
Great Andhra

Kgf chapter 2 review: మూవీ రివ్యూ: కేజీయఫ్‌-2.

రివ్యూ: కేజీయఫ్‌ – ఛాప్టర్‌ 2 రేటింగ్‌: 3/5 తారాగణం: యష్‌, శ్రీనిధి, రవీనా టాండన్, సంజ‌య్ దత్, ప్రకాష్ రాజ్ తదితరులు సంగీతం: రవి బస్రూర్‌ కూర్పు: ఉజ్వల్ కులకర్ణి ఛాయాగ్రహణం: భువన్‌…

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kgf movie review greatandhra

రివ్యూ: కేజీయఫ్‌ – ఛాప్టర్‌ 2 రేటింగ్‌: 3/5 తారాగణం: యష్‌, శ్రీనిధి, రవీనా టాండన్, సంజ‌య్ దత్, ప్రకాష్ రాజ్ తదితరులు సంగీతం: రవి బస్రూర్‌ కూర్పు: ఉజ్వల్ కులకర్ణి ఛాయాగ్రహణం: భువన్‌ గౌడ నిర్మాత: విజయ్‌ కిరగందూర్‌ రచన, దర్శకత్వం: ప్రశాంత్‌ నీల్‌ విడుదల తేదీ: ఏప్రిల్ 14, 2022

2018 లో కన్నడ సీమ నుంచి వచ్చి దేశం మొత్తానికి వినిపించేంత గట్టిగా తొడగొట్టి నిలబడ్డ చిత్రం “కేజీఎఫ్ ఛాప్టర్-1”. 

కంటెంట్ పరంగా కొన్ని లోటుపాట్లున్నా అధికశాతం ప్రేక్షకులకి పూనకం తెప్పించగలిగిన కారణంగా ఆ చిత్రం చరిత్ర సృష్టించింది.

ఇప్పుడు దాని సీక్వెల్ కేజీఎఫ్ -2 వచ్చేసింది. 

“బాహుబలి-ది బిగినింగ్” కంటే “బాహుబలి- ద కంక్లూజన్” ప్రేక్షకుల మెప్పు పొంది మూడు రెట్లు పెద్దదనిపించుకుంది.

మరి “కేజీఎఫ్- ఛాప్టర్‌ 1” కంటే “కేజీఎఫ్- ఛాప్టర్‌ 2” అలా అనిపించుకోనుందా?

విషయంలోకి వెళ్తే “కేజీఎఫ్-2” లో కూడా అదే హై సౌండ్ కథనం. అయితే ఈ తరహా జానర్ ని సెట్ చేసి విజయం సాధించాడు కనుక అదే మార్గంలో నడిచాడు. 

రాజమౌళి, బోయపాటి, కొరటాల లాంటి దర్శకులు హీరో ఎలివేషన్స్ కి పెట్టింది పేరు. ఇప్పుడు ప్రశాంత్ నీల్ ఆ ముగ్గురినీ మించిపోయాడు. ఎవెంజెర్స్, సూపర్ మ్యాన్ లాంటి ఎనెర్జీ లెవెల్స్ ని హీరో ఎలివేషన్ లో నింపేశాడు. 

మొదటి అధ్యాయంలో గరుడ తలని నరికేసిన తర్వాత రాకీ ఏమయ్యాడు? తర్వాత మళ్లీ సీన్లోకి ఎలా వచ్చి ఏం చేసాడనేది కథ. 

ఒక సినిమా చూసిన అనుభూతి కంటే సుమారు 50-60 ట్రైలర్స్ ని వరసుగా చూస్తున్న ఫీలింగొస్తుంది. ప్రతి సీన్ ఒక గ్రిప్పింగ్ ట్రైలర్ లాగ కట్ చేసినట్టుంది. ఈ ధోరణి మొదటి అధ్యాయంలో కూడా ఉంది. ఆద్యంతం హెవీ బ్యాక్ గ్రౌండ్ స్కోర్ ఎడతెరిపి లేకుండా కట్టిపారేస్తుంది. 

విజువల్ గా కూడా గనుల నేపథ్యం, కలర్ కాంట్రాస్ట్, గ్రాఫిక్స్ అన్నీ కలిపి ఏదో వేరే లోకంలోకి తీసుకుపోతాయి. 

ఈ జానర్ లో లాజిక్ లు వెతకక్కర్లేదు. అయినా కూడా పార్లమెంటులో గన్ పట్టుకుని ప్రవేశించి ప్రధాన మంత్రి చూస్తుండగానే ఫైరింగ్ చేసిన సీన్ అతిశయోక్తికే అతిగా అనిపిస్తుంది. అలాగే బలవంతపు డ్రామాలు కూడా ఉన్నాయిందులో. క్లైమాక్స్ కి ముందు తల్లికి, డాక్టర్ కి మధ్యలో జరిగే సన్నివేశం అతి ఎక్కువయ్యి అతకలేదు. 

ఇలాంటి రెండు మూడు సన్నివేశాలు మినహాయిస్తే మిగతాదంతా మాస్ ప్రేక్షకులకి ఫుల్ మీల్సే. 

