
How to Answer the Required UC Transfer Application Essay in a Memorable Way

Ivy Divider

Now, on to the Required Question for UC Transfer Applicants. The prompt reads:

Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university.

Then the admissions department provides these considerations to keep in mind:.

How did your interest in your major develop? Do you have any experience related to your major outside the classroom; such as volunteer work, internships and employment, or participation in student organizations and activities? If you haven’t had experience in the field, consider including experience in the classroom. This may include working with faculty or doing research projects.

If you’re applying to multiple campuses with a different major at each campus, think about approaching the topic from a broader perspective, or find a common thread among the majors you’ve chosen.

While freshman applicants have the option to submit their UC applications without addressing their academic interests in their essays, transfer applicants do not have that freedom since you have most likely completed your general education and will be enrolling mainly in major courses. Admissions wants to know how you have prepared for your intended major, so it’s incredibly important that applicants are able to build a bridge between their past experiences in their field of interest and UC’s academic offerings.

Think about the experiences you have had—classes, extracurricular activities, work experience, research, personal relationships, or hobbies—that have enabled you to further develop your interest and knowledge of your chosen field. Once you have some ideas at hand, do a little research on the particular majors or programs at the UC campuses you’re applying to so you can connect the dots.

Finally, admissions wants to assess how ready you are to succeed in upper-division courses, so don’t be afraid to toot your own horn and reference experiences that have instilled confidence in you, even if those experiences are outside of your chosen field (think: research papers, end-of-year projects, or independent studies that show you can handle the major-focused workload expected of juniors and seniors). You’ll want to avoid general statements (e.g. I am hard-working, I am ambitious), and instead give concrete examples (a.k.a. the first rule of writing: show, don’t tell!). 

Remember that admissions will expect your writing to be at a higher level than freshman applicants, so this is not the assignment to rush through or leave to the last minute. Our advice? Write this essay (and the other three UC Transfer essays) in advance, then proofread, and finally, share them with someone you trust to get a second opinion.

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Our UC Essay Guide can help with that!

Written by Kat Stubing

Category: Admissions , Essay Tips , Essay Writing , Uncategorized

Tags: uc transfer , uc transfer essay , university of california , university of California transfer application


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So, you want to transfer to UC. Great! We know the process can be a little intimidating, so we’ve broken it down. These are the three things you need to do:

Plan what you want to study, and where

Prepare ahead of time with your goals in mind

Track your progress until it’s time to transfer

When you’re planning to transfer, keep three things in mind:

  • Meeting the minimum requirements
  • Getting ready for your chosen major
  • Picking the right general education courses

We can help with all three.

Use the Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP) 

If you're enrolled at a California community college, our UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP) helps you track your progress towards our admission requirements. It can also serve as your application for the UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG).

Use the Transfer Admission Planner to enter your coursework (or plan upcoming terms).

Talk to a transfer advisor

Your community college will have a Counseling Center, including a transfer center with transfer advisors. You should definitely seek out their advice. You may even be able to meet with a UC admissions representative in the transfer center to discuss your transfer options.

Join us at a transfer event

We host them year-round, all across the state. They’re a great place to ask questions and meet people on the same path as you.

Once you’ve worked out your plan, it’s time to put it into action. Here are the four things you’ll need to work toward as you go through your transfer process.

1. The basics: English and math

There’s a good chance your counselor has helped place you in appropriate math and English courses. Just make sure that whatever courses you're doing, you’re working toward passing math and English classes that are UC-transferable. Use our ASSIST tool to help you choose eligible courses.

We recommend you start taking these courses early. They'll help you build the skills you need for university classes. And some UC campuses need you to complete English and math by the end of the fall term the year before enrolling.

Starting early also gives you time to pass all the classes you need to in order to transfer. 

2. Preparing for your major

Once you’ve got a sense of what you want to major in, make sure it’s right for you. Get to know the coursework for that major at your preferred UC campuses. Wherever you plan to apply, check your major in their course catalogs.

Do the classes seem interesting? Are you excited about the introductory courses, as well as the advanced courses?

It’s important to think carefully about these things now. There’s no point going to all this effort, only to end up doing something you don’t enjoy.

Laying the groundwork

When it comes to getting into your major, there are two more things to consider: required courses, and recommended courses.

Your major probably has specific requirements before you can transfer. So make sure you’re enrolled in those classes.

Plus, there’s a range of recommended courses. And we would—you guessed it—recommend taking some of these. Completing them before you transfer boosts your chances of getting into the major you want, and graduating on time.

Courses for any campus

Decided on a major, but want to keep your campus options open? Try following a UC Transfer Pathway. The Pathways cover our most sought-after majors, and give you a single set of courses that let you transfer to any UC campus.

About Transfer Pathways »

3. Picking general education classes

It’s great to be dedicated to one subject, but a broad base of knowledge is important too. That’s why we have general education requirements, which can vary across UC. Depending on your major and campus, you may want to start taking these classes at your community college. 

About general education requirements »

4. UC's minimum admission requirements

Whatever your chosen major and campus, you’ll need to meet UC’s minimum requirements for transfer admissions.

Your major preparation and general education courses will count toward these. But there may still be a few gaps to fill in, so check regularly to make sure you’re on track for transfer. You (and your advisors) can use the UC TAP tool to plan and track your progress.

For example:

If you're a STEM major, you'll be taking lots of science and math courses. But don't forget—you also need to take humanities and/or social sciences courses to fulfill UC minimum requirements.

We know the transfer process can be complicated. That’s why we have transfer paths to help you get to UC in a way that works for you.

Whether your heart’s set on a specific campus, or you’re passionate about a certain major, we’ll get you on the right path.

Once you’ve chosen that path, we have a range of tools to help you stay on track:

  • To find courses that meet your transfer requirements, use ASSIST .
  • To track your progress toward UC minimum requirements, try UC TAP .
  • To learn about all the UC Transfer Pathway majors, use our Transfer Pathways Guide .

Are you a STEM major?

Try mixing up your class schedule with some general education classes. They’ll be a good balance to your major-preparation workload.


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How to Write a Perfect UC Essay for Every Prompt

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College Essays


If you're applying to any University of California (UC) campus as an incoming first-year student , then you have a special challenge ahead of you. Applicants need to answer four UC personal insight questions, chosen from a pool of eight unique prompts different from those on the Common App. But not to worry! This article is here to help.

In this article, I'll dissect the eight UC essay prompts in detail. What are they asking you for? What do they want to know about you? What do UC admissions officers really care about? How do you avoid boring or repulsing them with your essay?

I'll break down all of these important questions for each prompt and discuss how to pick the four prompts that are perfect for you. I'll also give you examples of how to make sure your essay fully answers the question. Finally, I'll offer step-by-step instructions on how to come up with the best ideas for your UC personal statements.

What Are the UC Personal Insight Questions?

If you think about it, your college application is mostly made up of numbers: your GPA, your SAT scores, the number of AP classes you took, how many years you spent playing volleyball. But these numbers reveal only so much. The job of admissions officers is to put together a class of interesting, compelling individuals—but a cut-and-dried achievement list makes it very hard to assess whether someone is interesting or compelling. This is where the personal insight questions come in.

The UC application essays are your way to give admissions staff a sense of your personality, your perspective on the world, and some of the experiences that have made you into who you are. The idea is to share the kinds of things that don't end up on your transcript. It's helpful to remember that you are not writing this for you. You're writing for an audience of people who do not know you but are interested to learn about you. The essay is meant to be a revealing look inside your thoughts and feelings.

These short essays—each with a 350-word limit—are different from the essays you write in school, which tend to focus on analyzing someone else's work. Really, the application essays are much closer to a short story. They rely heavily on narratives of events from your life and on your descriptions of people, places, and feelings.

If you'd like more background on college essays, check out our explainer for a very detailed breakdown of exactly how personal statements work in an application .

Now, let's dive into the eight University of California essay questions. First, I'll compare and contrast these prompts. Then I'll dig deep into each UC personal statement question individually, exploring what it's really trying to find out and how you can give the admissions officers what they're looking for.


Think of each personal insight essay as a brief story that reveals something about your personal values, interests, motivations, and goals.

Comparing the UC Essay Prompts

Before we can pull these prompts apart, let's first compare and contrast them with each other . Clearly, UC wants you to write four different essays, and they're asking you eight different questions. But what are the differences? And are there any similarities?

The 8 UC Essay Prompts

#1: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

#2: Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

#3: What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

#4: Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

#5: Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

#6: Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

#7: What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

#8: Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?

How to Tell the UC Essay Prompts Apart

  • Topics 1 and 7 are about your engagement with the people, things, and ideas around you. Consider the impact of the outside world on you and how you handled that impact.
  • Topics 2 and 6 are about your inner self, what defines you, and what makes you the person that you are. Consider your interior makeup—the characteristics of the inner you.
  • Topics 3, 4, 5, and 8 are about your achievements. Consider what you've accomplished in life and what you are proud of doing.

These very broad categories will help when you're brainstorming ideas and life experiences to write about for your essay. Of course, it's true that many of the stories you think of can be shaped to fit each of these prompts. Still, think about what the experience most reveals about you .

If it's an experience that shows how you have handled the people and places around you, it'll work better for questions in the first group. If it's a description of how you express yourself, it's a good match for questions in group two. If it's an experience that tells how you acted or what you did, it's probably a better fit for questions in group three.

For more help, check out our article on coming up with great ideas for your essay topic .


Reflect carefully on the eight UC prompts to decide which four questions you'll respond to.

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How Is This Guide Organized?

We analyze all eight UC prompts in this guide, and for each one, we give the following information:

  • The prompt itself and any accompanying instructions
  • What each part of the prompt is asking for
  • Why UC is using this prompt and what they hope to learn from you
  • All the key points you should cover in your response so you answer the complete prompt and give UC insight into who you are

Dissecting Personal Insight Question 1

The prompt and its instructions.

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

Things to consider: A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking a lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about your accomplishments and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities?

Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? Did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church in your community or an organization? And your leadership role doesn't necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?

What's the Question Asking?

The prompt wants you to describe how you handled a specific kind of relationship with a group of people—a time when you took the reigns and the initiative. Your answer to this prompt will consist of two parts.

Part 1: Explain the Dilemma

Before you can tell your story of leading, brokering peace, or having a lasting impact on other people, you have to give your reader a frame of reference and a context for your actions .

First, describe the group of people you interacted with. Who were and what was their relationship to you? How long were you in each others' lives?

Second, explain the issue you eventually solved. What was going on before you stepped in? What was the immediate problem? Were there potential long-term repercussions?


Leadership isn't limited to officer roles in student organizations. Think about experiences in which you've taken charge, resolved conflicts, or taken care of loved ones.

Part 2: Describe Your Solution

This is where your essay will have to explicitly talk about your own actions .

Discuss what thought process led you to your course of action. Was it a last-ditch effort or a long-planned strategy? Did you think about what might happen if you didn't step in? Did you have to choose between several courses of action?

Explain how you took the bull by the horns. Did you step into the lead role willingly, or were you pushed despite some doubts? Did you replace or supersede a more obvious leader?

Describe your solution to the problem or your contribution to resolving the ongoing issue. What did you do? How did you do it? Did your plan succeed immediately or did it take some time?

Consider how this experience has shaped the person you have now become. Do you think back on this time fondly as being the origin of some personal quality or skill? Did it make you more likely to lead in other situations?

What's UC Hoping to Learn about You?

College will be an environment unlike any of the ones you've found yourself in up to now. Sure, you will have a framework for your curriculum, and you will have advisers available to help. But for the most part, you will be on your own to deal with the situations that will inevitably arise when you mix with your diverse peers . UC wants to make sure that

  • you have the maturity to deal with groups of people,
  • you can solve problems with your own ingenuity and resourcefulness, and
  • you don't lose your head and panic at problems.


Demonstrating your problem-solving abilities in your UC college essay will make you a stronger candidate for admission.

How Can You Give Them What They Want?

So how can you make sure those qualities come through in your essay?

Pick Your Group

The prompt very specifically wants you to talk about an interaction with a group of people. Let's say a group has to be at least three people.

Raise the Stakes

Think of the way movies ratchet up the tension of the impending catastrophe before the hero swoops in and saves the day. Keeping an audience on tenterhooks is important—and distinguishes the hero for the job well done. Similarly, when reading your essay, the admissions staff has to fundamentally understand exactly what you and the group you ended up leading were facing. Why was this an important problem to solve?

Balance You versus Them

Personal statements need to showcase you above all things . Because this essay will necessarily have to spend some time on other people, you need to find a good proportion of them-time and me-time. In general, the first (setup) section of the essay should be shorter because it will not be focused on what you were doing. The second section should take the rest of the space. So, in a 350-word essay, maybe 100–125 words go to setup whereas 225–250 words should be devoted to your leadership and solution.

Find Your Arc

Not only do you need to show how your leadership helped you meet the challenge you faced, but you also have to show how the experience changed you . In other words, the outcome was double-sided: you affected the world, and the world affected you right back.


Give your response to question 1 a compelling arc that demonstrates your personal growth.

Dissecting Personal Insight Question 2

Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

Things to consider: What does creativity mean to you? Do you have a creative skill that is important to you? What have you been able to do with that skill? If you used creativity to solve a problem, what was your solution? What are the steps you took to solve the problem?

How does your creativity influence your decisions inside or outside the classroom? Does your creativity relate to your major or a future career?

This question is trying to probe the way you express yourself. Its broad description of "creativity" gives you the opportunity to make almost anything you create that didn't exist before fit the topic. What this essay question is really asking you to do is to examine the role your brand of creativity plays in your sense of yourself . The essay will have three parts.

Part 1: Define Your Creativity

What exactly do you produce, make, craft, create, or generate? Of course, the most obvious answer would be visual art, performance art, or music. But in reality, there is creativity in all fields. Any time you come up with an idea, thought, concept, or theory that didn't exist before, you are being creative. So your job is to explain what you spend time creating.

Part 2: Connect Your Creative Drive to Your Overall Self

Why do you do what you do? Are you doing it for external reasons—to perform for others, to demonstrate your skill, to fulfill some need in the world? Or is your creativity private and for your own use—to unwind, to distract yourself from other parts of your life, to have personal satisfaction in learning a skill? Are you good at your creative endeavor, or do you struggle with it? If you struggle, why is it important to you to keep pursuing it?

Part 3: Connect Your Creative Drive With Your Future

The most basic way to do this is by envisioning yourself actually pursuing your creative endeavor professionally. But this doesn't have to be the only way you draw this link. What have you learned from what you've made? How has it changed how you interact with other objects or with people? Does it change your appreciation for the work of others or motivate you to improve upon it?


Connecting your current creative pursuits with your chosen major or career will help UC admissions staff understand your motivations and intentions.

Nothing characterizes higher education like the need for creative thinking, unorthodox ideas in response to old topics, and the ability to synthesize something new . That is what you are going to college to learn how to do better. UC's second personal insight essay wants to know whether this mindset of out-of-the-box-ness is something you are already comfortable with. They want to see that

  • you have actually created something in your life or academic career,
  • you consider this an important quality within yourself,
  • you have cultivated your skills, and
  • you can see and have considered the impact of your creativity on yourself or on the world around you.


College admissions counselors, professors, and employers all value the skill of thinking outside the box, so being able to demonstrate that skill is crucial.

How can you really show that you are committed to being a creative person?

Be Specific and Descriptive

It's not enough to vaguely gesture at your creative field. Instead, give a detailed and lively description of a specific thing or idea that you have created . For example, I could describe a Turner painting as "a seascape," or I could call it "an attempt to capture the breathtaking power and violence of an ocean storm as it overwhelms a ship." Which painting would you rather look at?

Give a Sense of History

The question wants a little narrative of your relationship to your creative outlet . How long have you been doing it? Did someone teach you or mentor you? Have you taught it to others? Where and when do you create?

Hit a Snag; Find the Success

Anything worth doing is worth doing despite setbacks, this question argues—and it wants you to narrate one such setback. So first, figure out something that interfered with your creative expression . Was it a lack of skill, time, or resources? Too much or not enough ambition in a project? Then, make sure this story has a happy ending that shows you off as the solver of your own problems: What did you do to fix the situation? How did you do it?

Show Insight

Your essay should include some thoughtful consideration of how this creative pursuit has shaped you , your thoughts, your opinions, your relationships with others, your understanding of creativity in general, or your dreams about your future. (Notice I said "or," not "and"—350 words is not enough to cover all of those things!)

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Dissecting Personal Insight Question 3

What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

Things to consider: If there's a talent or skill that you're proud of, this is the time to share it. You don't necessarily have to be recognized or have received awards for your talent (although if you did and you want to talk about, feel free to do so). Why is this talent or skill meaningful to you?

Does the talent come naturally or have you worked hard to develop this skill or talent? Does your talent or skill allow you opportunities in or outside the classroom? If so, what are they and how do they fit into your schedule?

