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Ph.D. Program

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PhD Program Overview

  • The Ben Bernanke Prize in Financial and Monetary Economics

Princeton’s Bendheim Center for Finance provides a second home for Ph.D. students interested in finance and related fields.

Princeton BCF does not directly admit Ph.D. students. Typically, Ph.D. students working with Princeton BCF faculty were admitted by the Department of Economics , the Department of ORFE , or the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics . 

In order to foster interaction and mentorship, Ph.D. students who have passed their general examination and are working with Princeton BCF faculty are provided a carrel space in close proximity to the faculty. A wee kly Student Research Seminar gives students the opportunity to present their work and receive first-hand feedback from faculty and fellow students.

Princeton BCF Ph.D. Student Directory

The Ph.D. student(s) with the best draft of a job market paper for the upcoming job market will receive at the end of April the Ben Bernanke Prize in Financial and Monetary Economics.

Ben Bernanke Prize in Financial and Monetary Economics

princeton phd in economics

Global Seminar Greece delphi

  • Social Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Natural Sciences

Whether improving national security, exploring issues of poverty, explaining human behavior or taking a critical look at international trade, research in the social sciences at Princeton strives to advance of knowledge of human society and address some of the largest societal problems of the 21st century.

African American Studies

For students who wish to study the complex interplay between political, economic and cultural forces shaping the historic achievements and struggles of African-descended people in the United States and their relationship to others around the world.

Academic Units

  • Department of African American Studies

Degrees, Certificates & Minors

  • Undergraduate certificate
  • Graduate certificate

African Studies

The minor in African studies provides opportunities to learn about the continent. The program offers classes in Africa's political, economic and social history; built environments and urban geographies; ecology, genetic diversity and epidemiological concerns. The program also offers classes in Africa's vibrant art scenes, past and present, where literature, music and art have come to define a new post-colonial African cosmopolitanism.

  • Program in African Studies
  • Undergraduate minor

American Studies

The program aims to give students an understanding of American society — its culture, its institutions, its intellectual traditions, and the relationships among its diverse people. We encourage study and debate about America’s place in the world and the world in America, as well as what it means to grapple with the horizons and limits of its democratic aspirations.

  • Program in American Studies


Anthropology is the study of human experience and social change. Through situated and relational methods, anthropology considers the ways people think, act and make sense of their lifeworlds, against the backdrop of multiple structural forces and across intersecting domains and scales. Always in a deep interdisciplinary dialogue, the connections between ethnography, theory, social engagement and storytelling are a hallmark of anthropology.

  • Department of Anthropology

Asian American Studies

The Program in Asian American Studies, administered by the Effron Center for the Study of America, provides students with the opportunity to gain an interdisciplinary perspective on the diversity of Asian American and Pacific Islander histories, cultures and contemporary experiences. The course of study focuses on the emergence of this pan-ethnic group in the United States, but also highlights Asian America’s transnational connections and contexts, including the dynamics of globalization, migration, imperialism and post-coloniality.

  • Program in Asian American Studies

Cognitive Science

Cognitive science is the study of how the mind works, drawing on research from psychology, philosophy, linguistics, neuroscience and computer science. The interdisciplinary character of cognitive science reflects different levels of analysis of mental phenomena and their employment of a variety of methodologies appropriate to each level.

  • Program in Cognitive Science

Contemporary European Politics and Society

The program encourages the interdisciplinary study of modern Europe, with a particular focus on politics, economics and society in western and central Europe since World War I.

  • Program in Contemporary European Politics and Society

Princeton has one of the finest economics departments in the world. Economics is consistently one of the most popular undergraduate concentrations on campus and attracts a diverse group of students with a broad range of interests. The graduate program provides thorough training in both the techniques and applications of economic analysis. 

  • Department of Economics


The program aims to supplement undergraduates in their major departments with an understanding and practice in entrepreneurship.

  • Program in Entrepreneurship

Environmental Studies

The undergraduate program engages the scientific, political, humanistic and technological dimensions of environmental challenges facing the world today. Students majoring in any discipline may pursue either a generalist track or a specialist track that explores biodiversity and conservation, climate and energy, Earth systems, environmental policy or environment and water. The graduate program broadens the educational perspective of doctoral students by exploring policy aspects of their environmental research.

