29 Best universities for Clinical Psychology in the Netherlands

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in the Netherlands ranked based on their research performance in Clinical Psychology. A graph of 2.22M citations received by 53.9K academic papers made by 29 universities in the Netherlands was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University of Amsterdam

For Clinical Psychology

University of Amsterdam logo

2. Maastricht University

Maastricht University logo

3. Utrecht University

Utrecht University logo

4. University of Groningen

University of Groningen logo

5. Radboud University

Radboud University logo

6. Leiden University

Leiden University logo

7. Free University Amsterdam

Free University Amsterdam logo

8. Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam logo

9. Tilburg University

Tilburg University logo

10. University of Twente

University of Twente logo

11. Wageningen University

Wageningen University logo

12. Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology logo

13. Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven University of Technology logo

14. Rotterdam University

Rotterdam University logo

15. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Professional Education

Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Professional Education logo

16. Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen

Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen logo

17. HAN University of Applied Sciences

HAN University of Applied Sciences logo

18. Zuyd University

Zuyd University logo

19. HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht

HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht logo

20. University of Humanistic Studies

University of Humanistic Studies logo

21. INHolland University of Applied Sciences

INHolland University of Applied Sciences logo

22. Windesheim University of Applied Sciences

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences logo

23. Saxion University

Saxion University logo

24. Fontys University of Applied Sciences

Fontys University of Applied Sciences logo

25. AVANS University of Applied Sciences

AVANS University of Applied Sciences logo

26. Hogeschool Leiden, University of Professional Education

Hogeschool Leiden, University of Professional Education logo

27. Codarts University of the Arts

Codarts University of the Arts logo

28. Hague University of Applied Sciences

Hague University of Applied Sciences logo

29. NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences logo

The best cities to study Clinical Psychology in the Netherlands based on the number of universities and their ranks are Amsterdam , Maastricht , Utrecht , and Groningen .

Psychology subfields in the Netherlands

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Logo

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Clinical Psychology

  • Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences
  • Clinical, Neuro- & Developmental Psychology


  • Treatment Psychology 100%
  • Groups Psychology 51%
  • Meta-Analysis Psychology 49%
  • Patient Medicine and Dentistry 49%
  • Mental Health Psychology 46%
  • Therapeutic Procedure Medicine and Dentistry 42%
  • Randomized Controlled Trial Medicine and Dentistry 37%
  • Psychotherapy Psychology 33%

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Dive into details.

Select a country/territory to view shared publications and projects

Cansu Alözkan Sever

Cansu Alözkan Sever

  • Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences , Clinical Psychology - PhD Candidate
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center - PhD Candidate

Person: Academic

Arpana Amarnath

Arpana Amarnath

  • APH - Mental Health - PhD Candidate

Khadicha Amarti

drs. Khadicha Amarti, MSc

No photo of Dhini Andriani

Dhini Andriani

  • Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences , Clinical Psychology - Contract PhD Candidate

Wouter Ballegooijen, van

dr. Wouter van Ballegooijen

  • Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences , Clinical Psychology - Assistant Professor
  • APH - Mental Health - Assistant Professor
  • 1 Not started

Projects per year

MiMoMent: Migrant Mother Mental Health (MiMoMent): epidemiology and neurobiological correlates of perinatal mental health among migrant mother-child dyads living in the Netherlands

Ceccarelli, C. , Witteveen, A. , Sijbrandij, M. , Holtmaat, K. & Henrichs, J.

1/09/23 → 31/08/29

Project : Research

  • Stress Hormone 100%
  • Self-Report 100%
  • Cultural Belief 100%
  • Stressors 100%
  • Bipolar Disorder 100%

Big data analysis to improve the labour market and educational participation of young people with mental health problems.

Nollet, M. , Vooren, M. , Bakkum, L. , Cornelisz, I. & van Klaveren, C.

1/09/23 → 31/08/28

  • Labor Market 100%
  • Mental Health 100%
  • Big Data 100%
  • Big Data Analysis 100%
  • Mental Health Problem 100%

U-RISE: Ukraine’s displaced people in the EU: Reach out, Implement, Scale-up and Evaluate interventions promoting mental wellbeing

van der Ven, E. , Sijbrandij, M. , Frankova, I. & Witteveen, A.

1/12/22 → 1/12/24

  • Psychological Well-Being 100%
  • Wellbeing 100%
  • Diseases 50%
  • Mental Health Service 50%

MudK: MEISJES UIT DE KNOEI Multidisciplinair ontwerpgericht interventie-onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van een gepersonaliseerd eMentalHealth interventieprogramma om gezonde vriendschapsrelaties bij meisjes uit de bovenbouw van het basisonderwijs te stimuleren

Buil, M. , Riper, H. , Vuijk, P., Otten, R. & Hilberink, S.

