect and prevent flooding and worm attacks 2013
P. Sivasankar studying and improving energy efficient on-demand rout-ing 2013
G. Murugesan Scheduling divisible loads on distributed heterogeneous environments 2013
L. Jegatha Deborah Intelligent Agent Based Learning and Evaluation System using Learning Styles Identification 2013
K. Murugesan An optimized intellectual agent based secure decision system for health care 2013
M. Subramaniam Multipath state aware cmt using redundant transmission for sctp multi-homed hosts 2013
P. Vijayakumar Efficient Key Management Schemes for Secure Multicast Communication 2013
R. Dhanalakshmi Studying and improving techniques to mitigate e-mail threats 2013
K. Pradheep Kumar Multicore scheduling algorithms for effective CPU utilization 2013
M. Sivabalakrishnan An Enhancement of People Counting System Using Edge Flow Vector Segmentation And Fuzzy Logic 2013
K. Sathiyamurthy Automatic Content Extraction from Documents for e-Learning 2012
Rajeswari Sridhar Exploiting Carnatic Music Characteristics for Music Content Identification 2012
B. Chandhra Mohan Routing Based Novel Communication Protocol for Heterogeneous Next Generation Network 2012
S. Pushpa Intelligent Agent Based Learning and Evaluation System using Learning Styles Identification 2012
K.P. Mani Anand Self-generated-certificate public key cryptog-raphy for e-commerce 2012
K. Indra Gandhi A comprehensive scheduling strategy for data acquisition in wireless sensor networks 2012
Sandra Johnson Machine Learning Based Approaches To Predict and Optimize Hot Methods 2011
N. Velvizhi Improving Computation Power by Reducing Query Response Time and Security Measures in Peer-to-Peer Environment 2011
S. Lakshmana Pandian Morpheme and semantic based Approach for Tamil Question Answering System 2011
T. Raghuveera A Monograph on Prediction Models for MPEG Encoded VBR Video Traffic 2011
B.S.Shylaja Studies in rough set theory based routing Protocols for vehicular ADHOC networks on freeways 2011
D. Doreen Hephzibah Miriam An Efficient Fault Tolerant Hypercubic P2P Grid Resource Management System 2011
M.S. Anbarasi Enhanced K Means Clustering for Patient Report Outcome 2011
P. Jayashree An Adaptive Multi-Tier Cross-Layer Security Framework to Defend Against DDoS Attacks in Active Networks 2010
S.Chitrakala Unified framework for text localization, detection andextraction from heterogeneous textual images. 2010
V. Mary Anita Rajam Studies in cache-based routing protocols for mobile adhoc networks using information systems 2010
S.Abirami Keyword Spotting based Information Retrieval System for Tamil Document Images 2010
S. Venkatesan Advanced Security Models to Protect Mobile Agent Environment against Multiple Attacks 2010
Dhananjay Kumar Efficient Resource Allocation in Next Generation Multicarrier Cellular Networks to support Multimedia Traffic 2009
B.Ramesh Qos Aware Congestion adaptive Routing Methods for Streaming Multimedia in Mobile Adhoc Networks 2009
M. Munir Ahamed Rabbani Face Recognition Using Object Recognition Techniques 2009
T.P.Saravanabava Modeling and Analysis of Intrusion Detection System for Real-Time Applications using Soft Computing Techniques 2009
N. K. Karthikeyan Optimal Resource Utilization in Cellular Networks 2009
T.K.S. Lakshmi Priya A Network Layer Grid to Support Application Awareness 2009
N.Duraipandian Methodologies for Secure Information System Design for Organizations 2009
G. Vijayalakshmi Dependability Analysis of Complex Fault Tolerant Systems 2009
M. Vijayalakshmi Query Processing Techniques for Location Based Services in Mobile Database Systems 2009
G.S. Mahalakshmi An Indian Logic Based Approach to Argumentative Reasoning for Knowledge Sharing 2009
T. Mala Information Extraction based Document Visualization 2009
S. Sendhilkumar Personalized Web Search based on User Conceptual Index 2009
V. Kavitha Efficient Techniques for Enhancing Privacy & Information Assurance 2009
M. Marikkannan Intelligent Temporal Reasoning using Rules for Temporal Database Security 2009
M. Aramudhan Effective Methodologies for Enhancement of Web Service in Distributed Environment 2008
M. Sugumaran A Heuristic Approach for AgentBased Distributed Meeting Scheduling 2008
M. Roberts Masillamani An Intelligent Route Rebuild InMANET Using Genetic BasedNeural Network 2007
G.S. Anandha Mala An Integrated Framework for theElicitation of Object Oriented Elements from Unstructured Requirement Specification Textand NFR Preferences for Actorsof Usecases from Domain Model. 2007
S. Bose An Intelligent Multi-Layer Anomaly Intrusion Detection and Prevention Model for Ad-HocNetworks 2007
P. Yogesh An Optimized Hierarchical Cluster Structure for Effective Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks 2007
K. G. Mohan Energy-Aware Cache Structures using Compiler Support 2007
R. Baskaran Intelligent Image Classification and Retrieval Algorithms in Image Databases 2007

Anna University - Centre for Distance Education

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Anna University - Centre for Distance Education

phd degree in anna university

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Anna University, Chennai

Anna University was established on 4th September, 1978 and offers a wide range of Under Graduate, Post graduate and Doctoral programmes in Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Applied Sciences relevant to the current and projected needs of the society.

Anna University is an internationally acclaimed institution which has produced professionals with high technical knowledge, professional skills and ethical values. Besides promoting research and disseminating knowledge, it fosters cooperation between the academic and industrial communities. It promotes economic and social development by producing high quality manpower through excellence in teaching, research and consultancy. 

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In tune with the growing global trend of extending conventional University instructional mode to self-learning and distance education methodology, Anna University has created the Centre for Distance Education.

Through this initiative the Centre aims to develop and disseminate professional education to every nook and corner of the state that will foster economic and social development in line with the mission of the university. The programmes are designed with a broader vision to enhance the ability of the students to operate in an increasingly diverse environment.

