contact lens essay

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Writing advice from the harvard college writing center tutors, the four parts of a lens essay argument.

by Emily Hogin

One of the most common prompts I see at the Writing Center is the “lens essay.” A lens essay brings two texts in dialogue with one another in a very particular way. It asks you to use Text B – the lens – to illuminate something you didn’t already know about Text A.

How Not to Argue a Lens Essay

A lens essay is not a list of differences and similarities between two texts. The following are some (exaggerated) examples of a bad argument for a lens essay I’ve come across at the Writing Center:

Even though one is philosophy and the other is a novel, both Text A and Text B talk about the imagination.

This first thesis statement notes a similarity between the two texts that will likely be obvious to readers of the text. It doesn’t use one text to illuminate anything about the other.

While both Text A and Text B argue that human nature is unchangeable, Text A asserts that humans are inherently good and Text B asserts that humans are inherently bad.

This thesis makes a claim about each text but doesn’t say anything about them in relation to each other.

Text A, a poem, does a better job of communicating the emotional struggles of living with HIV than Text B, a statistical report, because a poem allows readers to identify emotionally with other people while statistics are more abstract and cold.

This third thesis statement does make an argument that connects both texts, but again fails to use one text to tell us something we don’t already know about the other text.

contact lens essay

In my experience, a successful lens essay implies a certain kind of thought-process that has at least four parts:

(1) I read Text A

(2) I read Text B (my lens)

(3) I re-read Text A and noticed something I didn’t notice before

(4) That something turns out to carry consequences for my overall reading of Text A (thesis/argument)

(And if you really want to wow your reader, you’d add a final part:)

(5) Applying Text B (my lens) in this way also reveals something significant about Text B

When I say significance or consequences, I don’t mean that it has to alter the meaning of a text radically; it can be something small but important. For example, you might find that one element is a lot more important (or a lot less important) to the overall text than you had previously thought.

As an example, here is an excerpt from the introduction to my last lens essay:

The concept of the imagination is ambiguous throughout Venus in Furs : at times, the imagination appears as passive as a battleground that external forces fight to occupy and control; at other times, the imagination appears to drive the action as if it is another character. Any theory of sexuality that seeks to explain Venus in Furs thus must be able to explain the ambiguity over the imagination. Foucault’s theory of the inescapable knowledge-power of sexuality comes close to being able to explain Sacher-Masoch’s ambiguous concept of the imagination, but applying Foucault in this way highlights Foucault’s own difficulty situating the imagination within his theory.

You can see my lens essay thought-process in just these three sentences:

(1) I read Venus in Furs (Text A) and noticed that the imagination is ambiguous

(2) I read Foucault (Text B, my lens) (3) to better understand the imagination in Venus in Furs

(4) Foucault helped explain why an ambiguous imagination is an appropriate way to look at sexuality

but (5) applying Foucault to the imagination tells me that Foucault’s own theory is challenged when he has to account for the imagination.

Once you have an argument for a lens essay, you will have to structure your paper in a way that allows this lens essay thought-process to come across. This means that each of your topic sentences should refer back to this thought-process. Even if you need a paragraph that discusses one of the texts primarily, your topic sentence should justify why you’re doing that. Your complicated and interesting thesis will likely require you to move back and forth between Text A and Text B (your lens).

Of course, your argument will depend on your assignment, but I’ve found this four-part approach successful in a number of courses where the assignment asked me to bring two texts in dialogue with one another.

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Writing a “Lens” Essay

This handout provides suggestions for writing papers or responses that ask you to analyze a text through the lens of a critical or theoretical secondary source.

Generally, the lens should reveal something about the original or “target” text that may not be otherwise apparent. Alternatively, your analysis may call the validity of the arguments of the lens piece into question, extend the arguments of the lens text, or provoke some other reevaluation of the two texts. Either way, you will be generating a critical “dialogue between texts.”

Reading the Texts

Since you will eventually want to hone in on points of commonality and discord between the two texts, the order and manner in which you read them is crucial.