1/08/22 → 30/09/26

  • Online 100%
  • Real Life 100%

Trauma- focused intervention for Posstraumatic stress In Psychosis: a randomized controlled trial

van den Berg, D. & Burger, S.

1/04/18 → 31/12/25

Research output

  • 2674 Article
  • 248 Chapter
  • 189 Review article
  • 122 PhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal
  • 53 Comment / Letter to the editor
  • 48 Meeting Abstract
  • 31 Conference contribution
  • 24 Editorial
  • 21 PhD-Thesis – Research external, graduation internal
  • 20 Erratum / Corrigendum
  • 15 Abstract
  • 12 Book (Editorship)
  • 10 Book/Film/Article/Exhibition review
  • 7 Web publication or Website
  • 6 Inaugural speech
  • 6 PhD-Thesis – Research and graduation external
  • 2 Valedictory speech
  • 1 Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary
  • 1 Foreword/postscript
  • 1 Short survey
  • 1 PhD-Thesis – Research internal, graduation external

Research output per year

When more is not always better: Exploring treatment response in PTSD and comorbid personality disorders

Research output : PhD Thesis › PhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 100%
  • Personality Disorder 100%
  • Eye Movement 29%
  • Desensitization 29%
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy 17%

A systematic review of predictors and moderators of treatment outcomes in internet- and mobile-based interventions for depression

Research output : Contribution to Journal › Review article › Academic › peer-review

  • Meta-Analysis 100%
  • Systematic Review 100%
  • Quantitative Study 50%

Effectiveness of a guided digital self-help intervention to improve sleep and the biological clock in university students – Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Research output : Contribution to Journal › Article › Academic › peer-review

  • Self Help 100%
  • Psychoeducation 100%
  • Quality of Life 50%
  • Mental Health 50%
  • Symptom 50%

Evaluating the psychometric structure of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression pre- and post-treatment in antidepressant randomised trials: Secondary analysis of 6843 individual participants from 20 trials

  • Rating Scale 100%
  • Exploratory Factor Analysis 50%
  • Factor Analysis 50%
  • Sex Differences 50%

How Well Can we Diagnose Autism in Adults? Evaluating an Informant-based Interview: The Dutch Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview - Adult Version (3Di-Adult)

  • Convergent Validity 100%
  • Social Interaction 100%

Angst en Depressie bij Kinderen en Adolescenten


Arts en patiënt 3


Assessment and coaching skills


Beleidsstage Klinische Psychologie

B-thesis clinical track.

  • 423 Lecture / Presentation
  • 51 Membership
  • 35 Editorial work
  • 19 Conference
  • 2 Peer review
  • 2 Visiting an external academic institution
  • 1 PhD thesis examination

Activities per year

The European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment Conference

Claire van Genugten (Participant)

Activity : Participating in or organising an event › Conference › Academic

12th International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) Conference

Innovation in measuring: smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment for depression.

Claire van Genugten (Speaker)

Activity : Lecture / Presentation › Academic

Innovation in measuring: the potential of smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment for depression

Ai & health conference 2023: from paper to practice, 2013 scientific paper prize.

Driessen, E. (Recipient), 16 Jan 2015

Prize / Grant : Prize › Academic

  • Scientific Paper 100%
  • Empirical Research 50%
  • Research Paper 50%
  • Research 33%

2014 Outstanding Research Award of the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA)

Cuijpers, Pim (Recipient), 2014

Alzheimer's Award

Pot, A.M. (Recipient), 2009

American Psychoanalytic Association’s (APsaA) Scientific Paper Prize

Amsterdam public health award.

van der Zweerde, Tanja (Recipient), 24 May 2018

Prize / Grant : Grant › Academic

  • Amsterdam 100%

ADJUSTment Disorder in Cancer Patients: Effectiveness and Cost-Utility of Tailored Psychological Treatment (ADJUST-study, work package 2).

van Beek, F. (Creator), Verdonck-de Leeuw, I. (Creator) & Holtmaat, K. (Creator), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2022

Replication Data for: Negative body experience in a clinical sample of mental disorders: associations with PTSD, mood disorders, and personality disorders

van de Kamp, M. (Creator), Scheffers, W. J. (Creator), Emck, C. (Creator), Cuijpers, P. (Creator) & Beek, P. (Creator), DataverseNL, 6 Jun 2024

DOI : 10.34894/UURTUI

Changes in your life after cancer treatment (ADJUST-study, work package 1).

Additional file 1 of to continue or not to continue antipsychotic medication maintenance versus dose-reduction/discontinuation in first episode psychosis: hamlett, a pragmatic multicenter single-blind randomized controlled trial.

