10 Photo Assignments to Inspire and Challenge Your Skills

Liz Masoner is a professional photographer and she shares her tips and techniques on photo editing and how to photograph nature, portraits, and events with film and digital cameras. Liz has over 30 years of experience and she is the author of three books on photography.

The best way to learn photography is to practice, though sometimes you can get stuck in a rut and not know what to shoot. That is why photographers love assignments; they give us a purpose and an idea of what to photograph. 

Why Are Assignments Important?

Self-assignments are key to any photographer's growth. Even professionals with decades of experience will work on personal assignments that they may never get paid for. The goal of any self-assignment is to spur creativity, solve problems, learn new techniques, and challenge yourself.

As you start out in photography, you're probably filled with excitement and ready to shoot anything you can. That being said, sometimes a little direction and guidance are necessary.

Below, you will find ten photography assignments. Each covers a new topic, skill, or concept and they were chosen to help you learn how to see as a photographer. They are meant to be a personal challenge that you can complete at your own pace and with no outside judgment, simply as a means to practice and improve your photography. Hopefully, you will learn something new with each assignment and be able to use that in every photograph you take in the future.

Remember when composing your images to keep in mind the basics: the rule of thirds,  shutter speed , aperture,  depth of field , and  exposure .

Assignment #1: Up Close

This assignment encourages you to get close and personal with your subject. It is an exercise in viewing a common object in a new way and examining its finer details.

  • Choose an object that you see or interact with every day.
  • Focus on a small part of it, get as close as your camera will allow you to focus, and shoot away.
  • Try to capture different angles and unusual lighting to add to the mystery of this tiny world.

From the whiskers of your cat to a fragile Christmas ornament, and even common soap bubbles, there is an entire world that we often overlook because we don't get close enough.

Assignment #2: Motion

Photography is a static medium which means that it doesn't move. Conveying a sense of motion is often crucial to capturing a scene or emotion and it is an essential skill for photographers to practice.

The goal of this exercise is to understand how shutter speeds can be used to convey motion.

  • Choose a subject or series of subjects that will allow you to convey motion in your images.
  • It can be slow motions, like that of a turtle, or fast motion, like a speeding train.
  • Blur it, stop it, or simply suggest that there is motion in the photograph.

Challenge yourself to capture the same motion in different ways. For instance, you might go to a race track and stop the movement of the cars completely in one image, then leave the shutter open and allow them to blur out of the frame in the next. 

Assignment #3: Shadows

Shadows are everywhere and they are vital to photography because this is the art of capturing light. With light comes shadows and when you begin to look at shadows as a photographer, your world will open up.

  • Take a look around for shadows and record them with your camera.
  • You could show the shadow as the total focus of the image. Perhaps the shadow is incidental to the subject.
  • Is the shadow natural or created by flash?

Shadows are integral to creating depth in a two-dimensional medium such as photography. Take some time to seriously explore the "dark side" of the light.

Assignment #4: Water

Water is everywhere in photography and it presents many challenges. There are reflections and movements to work with and in this exercise, you will take a deeper look at water.

  • Find water anywhere: lakes, streams, puddles, even the glass on your kitchen table.
  • Pay attention to reflections and use them to your advantage in the photographs. Use this opportunity to get familiar with a polarizing filter (a very useful tool in your camera kit) so you can accentuate or eliminate reflections.
  • Play with the motion of a stream or the crashing waves. Notice the difference between stopping the flow of water and allowing it to blur to create a real sense of movement.

Be sure to make water the subject and not an accent to the image. Water alone is beautiful and mysterious and your challenge is to explore all of its potential as a subject.

Assignment #5: Leading Lines

A classic assignment in photography schools, 'leading lines ' is a popular and fun subject. The goal of this assignment is to learn how to direct the viewer to your subject using lines.

  • Choose a subject then look around for lines in the scene that you can use to 'lead' the viewer to the subject. 
  • Find an interesting line then determine what the subject of your photograph is.
  • Remember that lines can be man-made or natural. For instance, the yellow line down the middle of the road or a tree branch. Even a person's arm can be a leading line of their face.

Use this assignment as an excuse to take an afternoon photo excursion. Walk downtown or in the woods and look around you for interesting lines that lead the eye to a subject. There is an amazing assortment of lines out there in the world and once you begin to see them, you won't be able to stop. 

Assignment #6: Perspective

How do you normally stand when you shoot? If your answer is straight up like a 5-foot-something human being then this assignment is for you. The perspective assignment challenges you to view the world from an entirely new perspective, which in turn gives the viewer a new look at the ordinary.

  • Take another afternoon or evening for a photo excursion wherever you like.
  • This time, every time you find something to photograph, stop!
  • Ask yourself: How would a squirrel see that tree? How would a robin view that birdbath? How would a snake view that log?
  • Take your photographs from very high or very low angles. Get on your belly or stand on a chair, whatever you have to (safely) do to get the 'right' angle on your subject.

If you pay attention to professional photographs, many of the images that have the WOW factor are photographed from extreme angles. People enjoy these photos because they've never seen an object from that viewpoint. It is new and unique, and you can train yourself to shoot with this in mind.

Assignment #7: Texture

You may have captured a few textural details in the 'Up Close' assignment, but this assignment takes that to the next level. The goal in this one is to study textures and forget about the object itself: the texture becomes the subject. You will also begin to realize how light affects the appearance of texture.

  • Find a few objects that have very detailed textures like trees or rocks, even knit sweaters or woven rugs.
  • Photograph them as close as your lens will allow.
  • Use different angles and capture the same texture as the light changes. Notice how the different lighting directions and camera angles can change how much texture appears.

Textures are all around us and many of the best photographs in the world play up the textural element. This assignment should teach you how to recognize and accentuate those elements in your photos.

Assignment #8: Color Harmony

Color is important to photography because the world is full of color. This exercise requires a bit of study in color theory, which you will then put into practice in your photographs.

Do you remember art class in elementary school? You may have learned that yellow and blue make green, but color theory goes beyond that. There are cool and warm colors, complementary and contrasting colors, neutral colors, and bold colors.

It can get quite complicated, and photographers should have a basic understanding of color so you can use that when composing photographs. You don't have to study color like a painter would but can use tricks used by interior designers to influence your color decisions.

  • Once you have an idea of color theory, take another photo excursion and put what you've learned into practice.
  • Capture photographs with the primary or tertiary colors.
  • Look for complementary colors then contrasting colors to photograph.
  • Try finding a scene to photograph that is filled with neutral colors, then one that uses a bold color to 'pop' from the scene.

This is an advanced lesson, but one that any photographer working with color images will find useful. As you practice working with colors, it will become second nature and you will know how to work with color to change the feel of your images.

Assignment #9: Emotions

Take a photo of a person smiling or scowling, right? Not so. The intent of this assignment is to convey emotion in photographs  without  a face.

  • Take photographs that express each of the basic emotions: happy, sad, and mad.
  • How would you express the feeling of anger with no person? What about happiness? Sadness?

This is a purely conceptual assignment, but it is important to be able to relay emotion in your photographs and you might not always have a person available to do that with. Challenge yourself to think deeper about this one.

Assignment #10: Don't Look!

Are you ready to put your photography skills to the test? In today's world of digital cameras and the ability to see image captures right there on the LCD screen, photographers are losing some of the skills needed to visualize a photograph.

In this assignment, your challenge is to shoot as if you were using a film camera. That means that you will not look at the photographs you've taken until they are downloaded on your computer. Instead of relying on the camera's screen to see if you 'got the shot' you will rely on your instinct and knowledge, just like photographers did before digital photography. Can you do it?

  • Plan a photo excursion to a particular location and permit yourself to photograph only 36 images (a roll of 35mm film).
  • Turn off your camera's LCD screen so it does not show you the image after you have taken it.
  • If you cannot turn off the camera's screen, cut a piece of thick paper and tape it over the screen. Use masking or painter's tape so you don't leave a residue on the back of your camera.
  • Go out and shoot your 36 frames, thinking carefully about each image because you don't have an endless number of shots. Bonus points if you turn your camera to completely manual settings for focus and exposure.
  • Don't peek at your photos until you get home and download them.

How did you do? Were you able to get good exposures on your own? How did it feel to be 'blind' and not know how your image turned out right away? 

This is similar to what it is like to shoot with film and it does require you to think harder about every image you take. Next time you shoot, slow down and pay attention, pretend that the screen is not there and rely on your own skills to create a great image. You will be a better photographer in the end.

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How to Make an Absolutely Awesome High School Photography Curriculum

Do you teach photo classes? Do you need a curriculum map for this year? You’ve come to the right place! Teaching photography is a lot of fun! But if you don’t have a plan to help you keep track of where you’re going, it is very possible that you’ll get a little lost in the middle of the semester.

In the last post, I spoke at length about  graphic design curriculum examples , in this post, we’re tackling high school photography! Just like in the last post, I’ve got a free curriculum map overview for one full semester of intro to photography and it lays out which standards go with each unit according to the National Arts Standards. There are few more units in this curriculum because they tend to be a bit shorter than the graphic design ones. Enjoy! 

NOTE: This curriculum uses DSLR cameras, but many of the units may be completed without them.

NOTE: I have given you links to each of the units I’ve created below. The units themselves are available for sale, but if there are videos associated with the units, they will be free for you to view.

Famous Photographer Presentation : This is an ongoing unit. Students choose from a list of famous photographers and research their life work. Students will present their research toward the end of the semester. I use this unit as a “work on this if you have everything else done” project.

Photo Assignments : This is also an ongoing unit. Introduce a new photo assignment weekly and give them a full week to complete it (don’t forget to give them reminders! They’ll need them!)

Legal Issues in Photography : This unit gives students a basic knowledge about the rights of photographers. They will explore some real life photography court cases.

Camera History : What is a camera? Where did it come from? These and other origin questions about photography will be explored in this unit.

Exposure : After a week or two of background information, it is finally time to explore the camera. In this unit, students will explore the manual camera parts.

Digital Camera Basics : This unit explores the different types of cameras. Everything from the phone camera, to the point and shoot, to the high quality DSLRs.

Photo Composition : This unit shows students how to take quality photos (no matter what kind of camera they have).

Introduction to Photoshop : So they know how to take pictures, now they need to know how to edit them! This unit explores the basics of Photoshop.

Colorize a Black and White Photo : Students will learn how to use selection and color tools in Photoshop.

Restore Damaged Photo : Applying previous knowledge, students will bring in a damaged photo from home and learn how to restore them (I also provide images if they don’t have any).

Cut Out Background : Students will learn how to cut the background out of one image and place the subject into another picture. This unit explores the use of selection tools and masks.

Still Life Photography : This unit shows students how to control light through still life photography.

Time Lapse : This unit gives students the chance to practice their masking skills as they combine several photos together into one.

Magazine Cover : This unit will allow students to apply their knowledge of Photoshop and photography.

Historical You (paired with Famous Photographer project) : This is a short, fun assignment where students use images from their famous photographers and mask their faces onto the bodies of those in the images.

Final Exam : Students will apply previous knowledge to show you what they’ve learned through a couple of short application projects.

And that completes one semester of digital photography! If you ALSO would like to see an example of a photo syllabus,  click here !

As promised, below is a sample curriculum map for you, click the button and enter your email!

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These Cross-Curricular Photography Lessons Inspire High School Students to Do Social Good

Because creativity is at the heart of activism.