First, read the lens text to identify the author’s core arguments and vocabulary. Since theoretical or critical texts tend to be dense and complex, it may be helpful to develop an outline of the author’s primary points. According the to Brandeis Writing Program Handbook, a valuable lens essay will “grapple with central ideas” of the lens text, rather than dealing with isolated quotes that may or may not be indicative of the author’s argument as a whole. As such, it’s important to make sure you truly understand and can articulate the author’s main points before proceeding to the target text.

Next, quickly read the target text to develop a general idea of its content. Then, ask yourself: Where do I see general points of agreement or disagreement between the two texts? Which of the lens text’s main arguments could be applied to the target text? It may be easier to focus on one or two of the lens text’s central arguments. 

With these ideas in mind, go back and read the target text carefully, through the theoretical lens, asking yourself the following questions: What are the main components of the lens text and what are their complementary parts in the target text? How can I apply the lens author’s theoretical vocabulary or logic to instances in the target text? Are there instances where the lens text’s arguments don’t or can’t apply? Why is this? It is helpful to keep a careful, written record of page numbers, quotes, and your thoughts and reactions as you read.

Since this type of paper deals with a complex synthesis of multiple sources, it is especially important to have a clear plan of action before you begin writing. It may help to group quotes or events by subject matter, by theme, or by whether they support, contradict, or otherwise modify the arguments in the lens text. Hopefully, common themes, ideas, and arguments will begin to emerge and you can start drafting!

Writing the Introduction and Thesis

As your paper concerns the complex interactions between multiple texts, it is important to explain what you will be doing the introduction. Make sure to clearly introduce the lens text and its specific arguments you will be employing or evaluating. Then introduce the target text and its specific themes or events you will be addressing in your analysis. 

These introductions of texts and themes should lead into some kind of thesis statement. Though there are no set guidelines or conventions for what this thesis should look like, make sure it states the points of interaction you will be discussing, and explains what your critical or theoretical analysis of the target text reveals about the texts.

Writing the Body

The body is where you apply specific arguments from the lens text to specific quotes or instances in the target text. In each case, make sure to discuss what the lens text reveals about the target text (or vice versa). Use the lens text’s vocabulary and logical framework to examine the target text, but make sure to be clear about where ideas in the paper are coming from (the lens text, the target text, your own interpretation etc.) so the reader doesn’t become confused.

By engaging in this type of analysis, you are “entering an academic conversation” and inserting your own ideas. As this is certainly easier said than done, Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein’s concept of “Templates” may prove useful. In their book, They Say, I Say, the authors lay out numerous templates to help writers engage in unfamiliar forms of critical academic discourse. They encourage students to use the templates in any capacity they find useful, be it filling them in verbatim, modifying and extending them, or using them as an analytical entry point, then discarding them completely.

Here I modify their basic template (They say ________. I say ________.), to create lens essay-specific templates to help you get started:

The author of the lens text lays out a helpful framework for understanding instances of ________ in the target text. Indeed, in the target text, one sees ________, which could be considered an example of ________ by the lens author’s definition. Therefore, we see a point of commonality concerning ________. This similarity reveals ________.

According to the lens text _______ tends to occur in situations where _______. By the lens author’s definition, ________ in the target text could be considered an instance of _______. However, this parallel is imperfect because _______. As such, we become aware of ________.

One sees ________ in the target text, which calls the lens author’s argument that ________ into question because ________.

If the author of the lens text is correct that ________, one would expect to see ________ in the target text. However, ________ actually takes place, revealing a critical point of disagreement. This discord suggests that ________. This issue is important because ________.

Wrapping Things up and Drawing Conclusions

By this point in your essay, you should be drawing conclusions regarding what your lens analysis reveals about the texts in questions, or the broader issues the texts address. Make sure to explain why these discoveries are important for the discipline in which you are writing. In other words, what was the point of carrying out your analysis in the first place? Happy lens writing!

Brandeis UWS Writing Handbook, 70.

UWS Handbook, 76.

Birkenstein, Cathy and Gerald Graff, They Say, I Say. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2007), 2-3.

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Lens essay overview.

Note: this handout is available for download in  PDF format and as an MS Word  DOCX that instuctors can customize.

Close Reading

While lens essays consist of more than close reading, they can’t function without it! In fact, in lens analysis you will perform two different, but related, forms of close reading:

  • Primary text – Observing tone, diction, characters, plot, style, structure, themes, etc.
  • Lens text – Identifying key terms, argument’s structure, how it uses evidence, etc.

