Times Fables: a revolutionary way to teach your kids their times tables

times fables book review

Does your child struggle with the multiplication tables? If so, this Times Fables book might help.  Designed with visual learners in mind, the book aims to teach children their times tables through a series of cute little stories.

As someone old enough to remember Ford Cortinas and life before Channel 4, I can confidently tell you the answer to 6×7, and 7×8 – the times table calculations declared by mathematicians to be the hardest to recall.

I have clear memories of being asked in primary school to stand up and chant my times tables in front of my classmates on a daily basis. And it clearly worked, as I later went on to read maths at university.

Sadly, my 8-year-old does not share my enthusiasm for chanting her times tables. She did show a modicum of enthusiasm when we started singing them, but struggled to maintain focus beyond 5 or 6.

Like many parents, I have spent a small fortune on tools aimed at helping my daughter learn her tables. We’ve tried gaming apps like Squeebles, where you rescue colourful bugs from the clutches of the nasty maths monster by correctly solving multiplication problems. We’ve tried playing card games, dice games, and board games. We’ve bought colouring books where you only colour in multiples of 4 or 5, pop-up books, and workbooks. We’ve even spent an afternoon in our local coffee shop trying to make up little rhymes together to help commit the tables to memory. Ultimately though, all have failed to cement the tables in her brain, and have only served to make my daughter more convinced that times tables are just “not her thing.”

“I was skeptical at first, but it really does work. My 8-year-old is dyslexic, and has struggled a lot to learn her tables. But within a couple of hours of getting this book, she had mastered them all.” – Alison King, mum of 3

Determined not to give up, I came up with the idea of using a story-based approach to teach the times tables. I created a character for each number, and went from there. Number 3 is denoted by a robin, number 4 is a chair, number 7 is a reindeer called Dr Sven (my daughter’s idea!), number 8 is a snowman, and so on. I then wove these characters into a simple story, with the idea being that to recall 3×4, my daughter simply has to think about which part of the story features a robin and a chair.

Lo and behold, it worked! I gave my homemade book to my daughter one rainy Saturday afternoon, and by Sunday evening, she was able to tell me that 6×8=48, simply by recalling that the six elves took Mrs Snowman’s temperature and found it was a very hot 48 degrees.

times fables book review

Time will tell whether the stories hold her interest long enough for the tables to become automatic, but for now, I am quietly optimistic. For the first time in her short life, my daughter is enjoying solving simple multiplication problems. She no longer fears being asked what seven eights are. And as a mathematician, that makes me very proud.

—- Times Fables is available to purchase on Amazon , and costs £7.99.

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Fantastic book

Fantastic book, really helped my daughter learn her times tables.

Date of experience : April 20, 2021

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Blast your child off to mathematical success

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What is Fables World?

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Characters not Numbers Research demonstrates recalling funny characters and stories is more accessible than numbers. Our revolutionary technique results in exceptionally high retention levels and boosts confidence within days. Works for all curricula.

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Incentivised Learning

Your children will earn cash, teddies and other prizes the more they practise.

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Fun Immersive Themes

Using an exciting space theme, each mathematical topic exists in a separate world to keep children entertained and engaged.

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Social and Customisable

Children are able to choose their own appearance and see where they stand in the leaderboard.

Discover the learning worlds:

Simply Maths

Funny cartoons that effortlessly show children how to add & subtract. Inbuilt programs to guide them step by step through the technique so they win awards.

Clever Clocks

Who knew talking Poos & Toilets can painlessly show your child how to learn to tell the time? Inbuilt challenges guide your child seamlessly through the Clever Clocks technique, plus they win prizes.

Table Fables

Watch funny cartoons and learn multiplication recall without the struggle (works for adults as well!) No more embarrassment at school. Easy, fun, engaging quests to focus your child. Cash rewards and other prizes ensure they complete the task.

Farting Fractions

No more confusion about which rule works for which fraction. Our farting Grandpa explains all while making your child laugh. Challenges and prizes motivate children to keep learning, so you can put your feet up.

Discover which areas of Fables World are best suited to your child with our interactive quiz.

🌟 Fables World is revolutionising how children comprehend and navigate the building blocks of all mathematical principles.

🌟 Our technique harnesses children’s love of stories to unlock visual learning so they memorise effortlessly. Numbers spring to life as humorous characters and encounter fun adventures, hilarious mishaps and a load of silly nonsense.

