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Applied Statistics PhD

Doctoral Program

The PhD in Applied Statistics addresses the growing demand in a wide range of fields for individuals with doctoral training in statistical theory and methodology who can apply statistical methods to solve business problems.

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Students in applied statistics classroom at UTSA

Why Pursue a PhD in Applied Statistics

With constant technological advancement, the need for individuals who can design experiments and analyze large, complex data sets with the latest tools and technology continues to grow.

The demand for statisticians is high, especially for individuals trained to analyze big data in the areas of biomedical development, fraud detection, cyber security and defense-related issues. Job opportunities exist in a variety of industries including education, energy, finance, government, healthcare, insurance and manufacturing .  

statistics class meeting

Research Opportunities

Research is carried out while students are taking formal coursework and during the summers. As research assistants, students are involved with faculty in joint research activities and pursue their own research objectives under faculty supervision. These activities should lead to authoring or co-authoring papers presented at academic meetings and possibly submitted for publication by the time the student is ready for dissertation research. (To compete successfully in the job market, students should give high priority to presenting papers at meetings and publications while in the program.)

Applied Statistics faculty

Careers in Higher Education and Research

The primary focus of a doctoral program is to prepare qualified candidates for careers in higher education, teaching, and research. Data predicts a strong demand for business school faculty for the next 15 years. Becoming a university faculty member is a gratifying experience that offers collaboration with students and other faculty, as well as fair compensation.

Outside of academia, Statisticians are in high demand in the growing biomedical field to develop methods for evaluating the efficacy and safety of new medications, surgeries, and other treatments. Additionally, Statisticians are conducting cutting-edge Bioinformatics research to assess topics such as gene therapy, genomics research, aging, and many other newly developed issues.

Students Attending an Info Session

Register for an Info Session

Interested in learning more about UTSA’s Carlos Alvarez College of Business Applied Statistics PhD program? Register to attend an upcoming Information Session where you’ll have the opportunity to review application procedures, learn admissions requirements and ask questions.

  • Admission Requirements

Application Deadlines

Funding opportunities, career options, admission & application requirements.

Applications are submitted through the UTSA Graduate Application . Please upload all required documents (listed below) on your UTSA Graduate Application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure completion and submission of the application, a nonrefundable application fee, and all required supporting documents are on file with UTSA by the appropriate application deadline.

Applied Statistics (PhD)
Admission is only available for the Fall semester
Required Degree
Minimum GPA
Credential Evaluation directly from the graduate admission application platform
English Language Proficiency
Purpose Statement
Letters of Recommendation

Applicants are encouraged to have their admission file completed as early as possible. All applications, required documents and letters of recommendation, if applicable, must be submitted by 5:00 PM U.S. Central Time on the day of the deadline. Deadlines are subject to change.

Applied Statistics (PhD)
Application Deadlines for: Priority International Domestic
Spring 2025 Not Available Not Available
Summer 2025 Not Available Not Available
Fall 2025 February 1 February 1
Spring 2026 Not Available Not Available
Summer 2026 Not Available Not Available

PhD’s are generally funded with our financial package which consists of an assistantship in the form of a research or teaching assistantship with paid tuition and fees for up to four (4) years.

For more information about graduate funding, click below.

UTSA prepares you for future careers that are in demand. The possible careers below is data pulled by a third-party tool called Emsi, which pulls information from sources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, online job postings, other government databases and more to give you regional and national career outlook related to this academic program.

School of Data Science

School of Data Science

This program is part of the School of Data Science, also known as San Pedro I, and is housed in a cutting-edge facility dedicated to advancing the field of data science and fostering innovation in data-driven research and education. San Pedro I is a state-of-the-art facility specifically designed for hands-on learning and research under renowned faculty with expertise in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and more. The School of Data Science is committed to providing a world-class education that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and career opportunities needed to thrive in the rapidly evolving data landscape.

Earning a Master's Degree

While in a doctoral program, a student may earn a master’s degree provided the following conditions are satisfied:

  • A student must be admitted to candidacy.
  • A student is eligible to receive a master’s degree upon completion of University-wide requirements and any additional degree requirements specific to the program.
  • The Doctoral Studies Committee, Department Chair, and the Graduate Associate Dean of the College must recommend students for the degree.
  • The student must apply for graduation by the published deadline the semester prior to awarding the doctoral degree.
  • All required coursework in the doctoral program at the time of admission to candidacy must have been taken within the previous six years.
  • If the master’s degree requires a thesis, the degree cannot be awarded on the basis of the doctoral qualifying examination.
  • Students will not be approved for an additional master’s degree in the same field in which an individual has previously received a master’s degree.

Course Offerings & Schedule

The PhD in Applied Statistics is offered at UTSA’s Downtown Campus only and will admit full-time as well as part-time students.

Most courses are offered during the day and full-time students must enroll for nine hours in the fall semester, nine hours in the spring semester and three hours in the summer semester. We do not recommend working full-time if you plan to pursue the full-time program.

This program is does not offer a hybrid or fully online modality. All PhD programs in the college are in-residence and admitted students are expected to complete the program in-person.

PhD full-time students normally serve as either a teaching assistant or research assistant throughout the program. These experiences are an important part of the training and overall doctoral experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Admission process, what are the key factors on which admissions are based, and who decides.

Admission is based on

  • Undergraduate transcripts (and graduate, if applicable)
  • Standardized test scores
  • Recommendations from former professors or employers who can speak to your ability to do doctoral-level work at UTSA

The admission committee is looking for evidence that you understand the specific nature of the program that you are applying for, that you can articulate your scholarly intentions that fit with the research interests of current faculty and that you are academically prepared to succeed in the program.

