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  • v.84(8); 2020 Aug

The Psychology of Following Instructions and Its Implications

Sabrina dunham.

a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Adam M. Persky

b Associate Editor, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education , Arlington, Virginia

The ability to follow instructions is an important aspect of everyday life. Depending on the setting and context, following instructions results in outcomes that have various degrees of impact. In a clinical setting, following instructions may affect life or death. Within the context of the academic setting, following instructions or failure to do so can impede general learning and development of desired proficiencies. Intuitively, one might think that following instructions requires simply reading instructional text or paying close attention to verbal directions and performing the intended action afterward. This commentary provides a brief overview of the cognitive architecture required for following instructions and will explore social behaviors and mode of instruction as factors further impacting this ability.


Following instructions is an important ability to practice in everyday life. Within an academic setting, following instructions can influence grades, learning subject matter, and correctly executing skills. In this commentary, we provide an overview of the primary factors that influence the ability of an individual to follow instructions. We translate these findings from the psychological literature into practical guidelines to follow in the educational setting.

Literature on following instructions first surfaced in the late 1970s. 1 Researchers observed a subset of housewives who demonstrated a preference to tinker with a new home appliance to get it started or watch a demonstration video on how to set it up rather than read the accompanying instruction manual. Since then, numerous factors that influence following instructions have been investigated including a person’s working memory capacity, 2-6 societal rules, 7-9 history effects, 7 self-regulatory behavior, 10,11 and instruction format. 3,6 Although not completely independent of each other, these factors warrant some individual attention to better understand their implications on following instructions.

Working Memory and Following Instructions

Working memory is the brain’s workbench, linking perception, attention, and long-term memory. 12,13 As an example, in the classroom setting, learners may receive information visually from slides and/or auditorily from instructor narration. However, only items that learners pay attention to within the environment enter their working memory. These items are then processed, resulting in the formation of a mental representation (ie, encoding) that effectively moves from working memory to long-term storage. Thus, working memory performance is an important intermediary between perception and learning. Because working memory capacity is limited, 14 a person’s ability to follow instructions may be impacted if the instructional load is greater than that capacity, ultimately leading to information loss (for more information, explore cognitive load theory 15,16 ). This loss of information may be more pronounced when a task must be performed immediately and the presentation rate of instructions cannot be controlled by the user. Imagine a student named Dennis. During class, Dennis is nervous about an upcoming examination and this emotional state preoccupies his working memory, leading to, in that moment, a lower working memory performance. As a result, when the professor gives verbal instructions for an upcoming assignment, the amount of instructional load supersedes Dennis’ capacity to hold on to those instructions in his working memory. Because he cannot hold on to those instructions, he is less likely to store them in his long-term memory and will not be able to refer to them later when completing the task. To summarize, the ability to hold instructions within working memory is necessary to execute the desired function; thus low working memory performance can compromise a student’s ability to follow instructions. 2 If a student cannot process or hold instructions in working memory, they will probably fail to complete a given task correctly.

There are two potential strategies to assist the learner in this situation. One strategy is to have the learner immediately act on the received information. 17 A common example of this is the teach-back method, which is a practice of enactment. The practice of enactment has demonstrated greater retention of new information. 4,5 This line of research has shown that the accuracy of recalling instructions was increased when immediately after instruction, actions were performed at both the initial learning phase (ie, encoding) and later during recall. The second strategy is to use different forms of instructions (eg, written and verbal), which allows the learner to control the rate of presentation. If the learner can control the rate, they can review the instructions as needed or go at a slower pace to fully encode the instructions. 18,19

