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Search for UIC theses and dissertations

UIC electronic theses and dissertations are accessible to UIC students, faculty and staff though INDIGO .

To search UIC dissertations and theses online, visit INDIGO , UIC's institutional repository .

To deposit into INDIGO, please see  Indigo submission requirements .

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You can also use  UIC Library Search .  Select UIC Catalog Only and use the filters for:

  • Resource type : Dissertations
  • Library : Select a University Library site

Some dissertations and all theses published prior to 2011 are available only in print.

Visitors may need to  visit the Library  to access both electronic and print versions.

More resources

To search dissertations and theses from both UIC and other institutions:

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

  • Includes citations to dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861 to present.

British Library Research Repository  

  • Search for UK dissertations in the British Library catalogue

Center for Research Libraries

  • Dissertations from outside the U.S. and Canada
  • by: Allan Berry
  • created: May 27, 2021
  • updated: Jul 17, 2024
  • views: 1143
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Welcome to the UIC Thesis & Dissertation Submission System

Once you have passed the final defense and satisfied the requirements of the committee, you are ready to submit your manuscript to the Thesis Office for review. This submission process is fully electronic.

To get started with your submission, click the link below. You will be asked to authenticate using your UIC netID:

The system is currently closed for new submissions; please contact your thesis office for more information. If you need to make corrections, please click on Submission History .

Contact Us | Graduate College Thesis Office | University Library | ACCC | Office of the Provost

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Earth and Environmental Sciences

College of liberal arts and sciences, thesis and dissertation, presentation of ongoing research heading link copy link.

Students are encouraged to present research papers on their ongoing thesis work at scientific conferences such as the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America or the American Geophysical Union. Writing an abstract, preparing illustrations, practicing the delivery of a paper with the advice of faculty and fellow graduate students, and the actual presentation are invaluable experiences for your future professional life. Publishing abstracts and presenting papers at conferences also enhances your scholastic record. Financial support for attending a meeting may be available from the advisor’s research grants. Students may also apply for Student Presenter Awards from the Graduate College.

Putting Together and Finalizing Your Thesis or Dissertation Heading link Copy link

The Department usually requires that each thesis or dissertation be prepared in the form of a paper (or papers) suitable for submission to a scientific journal. The format of the thesis should follow that of the journal with respect to section headings, citation style, etc. Voluminous tables, extended descriptions of experimental procedure, and similar components are to be included in appendices. In most cases, illustrations must be original. The Graduate College has strict rules about obtaining permissions to use published figures. Other format requirements are outlined at .

As mentioned in the Program Descriptions, the Graduate College requires students to screen their theses and dissertations using iThenticate , prior to their defense.

We recommend that students submit their thesis or dissertation work for publication as soon as possible, even before the actual defense if ready. Often papers resulting from a thesis or dissertation are co-authored by the student and the advisor. Co-authorship should be discussed by the student and the advisor. Under normal circumstances, the student is the senior author of papers and abstracts based solely on the thesis or dissertation.

All final theses and dissertations must be submitted to the Graduate College electronically . Deadlines are listed at Academic Dates and Events . The advisor and the Department will each certify to the College that the thesis or dissertation meets the departmental requirements for format and style. It is the responsibility of the student, not the advisor or DGS, to assure that all thesis/dissertation, graduation requirements, and deadlines are met.

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Richard and Loan Hill Department of Biomedical Engineering

Colleges of engineering and medicine, dnc impact on campus, ms thesis guidelines.

The sections below provide detailed information for current master’s thesis students. If you have any questions about the information below, please contact the biomedical engineering department’s student affairs office.

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two people working on laptops

Requirements to defend the master’s thesis:

  • Students must be in good academic standing.
  • Students must submit their Intent to Graduate prior to any term when they might be graduating. Students should log in to the University portal . Find the “Student Self-Service” – “Records Menu” at the bottom left of the Welcome tab. Click on “Graduation” in the new Records page, the click “Apply to Graduate.” Read the information carefully and follow the instructions given. For more information, visit the Graduate College graduation page .
  • Master’s students do not need to be registered for the term when they defend their thesis if they have finished all coursework and thesis research hours. However, registration (including zero-hour registration) is required for all master’s students holding a student visa, as stipulated by the Office of International Services. Also, certain fellowships, assistantships and tuition fee waivers require a minimum number of credit hours.
  • Zero-hour registration: Master’s students are only eligible for “Zero Hours Option A.” Charges for Option A include Range IV (0 hours) tuition, tuition differential, and all related fees, including CampusCare (unless under the the opt-out option). The petition must be submitted by the 10th day of the fall or spring term, or the fifth day of the summer term. Students should register for 0 credit hours of master’s thesis research (BME 598) by the registration deadline each term, even if the petition is still pending approval. Please check with the graduate program coordinator to confirm that all degree requirements have been fulfilled prior to petitioning for zero hours. More information about zero hour-registration, including important information for international students, can be found on the zero-hour registration page .
  • Thesis submission deadlines: In order to be eligible to graduate for a certain term, students must submit the thesis and have it approved by the deadline according to the Graduate College academic calendar . Failure to submit the thesis by the deadline will delay a student’s graduation to the following term.

