13 Best Problem Solving Games, Activities & Exercises for the Workplace

8 mins read

13 Best Problem Solving Games, Activities & Exercises for the Workplace

by Pete Ford

Updated On Jun 21, 2024

In today's rapidly evolving business world, the ability to solve problems effectively and efficiently is paramount. While it is crucial to understand the problem thoroughly, it is equally important not to overanalyze it to the point of inaction. Instead, the focus should be on identifying actionable solutions quickly and implementing them efficiently. Effective problem solving capabilities enable teams to identify root causes, develop innovative solutions, and implement changes that drive business success. Tackling significant challenges head-on, even when the odds are not favorable, is essential for transformative results.

Moreover, cultivating a culture of problem solving fosters a sense of autonomy and empowerment among employees. As games improve problem solving skills, teams become more independent, reducing the need for constant supervision. In addition, when individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives come together to tackle challenges, the synergy created can lead to groundbreaking solutions and significant advancements for the organizations. 

Workplace Problem Solving Games and Activities:

Just as you can't learn to write a novel solely by reading about it, or to swim merely by observing others, true mastery of problem solving skills requires more than just theory. It demands immersion and action. That's why, when fostering problem solving abilities in your employees, it's essential to engage them in practical exercises that simulate real-world challenges. Through engaging in challenging fun problem solving games for adults, teams develop the skills and confidence to effectively navigate real-world challenges. 

According to a report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) , problem solving skills are listed among the top skills required in the workplace by 2025. The large group problem solving activities for employees mentioned below are designed to enhance the critical thinking skills , creativity, and collaborative capabilities of your teams. These activities are not just problem solving exercises for teams, they are strategic investments in building a workforce that can navigate complexities, innovate solutions, and drive the organization towards its goals. 

By engaging in structured problem solving group activities, teams learn to tackle challenges methodically and develop a proactive mindset essential for overcoming obstacles in today’s dynamic business environment.

We have carefully divided workplace problem solving activities into 3 distinct categories that cater to different aspects of problem solving skills:

  • Team-Based Problem Solving Activities
  • Creative Problem-Solving Activities
  • Quick and Easy Problem-Solving Activities

Team-Based Problem Solving Activities:

Team-Based Problem Solving Activities form the foundation for effective problem solving within a team, emphasizing crucial elements like communication, trust, and collaboration. As Vusi Thembekwayo once remarked, “To achieve anything in business, you need relationships based on trust.” This quote underscores the significance of fostering a trusting environment where team members feel comfortable working together, leveraging each other's strengths to tackle challenges with greater efficiency and creativity.

Team-Based Problem Solving Activities

Via Edstellar

1. A Shrinking Vessel Training Activity:

“A Shrinking Vessel” is one of the dynamic and simple problem solving exercises for team building that challenges participants to adapt quickly to changing conditions.

A Shrinking Vessel Training Activity

This is one of the team-problem solving activities that involves employees standing within a defined space that gradually shrinks, requiring them to strategize and cooperate to stay within the boundaries.

How to Conduct the “A Shrinking Vessel” Activity:

  • This is one of the hands-on problem solving activities (adults can engage in) that requires a large, open area that can be marked with boundaries.
  • Use tape or rope to create a large initial boundary that all employees can comfortably stand within.
  • Gather all workers within the boundary.
  • Explain that the boundary will gradually shrink, and that workers must remain within the shrinking area.
  • Begin this problem solving activity by gradually reducing the size of the boundary every 2-3 minutes.
  • Use a predetermined signal (like a whistle) to indicate when the boundary is shrinking.
  • Continue to reduce the boundary until it becomes challenging for employees to stay within the area.
  • End the activity when it becomes impossible for them to stay within the boundary.

Key Takeaways

Employees learn to adapt quickly to changing constraints, enhancing their ability to communicate and collaborate effectively under pressure. These problem solving, team building games fosters creativity by requiring teams to develop strategies to navigate the shrinking space, encouraging flexibility and teamwork in dynamic environments.

Video:- Shrinking Vessel

2. Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower Training Activity:

“Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower” is one of the creative, engaging  and complex problem solving activities for adults where teams use spaghetti, tape, and string to build the tallest possible structure that can support a marshmallow on top.

Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower” Activity:

  • To play one of these teamwork problem solving activities, you have to gather the employees and divide them into teams.
  • Provide each team with 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow.
  • Ensure each team has a flat surface to work on.
  • Explain that teams have 18 minutes to build the tallest free-standing structure using the materials provided, with a marshmallow on top.
  • Start the timer and let teams begin constructing their towers.
  • Encourage teams to experiment with different designs and structural concepts.
  • Once the time is up, measure the height of each structure from the base to the top of the marshmallow.
  • Announce the winning team with the tallest structure.
  • Discuss the different strategies used by each of the teams and what they learned from engaging in these kinds of business problem solving exercises for adults.

Key Takeaways:

Through these creative problem solving exercises, employees enhance their skills by brainstorming and constructing innovative designs with limited resources. These problem solving exercises for groups emphasize the importance of planning, adaptability, and teamwork, as the workforce must work together to build the tallest possible tower. Through trial and error, they learn to manage constraints and effectively communicate their ideas, fostering a collaborative approach to achieving shared goals.

3. Egg Drop Challenge Training Activity:

The “Egg Drop Challenge” is an exciting problem solving activity where teams design and build a structure to protect an egg from breaking when dropped from a height.

Egg Drop Challenge Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Egg Drop Challenge” Activity:

  • Divide the employees into teams and provide each team with materials such as straws, tape, newspaper, rubber bands, and plastic bags.
  • Ensure each team has an egg and a designated drop zone.
  • Explain that the teams have 30 minutes to design and construct a protective device for their egg using the provided materials.
  • Start the timer and let the teams begin constructing their protective devices.
  • Encourage teams to think creatively and test their designs.
  • Drop each egg from a predetermined height (e.g., 10 feet) onto a hard surface.
  • Check if the egg survives the drop without breaking.
  • Discuss which designs were successful and why, focusing on the problem solving processes used.

Employees develop innovative thinking and problem solving skills by designing and building a structure to protect an egg from breaking when dropped. This activity highlights the importance of resource management, creative engineering, and teamwork as they must brainstorm, test, and iterate their designs. By analyzing the effectiveness of their structures and learning from failures, employees enhance their ability to tackle complex challenges and improve their collaborative problem solving capabilities.

4. Stranded Training Activity:

“Stranded”, similar to “Lost at Sea” problem solving activity, is a strategic survival simulation where teams must plan and prioritize essential actions and resources to ensure their survival on a deserted island.

Stranded Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Stranded” Activity:

  • Divide the Employees into teams and provide each team with a list of hypothetical resources available on the island (e.g., rope, tarp, matches, water).
  • Explain a scenario that the teams are stranded on a deserted island and must decide how to use the available resources to survive.
  • Give teams 30 minutes to discuss and prioritize their actions and resource use.
  • Encourage them to consider factors like shelter, water, food, and signaling for rescue.
  • Have each team present their survival plan to all the teams participating in the activity.
  • Encourage the teams to ask questions and discuss each plan.
  • Discuss the strategies used by each team and what the teams learned about problem solving and resource management.

By indulging in critical thinking, problem solving exercises, employees enhance their strategic problem solving skills by planning survival strategies in a simulated deserted island scenario. This activity emphasizes the importance of prioritization, resource management, and adaptability in high-pressure situations. By collaborating on survival plans, employees learn to analyze available resources, make quick decisions, and work as a cohesive team to overcome complex challenges.

Creative Problem-Solving Activities:

Creative problem solving activities for adults encourage employees to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions to challenges. These team building, problem solving exercises for employees would help them to break free from conventional thinking patterns and develop a more flexible, imaginative approach to problem solving.

Creative Problem-Solving Activities

By fostering creativity, these team building, problem solving activities can lead to more effective and unique solutions.

5. Legoman Training Activity:

“Legoman” is a communication-focused activity where one participant describes a pre-built Lego structure, and the rest of the team attempts to recreate it based on the verbal instructions alone. This is one the creative problem solving games that emphasizes the importance of clear and effective communication.

Legoman Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Legoman” Activity:

  • Pre-build a Lego structure and keep it hidden from the employees.
  • Divide the workers into teams and provide each team with the same set of Lego pieces.
  • Select one team member from each team to view the pre-built structure and describe it to their team without using their hands or showing the structure.
  • Start the timer and have the describer begin giving instructions to their team.
  • The rest of the teams should build the structure based solely on the verbal instructions given by their team members.
  • Once the time is up, compare each team’s structure with the original.
  • Discuss any discrepancies and the communication challenges faced by each team.
  • Discuss what worked well and what could be improved in the communication process.

From the “Legoman” activity, employees develop their communication and collaborative problem solving skills by reconstructing a hidden Lego structure based solely on verbal descriptions. This exercise highlights the importance of precise communication, active listening, and teamwork. It also demonstrates how effective problem solving relies on clear instructions and the ability to interpret and act on those instructions accurately. By engaging in this activity, teams learn to coordinate their efforts and improve their ability to tackle complex tasks collectively.

6. Escape Room Training Activity:

“Escape Room” is an immersive team adventure that requires participants to solve a series of puzzles and find clues within a set time to "escape" from a themed room.

Escape Room Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Escape Room” Activity:

  • Create puzzles and hide clues within a designated room.
  • Set up a theme and backstory to make the activity engaging.
  • Divide employees into small teams.
  • Explain the objective that the teams should solve all the puzzles and escape the room within a set time (e.g., 60 minutes).
  • Start the timer and let teams begin solving the puzzles.
  • Monitor the teams, offering hints if they get stuck.
  • End the activity when a team escapes the room or when the time runs out.
  • Discuss the strategies used by the teams and the importance of teamwork and critical thinking.

The “Escape Room” is one of the critical thinking and problem solving exercises that emphasizes teamwork and creative problem solving as the workforce work together to solve puzzles and find clues within a set time limit. This activity demonstrates the importance of collaboration, strategic thinking, and effective communication in overcoming challenges. Employees learn to leverage each other's strengths, think under pressure, and develop a unified approach to problem solving, making it a powerful tool for enhancing the teams’ dynamics and problem solving capabilities in the workplace.

7. Frostbite Training Activity:

“Frostbite” is a survival-themed activity where teams are tasked with building a shelter in extreme conditions, simulating a scenario where one member is incapacitated. This exercise tests the team's ability to strategize and cooperate under pressure.

Frostbite Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Frostbite” Activity:

  • Provide materials such as cardboard, tape, and blankets.
  • Divide the employees into teams and assign one team member of each team the role of having "frostbite," meaning they cannot use their hands.
  • Explain the scenario that teams must build a shelter that can hold all team members within a time limit.
  • Start the timer and let teams begin constructing their shelters.
  • Encourage teams to strategize and work around the constraint of the incapacitated member.
  • Evaluate the shelters based on stability and effectiveness.
  • Discuss the problem solving techniques used under pressure and the importance of teamwork.

In the “Frostbite” activity, employees have to strategize and communicate effectively to build a shelter while managing the handicap of "frostbite," a condition that limits their hands' use. These exercises to improve problem solving skills teaches employees about adaptability, resourcefulness, and teamwork under constraints.

In addition, it also teaches the value of resilience, creative problem solving, and the ability to function efficiently despite physical or situational limitations. The experience underscores how overcoming obstacles through innovative thinking and teamwork can lead to successful outcomes in challenging environments.

8. Blind Formation Training Activity:

“Blind Formation” is a team-building exercise where participants are blindfolded and must form specific shapes or patterns based on verbal instructions from their teammates. This activity focuses on enhancing communication, trust, and coordination among team members.

Blind Formation Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Blind Formation” Activity:

  • Choose a large, open space where the workforce can move freely.
  • Prepare blindfolds for each employee.
  • Divide the employees into teams and explain to them that the objective is to form a specific shape or pattern while being blindfolded.
  • Assign one or more team members from each team as guides who will provide verbal instructions to their blindfolded teams.
  • Blindfold all the team members except the designated guides.
  • Ensure that the blindfolds are secure and that employees cannot see.
  • Start the activity by instructing the guides to direct their teammates to form the desired shape (e.g., a square, a triangle, or a circle).
  • Allow 10-15 minutes for the formation process.
  • Once the time is up or the shape is formed, remove the blindfolds and evaluate the accuracy of the formation.
  • Discuss the challenges that the teams faced during the activity and the effectiveness of the communication strategies used.

The “Blind Formation” activity emphasizes the importance of non-verbal communication, trust, and team coordination as the employees must rely on their senses and the guidance of their teammates to form shapes or patterns while blindfolded. This exercise teaches the value of clear instructions, active listening, and the ability to adapt quickly to feedback. It highlights how effective teamwork and trust can overcome communication barriers and achieve complex tasks, fostering a collaborative and supportive team environment.

Quick and Easy Problem-Solving Activities:

Quick and easy problem solving games offer teams an efficient way to enhance their problem solving skills without requiring a significant time investment. These team-problem solving games and activities are designed to be brief yet effective, promoting quick thinking, collaboration, and efficient problem resolution.

Quick and Easy Problem-Solving Activities

Engaging in quick group problem solving exercises for adults would help employees to cultivate the ability to think on their feet and make swift decisions. This rapid decision-making capability is essential for driving innovation and growth, as it enables teams to iterate quickly and adapt to changing circumstances.

9. Line Up Blind Training Activity:

“Line Up Blind” is one of the simple, yet challenging and fun problem solving activities where blindfolded participants must line up in a specific order (e.g., by height, age, or alphabetical order) without verbal communication. This is one of the best problem solving games that emphasizes non-verbal communication and cooperation.

Line Up Blind Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Line Up Blind” Activity:

  • These cooperative problem solving activities require a large, open space.
  • Explain the objective that the workers must line up in a specific order while blindfolded.
  • Clarify that height is the order criteria to be followed for the activity.
  • Blindfold all workers and ensure they cannot see.
  • Start the activity and allow employees to communicate non-verbally to find their position in the line.
  • Once the time is up, have the employees remove their blindfolds and check the accuracy of the line-up.
  • Discuss the strategies used by the workers for non-verbal communication and the challenges they faced during these easy problem solving activities.

The “Line Up Blind” activity focuses on enhancing non-verbal communication, trust, and problem solving under constraints as employees must rely on alternative forms of communication and collaboration to line up by height while blindfolded. This exercise highlights the importance of clear, non-verbal cues and teamwork in solving problems when traditional communication methods are unavailable. It also emphasizes the value of trust among team members and the ability to adapt to unexpected challenges, fostering a supportive and innovative work environment.

10. Reverse Pyramid Training Activity:

“Reverse Pyramid” is a strategic activity where teams must invert a pyramid of cups following specific rules. This is one of the activities for problem solving that encourages strategic planning, teamwork, and attention to detail.

Reverse Pyramid Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Reverse Pyramid” Activity:

  • Divide the employees in teams and provide each team with a stack of cups arranged in a pyramid (base of four cups, then three, two, and one on top).
  • Explain to the teams that the objective is to invert the pyramid by following specific rules (e.g., only moving one cup at a time).
  • Start the timer and allow teams to begin inverting the pyramid.
  • Monitor the teams to ensure they follow the rules.
  • The activity ends when the pyramid is successfully inverted or the time runs out.
  • Discuss the strategies used by the teams and the challenges they faced.

The “Reverse Pyramid” activity focuses on strategic thinking, collaboration, and innovative problem solving as employees work together to invert a pyramid of cups by following specific rules, requiring careful planning and coordination. This exercise demonstrates the importance of strategic planning, effective communication, and teamwork in achieving complex goals. By overcoming the challenges of the activity, workers learn to approach problems methodically, think creatively, and collaborate effectively, reinforcing the skills necessary for addressing real-world organizational challenges.

11. Move It! Training Activity:

“Move It!” is an engaging activity where teams must move an object from point A to point B using limited resources. This exercise promotes resourcefulness, teamwork, and creative problem solving.

Move It! Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Move It!” Activity:

  • Select an object and designate a starting point (A) and an endpoint (B).
  • Divide employees into teams and provide teams with limited resources (e.g., ropes, planks, cardboard).
  • Explain the objective is to move the object from point A to point B using only the provided resources.
  • Give teams 10 minutes to plan their strategy.
  • Start the timer and allow teams to begin moving the object.
  • Monitor the teams to ensure they use only the provided resources.
  • The activity ends when the object reaches point B or the time runs out.
  • Discuss the strategies used by each team and the problem solving processes that they followed.

As employees move an object from point A to point B using limited resources, the "Move It!" activity emphasizes the importance of resourcefulness, creativity, and collaborative problem solving. This activity promotes innovative thinking and efficient resource management by encouraging employees to think creatively. This activity helps teams develop the ability to adapt quickly, think outside the box, and effectively coordinate their efforts to overcome challenges. By engaging in this exercise, employees enhance their problem solving skills and learn to optimize the use of available resources to achieve common goals.

12. Human Knot Training Activity:

“Human Knot” is a classic team-building activity where participants form a human knot by holding hands with two different people across the circle.

Human Knot Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Human Knot” Activity:

  • Have employees stand in a circle and extend their right hand to someone across the circle.
  • Repeat with the left hand, ensuring they hold hands with different people.
  • Explain the objective is to untangle the human knot without letting go of hands.
  • Start the timer and allow workers to begin untangling the knot.
  • Monitor the workers and provide encouragement.
  • The activity ends when the knot is untangled, or employees return to a single circle.
  • Discuss the communication and problem solving strategies used by the employees.

The "Human Knot" activity fosters team collaboration and problem solving skills by encouraging employees to communicate effectively and work together to untangle themselves. It highlights the importance of patience, strategic thinking, and collective effort in achieving a common goal. This exercise also builds trust and strengthens interpersonal relationships within the team, essential for seamless teamwork in a professional setting.

13. Dumbest Idea Ever Training Activity:

“Dumbest Idea First” is a brainstorming activity where employees initially suggest the worst possible ideas for problem solving. Activities such as this emphasize on unconventional thinking or “out-of-the-box” thinking, that would help employees to solve complex problems in an efficient manner.

Dumbest Idea Ever Training Activity

How to Conduct the “Dumbest Idea First” Activity:

  • Choose a problem or challenge for the brainstorming session.
  • Provide each worker with a pen and paper.
  • Explain the objective is to come up with the worst possible ideas to solve the problem.
  • Start the timer and allow employees to write down their dumbest ideas.
  • Encourage creativity and humor.
  • After 10 minutes, have the employee share their ideas with the rest of the group participating in the activity.
  • Discuss why the ideas are impractical and how they can be improved.
  • Encourage employees to refine the worst ideas into workable solutions.
  • Discuss the creative process and the benefits of starting with the worst ideas.

The "Dumbest Idea First" activity encourages creative thinking and open-mindedness by allowing employees to voice unconventional ideas without fear of judgment. It demonstrates the value of a safe and inclusive environment where all suggestions are welcomed, fostering innovation and out-of-the-box solutions. This exercise highlights the importance of embracing diverse perspectives to drive collective problem solving and enhance team creativity.

How Problem Solving Skills Apply to Various Job Functions

1. problem solving skills for marketing teams: .

Marketing teams rely extensively on problem solving skills to navigate critical challenges. One of their primary challenges would be to enhance lead conversions, where strategic analysis of funnel metrics and identification of bottlenecks are of utmost importance. Problem-solving skills enables them to devise tailored campaigns and initiatives that address specific barriers to conversion, thereby optimizing marketing efforts for measurable business impact.

Budget limitations often restrict marketing initiatives and resource allocation. Marketing teams need to creatively optimize spending, prioritize high-impact activities, and find cost-effective solutions to achieve desired outcomes. Problem-solving abilities enable them to analyze budget constraints, explore alternative strategies, negotiate effectively with vendors, and maximize ROI on marketing investments without compromising quality or effectiveness. Edstellar’s Marketing Excellence program is meticulously designed to help organizations maximize reach, drive engagement and nurture long-lasting consumer relationships.

2. Problem Solving Skills for Sales Teams: 

Problem-solving skills enable sales professionals to navigate diverse customer needs effectively. Sales professionals often encounter conflicts or disagreements during negotiations or interactions with clients. Advanced problem solving skills enable them to navigate these situations diplomatically, resolve conflicts amicably, and maintain positive relationships with stakeholders. 

Problem-solving skills empower sales professionals to analyze market trends, identify emerging opportunities, and pivot strategies swiftly. Sales teams can utilize their skills to optimize resources effectively. Whether it's time management, budget allocation, or leveraging internal expertise, they can streamline operations and maximize efficiency in achieving sales objectives. Edstellar’s Sales Excellence program offers custom-crafted framework for organizations to amplify sales, expand profits, and enhance customer satisfaction. 

3. Problem Solving Skills for Customer Service Teams: 

Customer service teams encounter a wide range of customer issues and complaints on a daily basis. Problem-solving skills enable them to quickly analyze the root causes of these issues, identify appropriate solutions, and implement corrective actions. 

By resolving issues promptly and effectively, customer service teams enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Not every customer issue can be resolved with a standard response. Problem-solving skills enable customer service teams to assess each situation individually, evaluate options, and tailor solutions to meet the specific needs and preferences of customers.

Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend the company to others, write positive reviews, and become loyal brand advocates. Problem-solving skills thus contribute to enhancing brand reputation and attracting new customers through word-of-mouth referrals. Edstellar’s Customer Service Excellence program is specially designed to improve customer satisfaction for an organization’s products or services.

4. Problem Solving Skills for Human Resources Teams: 

HR professionals frequently encounter conflicts among employees or between employees and management. Problem-solving skills equip HR teams to identify the root causes of conflicts, facilitate constructive dialogue, and negotiate mutually beneficial resolutions. Problem-solving skills enable HR professionals to address recruitment challenges, such as skill shortages or competitive hiring markets, by devising innovative sourcing strategies and refining candidate selection processes. 

Managing employee performance requires HR teams to address underperformance issues, set clear performance expectations, and provide constructive feedback. Problem-solving skills help HR professionals to assess performance gaps, identify underlying issues, and implement targeted improvement plans. 

Problem-solving skills empower HR professionals to address workplace issues affecting morale, such as workload imbalances or communication breakdowns. Edstellar’s Human Resource Excellence program is designed to support organizations to improve employee retention, foster a highly engaged and productive workforce and boost organizational culture.  

5. Problem Solving Skills for Operations Teams:

Operations teams are responsible for managing risks associated with supply chain disruptions, regulatory changes, or technological failures. Problem-solving skills enable them to anticipate potential risks, develop contingency plans, and swiftly address unforeseen challenges. This proactive risk management minimizes disruptions and ensures business continuity. 

Problem solving skills activities facilitate effective collaboration across these functions by fostering clear communication, mutual understanding of objectives, and alignment on strategic priorities. Problem solving skills enable them to assess resource needs, allocate budgets effectively, and optimize the use of manpower and materials. By making informed decisions based on data-driven analysis, operations teams enhance resource utilization and achieve cost savings. Edstellar’s Operations Excellence program empowers organizations to optimize workflows, reduce operational costs, enhance productivity, and ensure swift and efficient decision-making. 

6. Problem Solving Skills for Information Technology (IT) Teams:

Problem-solving skills enable IT teams to swiftly diagnose and resolve complex technical issues, minimizing downtime and ensuring seamless operations across the organization. From implementing cutting-edge technologies to enhancing cybersecurity measures, IT teams leverage their problem solving capabilities to drive innovation and stay ahead in the technological space. 

By understanding business needs, anticipating future trends, and prioritizing projects, IT teams ensure that their solutions contribute directly to achieving business objectives. These skills would be beneficial for cohesive teamwork, accelerating project delivery, and ensuring that IT solutions meet the diverse needs of the organization. Edstellar’s IT Excellence program is crafted to help organizations with key areas such as cyber security, cloud computing, and data analytics. 

As teams journey through problem solving training activities, they will discover the transformative power of practical learning experiences. It is important for employees to immerse themselves in problem solving in games to enhance their critical thinking abilities and collaboration skills. Utilizing best games to improve problem solving skills, during corporate training sessions can significantly enhance participants' ability to think strategically and work collaboratively under pressure.

Organizations can create their own business problem solving activities (corporate problem solving activities conducted for employees) by referring to this blog as examples of problem solving activities and the necessary steps to be taken during and after the events. At Edstellar, we understand the significance of honing problem solving skills in fostering organizational success.

Our courses are meticulously designed to bridge the skill gap and empower individuals to tackle challenges head-on. With a team of experienced trainers conducting problem solving training , team building exercises and guiding them, employees can gain valuable insights and practical strategies to address real-world problems effectively.

Pete Ford

By Pete Ford

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></center></p><h2>13 Problem-Solving Activities & Exercises for Your Team</h2><ul><li>May 22, 2024</li><li>Project Management</li><li>22 min read</li></ul><p><center><img style=

Are you looking to enhance your or your team’s problem-solving abilities? Engaging in activities specifically designed to stimulate your and your team’s critical thinking skills can be an excellent way to sharpen your problem-solving prowess. Whether you enjoy puzzles, brain teasers, or interactive challenges, these activities provide an opportunity to overcome obstacles and think creatively.

By immersing yourself in problem-solving activities, you can develop valuable strategies, improve your decision-making abilities, and boost your overall problem-solving IQ.

One key aspect of successful problem-solving is ensuring clear and effective communication, such as when teams use critical tools available online. For example, testing emails for deliverability and using an email spam checker to avoid spam filters can improve team efficiency. Try Maileroo’s free mail tester to validate your email campaigns effectively. Get ready to unlock your full potential and tackle any challenge that comes your way with these exciting activities for problem-solving.

In this article, we will explore activities for problem-solving that can help enhance your team’s problem-solving skills, allowing you to approach challenges with confidence and creativity.

What Are Problem Solving Activities?

Problem-solving activities or problem-solving exercises are interactive games requiring critical thinking to solve puzzles. They enhance teamwork & critical thinking. Examples include building towers, navigating simulated challenges, and fostering creativity and communication.

For instance, imagine a team working together to construct the tallest tower using limited materials. They strategize, communicate ideas, and problem-solve to create the best structure, promoting collaboration and inventive thinking among team members.

Some widely practiced problem-solving activities include:

  • A Shrinking Vessel: Teams must fit into a shrinking space, testing their cooperation and adaptability.
  • Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower: Participants build a tower using marshmallows and spaghetti, promoting creative engineering.
  • Egg Drop: Protecting an egg from a fall challenges problem-solving skills.
  • Desert Island Survival: Teams simulate survival scenarios, encouraging creative solutions.
  • Rolling Dice: A simple yet effective game involving chance and decision-making.
  • Build a Tower: Constructing a stable tower with limited resources fosters teamwork and innovation, etc.

13 Easy Activities For Problem-Solving Ideas to Enhance Team Collaboration

Team building activities offer a great opportunity to test problem-solving abilities and promote effective collaboration within a group to problem solving group activities. By engaging in these activities, teams can break the monotony of the workplace and create a more inclusive and welcoming environment.

Here are nine easy-to-implement activities that can bring substantial change to your team culture and overall workplace dynamics.

#1. Crossword Puzzles

Crossword Puzzles

Objective: To enhance problem-solving skills, vocabulary, and cognitive abilities through engaging crossword puzzles. 