The most important part of your application is your statement of purpose. Although outstanding grades and test scores are important, you should construct a clear, persuasive, well-written statement of purpose in order to be competitive.

I am completing an undergraduate degree. Am I eligible to apply?

Yes; however, you must take additional leveling courses and complete any graduate coursework where your academic background is insufficient. The catalog states that the PhD requirement is “66 hours beyond the master’s degree.” Therefore, the time required to complete a PhD will most likely be much longer for a candidate without a master’s degree than for a candidate with a master’s degree.

When are admission decisions made?

Admission decisions are typically made in March; however, exceptionally qualified candidates are considered earlier.

Can I submit GMAT/GRE test scores after the application deadline?

No. All application documents must be received by the application deadline and incomplete applications will not be considered. You will be required to upload unofficial copies within the Graduate Admissions Application.

Can I wait to submit the foreign credential evaluation (ECE transcript) until after I am accepted to UTSA?

No. Foreign credential evaluations must be received by the application deadline for your application to be processed. Processing time may take up to three weeks, and students should plan accordingly with the admission deadlines of the programs for which they are applying.

Do you accept WES transcript evaluations?

All NACES accredited evaluators are accepted.

Program Expectations

What should i expect as a doctoral student.

Your role and the expectations will change as you progress in the program. Initially, your role will be as a student with the expectation that you attend and participate in doctoral seminars with other students. Expect to read a great deal and write papers.

To prepare to become a university professor, you will work closely with faculty members to learn how to teach. You will start as a teaching assistant and work toward teaching classes independently.

Conducting research is another area of focus where you will work closely with faculty on research projects. Under the direction of a faculty committee, you will conduct original research that will be the basis for your dissertation.

How long does this program take to complete?

Most students will need four years. Plan for at least two years to complete the coursework. Add another year to pass the comprehensive exams, develop a dissertation topic and defend your dissertation proposal. Dedicate your final year(s) to dissertation research.

Are PhD students required to teach?

Teaching is crucial to your academic career and job prospects. Every PhD student should gain teaching experience before graduating. Initially, students may work as research assistants for faculty members and may also assist in teaching various courses. For students who receive stipends, they will most likely teach an undergraduate course at the Carlos Alvarez College of Business during their program.

What are the research requirements of the PhD program?

The PhD program requires students to research while they complete formal coursework and during the summers. As research assistants, students work with faculty members in joint research activities and pursue their research objectives under the supervision of faculty members. The goal is to create papers to present at academic meetings and submit to research publications by the time the student is ready to begin their dissertation research. To be competitive in the academic job market, students should prioritize producing papers and publications while in the program.

As a PhD student, who will advise me?

Your program admission will identify an initial PhD advisor. However, as your interests and research agenda develop toward preparing a dissertation proposal, a different faculty member may emerge as the appropriate advisor for your dissertation research. Your initial advisor will help you assemble a program committee of faculty, who will advise you regarding your dissertation.

Can you waive my application fee?

You may request an application waiver if

  • You are a McNair Scholar
  • Active-duty military or a veteran of the US Armed Forces
  • If you are an applicant who has attended a PhD Project Conference

Please complete the  Request to Waive Doctoral Application Fee  if you meet one or more of the above criteria.

Approved applicants will receive a single-use coupon code to enter into the payment field of the online application.

Can you waive the GMAT/GRE test score requirement?

We do not offer waivers for standardized test scores.

Is there a waiver for the TOEFL/IELTS exam requirement?

TOEFL scores may be waived for international students from countries where English is the official language or for non-citizens of the United States who have earned a regionally accredited bachelor’s degree or higher in the United States (or other countries where English is the official language) as indicated in the Graduate Catalog ( https://catalog.utsa.edu/policies/admission/graduate/internationalgraduatestudents/ ).

applied statistics phd programs

Graduate Advisor of Record

Min Wang, PhD


PhD Program information


The Statistics PhD program is rigorous, yet welcoming to students with interdisciplinary interests and different levels of preparation. Students in the PhD program take core courses on the theory and application of probability and statistics during their first year. The second year typically includes additional course work and a transition to research leading to a dissertation. PhD thesis topics are diverse and varied, reflecting the scope of faculty research interests. Many students are involved in interdisciplinary research. Students may also have the option to pursue a designated emphasis (DE) which is an interdisciplinary specialization:  Designated Emphasis in Computational and Genomic Biology ,  Designated Emphasis in Computational Precision Health ,  Designated Emphasis in Computational and Data Science and Engineering . The program requires four semesters of residence.

Normal progress entails:

Year 1 . Perform satisfactorily in preliminary coursework. In the summer, students are required to embark on a short-term research project, internship, graduate student instructorship, reading course, or on another research activity. Years 2-3 . Continue coursework. Find a thesis advisor and an area for the oral qualifying exam. Formally choose a chair for qualifying exam committee, who will also serve as faculty mentor separate from the thesis advisor.  Pass the oral qualifying exam and advance to candidacy by the end of Year 3. Present research at BSTARS each year. Years 4-5 . Finish the thesis and give a lecture based on it in a department seminar.

Program Requirements

  • Qualifying Exam

Course work and evaluation

Preliminary stage: the first year.