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Thesis committee.

The thesis committee must be approved by the Graduate College, on the recommendation of the director of graduate studies, and consists of at least three people. At least one must be a tenured full member of the UIC Graduate Faculty, at least one must be a biomedical engineering department faculty member, and the committee chairperson must have full membership (not necessarily tenured). Check the Graduate College website for the membership status of individual faculty. For any faculty without membership in the Graduate Faculty, a CV will need to be included with the Committee Recommendation Form.

Committee recommendation form

The committee recommendation form must be submitted to the Graduate College for processing at least 3 weeks prior to the thesis defense date. The form must be approved by your advisor and then submitted to the graduate program coordinator to obtain approval from the director of graduate studies.  Please note:

  • The form must be typed on the PDF. Handwritten versions will not be accepted.
  • Your full name on the form MUST exactly match the name on your student record as well as the final thesis that is submitted to the Graduate College.
  • The program code for the bioengineering program is 20FS0408MS and biomedical engineering program is 20FS5971MS .
  • The program code for the bioinformatics program is 20FS1909MS .
  • The thesis title may not exceed 105 characters, including spaces, and may not include any abbreviations. The thesis title on the form MUST match the title of the final thesis that is submitted to the Graduate College.
  • Changes to the committee or the thesis title may be requested before the defense occurs using the Request for Change in Thesis Title/Committee Member(s) Form. Please note that changes to the thesis title after the Examination Report has been issued will require submission of the Request for Change form to the Graduate College. A new examination report will be issued and it will be the student’s responsibility to obtain all of the signatures from the committee members.

Thesis defense announcement

The defense must be open to the academic community of the university and be publicly announced one week prior to its occurrence. The student must submit a copy of the thesis to each member of the thesis defense committee one week prior to the defense date. Students are responsible for e-mailing the graduate program coordinator at least one week prior to the defense date with the announcement (date, time, location, advisor), thesis title, and abstract. The announcement will be distributed to the students and faculty one week prior to the defense date.

iThenticate procedures

The student is the sole author of his or her thesis, and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all information is correctly cited and that proper copyright permissions have been obtained. The iThenticate screening process is one tool towards that end and is required to be completed prior to the thesis defense.

iThenticate account information will be e-mailed from [email protected] to you upon receipt of the Committee Recommendation Form by the Graduate College. The Graduate College website includes a page on iThenticate review procedures .

There are three iThenticate report documents that need to be submitted to the Graduate College through a shared Box folder. Detailed instructions and a demonstration video are available on the Graduate College’s iThenticate page . Please be sure that the Box folder is shared with the Graduate College using [email protected] (along with your advisor) and that it includes all three reports required by the Graduate College. The final report must show zero percent overlap.

Thesis defense

All candidates for the MS degree must have an advisor who is a member of the UIC graduate faculty. The advisor is considered the primary reader of the thesis. Defense presentations must be limited to less than one hour. Additional time will be allowed for direct examination by the thesis committee and discussion among the committee members alone.

The committee vote is “pass” or “fail.” A candidate cannot be passed if more than one vote of “fail” is reported.

The Executive Committee of the Graduate College has endorsed a return to in-person defense of preliminary/qualifying examinations, theses and dissertations as of Spring 2022. A limited use of Zoom and similar technologies for hybrid defenses will be permitted in cases where (1) members of the committees have a documented excused absence from the UIC campus, (2) the student is currently remote and unable to return to campus, or (3) where external committee members are employed more than 50 miles from UIC – making travel to campus problematic or expensive.

Examination report form

After the committee recommendation form has been approved by the Graduate College, the Graduate College will send the Examination Report Form to the graduate program coordinator, who will e-mail students that it is available. The Examination Report Form must include the pass/fail decision and signature by the entire committee. The Examination Report Form must be submitted to the graduate program coordinator within two business days of the thesis defense.

Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) submission

The Graduate College’s Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) guidelines and Thesis Manual can assist you in preparing and submitting your thesis. Following your defense, the final version of your thesis must be reviewed by your advisor and the graduate program coordinator at [email protected] before it is submitted to the Graduate College through the ETD submission system. Students are required to pay a publishing fee as outlined in the ETD guidelines.

Master’s thesis defense timeline

At least two months prior to defense

  • Consult with research advisor regarding anticipated date of defense.
  • Confirm with the graduate program coordinator that all other degree requirements have been fulfilled.
  • Submit the Intent to Graduate through  prior to the term of the defense.
  • Contact potential committee members regarding availability.
  • Coordinate with committee members for date/time when all members are available.

At least three weeks prior to defense

  • Complete the Committee Recommendation Form and submit to the graduate program coordinator.
  • Reserve a room (contact the graduate program coordinator when requesting a biomedical engineering classroom).

One week prior to defense

  • Send defense announcement to [email protected] with date, time, location, advisor, title, and abstract.
  • Provide copies of the thesis to each member of the committee.
  • Submit thesis through iThenticate and generate reports required by committee and Graduate College.

Following the defense

  • Immediately confirm that every committee member has signed the Examination Report Form, indicating a grade (“Pass” or “Fail”).
  • Immediately make sure the chairperson indicates the Examination Date and any conditions that may have been made by the committee.
  • Submit the complete, signed form to the graduate program coordinator within two business days of the defense.
  • In the following weeks, e-mail a copy of the committee-approved thesis to [email protected] for format approval. You will be notified within 24 hours if it is ready to be submitted through the ETD.
  • Upload the final thesis to the Graduate College through the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation system . Follow all instructions related to the format requirements and publishing fee.

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University Library (test)

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  • INDIGO Search our digital repository and find free, full-text works by UIC faculty, staff and students.
  • Theses & Dissertations Browse or search UIC theses and dissertations in INDIGO, our online institutional repository.

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Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

College of engineering, dnc impact on campus, ms thesis information, thesis process heading link copy link.

Completing a master’s thesis is an excellent way to gain research experience, build a strong relationship with UIC Engineering faculty members in your field, and develop expertise in a particular topic—which can increase your standing in the eyes of potential employers and/or doctoral programs.

Master’s thesis projects in mechanical and industrial engineering are guided by faculty advisors. Below is information that is essential to all students who are pursuing the MS in Mechanical Engineering or MS in Industrial Engineering with the thesis option.

Thesis Timeline

  • Advisor selection:  MS students must select a degree advisor by the end of the first semester of the program—no later than after the completion of 16 semester hours of coursework. Students record their choice by submitting an advisor selection form, which can be obtained from the graduate coordinator in the MIE department office.
  • Course selection:  In consultation with their advisors, students propose a list of courses for approval. This must be completed before the end of the second semester, but no later than after the completion of 20 semester hours of coursework. Students propose and file this course list using the MS program of study form, which also is available from the graduate coordinator in the MIE department office.
  • Determination of thesis defense committee:  In consultation with their advisors, each student nominates a thesis defense committee to the graduate committee. This is done via the committee recommendation form available on the Graduate College forms page . The form must be received by the Graduate College no later than three weeks before the proposed thesis defense date. The graduate committee makes a recommendation to the graduate dean, who officially appoints the nominated committee.
  • Submission of thesis:  Two weeks before the proposed thesis defense, the thesis defense committee should receive a reasonably finished copy of the thesis.
  • Receipt of forms from Graduate College:  The Graduate College provides the thesis defense committee with an examination report form and two thesis certificate of approval forms. The completed forms are returned to the student after the defense, and the student must forward them to the Graduate College with copies of the thesis.
  • Submission of graduation request form:  In the semester during which a student plans to complete the requirements for a degree, the student fills out the graduation request form, which is available on the Graduate College forms page . These forms are evaluated and signed by the director of graduate studies and forwarded to the Graduate College by the Friday of the seventh week of classes. The student must submit a final version of the thesis to the Graduate College no later than Friday of the 10th week of classes. A typed copy of the thesis must be filed with both the advisor and the graduate committee in addition to the copies required by the Graduate College.

Students should note that the failure to meet any of these deadlines may delay the thesis defense process and/or graduation.

Thesis Committee

The committee consists of at least three members, one of whom must be a tenured member of the graduate faculty (see the “List of UIC Graduate College Faculty” section on the Graduate College faculty page ). One member may be from outside the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering or from outside the university. Approval of the thesis by a majority of the committee is required.

