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macbeth ambition theme essay

Grade 9 Essay: How does Shakespeare present the theme of ambition in the play?

What is the shortest essay which can get full marks.

macbeth ambition theme essay

I’m writing a guide to how to write essays at each grade for Macbeth. My Ultimate Guide to Macbeth shows you how to understand the whole play, scene by scene, to above grade 9. It also shows you how to write about each scene at grades 6, 7, 8, 9 and beyond grade 9.

I’ve written over 20 guides and it is the best guide I have ever written.

But, what if you are a student who just wants a grade 5, or just wants a grade 7, or you want a grade 9, but you want it as quickly as possible. You don’t want to read an Ultimate Guide to Macbeth - that’s going to have a lot of Mr Salles brilliance in it but, no offence Mr Salles, English isn’t even in my top 5 subjects.

I want the maximum marks, with the minimum effort.

So, that’s why I’m writing a series of new guides, showing you ‘just’ what you need for each grade, and no more.

How I wrote the essays in the essay writing guide (out in September)

I found all the essays I could which had been marked by a senior examiner.

I rewrote them, changing all the words, but keeping every idea and technique, and every quote.

Then I counted the features of each essay. Exam criteria are vague and open to interpretation. So I wondered, are there features of each essay I can count, which are not open to interpretation? And then, if we do count these features, will they predict the right mark?

Let’s find out.

This is an extract from the guide. Normally, my comments, and the examiner comments, follow the essay. Here, I have put the comments first so you can see what the examiner is looking for before you read the essay.

Response 24

Thesis Statement Yes Explanations 9 Quotes 5 Named Methods 5 Society/era/patriarchal/Jacobean/contemporary/ historical reference etc 3 Shakespeare 4 Exploratory Could, Might, May, Perhaps, Probably 0 Conclusion Yes Paragraphs 7

My Comments

Well, well, well. I was not expecting that mark. (It scored 25/30).

It doesn’t have anywhere near the number of references or quotations I was expecting for AO1.

It introduces the idea that ambition will affect ‘reason’, but never actually proves it –there are many easy examples and quotes revealing the mental state of Macbeth – is this a dagger, murdered sleep, never shake they gory locks, my mind is full of scorpions etc - and Lady Macbeth sleepwalking. The original essay included mistakes in identifying adverbs and nouns, which I’ve got rid of, because even naming them correctly adds no marks. There is very little context used to back up interpretations.

So, what has impressed the examiner?

There are both a thesis statement and a conclusion, so it becomes a well-constructed argument. The student has quoted from the end of the play right at the beginning, to show that they are dealing with the whole text. Although they don’t give many examples from the rest of the play, they do move through it chronologically, so it is a well-constructed argument. This, and very specific language to describe it, helps the student look at Macbeth’s character arc, his ‘journey’, showing how Macbeth changes. The answer looks at the structure of the play in two ways. First by viewing Macbeth’s life in two parts – a rise and fall. Secondly, by exploring Banquo as the antithesis to Macbeth in his ambition. These two ideas mark the answer out as thoughtful and different from most students’ essays.

Examiner Comments

The answer focuses on ambition right from the start and with every point. The thesis statement and next paragraph make it clear that the student is dealing with the whole text. The essay is thoughtful and developed. The student embeds quotations and references to illustrate their ideas. The student’s comments about Shakespeare’s intentions throughout the essay show that they realise his choices are deliberate. In order to get into level 6 the student should explore more of Shakespeare’s ideas.

Write down the other ideas you could put into this essay.

Find references or quotes to back these up.

Write another 350 words to add in to get 30/30.

Thank you for reading Mr Salles Teaches English. I want every student to be able to go up by several grades. Please share this post to help me reach that goal.

The 420 Word Essay!

Shakespeare reveals ambition as the dominant theme in the play, because it is Macbeth’s overpowering ambition which leads to his immoral murder of King Duncan. Lady Macbeth and the witches can only influence Macbeth in this because his ambition is already so great.

In this extract, Shakespeare explores how ambition influences even the most honourable. This is why he gives Lady Macbeth the perspective that Macbeth’s character is “ too full o’th’ milk of human kindness ”, which is her real perception because Shakespeare reveals it in SOLILOQUY. We associate “ milk ” with innocence and purity, which implies that Macbeth is too noble to act on his ambition. Yet, once he has reigned as king, he is viewed as a “ butcher ”, because he has become both cruel and indiscriminate in his killing.