మొదటి అధ్యాయం చూడని వాళ్లకి ఈ జానర్ సెట్ అవడానికి టైం పడుతుంది. ఫాస్ట్ కట్ ఎడిటింగ్ వల్ల అర్థం కావడానికి, అనుభూతి చెందడానికి అవకాశం దొరకదు. 

అసలీ సినిమాకి ఎడిటర్ గా పని చేయడమంటే మమూలు విషయం కాదు. సగటున క్షణానికి 2-3 కట్స్ ఉన్నాయంటే ఇక అర్థం చేసుకోవచ్చు. ఇదేదో కాసేపంటే పర్వాలేదు. కానీ సినిమా మొత్తం ఇదే పరిస్థితి. 

కెమెరా వర్క్, గ్రాఫిక్స్ రిచ్ గా ఉన్నాయి. పాటలకి ప్రాముఖ్యత లేదు. నేపథ్య సంగీతం చాలా హెవీగా ఉంది. 

యష్ తెర మీద ఆకట్టుకున్నాడు. తొలి భాగంలో తన ఆయుధమైన సుత్తిని ఈ భాగంలో కూడా కీలకమైన ఫైట్లో వాడాడు. ఫస్టాఫ్ లో యష్ ని చూసిన ఒక పిల్లవాడి చేత “సుత్తివీరుడు..!!” అని కూడా అరిపించాడు దర్శకుడు. 

సంజయ్ దత్ గెటప్ చిత్రంగా ఉంది. క్యారక్టర్ లో ఇంకాస్త లోతు పెంచుండాల్సింది. 

శ్రీనిధికి కాస్త పాత్ర ఉంది కానీ సెంటిమెంటల్ గా ముగిసింది. 

ప్రధానమంత్రిగా రవీనా టాండన్ స్క్రీన్ ప్రెజెన్స్ గుర్తుపెట్టుకునే ఉంది. ఆమెకు, యష్ కి మధ్యలో సన్నివేశాలు గ్రిప్పింగ్ గా ఉన్నాయి. 

ప్రకాష్ రాజ్ మాత్రం వాయిసోవర్ ఆర్టిస్టుగా పరిమితమయ్యాడు. 

సీబీఐ ఆఫీసర్ గా రావు రమేష్ కథాగమనానికి ఉపయోగపడ్డాడు. 

ఫస్టాఫ్ బరువుగా నడిపి, సెకండాఫులో ప్రధానమంత్రి సన్నివేశాలు కూడా బాగానే రక్తికట్టించి క్లైమాక్స్ కి వచ్చే సరికి షిప్ మునిగి కంటెంట్ తేలిపోయినట్టయ్యింది. ఎమోషనల్ గా ఇంకేదైనా చేసుంటే బాగుండేదనిపిస్తుంది. అది పక్కనపెడితే క్లైమాక్స్ యాక్షన్ ఎపిసోడ్ కూడా చాలా రిచ్ గా తెరకెక్కింది. 

ఇక సన్నివేశపరంగా కొన్ని డైలాగ్స్ బాగా పేలాయి:

– “ఇక్కడ తలలు శాశ్వతం కాదు. కిరీటాలే శాశ్వతం”. 

– “నేను ఇండియాకే సీ.ఈ.ఓ ని”

అలాగే “నేను పిల్లల జోలికి, ఆడవాళ్ల జోలికి పోను” అని చెప్పే డైలాగ్ కూడా బాగా పండింది. 

ఇలా మాస్ ఆడియన్స్ ని రంజింపజేసే సంభాషణలు ఈ సినిమాకి ప్లస్ పాయింట్. 

ఇక బంగారు బిస్కెట్ కోసం పోలీస్ స్టేషన్ కి వెళ్లిన యష్ అక్కడ చేసే విధ్వంసాన్ని అద్భుతంగా తీసారు. ఇది పక్కా ఎవెంజెర్స్ టైప్ సీన్ లాగ అనిపిస్తుంది. అలాగే సంజయ్ దత్ మీద యాష్ “కలాష్ నికోవ్” ఆర్మీ చేసే దాడి కూడా ఈలలు వేయిస్తుంది.  

హై డోస్ యాక్షన్ సన్నివేశాలు, సూపర్ హీరో పర్ఫార్మెన్స్ నచ్చే ఆడియన్స్ కి “కేజీఎఫ్ – ఛాప్టర్‌ 2” నచ్చేస్తుంది. సింపుల్ గా చెప్పాలంటే మొదటి భాగం నచ్చినవాళ్లందరికీ ఈ రెండవ భాగంతో కంప్లైంట్ ఉండదు. 

హీరో ఎలివేషన్స్ కి, హెవీ డోస్ యాక్షన్ ఎపిసోడ్స్ కి చిరునామా ఈ కేజీఎఫ్ ఛాప్టర్ 2. 

బాటం లైన్: మాస్ ప్రేక్షకులకి పైసా వసూల్

KGF – Chapter 2 Review: A Violent Saga That is Thankfully Backed by Thoughtful Writing

kgf movie review greatandhra

Reena ( Srinidhi Shetty , who leaves a mark as the barely-there love interest of a complicated man) is sweating, and she complains that the man who is keeping her hostage in the name of love, should do something about it. “ Maniyammaa, appalam jaakiradhai ,” warns Rocky ( Yash ) after making arrangements accordingly with one of his henchmen. Having seen many films where a brutish man pursues a woman, you understand the task at hand. You wait for an extravagant air-conditioning machine to appear, but Rocky Bhai has something entirely else on his mind. In a nutshell, this is what Prashanth Neel ’s K.G.F: Chapter 2 is all about. Bigger beyond the viewer’s wildest dreams.

