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iu undergraduate research journal

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Undergraduate Research

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  • IU Journal of Undergraduate Research

IUUR sponsors the IU Journal of Undergraduate Research, a student organization  dedicated to promoting a culture of curiosity at IU. Find out more, read published volumes, and  get involved on  IUJUR's website.

  • Mission & Vision
  • Support Engaged Learning
  • What is Undergraduate Research?
  • Why do Undergraduate Research?
  • First Steps
  • Danishjeet Singh
  • Avery Hanefeld
  • Luca Myung-won Kim
  • Sophie Xanders
  • Amelia Xanders
  • Federal Work Study Undergraduate Research Assistant Program
  • Travel Funding
  • STEM Summer Research
  • Advanced Summer Research Scholarships
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iu undergraduate research journal

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  • Indiana University Journal of Undergraduate Research

We strive to spark a culture of curiosity.

Learn about how we do it.

What is IUJUR?

Founded in August 2013 and supported by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, IUJUR is an entirely student-led organization dedicated to promoting a culture of curiosity all around IU. Our journal is published annually but we organize and engage in many research-promoting activities throughout the year. Any undergrad from all eight of IU’s campuses can submit to our journal, and since we are an interdisciplinary journal we accept submissions from any field.

The Indiana University Journal of Undergraduate Research (IUJUR) aims to sustain an annual, student-run, faculty-mentored undergraduate research publication for Indiana University. By creating a unified forum for undergraduate research, IUJUR seeks to foster an engaged student body and encourage student-faculty collaboration in  all  fields.


When we look around us, we see a world of questions waiting to be answered. Indiana University has dedicated faculty, administration and, of course, students, who strive to explore these mysteries. With access to cutting-edge resources and technologies, and a shared passion for exploration, Hoosiers across disciplines have developed a unique culture of undergraduate research at IU.

Our organization’s color is midnight blue, which is associated with intelligence and truth - both qualities that represent our mission of promoting undergraduate research of high quality. On top of this, our logo has the traditional colors of IU, which stands for our dedication to the IU campus and community. IUJUR seeks to capture and encourage the campus’s vibrant and diverse  culture of curiosity .


Identified as a  high-impact educational practice , undergraduate research provides students with a unique opportunity for experiential learning. The empirical observation, critical thinking and hands-on approach involved in research are key components of a practical education. As a higher education institution committed to excellence, Indiana University equips its students to take on complex problems by offering a plethora of educational opportunities in research. IUJUR will be an outlet to recognize the learning and mastery of topics by engaged students and to encourage more students to proactively seek collaboration with faculty mentors.

IUJUR was founded in August 2013 by a hip and happening group of students passionate about recognizing and encouraging the exceptional undergraduate research work of their peers. The  Office of the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education’s  support of IUJUR, since its conception, allows IUJUR to keep growing.

IUJUR places great emphasis on the importance of sound and comprehensive publication ethics. The Journal promotes and values ethical behavior throughout the research publication process, holding students, supervisors, reviewers and editors accountable and responsible for the highest levels of integrity. Publication ethics is the core of IUJUR’s mission to cultivate a culture of curiosity on campus and to foster an engaged student body by providing a unified, ethical and sound forum for undergraduate research.

Accordingly, IUJUR expects:

  • Authors of research must sign a contract that submitted research has not been published in another journal, is not currently under review elsewhere and has been submitted to IUJUR with the full knowledge of their supervisors,  sponsors  and institutions.
  • Any research that does not meet requirements regarding citations,  references and APA guidelines will be rejected with or without peer review.
  • All manuscripts will be reviewed based on research and intellectual content without consideration of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, country of origin or political viewpoints of authors.
  • All research submitted for peer review will remain strictly confidential by editors and reviewers. Editors and reviewers may not utilize submitted materials without the consent of authors.

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IUJUR logo

The Indiana University Journal of Undergraduate Research (IUJUR) is a student organization supported by the Office of the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education. It publishes an annual research journal featuring undergraduate research conducted across Indiana University's eight campuses.

Published: 2023-04-03

Front Matter

Cover, table of contents, letter from the editors, and acknowledgments volume vii, social sciences, three strikes and you’re out: the demographics of indiana’s habitual offender law, the effect of familiar music on long-term declarative memory in college students, natural sciences, influences and willingness to receive future covid-19 vaccination by demographic data and proposed interventions, back matter, volume vii back matter.


  1. Full Volumes: The Journal: Indiana University Journal of Undergraduate

    iu undergraduate research journal

  2. The Boss-Secretary Relationship in Contemporary Businesses

    iu undergraduate research journal

  3. RANGE: Undergraduate Research Journal (2023)

    iu undergraduate research journal

  4. Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly excellence

    iu undergraduate research journal

  5. Full Volumes: The Journal: Indiana University Journal of Undergraduate

    iu undergraduate research journal

  6. Archives

    iu undergraduate research journal