Bill Gates Entrepreneur

This essay will profile Bill Gates, focusing on his journey as an entrepreneur, his co-founding of Microsoft, and his impact on the technology industry. It will explore Gates’ early interest in computers, the establishment of Microsoft, and the company’s role in the personal computer revolution. The piece will also discuss Gates’ transition from a business leader to a philanthropist, highlighting his contributions through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. PapersOwl showcases more free essays that are examples of Bill Gates.

How it works

Bill Gates, along with other companions, created the famous software of Microsoft. Microsoft has, and is continuing to prosper around the globe due to it being created in a free enterprise system economy. However, people may say he only succeeded due to his families wealth and not the free enterprise system.

Bill Gates is famously known for his great development of Microsoft in 1976. Microsoft could not have been possible if the united states did not have free enterprise. Without free enterprise, economy with none or very little government regulation, Bill Gates would have had tremendous trouble trying to have permission from the government to start his own computer software.

After the development of Microsoft, Internet Explorer was created as well by Gates company. With just these two products on the market, Gates was a multimillionaire.

Bill Gates then created the first version of Microsoft Windows in the 90’s and then continued to create other programs like Word, Excel, Power point, and others. To this day his company has prospered and has made him one of the richest men in america. However, without a free enterprise system, government regulations would have most likely stopped Gates from becoming too successful with his business. Also his company might not be here today with out free enterprise system.

On the other hand however, people may say he could have been successful without free enterprise because his family was already wealthy. Although this may have been somewhat true, in an economy without free enterprise systems, one family would not have been more wealthy then others. Bill Gates used his skills and brains to build a business.

In conclusion, Bill Gates was very successful with his industry thanks to free enterprise. He, along with his employees and friends, created and almost perfected the software known as Microsoft. Although some people may say his success was due to his families wealth, they would have never been wealthy without free enterprise as well. Bill Gates filled the needs and wants of consumers, thus making him become successful compared to his competitions.


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Bill Gates entrepreneur. (2020, Feb 08). Retrieved from

"Bill Gates entrepreneur." , 8 Feb 2020, (2020). Bill Gates entrepreneur . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 25 Aug. 2024]

"Bill Gates entrepreneur.", Feb 08, 2020. Accessed August 25, 2024.

"Bill Gates entrepreneur," , 08-Feb-2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024] (2020). Bill Gates entrepreneur . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024]

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Bill Gates: Entrepreneur, Manager, and Leader

  • B V Krishnamurthy

Today marks the last working day for Bill Gates at Microsoft. So much has been written and spoken about him that another column appears redundant. Some people may even feel a tinge of happiness that they no longer have to contend with the ruthless businessman that Gates has been portrayed as. The purpose of this […]

Today marks the last working day for Bill Gates at Microsoft. So much has been written and spoken about him that another column appears redundant. Some people may even feel a tinge of happiness that they no longer have to contend with the ruthless businessman that Gates has been portrayed as. The purpose of this post is to analyze what can be learned by young people from perhaps the most successful entrepreneur of our times.

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