Is it always better? Well, definitely better than the first instalment. Characters like Adheera and Ramika Sen, played fabulously by Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon , needed extensive writing. It is not that they aren’t scary enough. They are, but the intimidation comes from the actors, not the script. However, I cannot call this film under-written. If anything, it is the opposite – every scene is densely populated with characters. KGF 2 doesn’t know what a quiet moment is, and it is better for it. Armed with Ravi Basrur’s score, every instant vibrates with chaotic energy. It puts a willing viewer in a trance and keeps them there. For the first time in a long while, I enjoyed the whistles and hoots of the over-enthused. Don’t get me wrong, the film isn’t all about elevations and surpassing expectations. Beyond the chaos, there is order. Beyond the swag, there is substance.

“ Kalaas ” snickers Rocky while examining a Kalashnikov in a tense moment. While the filmmaker manages to distract us with wordplay, the callback that comes later is one of the best-executed pieces of filmmaking and writing in masala cinema. Even the violence, which gets numbingly excessive after a point, is handled with more thought than you expect in big films with big men holding big guns. The filmmaker foresaw the desensitisation, so he transforms the action sequences with thought and technique. While one chase sequence benefits from stylised editing, another mutes the sound and puts us in our shocked hero’s head, oblivious to the bloodshed going around him.

The world-building, in no small part thanks to the art department and Bhuvan Gowda’s camera work, is satisfyingly meticulous. Even the muted grimness is visually pleasing because of the way it is captured and utilised. Yash, too, does a beautiful job bringing this world alive. He is captivating as this pragmatic man whose well of affection for his mother is bottomless. The most vital thing an action superstar has to possess is conviction. To believe that he is the king of the world. To imbibe that belief with confidence enough to let him unironically walk into a room oozing swag. Yash seems to have it and then some.

I have my problems with the narrator. There are inconsistencies, and Prakash Raj , playing the son of Anand Ingalagi, is a smart choice – his voice adds heft, but his issue with his father lacks relevance and resolution. But, I have to admit, the peon that religiously listens to the story is an excellent proxy for the viewer. His enthusiasm is infectious, and the actor who plays him makes for a great hype-man. Even Eswari Rao ’s mourning mother is an update on the trope. She is never begging but bargaining; give her closure and get her blessings.

Small touches like this don’t do much for the proceedings but affect your viewing experience immensely. Choosing to introduce Rao Ramesh ’s character by having him address someone named Ramesh. A Kattappa-esque Vaanaram (a perfectly-controlled Ayyappa Sharma) whose loyalty lies with the place and not its people. “We had enough wars,” says Ramika Sen, the PM, before revising her plans for peace. “I don’t like violence,” says the hero who knows nothing else, thus establishing the idea that power begets violence and destruction. Again, it’s nothing and everything.


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A saying goes, “Powerful people come from powerful places.” The narrator disagrees and says, “History was wrong. Powerful people make places powerful.” Good thing that Rocky Bhai doesn’t believe in history. But I can’t entirely agree with the narrator. Rocky does come from a powerful place – his mother. A woman in her early 20s dreams big dreams for her son. She never thinks to question them, and neither does her son. He is never taught to question his ability or its limits, which is both a gift and a curse. This is how K.G.F: Chapter 2 wins and wins big. Instead of trying to find resonance with some myth or the other, it uses a bond as elementary as the one shared by a mother and her child and weaves a legend of its own.

This KGF – Chapter 2 review is a Silverscreen original article. It was not paid for or commissioned by anyone associated with the movie. Silverscreen.in and its writers do not have any commercial relationship with movies that are reviewed on the site.

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 KGF movie review

Release date : December 21, 2018

123telugu.com Rating : 2.25/5

Starring : Yash, Srinidhi Shetty, Achyuth Kumar, Malavika Avinash

Director : Prashanth Neel

Producers : Vijay Kiraganduru

Music Director : Ravi Basrur

Cinematographer : Bhuvan Gowda

Editor : Srikanth Gowda

Yash’s, KGF is one of the most awaited films in South India. With good expectations and solid pre-release buzz, the film has hit the screens today. Let’s see whether it lives up to the hype or not.

Determined to emerge as a rich person, Rocky(Yash) leaves his native village in his childhood and lands in Mumbai. Soon after landing there, Rocky grows step by step and becomes a notable name in the crime world. This is the time when Yash gets an offer from Bangalore to kill a big wing from the Gold mining area, KGF. Who gives the offer to Rocky? What will Rocky do to face that mighty personality? How is the KGF area connected to Rocky’s childhood? To know this, you have to watch the film on the screen.

Plus Points:

Star hero Yash is the biggest asset for the film. His stylish looks and mass mannerisms are a treat to watch on the screen. The amount of hard work he has put in to deliver the best in action sequences is quite impressive.

