thesis paper on supply chain management

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thesis paper on supply chain management

Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics- Top 40 Ideas

  • Career Advice

One of the most frequently asked questions from SCMDOJO followers is, I am doing a Supply Chain Management Master from Europe, the UK or the USA, and I need some Master Thesis ideas in Supply Chain.

Key academic research areas in SCM are offering robust and implementable supply chain management thesis that are transforming worldwide trends. The increasing strength of global Supply Chain Management (SCM) is one functional area that shows several students are seeking a good start, especially in solving significant problems in the form of Masters and PhD thesis .

Nevertheless, with the changing trends in the industry, some students are likely to struggle with the early stages of academic writing. A significant reason for this problem is usually down to a lack of ideas or facing new topics with low research activity.

Old Industries and New Industries

The recent pattern shifts in academia, from the traditional research approach to other conventional methods, is taking a more student-centred view. Most of the supply chain management thesis is crafted by students, including dissertation, topic creation, research, and more with help of their supervisors.

With new industries, like Amazon and Apple, transforming old concepts with technological disruption, there are new trends to look out for to help narrow your supply chain management thesis.

The 7 Powerful Supply Chain Trends (I also dubbed “Supply Chain 7.0”) have the potential to become a powerful influence over time. These trends include Augmented reality (AR), Big Data, Gamification of the supply chain, moving the supply chain to the “Cloud,” and the Internet of Things (IoT) – Industry 4.0. Also, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning in the supply chain, alongside 3D Printing, are now needed to support the product life cycle.

Forbes also highlights the key 2020 Supply Chain Technology Trends that are receiving lots of buzz in Supply Chain Management. In this regard, students seeking top-notch research areas for supply chain management thesis can consider new trends to help create adequate research content.

40  Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2024

On these premises, any supply chain management thesis should be comprehensive. There several topics and areas to consider, and below are 40 Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2020 that students can do research on towards an excellent postgraduate study in SCM.

Digital Transformation

  • Digital Transformation Key Attributes; Challenges; enablers & Success Factors.
  • Smart Government Initiatives: How Governments are Driving Digital Change.
  • Digital Leadership is linking to Virtual Teams or Self Organised Teams (Agile PM).
  • Did COVID 19 impact the implementation of digital transformation?
  • Cross-functional collaboration in the decision-making process.
  • The value of data and interdependencies in decision-making.
  • Machine learning techniques in supply chain management.
  • Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Transparency: Evaluating the Impact on Traceability and Trust.
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Predictive Analytics for Inventory Management.
  • Sustainability in Digital Supply Chain Management: A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Impact.
  • Digital Transformation in Warehouse Management: Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction

Sustainable Project Management (SPM)

  • Can apply the SPM model or any of its dimensions to any type of project
  • Can Blockchain help with Sustainable Project Management?
  • Factors affecting the application of an efficient supply management system.

IoT- Industry 4.0 and Big Data

  • Application of IoT in Logistics – Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
  • The practicability of intertwined supply networks with IoT.
  • Implementation of IoT in 3PL/4PL Industry – Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
  • Big data and impact in DDMRP
  • Evaluation of technology use in modern supply chain management.
  • The extension of supply chain resilience through Industry 4.0
  • The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Management.
  • Implementation of E-logistics in Supply Chain Operations.
  • Predictive Maintenance Strategies in Industry 4.0-enabled Supply Chains: A Case Study Approach
  • Optimizing Supply Chain Decision-Making through Real-time Big Data Analytics
  • Cybersecurity Challenges in IoT-Enabled Supply Chains: A Comprehensive Analysis.

Operations and Supply Chain Management

  • Risk Evaluation and Management involved in a supply chain
  • Partnerships Perspective in Supply Chain Management
  • Assessing Supply Chain Risk Management Capabilities
  • Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices
  • Supply Chain Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance Effectiveness
  • The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on the Overall Performance of the org
  • The Influence of Environmental Management Practices and Supply Chain Integration on Technological Innovation Performance
  • The Relationship between Total Quality Management Practices and their Effects on Firm Performance
  • Level of Commitment to Top Management regarding the TQM Implementation
  • Impact of Mobility Solutions (transportation / latest technologies) on logistics.
  • Study on the roles of supply chain management in corporate outsourcing.
  • Evaluating strategies for cost reduction in SCM relating to exports and imports.
  • Circular Economy Practices in Supply Chain Management: A Case Study Approach
  • Demand Forecasting in Omnichannel Retail: A Comparative Analysis of Forecasting Models.
  • Ethical and Sustainable Procurement Practices: An Examination of Implementation Challenges and Benefits.