In its endeavour towards transformation of knowledge and to build-up technology and managerial competencies to professionals, the University is offering professional MBA, MCA and M.Sc. (Computer Science) Programmes through Distance mode from the year 2007.

Centre for Distance Education

Register yourself to shape you as a good leader for an organization through MBA.

Online cell.

  • About Online Cell

The Online Cell of Anna University, was established to offer comprehensive state of the art, programmes for professionals through a digital learning platform and enable learning at anytime and from anywhere. As a primary initiative, the cell has designed and developed a Management programme to accelerate the leadership skills of students, to transform them into new generation managers who will acquire competencies to sustain the increasingly volatile challenges of the digital world.

  • To become a strategic leader in the arena of digital learning
  • To enhance the management skills of futuristic leaders by empowering them to learn to their full potential, beyond geographical limits and time zones.
  • To incorporate the latest industry trends in the curriculum and groom students as world-class leaders
  • To  provide a holistic view of management skills required for entrepreneurs and organization leaders
  • To develop professional competencies needed for emerging businesses and  sustaining organization challenges

Current Courses

Financial Management

Financial Management

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Managerial Economics

Managerial Economics

Marketing Management

Marketing Management

Management Concepts and Organization Behavior

Management Concepts and Organization Behavior

Operations Management

Operations Management

Statistical Methods for Decision Making

Statistical Methods for Decision Making

R Programming

R Programming

Data Mining and Business Intelligence

Data Mining and Business Intelligence

Multivariate Data Analysis

Multivariate Data Analysis

Legal Aspects for Business

Legal Aspects for Business

Python Programming

Python Programming

Time Series Analysis

Time Series Analysis

Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics

Optimization Techniques

Optimization Techniques

Stochastic Modeling

Stochastic Modeling

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Anna University PhD : Fees, Courses, Eligibility & Admission 2024


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Anna University PhD Fees

Anna University PhD is a 2 - 5 Years programme offered in specializations like Architecture, Industrial Engineering, Others, Mining Engineering, Energy Technology. Anna University PhD admission is offered on the basis of the merit of the qualifying exam.

10 Courses are offered by Anna University

Ph.d. in science and humanities, ph.d in engineering (act), ph.d in architecture (sap campus), ph.d in planning (sap campus), ph.d. in remote sensing, ph.d. in industrial engineering, ph.d. in mining engineering, ph.d. in ceramic engineering, ph.d. in energy engineering, ph.d. in information and communication engineering, anna university phd eligibility criteria.

To pursue a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) degree at Anna University Chennai, applicants must meet certain eligibility criteria. Candidates should have a Master's degree in the relevant field from a recognized university, with a minimum of 55% aggregate marks or equivalent CGPA. Additionally, they must have qualified in a national-level entrance examination such as GATE/UGC-NET/CSIR-NET/SLET or have obtained an M.Phil. degree. Applicants with industry experience or sponsored candidates can also apply. The selection process involves a written test and an interview conducted by the university. Successful candidates will be admitted based on their performance and availability of research supervisors.

Anna University PhD Admission 2024

Admission to the PhD at Anna University is subject to meeting the eligibility criteria. All shortlisted candidates have to complete the Anna University PhD admission process by getting their documents verified and paying the admission fee.

Anna University PhD Application Process

Anna University PhD application form has to be submitted online by visiting the official website. Candidates aspiring to take admission to the PhD course at Anna University have to first check and meet the eligibility criteria and then proceed further with the application process.

Steps to fill Anna University PhD application form:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of Anna University and click on ‘apply online’.
  • Step 2: Now, you will be redirected to the admission page of Anna University . Complete the registration process and create a profile.
  • Step 3: Fill in all details available in the Anna University PhD application form.
  • Step 4: Now pay the Anna University PhD application fee and click on submit button.
  • Step 5: After the submission, keep a hard copy of Anna University PhD Application Form.

Documents Required for Anna University PhD Admission:

  • Marks sheet of class 10th standard
  • Marks sheet of class 12th standard
  • Mark sheet of graduation
  • Transfer certificate (if required)
  • Character certificate
  • Passport-size photographs

Anna University PhD Ranking 2024

Anna University has secured 18 rank in 2023. Furthermore, Anna University ranking 2023 as per NIRF is 18. Securing a rank by these credible ranking bodies means the institute maintains certain academic standards and is a reputable one.

Top Courses at Anna University

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Enrolment in PhD programmes of Chennai's Anna University doubles

CHENNAI: The 2021-22 academic year has seen the enrolment of students in Anna University's PhD programmes double, compared to previous years. Academicians attribute the spike to pent-up demand and the likelihood that a doctorate degree will soon become mandatory for direct recruitment of assistant professors at varsities.

In 2021-22, a whopping 2,293 students were admitted to PhD programmes offered by AU's four campus colleges and engineering colleges affiliated to it across the State. In 2020-21, the figure was 1,112 while in 2019-20, the university admitted just 1,087 PhD scholars.

The rise in PhD enrolments comes amid a consistent drop in enrolment in MTech/ME courses at the varsity. "On an average, we enrol around 1,000 PhD scholars each year," the varsity's vice-chancellor R Velraj said, explaining that AU calls for applications for PhD programmes every January and July.

"However, in 2020, with COVID-19 at the peak, we did not advertise for PhD programmes in July, so interested candidates would have applied later on. This pent-up demand could be one cause for the rise in PhD admissions this year," Velraj said.

‘Research fellowships one reason for rising demand’

A senior faculty at the varsity said another factor behind the rising popularity of PhD programmes is that it is most likely to become mandatory for direct recruitment of assistant professors in universities. "Further, availability of several fellowships for doctoral research in India and abroad has also boosted demand," the faculty member said.