Effective Fall 2019, students are expected to take four semester-long courses for a letter grade during their first year which should be selected from the core first-year PhD courses offered in the department: Probability (204/205A, 205B,), Theoretical Statistics (210A, 210B), and Applied Statistics (215A, 215B). These requirements can be altered by a member of the PhD Program Committee (in consultation with the faculty mentor and by submitting a graduate student petition ) in the following cases:

  • Students primarily focused on probability will be allowed to substitute one semester of the four required semester-long courses with an appropriate course from outside the department.
  • Students may request to postpone one semester of the core PhD courses and complete it in the second year, in which case they must take a relevant graduate course in their first year in its place. In all cases, students must complete the first year requirements in their second year as well as maintain the overall expectations of second year coursework, described below. Some examples in which such a request might be approved are described in the course guidance below.
  • Students arriving with advanced standing, having completed equivalent coursework at another institution prior to joining the program, may be allowed to take other relevant graduate courses at UC Berkeley to satisfy some or all of the first year requirements

Requirements on course work beyond the first year

Students entering the program before 2022 are required to take five additional graduate courses beyond the four required in the first year, resulting in a total of nine graduate courses required for completion of their PhD. In their second year, students are required to take three graduate courses, at least two of them from the department offerings, and in their third year, they are required to take at least two graduate courses. Students are allowed to change the timing of these five courses with approval of their faculty mentor. Of the nine required graduate courses, students are required to take for credit a total of 24 semester hours of courses offered by the Statistics department numbered 204-272 inclusive. The Head Graduate Advisor (in consultation with the faculty mentor and after submission of a graduate student petition) may consent to substitute courses at a comparable level in other disciplines for some of these departmental graduate courses. In addition, the HGA may waive part of this unit requirement.

Starting with the cohort entering in the 2022-23 academic year , students are required to take at least three additional graduate courses beyond the four required in the first year, resulting in a total of seven graduate courses required for completion of their PhD. Of the seven required graduate courses, five of these courses must be from courses offered by the Statistics department and numbered 204-272, inclusive. With these reduced requirements, there is an expectation of very few waivers from the HGA. We emphasize that these are minimum requirements, and we expect that students will take additional classes of interest, for example on a S/U basis, to further their breadth of knowledge. 

For courses to count toward the coursework requirements students must receive at least a B+ in the course (courses taken S/U do not count, except for STAT 272 which is only offered S/U).  Courses that are research credits, directed study, reading groups, or departmental seminars do not satisfy coursework requirements (for courses offered by the Statistics department the course should be numbered 204-272 to satisfy the requirements). Upper-division undergraduate courses in other departments can be counted toward course requirements with the permission of the Head Graduate Advisor. This will normally only be approved if the courses provide necessary breadth in an application area relevant to the student’s thesis research.

First year course work: For the purposes of satisfactory progression in the first year, grades in the core PhD courses are evaluated as: A+: Excellent performance in PhD program A: Good performance in PhD program A-: Satisfactory performance B+: Performance marginal, needs improvement B: Unsatisfactory performance First year and beyond: At the end of each year, students must meet with his or her faculty mentor to review their progress and assess whether the student is meeting expected milestones. The result of this meeting should be the completion of the student’s annual review form, signed by the mentor ( available here ). If the student has a thesis advisor, the thesis advisor must also sign the annual review form.

Guidance on choosing course work

Choice of courses in the first year: Students enrolling in the fall of 2019 or later are required to take four semesters of the core PhD courses, at least three of which must be taken in their first year. Students have two options for how to schedule their four core courses:

  • Option 1 -- Complete Four Core Courses in 1st year: In this option, students would take four core courses in the first year, usually finishing the complete sequence of two of the three sequences.  Students following this option who are primarily interested in statistics would normally take the 210A,B sequence (Theoretical Statistics) and then one of the 205A,B sequence (Probability) or the 215A,B sequence (Applied Statistics), based on their interests, though students are allowed to mix and match, where feasible. Students who opt for taking the full 210AB sequence in the first year should be aware that 210B requires some graduate-level probability concepts that are normally introduced in 205A (or 204).
  • Option 2 -- Postponement of one semester of a core course to the second year: In this option, students would take three of the core courses in the first year plus another graduate course, and take the remaining core course in their second year. An example would be a student who wanted to take courses in each of the three sequences. Such a student could take the full year of one sequence and the first semester of another sequence in the first year, and the first semester of the last sequence in the second year (e.g. 210A, 215AB in the first year, and then 204 or 205A in the second year). This would also be a good option for students who would prefer to take 210A and 215A in their first semester but are concerned about their preparation for 210B in the spring semester.  Similarly, a student with strong interests in another discipline, might postpone one of the spring core PhD courses to the second year in order to take a course in that discipline in the first year.  Students who are less mathematically prepared might also be allowed to take the upper division (under-graduate) courses Math 104 and/or 105 in their first year in preparation for 205A and/or 210B in their second year. Students who wish to take this option should consult with their faculty mentor, and then must submit a graduate student petition to the PhD Committee to request permission for  postponement. Such postponement requests will be generally approved for only one course. At all times, students must take four approved graduate courses for a letter grade in their first year.

After the first year: Students with interests primarily in statistics are expected to take at least one semester of each of the core PhD sequences during their studies. Therefore at least one semester (if not both semesters) of the remaining core sequence would normally be completed during the second year. The remaining curriculum for the second and third years would be filled out with further graduate courses in Statistics and with courses from other departments. Students are expected to acquire some experience and proficiency in computing. Students are also expected to attend at least one departmental seminar per week. The precise program of study will be decided in consultation with the student’s faculty mentor.