Begemann, M. (Contributor), Thompson, I. (Contributor), Veling, W. (Contributor), Gangadin, S. (Contributor), Geraets, C. (Contributor), Hag, E. V. ‘. (Contributor), Müller-Kuperus, S. (Contributor), Oomen, P. (Contributor), Voppel, A. (Contributor), Gaag, M. (Contributor), Kikkert, M. (Contributor), Os, J. (Contributor), Smit, H. (Contributor), Knegtering, R. (Contributor), Wiersma, S. (Contributor), Stouten, L. (Contributor), Gijsman, H. (Contributor), Wunderink, L. (Contributor), Staring, A. (Contributor), Veerman, S. (Contributor), Mahabir, A. (Contributor), Kurkamp, J. (Contributor), Pijnenborg, G. (Contributor), Veen, N. (Contributor), Marcelis, M. (Contributor), Grootens, K. (Contributor), Faber, G. (Contributor), Beveren, N. (Contributor), Been, A. (Contributor), Brink, T. (Contributor), Bak, M. (Contributor), Amelsvoort, T. (Contributor), Ruissen, A. (Contributor), Blanke, C. (Contributor), Groen, K. (Contributor), Haan, L. (Contributor) & Sommer, I. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 7 Feb 2020

DOI : 10.6084/m9.figshare.11826258.v1 , https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_1_of_To_continue_or_not_to_continue_Antipsychotic_medication_maintenance_versus_dose-reduction_discontinuation_in_first_episode_psychosis_HAMLETT_a_pragmatic_multicenter_single-blind_randomized_controlled_trial/11826258/1

Health–economic benefits of treating trauma in psychosis

Bont, P. A. J. M. D. (Contributor), Vleugel, B. M. V. D. (Contributor), Berg, D. P. G. V. D. (Contributor), Roos, C. D. (Contributor), Lokkerbol, J. (Contributor), Smit, F. (Contributor), Jongh, A. D. (Contributor), Gaag, M. V. D. (Contributor) & Minnen, A. V. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 1 Jan 2019

DOI : 10.6084/m9.figshare.11298614.v1 , https://tandf.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Health_economic_benefits_of_treating_trauma_in_psychosis/11298614/1


Waarom zijn er meer huilende mannen te zien in de media [why are there more crying men appearing in the media].

Sander Koole

1 Media contribution

Press/Media : Expert Comment

Waarom knuffelen goed is voor je zelfvertrouwen én gezondheid. [Why cuddling is good for your self-esteem and health].

Ukrainian soldiers and civilians suffer from serious war trauma.

Iryna Frankova

War trauma and mental health. BBC News World Service. The Evidence.

Westminister debate: suicide in turkish, kurdish and cypriot diaspora.

1 item of Media coverage

Press/Media : Public Engagement Activities

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phd clinical psychology amsterdam

Clinical and Health Psychology (research) (MSc)

The research master’s specialisation Clinical and Health Psychology prepares you for a PhD trajectory.

  • Psychology (research) (MSc)

Laura Ramiro Pires

Laura Ramiro Pires

'Moving from Germany to the Netherlands to study Health Psychology was the best decision I could have ever made. Now I am a Health Psychologist working self-employed as Life Coach and Trainer. I developed a training programme to guide expatriates through their journey of personal change and growing inner resources. I also work as a research assistant for a study on job satisfaction among doctors. I truly love my work.'

What does this master's programme entail?

Academic and research skills are trained at an advanced level. You will make an in-depth study of topics within the broad context of ‘self-regulation of health and illness’. Topics that you will investigate include: stress, symptom perception and illness, the dynamics of behavioral change, and coping with (chronic) disease. You will learn a broad variety of methods and techniques, e.g., clinical trials, neuroimaging, and longitudinal survey or intervention studies. 

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Reasons to choose Clinical and Health Psychology at Leiden University

  • A Research Master's degree will give you a great perspective on a future in research within the public or private sector.
  • A Research Master's degree is the perfect way to preare for a PhD programme.
  • Because only the most talented and motivated students will be admitted to the Research Master's track, you will be guaranteed to be challenged during your studies.
  • Students who wish to pursue a career as scientist-practitioner / clinician may combine the research master with specific parts of the professional one-year master’s programmes in Clinical Psychology or in Health Psychology to qualify for post-master psychotherapy training programmes (PDO in Dutch).

Why Leiden University?

Clinical and Health Psychology: the right programme for you?

Students will be provided with a theoretical background for clinical and health psychology research, assessment and interventions. This includes the acquisition of knowledge relevant to the assessment and treatment of psychopathology, as well as to health promotion and disease prevention and the self-management of chronic diseases. This track is the ideal start for a PhD programme in Clinical and Health Psychology.

