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The 2022 FIFA World Cup

Introduction, 2022 fifa world cup: issues of human rights, 2022 fifa world cup: political aspects, 2022 fifa world cup: environmental issues.

In 2010, Qatar won the right to host 2022 World Cup. It became a significant achievement because no Asian country has been hosting this international sporting event since 2002 when the tournament was organized by South Korea and Japan. Such events as FIFA World Cup provide many opportunities for the hosting country. First of all, they attract tourists and thus make a powerful tourism resource.

Also, World Cup contributes to the promotion of foreign relations, national branding, and increase in investment (Henderson, 2016). At the same time, international attention arises many challenges for the country and turns local peculiarities into global concerns. In the context of 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, such key concepts as human rights, social and political aspects, and environmental issues, are of particular interest. Consequently, corresponding global connections are reviewed in the media and discussed in society.

The issue of human rights in general and discrimination in particular is significant for the FIFA. During the preparation to Qatar hosting the World Cup, there are at least two important human rights problems. First of all, the community is worried by the conditions of work for migrants who are involved in the construction of the World Cup objects. Working in unfavorable weather conditions of high temperature and humidity, the health of workers is exposed to risk (Lewis, 2017). Thus, the International Labor Organization is worried by the work-related deaths in Qatar and makes attempts to interfere, but the local authorities do not support the initiative (Lewis, 2017).

Another problem that appeared in the context of 2022 World Cup in Qatar, is connected with attitudes to sexual minorities. Arab countries in general and Qatar in particular are known for intolerance to homosexual relations and homophobic policies that can become a problem for a big international event (Ali, 2014). There are discussions dedicated to the issue of LGBTQ equality in non-Western countries, but no active actions have been taken.

Political issues are the integral components of any big international event including sports. It is particularly true about the countries with specific political views or those involved in international conflicts. In case of Qatar hosting World Cup 2022, the political problem is caused by its relations, or rather no relations with Israel. In fact, Qatar does not recognize Israel as a state. Thus, Israel initiated a campaign against Qatar as the location for World Cup as a part of its interventions to isolate the activity of Hamas (Dorsey, n.d.).

The major slogans included anti-terrorist ideas and were followed by fans and Israel supporters around the world. The idea is to prevent funding terrorism claiming that Qatar plays a significant role in financing terrorist organizations and awarding 2022 FIFA World Cup to this country would mean the support of terrorism (Dorsey, n.d.). Still, despite this problem and some other aspects related to not following the FIFA code of ethics by Qatar, the preparation for the World Cup is going on (Westall, 2017).

Being one of the leading exporters of oil and natural gas in the world due to the developed energy industry, Qatar suffers from high carbon dioxide emissions. Thus, environmental issues should be a priority in general and in conditions of a big international sporting event in particular. Environmental aspects are significant for big sporting events due to the necessity of hosting many tourists as well as tournament participants.

Moreover, excessive building to meet the FIFA demands can also have negative impact on the environment. Still, the later problem is likely to be successfully addressed in Qatar. At present, the country is launching stadium designs for World Cup 2022 that do not only place thousands of spectators, but are “capable of being reassembled on another site or turned into multiple smaller venues” (FIFA, 2017). This project follows a unique innovative design and uses modular blocks in its construction. The fact that the construction is demountable is a solution of the problem of uselessness of dig arenas after the event is over. Its location also contributes to the sustainability of the project because of efficient transportation.

On the whole, the global connections identified for the 2022 FIFA World Cup, are not new. They have been existing for decades and came into light due to the coming tournament. On the one hand, these issues are challenging. The problem of human rights and support of terrorism can negatively influence the image of Qatar on the international arena while their experience of interventions aimed at sustainability can be followed.

At the same time, intensive attention of international community to the mentioned problems that are related to the global concerns provides an opportunity for the solution of these issues. Thus, there is possibility to cease the conflict with Israel, improve labor policies, review homophobic laws, and continue the sustainable development of the country. Generally speaking, a country involved into such big activities should be ready to face challenges and make use of the opportunities.