🌟 We guarantee no more tears or tantrums.

Still not sure?

Why not book a free demo with Fables World founder, Becky? She will teach your child how to use Fables World and blast off to mathematical brilliance.

🧑‍🔬 Fables World techniques are rooted in scientific research. Psychologists and researchers have long recognised that the human brain excels at retaining information when presented in the form of stories rather than plain facts.

  • Your child watches the funny cartoon.
  • They answer questions.
  • If they answer incorrectly they are re-shown the funny cartoons so they understand their mistakes.
  • Once our Quests are finished your child earns cash rewards and limited edition cuddly toys.

🤩This approach captivates children and ensures the mathematical concepts are etched into their long-term memory for easy recall.

Memory magic.🧠💫

🎂 Our Fables World cartoon teaching is designed for learners of all ages, from 4 to 14 years old (but also works for older children and even parents!).

🤣 Our funny cartoons are effective for learners with various learning styles, including neurotypical, dyslexic, dyscalculic, and a wide range of SEN abilities.

🎂 Starting children at a young age with our Fables World techniques not only prevents the development of mathematical anxiety but also turns them into number enthusiasts.

⬆️ Even older kids who may still be grappling with the mysteries of numbers can benefit tremendously.

  • Simply Maths: Age 4+
  • Addition / Subtraction: It's a hit with all age groups, especially those who are still counting on their fingers!)
  • Clever Clocks: Age 5+
  • Learning to tell the time Believe it or not, many teenagers are still mastering the art of telling time! Learning to tell the time has to be learned; it doesn't magically happen.
  • Table Fables: Age 6+
  • Multiplication / Division: This technique makes multiplication and division effortless to recall with its hilarious cartoons!
  • Farting Fractions: Age 8+
  • Fraction: Our technique breaks down all fraction rules into 4 funny faces that children can effortlessly recall when doing fraction work. (Ensure your child has a solid grounding in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division before attempting fractions.)

🌎 🧸 Yes, we ship our limited edition cuddly toys to every country around the world. It may take a little longer to arrive but it will be on its way.

💰 The website works in every country around the world and all prize money is automatically paid back into your bank account.

🏫 Please ask your child’s teacher for their username and password/pin.

We apologise that we are unable to give out children’s login details for data protection reasons.

1st Quest: To earn the reward money, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Quest button: Your journey begins here.
  • Complete daily tasks.
  • When you finish the whole Quest: The reward money goes straight back to the bill payers bank account.
  • Repeat the Quest every month to earn more money.

🥇 1st Quest doesn't require daily completion. Your child can take their time to finish.

🥇🥇 2nd Quest: This unlocks when 1st Quest is completed. Your child will earn £20 or $25 plus a limited edition cuddly toy (worth £15 / $20) upon completion. This is a consecutive day Quest that must be completed daily. Hopefully, the larger reward and cuddly toy prizes keeps your child motivated to learn.

📆💯 Note: On the final day of each Quest (except for Fractions), you'll need to answer all questions correctly to unlock the reward. Good luck!

📱💭 Many families set phone reminders to ensure their children don't miss a day and earn the reward money. Good luck!

🧑‍🔬Researchers discovered long ago that repeating a task daily ensures the information goes into a child’s long term memory. This is the reason for our consecutive day Quest.

📲 Check our Instagram @Fablesworld for new or exclusive giveaways.

🧠 Absolutely! Dyslexic, dyscalculic, and neurodiverse children benefit greatly from our technique. Our approach simplifies complex maths concepts into funny cartoons that they understand and boosts confidence immeasurably.

🎓 With Fables World, they no longer have to struggle with mathematical concepts; they can now keep up with their peers seamlessly. Check out our reviews for reassurance, many of which come from parents whose children are neurodiverse.

🧐 Our techniques are a game-changer for children who find numbers perplexing. Characters replace numbers, making maths procedures accessible and enjoyable.

🤗 Our approach simplifies complex maths concepts into funny cartoons that they understand and boosts confidence immeasurably.

🤩 With Fables World, they no longer have to struggle with mathematical concepts; they can now keep up with their peers seamlessly. Check out our reviews for reassurance, many of which come from parents whose children previously suffered from number anxiety.

🤣 You bet! Laughter is the best antidote for anxiety, and our funny cartoons simplify mathematics, making it enjoyable and anxiety-free. Starting early ensures number anxiety never develops!