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Best PhD Degrees in Clinical Psychology at Universities in Netherlands

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Here are the best Netherlands universities for Clinical Psychology :

Vrije University Amsterdam

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam logo.jpeg

Cholinergic Control of Attention


Postdoctoral Researcher 'Embodied Emotion Regulation' (Clinical Psychology, f/m)

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Psychology (research)

Explore the complexities of the mind and human behaviour, transforming your curiosity into expertise. This research master's programme is designed to enhance your critical and analytical thinking, connect diverse psychological subdisciplines, and equip you for a career in academic or applied research. Delve deeper into the science of psychology and contribute to new scientific insights.

🎓 Number 8 in QS World University Ranking

Advanced research methods

Number 8 in QS World University Ranking

Learn from renowned international researchers

Customise your programme

Interactive group dynamics

Is the Research Master Psychology for you?

Yes, if you:  

  • Have a critical mind and love to use it 
  • Find psychology deeply fascinating and are eager to explore the field  
  • Enjoy doing research and want to be part of the research community 
  • Like a challenge, as research in psychology is complex 
  • Consider pursuing a PhD after your graduation 

Bobby talks about the Research Master's

Why pursue a Research Master’s in Psychology at the UvA?

What makes this programme unique?

What makes this programme unique?

The UvA is working towards a sustainable and prosperous future through impact and innovation, achieved through collaboration that transcends the boundaries of existing knowledge. As a broad university, we belong to the international top.

Making a difference: A Day at the University of Amsterdam

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  • University of Amsterdam
  • Annabel Bogaerts

Annabel Bogaerts

Annabel Bogaerts University of Amsterdam | UVA  ·  Department of Clinical Developmental Psychology

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  • Clinical Psychology
  • Master in Psychology, Clinical and Health Psychology


Lisanne de Moor

  • Ghent University

Theo Klimstra

  • Tufts University

Elisabetta Crocetti

  • University of Bologna

Johannes Zimmermann

  • Universität Kassel

Bart Duriez

  • Karel de Grote-Hogeschool

Michael Kaess

  • Universität Bern

Susan Branje

  • Utrecht University

Philip Moons

  • University Hospital for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy; University of Bern
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Psychology Graduate Program

  • Psychology Department

The Clinical Psychology Program adheres to a clinical science model of training, and is a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science.  We are committed to training clinical psychologists whose research advances scientific knowledge of psychopathology and its treatment, and who are capable of applying evidence-based methods of assessment and clinical intervention. The main emphasis of the program is research, especially on severe psychopathology. The program includes research, course work, and clinical practica, and usually takes five years to complete. Students typically complete assessment and treatment practica during their second and third years in the program, and they must fulfill all departmental requirements prior to beginning their one-year internship. The curriculum meets the requirements for licensure in Massachusetts, accreditation requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA; Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242, [email protected] , Tel. [202] 336-5979), and accreditation requirements of the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS). PCSAS re-accredited the program on December 15, 2022 for a 10-year term. APA most recently accredited the program on April 28, 2015 for a seven-year term, which was extended due to COVID-related delays. 


Required courses and training experiences fulfill requirements for clinical psychology licensure in Massachusetts as well as meet APA criteria for the accreditation of clinical psychology programs.  In addition to these courses, further training experiences are required in accordance with the American Psychological Association’s guidelines for the accreditation of clinical psychology programs (e.g., clinical practica [e.g., PSY 3050 Clinical Practicum, PSY 3080 Practicum in Neuropsychological Assessment]; clinical internship).

Students in the clinical psychology program are required to take the following courses:

  • PSY 3900 Professional Ethics
  • PSY 2445 Psychotherapy Research
  • PSY 2070 Psychometric Theory and Method Using R
  • PSY 2430 Cultural, Racial, and Ethnic Bases of Behavior
  • PSY 3250 Psychological Testing
  • PSY 2050 History of Psychology
  • PSY 1951 Intermediate Quantitative Methods
  • PSY 1952 Multivariate Analysis in Psychology
  • PSY 2040 Contemporary Topics in Psychopathology
  • PSY 2460 Diagnostic Interviewing
  • PSY 2420 Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Psychological Disorders