Societal Rules and History Effects

Following instructions is a behavior, and most human behavior depends on social context. Part of the social context is the presence of another individual. The mere presence effect is the phenomenon that human behavior changes when another human is around. 9 The presence of another person can make an individual more pliant. Being more or less pliant, or pliance , describes behavior that is controlled by a socially mediated consequence. As an example, if an instructor tells a student to write their name at the top of a test sheet and the student does so to gain the instructor’s approval, this is a ply and the student is being pliant. Imagine a student, Angela. She follows instructions because she feels it is a professional expectation that her mentors and peers have. Angela will be pliant because following instructions has a social consequence. For this to occur, however, the instructor must monitor the completion of the task, possess the ability to impose a consequence, and observe the effect of the consequence on the student. Donadeli and colleagues 8 explored the effect of the magnitude of nonverbal consequences, monitoring, and social consequences on instruction following. They observed that the presence of an observer and social reprimand for not following instructions improved the rates at which people followed instructions. This suggests that societal constructs, such as following authority figures and the fear of reprimand, may be drivers in motivating people to follow directions.

There are two possible ways to address societal effects on following instructions. The first way is to establish an expectation of professionalism by explaining why instruction following is important. This would be consistent with aspects of social identity theory. 20,21 The second way is to create the fear of reprimand. In this case, faculty members hold students responsible for following the rules. This could be with respect to assignment formatting, assignment deadlines, or other aspects that might be tied to a penalty.

Following instructions is affected by the presence of another person even if there is no history of reinforcement for such behavior, suggesting that instructional control may be strengthened by social contingencies. 7,8 However, societal rules can lead to history effects. If students never receive feedback on or consequences for their inability to follow instructions, history effects dictate they will continue that behavior. Now imagine a student named Amber. Amber wrote down the instructions during class but did not follow them because she generally does well on her assignments despite not completely following the instructions. As such, she abstained from following the rules because a consequence was not associated with not following them.

Metacognition and Self-regulation

Following instructions also depends on self-regulation, ie, a person’s awareness of their own behavior to act in a manner that optimizes their best long-term interests. 22 To do so, an individual must be aware of their own thoughts and actions. This awareness plays a role in metacognitive monitoring, or a person’s monitoring of their own thoughts and behaviors.

Metacognition has been described as thinking about thinking. 23 At its core, it is about planning, monitoring making progress, and evaluating the completion of a process. For instance, if a student is asked to conduct a journal club meeting, the planning stage would involve gaining an understanding of what is required to successfully complete a journal club meeting. This could include time needed for completion or where to look for an article. The monitoring phase is the awareness to review the article and pull out key information. The final part, evaluation, involves checking the work to determine whether goals were met.

Imagine a student named Craig. Craig wrote down instructions for an assignment, but after completing the assignment, he did not review the instructions to ensure he followed them correctly. He failed to monitor his progress. As such, the ability to be metacognitively aware can be a key piece in following instructions. In this case, individuals may not follow instructions because they are poor monitors of their learning. 22,24-28 Students may not adequately plan before tackling their assignment, such as by reading instructions beforehand. Next, they may not monitor their progress during completion of the assignment. And finally, once students think they have completed the task, they may not go back and read the instructions to ensure they have fulfilled all expectations. To help them with this and other aspects of instruction, students may need to use accountability (societal rules) as a primary source of motivation. Without accountability, students may not follow instructions, thus perpetuating poor metacognitive skills, leading to unawareness of what they know, what they do not know, and the process to correct errors. A strategy may be the use of checklists to help students monitor their thoughts during a process (see Tanner 29 and Medina and colleagues 30 for a review of methods to develop metacognition).

Verbal vs Written Instructions

When examining best practices for conveying instructions to learners, the instructor should consider whether instructions are best retained and applied if received in a verbal versus a written format. To date, no published studies have examined whether one format offers greater benefit over another; however, one study explored both formats in relation to working memory. 6

Written instructions are efficient because large amounts of detail can be provided that students can read rapidly. Thus, step-by-step manuals can be found for almost all electronic devices. While there is a large body of literature describing the mechanics of how we read, there are some important points to underscore. 6 When reading and following instructions, a person will act in the same sequence in which action items are presented in the text. In the television show MASH (season 1, episode 20), one of the characters was instructed to “…cut wires leading to the clockwork fuse at the head, but first remove the fuse.” He proceeded to cut the wires before removing the fuses. He acted in the same sequence in which the instructions were presented but failed to follow the actual instructions. This raises an important point: individuals are more likely to remember instructions when the order is consistent with how events occur. 6 Writing instructions according to the sequence of actions the reader needs to take may lead to better results. For example, “do A before doing B’ is a superior form of wording instructions than stating, “before doing A, do B,” as illustrated in the above scenario.

