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technology consulting research paper

  • 23 Jul 2024
  • Cold Call Podcast

Transforming the Workplace for People with Disabilities

In 2019, Nadine Vogel, founder and CEO of Springboard Consulting, needed to decide the best path forward to grow her small consulting firm. Springboard works with Fortune 500 companies on issues related to disability and the workforce. Should Vogel expand the topics she works on with her current clients, or should she explore the possibility of moving into a new market of smaller businesses? Vogel joins Harvard Business School professor Lakshmi Ramarajan and Harvard Kennedy School professor Hannah Riley Bowles to discuss her experience starting and scaling her firm, while also being a caregiver to two children with disabilities, in the case, “Nadine Vogel: Transforming the Marketplace, Workplace, and Workforce for People with Disabilities.”

technology consulting research paper

  • 09 Jul 2024
  • Research & Ideas

Are Management Consulting Firms Failing to Manage Themselves?

In response to unprecedented client demand a few years ago, consulting firms went on a growth-driven hiring spree, but now many of these firms are cutting back staff. David Fubini questions whether strategy firms, which are considered experts at solving a variety of problems for clients, are struggling to apply their own management principles internally to address their current challenges.

technology consulting research paper

  • 31 Oct 2023

Checking Your Ethics: Would You Speak Up in These 3 Sticky Situations?

Would you complain about a client who verbally abuses their staff? Would you admit to cutting corners on your work? The answers aren't always clear, says David Fubini, who tackles tricky scenarios in a series of case studies and offers his advice from the field.

technology consulting research paper

  • 05 Apr 2022

Transforming Deloitte’s Approach to Consulting

Pixel helps facilitate open talent and crowdsourcing for Deloitte Consulting client engagements. But while some of Deloitte’s principals are avid users of Pixel’s services, uptake across the organization has been slow, and in some pockets has met with deep resistance. Balaji Bondili, head of Pixel, must decide how best to grow Deloitte Consulting’s use of on-demand talent, as consulting companies and their clients face transformative change. Professor Mike Tushman discusses Deloitte’s challenges in pursuing this new approach to consulting, and what it takes to be a “corporate explorer” like Bondili in his case, “Deloitte’s Pixel: Consulting with Open Talent.” Open for comment; 0 Comments.

technology consulting research paper

  • 02 Apr 2019
  • Research Event

Women Pay a Higher Career Price in Today's Always-On Work Culture

In industries that prize overwork, both men and women pay the price of missed time with family. But the career damage is more severe for women, says Robin Ely. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

technology consulting research paper

  • 27 Mar 2019

Will Startup Fishbowl Become the Social Media App for Your Industry?

Fishbowl's founders have built a social media platform allowing professionals to connect anonymously and with candor within their companies and industries. Can they grow? Leslie John discusses her case study on the boundaries of social media and personal privacy. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

technology consulting research paper

  • 23 Jul 2018
  • Working Paper Summaries

The Creative Consulting Company

Management theories cannot be tested in laboratories; they must be applied, tested, and extended in real organizations. For this reason the most creative consulting companies balance conflicting demands between short‐term business development and long‐term knowledge creation.

technology consulting research paper

  • 16 Apr 2018

Can Consumers Be Saved From Their Misguided Decisions?

Even with a world of information at our fingertips, consumers routinely make bad decisions on everything from investments to health coverage. Can science help? Research by Joshua Schwartzstein and Benjamin Handel. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

technology consulting research paper

  • 09 Mar 2017

IDEO is Changing the Way Managers Think About Thinking

IDEO’s human-centered design thinking is a systematic approach used to help create new products and services. Professor Ryan Buell explores this process as a leading movie cinema chain in Peru rethinks the movie-going experience. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 19 Apr 2016

The Great Training Robbery

There is a widely held assumption in corporate life that well trained, even inspired individuals can change the system. This article explains why training fails and discusses why the “great training robbery” persists. The authors offer a framework for integrating leadership and organization change and development, and discuss implications for the corporate HR function.

  • 18 Nov 2015

Who Really Determines CEO Salary Packages?

Every CEO is different, as is every company. So why does one executive compensation package tend to look just like another? The answer lies in the prevalence of interlocking directorates and the use of compensation consultants, according to research by Susanna Gallani. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 06 Jun 2012
  • What Do You Think?

Is Something Wrong with the Way We Work?