  • Program in Environmental Studies

European Cultural Studies

The program deepens students' understanding of European civilization and strengthens their command of cultural interpretation through interdisciplinary investigation. The program focuses on the ways in which European societies, past and present, order reality, make sense of life and communicate meaning across a range of disciplines and in a wide variety of media.

  • Program in European Cultural Studies

The undergraduate program focuses on the pricing of financial assets (including equities, bonds, currencies and derivative securities), portfolio management and the evaluation of financial risks, banking and financial intermediation, the financing of corporations, corporate governance, financial-market and banking regulation, and many other topics.

The graduate program places a strong emphasis on financial economics in addition to financial engineering and computational methods. Students will develop a solid understanding of the fundamental quantitative tools from computer science, economic theory, optimization, probability and statistics — all of which are becoming increasingly vital in the financial industry.

  • Program in Finance

Gender and Sexuality Studies

The undergraduate and graduate programs are dedicated to the study of gender and sexuality, as well as their intersections with race, class, ethnicity and disability, across cultures and global geographies both past and present. 

  • Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies

Global Health and Health Policy

The program enables undergraduates to study the determinants, consequences and patterns of disease across societies, the role of medical technologies and interventions in health improvements, and the economic, political and social factors that shape domestic and global public health policy.

  • Program in Global Health and Health Policy

Health and Health Policy

The graduate program trains graduate students for careers in health-related areas in the public and not-for-profit sectors. The program is designed for students with domestic and international health interests and provides both broad training in core topics in health and health policy as well as courses in specialized areas.

  • SPIA Graduate Programs and Certificates

The undergraduate program encourages students to gain further knowledge of the major developments in, and problems of, history, to do independent historical research and writing, and to develop an authoritative knowledge of one particular field of history.  

The graduate program values an approach to scholarship grounded in the particular while retaining a sense of the whole. Students take a comprehensive view of history with the goal of cultivating a far-reaching understanding of the past. Throughout their enrollment, students develop the necessary skills to conduct discipline-defining research.

  • Department of History

History and the Practice of Diplomacy

The program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to pursue concentrated interdisciplinary study of history and diplomacy in concert with internships in the practice of diplomacy and related professions. 

  • Program in History and the Practice of Diplomacy

History of Science

The graduate program aims to enhance students' enthusiasm for the subject while also training them for the joint professional responsibilities of teaching and research. The program treats science as an intellectual, cultural and social phenomenon, and provides students with special training and techniques not normally included in the education of professional historians while at the same time preparing them to teach and work in general history.

  • Program in History of Science

History of Science, Technology and Medicine

Students will learn from the array of methodological approaches developed by historians of science, technology and medicine, and track the evolution of modern science from antiquity to the present, in many of the world’s cultures.

Judaic Studies

The undergraduate program provides students the opportunity to explore more than three millennia of Jewish culture, history, religion, thought, politics and literature from the Bible to contemporary Jewish thought and society from an interdisciplinary perspective.

  • Program in Judaic Studies

Latin American Studies

The undergraduate and graduate programs promote interdisciplinary study to inspire knowledge of and experience in Latin America.

  • Program in Latin American Studies

Latino Studies

The undergraduate program traverses the arts, humanities and social sciences, seeking to provide students with a broad understanding of the emergence, transformation and consolidation of Latinos as a pan-ethnic group and to appreciate the range of Hispanic imprints on American society and culture.

  • Program in Latino Studies


Linguistics is the study of the distinctive properties of human language and the cognitive capacities of language users, including the rules that govern the patterns of particular languages and universal principles governing all languages. Linguists investigate the grammatical principles and processes that determine the structure of human languages, their evolution over time, and their psychological underpinnings.

  • Program in Linguistics

Medieval Studies

The undergraduate program encourages the interdisciplinary study of the Middle Ages: its art, literature (Latin and vernacular), music, religion, science, philosophy, politics, and economic and social structures.

  • Program in Medieval Studies

Undergraduate study is focused in four areas: American politics, comparative politics, international relations and political theory. There also is a strong concentration of courses in the areas of quantitative analysis, political economy, and strategy in politics.

The graduate program is designed to offer broad professional training in political science and to enable students to specialize in any of the main subfields of political science, as well as public law, and formal and quantitative analysis.

  • Department of Politics

Population Studies

The graduate program draws on substantive and methodological specializations in the social, mathematical and biological sciences. Building on its historical strengths in signature fields such as demographic methods, fertility, health and mortality, the program embraces prominent fields in population studies, such as international migration and development, children, youth and families, as well as various aspects of social and economic inequality. In addition, researchers are involved in new fields of inquiry such as epigenetics, biodemography, social epidemiology and web-based experimentation.