Teen wearing a shirt that says #schoolsnotprisons - high school photography lessons

Explore the Getty Unshuttered Teacher Portal , a cross-curricular resource for high school teachers filled with lessons that inspire students to raise their voices for social good through photography.  

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“Who am I? What do I care about? How can I make a difference?”

Teens continually attempt to figure out their place in the world. As teachers, we can make a profound impact as our students learn and develop. We can guide those in our classrooms to use their passion, creativity, and energy to make a difference in the world. And now there’s a new resource, created by the Getty Museum, to help teachers do just that. The Getty Unshuttered Teacher Portal is a cross-curricular resource that provides high school teachers with free lessons that inspire students to raise their voices for social good through photography .

Featured Image Photo Credit: Melissa Barales-Lopez, Mia Bella Chavez, Grecia Carey Ortega, and Norma Vidal, [untitled], 2018

Cross-curricular lessons.

Originally developed as a free, photo-sharing app , Getty Unshuttered encourages teens to inspire others with their creativity. The app also teaches photography skills and posts photo challenges. The Getty Unshuttered Teacher Portal is a new resource that provides high school teachers with lessons that incorporate photography and enhance curriculums across a variety of subject areas, such as ELA, history, politics, art, photography , and more. 

Social Justice Themes

The carefully developed lessons tackle social justice themes that resonate with high school students. For example, Exploring Your Background is a lesson that shows students how to use self-portraiture to express their identity. In the accompanying activity, students use their smartphones to capture selfies that reveal their cultural background, family history, and place in society. The lesson also incorporates photography skills videos from the Getty Unshuttered app , and resources such as portraits from the Getty Collection and an “identity map” graphic organizer. 

Other cross-curricular, high school photography lessons from the Getty Teacher Portal delve into impactful, social justice topics, such as:

  • Exploring Communities
  • The Role of Photography in Social Justice Advocacy
  • Identifying Types of Service 

Useful Tools and Resources

Currently, there are eight social justice lessons available on the Getty Unshuttered Teacher Portal. Over the next school year, there are plans to add lessons on photography skills and visual narrative. All  lesson plans include a variety of tools and resources. Examples include relevant activities, photos, videos, discussion guides, graphic organizers, and assessments.

Explore the Getty Unshuttered Teacher Portal

Tap into your high school students’ creative expression through photography that helps them develop a deeper understanding of art, history, literature, politics, and more. Inspire them to raise their voices for social good through Getty Unshuttered’s cross-curricular, high school lessons.

Note: The aim of the portal is to be a tool for educators, and the Getty wants to hear feedback from you directly ([email protected]) in order to be responsive and ensure resources work for you. Going forward, you will see updates to lesson plans as feedback is incorporated.

These Cross-Curricular Photography Lessons Inspire High School Students to Do Social Good

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40 Practical Photography Assignments to Reinspire You


Here are a list of photographic assignments that I hope help you. You can skip around and choose the assignments that appeal to you:

#1. 5 yes, 5 no

If you’re interested in street photography, often the fear of rejection is worse than the rejection itself.

If you want a simple assignment to build your confidence, try the “5 yes, 5 no” challenge.

The concept is simple: approach a bunch of strangers and ask for permission to make their portrait. You have to keep asking until you get 5 people to say “yes” and 5 people to say “no.”

You will discover it is harder to get a “no” than a “yes”.

If you’ve got all 5 “yes’s” but not 5 “no’s”, you need to purposefully go out and look for the scariest people you think will say “no.”

The purpose of this assignment is to help you face rejection. In life, photography, and everything else, we are slaves of fear. This will help you face your fear head-on.

#2. “10 no”

If you’re really, really afraid of getting rejected, try out this assignment (a variation of the 5 yes/5 no assignment).

Go out and try to get 10 people to reject having their photos as quickly as possible.

If you go out and try to find people to say “yes” to getting their portrait shot, you might become paralyzed. Instead, only approach people who you think look unfriendly and will say “no.”

Funny story: you will find that often the scariest/meanest looking people are the nicest (and vice-versa).

#3. Exposure compensation

I am a big proponent of shooting in “P” (program mode). Essentially the camera chooses the aperture/shutter speed for you, as well as the exposure.

If you want to get better exposures in your photos (in P mode), try experimenting with exposure-compensation.

Ask a person to stand in the bright sun, and take a series of different photos (with different exposure compensations):

0, +1, +2, +3, -1, -2, -3

Then look at your LCD screen, and look at the exposure of each photo. Then look at the real world — how does your exposure-compensations change how your photos end up looking?

Don’t get too nerdy with this. Figure out what exposure-compensations work well for your camera, in different settings. Each camera thinks differently and has different exposure compensation modes. So treat this assignment as a way for you to better understand the light, and how your camera thinks.

If it is really bright outside, I generally photograph at -1 exposure-compensation, to make the skin tones of my subject look more natural, and also to darken the shadows. I love the dramatic look this gives my images.

Furthermore, if you’re shooting in the shade, you will often need to shoot +1 exposure-compensation to light your scene better.

But once again, experiment with different exposure-compensations, and figure out what works best for you.

#4. 1,000 photos in a day

If you’re a photographer who only takes 1-2 photos of a scene and tends to run away, try this assignment.

The assignment: take 1,000 photos in a single day.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to “work the scene”. If you see a good scene, try to take at least 10 photos of each scene. This will allow you to capture better perspectives, angles, and moments.

I don’t want you to always take 1,000 photos everyday. But this might help you break through “photographer’s block.”

#5. Eye contact/no eye contact

When I’m shooting street photography, I’m not sure whether a photograph with eye contact or without eye contact will be better.

Solution? Try to get both.

If I’m shooting candidly, I will get close to my subject, and take multiple photos, until they notice my presence. Then I wait for them to notice me, and then I take a photograph when they make contact.

Then when I go home, I have the decision of choosing between two version of a photo: one with eye contact, and one without. Sometimes eye contact works better, sometimes it doesn’t.

There is a saying that “eyes are the windows to the soul.” I generally find photos with eye-contact to be more compelling, soulful, and intense for the viewer.

However at the same time, sometimes having photos with the subject looking away from the camera gives you a more moody feel.

I often like to study famous (painted) portraits of people in the past for inspiration. Look at the paintings with eye contact, and without.

#6. Ask your subject to look up, down, left, right

If you approach a stranger, and ask permission to make their portrait (or if you’re photographing a model), it is hard to direct your subject.

One tip I learned: ask them to look in different directions.

For example, ask your model to look into the camera, and don’t smile. Then ask them to look up, down, left, and right.

Often people have a “better side.” Not only that, but by having your subject look up and down, you change the mood of the photo.

When your subject is looking up, they look more confident, encouraged, and powerful.

When your subject is looking down, they look more downtrodden, depressed, and negative.

Another tip: ask your subject to look at your hand while you’re photographing them. Then move your hand, and see how their eyes track your hand.

Changing the eye and head position of your subject will change the emotion of the photo. Experiment with different head positions with your subject, and you will have more photos to choose from.

#7. Only photograph things on the ground

When it comes to photography, we often just photograph what is in front of us, at eye-level.

Yet we never look down, and we never loop up.

As a simple assignment, do a photo project of just photographing stuff on the ground. You will find lots of interesting subject-matter if you look closely enough.

The world is a rich and beautiful place to take photos. Sometimes we complain that there is “nothing to photograph.” Yet in reality, we’re just not looking hard enough.

Change your perspective and view. Don’t just look ahead. Look down. Look up. Look into cracks in-between walls. Be curious, and change your perspective.

#8. Take at least 10 photos of each scene

I mentioned this tip a bit earlier, but the mistake we make as photographers is that we’re easily satisfied with 1-2 photos, and we move on.

The problem with only taking 1-2 photos (and then checking our LCD screen) is that we don’t push ourselves. When in doubt, try to photograph 25% more than you think you need to photograph.

This will force you to be more creative. You will try to photograph your scene from different distances (close, far) and from different angles (left, middle, right). You can also switch up your positioning (crouching, standing, or tippy-toe).

It is rare to see a good photo-moment. Don’t settle with just 1-2 photos. “Work the scene” and try to take at least 10 photos of each scene. Then you will push your creative boundaries, and be more likely to make a good photo.

#9. Limit yourself to only 36 photos in a day

For this assignment, you’re only allowed to take 36 photos in a day (same amount of photos in a roll of film).

This exercise will help you learn restraint. It will balance out some of the other assignments which encourage you to take more.

If you only had 36 photos you could take in a day, how much more selective would you be with your shooting? What superfluous photos would you not shoot?

I also find that by taking fewer photos, I appreciate each scene more.

You can do this assignment on a digital camera, or on a film camera.

#10. Shoot 1 street corner for an hour

In street photography, we’re impatient. Rather than sticking in one good area and waiting for our subjects to come to us, we run around (often wasting our energy) to just find a few good photos.

The solution: find an interesting street corner, don’t move, and photograph it for an hour.

The purpose of this assignment is to realize that it can be more effective to find a good scene, background, or area, and wait for your subjects to come to you.

Not only that, but if you stay put in one area, you will get to know the area better. You will observe the flow of subjects, and get a feel of a place better. Not only that, but you will be more “invisible” in the scene — people will ignore you.

#11. Delete all the photos from your social media account

An occasional purge is good for our physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Try to do this every once in a while: delete all the photos from your social media, and start from scratch.

Don’t delete the original photos. Keep them on your hard drive, print them out, or archive them.

However if you have a lot of photos cluttering your social media account, make a practice of doing a 100% purge. Delete all the photos (or mark them private), and then re-start from scratch.

Often we let our past work prevent ourselves from innovating and creating new future work.

Purge your past. And start refreshed.

#12. Go a month without using social media

Often as photographers we fall victim to the “social media” treadmill of always uploading a photo everyday, just to feel relevant. We want it for the likes, the comments, the new followers. Yet we get addicted to social media like heroin. Without our daily “hit” of external affirmation, we feel our photography is pointless.

Yet photography should be a personal pursuit. Why care about what others think about your photos? How do you feel about your own photos?

Uninstall all the social media apps from your phone (don’t worry you can re-install them after a month). Don’t upload any photos, look at anyone else’s photos, and try your best not to cheat.

By “fasting” from social media from a month, you will get a better sense of why you make photos. And I can guarantee you, you will feel less stressed and anxious to keep up with the “social media rat race.”

#13. Only shoot black and white for a year

We don’t see the world in monochrome. Black and white is an abstraction in the world. That is why it looks more “artistic” to the average person. It is novel, unique, and different.

However it takes a while for you to train your eye to see the world in monochrome.

Many photographers shoot black and white their entire life, and still never master it. I’ve also found that if I switch between black and white and color too often, I can never learn how to really see the world in one.

The assignment is to shoot only black and white for an entire year. You can shoot RAW+JPEG with a black and white preview. And perhaps you can just use the black and white JPEG’s. If not, apply a simple black and white preset to all of your RAW photos (upon importing them).

How would you visualize the world in monochrome? I’ve found myself looking more for emotions, mood, smoke, shadows, lines, graphical elements, and minimalism.

This will be different for you, but learn how to see in monochrome.

#14. Only shoot color for a year

The opposite assignment to the prior one; shoot only color for a year.

To see the world in color is different than seeing the world in black and white.

Personally, I’ve found shooting color to be more difficult than shooting black and white. Why? Because color leads to more complexity. You need to compose and frame a scene well, but also think about the color-combinations of a scene.

Not only that, but different colors evoke different moods and emotions.

