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60 Youth quotes that'll help you understand the young ones

Youth quotes that'll help you understand the young ones

250 Quotes About Youth

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Why Quotes About Youth?

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Quotes about youth are often used to express the unique and valuable qualities that young people possess.

Youth is typically associated with energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and a willingness to take risks, which can inspire and motivate others. Quotes about youth may also highlight the potential of young people to effect positive change in the world and the challenges they may face as they navigate the complex and rapidly changing landscape of modern society.

Overall, quotes about youth can serve as a reminder to appreciate and nurture the qualities that make young people special while encouraging them to reach their full potential.

  • Parents may find quotes about youth inspiring and informative, as they can help them better understand their children's unique qualities and potential.
  • By reflecting on quotes about youth, parents may gain insights into the challenges and opportunities their children will likely face as they grow and develop.
  • Quotes about youth can also be useful for parents looking to motivate and encourage their children to pursue their passions and reach their full potential.
  • Overall, quotes about youth can serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for parents raising the next generation of leaders, innovators, and thinkers.
  • If you want to talk to your kids about quotes about youth, a good place to start could be by asking them what they think about the quotes and what messages they take away from them.
  • You can also encourage them to think about their unique qualities and how they can use them to impact the world around them positively.
  • Another way to use quotes about youth is to discuss some of the challenges that young people face, such as peer pressure, social media, and academic stress, and discuss strategies for overcoming these challenges.
  • You can also discuss the importance of setting goals and pursuing passions and how quotes about youth can be a source of inspiration and motivation for achieving those goals.

1. "Youth has no age." – Pablo Picasso

2. "The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation." – Pearl S. Buck

3. "Youth is not a question of years: one is young or old from birth." - Natalie Clifford Barney.

4. "Use your youth so that you may have the comfort to remember it when it has forsaken you, and not sigh and grieve at the account thereof." - Walter Raleigh

5. "Youth's the season made for joys; love is then our duty." – John Gay, 'Three Airs For The Beggar's Opera, Air XXII'

6. "Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done." – G. M. Trevelyan

7. "Your life, time, and brain should belong to you, not to an institution." — Grace Llewellyn

8. "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." – Anne Frank, 'Anne Frank's Tales From The Secret Annex.'

9. "Aspire to inspire before we expire." – Unknown*

10. "Goodness is the only investment that never fails." – Henry David Thoreau

11. "Whatever you do, do it well." – Walt Disney

12. "You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." – Mark Twain

13. "Winners never quit, and quitters never win." – Vince Lombardi

14. "You have to grow from the inside out." – Swami Vivekananda

15. "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." – Albert Einstein

16. "The world belongs to the energetic." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

17. "After a while, you learn to ignore the names people call you and just trust who you are." – Shrek, 'Shrek'

18. "We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it." – Andrew, ' The Breakfast Club '

19. "Do, or do not. There is no "try"." – Yoda, 'Star Wars'

20. "I just wanna let them know that they didn't break me." – Andie, 'Pretty In Pink '

21. "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it." –Rafiki, 'The Lion King'

22. "I feel infinite." – Charlie, 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower'

23. "High school is like the training wheels for the bicycle of real life." – Graduation Speaker, 'Ghost World'

24. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." – Forrest Gump, 'Forrest Gump'

25. "I don't regret the things I've done, but those I did not do." – Lucas, 'Empire Records'

26. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." – Ferris Bueller, 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'

27. "I define being the best as competing against the best there is out there and beating them." – Torrance, 'Bring It On'

28. "I believe that we are who we choose to be." – Barry Manilow, 'Sweet Life: Adventures On The Way To Paradise'

29. "Me, I still believe in paradise. But now at least I know it's not some place you can look for because it's not where you go." – Richard, 'The Beach'

30. "Enjoy the power of your beauty and your youth." - Baz Luhrmann

31. "But once we live all careless free; No cross to mar our love-lit bower." - Pablo Neruda

32. "Youth is a gift of nature, but age is a work of art." – Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

33. "You're here to continually push forward and move forward. That's where I'm at - I just want to always surprise people." - Maxwell

34. "Make each day your masterpiece." – John Wooden

35. "In relative youth, we assume we'll remember everything. Someone should urge the young to think otherwise." – Dick Cavett

36. "This is what is missing in the youth today. This being able to dream and to change the world." - Bernardo Bertolucci

37. "There was no respect for youth when I was young, and now that I am old, there is no respect for age, I missed it coming and going." - J. B. Priestley

38. "Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor." – Euripides

39. "Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle, old age a regret." - Benjamin Disraeli

40. "You are as old as your doubt, your fear, your despair. The way to keep young is to keep your faith young. Keep your self-confidence young. Keep your hope young." - Luella F. Phelan

41. "Youth is that period when a young boy knows everything but how to make a living." - Carey Williams

42. "Joy of youth, dream of youth, blood of youth, mood of youth, clothe the world with colors golden, singing songs that never olden." - Bjørnstjerne Martinius Bjørnson

43. "There is a fountain of youth : it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age." - Sophia Loren

44. "The most lively young people become the best old people, not those who pretend to be as wise as grandfathers while they are still in school." - Hermann Hesse, 'Gertrude'

45. "The whims of youth break all the rules." – Homer

46. "Youth is wasted on the young." – George Bernard Shaw

47. "My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition." - Mrs. Indira Gandhi

48. "Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth." - Albus Dumbledore, 'Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince', J. K. Rowling

49. "It takes a very long time to become young." – Pablo Picasso

50. "Only to children children sing, Only to youth will spring be spring." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

51. "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." – Epictetus

52. "A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again." - Roy H. Williams

53. "Sometimes you face difficulties not because you're doing something wrong, but because you're doing something right." – Joel Osteen

54. "Don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny." – Stuart W. Scott

55. "The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman." – Chanakya

56. "Young people need models, not critics." - John Wooden

57. "Everything started as nothing." – Ben Weissenstein

58. "You always pass failure on the way to success." – Mickey Rooney

59. "It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

60. "Build yourself up to stand out and be recognized in a crowd." - Ansuman Bhagat, 'Your Own Thought: A Lot Of Thoughts.'

61. "Yesterday, you said tomorrow. Just do it." – Nike

62. "Youth is the season of receptivity, and should be devoted to acquirement; and manhood of power--that demands an earnest application. Old age is for revision." - Christian Nestell Bovee

63. "It is better to be a young June-bug than an old bird of paradise." - Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens)

64. "When you replace 'why is this happening to me' with 'what is this trying to teach me?' everything shifts." - Anne Dennish, 'Time To Shift'

65. "Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." - Napoleon Hill

66. "It always seems impossible until it's done." – Nelson Mandela

67. "When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

68. "Youth is something very new: twenty years ago, no one mentioned it." - Coco Chanel

69. "The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong." – Swami Vivekananda

70. "We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible." – Vince Lombardi

71. "You are only young once, and if you work it right, once is enough." – Joe E. Lewis

72. "One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty, until you try." - Sophocles

73. "When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world, but it's not; it's just the beginning." - Mike O'Donnell, '17 Again'

74. "Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain." -Vivian Greene-Gantzberg

75. "The young, free to act on their initiative, can lead their elders in the direction of the unknown... The children, the young, must ask the questions that we would never think to ask, but enough trust must be re-established so that the elders will be permitted to work with them on the answers." - Margaret Mead

76. "There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns." - Edward De Bono

77. "It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength." – Maya Angelou

78. "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." – Dr. Seuss, 'What The Eyes Don’t See', Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha

79. "The secret of growing younger is counting blessings, not birthdays." – Barbara Johnson

80. "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." - Henry Ford

81. "Youthfulness is about how you live, not when you were born." – Karl Lagerfeld

82. "The young are not afraid of telling the truth." – Anne Frank, 'The Diary Of A Young Girl'

83. "Youth comes but once in a lifetime." – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

84. "Man’s own youth is the world’s youth; at least, he feels as if it were, and imagines that the earth’s granite substance is something not yet hardened, and which he can mould into whatever shape he likes." - Nathaniel Hawthorne, 'The House Of The Seven Gables'

85. "We all know we're young. We're just trying to stay positive. We're making young mistakes. We talk about playing more together as a team, being committed to one another on and off the court and doing the little things that win ball games." – Gerry Kraemer

86. "There is always some specific moment when we become aware that our youth is gone; but, years after, we know it was much later." - Mignon McLaughlin

87. "The passions of the young are vices in the old." - Joseph Joubert

88. "In youth we learn; in age we understand." - Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

89. "It is the juvenile period of life when friendships are formed, and habits established, that will stick by one." – George Washington

90. "Young people are more intelligent and sophisticated." – Dianne Wiest

91. "Good habits formed at youth make all the difference." - Aristotle

92. "To be famous when you are young is the fortune of the gods." - Benjamin Disraeli

93. "A leader is a dealer in hope." - Napoleon Bonaparte

94. "You don't have to hold a position in order to be a leader." – Henry Ford

95. "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." – John C. Maxwell

96. "Leaders are never satisfied; they continually strive to be better." – Brian Tracy

97. "My own definition of leadership is this: The capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence." - Field Marshal (General) Bernard Montgomery

98. "To have long term success as a coach or in any position of leadership, you have to be obsessed in some way." - Pat Riley

99. "The price of excellence is discipline; the cost of mediocrity is disappointment." - William Arthur Ward

100. "Take risks in your life. If you win, you may lead. If you lose, you may guide." - Swami Vivekananda

101. "Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen." – Michael Jordan

102. "We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

103. "He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command." – Niccolò Machiavelli

104. "Put it down in capital letters: SELF-DEVELOPMENT IS A HIGHER DUTY THAN SELF-SACRIFICE. The thing that most retards and militates against women’s self-development is self-sacrifice." – Elizabeth Cady Stanton

105. "The leader is one who mobilizes others toward a goal shared by leader and followers." -Gary Wills, 'Certain Trumpets: The Nature Of Leadership'

106. "The word impossible is not in my dictionary." – Napoleon Bonaparte

107. "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

108. "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." – Henry David Thoreau

109. "Old minds have the power to create history; young minds have the power to change the history." - Dr. P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar, 'Lord Vishnu'

110. "The more conscious we become of what limits us, the more limitless becomes our life." - Guy Finley

111. "The truth is that it hurts because it’s real. It hurts because it mattered. And that’s an important thing to acknowledge to yourself. But that doesn’t mean that it won’t end, that it won’t get better. Because it will." – John Green

112. "The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet." - Theodore M. Hesburgh

113. "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." – John F. Kennedy

114. "If you don't believe in yourself, why is anyone else going to believe in you?" – Tom Brady

115. "Young people recognize the big challenges that are coming up." – Barack Obama

116. "There is nothing impossible to him who will try." – Alexander The Great

117. "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." – Maya Angelou

118. "The young people are the ones who most quickly identify with the struggle and the necessity to eliminate the evil conditions that exist." – Malcolm X, 'Black Liberation, And The Road To Workers'

119. "Some people get everything in legacy, while some work hard to build the legacy." - Kuldeep Sharma, 'Treasure Of IELTS Academic'

120. "Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow." – Vincent Van Gogh

121. "The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday." – Matty Mullins

122. "When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful." – Malala Yousafzai, 'I Am Malala: The Story Of The Girl Who Stood Up For Education And Was Shot By The Taliban'

123. "Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary achievement from ordinary people." – Brian Tracy

124. "Your aim is yours, so don't change it for others." – Swami Vivekananda

125. "Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do." – Oprah Winfrey

126. "The distance between dreams and reality is action." - Ben Francia

127. "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." – Muhammad Ali

128. "Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition." – Abraham Lincoln

129. "Fame is the thirst of youth." – Lord Byron

130. "Enjoy your youth. You'll never be younger than you are at this very moment." – Chad Sugg

131. "The duty of youth is to challenge corruption." – Kurt Cobain

132. "Young is the one that plunges in the future and never looks back." – Milan Kundera

133. "The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm ." - Aldous Huxley

134. "Don't be a cow. Fly up your young life." - Arif Naseem

135. "The elastic heart of youth cannot be compressed into one constrained shape long at a time." - Mark Twain, 'The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer'

136. "Never let your emotions overpower your intelligence." – Drake

137. "You're young and you have all your life ahead of you." – J. Lynn, 'Be With Me', Jennifer L. Armentrout

138. "Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself." - Tom Wilson

139. "Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is." - Isaac Asimov

140. "Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one." – Grandmother Willow, 'Pocahontas.'

141. "Nothing lasts forever but at least we got these memories." – J. Cole

142. "When you're young you just run, but you come back to what you need." – Taylor Swift, 'This Love.'