The hero introduction and two action blocks which come during the latter half of the film are designed nicely with mass elevations. Heroine Srinidhi Shetty is cute and performed decently in her limited screen presence. Milk beauty Tamannaah’s glamour show in a special song will attract the youth audience.

Minus Points:

Apart from Yash’s energetic screen presence, the film has a slow-paced narration which is a major drawback for the film. Initially, after a few hero buildup scenes, the audience will be eagerly waiting to know what the film is all about but director takes his own sweet time to unveil the plotline.

Once again, after the core point is revealed in the second half, the proceedings become dull with flat narration until the pre-climax which is another minus for the film. All the characters which come into the story do not have proper justification.

Lack of commercials elements like comedy and eye candy duets between the lead pair will also disappoint the audience big-time.

Technical Aspects:

Director Prashanth Neel totally misused the given opportunity as he failed to deliver a good product. Having a star hero in hands, Prashanth should have done wonders using Yash’s popularity but he limited it to a few built up shots. If he would have concentrated more on script and narration, the result would have been much better. Production design and the artwork is nice as the sets in KGF are super impressive.

Editing work by Shrikanth is okay but he could have trimmed the second half close to fifteen minutes. Cinematography by Bhuvan Gowda is good as he captured the rustic look of KGF area nicely. Music is not up to mark as no song in the film has a proper tune. Background score is okay. Production values for this high budget film are good.

On the whole, KGF does not live up to the colossal expectations laid upon it. The film is a regular crime drama set up in an interesting backdrop. Yash’s screen presence and stylish looks are good but the lack of interesting storyline and slow-paced narration makes it a boring watch this weekend.

Reviewed by 123telugu Team

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'KGF: Chapter 2' review: A triumph of passion and imagination

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KGF: Chapter 2

Kannada (Theatres)

Director: Prashanth Neel

Cast: Yash, Raveena Tandon, Prakash Rai, Sanjay Dutt

Rating: 3.5/5

'KGF: Chapter 2' is a tale from history. Once it completes its theatrical run, the two-part franchise is sure to make history in Kannada cinema.

It had been over three years since the gripping underdog story of Rocky ended on a cliffhanger. Minutes before the title card comes on screen, director Prashanth Neel makes us ready for what to expect from the follow-up of the blockbuster 'KGF: Chapter 1'. In a jaw-dropping opening scene, he shows how his passion and grandeur of scale are still intact.

Rocky bhai, the dreaded gangster, has full control of KGF after his epic elimination of Garuda, son of Suryavardhan, the heir of the gold fields. But once you own one of the most precious pieces of land, you are sure to face the heat of people with power. In comes Adheera (Sanjay Dutt), Suryavardhan's brother, and Ramika Sen (Raveena Tandon), the prime minister of India.

For the first 20 minutes, the film rides on an intense tempo with many characters slowly finding their places in the plot. In the build-up to the interval, Neel strikes a surprise that none of us can predict. And then, 'KGF: Chapter 2' takes an almighty leap.

Neel's freaky ideas are ridiculously uncompromising. He has the confidence to translate his wacky and even over-the-top thoughts on screen in an enjoyable fashion. Two scenes that bring the roof down with this kind of approach are the one inside a police station and Rocky's second big face-off with Adheera. Giving company to Neel's outrageous verve is Ravi Basrur's score, which keeps our blistering excitement at the highest level. Cinematographer Bhuvan Gowda completes the technical department triumvirate with his visuals of breathtaking appeal.

One sharp criticism of 'KGF: Chapter 1' was that it unabashedly celebrated machismo with little emphasis on conflicts. However, this film is never a one-man show as it shows Rocky consistently challenged by his rivals. He is also no longer invincible. His vulnerability makes him slightly emotional and even pushes him to think smart to defeat his powerful foes.

Neel's writing triumph lies in how we are completely accustomed to his fiery attitude of Rocky. His character graph gets interesting as Rocky becomes greedy and selfish. His relentless pursuit of fulfilling his mother's wishes might unsettle us but that makes the character authentic. It does justice to the film's idea of a powerful people making places powerful.

Neel connects the dots properly and also goes back in time at the right junctures of the plot. Prakash Rai smoothly slips into the role of Anant Nag as a narrator. The fact that his performance doesn't seem bogged down by the weight of Anant Nag's superb efforts shows what a towering actor Rai is. Rocky's return to Mumbai is a treat to watch and that shows Neel's understanding of completing an epic-like story.

'KGF: Chapter 2' is also a film of excess that's now become a trademark of Neel. You either find the film to be one hell of a show or term some of the tropes to be dramatic and old-school. Hence there is no end to melodrama in the 'mother-sentiment', and the dialogues are always punchlines (most of them are whistle-worthy ones). The narration is overstuffed so the shifts in the story feel jarring sometimes. Neel's handling of a love story needs major improvement. Though Srinidhi Shetty as Yash's lady love has more to do than the first part, their relationship lacks emotional depth.

The action sequences, with the 'cut in and out' editing pattern, are choreographed with great effort. The best of the lot is the final showdown between Adheera and Rocky, who come across as two duelling monsters.