This change from excessive kindness to tyranny is a surprising journey, which warns the audience of the danger of ambition. Moreover, Shakespeare portrays ambition as a force which will overcome morality and reason. He gives Lady Macbeth the view that Macbeth is “ not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it ”. The COMPARISON of ambition to “ illness ” implies that it is destructive, and also that this destruction can turn on the ambitious person themselves, attacking their sense of morality and ability to be kind.

Macbeth lists every reason not to murder Duncan, before focusing on his “ vaulting ambition ”. This METAPHOR implies that his ambition is more powerful than his conscience, so he will overcome his moral objections.

Paid subscribers get a grade 9 exam answer every week, with examiner comments. There are over 40 already published, to which paid subscribers get full access.

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macbeth ambition theme essay

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Macbeth is a play about ambition run amok. The weird sisters ' prophecies spur both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to try to fulfill their ambitions, but the witches never make Macbeth or his wife do anything. Macbeth and his wife act on their own to fulfill their deepest desires. Macbeth, a good general and, by all accounts before the action of the play, a good man, allows his ambition to overwhelm him and becomes a murdering, paranoid maniac. Lady Macbeth, once she begins to put into actions the once-hidden thoughts of her mind, is crushed by guilt.

Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth want to be great and powerful, and sacrifice their morals to achieve that goal. By contrasting these two characters with others in the play, such as Banquo , Duncan , and Macduff , who also want to be great leaders but refuse to allow ambition to come before honor, Macbeth shows how naked ambition, freed from any sort of moral or social conscience, ultimately takes over every other characteristic of a person. Unchecked ambition, Macbeth suggests, can never be fulfilled, and therefore quickly grows into a monster that will destroy anyone who gives into it.

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No Sweat Shakespeare

How Macbeth Addresses Power and Ambition

The Tragedy of Macbeth is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare that was first performed back in 1606. Macbeth dramatizes the psychological and physical damaging effects caused by the political ambition of those who look for power just for their own sake.

The driving force in this tragedy is the ambition, or more specifically, the ambition that goes unbridled by any theory of morality. And that is why the theme of ambition in Macbeth starts to look like a dangerous quality. We did some research on this topic and went through some of the free paper and essay examples on . And many of the students who have written Macbeth essays on ambition state that all of his actions were inspired by his ambitions, and that led to horrific punishments and deaths of many characters, it even caused the downfall of both Lady Macbeth and him.

The source of Macbeth’s ambition

Macbeth’s ambition is driven by various factors. To begin with, he has a deep desire for advancement and power, although that is not the only thing that made him turn to crime. It took two other factors that forced that hunger and made him take various violent actions just to obtain power.

  • The three witches were the ones who initially made Macbeth act on his ambition. Still, his wife, Lady Macbeth, was the one who gave him ideas and pushed him to murder. She was constantly telling him to focus on his ambition and not pay attention to his conscience. She encourages him to feel free and put aside his guilt, and murder Duncan.
  • Throughout the whole tragedy, the witches make many prophecies, and Macbeth believes them every time and allows the prophecies to influence his next actions. As an example, Macbeth kills Banquo just because he was a threat to the throne. The prediction always ended up being true. However, it is unclear whether they are truly predictions of fate or simply were self-fulfilled due to the manipulation of Macbeth.

Controlling Ambition

The ambition of Macbeth starts to get out of control and makes him repeatedly kill, just to cover up his previous murders. His first victims are the people that he framed for the murder of King Duncan. He killed them as a “punishment.” Later, his fear of Macduff makes him murder Macduff and his family. That unnecessary murder of Macduff’s wife and his children clearly showed that Macbeth lost control over his ambition.

Balancing Morality and Ambition

We also see some honorable examples of ambition in Macbeth . Malcolm decides to test the loyalty of Macduff. So he starts pretending to be lustful, greedy, and power-hungry. However, Macduff condemned him and cries out for the future of Scotland. With that, he showed his allegiance to the country. Macduff’s steps and Malcolm’s decision to test him demonstrate that the moral code is a powerful position that is more important than just ambition to get there.


The consequences of the ambition in this play are dire. Many innocent people are killed, and Macbeth dies known as a tyrant, which is a significant downfall because he started as a noble hero. Also, neither Macbeth nor his wife get the opportunity to enjoy the things that they gained. Thus, forming a summary and telling the readers that it is more fulfilling to achieve your goals in a fair way than achieve them through corruption.