143. "Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners." - John Holt

144. "Have enough courage to start and enough heart to finish." – Jessica N. S. Yourko

145. "To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart." – Eleanor Roosevelt

146. "I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become." – Carl Gustav Jung

147. "Keep true to the dreams of thy youth." - Johann Friedrich Von Schiller

148. "There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." - Louis L'Amour

149. "The youth need to be enabled to become job generators from job seekers." – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

150. "Too much credit is given to the end result. The true lesson is in the struggle that takes place between the dream and reality. That struggle is a thing called life!" - Garth Brooks

151. "You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety." - Abraham Maslow

152. "Young entrepreneurs will make a difference in the Indian ecosystem." - Mr. Ratan Tata

153. "Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got." – Robert Brault

154. "It is all that the young can do for the old, to shock them and keep them up to date." – George Bernard Shaw

155. "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." - Albert Einstein

156. "Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, but professionals built the Titanic." - Unknown*

157. "Who questions much, shall learn much, and retain much." - Francis Bacon

158. "People learn more quickly by doing something or seeing something done." - Gilbert Highet

159. "Tough times never last but tough people do." – Robert H. Schuller

160. "Learning never exhausts the mind." - Leonardo Da Vinci

161. "You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you." - Brian Tracy

162. "A person's character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation." – Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)

163. "Bloom where you are planted."- French proverb

164. "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." - Thomas Alva Edison

165. "A handful of lion-hearts can wake the whole world up." - Abhijit Naskar

166. "This celebrates all the great things youth do instead of the negative things you sometimes hear about." – Karen Lee

167. "Confidence is contagious. So is the lack of confidence." - Vince Lombardi

168. "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." - Mark Twain

169. "Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day." - John Milton, 'Paradise Regained'

170. "The youth is the hope of our future." - Jose Rizal

171. "This is a time for bold measures. This is the country, and you are the generation." - Bono

172. "It is currently said that hope goes with youth, and lends to youth its wings of a butterfly; but I fancy that hope is the last gift given to man, and the only gift not given to youth.

Youth is pre-eminently the period in which a man can be lyric, fanatical, poetic; but youth is the period in which a man can be hopeless." – Gilbert K Chesterton, 'Charles Dickens: A Critical Study'

173. "One day, the people that don't even believe in you will tell everyone how they met you." – Johnny Depp

174. "The meaning of life is to give life meaning." – Viktor E. Frankl

175. "Every youth owes it to himself and to the world to make the most possible out of the stuff that is in him." - Orison Swett Marden

176. "You cannot change your future. But you can change your habits. And surely your habits will change your future." - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

177. "When we're young, everything is possible; when we're old, possibilities are everything." – Mardy Grothe

178. "We need as many youth team scouts as possible." - Iain Dowie

179. "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." - Abraham Lincoln

180. "The youth of a Nation are the trustees of posterity." - Benjamin Disraeli

181. "Young people have limited choices, but they are also useful human resources." – Santosh Kalwar

182. "Study the past if you want to define the future." - Confucius

183. "The future starts today, not tomorrow." - Pope John Paul II

184. "Find a need and fill it." – Norman Vincent Peale

185. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

186. "Young people don't know what age is and old people forget what youth was." – English proverb

187. "If youth but had the knowledge and old age the strength." - English proverb

188. "Youth does not mind where it sets its foot." - English proverb

189. "The youth can walk faster but the elder knows the road." – African proverb

190. "Where you sit when you are old shows where you stood in the youth." – African proverb

191. "The habits of our youth accompany us in our old age." – Latin proverb

192. "We pay when old for the excesses of youth." – Latin proverb

193. "Fall seven times, stand up eight." – Zen proverb

194. "The schoolhouse bell sounds bitter in the youth and sweet in old age." – Irish proverb

195. "What youth learns, age does not forget." - Danish proverb

196. "Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone." – Moroccan proverb.

197. "The memories of one's youth make for long, long thoughts." – Finnish proverb.

198. "Age is honorable and youth is noble." - Irish proverb.

199. "Cherish youth, but trust old age." – Native American proverb.

200. "Guard your tongue in youth, and in age, you may mature a thought that will be of service to your people." – Native American Sioux proverb.

201. "A boy's story is the best that is ever told." - Charles Dickens

202. "A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." - John Barrymore

203. "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." - Mark Twain

204. "All diseases run into one, old age." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

205. "Do not worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older it will avoid you." - Joey Adams

206. "Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age." - Victor Hugo

207. "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" - Satchel Paige

208. "I never took the game home with me. I always left it in some bar." - Bob Lemon, 'Passage: Bob Lemon, 79'

209. "Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle." - Bob Hope

210. "Middle age occurs when you are too young to take up golf and too old to rush up to the net." - Franklin P. Adams, 'Nods And Becks (1944)'

211. "Thanks to modern medical advances such as antibiotics, nasal spray, and Diet Coke, it has become routine for people in the civilized world to pass the age of 40, sometimes more than once." - Dave Barry

212. "The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of older people, and greatly assists the circulation of the blood." - Logan Pearsall Smith

213. "The first forty years of life give us the text; the next thirty supply the commentary on it." - Arthur Schopenhauer

214. "The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age." - Lucille Ball

215. "The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down." - George Eliot

216. "Youth dreams a bliss on this side of death. It dreams a rest, if not more deep, More grateful than this marble sleep; It hears a voice within it tell: Calm's not life's crown, though calm is well. 'Tis all perhaps which man acquires, But 'tis not what our youth desires." - Matthew Arnold

217. "There is still no cure for the common birthday." - John Glenn

218. "To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable." - Oscar Wilde, 'The Picture Of Dorian Gray'

219. "To know how to grow old is the master work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living." - Herman Melville

220. "When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it happened or not; but my faculties are decaying, now, and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the latter." - Mark Twain

221. "Youth offers the promise of happiness, but life offers the realities of grief." - Nicholas Sparks

222. "You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear, as young as your hope, as old as your despair." - Samuel Ullman

223. "You can only be young once. But you can always be immature." - Dave Barry

224. "Youth is a disease from which we all recover." - Dorothy Fuldheim

225. "Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to." - Bill Vaughan

226. "Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life." - Herbert H. Asquith

227. "A fit, healthy body—that is the best fashion statement." - Jess C. Scott

228. "At the age of six, I wanted to be a cook. At seven, I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since." - Salvador Dalí

229. "I was not a hypocrite, with one real face and several false ones. I had several faces because I was young and didn't know who I was or wanted to be." - Milan Kundera, 'The Joke'

230. "It is easy, when you are young, to believe that what you desire is no less than what you deserve, to assume that if you want something badly enough, it is your God-given right to have it." - Jon Krakauer, 'Into The Wild'

231. "Our nation is filled with tremendous energy of the youth. Whatever future we desire of, we must keep the youth at the centre. If we do this, we can surge ahead at an unmatchable pace!" - Narendra Modi

232. "It's never too late to have a happy childhood." - Tom Robbins, 'Still Life With Woodpecker'

233. "One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them." - Virginia Woolf

234. "The beginning of every government starts with the education of our youth." - Pythagoras

235. "Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die. And it is youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow, and the triumphs that are the aftermath of war." - Herbert Hoover

236. "On the one hand, maybe I've remained infantile, while on the other, I matured quickly because at a young age, I was very aware of suffering and fear." - Audrey Hepburn

237. "How beautiful is youth! how bright it gleams with its illusions, aspirations, dreams! Book of Beginnings, Story without End, Each maid a heroine, and each man a friend!" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

238. "So wise, so young, they say, do never live long." - William Shakespeare, 'Richard III'

239. "Greatness is the dream of youth realized in old age." - Alfred De Vigny

240. "The island is ours. Here, in some way, we are young forever." - E. Lockhart, 'We Were Liars'

241. "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, 'The Dawn (1881)'.

242. "There is a certain part of all of us that lives outside of time. Perhaps we become aware of our age only at exceptional moments and most of the time we are ageless." - Milan Kundera

243. "Every generous illusion of youth leaves a wrinkle as it departs. Experience is the successive disenchanting of the things of life; it is reason enriched with the heart's spoils." - Jean Antoine Petit-Senn

244. "I maintain, in truth, That with a smile we should instruct our youth, Be very gentle when we have to blame, And not put them in fear of virtue's name." -Moliere

245. "The youth gets together his materials to build a bridge to the moon, or, perchance, a palace or temple on the earth, and, at length, the middle-aged man concludes to build a woodshed with them." Henry David Thoreau

246. "What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured." - Kurt Vonnegut, 'Palm Sunday: An Autobiographical Collage'

247. "You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely." - Ogden Nash

248. "Young people don't always do what they're told, but if they can pull it off and do something wonderful, sometimes they escape punishment." - Hermes, 'The Sea Of Monsters', Rick Riordan

249. "Youth ends when egotism does; maturity begins when one lives for others." - Hermann Hesse, 'Gertrude'

250. "Youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, 'Tales Of The Jazz Age'

*We could not verify the original source of these quotations; if you know where they came from, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

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Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia Stone Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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Youth Quotes

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quotation for youth essay

Greatness is the dream of youth realized in old age.

The whims of youth break all the rules.

The beginning of every government starts with the education of our youth.

To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth.

Betty Friedan quote: Aging is not

Aging is not "lost youth" but a new stage of opportunity and strength.

Euripides quote: Whoso neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead for the...

Whoso neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead for the future.

Our nation is filled with tremendous energy of the youth. Whatever future we desire of, we must keep the youth at the centre. If we do this, we can surge ahead at an unmatchable pace!

One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.

Youth offers the promise of happiness, but life offers the realities of grief.

quotation for youth essay

It takes a long time to become young.

Almost everything that is great has been done by youth.

Every generous illusion of youth leaves a wrinkle as it departs. Experience is the successive disenchanting of the things of life; it is reason enriched with the heart's spoils.

Youth is the trustee of prosperity.

The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible - and achieve it, generation after generation.

Youth is a quality, not a matter of circumstances.

I maintain, in truth, That with a smile we should instruct our youth, Be very gentle when we have to blame, And not put them in fear of virtue's name.

Youth has no age.

To tell the truth is very difficult, and young people are rarely capable of it.

Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.

Youth is not a time of life - it is a state of mind.

The youth is the hope of our future.

Enjoy your youth. You'll never be younger than you are at this very moment.

Youth is to all the glad season of life; but often only by what it hopes, not by what it attains, or what it escapes.

No wise man ever wished to be younger.


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  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poet
  • William Shakespeare Poet
  • Oscar Wilde Writer
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Writer
  • Aristotle Philosopher
  • Benjamin Disraeli Former Leader of the House of Commons
  • Samuel Ullman Poet
  • Robert Louis Stevenson Novelist
  • Marcus Tullius Cicero Philosopher
  • Samuel Johnson Writer
  • Jewel Singer-songwriter
  • Ban Ki-moon Diplomat
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson Essayist
  • Mark Twain Author
  • Chanakya Teacher
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald Author
  • Jonathan Swift Pamphleteer
  • Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton Novelist
  • Pablo Picasso Painter
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Years Wrinkle the Skin, But To Give Up Enthusiasm Wrinkles the Soul

Frank Crane? Douglas MacArthur? Watterson Lowe? Ann Landers? Jay B. Nash? L. F. Phelan? Samuel Ullman?

quotation for youth essay

Quote Investigator: The earliest match located by QI appeared in a Carlsbad, New Mexico newspaper in April 1914. Prominent columnist and minister Dr. Frank Crane penned the essay which began with the following paragraphs. Boldface added to excerpts by QI : [1] 1914 April 17, The Carlsbad Argus, Society: Youth by Dr. Frank Crane, Quote Page 8, Column 1, Carlsbad, New Mexico. (Newspapers_com)

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of ripe cheeks, red lips, and supple knees; it is a tempter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions. It is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of fifty more than in a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old only by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin; but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

Below are additional selected citations and comments.

Dr. Frank Crane’s 1914 essay continued with the following paragraphs:

Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear, and despair—these are the long, long years that bow the heart and turn the greening spirit back to dust. Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonder, the sweet amazement at the stars and at starlike things and thoughts, the undaunted challenge of events, the unfailing, childlike appetite for what next, and the joy of the game of living. You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair. In the central place of your heart is an evergreen tree; its name is Love. So long as it flourishes you are young. When it dies you are old. In the central place of your heart there is a wireless station. So long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, grandeur, courage and power from the earth, from men, and from the Infinite, so long are you young. When the wires are down, and all the central place of your heart is covered with the snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism. then you are grown old, even at twenty, and may God have mercy on your soul.

In May 1914 the essay “Youth” with credit to Dr. Frank Crane was reprinted in “Cosmopolitan” magazine of New York. [2] 1914 May, Cosmopolitan, Volume 56, Number 6, Youth by Dr. Frank Crane (Acknowledgement to “Consistory Bulletin”), Quote Page 721, International Magazine Company, New York. (HathiTrust … Continue reading

In 1916 the essay appeared under the title “Youth—What Is It?” within the pages of the “Los Angeles Times” of California. The “Consistory Bulletin” was acknowledged, but the author was not specified. [3] 1916 July 29, Los Angeles Times, Youth—What Is It?, Section: II, Quote Page 4, Column 5, Los Angeles, California. (ProQuest)

In 1920 the essay appeared in the periodical “Home and Progress” from The First National Bank of Champaign, Illinois coupled with an acknowledgment to “Hollows”. [4] 1920 March, Home and Progress, Volume 5, Number 1, Youth (Acknowledgement to “Hollows”), Quote Page 15, Column 1, Published Quarterly by The First National Bank of Champaign, Illinois. … Continue reading

In 1930 a sharply condensed version of the essay appeared in “The Reader’s Digest” together with an acknowledgment to “Normal Instructor and Primary Plans”. The ellipsis below occurred within the text from “The Reader’s Digest”: [5] 1930 May, The Reader’s Digest, Volume 17, Section: The Art of Living, What Hath Age to do With Years? (Acknowledgement to Normal Instructor and Primary Plans), Quote Page 90, Column 2, The … Continue reading

Youth is not a time of life — it is a state of mind. . . . It is a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions. It is a freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite of adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of fifty more than in a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals. — Normal Instructor and Primary Plans.