Clinical students must also take one course in each of the following substantive areas: biological bases of behavior (e.g., PSY 1202 Modern Neuroanatomy; PSY 1325 The Emotional, Social Brain; PSY 1355 The Adolescent Brain; PSY 1702 The Emotional Mind); social bases of behavior (e.g., PSY 2500 Proseminar in Social Psychology); cognitive-affective bases of behavior (e.g., PSY 2400 Cognitive Psychology and Emotional Disorders); and individual differences (Required course PSY 2040 Contemporary Topics in Psychopathology fulfills the individual differences requirement for Massachusetts licensure). In accordance with American Psychological Association guidelines for the accreditation of clinical psychology programs, clinical students also receive consultation and supervision within the context of clinical practica in psychological assessment and treatment beginning in their second semester of their first year and running through their third year. They receive further exposure to additional topics (e.g., human development) in the Developmental Psychopathology seminar and in the twice-monthly clinical psychology “brown bag” speaker series. Finally, students complete a year-long clinical internship. Students are responsible for making sure that they take courses in all the relevant and required areas listed above. Students wishing to substitute one required course for another should seek advice from their advisor and from the director of clinical training prior to registering. During the first year, students are advised to get in as many requirements as possible. Many requirements can be completed before the deadlines stated below. First-year project:  Under the guidance of a faculty member who serves as a mentor, students participate in a research project and write a formal report on their research progress. Due by May of first year. Second-year project:  Original research project leading to a written report in the style of an APA journal article. A ten-minute oral presentation is also required. Due by May of second year. General exam:  A six-hour exam covering the literature of the field. To be taken in September before the start of the third year. Thesis prospectus:  A written description of the research proposed must be approved by a prospectus committee appointed by the CHD. Due at the beginning of the fourth year. Thesis and oral defense:  Ordinarily this would be completed by the end of the fourth year. Clinical internship:  Ordinarily this would occur in the fifth year. Students must have completed their thesis research prior to going on internship.

Credit for Prior Graduate Work

 A PhD student who has completed at least one full term of satisfactory work in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences may file an application at the Registrar’s Office requesting that work done in a graduate program elsewhere be counted toward the academic residence requirement. Forms are available  online .

No more than the equivalent of eight half-courses may be so counted for the PhD.

An application for academic credit for work done elsewhere must contain a list of the courses, with grades, for which the student is seeking credit, and must be approved by the student’s department. In order for credit to be granted, official transcripts showing the courses for which credit is sought must be submitted to the registrar, unless they are already on file with the Graduate School. No guarantee is given in advance that such an application will be granted. 

Only courses taken in a Harvard AB-AM or AB-SM program, in Harvard Summer School, as a GSAS Special Student or FAS courses taken as an employee under the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) may be counted toward the minimum academic residence requirements for a Master’s degree.

Academic and financial credit for courses taken as a GSAS Special Student or FAS courses taken as a Harvard employee prior to admission to a degree program may be granted for a maximum of four half-courses toward a one-year Master’s and eight half-courses toward a two-year Master’s or the PhD degree.

Applications for academic and financial credit must be approved by the student’s department and should then be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

Student Admissions, Outcomes, and other data  

1. Time to Completion

Time to Completion 2023

Students can petition the program faculty to receive credit for prior graduate coursework, but it does not markedly reduce their expected time to complete the program.

2. Program Costs

Program costs 2023

3. Internships 

Internship placement Table 1 2023

4. Attrition

Attrition 2023

5. Licensure

Licensure 2023

Standard Financial Aid Award, Students Entering 2023  

The financial aid package for Ph.D. students entering in 2023 will include tuition and health fees support for years one through four, or five, if needed; stipend support in years one and two; a summer research grant equal to two months stipend at the end of years one through four; teaching fellowship support in years three and four guaranteed by the Psychology Department; and a dissertation completion grant consisting of tuition and stipend support in the appropriate year. Typically students will not be allowed to teach while receiving a stipend in years one and two or during the dissertation completion year.    

Year 1 (2023-24) and Year 2 (2024- 25)  Tuition & Health Fees:                             Paid in Full  Academic Year Stipend:                           $35,700 (10 months)  Summer Research Award:                       $7,140 (2 months)

Year 3 (2025-26) & Year 4 (2026- 27) Tuition & Health Fees:                             Paid in Full Living Expenses:                                       $35,700 (Teaching Fellowship plus supplement, if eligible)  Summer Research Award:                       $7,140 (2 months)

Year 5 (2027-28) - if needed; may not be taken after the Dissertation Completion year Tuition & Health Fees:                             Paid in Full

Dissertation Completion Year (normally year 5, occasionally year 6) Tuition & Health Fees:                             Paid in Full  Stipend for Living Expenses:                    $35,700  

The academic year stipend is for the ten-month period September through June. The first stipend payment will be made available at the start of the fall term with subsequent disbursements on the first of each month. The summer research award is intended for use in July and August following the first four academic years.