Academicians said the rise in PhD admissions is a good sign but Anna University should take adequate measures to ensure quality research is produced by these scholars. "Good engineering teachers are need of the hour in the State. It is overwhelming that PhD scholars have increased in terms of quantity, now we should focus on the quality as well," said former V-C of Anna University, E Balagurusamy.

Engineering faculties are of the view that a rise in number of PhD students will lead to an increase in the research output and will enhance overall funding and rankings of the university.

Velraj said that he will chalk out a strategy and motivate all faculty members to ensure the quality of research by the PhD scholars. "I will also make it a priority to ensure that the majority of the PhD students complete their work in four years," said Velraj.

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Anna University Chennai PhD Admission 2024: Eligibility Criteria, Important Dates, Cut-off, Syllabus, Entrance Exams, Fee Structure

Anna university chennai phd admission 2023.

Are you an enthusiastic researcher interested in earning a doctoral degree from one of India's most prestigious institutions? Anna University in Chennai is your best option. A wide range of Ph.D. programs in a variety of fields are available at Anna University, which is well-known for its excellence in higher education and research. The Ph.D. admission requirements, application procedure, and important dates for the year 2023 at Anna University Chennai will all be discussed in detail in this article. Therefore, let's get started and find out about the exciting opportunities that await you at Anna University. India's best technical university is Anna University, which is in the lively city of Chennai. It has been consistently ranked among the nation's best educational establishments. The university is well-known for its dedication to cutting-edge research and education. Anna University invites applications for its Ph.D. programs as part of its mission to cultivate scholars and advance knowledge.

Anna University Chennai PhD Admission Highlights

The most notable aspects of Anna University Chennai's PhD Admission are as follows:

PhD programs in engineering, technology, architecture and planning, science and humanities, and management sciences are available at Anna University Chennai.

A Master's degree in a relevant field with at least 55% marks (or 50% for SC/ST candidates) from a recognized university is required for PhD admission at Anna University Chennai.

A valid GATE/NET score is also required of applicants.

The candidate's research aptitude, subject knowledge, and potential for research are assessed during an interview and entrance exam.

The candidate's performance on the interview and entrance exam, as well as their academic records, are used to make the final decision.

For PhD admission to Anna University Chennai, the application fee is Rs. 800/- (Rs. 400/- for SC and ST applicants).

The application form and prospectus are available for download from the university's admissions office or can be obtained in person from the university's official website.

Anna University Chennai PhD Admission Eligibility

The following are the requirements for PhD admission at Anna University, Chennai:

Qualifications in education: A Master's degree from a reputable university with at least 55% (or 50% for SC/ST candidates) marks in the relevant field is required. Candidates who have completed their Master's degree program through part-time or distance learning are also eligible to apply.

Valid score on GATE/NET: A valid GATE or NET score is required of all applicants. The entrance exam is not required of applicants who have been selected for the CSIR/UGC-NET Fellowship or any other national-level fellowship.

Work History: Candidates with relevant work experience will be given preference.

Limit on Age: At Anna University, Chennai, PhD admission is open to all students.

The specific eligibility requirements for the program that candidates are interested in applying for should be checked because they may vary by discipline.

Anna University Chennai PhD Admission Application Process

Visit the Authority Site of the College (

Log in using your account and a valid username and email address.

Complete the enrollment form for the course you want to take.

Include your picture and any other necessary documents.

Pay the fee for the application. There are a variety of payment options.

Candidates who have been shortlisted will be called for the following procedure (GD/PI).

Candidates must pay the course fee to secure their seat once they are chosen.

Anna University Chennai PhD Admission Distance Education

Through its Centre for Distance Education, Anna University offers distance education. MBA, MCA, and M.Sc. are the available programs. The Distance Education Entrance Test (DEET) is used to get into MBA, MCA, and M.Sc. programs, and merit in the qualifying exam is used to get into M.Sc. To be considered for admission, applicants must possess a bachelor's degree from a recognized university. At Anna University, the application process for distance learning courses is entirely online. On the official website, candidates who meet the requirements can submit an application online. Investigate Anna University's Online Programs.

Anna University Chennai PhD Admission Important Dates

Application Start

Application Deadline

Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates

Interview Dates: [Date]

Final Result Declaration

Anna University Chennai PhD Course

PhD (Architecture & Planning)

PhD (Civil Engineering)

PhD (Electrical Engineering)

PhD (Information & Communication Engineering)

PhD (Management Sciences)

PhD (Mechanical Engineering)

PhD (Science & Humanities)

PhD (Technology)

Anna University Chennai PhD FAQs

What are the requirements for getting a PhD at Anna University, Chennai?

Ans: The requirements for getting a PhD at Anna University, Chennai vary depending on the field. Nonetheless, up-and-comers should have a Graduate degree in a pertinent discipline with at least 55% imprints or identical CGPA.

How does Anna University, Chennai's PhD admissions process work?

Ans: An entrance exam is the first step in the PhD admissions process at Anna University, Chennai, followed by a personal interview. The academic records and performance on the entrance exam are used to narrow the field of candidates.

Can I apply for a PhD in more than one field at Anna University, Chennai?

Ans: Candidates are allowed to apply for more than one field. However, they must pay the application fee and submit a separate application form for each discipline.

How can I pay the PhD admission application fee at Anna University in Chennai?

Ans: You can pay the PhD admission application fee online using net banking, a debit card, or a credit card for Anna University, Chennai.

Is submitting a research proposal a requirement for PhD admission to Anna University, Chennai?

Ans: Yes, applicants are required to include a research proposal in their application. The research problem, goals, approach, and anticipated outcomes should all be outlined in the proposal.

How long does the PhD program at Anna University, Chennai, last?

Ans: The PhD program at Anna University, Chennai typically lasts between three and five years. However, it may differ depending on the research project and specialization.

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Graduate Program

Interlocking OU, Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Anthropology, The University of Oklahoma website wordmark.