In 1933 “The Improvement Era” published an article by Jay B. Nash who was a Professor of Education at New York University. The article included excerpts from the Crane’s 1914 “Youth” essay. Also, the piece began with two sentences used as an epigraph. An acknowledgement was not provided: [6] 1933 February, The Improvement Era, Volume 36, Number 4, What Will You Do With Your Leisure? by Jay B. Nash (Professor of Education, New York University), Start Page 195, Quote Page 195 and 221, … Continue reading

“Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the life of ease. * * * Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals,” says J. B. Nash—and then tells why.

In 1937 B. C. Forbes who co-founded “Forbes” magazine published the quotation collection called “Thoughts on the Business of Life”. A condensed version of the essay was credited to Dr. L. F. Phelan: [7] 1937 Copyright, Thoughts on the Business of Life, Edited by B. C. Forbes, Quote Page 98, B.C. Forbes Publishing Company, New York. (Verified with scans)

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. People grow old only by deserting their ideals and by outgrowing the consciousness of youth. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. . . . You are as old as your doubt, your fear, your despair. The way to keep young is to keep your faith young. Keep your self-confidence young. Keep your hope young. — Dr. L. F. Phelan

In 1945 “The Reader’s Digest” reprinted an article from “The Week Magazine” which discussed three items hanging on the wall in the office of General Douglas MacArthur. One of the items was a version of the “Youth” essay which the article attributed to Samuel Ullman. To reduce redundancy the essay has been truncated: [8] 1945 December, The Reader’s Digest, Volume 47, How to Stay Young, (Acknowledgement to This Week Magazine), Quote Page 81, The Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, New York. (Verified on … Continue reading

Over General MacArthur’s desk there hangs a message. It will bring you courage and faith. Famed War Correspondent Col. Frederick Palmer called on Douglas MacArthur at his Manila Headquarters. His most vivid memory: three frames over the General’s desk. One, a portrait of Washington. One, a portrait of Lincoln. One, the framed message which you will read in part below. The General has had it in sight ever since it was given to him some years ago by John W. Lewis. It is based on a poem written by the late Samuel Ullman of Birmingham, Ala. YOUTH is not a time of life—it is a state of mind; it is a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over love of ease. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old only by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair — these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust. . . .

In 1946 “The Boston Globe” printed an advertisement which included the piece from 1945 issue of “The Reader’s Digest”. [9] 1946 January 1, The Boston Daily Globe, Advertisement Title: How to Stay Young, Advertisement Company: Rogers Peet Company of Boson, Massachusetts, Quote Page 36, Column 1, Boston, Massachusetts. … Continue reading

In 1950 an excerpt from the essay appeared as a filler in a Monrovia, California newspaper. The words were attributed to Watterson Lowe: [10] 1950 August 2, Monrovia Daily News-Post, (Filler item), Quote Page 6, Column 1, Monrovia, California. (Newspapers_com)

Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old only by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the face, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-interest, fear, despair—these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust. — Watterson Lowe.

In 1955 “The Washington Post” printed a piece by George Sokolsky which explored the provenance of the essay. [11] 1955 March 10, The Washington Post, These Days: An Ode to Youth by George Sokolsky, Quote Page 17, Column 1 and 2, Washington, D.C. (ProQuest)

Sokolsky found an instance in the 1934 collection “The Silver Treasury” compiled by Jane Manner, and the essay was credited to Samuel Ullman. Sokolsky also determined that a version of the essay had appeared earlier in a privately printed compilation titled “From a Summit of Years Four Score”. The material had been collected by family members in 1920 when Ullman was eighty years old. Yet, as noted at the beginning of this article, the essay by Frank Crane was circulating by 1914.

In 1968 “The Forbes Scrapbook of Thoughts on the Business of Life” included an entry for the paragraph ascribed to L. F. Phelan in 1937. [12] 1968, The Forbes Scrapbook of Thoughts on the Business of Life by Forbes Magazine, Quote Page 495, Published by Forbes, Inc., New York. (Verified on paper) The compilation also included an entry for the paragraph ascribed to Watterson Lowe in 1950. [13] 1968, The Forbes Scrapbook of Thoughts on the Business of Life by Forbes Magazine, Quote Page 344, Published by Forbes, Inc., New York. (Verified on paper)

In 1977 the famous advice columnist Ann Landers printed a version of the essay together with assertions from two correspondents. Here was the first claim: [14] 1977 February 15, The Boston Globe, Story behind ‘Essay on Youth’ by Ann Landers, Quote Page 14, Boston, Massachusetts. (ProQuest)

May I throw a little light on the subject? That essay was written by Gen. Douglas MacArthur — in case you want to set the record straight.

The second correspondent credited Ullman:

The “Essay on Youth” was written by my grandfather, the late Samuel Ullman of Birmingham, Ala.

In conclusion, based on current evidence QI believes that Frank Crane originated this essay by 1914. It appeared in several periodicals during the ensuing years. In 1920 family members of Samuel Ullman compiled a privately printed book that included the essay. Yet, the citations for Crane have precedence. The linkage to Douglas MacArthur occurred because he posted the essay on the wall of his office.

Jay B. Nash included essay in an article he wrote in 1933 after it was already in circulation. Paragraphs from the essay were attributed to L. F. Phelan and Watterson Lowe many years after the first citation in 1914.

Image Notes: Depiction of “Fountain of Youth” from the May 1914 issue of “Cosmopolitan” published by International Magazine Company, New York. Image has been resized and cropped.

(Great thanks to Richard Daugherty whose inquiry led QI to formulate this question and perform this exploration. Daugherty mentioned that an excerpt from the essay had been ascribed to Watterson Lowe, Samuel Ullman, Douglas MacArthur, and James E. Faust.)

1 1914 April 17, The Carlsbad Argus, Society: Youth by Dr. Frank Crane, Quote Page 8, Column 1, Carlsbad, New Mexico. (Newspapers_com)
2 1914 May, Cosmopolitan, Volume 56, Number 6, Youth by Dr. Frank Crane (Acknowledgement to “Consistory Bulletin”), Quote Page 721, International Magazine Company, New York. (HathiTrust Full View)
3 1916 July 29, Los Angeles Times, Youth—What Is It?, Section: II, Quote Page 4, Column 5, Los Angeles, California. (ProQuest)
4 1920 March, Home and Progress, Volume 5, Number 1, Youth (Acknowledgement to “Hollows”), Quote Page 15, Column 1, Published Quarterly by The First National Bank of Champaign, Illinois. (Internet Archive
5 1930 May, The Reader’s Digest, Volume 17, Section: The Art of Living, What Hath Age to do With Years? (Acknowledgement to Normal Instructor and Primary Plans), Quote Page 90, Column 2, The Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, New York.(Verified on paper)
6 1933 February, The Improvement Era, Volume 36, Number 4, What Will You Do With Your Leisure? by Jay B. Nash (Professor of Education, New York University), Start Page 195, Quote Page 195 and 221, Published Monthly by the General Boards of the Mutual Improvement Associations, Salt Lake City, Utah. (Internet Archive link
7 1937 Copyright, Thoughts on the Business of Life, Edited by B. C. Forbes, Quote Page 98, B.C. Forbes Publishing Company, New York. (Verified with scans)
8 1945 December, The Reader’s Digest, Volume 47, How to Stay Young, (Acknowledgement to This Week Magazine), Quote Page 81, The Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, New York. (Verified on paper)
9 1946 January 1, The Boston Daily Globe, Advertisement Title: How to Stay Young, Advertisement Company: Rogers Peet Company of Boson, Massachusetts, Quote Page 36, Column 1, Boston, Massachusetts. (ProQuest)
10 1950 August 2, Monrovia Daily News-Post, (Filler item), Quote Page 6, Column 1, Monrovia, California. (Newspapers_com)
11 1955 March 10, The Washington Post, These Days: An Ode to Youth by George Sokolsky, Quote Page 17, Column 1 and 2, Washington, D.C. (ProQuest)
12 1968, The Forbes Scrapbook of Thoughts on the Business of Life by Forbes Magazine, Quote Page 495, Published by Forbes, Inc., New York. (Verified on paper)
13 1968, The Forbes Scrapbook of Thoughts on the Business of Life by Forbes Magazine, Quote Page 344, Published by Forbes, Inc., New York. (Verified on paper)
14 1977 February 15, The Boston Globe, Story behind ‘Essay on Youth’ by Ann Landers, Quote Page 14, Boston, Massachusetts. (ProQuest)

Inspired Life

Quotes About Inspiring Youth: Wisdom From Visionary Leaders

Looking for some impactful quotes about inspiring youth? One of the most powerful ways to inspire youth is through the words we use.

Words have the power to shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, and can have a profound impact on the way we see ourselves and the world around us.

By sharing inspiring quotes with the youth, we can help them develop a positive mindset, build self-confidence, and cultivate a sense of purpose and direction in life.

Whether it’s a quote about following your dreams , overcoming obstacles, or embracing your unique talents and strengths, there’s no shortage of wisdom to draw from.

So if you’re looking for some inspiration, take a moment to reflect on these quotes about inspiring youth.

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, mentor, or simply someone who cares about the future of our world, these words of wisdom may resonate with you and help you make a positive impact in the lives of those around you.

Youth inspirational quotes

1. “Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.” – Walt Disney

2. “Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.” – Samuel Ullman

quotes about inspiring youth

3. “The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.” – Kurt Cobain

4. “Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.” – Aristotle

5. “What is done to children, they will do to society.” – Karl Menninger

6. “The youth is the hope of our future.” – Jose Rizal

quotation for youth essay

7. “We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open.” – Harry Edwards

8. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

9. “The power of the youth is the common wealth for the entire world.” – Kailash Satyarthi

10. “Where there is a will, there’s always a way.” – Unknown

Inspirational youth quotes to drive success

11. “The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow.” – Nelson Mandela

quotation for youth essay

12. To the young, I would say: be true to yourself and always keep moving forward.” – Malala Yousafzai

13. “The dreams of our youth are the future’s promise.” – Edgar Whisenant

14. “You are never too young to lead, nor too old to act.” – Kofi Annan

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15. “Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is achieved.” – Swami Vivekananda

quotation for youth essay

16. “Our youth are not failing the system; the system is failing our youth.” – Rachel Jackson

17. Young people need models, not critics.” – John Wooden

18. “The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

19. “In youth, we learn; in age, we understand.” – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

quotation for youth essay

20. “Time is a game played beautifully by children.” – Heraclitus

21. “Youth comes but once in a lifetime.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Powerful Quotes to inspire youth

22. “Youth is the trustee of prosperity.” – Benjamin Disraeli

quotation for youth essay

23. “To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” – Dr. Seuss

24. “The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible – and achieve it, generation after generation.” – Pearl S. Buck

25. “Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor.” – Euripides

26. “Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” – George Orwell

27. “The fire of youth is the resource of the future, so ignite with care.” – Lailah Gifty Akita

28. “In the eyes of youth, everything seems possible; in the wisdom of age, everything seems purposeful.” – Unknown

29. “If our youth arise and act, they have the strength and dynamism to generate a huge transformation in society.” – Unknown

30. “Youth is incredible because you really do feel invincible.” – Paul Stanley

31. “The future belongs to young people with an education and the imagination to create.” – Barack Obama

32. “Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.” – Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

quotation for youth essay

33. “The passions of youth are vices in old age.” – Joseph Joubert

34. “Youth is in a grand flush, like the hot days of ending summer; and pleasant dreams thrall your spirit.” – Donald G. Mitchell

35. “Youth is the pollen that blows through the sky and does not ask why.” – Stephen Vincent Benét

Inspiring youth quotes for everyday motivation

36. “In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us.” – Beverly Sills

37. “Youth is the period in which a man can be hopeless. The end of every episode is the end of the world. But the power of hoping through everything, the knowledge that the soul survives its adventures, that great inspiration comes to the middle-aged.” – G.K. Chesterton

38. “Youth offers the promise of happiness, but life offers the realities of grief.” – Nicholas Sparks

quotation for youth essay

39. “To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable.” – Oscar Wilde

40. “In the lexicon of youth, which fate reserves for a bright manhood, there is no such word as ‘fail’.” – Edward Bulwer-Lytton

41. “The deepest definition of youth is life as yet untouched by tragedy.” – Alfred North Whitehead

42. “Youth is the spirit of adventure and awakening. It is a time of physical emerging when the body attains the vigor and good health that may ignore the caution of temperance. Youth is a period of timelessness when the horizons of age seem too distant to be noticed.” – Ezra Taft Benson

43. “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

quotation for youth essay

44. “In youth, the days are short and the years are long. In old age, the years are short and the days long.” – Pope Paul VI

45. “The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you’re learning, you’re not old.” – Rosalyn S. Yalow

Final thoughts on these quotes about inspiring the youth

Youth is an awesome time full of potential, and these inspiring quotes can help young folks kickstart their journey toward success.

Growing up comes with its fair share of challenges, but it’s important to remember that being young offers the chance to take risks, think outside the box, and put in the hard work to achieve meaningful goals.

Aim for greatness, keep a positive mindset, and stay true to yourself. These quotes hold valuable lessons.

With the right motivation and attitude, there’s no limit to what young people can achieve.

No matter how old you are, it’s never too late to make a positive impact. Whether it be through mentoring, volunteering, or activism, you can make a difference in your community and the world at large.

Here’s to a brighter tomorrow, inspired by the dreams of today’s youth!

quotation for youth essay

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Essays About Youth: Top 5 Essay Examples Plus 10 Prompts

Discover our guide with creative writing prompts and examples for essays about youth to help you get started on your next great essay!

Youth is that cusp between childhood and adulthood — a period filled with zest, adventure, and impulsiveness. Our future depends on the youth of today. As such, we are well-advised to equip ourselves with sufficient skills and knowledge to resolve future problems effectively. We must also train them to develop a moral compass, incredible determination, and deep compassion for others to serve well as future leaders.