Sanjay Dutt's Adheera, inspired by Vikings, has a fearsome appearance and gets a terrific introduction scene. His towering personality is tailormade for the character's menacing nature though the dialogue delivery seems a tad underwhelming. Perhaps the actor's portrayal in the Hindi version would be more convincing. Raveena Tandon is superb, essaying a woman in power with great confidence.

The remarkably handsome Yash takes his style quotient to another level. He is leaner, meaner, and stronger (pun intended). His emotional performance, which comes with a look of defeat on his face, reveals the performer in him.

Rocky set out to capture 'Duniya' (world and he makes the world his territory. Similarly, there are talks about the film's possible record at the box office. The 'KGF' team, with firepower in production and storytelling, shows impossible is nothing. Which means, there could even be a third part!

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2022: KGF 2 Is the Highest-Selling, Most-Watched Movie

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KGF: Chapter 2 - Prashanth Neel's sequel to the period thriller — was among the highest-selling and most-watched movies in 2022.

As per BookMyShow's “Best of 2022” report, on release day — April 14 — the movie managed to sell 2.14 million tickets, with further collections coming in the following weekends.

The Kannada-language film sold 34 percent of overall tickets in the weekends of 2022, surpassing S.S. Rajamouli's Baahubali 2: The Conclusion, to emerge as the best-selling film on the platform, with a whopping 17.7 million tickets sold.

According to BookMyShow, KGF: Chapter 2 also topped the charts for the highest number of advance bookings, succeeded by the likes of RRR, Ponniyin Selvan: I, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and oddly enough, Idris Elba-led Beast — not the Tamil-language film of the same name, starring Vijay.

The BookMyShow statistics also mention a 116 percent increase in audiences wanting an “immersive cinematic experience” over regular screens.

This naturally refers to 3D, IMAX 2D, IMAX 3D, and 4DX formats, which were also heavily promoted during Avatar's re-release, back in September.

The IMAX and 4DX formats are mostly popular with Hollywood films, with Indian titles making a small percentage of the total.

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K.G.F: Chapter 2

K.G.F: Chapter 2 (2022)

In the blood-soaked Kolar Gold Fields, Rocky's name strikes fear into his foes, while the government sees him as a threat to law and order. Rocky must battle threats from all sides for uncha... Read all In the blood-soaked Kolar Gold Fields, Rocky's name strikes fear into his foes, while the government sees him as a threat to law and order. Rocky must battle threats from all sides for unchallenged supremacy. In the blood-soaked Kolar Gold Fields, Rocky's name strikes fear into his foes, while the government sees him as a threat to law and order. Rocky must battle threats from all sides for unchallenged supremacy.

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K.G.F: Chapter 1

Did you know

  • Trivia Yash himself has written most of the dialogues for his role in this movie.
  • Goofs In the first action sequence, where Rocky tries to save Reena, it is clearly visible that some of Adheera's goons are using Scorpios and Tata Xenons. These vehicles were launched in the 2000s and go completely against the late 1970s setting of the first half.

Rocky : Violence, Violence, Violence, I don't like it, I Avoid... . but Violence likes me, I can't Avoid.

  • Connections Alternate-language version of K.G.F: Chapter 1 (2018)
  • Soundtracks Toofan (Hindi) Music by Ravi Basrur Lyrics by Shabbir Ahmed Vocals by Brijesh Shandilya, Mohan Krishna, Laxman Datta Naik, Saaj Bhatt, Santhosh Venky, Sandesh Datta Naik, Sachin Basrur, Ravi Basrur, Puneeth Rudranag, Priyanka Bharali , Giridhar Kamath, Raksha Kamath, Sinchana Kamath, Nishanth Kini, Bharath Bhat, Anagha Nayak, Avani Bhat, Swathi Kamath, Shivanand Nayak & Keerthana Basrur

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 46 minutes
  • Dolby Atmos
  • Dolby Digital

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K.G.F: Chapter 2 Movie Review: A Thoroughly Satisfying Masssterpiece That Travels At 1000 Bullets Per Minute

K.G.F: Chapter 2 Movie Review: A Thoroughly Satisfying Masssterpiece That Travels At 1000 Bullets Per Minute

Cast:  Yash, Sanjay Dutt, Raveena Tandon, Srinidhi Shetty, Prakash Raj

Director:  Prashanth Neel

Language:  Tamil

Right through K.G.F: Chapter 2 , I couldn't help but imagine what it must have been like for Prashant Neel to watch The Godfather for the first time. More than the whole film, I'd love to ask him someday about the impact its climax left him with as he watched it in what I imagine to be an old theatre, wherever he grew up. Like the iconic theatre scene in Cinema Paradiso , this moment must have been Prashanth's big life-altering moment, his metamorphosis where he not only discovered the magic of movies but also the concept of "mass" before it became a thing. Without sounding too dramatic, something must have clicked in him because there's no one here who thinks in intercuts like this man.

This is true with the earliest image KGF opens with in 1951. Not only is this the exact moment when a massive gold discovery takes place, but it is also here that an even bigger event happens—the birth of Rocky (Yash, rocking!). There are many scenes in the first film that uses intercuts to create the effect of an epic unfolding, but it only gets bigger in the second film. One can start with the sequence right before the interval, when one is witnessing a wounded Rocky losing his powers. He appears to have run away from his kingdom after losing a battle and he doesn't seem the man he once was. Your instinct from a 1000 mass films before this, tells you that a big moment is around the corner.