Basically, what's being asked for here is a beaming rave. Whatever you write about, picture yourself talking about it with a glowing smile on your face.

Part 1: Narrative

The first part of the question really comes down to this: Tell us a story about what's amazing about you. Have you done an outstanding thing? Do you have a mind-blowing ability? Describe a place, a time, or a situation in which you were a star.

A close reading of this first case of the prompt reveals that you don't need to stress if you don't have an obvious answer. Sure, if you're playing first chair violin in the symphony orchestra, that qualifies as both a "talent" and an "accomplishment." But the word "quality" really gives you the option of writing about any one of your most meaningful traits. And the words "contribution" and "experience" open up the range of possibilities that you could write about even further. A contribution could be anything from physically helping put something together to providing moral or emotional support at a critical moment.

But the key to the first part is the phrase "important to you." Once again, what you write about is not as important as how you write about it. Being able to demonstrate the importance of the event that you're describing reveals much more about you than the specific talent or characteristic ever could.

Part 2: Insight and Personal Development

The second part of the last essay asked you to look to the future. The second part of this essay wants you to look at the present instead. The general task is similar, however. Once again, you're being asked to make connections:  How do you fit this quality you have or this achievement you accomplished into the story of who you are?

A close reading of the second part of this prompt lands on the word "proud." This is a big clue that the revelation this essay is looking for should be a very positive one. In other words, this is probably not the time to write about getting arrested for vandalism. Instead, focus on a skill that you've carefully honed, and clarify how that practice and any achievements connected with your talent have earned you concrete opportunities or, more abstractly, personal growth.


Remember to connect the talent or skill you choose to write about with your sense of personal identity and development.

What's UC Hoping to Learn About You?

Admissions officers have a very straightforward interest in learning about your accomplishments. By the end of high school, many of the experiences that you are most proud of don't tend to be the kind of things that end up on your résumé .

They want to know what makes you proud of yourself. Is it something that relates to performance, to overcoming a difficult obstacle, to keeping a cool head in a crisis, to your ability to help others in need?

At the same time, they are looking for a sense of maturity. In order to be proud of an accomplishment, it's important to be able to understand your own values and ideals. This is your chance to show that you truly understand the qualities and experiences that make you a responsible and grown-up person, someone who will thrive in the independence of college life. In other words, although you might really be proud that you managed to tag 10 highway overpasses with graffiti, that's probably not the achievement to brag about here.


Unless you were hired by the city to paint the overpasses, in which case definitely brag about it.

The trick with this prompt is how to show a lot about yourself without listing accomplishments or devolving into cliche platitudes. Let's take it step by step.

Step #1: Explain Your Field

Make sure that somewhere in your narrative (preferably closer to the beginning), you let the reader know what makes your achievement an achievement . Not all interests are mainstream, so it helps your reader to understand what you're facing if you give a quick sketch of, for example, why it's challenging to build a battle bot that can defeat another fighting robot or how the difficulties of extemporaneous debate compare with debating about a prepared topic.

Keep in mind that for some things, the explanation might be obvious. For example, do you really need to explain why finishing a marathon is a hard task?

Step #2: Zoom in on a Specific Experience

Think about your talent, quality, or accomplishment in terms of experiences that showcase it. Conversely, think about your experiences in terms of the talent, quality, or accomplishment they demonstrate. Because you're once again going to be limited to 350 words, you won't be able to fit all the ways in which you exhibit your exemplary skill into this essay. This means that you'll need to figure out how to best demonstrate your ability through one event in which you displayed it . Or if you're writing about an experience you had or a contribution you made, you'll need to also point out what personality trait or characteristic it reveals.

Step #3: Find a Conflict or a Transition

The first question asked for a description, but this one wants a story—a narrative of how you pursue your special talent or how you accomplished the skill you were so great at. The main thing about stories is that they have to have the following:

  • A beginning: This is the setup, when you weren't yet the star you are now.
  • An obstacle or a transition: Sometimes, a story has a conflict that needs to be resolved: something that stood in your way, a challenge that you had to figure out a way around, a block that you powered through. Other times, a story is about a change or a transformation: you used to believe, think, or be one thing, and now you are different or better.
  • A resolution: When your full power, self-knowledge, ability, or future goal is revealed.


If, for example, you taught yourself to become a gifted coder, how did you first learn this skill? What challenges did you overcome in your learning? What does this ability say about your character, motivations, or goals?

Dissecting Personal Insight Question 4

Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

Things to consider: An educational opportunity can be anything that has added value to your educational experience and better prepared you for college. For example, participation in an honors or academic enrichment program, or enrollment in an academy that's geared toward an occupation or a major, or taking advanced courses that interest you—just to name a few.

If you choose to write about educational barriers you've faced, how did you overcome or strive to overcome them? What personal characteristics or skills did you call on to overcome this challenge? How did overcoming this barrier help shape who are you today?

Cue the swelling music because this essay is going to be all about your inspirational journey. You will either tell your story of overcoming adversity against all (or some) odds or of pursuing the chance of a lifetime.

If you write about triumphing over adversity, your essay will include the following:

A description of the setback that befell you: The prompt wants to know what you consider a challenge in your school life. And definitely note that this challenge should have in some significant way impacted your academics rather than your life overall.

The challenge can be a wide-reaching problem in your educational environment or something that happened specifically to you. The word "barrier" also shows that the challenge should be something that stood in your way: If only that thing weren't there, then you'd be sure to succeed.

An explanation of your success: Here, you'll talk about what you did when faced with this challenge. Notice that the prompt asks you to describe the "work" you put in to overcome the problem. So this piece of the essay should focus on your actions, thoughts, ideas, and strategies.

Although the essay doesn't specify it, this section should also at some point turn reflexive. How are you defined by this thing that happened? You could discuss the emotional fallout of having dramatically succeeded or how your maturity level, concrete skills, or understanding of the situation has increased now that you have dealt with it personally. Or you could talk about any beliefs or personal philosophy that you have had to reevaluate as a result of either the challenge itself or of the way that you had to go about solving it.

If you write about an educational opportunity, your essay will include the following:

A short, clear description of exactly what you got the chance to do: In your own words, explain what the opportunity was and why it's special.

Also, explain why you specifically got the chance to do it. Was it the culmination of years of study? An academic contest prize? An unexpected encounter that led to you seizing an unlooked-for opportunity?

How you made the best of it: It's one thing to get the opportunity to do something amazing, but it's another to really maximize what you get out of this chance for greatness. This is where you show just how much you understand the value of what you did and how you've changed and grown as a result of it.

Were you very challenged by this opportunity? Did your skills develop? Did you unearth talents you didn't know you had?

How does this impact your future academic ambitions or interests? Will you study this area further? Does this help you find your academic focus?


If writing about an educational obstacle you overcame, make sure to describe not just the challenge itself but also how you overcame it and how breaking down that barrier changed you for the better.

Of course, whatever you write about in this essay is probably already reflected on your résumé or in your transcript in some small way. But UC wants to go deeper, to find out how seriously you take your academic career, and to assess  how thoughtfully you've approached either its ups or its downs.

In college, there will be many amazing opportunities, but they aren't simply there for the taking. Instead, you will be responsible for seizing whatever chances will further your studies, interests, or skills.

Conversely, college will necessarily be more challenging, harder, and potentially much more full of academic obstacles than your academic experiences so far. UC wants to see that you are up to handling whatever setbacks may come your way with aplomb rather than panic.

Define the Problem or Opportunity

Not every challenge is automatically obvious. Sure, everyone can understand the drawbacks of having to miss a significant amount of school because of illness, but what if the obstacle you tackled is something a little more obscure? Likewise, winning the chance to travel to Italy to paint landscapes with a master is clearly rare and amazing, but some opportunities are more specialized and less obviously impressive. Make sure your essay explains everything the reader will need to know to understand what you were facing.

Watch Your Tone

An essay describing problems can easily slip into finger-pointing and self-pity. Make sure to avoid this by speaking positively or at least neutrally about what was wrong and what you faced . This goes double if you decide to explain who or what was at fault for creating this problem.

Likewise, an essay describing amazing opportunities can quickly become an exercise in unpleasant bragging and self-centeredness. Make sure you stay grounded: Rather than dwelling at length on your accomplishments, describe the specifics of what you learned and how.


Elaborating on how you conducted microbiology research during the summer before your senior year would make an appropriate topic for question 4.

Dissecting Personal Insight Question 5

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Things to consider: A challenge could be personal, or something you have faced in your community or school. Why was the challenge significant to you? This is a good opportunity to talk about any obstacles you've faced and what you've learned from the experience. Did you have support from someone else or did you handle it alone?

If you're currently working your way through a challenge, what are you doing now, and does that affect different aspects of your life? For example, ask yourself, "How has my life changed at home, at my school, with my friends, or with my family?"

It's time to draw back the curtains and expand our field of vision because this is going to be a two-part story of overcoming adversity against all (or some) odds.

Part 1: Facing a Challenge

The first part of this essay is about problem-solving. The prompt asks you to relate something that could have derailed you if not for your strength and skill. Not only will you describe the challenge itself, but you'll also talk about what you did when faced with it.

Part 2: Looking in the Mirror

The second part of question 5 asks you to consider how this challenge has echoed through your life—and, more specifically, how what happened to you affected your education.

In life, dealing with setbacks, defeats, barriers, and conflicts is not a bug—it's a feature. And colleges want to make sure that you can handle these upsetting events without losing your overall sense of self, without being totally demoralized, and without getting completely overwhelmed. In other words, they are looking for someone who is mature enough to do well on a college campus, where disappointing results and hard challenges will be par for the course.

They are also looking for your creativity and problem-solving skills. Are you good at tackling something that needs to be fixed? Can you keep a cool head in a crisis? Do you look for solutions outside the box? These are all markers of a successful student, so it's not surprising that admissions staff want you to demonstrate these qualities.


The challenge you write about for question 5 need not be an educational barrier, which is better suited for question 4. Think broadly about the obstacles you've overcome and how they've shaped your perspective and self-confidence.

Let's explore the best ways to show off your problem-solving side.

Show Your Work

It's one thing to be able to say what's wrong, but it's another thing entirely to demonstrate how you figured out how to fix it. Even more than knowing that you were able to fix the problem, colleges want to see how you approached the situation . This is why your essay needs to explain your problem-solving methodology. Basically, they need to see you in action. What did you think would work? What did you think would not work? Did you compare this to other problems you have faced and pass? Did you do research? Describe your process.

Make Sure That You Are the Hero

This essay is supposed to demonstrate your resourcefulness and creativity . And make sure that you had to be the person responsible for overcoming the obstacle, not someone else. Your story must clarify that without you and your special brand of XYZ , people would still be lamenting the issue today. Don't worry if the resource you used to bring about a solution was the knowledge and know-how that somebody else brought to the table. Just focus on explaining what made you think of this person as the one to go to, how you convinced them to participate, and how you explained to them how they would be helpful. This will shift the attention of the story back to you and your efforts.

Find the Suspenseful Moment

The most exciting part of this essay should be watching you struggle to find a solution just in the nick of time. Think every movie cliché ever about someone defusing a bomb: Even if you know 100% that the hero is going to save the day, the movie still ratchets up the tension to make it seem like, Well, maybe... You want to do the same thing here. Bring excitement and a feeling of uncertainty to your description of your process to really pull the reader in and make them root for you to succeed.


You're the superhero!

Dissecting Personal Insight Question 6

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

Things to consider: Many students have a passion for one specific academic subject area, something that they just can't get enough of. If that applies to you, what have you done to further that interest? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had inside and outside the classroom — such as volunteer work, internships, employment, summer programs, participation in student organizations and/or clubs — and what you have gained from your involvement.

Has your interest in the subject influenced you in choosing a major and/or career? Have you been able to pursue coursework at a higher level in this subject (honors, AP, IB, college or university work)? Are you inspired to pursue this subject further at UC, and how might you do that?

This question is really asking for a glimpse of your imagined possibilities .

For some students, this will be an extremely straightforward question. For example, say you've always loved science to the point that you've spent every summer taking biology and chemistry classes. Pick a few of the most gripping moments from these experiences and discuss the overall trajectory of your interests, and your essay will be a winner.

But what if you have many academic interests? Or what if you discovered your academic passion only at the very end of high school? Let's break down what the question is really asking into two parts.

Part 1: Picking a Favorite

At first glance, it sounds as if what you should write about is the class in which you have gotten the best grades or the subject that easily fits into what you see as your future college major or maybe even your eventual career goal. There is nothing wrong with this kind of pick—especially if you really are someone who tends to excel in those classes that are right up your interest alley.

But if we look closer, we see that there is nothing in the prompt that specifically demands that you write either about a particular class or an area of study in which you perform well.

Instead, you could take the phrase "academic subject" to mean a wide field of study and explore your fascination with the different types of learning to be found there. For example, if your chosen topic is the field of literature, you could discuss your experiences with different genres or with foreign writers.

You could also write about a course or area of study that has significantly challenged you and in which you have not been as stellar a student as you want. This could be a way to focus on your personal growth as a result of struggling through a difficult class or to represent how you've learned to handle or overcome your limitations.

Part 2: Relevance

The second part of this prompt , like the first, can also be taken in a literal and direct way . There is absolutely nothing wrong with explaining that because you love engineering and want to be an engineer, you have pursued all your school's STEM courses, are also involved in a robotics club, and have taught yourself to code in order to develop apps.

However, you could focus on the more abstract, values-driven goals we just talked about instead. Then, your explanation of how your academics will help you can be rooted not in the content of what you studied but in the life lessons you drew from it.

In other words, for example, your theater class may not have stimulated your ambition to be an actor, but working on plays with your peers may have shown you how highly you value collaboration, or perhaps the experience of designing sets was an exercise in problem-solving and ingenuity. These lessons would be useful in any field you pursue and could easily be said to help you achieve your lifetime goals.


If you are on a direct path to a specific field of study or career pursuit, admissions officers definitely want to know that. Having driven, goal-oriented, and passionate students is a huge plus for a university. So if this is you, be sure that your essay conveys not just your interest but also your deep and abiding love of the subject. Maybe even include any related clubs, activities, and hobbies that you've done during high school.

Of course, college is the place to find yourself and the things that you become passionate about. So if you're not already committed to a specific course of study, don't worry. Instead, you have to realize that in this essay, like in all the other essays, the how matters much more than the what. No matter where your eventual academic, career, or other pursuits may lie, every class that you have taken up to now has taught you something. You learned about things like work ethic, mastering a skill, practice, learning from a teacher, interacting with peers, dealing with setbacks, understanding your own learning style, and perseverance.

In other words, the admissions office wants to make sure that no matter what you study, you will draw meaningful conclusions from your experiences, whether those conclusions are about the content of what you learn or about a deeper understanding of yourself and others. They want to see that you're not simply floating through life on the surface  but that you are absorbing the qualities, skills, and know-how you will need to succeed in the world—no matter what that success looks like.

Focus on a telling detail. Because personal statements are short, you simply won't have time to explain everything you have loved about a particular subject in enough detail to make it count. Instead, pick one event that crystallized your passion for a subject   or one telling moment that revealed what your working style will be , and go deep into a discussion of what it meant to you in the past and how it will affect your future.

Don't overreach. It's fine to say that you have loved your German classes so much that you have begun exploring both modern and classic German-language writers, for example, but it's a little too self-aggrandizing to claim that your four years of German have made you basically bilingual and ready to teach the language to others. Make sure that whatever class achievements you describe don't come off as unnecessary bragging rather than simple pride .

Similarly, don't underreach. Make sure that you have actual accomplishments to describe in whatever subject you pick to write about. If your favorite class turned out to be the one you mostly skipped to hang out in the gym instead, this may not be the place to share that lifetime goal. After all, you always have to remember your audience. In this case, it's college admissions officers who want to find students who are eager to learn and be exposed to new thoughts and ideas.

Dissecting Personal Insight Question 7

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

Things to consider: Think of community as a term that can encompass a group, team or a place— like your high school, hometown or home. You can define community as you see fit, just make sure you talk about your role in that community. Was there a problem that you wanted to fix in your community?

Why were you inspired to act? What did you learn from your effort? How did your actions benefit others, the wider community or both? Did you work alone or with others to initiate change in your community?

This topic is trying to get at how you engage with your environment. It's looking for several things:

#1: Your Sense of Place and Connection

Because the term "community" is so broad and ambiguous, this is a good essay for explaining where you feel a sense of belonging and rootedness. What or who constitutes your community? Is your connection to a place, to a group of people, or to an organization? What makes you identify as part of this community—cultural background, a sense of shared purpose, or some other quality?

#2: Your Empathy and Ability to Look at the Big Picture

Before you can solve a problem, you have to realize that the problem exists. Before you can make your community a better place, you have to find the things that can be ameliorated. No matter what your contribution ended up being, you first have to show how you saw where your skills, talent, intelligence, or hard work could do the most good. Did you put yourself in the shoes of the other people in your community? Understand some fundamental inner working of a system you could fix? Knowingly put yourself in the right place at the right time?