Monochrome is easy to use because it reduces and removes distractions. Color introduces more complexity and distractions.

I would personally recommend most photographers to first try to master monochrome before taking on color photography .

Color photography also requires your exposures to be better, and for you to shoot in better lighting conditions. For color photography, try to shoot sunrise and sunset ( golden hour ), or use a flash.

Train your eyes to become sensitive to different colors and play and have fun with it. See how you can mix different colors in a scene, whether they be complementary colors or contrasting colors.

#15. Only shoot JPEG for a month

RAW and post-processing is a blessing and a curse. The problem is that many of us modern photographers over-rely on fancy post-processing techniques to improve our (mediocre) photos.

I’m guilty of it — I’ve added HDR to my photos, added selective color, intense vignettes, and “overly-processed” many of my photos (thinking that they would make the photos better).

But no matter how much you polish a turd, it will still be a turd.

Shoot only JPEG for a month.

If you’re really anxious, shoot JPEG+RAW (but only use the JPEG’s) for a month.

This way you can’t rely on fancy post-processing techniques to “salvage” your photos. A great photo shouldn’t require any excessive post-processing.

#16. Only shoot with your smartphone for a month

We often make the excuse that we don’t always have our cameras with us. I know personally when I owned a DSLR, it would be a pain in the ass to carry with me everywhere I went.

But today we’re blessed by modern technology, especially with the smartphone. The smartphone is the ultimate camera: it is always with us, fits in our front pocket, and can also be used to edit/post-process/publish our photos.

If you have a big bulky camera and never take photos, take this challenge upon yourself: only shoot with your smartphone for a month. Lock up your “real” camera in a drawer, and see how you can be the most creative with just your smartphone.

The purpose of this assignment is to realize that photography is less about the gear and more about your personal vision, and how you see the world. The tool isn’t as important as your eye.

This assignment might also teach you the importance of just always having your camera with you, ready, and prepared to click.

#17. Stick to one camera, one lens for a year

We’re rich. We live in a culture of abundance. Most photographers I know aren’t starving. Most photographers have an over-abundance of cameras, lenses, and gear.

If you’re a photographer who has too much “choice anxiety” from owning too much gear, only stick to one camera, one lens for a year. Lock up your other gear in a drawer, better yet, sell it or give it away to friends.

If you really want to hone in your photographic vision; you don’t want to be distracted by gear. Also it takes a long time to get to know one camera and one lens/focal length quite well.

By sticking with consistent gear, you will have fewer gear distractions, which will give you more creative focus.

#18. Only shoot horizontal, vertical, or square for a month

I believe in “creative constraints”: by having fewer options, you are forced to be more creative.

For example, take framing. Try to only shoot horizontal (landscape), vertical (portrait), or square-format for a month.

Framing and composition is all about knowing what to leave out of the frame.

Restrict yourself to one orientation for a month and you will find more visual consistency with your work. And you will be forced to compose more creatively.

#19. Only shoot one square block for a month

With unlimited options, we become paralyzed. We don’t know what direction to take our creative work.

Restrict yourself geographically. For a month, only shoot one square block (both sides). This way, you will really have to dig deep, and find something very interesting in that one square block.

The benefit of this project is that you know exactly where to shoot. Just one specific area. And I think it is better to get to know one area very well, rather than knowing a lot of different areas superficially.

Being a great photographer isn’t about traveling the world, to exotic places, and making interesting photos overseas.

Being a great photographer is making the best out of what you have. For not complaining where you live; and being the best photographer in your own home town.

#20. Shoot everyday for a month

The only way to become a better photographer is to shoot more. The more you shoot, the more feedback you will get, and the more connected you will feel with the world.

For a month, take at least 1 photo everyday. It can be with your smartphone, DSLR, or whatever camera you have.

Just make sure it is something personally meaningful to you. Don’t just take the photo for the sake of it. Take a photo everyday of something that stirs your heart. That makes your soul sing.

The Zen masters recommended having a “daily practice.” By repetition, we reach a deeper understanding of “truth.”

In photography, we can read a hundred photo theory books, and still not learn anything. We only learn through taking photos, repetition, feedback, critique, and constantly seeking to improve ourselves.

Don’t put pressure on yourself that everyday the photo has to be great. But just build the habit.

#21. Don’t shoot for a month

To balance out the prior experiment; try to go a month without taking any photos.

You’re not allowed to take photos for a month.

Ironically enough, this assignment might be the best way to re-invigorate your passion for photography. Why? We take photography for granted. But when something is taken away from us we appreciate it more.

#22. Shoot “selfies” for a week

Many of us complain that we don’t have interesting subjects to photograph.

Not true; your best subject is yourself. Because you’re always available, and you won’t say “no” to yourself.

There are different ways you can shoot ‘artistic selfies’ of yourself. Photograph your shadow, reflection, or put your camera on a tripod and setup a scene and shoot yourself.

To photograph yourself is an incredibly intimate experience. It is an experience that allows you to be comfortable on the other side of the camera. Not only that, but it makes you realize that no matter what, you can always photograph something — who better than yourself?

#23. Have your portrait (professionally) shot

I learned this lesson from Sara Lando: if you don’t like being photographed, have another photographer (professionally) shoot your headshot. You will learn what is comfortable (and what isn’t comfortable) being a subject.

If you are a photographer, yet you don’t like having your own photo taken, you debilitate yourself. You assume everyone else doesn’t like having their photo taken (not true).

The secret is how can you make a photo of others (and of yourself) that makes the subject comfortable, at ease, and happy to be photographed?

#24. Shoot with a focal length (you’re uncomfortable with) for a week

We all have our preferences for a certain lens or focal length. If you want to push your creative boundaries, shoot with a focal length that you are very unfamiliar or uncomfortable with for a week.

If you’re a 28mm guy, try shooting only with a 200mm lens for a week. If you’re usually a 200mm telephoto type of person, try a 35mm lens. If you usually shoot with a 50mm lens, try a 28mm lens.

By shifting our focal length, we shift our perspective, how we see the world, and how we approach our subjects.

By pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone for a week, you will gain a new perspective and also perhaps find more gratitude for the focal length you’re already comfortable with.

Or better yet, you might find a new focal length you prefer that can help you be more creative and innovative with your work.

#25. “.7 meter challenge” (1-arm length challenge)

I learned this assignment from my buddy Satoki Nagata. If you’re uncomfortable getting close to your subjects, pre-focus your lens to .7 meters (about 1-arm length distance), and only shoot that distance for a month.

This assignment will force you to get physically and emotionally closer to your subjects.

You don’t need to shoot all your photos candidly. Ask for permission.

The more comfortable you’re shooting at a close distance, the easier it will be for you to take a step back.

#26. Decapitate heads for a week

I often find photos of hands, feet, or body gestures more interesting than faces. So the assignment is to take photos of your subjects without including their faces/heads in the photo.

Try it out: for a week “decapitate” your subjects (don’t photograph their faces). This will force you to see the other characteristics and attributes of your subject on a deeper level.

#27. Buy a mannequin (and use it as a test subject)

I learned this assignment from my friend Charlie Kirk: if you want to learn how to make better portraits, how to better use studio/flash, or how to frame, buy a mannequin as a test subject.

The great thing about having a mannequin is that you will always have a willing subject.

Try using different focal lengths, different settings, different apertures, shutter-speeds, different lighting setups, and anything else you want to experiment with.

This will allow you to better understand how to use your camera technically, how light (especially artificial light) works. Not only that, but you will have a forever patient subject at your disposal (whenever).

#28. Only shoot with a flash for a week

There is a bias in photography against shooting with a flash. People say it looks “harsh” and unnatural” when compared to using natural light.

Yet the flash helps us overcome difficult lighting situations. It gives us more freedom to shoot at different points in the day, when the light might not be so nice.

For a week, experiment taking photos only with a flash. You will discover how the flash works during the day, in the shade, indoors, and other effects it might have on your images.

Having a flash is a good tool in photography. It can help you open up creative doors and opportunities. It will give you more freedom to shoot at all points during a day.

You don’t always need to shoot with a flash, but try to learn it to the best of your ability, and you can use it in special situations (or in all situations).

#29. Put together a photo album

Today’s world is (mostly) digital. In photography, we spend 99% of our efforts sharing our photos online. Very rarely do we print our work, arrange and edit our work, and create physical objects with our photography.

Buy a cheap photo album at the store or online. Print a bunch of your photos as small 4×6’s. Then put together a photo album.

Do it with your partner, children, or friends. Make a theme, concept, or a story. Have fun. Spread the 4×6 prints on the floor, and figure out what kind of pairing, sequencing, and flow you want to add to your album.

Handling physical prints is a different experience than just looking at them on your computer or phone. The physicality of photography adds another dimension for us to be more creative, to find more by-chance connections, and for us to be more engaged with others.

Making a photo album is a nice communal activity, something that families did a lot in the past. Making photo albums can help us re-connect ourselves with the past, but also create physical documents that will be well-preserved into the future.

#30. Print your portfolio

Most of us have our portfolios online. Few of us have printed portfolios.

Look at your entire library of images, and ask yourself: Which of these 10 photos represent who I am as a photographer?

Then print out those photos at any size you like. Figure out how you would like the photos to be sequenced. Then carry them around with you, and share them with your friends. Ask them to sequence your photos according to their emotion and feeling.

Learn to show your photos as prints, rather than just a phone or computer. See how people react differently to your photos, and see how it feels different for you as a photographer.

Photos don’t exist until they’re printed. When photos exist in atoms, we have a deeper connection with them as humans. When we can hold a photo, or a memory in our hands, it feels more real. We appreciate it more, and we feel more connected with them.

I find a nagging sense of incompletion if I don’t print my photos. I appreciate my photos on my computer, but I love them when they’re printed.

This assignment will also give you a good opportunity to re-evaluate your entire body of work and ask yourself: What photos really show who I am?

#31. Give away a photo everyday (for a week)

I feel the best gift you can give others as a photographer is prints. Why? Because prints are meaningful, easy to transport, and relatively inexpensive to print.

As an assignment, print out a bunch of your photos, and for a week, give out at least 1 print a day (to a stranger, friend, your barista, family member, etc). See how it affects their mood, and your own mood.

Photos are about sharing moments, art, and history. Share a little bit of your own soul by giving away your photos. You might discover that giving away your photos for free is more meaningful than selling them.

#32. Start your own photography blog, and blog consistently for 30 days straight

I’m not a big fan of traditional “social media” – because you have no control. You’re a slave to the platform, and you don’t have as much ownership and creative opportunities.

When you create your own blog, you have more flexibility. You can publish your photos, text, and ideas in different format. If you own the blogging platform (I recommend wordpress.org) you then really own your content.

Blogs are great because they are historical documents of our past. Blogging is more difficult than sharing photos on social media, but it is also more personally meaningful.

Furthermore, if you have a blog, it is easier indexed by Google. And anyone with a web browser can access your work rather than only people on a certain social media platform.

The assignment is to start your own blog, and blog consistently for 30 days straight. It can be about anything. You can just upload a photo everyday, upload photos that inspire you, or share some personal stories behind your favorite images. Don’t take it too seriously, but try it for a consistent month.

By making a blog, you gain more ownership of your own photography, creativity, and work on the internet. If you’re a slave to a social media platform, your influence is very limited and you don’t have as many different ways to express yourself creatively.

I see blogs as the future of photography — don’t be left behind.

#33. Write down a list of photographic subjects you don’t like to photograph

How do you know what your “style” is in photography? For me, it is knowing what you don’t like to photograph.