Estimated Time: 15-20 Minutes 

Materials Needed:

  • Crossword puzzle sheets
  • Pens or pencils
  • Distribute crossword puzzle sheets and pens/pencils to each participant.
  • Explain the rules of crossword puzzles and the goal of completing as many clues as possible within the given time.
  • Participants individually or in pairs work on solving the crossword puzzle by filling in the correct words.
  • Encourage critical thinking, word association, and collaborative discussions for solving challenging clues.
  • At the end of the time limit, review the answers and discuss any interesting or challenging clues as a group.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving: Participants engage in critical thinking while deciphering clues, promoting effective problem-solving skills.
  • Vocabulary Expansion: Exposure to new words and phrases within the crossword improves vocabulary and comprehension.
  • Cognitive Stimulation: The mental exercise of solving the puzzle stimulates the brain, enhancing cognitive abilities.
  • Team Collaboration: If done in pairs, participants practice collaboration and communication to solve clues together.
  • Achievement and Motivation: Successfully completing the crossword brings a sense of accomplishment and motivates individuals to explore more puzzles.

Tips for Facilitators:

  • Provide varying levels of crossword puzzles to accommodate different skill levels.
  • Encourage participants to share strategies for solving challenging clues.
  • Emphasize the fun and educational aspects of the activity to keep participants engaged.

#2. A Shrinking Vessel

A Shrinking Vessel

Estimated Time: 10-15 Minutes

  • Materials Needed: A rope and a ball of yarn
  • Prepare the Setting: Lay a rope on the floor in a shape that allows all team members to stand comfortably inside it. For larger teams, multiple ropes can be used, dividing them into smaller groups.
  • Enter the Circle: Have all team members stand inside the rope, ensuring that nobody steps outside its boundaries.
  • Shrinking the Circle: Begin gradually shrinking the rope’s size, reducing the available space inside the circle.
  • Adapt and Maintain Balance: As the circle shrinks, team members must make subtle adjustments to maintain their positions and balance within the shrinking area.
  • The Challenge: The objective for the team is to collectively brainstorm and find innovative ways to keep every team member inside the circle without anyone stepping outside.
  • Collaboration and Communication: The activity promotes teamwork and open communication as participants strategize to stay within the shrinking circle.
  • Adaptability: Team members learn to adapt swiftly to changing circumstances, fostering agility and flexibility.
  • Creative Problem-Solving: The challenge encourages inventive thinking and brainstorming to find unique solutions.
  • Trust Building: By relying on each other’s actions, participants build trust and cohesion among team members.
  • Time-Efficient: The short duration makes it an ideal icebreaker or energizer during meetings or workshops.
  • Observe and Facilitate: Monitor the team’s dynamics and offer guidance to encourage equal participation and effective problem-solving.
  • Encourage Verbalization: Prompt participants to voice their ideas and collaborate vocally, aiding in real-time adjustments.
  • Debrief Thoughtfully: Engage the team in a discussion afterward, reflecting on strategies employed and lessons learned.
  • Emphasize Adaptability: Highlight the transferable skill of adaptability and its significance in both professional and personal contexts.

#3. Human Knots

Human Knots

  • Objective: Improving Collaboration & enhancing Communication Skills

Estimated Time: 15-20 minutes

  • Materials: None required


  • Organize your team into a compact circle. For more sizable teams, subdivide them into smaller clusters, with each cluster forming its own circle. 
  • Direct each individual to grasp the hands of two other people in the circle, with the exception of those positioned directly adjacent to them. This action will result in the formation of a complex “human knot” within the circle. 
  • Present the challenge to the group: to unravel themselves from this entanglement while maintaining their hold on each other’s hands. If preferred, you can establish a specific time limit. 
  • Observe the team members collaborating to unravel the knot, witnessing their collective effort to devise solutions and free themselves from the intricate puzzle.
  • Team Cohesion: The activity encourages team members to interact closely, promoting bonding and understanding among participants.
  • Effective Communication: Participants practice clear and concise communication as they coordinate movements to untangle the knot.
  • Problem-Solving: The challenge stimulates creative thinking and problem-solving skills as individuals work collectively to find the optimal path for untangling.
  • Adaptability: Participants learn to adapt their actions based on the evolving dynamics of the human knot, fostering adaptability.
  • Trust Building: As individuals rely on each other to navigate the intricate knot, trust and cooperation naturally develop.
  • Set a Positive Tone: Create an inclusive and supportive atmosphere, emphasizing that the focus is on collaboration rather than competition.
  • Encourage Verbalization: Urge participants to articulate their intentions and listen to others’ suggestions, promoting effective teamwork.
  • Observe Group Dynamics: Monitor interactions and step in if needed to ensure everyone is actively engaged and included.
  • Reflect and Share: Conclude the activity with a debriefing session, allowing participants to share their experiences, strategies, and key takeaways.
  • Vary Grouping: Change group compositions for subsequent rounds to enhance interactions among different team members.

#4. Egg Drop

Egg Drop

Helps With: Decision Making, Collaboration

  • A carton of eggs
  • Construction materials (balloons, rubber bands, straws, tape, plastic wrap, etc.)
  • A suitable location for the activity
  • Assign each team a single egg and random construction materials.
  • Teams must create a carrier to protect the egg from breaking.
  • Drop the carriers one by one and increase the height if necessary to determine the most durable carrier.
  • The winning team is the one with the carrier that survives the highest drop.
  • Decision Making: Participants engage in critical decision-making processes as they select construction materials and determine carrier designs.
  • Collaboration: The activity necessitates collaboration and coordination among team members to construct an effective carrier.
  • Problem-Solving: Teams apply creative problem-solving skills to devise innovative methods for safeguarding the egg.
  • Risk Management: Participants learn to assess potential risks and consequences while making design choices to prevent egg breakage.
  • Celebrating Success: The victorious team experiences a sense of accomplishment, boosting morale and promoting a positive team spirit.
  • Provide Diverse Materials: Offer a wide range of construction materials to stimulate creativity and allow teams to explore various design options.
  • Set Safety Guidelines: Prioritize safety by specifying a safe drop height and ensuring participants follow safety protocols during construction.
  • Encourage Brainstorming: Prompt teams to brainstorm multiple carrier ideas before finalizing their designs, fostering diverse perspectives.
  • Facilitate Reflection: After the activity, lead a discussion where teams share their design strategies, challenges faced, and lessons learned.
  • Highlight Collaboration: Emphasize the significance of teamwork in achieving success, acknowledging effective communication and cooperation.

As a teamwork activity, Egg Drop can help team members solve problems through collaboration and communication.

Each team can design and customize their own balloons and can display their team logo, slogan, or elements related to team culture through custom balloons . Awards can also be set up, such as the most creative balloon design, the strongest frangipani structure, etc., to increase the motivation for competition and participation. 

After the activity, team sharing and feedback can be conducted to allow everyone to share their learning experience and feelings about teamwork.

This combination allows team members to experience the importance of teamwork in creativity and practice, and strengthen team cohesion by completing challenges and sharing experiences.

#5. Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower

Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower

Helps With: Collaboration

Estimated Time: 20-30 Minutes

Materials Needed (per team):

  • Raw spaghetti: 20 sticks
  • Marshmallow: 1
  • String: 1 yard
  • Masking tape: 1 roll
  • Tower Construction: Instruct teams to collaborate and utilize the provided materials to construct the tallest tower possible within a designated time frame.
  • Marshmallow Support: Emphasize that the tower must be capable of standing independently and supporting a marshmallow at its highest point.
  • Prototype and Iterate: Encourage teams to engage in prototyping and iteration, testing different design approaches and refining their tower structures.
  • T eamwork and Communication: Promote effective teamwork and communication as team members coordinate their efforts to build a stable and tall tower.
  • Evaluation Criteria: Evaluate each tower based on its height, stability, and the successful placement of the marshmallow at the top.
  • Collaboration: Participants collaborate closely, sharing ideas and working together to design and construct the tower.
  • Innovative Thinking: The activity encourages innovative thinking as teams experiment with different strategies to build a stable tower.
  • Time Management: Teams practice time management skills as they work within a specified time limit to complete the task.
  • Problem-Solving: Participants engage in creative problem-solving to address challenges such as balancing the marshmallow and constructing a sturdy tower.
  • Adaptability: Teams adapt their approaches based on trial and error, learning from each iteration to improve their tower designs.
  • Set Clear Guidelines: Clearly explain the materials, objectives, and evaluation criteria to ensure teams understand the task.
  • Foster Creativity: Encourage teams to think outside the box and explore unconventional methods for constructing their towers.
  • Emphasize Collaboration: Highlight the importance of effective communication and teamwork to accomplish the task successfully.
  • Time Management: Remind teams of the time limit and encourage them to allocate their time wisely between planning and construction.
  • Reflect and Share: Facilitate a discussion after the activity, allowing teams to share their design choices, challenges faced, and lessons learned.


Objective: To engage participants in the strategic and analytical world of Sudoku, enhancing logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. 

Estimated Time: 20-25 Minutes 

  • Sudoku puzzle sheets
  • Pencils with erasers
  • Distribute Sudoku puzzle sheets and pencils to each participant.
  • Familiarize participants with the rules and mechanics of Sudoku puzzles.
  • Explain the goal: to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to 9 while adhering to the rules of no repetition in rows, columns, or subgrids.
  • Encourage participants to analyze the puzzle’s layout, identify potential numbers, and strategically fill in cells.
  • Emphasize the importance of logical deduction and step-by-step approach in solving the puzzle.
  • Provide hints or guidance if needed, ensuring participants remain engaged and challenged.
  • Logical Thinking: Sudoku challenges participants’ logical and deductive reasoning, fostering analytical skills.
  • Problem-Solving: The intricate interplay of numbers and constraints hones problem-solving abilities.
  • Focus and Patience: Participants practice patience and attention to detail while gradually unveiling the solution.
  • Pattern Recognition: Identifying number patterns and possibilities contributes to enhanced pattern recognition skills.
  • Personal Achievement: Successfully completing a Sudoku puzzle provides a sense of accomplishment and boosts confidence.
  • Offer varying levels of Sudoku puzzles to cater to different skill levels.
  • Encourage participants to share strategies and techniques for solving specific challenges.
  • Highlight the mental workout Sudoku provides and its transferable skills to real-life problem-solving.


Helps With: Communication, Problem-solving, & Management

  • A lockable room
  • 5-10 puzzles or clues
  • Hide the key and a set of clues around the room.
  • Lock the room and provide team members with a specific time limit to find the key and escape.
  • Instruct the team to work together, solving the puzzles and deciphering the clues to locate the key.
  • Encourage efficient communication and effective problem-solving under time pressure.
  • Communication Skills: Participants enhance their communication abilities by sharing observations, ideas, and findings to collectively solve puzzles.
  • Problem-solving Proficiency: The activity challenges teams to think critically, apply logical reasoning, and collaboratively tackle intricate challenges.
  • Team Management: The experience promotes effective team management as members assign tasks, prioritize efforts, and coordinate actions.
  • Time Management: The imposed time limit sharpens time management skills as teams strategize and allocate time wisely.
  • Adaptability: Teams learn to adapt and adjust strategies based on progress, evolving clues, and time constraints.
  • Clear Introduction: Provide a concise overview of the activity, emphasizing the importance of communication, problem-solving, and time management.
  • Diverse Challenges: Offer a mix of puzzles and clues to engage various problem-solving skills, catering to different team strengths.
  • Supportive Role: Act as a facilitator, offering subtle guidance if needed while allowing teams to independently explore and solve challenges.
  • Debriefing Session: Organize a debriefing session afterward to discuss the experience, highlight successful strategies, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Encourage Reflection: Encourage participants to reflect on their teamwork, communication effectiveness, and problem-solving approach.

#8. Frostbite for Group Problem Solving Activities

Frostbite for Group Problem Solving Activities

Helps With: Decision Making, Trust, Leadership

  • An electric fan
  • Construction materials (toothpicks, cardstock, rubber bands, sticky notes, etc.)
  • Divide the team into groups of 4-5 people, each with a designated leader.
  • Blindfold team members and prohibit leaders from using their hands.
  • Provide teams with construction materials and challenge them to build a tent within 30 minutes.
  • Test the tents using the fan to see which can withstand high winds.
  • Decision-Making Proficiency: Participants are exposed to critical decision-making situations under constraints, allowing them to practice effective and efficient decision-making.
  • Trust Development: Blindfolding team members and relying on the designated leaders fosters trust and collaboration among team members.
  • Leadership Skills: Designated leaders navigate the challenge without hands-on involvement, enhancing their leadership and communication skills.
  • Creative Problem Solving: Teams employ creative thinking and resourcefulness to construct stable tents with limited sensory input.
  • Team Cohesion: The shared task and unique constraints promote team cohesion and mutual understanding.
  • Role of the Facilitator: Act as an observer, allowing teams to navigate the challenge with minimal intervention. Offer assistance only when necessary.
  • Clarity in Instructions: Provide clear instructions regarding blindfolding, leader restrictions, and time limits to ensure a consistent experience.
  • Debriefing Session: After the activity, conduct a debriefing session to discuss team dynamics, leadership approaches, and decision-making strategies.
  • Encourage Communication: Emphasize the importance of effective communication within teams to ensure smooth coordination and successful tent construction.
  • Acknowledge Creativity: Celebrate creative solutions and innovative approaches exhibited by teams during the tent-building process.

#9. Dumbest Idea First

Dumbest Idea First

Helps With: Critical Thinking & Creative Problem Solving Activity

Estimated Time: 15-20 Minutes

Materials Needed: A piece of paper, pen, and pencil

  • Problem Presentation: Introduce a specific problem to the team, either a real-world challenge or a hypothetical scenario that requires a solution.
  • Brainstorming Dumb Ideas: Instruct team members to quickly generate and jot down the most unconventional and seemingly “dumb” ideas they can think of to address the problem.
  • Idea Sharing: Encourage each participant to share their generated ideas with the group, fostering a relaxed and open atmosphere for creative expression.
  • Viability Assessment: As a team, review and evaluate each idea, considering potential benefits and drawbacks. Emphasize the goal of identifying unconventional approaches.
  • Selecting Promising Solutions: Identify which seemingly “dumb” ideas could hold hidden potential or innovative insights. Discuss how these ideas could be adapted into workable solutions.
  • Divergent Thinking: Participants engage in divergent thinking, pushing beyond conventional boundaries to explore unconventional solutions.
  • Creative Exploration: The activity sparks creative exploration by encouraging participants to let go of inhibitions and embrace imaginative thinking.
  • Critical Analysis: Through evaluating each idea, participants practice critical analysis and learn to identify unique angles and aspects of potential solutions.
  • Open Communication: The lighthearted approach of sharing “dumb” ideas fosters open communication, reducing fear of judgment and promoting active participation.
  • Solution Adaptation: Identifying elements of seemingly “dumb” ideas that have merit encourages participants to adapt and refine their approaches creatively.
  • Safe Environment: Foster a safe and non-judgmental environment where participants feel comfortable sharing unconventional ideas.
  • Time Management: Set clear time limits for idea generation and sharing to maintain the activity’s energetic pace.
  • Encourage Wild Ideas: Emphasize that the goal is to explore the unconventional, urging participants to push the boundaries of creativity.
  • Facilitator Participation: Participate in idea generation to demonstrate an open-minded approach and encourage involvement.
  • Debriefing Discussion: After the activity, facilitate a discussion on how seemingly “dumb” ideas can inspire innovative solutions and stimulate fresh thinking.

This activity encourages out-of-the-box thinking and creative problem-solving. It allows teams to explore unconventional ideas that may lead to unexpected, yet effective, solutions.

#10: Legoman


Helps With: Foster teamwork, communication, and creativity through a collaborative Lego-building activity.

Estimated Time: 20-30 minutes

  • Lego bricks
  • Lego instruction manuals

Procedure :

  • Divide participants into small teams of 3-5 members.
  • Provide each team with an equal set of Lego bricks and a Lego instruction manual.
  • Explain that the goal is for teams to work together to construct the Lego model shown in the manual.
  • Set a time limit for the building activity based on model complexity.
  • Allow teams to self-organize, build, and collaborate to complete the model within the time limit.
  • Evaluate each team’s final model compared to the manual’s original design.
  • Enhanced Communication: Participants must communicate clearly and listen actively to collaborate effectively.
  • Strengthened Teamwork: Combining efforts toward a shared goal promotes camaraderie and team cohesion.
  • Creative Problem-Solving: Teams must creatively problem-solve if pieces are missing or instructions unclear.
  • Planning and Resource Allocation: Following instructions fosters planning skills and efficient use of resources.
  • Sense of Achievement: Completing a challenging build provides a sense of collective accomplishment.
  • Encourage Participation: Urge quieter members to contribute ideas and take an active role.
  • Highlight Teamwork: Emphasize how cooperation and task coordination are key to success.
  • Ensure Equal Engagement: Monitor group dynamics to ensure all members are engaged.
  • Allow Creativity: Permit modifications if teams lack exact pieces or wish to get creative.
  • Focus on Enjoyment: Create a lively atmosphere so the activity remains energizing and fun.

#11: Minefield


Helps With: Trust, Communication, Patience

Materials Needed: Open space, blindfolds

  • Mark a “minefield” on the ground using ropes, cones, or tape. Add toy mines or paper cups.
  • Pair up participants and blindfold one partner.
  • Position blindfolded partners at the start of the minefield. Direct seeing partners to verbally guide them through to the other side without hitting “mines.”
  • Partners switch roles once finished and repeat.
  • Time partnerships and provide prizes for the fastest safe crossing.
  • Trust Building: Blindfolded partners must trust their partner’s instructions.
  • Effective Communication: Giving clear, specific directions is essential for navigating the minefield.
  • Active Listening: Partners must listen closely and follow directions precisely.
  • Patience & Support: The exercise requires patience and encouraging guidance between partners.
  • Team Coordination: Partners must work in sync, coordinating movements and communication.
  • Test Boundaries: Ensure the minefield’s size accommodates safe movement and communication.
  • Monitor Interactions: Watch for dominant guidance and ensure both partners participate fully.
  • Time Strategically: Adjust time limits based on the minefield size and difficulty.
  • Add Obstacles: Introduce additional non-mine objects to increase challenge and communication needs.
  • Foster Discussion: Debrief afterward to discuss communication approaches and trust-building takeaways.

#12: Reverse Pyramid

Reverse Pyramid.

Helps With: Teamwork, Communication, Creativity

Materials Needed: 36 cups per group, tables

  • Form small groups of 5-7 participants.
  • Provide each group with a stack of 36 cups and a designated building area.
  • Explain the objective: Build the tallest pyramid starting with just one cup on top.
  • Place the first cup on the table, and anyone in the group can add two cups beneath it to form the second row.
  • From this point, only the bottom row can be lifted to add the next row underneath.
  • Cups in the pyramid can only be touched or supported by index fingers.
  • If the structure falls, start over from one cup.
  • Offer more cups if a group uses all provided.
  • Allow 15 minutes for building.

Teamwork: Collaborate to construct the pyramid.

Communication: Discuss and execute the building strategy.

Creativity: Find innovative ways to build a tall, stable pyramid.

Clarify Expectations: Emphasize the definition of a pyramid with each row having one less cup.

Encourage Perseverance: Motivate groups to continue despite challenges.

Promote Consensus: Encourage groups to work together and help each other.

Reflect on Failure: Use collapses as a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and improving.

Consider Competitions: Modify the activity for competitive teams and scoring.

#13: Stranded


Helps With: Decision-making, Prioritization, Teamwork

Materials Needed: List of salvaged items, paper, pens

  • Present a scenario where teams are stranded and must prioritize items salvaged from a plane crash.
  • Provide teams with the same list of ~15 salvaged items.
  • Instruct teams to agree on an item ranking with #1 being the most important for survival.
  • Teams share and compare their prioritized lists. Identify differences in approach.
  • Discuss what factors influenced decisions and how teams worked together to agree on priorities.
  • Critical Thinking: Weighing item importance requires analytical thinking and discussion.
  • Team Decision-Making: Coming to a consensus fosters team decision-making capabilities.
  • Prioritization Skills: Ranking items strengthen prioritization and justification abilities.
  • Perspective-Taking: Understanding different prioritizations builds perspective-taking skills.
  • Team Cohesion: Collaborating toward a shared goal brings teams closer together.
  • Encourage Discussion: Urge teams to discuss all ideas rather than allow single members to dominate.
  • Be Engaged: Circulate to listen in on team discussions and pose thought-provoking questions.
  • Add Complexity: Introduce scenarios with additional constraints to expand critical thinking.
  • Highlight Disagreements: When priorities differ, facilitate constructive discussions on influencing factors.
  • Recognize Collaboration: Acknowledge teams that demonstrate exceptional teamwork and communication.

Now let’s look at some common types of problem-solving activities.

Types of Problem-Solving Activities

The most common types of problem-solving activities/exercises are:

  • Creative problem-solving activities
  • Group problem-solving activities
  • Individual problem-solving activities
  • Fun problem-solving activities, etc.

In the next segments, we’ll be discussing these types of problem-solving activities in detail. So, keep reading!

Creative Problem-Solving Activities

Creative problem solving (CPS) means using creativity to find new solutions. It involves thinking creatively at first and then evaluating ideas later. For example, think of it like brainstorming fun game ideas, discussing them, and then picking the best one to play.

Some of the most common creative problem-solving activities include:

  • Legoman: Building creative structures with LEGO.
  • Escape: Solving puzzles to escape a room.
  • Frostbite: Finding solutions in challenging situations.
  • Minefield: Navigating a field of obstacles.

Group Problem-Solving Activities

Group problem-solving activities are challenges that make teams work together to solve puzzles or overcome obstacles. They enhance teamwork and critical thinking.

For instance, think of a puzzle-solving game where a group must find hidden clues to escape a locked room.

Here are the most common group problem-solving activities you can try in groups:

  • A Shrinking Vessel
  • Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower
  • Cardboard Boat Building Challenge
  • Clue Murder Mystery
  • Escape Room: Jewel Heist
  • Escape Room: Virtual Team Building
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Dumbest Idea First

Individual Problem-Solving Activities

As the name suggests, individual problem-solving activities are the tasks that you need to play alone to boost your critical thinking ability. They help you solve problems and stay calm while facing challenges in real life. Like puzzles, they make your brain sharper. Imagine it’s like training your brain muscles to handle tricky situations.

Here are some of the most common individual problem-solving activities:

  • Puzzles (jigsaw, crossword, sudoku, etc.)
  • Brain teasers
  • Logic problems
  • Optical illusions
  • “Escape room” style games

Fun Problem-Solving Activities

Fun problem-solving activities are enjoyable games that sharpen your critical thinking skills while having a blast. Think of activities like the Legoman challenge, escape rooms, or rolling dice games – they make problem-solving exciting and engaging!

And to be frank, all of the mentioned problem-solving activities are fun if you know how to play and enjoy them as all of them are game-like activities.

Team Problems You Can Address Through Problem Solving Activities

Fun problem-solving activities serve as dynamic tools to address a range of challenges that teams often encounter. These engaging activities foster an environment of collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking, enabling teams to tackle various problems head-on. Here are some common team problems that can be effectively addressed through these activities:

  • Communication Breakdowns:  

Activities like “Escape,” “A Shrinking Vessel,” and “Human Knots” emphasize the importance of clear and effective communication. They require teams to work together, exchange ideas, and devise strategies to accomplish a shared goal. By engaging in these activities, team members learn to communicate more efficiently, enhancing overall team communication in real-world situations.

  • Lack of Trust and Cohesion:  

Problem-solving activities promote trust and cohesiveness within teams. For instance, “Frostbite” and “Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower” require teams to collaborate closely, trust each other’s ideas, and rely on each member’s strengths. These activities build a sense of unity and trust, which can translate into improved teamwork and collaboration.

  • Innovative Thinking:  

“Dumbest Idea First” and “Egg Drop” encourage teams to think outside the box and explore unconventional solutions. These activities challenge teams to be creative and innovative in their problem-solving approaches, fostering a culture of thinking beyond traditional boundaries when faced with complex issues.

  • Decision-Making Challenges:  

Activities like “Onethread” facilitate group decision-making by providing a platform for open discussions and collaborative choices. Problem-solving activities require teams to make decisions collectively, teaching them to weigh options, consider different viewpoints, and arrive at informed conclusions—a skill that is transferable to real-world decision-making scenarios.

  • Leadership and Role Clarification:  

Activities such as “Frostbite” and “Egg Drop” designate team leaders and roles within groups. This provides an opportunity for team members to practice leadership, delegation, and role-specific tasks. By experiencing leadership dynamics in a controlled setting, teams can improve their leadership skills and better understand their roles in actual projects.

  • Problem-Solving Strategies:  

All of the problem-solving activities involve the application of different strategies. Teams learn to analyze problems, break them down into manageable components, and develop systematic approaches for resolution. These strategies can be adapted to real-world challenges, enabling teams to approach complex issues with confidence.

  • Team Morale and Engagement:  

Participating in engaging and enjoyable activities boosts team morale and engagement. These activities provide a break from routine tasks, energize team members, and create a positive and fun atmosphere. Elevated team morale can lead to increased motivation and productivity.

The incentives of event prizes can further stimulate the enthusiasm and participation of team members. The choice of prizes is crucial, as it can directly affect the attractiveness and participation of the event. Among them, Medals are essential prizes.

Medals are symbols of honor awarded to winners and represent the value and achievement of an event.

Medals also have a motivational effect, they encourage team members to pursue higher achievements and progress.

Medals are artistic and aesthetic. They are usually designed by designers according to different occasions and themes and have high collection value.

hands on activities for innovative problem solving

By incorporating these fun problem-solving activities, teams can address a variety of challenges, foster skill development, and build a more cohesive and effective working environment. As teams learn to collaborate, communicate, innovate, and make decisions collectively, they are better equipped to overcome obstacles and achieve shared goals.

The Benefits of Problem Solving Activities for Your Team

The Benefits of Problem Solving Activities for Your Team

#1 Better Thinking

Problem-solving activities bring out the best in team members by encouraging them to contribute their unique ideas. This stimulates better thinking as team managers evaluate different solutions and choose the most suitable ones.

For example, a remote team struggling with communication benefited from quick thinking and the sharing of ideas, leading to the adoption of various communication modes for improved collaboration.

#2 Better Risk Handling

Team building problem solving activities condition individuals to handle risks more effectively. By engaging in challenging situations and finding solutions, team members develop the ability to respond better to stressful circumstances.

#3 Better Communication

Regular communication among team members is crucial for efficient problem-solving. Engaging in problem-solving activities fosters cooperation and communication within the team, resulting in better understanding and collaboration. Using tools like OneThread can further enhance team communication and accountability.

#4 Improved Productivity Output

When teams work cohesively, overall productivity improves, leading to enhanced profit margins for the company or organization. Involving managers and team members in problem-solving activities can positively impact the company’s growth and profitability.

How Onethread Enhances the Effect of Problem Solving Activities

Problem-solving activities within teams thrive on collaborative efforts and shared perspectives. Onethread emerges as a potent facilitator, enabling teams to collectively tackle challenges and harness diverse viewpoints with precision. Here’s a comprehensive view of how Onethread amplifies team collaboration in problem-solving initiatives:

Open Channels for Discussion:

Open Channels for Discussion

Onethread’s real-time messaging feature serves as a dedicated hub for open and seamless discussions. Teams can engage in brainstorming sessions, share insightful observations, and propose innovative solutions within a flexible environment. Asynchronous communication empowers members to contribute their insights at their convenience, fostering comprehensive problem analysis with ample deliberation.