In the lens essay, you will draw connections between your observations about textual details and a larger claim about the text as a whole (like you did with your close reading paper), but the lens will restrict your vision to ideas relevant to the lens.

Engagement with a Scholarly Text

Lens argumentation helps you build skills necessary to research writing, including:

  • Engaging critically with a school of thought or critical theory
  • Constructing a conversation between two or more different texts

How to Read a Lens Text

  • Read using a pen, pencil, or highlighter to mark up the text.
  • Annotate: write down questions and comments; note key terms and important passages.
  • Use a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words.
  • Read slowly and carefully, sentence by sentence, and re-read as often as necessary.
  • Identify the topic of each paragraph and how the paragraphs relate to one another. Consider drawing up a reverse outline – your own outline of the written text.
  • Distinguish between the voice of the lens author and the voice of the evidence the lens text analyzes.
  • Don’t sweat it if you don’t understand every single nuance!

Types of Lens Theses

  • Lens reveals something in the primary text that you would not recognize without the lens.
  • Primary text reveals something in the lens that you would not recognize without the primary text.
  • Lens text builds on the ideas of the primary text.
  • Primary text builds on the ideas of the lens.
  • Primary text is an example of the lens’s ideas in a specific, different, or unexpected way that clarifies the theory of the lens
  • Lens text is revelatory but cannot account for everything in the primary text.
  • Primary text is revelatory but cannot account for everything in the lens.
  • Primary text changes, advances, extends, redirects (etc.) the theory of the lens.
  • Lens text theorizes the scenario of the primary text, which requires understanding.
  • Lens text misunderstands a specific element of the primary text
  • Primary text misunderstands a specific element of the lens text
  • Locate inconsistencies in the text
  • Look for value and agreements
  • Put the two texts into conversation
  • Pay a lot of attention to both texts
  • Understand and summarize the heart of the lens text
  • Attend to what interests you
  • Develop a reading that would not be possible without putting the lens texts together
  • Dismiss the lens text altogether
  • Fall in love with the lens text
  • Compare and contrast
  • Focus on just one text
  • Treat a peripheral part of the lens like it is the central idea ...
  • ... Nor should you feel the need to account for every aspect of a complex lens text.
  • Forget that you are writing from the perspective of the lens or forget to address the text by quoting and paraphrasing
  • Develop a reading that would be determined by just one text alone

Example: Introduction From a Successful Lens Essay

For the United States, and especially in New York, the middle of the 19th century meant an increase in immigration, which lead to a more diverse society and a huge rise in the population of cities. Consequently, a belief that prostitution was growing became widespread throughout society. Though prostitution was not officially illegal and most public officials tolerated the practice, many were still very opposed to the idea and thought prostitution was a shameful line of work. Moreover, prostitutes, especially those who were less affluent, could still get into trouble for disorderly conduct. In 1836, Helen Jewett, a somewhat “high-class” prostitute who worked in a brothel owned by Rosina Townsend, was found dead in her room. A frequent visitor to the brothel, Richard P. Robinson, alias Frank Rivers, was suspected of the murder and put on trial. From the beginning, the Jewett murder trial was well publicized and quickly became a contested issue throughout the area. However, when communications theorist Robert Hariman’s theories of “social knowledge” and “performance” are applied to the Jewett case, it becomes clear that the trial was not really about reaching a verdict, but rather about dramatizing, emotionalizing and over sexualizing the women of the brothel in a performance that addressed various societal assumptions about prostitutes and the female gender in general. The discrepancy between how female characters were portrayed throughout the Robinson trial reveals the inconsistencies in how women were perceived and treated within mid-nineteenth century society, a social tension that stemmed from multiple, competing ideas of gender.

Credit: Brandeis University Writing Center, 2020

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contact lens essay

How to Write a Critical Lens Essay Successfully Step by Step

critical lens

Critical lens essay writing is a type of literary analysis where the writer is required to analyze and interpret a specific piece of literature or a quote. The essay typically involves discussing the meaning of the quote and how it relates to two literary works. The author is expected to use literary elements and techniques to support their interpretation and provide evidence from the texts.