For this assignment, figure out what genres of photography you dislike. Write them down, and simply avoid taking those photos.

Then, by process-of-elimination, figure out what kind of photographer you are (based on what you don’t like to photograph).

Most people I know who are interested in street photography don’t like to take photos of sunsets and landscapes. People I know who like to shoot flowers don’t like to take photos of people. Photographers who like to shoot monochrome generally dislike shooting color (and vice-versa).

Find out who you are via subtraction and process-of elimination. Treat your photographic style the same.

What do you not like photographing? Then just don’t photograph it — photograph the opposite.

#34. Intentionally try to take bad photos for a week

One of the biggest barriers in our photography is that we always try to take really good photos. But it is rare that we make good photos.

So flip the concept upside down: try to intentionally shoot “sh**ty photos” for a week. Get rid of your concepts of good composition, framing, and light. Just take bad photos of whatever you find interesting.

Follow your gut, soul, and instincts. Just click. Don’t think too much.

Then after a week, see if you feel more loose in your photography, less “blocked” creatively. Do you take yourself less seriously? Are you having more fun?

Perfectionism ruins us. Seek to make “good” photos. And in order to do so give yourself permission to make bad photos.

#35. Create your own photography portfolio website

If you want to be more serious with your photography (and taken more seriously), make a photography portfolio website. It can just be your firstnamelastnamephoto.com (or better yet, firstnamelastname.com).

Make your own photography website, and put on your 3 best projects (restrict each project to your 10 best photos). This way, you will be able to think more about long-term projects, rather than getting swept away in the social media madness of just uploading a single (random) photo a day.

When you pass away, what kind of body of work do you want to leave behind? Do you really think that your social media profile will exist after you pass away? Will anyone even look at it?

Having a website (instead of just having social media) is better, but not the best.

Aim on creating a body of work, and several bodies of work, then publish them as books.

#36. Buy one photo book a month (for a year)

I’m a big proponent of photography books and education. For a simple motto, remember the phrase: “Buy books, not gear.”

Gear quickly gets outdated. A great photo book will increase in value over time, both monetarily and its value to you as a photographer.

I recommend trying to invest in at least one photo book a month (for a year). You don’t need to buy an expensive photo book — invest in a book that you plan on re-reading over and over again.

I also recommend buying photo books whenever you have the urge to buy a new piece of gear. Why? Photo books will actually help improve your photography, and the novelty of a new photo book will inspire you.

Every photographer needs inspiration from somewhere. Most of us get our inspiration online, on social media.

There are great photographers online, but if you really want to learn the work of the masters, invest in photo books. Photographers spend many years, thousands of dollars, to create their own book. Therefore you’re more likely to get better images in a photo book, than just when looking online.

A good photo book will last for your entire life and will always be a great source of inspiration for you.

#37. Look at all the portfolios of all the Magnum photographers

You are what you eat. If you look at the work of great photographers, you will aspire to make great photographs.

I also go this assignment from my buddy Charlie Kirk: go to the Magnum Photos website and study all the portfolios of the Magnum photographers.

Write a list of which photographers you admire. Analyze their work, and ask yourself, “Why” you like their work.

Furthermore, when you find a photographer whose work really speaks to you, buy all their photo books, watch all their YouTube interviews, and learn as much about them as you can from them.

The more great images we look at, the more inspired we will be to make great photos. By analyzing great compositions and images, we will subconsciously take better photos when we’re shooting.

Also you will find there are a lot of Magnum photographers whose work you don’t “get” or “like.” That is fine — just think to yourself, “What about their work do I not like? And why would other people like their work?”

#38. Attend a photography workshop

I think photography workshops are great because you get a “shortcut” in your learning and education.

For a workshop, you get a distilled source of information from your teacher, often in a few days or a week.

I personally think that photography workshops are a much better “bang for the buck” than photography schools. And they’re much shorter, focused, practical, and hands-on.

Find a photography workshop on a topic that interests you. And know that you’re investing your money into your education, which is always one of the best investments for your money.

If you want practical instruction in photography, to learn, have any questions addressed, attend a workshop or two.

#39. Learn how to process black and white film

I don’t think digital is better than film, nor is film better than digital. They’re different. But more similar than dissimilar.

I feel the process of shooting film, and learning how to develop it, makes you appreciate the art and process of photography much more.

When I started off in digital photography, I took for granted that you could take a photo and instantly see it on the back of your LCD screen.

Shooting film has taught me patience, appreciation for the process, and the tactile hands-on approach.

If you’ve never processed your own black and white film, give it a try. There are tons of YouTube tutorials on how to do it. By processing your own black and white photos , you will feel a lot more connected with your images. You might fall in love with the process and the magic.

After shooting film for several years, I came back to digital photography with new enthusiasm. I appreciated digital photography so much more in terms of the convenience, the flexibility, and the modern technology.

If you’ve never processed your film before, give it a go. And not only that, but try to print your photos in a darkroom at least once — the experience might totally change how you view photography.

#40. Photograph only hand gestures for a day

I think that great photos tend to have two things: 1) Great composition and 2) Great emotion.

We all know how to make better compositions. Few of us know how to capture emotions.

A practical way to capture better emotions: capture hand-gestures and body language of your subjects.

So for a whole day, do nothing but photograph people doing interesting hand-gestures. Not only that, but afterwards, look at your photos (with hand-gestures in them), and mimic the hand-gesture. This will help you connect emotionally, and empathize with your subjects.

Photos of people just walking (and doing nothing with their hands) tends to be boring. Hand-gestures are much more dynamic, interesting, and emotional.

Much of communication is body-language and hand-gesture based. Photos are silent and don’t say words. But hand-gestures do.

I hope this list of 40 photography assignments will help inspire and uplift you. It is hard to stay motivated in your photography, but know that photography isn’t a race. Photography is a personal journey for yourself. You want to take your time, enjoy the process, and gain personal meaning through your photography.

Never compete with any other photographer. Don’t compare yourself to other photographers by how many followers/likes you have on social media.

Only gauge your progress in photography by your own standards of yourself, and by your own gut.

Know that dips in motivation in photography are natural and part of the game. What matters the most is how are you going to overcome these mental blocks and barriers in your photography. Are you going to let them encourage you to try harder? Or are you going to give up photography all-together.

Tenacity and staying in the game of photography is the goal. Never give up friend. Let’s stick in photography together for the long-haul.

About the author : Eric Kim is an international street photographer. You can find more of his photography and writing on his website and blog . This article was also published here .

photography assignments high school

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Art Class Curator

Hands-on and Minds-curious Art Learning

May 16, 2018 2 Comments

Beyond Selfies: Unshuttering High School Photography Fundamentals

Inside: An examination of the teen-oriented social platform Getty Unshuttered and how its challenges can be used for high school photography lessons.  This post is brought to you by WeAreTeachers and Getty Unshuttered.

Selfies High School Photography

Our lives were inundated with images long before the internet or smartphones came along. We’re a visual species and we’ve been creating images for as long as we’ve been human, but never before have our lives been so dominated by photographs.

A World of Images

One estimate says we’ve gone from seeing about 500 ads a day back in the 1970’s to as many as 5,000 a day now. And that’s just ads! Spend a few minutes scrolling through Twitter or Facebook and you’ll be above 500 images in no time. Our students spend a significant amount of time looking at screens and every day there are more photo-based apps clamoring for their attention.

What Makes a Photograph Good: High School Photography Lessons

The popularity of apps like Instagram and Snapchat have passively educated our students to how photos communicate messages about the world and about themselves. They know that a single photo can make or break a reputation. They’ve seen it happen. The ability to take 20 selfies in 2.5 seconds has awakened them to the storytelling power of photographs. They know how their expression and setting can change the mood and emotion of a photo. They know that others will judge them based on what they show. Our students speak the language of photography, but a lot still gets lost in translation.

Advertisements and memes regularly rely on editing to change the meaning of a photograph. The internet is littered with arguments about the veracity of images because it is getting harder to determine the authenticity of the media we see. In this confusing and often dishonest landscape, I think we art teachers have a responsibility to help our students navigate the world of photography.

What Makes a Photograph Good: High School Photography Lessons

Getty Unshuttered

That’s where Getty Unshuttered comes in. Getty Unshuttered is a new social platform built specifically for teens. Each week, they introduce a new photography challenge that includes a video of a teenager sharing their own photographs and personal story. The concept introduced in the challenge video is explored further with written tips and explanations.

Teens are encouraged to post their own work in the free Getty Unshuttered app . I love that the photographs in the app can be favorited but not commented upon. We all know how cruel comment sections can be. Eliminating that aspect allows students to share their work free from unnecessary negativity.

What Makes a Photograph Good: High School Photography Lessons

High School Photography Lessons

Getty Unshuttered is the perfect tool for high school photography lessons because it pairs a medium that our students are hyper-familiar with and educates them on how it can be shaped and manipulated. By teaching the fundamentals of composition, light, and color, students will better understand why a photograph is good and what makes a photo memorable. Looking at and critiquing artworks inspired by the challenge and created by peers will make it easier for them to dissect the choices the artist made and how those choices impact the final photograph.

Getty Unshuttered can easily be used as the basis for a complete high school photography unit. The lessons will be a hit because they’re hands-on, fun, and incredibly relevant. Each week, you can choose a challenge to share with your classes. After watching the video and going over the written concepts, you can show students photographs that other teens have shared for inspiration and to critique in a controlled setting. Then, you can give students a homework assignment to complete the challenge using their own cameras or smartphones.

What Makes a Photograph Good: High School Photography Lessons

Once they’ve paired their knowledge and stories with the fundamental skills lessons available on Getty Unshuttered , students will be more discerning and observant of the images around them and become better artists themselves.

Light Challenge

There are several challenges already available on the Getty Unshuttered website, including features on skills like perspective, color, and composition. One of my favorites so far is the Light Challenge.

Getty Unshuttered makes it easy to empower students with the knowledge they need to take great photographs, tell their stories, appreciate the work of their peers, test their skills, and understand the increasingly visual world around them.

This post is brought to you by WeAreTeachers and Getty Unshuttered. While I was compensated for this post, all reviews and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.

I’d love to hear about how you’ll use Getty Unshuttered in your classroom in the comments below!

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Reader Interactions

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May 18, 2018 at 4:34 pm

Do they have an idea of when it will be available as an android app?

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June 18, 2018 at 11:25 am

I don’t know. I’m sorry!

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15 Photography Assignments to Challenge and Inspire

By Tata Rossi 23 days ago, Amateur Photography

15 Photography Assignments to Challenge and Inspire

Photography assignments allow you to experiment with something you have never tried before and play around with different photographic approaches. With such an assignment, you will challenge yourself and develop your skills.

15 Ways to Make Photography Assignments

This list of photo assignments consists of 15 points, so I am sure that you will find the idea to your liking.

1. Self Portraits

best photography assignments

The first task is a no-brainer: just take a self-portrait picture each day. Don’t forget to use a tripod and shutter release aside from regular shooting with your arm extended and holding a camera.

Since you will be the model, feel free to unleash your creativity with all sorts of make-up, outfits, poses until you figure out a proper look. Remember to use props as well. Then share your shots with the world via social networks or the dedicated Flickr and Twitter groups.

2. Color Challenge

photography assignments

Here is one of the greatest color photography assignments for the urban environment photos . Bring the camera with you and take pictures for several hours. Pick a color (or ask a friend to choose it for you to complicate the task) and photograph subjects of the chosen color only.