Summing Up Who is to blame for our pressure-packed 24/7 work culture? Technology? Globalization? Increasingly demanding customers? Jim Heskett's readers say it's best to first look in the mirror. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 22 Jan 2008

New Challenges in Leading Professional Services

Professional service firms are being challenged as never before—by clients, associates, and the competition, just for starters. But old-style PSF leaders are not equipped to respond, says Harvard Business School professor Thomas J. DeLong. He discusses his new book When Professionals Have to Lead. Plus: Book excerpt. Key concepts include: Today's leaders of professional service firms are being overwhelmed by demanding clients, human capital challenges, lack of organizing strategies, and perhaps most of all, unrealistic expectations of the task itself. There is also on ongoing trend to focus on the development of only the highfliers and ignore a vast number of very competent professionals who are the heart and soul of the firm. The integrated leadership model is built on 4 specific dimensions: setting direction, gaining commitment to the direction, executing on the direction, and setting a personal example. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 17 Jan 2008

Competition in Modular Clusters

The last 20 years have witnessed the rise of disaggregated "clusters," "networks," or "ecosystems" of firms in a number of industries, including computers, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals. In these clusters, different firms design and produce the various components of a complex artifact (such as the processor, peripherals, and software of a computer system), and different firms specialize in the various stages of a complex production process. This paper considers the pricing behavior and profitability of these so-called modular clusters. Baldwin and Woodard isolate the offsetting price effects in a model, and show how they might operate in large as well as in small clusters. Key concepts include: Clusters operating under open, public standards may have higher prices and profits than those operating under closed, proprietary standards. Cluster forms of industrial organization may not be conducive to all kinds of innovation. In particular, innovations that add new layers of functionality to the system, and thus increase total demand, will not be adequately rewarded relative to the value they create. It is important to learn how cluster configurations affect incentives to supply different forms of innovation, and how firms respond to these cross-layer dependencies in formulating their long-term strategies. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 05 Jul 2006

Do We Listen to Advice Just Because We Paid for It? The Impact of Cost of Advice on Its Use

People make decisions every day by weighing their own opinions with advice from other sources. But do we know whether people use advice in a way that is helpful to them? In two experiments performed under controlled, laboratory conditions, Gino found that all else being equal, people weigh advice differently according to the amount of money they pay for it. Also, the cost of advice affects the degree to which people use it. Key concepts include: Decision makers may rely on costly advice more heavily than free advice. The cost of advice did not affect the value gained by following the advice. Cost-of-advice research results might interest the consulting and medical professions. We need to better understand decision makers' sensitivity to the cost they pay to gain advice. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

Effects of Task Difficulty on Use of Advice

We make most of our choices by weighing other people's advice counter to our own opinions. People generally underweight advice from others, though the practice is not universal. In two studies, it is determined that people overweight advice on difficult tasks but underweight it on the easy ones. Key concepts include: Understand built-in biases when weighing advice, especially on difficult tasks. Don't automatically give more credence to the opinions of advisers or consultants over your own experience. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 30 Mar 2003

The Future of IT Consulting

A new Harvard Business School working paper traces the evolution of IT management consulting and trends for the future. Read our e-mail interview with professor Richard Nolan and HBS Interactive Senior Vice President Larry Bennigson. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 02 May 2000

Leading Professional Service Firms

Firms in the $80 billion professional services industry all face the same fundamental challenge: aligning their most valuable assets—the talents of their employees—with the strategy and organization of the firm. In this interview, HBS Professor Jay Lorsch, chair of the Executive Education program Leading Professional Service Firms, discusses the role these firms play in the world's economy and the keys to their success. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 23 Nov 1999

What’s Your Strategy for Managing Knowledge?

Knowledge management as a conscious practice is so new that there are few successful models for executives to use as guides. In this excerpt from their article in the Harvard Business Review, HBS Professors Morten T. Hansen and Nitin Nohria and colleague Thomas Tierney of Bain & Company reveal two key KM strategies — codification and personalization — and their use among consulting firms. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

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Discussion papers and briefings