#3: Your Problem-Solving Skills

How did you make the difference in your community? If you resolved a tangible issue, how did you come up with your solution? Did you examine several options or act from the gut? If you made your community better in a less direct way, how did you know where to apply yourself and how to have the most impact possible?


Clarify not just what the problem and solution was but also your process of getting involved and contributing specific skills, ideas, or efforts that made a positive difference.

Community is a very important thing to colleges. You'll be involved with and encounter lots of different communities in college, including the broader student body, your extracurriculars, your classes, and the community outside the university. UC wants to make sure that you can engage with the communities around you in a positive, meaningful way .

Make it personal. Before you can explain what you did in your community, you have to define and describe this community itself—and you can only do that by focusing on what it means to you. Don't speak in generalities; instead, show the bonds between you and the group you are a part of through colorful, idiosyncratic language. Sure, they might be "my water polo team," but maybe they are more specifically "the 12 people who have seen me at my most exhausted and my most exhilarated."

Feel all the feelings. This is a chance to move your readers. As you delve deep into what makes your community one of your emotional centers, and then as you describe how you were able to improve it in a meaningful and lasting way, you should keep the roller coaster of feelings front and center. Own how you felt at each step of the process: when you found your community, when you saw that you could make a difference, and when you realized that your actions resulted in a change for the better. Did you feel unprepared for the task you undertook? Nervous to potentially let down those around you? Thrilled to get a chance to display a hidden or underused talent?


To flesh out your essay, depict the emotions you felt while making your community contribution, from frustration or disappointment to joy and fulfillment. 

Dissecting Personal Insight Question 8

Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?

Things to consider: If there's anything you want us to know about you, but didn't find a question or place in the application to tell us, now's your chance. What have you not shared with us that will highlight a skill, talent, challenge or opportunity that you think will help us know you better?

From your point of view, what do you feel makes you an excellent choice for UC? Don't be afraid to brag a little.

If your particular experience doesn't quite fit under the rubrics of the other essay topics , or if there is something the admissions officers need to understand about your background in order to consider your application in the right context, then this is the essay for you.

Now, I'm going to say something a little counterintuitive here. The prompt for this essay clarifies that even if you don't have a "unique" story to tell, you should still feel free to pick this topic. But, honestly, I think you should  choose this topic only if you have an exceptional experience to share . Remember that E veryday challenges or successes of regular life could easily fit one of the other insight questions instead.

What this means is that evaluating whether your experiences qualify for this essay is a matter of degrees. For example, did you manage to thrive academically despite being raised by a hard-working single parent? That's a hardship that could easily be written about for Questions 1 or 5, depending on how you choose to frame what happened. Did you manage to earn a 3.7 GPA despite living in a succession of foster families only to age out of the system in the middle of your senior year of high school? That's a narrative of overcoming hardship that easily belongs to Question 8.

On the flip side, did you win a state-wide robotics competition? Well done, and feel free to tell your story under Question 4. Were you the youngest person to single-handedly win a season of BattleBots? Then feel free to write about it for Question 8.

This is pretty straightforward. They are trying to identify students that have unique and amazing stories to tell about who they are and where they come from. If you're a student like this, then the admissions people want to know the following:

  • What happened to you?
  • When and where did it happen?
  • How did you participate, or how were you involved in the situation?
  • How did it affect you as a person?
  • How did it affect your schoolwork?
  • How will the experience be reflected in the point of view you bring to campus?

The university wants this information because of the following:

  • It gives context to applications that otherwise might seem mediocre or even subpar.
  • It can help explain places in a transcript where grades significantly drop.
  • It gives them the opportunity to build a lot of diversity into the incoming class.
  • It's a way of finding unique talents and abilities that otherwise wouldn't show up on other application materials.

Let's run through a few tricks for making sure your essay makes the most of your particular distinctiveness.

Double-Check Your Uniqueness

Many experiences in our lives that make us feel elated, accomplished, and extremely competent are also near universal. This essay isn't trying to take the validity of your strong feelings away from you, but it would be best served by stories that are on a different scale . Wondering whether what you went through counts? This might be a good time to run your idea by a parent, school counselor, or trusted teacher. Do they think your experience is widespread? Or do they agree that you truly lived a life less ordinary?

Connect Outward

The vast majority of your answer to the prompt should be telling your story and its impact on you and your life. But the essay should also point toward how your particular experiences set you apart from your peers. One of the reasons that the admissions office wants to find out which of the applicants has been through something unlike most other people is that they are hoping to increase the number of points of view in the student body. Think about—and include in your essay—how you will impact campus life. This can be very literal: If you are a jazz singer who has released several songs on social media, then maybe you will perform on campus. Or it can be much more oblique: If you have a disability, then you will be able to offer a perspective that differs from the able-bodied majority.

Be Direct, Specific, and Honest

Nothing will make your voice sound more appealing than writing without embellishment or verbal flourishes. This is the one case in which how you're telling the story is just as—if not more—important than what you're telling . So the best strategy is to be as straightforward in your writing as possible. This means using description to situate your reader in a place, time, or experience that they would never get to see firsthand. You can do this by picking a specific moment during your accomplishment to narrate as a small short story and not shying away from explaining your emotions throughout the experience. Your goal is to make the extraordinary into something at least somewhat relatable, and the way you do that is by bringing your writing down to earth.


Your essays should feature relatable thoughts and emotions as well as insights into how you will contribute to the campus community.

Writing Advice for Making Your UC Personal Statements Shine

No matter what personal insight questions you end up choosing to write about, here are two tips for making your writing sparkle:

#1: Be Detailed and Descriptive

Have you ever heard the expression "show; don't tell"? It's usually given as creative writing advice, and it will be your best friend when you're writing college essays. It means that any time you want to describe a person or thing as having a particular quality, it's better to illustrate with an example than to just use vague adjectives . If you stick to giving examples that paint a picture, your focus will also become narrower and more specific. You'll end up concentrating on details and concrete events rather than not-particularly-telling generalizations.

Let's say, for instance, Adnan is writing about the house that he's been helping his dad fix up. Which of these do you think gives the reader a better sense of place?

My family bought an old house that was kind of run-down. My dad likes fixing it up on the weekends, and I like helping him. Now the house is much nicer than when we bought it, and I can see all our hard work when I look at it.

My dad grinned when he saw my shocked face. Our "new" house looked like a completely run-down shed: peeling paint, rust-covered railings, shutters that looked like the crooked teeth of a jack-o-lantern. I was still staring at the spider-web crack in one broken window when my dad handed me a pair of brand-new work gloves and a paint scraper. "Today, let's just do what we can with the front wall," he said. And then I smiled too, knowing that many of my weekends would be spent here with him, working side by side.

Both versions of this story focus on the house being dilapidated and how Adnan enjoyed helping his dad do repairs. But the second does this by:

painting a picture of what the house actually looked like by adding visual details ("peeling paint," "rust-covered railings," and "broken window") and through comparisons ("shutters like a jack-o-lantern" and "spider-web crack");

showing emotions by describing facial expressions ("my dad grinned," "my shocked face," and "I smiled"); and

using specific and descriptive action verbs ("grinned," "shocked," "staring," and "handed").

The essay would probably go on to describe one day of working with his dad or a time when a repair went horribly awry. Adnan would make sure to keep adding sensory details (what things looked, sounded, smelled, tasted, and felt like), using active verbs, and illustrating feelings with dialogue and facial expressions.

If you're having trouble checking whether your description is detailed enough, read your work to someone else . Then, ask that person to describe the scene back to you. Are they able to conjure up a picture from your words? If not, you need to beef up your details.


It's a bit of a fixer-upper, but it'll make a great college essay!

#2: Show Your Feelings

All good personal essays deal with emotions. And what marks great personal essays is the author's willingness to really dig into negative feelings as well as positive ones . As you write your UC application essays, keep asking yourself questions and probing your memory. How did you feel before it happened? How did you expect to feel after, and how did you actually feel after? How did the world that you are describing feel about what happened? How do you know how your world felt?

Then write about your feelings using mostly emotion words ("I was thrilled/disappointed/proud/scared"), some comparisons ("I felt like I'd never run again/like I'd just bitten into a sour apple/like the world's greatest explorer"), and a few bits of direct speech ("'How are we going to get away with this?' my brother asked").

What's Next?

This should give you a great starting point to address the UC essay prompts and consider how you'll write your own effective UC personal statements. The hard part starts here: work hard, brainstorm broadly, and use all my suggestions above to craft a great UC application essay.

Making your way through college applications? We have advice on how to find the right college for you , how to write about your extracurricular activities , and how to ask teachers for recommendations .

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Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.

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uc transfer application essay

UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) | Advice for Transfer Students

by Matt B | Nov 4, 2022 | Admissions

Advice on How to Approach UC Personal Insight Questions | Transfer Students

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Transfer Application UC Personal Insight Questions

This blog post provides the UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) for Transfer Admissions for the 2022-2023 school year.

The deadline to submit a UC application is November 30th. Each UC campus will notify you of its admission decision, generally by March 31

Information and resources about how best to approach the UC Personal Insight Questions are offered by the University of California Office of Admissions.

You can view a “Writing Tips” document HERE . It was created by the UC Admissions Department and provides useful information for how to organize your thoughts, writing, and, ultimately, your question designations.

UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQ) Fall 2023 UC Application

Actual UC Personal Insight Questions (UC PIQs) for Transfer Applicants

Required question.

Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university.

You will also need to select three out of the following seven UC Personal Insight Questions to answer:

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

  • Go beyond the traditional leadership stories and identify an experience that is unique and special to you . The most important thing to remember when answering this question is to be specific. Don’t just say that you’ve taken some classes or done some research – give concrete examples of what you’ve done. This will demonstrate your readiness and show the admissions committee that you’re serious about your major.
  • Another key tip is to be honest . If you haven’t done as much as you would have liked, don’t try to make up stories – state the facts. The admissions committee will understand that everyone has different levels of preparation, and they’re more interested in seeing how you plan to address any weaknesses.
  • Finally, always keep your goals in mind. What are your plans for the future, and how does your chosen major help you achieve them? Be sure to mention this in your essay, as it will further show the committee that you’re making a wise choice in your major.
  • Taking classes relevant to your intended major is always a good idea, as is doing research on what it takes to succeed in that field. Joining clubs or organizations related to your major can also be helpful, as it allows you to network with others who share your interests. And lastly, be sure to talk to professors and professionals in your field of interest – they can give you great insights into what it’s like to work in that industry.

Related: The 5 UC Application Tips You Need to Get into the University of California

Related Reading: UC Application Portal: Applying to UCSD

Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem-solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistic, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

  • When approaching this question on a UC transfer application, it is important to be specific about how you express your creative side. For example, do you enjoy painting or drawing? Are you musically inclined? Do you enjoy coming up with new solutions to problems? Whatever your creative outlet may be, highlight it in your response. Colleges are looking for creative and expressive students, so make sure to sell yourself and your unique talents!
  • If I were to answer this question, I would recognize that my supplementary document (i.e., transcripts, letters of recommendation, and extracurricular activities) does not present an insanely creative applicant. Thus, I would approach this question by describing an experience that was challenging to problem-solving but for which an innovative solution was garnered.

What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

  • Regarding talents and skills, there is no one answer that fits everyone. However, here are a few tips that might help you when answering this UC Personal Insight Questions (UC PIQ prompts) for a UC College Application.
  • First, think about what you are passionate about and what you enjoy doing. From there, try to focus on the skills and talents that you have developed through your experiences in these activities. For example, if you love playing music, you could talk about your skill in playing an instrument or your ability to sing well. Alternatively, if you are interested in science, you could focus on the scientific experiments you have conducted or the papers you have written on scientific topics.
  • Whatever activity or activities you choose to focus on, be sure to highlight how you have developed your talent or skill over time. This could include mentioning any awards or accolades you have received and explaining how your passion for the activity has led you to become proficient in it.
  • Following these tips, you can create a thoughtful and well-written response to this question to help demonstrate your unique talents and skills to colleges.

Read: 11 Impacted Majors at UC Berkeley | 2022-2023 Admit Rates & Average GPA

Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

  • A good way to approach this essay question is to think about a time when you faced a significant educational opportunity or barrier. For example, if you had to work hard to overcome an academic difficulty or if you took advantage of a great educational opportunity.
  • When writing your essay, be sure to provide specific examples and explain how you overcame the challenge. You should also highlight any academic successes you achieved as a result.
  • Stay positive, and don’t focus on the negative aspects of your experience. Be specific and provide concrete examples of what you did. Make sure to highlight your accomplishments and how you benefited from the experience.

Recommended Reading: 5 Tips for a Strong College Application: Transfer Students

UC Personal Insight Questions Are Excellent Opportunities to Differentiate Yourself from Other Applicants

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

UC Personal Insight Question Example:

“The most significant challenge I have faced is managing my time efficiently. When I started high school, I had no idea how to manage my time between homework, extracurricular activities, and socializing. I often procrastinate and spend all night trying to finish my work. This resulted in poor grades and a lot of stress.

I started using a planner to track my assignments and deadlines to overcome this challenge. I also began planning out my days in advance so that I knew what I needed to accomplish each day. This helped me stay on top of my work and prevent procrastination.

The challenge of managing my time has definitely affected my academic achievement. However, by using a planner and staying organized, I have improved my grades and reduced the amount of stress I experience.

Obviously, this is an incredibly ROUGH DRAFT , but the structure is indicative of a successful UC Personal Insight Question. It restates the question, identifies a specific circumstance and theme, and justifies the actions and choices to overcome the problem or experience.”

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

  • Pursue the field that interests you the most and explains why you have grown to love it. Also, mention how your worldview has changed because of this pursuit. You should discuss your choice of major as well and how UC schools will help support your studies in order to achieve success. Last but not least, use examples of situations where you have explored topics within this subject matter to finish up strong!
  • Admissions officers want to see that you have more than just a passing interest in your chosen field of study. They want to know that you are intellectually engaged with the subject matter and are actively pursuing opportunities to learn more about it. Your answer will be stronger if you can discuss an academic subject that is related to the overall theme of your application.
  • Admissions officers become easily confused when applicants shift gears and change subject matter without warning. To avoid any confusion, make your story straightforward and to the point. College applications are not the time for fanciful language or embellishments–give them concrete examples of your work in research so they can get a sense of your passion.
  • If you’re like many students and have a passion for one particular subject, tell the UC more about it. How did your interest in the topic begin? Discuss any relevant experiences you’ve had outside of the classroom — such as through volunteer work or internships — and what impact they had on furthering your knowledge in the subject.
  • Explain how your interest in the subject has influenced you and how it will continue to influence you in college and beyond. The coursework you have completed that is related to this subject, higher-level coursework (honors, AP, IB), will inspire you further pursue this subject matter at UC.

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

  • Talk about the impact your efforts have had and how you’ve helped to improve your community. If you’ve volunteered with an organization, highlight your work there. If you’ve started a club or campaign, describe what it is and what it’s achieved. Whatever you’ve done, make sure to highlight your dedication and commitment to making a difference.

Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you a strong candidate for admission to the University of California?

  • This is the ULTIMATE question for differentiating yourself from other applicants. The University of California (UC) system is a highly selective and prestigious system of higher education. UC admission officers receive thousands of applications from students with similar academic accolades and accomplishments.
  • The University of California is looking for students who are excited about attending and can provide evidence of their readiness and potential. When approaching the UC Personal Insight Questions on a UC application for transfer students, think about what makes you unique and why you are interested in attending UC. Be specific in your response and highlight your academic achievements, involvement in extracurricular activities, and what you hope to gain from your time at UC. Remember to be concise and articulate your passions and goals clearly.

uc transfer application essay

Visit the UC admissions website for more information about the UC Personal Insight Questions, including writing exercises and worksheets.

Related: Common App Transfer Admissions | Step-by-Step Guide & Bonus Tips

When approaching the UC Personal Insight Questions, it is important to stay specific, creative, and relevant. Make sure to focus on your unique experiences and identify what makes you stand out from other applicants. It is also crucial to give yourself enough time to outline your thoughts and create a strong response to each question. In the end, this attention to detail will help you shine through the competition and land a spot at your dream school.

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Personal Insight Questions

As a vital part of your application, the personal insight questions—short-answer questions you will choose from—are reviewed by both the admissions and scholarship offices., at berkeley we use personal insight questions to:.