Spoken instructions are advantageous in face-to-face interactions (eg, within the classroom). Spoken instructions are processed through the phonological loop, a component of working memory focused on verbal information, which is more flexible and convenient. Intrinsically, listening requires less effort than reading. Spoken words can also be paired with visual aids to guide action, such as in measuring blood pressure or administering an immunization. 6 Remarkably, individuals cannot read and follow visual objects at the same time. Combining text with pictures can be more taxing to working memory than combining spoken words and visuals. A drawback associated with spoken words is the rate of presentation. While the speed at which text is read can be controlled by the end user, the instructor’s speed of speech cannot. The phonological loop mediates the ability to hold and process auditory information. 13,31 Items (bits of information) in the phonological store can rapidly decay, and because items are usually chained in such a way that an item primes the next item, 31 one lost step can lead to the loss of all subsequent steps (eg, if a student cannot remember step 3, she is unlikely to recall any step after that). To prevent this loss, people tend to “rehearse” following instructions by repeating the instructions to themselves. 3 Access to both written instructions and verbal instructions may prove beneficial, as written instructions can be referred to if any verbal instruction is missed.

Several factors can impact a student’s ability to follow instructions. Recommendations to increase the probability of learners following instructions are available within the literature ( Table 1 ). While these modalities may not guarantee success, these recommendations should increase the probability that most students will follow instructions. Although we cannot extrapolate from current literature whether one mode of instruction delivery is preferred over another, we can apply some of these findings to pharmacy students in a learning environment where instructions are used to guide the completion of deliverables. The first thing the instructor can do is provide both written and verbal instructions. These instructions should be concise, written in student-friendly language, and given in order of operation (ie, step A then step B). Students can read (and reread the written instructions), which should minimize errors resulting from not paying attention or insufficient working memory. Although distracted when verbal instructions were given, a student can review written instructions in a self-paced manner, thus reducing cognitive load and increasing the probability of remembering them. The instructor could then employ metacognitive monitoring and assess the student’s understanding of the instructions by including a checklist within the assignment, ie, a strategy to help Craig monitor his learning and check his work (much like journals have checklists for authors). Finally, the instructor should penalize students for not following the instructions thereby using the social context to reinforce their need to follow instructions. Amber benefits by learning there are consequences for not following instructions. For Dennis and Craig, the threat of punishment in the form of lost points may motivate them to review the instructions to ensure they have done their work correctly, a process which can improve their attention (Dennis) and metacognitive monitoring (Craig).

Common Errors in Following Instructions and Recommendations to Enhance the Probability of Instruction Following

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"The Importance of Following Instructions." StudyMoose, Aug 21, 2016. Accessed August 25, 2024. https://studymoose.com/the-importance-of-following-instructions-essay

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StudyMoose. (2016). The Importance of Following Instructions . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/the-importance-of-following-instructions-essay [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024]

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The Importance of Following Instructions essay

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What Is the Importance of Following Instructions?

essay on the importance of following instructions

Following instructions can simplify tasks, increase effectiveness, eliminate confusion, and save time. Not to mention, it makes for a safer building process. But instruction-following also has some added benefits. For one, when instructions are properly followed, things work well — and people work well together. In fact, folks who follow instructions show that they are cooperative, intelligent, and dependable, while those who disregard instructions can cause obstacles — and safety concerns — down the line.

Failure to Follow Instructions

Humans learn to follow directions from an early age. It quickly becomes clear, even before we are conscious of it, that following instructions is important for safety. As we continue to grow, we also begin to learn that following instructions comes with many other benefits outside of keeping us safe.

essay on the importance of following instructions

Typically, properly following instructions involves listening or reading carefully and asking questions when necessary. Those who follow instructions tend to find it easier to complete the task at hand. However, when a person fails to follow instructions, it can often lead to a lot of frustration and chaos, no matter the environment. Completing the task then becomes a lot more difficult and stressful.