  • Program in Population Studies

The undergraduate program provides a rigorous understanding of human behavior and mental processes through foundational and advanced courses on sensation, perception, movement, language, reasoning, decision-making, social interaction and computational models of the brain. The psychology concentration also provides a grounding in neuroscience, since mental processes and behavior arise from the brain.

The graduate program emphasizes preparation for research and teaching in psychology, with specialization in cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology, language, learning and memory, perception and cognition, the psychology of inequality, social neuroscience, social psychology, and systems neuroscience. 

  • Department of Psychology

Public Policy (Princeton School of Public and International Affairs)

The Princeton School of Public and International Affairs offers a multidisciplinary liberal arts major for undergraduates who desire to be engaged in public service and become leaders in the world of public and international affairs. The curriculum is founded on courses relevant to the study of policymaking, policy analysis and policy evaluation. Students take courses in economics, politics, and either psychology or sociology.

The graduate program offers a distinctive educational approach that strikes a careful balance between theory and practice. Graduate students spend time developing analytical skills and acquiring a substantive knowledge about the world's most important domestic and international issues. The two-year curriculum leads to the degree of Master in Public Affairs. Students can earn a dual degree in public affairs and law after four years of study in the school and a collaborating law school. The school also has a graduate program leading to a Doctor of Philosophy in public and international affairs, as well as a one-year Master in Public Policy for mid-career professionals.

  • Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
  • M.P.A./J.D.

Quantitative Economics

The minor in quantitative economics allows quantitatively inclined students to gain access to economics, with a course of study that is tailored to their interests and skills. 

Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies

The undergraduate program draws on the humanities, history and social sciences to study Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Students develop expertise in a core language of Eurasia and a scholarly grounding in the study of the region.

  • Program in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies

Science, Technology and Environmental Policy

The graduate program develops a deep understanding of current scientific, technological and environmental issues and potential local, national and international policy responses through a systematic introduction to the field of policy analysis. The program provides interdisciplinary training that facilitates communication between technical experts and policy makers. 

  • Program in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy

Social Policy

The graduate program addresses some of the most pressing problems in the U.S. and around the world where inequality generates conflict, poverty and prejudice, diminishes political participation, and reduces opportunities for social mobility. Students learn using the most rigorous tools of social science to bear on these important questions.

  • Joint Degree Program in Social Policy
  • Joint Degree (Ph.D.)

The undergraduate program offers students a cutting-edge approach to the study of the social dimensions of politics, economics, history, psychology and demography. Students engage in cross-disciplinary thinking in addition to a thorough grounding in a single field. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches to social science are utilized by our students and faculty.

The graduate program is oriented toward the foundations of sociological analysis, including sociological theory, research methods and social statistics, and making significant contributions to the sociological literature.

  • Department of Sociology

South Asian Studies

The undergraduate program offers students the methodological and theoretical tools to study the political, economic, social, religious, literary and cultural institutions of the region with particular focus on the modern history of India and Pakistan. Students take a four-term sequence of language instruction in Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit.

  • Program in South Asian Studies

Statistics and Machine Learning

The undergraduate program is designed for students who have a strong interest in data analysis and its application across disciplines. Statistics and machine learning — the academic disciplines centered around developing and understanding data analysis tools — play an essential role in various scientific fields including biology, engineering and the social sciences.

The graduate certificate is designed to formalize the training of students who contribute to or make use of statistics and machine learning as a significant part of their degree program. In addition, it serves to recognize the accomplishments of graduate students across the University who acquire additional training in statistics and machine learning, going beyond the requirements of their own degree programs.

  • Program in Statistics and Machine Learning

Teacher Preparation

The program combines coursework, seminars, laboratory experience, fieldwork and practice teaching to become fully prepared and certified to teach successfully at the middle- and secondary school levels. Participants can earn certification in art, English, mathematics, music, the sciences, social studies and world languages. The program is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education and by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.

  • Program in Teacher Preparation

Technology and Society

The undergraduate program is targeted to students, both engineers/scientists and humanists/social scientists, who are interested in exploring the intersection of society and technology. Programs of study are offered under information technology and energy tracks.