  • Discover and evaluate distinctions among applicants whose academic records are often very similar
  • Gain insight into your level of academic, personal and extracurricular achievement
  • Provide us with information that may not be evident in other parts of the application

What we look for:

  • Initiative, motivation, leadership, persistence, service to others, special potential and substantial experience with other cultures
  • All achievement in light of the opportunities available to you
  • How you confronted and overcame your challenges, rather than describing a hardship just for the sake of including it in your application
  • What you learned from or achieved in spite of these circumstances

Academic achievement

For first-year applicants:

  • Academic accomplishments, beyond those shown in your transcript

For transfer students:

  • Include interest in your intended major, explain the way in which your academic interests developed, and describe any related work or volunteer experience.
  • Explain your reason for transferring if you are applying from a four-year institution or a community college outside of California. For example, you may substantiate your choice of a particular major or your interest in studying with certain faculty on our campus.

How to answer your personal insight questions

  • Thoughtfully describe not only what you’ve done, but also the choices you have made and what you have gained as a result.
  • Allow sufficient time for preparation, revisions, and careful composition. Your answers are not evaluated on correct grammar, spelling, or sentence structure, but these qualities will enhance overall presentation and readability.

If you are applying…

  • Your intended field of study
  • Your interest in your specific major
  • Any school or work-related experience
  • for a scholarship, we recommend that you elaborate on the academic and extracurricular information in the application that demonstrates your motivation, achievement, leadership, and commitment .
  • Discuss how the program might benefit you
  • Tell us about your determination to succeed even though you may have lacked academic or financial support

Keep in mind

You can use the Additional Comments box to convey any information that will help us understand the context of your achievement; to list any additional honors awards, activities, leadership elements, volunteer activities, etc.; to share information regarding a nontraditional school environment or unusual circumstances that has not been included in any other area of the application. And, finally, after we read your personal insight questions, we will ask the question, “What do we know about this individual?” If we have learned very little about you, your answers were not successful.

  • Personal Insight Questions (University of California)
  • Personal Insight Question Writing Tips
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  • What Leadership Looks Like

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UC Essay Examples for the Personal Insight Questions

Sample essays with explanations of their strengths and weaknesses

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  • Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania
  • M.A., English, University of Pennsylvania
  • B.S., Materials Science & Engineering and Literature, MIT

Every applicant to one of the University of California campuses must write four short essays in response to the UC application's Personal Insight questions. The UC essay examples below reveal how two different students approached the prompts. Both essays are accompanied by an analysis of their strengths and weaknesses.

Features of a Winning UC Personal Insight Essay

The strongest UC essays present information that isn't available elsewhere in the application, and they paint the portrait of someone who will play a positive role in the campus community. Let your kindness, humor, talent, and creativity shine, but also make sure each of your four essays is substantive.

As you figure out your strategy for responding to the UC Personal Insight questions , keep in mind that it's not just the individual essays that matter, but also the full portrait of yourself that you create through the combination of all four essays. Ideally, each essay should present a different dimension of your personality, interests, and talents so that the admissions folks get to know you as a three-dimensional individual who has a lot to contribute to the campus community.

UC Sample Essay, Question #2

For one of her Personal Insight essays, Angie responded to question #2: Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

Here is her essay:

I’m not great at drawing. Even after taking the required art classes in elementary and middle school, I don’t really see myself becoming a famous artist anytime soon. I’m most comfortable creating stick figures and notebook doodles. However, my lack of innate talent hasn’t kept me from using drawing communicate or entertain through cartoons.
Now, like I said, the artwork itself isn’t going to win any awards, but that’s only part of my creative process. I draw cartoons to make my friends laugh, to make my siblings feel better if they’re having a bad day, to poke fun at myself. I don’t make cartoons to show off my artistic ability; I make them because I think they’re fun to create, and (so far) other people enjoy them.
When I was about seven or eight, my sister got dumped by her boyfriend unexpectedly. She was feeling really down about it, and I was trying to think of something I could do that would cheer her up. So I drew a (pretty bad) likeness of her ex, made better by some rather unflattering details. It made my sister laugh, and I like to think I helped her through her break-up, even if only a little bit. Since then, I’ve drawn caricatures of my teachers, friends, and celebrities, ventured a little into political cartooning, and started a series about my interactions with my idiotic cat, Gingerale.
Cartooning is a way for me to be creative and express myself. Not only am I being artistic (and I use that term loosely), but I’m using my imagination to create scenarios and figure out how how to represent people and things. I’ve learned what people find funny, and what is not funny. I’ve come to realize that my drawing skills are not the important part of my cartooning. What is important is that I’m expressing myself, making others happy, and doing something small and silly, but also worthwhile.

Discussion of UC Sample Essay by Angie

Angie's essay comes in at 322 words, a little below the 350-word limit. 350 words is already a small space in which to tell a meaningful story, so don't be afraid to submit an essay that's close to the word limit (as long as your essay isn't wordy, repetitive, or lacking substance).

The essay does a good job showing the reader a dimension of Angie that probably isn't apparent anywhere else in her application. Her love of creating cartoons wouldn't appear in her academic record or list of extracurricular activities . Thus, it's a good choice for one of her Personal Insight essays (after all, it's providing new insight into her person). We learn that Angie isn't just a good student who is involved in some school activities. She also has a hobby she is passionate about. Crucially, Angie explains why cartooning is important to her.

The tone of Angie's essay is also a plus. She has not written a typical "look how great I am" essay. Instead, Angie clearly tells us that her artistic skills are rather weak. Her honesty is refreshing, and at the same time, the essay does convey much to admire about Angie: she is funny, self-deprecating, and caring. This latter point, in fact, is the true strength of the essay. By explaining that she enjoys this hobby because of the happiness it brings other people, Angie comes across as someone who is genuine, considerate, and kind.

Overall, the essay is quite strong. It is clearly written, uses an engaging style , and is free of any major grammatical errors . It presents a dimension of Angie's character that should appeal to the admissions staff who read her essay. If there is one weakness, it would be that the third paragraph focuses on Angie's early childhood. Colleges are much more interested in what you have done in recent years than your activities as a child. That said, the childhood information connects to Angie's current interests in clear, relevant ways, so it does not detract too much from the overall essay.

UC Sample Essay, Question #6

For one of his University of California Personal Insight essays, Terrance responded to option #6: Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you .

Here is his essay:

One of my strongest memories in elementary school is rehearsing for the annual “Learning on the Move” show. The fourth graders put on this show every year, each one focusing on something different. Our show was about food and making healthy choices. We could pick which group to be in: dancing, stage design, writing, or music. I chose music, not because I was interested in it the most, but because my best friend had picked it.
I remember the music director showing us a long row of various percussion instruments, and asking us what we thought different foods would sound like. This was not my first experience in playing an instrument, but I was a novice when it came to creating music, deciding what the music meant, and what its intent and meaning was. Granted, choosing a güiro to represent scrambled eggs was not Beethoven writing his Ninth Symphony, but it was a start.
In middle school, I joined the orchestra, taking up the cello. Freshmen year of high school, I auditioned for, and was accepted into, the regional youth symphony. More importantly, though, I took two semesters of Music Theory my sophomore year. I love playing music, but I’ve learned that I love writing it even more. Since my high school only offers Music Theory I and II, I attended a summer music camp with a program in theory and composition. I learned so much, and I’m looking forward to pursuing a major in Music Composition.
I find writing music is a way for me to express emotions and tell stories that are beyond language. Music is such a unifying force; it’s a way to communicate across languages and borders. Music has been such a large part of my life—from fourth grade and on—and studying music and music composition is a way for me to create something beautiful and share it with others.

Discussion of UC Sample Essay by Terrance

Like Angie's essay, Terrance's essay comes in at a little over 300 words. This length is perfectly appropriate assuming all of the words add substance to the narrative. When it comes to the features of a good application essay , Terrance does well and avoids common pitfalls.

For Terrance, the choice of question #6 makes sense—he fell in love with composing music, and he is entering college knowing what his major will be. If you are like many college applicants and have a wide range of interests and possible college majors, you may want to steer clear of this question.

Terrance's essay does a good job balancing humor with substance. The opening paragraph presents an entertaining vignette in which he chooses to study music based on nothing more than peer pressure. By paragraph three, we learn how that rather serendipitous introduction to music has led to something very meaningful. The final paragraph also establishes a pleasing tone with its emphasis on music as a "unifying force" and something that Terrance wants to share with others. He comes across as a passionate and generous person who will contribute to the campus community in a meaningful way.

A Final Word on Personal Insight Essays

Unlike the California State University system , the University of California schools have a holistic admissions process. The admissions officers are evaluating you as a whole person, not just as numerical data related to test scores and grades (although both are important). The Personal Insight questions are one of the primary ways the admissions officers get to know you, your personality, and your interests.

Think of each essay as an independent entity, as well as one piece of a four-essay application. Each essay should present an engaging narrative that reveals an important aspect of your life as well as explain why the topic you've chosen is important to you. When you consider all four essays in combination, they should work together to reveal the true breadth and depth of your character and interests.

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College Application Essays and Admissions Consulting

UC Personal Insight Questions: 15 Tips and Examples

by Winning Ivy Prep Team | Feb 23, 2023 | UC Personal Insight Essay Guide

UC Personal Insight Essay Tips

Wondering how to successfully write UC essays? You’re in luck! In this blog post, we’ll go over UC Personal Insight Question s tips and examples that’ll take your essays to the next level. 

And what does it look like when you effectively follow these UC essay tips? Behold: our 20 UC Personal Insight Questions examples .

Table of Contents

UC Personal Insight Essay Tip #1:  Make one anecdote the star of your UC essay

These UC essays are especially tricky because of the word limit: you only have 350 words to convey your message per essay. That means this: Don’t do too much in one short essay. In other words, don’t try to write about 3 different topics in one essay so that you can “fit” all you want to say. It’s always better to go for DEPTH per essay rather than BREADTH. 

Let me repeat that again: Depth > Breadth. 

Breadth is something you can easily tackle in your overall application because you literally have 4 UC essays to showcase breadth of experience. Depth is the piece that everyone’s answers to the UC Personal Insight Questions lack — so if your UC essays have depth, you’ll no doubt stand out from the crowd.

So how exactly do you add depth, you may ask?

In order to delve deeply into a subject, you only have space for one anecdote — one experience — as the main star of your UC Personal Insight essay. Here are basic steps:

  • Showcase your anecdote by first setting up the scene of the story. 
  • Showcase the conflict or obstacle that you encountered.
  • Showcase your role in solving the conflict.
  • Analyze how you grew and what you learned from this experience. 

So what does a UC essay with great depth actually look like? Checkout these UC Personal Insight Questions examples: 

  • UC Personal Insight Example: prompt 7
  • UC Personal Insight Example: prompt 2

UC Personal Insight Essay Tip #2:  Showcase growth throughout your essay

Writing about growth is honestly perhaps one of the more important UC Personal Insight tips I have for you. 

Why? Well, the answer is twofold. 

Firstly, admissions officers *love* to read about how you’ve grown from an event. An applicant’s ability to recognize learnings from an event and grow intellectually and personally is extremely important to colleges. Thus, admissions officers are on the lookout (especially via the UC personal insight essays) to pinpoint applicants that can bring this growth mindset to the UCs.

Secondly, writing about growth from an event is usually very difficult. So, not many students actually do this. Most UC essays I read fall short in this analysis department, so if you can go the extra mile and knock this out of the ballpark, you’re golden!

UC Personal Insight Essay Tip #3:  Showcase intellectual curiosity

uc transfer application essay

UC Admissions

  • [2023 Updated] UC Personal Insight Essay Examples
  • UC Personal Insight Essay Ultimate Guide
  • UC Essay Tips

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UC Essay Prompts 2024-25 – Personal Insight Questions

June 18, 2024

The 2023-24 admissions cycle saw the nine undergraduate University of California campuses collectively attract an all-time record of 250,000+ applications; this represented a double-digit increase from three years prior. Logic would suggest that institutions receiving as many as 174,000 applications (UCLA) would not employ a particularly holistic admissions process. Certainly, not one that would give any weight to a supplemental essay, much less to four essays. In general, large institutions do indeed rarely devote much time to carefully considering application essays. Yet, true to brand, the UC schools defy convention. And thanks to some recent global changes enacted across the whole UC system, the UC essay prompts (UC Personal Insight Questions, or PIQs for short) have become an even more essential application component to anyone who hopes to study at any of the following UC campuses:

  • Santa Barbara

Are the UC Personal Insight Questions important? 

The UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) have become a critical part of your application, in part due to recent changes in UC’s standardized test policy.

In May 2020, as the pandemic wreaked havoc on the U.S. educational system (not to mention the rest of the country/world), the UC Board of Regents voted to make all of their universities test-optional for students applying to enroll in fall 2021 and fall 2022. By itself, such an announcement was hardly notable. After all, hundreds of other high-profile colleges made similar temporary policy changes due to the impact of COVID-19. It was the changes for fall 2022 applicants (and beyond) that shocked the higher education universe…

To everyone’s astonishment, this gargantuan system that garners over a quarter of a million applicants per year decided to go “test-blind” moving forward, despite internal data finding that test scores helped predict undergraduate achievement. This means that none of the nine schools listed above will even look at an applicant’s SAT or ACT score anymore. So, what’s the takeaway here for you, a future UC applicant? Simple: the essays matter more than ever before. Your writing will be your main opportunity to differentiate yourself from swarms of other well-qualified applicants.

Given this new reality, let’s turn our attention to the focal point of the article—the UC essays themselves. For each, we will offer thoughts/tips to guide you with prompt selection and execution of a stellar composition.

A Guide to the UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs)

The UC Personal Insight Questions vary from other college essays in that the UCs explicitly prefer factual responses.

What does this mean?!

While you should still plan to write with attention to syntax and style, the UCs are most interested in information vs. creativity. Accordingly, you don’t need to worry about having an interesting hook, thoughtful metaphors, or a high level of descriptive language. Instead, focus on communicating impact—measurable, if possible—on both yourself as well as others. Aim for as much clarity and straightforwardness as possible. Remember, UC admissions officers are reading quite quickly, and you want to ensure that your message is received on their first read.

Wondering what that might look like? Check out our blog: UC Essay Examples.

*Note: Your response to each UC PIQ is limited to 350 words.

UC Essay Prompt # 1

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

Leadership is an admirable quality, but it can manifest in many different forms. This essay is not only for those who captained a varsity team to a state title or founded a charitable organization or served as student body president. Teamwork and collaboration are also valued leadership skills both in academia and in the workplace, and students with strong interpersonal skills and a high EQ can be an asset to any university. Think beyond the title that you may have held and more about the action(s) of which you are most proud. Note that the university invites you to share a story that involves your family. In other words, it doesn’t just have to be school or extracurriculars.

To sum up, this essay is about leadership, broadly defined. You can chronicle anything from mentoring others on your debate team to a simple instance of conflict resolution within your peer group. This is often a prompt that appeals more to extroverts, but that does not preclude a story of quiet leadership from being a winning choice here.

UC Essay Prompt #2

Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

Whether you are a prospective studio art, mechanical engineering, mathematics, or psychology major, creativity and the art of problem-solving will likely be at the heart of what you do. Even if few would refer to you as a “creative type,” this prompt can still serve as a nice platform from which to reveal more about what makes you tick and the unique ways in which your synapses fire.

There are two ways to go with this prompt. First, you could: Tie your creativity directly to your future major and/or career. Secondly, you could paint a picture of your personal brand of creativity that reveals who you are as an individual, whether that’s painting, knitting, coding, or something else. Either way, this prompt can inspire some highly impactful, needle-moving responses from applicants.

UC Personal Insight Questions Prompt #3

What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

If you are a world-class athlete, you are likely already in the recruitment process. If you placed high in AIME or won a National Merit Scholarship, that is already stated in the awards section. Therefore, using the prized 350 words of real estate to merely rehash the fact that you won an award would not be an inspiring move.

If you read the question closely, UC wants to know how you got good at whatever it is that you excel at doing. A few years back, Malcolm Gladwell popularized the idea that becoming a master or expert at anything takes 10,000 hours of practice. Consider talking about the grind and sacrifice it took you to become great at a given skill and how you see that skill becoming even more finely tuned/developed over time. If this skill fits into your future academic/career plans, all the better—share that too!

UC PIQ Prompt#4

Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

This is a prompt that acknowledges the fact that some students are born with more advantages than others. Some teens attend schools with very limited advanced course offerings; others attend high schools with 25+ AP courses. Whether you come from a privileged or an economically disadvantaged home, this prompt can be a solid choice for you.

First off, it’s important to acknowledge that an “educational opportunity” doesn’t have to be your regular high school curriculum; it can be a summer program, debate club, shadowing opportunity with a physician, or a language immersion program in Peru.

On the overcoming an educational barrier front, this could be an issue of resources/economics or the barrier could be in the form of a learning disability, mental or physical health challenge, or just merely stretching yourself to take an AP Physics course when that area was not your strong suit.

Colleges like students who demonstrate grit, perseverance, and resilience as these qualities typically lead to success in a postsecondary environment. No matter what type of example you offer, demonstrating these admirable traits can do wonders for your admissions prospects.