Many people don’t realize it, but following instructions is an important life skill that can apply to almost every setting, from school and work to public transportation. For example, failure to follow instructions in an academic setting can negatively impact how well a person learns the subject matter, and, as a result, their grades may suffer. Another example? Failure to follow a recipe when cooking can cause you to end up eating something that doesn’t taste very good. And, finally, failure to follow instructions while driving can cause car accidents, which can lead to hefty fines, expensive car repairs, or injury.

Importance of Following Instructions at Work

Following instructions at work can have different implications depending on the employment setting. In certain job situations, following instructions is a matter of safety (or, in some settings, it’s even a matter of life and death). In others, it can impact opportunities for career advancement. In virtually every work environment, following instructions has the potential to impact one’s day-to-day stress levels and overall quality of life.

essay on the importance of following instructions

Following instructions can be a serious matter in terms of safety when it comes to the healthcare industry. Doctors, nurses, and administrative staff must follow instructions when dealing with patients to protect their health and the health of their patients. If a doctor does not follow the proper procedures during surgery, it could result in a patient’s injury or death. If a nurse does not follow instructions for administering medication, it can put a patient’s well-being in jeopardy as well.

Moreover, safety on the job goes hand-in-hand with following instructions in other fields too. For example, factory and construction workers handle heavy machinery, and not following directions could put themselves or others in great danger. This includes the direct danger that can come with dealing with machines and equipment in general. It also involves making sure to put things together correctly so that the finished product does not endanger anyone. If a construction worker decided not to follow instructions properly when building a house, for example, it could end up being unstable, making it an eventual danger to the people living in it.

Even in settings that don’t deal directly with public health or safety, following instructions at work is important. In an office job, following instructions can significantly impact a person’s well-being. When someone does their work right the first time, everyone involved is happy and it creates a positive and productive work environment. Moreover, the employee is happy because they did their job well and likely have received positive feedback from their boss. On the other hand, if an employee does not follow instructions on a task, it can lead to a lot of stress for everyone involved, impacting a person’s mood and the company’s bottom line. If the issue of not following instructions becomes an ongoing one, one might face disciplinary actions, which, in turn, impact one’s quality of life.

Following Manufacturer’s Instructions

Most products, no matter how simple they might seem to be, come with manufacturer’s instructions. If you happen to lose them, they are almost always available online and can be downloaded for free.

essay on the importance of following instructions

Reading manufacturers’ instruction manuals helps you understand how to properly use a product and utilize all of its features. Without reading those guides, it becomes easy to miss important details about how something works and any safety protocols that are necessary to follow to avoid property damage or personal injury. They can not only help with setting up or installing the product, but also with troubleshooting any issues that might arise later on.

Product instructions also come with items that you have to assemble yourself, such as a bookshelf or a table. Trying to build an item like this without looking at the instructions often results in incorrect assembly. In this case, you’ll likely have to take it apart and start over again, causing a lot of frustration — not to mention, a loss of your valuable time.


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Why Is Following Directions So Important?

Hazel morgan, 29 sep 2017.

Following directions is a skill not limited to navigation.

Following direction is a fundamental skill, taught from an early age. While it may seem logical and even straightforward to follow directions--be they navigational directions, product-usage directions, or procedural or instructional directions, failure to follow directions can be a waste of time. Other times, though, failure to follow directions can be harmful or even fatal.

Explore this article

  • Saving Lives
  • Product Safety

1 Saving Lives

In the military and certain trades, following directions may save your life.

In the military and in trades like firefighting, the ability to instinctively follow directions saves lives. The discipline and training to follow directions or, along the same line, instructions, give a person a focal objective in a situation where fear or indecision might otherwise cripple one's ability to think clearly.

2 Product Safety

It is important to follow instructions on medication.