Macbeth ambition

Macbeth and his wife see how their ambitions made them cross many moral lines that lead them to their downfall. Once Macbeth killed Duncan, his ambition to hold the title of a king becomes very intertwined with his paranoia, and he becomes obsessed with maintaining the power that he got instead of enjoying the fruits of his ambition.

Macbeth’s ambition can be contrasted with the ambition of Banquo, who also listens to the witches’ predictions and had many ambitions for his sons. However, Banquo’s morality didn’t allow him to pursue his goals at such a terrible cost. At the end of this tragedy, Macbeth had achieved everything that he wanted but was left without anything. With Lady Macbeth’s death, he had no hopes of producing a prince, so he finally understands that his ambition made him lose all that he holds dear.

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Fernanda Costa

Hi! I really like your thoughts and the way you expressed them so clearly. However, there seems to be a problem in the text: the passage “his fear of Macduff makes him murder Macduff and his family” seems to be wrong, since Macbeth does not kill Macduff. It is quite the opposite, actually. Thank you for sharing your ideas!

jmartin cruel

The ambition, or more especially the ambition that is unrestrained by any idea of morality, is the driving force behind this catastrophe. And for this reason, Macbeth’s theme of ambition begins to seem like a potentially deadly one. Razones por Divorcio en Estado de Nueva York Abogados de Divorcio de Rochester Nueva York

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Macbeth Ambition Essay | Essay on Macbeth Ambition for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Macbeth Ambition Essay: Without ambition, several great achievements by humankind would not have been reached. Nobody would have dreamed of creating opportunities, discovering, and clashing against several failures to succeed if there was no ambition driving them.

Though we have always seen ambition as a positive drive towards success, unrestrained ambition is humanity’s greatest downfall. We see ambition as the most important theme in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, also an evil motivation that encourages Macbeth’s cruel nature and slowly turns him into a vicious, bloodthirsty demon.

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Long and Short Essays on Macbeth Ambition for Students and Kids in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Macbeth Ambition” for reference.

Long Essay on Macbeth Ambition 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Macbeth Ambition is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Ambition has been humanity’s driving force since the beginning of time. But that drive has not always played out to be positive. Throughout history, there have been numerous examples of a man abusing his power and position to achieve things they did not deserve.

The extreme obsession with power and uncontrolled ambition portrayed in the Shakespearean play Macbeth introduces us to an extreme ambition that leads towards a bloody path of greed. In Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the main personality Macbeth shows a link with the themes “Great ambition leads to loss of humanity” and “Paranoia eats away a person’s soul.”

Macbeth’s character is a good, courageous, and beloved man at the start of the play, and after finishing his latest battle, he was given a new title. However, fate seemed to have different plans for the fine, brave, ambitious Macbeth. Macbeth was told by the three weird sisters that he will one day become king. Thus lighting up the fire of greed within Macbeth, head-starting his descent into madness and the guilt he feels towards the acts he has committed.

Lady Macbeth is very similar in the sense that once she was aware of Macbeth’s ambition, it planted her deep-rooted desire for the crown as well. However, their various similarities end with Duncan’s demise and the way they both experience guilt over what they did. Lady Macbeth uses her husband’s drive and ambition to orchestrate the current king, Duncan’s murder so that Macbeth can rule as a king. But despite his lust for the position, Macbeth’s ethic and morality stopped him. Therefore, Lady Macbeth proceeded with the king’s execution alone to help her husband reach his ultimate goal.

Though Lady Macbeth wasn’t entirely the reason behind Duncan’s murder, her evil ambition causes her to proceed with her evil act. Lady Macbeth’s ambition overrides her husband’s, and she convinces him to murder the current king. One could say that without Lady Macbeth, the murder would not have taken place. When Lady Macbeth criticizes Macbeth accusing him of not loving her and doubting his manliness, his ambition increases, and he also wants to prove that all the things he is accused of is false.

Though the story revolves around Macbeth, his wife, and their ambition to get the throne, three witches made the initial strike. Their influence may have introduced the sinister idea into Macbeth’s psyche and giving him the ambition to take over the kingship. You would think that both the characters’ overarching ambition was seizing the throne by getting rid of Duncan. But it’s not the major reason why he does it. Initially, it was his ambition that drove him to do anything for him to attain the throne. But later, it was his manly ego and ambition to prove his wife, his masculinity, and love.