Thesis Manual

UIC’s Graduate College publishes a thesis manual that sets forth requirements for format and other procedures. It must be strictly followed when preparing a project or a thesis. Students can find this manual in PDF on the Graduate College forms page in the “Committees, Exams, Defense, and Thesis” section.

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College of liberal arts and sciences, info heading link copy link.

All instructions below are to be completed by all students before submitting an Intent to Graduate .

After taking the required courses, but generally before taking electives, a student in good academic standing is ready to move toward beginning the thesis. Please check in with Elaine Yuan first. As early as the first year for M.A. students, students begin to identify a research area and select a faculty advisor. Decide what general area to pursue and have exploratory conversations with the professor or professors who do research in that area. They will give advice on further courses (if any) needed to prepare for research in that area. M.A. students submit the COMM Departmental DECLARATION FORM to select the Thesis Option (or Non-Thesis Option) in the Fall Semester of their second year of coursework, listing the planned area of research, with the agreement of an advisor and approval of the DGS, and department head.

The main element of the thesis is sustained research under faculty guidance, involving a series of steps in which experts in the area of study guide the project through preparation and the examination process. Thesis examinations in the Department of Communication are not adversarial but mentoring in character. The official process begins at the end of coursework.

The following steps are a general guide, but details and regulations of the process leading to the final defense appear on the  Graduate College  web site. The individual student, not the advisor or Director of Graduate Studies, is responsible for meeting all graduation requirements.

Develop Research Proposal.  Work with the advisor to choose on a research project and develop a proposal. Normally, the proposal includes the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Research Plan and Methods
  • Justification or Importance and Limitations
  • Bibliography

The advisor provides guidance through the initial stages of developing the research proposal.

  • Create a Committee. To create a committee that will assist the advisor in supervising the progress of the research, propose the advisor and two other members of the department faculty t o the Director of Graduate Studies. For guidelines, see Committee Composition section of the Graduate College site. Here is the policy per the Graduate College for your Committee. If you are unsure if someone can be a Committee Member, see the Graduate College site here on Committee Member Policies .
  • Arrange a Thesis Proposal Meeting. When the advisor considers the proposal ready, arrange a meeting and provide copies of the proposal to committee members at least two weeks in advance. Prepare the departmental PROPOSAL APPROVAL FORM and take it to the meeting. At the meeting, present the research plan to committee, which will evaluate the proposal and determine whether to approve the research or require additional work before you can proceed.
  • Secure IRB Approval.  Research involving human subjects (including secondary analyses of existing data from human subjects) requires approval from the  Institutional Review Board  (IRB).
  • Proceed with the Research.  Once the committee has approved the proposal and the campus IRB has approved the protocol, the research may proceed. The advisor guides the process with assistance from other committee members.
  • Arrange the Oral Defense.  After completing the research and getting approval from the advisor, submit the  Committee Recommendation Form  four weeks before the scheduled oral defense. This form must be sent to the Graduate College 4- 6 weeks before your Defense. Send copies of the written thesis to committee members for review not less than two weeks in advance. The written thesis should have been submitted to the iThenticate system  with a zero percent result. Following a presentation and discussion of the completed thesis, the committee will evaluate the quality of the research and determine whether to approve it or, possibly, require additional work needed to make the research acceptable for the degree . Results are recorded on the  Examination Report Form that is sent to the department by the Graduate College within 4 weeks of submitting your Committee form. Return Examination Form to the Graduate College within 48-hours.
  • The department will not make corrections or proof the document. All formatting, proofing and corrections are required to be done using the Graduate College’s system found here . Please ensure the document meets all Graduate College requirements. The standard time needed to review formatting for any thesis/dissertation is a month before defending even if the content is not approved. During this time, the students may be asked to correct the formatting before obtaining a final draft that is acceptable for submission.
  • Submit for Content/Format Approval. Before submitting the electronic version of your thesis to the Graduate College, be sure to send a copy of your thesis for “content approval” to the Committee Chair.
  • Deposit with the Graduate College. Provide an electronic copy of a defended and content/format approved thesis to the Graduate College’s Submission Process,   with all necessary paperwork.

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Dept of Math, Stat, & Comp Sci

College of liberal arts and sciences, thesis templates, latex macros for typesetting uic theses.

A computer science student, Peter Snyder , has rewritten the UIC LaTeX macros and published them in his GitHub repository .

University of Illinois at Chicago

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  • Anthropology Library Resources

Anthropology Library Resources: Home

Before you start.

