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Education Standards

Radford university.

Learning Domain: Social Work

Standard: Basic Research Methodology

Lesson 10: Sampling in Qualitative Research

Lesson 11: qualitative measurement & rigor, lesson 12: qualitative design & data gathering, lesson 1: introduction to research, lesson 2: getting started with your research project, lesson 3: critical information literacy, lesson 4: paradigm, theory, and causality, lesson 5: research questions, lesson 6: ethics, lesson 7: measurement in quantitative research, lesson 8: sampling in quantitative research, lesson 9: quantitative research designs, powerpoint slides: sowk 621.01: research i: basic research methodology.

PowerPoint Slides: SOWK 621.01: Research I: Basic Research Methodology

The twelve lessons for SOWK 621.01: Research I: Basic Research Methodology as previously taught by Dr. Matthew DeCarlo at Radford University. Dr. DeCarlo and his team developed a complete package of materials that includes a textbook, ancillary materials, and a student workbook as part of a VIVA Open Course Grant.

The PowerPoint slides associated with the twelve lessons of the course, SOWK 621.01: Research I: Basic Research Methodology, as previously taught by Dr. Matthew DeCarlo at Radford University. 


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Published by Kelly O’Brien’ Modified over 6 years ago

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CHAPTER 1 Understanding RESEARCH

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Research Methodology

Aug 20, 2014

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Research Methodology. Introduction to Research Methodology. Stages of Research Project. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation of Findings Chapter 5: Discussion and conclusion. Why do we research?.

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Presentation Transcript

Research Methodology Introduction to Research Methodology

Stages of Research Project • Chapter 1: Introduction • Chapter 2: Literature Review • Chapter 3: Methodology • Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation of Findings • Chapter 5: Discussion and conclusion

Why do we research? • To acquire information/knowledge • Research – a particular way of knowing • Emphasis on systematic investigation • Scientific method- collecting observations in a systematic and objective manner • Identify problem • Generate Objectives/hypotheses/RQ • Collect data • Determine whether or not the hypotheses are supported. • Researches that use non-scientific method • Historical, etnography

Types of researches (by purpose) • Basic research (Fundamental Research) • Concerned with fundamental and theoretical questions. • A foundation upon which others can develop applications and solutions • while basic research may not appear to be helpful in the real world, it can direct us toward practical applications in the long run. • E.g. A study on job rotation impact (positive and negative impact) on employees.

Applied research • concerned with finding solutions to practical problems and putting these solutions to work in order to help others • E.g. Action Research on Best Job Rotation practices for Academic Institution

Chap.1: Introduction • Research Introduction and background • Problem statement • Objectives (main & specific objective) • Hypotheses or research questions • Theoretical/conceptual framework (quantitative only) • Variables definition (quantitative only) • Definition of terms (include operational definition) • Contribution/Significance/important of research • Limitation of research

Choosing a research topic • 2 things to be considered • Level of interest • Topic of interest will motivate one to do research on it • Choosing the wrong topic – you might end up or fail to discover some interesting value. • Feasibility • Your capability to complete a research conducted – e.g. data collection and analysis, report writing • Always take a research as you want to unveil a mystery

Getting ideas for researchers • Yourself (observation on a particular phenomena/experiences) • Discussion with expert in the field • Journal articles • Academic books (based on research work) • Proceeding and conference papers • Thesis, dissertation, final year project • Organizational Report (e.g statistic) • Others (Internet, Newspapers/magazines

Preparing a Problem Statement • A problem statement is a clear concise description of the issues (or problems) that need to be addressed by a researcher. • The primary purpose of a problem statement is to focus the attention of the researcher. • A research-worthy problem statement is the description of an active challenge (i.e. problem) faced by a researcher that does not have adequate solutions or theoretical foundation. • Should briefly address the question: What is the problem that the research will address?

More… • Define a problem or a gap that need to be researched to find a solution • Justify the need for a research • These gaps are discovered through journal articles (refer to limitations or suggestions in journal articles) • Sometimes a problem is discovered through: • personal experience of a researcher or a research sponsor • phenomena that happens around us.