Remark. Stat 204 is a graduate level probability course that is an alternative to 205AB series that covers probability concepts most commonly found in the applications of probability. It is not taught all years, but does fulfill the requirements of the first year core PhD courses. Students taking Stat 204, who wish to continue in Stat 205B, can do so (after obtaining the approval of the 205B instructor), by taking an intensive one month reading course over winter break.

Designated Emphasis: Students with a Designated Emphasis in Computational and Genomic Biology or Designated Emphasis in Computational and Data Science and Engineering should, like other statistics students, acquire a firm foundation in statistics and probability, with a program of study similar to those above. These programs have additional requirements as well. Interested students should consult with the graduate advisor of these programs. 

Starting in the Fall of 2019, PhD students are required in their first year to take four semesters of the core PhD courses. Students intending to specialize in Probability, however, have the option to substitute an advanced mathematics class for one of these four courses. Such students will thus be required to take Stat 205A/B in the first year,  at least one of Stat 210A/B or Stat 215A/B in the first year, in addition to an advanced mathematics course. This substitute course will be selected in consultation with their faculty mentor, with some possible courses suggested below. Students arriving with advanced coursework equivalent to that of 205AB can obtain permission to substitute in other advanced probability and mathematics coursework during their first year, and should consult with the PhD committee for such a waiver.

During their second and third years, students with a probability focus are expected to take advanced probability courses (e.g., Stat 206 and Stat 260) to fulfill the coursework requirements that follow the first year. Students are also expected to attend at least one departmental seminar per week, usually the probability seminar. If they are not sufficiently familiar with measure theory and functional analysis, then they should take one or both of Math 202A and Math 202B. Other recommended courses from the department of Mathematics or EECS include:

Math 204, 222 (ODE, PDE) Math 205 (Complex Analysis) Math 258 (Classical harmonic analysis) EE 229 (Information Theory and Coding) CS 271 (Randomness and computation)

The Qualifying Examination 

The oral qualifying examination is meant to determine whether the student is ready to enter the research phase of graduate studies. It consists of a 50-minute lecture by the student on a topic selected jointly by the student and the thesis advisor. The examination committee consists of at least four faculty members to be approved by the department.  At least two members of the committee must consist of faculty from the Statistics and must be members of the Academic Senate. The chair must be a member of the student’s degree-granting program.

Qualifying Exam Chair. For qualifying exam committees formed in the Fall of 2019 or later, the qualifying exam chair will also serve as the student’s departmental mentor, unless a student already has two thesis advisors. The student must select a qualifying exam chair and obtain their agreement to serve as their qualifying exam chair and faculty mentor. The student's prospective thesis advisor cannot chair the examination committee. Selection of the chair can be done well in advance of the qualifying exam and the rest of the qualifying committee, and because the qualifying exam chair also serves as the student’s departmental mentor (unless the student has co-advisors), the chair is expected to be selected by the beginning of the third year or at the beginning of the semester of the qualifying exam, whichever comes earlier. For more details regarding the selection of the Qualifying Exam Chair, see the "Mentoring" tab.  

Paperwork and Application. Students at the point of taking a qualifying exam are assumed to have already found a thesis advisor and to should have already submitted the internal departmental form to the Graduate Student Services Advisor ( found here ).  Selection of a qualifying exam chair requires that the faculty member formally agree by signing the internal department form ( found here ) and the student must submit this form to the Graduate Student Services Advisor.  In order to apply to take the exam, the student must submit the Application for the Qualifying Exam via CalCentral at least three weeks prior to the exam. If the student passes the exam, they can then officially advance to candidacy for the Ph.D. If the student fails the exam, the committee may vote to allow a second attempt. Regulations of the Graduate Division permit at most two attempts to pass the oral qualifying exam. After passing the exam, the student must submit the Application for Candidacy via CalCentral .

The Doctoral Thesis

The Ph.D. degree is granted upon completion of an original thesis acceptable to a committee of at least three faculty members. The majority or at least half of the committee must consist of faculty from Statistics and must be members of the Academic Senate. The thesis should be presented at an appropriate seminar in the department prior to filing with the Dean of the Graduate Division. See Alumni if you would like to view thesis titles of former PhD Students.

Graduate Division offers various resources, including a workshop, on how to write a thesis, from beginning to end. Requirements for the format of the thesis are rather strict. For workshop dates and guidelines for submitting a dissertation, visit the Graduate Division website.

Students who have advanced from candidacy (i.e. have taken their qualifying exam and submitted the advancement to candidacy application) must have a joint meeting with their QE chair and their PhD advisor to discuss their thesis progression; if students are co-advised, this should be a joint meeting with their co-advisors. This annual review is required by Graduate Division.  For more information regarding this requirement, please see  https://grad.berkeley.edu/ policy/degrees-policy/#f35- annual-review-of-doctoral- candidates .

Teaching Requirement

For students enrolled in the graduate program before Fall 2016, students are required to serve as a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) for a minimum of 20 hours (equivalent to a 50% GSI appointment) during a regular academic semester by the end of their third year in the program.

Effective with the Fall 2016 entering class, students are required to serve as a GSI for a minimum of two 50% GSI appointment during the regular academic semesters prior to graduation (20 hours a week is equivalent to a 50% GSI appointment for a semester) for Statistics courses numbered 150 and above. Exceptions to this policy are routinely made by the department.

Each spring, the department hosts an annual conference called BSTARS . Both students and industry alliance partners present research in the form of posters and lightning talks. All students in their second year and beyond are required to present a poster at BSTARS each year. This requirement is intended to acclimate students to presenting their research and allow the department generally to see the fruits of their research. It is also an opportunity for less advanced students to see examples of research of more senior students. However, any students who do not yet have research to present can be exempted at the request of their thesis advisor (or their faculty mentors if an advisor has not yet been determined).