Ali, L. (2014). LGBTQ criticism about the 2022 World Cup are not about protecting gays in Qatar. Muftah . Web.

Dorsey, J. (n.d.). Israel mobilizes to deprive Qatar of the World Cup . Huffington Post. 

FIFA. (2017). SC launches first ever fully demountable FIFA World Cup™ stadium . 

Henderson, J.C. (2016). Hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup: Opportunities and challenges for Qatar . Journal of Sport & Tourism, 3-4, 281-298. 

Lewis, A. (2017). Migrant workers subjected to heat and humidity being put at risk, says Human Rights Watch . CNN Sport +.

Westall, S. (2017). FIFA says Qatar ‘may not have’ met World Cup bid standards, but it’s still hosting it . Global News. 

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Qatar FIFA World Cup, Essay Example

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The only sporting event that rivals the Olympics is FIFA World Cup, held every four years. Thus, it is no surprise that countries bid aggressively against each other to host FIFA World Cup because hosting the event allows them to demonstrate their economic and cultural prowess and also increases their profile and stature on the global stage. When Qatar was awarded the rights to host the 2022 World Cup, it was perceived as a historic moment because it is the first time a country in the Middle East will be home to such a high profile sports event. Hosting FIFA World Cup is a great honor for any country and it comes with certain obligations and high expectations. The recent news of hundreds of deaths among construction workers highlights the fact that Qatar has failed to fulfill the responsibilities that come with hosting a global event like FIFA World Cup, thus, the country should be stripped of the right to host the World Cup.

Mega sports events like FIFA World Cup also represent the collective progress mankind has made on social and cultural issues, thus, it is not a surprise that the deaths of construction workers has sparked a global outrage. If this had happened few hundred years ago, no soul would have been bothered by the news because different socioeconomic groups had different rights. But we have come a long way in terms of basic human rights. If organizations like FIFA choose to ignore ethical aspects in pursuit of economic interests, it sets a wrong precedent for other commercial organizations of all types. Today, organizations of all types are expected to fulfill their ethical obligations because the definition of stakeholders is much broader now.

If Qatar is allowed to keep the hosting right, it would set a wrong precedent for future hosts. By allowing Qatar to keep its right, FIFA will send the message that hosting countries can afford to ignore their ethical obligations as long as they are not exposed. And even if they are exposed, the damage could be contained with little or no consequences. FIFA President Sepp Blatter’s recent remark that there is plenty of time to deal with the issue (Gibson) only hurt’s FIFA’s ethical credentials. Stripping Qatar of hosting rights will send a strong message to future hosts that they cannot afford to ignore their social and ethical responsibilities because hosting right is not inalienable and if the situation warrants, FIFA will not hesitate from considering even the most extreme steps.

Qatar has been given the right to host World Cup in 2022 which still leaves us with nine years. Thus, FIFA cannot even hide behind the excuse of lack of time because many countries who bid against Qatar have the economical and technological prowess to complete preparations even if they are given the hosting right today. FIFA holds tremendous influence as a governing body of the most popular sport on the planet and it should display the courage to stand up to its obligations. Sports are meant to unite people and the current global sentiments against Qatar hosting the World Cup will only promote negative goodwill towards the event.

FIFA had responsibility to monitor preparations for the World Cup in Qatar and it failed so early. If the media didn’t highlight the issue, FIFA might never have taken notice. Thus, the right thing for FIFA is to make up for its failure because there is much more at stake than its economic interests or its ties with the Qatari Government. It’s still not late and FIFA may even enhance its reputation if it strips Qatar of the hosting right.

Gibson, Owen. World Cup 2022: football cannot ignore Qatar worker deaths, says Sepp Blatter. 4 October 2013. 7 October 2013 <http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/oct/04/world-cup-2022-fifa-sepp-blatter-qatar-worker-deaths?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487>.