Watch my YouTube vlog explaining more on Top 10 HOT TOPICS for Supply Chain Research for Master Thesis or Ph.D. Thesis.

Get My PhD Thesis- Supplier Development Framework

The supply chain systems of today are more likely to see massive changes technologically in the coming years. Some selected supply chain management thesis topics may face limited data or access to real-time data in making proper research and forecast, including seasonality and trends. So, due diligence is necessary to ensure you not only pick an exciting supply chain management thesis, but you also have sufficient access to data, studies, and materials useful in such an area. The impact of these trends alongside technological advancement in the selected areas would certainly help your thesis stand out and unique.

If are looking for more articles in the education category, you can visit this page

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the emergent research topics in the field of supply chain management.

Blockchain Integration : Exploring the application of blockchain technology to enhance transparency, traceability, and security in supply chains.

Sustainable Supply Chains : Investigating strategies for integrating environmentally friendly practices, ethical sourcing, and social responsibility into supply chain management.

Digital Transformation : Studying the impact of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things on optimizing supply chain processes.

Resilience and Risk Managemen t: Analyzing approaches to build resilient supply chains capable of adapting to disruptions, such as pandemics, natural disasters, and geopolitical events.

Circular Economy : Examining supply chain models that minimize waste and promote the reuse, recycling, and repurposing of materials.

Supply Chain Visibility : Researching ways to improve real-time visibility into supply chain activities to enhance decision-making and responsiveness.

Last-Mile Delivery Optimization : Investigating innovative approaches to streamline and optimize the final stages of product delivery to consumers.

Supply Chain Finance : Exploring financial strategies and tools to optimize cash flow and working capital within supply chains.

Collaborative Supply Chains : Studying methods to enhance collaboration and information-sharing among supply chain partners to achieve mutual benefits.

E-commerce Integration : Examining the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating e-commerce platforms into traditional supply chain models.

What are the 4 areas of supply chain management?

What is the primary goal of the supply chain.

The main goal of a supply chain is to efficiently and effectively manage the flow of products or services from the point of origin to the point of consumption. This involves optimizing processes from procurement and production to distribution and delivery. The overarching objective is to meet customer demands with the right products, in the right quantity, at the right time, while minimizing costs and maximizing overall supply chain performance.

What is the difference between supply chain and supply chain management?

The term “supply chain” refers to the entire network of entities and activities involved in the creation and delivery of a product or service, encompassing suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and customers. “Supply chain management,” on the other hand, is the strategic coordination and oversight of these interconnected processes to optimize efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance. While the supply chain is the broader concept, supply chain management specifically involves the planning, execution, and control of various elements within that network to achieve business objectives.

Recommended Books

How to get a phd: a handbook for students and their supervisors.

How To Get A Phd: A Handbook For Students And Their Supervisors

How to Get a PhD: How to Set Yourself Up for Success in the First 12 Months (Getting My PhD)

How to Get a PhD: How to Set Yourself Up for Success in the First 12 Months

About the Author-  Dr Muddassir Ahmed

Dr MuddassirAhmed  is the Founder & CEO of SCMDOJO. He is a  global speaker ,  vlogger  and  supply chain industry expert  with 17 years of experience in the Manufacturing Industry in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia in various Supply Chain leadership roles.   Dr. Muddassir  has received a PhD in Management Science from Lancaster University Management School. Muddassir is a Six Sigma black belt and founded the leading supply chain platform SCMDOJO to enable supply chain professionals and teams to thrive by providing best-in-class knowledge content, tools and access to experts.