Graduate Anthropology Program Overview

picture of a man in a laboratory

Anthropology has been taught at the University of Oklahoma since 1905 and became its own department in 1927. Celebrated faculty like Morris Opler and Robert Bell established the Department as a leader in the scholarly study of Native North America. In addition to a continued focus on Native North America with research specilizations in the southwest, southeast, and plains of North America, the Department maintains a stong emphasis on Latin America, complemented by individual faculty interests in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Graduate students receive rigorous training in the four sub-fields of anthropology: sociocultural, archaeological, biological, and linguistic.  

With twenty-seven full-time professors and about fifty graduate students, graduate students receive personalized attention from faculty mentors while benefitting from the resources of a large research university. The program pages below detail specific relationships and opportunities at internal and external institutions. Our graduates have been successful in securing tenure-track academic jobs as well as positions in cultural resource management, museums, and government agencies.  Individual faculty  are happy to provide more information on their research and on the anthropology graduate program as it relates to your subdiscipline of interest.

Financial support usually consists of half-time graduate assistantships, typically as a grader for an undergraduate class or research assistant for a faculty member. Ph.D. and advanced M.A. students may teach their own classes with opportunities for both in-person and online formats. We fund M.A. students for a maximum of two years and doctoral students for a maximum of four years beyond the M.A. degree. Our students have also been successful in obtaining external funding. For information on tuition and fees, visit the  Bursar's Office .

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Degrees & Courses

We offer an M.A. in Anthropology, an M.A. in Anthropology with a concentration in Linguistics, an M.A. in Anthropology with a concentration in Socio-Cultural Anthropology, an M.A. in Applied Medical Anthropology (non-thesis) and an accelerated BA in Anthropology/MA in Anthropology with a concentration in Socio-Cultural Anthropology. We currently offer a PhD in Anthropology with concentrations in Archaeology, Socio-Cultural Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology, and Human Health and Biology (HHB). Archaeology concentration students without an M.A. and HHB students applying on an M.A. terminal track or as a precursor to a Ph.D. in HHB degree should apply to the M.A. in Anthropology.

  Graduate Degrees

  Graduate Courses

Graduate Student Handbook

The Anthropology Graduate Student Handbook is an invaluable tool for MA and PhD students and their advisors, as well as prospective students. It provides a helpful roadmap for the details and requirements of each degree program.

Anthropology Graduate Student Handbook (pdf)

Graduate Program Requirements

Required courses, [# hours]; total = 30 credit hours

A student must take ANTH 5001 Professionalization in Anthropology [1 credit]

  • ANTH 5223 Foundations of Social Thought (core) [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5363 Linguistic Anthropology (core) [3 credits]
  • ANTH 6633 Theory and Method in Biological Anthropology (core) [3 credits]
  • ANTH 6713 Archaeological Theory (core) [3 credits]
  • Electives as approved by the Graduate Liaison and Advisor [15-18 credits]
  • Thesis [2-5 credits]

The M.A. in Anthropology requires 30 credit hours, including three core classes, elective seminars, and 2-5 hours of thesis credits. Please see the OU course catalog for a list of anthropology courses.

Anthropology Current & Upcoming Courses

Graduate College Bulletin

MA Anthropology Degree Checksheet

Candidacy and Committee Requirements

Admission to candidacy is required the term before a student expects to defend their thesis (the first Monday in October for Spring graduation; the first Monday in April for Fall graduation). Anthropology has specific candidacy forms available at the Graduate College website .

M.A. committees are composed of three members of the graduate faculty in the Department of Anthropology. Please work with relevant faculty to determine an appropriate committee, keeping in mind that there may be specific limitations you need to consider in forming your committee. When you file a list of your committee members with the department's Graduate Liaison, be sure to verify that any specific limitations have been met.

Required courses, [# hours]; minimum total = 30 credit hours

A student must complete these two core classes in Socio-Cultural Anthropology, and receive at least a B:

  • ANTH 5123 Contemporary Culture Theory [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5223 Foundations of Social Thought [3 credits]

A student also must take one of the following core classes. Usually the Linguistics core is recommended, but the decision about which core class to take should be done in consultation with the student's Advisor. A minimum of a B is required:

  • ANTH 5363 Linguistic Anthropology [3 credits]
  • ANTH 6633 Method and Theory in Biological Anthropology 3 credits]
  • ANTH 6713 Archaeological Theory [3 credits]

A student must complete one of the Research Methods courses:

  • ANTH 5153 Ethnography of Communication [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5213 Ethnographic Methods [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5253 The Anthropology of Communities [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5433 Ethnographic Writing [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5513 Applying Anthropology to Contemporary Social Problems [3 credits]

Finally, the student must take

  • Electives as approved by the Graduate Liaison and Advisor [12-15 credits]

The M.A. in Anthropology with a Concentration in Socio-Cultural Anthropology requires 30 credit hours, including three core classes, a Research Methods class, elective seminars, and 2-5 hours of thesis credits. Please see the OU course catalog for a list of anthropology courses. If you would like to view this specific Degree Sheet, you can find it below. 

MA Sociocultural Anthropology Degree Sheet

The accelerated Anthropology B.A. + M.A. in Sociocultural Anthropology is designed for academically successful undergraduate anthropology majors with an interest in sociocultural anthropology. The combined B.A. + M.A. degrees are designed to be finished in five years, with undergraduate coursework completed at the end of year three of the program. Students accepted into the program begin taking graduate-level coursework during their senior year. Requirements for the B.A. are the same as those of the standard B.A. in Anthropology, with 13 “shared” hours counting towards both the B.A. and M.A. degree requirements. The M.A. degree includes a thesis, giving students an opportunity to conduct original in-depth research.

Required courses, [# hours]; total = 137 credit hours (combined degree)

13 shared hours count as both Graduate and Upper-Division credit. 