✍️Check out our reviews for reassurance, many of which come from parents whose children are neurodiverse.

🌍 Absolutely! Our techniques cover essential mathematical procedures that form the foundation of numeracy worldwide and work with all national curriculum.

🧸 There are several ways for children to earn a cuddly toy:

  • Keep an eye on our Instagram page for cuddly toy referral offers and competition announcements at @FablesWorld.
  • 🏆🏅However, the most common way for every child to earn a cuddly toy is by completing our 2nd Quest, accessible after finishing the 1st Quest.
  • 📅 Quest lengths vary, with the shortest being 10 days (for younger children) and the longest being 20 days (for older children).
  • ⏳We never want to overburden children with excessive work, so we ensure that children don't have to spend more than 5-10 minutes a day completing tasks to earn reward money and cuddly toys.

Quest length:

  • Simply Math = 11 days (roughly 5 mins per day)
  • Clever Clock = 10 days (roughly 3 - 5 mins per day)
  • Table Fables = 19 days (roughly 6 mins per day)
  • Farting Fractions = 20 days (roughly 7 mins per day)

📅 Each learning area has a different Quest length that is appropriate for children of different ages. Once children finish the Quests, we reward them with real money, cuddly toys, and other prizes.

🤣 The Quests are really easy and fun to complete. We firmly believe that learning and laughing is the only way.

  • Simply Maths = 11 days (roughly 5 mins per day)
  • Clever Clock = 10 days (roughly 5 mins per day)

🧸💰 🥇At times, children may need a little extra motivation to overcome anxiety of past frustration with more traditional techniques. We understand, starting new things can be daunting. That's why we've implemented a reward system that encourages them to explore different ways of learning. Once they realise how enjoyable our technique is, the rewards simply become an extra bonus to keep them motivated to practise.

🏦 It's worth noting that giving reward money to children is entirely up to the family's discretion. All the money is returned to the parent's bank account, giving them the power to decide whether or not to give it to their children.

🌍 Our website is like a world traveller—it works wherever there's internet.

📚 Our maths techniques are the globetrotters of education, fitting right into any curriculum worldwide. We cover the essential mathematic topics that are the universal language of numbers.

🌏 Prize money is automatically paid back into your bank account.

🧸💌 We also ship cuddly toys to every country around the world. It may take a little longer to arrive but it will be on its way.

📅 Yes, all families are granted a 7-day free trial to explore the website. Children can even start the Quests to earn back their reward money during this period.

💳 We do request your credit card details upfront. This is because children can become upset if parents forget to input their card details 7 days later, resulting in a loss of all their Fables World coins and Quest progress.

🛑 However, we understand how frustrating it can be to cancel a free trial, so we've made the process exceptionally easy. Nevertheless, we're highly confident that once your child embarks on their learning journey with Fables World, they'll have so much fun that they won't want to stop.

💳 We request your credit card details up front to avoid any potential frustration for both children and parents. If parents forget to input their card details 7 days later, their children may lose all their Fables World coins and Quest progress.

🛑 However, we understand that cancelling a free trial can be frustrating, so we've made the process exceptionally easy.

🤩 Nevertheless, we're highly confident that once your child begins their learning journey with Fables World, they'll have so much fun that they won't want to stop.

😞 There could be various reasons why your account isn't working.

  • Try turning your computer or device off and on; this often resolves issues.
  • Ensure that all updates are downloaded onto the device your child is using. Devices that are not up to date with the latest software can encounter problems.
  • We always recommend using the Chrome search engine as it's the most reliable and requires the fewest updates.
  • If none of the above solutions work, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] for further assistance.

🛑 We understand that cancelling a subscription can be frustrating, so we've made it incredibly easy to do. Follow the steps below to cancel:

  • Click on 'Parent Mode' in the main menu (top right).
  • Select 'Cancel Subscription.'
  • Confirm that you wish to cancel.

🤩 However, we're highly confident that once your child embarks on their learning journey with Fables World, they'll have so much fun that they won't want to stop. Remember, when you cancel your child may lose Quest days and Fables World coins.

📆 Each Quest is different, but once you get the hang of it, it should only take about 5 minutes per day to complete. We want to make learning fun and accessible, so we've designed our Quests to be quick and easy to complete.

  • ⏳ Quest lengths:

🥇1st Quest: this does not need to be completed every day and children can take as long as they like to finish. At the end of this Quest they earn £5 or $8.