The term "critical lense" refers to the perspective or lenses through which the scribe views and analyzes the literature. It often involves exploring the cultural, historical, or philosophical context of the works being analyzed. The goal is to demonstrate a deep understanding of the literature and present a well-argued interpretation.

In this guide, we’ll explore such crucial aspects of how to write critical lens essay, its definition, format, and samples. Just in case you’re in a big hurry, here’s a link to our essay writer service that can help you cope with a task at hand quickly and effortlessly.  

contact lens essay

What Is a Critical Lens Essay and How to Write It

A critical lens analysis is a form of literary exploration that challenges students to interpret and analyze a specific quote, known as the "lens," and apply it to two pieces of literature. This type of composition aims to assess a student's understanding of literary elements, themes, and the broader implications of the chosen quote. Effectively producing a research paper involves several key steps, each contributing to a comprehensive and insightful analysis. 

The critical lens meaning is to provide a unique perspective into the complexities of literature. It goes beyond mere summarization, urging students to explore the layers of meaning embedded within the chosen quote and its application to literary works. Unveiling the assignment's meaning requires a keen eye for nuance and an appreciation for the intricate dance between language and interpretation.

Knowing how to write a lens essay involves mastering the art of interpretation. As students embark on this literary journey, the process of achieving this task becomes integral. It demands an exploration of the chosen quote's implications, an in-depth analysis of its resonance with the selected literature, and a thoughtful synthesis of ideas. A step-by-step approach is crucial, from deciphering the meaning to meticulously weaving insights into a cohesive and compelling narrative.

A lens analysis is more than a scholarly exercise; it's a nuanced exploration of the intersections between literature and life. It prompts students to unravel the layers of meaning embedded within the viewpoint, dissecting its implications for characters, themes, and overarching narratives. This analytical journey not only refines academic skills but also cultivates a deeper appreciation for the profound impact literature can have on our understanding of the human experience. For those seeking to delve deeper into critical analysis or needing assistance with their academic workload, there is an opportunity to find someone to write papers for money and get proper help.

Step-by-Step Writing Guide

In this guide, we will explore the assignment’s prerequisites and outline five steps to help students understand how to write a critical lens essay.

how to write critical lens essay

STEP 1 - Understand the Critical Lens Quote

The journey of crafting a compelling draft begins with a deep understanding of the chosen quote or viewpoint. This quote typically embodies a philosophical or thematic idea that serves as a foundation for analyzing the selected literary works. Students should dissect the quote, exploring its nuances, underlying meanings, and potential applications to literature.

STEP 2 - Select Appropriate Literary Works

Once the sources are comprehended, the next step is to select two literary works that can be effectively analyzed through this framework. Choosing appropriate texts is crucial, as they should offer rich content and thematic depth, allowing for a comprehensive exploration. Students must consider how the texts align with and diverge from the central ideas presented in the quote.

STEP 3 - Interpret the Chosen Texts

With the literary works in hand, students embark on a close reading and analysis of the selected texts. This involves identifying key themes, characters, literary devices, and narrative elements within each work. The goal is to understand how each text relates to the material and to uncover the deeper meanings encapsulated in the literature.

STEP 4 - Write a Thesis Statement for Your Critical Lens Essay

The thesis statement is the compass guiding the entire document. It should succinctly capture the composer’s interpretation of the original source and how it applies to the chosen texts. A well-crafted thesis statement not only outlines the focus of the essay but also provides a roadmap for the subsequent analysis, showcasing the author’s unique perspective.

STEP 5 - Structure the Essay Effectively

The final step involves organizing the tract into a coherent and persuasive structure. A well-structured article typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, students present their interpretation, introduce the chosen texts, and offer a clear thesis statement. Body paragraphs delve into specific aspects of lenses and their application to each text, supported by relevant evidence and analysis. The conclusion synthesizes the key findings, reinforces the thesis, and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

A successful article requires a meticulous approach to interpreting the quote, selecting appropriate literary works, closely analyzing the texts, crafting a robust thesis statement, and structuring the document effectively. By following these five key steps, students can develop a well-rounded and insightful article that not only demonstrates their understanding of literature but also showcases their ability to apply analytical thinking skills to literary analysis. Should you find the process challenging, simply contact us and say, ‘ Write an essay for me ,’ so we can find you a perfect writer for the job.