Mentoring for PhD Students

Initial Mentoring: PhD students will be assigned a faculty mentor in the summer before their first year. This faculty mentor at this stage is not expected to be the student’s PhD advisor nor even have research interests that closely align with the student. The job of this faculty mentor is primarily to advise the student on how to find a thesis advisor and in selecting appropriate courses, as well as other degree-related topics such as applying for fellowships.  Students should meet with their faculty mentors twice a semester. This faculty member will be the designated faculty mentor for the student during roughly their first two years, at which point students will find a qualifying exam chair who will take over the role of mentoring the student.

Research-focused mentoring : Once students have found a thesis advisor, that person will naturally be the faculty member most directly overseeing the student’s progression. However, students will also choose an additional faculty member to serve as a the chair of their qualifying exam and who will also serve as a faculty mentor for the student and as a member of his/her thesis committee. (For students who have two thesis advisors, however, there is not an additional faculty mentor, and the quals chair does NOT serve as the faculty mentor).

The student will be responsible for identifying and asking a faculty member to be the chair of his/her quals committee. Students should determine their qualifying exam chair either at the beginning of the semester of the qualifying exam or in the fall semester of the third year, whichever is earlier. Students are expected to have narrowed in on a thesis advisor and research topic by the fall semester of their third year (and may have already taken qualifying exams), but in the case where this has not happened, such students should find a quals chair as soon as feasible afterward to serve as faculty mentor.

Students are required to meet with their QE chair once a semester during the academic year. In the fall, this meeting will generally be just a meeting with the student and the QE chair, but in the spring it must be a joint meeting with the student, the QE chair, and the PhD advisor. If students are co-advised, this should be a joint meeting with their co-advisors.

If there is a need for a substitute faculty mentor (e.g. existing faculty mentor is on sabbatical or there has been a significant shift in research direction), the student should bring this to the attention of the PhD Committee for assistance.

PhD Student Forms:

Important milestones: .

Each of these milestones is not complete until you have filled out the requisite form and submitted it to the GSAO. If you are not meeting these milestones by the below deadline, you need to meet with the Head Graduate Advisor to ask for an extension. Otherwise, you will be in danger of not being in good academic standing and being ineligible for continued funding (including GSI or GSR appointments, and many fellowships). 

Identify PhD Advisor†

End of 2nd year

Identify Research Mentor (QE Chair)

OR Co-Advisor†

Fall semester of 3rd year

Pass Qualifying Exam and Advance to Candidacy

End of 3rd year

Thesis Submission

End of 4th or 5th year

†Students who are considering a co-advisor, should have at least one advisor formally identified by the end of the second year; the co-advisor should be identified by the end of the fall semester of the 3rd year in lieu of finding a Research Mentor/QE Chair.

Expected Progress Reviews: 

Spring 1st year

Annual Progress Review 

Faculty Mentor


Review of 1st year progress 

Head Graduate Advisor

Spring 2nd year

Annual Progress Review 

Faculty Mentor or Thesis Advisor(s) (if identified)

Fall 3+ year 

Research progress report*

Research mentor**

Spring 3+ year

Annual Progress Review*

Jointly with PhD advisor(s) and Research mentor 

* These meetings do not need to be held in the semester that you take your Qualifying Exam, since the relevant people should be members of your exam committee and will discuss your research progress during your qualifying exam

** If you are being co-advised by someone who is not your primary advisor because your primary advisor cannot be your sole advisor, you should be meeting with that person like a research mentor, if not more frequently, to keep them apprised of your progress. However, if both of your co-advisors are leading your research (perhaps independently) and meeting with you frequently throughout the semester, you do not need to give a fall research progress report.

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PhD in Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Create knowledge at the nation’s leading research institution. Our doctoral program in applied mathematics and statistics prepares you for leadership, no matter what professional path you choose.

applied statistics phd programs

With an emphasis on mathematical reasoning, mathematical modeling and computation, interdisciplinary, and the development of new methodology, the department’s doctoral program produces graduates with broad expertise, who have worked in cutting-edge advances in applied mathematics and statistics, and who are prepared to pursue careers in academia, industry, the public sector, and more.

Research and academic opportunities in the doctoral program cover a wide range of interconnected areas within applied mathematics that reflect the department faculty’s diverse scientific interests. These include:

  • Data Science with a focus on theoretical foundations, modeling techniques, and algorithm development.
  • Probability and statistics with a focus both on theory and applications, particularly related to machine learning.
  • Financial mathematics , as well as a concentration in optimization/operations research, which address discrete and continuous optimization problems.
  • Discrete mathematics , with a focus on combinatorics and graph theory.
  • Computational and applied mathematics , with a focus on the development of mathematical and numerical models for various applications in fluid dynamics, shape analysis and biomedical engineering.

Ph.D. Student Handbook

Explore your options

applied statistics phd programs

Pursue a PhD with a focus on computational medicine

Doctoral candidates can focus their studies on computational medicine, through a partnership with JHU’s Institute for Computational Medicine, a collaboration between JHU’s School of Engineering and the renowned School of Medicine.

A commitment to discovery

applied statistics phd programs

Connecting the Dots - Carey Priebe has worked with hospitals hoping to reduce stress on surgical nurses, shown how satellites can spot Martian volcanoes, and given law enforcement new tools against human traffickers, shadowy financial networks, and corporate fraud.

applied statistics phd programs

NSF Program Support Career-readiness for Graduate Students - To help prepare graduate students in the mathematical sciences for careers in business, industry, and government, the Johns Hopkins Engineering and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are partnering to create the Internship Network in the Mathematical Sciences (INMAS).

applied statistics phd programs

Graduate Student Handbook (Coming Soon: New Graduate Student Handbook)

Phd program overview.