Centralized Sharing of Resources:

Centralized Sharing of Resources

Effective problem-solving often hinges on access to pertinent resources. Onethread’s document sharing functionality ensures that critical information, references, and research findings are centralized and readily accessible. This eradicates the need for cumbersome email attachments and enables team members to collaborate with precise and up-to-date data.

Efficient Task Allocation and Monitoring:

Efficient Task Allocation and Monitoring

Problem-solving journeys comprise a series of tasks and actions. Onethread’s task management capability streamlines the delegation of specific responsibilities to team members. Assign tasks related to research, data analysis, or solution implementation and monitor progress in real time. This cultivates a sense of accountability and guarantees comprehensive coverage of every facet of the problem-solving process.

Facilitated Collaborative Decision-Making: Navigating intricate problems often demands collective decision-making. Onethread’s collaborative ecosystem empowers teams to deliberate over potential solutions, assess pros and cons, and make well-informed choices. Transparent discussions ensure that decisions are comprehensively comprehended and supported by the entire team.

Seamless Documentation and Insights Sharing:

Seamless Documentation and Insights Sharing

As the problem-solving journey unfolds, the accumulation of insights and conclusions becomes pivotal. Onethread’s collaborative document editing feature empowers teams to document their discoveries, chronicle the steps undertaken, and showcase successful solutions. This shared repository of documentation serves as a valuable resource for future reference and continuous learning.

With Onethread orchestrating the backdrop, team collaboration during problem-solving activities transforms into a harmonious fusion of insights, ideas, and actionable steps.

What are the 5 problem-solving skills?

The top 5 problem-solving skills in 2023 are critical thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and data literacy. Most employers seek these skills in their workforce.

What are the steps of problem-solving?

Problem-solving steps are as follows: 1. Define the problem clearly. 2. Analyze the issue in detail. 3. Generate potential solutions. 4. Evaluate these options. 5. Choose the best solution. 6. Put the chosen solution into action. 7. Measure the outcomes to assess effectiveness and improvements made. These sequential steps assist in efficient and effective problem resolution.

How do you teach problem-solving skills?

Teaching problem-solving involves modelling effective methods within a context, helping students grasp the problem, dedicating ample time, asking guiding questions, and giving suggestions. Connect errors to misconceptions to enhance understanding, fostering a straightforward approach to building problem-solving skills.

So here is all about “activities for problem solving”.No matter which activity you choose, engaging in problem-solving activities not only provides entertainment but also helps enhance cognitive abilities such as critical thinking, decision making, and creativity. So why not make problem solving a regular part of your routine?

Take some time each day or week to engage in these activities and watch as your problem-solving skills grow stronger. Plus, it’s an enjoyable way to pass the time and challenge yourself mentally.

So go ahead, grab a puzzle or gather some friends for a game night – get ready to have fun while sharpening your problem-solving skills!

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22 Unbeatable Team Building Problem Solving Activities

22 Unbeatable Team Building Problem Solving Activities featured image

Problem-solving is a critical skill for professionals and with team building problem-solving activities, you can sharpen your skills while having fun at the same time.  

Updated: March 1, 2024

In the professional world, one thing is for sure: problem-solving is a vital skill if you want to survive and thrive. It’s a universal job skill that organizations seek in new potential employees and that managers look for when considering candidates for promotions.  

But there’s a problem. 

According to Payscale, 60% of managers feel that new grads entering the workforce lack problem-solving abilities – making it the most commonly lacking soft skill.  

Problem-solving skill needs to be practiced and perfected on an ongoing basis in order to be applied effectively when the time comes. And while there are tons of traditional approaches to becoming a better problem-solver, there’s another (much more interesting) option: team building problem-solving activities. 

The good news? This means learning and having fun don’t have to be mutually exclusive. And you can create a stronger team at the same time. 

16 In-Person Team Building Problem Solving Activities for Your Work Group  

1. cardboard boat building challenge, 2. egg drop , 3. clue murder mystery, 4. marshmallow spaghetti tower  , 5. corporate escape room, 6. wild goose chase, 7. lost at sea  , 8. domino effect challenge, 9. reverse pyramid  , 10. ci: the crime investigators, 11. team pursuit, 12. bridge builders, 13. domino effect challenge, 14. hollywood murder mystery, 15. code break, 16. cardboard boat building challenge, 6 virtual team building problem solving activities for your work group  , 1. virtual escape room: mummy’s curse, 2. virtual clue murder mystery, 3. virtual escape room: jewel heist, 4. virtual code break  , 5. virtual trivia time machine.

  • 6. Virtual Jeoparty Social

There are a ton of incredible team building problem solving activities available. We’ve hand-picked 16 of our favorites that we think your corporate group will love too. 

a cardboard boat building challenge for problem solving team building

Split into teams and create a cardboard boat made out of just the materials provided: cardboard and tape. Team members will have to work together to engineer a functional boat that will float and sail across water without sinking. Once teams have finished making their boats, they will create a presentation to explain why their boat is the best, before putting their boats to the test. The final challenge will have teams racing their boats to test their durability! Nothing says problem-solving like having to make sure you don’t sink into the water!

egg drop is a great team building problem solving activity

Every day at work, you’re forced to make countless decisions – whether they’re massively important or so small you barely think about them.  

But your ability to effectively make decisions is critical in solving problems quickly and effectively.  

With a classic team building problem solving activity like the Egg Drop, that’s exactly what your team will learn to do. 

For this activity, you’ll need some eggs, construction materials, and a place you wouldn’t mind smashing getting dirty with eggshells and yolks.  

The goal of this activity is to create a contraption that will encase an egg and protect it from a fall – whether it’s from standing height or the top of a building. But the challenge is that you and your team will only have a short amount of time to build it before it’s time to test it out, so you’ll have to think quickly! 

To make it even more challenging, you’ll have to build the casing using only simple materials like: 

  • Newspapers 
  • Plastic wrap
  • Rubber bands
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Cotton balls

Feel free to have some fun in picking the materials. Use whatever you think would be helpful without making things too easy! 

Give your group 15 minutes to construct their egg casing before each team drops their eggs. If multiple eggs survive, increase the height gradually to see whose created the sturdiest contraption.  

If you’re not comfortable with the idea of using eggs for this activity, consider using another breakable alternative, such as lightbulbs for a vegan Egg Drop experience. 

solving a crime is a great way to practice problem solving skills

With Clue Murder Mystery, your team will need to solve the murder of a man named Neil Davidson by figuring out who had the means, motive, and opportunity to commit the crime.

But it won’t be easy! You’ll need to exercise your best problem-solving skills and channel your inner detectives if you want to keep this case from going cold and to get justice for the victim.

do a spaghetti tower for team building problem solving activity

Collaboration is critical to problem solving. 

Why? Because, as the old saying goes, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This expression reflects the fact that people are capable of achieving greater things when they work together to do so. 

If you’re looking for a team building problem solving activity that helps boost collaboration, you’ll love Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower.  

This game involves working in teams to build the tallest possible freestanding tower using only marshmallows, uncooked spaghetti, tape, and string.  

The kicker? This all has to be done within an allotted timeframe. We recommend about thirty minutes.  

For an added dimension of challenge, try adding a marshmallow to the top of the tower to make it a little more top heavy.  

Whichever team has the highest tower when time runs out is the winner! 

corporate escape rooms are unique team building problem solving activities

If you’ve never participated in an escape room, your team is missing out! It’s one of the most effective team building problem solving activities out there because it puts you and your colleagues in a scenario where the only way out is collaboratively solving puzzles and deciphering clues.  

The principle is simple: lock your group in a room, hide the key somewhere in that room, and have them work through challenges within a set time frame. Each challenge will lead them one step closer to finding the key and, ultimately, their escape.    

At Outback, we offer “done-for-you” escape rooms where we’ll transform your office or meeting room so you don’t have to worry about:

  • Seeking transportation for your team 
  • Capacity of the escape rooms  
  • High costs 
  • Excessive planning  

That way, you and your team can simply step inside and get to work collaborating, using creative problem solving, and thinking outside the box.   

wild goose chase is a great scavenger hunt problem solving team building activity for work

In this smartphone-based scavenger hunt team building activity , your group will split into teams and complete fun challenges by taking photos and videos around the city. Some examples of challenges you can do in this activity are:

  • Parkour:  Take a picture of three team members jumping over an object that’s at least waist-high.
  • Beautiful Mind:  Snap a photo of a team member proving a well-known mathematical theorem on a chalkboard.
  • Puppy Love:  Take a photo of all of your team members petting a stranger’s dog at the same time.

It takes a ton of critical thinking and problem-solving to be crowned the Wild Goose Chase Champions!

your teammates will love lost at sea team building activity

Can you imagine a higher-pressure situation than being stranded at sea in a lifeboat with your colleagues? 

With this team building problem solving activity, that’s exactly the situation you and your group will put yourselves. But by the time the activity is over, you’ll have gained more experience with the idea of having to solve problems under pressure – a common but difficult thing to do. 

Here’s how it works. 

Each team member will get a six-columned chart where: 

  • The first column lists the survival items each team has on hand (see the list below) 
  • The second column is empty so that each team member can rank the items in order of importance for survival  
  • The third column is for group rankings  
  • The fourth column is for the “correct” rankings, which are revealed at the end of the activity 
  • The fifth and sixth columns are for the team to enter thee difference between their individual and correct scores and the team and correct rankings 

Within this activity, each team will be equipped with the following “survival items,” listed below in order of importance, as well as a pack of matches:  

  • A shaving mirror (this can be used to signal passing ships using the sun) 
  • A can of gas (could be used for signaling as it could be put in the water and lit with the pack of matches) 
  • A water container (for collecting water to re-hydrate ) 
  • Emergency food rations (critical survival food) 
  • One plastic sheet (can be helpful for shelter or to collect rainwater) 
  • Chocolate bars (another food supply) 
  • Fishing rods (helpful, but no guarantee of catching food) 
  • Rope (can be handy, but not necessarily essential for survival) 
  • A floating seat cushion (usable as a life preserver)  
  • Shark repellant (could be important when in the water) 
  • A bottle of rum (could be useful for cleaning wounds) 
  • A radio (could be very helpful but there’s a good chance you’re out of range) 
  • A sea chart (this is worthless without navigation equipment) 
  • A mosquito net (unless you’ve been shipwrecked somewhere with a ton of mosquitos, this isn’t very useful) 

To get the activity underway, divide your group into teams of five and ask each team member to take ten minutes on their own to rank the items in order of importance in the respective column. Then, give the full team ten minutes as a group to discuss their individual rankings together and take group rankings, listed in that respective column. Ask each group to compare their individual rankings with those of the group as a whole. 

Finally, read out the correct order according to the US Coast Guard, listed above.  

The goal of this activity is for everyone to be heard and to come to a decision together about what they need most to survive.  

If your team works remotely, you can also do this activity online. Using a video conferencing tool like  Zoom , you can bring your group together and separate teams into “break-out rooms” where they’ll take their time individually and then regroup together. At the end, you can bring them back to the full video conference to go through the answers together. 

colleagues thinking outside the box with a domino effect challenge team building problem solving activity

Many problems are intricately complex and involve a ton of moving parts. And in order to solve this type of problem, you need to be able to examine it systematically, one piece at a time.  

Especially in the business world, many problems or challenges involve multiple different teams or departments working through their respective portions of a problem before coming together in the end to create a holistic solution. 

As you can imagine, this is often easier said than done. And that’s why it’s so important to practice this ability.  

With a collaborative team building problem solving activity like Domino Effect Challenge, that’s exactly what you’ll need to do as you and your group work to create a massive, fully functional chain reaction machine. 

Here’s how it goes. 

Your group will break up into teams, with each team working to complete their own section of a massive “Rube Goldberg” machine. Then, all teams will regroup and assemble the entire machine together. You’ll need to exercise communication, collaboration, and on-the-fly problem solving in order to make your chain reaction machine go off without a hitch from start to finish. 

reverse pyramid is a team building activity that makes colleagues think about problems in new ways

Being a great problem-solver means being adaptable and creative. And if you’re looking for a quick and easy team building problem solving activity, you’ll love the reverse pyramid. 

The idea here is simple: break your group out into small teams and then stand in the form of a pyramid.  

Your challenge is to flip the base and the peak of the pyramid – but you can only move three people in order to do so.  

Alternatively, rather than doing this activity with people as the pyramid, you can do another version –  the Pyramid Build  – using plastic cups instead.   

This version is a little bit different. Rather than flipping the base of a pyramid to the top, you’ll need to build the pyramid instead–but in reverse, starting from the top cup and working down. 

With this version, you’ll need 36 cups and one table per group. We recommend groups of five to seven people. Give your group 20 to 30 minutes to complete the activity. 

To get started, place one cup face down. Then, lift that cup and place the subsequent two cups underneath it. 

The real challenge here? You can only lift your pyramid by the bottom row in order to put a new row underneath – and only one person at a time can do the lifting. The remaining group members will need to act quickly and work together in order to add the next row so that it will balance the rest of the pyramid. 

If any part of your pyramid falls, you’ll need to start over. Whichever team has the most complete pyramid when time runs out will be the winner!  

solving a crime is a great way for team members to use problem solving skills

The value of being able to approach problems analytically can’t be overstated. Because when problems arise, the best way to solve them is by examining the facts and making a decision based on what you know. 

With CI: The Crime Investigators, this is exactly what your team will be called upon to do as you put your detective’s hats on and work to solve a deadly crime. 

You’ll be presented with evidence and need to uncover and decipher clues. And using only the information at your disposal, you’ll need to examine the facts in order to crack the case. 

Like many of our team building problem solving activities, CI: The Crime Investigators is available in a hosted format, which can take place at your office or an outside venue, as well as a virtually-hosted format that uses video conferencing tools, or a self-hosted version that you can run entirely on your own.  

team pursuit team building is great for problem solving skills

Each member of your team has their own unique strengths and skills. And by learning to combine those skills, you can overcome any challenge and solve any problem. With Team Pursuit, you and your team together to tackle challenges as you learn new things about one another, discover your hidden talents, and learn to rely on each other.

This team building problem solving activity is perfect for high-energy groups that love to put their heads together and work strategically to solve problems as a group.


Collaborate with your colleague to design and build different segments of a bridge. At the end, see if the sections come together to create a free-standing structure!   

domino effect challenging is a brain busting winter team building activity

Together as a group, see if you and your colleagues can build a gigantic “chain-reaction” machine that really works!

In smaller groups, participants work together to solve the challenge of creating sections of the machine using miscellaneous parts, and at the end, you’ll have to collaborate to connect it all together and put it in motion.

The case is fresh, but here’s what we know so far: we’ve got an up-and-coming actress who’s been found dead in her hotel room following last night’s awards show.

We have several suspects, but we haven’t been able to put the crime on any of them for sure yet. Now, it’s up to you and your team of detectives to crack the case. Together, you’ll review case files and evidence including police reports, coroners’ reports, photo evidence, tabloids, interrogations, and phone calls as you determine the motive, method, and murderer and bring justice for the victim.

You’ll need to put your problem-solving skills to the test as you share theories, collaborate, and think outside the box with your fellow investigators.

code break is a cerebral indoor team building activity

Using Outback’s app, split up into small groups and put your heads together to solve a variety of puzzles, riddles, and trivia. The team who has completed the most challenges when time is up, wins!

image 1

Can you stay afloat in a body of water in a boat made entirely of cardboard? Now that is a problem that urgently needs solving.

With this team building problem solving activity, you and your colleagues will split into groups and create a cardboard boat made out of just the materials provided – cardboard and tape.

Team members will have to work together to engineer a functional boat that will float and sail across water without sinking. Once teams have finished making their boats, they will create a presentation to explain why their boat is the best, before putting their boats to the test. The final challenge will have teams racing their boats across the water!

colleagues doing a virtual team building problem solving activity

If you and your team are working remotely, don’t worry. You still have a ton of great virtual team building problem solving options at your disposal.

virtual escape room mummys curse

In this virtual escape room experience, your team will be transported into a pyramid cursed by a restless mummy. You’ll have to work together to uncover clues and solve complex challenges to lift the ancient curse.

team members doing a fun virtual clue murder mystery

You’ve probably never heard of a man named Neil Davidson. But your group will need to come together to solve the mystery of his murder by analyzing clues, resolving challenges, and figuring out who had the means, motive, and opportunity to commit a deadly crime. 

This activity will challenge you and your group to approach problems analytically, read between the lines, and use critical thinking in order to identify a suspect and deliver justice.  

escape rooms are fun and unique team building problem solving activities

If you and your team like brainteasers, then Virtual Escape Room: Jewel Heist will be a big hit.  

Here’s the backstory.

There’s been a robbery. Someone has masterminded a heist to steal a priceless collection of precious jewels, and it’s up to you and your team to recover them before time runs out.

Together, you’ll need to uncover hidden clues and solve a series of brain-boggling challenges that require collaboration, creative problem-solving, and outside-the-box thinking. But be quick! The clock is ticking before the stolen score is gone forever.

try virtual code break as a way to use problem solving skills with teammates

With Virtual Code Break, you and your team can learn to be adaptive and dynamic in your thinking in order to tackle any new challenges that come your way. In this activity, your group will connect on a video conferencing platform where your event host will split you out into teams. Together, you’ll have to adapt your problem-solving skills as you race against the clock to tackle a variety of mixed brainteaser challenges ranging from Sudoku to puzzles, a game of Cranium, riddles, and even trivia. 

Curious to see how a virtual team building activity works? Check out this video on a Virtual Clue Murder Mystery in action. 

trivia is a great problem solving activity for colleagues

Step into the Outback Time Machine and take a trip through time, from pre-pandemic 21st century through the decades all the way to the 60’s. 

This exciting, fast-paced virtual trivia game, packed with nostalgia and good vibes, is guaranteed to produce big laughs, friendly competition, and maybe even some chair-dancing. 

Your virtual game show host will warm up guests with a couple of “table hopper rounds” (breakout room mixers) and split you out into teams. Within minutes, your home office will be transformed into a game show stage with your very own game show buzzers! 

And if your team loves trivia, check out our list of the most incredible virtual trivia games for work teams for even more ideas.

6.  Virtual Jeoparty Social

Virtual Jeoparty Social is a fun high energy virtual team building activity

If your remote team is eager to socialize, have some fun as a group, and channel their competitive spirit, we’ve got just the thing for you! With Virtual Jeoparty Social, you and your colleagues will step into your very own virtual Jeopardy-style game show—equipped with a buzzer button, a professional actor as your host, and an immersive game show platform! Best of all, this game has been infused with an ultra-social twist: players will take part in a unique social mixer challenge between each round. 

With the right team building problem solving activities, you can help your team sharpen their core skills to ensure they’re prepared when they inevitably face a challenge at work. And best of all, you can have fun in the process. 

Do you have any favorite team building activities for building problem-solving skills? If so, tell us about them in the comments section below! 

Learn More About Team Building Problem Solving Activities  

For more information about how your group can take part in a virtual team building, training, or coaching solution, reach out to our Employee Engagement Consultants.     

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I love how this blog provides a variety of problem-solving activities for team building. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to foster teamwork and collaboration!

  • DOI: 10.18260/1-2--14062
  • Corpus ID: 110551403

Hands-on Activities for Innovative Problem Solving*

  • Published 20 June 2004

18 Citations

Sipai: an integrated learning model of self learning, inquiry based, problem solving, activity based, and instructional learning for engineering education, user-based approach to teaching and learning product design, on teaching and assessing engineering innovation, ac 2009-1170: teaching innovative thinking: future directions, integrating entrepreneurial mind-set into first-year engineering curricu- lum through active learning exercises, effectiveness of stem based workshop for deaf education: exploratory study, needs analysis for esp course development for undergraduate engineering students - a cross-sectional survey for engineering students in one of universities in bandung, redesign of an introduction to mechanical engineering course to keep students engaged and interested, university students developing imaginative problem solving skills — the case of food engineering, evaluating & cultivating first-year college students critical thinking skills for the sino-china english for academic purpose program, 11 references, learning systematic problem solving: case studies *, eight dimensional methodology for innovative thinking, studying engineering: a road map to a rewarding career, entertaining mathematical puzzles, the colossal book of mathematics : classic puzzles, paradoxes, and problems : number theory, algebra, geometry, probability, topology, game theory, infinity, and other topics of recreational mathematics, hexaflexagons and other mathematical diversions, related papers.

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Hands-On Activities For Innovative Problem Solving

  • January 2004

Daniel Raviv at Florida Atlantic University

  • Florida Atlantic University

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11 Problem Solving Activities That Will Blow Your Mind!

problem-solving-and solutions

  Problem solving activities is a vital skill in the professional world, but many new graduates lack this skill.

Team building problem-solving activities offer a fun and interactive way to develop problem-solving skills while creating a stronger team.

Whether in-person or virtual, these activities provide an opportunity for teams to enhance their problem-solving skills and collaboration.

List of In-Person / Virtual Problem Solving Activities

Key takeaways.

  • Problem-solving activities for team building are essential in developing problem-solving skills and creating a stronger team.
  • Both in-person and virtual options are available for team building problem-solving activities.
  • In-person activities include the Cardboard Boat Building Challenge, Egg Drop, Clue Murder Mystery, Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower, Corporate Escape Room , Wild Goose Chase, Face-2-Face Feud, Reverse Pyramid, Move it.
  • Virtual activities include Virtual Escape Room: Mummy’s Curse, Virtual Clue Murder Mystery, Jewel Heist, and Virtual Trivia Time Machine.
  • Each activity offers a unique challenge that requires teamwork and problem-solving skills.

In-Person Team Building Activities to Solve Problems

In-person team building problem-solving activities are a great way to strengthen your work group while developing crucial problem-solving skills.

These activities offer a hands-on and interactive approach to team building .

They allow participants to work together towards a common goal. Below are 11 engaging in-person activities that will challenge your team’s problem-solving abilities:

In-person team building problem-solving activities offer a fantastic opportunity to enhance problem-solving skills and foster collaboration among team members.

Here are 8 exciting activities that will challenge and engage your work group:

  • Cardboard Boat Building Challenge:  Teams will design and construct a functional boat using only cardboard and tape. The objective is to create a boat that can float and navigate through water without sinking.
  • Egg Drop:  Participants will create a protective casing for an egg using limited materials like newspapers, straws, tape, and balloons. The challenge is to prevent the egg from breaking when dropped from a height.
  • Clue Murder Mystery:  Teams will work together to solve a murder mystery by deciphering clues and identifying the culprit, motive, and means. This activity tests participants’ problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills.
  • Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower:  The goal is to build the tallest freestanding tower using marshmallows, uncooked spaghetti, tape, and string. This activity promotes teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving.
  • Corporate Escape Room:  Participants must collaborate to solve puzzles and uncover clues that will help them escape a locked room. This activity encourages teamwork, problem-solving, and quick thinking under pressure.
  • Wild Goose Chase:  Teams will embark on a smartphone-based scavenger hunt, completing challenges and riddles in the city. This activity fosters problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.
  • Team Pursuit:  Teams compete in a series of challenges that require problem-solving, teamwork, and communication. The objective is to accumulate points by successfully completing each challenge.
  • Family Feud: Teams face off in a wild, yet friendly and funny game of revealing top surveys.  Questions can be customized specifically to your group. This activity requires problem-solving, communication, and coordination.

1. Cardboard Boat Building Challenge

Teams are tasked with designing and constructing a functional boat using only cardboard and tape.

The challenge lies in creating a boat that can sail across water without sinking.

This activity requires creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills to engineer a sturdy and seaworthy vessel.

This activity not only fosters collaboration and teamwork but also encourages participants to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

It requires teams to analyze the principles of buoyancy, weight distribution, and structural integrity to design a boat that can support their team members.

Throughout the process, participants will face challenges and setbacks, but these obstacles provide valuable learning experiences and opportunities for growth.

The Importance of the Cardboard Boat Building Challenge

The Cardboard Boat Building Challenge offers several benefits for teams in the workplace.

Firstly, it promotes effective communication and collaboration as team members brainstorm ideas, delegate tasks, and work together towards a common goal.

Also, this activity enhances problem-solving skills as participants encounter unexpected obstacles and devise creative solutions.

By engaging in the Cardboard Boat Building Challenge, teams also develop resilience and adaptability.

They learn to embrace failure as a stepping stone towards success and understand the importance of persistence and continuous improvement.

This activity fosters a positive team culture, encouraging individuals to support and motivate each other throughout the challenge.

Overall, the Cardboard Boat Building Challenge is a fun and interactive team-building activity that not only strengthens bonds among team members but also cultivates essential problem-solving and communication skills.

It provides a memorable and engaging experience that can be applied in a professional setting, helping teams become more effective, innovative, and collaborative.

Benefits of the Cardboard Boat Building Challenge Skills Developed
Enhanced teamwork and collaboration Problem-solving
Effective communication Resilience and adaptability
Creativity and innovation Persistence

2. Egg Drop

The Egg Drop activity is a challenging and engaging team-building exercise that tests creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration.

Teams are given the task of designing a contraption that can protect an egg from a fall using limited materials.

With only items such as newspapers, straws, tape, and balloons at their disposal, teams must think quickly and strategically to build a casing that can withstand a drop without breaking the egg.

This activity not only promotes critical thinking and innovation but also encourages effective communication and teamwork.

Teams must work together to brainstorm ideas, share their knowledge and expertise, and come up with the best possible solution.

It requires a combination of individual creativity and collective effort to design and construct a successful contraption.

By participating in the Egg Drop activity, teams learn valuable lessons about problem-solving under pressure, thinking outside the box, and the importance of collaboration.

It provides a fun and interactive way for team members to bond and develop their problem-solving skills while facing a common challenge.

The Egg Drop is an exciting team-building activity that will leave participants feeling accomplished and motivated to overcome future obstacles together.

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs

3. Clue Murder Mystery

Teams become detectives in a thrilling murder mystery scenario.

By gathering clues, analyzing evidence, and working together, participants must solve the mystery by identifying the culprit, motive, and means.

This activity requires critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication to crack the case.

the Clue Murder Mystery is a popular choice. In this interactive and engaging activity, teams must put their problem-solving skills to the test as they work together to solve a murder.

By gathering clues, analyzing evidence, and collaborating effectively, teams can uncover the truth and identify the culprit, motive, and means.

This activity not only fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities but also promotes teamwork and communication.

Participants must work together to share information, brainstorm ideas, and piece together the puzzle.

The Clue Murder Mystery is a thrilling and challenging experience that will keep teams engaged and motivated while honing their problem-solving skills.

“The Clue Murder Mystery activity requires teams to think critically and collaborate effectively to solve the mystery and uncover the truth.”

5 Benefits of the Clue Murder Mystery Activity

  • Promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Fosters teamwork and collaboration
  • Enhances communication and information sharing
  • Provides a thrilling and engaging experience
  • Promotes creativity and analytical thinking

Overall, the Clue Murder Mystery activity is an excellent choice for in-person team building problem-solving activities.

It challenges teams to think critically, work together, and communicate effectively while having fun and solving a thrilling mystery.

By participating in this activity, teams can develop and enhance their problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in the professional world.

4. Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower

The Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower is a popular team-building activity that encourages collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

In this activity, teams are tasked with building the tallest freestanding tower using only marshmallows, uncooked spaghetti, tape, and string.

The challenge lies in constructing a stable structure within a given timeframe.