Not following the directions on a bottle of medication can lead to poisoning, overdosing, or clashes with other medicines, which could kill you. Not following instructions on products like caustic chemicals or aerosols could cause accidents, injuries or death.

3 Education

If students follow directions they learn how to perform skills more efficiently.

Students should learn how to follow directions so they can learn how to perform skills efficiently. According to Education World, if students don't learn, teachers waste time fixing direction-following issues that could have been used to educate the students.

4 Efficiency

Filling out your paperwork properly will often result in it being processed quicker.

Numerous facets of modern life require the ability to follow directions. Filling out your tax form using the directions can save you the cost of a tax preparer or the cost of penalties or additional taxes owed. Filling out Department of Motor Vehicle paperwork properly means your paperwork will be processed more quickly.

5 Navigation

Following proper directions can keep you from getting lost.

“Directions" can also refer to navigation. Failing to follow directions can get you lost. This may lead you to dangerous places, may cause you to be late to your destination, and may create marital discord--particularly if your spouse is in the car with you.

  • 1 Education World: Following Directions: A Skill Worth Teaching
  • 2 Psychosomatics: Does "Fight or Flight" Need Updating?

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The Importance of Following Instructions

Similarly, if you are working with hazardous materials, it is important to adhere to all safety protocols to avoid accidents. Even seemingly innocuous tasks like baking can become dangerous if the instructions are not followed properly.

Of course, there are times when it is necessary to deviate from the instructions. If something isn’t working or if you have a better way of doing something, it may be necessary to make adjustments. However, in general, it is best to stick to the directions as closely as possible.

By taking the time to read and understand instructions, we can help ensure that we stay safe and achieve the desired results.

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The Importance of Following Instructions

The Importance of Following Instructions

This essay discusses the importance of following instructions and having the proper gear in the military. Following instructions is taught from an early age, but it can be difficult in the Army due to unclear communication. It is important for good order and discipline within a unit. Not following instructions can result in negative consequences such as punishment and writing essays. Having the proper gear is also important for mission readiness and safety. Obedience allows the military to operate in an organized and effective manner. Without instructions to follow, a unit would be ineffective at completing its mission.

The undermentioned essay will be a aggregation of ideas about the importance of following instructions and holding the proper cogwheel. These two of import subjects should really be written about in separate essays. but for the interest of the negative guidance I was written. they will be woven into one.

Following Instructions is a basic cardinal accomplishment taught from an early age. While it may look like common sense to follow instructions and convey the proper cogwheel to the motor pool on Monday forenoons. it is non ever so straightforward. Communication between Soldiers and their higher-ups can be ill-defined at times. particularly when said Soldier is new to the unit and perchance misunderstood the instructions given. This. nevertheless. is another subject saved for another twenty-four hours.

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The ability to follow instructions is an built-in portion of the Army. and is contributing to good order and subject within a unit. When the instructions to be followed are to hold the proper cogwheel at a specified topographic point. it will let for the formation to keep uniformity. A few things that can go on if you do non follow instructions are: acquiring screamed at and ptyalize on. holding to make a few push-ups. having negative guidances. and holding to compose essays during four twenty-four hours weekends. If a Soldier does non desire these things to go on. one should follow instructions and convey the proper cogwheel to the motor pool. When a Soldier is blowing cherished clip composing essays. one could be making more of import things like disbursement clip with household. altering oil in one’s truck. kiping in on Monday forenoon. or merely anything other than composing an essay.

Having the proper cogwheel is an of import portion of military life. It will maintain the Soldier from acquiring in problem on Monday forenoon. When a Soldier has the necessary equipment. the Soldier will be ready to have on the gortex jacket when told to make so. Following instructions by holding the proper equipment in the motorpool shows that one can follow those same instructions on a mission. particularly if one is new to a unit and one’s non commissioned officers do non cognize you. If a Soldier can follow instructions to convey a gortex jacket to a formation at the motorpool. so the Soldier can follow instructions to convey field glassess to an observation station. Traveling on any mission in the Army without the necessary equipment is unsafe. A Soldier can non be ready to prosecute the enemy without the proper cogwheel.

