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30 Physics Research Ideas for High School Students

basic physics research topics

By Eric Eng

A student on a classroom. STEM

Physics research offers high school students a unique window into the mysteries of the universe, from the smallest particles to the vast expanses of space. If you’re a student interested in research ideas that delve into physics, you’re in the right place.

To uncover these ideas, you’ll need to think creatively and critically, applying concepts learned in class to real-world problems. Let’s explore various research topics in physics, designed to inspire and challenge you. Whether you’re presenting at a science fair or preparing for college, this guide will help you.

Physics Research Area #1: Quantum Computing and Information

Quantum computing represents a groundbreaking shift in how we process information, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics to solve problems that are currently beyond the reach of classical computers.


For high school students interested in physics research, exploring quantum computing offers a glimpse into the future of technology and a chance to engage with complex, cutting-edge concepts. This experience is invaluable for students planning to major in physics or computer science in college, providing a strong foundation in quantum theories and computational thinking.

Here are specific topics you can explore:

1. Assessing Quantum Error Correction Techniques

Quantum computers are prone to errors due to qubit instability. By simulating error models and evaluating correction methods like surface codes, you can contribute to making quantum computing more reliable. This involves understanding quantum mechanics basics and using simulation software.

2. Scalability Analysis of Quantum Algorithms

Investigate how algorithms like Shor’s scale with increasing qubits. By simulating these quantum algorithms, you can assess their computational complexity and practicality for real-world use, offering insights into the future of quantum computing.

3. Mitigating Decoherence Effects in Quantum Systems

Decoherence is a major challenge in quantum computing, disrupting qubits’ state. Explore strategies to reduce decoherence, using experimental setups or theoretical models. This research is crucial for extending qubits’ coherence time, enhancing quantum computer stability.

4. Implementing Quantum Teleportation Protocols

Quantum teleportation is a fascinating application of quantum entanglement. Work on designing and testing protocols for transferring information between quantum systems. This project requires a grasp of entanglement principles and hands-on experimental skills.

5. Applications of Quantum Machine Learning

Quantum computing holds promise for revolutionizing machine learning. Compare quantum machine learning algorithms, like quantum neural networks, against classical counterparts to discover their advantages in speed and efficiency. This involves studying algorithmic principles and potentially programming simulations.

Physics Research Area #2: Renewable Energy Technologies

As the world shifts towards sustainable energy solutions, renewable energy technologies are at the forefront of combating climate change and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

High school students researching this field can play a part in this pivotal movement while gaining valuable insights into physics, engineering, and environmental science . This experience not only prepares students for future studies in these areas but also empowers them to contribute to meaningful solutions for global energy challenges.

6. Enhancing Solar Panel Efficiency

Dive into the world of solar energy by experimenting with different materials and designs to increase solar panels’ efficiency. This involves hands-on testing and analysis, offering practical experience in materials science and photovoltaic technology.

7. Assessing Wind Turbine Design

Evaluate how various design elements of wind turbines affect their efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Use computational modeling and, if possible, field experiments to explore energy production and environmental impacts, gaining insights into aerodynamics and renewable energy economics.

8. Optimization of Hydroelectric Power Generation

Explore ways to boost the efficiency of hydroelectric plants through dam design and water management strategies. Analyzing data from existing facilities provides a real-world understanding of fluid dynamics and energy conversion.

9. Integrating Renewable Energy Sources

Investigate how different renewable energies can be combined into a cohesive system. Model various scenarios to assess their efficiency and sustainability, which can inform future energy solutions and grid management practices.

10. Impact of Renewable Energy on Ecosystems

Study the ecological effects of renewable energy installations. Conduct field surveys and analyze ecological data to understand how these technologies interact with the environment, aiming to find a balance between energy production and conservation.

Physics Research Area #3: Biophysics

Biophysics is a fascinating field where physics meets biology, allowing us to understand life at the molecular and cellular levels.


For high school students exploring research ideas, biophysics offers a unique opportunity to investigate how physical principles govern biological processes. This experience is invaluable for those considering majors in physics, biology , or pre-medical studies, providing a deep understanding of the mechanisms underlying health and disease.

11. Mechanics of Cell Migration

Study the forces and dynamics driving cell movement by using live-cell imaging and microfluidic devices. This research sheds light on cell behavior in development and disease, combining biology with physics to understand life at the cellular level.

12. Protein Folding Dynamics

Dive into the world of proteins to see how they attain their functional shapes. Using computational models and biophysical experiments, you can uncover the relationship between protein structure and function, essential for understanding diseases and developing drugs.

13. DNA Mechanics and Replication

Explore the physical properties of DNA and their impact on vital processes like replication. Techniques such as optical tweezers allow for hands-on investigation of DNA behavior, linking physics to genetics and molecular biology.

14. Biophysics of Medical Imaging

Uncover the physics behind MRI and CT scans. Through simulation and possibly hands-on experiments, you can understand how these technologies capture images of the body, bridging physics with medicine and diagnostic techniques.

15. Cellular Biomechanics in Disease

Examine how changes in cell mechanics contribute to diseases. By applying methods like atomic force microscopy, you can link physical changes in cells to health conditions, offering insights into disease mechanisms and potential therapies.

Physics Research Area #4: Nanotechnology and Materials Science

Nanotechnology and materials science are at the cutting edge of modern physics, driving innovations in everything from electronics to medicine.

For high school students looking for physics research ideas, this field offers a rich vein of topics that blend physics, chemistry , and engineering. Engaging in research here not only prepares students for advanced study in these disciplines but also provides practical experience in developing solutions for real-world problems.

16. Characterization of Nanoparticle Behavior

Explore the unique properties of nanoparticles by studying their size, shape, and chemical behavior using techniques like TEM, AFM, and DLS. This research is vital for applications in medicine, electronics, and materials engineering, offering insights into the building blocks of nanotechnology.

17. Synthesis of Nanomaterials Using Green Methods

Dive into the world of sustainable nanomaterial synthesis. Experiment with green chemistry and biological methods to create nanomaterials, assessing their properties and potential applications. This approach emphasizes environmental responsibility in scientific research.

18. Nanotechnology in Biomedical Applications

Investigate how nanotechnology can revolutionize medicine through targeted drug delivery systems, improved imaging techniques, or novel tissue engineering solutions. Design and test nanocarriers or scaffolds, bridging the gap between physics, biology, and healthcare.

19. Nanoelectronics and Quantum Devices

Explore the frontier of electronics by working with nanoscale materials like nanowires, quantum dots, and graphene. Fabricate devices to study quantum and electronic phenomena, paving the way for future technological breakthroughs.

20. Nanomaterials for Environmental Remediation

Address environmental challenges by using nanomaterials to remove pollutants from water, air, or soil. Analyze the effectiveness of these materials in breaking down contaminants, highlighting the role of nanotechnology in sustainability and conservation.