You can follow him on  LinkedIn ,  Facebook ,  Twitter  or  Instagram

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Theses - Supply Chain 2020 Project

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Since its launch in 2004, a large number of masters theses, as well as a few doctoral theses, have been conducted as part of the SC2020 Project, in centers from the SCALE Network. An exhaustive list of these theses, as well as links to access them, are presented here.

Doctoral Theses at MIT

Title:  Effect of scenario planning on field experts' judgment of long-range investment decisions . Author: Phadnis, Shardul. Advisors: Yossi Sheffi, Chris Caplice and Mahender Singh. Year: 2012. Program: Doctoral Thesis, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: A methodology to capture, evaluate and reformulate a firm's supply chain strategy as a conceptual system . Author: Roberto Perez-Franco. Advisors: Yossi Sheffi and Mahender Singh. Year: 2010. Program: Doctoral Thesis, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: Dynamic Retail Assortment Models with Demand Learning for Seasonal Consumer Goods . Author: Felipe Caro. Advisor: Jérémie Gallien. Year: 2005. Program: Doctoral Thesis, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Master Theses at MIT

Title: A Qualitative Mapping and Evaluation of an Aerospace Supply Chain Strategy . Author: Jonathan Hung and Nicholas Pierce. Advisor: Roberto Perez-Franco. Year: 2011. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URL: CTL Publication Link

Title: Redefining organizational boundaries : building an aware and agile organization by enabling new social interactions . Author: Benjamin Maupetit. Advisor: Mahender Singh. Year: 2009. Program: S.M. in Technology and Policy Program, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: Evolutionary supply chain risk management: transforming culture for sustainable competitive advantage . Author: Romain Lévy. Advisor: Mahender Singh. Year: 2008. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics and S.M. in Technology and Policy Program, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: Exploring the future of the U.S. pharmaceutical industry : a supply chain perspective . Author: Loïc Lagarde. Advisor: Yossi Sheffi and Mahender Singh. Year: 2007. Program: S.M. in Technology and Policy Program, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: The Supply Chain Response to Environmental Pressures . Author: Julie Rebecca Paquette. Advisor: Randolph E. Kirchain. Year: 2006. Program: S.M. in Technology and Policy Program, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: Demand Management: A Cross-Industry Analysis of Supply-Demand Planning . Author: Peng Kuan Tan. Advisor: Lawrence Lapide. Year: 2006. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: Order Promising/Fulfillment and Customer/Channel Collaboration in Supply Chain Management . Author: Yimin An and Samuel Srethapakdi. Advisor: Mahender Singh. Year: 2006. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: Analysis of Sourcing & Procurment Practices: A Cross Industry Framework . Author: Ioannis G. Koliousis. Advisor: Edgar Blanco. Year: 2006. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: Analysis of Supplier Involvement in New Product Development and Launch . Author: Herman Alex Kurapov. Advisor: Chris Caplice. Year: 2006. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: A Cross Industry Analysis and Framework of Aftermarket Products and Services . Author: Petros Englezos. Advisor: Lawrence Lapide. Year: 2006. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: An Examination of Boeing’s Supply Chain Management Practices within the Context of the Global Aerospace Industry . Author: Daglar Cizmeic. Advisor: Kirkor Bozdogan. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: An Exploration of of Supply Chain Management Practices in the Aerospace Industry and in Rolls-Royce . Author: Mohit Tiwari. Advisor: Kirkor Bozdogan. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: Supply Chain Strategies in the Apparel Industry: The Case of Victoria’s Secret . Author: Sumit Kumar. Advisors: Sharon Novak and Lawrence Lapide. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: The Dynamics of Supply Chains in the Automotive Industry . Author: Niklas Braese. Advisor: Lawrence Lapide. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: A Diagnosis of the State-of-the-Art . Author: Mahender Singh. Advisor: Charles H. Fine. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: Supply chain practices in the petroleum downstream . Author: Santos Manzano, Fidel. Advisor: Lawrence Lapide. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: An analysis of current supply chain best practices in the retail industry with case studies of Wal-Mart and . Author: Chiles, Colby Ronald; Dau, Marguarette Thi. Advisor: Gabriel R. Bitran. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: Framework for the study of governance in the supply networks : Wal-mart : "Enlightened Despot" model . Author: De Graeve, Denis. Advisor: Gabriel R. Bitran. Year: 2004. Program: S.M. Technology and Policy Program, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Title: An Evaluation of Scenario Planning for Supply Chain Design . Author: Yishai Boasson. Advisor: Yossi Sheffi. Year: 2004. Program: M. Eng. in Logistics, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URI:

Master Theses at ZLC

Title: Analysis of Supply Chains in the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry . Author: Marc-Elliott Finkelstein. Advisor: Paul M. Thompson. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, Zaragoza Logistics Center. Link:  Download .