The PhD program prepares students for research careers in probability and statistics in academia and industry. Students admitted to the PhD program earn the MA and MPhil along the way. The first year of the program is spent on foundational courses in theoretical statistics, applied statistics, and probability. In the following years, students take advanced topics courses. Research toward the dissertation typically begins in the second year. Students also have opportunities to take part in a wide variety of projects involving applied probability or applications of statistics.

Students are expected to register continuously until they distribute and successfully defend their dissertation. Our core required and elective curricula in Statistics, Probability, and Machine Learning aim to provide our doctoral students with advanced learning that is both broad and focused. We expect our students to make Satisfactory Academic Progress in their advanced learning and research training by meeting the following program milestones through courseworks, independent research, and dissertation research:

By the end of year 1: passing the qualifying exams;

By the end of year 2: fulfilling all course requirements for the MA degree and finding a dissertation advisor;

By the end of year 3: passing the oral exam (dissertation prospectus) and fulfilling all requirements for the MPhil degree

By the end of year 5: distributing and defending the dissertation.

We believe in the Professional Development value of active participation in intellectual exchange and pedagogical practices for future statistical faculty and researchers. Students are required to serve as teaching assistants and present research during their training. In addition, each student is expected to attend seminars regularly and participate in Statistical Practicum activities before graduation.

We provide in the following sections a comprehensive collection of the PhD program requirements and milestones. Also included are policies that outline how these requirements will be enforced with ample flexibility. Questions on these requirements should be directed to ADAA Cindy Meekins at [email protected] and the DGS, Professor John Cunningham at [email protected] .

Applications for Admission

  • Our students receive very solid training in all aspects of modern statistics. See Graduate Student Handbook for more information.
  • Our students receive Fellowship and full financial support for the entire duration of their PhD. See more details here .
  • Our students receive job offers from top academic and non-academic institutions .
  • Our students can work with world-class faculty members from Statistics Department or the Data Science Institute .
  • Our students have access to high-speed computer clusters for their ambitious, computationally demanding research.
  • Our students benefit from a wide range of seminars, workshops, and Boot Camps organized by our department and the data science institute .
  • Suggested Prerequisites: A student admitted to the PhD program normally has a background in linear algebra and real analysis, and has taken a few courses in statistics, probability, and programming. Students who are quantitatively trained or have substantial background/experience in other scientific disciplines are also encouraged to apply for admission.
  • GRE requirement: Waived for Fall 2024.
  • Language requirement: The English Proficiency Test requirement (TOEFL) is a Provost's requirement that cannot be waived.
  • The Columbia GSAS minimum requirements for TOEFL and IELTS are: 100 (IBT), 600 (PBT) TOEFL, or 7.5 IELTS. To see if this requirement can be waived for you, please check the frequently asked questions below.
  • Deadline: Jan 8, 2024 .
  • Application process: Please apply by completing the Application for Admission to the Columbia University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences .
  • Timeline: P.hD students begin the program in September only.  Admissions decisions are made in mid-March of each year for the Fall semester.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the application deadline? What is the deadline for financial aid? Our application deadline is January 5, 2024 .
  • Can I meet with you in person or talk to you on the phone? Unfortunately given the high number of applications we receive, we are unable to meet or speak with our applicants.
  • What are the required application materials? Specific admission requirements for our programs can be found here .
  • Due to financial hardship, I cannot pay the application fee, can I still apply to your program? Yes. Many of our prospective students are eligible for fee waivers. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences offers a variety of application fee waivers . If you have further questions regarding the waiver please contact  gsas-admissions@ columbia.edu .
  • How many students do you admit each year? It varies year to year. We finalize our numbers between December - early February.
  • What is the distribution of students currently enrolled in your program? (their background, GPA, standard tests, etc)? Unfortunately, we are unable to share this information.
  • How many accepted students receive financial aid? All students in the PhD program receive, for up to five years, a funding package consisting of tuition, fees, and a stipend. These fellowships are awarded in recognition of academic achievement and in expectation of scholarly success; they are contingent upon the student remaining in good academic standing. Summer support, while not guaranteed, is generally provided. Teaching and research experience are considered important aspects of the training of graduate students. Thus, graduate fellowships include some teaching and research apprenticeship. PhD students are given funds to purchase a laptop PC, and additional computing resources are supplied for research projects as necessary. The Department also subsidizes travel expenses for up to two scientific meetings and/or conferences per year for those students selected to present. Additional matching funds from the Graduate School Arts and Sciences are available to students who have passed the oral qualifying exam.
  • Can I contact the department with specific scores and get feedback on my competitiveness for the program? We receive more than 450 applications a year and there are many students in our applicant pool who are qualified for our program. However, we can only admit a few top students. Before seeing the entire applicant pool, we cannot comment on admission probabilities.
  • What is the minimum GPA for admissions? While we don’t have a GPA threshold, we will carefully review applicants’ transcripts and grades obtained in individual courses.
  • Is there a minimum GRE requirement? No. The general GRE exam is waived for the Fall 2024 admissions cycle. 
  • Can I upload a copy of my GRE score to the application? Yes, but make sure you arrange for ETS to send the official score to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
  • Is the GRE math subject exam required? No, we do not require the GRE math subject exam.
  • What is the minimum TOEFL or IELTS  requirement? The Columbia Graduate School of Arts and Sciences minimum requirements for TOEFL and IELTS are: 100 (IBT), 600 (PBT) TOEFL, or 7.5 IELTS
  •  I took the TOEFL and IELTS more than two years ago; is my score valid? Scores more than two years old are not accepted. Applicants are strongly urged to make arrangements to take these examinations early in the fall and before completing their application.
  • I am an international student and earned a master’s degree from a US university. Can I obtain a TOEFL or IELTS waiver? You may only request a waiver of the English proficiency requirement from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences by submitting the English Proficiency Waiver Request form and if you meet any of the criteria described here . If you have further questions regarding the waiver please contact  gsas-admissions@ columbia.edu .
  • My transcript is not in English. What should I do? You have to submit a notarized translated copy along with the original transcript.