Undergraduate Major Requirements (Anthropology coursework) [36 credits total]

Some courses required for the major may also fulfill University General Education and/or Dodge College of Arts & Sciences Requirements.

o   ANTH 2203 Global Cultural Diversity [3 credits]

o   ANTH 2303 General Linguistics [3 credits]

o   ANTH 3113 Principles of Archaeology [3 credits]

o   ANTH 3203 Introduction to Biological Anthropology [3 credits]

o   ANTH 3011 Anthropology Cornerstone I: Introduction to the Major [1 credit]

o   ANTH 3021 Anthropology Cornerstone II: Research and Writing [1 credit]

o   ANTH 3031 Anthropology Cornerstone III: Professionalization [1 credit]

o   ANTH 4113 Anthropology Capstone [3 credits]

o   Anthropology Electives [18 credits]

Graduate Requirements [30 credits total]

All students must take the following core courses, and receive at least a B:

o   ANTH 5001 Professionalization in Anthropology (shared) [1 credit]

o   ANTH 5123 Contemporary Culture Theory (shared) [3 credits]

o   ANTH 5223 Foundations of Social Thought (shared) [3 credits]

o   ANTH 5363 Linguistic Anthropology [3 credits]

o   ANTH 6633 Method and Theory in Biological Anthropology [3 credits]

o   ANTH 6713 Archaeological Theory [3 credits]

Research Methods (3 required credit hours)

Choose from:

o   ANTH 5153 Ethnography of Communication [3 credits]

o   ANTH 5213 Ethnographic Methods [3 credits]

o   ANTH 5253 The Anthropology of Communities [3 credits]

o   ANTH 5433 Ethnographic Writing [3 credits]

o   ANTH 5513 Applying Anthropology to Contemporary Social Problems [3 credits]

Thesis (2-5 credits required)

o   ANTH 5980 Research for Master’s Thesis [2-5 credits]

Electives (12-15 hours required)

Electives coursework is selected in consultation with the student's advisor and committee. No more than 6 hours from outside Anthropology may be applied. (3 hours shared)

Please see the OU course catalog for a list of anthropology courses. If you would like to view this specific Degree Sheet, you can find it below.

BA+MA Sociocultural Anthropology Degree Sheet

  • ANTH 5001 Professionalization in Anthropology [1 credit]
  • ANTH 5053 Morphology [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5153 Ethnography of Communications [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5363 Linguistic Anthropology [3 credits] and receive at least a B.
  • ANTH 5980 Research for Master's Thesis [2-5 credits]

The M.A. in Linguistic Anthropology requires 30 credit hours, including four required classes, 15-18 hours of elective seminar credits, and 2-5 hours of thesis credits. Please see the OU course catalog for a list of anthropology courses. Please consult the Graduate Bulletin, which is updated annually on the Graduate College website, for more general requirements and limitations. If you would like to view this specific Degree Sheet, you can find it below.

MA Linguistic Anthropology Degree Sheet

* This program is Non-Thesis only

Required courses, [# hours]; total = 34 credit hours

A student must take the following Core classes in Anthropology, and receive at least a B:

  • ANTH 5123 Contemporary Culture Theory [3 credits] 
  • ANTH 5223 Foundations of Social Thought [3 credits] 
  • ANTH 6633 Method and Theory in Biological Anthropology [3 credits] 
  • ANTH 6843 Foundations of Bio and Medical Anthropology [3 credits] 
  • Or an alternative as approved by the student's Chair and Committee [3 credits]

A student must also take one of the following Ethnographic Methods courses:

  • ANTH 5213 Ethnographic Methods [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5253 The Anthropology of Communities [3 credits]

A student must complete one of the following Statistical Methods courses:

  • ANTH 4713 Statistical Concepts in Anthropology (taken for Graduate Credit) [3 credits]
  • BSE 5163 Biostatistical Methods I (HSC course)
  • HES 5963 Statistical Applications in Health and Exercise Science [3 credits]
  • SOC 5283 Fundamentals of Sociological Statistics [3 credits]
  • Or alternative as approved by the student's Chair and Committee [3 credits]

A student must also complete one of the following Culture and Health courses:

  • ANTH 5323 The Anthropology of Aging [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5393 Anthropology and the Health of Indigenous People [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5643 Psychiatric Anthropology [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5823 Medical Anthropology [3 credits]

Finally, a student must complete each of the remaining courses:

  • ANTH 5001 Professionalization in Anthropology [1 credit]
  • ANTH 6310 Internship in Applied Medical Anthropology [6 credits]
  • Elective coursework selected in consultation with the student's Chair and Committee [3 credits]

Please see the OU course catalog for a list of anthropology courses. Please consult the Graduate Bulletin, which is updated annually on the Graduate College website, for more general requirements and limitations. If you would like to view this specific Degree Sheet, you can find it below.

MA Applied Anthropology Degree Sheet

There are three tracks in the Ph.D. Program in Anthropology: Archaeology, Human Health and Biology, and Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology. Beyond the 30 credits required for the M.A. (including the core classes if they have not been previously taken), these tracks generally require an additional 30 hours of coursework and 30 hours of dissertation research. There are specific additional required courses within each track. Please see the lists below for a summary of this information.

General exams are to be completed in (or immediately following) the last term of formal coursework as detailed on the Advisory Committee Report. Following successful completion of the exams, students complete 30 hours of dissertation research credits.

Ph.D. committees must consist of at least three members of the graduate faculty in the Department of Anthropology (with one from outside the student’s primary subfield) and one faculty member from outside the Department but within the University. Please work with relevant faculty to determine an appropriate committee. There may be specific limitations you need to consider in forming your committee. When you file a list of your committee members with the department's Graduate Liaison, be sure to verify that any specific limitations have been met. Various forms are also available through the  Graduate College website .  A list of current and upcoming courses and individual degree checksheets can be found below.

Sociocultural and Linguistics Ph.D. 