But the deal with K.G.F: Chapter 2 is not that it wants to be unpredictable. It instead dares you to imagine the biggest ever scene for a situation you've (rightly) predicted and then it asks you to double it. In a split second, Rocky grabs a Kalashnikov and chooses to call it "Khalaasnikov", with an emphasis on " Khalaas" meaning finished. It is then that we intercut to a beautifully edited mega sequence where the entire freaking West Coast of India is seized in a storm of bullets. The ears bleed a little, but you're ok with that. The satisfaction is such that it feels like all of life's problems are getting pulverized in one second.

But don't get fooled by Prashanth's obsession with intercuts, because the spirit of K.G.F: Chapter 2 is surely more Scarface than The Godfather . In one or two instances, you also see how a movie like Bombay Velvet could have played out with a different sensibility. This is a sense you get early on because the first half isn't really the adrenaline rush the first film left you with. It begins with the consolidation of Rocky's new empire with an inventive device that uses children to give you a recap.

Even the bigger moments take too long to start rolling, even though you don't doubt the seeds being planted for payoffs it's all building up to. But until then, it feels like an assembly line of big introduction scenes with every dialogue forced to sound like a punch. What doesn't help here is also how the Preethi (Srinidhi Shetty) character is written. It's obvious how the film's playing on the theme of a Ravanan-type (Rocky) holding his Sita (Preeti) captive in a strange kingdom, but it's a character that needed more details. Like a friend-of-a-friend at a sangeet (she's dressed like that too), you see her everywhere without having much to do.

But a flatter first half is one of the best problems you can have in a big film like this. It ends on a high but it also leaves you with an idea of just how big it's going to get when we return to the goldfields. It's here that Bhuvan Gowda's monotoned images find a level of consistency the first film lacked to the point where you can feel the dust in your eyes. What's cleverer is how the film's one-big-action-set-piece- after-another structure manages to incorporate Rocky's own descent into darkness. Ravi Basrur's excellent score guides this departure from a triumphant mass film to a more personal journey.

Rocky too isn't unidimensional like one had thought and with motifs of him drinking and an obsession with more, you witness the rotting of a soul that does not know when to stop. Even the way the mother's tragedy gets its echoes in the second half is a lot more formidable in the second film. And because of that, the cocky, arrogant Rocky transforms into a hero from a Greek tragedy. It's a tiny miracle really how even this monster of a man gets you to see a hungry, teary-eyed boy behind it all. And instead of another big mass scene, the film chooses to use callbacks to this vital emotion for the film's most crucial scenes. That's what makes K.G.F: Chapter 2 surprisingly perceptive. Not only is it capable of overpowering you with wildly-imagined mass moments, but it also has the place in its giant beating heart for a story about a mother and son who never had the luxury of hope.

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'KGF: Chapter 2' Review: A terrific Yash powers an explosive sequel

A still from KGF. (File Photo)

Four years ago, the makers of KGF: Chapter 1 made a promise. A promise of making the biggest Kannada film that will reach new avenues and newer audiences. And today, they are back with KGF: Chapter 2, and if the responses are anything to go by, the promise has been kept. Written and directed by Prashanth Neel, who is a superstar in his own right, the KGF films have grasped the entire nation’s consciousness and reinvented the time-tested story of an underdog coming on top surmounting all odds. But then, when the underdog in question is the seemingly invincible Rocky Bhai (Yash), every element of the masala template is dialled up to astronomical levels.

The second part continues right from where the first part ends. We now see the “pillars” of Narachi being forced to accept Rocky as their new boss. Of course, this leads to resentment across the board, and it is clear that betrayals will be hitting Rocky left, right, and centre. But we don’t watch KGF for the ingenuity of the plot, but for inventiveness in the making. Whenever we think a high point of a particular conflict is reached, it is almost like Prashanth is giving a lopsided smile hinting as if it was just the tip of an iceberg. This is something that happens on more than one occasion and is a testament to the impact of the writing. For instance, in other films, the meeting of Adheera and Rocky might have been the ideal climactic showdown.

However, here we have three brilliant sequences featuring them where there is an oscillation of power, and each of these scenes delivers the grandeur and intensity that KGF will forever be known for. Another facet of KGF that will be always associated with the franchise is hyper-stylised violence. While there is a lot to discuss where the film falls on the moral spectrum, the arresting visual style of the film masks such thought processes during its runtime.

A lot of such questions do arise while watching KGF 2, the primary of which is the terribly underwritten female lead. With Srinidhi Shetty’s Reena suffering from a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome, one can’t help but feel bad about her character sketch. It is troubling because even smaller roles like the one played by Easwari Rao get a neatly rounded arc. Surely Reena and Srinidhi deserved better.

The film also almost runs the risk of feeling bloated, especially in the pre-interval portions, because there are a lot of layers being packed in too quick a time. There are one too many villains, and one too many crisscrossing storylines. Even the final few minutes of the film left a vacuous feeling because I wasn’t sure if it did justice to the events that transpired across two films and eight years.