Can I apply to more than one PhD program? You may not submit more than one PhD application to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. However, you may elect to have your application reviewed by a second program or department within the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences if you are not offered admission by your first-choice program. Please see the application instructions for a more detailed explanation of this policy and the various restrictions that apply to a second choice. You may apply concurrently to a program housed at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and to programs housed at other divisions of the University. However, since the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences does not share application materials with other divisions, you must complete the application requirements for each school.

How do I apply to a dual- or joint-degree program? The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences refers to these programs as dual-degree programs. Applicants must complete the application requirements for both schools. Application materials are not shared between schools. Students can only apply to an established dual-degree program and may not create their own.

With the sole exception of approved dual-degree programs , students may not pursue a degree in more than one Columbia program concurrently, and may not be registered in more than one degree program at any institution in the same semester. Enrollment in another degree program at Columbia or elsewhere while enrolled in a Graduate School of Arts and Sciences master's or doctoral program is strictly prohibited by the Graduate School. Violation of this policy will lead to the rescission of an offer of admission, or termination for a current student.

When will I receive a decision on my application? Notification of decisions for all PhD applicants generally takes place by the end of March.

Notification of MA decisions varies by department and application deadlines. Some MA decisions are sent out in early spring; others may be released as late as mid-August.

Can I apply to both MA Statistics and PhD statistics simultaneously?  For any given entry term, applicants may elect to apply to up to two programs—either one PhD program and one MA program, or two MA programs—by submitting a single (combined) application to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.  Applicants who attempt to submit more than one Graduate School of Arts and Sciences application for the same entry term will be required to withdraw one of the applications.

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences permits applicants to be reviewed by a second program if they do not receive an offer of admission from their first-choice program, with the following restrictions:

  • This option is only available for fall-term applicants.
  • Applicants will be able to view and opt for a second choice (if applicable) after selecting their first choice. Applicants should not submit a second application. (Note: Selecting a second choice will not affect the consideration of your application by your first choice.)
  • Applicants must upload a separate Statement of Purpose and submit any additional supporting materials required by the second program. Transcripts, letters, and test scores should only be submitted once.
  • An application will be forwarded to the second-choice program only after the first-choice program has completed its review and rendered its decision. An application file will not be reviewed concurrently by both programs.
  • Programs may stop considering second-choice applications at any time during the season; Graduate School of Arts and Sciences cannot guarantee that your application will receive a second review.
  • What is the mailing address for your PhD admission office? Students are encouraged to apply online . Please note: Materials should not be mailed to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences unless specifically requested by the Office of Admissions. Unofficial transcripts and other supplemental application materials should be uploaded through the online application system. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Office of Admissions Columbia University  107 Low Library, MC 4303 535 West 116th Street  New York, NY 10027
  • How many years does it take to pursue a PhD degree in your program? Our students usually graduate in 4‐6 years.
  • Can the PhD be pursued part-time? No, all of our students are full-time students. We do not offer a part-time option.
  • One of the requirements is to have knowledge of linear algebra (through the level of MATH V2020 at Columbia) and advanced calculus (through the level of MATH V1201). I studied these topics; how do I know if I meet the knowledge content requirement? We interview our top candidates and based on the information on your transcripts and your grades, if we are not sure about what you covered in your courses we will ask you during the interview.
  • Can I contact faculty members to learn more about their research and hopefully gain their support? Yes, you are more than welcome to contact faculty members and discuss your research interests with them. However, please note that all the applications are processed by a central admission committee, and individual faculty members cannot and will not guarantee admission to our program.
  • How do I find out which professors are taking on new students to mentor this year?  Applications are evaluated through a central admissions committee. Openings in individual faculty groups are not considered during the admissions process. Therefore, we suggest contacting the faculty members you would like to work with and asking if they are planning to take on new students.

For more information please contact us at [email protected] .

applied statistics phd programs

For more information please contact us at  [email protected]

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Department of Statistics


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  • PhD Program

student with professor

The department encourages research in both theoretical and applied statistics. Faculty members of the department have been leaders in research on a multitude of topics that include statistical inference, statistical computing and Monte-Carlo methods, analysis of missing data, causal inference, stochastic processes, multilevel models, experimental design, network models and the interface of statistics and the social, physical, and biological sciences. A unique feature of the department lies in the fact that apart from methodological research, all the faculty members are also heavily involved in applied research, developing novel methodology that can be applied to a wide array of fields like astrophysics, biology, chemistry, economics, engineering, public policy, sociology, education and many others.

Two carefully designed special courses offered to Ph.D. students form a unique feature of our program. Among these, Stat 303 equips students with the  basic skills necessary to teach statistics , as well as to be better overall statistics communicators. Stat 399 equips them with generic skills necessary for problem solving abilities.