Beyond income: redrawing asia’s consumer map, could climate become the weak link in your supply chain, reduced dividends on natural capital, the future of work in europe, the future of asia: decoding the value and performance of corporate asia, a mediterranean basin without a mediterranean climate, how will african farmers adjust to changing patterns of precipitation, will the world’s breadbaskets become less reliable, will mortgages and markets stay afloat in florida, can coastal cities turn the tide on rising flood risk, lives and livelihoods: assessing the near-term impact of covid-19 on us workers, connected world: an evolution in connectivity beyond the 5g revolution, reviving innovation in europe, the future of asia: asian flows and networks are defining the next phase of globalization, inequality: a persisting challenge and its implications, the future of women at work in the united kingdom, artificial intelligence in the united kingdom: prospects and challenges, tackling bias in artificial intelligence (and in humans), a new look at the declining labor share of income in the united states, twenty-five years of digitization: ten insights into how to play it right, ‘tech for good’: using technology to smooth disruption and improve well-being, tackling europe’s gap in digital and ai, navigating a world of disruption, testing the resilience of europe’s inclusive growth model, applying artificial intelligence for social good, ‘superstars’: the dynamics of firms, sectors, and cities leading the global economy, the promise and challenge of the age of artificial intelligence, the power of parity: advancing gender equality in the dutch labor market, notes from the ai frontier: modeling the impact of ai on the world economy, solving the united kingdom’s productivity puzzle in a digital age, a decade after the global financial crisis: what has (and hasn’t) changed, smart cities in southeast asia, rising corporate debt: peril or promise, ai, automation, and the future of work: ten things to solve for, notes from the ai frontier: applications and value of deep learning, europe’s economy: three pathways to rebuilding trust and sustaining momentum, preparing brazil for the future of work: jobs, technology, and skills, bridging infrastructure gaps: has the world made progress, housing affordability: a supply-side tool kit for cities, 10 imperatives for europe in the age of ai and automation, china’s digital economy: a leading global force, how artificial intelligence can deliver real value to companies, a new emphasis on gainful employment in india, what’s now and next in analytics, ai, and automation, china’s role in the next phase of globalization, how to counter three threats to growth in latin america, new insights into the slowdown in us productivity growth, new priorities for the european union at 60, where companies with a long-term view outperform their peers, technology, jobs, and the future of work, can the us economy return to dynamic and inclusive growth, realizing gender equality’s $12 trillion economic opportunity, secular stagnation and low investment: breaking the vicious cycle—a discussion paper, qe and ultra-low interest rates: distributional effects and risks, how the world could better fight obesity, an exorbitant privilege implications of reserve currencies for competitiveness.

Tasks At Work: Comparative Advantage, Technology and Labor Demand

This chapter reviews recent advances in the task model and shows how this framework can be put to work to understand the major labor market trends of the last several decades. Production in each industry necessitates the completion of a range of tasks, which can be allocated to workers of different skill types or to capital. Factors of production have well-defined comparative advantage across tasks, which governs the pattern of substitution between skill groups. Technological change can: (1) augment a specific labor type—e.g., increase the productivity of labor in tasks it is already performing; (2) augment capital; (3) automate work by enabling capital to perform tasks previously allocated to labor; (4) create new tasks. The task model clarifies that these different types of technological changes have distinct effects on labor demand, factor shares and productivity, and their full impact depends on the pattern of substitution between different factors which arises endogenously in the task framework. We explore the implications of the task framework using reduced-form evidence, which highlights the central role of automation and new tasks in recent labor market trends. We also explain how general equilibrium effects ignored in these reduced-form approaches can be estimated structurally.

We thank the editors Christian Dustmann and Thomas Lemieux for their detailed comments. Acemoglu gratefully acknowledges support from the Hewlett and Smith Richardson Foundations, Kong from the Bradley Foundation, and Restrepo from the National Science Foundation (Award No. 2049427). The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Restrepo received compensation for advising internal research at OpenAI on the economic effects of LLMs.


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School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

College of engineering, citrin’s terahertz imaging technology speeds up bulk document scanning.

technology consulting research paper

The typically tedious and monotonous job of scanning documents is getting a bit easier, thanks to new research from Georgia Tech School Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Professor David Citrin.

Current bulk digital scanners can accept stacks of unsorted documents, but the task would be greatly sped up if the scanner could know how many sheets of paper are in the stack and if paper clips, staples, or other obstructions are present before the automated sorting began.

“The idea for the research was born out of a problem faced by numerous companies and government agencies: scanning warehouses full of legacy documents and other important paper records,” said Citrin, who conducts his research both at the Atlanta Campus and out of Georgia Tech-Europe (GT-E).

Citrin and his Terahertz Laboratory team used time-domain Terahertz (THz) techniques with advanced signal processing to count the number of sheets in a stack of paper and simultaneously measure the thicknesses of the paper sheets in a nondestructive and noncontact fashion.