This interactive exercise promotes teamwork as team members must work together to brainstorm ideas, share perspectives, and delegate tasks.

It requires critical thinking skills as participants analyze the strengths and weaknesses of different tower designs.

Additionally, the activity encourages creativity as teams experiment with different techniques to construct a sturdy tower.

The Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower activity is not only a fun and engaging team-building exercise but also serves as a metaphor for problem-solving in the workplace.

It highlights the importance of strong communication, adaptability, and resourcefulness when facing challenges.

By participating in this activity, teams can develop their problem-solving skills while strengthening their bonds and fostering a collaborative environment.

Example of a Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower:

Team Tower Height (inches)
Team A 24
Team B 28
Team C 32

In the example above, Team C built the tallest tower, standing at 32 inches.

This showcases the competitive nature of the activity and the determination of each team to excel.

The Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower activity not only fosters healthy competition but also reinforces the importance of teamwork and problem-solving skills in achieving success.

5.  Wild Goose Chase

The Wild Goose Chase is an exciting and interactive team-building activity that combines the thrill of a scavenger hunt with the power of problem-solving and teamwork.

In this smartphone-based adventure, teams explore the city and complete challenges by taking photos and videos.

It’s a thrilling race against time as teams navigate their way through a series of clues, collecting points along the way.

Engaging in the Wild Goose Chase activity not only promotes problem-solving skills but also enhances communication and collaboration within teams.

The challenges require teams to think creatively and work together to come up with innovative solutions.

It’s a fantastic opportunity for team members to showcase their individual strengths and contribute to the collective success of the team.

The Wild Goose Chase is a versatile activity that can be customized to fit different team sizes and goals.

Whether it’s a small team bonding exercise or a large-scale company-wide event, this interactive game is sure to leave a lasting impression.

So gear up, grab your smartphones, and get ready for a thrilling adventure that will take your team to new heights!

“The Wild Goose Chase activity was both challenging and fun. It brought our team closer together and forced us to think outside the box. We had a great time exploring the city and completing the various challenges. Highly recommended!” – Participant from ABC Company

Get ready to embark on an adventure like no other with the Wild Goose Chase!

This team-building activity will not only strengthen your problem-solving skills but also foster collaboration and camaraderie within your team.

So, put on your thinking caps, keep your eyes peeled, and prepare for an unforgettable experience that will leave you with memories to cherish.

Benefits of the Wild Goose Chase:

  • Promotes problem-solving skills
  • Enhances communication and collaboration
  • Encourages creativity and out-of-the-box thinking
  • Builds camaraderie and teamwork

So why wait? Plan your Wild Goose Chase adventure today and watch your team bond, laugh, and conquer challenges together!

Activity Location Duration
Wild Goose Chase Citywide 2-4 hours

6.  Reverse Pyramid

The Reverse Pyramid activity is a fun and challenging team-building exercise that requires problem-solving and communication skills.

In this activity, teams are tasked with rearranging themselves from a pyramid shape horizontally, by flipping the base and the apex using only three movements.

It may sound simple, but it requires strategic planning, coordination, and effective communication among team members.

By participating in the Reverse Pyramid activity, teams can strengthen their problem-solving abilities and learn to work together more efficiently.

This exercise encourages creative thinking as teams explore different strategies to achieve their goal.

It also fosters collaboration and trust, as team members rely on each other’s input and support to successfully complete the task.

Through the Reverse Pyramid activity, participants develop their communication skills by effectively conveying ideas, coordinating movements, and adapting to changes in the team’s plan.

It promotes a sense of unity and camaraderie as teams celebrate their accomplishments together.

This activity can be adapted for various group sizes and is suitable for in-person team building events.

Benefits of the Reverse Pyramid Activity:

  • Encourages creative thinking
  • Fosters collaboration and teamwork
  • Develops effective communication
  • Builds trust and unity within the team

Overall, the Reverse Pyramid activity is an engaging and effective way to enhance problem-solving abilities and strengthen team dynamics.

It provides an opportunity for team members to work together towards a common goal, while also having fun and building stronger connections with one another.

Incorporating this activity into a team building event can lead to improved problem-solving skills and a more cohesive and productive team.

7.  Move It!

As a team-building activity, Move It! requires two teams to navigate specific movement restrictions and switch places.

This dynamic challenge promotes teamwork, decision-making, and adaptability.

The objective is to communicate, strategize, and problem-solve effectively to achieve a successful switch.

The activity tests the team’s ability to think on their feet and work together seamlessly.

Move It! encourages teams to work collaboratively and find innovative solutions to overcome the restrictions imposed.

By embracing open communication and actively seeking out strategies, teams can optimize their chances of a successful switch.

This exercise fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie, as team members learn to rely on each other’s strengths and support one another.

With its emphasis on teamwork, decision-making, and adaptability, Move It! cultivates essential skills that are vital in the professional world.

By participating in this activity, teams can enhance their problem-solving abilities, learn to make quick and effective decisions, and develop their capacity to adapt to changing circumstances.

Ultimately, Move It! provides a fun and engaging experience that strengthens team dynamics and encourages growth.

8.  Face to Face Feud

Looking for a  fun and interactive office game idea  for team building? Consider adapting the  classic game show Family Feud !

This game encourages communication, collaboration, and friendly competition among team members.

How to Set up Family Feud Style Game for the Office

To set up Feud  for the office, you’ll need to:

  • Divide your team into two groups
  • Hire a facilitator  to read the questions and keep track of points
  • Create a list of questions related to your workplace or industry
  • Create a survey to gather responses for each question from your team members
  • Display the game board and prepare buzzers for each team

Once the game is set up, it’s time to play!

Teams take turns answering survey questions and earning points for the right answers.

The team with the most points at the end of the rounds wins the grand prize.

3 Main Benefits of Face-2-Face Feud

Face-2-Face Feud is a great game for team building because it:

  • Encourages communication and collaboration among team members
  • Promotes friendly competition and team bonding
  • Allows team members to share their knowledge and insights with each other
  • Builds team momentum and boosts morale

Basically, playing this game played in the office is just a fun and engaging way to build stronger teams  and enhance team morale.

Virtual Team Building Problem Solving Activities | Top 3

Virtual team building problem solving activities are an effective way to enhance collaboration and problem-solving skills for remote teams.

These activities provide an opportunity for team members to work together and tackle challenges in a virtual environment.

Here are five engaging virtual problem-solving activities that can transform your work group:

1.  Virtual Escape Room: Mummy’s Curse

In this virtual escape room, team members must solve puzzles and unravel the mystery of the Mummy’s Curse to successfully escape.

It requires critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication to work together and solve the challenges within a given time limit.

Team members will need to utilize their creativity and collaborate effectively to crack codes, decipher clues, and escape the room.

This activity fosters teamwork and encourages participants to think outside the box.

2.  Virtual Escape Room: Jewel Heist

In this virtual escape room scenario, teams are tasked with planning and executing a daring jewel heist.

Participants must work together to solve puzzles, decipher codes, and navigate through a virtual environment to successfully complete the mission.

This activity encourages problem-solving, teamwork, and effective communication as team members collaborate to achieve their common goal.

It’s an immersive and engaging way to enhance problem-solving skills in a virtual setting.

3.  Virtual Trivia Time Machine

The virtual trivia time machine is an interactive activity that combines problem-solving and general knowledge.

Teams travel through time, answering trivia questions and solving puzzles from different historical periods.

By working together, participants can pool their knowledge, brainstorm solutions, and strategize to win the game.

This activity fosters collaboration, critical thinking, and effective communication while having fun in a virtual team environment.

Activity Description
Virtual Escape Room: Mummy’s Curse Solve puzzles to escape the cursed room
Virtual Clue Murder Mystery Uncover clues to solve a mysterious murder
Virtual Escape Room: Jewel Heist Plan and execute a daring jewel heist
Virtual Code Break Crack codes and solve intricate puzzles
Virtual Trivia Time Machine Answer trivia questions from different historical periods

Frequently Asked Questions – Problem Solving Activities

frequently asked questions

frequently asked questions

What are some problem-solving activities for team building?

Some problem-solving activities for team building include the Cardboard Boat Building Challenge, Egg Drop, Clue Murder Mystery, Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower,

Corporate Escape Room, Wild Goose Chase, Reverse Pyramid, CI: The Crime Investigators, and Team Pursuit.

Are there virtual problem-solving activities for remote teams?

Yes, there are virtual problem-solving activities for remote teams. Some examples include Virtual Escape Room: Mummy’s Curse,

Virtual Clue Murder Mystery, Virtual Escape Room: Jewel Heist, Virtual Code Break, and Virtual Trivia Time Machine.

What is the Cardboard Boat Building Challenge?

The Cardboard Boat Building Challenge is an in-person team building activity where teams create a functional boat using only cardboard and tape.

Teams must work together to engineer a boat that can float and sail across water without sinking.

How does the Egg Drop activity work?

The Egg Drop activity challenges teams to design a contraption that can protect an egg from a fall using limited materials.

Teams must think quickly and creatively to build a casing for the egg using items such as newspapers, straws, tape, and balloons.

What is the Clue Murder Mystery activity?

In the Clue Murder Mystery activity, teams must solve a murder by identifying the culprit, motive, and means.

This activity requires problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and collaboration.

How does the Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower activity work?

The Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower activity promotes collaboration and problem-solving skills.

Teams must work together to build the tallest tower possible using only marshmallows, uncooked spaghetti, tape, and string.

What is the Corporate Escape Room activity?

The Corporate Escape Room activity immerses teams in a scenario where they must solve puzzles and decipher clues to escape a locked room.

Participants must collaborate, think critically, and use problem-solving skills to work through challenges and find the key to their escape.

How does the Wild Goose Chase activity work?

The Wild Goose Chase is a smartphone-based scavenger hunt activity where teams complete challenges by taking photos and videos in the city.

This activity requires problem-solving, communication, and teamwork as teams work together to complete fun challenges.

What is the Lost at Sea activity?

Lost at Sea is an in-person activity that simulates being stranded in a lifeboat with limited supplies.

Teams must work together to rank survival items in order of importance, making decisions under pressure.

This activity tests problem-solving skills and the ability to collaborate and make tough choices in a high-stakes situation.

How does the Reverse Pyramid activity work?

The Reverse Pyramid activity challenges teams to rearrange themselves from a pyramid shape horizontally.

The goal is to flip the base and the apex of the pyramid using only three movements.

This quick and fun team-building activity promotes problem-solving and communication skills.

How does the Move It! activity work?

Move It! is a team-building activity where two teams must switch places while following specific movement restrictions.

Teams must communicate, strategize, and problem-solve to successfully switch places. This activity promotes teamwork, decision-making, and adaptability.

Got Team Building Games? – PRESS PLAY!  #boostmorale

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Book a  live game show experience  today! Contact us  for further details. For Immediate assistance by text – 917-670-4689 No deposit required.  5 Star Google Rated Activity . We plan and  facilitate all activities .

Written by Lisa Lawrence

Team building events | team collaboration | team communication, november 14, 2023, events & game shows, recent posts.

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How-Now-Wow Matrix

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  • Start design work on paper, 
  • Consider multiple variations ,
  • Create a detailed solution .

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Sandeep Kashyap

7 Easy problem-solving activities & how your team benefits from them

Problem Solving Activities


“Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” – Robert Schuller

Problem-solving activities are a great way to know how team members identify problems, the way they react to them, how quickly they can find potential solutions, and then implement the best one.

When working with a team, there are not one but several types of problems that might occur and as a leader, your mindset should be to guide your team to solve those problems.

You have to take the initiative to make your team better at generating creative solutions when things go wrong.

In this article, you will find 7 easy problem-solving activities designed to encourage teamwork and unlock your team’s creativity.

7 of the easiest problem-solving activities for teams of all sizes

7 of the easiest problem-solving activities for teams

There are some amazing creative activities out there that can work well for team building. These will help you put your team’s problem-solving abilities to the test while they learn how to bring their best qualities forward for effective collaboration.

These creative problem-solving games will break the monotony at the workplace and help you build a more inclusive and welcoming environment for the whole team for effective team building. Here are some of the easiest activities that will help bring substantial change to your team culture and the workplace as a whole.

1. Human knots

Helps with: Collaboration & communication skills 

Estimated time: 15-20 minutes

Things you’ll need: Nothing 

How to do it: 

Make your team stand in a small circle. If your team is large, then you can divide it into smaller groups and make them stand in multiple circles. Each person should hold the hands of two other people standing in the circle, but not of those who are standing directly beside them. 

This should result in creating a “human knot.” The fun part (also the challenging) begins now. Ask each member of the group to untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands. You can set a time limit if you want. You can watch your team members as they work out moves to untangle their bodies. 

This activity gives them a chance to communicate and collaborate to solve the problem quickly. They may or may not fully entangle themselves but would have started to work together to solve the problem. 

Why communication is essential to problem-solving

When working as a team, no problem is big enough. A bunch of committed individuals can collaborate to overcome even the most difficult of hurdles. When all team members come together and put in a joint effort as per strategy, the problem will likely be resolved sooner.

Having problems communicating your ideas to the team? Use ProofHub discussions to keep track of ideas and important pitches.

2. A shrinking vessel

Helps with : Adaptability & Quick Thinking 

Estimated time: 10-15 Minutes 

Things you’ll need: A rope and a ball of yarn 

Take a rope and place it on the floor in a particular shape such that all your team members can stand inside it. If your team is large, you can use multiple ropes and divide your team into smaller groups. 

The challenging part starts when all team members are made to stand inside the rope, and you start to shrink the rope slowly. As space reduces, team members will have to make subtle adjustments to maintain their position as well as balance inside the shrinking circle. 

No one should step outside the circle. The challenge before your team is to quickly think together about how to keep everyone inside the circle. 

Why adaptability is essential to problem-solving

This amazingly effective problem-solving activity is for teams who are facing adaptability issues. Adaptability and cognitive diversity go hand in hand, which enables your team to work out things faster. People and organizations that can adapt quickly usually come out on top because they can condition themselves to change circumstances and environments and take on board new ideas and concepts.  

3. Marshmallow spaghetti tower

Helps with: Collaboration 

Estimated time: 20-30 Minutes 

Things you’ll need (per team): 

  • 20 sticks of uncooked spaghetti
  • 1 marshmallow
  • A yard of string
  • A single roll of masking tape  

Ask your team to utilize all the available materials to construct the tallest tower within a specific period. The tower must stand on its own and be able to support a marshmallow. 

The point behind this problem-solving activity is to train the team to think on their feet while encouraging prototyping and iteration. This activity also helps to promote and build strong camaraderie and leadership. 

Why collaboration is essential to problem-solving – 

Peter Singe, in the Fifth Discipline , writes, “ Collectively, we can be more insightful, more intelligent than we can be individual .” This means we can solve problems better when working as a team than we can alone. 

This problem-solving activity emphasizes team collaboration, which is crucial for the success of any group, irrespective of its size. It also shows that success is dependent upon close collaboration between team members.

4. Frostbite

Helps with: Decision Making, Trust, Leadership

Things you’ll need: 

  • An electric fan 
  • Construction materials (toothpicks, cardstock, rubber bands, sticky notes, etc.)

Divide your team into groups of 4-5 people each (applicable for large teams). Each team should have its leader to guide them. Remember, team leaders, are not allowed to use their hands in any way to help their respective groups. Now, the fun part of this problem-solving activity is that team members are blindfolded, so they can’t use their hands! 

Every team is given 30 minutes to build a tent. The time is set to create a sense of urgency within the team. For example, give your team a scenario where they have to make a tent to save themselves from approaching thunderstorms. The tent should be able to withstand high winds from the storm.

After the game is over, you can turn on the fan to see which tent can stand on its own even after withstanding winds blowing at high speed. 

This problem-solving activity aims to improve the listening skills of team members to execute the task as per the leader’s instructions. 

Why decision-making is essential to problem-solving

When managing teams and projects , team managers are burdened with the responsibility of making decisions that concern all. Decision-making is essential to problem-solving because if the right decision is taken at the right time, it could resolve the problem, eventually benefiting the entire team and the organization.

5. Egg drop

Helps with: Decision Making & Collaboration 

  • A carton of eggs
  • Construction materials (balloons, rubber bands, straws, tape, plastic wrap, etc.)
  • A place where you can let things get messy! 

Give a single egg to each team and let it choose randomly from different construction materials. The task that is to be assigned to each team is that it has to create a carrier for an egg that prevents it from breaking. 

Once teams are done with creating carriers, place an egg in them and drop them (from over a ledge or a balcony), one by one. The purpose is to find which team’s carrier (s) can save an egg from breaking.

If multiple eggs remain unbroken, you can keep increasing the height of the fall to find out the last egg that survives even after falling from a higher height. The winning team is the one that created the most durable carrier that survived until the last.  

The idea behind this problem-solving activity is to encourage all members of the team to work together towards achieving the common goal. 

Why teamwork is essential to problem-solving

Joint efforts by a group of individuals to achieve the set target by utilizing limited resources can save the organization valuable time, money, and resources. 

6. Dumbest idea first 

How it helps: Critical Thinking & Creative Problem Solving 

Estimated time: 15-20 minutes 

Things you’ll need:  A piece of paper, pen, and pencil 

As the name of this problem-solving activity suggests, the idea is to present a problem to your team and ask them to quickly come up with the dumbest ideas for the problem at hand. This could be a real-world problem that your team is facing, or it could be an imagined scenario. 

Once all team members have written down the dumbest ideas, they could think of, evaluate every idea to determine which ones are most likely to work and which ones are least likely to be seen as a viable solution that can work. 

How critical thinking is essential to problem-solving

Some problems need  to be solved by out-of-the-box thinking. Creative problem-solving ideas might sound unorthodox to work, but these give you additional options to consider. You can discover some solutions that might not be obvious to start with but can be incredibly effective in delivering expected results. 

Brainstorm these dumb (or not so dumb) ideas in ProofHub through online chat. And start your uninterrupted collaborative journey for FREE today. 

How it helps: Communication, Problem-solving, & Management

  • A lockable room
  • 5-10 puzzles or clue 

Hike the key and a list of clues around the room. Ask team members to solve all the clues to find the key and unlock the room to escape within the allotted time. Hide the clues and, most importantly, the key around the room. 

Ask all team members to enter the room and lock the door. Give them 30 minutes or 1 hour to find the key using the clues hidden in the room. This problem-solving activity can get your team going up and running as they race against the time to find a solution to the problem at hand. 

How putting intensive efforts is essential to problem-solving

Complex problems require an intensive team effort. Your team can achieve specific, time-bound goals by collaborating closely and thinking quickly under pressure.

What team problems are these activities going to solve?

What team problems-solving activities going to solve

1. Lack of mutual trust

Trust is the basis of strong relationships. No team can hope to achieve success if members do not want to engage with each other and make that human connection that is so vital for them for better collaboration.

Team members should first know each other well, both professionally and personally, primarily before they are assigned a large, complex project where tensions will run high at some point. 

2. Not having a central location for information sharing

When some team members do not get easy access to crucial information related to a project, it can lead to a dreaded information gap within the team. Scattered information makes matters worse for managers and team members.

Having all the information stored and organized in a single location, in the form of files and folders, makes information accessibility easy for all team members. Team members can collaborate on them effectively , review, proof, and share feedback in one place , which saves a whole lot of time.

3. Lack of transparency

“According to an American Psychological Association survey that spoke to more than 1,500 workers , it was found that 50% didn’t feel that their employers shared the information they required to be successful within their jobs.”

For any project to be a success, teams, managers, and clients must be on the same page. Without transparency, trust will take a backseat within the team, and it can lead to a plethora of problems that can spell doomsday for the company. 

The task of establishing transparency starts at the top. Project managers are responsible for setting a prime example for their team members in terms of the way they conduct themselves. Employees are likely to follow their leader’s behaviors, positive or negative, and it becomes your responsibility to inspire them through positive actions.  

4. Poor communication 

“David Grossman reported in “The Cost of Poor Communications” that a survey of 400 companies with 100,000 employees each cited an average loss per company of $62.4 million per year because of inadequate communication to and between employees.”

Poor communication happens when it doesn’t happen regularly across the team, and not all members participate in it. It can also occur when team members interrupt one another, maintain silence, and indicate problems but fail to address them formally. Some members may nod in agreement but may not agree in reality. 

Using different communication modes can bridge the gap between team members. At the same time, encouraging members to share their ideas and concerns openly can also help clear any misunderstandings, doubts, and confusion. 

5. Lack of purpose 

“ One in two employees report that their jobs lack purpose, and an equal number feel disconnected from their company’s mission.”

If I think about the teams I least enjoyed working with, they were the ones that had a vague understanding of what exactly their purpose was and how they planned to achieve that goal. It’s hard to put in your best efforts when you don’t know the purpose behind the work you’re doing. The most satisfying teamwork occurs when the purpose is well-defined and team members are aligned with each other. 

6. Conflict and tension 

“ $359 billion in paid hours or the equivalent of 385 million working days are lost each year due to workplace conflict.”   

Conflicts and tension can be healthy and trigger useful debates if managed carefully. However, team members can cross the line often. The negative effects of workplace conflict include but are not limited to, poor productivity, absenteeism, work disruptions, project failure , lower retention rates, and termination. Different opinions in the workplace are common, but it’s their mishandling that can spell troubles for an organization.

Team leaders can practice constructive criticism to make employees realize their shortcomings without making them feel humiliated. You can appreciate their strong points but should not hesitate to point out their weaknesses (in performance or conduct) in an affirmative tone.  

7. Uncertainty of roles 

This is a common problem, especially among large teams. Some team members are not clear about their roles; what are they supposed to do, and when. At the end of the day, the blame game happens. Team members blame their managers and vice versa, and it’s all due to poor task management. 

By creating and assigning custom roles , managers can allow team members or clients to do things that fall under their work domain and job responsibilities. 

8. Lack of motivation 

“When managers recognize employees’ contribution, their engagement increases by 60%”.

Having demotivated employees working for you is probably the biggest misfortune of your organization. However, have you ever tried to find out the reason for some of your employees losing motivation? It can be due to not being appreciated at work , not feeling like a part of the team, personal reasons, etc. 

Whatever the reason may be, a team manager should quickly confront the situation to solve it for good. Having one-on-one discussions with team members can go a long way in helping you to know about the exact reasons behind their below-par performance and come up with effective solutions. 

What are the benefits of these problem-solving activities ?

“ But how problem-solving activities are going to help me, my team members, and the organization?” Many readers, especially team managers, must have this question in mind while reading this article. 

Benefits of problem-solving activities

I understand that readers want to know how problem-solving activities can benefit them. So, I have prepared a list of the pros of such activities to develop positivity in the workplace. Read on to know more about it. 

1. Better thinking

Problem-solving activities help in bringing about the best in every member of the team. Every member enthusiastically puts forth his unique idea of solving the problem. This helps team managers to weigh in different solutions for resolving a problem and then choose the most suitable one. In other words, this process stimulates better thinking. 

For example – A remote team with widely dispersed members was struggling with a lack of communication . Emails and texting were just not good enough. Mike was leading the team, and he asked all members to suggest ways to improve communication within the remote team. 

John suggested using online chat software for instant group or individual chat, Sid suggested using video conferencing software for daily team meetings, and Shane suggested using telephonic calls, texting, and emails for official communication. 

As a result of quick thinking and sharing of ideas, Mike and his team benefited greatly by using different communication modes to share information and feedback easily.  

2. Better risk handling 

Some people can handle a higher amount of risk. It’s because they have successfully dealt with difficult situations before. Team problem-solving activities help in conditioning the minds of individuals so they can respond to stressful situations better. 

3. Better communication 

Regular communication between team members can help to solve problems efficiently. Problem-solving activities within teams foster cooperation and intra-team communication, which eventually creates a better understanding between team members.

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4. Improved productivity output

When a team works as a strong unit, the company or organization experiences improved productivity, which eventually leads to improved profit margins. The involvement of managers and team members in problem-solving activities can have a positive result for the company in terms of overall growth and profitability. 

How management tools can help you sort out your team collaboration problems

Even though the aforementioned problem-solving activities can be amazingly effective in enhancing collaboration and communication within your team, there’s no denying the fact that using a top-rated team collaboration and project management software like ProofHub can help team managers solve quite a few problems efficiently. 

Whether you’re having trouble with delayed communication, poor organization of files and folders, poor time management, inadequate task management , or low control over teams and projects, ProofHub is your all-in-one solution to put an end to your managerial woes and help you and your team achieve more in less. 

Some powerful features of ProofHub include: 

  • Workflows and Kanban Boards
  • Online Proofing
  • Gantt Charts
  • Online Discussions
  • Custom Reports
  • Timer and Timesheets
  • Third-party Integrations
  • Announcements
  • IP Restrictions 

Pricing –  Simple pricing for all team sizes. For information on our pricing plans, kindly visit our pricing page .

The final thought

Many organizations face a plethora of problems that haunt their teams consistently. These problems have a rippling effect on the team’s performance, hamper its productivity, and cause delays in the organizational goals. 

However, problem-solving activities can bring all members closer as a team and encourage them to contribute to resolving problems effectively while having fun. These easy problem-solving activities can improve your team’s solutions-generating capabilities, eventually benefiting everyone.

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Problem Solving Activities to Improve Team Creativity

Problem Solving Activities to Improve Creativity

“Every problem has a solution. You just have to be creative enough to find it.”                                                                                                               – Travis Kalanick

Problem-solving is a skill that undoubtedly comes into play to improve creativity, execute and deliver projects delightfully. Strong problem-solving skills to improve creativity is a crucial asset for any team. Whether you’re a manager or fresher, easy problem-solving tactics will help you glide over tough decision-making faster and approach problems smartly.

For example, in project management, your team might find itself questioning things like “How would we handle tight deadlines while maintaining the quality consistently?” or “How do we ensure that we effectively track progress on multiple projects?”.

These are common challenges that are bound to arise on the job. However, being prepared and having the ability to handle difficult or unexpected situations is what will guide you to the end.

Luckily, there are many ways to develop problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions. Here’s how one can rewire the brain for problem solving and creativity. Let’s start with the basics!

What Are Problem Solving Activities?

Simply put, problem-solving activities are activities that help in building the capability to solve problems and overcome challenges. While finding effective solutions to complex problems isn’t easy, a step-by-step process of solving the problem at hand ensures that you implement the most effective solution.

One can resolve almost any problem by using the right techniques learned through various problem-solving exercises. All processes of problem-solving begin with identifying and defining the problem. Thereafter, one evaluates the possible course of action and selects the best approach for solving the problem.

For example, if you are starting an online store and have listed down all possible problems that can arise in the process, with the right problem-solving techniques you cannot only eliminate those issues but also can bring out the best possible solution to help you scale and grow. 

Problem-solving activities are highly sought-after activities that help in imbibing key problem-solving skills.

Let’s take a look at these skills.

  • Analytical skills
  • Adaptability, Quick thinking ability
  • Logical reasoning
  • Communication skills
  • Perseverance, Motivation skills
  • Collaboration
  • Team skills
  • Cooperation
  • Decision-making skills, Leadership skills
  • Visual perception skills
  • Critical thinking skills, Negotiation skills

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The Importance of Developing Problem Solving Skills in Today’s Workplace

You may question: How will I benefit from developing problem-solving skills in my team members? Are these skills important for my team to attain business goals?