5 Essay Examples

1. youth in revolt: five powerful movements fueled by young activist by erin blakemore, 2. what you can learn from a young ceo by elaine pofeldt, 3. advice to the youth by mark twain , 4. us youth are in a mental health crisis—we must invest in their care by mitchell j. prinstein, 5. young people are leaving their jobs in record numbers—and not going back by raisa bruner, 1. effects of social media on youth self-esteem, 2. youth’s learning crisis, 3. addressing youth obesity, 4. encouraging stem careers for youth, 5. engaging youth in community building, 6. why youth engage in cybercrime, 7. love for today’s youth, 8. national youth day, 9. substance abuse prevention for youth , 10. benefits of sex education to youth.

“Youth who participated in the civil rights movement embraced what one-time SNCC chairman Representative John Lewis called “good trouble”—fearless agitation designed to provoke, challenge, and move progress forward.”

Youth have always driven impactful social and political movements in whatever era and whichever part of the globe they are. This essay recounts some of history’s most powerful and meaningful protests mobilized by youth. Check out these essays about life lessons .

“Whether we needed to select a blogging platform or figure out how to keep costs down, we invariably found that younger CEOs were great sources of ideas.”

Gone are the days when one would purely seek older people for wisdom in business. With the competition in the digital age, youth are proving to bring in a wealth of ideas that can effectively support business strategies.

“Build your character thoughtfully and painstakingly upon these precepts, and by and by, when you have got it built, you will be surprised and gratified to see how nicely and sharply it resembles everybody else’s. ”

The American writer shows his humor and sarcasm by teaching youth the art of lying and handling firearms carelessly. Ultimately, he tells those who would succeed that they would be no different than the rest of society. 

“We have an opportunity to make a serious commitment to youth mental health, just as we did 70 years ago to help adults. This is a chance for parents, teachers, and youth to stop whispering about their mental health needs and begin shouting for our country to invest in its future and end our children’s suffering.”

As youth suicides have increased over the years, data shows that it is now the second leading cause of death among 10- to 24-year-olds. The situation demands urgent action and a rethink of the overall mental health system.

“For some, it’s burnout. For others, the timing was ripe to refocus on side projects as the stresses of the pandemic started to wane. And for many, especially in a service sector dominated by “zillennials”… poor treatment and low wages became unsustainable.”

The pandemic burnout has driven the Great Resignation among youth, leaving over 10 million jobs in the US unoccupied. This triggers a sea change in the societal landscape, where young workers pursue their self-worth and can afford to do so.

10 Thought-Provoking Prompts On Essays About Youth

Essays About Youth: Effects of social media on youth self-esteem

While we all tend to compare our qualities and achievements to those of others, social media has made this habit worse. To youth, the biggest market of social media platforms, this has resulted in lower self-esteem, especially for girls . In your essay, gather present research that studies the links between social media use and low confidence levels. Then, recommend ways for young readers to spend more time in the real world and rebuild their self-esteem.

In recent years, it has been recognized that the world is facing a learning crisis that even the wealthier G20 countries are not exempt from . But as the COVID-19 pandemic has halted face-to-face school interactions for prolonged periods, what does the future of education and skills-building look like for our youth? Answer this with the support of research studies and data, and surveys from reputed organizations and agencies. Finally, enumerate the best ways to invest in our youth’s education.

Many cases of obesity among youth are due to the lack of exercise. For this topic prompt, lay down the negative effects of obesity, such as the increased likelihood of diabetes, hypertension, lack of self-esteem, and depression. Then, with research on wellness experts’ advice, encourage readers to change their lifestyle one step at a time to address or prevent obesity. For example, walking for 10 minutes to take a break from work could be a powerful start in changing a routine. 

No industry gains as much from youth’s ingenuity as the innovation industry. First, elaborate on the importance of developing youth’s scientific and technical skills. Then, look at how schools incorporate science, technology, engineering, and math into the curriculum, starting with your school. To conclude your essay, look at how intensive your government’s programs are in unlocking the inner scientists of today’s youth. 

Essays About Youth: Engaging youth in community building

Youth have the vigor and passion for changing the world. Because of this, they are one of the best groups to tap into for building a better community. To start this essay, look at the ratio of young volunteers to the total number of volunteers in your community. You can check this ratio in other communities and see how active your youth are in volunteer community work compared to others. Then, enumerate interesting practices cities can adopt to attract youth to participate in their programs. 

The United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency has reported a 107% annual increase in police reports of young students engaging in cyberattacks in 2020. Dig deeper into this report and find out the main motivations why young offenders would join the dark side in cyberspace. Is it for the millions of bucks or the sense of validation in the hacking community? Then identify some best practices law enforcement authorities and schools are implementing to thwart cybercrime among youth.

Young love has always been defined by its wild passions and adventures. Does this hold today in this digital age? How have relationships evolved in the age of social media? Mull over these questions and look at other modern trends in young love. For example, many claims that internet relationships, where couples meet and interact purely online, constitute true love. 

Celebrated every August 12, International Youth Day (IYD) aims to raise awareness of youth’s pressing challenges. Your essay can revolve around the focus of the last or upcoming celebration theme. Then, reflect on the issue’s relevance and what actions you think society can take to ease the problem. For example, the 2022 IYD is themed “Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages.” This expounds on fostering solidarity across generations to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prevention is always better than cure. In this essay, search for data on youths reportedly battling drug abuse. Highlight an upward trend, if any. Then, highlight the risk factors that lead youth to drug or alcohol abuse and the consequences on health and overall well-being. You may also pay attention to the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s 16 key principles for determining the most suitable prevention programs. 

A research study has found that aside from preventing early pregnancy and the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, comprehensive sex education helps youth feel safe and achieve success in the long term. Examine these benefits and cite the negative effects of a lack of sex education during youth. Finally, it underscores schools’ critical roles in integrating sex education and protecting students. 

If you need further guidance, check out our essay writing tips . Finally, don’t forget to proofread your essay using the best grammar checkers .


Essay on Power of Youth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Power of Youth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Power of Youth

The potential of youth.

Youth is a time of power and potential. Young people have energy, creativity, and passion that can be harnessed for great achievements. They are our future leaders, innovators, and change-makers.

Driving Social Change

Youth are often at the forefront of social change. They are not afraid to challenge the status quo and fight for what they believe in. Their fresh perspectives and determination can lead to significant societal advancements.

Shaping the Future

The power of youth is crucial in shaping our future. By utilizing their unique skills and ideas, they can help create a better world for everyone. Let’s empower our youth and celebrate their potential.

250 Words Essay on Power of Youth

The unstoppable force of youth.

The power of youth is an often-underestimated force that holds the potential to revolutionize societies. This power is not just physical, but intellectual, emotional, and social. The youth are the torchbearers of change, the architects of the future world.

Intellectual Power

Emotional power.

Emotionally, the youth are a powerhouse of passion and optimism. They are not easily deterred by failures or setbacks. Instead, they learn, adapt, and bounce back with renewed vigor. Their resilience fuels their pursuit of dreams, making them an unstoppable force.

Social Power

Youth also wield significant social power. They are the ones who shape cultures, trends, and societal norms. With their ability to connect and collaborate using digital platforms, they can mobilize collective action on a global scale, influencing political and social landscapes.

Challenges and Opportunities

However, this power also comes with challenges. The youth must navigate a complex, rapidly changing world. They face pressures from societal expectations, economic uncertainties, and environmental crises. Yet, these challenges also present opportunities for growth. Through their struggles, the youth develop resilience, empathy, and a sense of responsibility.

In conclusion, the power of youth is a transformative force that can reshape societies and usher in a better future. It is a power that needs to be nurtured, harnessed, and celebrated. For it is the youth who will inherit the world of tomorrow, and it is their power that will shape its destiny.

500 Words Essay on Power of Youth

The power of youth: a catalyst for change.

The youth are often referred to as the ‘future of the nation’, but they are much more than that. They are the vibrant, dynamic segment of the population who hold the power to shape the present and mold the future. This power of the youth is not just about physical strength or intellectual prowess, but a combination of passion, innovation, and the courage to question the status quo.

Passion: The Driving Force

Innovation: the key to progress.

The youth’s power is also evident in their ability to innovate. They are at the forefront of technological advancements, pushing boundaries and creating solutions that were unimaginable a few years ago. Their innovative ideas and out-of-the-box thinking are instrumental in driving progress in various fields, from science and technology to arts and culture. This innovative spirit of the youth is a testament to their potential to drive growth and development.

The Courage to Question

One of the most significant aspects of the power of youth is their courage to question. They are not content with accepting things as they are and have the audacity to question the status quo. This trait is crucial for societal evolution as it promotes critical thinking and encourages the pursuit of truth and justice. The youth’s ability to question and critique is a powerful tool for societal reform and progress.

The Youth as Agents of Social Change

Conclusion: harnessing the power of youth.

The power of youth is undeniable. However, it is essential to provide them with the right opportunities and platforms to express and utilize this power effectively. Empowering the youth through education, skill development, and inclusive policies can help harness their potential for the betterment of society.

In conclusion, the power of youth is a transformative force that can drive societal change and progress. It is a power that is fueled by passion, innovation, and the courage to question. By recognizing and nurturing this power, we can ensure a brighter and more prosperous future.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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50 of the Best Quotes About Education

Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Being an educator is not always the easiest job, but knowing you have made an impact on students’ lives can be so rewarding. Through all of the good times and bad, you continue to persevere and provide education to students of all backgrounds and abilities. We collected 50 of the best quotes about education to celebrate the best parts of teaching, learning, and the impact they have on the world.

Our Favorite Quotes About Education

“education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs only to the people who prepare for it today.” — malcolm x.

Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs only to the people who prepare for it today.

“Education is one thing no one can take away from you.” — Elin Nordegren

 “Education is one thing no one can take away from you.” —Elin Nordegren

“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” — Malcolm Forbes

Quotes about education: “Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” —Malcolm Forbes

“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” — Sydney J. Harris

“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” —Sydney J. Harris

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” — Abigail Adams

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” —Abigail Adams

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” — Benjamin Franklin

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” —Benjamin Franklin

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. … Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. ... Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.

“A person who won’t read has no advantage over a person who can’t read.” — Mark Twain

 “A person who won’t read has no advantage over a person who can’t read.” —Mark Twain

“Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.” — Unknown

Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.

“Education is the key to unlock a golden door of freedom.” — George Washington Carver

Quotes about education: “Education is the key to unlock a golden door of freedom.” —George Washington Carver

“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” — Herbert Spencer

“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” —Herbert Spencer

“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.” — John F. Kennedy

Quotes about education: “The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.” —John F. Kennedy

“The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas.” — George Santayana

“The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas.” —George Santayana

“The roots of education … are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” — Aristotle

The roots of education ... are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

“Education must not simply teach work, it must teach Life.” — W.E.B Du Bois

“Education must not simply teach work, it must teach Life.” —W.E.B Du Bois

“Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery.” — Horace Mann

“Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery.” —Horace Mann

“I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message.” — Steve Irwin

Quotes about education: “I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message.” —Steve Irwin

“Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” — Sidney Hook

“Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” —Sidney Hook

“All real education is the architecture of the soul.” — William Bennett

“All real education is the architecture of the soul.” —William Bennett

“Education is the key which will unlock the door of opportunity for you.” — Gordon B. Hinckley

Education is the key which will unlock the door of opportunity for you.

“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” — Maya Angelou

Quotes about education: “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” —Maya Angelou

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” — Bill Nye

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” —Bill Nye

“The highest result of education is tolerance.” — Helen Keller

“The highest result of education is tolerance.” —Helen Keller

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” — Aristotle

Quotes about education: “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” —Aristotle

“To teach is to learn twice.” — Joseph Joubert

“To teach is to learn twice.” —Joseph Joubert

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” — Plutarch

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” —Plutarch

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” — Benjamin Franklin

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” —Benjamin Franklin

“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” — Confucius

Quotes about education: “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” —Confucius 

“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” — Mark Van Doren

“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” —Mark Van Doren

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” — Margaret Mead

Quotes about education: “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” —Margaret Mead

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” — Henry Ford

Quotes about education: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” —Henry Ford

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” — Henry Brooks Adams

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” —Henry Brooks Adams

“They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.” — Carl W. Buehner

They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.

“A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find learning hard.” — Eliphas Levi

“A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find learning hard.” —Eliphas Levi

“One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world.” — Malala Yousafzai

One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world.

“Teachers are the one and only people who save nations.” — Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

“Teachers are the one and only people who save nations.” —Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

“Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.” — Isaac Asimov

Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.

“Real education must ultimately be limited to one who INSISTS on knowing, the rest is mere sheep-herding.” — Ezra Pound

Real education must ultimately be limited to one who INSISTS on knowing, the rest is mere sheep-herding.- Quotes About Education

“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.” — Marian Wright Edelman

Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.

“It is only the ignorant who despise education.” — Publilius Syrus

It is only the ignorant who despise education.

“A writer should get as much education as possible, but just going to school is not enough; if it were, all owners of doctorates would be inspired writers.” — Gwendolyn Brooks

A writer should get as much education as possible, but just going to school is not enough; if it were, all owners of doctorates would be inspired writers.

“I do not want art for a few, any more than education for a few, or freedom for a few.” — William Morris

I do not want art for a few, any more than education for a few, or freedom for a few.- Quotes About Education

“Real education should educate us out of self into something far finer; into a selflessness which links us with all humanity.” — Nancy Astor

Real education should educate us out of self into something far finer; into a selflessness which links us with all humanity.