Title: Supply Chain Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Novartis– A Case Study . Author: Gourav Narayan Mukherjee. Advisor: Prashant Yadav. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, Zaragoza Logistics Center. Link:  Download .

Title: Excellent Supply Chains In The Oil Industry: Royal Dutch/Shell . Author: Stefan Röthlisberger. Advisor: Prashant Yadav. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, Zaragoza Logistics Center. Link:  Download .

Title: Supply Chain Excellence in the Retail Industry: METRO AG – A Case Study . Author: Manuela Schranz-Whitaker. Advisor: Paul M. Thompson. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, Zaragoza Logistics Center. Link: Download .

Title: SC2020: Toyota Production System & Supply Chain.  Author: Macharia Brown. Advisor: Prashant Yadav. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, Zaragoza Logistics Center. Link:  Download .

Title:  Excellence In European Apparel Supply Chains: Zara.  Author: Phyllis Chu. Advisor: Paul Thompson. Year: 2005. Program: M. Eng. in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, Zaragoza Logistics Center. Link:  Download .

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Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics- Top 30 Ideas

thesis paper on supply chain management

One of the most frequently asked question from SCMDOJO followers is, I am doing Supply Chain Management Masters from  Europe ,  UK  or  USA  and I need some Master Thesis ideas in Supply Chain?

Key academic research areas in SCM are offering robust and implementable supply chain management thesis that are transforming worldwide trends. The increasing strength of global Supply Chain Management (SCM) is one functional area that shows several students are seeking a good start, especially in solving significant problems in the form of  Masters  and  PhD thesis .

Nevertheless, with the changing trends in the industry, some students are likely to struggle with the early stages of academic writing. A significant reason for this problem is usually down to a lack of ideas or facing new topics with low research activity.

Old Industries and New Industries

The recent pattern shifts in academia, from the traditional research approach to other conventional methods, is taking a more student-centred view. Most of the supply chain management thesis is crafted by students, including dissertation, topic creation, research, and more with help of their supervisors.

With new industries, like Amazon and Apple, transforming old concepts with technological disruption, there are new trends to look out for to help narrow your supply chain management thesis.

The  7 Powerful Supply Chain Trends  (I also dubbed “Supply Chain 7.0”) have the potential to become a powerful influence over time. These trends, including Augmented reality (AR), Big Data, Gamification of the supply chain, moving supply chain to “Cloud,” and Internet of Things (IoT) – Industry 4.0. Also, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning in supply chain alongside 3D Printing are now needed to support the product life cycle.

Forbes also highlights the key  2020 Supply Chain Technology Trends  that are receiving lots of buzz in Supply Chain Management. In this regard, students seeking top-notch research areas for supply chain management thesis can consider new trends to help create adequate research content.

30  Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2020

On these premises, any supply chain management thesis should be comprehensive. There several topics and areas to consider, and below are 30 Supply Chain Management Thesis Topics for 2020 that students can do research on towards an excellent postgraduate study in SCM.

Digital Transformation

  • Digital Transformation Key Attributes; Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
  • Smart Government Initiatives: How Governments are Driving Digital Change
  • Digital Leadership linking to Virtual Teams or Self Organised Teams (Agile PM)
  • COVID 19 impacted the implementation of Digital Transformation?
  • Cross-functional collaboration in the decision-making process.
  • The value of data and interdependencies in decision-making.
  • Machine learning techniques in supply chain management

Sustainable Project Management (SPM)

  • Can apply the SPM model or any of its dimensions to any type of project
  • Can Blockchain help with Sustainable Project Management?
  • Factors affecting the application of an efficient supply management system.