UC Personal Insight Questions Prompt #5   

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

This is a more generalized version of PIQ #4. Challenges can be anything mentioned in the previous section (disabilities, illness, etc.). They could also be events like moving in the middle of junior year or being impacted by a natural disaster. Or perhaps your parents got divorced, a grandparent passed away, or any number of other personal/family traumas one can name. If a challenge you faced and overcame is a core part of your personal story, then this is a great choice. Just be sure to include the positive steps you have taken in response to the challenge, and discuss how it affected your academics!

UC Essay Prompt #6

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

Students who are “Undecided” may shy away from this prompt. Contrarily, those who are laser-focused on a given academic area often find this to be an ideal selection. Whether it’s a general love for math/science or literature or a specific interest in aerospace engineering or 19th-century Russian novels, use this opportunity to share what makes you tick, the ideas that keep you up at night, and what subject inspires you to dream big. You’ll also want to be sure to include the tangible ways that you’ve pursued this interest—perhaps you took an upper-level class or joined a related club at school, watched documentaries, listened to podcasts, secured an internship, joined an online forum, etc.

Furthermore, explain how your love of this subject may tie into your area of study or even a future career path. That said, avoid mentioning specific campus resources in your response, especially if you are applying to multiple UCs, as all campuses receive the same essay questions.

UC Personal Insight Questions Prompt #7

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

How you interact with your present surroundings is the strongest indicator of what kind of future community member you’ll be. This PIQ asks you to define your role within a community—your high school, your neighborhood, your family, or even a club or sports team. Some words of warning with this one: don’t get too grandiose in explaining the positive change that you brought about. Of course, if you truly brought peace to a war-torn nation or influenced global climate change policy, share away; but, nothing this high-profile is expected. This is more a question about how to relate to others, your value system, your charitable/giving nature, and how you interact with the world around you. If you have a sincere and heartfelt story in this vein to share, then #7 is an excellent selection.

UC Essay Prompt #8

Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?

Is there anything you have yet to share that is absolutely elemental to who you are as a person? Without the benefit of an in-person interview, it may feel like you never fully had a chance to connect intimately with a UC admissions officer. You have a burning sense that you have not communicated your true essence, your je ne sais quoi, your…you get the idea. If something important hasn’t been communicated elsewhere in the application, then PIQ #8 is about to become your best friend.

Consider that the admissions reader is already somewhat familiar with your academic history, activities, and awards. What don’t they know, or, what could they understand on a deeper level? This could be a particular skill or talent, or something about your character or personality. This one is intentionally open-ended, so use this space to share your most cherished accomplishments or most winning attributes. The university itself is inviting you to “brag” here. Therefore, we recommend obliging, by presenting the equivalent to a “closing argument” at the end of this admissions trial.

College Transitions’ Final Thoughts — UC PIQs

  • With the introduction of a test-blind policy , the UC PIQs have never been of greater importance.
  • Pick the four UC essay prompts from which you can generate the most compelling and revealing responses. No prompts are inherently favored or preferred by the admissions committee.
  • If you are able to organically and convincingly tie in your academic and career interests, take the opportunity to do just that (in any prompt).
  • If you’re applying to a STEM major, it is generally advised to include PIQ #6 in your round-up.
  • Strongly consider PIQ #8. It is the most open-ended option and allows you to highlight anything that doesn’t fit elsewhere in the application.
  • The UCs do not receive the Common App essay, so you can adapt it for one of these prompts. Win!

Want to learn more about how to get into the University of California campus of your dreams? Visit the following blogs for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance:

  • How to Get Into UC Berkeley: Acceptance Rate and Strategies
  • How to Get Into UCLA: Acceptance Rate and Strategies
  • How to Get Into UC Davis: Admissions Data and Strategies
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  • How to Get Into UC Santa Barbara: Acceptance Rate and Strategies
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Andrew Belasco

A licensed counselor and published researcher, Andrew's experience in the field of college admissions and transition spans two decades. He has previously served as a high school counselor, consultant and author for Kaplan Test Prep, and advisor to U.S. Congress, reporting on issues related to college admissions and financial aid.

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CA College Transfer

10 Tips for Better UC Application Essays

  • December 10, 2020

Now that the rush of applications is over, I’ve compiled some of the small and easily correctable things that will make all the difference to a reader when looking over your application.

1. keep it simple.

uc transfer application essay

2. Ditch the Thesaurus

uc transfer application essay

3.  Use Short Sentences

uc transfer application essay

Now when I say use short sentences I don’t mean making everything staccato, rat-tat-tat . But getting to the point has its benefits. I have noticed that young students often shy away from short sentences. I assume this is because they believe it connotes a deficiency in brain power. On the contrary, short sentences can be exceptionally powerful.  Consider Ernest Hemingway. He was the master of short sentences.  I often work with students to make their first sentence miniscule, a bold statement that catches the eye, intrigues the reader — and then the essay moves on from there.

4. Small is Better

uc transfer application essay

5. Everyone’s a Critic

Even the occasional UC rep, whose job is not to read essays but to visit CCC campuses, can shake the apple cart. Just this last admissions’ cycle, all four essays were finished and were excellent. This was an outstanding student.  She showed the essays to a rep who liked them all, except she though the first sentence in one essay needed to be improved.  The student got all worked up  and reached out to me with three alternatives. Now, I had no strong feeling about that first sentence; it was totally fine to me, but a killer open might emerge. However, the suggestions by the rep were the biggest cliches in the book and I cringed to read them. (See point #6.) It was awkward on my end because this was a UC rep, so I told the student she could choose any open she wished, but I still voted for the current one. I also told her no student ever got rejected because of a first sentence — except perhaps in the next situation.

6.  Don’t Start in the Middle

uc transfer application essay

This style of open went from charming to annoying. In fact, the Dean of the Berkeley Law School wrote an article several years back saying any essay that came to him like that was tossed in the trash.  (I’m assuming he was joking — maybe.) The point is this was a thing but is now no longer a thing.

7. The More You Nitpick the Worse it Gets

uc transfer application essay

8. Create a 3-D Snapshot

uc transfer application essay

9. Save the Gloom and Doom

uc transfer application essay

10. Don’t Plagiarize

uc transfer application essay

I change my name each time I place an order at Starbucks.

Last year a student reached out to me for essay help because he had been rejected the year before from all the UCs and was reapplying. I signed him on, then asked him to send me the previous essays on his application so I could look them over. Yep. You got it. There it was:

What? I said you plagiarized that. No wonder you were rejected. Everyone knows that line. He claimed he only cribbed that one part, but the damage was done. No one remembers anything other than that first line. That would be enough to tell admissions he was stealing an idea that wasn’t his. I told him if the UC thinks he committed plagiarism, it would be noted across all campuses and he would never get admitted. It turned me off and I chose not work with him.


Composing strong essays is not as hard as it seems. First off, always put yourself in the place of the reader, then follow the above steps and you’ll be on your way.

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Lindy is an independent UC admissions consultant, who works with both transfers and freshmen. She also has just completed her first novel, a supernatural thriller set in San Francisco.

  • previous post: 10 Things to Know about the UC Transfer Academic Update

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I'm in the process of applying to transfer to a UC school and I could really use some inspiration for my transfer essays. Does anyone have any solid examples or tips they'd be willing to share? Thanks so much!

I'm glad you're seeking inspiration for your UC transfer essays! While I unfortunately don't have any specific examples to share with you, I can provide some general tips and guidance to help you craft effective and compelling transfer essays.

1. Focus on your academic goals and interests: Explain why you decided to transfer and how the UC(s) you're applying to can help you achieve your academic and professional goals. Be specific about the programs, resources, or faculty members that interest you.

2. Highlight your personal growth: Share how your experiences at your current college or university (courses, extracurricular activities, work experience) have contributed to your growth as a student and individual, and how this will impact your future experience at a UC.

3. Demonstrate your fit for the UC system: Research each UC campus you're interested in to understand its unique culture, values, and offerings. In your essay, showcase how your experiences and goals align well with the UC school you're aiming to join.

4. Explain challenges and setbacks: If you faced any challenges during your time at your current institution, you can use your essay to explain those circumstances. Don't focus just on the negative, though - instead, show what you've learned from these experiences and how you've grown stronger as a result.

5. Tell a story: Engage your reader with a personal narrative. Instead of just listing accomplishments and experiences, use storytelling techniques to convey your journey as a transfer student, as that will make your essay memorable and unique.

6. Keep it concise and clear: Aim for clarity and conciseness. Remember that admissions officers are reading dozens or even hundreds of essays a day, so get straight to the point and avoid unnecessary details or fluff, as a tangled essay may cause their mind to wander.

7. Edit and proofread: Ensure your essay is polished and free of errors by editing and proofreading multiple times. Ask someone you trust, such as a teacher or parent, to review your essay and provide feedback. Remember that CollegeVine also offers both free peer essay reviews and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors, if you're looking to get a more objective set of eyes on your essay.

Ultimately, the most important thing is that your essay is unique to you, so start with these tips to create aa general framework for yourself, and then fill it in with your own personal experiences, passions, and goals. Best of luck with your UC transfer application!

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CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

UC Berkeley Transfer Essays That Worked


This year, we’ve just received great news about one of four latest clients and their UC transfer application. They got in! The school? UC Berkeley.

*Cue streamers*

Now, they actually got into other schools like UCLA, UC San Diego, and a few other transfer schools of their choice. This article, though, is just focused on our client’s admission to Berkeley, particularly what it took for him to get in.

So, here are their stats :

  • School transferring from: Pasadena City College
  • Major: Computer Science
  • Club Activities: None
  • Notable Achievements / Awards: None
  • Internship / Work Experience: Computer Science Intern

UC Berkeley

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The most important thing to consider about these stats is that the student was able to get away with rather average marks and a lack of notable awards and activities. This was pretty great surprise. What really made the difference in this essay, however, was that the client was able to make their paper shine through their internship work. It’s not everything, but it was one of the primary attributes that made this into one of our list of UC Berkeley Transfer essays that work.

The internship work that our client had completed was what allowed his college essay and transfer application to demonstrate his proclivity to go above and beyond to actualize his career dreams.

That’s all college admissions officers are really looking for: proof from applicants that they will go beyond their comfort zones to actualize their dreams.

uc transfer application essay

Of course, not everyone has put in the effort to win awards, achieve great accomplishments in clubs, or find time out of school to work in internships for their professors. That’s why colleges provide a little bit of leeway for students who can show their determination and passion through writing the college essay section.

Unfortunately, the client was unable to meet with us on time to allow for a whole two weeks of editing and essay optimization. As such, we had to settle with a few mistakes and less than optimal writing capabilities on our part due to time constraints. (which was rather nerve-wracking, considering this was an admissions essay aimed for UCB) Had they arrived earlier for a consultation, we may have had enough time to make more severe changes to better optimize his chances for some of the higher schools that he placed his targets on.

Without further ado, here are the transfer essays that were completed and revised by our client and our team.

UC Transfer Essay Prompt 1

Yup, they’re getting right to that topic. Your UC Berkeley transfer essays are going to have to show that you weren’t just studying for the high marks and the grades. They are going to want to see that you planned for your future here!

“ Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university. “

uc transfer application essay

The essence of mathematics is the simplification of complex problems into a combination of smaller, simpler problems. As an avid mathematics enthusiast, and a computer science major, I understand this principle firsthand. My rigorous study of mathematics and computer science has given me the opportunity to model and solve real-world problems mathematically. In turn, my exploration of mathematics and computer science has given me a solid academic foundation to build upon. One day, I hope to contribute to the advancements of mathematics and computer science as a doctorate student. My thorough study of mathematics in conjunction with computer science classes has enlightened me to the problem-solving power of mathematics. By augmenting mathematical structures, we can model real world problems on a computer. Currently, I am working with my computer science professor to publish an innovative syllable counting algorithm which model characters as vertices in a directed graph. Modeling words as graphs allows computers skip numerous special syllable cases. Working on this algorithm has given me more insight to how mathematics can optimize current computer science ideas. As expected, I have opted to take as many math courses as realistically possible. This means that, because I also work part-time, I have a 55-hour work week; a work week similar to the average modern computer scientist. That being said, I have been able to persevere and maintain excellent academic standards. I will continue to work, in order to simulate the work week of a computer scientist. Overall, I believe I am thoroughly prepared to face upper division courses. I am used to the workload, and I am more than eager to learn. If my stressful life has given me anything, it has granted me a love of theoretical mathematics and computer science. My adventures in these fascinating subjects has taught me the power of problem division. All complex problems can be divided into simpler sub-problems. Likewise, we can model upper division course as a problem. I am eager to engage and excel in these courses, one small step at a time.

UC Transfer Essay Prompt 2

The UC Berkeley transfer essays aren’t all about grades and brutal studying! If you’re the type to write poems under a rainbow or sing emotional songs when you’re having a bad day, this one might be for you.

“ Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

uc transfer application essay

Personally, creativity is an alternate method of expression. When I play piano, I describe my emotions and favorite memories using various tones instead of words. By manipulating techniques that I play on the piano, I can make a piece reflect ineffable aspects of my life. In a way, my music becomes my medium of communication. However, not all music is created equal. Classical music is elegant, but fragile. Jazz music is abstract and expressive but fails to reflect the deeper aspects of my life. In the end, my exploration of various forms of music have taught me a lot about life. I have been playing classical music for almost 12 years. In classical music, it is essential to play as close to the score as possible. Consequently, interpretations come from small improvisations, dynamics, and tempo. Improvisations allow me to add color to the song. Changing the key alters the mood, whereas slowing down the tempo emphasizes a particular moment. At the end of any song, every variation in technique contributes to the portrait of my soul. On the other hand, I have only been playing jazz for 6 months. The abstract and boisterous nature of jazz allows for large sections of improvisation and drastic changes to dynamics and tempo. With this much control over the color of the composition, a wide range of images can be encoded into the music. In jazz, improvisations change the direction of the song; variations in tempo and dynamics adds to the complexity of the image. Playing around with jazz shows my love for music. Whether I choose to play classical or jazz music, music allows me to express indescribable feelings. The fragility of classical music reflects the deeper aspects of my life. Contrarily, jazz allows me to play with the fundamental structure of a piece. My journey with music has taught me one irrevocable fact: life is extremely complicated and diverse. We should follow our dreams before it is too late to do so. That being said, I know that my dream is to add to the theory of mathematics and computer science.

UC Transfer Essay Prompt 3

UC Berkeley’s transfer prompt 3 is actually quite similar to prompt 4 in that they concern development over time. This one is just more concerned about the quality of your talent. Remember: it’s okay to brag about this one, but it’s not just about how talented or skilled you are. This is also about how the admissions officers can have a good idea of what kind of person you are.

“ What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? “

uc transfer application essay

One of my closest friends is trying to become a realtor. In his quest for success, he has faced numerous difficulties. Yet, without fail, he still gives life his best effort. Watching his struggle has bestowed upon me a crucial fact of life; we cannot expect the best results without giving our best effort. As a consequence, we cannot give our fullest effort without first understanding ourselves. This has led me to believe that time management is my greatest skill. With good time management, I maximize my performance in different segments of my life. In turn, I maximize my growth as student. Like many others, my time management skill was not always up to par. After high school, I was unprepared to make my own schedule. Consequently, I was hindered by my poorly planned schedule. During my first Summer semester at PCC, I had requested for more working hours than I could handle. Without enough time to focus on my studies, I was unable to perform as well as I could. That semester gave me the encouragement to look deeper into myself. I analyzed my educational needs and scheduled around inconveniences. I took more time to analyze my workload and request reasonable working hours. I gave time to myself, to revive myself from the strenuous, studious life. The more I understood myself, the better I was able to manage my time. In turn, I was able to perform better overall. Now, I maintain an excellent academic record, a part time job, and a social life. To this day, I continue to push my own limits. This semester, I opted to take more units and more ambitious classes than I have ever taken before. My extraordinary time management is helping me excel in these classes. Analyzing myself helped me understand that my interest in mathematics and computer science is set in stone. In turn, recognizing my own basic needs helps me optimize my schedule. Like my friend, I have come to understand myself on a deeper level; I am fully prepared to fully devote myself to computer science and mathematics.

UC Transfer Essay Prompt 4

The UC Berkeley transfer essay prompt 4 follows the typical obstacle structure of many other college admissions essays.

“ Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? “

uc transfer application essay

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”. My current interpretation of President Roosevelt’s words is that improvement comes from boldness. If we hesitate in the face of difficulty, we would not achieve anything. That being said, I had terrible social anxiety. In high school, I went above and beyond in avoiding others. However, I knew that without adequate communication skills, I would have significantly less opportunities to succeed when I grew older. Now that I am much older, I have significantly enhanced my social skills. I was able to improve my communication abilities by accepting a job offer as a waiter. In fact, I had gotten an exceptional recommendation from a close friend (which is how I got the job). By accepting this job, I was forcing myself into a foreign, continuously social environment. Although I did not perform well in the beginning, I was able to improve to an excellent standard with hard work. Working as a server motivated me to learn and practice social skills I had previously lacked. Additionally, the working environment gave me the opportunity to demonstrate the skills that I had practiced. For over half a year, I struggled to improve. However, my struggle paid off, as now my regular customers praise me for my rapid development. After working for a year, my excellent work had caught the eye of my boss, who assigned me yet another task. Now, I also manage the boss’s schedule and provide suggestions during marketing meetings as one of her personal assistants. Presently, I work approximately twenty-five hours a week, in conjunction with my studies. By forcing myself into social territories, I was able to motivate myself to learn and practice the communication skills that I needed. From this experience, I gained more than just social ability; I also gained the courage to step out of my comfort zone, in the pursuit of self-improvement. Which is why I know I will succeed after transferring. Upper division classes are difficult and daunting; regardless, I will face them without fear.

What may be most daunting is the fact that this applicant had actually had help from their professor to get internship experience to work with. What makes this so effective is not just the fact that they had work experience to show their determination and perseverance to their career.

They also can practically guarantee a great letter of recommendation from said professor.

uc transfer application essay

The letters of recommendation play a major role in the admissions process. They are another layer of proof that the student was able to work on their career enough that they have the approval of other authority figures. This holds a lot of weight. So if you can find a good opportunity to get an internship with your professor before transferring, your admissions essay might be added to our “UC Berkeley transfer essays that worked” list! (if you don’t mind us showing you off!)

If you can’t get an internship with a professor in your school, you’ll have to suffice with writing the transfer admissions essay. But remember, you’ll be facing off against a lot of other very qualified and very intelligent students. One of the only other factors that can make a severe difference in your UC application is the personal insight questions. If you can show through your writing that you have the determination and have put in the effort to actualize your dreams, you will have a much better chance of getting accepted.  

You might also want to consider appealing to the desire of the admissions officers and what the school is looking for. We covered that schools want to see people who actually manifest their dreams, but there’s a reason. Why? Because those people are the most likely candidates to make genuine change in the world, and who wouldn’t want people like that in their universities?

Berkeley even says so themselves on their admissions selection page.

uc transfer application essay

If you’re likely to manifest your dreams into reality and actualize it to a certain degree, then you’ve already got the mindset needed to make genuine change in the world. That’s what great schools like Berkeley want! People who are great because they can make differences in the world with their accomplishments due to their right mindset. You don’t have to be Obama’s son, and you don’t have to win wars overseas; you just have to have the attributes of world-changers, and demonstrate them in your paper!

Have any questions about the UC Berkeley transfer admissions essays? Haven’t won any awards or gained any internship experience? That’s why we’re here to help. Contact us for a free consultation and learn how we can map and optimize your UC transfer admissions essay to give you the competitive edge you need.

1 thought on “UC Berkeley Transfer Essays That Worked”

If you are considering transferring, but not attending a California Community College, review the Transfer Reading and Composition Information to ensure you have the required classes for that requirement.

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How to answer the personal insight questions

Your responses to the personal insight questions are an important component of your freshman or transfer application. Your responses allow us to get to know you through your experiences and accomplishments.

Freshman Personal Insight Questions

Freshman applicants must respond to four short-answer prompts chosen from  eight options . There is no advantage or disadvantage to choosing certain prompts over others, and each response is limited to a maximum of 350 words.

Transfer Personal Insight Questions

Transfer applicants must respond to four short-answer prompts—one mandatory prompt and their choice of three from the other  seven options . There is no advantage or disadvantage to choosing certain prompts over others, and each response is limited to a maximum of 350 words.

Writing a Successful Response

Your responses should elaborate upon any insights you gained or how your outlook, activities, commitment or goals have been influenced.

  • Provide specific examples of experiences, accomplishments, etc. that occurred during or after high school that weren’t captured in your application.
  • Keep your responses focused on conveying your strengths and positive qualities.
  • Write a first draft, leave it for a day or two, and return to make revisions. Read each draft aloud to catch misspellings or awkward or inappropriate wording.
  • Review your responses as if you were making the final decision. Is this the application of a future leader?
  • Have your responses checked by a teacher, counselor or other advisor for clarity.

Common Pitfalls

  • Writing about events that are long past
  • Reiterating information listed elsewhere in the application
  • Listing accomplishments without explanation or detail
  • Rambling, unfocused thoughts
  • Being overly humorous, self-deprecating or glorifying

Instructions for Scholarship Applicants

Some scholarship committees review your responses to the personal insight questions while other scholarships, such as the  Cal Aggie Alumni Association scholarships , may require separate applications and essays. Please visit our  scholarships  page to learn more about scholarships available at UC Davis.

Understanding the UC Transfer Application

Uc transfer application.

There is no single linear path to follow when it comes to higher education. In fact, transfer students make up a large part of the undergraduate community within the UC system. As some of the best schools in California, becoming a UC transfer student means you’ll need to ace the UC transfer application. However, most of the UC schools are considered quite transfer friendly colleges And, the good news is that the UC transfer application will be quite similar to the college applications you filled out as a first-year applicant. 

In this guide, we’ll break down how to complete the UC transfer application. We’ll answer plenty of common questions that UC transfer students will have when starting the application process. While transferring colleges may seem overwhelming, there are plenty of ways to make it a smooth transition. This guide aims to give you digestible steps and relevant information to help you in your process of transferring colleges—namely to a UC school. 

Here’s what we’ll cover in this UC Transfer Application guide: 

  • UC transfer process
  • Understanding UC TAG and UC TAP
  • UC transfer requirements
  • UC Berkeley, UCSB, UC Davis, UCSD, and UCLA transfer requirements 
  • And plenty more UC transfer related FAQs!

Keep in mind that if you’re considering transferring colleges, you’ve already been through the college admissions process once! The transfer application process isn’t all that different. Soon, you’ll have a thorough understanding of all the different facets and nuances of the UC transfer application. But first, let’s start by learning about the general UC transfer process. 

Understanding the UC Transfer Process

As a transfer student, you’ve already gone through the arduous process of applying to college once. So, the good news is that there won’t be too many surprises the second time around! The UC transfer application has many of the same aspects that your first college application did. But, that doesn’t mean you should slack on the UC application. The UC system houses some of the best universities in California and even the nation. So, they receive plenty of applications from both high school and transfer students. 

Planning your transfer

The UC schools use their own transfer application. This means that you won’t fill out the Common Application when applying to a UC school. However, before you even start to think about the UC transfer application, you’ll want to make sure you’ve planned and prepared . Luckily, UC has a program to help you do so called UC TAP (Transfer Admission Planner). UC TAP will help you stay on track to complete the UC transfer requirements while at your current institution.

As you might be noticing, the UC transfer process starts long before the UC transfer application. UC TAP will help transfer students stay on track to complete the best UC transfer application possible. Students will need to consider a myriad of factors: current classes, future major of interest, GPA minimum requirements, UC campus of interest, and the UC application deadline. UC TAP is one program designed to make the transfer process easier, however, transfer students can also meet with an advisor or attend a transfer event.

Transfer requirements

Generally speaking, the UC transfer requirements will be similar at each of the UC campuses. However, always double-check your school of interest’s specific requirements. For example, the UCLA transfer requirements may vary slightly from the UCSD transfer requirements or the UC Davis transfer requirements. But, no matter if you’re a future UCLA transfer or any of the other UC campuses, you’ll want to always check the school-specific transfer admission site for the best information. 

Don’t forget to consider your academic goals in the transfer process. These will greatly affect your course selection. Learn more about one student’s pre-med transfer process. Check out our webinar , “The Ultimate Guide to Applying to the University of California (UC) Schools for extra information. 

How do UC Transfers work?

Before considering the UC transfer application, you’ll want to make sure you’re eligible. Essentially, you’ll need to confirm you’ve completed the necessary college coursework and meet the minimum UC transfer application requirements. From there, it’s time to start the application, keeping in mind the UC transfer application deadline. 

UC transfer timeline

Remember that when it comes to applying as a transfer student , the application process starts long before starting the application! However, you can start working on your UC transfer application starting August 1. You’ll need to create an account and login in order to access the UC transfer application on their website. Here are the time periods in which you can submit your UC transfer application: 

  • Fall Semester: October 1-November 30
  • Spring Semester: July 1-31

Be sure to double-check the UC transfer application deadline at your specific campus of interest, as some schools operate on a different semester system calendar. For example, the UCLA transfer application deadline is October 1-November 30. However, there is no UCLA transfer application deadline for spring semesters. UCLA transfer students may only enroll starting fall semester. 

Once you’ve completed and submitted the UC transfer application, it will be reviewed by admissions officers. Applications are evaluated holistically, meaning that factors such as extracurriculars and essays are just as important as grades. Consequently, applicants need to do more than simply meet the minimum GPA requirements to gain acceptance. 

Once you’ve submitted your application, don’t forget to check out these steps ! Make sure your application is updated and your transcripts have been submitted. From there, you’ll await a response.

What is UC TAG?

If you look at the transfer numbers within the UC system, you’ll notice that they are quite high. In fact, three out of every four transfer students gain admission. This is in large part due to the program UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG). This program guarantees admission to students transferring from California Community Colleges (CCCs).

The UC TAG matrix outlines some specifics on the program, which you can learn more about on the UC admissions website. Up next, we’ll highlight some of the main things to know about the program.

How does UC TAG work?

According to the UC TAG matrix, students will need to complete both the UC transfer application and a TAG application to be considered. The UC TAG matrix also states that students need to come directly from a CCC and have completed 30 semester UC transferable units.

Keep in mind that you do not have to participate in TAG when applying to UC from a community college. You can simply complete the regular UC transfer application. The UC TAG matrix states that two-thirds of admitted UC transfer students do not have a TAG. 

However, for those worried about gaining admission to a UC school, the UC TAG option is a good one to consider. Check out the UC TAG matrix for more details on the UC transfer requirements for TAG applicants at different UC campuses. 

Using UC TAP

We briefly mentioned UC TAP when planning and preparing your UC transfer application. But, what exactly is it and how does it work? The UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP) is meant for students transferring from California Community Colleges, including (but not limited to) students applying via TAG. 

UC TAP helps students stay organized when it comes to meeting the UC transfer requirements, as well as the UC transfer application deadline. Students can enter their classes into UC TAP to make sure they are completing the necessary coursework. Furthermore, students who use UC TAP will also receive the most recent and pertinent information from UC admissions via the online planner.

Above all, remember UC TAP is completely free! If you’re interested in taking advantage of the UC TAP, all you have to do is create a login and password to get started. 

Can I transfer from UC to UC?

There are plenty of types of transfer students . This includes those coming from community colleges, other four-year institutions, or even those coming from another UC campus. With ten campuses all over the state of California, it makes sense that students might want to transfer schools within the UC system. Students can certainly transfer from UC to UC, as long as they meet the UC transfer requirements. 

Before starting a UC transfer application to one of the other UC schools, ensure that you are in academically good standing. You’ll need to have a 2.0 GPA (cumulative or last term) to apply. The good news is that all of your credits will be transferable when going from one UC school to another. However, it also means that your GPA will also transfer with you.

Can you transfer from UC to UC after one year?

UC admissions does state that junior level transfer students from California community colleges are their highest priority. However, that certainly doesn’t mean that they don’t accept other types of transfer students. If you’re looking to transfer after only a year at another UC school (or any school) you would be considered a “lower-division transfer”. 

Since the majority of UC transfer students enroll their junior year, the lower-division transfer student is certainly less common. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. You may transfer from UC to UC after one year. Though, the acceptance rate of lower-division transfers will largely depend on the UC campus you apply to.

Some UC campuses will only admit a certain number of these types of transfer students, meaning that gaining acceptance may be more competitive. Therefore, double-check the campus of interest to you to see what their policy is on transferring after just one year of college at another UC school. 

Check out the UC transfer requirements for different types of transfer students to best prepare! 

Does UC accept Spring transfers?

When considering the UC transfer application requirements, you’ll need to consider the UC transfer application deadline at the UC school of your choice. Not all UC schools are created equal. Only a few of the UC schools accept transfers for the spring term. 

However, two UC campuses do accept spring transfer students: UC Merced and UC Riverside . If you’re looking to be a UCLA transfer student, or to any of the other seven UC campuses, then you’ll need to enter for the fall term. 

What GPA do you need to transfer to UC?

One important aspect of every UC transfer application is academics. There is a minimum GPA that transfer students must meet to be considered for admission to a UC school. 

For a junior level transfer, the minimum GPA requirement is 2.4 for California residents and 2.8 for non-California residents. Lower division transfers must have a minimum 2.0 GPA for California residents and a 2.8 for nonresidents. For those transferring from another UC campus, you’ll need a UC GPA of 2.0 or above. However, just as the minimum UC transfer requirements vary depending on the UC campus, so does the minimum GPA.

Let’s take a look at some of the specific transfer requirements for some of the most popular UC campuses.

UCLA transfer requirements

The UCLA transfer requirements state that transfers need to have a 3.2 minimum GPA to be considered for admission. This is much higher than the general UC transfer application requirements stated above. It may come as no surprise then that the UCLA transfer acceptance rate is quite competitive. For Fall 2023 the UCLA transfer acceptance rate was just 26% – and the median GPA of admitted applicants was 3.88.

UC Davis transfer requirements

The UC Davis transfer requirements also state a slightly different minimum GPA. According to the UC Davis transfer requirements, all transfers must have at least a 2.8 GPA. Certain majors may also have higher GPA minimums. As you may have guessed from the difference in minimum GPA requirements, the UC Davis transfer acceptance rate is higher than that of UCLA. The UC Davis transfer acceptance rate (as of Fall 2019) was 57% . 

UCSD transfer requirements

The UCSD transfer requirements state that the GPA is that of the general UC GPA requirements. As you’ll recall, that’s 2.4 for California residents and 2.8 for non-residents. However, the majority of accepted students often have a higher GPA than the minimum requirement. The UCSD transfer acceptance rate was quite close to that of UC Davis in recent years. The UCSD transfer acceptance rate in Fall 2019 was 56% .

UCSB transfer requirements

UCSB is one of the most transfer-friendly colleges in the UC system. They follow the general GPA minimum requirements (2.4 for California residents and 2.8 for nonresidents). The UCSB transfer acceptance rate is also fairly high. The UCSB transfer acceptance rate is about 50% . However, more impressively, about one-third of the incoming class is made up of transfer students.

As you can see, the UC transfer application requirements will vary slightly by school. So, be sure to check the UC campus that most interests you to get the most relevant requirements for you!

Choosing a major for UC Transfers

As a UC transfer, it’s important to consider your major of interest. This is especially true if you are a junior level transfer and have already completed your general requirements. Most importantly, you’ll want to make sure you choose a campus that offers your major. And, of course, you’ll want to make sure that you have taken the required courses. 

All UC transfer students need to complete basic-level English and math courses by the end of the fall term prior to their year of enrollment. Additionally, students will want to start thinking about a major if they are still undecided. Think about classes that you’ve enjoyed, subjects that interest you, and your future career goals. Then check out the recommended courses for your potential areas or majors of interest. 

Transfer Pathways are also a unique UC offering. This is a perfect option for transfer students who know their major but aren’t certain of their first-choice campus. These pathways allow students to see which campuses offer their major of choice. Students can also easily see the required courses needed to enter their major. It’s a useful way to keep transfer students on track to graduate on time. 

How do I transfer to a UC?

We’ve already covered some of the basic UC transfer application requirements and a little about the UC transfer application. Now, let’s review the whole “how to transfer to UC” process in some simple steps.

Steps for Transferring to a UC

1. keep your grades up.

You want to be prepared long before the UC transfer application becomes available. If you’re attending a community college, then you likely know you’ll be transferring after two years. Whether you have your dream UC school in mind or not, make sure to keep your GPA up to par. Junior level transfers need a 2.4 GPA as California residents, and nonresidents need a 2.8 GPA.

2. Take recommended and required courses

When you enter a UC school as a transfer student, you’ll still need to meet the basic course requirements. This means having completed the required English and math courses and courses within your major of interest. We recommend checking out the specific courses you need to enter that major without getting behind. Take advantage of Transfer Pathways to stay on track to graduate from your major of choice. Additionally, make sure you check out the basic course requirements long before the UC transfer application deadline. 

3. Fill out the application

After all of that planning and preparation, you can feel confident completing your UC transfer application. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to craft a competitive UC application . You’ll need to do everything you did the first time around for your college application—essays, extracurriculars, academics, etc.

While the UC transfer application doesn’t involve the common app transfer essay , you will need to respond to multiple personal insight questions. These are of utmost importance when it comes to showing admissions who you are. After you’ve submitted the UC transfer application by the appropriate UC transfer application deadline, you’re not completely done! After you apply , you’ll need to send in transcripts and test scores, update your grades, and submit any other pertinent changes.