Once you are done, you will find yourself seeing this color everywhere! Then pick the best shots and merge them into a collage or mosaic in Photoshop .

3. After Dark

powerful photography assignments

Practice with night photography and try taking pictures after dark. In case you are outside the city, you may shoot moonlight or star trails. While being in the city, capture light trails of vehicles or buildings with the light-up windows. Regardless of the location, experiment with light-painting by means of long exposure photography and moving a flashlight across areas of the scene.

4. Crop or Rotate All your Photos a Specific Way

One of the best photography practice assignments is to neglect your comfort zone and try something new for a change. For instance, if you have a tendency to snap the same kinds of photos, you should modify their perspective.

Try an approach to cropping or rotating your next 50-100 shots that differs from your regular one. Play around with square photos, 180° rotation or whatever else you can come up with. Once you get out of the familiar artistic routine, you will be able to perceive the world from another angle and get creative.

5. Quit Social Media Temporarily

amazing photography assignments

Social networks can serve as an excellent source of photography inspiration or lead to a complete lack of it. If you use social networks without critical thinking, you may start comparing yourself to other photographers, which will be a total waste of time and effort.

While it may be one of the hardest photography assignments these days, taking a hiatus from social networks is highly important. Log off your Instagram account for some time or uninstall apps that leave you in a bad mood.

In case your job requires staying online on a daily basis, devote some of your time to non-Internet tasks, like taking pictures or gaining knowledge on photography. I suggest taking some online photography courses .

6. Shoot Every Day for a Month

If you wish to become a better photographer , you shouldn’t stop shooting. By taking pictures constantly, you will receive more feedback and will be interacting more actively with the world.

One of the most widespread photography class assignments is to take one picture each day for a month. Do it with the help of the smartphone, DSLR camera or any device that can photograph. But don’t take meaningless pictures just because you have to. The shots you take should resonate with you in one way or another and be valuable to you.

The Zen masters suggest that you have a “daily practice.” When we repeat something, we become closer to recognizing the “truth”. You may read a great number of photo theory books , but you won’t be able to shoot properly. Only through practice, repetition, feedback and constructive criticism, you can grow as a photographer. Remember that this assignment is about forming a habit, not about taking a perfect picture each day.

7. Experiment with a Completely Different Genre

cool photography assignments

The array of photography genres is truly vast. Underwater photography , glamour, smartphone, landscape photography , portrait photography – that’s only a beginning. If you feel like you are losing interest in photography, switch to another genre.

Try staying away from your primary photography genre for a while. In case you shoot portraits, go outside and capture the area where you live in. If you are involved in photographing pets , play around with self-portraiture. By getting familiar with various photography genres, you are widening your photography horizons and gaining new knowledge that may come in useful one day.

8. Put Together a Photo Album

photography assignments you must practice

We live in a digital world, and even nowadays’ photography comes mostly in a digital form. We constantly find ourselves sharing our photos online. It is a rare thing to print photographs, even touch them, let alone create something physical out of them.

That’s why one of the greatest photography tasks is to compile a photo album. You can buy one at a store or online. Print the desired shots in the small 4×6 size. I suggest collaborating on this task with your friend, child or partner. Think of the main idea, theme or story of the album. Put all the printed shots on a surface and consider how you will lay them out in an album, how you will pair them and in what sequence.

No wonder that our parents and elderly relatives used to create a photo book together. It is a nice way to preserve precious memories in a physical form and bring back the moments that we sometimes tend to forget over time.

9. Take Creative Self-Portraits with a Friend

interesting photography assignments

While you may enjoy your own company while taking self-portraits, you may feel bored or lonely after some time. In this case, you can implement one of the most entertaining photography assignment ideas and take self-portraits with a friend (pets are welcome as well!).

Don’t forget to think through the poses, set up the tripod and find the perfect photography light. As you will be engaged in all these activities, you will be able to get a hang of a photographer’s workflow. Then, when it comes to a real photo shoot with the clients, you will be more skilled at dealing with the camera and lights.

10. Attend a Photography Workshop

Photography workshops is an excellent investment in your education as a photographer and one of the most helpful beginner photography assignments.

Pick a workshop that is dedicated to the topic relevant for you. Thanks to workshops, you will get not only theoretical but also practical information. Also, you will have your questions answered by real professionals.

11. Photograph the Same Person or Object Every Day

In case you aren’t as excited about photography as before, try capturing one and the same person or object each day for a week or month. Similar to the smartphone photography challenge, as a result, you will realize the importance of having the freedom to photograph anything you wish.

While snapping pictures of the same object, you will boost your lighting skills. To make the shots differ from each other, don’t hesitate to play around with various types of lighting and photo editing apps .

12. Go a Month Without Using Social Media

Being the photographer of the 21st century, you may find yourself in the never-ending trap of feeling the need to post photos on social networks each day. It all turns into some sort of addiction – all you crave is likes, comments and new followers. If you don’t receive the online praise you need, your photography stops making sense.

In fact, photography is something you should pursue on your own. What truly matters here is your personal thoughts on your shots, not the opinion of users online. Simply uninstall all the social network applications from the smartphone (you can bring them back once the assignment is over). Posting photos and looking through photos of others is prohibited.

If you manage to stay away from social networks for a month, you will acquire a clearer purpose of your photography work. Besides, you won’t be so obsessed with the imaginary social network competition that everyone seems to be involved in.

13. Shoot with a Limited Amount of Equipment

perfect photography assignments

Regardless of whether you are an experienced, amateur or a beginner photographer , you are likely to be after all sorts of photography gear to enhance your results.

How about photography assignments where you have to use a restricted amount of shooting equipment? You can photograph strictly with one camera body or camera lens . There is no need to do it for an entire month.

For this assignment, I suggest coming up with a plan, and do it, for instance, only once a week. Working with the same gear every day will give you more flexibility in both the creative and physical aspects of the process.

So, in case you deal only with a zoom lens, you will have to experiment whenever you shoot indoors . With a wide-angle lens only, you will need to work on cropping and correcting distortions.

14. Limit Yourself to X Photos a Day

Similar to the previous assignment, limiting yourself to 10, 20, 30 or more shots per day, week or month will help you realize what your true creative needs are. Besides, with a photo limit, you will understand what subjects or scenes you are more inclined to photograph.

Another benefit of a photo limit is that it will bring more patience and creativity into the process. You won’t be able to take numerous pictures of one place, so you will be forced to risk and play around with various perspectives.

15. Take Photos with Your Smartphone Camera Only

unique photography assignments

Take pictures only with a smartphone camera for a week. For better results, download a top-notch camera app and try to figure out all of its settings. A modern smartphone will help beginning photographers get acquainted with the technical side of the shooting process.

To complicate the task, I suggest recreating some of your portfolio photos with the smartphone camera. With this assignment, you will learn all the intricacies of shooting with a smartphone and may even start taking shots not only with a standard camera but with a smartphone one as well on a regular basis!

Freebies for Photography Assignments

lightroom presets for beginners

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Check your email to download freebies. (approx. 1-2 min)

Using these presets for beginners, you will be able to enhance portrait, wedding, newborn, landscape, real estate and e-commerce photography. The presets are compatible with all Lightroom versions. Experiment with adjustments to achieve the ideal result!

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Wander Homeschooling

Best High School Photography Curriculums

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Are you looking for high school photography curriculums for your homeschoolers? 

Photography skills can turn into a wonderful career but are also useful for everyday life. 

Whether you are looking for a photography course as high school credit, fine arts credit, or just to learn a new skill, we will go over some popular courses to see which one is a good fit.

I’m reviewing paid and free online photography courses for your high schoolers so all you need is a digital camera and creativity.

High School Photography Curriculum

Photography for teens.

Photography for Teens  takes a different approach by using a smartphone to begin instead of a DSLR camera. 

This course gets teenagers to take beautiful photographs quickly as they begin to understand lighting, framing, focus, and editing. The focus is on good photography in general instead of diving deep into the DSLR settings. 

A course that’s worth .5 credits is broken down into 12 modules including lesson plans using their own camera. If you are looking for a lighter course that gives an overview of photography, this course might be a good fit. 

It’s also a good choice if you don’t have access to a DSLR camera. 

Outschool Photography Classes

Outschool is a wonderful resource for electives and fun classes as well as photography. 

Most of the classes on Outschool are live meetings where your student will interact with a group of other kids including the instructor. Lessons are normally weekly live videos with homework given for your child to work on throughout the week but each class varies.

Manual DSLR Photography 101  is a Flex Class on Outschool with great reviews. The course is for beginner high schoolers ready to use their DSLR camera.

The class is offered with live instruction or pre-recorded instruction with homework assignments. 

Outschool offers personalized instruction so your student’s work (in this case photographs) gets attention and feedback from the instructor. 

The Photography classes on Outschool vary in price but the Flex classes run a bit cheaper since you don’t have live instruction. This particular Manual DSLR class runs around $200. 

Related: Best High School Science Curriculums

iPhone Photography School

iPhone Photography School  is a brilliant way to get your high schooler to take beautiful photos quickly with their cell phone camera. 

Included is 10 hours of video course with lessons ranging from 10-15 minutes each. You can use any cell phone camera, not just an iPhone. 

The price of the course ranges around $50, so a good price point for high school electives. 

I like the simplicity of the course and how quickly your students will start taking beautiful photos with minimal equipment.

Learn Photography for Beginners Free Full Course

This award-winning photography course by Chris Parker is completely FREE to use on Youtube. 

Learn Photography for Beginners  is a 4-hour video broken up into sections. Basically, the entire course is uploaded to YouTube in one long video and you need to watch and learn each section roughly once a week. 

Although the format isn’t ideal since it’s one long video, the content is amazing. 

It really is an entire photography course for free with recommendations for lenses, cameras, Lightroom filters, checklists, and shutter speed, and it’s broken up into time chapters in the description.

I know it’s not the typical curriculum style format that we know and love but I would not overlook this free course.

Digital Photography for Beginners on Udemy

This bestselling course is perfect for beginners and includes topics like how to hold a camera, lens types, mastering camera settings, light, and composition. 

The bulk of the course is short 2-minute videos and there are 2 hours of video altogether in the course. Although the videos are short and to the point, most technical aspects of photography are covered by the course and it’s perfect for high school students. 

Digital Photography for Beginners with DSLR Cameras  is a good starting place for high schoolers and the curriculum is affordable at roughly $25. 

There is a 30-day money-back guarantee for this course but with all the good reviews I don’t think you will need it. 

Alison Photography Free Courses

The Alison Photography area has a lot of courses to choose from both free and paid. 

Each course varies in material covered and length but  Introduction to Digital Photography  is free for anyone to use. 

The course covers the basics of DSLR cameras, the rule of thirds, managing files, full vs. crop frame, and more. Overall, this is a great course to learn about DSLR cameras but I may be lacking in areas like lighting, poses, and hands-on picture taking. 

Alison has a variety of free photography courses with some earning certificates so I wouldn’t overlook these courses. 

Intro to DSLR Photography Curriculum 

Look Between the Lines has created an in-depth beginner  Intro to DSLR Photography class  covering one semester. 

The course is a PDF/PowerPoint presentation only and doesn’t contain video content. although it covers a lot of material, it is better suited for a classroom than homeschooling. It’s geared toward a teacher going through the lessons with a classroom of students. 

It can be used in a homeschool setting by printing out the PDFs and working through the course, there is a lot of classroom/teacher lingo. 