IoT- Industry 4.0 and Big Data

  • Application of IoT in Logistics – Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
  • The practicability of intertwined supply networks with IoT.
  • Implementation of IoT in 3PL/4PL Industry – Challenges; enablers & Success Factors
  • Big data and impact in DDMRP
  • Evaluation of technology use in modern supply chain management.
  • The extension of supply chain resilience through Industry 4.0
  • The Impact of Industry 4.0 on supply chain management.
  • Implementation of E-logistics in Supply Chain Operations.

Operations and Supply Chain Management

  • Risk Evaluation and Management involved in a supply chain
  • Partnerships Perspective in Supply Chain Management
  • Assessing Supply Chain Risk Management Capabilities
  • Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices
  • Supply Chain Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance Effectiveness
  • The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on the Overall Performance of the org
  • The Influence of Environmental Management Practices and Supply Chain Integration on Technological Innovation Performance
  • The Relationship between Total Quality Management Practices and their Effects on Firm Performance
  • Level of Commitment to Top Management regarding the TQM Implementation
  • Impact of Mobility Solutions (transportation / latest technologies) on logistics.
  • Study on the roles of supply chain management in corporate outsourcing.
  • Evaluating strategies for cost reduction in SCM relating to exports and imports.

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The supply chain systems of today are more likely to see massive changes technologically in the coming years. Some selected supply chain management thesis topics may face limited data or access to real-time data in making proper research and forecast, including seasonality and trends. So, due diligence is necessary to ensure you not only pick an exciting supply chain management thesis, but you also have sufficient access to data, studies, and materials useful in such an area. The impact of these trends alongside technological advancement in the selected areas would certainly help your thesis stand out and unique.

If are looking for more articles in the education category,  you can visit this page

Recommended Books

How to get a phd: a handbook for students and their supervisors.

thesis paper on supply chain management

How to Get a PhD: How to Set Yourself Up for Success in the First 12 Months (Getting My PhD)

thesis paper on supply chain management

About Dr. Muddassir Ahmed

Dr. Muddassir Ahmed is a global speaker, blogger and supply chain industry, expert. Dr Muddassir Ahmed has received a PhD in Management Science from Lancaster University Management school. Muddassir is a Six Sigma black belt and has founded with the intention to enable supply chain professionals and supply chain teams to solve the problems they face in their jobs & business.

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About Zaragoza Logistics Center

Zaragoza Logistics Center is a research and educational institute affiliated to the  Massachusetts Institute of Technology  and the  University of Zaragoza .  Core research areas  in logistics and supply chain management at Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) strive to be actionable and applied so that people and organizations can make decisions and take action.

Zaragoza Academic Partnership (ZAP)

The Zaragoza Academic Partnership (ZAP) Program  allows companies to sponsor ZLC students’ thesis projects for both masters  ZLOG , ZLOGb and MDSC . It is an initiative to enhance applied research and bring industry-academia relationships closer together in the field of supply chain management. Each year students are required to complete thesis projects and many of them work with our partner companies on challenging and innovative research projects through the ZAP Program.

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Supply Chain Management Thesis

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Sample Thesis Paper – Supply Chain Management

At a strategic level, SCM has allows organizations to carry out extensive optimization of their operations in terms of the needed resources and the resource being used. This allows room to be left for the effective operation of communication channels that connect the organization to distributors, customers and suppliers (Jespersen & Skjott-Larsen, 2005).

SCM has also allowed users to carry out enhancements and upgrades in Product Lifecycle Management activities through integrated support from Information Technology.

At a tactical level, the implementation of SCM allows organizations to effectively make complex decisions that include those relating to inventory management.

At an operational level the benefits of SCM can be found in their most apparent form when considered with regard to the fact that the implementation of SCM incorporates extensive analysis, optimization and improvement of daily functions and operations that constitute the organization’s supply chain (Hugos, 2006).

Supply Chain Management

SCM implementation has also allowed modern day businesses to develop a clear comprehension of the relationship and need for improvement between the inbound and outbound operations that pertain to the organization’s functioning.

In recent decades, the buyer has become empowered through technology and this has brought about an expansive need for organizations to realize the shift in power and to respond effectively.