Physics Research Area #5: Data Science and Physics

The intersection of data science and physics opens up exciting possibilities for high school students interested in physics research ideas. By applying data analysis techniques to physics problems, students can uncover patterns and insights that traditional methods might miss.

data science

This field is particularly appealing for those considering majors in physics, data science, or computer science , as it equips them with valuable skills in computational analysis, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

21. Analysis of Gravitational Wave Data

Dive into astrophysics by processing data from LIGO or Virgo to identify gravitational wave events. This research offers a firsthand look at phenomena like black hole mergers, requiring skills in data processing and analysis to interpret the cosmic dances of massive objects.

22. Particle Identification in Collider Experiments

Use machine learning to sift through data from the Large Hadron Collider, identifying particles from high-energy collisions. This involves developing algorithms for pattern recognition, offering insights into the fundamental components of the universe.

23. Climate Data Analysis for Weather Prediction

Apply statistical analysis to climate data to improve weather prediction models. This project combines physics with meteorology, modeling atmospheric dynamics to enhance the accuracy of forecasts and understand the impact of climate change.

24. Machine Learning for Quantum State Classification

Explore quantum physics by using machine learning to classify quantum states. Training models on experimental data allows for a deeper understanding of quantum information processes, showcasing the synergy between computational science and quantum theory.

25. Data-driven Modeling of Complex Physical Systems

Create models for predicting the behavior of complex systems, such as fluid flows or material behaviors. This research blends traditional physics equations with modern data-driven methods, improving simulation accuracy and efficiency.

Physics Research Area #6: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics are rapidly transforming industries and everyday life, making the integration of these technologies with physics principles especially relevant for high school students exploring research ideas. This field not only offers a practical application of physics but also prepares students for future studies and careers in engineering, computer science, and robotics.

Engaging in research at the intersection of AI, robotics , and physics allows students to develop innovative solutions to complex problems, honing their skills in programming, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

26. Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments

Work on AI algorithms to guide robots through changing settings. Apply physics principles for motion dynamics and obstacle avoidance, using sensors and real-time control for smooth navigation. This project combines robotics with physics to tackle real-world challenges.

27. Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Control

Explore how reinforcement learning can teach robots to handle physical tasks. Design experiments to refine robot actions through trial and error, using physics to inform reward functions and learning strategies. This approach blends AI with physical laws to enhance robot capabilities.

28. Swarm Robotics for Collective Behavior

Investigate how robots can work together like flocks of birds or schools of fish. Develop algorithms for communication and coordination, drawing on physics to simulate natural collective behaviors. This research pushes the boundaries of robotics, inspired by natural phenomena.

29. Physics-Informed Simulation for Robotic Manipulation

Create simulations that incorporate physical laws to train robots in tasks like picking up objects. Use physics-based models to ensure the simulation mirrors real-world interactions, improving robot efficiency and adaptability through virtual training.

30. Energy-Efficient Motion Planning for Robots

Focus on optimizing robots’ energy use while performing tasks. Develop algorithms that consider physical constraints, aiming to reduce energy consumption without compromising on performance. This project is crucial for creating sustainable robotic systems.

basic physics research topics

How do I choose the right physics research topic?

Choosing the right physics research topic involves identifying your interests and the impact you want to make. Start by exploring various physics research ideas for high school students, focusing on areas that spark your curiosity and where you feel motivated to contribute. This approach ensures your project is both enjoyable and meaningful.

Consider the resources and tools available to you, as well as the feasibility of completing your project within the given time frame. Consulting with teachers, mentors, or professionals in the field can provide valuable insights and help narrow down your options to select a topic that aligns with your goals and academic aspirations.

What are the essential tools and techniques for high school physics research?

Successful physics research projects rely on a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. High school students exploring physics research ideas should familiarize themselves with basic laboratory equipment, simulation software, and data analysis tools. These tools are crucial for conducting experiments, simulating models, and analyzing results effectively.

Moreover, mastering research methodologies, such as experimental design, statistical analysis , and scientific writing, is essential. These techniques will not only enhance the quality of your research but also prepare you for future academic and professional endeavors in the field of physics.

How can I publish my high school physics research findings?

Publishing your physics research findings is a significant achievement that requires meticulous preparation and persistence. Begin by ensuring your research is thorough, well-documented, and presents a clear contribution to the field. Then, seek out journals like the National High School Journal of Science  that accept submissions from high school students; there are many platforms dedicated to young researchers where you can share your work.

Networking with teachers, mentors, and professionals in physics can provide guidance on where and how to submit your research for publication. They can offer advice on refining your paper, selecting the right journal or conference, and navigating the submission process. Remember, receiving feedback and possibly revising your work is part of the journey to publication.

How can my high school physics research experience boost my college application?

Incorporating your high school physics research experience into your college application can significantly enhance your profile. Highlighting your involvement in research demonstrates initiative, depth of knowledge, and a commitment to scientific inquiry. These are qualities that colleges and universities value highly in prospective students.

Discuss how your research allowed you to apply physics concepts in real-world situations, the skills you developed, and any recognition or awards you received. This approach not only showcases your academic capabilities but also your ability to engage with complex problems and contribute to the field of physics.

How can high school students stay updated on the latest physics research trends?

Staying updated with the latest trends in physics research requires proactive engagement with scientific communities and resources. High school students can subscribe to reputable science magazines, journals, and online platforms that publish the latest findings and discussions in physics. Additionally, attending science fairs , lectures, and workshops can provide insights into current research and future directions in the field.

Female students holding her books while walking.

Engaging with social media groups and forums dedicated to physics and science education is another effective way to stay informed. These platforms allow students to connect with peers, educators, and professionals, sharing ideas, research opportunities, and updates on advancements in physics research. By remaining informed, students can find inspiration for their projects and contribute meaningfully to conversations in the scientific community.

Exploring physics research ideas for high school students offers a unique opportunity to delve into the wonders of the universe and contribute to the vast expanse of scientific knowledge. By selecting the right topic, mastering essential tools, publishing findings, and staying informed about research trends, students can significantly enhance their academic journey and future prospects.

Remember, your curiosity and dedication to physics can lead to discoveries that illuminate the mysteries of the cosmos in ways we can only imagine.


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A List of 240 Physics Topics & Questions to Research

Plates break when you drop them. Glasses help you see better. Have you ever wondered why?

Physics has the answer. It studies the observable as well as invisible aspects of nature. An essential part of this is examining the structure and interactions of matter.

Are you a high-schooler studying for your exams? Or maybe you need to write an interesting physics paper for your Ph.D. research or college seminar? This article presents a list of the most popular topics in physics for you to choose from.

Best of all, you don’t have to push yourself too hard to finish your essay. Custom-writing.org is happy to help students with all kinds of written assignments.

🔝 Top 10 Physics Research Topics

✅ branches of physics.