In the third and fourth years, the guaranteed income of $35,700 includes four sections of teaching and, if necessary, a small supplement from the Graduate School. Your teaching fellowship is guaranteed by the Department provided you have passed the General Examination or equivalent and met any other department criteria. Students are required to take a teacher training course in the first year of teaching.

The dissertation completion year fellowship will be available as soon as you are prepared to finish your dissertation, ordinarily in the fifth year. Applications for the completion fellowship must be submitted in February of the year prior to utilizing the award. Dissertation completion fellowships are not guaranteed after the seventh year. Please note that registration in the Graduate School is always subject to your maintaining satisfactory progress toward the degree.

GSAS students are strongly encouraged to apply for appropriate Harvard and outside fellowships throughout their enrollment. All students who receive funds from an outside source are expected to accept the award in place of the above Harvard award. In such cases, students may be eligible to receive a GSAS award of up to $4,000 for each academic year of external funding secured or defer up to one year of GSAS stipend support.

For additional information, please refer to the Financial Support section of the GSAS website ( gsas.harvard.edu/financial-support ).

Registration and Financial Aid in the Graduate School are always subject to maintaining satisfactory progress toward the degree.

Psychology students are eligible to apply for generous research and travel grants from the Department.

The figures quoted above are estimates provided by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and are subject to change.

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (202) 336-5979 E-mail:  [email protected]   www.apa.org/ed/accreditation

The Director of Clinical Training is Prof. Richard J. McNally who can be reached by telephone at (617) 495-3853 or via e-mail at:  [email protected]

  • Clinical Internship Allowance

Harvard Clinical Psychology Student Handbook

Joint PhD position: Health Policies for the Implementation of a self management & monitoring app in routine perinatal care

(ref. BAP-2024-617) Laatst aangepast: 13/09/24

Website van de eenheid

  • to perform a review of the literature for capturing policy-level implementation factors relevant for the implementation of the Family app;
  • to install stakeholder panels to support the following phases in the projects;
  • to perform an interview study to capture policy-level implementation factors as experienced by families and “Dashboard coaches” (those who monitor data collected through the app), as well as policy-makers;
  • to use Implementation Mapping methodology to select relevant policy-level implementation strategies;
  • to perform a Nominal Groups study to offer potential additional policy-level implementation strategies and activities, and to prioritise strategies and activities from the full selection;
  • to collaborate with HAP3's doctoral candidates 9 and 10 in the delivery of a final implementation toolbox;
  • to complete a successful PhD thesis within the project duration;
  • to attend the training workshops, seminars and conferences organized within the HAP3 network, as well as those required by the doctoral schools of the universities involved;
  • to publish in high-impact journals and present findings at conferences.
  • Educational Qualification: Applicants must possess an MSc or an equivalent degree in the field of Health Sciences, Medicine, Psychology, Midwifery, Nursing, Public Health or Social sciences or other disciplines relevant to the overall project (more details specified in the project specific requirements);
  • PhD Status: Applicants must not hold a PhD degree or have successfully defended a PhD thesis;
  • Mobility Condition: Applicants must not have lived or conducted their main activities (work, studies, etc.) in Belgium for more than 12 months within the three years immediately preceding the recruitment date. Exceptions include compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays, and periods spent in the process of obtaining refugee status;
  • Local Eligibility: Applicants must meet local requirements and be eligible for enrollment in the PhD program at the recruiting (KU Leuven) and second university (VU Amsterdam) involved in the supervision of the doctoral candidate.
  • English Proficiency: Applicants must demonstrate a high level of proficiency in both written and spoken English (proof of B2 level or equivalent);
  • As you will work with local stakeholders, Dutch language proficiency is desirable but not strictly necessary;
  • Previous training on Implementation Science is an advantage;
  • Training or experience in the field of Health Policy is an advantage;
  • Experience with performing Systematic Literature Reviews is an advantage.

The vacancy  is for a period of four years and relates to the larger  Healthy Adaptation to Pregnancy, Postpartum and Parenthood ( HAP 3)  an EU funded Marie Curie Joint doctoral network project designed to train ‘PERINATAL CARE INNOVATORS’ who will support couples during the transition from pregnancy, to postpartum and early parenthood. Our international consortium of 5 leading universities and 11 associated partners (including 7 non-academic partners) provides the PhD candidates with a unique opportunity to engage with a diverse academic and professional community, benefit from the expertise and resources of different institutions, and contribute to cutting-edge research in the fields of obesity and mental health during critical reproductive periods. 

Selected candidates will be offered a competitive salary aligned with the MSCA-JD regulations for Doctoral Researchers. The exact net salary will be determined at the time of appointment, taking into account local tax laws, employer costs, social security contributions and whether or not the candidate is eligible for a family allowance. The salary package always includes a living allowance and a mobility allowance. 