🥇🥇2nd Quest: this must be completed on consecutive days. If they miss a day they will go back to the beginning but can try as many times as they like until they are able to complete it. Because this is slightly harder to complete they receive a higher reward of £20 or $25 + cuddly toy.

🎓🤩 If your child answers some questions incorrectly, they are re-shown the funny cartoons as many times as they like until the information is stored in their long term memory.

💯 The final day of the challenge has to be completed 100% correctly, however they can complete this final Quiz as many times as it takes to answer 100% correctly. They can also rewatch the cartoons in between retries so they are confident with the answers.

⭐️ However, please note that the final day of the consecutive-day Quest must be completed on that final day. If they do not complete it on the final day, they will be set back to day zero. which makes the child and us sad.😢

✅ 🔎 To improve their performance on the next try of the final Quest, your child can check their scores and review the areas of learning they are unclear on. 🔎 In Table Fables, we have a 'search' area to look up individual multiplication and division sums.

🎓🤩🧠 We designed the technique to be accessible to all children, regardless of their ability or learning level. We use funny cartoons to convey information, which children can watch repeatedly until they can effortlessly recall the answers.

😄 This means child can watch, giggle, and keep learning until maths becomes their best friend!

Press the ‘Book Free Lesson’ button at the top of our homepage.

🎓📅 We occasionally run free online lessons to show families who have never seen the technique in action how it all works or help anyone who needs an extra hand.

😁Our lessons are designed to be fun and engaging, using funny animations and games throughout the 1-hour session. Your child won't even feel like they're doing work!

🤔 Please don’t book a lesson then don’t turn up. Our time is precious as is yours and it means you take a spot from children who really need our help.

🏆🧸We've got a treasure trove of motivation:

  • 🪙 Fables World Coins: Earn these coins for correct answers and spend them on Avatar outfits for instant gratification and fun.
  • 🧸Cuddly toys: Your children will earn a limited edition cuddly toy once they complete the 2nd Quest, providing longer-term motivation to keep them practising.
  • 💰Cashback rewards: These provide both short-term and long-term motivation.

💰 Quest Rewards:

  • 1st Quest: £5 or $8
  • 2nd Quest: £20 or $25 + a limited edition cuddly toy worth £15 or $20.

✍️Yes, we offer FREE and really fun printable worksheets for continued offline learning, enabling children to transfer their skills.

🎓 Absolutely! We provide FREE online lessons that turn learning into a delightful experience.

Press the ‘Book Free Lesson’ button at the top of our homepage. We occasionally run free online lessons to show families who have never seen the technique in action how it all works or help anyone who needs an extra hand.

🧑‍🏫 Yes, we offer highly affordable school subscriptions that allow every student in the class to benefit from our teaching methodology. Our teaching methodology is designed to provide an effective way of learning mathematics.

📈 When all children in the class have a strong foundation in mathematics, the teacher can progress the whole class faster. This benefits your child as they will not only gain a substantial amount of knowledge at a more affordable price but also avoid being held back by the teacher's need to focus on children who are struggling with the fundamentals of mathematics.

💰🙂 The reward money your child earns will automatically be returned to the bill payer's bank account.

😁 Believe it or not, we actually prefer being a website-based service over an app. It allows us to provide parents with daily progress reports and distribute cash rewards, which would be impossible with an app. You can either persuade your children to use an app every day with no rewards, or you can log in to our super-fast website, where your child is self-motivated to learn

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Times Fables: Learn your times tables in as little as a week [3rd Edition]

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Follow the author

Jessie Wilson

Times Fables: Learn your times tables in as little as a week [3rd Edition] Paperback – 28 Feb. 2021

Written by Jessie Wilson and first published in 2017, Times Fables® is an award-winning right-brain system that helps children memorise times tables with ease. Inspiration for the book came when the author was trying to teach her daughter her times tables. Thinking back to her own school days, she recalled that her ‘favourite’ multiplication was 7 times 8. Why? Because she lived in house number 56. A lightbulb went off in her head, and she started wondering if the solution to her daughter’s times tables woes might be as simple as adding some memory “pegs” to the multiplication facts to aid recall. And with this, Times Fables® was born…

  • ISBN-10 1916407668
  • ISBN-13 978-1916407664
  • Edition 3rd
  • Publication date 28 Feb. 2021
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 20.96 x 0.36 x 15.24 cm
  • Print length 57 pages
  • See all details

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Product description

About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ IOM Press; 3rd edition (28 Feb. 2021)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 57 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1916407668
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1916407664
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 7 - 9 years, from customers
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 20.96 x 0.36 x 15.24 cm
  • 1 in Basic Mathematics for Young Adults
  • 24 in Popular Science Maths
  • 98 in School Education & Teaching

About the author

Jessie wilson.