The solution comes forth in the form of an approach in which all value chain partners come together to optimize their combined operations and cut costs by eliminating redundant constituents of their operations (Cohen & Roussel, 2005).

Once the costs have been cut, areas that require the most extensive channeling of resources can be identified and can be considered in a manner such that the end product is in relationship with a measurement of the internal cost structure.

Please order custom thesis paper, dissertation, term paper, research paper, essay, book report, case study from the Order Now page.

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Research on evolutionary game and efficiency improvement of construction supply chain based on information sharing

  • Published: 21 August 2024

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  • Junling Zhang 1 ,
  • Lixia Liu 2 &
  • Xiangjiao Shi 3  

14 Accesses

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With the development of China's construction industry, the integration of leading enterprises increases rapidly, and the differentiation of the construction industry is getting faster. The general contract model and integration of investment, construction, and operation will be the trend in future. Under this background, the competition between construction enterprises has transformed into competition in the supply chain. The core of supply chain management lies in achieving the overall optimal goal through collaborative decision-making among participants, and information sharing is a precondition for collaborative decision-making. Therefore, information sharing is key to the smooth running of the construction supply chain. By studying the information sharing behaviors of participants, analyzing and determining the factors that affect their decision-making, and studying how these factors affect their decisions and the stable running of the supply chain system, targeted measures can be taken to enhance the willingness of participants to share information, promote the smooth running of the supply chain, and enhance its overall competitiveness. Based on the evolutionary game theory and from the perspective of information sharing, this paper establishes a three-party game model of owners, general contractors and subcontractors, determines the factors such as shared income, cost and risk in combination with the actual situation, establishes the income matrix and the replicated dynamic equation to analyze the model, and then carries out simulation with Matlab software. Combining theoretical analysis and simulation, this paper studies the influence of the changes of income, cost and risk parameters on the game process and the running state of the supply chain, and determines the key factors that have positive and negative effects on them. At the same time, when the construction supply chain tends to be stable, the benefits of implementing information sharing and not implementing information sharing are compared quantitatively, so as to clarify the impact of information sharing on the benefits of participants. The study found that an increase of information sharing, the coefficient of collaborative benefits, and the coefficient of collaborative effects will lead to an earlier time for the three parties to reach a relatively stable state during the evolution process, while an increase of information sharing cost and the risk coefficient will delay the time for the three parties to reach a relatively stable state. This indicates that the more sufficient information sharing among all parties and the more benefits obtained from implementing information sharing are more conducive to improving the overall stability and competitiveness of the supply chain. However, the increased cost and risk losses are not conducive to the overall stability of the supply chain, thereby reducing its competitiveness. The benefits and costs are key factors that affect the overall stability of the supply chain. In addition, the study also found that when all game participants adopt information sharing, both the total income and their respective income are better than when they do not adopt information sharing, which proves that abundant information sharing is an effective way to improve the overall competitiveness of the construction supply chain. Compared with the existing studies, the tripartite game model constructed in this paper and the setting of the influencing factors of information sharing added in the model are more consistent with the actual construction supply chain composition. The quantitative method is more conducive to the in-depth study of information sharing, and the research conclusions can be better applied to practice. Based on these research results, the enterprises can further consider how to strengthen information sharing and synergistic effect between each other through technological means or information communication mechanisms in practice, as well as how to reduce information sharing costs and risks, such as using BIM and blockchain technology to promote the stable running of the supply chain and enhance its competitiveness.

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Abbasi, S., & Choukolaei, H. A. (2023). A systematic review of green supply chain network design literature focusing on carbon policy. Decision Analytics Journal, 6 , 100189.

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School of Economics and Management, Tianjin Vocational Institute, Tianjin, 300410, Republic of China

Junling Zhang

School of Economics, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin, 300134, Republic of China

School of Business, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan, 250101, Republic of China

Xiangjiao Shi

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Zhang, J., Liu, L. & Shi, X. Research on evolutionary game and efficiency improvement of construction supply chain based on information sharing. Environ Dev Sustain (2024).

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Received : 10 September 2023

Accepted : 06 March 2024

Published : 21 August 2024


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