​I love the artistic assignments and projects included and overall this looks like a nice bookwork photography curriculum that ranges around $100. 

Local Photography Classes

​ Don’t forget to check with your local library, local homeschool co-ops, and community colleges about possible dual credit opportunities for photography classes. 

You may find a photography company your high schooler could volunteer for a semester.

High School photography curriculums are a fun way to earn electives and learn about a possible career as a photographer. It allows your student to be creative and hands-on which is a nice break from bookwork.

Let us know in the comments what high school photography curriculum your kids are loving so we can check them out. 

high school photography curriculum

Thanks for sharing!

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1 thought on “Best High School Photography Curriculums”

' src=

This is a great way to teach highschoolers the early stages of photography. Thus, they have added this in their curriculum. Cool!

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photography assignments high school

Photography & Journalism 

Sunset high school, assignment 5: aperture, depth of field & bokeh.

Target: Learn to manipulate the depth of field in your images by choosing the appropriate lens and adjusting the aperture settings on a digital camera.  Creatively choose your focus point, not necessarily the center or closest object.

Directions:  Take images which demonstrate your understanding of aperture settings and depth of field. 

Turn in 4 examples of shallow depth of field with thoughtfully considered bokeh. 

set your shooting mode to Av or M

use a prime lens or zoom lens in full zoom

use the wheel on the camera to  decrease your aperture settings (f-stop)

consider your composition, making thoughtful decisions   about the arrangement of subject matter, balance, lack  distractions, and general feeling of the image

place yourself and your subject with light in the background some distance away from the subject.

     (city lights, sunset through trees, reflected light, Christmas lights, etc.)


portraits and macros make great subject matter for a shallow depth of field

focus on creativity (try unusual combinations, tell a story, solve problems, create something unique)

the more actual depth you have in your view the more you will be able to manipulate it

lights, backlight, reflected light - makes for lovely bokeh

photography assignments high school

Aperture   is the opening between the lens and the shutter that controls the amount of light falling on the CCD sensor.  It is also referred to as f-stops. 

Depth of Field   is the zone between the nearest and furthest points at which the camera can obtain a sharp focus.

Shallow Depth of Field=   large aperture, small f-stop (daylight will require a fast shutter speed so that it won't be washed out)                

Maximum Depth of Field=   small aperture, large f-stop (will require a slower shutter speed so it won't be too dark)

Macro Photography   is extreme close-up photography, usually of small subjects, in which the size of the subject in the photograph is greater than live size. 

                      Use the Macro function to achieve a shallow depth of field by choosing aperture priority and macro on your camera.  Make sure that you are in good 

                      lighting and get very close to your subject.

Bokeh   is defined as “the effect of a soft out-of-focus background that you get when shooting a subject, using a fast lens, at the widest aperture, such as f/2.8 or wider.” Simply put, bokeh is the pleasing or aesthetic quality of out-of-focus blur in a photograph.

photography assignments high school

lightroom skills

For every image remember to use LR to:

Adjust the color tones, brightness, contrast, shadows, highlights, saturation & luminance

Crop and straighten images

Set the resolution to 300 dpi & limit file size to 15000 k for export

Define your personal editing voice with:

Use the brush tool to make adjustments to select areas of the image​

Use the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) panel to make individualized color adjustments​

Use the split toning panel to adjust shadows and highlights independently​

Use the brush tool to do selective edits

Student Examples


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Photography assignments

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Public school history assignment asking if God is real sparks controversy

SKIATOOK, Okla. (KJRH) – An Oklahoma school district is under scrutiny after a parent posted a photo of one of her daughter’s assignments that asked for opinions about religion.

The research paper prompted students to answer questions such as, “Is God real?”

Olivia Gray made the post, which has now been shared a couple hundred times.

She called the world history assignment from Skiatook High School an overall disappointment.

“I fear for the kids here [at the school] who belong to a different faith,” Gray said.

However, Gray said she wasn’t surprised to see this happen, especially after recent controversies about religion in public schools.

Oklahoma’s State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters said the Bible “will absolutely be discussed, it will be taught in the classroom.”

Gray said she didn’t realize the religious instruction would be so blatant.

“I didn’t know it was gonna happen this fast, and I didn’t know it would be that in-your-face. I thought it would be a little sneakier,” Gray said.

Gray was first made aware of the assignment when her daughter Nettie, a sophomore at the high school, brought it up.

Not only did Nettie find the assignment confusing, but she also said she was afraid to even answer the questions for fear of retaliation.

“Like if I didn’t give the answer he [the teacher] wanted to hear, I’m like, he might give me a lower grade,” Nettie said.

Nettie said her friends who have different world history teachers weren’t given that assignment.

Nettie’s older sister Olivia Ramirez, a graduate of Skiatook High School, said it was out of line.

“When you get to questions like, ‘Is God real?’ ‘Is Satan real?’ I don’t even know how I would’ve answered that at that age, let alone try to cite that and find sources for a paper I was going to be graded on,” Ramirez said.

Skiatook High School’s communications director has not returned requests for comment.

However, the district has released a statement saying it became aware of the assignment through social media.

Administrators determined the presentation of the material was not conducive to its instructional plan.

The statement went on to say that administration and staff will continue to collaborate on best practices to meet Oklahoma’s academic standards.

Copyright 2024 KJRH via CNN Newsource. All rights reserved.

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45 High School Art Project Ideas For Your Next Creative Assignment

Art is a medium of expression that can be exhibited through endless ways and creative means. Its beauty lies in the fact that its boundaries are limitless and each art piece can be interpreted according to individual tastes and life experiences.

Thus, choosing a high school art project idea for high school students can be a significant mental task. These very art project ideas can ignite a passion for art, which they may wish to pursue later in their lives. Hence, the need to nudge them into creativity and be aware of its influence on their impressionable minds is important.

Choosing An Art Project Idea

Choosing an art project idea is a very personal experience that is unique to each individual. There are multiple factors involved in this selection that need to be considered before a final consensus is reached. Some steps and criteria to guide you in selecting a project that aligns with your interests, skills, and educational goals are:

  • Identify Your Interests and Passions: Choose a project that resonates with your interests or experiences. Whether it’s a favorite hobby, a cause you’re passionate about, or a theme you find intriguing, personal connection will keep you motivated. You may also consider areas you haven’t explored yet in your artwork. This could be an opportunity to delve into a new style, technique, or subject matter that excites you.
  • Assess Your Skill Level: Choose a project that matches your current skill level while still offering a bit of a challenge. If a project is too difficult, it could lead to frustration, but if it’s too easy, it may not be fulfilling. Consider what skills you want to develop. Do you want to improve your drawing, painting, or sculpting abilities? Pick a project that focuses on these areas.
  • Consider the Resources Available: Ensure you have access to the necessary materials and tools for your project. If not, think about how you can adapt your idea to fit what you have or what you can easily obtain. Think about the time you have to complete the project and the space where you’ll be working. Some projects may require more time or a larger workspace than others.
  • Set a Clear Objective: Be clear about your artistic goals. What do you want to achieve with this project? Is it to express an idea, tell a story, experiment with a new technique, or explore a specific theme? Having a clear goal can guide your creative process. Also, analyse the learning outcomes you wish to achieve. Consider what you want to learn from the project. This could be a new technique, understanding a new concept, or exploring a different cultural perspective.
  • Think About the Audience: Consider whether your project will be displayed publicly, submitted for a competition, or shared with a specific audience. This might influence your choice of theme, style, or medium. Also, consider the message you wish to convey to your audience. Think about what you want your audience to take away from your artwork. What message or emotion do you want to convey?
  • Explore Themes and Concepts: Start with broad themes like identity, nature, technology, or society. Then narrow it down to something more specific that interests you, such as exploring identity through self-portraits or environmental issues through recycled art. On the other hand, if you prefer conceptual art, think about ideas or social issues that are important to you and how you can express them visually.
  • Research and Inspiration: Study the work of artists you admire and analyze what makes their work compelling to you. This can give you ideas for your project. You may create an inspiration board or sketchbook where you gather images, colors, textures, and other elements that inspire you. This can help you visualize and refine your project idea.
  • Experiment and Play: Before committing to a final project, do some sketching or create small prototypes. This allows you to test out ideas, compositions, and techniques. Sometimes, the best ideas come from unexpected places. Be willing to adapt or change your project as you experiment and discover new possibilities.
  • Discuss with Your Teacher or Peers: Discuss your ideas with your art teacher or classmates. They can provide valuable feedback, suggest improvements, or help you refine your concept. If possible, consider collaborating with others. Group projects can offer new perspectives and ideas, making the final work richer and more diverse.
  • Plan for Execution: Once you’ve chosen your project, break it down into manageable steps. This could include research, sketching, gathering materials, and setting milestones. Allocate time for each step and consider deadlines. Good planning will help you stay on track and reduce stress.

High School Art Project Ideas

High school art project ideas need to be selected catering to the age demographic, cultural perspectives, and resources available in the area. At the same time, they need to inspire confidence, explore various art techniques, and spark creativity in the students.

Here are some high school art project ideas that can help with this:

  • Mixed Media Collage: Create a collage using a mix of materials such as fabric, paper, photographs, and paint. The theme could be personal identity, cultural heritage, or a social issue.
  • Self-Portrait Series: Develop a series of self-portraits in different styles (e.g., realism, abstract, cubism) or using various mediums (e.g., pencil, watercolor, digital).
  • Environmental Art: Use recycled materials or natural elements to create artwork that highlights environmental issues such as pollution, deforestation, or climate change.
  • 3D Sculpture: Work with clay, wire, or found objects to create a 3D sculpture. The subject could be anything from a human figure to an abstract form.
  • Perspective Drawing: Explore one-point, two-point, or three-point perspective by creating a detailed drawing of an urban landscape, an interior scene, or a fantasy world.
  • Typography Art: Design an artwork that focuses on typography. You could create a word or phrase using different fonts and styles to convey a message or emotion.
  • Art Inspired by Music: Listen to a piece of music and create an artwork that visually represents the mood, rhythm, or story of the music.
  • Art with a Social Message: Choose a social issue that you’re passionate about (e.g., mental health, equality, human rights) and create an artwork that raises awareness or makes a statement.
  • Time-Lapse Painting: Create a painting or drawing and document the process with a time-lapse video. The final video can be as much a part of the project as the artwork itself.
  • Cultural Exploration: Research an art style or tradition from a culture different from your own and create an artwork that pays homage to or reinterprets that style.
  • Altered Book Art: Take an old or discarded book and transform it into a piece of art by altering its pages through cutting, painting, folding, or adding mixed media elements.
  • Surrealism Project: Create a surreal artwork inspired by artists like Salvador Dalí or René Magritte. Use unusual combinations of objects and dream-like scenes to create a sense of the bizarre.
  • Street Art/Graffiti: Design a piece of street art or graffiti on a canvas or wall (with permission). Explore bold colors, typography, and symbolic imagery to create a powerful visual statement.
  • Shadow Art: Play with light and shadow to create an artwork. Use objects to cast shadows on a surface, or create a sculpture that interacts with light to form interesting shadows.
  • Digital Art/Photo Manipulation: Use digital tools to create or manipulate images. Explore techniques like digital collage, photo manipulation, or creating entirely digital illustrations.
  • Optical Illusions: Create an artwork that plays with the viewer’s perception through optical illusions. This can include impossible shapes, ambiguous figures, or perspective tricks.
  • Fabric Art/Costume Design: Design and create a piece of wearable art or a costume using textiles. This could involve sewing, fabric painting, or even using unconventional materials.
  • Art Inspired by Literature: Choose a favorite book, poem, or short story and create artwork that illustrates a scene, theme, or character from the text.
  • Memory Box/Assemblage Art: Create a memory box or assemblage piece that combines personal objects, photographs, and other materials to tell a story or represent a significant memory.
  • Mural Project: Collaborate with classmates to design and paint a mural. The mural could be on a large canvas, wall, or public space, and could reflect a community theme or shared vision.
  • Time-Based Art: Create a piece of art that evolves, such as a series of photographs documenting the same subject over days or weeks, or a painting that you gradually change over time.
  • Exploration of Color: Create an artwork focused on the use of color. This could involve exploring the color theory, monochromatic schemes, or the emotional impact of color.
  • Nature-Inspired Art: Use natural materials like leaves, flowers, or stones to create an artwork. Alternatively, create a piece that reflects the beauty of the natural world, such as a detailed botanical illustration.
  • Abstract Expressionism: Experiment with abstract art by focusing on colors, shapes, and textures rather than representational forms. Explore different techniques like action painting, dripping, or layering.
  • Cultural Masks: Research traditional masks from different cultures and create your mask using paper mache, clay, or other materials. The mask could represent an emotion, a character, or a personal story.
  • Portrait of a Friend or Family Member: Create a detailed portrait of someone important in your life. This could be done in any medium, and you could experiment with different styles or techniques.
  • Art Inspired by Science: Create an artwork that explores a scientific concept, such as the human body, the solar system, or cellular structures. This could involve detailed illustrations or abstract representations.
  • Interactive Art: Design a piece of art that invites interaction from the viewer, such as a puzzle, a piece that can be touched, or an installation that responds to movement or sound.
  • Symbolism in Art: Create an artwork that uses symbols to convey a deeper meaning. You could explore personal symbols, cultural symbols, or universal ones.
  • Fantasy World Creation: Imagine and create an entire fantasy world through a series of drawings, paintings, or mixed media pieces. This could include landscapes, creatures, and characters.
  • Digital Portraits: Use digital tools to create detailed, stylized portraits. You could experiment with techniques like glitch art, digital painting, or 3D modeling.
  • Time Capsule Art: Create a piece of art that represents the current moment in time for you, which could be placed in a time capsule and opened at a later date to reflect on your thoughts and feelings.
  • Social Media as Art: Create an artwork that explores the impact of social media on our lives. This could involve using digital mediums, photography, or even creating a physical piece that comments on the digital world.
  • Personal Map: Draw or paint a personal map that represents your life journey, your thoughts, or your emotions. It doesn’t have to be a literal map but can include abstract elements that symbolize different parts of your life.
  • Art Installation: Design and create an installation that transforms a space. This could involve light, sound, objects, or even interactive elements that invite viewers to become part of the artwork.
  • Art in Everyday Objects: Transform an everyday object into a piece of art by altering its appearance, function, or context. This could involve painting, sculpting, or assembling objects in new and unexpected ways.
  • Reflection Art: Create an artwork that explores the theme of reflection, either literally (using mirrors or reflective surfaces) or metaphorically (reflecting on a memory, event, or idea).
  • Cultural Symbolism: Research and create an artwork inspired by the symbolism found in a specific culture’s art. This could involve exploring traditional motifs, colors, and patterns.
  • Art Based on a Scientific Principle: Explore a scientific concept through art. For example, you could create a piece that visualizes the concept of time, gravity, or evolution.
  • Thematic Series: Develop a series of artworks around a central theme, such as “Growth,” “Conflict,” or “Transformation.” Each piece should explore a different aspect of the theme.
  • Mind Maps: Create a visual mind map of your thoughts, ideas, or knowledge on a specific topic. This could be done in a highly stylized or abstract way, connecting different concepts visually.
  • Deconstruction Art: Take an object and deconstruct it, either physically or conceptually, to explore its parts in a new way. The final piece could be a sculpture, collage, or abstract artwork.
  • Story Through Objects: Create a still life that tells a story through the arrangement of objects. Consider how the choice of objects, their placement, and the lighting can convey a narrative.
  • Symbolic Jewelry Design: Design and create a piece of symbolic jewelry using materials like metal, clay, or beads. The jewelry could represent a personal story, a cultural motif, or a concept like protection or love.
  • Cultural Exploration Through Fashion: Design a series of fashion pieces inspired by the traditional clothing of different cultures. Consider how you can incorporate cultural motifs, colors, and forms into contemporary fashion design.

Significance Of Introducing Students To High School Art Projects

Art projects in high school are crucial for a number of reasons, contributing significantly to students’ personal development, academic growth, and future success. Some of these reasons are

  • Creative Expression and Emotional Development: Art projects provide students with a healthy outlet for expressing their emotions and thoughts, especially during the often turbulent high school years. Engaging in art helps students explore their identity and beliefs, fostering self-awareness and confidence.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Art challenges students to think creatively and approach problems from different perspectives, enhancing their ability to develop innovative solutions. The process of creating art involves making numerous decisions about composition, color, form, and materials, which strengthens students’ decision-making skills.
  • Cultural Awareness and Appreciation: Art projects often involve exploring different cultures and historical contexts, helping students appreciate diversity and develop a global perspective. Students learn to express their cultural heritage and respect that of others through their work, promoting inclusivity and understanding.
  • Interdisciplinary Learning: Art projects can be integrated with subjects like history, literature, science, and mathematics, providing a holistic learning experience. For example, students might create art inspired by scientific concepts or historical events. Also, engaging in art can enhance understanding and retention in other subjects by making abstract concepts tangible and relatable.
  • Skill Development: Through art projects, students develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and the ability to work with various materials and tools. Art education also helps students develop visual literacy—the ability to interpret, analyze, and create meaning from visual information.
  • Personal Growth and Confidence: Completing an art project requires planning, perseverance, and attention to detail, fostering self-discipline and patience. Successfully creating and sharing art can boost students’ confidence and sense of accomplishment, particularly when they see their work displayed or receive positive feedback.
  • Communication Skills: Art teaches students to communicate ideas and emotions visually, which is an important skill in many fields, from advertising to design to social media. Discussing and critiquing art helps students articulate their ideas and opinions, improving their verbal communication and critical analysis skills.
  • Preparation for the Future: For students interested in pursuing careers in art, design, architecture, or related fields, high school art projects provide a foundation and portfolio development. The skills developed through art, such as creativity, problem-solving, and visual communication, are increasingly valuable in a wide range of careers, not just in traditional art fields.
  • Stress Relief and Mental Wellbeing: Engaging in art can be a form of stress relief, offering a break from academic pressures and helping to improve mental health through mindfulness and relaxation. The iterative process of creating and refining art helps build resilience, as students learn to cope with mistakes and setbacks.
  • Community and Collaboration: Collaborative art projects teach students how to work together, negotiate ideas, and contribute to a collective outcome. Participating in art activities can strengthen the sense of community within a school, bringing students together through shared creative experiences.

Art filtrates every aspect of our lives and can inspire us in many ways. Thus, these high school art projects will not be merely a curriculum requirement but will end up providing an extra edge to the personalities of high school students.

To inspire the Leonardo di Vinci in all of them, you may consider redecorating your classroom as well! Here are 12 creative classroom decor ideas to help you get started on this fun project!

Manpreet Singh

An Engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor, and animal rights activist. I have more than 5 years of teaching experience and have worked closely with students with learning disorders. I have worked with special educators, counselors, and experts in dealing with common issues that students face during their academic journey.

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(727) 851-9965

Engagement photos, engagement proposal photography in clearwater & st. petersburg, florida.

If your wedding is the best, most exciting day of your life, then your engagement day is a close second! Here at Jonathan Fanning Studio & Gallery, we understand that your surprise engagement session is going to be the beginning of a new adventure in your life. We want to document this special time for you and begin capturing memories that last a lifetime.

For over a decade, Jonathan Fanning has provided top-notch proposal photography in St. Petersburg and the surrounding areas. You can trust that Jonathan will immortalize your special day in beautiful photography.

Click to enlarge photos

How our engagement proposal photography process works

  • Of course, the first step is to contact us! You can use our online contact form or give us a call at (727) 851-9965
  • We’ll discuss the details of your surprise engagement photography session. If you’d like to capture the surprise of the proposal, we’ll plan a location in advance for Jonathan to photograph the moment discreetly. Other details to discuss include outfits and what kind of final product you would like.
  • Pay your retainer to secure your proposal date / time
  • Shoot photographs of one of the most memorable moments of your life!
  • Deliver your photographs in high resolution via download
  • Start planning for your big day! ( Need a wedding photographer ? We’ve got your covered there, too.)

Why choose us for your engagement photography?

  • First of all, because we’re awesome!
  • We will guide you in preparing for your proposal & posing during portraits
  • We offer competitive rates and produce high-quality photographs
  • We have over 15 years of experience
  • You’ll never have to worry about losing your photographs: we back them up both while taking the photos in camera and once we download your photos onto multiple hard drives and in the cloud
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee

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Seven quick tips for a perfect engagement or proposal photoshoot.

photography assignments high school

  • Schedule your proposal engagement session a minimum of 1-2 weeks prior to your desired proposal date to allow proper planning. 
  • Choose outfits that suit your personality and make you feel attractive! Make sure you create color harmony and both outfits coordinate well together. Please do not wear short shorts or skirts. This makes posing more difficult. Long, flowing dresses, jeans, or khakis make better selections. Color coordination is also a must!   
  • Think about a location for your proposal. Something sentimental is always encouraged. We can also make recommendations for the perfect proposal location. 
  • And most importantly: don’t over think and have fun!

Kind Words from Clients

Jonathan basically came out of the bushes to get beautiful (surprise) photos of my fiancé proposing to me! He was so kind and helped take the awkward edge off of posing for photos in public by guiding us with his great suggestions. We received the photos quite rapidly and they turned out amazing. The format we received the photos in was very user friendly and well-explained. Ryan and I look forward to working with him again in our exciting future wedding photos! – Ryan & Marilyn
I hired Jonathan at the recommendation of a friend to capture a proposal for me. I’m very glad I did. He was instrumental in picking out a location to have a surprise proposal pulled off in public without the feel of being in public. He met with me a few days before and we went around Downtown St. Pete to a few different locations. We talked about logistics and what I wanted from the evening for my fiancée. He was able to listen to what I had in mind and help show me places where we could make it happen. During the proposal he was out of sight and located in an excellent position to capture her reaction. After the initial candid shot of the proposal he came up and congratulated us, introduced himself to my new fiancé and directed us through another little photo shoot. He made us at ease and helped guide us into positions and poses that made for some excellent pictures. We couldn’t be happier with our experience. The pictures turned out great and were available to us within 48 hours. He is very reasonably priced for the service and quality you will receive. – Brad
Thank you so much! These are amazing and just what we were looking for. We haven’t stopped talking about how professional and great you were with everything you put into making this day perfect for us. Thank you again! – Mike & Shari
“I recommend Jonathan wholeheartedly. We worked with him for a proposal and engagement photo shoot and he was excellent. On time (early in fact) to the proposal to capture the special moment, then very professional for the post-question pictures. The images achieved an impressive balance of capturing our emotions in the moment while still maintaining a “professional photo shoot” quality. Overall, Jonathan was excellent to work with and I recommend him to anyone.” Spencer

Frequently Asked Questions about Engagement and Proposal Photography

How much does it cost.