“It makes little difference how many university courses or degrees a person may own. If he cannot use words to move an idea from one point to another, his education is incomplete.” — Norman Cousins

It makes little difference how many university courses or degrees a person may own. If he cannot use words to move an idea from one point to another, his education is incomplete.

“The child who desires education will be bettered by it; the child who dislikes it disgraced.” — John Ruskin

The child who desires education will be bettered by it; the child who dislikes it disgraced.- Quotes About Education

“Education is our only political safety. Outside of this ark all is deluge.” — Horace Mann

Education is our only political safety. Outside of this ark all is deluge.

“Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know.” — Daniel J. Boorstin

Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.

“Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but education ends only with life. A child is given to the universe to be educated.” — Frederick William Robertson

Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but education ends only with life. A child is given to the universe to be educated.- Quotes About Education

“Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. If we retrench the wages of the schoolmaster, we must raise those of the recruiting sergeant.” — Edward Everett

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. If we retrench the wages of the schoolmaster, we must raise those of the recruiting sergeant.

Like these quotes about education? Check out these team-building quotes for classrooms and schools .

Come share your favorite motivational quotes about education in the we are teachers helpline group on facebook .

Broaden your wisdom with these 50 quotes about education from celebrities, philosophers, artists, and other influential figures.

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Interesting Literature

10 of the Best Poems about Youth

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

In a previous post, we’ve gathered together ten of the very best poems about old age , but what about youth and youthfulness? Here’s our pick of ten of the greatest poems in the English language that celebrate or reflect upon youth and being young.

1. John Milton, ‘ How Soon Hath Time ’.

How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth, Stol’n on his wing my three-and-twentieth year! My hasting days fly on with full career, But my late spring no bud or blossom shew’th …

Milton (1608-74) was, by all accounts, a beautiful young man; and although at age 23 he felt his first flush of youth was already in the past, he continued to look angelically youthful. The fact that he wrote this sonnet at such a young age is a testament to his precocity as a poet.

2. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ‘ Youth and Age ’.

Verse, a breeze mid blossoms straying, Where Hope clung feeding, like a bee— Both were mine! Life went a-maying With Nature, Hope, and Poesy, When I was young!

‘You’re only as old as you feel’ might be a rough paraphrase of the main sentiment driving this poem, by one of English literature’s leading Romantic poets.

Because of this, it’s an upbeat poem about growing old but also a great celebration of enduring and long-lasting youth. If we can but remain young in mind, then we are young, no matter that our bodies may be growing older. No: as Coleridge asserts, ‘Youth and I are house-mates still.’

3. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ‘ My Lost Youth ’.

Often I think of the beautiful town That is seated by the sea; Often in thought go up and down The pleasant streets of that dear old town, And my youth comes back to me. And a verse of a Lapland song Is haunting my memory still: ‘A boy’s will is the wind’s will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.’

The title of this poem by the author of the Song of Hiawatha says it all: the poet reflects nostalgically on his lost youth in America: ‘Often I think of the beautiful town / That is seated by the sea; / Often in thought go up and down / The pleasant streets of that dear old town, / And my youth comes back to me.’

4. Matthew Arnold, ‘ Youth and Calm ’.

’Tis death! and peace, indeed, is here, And ease from shame, and rest from fear. There’s nothing can dismarble now The smoothness of that limpid brow. But is a calm like this, in truth, The crowning end of life and youth, And when this boon rewards the dead, Are all debts paid, has all been said?

Here we find the Victorian poet reflecting on death, but in doing so, his thoughts take him back to his youth. Why do young people find themselves longing for the grave?

5. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, ‘ The Lost Garden ’.

Can we ever reclaim our lost youth? That is a perennial theme among poets in particular. Here, Wilcox (1850-1919) uses the image of the garden to ruminate upon this question:

I would go back, but the ways are winding, If ways there are to that land, in sooth; For what man succeeds in ever finding A path to the garden of his lost youth?

6. A. E. Housman, ‘ Delight It Is in Youth and May ’.

Delight it is in youth and May To see the morn arise, And more delight to look all day A lover in the eyes. Oh maiden, let your distaff be, And pace the flowery meads with me, And I will tell you lies …

Unusually for a poem by A. E. Housman (1859-1936), the Laureate of unrequited love, this poem begins with hope: morning, springtime, and youth. But as the short poem develops, we realise that all is not well in this Edenic world of youth the poet is painting…

7. W. B. Yeats, ‘Youth and Age’.

This poem is a single quatrain, and so can be reproduced here in full:

Much did I rage when young, Being by the world oppressed, But now with flattering tongue It speeds the parting guest.

The young poet was angry and possessed by a desire to tackle the injustices of the world. But world-weariness about being unable to change the world sets in once the poet’s youth has passed…

8. William Carlos Williams, ‘ Youth and Beauty ’.

A domestic poem, this, brought to us by the American modernist poet who left his wife a note about having eaten all the plums in the icebox and who extolled the importance of a red wheelbarrow . Here, youth and beauty are examined through the image of a dishmop…

9. D. H. Lawrence, ‘ Virgin Youth ’.

Now and again All my body springs alive, And the life that is polarised in my eyes, That quivers between my eyes and mouth, Flies like a wild thing across my body, Leaving my eyes half-empty, and clamorous …

Lawrence (1885-1930) liked to confront taboos in his writing, particularly sexual taboos. In this early poem, he touches upon the topic of … self-pleasure, using suggestive language (the phrase ‘willy nilly’ is a loaded one here) to conjure up the experience of what the Victorians called ‘self-pollution’. A somewhat different poetic take on youth from the others on this list!

10. Wilfred Owen, ‘ Anthem for Doomed Youth ’.

What candles may be held to speed them all? Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. The pallor of girls’ brows shall be their pall; Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds …

Of course, in the early twentieth century a whole generation of young men found their lives either altered forever, or, in many cases, tragically cut short, because of the First World War (1914-18). This sonnet by the finest war poet England has ever produced is full of concentrated anger and, true to Owen’s intentions, the pity of war.

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2 thoughts on “10 of the Best Poems about Youth”

wonderful post ! I found out about many poets from this post. thank You!

Thanks for the lovely comment! :)

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Youth Issues and Adult Society Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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The youth comprise a significant proportion of every society. Youth can be defined as a group of young people who are in the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood and are considered to be the most energetic. It is a stage during which the young people try to define their identity and prepare them for citizenship and adulthood (Shamsie, 2006). However, it has not been easy to fix the definition of youth in chronological terms. In most countries, the age of the youth is drawn at the time when an individual is treated equally under the law, normally referred to as the age of majority. Many countries place it at age 18 and beyond this age, one is considered an adult. It is therefore important to note that the definition of the term youth depends greatly on the socio-cultural, political, institutional, and economic factors of a given country. The working chronological age for the purposes of this essay is between the ages 15 and 29, which is used mainly by most National Youth Councils. This essay will discuss some problems facing the youth and why this crisis appears to be a major concern for adult society.

There are a number of problems encountered by the youth of today all over the world. Unemployment is one of the major problems facing today’s young generation (Shamsie, 2006). Every young person must be prepared to overcome the challenges of adolescence and adulthood. This means that he or she must engage in progressive experiences and activities which will, in turn, enable him or her to become socially, emotionally, morally, economically, physically, as well as cognitively competent. As one approaches the mid-20s, he or she starts experiencing the transition from schooling to work. Many young people at this age would be expected to secure a job and earn instead of the continued reliance on the parents or guardians. This trend in most instances is hampered by the lack of job opportunities for a large number of young people in society.

Difficulty in securing a place of work implies that the youth can hardly get a stable source of income for personal use and even for the other dependents like the parents or siblings. This is despite the fact that a lot of resources are injected towards educating them. The fact that many young people lack a stable source of income and yet they are the most energetic members of society is ridiculous. A number of youth resort to other alternative ways of survival like theft, forceful robbery, carjacking, and other illegal deals that will enable them to get the money that they desperately need. This is one concern that threatens the fabric of society especially the adult members of the society. The problem is worsened by the fact that there are many young people who are faced with the same problem and hence adding to the magnitude of illegal incidences. In most countries, therefore, the problem of unemployment among the youth has become a major concern of the adult society especially the governments (White, 1999).

Furthermore, unemployment can become the genesis of all other sorts of problems that face the youth. Young people who fail to prosper in society may end up despairing in life and may start smoking, using alcohol, and the use of other drugs. This is common among the youth who leave schooling at an early age and hence can get no meaningful employment. The use of drugs among the youth results in a less productive generation of young people who should otherwise be the building stones for a more stable society. Any adult society, therefore, ought to be concerned about this major problem that faces the youth since they are expected to be the society’s tomorrow.

For the female youth, difficult times at this particular stage may force them to engage in promiscuous activities like sex for pay, and these results in unwanted pregnancies and the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases. The general loss of morality among the young people can plunge the whole generation into enormous problems like increased psychological distress and other mental problems, HIV/AIDS prevalence among the youth, and criminal activities that may ruin a whole generation (White, 1999). These youth problems in many countries appear to be of major concern for adult society.

It is therefore paramount for every society to rise up and address the plight of the young people if it is to prosper to greater heights. This will call for the creation of job opportunities in society and empowering the youth through training on entrepreneurial skills. This will go a long way in ensuring that the society gets proper continuity through its youth.

Shamsie, S. J. (2006). Youth: Problems and solutions. Lea & Febiger.

White, R. (1999). The Australian youth subcultures: in the Mainstream and on the margins. Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 9). Youth Issues and Adult Society.

"Youth Issues and Adult Society." IvyPanda , 9 Mar. 2022,

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IvyPanda . 2022. "Youth Issues and Adult Society." March 9, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Youth Issues and Adult Society." March 9, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Youth Issues and Adult Society." March 9, 2022.

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Make Your Note

  • 06 Sep 2018
  • 10 min read

Gender Equality

" A gender-equal society would be one where the word 'gender' does not exist: where every one can be themselves "


" When God created man and woman, he was thinking, 'Who shall I give the power to, to give birth to the next human being?' And God chose woman. And this is the big evidence that women are powerful "


" Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance "


" Achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls and boys. It is everyone's responsibility "


" I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved "


" Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world "


" You educate a man, you educate a man. You educate a woman, you educate a generation "


" To educate girls is to reduce poverty "


" Empower a woman - Empower a community "

" When women do better economies do better "


" There is no chance of the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing "


" We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back "


" The measure of any society is how it treats its women and girls "


" We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race "

" Poverty is like a punishment for a crime you didn’t commit. "


" It is the health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver "



" What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another "

" This is our world, a common world. Everybody should feel a common responsibility "


" Climate change is simply, the greatest collective challenge we face as a human family "

" Sustainable development and climate change are two sides of the same coin "

" Climate change does not respect border; it does not respect who you are- rich and poor, small and big. Therefore, this is what we call global challenges, which require global solidarity "


" Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance "

" Any society that does not succeed in tapping into the energy and creativity of its youth will be left behind "

" Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace "


" You cannot have peace without security, and you cannot have security without inclusive development "

" Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope "

" One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world "

" We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet "

" Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in a harmony "

" Be truthful, gentle and fearless "

" Heart is a very good fertilizer; anything we plant love, fear, hate, hope, revenge, jealousy-surely grows and bears fruit. We have to decide what to harvest "

" We must become the change we want to see "

" To believe in something, and not live it, is dishonest "


1. Wealth without work

2. Pleasure without conscience

3. Knowledge without character

4. Business without ethics

5. Science without humanity

6. Religion without sacrifice

7. Politics without principle

" You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean area dirty, the ocean does not become dirty "

" The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others "

" An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind "

" Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will "

" It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honored by the humiliation of their fellow beings "

" Peace is its own reward "

" The mind is everything. What you think, you become "


" Be kind to all creatures; this is the true religion "

" Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success, and, above all, love "

" Gratitude is a flower that blooms in noble souls "


" May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears "


" Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power "


" Success is not about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives "

" Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere "


" Greed has poisoned man’s souls "


" Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all "


" The best test of a man is authority. "


" We are unnecessarily wasting our precious resources in wars... if we must wage war, we have to do it on unemployment, disease, poverty, and backwardness "


" Good governance depends on ability to take responsibility by both administration as well as people "


" Progress is more plausibly judged by the reduction of deprivation than by the further enrichment of the opulent "


" The test of progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; It is whether we provide enough for those who have little "


" Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the Nation and the citizens of tomorrow "



" I fear the day when technology will suppress human interaction and the world will have a generation of idiots "


" The great thing about social media was how it gave a voice to voiceless people. "


" Social media is reducing social barriers. It connects people on the strength of human values, not identities "

" It is dangerously destabilizing to have half the world on the cutting edge of technology while the other half struggles on the bare edge of survival "


" The Internet is becoming the town square for the Global village of tomorrow "



" If agriculture fails, everything else will fail "


quotation for youth essay

Talk to our experts


  • Role of Youth in Nation-Building Essay for Students


Long and Short Essay on the Role of Youth in Nation Building

The role of youth in nation-building or development is very important because the development of any nation lies in the future generation. The future of democracy, the economy, technology, and medical advancements depends on young people. Poverty, unemployment, global warming, and pollution of many types are the problems that the world is facing today. The answer to solving all these problems lies with the next generation.

History shows that the next generation has always solved future problems. As time moves on, it's essential to adapt and bring about change in society. The youth can drive this change. So, what role do young people play in creating a better future? What qualities are needed to bring about change in society? These questions are crucial, and all students should know their answers. This is why essays on the role of youth in nation-building are written.