Critical Lens Essay Outline

Creating a comprehensive lens essay outline is an essential preparatory step that helps students organize their thoughts and ensures a well-structured effort. Below is a suggested outline, dividing the task into logical sections:


  • Hook: Begin with a captivating hook or quote to engage the reader.
  • Quote: Introduce the chosen quote, providing context and potential interpretations.
  • Interpretation: Offer your initial interpretation and its implications.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state your thesis, outlining how the document applies to the chosen literary works.

Body Paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: First Literary Work

  • Brief Overview: Provide a concise summary of the first literary work.
  • Connection to Critical Lens: Analyze how it applies to this text.
  • Evidence: Incorporate relevant quotes or examples from the text to support your analysis.
  • Interpretation: Discuss the deeper meanings revealed through the analysis.

Paragraph 2: Second Literary Work

  • Brief Overview: Summarize the second literary work.
  • Connection to Critical Lens: Examine how it is reflected in this text.
  • Evidence: Include specific quotes or instances from the text to bolster your analysis.
  • Interpretation: Explore the profound implications illuminated by the material.

Paragraph 3: Comparative Analysis

  • Common Themes: Identify shared themes or patterns between the two works.
  • Differences: Highlight key differences and divergent interpretations.
  • Unity: Emphasize how both work collectively to reinforce the analysis.
  • Counterargument.


  • Recapitulation: Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Thesis Restatement: Reiterate your thesis in a compelling manner.
  • Concluding Thoughts: Offer final reflections on the broader implications of your analysis.

By adhering to this outline, students can systematically approach their essays, ensuring a coherent and well-supported exploration of the chosen perspective and literary works. The outline serves as a roadmap, guiding the author through each essential element and facilitating a more organized and impactful final product. You will also benefit from learning how to write a character analysis essay because this guide also offers a lot of useful tips.

rules of critical lens essay


The introduction plays a pivotal role in capturing the reader's attention and establishing the foundation for the ensuing analysis. Begin with a compelling hook or a thought-provoking quote that relates to the chosen perspective. Following the hook, introduce the quote itself, providing the necessary context and initial interpretations. This is also the space to present the thesis statement, succinctly outlining how the outlook applies to the literary works under examination. The thesis should offer a roadmap for the reader, indicating the key themes or ideas that will be explored in the body paragraphs.

The main body paragraphs constitute the heart of the article, where the essayist delves into a detailed analysis of the chosen literary works through the framework provided. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific literary work, providing a brief overview, connecting it to the perspective, presenting evidence from the text, and offering interpretations. Use clear topic sentences to guide the reader through each paragraph's main idea. Strive for a balance between summarizing the text and analyzing how it aligns with the outlook. If applicable, include a comparative analysis paragraph that explores common themes or differences between the two works. This section requires a careful integration of textual evidence and insightful commentary. Keep in mind that learning the ins and outs of a literary analysis essay might also help you improve your overall written skills, so check it out, too!

The conclusion serves as a synthesis of the analysis, offering a concise recapitulation of the main points explored in the body paragraphs. Begin by summarizing the key findings and interpretations, reinforcing how each literary work aligns with the work’s angle. Restate the thesis in a conclusive manner, emphasizing the overarching themes that have emerged from the analysis. Beyond a mere recap, the conclusion should provide broader insights into the implications of the outlook, encouraging readers to contemplate the universal truths or societal reflections brought to light. A strong conclusion leaves a lasting impression, prompting reflection on the interconnectedness of literature and the perspectives that illuminate its depth.

Critical Lens Essay Example

Final Remark 

Through the exploration of literary works, students not only refine their understanding of diverse perspectives but also develop essential analytical thinking skills. The ability to decipher, analyze, and articulate the underlying themes and conflicts within literature positions students as adept communicators and thinkers.

Armed with the skills cultivated in dissecting and interpreting texts, students gain a formidable ally in the pursuit of effective communication. By committing to harnessing the insights gained through this assignment, students empower themselves to produce richer, more nuanced pieces. 

contact lens essay

How to Write a Thesis Statement for Your Critical Lens Essay?

How does using a critical lens essay help writers, what are the best critical lens essay examples.