Well, have you ever found yourself saying, “Let’s think outside the box for this project” to your team? We are certain that you have, and that is exactly why you need to understand what it takes to level up your team’s ability to convert problems into actionable solutions for the team to succeed together. After all, company performance is closely tied to improving team members’ problem-solving skills.

Good problem-solving skills encourage quick and creative thinking, leading to better decision-making and ultimately increased company growth. Teams and leaders who approach problems thoughtfully perform better and find realistic solutions.

Let’s take a step back and understand ‘ What it takes ?’ to level up your team’s ability to convert problems into actionable solutions.

The secret to a thriving business lies in solving problems effectively. This is where good teams outshine the mediocre ones, isn’t it?

So how do the good teams do it?

Good teams approach problems in a fresh and creative manner at every step of the way. They have learned how to generate ideas and come up with out-of-the-box solutions. 

Guess what they have mastered?

Yes, problem-solving skills!

Here are a few advantages that you should expect from your teams that have acquired problem-solving skills:

1. Better risk handling

Managing risk means acknowledging that undesired or uncertain events may occur at any stage of the process. Problem-solving skills help in being confident of your capability to turn risks into opportunities by going beyond the expected.

2. Better communication

Problem-solving skills equip you with solving issues in a way that minimizes accusations and brings about a resolution regarding the problem. This efficient approach helps foster intra-team communication eventually leading to better understanding.

3. Improved productivity output

Adopting problem-solving techniques at the workplace has a positive impact on total productivity . Problem-solving skills help in implementing solutions in an effective and timely manner without any hindrance.

4. A proactive mindset

A proactive mindset enables identifying and executing the solution to a specific problem. Defining, generating, evaluating, and selecting the best solution is possible only when one has mastered the problem-solving skill.

Remember that not all problems are the same. Moreover, it is unlikely that the same solution will work each time for a particular problem. Scope and type of problems will vary according to the size, type, and goals of an organization. Likewise, solutions will be different for each. Thus, problem-solving skills are absolutely invaluable at the workplace.

20 Fun Problem Solving Activities to Improve Creativity

Problem-solving activities help in developing the skill of problem-solving by practicing exercises to equip a team or an individual with a convincing ability to handle and overcome problems and challenges. The below activities guide through the set of actions, approaches, and processes that one should undertake for devising strategies for solving a problem creatively.

1. Dumbest Idea First

Helps With: Creative problem solving

Why is creative problem solving important for problem-solving?

Creative problem solving allows you to relax your assumptions and approach a problem in an imaginative, unconventional way. The skill focuses on divergent thinking, thus redefining problem-solving.

What you’ll need: Nothing!


Yes, this is an important activity for problem-solving. Encourage everyone to voice the absolute random and dumb solution to the problem in front of them. Who knows, you might just get an idea that can be shaped into an effective solution.

Come to think of it, most successful start-up ideas once seemed like the dumbest!

2. 40-20-10-5 

Helps With: Analytical skill

Why is an analytical skill important for problem-solving?

Analytical skill helps in assessing information and finding solutions using knowledge, facts, and data. This skill ensures that any solutions you implement are backed up logically and have been adequately thought out.

To apply this rule, explain your problem in 40 words. Cut it down to 20, then to 10, and finally to 5 words. This 5-word problem statement is the root of your problem and maybe even the solution!

3. Brainstorm Ideas

Helps With: Lateral Thinking

Why is Lateral Thinking important for problem-solving?

Lateral Thinking involves generating ideas using an indirect and creative approach that is not immediately obvious. It deals in insight restructuring and consciously coming up with alternative solutions for the given problem.

Brainstorming ideas is a powerful and one of the best problem-solving activities to get your team’s creative juices flowing.

The purpose of this activity is to produce as many new and creative ideas as possible.

Once the list of ideas is ready, you can then go on to explore the feasibility of each idea to arrive at the most suitable one.

4. Gamification

Helps With: Perseverance, Motivation skill

Why is perseverance important for problem-solving?

Perseverance is being absolute in purpose to continue in the pursuit of an idea or a goal despite setbacks and roadblocks. The quality is a given if you wish to develop the skill of problem-solving.

Why is motivation skill important for problem-solving?

Motivational skills can be defined as actions or strategies that elicit a desired behavior or response. To solve a problem, deriving self-motivation to get to the core of the problem is foremost.

We all have heard the phrase, “Work Hard, Play harder”. Guess it’s time to incorporate it into your work routine!

Gamification will turn ‘work’ into an entertaining and fun activity. You are required to set different types of rules and objectives for the team which they have to follow to earn desirable rewards that will let them win the game or should we say, solve the problem?

5. Shrinking Vessel

Helps With: Adaptability, Quick thinking ability

Why is adaptability important for problem-solving?

Organizations that can adapt quickly have an obvious advantage over their competitors as they have conditioned themselves to effortlessly adapt to changing circumstances while facing problems.

Why is quick thinking ability important for problem-solving?

If you are a quick thinker, that means that you act on problems easily, while being efficient and accurate in thought.

What you’ll need: A Rope/String

A Shrinking Vessel is a problem-solving activity with a simple concept. The idea is that you are in a situation of a sinking ship.

There is a predetermined space for the activity and the teams are divided equally. The entire team must work together to occupy a space, marked with a rope/string, that shrinks over time. It is the perfect game to bond with your teammates and craft a stellar creative strategy to be the last one standing.

6. Egg Drop Idea

Helps With: Logical reasoning

Why is logical reasoning important for problem-solving?

Logical reasoning measures your ability to reason logically by observing and analyzing circumstances. Logical reasoning aids in arriving at a rational conclusion about how to proceed.

What you’ll need: newspaper, plastic wrap, cotton, socks, and a handkerchief

The egg drop project involves designing a package or a container with everyday items that will keep an egg intact when dropped from a height.

Sounds fascinating, right?

It sure is! You can use whatever items or construction material you find around you and deem fit to save an egg. Some items that you may find around easily are newspaper, plastic wrap, cotton, socks, and handkerchief.

Reach out for these and more to save your egg!

Helps With: Communication

Why is communication important for problem-solving?

Being an effective communicator is essential to succeed and progress at the workplace. This is because one needs to successfully communicate ideas and recommendations for daily tasks and projects.

What you’ll need: Lego pieces

This is one of the most interesting team-building activities. This activity is all about observation and retention of design. For this activity, select an impartial individual to construct a random figurine using Legos in under 5 minutes.

Next, the competing teams have to replicate this structure in 10 minutes.

Sounds easy, right? Well, there’s a catch!

Only one person is allowed to look at the figurine at a time. The person has to then communicate the parameters like size, shape, color, etc. to his/her team members. Now, that’s some team-building activity!

8. Stranded

Helps With: Decision-making skill

Why is decision-making skill important for problem-solving?

Problem-solving and decision-making skills go hand in hand at work. Decision-making is an ongoing process in every organization whether big or small. Decision-making skills help in choosing between two or more alternatives to arrive at the best solution to implement.

What you’ll need: A room that can be locked

The setting is that your team will be locked in a room and will be given 30 minutes to choose 10 items that they will need for survival. Also, the items have to be chronologically listed.

9. Reverse the Pyramid

Helps With: Adaptability, Collaboration

Having adaptability skills means embracing problems with optimism. Adaptability reflects your willingness to respond to changing circumstances.

Why is collaboration important for problem-solving?

In the words of Peter Senge, “Collectively, we can be more insightful, more intelligent than we can possibly be individual”.

Collaboration facilitates the free exchange of ideas, knowledge, perspectives, and experiences leading to enhanced innovation.

This is one of the best problem-solving exercises for teams.

Make a team. Ask everyone to stand in the shape of a pyramid. Next, ask them to flip the base and the apex moving only 3 people.

Whichever team moves and forms the reverse pyramid fastest wins the activity.

10. Word on the Street

Helps With: Team skills

Why are team skills important for problem-solving?

Building strong team skills enables team members to come together for a common purpose. Employing team skills for problem-solving is a hallmark of high-performing teams.

It’s a fairly simple technique that involves interviewing all team members to gain their perspective on the solution that has been arrived at for a specific problem.

11. Human Knot

Helps With: Collaboration, Communication skills

Why are communication skills important for problem-solving?

When teams come together to solve a problem, no problem is big enough. Together, a team can overcome even the most difficult of obstacles. Active listening skills are an important element of communication skills.

Get ready for an entertaining problem-solving group activity!

Make everyone stand in a circle. Next, ask each one to hold hands with two people who aren’t directly standing next to them.

Now, ask them to untangle themselves and form a circle without letting go of anyone’s hand. Believe us, it’s going to be super fun watching them twist and turn to form the perfect circle.

12. Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower

Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower

Helps With: Collaboration

What you’ll need: Uncooked spaghetti, 1 marshmallow, tape, and a string/thin rope

In this activity, you simply have to make the tallest tower within the set amount of time.

You’re given a handful of supplies to work with. Your task is to build the tallest free-standing tower that supports a marshmallow at the top of the tower! You’re given 18 minutes to complete the challenge.

13. Minefield

Helps With: Team skill, Trust

Why is trust important for problem-solving?

A well-analyzed solution will fail if the team lacks trust while implementing the solution. Building trust within the team is the first step towards problem-solving.

What you’ll need: An empty room, blindfolds, common office items like table, chair, bag, bottle

Place some objects like a table, chair, bag, bottle, etc. on the floor to act as obstacles in this activity.

Divide teams into pairs and blindfold one of them. The person who is not blindfolded has to verbally guide the person in blindfolds to the other end of the room, avoiding the ‘mines’.

14. Bonding Belt

Helps With: Cooperation

Why is cooperation important for problem-solving?

Cooperation for problem-solving means being part of a cooperative team that identifies and listens to each other’s perspectives on the proposed solution and works together as a team.

What you’ll need: A firm rope

Make teams of 5-6 people. Tie them together by a firm rope, tightly wrapped around their waists. Ask them to move as one unit from point A to point B in as short a time as possible. The teams have to ensure they stay ‘bonded’ as one unit.

15. Frostbite

Helps With: Decision-making skill, Leadership skill

Why is leadership skill important for problem-solving?

Leadership involves keeping the team aligned, energized, and focused on a common business goal. The ability to stimulate, challenge, and inspire others to devise creative solutions is what adds up to leadership skills .

What you’ll need: An electric fan, a packet of construction materials like card stock, rubber bands, and sticky notes, etc, a blindfold

The scenario for this creative problem-solving activity is that your team is on arctic exploration. You have to separate everyone into different teams of 4-5 members. Each team will choose a leader among themselves who will lead them on this activity. The teams have to construct a shelter to protect themselves from the storm that will hit in precisely 30 minutes. The catch is that the team leaders will not work as they can’t move their hands due to frostbite. Further, all other team members are temporarily blind due to snow blindness. After the time is up, you can turn on the fan and see whose shelter can endure the high winds of the storm. Come on, let’s see which team withstands the snowstorm!

16. Idea Mock-Up

Helps With: Analytical skill, Decision making skill

In this activity, the solutions to your problems are supposed to be projected via mock-ups to ascertain the best solution for the given problem. This enables receiving the most accurate feedback on the proposed solutions.

17. Futures Wheel

Helps With: Visual perception skill

Why is visual perception skill important for problem-solving?

Visual perception skills are the ability to make sense of what the eyes see. It involves organizing and interpreting the information and giving it meaning.

What you’ll need: Pen and paper

If you’re looking to explore the structural consequences of a proposed solution, then this activity is your best bet.

You start with writing the name of the topic in the center. Next, you form the first layer of the wheel with consequences to the solutions. In the next layer, you may go deep into the consequences of these consequences themselves. Jot these down in the order of importance. Analyze each aspect and complete this activity within a time period of about 30 minutes.

This visual technique will make it easier for you to outline the best method to go ahead with to attain the desired outcome.

18. Be a Character

Helps With: Initiative

Why is initiative important for problem-solving?

Taking initiative is the ability to independently assess problems and initiate action to attain solutions. It is a self-management skill and requires rational persistence to be able to solve a problem successfully.

Fancied being an imaginary character from a movie or block? Or just fancied being a famous personality?

Well, now is the time to bring out your inner persona and approach the given problem with the outlook and the perspective of the character or person who you’ve always admired. Embody the character for 15 minutes and see how you approach the situation at hand.

19. End in Mind

According to Dr. Stephen R. Covey, all things are created twice – first in the mind and then in the real world.

Logical reasoning helps you reason through ideas and decisions following a series of steps to conclude. This approach leads to efficient problem-solving.

The end in mind activity allows you to question the ‘What’, ‘Why’, and ‘How’ of any problem. It brings purpose and clarity to the solution you seek. You basically backtrack your way into finding a solution.

20. Stop, Start, Continue

Helps With: Critical thinking skill, Negotiation skill

Why is critical thinking important for problem-solving?

Critical thinking refers to the ability to use knowledge, facts, and data to effectively share thoughts and make justifiable decisions. The skill includes analyzing information and formulating creative solutions to complex problems.

Why is negotiation skill important for problem-solving?

Having negotiation skills does not mean that you give in or instantly compromise every time someone disagrees with you. Having this skill means demonstrating open-mindedness to prospects and team members. Active listening is crucial to develop this skill.

A Stop, Start, Continue Approach is a feedback framework made up of three things that a team should stop doing, three things that a team should start doing, and three things that a team should continue doing as they move forward to achieve their problem-solving objectives.

The purpose of the above-listed activities is to train your mind to think about how to solve a problem in new ways and for greater success. The purpose is also to have some fun through these activities while upgrading your skills.

Read More: How to Solve Project Management Problems in The Modern Workplace

The 10-Step Process of Problem Solving Ability

This simple 10-step process will guide you in solving problems to improve creativity.

  • Define the Problem
  • Analyze the Problem
  • Specify Underlying Causes
  • Brainstorm Ideas
  • List Possible Solutions
  • Create Solution Mock-Ups
  • Measure the Business Impact
  • Establish the Best Possible Solution
  • Implement the Solution
  • Evaluate Progress

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The Four P’s to Problem Solving

The problem-solving process is cyclic in nature. This is because there are bound to arise new problems while managing a project that accordingly demands new solutions.

This is where you measure, understand, and diagnose the problem that you wish to solve. The activities 40-20-10-5 and Dumbest idea first help in initiating a problem-solving process.

This is where you organize everything and generate possibilities through activities like Brainstorming and Word of mouth .

This is where you visualize and execute your plan. Activities like Futures wheel and Stop, start, continue fall in this stage of problem-solving.

This is where you analyze the solution and check for further improvement. Stranded and Shrinking Vessel are the activities that develop decision-making skills leading to problem-solving.

Face Challenges Head-on With Quick and Easy Problem Solving Activities

Doesn’t it look like it’s all under control now? Well, to be perfectly honest, it takes time and practice to be an effective problem solver.

The way we approach problems at the workplace can be improved by indulging in proven activities that help build problem-solving skills to improve creativity.

Once you have covered the basics of how to go about the problem-solving process and have a can-do mindset, we are sure that there is absolutely nothing that can deter you from confronting problems head-on.

The listed activities are the easiest mechanism to follow to master the skill of effective problem-solving at the workplace. This course of action will enable you to exert full control towards sure shot success in improving creativity with constructive problem-solving activities.

David Miller

About the author

David Miller

David Miller, an Expert Writer at ProProfs, has over 12 years of experience as a consultant and business strategist. His narratives on project management, leadership, and personal development are featured on platforms like Jeff Bullas, HR.com, and eLearningIndustry. David mentors & contributes innovative insights to ProProfs’ blogs. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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20 Problem Solving Activities to Improve Creativity


Creative problem solving requires creative problem solving activities. Even if you know all of the problem solving steps , it’s important to know exercises to actually execute each phase.  These exercises are techniques on how to improve problem solving skills and the art of problem solving.

Listed below are 20 interactive exercises that will help you through each step of the problem solving process.

Problem Solving Activities

Note: For the sake of demonstration, we use the same example for each exercise, in this case, the difficult problem of opening a jar of peanut butter (to make a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich of course).

Step 1: Define the Problem

Problem solving activities that help you phrase and understand the problem you are trying to solve:

#1. Newspaper Headline – Try writing your problem as if it were a headline in a newspaper. You can write it as if the problem still exists, or as if the problem were already solved. Try Tabloid headlines for even more creative ideas.

Example: “Local man attempts to provide joy to the world by opening a jar of peanut butter.”

#2. Future Party – Imagine it’s one year from today; what did you solve in the last year? How is the world different based on the solution? What were the steps you took to solve the problem?

Example:  “I can’t believe it’s been a year since we ate all the peanut butter from that crazy tight jar.”

#3. 40-20-10-5 – Explain your problem in up to 40 words. Then cut it down to 20 words; then to 10, then finally to only 5 words. These 5 words are the root of your problem (and likely the root of your solution as well).

Example:  (Starting at 10 words) “I want to open up this jar of peanut butter.” -> “Open this peanut butter jar.”

#4. Explain Life I’m Five – Explain your problem as if you were talking to a 5-year old kid. Use basic language and simple metaphors if necessary. Inspired by the subreddit ELI5 .

Example:  “There’s yummy-ness in this jar that I want to get out.”

Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas

Problem solving activities that help you generate a list of possible solutions that will solve your problem*:

#5. Ad Game – Have people mill about the room. When someone offers up an idea, everyone emphatically says “Yes!” and then the group continues to generate ideas, often building off the last idea that was just offered.

Example:   “We should use a tool to open this jar.” “Yes!” “And it should not hurt our hands.” “Yes!” “And it’ll be nearly effortless.” “Yes!”

#6. Dumbest Idea First – Hold a contest to get the dumbest idea out first. Encourage everyone to think of the absolute dumbest possible solutions to the problem. After you have a long list, go back through and see which ones may not be all that dumb.

Example: “Let’s open it using C4 explosives.”

#7. What Would X Do – Pretend you’re someone famous (or someone you admire) and ask yourself how they would solve the problem, what options would they consider?

Example:  (as Gandhi) “I will go on a hunger strike until the jar is ready to be open.”

#8. 10x10x10 Matrix – Generate a list of 10 ideas for solving the problem. Pick one of those ideas and generate 10 variations of that idea. Pick one idea from the new list and generate 10 more variations.

Example: (with just 5 ideas): –Round 1 (based on tools)–Dynamite, Power Drill, Vise grip, Scissors, Hammer. –Round 2 (based on vise grip)–Metal clamp, Pliers, Glue, Cement, Sticky Glove. –Round 3 (based on sticky glove)–Lots of tapping, Rubbing the seal, Punching, Soft caresses, Really strong hand.

*Note: Some of the exercises may not produce the perfect solution, but they can get you thinking differently.

Step 3: Decide on a Solution

Problem solving activities that help you narrow your list of possible solutions down to the best solution.

#9. Futures Wheel – Pick a possible solution and write it in the center of a piece of paper. List possible direct results/consequences of the solution around the center idea. List possible indirect results/consequences based on the direct results/consequences. Find more info here .

Example: Really strong hand leads to: ability to open other types of jars as well, big forearms, possible blisters, …

#10. Thiagi’s 35 – Use a point system to determine the preferred solution among your team, turning a possibly subjective discussion into an objective group decision. You can find a more detailed explanation on Thiagi’s site .

Example: Really strong hand – 7pts. Punching the jar – 3pts. A soft caress – 1pts.

#11. Idea Trial – When you can’t get agreement on which solution to choose, have the proponents of each idea represent them in “court.” Go through opening arguments, call witnesses and allow closing statements. Have the project board choose the winner.

Example: “Really strong hand, is it true you could also be used for terrible things, such as opening a can of sardines?”

#12. Coin-Flip – When deciding between two equally good solutions, flip a coin. When the coin is in the air, take note of what you secretly hope the result is and go with that (if you really can’t decide between the two, then go with the actual result of the coin-flip). Inspired by this poster.

Example: Heads is strong hands, tails is a soft cares. *Toss.* (I really don’t want to have to caress this jar of peanut butter…) Strong hands it is!

Step 4: Implement the Solution

Problem solving activities that help you implement the solution you have chosen:

#13. End in Mind – To create your plan, start with the end in mind and work backwards.  Establish key milestones and dates in reverse order, starting with the end-of-project celebration and ending with today.

Example: Eat delicious PB&J sandwich (5pm), Make delicious PB&J sandwich (4:58pm), Open Peanut Butter Jar (4:57pm), Build up grip strength (4:47), …

#14. Idea Mock-ups – Create a mock-up of the solution. You can a create physical mock-up using the various supplies in your office or a virtual mock-up using images from around the web.

Example: Tell me you wouldn’t buy this incredible product .

#15. Gamification – Turn the completion of your project into a game. Establish rules for how you earn points, create badges to celebrate milestones and track game progress. Learn more about gamification .

Example: For each squeeze of the PB Gripper, you get 1 point. 100 points earns you the Gripper Badge, 500 points earns you a pudding cup. After 1,000 points you should be able to open the Peanut Butter jar.

#16. Be a Character – Add some fun to your work by executing your plan as if you were a fictional character. Think about how they would operate and get into character.

Example: (as the Incredible Hulk): HULK SMASH!

Step 5: Review the Results

Problem solving activities that help you review the results you achieved and the way you achieved them:

#17. Apply McLuhan – Answer McLuhan’s tetrad of questions in context of your solution: 1) What does your solution enhance? 2) What does it make obsolete? 3) What does it bring back that was once obsolete and 4) What does it flip into when taken to the extreme?

Example: Using a strong grip to open the jar: 1) The ability to get peanut butter, 2) Other tools for opening jars, 3) The joy of cooking my own food, 4) Only eating peanut butter and nothing else.

#18. Word on the Street – Conduct “word-on-the-street” type interviews with members of your team, asking them how they felt about the project and the solution.

Example: “Sir, what’s your opinion on this new development on the ability to consume delicious peanut butter?”

#19. Stop-Start-Continue – Review the way you completed your project and pick activities you should stop (things you did on this project that you don’t think are necessary for future projects), start (things you didn’t do on this project but that you should do on future projects) and continue (things you did on the project that you should do on future projects).

Example: STOP doing every single exercise for one solution. START finding snacks to eat while waiting to get to the solution. CONTINUE eating peanut butter.

#20. Find the Funny – Write a monologue or stand-up set that covers some of the funny moments or ideas from the project. Share it with your team.

Example: What’s the deal with airline peanut butter?

Creative Problem Solving

The purpose of the above problem solving activities is to get you to think about the problem in a different way and have some fun while solving it–both of which will enhance your creativity in finding and implementing a solution. And as Einstein ( probably ) said:”The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”

Note: The example used may be a bit facetious but these exercises do work for tougher problems. I wanted to include an example to facilitate understanding and it happened to be around snack time.


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9 thoughts on “20 Problem Solving Activities to Improve Creativity”

hands on activities for innovative problem solving

Thanks for sharing this article.

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its wonderful

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How To Run an Awesome Design Thinking Workshop

Design Thinking has become an extremely popular approach to problem-solving—not only among designers, but across all areas of business . A Design Thinking workshop will spark innovation, foster a user-centric mindset, and get cross-functional teams working together to design a great product .

Workshop facilitation is an important skill for any designer, but it can be tricky to master. In this guide, we’ll show you how to run an effective design thinking workshop.

By the end, you’ll be ready to take your colleagues (or clients) through the entire Design Thinking process , equipping them with the tools they need to come up with innovative strategies and ideas.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • What is a Design Thinking workshop?
  • Why run a Design Thinking workshop?
  • How to run a Design Thinking workshop (step-by-step)

Ready to run an unforgettable Design Thinking workshop? Let’s go!

1. What is a Design Thinking workshop?

A Design Thinking workshop is a hands-on, activity-based session built around the Design Thinking process. Most often, these are conducted in person, but you can certainly adapt and conduct a remote Design Thinking workshop .

It can last two hours, two days, or even a full week—it all depends on the context and the goals at hand.

Based on the five phases of Design Thinking, a Design Thinking workshop focuses on:

  • Empathy: Getting to grips with a real user problem and building empathy for the target users / customers.
  • Ideation, innovation, and problem-solving: Generating as many ideas and potential solutions as possible.
  • Prototyping and testing: Building low-fidelity prototypes of the ideas generated, ready for testing on real or representative users.

Design Thinking workshops are all about collaboration and problem-solving. As a designer, you might hold a Design Thinking workshop with your direct team in order to tackle a tough design challenge you’ve been struggling with. However, Design Thinking workshops aren’t just for designers; they are also increasingly used to teach professionals how to innovate and problem-solve. Throughout your design career, you might find yourself running Design Thinking workshops for clients—going into different organizations and showing them how they can apply Design Thinking to their own business challenges.

Indeed, Design Thinking can be applied to all areas of business, and a Design Thinking workshop can therefore be useful for everyone—from marketing, product, and sales, right through to the C-level. Let’s consider the benefits of a Design Thinking workshop in more detail.

2. Why run a Design Thinking workshop?

As a designer, incorporating Design Thinking into your process will help you to quickly come up with viable, user-centric solutions—ultimately resulting in a quicker time-to-market, improved customer retention, significant cost savings, and a great ROI.

Design Thinking workshops enable you to spread this value across your organization (or your client’s organization). Here are some of the benefits at a glance:

  • Teach people how to problem-solve: Problem solving is a key skill that everyone should master. A Design Thinking workshop teaches problem solving in action, giving the workshop participants an approach they can apply to almost any challenge in any area of their lives.
  • Foster innovation and teamwork: The very essence of Design Thinking lies in collaboration and thinking outside the box. As a designer, these things are second nature to you; for others, it might not come so easily. A Design Thinking workshop breaks down silos and shows participants how to challenge their assumptions—a recipe for innovation!
  • Secure a competitive advantage: A Design Thinking workshop may result in groundbreaking solutions that ultimately set the company apart—but competitive products aren’t the only takeaway. Design Thinking workshops teach creative thinking, which is increasingly seen as a competitive advantage when applied at a strategic level.
“Most companies today have innovation envy. They yearn to come up with a game-changing innovation like Apple’s iPod, or create an entirely new category like Facebook. Many make genuine efforts to be innovative—they spend on R&D, bring in creative designers, hire innovation consultants. But they get disappointing results. Why? We rely far too exclusively on analytical thinking, which merely refines current knowledge, producing small improvements to the status quo.  To innovate and win, companies need design thinking .” —Roger L. Martin, The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage (2009)

All these benefits aside, Design Thinking workshops are incredibly fun and engaging. They bring together a diverse group of people from different departments and provide a rare opportunity to get hands-on with the problem.

So how do you go about setting up and facilitating a Design Thinking workshop? Let’s find out.

3. How to run a Design Thinking workshop: Step-by-step

Now we’ll go through all the necessary steps for running a Design Thinking workshop. We’ve divided this guide into two phases: how to plan and prepare for your Design Thinking workshop, followed by how to actually conduct the workshop .

Phase 1: Planning and preparation

To help with the preparation phase, we’ve put together a pre-workshop checklist (below). Further down, you’ll find more information to help you with each checklist item.

Pre-workshop checklist:

  • Scope out the challenge and set workshop objective(s)
  • Find a suitable location
  • Plan the agenda (including time slots for each activity)
  • Gather all necessary materials

1. Scope out the challenge and set objectives

There are many reasons you might hold a Design Thinking workshop; perhaps you need ideas for a new product, or maybe you’re looking for ways to improve an existing one. It could be that you need to come up with a drastic strategy for regaining consumer trust after a PR disaster! If you’re running a workshop for a client, perhaps the main purpose is to teach them about Design Thinking and how it can be applied to their business. In this case, you can still solve a real-world problem based on their product and industry.