Below a long and short essay on the role of youths in nation-building and frequently asked questions on the essay about the role of the Youth in our society is given. Students can refer to these essays and understand the importance of Youth in the development of the country and make a speech on the role of youth in nation-building.

Long Essay on the Role of Youths in Nation-Building

Swami Vivekananda once said, 'My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation and out of them will come to my workers. This quote describes the impact the Youth can have on society. More than 60% of the youth played a significant role in Germany's efforts during the First World War. The mission to make the first person to walk on the moon consisted of more than 80% of the Youth who helped in planning the whole mission. Likewise, Indian Youth also played an important role in making our country free from British rule. Youth has the power to change the world. When the Youth is united, we can make the world a better place to live, and when we are divided, we also have the power to destroy the world.

Youth is the most dynamic and important segment of the population in any country. Statistics show that developing countries which have a huge youth population could see tremendous growth in all the sectors of the countries provided they invest in young people's education, and health and protect and guarantee their rights. It is believed that today's young minds and tomorrow's leaders are creators, builders, and innovators.

For Youth to be good leaders, inventors and innovators, they must be supported and provided good health, training, and education to transform the future. There will be a boost in the economy of the country when the Youth is working and earning rather than being dependent on anyone.

As we all know that half of the world's population is now under the age of 25, and 1.8 billion people are between the age of 11-25. This is considered to be the largest youth generation to ever exist. Many countries such as Sweden, Japan, and Germany have already started gaining from the Youth by providing them with opportunities in different sectors. It has been more than 80 years since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Any country would be devastated by the loss of lives and the destruction that was caused during that time, but Japan did not stop, over the decades, the government of Japan has started investing in the Youth and the investment they made in the Youth during that time is giving them the profit now. More than 80% of Youth in Japan are responsible for the economic boost of the country. Industries such as Manga and Anime consist of 90% of young minds that are responsible for generating a revenue of 1.3 billion every year for the country. This is the impact that Youth can make on the country's growth. Here the role of Youth in the national development article is discussed.

Indian Youth- Confused or Confident? 

Let us talk about the Youth of India; Today, India is one of the youngest nations in the world, with more than 55% of the population below the age of 25, and more than 60% of the population is the working age, which is between 15 to 60 years. It is estimated that the average age of the population by the year 2023 would be 29 years old and in India, whereas, in Japan, it would be 47 years, and in the United States of America, it would be 40 years old. The presence of younger people in our country gives us an edge over the demographic dividend of other countries. The demographic dividend is the growth in the economy of the country due to the change in the age structure of the country. The Youth of our country today are increasingly becoming restless and trying their best to make a difference, but it has not been enough. More effort should be made if we all want to end unemployment, poverty, corruption, and violence in the country. Due to the presence of these diseases in our society, there has been a delay in the development of the country.

India is the biggest democracy in the world, and still, it lags in achieving economic and socio-political growth. The two things which our freedom fighters fought for were freedom and the growth of the country, and after all those years, we have failed to achieve both goals. For 72 years, we have failed to fight unemployment, poverty, corruption, illiteracy, and violence in our country. India's ranks in the various development index have barely grown in recent years. For example, India ranks 116 on the Human Capital Index, 126 on the World Happiness Index, 132 on the Human Development Index, and 108 on the Gender Development Index. This shows the state in which our country is. If India wants to improve all these indices, then it is the responsibility of the Youth to come forward and take responsibility to fight against the multiple inequalities and contribute to the development of the country.

Statistics show that India has the upper hand over other countries as 62 % of the population is the Youth. Young minds are known to be innovative and hard-working which will help in the development of the country. Youth can change the country only if proper opportunities in the various fields are given to them. In our society, we have been guided to pursue careers in either engineering or medical science. This could be because of the pressure from the family or the trend in society. This has become a major cause of the downfall of the Youth. A statistical report suggests that about 55% of engineering Youth are unemployed because they don't have the required skills to crack a job. The Youth can change society if they consider pursuing a career in different fields like arts and politics. If proper opportunities are given to the Youth to represent their ideas in fields such as politics, then we can expect a drastic change in the country's growth. Young minds should be motivated to take part in politics and occupy high positions such as education minister, finance minister, bureaucrats, and even the Prime minister.

Youth has the power to bring change. They have the power to demand justice. For example, a mass protest by the Youth against the CAA bill in Delhi or the mass protest by the Youth in Delhi for justice for the Nirbhaya cases are some of the examples of the strength of the Youth. TRO makes the Youth the ultimate power of the country, and educational programs should be developed that aim to teach the young people from the school level the importance and the impact they can have on the country. They should be taught about how the country works and how it can be a significant part of the development of the country. Youth should be motivated to consider different career options such as politics, which eventually helps in running the country.

Our nation has been facing a lot of problems, and Youth has the power to resolve most of them. All the Youth of today need is a chance to prove themselves. Through many protests against corruption, rape against women, we have witnessed that the Youth have the power to unite individuals from various ethnic groups. The world has been facing many problems such as Racism and Islamophobia. Everyone fights with each other because of the religion to which they belong or the complexion of their skin colour. These fights within the Youth are created by political leaders or the people with power because they know that the only way they can defeat the power of Youth is when we are divided. This is the reason why we need Youth in politics as youth leaders could convince other fellow men and women to live in peace and harmony. The differences and all these issues should not allow the Youth to be divided. Instead of focusing on these differences, youth leaders should lead the way and help the majority focus on the real issues that matter, such as poverty, crime against women, unemployment, and many more. The Youth has the ability to bring a change in the country.

To conclude, the role of the Youth is very important in the building of a nation. They can be a positive influence in society and can also solve problems by introducing innovative and impactful ideas that will only help in the betterment of the country. They have the ability to create an identity for themselves, which will help in creating an impact. All the youth need is the support of their family and friends, and I can assure you that they can make our country great. 

Short Essay on the Role of Youth in National Development

India is the world's largest democracy and the second largest populated country in the world.65% of the population comprises the Youth, and this is enough to show the importance of Youth and how big of an asset they are for the country.

The role of Youth in nation-building is very important. The work they do and the ideas they help to bring to the table will take the country on the path to success. In spite of being the largest democracy in the world, India is still lagging behind in achieving the economic success that will help to make a mark in the world. It has been 78 years since the freedom of our country, and throughout all these years, India has been infected by a few diseases such as corruption, unemployment, poverty, malnutrition, no proper healthcare services, and a crime against men and women. Indians are ranked 126 on the World Happiness Index, 108 on the gender development index, and 132 on the Human Development Index. India's rank in the various development indexes has not improved over a few years. The only way India can improve its ranks in all these indices is through empowering the Youth of the country. The Youth need to take charge and come forward to fight for a better tomorrow, and that can only be done if proper opportunities are provided to Youth in different fields.

If anyone wants to bring a change in the system, the only option is to study and get into it. The Indian Youth should consider joining politics and running for different roles such as the governor, bureaucrats, Home minister, and even Prime minister. Youth have the advantage of being a young mind and more connected to today's generation. A youth running the country will help in solving the problems that other Youth faces every day.

Youth has the ability to face any issue and solve it. There has been a rise in the cases of Racism and Islamophobia all across the world. Instead of focusing on important topics such as unemployment, poverty, and corruption, the Youth in our country is divided into a few not-so-important topics. This is because the majority of the Youth has been influenced t=by greedy political leaders who think all about themselves. This is why we need the Youth to be part of politics. Imagine a youth leader who unites every fellow Youth to focus and fight for what will matter for the future, and our country would be great.

To conclude, the Youth has the power to build a nation that will only help in its development. To do so, the Youth of our country should be supported by friends and family members. The Youth should be supported to pursue careers in various fields such as cinema, arts, and politics. The support which everyone will give today to the Youth will help in making our country great in the future. 

The important role of the youth in nation-building has been discussed here, and students can take an idea for writing an essay on my role as a youth in nation-building.


FAQs on Role of Youth in Nation-Building Essay for Students

1. Why is it important to build a nation?

A Nation is a group of people with a common language, beliefs, traditions and culture. Countries have been built from the basis of the shared interest, identity and aspirations of their people coming from different backgrounds. When you say you are Pakistani, Indian or American etc., what comes to your mind? Education, education and education. You have a common identity with all the people living in that particular country which is why you feel united in helping each other in times of need. A nation is a place where all the people live together with harmony and peace because they are united under one umbrella, which is the identity of that particular nation. Building a nation is important because a strong nation can only lead to a stronger economy, which in turn will bring about positive changes for the people living in that country and make their lives easier.

2. What are the traits of a good leader in nation building?

A good leader is a person who has vision and clarity about where he or she wants to take the country. He has complete knowledge about what needs to be done to achieve his goal, whether it's peaceful negotiations between countries at war or building roads within the country. He is a good motivator and knows how to bring out the best in people. He is honest and has high moral values. Last but not least, he is a true leader who can lead from the front and guide others to work for the common good. If a nation has a good leader, it can be possible to bring positive changes in every sector and make the country a better place to live in. With the help of a good leader, a nation can be built in a better way. A good leader can change the destiny of a nation.

3. What are the responsibilities of the youth in nation-building?

Youth has the responsibility to do their bit for nation-building, along with the common people like students, workers etc. Youth should make decisions after much thought and consideration because they hold the future of our generation in their hands. They should work together with all sections of society to bring about positive change in the country. They should also be involved in activities that promote national unity and solidarity. Youth should focus on their education and build a bright future for themselves and their country. They should join the army, civil services, police etc., to serve the nation in their respective capacities. The Youth play a very important role in Nation Building. They are the future of our country, and it is very important to groom them to become good leaders. Youth should be encouraged to take up sports and social work to strengthen our society. If a country has a responsible youth, then that Youth will definitely lead the country to a better future.

4. How can the youth be more involved in nation-building?

The Youth should take up jobs that benefit society. They can join the army, police or civil services to serve our nation. The Youth are our future and should be encouraged to take up sports and social work. Our Youth need to be educated because we cannot progress without them. We all must encourage our Youth to take part in nation-building activities so that together we can create a better future for everyone. With the help of our Youth, many problems can be solved. They should stop taking drugs and other harmful substances. Volunteering for community support activities is a very good way to give back to society while helping our Youth grow stronger in their personal life, health and well-being. If our Youth takes part in nation-building activities, then definitely our nation will be built in a better way.

5. What is the role of women in nation-building?

Women play a very important role in nation-building because they keep the family unit intact and pass on values to the young children. They must not neglect their household work and try to give equal importance to their traditional role while also training themselves to be good citizens. Women should strive for a healthy environment in society and join groups that work to bring about positive changes in their community. They can also involve themselves in nation-building activities like blood donation camps, tree plantation drives etc. There are many jobs women can take up, such as becoming police officers, nurses etc., to serve our nation. The role of Youth in Nation Building is very vital. A responsible youth can definitely lead the country to a better future. Youth should be encouraged to take up jobs that benefit society. Women contribute to nation-building in many ways like working with police, forest department etc. Women play a very important role in nation-building. Nowadays, women are given more freedom, and they play a vital role in society. Women involve themselves in nation-building activities like blood donation camps, tree plantation drives etc. women are taking up jobs in many fields like policewomen, nurses etc. So, women definitely play a very important role in nation-building, and they should be given more opportunities to serve our nation.

6. What is the role of students in building a nation?

Students play a crucial role in building a nation. They are the future leaders, innovators, and responsible citizens. By acquiring knowledge, skills, and values through education, students contribute to economic growth, social harmony, and technological advancement. They also promote cultural understanding and drive positive change in their communities, ensuring a brighter and more prosperous future for the nation.

7. How can the youth contribute to the development of the country?

Youth play a crucial role in a country's growth. By studying hard and learning new skills, they can find good jobs and create new ideas. Starting businesses helps create more jobs and grow the economy. Volunteering in communities and joining social causes can solve local problems and bring people together. Getting involved in politics can bring fresh ideas and changes. Using new technology, they can solve problems and make things better. Their energy and creativity are key to a country's success.

8. What is the importance of being young?

Being young is important because it comes with high energy levels, allowing young people to tackle challenges and achieve their goals. It's a crucial time for learning and gaining skills that will help in the future. Youth bring fresh ideas and creative solutions to problems, driving innovation. They are flexible and adapt easily to changes and new technologies. Additionally, young people often lead movements for positive social and political changes. These factors make youth essential for shaping a better future.

9. What are the 5 importance of youth empowerment?

Youth empowerment is important because it gives young people confidence and skills for better jobs, driving economic growth. It encourage innovation with fresh ideas, leading to progress. Empowered youth participate in community and politics, brings positive change. It reduces inequalities and promotes social inclusion, strengthening society. Lastly, it prepares the next generation for leadership, ensuring a sustainable future.

10. How is youth defined?

Youth is the time in a person's life between being a child and becoming an adult, usually from the teenage years to the early twenties. It is a period marked by growth, learning, and change.

The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

What this handout is about

Used effectively, quotations can provide important pieces of evidence and lend fresh voices and perspectives to your narrative. Used ineffectively, however, quotations can clutter your text and interrupt the flow of your argument. This handout will help you decide when and how to quote like a pro.

When should I quote?

Use quotations at strategically selected moments. You have probably been told by teachers to provide as much evidence as possible in support of your thesis. But packing your paper with quotations will not necessarily strengthen your argument. The majority of your paper should still be your original ideas in your own words (after all, it’s your paper). And quotations are only one type of evidence: well-balanced papers may also make use of paraphrases, data, and statistics. The types of evidence you use will depend in part on the conventions of the discipline or audience for which you are writing. For example, papers analyzing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations of the text, while papers in the social sciences may have more paraphrasing, data, and statistics than quotations.