  • Interlibrary Loan Can't find the article, book, or report you need at our library? You can request it from another library through interlibrary loan.
  • Open Access Button Browser extension that searches for open access versions of articles you may find behind pay walls.
  • Unpaywall Browser extension that searches for open access versions of articles you may find behind pay walls.

Finding foundational readings

  • Oxford Bibliographies Online Provides sophisticated online recommendations to the core scholarship on a subject as determined by experts in the field. Each module constitutes a convenient and comprehensive introduction to the essential body of literature that has shaped research on a topic. At the click of a mouse, you therefore have 24/7 access to expert recommendations that have been rigorously peer-reviewed and vetted to ensure scholarly accuracy and objectivity. Each OBO subject database allows you to identify the core authors, works, ideas, and debates that have shaped the scholarly conversation so you can find the key literature. All the bibliographic essays have been peer-reviewed, and the specific entries are linked to full-text content available through the web or the UNC Library. The "My OBO" feature also allows you to create a personalized list of citations. more... less... Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill student, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users

Finding articles

A few key databases focused on Anthropology and Sociology may be helpful starting points -- but there are also many more resources that can be found on the  E-Research by Discipline  tab or by exploring other  Research Guides  on the library website. 

1. Aggregators

Commercial aggregators (library pays for these).

Most databases the Library pays for are either ProQuest or EBSCO products. They index articles from a variety of journals and provide full text for some of the content. It is possible to search across all ProQuest or EBSCO databases, which is useful when your topic is interdisciplinary, but can sometimes make for a longer and messier list of results.

Go into any ProQuest database, e.g. ProQuest Central --> Change databases (top menu) --> Select all --> Do your search

  • can limit results to peer-reviewed articles
  • ProQuest product called Summon, which attempts to search across many of the databases UNC pays for.
  • Repository of academic journal content.
  • Elsevier product focusing on hard sciences and health sciences, but with continually increasing social sciences and humanities content.

Open aggregators (Library pays for some of this content)

You will need to check whether the Library has access to the content you find here. Request anything you can't access through document delivery/interlibrary loan .


Self explanatory, but link it to the Library when off campus for full-text access.

  • A "a free and open catalog of the world's scholarly research system". May be the largest open aggregator after GoogleScholar.
  • Linked data-based aggregator. Digital Science product.

Semantic Scholar

  • Open and free aggregator. Allen Institute for AI product.

Aggregator of open access research papers from institutional repositories around the world.

2. Library Databases

E-research by discipline.

  • This is where all library databases live.

Anthropology Databases

Newspaper and news media archives, 3. the "big 5" (library pays for most of this content).

Five publishers have bought up a large portion of academic journals. One benefit is that you can search across journals on their websites.

Taylor & Francis

Finding books.

Discover books, journals, films, primary source collections, government documents, and other materials held at UNC and in the Triangle (you can request materials from Duke, NC State and NC Central) as well as a variety of open access publications.

Joint catalog of materials held at North American and some European National Libraries.

WorldCat has a subscription version  FirstSearch , with more robust advanced search options, but a less modern interface. You can request most titles that UNC does not have through  Interlibrary Loan .

Books will also show up in some of the databases and aggregators above.

Finding dissertations and theses

  • Carolina Digital Repository Anthropology Dissertations Theses and dissertations defended at UNC-Chapel Hill.
  • CORE A searchable collection of open access research papers and datasets. more... less... Access: No restrictions.
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Dissertation and thesis aggregator pulling from dissertation repositories including DART-Europe E-theses Portal, EThOS e-theses online service (British Library), Theses Canada and others.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Indexes US dissertations from 1861 with full text available from 1997; masters theses covered selectively including some full text. Citations for dissertations from 1980 include 350-word abstracts, while masters' theses from 1988 have 150-word abstracts. Selectively covers dissertations from Great Britain and other European universities for recent years. In addition to this database, the full text of the majority of UNC theses and dissertations from 2006, and all beginning in 2008, are freely available electronically from the UNC Library: Dissertations | Theses more... less... Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Coverage: 1861 to present
  • Open Access Theses and Dissertations Search engine and access tool to millions of graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. more... less... Access: No restrictions.

Library Data Services

Library Data Services cater to researchers interested in working with data, mapping, texts, visualization, and technology. Many of these services are available online. Davis Library Data Services, located on the second floor of Davis Library, offers:

  • A computing lab with specialized software for GIS and data visualization & analysis.
  • Walk-in assistance provided by knowledgeable student consultants during set hours . 
  • Consultations with specialists for more in-depth inquiries (by appointment).
  • Spaces for collaboration and presentation, complete with white boards and external displays.
  • Technology workshops focused on working with data (manipulation, visualization, mapping).