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FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament

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"FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament." StudyMoose, May 02, 2020. Accessed August 10, 2024. https://studymoose.com/fifa-world-cup-essay

"FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament," StudyMoose , 02-May-2020. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/fifa-world-cup-essay. [Accessed: 10-Aug-2024]

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FIFA World Cup: Ultimate Football Tournament essay

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Essay on FIFA World Cup: The Global Celebration of Football

Every four years, the world comes together in a symphony of cheers, colors, and fervent enthusiasm for the most prestigious event in international football—the FIFA World Cup. This sporting spectacle transcends borders, uniting nations and fans in a celebration of skill, passion, and the universal love for the beautiful game. In this essay, we delve into the essence of the FIFA World Cup, exploring its significance and the indelible mark it leaves on the global stage.

Quick Overview:

  • Global Unity through Football: The FIFA World Cup serves as a powerful catalyst for global unity. It brings together nations from diverse cultures, languages, and backgrounds on a common platform, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared celebration that transcends political and geographical boundaries.
  • Cultural Exchange and Celebration: The tournament is not merely a competition; it is a cultural exchange where fans from every corner of the world converge to celebrate their love for football. From vibrant fan chants to colorful displays of national pride, the World Cup is a mosaic of traditions, creating an electric atmosphere of joy and excitement.
  • Showcasing Football Excellence: The World Cup is the pinnacle of football excellence, featuring the world’s best players and teams. It provides a stage for footballers to showcase their skill, creativity, and sportsmanship, creating moments of brilliance that become etched in the memories of fans and enthusiasts for years to come.
  • Economic Impact: Hosting the FIFA World Cup has significant economic implications for the host nation. The influx of tourists, increased business activities, and global media attention contribute to economic growth. The tournament leaves a lasting legacy, with host cities benefiting from improved infrastructure and facilities.
  • Inspiration for the Next Generation: The World Cup inspires aspiring footballers and fans alike. Young talents witness their idols on the grand stage, fueling dreams of representing their nations in future tournaments. The tournament’s influence extends beyond the field, impacting grassroots football development and fostering a love for the sport.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the FIFA World Cup stands as more than a sporting event; it is a global celebration that unites people from every corner of the world. The tournament’s ability to transcend cultural, linguistic, and political barriers highlights the unparalleled power of football as a universal language that connects hearts and creates lasting memories.

As fans eagerly await each World Cup edition, the tournament becomes a shared journey of emotions, triumphs, and unforgettable moments. The FIFA World Cup, with its grandeur and spectacle, serves as a testament to the unifying power of sports and the ability of football to create a tapestry of unity, inspiration, and collective joy that resonates far beyond the confines of the pitch. Whether it’s the iconic goals, the spirited celebrations, or the jubilant cheers echoing across stadiums, the FIFA World Cup embodies the spirit of global togetherness, making it a cherished event that captures the imagination of millions and leaves an indelible mark on the world of sports.

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a passionate educator, writer, and subject matter expert in the field of education and professional development. As an author on CoursesXpert, Rahul Kumar’s articles cover a wide range of topics, from various courses, educational and career guidance.

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FIFA World Cup 2022 – Current English Comprehension, Unseen and Writing Skills

  • Post author: bready2learn
  • Post published: December 19, 2022
  • Post category: My English