Following instructions is of the extreme importance in the armed forces. Obedience is what enables the military to run in an organized and effectual mode. which is really of import during disputing and nerve-racking state of affairss. If there were no instructions to follow. a unit would easy fall into pandemonium and go uneffective at finishing its assigned mission.

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essay on the importance of following instructions

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The Importance of Following Instructions

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Following Instructions in the Army

Delve into the critical importance of following instructions in the military context, particularly in the Army. Highlight how obedience to orders ensures operational effectiveness, safety, and discipline. Discuss real-life scenarios where adherence to commands has been pivotal in mission success, and contrast with the consequences of non-compliance. Explore the balance between following orders and ethical considerations in complex situations. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Army.

How it works

There are many reasons why an officer ought to follow the entirety of the instructions they are given, and in this essay on the importance of following directions, we will look at them: all instructions are important in any condition. A request is an endeavor given to a trooper that must be done at a specific time in a productive mode. There are three main reasons why it’s important for fighters to follow the orders they are given: they need to be focused on any battles, be decent troopers, and for them to love their occupation.

At the point when a trooper doesn’t follow the orders they were given, it doesn’t just affect them – it influences everybody in the crew and the success of the mission. Closures they have set for the mission. When fighters don’t follow orders, the chances of winning the conflict are lower. When this happens, you need to accept that this is the end and that you are hurting your siblings. At the point when a trooper doesn’t follow instructions while in the battle zone, it makes the mission ineffectual.

For delineation, if the Sergeant advises a private to fix the weapons before they go out for the mission, the sergeant is expressing the private to secure the firearms to be fully prepared. It doesn’t happen. The private doesn’t have the foggiest idea why he needed to do what he was told. At the point when a trooper follows the instructions with no requests, it profoundly helps increment the chances of winning the conflict. Warriors should have the option to finish requests and convey them viably. This gives the whole unit a huge expansion of more solidarity to do it where the main has no grounds to accept they will not make the best choice. It’s anything but a cluster of strained quality from the pioneers and different individuals from the crew. It permits each trooper to perceive what the work is reaching out similarly to function as a crew and secure the occupation done quickly.

We are focused to follow orders un-tentatively. We need to cognize our own single work furthermore to follow offers at the representative clasp and effectively. The best way to work effectively as a crew is to learn how to adhere to your superiors. As warriors, we become accustomed to being bored; within every 24 hours, we are constantly paying attention to our bosses, sergeants, and other superiors. Without it, officers wouldn’t respond quickly when something is being instructed or would simply not be concerned a lot to execute the endeavor in manus.

We follow our leader’s instructions since we definitely realize that no undertaking they make will at any point be its general use for the U. S. the ground powers, and the single troopers. At the point when a request is given, we need to comprehend it fully. Furthermore, accept what should be finished using a minimal amount of assets or clasp to achieve the mission in manus to complete the bosses’ or NCO’s particular offers. This is a large portion of importance when executing a mission; the warriors ought never to oppose the rationale behind the bid but should ship out without hold, truly cognizing that their major associations are truly paying special mind to them.

A five-star fighter, as all troopers, should have the option to follow the orders their higher gives them in the army since it will be one of the things they relinquish. For representation, when a trooper is advised to develop a stage or a divider, and it requires to be accepted, and they are advised by their chiefs to make it a specific way, it ought to be done the way they were told- no matter how hard it is. A fighter who doesn’t follow the instructions that were given is simply to blame for not making his occupation as a warrior his priority and not populating to the ground powers.

Submission is thought to empower the military to run solidly and coordinated, which is true of import during all tactical conditions of affairs. Regular folks question why they need to follow guidelines and grounds why they don’t follow their military doesn’t have that pick. In the army, officers are committed to following guidelines in light of the fact that one little misidentify can take a civilian’s life. Following instructions is very important as it keeps you from making mistakes and making mistakes that you may apologize for along these lines throughout everyday life. So, why is it important to follow directions? The individuals who regard the meaning of deference in the tactical guide keep an inner development that permits all officers to move out of the activity with affirmation. The demonstration of resistance is viewed as a terrible offense. What’s more, the person that abuses this demonstration is putting himself in a situation that is standing up to Article 15 charges.