Scholarly Communications Services

Anne Gilliland, Scholary Communication Officer

  • Copyright and fair use
  • Authors' rights
  • Privacy rights
  • Open access
  • Other information policy issues important to the creation and use of scholarly material

Learn more about Scholarly Communications Services at UNC.

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  • Last Updated: Aug 15, 2024 12:57 PM
  • URL:

Duke University Libraries

HISTORY 495S/496S: Honors Thesis Seminar 2024/25

  • Topic: Anti-imperialist music of Colombia
  • Thesis Writers & Duke Libraries
  • Browse all Guides at Duke Libraries
  • Define Archival Materials and Primary Sources
  • Appreciate the "Finding Aid" for Archival Material
  • Search Across Finding Aid Portals
  • Organize and Cite Your Sources
  • Topic: The West and the Soviet Union
  • Topic: France Colonialism
  • Topic: NAZI Germany Persecution US Perceptions
  • Topic: US and Bosnia 1992–1995
  • Topic: Counter Culture and Black Power Movements
  • Topic: Canada and the American Civil War
  • Topic: Asante Female Power
  • Topic: Trinity College, Black Workers, and Durham
  • Topic: Cherokee Women, Property, Law, and Slavery
  • Topic: Sexual Assault in US. Army
  • Topic: Page Act
  • Topic: Credit Lending and the Rise of Investment Banking
  • Topic: Child Welfare Legislation
  • Topic: Reagan to 9/11: Impacts on American Muslim Communities
  • Topic: Impact of Rabbinical Teachings on Israeli Settlers Violence 1967-1980

Subject Librarians

Duke databases broadly related to the topic, archives and digital collections, secondary materials: books, secondary materials: articles.

  • Topic: China and Opium

Laura Williams is the Head of the Music Library [email protected] 

  • Music Databases

Heidi Madden  Librarian for Western European and Medieval Studies  [email protected]

  • Latin American, Latino/a & Caribbean Studies
  • RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text This link opens in a new window Search for articles, books, dissertations, and performance reviews in music from 1800s to present
  • Music Periodicals Database This link opens in a new window Search for journal articles on a wide variety of musical periods and styles
  • Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Volume 3: Locations - Caribbean and Latin America
  • Oxford Bibliographies: Music This link opens in a new window Search peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies in music
  • Oxford Bibliographies: Latin American Studies This link opens in a new window Search peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies in Latin American studies
  • Ethnic NewsWatch This link opens in a new window Search for articles in ethnic and minority newspapers, journals and magazines from 1959 to present

To find books on the topic, conduct a "subject" search in the library's online catalog for the following Library of Congress-defined subject headings and limit the results by language (e.g. English):

Popular music -- Colombia

Music -- Latin America

To expand your search outside of Duke library, conduct the same "subject" search in the union catalogs of TRLN and WorldCat .

  • << Previous: Topic: Impact of Rabbinical Teachings on Israeli Settlers Violence 1967-1980
  • Next: Topic: China and Opium >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 16, 2024 7:23 PM
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Graduate College

Copyright and the thesis or dissertation.

You need to be aware of several issues concerning copyright restrictions and thesis/dissertation submissions.

Many students and faculty are not aware that Masters theses and PhD dissertations are published on-line by the UIC Library and consequently subject to copyright restrictions.

To make sure everyone has the most up-to-date information on this topic, please review pdf version of a powerpoint titled A Graduate Student Guide to Copyright and the Thesis or Dissertation , that provides the basics on:

1. Using previously published material in a thesis/dissertation.

2. Publishing material that has already been published in a thesis/dissertation.

Also see Thesis/Dissertation Publishing Options/Access and Related Information .

Related UIC Pages

  • ETD Publishing Options, Access and Related Information
  • Submission Responsibilites of the Student, Defense Committee Chair, and Program
  • ETD Submission Process

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  • At the Library 2,793,175
  • Online 2,756,701
  • Recently Acquired 63,249
  • Robert W. Woodruff Library 1,811,807
  • Library Service Center 792,535
  • Pitts Theology Library 497,110
  • Marian K. Heilbrun Music Media 152,077
  • Rose Library (MARBL) 132,480
  • Law Library 107,324
  • Health Sciences Library 63,136
  • Oxford College Library 61,640
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  • Science Commons 15,115
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  • Book 4,788,194
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Emory Theses and Dissertations Repository

The Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences.