Impressing UC admissions as a transfer student requires taking special care to create the best UC application possible. And, remember that UC admissions is more or less selective depending on the campus. Therefore, you should carefully take the time to choose the UC campus that is the best fit for you. Additionally, before worrying about the UC transfer application deadline, learn all that you can about the general “how to transfer colleges” process. 

How do UC Transfer Credits work?

An important part of the UC transfer application and college admissions process when transferring colleges are your credits. Obviously, you want your college credits to transfer over to your new UC campus. This is why preparing to transfer long before the UC transfer application is available is extremely important. You can make sure that you are taking the correct courses and that they are in fact transferable. 

The good news is that the majority of students will have already completed many of the general education courses that most majors require. In short, if a completed course has an equivalent offering at a UC campus, then the credits will likely transfer. However, a maximum of 70 credits of lower-division coursework is transferable. 

Most transfer students will want to get ahead on fulfilling their general education requirements long before the UC transfer application deadline. These requirements include courses in a wide variety of disciplines, designed to give students general knowledge in multiple areas before diving into their majors.

If you’re transferring from a California community college, you can actually follow the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum ( IGETC ). This way you’ll get ahead on the UC-specific general education requisites during your freshman and sophomore years.

Resources for transferring credits

As some of the most transfer friendly colleges in the nation, UC provides plenty of useful tools for transfers. Use the resources available to make sure you’re taking courses that have transferable credits. Remember, the UC TAP tool is designed to keep you on track. And you can learn more about UC transfer credits here . 

In the end, the college admissions office at your new school will have the final say on which credits transfer or not. But, you can certainly get ahead by checking the requirements and using the available transfer tools that UC provides.

Exploring Specific UC Transfer Requirements

Every transfer application is different. As such, your UC transfer application will have specific UC transfer requirements. The UC transfer requirements are similar to what you might find if you apply to transfer elsewhere. However, there are a few specific UC transfer application requirements that you should be aware of.

Minimum GPA and transferable courses

Whether you’re transferring from a community college or another four-year institution , the basic requirements for the UC transfer application are the same. The UC transfer application requirements specify that you must have earned at least a 2.4 GPA, or a 2.8 GPA if you don’t live in California.

Regarding coursework, the UC transfer application requires that you’ve taken two transferable courses in English and one in Math or quantitative reasoning. Additionally, you’ll need four courses from at least two of these subject areas: arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and physical and biological sciences. 

Beyond fulfilling these basic UC transfer application requirements, you also must fill out the UC transfer application. This includes submitting your application on time and answering the personal insight questions on the UC transfer application. 

Planning for success

The good news is that 3 out of 4 transfer students who apply to UCs get in . However, it’s all about maximizing your chances by acing your UC transfer application. If you’re a community college student, remember that you can use UC TAP (Transfer Admission Planner) to help you plan your UC transfer application. As you’ll recall from earlier in this article, UC TAP is a tool that allows you to enter and track your coursework. That way, you can keep track of the requirements you’ve fulfilled and where you are in the UC transfer application process. 

Now that we’ve looked at some of the UC-specific requirements, let’s go over some specific UC transfer applications. First up is the UCLA transfer application. 

UCLA Transfer Application

The UCLA transfer application is one of the most popular UC transfer applications. Since UCLA is one of the UC schools, transfer applicants will start by filling out the regular UC transfer application. Then, you’ll need to specify that the UCLA campus is your top preference.

The UCLA transfer requirements are nearly the same as the regular UC transfer application requirements. But acing your UCLA transfer application is important–as far as UCs go, UCLA has one of the most selective transfer acceptance rates. The UCLA transfer acceptance rate is only 24% , which means that only around one in four students is granted acceptance by UC admissions.

To apply to UCLA, you have to meet the basic requirements of the UC transfer application requirements. Some of these requirements include having fulfilled a certain number of credits in specific courses, completing the UCLA transfer application or the UC transfer application, and submitting your UCLA transfer application by the UC transfer application deadline.

Application deadlines

Logically, an important one of the UCLA transfer requirements is the application deadline. So, your planning should start by marking your calendar with the UCLA transfer application deadline and the UC transfer application deadline.

The UCLA transfer application deadline for your UCLA transfer application is November 30, and you can submit your application starting on October 1. In January, you can add your final fall grades and planned second-semester coursework to your UCLA transfer application. Remember that adding more details can strengthen your UCLA transfer application–and with such a competitive UCLA transfer acceptance rate, you’ll want to stand out! 

Unique UCLA requirements

While many of the basic requirements for UCLA are similar to those of the general UC requirements, there are some differences in the UCLA transfer requirements. The UCLA transfer application requirements state that you must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher . This is significantly higher than the standard UC transfer application GPA of 2.4 for Californians and 2.8 for everyone else. 

Additionally, for the UCLA transfer application, there is no Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG). If you want to know which colleges have TAG, you can check using the UC TAG matrix. The UCLA transfer application does not give you access to TAG, which according to the UC TAG matrix, only applies to UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, US Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz. 

Although your UCLA transfer application will be filed using the same UC transfer application as the other UCs, each UC is different. Though it’s not one of the UCLA transfer requirements, if you want to ace your UCLA transfer application, be sure to make your case for why you want to attend UCLA. Be sure to point out specific things about UCLA that would make the school the best fit for you—just like you would do when filling out any other college application. 

What GPA do you need to transfer to UCLA?

When you’re filling out your UCLA transfer application, you might be wondering whether your GPA is strong enough to get into UCLA.

For the general UC transfer application, you only need a GPA of 2.4 for California state residents and 2.8 for nonresidents. However, for the UCLA transfer application, you’ll need a GPA of 3.2. Since UCLA is a more prestigious and selective university, the UCLA transfer application reflects that. Ultimately, the high GPA required to transfer to UCLA makes sense given the low UCLA transfer acceptance rate. The UCLA transfer acceptance rate is 24% , which is very selective. 

If you’re thinking about transferring colleges, it’s always better to plan and prepare as far ahead as possible. Most importantly, do everything you can to keep your grades up at your first institution. That way, you won’t be deterred by the UCLA transfer application requirements. 

Unlike most undergraduate institutions, where there is often no strict GPA requirement to apply, the UCLA transfer application does have a strict cutoff. This means that if your GPA is lower than 3.2, you won’t fulfill the UCLA transfer requirements, and therefore you won’t be admitted. However, don’t give up! You can still apply to other UCs using the UC transfer application, and those UC transfer requirements are less strict.

Can you transfer to UCLA from a community college?

The short answer to “Can you transfer to UCLA from a community college” is–yes! 

Becoming a UCLA transfer, or any UC transfer, is very achievable when coming from a community college background. In fact, the UC transfer system and the UC transfer application are structured to make it as easy as possible for California community college students to transfer. 

The UC transfer system, including the UCLA transfer system, has many tools in place to help community college students transfer. One of those tools is called ASSIST , a system created to streamline the transfer of credits to California public universities and colleges. If you’re a community college student looking to become a UC transfer, then ASSIST can help you establish the right path forward.

ASSIST can help you figure out whether the courses you’ve taken at your community college will fulfill the UC transfer application requirements. The UC transfer requirements for classes can seem daunting, but platforms like ASSIST make them easier to understand. 

Transfer centers

You can also work with your school’s transfer center to prepare for your UC transfer. Most classes at accredited institutions in the U.S. will count as credits for your UC transfer. So long as you make sure to take the 7 types of classes laid out in the UC transfer requirements. If you take classes that are more vocational in nature or do volunteer work, they will not count as credits in your UC transfer. Classes that are not academic do not count for credits as per the UC transfer requirements. 

As we mentioned earlier, another great tool to help community college students become UC transfers is UC TAP. Remember, UC TAP stands for UC Transfer Admission Planner. It is a free online tool that helps future UC transfer students figure out which courses to take at their community college.  

To get the most out of your UC transfer process, the UC transfer website urges you to do three things: “plan what you want to study, and where, prepare ahead of time with goals in mind, and track your progress until it’s time to transfer.” Tools like UC TAP can help with this process. As soon as you start at your community college, enter your courses into UC TAP. Future UC transfers can use UC TAP to make sure that they’re on track and that all of their credits are transferable. 

UCLA specifics for community college transfers

Now, let’s get a bit more specific to UCLA. To start, make sure you meet the UCLA transfer application deadline. The UCLA transfer application deadline is November 30. 

The UCLA transfer requirements are more academically rigorous than the regular UC transfer requirements. If you’re a student at a community college who wants to transfer to UCLA, your academic performance should be your main priority. If you don’t achieve at least a 3.2 GPA in your two years of school, you will not be able to gain acceptance into UCLA.

The UCLA transfer acceptance rate is around 24% . However, keep in mind that the UCLA transfer acceptance rate doesn’t always tell the full story. The median GPA of admitted students is 3.9 . Given the low UCLA transfer acceptance rate, this level of academic excellence isn’t surprising, but it can be a little daunting.

Alternatively, if you’re a community college student, the UCLA transfer acceptance rate is higher for you—around 27% . To make it past the selective UCLA transfer acceptance rate, prioritize your academics and take advantage of tools like UC TAP and Assist. If you start using UC TAP as soon as you enter community college, you’re already off to a great start. 

UC Berkeley Transfer

Another one of the prestigious UCs is Berkeley. Like UCLA, Berkeley is an esteemed college in its own right. Unsurprisingly, many UC transfers want to gain admission to this fantastic university. 

To become a UC Berkeley transfer, you must first fill out the regular UC transfer application by the UC transfer application deadline: November 30. Remember, the UC transfer application deadline is the same for all schools, and you will only submit one application for all of the UCs. 

Berkeley GPA requirement

To be a UC transfer at UC Berkeley, you must also prove that you can handle the school’s academic rigor. This is why the UC transfer application for Berkeley requires a minimum GPA higher than the regular UC transfer minimum. On their transfer requirements, UC Berkeley requires a 3.0 minimum GPA. Berkeley is a more selective school that places priority on academics, so it makes sense that your GPA matters. 

In order to become a successful UC transfer to one of the more selective schools like Berkeley or UCLA, make sure that you’re taking your time on your UC transfer application. Fill it out thoughtfully and completely, with a special focus on the personal insight essays. 

Does Berkeley accept transfer students?

Just like all of the UCs, Berkeley certainly accepts transfer students. Berkeley accepts 26% of transfer applicants, and 95% of those accepted UC transfers are from California community colleges! 

If you’re from a CA community college, the UC transfer process is designed to help you thrive. The UC system wants to take as many community college students as possible and make it easier for those students to become UC transfers. 

Berkeley does take transfer students from other four-year institutions, but it prioritizes community college students. This means that to be a UC transfer at Berkeley from another four-year school, you will be considered based on your “ personal circumstances and the availability of space. ” 

UC Davis Transfer Requirements

The UC Davis transfer requirements are similar to the requirements of the other UC transfer applications. To fulfill the UC Davis transfer requirements, you will submit the same basic information on the UC transfer application: credits and courses that fulfill the course requirements, personal insight essays, and the UC application fee.

As you’ll see in our discussion of the UC Davis transfer acceptance rate, it’s quite a bit higher than other UCs. But don’t let that fool you! You’ll still need a stellar application to successfully transfer to any of the UC schools. 

UC Davis transfer acceptance rate

So, just what is the UC Davis transfer acceptance rate? The UC Davis transfer acceptance rate is 57% . You’ll notice that the UC Davis transfer acceptance rate is twice as high as the acceptance rates for Berkeley and UCLA. Part of the reason for the UC Davis transfer acceptance rate is that the UC Davis transfer requirements have a different GPA than the other UCs. 

According to the UC Davis transfer requirements, students must have above a 2.8 GPA —this means that the GPA to satisfy the UC Davis transfer requirements is even higher than the one for the general UC transfer application.

UC Davis TAG

Since the UC Davis transfer acceptance rate is higher than other UCs (Berkeley and UCLA), you’ll have a higher chance of getting into UC Davis if you apply through the general transfer UC application. Additionally, UC Davis is one of the schools in the UC TAG matrix. This means that you can apply for guaranteed admission to UC Davis. However, your GPA must be at least 3.2 to gain guaranteed admission through the UC tag program. 

Now, let’s look at another transfer application: the UCSD transfer application. 

UCSD Transfer Requirements

For the UCSD transfer requirements, you’ll need to satisfy all of the regular UC requirements. Predictably, this includes having a certain GPA, meeting the UC transfer application deadline, and having taken the appropriate courses and credits. The UCSD transfer requirements don’t specify that you need to have a higher GPA than the UC minimum. However, it does state that admitted students often exceed that minimum! 

The UCSD transfer acceptance rate is 57%. This UCSD transfer acceptance rate is the same as the UC Davis transfer acceptance rate, so you have a pretty equal chance of getting into either school. Even though the UCSD transfer acceptance rate and the UC Davis transfer acceptance rate are the same, that’s not the case for all UCs—remember that there’s a big range. 

Average GPA of transfer students

You can better understand the UCSD transfer acceptance rate by looking at the middle 50% of the GPA for accepted transfer students, which is between 3.48 and 3.91. This means that 25% of students had a higher GPA than this range, and 25% of students had a lower GPA. So, just because the UCSD transfer requirements don’t require a GPA higher than 2.4, we can clearly see that most admitted students have earned higher GPAs than that minimum. 

The UCSD transfer acceptance rate reflects that 33% of the UCSD class are transfer students. If you’re looking for a class where students come from a variety of educational backgrounds and take different approaches to college admissions, UCSD would be a great place for you! 

Transferring to UCSB

If you want to transfer to UCSB, make sure to follow all of the UC transfer requirements that we’ve already talked about in this guide. 

Students transferring to UCSB should also know the UCSB transfer acceptance rate. The UCSB transfer acceptance rate is 60% , similar to the UCSD transfer acceptance rate. The UCSB transfer acceptance rate was calculated from a candidate pool of over 17,000 applicants, around 10,300 of whom were admitted. 

91% of the students admitted within the UCSB transfer acceptance rate were from California community colleges. You might be noticing a trend—a large majority of the transfer students accepted to UCs are from local community colleges. 

UCSB is part of the UC TAG matrix, which means that you can apply to transfer to UCSB and gain guaranteed admission. In order to participate in TAG, you must have a minimum 3.4 GPA . The UCSB transfer acceptance rate includes students who participate in TAG. So, if you have your heart set on UCSB and have the GPA to get you there, don’t underestimate TAG!

More UC Transfer Requirements

As you may have noticed, UC admissions can be very competitive. Let’s review some things you can do to set yourself up for success in the UC transfer journey.

Transfer pathways

If you want to transfer , the best thing you can do is start planning early. If you’re at a community college, the UCs offer many resources to help you plan and prepare for your transfer to a UC. One of those resources is Transfer Pathways , which helps you figure out what community college classes to take so that you can adequately prepare for a major at a UC. These pathways will help you plan your time at community college, and set you up to apply to a specific major at a number of different UCs. 

General education courses

To ease the transition into academic life at a UC, UCs provide guidelines for how to fulfill general education requirements. Since these requirements can take a while to fulfill, it’s important to start early. IGETC is a series of courses at community colleges that will satisfy the sophomore and freshman requirements for general education at UCs. Note that each campus has slightly different general education requirements, so make sure to check them before taking the IGETC! 

Application essays

Also, don’t forget that your transfer application is also a college application. Through your essays , you want to be able to communicate to the admissions committee why you’re choosing to transfer , and what you want to receive from your education.

The UC application and its essays are distinct within the college application space, and the transfer application is no different. Even when you’re applying as a transfer, learn about ways to make your application stand out . 

And don’t forget–each school is different! Even if the UCSD transfer requirements look similar to the UC Berkeley transfer requirements, make sure to research each school to make sure that you are specific in your application. As always, prepare all of your materials well before the UC transfer application deadline. (The UC transfer application deadline for all schools is November 30.) 

Which UC accepts the most transfers?

Though all of the UCs are pretty transfer friendly colleges, you may be wondering–which ones take the most transfers?

UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara are the most transfer friendly colleges in the UC system. If you’re considering transferring colleges, especially from a community college in California, you’ll have the best odds of acceptance at UC San Diego. 

UCSD admitted over 12,000 transfer students for Fall 2023 out of over 19,000 applicants. For context, Berkeley had a similar number of applicants and admitted around half as many students. This makes sense, given that the Berkeley acceptance rate is about half of the UCSD acceptance rate and the UCSB transfer acceptance rate. That’s why UCSD and UCSB are the two most transfer friendly colleges in the UC System. 