David Citrin

THz electromagnetic waves are high frequency waves equal to a trillion hertz with wavelengths ranging from three millimeters down to 30 micrometers long between 100 GHz and 10 THz.

The process works by sending a short THz pulse onto a stack of paper and then looking at the various time-delayed “echoes” reflected from individual sheets of paper in the stack. Using applied signal-processing approaches they were able to obtain the desired information.

“So far, we’ve been able to count sheets of paper in stacks of up to 20 but are working on increasing that number,” said Citrin. “The end goal is to one day incorporate 3D terahertz imaging capability into future-generation paper-sorting technologies at a much larger scale.”

The team, which includes co-authors Min Zhai, a recently graduated ECE Ph.D. student now at Shenzhen University, China, and ECE Adjunct Professor Alexandre Locquet, recently won the European Optical Society (EOS) Prize for this research in their paper, “Terahertz Nondestructive Stratigraphic Reconstruction of Paper Stacks Based on Adaptive Sparse Deconvolution.”

Citrin, who joined ECE in 2001, is a renowned expert in THz technology.

Alexandre Locquet

He’s previously utilized THz imaging to  reveal the secrets of 17th-century artists by peering through layers of pigment and to  look beneath the corroded surface of a 16th-century lead funerary cross.

He and his team will receive the award at the EOS Annual Meeting on September 13, 2024, in Naples, Italy.

technology consulting research paper

Advances in Consulting Research

Recent Findings and Practical Cases

  • © 2019
  • Volker Nissen 0

Economic Sciences and Media, Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany

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  • Provides a comprehensive review of current developments and trends in consulting
  • Presents latest findings from consulting research
  • Includes examples and cases for the application of the research findings

Part of the book series: Contributions to Management Science (MANAGEMENT SC.)

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Research-based Consultancy Work

Success factors of management consulting.

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What is the Metaverse? Challenges, Opportunities, Definition, and Future Research Directions

  • IT consulting
  • HR consulting
  • management consulting
  • professional services
  • business model innovation
  • consulting process

Table of contents (20 chapters)

Front matter, consulting research: a scientific perspective on consulting.

Volker Nissen

Consulting Research as a Discipline

Consulting: characterization of concepts and connections.

  • Thomas Deelmann

Institutionalization of Consulting Research: Review and Comparison of Two Approaches in Germany Over the Period 2007–2017

  • Thomas Deelmann, Volker Nissen

General Issues in Consulting

To measure is to know: development of an instrument for measuring consulting service value.

  • Severin Oesterle, Arne Buchwald, Nils Urbach

Measuring and Managing the Reputation of Business Consultancies

  • Volker Nissen, Johannes Dittler

Development and Handling of Procedure Models for the Selection and Implementation of Business Software

How to design, implement, and manage accepted business processes.

  • Volker Nissen, Thomas Müllerleile

An Empirical Study on the Work-Life-Balance in German IT Consulting: With a Focus on Female Consultants

  • Volker Nissen, Frank Termer

Consulting Fields and Approaches

Systemic consultancy, theory and application.

  • Martin Hillebrand, Stefan Mette

Open Management as Management Innovation: Thoughts About New Business and Disruption in Consulting

  • Stephan Friedrich von den Eichen, Kurt Matzler, Julia Hautz

Sustainability Consultancies and Their Contribution to Sustainable Development

  • Lisa Hannemann

Consulting Clients and Market

Consulting industry and market trends: a two-sided view.

  • Christoph Treichler

The Development of Interpersonal Trust Between the Consultant and Client in the Course of the Consulting Process

  • Christian Mauerer

How to Successfully Position New Consulting Services with Clients: Insights from the Theory of Planned Behavior

  • Volker Nissen, Tino Machts

Future of Consulting

Editors and affiliations, about the editor, bibliographic information.