OpenEmory Repository

OpenEmory is an open access repository of Emory faculty works and a service of Emory Libraries and Information Technology.

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  1. UIC, Richard J. Daley Library IDEA Commons · Sites · Open House Chicago

    uic thesis library

  2. Daley Library Helpdesk

    uic thesis library

  3. UIC Richard J. Daley Library IDEA Commons · Sites · Open House Chicago

    uic thesis library

  4. Uic Thesis Manual

    uic thesis library

  5. UIC, Richard J. Daley Library IDEA Commons · Sites · Open House Chicago

    uic thesis library

  6. 2023 UIC MFA Thesis Show 2: "CTRL + histories"

    uic thesis library


  1. Theses, Dissertations & UIC Publications

    Search our digital repository and find free, full-text works by UIC faculty, staff and students. Theses & Dissertations Browse or search UIC theses and dissertations in INDIGO, our online institutional repository.

  2. Thesis

    All theses/dissertations must include an abstract and title page in English. A second title page in the language of the thesis/dissertation may be included or the English title page may also include the title in the dissertation language underneath the English title.

  3. Search for UIC theses and dissertations

    UIC Library Search. You can also use UIC Library Search. Select UIC Catalog Only and use the filters for: Resource type: Dissertations; Library: Select a University Library site; Access. Some dissertations and all theses published prior to 2011 are available only in print. Visitors may need to visit the Library to access both electronic and ...

  4. University Library

    The UIC Library has five locations across Illinois, including Special Collections and Archives, where you can visit in-person in Chicago, Peoria, or Rockford or access materials via the internet. Chicago Daley Library. Chicago Health Sciences. Peoria Health Sciences. Rockford Health Sciences.

  5. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Submission Process

    The ETD submission system you will use to submit your thesis is the result of a partnership between the Graduate College and the University's digital repository for research and scholarship, UIC Indigo. After your thesis has been approved by the Graduate College Thesis Office, it will become available in UIC Indigo according to the release ...

  6. Thesis/Dissertation Publishing Options/Access and Related Information

    Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) Instead of the traditional submission process, in which a student submits paper copies to be bound, catalogued, and disseminated in hard copy through the University Library, ETDs allow for the creation, submission, and dissemination of graduate research in digital form. The components and structure of an ETD are essentially the same as a traditional ...

  7. University of Illinois at Chicago research repository

    Discover research from. Dissertations and Theses. more stats... figshare. credit for all your research.

  8. UIC Thesis and Dissertation Submission System

    Users who no longer have an active UIC netID should select this option to login with or create a Thesis & Dissertation System account. University of Illinois at Chicago netID & Password Users who are currently active with the university may login using their UIC netID and password.

  9. Avoiding Plagiarism: Dissertation / Thesis FAQ re: Copyright

    Search UIC Library Collections. Find items in UIC Library collections, including books, articles, databases and more. Submit ... Open Access: thesis is available immediately after date of degree conferral ; Restricted Access: thesis is closed to the UIC community only, for a period of 2 years after which it becomes publicly available ...

  10. UIC Thesis and Dissertation Submission System

    Welcome to the UIC Thesis. & Dissertation Submission System. Once you have passed the final defense and satisfied the requirements of the committee, you are ready to submit your manuscript to the Thesis Office for review. This submission process is fully electronic. To get started with your submission, click the link below. You will be asked to ...

  11. Thesis and Dissertation

    All final theses and dissertations must be submitted to the Graduate College electronically. Deadlines are listed at Academic Dates and Events. The advisor and the Department will each certify to the College that the thesis or dissertation meets the departmental requirements for format and style. It is the responsibility of the student, not the ...

  12. Master's Thesis

    Submit your thesis to your committee 2-3 weeks before the defense. After the MS thesis defense the Chair will collect signatures from the other committee members and Email to the Graduate College ([email protected]) and cc' [email protected]. Note: If signatures are collected on paper, the Committee Chair should send a scan of the signed form to ...

  13. MS Thesis Guidelines

    The Graduate College's Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) guidelines and Thesis Manual can assist you in preparing and submitting your thesis. Following your defense, the final version of your thesis must be reviewed by your advisor and the graduate program coordinator at [email protected] before it is submitted to the Graduate College ...

  14. Theses, Dissertations & UIC Publications

    Search our digital repository and find free, full-text works by UIC faculty, staff and students. Theses & Dissertations Browse or search UIC theses and dissertations in INDIGO, our online institutional repository.