Jessie Wilson is a UK-based author and mathematician who is on a mission to make maths fun and engaging for all ages. Her books have won multiple awards, and have been praised by parents and teachers around the world for helping children improve both their knowledge and enjoyment of maths.

Customer reviews

  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star 64% 16% 11% 4% 6% 64%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 4 star 64% 16% 11% 4% 6% 16%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 3 star 64% 16% 11% 4% 6% 11%
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  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 1 star 64% 16% 11% 4% 6% 6%

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Customers say

Customers find the book really fun and easy to understand. They also say it gives their daughter confidence and is a superb find for a dyslexic. Customers also say the content is great way to learn times tables and is encouraging for children. However, some customers feel the storytelling style is not really a story, but rather a collection of stories.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers find the book a great way to learn times tables. They also say it suits visual learners and helps them become fluent. Readers also mention the book uses imagination to form stories to help remember the other ones. They say the technique is magic and it's easy to just think of the characters and recall the answer.

"...I cannot believe what a difference it has made! It has also shown her that she is smart , she just sometimes needs to learn in a different way." Read more

"...This book uses the popular and effective "Link and Story Method" memory technique to create an odd but memorable story about each multiplication..." Read more

"...After reading this story only once she can instantly recall most of the stories and therefore answer most of the sums without counting on fingers or..." Read more

"...It arrived today. I don't know what it is but this technique is MAGIC , we read 4 pages and he just gets it!!!..." Read more

Customers find the book really fun, with great stories and rhymes. They say the book helps them learn in a fun way and has them giggling.

"OMG, just WOW! This book is mind blowing ! I must admit I sat with my 8year old to read this book together in an attempt to help with times tables...." Read more

"...He's the kind of kid that is very creative and imaginative and enjoys funny stories . This really ticked all the boxes...." Read more

"This is pretty magical this book ! Read with my 6 year old and she knew her times tables within the day!..." Read more

"...This isn't like learning times tables at all, and it's so much fun ...." Read more

Customers find the book very easy to understand and learn the accompanying story. They also say the value of learning so quickly and easily is immeasurable. Readers also mention that the stories are short and easy to remember.

"...The value of learning so quickly and easily is immeasurable - and so encouraging for the children...." Read more

"...a little boring going over the same little story but it is at least succinct and certainly less boring than the monotony of reciting tables." Read more

"This is a brilliantly simple book - in just 2 days of reading my 10.5 yr old is reciting tables he has never ever been able to retain before...." Read more

"...My 6years old and I learnt them all incredibly quickly!! It's easy to use and the stories come with a shorter version, so the little ones can read..." Read more

Customers find the book gives them confidence and does wonders for their self esteem. They also say it's a superb find for dyslexics.

"...Maths is like a foreign language to her but she has a fantastic reading ability above her age ...." Read more

"...Nonetheless it certainly helped with engagement and confidence so it’s worth the buy d even just to make maths more fun!!" Read more

" the story they now know their tables and it has impacted in their general level of confidence when approaching maths...." Read more

"...Amazing book, so glad I got it. Such a confidence boost for him . We're moving onto the square numbers now in the second half of the book." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the children's content. Some find it helpful for children of all ages who struggle with times tables, while others say it's complicated and vague, and not good for young kids.

" Great for little ones to learn their times tables" Read more

"I can see how this would work but it’s very long winded and not great for kids who struggle to process information well as you have to remember all..." Read more

"...They would be especially helpful for children of all ages who struggle with times tables." Read more

"...(e.g. 9x7) as I can also remember the story... so it really works for anyone of any age ..." Read more

Customers are mixed about the accuracy of the book. Some mention that they could answer all the multiplication questions correctly within a day, while others say that the sums are random and the book doesn't even include all the summaries for each times table.