Understanding the UC Transfer Application – Final Thoughts

When trying to maximize your chance at UC admissions as a transfer student, it’s crucial to understand the UC Transfer application. Here are some final takeaways:

Final Takeaways for UC Transfer

  • Anyone can transfer into a UC, but the UC transfer process prioritizes California community college students for college admissions.
  • In order to transfer, you need to have a minimum GPA of 2.4 (2.8 as an out-of-state resident), complete the right number of credits in seven transferable courses, and submit your application by the UC transfer application deadline.
  • The UCs have programs like TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee) and UC TAP (Transfer Admission Planner) to help you keep track of your courses and gain admission into a UC school. You can use the UC TAG matrix to check which schools are eligible for Transfer Admission Guarantee.
  • Many of the UC schools have different GPA requirements—always research the school you want to gain admission into before you apply.
  • You will apply to transfer into any of the UCs using the same application.

We hope that this guide on the UC transfer application has helped you feel more confident in transferring to a UC school! Remember that in addition to having a myriad of online resources to guide you in your transfer process, CollegeAdvisor also has a team of expert college admissions advisors. They’ve helped many students transfer to their dream schools, so don’t hesitate to reach out for more personalized guidance.

This article was written by Sarah Kaminski and advisor, Rachel Kahn . Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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Top Tier Admissions

2024-2025 Supplemental Essay Questions

  • Post author By Top Tier Admissions
  • Post date July 29, 2024
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While your GPA, test scores, and extracurricular activities paint a picture of your academic and social achievements, supplemental essays offer a platform to express your individuality. Admissions officers use these essays to understand who you are, what motivates you, and how you might contribute to their campus community.

Through your responses, you have the chance to demonstrate your writing skills, critical thinking, and genuine interest in the institutions to which you are applying. A well-written supplemental essay can tip the scales in your favor, providing context to your application and making a memorable impression.


We are still seeing the effects of last year’s Supreme Court decision to overturn the legality of race-conscious admissions . Many colleges have reacted by using school-specific supplements to give students the opportunity to write about their lived experience, which may include their racial background.

To get you started, we’ve gathered a few examples of this year’s supplemental essay prompts from various top tier institutions with some ideas about how you might approach them:

University of Chicago:

  • “Daddy-o”, “Far Out”, “Gnarly”: the list of slang terms goes on and on. Sadly, most of these aren’t so “fly” anymore – “as if!” Name an outdated slang from any decade or language that you’d bring back and explain why you totally “dig it.”
  • Known for their quirky prompts, UChicago encourages creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. This prompt challenges you to think metaphorically and philosophically about language and history. Your response could explore themes of individuality, belonging, or the search for identity in a complex world.

Dartmouth College:

  • There is a Quaker saying: Let your life speak. Describe the environment in which you were raised and the impact it has had on the person you are today.
  • Dartmouth’s prompt emphasizes storytelling and cultural heritage. Whether you choose to write about a personal story, a family tradition, or a historical narrative, this essay provides an opportunity to highlight your background and the experiences that have shaped you.

Yale University:

  • What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)
  • This is a classic “Why Us?” essay, which requires thorough research and a personal connection to the institution. Articulate your passion for Yale, detailing specific programs, faculty, or opportunities that align with your academic and career goals.

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Students who don’t require the immersive guidance of our Personal Boot Camp benefit from working one-on-one with our team of experts to craft unique, stand-out essays with our Essay Guidance Program . Or consider our Essay Guidance and Common App 911 bundle for a complete application package!

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Note: Some schools, like Georgetown University and MIT , use their own application. The University of California also uses their own application for all nine campuses.

We’ve provided a deep dive into both the Georgetown and MIT applications and offer customized guidance in their completion. For the UC network, we’ve gone a step further and created our official “Mysteries of the UC App,” exclusive to our Top Tier family! If you’re interested in Georgetown, MIT, UCLA , UC Berkeley or any of the remaining UC campuses, we can help with a step-by-step walkthrough of each!

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We are compiling the 2024-2025 supplemental essay questions for you on our College Application Essay Prompts page and we’ll continue to update all supplements as they are released. In the comments, feel free to note any schools you’d like to see included.

Grades and scores are king in determining your range of schools. But keep in mind: once you’re in-range of a school, the authenticity, content and quality of your college essays MATTERS !

If you enjoyed this post, follow us on Instagram @toptieradmissions for more tips and subscribe to our blog for expert insights & college admissions news !

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University of california admits its largest class in history.

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The Sather Gate at the University of California at Berkeley. Across its various campuses, the ... [+] University of California has admitted a record number of students for the fall semester,

The University of California system has announced that it's admitted the largest class in its history for the upcoming fall semester.

Across its nine undergraduate campuses, UC admitted 166,706 students for fall 2024. That number includes 137,200 first-year students and 29,506 transfer students. Systemwide, the admission rate for California first-year students stood at 70%, up from 68% last year.

Included in the admissions were offers to 93,920 California residents, which was also a record high and represented an increase of 4.3% over last fall. Admitting more in-state students has become a UC priority, a system-wide response to recent pressure from state leaders and funding incentives tied to the university’s commitment to increase graduation rates and enroll more in-state students.

More than two-thirds (68%) of first-year admits were California residents. Out-of-state students comprised 18% of first-year admits, and international student accounted for 14%.

Latinos made up 39% of first-year admitted Californians, followed by Asian Americans (33%), whites (18%), Blacks (6%), American Indians (1%) and Pacific Islanders (less than 1%).

UC also offered admission to more students from groups historically underrepresented in higher education, Admission offers to underrepresented students rose to 45.4%.

The university admitted about 500 more African American students than last year, a gain of nearly 10%. And the proportion of admitted California students who would be the first in their family to attend a four-year college rose to 43.1%, a gain from last year’s 42.5%.

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In a year where applications by low-income students has been marred by a seriously botched launch of a new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), UC still managed to increase the percentage of low-income students among the total admitted from 39.7% last year to 40.7% this fall.

The university offered admission to 26,430 transfers from California Community Colleges, a 7.8% increase (1,906 students) from last year.

It’s important to remember these are preliminary admission figures. They do not represent actual enrollment numbers, which will not be known for several months.

Nonetheless, University of California President Michael V. Drake stressed their importance. “These admissions numbers demonstrate the University of California’s commitment to expanding opportunity and access, especially for historically underrepresented groups, who comprise the largest-ever share of first-year students,” said Drake, in a press release. “We’re setting more California students on the path to a college degree and future success, and that translates to positive impact on communities throughout the state.”

UC also released the gender identity of admitted students this year. Women accounted for the majority (55%) of admitted first-year students and 49% of transfer students. Men made up 40% of first-year admits and 46% of transfer admits. Nonbinary students and those not reporting a gender identify accounted for about 5% of new admits.

The record admissions numbers were released on the same day that Drake announced his plans to retire as the UC system president, effective at the end of the upcoming academic year.

Drake, who has served as UC president for five years, said in a university release that “it has been the honor of a lifetime to serve as president of the University of California these past several years, and I am immensely proud of what the UC community has accomplished. At every turn, I have sought to listen to those I served, to uphold our shared UC values, and to do all I could to leave this institution in better shape than it was before. I’m proud to see the University continuing to make a positive impact on the lives of countless Californians through research, teaching, and public service.”

Michael T. Nietzel

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First-year requirements

  • Subject requirement (A-G)
  • GPA requirement
  • Admission by exception
  • English language proficiency
  • UC graduation requirements

Additional information for

  • California residents
  • Out-of-state students
  • Home-schooled students

Transfer requirements

  • Understanding UC transfer
  • Preparing to transfer
  • UC transfer programs
  • Transfer planning tools

International applicants

  • Applying for admission
  • English language proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS)
  • Passports & visas
  • Living accommodations
  • Health care & insurance

AP & Exam credits

Applying as a first year

  • Filling out the application
  • Dates & deadlines
  • Personal insight questions
  • How applications are reviewed
  • After you apply

Applying as a transfer

Types of aid

  • Grants & scholarships
  • Jobs & work-study
  • California DREAM Loan Program
  • Middle Class Scholarship Program
  • Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan
  • Native American Opportunity Plan  
  • Who can get financial aid
  • How aid works
  • Estimate your aid

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uc transfer application essay

Get a head start on your transfer

In fact, almost one third of our entering students each year are transfers. And almost all of them come from California community colleges. If you prepare ahead of time, you can even get a guaranteed place in your major at one of our six participating campuses.

Even so, it’s important you make the right preparations to transfer. That’s where we come in. We’ll help guide you through the process, and give you the best chance of getting into your ideal campus and major.

What do you get out of it? A great degree from the world’s leading public university.

What do we get out of it? You. A driven student. Someone who’s already proved they can work hard, balance commitments and think long-term about their future. What university wouldn’t want that?

Who can transfer?

You can transfer if you’re enrolled in a regular session (fall, winter or spring) at a college or university after high school graduation. The exception is if you’re only taking a couple of classes during the summer after graduation. 

Your transfer journey

Maybe you already know where and when you want to transfer. Maybe you only just heard about transferring, and want to know more. Either way, we’ve got all the information you need. Which of these sounds like you?

I want an overview of the transfer process to decide if it’s for me. 

I need to see the requirements for transferring .

I’d like to know more about the different ways to transfer to UC .

I want tools to make the process easier .

What UC has that you won't find anywhere else:

  • 1.8 million alumni to help you move from college to career
  • Higher graduation rates than other leading U.S. public research universities
  • Six campuses that guarantee admission to qualified transfer applicants 
  • Among the highest starting salaries in the country for graduates


  1. Sample College Transfer Essay

    uc transfer application essay

  2. Sample Transfer College Essay

    uc transfer application essay

  3. UC College Application and UC Application Prompts Guide

    uc transfer application essay

  4. UC Essay

    uc transfer application essay

  5. College Transfer (300 Words)

    uc transfer application essay

  6. How to Create the Best UC Application Essay Examples

    uc transfer application essay


  1. essay on winter vacation

  2. Uc transfer to winner #pubgmobile #furyisalive

  3. How I got into UC Berkeley

  4. transfer college decision reaction 2022 (uc to uc transfer)

  5. Application for Transfer of Bank Account

  6. After I Apply: Now What?


  1. Personal insight questions

    Choose to answer any three of the following seven questions: 1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. Things to consider: A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting ...

  2. Applying as a transfer

    Learn how to apply as a transfer student to UC, including dates, deadlines, application filing periods, personal insight questions and comprehensive review process. Find out how to make a good impression and stand out from other applicants.

  3. How to Write Great UC Essays (Examples of All Personal Insight

    Transfer UC essay example. ... whereas the Common App won't let you write down more than 10 activities. The UC application also divides things into categories, including Coursework other than A-G, Educational Prep Programs, Volunteer & Community Service, Work Experience, Awards & Honors, and Extracurricular Activities. ...

  4. 20 UC Essay Examples

    Welcome! The University of California school system covers 10 universities across the state. The UC system does things its own way—they have a separate application and (you guessed it) a separate list of essays to write. For example, outside of the PIQs, the UC system asks you to write an activities list and provides space for additional information, both of which we can help you with too.

  5. How to Answer the Required UC Transfer Application Essay

    Learn how to answer the required question for UC transfer applicants, which asks about your preparation and readiness for your major. Find tips, examples, and advice from College Essay Advisors.

  6. Understanding UC transfer

    4. UC's minimum admission requirements. Whatever your chosen major and campus, you'll need to meet UC's minimum requirements for transfer admissions. Your major preparation and general education courses will count toward these. But there may still be a few gaps to fill in, so check regularly to make sure you're on track for transfer.

  7. How to Write a Perfect UC Essay for Every Prompt

    How to Tell the UC Essay Prompts Apart. Topics 1 and 7 are about your engagement with the people, things, and ideas around you. Consider the impact of the outside world on you and how you handled that impact. Topics 2 and 6 are about your inner self, what defines you, and what makes you the person that you are.

  8. UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs)

    Transfer Application UC Personal Insight Questions. This blog post provides the UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) for Transfer Admissions for the 2022-2023 school year. ... When writing your essay, be sure to provide specific examples and explain how you overcame the challenge. You should also highlight any academic successes you achieved as ...

  9. Personal Insight Questions

    How you confronted and overcame your challenges, rather than describing a hardship just for the sake of including it in your application; What you learned from or achieved in spite of these circumstances; Academic achievement. For first-year applicants: Academic accomplishments, beyond those shown in your transcript; For transfer students:

  10. UC Essay Examples for the Personal Insight questions

    UC Sample Essay, Question #2. For one of her Personal Insight essays, Angie responded to question #2: Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

  11. PDF stions: g s

    stions: g s. gs. ing startedThis worksheet is designed to help transfer applicants start the writing process for the personal insight questions in the undergraduate admissions. pplication. Additional hints and suggestions can be found on UC's admissions website at ucal.us/person. lquestions.What are the personal insigh.

  12. UC Personal Insight Questions: 15 Tips and Examples

    Many of the UC personal insight essay examples I've shown you do a fantastic job showcasing intellectual curiosity — your UC essays should do the same. Admissions officers always look for students who demonstrate intellectual curiosity (basically, it means love of learning) in the UC application and UC Personal Insight essays.

  13. UC Essay Prompts 2024-25

    The UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) have become a critical part of your application, in part due to recent changes in UC's standardized test policy. In May 2020, as the pandemic wreaked havoc on the U.S. educational system (not to mention the rest of the country/world), the UC Board of Regents voted to make all of their universities test ...

  14. 10 Tips for Better UC Application Essays

    Some of the best essays are small. Consider these from a few of my clients: (1) The importance of a student's beloved sneaker collection; (2) a barista giving a free coffee to a stressed customer and the unexpected result; (3) a student who once a month took a homeless man's dog for a bath. You get the idea. 5.

  15. UC transfer essay examples

    Remember that admissions officers are reading dozens or even hundreds of essays a day, so get straight to the point and avoid unnecessary details or fluff, as a tangled essay may cause their mind to wander. 7. Edit and proofread: Ensure your essay is polished and free of errors by editing and proofreading multiple times.

  16. UC Berkeley Transfer Essays That Worked

    This UC Transfer Essay is about math, particularly with how far the applicant has gone to furthering his career. The essence of mathematics is the simplification of complex problems into a combination of smaller, simpler problems. As an avid mathematics enthusiast, and a computer science major, I understand this principle firsthand.

  17. Personal insight questions

    Remember, the personal insight questions are just that—personal. Which means you should use our guidance for each question just as a suggestion in case you need help. The important thing is expressing who you are, what matters to you and what you want to share with UC. 1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have ...

  18. Personal Insight Questions

    Transfer Personal Insight Questions. Transfer applicants must respond to four short-answer prompts—one mandatory prompt and their choice of three from the other seven options. There is no advantage or disadvantage to choosing certain prompts over others, and each response is limited to a maximum of 350 words.

  19. PDF Transfer application guide

    After you create an account, you'll need to select the term you're applying for (when you hope to start at UC) and your applicant level (e.g. freshman, transfer, etc.). Term: Most campuses and majors are open for the fall term only. Level: You must select the appropriate level for which you're applying. Keep in mind:

  20. UC Transfer Application

    The UC transfer application requirements specify that you must have earned at least a 2.4 GPA, or a 2.8 GPA if you don't live in California. ... personal insight essays, and the UC application fee. As you'll see in our discussion of the UC Davis transfer acceptance rate, it's quite a bit higher than other UCs. But don't let that fool you!

  21. Successful UC transfers, how much do you think your essays ...

    99% of UCs don't look at ur essays except for UCLA and Berkeley. GPA and your major prep lower div classes account for most UC transfer decisions. Basically the better your gpa is and the more prep classes you finished based on assist.org for each UC will dictate your chances of getting in. Only UCLA and Berkeley are the exceptions.

  22. 2024-2025 Supplemental Essay Questions

    Transfer Admissions. ... UC Berkeley or any of the remaining UC campuses, we can help with a step-by-step walkthrough of each! Common App 911/UC App 911. Step-by-step strategic support. START NOW. 2024-2025 SUPPLEMENTAL ESSAY QUESTIONS. We are compiling the 2024-2025 supplemental essay questions for you on our College Application Essay Prompts ...

  23. Filling out the application

    Here you'll need to enter all the colleges you have attended or will attend before enrolling at UC, as well as your coursework and grades. In addition, we would like to know the last high school you attended. Make sure you refer to your transcripts (or academic records) as you fill out any information—don't enter information from your memory.

  24. University Of California Admits Its Largest Class In History

    Across its nine undergraduate campuses, UC admitted 166,706 students for fall 2024. That number includes 137,200 first-year students and 29,506 transfer students.

  25. Ronald M. Whyte Intellectual Property Seminar 2024

    Admitted Students - Transfer & Visitor Status » For Current Berkeley Law Students; Admissions Policies; ABA Required Disclosures » LL.M. Admissions; J.S.D. Admissions; Ph.D. (JSP) Admissions; Visiting Scholar and Visiting Student Researcher Admissions

  26. Transfer requirements

    What UC has that you won't find anywhere else: 1.8 million alumni to help you move from college to career; Higher graduation rates than other leading U.S. public research universities; Six campuses that guarantee admission to qualified transfer applicants ; Among the highest starting salaries in the country for graduates