22nd FIFA World Cup is over now. The dream became true for Argentina by winning their 3rd FIFA football World Cup in 2022 , after long period of waiting from 1986, when they achieved their second world cup title. FIFA World Cup 2022 was hosted by Qatar , 1st time ever by any Arab Country and for second time in Asia. 32 countries participated in the event including the host Qatar. The mascot of the event was La’eeb , which is an Arabic word and it’s meaning is ” super – skilled player “.  The official match ball was Adidas – “Al Rihla ” , which is also an Arabic word and it’s meaning is ” the journey “. The World Cup started on 20th November, 2022 at the Al Bayt Stadium , Al Khor with a fantastic opening ceremony . History created when countries from every continent qualified for the knockout stage. Four nations qualified for the semi final . Argentina defeated Croatia to reach the final and the defending champion France defeated Morocco to reach the final. Morocco created history by becoming the first ever African nation to enter the semi final. Croatia defeated Morocco to achieve the 3rd place, so Morocco achieved the 4th place. The final match was held at Lusail Stadium at Lusail . It was really a great game of football. The  coaches were  – Lionel Scaloni for Argentina and Didier Deschamps for France  . Hugo Lloris  led the France as the captain of the squad and Lionell Messi as the captain of the Argentine squad.  In the scheduled time the match was tied with 2-2 . At the end of the extra time it was 3-3. So the match went to the penalty shootout. The magician Messi scored two goals for Argentina and the big match player Angel Di Maria scored one for them. All the three goals for France were scored by the French super star Kylian Mbappe . He became the second person ever to score a hatrick in the World Cup final. In penalty shootout Argentina defeated France by 4-2. Their star goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez saved one shot to become a hero. He  became the best goalkeeper of the tournament and won the Golden Glove . The Argentine skipper Lionel Messi performed superbly throughout the tournament with all his skills and magic . He became the Player of the tournament and received the Golden Ball award. Kylian Mbappe of France received the Golden Boot award by scoring the highest goal became true for Argentina by winning their 3rd FIFA football World Cup in 2022 , after long period of waiting from 1986, when they achieved their second world cup title. FIFA World Cup 2022 was hosted by Qatar , 1st time ever by any Arab Country and for second time in Asia. 32 countries participated in the event including the host Qatar. The mascot of the event was La’eeb , which is an Arabic word and it’s meaning is ” super – skilled player “. The official match ball was Adidas – “Al Rihla ” , which is also an Arabic word and it’s meaning is ” the journey “. The World Cup started on 20th November, 2022 at the Al Bayt Stadium , Al Khor with a fantastic opening ceremony . History created when countries from every continent qualified for the knockout stage. Four nations qualified for the semi final . Argentina defeated Croatia to reach the final and the defending champion France defeated Morocco to reach the final. Morocco created history by becoming the first ever African nation to enter the semi final. Croatia defeated Morocco to achieve the 3rd place, so Morocco achieved the 4th place. The final match was held at Lusail Stadium at Lusail . It was really a great game of football. The coaches were – Lionel Scaloni for Argentina and Didier Deschamps for France . Hugo Lloris led the France as the captain of the squad and Lionell Messi as the captain of the Argentine squad. In the scheduled time the match was tied with 2-2 . At the end of the extra time it was 3-3. So the match went to the penalty shootout. The magician Messi scored two goals for Argentina and the big match player Angel Di Maria scored one for them. All the three goals for France were scored by the French super star Kylian Mbappe . He became the second person ever to score a hatrick in the World Cup final. In penalty shootout Argentina defeated France by 4-2. Their star goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez saved one shot to become a hero. He became the best goalkeeper of the tournament and won the Golden Glove . The Argentine skipper Lionel Messi performed superbly throughout the tournament with all his skills and magic . He became the Player of the tournament and received the Golden Ball award. Kylian Mbappe of France received the Golden Boot award by scoring the highest goals ( 8 goals ) in the tournament. Enjo Fernandez of Argentina received the Silver Ball as the FIFA Young Player Award. The Fair Play award was awarded to England. A . Read the passage and answer the questions below – 1×4=4 1 . Who became the Player of the tournament in FWC 2022 ? 2 . Who scored the highest number of goals in the FWC 2022 ? 3. Describe the Mascot of the FWC 2022 ? 4. Which nation became the first African nation to reach semifinal? B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements – 2×3=6 1 . Argentina won the World Cup for four times . Supporting Statement – 2. The final match of FWC 2022 was decided inside the scheduled time. Supporting Statement – 3. Kylian Mbappe scored a hatrick in the FWC 2022 final. Supporting Statement –

C. Complete the sentences with the information from the passage –  1×5=5

1 .The inauguration ceremony of the FWC 

2022 was held at ———————————.