  • ⭐ Top 10 Physics Topics
  • ⚙️ Mechanics
  • 🌡️ Thermodynamics
  • ⚡ Electromagnetism
  • 🔊 Sounds & Waves
  • ☢️ Modern Physics
  • 🔋 Physics Project Topics
  • 🔭 Astrophysics
  • 🌎 Physical Geography
  • 🤔 Theoretical Physics
  • ⚛️ Quantum Physics

🔍 References

  • Modern vs. classical physics
  • Gravity method in geophysics
  • Why can’t the multiverse be real?
  • Nuclear physics vs. quantum physics
  • Photonics’ relationship to other fields
  • Is electromagnetism the strongest force?
  • What would extra dimensions look like?
  • The importance of kinematics in real life
  • Is string theory a generalization of quantum field theory?
  • The difference between liquid pressure and air pressure

Now: before writing about physics you should know about its main branches. These are classical and modern . Let’s take a closer look:

  • Mechanics , which is concerned with motion. Two of its essential aspects are kinematics and dynamics.
  • Optics helps us understand the properties of light.
  • Another branch investigates waves and sound . It studies the way they travel and how they are produced.
  • Thermodynamics deals with heat and motion. One of its key concepts is entropy.
  • Electromagnetism studies the interactions between charged particles. It also deals with the forces and fields that surround them.
  • Finally, physical geographers observe our Earth’s physical features. These include environmental processes and patterns.
  • Atomic physics , which examines the structure and behavior of atoms.
  • Nuclear physics investigates the nucleus of atoms. This branch often deals with radioactivity.
  • Scientists working in quantum physics concentrate on the erratic behavior of waves and particles.
  • Relativity can be general and special. Special relativity deals with time and motion. General relativity describes gravity as an alteration of spacetime caused by massive objects.
  • Cosmology and astrophysics explore the properties of celestial bodies. Cosmologists strive to comprehend the universe on a larger scale.
  • Mesoscopic physics covers the scale between macroscopic and microscopic.


You can talk about any of these branches in your essay. Keep in mind that this division is a basic outline. Strictly speaking, everything that happens around you is physics! Now, we’re all set to move on to our physics paper topics.

⭐ Top 10 Physics Topics 2024

  • Biophysics vs. biochemistry
  • The future of nano-physics
  • The use of perturbation theory
  • Possible cause of baryogenesis
  • Solid-state vs. condensed matter physics
  • Why is the quark model introduced?
  • The importance of plasma in physics
  • Statistical mechanics vs. statistical physics
  • Ways to calculate electronic structure
  • Difference between matter and dark matter

🧲 Classical Physics Topics to Write About

Classical physics deals with energy, force, and motion. You encounter this kind of physics in everyday life. Below, we’ve compiled a list with compelling prompts you’ll recognize from your physics class:

⚙️ Mechanics Essay Topics

  • What does Newton’s laws of motion state?
  • How do ships stay afloat?
  • Equipartition: for what systems does it not hold?
  • What does Bernoulli’s principle state about fluids?
  • Surface tension: what causes it?
  • How does buoyancy work?
  • An overview of the molecular origins of viscosity.
  • The equipartition theorem: how does it connect a system’s temperature to its energies?
  • The benefits of the continuum assumption.
  • Contrast the different types of forces.
  • Explain the term “momentum.”
  • Kinematics: describing the relationships of objects in constrained motion.
  • What causes objects to oscillate?

🌡️ Thermodynamics Paper Topics

  • Thermodynamics as a kinetic theory of matter.
  • What is entropy?
  • Describe the three types of thermodynamic processes.
  • The Carnot heat engine as part of a thermodynamic cycle.


  • Perpetual motion: is it possible or not?
  • Investigate fire in terms of chemistry and thermodynamics.

⚡ Electromagnetism Topics to Research

  • Examine the connection between electric potential and electric field.
  • What makes an excellent conduit?
  • How does a dielectric impact a capacitor?
  • Contrast current, resistance, and power.
  • How do magnetic fields relate to electricity?
  • Explain inductance. What causes it?
  • How do induction stoves work?

🔊 Essay Topics on Sounds & Waves

  • Sound waves: how do they travel?
  • Describe the two types of mechanical waves.
  • What are electromagnetic waves used for?
  • The difference between interference and diffraction.
  • Music and vibrations: the properties of sound.

👓 Optics Topics to Write About

  • How does reflection work?
  • What happens when an object absorbs light?
  • Why does light break into a rainbow?
  • Lasers: what do we use them for?
  • What causes Aurora Borealis?
  • Photography: what happens when you change the aperture?
  • Explain what influences the colors of sunsets.
  • Fata Morgana mirages: where do they originate from?
  • What is the Novaya Zemlya effect?

☢️ Modern Physics Topics for a Paper

The world of modern physics shifts away from its more tangible origins. It deals with atoms and even smaller particles. Nuclear, atomic, and quantum physics belong to this category. One of the central problems of modern physics is redefining the concept of gravity.

  • Relativity: a discovery that turned our understanding of physics upside down.
  • An overview of 20th century physics.
  • The ultraviolet catastrophe and how it was solved.
  • What happens to the energy entering an ideal blackbody?
  • The photoelectric effect: creating current with light.
  • Why did the classical lightwave model become outdated?
  • How do night vision devices work?
  • The production of x-rays.
  • Explain why the charge of electrons is quantized.
  • How does the kinetic energy of an electron relate to the light’s frequency and intensity?
  • Describe the photon model of the Compton Scattering.
  • How do you identify an element using its line spectra?
  • Cold Fusion: how likely is it?
  • Explain the Pauli Exclusion Principle.
  • Electron shells and atomic orbitals: properties of electrons.
  • What causes peaks in the x-ray spectrum?
  • How do you calculate radioactive decay?
  • Carbon dating: how accurate is it?
  • The discovery of radioactivity.
  • What holds electronic nuclei together?
  • Nuclear Fusion: will it ever be possible?
  • Describe the types of elemental transmutation.
  • Applications of nuclear fission.
  • Virtual particles: how do they come into existence?

Werner Heisenberg quote.

  • Nucleosynthesis: creating atomic nuclei.
  • How do you dope a semiconductor using ion implantation?
  • What are the magic numbers?
  • Superheavy primordial elements: the history of unbihexium.
  • Predictions surrounding the island of stability.
  • How does a computer tomography work?

🔋 Physics Project Topics for a Science Fair

What’s the most fun part of every natural science? If you said “experiments,” you guessed it! Everybody can enjoy creating rainbows or exploring the effects of magnets. Your next physics project will be as fascinating as you want it to be with these exciting ideas!