  • Center for Information Technology Policy (information technology track)
  • Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment (energy track)

Urban Policy

The certificate in urban policy emphasizes the social, economic and political dimensions of urban problems. It is designed to prepare students for careers in urban policy analysis and economic development in national, state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, think tanks and international organizations.

  • Certificate in Urban Policy

Urban Studies

The undergraduate program offers an interdisciplinary framework for the study of cities, metropolitan regions, and urban and suburban landscapes.

  • Program in Urban Studies

Values and Public Life

The undergraduate program focuses on modes of inquiry into important ethical issues in public life. The program helps students develop competence in pursuing such inquiries generally and supports them in applying these intellectual skills to the advanced analysis of one or more related topics. Students will be equipped to bring informed discussion of values into the public sphere and to integrate a critical value perspective into their future studies and pursuits.

  • Program in Values and Public Life
  • Research Opportunities
  • Princeton University
  • Princeton Economics
  • News & Activities

Princeton IES Postdoctoral Fellowships

Each year the section invites one or more Postdoctoral Fellows to visit for the academic year.

For recent Ph.D. graduates studying international economics

Princeton IES Postdoctoral Fellowships are available to those who have recently completed their Ph.D. degree or will do so before arriving in Princeton. Most fellows begin their fellowship having already secured a permanent position for the following year.

Postdoctoral Fellows conduct their own research on topics in international economics and participate in the intellectual life of the department. They receive a fixed stipend, a package of benefits, and a modest allocation for research expenses.

How to Apply

Applications for the IES Postdoctoral Fellowship should be submitted online through AHire . Use Requisition D-24-ECO-00008.

Applications will be reviewed beginning in early December. While applications will be considered until the positions are filled, interested applicants are encouraged to apply by February 15, 2024. Most years, researchers selected for the IES Postdoctoral Fellowship have also secured a permanent position to begin at the end of the fellowship. Those applying to the fellowship should apply on AHire as they continue a search for a permanent position.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and their job-market paper or papers. In addition, postdoctoral applicants should have three confidential letters of recommendation emailed to [email protected].

Additional questions can also be directed to Sharon Ernst at [email protected] .

Current IES Postdoctoral Fellows

Levi Crews headshot

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Maria Ptashkina

University of Melbourne

Florian Trouvain headshot

Florian Trouvain

Oxford University

Past Fellows

See all past IES Postdoctoral Fellows below.

Mayara Felix, Yale University

Ishan Nath, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Matias Moretti, World Bank

Swapnika Rachapalli, University of British Columbai

Lucas Zavala, World Bank

Isabela Manelici, London School of Economics

Diana Van Patten, Yale School of Management

Conor Walsh, Columbia Business School

Gideon Bornstein, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Laura Castillo-Martínez, Duke University

Fabian Eckert, University of California, San Diego

Kirill Borusyak, University College of London

Alonso de Gortari, Dartmouth College

Sebastián Fanelli, Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI)

Elisa Giannone, Penn State University

Matthew Grant, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)

Meredith Startz, Stanford University

Rodrigo Adão, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business

Nitya-Pandalai Nayar, University of Texas, Austin

Matthew Rognlie, Northwestern University

Jesse Schreger, Harvard Business School

Adrien Auclert, Stanford University

Reka Juhasz, Columbia University

Claudia Steinwender, Harvard Business School

Alessandro Dovis, Penn State University

Felix Tintelnot, University of Chicago

Treb Allen, Northwestern University

Matteo Maggiori, Harvard University

Dan Lu, University of Rochester

Eduardo Morales, Columbia University

Lorenzo Caliendo, Yale School of Management

Swati Dhingra, London School of Economics

Oleg Itskhoki, Princeton University

Ana Cecília Fieler, University of Pennsylvania

Rob Johnson, Dartmouth College

Stefania Garreto, Boston University

Ralph Ossa, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago

Apply for an IES Postdoctoral Fellowship

Applications are due by February, 2021

Other Fellowships & Opportunities

The peter b. kenen fellowship.

The Kenen Fellowship provides an opportunity for those on leave from full-time positions at a university or research organization to spend a year at Princeton.

Predoctoral Research Assistants

The section regularly hires recent college graduates for predoctoral research positions. Successful candidates assist faculty in all aspects of their research.

Graduate School


A place to explore . A place to thrive . A place you belong .

Stack of books at Firestone Library

Diverse paths of academic inquiry.

Fields of Study >

Front of Clio Hall in spring

Deep investment in every student.