2. The final of the FWC 2022 was held at ———————————————-.

3. In the final , Messi scored ———————————————————-.

4. The official match ball ————————–


5. The defending champion for the FWC 2022 was ————————–.

D. Write the names of the head coaches of Argentina and France .   2

E. Who were the skipper for Argentina and France in the FWC 2022 ?    2

F. Mention the names of some awards and their receiver in the FWC 2022 .    4

G. Give a suitable title for the passage and mention the reason for choosing the title. 2

Writing Skills – 1 . Write a short paragraph on FIFA World Cup 2022 . 10 2. Write a newspaper report on the final match of FWC 2022 . 10 3. Write a letter to your best friend, describing your feelings about the FWC 2022. 10 4. Write a Precis based on the above passage. 10

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Qatar 2022: A truly global World Cup

  • Story: Saurabh Kumar

The Qatar World Cup 2022 served the entire world with a rich feast of football, complete with shocks, great goals, incredible celebrations, and record-breaking feats.

fifa world cup 2022 essay in english 300 words

Only one of the 32 teams ---13 teams from Europe, six teams from Asia, five from Africa, and four each from North America and South America--that came to Qatar for the 2022 World Cup could win the coveted title. And Lionel Messi led Argentina to a historic victory over the defending champions France in the final to end his World Cup drought in front of 88,000 fans in the stadium and many more at home.

Tensions were rife before the final due to French star Kylian Mbappe's claim that South American football wasn't as advanced as his home continent Europe, prompting criticism from some of the continent's most prominent figures. Messi was at his most inspiring, scoring two goals to bring his tournament total to seven and leading Argentina to their third World Cup victory, beating France 4-2 on penalties after a 3-3 tie in extra time.

But Mbappe made Messi work hard for the trophy he has long desired, scoring a hat trick that included two goals in 97 seconds late in regulation to pull France back from a 2-0 deficit. After Messi put Argentina back in front in extra time, France forward equalized once more. However, thanks to a penalty shoot-out win, it was ultimately Messi, Argentina and South America's World Cup to raise.

Historically, FIFA World Cup has been won by either a European nation or a South American country. This year, different teams from different parts of the world made spirited efforts in their quest to conquer football's most coveted trophy.

So, how did the 32 teams representing 5 continents perform in this World Cup?

FIFA confirmed that the Qatar World Cup set a record as teams from all continents have advanced to the round of 16 for the first time ever. For the second time, there were two from Africa, three from Asia, a first, and the United States carried the flag for North and Central America, with Europe and South America filling in the rest.  

fifa world cup 2022 essay in english 300 words

Netherlands,  Argentina, Croatia, Brazil, England, France, Morocco and Portugal were the 8 teams that reached the quarter-finals.

After the quarter-final round of games, all Asian teams were eliminated, leaving only Morocco from Africa. That meant a team from Africa had a one-eighth chance of winning the tournament for the first time. Argentina was carrying South American hopes whereas France and Croatia were two teams representing Europe.  

fifa world cup 2022 essay in english 300 words

Iran and Saudi Arabia, as well as the hosts Qatar, were eliminated in the group stages of the tournament, while South Korea advanced to the Round of 16 with a 2-1 victory over group leaders Portugal. However, the AFC registered nations' impact in this world cup was limited to that. Australia's demise began with a defeat to Lionel Messi's Argentina after nearly salvaging a draw in the final minutes of the match. Brazil looked too strong for the South Koreans, winning 4-1 and knocking them out of the tournament.

The numbers show that African and North American teams have outperformed their Asian counterparts. e.g. Since 1986, at least one team from North America and Africa has advanced to the knockout stages of the tournament, while Asian teams have failed to advance beyond the group stage in four of the nine World Cups since 1986.  