Example of a problem statement • No known study that has looked into this specific topic. - exploratory research • There are only few studies that address this issue but most of the studies were done in Western countries especially in the United States(Mueller, 1998; Adruce, 2002; Adam, 2008) – Confirmatory research • There are several research works in this specific area but the findings are not consistent. Therefore, there is a need to do further research in this area – Confirmatory research

Continue … • There are several research works that have looked into a direct relationship between smoking habit and cancer; however, no known research has specifically looked into a mediator/moderator effect of a third variable (types of food consumed) • This incident (eg. Tsunami) has never happened in Malaysia, therefore, there is a need to study the post Tsunami effects in the affected region of Malaysia. • Most of the previous research in this area were done using qualitative method; therefore, there is a need to use quantitative/experimental method to test the preposition/ hypothesis.

Continue • Most of the previous research in this area were done using quantitative method; therefore, there is a need to use qualitative/experimental method to validate the findings.

How to prepare the Objective for the study • Based on the Problem Statement mentioned earlier • It is a statement that explains what the study will focus on • There are two types of objective • Main (This study is interested in studying the employees behavior related to job rotation amongst support staff) • Specific (to study the relation ship between job rotation and job satisfaction)

Hypothesis or research question • The purpose is to refine the objective of the study and make it easier to understand what we want to study • When to use Hypothesis or research question • Phenomena has been studied before and to test the findings we use hypotheses testing (e.g There is a relationship between job rotation and job satisfaction) • If no known study has been done in that specific area we should use research question instead (e.g Is there any relationship between job rotation and job satisfaction? • When can we use hypothesis even if there is no know research done in a specific area? • Experimental research

Theoretical/conceptual framework • Only to be used in quantitative study. • There is no need for theoretical/conceptual framework in a Qualitative study

Employees Satisfaction Based on Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Thory Basic Needs (Salary, Benefits) Job Satisfaction Job Security Peer Support

Hypothesis • There is a relationship between Basic Needs and Employees Job Satisfaction • Better Job Security will result in Better Employees Job Satisfaction • There is a relationship between work environment and employees job Satisfaction • RQ if there is no hypothesis • Which of the above factors rank the highest contributor to job satisfaction?

Successful Organization Based on Systems Theory Employees Performance External Environment Management Capability Organization Performance Services Provided

Definition of Terms used in your study • Dictionary definition • Defined by dictionary • Operational definition • An operational definition defines something (e.g. a variable, term, or object) in terms of the specific process or set of validation tests used to determine its presence and quantity.

Continue… • Theoretical Definition • A theoretical definition relies on the acceptance of theories and so it does not simply reduce to a set of observationsLike the theories that build them, theoretical definitions also improve as scientific understanding grows

Research Contribution • Contributions • theory/concept/model/hypothesis/proposition or knowledge in the field • Methodology • Research Framework (statement of problem, objective, hypothesis, research question) • Instrument (questionnaire, interview guide, observation guide etc.) • Data Collected • Data Analysis Framework • Practitioner and community

Contribution toward theory and knowledge • This study is expected to contribute toward a theory (e.g. diffusion of innovation) related to the use of technology in organization because findings from previous studies implicate lack of consistencies either in supporting or refuting the theory. • Use of ICT in organization is a developing area and not many studies have really studied Malaysian organizations pertaining to their employees usage of ICT

Contribution toward Methodology • Since not many research were done in this area before, the Research Framework (statement of problem, objective, Hypothesis and Research Questions) use in this study could be use by future researcher who wanted to replicate this study. • The Instrument (questionnaire, interview guide, observation guide etc.) used in this research could be used for future research in the same area.

Contribution toward Practitioner and community • Findings from this research especially on the office and environmental factors that ensure success in job rotation should be a good guide to Human Resource Managers. • Finding from this research should also inform the community of employees in the organization on the important of office and environmental factors to ensure success in job rotation practices.