Whatever the context, be clear on what the workshop should achieve. Let’s imagine you’re working for LoveFoundry, an online dating service. The goal of the workshop might be to come up with ways to improve the user experience for LoveFoundry customers.

For the purpose of your workshop, you’ll frame the challenge as a “how might we” question: How might we improve the user experience for LoveFoundry customers?

At the moment, this is a rather broad question. However, you’ve established the purpose of your Design Thinking workshop: to generate ideas for how to improve an existing digital product. Later on, you’ll narrow the design challenge down as part of the workshop itself.

2. Prepare the workshop location

Next, you need to create the optimal space for your workshop.

Design Thinking workshops should be dynamic and interactive, so it’s important that participants have plenty of room—especially when it comes to the prototyping stage. Ideally, you’ll have a separate table for all the materials and equipment (more on that in step three!).

Aside from comfortable seating and good lighting, you can create a relaxed environment by playing some background music. Another simple yet powerful touch is to position some thought-provoking artifacts around the room. If you’re running a workshop for a client, you might print display advertising campaigns from three of their biggest competitors, for example.

The purpose of a Design Thinking workshop is to get people thinking outside the box, so be sure to set up a space that invites creativity.

3. Plan your agenda

Now for the most crucial part: planning your workshop agenda. When tackling this somewhat tricky task, there are two golden rules to bear in mind:

  • Don’t overfill your agenda.
  • Keep it activity-based.

It might be tempting to cram in as much as possible, but the workshop will just end up feeling rushed—which is not conducive to creativity! Think about the time you have available and divide it up logically. Ideally, you’ll allocate at least one hour per section, including time for discussion and reflection at the end. You’ll also need to incorporate an introduction, an ice-breaker activity to get the group warmed up, and sufficient breaks throughout.

Another common error is to focus too heavily on presentations. A Design Thinking workshop should be largely activity-based; your participants need to be hands-on and engaged. The key is to deliver interesting, relevant content, followed by a practical exercise and then group discussion.

We’ll look at what to include in your workshop agenda in phase two of this guide a little further down.

4. Gather all necessary materials

With your agenda in place, you should now have a good idea of what you’ll need for the workshop.

Part of the workshop will be dedicated to building low-fidelity prototypes, for which you’ll need a good selection of materials. Opt for simple, everyday materials that everyone is familiar with—such as white copy paper, colored construction paper, sticky tape, marker pens, and Post-it notes.

It’s also a good idea to have a camera on-hand so you can document the workshop. This is extremely helpful when it comes to reviewing your workshop, and, if you’re running your workshop with clients, photos also make for a great souvenir.

With general preparation out of the way, let’s move on to phase two of our guide. In this section, we’ll explore your Design Thinking workshop agenda in more detail.

Phase 2: Executing your Design Thinking workshop

In phase one, we went through some general pointers to consider when devising the workshop agenda. Now we’re going to consider the agenda in more detail, going through all the elements that make up a successful Design Thinking workshop! We’ve also included time slots based on a 1-day workshop.

1. Introduction and briefing (15 minutes)

Start by welcoming everybody to the workshop and setting expectations. Some key points to include in your introduction are:

  • Who you are (if you’re conducting a workshop with a client).
  • The workshop objectives and the design challenge: e.g. To introduce the process of Design Thinking using a real-world design challenge: How might we improve the user experience for LoveFoundry customers?
  • The workshop schedule.

This is also a good time to mention that you’d like to document the workshop by taking photos.

2. Ice-breaker activity (20 minutes)

It’s always a good idea to kick off the workshop with an ice-breaker. This will put everybody at ease before the real work begins!

Here are some fun ice-breaker activities you might like to use:

  • One truth, two lies: Get everybody up on their feet and standing in a circle. Each person takes it in turns to tell one truth about themselves together with two lies. The rest of the group votes on which statement they think is true.
  • One-word relay: The aim of the one-word relay is to construct a story as a group. You’ll all stand in a circle and take it in turns to add a few words to what the previous person has said. You should end up with a grammatically sensical yet completely random (and hilarious) story.
  • Five-minute portraits: Give each participant a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen. The group has five minutes to doodle a portrait of another workshop participant of their choice. At the end, each person presents their portrait; can the rest of the group guess who it’s supposed to be?

For more inspiration, check out this list of 26 ice-breaker games and activities .

3. Introduction to Design Thinking (20 minutes)

If you’re conducting a Design Thinking workshop with clients or colleagues from other departments, you’ll need to get everybody up to speed on what Design Thinking actually is.

This can be a brief presentation covering the following points:

  • A definition of what Design Thinking is. We’ve covered the fundamentals of Design Thinking in this guide .
  • The five phases of Design Thinking, together with a quick explanation of each: Empathise, define, ideate, prototype, and test.
  • The benefits of Design Thinking. This might be a good time to share some interesting stats—for example: teams that are applying IBM’s Design Thinking practices have calculated an ROI of up to 300% .
  • A real-world Design Thinking case study, such as the Rotterdam Eye Hospital case .

By now, you’ve set the scene and put everybody at ease. This is a good point to break for ten minutes before diving into the first activity.

4. Building empathy for the user (1 hour)

Understanding your end user’s needs is the first step towards innovation—and that’s the first message you’ll deliver in your Design Thinking workshop.

For the empathise phase of the workshop, you’ll encourage participants to step into the user’s shoes and really think about what they need from the product. Continuing with the example of LoveFoundry, our imaginary online dating service, let’s consider how you might construct the empathise phase.

  • Presentation (10 minutes): What is empathy? Why is it so important to design for the user first? You can find lots of information about empathy in Design Thinking here .
  • Activity—conduct user research (10 minutes): Normally, the empathise phase consists of conducting research with actual users. For your Design Thinking workshop, ask your participants to pair up and take it in turns to play the user. Provide them with some starter questions, such as: How would you describe your most recent experience with online dating? How did the experience make you feel?
  • Activity—create an empathy map (10 minutes): Each participant divides their page into four quadrants: “says”, “thinks”, “does”, and “feels”. Based on what they observed in the previous activity, they’ll fill in each quadrant with hypothetical (or direct) quotes and observations.
  • Presentation of empathy maps (20 minutes): Ask each participant to briefly present their empathy map to the rest of the group.
  • Reflection and discussion (10 minutes): As a group, discuss what you’ve learned so far. This is also a good time for questions.

5. Define a problem statement (1 hour)

Next, you’ll move onto the define phase. This is where your participants will narrow down the broader design challenge (how might we improve the user experience for LoveFoundry customers?) to something more specific.

The define phase of your Design Thinking workshop might look something like this:

  • Presentation (10 minutes): What is the define stage and why is it necessary? What is a meaningful problem statement? You can learn all about how to define a problem statement in this guide .
  • Activity—craft a point of view (10 minutes): Based on their empathy maps from the empathise phase, ask participants to create a point of view statement. The point of view statement should include a specific user, a need, and an insight. For example: “A busy, middle-aged professional needs an easy way of meeting like-minded people in the local area. Safety is also an important factor.”
  • Activity—reframe the problem as a “how might we” question (10 minutes): Now, participants will turn the user’s needs into a “how might we” question. For example: “How might we provide an easy, safe, online dating experience?”
  • Presentation of problem statements (20 minutes): Ask each participant to share their problem statements and “how might we” questions, with a brief explanation as to why they decided to focus on this particular problem. You, the facilitator, will write each problem statement up on the board.
  • Reflection and discussion (10 minutes): As a group, discuss what you’ve learned so far. Has everybody identified similar user needs, or is there lots of variety?

6. Ideation part 1: Generate ideas and potential solutions (1 hour)

The third phase in the Design Thinking process consists of ideation—coming up with ideas and potential solutions to solve the user’s problem.

Start by introducing an ideation technique of your choice. For this example, we’ll use the worst possible idea technique followed by a simple brainstorm. You can learn about different ideation techniques in this comprehensive guide to ideation in Design Thinking .

You might break the ideation phase up as follows:

  • Presentation (5 minutes): What is ideation? What ideation technique will the group be using today, and how does it work? Provide a few examples to help them get started.
  • Activity—worst possible idea (10 minutes): Using the “worst possible idea” technique, ask the group to spend around ten minutes coming up with “anti-solutions” to the problem they’re trying to solve.
  • Activity—coming up with solutions (10 minutes): Having explored the opposite of what would be helpful to the user, it should now be easier to find potential solutions. Get the group to spend another ten minutes brainstorming as many ideas as possible. They can use words or sketches.
  • Activity—sharing ideas and getting feedback (10 minutes): Ask participants to pair up and share their ideas. This step is all about gathering useful feedback: Are the ideas good? Why, or why not?
  • Activity—refining your solution (10 minutes): Incorporating what they’ve learned about the user and the feedback they received on their initial ideas, it’s time for the Design Thinkers to pull everything into one single solution. For this activity, encourage participants to sketch out their solution rather than using words.
  • Reflection and discussion (5 minutes): As a group, discuss what you’ve learned from the ideation phase so far.

7. Ideation part 2: User journey mapping (1 hour)

Now you’ll introduce a key UX design tool into the mix: user journey maps.

As explained by the Nielsen Norman Group , a journey map is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal. In the second part of the ideation phase, you’ll get your participants to compile a series of user actions into a timeline. Then they’ll add desires and pain-points for each step in the user’s journey, based on the one solution they decided on previously. For this part of the workshop, participants will need plenty of Post-it notes and a large surface to work on—such as a table, wall, or whiteboard.

You can divide the journey mapping phase of your Design Thinking workshop into the following activities:

  • Presentation (10 minutes): What is a user journey map? Why do we need to create one, and what steps are involved?
  • Activity—define the activities and steps in the customer’s experience (15 minutes): Ask participants to write down all the steps they can think of that make up the user’s journey. For example: Downloads the app, creates an account, uploads a profile photo, browses through potential matches, receives a match, sends a message. For the last 5 minutes, participants should combine any steps that are too similar, narrowing it down to 8-15 steps.
  • Activity—group the steps into phases (10 minutes): Participants will now group the steps from the last activity into phases, aiming for 3-7 phases in total. Phases should be labelled from the user’s perspective. For example: Getting started, browsing the app, interacting with other users , etc.
  • Activity—adding goals and pain-points (15 minutes): Ask participants to come up with goals and pain-points that relate to each step in the user journey. Goals are what propel the user from one step to the next, while pain-points prevent the user from moving forward. For example: The step “browses through potential matches” could be propelled by the user goal of wanting to meet new people. A pain-point could be that they don’t find any suitable matches in the local area.
  • Sharing user journey maps, reflection and discussion (10 minutes): At the end of the ideation phase, put ten minutes aside for presenting and reflecting on all the user journey maps created.

8. Prototype and test ideas (1 hour)

Now for the fun part: building prototypes and testing ideas!

In this section of the workshop, participants will turn the steps from their user journey maps into digital screens for an app. They’ll then gather feedback from the rest of the group. Here’s an example of how you might run the prototyping and testing phase:

  • Presentation (5 minutes): A brief introduction to prototyping and the materials needed for the following activities.
  • Activity—create mobile screens (15 minutes): For each step in the user journey, participants will sketch out the user interface (i.e. the mobile screen) that would be needed for this step. Encourage participants to use one piece of paper per screen; this way, they won’t need to start over completely if one goes slightly wrong.
  • Activity—add functionality to mobile screens (15 minutes): Now participants will turn their sketches into low-fidelity paper prototypes by adding functionality. Using Post-it notes, they’ll describe the functionality of each button; for example “adds item to basket”.
  • Activity—user testing (15 minutes): Ask participants to spend some time with each member of the group, walking them through their designs and gathering feedback . Recommend using a feedback grid with the following quadrants: what worked, what could be improved, questions, and ideas.
  • Activity—decide on a winning approach (10 minutes): Once the user testing round is complete, stick all design solutions up on the wall. As a group, you’ll now decide on a winning approach. Ask each participant to place a sticker on the idea they think is best.

9. Debrief and outline next steps (15 minutes)

Round off your Design Thinking workshop with a quick debrief. Participants should come away with an understanding of how Design Thinking can be used in the real world, so explain what would usually happen next—turning paper prototypes into wireframes and, eventually, clickable prototypes to be tested on real users, for example.

Dedicate the last ten minutes or so to reflection and discussion. Ask your Design Thinkers how they enjoyed the workshop and what they’ve learned. Was there anything that surprised them? What will they take away with them?

4. Running a Design Thinking workshop: What next?

Congratulations: you’ve just conducted an engaging, informative, and extremely valuable Design Thinking workshop! So what next?

If you are new to the world of workshop facilitation, you can apply some Design Thinking principles to the process itself. Take a user-centered approach and ask your participants for feedback. A great way of gathering feedback is to send a “thank you for taking part!” email together with a survey link. You can also include any good photos you took of the workshop.

Like any design project, be sure to continuously iterate and improve upon your Design Thinking workshop. If you’d like some examples of design thinking in the real world, check this out: 5 Game-Changing Examples of Design Thinking .

For a video overview of how to run a design thinking workshop remotely , be sure to check out this guide:

And for further reading, check out the following resources:

  • How to Run a Remote Design Thinking Workshop (with Brittni Bowering)
  • A Guide To User Testing In Design Thinking
  • What Is Human-Centered Design? A Beginner’s Guide
  • A Comprehensive Guide To Lean UX

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22 Creative Design Thinking Exercises to Bring Your Team Closer Together

design thinking exercises min

Design thinking exercises are crucial in fostering creative problem-solving, collaboration, and innovation. These exercises engage participants in a structured and iterative problem-solving approach, enabling them to explore, understand, and address complex challenges effectively.

Key takeaways:

  • Design thinking exercises are structured activities or methods used to encourage and facilitate collaboration.
  • These exercises foster creativity providing structured but open-ended frameworks for problem-solving.
  • The list of design thinking exercises is huge; in this article, we elaborate on 22 of them.

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What is the Purpose of Design Thinking Exercises?

The primary purpose of design thinking exercises is to cultivate empathy and a deep understanding of users’ needs and perspectives. By encouraging participants to step into users’ shoes through empathy mapping and user interviews, design thinking helps uncover valuable insights that inform the design process.

These design thinking workshops create a user-centered environment that encourages collaboration and creativity. These activities empower design teams to challenge assumptions, explore diverse perspectives, and approach problems from multiple angles.

Design Thinking Exercises for Empathy and User Research

These design thinking activities enable teams to gain empathy and a user-centric perspective during the research phase, informing the design process and ensuring solutions align with user needs.

  • Empathy mapping : Create visual representations of user perspectives by capturing their thoughts, feelings, actions, and aspirations. This exercise helps teams develop a deeper understanding of users’ experiences.
  • Persona development : Create fictional user personas representing different user segments based on research and insights. Personas humanize user data, making it easier for teams to empathize and design for specific user groups.
  • Customer journey mapping : Visualize users’ end-to-end experience as they interact with a product or service. This exercise helps identify pain points, opportunities, and moments of delight throughout the user journey.

Ideation and Brainstorming Exercises

team collaboration talk communication 1

Ideation and brainstorming exercises are essential to the design thinking process , aiming to generate a range of ideas and possible solutions. Designers use these exercises to foster creativity, drive collaboration , and explore new possibilities.

SCAMPER is an acronym that stands for S ubstitute, C ombine, A dapt, M odify, P ut to another use, E liminate, and R everse. This technique prompts designers to creatively explore different dimensions of a concept or problem, encouraging alternative perspectives and generating fresh ideas.

Brainstorming sessions

Brainstorming is a group activity that encourages free thinking and the rapid generation of ideas. Participants share their thoughts, build on each other’s suggestions, and explore various possibilities without judgment or criticism.

Crazy 8s is a fast-paced exercise that challenges participants to sketch eight ideas in eight minutes. This time-constrained activity encourages rapid ideation and pushes participants to think outside the box, resulting in diverse concepts.

Mind mapping and concept mapping

Mind mapping and concept mapping are visual techniques that help organize thoughts and ideas. By creating diagrams or visual frameworks, designers can explore connections, relationships, and associations between different concepts, stimulating further ideation.

Design studio workshops

Design studio workshops unite cross-functional team members to generate ideas and potential solutions collaboratively. Participants share their perspectives, expertise, and insights through structured exercises and facilitated discussions, resulting in more comprehensive and well-rounded concepts.

Worst possible idea

This exercise challenges participants to devise the worst possible ideas or solutions deliberately. By exploring extreme and unconventional concepts, designers can break free from conventional thinking and uncover unexpected insights or alternative paths.

The 5 Ws and H ( W ho, W hat, W hen, W here, W hy, and H ow) is a questioning technique that prompts participants to analyze and explore different aspects of a design challenge. By systematically considering these elements, designers can uncover new perspectives, identify potential gaps, and generate innovative solutions.

Prototyping and Testing Exercises

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These prototyping and testing exercises offer valuable opportunities for designers to gather feedback, iterate on ideas, and validate design concepts.

Paper prototyping

Paper prototyping is a low-fidelity technique where designers create rough sketches or wireframe mockups on paper. This exercise lets designers quickly iterate and gather feedback on a design concept’s overall layout, content, and flow.

Designers can use paper prototypes to simulate user interactions and test usability, compiling valuable insights before investing time and resources into digital prototypes.

Role-playing and simulation

Role-playing and simulation exercises involve participants acting out specific scenarios or user personas to understand user needs and behaviors better. By immersing themselves in the end user’s perspective, designers can empathize with their experiences, identify pain points, and uncover opportunities for improvement.

Wizard of Oz testing

Wizard of Oz testing is a technique where designers simulate the functionality of an interactive system while manually controlling it behind the scenes. This methodology allows designers to test user interactions and gather feedback without investing time and resources in developing a fully functional prototype.

By creating the illusion of an automated system, designers can observe user behavior, validate assumptions, and refine the design based on real-time feedback.

Collaborative Exercises for Teamwork and Co-creation

mobile screens pencils prototyping

Collaborative prototyping

Collaborative prototyping involves creating prototypes to test and validate design concepts within a day. Team members work in parallel on a single digital whiteboard and then collaborate using a design tool to build a prototype. By the end of the day, the team has a basic prototype to start the iterative process of prototyping and testing .

Co-design sessions

Co-design sessions bring together multidisciplinary team members and stakeholders to actively participate in the design process. These collaborative exercises foster teamwork and co-creation by leveraging the diverse perspectives and expertise of the participants. 

By involving various stakeholders in the design process, co-design sessions facilitate shared understanding, generate innovative ideas, and ensure that the final design reflects the collective input and insights of the team.

Collaborative sketching

Collaborative sketching involves team members collectively sketching ideas and concepts on a shared surface or whiteboard. This exercise encourages open collaboration and rapid idea generation.

By visually expressing their thoughts, team members can communicate ideas more effectively, stimulate creativity, and spark discussions. Collaborative sketching promotes a sense of ownership while fostering teamwork.

Storyboarding and visual storytelling

Storyboarding and visual storytelling exercises help teams convey design ideas and concepts in a narrative format. This technique involves creating illustrations or images that depict user interactions, scenarios, or journeys.

Storyboarding allows teams to visualize the user experience and identify gaps or opportunities in the design. Teams can communicate complex ideas, align design directions, and create engaging user experiences.

Design charrettes

Design charrettes are intensive collaborative workshops where team members solve design challenges within a set timeframe. These super-efficient sessions encourage active participation, foster creativity, and promote collective problem-solving.

Design charrettes often involve brainstorming, rapid prototyping, and iterative design exercises. By engaging in focused and time-constrained collaborative activities, teams can generate ideas, explore design alternatives, and make significant progress in a short period.

Design Thinking Exercises for Reflection and Learning

lo fi pencil

Rose, Thorn, Bud

The Rose, Thorn, Bud exercise is a reflection activity that encourages participants to share positive aspects (roses), areas for improvement (thorns), and potential opportunities (buds) in a given project or experience.

Rose, Bud, Thorn helps teams identify strengths, address challenges, and explore new possibilities with a structured framework for reflection. The exercise enables team members to learn from past experiences and apply those insights to future iterations or projects.

Post-it voting

Post-it voting is a simple and effective technique to gather insights and prioritize ideas within a group. Participants write their ideas or suggestions on individual sticky notes and then vote on the most valuable or relevant ones. 

This exercise promotes active participation and empowers team members to have a voice in decision-making. Post-it voting helps teams identify popular ideas, build consensus, and focus efforts on the most impactful concepts.

The Four Ls exercise ( L iked, L earned, L acked, and L onged for) provides a structured framework for reflection and feedback gathering. Participants share what they liked, learned, lacked, and longed for in a project or experience. 

The Four Ls encourages constructive feedback, helps identify areas of improvement, and uncovers growth opportunities. The exercise promotes open dialogue and creates a safe space for team members to reflect on their collective experiences and identify ways to enhance future outcomes .

Retrospective exercises

Retrospective exercises are reflective activities conducted at the end of a project or iteration to evaluate the team’s performance and identify areas for improvement. 

These exercises include team discussions, storytelling, timeline mapping, or even gamified approaches like “sailboat retrospective” or “stop, start, continue.” 

Retrospectives foster a culture of continuous improvement by providing a dedicated space for teams to reflect on their successes, challenges, and lessons learned. These exercises enable teams to optimize processes, enhance collaboration, and evolve their practices.

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hands on activities for innovative problem solving

Unlocking the Power of Hands-On Learning: Benefits, Activities, and Examples

  • Michiel Bloemendaal
  • March 5, 2023

Hands on learning

Table of contents

Welcome, dear reader! Here, we’re about to explore a fascinating topic that could significantly reshape our understanding of education and skill development. This is a subject that may seem complex at first glance, but it’s immensely rewarding once we delve into it – the concept of hands-on learning.

Definition of hands-on learning

Hands-on learning, sometimes known as experiential learning, is a dynamic and active approach to education. It’s not about merely absorbing information passively but about actively engaging with tasks or activities. The goal? To amass practical experience and nurture new skills. It’s a journey of exploration, experimentation, and discovery.

Sounds intriguing, right? Let’s explore this further.

1. What is Hands-On Learning?

Detailed definition of hands-on learning and its importance.

The essence of hands-on learning lies in its core principle of ‘learning by doing’. It’s like plunging into the sea to learn swimming, rather than just reading about it. You’re not a passive recipient of knowledge; instead, you’re an active participant, engaging with the task at hand, gaining practical experience, and developing new skills.

The hands-on approach has been gaining traction recently, and for good reason. It facilitates deeper learning and promotes skill acquisition. By actively participating, learners are more likely to remember and apply the knowledge and skills they’ve gained.

Such learning can take various forms, from simple experiments and simulations to complex, challenging projects. Some examples include hackathon s , brainstorming sessions,  design thinking workshops and Lego Serious Play sessions. Such activities aid in developing problem-solving abilities, boosting creativity , and honing collaboration and communication skills.

Why Hands-On Learning Matters

Hands-on learning isn’t just a fancy education al term; it brings about tangible benefits that can significantly impact a learner’s journey. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Active Engagement : Hands-on learning, being a form of active learning, is more effective than passive learning. It leads to better retention and understanding as learners actively engage with the material.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving : By working on real-world problems and projects, learners can develop innovative thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Practical Skills Development : Engaging in hands-on activities helps develop skills such as decision-making and collaboration , highly valued in today’s professional environment.
  • Boosts Confidence : As learners succeed in practical tasks, they gain confidence in their abilities, making them more likely to embrace new challenges.
  • Benefits for ADHD Learners : For learners with ADHD, hands-on activities can improve focus, attention span, and provide a more engaging learning experience.
  • Positive Learning Experience : Making learning more interactive and engaging, learners are more likely to enjoy and be motivated in their studies.

Hands-On Learning vs. Other Learning Styles 

Often, hands-on learning is contrasted with other learning styles, like passive or abstract learning. In passive learning, learners receive information via lectures or readings, without much active engagement. Abstract learning focuses on conceptual understanding, sometimes using models or simulations instead of real-world objects.

While both these methods hold value in certain contexts, they may not match the effectiveness of hands-on learning when it comes to promoting deep learning, skill development, and problem-solving abilities.

In hands-on learning, learners are encouraged to experiment, explore, and yes, even make mistakes! They can work individually or collaboratively, using a range of tools and resources to achieve their goals. Be it building a physical prototype, conducting a scientific experiment, or role-playing to simulate real-world scenarios, the essence remains the same – learning by doing.

2. Examples of Hands-On Learning Activities

List of different activities that can be considered as hands-on learning.

Imagine, if you will, a vibrant landscape of learning. Activities abound, each one more engaging than the last. They cater to various interests and learning styles, making the learning journey as diverse as our learners. These are what we call hands-on learning activities, and they include:

  • Conducting experiments
  • Building models or prototypes
  • Creating artwork
  • Participating in simulations or role-playing
  • Embarking on field trips or nature walks
  • Tackling challenges
  • Practicing a skill or technique
  • Playing problem-solving or critical thinking games

When learners engage in these activities, they apply their knowledge and skills in a practical and meaningful way. This doesn’t only make the learning experience enjoyable but also leads to a deeper understanding and better retention of the material.

Innovation Tips

Every activity mentioned above promotes hands-on learning in its distinct way. For instance, practicing a skill or technique like brainstorming techniques, empathy maps and persona canvas es help students visualize and organize their ideas, making it easier to understand and work through complex problems. Playing games that involve problem-solving or critical thinking like LEGO Serious Play , hackathon s and sprints allows participants to physically build their ideas and concepts, promoting creativity and collaboration . Activities like science experiments, building projects, and role-playing games provide a fun and engaging way for learners to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations. These experiences solidify concepts and build practical skills useful in future learning and professional settings.

Explanation of how each activity promotes hands-on learning

3. why is hands-on learning more effective.

Hands-on learning trumps traditional teaching methods for several reasons:

  • Active Learning: It requires learners to actively participate in the learning process, making them more likely to retain what they learn.
  • Engagement: It allows learners to connect with the material in a tangible and personal way, promoting better understanding and application of concepts.
  • Real-world Application: The activities often mimic real-world situations, helping learners develop skills transferable to the workplace or other contexts.
  • Motivation: It’s more fun and interactive, increasing learner engagement and motivation.
  • Individualized Learning: It can be tailored to the individual learner’s needs, interests, and learning styles, allowing learners to take ownership of their learning and progress at their own pace.

When compared with traditional lecture-style teaching or rote learning, hands-on learning offers a more immersive and interactive experience. It engages multiple senses, allowing students to actively participate in the learning process. This approach has proven to be effective in helping students retain information and develop practical skills that can be applied in real-world situations.

Comparison with other learning methods

Hands-on learning is often compared with traditional lecture-style teaching or rote learning, which involves memorizing information without necessarily understanding it. While these methods can be effective in certain situations, they often fail to engage students and help them develop practical skills. Hands-on learning, on the other hand, provides a more immersive and interactive experience that allows students to actively participate in the learning process. This approach has been shown to be particularly effective in helping students retain information and develop practical skills that can be applied in real-world situations. By engaging multiple senses and allowing students to apply what they have learned in practical ways, hands-on learning helps to create a more meaningful and impactful learning experience.