Discussing specific arguments or ideas

Sometimes, in order to have a clear, accurate discussion of the ideas of others, you need to quote those ideas word for word. Suppose you want to challenge the following statement made by John Doe, a well-known historian:

“At the beginning of World War Two, almost all Americans assumed the war would end quickly.”

If it is especially important that you formulate a counterargument to this claim, then you might wish to quote the part of the statement that you find questionable and establish a dialogue between yourself and John Doe:

Historian John Doe has argued that in 1941 “almost all Americans assumed the war would end quickly” (Doe 223). Yet during the first six months of U.S. involvement, the wives and mothers of soldiers often noted in their diaries their fear that the war would drag on for years.

Giving added emphasis to a particularly authoritative source on your topic.

There will be times when you want to highlight the words of a particularly important and authoritative source on your topic. For example, suppose you were writing an essay about the differences between the lives of male and female slaves in the U.S. South. One of your most provocative sources is a narrative written by a former slave, Harriet Jacobs. It would then be appropriate to quote some of Jacobs’s words:

Harriet Jacobs, a former slave from North Carolina, published an autobiographical slave narrative in 1861. She exposed the hardships of both male and female slaves but ultimately concluded that “slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women.”

In this particular example, Jacobs is providing a crucial first-hand perspective on slavery. Thus, her words deserve more exposure than a paraphrase could provide.

Jacobs is quoted in Harriet A. Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, ed. Jean Fagan Yellin (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1987).

Analyzing how others use language.

This scenario is probably most common in literature and linguistics courses, but you might also find yourself writing about the use of language in history and social science classes. If the use of language is your primary topic, then you will obviously need to quote users of that language.

Examples of topics that might require the frequent use of quotations include:

Southern colloquial expressions in William Faulkner’s Light in August

Ms. and the creation of a language of female empowerment

A comparison of three British poets and their use of rhyme

Spicing up your prose.

In order to lend variety to your prose, you may wish to quote a source with particularly vivid language. All quotations, however, must closely relate to your topic and arguments. Do not insert a quotation solely for its literary merits.

One example of a quotation that adds flair:

President Calvin Coolidge’s tendency to fall asleep became legendary. As H. L. Mencken commented in the American Mercury in 1933, “Nero fiddled, but Coolidge only snored.”

How do I set up and follow up a quotation?

Once you’ve carefully selected the quotations that you want to use, your next job is to weave those quotations into your text. The words that precede and follow a quotation are just as important as the quotation itself. You can think of each quote as the filling in a sandwich: it may be tasty on its own, but it’s messy to eat without some bread on either side of it. Your words can serve as the “bread” that helps readers digest each quote easily. Below are four guidelines for setting up and following up quotations.

In illustrating these four steps, we’ll use as our example, Franklin Roosevelt’s famous quotation, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

1. Provide context for each quotation.

Do not rely on quotations to tell your story for you. It is your responsibility to provide your reader with context for the quotation. The context should set the basic scene for when, possibly where, and under what circumstances the quotation was spoken or written. So, in providing context for our above example, you might write:

When Franklin Roosevelt gave his inaugural speech on March 4, 1933, he addressed a nation weakened and demoralized by economic depression.

2. Attribute each quotation to its source.

Tell your reader who is speaking. Here is a good test: try reading your text aloud. Could your reader determine without looking at your paper where your quotations begin? If not, you need to attribute the quote more noticeably.

Avoid getting into the “they said” attribution rut! There are many other ways to attribute quotes besides this construction. Here are a few alternative verbs, usually followed by “that”:

add remark exclaim
announce reply state
comment respond estimate
write point out predict
argue suggest propose
declare criticize proclaim
note complain opine
observe think note

Different reporting verbs are preferred by different disciplines, so pay special attention to these in your disciplinary reading. If you’re unfamiliar with the meanings of any of these words or others you find in your reading, consult a dictionary before using them.

3. Explain the significance of the quotation.

Once you’ve inserted your quotation, along with its context and attribution, don’t stop! Your reader still needs your assessment of why the quotation holds significance for your paper. Using our Roosevelt example, if you were writing a paper on the first one-hundred days of FDR’s administration, you might follow the quotation by linking it to that topic:

With that message of hope and confidence, the new president set the stage for his next one-hundred days in office and helped restore the faith of the American people in their government.

4. Provide a citation for the quotation.

All quotations, just like all paraphrases, require a formal citation. For more details about particular citation formats, see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . In general, you should remember one rule of thumb: Place the parenthetical reference or footnote/endnote number after—not within—the closed quotation mark.

Roosevelt declared, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” (Roosevelt, Public Papers, 11).

Roosevelt declared, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”1

How do I embed a quotation into a sentence?

In general, avoid leaving quotes as sentences unto themselves. Even if you have provided some context for the quote, a quote standing alone can disrupt your flow.  Take a look at this example:

Hamlet denies Rosencrantz’s claim that thwarted ambition caused his depression. “I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space” (Hamlet 2.2).

Standing by itself, the quote’s connection to the preceding sentence is unclear. There are several ways to incorporate a quote more smoothly:

Lead into the quote with a colon.

Hamlet denies Rosencrantz’s claim that thwarted ambition caused his depression: “I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space” (Hamlet 2.2).

The colon announces that a quote will follow to provide evidence for the sentence’s claim.

Introduce or conclude the quote by attributing it to the speaker. If your attribution precedes the quote, you will need to use a comma after the verb.

Hamlet denies Rosencrantz’s claim that thwarted ambition caused his depression. He states, “I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space” (Hamlet 2.2).

When faced with a twelve-foot mountain troll, Ron gathers his courage, shouting, “Wingardium Leviosa!” (Rowling, p. 176).

The Pirate King sees an element of regality in their impoverished and dishonest life. “It is, it is a glorious thing/To be a pirate king,” he declares (Pirates of Penzance, 1983).

Interrupt the quote with an attribution to the speaker. Again, you will need to use a comma after the verb, as well as a comma leading into the attribution.

“There is nothing either good or bad,” Hamlet argues, “but thinking makes it so” (Hamlet 2.2).

“And death shall be no more,” Donne writes, “Death thou shalt die” (“Death, Be Not Proud,” l. 14).

Dividing the quote may highlight a particular nuance of the quote’s meaning. In the first example, the division calls attention to the two parts of Hamlet’s claim. The first phrase states that nothing is inherently good or bad; the second phrase suggests that our perspective causes things to become good or bad. In the second example, the isolation of “Death thou shalt die” at the end of the sentence draws a reader’s attention to that phrase in particular. As you decide whether or not you want to break up a quote, you should consider the shift in emphasis that the division might create.

Use the words of the quote grammatically within your own sentence.

When Hamlet tells Rosencrantz that he “could be bounded in a nutshell and count [him]self a king of infinite space” (Hamlet 2.2), he implies that thwarted ambition did not cause his depression.

Ultimately, death holds no power over Donne since in the afterlife, “death shall be no more” (“Death, Be Not Proud,” l. 14).

Note that when you use “that” after the verb that introduces the quote, you no longer need a comma.

The Pirate King argues that “it is, it is a glorious thing/to be a pirate king” (Pirates of Penzance, 1983).

How much should I quote?

As few words as possible. Remember, your paper should primarily contain your own words, so quote only the most pithy and memorable parts of sources. Here are guidelines for selecting quoted material judiciously:

Excerpt fragments.

Sometimes, you should quote short fragments, rather than whole sentences. Suppose you interviewed Jane Doe about her reaction to John F. Kennedy’s assassination. She commented:

“I couldn’t believe it. It was just unreal and so sad. It was just unbelievable. I had never experienced such denial. I don’t know why I felt so strongly. Perhaps it was because JFK was more to me than a president. He represented the hopes of young people everywhere.”

You could quote all of Jane’s comments, but her first three sentences are fairly redundant. You might instead want to quote Jane when she arrives at the ultimate reason for her strong emotions:

Jane Doe grappled with grief and disbelief. She had viewed JFK, not just as a national figurehead, but as someone who “represented the hopes of young people everywhere.”

Excerpt those fragments carefully!

Quoting the words of others carries a big responsibility. Misquoting misrepresents the ideas of others. Here’s a classic example of a misquote:

John Adams has often been quoted as having said: “This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it.”

John Adams did, in fact, write the above words. But if you see those words in context, the meaning changes entirely. Here’s the rest of the quotation:

Twenty times, in the course of my late reading, have I been on the point of breaking out, ‘this would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it!!!!’ But in this exclamation, I should have been as fanatical as Bryant or Cleverly. Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in public company—I mean hell.

As you can see from this example, context matters!

This example is from Paul F. Boller, Jr. and John George, They Never Said It: A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquotes, and Misleading Attributions (Oxford University Press, 1989).

Use block quotations sparingly.

There may be times when you need to quote long passages. However, you should use block quotations only when you fear that omitting any words will destroy the integrity of the passage. If that passage exceeds four lines (some sources say five), then set it off as a block quotation.

Be sure you are handling block quotes correctly in papers for different academic disciplines–check the index of the citation style guide you are using. Here are a few general tips for setting off your block quotations:

  • Set up a block quotation with your own words followed by a colon.
  • Indent. You normally indent 4-5 spaces for the start of a paragraph. When setting up a block quotation, indent the entire paragraph once from the left-hand margin.
  • Single space or double space within the block quotation, depending on the style guidelines of your discipline (MLA, CSE, APA, Chicago, etc.).
  • Do not use quotation marks at the beginning or end of the block quote—the indentation is what indicates that it’s a quote.
  • Place parenthetical citation according to your style guide (usually after the period following the last sentence of the quote).
  • Follow up a block quotation with your own words.

So, using the above example from John Adams, here’s how you might include a block quotation:

After reading several doctrinally rigid tracts, John Adams recalled the zealous ranting of his former teacher, Joseph Cleverly, and minister, Lemuel Bryant. He expressed his ambivalence toward religion in an 1817 letter to Thomas Jefferson:

Adams clearly appreciated religion, even if he often questioned its promotion.

How do I combine quotation marks with other punctuation marks?

It can be confusing when you start combining quotation marks with other punctuation marks. You should consult a style manual for complicated situations, but the following two rules apply to most cases:

Keep periods and commas within quotation marks.

So, for example:

According to Professor Poe, werewolves “represent anxiety about the separation between human and animal,” and werewolf movies often “interrogate those boundaries.”

In the above example, both the comma and period were enclosed in the quotation marks. The main exception to this rule involves the use of internal citations, which always precede the last period of the sentence. For example:

According to Professor Poe, werewolves “represent anxiety about the separation between human and animal,” and werewolf movies often “interrogate those boundaries” (Poe 167).

Note, however, that the period remains inside the quotation marks when your citation style involves superscript footnotes or endnotes. For example:

According to Professor Poe, werewolves “represent anxiety about the separation between human and animal,” and werewolf movies often “interrogate those boundaries.” 2

Place all other punctuation marks (colons, semicolons, exclamation marks, question marks) outside the quotation marks, except when they were part of the original quotation.

Take a look at the following examples:

I couldn’t believe it when my friend passed me a note in the cafe saying the management “started charging $15 per hour for parking”!

The coach yelled, “Run!”

In the first example, the author placed the exclamation point outside the quotation mark because she added it herself to emphasize the outrageous nature of the parking price change. The original note had not included an exclamation mark. In the second example, the exclamation mark remains within the quotation mark because it is indicating the excited tone in which the coach yelled the command. Thus, the exclamation mark is considered to be part of the original quotation.

How do I indicate quotations within quotations?

If you are quoting a passage that contains a quotation, then you use single quotation marks for the internal quotation. Quite rarely, you quote a passage that has a quotation within a quotation. In that rare instance, you would use double quotation marks for the second internal quotation.

Here’s an example of a quotation within a quotation:

In “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” Hans Christian Andersen wrote, “‘But the Emperor has nothing on at all!’ cried a little child.”

Remember to consult your style guide to determine how to properly cite a quote within a quote.

When do I use those three dots ( . . . )?

Whenever you want to leave out material from within a quotation, you need to use an ellipsis, which is a series of three periods, each of which should be preceded and followed by a space. So, an ellipsis in this sentence would look like . . . this. There are a few rules to follow when using ellipses:

Be sure that you don’t fundamentally change the meaning of the quotation by omitting material.

Take a look at the following example:

“The Writing Center is located on the UNC campus and serves the entire UNC community.”

“The Writing Center . . . serves the entire UNC community.”

The reader’s understanding of the Writing Center’s mission to serve the UNC community is not affected by omitting the information about its location.

Do not use ellipses at the beginning or ending of quotations, unless it’s important for the reader to know that the quotation was truncated.

For example, using the above example, you would NOT need an ellipsis in either of these situations:

“The Writing Center is located on the UNC campus . . .”

The Writing Center ” . . . serves the entire UNC community.”

Use punctuation marks in combination with ellipses when removing material from the end of sentences or clauses.

For example, if you take material from the end of a sentence, keep the period in as usual.

“The boys ran to school, forgetting their lunches and books. Even though they were out of breath, they made it on time.”

“The boys ran to school. . . . Even though they were out of breath, they made it on time.”

Likewise, if you excerpt material at the end of clause that ends in a comma, retain the comma.

“The red car came to a screeching halt that was heard by nearby pedestrians, but no one was hurt.”

“The red car came to a screeching halt . . . , but no one was hurt.”

Is it ever okay to insert my own words or change words in a quotation?