Required courses, [# hours]; total = 90 credit hours

  •  ANTH 5001 Professionalization in Anthropology [1 credit]
  •  ANTH 5223 Foundations of Social Thought (core) [3 credits]
  •  ANTH 5363 Linguistic Anthropology (core) [3 credits]
  •  ANTH 6713 Archaeological Theory (core) [3 credits] OR ANTH 6633 Method and Theory in Biological Anthropology [3 credits]
  • ANTH 6223 Community Engaged Anthropology [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5433 Ethnographic Writing [3 credits]
  • ANTH 5543 Research Design [3 credits]
  • ANTH 6980 Dissertation [29 credits]

Convergence Area

  • At least 9 hours must be taken in a convergent area outside of Anthropology as approved by the student's committee. [9 credits]

Choose one of the following sets of course options:

Sociocultural Anthropology

  • ANTH 5213 Ethnographic Methods OR ANTH 5253 The Anthropology of Communities [3 credits]

Linguistic Anthropology

  • ANTH 5153 Ethnography of Communication [3 credits]

Other Electives

  • Electives as determined by student's committee [27 credits]

Sociocultural and Linguistics Ph.D Degree Checksheet

Archaeology Ph.D.

Required courses [# hours]; total = 90 credit hours

  •  ANTH 5543 Research Design [3 credits]
  •  ANTH 6713 Archaeological Theory (core) [3 credits]
  •  ANTH 6633 Theory and Method in Biological Anthropology (core) [3 credits]
  •  ANTH 6803 Advanced Archaeological Theory and Research [3 credits]
  •  Electives as approved by the Graduate Liaison and Advisor (ANTH 5413 Public archaeology is strongly encouraged) [42 credits]
  •  Dissertation [29 credits]

Archaeology Ph.D. Degree Sheet

Human Health and Biology Ph.D.

  • ANTH 5223 Foundations of Social Thought (core) [3 credits] 
  •  ANTH 6843 Theoretical Foundations of Biological and Medical Anthropology [3 credits]
  •  Two Methods course selected from this list or at advisor’s discretion [6 credits]

Optional Methods classes include: ANTH 5083 Quantitative Methods in Anthropology, ANTH 5153 Ethnography of Communication, ANTH 5213 Ethnographic Methods, ANTH 5253 The Anthropology of Communities, ANTH 5343 Anthropological Demography, ANTH 5423 Introduction to Population Genetics, ANTH 5543 Research Design, ANTH 5593 Spatial Methods and Technologies in Anthropology, BSE 5013 Applications of Microcomputers to Data Analysis, BSE 5163 Biostatistics Methods I, BSE 5173 Biostatistics Methods II, BSE 5663 Analysis of Frequency Data, BSE 6643 Survival Data Analysis, COMM 5313 Qualitative Research Methods

  •  Electives as approved by the Graduate Liaison and Advisor [25-39 credits]
  •  Dissertation [29-43 credits]

Human Health and Biology Ph.D. Degree Checksheet

Undergraduate student graduating and standing with OU Department of Anthropology banner.

Funding and Awards

Graduate students in the Anthropology Department can apply for funding through multiple mechanisms. These are described below.

For information on tuition and fees, you may use the Office of the Bursar tuition estimator . Also, please let the department's Graduate Liaison know if you are a McNair scholar , as the deadline for McNair applicants is earlier than OU's general deadline for applications to the graduate program. For general inquiries about financial aid, please visit the website of OU's Financial Aid Office .

Graduate Teaching and Research Assistantships

The department offers multiple graduate teaching assistantships (GTAships). These are semester-long appointments at 20 hours a week. Some GTAs support faculty who teach large courses; others teach online or face-to-face classes. GTAships are awarded competitively using information from the graduate applications and annual evaluations. The tuition waivers that accompany graduate assistantship awards are described here .

Please contact individual faculty members about the potential for grant funded research assistantships.

Research and Travel Awards

The Anthropology Department offers several awards for graduate student research and travel. These are awarded competitively, with applications due on October 1 and March 1 annually . To apply, download and fill out the Anthropology Scholarship Form. Students can use those funds to support travel that has already occurred. More information about these awards is given below. We expect students who apply for departmental research and travel funds to also apply for funds from one of the following: the Graduate College , the Graduate Student Senate , and/or the College of Arts and Sciences .

Examples of travel or research for which students may apply for support include:

  • Travel to present research at a conference;
  • Funds for a significant component of a research project, for example, travel or material expenses 
  • Funds to seed research or collect pilot data 

Awardees must work with the department staff assistant before any travel is arranged to be certain that university requirements are met.

Morris E. Opler Memorial Scholarships

Graduate students may apply for an Opler scholarship. Lucille Ritter Opler established this endowed fund in memory of her husband, Dr. Morris E. Opler, to provide scholarships to deserving anthropology students at the University of Oklahoma. Morris Opler was a leading scholar of Native North America. A specialist on Apachean people, he authored numerous articles in scholarly journals and wrote several books on the culture and history of the Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Lipan, Mescalero, and Plains Apache (Kiowa Apache). Dr. Opler was a member of the University of Oklahoma Department of Anthropology faculty for nearly two decades, having served here after a distinguished teaching and research career at Cornell University. Much respected for his knowledge and teaching ability, he retired as Professor Emeritus from the University of Oklahoma in 1977 and passed away in 1996. Among his many honors, Dr. Opler was past President of the American Anthropological Association.

Rain Vehik Award

The Rain Vehik Memorial Fund honors archaeologist Dr. Rain Vehik. Dr. Vehik had a long and productive career in Plains archaeology that included positions at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, the University of North Dakota, and in Oklahoma. In Oklahoma, he served as head of the Archaeological Research and Management Center, worked with the Oklahoma Archeological Survey, and taught for the OU Department of Anthropology. The Rain Vehik Award offers funds to students to participate in scholarly conferences and workshops. Higher priority is given to students attending the annual Plains Anthropological Conference. This award is open to both graduate and undergraduate students. Each student is eligible for only one award per academic year.

Gilman-Minnis Scholarship in Archaeology

The Gilman-Minnis Scholarship in Archaeology was estalished by Dr. Patricia Gilman and Dr. Paul Minnis. Drs. Gilman and Minnis were faculty in the OU Department of Anthropology for many years, retiring in 2015. This scholarship offers funds to support archaeology graduate students' research projects. Typically, these funds are awarded only in the spring.