In the end, three sources ultimately led towards the murder of Duncan. Macbeth’s ambition, another is Lady Macbeth’s influence and ambition, and lastly, it is the witches’ influence that led Macbeth to think about becoming the king. The story wouldn’t have taken place if it was not for the overarching ambition of the characters.

Short Essay on Macbeth Ambition 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Macbeth Ambition is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The central theme of Macbeth—the destruction brought by the corrupting power of unchecked ambition— finds its most powerful expression in the play’s two main characters. In the play Macbeth, by Sir William Shakespeare, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth share various similarities throughout the play. Arguably, their most dominating semblance is their shared lust for power. The ambition of becoming the king drives Macbeth, and in the process of becoming one, he and his overtly ambitious and manipulative wife commits multiple murders. But this intense avarice, in the end, leads to their ruin in differing ways.

Overall, Shakespeare presents ambition as an entity that can corrupt a character and pay an inevitably tragic fate for them. He uses Lady Macbeth and Macbeth as examples of people with an unchecked ambition and extreme thirst for power. Ultimately their insatiable greed and ambition for power are the cause that brought upon their deaths.

10 Lines on Macbeth Ambition in English

  • Unchecked ambition is the main theme of the play Macbeth.
  • Shakespeare sets Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as examples of overly ambitious and greedy people.
  • In the beginning, Macbeth was a courageous and ethical man, but greed and ambition got the better of him.
  • The three witches introduced the idea to Macbeth of becoming the king.
  • Lady Macbeth’s ambition led her to expose her unethical and immoral side.
  • Lady Macbeth’s persuasion and manipulation caused Macbeth to commit some serious crimes.
  • Macbeth’s initial ambition turned into an obsession to prove his masculinity, courage, and love to his wife.
  • In Macbeth, cruelty has been seen as a masculine characteristic in Lady Macbeth’s and Macbeth’s eyes.
  • If Lady Macbeth were absent from the story, the series of heinous murders wouldn’t have occurred.
  • This play portrays the fact the being overly ambitious can be destructive.

FAQ’s on Macbeth Ambition Essay

Question 1. Why is Macbeth’s ambition important?

Answer: Ambition is an important theme throughout the play of ‘Macbeth.’ is Not only Macbeth ambitious but also his wife, Lady Macbeth

Question 2.  Is ambition good or bad in Macbeth?

Answer: The ambition in Macbeth is negative as the consequences of the ambition shown here are murders and treachery.

Question 3.  What are the consequences of Macbeth’s ambition?

Answer: Macbeth’s ambition results in him to commit murders. He murders Duncan, the current king, and people in line for the throne to become the king.

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Understanding Macbeth's Ambition

An Analysis of Ambition in Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'

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Ambition is the driving force of William Shakespeare's tragedy " Macbeth ." More specifically, it is about ambition that goes unchecked by any concept of morality; this is why it becomes a dangerous quality. Macbeth’s ambition inspires most of his actions, and that results in the deaths of numerous characters and the ultimate downfall of both himself and Lady Macbeth.

The Sources of Ambition in 'Macbeth'

Macbeth’s ambition is driven by a number of factors. For one, he has a deep internal desire for power and advancement. However, that is not exactly why he turns to crime. It takes two outside forces to ignite this hunger and push him to take violent action to obtain power.

  • Prophecies: Throughout the play, the Macbeth witches make a number of prophecies, including that Macbeth will become king. Macbeth believes them each time, and often uses the predictions to decide his next actions, such as killing Banquo. While the prophecies always turn out to be true, it is unclear whether they are preordained instances of fate or self-fulfilling via the manipulation of characters like Macbeth.
  • Lady Macbeth : The witches may have planted the initial seed in Macbeth’s mind to act on his ambition, but his wife is the one who pushes him to murder. Lady Macbeth’s persistence encourages Macbeth to put aside his guilt and kill Duncan, telling him to focus on his ambition, not his conscience.

Controlling Ambition

Macbeth’s ambition soon spirals out of control and forces him to murder again and again to cover up his previous wrongdoings. His first victims of this are the chamberlains who are framed by Macbeth for the murder of King Duncan and killed as “punishment.”

Later in the play, Macbeth’s fear of Macduff incites him to pursue not only Macduff but also his family. The unnecessary murder of Lady Macduff and her children are the clearest example of Macbeth losing control over his ambition.