In the army, following instructions is of utmost importance as it establishes a uniform approach to carrying out tasks, minimizing errors and promoting a high level of efficiency. Failure to comply with directives can result in chaos, endangering the safety and success of the mission. Therefore, strict adherence to instructions is essential for the army to function as a well-oiled machine.

In the military, following instructions is crucial to ensure the successful completion of tasks. The army operates under a highly structured and disciplined system where adherence to protocols and standards is mandatory. Disregarding instructions can result in confusion and disorder, leading to tasks being poorly executed and not finished on time. Therefore, it is imperative that all members of the military prioritize following instructions to maintain order and achieve objectives.

The significance of following instructions cannot be overstated in the military. It is crucial for achieving the mission’s success, as officers depend on soldiers to carry out orders accurately, and mutual trust among soldiers is critical. Neglecting to comply with instructions can result in confusion, mishaps, and, in some cases, tragic consequences.


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Following Instructions In The Army. (2021, Jun 27). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/following-instructions-in-the-army/

"Following Instructions In The Army." PapersOwl.com , 27 Jun 2021, https://papersowl.com/examples/following-instructions-in-the-army/

PapersOwl.com. (2021). Following Instructions In The Army . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/following-instructions-in-the-army/ [Accessed: 25 Aug. 2024]

"Following Instructions In The Army." PapersOwl.com, Jun 27, 2021. Accessed August 25, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/following-instructions-in-the-army/

"Following Instructions In The Army," PapersOwl.com , 27-Jun-2021. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/following-instructions-in-the-army/. [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2021). Following Instructions In The Army . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/following-instructions-in-the-army/ [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024]

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November 15, 2021

The Importance of Following Instructions

By B&SC Blog Team

Imagine if you will for a moment, how easy it is to make a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. Simple, right?

I bet you could even show someone how to do it in under a minute. Now, write it down, step-by-step as though someone had never seen bread, a jar of peanut butter, or jelly before in their life. Trust me; it just got a lot harder.

Following instructions and especially complicated instructions can be a very important tool that serves you well throughout your life. While it is introduced at a young age, many adults still have difficulties following them.

What Does This Have to do With Going to College?

College instruction is full of following directions. One of the most common mistakes that most students make is not fully reading and comprehending instructions. Often students skip over the steps of the instruction with the understanding that they know what tasks need to be done. And before long, they grow frustrated because the tasks they performed did not give them the result they wanted.

Why is Following Directions a Important Life Skill?

Students are not the only people who have to develop this fundamental skill. While students must follow directions when completing homework and quizzes in order to receive good grades, this skill also applies in everyday life.

Imagine having this soft skill in the office environment. Your boss rushes in with a panicked look on their face. They have a meeting in the afternoon, and need you to whip up a presentation as they hand you their sketchy notes before they rush off to another meeting. You have no one to ask. You have to do your best with what you were given.

When individuals become parents, they must also teach their children the good habit of following directions at an early age so they can be successful at school and in life. If you are teaching new skills, be sure to use visual aids and clear directions so they are able to effectively learn.

Start Your Journey Today

Ready to put your direction following skills to the test in college? If you are looking for affordable and flexible degree programs that meet you where you are at, consider Bryant & Stratton College! Request more information today!

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Personal perspectives on the value of greenspace and backyards

How important is having a backyard? We asked Globe readers – those with backyards and those living in cities without one – to weigh in on the role that access to private and public green space plays on their happiness and well-being.

Urban backyards are disappearing. Can we be happy without them?

While [governments] will be pushing for all the growth, I hope they take a moment to consider what it means to have a home, and not just “housing.” Policies should promote and protect green spaces right alongside housing. The two go hand-in-hand. - Harmony Huffman, Duncan, B.C.