Anthropology Graduate Student Association (AGSA)

AGSA (pronounced /ægsə/) brings together Anthropology graduate students for the purpose of aiding in their professional development within the discipline. AGSA's Speakers Bureau invites scholars to give public lectures related to the interests of the department and conducts fundraisers to be able to afford these events. AGSA also coordinates professional development workshops with graduate students and faculty on topics of interest to current graduate students.  To learn more about current graduate students in Anthropology at OU, the organization, and events check out the AGSA website .  If you have any questions about AGSA, please e-mail one of our officers.

Applying to the Anthropology Graduate Program

The Anthropology department welcomes applications from students with bachelor’s degrees in any field. However, we encourage applicants to gain exposure to all of the subfields of anthropology . Students with a master’s degree from another institution may transfer up to 30 credit hours toward a Ph.D. degree. Students are encouraged to use the Office of the Bursar tuition and fee estimator for cost information. Applicants are not required to take the GRE. If you have taken it, please do not send us your scores, as they will be redacted from your application. Please contact the Graduate Liaison, Matthew Pailes ( [email protected] ), with any questions concerning this. Most important in the decisions for admission are the undergraduate transcript, the statement of purpose, and the two letters of recommendation. The department requires a single writing sample, which needs to be sole authored by the applicant. This could be an essay, term paper, seminar paper, thesis, or article, and should be related to anthropology or associated field.

Faculty look for an appropriate fit between the applicants’ intellectual interests and the research strengths of the department. To that end, we require that applicants contact potential faculty advisors before submitting their completed applications. 

Not all faculty members can chair graduate student committees. Graduate students (current and applying) should check faculty members' Graduate Faculty Appointment Status and adhere to Graduate College and department guidelines when assembling their committees.

The University of Oklahoma uses an integrated electronic application, available here , for its graduate programs. The Department admits applicants once a year to start in the Fall Term. Our next deadline is December 15, 2023. If you are a McNair scholar, please let us know promptly, as the deadline for McNair applicants is earlier than the OU graduate deadline.

Direct any questions to the  Graduate Liaison .

To apply to the graduate program, please visit the Graduate College webpage:

Graduate Degree Application  


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August 25, 2024 / 12:30pm - 1:45pm Hynes Athletics Center East Main Gym

Iona University Expands Scholarship for First Responders Pursuing Graduate Degrees

Apply today and save 20 percent on tuition

August 20, 2024

A police officer in Times Square.

New Rochelle and Bronxville, N.Y. – Iona University is proud to announce an expanded scholarship program for first responders seeking to advance their education through graduate studies, offering a 20 percent tuition discount to eligible students. 

The First Responder, Medical and Safety Personnel Scholarship offers a significant tuition discount for active and retired first responders. In addition, admitted students with an undergraduate GPA of 3.5 or higher will receive an extra 5 percent discount from the Edmund Rice Scholarship, totaling a 25 percent tuition reduction.

“Iona is proud to support those who have devoted themselves to the safety and well-being of our communities,” said Iona President Seamus Carey, Ph.D. “This scholarship is an extension of our mission to provide opportunities for lifelong learning and professional growth, enabling first responders to transition into new careers or enhance their current roles through advanced education.”

Scholarships Available for the Following Graduate Degree Programs:

  • Computer Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Marriage & Family Therapy
  • Master’s in Education 
  • Master’s in Teaching 
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Nursing Education
  • Nursing Healthcare Organizational Leadership 
  • Psychology: General-Experimental 
  • Specialization Psychology: Industrial Organizational
  • School Psychology
  • Sports Communication & Media

Master of Business Administration, including six concentrations:

  • Business Analytics
  • Financial Management
  • Information Systems 

Explore all graduate programs today!

A firefighter in gear gets ready to climb a ladder.

This scholarship is particularly beneficial for first responders looking to transition into new careers or advance within their current field. Career transitioners may dream of becoming an educator or school psychologist or may want to launch a career in nursing leadership, business or sports communications.

With the growing demand for leadership in various sectors, this scholarship provides a pathway for first responders to leverage their unique skills and experiences while gaining new knowledge and core competencies.

Inspired by Blessed Edmund Rice and the Christian Brothers and rooted in the values of faith, service, justice and the liberating power of education, Iona is committed to providing a transformative yet affordable education for all. As such, Iona proudly supports numerous scholarships and grants , which are awards that do not have to be paid back.  

Eligibility and Renewal Criteria

An ambulance and two EMTs.

To qualify, applicants must be active or retired first responders, medical or safety personnel and meet the admission requirements of the relevant graduate program.

The scholarship is renewable each semester/trimester, contingent upon maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and providing proof of current employment or retirement from their agency by specified deadlines.

To learn more, contact a Graduate Admissions Counselor today, or to learn more about a particular program, fill out the graduate inquiry form and Iona University will send you more information including dates for upcoming information sessions.

ABOUT IONA Founded in 1940, Iona University is a master's-granting private, Catholic, coeducational institution of learning in the tradition of the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers. Iona's 45-acre New Rochelle campus and 28-acre Bronxville campus are just 20 miles north of Midtown Manhattan. With a total enrollment of nearly 4,000 students and an alumni base of more than 50,000 around the world, Iona is a diverse community of learners and scholars dedicated to academic excellence and the values of justice, peace and service. Iona is highly accredited, offering undergraduate degrees in liberal arts, science and business administration, as well as Master of Arts, Master of Science and Master of Business Administration degrees and numerous advanced certificate programs. Iona students enjoy small class sizes, engaged professors and a wide array of academic programs across the School of Arts & Science ; LaPenta School of Business ; NewYork-Presbyterian Iona School of Health Sciences ; and Hynes Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation . Iona is widely recognized in prestigious rankings, including The Princeton Review’s 2024 national list of “The Best 389 Colleges” and The Wall Street Journal/College Pulse’s “2024 Best Colleges in America,” which ranked Iona at #66 in the nation overall and #8 in the nation among Catholic schools. Iona’s LaPenta School of Business is also accredited by AACSB International, a recognition awarded to just six percent of business schools worldwide. In addition, The Princeton Review recognized Iona’s on-campus MBA program as a “Best Business School for 2023.” Iona also offers a  fully online MBA program  for even greater flexibility. In July 2021, Iona announced the establishment of the NewYork-Presbyterian Iona School of Health Sciences, which is now principally located on Iona’s Bronxville campus in collaboration with NewYork-Presbyterian . Connecting to its Irish heritage, the University also recently announced it is expanding abroad with a new campus in County Mayo, Ireland . A school on the rise, Iona officially changed its status from College to University on July 1, 2022, reflecting the growth of its academic programs and the prestige of an Iona education. 