Book Title : Advances in Consulting Research

Book Subtitle : Recent Findings and Practical Cases

Editors : Volker Nissen

Series Title : Contributions to Management Science

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-95999-3

Publisher : Springer Cham

eBook Packages : Business and Management , Business and Management (R0)

Copyright Information : Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Hardcover ISBN : 978-3-319-95998-6 Published: 08 November 2018

Softcover ISBN : 978-3-030-07125-7 Published: 13 December 2018

eBook ISBN : 978-3-319-95999-3 Published: 18 October 2018

Series ISSN : 1431-1941

Series E-ISSN : 2197-716X

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : XII, 427

Number of Illustrations : 110 b/w illustrations

Topics : Services , IT in Business , Business Strategy/Leadership , Human Resource Management

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Spurring biotechnology innovation

Article by Tracey Bryant Photo by Evan Krape August 29, 2024

UD scoping a biofoundry with NSF support

Biotechnology has proven to be a real problem-solver for some big challenges in our lives — from producing the insulin that people with diabetes need to regulate their blood sugar to manufacturing sustainable chemicals.  

And now the University of Delaware is poised to take the tools of biotechnology to the next level for researchers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. 

UD is one of five institutions that the U.S. National Science Foundation is funding to advance a network of biofoundries, where researchers will be able to rapidly design, create, test and streamline tools and products that will accelerate research and workforce training for the emerging “bioeconomy” based on sustainable, renewable resources.

Mark Blenner, Thomas and Kipp Gutshall Career Development Associate Professor in UD’s Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and affiliated faculty member with the Microbiology Graduate Program, is the principal investigator on the project, which involves researchers at UD, Penn State and Worcester Polytechnic Institute. 

The recipients of a $2 million grant from NSF, the UD-led team is creating the NSF Center for Robust, Equitable and Accessible Technology (CREATE) for Next-Generation BioFoundries to democratize access to the tools of modern biotechnology. The project team aims to provide users from academia and industry with automation and design tools to rapidly produce proteins, biosensors and bacteriophage products commonly used in biotechnology research. 

“Our team is excited about training the next generation of scientists and engineers who will address our society’s most important problems — from sustainability to energy to therapeutics,” Blenner said. “This work will put Delaware squarely at the forefront of enabling the bioeconomy.” 

Key audiences for the project include academic institutions such as primarily undergraduate institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other minority-serving institutions, and women’s colleges in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.

“Bioscience is a significant driver of our regional economy, and this project will further accelerate the research and workforce training capabilities of our UD faculty and students in this expanding area,” said Miguel Garcia-Diaz, UD’s vice president for research, scholarship and innovation.

“This project also will have great synergy with other major initiatives underway at UD and in partnership with our collaborators, from NIIMBL and the Delaware Biotechnology Institute to the new CURB NSF Engineering Research Center in St. Louis.” 

Each biofoundry will focus on a different area of biology or biotechnology, but all will advance both in-house and user-initiated projects, train the next generation of the scientific workforce, engage with consumers and users of the products developed and continually enhance workflows and processes to accelerate the translation of ideas. 

“Across all fields of science and engineering, including biology, answering grand challenges requires sustained development of technologies, sophisticated instrumentation, and workflows, but not every researcher at every institution can access those critical capabilities,” said NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan. 

“The new BioFoundries will help democratize access, helping to spur opportunities everywhere so innovation can come from anywhere. Not only will these BioFoundries advance biology, but they will spur developments in artificial intelligence, data storage, health, climate resilience and more.”

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Coastal anthropogenic carbon

August 20, 2024

Article by Adam Thomas

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  1. Information technology research paper Essay Example

    technology consulting research paper

  2. (PDF) A Review on Artificial Intelligence, Challenges Involved & Its

    technology consulting research paper

  3. Research Paper Format

    technology consulting research paper

  4. 😊 Research paper technology. Research Paper Technology. 2019-02-28

    technology consulting research paper

  5. Sample Research Paper

    technology consulting research paper

  6. (PDF) An Overview on Edge Computing Research

    technology consulting research paper


  1. Grad Quest Consulting: AUI 4863 Lecture 7 Video A 2024

  2. Episode 3: Trends and opportunities with tech in surveying with Andrew Knight, RICS

  3. PART II Literature Review Databases

  4. REFERENCE WRITING'S SECRET! #phdlife #phdstudent

  5. READING is IMPORTANT! DON"T be LAZY! #phdstudentlife


  1. Characterising the digital transformation of IT consulting services

    1 INTRODUCTION. IT consulting is a subsector of the service industry [].Scholars in Information Systems Research [2-4] define this sub-sector as the business of advising clients on how to conduct the digitalisation of their business processes.IT consulting is a highly integrative and knowledge-intensive activity strongly depending on the qualifications of both consultants and clients [1, 5].