Link to the HAP3 networks' program of research.


KU Leuven strives for an inclusive, respectful and socially safe environment. We embrace diversity among individuals and groups as an asset. Open dialogue and differences in perspective are essential for an ambitious research and educational environment. In our commitment to equal opportunity, we recognize the consequences of historical inequalities. We do not accept any form of discrimination based on, but not limited to, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, ethnic or national background, skin colour, religious and philosophical diversity, neurodivergence, employment disability, health, or socioeconomic status. For questions about accessibility or support offered, we are happy to assist you at this email address.

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Clinical Psychology

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The UNT Clinical Psychology doctoral (Ph.D.) program is one of only a handful of APA-accredited clinical psychology doctoral programs nationwide that is housed in a top tier (R1) university that also holds the distinction of being a minority serving intitution (MSI). Over the past decade our program has transformed into a majority-minority student body. Additional information is provided in our Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data .

We are committed to a student-centered learning approach with close faculty mentorship. The program offers intensive research training in the science of Clinical Psychology via highly productive faculty research labs . Simultaneously, students obtain in-depth, closely supervised training in the practice of Clinical Psychology. Students begin clinical practicum internally within our psychology training clinic, which is located in a mental health professional shortage area, before advancing to high quality external practicum sites across the DFW Metroplex, gaining experience with underserved areas or populations. In addition to achievements among our graduates , our program is:

  • ranked 14th nationally (top 6%) on its number of publications in the most influential assessment journals 1
  • ranked 6th nationally (top 3%) on its impact as measured by its citations in the area of assessment 1
  • ranked 5th nationally (top 3% on its adjusted passing rate on the national licensing exam (EPPP) 2
  • home to one of the largest psychology training clinics in the country; offering high quality, low-cost services to a diverse clientele
  • accredited by the American Psychological Association

Our Commitment to Diversity

Across research areas, our faculty evidence their commitment to diveristy, broadly defined (race/ethnicity, sex, language, age, country of origin, sexual orientation, religious/spiritual beliefs, social class, and physical disability). We are a proud member of the BRIDGE Psychology Network , which aims to connect prospective students to programs that collaborate and improve initiatives that nurture inclusivity and diversity in psychology graduate programs, and encourage students to utilize anti-racist resources as part of their multicultural competency development. Resources that inform our training and pertain to diversity include:

  • Definitions
  • Allies Resource List
  • APA Presidential Task Force on Enhancing Diversity
  • Guidelines on Multicultural Education
  • Resource Guide for Graduate Students with Disabilities
  • Resource Guide for Ethnic Minority Graduate Students
  • Guide for LGBT Students Navigating Graduate Training
  • Working with Immigrant-Origin Clients
  • Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Low Income and Economically Marginalized Individuals
  • Inclusion of Social Class in Psychology Curricula: Resources for Educators
  • A Guide for Supporting Trans and Gender Diverse Students
  • UNT Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity
  • UNT Multicultural Center
  • Resources for Elevating Voices to Address Racial Stress and Trauma

THECB Marketable Skills

  • Assessment evaluations
  • Psychological diagnostics
  • Psychotherapy interventions
  • Measurement and psychometrics
  • Psychological consultation

Statement on Licensure

Our program adheres to APA accreditation standards and prepares students for entry into the profession of Clinical Psychology. Given the varied and changing requirements across jurisdictions, we cannot assure, nor is it our responsibility, that graduates will meet all requirements for licensure in all states, territories, or international locations. Doctoral trainess in this program are encouraged to become familiar with licensing laws applicable to their career plans and discuss their curricular plan with their major professor and/or the Director of Clinical Training (DCT) as needed. A compilation of licensure requirements, organized by jurisdictions, is available and updated annually via these links:



  • Morey, L.C. (2010). Leading North American programs in clinical assessment research: An assessment of productivity and impact. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92, 207-211. doi: 10.1080/00223891003670133
  • Callahan, J.L., Ruggero, C.J., & Parent, M.C. (2013). Hidden gems among clinical psychology training programs. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 7, 278-284. doi: 10.1037/a0034233

The Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology at the University of North Texas is accredited by the American Psychological Association, Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242. 202-336-5979 Email: [email protected] Web: www.apa.org/ed/accreditation

Apply to our graduate program online

It’s easy to apply online. Join us and discover why we’re the choice of over 46,000  students.