  • Build a kaleidoscope and learn how it works.
  • Investigate the centripetal force with the help of gelatin and marbles.
  • Make a potato battery.
  • Construct an elevator system.
  • Prove Newton’s laws of motion by placing objects of different weights in a moving elevator.
  • Learn how a telescope works. Then build one from scratch.
  • Levitate small objects using ultrasound.
  • Measure how fast a body in free fall accelerates.
  • Find out what causes a capacitor to charge and discharge over time.
  • Measure how light intensity changes through several polarizing filters.
  • Observe how sound waves change under altered atmospheric conditions.
  • Find out how a superheated object is affected by its container.
  • Determine the mathematics behind a piece of classical music.
  • Replicate an oil spill and search for the best way to clean it up.
  • What makes a circular toy easy to spin? Experiment by spinning hula hoops of different sizes.
  • Make DNA visible. What happens if you use different sources of plant-based DNA?
  • Charge your phone with a handmade solar cell.
  • Find out what properties an object needs to stay afloat.
  • Create music by rubbing your finger against the rim of a glass. Experiment with several glasses filled with different amounts of water.
  • Compare the free-fall speed of a Lego figure using various parachutes.
  • Experiment with BEC to understand quantum mechanics.
  • Make a windmill and describe how it works.
  • Build an automatic light circuit using a laser.
  • How do concave and convex mirrors affect your reflection?
  • Investigate how pressure and temperature influence the air volume.
  • Determine the conductivity of different fluids.
  • Learn about the evolution of the universe by measuring electromagnetic radiation.
  • Capture charged particles in an ion trap.
  • Build a rocket car using a balloon.
  • Experiment with pendulums and double pendulums. How do they work?

🔭 Astrophysics Topics for a Research Paper

Astrophysicists, astronomers, and cosmologists observe what happens in space. Astronomy examines celestial bodies, while astrophysics describes their mechanics. At the same time, cosmology attempts to comprehend the universe as a whole.

  • Explain when a celestial body is called a planet.
  • Dark energy and dark matter: how do they affect the expansion of the universe?
  • The cosmic microwave background: investigating the birth of the universe.
  • What are the possible explanations for the expansion of the universe?
  • Evidence for the existence of dark matter.
  • The discovery of gravitational waves: consequences and implications.
  • Explore the history of LIGO.
  • How did scientists observe a black hole?
  • The origins of light.
  • Compare the types of stars.
  • Radioactivity in space: what is it made of?
  • What do we know about stellar evolution?
  • Rotations of the Milky Way.
  • Write an overview of recent developments in astrophysics.
  • Investigate the origin of moons.
  • How do we choose names for constellations?
  • What are black holes?
  • How does radiative transfer work in space?
  • What does our solar system consist of?
  • Describe the properties of a star vs. a moon.

Spectral types of stars.

  • What makes binary stars special?
  • Gamma-ray bursts: how much energy do they produce?
  • What causes supernovae?
  • Compare the types of galaxies.
  • Neutron stars and pulsars: how do they differ?
  • The connection between stars and their colors.
  • What are quasars?
  • Curved space: is there enough evidence to support the theory?
  • What produces x-rays in space?
  • Exoplanets: what do we know about them?

🌎 Physical Geography Topics to Write About

Physical geographers explore the beauty of our Earth. Their physical knowledge helps them explain how nature works. What causes climate change? Where do our seasons come from? What happens in the ocean? These are the questions physical geographers seek to answer.

  • What creates rainbows?
  • How do glaciers form?
  • The geographical properties of capes.
  • What causes landslides?
  • An overview of the types of erosion.
  • What makes Oceania’s flora unique?
  • Reefs: why are they important?
  • Why is there a desert in the middle of Siberia?
  • The geography of the Namibian desert.
  • Explain the water cycle.
  • How do you measure the length of a river?
  • The Gulf Stream and its influence on the European climate.
  • Why is the sky blue?
  • What creates waves?
  • How do marshes form?
  • Investigate the causes of riptides.
  • The Three Gorges Dam: how was it built?
  • Explain the phenomenon of Green Sahara.
  • The consequences of freshwater pollution.
  • What are the properties of coastal plains?
  • Why is the Atacama Desert the driest place on Earth?
  • How does a high altitude affect vegetation?
  • Atmospheric changes over the past 100 years.
  • Predicting earthquakes: a comparison of different methods.
  • What causes avalanches?
  • Seasons: where do they come from?
  • The Baltic and the Northern Seas meeting phenomenon.
  • The geographical properties of the Altai Mountains.
  • How do the steppes form?
  • Why are some water bodies saltier than others?

🤔 Theoretical Physics Topics to Research

Math fans, this section is for you. Theoretical physics is all about equations. Research in this area goes into the development of mathematical and computer models. Plus, theoretical physicists try to construct theories for phenomena that currently can’t be explained experimentally.

  • What does the Feynman diagram describe?
  • How is QFT used to model quasiparticles?
  • String theory: is it a theory of everything?
  • The paradoxical effects of time travel.
  • Monstrous moonshine: how does it connect to string theory?
  • Mirror symmetry and Calabi-Yau manifolds: how are they used in physics?
  • Understanding the relationship between gravity and BF theories.
  • Compare the types of Gauge theories.

The six types of quarks.

  • Applications of TQFT in condensed matter physics.
  • Examine the properties of fields with arbitrary spin.
  • How do quarks and gluons interact with each other?
  • What predictions does quantum field theory make for curved spacetime?
  • How do technicolor theories explain electroweak gauge symmetry breaking?
  • Quantum gravity: a comparison of approaches.
  • How does LQG address the structure of space?
  • An introduction into the motivation behind the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis.
  • What does the M-theory state?
  • What does the Ising model say about ferromagnetism?
  • Compare the thermodynamic Debye model with the Einstein model.
  • How does the kinetic theory describe the macroscopic properties of gases?
  • Understanding the behavior of waves and particles: scattering theory.
  • What was the luminiferous aether assumption needed for?
  • The Standard Model of particles: why is it not a full theory of fundamental interactions?
  • Investigate supersymmetry.
  • Physical cosmology: measuring the universe.
  • Describe the black hole thermodynamics.
  • Pancomputationalism: what is it about?
  • Skepticism concerning the E8 theory.
  • Explain the conservation of angular momentum.
  • What does the dynamo theory say about celestial bodies?

⚛️ Quantum Physics Topics for Essays & Papers

First and foremost, quantum physics is very confusing. In quantum physics, an object is not just in a specific place. It merely has the probability to be in one place or another. Light travels in particles, and matter can be a wave. Throw physics as you know it overboard. In this world, you can never be sure what and where things really are.

  • How did the SchrĂśdinger Equation advance quantum physics?
  • Describe the six types of quarks.
  • Contrast the four quantum numbers.
  • What kinds of elementary particles exist?
  • Probability density: finding electrons.
  • How do you split an atom using quantum mechanics?
  • When is an energy level degenerate?
  • Quantum entanglement: how does it affect particles?
  • The double-slit experiment: what does it prove?
  • What causes a wave function to collapse?
  • Explore the history of quantum mechanics.
  • What are quasiparticles?
  • The Higgs mechanism: explaining the mass of bosons.
  • Quantum mechanical implications of the EPR paradox.
  • What causes explicit vs. spontaneous symmetry breaking?
  • Discuss the importance of the observer.
  • What makes gravity a complicated subject?
  • Can quantum mechanical theories accurately depict the real world?
  • Describe the four types of exchange particles.
  • What are the major problems surrounding quantum physics?
  • What does Bell’s theorem prove?
  • How do bubble chambers work?
  • Understanding quantum mechanics: the Copenhagen interpretation.
  • Will teleportation ever be possible on a large scale?
  • The applications of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
  • Wave packets: how do you localize them?
  • How do you process quantum information?
  • What does the Fourier transform do?
  • The importance of Planck’s constant.
  • Matter as waves: the Heisenberg-SchrĂśdinger atom model.