However, the towering performance of Yash ensures these are just fleeting thoughts and we don’t really dwell on them because the actor, in supreme form, keeps us hooked on his brand of nonchalance acting. More than his playful turns, it is the emotional beats that are most effective, and the rage-filled eyes of Yash say more than what he does in his trademark broken English. And these dialogues not just add to the constant undercurrent of humour, but also has noteworthy lines that can go right on motivational posters. Sample this, “Greed is good… Greed is progress…” Yes, it is, Rocky Bhai. Another writing highlight of KGF: Chapter 2 is how a buildup song in this edition also acts as a quick narration of the first part. It checks both the ingenious and inventive boxes. Of course, there is no point discussing the logic, or the lack of it, of this film, which always stays true to the world created by Prashanth Neel.

The brilliant technical team conjures mesmerising visuals to keep us invested in the world of KGF. Keeping the colour palette to a minimum, cinematographer Bhuvan Gowda gives us some stunning visuals that capture the grandeur of the project without really showboating. No aspect of this opulence feels wasted or overboard. Be it the vast expanses of the mines or the never-ending shots of an array of vehicles including cars, planes, ships, bikes, helicopters etc… every visual element of KGF stands tall. If there is showboating of any sort, it is in the editing by Ujwal Kulkarni. And even here, the work might seem excessive, but in an over-the-top world of KGF, it fits in perfectly.

Three other technicians who truly elevate KGF: Chapter 2 are composer Ravi Basrur (the chest-thumping background score), art director Shivakumar (the tasteful coronation stairs, the greyness of the mines, and more), and stunt choreographers Anbariv (every scene involving Yash brandishing weapons, the car sequences, and more). Àlmost every high moment of KGF: Chapter 2 is the collaborative work of each department, and it is wonderful to see how each of them worked like clockwork to deliver this grand spectacle.

The concept of pan-Indian movies might have now been reduced to a gimmick in most cases, but the KGF franchise is a true-blue example of this developing trend. The success of the first part pushed the makers to dream bigger, and they managed to rope in names like Sanjay Dutt, Raveena Tandon, Rao Ramesh, and Prakash Raj to lend necessary gravitas to roles that were already hyped up. Sanjay Dutt is menacing as Adheera, the primary antagonist, and writer-director Prashanth treats him with the right amount of respect. Adheera has moments that place him ahead of Rocky Bhai, and the same holds good for Raveena’s Ramika Sen. Both actors ace the roles that don’t just exist to do lip service to the larger-than-life lead character.

Replacing Anant Nag was never going to be an easy task, but points to the writing that seamlessly introduces Prakash Raj into the mix. There is a fascinating mix of humility and pride in his baritone as he delivers the narration. Although the film boasts of such big names, KGF: Chapter 2 never loses focus on what it is actually about — Yash and Rocky Bhai — and it is the relentless attempts at elevating the star at the centre of it all that gives us a fantastic film that proves the world will always be accepting of one more “mother sentiment” film.

At an important juncture in KGF: Chapter 2, Rocky asks his detractors to avoid pointless conversations about him keeping to his territory. He announces, “The World is my territory”, and if the response to an early morning show of the Tamil version of the film is anything to go by, we have an outsider breaking down walls to become the most unlikely pan-Indian superstar... or as he’d like it... Pan-India’s ONLY Rocking Star.

Film: KGF: Chapter 2 Director: Prashanth Neel Cast: Yash, Sanjay Dutt, Raveena Tandon, Srinidhi Shetty, Achyuth Kumar

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K.G.F: Chapter 2 Reviews

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Above all, KGF 2 gives us an almost non-stop blast of noise; when the Kalashnikovs falter, Ravi Basrur’s unrelenting score surges to fill the void. It’s often exciting, for sure. It’s definitely exhausting.

Full Review | Sep 19, 2023

Repetitive and slow, the movie -- as with the first installment -- is only about celebrating toxic masculinity and obnoxious violence.

Full Review | Original Score: 1/5 | Jun 26, 2023

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“K.G.F: Chapter 2” embraces the best things from the first film while correcting some of its missteps. Together, the two films make for a delightfully cohesive pair.

Full Review | Original Score: 4/5 | Sep 20, 2022

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So where does it leave the women? Well, at the service of the gigantic macho project.

Full Review | May 3, 2022

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With a big, domineering performance from Yash front and center; a love of bonkers action and unrelenting brutal violence; stunning camerawork from Bhuvan Gowda; and a director with flair to spare, crime and action lovers would do well to give it a chance.

Full Review | Apr 19, 2022

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'KGF Chapter 2' goes all guns blazing on everything that is expected from it and more but it's not for everybody. Rocky and his indulgence is loud and lengthy but has what it takes to be loved by the masses

Full Review | Original Score: 2.5/5 | Apr 18, 2022

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The film seduces you with its terrific claptraps but also pummels you into submission with its frenzied editing, thunderous background music and its hypermasculine hero.

Full Review | Apr 15, 2022

K.G.F: Chapter 2 is loyal to its prequel, its genre, its narrative and its purpose. If you can buy into it and survive till the end, the climax is cathartic.