Funding Support Model >

Student Experience

Connections that last a lifetime.

Student Experience >


Portrait of Dean Rodney D. Priestley

When I was a graduate student, the faculty, my fellow students, and the professionals with whom I shared my journey taught me to be bold and ambitious.  Every day, our students bring vision, an innovative spirit, and a sense of accountability to their work, advancing scholarly knowledge within and between disciplines while devising new solutions to the world’s most pressing needs. 

Read more from Dean PriestlEy

Make your mark at Princeton.

The Princeton Graduate School welcomes applicants who are seeking to reimagine what’s possible in their fields. Global in scope, yet intimate enough to foster new, cross-disciplinary connections, we believe that the power to shape what’s next begins with you.

View of Cleveland Tower with adjacent trees.

View of Cleveland Tower. Photographed by Jane Doe.

Highly selective Master’s Degree Programs in architecture, engineering, finance, public affairs, and public policy

Doctoral Departments and Programs spanning the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering

Interdisciplinary / interdepartmental doctoral programs

Graduate students working at a table at a workshop event

A graduate education that reveals many paths.

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Students raising their hand while attending a presentation

Diverse perspectives that drive innovative research.

Access, Diversity & Inclusion >

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Spotlights & recognition.

Graduate student and faculty member are standing side by side looking at camera in front of their lab.

Graduate student Chase Kayrouz is a lead co-author of a paper published in Nature t hat suggests a deeper biological significance for selenium, a trace micronutrient that is essential for an organism’s growth and metabolism but toxic at high levels.

Princeton Chemistry's…

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  • Funding, Research Assistant, and Career Opps
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  • Graduate Student Directory

Ayșegül Şahin, macroeconomist who studies U.S. labor market trends and fluctuations, joins Princeton Economics faculty

princeton phd in economics

In the years since the Covid-19 pandemic, the debate around how to curb inflation has been increasingly focused on how different policies might impact different groups of workers. If, for example, the Federal Reserve were to raise interest rates too high or too quickly, which workers would be most negatively affected? 

For Ayșegül Şahin, a macroeconomist who is joining the faculty at Princeton this year from the University of Texas at Austin , questions like this have always been front of mind.

“As I always say, not everyone owns stocks or houses but we all own labor. That makes labor market research very interesting and relevant for me.” 

Şahin’s research has long focused on how economic slowdowns and times of rapid economic growth affect different groups of people and how the U.S. labor market has evolved over time with demographic and social change. 

“A student of the Great Recession”

Before her stint at the University of Texas at Austin, Şahin spent fourteen years at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, where she founded and led a team focused on analysis of the U.S. labor market during the Great Recession.

“In many ways I’m a student of the Great Recession,” she said. “That is when I was in charge of analyzing the U.S. labor market at the New York Fed and it shaped my research as an economist.”

Şahin said that experience showed her how important it is that policymakers have access to current, high-quality research.

“It was a great experience which taught me the value of evidence-based policy,” she said. “Policymakers are under great pressure to make decisions that affect the well-being of people every day, and it is important for them to hear timely and research-based policy advice.”

Today, Şahin continues to consult for several banks in the Federal Reserve system–including those in Cleveland, Chicago, Kansas City, and Minneapolis–and serves on the Advisory Boards of the San Francisco Fed and the Dallas Fed. She is also a member of the Panel of Economic Advisers of the Congressional Budget Office, as well as a member of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Technical Advisory Committee.

“I care a great deal about informing policy with the latest research, and I see it as my responsibility as an academic to help provide that. That’s why I’m still involved with so many policy institutions where I try to contribute to policy discussions.”

What drives the “duality” of the U.S. labor market?

Among her work aiming to inform policy is a recent project about the “duality” of the U.S. labor market with her long-time collaborator Bart Hobijn.

“We tend to focus on aggregate statistics such as the unemployment rate or the labor market participation rate, but if we look under the hood, labor market experiences are very different for different people,” Şahin said.

Her work shows that two thirds of unemployment  in the U.S. economy is accounted for by only 15% of workers. 

“On the one side of the labor market, there are stable and high paying jobs with steep career ladders. On the other side, there are short-term jobs with very little career progression,” she said.

Şahin says she’s interested in what drives this duality and what its consequences are, and that this question is motivating much of her work moving forward.