Scientific evidence for the effectiveness of hands-on learning through Charles Jennings’ 70:20:10 model

The 70:20:10 model, developed by Charles Jennings, gives scientific weight to the effectiveness of hands-on learning. It proposes that 70% of learning comes from hands-on experiences, 20% from social interactions, and just 10% from formal training . This model is backed by scientific evidence showing that hands-on learning promotes better knowledge retention and transfer than traditional lecture-based methods. Furthermore, the social interaction during hands-on learning activities encourages knowledge sharing, collaboration , and the development of problem-solving skills.

So there you have it, an exploration of the world of hands-on learning, a method that not only makes learning more enjoyable but also more effective. Remember, the goal isn’t just to consume information but to actively engage with it, understand it, and apply it. That’s the power of hands-on learning.

4. Hands-On Learning and Active Learning

Explanation of the differences between hands-on and active learning.

What are hands-on and active learning, you ask? Great question! Hands-on learning is a style of education that focuses more on practical, experiential learning instead of just passive information intake. It’s a way of learning that prioritizes engaging directly with the material, encouraging problem-solving , and stimulating critical thinking. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

Now, active learning is a larger umbrella that covers all kinds of learning where students are actively involved. This definitely includes hands-on learning. But remember, every hands-on learning experience is active learning, but not all active learning experiences are hands-on.

Examples of Hands-On Learning Activities

So, are you wondering what hands-on learning looks like in action? We’ve got you covered! Here are some clear examples:

  • Simulations: Think of creating a mini-world where students can experience real-world scenarios. For instance, a mock business environment where students take on various roles to solve problems creatively.
  • Experiments: Practical testing of theories and hypotheses. A social innovation experiment could involve trying out different group facilitation techniques and observing the outcomes.
  • Field Trips: Learning outside the classroom by visiting places like experience centers, clients, or people from different industries.
  • Role-playing: Acting out scenarios. A role-play activity where learners act as both customers and salespeople can boost empathy and negotiation skills.
  • Project-based Learning: Projects requiring critical thinking and problem-solving skills, such as designing a new product or creating a marketing campaign.

Is Hands-On Learning Active Learning?

When we incorporate hands-on learning activities into education, we’re doing more than just teaching concepts. We’re helping learners understand these concepts deeply, remember them better, think critically, and stay motivated to learn. This can be especially helpful for those who find traditional, lecture-based teaching hard to connect with.

In wrapping up our exploration of hands-on learning, remember that it’s a subset of active learning. By infusing education with hands-on experiences, learners can actively engage in the learning process, developing skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration.

5. Hands-On Skills and their Importance

List of skills that can be developed through hands-on learning.

Now, let’s talk about the skills that can be honed through hands-on learning:

  • Problem-solving skills: Overcoming challenges in hands-on activities can enhance critical thinking and problem-solving.
  • Collaboration skills: Teamwork during hands-on activities can foster communication and collaboration.
  • Creativity : These activities can stimulate out-of-the-box thinking and creative problem-solving.
  • Attention to detail: Hands-on tasks often require high focus and precision, refining one’s attention to detail.
  • Adaptability: Unexpected situations in hands-on activities can enhance flexibility and adaptability.
  • Technical skills: Using tools and technology in activities can develop valuable technical skills.
  • Leadership skills: Leading hands-on activities can help learners develop decision-making and project management skills.

Explanation of how these skills are valuable in real-life situations

These skills are not just academic; they hold immense value in everyday life. Whether it’s problem-solving in personal finances or career development, collaboration in team settings, or creativity in fields like marketing and product development, hands-on learning equips learners with skills for life. In fields like healthcare and finance, attention to detail is crucial. In our ever-evolving world, adaptability is key, and technical skills can open doors to success in fields like engineering and computer science. Not to forget, leadership skills are vital for personal growth and career progression.

6. Examples of Hands-On Learners

Famous individuals who are known for their hands-on approach to learning.

Let’s dive into the world of hands-on learning, through the eyes of some incredibly successful individuals:

  • Thomas Edison : Edison, a name synonymous with invention, held over 1,000 patents. His mantra? Learning through trial and error. He once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” This hands-on philosophy empowered him to create revolutionary inventions such as the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the practical electric light bulb.
  • Steve Jobs : Jobs, the co-founder of Apple and a pioneer in the tech industry, had a deep, hands-on involvement in product creation. From hardware design to software development, his hands-on learning approach revolutionized how we interact with technology today.
  • Leonardo da Vinci : Known for his unparalleled talent as a Renaissance artist and inventor, da Vinci’s hands-on approach was driven by curiosity and experimentation. His desire to understand how things worked led him to create some of history’s most iconic artworks, including the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
  • Marie Curie : This physicist and chemist made groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of radioactivity. Curie’s dedication to hands-on learning led her to conduct countless experiments, even at the risk of her own health, resulting in some of the 20th century’s most significant scientific discoveries.
  • Elon Musk : Musk, an entrepreneur known for his role in companies like Tesla and SpaceX, is deeply engaged in every aspect of his businesses. His hands-on approach and relentless work ethic have helped bring about innovative technologies that continue to shape our world.

These extraordinary individuals have achieved incredible feats, all thanks to their hands-on approach to learning. By engaging directly with their subjects, experimenting, and learning from mistakes, they’ve been able to forge new paths, make remarkable discoveries, and reshape entire industries.

7. Conclusion

Recap of the benefits of hands-on learning.

Hands-on learning isn’t just for inventors or entrepreneurs, though. It’s a powerful method that can facilitate personal growth, spark creativity, and enhance critical thinking skills. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Practical experience : Hands-on learning allows you to ‘learn by doing,’ gaining real-world experience.
  • Risk-taking and resilience : This approach encourages experimentation and risk-taking, fostering a growth mindset and resilience.
  • Collaboration : Hands-on activities often involve teamwork, promoting collaboration and interpersonal skills.

Some of the key benefits of hands-on learning include the ability to learn by doing, the opportunity to experiment and take risks, and the chance to collaborate with others. Hands-on learning can also help individuals develop a growth mindset and a sense of resilience, as they learn to overcome challenges and adapt to new situations.

To reap the benefits of hands-on learning, it’s important to be intentional and deliberate about incorporating these activities into your life or work. Consider attending workshops , hackathon s, or other events that focus on hands-on learning, and look for opportunities to apply what you learn in your everyday life or work. Seek out mentors or coaches who can guide you as you develop your skills and provide feedback on your progress.

Get started yourself

So, how can you incorporate hands-on learning into your life? Seek out workshops or events centered on active participation. consider   hackathon s,  sprints to solve complex problems or try Design Thinking . Apply what you learn in your daily routines or at work. Find mentors who can guide you and provide constructive feedback.

As we wrap up, remember that each of these famous figures started somewhere. Their success is a testament to the power of hands-on learning. Their journey is a reminder that with curiosity, perseverance, and a hands-on mindset, you too can achieve great things. So, why not give hands-on learning a try? You never know where it might lead you.

We help you accelerate learning, boosting collaborative innovation instantly

At STUDIO.WHY, we are excited to share our vision of creating an environment where hands-on learning is not just a part of, but rather at the core of every educational experience. The goal? To empower both individuals and organizations to tackle complex problems and spark positive change in our world.

Here’s a glimpse into what we aim to offer:

  • Develop the mindset, skillset, and toolset necessary for innovative problem-solving.
  • Create real-world learning scenarios for better understanding and retention.
  • Foster a culture of innovation rooted in hands-on learning.
  • Empower individuals and organizations to make a difference.

We understand that everyone’s learning journey is unique. Therefore, we invite you to reach out to us so we can help design a personal plan that fits your needs and aspirations. Remember, we’re not just sharing information here – we’re building a community, a culture, and a pathway to innovation.

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15 Problem solving activities for students

15 Problem Solving Activities For Students

In this guide

  • 1. The detective game
  • 2. Help ‘em out
  • 3. What if…
  • 4. Move IT!
  • 5. The build
  • 6. Just survive
  • 7. Good old scavenger hunt maybe with a twist
  • 9. Tower of terror
  • 10. Community problem solving
  • 11. Community problem solving documentary
  • 12. Digital storytelling
  • 13. Minefield/Lead the blind
  • 14. Design sprints
  • 15. Debates

Problem solving entails identifying, analyzing, and addressing challenges or obstacles using critical thinking, creativity, analytical skills, and reasoning. The World Economic Forum consistently ranks critical thinking and problem solving as top skills for the future in their list of essential abilities. 

Why is problem solving an important skill for students?

In a 2020 report, the World Economic Forum emphasized the growing significance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the upcoming years ( Whiting, 2020 ). These skills are vital not only for academic success but also for navigating challenges beyond the classroom. Let’s explore four key benefits of problem-solving skills for students.

  • Student centered learning: Problem solving encourages student engagement by encouraging hands-on exploration and discovery. Students fully engage with a topic, they are not expected to simply absorb and memorize information. It recognizes and honors students’ individual learning pace, as well as their unique strengths, interests, and motivations. 
  • Enhanced critical thinking: By tackling problems from diverse perspectives and evaluating information from various sources and viewing the problem from various angles, students are able to develop improved critical thinking skills.  Problem solving also cultivates systems thinking, enabling students to grasp the interconnectedness of systems, complex issues, and devise holistic solutions. 
  • Confidence building: Through regular practice, students gain confidence in their problem solving skills, equipping them to address challenges across a wide variety of subject areas and real-life scenarios. “The goal in teaching problem-solving is for it to become second nature, and for students to routinely express their curiosity, explore innovative solutions, and analyze the world around them to draw their own conclusions.” (Marshall, 2022)
  • Teamwork and communication: Engaging in problem solving activities nurtures essential teamwork skills such as communication and collaboration. Students learn to actively listen, respect diverse perspectives, and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner. Moreover, they develop goal setting abilities, organization, and build a sense of personal accountability within a team environment. 

Problem solving activities for elementary

Problem solving activities can range from simple to complex and short to long.

1) The detective game

  • Gather 5-10 clues about a person, place, historical event, pop culture phenomenon, animal, etc. these can be physical clues or images of clues. 
  • Place the clues to a bag and have students draw one clue at a time. 
  • Encourage students to work in small groups to solve the mystery. 
  • Require a minimum number of clues to be drawn (2-3) before attempting their first guess. 

Problem Solving Activities Students Detective Game

2) Help ‘em out

  • Engage students in brainstorming sessions while reading about historical events or fictional characters.
  • Encourage small group discussion and decision making. 
  • Students can work at desks or on whiteboards. 
  • Challenge the students to identify the problems faced and devise creative solutions to alter the outcomes. 

3) What if…

  • Create a list of moral dilemmas for students to ponder, ChatGPT would be perfect for this.
  • Cut them up and put them in a bag for students to pull out of or use an online randomizing tool like WheelPicker to make the selection. 
  • Students then have to share how they would handle the situation using ethical reasoning and decision making skills.

Here are the prompts I used on ChatGPT:

I am looking for a list of 15 moral dilemmas for elementary students to try and solve.

And a follow-up prompt:

Could you give 10 more that are based around honesty, fairness, respect, and peer pressure?

And here are 10 dilemmas ChatGPT came up with in seconds: 

  • Truth dilemma: Your friend breaks something and asks you not to tell anyone. Should you keep their secret or tell an adult what happened?
  • Fairness dilemma: You’re playing a game and your friend keeps losing. Do you let them win to make them feel better or play your best?
  • Respecting property dilemma: You find money on the ground. Do you keep it, try to find the owner, or turn it into a teacher?
  • Honesty dilemma: You accidentally take something that belongs to someone else. Do you return it, keep it, or ignore what happened?
  • Respect dilemma: Your friend likes a certain game, but you don’t. They invite you to play. Do you decline and risk hurting their feelings, or play to make them happy?
  • Cheating dilemma: You notice someone cheating during a class assignment. Should you tell the teacher or keep quiet?
  • Environment dilemma: You see someone littering in the park. Do you pick up the trash, ignore it, or say something to the person?
  • Privacy dilemma: You find a diary belonging to your sibling or friend. Should you read it or respect their privacy?
  • Homework dilemma: You finish your homework but notice that your friend forgot to complete theirs. They ask to copy your work. What do you do?
  • Peer pressure dilemma: Your friends want to gossip about another classmate. Do you join in, stay silent, or change the subject?

4) Move IT!

In this activity students are required to move an object across the classroom while navigating various constraints. 

  • Introduce limitations such as restrictions on carrying the object, it can’t touch the floor, limited steps, use of specific body parts, or communication limitations with team members. 
  • Encourage collaborative problem solving and creative thinking to overcome the obstacles.

5) The build

Provide students with materials like straws, marshmallows, paper cups, etc. and challenge them to build. Challenges can be the tallest freestanding tower, a bridge that can hold a certain weight, or other structures following specific rules. Students must learn to think creatively, collaborate, and iterate. 

hands on activities for innovative problem solving

Problem solving activities for middle school

Middle school problem solving can also utilize those activities mentioned for elementary school with some slight tweaks. But, here are some more middle school style activities.

6) Just survive

Use survival scenarios to encourage small groups to employ critical thinking, collaboration, and creative problem solving skills. These scenarios immerse students in real-world situations and foster resilience and adaptability. 

Many scenarios can be found online. Here are a few:

  • Survival Island (complete with Google Slides)
  • Plane Crash (survival game with a Hatchet by Gary Paulsen feel)
  • Moon Landing (space survival game)

7) Good old scavenger hunt maybe with a twist

Scavenger hunts require problem solving skills to solve clues, think critically, and collaborate to complete the hunt. A fun and innovative way to do this was created by a friend named Kathi Kersznowski, co-author of Sail the 7Cs with Microsoft Education, called FlipHunt: 

A Fliphunt is a video-based scavenger hunt that is completely organized and run in the AMAZING Flip (formerly Flipgrid) environment. It is a wonderfully fun way to get students up and moving while exploring new learning or documenting understanding using the most beloved edtech site for amplifying student voice and student engagement in ways never known before! https://kerszi.com

Escape rooms are an amazing way to promote problem solving and critical thinking with middle school students. Students are presented with a scenario or challenge within a controlled environment, such as a themed classroom or designated area, where they must work together to decipher puzzles, uncover clues, and solve challenges within a set time limit. Escape rooms provide immersive and engaging problem-solving experiences.

There are a number of places teachers can go to find escape rooms, some paid, some free or freemium, and some physical with locked boxes or digital using Google Sites or Google Forms.

  • BreakoutEDU – Standards aligned Escape Room games.
  • Digital Escape Rooms from Ditch That Textbook
  • How to make your own digital escape room with Google Forms

9) Tower of terror

This is a “Red Solo Cup” cup stacking game. 

  • Students are given 3 cups and 2 large index cards. 
  • Cups are stacked with a card in between each cup. 
  • Student teams have 3-10 minutes (be fluid with your time depending on the class) to pull the cards and get the cups to nest on top of each other, earning a point for each successful attempt. Check out this X (Twitter post) by Jonathan Alsheimer , Tower Of Terror . This quick, simple game encourages teamwork, communication, critical thinking, and collaboration in a fun fast paced way.

10) Community problem solving

Empower students to address real-world problems from the local community or your school community. Maybe it’s a dangerous intersection, food waste with school lunches, or single-use plastics in the cafeteria. Students can research, analyze data, and propose solutions, fostering civic engagement and social responsibility. This is an activity that can also be used for high school students. 

Problem solving activities for high school

High school problem-solving activities build on foundational skills while providing opportunities for deeper exploration and application. Here are some elevated ideas tailored to high school students:

11) Community problem solving documentary

Challenge students to create short documentaries using their phones as cameras about solving problems they see in the community, in school, or in the world. Students can edit directly on their phones, on sites like Canva , WeVideo , or Capcut . 

12) Digital storytelling

Encourage students to harness the power of Digital storytelling to promote problem solving. Whether through videos, graphics, podcasts, or interactive presentations, data visualization, or digital books ( BookCreator ), students can craft compelling narratives that inspire action and promote a problem-solving mindset.

Check out Michael Hernandez’s book Storytelling with Purpose Digital Projects to Ignite Student Curiosity and you can listen to Michael on the TeacherNerdz Podcast .

13) Minefield/Lead the blind

This is an outstanding activity created by Dr. Krista Welz & Melissa Welz which involves communication, collaboration, and planning. The “Minefield” activity is  where one student navigates through a “Minefield” guided only by verbal commands from their peers. This hands-on exercise promotes teamwork, planning, and effective communication skills. Here is a detailed Google Slides explanation by the creators.

14) Design sprints

Introduce students to the concept of design sprints, a structured process for solving complex problems through rapid prototyping and user feedback.  Small teams collaborate intensely over a short period, usually five days (can be shorter a class period or a few days), to ideate, prototype, and validate solutions. Here is a famous design sprint from IDEO shown on ABC’s Nightline, the shopping cart design sprint:

Here are a few ideas:

  • Redesigning the school cafeteria menu: Students work collaboratively to identify issues with the current cafeteria menu, brainstorm innovative solutions, create prototypes of redesigned menus, and gather feedback through testing sessions to ultimately present improved menu designs to school administrators.
  • Redesigning classroom layouts for enhanced learning: This sprint focuses on reimagining classroom setups to optimize student learning experiences. Students research, ideate, prototype, test, and present innovative classroom layouts designed to foster a more engaging and effective learning environment.
  • Creating solutions for reducing school waste: Students address sustainability concerns by identifying sources of waste within the school, brainstorming eco-friendly solutions, prototyping waste reduction strategies, testing their effectiveness, and pitching refined solutions aimed at minimizing waste and promoting environmental stewardship.
  • 11 Activities from IDEO’s d.school for educators: Link

15) Debates

Facilitate lively debates on contemporary issues to stimulate critical thinking and persuasive communication skills.  Topics could include:

  • Establishing a universal basic income to address poverty.
  • Social media regulation to address misinformation and hate speech on platforms. 
  • Banning TikTok or any social media platform
  • Animal testing for cosmetics and scientific purposes.
  • Space exploration funding: Should governments invest more resources in space exploration and colonization efforts, or should these funds be allocated to other pressing issues on Earth? 

As we navigate an era of unprecedented change and uncertainty, the need for problem-solving skills has never been more pressing. Gone are the days of lifelong careers; instead, today’s students face a landscape where adaptability and innovation are key. By integrating problem-solving activities tailored to elementary, middle school, and high school students, educators play a pivotal role in equipping the next generation with the tools they need to thrive.

As educators, parents, and stakeholders, we must acknowledge the role of problem-solving skills in shaping resilient, creative, and adaptable individuals. Educators should prioritize the cultivation of these essential skills in our schools and communities, empowering students to confront challenges with confidence, innovation, and creativity. When we do,  we not only prepare them for the future but also foster a generation capable of shaping a brighter tomorrow.

*Many, if not all, of the activities above can be adapted up or down the grade levels. *

  • Daneshgari, F. (2023, March 29). High School Problem-Solving: 6 Activities That Work . Safes Parental Control App. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from https://www.safes.so/blogs/problem-solving-activities-for-high-school-students/
  • Educator Guides: Activities from d.school Books — Stanford d.school . (n.d.). Stanford d.school. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from https://dschool.stanford.edu/resources/educators-guides-books
  • Engaging Problem Solving Activities for Middle School Students . (n.d.). Everyday Speech. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from https://everydayspeech.com/sel-implementation/engaging-problem-solving-activities-for-middle-school-students/
  • 5 Problem-Solving Activities for the Classroom . (2013, February 14). Resilient Educator. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from https://resilienteducator.com/classroom-resources/5-problem-solving-activities-for-the-classroom/
  • Foshay, W. R., & Kirkley, J. (1998). Principles for Teaching Problem Solving . PLATO Learning Inc. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262798359_Principles_for_Teaching_Problem_Solving
  • Khanna, B. (2023, September 29). World Economic Forum Warns of Skills Gap in the Future of Work . LinkedIn. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/world-economic-forum-warns-skills-gap-future-work-bhupendra-khanna
  • Marshall, M. (2022, October 5). Benefits of Problem-Solving in the K-12 Classroom – Institute of Competition Sciences . Institute of Competition Sciences. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from https://www.competitionsciences.org/2022/10/05/benefits-of-problem-solving-in-the-k-12-classroom/
  • Understanding the Importance of Teaching Creative Problem-Solving in Elementary Schools . (n.d.). Everyday Speech. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from https://everydayspeech.com/sel-implementation/understanding-the-importance-of-teaching-creative-problem-solving-in-elementary-schools/
  • Weil, Z. (2016). The World Becomes What We Teach: Educating a Generation of Solutionaries . Lantern Publishing & Media.
  • Whiting, K. (2020, October 21). What are the top 10 job skills for the future? The World Economic Forum. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/10/top-10-work-skills-of-tomorrow-how-long-it-takes-to-learn-them/

Ronald M. Nober

Technology/STEAM Teacher

Ron Nober is a technology/STEAM teacher and co-host of the TeacherNerdz Podcast. He has a focus on using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the classroom as well as connecting technology to social good.

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11 Activities That Promote Critical Thinking In The Class

Ignite your child’s curiosity with our exclusive “Learning Adventures Activity Workbook for Kids” a perfect blend of education and adventure!

Critical thinking activities encourage individuals to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to develop informed opinions and make reasoned decisions. Engaging in such exercises cultivates intellectual agility, fostering a deeper understanding of complex issues and honing problem-solving skills for navigating an increasingly intricate world.

Through critical thinking, individuals empower themselves to challenge assumptions, uncover biases, and constructively contribute to discourse, thereby enriching both personal growth and societal progress.

Critical thinking serves as the cornerstone of effective problem-solving, enabling individuals to dissect challenges, explore diverse perspectives, and devise innovative solutions grounded in logic and evidence. For engaging problem solving activities, read our article problem solving activities that enhance student’s interest.

52 Critical Thinking Flashcards for Problem Solving

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a 21st-century skill that enables a person to think rationally and logically in order to reach a plausible conclusion. A critical thinker assesses facts and figures and data objectively and determines what to believe and what not to believe. Critical thinking skills empower a person to decipher complex problems and make impartial and better decisions based on effective information.

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Importance of Acquiring Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking skills cultivate habits of mind such as strategic thinking, skepticism, discerning fallacy from the facts, asking good questions and probing deep into the issues to find the truth. Acquiring critical thinking skills was never as valuable as it is today because of the prevalence of the modern knowledge economy.

Today, information and technology are the driving forces behind the global economy. To keep pace with ever-changing technology and new inventions, one has to be flexible enough to embrace changes swiftly.

Today critical thinking skills are one of the most sought-after skills by the companies. In fact, critical thinking skills are paramount not only for active learning and academic achievement but also for the professional career of the students.

The lack of critical thinking skills catalyzes memorization of the topics without a deeper insight, egocentrism, closed-mindedness, reduced student interest in the classroom and not being able to make timely and better decisions.

Incorporating critical thinking lessons into the curriculum equips students with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the modern world, fostering a mindset that is adaptable, inquisitive, and capable of discerning truth from misinformation.

Benefits of Critical Thinking for Students

Certain strategies are more eloquent than others in teaching students how to think critically. Encouraging critical thinking in the classroom is indispensable for the learning and growth of the students. In this way, we can raise a generation of innovators and thinkers rather than followers. Some of the benefits offered by thinking critically in the classroom are given below:

  • It allows a student to decipher problems and think through the situations in a disciplined and systematic manner
  • Through a critical thinking ability, a student can comprehend the logical correlation between distinct ideas
  • The student is able to rethink and re-justify his beliefs and ideas based on facts and figures
  • Critical thinking skills make the students curious about things around them
  • A student who is a critical thinker is creative and always strives to come up with out of the box solutions to intricate problems

Read our article: How to Foster Critical Thinking Skills in Students? Creative Strategies and Real-World Examples

  • Critical thinking skills assist in the enhanced student learning experience in the classroom and prepares the students for lifelong learning and success
  • The critical thinking process is the foundation of new discoveries and inventions in the world of science and technology
  • The ability to think critically allows the students to think intellectually and enhances their presentation skills, hence they can convey their ideas and thoughts in a logical and convincing manner
  • Critical thinking skills make students a terrific communicator because they have logical reasons behind their ideas

Critical Thinking Lessons and Activities

11 Activities that Promote Critical Thinking in the Class

We have compiled a list of 11 critical thinking activities for students that will facilitate you to promote critical thinking abilities in the students. By incorporating these activities, educators can introduce real-world examples of critical thinking in the classroom, empowering students to apply these skills in everyday situations.

We have also covered problem solving activities that enhance student’s interest in our another article. Click here to read it.

1. Worst Case Scenario

Divide students into teams and introduce each team with a hypothetical challenging scenario. Allocate minimum resources and time to each team and ask them to reach a viable conclusion using those resources.

The scenarios can include situations like stranded on an island or stuck in a forest. Students will come up with creative solutions to come out from the imaginary problematic situation they are encountering. Besides encouraging students to think critically, this activity will enhance teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills of the students.

This critical thinking activity not only pushes students to devise innovative solutions in challenging scenarios but also strengthens their teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities, making it an engaging and educational experience.

Read our article: 10 Innovative Strategies for Promoting Critical Thinking in the Classroom

2. If You Build It

It is a very flexible game that allows students to think creatively. To start this activity, divide students into groups. Give each group a limited amount of resources such as pipe cleaners, blocks, and marshmallows etc.

Every group is supposed to use these resources and construct a certain item such as building, tower or a bridge in a limited time. You can use a variety of materials in the classroom to challenge the students. This activity is helpful in promoting teamwork and creative skills among the students.

Incorporating critical thinking games like this into your classroom not only promotes teamwork and creativity but also challenges students to think outside the box as they work together to build their structures.

It is also one of the classics which can be used in the classroom to encourage critical thinking. Print pictures of objects, animals or concepts and start by telling a unique story about the printed picture. The next student is supposed to continue the story and pass the picture to the other student and so on.

This engaging exercise is one of the most effective critical thinking activities for kids, as it encourages them to use their creativity and problem-solving skills while working together to construct innovative structures with limited resources.

4. Keeping it Real

In this activity, you can ask students to identify a real-world problem in their schools, community or city. After the problem is recognized, students should work in teams to come up with the best possible outcome of that problem.

5. Save the Egg

Make groups of three or four in the class. Ask them to drop an egg from a certain height and think of creative ideas to save the egg from breaking. Students can come up with diverse ideas to conserve the egg like a soft-landing material or any other device. Remember that this activity can get chaotic, so select the area in the school that can be cleaned easily afterward and where there are no chances of damaging the school property.

6. Start a Debate

In this activity, the teacher can act as a facilitator and spark an interesting conversation in the class on any given topic. Give a small introductory speech on an open-ended topic. The topic can be related to current affairs, technological development or a new discovery in the field of science. Encourage students to participate in the debate by expressing their views and ideas on the topic. Conclude the debate with a viable solution or fresh ideas generated during the activity through brainstorming.

7. Create and Invent

This project-based learning activity is best for teaching in the engineering class. Divide students into groups. Present a problem to the students and ask them to build a model or simulate a product using computer animations or graphics that will solve the problem. After students are done with building models, each group is supposed to explain their proposed product to the rest of the class. The primary objective of this activity is to promote creative thinking and problem-solving skills among the students.

8. Select from Alternatives

This activity can be used in computer science, engineering or any of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) classes. Introduce a variety of alternatives such as different formulas for solving the same problem, different computer codes, product designs or distinct explanations of the same topic.