We hope you’ve found a great topic for your best physics paper. Good luck with your assignment!

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  • What Is Quantum Mechanics?: LiveScience
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Thanks for the great article


25+ Most Important Physics Topics For Students

          “Physics: the mysterious subject for students.”

It is great to make a command on basics first if you want to master that subject. It is the scenario with every field of study. Someone who wants to study physics must clear his/her basic concepts and be familiar with its topics like kinetic energy, potential energy, statistical mechanics, etc.

    “Curiosity is the road that leads you to learn physics.”

In this blog, we will tell you what physics is and some important physics topics that will help in your daily life. We will tell you what physics is and how you can understand it.

Physics students learn about important physics topics by reading this blog. So, hang on and know everything about physics!

Get experts help to get top-notch Physics help online that will help you to improve your grades on your assignment.

What Is Physics?

Table of Contents

When we look at the things around us, many questions are in our minds. Physics gives the answers to all these questions. You all must have heard about chemistry and biology. There are a lot of applications of physics with different aspects of nature.

basic physics research topics

Chemistry tells us about the results of things, and biology studies the processes of real life. But only physics tells us how things work. And if you need chemistry assignment help , you can contact our experts. 

For example: As you look at a car running on the road, the question comes to your mind how does this car run on the road, how does its engine work, and how does a small brake pedal stop the entire car? The answer to all these questions is physics. Also, angular momentum is part of physics.

Physics tells us how things work. Many physics topics help us to understand the concept of nature and the universe. From the galaxy to the small atom, we can understand all these through physics.

The term physics is derived from the Greek word PHUSIKE, which means nature and its study. Energy, force, light, and time are all very basic concepts that we study in physics.

What Are The Topics Of Basic Physics?

These are the following topics of basic physics, and it is such as;

1. Motion, position, and energy.
2. Newton’s laws of motion.
3. Energy, work, and their relationship
4. Momentum and conservation of energy
5. Gravity, theories of gravity
6. Mass, force, and weight (Mass versus weight)

Subject Matter Topics for Introductory Physics

The following are the subject matter topics for introductory physics. It is also the best Physics topics for College students.

1. Linear motion.
2. Energy.
3. Momentum.
4. Circular and Rotational Motion.
5. Interactions and Force.
6. Work.
7. Motion in Two-Dimensions.
8. Gravity.

Reasons: Why do students choose to study physics in their higher education?

A physics degree helps you explore the world in every aspect- from the galaxy and the small atom with electronic structure. It equips you with techniques that help you to solve complex problems. It lets you know about some beautiful things and the plain ugly truth that rule our world. In reality, analyzing physics provides you with a deep knowledge of how the world works.

With the help of physics knowledge, many students want to pursue it by taking a postgraduate course related to it. It describes the various physics mysteries. 

Five reasons to study physics at college-

  • Experimental Physics encourages you to know the world around you and answer your curiosity.
  • Analyzing physics improves your problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
  • Versatility is the essence of physicists, which opens a broad range of future careers.
  • Physics is applied everywhere and gives you a chance to work internationally.
  • Physics encourages technological progress, influencing society, the economy, and the environment.

List Of Important School Physics Topics

basic physics research topics

  • History of quantum mechanics
  • Newton’s Laws Of Motion
  • Vectors And Projectiles
  • Work And Energy
  • Circular Motion And Gravitation

Electric Circuits

Thermal physics.

  • Vibrations And Waves
  • Refraction And Lenses

There are many branches of Physics, one of which is named Mechanics, and Mechanics has three branches, one of which is named Kinematics. Kinematics is one of the most important physics topics.

Kinematics means describing the motion of an object. In kinematics, we only study the object’s motion, why that object, and who brings it into action is not related to kinematics.

Kinematics also has four parameters: velocity, displacement, acceleration, and time. With the help of these four parameters, we can describe motion in kinematics. For any assignment or homework above the kinematics subject, you can take help from our experts.

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

Newton’s Law is One of the Most Important Physics Topics. Newton’s Law of Motion consists of three laws, based on which all things related to motion can be known. Newton’s law of motion consists of three laws. From these laws, we can know all things related to motion.

The first law of Newton’s law states Uniform Motion and is also called the Law of inertia. In the second Newton’s Law, the force is said to be, which is directly proportional to the square of acceleration. And in the third Newton’s law, it is said that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

These three newton’s law of motion is a very important part of physics topics. If you are studying physics, then definitely read this topic, if any problem arises, you can take help related to physics assignments and homework from our experts.

Vectors and Projectiles

Vectors and Projectiles are one of the third most important physics topics. Vectors and projectiles both have different meanings, but they are related to each other, only then they are considered to be the same topic.

Arrows represent vectors. The length of the Arrow is Proportional to the Magnitude, and the Direction of the Arrow is to be the Direction of the Vector that defines the vector. And projectile means that after throwing any object, it goes down due to gravity.

This is a very interesting topic, if you are a student of physics, then you must read this topic, and if you need help with any assignment or homework related to it, then you can take it from our experts.

Work and Energy

Work and energy are the two words that we often use in everyday life, but this is a very important physics topic. Work and energy have different meanings in physics.

Work means that energy is transferred by force, and energy means the ability to work. Each other’s words are fulfilling the meaning of these two. It is a very interesting physics topic, on top of which you can also write many assignments.

Circular Motion and Gravitation

Circular Motion and Gravitation are very interesting physics topics. It is said that forces can be used in circular motion and gravitation.

Circular motion means when a body moves in a circular path at a content speed and constant direction. And gravitation means that if we throw an object upwards, that object will go back to the top of the force according to the Cause of Gravity.

Electric circuits are one of the physics topics that tell us in detail about electric circuits. Both positive and negative are electric field circuits. This is explained by what works and how they work.

Electric circuits refer to the positive current coming out of a cell and generator with a wire connected to the negative circuit with the help of a wire. This is a very interesting chapter for physics students and can also offer many models and assignments on this topic.

Thermal physics is also a very important part of physics topics. Thermal physics is a topic that exposes students to many new things.

The study of thermal physics is done by heat. Heat energy and thermal energies are the motions and vibrations of molecules in terms of the energy activity of any substance or system. If there are more molecules in it, the same energy will be found in it. This is a very interesting topic for students, and many assignments can be made on it.

Vibrations and Waves

Vibrations and Waves On hearing this word, your mind must have heard thoughts related to the sound. But vibrations and waves are also part of physics topics. Vibrations and waves are very important in physics. Also, know How do convex mirrors impact your reflection?