Sharing her expertise with Princeton students

This year, undergraduate students will have an opportunity to learn about the labor market and how research can influence policy directly from Professor Şahin when she leads an advising workshop for Junior Independent Work. She’ll also be teaching graduate classes in the Economics Department and with Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs (Princeton SPIA). 

“I am very excited to be a part of this amazing group,” Şahin said of the upcoming semester. “I am looking forward to working with both the undergraduate and graduate students in the years ahead.” 

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Whose CO2 is it Anyway? Seema Jayachandran’s Research Explores Alternate Mitigation Efforts


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P Dupas

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Princeton University

PhD in Economics


Princeton University, New Jersey

School of Social Sciences

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About Course

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PhD in Economics at the prestigious Princeton University is a prestigious degree that offers in-depth learning in Economics. Being a renowned university, Princeton University receives enough funds to ensure the best education facilities for its students across all programs. This doctorate program offered full-time primarily focuses on the practical implementation of fresh ideas through rigorous study and research. The students are encouraged to add new aspects and findings to the existing area of knowledge. PhD in Economics at Princeton is ranked globally by estimated organisations. Such recognition speaks volumes about the course’s importance and effectiveness in the present scenario. The top-notch faculty, modern facilities, and the aura of creativity and innovation in the Princeton campus is a life-changing experience for the students looking forward to kickstarting or upgrading their careers. Overall, a PhD in Economics at Princeton University is an excellent opportunity to grow into a learned professional and bring new developments in the world.

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Sajja Dhruthi


  1. Ph.D. Admissions

    princeton phd in economics

  2. Ph.D. Admissions

    princeton phd in economics

  3. Princeton University Department of Economics

    princeton phd in economics

  4. Remembering John Williamson, Princeton Ph.D. Class of 1963

    princeton phd in economics

  5. Current Students

    princeton phd in economics

  6. Princeton’s Program for Research on Inequality (PRI) Announces 16 New

    princeton phd in economics


  1. Graduate Program

    The Ph.D. program at Princeton Economics is one of the premier economics programs in the world. The small number of students admitted each year receive training in an exceptional research environment, supported by faculty members who are working at the forefront of research in their fields. Admission to the program is extremely selective. Each ...

  2. Ph.D. Admissions

    Admissions questions: Who to ask. Prospective students can contact the Graduate Admissions Office with questions via email or by calling 609-258-3034. When sending emails to the Graduate Admissions Office, please do not send the same email to multiple Princeton email addresses. This will only cause a delay in response time.

  3. Economics

    Overview. Graduate instruction in the Department of Economics is designed to lead to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in economics. The general purpose of the graduate program is to provide thorough training in both the techniques and the applications of economic analysis.

  4. Princeton University Department of Economics

    Princeton Economics Training the next generation. The Economics Department at Princeton is dedicated to inspiring and training the next generation of academics and government and industry leaders. In recent years, we have been fortunate to work with many Ph.D. students who went on to earn faculty positions at leading research universities.

  5. Current Students

    At Princeton Economics, graduate students are a key part of the department's vibrant academic environment. Our aim is to ensure each student is fully supported, academically and personally, as they pursue their degree. Degree requirements. There are two sets of requirements for the Ph.D. degree candidate.

  6. Economics

    Princeton has one of the finest economics departments in the world. Economics is consistently one of the most popular undergraduate concentrations on campus and attracts a diverse group of students with a broad range of interests. The graduate program provides thorough training in both the techniques and applications of economic analysis.

  7. Course Offerings

    Labor Economics/Industrial Relations Workshop: Lee: 217 JRRB M 1:15-2:30: ECO 518E: Research Program in Development Economics Workshop: Dupas: 399 JRRB T 12:15-1:30: ECO 581F: International Trade Workshop: Grossman/Morales: 399 JRRB TH 4:15-5:45: ECO 518G: Econometrics Workshop: Kolesar: 217 JRRB T 2:40-4:10: ECO 581H: Civitas Foundation ...

  8. Apply

    Apply. The application for fall 2024 admission is now closed. The application for fall 2025 admission will open on September 15, 2024. Applications are open from September through January for admission commencing in the fall term of the following academic year. We do not accept late applications, and our application process is fully electronic.

  9. Political Economy

    Economics students are required to take, on a graded basis, two graduate courses in politics (other than POL 584, the politics half of the political economy sequence) chosen from a list of appropriate courses drawn up by the program committee.These two courses would count toward the fulfillment of the second-year course requirement for economics graduate students.