Our Ph.D. students often receive substantial guidance from several faculty members, not just from their primary advisors, and in several settings. For example, every Ph.D. candidate who passes the qualifying exam gives a 30 minute presentation each semester (in Stat 300 ), in which the faculty ask questions and make comments. The Department recently introduced an award for Best Post-Qualifying Talk (up to two per semester), to further encourage and reward inspired research and presentations.


PhD Program Requirements

PhD Admin

PhD Program Admissions Process

  • PhD Admissions FAQ
  • AM in Statistics
  • Stat 300: Research in Statistics
  • Stat 303: The Art and Practice of Teaching Statistics

Need Assistance?

Doctoral Program

Program summary.

Students are required to

  • master the material in the prerequisite courses
  • pass the first-year core program
  • attempt all three parts of the qualifying examinations and show acceptable performance in at least two of them (end of 1st year)
  • confirm a principal dissertation research advisor and file for candidacy (early spring quarter of 2nd year)
  • satisfy the depth and breadth requirements (2nd/3rd/4th year)
  • successfully complete the thesis proposal meeting and submit the Dissertation Reading Committee form (winter quarter of the 3rd year)
  • present a draft of their dissertation and pass the university oral examination (4th/5th year)

The PhD requires a minimum of 135 units. Students are required to take a minimum of nine units of advanced topics courses (for depth) offered by the department (not including literature, research, consulting or Year 1 coursework), and a minimum of nine units outside of the Statistics Department (for breadth). Courses for the depth and breadth requirements must equal a combined minimum of 24 units. In addition, students must enroll in STATS 390 Statistical Consulting, taking it at least twice.

All students who have passed the qualifying exams but have not yet passed the Thesis Proposal Meeting must take STATS 319 at least once each year. For example, a student taking the qualifying exams in the summer after Year 1 and having the dissertation proposal meeting in Year 3, would take 319 in Years 2 and 3. Students in their second year are strongly encouraged to take STATS 399 with at least one faculty member. All details of program requirements can be found in the Department of Statistics PhD Student Handbook (available to Stanford affiliates only, using Stanford authentication. Requests for access from non-affiliates will not be approved).

Statistics Department PhD Handbook

All students are expected to abide by the Honor Code and the Fundamental Standard .

Doctoral and Research Advisors

During the first two years of the program, students' academic progress is monitored by the department's Director of Graduate Studies (DGS). Each student should meet at least once a quarter with the DGS to discuss their academic plans and their progress towards choosing a thesis advisor (before the final study list deadline of spring of the second year). From the third year onward students are advised by their selected advisor.

Qualifying Examinations and Candidacy

Qualifying examinations are part of most PhD programs in the United States. At Stanford these exams are intended to test the student's level of knowledge when the first-year program, common to all students, has been completed. There are separate examinations in the three core subjects of statistical theory and methods, applied statistics, and probability theory, which are typically taken during the summer at the end of the student's first year. Students are expected to attempt all three examinations and show acceptable performance in at least two of them. Letter grades are not given. Qualifying exams may be taken only once. After passing the qualifying exams, students must file for PhD Candidacy, a university milestone, by early spring quarter of their second year.

While nearly all students pass the qualifying examinations, those who do not can arrange to have their financial support continued for up to three quarters while alternative plans are made. Usually students are able to complete the requirements for the M.S. degree in Statistics in two years or less, whether or not they have passed the PhD qualifying exams.

Thesis Proposal Meeting and Dissertation Reading Committee 

The thesis proposal meeting is intended to demonstrate a student's depth in some areas of statistics, and to examine the general plan for their research. In the meeting the student gives a 60-minute presentation involving ideas developed to date and plans for completing a PhD dissertation, and for another 60 minutes answers questions posed by the committee. which consists of their advisor and two other members. The meeting must be successfully completed by the end of winter quarter of the third year. If a student does not pass, the exam must be repeated. Repeated failure can lead to a loss of financial support.

The Dissertation Reading Committee consists of the student’s advisor plus two faculty readers, all of whom are responsible for reading the full dissertation. Of these three, at least two must be members of the Statistics Department (faculty with a full or joint appointment in Statistics but excluding for this purpose those with only a courtesy or adjunct appointment). Normally, all committee members are members of the Stanford University Academic Council or are emeritus Academic Council members; the principal dissertation advisor must be an Academic Council member. 

The Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee form should be completed and signed at the Dissertation Proposal Meeting. The form must be submitted before approval of TGR status or before scheduling a University Oral Examination.

 For further information on the Dissertation Reading Committee, please see the Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures (GAP) Handbook section 4.8.

University Oral Examinations

The oral examination consists of a public, approximately 60-minute, presentation on the thesis topic, followed by a 60 minute question and answer period attended only by members of the examining committee. The questions relate to the student's presentation and also explore the student's familiarity with broader statistical topics related to the thesis research. The oral examination is normally completed during the last few months of the student's PhD period. The examining committee typically consists of four faculty members from the Statistics Department and a fifth faculty member from outside the department serving as the committee chair. Four out of five passing votes are required and no grades are given. Nearly all students can expect to pass this examination, although it is common for specific recommendations to be made regarding completion of the thesis.

The Dissertation Reading Committee must also read and approve the thesis.

For further information on university oral examinations and committees, please see the Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures (GAP) Handbook section 4.7 .


The dissertation is the capstone of the PhD degree. It is expected to be an original piece of work of publishable quality. The research advisor and two additional faculty members constitute the student's Dissertation Reading Committee. Normally, all committee members are members of the Stanford University Academic Council or are emeritus Academic Council members.


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