Vibrations mean that if we shake with a big pay force, then that body keeps vibrating for some time due to that force, that vibration is called vibration. A wave can be described as a disturbance that travels from one medium to another through a medium. They are both from advance quantum physics , and students can make many models and assignments on them to get the aim of physics.

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Refraction and Lenses

Refraction and lenses are some of the most interesting and important physics topics. All this topic is based on refraction and lenses. Students need to know how light lanes affect refraction through their theoretical physicist.

We can determine whether the light will reflect or refract by placing the ray of light on the lens in the refraction and lenses. It is also one of the interesting topics for the students, and with the help of this topic, students can also make many physics assignments.

Bonus point: list of interesting topics for a physics research project-

Here we mention some physics research topics that you can take and prepare a project on it-

  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Optical Physics and Quantum Information Science
  • Astrophysics, Fusion, and Plasma Physics
  • Create a project on physics history
  • Climate-related topic
  • Linear motion.
  • Circular and Rotational Motion.
  • Interactions and Force. 
  • Motion in Two-Dimensions.

Physics topics for assignment

Follow the below-given physics topics list for the assignment.

  • Unit dimensions and Error.
  • Conservation of Momentum.
  • Laws of Motion.
  • Circular Motion.
  • Motion in two dimensions.
  • Work power and energy.

What is the best topic for physics project?

The best topic for the physics project for science and engineering practices: analyzing and s below.

1. Observations of Gas in the Infrared Spectrum.
2. Heat Transfer in an Incandescent Lamp.
3. Insulation Value.
4. Use and Impact of Recycled Materials for Thermal Insulation.
5. Marvelous Magnetics.
6. Music and vibrations: the properties of sound.
7. Long and Short Wavelength Colors.
8. Hydro Power.
9. Salt Water vs Tap Water.

Physics Topics Grade 11

Following are the topics in physics with their chapter name.

Physical World And MeasurementPhysical World: Basic Principles & Natural science
Atomic physics units and Measurements
Special Topics in Calamity Physics
KinematicsMotion in a Straight Line
Motion in a Plane
Laws Of MotionWork, Energy, and Power: Modern physics motion of the System of Particles and Rigid Body
System of Particles and Rotational Motion
Magnetic forces in magnetic fields
GravitationNewton’s law of gravitation
The universal law of gravitation.
Properties of Bulk MatterMechanical Properties of Solids: Advancement of physics
Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Thermal Properties of Matter
ThermodynamicsThe behavior of Perfect Gases and the Kinetic Theory of Gases
Oscillations and Waves

Physics topics for Class 12

Following are the physics topics are given below for the 12th grade.

ElectrostaticsElectrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Electric Charges and Fields
Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Current & MagnetismMoving Charges and Magnetism
Magnetism and Matter
Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating CurrentAlternating Current
Electromagnetic Induction
Electromagnetic Waves
OpticsWave Optics, Nuclear fission
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
Dual Nature of MatterDual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Atoms and Nuclei
Electronics DevicesSemiconductor Electronics
Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
Communication Systems
Communication Systems

Which topic is best for research in physics?

Follow the below-given points to know the physics topics for research.

  • Optical Physics and Quantum Information Science.
  • Astrophysics, Fusion, and Plasma Physics.
  • Microfluidics and Microsystems.
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 
  • Condensed Matter and Materials Physics.
  • Energy Systems. 
  • Biophysics. 

Interesting topics for physics presentation

1. Physics of Babies.
2. Special Relativity and General Relativity.
3. Time dilation.
4. Greatest Physicists and their contribution.
5. Quantum Computing.
6. Nikola Tesla Inventions (PPT2)
7. Physics in Sports Link 2.
8. Physics-Chemistry-Biology Relation.

Best physics topics on MCAT

These are the following best physics topics for MCAT.

  • Electrostatics.
  • Atomic and Nuclear Phenomena.
  • Kinematics.
  • Light and Optics.
  • Thermodynamics.

How is physics used in daily life?

Physics captures our daily life. It explains the motion, forces, and internal energy behind ordinary works. For example, various actions like driving a car, walking, or using a phone call include advances in physics.

Let’s understand it through examples-

1. Example of heat

Heat is a kind of energy that carries from a warm object to a cold object. For example, when you use the stove for cooking, the flame transfers the heat to the utensil put on top of it. As a result, food gets heat from utensils. Physical optics must account for the more subtle properties of visible light in its waveform.

2. Example of a ballpoint pen

The use of a ballpoint pen is inevitable whether you are in school or at the workplace. If physics is not there, then you are not able to write on paper. The physics topics of gravity come when we talk about writing through a ballpoint pen.

As you press the pen on the paper to write, the ball turns, or gravity pushes the ink down on the ball top, from where it is transferred to the paper.

Useful point for students-

Job opportunities after studying physics-

A physics degree opens the door to various post for students-

  • Academic researcher
  • Acoustic consultant
  • Clinical scientist, medical physics
  • Geophysicist
  • Higher education lecturer
  • Metallurgist
  • Meteorologist
  • Nanotechnologist
  • Radiation protection practitioner
  • Research scientist (physical sciences)
  • Secondary school teacher
  • Sound engineer
  • Technical author

What are the 5 laws of physics?

These are the 5 laws of physics, it is given below.

  • Pascal’s Law 
  • Newton’s Laws 
  • Coulomb’s Law 
  • Stefan’s Law
  • Avagadro’s Law

Quick Links

  • A Brief Knowledge Of Kinematics Physics Equations
  • The Definitive Guide On What Is Cartesian Equation

In this blog, we have explained what Physics means and which important Physics topics are there, which students can study with great interest. These all are 20th century physics topics. Moreover, many such physics topics have been told about which students can make their physics assignments and research projects. Moreover, if you need help with physics assignments, our experts offer Physics assignment help or physics homework help online free at very low prices.

Who is the father of physics?

The title “father of physics” has not been assigned to a particular person. Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac, Albert Einstein, and Newton have all been considered the father of physics in western cultures.

What are the physics concepts everyone should know?

1. Classical mechanics (the laws of motion) 2. Electromagnetism 3. Relativity 4. Thermodynamics

What are the three main topics of physics?

The three main topics of physics are given below. Circular Motion (one-dimensional motion, two-dimensional motion, random motion, Harmonic motion) and Gravitation. Electric Circuits. Refraction and Lenses.

Which topic is hard in physics?

The hardest topic of physics is Quantum physics, pressure, and energy, work, etc.

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25 Research Ideas in Physics for High School Students

Research can be a valued supplement in your college application. However, many high schoolers are yet to explore research , which is a delicate process that may include choosing a topic, reviewing literature, conducting experiments, and writing a paper.

If you are interested in physics, exploring the physics realm through research is a great way to not only navigate your passion but learn about what research entails. Physics even branches out into other fields such as biology, chemistry, and math, so interest in physics is not a requirement to doing research in physics. Having research experience on your resume can be a great way to boost your college application and show independence, passion, ambition, and intellectual curiosity !