  10. Princeton University Department of Economics

    The Princeton University Department of Economics is an academic department of Princeton University, an Ivy League institution located in Princeton, New Jersey.The department is renowned as one of the premier programs worldwide for the study of economics.The university offers undergraduate A.B. degrees, as well as graduate degrees at the Ph.D. level.

  11. People Archive

    [email protected]. Director of Graduate Studies, MFIN Program 206 Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building Office Hours: ECO491-FIN591 - Fridays, 1:30-3:00pm by appointment on Zoom. ... Henry Putnam Professor of Economics and Public Affairs; Co-Director, Center for Health and Wellbeing. Website. Ph.D., Princeton University.

  12. Job Market and Placements

    Job Market and Placements. The department is committed to supporting its graduate students in preparation for and throughout the job market to ensure each student receives the best placement possible. 2023 Job Market Candidates. Information for recruiters about current Princeton students on the job market will be posted here each fall.

  13. Finance

    The distinctive feature of Princeton's M.Fin. program is its strong emphasis on financial and monetary economics, relying on analytical and computational methods. Graduates of this program will come away with fundamental quantitative tools of economic theory, probability, statistics, optimization, computer science, and machine learning. To a ...

  14. Ph.D. Program

    PhD Program Overview. Princeton's Bendheim Center for Finance provides a second home for Ph.D. students interested in finance and related fields. Princeton BCF does not directly admit Ph.D. students. Typically, Ph.D. students working with Princeton BCF faculty were admitted by the Department of Economics, the Department of ORFE, or the ...

  15. Deadlines and Fees

    The application must be submitted, and all required supporting material must be uploaded, by the deadline below. Earlier applications are encouraged; late applications are not accepted. Deadline dates shown are for 2024 and are subject to change up until September 1. All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the date of the deadline.

  16. Princeton School of Public and International Affairs

    Overview. The Princeton School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) offers a distinctive curriculum that strikes a careful balance between theory and practice. Graduate students spend time developing analytical skills and acquiring a substantive knowledge about the world's most important domestic and international issues.

  17. Areas of Study

    Princeton has one of the finest economics departments in the world. Economics is consistently one of the most popular undergraduate concentrations on campus and attracts a diverse group of students with a broad range of interests. The graduate program provides thorough training in both the techniques and applications of economic analysis.

  18. Princeton IES Postdoctoral Fellowships

    How to Apply. Applications for the IES Postdoctoral Fellowship should be submitted online through AHire. Use Requisition D-24-ECO-00008. Applications will be reviewed beginning in early December. While applications will be considered until the positions are filled, interested applicants are encouraged to apply by February 15, 2024.

  19. Pascaline Dupas

    Pascaline Dupas is Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University. She joined the Princeton faculty in July 2023. She was previously the Kleinheinz Family Professor of International Studies at Stanford University, where she spent 12 years on the faculty. She has also held faculty positions at Dartmouth College and UCLA. Pascali.

  20. Graduate School

    The Princeton Graduate School welcomes applicants who are seeking to reimagine what's possible in their fields. Global in scope, yet intimate enough to foster new, cross-disciplinary connections, we believe that the power to shape what's next begins with you. Highly selective Master's Degree Programs in architecture, engineering, finance ...

  21. Ayșegül Şahin, macroeconomist who studies U.S. labor market trends and

    Ayșegül Şahin, macroeconomist who studies U.S. labor market trends and fluctuations, joins Princeton Economics faculty. In the years since the Covid-19 pandemic, the debate around how to curb inflation has been increasingly focused on how different policies might impact different groups of workers. ... She'll also be teaching graduate ...

  22. Opportunities

    Development Economics Postdoctoral Fellows. RPDE's Development Economics Postdoctoral Fellows Program offers the opportunity of joining RPDE for a year between completing a PhD and starting a faculty position. Fellows will use their year at Princeton to build their research portfolio and network, with support and mentorship from RPDE's faculty.

  23. Research Program in Development Economics

    Welcome to the Research Program in Development Economics! Whose CO2 is it Anyway? Seema Jayachandran's Research Explores Alternate Mitigation Efforts

  24. PhD in Economics at Princeton : Admission 2024

    PhD in Economics at the prestigious Princeton University is a prestigious degree that offers in-depth learning in Economics. Being a renowned university, Princeton University receives enough funds to ensure the best education facilities for its students across all programs. This doctorate program offered full-time primarily focuses on the practical implementation of fresh ideas through ...