Morocco embarked on an exhilarating and historic run as the Walid Regragui-led side exceeded all expectations to become the first African team to reach the semi-final of the 2022 World Cup.  The highlight of their historic run is that the Atlas Lions defeated three former European football powers (Belgium, Spain, and Portugal), before going down to eventual runners-up France in the hard-fought semi-final.  

fifa world cup 2022 essay in english 300 words

Argentina's triumph at Lusail Iconic Stadium on December 18 meant that the teams from either Europe or South America have now won the previous 22 World Cups. So far, Europe has won 12 and South America has won 10.

fifa world cup 2022 essay in english 300 words

Since 1930, and across various formats, only three teams from outside Europe and South America have reached the semi-finals. They are the United States of America in 1930, South Korea in 2002 and Morocco in 2022.

fifa world cup 2022 essay in english 300 words

Story: Saurabh Kumar.

Infographics: Raka Mukherjee.

2022 World Cup and Qatar’s Economy Analytical Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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Examining factors related to the local economy, examining the decision-making process, reference list.

Any major sporting event whether it comes in the form of the Olympics, the World Cup or a variety of other events has the advantage of creating substantial economic activity within the country it is hosted in.

This is due to the sheer amount of visitors such events draw as well as the greater degree of exposure of the country which results in better prospects for tourism in the near future (Qataris are over the moon, 2011). Despite this, it must be questioned whether hosting such an event will result in economic success or is a potential prelude to potentially disastrous future consequences.

Ordinarily hosting such an event wouldn’t be a problem if there was sufficient local demand which offsets the costs involved in construction of new hotels, resorts, roads and stadiums for the expected 400,000 guests but the problem lies in the fact that Qatar has a population of barely 1,800,000 people and as such local demand for the new infrastructure developments would be quite low after the 2022 World Cup.

One way of seeing this in action is through the supply and demand illustration in Figure 1 . It is assumed that at the start of 2022 World Cup the demand on Qatar’s infrastructure developments will be placed at 550,000 units (400,000 predicted foreign guests and 150,000 local visitors).

How real estate demand in Qatar immediately after the 2022 World Cup cannot hope to match the supply that will be present within the economy

The supply in this particular graph will be set at a constant 550,000 thousand estimated real estate units based on the possibility that Qatar will have sufficient infrastructure capabilities to match demand.

At the beginning (meaning during the World Cup) there is a perfect equilibrium between demand and supply however after the World Cup the 400,000 thousand visitors will of course leave. Unfortunately, this leaves the 550,000 real estate units supply which are permanent fixtures within the local economy.

While initially there is a certain degree of demand within the economy from local and foreign sources the fact remains that the law of diminishing marginal utility states that eventually there will be a gain or loss from the continued consumption of a particular unit of supply and this takes the form of diminishing demand within the graph however do take into account that, unlike other types of supply, real estate developments last much longer and aren’t exactly “consumed” in the traditional manner (i.e. hotel rooms, apartments for rent etc.) as such these remain constant.

From the graph, it can be seen that there will be insufficient local and foreign demand to match the supply of real estate units created within Qatar and as a result, this would cause considerable problems within the local economy immediately after the event.

Various experts examining the bid of Qatar state that this is the country’s attempt at presenting itself as a global destination for business and tourism. The problem with this though is the fact that Dubai, which is quite close to Qatar, has already attempted this strategy with billions poured into infrastructure development culminating in the creation of the Palm Islands, the World Islands and the Burj Al Arab (Irish, 2005).

Taking this into consideration the strategy of Qatar is basically an emulation of what was done in Dubai however it is doubtful that it will be able to succeed given the fact that tourists could just go to Dubai which has a far more established reputation as compared to Qatar.

Furthermore, as evidenced by other countries that have hosted sporting events such as the Olympics and other World Cups, the money poured into the development of event locations is often not profitable (Matthew, 2009).

Based on the various arguments presented it can be seen that while the 2022 World Cup will bring substantial amounts of profit for various local businesses while it occurs it can be expected that after it is over the sheer amount of hyped-up infrastructure development without sufficient localized demand can and will result in problems for Qatar’s economy in the near future.

Irish, J. (2005). Bigger, better, bolder. MEED: Middle East Economic Digest, 49 (6), 42- 43.

Matthew, B. (2009). Olympic Stadium could turn into a ‘white elephant’ after 2012. Evening Standard . p. 4.