We will cover what exactly a good research topic entails and then provide you with 25 possible physics research topics that may interest or inspire you.

What is a good research topic?

Of course, you want to choose a topic that you are interested in. But beyond that, you should choose a topic that is relevant today ; for example, research questions that have already been answered after extensive research does not address a current knowledge gap . Make sure to also be cautious that your topic is not too broad that you are trying to cover too much ground and end up losing the details, but not too specific that you are unable to gather enough information.

Remember that topics can span across fields. You do not need to restrict yourself to a physics topic; you can conduct interdisciplinary research combining physics with other fields you may be interested in.

Research Ideas in Physics

We have compiled a list of 25 possible physics research topics suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors. These topics are separated into 8 broader categories.

Topic #1 : Using computational technologies and analyses

If you are interested in coding or technology in general , physics is also one place to look to explore these fields. You can explore anything from new technologies to datasets (even with coding) through a physics lens. Some computational or technological physics topics you can research are:

1.Development of computer programs to find and track positions of fast-moving nanoparticles and nanomachines

2. Features and limitations to augmented and virtual reality technologies, current industry standards of performance, and solutions that have been proposed to address challenges

3. Use of MATLAB or Python to work with existing code bases to design structures that trap light for interaction with qubits

4. Computational analysis of ATLAS open data using Python or C++

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at University of Cambridge, University of Rochester, and Harvard University.

Topic #2 : Exploration of astrophysical and cosmological phenomena

Interested in space? Then astrophysics and cosmology may be just for you. There are lots of unanswered questions about astrophysical and cosmological phenomena that you can begin to answer. Here are some possible physics topics in these particular subfields that you can look into:

5. Cosmological mysteries (like dark energy, inflation, dark matter) and their hypothesized explanations

6. Possible future locations of detectors for cosmology and astrophysics research

7. Physical processes that shape galaxies through cosmic time in the context of extragalactic astronomy and the current issues and frontiers in galaxy evolution

8. Interaction of beyond-standard-model particles with astrophysical structures (such as black holes and Bose stars)

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Princeton University, Harvard University, Yale University, and University of California, Irvine.

Topic #3 : Mathematical analyses of physical phenomena

Math is deeply embedded in physics. Even if you may not be interested solely in physics, there are lots of mathematical applications and questions that you may be curious about. Using basic physics laws, you can learn how to derive your own mathematical equations and solve them in hopes that they address a current knowledge gap in physics. Some examples of topics include:

9. Analytical approximation and numerical solving of equations that determine the evolution of different particles after the Big Bang

10. Mathematical derivation of the dynamics of particles from fundamental laws (such as special relativity, general relativity, quantum mechanics)

11. The basics of Riemannian geometry and how simple geometrical arguments can be used to construct the ingredients of Einstein’s equations of general relativity that relate the curvature of space-time with energy-mass

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Harvard University, University of Southampton, and Pennsylvania State University.

Topic #4 : Nuclear applications in physics

Nuclear science and its possible benefits and implications are important topics to explore and understand in today’s society, which often uses nuclear energy. One possible nuclear physics topic to look into is:

12. Radiation or radiation measurement in applications of nuclear physics (such as reactors, nuclear batteries, sensors/detectors)

Suggested by a Lumiere PhD mentor at University of Chicago.

Topic #5 : Analyzing biophysical data

Biology and even medicine are applicable fields in physics. Using physics to figure out how to improve biology research or understand biological systems is common. Some biophysics topics to research may include the following:

13. Simulation of biological systems using data science techniques to analyze biological data sets

14. Design and construction of DNA nanomachines that operate in liquid environments

15. Representation and decomposition of MEG/EEG brain signals using fundamental electricity and magnetism concepts

16. Use of novel methods to make better images in the context of biology and obtain high resolution images of biological samples

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University of Washington, and University of Rochester

Topic #6 : Identifying electrical and mechanical properties

Even engineering has great applications in the field of physics. There are different phenomena in physics from cells to Boson particles with interesting electrical and/or mechanical properties. If you are interested in electrical or mechanical engineering or even just the basics , these are some related physics topics:

17. Simulations of how cells react to electrical and mechanical stimuli

18. The best magneto-hydrodynamic drive for high electrical permittivity fluids

19. The electrical and thermodynamic properties of Boson particles, whose quantum nature is responsible for laser radiation

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University, and Harvard University.

Topic #7 : Quantum properties and theories

Quantum physics studies science at the most fundamental level , and there are many questions yet to be answered. Although there have been recent breakthroughs in the quantum physics field, there are still many undiscovered sub areas that you can explore. These are possible quantum physics research topics:

20. The recent theoretical and experimental advances in the quantum computing field (such as Google’s recent breakthrough result) and explore current high impact research directions for quantum computing from a hardware or theoretical perspective

21. Discovery a new undiscovered composite particle called toponium and how to utilize data from detectors used to observe proton collisions for discoveries

22. Describing a black hole and its quantum properties geometrically as a curvature of space-time and how studying these properties can potentially solve the singularity problem

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Stanford University, Purdue University, University of Cambridge, and Cornell University.

Topic #8 : Renewable energy and climate change solutions

Climate change is an urgent issue , and you can use physics to research environmental topics ranging from renewable energies to global temperature increases . Some ideas of environmentally related physics research topics are:

23. New materials for the production of hydrogen fuel

24. Analysis of emissions involved in the production, use, and disposal of products

25. Nuclear fission or nuclear fusion energy as possible solutions to mitigate climate change

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Northwestern University and Princeton University.

If you are passionate or even curious about physics and would like to do research and learn more, consider applying to the Lumiere Research Scholar Program , which is a selective online high school program for students interested in researching with the help of mentors. You can find the application form here .

Rachel is a first year at Harvard University concentrating in neuroscience. She is passionate about health policy and educational equity, and she enjoys traveling and dancing.

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basic physics research topics

15 basic physics concepts to help you understand our world

Physics is the science that quantifies reality. Its influence extends to all the natural sciences, including biophysics, astronomy, and chemistry. Physics classifies all interactions between matter and energy and tries to answer the most central questions of the universe. From Aristotle and Isaac Newton to Marie Curie, philosophers and scientists have been using physics to understand the world for at least 2,000 years.

In any field, a scientist needs a handle on the basics before finding answers to fundamental questions. In physics, different types of matter-energy interactions define the basic branches of the sciences. Energy takes the form of heat, light, radiation, sound, motion, and electricity. It can be stored in an object's position, chemical bonds, physical tension, and atomic nuclei. Matter refers to anything with mass, or anything made up of atoms, that takes up space. From the bonding of atoms to the combustion of an engine, matter and energy interact in all facets of life, defining the physical world.

As current and former students are aware, physics makes sense of the relationships between matter and energy through mathematics; although, an appreciation for how physics shapes the world doesn't require advanced computational skills. Stacker used a variety of scientific and educational resources to compile a list of basic physics concepts to help explain how the world works. From Newton's Laws of Motion to electric forces, these concepts explain why matter behaves the way it does.