Limitation of the Study • Topical/subject/field limitation (limited to study of HRD and not on Psychology or management aspect of human resource) • Methodological limitation (Data collection method) • Population and Sample • Time Frame • Area/place of research • Resources Limitation (for example Literature Review is limited to Emerald online database)

Chap. 2:Literature Review • Gather all related and relevant findings from previous studies. • Introduction to the Chapter • Discussion on Theories, models, concepts and philosophy related to the research • Discussion on previous studies related to the topics. Guided by the specific objectives in the study. • Summary of the chapter

What is a Lit Review • What it is not • Not an essay • Not just a mere summary or annotated bibliography or abstract • What it is • Reflection of previous studies • Improve understanding on topic of interest • Status of works done in similar area • Updating you on what have been done in the past

How to do a Literature Review • Locate all related Previous Works on same topic to update you on what have been done. • Highlight the status of Previous research and finding Gaps or opportunities (availability, strength, weaknesses) • Uncertainties and doubts in previous findings • Limitations of previous studies that need to be dealt with • Methodological limitation • Geographical location • Time factor

Chap. 3:Methodology • Research Framework (Qualitative, Quantitative or Experimental) • Place and time of study • Population under study • Unit of analysis • Sample/respondent/informant (qualitative) • Sampling method and sampling framework • Method of Data Collection • Survey using Questionnaire (quantitative) • Interview (qualitative) • Document Analysis • Observation Technique • Determining method of data collection for each objective/research question/hypothesis

Methodology… continue • Research Instrument • Pre-Test and pilot test (quantitative) • Validity and reliability issues • Equipments (video, audio recorder etc.) to be used during data collections • Consent Form • Research Schedules and Timelines

Research Framework • Quantitative (mostly using Deductive Reasoning) - Confirmatory • to research questions that are best answered by collecting and analyzing numerical data (using statistical) • Qualitative (mostly using inductive Reasoning) – Exploratory • Mixed Method – Qualitative and Quantitative • To research questions that are best answered by giving descriptions on how one understand and interpret various aspects in their surroundings • Experimental (mostly using Deductive Reasoning) – Looking at Cause & Effect

Place and Time of Study • To be determined – provide justification • Determined also time to conduct the study because both place and time could determine the outcome of the study

Population and Sample • Determine the population where the study will be conducted • Identify the unit of analysis (individual or group) • Determine the sampling method (simple random method, cluster, stratified, systematic, purposeful/convenient, snow balling etc.) to be used and design the sampling framework

Main types of research methodologies • Survey - Quantitative • Experimental – Quantitative, Qualitative • Correlation - Quantitative • Case study – Quantitative, Qualitative • Historical - Qualitative • Ethnography – Qualitative

Chap. 4 Data Analysis and Interpretation • Present your analysis of data – summarize the relevant findings that are crucial to your study.

Chap. 5 Discussion • Interpret your data to meaningful information that is understandable. • Discussion and comparison with previous studies (focusing on similarities or differences in term of result)

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  1. CHAPTER 1 WHAT IS RESEARCH?. - ppt download

    There are vast areas of research in other disciplines such as languages, literature, history and sociology. Whatever might be the subject, research has to be an active, diligent and systematic process of inquiry in order to discover, interpret or revise facts, events, behaviours and theories.

  2. Introduction to Research - ppt download

    Definition: An organised, systematic, data-based critical scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the objective of finding answers or solutions to it. Outcome: Information that enables managers to make decisions to rectify problems.

  3. Introduction to Research | PPT - SlideShare

    This document provides an introduction to research concepts. It defines research as a systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase understanding. The scientific method involves tentative, empirically testable, and publicly shared approaches.

  4. Chapter 1-INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH | PPT - SlideShare

    It defines research as the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase understanding of a topic or to solve a problem. The purpose of research is to gain new knowledge, correct perceptions, and find solutions to problems.

  5. PowerPoint Slides: SOWK 621.01: Research I: Basic Research ...

    The PowerPoint slides associated with the twelve lessons of the course, SOWK 621.01: Research I: Basic Research Methodology, as previously taught by Dr. Matthew DeCarlo at Radford University.

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    The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures and improve the quality of life. 1. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it . (studies with this objective are known as exploratory or formative research studies). 2.

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    The document discusses key concepts in research including: - Research involves systematically collecting and analyzing data to increase understanding of a phenomenon. - It begins with identifying a problem and reviewing literature, then specifying a purpose and interpreting information.

  9. What Is Research | Download Free PDF | Hypothesis - Scribd

    what is research.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Research is defined as a systematic investigation to discover answers to problems through application of scientific methods.

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    Introduction to Research Methodology. Stages of Research Project. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation of Findings Chapter 5: Discussion and conclusion.