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  • Post-MS PhD

Post-MS Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing Program - Admissions

The University at Buffalo's Post-Master's Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing program is designed to prepare experienced nurses for leadership roles in nursing science and academia. This program equips nurse scholars to advance knowledge development, theory generation, and hypothesis testing to improve nursing practice and health care outcomes. All PhD program tracks are offered online, providing the flexibility needed for working professionals.

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About our admissions process.

  • The School of Nursing reserves the right to change admission and program criteria to meet prevailing accreditation and registration requirements.
  • Students who have been dismissed from other nursing programs are not eligible for admission. 
  • An interview is required for all graduate programs as part of the review process. Qualified applicants will be notified of interview via email.

Admissions Information

Admissions requirements.

  • Equivalent of a Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN) and Master of Science in nursing (MSN) degree.
  • Active U.S. RN license or foreign nursing license.
  • Overall MSN GPA of 3.25.

Application Materials

  • Online application.
  • Application fee: $75
  • Official transcripts from all colleges attended.
  • Resume/curriculum vitae.
  • Personal statement .
  • Two scholarly writing samples.
  • Three references.

Transcript Information

All application materials are submitted online through the application portal, except for official transcripts. Please do not upload any screenshots of transcripts.

Select the correct institution

Ensure that your transcripts are sent to SUNY University at Buffalo,  not  to SUNY Buffalo State University.

Please have official transcripts mailed to:

UB School of Nursing Beck Hall-Graduate Admissions 3435 Main Street Buffalo, New York 14214

Electronic transcripts can be:

  • Emailed to  [email protected].
  • Uploaded via Parchment using the "University at Buffalo" option. 
  • Uploaded via National Student Clearinghouse using code: 002837. 

International Applicants

Additional requirements for international applicants, all graduate nursing program applicants.

  • SPEAK Test , TOEFL or IELTS scores  (minimum scores and more information);  UB TOEFL code: 2925.
  • International Credentials/Transcripts/Proof of Degree/Translations. A WES document is strongly preferred. 
  • Upon admission to the program, you will be required to submit official transcripts/degrees/translations in a sealed envelope to the International Admission Office.
  • Immigration and financial documents.

DNP Program Applicants

  • Students applying to the DNP program are not eligible to obtain an F1 student visa.  Visa requirements can be found here . 
  • If you do not have a US RN license, you must contact the state board of nursing to apply. 

Application Deadlines

Application Dates by Program
Program Term Open Close
PMH Advanced Certificate
Spring 2025 07/15/2024
Post-MS DNP (all)
Spring 2025
Summer 2025
Summer 2025
PhD (Traditional and Early Assurance)
Fall 2025
DNP Early Assurance
Fall 2025
Fall 2025
Post-MS DNP (all)
Fall 2025

All documents must be received by the deadline.  

Additional Information

Application tips series.

Application Thursdays: Letters of Recommendation presentation title screen.

Letters of recommendation are a vital piece of your application. Here are some important tips for identifying recommenders. 

Application Thursdays: How the UB Application Works presentation title screen.

Learn about filling out an application for the UB School of Nursing graduate programs.

Application Thursdays: Resumes presentation title screen.

Your resume is a vital piece of your application. Here are some important tips to remember when creating your resume.

Application Thursdays: Personal statement presentation title screen.

Learn tips for writing a quality personal statement.

Application Thursdays: Transcripts presentation title screen.

Learn tips for providing clear and high-quality transcripts will set you up for success during the application process. 

Graduate Programs Information Sessions

Tanner Gelatt.

Tanner Gelatt Assistant Director of Graduate Recruitment 202 Beck Hall 716-829-3765 [email protected] Schedule a meeting with Tanner.

The University at Buffalo is committed to ensuring equal access to its programs and activities. View UB's Notice of Discrimination here.


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    Contact Details. Address: Centre For Research, Anna University, Chennai - 600 025, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone : 044 2235 7354 Fax : 044-2220 1213 Email : [email protected]

  3. Application for Ph.D. programme

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    Enter into higher studies leading to post-graduate and research degrees. Become consultant and provide solutions to the practical problems of core organization. ... , Anna University, Chennai - 600025. Tamilnadu, India. Phone: +91 44 22357800. Email: [email protected]. 2022 ...

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    7. Copy of Ph.D. application form duly filled in, with signature of the approved supervisor of Anna University. 8. A Demand Draft for Rs.500/- (Non-Refundable) drawn in favour of "The Director, Centre for Academic Courses, Anna University", towards the processing fee for the issue of the Eligibility Certificate. 9.

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  25. PDF Centre for Research

    The admission to the PhD Programme January 2022 session is proposed to be done through the online ... UG and PG Degree Certificate and Consolidated Mark sheets 4. Community Certificate (OC not applicable) ... Anna University, Chennai- 600025. Admission will be considered only on receiving this form on or before 21.01.2022 at 5.00 p.m.)

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    The University at Buffalo's Post-Master's Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing program is designed to prepare experienced nurses for leadership roles in nursing science and academia. This program equips nurse scholars to advance knowledge development, theory generation, and hypothesis testing to improve nursing practice and health care outcomes. All PhD program tracks are offered online ...