  2. Digital transformation: a review, synthesis and opportunities for

    A systematic review is a type of literature review that applies an explicit algorithm and a multi-stage review strategy in order to collect and critically appraise a body of research studies (Mulrow 1994; Pittaway et al. 2004; Crossan and Apaydin 2010).This transparent and reproducible process is ideally suited for analyzing and structuring the vast and heterogeneous literature on digital ...

  3. Digital Transformation: An Overview of the Current State of the Art of

    Approached this way, the systematic literature review displays major research avenues of digital transformation that consider technology as the main driver of these changes. This paper qualitatively classifies the literature on digital business transformation into three different clusters based on technological, business, and societal impacts.

  4. Digital transformation in business and management research: An overview

    Digital transformation in turn can be defined as the integration of digital technology into all aspects and operations of an organization, ... and has been heavily promoted by large consulting companies such as McKinsey and Boston Consulting, ... This reduced the number of research papers to 398. In the fourth step, the authors restricted the ...

  5. (PDF) IT Consulting: A Systematic Literature Review

    IT Consulting: A systematic literature r eview. Abhishek Kumar, Purva Grover, Arpan Kumar Kar, As his K. Pani 4. 1,2,3 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India. 4 XLRI School of ...

  6. IT Consulting: A Systematic Literature Review

    This has led to development of a new field: information technology consulting (or IT consulting). This field has matured quite well in last 20 years. This study is an attempt to identify major focus of IT consulting practices and the challenges associated with them. 123 peer-reviewed academic research papers in field of IT consulting were ...

  7. PDF Working Paper 24-013 Navigating the Jagged Technological Frontier

    Boston Consulting Group François Candelon Boston Consulting Group Karim R. Lakhani Harvard Business School Fabrizio Dell'Acqua Harvard Business School Edward McFowland III Harvard Business School Ethan Mollick The Wharton School Hila Lifshitz-Assaf Warwick Business School Katherine C. Kellogg MIT Sloan School of Management Working Paper 24-013

  8. The digital transformation of management consulting ...

    The research concerning information technology use in business was initially dominated by the technology adoption paradigm, which could be considered as preceding digital transformation. ... By considering the state of the current research concerning management consulting, this paper builds on the work mentioned above by Nissen et al. (Nissen ...

  9. A Literature Review on the Impact of Modern ...

    After a strictly documented filtering process, a total of 51 papers remained for the analysis of the research questions posed. As a result, in addition to research gaps in management reporting, the most important information technology (IT) tools in management accounting and management reporting can be identified.

  10. PDF Information Technology Consulting

    3. Expensive resource access assumption - Similar to the legal profession, there. are times when a company requires access to the best-of-the-best talent in a narrow area. For example, when lawsuits escalate to millions of dollars in potential damages, the best and most capable lawyers are sought.

  11. The management consulting industry: Growth of consulting services in

    The second type of consulting firms includes those that provide technology/operations and cost control consulting. These firms leverage their technical knowledge bases gained through their breadth of experience across contexts, and are typically engaged with the client for a longer term to support the implementation, including training and hand-holding of the client's personnel.

  12. Consulting: Articles, Research, & Case Studies

    Transforming the Workplace for People with Disabilities. In 2019, Nadine Vogel, founder and CEO of Springboard Consulting, needed to decide the best path forward to grow her small consulting firm. Springboard works with Fortune 500 companies on issues related to disability and the workforce. Should Vogel expand the topics she works on with her ...

  13. Digital Twin: Enabling Technologies, Challenges and Open Research

    Digital Twin technology is an emerging concept that has become the centre of attention for industry and, in more recent years, academia. The advancements in industry 4.0 concepts have facilitated its growth, particularly in the manufacturing industry. The Digital Twin is defined extensively but is best described as the effortless integration of data between a physical and virtual machine in ...

  14. Information Technology Consulting

    Nolan, Richard L., and Larry Bennigson. "Information Technology Consulting." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 03-069, January 2003 ...

  15. Discussion papers and briefings

    November 1, 2014 -. If the prevalence of obesity continues on its rising trend, almost half of the world's adult population could be overweight or obese by 2030, imposing even greater personal, social, and economic costs. Effectively combating obesity around the world may require a comprehensive strategy of 44 interventions as part of a ...

  16. IT Consulting: A Systematic Literature Review

    opment of a new field: information technology consulting (or IT consulting). This field has matured quite well in last 20 years. This study is an attempt to identify major focus of IT consulting practices and the challenges associated with them. 123 peer-reviewed academic research papers in field of IT consulting were con-

  17. Featured Insights and Perspectives

    Boston Consulting Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity / expression, national origin, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected under federal, state or local law, where applicable, and those with criminal histories ...