"...for 2 years, I read this book to my son once and he can now remember all of his multiplication ...." Read more

"...Would prefer, on reflection, a more logical approach. Only 15 random sums given . Perhaps I’m too old fashioned.Secondary Maths teacher of 40 yrs" Read more

"...had enjoyed reading the book with me, was able to correctly answer many multiplication sums without much prompting and was sharing the stories with..." Read more

"...Within a day she could answer all the multiplication questions correctly . The stories are easy to remember and engaging...." Read more

Customers find the storytelling style of the book not really a story, but rather a collection of events.

"...if I'd been had, it seemed pretty basic for £8 and the stories themselves rather dull ......" Read more

"...Im baffled by this approach really. And the story seemed rather long to grab her full attention for a while...." Read more

"...The story seemed a little bit disjointed , a bit quirky and I was sure my daughter would be disinterested...." Read more

"...It's a nice variation of the "story method " used in memory techniques, but in this case the characters themselves form the numbers...." Read more

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Book review: ‘fire and rain: nixon, kissinger, and the wars in southeast asia’.

Nixon, Kissinger and national policy decision-making

“Fire and Rain: Nixon, Kissinger, and the Wars in Southeast Asia” (book cover)

Who remembers Pham-thi-Toi? She survived the My Lai massacre in 1968. Six of her relatives did not. She was compelled to move to a refugee camp despite the danger of land mines. One blew off her limbs. Nearly a year later, after being fitted with prostheses in an American Quaker-run rehab center for maimed Vietnamese civilians, she returned and opened a small shop. In April 1972, South Vietnamese soldiers fired into the camp. Bullets tore into her stomach. Having cheated death twice, this young woman was now among the millions of Southeast Asians killed in one of the most brutal wars of the 20th century.

One may not expect to read such stories in diplomatic history. Still, the human face of war stares at you throughout “Fire and Rain,” Carolyn Eisenberg’s 2024 Bancroft Prize-winning study of the lies, deception and earth-shattering violence that propelled President Richard Nixon’s prosecution of the wars in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The connection is critical because battlefield realities influenced decision-makers, who then tried to shape reality to their liking.

Ms. Eisenberg is a noted historian and critic of U.S. foreign policy who, all those decades ago, was a campus anti-war activist. Her moral compass continues to inform her scholarship. Brimming with insights from thousands of declassified documents and telephone transcripts, this book is a damning rendering of not only Nixon and his national security adviser Henry Kissinger but also the national security state that made possible their policy of prolonging a lost war. The deaths of countless Southeast Asians may have mattered little to a White House bent on deceiving the public. To Ms. Eisenberg, however, it would be impossible to convey the sheer criminality of their actions without reference to the discomfiting consequences.

Published to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Paris Peace Accords, “Fire and Rain” also evokes Nixon’s resignation half a century ago for the crimes of Watergate. The author links Watergate and Vietnam because “the creation of ‘the plumbers’ had largely been inspired by the desire to suppress antiwar criticism. Yet apart from the particulars, there was something deeper at work because the secretiveness and lies, which had been a feature of previous administrations, had assumed epic proportions … the ordinary processes of national security decision-making had been torn loose from any institutional moorings,” Ms. Eisenberg writes.

Nixon and Kissinger concealed from Congress the bombing of Cambodia for 14 months from March 1969. Then, they hid the plans for the invasion of Cambodia from the secretaries of the state and the defense. While insisting that the U.S. could not betray an ally in Saigon, Kissinger later promised Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai that after the war, the administration would begin withdrawing U.S. forces from Taiwan — a supposed ally — without having run this idea past Congress, the Taiwanese or anyone else who might object to such a betrayal.

To secure “peace with honor,” the emotionally volatile Nixon and Kissinger repeatedly sought military escalation even as U.S. troop withdrawals accelerated. Their weapon of choice became the B-52 bomber, deployed with no regard for civilians. “Let’s brutalize them,” Kissinger said, referring to the Linebacker II raids in late 1972 when “peace” was in the offing. The year before, Nixon instructed his right-hand man to inform Hanoi that he would “finish off the g——— place. … Just knock the [expletive] out of them.”

The president and national security adviser portrayed in these pages are storms of contradictions. Angry and autocratic in private, Nixon remained a master political manipulator in public. His televised addresses about Vietnam and detente with China and Russia convinced most Americans he was a peacemaker. The 1972 election results confirmed it; Democrat George McGovern, a staunch opponent of the war, carried one state. And Kissinger, who endlessly emphasized the importance of U.S. “credibility” in the Cold War, pleaded with Soviet and Chinese communists to pressure the North Vietnamese to make concessions in the secret peace talks.