Ryan Acton is an essay-writing expert with a Ph.D. in Sociology, specializing in sociological research and historical analysis. By partnering with EssayHub, he provides comprehensive support to students, helping them craft well-informed essays across a variety of topics.

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How to Write a Lens Essay

Sophie levant, 25 jun 2018.

How to Write a Lens Essay

Look closely at literature, and you may see a new world below the surface. In high school or college, a teacher may ask you to do this by writing a lens essay. A lens essay is a type of comparative paper that analyzes one text through the viewpoints expressed in another. Composing an effective one is difficult even for the most seasoned of writers. However, it is an incredible intellectual exercise through which you will not only improve your writing skills but your critical reading and thinking skills as well.

Explore this article

  • Read the Lens Text
  • Read the Focus Text
  • Take a Closer Look
  • Construct Your Thesis
  • Compose the Body of Your Essay
  • Sum Up Your Ideas
  • Revise and Edit

things needed

  • Your two texts
  • Pen and paper

1 Read the Lens Text

Begin by reading the text you plan to use as your viewpoint. Take note of strong opinions, assumptions and justifications. Clear, concise notes about this section will help when using this text as a lens and when writing your final essay, so make sure your notes are accurate.

2 Read the Focus Text

Read the second work once, making note of its important details. Look back at your notes from the lens text, and read the focus text again with the lens text in mind. Use active reading skills such as writing questions in the margins and determining the purpose of each paragraph.

3 Take a Closer Look

Here are a few questions to consider when analyzing the content of your focus text: How does the lens text serve to shed light on the second text? Does it criticize it or support it? If the two pieces were written during different periods in history, consider the era in which the lens was written and how it affects the opinions or points made in the second. Consider the lives of the authors and how their differences might inform their writing.

4 Construct Your Thesis

With your notes in hand, construct your thesis statement. Using details from the both texts as context clues, determine how the author of the lens text would view the assertions of the focal text. Construct this view as a statement that includes the details expounded upon in the body paragraphs of your essay. At the same time, keep your thesis statement as clear and simple as you can. Your thesis statement is the roadmap to the rest of your paper. Its clarity and concision will help your reader understand what to expect.

5 Compose the Body of Your Essay

Write the body. A lens essay is typically constructed on a text-by-text basis. Concentrate on presenting the lens in the first paragraphs. In the following, present the second text as viewed through the lens. How do your points support the thesis? Make sure to include evidence for your assertions.

6 Sum Up Your Ideas

Write the conclusion. Restate your thesis first, then sum up the main points of your paper. Be sure to make what you have said meaningful. Don't let the paper fizzle out, but don't introduce new information either.

7 Revise and Edit

Read over your work at least once, first paying attention to content and inconsistencies in your argument. Make additions and corrections, and then proofread your work. Correct errors in style and grammar, and make sure your prose reads fluently. When in doubt, ask a friend to read your paper. Sometimes another set of eyes can catch mistakes that yours don't.

  • It is always well worth your time to proofread and edit your paper before submission. Not only can you correct any errors in style and grammar, but inconsistencies in your argument as well.
  • 1 Brandeis University: The Lens Essay
  • 2 The McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning: Active Reading Strategies

About the Author

Sophie Levant is a freelance writer based in Michigan. Having attended Michigan State University, her interests include history classical music, travel, and the German language. Her work has been published at eHow and Travels.

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How to Write an Informative Summary