Balancing Ambition and Morality

We also see a more honorable take on ambition in "Macbeth." To test Macduff’s loyalty, Malcolm pretends to be greedy, lustful, and power-hungry. When Macduff responds by condemning him and crying out for the future of Scotland under such a king, he shows his allegiance to the country and refusal to submit to tyrants. This reaction from Macduff, along with Malcolm's choosing to test him in the first place, demonstrates that moral code in positions of power is more important than the ambition to get there, especially blind ambition.


The consequences of ambition in “Macbeth” are dire—not only are a number of innocent people killed, but Macbeth’s life also ends with him being known as a tyrant, a significant downfall from the noble hero he begins as.

Most importantly, Shakespeare gives neither Macbeth nor Lady Macbeth the opportunity to enjoy what they have gained—perhaps suggesting that it is more satisfying to achieve your goals fairly than acquire them through corruption.

Does Violent Ambition End With Macbeth?

At the end of the play, Malcolm is the victorious king and Macbeth’s burning ambition has been extinguished. But is this really the end to over-reaching ambition in Scotland? The audience is left to wonder if Banquo’s heir will eventually become king as prophesied by the trio of witches. If so, will he act on his own ambition to make this happen, or will fate play a part in realizing the prophecy?

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English Summary

Notes on the Theme of Ambition in Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Ambition fills a man with eagerness. Once it is discovered in one’s mind, it demands to be acted upon. Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a tale of the fight between men’s instinct and their love for hierarchical order.

The witches plant the driving force of the plot in the mind of Macbeth . The ambition which gets into him is actually a discovery of his self-knowledge. Here we can see, how the same lure set by the witches start different kinds of thoughts in different characters. 

When an obsessively ambitious person is busy in progress, he remains less dangerous. Every time the progress of ambition is presented in the play, violence happens. In a political climate, we get to see minds revealing themselves at the mercy of ambition.

Macbeth’s life could have been an example of honour and royalty sanctioned by society but he is a deeply ambitious person with a relentless pursuit of power. He realises what is right but he is a slave to his darker side.

Here we see, how ambition spreads its branches across individuals. Ambition makes her ruthless. With acute clarity, she brings Macbeth out of the moral dilemma and conspires him into darker deeds. She is caught in a conflict of “ unsex ”ing herself.

macbeth ambition theme essay

Macbeth – A* / L9 Full Mark Example Essay

This is an A* / L9 full mark example essay on Macbeth completed by a 15-year-old student in timed conditions (50 mins writing, 10 mins planning).

It contained a few minor spelling and grammatical errors – but the quality of analysis overall was very high so this didn’t affect the grade. It is extremely good on form and structure, and perhaps could do with more language analysis of poetic and grammatical devices; as the quality of thought and interpretation is so high this again did not impede the overall mark. 

Thanks for reading! If you find this resource useful, you can take a look at our full online Macbeth course here . Use the code “SHAKESPEARE” to receive a 50% discount!

This course includes: 

  • A full set of video lessons on each key element of the text: summary, themes, setting, characters, context, attitudes, analysis of key quotes, essay questions, essay examples
  • Downloadable documents for each video lesson 
  • A range of example B-A* / L7-L9 grade essays, both at GCSE (ages 14-16) and A-Level (age 16+) with teacher comments and mark scheme feedback
  • A bonus Macbeth workbook designed to guide you through each scene of the play!

For more help with Macbeth and Tragedy, read our article here .


Macbeth’s ambition for status and power grows throughout the play. Shakespeare uses Macbeth as an embodiment of greed and asks the audience to question their own actions through the use of his wrongful deeds.

In the extract, Macbeth is demonstrated to possess some ambition but with overriding morals, when writing to his wife about the prophecies, Lady Macbeth uses metaphors to describe his kind hearted nature: “yet I do fear thy nature, / It is too full o’th’milk of human kindness”. Here, Shakespeare presents Macbeth as a more gentle natured being who is loyal to his king and country. However, the very act of writing the letter demonstrates his inklings of desire, and ambition to take the throne. Perhaps, Shakespeare is aiming to ask the audience about their own thoughts, and whether they would be willing to commit heinous deeds for power and control. 

Furthermore, the extract presents Macbeth’s indecisive tone when thinking of the murder – he doesn’t want to kill Duncan but knows it’s the only way to the throne. Lady Macbeth says she might need to interfere in order to persuade him; his ambition isn’t strong enough yet: “That I may pour my spirits in  thine ear / And chastise with the valour of my tongue”. Here, Shakespeare portrays Lady Macbeth as a manipulative character, conveying she will seduce him in order to “sway “ his mind into killing Duncan. The very need for her persuasion insinuates Macbeth is still weighing up the consequences in his head, his ambition equal with his morality. It would be shocking for the audience to see a female character act in this authoritative way. Lady Macbeth not only holds control of her husband in a patriarchal society but the stage too, speaking in iambic pentameter to portray her status: “To catch the nearest way. Thou wouldst be great”. It is interesting that Shakespeare uses Lady Macbeth in this way; she has more ambition for power than her husband at this part of play. 