Qataris are over the moon. (2011). Business Middle East, 19 (1), 8.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 5). 2022 World Cup and Qatar's Economy. https://ivypanda.com/essays/2022-world-cup/

"2022 World Cup and Qatar's Economy." IvyPanda , 5 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/2022-world-cup/.

IvyPanda . (2019) '2022 World Cup and Qatar's Economy'. 5 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "2022 World Cup and Qatar's Economy." June 5, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/2022-world-cup/.

1. IvyPanda . "2022 World Cup and Qatar's Economy." June 5, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/2022-world-cup/.


IvyPanda . "2022 World Cup and Qatar's Economy." June 5, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/2022-world-cup/.


Paragraph on FIFA World Cup

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on FIFA World Cup in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on FIFA World Cup in 100 Words

The FIFA World Cup is a big soccer tournament where teams from all over the world come to play. It happens every four years. It’s like a big party for soccer lovers! Many countries take part and try to win. Each team has skilled players who try their best to score goals. People cheer for their favorite teams and players. The team that wins all their games gets a beautiful trophy. This event brings joy and excitement to people all over the world. It teaches us about teamwork and sportsmanship. The World Cup makes soccer more fun and exciting!

Paragraph on FIFA World Cup in 200 Words

Also check:

Paragraph on FIFA World Cup in 250 Words

The Fifa World Cup is one of the biggest sports events in the world. It is a football competition organized by the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) every four years. The competition brings together teams from various countries to compete for the top spot. The first World Cup took place in Uruguay in 1930 with only 13 countries. Over time, it has grown, and now 32 countries participate. The teams play several matches in different cities of the host country over about a month. The team that wins the final match is awarded the World Cup trophy and is recognized as the world champion in football for the next four years. Brazil is the most successful country in the history of the World Cup, having won the tournament five times. The World Cup is not just about football; it’s also about bringing people together from all around the world to celebrate their love for the sport. It promotes unity, respect, and understanding among different nations. The World Cup is watched by millions of people worldwide, making it a truly global event. It is an exciting time for both players and fans, filled with joy, sorrow, hope, and anticipation, which truly captures the spirit of football. The Fifa World Cup is more than a tournament; it’s a global celebration of football.

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Infantino: FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ preparations are ‘best ever’

FIFA President speaking in Doha as part of the Education Speaker Series

Discussion explored social, cultural and economic legacy of the tournament

President Infantino was joined by Supreme Committee Secretary General Hassan Al Thawadi and Machaille Hassan Al-Naimi, President of Community Development, Qatar Foundation

Qatar is more ready to host a FIFA World Cup™ than any nation in history and will deliver the “best World Cup ever”, FIFA President Gianni Infantino has told Qatar Foundation’s Education City Speaker Series as the build-up to the global sporting showpiece enters its final year. A virtual event held to mark the one-year countdown to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ – which kicks off on 21 November 2022 – heard how the tournament will create a cultural, social, and economic legacy for Qatar and the region, including through cruise ships that will act as ‘floating hotels’ for fans going on to play a post-World Cup role in boosting Qatar’s tourism and industry. During the discussion, titled FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™: The Countdown to History, Qatar Foundation (QF) and the FIFA Foundation announced a new partnership focused on inclusivity and engaging young people of different abilities through sport, including a Football for Schools app that will go global in 2022.

“I have never seen a country so ready to host a World Cup as Qatar,” President Infantino told the Education City Speaker Series. “In terms of infrastructure, everything is ready, which means that for the next year we can focus on making sure every fan coming to Qatar will have an incredible experience in a welcoming part of the world, in a great country and in a great region. It will not only be the best World Cup ever, but also a truly unique one.” Speaking about how the first FIFA World Cup™ in the Middle East and the Arab world will support FIFA’s efforts to grow the global game, the President said: “Our vision at FIFA is really to make football truly global. We often say it is a global sport, but (when) you scratch beneath the surface, you realize that top professional football is still very concentrated between a few teams in Europe. We need to give more opportunities and more access to the world through football, and the Arab world, in this respect, is crucial in this. “There is a population of 450 million people, and there is a great passion for football among the Arab world. I think it is absolutely fitting to have the World Cup here for the first time in history. I believe that World Cup, being such an amazing event, really has the power to inspire young generations and develop football at all different levels.”