Looking back, I have spent countless hours cutting, trimming, raking, weeding, watering, fertilizing, aerating, dethatching, applying pesticide and top dressing my lawns. Today, I don’t own a single blade of grass! What was I thinking?!!! - Robert Gates, raised in Scarborough and Pickering, Ont.

People are supposed to be grateful for little boxes in the sky – our expectations are being collectively lowered by the relentless drive for density in cities. Demand your own piece of paradise – your own backyard. Make our governments give us better options other than 400 sq. ft of concrete in the sky cut off from nature. Or is it only the richest 1 per cent who will have backyards to play in while the rest of us make do with tiny, overpriced, concrete boxes with scarce access to green space in ever-warming cities? - Mary-Lou Rossiter, Halifax, N.S.

People spend an extraordinary amount of time, labour and chemicals to keep their lawns green yet do not use them. It would be better as a society if we expanded green spaces for all to use. - Craig Perry, North Bay, Ont.

My backyard is my oasis in the middle of a large city. The birds and animals that I share my trees and yard with serve to maintain my connection with nature and remind me that I am NOT just another cog in the machine. - Ron Baugh, Red Deer, Alta.

I grew up in a small city in rural Alberta and my family home was a single-detached house with a large wraparound backyard. I have fond memories of my parents hosting BBQs and birthday parties a couple times a year. I have since moved to a larger city in B.C. and live in an apartment building with no backyard. However, my apartment has a waterfront green space open for public use. My partner and I often go down to this green space, which provides a great opportunity to meet our neighbours. I loved my backyard growing up, but if the choice is to provide housing for others or have a private green space, I would choose the former. - Sarah Greer, Victoria, B.C.

I live in central Montreal, where many of the apartment plexes don’t have a backyard. It’s common to have three or four birthday parties in the public parks when the weather is nice. Giving up a private backyard isn’t a huge sacrifice, as long as we can have access to good shared green space – it’s probably well worth it to live in an animated and walkable community - Mara Bender, Montreal

I have a backyard. I recognize that I’m very fortunate. In truth, my husband and I use it less than I thought I would. I have a vegetable garden – enough to grow all the tomatoes we eat, including canning for the winter, which I love. And once we fenced part of the yard a few years ago, we appreciate being able to let the dog out for a quick off-leash bathroom break. But, honestly, we don’t need it. We do have a lovely green space across the street, and a dog park nearby, and THOSE I wouldn’t do without! I’d be happy to see fewer homes with yards and everyone having access to a bit of outdoors on a porch/balcony, with more parks of various kinds. - Elizabeth d’Anjou, Picton, Ont.

We have been condo dwellers in the heart of downtown Toronto for decades. You REALLY need to love your neighbours if you want to relax outside in public green space in Toronto these days. I have total envy for anyone with a yard, even a postage stamp would feel like an oasis. - Marc Gignac, Toronto

I live in a downtown neighbourhood and my yard is more important to me than my house. I think almost everyone needs a little patch of outdoor space, it fills their soul. - Michelle Purchase, Kitchener, Ont.

I am a Canadian who has been living in Switzerland for 12 years. We bought an apartment soon after moving here (houses were prohibitively expensive). I love apartment living and have abandoned the idea of ever buying a house. I think Canadians have a lot to learn from the Swiss, where 60 per cent of the population rents and even more live in apartments. Ours is surrounded by a very large communal backyard, which is also the norm. We had two young children when we moved in, and initially had to accompany them to play in the backyard, but those years didn’t last long. We have a trampoline and other play equipment in the yard, yet we don’t have to do any of the maintenance or yard work. We travel regularly without worrying about home upkeep. Additionally, Swiss towns generally have a forest “refuge” that locals can rent cheaply by the day. We’ve hosted and attended many a party in those as well. - Jan Sandink, Lausanne, Switzerland

We use our outdoor spaces extensively. It is a place to relax and reflect; a very important part of our lives beyond a residence. A lonely 500 sq. ft box in the sky is not the answer to a healthy mindset. - Alexander Tye, Calgary

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  19. The Psychology of Following Instructions and Its Implications

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