As the play progresses, in Act 3, Macbeth’s ambition has grown and now kills with ease. He sends three murders to kill Banquo and his son, Fleance, as the witches predicted that he may have heirs to the throne which could end his reign. Macbeth is suspicious in this act, hiding his true intentions from his dearest companion and his wife: “I wish your horses swift and sure on foot” and “and make our faces vizards to our hearts”. There, we see, as an audience, Macbeth’s longing to remain King much stronger than his initial attitudes towards the throne He was toying with the idea of killing for the throne and now he is killing those that could interfere with his rule without a second thought. It is interesting that Shakespeare presents him this way, as though he is ignoring his morals or that they have been “numbed” by his ambition. Similarly to his wife in the first act, Macbeth also speaks in pentameter to illustrate his increase in power and dominance. 

In Act 4, his ambition and dependence on power has grown even more. When speaking with the witches about the three apparitions, he uses imperatives to portray his newly adopted controlling nature: “I conjure you” and “answer me”. Here, the use of his aggressive demanding demonstrates his reliance on the throne and his need for security. By the Witches showing him the apparitions and predicting his future, he gains a sense of superiority, believing he is safe and protected from everything. Shakespeare also lengthens Macbeth’s speech in front of the Witches in comparison to Act 1 to show his power and ambition has given him confidence, confidence to speak up to the “filthy nags” and expresses his desires. Although it would be easy to infer Macbeth’s greed and ambition has grown from his power-hungry nature, a more compassionate reading of Macbeth demonstrates the pressure he feels as a Jacobean man and soldier. Perhaps he feels he has to constantly strive for more to impress those around him or instead he may want to be king to feel more worthy and possibly less insecure. 

It would be unusual to see a Jacobean citizen approaching an “embodiment” of the supernatural as forming alliance with them was forbidden and frowned upon. Perhaps Shakespeare uses Macbeth to defy these stereotypical views to show that there is a supernatural, a more dark side in us all and it is up to our own decisions whereas we act on these impulses to do what is morally incorrect. 

If you’re studying Macbeth, you can click here to buy our full online course. Use the code “SHAKESPEARE” to receive a 50% discount!

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AQA Macbeth mock essay questions bundle x10

AQA Macbeth mock essay questions bundle x10

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Assessment and revision


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9 September 2024

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macbeth ambition theme essay

AQA Literature Paper 1 Section A: Macbeth

10 mock essay questions - each resource includes an extract from the play and a question.

Mirrors the real GCSE exam paper.

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  • Act 3, scene 1 - Power
  • Act 4, scene 1 - The witches and the power of the supernatural
  • Act 5, scene 3 - Macbeth’s leadership and the theme of kingship
  • Act 5, scene 5 - Macbeth’s transformation

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Macbeth Power — The Power And Ambition In Macbeth By William Shakespeare


The Power and Ambition in Macbeth by William Shakespeare

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Published: Mar 18, 2021

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Bloom, Harold. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. Riverhead Books, 1998.Campbell, Lily B. Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion. Routledge, 2016.Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Shakespearean Criticism, Volume 1. Elibron [...]

This essay will explore some of the key examples of manipulation in Macbeth, highlighting the consequences of these manipulative actions. One of the most prominent examples of manipulation in Macbeth is Lady Macbeth's [...]

Equivocation is a literary device that involves the use of ambiguous language in order to deceive the listener or reader. In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, equivocation is a common theme that is used by the witches to manipulate [...]

Motivation serves as a driving force that compels individuals to pursue their goals and desires. In the case of Macbeth, the protagonist's motivation is rooted in his ambition to seize power and fulfill the prophecy of becoming [...]

Bradley, A. C. (2008). Shakespearean tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. Penguin Classics.Cavell, S. (2005). Disowning knowledge in seven plays of Shakespeare. Cambridge University Press.Garber, M. [...]

In the play Macbeth, ambition, strength, and insanity play major roles in how the characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth behave and react. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth present all three of these behaviors at one time or another [...]

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macbeth ambition theme essay


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