He continued: “We, at FIFA, in Qatar, and everyone that is part of the team organizing the FIFA World Cup, want to really embrace sustainability, because we want to make football, and the impact that football has in the world, better from one World Cup to the next. The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ will really be a highlight, because we have the commitment from Qatar and that is something unique, that will be seen from now until the World Cup (finals), but much more importantly, after the World Cup as well.” His Excellency Hassan Al Thawadi, Secretary General of the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy was also on the panel and described the tournament as “a great opportunity to showcase the culture, heritage, and hospitality of this part of the world”. He added: “The World Cup is a gateway for piquing the interest of people from all walks of life to come to Qatar, the Middle East, and the Arab world, and for us to showcase ourselves to the world. Machaille Hassan Al-Naimi, President of Community Development, Qatar Foundation added: “At QF, we are a living, breathing city within a city, and we are playing a very unique role in supporting the World Cup from the perspective of sustainability, research, and community development, all of which are core mission areas for us. “We want to ensure tournament volunteers learn about our Arabic language, history, and culture, so the legacy of the volunteer program extends beyond the World Cup.”


Essay on FIFA world cup 2022 – [500 words]

Write an essay on FIFA world cup 2022 in 500 words:

FIFA also known as Fédération Internationale De Football Association is without a doubt one of the most prestigious events in the whole world. It’s a football premier league with the highest net worth. The FIFA world cup takes place after every 4 years. The 2022 FIFA world cup took place in Qatar. This is the first time that the world cup took place in the Arabic and Muslim world. This marks the 2 nd world cup to be held in Asia after 2002’s world cup which took place in South Korea and Japan.

Qatar’s Planning and Execution

The most important point of the 2022 World cup was the decision for it to be held in Qatar. The small Gulf nation was awarded the tournament in 2010, but there have been concerns about the country’s human rights record, as well as the potential for extreme heat during the tournament. The event matches took place in 8 different venues. 6 of them were unveiled in 2010. 2 of them were rebuilt and worked on to meet the hot climate of Qatar.  This made the 2022 World cup to be the most expensive event ever amounting to almost USD 220 Billion. The stadiums were equipped with cooling systems that aim to reduce temperatures within the stadium by up to 20 °C. The Lusail Stadium was the most used venue. It held 10 matches of the whole event also including the last Finale of the world cup. These stadiums used in the world cup had state-of-the-art facilities, were equipped with modern amenities and technology and provided a world-class experience for players and fans alike.

FIFA format change

The 2022 World Cup is the first world cup to feature an expanded field of 32 teams, up from the previous format of 24 teams. This number is increased to 48 for the 2026 World cup. This expansion allowed more teams to compete on the world stage and made the tournament far more competitive and exciting. This also gave many other countries the to participate including Qatar’s team. Qatar also requested for the event to be opened by a match of the Qatar football team.

This is the first time the world cup was held in the months of winter rather than the usual traditional months of summer. This was somewhat expected because of the high and unbearable heat of Qatar summer. The temps of Qatar in summer can reach as high as 50 degrees which would have made it almost impossible to play in the stadiums. This caused a lot of other premier leagues to adjust their schedules and not get tingled with the World Cup.

FIFA announced in 2020 that all the teams would get 1.5 Million USD beforehand to prepare for any costs of maintenance so that event goes on stable. The champions were announced to get 42 Million dollars USD, while the runner-ups were announced to get 30 Million USD. The 3 rd and 4 th ranking teams got 27 and 25 million dollars respectively. The 5 th to 8 th ranking teams got 17 Million USD. The 17 th to the last 36 th Teams got 9 Million dollars each. All the prize money amount to 440$ Million USD. This is 40 million more than the previous one.

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