  18. The digital transformation of management consulting ...

    Management consulting (MC), as a knowledge-based industry, is regarded as fertile ground for digital transformation (DT). However, the changes that DT has introduced to MC are rather limited, notwithstanding the many cases of successful DT in the field. This paper is a systemic review of 18 cases presented in the literature concerning the digital transformation (DT) of management consulting ...

  19. Assistive technology research: Evidence for a complex and growing field

    We will continue to publish high-quality Research Papers, describing qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research in AT, while distinguishing these from more targeted areas of research. ... Assistive technology policy: A position paper from the first global research, innovation, and education on assistive technology (GREAT) summit ...

  20. Tasks At Work: Comparative Advantage, Technology and Labor Demand

    Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among ... Research; Working Papers; ... Comparative Advantage,… Tasks At Work: Comparative Advantage, Technology and Labor Demand. Daron Acemoglu, Fredric Kong & Pascual Restrepo ...

  21. Cloud computing research: A review of research themes, frameworks

    This paper presents a meta-analysis of cloud computing research in information systems with the aim of taking stock of literature and their associated research frameworks, research methodology, geographical distribution, level of analysis as well as trends of these studies over the period of 7 years. ... The large volume of cloud computing ...

  22. HTA Review research and analysis papers

    Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA) Paper 1. International health technology market approval, funding and assessment pathways; Paper 2. Horizon scanning and early value assessment; Paper 3. HTA methods: Determination of population, intervention, comparator, outcome (PICO) Paper 4. HTA methods: Clinical evaluation

  23. Cisco Smart Manufacturing

    "Cisco leads the industry as one of the most prominent global network device vendors. Cisco also offers a wealth of different manufacturing solutions that support smart factories. Furthermore, it offers highly advanced technology, and we can be assured that its offerings reflect global best practices."

  24. High Voltage Call for Papers Research Progress and Technology

    Call for Papers Research Progress and Technology Development of HVDC Cable. Submission deadline: Thursday, 31 October 2024 . HVDC cables are growing rapidly all over the world due to the development of offshore wind power interconnections, cross-island power interconnections and so on. Extensive research has been gained and many achievements ...

  25. Citrin's Terahertz Imaging Technology Speeds Up Bulk Document Scanning

    The team, which includes co-authors Min Zhai, a recently graduated ECE Ph.D. student now at Shenzhen University, China, and ECE Adjunct Professor Alexandre Locquet, recently won the European Optical Society (EOS) Prize for this research in their paper, "Terahertz Nondestructive Stratigraphic Reconstruction of Paper Stacks Based on Adaptive Sparse Deconvolution."

  26. PDF The Creative Consulting Company

    This paper draws upon public sources and the authors' personal experiences to describe how three management consulting companies created and ... technology only as a cost‐reduction tool and not as a tool for innovation and revenue growth. The ... publications, conferences, research groups, and relationships with pioneer companies - to ...

  27. Advances in Consulting Research: Recent Findings and ...

    Buy print copy. Softcover Book USD 109.99. Price excludes VAT (USA) see info. This book brings together cutting-edge research on consulting in a single volume. With the help of practical cases, it aims to help making the state-of-the-art in the field of consulting research more accessible, promoting better practices in business, and sparking ...

  28. Spurring biotechnology innovation

    Professor Mark Blenner in UD's Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is leading the team working to create the NSF Center for Robust, Equitable and Accessible Technology (CREATE) for Next-Generation BioFoundries. It will help accelerate biotechnology research and workforce training in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

  29. September National Health Observances: Healthy Aging, Sickle Cell

    Each month, we feature select National Health Observances (NHOs) that align with our priorities for improving health across the nation. In September, we're raising awareness about healthy aging, sickle cell disease, substance use recovery, and HIV/AIDS. Below, you'll find resources to help you spread the word about these NHOs with your audiences.

  30. The use of xr technology in criminological research: A scoping review

    ObjectivesCriminology has begun to use virtual reality (VR) as a tool to understand criminal behaviour. There have been many advances in VR that open up the possibility of novel research designs, in addition to the inclusion of augmented reality (AR) as a potential research tool. A review of the efficacy of the use of AR and VR (together known as XR) within criminology is now required to guide ...