Form groups in the class and ask them to select the best alternative. Each group will then explain its chosen alternative to the rest of the class with reasonable justification of its preference. During the process, the rest of the class can participate by asking questions from the group. This activity is very helpful in nurturing logical thinking and analytical skills among the students.

9. Reading and Critiquing

Present an article from a journal related to any topic that you are teaching. Ask the students to read the article critically and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the article. Students can write about what they think about the article, any misleading statement or biases of the author and critique it by using their own judgments.

In this way, students can challenge the fallacies and rationality of judgments in the article. Hence, they can use their own thinking to come up with novel ideas pertaining to the topic.

10. Think Pair Share

In this activity, students will come up with their own questions. Make pairs or groups in the class and ask the students to discuss the questions together. The activity will be useful if the teacher gives students a topic on which the question should be based.

For example, if the teacher is teaching biology, the questions of the students can be based on reverse osmosis, human heart, respiratory system and so on. This activity drives student engagement and supports higher-order thinking skills among students.

11. Big Paper – Silent Conversation

Silence is a great way to slow down thinking and promote deep reflection on any subject. Present a driving question to the students and divide them into groups. The students will discuss the question with their teammates and brainstorm their ideas on a big paper.

After reflection and discussion, students can write their findings in silence. This is a great learning activity for students who are introverts and love to ruminate silently rather than thinking aloud.

Incorporating critical thinking activities for high school students, like silent reflection and group brainstorming, encourages deep thought and collaboration, making it an effective strategy for engaging both introverted and extroverted learners.

Finally, for students with critical thinking, you can go to GS-JJ.co m to customize exclusive rewards, which not only enlivens the classroom, but also promotes the development and training of students for critical thinking.

rafia shabbir

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4 thoughts on “ 11 Activities That Promote Critical Thinking In The Class ”

  • Pingback: What is Growth Mindset? 50+ Motivational Quotes on Growth Mindset - Educationise
  • Pingback: 6 Steps To Implement Project-Based Learning In The Classroom - Educationise
  • Pingback: Engaging Problem-Solving Activities That Spark Student Interest - Educationise

Thanks for the great article! Especially with the post-pandemic learning gap, these critical thinking skills are essential! It’s also important to teach them a growth mindset. If you are interested in that, please check out The Teachers’ Blog!

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65+ Real-World Project-Based Learning Ideas for All Ages and Interests

Find and implement solutions to real-world problems.

Collage of project based learning ideas, including a school garden and volunteering with seniors

Project-based learning is a hot topic in many schools these days, as educators work to make learning more meaningful for students. As students conduct hands-on projects addressing real-world issues, they dig deeper and make personal connections to the knowledge and skills they’re gaining. But not just any project fits into this concept. Learn more about strong project-based learning ideas, and find examples for any age or passion.

What is project-based learning?

Project-based learning (PBL) uses real-world projects and student-directed activities to build knowledge and skills. Kids choose a real-world topic that’s meaningful to them (some people call these “passion projects”), so they’re engaged in the process from the beginning. These projects are long-term, taking weeks, months, or even a full semester or school year. Students may complete them independently or working in small groups. Learn much more about project-based learning here.

What makes a good PBL project?

Chart showing the difference between traditional projects and project based learning

In many ways, PBL is more like the work adults do in their daily jobs, especially because student efforts have potential real-world effects. A strong PBL project:

  • Addresses a real-world issue or problem
  • Requires sustained and independent inquiry, in and out of the classroom
  • Allows students voice and choice throughout the project
  • Combines elements of many disciplines
  • Includes collaboration with public partners, such as universities, community organizations, or businesses
  • Produces a public product that is seen by those outside the school community
  • Covers a complete process, including activities like research, design, production, marketing or public awareness, and enlisting supporters or investors

Outdoor Project-Based Learning Ideas

Children holding produce standing in a garden they've grown themselves

  • Create a new local park, or improve an existing one by adding new features or providing needed maintenance.
  • Plant a community garden to provide food for a soup kitchen, food pantry, or other organization.
  • Design and create a butterfly, pollinator, or other wildlife garden to support the local ecosystem.
  • Build a new walking or biking trail that’s safe for people of all ages to use.
  • Devise and implement a way to reduce litter in your community.
  • Set up and manage a school or community compost pile, and distribute the resulting soil to those who need it most.
  • Find and help the public use a new way to grow food that requires less soil, water, or fertilizers, which are in short supply in some parts of the world.
  • Design, build, and install a completely unique piece of playground equipment that serves a specific purpose or need.

School Community Project-Based Learning Ideas

Students and adults reading student-produced newspaper (Project Based Learning Ideas)

  • Start a comprehensive recycling program at school, or substantially improve participation in an existing one.
  • Add collaborative artwork like murals or other displays to school hallways, bathrooms, or grounds.
  • Determine a location or program at your school that needs improvement, then make a plan, raise the funds, and implement your ideas.
  • Come up with ways to celebrate your school’s diversity and improve relationships between all students.
  • Start and run a school store , including inventory, financial plans, and marketing.
  • Write a school handbook for new students, with tips and tricks for helping them feel at home.
  • Figure out how to offer healthier, better-tasting meals and snacks in the school cafeteria.
  • Implement a mentoring program for older students to help younger students, with planned activities and appropriate training for older students.
  • Design and propose a new style of grading system that ensures equity.
  • Find ways to improve the indoor recess experience at your school.
  • Set up and run a new school newspaper, magazine, podcast, video channel, etc.

Greater Community Project-Based Learning Ideas

Children and senior citizens working on an art project together

  • Coordinate a community art project in a central location to celebrate local culture or artists.
  • Set up a program for schoolkids to socialize with senior citizens in nursing homes, hospitals, or retirement communities.
  • Create a program to offer free translation services for ESL families in the community.
  • Help a local animal shelter improve its facilities, or find new ways to match homeless pets with their forever families.
  • Build and maintain Little Free Libraries around your community, especially in underserved areas.
  • Help local businesses become more environmentally conscious, increasing sustainability and decreasing waste.
  • Create and lead a walking tour of your community, highlighting its culture, history, landmarks, and more.
  • Find a way to record and celebrate local voices in your community’s history.
  • Come up with ideas for welcoming immigrants and other newcomers to your community.
  • Set up a series of events that will encourage the community to mix and experience each others’ foods, cultures, and more.
  • Create and implement a new program to inspire a love of books and reading in preschool students.
  • Set up and help run a new charitable organization your community needs.

Social Issues Project-Based Learning Ideas

Poster with question: "How can we as students create a space where people feel like they belong and are safe in order to impact students at Asbury?"

  • Start an awareness campaign on a topic that’s important to you, like anti-bullying, healthy living, protecting the environment, civil rights, equality and equity, etc.
  • Come up with and implement ways to increase voter turnout in your community, especially among younger voters.
  • Write, record, and share with a wider audience your own TED Talk–style video on an issue that hasn’t been covered yet or on which you have a unique perspective.
  • Devise and implement ways for unheard voices to be amplified in your school or community.
  • Write and publicly perform a play that highlights a social issue that’s important to you.
  • Look for areas in your community that present challenges to those with disabilities, and help to improve them to overcome those challenges.
  • Research, write, and publicly present and defend a position paper on an issue that’s important to your community.
  • Choose a real court case, then research the law and work with legal experts to prepare and present your own case as you would in a courtroom.
  • Write, edit, seek, and incorporate real-world feedback, and publish or publicly present your own book, poem, or song on an issue that’s important to you.
  • Start a program to teach a specific group (e.g., preschoolers, senior citizens, business owners) to care for and protect the environment.
  • Plan and hold a fundraiser to support an issue you care about.
  • Choose a law you feel is unjust, and write, research, and publicly present and defend a position paper about your desired change.

STEM Project-Based Learning Ideas

Two students holding a large model rocket built as part of project based learning

  • Create an app that meets a specific purpose for a specific audience.
  • Invent something new that the world needs, and then fund, create, and sell your product in the community.
  • Design a game to help students learn important STEM concepts.
  • Find a simple way to improve an existing product, especially if it cuts costs or improves environmental sustainability.
  • Explore ways to reduce the amount of waste we produce, especially plastic and other landfill-bound items.
  • Write a book or graphic novel that’s entertaining but also teaches kids about science or math.
  • Devise new ways to provide clean drinking water to communities where water is scarce.
  • Build an effective solar oven people can use to cook during extended power outages, or in areas where electricity isn’t available.
  • Work with a university or STEM organization to gather, analyze, and present real-world scientific data.
  • Design a building to fit a specific purpose or need, including researching the requirements and zoning laws, accurately drafting a plan, determining the costs, and presenting the plan to the proposed client.
  • Create an interactive hands-on exhibit to teach people about STEM concepts.
  • Determine a type of website you believe is missing, then research, build, and publish the site you envision.

Creative Arts Project-Based Learning Ideas

Student and parent standing by artwork at an art show

  • Organize an art show for the community, seeking out those who ordinarily might not have a chance to display their work.
  • Create and teach an art class in your area of expertise to children, the elderly, or another segment of the population.
  • Design a mural for an area in your community that needs beautification, and seek funding or other assistance from community members to install it.
  • Write a play about a topic that’s meaningful to you or your community. Work with the community to stage a performance for all to attend.
  • Invite local dancers to perform at a school or community Festival of Dance, highlighting a variety of cultures and dance styles.
  • Start a regular writer’s workshop where community writers can come together to share and seek feedback. Invite local authors or publishing experts to speak as guests.
  • Collect stories, poems, and essays from local authors, and put them together into a book. Sell the book to raise money for a cause that’s important to local writers.
  • Gather singers or instrumentalists from your community into a choir or band. Put on a concert to raise money for a special cause, or take your choir on tour to local retirement homes, hospitals, etc.
  • Write a song about a person or cause that’s important to you. Produce and record the song, then find a way to share it with others.
  • Make a short film about a local hero, community event, or local place. Invite others to do the same, and organize a local film festival.

What are some your favorite project-based learning ideas? Come share your thoughts in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook !

Plus, meaningful service learning projects for kids and teens ..

These project-based learning ideas are real-world applicable and student-directed, requiring outside collaboration and public results.

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44 Powerful Problem Solving Activities for Kids

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problem solving for kids

Inside: Tons of activities that will help boost kids’ problem-solving skills and make them super critical thinkers!

Table of Contents

Who doesn’t love a little challenge now and then? Especially if it’s for our kiddos! 

You see, problem-solving isn’t just for the puzzles and math sheets. It’s the magic stuff that shapes our little ones into big thinkers and doers. 

Yep, it’s pretty important!

With the right activities, we aren’t just sharpening kids’ brain muscles; we’re also enhancing their creativity, boosting their confidence and critical thinking skills, and (just maybe) buying ourselves five minutes to sip that coffee while it’s still hot. 

Stick around, and let’s dive into 44 simple activities to boost your child’s problem-solving skills while having a blast! 🚀💡

Mindfulness activities for kids preview set.

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Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.

Why is it Important to Learn Problem-Solving Strategies?

Importance of problem-solving abilities:

Navigating the maze of life requires many skills; it requires the ability to face challenges, find solutions, and adapt. 

This is where problem-solving enters the picture, and here’s why it’s so crucial for our kiddos:

Life is Full of Puzzles:  From tying shoes to understanding a new math concept, life constantly presents us with puzzles. Equipping our children with problem-solving skills ensures they can tackle each one confidently.

Boosts Independence:  As parents or educators, we won’t always be there to hand-hold. When kids can solve problems on their own, they gain a sense of independence, which is essential for their personal growth.

Develops Resilience:  Not every attempt to solve a problem will be successful. But with each try, children learn resilience, understanding that it’s okay to fail and important to try again.

Prepares for Real-World Challenges:  The real world isn’t a scripted playground. It’s unpredictable. By honing their problem-solving abilities, we’re preparing kids to face the unforeseen challenges of the world outside.

Enhances Cognitive Growth:  Otherwise known as cognitive development. Problem-solving isn’t just about finding solutions. It’s about thinking critically, analyzing situations, and making decisions. This cognitive workout helps in the overall brain development of our children.

problem solving activities for kids

Fosters Creativity:  There’s often more than one way to solve a problem. Encouraging kids to think outside the box helps them see things from different perspectives and nurtures their creative spirit, letting them see possibilities where others might see roadblocks.

Encourages Adaptability:  In the face of challenges, it’s important not just to find solutions but to be adaptable. As the world changes, kids with strong problem-solving skills can change with it, learning and growing along the way.

Builds Confidence :  Every problem solved is a victory, a testament to their capabilities. This builds a child’s self-esteem, making them believe in their ability to face and overcome obstacles.

So, while it may seem like just another skill on the list, problem-solving is a cornerstone for a well-rounded, resilient, and successful individual.

4 Simple Problem-Solving Steps We Should Know at a Young Age

Problem-solving steps can be thought of as the building blocks for tackling challenges. 

They’re like a set of instructions that  guide us  on our journey to finding different solutions. These steps provide a  roadmap  for kids, helping them break down big problems into smaller, more manageable pieces. 

By following these steps, children can learn  how  to think critically, make smart decisions, and even discover their own creative problem-solving superpowers. 

  • First, we need to understand the problem, just like examining the pieces before we start building. 
  • Next, we brainstorm – this is where we think of different solutions, like trying out various block combinations. Then comes the important part – evaluating the options. We must determine the best solution ,  just like choosing the right blocks for our structure. 
  • After that, it’s time to put the plan into action, just like assembling the blocks to create something amazing. 
  • Finally, we review and see if our solution works, making adjustments if needed. 

problem solving skills for kids

These problem-solving steps are like our trusty toolkit, helping us build our way to success with creativity and ingenuity.

Whether it’s figuring out a math puzzle, resolving a conflict with a friend, or coming up with a new game, these problem-solving steps will be a guide to helping kids take their next steps.

Heartsmart Curriculum bundle set.

Featured resource

HeartSmart Social Emotional Curriculum

If you want a program that guides you on how to teach problem-solving along with other essential skills like self-regulation, respect, teamwork, conflict resolution, and more, check this out!

Best Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

In this guide, we have a cool mix of fun problem-solving activities. There are activities for inside, outside, playing in groups, and even on the computer! So take deep breaths, and let’s get to it!

44 Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Problem-solving games for kids:, card games:.

These are more than just fun; they are brain boosters. In  Go Fish , the hunt for matching cards sharpens memory. While in the classic game  Uno , it’s all about plotting the right move to take the lead.

4 problem solving steps for kids

The Memory Game:

This game isn’t just about remembering; it’s about strategizing. Matching pairs means we’re not just recalling but also paying close attention. This boosts concentration, focus, and, of course, memory – essential skills for everyday challenges!

Try this animal matching memory game.

Classic  Board Games:

Whether it’s Chess , where every move counts, or  Monopoly ,  where every decision can make or break your game, these games teach foresight and strategy.

problem solving games for kids

Maze Games :

Navigating a maze isn’t just about reaching the end; it’s about strategizing the route. These games enhance our ability to plan and foresee, invaluable skills in real-life situations.

Brain-Teasing Sudoku :

Sudoku   isn’t merely filling in numbers; it’s about using logic to deduce the correct sequence.

Tangram Puzzles: 

These aren’t your average puzzles. With Tangram, you shape a story, crafting images using geometric pieces.

Chess & Strategy-Based Games:

Think of these as mental workouts. Here, every step is a calculated decision, honing your ability to think multiple steps ahead.

For more fun:

  • 20 Best Games for 4-Year-Olds
  • 15 Board Games Every 9-Year-Old Will Love

Indoor Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Complete simple tasks:.

Simple tasks are little jobs that you can do to practice problem-solving. 

  • Matching Socks:  Sort through a pile of laundry to pair up matching socks.
  • Grocery List Planning:  Help create a list for the week’s meals, considering everyone’s preferences.
  • Toy Organization:  Sort toys into designated bins by type, size, or color.
  • Packing Their School Bag:  Ensure they have all the necessary items for the next school day.
  • Setting the Table:  Consider where each plate, fork, and glass should go.

Ask Open-Ended Questions:

Open-ended questions are special questions that don’t have just one answer. They make you think! For instance, instead of asking, “What color is the sky?” you might ask, “Why do you think the sky changes colors?”

Puzzle Games:

Try simple puzzles with fewer pieces for younger kids and more complex puzzles with more pieces for older kids! You figure out how to fit the pieces together, which helps your brain get stronger!

Puzzle games are also great for hand-eye coordination!

Pattern Recognition:

This is all about finding the special patterns in things. Imagine a puzzle with colors or shapes. You have to figure out the pattern to solve it.

Dress-Up and Role-Play:

When you dress up and pretend to be someone else, it’s like stepping into their shoes. You have to think about how they would act and problem-solve what they would say if you were them.

Shape Sorters:

Shape sorters  are super fun for young kids. You have to match each shape to the right hole. It’s like a puzzle for shapes! This helps you learn about different shapes and how they fit together.

Building Challenges:

Use Wooden blocks or legos and give kids a theme or structure to replicate. Great for all age groups!

indoor problem solving activities for kids

Cooking or Baking:

Cooking and baking are like yummy science experiments! You follow recipes, mix ingredients, and even get to taste your creations. You must figure out how to follow and “solve” the recipe so that your creation tastes delicious!

“What If?” Scenarios:

Present hypothetical situations (e.g., “What if you were invisible for a day?”) and discuss possible solutions or actions.

Homemade Science Experiments:

Homemade science experiments are like being a scientist in your own lab! You get to try out cool experiments and discover how things work. 

Quick Experiment example:

Make Dancing Raisins:

  • Clear soda (like Sprite or 7-Up)
  • A clear glass
  • Fill the glass with the soda.
  • Drop a few raisins into the glass.

Result:  The raisins will initially sink, then start “dancing” up and down due to the carbon dioxide bubbles attaching and detaching from them.

Coding Activities: 

Coding is like giving a computer a set of clues to follow. Think of it as telling a story where the computer plays the main character, and your instructions guide its every move. It’s our way of communicating with machines to make them do amazing tasks!

Crossword Puzzles:

Crossword puzzles are fun little word challenges. You must fill in the blanks with the right words and use your smarts to solve tricky clues!

Complex Problems like Brain Teasers:

Brain teasers are like mental gymnastics, making you stretch and flex your thinking muscles. What’s fun about them? There’s often more than one way to reach an answer, so your imagination and logic both get a workout!

Goal Setting Activities:

Goal setting  is like making a special plan for what you want to achieve. 

Think of goal setting as charting out your very own treasure map, with no wrong answers! 

By laying out what you aim to achieve, you’re setting the course toward your treasure: success!

Goals, be they immediate or down the road, act like our personal compasses. They keep you on track and motivated. And every time you hit a goal? That’s you cracking a code and unlocking a new achievement in your adventure!

setting smart goals through problem solving for kids

Setting SMART Goals

This engaging kit focuses on teaching essential skills for setting and  achieving smart goals,  just like breaking down that LEGO set into manageable sections. We help kids understand the importance of clear objectives, staying motivated, overcoming obstacles, embracing adaptability and more.

Math Challenges:

Think of math challenges as your brain’s personal gym session. These aren’t just any puzzles; they’re crafted to push those thinking caps to the limit. 

Debates (Best for older children):

Debates are friendly arguments where you defend your ideas with strong reasons. They’re excellent for problem-solving and for our social skills because they teach us how to think critically and consider different viewpoints. By defending our thoughts in a debate, we learn how to express ourselves clearly, listen to others, and find strong arguments to support our ideas!

Use Worksheets (Teach the Size of the Problem Concepts)

Teach concepts like the size of the problem to help kids determine if their reactions to problems are appropriate and what suitable solutions might be. Use fun visuals and problem-solving worksheets.

You can get this worksheet and more in our HeartSmart curriculum.

size of the problem worksheets

STEM Challenges: 

STEM challenges are games that use science, technology, engineering, and math to solve problems. They’re awesome for problem-solving because they let us be like inventors and builders. Kids can engage in creative play and design and create things, like bridges or machines, using our smarts and creativity. 

indoor problem solving stem activities

Outdoor Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Nature scavenger hunt or treasure hunt: .

Create a list of natural items for kids to find. For added difficulty, give riddles as clues.

We have some awesome free Scavenger Hunt Bundles you can snag!

Scavenger Hunt Printables

Free Scavenger Hunt Bundle

Download this set now, which includes four unique scavenger hunt games

Outdoor Obstacle Course: 

Use items like ropes, cones, and hula hoops to design a course that requires navigation.

Garden Planning & Planting :

Design a garden patch, deciding what to plant based on sunlight and spacing needs.

Map & Compass Orienteering:

Teach kids to use a map and compass, then set waypoints for them to find.

Water Relay Challenges:

Carry water from one bucket to another using a sponge or cup, navigating hurdles.

outdoor problem solving activities for kids

Campsite Setup Simulation Challenge:

Set up a mock campsite considering factors like wind direction, incline, and resource proximity.

Nature Art & Patterns:

Using twigs, leaves, stones, and more, create mosaic patterns or depictions.

Group Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Tower of spaghetti:.

Using only spaghetti and marshmallows, groups compete to build the tallest stable tower.

Egg Drop Challenge:

Groups are provided with a set of materials (e.g., straws, tape, cotton) to create a protective casing for an egg, which is then dropped from a height.

Silent Line-Up:

Without speaking, kids must line up according to their birthdays or another criterion.

Group Story Time:

One child starts a story with a sentence or two, and each subsequent child adds on, weaving in unexpected twists and turns.

group problem solving activities for kids

The Human Knot:

Kids stand in a circle, reach across, and grasp two different hands. The challenge is to untangle the knot without releasing hands.

Escape Room:

Everyone is ‘locked’ in a themed room and has to solve a series of clues and puzzles to ‘escape’ within a set time. It’s fantastic for problem-solving because it challenges critical thinking, teamwork, and creativity. Everyone must work together, think outside the box, and use their wits to solve the puzzles and complete the mission before time runs out!

Role-Playing Social Situations:

Role-playing helps you practice how to react and solve problems in different situations. Present the group with a fictional but realistic scenario (e.g., stranded on an island) and brainstorm and act out solutions.

By pretending to be in different roles, you can figure out the best ways to communicate, understand others, and find solutions to problems in a safe and fun way!

Blindfolded Obstacle Course:

In pairs, one blindfolded child is guided through an obstacle course by their partner using only verbal instructions.

Online and App-Based Problem Solving Activities

When tech meets intellect, the digital realm becomes a treasure trove of problem-solving wonder!

Educational Apps:

Best Apps by Age:

  • Younger Kids : Dive into the mathematical world with “Moose Math” or kick-start programming concepts playfully with “Bee-Bot.”
  • Older Kids: Amp up programming skills with “Cargo-Bot” or embark on a critical thinking journey with “Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure.”

Online and App-Based Problem Solving Activities

Online Escape Rooms:

Just like physical escape rooms, but from the comfort of your home! They’re digital adventures, demanding clues to be solved to advance to the next level.

Check out these 10 Family Friendly Online Escape rooms here! I’m especially looking forward to Hogwarts Harry Potter Escape Room .

Virtual Logic Puzzles:

Websites that present logic problems and puzzles, leveling up in complexity as kids solve them.

Top Picks:  “Conceptis Puzzles,” “Math Playground Logic Games.”

Benefits: Perfect for sharpening deductive reasoning and pattern recognition.

Interactive E-Books:

These are not your everyday e-books. They demand interaction, choices, and decision-making to progress the story.

Suggestions:  “This Book is Perfect” or I love this big list of the best interactive books for kids.

Benefits: Enhance comprehension, decision-making, and experience of how choices shape outcomes.

Online Strategy Games:

These games demand planning, strategic thinking, and foresight.

Check out: “Fish Sticks Strategy Game”

Benefits: Apart from being immensely fun, they teach patience, strategy formulation, and long-term planning.

10 Examples of Problem-Solving Skills Young Children Should Have

Each of these skills not only helps kids tackle problems effectively but also equips them with abilities they’ll use throughout their lives.

problem solving activities for 5 year olds

  • Critical Thinking:  Encourage young thinkers to examine situations, ask questions, and view things from different angles before reaching a conclusion.
  • Decision-Making Skills:  Help children practice making choices by offering them options and discussing the potential outcomes of each decision.
  • Creative Thinking:  Cultivate creativity by providing opportunities for imaginative play, artistic expression, and activities that encourage thinking outside the box.
  • Communication Skills:  Show children how to express their thoughts,  feelings , and ideas clearly and effectively – a vital skill for problem-solving in social situations.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration:  Foster the spirit of cooperation by encouraging children to work together on group activities or projects, which helps develop problem-solving skills as a team.
  • Resourcefulness:  Challenge children to find alternative solutions using the available resources rather than relying solely on adult guidance.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability:  Teach children how to adapt to changes and unexpected situations, which is crucial for effective problem-solving in real-world scenarios.
  • Persistence:  Staying determined, even when faced with challenges, and continuing to try until a solution is found.
  • Self-reflection:  Recognizing one’s own mistakes or misunderstandings in a situation and learning from them for future problem-solving.
  • Active Listening:  Paying close attention to details when others speak, helping them understand problems more fully and respond effectively. 

Must read post:

How to Help Kids with Inflexible Thinking THRIVE

Tips for Parents and Educators: Nurturing Problem-Solving in Kids

When it comes to fostering problem-solving skills in children, both parents and educators play pivotal roles. It’s less about giving the right answers and more about asking the right questions. 

Encourage Curiosity.  Let kids explore questions like, “What do you think would happen if…?” or “How would you do it differently next time?”.

Embracing mistakes as learning opportunities can be a game-changer.

Set Up Scenarios.  Create environments or situations where kids can think and act independently. Whether it’s setting up a puzzle station at home or a role-play corner in the classroom, these controlled scenarios can stimulate their problem-solving faculties. Remember, it’s okay for them to struggle a bit. It’s through overcoming challenges that real learning occurs.

Lastly,  Be a Guide, Not a Director.  Instead of directing them step-by-step, guide them by providing hints or asking probing questions. This helps them develop the ability to analyze situations and think critically. As they grow, they’ll be more equipped to approach challenges with confidence and creativity. 

So, whether you’re a parent or an educator, remember that each day presents countless opportunities to bolster these invaluable skills. Embrace them!

Final Thoughts: Problem Solving Activities for Kids

Being a pro at problem-solving helps us face all types of curveballs life throws at us.

From untangling math puzzles to making big decisions, this skill is our trusty sidekick. And when life changes? No sweat! We can adapt and shine.

In short, mastering problem-solving helps us face challenges, make wise choices, and truly succeed in whatever we tackle!

I hope you enjoyed these problem-solving activities for kids. Tell me, what one is your favorite?

simple problem solving activities for preschoolers

Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.

hands on activities for innovative problem solving

Tina Williamson is the published author of the growth mindset activity journal for kids - “ Amazing Me ” and the writer and founder here at Mindfulmazing. Passionate about raising mindful, resilient, and compassionate kids we are committed to sharing calming strategies, positive parenting tips, and growth mindset resources. Our resources are now used in over 10,000 homes, schools and counseling offices! Visit the shop here.  

Resources You’ll Love

Our shop is filled with printable resources to help you calm the chaos and assist your amazing little humans to believe in the amazing little humans they are!

Calm Down Corner Bundle.

Calm Down Corner Bundle

Mindful minute.

Mindful Minute

Feelings fun kit.

Feelings Fun Kit

Social stories bundle.

Social Story Bundle

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Fall SEL Resources

Now available.

Dive into fall with these fall-themed social-emotional learning activities

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