Not only is it capable of overpowering you with wildly-imagined mass moments, but it also has the place in its giant beating heart for a story about a mother and son who never had the luxury of hope.

kgf movie review greatandhra

A hyper-stylish concoction of Amitabh Bachchan's angry young man and simply south sensibilities that creates a grimy, greasy, over-the-top world of legends and lore.

Full Review | Original Score: 2.5/5 | Apr 15, 2022

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The trouble with films busy working on their look is that they forget about plotting. KGF 2 swings haphazardly between the past and the present.

Full Review | Original Score: 1.5/5 | Apr 15, 2022

The film belongs as much to filmmaker Prashanth Neel as it does to Yash. Both of them have managed to deliver a sequel that seems more immersive than the first part.

Full Review | Original Score: 4/5 | Apr 15, 2022

This Yash-starrer is an immersive film that is worth the hype and one of the finest sequels to have come out in a long time.

About the only good thing aboutK.G.F. Chapter 2 is that you know what you are buying into.

Full Review | Original Score: 2/5 | Apr 15, 2022

The numerous plot turns give the impression that a great deal is happening, but it’s actually more of the same: Rocky versus the rest. Despite being less chaotic than Chapter One, the sequel continues to suffer from leaps in the time-space continuum.


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KGF Chapter 2 review: Yash's film is an explosive tale of brash, unapologetic and larger-than-life characters

Kgf chapter 2 review: this yash-starrer is an immersive film that is worth the hype and one of the finest sequels to have come out in a long time..

It was only recently that I sat down to watch KGF part 1 and in all honesty, I didn’t understand most of it. With a screenplay that was all over the place, characters getting introduced at a pace faster than a meteoroid’s crash, and a story that picked up only post-interval, I was a bit lost too early on in the film. It was only Yash ’s introduction scene and his superlative performance that I thoroughly enjoyed. Also read: Prashanth Neel on KGF 3: ‘If people love it, we could continue the franchise’

Yash stars as Rocky in KGF: Chapter 2, the sequel to the 2018 blockbuster.

However, with its sequel, KGF: Chapter 2 , director Prashanth Neel has created something that’s way more immersive and worth all the hype that he managed to sustain for three and a half years since the first part. KGF 2 once again recreates the dark and deadly world where chopping heads and slitting throats is the norm. Gunshots are fired at whim and there’s no remorse in anyone's heart. One of the finest sequels to have come out in a long time, KGF 2 takes off right from where the first part ended.

As Anand Ingalagi (Anant Nag), the author of El Doradao is hospitalised and can no longer narrate the story of KGF (Kolar Gold Fields) and rise of Rocky, his son Vijayendra Ingalagi (Prakash Raj) takes over. In his words, Raja Krishnappa Bairya aka Rocky Bhai has built an “indestructible empire” in KGF and wants to conquer even bigger things. While he has already killed Garuda in part 1 and turned ruler of the gold mines, in the sequel, he comes face to face with the deadly Adheera ( Sanjay Dutt ), who won’t let an outsider take over something that he helped build. Meanwhile, Rocky’s power-hungry games have also caught the attention of Prime Minister Ramika Sen (Raveena Tandon), who wants his downfall and death. 

KGF 2 starts on a high note and dives into the stories of the characters it had well established in part 1. As the story unfolds, it brings in a lot many characters without interrupting the pace of the story or screenplay. Touted as a hard-core action flick, the way these scenes have been shot with so much detail, it creates a visual spectacle in its truest sense. While most of KGF world revolves around Rocky’s rise to fame and power, chapter 2 gives us a peek into his emotional side as well with a love story and flashbacks that keep reminding us of the reason behind what he does. KGF 2 is loaded with heavyweight dialogues, beautifully choreographed action sequences and larger-than-life characters, which you may not relate with but definitely enjoy watching onscreen.

Rocking Star Yash returns to screen as the raw and ruthless hero. He exudes machoism, makes bad look stylish. He isn’t your charming men types and doesn’t evoke sympathy even in the emotional scenes. He breathes life into his character and delivers his best. His lines, no matter how weird they sound, invite whistles and cheers and even in the most serious scenes, he triggers some laughter. Making him look even better and competitive on screen, KGF 2 introduces us to a ferocious antagonist in Dutt. Inspired by Vikings and known for his viciously violent acts, Sanjay aces as a menacing villain. Even in the limited screen time, he matches up to the crazy that Yash brings on screen. Their goosebumps-inducing action sequence towards the climax is worth every penny of that ticket price and has been magnificently shot. Raveena Tandon as the Prime Minister, delivers an earnest performance and just with a handful scenes, leaves a lasting impact.

Amid all these well etched out characters, Rocky’s love interest, Reena (Srinidhi Shetty) is somewhat the odd one out. I mean even if she wasn’t in the story, it wouldn’t really have changed much. In fact, there’s quite an irony in the character sketch she’s given. Rocky keeps her with him at KGF and calls her ‘entertainment’ but doesn’t touch her because he feels women and kids can’t be forced into anything.

Nevertheless, with so much to soak and enjoy on the big screen, KGF 2 is a perfect action potboiler if you have a penchant for such films. If you can’t handle too much action and blood, this world might not be for . But Yash is just unmissable.

Director: Prashanth Neel

Cast: Yash, Sanjay Dutt, Raveena Tandon, Srinidhi Shetty

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