Different Types of Reading Strategies

Different Types of Reading Strategies

How to Summarize an Essay or Article

How to Summarize an Essay or Article

How to Write a Comparison Essay of Text to Text

How to Write a Comparison Essay of Text to Text

How to Improve Adult Reading Comprehension

How to Improve Adult Reading Comprehension

How to Write a Summary Paper in MLA Format

How to Write a Summary Paper in MLA Format

How to Write a DBQ Essay

How to Write a DBQ Essay

Three Components of a Good Paragraph

Three Components of a Good Paragraph

How to Write a Reaction Paper

How to Write a Reaction Paper

How to Annotate a Reading Assignment

How to Annotate a Reading Assignment

How to Erase Highlighters

How to Erase Highlighters

How to Find a Thesis in an Essay

How to Find a Thesis in an Essay

How to Summarize a Reading Assignment

How to Summarize a Reading Assignment

How to Choose a Title for Your Research Paper

How to Choose a Title for Your Research Paper

How to Write a Critique Essay

How to Write a Critique Essay

How to Write a Paper: Title, Introduction, Body & Conclusion

How to Write a Paper: Title, Introduction, Body & Conclusion

Comprehension Skills That Require Critical Thinking

Comprehension Skills That Require Critical Thinking

Difference Between a Paraphrase & a Summary

Difference Between a Paraphrase & a Summary

How to Do Skimming in a Reading Comprehension Test

How to Do Skimming in a Reading Comprehension Test

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  1. Contact Lenses and Contrast Sensitivity Study

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  2. ODI Contact Lens’ Marketing Strategy Essay Example

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  3. 2-Anterior-Eye 2018 Contact-Lens-Practice

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  4. Eyeglasses versus Contact lenses Essay Example

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  5. Contact lenses versus glasses: what is better: [Essay Example], 546

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  6. (PDF) contact lens case study.pdf

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  1. Contact lens problem #shivammalikshorts

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  3. Are These The Best Contact Lenses In India?

  4. contact lens #youtubeshorts #eyecare #nainaeyecare ❤❤

  5. Critical Lens Essay Writing Guide by EssayHub

  6. (Part 2) Easy as 1-2-3: The Contact Lens Institute's EASY Way


  1. The Four Parts of a Lens Essay Argument - The Barker Underground

    A lens essay brings two texts in dialogue with one another in a very particular way. It asks you to use Text B – the lens – to illuminate something you didn’t already know about Text A. How Not to Argue a Lens Essay. A lens essay is not a list of differences and similarities between two texts.

  2. Writing a “Lens” Essay | Pomona College in Claremont ...

    Writing a “Lens” Essay. This handout provides suggestions for writing papers or responses that ask you to analyze a text through the lens of a critical or theoretical secondary source. Generally, the lens should reveal something about the original or “target” text that may not be otherwise apparent.

  3. Introducing the Lens | Assignment Sequences | Lens Essay ...

    Introducing the Lens. The lens essay can be difficult for students to grasp conceptually: what are we asking them to do? And why are we asking them to do it?

  4. Lens Essay Overview | Writing Handouts | Resources for ...

    In the lens essay, you will draw connections between your observations about textual details and a larger claim about the text as a whole (like you did with your close reading paper), but the lens will restrict your vision to ideas relevant to the lens.

  5. Overview of the Features of Contact Lenses: [Essay Example ...

    Contact lenses work to correct vision the same way that eyeglasses do: they alter the direction of light rays to focus light properly onto the retina. If you are nearsighted, light rays focus too early within your eye — they form a focus point in front of the retina instead of directly on it.

  6. Contact Lens Persuasive Speech - 1057 Words - bartleby

    Contact lenses are a simple solution for improving your vision. They are a great alternative to glasses but come with their own host of problems if they are not used properly. Contact lenses work best when the eyes are properly lubricated or moist. If your eyes dry out while wearing your contact lens, this will lead to discomfort and irritation.

  7. How to Write a Critical Lens Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

    Brief Overview: Provide a concise summary of the first literary work. Connection to Critical Lens: Analyze how it applies to this text. Evidence: Incorporate relevant quotes or examples from the text to support your analysis. Interpretation: Discuss the deeper meanings revealed through the analysis.

  8. How to Write a Lens Essay - Synonym

    Writing a lens essay can help you see a piece of literature from a new perspective. To write one, first read the lens text to understand its viewpoint. Next, read the focus text, using active reading skills. Taking a closer look and using critical thinking skills will help you devise a thesis.

  9. Chemistry Of Contact Lenses Essay - 2181 Words - bartleby

    Chemistry of Contact Lenses Through improvements in technology and a better understanding of chemistry, contact lenses have grown to become one of the most popular forms of vision correction.

  10. QC Writing Center Guide to Writing Critical Lens Essays

    What is a critical lens essay? A critical lens is a way of looking at a particular work of literature by focusing on style choices, plot devices, and character interactions and how they show a certain theme. What is the purpose of a critical lens essay?