Clinical Psychology

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  • News & Stories
  • Posted on Sep 13, 2024

A day in the life of a clinical psychology graduate student

Wednesday, 9:00 am: I am already exhausted after commuting for 40 minutes on the ultra crowded Tokyo subway. I’ve survived the morning rush hour packed full of working men and women rushing to work. And now, on this hot, humid day, walk 10 minutes from the subway station to campus along a route bare of shady trees. As I head towards campus I complain to God about the unbearable crowds and the excessive heat. I arrive for a long day on campus completely drenched with sweat in the dress pants and collared shirt required for clinical internship.

11:00 am: Five classmates and I type quietly on computers. Ryota paused from his typing and turned around to Seiji, “I am so confused by what the client is saying here…” They started discussing Ryota’s client and interventions. “Even though I’m Japanese, I mess up on my grammar in session,” Ryota groaned.

“That’s totally understandable. Me too. I forget to mention the subject and use the wrong words all the time, Seiji added.

Others joined in and started talking about their experiences of going blank and struggling in session. I am encouraged. I thought I was the only one struggling with Japanese.

4:00 pm: “Why did you say this to the client? Can’t you see you are adding your own words to the clients’ words and putting your own assumptions in? Oh right, I forgot this is the type of person you are.” Tanaka Sensei’s angry and sarcastic voice dominated the silent classroom, as me, Eri, and two other  kohai  (junior students) took the hit.

“Oh,” “Got it,” “Okay,” Eri’s reply gradually shortened and she wiped her face clean of any expression. She would occasionally look towards me, her eyes muted with anger and fear. I kept asking the Spirit for words to say and protection over our hearts and bodies as we experience the teacher’s oppressive words. It’s confusing because Sensei was not like this last year. Eri and I are at a loss about how to make sense of what is happening and what to do. I want to speak up, but I am unsure whether to interrupt Sensei when she is addressing Eri.

7:00 pm: Eri and I are talking in the graduate student room as she poured out her complaints about our teacher. I continue to ask the Spirt for wisdom as I empathize with Eri’s anger, share my own frustration, and tentatively offer possible next steps as I try not to put down our Sensei in a way that disrespects her human dignity. It’s a fine line to tread between expressing righteous anger and using words to hurt and wound. I often wonder how to continue to be true to myself as Jessica, a child of God, a fellow classmate to Eri and others, a student of Tanaka Sensei, and a foreigner in Japanese society. I wonder how to do this in the nuanced complexity of Japanese worldview and social reality, and how to be light in the midst of darkness and injustice I have not encountered before. Please continue to pray with me for Light to transform darkness.

By Jessica, an OMF missionary

*All names changed

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  3. Application and Admission

    Required score: at least 100 (internet based test) with a minimum score for the separate components of the test: Reading: 24. Listening: 22. Speaking: 25. Writing: 24. Cambridge International Examination. Required score: at least 190 on C1 Advanced. Prospective PhD candidates can start at the PsyRes by two pathways for admission: through the ...

  4. PhD research

    PhD research. PhD research is at the heart of what we do as a University. Around 2000 PhD candidates are involved in research and education at the UvA and around 400 doctorates are conferred each year. Two-thirds of these are in the Sciences or Medicine.

  5. Psychology

    Nieuwe Achtergracht 129-B. 1018 WS Amsterdam. Note for (prospective) students: please contact our Education Desk for questions and inquiries. Tel: 020 525 6770. Email: [email protected].

  6. Netherlands's best Clinical Psychology universities [Rankings]

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  11. Vanessa VAN AST

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  18. Annabel BOGAERTS

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    Ambitious PhD candidate aiming for a double PhD degree from KU Leuven (BE) and VU Amsterdam (NL) on the topic of "Health policies for facilitating the implementation of an eSelf-monitoring and eSelf-mamagement app and the related dashboard for professionals in routine perinatal care"

  21. Clinical Psychology

    *WE ONLY HOLD ADMISSIONS IN THE FALL FOR ENTRY A YEAR LATER* The UNT Clinical Psychology doctoral (Ph.D.) program is one of only a handful of APA-accredited clinical psychology doctoral programs nationwide that is housed in a top tier (R1) university that also holds the distinction of being a minority serving intitution (MSI).

  22. Contact

    1001 NK AMSTERDAM The Netherlands. Visiting address. Roeterseilandcampus - gebouw G ... PhD Programme. Application and Admission; PsAiKo; News; Events; About; Contact; ... Programme group Clinical Psychology; Contact Contact Clinical Psychology. E-mail. [email protected]. Telephone +31 (0)20 525 6810. Post. Postbus 15933 1001 NK ...

  23. A day in the life of a clinical psychology graduate student

    And now, on this hot, humid day, walk 10 minutes from the subway station to campus along a route bare of shady trees. As I head towards campus I complain to God about the unbearable crowds and the excessive heat. I arrive for a long day on campus completely drenched with sweat in the dress pants and collared shirt required for clinical internship.