Sometimes it is necessary for clarity and flow to alter a word or words within a quotation. You should make such changes rarely. In order to alert your reader to the changes you’ve made, you should always bracket the altered words. Here are a few examples of situations when you might need brackets:

Changing verb tense or pronouns in order to be consistent with the rest of the sentence.

Suppose you were quoting a woman who, when asked about her experiences immigrating to the United States, commented “nobody understood me.” You might write:

Esther Hansen felt that when she came to the United States “nobody understood [her].”

In the above example, you’ve changed “me” to “her” in order to keep the entire passage in third person. However, you could avoid the need for this change by simply rephrasing:

“Nobody understood me,” recalled Danish immigrant Esther Hansen.

Including supplemental information that your reader needs in order to understand the quotation.

For example, if you were quoting someone’s nickname, you might want to let your reader know the full name of that person in brackets.

“The principal of the school told Billy [William Smith] that his contract would be terminated.”

Similarly, if a quotation referenced an event with which the reader might be unfamiliar, you could identify that event in brackets.

“We completely revised our political strategies after the strike [of 1934].”

Indicating the use of nonstandard grammar or spelling.

In rare situations, you may quote from a text that has nonstandard grammar, spelling, or word choice. In such cases, you may want to insert [sic], which means “thus” or “so” in Latin. Using [sic] alerts your reader to the fact that this nonstandard language is not the result of a typo on your part. Always italicize “sic” and enclose it in brackets. There is no need to put a period at the end. Here’s an example of when you might use [sic]:

Twelve-year-old Betsy Smith wrote in her diary, “Father is afraid that he will be guilty of beach [sic] of contract.”

Here [sic] indicates that the original author wrote “beach of contract,” not breach of contract, which is the accepted terminology.

Do not overuse brackets!

For example, it is not necessary to bracket capitalization changes that you make at the beginning of sentences. For example, suppose you were going to use part of this quotation:

“The colors scintillated curiously over a hard carapace, and the beetle’s tiny antennae made gentle waving motions as though saying hello.”

If you wanted to begin a sentence with an excerpt from the middle of this quotation, there would be no need to bracket your capitalization changes.

“The beetle’s tiny antennae made gentle waving motions as though saying hello,” said Dr. Grace Farley, remembering a defining moment on her journey to becoming an entomologist.

Not: “[T]he beetle’s tiny antennae made gentle waving motions as though saying hello,” said Dr. Grace Farley, remembering a defining moment on her journey to becoming an entomologist.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Barzun, Jacques, and Henry F. Graff. 2012. The Modern Researcher , 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, and William T. FitzGerald. 2016. The Craft of Research , 4th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Gibaldi, Joseph. 2009. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers , 7th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

Turabian, Kate. 2018. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations , 9th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Put a Quote in an Essay

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How to Put a Quote in an Essay (with Examples)


When writing an essay , it is essential to incorporate quotes from reputable sources to support your arguments and ideas. However, knowing how to use quotes effectively is crucial in maintaining the flow and clarity of your essay. This blog will discuss the proper ways to put a quote in an essay with examples.

Why Use Quotes in an Essay?

Quotes are used in an essay to support or reinforce the writer's arguments and ideas. They provide evidence for your claims and demonstrate that your argument is backed up by research and authority. Incorporating quotes also helps to provide context and depth to your writing and can add a unique perspective to your essay.

Types of Quotes

There are two types of quotes you can use in your essay: direct quotes and indirect quotes.

Direct Quotes: Direct quotes are the exact words used by the source that you are quoting. When using direct quotes, you need to use quotation marks and indicate the source.

Example: According to John Smith, "The Earth is round."

Indirect Quotes: Indirect quotes are a paraphrase of the original source. When using indirect quotes, you do not need to use quotation marks.

Example: John Smith claims that the Earth is round.

How to Put a Quote in an Essay

When using quotes in an essay, there are several rules that you need to follow to ensure that your writing is clear, accurate, and appropriate. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Choose a Relevant Quote

Before you start writing your essay, identify the quotes that you want to use to support your arguments. Ensure that the quotes you select are relevant, reliable, and add value to your essay.

Step 2: Introduce the Quote

Introduce the quote by providing context and indicating who the source is. This will help the reader understand the significance of the quote and its relevance to your argument.

Example: According to Jane Doe, a renowned climate scientist, "Climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity."

Step 3: Use Quotation Marks

When using a direct quote, use quotation marks to indicate that you are using the exact words of the source.

Example: According to Jane Doe, "Climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity."

Step 4: Provide the Source

Provide the source of the quote, including the author's name, the title of the book or article, and the page number. This will help the reader find the source if they want to read it.

Example: According to Jane Doe, a renowned climate scientist, "Climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity." (Doe, The State of the Climate, p. 25)

Step 5: Punctuate Correctly

Punctuate the quote correctly by placing the comma or period inside the quotation marks, depending on whether it is a part of the quote or your sentence.

Step 6: Explain the Quote

Explain the significance of the quote in your own words. This will help the reader understand how the quote supports your argument.

Example: Jane Doe's quote highlights the urgency of addressing climate change as it poses a significant threat to human survival.

Step 7: Cite Your Sources

Ensure that you cite your sources correctly using the citation style specified by your instructor or the style guide for your discipline.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Quotes in an Essay

Using quotes in an essay can be tricky, and many students make mistakes that can impact the quality of their writing. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using quotes in an essay:

Failing to provide context: It is essentialto provide context when using a quote in an essay. Failure to do so can confuse the reader and make the quote appear out of place. Always introduce the quote and provide some background information about the source and why you are using the quote.

Overusing quotes: While quotes can add value to your essay, it is essential not to overuse them. Use quotes sparingly and only when necessary. Overusing quotes can make your writing appear lazy, and it may give the impression that you are not confident in your own ideas.

Incorrectly citing sources: Always cite your sources correctly using the citation style specified by your instructor or the style guide for your discipline. Failure to do so can lead to accusations of plagiarism , which can have serious consequences.

Misquoting or altering a quote: When using a direct quote, it is essential to use the exact words of the source. Do not alter the quote or misquote the source as this can distort the meaning and accuracy of the quote.

Failing to explain the quote: When using a quote, it is important to explain its significance and how it supports your argument. Failure to do so can make the quote appear irrelevant and disconnected from your essay.

Examples of Quotes in an Essay

Here are some examples of how to use quotes in an essay:

Example 1: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Should students be required to wear school uniforms?

Quote: "School uniforms promote a sense of unity and equality among students, and they help to reduce instances of bullying based on clothing." (Johnson, School Uniforms, p. 10)

Explanation: The quote supports the argument that school uniforms can have a positive impact on student behavior and reduce instances of bullying. It is introduced with the source and provides context for the argument.

Example 2: Persuasive Essay

Topic: The importance of recycling

Quote: "Every ton of paper that is recycled saves 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, and 463 gallons of oil." (Environmental Protection Agency)

Explanation: The quote provides a powerful statistic that supports the importance of recycling. It is introduced with the source, and its significance is explained in the following sentences.

Example 3: Expository Essay

Topic: The history of the American Civil War

Quote: "Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." (Lincoln, Gettysburg Address)

Explanation: The quote is an iconic line from Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, which is a significant event in American history. It is introduced with the source, and its significance is explained in the following sentences.

Incorporating quotes in an essay can add depth, context, and authority to your writing. However, it is important to use quotes effectively and appropriately. Always choose relevant and reliable quotes, introduce them with context, use the correct punctuation, explain their significance, and cite your sources correctly. By following these guidelines, you can effectively use quotes in your essay and improve the quality of your writing.

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VFW Youth Scholarship Contest Entries Due October 31

Deadline approaches for voice of democracy and patriot’s pen contests.

quotation for youth essay

The deadline for the Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen scholarship contests is fast approaching. Any middle and high school students interested in participating should complete and submit their essays by October 31 at midnight.

The Voice of Democracy contest, established in 1947, is open to students in grades 9 through 12. Each year, about 25,000 high school students enter the audio-essay competition. The national winner will receive a $35,000 scholarship, which helps fund college or technical school tuition. 

2023-2024 VOD Winner Sophia Lin

The Patriot’s Pen contest, for students in grades 6 through 8, focuses on exploring American history and society. Participants are required to author a 300- to 400-word essay. The Patriot’s Pen winner at the national level will receive a $5,000 scholarship. 

This year’s Patriot’s Pen theme is: “My Voice in America’s Democracy.”

Students interested in entering either competition should contact their local VFW Post. Additional information about the contests is at .

VFW Programs Director Lynn Rolf said Posts that are interested in participating in the contest should start by making a phone call to the school. Rolf added that contacting a school counselor, principal or history teacher is a good starting point.

“The purpose of these contests is to encourage personal growth and foster a greater understanding and appreciation for America, as well as its history and values,” Rolf said. “It is inspiring to watch these students every year chase their dreams. The Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen contests provide them a platform to do so.”

This article is featured in the 2024 September issue of Checkpoint. If you're a VFW member and don't currently receive the VFW Checkpoint, please contact VFW magazine at [email protected]

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Essay on Patriotism for Students and Children

500+ words essay on patriotism.

Essay on Patriotism: Patriotism refers to the passionate love one has for their country. This virtue pushes to citizens of a country to work for their country selflessly and make it better. A truly developed country is made up of true patriots. In other words, patriotism means keeping the country’s interest first and then thinking about oneself. Patriotism can be specifically seen during times of war. Moreover, it helps in building the nation stronger. There are other significances of patriotism as well.

Essay on Patriotism

Significance of Patriotism

Usually, we refer to our country as our motherland. This further proves that we must have the same love for our country as we have for our mother. After all, our country is no less than a mother; it nurtures us and helps us grow. Everyone must possess the virtue of patriotism as it makes it better.

In addition, it also enhances the life quality of the citizens . It does that by making people work for the collective interest of the country. When everyone works for the betterment of the country, there would be no conflict of interest. Thus, a happier environment will prevail.

After that, peace and harmony will be maintained through patriotism. When the citizens have the spirit of brotherhood, they will support one another. Hence, it will make the country more harmonious.

In short, patriotism does have great importance in developing the country. It eliminates any selfish and harmful motives which in turn lessens corruption. Similarly, when the government becomes free of corruption , the country will develop faster.

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Great Patriots of India

India has had a fair share of patriots from the very beginning. The struggle for independence gave birth to various patriots. These patriots have made a lot of sacrifices for the county to flourish and prosper. Their names have gone down in history and are still taken with respect and admiration. Some of the greatest patriots of India were Rani Lakshmi Bai, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, and Maulana Azad.

quotation for youth essay

Rani Lakshmi Bai was one of the most famous patriots of the country. Her courage and bravery are still talked about. Her name always comes up in the revolt of 1857. She revolted against the British rule and to fight for independence. She gave her life fighting on the battlefield for our country.

Shaheed Bhagat Singh is another name that is synonymous with patriotism. He was determined to free India from the clutches of the British rule. He was a part of several freedom struggles. Similarly, he also started a revolution for the same. He dedicated his life to this mission and died as a martyr for the love of his country.

Maulana Azad was a true patriot. The first education minister of India played a great role in the freedom struggle. He traveled through cities and created awareness of the injustices by the British. He united people through his activism and led India to freedom.

In conclusion, these are just a few who were patriots of the country. They lived for their country and did not hesitate before devoting their lives to it. These names are shining examples for the generations to come. We must possess patriotism and work for our motherland to see it succeed.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why is patriotism important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Patriotism is important for the development of a country. It helps in nation-building and driving people to work for the betterment of the country. Furthermore, it fights corruption as well.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Name some of the patriots of India.”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”India has had a lot of true patriots, especially during the British reign. Some of the renowned ones were Rani Lakshmi Bai, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, and Maulana Azad.”} }] }

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  15. Quotations

    YOUTH "Any society that does not succeed in tapping into the energy and creativity of its youth will be left behind" — KOFI ANNAN "Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace" — KOFI ANNAN

  16. Role of Youth in Nation-Building Essay for Students

    Explore insightful essays on the role of youth in nation-building for Class 1 to 12 on Vedantu. Find both long and short essays to enhance your understanding and writing skills.

  17. Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building for Students

    It is a well-known fact that the youth of any country is a great asset. They are indeed the future of the country and represent it at every level. Read Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building here.

  18. Quotations

    The types of evidence you use will depend in part on the conventions of the discipline or audience for which you are writing. For example, papers analyzing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations of the text, while papers in the social sciences may have more paraphrasing, data, and statistics than quotations.

  19. How to Put a Quote in an Essay (with Examples)

    When writing an essay, it is essential to incorporate quotes from reputable sources to support your arguments and ideas. However, knowing how to use quotes effectively is crucial in maintaining the flow and clarity of your essay. This blog will discuss the proper ways to put a quote in an essay with examples.

  20. VFW Youth Scholarship Contest Entries Due October 31

    Any middle and high school students interested in participating should complete and submit their essays by October 31 at midnight. The Voice of Democracy contest, established in 1947, is open to students in grades 9 through 12. Each year, about 25,000 high school students enter the audio-essay competition.

  21. Essay on Patriotism for Students and Children

    Essay on Patriotism: Patriotism refers to the passionate love one has for their country. This virtue pushes to citizens of a country to work for their country selflessly and make it better. A truly developed country is made up of true patriots. In other words, patriotism means keeping the country's interest first and then thinking about oneself.

  22. JD Vance got a former professor to delete a blog post Vance wrote in

    A week after President Barack Obama won reelection in November 2012, JD Vance, then a law student at Yale, wrote a scathing rebuke of the Republican Party in which he criticized it for being ...