  15. MS Thesis Information

    Master's thesis projects in mechanical and industrial engineering are guided by faculty advisors. Below is information that is essential to all students who are pursuing the MS in Mechanical Engineering or MS in Industrial Engineering with the thesis option. Thesis Timeline. Advisor selection: MS students must select a degree advisor by the ...

  16. Thesis

    Thesis examinations in the Department of Communication are not adversarial but mentoring in character. The official process begins at the end of coursework. The following steps are a general guide, but details and regulations of the process leading to the final defense appear on the Graduate College web site.

  17. Thesis Templates

    MathSciNet (via proxy) Contact. Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science. 851 S. Morgan Street ,322 Science and Engineering Offices (MC 249) Chicago, IL 60607-7045. Phone: (312) 996-3041. Fax: (312) 996-1491. Want to email someone? Click here to find out who to contact.

  18. Subject and Course Guides: Scientific writing: Home

    Library Locations. Richard J. Daley Library 801 S. Morgan • Chicago, IL 60607 Phone: (312) 996-2724; Library of the Health Sciences, Chicago 1750 W. Polk • Chicago, IL 60612 Circulation: (312) 996-8966

  19. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Format

    Master's and doctoral students who submit a thesis have to pay a library publishing fee of $12.50. Use the University of Illinois Quickpay, which is a University-sanctioned secure link, to pay the library fee online. ... The following should be uploaded into the UIC Box folder the student creates for their committee and the Graduate College ...

  20. Peoria Pediatric Residents

    Library Locations. Richard J. Daley Library 801 S. Morgan • Chicago, IL 60607 Phone: (312) 996-2724; Library of the Health Sciences, Chicago 1750 W. Polk • Chicago, IL 60612 Circulation: (312) 996-8966

  21. University of Illinois at Chicago research repository

    figshare. credit for all your research.share. credit for all your research.

  22. New Reservation

    Theses, Dissertations & UIC Publications; Libraries Chicago - Daley; Chicago - Health Sciences; Peoria - Health Sciences; Rockford - Health Sciences ... Search UIC Library Collections. Find items in UIC Library collections, including books, articles, databases and more. Submit

  23. Electronic Thesis & Dissertation FAQ

    An ETD is an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation. Instead of the traditional submission process, in which a student submits paper copies to be bound, catalogued, and disseminated in hard copy through the University Library, ETDs allow for the creation, submission, and dissemination of graduate research in digital form.

  24. Chicago History Day 2025: Using Scholarly Journals

    Search UIC Library Collections. Find items in UIC Library collections, including books, articles, databases and more. Submit ... Searches for scholarly materials such as peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from broad areas of research. It includes a variety of academic publishers, professional ...

  25. Lunch with a Librarian "Library Website Experience Testing"

    Theses, Dissertations & UIC Publications Libraries Chicago - Daley Chicago - Health Sciences ... Enjoy a fun, hands-on experience with your peers, all while contributing to the library's digital presence. Plus, lunch will be provided! Contact. Jennifer M. Jackson. [email protected]. Date posted. Aug 6, 2024. Date updated. Aug 6, 2024.

  26. Anthropology Library Resources: Home

    Indexes US dissertations from 1861 with full text available from 1997; masters theses covered selectively including some full text. Citations for dissertations from 1980 include 350-word abstracts, while masters' theses from 1988 have 150-word abstracts.

  27. HISTORY 495S/496S: Honors Thesis Seminar 2024/25

    To find books on the topic, conduct a "subject" search in the library's online catalog for the following Library of Congress-defined subject headings and limit the results by language (e.g. English): To expand your search outside of Duke library, conduct the same "subject" search in the union catalogs of TRLN and WorldCat.

  28. Copyright and the Thesis or Dissertation

    1. Using previously published material in a thesis/dissertation. 2. Publishing material that has already been published in a thesis/dissertation. Also see Thesis/Dissertation Publishing Options/Access and Related Information. Related UIC Pages. ETD Home; ETD Format; ETD Publishing Options, Access and Related Information

  29. Chicago History Day 2025: Archival Collections

    Library of the Health Sciences, Peoria One Illini Drive • Peoria, IL 61605 Phone: (309) 671-8490; Crawford Library of the Health Sciences, Rockford 1601 Parkview • Rockford, IL 61107 Phone: (815) 395-5650; UIC Law Library

  30. Library Search

    Library Robert W. Woodruff Library 1,811,448; Library Service Center 792,332; Pitts Theology Library 497,046; Marian K. Heilbrun Music Media 152,041; ... The Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as ...