Contact us for pricing information. All proposal sessions include: Up to 1 hour i.e. hiding, waiting, photos of proposal, portraits, etc. and a download of the high resolution images with print release.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards. Payment is required upon booking to secure your appointment date and time.

Do you recommend any locations for my proposal?

We sure do! Contact us today so that we can discuss.

Do you provide any props or set up for my proposal?

Unfortunately we do not provide any set up or props. However, we can recommend several floral and décor companies.  

Do you offer prints or albums?

We sure do. All prints and albums are handmade with professional archival photographic paper.

Do you retouch the photographs?

All prints or album images ordered through us include retouching i.e. removal of stray hairs, blemishes, soften wrinkles, whiten teeth, etc.

How will I receive my photographs?

We will send you a private online gallery to access and download your images.

I live outside of Florida! Do you travel?

We sure do. We’ve had the opportunity to serve our clients in New York City, Rhode Island, Georgia, Colorado, Kentucky, Las Vegas, and North Carolina.

The Best Places to Propose in Tampa Bay

Are you planning on popping the question and in search of the best places to propose? Tampa Bay is a dream destination for the most amazing proposal and engagement photos! St Petersburg & Clearwater are full of award-winning beaches and picturesque destinations to provide the most romantic backdrop for your proposal. We have specialized in proposal photography for over 15 years and are a Tampa Bay native with a wealth of knowledge of some of the very best places to propose around Tampa Bay and capture the moment. Contact us today to learn more.  

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celebrating your style

Through captivating imagery.

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an exclusive portrait experience

(because you're not like anyone else ... your portraits shouldn't be either).

Hi, I’m Rana. A photographer, mom, and serious coffee lover dedicated to making sure your Bradenton portrait experience is anything but ordinary. 

I’m known for bold, bright photography that’s been featured in Cosmo, People, and Today (yep, still pinching myself). I love dreaming up creative, one-of-a-kind photoshoots, gathering props, and helping you choose the picture-perfect outfit. I’ve designed my exclusive portrait experience around my love of magazine-worthy style, interior design, and a home full of gallery worthy images you can’t stop staring at.

This means you'll get ...

     • A full day dedicated to you      • Professional outfit consultations      • An in-person photo reveal meeting

and sooooo much more!

featured on - 

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my images are vibrant and

Full of life.

From hands-on-posing + pro hair & makeup, to inspo boards + dream locations - I make sure you're feeling totally VIP from the moment you contact me!

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i've got the details

you know you want 'em!

senior sessions

Branding sessions, family sessions.

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working with rana was amazing! I love my images!

photography assignments high school

" Rana made the whole experience extremely enjoyable and easy! "

Rana from Roohi photography is absolutely amazing! I hate being in front of the camera and dreaded having new headshots taken.  She made the whole experience

experience extremely enjoyable and easy... and I LOVE my photos! They couldn't have turned out better. Highly recommend.

Carly Heiser

photography assignments high school

" My senior experience with Rana was so amazing! "

Having the chance to have my senior experience with Rana was so amazing! It made me feel like the whole day was about me, and really made my whole senior year perfect. She made me feel beautiful and was so much fun! Loved every second of my day and love all of my photos!

senior year perfect. She made me feel beautiful and was so much fun! Loved every second of my day and love all of my photos!

cate, class of '22

JW Mitchell High School

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Kristen Sloan Photography Blog

Indian Rocks Beach Florida Photographer

St Pete +Treasure Island + St Pete Beach Florida Wedding + Portrait Photographer Kristen Sloan

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Thanks for visiting! My name is Kristen Sloan and I am a St Petersburg Florida Portrait  & Wedding Photographer. My lifestyle portrait sessions allow plenty of time to capture amazing portraits and intimate candids.

My beach portrait sessions are very popular with families, high school senior portrait sessions and engaged couples. If the beach isn’t your thing, downtown St Petersburg offers a variety of urban and outdoor locations for your portrait session.

I especially love creatively photographing weddings with candid photojournalism, classic portraits and wedding decor details, allowing the Bride and Groom to enjoy their special day!  I photograph Weddings & Portraits  in Treasure Island , St Pete Beach , Maderia Beach, Indian Rocks Beach, Belleair Beach , Clearwater Beach and Downtown Saint Petersburg. I also love photographing portrait sessions and weddings at the Sarasota beaches of Anna Maria Island, Longboat Key & Siesta Key.

Kristen Sloan

Kristen Sloan Photography

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St Pete Beach + Treasure Island + Anna Maria Island + Longboat Key Wedding Photographer

Treasure Island Florida Photographer | St Pete Beach Wedding Portrait Photographer | Gulf Coast Florida Wedding Photographer

St Pete Beach Treasure Island FL Family + Kids + Baby+ High School Seniors + Headshot Photographer Kristen Sloan

Saint Petersburg Treasure Island FL St Pete Beach Portrait Wedding Photographer Kristen Sloan

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  3. Photography Project Ideas for High School in 2024

    Complement your work with some photo editing manipulations to bring your pictures to perfection. 3. Light Painting. Light Painting is one of the most exciting photography portfolio ideas for students. You can take fantastic photos just using your camera, light source, and your creativity.

  4. 10 Photo Assignments to Inspire and Challenge

    Assignment #3: Shadows. Shadows are everywhere and they are vital to photography because this is the art of capturing light. With light comes shadows and when you begin to look at shadows as a photographer, your world will open up. Take a look around for shadows and record them with your camera.

  5. 3 Lesson Plans for High School Photography Classes

    3 Lesson Plans for High School Photography Classes - Improve Photography. 3 Lesson Plans for High School Photography Classes. Have you ever tried teaching a teenager science, math or technology? If you have, you know it can be a.

  6. How to Make an Absolutely Awesome High School Photography Curriculum

    Photo Assignments: This is also an ongoing unit. Introduce a new photo assignment weekly and give them a full week to complete it (don't forget to give them reminders! They'll need them!) Legal Issues in Photography: This unit gives students a basic knowledge about the rights of photographers. They will explore some real life photography ...

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    Here are 12 exciting photography assignments to help you find the right one. 1. Shoot With a Limited Amount of Equipment. Whether you're a full-time photographer, a hobbyist, or a beginner, you're probably itching to invest in all kinds of equipment to take your photos to the next level. But here's a challenge.

  8. High School Photography Lessons Inspire Students to Do Social Good

    Tap into your high school students' creative expression through photography that helps them develop a deeper understanding of art, history, literature, politics, and more. Inspire them to raise their voices for social good through Getty Unshuttered's cross-curricular, high school lessons. Explore the Getty Unshuttered Teacher Portal.

  9. 40 Practical Photography Assignments to Reinspire You

    Limit yourself to only 36 photos in a day. For this assignment, you're only allowed to take 36 photos in a day (same amount of photos in a roll of film). This exercise will help you learn ...

  10. Beyond Selfies: Unshuttering High School Photography Fundamentals

    Photo Credit: @Valenzuela02 High School Photography Lessons. Getty Unshuttered is the perfect tool for high school photography lessons because it pairs a medium that our students are hyper-familiar with and educates them on how it can be shaped and manipulated. By teaching the fundamentals of composition, light, and color, students will better ...

  11. High School Photography Projects

    High School Photography Projects. These articles feature outstanding high school photography projects by students studying qualifications such as GCSE, IGCSE and A Level Photography, AP Photography, IB Photography and NCEA. If you would like to have your own high school photography project featured in the Student Art Guide, please read our ...

  12. 10 Photography Assignments to Stimulate Your Creativity

    1. The Park Bench. Take your camera and a tripod to a park, and find a busy park bench. Set yourself up some distance away with a long lens aimed at the bench and pre-focused. Settle in, and for the next few hours take images at fixed time intervals, say every ten minutes. This is really an exercise in timelapse photography.

  13. 15 Photography Assignments to Challenge and Inspire

    15 Ways to Make Photography Assignments. This list of photo assignments consists of 15 points, so I am sure that you will find the idea to your liking. 1. Self Portraits. The first task is a no-brainer: just take a self-portrait pictureeach day. Don't forget to use a tripodand shutter release aside from regular shooting with your arm extended ...

  14. Best High School Photography Curriculums

    iPhone Photography School is a brilliant way to get your high schooler to take beautiful photos quickly with their cell phone camera. Included is 10 hours of video course with lessons ranging from 10-15 minutes each. You can use any cell phone camera, not just an iPhone. The price of the course ranges around $50, so a good price point for high ...

  15. Lesson 4: Depth of Field & Bokeh

    Aperture is the opening between the lens and the shutter that controls the amount of light falling on the CCD sensor. It is also referred to as f-stops. Depth of Field is the zone between the nearest and furthest points at which the camera can obtain a sharp focus.. Shallow Depth of Field= large aperture, small f-stop (daylight will require a fast shutter speed so that it won't be washed out)

  16. Photography Projects for High School

    Feb 13, 2016 - Explore Elizabeth Osborne's board "Photography Projects for High School", followed by 350 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about photography projects, photography, photography lessons.

  17. Photography Assignments Teaching Resources

    These fun high school photography assignments are great beginner photography lessons for smartphone photographers or advanced DSLR users! This will work for students as young as 6th grade but has also been used with grades 9-12.Can be used in part or whole for distance learning!Included in this pro. Subjects: Arts & Music, Visual Arts.

  18. Photography Student? Here is Some Advice from Teachers

    Push Yourself — Regardless of whether you are taking photography to get needed credits, or are passionate about becoming a photographer, you should push yourself artistically and creatively for each and every assignment and have fun doing the assignments. 2. Experiment — School is the safest place to experiment with your photography and be ...

  19. High School Photography Online Classes

    High School Photography Online Classes. 🎥 Engaging live video chat classes. 🏅 Vetted and passionate teachers. 🚀 Build confidence through progress. Filter. Manual DSLR Photography 301 for Teens: The Art of Photography. €25 per class.

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  21. 45 High School Art Project Ideas For Your Next Creative Assignment

    Art is a medium of expression that can be exhibited through endless ways and creative means. Its beauty lies in the fact that its boundaries are limitless and each art piece can be interpreted according to individual tastes and life experiences. Thus, choosing a high school art project idea for high school students can be ... <a title="45 High School Art Project Ideas For Your Next Creative ...

  22. Engagement Proposal Photography in Clearwater & St. Petersburg, Florida

    How our engagement proposal photography process works. Of course, the first step is to contact us! You can use our online contact form or give us a call at (727) 851-9965. We'll discuss the details of your surprise engagement photography session. If you'd like to capture the surprise of the proposal, we'll plan a location in advance for ...

  23. Bradenton, Sarasota, Tampa, St Pete Photographer

    I'm Rana. A photographer, mom, and serious coffee lover, de. dedicated to making sure your Bradenton portrait experience is anything but traditional and ordinary. I'm known for bold, bright photography that's been featured in Cosmo, People, and Today (yep, still pinching myself). I love dreaming up creative, one-of-a-kind photoshoots ...

  24. Kristen Sloan Photography Blog

    My beach portrait sessions are very popular with families, high school senior portrait sessions and engaged couples. If the beach isn't your thing, downtown St Petersburg offers a variety of urban and outdoor locations for your portrait session.

  25. St. Petersburg High (hs) / Homepage

    Welcome to St Petersburg High SchoolHome of the Green Devils. 2501 5th Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33713 (727) 893-1842 Fax (727) 893-1399 Guidance Fax (727) 893-5542 School Hours - 7:25 to 1:55.