Read on to see how physics allows engineers to develop life-saving technology like airbags, how it explains door knob placement, and why a person's legs look so short when they're standing in water.

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basic physics research topics

One of the first lessons in a physics class is that of motion: how an object moves, how fast it moves, where it moves, and at what rate it speeds up and slows down.

Physicists commonly use velocity and acceleration to characterize motion. Velocity refers to motion in a specific direction, while acceleration measures how quickly or slowly velocity changes. For example, when driving somewhere, both a driver and a car have velocity, meaning they move in a specific direction at some speed. Said driver probably changes how fast they travel from time to time, alternately accelerating and decelerating.

basic physics research topics

Newton’s first law

Nothing moves without a little push first. That’s essentially Isaac Newton’s first law of motion. If an object is moving at a constant speed (even if the speed is zero, and the object is stationary), it will stay that way unless a force, like the friction between a wheel and the ground, affects it. This concept is also called inertia. Newton’s first law explains why once a rocket is launched into the vacuum of space , without the resistance of air or other forces, it will keep traveling in a straight line at a constant speed indefinitely.

basic physics research topics

Newton’s second law

As alluded to in Newton’s first law, in order to move, an object needs a force. Generally, a force is a push or pull. For example, the front door needs a push before it can open. Newton’s second law asserts that a force depends on the mass of an object exerting that force and its acceleration. Quickly pushing a hand forward to open the door will create a much more forceful entrance than if the same person slowed their approach.

basic physics research topics

Newton’s third law

Forces don’t act in isolation; each is always accompanied by another force that pushes or pulls in the opposite direction . When pushing a chair across the floor, for example, not only does one exert a force that moves the chair, but the floor exerts another force—friction—opposing the push. Some examples of Newton’s third law in action include a car’s wheels push backward on the ground, making use of the road’s friction force and moving forward; or a bird’s wings push air down and back to generate lift and fly forward.

basic physics research topics

Most famous as the force that makes things fall down, more fundamentally, gravity is a force of attraction. Not only does it attract things to Earth's surface, but it keeps planets orbiting stars. Gravity is also the reason things have weight. Everything has mass, a measure of the amount of matter in an object, but the force of Earth's gravitational pull is what creates weight .

basic physics research topics

Centripetal force

The low-speed limits posted for on and off-ramps are there for a reason: centripetal force. When something accelerates along a circular path, centripetal force keeps it going in the circle . For curved exit ramps, the speed limits have been specially calculated to ensure that centripetal force keeps the car on its path.

basic physics research topics

Work and energy

Work happens whenever a force moves something . Whenever someone does work on another object, like moving a chair across the floor, they also transfer energy to that object. In this case, the person moving the chair gives it kinetic energy—the energy of motion.

This is part of the law of conservation of energy: Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but can be transferred to different objects and take different forms. This concept helps explain how fuel and engines work, and why car owners need to buy gasoline or charge their vehicles. When a driver starts up their car, the car doesn’t create kinetic energy to move; instead, the chemical or potential energy in the fuel of the car combusts in the engine to generate motion, converting potential energy into kinetic energy.

basic physics research topics

Some may think of momentum as that motivated, “on a roll” feeling that follows a series of successes. In physics, momentum is how much motion something has. It’s similar to the colloquial meaning, in that an object’s physical momentum determines how much force is needed to stop a moving object that’s “on a roll.” Impulse measures how much momentum changes over time.

These concepts help engineers design airbags, which increase the impulse—or time required to stop the momentum—of a driver during a crash. This means that the driver feels a smaller force from the crash, as they experience the change in momentum over a longer period of time .

basic physics research topics

Torque is the reason doors have knobs and hinges on opposite sides and is the force that causes an object to rotate or twist about an axis. It requires more force to rotate an object when pushing closest to the axis of rotation, which is why doorknobs are nearly as far as possible from the hinges.

basic physics research topics

Simple harmonic motion

Simple harmonic motion involves oscillations , like a block bouncing up and down on a spring, or a pendulum swinging left, right, and back again. With this kind of movement, an object passes through a central position to one side and then moves the same amount to the other side after each pass through the center so that maximum displacement is equal on both ends.

In the pendulum example, the pendulum swings just as far left as it does right. It’s called harmonic motion because musical sounds are combinations of simple harmonic waves, sound waves emitted by musical instruments.

basic physics research topics

Fluid dynamics

From river flow to wind patterns, fluid dynamics explains some of the most common forces of nature. Physicists and engineers study flow rates of fluids, type of flow (like smooth or turbulent), friction, pressure, fluid thickness, and more to understand liquids and gases. Anyone with air travel experience has benefitted from the study of fluid dynamics. The shape of airplane wings takes advantage of airflow, the curved top and flat bottom manipulating air pressure to lift the plane.

basic physics research topics


Thermodynamics regards different kinds of heat and energy transfer. Heat is a form of energy and can transfer from a hot object or area to a cooler one through radiation, physical contact, or the flow of heated particles known as convection. Heat represents energy transferred between systems because of a temperature difference, while temperature measures how fast atoms are moving.

Thanks to thermodynamics, scientists and engineers have created air conditioning, central heating, and computers that don’t overheat. Biologists also benefit from this field: Thermodynamics governs how organisms receive, store, and expend energy. For example, plants take in heat energy in the form of the sun’s radiation and animals emit heat during energy metabolism.

basic physics research topics


Electricity exists thanks to positive and negative charges, largely carried by two subatomic particles: protons, which are positively charged, and electrons, which are negatively charged. Opposite charges attract each other, while like charges repel. Whenever one of these charged particles moves, it creates an electrical current.

Every time someone turns on a light, electrons move from an area of negative charge through a wire toward an area of positive charge, generating a current to power the bulb. Electricity isn’t just useful for appliances , though, it also plays a fundamental role in biology, powering animals’ nervous systems. Neurons communicate with the help of electrically charged atoms, or ions, generating electrical impulses that power things like muscle movement.

basic physics research topics

The motion of electric charges creates current and generates an electromagnetic force, resulting in magnetism. Like charges, magnets consist of two opposite components. These components, called poles, are also similar to charges in that like poles repel while opposites attract. Each magnet has a north and south pole. Earth also has magnetic poles, though their location isn’t quite the same as the more popular geographic north and south poles. Scientists think that Earth’s swirling, metallic core creates the planet’s magnetic field, making Earth a giant magnet.

basic physics research topics

Eyeglasses, contact lenses, microscopes, movie projectors, cameras, and more all exist because of the physics of light, or optics. These innovations harness the principle of refraction or the angle at which light bends when entering a different material. For example, glass lenses—similar to the lens of an eye—use refraction to focus and magnify images. Refraction also creates the strange image of a disproportionately squat lower half when a person stands waist-deep in a pool. Light travels slower in water , so the human eye gazing at the pool from above perceives objects in water as closer than they actually are.

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