“Even without declassified transcripts, the contradiction existed in plain sight: If Nixon and Kissinger were exchanging toasts with communist leaders in Moscow and Beijing, why did the killing in Southeast Asia continue?” Ms. Eisenberg asks. Because they were desperate to secure a face-saving deal to extract the country from Vietnam.

Nixon and Kissinger got away with it. The governments they claimed to have supported in South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos did not survive. In the summer of 1974, the House impeachers voted against Article IV, charging the president with the secret bombing of Cambodia. Kissinger’s reputation as a statesman soared. He remained unrepentant until his death last November at age 100. In this sobering account, Ms. Eisenberg reminds us of their calamitous failures.

“At the time, it was widely recognized that the Nixon administration’s policy in Southeast Asia had been disastrous. Lamentably, the self-serving belief that the freedom and security of people worldwide depended on U.S. military might somehow survive,” she concludes.

• Martin Di Caro hosts the “History as It Happens” podcast at The Washington Times.

Fire and Rain: Nixon, Kissinger, and the Wars in Southeast Asia

By Carolyn Woods Eisenberg

Oxford University Press

615 pages, $24.14

Copyright © 2024 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission .

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A photograph of a suited man seated in a conference room with an American flag. Donald Trump is seated, out of focus, in the foreground.

H.R. McMaster Doesn’t Think Donald Trump Is Very Good at Making Deals

A new memoir by the onetime national security adviser shows how the former president’s insecurities and weaknesses harmed U.S. foreign policy.

The national security adviser H.R. McMaster at a meeting in the White House in 2017. Credit... Tom Brenner/The New York Times

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By Nicolas Niarchos

Nicolas Niarchos is a freelance journalist whose writing on international relations has appeared in The Nation and The New Yorker. He is at work on a book about the supply chain for battery metals.

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AT WAR WITH OURSELVES: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House , by H.R. McMaster

Recently on the campaign trail, Donald Trump has talked up his aggressive stance on China, positioning himself as a tough negotiator in a brutal trade war . But a new memoir by Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, one of Trump’s national security advisers, throws that narrative, and many other stories that Trump tells about his time in office, into stark relief.

As McMaster writes in “At War With Ourselves,” the president could sometimes be kept on the straight and narrow with a clever dose of reverse psychology (Xi Jinping wants you to say this, Xi Jinping wants you to say that). But just as often, McMaster shows Trump to have been an unpredictable waffler who undermined himself to the advantage of his competitors on the world stage.

In November 2017, President Trump visited China on the third leg of a 13-day trip around Asia. It was his “most consequential” destination, McMaster explains. As they flew to Beijing, he warned Trump that Xi would try to trick him into saying something that was good for China, but bad for the United States and its allies. “The C.C.P.’s favorite phrase, ‘win-win,’” he recalls telling his boss at one point, “actually meant that China won twice.”

Trump seemed to hear him, but in the Great Hall of the People, the president strayed from his talking points. He agreed with Xi that military exercises in South Korea were “provocative” and a “waste of money” and suggested that China might have a legitimate claim to Japan’s Senkaku Islands. McMaster, his stomach sinking, passed a note to Gen. John Kelly, the chief of staff: Xi “ate our lunch,” it read.

“At War With Ourselves” is intended to be a companion to “ Battlegrounds ,” McMaster’s 2020 assessment of U.S. foreign policy backsliding since the Cold War, but it works well as a stand-alone and serves as essential reading for anyone countenancing a potential second round of Trump as a global leader. The general shows how, despite his best efforts to help the president, the supposed master of the “art of the deal” was treated like a “chump” by a roster of the world’s top authoritarians.

Flattery and pomp from leaders like Xi, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Russian president Vladimir V. Putin seem to have been all that was required to get in Trump’s good graces. In 2018, McMaster found Trump in the Oval Office scrawling a cheerful note to Putin across a New York Post article reporting that the Russian president had denigrated the American political system but called Trump a good listener. Like a child with his Christmas wish list, the leader of the free world asked McMaster to send it to the Kremlin. It was especially bad timing: Evidence was coming to light that Putin had directed an assassination on British soil. McMaster did not forward the note, later explaining to an infuriated Trump that his letter would “reinforce the narrative that you are somehow in the Kremlin’s pocket.”

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